diff --git a/app/locales/bd.json b/app/locales/bd.json
index 5fe5a4ea..f08cf33b 100644
--- a/app/locales/bd.json
+++ b/app/locales/bd.json
@@ -1,194 +1,194 @@
- "Postal code": "পোস্ট অফিসের নাম্বার",
- "Important": "গুরুত্বপূর্ণ",
- "Page not found": "পৃষ্ঠা খুঁজে পাওয়া যায়নি",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "আপনি যে পৃষ্ঠা বা পরিষেবাটি সন্ধান করছেন তা আমরা খুঁজে পাই না",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "আপনার ক্লিক করা লিঙ্কটি ভেঙে যেতে পারে বা পৃষ্ঠাটি আর বিদ্যমান নেই",
- "Something went wrong!": "কিছু ভুল হয়েছে!",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "কিছু ভুল হয়েছে অবশ্যই",
- "Send an e-mail to": "একটি ইমেল প্রেরণ করুন",
- "if you can't get it to work.": "যদি আপনি এটি কাজ করতে না পারেন।",
+ "#stayindoors": "#stayhome",
+ "#washyourhands": "#washyourhands",
+ "...and others": "...and others",
+ "API": "API",
+ "About the service": "Service সম্পর্কে",
+ "Added to form": "Added to form",
+ "All submissions": "All submissions",
+ "Are you from": "আপনি কি থেকে এসেছেন?",
"Before proceeding please note down the following link": "এগিয়ে যাওয়ার আগে দয়া করে নীচের লিঙ্কটি নোট করুন",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "নিম্নলিখিত লিঙ্কটি কোথাও সংরক্ষণ করুন, বা এটি আপনার ব্রাউজারে বুকমার্ক করুন।",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "আপনার স্বাস্থ্যের অবস্থার পরিবর্তন হলে আপনি নিজের প্রতিবেদনটি আপডেট করতে পারেন।",
- "I've noted down the link.": "আমি লিঙ্কটি উল্লেখ করেছি।",
- "Proceed": "এগিয়ে যান",
- "The link has been copied": "লিঙ্কটি COPY করা হয়েছে।",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "নীচে আপনার ব্যক্তিগত স্বাস্থ্য তথ্য দেওয়া আছে.",
+ "Biological gender": "Biological gender/Sex",
+ "BustByte AS": "BustByte",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "সকল বাঙালি নাগরিককে কল করুন: এভাবেই আমরা করোনার ভাইরাসকে পরাভূত করি: একত্রে আমরা অদৃশ্য ভাইরাসকে দৃশ্যমান করে তুলেছি।",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "কভিড -১৯ সংক্রামিত",
+ "Choose your age": "আপনার বয়স চয়ন করুন",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "সিগারেট খাওয়ার অভ্যাস",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Clarifications data basis",
+ "Close": "ঘনিষ্ঠ",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Close contact with someone who has tested positive",
+ "Close contacts": "Close contacts",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "{{ hostname }} অবদান এবং ভাগ করুন",
+ "Contribute anonymously": "Contribute anonymously",
+ "Contribute now": "এখনই অবদান রাখুন",
+ "Contributors": "অবদানকারী",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "লিঙ্কটি Copy করতে পারেনি, এটি নিজেই Copy করুন",
- "Contributors": "অবদানকারী",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "এই ওয়েবসাইটটি স্বেচ্ছাসেবীদের সাহায্যে তৈরি করা হয়েছে। কোনও নির্দিষ্ট ক্রমে:",
- "...and others": "...and others",
- "The code for the website can be found": "ওয়েবসাইটের জন্য কোড পাওয়া যাবে",
- "here": "here",
- "About the service": "Service সম্পর্কে",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "COVID-19 এর প্রাদুর্ভাবের সাথে সম্পর্কিত, অনেক লোক ভাইরাসের জন্য পরীক্ষা করা হয়েছে, তবে সংস্থানগুলির অভাবে, অপ্রতিরোধ্য সংখ্যাগরিষ্ঠদের পরীক্ষা করা হয়নি। সুতরাং এটি ধারণা করা হয় যে প্রাদুর্ভাবের সাথে এখানে প্রচুর নিখোঁজ সংখ্যা রয়েছে।",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "স্ব-প্রতিবেদন ব্যবহার করে, স্বাস্থ্য কর্মীদের সম্ভাব্য দূষণের ঝুঁকির সামনে তুলে ধরা এবং ইতিমধ্যে স্বল্প সরবরাহের মধ্যে থাকা মূল্যবান সংক্রমণ নিয়ন্ত্রণ সরঞ্জাম ব্যবহার না করেই কত লোকের লক্ষণ রয়েছে তার একটি আরও ভাল চিত্র পেতে পারেন। আমরা BustByte, অন্যান্য স্বেচ্ছাসেবীদের দ্বারা ভালভাবে সহায়তা করে, প্রতিক্রিয়াতে এই সরঞ্জামটি তৈরি করেছি",
- "this article": "this article",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "as an attempt to chart these numbers.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "এটি কর্তৃপক্ষের কোনও আনুষ্ঠানিক সরঞ্জাম নয় এবং প্রাদুর্ভাব সম্পর্কে আরও তথ্যের জন্য আমরা স্বাস্থ্য কর্তৃপক্ষকে উল্লেখ করি যা সর্বদা আপডেট তথ্য থাকে।",
"Developed by": "Developed by",
- "BustByte AS": "BustByte",
- "and": "and",
- "volunteers": "volunteers",
- "Privacy Policy": "Privacy Statement",
- "Privacy": "Privacy",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "আপনার অবদানের জন্য ধন্যবাদ!",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "সরকার এখন তাদের নিজস্ব প্রতিবেদন সিস্টেম চালু করেছে, দয়া করে পরিবর্তে এটি ব্যবহার করুন।",
- "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.uk",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "ডায়াবেটিস মেলিটাস, উচ্চ রক্তচাপ, ইস্কেমিক হার্ট ডিজিজ, হাঁপানি, দীর্ঘস্থায়ী ফুসফুসের রোগ, দীর্ঘস্থায়ী কিডনি রোগ (Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease)",
+ "Diarrhea": "পেট খারাপ (Diarrhea)",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "ডেটাসেটটি csv হিসাবে ডাউনলোড করুন",
+ "Dry cough": "শুষ্ক কাশি (Dry cough)",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:",
+ "Everything is open": "Everything is open",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "ক্লান্তি এবং নির্জীবতা (Fatigue and exhaustion)",
+ "Female": "Female",
+ "Fever": "জ্বর (Fever)",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "এই ফর্মটি পূরণ করুন - এতে 1 মিনিট সময় লাগে - এবং বাংলাদেশকে COVID-19-এ নিয়ন্ত্রণ পেতে সহায়তা করে।",
+ "Geography and demography": "Demography and geography",
"Go to the National health service website": "জাতীয় স্বাস্থ্যসেবা ওয়েবসাইটে যান",
- "Report status by zip code": "ডাক কোড দ্বারা স্থিতি রিপোর্ট করুন",
- "What is my Zip code?": "আমার ডাক কোডটি কী?",
- "https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://www.whatismyzip.com",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "চিহ্নিতকারী ডাক কোডের স্থানাঙ্কের সাথে সামঞ্জস্য করে, ব্যক্তির সাথে তাদের কোনও সম্পর্ক নেই।",
- "Healthy": "সুস্থ",
"Has symptoms": "লক্ষণ আছে",
- "Tested positive": "Positive পরীক্ষিত",
- "Zip code information": "Postal code information",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Join us in the most important crowdsource!",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.",
- "Share on": "Share on",
- "NB!": "Important!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "এই পৃষ্ঠাটি বর্তমানে কোনওভাবেই কর্তৃপক্ষের সাথে অনুমোদিত নয়।",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "আপনার প্রবেশ করা ডেটা এখানে কীভাবে প্রক্রিয়াজাত হয় তা পড়ুন!",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "আপনার স্বাস্থ্যের অবস্থা আপডেট করতে আপনি গতবার উল্লিখিত লিঙ্কটি ব্যবহার করুন।",
- "Unreported cases": "Unreported cases",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "আমাদের দেশে COVID-19 এর বিস্তার অজানা। আমাদের আরও ভাল ওভারভিউ তৈরি করতে সহায়তা করুন।",
- "Contribute anonymously": "Contribute anonymously",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Report your health condition anonymously.",
- "Insight for everyone": "Data available for everyone",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.",
- "Everything is open": "Everything is open",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.",
- "Total reports": "Total reports",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Infected / Have been tested",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "আপনি কি নিম্নলিখিত শর্তগুলির সাথে নির্ণয় করেছেন (Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions)?",
+ "Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "COVID-19 এর জন্য POSITIVE, এমন ব্যক্তির সাথে কি আপনি ঘনিষ্ঠ যোগাযোগ করেছেন?",
+ "Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "আপনি কভিড -19 জন্য পরীক্ষা করা হয়েছে?",
+ "Headache": "মাথা ব্যাথা (Headache)",
+ "Healthy": "সুস্থ",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "আমাদের উদ্ঘাটন এবং পূর্বাভাস আপনার অঞ্চলে করোনার বিস্তার করতে সহায়তা করুন",
+ "How will my data be used?": "আমার ডেটা কীভাবে ব্যবহার করা হবে?",
+ "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "আমি গোপনীয়তা বিবৃতি অনুসারে আমার তথ্য সংরক্ষণ করা সম্মত",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "আমি একটি কুকি সেট করতে রাজি তাই আমি আমার স্বাস্থ্যের অবস্থার পরে উদাহরণস্বরূপ পরিবর্তন করতে পারি। পুনরুদ্ধার রিপোর্ট / অসুস্থ হয়ে পড়া",
+ "I am currently:": "আমি বর্তমানে আছি (I am currently)",
+ "I currently smoke": "আমি বর্তমানে ধূমপান করি",
+ "I have never smoked": "আমি কখনও ধূমপান করিনি",
+ "I used to smoke": "আমি ধূমপান করতাম",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "আমি লিঙ্কটি উল্লেখ করেছি।",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "আপনি যদি একাধিক ব্যবহারকারীর সাথে এই কম্পিউটারটি ব্যবহার করেন তবে দয়া করে আপনার স্থিতি আপডেট করতে এই লিঙ্কটি ব্যবহার করুন।",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "আপনি যদি এই কম্পিউটারে অন্য একজনকে নিবন্ধিত করতে চান তবে নিজের ব্যক্তিগত লিঙ্কটি সংরক্ষণ করুন বা টাইপ করুন",
+ "Important": "গুরুত্বপূর্ণ",
"In close contact with someone who's infected": "In close contact with someone who's infected",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.",
- "Your state of health": "আপনার স্বাস্থ্য অবস্থা",
- "Report your health condition": "Report your health condition",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:",
+ "In close contact with symptoms": "In close contact with symptoms",
+ "In close contact without symptoms": "In close contact without symptoms",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "COVID-19 এর প্রাদুর্ভাবের সাথে সম্পর্কিত, অনেক লোক ভাইরাসের জন্য পরীক্ষা করা হয়েছে, তবে সংস্থানগুলির অভাবে, অপ্রতিরোধ্য সংখ্যাগরিষ্ঠদের পরীক্ষা করা হয়নি। সুতরাং এটি ধারণা করা হয় যে প্রাদুর্ভাবের সাথে এখানে প্রচুর নিখোঁজ সংখ্যা রয়েছে।",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "COVID-19 সংক্রমণের কারণে বিচ্ছিন্নভাবে/পৃথক",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "সাম্প্রতিক আন্তর্জাতিক ভ্রমণের কারণে বিচ্ছিন্নভাবে/পৃথক",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "কোনও ব্যক্তির সাথে যোগাযোগের কারণে বিচ্ছিন্ন হয়ে যিনি করোনভাইরাস থেকে এসেছেন",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "সরকারের আদেশের কারণে বিচ্ছিন্নভাবে/পৃথক",
+ "In total": "In total",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Infected / Have been tested",
+ "Insight for everyone": "Data available for everyone",
"Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!",
- "Geography and demography": "Demography and geography",
- "Your age": "আপনার বয়স",
- "Choose your age": "আপনার বয়স চয়ন করুন",
- "Biological gender": "Biological gender/Sex",
- "Female": "Female",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Join us in the most important crowdsource!",
+ "Key figures": "Key figures",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "আপনার বন্ধুরাও এই ফর্মটি পূরণ করুন এবং বাংলাদেশকে COVID-19-এ নিয়ন্ত্রণ পেতে সহায়তা করুন।",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "গন্ধ অনুভূতি হ্রাস (Loss of sense of smell)",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "স্বাদ অর্থে ক্ষতি (Loss of sense of taste)",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.",
"Male": "Male",
- "Zip code": "Postal code (letters only)",
- "Testing and symptoms": "পরীক্ষা এবং উপসর্গ",
- "Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "COVID-19 এর জন্য POSITIVE, এমন ব্যক্তির সাথে কি আপনি ঘনিষ্ঠ যোগাযোগ করেছেন?",
- "Yes": "হ্যাঁ",
+ "Map": "Map",
+ "March 16": "16 মার্চ",
+ "March 17": "17 মার্চ",
+ "March 23": "23 মার্চ",
+ "March 27": "27 মার্চ",
+ "Mucus cough": "কফ কাশি (Mucus cough)",
+ "Muscle pain": "পেশী ব্যথা (Muscle pain)",
+ "NB!": "Important!",
+ "Nausea or vomiting": "বমি বমি ভাব (Nausea or vomiting)",
+ "Negative": "Negative",
"No": "না",
+ "Norway": "নরওয়ে",
+ "Not in isolation": "বিচ্ছিন্ন / পৃথক নই (Not in isolation)",
+ "Number reported": "Number reported",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients",
+ "Numbers": "নাম্বার",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:",
+ "One more thing": "আরেকটা জিনিস",
+ "Other": "অন্যান্য",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "আমাদের গোপনীয়তা বিবৃতি এখানে পাওয়া যাবে",
+ "Page not found": "পৃষ্ঠা খুঁজে পাওয়া যায়নি",
"Positive": "Positive",
- "Negative": "Negative",
- "Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "আপনি কভিড -19 জন্য পরীক্ষা করা হয়েছে?",
- "What was the result?": "ফলাফল কি ছিল?",
- "Waiting for result": "ফলাফলের জন্য অপেক্ষা করছি",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "লক্ষণগুলি যা আপনি অনুভব করেছেন",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Positive test results and close contact",
+ "Postal code": "পোস্ট অফিসের নাম্বার",
+ "Privacy": "Privacy",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Privacy Statement",
+ "Proceed": "এগিয়ে যান",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "আপনার প্রবেশ করা ডেটা এখানে কীভাবে প্রক্রিয়াজাত হয় তা পড়ুন!",
+ "Report status by zip code": "ডাক কোড দ্বারা স্থিতি রিপোর্ট করুন",
+ "Report your health condition": "Report your health condition",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Report your health condition anonymously.",
+ "Reports": "Reports",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Reports with symptoms",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "নিম্নলিখিত লিঙ্কটি কোথাও সংরক্ষণ করুন, বা এটি আপনার ব্রাউজারে বুকমার্ক করুন।",
"Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "আপনি কেবলমাত্র লক্ষণগুলিই অনুভব করেছেন তা নির্বাচন করুন",
- "Dry cough": "শুষ্ক কাশি (Dry cough)",
- "Mucus cough": "কফ কাশি (Mucus cough)",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "ক্লান্তি এবং নির্জীবতা (Fatigue and exhaustion)",
- "Fever": "জ্বর (Fever)",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "একটি ইমেল প্রেরণ করুন",
+ "Share on": "Share on",
"Shortness of breath": "নিঃশ্বাসের দুর্বলতা (Shortness of breath)",
- "Muscle pain": "পেশী ব্যথা (Muscle pain)",
- "Diarrhea": "পেট খারাপ (Diarrhea)",
- "Headache": "মাথা ব্যাথা (Headache)",
+ "Slovakia": "শ্লোভাকিয়া",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "কিছু প্রশ্ন এবং বিকল্প শুরু থেকেই ফর্মের অংশ ছিল না:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "কিছু ভুল হয়েছে অবশ্যই",
+ "Something went wrong!": "কিছু ভুল হয়েছে!",
"Sore throat": "গলা ব্যথা (Sore throat)",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "গন্ধ অনুভূতি হ্রাস (Loss of sense of smell)",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "স্বাদ অর্থে ক্ষতি (Loss of sense of taste)",
+ "Statistics": "পরিসংখ্যান",
"Stuffy or runny nose": "শ্বাসরোধী বা কন্টিনিউ পানি পরে (Stuffy or runny nose)",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "লক্ষণগুলি কখন শুরু হয়েছিল?",
- "How will my data be used?": "আমার ডেটা কীভাবে ব্যবহার করা হবে?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "আপনি সম্পূর্ণ বেনামে। আপনার জমা দেওয়ার ডেটা আপনাকে সনাক্ত করতে ব্যবহার করা যাবে না।",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "আমাদের গোপনীয়তা বিবৃতি এখানে পাওয়া যাবে",
- "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "আমি গোপনীয়তা বিবৃতি অনুসারে আমার তথ্য সংরক্ষণ করা সম্মত",
"Submit report": "প্রতিবেদন জমা কর",
- "Statistics": "পরিসংখ্যান",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "ডেটাসেটটি csv হিসাবে ডাউনলোড করুন",
- "COVID-19 infected": "কভিড -১৯ সংক্রামিত",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "লোকেরা জানিয়েছে যে তারা COVID-19 এবং অভিজ্ঞ লক্ষণগুলির জন্য Positive পরীক্ষা করেছে।",
+ "Symptom": "Symptom",
"Symptoms": "লক্ষণ",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "লক্ষণগুলি যা আপনি অনুভব করেছেন",
"Test results": "পরীক্ষার ফলাফল",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "লোকেরা জানিয়েছে যে তারা COVID-19-র জন্য পরীক্ষা করা হয়েছে।",
- "Close contacts": "Close contacts",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "লোকেরা জানিয়েছে যে তারা এমন ব্যক্তির সাথে ঘনিষ্ঠ যোগাযোগ করেছে যার সাথে COVID-19 -র জন্য Positive পরীক্ষা করা হয়েছিল।",
- "Key figures": "Key figures",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
- "All submissions": "All submissions",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:",
- "Total number of reports": "Total number of reports",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Positive test results and close contact",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Clarifications data basis",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:",
- "Symptom": "Symptom",
- "Added to form": "Added to form",
- "In total": "In total",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they experience symptoms.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients",
- "Number reported": "Number reported",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Reports with symptoms",
- "Reports": "Reports",
- "In close contact with symptoms": "In close contact with symptoms",
- "In close contact without symptoms": "In close contact without symptoms",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Close contact with someone who has tested positive",
"Tested negative": "Testet negative",
- "Map": "Map",
- "API": "API",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "আমি একটি কুকি সেট করতে রাজি তাই আমি আমার স্বাস্থ্যের অবস্থার পরে উদাহরণস্বরূপ পরিবর্তন করতে পারি। পুনরুদ্ধার রিপোর্ট / অসুস্থ হয়ে পড়া",
- "required": "প্রয়োজনীয়",
- "recommended": "সুপারিশ করা",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "নীচে আপনার ব্যক্তিগত স্বাস্থ্য তথ্য দেওয়া আছে.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "আপনি যদি এই কম্পিউটারে অন্য একজনকে নিবন্ধিত করতে চান তবে নিজের ব্যক্তিগত লিঙ্কটি সংরক্ষণ করুন বা টাইপ করুন",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "আপনার ব্যক্তিগত স্বাস্থ্য তথ্য এই কম্পিউটার থেকে সাফ করা হয়েছে।",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "আপনি এখন অন্য ব্যাবহারকারীর জন্য এই কম্পিউটারটি ব্যবহার করতে পারেন।",
- "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "আমরা আপনার ডেটা কোনও কুকিতে সংরক্ষণ করেছি তাই আপনার অবস্থা আপডেট করতে পরে ফিরে আসুন",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "আপনি যদি একাধিক ব্যবহারকারীর সাথে এই কম্পিউটারটি ব্যবহার করেন তবে দয়া করে আপনার স্থিতি আপডেট করতে এই লিঙ্কটি ব্যবহার করুন।",
- "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "এটি কোথাও লিখুন বা আপনার কম্পিউটারে এটি সংরক্ষণ করুন।",
+ "Tested positive": "Positive পরীক্ষিত",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "পরীক্ষা এবং উপসর্গ",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "আপনার অবদানের জন্য ধন্যবাদ!",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "আপনার স্বাস্থ্যের অবস্থার পরিবর্তন হলে আপনি নিজের প্রতিবেদনটি আপডেট করতে পারেন।",
+ "The Netherlands": "নেদারল্যান্ড",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "ওয়েবসাইটের জন্য কোড পাওয়া যাবে",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "সরকার এখন তাদের নিজস্ব প্রতিবেদন সিস্টেম চালু করেছে, দয়া করে পরিবর্তে এটি ব্যবহার করুন।",
+ "The link has been copied": "লিঙ্কটি COPY করা হয়েছে।",
"The link has been copied.": "লিঙ্কটি অনুলিপি করা হয়েছে.",
- "clear this form": "এই ফর্মটি সাফ করুন",
- "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "আপনার ক্লিক করা লিঙ্কটি ভেঙে যেতে পারে বা পৃষ্ঠাটি আর বিদ্যমান নেই",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "চিহ্নিতকারী ডাক কোডের স্থানাঙ্কের সাথে সামঞ্জস্য করে, ব্যক্তির সাথে তাদের কোনও সম্পর্ক নেই।",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "আমাদের দেশে COVID-19 এর বিস্তার অজানা। আমাদের আরও ভাল ওভারভিউ তৈরি করতে সহায়তা করুন।",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.",
+ "This field is optional": "This field is optional",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "এটি কর্তৃপক্ষের কোনও আনুষ্ঠানিক সরঞ্জাম নয় এবং প্রাদুর্ভাব সম্পর্কে আরও তথ্যের জন্য আমরা স্বাস্থ্য কর্তৃপক্ষকে উল্লেখ করি যা সর্বদা আপডেট তথ্য থাকে।",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "এই পৃষ্ঠাটি বর্তমানে কোনওভাবেই কর্তৃপক্ষের সাথে অনুমোদিত নয়।",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "এই ওয়েবসাইটটি স্বেচ্ছাসেবীদের সাহায্যে তৈরি করা হয়েছে। কোনও নির্দিষ্ট ক্রমে:",
"To WHO.int": "To WHO.int",
- "Are you from": "আপনি কি থেকে এসেছেন?",
- "Norway": "নরওয়ে",
- "The Netherlands": "নেদারল্যান্ড",
- "Slovakia": "শ্লোভাকিয়া",
+ "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "করোনার ভাইরাসকে পরাস্ত করতে আমাদের অদৃশ্য ভাইরাসটি দৃশ্যমান করা দরকার।",
+ "Total number of reports": "Total number of reports",
+ "Total reports": "Total reports",
"United Kingdom": "যুক্তরাজ্য",
- "March 16": "16 মার্চ",
- "March 17": "17 মার্চ",
- "March 23": "23 মার্চ",
- "at": "এ",
- "Nausea or vomiting": "বমি বমি ভাব (Nausea or vomiting)",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "আপনি কি নিম্নলিখিত শর্তগুলির সাথে নির্ণয় করেছেন (Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions)?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "ডায়াবেটিস মেলিটাস, উচ্চ রক্তচাপ, ইস্কেমিক হার্ট ডিজিজ, হাঁপানি, দীর্ঘস্থায়ী ফুসফুসের রোগ, দীর্ঘস্থায়ী কিডনি রোগ (Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease)",
- "I am currently:": "আমি বর্তমানে আছি (I am currently)",
- "Not in isolation": "বিচ্ছিন্ন / পৃথক নই (Not in isolation)",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "সাম্প্রতিক আন্তর্জাতিক ভ্রমণের কারণে বিচ্ছিন্নভাবে/পৃথক",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "কোনও ব্যক্তির সাথে যোগাযোগের কারণে বিচ্ছিন্ন হয়ে যিনি করোনভাইরাস থেকে এসেছেন",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "সিগারেট খাওয়ার অভ্যাস",
- "I currently smoke": "আমি বর্তমানে ধূমপান করি",
- "I used to smoke": "আমি ধূমপান করতাম",
- "I have never smoked": "আমি কখনও ধূমপান করিনি",
+ "Unreported cases": "Unreported cases",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "আপনার স্বাস্থ্যের অবস্থা আপডেট করতে আপনি গতবার উল্লিখিত লিঙ্কটি ব্যবহার করুন।",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "স্ব-প্রতিবেদন ব্যবহার করে, স্বাস্থ্য কর্মীদের সম্ভাব্য দূষণের ঝুঁকির সামনে তুলে ধরা এবং ইতিমধ্যে স্বল্প সরবরাহের মধ্যে থাকা মূল্যবান সংক্রমণ নিয়ন্ত্রণ সরঞ্জাম ব্যবহার না করেই কত লোকের লক্ষণ রয়েছে তার একটি আরও ভাল চিত্র পেতে পারেন। আমরা BustByte, অন্যান্য স্বেচ্ছাসেবীদের দ্বারা ভালভাবে সহায়তা করে, প্রতিক্রিয়াতে এই সরঞ্জামটি তৈরি করেছি",
+ "Waiting for result": "ফলাফলের জন্য অপেক্ষা করছি",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "আপনি যে পৃষ্ঠা বা পরিষেবাটি সন্ধান করছেন তা আমরা খুঁজে পাই না",
+ "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "আমরা আপনার ডেটা কোনও কুকিতে সংরক্ষণ করেছি তাই আপনার অবস্থা আপডেট করতে পরে ফিরে আসুন",
+ "What is my Zip code?": "আমার ডাক কোডটি কী?",
"What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "আপনার বর্তমান দেহের তাপমাত্রা কী - in Celsius?",
- "This field is optional": "This field is optional",
- "Close": "ঘনিষ্ঠ",
- "Contribute now": "এখনই অবদান রাখুন",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "আমাদের উদ্ঘাটন এবং পূর্বাভাস আপনার অঞ্চলে করোনার বিস্তার করতে সহায়তা করুন",
- "Numbers": "নাম্বার",
- "#washyourhands": "#washyourhands",
- "#stayindoors": "#stayhome",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "সরকারের আদেশের কারণে বিচ্ছিন্নভাবে/পৃথক",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "COVID-19 সংক্রমণের কারণে বিচ্ছিন্নভাবে/পৃথক",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "কিছু প্রশ্ন এবং বিকল্প শুরু থেকেই ফর্মের অংশ ছিল না:",
- "March 27": "27 মার্চ",
- "Other": "অন্যান্য",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "সকল বাঙালি নাগরিককে কল করুন: এভাবেই আমরা করোনার ভাইরাসকে পরাভূত করি: একত্রে আমরা অদৃশ্য ভাইরাসকে দৃশ্যমান করে তুলেছি।",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "{{ hostname }} অবদান এবং ভাগ করুন",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "এই ফর্মটি পূরণ করুন - এতে 1 মিনিট সময় লাগে - এবং বাংলাদেশকে COVID-19-এ নিয়ন্ত্রণ পেতে সহায়তা করে।",
- "One more thing": "আরেকটা জিনিস",
- "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "করোনার ভাইরাসকে পরাস্ত করতে আমাদের অদৃশ্য ভাইরাসটি দৃশ্যমান করা দরকার।",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} জন ইতিমধ্যে তাদের স্বাস্থ্যের অবস্থা ভাগ করেছেন.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "আপনার বন্ধুরাও এই ফর্মটি পূরণ করুন এবং বাংলাদেশকে COVID-19-এ নিয়ন্ত্রণ পেতে সহায়তা করুন।"
+ "What was the result?": "ফলাফল কি ছিল?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "লক্ষণগুলি কখন শুরু হয়েছিল?",
+ "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "এটি কোথাও লিখুন বা আপনার কম্পিউটারে এটি সংরক্ষণ করুন।",
+ "Yes": "হ্যাঁ",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "আপনি এখন অন্য ব্যাবহারকারীর জন্য এই কম্পিউটারটি ব্যবহার করতে পারেন।",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.",
+ "Your age": "আপনার বয়স",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "আপনি সম্পূর্ণ বেনামে। আপনার জমা দেওয়ার ডেটা আপনাকে সনাক্ত করতে ব্যবহার করা যাবে না।",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "আপনার ব্যক্তিগত স্বাস্থ্য তথ্য এই কম্পিউটার থেকে সাফ করা হয়েছে।",
+ "Your state of health": "আপনার স্বাস্থ্য অবস্থা",
+ "Zip code": "Postal code (letters only)",
+ "Zip code information": "Postal code information",
+ "and": "and",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "as an attempt to chart these numbers.",
+ "at": "এ",
+ "clear this form": "এই ফর্মটি সাফ করুন",
+ "here": "here",
+ "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
+ "https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://www.whatismyzip.com",
+ "if you can't get it to work.": "যদি আপনি এটি কাজ করতে না পারেন।",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they experience symptoms.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "লোকেরা জানিয়েছে যে তারা এমন ব্যক্তির সাথে ঘনিষ্ঠ যোগাযোগ করেছে যার সাথে COVID-19 -র জন্য Positive পরীক্ষা করা হয়েছিল।",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "লোকেরা জানিয়েছে যে তারা COVID-19-র জন্য পরীক্ষা করা হয়েছে।",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "লোকেরা জানিয়েছে যে তারা COVID-19 এবং অভিজ্ঞ লক্ষণগুলির জন্য Positive পরীক্ষা করেছে।",
+ "recommended": "সুপারিশ করা",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
+ "required": "প্রয়োজনীয়",
+ "this article": "this article",
+ "volunteers": "volunteers",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.uk",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} জন ইতিমধ্যে তাদের স্বাস্থ্যের অবস্থা ভাগ করেছেন."
