diff --git a/extra/carbonfox/carbonfox.tmTheme b/extra/carbonfox/carbonfox.tmTheme
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89b4866d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/carbonfox/carbonfox.tmTheme
@@ -0,0 +1,2044 @@
+ name
+ Catppuccin Macchiato
+ semanticClass
+ theme.dark.catppuccin-macchiato
+ uuid
+ 02b2bdf3-9eb7-4396-bf04-f17f1468f99f
+ author
+ Catppuccin Org
+ colorSpaceName
+ sRGB
+ settings
+ settings
+ background
+ #161616
+ foreground
+ #f9fbff
+ caret
+ #7b7c7e
+ lineHighlight
+ #252525
+ misspelling
+ #ee5396
+ accent
+ #be95ff
+ selection
+ #f9fbff
+ gutterForeground
+ #535353
+ name
+ Basic text & variable names (incl. leading punctuation)
+ scope
+ text, source, variable.other.readwrite, punctuation.definition.variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f9fbff
+ name
+ Parentheses, Brackets, Braces
+ scope
+ punctuation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f9fbff
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Comments
+ scope
+ comment, punctuation.definition.comment
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #535353
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ scope
+ string, punctuation.definition.string
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #25be6a
+ scope
+ constant.character.escape
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b6b8bb
+ name
+ Booleans, constants, numbers
+ scope
+ constant.numeric, variable.other.constant, entity.name.constant, constant.language.boolean, constant.language.false, constant.language.true, keyword.other.unit.user-defined, keyword.other.unit.suffix.floating-point
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ scope
+ keyword, keyword.operator.word, keyword.operator.new, variable.language.super, support.type.primitive, storage.type, storage.modifier, punctuation.definition.keyword
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #be95ff
+ fontStyle
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag.documentation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #be95ff
+ name
+ Punctuation
+ scope
+ keyword.operator, punctuation.accessor, punctuation.definition.generic, meta.function.closure punctuation.section.parameters, punctuation.definition.tag, punctuation.separator.key-value
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #33b1ff
+ scope
+ entity.name.function, meta.function-call.method, support.function, support.function.misc, variable.function
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6690d9
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Classes
+ scope
+ entity.name.class, entity.other.inherited-class, support.class, meta.function-call.constructor, entity.name.struct
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Enum
+ scope
+ entity.name.enum
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Enum member
+ scope
+ meta.enum variable.other.readwrite, variable.other.enummember
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #33b1ff
+ name
+ Object properties
+ scope
+ meta.property.object
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #33b1ff
+ name
+ Types
+ scope
+ meta.type, meta.type-alias, support.type, entity.name.type
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Decorators
+ scope
+ meta.annotation variable.function, meta.annotation variable.annotation.function, meta.annotation punctuation.definition.annotation, meta.decorator, punctuation.decorator
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ scope
+ variable.parameter, meta.function.parameters
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d96b9b
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Built-ins
+ scope
+ constant.language, support.function.builtin
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ee5396
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name.documentation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ee5396
+ name
+ Preprocessor directives
+ scope
+ keyword.control.directive, punctuation.definition.directive
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ name
+ Type parameters
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.typeparameters
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #52bdff
+ name
+ Namespaces
+ scope
+ entity.name.namespace
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ name
+ Property names (left hand assignments in json/yaml/css)
+ scope
+ support.type.property-name.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6690d9
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ This/Self keyword
+ scope
+ variable.language.this, variable.language.this punctuation.definition.variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ee5396
+ name
+ Object properties
+ scope
+ variable.object.property
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f9fbff
+ name
+ String template interpolation
+ scope
+ string.template variable, string variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f9fbff
+ name
+ `new` as bold
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.new
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ bold
+ name
+ C++ extern keyword
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.specifier.extern.cpp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #be95ff
+ name
+ C++ scope resolution
+ scope
+ entity.name.scope-resolution.template.call.cpp, entity.name.scope-resolution.parameter.cpp, entity.name.scope-resolution.cpp, entity.name.scope-resolution.function.definition.cpp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ name
+ C++ doc keywords
+ scope
+ storage.type.class.doxygen
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ C++ operators
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.reference.cpp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #33b1ff
+ name
+ C# Interpolated Strings
+ scope
+ meta.interpolation.cs
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f9fbff
+ name
+ C# xml-style docs
+ scope
+ comment.block.documentation.cs
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f9fbff
+ name
+ Classes, reflecting the className color in JSX
+ scope
+ source.css entity.other.attribute-name.class.css, entity.other.attribute-name.parent-selector.css punctuation.definition.entity.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ name
+ Operators
+ scope
+ punctuation.separator.operator.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #33b1ff
+ name
+ Pseudo classes
+ scope
+ source.css entity.other.attribute-name.pseudo-class
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #33b1ff
+ scope
+ source.css constant.other.unicode-range
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ scope
+ source.css variable.parameter.url
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #25be6a
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ CSS vendored property names
+ scope
+ support.type.vendored.property-name
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #52bdff
+ name
+ Less/SCSS right-hand variables (@/$-prefixed)
+ scope
+ source.css meta.property-value variable, source.css meta.property-value variable.other.less, source.css meta.property-value variable.other.less punctuation.definition.variable.less, meta.definition.variable.scss
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d96b9b
+ name
+ CSS variables (--prefixed)
+ scope
+ source.css meta.property-list variable, meta.property-list variable.other.less, meta.property-list variable.other.less punctuation.definition.variable.less
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6690d9
+ name
+ CSS Percentage values, styled the same as numbers
+ scope
+ keyword.other.unit.percentage.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ name
+ CSS Attribute selectors, styled the same as strings
+ scope
+ source.css meta.attribute-selector
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #25be6a
+ name
+ JSON/YAML keys, other left-hand assignments
+ scope
+ keyword.other.definition.ini, punctuation.support.type.property-name.json, support.type.property-name.json, punctuation.support.type.property-name.toml, support.type.property-name.toml, entity.name.tag.yaml, punctuation.support.type.property-name.yaml, support.type.property-name.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6690d9
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ JSON/YAML constants
+ scope
+ constant.language.json, constant.language.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ name
+ YAML anchors
+ scope
+ entity.name.type.anchor.yaml, variable.other.alias.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ TOML tables / ini groups
+ scope
+ support.type.property-name.table, entity.name.section.group-title.ini
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ name
+ TOML dates
+ scope
+ constant.other.time.datetime.offset.toml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b6b8bb
+ name
+ YAML anchor puctuation
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.anchor.yaml, punctuation.definition.alias.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b6b8bb
+ name
+ YAML triple dashes
+ scope
+ entity.other.document.begin.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b6b8bb
+ name
+ Markup Diff
+ scope
+ markup.changed.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ name
+ Diff
+ scope
+ meta.diff.header.from-file, meta.diff.header.to-file, punctuation.definition.from-file.diff, punctuation.definition.to-file.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6690d9
+ name
+ Diff Inserted
+ scope
+ markup.inserted.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #25be6a
+ name
+ Diff Deleted
+ scope
+ markup.deleted.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ee5396
+ name
+ dotenv left-hand side assignments
+ scope
+ variable.other.env
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6690d9
+ name
+ dotenv reference to existing env variable
+ scope
+ string.quoted variable.other.env
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f9fbff
+ name
+ GDScript functions
+ scope
+ support.function.builtin.gdscript
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6690d9
+ name
+ GDScript constants
+ scope
+ constant.language.gdscript
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ name
+ Comment keywords
+ scope
+ comment meta.annotation.go
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d96b9b
+ name
+ go:embed, go:build, etc.
+ scope
+ comment meta.annotation.parameters.go
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ name
+ Go constants (nil, true, false)
+ scope
+ constant.language.go
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ name
+ GraphQL variables
+ scope
+ variable.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f9fbff
+ name
+ GraphQL aliases
+ scope
+ string.unquoted.alias.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f0c6c6
+ name
+ GraphQL enum members
+ scope
+ constant.character.enum.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #33b1ff
+ name
+ GraphQL field in types
+ scope
+ meta.objectvalues.graphql constant.object.key.graphql string.unquoted.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f0c6c6
+ name
+ HTML/XML DOCTYPE as keyword
+ scope
+ keyword.other.doctype, meta.tag.sgml.doctype punctuation.definition.tag, meta.tag.metadata.doctype entity.name.tag, meta.tag.metadata.doctype punctuation.definition.tag
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #be95ff
+ name
+ HTML/XML-like <tags/>
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6690d9
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Special characters like &
+ scope
+ text.html constant.character.entity, text.html constant.character.entity punctuation, constant.character.entity.xml, constant.character.entity.xml punctuation, constant.character.entity.js.jsx, constant.charactger.entity.js.jsx punctuation, constant.character.entity.tsx, constant.character.entity.tsx punctuation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ee5396
+ name
+ HTML/XML tag attribute values
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ name
+ Components
+ scope
+ support.class.component, support.class.component.jsx, support.class.component.tsx, support.class.component.vue
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b6b8bb
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Annotations
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.annotation, storage.type.annotation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ name
+ Java enums
+ scope
+ constant.other.enum.java
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #33b1ff
+ name
+ Java imports
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.import.java
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f9fbff
+ name
+ Javadoc
+ scope
+ comment.block.javadoc.java keyword.other.documentation.javadoc.java
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Exported Variable
+ scope
+ meta.export variable.other.readwrite.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d96b9b
+ name
+ JS/TS constants & properties
+ scope
+ variable.other.constant.js, variable.other.constant.ts, variable.other.property.js, variable.other.property.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f9fbff
+ name
+ JSDoc; these are mainly params, so styled as such
+ scope
+ variable.other.jsdoc, comment.block.documentation variable.other
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d96b9b
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ JSDoc keywords
+ scope
+ storage.type.class.jsdoc
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ scope
+ support.type.object.console.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f9fbff
+ name
+ Node constants as keywords (module, etc.)
+ scope
+ support.constant.node, support.type.object.module.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #be95ff
+ name
+ implements as keyword
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.implements
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #be95ff
+ name
+ Builtin types
+ scope
+ constant.language.null.js, constant.language.null.ts, constant.language.undefined.js, constant.language.undefined.ts, support.type.builtin.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #be95ff
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.generic
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ name
+ Arrow functions
+ scope
+ keyword.declaration.function.arrow.js, storage.type.function.arrow.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #33b1ff
+ name
+ Decorator punctuations (decorators inherit from blue functions, instead of styleguide peach)
+ scope
+ punctuation.decorator.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6690d9
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Extra JS/TS keywords
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.expression.in.js, keyword.operator.expression.in.ts, keyword.operator.expression.infer.ts, keyword.operator.expression.instanceof.js, keyword.operator.expression.instanceof.ts, keyword.operator.expression.is, keyword.operator.expression.keyof.ts, keyword.operator.expression.of.js, keyword.operator.expression.of.ts, keyword.operator.expression.typeof.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #be95ff
+ name
+ Julia macros
+ scope
+ support.function.macro.julia
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #33b1ff
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Julia language constants (true, false)
+ scope
+ constant.language.julia
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ name
+ Julia other constants (these seem to be arguments inside arrays)
+ scope
+ constant.other.symbol.julia
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d96b9b
+ name
+ LaTeX preamble
+ scope
+ text.tex keyword.control.preamble
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #33b1ff
+ name
+ LaTeX be functions
+ scope
+ text.tex support.function.be
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #52bdff
+ name
+ LaTeX math
+ scope
+ constant.other.general.math.tex
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f0c6c6
+ name
+ Lua docstring keywords
+ scope
+ comment.line.double-dash.documentation.lua storage.type.annotation.lua
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #be95ff
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Lua docstring variables
+ scope
+ comment.line.double-dash.documentation.lua entity.name.variable.lua, comment.line.double-dash.documentation.lua variable.lua
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f9fbff
+ scope
+ heading.1.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.1.markdown, markup.heading.atx.1.mdx, markup.heading.atx.1.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.setext.1.markdown, markup.heading.heading-0.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ee5396
+ scope
+ heading.2.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.2.markdown, markup.heading.atx.2.mdx, markup.heading.atx.2.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.setext.2.markdown, markup.heading.heading-1.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ scope
+ heading.3.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.3.markdown, markup.heading.atx.3.mdx, markup.heading.atx.3.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-2.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ scope
+ heading.4.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.4.markdown, markup.heading.atx.4.mdx, markup.heading.atx.4.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-3.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #25be6a
+ scope
+ heading.5.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.5.markdown, markup.heading.atx.5.mdx, markup.heading.atx.5.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-4.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6690d9
+ scope
+ heading.6.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.6.markdown, markup.heading.atx.6.mdx, markup.heading.atx.6.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-5.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #be95ff
+ scope
+ markup.bold
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ee5396
+ fontStyle
+ bold
+ scope
+ markup.italic
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ee5396
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ scope
+ markup.strikethrough
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a5adcb
+ fontStyle
+ strikethrough
+ name
+ Markdown auto links
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.link, markup.underline.link
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6690d9
+ name
+ Markdown links
+ scope
+ text.html.markdown punctuation.definition.link.title, string.other.link.title.markdown, markup.link, punctuation.definition.constant.markdown, constant.other.reference.link.markdown, markup.substitution.attribute-reference
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b7bdf8
+ name
+ Markdown code spans
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.raw.markdown, markup.inline.raw.string.markdown, markup.raw.block.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #25be6a
+ name
+ Markdown triple backtick language identifier
+ scope
+ fenced_code.block.language
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #52bdff
+ name
+ Markdown triple backticks
+ scope
+ markup.fenced_code.block punctuation.definition, markup.raw support.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f9fbff
+ name
+ Markdown quotes
+ scope
+ markup.quote, punctuation.definition.quote.begin
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b6b8bb
+ name
+ Markdown separators
+ scope
+ meta.separator.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #33b1ff
+ name
+ Markdown list bullets
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.list.begin.markdown, markup.list.bullet
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #33b1ff
+ name
+ Nix attribute names
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name.multipart.nix, entity.other.attribute-name.single.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6690d9
+ name
+ Nix parameter names
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.name.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f9fbff
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Nix interpolated parameter names
+ scope
+ meta.embedded variable.parameter.name.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b7bdf8
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Nix paths
+ scope
+ string.unquoted.path.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b6b8bb
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ PHP Attributes
+ scope
+ support.attribute.builtin, meta.attribute.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ name
+ PHP Parameters (needed for the leading dollar sign)
+ scope
+ meta.function.parameters.php punctuation.definition.variable.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d96b9b
+ name
+ PHP Constants (null, __FILE__, etc.)
+ scope
+ constant.language.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #be95ff
+ name
+ PHP functions
+ scope
+ text.html.php support.function
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #52bdff
+ name
+ PHPdoc keywords
+ scope
+ keyword.other.phpdoc.php
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Python argument functions reset to text, otherwise they inherit blue from function-call
+ scope
+ support.variable.magic.python, meta.function-call.arguments.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f9fbff
+ name
+ Python double underscore functions
+ scope
+ support.function.magic.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #52bdff
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Python `self` keyword
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.function.language.special.self.python, variable.language.special.self.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ee5396
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ python keyword flow/logical (for ... in)
+ scope
+ keyword.control.flow.python, keyword.operator.logical.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #be95ff
+ name
+ python storage type
+ scope
+ storage.type.function.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #be95ff
+ name
+ python function support
+ scope
+ support.token.decorator.python, meta.function.decorator.identifier.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #52bdff
+ name
+ python function calls
+ scope
+ meta.function-call.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6690d9
+ name
+ python function decorators
+ scope
+ entity.name.function.decorator.python, punctuation.definition.decorator.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ python placeholder reset to normal string
+ scope
+ constant.character.format.placeholder.other.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b6b8bb
+ name
+ Python exception & builtins such as exit()
+ scope
+ support.type.exception.python, support.function.builtin.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ name
+ entity.name.type
+ scope
+ support.type.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ name
+ python constants (True/False)
+ scope
+ constant.language.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #be95ff
+ name
+ Arguments accessed later in the function body
+ scope
+ meta.indexed-name.python, meta.item-access.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d96b9b
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Python f-strings/binary/unicode storage types
+ scope
+ storage.type.string.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #25be6a
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Python type hints
+ scope
+ meta.function.parameters.python
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Regex string begin/end in JS/TS
+ scope
+ string.regexp punctuation.definition.string.begin, string.regexp punctuation.definition.string.end
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b6b8bb
+ name
+ Regex anchors (^, $)
+ scope
+ keyword.control.anchor.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #be95ff
+ name
+ Regex regular string match
+ scope
+ string.regexp.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f9fbff
+ name
+ Regex group parenthesis & backreference (\1, \2, \3, ...)
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.group.regexp, keyword.other.back-reference.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #25be6a
+ name
+ Regex character class []
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.character-class.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ name
+ Regex character classes (\d, \w, \s)
+ scope
+ constant.other.character-class.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b6b8bb
+ name
+ Regex range
+ scope
+ constant.other.character-class.range.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7b7c7e
+ name
+ Regex quantifier
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.quantifier.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #33b1ff
+ name
+ Regex constant/numeric
+ scope
+ constant.character.numeric.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ name
+ Regex lookaheads, negative lookaheads, lookbehinds, negative lookbehinds
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.group.no-capture.regexp, meta.assertion.look-ahead.regexp, meta.assertion.negative-look-ahead.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6690d9
+ name
+ Rust attribute
+ scope
+ meta.annotation.rust, meta.annotation.rust punctuation, meta.attribute.rust, punctuation.definition.attribute.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust attribute strings
+ scope
+ meta.attribute.rust string.quoted.double.rust, meta.attribute.rust string.quoted.single.char.rust
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Rust keyword
+ scope
+ entity.name.function.macro.rules.rust, storage.type.module.rust, storage.modifier.rust, storage.type.struct.rust, storage.type.enum.rust, storage.type.trait.rust, storage.type.union.rust, storage.type.impl.rust, storage.type.rust, storage.type.function.rust, storage.type.type.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #be95ff
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Rust u/i32, u/i64, etc.
