This project contains CANDY RED and CANDY EGG flow files allowing you to create a simple end-to-end Cloud and Device IoT application using CANDY Pi Lite, a 3G/LTE board running on top of Raspberry Pi 3 Model B.
The following flow files are available.
... are flow files for CANDY RED, a Node-RED based device application builder and runtimecandy-egg-*.json
... are flow files for CANDY EGG, a Node-RED based cloud application builder and runtime
The prerequisite hardware/devices are as follows.
- Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
- Sense HAT
- CANDY Pi Lite 3G (or LTE, available only in Japan)
- USB cable (micro USB to USB) for power supply or AC adaptor(OD:5.5mm x ID:2.1mm)
- Ethernet cable (if any) to access Raspberry Pi 3 via intranet