diff --git a/app/locales/ca.json b/app/locales/ca.json
index c8714ec2..4f615732 100644
--- a/app/locales/ca.json
+++ b/app/locales/ca.json
@@ -1,195 +1,195 @@
- "Postal code": "Postal code",
- "Important": "Important",
- "Page not found": "Page not found",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "We can't find the page or service you're looking for",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists",
- "Something went wrong!": "Something went wrong!",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "Something must have gone wrong",
- "Send an e-mail to": "Send an e-mail to",
- "if you can't get it to work.": "if you can't get it to work.",
+ "#stayindoors": "#stayhome",
+ "#washyourhands": "#washyourhands",
+ "...and others": "...and others",
+ "API": "API",
+ "About the service": "About the service",
+ "Added to form": "Added to form",
+ "All submissions": "All submissions",
+ "Are you from": "Are you from",
"Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Before proceeding please note down the following link",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.",
- "I've noted down the link.": "I've noted down the link.",
- "Proceed": "Proceed",
- "The link has been copied": "The link has been copied.",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "Below is your personal health information.",
+ "Biological gender": "Gender",
+ "BustByte AS": "BustByte",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "CALL TO ALL CANADIAN CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 infected",
+ "Canada": "Canada",
+ "Choose your age": "Choose your age",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Cigarette smoking habits",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Clarifications data basis",
+ "Close": "Close",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Close contact with someone who has tested positive",
+ "Close contacts": "Close contacts",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on",
+ "Contribute anonymously": "Contribute anonymously",
+ "Contribute now": "Contribute now",
+ "Contributors": "Contributors",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself",
- "Contributors": "Contributors",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:",
- "...and others": "...and others",
- "The code for the website can be found": "The code for the website can be found",
- "here": "here",
- "About the service": "About the service",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at BustByte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to",
- "this article": "this article",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "as an attempt to chart these numbers.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.",
"Developed by": "Developed by",
- "BustByte AS": "BustByte",
- "and": "and",
- "volunteers": "volunteers",
- "Privacy Policy": "Privacy Statement",
- "Privacy": "Privacy",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "Thank you for your contribution!",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.",
- "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.uk",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic Heart Disease, Asthma, Chronic Lung Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease",
+ "Diarrhea": "Diarrhea",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "Download the dataset as CSV",
+ "Dry cough": "Dry cough",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:",
+ "Everything is open": "Everything is open",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatigue and exhaustion",
+ "Female": "Female",
+ "Fever": "Fever",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help Canada gain control over COVID-19.",
+ "Geography and demography": "Demography and geography",
"Go to the National health service website": "Go to the National health service website",
- "Report status by zip code": "Report status by postal code",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "The markers correspond to coordinates of postal codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.",
- "Healthy": "Healthy",
"Has symptoms": "Have symptoms",
- "Tested positive": "Tested positive",
- "Zip code information": "Postal code information",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Join us in the most important crowdsource!",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.",
- "Share on": "Share on",
- "NB!": "Important!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Read how the data you enter is processed here!",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition.",
- "Unreported cases": "Unreported cases",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.",
- "Contribute anonymously": "Contribute anonymously",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Report your health condition anonymously.",
- "Insight for everyone": "Data available for everyone",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.",
- "Everything is open": "Everything is open",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.",
- "Total reports": "Total reports",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Infected / Have been tested",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?",
+ "Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Have you been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19?",
+ "Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Have you been tested for COVID-19?",
+ "Headache": "Headache",
+ "Healthy": "Healthy",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area",
+ "How will my data be used?": "How will my data be used?",
+ "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick",
+ "I am currently:": "I am currently",
+ "I currently smoke": "I currently smoke",
+ "I have never smoked": "I have never smoked",
+ "I used to smoke": "I used to smoke",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "I've noted down the link.",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link",
+ "Important": "Important",
"In close contact with someone who's infected": "In close contact with someone who's infected",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.",
- "Your state of health": "Your state of health",
- "Report your health condition": "Report your health condition",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:",
+ "In close contact with symptoms": "In close contact with symptoms",
+ "In close contact without symptoms": "In close contact without symptoms",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "In isolation due to a recent international travel",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "In isolation due to orders from the government",
+ "In total": "In total",
+ "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Infected / Have been tested",
+ "Insight for everyone": "Data available for everyone",
"Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!",
- "Geography and demography": "Demography and geography",
- "Your age": "Your age",
- "Choose your age": "Choose your age",
- "Biological gender": "Gender",
- "Female": "Female",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Join us in the most important crowdsource!",
+ "Key figures": "Key figures",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Let your friends fill out this form too and help Canada gain control over COVID-19.",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "Loss of sense of smell",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "Loss of sense of taste",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.",
"Male": "Male",
- "Zip code": "Postal code",
- "Testing and symptoms": "Testing and symptoms",
- "Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Have you been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19?",
- "Yes": "Yes",
+ "Map": "Map",
+ "March 16": "March 16",
+ "March 17": "March 17",
+ "March 23": "March 23",
+ "March 27": "March 27",
+ "March 28": "March 28",
+ "Mucus cough": "Mucus cough",
+ "Muscle pain": "Muscle pain",
+ "NB!": "Important!",
+ "Nausea or vomiting": "Nausea or vomiting",
+ "Negative": "Negative",
"No": "No",
+ "Norway": "Norway",
+ "Not in isolation": "Not in isolation",
+ "Number reported": "Number reported",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients",
+ "Numbers": "Numbers",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:",
+ "One more thing": "One more thing",
+ "Other": "Other",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Our privacy statement can be found here",
+ "Page not found": "Page not found",
"Positive": "Positive",
- "Negative": "Negative",
- "Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Have you been tested for COVID-19?",
- "What was the result?": "What was the result?",
- "Waiting for result": "Waiting for result",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptoms you have experienced",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Positive test results and close contact",
+ "Postal code": "Postal code",
+ "Privacy": "Privacy",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Privacy Statement",
+ "Proceed": "Proceed",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Read how the data you enter is processed here!",
+ "Report status by zip code": "Report status by postal code",
+ "Report your health condition": "Report your health condition",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Report your health condition anonymously.",
+ "Reports": "Reports",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Reports with symptoms",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.",
"Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Select only the symptoms you have experienced",
- "Dry cough": "Dry cough",
- "Mucus cough": "Mucus cough",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatigue and exhaustion",
- "Fever": "Fever",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "Send an e-mail to",
+ "Share on": "Share on",
"Shortness of breath": "Shortness of breath",
- "Muscle pain": "Muscle pain",
- "Diarrhea": "Diarrhea",
- "Headache": "Headache",
+ "Slovakia": "Slovakia",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "Something must have gone wrong",
+ "Something went wrong!": "Something went wrong!",
"Sore throat": "Sore throat",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "Loss of sense of smell",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "Loss of sense of taste",
+ "Statistics": "Statistics",
"Stuffy or runny nose": "Stuffy or runny nose",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "When did the symptoms start?",
- "How will my data be used?": "How will my data be used?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "You are completely anonymous. The data you submit cannot be used to identify you.",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Our privacy statement can be found here",
- "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement",
"Submit report": "Submit report",
- "Statistics": "Statistics",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "Download the dataset as CSV",
- "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 infected",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experienced symptoms.",
+ "Symptom": "Symptom",
"Symptoms": "Symptoms",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptoms you have experienced",
"Test results": "Test results",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.",
- "Close contacts": "Close contacts",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.",
- "Key figures": "Key figures",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
- "All submissions": "All submissions",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:",
- "Total number of reports": "Total number of reports",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Positive test results and close contact",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Clarifications data basis",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:",
- "Symptom": "Symptom",
- "Added to form": "Added to form",
- "In total": "In total",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they experience symptoms.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients",
- "Number reported": "Number reported",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Reports with symptoms",
- "Reports": "Reports",
- "In close contact with symptoms": "In close contact with symptoms",
- "In close contact without symptoms": "In close contact without symptoms",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Close contact with someone who has tested positive",
"Tested negative": "Testet negative",
- "Map": "Map",
- "API": "API",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick",
- "required": "required",
- "recommended": "recommended",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "Below is your personal health information.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "You can now use this computer for another user.",
- "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.",
- "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.",
+ "Tested positive": "Tested positive",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "Testing and symptoms",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "Thank you for your contribution!",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.",
+ "The Netherlands": "The Netherlands",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "The code for the website can be found",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.",
+ "The link has been copied": "The link has been copied.",
"The link has been copied.": "The link has been copied.",
- "clear this form": "clear this form",
- "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "The markers correspond to coordinates of postal codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.",
+ "This field is optional": "This field is optional",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:",
"To WHO.int": "To WHO.int",
- "Are you from": "Are you from",
- "Norway": "Norway",
- "The Netherlands": "The Netherlands",
- "Slovakia": "Slovakia",
+ "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.",
+ "Total number of reports": "Total number of reports",
+ "Total reports": "Total reports",
"United Kingdom": "The United Kingdom",
- "Canada": "Canada",
- "March 16": "March 16",
- "March 17": "March 17",
- "March 23": "March 23",
- "at": "at",
- "Nausea or vomiting": "Nausea or vomiting",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic Heart Disease, Asthma, Chronic Lung Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease",
- "I am currently:": "I am currently",
- "Not in isolation": "Not in isolation",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "In isolation due to a recent international travel",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Cigarette smoking habits",
- "I currently smoke": "I currently smoke",
- "I used to smoke": "I used to smoke",
- "I have never smoked": "I have never smoked",
+ "Unreported cases": "Unreported cases",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition.",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at BustByte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to",
+ "Waiting for result": "Waiting for result",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "We can't find the page or service you're looking for",
+ "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status",
"What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "What is your current body temperature in Celcius?",
- "This field is optional": "This field is optional",
- "Close": "Close",
- "Contribute now": "Contribute now",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area",
- "Numbers": "Numbers",
- "#washyourhands": "#washyourhands",
- "#stayindoors": "#stayhome",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "In isolation due to orders from the government",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:",
- "March 27": "March 27",
- "March 28": "March 28",
- "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19",
- "Other": "Other",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "CALL TO ALL CANADIAN CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help Canada gain control over COVID-19.",
- "One more thing": "One more thing",
- "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Let your friends fill out this form too and help Canada gain control over COVID-19."
+ "What was the result?": "What was the result?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "When did the symptoms start?",
+ "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.",
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "You can now use this computer for another user.",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.",
+ "Your age": "Your age",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "You are completely anonymous. The data you submit cannot be used to identify you.",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.",
+ "Your state of health": "Your state of health",
+ "Zip code": "Postal code",
+ "Zip code information": "Postal code information",
+ "and": "and",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "as an attempt to chart these numbers.",
+ "at": "at",
+ "clear this form": "clear this form",
+ "here": "here",
+ "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
+ "if you can't get it to work.": "if you can't get it to work.",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they experience symptoms.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experienced symptoms.",
+ "recommended": "recommended",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
+ "required": "required",
+ "this article": "this article",
+ "volunteers": "volunteers",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.uk",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status."
diff --git a/app/locales/dk.json b/app/locales/dk.json
index 8f8bad73..10727908 100644
--- a/app/locales/dk.json
+++ b/app/locales/dk.json
@@ -1,192 +1,192 @@
- "Postal code": "Postnummer",
- "Important": "Vigtigt",
- "Page not found": "Siden ikke fundet",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "Vi kan desværre ikke finde siden eller den service du leder efter",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "Linket du klikkede på er enten ødelagt ellers findes siden ikke længere",
- "Something went wrong!": "Noget gik galt!",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "Noget må have gået galt",
- "Send an e-mail to": "Send email til",
- "if you can't get it to work.": "hvis du ikke kan få det til at fungere.",
+ "...and others": "...og andre",
+ "API": "API",
+ "About the service": "Om tjenesten",
+ "Added to form": "Tilføjet til formularen",
+ "All submissions": "Alle indsendelser",
+ "Are you from": "er du fra",
"Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Før du fortsætter, skal du notere følgende link",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Gem det følgende link et eller andet sted, eller bogmærk det i din browser.",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "På den måde kan du opdatere din rapport, hvis din helbredstilstand ændres.",
- "I've noted down the link.": "Jeg har noteret linket.",
- "Proceed": "Fortsæt",
- "The link has been copied": "Linket er kopieret.",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "Nedenfor er dine personlige helbredsoplysninger.",
+ "Biological gender": "Køn",
+ "BustByte AS": "BustByte AS",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "RING TIL ALLE DANSKE MENNESKER: Sådan besejrer vi koronavirussen: sammen synliggør vi den usynlige virus.",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 inficeret",
+ "Choose your age": "Vælg din alder",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Rygevaner",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Afklaringsdatabase",
+ "Close": "Lukke",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Nærkontakt med en der har testet positiv",
+ "Close contacts": "Tætte kontakter",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Bidrag og del {{ hostname }} på",
+ "Contribute anonymously": "Bidrag anonymt",
+ "Contribute now": "Bidrag nu",
+ "Contributors": "Frivillige",
"Copy": "Kopi",
"Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Kunne ikke kopiere linket, venligst kopiere det selv",
- "Contributors": "Frivillige",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Dette websted er lavet med hjælp fra frivillige. I ingen særlig rækkefølge:",
- "...and others": "...og andre",
- "The code for the website can be found": "Koden til webstedet kan findes",
- "here": "her",
- "About the service": "Om tjenesten",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "I forbindelse med udbruddet af COVID-19 er mange mennesker blevet testet for virussen, men på grund af manglende ressourcer er det overvældende flertal ikke testet. Det antages derfor, at der er et stort mørketal i forbindelse med udbruddet.",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Ved hjælp af selvrapportering kan du få et bedre billede af hvor mange mennesker der har symptomer, uden at udsætte sundhedsmedarbejdere for potentielle smittefarer og uden at bruge værdifuldt infektionsbekæmpelsesudstyr, der allerede er en mangelvare. Hos os i Bustbyte, godt hjulpet af andre frivillige, har vi oprettet dette værktøj som svar på",
- "this article": "denne artikel",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "som et forsøg på at kortlægge disse tal.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Dette er ikke et officielt værktøj fra myndighederne, og for mere information om udbruddet henviser vi til sundhedsmyndigheder, der altid har opdaterede oplysninger.",
"Developed by": "Udviklet af",
- "BustByte AS": "BustByte AS",
- "and": "og",
- "volunteers": "frivillige",
- "Privacy Policy": "Fortrolighedserklæring",
- "Privacy": "Privatliv",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "Tak for dit bidrag!",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "Regeringen har nu lanceret deres eget selvrapporteringssystem, så brug det i stedet.",
- "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.uk",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes, Forhøjet blodtryk, Hjertekarsygdomme, Astma, Kronisk lungesygdom, Kronisk nyresygdom",
+ "Diarrhea": "Diarré",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "Download datasættet som CSV",
+ "Dry cough": "Tør hoste",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Alle der har afgivet en rapport, har også:",
+ "Everything is open": "Alt er åbent",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Træthed og udmattelse",
+ "Female": "Kvinde",
+ "Fever": "Feber",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Udfyld denne formular - det tager 1 minut - og hjælp Danmark til at få kontrol over COVID-19.",
+ "Geography and demography": "Demografi og Geografi",
"Go to the National health service website": "Gå til National Health Service-webstedet",
- "Report status by zip code": "Rapporteringer bliver vist ud fra postnummer",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Markørerne svarer til koordinater af postnumre, de har intet at gøre med enkeltpersoner.",
- "Healthy": "Sund og rask",
"Has symptoms": "Har symptomer",
- "Tested positive": "Testet positiv",
- "Zip code information": "Oplysninger om postnummer",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Hjælp os med den vigtigste crowdsourcing!",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Giv dit frivillige bidrag til sundhedsvæsenet, og registrer din helbredstilstand nu. Sammen kan vi skabe et overblik.",
- "Share on": "Del på",
- "NB!": "Vigtigt!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Denne side er i øjeblikket ikke tilknyttet myndighederne på nogen måde.",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Læs hvordan den data du indtaster, behandles her!",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Brug det link, du noterede sidste gang for at opdatere din helbredstilstand.",
- "Unreported cases": "Urapporterede sager",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "Spredningen af COVID-19 i Danmark er stadig ukendt. Hjælp os med at skabe et bedre overblik.",
- "Contribute anonymously": "Bidrag anonymt",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Rapporter din helbredstilstand anonymt.",
- "Insight for everyone": "Dataen er tilgængelig for alle",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Dataen er tilgængelig for alle. Benyt kortet og graferne, eller download dataen og opret dine egne visualiseringer.",
- "Everything is open": "Alt er åbent",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "Siden er open-source og bygget af frivillige. Du er velkommen til at deltage.",
- "Total reports": "Samlede indberetninger",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Inficeret / Er blevet testet",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Er du blevet diagnosticeret med en af følgende?",
+ "Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Har du været i tæt kontakt med en person, der er testet positiv for COVID-19?",
+ "Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Er du blevet testet for COVID-19?",
+ "Headache": "Hovedpine",
+ "Healthy": "Sund og rask",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Hjælp os med at afdække og forudsige Coronasmitten i dit område",
+ "How will my data be used?": "Hvordan bruges min data?",
+ "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "Jeg accepterer, at min data gemmes i overensstemmelse med fortrolighedserklæringen",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Jeg accepterer at gemme en cookie, så jeg kan ændre min helbredstilstand senere, f.eks. at rapportere bedring / blivet syg",
+ "I am currently:": "Jeg er i øjeblikket",
+ "I currently smoke": "Jeg ryger i øjeblikket",
+ "I have never smoked": "Jeg har aldrig røget",
+ "I used to smoke": "Jeg plejede at ryge",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "Jeg har noteret linket.",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Hvis du bruger denne computer med flere brugere, skal du bruge dette link til at opdatere din status.",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Hvis du vil registrere en anden person på denne computer, skal du gemme eller skrive dit personlige link",
+ "Important": "Vigtigt",
"In close contact with someone who's infected": "I tæt kontakt med en person, der er smittet",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Du skal godkende fortrolighedserklæringen for at rapportere dine data.",
- "Your state of health": "Din sundhedstilstand",
- "Report your health condition": "Rapporter din sundhedstilstand",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Tak for dit bidrag! Brug dette link, hvis din helbredstilstand ændres:",
+ "In close contact with symptoms": "I tæt kontakt med symptomer",
+ "In close contact without symptoms": "I tæt kontakt uden symptomer",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "I forbindelse med udbruddet af COVID-19 er mange mennesker blevet testet for virussen, men på grund af manglende ressourcer er det overvældende flertal ikke testet. Det antages derfor, at der er et stort mørketal i forbindelse med udbruddet.",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "Isoleret på grund af COVID-19-infektion",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "Isoleret på grund af en nylig international rejse",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "Isoleret på grund af kontakt med en person der er blevet smittet med coronavirus",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "Isoleret på grund af ordrer fra regeringen",
+ "In total": "I alt",
+ "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "I frivillig isolering for at potentielt undgå at blive smittet af COVID-19, eller smitte andre",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Inficeret / Er blevet testet",
+ "Insight for everyone": "Dataen er tilgængelig for alle",
"Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Deltag i den vigtigste crowdsourcing af data om COVID-19! Uanset om du er sund eller rask, bedes du indsende formularen herunder - det er værdifuld information!",
- "Geography and demography": "Demografi og Geografi",
- "Your age": "Din alder",
- "Choose your age": "Vælg din alder",
- "Biological gender": "Køn",
- "Female": "Kvinde",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Hjælp os med den vigtigste crowdsourcing!",
+ "Key figures": "Nøgletal",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Lad dine venner også udfylde denne formular og hjælpe De Forenede Stater med at få kontrol over COVID-19.",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "Mangel på lugtesans",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "Mangel på smagssans",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Giv dit frivillige bidrag til sundhedsvæsenet, og registrer din helbredstilstand nu. Sammen kan vi skabe et overblik.",
"Male": "Mand",
- "Zip code": "Postnummer",
- "Testing and symptoms": "Test og symptomer",
- "Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Har du været i tæt kontakt med en person, der er testet positiv for COVID-19?",
- "Yes": "Ja",
+ "Map": "Kort",
+ "March 16": "16 Marts",
+ "March 17": "17 Marts",
+ "March 23": "23 Marts",
+ "March 27": "27 Marts",
+ "March 28": "28 Marts",
+ "Mucus cough": "Slimhoste",
+ "Muscle pain": "Muskelsmerter",
+ "NB!": "Vigtigt!",
+ "Nausea or vomiting": "Kvalme eller opkast",
+ "Negative": "Negativ",
"No": "Nej",
+ "Norway": "Norge",
+ "Not in isolation": "Ikke i isolation",
+ "Number reported": "Antal rapporteret",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Antal rapporterede COVID-19 inficerede patienter",
+ "Numbers": "Tal",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Af dem der har rapporteret at de har været i tæt kontakt med nogen, der er blevet testet positiv for COVID-19, har:",
+ "One more thing": "En ting mere",
+ "Other": "Andet",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Vores fortrolighedserklæring kan findes her",
+ "Page not found": "Siden ikke fundet",
"Positive": "Positiv",
- "Negative": "Negativ",
- "Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Er du blevet testet for COVID-19?",
- "What was the result?": "Hvad var resultatet?",
- "Waiting for result": "Venter på resultat",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "Har du oplevet symptomer?",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Positive testresultater og tæt kontakt",
+ "Postal code": "Postnummer",
+ "Privacy": "Privatliv",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Fortrolighedserklæring",
+ "Proceed": "Fortsæt",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Spørgsmål om tæt kontakt blev tilføjet den 16. marts kl. 10:30. Nogle symptomer var ikke en del af formen fra starten:",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Læs hvordan den data du indtaster, behandles her!",
+ "Report status by zip code": "Rapporteringer bliver vist ud fra postnummer",
+ "Report your health condition": "Rapporter din sundhedstilstand",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Rapporter din helbredstilstand anonymt.",
+ "Reports": "Rapporter",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Rapporter med symptomer",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Gem det følgende link et eller andet sted, eller bogmærk det i din browser.",
"Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Vælg kun de symptomer, du har oplevet",
- "Dry cough": "Tør hoste",
- "Mucus cough": "Slimhoste",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Træthed og udmattelse",
- "Fever": "Feber",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "Send email til",
+ "Share on": "Del på",
"Shortness of breath": "Forpustet",
- "Muscle pain": "Muskelsmerter",
- "Diarrhea": "Diarré",
- "Headache": "Hovedpine",
+ "Slovakia": "Slovakiet",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Nogle spørgsmål og alternativer var ikke en del af formularen fra starten:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "Noget må have gået galt",
+ "Something went wrong!": "Noget gik galt!",
"Sore throat": "Ondt i halsen",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "Mangel på lugtesans",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "Mangel på smagssans",
+ "Statistics": "Statistikker",
"Stuffy or runny nose": "Stoppet eller løbende næse",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "Hvornår startede symptomerne?",
- "How will my data be used?": "Hvordan bruges min data?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Du er helt anonym og den data du sender, kan ikke bruges til at identificere dig.",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Vores fortrolighedserklæring kan findes her",
- "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "Jeg accepterer, at min data gemmes i overensstemmelse med fortrolighedserklæringen",
"Submit report": "Indsend rapport",
- "Statistics": "Statistikker",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "Download datasættet som CSV",
- "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 inficeret",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "person har rapporteret at de har testet positiv for COVID-19 og oplevet symptomer.",
+ "Symptom": "Symptom",
"Symptoms": "Symptomer",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "Har du oplevet symptomer?",
"Test results": "Test resultater",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "person har rapporteret, at de er testet for COVID-19.",
- "Close contacts": "Tætte kontakter",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "person har rapporteret, at de har været i tæt kontakt med en person, der er blevet testet positiv for COVID-19.",
- "Key figures": "Nøgletal",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Af dem der har rapporteret at de har været i tæt kontakt med nogen, der er blevet testet positiv for COVID-19, har:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "rapporterede, at de har oplevet de to mest almindelige symptomer som de der er blevet smittet, oplever.",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "rapporterede, at de har oplevet de tre mest almindelige symptomer som de der er smittet, oplever.",
- "All submissions": "Alle indsendelser",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Alle der har afgivet en rapport, har også:",
- "Total number of reports": "Samlet antal rapporteringer",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Positive testresultater og tæt kontakt",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Afklaringsdatabase",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Spørgsmål om tæt kontakt blev tilføjet den 16. marts kl. 10:30. Nogle symptomer var ikke en del af formen fra starten:",
- "Symptom": "Symptom",
- "Added to form": "Tilføjet til formularen",
- "In total": "I alt",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "person har rapporteret, at de oplever symptomer.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Antal rapporterede COVID-19 inficerede patienter",
- "Number reported": "Antal rapporteret",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Rapporter med symptomer",
- "Reports": "Rapporter",
- "In close contact with symptoms": "I tæt kontakt med symptomer",
- "In close contact without symptoms": "I tæt kontakt uden symptomer",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Nærkontakt med en der har testet positiv",
"Tested negative": "Testet negativ",
- "Map": "Kort",
- "API": "API",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Jeg accepterer at gemme en cookie, så jeg kan ændre min helbredstilstand senere, f.eks. at rapportere bedring / blivet syg",
- "required": "påkrævet",
- "recommended": "anbefalet",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "Nedenfor er dine personlige helbredsoplysninger.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Hvis du vil registrere en anden person på denne computer, skal du gemme eller skrive dit personlige link",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Dine personlige helbredsoplysninger ryddes fra denne computer.",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Du kan nu bruge denne computer til en anden bruger.",
- "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Vi har gemt din data i en cookie, så kom tilbage senere for at opdatere din status",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Hvis du bruger denne computer med flere brugere, skal du bruge dette link til at opdatere din status.",
- "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Skriv det ned et sted, eller gem det på din computer.",
+ "Tested positive": "Testet positiv",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "Test og symptomer",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "Tak for dit bidrag!",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Tak for dit bidrag! Brug dette link, hvis din helbredstilstand ændres:",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "På den måde kan du opdatere din rapport, hvis din helbredstilstand ændres.",
+ "The Netherlands": "Holland",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "Koden til webstedet kan findes",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Dataen er tilgængelig for alle. Benyt kortet og graferne, eller download dataen og opret dine egne visualiseringer.",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "Regeringen har nu lanceret deres eget selvrapporteringssystem, så brug det i stedet.",
+ "The link has been copied": "Linket er kopieret.",
"The link has been copied.": "Linket er kopieret.",
- "clear this form": "rydde denne form",
- "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "Linket du klikkede på er enten ødelagt ellers findes siden ikke længere",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Markørerne svarer til koordinater af postnumre, de har intet at gøre med enkeltpersoner.",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "Spredningen af COVID-19 i Danmark er stadig ukendt. Hjælp os med at skabe et bedre overblik.",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "Siden er open-source og bygget af frivillige. Du er velkommen til at deltage.",
+ "This field is optional": "Dette felt er valgfrit",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Dette er ikke et officielt værktøj fra myndighederne, og for mere information om udbruddet henviser vi til sundhedsmyndigheder, der altid har opdaterede oplysninger.",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Denne side er i øjeblikket ikke tilknyttet myndighederne på nogen måde.",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Dette websted er lavet med hjælp fra frivillige. I ingen særlig rækkefølge:",
"To WHO.int": "Til WHO.int",
- "Are you from": "er du fra",
- "Norway": "Norge",
- "The Netherlands": "Holland",
- "Slovakia": "Slovakiet",
+ "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "For at besejre corona-virussen er vi nødt til at synliggøre den usynlige virus.",
+ "Total number of reports": "Samlet antal rapporteringer",
+ "Total reports": "Samlede indberetninger",
"United Kingdom": "England",
- "March 16": "16 Marts",
- "March 17": "17 Marts",
- "March 23": "23 Marts",
- "at": "kl.",
- "Nausea or vomiting": "Kvalme eller opkast",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Er du blevet diagnosticeret med en af følgende?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes, Forhøjet blodtryk, Hjertekarsygdomme, Astma, Kronisk lungesygdom, Kronisk nyresygdom",
- "I am currently:": "Jeg er i øjeblikket",
- "Not in isolation": "Ikke i isolation",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "Isoleret på grund af en nylig international rejse",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "Isoleret på grund af kontakt med en person der er blevet smittet med coronavirus",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Rygevaner",
- "I currently smoke": "Jeg ryger i øjeblikket",
- "I used to smoke": "Jeg plejede at ryge",
- "I have never smoked": "Jeg har aldrig røget",
+ "Unreported cases": "Urapporterede sager",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Brug det link, du noterede sidste gang for at opdatere din helbredstilstand.",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Ved hjælp af selvrapportering kan du få et bedre billede af hvor mange mennesker der har symptomer, uden at udsætte sundhedsmedarbejdere for potentielle smittefarer og uden at bruge værdifuldt infektionsbekæmpelsesudstyr, der allerede er en mangelvare. Hos os i Bustbyte, godt hjulpet af andre frivillige, har vi oprettet dette værktøj som svar på",
+ "Waiting for result": "Venter på resultat",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "Vi kan desværre ikke finde siden eller den service du leder efter",
+ "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Vi har gemt din data i en cookie, så kom tilbage senere for at opdatere din status",
"What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "Hvad er din nuværende kropstemperatur i Celsius?",
- "This field is optional": "Dette felt er valgfrit",
- "Close": "Lukke",
- "Contribute now": "Bidrag nu",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Hjælp os med at afdække og forudsige Coronasmitten i dit område",
- "Numbers": "Tal",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "Isoleret på grund af ordrer fra regeringen",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "Isoleret på grund af COVID-19-infektion",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Nogle spørgsmål og alternativer var ikke en del af formularen fra starten:",
- "March 27": "27 Marts",
- "March 28": "28 Marts",
- "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "I frivillig isolering for at potentielt undgå at blive smittet af COVID-19, eller smitte andre",
- "Other": "Andet",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "RING TIL ALLE DANSKE MENNESKER: Sådan besejrer vi koronavirussen: sammen synliggør vi den usynlige virus.",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Bidrag og del {{ hostname }} på",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Udfyld denne formular - det tager 1 minut - og hjælp Danmark til at få kontrol over COVID-19.",
- "One more thing": "En ting mere",
- "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "For at besejre corona-virussen er vi nødt til at synliggøre den usynlige virus.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} personer delte allerede deres sundhedsstatus.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Lad dine venner også udfylde denne formular og hjælpe De Forenede Stater med at få kontrol over COVID-19."