+ scope
+ entity.name.type.numeric.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #be95ff
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Rust generic
+ scope
+ meta.generic.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ name
+ Rust impl
+ scope
+ entity.name.impl.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust module
+ scope
+ entity.name.module.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ name
+ Rust trait
+ scope
+ entity.name.trait.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust struct
+ scope
+ storage.type.source.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ name
+ Rust union
+ scope
+ entity.name.union.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ name
+ Rust enum member
+ scope
+ meta.enum.rust storage.type.source.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #33b1ff
+ name
+ Rust macro
+ scope
+ support.macro.rust, meta.macro.rust support.function.rust, entity.name.function.macro.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6690d9
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust lifetime
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.lifetime.rust, entity.name.type.lifetime
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6690d9
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust string formatting
+ scope
+ string.quoted.double.rust constant.other.placeholder.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b6b8bb
+ name
+ Rust return type generic
+ scope
+ meta.function.return-type.rust meta.generic.rust storage.type.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f9fbff
+ name
+ Rust functions
+ scope
+ meta.function.call.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6690d9
+ name
+ Rust angle brackets
+ scope
+ punctuation.brackets.angle.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #52bdff
+ name
+ Rust constants
+ scope
+ constant.other.caps.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ name
+ Rust function parameters
+ scope
+ meta.function.definition.rust variable.other.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d96b9b
+ name
+ Rust closure variables
+ scope
+ meta.function.call.rust variable.other.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f9fbff
+ name
+ Rust self
+ scope
+ variable.language.self.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ee5396
+ name
+ Rust metavariable names
+ scope
+ variable.other.metavariable.name.rust, meta.macro.metavariable.rust keyword.operator.macro.dollar.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b6b8bb
+ name
+ Shell shebang
+ scope
+ comment.line.shebang, comment.line.shebang punctuation.definition.comment, comment.line.shebang, punctuation.definition.comment.shebang.shell, meta.shebang.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b6b8bb
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Shell shebang command
+ scope
+ comment.line.shebang constant.language
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #33b1ff
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Shell interpolated command
+ scope
+ meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.definition.variable.shell, meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.section.interpolation, meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.definition.variable.shell, meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.section.interpolation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ee5396
+ name
+ Shell interpolated command variable
+ scope
+ meta.string meta.interpolation.parameter.shell variable.other.readwrite
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ scope
+ source.shell punctuation.section.interpolation, punctuation.definition.evaluation.backticks.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #33b1ff
+ name
+ Shell EOF
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag.heredoc.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #be95ff
+ name
+ Shell quoted variable
+ scope
+ string.quoted.double.shell variable.other.normal.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f9fbff
+ scope
+ markup.heading.synopsis.man, markup.heading.title.man, markup.heading.other.man, markup.heading.env.man
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #be95ff
+ scope
+ markup.heading.commands.man
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6690d9
+ scope
+ markup.heading.env.man
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b6b8bb
+ scope
+ markup.heading.1.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ee5396
+ scope
+ markup.heading.2.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
+ scope
+ markup.heading.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #08bdba
diff --git a/extra/dawnfox/dawnfox.tmTheme b/extra/dawnfox/dawnfox.tmTheme
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1dd6f1ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/dawnfox/dawnfox.tmTheme
@@ -0,0 +1,2044 @@
+ name
+ Catppuccin Macchiato
+ semanticClass
+ theme.dark.catppuccin-macchiato
+ uuid
+ 02b2bdf3-9eb7-4396-bf04-f17f1468f99f
+ author
+ Catppuccin Org
+ colorSpaceName
+ sRGB
+ settings
+ settings
+ background
+ #faf4ed
+ foreground
+ #4c4769
+ caret
+ #a8a3b3
+ lineHighlight
+ #ebe0df
+ misspelling
+ #b4637a
+ accent
+ #907aa9
+ selection
+ #4c4769
+ gutterForeground
+ #bdbfc9
+ name
+ Basic text & variable names (incl. leading punctuation)
+ scope
+ text, source, variable.other.readwrite, punctuation.definition.variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4c4769
+ name
+ Parentheses, Brackets, Braces
+ scope
+ punctuation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4c4769
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Comments
+ scope
+ comment, punctuation.definition.comment
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #bdbfc9
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ scope
+ string, punctuation.definition.string
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #618774
+ scope
+ constant.character.escape
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #625c87
+ name
+ Booleans, constants, numbers
+ scope
+ constant.numeric, variable.other.constant, entity.name.constant, constant.language.boolean, constant.language.false, constant.language.true, keyword.other.unit.user-defined, keyword.other.unit.suffix.floating-point
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ scope
+ keyword, keyword.operator.word, keyword.operator.new, variable.language.super, support.type.primitive, storage.type, storage.modifier, punctuation.definition.keyword
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #907aa9
+ fontStyle
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag.documentation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #907aa9
+ name
+ Punctuation
+ scope
+ keyword.operator, punctuation.accessor, punctuation.definition.generic, meta.function.closure punctuation.section.parameters, punctuation.definition.tag, punctuation.separator.key-value
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #56949f
+ scope
+ entity.name.function, meta.function-call.method, support.function, support.function.misc, variable.function
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #295e73
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Classes
+ scope
+ entity.name.class, entity.other.inherited-class, support.class, meta.function-call.constructor, entity.name.struct
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Enum
+ scope
+ entity.name.enum
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Enum member
+ scope
+ meta.enum variable.other.readwrite, variable.other.enummember
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #56949f
+ name
+ Object properties
+ scope
+ meta.property.object
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #56949f
+ name
+ Types
+ scope
+ meta.type, meta.type-alias, support.type, entity.name.type
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Decorators
+ scope
+ meta.annotation variable.function, meta.annotation variable.annotation.function, meta.annotation punctuation.definition.annotation, meta.decorator, punctuation.decorator
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ scope
+ variable.parameter, meta.function.parameters
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c9709e
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Built-ins
+ scope
+ constant.language, support.function.builtin
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b4637a
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name.documentation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b4637a
+ name
+ Preprocessor directives
+ scope
+ keyword.control.directive, punctuation.definition.directive
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ name
+ Type parameters
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.typeparameters
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #5ca7b4
+ name
+ Namespaces
+ scope
+ entity.name.namespace
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ name
+ Property names (left hand assignments in json/yaml/css)
+ scope
+ support.type.property-name.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #295e73
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ This/Self keyword
+ scope
+ variable.language.this, variable.language.this punctuation.definition.variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b4637a
+ name
+ Object properties
+ scope
+ variable.object.property
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4c4769
+ name
+ String template interpolation
+ scope
+ string.template variable, string variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4c4769
+ name
+ `new` as bold
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.new
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ bold
+ name
+ C++ extern keyword
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.specifier.extern.cpp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #907aa9
+ name
+ C++ scope resolution
+ scope
+ entity.name.scope-resolution.template.call.cpp, entity.name.scope-resolution.parameter.cpp, entity.name.scope-resolution.cpp, entity.name.scope-resolution.function.definition.cpp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ name
+ C++ doc keywords
+ scope
+ storage.type.class.doxygen
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ C++ operators
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.reference.cpp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #56949f
+ name
+ C# Interpolated Strings
+ scope
+ meta.interpolation.cs
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4c4769
+ name
+ C# xml-style docs
+ scope
+ comment.block.documentation.cs
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4c4769
+ name
+ Classes, reflecting the className color in JSX
+ scope
+ source.css entity.other.attribute-name.class.css, entity.other.attribute-name.parent-selector.css punctuation.definition.entity.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ name
+ Operators
+ scope
+ punctuation.separator.operator.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #56949f
+ name
+ Pseudo classes
+ scope
+ source.css entity.other.attribute-name.pseudo-class
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #56949f
+ scope
+ source.css constant.other.unicode-range
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ scope
+ source.css variable.parameter.url
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #618774
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ CSS vendored property names
+ scope
+ support.type.vendored.property-name
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #5ca7b4
+ name
+ Less/SCSS right-hand variables (@/$-prefixed)
+ scope
+ source.css meta.property-value variable, source.css meta.property-value variable.other.less, source.css meta.property-value variable.other.less punctuation.definition.variable.less, meta.definition.variable.scss
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c9709e
+ name
+ CSS variables (--prefixed)
+ scope
+ source.css meta.property-list variable, meta.property-list variable.other.less, meta.property-list variable.other.less punctuation.definition.variable.less
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #295e73
+ name
+ CSS Percentage values, styled the same as numbers
+ scope
+ keyword.other.unit.percentage.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ name
+ CSS Attribute selectors, styled the same as strings
+ scope
+ source.css meta.attribute-selector
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #618774
+ name
+ JSON/YAML keys, other left-hand assignments
+ scope
+ keyword.other.definition.ini, punctuation.support.type.property-name.json, support.type.property-name.json, punctuation.support.type.property-name.toml, support.type.property-name.toml, entity.name.tag.yaml, punctuation.support.type.property-name.yaml, support.type.property-name.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #295e73
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ JSON/YAML constants
+ scope
+ constant.language.json, constant.language.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ name
+ YAML anchors
+ scope
+ entity.name.type.anchor.yaml, variable.other.alias.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ TOML tables / ini groups
+ scope
+ support.type.property-name.table, entity.name.section.group-title.ini
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ name
+ TOML dates
+ scope
+ constant.other.time.datetime.offset.toml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #625c87
+ name
+ YAML anchor puctuation
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.anchor.yaml, punctuation.definition.alias.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #625c87
+ name
+ YAML triple dashes
+ scope
+ entity.other.document.begin.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #625c87
+ name
+ Markup Diff
+ scope
+ markup.changed.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ name
+ Diff
+ scope
+ meta.diff.header.from-file, meta.diff.header.to-file, punctuation.definition.from-file.diff, punctuation.definition.to-file.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #295e73
+ name
+ Diff Inserted
+ scope
+ markup.inserted.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #618774
+ name
+ Diff Deleted
+ scope
+ markup.deleted.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b4637a
+ name
+ dotenv left-hand side assignments
+ scope
+ variable.other.env
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #295e73
+ name
+ dotenv reference to existing env variable
+ scope
+ string.quoted variable.other.env
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4c4769
+ name
+ GDScript functions
+ scope
+ support.function.builtin.gdscript
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #295e73
+ name
+ GDScript constants
+ scope
+ constant.language.gdscript
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ name
+ Comment keywords
+ scope
+ comment meta.annotation.go
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c9709e
+ name
+ go:embed, go:build, etc.
+ scope
+ comment meta.annotation.parameters.go
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ name
+ Go constants (nil, true, false)
+ scope
+ constant.language.go
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ name
+ GraphQL variables
+ scope
+ variable.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4c4769
+ name
+ GraphQL aliases
+ scope
+ string.unquoted.alias.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f0c6c6
+ name
+ GraphQL enum members
+ scope
+ constant.character.enum.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #56949f
+ name
+ GraphQL field in types
+ scope
+ meta.objectvalues.graphql constant.object.key.graphql string.unquoted.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f0c6c6
+ name
+ HTML/XML DOCTYPE as keyword
+ scope
+ keyword.other.doctype, meta.tag.sgml.doctype punctuation.definition.tag, meta.tag.metadata.doctype entity.name.tag, meta.tag.metadata.doctype punctuation.definition.tag
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #907aa9
+ name
+ HTML/XML-like <tags/>
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #295e73
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Special characters like &
+ scope
+ text.html constant.character.entity, text.html constant.character.entity punctuation, constant.character.entity.xml, constant.character.entity.xml punctuation, constant.character.entity.js.jsx, constant.charactger.entity.js.jsx punctuation, constant.character.entity.tsx, constant.character.entity.tsx punctuation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b4637a
+ name
+ HTML/XML tag attribute values
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ name
+ Components
+ scope
+ support.class.component, support.class.component.jsx, support.class.component.tsx, support.class.component.vue
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #625c87
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Annotations
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.annotation, storage.type.annotation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ name
+ Java enums
+ scope
+ constant.other.enum.java
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #56949f
+ name
+ Java imports
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.import.java
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4c4769
+ name
+ Javadoc
+ scope
+ comment.block.javadoc.java keyword.other.documentation.javadoc.java
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Exported Variable
+ scope
+ meta.export variable.other.readwrite.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c9709e
+ name
+ JS/TS constants & properties
+ scope
+ variable.other.constant.js, variable.other.constant.ts, variable.other.property.js, variable.other.property.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4c4769
+ name
+ JSDoc; these are mainly params, so styled as such
+ scope
+ variable.other.jsdoc, comment.block.documentation variable.other
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c9709e
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ JSDoc keywords
+ scope
+ storage.type.class.jsdoc
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ scope
+ support.type.object.console.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4c4769
+ name
+ Node constants as keywords (module, etc.)
+ scope
+ support.constant.node, support.type.object.module.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #907aa9
+ name
+ implements as keyword
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.implements
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #907aa9
+ name
+ Builtin types
+ scope
+ constant.language.null.js, constant.language.null.ts, constant.language.undefined.js, constant.language.undefined.ts, support.type.builtin.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #907aa9
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.generic
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ name
+ Arrow functions
+ scope
+ keyword.declaration.function.arrow.js, storage.type.function.arrow.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #56949f
+ name
+ Decorator punctuations (decorators inherit from blue functions, instead of styleguide peach)
+ scope
+ punctuation.decorator.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #295e73
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Extra JS/TS keywords
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.expression.in.js, keyword.operator.expression.in.ts, keyword.operator.expression.infer.ts, keyword.operator.expression.instanceof.js, keyword.operator.expression.instanceof.ts, keyword.operator.expression.is, keyword.operator.expression.keyof.ts, keyword.operator.expression.of.js, keyword.operator.expression.of.ts, keyword.operator.expression.typeof.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #907aa9
+ name
+ Julia macros
+ scope
+ support.function.macro.julia
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #56949f
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Julia language constants (true, false)
+ scope
+ constant.language.julia
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ name
+ Julia other constants (these seem to be arguments inside arrays)
+ scope
+ constant.other.symbol.julia
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c9709e
+ name
+ LaTeX preamble
+ scope
+ text.tex keyword.control.preamble
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #56949f
+ name
+ LaTeX be functions
+ scope
+ text.tex support.function.be
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #5ca7b4
+ name
+ LaTeX math
+ scope
+ constant.other.general.math.tex
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f0c6c6
+ name
+ Lua docstring keywords
+ scope
+ comment.line.double-dash.documentation.lua storage.type.annotation.lua
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #907aa9
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Lua docstring variables
+ scope
+ comment.line.double-dash.documentation.lua entity.name.variable.lua, comment.line.double-dash.documentation.lua variable.lua
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4c4769
+ scope
+ heading.1.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.1.markdown, markup.heading.atx.1.mdx, markup.heading.atx.1.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.setext.1.markdown, markup.heading.heading-0.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b4637a
+ scope
+ heading.2.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.2.markdown, markup.heading.atx.2.mdx, markup.heading.atx.2.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.setext.2.markdown, markup.heading.heading-1.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ scope
+ heading.3.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.3.markdown, markup.heading.atx.3.mdx, markup.heading.atx.3.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-2.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ scope
+ heading.4.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.4.markdown, markup.heading.atx.4.mdx, markup.heading.atx.4.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-3.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #618774
+ scope
+ heading.5.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.5.markdown, markup.heading.atx.5.mdx, markup.heading.atx.5.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-4.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #295e73
+ scope
+ heading.6.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.6.markdown, markup.heading.atx.6.mdx, markup.heading.atx.6.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-5.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #907aa9
+ scope
+ markup.bold
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b4637a
+ fontStyle
+ bold
+ scope
+ markup.italic
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b4637a
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ scope
+ markup.strikethrough
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a5adcb
+ fontStyle
+ strikethrough
+ name
+ Markdown auto links
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.link, markup.underline.link
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #295e73
+ name
+ Markdown links
+ scope
+ text.html.markdown punctuation.definition.link.title, string.other.link.title.markdown, markup.link, punctuation.definition.constant.markdown, constant.other.reference.link.markdown, markup.substitution.attribute-reference
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b7bdf8
+ name
+ Markdown code spans
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.raw.markdown, markup.inline.raw.string.markdown, markup.raw.block.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #618774
+ name
+ Markdown triple backtick language identifier
+ scope
+ fenced_code.block.language
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #5ca7b4
+ name
+ Markdown triple backticks
+ scope
+ markup.fenced_code.block punctuation.definition, markup.raw support.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4c4769
+ name
+ Markdown quotes
+ scope
+ markup.quote, punctuation.definition.quote.begin
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #625c87
+ name
+ Markdown separators
+ scope
+ meta.separator.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #56949f
+ name
+ Markdown list bullets
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.list.begin.markdown, markup.list.bullet
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #56949f
+ name
+ Nix attribute names
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name.multipart.nix, entity.other.attribute-name.single.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #295e73
+ name
+ Nix parameter names
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.name.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4c4769
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Nix interpolated parameter names
+ scope
+ meta.embedded variable.parameter.name.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b7bdf8
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Nix paths
+ scope
+ string.unquoted.path.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #625c87
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ PHP Attributes
+ scope
+ support.attribute.builtin, meta.attribute.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ name
+ PHP Parameters (needed for the leading dollar sign)
+ scope
+ meta.function.parameters.php punctuation.definition.variable.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c9709e
+ name
+ PHP Constants (null, __FILE__, etc.)
+ scope
+ constant.language.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #907aa9
+ name
+ PHP functions
+ scope
+ text.html.php support.function
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #5ca7b4
+ name
+ PHPdoc keywords
+ scope
+ keyword.other.phpdoc.php
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Python argument functions reset to text, otherwise they inherit blue from function-call
+ scope
+ support.variable.magic.python, meta.function-call.arguments.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4c4769
+ name
+ Python double underscore functions
+ scope
+ support.function.magic.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #5ca7b4
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Python `self` keyword
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.function.language.special.self.python, variable.language.special.self.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b4637a
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ python keyword flow/logical (for ... in)
+ scope
+ keyword.control.flow.python, keyword.operator.logical.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #907aa9
+ name
+ python storage type
+ scope
+ storage.type.function.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #907aa9
+ name
+ python function support
+ scope
+ support.token.decorator.python, meta.function.decorator.identifier.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #5ca7b4
+ name
+ python function calls
+ scope
+ meta.function-call.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #295e73
+ name
+ python function decorators
+ scope
+ entity.name.function.decorator.python, punctuation.definition.decorator.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ python placeholder reset to normal string
+ scope
+ constant.character.format.placeholder.other.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #625c87
+ name
+ Python exception & builtins such as exit()
+ scope
+ support.type.exception.python, support.function.builtin.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ name
+ entity.name.type
+ scope
+ support.type.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ name
+ python constants (True/False)
+ scope
+ constant.language.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #907aa9
+ name
+ Arguments accessed later in the function body
+ scope
+ meta.indexed-name.python, meta.item-access.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c9709e
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Python f-strings/binary/unicode storage types
+ scope
+ storage.type.string.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #618774
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Python type hints
+ scope
+ meta.function.parameters.python
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Regex string begin/end in JS/TS
+ scope
+ string.regexp punctuation.definition.string.begin, string.regexp punctuation.definition.string.end
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #625c87
+ name
+ Regex anchors (^, $)
+ scope
+ keyword.control.anchor.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #907aa9
+ name
+ Regex regular string match
+ scope
+ string.regexp.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4c4769
+ name
+ Regex group parenthesis & backreference (\1, \2, \3, ...)
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.group.regexp, keyword.other.back-reference.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #618774
+ name
+ Regex character class []
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.character-class.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ name
+ Regex character classes (\d, \w, \s)
+ scope
+ constant.other.character-class.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #625c87
+ name
+ Regex range
+ scope
+ constant.other.character-class.range.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a8a3b3
+ name
+ Regex quantifier
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.quantifier.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #56949f
+ name
+ Regex constant/numeric
+ scope
+ constant.character.numeric.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ name
+ Regex lookaheads, negative lookaheads, lookbehinds, negative lookbehinds
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.group.no-capture.regexp, meta.assertion.look-ahead.regexp, meta.assertion.negative-look-ahead.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #295e73
+ name
+ Rust attribute
+ scope
+ meta.annotation.rust, meta.annotation.rust punctuation, meta.attribute.rust, punctuation.definition.attribute.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust attribute strings
+ scope
+ meta.attribute.rust string.quoted.double.rust, meta.attribute.rust string.quoted.single.char.rust
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Rust keyword
+ scope
+ entity.name.function.macro.rules.rust, storage.type.module.rust, storage.modifier.rust, storage.type.struct.rust, storage.type.enum.rust, storage.type.trait.rust, storage.type.union.rust, storage.type.impl.rust, storage.type.rust, storage.type.function.rust, storage.type.type.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #907aa9
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Rust u/i32, u/i64, etc.
