All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.3.0 (2021-07-26)
- added new api endpoint for consulting type with basic properties by id (a7ad3b1)
- extension of consulting type settings by attributes description and furtherInformation (b2ae36e)
1.2.0 (2021-06-28)
- added anonymous welcome screen item properties (1a0f65e)
1.1.1 (2021-06-18)
- activated markdown generation for admin api (83bb966)
- add description for
(4f27c81) - added github workflow for schema documentation (ce36536)
- added integration tests for ConsultingTypeConstroller (46cc08f)
- added integration tests for ConsultingTypeConstroller (f654c5d)
- added md generation for json schema (6689519)
- added null to components (e00da31)
- added null to multiple properties (d5e5adf)
- added possible null values for white spot id and monitoring file (697d7fe)
- added property groupChat to BasicConsultingTypeResponseDTO (a3e84f9)
- added property whether anonymous conversations are enabled (80e6333)
- added test class for ConsultingTypeLoader (920107f)
- added test class for ConsultingTypeRepository and minor optimizations (b50c8f2)
- added tests (1c9b7fa)
- added unit test for consulting type mappers (7a5323e)
- added unit test for consulting type mappers (6695994)
- added unit test for ConsultingTypeService (8a64908)
- added units test for ConsultingTypeValidator (1049ad6)
- basic implementation of api endpoints for frontend application (61f0f05)
- change type of group chat rules from string to array of strings (de8cb33)
- extended integration tests for ConsultingTypeConstroller (fd0afbf)
- full implementation of frontend api endpoints (5090310)
- implementation admin api (7189d10)
- implementation of backend api endpoint (94d4ba9)
- implementation of schema validation, loading of settings and repository (a89b240)
- initial commit (9d9d7ad)
- new version of schema for consulting type settings (1f9de28)
- new version of schema for consulting type settings (5e28fd9)
- provide description where it was missing in the schema (2e79679)
- provided property showAskerProfile in basic consulting type response (db1319c)
- refactoring (07e8b28)
- refactoring, optimizations, implemenation of api endpoint für compact consulting type list (b21cc97)
- removed admin api documentation workflow (aafd455)
- units test for ConsultingTypeLoadern (01ed454)
- workflows to push admin api and schema documentation to documentation repo (ecd7014)
- added missing test file (cd4c538)
- added unit tests for StatelessCsrfFilter (1dcfb1d)
- broken test fix (8319032)
- broken test fix (c52faa3)
- broken test fix (2c2cb03)
- broken test fix (290660f)
- workflow (8c3bb81)
- wrong method access qualifier (2b45a6b)
- wrong method access qualifier (c560edf)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.