+ "What was the result?": "Hvad var resultatet?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "Hvornår startede symptomerne?",
+ "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Skriv det ned et sted, eller gem det på din computer.",
+ "Yes": "Ja",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Du kan nu bruge denne computer til en anden bruger.",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Du skal godkende fortrolighedserklæringen for at rapportere dine data.",
+ "Your age": "Din alder",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Du er helt anonym og den data du sender, kan ikke bruges til at identificere dig.",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Dine personlige helbredsoplysninger ryddes fra denne computer.",
+ "Your state of health": "Din sundhedstilstand",
+ "Zip code": "Postnummer",
+ "Zip code information": "Oplysninger om postnummer",
+ "and": "og",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "som et forsøg på at kortlægge disse tal.",
+ "at": "kl.",
+ "clear this form": "rydde denne form",
+ "here": "her",
+ "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
+ "if you can't get it to work.": "hvis du ikke kan få det til at fungere.",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "person har rapporteret, at de oplever symptomer.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "person har rapporteret, at de har været i tæt kontakt med en person, der er blevet testet positiv for COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "person har rapporteret, at de er testet for COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "person har rapporteret at de har testet positiv for COVID-19 og oplevet symptomer.",
+ "recommended": "anbefalet",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "rapporterede, at de har oplevet de tre mest almindelige symptomer som de der er smittet, oplever.",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "rapporterede, at de har oplevet de to mest almindelige symptomer som de der er blevet smittet, oplever.",
+ "required": "påkrævet",
+ "this article": "denne artikel",
+ "volunteers": "frivillige",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.uk",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} personer delte allerede deres sundhedsstatus."
diff --git a/app/locales/en-AU.json b/app/locales/en-AU.json
index 866bab0a..f581b080 100644
--- a/app/locales/en-AU.json
+++ b/app/locales/en-AU.json
@@ -1,194 +1,194 @@
- "Postal code": "Postal code",
- "Important": "Important",
- "Page not found": "Page not found",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "We can't find the page or service you're looking for",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists",
- "Something went wrong!": "Something went wrong!",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "Something must have gone wrong",
- "Send an e-mail to": "Send an e-mail to",
- "if you can't get it to work.": "if you can't get it to work.",
- "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Before proceeding please note down the following link",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.",
- "I've noted down the link.": "I've noted down the link.",
- "Proceed": "Proceed",
- "The link has been copied": "The link has been copied.",
- "Copy": "Copy",
- "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself",
- "Contributors": "Contributors",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:",
+ "#stayindoors": "#stayindoors",
+ "#washyourhands": "#washyourhands",
"...and others": "...and others",
- "The code for the website can be found": "The code for the website can be found",
- "here": "here",
+ "API": "API",
"About the service": "About the service",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at BustByte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to",
- "this article": "this article",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "as an attempt to chart these numbers.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.",
- "Developed by": "Developed by",
+ "Added to form": "Added to form",
+ "All submissions": "All submissions",
+ "Are you from": "Are you from",
+ "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Before proceeding please note down the following link",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "Below is your personal health information.",
+ "Biological gender": "Biological gender/Sex",
"BustByte AS": "BustByte",
- "and": "and",
- "volunteers": "volunteers",
- "Privacy Policy": "Privacy Statement",
- "Privacy": "Privacy",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "Thank you for your contribution!",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.",
- "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.uk",
- "Go to the National health service website": "Go to the National health service website",
- "Report status by zip code": "Report status by zip code",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.",
- "Healthy": "Healthy",
- "Has symptoms": "Have symptoms",
- "Tested positive": "Tested positive",
- "Zip code information": "Zip code information",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Join us in the most important crowdsource!",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.",
- "Share on": "Share on",
- "NB!": "Important!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Read how the data you enter is processed here!",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition.",
- "Unreported cases": "Unreported cases",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "CALL TO ALL AUSTRALIAN CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 infected",
+ "Choose your age": "Choose your age",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Cigarette smoking habits",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Clarifications data basis",
+ "Close": "Close",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Close contact with someone who has tested positive",
+ "Close contacts": "Close contacts",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on",
"Contribute anonymously": "Contribute anonymously",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Report your health condition anonymously.",
- "Insight for everyone": "Data available for everyone",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.",
+ "Contribute now": "Contribute now",
+ "Contributors": "Contributors",
+ "Copy": "Copy",
+ "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself",
+ "Developed by": "Developed by",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease",
+ "Diarrhea": "Diarrhea",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "Download the dataset as CSV",
+ "Dry cough": "Dry cough",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:",
"Everything is open": "Everything is open",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.",
- "Total reports": "Total reports",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Infected / Have been tested",
- "In close contact with someone who's infected": "In close contact with someone who's infected",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.",
- "Your state of health": "Your state of health",
- "Report your health condition": "Report your health condition",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:",
- "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!",
- "Geography and demography": "Demography and geography",
- "Your age": "Your age",
- "Choose your age": "Choose your age",
- "Biological gender": "Biological gender/Sex",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatigue and exhaustion",
"Female": "Female",
- "Male": "Male",
- "Zip code": "Postal code / Zip code",
- "Testing and symptoms": "Testing and symptoms",
+ "Fever": "Fever",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help Australia gain control over COVID-19.",
+ "Geography and demography": "Demography and geography",
+ "Go to the National health service website": "Go to the National health service website",
+ "Has symptoms": "Have symptoms",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?",
"Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Have you been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19?",
- "Yes": "Yes",
- "No": "No",
- "Positive": "Positive",
- "Negative": "Negative",
"Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Have you been tested for COVID-19?",
- "What was the result?": "What was the result?",
- "Waiting for result": "Waiting for result",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptoms you have experienced",
- "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Select only the symptoms you have experienced",
- "Dry cough": "Dry cough",
- "Mucus cough": "Mucus cough",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatigue and exhaustion",
- "Fever": "Fever",
- "Shortness of breath": "Shortness of breath",
- "Muscle pain": "Muscle pain",
- "Diarrhea": "Diarrhea",
"Headache": "Headache",
- "Sore throat": "Sore throat",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "Loss of sense of smell",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "Loss of sense of taste",
- "Stuffy or runny nose": "Stuffy or runny nose",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "When did the symptoms start?",
+ "Healthy": "Healthy",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area",
"How will my data be used?": "How will my data be used?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "You are completely anonymous. The data you submit cannot be used to identify you.",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Our privacy statement can be found here",
"I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement",
- "Submit report": "Submit report",
- "Statistics": "Statistics",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "Download the dataset as CSV",
- "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 infected",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experienced symptoms.",
- "Symptoms": "Symptoms",
- "Test results": "Test results",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.",
- "Close contacts": "Close contacts",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.",
- "Key figures": "Key figures",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
- "All submissions": "All submissions",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:",
- "Total number of reports": "Total number of reports",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Positive test results and close contact",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Clarifications data basis",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:",
- "Symptom": "Symptom",
- "Added to form": "Added to form",
- "In total": "In total",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they experience symptoms.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients",
- "Number reported": "Number reported",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Reports with symptoms",
- "Reports": "Reports",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick",
+ "I am currently:": "I am currently",
+ "I currently smoke": "I currently smoke",
+ "I have never smoked": "I have never smoked",
+ "I used to smoke": "I used to smoke",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "I've noted down the link.",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link",
+ "Important": "Important",
+ "In close contact with someone who's infected": "In close contact with someone who's infected",
"In close contact with symptoms": "In close contact with symptoms",
"In close contact without symptoms": "In close contact without symptoms",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Close contact with someone who has tested positive",
- "Tested negative": "Testet negative",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "In isolation due to a recent international travel",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "In isolation due to orders from the government",
+ "In total": "In total",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Infected / Have been tested",
+ "Insight for everyone": "Data available for everyone",
+ "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Join us in the most important crowdsource!",
+ "Key figures": "Key figures",
+ "Learn more!": "Learn more!",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Let your friends fill out this form too and help Australia gain control over COVID-19.",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "Loss of sense of smell",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "Loss of sense of taste",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.",
+ "Male": "Male",
"Map": "Map",
- "API": "API",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick",
- "required": "required",
- "recommended": "recommended",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "Below is your personal health information.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "You can now use this computer for another user.",
- "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.",
- "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.",
- "The link has been copied.": "The link has been copied.",
- "clear this form": "clear this form",
- "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
- "To WHO.int": "To WHO.int",
- "Are you from": "Are you from",
- "Norway": "Norway",
- "The Netherlands": "The Netherlands",
- "Slovakia": "Slovakia",
- "United Kingdom": "The United Kingdom",
"March 16": "March 16",
"March 17": "March 17",
"March 23": "March 23",
- "at": "at",
+ "March 27": "March 27",
+ "Mucus cough": "Mucus cough",
+ "Muscle pain": "Muscle pain",
+ "NB!": "Important!",
"Nausea or vomiting": "Nausea or vomiting",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease",
- "I am currently:": "I am currently",
+ "Negative": "Negative",
+ "No": "No",
+ "Norway": "Norway",
"Not in isolation": "Not in isolation",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "In isolation due to a recent international travel",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Cigarette smoking habits",
- "I currently smoke": "I currently smoke",
- "I used to smoke": "I used to smoke",
- "I have never smoked": "I have never smoked",
- "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "What is your current body temperature in Celcius?",
- "This field is optional": "This field is optional",
- "Close": "Close",
- "Contribute now": "Contribute now",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area",
+ "Number reported": "Number reported",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients",
"Numbers": "Numbers",
- "#washyourhands": "#washyourhands",
- "#stayindoors": "#stayindoors",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "In isolation due to orders from the government",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:",
- "March 27": "March 27",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:",
+ "One more thing": "One more thing",
"Other": "Other",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Our privacy statement can be found here",
+ "Page not found": "Page not found",
+ "Positive": "Positive",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Positive test results and close contact",
+ "Postal code": "Postal code",
+ "Privacy": "Privacy",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Privacy Statement",
+ "Proceed": "Proceed",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Read how the data you enter is processed here!",
+ "Report status by zip code": "Report status by zip code",
+ "Report your health condition": "Report your health condition",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Report your health condition anonymously.",
+ "Reports": "Reports",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Reports with symptoms",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.",
+ "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Select only the symptoms you have experienced",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "Send an e-mail to",
+ "Share on": "Share on",
+ "Shortness of breath": "Shortness of breath",
+ "Slovakia": "Slovakia",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "Something must have gone wrong",
+ "Something went wrong!": "Something went wrong!",
+ "Sore throat": "Sore throat",
+ "Statistics": "Statistics",
+ "Stuffy or runny nose": "Stuffy or runny nose",
+ "Submit report": "Submit report",
+ "Symptom": "Symptom",
+ "Symptoms": "Symptoms",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptoms you have experienced",
+ "Test results": "Test results",
+ "Tested negative": "Testet negative",
+ "Tested positive": "Tested positive",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "Testing and symptoms",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "Thank you for your contribution!",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.",
+ "The Netherlands": "The Netherlands",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "The code for the website can be found",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.",
+ "The link has been copied": "The link has been copied.",
+ "The link has been copied.": "The link has been copied.",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.",
+ "This field is optional": "This field is optional",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.",
"This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.",
- "Learn more!": "Learn more!",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "CALL TO ALL AUSTRALIAN CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help Australia gain control over COVID-19.",
- "One more thing": "One more thing",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:",
+ "To WHO.int": "To WHO.int",
"To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Let your friends fill out this form too and help Australia gain control over COVID-19."
+ "Total number of reports": "Total number of reports",
+ "Total reports": "Total reports",
+ "United Kingdom": "The United Kingdom",
+ "Unreported cases": "Unreported cases",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition.",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at BustByte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to",
+ "Waiting for result": "Waiting for result",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "We can't find the page or service you're looking for",
+ "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status",
+ "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "What is your current body temperature in Celcius?",
+ "What was the result?": "What was the result?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "When did the symptoms start?",
+ "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.",
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "You can now use this computer for another user.",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.",
+ "Your age": "Your age",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "You are completely anonymous. The data you submit cannot be used to identify you.",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.",
+ "Your state of health": "Your state of health",
+ "Zip code": "Postal code / Zip code",
+ "Zip code information": "Zip code information",
+ "and": "and",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "as an attempt to chart these numbers.",
+ "at": "at",
+ "clear this form": "clear this form",
+ "here": "here",
+ "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
+ "if you can't get it to work.": "if you can't get it to work.",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they experience symptoms.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experienced symptoms.",
+ "recommended": "recommended",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
+ "required": "required",
+ "this article": "this article",
+ "volunteers": "volunteers",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.uk",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status."
diff --git a/app/locales/en-IN.json b/app/locales/en-IN.json
index 970cfaf2..9dc1f5ca 100644
--- a/app/locales/en-IN.json
+++ b/app/locales/en-IN.json
@@ -1,199 +1,199 @@
- "Postal code": "Postal code",
- "Important": "Important",
- "Page not found": "Page not found",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "We can't find the page or service you're looking for",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists",
- "Something went wrong!": "Something went wrong!",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "Something must have gone wrong",
- "Send an e-mail to": "Send an e-mail to",
- "if you can't get it to work.": "if you can't get it to work.",
- "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Before proceeding please note down the following link",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.",
- "I've noted down the link.": "I've noted down the link.",
- "Proceed": "Proceed",
- "The link has been copied": "The link has been copied.",
- "Copy": "Copy",
- "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself",
- "Contributors": "Contributors",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:",
- "...and others": "...and others",
- "The code for the website can be found": "The code for the website can be found",
- "here": "here",
- "About the service": "About the service",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at BustByte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to",
- "this article": "this article",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "as an attempt to chart these numbers.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.",
- "Developed by": "Developed by",
- "BustByte AS": "BustByte",
- "and": "and",
- "volunteers": "volunteers",
- "Privacy Policy": "Privacy Statement",
- "Privacy": "Privacy",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "Thank you for your contribution!",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.",
- "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.uk",
- "Go to the National health service website": "Go to the National health service website",
- "Report status by zip code": "Report status by zip code",
- "What is my Zip code?": "What is my Zip code?",
- "https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://www.whatismyzip.com",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.",
- "Healthy": "Healthy",
- "Has symptoms": "Have symptoms",
- "Tested positive": "Tested positive",
- "Zip code information": "Zip code information",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Join us in the most important crowdsource!",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.",
- "Share on": "Share on",
- "NB!": "Important!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Read how the data you enter is processed here!",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition.",
- "Unreported cases": "Unreported cases",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.",
- "Contribute anonymously": "Contribute anonymously",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Report your health condition anonymously.",
- "Insight for everyone": "Data available for everyone",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.",
- "Everything is open": "Everything is open",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.",
- "Total reports": "Total reports",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Infected / Have been tested",
- "In close contact with someone who's infected": "In close contact with someone who's infected",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.",
- "Your state of health": "Your state of health",
- "Report your health condition": "Report your health condition",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:",
- "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!",
- "Geography and demography": "Demography and geography",
- "Your age": "Your age",
- "Choose your age": "Choose your age",
- "Biological gender": "Biological gender/Sex",
- "Female": "Female",
- "Male": "Male",
- "Zip code": "Postal code / Zip code",
- "Testing and symptoms": "Testing and symptoms",
- "Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Have you been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19?",
- "Yes": "Yes",
- "No": "No",
- "Positive": "Positive",
- "Negative": "Negative",
- "Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Have you been tested for COVID-19?",
- "What was the result?": "What was the result?",
- "Waiting for result": "Waiting for result",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptoms you have experienced",
- "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Select only the symptoms you have experienced",
- "Dry cough": "Dry cough",
- "Mucus cough": "Mucus cough",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatigue and exhaustion",
- "Fever": "Fever",
- "Shortness of breath": "Shortness of breath",
- "Muscle pain": "Muscle pain",
- "Diarrhea": "Diarrhea",
- "Headache": "Headache",
- "Sore throat": "Sore throat",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "Loss of sense of smell",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "Loss of sense of taste",
- "Stuffy or runny nose": "Stuffy or runny nose",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "When did the symptoms start?",
- "How will my data be used?": "How will my data be used?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "You are completely anonymous. The data you submit cannot be used to identify you.",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Our privacy statement can be found here",
- "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement",
- "Submit report": "Submit report",
- "Statistics": "Statistics",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "Download the dataset as CSV",
- "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 infected",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experienced symptoms.",
- "Symptoms": "Symptoms",
- "Test results": "Test results",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.",
- "Close contacts": "Close contacts",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.",
- "Key figures": "Key figures",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
- "All submissions": "All submissions",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:",
- "Total number of reports": "Total number of reports",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Positive test results and close contact",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Clarifications data basis",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:",
- "Symptom": "Symptom",
- "Added to form": "Added to form",
- "In total": "In total",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they experience symptoms.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients",
- "Number reported": "Number reported",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Reports with symptoms",
- "Reports": "Reports",
- "In close contact with symptoms": "In close contact with symptoms",
- "In close contact without symptoms": "In close contact without symptoms",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Close contact with someone who has tested positive",
- "Tested negative": "Testet negative",
- "Map": "Map",
- "API": "API",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick",
- "required": "required",
- "recommended": "recommended",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "Below is your personal health information.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "You can now use this computer for another user.",
- "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.",
- "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.",
- "The link has been copied.": "The link has been copied.",
- "clear this form": "clear this form",
- "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
- "To WHO.int": "To WHO.int",
- "Are you from": "Are you from",
- "Sweden": "Sweden",
- "Norway": "Norway",
- "The Netherlands": "The Netherlands",
- "Slovakia": "Slovakia",
- "United Kingdom": "The United Kingdom",
- "March 16": "March 16",
- "March 17": "March 17",
- "March 23": "March 23",
- "at": "at",
- "Nausea or vomiting": "Nausea or vomiting",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease",
- "I am currently:": "I am currently",
- "Not in isolation": "Not in isolation",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "In isolation due to a recent international travel",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Cigarette smoking habits",
- "I currently smoke": "I currently smoke",
- "I used to smoke": "I used to smoke",
- "I have never smoked": "I have never smoked",
- "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "What is your current body temperature in Celsius?",
- "This field is optional": "This field is optional",
- "Close": "Close",
- "Contribute now": "Contribute now",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area",
- "Numbers": "Numbers",
- "#washyourhands": "#washyourhands",
- "#stayindoors": "#stayhome",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "In isolation due to orders from the government",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:",
- "March 27": "March 27",
- "March 28": "March 28",
- "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19",
- "Other": "Other",
- "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.",
- "Learn more!": "Learn more!",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "CALL TO ALL CITIZENS FROM INDIA: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help India gain control over COVID-19.",
- "One more thing": "One more thing",
- "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Let your friends fill out this form too and help India gain control over COVID-19."
+ "#stayindoors": "#stayhome",
+ "#washyourhands": "#washyourhands",
+ "...and others": "...and others",
+ "API": "API",
+ "About the service": "About the service",
+ "Added to form": "Added to form",
+ "All submissions": "All submissions",
+ "Are you from": "Are you from",
+ "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Before proceeding please note down the following link",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "Below is your personal health information.",
+ "Biological gender": "Biological gender/Sex",
+ "BustByte AS": "BustByte",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "CALL TO ALL CITIZENS FROM INDIA: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 infected",
+ "Choose your age": "Choose your age",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Cigarette smoking habits",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Clarifications data basis",
+ "Close": "Close",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Close contact with someone who has tested positive",
+ "Close contacts": "Close contacts",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on",
+ "Contribute anonymously": "Contribute anonymously",
+ "Contribute now": "Contribute now",
+ "Contributors": "Contributors",
+ "Copy": "Copy",
+ "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself",
+ "Developed by": "Developed by",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease",
+ "Diarrhea": "Diarrhea",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "Download the dataset as CSV",
+ "Dry cough": "Dry cough",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:",
+ "Everything is open": "Everything is open",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatigue and exhaustion",
+ "Female": "Female",
+ "Fever": "Fever",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help India gain control over COVID-19.",
+ "Geography and demography": "Demography and geography",
+ "Go to the National health service website": "Go to the National health service website",
+ "Has symptoms": "Have symptoms",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?",
+ "Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Have you been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19?",
+ "Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Have you been tested for COVID-19?",
+ "Headache": "Headache",
+ "Healthy": "Healthy",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area",
+ "How will my data be used?": "How will my data be used?",
+ "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick",
+ "I am currently:": "I am currently",
+ "I currently smoke": "I currently smoke",
+ "I have never smoked": "I have never smoked",
+ "I used to smoke": "I used to smoke",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "I've noted down the link.",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link",
+ "Important": "Important",
+ "In close contact with someone who's infected": "In close contact with someone who's infected",
+ "In close contact with symptoms": "In close contact with symptoms",
+ "In close contact without symptoms": "In close contact without symptoms",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "In isolation due to a recent international travel",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "In isolation due to orders from the government",
+ "In total": "In total",
+ "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Infected / Have been tested",
+ "Insight for everyone": "Data available for everyone",
+ "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Join us in the most important crowdsource!",
+ "Key figures": "Key figures",
+ "Learn more!": "Learn more!",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Let your friends fill out this form too and help India gain control over COVID-19.",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "Loss of sense of smell",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "Loss of sense of taste",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.",
+ "Male": "Male",
+ "Map": "Map",
+ "March 16": "March 16",
+ "March 17": "March 17",
+ "March 23": "March 23",
+ "March 27": "March 27",
+ "March 28": "March 28",
+ "Mucus cough": "Mucus cough",
+ "Muscle pain": "Muscle pain",
+ "NB!": "Important!",
+ "Nausea or vomiting": "Nausea or vomiting",
+ "Negative": "Negative",
+ "No": "No",
+ "Norway": "Norway",
+ "Not in isolation": "Not in isolation",
+ "Number reported": "Number reported",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients",
+ "Numbers": "Numbers",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:",
+ "One more thing": "One more thing",
+ "Other": "Other",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Our privacy statement can be found here",
+ "Page not found": "Page not found",
+ "Positive": "Positive",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Positive test results and close contact",
+ "Postal code": "Postal code",
+ "Privacy": "Privacy",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Privacy Statement",
+ "Proceed": "Proceed",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Read how the data you enter is processed here!",
+ "Report status by zip code": "Report status by zip code",
+ "Report your health condition": "Report your health condition",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Report your health condition anonymously.",
+ "Reports": "Reports",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Reports with symptoms",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.",
+ "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Select only the symptoms you have experienced",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "Send an e-mail to",
+ "Share on": "Share on",
+ "Shortness of breath": "Shortness of breath",
+ "Slovakia": "Slovakia",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "Something must have gone wrong",
+ "Something went wrong!": "Something went wrong!",
+ "Sore throat": "Sore throat",
+ "Statistics": "Statistics",
+ "Stuffy or runny nose": "Stuffy or runny nose",
+ "Submit report": "Submit report",
+ "Sweden": "Sweden",
+ "Symptom": "Symptom",
+ "Symptoms": "Symptoms",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptoms you have experienced",
+ "Test results": "Test results",
+ "Tested negative": "Testet negative",
+ "Tested positive": "Tested positive",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "Testing and symptoms",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "Thank you for your contribution!",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.",
+ "The Netherlands": "The Netherlands",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "The code for the website can be found",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.",
+ "The link has been copied": "The link has been copied.",
+ "The link has been copied.": "The link has been copied.",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.",
+ "This field is optional": "This field is optional",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.",
+ "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:",
+ "To WHO.int": "To WHO.int",
+ "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.",
+ "Total number of reports": "Total number of reports",
+ "Total reports": "Total reports",
+ "United Kingdom": "The United Kingdom",
+ "Unreported cases": "Unreported cases",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition.",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at BustByte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to",
+ "Waiting for result": "Waiting for result",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "We can't find the page or service you're looking for",
+ "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status",
+ "What is my Zip code?": "What is my Zip code?",
+ "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "What is your current body temperature in Celsius?",
+ "What was the result?": "What was the result?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "When did the symptoms start?",
+ "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.",
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "You can now use this computer for another user.",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.",
+ "Your age": "Your age",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "You are completely anonymous. The data you submit cannot be used to identify you.",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.",
+ "Your state of health": "Your state of health",
+ "Zip code": "Postal code / Zip code",
+ "Zip code information": "Zip code information",
+ "and": "and",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "as an attempt to chart these numbers.",
+ "at": "at",
+ "clear this form": "clear this form",
+ "here": "here",
+ "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
+ "https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://www.whatismyzip.com",
+ "if you can't get it to work.": "if you can't get it to work.",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they experience symptoms.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experienced symptoms.",
+ "recommended": "recommended",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
+ "required": "required",
+ "this article": "this article",
+ "volunteers": "volunteers",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.uk",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status."