+ scope
+ entity.name.type.numeric.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #907aa9
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Rust generic
+ scope
+ meta.generic.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ name
+ Rust impl
+ scope
+ entity.name.impl.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust module
+ scope
+ entity.name.module.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ name
+ Rust trait
+ scope
+ entity.name.trait.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust struct
+ scope
+ storage.type.source.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ name
+ Rust union
+ scope
+ entity.name.union.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ name
+ Rust enum member
+ scope
+ meta.enum.rust storage.type.source.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #56949f
+ name
+ Rust macro
+ scope
+ support.macro.rust, meta.macro.rust support.function.rust, entity.name.function.macro.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #295e73
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust lifetime
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.lifetime.rust, entity.name.type.lifetime
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #295e73
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust string formatting
+ scope
+ string.quoted.double.rust constant.other.placeholder.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #625c87
+ name
+ Rust return type generic
+ scope
+ meta.function.return-type.rust meta.generic.rust storage.type.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4c4769
+ name
+ Rust functions
+ scope
+ meta.function.call.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #295e73
+ name
+ Rust angle brackets
+ scope
+ punctuation.brackets.angle.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #5ca7b4
+ name
+ Rust constants
+ scope
+ constant.other.caps.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ name
+ Rust function parameters
+ scope
+ meta.function.definition.rust variable.other.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c9709e
+ name
+ Rust closure variables
+ scope
+ meta.function.call.rust variable.other.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4c4769
+ name
+ Rust self
+ scope
+ variable.language.self.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b4637a
+ name
+ Rust metavariable names
+ scope
+ variable.other.metavariable.name.rust, meta.macro.metavariable.rust keyword.operator.macro.dollar.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #625c87
+ name
+ Shell shebang
+ scope
+ comment.line.shebang, comment.line.shebang punctuation.definition.comment, comment.line.shebang, punctuation.definition.comment.shebang.shell, meta.shebang.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #625c87
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Shell shebang command
+ scope
+ comment.line.shebang constant.language
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #56949f
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Shell interpolated command
+ scope
+ meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.definition.variable.shell, meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.section.interpolation, meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.definition.variable.shell, meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.section.interpolation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b4637a
+ name
+ Shell interpolated command variable
+ scope
+ meta.string meta.interpolation.parameter.shell variable.other.readwrite
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ scope
+ source.shell punctuation.section.interpolation, punctuation.definition.evaluation.backticks.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #56949f
+ name
+ Shell EOF
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag.heredoc.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #907aa9
+ name
+ Shell quoted variable
+ scope
+ string.quoted.double.shell variable.other.normal.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4c4769
+ scope
+ markup.heading.synopsis.man, markup.heading.title.man, markup.heading.other.man, markup.heading.env.man
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #907aa9
+ scope
+ markup.heading.commands.man
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #295e73
+ scope
+ markup.heading.env.man
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #625c87
+ scope
+ markup.heading.1.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b4637a
+ scope
+ markup.heading.2.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
+ scope
+ markup.heading.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ea9d34
diff --git a/extra/dayfox/dayfox.tmTheme b/extra/dayfox/dayfox.tmTheme
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..495a866c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/dayfox/dayfox.tmTheme
@@ -0,0 +1,2044 @@
+ name
+ Catppuccin Macchiato
+ semanticClass
+ theme.dark.catppuccin-macchiato
+ uuid
+ 02b2bdf3-9eb7-4396-bf04-f17f1468f99f
+ author
+ Catppuccin Org
+ colorSpaceName
+ sRGB
+ settings
+ settings
+ background
+ #f6f2ee
+ foreground
+ #302b5d
+ caret
+ #824d5b
+ lineHighlight
+ #dbd1dd
+ misspelling
+ #a5222f
+ accent
+ #6e33ce
+ selection
+ #302b5d
+ gutterForeground
+ #aab0ad
+ name
+ Basic text & variable names (incl. leading punctuation)
+ scope
+ text, source, variable.other.readwrite, punctuation.definition.variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #302b5d
+ name
+ Parentheses, Brackets, Braces
+ scope
+ punctuation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #302b5d
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Comments
+ scope
+ comment, punctuation.definition.comment
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #aab0ad
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ scope
+ string, punctuation.definition.string
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #396847
+ scope
+ constant.character.escape
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #643f61
+ name
+ Booleans, constants, numbers
+ scope
+ constant.numeric, variable.other.constant, entity.name.constant, constant.language.boolean, constant.language.false, constant.language.true, keyword.other.unit.user-defined, keyword.other.unit.suffix.floating-point
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ scope
+ keyword, keyword.operator.word, keyword.operator.new, variable.language.super, support.type.primitive, storage.type, storage.modifier, punctuation.definition.keyword
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6e33ce
+ fontStyle
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag.documentation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6e33ce
+ name
+ Punctuation
+ scope
+ keyword.operator, punctuation.accessor, punctuation.definition.generic, meta.function.closure punctuation.section.parameters, punctuation.definition.tag, punctuation.separator.key-value
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #287980
+ scope
+ entity.name.function, meta.function-call.method, support.function, support.function.misc, variable.function
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #223d90
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Classes
+ scope
+ entity.name.class, entity.other.inherited-class, support.class, meta.function-call.constructor, entity.name.struct
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Enum
+ scope
+ entity.name.enum
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Enum member
+ scope
+ meta.enum variable.other.readwrite, variable.other.enummember
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #287980
+ name
+ Object properties
+ scope
+ meta.property.object
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #287980
+ name
+ Types
+ scope
+ meta.type, meta.type-alias, support.type, entity.name.type
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Decorators
+ scope
+ meta.annotation variable.function, meta.annotation variable.annotation.function, meta.annotation punctuation.definition.annotation, meta.decorator, punctuation.decorator
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ scope
+ variable.parameter, meta.function.parameters
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #8b369a
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Built-ins
+ scope
+ constant.language, support.function.builtin
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a5222f
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name.documentation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a5222f
+ name
+ Preprocessor directives
+ scope
+ keyword.control.directive, punctuation.definition.directive
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ name
+ Type parameters
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.typeparameters
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #488d93
+ name
+ Namespaces
+ scope
+ entity.name.namespace
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ name
+ Property names (left hand assignments in json/yaml/css)
+ scope
+ support.type.property-name.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #223d90
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ This/Self keyword
+ scope
+ variable.language.this, variable.language.this punctuation.definition.variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a5222f
+ name
+ Object properties
+ scope
+ variable.object.property
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #302b5d
+ name
+ String template interpolation
+ scope
+ string.template variable, string variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #302b5d
+ name
+ `new` as bold
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.new
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ bold
+ name
+ C++ extern keyword
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.specifier.extern.cpp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6e33ce
+ name
+ C++ scope resolution
+ scope
+ entity.name.scope-resolution.template.call.cpp, entity.name.scope-resolution.parameter.cpp, entity.name.scope-resolution.cpp, entity.name.scope-resolution.function.definition.cpp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ name
+ C++ doc keywords
+ scope
+ storage.type.class.doxygen
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ C++ operators
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.reference.cpp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #287980
+ name
+ C# Interpolated Strings
+ scope
+ meta.interpolation.cs
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #302b5d
+ name
+ C# xml-style docs
+ scope
+ comment.block.documentation.cs
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #302b5d
+ name
+ Classes, reflecting the className color in JSX
+ scope
+ source.css entity.other.attribute-name.class.css, entity.other.attribute-name.parent-selector.css punctuation.definition.entity.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ name
+ Operators
+ scope
+ punctuation.separator.operator.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #287980
+ name
+ Pseudo classes
+ scope
+ source.css entity.other.attribute-name.pseudo-class
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #287980
+ scope
+ source.css constant.other.unicode-range
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ scope
+ source.css variable.parameter.url
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #396847
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ CSS vendored property names
+ scope
+ support.type.vendored.property-name
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #488d93
+ name
+ Less/SCSS right-hand variables (@/$-prefixed)
+ scope
+ source.css meta.property-value variable, source.css meta.property-value variable.other.less, source.css meta.property-value variable.other.less punctuation.definition.variable.less, meta.definition.variable.scss
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #8b369a
+ name
+ CSS variables (--prefixed)
+ scope
+ source.css meta.property-list variable, meta.property-list variable.other.less, meta.property-list variable.other.less punctuation.definition.variable.less
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #223d90
+ name
+ CSS Percentage values, styled the same as numbers
+ scope
+ keyword.other.unit.percentage.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ name
+ CSS Attribute selectors, styled the same as strings
+ scope
+ source.css meta.attribute-selector
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #396847
+ name
+ JSON/YAML keys, other left-hand assignments
+ scope
+ keyword.other.definition.ini, punctuation.support.type.property-name.json, support.type.property-name.json, punctuation.support.type.property-name.toml, support.type.property-name.toml, entity.name.tag.yaml, punctuation.support.type.property-name.yaml, support.type.property-name.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #223d90
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ JSON/YAML constants
+ scope
+ constant.language.json, constant.language.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ name
+ YAML anchors
+ scope
+ entity.name.type.anchor.yaml, variable.other.alias.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ TOML tables / ini groups
+ scope
+ support.type.property-name.table, entity.name.section.group-title.ini
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ name
+ TOML dates
+ scope
+ constant.other.time.datetime.offset.toml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #643f61
+ name
+ YAML anchor puctuation
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.anchor.yaml, punctuation.definition.alias.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #643f61
+ name
+ YAML triple dashes
+ scope
+ entity.other.document.begin.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #643f61
+ name
+ Markup Diff
+ scope
+ markup.changed.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ name
+ Diff
+ scope
+ meta.diff.header.from-file, meta.diff.header.to-file, punctuation.definition.from-file.diff, punctuation.definition.to-file.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #223d90
+ name
+ Diff Inserted
+ scope
+ markup.inserted.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #396847
+ name
+ Diff Deleted
+ scope
+ markup.deleted.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a5222f
+ name
+ dotenv left-hand side assignments
+ scope
+ variable.other.env
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #223d90
+ name
+ dotenv reference to existing env variable
+ scope
+ string.quoted variable.other.env
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #302b5d
+ name
+ GDScript functions
+ scope
+ support.function.builtin.gdscript
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #223d90
+ name
+ GDScript constants
+ scope
+ constant.language.gdscript
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ name
+ Comment keywords
+ scope
+ comment meta.annotation.go
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #8b369a
+ name
+ go:embed, go:build, etc.
+ scope
+ comment meta.annotation.parameters.go
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ name
+ Go constants (nil, true, false)
+ scope
+ constant.language.go
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ name
+ GraphQL variables
+ scope
+ variable.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #302b5d
+ name
+ GraphQL aliases
+ scope
+ string.unquoted.alias.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f0c6c6
+ name
+ GraphQL enum members
+ scope
+ constant.character.enum.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #287980
+ name
+ GraphQL field in types
+ scope
+ meta.objectvalues.graphql constant.object.key.graphql string.unquoted.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f0c6c6
+ name
+ HTML/XML DOCTYPE as keyword
+ scope
+ keyword.other.doctype, meta.tag.sgml.doctype punctuation.definition.tag, meta.tag.metadata.doctype entity.name.tag, meta.tag.metadata.doctype punctuation.definition.tag
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6e33ce
+ name
+ HTML/XML-like <tags/>
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #223d90
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Special characters like &
+ scope
+ text.html constant.character.entity, text.html constant.character.entity punctuation, constant.character.entity.xml, constant.character.entity.xml punctuation, constant.character.entity.js.jsx, constant.charactger.entity.js.jsx punctuation, constant.character.entity.tsx, constant.character.entity.tsx punctuation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a5222f
+ name
+ HTML/XML tag attribute values
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ name
+ Components
+ scope
+ support.class.component, support.class.component.jsx, support.class.component.tsx, support.class.component.vue
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #643f61
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Annotations
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.annotation, storage.type.annotation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ name
+ Java enums
+ scope
+ constant.other.enum.java
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #287980
+ name
+ Java imports
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.import.java
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #302b5d
+ name
+ Javadoc
+ scope
+ comment.block.javadoc.java keyword.other.documentation.javadoc.java
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Exported Variable
+ scope
+ meta.export variable.other.readwrite.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #8b369a
+ name
+ JS/TS constants & properties
+ scope
+ variable.other.constant.js, variable.other.constant.ts, variable.other.property.js, variable.other.property.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #302b5d
+ name
+ JSDoc; these are mainly params, so styled as such
+ scope
+ variable.other.jsdoc, comment.block.documentation variable.other
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #8b369a
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ JSDoc keywords
+ scope
+ storage.type.class.jsdoc
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ scope
+ support.type.object.console.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #302b5d
+ name
+ Node constants as keywords (module, etc.)
+ scope
+ support.constant.node, support.type.object.module.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6e33ce
+ name
+ implements as keyword
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.implements
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6e33ce
+ name
+ Builtin types
+ scope
+ constant.language.null.js, constant.language.null.ts, constant.language.undefined.js, constant.language.undefined.ts, support.type.builtin.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6e33ce
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.generic
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ name
+ Arrow functions
+ scope
+ keyword.declaration.function.arrow.js, storage.type.function.arrow.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #287980
+ name
+ Decorator punctuations (decorators inherit from blue functions, instead of styleguide peach)
+ scope
+ punctuation.decorator.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #223d90
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Extra JS/TS keywords
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.expression.in.js, keyword.operator.expression.in.ts, keyword.operator.expression.infer.ts, keyword.operator.expression.instanceof.js, keyword.operator.expression.instanceof.ts, keyword.operator.expression.is, keyword.operator.expression.keyof.ts, keyword.operator.expression.of.js, keyword.operator.expression.of.ts, keyword.operator.expression.typeof.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6e33ce
+ name
+ Julia macros
+ scope
+ support.function.macro.julia
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #287980
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Julia language constants (true, false)
+ scope
+ constant.language.julia
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ name
+ Julia other constants (these seem to be arguments inside arrays)
+ scope
+ constant.other.symbol.julia
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #8b369a
+ name
+ LaTeX preamble
+ scope
+ text.tex keyword.control.preamble
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #287980
+ name
+ LaTeX be functions
+ scope
+ text.tex support.function.be
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #488d93
+ name
+ LaTeX math
+ scope
+ constant.other.general.math.tex
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f0c6c6
+ name
+ Lua docstring keywords
+ scope
+ comment.line.double-dash.documentation.lua storage.type.annotation.lua
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6e33ce
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Lua docstring variables
+ scope
+ comment.line.double-dash.documentation.lua entity.name.variable.lua, comment.line.double-dash.documentation.lua variable.lua
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #302b5d
+ scope
+ heading.1.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.1.markdown, markup.heading.atx.1.mdx, markup.heading.atx.1.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.setext.1.markdown, markup.heading.heading-0.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a5222f
+ scope
+ heading.2.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.2.markdown, markup.heading.atx.2.mdx, markup.heading.atx.2.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.setext.2.markdown, markup.heading.heading-1.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ scope
+ heading.3.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.3.markdown, markup.heading.atx.3.mdx, markup.heading.atx.3.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-2.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ scope
+ heading.4.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.4.markdown, markup.heading.atx.4.mdx, markup.heading.atx.4.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-3.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #396847
+ scope
+ heading.5.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.5.markdown, markup.heading.atx.5.mdx, markup.heading.atx.5.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-4.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #223d90
+ scope
+ heading.6.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.6.markdown, markup.heading.atx.6.mdx, markup.heading.atx.6.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-5.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6e33ce
+ scope
+ markup.bold
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a5222f
+ fontStyle
+ bold
+ scope
+ markup.italic
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a5222f
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ scope
+ markup.strikethrough
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a5adcb
+ fontStyle
+ strikethrough
+ name
+ Markdown auto links
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.link, markup.underline.link
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #223d90
+ name
+ Markdown links
+ scope
+ text.html.markdown punctuation.definition.link.title, string.other.link.title.markdown, markup.link, punctuation.definition.constant.markdown, constant.other.reference.link.markdown, markup.substitution.attribute-reference
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b7bdf8
+ name
+ Markdown code spans
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.raw.markdown, markup.inline.raw.string.markdown, markup.raw.block.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #396847
+ name
+ Markdown triple backtick language identifier
+ scope
+ fenced_code.block.language
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #488d93
+ name
+ Markdown triple backticks
+ scope
+ markup.fenced_code.block punctuation.definition, markup.raw support.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #302b5d
+ name
+ Markdown quotes
+ scope
+ markup.quote, punctuation.definition.quote.begin
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #643f61
+ name
+ Markdown separators
+ scope
+ meta.separator.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #287980
+ name
+ Markdown list bullets
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.list.begin.markdown, markup.list.bullet
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #287980
+ name
+ Nix attribute names
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name.multipart.nix, entity.other.attribute-name.single.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #223d90
+ name
+ Nix parameter names
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.name.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #302b5d
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Nix interpolated parameter names
+ scope
+ meta.embedded variable.parameter.name.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b7bdf8
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Nix paths
+ scope
+ string.unquoted.path.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #643f61
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ PHP Attributes
+ scope
+ support.attribute.builtin, meta.attribute.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ name
+ PHP Parameters (needed for the leading dollar sign)
+ scope
+ meta.function.parameters.php punctuation.definition.variable.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #8b369a
+ name
+ PHP Constants (null, __FILE__, etc.)
+ scope
+ constant.language.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6e33ce
+ name
+ PHP functions
+ scope
+ text.html.php support.function
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #488d93
+ name
+ PHPdoc keywords
+ scope
+ keyword.other.phpdoc.php
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Python argument functions reset to text, otherwise they inherit blue from function-call
+ scope
+ support.variable.magic.python, meta.function-call.arguments.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #302b5d
+ name
+ Python double underscore functions
+ scope
+ support.function.magic.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #488d93
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Python `self` keyword
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.function.language.special.self.python, variable.language.special.self.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a5222f
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ python keyword flow/logical (for ... in)
+ scope
+ keyword.control.flow.python, keyword.operator.logical.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6e33ce
+ name
+ python storage type
+ scope
+ storage.type.function.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6e33ce
+ name
+ python function support
+ scope
+ support.token.decorator.python, meta.function.decorator.identifier.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #488d93
+ name
+ python function calls
+ scope
+ meta.function-call.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #223d90
+ name
+ python function decorators
+ scope
+ entity.name.function.decorator.python, punctuation.definition.decorator.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ python placeholder reset to normal string
+ scope
+ constant.character.format.placeholder.other.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #643f61
+ name
+ Python exception & builtins such as exit()
+ scope
+ support.type.exception.python, support.function.builtin.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ name
+ entity.name.type
+ scope
+ support.type.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ name
+ python constants (True/False)
+ scope
+ constant.language.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6e33ce
+ name
+ Arguments accessed later in the function body
+ scope
+ meta.indexed-name.python, meta.item-access.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #8b369a
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Python f-strings/binary/unicode storage types
+ scope
+ storage.type.string.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #396847
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Python type hints
+ scope
+ meta.function.parameters.python
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Regex string begin/end in JS/TS
+ scope
+ string.regexp punctuation.definition.string.begin, string.regexp punctuation.definition.string.end
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #643f61
+ name
+ Regex anchors (^, $)
+ scope
+ keyword.control.anchor.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6e33ce
+ name
+ Regex regular string match
+ scope
+ string.regexp.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #302b5d
+ name
+ Regex group parenthesis & backreference (\1, \2, \3, ...)
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.group.regexp, keyword.other.back-reference.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #396847
+ name
+ Regex character class []
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.character-class.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ name
+ Regex character classes (\d, \w, \s)
+ scope
+ constant.other.character-class.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #643f61
+ name
+ Regex range
+ scope
+ constant.other.character-class.range.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #824d5b
+ name
+ Regex quantifier
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.quantifier.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #287980
+ name
+ Regex constant/numeric
+ scope
+ constant.character.numeric.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ name
+ Regex lookaheads, negative lookaheads, lookbehinds, negative lookbehinds
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.group.no-capture.regexp, meta.assertion.look-ahead.regexp, meta.assertion.negative-look-ahead.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #223d90
+ name
+ Rust attribute
+ scope
+ meta.annotation.rust, meta.annotation.rust punctuation, meta.attribute.rust, punctuation.definition.attribute.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust attribute strings
+ scope
+ meta.attribute.rust string.quoted.double.rust, meta.attribute.rust string.quoted.single.char.rust
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Rust keyword
+ scope
+ entity.name.function.macro.rules.rust, storage.type.module.rust, storage.modifier.rust, storage.type.struct.rust, storage.type.enum.rust, storage.type.trait.rust, storage.type.union.rust, storage.type.impl.rust, storage.type.rust, storage.type.function.rust, storage.type.type.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6e33ce
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Rust u/i32, u/i64, etc.
