##Api Document
tags : API
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##Mobile number Authentication(Sign up)
When user input his mobile number. Browser send a json make sure that this mobile has not been signed.
POST http://localhost:port/users.json
"mobile_number": 15908155675
##Message Authentication(Sign up) ### Description > Server has send a massage to current user's mobile phone including a 6-bit authentic number. And user need to input this number correctly. ### Http request POST http://localhost:port/users.json ### Query Parameter [ { "mobile_number": 15908155675, "message": 123456 } ]
##CD-key Authentication(Sign up) ### Description > Make sure user has payed. ### Http request POST http://localhost:port/users.json ### Query Parameter [ { "mobile_number": 15908155675, "message": 123456, "key": "FT73QBYUEWQ7" } ]
##Sign up Authentication(Sign up) ### Description > User has finished all input box correctly. And click the submit bottom. ### Http request POST http://localhost:port/users.json ### Query Parameter [ { "mobile_number": 15908155675, "message": 123456, "key": "FT73QBYUEWQ7", "password": "123789", "passworde_comfirmation": "123789" } ]
##Mobile number Authenticatiion(Log in) ### Description > User wanna log in and input his mobile number. ### Http request POST http://localhost:port/sessions.json ### Query Parameter [ { "mobile_number": 15908155675 } ]
##Log in Authentication(Log in) ### Description > Server need to affirm if mobile number and password are corresponding. ### Http request POST http://localhost:port/sessions.json ### Query Parameter [ { "mobile_number": 15908155675, "password": "123789" } ]
## Get all the staff(Staff Management) ### Description > User ask for a list of all the staff. ### Http request GET http://localhost:port/employees.json ### Query Parameter [ "corporation_id": 1, "department": [ { "name":"开发部", "member_count": 6 }, { "name": "流程部", "member_count": 16 } ], "employees": [ { "id": 1, "mobile_number": 12345678910, "name": "唐宇", "mac": "98:E0:D9:4E:71:A4", "openid": "oB4nYjvY13SVtaWC-AFztM2f3TlU", "corporation_id": 1, "department": "开发部", "image": "tangyu.jpg" }, { "id": 2, "mobile_number": 78912345610, "name": "李嘉迅", "mac": "48:E9:K9:A9:71:A8", "openid": "oB4nYjvY13SVtaWC-AFztM2f3TlU", "corporation_id": 1, "department": "流程部", "image": "lijiaxun.jpg" } ] ]
## Get the special staff(Staff Management) ###Description > User ask for the special staff infomation. ###Http request GET http://localhost:port/employees/id.json ###Query Parameter [ { "id": 1, "mobile_number": 12345678910, "name": "唐宇", "mac": "98:E0:D9:4E:71:A4", "openid": "oB4nYjvY13SVtaWC-AFztM2f3TlU", "corporation_id": 1, "department": "开发部", "image": "tangyu.jpg" "clock_info": [ { "date": "/Date(700000+0500)/", "clock": "normal", "holiday?": false, "id": 1 }, { "date": "/Date(710000+0500)/", "clock": "late", "holiday?": false, "id": 1 }, . . . { "date": "/Date(770000+0500)/", "clock": "absence", "holiday?": false, "id": 1 } ] ]
##Change staff profile(Staff Management) ###Description > User edit profile of the staff ###Http request PATCH http://localhost:port/employees/id.json ###Query request [ { "id": 1, "mobile_number": 12345678910, "name": "唐宇", "mac": "98:E0:D9:4E:71:A4", "department": "开发部", "image": "tangyu.jpg" "clock_info": [ { "date": "/Date(700000+0500)/", "clock": "normal", "holiday?": false, "id": 1 }, { "date": "/Date(710000+0500)/", "clock": "late", "holiday?": false, "id": 1 }, . . . { "date": "/Date(770000+0500)/", "clock": "absence", "holiday?": false, "id": 1 } ] ]
##Delete someone leave our firm(Staff Management) ###Description > User need to delete all information of someone who leave this company. ###Http request DELETE http://localhost:port/employees/id.json ###Query Parameter [ { "id":1 } ]