diff --git a/app/locales/en-MT.json b/app/locales/en-MT.json
index 1eb95079..e1da2a9b 100644
--- a/app/locales/en-MT.json
+++ b/app/locales/en-MT.json
@@ -1,198 +1,198 @@
- "Postal code": "Postal code",
- "Important": "Important",
- "Page not found": "Page not found",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "We can't find the page or service you're looking for",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists",
- "Something went wrong!": "Something went wrong!",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "Something must have gone wrong",
- "Send an e-mail to": "Send an e-mail to",
- "if you can't get it to work.": "if you can't get it to work.",
- "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Before proceeding please note down the following link",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.",
- "I've noted down the link.": "I've noted down the link.",
- "Proceed": "Proceed",
- "The link has been copied": "The link has been copied.",
- "Copy": "Copy",
- "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself",
- "Contributors": "Contributors",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:",
+ "#stayindoors": "#stayhome",
+ "#washyourhands": "#washyourhands",
"...and others": "...and others",
- "The code for the website can be found": "The code for the website can be found",
- "here": "here",
+ "API": "API",
"About the service": "About the service",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at BustByte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to",
- "this article": "this article",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "as an attempt to chart these numbers.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.",
- "Developed by": "Developed by",
+ "Added to form": "Added to form",
+ "All submissions": "All submissions",
+ "Are you from": "Are you from",
+ "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Before proceeding please note down the following link",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "Below is your personal health information.",
+ "Biological gender": "Biological gender/Sex",
"BustByte AS": "BustByte",
- "and": "and",
- "volunteers": "volunteers",
- "Privacy Policy": "Privacy Statement",
- "Privacy": "Privacy",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "Thank you for your contribution!",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.",
- "www.nhs.uk": "covid19health.gov.mt",
- "Go to the National health service website": "Go to the Maltese health service website",
- "Report status by zip code": "Report status by postal code",
- "What is my Zip code?": "What is my postal code?",
- "https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://www.whatismyzip.com",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "The markers correspond to coordinates of postal codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.",
- "Healthy": "Healthy",
- "Has symptoms": "Have symptoms",
- "Tested positive": "Tested positive",
- "Zip code information": "Postal code information",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Join us in the most important crowdsource!",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.",
- "Share on": "Share on",
- "NB!": "Important!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Read how the data you enter is processed here!",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition.",
- "Unreported cases": "Unreported cases",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "CALL TO ALL MALTESE CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 infected",
+ "Choose your age": "Choose your age",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Cigarette smoking habits",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Clarifications data basis",
+ "Close": "Close",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Close contact with someone who has tested positive",
+ "Close contacts": "Close contacts",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on",
"Contribute anonymously": "Contribute anonymously",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Report your health condition anonymously.",
- "Insight for everyone": "Data available for everyone",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.",
+ "Contribute now": "Contribute now",
+ "Contributors": "Contributors",
+ "Copy": "Copy",
+ "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself",
+ "Developed by": "Developed by",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease",
+ "Diarrhea": "Diarrhea",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "Download the dataset as CSV",
+ "Dry cough": "Dry cough",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:",
"Everything is open": "Everything is open",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.",
- "Total reports": "Total reports",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Infected / Have been tested",
- "In close contact with someone who's infected": "In close contact with someone who's infected",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.",
- "Your state of health": "Your state of health",
- "Report your health condition": "Report your health condition",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:",
- "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!",
- "Geography and demography": "Demography and geography",
- "Your age": "Your age",
- "Choose your age": "Choose your age",
- "Biological gender": "Biological gender/Sex",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatigue and exhaustion",
"Female": "Female",
- "Male": "Male",
- "Zip code": "Postal code (letters only)",
- "Testing and symptoms": "Testing and symptoms",
+ "Fever": "Fever",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help Malta gain control over COVID-19.",
+ "Geography and demography": "Demography and geography",
+ "Go to the National health service website": "Go to the Maltese health service website",
+ "Has symptoms": "Have symptoms",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?",
"Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Have you been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19?",
- "Yes": "Yes",
- "No": "No",
- "Positive": "Positive",
- "Negative": "Negative",
"Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Have you been tested for COVID-19?",
- "What was the result?": "What was the result?",
- "Waiting for result": "Waiting for result",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptoms you have experienced",
- "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Select only the symptoms you have experienced",
- "Dry cough": "Dry cough",
- "Mucus cough": "Mucus cough",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatigue and exhaustion",
- "Fever": "Fever",
- "Shortness of breath": "Shortness of breath",
- "Muscle pain": "Muscle pain",
- "Diarrhea": "Diarrhea",
"Headache": "Headache",
- "Sore throat": "Sore throat",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "Loss of sense of smell",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "Loss of sense of taste",
- "Stuffy or runny nose": "Stuffy or runny nose",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "When did the symptoms start?",
+ "Healthy": "Healthy",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area",
"How will my data be used?": "How will my data be used?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "You are completely anonymous. The data you submit cannot be used to identify you.",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Our privacy statement can be found here",
"I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement",
- "Submit report": "Submit report",
- "Statistics": "Statistics",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "Download the dataset as CSV",
- "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 infected",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experienced symptoms.",
- "Symptoms": "Symptoms",
- "Test results": "Test results",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.",
- "Close contacts": "Close contacts",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.",
- "Key figures": "Key figures",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
- "All submissions": "All submissions",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:",
- "Total number of reports": "Total number of reports",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Positive test results and close contact",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Clarifications data basis",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:",
- "Symptom": "Symptom",
- "Added to form": "Added to form",
- "In total": "In total",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they experience symptoms.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients",
- "Number reported": "Number reported",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Reports with symptoms",
- "Reports": "Reports",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick",
+ "I am currently:": "I am currently",
+ "I currently smoke": "I currently smoke",
+ "I have never smoked": "I have never smoked",
+ "I used to smoke": "I used to smoke",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "I've noted down the link.",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link",
+ "Important": "Important",
+ "In close contact with someone who's infected": "In close contact with someone who's infected",
"In close contact with symptoms": "In close contact with symptoms",
"In close contact without symptoms": "In close contact without symptoms",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Close contact with someone who has tested positive",
- "Tested negative": "Testet negative",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "In isolation due to a recent international travel",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "In isolation due to orders from the government",
+ "In total": "In total",
+ "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Infected / Have been tested",
+ "Insight for everyone": "Data available for everyone",
+ "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Join us in the most important crowdsource!",
+ "Key figures": "Key figures",
+ "Learn more!": "Learn more!",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Let your friends fill out this form too and help Malta gain control over COVID-19.",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "Loss of sense of smell",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "Loss of sense of taste",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.",
+ "Male": "Male",
"Map": "Map",
- "API": "API",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick",
- "required": "required",
- "recommended": "recommended",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "Below is your personal health information.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "You can now use this computer for another user.",
- "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.",
- "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.",
- "The link has been copied.": "The link has been copied.",
- "clear this form": "clear this form",
- "https://who.int": "https://covid19health.gov.mt/",
- "To WHO.int": "To health.gov.mt",
- "Are you from": "Are you from",
- "Norway": "Norway",
- "The Netherlands": "The Netherlands",
- "Slovakia": "Slovakia",
- "United Kingdom": "The United Kingdom",
"March 16": "March 16",
"March 17": "March 17",
"March 23": "March 23",
- "at": "at",
+ "March 27": "March 27",
+ "March 28": "March 28",
+ "Mucus cough": "Mucus cough",
+ "Muscle pain": "Muscle pain",
+ "NB!": "Important!",
"Nausea or vomiting": "Nausea or vomiting",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease",
- "I am currently:": "I am currently",
+ "Negative": "Negative",
+ "No": "No",
+ "Norway": "Norway",
"Not in isolation": "Not in isolation",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "In isolation due to a recent international travel",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Cigarette smoking habits",
- "I currently smoke": "I currently smoke",
- "I used to smoke": "I used to smoke",
- "I have never smoked": "I have never smoked",
- "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "What is your current body temperature in Celsius?",
- "This field is optional": "This field is optional",
- "Close": "Close",
- "Contribute now": "Contribute now",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area",
+ "Number reported": "Number reported",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients",
"Numbers": "Numbers",
- "#washyourhands": "#washyourhands",
- "#stayindoors": "#stayhome",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "In isolation due to orders from the government",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:",
- "March 27": "March 27",
- "March 28": "March 28",
- "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:",
+ "One more thing": "One more thing",
"Other": "Other",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Our privacy statement can be found here",
+ "Page not found": "Page not found",
+ "Positive": "Positive",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Positive test results and close contact",
+ "Postal code": "Postal code",
+ "Privacy": "Privacy",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Privacy Statement",
+ "Proceed": "Proceed",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Read how the data you enter is processed here!",
+ "Report status by zip code": "Report status by postal code",
+ "Report your health condition": "Report your health condition",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Report your health condition anonymously.",
+ "Reports": "Reports",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Reports with symptoms",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.",
+ "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Select only the symptoms you have experienced",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "Send an e-mail to",
+ "Share on": "Share on",
+ "Shortness of breath": "Shortness of breath",
+ "Slovakia": "Slovakia",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "Something must have gone wrong",
+ "Something went wrong!": "Something went wrong!",
+ "Sore throat": "Sore throat",
+ "Statistics": "Statistics",
+ "Stuffy or runny nose": "Stuffy or runny nose",
+ "Submit report": "Submit report",
+ "Symptom": "Symptom",
+ "Symptoms": "Symptoms",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptoms you have experienced",
+ "Test results": "Test results",
+ "Tested negative": "Testet negative",
+ "Tested positive": "Tested positive",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "Testing and symptoms",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "Thank you for your contribution!",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.",
+ "The Netherlands": "The Netherlands",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "The code for the website can be found",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.",
+ "The link has been copied": "The link has been copied.",
+ "The link has been copied.": "The link has been copied.",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "The markers correspond to coordinates of postal codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.",
+ "This field is optional": "This field is optional",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.",
"This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.",
- "Learn more!": "Learn more!",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "CALL TO ALL MALTESE CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help Malta gain control over COVID-19.",
- "One more thing": "One more thing",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:",
+ "To WHO.int": "To health.gov.mt",
"To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Let your friends fill out this form too and help Malta gain control over COVID-19."
+ "Total number of reports": "Total number of reports",
+ "Total reports": "Total reports",
+ "United Kingdom": "The United Kingdom",
+ "Unreported cases": "Unreported cases",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition.",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at BustByte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to",
+ "Waiting for result": "Waiting for result",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "We can't find the page or service you're looking for",
+ "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status",
+ "What is my Zip code?": "What is my postal code?",
+ "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "What is your current body temperature in Celsius?",
+ "What was the result?": "What was the result?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "When did the symptoms start?",
+ "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.",
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "You can now use this computer for another user.",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.",
+ "Your age": "Your age",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "You are completely anonymous. The data you submit cannot be used to identify you.",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.",
+ "Your state of health": "Your state of health",
+ "Zip code": "Postal code (letters only)",
+ "Zip code information": "Postal code information",
+ "and": "and",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "as an attempt to chart these numbers.",
+ "at": "at",
+ "clear this form": "clear this form",
+ "here": "here",
+ "https://who.int": "https://covid19health.gov.mt/",
+ "https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://www.whatismyzip.com",
+ "if you can't get it to work.": "if you can't get it to work.",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they experience symptoms.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experienced symptoms.",
+ "recommended": "recommended",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
+ "required": "required",
+ "this article": "this article",
+ "volunteers": "volunteers",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "covid19health.gov.mt",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status."
diff --git a/app/locales/en-MY.json b/app/locales/en-MY.json
index 16b7e56a..ad826218 100644
--- a/app/locales/en-MY.json
+++ b/app/locales/en-MY.json
@@ -1,198 +1,198 @@
- "Postal code": "Postal code",
- "Important": "Important",
- "Page not found": "Page not found",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "We can't find the page or service you're looking for",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists",
- "Something went wrong!": "Something went wrong!",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "Something must have gone wrong",
- "Send an e-mail to": "Send an e-mail to",
- "if you can't get it to work.": "if you can't get it to work.",
+ "#stayindoors": "#stayhome",
+ "#washyourhands": "#washyourhands",
+ "...and others": "...and others",
+ "API": "API",
+ "About the service": "About the service",
+ "Added to form": "Added to form",
+ "All submissions": "All submissions",
+ "Are you from": "Are you from",
"Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Before proceeding please note down the following link",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.",
- "I've noted down the link.": "I've noted down the link.",
- "Proceed": "Proceed",
- "The link has been copied": "The link has been copied.",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "Below is your personal health information.",
+ "Biological gender": "Biological gender/Sex",
+ "BustByte AS": "BustByte",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "CALL TO ALL MALAYSIAN CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 infected",
+ "Choose your age": "Choose your age",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Cigarette smoking habits",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Clarifications data basis",
+ "Close": "Close",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Close contact with someone who has tested positive",
+ "Close contacts": "Close contacts",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on",
+ "Contribute anonymously": "Contribute anonymously",
+ "Contribute now": "Contribute now",
+ "Contributors": "Contributors",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself",
- "Contributors": "Contributors",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:",
- "...and others": "...and others",
- "The code for the website can be found": "The code for the website can be found",
- "here": "here",
- "About the service": "About the service",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at BustByte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to",
- "this article": "this article",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "as an attempt to chart these numbers.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.",
"Developed by": "Developed by",
- "BustByte AS": "BustByte",
- "and": "and",
- "volunteers": "volunteers",
- "Privacy Policy": "Privacy Statement",
- "Privacy": "Privacy",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "Thank you for your contribution!",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.",
- "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.uk",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease",
+ "Diarrhea": "Diarrhea",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "Download the dataset as CSV",
+ "Dry cough": "Dry cough",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:",
+ "Everything is open": "Everything is open",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatigue and exhaustion",
+ "Female": "Female",
+ "Fever": "Fever",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help Malaysia gain control over COVID-19.",
+ "Geography and demography": "Demography and geography",
"Go to the National health service website": "Go to the National health service website",
- "Report status by zip code": "Report status by zip code",
- "What is my Zip code?": "What is my Zip code?",
- "https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://www.whatismyzip.com",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.",
- "Healthy": "Healthy",
"Has symptoms": "Have symptoms",
- "Tested positive": "Tested positive",
- "Zip code information": "Zip code information",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Join us in the most important crowdsource!",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.",
- "Share on": "Share on",
- "NB!": "Important!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.",
- "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.",
- "Learn more!": "Learn more!",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Read how the data you enter is processed here!",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition.",
- "Unreported cases": "Unreported cases",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.",
- "Contribute anonymously": "Contribute anonymously",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Report your health condition anonymously.",
- "Insight for everyone": "Data available for everyone",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.",
- "Everything is open": "Everything is open",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.",
- "Total reports": "Total reports",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Infected / Have been tested",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?",
+ "Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Have you been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19?",
+ "Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Have you been tested for COVID-19?",
+ "Headache": "Headache",
+ "Healthy": "Healthy",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area",
+ "How will my data be used?": "How will my data be used?",
+ "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick",
+ "I am currently:": "I am currently",
+ "I currently smoke": "I currently smoke",
+ "I have never smoked": "I have never smoked",
+ "I used to smoke": "I used to smoke",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "I've noted down the link.",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link",
+ "Important": "Important",
"In close contact with someone who's infected": "In close contact with someone who's infected",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.",
- "Your state of health": "Your state of health",
- "Report your health condition": "Report your health condition",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:",
+ "In close contact with symptoms": "In close contact with symptoms",
+ "In close contact without symptoms": "In close contact without symptoms",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "In isolation due to a recent international travel",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "In isolation due to orders from the government",
+ "In total": "In total",
+ "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Infected / Have been tested",
+ "Insight for everyone": "Data available for everyone",
"Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!",
- "Geography and demography": "Demography and geography",
- "Your age": "Your age",
- "Choose your age": "Choose your age",
- "Biological gender": "Biological gender/Sex",
- "Female": "Female",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Join us in the most important crowdsource!",
+ "Key figures": "Key figures",
+ "Learn more!": "Learn more!",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Let your friends fill out this form too and help Malaysia gain control over COVID-19.",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "Loss of sense of smell",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "Loss of sense of taste",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.",
"Male": "Male",
- "Zip code": "Postal code / Zip code",
- "Testing and symptoms": "Testing and symptoms",
- "Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Have you been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19?",
- "Yes": "Yes",
+ "Map": "Map",
+ "March 16": "March 16",
+ "March 17": "March 17",
+ "March 23": "March 23",
+ "March 27": "March 27",
+ "March 28": "March 28",
+ "Mucus cough": "Mucus cough",
+ "Muscle pain": "Muscle pain",
+ "NB!": "Important!",
+ "Nausea or vomiting": "Nausea or vomiting",
+ "Negative": "Negative",
"No": "No",
+ "Norway": "Norway",
+ "Not in isolation": "Not in isolation",
+ "Number reported": "Number reported",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients",
+ "Numbers": "Numbers",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:",
+ "One more thing": "One more thing",
+ "Other": "Other",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Our privacy statement can be found here",
+ "Page not found": "Page not found",
"Positive": "Positive",
- "Negative": "Negative",
- "Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Have you been tested for COVID-19?",
- "What was the result?": "What was the result?",
- "Waiting for result": "Waiting for result",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptoms you have experienced",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Positive test results and close contact",
+ "Postal code": "Postal code",
+ "Privacy": "Privacy",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Privacy Statement",
+ "Proceed": "Proceed",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Read how the data you enter is processed here!",
+ "Report status by zip code": "Report status by zip code",
+ "Report your health condition": "Report your health condition",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Report your health condition anonymously.",
+ "Reports": "Reports",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Reports with symptoms",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.",
"Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Select only the symptoms you have experienced",
- "Dry cough": "Dry cough",
- "Mucus cough": "Mucus cough",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatigue and exhaustion",
- "Fever": "Fever",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "Send an e-mail to",
+ "Share on": "Share on",
"Shortness of breath": "Shortness of breath",
- "Muscle pain": "Muscle pain",
- "Diarrhea": "Diarrhea",
- "Headache": "Headache",
+ "Slovakia": "Slovakia",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "Something must have gone wrong",
+ "Something went wrong!": "Something went wrong!",
"Sore throat": "Sore throat",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "Loss of sense of smell",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "Loss of sense of taste",
+ "Statistics": "Statistics",
"Stuffy or runny nose": "Stuffy or runny nose",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "When did the symptoms start?",
- "How will my data be used?": "How will my data be used?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "You are completely anonymous. The data you submit cannot be used to identify you.",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Our privacy statement can be found here",
- "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement",
"Submit report": "Submit report",
- "Statistics": "Statistics",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "Download the dataset as CSV",
- "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 infected",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experienced symptoms.",
+ "Symptom": "Symptom",
"Symptoms": "Symptoms",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptoms you have experienced",
"Test results": "Test results",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.",
- "Close contacts": "Close contacts",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.",
- "Key figures": "Key figures",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
- "All submissions": "All submissions",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:",
- "Total number of reports": "Total number of reports",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Positive test results and close contact",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Clarifications data basis",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:",
- "Symptom": "Symptom",
- "Added to form": "Added to form",
- "In total": "In total",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they experience symptoms.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients",
- "Number reported": "Number reported",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Reports with symptoms",
- "Reports": "Reports",
- "In close contact with symptoms": "In close contact with symptoms",
- "In close contact without symptoms": "In close contact without symptoms",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Close contact with someone who has tested positive",
"Tested negative": "Tested negative",
- "Map": "Map",
- "API": "API",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick",
- "required": "required",
- "recommended": "recommended",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "Below is your personal health information.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "You can now use this computer for another user.",
- "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.",
- "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.",
+ "Tested positive": "Tested positive",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "Testing and symptoms",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "Thank you for your contribution!",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.",
+ "The Netherlands": "The Netherlands",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "The code for the website can be found",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.",
+ "The link has been copied": "The link has been copied.",
"The link has been copied.": "The link has been copied.",
- "clear this form": "clear this form",
- "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.",
+ "This field is optional": "This field is optional",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.",
+ "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:",
"To WHO.int": "To WHO.int",
- "Are you from": "Are you from",
- "Norway": "Norway",
- "The Netherlands": "The Netherlands",
- "Slovakia": "Slovakia",
+ "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.",
+ "Total number of reports": "Total number of reports",
+ "Total reports": "Total reports",
"United Kingdom": "The United Kingdom",
- "March 16": "March 16",
- "March 17": "March 17",
- "March 23": "March 23",
- "at": "at",
- "Nausea or vomiting": "Nausea or vomiting",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease",
- "I am currently:": "I am currently",
- "Not in isolation": "Not in isolation",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "In isolation due to a recent international travel",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Cigarette smoking habits",
- "I currently smoke": "I currently smoke",
- "I used to smoke": "I used to smoke",
- "I have never smoked": "I have never smoked",
+ "Unreported cases": "Unreported cases",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition.",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at BustByte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to",
+ "Waiting for result": "Waiting for result",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "We can't find the page or service you're looking for",
+ "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status",
+ "What is my Zip code?": "What is my Zip code?",
"What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "What is your current body temperature in Celsius?",
- "This field is optional": "This field is optional",
- "Close": "Close",
- "Contribute now": "Contribute now",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area",
- "Numbers": "Numbers",
- "#washyourhands": "#washyourhands",
- "#stayindoors": "#stayhome",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "In isolation due to orders from the government",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:",
- "March 27": "March 27",
- "March 28": "March 28",
- "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19",
- "Other": "Other",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "CALL TO ALL MALAYSIAN CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help Malaysia gain control over COVID-19.",
- "One more thing": "One more thing",
- "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Let your friends fill out this form too and help Malaysia gain control over COVID-19."
+ "What was the result?": "What was the result?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "When did the symptoms start?",
+ "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.",
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "You can now use this computer for another user.",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.",
+ "Your age": "Your age",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "You are completely anonymous. The data you submit cannot be used to identify you.",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.",
+ "Your state of health": "Your state of health",
+ "Zip code": "Postal code / Zip code",
+ "Zip code information": "Zip code information",
+ "and": "and",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "as an attempt to chart these numbers.",
+ "at": "at",
+ "clear this form": "clear this form",
+ "here": "here",
+ "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
+ "https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://www.whatismyzip.com",
+ "if you can't get it to work.": "if you can't get it to work.",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they experience symptoms.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experienced symptoms.",
+ "recommended": "recommended",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
+ "required": "required",
+ "this article": "this article",
+ "volunteers": "volunteers",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.uk",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status."
diff --git a/app/locales/en-NG.json b/app/locales/en-NG.json
index 37539d20..deb9fcb8 100644
--- a/app/locales/en-NG.json
+++ b/app/locales/en-NG.json
@@ -1,198 +1,198 @@
- "Postal code": "Postal code",
- "Important": "Important",
- "Page not found": "Page not found",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "We can't find the page or service you're looking for",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists",
- "Something went wrong!": "Something went wrong!",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "Something must have gone wrong",
- "Send an e-mail to": "Send an e-mail to",
- "if you can't get it to work.": "if you can't get it to work.",
- "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Before proceeding please note down the following link",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.",
- "I've noted down the link.": "I've noted down the link.",
- "Proceed": "Proceed",
- "The link has been copied": "The link has been copied.",
- "Copy": "Copy",
- "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself",
- "Contributors": "Contributors",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:",
- "...and others": "...and others",
- "The code for the website can be found": "The code for the website can be found",
- "here": "here",
- "About the service": "About the service",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at BustByte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to",
- "this article": "this article",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "as an attempt to chart these numbers.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.",
- "Developed by": "Developed by",
- "BustByte AS": "BustByte",
- "and": "and",
- "volunteers": "volunteers",
- "Privacy Policy": "Privacy Statement",
- "Privacy": "Privacy",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "Thank you for your contribution!",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.",
- "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.uk",
- "Go to the National health service website": "Go to the National health service website",
- "Report status by zip code": "Report status by zip code",
- "What is my Zip code?": "What is my Zip code?",
- "https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://www.whatismyzip.com",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.",
- "Healthy": "Healthy",
- "Has symptoms": "Have symptoms",
- "Tested positive": "Tested positive",
- "Zip code information": "Zip code information",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Join us in the most important crowdsource!",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.",
- "Share on": "Share on",
- "NB!": "Important!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Read how the data you enter is processed here!",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition.",
- "Unreported cases": "Unreported cases",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.",
- "Contribute anonymously": "Contribute anonymously",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Report your health condition anonymously.",
- "Insight for everyone": "Data available for everyone",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.",
- "Everything is open": "Everything is open",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.",
- "Total reports": "Total reports",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Infected / Have been tested",
- "In close contact with someone who's infected": "In close contact with someone who's infected",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.",
- "Your state of health": "Your state of health",
- "Report your health condition": "Report your health condition",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:",
- "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!",
- "Geography and demography": "Demography and geography",
- "Your age": "Your age",
- "Choose your age": "Choose your age",
- "Biological gender": "Biological gender/Sex",
- "Female": "Female",
- "Male": "Male",
- "Zip code": "Postal code / Zip code",
- "Testing and symptoms": "Testing and symptoms",
- "Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Have you been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19?",
- "Yes": "Yes",
- "No": "No",
- "Positive": "Positive",
- "Negative": "Negative",
- "Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Have you been tested for COVID-19?",
- "What was the result?": "What was the result?",
- "Waiting for result": "Waiting for result",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptoms you have experienced",
- "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Select only the symptoms you have experienced",
- "Dry cough": "Dry cough",
- "Mucus cough": "Mucus cough",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatigue and exhaustion",
- "Fever": "Fever",
- "Shortness of breath": "Shortness of breath",
- "Muscle pain": "Muscle pain",
- "Diarrhea": "Diarrhea",
- "Headache": "Headache",
- "Sore throat": "Sore throat",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "Loss of sense of smell",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "Loss of sense of taste",
- "Stuffy or runny nose": "Stuffy or runny nose",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "When did the symptoms start?",
- "How will my data be used?": "How will my data be used?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "You are completely anonymous. The data you submit cannot be used to identify you.",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Our privacy statement can be found here",
- "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement",
- "Submit report": "Submit report",
- "Statistics": "Statistics",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "Download the dataset as CSV",
- "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 infected",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experienced symptoms.",
- "Symptoms": "Symptoms",
- "Test results": "Test results",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.",
- "Close contacts": "Close contacts",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.",
- "Key figures": "Key figures",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
- "All submissions": "All submissions",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:",
- "Total number of reports": "Total number of reports",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Positive test results and close contact",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Clarifications data basis",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:",
- "Symptom": "Symptom",
- "Added to form": "Added to form",
- "In total": "In total",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they experience symptoms.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients",
- "Number reported": "Number reported",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Reports with symptoms",
- "Reports": "Reports",
- "In close contact with symptoms": "In close contact with symptoms",
- "In close contact without symptoms": "In close contact without symptoms",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Close contact with someone who has tested positive",
- "Tested negative": "Testet negative",
- "Map": "Map",
- "API": "API",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick",
- "required": "required",
- "recommended": "recommended",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "Below is your personal health information.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "You can now use this computer for another user.",
- "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.",
- "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.",
- "The link has been copied.": "The link has been copied.",
- "clear this form": "clear this form",
- "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
- "To WHO.int": "To WHO.int",
- "Are you from": "Are you from",
- "Norway": "Norway",
- "The Netherlands": "The Netherlands",
- "Slovakia": "Slovakia",
- "United Kingdom": "The United Kingdom",
- "March 16": "March 16",
- "March 17": "March 17",
- "March 23": "March 23",
- "at": "at",
- "Nausea or vomiting": "Nausea or vomiting",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease",
- "I am currently:": "I am currently",
- "Not in isolation": "Not in isolation",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "In isolation due to a recent international travel",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Cigarette smoking habits",
- "I currently smoke": "I currently smoke",
- "I used to smoke": "I used to smoke",
- "I have never smoked": "I have never smoked",
- "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "What is your current body temperature in Celsius?",
- "This field is optional": "This field is optional",
- "Close": "Close",
- "Contribute now": "Contribute now",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area",
- "Numbers": "Numbers",
- "#washyourhands": "#washyourhands",
- "#stayindoors": "#stayhome",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "In isolation due to orders from the government",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:",
- "March 27": "March 27",
- "March 28": "March 28",
- "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19",
- "Other": "Other",
- "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.",
- "Learn more!": "Learn more!",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "CALL TO ALL NIGERIAN CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help Nigeria gain control over COVID-19.",
- "One more thing": "One more thing",
- "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Let your friends fill out this form too and help Nigeria gain control over COVID-19."