+ scope
+ entity.name.type.numeric.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6e33ce
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Rust generic
+ scope
+ meta.generic.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ name
+ Rust impl
+ scope
+ entity.name.impl.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust module
+ scope
+ entity.name.module.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ name
+ Rust trait
+ scope
+ entity.name.trait.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust struct
+ scope
+ storage.type.source.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ name
+ Rust union
+ scope
+ entity.name.union.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ name
+ Rust enum member
+ scope
+ meta.enum.rust storage.type.source.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #287980
+ name
+ Rust macro
+ scope
+ support.macro.rust, meta.macro.rust support.function.rust, entity.name.function.macro.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #223d90
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust lifetime
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.lifetime.rust, entity.name.type.lifetime
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #223d90
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust string formatting
+ scope
+ string.quoted.double.rust constant.other.placeholder.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #643f61
+ name
+ Rust return type generic
+ scope
+ meta.function.return-type.rust meta.generic.rust storage.type.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #302b5d
+ name
+ Rust functions
+ scope
+ meta.function.call.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #223d90
+ name
+ Rust angle brackets
+ scope
+ punctuation.brackets.angle.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #488d93
+ name
+ Rust constants
+ scope
+ constant.other.caps.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ name
+ Rust function parameters
+ scope
+ meta.function.definition.rust variable.other.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #8b369a
+ name
+ Rust closure variables
+ scope
+ meta.function.call.rust variable.other.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #302b5d
+ name
+ Rust self
+ scope
+ variable.language.self.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a5222f
+ name
+ Rust metavariable names
+ scope
+ variable.other.metavariable.name.rust, meta.macro.metavariable.rust keyword.operator.macro.dollar.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #643f61
+ name
+ Shell shebang
+ scope
+ comment.line.shebang, comment.line.shebang punctuation.definition.comment, comment.line.shebang, punctuation.definition.comment.shebang.shell, meta.shebang.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #643f61
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Shell shebang command
+ scope
+ comment.line.shebang constant.language
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #287980
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Shell interpolated command
+ scope
+ meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.definition.variable.shell, meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.section.interpolation, meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.definition.variable.shell, meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.section.interpolation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a5222f
+ name
+ Shell interpolated command variable
+ scope
+ meta.string meta.interpolation.parameter.shell variable.other.readwrite
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ scope
+ source.shell punctuation.section.interpolation, punctuation.definition.evaluation.backticks.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #287980
+ name
+ Shell EOF
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag.heredoc.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6e33ce
+ name
+ Shell quoted variable
+ scope
+ string.quoted.double.shell variable.other.normal.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #302b5d
+ scope
+ markup.heading.synopsis.man, markup.heading.title.man, markup.heading.other.man, markup.heading.env.man
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6e33ce
+ scope
+ markup.heading.commands.man
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #223d90
+ scope
+ markup.heading.env.man
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #643f61
+ scope
+ markup.heading.1.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a5222f
+ scope
+ markup.heading.2.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
+ scope
+ markup.heading.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ac5402
diff --git a/extra/duskfox/duskfox.tmTheme b/extra/duskfox/duskfox.tmTheme
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6b5cb1cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/duskfox/duskfox.tmTheme
@@ -0,0 +1,2044 @@
+ name
+ Catppuccin Macchiato
+ semanticClass
+ theme.dark.catppuccin-macchiato
+ uuid
+ 02b2bdf3-9eb7-4396-bf04-f17f1468f99f
+ author
+ Catppuccin Org
+ colorSpaceName
+ sRGB
+ settings
+ settings
+ background
+ #232136
+ foreground
+ #eae8ff
+ caret
+ #6e6a86
+ lineHighlight
+ #2d2a45
+ misspelling
+ #eb6f92
+ accent
+ #c4a7e7
+ selection
+ #eae8ff
+ gutterForeground
+ #4b4673
+ name
+ Basic text & variable names (incl. leading punctuation)
+ scope
+ text, source, variable.other.readwrite, punctuation.definition.variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eae8ff
+ name
+ Parentheses, Brackets, Braces
+ scope
+ punctuation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eae8ff
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Comments
+ scope
+ comment, punctuation.definition.comment
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4b4673
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ scope
+ string, punctuation.definition.string
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a3be8c
+ scope
+ constant.character.escape
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cdcbe0
+ name
+ Booleans, constants, numbers
+ scope
+ constant.numeric, variable.other.constant, entity.name.constant, constant.language.boolean, constant.language.false, constant.language.true, keyword.other.unit.user-defined, keyword.other.unit.suffix.floating-point
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ scope
+ keyword, keyword.operator.word, keyword.operator.new, variable.language.super, support.type.primitive, storage.type, storage.modifier, punctuation.definition.keyword
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c4a7e7
+ fontStyle
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag.documentation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c4a7e7
+ name
+ Punctuation
+ scope
+ keyword.operator, punctuation.accessor, punctuation.definition.generic, meta.function.closure punctuation.section.parameters, punctuation.definition.tag, punctuation.separator.key-value
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9ccfd8
+ scope
+ entity.name.function, meta.function-call.method, support.function, support.function.misc, variable.function
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4a869c
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Classes
+ scope
+ entity.name.class, entity.other.inherited-class, support.class, meta.function-call.constructor, entity.name.struct
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Enum
+ scope
+ entity.name.enum
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Enum member
+ scope
+ meta.enum variable.other.readwrite, variable.other.enummember
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9ccfd8
+ name
+ Object properties
+ scope
+ meta.property.object
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9ccfd8
+ name
+ Types
+ scope
+ meta.type, meta.type-alias, support.type, entity.name.type
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Decorators
+ scope
+ meta.annotation variable.function, meta.annotation variable.annotation.function, meta.annotation punctuation.definition.annotation, meta.decorator, punctuation.decorator
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ scope
+ variable.parameter, meta.function.parameters
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d871a6
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Built-ins
+ scope
+ constant.language, support.function.builtin
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eb6f92
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name.documentation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eb6f92
+ name
+ Preprocessor directives
+ scope
+ keyword.control.directive, punctuation.definition.directive
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ name
+ Type parameters
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.typeparameters
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a6dae3
+ name
+ Namespaces
+ scope
+ entity.name.namespace
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ name
+ Property names (left hand assignments in json/yaml/css)
+ scope
+ support.type.property-name.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4a869c
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ This/Self keyword
+ scope
+ variable.language.this, variable.language.this punctuation.definition.variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eb6f92
+ name
+ Object properties
+ scope
+ variable.object.property
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eae8ff
+ name
+ String template interpolation
+ scope
+ string.template variable, string variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eae8ff
+ name
+ `new` as bold
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.new
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ bold
+ name
+ C++ extern keyword
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.specifier.extern.cpp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c4a7e7
+ name
+ C++ scope resolution
+ scope
+ entity.name.scope-resolution.template.call.cpp, entity.name.scope-resolution.parameter.cpp, entity.name.scope-resolution.cpp, entity.name.scope-resolution.function.definition.cpp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ name
+ C++ doc keywords
+ scope
+ storage.type.class.doxygen
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ C++ operators
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.reference.cpp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9ccfd8
+ name
+ C# Interpolated Strings
+ scope
+ meta.interpolation.cs
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eae8ff
+ name
+ C# xml-style docs
+ scope
+ comment.block.documentation.cs
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eae8ff
+ name
+ Classes, reflecting the className color in JSX
+ scope
+ source.css entity.other.attribute-name.class.css, entity.other.attribute-name.parent-selector.css punctuation.definition.entity.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ name
+ Operators
+ scope
+ punctuation.separator.operator.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9ccfd8
+ name
+ Pseudo classes
+ scope
+ source.css entity.other.attribute-name.pseudo-class
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9ccfd8
+ scope
+ source.css constant.other.unicode-range
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ scope
+ source.css variable.parameter.url
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a3be8c
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ CSS vendored property names
+ scope
+ support.type.vendored.property-name
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a6dae3
+ name
+ Less/SCSS right-hand variables (@/$-prefixed)
+ scope
+ source.css meta.property-value variable, source.css meta.property-value variable.other.less, source.css meta.property-value variable.other.less punctuation.definition.variable.less, meta.definition.variable.scss
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d871a6
+ name
+ CSS variables (--prefixed)
+ scope
+ source.css meta.property-list variable, meta.property-list variable.other.less, meta.property-list variable.other.less punctuation.definition.variable.less
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4a869c
+ name
+ CSS Percentage values, styled the same as numbers
+ scope
+ keyword.other.unit.percentage.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ name
+ CSS Attribute selectors, styled the same as strings
+ scope
+ source.css meta.attribute-selector
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a3be8c
+ name
+ JSON/YAML keys, other left-hand assignments
+ scope
+ keyword.other.definition.ini, punctuation.support.type.property-name.json, support.type.property-name.json, punctuation.support.type.property-name.toml, support.type.property-name.toml, entity.name.tag.yaml, punctuation.support.type.property-name.yaml, support.type.property-name.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4a869c
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ JSON/YAML constants
+ scope
+ constant.language.json, constant.language.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ name
+ YAML anchors
+ scope
+ entity.name.type.anchor.yaml, variable.other.alias.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ TOML tables / ini groups
+ scope
+ support.type.property-name.table, entity.name.section.group-title.ini
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ name
+ TOML dates
+ scope
+ constant.other.time.datetime.offset.toml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cdcbe0
+ name
+ YAML anchor puctuation
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.anchor.yaml, punctuation.definition.alias.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cdcbe0
+ name
+ YAML triple dashes
+ scope
+ entity.other.document.begin.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cdcbe0
+ name
+ Markup Diff
+ scope
+ markup.changed.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ name
+ Diff
+ scope
+ meta.diff.header.from-file, meta.diff.header.to-file, punctuation.definition.from-file.diff, punctuation.definition.to-file.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4a869c
+ name
+ Diff Inserted
+ scope
+ markup.inserted.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a3be8c
+ name
+ Diff Deleted
+ scope
+ markup.deleted.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eb6f92
+ name
+ dotenv left-hand side assignments
+ scope
+ variable.other.env
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4a869c
+ name
+ dotenv reference to existing env variable
+ scope
+ string.quoted variable.other.env
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eae8ff
+ name
+ GDScript functions
+ scope
+ support.function.builtin.gdscript
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4a869c
+ name
+ GDScript constants
+ scope
+ constant.language.gdscript
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ name
+ Comment keywords
+ scope
+ comment meta.annotation.go
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d871a6
+ name
+ go:embed, go:build, etc.
+ scope
+ comment meta.annotation.parameters.go
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ name
+ Go constants (nil, true, false)
+ scope
+ constant.language.go
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ name
+ GraphQL variables
+ scope
+ variable.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eae8ff
+ name
+ GraphQL aliases
+ scope
+ string.unquoted.alias.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f0c6c6
+ name
+ GraphQL enum members
+ scope
+ constant.character.enum.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9ccfd8
+ name
+ GraphQL field in types
+ scope
+ meta.objectvalues.graphql constant.object.key.graphql string.unquoted.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f0c6c6
+ name
+ HTML/XML DOCTYPE as keyword
+ scope
+ keyword.other.doctype, meta.tag.sgml.doctype punctuation.definition.tag, meta.tag.metadata.doctype entity.name.tag, meta.tag.metadata.doctype punctuation.definition.tag
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c4a7e7
+ name
+ HTML/XML-like <tags/>
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4a869c
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Special characters like &
+ scope
+ text.html constant.character.entity, text.html constant.character.entity punctuation, constant.character.entity.xml, constant.character.entity.xml punctuation, constant.character.entity.js.jsx, constant.charactger.entity.js.jsx punctuation, constant.character.entity.tsx, constant.character.entity.tsx punctuation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eb6f92
+ name
+ HTML/XML tag attribute values
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ name
+ Components
+ scope
+ support.class.component, support.class.component.jsx, support.class.component.tsx, support.class.component.vue
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cdcbe0
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Annotations
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.annotation, storage.type.annotation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ name
+ Java enums
+ scope
+ constant.other.enum.java
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9ccfd8
+ name
+ Java imports
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.import.java
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eae8ff
+ name
+ Javadoc
+ scope
+ comment.block.javadoc.java keyword.other.documentation.javadoc.java
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Exported Variable
+ scope
+ meta.export variable.other.readwrite.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d871a6
+ name
+ JS/TS constants & properties
+ scope
+ variable.other.constant.js, variable.other.constant.ts, variable.other.property.js, variable.other.property.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eae8ff
+ name
+ JSDoc; these are mainly params, so styled as such
+ scope
+ variable.other.jsdoc, comment.block.documentation variable.other
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d871a6
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ JSDoc keywords
+ scope
+ storage.type.class.jsdoc
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ scope
+ support.type.object.console.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eae8ff
+ name
+ Node constants as keywords (module, etc.)
+ scope
+ support.constant.node, support.type.object.module.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c4a7e7
+ name
+ implements as keyword
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.implements
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c4a7e7
+ name
+ Builtin types
+ scope
+ constant.language.null.js, constant.language.null.ts, constant.language.undefined.js, constant.language.undefined.ts, support.type.builtin.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c4a7e7
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.generic
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ name
+ Arrow functions
+ scope
+ keyword.declaration.function.arrow.js, storage.type.function.arrow.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9ccfd8
+ name
+ Decorator punctuations (decorators inherit from blue functions, instead of styleguide peach)
+ scope
+ punctuation.decorator.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4a869c
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Extra JS/TS keywords
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.expression.in.js, keyword.operator.expression.in.ts, keyword.operator.expression.infer.ts, keyword.operator.expression.instanceof.js, keyword.operator.expression.instanceof.ts, keyword.operator.expression.is, keyword.operator.expression.keyof.ts, keyword.operator.expression.of.js, keyword.operator.expression.of.ts, keyword.operator.expression.typeof.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c4a7e7
+ name
+ Julia macros
+ scope
+ support.function.macro.julia
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9ccfd8
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Julia language constants (true, false)
+ scope
+ constant.language.julia
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ name
+ Julia other constants (these seem to be arguments inside arrays)
+ scope
+ constant.other.symbol.julia
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d871a6
+ name
+ LaTeX preamble
+ scope
+ text.tex keyword.control.preamble
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9ccfd8
+ name
+ LaTeX be functions
+ scope
+ text.tex support.function.be
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a6dae3
+ name
+ LaTeX math
+ scope
+ constant.other.general.math.tex
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f0c6c6
+ name
+ Lua docstring keywords
+ scope
+ comment.line.double-dash.documentation.lua storage.type.annotation.lua
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c4a7e7
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Lua docstring variables
+ scope
+ comment.line.double-dash.documentation.lua entity.name.variable.lua, comment.line.double-dash.documentation.lua variable.lua
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eae8ff
+ scope
+ heading.1.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.1.markdown, markup.heading.atx.1.mdx, markup.heading.atx.1.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.setext.1.markdown, markup.heading.heading-0.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eb6f92
+ scope
+ heading.2.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.2.markdown, markup.heading.atx.2.mdx, markup.heading.atx.2.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.setext.2.markdown, markup.heading.heading-1.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ scope
+ heading.3.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.3.markdown, markup.heading.atx.3.mdx, markup.heading.atx.3.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-2.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ scope
+ heading.4.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.4.markdown, markup.heading.atx.4.mdx, markup.heading.atx.4.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-3.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a3be8c
+ scope
+ heading.5.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.5.markdown, markup.heading.atx.5.mdx, markup.heading.atx.5.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-4.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4a869c
+ scope
+ heading.6.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.6.markdown, markup.heading.atx.6.mdx, markup.heading.atx.6.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-5.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c4a7e7
+ scope
+ markup.bold
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eb6f92
+ fontStyle
+ bold
+ scope
+ markup.italic
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eb6f92
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ scope
+ markup.strikethrough
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a5adcb
+ fontStyle
+ strikethrough
+ name
+ Markdown auto links
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.link, markup.underline.link
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4a869c
+ name
+ Markdown links
+ scope
+ text.html.markdown punctuation.definition.link.title, string.other.link.title.markdown, markup.link, punctuation.definition.constant.markdown, constant.other.reference.link.markdown, markup.substitution.attribute-reference
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b7bdf8
+ name
+ Markdown code spans
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.raw.markdown, markup.inline.raw.string.markdown, markup.raw.block.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a3be8c
+ name
+ Markdown triple backtick language identifier
+ scope
+ fenced_code.block.language
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a6dae3
+ name
+ Markdown triple backticks
+ scope
+ markup.fenced_code.block punctuation.definition, markup.raw support.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eae8ff
+ name
+ Markdown quotes
+ scope
+ markup.quote, punctuation.definition.quote.begin
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cdcbe0
+ name
+ Markdown separators
+ scope
+ meta.separator.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9ccfd8
+ name
+ Markdown list bullets
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.list.begin.markdown, markup.list.bullet
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9ccfd8
+ name
+ Nix attribute names
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name.multipart.nix, entity.other.attribute-name.single.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4a869c
+ name
+ Nix parameter names
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.name.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eae8ff
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Nix interpolated parameter names
+ scope
+ meta.embedded variable.parameter.name.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b7bdf8
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Nix paths
+ scope
+ string.unquoted.path.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cdcbe0
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ PHP Attributes
+ scope
+ support.attribute.builtin, meta.attribute.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ name
+ PHP Parameters (needed for the leading dollar sign)
+ scope
+ meta.function.parameters.php punctuation.definition.variable.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d871a6
+ name
+ PHP Constants (null, __FILE__, etc.)
+ scope
+ constant.language.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c4a7e7
+ name
+ PHP functions
+ scope
+ text.html.php support.function
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a6dae3
+ name
+ PHPdoc keywords
+ scope
+ keyword.other.phpdoc.php
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Python argument functions reset to text, otherwise they inherit blue from function-call
+ scope
+ support.variable.magic.python, meta.function-call.arguments.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eae8ff
+ name
+ Python double underscore functions
+ scope
+ support.function.magic.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a6dae3
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Python `self` keyword
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.function.language.special.self.python, variable.language.special.self.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eb6f92
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ python keyword flow/logical (for ... in)
+ scope
+ keyword.control.flow.python, keyword.operator.logical.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c4a7e7
+ name
+ python storage type
+ scope
+ storage.type.function.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c4a7e7
+ name
+ python function support
+ scope
+ support.token.decorator.python, meta.function.decorator.identifier.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a6dae3
+ name
+ python function calls
+ scope
+ meta.function-call.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4a869c
+ name
+ python function decorators
+ scope
+ entity.name.function.decorator.python, punctuation.definition.decorator.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ python placeholder reset to normal string
+ scope
+ constant.character.format.placeholder.other.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cdcbe0
+ name
+ Python exception & builtins such as exit()
+ scope
+ support.type.exception.python, support.function.builtin.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ name
+ entity.name.type
+ scope
+ support.type.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ name
+ python constants (True/False)
+ scope
+ constant.language.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c4a7e7
+ name
+ Arguments accessed later in the function body
+ scope
+ meta.indexed-name.python, meta.item-access.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d871a6
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Python f-strings/binary/unicode storage types
+ scope
+ storage.type.string.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a3be8c
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Python type hints
+ scope
+ meta.function.parameters.python
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Regex string begin/end in JS/TS
+ scope
+ string.regexp punctuation.definition.string.begin, string.regexp punctuation.definition.string.end
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cdcbe0
+ name
+ Regex anchors (^, $)
+ scope
+ keyword.control.anchor.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c4a7e7
+ name
+ Regex regular string match
+ scope
+ string.regexp.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eae8ff
+ name
+ Regex group parenthesis & backreference (\1, \2, \3, ...)
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.group.regexp, keyword.other.back-reference.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a3be8c
+ name
+ Regex character class []
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.character-class.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ name
+ Regex character classes (\d, \w, \s)
+ scope
+ constant.other.character-class.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cdcbe0
+ name
+ Regex range
+ scope
+ constant.other.character-class.range.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6e6a86
+ name
+ Regex quantifier
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.quantifier.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9ccfd8
+ name
+ Regex constant/numeric
+ scope
+ constant.character.numeric.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ name
+ Regex lookaheads, negative lookaheads, lookbehinds, negative lookbehinds
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.group.no-capture.regexp, meta.assertion.look-ahead.regexp, meta.assertion.negative-look-ahead.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4a869c
+ name
+ Rust attribute
+ scope
+ meta.annotation.rust, meta.annotation.rust punctuation, meta.attribute.rust, punctuation.definition.attribute.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust attribute strings
+ scope
+ meta.attribute.rust string.quoted.double.rust, meta.attribute.rust string.quoted.single.char.rust
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Rust keyword
+ scope
+ entity.name.function.macro.rules.rust, storage.type.module.rust, storage.modifier.rust, storage.type.struct.rust, storage.type.enum.rust, storage.type.trait.rust, storage.type.union.rust, storage.type.impl.rust, storage.type.rust, storage.type.function.rust, storage.type.type.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c4a7e7
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Rust u/i32, u/i64, etc.
