- IBM Plex Mono
- Curie (Bold)
Note all the following fonts are powerline compatible and look pretty good with it.
- BigBlue_TerminalPlus Nerd Font Mono
- Fantasque Sans Mono
- Fira Code ( and its Nerd Font Mono variant )
- Go Mono for Powerline
- Hasklug Nerd Fonts
- Hermit Nerd Font Mono
- Iosevka Term Mono ( Nerd variant )
- M+ 1mn Nerd Font Mono ( From nerd font github )
- Menlo Nerd Font Mono
- Monaco ( Manually create Nerd Fonts )
- Monoid Nerd Font Mono
- Mononoki Nerd Font Mono
- NovaMono for Powerline
- OverpassMono Nerd Font Mono
- ProFontllx Nerd Font Mono ( Try to find regular variant instead of book )
- ShureTechMono Nerd Font Mono ( Try to find the bold variant as well )
- Source Code Pro for Powerline