+ "#stayindoors": "#stayhome",
+ "#washyourhands": "#washyourhands",
+ "...and others": "...and others",
+ "API": "API",
+ "About the service": "About the service",
+ "Added to form": "Added to form",
+ "All submissions": "All submissions",
+ "Are you from": "Are you from",
+ "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Before proceeding please note down the following link",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "Below is your personal health information.",
+ "Biological gender": "Biological gender/Sex",
+ "BustByte AS": "BustByte",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "CALL TO ALL NIGERIAN CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 infected",
+ "Choose your age": "Choose your age",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Cigarette smoking habits",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Clarifications data basis",
+ "Close": "Close",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Close contact with someone who has tested positive",
+ "Close contacts": "Close contacts",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on",
+ "Contribute anonymously": "Contribute anonymously",
+ "Contribute now": "Contribute now",
+ "Contributors": "Contributors",
+ "Copy": "Copy",
+ "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself",
+ "Developed by": "Developed by",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease",
+ "Diarrhea": "Diarrhea",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "Download the dataset as CSV",
+ "Dry cough": "Dry cough",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:",
+ "Everything is open": "Everything is open",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatigue and exhaustion",
+ "Female": "Female",
+ "Fever": "Fever",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help Nigeria gain control over COVID-19.",
+ "Geography and demography": "Demography and geography",
+ "Go to the National health service website": "Go to the National health service website",
+ "Has symptoms": "Have symptoms",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?",
+ "Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Have you been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19?",
+ "Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Have you been tested for COVID-19?",
+ "Headache": "Headache",
+ "Healthy": "Healthy",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area",
+ "How will my data be used?": "How will my data be used?",
+ "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick",
+ "I am currently:": "I am currently",
+ "I currently smoke": "I currently smoke",
+ "I have never smoked": "I have never smoked",
+ "I used to smoke": "I used to smoke",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "I've noted down the link.",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link",
+ "Important": "Important",
+ "In close contact with someone who's infected": "In close contact with someone who's infected",
+ "In close contact with symptoms": "In close contact with symptoms",
+ "In close contact without symptoms": "In close contact without symptoms",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "In isolation due to a recent international travel",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "In isolation due to orders from the government",
+ "In total": "In total",
+ "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Infected / Have been tested",
+ "Insight for everyone": "Data available for everyone",
+ "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Join us in the most important crowdsource!",
+ "Key figures": "Key figures",
+ "Learn more!": "Learn more!",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Let your friends fill out this form too and help Nigeria gain control over COVID-19.",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "Loss of sense of smell",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "Loss of sense of taste",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.",
+ "Male": "Male",
+ "Map": "Map",
+ "March 16": "March 16",
+ "March 17": "March 17",
+ "March 23": "March 23",
+ "March 27": "March 27",
+ "March 28": "March 28",
+ "Mucus cough": "Mucus cough",
+ "Muscle pain": "Muscle pain",
+ "NB!": "Important!",
+ "Nausea or vomiting": "Nausea or vomiting",
+ "Negative": "Negative",
+ "No": "No",
+ "Norway": "Norway",
+ "Not in isolation": "Not in isolation",
+ "Number reported": "Number reported",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients",
+ "Numbers": "Numbers",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:",
+ "One more thing": "One more thing",
+ "Other": "Other",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Our privacy statement can be found here",
+ "Page not found": "Page not found",
+ "Positive": "Positive",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Positive test results and close contact",
+ "Postal code": "Postal code",
+ "Privacy": "Privacy",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Privacy Statement",
+ "Proceed": "Proceed",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Read how the data you enter is processed here!",
+ "Report status by zip code": "Report status by zip code",
+ "Report your health condition": "Report your health condition",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Report your health condition anonymously.",
+ "Reports": "Reports",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Reports with symptoms",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.",
+ "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Select only the symptoms you have experienced",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "Send an e-mail to",
+ "Share on": "Share on",
+ "Shortness of breath": "Shortness of breath",
+ "Slovakia": "Slovakia",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "Something must have gone wrong",
+ "Something went wrong!": "Something went wrong!",
+ "Sore throat": "Sore throat",
+ "Statistics": "Statistics",
+ "Stuffy or runny nose": "Stuffy or runny nose",
+ "Submit report": "Submit report",
+ "Symptom": "Symptom",
+ "Symptoms": "Symptoms",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptoms you have experienced",
+ "Test results": "Test results",
+ "Tested negative": "Testet negative",
+ "Tested positive": "Tested positive",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "Testing and symptoms",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "Thank you for your contribution!",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.",
+ "The Netherlands": "The Netherlands",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "The code for the website can be found",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.",
+ "The link has been copied": "The link has been copied.",
+ "The link has been copied.": "The link has been copied.",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.",
+ "This field is optional": "This field is optional",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.",
+ "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:",
+ "To WHO.int": "To WHO.int",
+ "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.",
+ "Total number of reports": "Total number of reports",
+ "Total reports": "Total reports",
+ "United Kingdom": "The United Kingdom",
+ "Unreported cases": "Unreported cases",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition.",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at BustByte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to",
+ "Waiting for result": "Waiting for result",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "We can't find the page or service you're looking for",
+ "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status",
+ "What is my Zip code?": "What is my Zip code?",
+ "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "What is your current body temperature in Celsius?",
+ "What was the result?": "What was the result?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "When did the symptoms start?",
+ "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.",
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "You can now use this computer for another user.",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.",
+ "Your age": "Your age",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "You are completely anonymous. The data you submit cannot be used to identify you.",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.",
+ "Your state of health": "Your state of health",
+ "Zip code": "Postal code / Zip code",
+ "Zip code information": "Zip code information",
+ "and": "and",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "as an attempt to chart these numbers.",
+ "at": "at",
+ "clear this form": "clear this form",
+ "here": "here",
+ "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
+ "https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://www.whatismyzip.com",
+ "if you can't get it to work.": "if you can't get it to work.",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they experience symptoms.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experienced symptoms.",
+ "recommended": "recommended",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
+ "required": "required",
+ "this article": "this article",
+ "volunteers": "volunteers",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.uk",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status."
diff --git a/app/locales/en-SG.json b/app/locales/en-SG.json
index 54bb991d..ca063f8f 100644
--- a/app/locales/en-SG.json
+++ b/app/locales/en-SG.json
@@ -1,198 +1,198 @@
- "Postal code": "Postal code",
- "Important": "Important",
- "Page not found": "Page not found",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "We can't find the page or service you're looking for",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists",
- "Something went wrong!": "Something went wrong!",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "Something must have gone wrong",
- "Send an e-mail to": "Send an e-mail to",
- "if you can't get it to work.": "if you can't get it to work.",
- "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Before proceeding please note down the following link",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.",
- "I've noted down the link.": "I've noted down the link.",
- "Proceed": "Proceed",
- "The link has been copied": "The link has been copied.",
- "Copy": "Copy",
- "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself",
- "Contributors": "Contributors",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:",
+ "#stayindoors": "#stayhome",
+ "#washyourhands": "#washyourhands",
"...and others": "...and others",
- "The code for the website can be found": "The code for the website can be found",
- "here": "here",
+ "API": "API",
"About the service": "About the service",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at BustByte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to",
- "this article": "this article",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "as an attempt to chart these numbers.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.",
- "Developed by": "Developed by",
+ "Added to form": "Added to form",
+ "All submissions": "All submissions",
+ "Are you from": "Are you from",
+ "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Before proceeding please note down the following link",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "Below is your personal health information.",
+ "Biological gender": "Biological gender/Sex",
"BustByte AS": "BustByte",
- "and": "and",
- "volunteers": "volunteers",
- "Privacy Policy": "Privacy Statement",
- "Privacy": "Privacy",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "Thank you for your contribution!",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.",
- "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.uk",
- "Go to the National health service website": "Go to the National health service website",
- "Report status by zip code": "Report status by zip code",
- "What is my Zip code?": "What is my Zip code?",
- "https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://www.whatismyzip.com",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.",
- "Healthy": "Healthy",
- "Has symptoms": "Have symptoms",
- "Tested positive": "Tested positive",
- "Zip code information": "Zip code information",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Join us in the most important crowdsource!",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.",
- "Share on": "Share on",
- "NB!": "Important!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Read how the data you enter is processed here!",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition.",
- "Unreported cases": "Unreported cases",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "CALL TO ALL SINGAPOREAN CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 infected",
+ "Choose your age": "Choose your age",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Cigarette smoking habits",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Clarifications data basis",
+ "Close": "Close",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Close contact with someone who has tested positive",
+ "Close contacts": "Close contacts",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on",
"Contribute anonymously": "Contribute anonymously",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Report your health condition anonymously.",
- "Insight for everyone": "Data available for everyone",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.",
+ "Contribute now": "Contribute now",
+ "Contributors": "Contributors",
+ "Copy": "Copy",
+ "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself",
+ "Developed by": "Developed by",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease",
+ "Diarrhea": "Diarrhea",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "Download the dataset as CSV",
+ "Dry cough": "Dry cough",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:",
"Everything is open": "Everything is open",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.",
- "Total reports": "Total reports",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Infected / Have been tested",
- "In close contact with someone who's infected": "In close contact with someone who's infected",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.",
- "Your state of health": "Your state of health",
- "Report your health condition": "Report your health condition",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:",
- "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!",
- "Geography and demography": "Demography and geography",
- "Your age": "Your age",
- "Choose your age": "Choose your age",
- "Biological gender": "Biological gender/Sex",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatigue and exhaustion",
"Female": "Female",
- "Male": "Male",
- "Zip code": "Postal code / Zip code",
- "Testing and symptoms": "Testing and symptoms",
+ "Fever": "Fever",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help Singapore gain control over COVID-19.",
+ "Geography and demography": "Demography and geography",
+ "Go to the National health service website": "Go to the National health service website",
+ "Has symptoms": "Have symptoms",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?",
"Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Have you been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19?",
- "Yes": "Yes",
- "No": "No",
- "Positive": "Positive",
- "Negative": "Negative",
"Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Have you been tested for COVID-19?",
- "What was the result?": "What was the result?",
- "Waiting for result": "Waiting for result",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptoms you have experienced",
- "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Select only the symptoms you have experienced",
- "Dry cough": "Dry cough",
- "Mucus cough": "Mucus cough",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatigue and exhaustion",
- "Fever": "Fever",
- "Shortness of breath": "Shortness of breath",
- "Muscle pain": "Muscle pain",
- "Diarrhea": "Diarrhea",
"Headache": "Headache",
- "Sore throat": "Sore throat",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "Loss of sense of smell",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "Loss of sense of taste",
- "Stuffy or runny nose": "Stuffy or runny nose",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "When did the symptoms start?",
+ "Healthy": "Healthy",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area",
"How will my data be used?": "How will my data be used?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "You are completely anonymous. The data you submit cannot be used to identify you.",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Our privacy statement can be found here",
"I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement",
- "Submit report": "Submit report",
- "Statistics": "Statistics",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "Download the dataset as CSV",
- "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 infected",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experienced symptoms.",
- "Symptoms": "Symptoms",
- "Test results": "Test results",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.",
- "Close contacts": "Close contacts",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.",
- "Key figures": "Key figures",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
- "All submissions": "All submissions",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:",
- "Total number of reports": "Total number of reports",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Positive test results and close contact",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Clarifications data basis",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:",
- "Symptom": "Symptom",
- "Added to form": "Added to form",
- "In total": "In total",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they experience symptoms.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients",
- "Number reported": "Number reported",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Reports with symptoms",
- "Reports": "Reports",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick",
+ "I am currently:": "I am currently",
+ "I currently smoke": "I currently smoke",
+ "I have never smoked": "I have never smoked",
+ "I used to smoke": "I used to smoke",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "I've noted down the link.",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link",
+ "Important": "Important",
+ "In close contact with someone who's infected": "In close contact with someone who's infected",
"In close contact with symptoms": "In close contact with symptoms",
"In close contact without symptoms": "In close contact without symptoms",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Close contact with someone who has tested positive",
- "Tested negative": "Tested negative",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "In isolation due to a recent international travel",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "In isolation due to orders from the government",
+ "In total": "In total",
+ "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Infected / Have been tested",
+ "Insight for everyone": "Data available for everyone",
+ "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Join us in the most important crowdsource!",
+ "Key figures": "Key figures",
+ "Learn more!": "Learn more!",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Let your friends fill out this form too and help Singapore gain control over COVID-19.",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "Loss of sense of smell",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "Loss of sense of taste",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.",
+ "Male": "Male",
"Map": "Map",
- "API": "API",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick",
- "required": "required",
- "recommended": "recommended",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "Below is your personal health information.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "You can now use this computer for another user.",
- "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.",
- "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.",
- "The link has been copied.": "The link has been copied.",
- "clear this form": "clear this form",
- "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
- "To WHO.int": "To WHO.int",
- "Are you from": "Are you from",
- "Norway": "Norway",
- "The Netherlands": "The Netherlands",
- "Slovakia": "Slovakia",
- "United Kingdom": "The United Kingdom",
"March 16": "March 16",
"March 17": "March 17",
"March 23": "March 23",
- "at": "at",
+ "March 27": "March 27",
+ "March 28": "March 28",
+ "Mucus cough": "Mucus cough",
+ "Muscle pain": "Muscle pain",
+ "NB!": "Important!",
"Nausea or vomiting": "Nausea or vomiting",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease",
- "I am currently:": "I am currently",
+ "Negative": "Negative",
+ "No": "No",
+ "Norway": "Norway",
"Not in isolation": "Not in isolation",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "In isolation due to a recent international travel",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Cigarette smoking habits",
- "I currently smoke": "I currently smoke",
- "I used to smoke": "I used to smoke",
- "I have never smoked": "I have never smoked",
- "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "What is your current body temperature in Celsius?",
- "This field is optional": "This field is optional",
- "Close": "Close",
- "Contribute now": "Contribute now",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area",
+ "Number reported": "Number reported",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients",
"Numbers": "Numbers",
- "#washyourhands": "#washyourhands",
- "#stayindoors": "#stayhome",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "In isolation due to orders from the government",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:",
- "March 27": "March 27",
- "March 28": "March 28",
- "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:",
+ "One more thing": "One more thing",
"Other": "Other",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Our privacy statement can be found here",
+ "Page not found": "Page not found",
+ "Positive": "Positive",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Positive test results and close contact",
+ "Postal code": "Postal code",
+ "Privacy": "Privacy",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Privacy Statement",
+ "Proceed": "Proceed",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Read how the data you enter is processed here!",
+ "Report status by zip code": "Report status by zip code",
+ "Report your health condition": "Report your health condition",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Report your health condition anonymously.",
+ "Reports": "Reports",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Reports with symptoms",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.",
+ "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Select only the symptoms you have experienced",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "Send an e-mail to",
+ "Share on": "Share on",
+ "Shortness of breath": "Shortness of breath",
+ "Slovakia": "Slovakia",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "Something must have gone wrong",
+ "Something went wrong!": "Something went wrong!",
+ "Sore throat": "Sore throat",
+ "Statistics": "Statistics",
+ "Stuffy or runny nose": "Stuffy or runny nose",
+ "Submit report": "Submit report",
+ "Symptom": "Symptom",
+ "Symptoms": "Symptoms",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptoms you have experienced",
+ "Test results": "Test results",
+ "Tested negative": "Tested negative",
+ "Tested positive": "Tested positive",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "Testing and symptoms",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "Thank you for your contribution!",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.",
+ "The Netherlands": "The Netherlands",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "The code for the website can be found",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.",
+ "The link has been copied": "The link has been copied.",
+ "The link has been copied.": "The link has been copied.",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.",
+ "This field is optional": "This field is optional",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.",
"This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.",
- "Learn more!": "Learn more!",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "CALL TO ALL SINGAPOREAN CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help Singapore gain control over COVID-19.",
- "One more thing": "One more thing",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:",
+ "To WHO.int": "To WHO.int",
"To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Let your friends fill out this form too and help Singapore gain control over COVID-19."
+ "Total number of reports": "Total number of reports",
+ "Total reports": "Total reports",
+ "United Kingdom": "The United Kingdom",
+ "Unreported cases": "Unreported cases",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition.",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at BustByte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to",
+ "Waiting for result": "Waiting for result",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "We can't find the page or service you're looking for",
+ "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status",
+ "What is my Zip code?": "What is my Zip code?",
+ "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "What is your current body temperature in Celsius?",
+ "What was the result?": "What was the result?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "When did the symptoms start?",
+ "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.",
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "You can now use this computer for another user.",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.",
+ "Your age": "Your age",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "You are completely anonymous. The data you submit cannot be used to identify you.",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.",
+ "Your state of health": "Your state of health",
+ "Zip code": "Postal code / Zip code",
+ "Zip code information": "Zip code information",
+ "and": "and",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "as an attempt to chart these numbers.",
+ "at": "at",
+ "clear this form": "clear this form",
+ "here": "here",
+ "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
+ "https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://www.whatismyzip.com",
+ "if you can't get it to work.": "if you can't get it to work.",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they experience symptoms.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experienced symptoms.",
+ "recommended": "recommended",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
+ "required": "required",
+ "this article": "this article",
+ "volunteers": "volunteers",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.uk",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status."
diff --git a/app/locales/en-US.json b/app/locales/en-US.json
index 7ab8c455..83b35026 100644
--- a/app/locales/en-US.json
+++ b/app/locales/en-US.json
@@ -1,198 +1,198 @@
- "Postal code": "Postal code",
- "Important": "Important",
- "Page not found": "Page not found",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "We can't find the page or service you're looking for",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists",
- "Something went wrong!": "Something went wrong!",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "Something must have gone wrong",
- "Send an e-mail to": "Send an e-mail to",
- "if you can't get it to work.": "if you can't get it to work.",
- "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Before proceeding please note down the following link",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.",
- "I've noted down the link.": "I've noted down the link.",
- "Proceed": "Proceed",
- "The link has been copied": "The link has been copied.",
- "Copy": "Copy",
- "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself",
- "Contributors": "Contributors",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:",
+ "#stayindoors": "#stayhome",
+ "#washyourhands": "#washyourhands",
"...and others": "...and others",
- "The code for the website can be found": "The code for the website can be found",
- "here": "here",
+ "API": "API",
"About the service": "About the service",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at BustByte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to",
- "this article": "this article",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "as an attempt to chart these numbers.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.",
- "Developed by": "Developed by",
+ "Added to form": "Added to form",
+ "All submissions": "All submissions",
+ "Are you from": "Are you from",
+ "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Before proceeding please note down the following link",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "Below is your personal health information.",
+ "Biological gender": "Biological gender/Sex",
"BustByte AS": "BustByte",
- "and": "and",
- "volunteers": "volunteers",
- "Privacy Policy": "Privacy Statement",
- "Privacy": "Privacy",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "Thank you for your contribution!",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.",
- "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.uk",
- "Go to the National health service website": "Go to the National health service website",
- "Report status by zip code": "Report status by zip code",
- "What is my Zip code?": "What is my Zip code?",
- "https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://www.whatismyzip.com",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.",
- "Healthy": "Healthy",
- "Has symptoms": "Have symptoms",
- "Tested positive": "Tested positive",
- "Zip code information": "Zip code information",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Join us in the most important crowdsource!",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.",
- "Share on": "Share on",
- "NB!": "Important!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Read how the data you enter is processed here!",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition.",
- "Unreported cases": "Unreported cases",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 infected",
+ "Choose your age": "Choose your age",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Cigarette smoking habits",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Clarifications data basis",
+ "Close": "Close",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Close contact with someone who has tested positive",
+ "Close contacts": "Close contacts",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on",
"Contribute anonymously": "Contribute anonymously",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Report your health condition anonymously.",
- "Insight for everyone": "Data available for everyone",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.",
+ "Contribute now": "Contribute now",
+ "Contributors": "Contributors",
+ "Copy": "Copy",
+ "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself",
+ "Developed by": "Developed by",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease",
+ "Diarrhea": "Diarrhea",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "Download the dataset as CSV",
+ "Dry cough": "Dry cough",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:",
"Everything is open": "Everything is open",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.",
- "Total reports": "Total reports",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Infected / Have been tested",
- "In close contact with someone who's infected": "In close contact with someone who's infected",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.",
- "Your state of health": "Your state of health",
- "Report your health condition": "Report your health condition",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:",
- "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!",
- "Geography and demography": "Demography and geography",
- "Your age": "Your age",
- "Choose your age": "Choose your age",
- "Biological gender": "Biological gender/Sex",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatigue and exhaustion",
"Female": "Female",
- "Male": "Male",
- "Zip code": "Postal code / Zip code",
- "Testing and symptoms": "Testing and symptoms",
+ "Fever": "Fever",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.",
+ "Geography and demography": "Demography and geography",
+ "Go to the National health service website": "Go to the National health service website",
+ "Has symptoms": "Have symptoms",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?",
"Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Have you been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19?",
- "Yes": "Yes",
- "No": "No",
- "Positive": "Positive",
- "Negative": "Negative",
"Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Have you been tested for COVID-19?",
- "What was the result?": "What was the result?",
- "Waiting for result": "Waiting for result",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptoms you have experienced",
- "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Select only the symptoms you have experienced",
- "Dry cough": "Dry cough",
- "Mucus cough": "Mucus cough",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatigue and exhaustion",
- "Fever": "Fever",
- "Shortness of breath": "Shortness of breath",
- "Muscle pain": "Muscle pain",
- "Diarrhea": "Diarrhea",
"Headache": "Headache",
- "Sore throat": "Sore throat",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "Loss of sense of smell",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "Loss of sense of taste",
- "Stuffy or runny nose": "Stuffy or runny nose",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "When did the symptoms start?",
+ "Healthy": "Healthy",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area",
"How will my data be used?": "How will my data be used?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "You are completely anonymous. The data you submit cannot be used to identify you.",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Our privacy statement can be found here",
"I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement",
- "Submit report": "Submit report",
- "Statistics": "Statistics",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "Download the dataset as CSV",
- "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 infected",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experienced symptoms.",
- "Symptoms": "Symptoms",
- "Test results": "Test results",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.",
- "Close contacts": "Close contacts",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.",
- "Key figures": "Key figures",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
- "All submissions": "All submissions",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:",
- "Total number of reports": "Total number of reports",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Positive test results and close contact",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Clarifications data basis",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:",
- "Symptom": "Symptom",
- "Added to form": "Added to form",
- "In total": "In total",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they experience symptoms.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients",
- "Number reported": "Number reported",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Reports with symptoms",
- "Reports": "Reports",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick",
+ "I am currently:": "I am currently",
+ "I currently smoke": "I currently smoke",
+ "I have never smoked": "I have never smoked",
+ "I used to smoke": "I used to smoke",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "I've noted down the link.",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link",
+ "Important": "Important",
+ "In close contact with someone who's infected": "In close contact with someone who's infected",
"In close contact with symptoms": "In close contact with symptoms",
"In close contact without symptoms": "In close contact without symptoms",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Close contact with someone who has tested positive",
- "Tested negative": "Tested negative",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "In isolation due to a recent international travel",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "In isolation due to orders from the government",
+ "In total": "In total",
+ "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Infected / Have been tested",
+ "Insight for everyone": "Data available for everyone",
+ "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Join us in the most important crowdsource!",
+ "Key figures": "Key figures",
+ "Learn more!": "Learn more!",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "Loss of sense of smell",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "Loss of sense of taste",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.",
+ "Male": "Male",
"Map": "Map",
- "API": "API",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick",
- "required": "required",
- "recommended": "recommended",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "Below is your personal health information.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "You can now use this computer for another user.",
- "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.",
- "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.",
- "The link has been copied.": "The link has been copied.",
- "clear this form": "clear this form",
- "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
- "To WHO.int": "To WHO.int",
- "Are you from": "Are you from",
- "Norway": "Norway",
- "The Netherlands": "The Netherlands",
- "Slovakia": "Slovakia",
- "United Kingdom": "The United Kingdom",
"March 16": "March 16",
"March 17": "March 17",
"March 23": "March 23",
- "at": "at",
+ "March 27": "March 27",
+ "March 28": "March 28",
+ "Mucus cough": "Mucus cough",
+ "Muscle pain": "Muscle pain",
+ "NB!": "Important!",
"Nausea or vomiting": "Nausea or vomiting",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease",
- "I am currently:": "I am currently",
+ "Negative": "Negative",
+ "No": "No",
+ "Norway": "Norway",
"Not in isolation": "Not in isolation",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "In isolation due to a recent international travel",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Cigarette smoking habits",
- "I currently smoke": "I currently smoke",
- "I used to smoke": "I used to smoke",
- "I have never smoked": "I have never smoked",
- "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "What is your current body temperature in Celsius?",
- "This field is optional": "This field is optional",
- "Close": "Close",
- "Contribute now": "Contribute now",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area",
+ "Number reported": "Number reported",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients",
"Numbers": "Numbers",
- "#washyourhands": "#washyourhands",
- "#stayindoors": "#stayhome",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "In isolation due to orders from the government",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:",
- "March 27": "March 27",
- "March 28": "March 28",
- "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:",
+ "One more thing": "One more thing",
"Other": "Other",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Our privacy statement can be found here",
+ "Page not found": "Page not found",
+ "Positive": "Positive",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Positive test results and close contact",
+ "Postal code": "Postal code",
+ "Privacy": "Privacy",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Privacy Statement",
+ "Proceed": "Proceed",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Read how the data you enter is processed here!",
+ "Report status by zip code": "Report status by zip code",
+ "Report your health condition": "Report your health condition",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Report your health condition anonymously.",
+ "Reports": "Reports",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Reports with symptoms",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.",
+ "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Select only the symptoms you have experienced",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "Send an e-mail to",
+ "Share on": "Share on",
+ "Shortness of breath": "Shortness of breath",
+ "Slovakia": "Slovakia",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "Something must have gone wrong",
+ "Something went wrong!": "Something went wrong!",
+ "Sore throat": "Sore throat",
+ "Statistics": "Statistics",
+ "Stuffy or runny nose": "Stuffy or runny nose",
+ "Submit report": "Submit report",
+ "Symptom": "Symptom",
+ "Symptoms": "Symptoms",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptoms you have experienced",
+ "Test results": "Test results",
+ "Tested negative": "Tested negative",
+ "Tested positive": "Tested positive",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "Testing and symptoms",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "Thank you for your contribution!",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.",
+ "The Netherlands": "The Netherlands",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "The code for the website can be found",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.",
+ "The link has been copied": "The link has been copied.",
+ "The link has been copied.": "The link has been copied.",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.",
+ "This field is optional": "This field is optional",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.",
"This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.",
- "Learn more!": "Learn more!",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.",
- "One more thing": "One more thing",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:",
+ "To WHO.int": "To WHO.int",
"To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19."
+ "Total number of reports": "Total number of reports",
+ "Total reports": "Total reports",
+ "United Kingdom": "The United Kingdom",
+ "Unreported cases": "Unreported cases",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition.",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at BustByte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to",
+ "Waiting for result": "Waiting for result",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "We can't find the page or service you're looking for",
+ "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status",
+ "What is my Zip code?": "What is my Zip code?",
+ "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "What is your current body temperature in Celsius?",
+ "What was the result?": "What was the result?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "When did the symptoms start?",
+ "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.",
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "You can now use this computer for another user.",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.",
+ "Your age": "Your age",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "You are completely anonymous. The data you submit cannot be used to identify you.",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.",
+ "Your state of health": "Your state of health",
+ "Zip code": "Postal code / Zip code",
+ "Zip code information": "Zip code information",
+ "and": "and",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "as an attempt to chart these numbers.",
+ "at": "at",
+ "clear this form": "clear this form",
+ "here": "here",
+ "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
+ "https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://www.whatismyzip.com",
+ "if you can't get it to work.": "if you can't get it to work.",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they experience symptoms.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experienced symptoms.",
+ "recommended": "recommended",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
+ "required": "required",
+ "this article": "this article",
+ "volunteers": "volunteers",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.uk",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status."