+ scope
+ entity.name.type.numeric.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c4a7e7
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Rust generic
+ scope
+ meta.generic.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ name
+ Rust impl
+ scope
+ entity.name.impl.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust module
+ scope
+ entity.name.module.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ name
+ Rust trait
+ scope
+ entity.name.trait.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust struct
+ scope
+ storage.type.source.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ name
+ Rust union
+ scope
+ entity.name.union.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ name
+ Rust enum member
+ scope
+ meta.enum.rust storage.type.source.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9ccfd8
+ name
+ Rust macro
+ scope
+ support.macro.rust, meta.macro.rust support.function.rust, entity.name.function.macro.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4a869c
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust lifetime
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.lifetime.rust, entity.name.type.lifetime
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4a869c
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust string formatting
+ scope
+ string.quoted.double.rust constant.other.placeholder.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cdcbe0
+ name
+ Rust return type generic
+ scope
+ meta.function.return-type.rust meta.generic.rust storage.type.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eae8ff
+ name
+ Rust functions
+ scope
+ meta.function.call.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4a869c
+ name
+ Rust angle brackets
+ scope
+ punctuation.brackets.angle.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a6dae3
+ name
+ Rust constants
+ scope
+ constant.other.caps.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ name
+ Rust function parameters
+ scope
+ meta.function.definition.rust variable.other.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d871a6
+ name
+ Rust closure variables
+ scope
+ meta.function.call.rust variable.other.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eae8ff
+ name
+ Rust self
+ scope
+ variable.language.self.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eb6f92
+ name
+ Rust metavariable names
+ scope
+ variable.other.metavariable.name.rust, meta.macro.metavariable.rust keyword.operator.macro.dollar.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cdcbe0
+ name
+ Shell shebang
+ scope
+ comment.line.shebang, comment.line.shebang punctuation.definition.comment, comment.line.shebang, punctuation.definition.comment.shebang.shell, meta.shebang.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cdcbe0
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Shell shebang command
+ scope
+ comment.line.shebang constant.language
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9ccfd8
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Shell interpolated command
+ scope
+ meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.definition.variable.shell, meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.section.interpolation, meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.definition.variable.shell, meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.section.interpolation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eb6f92
+ name
+ Shell interpolated command variable
+ scope
+ meta.string meta.interpolation.parameter.shell variable.other.readwrite
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ scope
+ source.shell punctuation.section.interpolation, punctuation.definition.evaluation.backticks.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9ccfd8
+ name
+ Shell EOF
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag.heredoc.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c4a7e7
+ name
+ Shell quoted variable
+ scope
+ string.quoted.double.shell variable.other.normal.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eae8ff
+ scope
+ markup.heading.synopsis.man, markup.heading.title.man, markup.heading.other.man, markup.heading.env.man
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c4a7e7
+ scope
+ markup.heading.commands.man
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4a869c
+ scope
+ markup.heading.env.man
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cdcbe0
+ scope
+ markup.heading.1.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eb6f92
+ scope
+ markup.heading.2.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
+ scope
+ markup.heading.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6c177
diff --git a/extra/nightfox/nightfox.tmTheme b/extra/nightfox/nightfox.tmTheme
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..854fe96e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/nightfox/nightfox.tmTheme
@@ -0,0 +1,2044 @@
+ name
+ Catppuccin Macchiato
+ semanticClass
+ theme.dark.catppuccin-macchiato
+ uuid
+ 02b2bdf3-9eb7-4396-bf04-f17f1468f99f
+ author
+ Catppuccin Org
+ colorSpaceName
+ sRGB
+ settings
+ settings
+ background
+ #192330
+ foreground
+ #d6d6d7
+ caret
+ #71839b
+ lineHighlight
+ #212e3f
+ misspelling
+ #c94f6d
+ accent
+ #9d79d6
+ selection
+ #d6d6d7
+ gutterForeground
+ #39506d
+ name
+ Basic text & variable names (incl. leading punctuation)
+ scope
+ text, source, variable.other.readwrite, punctuation.definition.variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d6d6d7
+ name
+ Parentheses, Brackets, Braces
+ scope
+ punctuation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d6d6d7
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Comments
+ scope
+ comment, punctuation.definition.comment
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #39506d
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ scope
+ string, punctuation.definition.string
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #81b29a
+ scope
+ constant.character.escape
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #aeafb0
+ name
+ Booleans, constants, numbers
+ scope
+ constant.numeric, variable.other.constant, entity.name.constant, constant.language.boolean, constant.language.false, constant.language.true, keyword.other.unit.user-defined, keyword.other.unit.suffix.floating-point
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ scope
+ keyword, keyword.operator.word, keyword.operator.new, variable.language.super, support.type.primitive, storage.type, storage.modifier, punctuation.definition.keyword
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9d79d6
+ fontStyle
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag.documentation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9d79d6
+ name
+ Punctuation
+ scope
+ keyword.operator, punctuation.accessor, punctuation.definition.generic, meta.function.closure punctuation.section.parameters, punctuation.definition.tag, punctuation.separator.key-value
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #63cdcf
+ scope
+ entity.name.function, meta.function-call.method, support.function, support.function.misc, variable.function
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6085b6
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Classes
+ scope
+ entity.name.class, entity.other.inherited-class, support.class, meta.function-call.constructor, entity.name.struct
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Enum
+ scope
+ entity.name.enum
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Enum member
+ scope
+ meta.enum variable.other.readwrite, variable.other.enummember
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #63cdcf
+ name
+ Object properties
+ scope
+ meta.property.object
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #63cdcf
+ name
+ Types
+ scope
+ meta.type, meta.type-alias, support.type, entity.name.type
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Decorators
+ scope
+ meta.annotation variable.function, meta.annotation variable.annotation.function, meta.annotation punctuation.definition.annotation, meta.decorator, punctuation.decorator
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ scope
+ variable.parameter, meta.function.parameters
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b668b3
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Built-ins
+ scope
+ constant.language, support.function.builtin
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c94f6d
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name.documentation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c94f6d
+ name
+ Preprocessor directives
+ scope
+ keyword.control.directive, punctuation.definition.directive
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ name
+ Type parameters
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.typeparameters
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7ad5d6
+ name
+ Namespaces
+ scope
+ entity.name.namespace
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ name
+ Property names (left hand assignments in json/yaml/css)
+ scope
+ support.type.property-name.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6085b6
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ This/Self keyword
+ scope
+ variable.language.this, variable.language.this punctuation.definition.variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c94f6d
+ name
+ Object properties
+ scope
+ variable.object.property
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d6d6d7
+ name
+ String template interpolation
+ scope
+ string.template variable, string variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d6d6d7
+ name
+ `new` as bold
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.new
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ bold
+ name
+ C++ extern keyword
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.specifier.extern.cpp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9d79d6
+ name
+ C++ scope resolution
+ scope
+ entity.name.scope-resolution.template.call.cpp, entity.name.scope-resolution.parameter.cpp, entity.name.scope-resolution.cpp, entity.name.scope-resolution.function.definition.cpp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ name
+ C++ doc keywords
+ scope
+ storage.type.class.doxygen
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ C++ operators
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.reference.cpp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #63cdcf
+ name
+ C# Interpolated Strings
+ scope
+ meta.interpolation.cs
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d6d6d7
+ name
+ C# xml-style docs
+ scope
+ comment.block.documentation.cs
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d6d6d7
+ name
+ Classes, reflecting the className color in JSX
+ scope
+ source.css entity.other.attribute-name.class.css, entity.other.attribute-name.parent-selector.css punctuation.definition.entity.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ name
+ Operators
+ scope
+ punctuation.separator.operator.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #63cdcf
+ name
+ Pseudo classes
+ scope
+ source.css entity.other.attribute-name.pseudo-class
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #63cdcf
+ scope
+ source.css constant.other.unicode-range
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ scope
+ source.css variable.parameter.url
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #81b29a
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ CSS vendored property names
+ scope
+ support.type.vendored.property-name
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7ad5d6
+ name
+ Less/SCSS right-hand variables (@/$-prefixed)
+ scope
+ source.css meta.property-value variable, source.css meta.property-value variable.other.less, source.css meta.property-value variable.other.less punctuation.definition.variable.less, meta.definition.variable.scss
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b668b3
+ name
+ CSS variables (--prefixed)
+ scope
+ source.css meta.property-list variable, meta.property-list variable.other.less, meta.property-list variable.other.less punctuation.definition.variable.less
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6085b6
+ name
+ CSS Percentage values, styled the same as numbers
+ scope
+ keyword.other.unit.percentage.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ name
+ CSS Attribute selectors, styled the same as strings
+ scope
+ source.css meta.attribute-selector
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #81b29a
+ name
+ JSON/YAML keys, other left-hand assignments
+ scope
+ keyword.other.definition.ini, punctuation.support.type.property-name.json, support.type.property-name.json, punctuation.support.type.property-name.toml, support.type.property-name.toml, entity.name.tag.yaml, punctuation.support.type.property-name.yaml, support.type.property-name.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6085b6
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ JSON/YAML constants
+ scope
+ constant.language.json, constant.language.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ name
+ YAML anchors
+ scope
+ entity.name.type.anchor.yaml, variable.other.alias.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ TOML tables / ini groups
+ scope
+ support.type.property-name.table, entity.name.section.group-title.ini
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ name
+ TOML dates
+ scope
+ constant.other.time.datetime.offset.toml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #aeafb0
+ name
+ YAML anchor puctuation
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.anchor.yaml, punctuation.definition.alias.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #aeafb0
+ name
+ YAML triple dashes
+ scope
+ entity.other.document.begin.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #aeafb0
+ name
+ Markup Diff
+ scope
+ markup.changed.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ name
+ Diff
+ scope
+ meta.diff.header.from-file, meta.diff.header.to-file, punctuation.definition.from-file.diff, punctuation.definition.to-file.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6085b6
+ name
+ Diff Inserted
+ scope
+ markup.inserted.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #81b29a
+ name
+ Diff Deleted
+ scope
+ markup.deleted.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c94f6d
+ name
+ dotenv left-hand side assignments
+ scope
+ variable.other.env
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6085b6
+ name
+ dotenv reference to existing env variable
+ scope
+ string.quoted variable.other.env
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d6d6d7
+ name
+ GDScript functions
+ scope
+ support.function.builtin.gdscript
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6085b6
+ name
+ GDScript constants
+ scope
+ constant.language.gdscript
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ name
+ Comment keywords
+ scope
+ comment meta.annotation.go
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b668b3
+ name
+ go:embed, go:build, etc.
+ scope
+ comment meta.annotation.parameters.go
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ name
+ Go constants (nil, true, false)
+ scope
+ constant.language.go
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ name
+ GraphQL variables
+ scope
+ variable.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d6d6d7
+ name
+ GraphQL aliases
+ scope
+ string.unquoted.alias.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f0c6c6
+ name
+ GraphQL enum members
+ scope
+ constant.character.enum.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #63cdcf
+ name
+ GraphQL field in types
+ scope
+ meta.objectvalues.graphql constant.object.key.graphql string.unquoted.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f0c6c6
+ name
+ HTML/XML DOCTYPE as keyword
+ scope
+ keyword.other.doctype, meta.tag.sgml.doctype punctuation.definition.tag, meta.tag.metadata.doctype entity.name.tag, meta.tag.metadata.doctype punctuation.definition.tag
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9d79d6
+ name
+ HTML/XML-like <tags/>
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6085b6
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Special characters like &
+ scope
+ text.html constant.character.entity, text.html constant.character.entity punctuation, constant.character.entity.xml, constant.character.entity.xml punctuation, constant.character.entity.js.jsx, constant.charactger.entity.js.jsx punctuation, constant.character.entity.tsx, constant.character.entity.tsx punctuation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c94f6d
+ name
+ HTML/XML tag attribute values
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ name
+ Components
+ scope
+ support.class.component, support.class.component.jsx, support.class.component.tsx, support.class.component.vue
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #aeafb0
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Annotations
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.annotation, storage.type.annotation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ name
+ Java enums
+ scope
+ constant.other.enum.java
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #63cdcf
+ name
+ Java imports
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.import.java
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d6d6d7
+ name
+ Javadoc
+ scope
+ comment.block.javadoc.java keyword.other.documentation.javadoc.java
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Exported Variable
+ scope
+ meta.export variable.other.readwrite.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b668b3
+ name
+ JS/TS constants & properties
+ scope
+ variable.other.constant.js, variable.other.constant.ts, variable.other.property.js, variable.other.property.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d6d6d7
+ name
+ JSDoc; these are mainly params, so styled as such
+ scope
+ variable.other.jsdoc, comment.block.documentation variable.other
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b668b3
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ JSDoc keywords
+ scope
+ storage.type.class.jsdoc
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ scope
+ support.type.object.console.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d6d6d7
+ name
+ Node constants as keywords (module, etc.)
+ scope
+ support.constant.node, support.type.object.module.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9d79d6
+ name
+ implements as keyword
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.implements
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9d79d6
+ name
+ Builtin types
+ scope
+ constant.language.null.js, constant.language.null.ts, constant.language.undefined.js, constant.language.undefined.ts, support.type.builtin.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9d79d6
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.generic
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ name
+ Arrow functions
+ scope
+ keyword.declaration.function.arrow.js, storage.type.function.arrow.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #63cdcf
+ name
+ Decorator punctuations (decorators inherit from blue functions, instead of styleguide peach)
+ scope
+ punctuation.decorator.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6085b6
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Extra JS/TS keywords
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.expression.in.js, keyword.operator.expression.in.ts, keyword.operator.expression.infer.ts, keyword.operator.expression.instanceof.js, keyword.operator.expression.instanceof.ts, keyword.operator.expression.is, keyword.operator.expression.keyof.ts, keyword.operator.expression.of.js, keyword.operator.expression.of.ts, keyword.operator.expression.typeof.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9d79d6
+ name
+ Julia macros
+ scope
+ support.function.macro.julia
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #63cdcf
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Julia language constants (true, false)
+ scope
+ constant.language.julia
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ name
+ Julia other constants (these seem to be arguments inside arrays)
+ scope
+ constant.other.symbol.julia
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b668b3
+ name
+ LaTeX preamble
+ scope
+ text.tex keyword.control.preamble
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #63cdcf
+ name
+ LaTeX be functions
+ scope
+ text.tex support.function.be
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7ad5d6
+ name
+ LaTeX math
+ scope
+ constant.other.general.math.tex
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f0c6c6
+ name
+ Lua docstring keywords
+ scope
+ comment.line.double-dash.documentation.lua storage.type.annotation.lua
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9d79d6
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Lua docstring variables
+ scope
+ comment.line.double-dash.documentation.lua entity.name.variable.lua, comment.line.double-dash.documentation.lua variable.lua
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d6d6d7
+ scope
+ heading.1.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.1.markdown, markup.heading.atx.1.mdx, markup.heading.atx.1.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.setext.1.markdown, markup.heading.heading-0.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c94f6d
+ scope
+ heading.2.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.2.markdown, markup.heading.atx.2.mdx, markup.heading.atx.2.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.setext.2.markdown, markup.heading.heading-1.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ scope
+ heading.3.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.3.markdown, markup.heading.atx.3.mdx, markup.heading.atx.3.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-2.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ scope
+ heading.4.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.4.markdown, markup.heading.atx.4.mdx, markup.heading.atx.4.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-3.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #81b29a
+ scope
+ heading.5.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.5.markdown, markup.heading.atx.5.mdx, markup.heading.atx.5.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-4.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6085b6
+ scope
+ heading.6.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.6.markdown, markup.heading.atx.6.mdx, markup.heading.atx.6.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-5.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9d79d6
+ scope
+ markup.bold
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c94f6d
+ fontStyle
+ bold
+ scope
+ markup.italic
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c94f6d
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ scope
+ markup.strikethrough
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a5adcb
+ fontStyle
+ strikethrough
+ name
+ Markdown auto links
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.link, markup.underline.link
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6085b6
+ name
+ Markdown links
+ scope
+ text.html.markdown punctuation.definition.link.title, string.other.link.title.markdown, markup.link, punctuation.definition.constant.markdown, constant.other.reference.link.markdown, markup.substitution.attribute-reference
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b7bdf8
+ name
+ Markdown code spans
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.raw.markdown, markup.inline.raw.string.markdown, markup.raw.block.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #81b29a
+ name
+ Markdown triple backtick language identifier
+ scope
+ fenced_code.block.language
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7ad5d6
+ name
+ Markdown triple backticks
+ scope
+ markup.fenced_code.block punctuation.definition, markup.raw support.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d6d6d7
+ name
+ Markdown quotes
+ scope
+ markup.quote, punctuation.definition.quote.begin
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #aeafb0
+ name
+ Markdown separators
+ scope
+ meta.separator.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #63cdcf
+ name
+ Markdown list bullets
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.list.begin.markdown, markup.list.bullet
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #63cdcf
+ name
+ Nix attribute names
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name.multipart.nix, entity.other.attribute-name.single.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6085b6
+ name
+ Nix parameter names
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.name.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d6d6d7
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Nix interpolated parameter names
+ scope
+ meta.embedded variable.parameter.name.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b7bdf8
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Nix paths
+ scope
+ string.unquoted.path.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #aeafb0
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ PHP Attributes
+ scope
+ support.attribute.builtin, meta.attribute.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ name
+ PHP Parameters (needed for the leading dollar sign)
+ scope
+ meta.function.parameters.php punctuation.definition.variable.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b668b3
+ name
+ PHP Constants (null, __FILE__, etc.)
+ scope
+ constant.language.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9d79d6
+ name
+ PHP functions
+ scope
+ text.html.php support.function
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7ad5d6
+ name
+ PHPdoc keywords
+ scope
+ keyword.other.phpdoc.php
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Python argument functions reset to text, otherwise they inherit blue from function-call
+ scope
+ support.variable.magic.python, meta.function-call.arguments.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d6d6d7
+ name
+ Python double underscore functions
+ scope
+ support.function.magic.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7ad5d6
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Python `self` keyword
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.function.language.special.self.python, variable.language.special.self.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c94f6d
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ python keyword flow/logical (for ... in)
+ scope
+ keyword.control.flow.python, keyword.operator.logical.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9d79d6
+ name
+ python storage type
+ scope
+ storage.type.function.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9d79d6
+ name
+ python function support
+ scope
+ support.token.decorator.python, meta.function.decorator.identifier.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7ad5d6
+ name
+ python function calls
+ scope
+ meta.function-call.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6085b6
+ name
+ python function decorators
+ scope
+ entity.name.function.decorator.python, punctuation.definition.decorator.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ python placeholder reset to normal string
+ scope
+ constant.character.format.placeholder.other.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #aeafb0
+ name
+ Python exception & builtins such as exit()
+ scope
+ support.type.exception.python, support.function.builtin.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ name
+ entity.name.type
+ scope
+ support.type.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ name
+ python constants (True/False)
+ scope
+ constant.language.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9d79d6
+ name
+ Arguments accessed later in the function body
+ scope
+ meta.indexed-name.python, meta.item-access.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b668b3
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Python f-strings/binary/unicode storage types
+ scope
+ storage.type.string.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #81b29a
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Python type hints
+ scope
+ meta.function.parameters.python
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Regex string begin/end in JS/TS
+ scope
+ string.regexp punctuation.definition.string.begin, string.regexp punctuation.definition.string.end
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #aeafb0
+ name
+ Regex anchors (^, $)
+ scope
+ keyword.control.anchor.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9d79d6
+ name
+ Regex regular string match
+ scope
+ string.regexp.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d6d6d7
+ name
+ Regex group parenthesis & backreference (\1, \2, \3, ...)
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.group.regexp, keyword.other.back-reference.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #81b29a
+ name
+ Regex character class []
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.character-class.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ name
+ Regex character classes (\d, \w, \s)
+ scope
+ constant.other.character-class.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #aeafb0
+ name
+ Regex range
+ scope
+ constant.other.character-class.range.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #71839b
+ name
+ Regex quantifier
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.quantifier.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #63cdcf
+ name
+ Regex constant/numeric
+ scope
+ constant.character.numeric.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ name
+ Regex lookaheads, negative lookaheads, lookbehinds, negative lookbehinds
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.group.no-capture.regexp, meta.assertion.look-ahead.regexp, meta.assertion.negative-look-ahead.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6085b6
+ name
+ Rust attribute
+ scope
+ meta.annotation.rust, meta.annotation.rust punctuation, meta.attribute.rust, punctuation.definition.attribute.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust attribute strings
+ scope
+ meta.attribute.rust string.quoted.double.rust, meta.attribute.rust string.quoted.single.char.rust
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Rust keyword
+ scope
+ entity.name.function.macro.rules.rust, storage.type.module.rust, storage.modifier.rust, storage.type.struct.rust, storage.type.enum.rust, storage.type.trait.rust, storage.type.union.rust, storage.type.impl.rust, storage.type.rust, storage.type.function.rust, storage.type.type.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9d79d6
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Rust u/i32, u/i64, etc.