##User profile fill form(User Setting) ###Description > After user's login action, he will fill his profile form and then server could know more datail infomation about him. ##Http request POST http://localhost:port/users/id.json ##Query Parameter [ { "mobile_number": 168-0312-8888, "password": "123789", "passworde_reset": "789123", "email": "[email protected]", "name": "董小姐", "gender": "female" } ]
##User fill firm infomation(User Setting) ###Description > User who takes charge of personnel need to input some message about this company, including departments and leaders. ###Http request GET http://localhost:port/corporations/id.json ###Query Parameter [ { "corporation_name": "聊聊科技", "address": "天上", "department": [ { "department_name": "开发部" }, { "department_name": "流程部" } ] } ]
##User set clock time(Clock Setting) ###Description > User input T1 to T6. Ps:therer should be some default values, user could change them if necessary. ###Http request PATCH http://localhost:port/settings/time_clocks.json ###Query Parameter [ { "t1": "8:00", "t2": "9:00", "t3": "10:00", "t4": "4:00", "t5": "5:00", "t6": "6:00" } ]
##User set clock mode(Clock Setting) ###Description > User choose a clock mode in 3. Ps:therer should be a default value, user could change them if necessary. ###Http request PATCH http://localhost:port/settings/clockmodes.json ###Query Parameter [ { "mode": "hell" } ]
##Month Staement(Statements) ###Description > All employees with their clock records. ###Http request PATCH http://localhost:port/statements/1.json("1" means Jan) ###Query Parameter [ { "id":1, "name": "唐宇", "corporation_id": 1, "department": "开发部", "overtime": 14, "clock_info": [ { "date": "/Date(700000+0500)/", "clock": "normal", "holiday?": false, "id": 1 }, { "date": "/Date(710000+0500)/", "clock": "late", "holiday?": false, "id": 1 }, . . . { "date": "/Date(770000+0500)/", "clock": "absence", "holiday?": false, "id": 1 } ] }, { "id":2, "name": "李嘉迅", "corporation_id": 1, "department": "流程部", "overtime": 23, "clock_info": [ { "date": "/Date(700000+0500)/", "clock": "normal", "holiday?": false, "id": 2 }, { "date": "/Date(710000+0500)/", "clock": "late", "holiday?": false, "id": 2 }, . . . { "date": "/Date(770000+0500)/", "clock": "absence", "holiday?": false, "id": 2 } ] } ]
##Main page(Dash board) ###Description > Main page dashboard. ###Http request GET http://localhost:port/dashboard.json ###Query Parameter [ { "late_count": 1, "absence_count": 1, "attendance": 1, "tardy": 1, "vacate" 1, "total": 5, "departemnts":[ { "name": "开发部" }, { "name": "流程部", } ] } ]
##Main page with lates list(Dash board) ###Description > Main page dashboard. ###Http request GET http://localhost:port/late.json ###Query Parameter [ { "lates":[ { "name": "李嘉迅", "department": "流程部" }, { "name": "唐宇", "department": "开发部" } ] } ]
##Main page with absences list(Dash board) ###Description > Main page dashboard. ###Http request GET http://localhost:port/absences.json ###Query Parameter [ { "absences":[ { "name": "李嘉迅", "department": "流程部" }, { "name": "唐宇", "department": "开发部" } ] } ]
##Main page with vacates list(Dash board) ###Description > Main page dashboard. ###Http request GET http://localhost:port/vacates.json ###Query Parameter [ { "lates":[ { "name": "李嘉迅", "department": "流程部" }, { "name": "唐宇", "department": "开发部" } ] } ]
##Main page with tardys list(Dash board) ###Description > Main page dashboard. ###Http request GET http://localhost:port/tardys.json ###Query Parameter [ { "lates":[ { "name": "李嘉迅", "department": "流程部" }, { "name": "唐宇", "department": "开发部" } ] } ]