ORIE 4741 Team Project Proposal Identifying Gender based on Voice samples
Team : Siva sp2337 Premdeep Sharma ps882 September 2016
INTRODUCTION The main goal of this project is to create a model that can identify the gender of from the voice samples. The voice samples will have to be passed through a synthesizer to generate frequency parameters and then based on those values we can estimate the gender of the corresponding data set.
Input and Output space Input space for this project is some frequency related parameters which are derived from the voice sample synthesizer. Such as mean frequency, median frequency, mode frequency etc. Output space will be just Male or Female label
Data set collection To execute this project successfully we will be looking for the datasets online so that we can get as much training and test data set as possible. Kaggle is one of our main target to provide appropriate data set for the project. Anywhere till a thousand datasets will be a decent amount but we will be targeting 5000-10,000 to ensure a better fit of the model.