+ scope
+ entity.name.type.numeric.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9d79d6
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Rust generic
+ scope
+ meta.generic.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ name
+ Rust impl
+ scope
+ entity.name.impl.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust module
+ scope
+ entity.name.module.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ name
+ Rust trait
+ scope
+ entity.name.trait.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust struct
+ scope
+ storage.type.source.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ name
+ Rust union
+ scope
+ entity.name.union.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ name
+ Rust enum member
+ scope
+ meta.enum.rust storage.type.source.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #63cdcf
+ name
+ Rust macro
+ scope
+ support.macro.rust, meta.macro.rust support.function.rust, entity.name.function.macro.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6085b6
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust lifetime
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.lifetime.rust, entity.name.type.lifetime
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6085b6
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust string formatting
+ scope
+ string.quoted.double.rust constant.other.placeholder.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #aeafb0
+ name
+ Rust return type generic
+ scope
+ meta.function.return-type.rust meta.generic.rust storage.type.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d6d6d7
+ name
+ Rust functions
+ scope
+ meta.function.call.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6085b6
+ name
+ Rust angle brackets
+ scope
+ punctuation.brackets.angle.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7ad5d6
+ name
+ Rust constants
+ scope
+ constant.other.caps.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ name
+ Rust function parameters
+ scope
+ meta.function.definition.rust variable.other.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b668b3
+ name
+ Rust closure variables
+ scope
+ meta.function.call.rust variable.other.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d6d6d7
+ name
+ Rust self
+ scope
+ variable.language.self.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c94f6d
+ name
+ Rust metavariable names
+ scope
+ variable.other.metavariable.name.rust, meta.macro.metavariable.rust keyword.operator.macro.dollar.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #aeafb0
+ name
+ Shell shebang
+ scope
+ comment.line.shebang, comment.line.shebang punctuation.definition.comment, comment.line.shebang, punctuation.definition.comment.shebang.shell, meta.shebang.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #aeafb0
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Shell shebang command
+ scope
+ comment.line.shebang constant.language
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #63cdcf
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Shell interpolated command
+ scope
+ meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.definition.variable.shell, meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.section.interpolation, meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.definition.variable.shell, meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.section.interpolation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c94f6d
+ name
+ Shell interpolated command variable
+ scope
+ meta.string meta.interpolation.parameter.shell variable.other.readwrite
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ scope
+ source.shell punctuation.section.interpolation, punctuation.definition.evaluation.backticks.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #63cdcf
+ name
+ Shell EOF
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag.heredoc.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9d79d6
+ name
+ Shell quoted variable
+ scope
+ string.quoted.double.shell variable.other.normal.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d6d6d7
+ scope
+ markup.heading.synopsis.man, markup.heading.title.man, markup.heading.other.man, markup.heading.env.man
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #9d79d6
+ scope
+ markup.heading.commands.man
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6085b6
+ scope
+ markup.heading.env.man
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #aeafb0
+ scope
+ markup.heading.1.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c94f6d
+ scope
+ markup.heading.2.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
+ scope
+ markup.heading.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dbc074
diff --git a/extra/nordfox/nordfox.tmTheme b/extra/nordfox/nordfox.tmTheme
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb5d4f15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/nordfox/nordfox.tmTheme
@@ -0,0 +1,2044 @@
+ name
+ Catppuccin Macchiato
+ semanticClass
+ theme.dark.catppuccin-macchiato
+ uuid
+ 02b2bdf3-9eb7-4396-bf04-f17f1468f99f
+ author
+ Catppuccin Org
+ colorSpaceName
+ sRGB
+ settings
+ settings
+ background
+ #2e3440
+ foreground
+ #c7cdd9
+ caret
+ #7e8188
+ lineHighlight
+ #39404f
+ misspelling
+ #bf616a
+ accent
+ #b48ead
+ selection
+ #c7cdd9
+ gutterForeground
+ #5a657d
+ name
+ Basic text & variable names (incl. leading punctuation)
+ scope
+ text, source, variable.other.readwrite, punctuation.definition.variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c7cdd9
+ name
+ Parentheses, Brackets, Braces
+ scope
+ punctuation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c7cdd9
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Comments
+ scope
+ comment, punctuation.definition.comment
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #5a657d
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ scope
+ string, punctuation.definition.string
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a3be8c
+ scope
+ constant.character.escape
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #abb1bb
+ name
+ Booleans, constants, numbers
+ scope
+ constant.numeric, variable.other.constant, entity.name.constant, constant.language.boolean, constant.language.false, constant.language.true, keyword.other.unit.user-defined, keyword.other.unit.suffix.floating-point
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ scope
+ keyword, keyword.operator.word, keyword.operator.new, variable.language.super, support.type.primitive, storage.type, storage.modifier, punctuation.definition.keyword
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b48ead
+ fontStyle
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag.documentation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b48ead
+ name
+ Punctuation
+ scope
+ keyword.operator, punctuation.accessor, punctuation.definition.generic, meta.function.closure punctuation.section.parameters, punctuation.definition.tag, punctuation.separator.key-value
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #88c0d0
+ scope
+ entity.name.function, meta.function-call.method, support.function, support.function.misc, variable.function
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #668aab
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Classes
+ scope
+ entity.name.class, entity.other.inherited-class, support.class, meta.function-call.constructor, entity.name.struct
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Enum
+ scope
+ entity.name.enum
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Enum member
+ scope
+ meta.enum variable.other.readwrite, variable.other.enummember
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #88c0d0
+ name
+ Object properties
+ scope
+ meta.property.object
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #88c0d0
+ name
+ Types
+ scope
+ meta.type, meta.type-alias, support.type, entity.name.type
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Decorators
+ scope
+ meta.annotation variable.function, meta.annotation variable.annotation.function, meta.annotation punctuation.definition.annotation, meta.decorator, punctuation.decorator
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ scope
+ variable.parameter, meta.function.parameters
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a96ca5
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Built-ins
+ scope
+ constant.language, support.function.builtin
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #bf616a
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name.documentation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #bf616a
+ name
+ Preprocessor directives
+ scope
+ keyword.control.directive, punctuation.definition.directive
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ Type parameters
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.typeparameters
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #93ccdc
+ name
+ Namespaces
+ scope
+ entity.name.namespace
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ Property names (left hand assignments in json/yaml/css)
+ scope
+ support.type.property-name.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #668aab
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ This/Self keyword
+ scope
+ variable.language.this, variable.language.this punctuation.definition.variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #bf616a
+ name
+ Object properties
+ scope
+ variable.object.property
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c7cdd9
+ name
+ String template interpolation
+ scope
+ string.template variable, string variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c7cdd9
+ name
+ `new` as bold
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.new
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ bold
+ name
+ C++ extern keyword
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.specifier.extern.cpp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b48ead
+ name
+ C++ scope resolution
+ scope
+ entity.name.scope-resolution.template.call.cpp, entity.name.scope-resolution.parameter.cpp, entity.name.scope-resolution.cpp, entity.name.scope-resolution.function.definition.cpp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ C++ doc keywords
+ scope
+ storage.type.class.doxygen
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ C++ operators
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.reference.cpp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #88c0d0
+ name
+ C# Interpolated Strings
+ scope
+ meta.interpolation.cs
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c7cdd9
+ name
+ C# xml-style docs
+ scope
+ comment.block.documentation.cs
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c7cdd9
+ name
+ Classes, reflecting the className color in JSX
+ scope
+ source.css entity.other.attribute-name.class.css, entity.other.attribute-name.parent-selector.css punctuation.definition.entity.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ Operators
+ scope
+ punctuation.separator.operator.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #88c0d0
+ name
+ Pseudo classes
+ scope
+ source.css entity.other.attribute-name.pseudo-class
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #88c0d0
+ scope
+ source.css constant.other.unicode-range
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ scope
+ source.css variable.parameter.url
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a3be8c
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ CSS vendored property names
+ scope
+ support.type.vendored.property-name
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #93ccdc
+ name
+ Less/SCSS right-hand variables (@/$-prefixed)
+ scope
+ source.css meta.property-value variable, source.css meta.property-value variable.other.less, source.css meta.property-value variable.other.less punctuation.definition.variable.less, meta.definition.variable.scss
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a96ca5
+ name
+ CSS variables (--prefixed)
+ scope
+ source.css meta.property-list variable, meta.property-list variable.other.less, meta.property-list variable.other.less punctuation.definition.variable.less
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #668aab
+ name
+ CSS Percentage values, styled the same as numbers
+ scope
+ keyword.other.unit.percentage.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ CSS Attribute selectors, styled the same as strings
+ scope
+ source.css meta.attribute-selector
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a3be8c
+ name
+ JSON/YAML keys, other left-hand assignments
+ scope
+ keyword.other.definition.ini, punctuation.support.type.property-name.json, support.type.property-name.json, punctuation.support.type.property-name.toml, support.type.property-name.toml, entity.name.tag.yaml, punctuation.support.type.property-name.yaml, support.type.property-name.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #668aab
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ JSON/YAML constants
+ scope
+ constant.language.json, constant.language.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ YAML anchors
+ scope
+ entity.name.type.anchor.yaml, variable.other.alias.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ TOML tables / ini groups
+ scope
+ support.type.property-name.table, entity.name.section.group-title.ini
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ TOML dates
+ scope
+ constant.other.time.datetime.offset.toml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #abb1bb
+ name
+ YAML anchor puctuation
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.anchor.yaml, punctuation.definition.alias.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #abb1bb
+ name
+ YAML triple dashes
+ scope
+ entity.other.document.begin.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #abb1bb
+ name
+ Markup Diff
+ scope
+ markup.changed.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ Diff
+ scope
+ meta.diff.header.from-file, meta.diff.header.to-file, punctuation.definition.from-file.diff, punctuation.definition.to-file.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #668aab
+ name
+ Diff Inserted
+ scope
+ markup.inserted.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a3be8c
+ name
+ Diff Deleted
+ scope
+ markup.deleted.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #bf616a
+ name
+ dotenv left-hand side assignments
+ scope
+ variable.other.env
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #668aab
+ name
+ dotenv reference to existing env variable
+ scope
+ string.quoted variable.other.env
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c7cdd9
+ name
+ GDScript functions
+ scope
+ support.function.builtin.gdscript
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #668aab
+ name
+ GDScript constants
+ scope
+ constant.language.gdscript
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ Comment keywords
+ scope
+ comment meta.annotation.go
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a96ca5
+ name
+ go:embed, go:build, etc.
+ scope
+ comment meta.annotation.parameters.go
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ Go constants (nil, true, false)
+ scope
+ constant.language.go
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ GraphQL variables
+ scope
+ variable.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c7cdd9
+ name
+ GraphQL aliases
+ scope
+ string.unquoted.alias.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f0c6c6
+ name
+ GraphQL enum members
+ scope
+ constant.character.enum.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #88c0d0
+ name
+ GraphQL field in types
+ scope
+ meta.objectvalues.graphql constant.object.key.graphql string.unquoted.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f0c6c6
+ name
+ HTML/XML DOCTYPE as keyword
+ scope
+ keyword.other.doctype, meta.tag.sgml.doctype punctuation.definition.tag, meta.tag.metadata.doctype entity.name.tag, meta.tag.metadata.doctype punctuation.definition.tag
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b48ead
+ name
+ HTML/XML-like <tags/>
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #668aab
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Special characters like &
+ scope
+ text.html constant.character.entity, text.html constant.character.entity punctuation, constant.character.entity.xml, constant.character.entity.xml punctuation, constant.character.entity.js.jsx, constant.charactger.entity.js.jsx punctuation, constant.character.entity.tsx, constant.character.entity.tsx punctuation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #bf616a
+ name
+ HTML/XML tag attribute values
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ Components
+ scope
+ support.class.component, support.class.component.jsx, support.class.component.tsx, support.class.component.vue
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #abb1bb
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Annotations
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.annotation, storage.type.annotation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ Java enums
+ scope
+ constant.other.enum.java
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #88c0d0
+ name
+ Java imports
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.import.java
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c7cdd9
+ name
+ Javadoc
+ scope
+ comment.block.javadoc.java keyword.other.documentation.javadoc.java
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Exported Variable
+ scope
+ meta.export variable.other.readwrite.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a96ca5
+ name
+ JS/TS constants & properties
+ scope
+ variable.other.constant.js, variable.other.constant.ts, variable.other.property.js, variable.other.property.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c7cdd9
+ name
+ JSDoc; these are mainly params, so styled as such
+ scope
+ variable.other.jsdoc, comment.block.documentation variable.other
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a96ca5
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ JSDoc keywords
+ scope
+ storage.type.class.jsdoc
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ scope
+ support.type.object.console.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c7cdd9
+ name
+ Node constants as keywords (module, etc.)
+ scope
+ support.constant.node, support.type.object.module.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b48ead
+ name
+ implements as keyword
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.implements
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b48ead
+ name
+ Builtin types
+ scope
+ constant.language.null.js, constant.language.null.ts, constant.language.undefined.js, constant.language.undefined.ts, support.type.builtin.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b48ead
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.generic
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ Arrow functions
+ scope
+ keyword.declaration.function.arrow.js, storage.type.function.arrow.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #88c0d0
+ name
+ Decorator punctuations (decorators inherit from blue functions, instead of styleguide peach)
+ scope
+ punctuation.decorator.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #668aab
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Extra JS/TS keywords
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.expression.in.js, keyword.operator.expression.in.ts, keyword.operator.expression.infer.ts, keyword.operator.expression.instanceof.js, keyword.operator.expression.instanceof.ts, keyword.operator.expression.is, keyword.operator.expression.keyof.ts, keyword.operator.expression.of.js, keyword.operator.expression.of.ts, keyword.operator.expression.typeof.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b48ead
+ name
+ Julia macros
+ scope
+ support.function.macro.julia
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #88c0d0
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Julia language constants (true, false)
+ scope
+ constant.language.julia
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ Julia other constants (these seem to be arguments inside arrays)
+ scope
+ constant.other.symbol.julia
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a96ca5
+ name
+ LaTeX preamble
+ scope
+ text.tex keyword.control.preamble
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #88c0d0
+ name
+ LaTeX be functions
+ scope
+ text.tex support.function.be
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #93ccdc
+ name
+ LaTeX math
+ scope
+ constant.other.general.math.tex
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f0c6c6
+ name
+ Lua docstring keywords
+ scope
+ comment.line.double-dash.documentation.lua storage.type.annotation.lua
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b48ead
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Lua docstring variables
+ scope
+ comment.line.double-dash.documentation.lua entity.name.variable.lua, comment.line.double-dash.documentation.lua variable.lua
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c7cdd9
+ scope
+ heading.1.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.1.markdown, markup.heading.atx.1.mdx, markup.heading.atx.1.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.setext.1.markdown, markup.heading.heading-0.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #bf616a
+ scope
+ heading.2.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.2.markdown, markup.heading.atx.2.mdx, markup.heading.atx.2.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.setext.2.markdown, markup.heading.heading-1.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ scope
+ heading.3.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.3.markdown, markup.heading.atx.3.mdx, markup.heading.atx.3.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-2.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ scope
+ heading.4.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.4.markdown, markup.heading.atx.4.mdx, markup.heading.atx.4.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-3.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a3be8c
+ scope
+ heading.5.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.5.markdown, markup.heading.atx.5.mdx, markup.heading.atx.5.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-4.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #668aab
+ scope
+ heading.6.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.6.markdown, markup.heading.atx.6.mdx, markup.heading.atx.6.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-5.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b48ead
+ scope
+ markup.bold
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #bf616a
+ fontStyle
+ bold
+ scope
+ markup.italic
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #bf616a
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ scope
+ markup.strikethrough
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a5adcb
+ fontStyle
+ strikethrough
+ name
+ Markdown auto links
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.link, markup.underline.link
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #668aab
+ name
+ Markdown links
+ scope
+ text.html.markdown punctuation.definition.link.title, string.other.link.title.markdown, markup.link, punctuation.definition.constant.markdown, constant.other.reference.link.markdown, markup.substitution.attribute-reference
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b7bdf8
+ name
+ Markdown code spans
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.raw.markdown, markup.inline.raw.string.markdown, markup.raw.block.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a3be8c
+ name
+ Markdown triple backtick language identifier
+ scope
+ fenced_code.block.language
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #93ccdc
+ name
+ Markdown triple backticks
+ scope
+ markup.fenced_code.block punctuation.definition, markup.raw support.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c7cdd9
+ name
+ Markdown quotes
+ scope
+ markup.quote, punctuation.definition.quote.begin
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #abb1bb
+ name
+ Markdown separators
+ scope
+ meta.separator.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #88c0d0
+ name
+ Markdown list bullets
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.list.begin.markdown, markup.list.bullet
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #88c0d0
+ name
+ Nix attribute names
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name.multipart.nix, entity.other.attribute-name.single.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #668aab
+ name
+ Nix parameter names
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.name.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c7cdd9
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Nix interpolated parameter names
+ scope
+ meta.embedded variable.parameter.name.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b7bdf8
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Nix paths
+ scope
+ string.unquoted.path.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #abb1bb
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ PHP Attributes
+ scope
+ support.attribute.builtin, meta.attribute.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ PHP Parameters (needed for the leading dollar sign)
+ scope
+ meta.function.parameters.php punctuation.definition.variable.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a96ca5
+ name
+ PHP Constants (null, __FILE__, etc.)
+ scope
+ constant.language.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b48ead
+ name
+ PHP functions
+ scope
+ text.html.php support.function
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #93ccdc
+ name
+ PHPdoc keywords
+ scope
+ keyword.other.phpdoc.php
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Python argument functions reset to text, otherwise they inherit blue from function-call
+ scope
+ support.variable.magic.python, meta.function-call.arguments.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c7cdd9
+ name
+ Python double underscore functions
+ scope
+ support.function.magic.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #93ccdc
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Python `self` keyword
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.function.language.special.self.python, variable.language.special.self.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #bf616a
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ python keyword flow/logical (for ... in)
+ scope
+ keyword.control.flow.python, keyword.operator.logical.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b48ead
+ name
+ python storage type
+ scope
+ storage.type.function.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b48ead
+ name
+ python function support
+ scope
+ support.token.decorator.python, meta.function.decorator.identifier.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #93ccdc
+ name
+ python function calls
+ scope
+ meta.function-call.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #668aab
+ name
+ python function decorators
+ scope
+ entity.name.function.decorator.python, punctuation.definition.decorator.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ python placeholder reset to normal string
+ scope
+ constant.character.format.placeholder.other.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #abb1bb
+ name
+ Python exception & builtins such as exit()
+ scope
+ support.type.exception.python, support.function.builtin.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ entity.name.type
+ scope
+ support.type.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ python constants (True/False)
+ scope
+ constant.language.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b48ead
+ name
+ Arguments accessed later in the function body
+ scope
+ meta.indexed-name.python, meta.item-access.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a96ca5
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Python f-strings/binary/unicode storage types
+ scope
+ storage.type.string.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a3be8c
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Python type hints
+ scope
+ meta.function.parameters.python
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Regex string begin/end in JS/TS
+ scope
+ string.regexp punctuation.definition.string.begin, string.regexp punctuation.definition.string.end
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #abb1bb
+ name
+ Regex anchors (^, $)
+ scope
+ keyword.control.anchor.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b48ead
+ name
+ Regex regular string match
+ scope
+ string.regexp.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c7cdd9
+ name
+ Regex group parenthesis & backreference (\1, \2, \3, ...)
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.group.regexp, keyword.other.back-reference.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a3be8c
+ name
+ Regex character class []
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.character-class.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ Regex character classes (\d, \w, \s)
+ scope
+ constant.other.character-class.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #abb1bb
+ name
+ Regex range
+ scope
+ constant.other.character-class.range.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7e8188
+ name
+ Regex quantifier
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.quantifier.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #88c0d0
+ name
+ Regex constant/numeric
+ scope
+ constant.character.numeric.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ Regex lookaheads, negative lookaheads, lookbehinds, negative lookbehinds
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.group.no-capture.regexp, meta.assertion.look-ahead.regexp, meta.assertion.negative-look-ahead.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #668aab
+ name
+ Rust attribute
+ scope
+ meta.annotation.rust, meta.annotation.rust punctuation, meta.attribute.rust, punctuation.definition.attribute.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust attribute strings
+ scope
+ meta.attribute.rust string.quoted.double.rust, meta.attribute.rust string.quoted.single.char.rust
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Rust keyword
+ scope
+ entity.name.function.macro.rules.rust, storage.type.module.rust, storage.modifier.rust, storage.type.struct.rust, storage.type.enum.rust, storage.type.trait.rust, storage.type.union.rust, storage.type.impl.rust, storage.type.rust, storage.type.function.rust, storage.type.type.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b48ead
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Rust u/i32, u/i64, etc.
