The idea is to have a Terminal Application which shows the timeline of a chosen public transport station. It will refresh every X seconds so you have an always up-to-date view of the outgoing and incoming public transport in your area.
The service will be limited to switzerland only. Reason for that is the chosen API.
State: In Progress (about 85% finished)
./gradlew installApp
Run without any parameters
What it does?
- Shows Stationboard from offline File (zuerichHB.json)
Run with 1 Parameter (example: Rapperswil)
build/install/TerminalFahrplan/bin/TerminalFahrplan Zürich HB
Generate Eclipse project files:
./gradlew eclipse
Install Lombok
(Needed so Eclipse won't show any compile Errors)
Run Test Cases:
./gradlew test
NOTE: You need a working internet connection for all tests to succeed because the API connectivity is also tested.
View Test Results:
To see the Test Report, open "build/reports/tests/index.html" with a browser of your choice.
- What happens when loosing connection while looking up station name? ;)
- From/To not implemented yet ;)
Coding language: Java
API format: JSON
Build Tool: Gradle
Main goal is to create an Android Service Only Application which sends you push notifications when your train/bus/etc. is too late.
This project is more of a small test to get into working with API's.