#Archdaily Capture ##What the script does The script scraps the http://www.archdaily.com/map/ page.
The results are written in GeoJSON files (YYYY-MM-DD.geojson and YYYY-MM-DD.js, the JavaScript version of the .geojson file to be used directly with Leaflet).
This script could be run monthly.
##Files ###Specific files
- ArchdailyCapture.py
- ArchdailyCaptor.py
- ArchdailyGeojsonBuilder.py
###Common files
- Captor.py
- GeojsonBuilder.py
- FileManager.py
- ExitLogger.py
- LoggerBuilder.py
###Additional Python modules
- requests
- lxml
- ./logs/archdaily.log for complete logs
- ./logs/archdaily-exit.json for time and exit status of the last execution
##How to use the script
Copy the files
Create the logs folder
Create the archdaily folder
Run the script:
python ArchdailyCapture.py
##Exit status and Errors ###Exit status
- 0 in case of success
- 1 in case of an InitError (if the folder ./archdaily is missing)
- 2 in case of a RequestException (e.g. network problem, HTTP error, timeout, too many redirections, etc.)
- 3 in case of another type of Exception
###Errors InitError: The folder ./archdaily/ is missing => You have forgotten the create an ./archdaily folder