diff --git a/app/locales/en.json b/app/locales/en.json
index 594a1200..5231f91a 100644
--- a/app/locales/en.json
+++ b/app/locales/en.json
@@ -1,199 +1,202 @@
- "Postal code": "Postal code",
- "Important": "Important",
- "Page not found": "Page not found",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "We can't find the page or service you're looking for",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists",
- "Something went wrong!": "Something went wrong!",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "Something must have gone wrong",
- "Send an e-mail to": "Send an e-mail to",
- "if you can't get it to work.": "if you can't get it to work.",
- "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Before proceeding please note down the following link",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.",
- "I've noted down the link.": "I've noted down the link.",
- "Proceed": "Proceed",
- "The link has been copied": "The link has been copied.",
- "Copy": "Copy",
- "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself",
- "Contributors": "Contributors",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:",
+ "#stayindoors": "#stayhome",
+ "#washyourhands": "#washyourhands",
"...and others": "...and others",
- "The code for the website can be found": "The code for the website can be found",
- "here": "here",
+ "API": "API",
"About the service": "About the service",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at BustByte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to",
- "this article": "this article",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "as an attempt to chart these numbers.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.",
- "Developed by": "Developed by",
+ "Added to form": "Added to form",
+ "All submissions": "All submissions",
+ "Are you from": "Are you from",
+ "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Before proceeding please note down the following link",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "Below is your personal health information.",
+ "Biological gender": "Biological gender/Sex",
"BustByte AS": "BustByte",
- "and": "and",
- "volunteers": "volunteers",
- "Privacy Policy": "Privacy Statement",
- "Privacy": "Privacy",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "Thank you for your contribution!",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.",
- "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.uk",
- "Go to the National health service website": "Go to the National health service website",
- "Report status by zip code": "Report status by zip code",
- "What is my Zip code?": "What is my Zip code?",
- "https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://www.whatismyzip.com",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.",
- "Healthy": "Healthy",
- "Has symptoms": "Have symptoms",
- "Tested positive": "Tested positive",
- "Zip code information": "Zip code information",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Join us in the most important crowdsource!",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.",
- "Share on": "Share on",
- "NB!": "Important!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Read how the data you enter is processed here!",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition.",
- "Unreported cases": "Unreported cases",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "CALL TO ALL UK CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 infected",
+ "Choose your age": "Choose your age",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Cigarette smoking habits",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Clarifications data basis",
+ "Close": "Close",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Close contact with someone who has tested positive",
+ "Close contacts": "Close contacts",
+ "Contact details": "Contact details",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on",
"Contribute anonymously": "Contribute anonymously",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Report your health condition anonymously.",
- "Insight for everyone": "Data available for everyone",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.",
+ "Contribute now": "Contribute now",
+ "Contributors": "Contributors",
+ "Copy": "Copy",
+ "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself",
+ "Developed by": "Developed by",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease",
+ "Diarrhea": "Diarrhea",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "Download the dataset as CSV",
+ "Dry cough": "Dry cough",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:",
"Everything is open": "Everything is open",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.",
- "Total reports": "Total reports",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Infected / Have been tested",
- "In close contact with someone who's infected": "In close contact with someone who's infected",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.",
- "Your state of health": "Your state of health",
- "Report your health condition": "Report your health condition",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:",
- "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!",
- "Geography and demography": "Demography and geography",
- "Your age": "Your age",
- "Choose your age": "Choose your age",
- "Biological gender": "Biological gender/Sex",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatigue and exhaustion",
"Female": "Female",
- "Male": "Male",
- "Zip code": "Postal code / Zip code",
- "Testing and symptoms": "Testing and symptoms",
+ "Fever": "Fever",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United Kingdom gain control over COVID-19.",
+ "Geography and demography": "Demography and geography",
+ "Go to the National health service website": "Go to the National health service website",
+ "Has symptoms": "Have symptoms",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?",
"Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Have you been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19?",
- "Yes": "Yes",
- "No": "No",
- "Positive": "Positive",
- "Negative": "Negative",
"Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Have you been tested for COVID-19?",
- "What was the result?": "What was the result?",
- "Waiting for result": "Waiting for result",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptoms you have experienced",
- "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Select only the symptoms you have experienced",
- "Dry cough": "Dry cough",
- "Mucus cough": "Mucus cough",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatigue and exhaustion",
- "Fever": "Fever",
- "Shortness of breath": "Shortness of breath",
- "Muscle pain": "Muscle pain",
- "Diarrhea": "Diarrhea",
"Headache": "Headache",
- "Sore throat": "Sore throat",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "Loss of sense of smell",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "Loss of sense of taste",
- "Stuffy or runny nose": "Stuffy or runny nose",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "When did the symptoms start?",
+ "Healthy": "Healthy",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area",
"How will my data be used?": "How will my data be used?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "You are completely anonymous. The data you submit cannot be used to identify you.",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Our privacy statement can be found here",
"I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement",
- "Submit report": "Submit report",
- "Statistics": "Statistics",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "Download the dataset as CSV",
- "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 infected",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experienced symptoms.",
- "Symptoms": "Symptoms",
- "Test results": "Test results",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.",
- "Close contacts": "Close contacts",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.",
- "Key figures": "Key figures",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
- "All submissions": "All submissions",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:",
- "Total number of reports": "Total number of reports",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Positive test results and close contact",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Clarifications data basis",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:",
- "Symptom": "Symptom",
- "Added to form": "Added to form",
- "In total": "In total",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they experience symptoms.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients",
- "Number reported": "Number reported",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Reports with symptoms",
- "Reports": "Reports",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick",
+ "I am currently:": "I am currently",
+ "I currently smoke": "I currently smoke",
+ "I have never smoked": "I have never smoked",
+ "I used to smoke": "I used to smoke",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "I've noted down the link.",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link",
+ "Important": "Important",
+ "In close contact with someone who's infected": "In close contact with someone who's infected",
"In close contact with symptoms": "In close contact with symptoms",
"In close contact without symptoms": "In close contact without symptoms",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Close contact with someone who has tested positive",
- "Tested negative": "Testet negative",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "In isolation due to a recent international travel",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "In isolation due to orders from the government",
+ "In total": "In total",
+ "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Infected / Have been tested",
+ "Insight for everyone": "Data available for everyone",
+ "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Join us in the most important crowdsource!",
+ "Key figures": "Key figures",
+ "Learn more!": "Learn more!",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United Kingdom gain control over COVID-19.",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "Loss of sense of smell",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "Loss of sense of taste",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.",
+ "Male": "Male",
"Map": "Map",
- "API": "API",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick",
- "required": "required",
- "recommended": "recommended",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "Below is your personal health information.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "You can now use this computer for another user.",
- "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.",
- "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.",
- "The link has been copied.": "The link has been copied.",
- "clear this form": "clear this form",
- "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
- "To WHO.int": "To WHO.int",
- "Are you from": "Are you from",
- "Sweden": "Sweden",
- "Norway": "Norway",
- "The Netherlands": "The Netherlands",
- "Slovakia": "Slovakia",
- "United Kingdom": "The United Kingdom",
"March 16": "March 16",
"March 17": "March 17",
"March 23": "March 23",
- "at": "at",
+ "March 27": "March 27",
+ "March 28": "March 28",
+ "Mucus cough": "Mucus cough",
+ "Muscle pain": "Muscle pain",
+ "NB!": "Important!",
"Nausea or vomiting": "Nausea or vomiting",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease",
- "I am currently:": "I am currently",
+ "Negative": "Negative",
+ "No": "No",
+ "Norway": "Norway",
"Not in isolation": "Not in isolation",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "In isolation due to a recent international travel",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Cigarette smoking habits",
- "I currently smoke": "I currently smoke",
- "I used to smoke": "I used to smoke",
- "I have never smoked": "I have never smoked",
- "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "What is your current body temperature in Celsius?",
- "This field is optional": "This field is optional",
- "Close": "Close",
- "Contribute now": "Contribute now",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area",
+ "Number of report submissions from your IP address exceeded allowed limit. Report was not saved. Please, try again later.": "Number of report submissions from your IP address exceeded allowed limit. Report was not saved. Please, try again later.",
+ "Number reported": "Number reported",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients",
"Numbers": "Numbers",
- "#washyourhands": "#washyourhands",
- "#stayindoors": "#stayhome",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "In isolation due to orders from the government",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:",
- "March 27": "March 27",
- "March 28": "March 28",
- "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:",
+ "One more thing": "One more thing",
"Other": "Other",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Our privacy statement can be found here",
+ "Page not found": "Page not found",
+ "Positive": "Positive",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Positive test results and close contact",
+ "Postal code": "Postal code",
+ "Privacy": "Privacy",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Privacy Statement",
+ "Proceed": "Proceed",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:",
+ "Rate limit exceeded": "Rate limit exceeded",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Read how the data you enter is processed here!",
+ "Report status by zip code": "Report status by zip code",
+ "Report your health condition": "Report your health condition",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Report your health condition anonymously.",
+ "Reports": "Reports",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Reports with symptoms",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.",
+ "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Select only the symptoms you have experienced",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "Send an e-mail to",
+ "Share on": "Share on",
+ "Shortness of breath": "Shortness of breath",
+ "Slovakia": "Slovakia",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "Something must have gone wrong",
+ "Something went wrong!": "Something went wrong!",
+ "Sore throat": "Sore throat",
+ "Statistics": "Statistics",
+ "Stuffy or runny nose": "Stuffy or runny nose",
+ "Submit report": "Submit report",
+ "Sweden": "Sweden",
+ "Symptom": "Symptom",
+ "Symptoms": "Symptoms",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptoms you have experienced",
+ "Test results": "Test results",
+ "Tested negative": "Testet negative",
+ "Tested positive": "Tested positive",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "Testing and symptoms",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "Thank you for your contribution!",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.",
+ "The Netherlands": "The Netherlands",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "The code for the website can be found",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.",
+ "The link has been copied": "The link has been copied.",
+ "The link has been copied.": "The link has been copied.",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.",
+ "This field is optional": "This field is optional",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.",
"This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.",
- "Learn more!": "Learn more!",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "CALL TO ALL UK CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United Kingdom gain control over COVID-19.",
- "One more thing": "One more thing",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:",
+ "To WHO.int": "To WHO.int",
"To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United Kingdom gain control over COVID-19."
+ "Total number of reports": "Total number of reports",
+ "Total reports": "Total reports",
+ "United Kingdom": "The United Kingdom",
+ "Unreported cases": "Unreported cases",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition.",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at BustByte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to",
+ "Waiting for result": "Waiting for result",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "We can't find the page or service you're looking for",
+ "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status",
+ "What is my Zip code?": "What is my Zip code?",
+ "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "What is your current body temperature in Celsius?",
+ "What was the result?": "What was the result?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "When did the symptoms start?",
+ "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.",
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "You can now use this computer for another user.",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.",
+ "Your age": "Your age",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "You are completely anonymous. The data you submit cannot be used to identify you.",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.",
+ "Your state of health": "Your state of health",
+ "Zip code": "Postal code / Zip code",
+ "Zip code information": "Zip code information",
+ "and": "and",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "as an attempt to chart these numbers.",
+ "at": "at",
+ "clear this form": "clear this form",
+ "here": "here",
+ "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
+ "https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://www.whatismyzip.com",
+ "if you can't get it to work.": "if you can't get it to work.",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they experience symptoms.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experienced symptoms.",
+ "recommended": "recommended",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reported that they have experienced the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.",
+ "required": "required",
+ "this article": "this article",
+ "volunteers": "volunteers",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.uk",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status."
diff --git a/app/locales/es-AR.json b/app/locales/es-AR.json
index 8f59a6da..1b914641 100644
--- a/app/locales/es-AR.json
+++ b/app/locales/es-AR.json
@@ -1,197 +1,197 @@
- "Postal code": "Código postal",
- "Important": "Importante",
- "Page not found": "Página no encontrada",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "No podemos encontrar la página o servicio que está buscando",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "El enlace que clickeó puede que esté roto, o la página ya no existe",
- "Something went wrong!": "Algo salió mal!",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "Algo debió salir mal",
- "Send an e-mail to": "Envíe un e-mail a",
- "if you can't get it to work.": "si no puede hacer que funcione.",
- "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Antes de proceder por favor anote el siguiente enlace",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Guarde el siguiente enlace en algún lugar, o añádalo a los marcadores en su navegador.",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "De esa manera puede actualizar su informe si su estado de salud cambia.",
- "I've noted down the link.": "He anotado el enlace.",
- "Proceed": "Continuar",
- "The link has been copied": "El enlace se ha copiado",
- "Copy": "Copiar",
- "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "No se pudo copiar el enlace, copielo usted mismo",
- "Contributors": "contribuidores",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Esta página web está hecha con la ayuda de voluntarios. Sin algún orden en particular:",
"...and others": "...y otros",
- "The code for the website can be found": "El código de la página web se puede encontrar",
- "here": "aquí",
+ "API": "API",
"About the service": "Sobre el servicio",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "En conexión al brote COVID-19, a muchas personas se les ha realizado la prueba del virus, pero debido a la falta de recursos, la gran mayoría no ha sido examinada. Por lo tanto, se asume que hay una gran cantidad de datos que faltan en relación al brote",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Usando una herramienta de autoevaluación, podemos obtener una mejor idea de cuánta gente tiene sintomas sin exponer al personal de salud a una posible contaminación y sin agotar los dispositivos médicos necesarios. La plataforma fue creada originalmente en Noruega por una compañía llamada Bustbyte. Posteriormente, muchos otros voluntarios se han unido para crear las versiones internacionales de la plataforma. Fue inspirado ",
- "this article": "en este artículo noruego",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "como un intento de mapear estos números.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Esta no es una herramienta oficial del gobierno, para obtener más información sobre la epidemia, le recomendamos que consulte a las autoridades sanitarias oficiales que siempre tienen información actualizada.",
- "Developed by": "Desarrollado por",
+ "Added to form": "Añadido a la forma",
+ "All submissions": "Todos los reportes",
+ "Are you from": "Es de",
+ "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Antes de proceder por favor anote el siguiente enlace",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "A continuación encontrará la información de su salud personal.",
+ "Biological gender": "Sexo",
"BustByte AS": "BustByte AS",
- "and": "y",
- "volunteers": "voluntarios",
- "Privacy Policy": "Política de privacidad",
- "Privacy": "Privacidad",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "Gracias por su contribución!",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "El gobierno ha puesto en marcha su propio sistema de auto-informe, por favor, utilice esa plataforma en vez de esta",
- "www.nhs.uk": "https://www.argentina.gob.ar/salud/coronavirus-COVID-19",
- "Go to the National health service website": "Ir al sitio web del Ministerio de Salud",
- "Report status by zip code": "Reporte de estado por código postal",
- "What is my Zip code?": "Cuál es mi código postal?",
- "https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://www.correoargentino.com.ar/formularios/cpa",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Los marcadores corresponden a las coordenadas de los códigos postales, no tienen nada que ver con personas.",
- "Healthy": "Sano",
- "Has symptoms": "Tiene síntomas",
- "Tested positive": "Salió positivo",
- "Zip code information": "Información de código postal",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Contribuya a rastrear el coronavirus!",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Haga su contribución voluntaria al sistema de salud y registre su estado de salud ahora. Juntos podemos crear una visión general.",
- "Share on": "Compartir en",
- "NB!": "Importante!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Esta página no está afiliada con autoridades oficiales de ninguna manera.",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Lea aquí cómo se procesan sus datos!",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use el enlace que escribió para actualizar su estado de salud.",
- "Unreported cases": "Casos no reportados",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "No conocemos la propagación precisa del COVID-19 en nuestro país, ayúdenos a obtener una imagen más detallada de la situación.",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "QUERIDOS ARGENTINOS: Así es como podemos derrotar al coronavirus: juntos podemos hacer visible el virus invisible.",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "Positivos para COVID-19",
+ "Choose your age": "Elija su edad",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Hábitos en cuánto al consumo de cigarrillo:",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Aclaraciones sobre la base de datos.",
+ "Close": "Cerrar",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Contacto cercano con alguien que ha dado positivo",
+ "Close contacts": "Contactos cercanos",
+ "Colombia": "Colombia",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Comparta {{ hostname }} en",
"Contribute anonymously": "Contribuya de manera anónima",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Informe anónimamente su estado de salud.",
- "Insight for everyone": "Los datos están disponibles para cualquier persona.",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Los datos están disponibles para todos. Mire mapas y gráficos, o descargue los datos y cree sus propias visualizaciones.",
+ "Contribute now": "Contribuya ahora",
+ "Contributors": "contribuidores",
+ "Copy": "Copiar",
+ "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "No se pudo copiar el enlace, copielo usted mismo",
+ "Developed by": "Desarrollado por",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, hipertensión, enfermedad isquémica del corazón, asma, enfermedad pulmonar crónica, enfermedad renal crónica",
+ "Diarrhea": "Diarrea",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "Descargue los datos como CSV",
+ "Dry cough": "Tos seca",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Todos los que han enviado un reporte, también tienen:",
"Everything is open": "Todo está abierto",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "El sitio es un proyecto de código abierto y fue creado por voluntarios. Siéntase libre de unirse!",
- "Total reports": "Reportes totales",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Infectados / Sometidos a prueba",
- "In close contact with someone who's infected": "En contacto cercano con alguien infectado",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Debe aprobar las condiciones de privacidad para ingresar sus datos.",
- "Your state of health": "Su estado de salud",
- "Report your health condition": "Reporte de su estado de salud",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Gracias por su contribución! Use este enlace si su estado de salud cambia: ",
- "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Únase a la recopilación de datos para rastrear el Coronavirus! Ya sea que esté sano o no, complete el siguiente formulario, es información valiosa! Recuerde que sus datos están anonimizados!",
- "Geography and demography": "Geografía y demografía",
- "Your age": "Su edad",
- "Choose your age": "Elija su edad",
- "Biological gender": "Sexo",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatiga y cansancio",
"Female": "Femenino",
- "Male": "Masculino",
- "Zip code": "Código postal",
- "Testing and symptoms": "Pruebas y síntomas",
+ "Fever": "Fiebre",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Complete este formulario (se tarda 1 minuto) y ayude a Argentina a controlar el COVID-19.",
+ "Geography and demography": "Geografía y demografía",
+ "Go to the National health service website": "Ir al sitio web del Ministerio de Salud",
+ "Has symptoms": "Tiene síntomas",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "¿Ha sido diagnosticado con alguna de las siguientes condiciones?",
"Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "¿Ha estado en contacto cercano con una persona que dio positivo para COVID-19?",
- "Yes": "Sí",
- "No": "No",
- "Positive": "Positivo",
- "Negative": "Negativo",
"Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "¿Se ha sometido a la prueba de COVID-19?",
- "What was the result?": "¿Cuál fue el resultado?",
- "Waiting for result": "A la espera de resultado",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "Síntomas que ha experimentado",
- "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Seleccione solo los síntomas que ha experimentado",
- "Dry cough": "Tos seca",
- "Mucus cough": "Tos con moco",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatiga y cansancio",
- "Fever": "Fiebre",
- "Shortness of breath": "Dificultad para respirar",
- "Muscle pain": "Dolor muscular",
- "Diarrhea": "Diarrea",
"Headache": "Dolor de cabeza",
- "Sore throat": "Dolor de garganta",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "Pérdida del sentido del olfato",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "Pérdida del sentido del gusto",
- "Stuffy or runny nose": "Congestión o goteo nasal",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "¿Cuándo comenzaron los síntomas?",
+ "Healthy": "Sano",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Ayúdenos a descubrir y predecir la transmisión del virus en su área",
"How will my data be used?": "¿Cómo se utilizarán mis datos?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Su información médica se almacena de forma anónima, y no puede ser utilizada para identificarlo.",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Puede encontrar nuestra política de privacidad aquí",
"I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "Estoy de acuerdo que mis datos se almacenen de acuerdo con la política de privacidad",
- "Submit report": "Enviar reporte",
- "Statistics": "Estadísticas",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "Descargue los datos como CSV",
- "COVID-19 infected": "Positivos para COVID-19",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "personas han informado que han dado positivo por COVID-19 y experimentan síntomas.",
- "Symptoms": "Síntomas",
- "Test results": "Resultados de la prueba",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "personas han reportado que dieron positivo en la prueba del COVID-19 y tienen sintomas.",
- "Close contacts": "Contactos cercanos",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "personas han reportado que tuvieron contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo en la prueba del COVID-19",
- "Key figures": "Figuras clave",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "De aquellos que informaron que han estado en contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo por COVID-19, tienen:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reportaron que tuvieron los dos síntomas más comunes de COVID-19",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reportaron que tuvieron los tres síntomas más comunes de COVID-19",
- "All submissions": "Todos los reportes",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Todos los que han enviado un reporte, también tienen:",
- "Total number of reports": "Número total de informes",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Resultados de la prueba positivos y con contacto cercano",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Aclaraciones sobre la base de datos.",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Las preguntas sobre el contacto cercano se agregaron el 16 de marzo a las. 10:30 p.m. Algunos síntomas no formaron parte del formulario desde el principio:",
- "Symptom": "Síntoma",
- "Added to form": "Añadido a la forma",
- "In total": "En total",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "personas han reportado tener sintomas.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Número reportado en pacientes infectados con COVID-19",
- "Number reported": "número reportado",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Informes con síntomas",
- "Reports": "Informes",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Acepto fijar una cookie para que mas tarde pueda cambiar mi estado de salud para reportar mejorias o empeoramiento.",
+ "I am currently:": "Actualmente estoy:",
+ "I currently smoke": "Actualmente Fumo",
+ "I have never smoked": "Nunca he fumado",
+ "I used to smoke": "Solía fumar",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "He anotado el enlace.",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Si utiliza este equipo con varios usuarios, por favor utilice este enlace para actualizar su estado.",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Si desea registrar otra persona en este equipo, guarde o anote su enlace personal",
+ "Important": "Importante",
+ "In close contact with someone who's infected": "En contacto cercano con alguien infectado",
"In close contact with symptoms": "En contacto cercano y con sintomas",
"In close contact without symptoms": "En contacto cercano y sin sintomas",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Contacto cercano con alguien que ha dado positivo",
- "Tested negative": "Resultado negativo",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "En conexión al brote COVID-19, a muchas personas se les ha realizado la prueba del virus, pero debido a la falta de recursos, la gran mayoría no ha sido examinada. Por lo tanto, se asume que hay una gran cantidad de datos que faltan en relación al brote",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "En aislamiento por contagio de COVID-19",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "En aislamiento a causa de un viaje internacional reciente",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "En aislamiento a causa de contacto con una persona que fue expuesta al coronavirus.",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "En aislamiento por orden del gobierno",
+ "In total": "En total",
+ "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "En aislamiento voluntario para evitar una potencial propagación o ser contagiado de COVID-19",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Infectados / Sometidos a prueba",
+ "Insight for everyone": "Los datos están disponibles para cualquier persona.",
+ "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Únase a la recopilación de datos para rastrear el Coronavirus! Ya sea que esté sano o no, complete el siguiente formulario, es información valiosa! Recuerde que sus datos están anonimizados!",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Contribuya a rastrear el coronavirus!",
+ "Key figures": "Figuras clave",
+ "Learn more!": "¡Conoce más!",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Dígale a sus amigos que llenen este formulario también y ayude a Argentina a controlar el COVID-19.",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "Pérdida del sentido del olfato",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "Pérdida del sentido del gusto",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Haga su contribución voluntaria al sistema de salud y registre su estado de salud ahora. Juntos podemos crear una visión general.",
+ "Male": "Masculino",
"Map": "Mapa",
- "API": "API",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Acepto fijar una cookie para que mas tarde pueda cambiar mi estado de salud para reportar mejorias o empeoramiento.",
- "required": "requerido",
- "recommended": "recomendado",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "A continuación encontrará la información de su salud personal.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Si desea registrar otra persona en este equipo, guarde o anote su enlace personal",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Su información médica personal se eliminó de este computador.",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Ahora puede utilizar este computador para otro usuario.",
- "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Guardamos su informacion en una cookie para que pueda regresar a este sitio y actualice su estado de salud",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Si utiliza este equipo con varios usuarios, por favor utilice este enlace para actualizar su estado.",
- "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Anótela en algún lugar o guardelo en su computador.",
- "The link has been copied.": "El enlace se ha copiado.",
- "clear this form": "borrar este formulario",
- "https://who.int": "https://who.int/es",
- "To WHO.int": "Ir a who.int/es",
- "Are you from": "Es de",
- "Norway": "Noruega",
- "The Netherlands": "Países bajos",
- "Slovakia": "Eslovaquia",
- "United Kingdom": "Reino Unido",
- "Colombia": "Colombia",
"March 16": "Marzo 16",
"March 17": "Marzo 17",
"March 23": "Marzo 23",
- "at": "a las",
+ "March 27": "Marzo 27",
+ "March 28": "Marzo 28",
+ "Mucus cough": "Tos con moco",
+ "Muscle pain": "Dolor muscular",
+ "NB!": "Importante!",
"Nausea or vomiting": "Náuseas o vómitos",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "¿Ha sido diagnosticado con alguna de las siguientes condiciones?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, hipertensión, enfermedad isquémica del corazón, asma, enfermedad pulmonar crónica, enfermedad renal crónica",
- "I am currently:": "Actualmente estoy:",
+ "Negative": "Negativo",
+ "No": "No",
+ "Norway": "Noruega",
"Not in isolation": "En no aislamento",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "En aislamiento a causa de un viaje internacional reciente",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "En aislamiento a causa de contacto con una persona que fue expuesta al coronavirus.",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Hábitos en cuánto al consumo de cigarrillo:",
- "I currently smoke": "Actualmente Fumo",
- "I used to smoke": "Solía fumar",
- "I have never smoked": "Nunca he fumado",
- "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "¿Cuál es su temperatura corporal actual? (Celsius)",
- "This field is optional": "Este campo es opcional",
- "Close": "Cerrar",
- "Contribute now": "Contribuya ahora",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Ayúdenos a descubrir y predecir la transmisión del virus en su área",
+ "Number reported": "número reportado",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Número reportado en pacientes infectados con COVID-19",
"Numbers": "Números",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "En aislamiento por orden del gobierno",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "En aislamiento por contagio de COVID-19",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Algunas preguntas no fueron incluidas desde el inicio:",
- "March 27": "Marzo 27",
- "March 28": "Marzo 28",
- "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "En aislamiento voluntario para evitar una potencial propagación o ser contagiado de COVID-19",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "De aquellos que informaron que han estado en contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo por COVID-19, tienen:",
+ "One more thing": "Una cosa más",
"Other": "Otro",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Puede encontrar nuestra política de privacidad aquí",
+ "Page not found": "Página no encontrada",
+ "Positive": "Positivo",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Resultados de la prueba positivos y con contacto cercano",
+ "Postal code": "Código postal",
+ "Privacy": "Privacidad",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Política de privacidad",
+ "Proceed": "Continuar",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Las preguntas sobre el contacto cercano se agregaron el 16 de marzo a las. 10:30 p.m. Algunos síntomas no formaron parte del formulario desde el principio:",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Lea aquí cómo se procesan sus datos!",
+ "Report status by zip code": "Reporte de estado por código postal",
+ "Report your health condition": "Reporte de su estado de salud",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Informe anónimamente su estado de salud.",
+ "Reports": "Informes",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Informes con síntomas",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Guarde el siguiente enlace en algún lugar, o añádalo a los marcadores en su navegador.",
+ "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Seleccione solo los síntomas que ha experimentado",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "Envíe un e-mail a",
+ "Share on": "Compartir en",
+ "Shortness of breath": "Dificultad para respirar",
+ "Slovakia": "Eslovaquia",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Algunas preguntas no fueron incluidas desde el inicio:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "Algo debió salir mal",
+ "Something went wrong!": "Algo salió mal!",
+ "Sore throat": "Dolor de garganta",
+ "Statistics": "Estadísticas",
+ "Stuffy or runny nose": "Congestión o goteo nasal",
+ "Submit report": "Enviar reporte",
+ "Symptom": "Síntoma",
+ "Symptoms": "Síntomas",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "Síntomas que ha experimentado",
+ "Test results": "Resultados de la prueba",
+ "Tested negative": "Resultado negativo",
+ "Tested positive": "Salió positivo",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "Pruebas y síntomas",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "Gracias por su contribución!",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Gracias por su contribución! Use este enlace si su estado de salud cambia: ",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "De esa manera puede actualizar su informe si su estado de salud cambia.",
+ "The Netherlands": "Países bajos",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "El código de la página web se puede encontrar",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Los datos están disponibles para todos. Mire mapas y gráficos, o descargue los datos y cree sus propias visualizaciones.",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "El gobierno ha puesto en marcha su propio sistema de auto-informe, por favor, utilice esa plataforma en vez de esta",
+ "The link has been copied": "El enlace se ha copiado",
+ "The link has been copied.": "El enlace se ha copiado.",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "El enlace que clickeó puede que esté roto, o la página ya no existe",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Los marcadores corresponden a las coordenadas de los códigos postales, no tienen nada que ver con personas.",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "No conocemos la propagación precisa del COVID-19 en nuestro país, ayúdenos a obtener una imagen más detallada de la situación.",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "El sitio es un proyecto de código abierto y fue creado por voluntarios. Siéntase libre de unirse!",
+ "This field is optional": "Este campo es opcional",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Esta no es una herramienta oficial del gobierno, para obtener más información sobre la epidemia, le recomendamos que consulte a las autoridades sanitarias oficiales que siempre tienen información actualizada.",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Esta página no está afiliada con autoridades oficiales de ninguna manera.",
"This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "Esta página no está afiliada con las autoridades.",
- "Learn more!": "¡Conoce más!",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "QUERIDOS ARGENTINOS: Así es como podemos derrotar al coronavirus: juntos podemos hacer visible el virus invisible.",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Comparta {{ hostname }} en",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Complete este formulario (se tarda 1 minuto) y ayude a Argentina a controlar el COVID-19.",
- "One more thing": "Una cosa más",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Esta página web está hecha con la ayuda de voluntarios. Sin algún orden en particular:",
+ "To WHO.int": "Ir a who.int/es",
"To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "Para vencer al coronavirus necesitamos hacer visible el virus invisible.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} personas ya compartieron su estado de salud.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Dígale a sus amigos que llenen este formulario también y ayude a Argentina a controlar el COVID-19."
