diff --git a/src/ButtonToggles.jl b/src/ButtonToggles.jl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f23973d..00000000
--- a/src/ButtonToggles.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-module ButtonToggles
-using Genie, Stipple, StippleUI, StippleUI.API
-import Genie.Renderer.Html: HTMLString, normal_element, template, register_normal_element
-export buttontoggle
-register_normal_element("q__btn__toggle", context = @__MODULE__)
- buttontoggle(fieldname::Symbol, args...; options::Symbol, kwargs...)
-# Examples
-### Model
-julia> @app begin
- @in network = :google
- @in networks = [Stipple.opts(label = x, value = Symbol(lowercase(x))) for x in ["Google", "Facebook", "Twitter", "Pinterest", "Reddit"]]
- end
-### View
-julia> buttontoggle(:network, options = :networks, label="Social Networks", rounded = true, color = "white", textcolor= "primary")
-# Arguments
-1. Behaviour
- * `name::String` - Used to specify the name of the control; Useful if dealing with forms; If not specified, it takes the value of 'for' prop, if it exists ex. `car-id` `car-id`
-2. Content
- * `tablecolspan::Union{Int, String}` - The number of columns in the table (you need this if you use table-layout: fixed) ex. `tablecolspan="12"`
- * `spread::Bool`- Spread horizontally to all available space
- * `no-caps::Bool`- Avoid turning label text into caps (which happens by default)
- * `no-wrap::Bool`- Avoid label text wrapping
- * `stack::Bool`- Stack icon and label vertically instead of on same line (like it is by default)
- * `stretch::Bool`- When used on flexbox parent, button will stretch to parent's height
-3. Model
- * `options::Vector` - Available options that the user can select from. For best performance freeze the list of options ex. `options=[ 'BMW', 'Samsung Phone' ]`
- * `clearable::Bool` - Clears model on click of the already selected button
-4. State
- * `disable::Bool` - Put component in disabled mode
- * `readonly::Bool` - Put component in readonly mode
-5. Style
- * `color::String` - Color name for component from the Quasar Color Palette
- * `text-color::String` - Overrides text color (if needed); Color name from the Quasar Color Palette
- * `toggle-color::String` - Color name for component from the Quasar Color Palette
- * `toggle-text-color::String` - Overrides text color (if needed); Color name from the Quasar Color Palette
- * `outline::Boolean` - Use 'outline' design
- * `flat::Boolean` - Use 'flat' design
- * `unelevated::Boolean` - Remove shadow
- * `rounded::Boolean` - Applies a more prominent border-radius for a squared shape button
- * `push::Boolean` - Use 'push' design
- * `glossy::Boolean` - Applies a glossy effect
- * `size::String` - Button size name or a CSS unit including unit name
- * `padding::String` - Apply custom padding (vertical [horizontal]); Size in CSS units, including unit name or standard size name (none|xs|sm|md|lg|xl); Also removes the min width and height when set
- * `ripple::Union{Boolean, Dict}`` - Configure material ripple (disable it by setting it to 'false' or supply a Dict with `js_attr`, e.g. `js_attr(Stipple.opts(early = true, center = true, color = 'teal', keyCodes = []))`)
- * `dense::Boolean` - Dense mode; occupies less space
-function buttontoggle(fieldname::Symbol,
- args...;
- options::Symbol,
- kwargs...)
- q__btn__toggle(args...; kw(
- [Symbol(":options") => options, :fieldname => fieldname, kwargs...])...)
diff --git a/src/Buttons.jl b/src/Buttons.jl
index 9ca42f00..f50cf75e 100644
--- a/src/Buttons.jl
+++ b/src/Buttons.jl
@@ -3,11 +3,12 @@ module Buttons
using Genie, Stipple, StippleUI, StippleUI.API
import Genie.Renderer.Html: HTMLString, normal_element, register_normal_element
-export btn, btngroup, btndropdown, Btn
+export btn, btngroup, btndropdown, Btn, btntoggle
register_normal_element("q__btn", context = @__MODULE__)
register_normal_element("q__btn__group", context = @__MODULE__)
register_normal_element("q__btn__dropdown", context = @__MODULE__)
+register_normal_element("q__btn__toggle", context = @__MODULE__)
Stipple has a component called `btn` which is a button with a few extra useful features. For instance, it comes in two shapes: rectangle (default) and round. It also has the material ripple effect baked in (which can be disabled).