+ scope
+ entity.name.type.numeric.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b48ead
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Rust generic
+ scope
+ meta.generic.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ Rust impl
+ scope
+ entity.name.impl.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust module
+ scope
+ entity.name.module.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ Rust trait
+ scope
+ entity.name.trait.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust struct
+ scope
+ storage.type.source.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ Rust union
+ scope
+ entity.name.union.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ Rust enum member
+ scope
+ meta.enum.rust storage.type.source.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #88c0d0
+ name
+ Rust macro
+ scope
+ support.macro.rust, meta.macro.rust support.function.rust, entity.name.function.macro.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #668aab
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust lifetime
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.lifetime.rust, entity.name.type.lifetime
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #668aab
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust string formatting
+ scope
+ string.quoted.double.rust constant.other.placeholder.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #abb1bb
+ name
+ Rust return type generic
+ scope
+ meta.function.return-type.rust meta.generic.rust storage.type.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c7cdd9
+ name
+ Rust functions
+ scope
+ meta.function.call.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #668aab
+ name
+ Rust angle brackets
+ scope
+ punctuation.brackets.angle.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #93ccdc
+ name
+ Rust constants
+ scope
+ constant.other.caps.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ Rust function parameters
+ scope
+ meta.function.definition.rust variable.other.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a96ca5
+ name
+ Rust closure variables
+ scope
+ meta.function.call.rust variable.other.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c7cdd9
+ name
+ Rust self
+ scope
+ variable.language.self.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #bf616a
+ name
+ Rust metavariable names
+ scope
+ variable.other.metavariable.name.rust, meta.macro.metavariable.rust keyword.operator.macro.dollar.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #abb1bb
+ name
+ Shell shebang
+ scope
+ comment.line.shebang, comment.line.shebang punctuation.definition.comment, comment.line.shebang, punctuation.definition.comment.shebang.shell, meta.shebang.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #abb1bb
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Shell shebang command
+ scope
+ comment.line.shebang constant.language
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #88c0d0
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Shell interpolated command
+ scope
+ meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.definition.variable.shell, meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.section.interpolation, meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.definition.variable.shell, meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.section.interpolation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #bf616a
+ name
+ Shell interpolated command variable
+ scope
+ meta.string meta.interpolation.parameter.shell variable.other.readwrite
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ scope
+ source.shell punctuation.section.interpolation, punctuation.definition.evaluation.backticks.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #88c0d0
+ name
+ Shell EOF
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag.heredoc.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b48ead
+ name
+ Shell quoted variable
+ scope
+ string.quoted.double.shell variable.other.normal.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c7cdd9
+ scope
+ markup.heading.synopsis.man, markup.heading.title.man, markup.heading.other.man, markup.heading.env.man
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b48ead
+ scope
+ markup.heading.commands.man
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #668aab
+ scope
+ markup.heading.env.man
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #abb1bb
+ scope
+ markup.heading.1.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #bf616a
+ scope
+ markup.heading.2.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ scope
+ markup.heading.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
diff --git a/extra/terafox/terafox.tmTheme b/extra/terafox/terafox.tmTheme
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc2e1a89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/terafox/terafox.tmTheme
@@ -0,0 +1,2044 @@
+ name
+ Catppuccin Macchiato
+ semanticClass
+ theme.dark.catppuccin-macchiato
+ uuid
+ 02b2bdf3-9eb7-4396-bf04-f17f1468f99f
+ author
+ Catppuccin Org
+ colorSpaceName
+ sRGB
+ settings
+ settings
+ background
+ #152528
+ foreground
+ #eaeeee
+ caret
+ #587b7b
+ lineHighlight
+ #1d3337
+ misspelling
+ #e85c51
+ accent
+ #ad5c7c
+ selection
+ #eaeeee
+ gutterForeground
+ #2d4f56
+ name
+ Basic text & variable names (incl. leading punctuation)
+ scope
+ text, source, variable.other.readwrite, punctuation.definition.variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eaeeee
+ name
+ Parentheses, Brackets, Braces
+ scope
+ punctuation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eaeeee
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Comments
+ scope
+ comment, punctuation.definition.comment
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #2d4f56
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ scope
+ string, punctuation.definition.string
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7aa4a1
+ scope
+ constant.character.escape
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cbd9d8
+ name
+ Booleans, constants, numbers
+ scope
+ constant.numeric, variable.other.constant, entity.name.constant, constant.language.boolean, constant.language.false, constant.language.true, keyword.other.unit.user-defined, keyword.other.unit.suffix.floating-point
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ scope
+ keyword, keyword.operator.word, keyword.operator.new, variable.language.super, support.type.primitive, storage.type, storage.modifier, punctuation.definition.keyword
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad5c7c
+ fontStyle
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag.documentation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad5c7c
+ name
+ Punctuation
+ scope
+ keyword.operator, punctuation.accessor, punctuation.definition.generic, meta.function.closure punctuation.section.parameters, punctuation.definition.tag, punctuation.separator.key-value
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a1cdd8
+ scope
+ entity.name.function, meta.function-call.method, support.function, support.function.misc, variable.function
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4d7d90
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Classes
+ scope
+ entity.name.class, entity.other.inherited-class, support.class, meta.function-call.constructor, entity.name.struct
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Enum
+ scope
+ entity.name.enum
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Enum member
+ scope
+ meta.enum variable.other.readwrite, variable.other.enummember
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a1cdd8
+ name
+ Object properties
+ scope
+ meta.property.object
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a1cdd8
+ name
+ Types
+ scope
+ meta.type, meta.type-alias, support.type, entity.name.type
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Decorators
+ scope
+ meta.annotation variable.function, meta.annotation variable.annotation.function, meta.annotation punctuation.definition.annotation, meta.decorator, punctuation.decorator
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ scope
+ variable.parameter, meta.function.parameters
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad6771
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Built-ins
+ scope
+ constant.language, support.function.builtin
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e85c51
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name.documentation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e85c51
+ name
+ Preprocessor directives
+ scope
+ keyword.control.directive, punctuation.definition.directive
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ name
+ Type parameters
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.typeparameters
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #afd4de
+ name
+ Namespaces
+ scope
+ entity.name.namespace
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ name
+ Property names (left hand assignments in json/yaml/css)
+ scope
+ support.type.property-name.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4d7d90
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ This/Self keyword
+ scope
+ variable.language.this, variable.language.this punctuation.definition.variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e85c51
+ name
+ Object properties
+ scope
+ variable.object.property
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eaeeee
+ name
+ String template interpolation
+ scope
+ string.template variable, string variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eaeeee
+ name
+ `new` as bold
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.new
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ bold
+ name
+ C++ extern keyword
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.specifier.extern.cpp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad5c7c
+ name
+ C++ scope resolution
+ scope
+ entity.name.scope-resolution.template.call.cpp, entity.name.scope-resolution.parameter.cpp, entity.name.scope-resolution.cpp, entity.name.scope-resolution.function.definition.cpp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ name
+ C++ doc keywords
+ scope
+ storage.type.class.doxygen
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ C++ operators
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.reference.cpp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a1cdd8
+ name
+ C# Interpolated Strings
+ scope
+ meta.interpolation.cs
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eaeeee
+ name
+ C# xml-style docs
+ scope
+ comment.block.documentation.cs
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eaeeee
+ name
+ Classes, reflecting the className color in JSX
+ scope
+ source.css entity.other.attribute-name.class.css, entity.other.attribute-name.parent-selector.css punctuation.definition.entity.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ name
+ Operators
+ scope
+ punctuation.separator.operator.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a1cdd8
+ name
+ Pseudo classes
+ scope
+ source.css entity.other.attribute-name.pseudo-class
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a1cdd8
+ scope
+ source.css constant.other.unicode-range
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ scope
+ source.css variable.parameter.url
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7aa4a1
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ CSS vendored property names
+ scope
+ support.type.vendored.property-name
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #afd4de
+ name
+ Less/SCSS right-hand variables (@/$-prefixed)
+ scope
+ source.css meta.property-value variable, source.css meta.property-value variable.other.less, source.css meta.property-value variable.other.less punctuation.definition.variable.less, meta.definition.variable.scss
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad6771
+ name
+ CSS variables (--prefixed)
+ scope
+ source.css meta.property-list variable, meta.property-list variable.other.less, meta.property-list variable.other.less punctuation.definition.variable.less
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4d7d90
+ name
+ CSS Percentage values, styled the same as numbers
+ scope
+ keyword.other.unit.percentage.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ name
+ CSS Attribute selectors, styled the same as strings
+ scope
+ source.css meta.attribute-selector
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7aa4a1
+ name
+ JSON/YAML keys, other left-hand assignments
+ scope
+ keyword.other.definition.ini, punctuation.support.type.property-name.json, support.type.property-name.json, punctuation.support.type.property-name.toml, support.type.property-name.toml, entity.name.tag.yaml, punctuation.support.type.property-name.yaml, support.type.property-name.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4d7d90
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ JSON/YAML constants
+ scope
+ constant.language.json, constant.language.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ name
+ YAML anchors
+ scope
+ entity.name.type.anchor.yaml, variable.other.alias.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ TOML tables / ini groups
+ scope
+ support.type.property-name.table, entity.name.section.group-title.ini
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ name
+ TOML dates
+ scope
+ constant.other.time.datetime.offset.toml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cbd9d8
+ name
+ YAML anchor puctuation
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.anchor.yaml, punctuation.definition.alias.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cbd9d8
+ name
+ YAML triple dashes
+ scope
+ entity.other.document.begin.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cbd9d8
+ name
+ Markup Diff
+ scope
+ markup.changed.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ name
+ Diff
+ scope
+ meta.diff.header.from-file, meta.diff.header.to-file, punctuation.definition.from-file.diff, punctuation.definition.to-file.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4d7d90
+ name
+ Diff Inserted
+ scope
+ markup.inserted.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7aa4a1
+ name
+ Diff Deleted
+ scope
+ markup.deleted.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e85c51
+ name
+ dotenv left-hand side assignments
+ scope
+ variable.other.env
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4d7d90
+ name
+ dotenv reference to existing env variable
+ scope
+ string.quoted variable.other.env
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eaeeee
+ name
+ GDScript functions
+ scope
+ support.function.builtin.gdscript
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4d7d90
+ name
+ GDScript constants
+ scope
+ constant.language.gdscript
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ name
+ Comment keywords
+ scope
+ comment meta.annotation.go
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad6771
+ name
+ go:embed, go:build, etc.
+ scope
+ comment meta.annotation.parameters.go
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ name
+ Go constants (nil, true, false)
+ scope
+ constant.language.go
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ name
+ GraphQL variables
+ scope
+ variable.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eaeeee
+ name
+ GraphQL aliases
+ scope
+ string.unquoted.alias.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f0c6c6
+ name
+ GraphQL enum members
+ scope
+ constant.character.enum.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a1cdd8
+ name
+ GraphQL field in types
+ scope
+ meta.objectvalues.graphql constant.object.key.graphql string.unquoted.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f0c6c6
+ name
+ HTML/XML DOCTYPE as keyword
+ scope
+ keyword.other.doctype, meta.tag.sgml.doctype punctuation.definition.tag, meta.tag.metadata.doctype entity.name.tag, meta.tag.metadata.doctype punctuation.definition.tag
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad5c7c
+ name
+ HTML/XML-like <tags/>
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4d7d90
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Special characters like &
+ scope
+ text.html constant.character.entity, text.html constant.character.entity punctuation, constant.character.entity.xml, constant.character.entity.xml punctuation, constant.character.entity.js.jsx, constant.charactger.entity.js.jsx punctuation, constant.character.entity.tsx, constant.character.entity.tsx punctuation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e85c51
+ name
+ HTML/XML tag attribute values
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ name
+ Components
+ scope
+ support.class.component, support.class.component.jsx, support.class.component.tsx, support.class.component.vue
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cbd9d8
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Annotations
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.annotation, storage.type.annotation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ name
+ Java enums
+ scope
+ constant.other.enum.java
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a1cdd8
+ name
+ Java imports
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.import.java
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eaeeee
+ name
+ Javadoc
+ scope
+ comment.block.javadoc.java keyword.other.documentation.javadoc.java
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Exported Variable
+ scope
+ meta.export variable.other.readwrite.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad6771
+ name
+ JS/TS constants & properties
+ scope
+ variable.other.constant.js, variable.other.constant.ts, variable.other.property.js, variable.other.property.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eaeeee
+ name
+ JSDoc; these are mainly params, so styled as such
+ scope
+ variable.other.jsdoc, comment.block.documentation variable.other
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad6771
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ JSDoc keywords
+ scope
+ storage.type.class.jsdoc
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ scope
+ support.type.object.console.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eaeeee
+ name
+ Node constants as keywords (module, etc.)
+ scope
+ support.constant.node, support.type.object.module.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad5c7c
+ name
+ implements as keyword
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.implements
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad5c7c
+ name
+ Builtin types
+ scope
+ constant.language.null.js, constant.language.null.ts, constant.language.undefined.js, constant.language.undefined.ts, support.type.builtin.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad5c7c
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.generic
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ name
+ Arrow functions
+ scope
+ keyword.declaration.function.arrow.js, storage.type.function.arrow.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a1cdd8
+ name
+ Decorator punctuations (decorators inherit from blue functions, instead of styleguide peach)
+ scope
+ punctuation.decorator.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4d7d90
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Extra JS/TS keywords
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.expression.in.js, keyword.operator.expression.in.ts, keyword.operator.expression.infer.ts, keyword.operator.expression.instanceof.js, keyword.operator.expression.instanceof.ts, keyword.operator.expression.is, keyword.operator.expression.keyof.ts, keyword.operator.expression.of.js, keyword.operator.expression.of.ts, keyword.operator.expression.typeof.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad5c7c
+ name
+ Julia macros
+ scope
+ support.function.macro.julia
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a1cdd8
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Julia language constants (true, false)
+ scope
+ constant.language.julia
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ name
+ Julia other constants (these seem to be arguments inside arrays)
+ scope
+ constant.other.symbol.julia
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad6771
+ name
+ LaTeX preamble
+ scope
+ text.tex keyword.control.preamble
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a1cdd8
+ name
+ LaTeX be functions
+ scope
+ text.tex support.function.be
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #afd4de
+ name
+ LaTeX math
+ scope
+ constant.other.general.math.tex
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f0c6c6
+ name
+ Lua docstring keywords
+ scope
+ comment.line.double-dash.documentation.lua storage.type.annotation.lua
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad5c7c
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Lua docstring variables
+ scope
+ comment.line.double-dash.documentation.lua entity.name.variable.lua, comment.line.double-dash.documentation.lua variable.lua
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eaeeee
+ scope
+ heading.1.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.1.markdown, markup.heading.atx.1.mdx, markup.heading.atx.1.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.setext.1.markdown, markup.heading.heading-0.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e85c51
+ scope
+ heading.2.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.2.markdown, markup.heading.atx.2.mdx, markup.heading.atx.2.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.setext.2.markdown, markup.heading.heading-1.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ scope
+ heading.3.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.3.markdown, markup.heading.atx.3.mdx, markup.heading.atx.3.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-2.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ scope
+ heading.4.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.4.markdown, markup.heading.atx.4.mdx, markup.heading.atx.4.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-3.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7aa4a1
+ scope
+ heading.5.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.5.markdown, markup.heading.atx.5.mdx, markup.heading.atx.5.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-4.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4d7d90
+ scope
+ heading.6.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.6.markdown, markup.heading.atx.6.mdx, markup.heading.atx.6.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-5.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad5c7c
+ scope
+ markup.bold
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e85c51
+ fontStyle
+ bold
+ scope
+ markup.italic
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e85c51
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ scope
+ markup.strikethrough
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a5adcb
+ fontStyle
+ strikethrough
+ name
+ Markdown auto links
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.link, markup.underline.link
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4d7d90
+ name
+ Markdown links
+ scope
+ text.html.markdown punctuation.definition.link.title, string.other.link.title.markdown, markup.link, punctuation.definition.constant.markdown, constant.other.reference.link.markdown, markup.substitution.attribute-reference
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b7bdf8
+ name
+ Markdown code spans
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.raw.markdown, markup.inline.raw.string.markdown, markup.raw.block.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7aa4a1
+ name
+ Markdown triple backtick language identifier
+ scope
+ fenced_code.block.language
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #afd4de
+ name
+ Markdown triple backticks
+ scope
+ markup.fenced_code.block punctuation.definition, markup.raw support.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eaeeee
+ name
+ Markdown quotes
+ scope
+ markup.quote, punctuation.definition.quote.begin
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cbd9d8
+ name
+ Markdown separators
+ scope
+ meta.separator.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a1cdd8
+ name
+ Markdown list bullets
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.list.begin.markdown, markup.list.bullet
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a1cdd8
+ name
+ Nix attribute names
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name.multipart.nix, entity.other.attribute-name.single.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4d7d90
+ name
+ Nix parameter names
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.name.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eaeeee
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Nix interpolated parameter names
+ scope
+ meta.embedded variable.parameter.name.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b7bdf8
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Nix paths
+ scope
+ string.unquoted.path.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cbd9d8
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ PHP Attributes
+ scope
+ support.attribute.builtin, meta.attribute.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ name
+ PHP Parameters (needed for the leading dollar sign)
+ scope
+ meta.function.parameters.php punctuation.definition.variable.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad6771
+ name
+ PHP Constants (null, __FILE__, etc.)
+ scope
+ constant.language.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad5c7c
+ name
+ PHP functions
+ scope
+ text.html.php support.function
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #afd4de
+ name
+ PHPdoc keywords
+ scope
+ keyword.other.phpdoc.php
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Python argument functions reset to text, otherwise they inherit blue from function-call
+ scope
+ support.variable.magic.python, meta.function-call.arguments.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eaeeee
+ name
+ Python double underscore functions
+ scope
+ support.function.magic.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #afd4de
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Python `self` keyword
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.function.language.special.self.python, variable.language.special.self.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e85c51
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ python keyword flow/logical (for ... in)
+ scope
+ keyword.control.flow.python, keyword.operator.logical.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad5c7c
+ name
+ python storage type
+ scope
+ storage.type.function.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad5c7c
+ name
+ python function support
+ scope
+ support.token.decorator.python, meta.function.decorator.identifier.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #afd4de
+ name
+ python function calls
+ scope
+ meta.function-call.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4d7d90
+ name
+ python function decorators
+ scope
+ entity.name.function.decorator.python, punctuation.definition.decorator.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ python placeholder reset to normal string
+ scope
+ constant.character.format.placeholder.other.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cbd9d8
+ name
+ Python exception & builtins such as exit()
+ scope
+ support.type.exception.python, support.function.builtin.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ name
+ entity.name.type
+ scope
+ support.type.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ name
+ python constants (True/False)
+ scope
+ constant.language.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad5c7c
+ name
+ Arguments accessed later in the function body
+ scope
+ meta.indexed-name.python, meta.item-access.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad6771
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Python f-strings/binary/unicode storage types
+ scope
+ storage.type.string.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7aa4a1
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Python type hints
+ scope
+ meta.function.parameters.python
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Regex string begin/end in JS/TS
+ scope
+ string.regexp punctuation.definition.string.begin, string.regexp punctuation.definition.string.end
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cbd9d8
+ name
+ Regex anchors (^, $)
+ scope
+ keyword.control.anchor.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad5c7c
+ name
+ Regex regular string match
+ scope
+ string.regexp.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eaeeee
+ name
+ Regex group parenthesis & backreference (\1, \2, \3, ...)
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.group.regexp, keyword.other.back-reference.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7aa4a1
+ name
+ Regex character class []
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.character-class.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ name
+ Regex character classes (\d, \w, \s)
+ scope
+ constant.other.character-class.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cbd9d8
+ name
+ Regex range
+ scope
+ constant.other.character-class.range.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #587b7b
+ name
+ Regex quantifier
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.quantifier.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a1cdd8
+ name
+ Regex constant/numeric
+ scope
+ constant.character.numeric.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ name
+ Regex lookaheads, negative lookaheads, lookbehinds, negative lookbehinds
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.group.no-capture.regexp, meta.assertion.look-ahead.regexp, meta.assertion.negative-look-ahead.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4d7d90
+ name
+ Rust attribute
+ scope
+ meta.annotation.rust, meta.annotation.rust punctuation, meta.attribute.rust, punctuation.definition.attribute.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust attribute strings
+ scope
+ meta.attribute.rust string.quoted.double.rust, meta.attribute.rust string.quoted.single.char.rust
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Rust keyword
+ scope
+ entity.name.function.macro.rules.rust, storage.type.module.rust, storage.modifier.rust, storage.type.struct.rust, storage.type.enum.rust, storage.type.trait.rust, storage.type.union.rust, storage.type.impl.rust, storage.type.rust, storage.type.function.rust, storage.type.type.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad5c7c
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Rust u/i32, u/i64, etc.