+ "Total number of reports": "Número total de informes",
+ "Total reports": "Reportes totales",
+ "United Kingdom": "Reino Unido",
+ "Unreported cases": "Casos no reportados",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use el enlace que escribió para actualizar su estado de salud.",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Usando una herramienta de autoevaluación, podemos obtener una mejor idea de cuánta gente tiene sintomas sin exponer al personal de salud a una posible contaminación y sin agotar los dispositivos médicos necesarios. La plataforma fue creada originalmente en Noruega por una compañía llamada Bustbyte. Posteriormente, muchos otros voluntarios se han unido para crear las versiones internacionales de la plataforma. Fue inspirado ",
+ "Waiting for result": "A la espera de resultado",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "No podemos encontrar la página o servicio que está buscando",
+ "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Guardamos su informacion en una cookie para que pueda regresar a este sitio y actualice su estado de salud",
+ "What is my Zip code?": "Cuál es mi código postal?",
+ "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "¿Cuál es su temperatura corporal actual? (Celsius)",
+ "What was the result?": "¿Cuál fue el resultado?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "¿Cuándo comenzaron los síntomas?",
+ "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Anótela en algún lugar o guardelo en su computador.",
+ "Yes": "Sí",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Ahora puede utilizar este computador para otro usuario.",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Debe aprobar las condiciones de privacidad para ingresar sus datos.",
+ "Your age": "Su edad",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Su información médica se almacena de forma anónima, y no puede ser utilizada para identificarlo.",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Su información médica personal se eliminó de este computador.",
+ "Your state of health": "Su estado de salud",
+ "Zip code": "Código postal",
+ "Zip code information": "Información de código postal",
+ "and": "y",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "como un intento de mapear estos números.",
+ "at": "a las",
+ "clear this form": "borrar este formulario",
+ "here": "aquí",
+ "https://who.int": "https://who.int/es",
+ "https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://www.correoargentino.com.ar/formularios/cpa",
+ "if you can't get it to work.": "si no puede hacer que funcione.",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "personas han reportado tener sintomas.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "personas han reportado que tuvieron contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo en la prueba del COVID-19",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "personas han reportado que dieron positivo en la prueba del COVID-19 y tienen sintomas.",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "personas han informado que han dado positivo por COVID-19 y experimentan síntomas.",
+ "recommended": "recomendado",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reportaron que tuvieron los tres síntomas más comunes de COVID-19",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reportaron que tuvieron los dos síntomas más comunes de COVID-19",
+ "required": "requerido",
+ "this article": "en este artículo noruego",
+ "volunteers": "voluntarios",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "https://www.argentina.gob.ar/salud/coronavirus-COVID-19",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} personas ya compartieron su estado de salud."
diff --git a/app/locales/es-CL.json b/app/locales/es-CL.json
index 8f7cdf21..f065fee8 100644
--- a/app/locales/es-CL.json
+++ b/app/locales/es-CL.json
@@ -1,197 +1,197 @@
- "Postal code": "Código postal",
- "Important": "Importante",
- "Page not found": "Página no encontrada",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "No podemos encontrar la página o servicio que está buscando",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "El enlace que clickeaste puede que esté roto, o la página ya no existe",
- "Something went wrong!": "Algo salió mal!",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "Algo debió salir mal",
- "Send an e-mail to": "Envía un e-mail a",
- "if you can't get it to work.": "si no puedes hacer que funcione.",
- "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Antes de proceder por favor anota el siguiente enlace",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Guarda el siguiente enlace en algún lugar, o añádelo a los marcadores en tu navegador.",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "De esa manera puedes actualizar tu informe si tu estado de salud cambia.",
- "I've noted down the link.": "He anotado el enlace.",
- "Proceed": "Continuar",
- "The link has been copied": "El enlace se ha copiado",
- "Copy": "Copiar",
- "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "No se pudo copiar el enlace, cópialo tu mismo(a)",
- "Contributors": "Colaboradores",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Esta página web está hecha con la ayuda de voluntarios. Sin algún orden en particular:",
+ "#stayindoors": "#quedateencasa",
+ "#washyourhands": "#lavatelasmanos",
"...and others": "...y otros",
- "The code for the website can be found": "El código de la página web se puede encontrar",
- "here": "aquí",
+ "API": "API",
"About the service": "Acerca del servicio",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "En conexión al brote COVID-19, a muchas personas se les ha realizado la prueba del virus, pero debido a la falta de recursos, la gran mayoría no ha sido examinada. Por lo tanto, se asume que hay una gran cantidad de datos que faltan en relación al brote",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Usando una herramienta de autoevaluación, podemos obtener una mejor idea de cuánta gente tiene sintomas sin exponer al personal de salud a una posible contaminación y sin agotar los dispositivos médicos necesarios. La plataforma fue creada originalmente en Noruega por una compañía llamada Bustbyte. Posteriormente, muchos otros voluntarios se han unido para crear las versiones internacionales de la plataforma. Fue inspirado ",
- "this article": "este artículo",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "como un intento de trazar estos números.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Esta no es una herramienta oficial del gobierno, para obtener más información sobre la epidemia, te recomendamos que consultes a las autoridades sanitarias oficiales que siempre tienen información actualizada.",
- "Developed by": "Desarrollado por",
+ "Added to form": "Añadido a la forma",
+ "All submissions": "Todos los reportes",
+ "Are you from": "Es de",
+ "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Antes de proceder por favor anota el siguiente enlace",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "A continuación encontrarás la información personal de tu salud.",
+ "Biological gender": "Sexo",
"BustByte AS": "BustByte AS",
- "and": "y",
- "volunteers": "voluntarios",
- "Privacy Policy": "Política de privacidad",
- "Privacy": "Privacidad",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "Gracias por tu contribución!",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "El gobierno ha puesto en marcha su propio sistema de autoinforme, por favor, utiliza esa plataforma en vez de esta",
- "www.nhs.uk": "https://www.gob.cl/coronavirus/",
- "Go to the National health service website": "Ir al sitio web del Ministerio de Salud",
- "Report status by zip code": "Reporte de estado por código postal",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Los marcadores corresponden a las coordenadas de los códigos postales, no tienen nada que ver con personas.",
- "Healthy": "Sano",
- "Has symptoms": "Tiene síntomas",
- "Tested positive": "Salió positivo",
- "Zip code information": "Información de código postal",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Contribuye a rastrear el coronavirus!",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Haz tu contribución voluntaria al sistema de salud y registra tu estado de salud ahora. Juntos podemos crear una visión general.",
- "Share on": "Compartir en",
- "NB!": "Importante!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Esta página no está afiliada con autoridades oficiales de ninguna manera.",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Lee aquí cómo se procesan sus datos!",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Usa el enlace que escribiste para actualizar tu estado de salud.",
- "Unreported cases": "Casos no reportados",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "No conocemos la propagación precisa del COVID-19 en nuestro país, ayúdanos a obtener una imagen más detallada de la situación.",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "QUERIDOS CHILENOS: Así es como podemos derrotar al coronavirus: juntos podemos hacer visible el virus invisible.",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "Positivos para COVID-19",
+ "Choose your age": "Elije tu edad",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Hábitos en cuánto al consumo de cigarrillo:",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Aclaraciones sobre la base de datos.",
+ "Close": "Cerrar",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Contacto cercano con alguien que ha dado positivo",
+ "Close contacts": "Contactos cercanos",
+ "Colombia": "Colombia",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Comparta {{ hostname }} en",
"Contribute anonymously": "Contribuye de manera anónima",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Informa anónimamente tu estado de salud.",
- "Insight for everyone": "Los datos están disponibles para cualquier persona.",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Los datos están disponibles para todos. Podrás ver mapas y gráficos, o descargar los datos y crear tus propias visualizaciones.",
+ "Contribute now": "Contribuye ahora",
+ "Contributors": "Colaboradores",
+ "Copy": "Copiar",
+ "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "No se pudo copiar el enlace, cópialo tu mismo(a)",
+ "Developed by": "Desarrollado por",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, hipertensión, enfermedad isquémica del corazón, asma, enfermedad pulmonar crónica, enfermedad renal crónica",
+ "Diarrhea": "Diarrea",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "Descargue los datos como CSV",
+ "Dry cough": "Tos seca",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Todos los que han enviado un reporte, también tienen:",
"Everything is open": "Todo está abierto",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "El sitio es un proyecto de código abierto y fue creado por voluntarios. Puedes unirte!",
- "Total reports": "Reportes totales",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Infectados / Sometidos a prueba",
- "In close contact with someone who's infected": "En contacto cercano con alguien infectado",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Debes aprobar las condiciones de privacidad para ingresar tus datos.",
- "Your state of health": "Tu estado de salud",
- "Report your health condition": "Reporte de tu estado de salud",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Gracias por tu contribución! Usa este enlace si tu estado de salud cambia: ",
- "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Únete a la recopilación de datos para rastrear el Coronavirus! Ya sea que estés sano(a) o no, completa el siguiente formulario, es información valiosa! Recuerda que tus datos están anonimizados!",
- "Geography and demography": "Geografía y demografía",
- "Your age": "Tu edad",
- "Choose your age": "Elije tu edad",
- "Biological gender": "Sexo",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatiga y cansancio",
"Female": "Femenino",
- "Male": "Masculino",
- "Zip code": "Código postal",
- "Testing and symptoms": "Pruebas y síntomas",
+ "Fever": "Fiebre",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Complete este formulario (se tarda 1 minuto) y ayude a Chile a controlar el COVID-19.",
+ "Geography and demography": "Geografía y demografía",
+ "Go to the National health service website": "Ir al sitio web del Ministerio de Salud",
+ "Has symptoms": "Tiene síntomas",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "¿Has sido diagnosticado(a) con alguna de las siguientes condiciones?",
"Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "¿Has estado en contacto cercano con una persona que dio positivo para COVID-19?",
- "Yes": "Sí",
- "No": "No",
- "Positive": "Positivo",
- "Negative": "Negativo",
"Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "¿Te has sometido a la prueba de COVID-19?",
- "What was the result?": "¿Cuál fue el resultado?",
- "Waiting for result": "A la espera de resultado",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "Síntomas que has experimentado",
- "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Selecciona solo los síntomas que has experimentado",
- "Dry cough": "Tos seca",
- "Mucus cough": "Tos con moco",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatiga y cansancio",
- "Fever": "Fiebre",
- "Shortness of breath": "Dificultad para respirar",
- "Muscle pain": "Dolor muscular",
- "Diarrhea": "Diarrea",
"Headache": "Dolor de cabeza",
- "Sore throat": "Dolor de garganta",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "Pérdida del sentido del olfato",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "Pérdida del sentido del gusto",
- "Stuffy or runny nose": "Congestión o goteo nasal",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "¿Cuándo comenzaron los síntomas?",
+ "Healthy": "Sano",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Ayúdanos a descubrir y predecir la transmisión del virus en tu comuna",
"How will my data be used?": "¿Cómo se utilizarán mis datos?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Tu información médica se almacena de forma anónima, y no puede ser utilizada para identificarte.",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Puedes encontrar nuestra política de privacidad aquí",
"I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "Estoy de acuerdo que mis datos se almacenen de acuerdo con la política de privacidad",
- "Submit report": "Enviar reporte",
- "Statistics": "Estadísticas",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "Descargue los datos como CSV",
- "COVID-19 infected": "Positivos para COVID-19",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "personas han informado que han dado positivo por COVID-19 y experimentan síntomas.",
- "Symptoms": "Síntomas",
- "Test results": "Resultados de la prueba",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "personas han reportado que dieron positivo en la prueba del COVID-19 y tienen síntomas.",
- "Close contacts": "Contactos cercanos",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "personas han reportado que tuvieron contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo en la prueba del COVID-19",
- "Key figures": "Figuras clave",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "De aquellos que informaron que han estado en contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo por COVID-19, tienen:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reportaron que tuvieron los dos síntomas más comunes de COVID-19",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reportaron que tuvieron los tres síntomas más comunes de COVID-19",
- "All submissions": "Todos los reportes",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Todos los que han enviado un reporte, también tienen:",
- "Total number of reports": "Número total de informes",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Resultados de la prueba positivos y con contacto cercano",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Aclaraciones sobre la base de datos.",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Las preguntas sobre el contacto cercano se agregaron el 16 de marzo a las. 10:30 p.m. Algunos síntomas no formaron parte del formulario desde el principio:",
- "Symptom": "Síntoma",
- "Added to form": "Añadido a la forma",
- "In total": "En total",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "personas han reportado tener síntomas.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Número reportado en pacientes infectados con COVID-19",
- "Number reported": "número reportado",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Informes con síntomas",
- "Reports": "Informes",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Acepto fijar una cookie para que mas tarde pueda cambiar mi estado de salud para reportar mejorias o empeoramiento.",
+ "I am currently:": "Actualmente estoy:",
+ "I currently smoke": "Actualmente Fumo",
+ "I have never smoked": "Nunca he fumado",
+ "I used to smoke": "Solía fumar",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "He anotado el enlace.",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Si utiliza este equipo con varios usuarios, por favor utilice este enlace para actualizar su estado.",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Si deseas registrar otra persona en este equipo, guarda o anota tu enlace personal",
+ "Important": "Importante",
+ "In close contact with someone who's infected": "En contacto cercano con alguien infectado",
"In close contact with symptoms": "En contacto cercano y con sintomas",
"In close contact without symptoms": "En contacto cercano y sin sintomas",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Contacto cercano con alguien que ha dado positivo",
- "Tested negative": "Resultado negativo",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "En conexión al brote COVID-19, a muchas personas se les ha realizado la prueba del virus, pero debido a la falta de recursos, la gran mayoría no ha sido examinada. Por lo tanto, se asume que hay una gran cantidad de datos que faltan en relación al brote",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "En aislamiento por contagio de COVID-19",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "En aislamiento a causa de un viaje internacional reciente",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "En aislamiento a causa de contacto con una persona que fue expuesta al coronavirus.",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "En aislamiento por orden del gobierno",
+ "In total": "En total",
+ "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "En aislamiento voluntario para evitar una potencial propagación o ser contagiado de COVID-19",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Infectados / Sometidos a prueba",
+ "Insight for everyone": "Los datos están disponibles para cualquier persona.",
+ "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Únete a la recopilación de datos para rastrear el Coronavirus! Ya sea que estés sano(a) o no, completa el siguiente formulario, es información valiosa! Recuerda que tus datos están anonimizados!",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Contribuye a rastrear el coronavirus!",
+ "Key figures": "Figuras clave",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Dígale a sus amigos que llenen este formulario también y ayude a Chile a controlar el COVID-19.",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "Pérdida del sentido del olfato",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "Pérdida del sentido del gusto",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Haz tu contribución voluntaria al sistema de salud y registra tu estado de salud ahora. Juntos podemos crear una visión general.",
+ "Male": "Masculino",
"Map": "Mapa",
- "API": "API",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Acepto fijar una cookie para que mas tarde pueda cambiar mi estado de salud para reportar mejorias o empeoramiento.",
- "required": "requerido",
- "recommended": "recomendado",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "A continuación encontrarás la información personal de tu salud.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Si deseas registrar otra persona en este equipo, guarda o anota tu enlace personal",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Tu información médica personal se eliminó de este computador.",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Ahora puede utilizar este computador para otro usuario.",
- "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Guardamos tu informacion en una cookie para que puedas regresar a este sitio y actualizar tu estado de salud",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Si utiliza este equipo con varios usuarios, por favor utilice este enlace para actualizar su estado.",
- "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Anótela en algún lugar o guardelo en su computador.",
- "The link has been copied.": "El enlace se ha copiado.",
- "clear this form": "borra este formulario",
- "https://who.int": "https://www.gob.cl/coronavirus/",
- "To WHO.int": "Ir a www.gob.cl/coronavirus",
- "Are you from": "Es de",
- "Norway": "Noruega",
- "The Netherlands": "Países bajos",
- "Slovakia": "Eslovaquia",
- "United Kingdom": "Reino Unido",
- "Colombia": "Colombia",
"March 16": "Marzo 16",
"March 17": "Marzo 17",
"March 23": "Marzo 23",
- "at": "a las",
+ "March 27": "Marzo 27",
+ "March 28": "Marzo 28",
+ "Mucus cough": "Tos con moco",
+ "Muscle pain": "Dolor muscular",
+ "NB!": "Importante!",
"Nausea or vomiting": "Náuseas o vómitos",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "¿Has sido diagnosticado(a) con alguna de las siguientes condiciones?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, hipertensión, enfermedad isquémica del corazón, asma, enfermedad pulmonar crónica, enfermedad renal crónica",
- "I am currently:": "Actualmente estoy:",
+ "Negative": "Negativo",
+ "No": "No",
+ "Norway": "Noruega",
"Not in isolation": "En no aislamento",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "En aislamiento a causa de un viaje internacional reciente",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "En aislamiento a causa de contacto con una persona que fue expuesta al coronavirus.",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Hábitos en cuánto al consumo de cigarrillo:",
- "I currently smoke": "Actualmente Fumo",
- "I used to smoke": "Solía fumar",
- "I have never smoked": "Nunca he fumado",
- "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "¿Cuál es tu temperatura corporal actual? (Celcius)",
- "This field is optional": "Este campo es opcional",
- "Close": "Cerrar",
- "Contribute now": "Contribuye ahora",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Ayúdanos a descubrir y predecir la transmisión del virus en tu comuna",
+ "Number reported": "número reportado",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Número reportado en pacientes infectados con COVID-19",
"Numbers": "Números",
- "#washyourhands": "#lavatelasmanos",
- "#stayindoors": "#quedateencasa",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "En aislamiento por orden del gobierno",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "En aislamiento por contagio de COVID-19",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Algunas preguntas no fueron incluidas desde el inicio:",
- "March 27": "Marzo 27",
- "March 28": "Marzo 28",
- "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "En aislamiento voluntario para evitar una potencial propagación o ser contagiado de COVID-19",
- "Other": "Otro",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "QUERIDOS CHILENOS: Así es como podemos derrotar al coronavirus: juntos podemos hacer visible el virus invisible.",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Comparta {{ hostname }} en",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Complete este formulario (se tarda 1 minuto) y ayude a Chile a controlar el COVID-19.",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "De aquellos que informaron que han estado en contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo por COVID-19, tienen:",
"One more thing": "Una cosa más",
+ "Other": "Otro",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Puedes encontrar nuestra política de privacidad aquí",
+ "Page not found": "Página no encontrada",
+ "Positive": "Positivo",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Resultados de la prueba positivos y con contacto cercano",
+ "Postal code": "Código postal",
+ "Privacy": "Privacidad",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Política de privacidad",
+ "Proceed": "Continuar",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Las preguntas sobre el contacto cercano se agregaron el 16 de marzo a las. 10:30 p.m. Algunos síntomas no formaron parte del formulario desde el principio:",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Lee aquí cómo se procesan sus datos!",
+ "Report status by zip code": "Reporte de estado por código postal",
+ "Report your health condition": "Reporte de tu estado de salud",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Informa anónimamente tu estado de salud.",
+ "Reports": "Informes",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Informes con síntomas",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Guarda el siguiente enlace en algún lugar, o añádelo a los marcadores en tu navegador.",
+ "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Selecciona solo los síntomas que has experimentado",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "Envía un e-mail a",
+ "Share on": "Compartir en",
+ "Shortness of breath": "Dificultad para respirar",
+ "Slovakia": "Eslovaquia",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Algunas preguntas no fueron incluidas desde el inicio:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "Algo debió salir mal",
+ "Something went wrong!": "Algo salió mal!",
+ "Sore throat": "Dolor de garganta",
+ "Statistics": "Estadísticas",
+ "Stuffy or runny nose": "Congestión o goteo nasal",
+ "Submit report": "Enviar reporte",
+ "Symptom": "Síntoma",
+ "Symptoms": "Síntomas",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "Síntomas que has experimentado",
+ "Test results": "Resultados de la prueba",
+ "Tested negative": "Resultado negativo",
+ "Tested positive": "Salió positivo",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "Pruebas y síntomas",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "Gracias por tu contribución!",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Gracias por tu contribución! Usa este enlace si tu estado de salud cambia: ",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "De esa manera puedes actualizar tu informe si tu estado de salud cambia.",
+ "The Netherlands": "Países bajos",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "El código de la página web se puede encontrar",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Los datos están disponibles para todos. Podrás ver mapas y gráficos, o descargar los datos y crear tus propias visualizaciones.",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "El gobierno ha puesto en marcha su propio sistema de autoinforme, por favor, utiliza esa plataforma en vez de esta",
+ "The link has been copied": "El enlace se ha copiado",
+ "The link has been copied.": "El enlace se ha copiado.",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "El enlace que clickeaste puede que esté roto, o la página ya no existe",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Los marcadores corresponden a las coordenadas de los códigos postales, no tienen nada que ver con personas.",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "No conocemos la propagación precisa del COVID-19 en nuestro país, ayúdanos a obtener una imagen más detallada de la situación.",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "El sitio es un proyecto de código abierto y fue creado por voluntarios. Puedes unirte!",
+ "This field is optional": "Este campo es opcional",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Esta no es una herramienta oficial del gobierno, para obtener más información sobre la epidemia, te recomendamos que consultes a las autoridades sanitarias oficiales que siempre tienen información actualizada.",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Esta página no está afiliada con autoridades oficiales de ninguna manera.",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Esta página web está hecha con la ayuda de voluntarios. Sin algún orden en particular:",
+ "To WHO.int": "Ir a www.gob.cl/coronavirus",
"To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "Para vencer al coronavirus necesitamos hacer visible el virus invisible.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} personas ya compartieron su estado de salud.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Dígale a sus amigos que llenen este formulario también y ayude a Chile a controlar el COVID-19.",
+ "Total number of reports": "Número total de informes",
+ "Total reports": "Reportes totales",
+ "United Kingdom": "Reino Unido",
+ "Unreported cases": "Casos no reportados",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Usa el enlace que escribiste para actualizar tu estado de salud.",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Usando una herramienta de autoevaluación, podemos obtener una mejor idea de cuánta gente tiene sintomas sin exponer al personal de salud a una posible contaminación y sin agotar los dispositivos médicos necesarios. La plataforma fue creada originalmente en Noruega por una compañía llamada Bustbyte. Posteriormente, muchos otros voluntarios se han unido para crear las versiones internacionales de la plataforma. Fue inspirado ",
+ "Waiting for result": "A la espera de resultado",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "No podemos encontrar la página o servicio que está buscando",
+ "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Guardamos tu informacion en una cookie para que puedas regresar a este sitio y actualizar tu estado de salud",
"What is my Zip code?": "¿Cómo saber mi código postal?",
- "https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://www.correos.cl/web/guest/codigo-postal"
+ "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "¿Cuál es tu temperatura corporal actual? (Celcius)",
+ "What was the result?": "¿Cuál fue el resultado?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "¿Cuándo comenzaron los síntomas?",
+ "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Anótela en algún lugar o guardelo en su computador.",
+ "Yes": "Sí",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Ahora puede utilizar este computador para otro usuario.",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Debes aprobar las condiciones de privacidad para ingresar tus datos.",
+ "Your age": "Tu edad",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Tu información médica se almacena de forma anónima, y no puede ser utilizada para identificarte.",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Tu información médica personal se eliminó de este computador.",
+ "Your state of health": "Tu estado de salud",
+ "Zip code": "Código postal",
+ "Zip code information": "Información de código postal",
+ "and": "y",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "como un intento de trazar estos números.",
+ "at": "a las",
+ "clear this form": "borra este formulario",
+ "here": "aquí",
+ "https://who.int": "https://www.gob.cl/coronavirus/",
+ "https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://www.correos.cl/web/guest/codigo-postal",
+ "if you can't get it to work.": "si no puedes hacer que funcione.",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "personas han reportado tener síntomas.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "personas han reportado que tuvieron contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo en la prueba del COVID-19",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "personas han reportado que dieron positivo en la prueba del COVID-19 y tienen síntomas.",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "personas han informado que han dado positivo por COVID-19 y experimentan síntomas.",
+ "recommended": "recomendado",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reportaron que tuvieron los tres síntomas más comunes de COVID-19",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reportaron que tuvieron los dos síntomas más comunes de COVID-19",
+ "required": "requerido",
+ "this article": "este artículo",
+ "volunteers": "voluntarios",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "https://www.gob.cl/coronavirus/",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} personas ya compartieron su estado de salud."