@@ -210,5 +211,72 @@ function btndropdown(args...; kwargs...)
q__btn__dropdown(args...; kw(kwargs)...)
+ btntoggle(fieldname::Symbol, args...; options::Symbol, kwargs...)
+# Examples
+### Model
+julia> @app begin
+ @in network = :google
+ @in networks = [Stipple.opts(label = x, value = Symbol(lowercase(x))) for x in ["Google", "Facebook", "Twitter", "Pinterest", "Reddit"]]
+ end
+### View
+julia> btntoggle(:network, options = :networks, label="Social Networks", rounded = true, color = "white", textcolor= "primary")
+# Arguments
+1. Behaviour
+ * `name::String` - Used to specify the name of the control; Useful if dealing with forms; If not specified, it takes the value of 'for' prop, if it exists ex. `car-id` `car-id`
+2. Content
+ * `tablecolspan::Union{Int, String}` - The number of columns in the table (you need this if you use table-layout: fixed) ex. `tablecolspan="12"`
+ * `spread::Bool`- Spread horizontally to all available space
+ * `no-caps::Bool`- Avoid turning label text into caps (which happens by default)
+ * `no-wrap::Bool`- Avoid label text wrapping
+ * `stack::Bool`- Stack icon and label vertically instead of on same line (like it is by default)
+ * `stretch::Bool`- When used on flexbox parent, button will stretch to parent's height
+3. Model
+ * `options::Vector` - Available options that the user can select from. For best performance freeze the list of options ex. `options=[ 'BMW', 'Samsung Phone' ]`
+ * `clearable::Bool` - Clears model on click of the already selected button
+4. State
+ * `disable::Bool` - Put component in disabled mode
+ * `readonly::Bool` - Put component in readonly mode
+5. Style
+ * `color::String` - Color name for component from the Quasar Color Palette
+ * `text-color::String` - Overrides text color (if needed); Color name from the Quasar Color Palette
+ * `toggle-color::String` - Color name for component from the Quasar Color Palette
+ * `toggle-text-color::String` - Overrides text color (if needed); Color name from the Quasar Color Palette
+ * `outline::Boolean` - Use 'outline' design
+ * `flat::Boolean` - Use 'flat' design
+ * `unelevated::Boolean` - Remove shadow
+ * `rounded::Boolean` - Applies a more prominent border-radius for a squared shape button
+ * `push::Boolean` - Use 'push' design
+ * `glossy::Boolean` - Applies a glossy effect
+ * `size::String` - Button size name or a CSS unit including unit name
+ * `padding::String` - Apply custom padding (vertical [horizontal]); Size in CSS units, including unit name or standard size name (none|xs|sm|md|lg|xl); Also removes the min width and height when set
+ * `ripple::Union{Boolean, Dict}`` - Configure material ripple (disable it by setting it to 'false' or supply a Dict with `js_attr`, e.g. `js_attr(Stipple.opts(early = true, center = true, color = 'teal', keyCodes = []))`)
+ * `dense::Boolean` - Dense mode; occupies less space
+function btntoggle(fieldname::Symbol,
+ args...;
+ options::Symbol,
+ kwargs...)
+ q__btn__toggle(args...; kw(
+ [Symbol(":options") => options, :fieldname => fieldname, kwargs...])...)
diff --git a/src/StippleUI.jl b/src/StippleUI.jl
index 7b325fff..4474e8b0 100644
--- a/src/StippleUI.jl
+++ b/src/StippleUI.jl
@@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ include("Badges.jl")
@@ -120,7 +119,6 @@ export quasar, quasar_pure, vue, vue_pure, xelem, xelem_pure, csscolors
@reexport using .Banners
@reexport using .BigNumbers
@reexport using .Buttons
-@reexport using .ButtonToggles
@reexport using .Cards
@reexport using .ChatMessages
@reexport using .Checkboxes