Yes! We have a Docker containers for the Intel/AMD 64 and ARM64 architectures that will run under Linux, MacOS and Windows (using WSL). These will give you access to both the simulation code, EXP, and the Python module, pyEXP using Jupyter Notebooks and Lab without any additional configuration or code building.
Super quick start: download this Bash script and run it. This will download the Docker image and start a Jupyter notebook by default. Use the -t flag for an interactive terminal. Use the -h flag for additional options. For further details and links to installing Docker, see this README.
A native installation will be a bit faster and allow you to fine tune package versions in HPC environments. See :ref:`the Installation Guide <intro-install>` for details.
Yes, EXP is an C++ library with Python support provided by pybind11. So, you need to compile the C++ library first. However, you can compile pyEXP without the N-body code itself. Please see :ref:`the Installation Guide <intro-install>` for compilation and configuration details.
The EXP N-body code is designed to accurately model disequilbria from modest satellite interactions, the gravitational coupling between different galaxy components, and model internal instabilities. The bases used in EXP are also suitable for Hamiltonian perturbation theory calculations. This provides a self-consistency check and path to understanding the non-linear development of linear predictions. The EXP N-body code will not work well for major mergers!
pyEXP uses the same library routines as EXP but applies to analyses of existing simulations done with EXP or most well-known cosmological N-body codes. The EXP code base provides stand-alone Unix routines for these analyses, too. If you want to analyze existing N-body simulation output and prefer the Jupyter/Python ecosystem, pyEXP is what you want.
EXP and pyEXP can run on a wide variety of hardware, from laptops and HPC clusters. EXP and pyEXP can make use of multiple cores on a single laptop or compute node using a combination of POSIX threads and OpenMP.
pyEXP in particular is optimized to run on a single node. In Linux you can use the environment setting to tell pyEXP to use 8 cores:
This will speed up your mSSA computation in particular.
The core EXP libraries use MPI which allows EXP (and pyEXP in some instances) to use many compute nodes. While this is key for simulations with large numbers of particles, pyEXP can be run on a cluster as well. See the pyEXP examples repo for some sample scripts that use MPI.
Some of the core force implementations in EXP have GPU implementations. Even a simple commodity gaming card provides enough power to allow you to easily perform a simulation with 1 million particles. Moreover, EXP can be run on GPU clusters, enabling simulations of 100 million particles and larger. For example, a galaxy halo simulation on 8 NVidia V100 GPU cards will take approximately 12 wall clock hours for 10 Gyr of simulation for a Milky-Way-like model. Similar throughput for a CPU cluster requires approximately 512 cores.
EXP uses Output routines to write phase space files to disk at regular intervals. The main phase-space output routines are:
Output type Explanation outpsp Writes single-precision binary N-body phase-space in PSP format. outpsq As in outpsp but each process writes in parallel for runtime efficiency. outchkpt Writes double-precision binary N-body phase-space into a single file. outchkpq As in outchkpt but each process writes in parallel for runtime efficiency.
Each of these output routines takes the integer argument nint describing the number of steps between each output. These routines will construct a unique file name based on the runtag and file type. You can override this with the filename argument. The first two in the table above make sequentially index snapshots. These are intended to enable post-processing tasks. The second two retain the final and penultimate checkpoints only.
For example, assume that you are running simulation with 4000 time steps and want a snapshot every 100 steps and a checkpoint every 1000 time steps. Your configuration might look like this:
- id : outpsq
parameters : {nint : 100}
- id : outchkptq
parameters : {nint : 1000}
This will write snapshot and checkpoint files of the following form: SPL.<runtag>.<xxxxx> and SPL.<runtag>.chkpt where runtag is the parameter specified in the Global section of the EXP YAML configuration and xxxxx is a five-digit zero-padded number that identifies the snapshot. The previously written checkpoint has the .bak suffix. You can restart EXP from a snapshot checkpoint by specifying one of these file names as the infile parameter. For example, assume that your run is tagged by run001 and that you want to restart from the last checkpoint:
runtag: run001
infile: SPL.run001.chkpt
EXP will read the checkpoint file SPL.run001.chkpt, check for consistency with the parameters in the current configuration file, and start from that point.
See next question...
Ask your HPC administrators about running applications in containers. This will help you avoid module conflicts and non-standard development environments with missing dependencies.