+ scope
+ entity.name.type.numeric.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad5c7c
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Rust generic
+ scope
+ meta.generic.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ name
+ Rust impl
+ scope
+ entity.name.impl.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust module
+ scope
+ entity.name.module.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ name
+ Rust trait
+ scope
+ entity.name.trait.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust struct
+ scope
+ storage.type.source.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ name
+ Rust union
+ scope
+ entity.name.union.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ name
+ Rust enum member
+ scope
+ meta.enum.rust storage.type.source.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a1cdd8
+ name
+ Rust macro
+ scope
+ support.macro.rust, meta.macro.rust support.function.rust, entity.name.function.macro.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4d7d90
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust lifetime
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.lifetime.rust, entity.name.type.lifetime
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4d7d90
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust string formatting
+ scope
+ string.quoted.double.rust constant.other.placeholder.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cbd9d8
+ name
+ Rust return type generic
+ scope
+ meta.function.return-type.rust meta.generic.rust storage.type.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eaeeee
+ name
+ Rust functions
+ scope
+ meta.function.call.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4d7d90
+ name
+ Rust angle brackets
+ scope
+ punctuation.brackets.angle.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #afd4de
+ name
+ Rust constants
+ scope
+ constant.other.caps.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ name
+ Rust function parameters
+ scope
+ meta.function.definition.rust variable.other.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad6771
+ name
+ Rust closure variables
+ scope
+ meta.function.call.rust variable.other.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eaeeee
+ name
+ Rust self
+ scope
+ variable.language.self.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e85c51
+ name
+ Rust metavariable names
+ scope
+ variable.other.metavariable.name.rust, meta.macro.metavariable.rust keyword.operator.macro.dollar.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cbd9d8
+ name
+ Shell shebang
+ scope
+ comment.line.shebang, comment.line.shebang punctuation.definition.comment, comment.line.shebang, punctuation.definition.comment.shebang.shell, meta.shebang.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cbd9d8
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Shell shebang command
+ scope
+ comment.line.shebang constant.language
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a1cdd8
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Shell interpolated command
+ scope
+ meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.definition.variable.shell, meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.section.interpolation, meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.definition.variable.shell, meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.section.interpolation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e85c51
+ name
+ Shell interpolated command variable
+ scope
+ meta.string meta.interpolation.parameter.shell variable.other.readwrite
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ scope
+ source.shell punctuation.section.interpolation, punctuation.definition.evaluation.backticks.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a1cdd8
+ name
+ Shell EOF
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag.heredoc.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad5c7c
+ name
+ Shell quoted variable
+ scope
+ string.quoted.double.shell variable.other.normal.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eaeeee
+ scope
+ markup.heading.synopsis.man, markup.heading.title.man, markup.heading.other.man, markup.heading.env.man
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ad5c7c
+ scope
+ markup.heading.commands.man
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #4d7d90
+ scope
+ markup.heading.env.man
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cbd9d8
+ scope
+ markup.heading.1.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e85c51
+ scope
+ markup.heading.2.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
+ scope
+ markup.heading.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fda47f
diff --git a/lua/nightfox/extra/bat.lua b/lua/nightfox/extra/bat.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc272869
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lua/nightfox/extra/bat.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,2056 @@
+local template = require("nightfox.util.template")
+local M = {}
+function M.generate(spec, _)
+ local content = [[
+ name
+ Catppuccin Macchiato
+ semanticClass
+ theme.dark.catppuccin-macchiato
+ uuid
+ 02b2bdf3-9eb7-4396-bf04-f17f1468f99f
+ author
+ Catppuccin Org
+ colorSpaceName
+ sRGB
+ settings
+ settings
+ background
+ ${bg1}
+ foreground
+ ${fg0}
+ caret
+ ${fg3}
+ lineHighlight
+ ${bg2}
+ misspelling
+ ${palette.red}
+ accent
+ ${palette.magenta}
+ selection
+ ${fg0}
+ gutterForeground
+ ${bg4}
+ name
+ Basic text & variable names (incl. leading punctuation)
+ scope
+ text, source, variable.other.readwrite, punctuation.definition.variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg0}
+ name
+ Parentheses, Brackets, Braces
+ scope
+ punctuation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg0}
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Comments
+ scope
+ comment, punctuation.definition.comment
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${bg4}
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ scope
+ string, punctuation.definition.string
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.green}
+ scope
+ constant.character.escape
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg2}
+ name
+ Booleans, constants, numbers
+ scope
+ constant.numeric, variable.other.constant, entity.name.constant, constant.language.boolean, constant.language.false, constant.language.true, keyword.other.unit.user-defined, keyword.other.unit.suffix.floating-point
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ scope
+ keyword, keyword.operator.word, keyword.operator.new, variable.language.super, support.type.primitive, storage.type, storage.modifier, punctuation.definition.keyword
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.magenta}
+ fontStyle
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag.documentation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.magenta}
+ name
+ Punctuation
+ scope
+ keyword.operator, punctuation.accessor, punctuation.definition.generic, meta.function.closure punctuation.section.parameters, punctuation.definition.tag, punctuation.separator.key-value
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.cyan}
+ scope
+ entity.name.function, meta.function-call.method, support.function, support.function.misc, variable.function
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.blue.dim}
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Classes
+ scope
+ entity.name.class, entity.other.inherited-class, support.class, meta.function-call.constructor, entity.name.struct
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Enum
+ scope
+ entity.name.enum
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Enum member
+ scope
+ meta.enum variable.other.readwrite, variable.other.enummember
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.cyan}
+ name
+ Object properties
+ scope
+ meta.property.object
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.cyan}
+ name
+ Types
+ scope
+ meta.type, meta.type-alias, support.type, entity.name.type
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Decorators
+ scope
+ meta.annotation variable.function, meta.annotation variable.annotation.function, meta.annotation punctuation.definition.annotation, meta.decorator, punctuation.decorator
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ scope
+ variable.parameter, meta.function.parameters
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.pink.dim}
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Built-ins
+ scope
+ constant.language, support.function.builtin
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.red}
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name.documentation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.red}
+ name
+ Preprocessor directives
+ scope
+ keyword.control.directive, punctuation.definition.directive
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ name
+ Type parameters
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.typeparameters
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.cyan.bright}
+ name
+ Namespaces
+ scope
+ entity.name.namespace
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ name
+ Property names (left hand assignments in json/yaml/css)
+ scope
+ support.type.property-name.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.blue.dim}
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ This/Self keyword
+ scope
+ variable.language.this, variable.language.this punctuation.definition.variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.red}
+ name
+ Object properties
+ scope
+ variable.object.property
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg0}
+ name
+ String template interpolation
+ scope
+ string.template variable, string variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg0}
+ name
+ `new` as bold
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.new
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ bold
+ name
+ C++ extern keyword
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.specifier.extern.cpp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.magenta}
+ name
+ C++ scope resolution
+ scope
+ entity.name.scope-resolution.template.call.cpp, entity.name.scope-resolution.parameter.cpp, entity.name.scope-resolution.cpp, entity.name.scope-resolution.function.definition.cpp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ name
+ C++ doc keywords
+ scope
+ storage.type.class.doxygen
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ C++ operators
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.reference.cpp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.cyan}
+ name
+ C# Interpolated Strings
+ scope
+ meta.interpolation.cs
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg0}
+ name
+ C# xml-style docs
+ scope
+ comment.block.documentation.cs
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg0}
+ name
+ Classes, reflecting the className color in JSX
+ scope
+ source.css entity.other.attribute-name.class.css, entity.other.attribute-name.parent-selector.css punctuation.definition.entity.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ name
+ Operators
+ scope
+ punctuation.separator.operator.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.cyan}
+ name
+ Pseudo classes
+ scope
+ source.css entity.other.attribute-name.pseudo-class
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.cyan}
+ scope
+ source.css constant.other.unicode-range
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ scope
+ source.css variable.parameter.url
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.green}
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ CSS vendored property names
+ scope
+ support.type.vendored.property-name
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.cyan.bright}
+ name
+ Less/SCSS right-hand variables (@/$-prefixed)
+ scope
+ source.css meta.property-value variable, source.css meta.property-value variable.other.less, source.css meta.property-value variable.other.less punctuation.definition.variable.less, meta.definition.variable.scss
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.pink.dim}
+ name
+ CSS variables (--prefixed)
+ scope
+ source.css meta.property-list variable, meta.property-list variable.other.less, meta.property-list variable.other.less punctuation.definition.variable.less
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.blue.dim}
+ name
+ CSS Percentage values, styled the same as numbers
+ scope
+ keyword.other.unit.percentage.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ name
+ CSS Attribute selectors, styled the same as strings
+ scope
+ source.css meta.attribute-selector
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.green}
+ name
+ JSON/YAML keys, other left-hand assignments
+ scope
+ keyword.other.definition.ini, punctuation.support.type.property-name.json, support.type.property-name.json, punctuation.support.type.property-name.toml, support.type.property-name.toml, entity.name.tag.yaml, punctuation.support.type.property-name.yaml, support.type.property-name.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.blue.dim}
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ JSON/YAML constants
+ scope
+ constant.language.json, constant.language.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ name
+ YAML anchors
+ scope
+ entity.name.type.anchor.yaml, variable.other.alias.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ TOML tables / ini groups
+ scope
+ support.type.property-name.table, entity.name.section.group-title.ini
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ name
+ TOML dates
+ scope
+ constant.other.time.datetime.offset.toml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg2}
+ name
+ YAML anchor puctuation
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.anchor.yaml, punctuation.definition.alias.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg2}
+ name
+ YAML triple dashes
+ scope
+ entity.other.document.begin.yaml
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg2}
+ name
+ Markup Diff
+ scope
+ markup.changed.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ name
+ Diff
+ scope
+ meta.diff.header.from-file, meta.diff.header.to-file, punctuation.definition.from-file.diff, punctuation.definition.to-file.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.blue.dim}
+ name
+ Diff Inserted
+ scope
+ markup.inserted.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.green}
+ name
+ Diff Deleted
+ scope
+ markup.deleted.diff
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.red}
+ name
+ dotenv left-hand side assignments
+ scope
+ variable.other.env
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.blue.dim}
+ name
+ dotenv reference to existing env variable
+ scope
+ string.quoted variable.other.env
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg0}
+ name
+ GDScript functions
+ scope
+ support.function.builtin.gdscript
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.blue.dim}
+ name
+ GDScript constants
+ scope
+ constant.language.gdscript
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ name
+ Comment keywords
+ scope
+ comment meta.annotation.go
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.pink.dim}
+ name
+ go:embed, go:build, etc.
+ scope
+ comment meta.annotation.parameters.go
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ name
+ Go constants (nil, true, false)
+ scope
+ constant.language.go
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ name
+ GraphQL variables
+ scope
+ variable.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg0}
+ name
+ GraphQL aliases
+ scope
+ string.unquoted.alias.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f0c6c6
+ name
+ GraphQL enum members
+ scope
+ constant.character.enum.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.cyan}
+ name
+ GraphQL field in types
+ scope
+ meta.objectvalues.graphql constant.object.key.graphql string.unquoted.graphql
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f0c6c6
+ name
+ HTML/XML DOCTYPE as keyword
+ scope
+ keyword.other.doctype, meta.tag.sgml.doctype punctuation.definition.tag, meta.tag.metadata.doctype entity.name.tag, meta.tag.metadata.doctype punctuation.definition.tag
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.magenta}
+ name
+ HTML/XML-like <tags/>
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.blue.dim}
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Special characters like &
+ scope
+ text.html constant.character.entity, text.html constant.character.entity punctuation, constant.character.entity.xml, constant.character.entity.xml punctuation, constant.character.entity.js.jsx, constant.charactger.entity.js.jsx punctuation, constant.character.entity.tsx, constant.character.entity.tsx punctuation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.red}
+ name
+ HTML/XML tag attribute values
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ name
+ Components
+ scope
+ support.class.component, support.class.component.jsx, support.class.component.tsx, support.class.component.vue
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg2}
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Annotations
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.annotation, storage.type.annotation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ name
+ Java enums
+ scope
+ constant.other.enum.java
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.cyan}
+ name
+ Java imports
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.import.java
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg0}
+ name
+ Javadoc
+ scope
+ comment.block.javadoc.java keyword.other.documentation.javadoc.java
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Exported Variable
+ scope
+ meta.export variable.other.readwrite.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.pink.dim}
+ name
+ JS/TS constants & properties
+ scope
+ variable.other.constant.js, variable.other.constant.ts, variable.other.property.js, variable.other.property.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg0}
+ name
+ JSDoc; these are mainly params, so styled as such
+ scope
+ variable.other.jsdoc, comment.block.documentation variable.other
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.pink.dim}
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ JSDoc keywords
+ scope
+ storage.type.class.jsdoc
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ scope
+ support.type.object.console.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg0}
+ name
+ Node constants as keywords (module, etc.)
+ scope
+ support.constant.node, support.type.object.module.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.magenta}
+ name
+ implements as keyword
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.implements
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.magenta}
+ name
+ Builtin types
+ scope
+ constant.language.null.js, constant.language.null.ts, constant.language.undefined.js, constant.language.undefined.ts, support.type.builtin.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.magenta}
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.generic
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ name
+ Arrow functions
+ scope
+ keyword.declaration.function.arrow.js, storage.type.function.arrow.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.cyan}
+ name
+ Decorator punctuations (decorators inherit from blue functions, instead of styleguide peach)
+ scope
+ punctuation.decorator.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.blue.dim}
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Extra JS/TS keywords
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.expression.in.js, keyword.operator.expression.in.ts, keyword.operator.expression.infer.ts, keyword.operator.expression.instanceof.js, keyword.operator.expression.instanceof.ts, keyword.operator.expression.is, keyword.operator.expression.keyof.ts, keyword.operator.expression.of.js, keyword.operator.expression.of.ts, keyword.operator.expression.typeof.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.magenta}
+ name
+ Julia macros
+ scope
+ support.function.macro.julia
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.cyan}
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Julia language constants (true, false)
+ scope
+ constant.language.julia
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ name
+ Julia other constants (these seem to be arguments inside arrays)
+ scope
+ constant.other.symbol.julia
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.pink.dim}
+ name
+ LaTeX preamble
+ scope
+ text.tex keyword.control.preamble
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.cyan}
+ name
+ LaTeX be functions
+ scope
+ text.tex support.function.be
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.cyan.bright}
+ name
+ LaTeX math
+ scope
+ constant.other.general.math.tex
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f0c6c6
+ name
+ Lua docstring keywords
+ scope
+ comment.line.double-dash.documentation.lua storage.type.annotation.lua
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.magenta}
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Lua docstring variables
+ scope
+ comment.line.double-dash.documentation.lua entity.name.variable.lua, comment.line.double-dash.documentation.lua variable.lua
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg0}
+ scope
+ heading.1.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.1.markdown, markup.heading.atx.1.mdx, markup.heading.atx.1.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.setext.1.markdown, markup.heading.heading-0.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.red}
+ scope
+ heading.2.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.2.markdown, markup.heading.atx.2.mdx, markup.heading.atx.2.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.setext.2.markdown, markup.heading.heading-1.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ scope
+ heading.3.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.3.markdown, markup.heading.atx.3.mdx, markup.heading.atx.3.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-2.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ scope
+ heading.4.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.4.markdown, markup.heading.atx.4.mdx, markup.heading.atx.4.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-3.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.green}
+ scope
+ heading.5.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.5.markdown, markup.heading.atx.5.mdx, markup.heading.atx.5.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-4.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.blue.dim}
+ scope
+ heading.6.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown, heading.6.markdown, markup.heading.atx.6.mdx, markup.heading.atx.6.mdx punctuation.definition.heading.mdx, markup.heading.heading-5.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.magenta}
+ scope
+ markup.bold
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.red}
+ fontStyle
+ bold
+ scope
+ markup.italic
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.red}
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ scope
+ markup.strikethrough
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a5adcb
+ fontStyle
+ strikethrough
+ name
+ Markdown auto links
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.link, markup.underline.link
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.blue.dim}
+ name
+ Markdown links
+ scope
+ text.html.markdown punctuation.definition.link.title, string.other.link.title.markdown, markup.link, punctuation.definition.constant.markdown, constant.other.reference.link.markdown, markup.substitution.attribute-reference
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b7bdf8
+ name
+ Markdown code spans
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.raw.markdown, markup.inline.raw.string.markdown, markup.raw.block.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.green}
+ name
+ Markdown triple backtick language identifier
+ scope
+ fenced_code.block.language
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.cyan.bright}
+ name
+ Markdown triple backticks
+ scope
+ markup.fenced_code.block punctuation.definition, markup.raw support.asciidoc
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg0}
+ name
+ Markdown quotes
+ scope
+ markup.quote, punctuation.definition.quote.begin
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg2}
+ name
+ Markdown separators
+ scope
+ meta.separator.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.cyan}
+ name
+ Markdown list bullets
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.list.begin.markdown, markup.list.bullet
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.cyan}
+ name
+ Nix attribute names
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name.multipart.nix, entity.other.attribute-name.single.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.blue.dim}
+ name
+ Nix parameter names
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.name.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg0}
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Nix interpolated parameter names
+ scope
+ meta.embedded variable.parameter.name.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b7bdf8
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Nix paths
+ scope
+ string.unquoted.path.nix
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg2}
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ PHP Attributes
+ scope
+ support.attribute.builtin, meta.attribute.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ name
+ PHP Parameters (needed for the leading dollar sign)
+ scope
+ meta.function.parameters.php punctuation.definition.variable.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.pink.dim}
+ name
+ PHP Constants (null, __FILE__, etc.)
+ scope
+ constant.language.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.magenta}
+ name
+ PHP functions
+ scope
+ text.html.php support.function
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.cyan.bright}
+ name
+ PHPdoc keywords
+ scope
+ keyword.other.phpdoc.php
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Python argument functions reset to text, otherwise they inherit blue from function-call
+ scope
+ support.variable.magic.python, meta.function-call.arguments.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg0}
+ name
+ Python double underscore functions
+ scope
+ support.function.magic.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.cyan.bright}
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Python `self` keyword
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.function.language.special.self.python, variable.language.special.self.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.red}
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ python keyword flow/logical (for ... in)
+ scope
+ keyword.control.flow.python, keyword.operator.logical.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.magenta}
+ name
+ python storage type
+ scope
+ storage.type.function.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.magenta}
+ name
+ python function support
+ scope
+ support.token.decorator.python, meta.function.decorator.identifier.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.cyan.bright}
+ name
+ python function calls
+ scope
+ meta.function-call.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.blue.dim}
+ name
+ python function decorators
+ scope
+ entity.name.function.decorator.python, punctuation.definition.decorator.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ python placeholder reset to normal string
+ scope
+ constant.character.format.placeholder.other.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg2}
+ name
+ Python exception & builtins such as exit()
+ scope
+ support.type.exception.python, support.function.builtin.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ name
+ entity.name.type
+ scope
+ support.type.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ name
+ python constants (True/False)
+ scope
+ constant.language.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.magenta}
+ name
+ Arguments accessed later in the function body
+ scope
+ meta.indexed-name.python, meta.item-access.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.pink.dim}
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Python f-strings/binary/unicode storage types
+ scope
+ storage.type.string.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.green}
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Python type hints
+ scope
+ meta.function.parameters.python
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Regex string begin/end in JS/TS
+ scope
+ string.regexp punctuation.definition.string.begin, string.regexp punctuation.definition.string.end
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg2}
+ name
+ Regex anchors (^, $)
+ scope
+ keyword.control.anchor.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.magenta}
+ name
+ Regex regular string match
+ scope
+ string.regexp.ts
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg0}
+ name
+ Regex group parenthesis & backreference (\1, \2, \3, ...)
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.group.regexp, keyword.other.back-reference.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.green}
+ name
+ Regex character class []
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.character-class.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ name
+ Regex character classes (\d, \w, \s)
+ scope
+ constant.other.character-class.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg2}
+ name
+ Regex range
+ scope
+ constant.other.character-class.range.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg3}
+ name
+ Regex quantifier
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.quantifier.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.cyan}
+ name
+ Regex constant/numeric
+ scope
+ constant.character.numeric.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ name
+ Regex lookaheads, negative lookaheads, lookbehinds, negative lookbehinds
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.group.no-capture.regexp, meta.assertion.look-ahead.regexp, meta.assertion.negative-look-ahead.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.blue.dim}
+ name
+ Rust attribute
+ scope
+ meta.annotation.rust, meta.annotation.rust punctuation, meta.attribute.rust, punctuation.definition.attribute.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust attribute strings
+ scope
+ meta.attribute.rust string.quoted.double.rust, meta.attribute.rust string.quoted.single.char.rust
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Rust keyword
+ scope
+ entity.name.function.macro.rules.rust, storage.type.module.rust, storage.modifier.rust, storage.type.struct.rust, storage.type.enum.rust, storage.type.trait.rust, storage.type.union.rust, storage.type.impl.rust, storage.type.rust, storage.type.function.rust, storage.type.type.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.magenta}
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Rust u/i32, u/i64, etc.
+ scope
+ entity.name.type.numeric.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.magenta}
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Rust generic
+ scope
+ meta.generic.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ name
+ Rust impl
+ scope
+ entity.name.impl.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust module
+ scope
+ entity.name.module.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ name
+ Rust trait
+ scope
+ entity.name.trait.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust struct
+ scope
+ storage.type.source.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ name
+ Rust union
+ scope
+ entity.name.union.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ name
+ Rust enum member
+ scope
+ meta.enum.rust storage.type.source.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.cyan}
+ name
+ Rust macro
+ scope
+ support.macro.rust, meta.macro.rust support.function.rust, entity.name.function.macro.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.blue.dim}
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust lifetime
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.lifetime.rust, entity.name.type.lifetime
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.blue.dim}
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Rust string formatting
+ scope
+ string.quoted.double.rust constant.other.placeholder.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg2}
+ name
+ Rust return type generic
+ scope
+ meta.function.return-type.rust meta.generic.rust storage.type.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg0}
+ name
+ Rust functions
+ scope
+ meta.function.call.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.blue.dim}
+ name
+ Rust angle brackets
+ scope
+ punctuation.brackets.angle.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.cyan.bright}
+ name
+ Rust constants
+ scope
+ constant.other.caps.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ name
+ Rust function parameters
+ scope
+ meta.function.definition.rust variable.other.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.pink.dim}
+ name
+ Rust closure variables
+ scope
+ meta.function.call.rust variable.other.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg0}
+ name
+ Rust self
+ scope
+ variable.language.self.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.red}
+ name
+ Rust metavariable names
+ scope
+ variable.other.metavariable.name.rust, meta.macro.metavariable.rust keyword.operator.macro.dollar.rust
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg2}
+ name
+ Shell shebang
+ scope
+ comment.line.shebang, comment.line.shebang punctuation.definition.comment, comment.line.shebang, punctuation.definition.comment.shebang.shell, meta.shebang.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg2}
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Shell shebang command
+ scope
+ comment.line.shebang constant.language
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.cyan}
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Shell interpolated command
+ scope
+ meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.definition.variable.shell, meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.section.interpolation, meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.definition.variable.shell, meta.function-call.arguments.shell punctuation.section.interpolation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.red}
+ name
+ Shell interpolated command variable
+ scope
+ meta.string meta.interpolation.parameter.shell variable.other.readwrite
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ scope
+ source.shell punctuation.section.interpolation, punctuation.definition.evaluation.backticks.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.cyan}
+ name
+ Shell EOF
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag.heredoc.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.magenta}
+ name
+ Shell quoted variable
+ scope
+ string.quoted.double.shell variable.other.normal.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg0}
+ scope
+ markup.heading.synopsis.man, markup.heading.title.man, markup.heading.other.man, markup.heading.env.man
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.magenta}
+ scope
+ markup.heading.commands.man
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.blue.dim}
+ scope
+ markup.heading.env.man
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${fg2}
+ scope
+ markup.heading.1.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.red}
+ scope
+ markup.heading.2.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ scope
+ markup.heading.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ ${palette.yellow}
+ return template.parse_template_str(content, spec)
+return M
diff --git a/misc/extra.lua b/misc/extra.lua
index d86c54a2..0ea23e05 100644
--- a/misc/extra.lua
+++ b/misc/extra.lua
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ end
local extras = {
alacritty = "toml",
base16 = "yaml",
+ bat = { ext = "tmTheme", use_spec_name = true },
fish = { ext = "fish", use_spec_name = true },
ghostty = { ext = "ghostty", use_spec_name = true },
iterm = { ext = "itermcolors", use_spec_name = true },