All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.11.0 (2022-04-15)
- upgrade keycloak to the latest version (df2fb0c)
- update log4j to safe version (440e4dd)
- caching for session request (fa54ef3)
- documentation (5b5cfb7)
- first draft (6bb6e41)
- implementation of stop video call listener and business logic (e67cd2a)
- implementation of unit tests (a206cab)
- integration tests (4ebce64)
- optimization (6036795)
- optimizations (74b7df2)
- optimizations, api endpoint for frontend, unit and integration tests (e50e416)
- tests (df3678e)
- update of userstatisticsservice.yaml (79a1cdf)