We have had good success with Apptainer (formerly known as Singularity). Apptainer containers provide all of the libraries and executable objects necessary to run EXP as an MPI application in a Linux environment of their choosing.
Most likely, your HPC admin will have recommendations for a base container OS image that will work with your cluster. There are two ways of getting EXP into a container:
- Building natively on an OS instance that is the same as your target container. Installing the OS in VirtualBox is a good strategy if you do not have a native installation. Then you can copy the compiled EXP into the container. This repo gives a simple example of this approach for an Ubuntu image.
- You can build EXP inside the container. This is more self-contained but will require some work. See this link for generic instructions.
- The NVidia people have developed the HPC Container Maker, a Python tool called hpccm for generating an Apptainer/Singularity definition file using base images for Linux distributions with Cuda support. Our repo also gives an hpccm recipe for an Ubuntu image. The container includes EXP and pyEXP with AstroPy, NumPy, Matplotlib, and mpi4py. EXP in this container has been tested but remains experimental (esp. for pyEXP). Please provide feedback and bug reports on this and please consider contributing your working recipe to our EXP repo!
Some HPC centers are exploring Kubernetes, also known as K8s. This is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. We have no experience with EXP as a Kubernetes app. So, again, please share your experience!
First of all, we are sorry! Please report the problem in our issue tracker.
As you probably know, segmentation faults often arise when a program is attempting to access memory that the OS cannot locate or will not allow. Most often, this is the result of EXP/pyEXP being used in a way that the developers haven't considered and tested.
If you are an experienced programmer and would like to contribute by providing a fix, this is what we usually do:
- Recompile EXP/pyEXP as 'Debug' using
or by changing the value of theCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
to 'Debug' in yourCMakeCache.txt
file. - Run the code in
. If you are using pyEXP, you can launchgdb python3
and run your script in the debugger. - Look for failures such as undefined arrays, vectors, etc. Even if you only report the approximate location in the source file, you will have saved the developers a lot of time and sped up the time to a fix.
The phase-space interface in pyEXP is the ParticleReader
which is
really a stream or iterator. The user can access the phase-space
variables directly using the pyEXP.util.particleIterator(reader,
where reader
is of type
is a callback function that takes a scalar mass, position and
velocity arrays, and a scalar index as input. For example, you can
define the callback func
in your Python environment and accumulate
summary statistics or even collect up phase space vectors by appending
to existing arrays. Because ParticleReader
is a stream, pyEXP does
not have an interface to phase space by array index. This was a
design choice; the idea was not to push huge phase space snapshots
onto the users stack.
A simple example of this in practice is provided in the
in pyEXP-examples repo.
There are a lot of parameters that you can set in EXP/pyEXP! We describe some of them below.
is the number of radial grid points for spherical expansion, this
sets the interpolation length between grid points. There is really no downside to making this
large, but anything larger than ~2000 is overkill. This generally doesn't need to
be changed from the defaults.
, pnum
, and tnum
are the radial, azimuthal, latitudinal quadrature knots,
respectively, for Gram matrix. These are for computing orthogonal functions for cylindrical
bases. You generally want rnum
to be of order numr
(like 1000), tnum
can be a
factor of 10 down from that (~100). pnum
should be 1 unless you do not have an axisymmetric
mass distribution (e.g. if you are starting with an arbitrary set of particles and you want to
build a basis from that with the most naive approach - here you would use pnum
~ 100 and let it go).
These generally don't need to be changed from the defaults.
The EJ parameters are explained in :ref: the section on centering <centering>. You only want to change these values from their defaults if you have an external perturber, these shouldn't be changed if you are working with with simulations of isolated systems.
is an expert parameter for load balancing, this file gives diagnostics about
the different nodes/processesors on your system. EXP will produce a ratefile
when running
, lmax
, mmax
are the maximum radial order of cylindrical or spherical basis, the
the maximum spherical harmonic order, and maximum azimuthal order of the cylindrical basis. There
are benchmark numbers but no hard-and-fast recommendations for these values. For simulations with
~ one million particles in the halo, we typically use lmax
= 6, nmax
= 18 in the spherical
halo mmax
= 6, nmax
= 18 for the disk. This should give you all or most of the signal but
some coefficients will be noisy. In general, we recommend that you go slightly past what you want
so that you get all the components and can analyse the significance of each coefficient post-facto.