is an R package to create HTML figures and image galleries. This can be standalone, included in an Rmarkdown document or in a Shiny app.
This project is experimental. The functions and arguments are subject to change.
You need to have R installed on your system. R is open-source and freely available to download for Windows, Mac and Linux.
Run the following to install the dependencies and the pixture package itself.
Once the package is installed, the package is loaded for use as shown below.
# load library
# check version
# packageVersion("pixture")
For usage and demonstration, refer to the articles linked in the menu.
This package uses simplelightbox created by Damir Brekalo. Images from Pexels.
This R package is offered free and without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. I will not be held liable to you for any damage arising out of the use, modification or inability to use this program. This R package can be used, redistributed and/or modified freely for non-commercial purposes subject to the original source being properly cited. Licensed under GPL-3.
If you have any comments, suggestions, corrections or enchancements, kindly submit an issue on the Github issues page.