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花生PeA edited this page Feb 13, 2019 · 6 revisions

Short Night 依赖于 Webpack 进行构建,所以这一步我们的主要工作是配置并运行 Webpack。


npm install webpack webpack-cli ts-loader style-loader css-loader --save-dev

然后创建一个 webpack 配置文件(webpack.config.js)到项目根目录,一个只有20行的 Webpack 配置文件~!

const Webpack = require('webpack');

module.exports = {
    entry: './entry.ts',
    output: {
        path: __dirname,
        filename: 'output.js',
    module: {
        rules: [
            { test: /\.ts$/, use: 'ts-loader' },
            { test: /\.css$/, use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader'] },
    resolve: { extensions: ['.js', '.ts'] },


创建 HTML 及 Webpack 入口文件


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <div id="app"></div>
    <script src="output.js"></script>


  1. <div id="app"></div>:我们定义了一个挂载点,将来要将时间线挂载到那里
  2. <script src="output.js"></script>:我们引用了 Webpack 的编译产出文件,这里的src对应webpack.config.js中的output

然后我们为 Webpack 创建入口文件/entry.ts

import Timeline from './Timeline'; // 引用上一步中,你自己定义的 Timeline
import 'short-night/styles.css'; // 官方定义的引用 CSS 文件

const events = [{ // 定义事件列表
    date: '2017-5',
    title: 'Axis example 1',
    endDate: '2017-8',
    endText: 'The axis can avoid for each others'
    date: '2017-6',
    title: 'Axis example 2',
    endDate: '2017-9-1',
    endText: 'End point is 2017.9'
    date: '2017-9-1',
    title: 'Start of 2017.9',
    date: '2017-1-2',
    title: 'Near the milestone',
    date: '2016-12-15',
    endDate: '2017-2',
    title: 'Near the milestone',
    description: 'The date of end is 2017.2.'
    date: '2018-8-15',
    title: 'Close together 1',
    date: '2018-8-1',
    title: 'Close together 2',
    date: '2018-7-15',
    title: 'Close together 3',
    description: 'The event description.',
    date: '2018-7-1',
    title: 'Close together 4',
    description: 'The event description.',
    date: '2016-8-1',
    title: 'Close together 5',
    description: 'The event description. The event description. The event description. The event description. The event description.',
    date: '2016-8-15',
    title: 'Close together 6',
    description: 'The event description. The event description. The event description. The event description. The event description.',
    date: '2018-4-2',
    title: 'A event which title is very very very very very very very very very very long',
    date: '2018-3-9',
    title: '39s Day two years!',
    date: '2017-3-9',
    title: '39s Day one years!',
    date: '2016-3-9',
    title: '39s Day!',
    description: 'In japan and chinese, the pronunciation  of 39 is very like "Thank You". ' +
        'So some people call as Giving Day.'

// 实例化

const timeline = new Timeline(Timeline.mount('#app', 'polar-day')); = events; // 赋值事件列表

timeline.apply().then(function () { // 应用 timeline 中的 drawInfo。此方法返回一个 Promise
    timeline.draw(); // 当应用完成后,将 timeline 画出

你可能会奇怪为什么使用 Timeline 要如此繁琐。实际上,这正是 Short Night 中一个 Component 从创建到绘制的流程:

  1. 构造时传入containercanvas等信息
  2. 手动赋值修改
  3. 调用.apply()来应用drawInfo
  4. 等待.apply()完成调用.draw()完成绘制



package.json 中增加一个 script

  "scripts": {
+   "dev": "webpack --watch --mode=development",
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"

然后在命令行中,键入npm run dev后,等待 Webpack 编译完毕,打开我们上边创建的index.html到浏览器中。

First Run
