Teseo is a GIMP plug-in, developed using gtkdatabox for graph display. The distributed version of Teseo (2.1.0) was based on outdated gtkdatabox This fork is an update attempt of the related code part to be compliant with gtkdatabox and further versions. Some other changes have been made to fix compilation issues and renew dependency requirements according to GIMP 2.8 version. For more details, take a look to git logs.
The response from the authors themselves (quoting the Teseo user manual):
Teseo 2 is a software tool for seismogram digitization/vectorization and it is developed in the framework of the Sismos project [Michelini and the Sismos Team, 2005] at Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (Italy). This name was in- spired by the myth of Theseus and it is also an acronym for Turn the Eldest Seismograms into the Electronic Original Ones. Teseo 2 is a plug–in for GIMP – GNU Image Manipulation Program – that extends its functionalities for seismological studies.
The original project web site is here: Teseo website
You'll find all needed information in teseo-2/INSTALL file (updated for this fork). For more, you can consult the project original web site and the plug-in user manual. The plug-in normally compiles for all systems where gtk and GIMP are available, assuming all dependencies and build tools are installed. I tested the compilation without issue on both Mac OS X and GNU/Linux.
For Mac users, a DMG bundle is available, it contains a teseo-enabled GIMP. It spares users to build it from source. If you're interested to get this DMG, you can send me an email (see contact section below).
For any question about this fork project you can send an email to h2d-teseo at programmer dot net. You can also post an issue on github interface. However, please note that I'm not in charge of the original project, I just release an update to help.