diff --git a/app/locales/es-CO.json b/app/locales/es-CO.json
index ea99ba9a..decc8446 100644
--- a/app/locales/es-CO.json
+++ b/app/locales/es-CO.json
@@ -1,199 +1,199 @@
- "Postal code": "Código postal",
- "Important": "Importante",
- "Page not found": "Página no encontrada",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "No podemos encontrar la página o servicio que está buscando",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "El enlace que clickeó puede que esté roto, o la página ya no existe",
- "Something went wrong!": "Algo salió mal!",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "Algo debió salir mal",
- "Send an e-mail to": "Envíe un e-mail a",
- "if you can't get it to work.": "si no puede hacer que funcione.",
- "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Antes de proceder por favor anote el siguiente enlace",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Guarde el siguiente enlace en algún lugar, o añádalo a los marcadores en su navegador.",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "De esa manera puede actualizar su informe si su estado de salud cambia.",
- "I've noted down the link.": "He anotado el enlace.",
- "Proceed": "Continuar",
- "The link has been copied": "El enlace se ha copiado",
- "Copy": "Copiar",
- "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "No se pudo copiar el enlace, copielo usted mismo",
- "Contributors": "contribuidores",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Esta página web está hecha con la ayuda de voluntarios. Sin algún orden en particular:",
+ "#stayindoors": "#Yomequedoencasa",
+ "#washyourhands": "#Lavatusmanos",
"...and others": "...y otros",
- "The code for the website can be found": "El código de la página web se puede encontrar",
- "here": "aquí",
+ "API": "API",
"About the service": "Sobre el servicio",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "En conexión al brote COVID-19, a muchas personas se les ha realizado la prueba del virus, pero debido a la falta de recursos, la gran mayoría no ha sido examinada. Por lo tanto, se asume que hay una gran cantidad de datos que faltan en relación al brote",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Usando una herramienta de autoevaluación, podemos obtener una mejor idea de cuánta gente tiene sintomas sin exponer al personal de salud a una posible contaminación y sin agotar los dispositivos médicos necesarios. La plataforma fue creada originalmente en Noruega por una compañía llamada Bustbyte. Posteriormente, muchos otros voluntarios se han unido para crear las versiones internacionales de la plataforma. Fue inspirado ",
- "this article": "en este artículo noruego",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "como un intento de mapear estos números.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Esta no es una herramienta oficial del gobierno, para obtener más información sobre la epidemia, le recomendamos que consulte a las autoridades sanitarias oficiales que siempre tienen información actualizada.",
- "Developed by": "Desarrollado por",
+ "Added to form": "Añadido a la forma",
+ "All submissions": "Todos los reportes",
+ "Are you from": "Es de",
+ "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Antes de proceder por favor anote el siguiente enlace",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "A continuación encontrará la información de su salud personal.",
+ "Biological gender": "Sexo",
"BustByte AS": "BustByte AS",
- "and": "y",
- "volunteers": "voluntarios",
- "Privacy Policy": "Política de privacidad",
- "Privacy": "Privacidad",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "Gracias por su contribución!",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "El gobierno ha puesto en marcha su propio sistema de auto-informe, por favor, utilice esa plataforma en vez de esta",
- "www.nhs.uk": "https://www.minsalud.gov.co/portada-covid-19.html",
- "Go to the National health service website": "Ir al sitio web del Ministerio de Salud",
- "Report status by zip code": "Reporte de estado por código postal",
- "What is my Zip code?": "Cuál es mi código postal?",
- "https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://codigo-postal.co/colombia/",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Los marcadores corresponden a las coordenadas de los códigos postales, no tienen nada que ver con personas.",
- "Healthy": "Sano",
- "Has symptoms": "Tiene síntomas",
- "Tested positive": "Salió positivo",
- "Zip code information": "Información de código postal",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Contribuya a rastrear el coronavirus!",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Haga su contribución voluntaria al sistema de salud y registre su estado de salud ahora. Juntos podemos crear una visión general.",
- "Share on": "Compartir en",
- "NB!": "Importante!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Esta página no está afiliada con autoridades oficiales de ninguna manera.",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Lea aquí cómo se procesan sus datos!",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use el enlace que escribió para actualizar su estado de salud.",
- "Unreported cases": "Casos no reportados",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "No conocemos la propagación precisa del COVID-19 en nuestro país, ayúdenos a obtener una imagen más detallada de la situación.",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "QUERIDOS COLOMBIANOS: Así es como podemos derrotar al coronavirus: juntos podemos hacer visible el virus invisible.",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "Positivos para COVID-19",
+ "Choose your age": "Elija su edad",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Consumo de cigarrillo:",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Aclaraciones sobre la base de datos.",
+ "Close": "Cerrar",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Contacto cercano con alguien que ha dado positivo",
+ "Close contacts": "Contactos cercanos",
+ "Colombia": "Colombia",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Comparta {{ hostname }} en",
"Contribute anonymously": "Contribuya de manera anónima",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Informe anónimamente su estado de salud.",
- "Insight for everyone": "Los datos están disponibles para cualquier persona.",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Los datos están disponibles para todos. Mire mapas y gráficos, o descargue los datos y cree sus propias visualizaciones.",
+ "Contribute now": "Contribuya ahora",
+ "Contributors": "contribuidores",
+ "Copy": "Copiar",
+ "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "No se pudo copiar el enlace, copielo usted mismo",
+ "Developed by": "Desarrollado por",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, hipertensión, enfermedad isquémica del corazón, asma, enfermedad pulmonar crónica, enfermedad renal crónica",
+ "Diarrhea": "Diarrea",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "Descargue los datos como CSV",
+ "Dry cough": "Tos seca",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Todos los que han enviado un reporte, también tienen:",
"Everything is open": "Todo está abierto",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "El sitio es un proyecto de código abierto y fue creado por voluntarios. Siéntase libre de unirse!",
- "Total reports": "Reportes totales",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Infectados / Sometidos a prueba",
- "In close contact with someone who's infected": "En contacto cercano con alguien infectado",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Debe aprobar las condiciones de privacidad para ingresar sus datos.",
- "Your state of health": "Su estado de salud",
- "Report your health condition": "Reporte de su estado de salud",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Gracias por su contribución! Use este enlace si su estado de salud cambia: ",
- "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Únase a la recopilación de datos para rastrear el Coronavirus! Ya sea que esté sano o no, complete el siguiente formulario, es información valiosa! Recuerde que sus datos están anonimizados!",
- "Geography and demography": "Geografía y demografía",
- "Your age": "Su edad",
- "Choose your age": "Elija su edad",
- "Biological gender": "Sexo",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatiga y cansancio",
"Female": "Femenino",
- "Male": "Masculino",
- "Zip code": "Código postal",
- "Testing and symptoms": "Pruebas y síntomas",
+ "Fever": "Fiebre",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Complete este formulario (se tarda 1 minuto) y ayude a Colombia a controlar el COVID-19.",
+ "Geography and demography": "Geografía y demografía",
+ "Go to the National health service website": "Ir al sitio web del Ministerio de Salud",
+ "Has symptoms": "Tiene síntomas",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "¿Ha sido diagnosticado con alguna de las siguientes condiciones?",
"Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "¿Ha estado en contacto cercano con una persona que dio positivo para COVID-19?",
- "Yes": "Sí",
- "No": "No",
- "Positive": "Positivo",
- "Negative": "Negativo",
"Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "¿Se ha sometido a la prueba de COVID-19?",
- "What was the result?": "¿Cuál fue el resultado?",
- "Waiting for result": "A la espera de resultado",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "Síntomas que ha experimentado",
- "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Seleccione solo los síntomas que ha experimentado",
- "Dry cough": "Tos seca",
- "Mucus cough": "Tos con moco",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatiga y cansancio",
- "Fever": "Fiebre",
- "Shortness of breath": "Dificultad para respirar",
- "Muscle pain": "Dolor muscular",
- "Diarrhea": "Diarrea",
"Headache": "Dolor de cabeza",
- "Sore throat": "Dolor de garganta",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "Pérdida del sentido del olfato",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "Pérdida del sentido del gusto",
- "Stuffy or runny nose": "Congestión o goteo nasal",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "¿Cuándo comenzaron los síntomas?",
+ "Healthy": "Sano",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Ayúdenos a descubrir y predecir la transmisión del virus en su área",
"How will my data be used?": "¿Cómo se utilizarán mis datos?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Su información médica se almacena de forma anónima, y no puede ser utilizada para identificarlo.",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Puede encontrar nuestra política de privacidad aquí",
"I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "Estoy de acuerdo que mis datos se almacenen de acuerdo con la política de privacidad",
- "Submit report": "Enviar reporte",
- "Statistics": "Estadísticas",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "Descargue los datos como CSV",
- "COVID-19 infected": "Positivos para COVID-19",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "personas han informado que han dado positivo por COVID-19 y experimentan síntomas.",
- "Symptoms": "Síntomas",
- "Test results": "Resultados de la prueba",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "personas han reportado que dieron positivo en la prueba del COVID-19 y tienen sintomas.",
- "Close contacts": "Contactos cercanos",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "personas han reportado que tuvieron contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo en la prueba del COVID-19",
- "Key figures": "Figuras clave",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "De aquellos que informaron que han estado en contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo por COVID-19, tienen:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reportaron que tuvieron los dos síntomas más comunes de COVID-19",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reportaron que tuvieron los tres síntomas más comunes de COVID-19",
- "All submissions": "Todos los reportes",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Todos los que han enviado un reporte, también tienen:",
- "Total number of reports": "Número total de informes",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Resultados de la prueba positivos y con contacto cercano",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Aclaraciones sobre la base de datos.",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Las preguntas sobre el contacto cercano se agregaron el 16 de marzo a las. 10:30 p.m. Algunos síntomas no formaron parte del formulario desde el principio:",
- "Symptom": "Síntoma",
- "Added to form": "Añadido a la forma",
- "In total": "En total",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "personas han reportado tener sintomas.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Número reportado en pacientes infectados con COVID-19",
- "Number reported": "número reportado",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Informes con síntomas",
- "Reports": "Informes",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Acepto fijar una cookie para que mas tarde pueda cambiar mi estado de salud para reportar mejorias o empeoramiento.",
+ "I am currently:": "Actualmente estoy:",
+ "I currently smoke": "Actualmente Fumo",
+ "I have never smoked": "Nunca he fumado",
+ "I used to smoke": "Solía fumar",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "He anotado el enlace.",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Si utiliza este equipo con varios usuarios, por favor utilice este enlace para actualizar su estado.",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Si desea registrar otra persona en este equipo, guarde o anote su enlace personal",
+ "Important": "Importante",
+ "In close contact with someone who's infected": "En contacto cercano con alguien infectado",
"In close contact with symptoms": "En contacto cercano y con sintomas",
"In close contact without symptoms": "En contacto cercano y sin sintomas",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Contacto cercano con alguien que ha dado positivo",
- "Tested negative": "Resultado negativo",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "En conexión al brote COVID-19, a muchas personas se les ha realizado la prueba del virus, pero debido a la falta de recursos, la gran mayoría no ha sido examinada. Por lo tanto, se asume que hay una gran cantidad de datos que faltan en relación al brote",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "En aislamiento por contagio de COVID-19",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "En aislamiento a causa de un viaje internacional reciente",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "En aislamiento a causa de contacto con una persona que fue expuesta al coronavirus.",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "En aislamiento por orden del gobierno",
+ "In total": "En total",
+ "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "En aislamiento voluntario para evitar una potencial propagación o ser contagiado de COVID-19",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Infectados / Sometidos a prueba",
+ "Insight for everyone": "Los datos están disponibles para cualquier persona.",
+ "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Únase a la recopilación de datos para rastrear el Coronavirus! Ya sea que esté sano o no, complete el siguiente formulario, es información valiosa! Recuerde que sus datos están anonimizados!",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Contribuya a rastrear el coronavirus!",
+ "Key figures": "Figuras clave",
+ "Learn more!": "¡Conoce más!",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Dígale a sus amigos que llenen este formulario también y ayude a Colombia a controlar el COVID-19.",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "Pérdida del sentido del olfato",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "Pérdida del sentido del gusto",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Haga su contribución voluntaria al sistema de salud y registre su estado de salud ahora. Juntos podemos crear una visión general.",
+ "Male": "Masculino",
"Map": "Mapa",
- "API": "API",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Acepto fijar una cookie para que mas tarde pueda cambiar mi estado de salud para reportar mejorias o empeoramiento.",
- "required": "requerido",
- "recommended": "recomendado",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "A continuación encontrará la información de su salud personal.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Si desea registrar otra persona en este equipo, guarde o anote su enlace personal",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Su información médica personal se eliminó de este computador.",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Ahora puede utilizar este computador para otro usuario.",
- "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Guardamos su informacion en una cookie para que pueda regresar a este sitio y actualice su estado de salud",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Si utiliza este equipo con varios usuarios, por favor utilice este enlace para actualizar su estado.",
- "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Anótela en algún lugar o guardelo en su computador.",
- "The link has been copied.": "El enlace se ha copiado.",
- "clear this form": "borrar esta forma",
- "https://who.int": "https://who.int/es",
- "To WHO.int": "Ir a who.int/es",
- "Are you from": "Es de",
- "Norway": "Noruega",
- "The Netherlands": "Países bajos",
- "Slovakia": "Eslovaquia",
- "United Kingdom": "Reino Unido",
- "Colombia": "Colombia",
"March 16": "Marzo 16",
"March 17": "Marzo 17",
"March 23": "Marzo 23",
- "at": "a las",
+ "March 27": "Marzo 27",
+ "March 28": "Marzo 28",
+ "Mucus cough": "Tos con moco",
+ "Muscle pain": "Dolor muscular",
+ "NB!": "Importante!",
"Nausea or vomiting": "Náuseas o vómitos",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "¿Ha sido diagnosticado con alguna de las siguientes condiciones?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, hipertensión, enfermedad isquémica del corazón, asma, enfermedad pulmonar crónica, enfermedad renal crónica",
- "I am currently:": "Actualmente estoy:",
+ "Negative": "Negativo",
+ "No": "No",
+ "Norway": "Noruega",
"Not in isolation": "En no aislamento",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "En aislamiento a causa de un viaje internacional reciente",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "En aislamiento a causa de contacto con una persona que fue expuesta al coronavirus.",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Consumo de cigarrillo:",
- "I currently smoke": "Actualmente Fumo",
- "I used to smoke": "Solía fumar",
- "I have never smoked": "Nunca he fumado",
- "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "¿Cuál es su temperatura corporal actual? (Celsius)",
- "This field is optional": "Este campo es opcional",
- "Close": "Cerrar",
- "Contribute now": "Contribuya ahora",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Ayúdenos a descubrir y predecir la transmisión del virus en su área",
+ "Number reported": "número reportado",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Número reportado en pacientes infectados con COVID-19",
"Numbers": "Números",
- "#washyourhands": "#Lavatusmanos",
- "#stayindoors": "#Yomequedoencasa",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "En aislamiento por orden del gobierno",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "En aislamiento por contagio de COVID-19",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Algunas preguntas no fueron incluidas desde el inicio:",
- "March 27": "Marzo 27",
- "March 28": "Marzo 28",
- "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "En aislamiento voluntario para evitar una potencial propagación o ser contagiado de COVID-19",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "De aquellos que informaron que han estado en contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo por COVID-19, tienen:",
+ "One more thing": "Una cosa más",
"Other": "Otro",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Puede encontrar nuestra política de privacidad aquí",
+ "Page not found": "Página no encontrada",
+ "Positive": "Positivo",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Resultados de la prueba positivos y con contacto cercano",
+ "Postal code": "Código postal",
+ "Privacy": "Privacidad",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Política de privacidad",
+ "Proceed": "Continuar",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Las preguntas sobre el contacto cercano se agregaron el 16 de marzo a las. 10:30 p.m. Algunos síntomas no formaron parte del formulario desde el principio:",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Lea aquí cómo se procesan sus datos!",
+ "Report status by zip code": "Reporte de estado por código postal",
+ "Report your health condition": "Reporte de su estado de salud",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Informe anónimamente su estado de salud.",
+ "Reports": "Informes",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Informes con síntomas",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Guarde el siguiente enlace en algún lugar, o añádalo a los marcadores en su navegador.",
+ "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Seleccione solo los síntomas que ha experimentado",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "Envíe un e-mail a",
+ "Share on": "Compartir en",
+ "Shortness of breath": "Dificultad para respirar",
+ "Slovakia": "Eslovaquia",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Algunas preguntas no fueron incluidas desde el inicio:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "Algo debió salir mal",
+ "Something went wrong!": "Algo salió mal!",
+ "Sore throat": "Dolor de garganta",
+ "Statistics": "Estadísticas",
+ "Stuffy or runny nose": "Congestión o goteo nasal",
+ "Submit report": "Enviar reporte",
+ "Symptom": "Síntoma",
+ "Symptoms": "Síntomas",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "Síntomas que ha experimentado",
+ "Test results": "Resultados de la prueba",
+ "Tested negative": "Resultado negativo",
+ "Tested positive": "Salió positivo",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "Pruebas y síntomas",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "Gracias por su contribución!",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Gracias por su contribución! Use este enlace si su estado de salud cambia: ",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "De esa manera puede actualizar su informe si su estado de salud cambia.",
+ "The Netherlands": "Países bajos",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "El código de la página web se puede encontrar",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Los datos están disponibles para todos. Mire mapas y gráficos, o descargue los datos y cree sus propias visualizaciones.",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "El gobierno ha puesto en marcha su propio sistema de auto-informe, por favor, utilice esa plataforma en vez de esta",
+ "The link has been copied": "El enlace se ha copiado",
+ "The link has been copied.": "El enlace se ha copiado.",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "El enlace que clickeó puede que esté roto, o la página ya no existe",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Los marcadores corresponden a las coordenadas de los códigos postales, no tienen nada que ver con personas.",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "No conocemos la propagación precisa del COVID-19 en nuestro país, ayúdenos a obtener una imagen más detallada de la situación.",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "El sitio es un proyecto de código abierto y fue creado por voluntarios. Siéntase libre de unirse!",
+ "This field is optional": "Este campo es opcional",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Esta no es una herramienta oficial del gobierno, para obtener más información sobre la epidemia, le recomendamos que consulte a las autoridades sanitarias oficiales que siempre tienen información actualizada.",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Esta página no está afiliada con autoridades oficiales de ninguna manera.",
"This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "Esta página no está afiliada con las autoridades.",
- "Learn more!": "¡Conoce más!",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "QUERIDOS COLOMBIANOS: Así es como podemos derrotar al coronavirus: juntos podemos hacer visible el virus invisible.",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Comparta {{ hostname }} en",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Complete este formulario (se tarda 1 minuto) y ayude a Colombia a controlar el COVID-19.",
- "One more thing": "Una cosa más",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Esta página web está hecha con la ayuda de voluntarios. Sin algún orden en particular:",
+ "To WHO.int": "Ir a who.int/es",
"To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "Para vencer al coronavirus necesitamos hacer visible el virus invisible.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} personas ya compartieron su estado de salud.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Dígale a sus amigos que llenen este formulario también y ayude a Colombia a controlar el COVID-19."
+ "Total number of reports": "Número total de informes",
+ "Total reports": "Reportes totales",
+ "United Kingdom": "Reino Unido",
+ "Unreported cases": "Casos no reportados",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use el enlace que escribió para actualizar su estado de salud.",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Usando una herramienta de autoevaluación, podemos obtener una mejor idea de cuánta gente tiene sintomas sin exponer al personal de salud a una posible contaminación y sin agotar los dispositivos médicos necesarios. La plataforma fue creada originalmente en Noruega por una compañía llamada Bustbyte. Posteriormente, muchos otros voluntarios se han unido para crear las versiones internacionales de la plataforma. Fue inspirado ",
+ "Waiting for result": "A la espera de resultado",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "No podemos encontrar la página o servicio que está buscando",
+ "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Guardamos su informacion en una cookie para que pueda regresar a este sitio y actualice su estado de salud",
+ "What is my Zip code?": "Cuál es mi código postal?",
+ "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "¿Cuál es su temperatura corporal actual? (Celsius)",
+ "What was the result?": "¿Cuál fue el resultado?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "¿Cuándo comenzaron los síntomas?",
+ "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Anótela en algún lugar o guardelo en su computador.",
+ "Yes": "Sí",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Ahora puede utilizar este computador para otro usuario.",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Debe aprobar las condiciones de privacidad para ingresar sus datos.",
+ "Your age": "Su edad",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Su información médica se almacena de forma anónima, y no puede ser utilizada para identificarlo.",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Su información médica personal se eliminó de este computador.",
+ "Your state of health": "Su estado de salud",
+ "Zip code": "Código postal",
+ "Zip code information": "Información de código postal",
+ "and": "y",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "como un intento de mapear estos números.",
+ "at": "a las",
+ "clear this form": "borrar esta forma",
+ "here": "aquí",
+ "https://who.int": "https://who.int/es",
+ "https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://codigo-postal.co/colombia/",
+ "if you can't get it to work.": "si no puede hacer que funcione.",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "personas han reportado tener sintomas.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "personas han reportado que tuvieron contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo en la prueba del COVID-19",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "personas han reportado que dieron positivo en la prueba del COVID-19 y tienen sintomas.",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "personas han informado que han dado positivo por COVID-19 y experimentan síntomas.",
+ "recommended": "recomendado",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reportaron que tuvieron los tres síntomas más comunes de COVID-19",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reportaron que tuvieron los dos síntomas más comunes de COVID-19",
+ "required": "requerido",
+ "this article": "en este artículo noruego",
+ "volunteers": "voluntarios",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "https://www.minsalud.gov.co/portada-covid-19.html",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} personas ya compartieron su estado de salud."
diff --git a/app/locales/es-ES.json b/app/locales/es-ES.json
index a5ffcfed..6afb9e8a 100644
--- a/app/locales/es-ES.json
+++ b/app/locales/es-ES.json
@@ -1,195 +1,195 @@
- "Postal code": "Código postal",
- "Important": "Importante",
- "Page not found": "Página no encontrada",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "No podemos encontrar la página o servicio que está buscando",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "El enlace que clickeó puede que esté roto, o la página ya no existe",
- "Something went wrong!": "Algo salió mal!",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "Algo debió salir mal",
- "Send an e-mail to": "Envíe un e-mail a",
- "if you can't get it to work.": "si no puede hacer que funcione.",
- "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Antes de proceder por favor anote el siguiente enlace",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Guarde el siguiente enlace en algún lugar, o añádalo a los marcadores en su navegador.",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "De esa manera puede actualizar su informe si su estado de salud cambia.",
- "I've noted down the link.": "He anotado el enlace.",
- "Proceed": "Continuar",
- "The link has been copied": "El enlace se ha copiado",
- "Copy": "Copiar",
- "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "No se pudo copiar el enlace, copielo usted mismo",
- "Contributors": "Colaboradores",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Esta página web está hecha con la ayuda de voluntarios. Sin algún orden en particular:",
"...and others": "...y otros",
- "The code for the website can be found": "El código de la página web se puede encontrar",
- "here": "aquí",
+ "API": "API",
"About the service": "Acerca del servicio",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "En conexión al brote COVID-19, a muchas personas se les ha realizado la prueba del virus, pero debido a la falta de recursos, la gran mayoría no ha sido examinada. Por lo tanto, se asume que hay una gran cantidad de datos que faltan en relación al brote",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Usando una herramienta de autoevaluación, podemos obtener una mejor idea de cuánta gente tiene sintomas sin exponer al personal de salud a una posible contaminación y sin agotar los dispositivos médicos necesarios. La plataforma fue creada originalmente en Noruega por una compañía llamada Bustbyte. Posteriormente, muchos otros voluntarios se han unido para crear las versiones internacionales de la plataforma. Fue inspirado ",
- "this article": "este artículo",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "como un intento de trazar estos números.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Esta no es una herramienta oficial del gobierno, para obtener más información sobre la epidemia, le recomendamos que consulte a las autoridades sanitarias oficiales que siempre tienen información actualizada.",
- "Developed by": "Desarrollado por",
+ "Added to form": "Añadido a la forma",
+ "All submissions": "Todos los reportes",
+ "Are you from": "Es de",
+ "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Antes de proceder por favor anote el siguiente enlace",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "A continuación encontrará la información de su salud personal.",
+ "Biological gender": "Sexo",
"BustByte AS": "BustByte AS",
- "and": "y",
- "volunteers": "voluntarios",
- "Privacy Policy": "Política de privacidad",
- "Privacy": "Privacidad",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "Gracias por su contribución!",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "El gobierno ha puesto en marcha su propio sistema de autoinforme, por favor, utilice esa plataforma en vez de esta",
- "www.nhs.uk": "https://www.mscbs.gob.es/profesionales/saludPublica/ccayes/alertasActual/nCov-China/home.htm",
- "Go to the National health service website": "Ir al sitio web del Ministerio de Salud",
- "Report status by zip code": "Reporte de estado por código postal",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Los marcadores corresponden a las coordenadas de los códigos postales, no tienen nada que ver con personas.",
- "Healthy": "Sano",
- "Has symptoms": "Tiene síntomas",
- "Tested positive": "Salió positivo",
- "Zip code information": "Información de código postal",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Contribuya a rastrear el coronavirus!",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Haga su contribución voluntaria al sistema de salud y registre su estado de salud ahora. Juntos podemos crear una visión general.",
- "Share on": "Compartir en",
- "NB!": "Importante!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Esta página no está afiliada con autoridades oficiales de ninguna manera.",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Lea aquí cómo se procesan sus datos!",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use el enlace que escribió para actualizar su estado de salud.",
- "Unreported cases": "Casos no reportados",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "No conocemos la propagación precisa del COVID-19 en nuestro país, ayúdenos a obtener una imagen más detallada de la situación.",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "QUERIDOS ESPAÑOLES: Así es como podemos derrotar al coronavirus: juntos podemos hacer visible el virus invisible.",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "Positivos para COVID-19",
+ "Choose your age": "Elija su edad",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Hábitos en cuánto al consumo de cigarrillo:",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Aclaraciones sobre la base de datos.",
+ "Close": "Cerrar",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Contacto cercano con alguien que ha dado positivo",
+ "Close contacts": "Contactos cercanos",
+ "Colombia": "Colombia",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Comparta {{ hostname }} en",
"Contribute anonymously": "Contribuya de manera anónima",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Informe anónimamente su estado de salud.",
- "Insight for everyone": "Los datos están disponibles para cualquier persona.",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Los datos están disponibles para todos. Mire mapas y gráficos, o descargue los datos y cree sus propias visualizaciones.",
+ "Contribute now": "Contribuya ahora",
+ "Contributors": "Colaboradores",
+ "Copy": "Copiar",
+ "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "No se pudo copiar el enlace, copielo usted mismo",
+ "Developed by": "Desarrollado por",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, hipertensión, enfermedad isquémica del corazón, asma, enfermedad pulmonar crónica, enfermedad renal crónica",
+ "Diarrhea": "Diarrea",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "Descargue los datos como CSV",
+ "Dry cough": "Tos seca",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Todos los que han enviado un reporte, también tienen:",
"Everything is open": "Todo está abierto",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "El sitio es un proyecto de código abierto y fue creado por voluntarios. Siéntase libre de unirse!",
- "Total reports": "Reportes totales",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Infectados / Sometidos a prueba",
- "In close contact with someone who's infected": "En contacto cercano con alguien infectado",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Debe aprobar las condiciones de privacidad para ingresar sus datos.",
- "Your state of health": "Su estado de salud",
- "Report your health condition": "Reporte de su estado de salud",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Gracias por su contribución! Use este enlace si su estado de salud cambia: ",
- "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Únase a la recopilación de datos para rastrear el Coronavirus! Ya sea que esté sano o no, complete el siguiente formulario, es información valiosa! Recuerde que sus datos están anonimizados!",
- "Geography and demography": "Geografía y demografía",
- "Your age": "Su edad",
- "Choose your age": "Elija su edad",
- "Biological gender": "Sexo",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatiga y cansancio",
"Female": "Femenino",
- "Male": "Masculino",
- "Zip code": "Código postal",
- "Testing and symptoms": "Pruebas y síntomas",
+ "Fever": "Fiebre",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Complete este formulario (se tarda 1 minuto) y ayude a España a controlar el COVID-19.",
+ "Geography and demography": "Geografía y demografía",
+ "Go to the National health service website": "Ir al sitio web del Ministerio de Salud",
+ "Has symptoms": "Tiene síntomas",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "¿Ha sido diagnosticado con alguna de las siguientes condiciones?",
"Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "¿Ha estado en contacto cercano con una persona que dio positivo para COVID-19?",
- "Yes": "Sí",
- "No": "No",
- "Positive": "Positivo",
- "Negative": "Negativo",
"Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "¿Se ha sometido a la prueba de COVID-19?",
- "What was the result?": "¿Cuál fue el resultado?",
- "Waiting for result": "A la espera de resultado",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "Síntomas que ha experimentado",
- "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Seleccione solo los síntomas que ha experimentado",
- "Dry cough": "Tos seca",
- "Mucus cough": "Tos con moco",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatiga y cansancio",
- "Fever": "Fiebre",
- "Shortness of breath": "Dificultad para respirar",
- "Muscle pain": "Dolor muscular",
- "Diarrhea": "Diarrea",
"Headache": "Dolor de cabeza",
- "Sore throat": "Dolor de garganta",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "Pérdida del sentido del olfato",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "Pérdida del sentido del gusto",
- "Stuffy or runny nose": "Congestión o goteo nasal",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "¿Cuándo comenzaron los síntomas?",
+ "Healthy": "Sano",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Ayúdenos a descubrir y predecir la transmisión del virus en su área",
"How will my data be used?": "¿Cómo se utilizarán mis datos?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Su información médica se almacena de forma anónima, y no puede ser utilizada para identificarlo.",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Puede encontrar nuestra política de privacidad aquí",
"I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "Estoy de acuerdo que mis datos se almacenen de acuerdo con la política de privacidad",
- "Submit report": "Enviar reporte",
- "Statistics": "Estadísticas",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "Descargue los datos como CSV",
- "COVID-19 infected": "Positivos para COVID-19",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "personas han informado que han dado positivo por COVID-19 y experimentan síntomas.",
- "Symptoms": "Síntomas",
- "Test results": "Resultados de la prueba",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "personas han reportado que dieron positivo en la prueba del COVID-19 y tienen sintomas.",
- "Close contacts": "Contactos cercanos",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "personas han reportado que tuvieron contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo en la prueba del COVID-19",
- "Key figures": "Figuras clave",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "De aquellos que informaron que han estado en contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo por COVID-19, tienen:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reportaron que tuvieron los dos síntomas más comunes de COVID-19",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reportaron que tuvieron los tres síntomas más comunes de COVID-19",
- "All submissions": "Todos los reportes",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Todos los que han enviado un reporte, también tienen:",
- "Total number of reports": "Número total de informes",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Resultados de la prueba positivos y con contacto cercano",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Aclaraciones sobre la base de datos.",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Las preguntas sobre el contacto cercano se agregaron el 16 de marzo a las. 10:30 p.m. Algunos síntomas no formaron parte del formulario desde el principio:",
- "Symptom": "Síntoma",
- "Added to form": "Añadido a la forma",
- "In total": "En total",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "personas han reportado tener sintomas.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Número reportado en pacientes infectados con COVID-19",
- "Number reported": "número reportado",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Informes con síntomas",
- "Reports": "Informes",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Acepto fijar una cookie para que mas tarde pueda cambiar mi estado de salud para reportar mejorias o empeoramiento.",
+ "I am currently:": "Actualmente estoy:",
+ "I currently smoke": "Actualmente Fumo",
+ "I have never smoked": "Nunca he fumado",
+ "I used to smoke": "Solía fumar",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "He anotado el enlace.",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Si utiliza este equipo con varios usuarios, por favor utilice este enlace para actualizar su estado.",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Si desea registrar otra persona en este equipo, guarde o anote su enlace personal",
+ "Important": "Importante",
+ "In close contact with someone who's infected": "En contacto cercano con alguien infectado",
"In close contact with symptoms": "En contacto cercano y con sintomas",
"In close contact without symptoms": "En contacto cercano y sin sintomas",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Contacto cercano con alguien que ha dado positivo",
- "Tested negative": "Resultado negativo",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "En conexión al brote COVID-19, a muchas personas se les ha realizado la prueba del virus, pero debido a la falta de recursos, la gran mayoría no ha sido examinada. Por lo tanto, se asume que hay una gran cantidad de datos que faltan en relación al brote",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "En aislamiento por contagio de COVID-19",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "En aislamiento a causa de un viaje internacional reciente",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "En aislamiento a causa de contacto con una persona que fue expuesta al coronavirus.",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "En aislamiento por orden del gobierno",
+ "In total": "En total",
+ "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "En aislamiento voluntario para evitar una potencial propagación o ser contagiado de COVID-19",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Infectados / Sometidos a prueba",
+ "Insight for everyone": "Los datos están disponibles para cualquier persona.",
+ "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Únase a la recopilación de datos para rastrear el Coronavirus! Ya sea que esté sano o no, complete el siguiente formulario, es información valiosa! Recuerde que sus datos están anonimizados!",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Contribuya a rastrear el coronavirus!",
+ "Key figures": "Figuras clave",
+ "Learn more!": "¡Conoce más!",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Dígale a sus amigos que rellenen este formulario también y ayude a España a controlar el COVID-19.",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "Pérdida del sentido del olfato",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "Pérdida del sentido del gusto",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Haga su contribución voluntaria al sistema de salud y registre su estado de salud ahora. Juntos podemos crear una visión general.",
+ "Male": "Masculino",
"Map": "Mapa",
- "API": "API",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Acepto fijar una cookie para que mas tarde pueda cambiar mi estado de salud para reportar mejorias o empeoramiento.",
- "required": "requerido",
- "recommended": "recomendado",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "A continuación encontrará la información de su salud personal.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Si desea registrar otra persona en este equipo, guarde o anote su enlace personal",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Su información médica personal se eliminó de este computador.",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Ahora puede utilizar este computador para otro usuario.",
- "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Guardamos su informacion en una cookie para que pueda regresar a este sitio y actualice su estado de salud",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Si utiliza este equipo con varios usuarios, por favor utilice este enlace para actualizar su estado.",
- "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Anótela en algún lugar o guardelo en su computador.",
- "The link has been copied.": "El enlace se ha copiado.",
- "clear this form": "borrar el formulario",
- "https://who.int": "https://who.int/es",
- "To WHO.int": "Ir a who.int/es",
- "Are you from": "Es de",
- "Norway": "Noruega",
- "The Netherlands": "Países bajos",
- "Slovakia": "Eslovaquia",
- "United Kingdom": "Reino Unido",
- "Colombia": "Colombia",
"March 16": "Marzo 16",
"March 17": "Marzo 17",
"March 23": "Marzo 23",
- "at": "a las",
+ "March 27": "Marzo 27",
+ "March 28": "Marzo 28",
+ "Mucus cough": "Tos con moco",
+ "Muscle pain": "Dolor muscular",
+ "NB!": "Importante!",
"Nausea or vomiting": "Náuseas o vómitos",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "¿Ha sido diagnosticado con alguna de las siguientes condiciones?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, hipertensión, enfermedad isquémica del corazón, asma, enfermedad pulmonar crónica, enfermedad renal crónica",
- "I am currently:": "Actualmente estoy:",
+ "Negative": "Negativo",
+ "No": "No",
+ "Norway": "Noruega",
"Not in isolation": "En no aislamento",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "En aislamiento a causa de un viaje internacional reciente",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "En aislamiento a causa de contacto con una persona que fue expuesta al coronavirus.",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Hábitos en cuánto al consumo de cigarrillo:",
- "I currently smoke": "Actualmente Fumo",
- "I used to smoke": "Solía fumar",
- "I have never smoked": "Nunca he fumado",
- "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "¿Cuál es su temperatura corporal actual? (Celcius)",
- "This field is optional": "Este campo es opcional",
- "Close": "Cerrar",
- "Contribute now": "Contribuya ahora",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Ayúdenos a descubrir y predecir la transmisión del virus en su área",
+ "Number reported": "número reportado",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Número reportado en pacientes infectados con COVID-19",
"Numbers": "Números",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "En aislamiento por orden del gobierno",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "En aislamiento por contagio de COVID-19",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Algunas preguntas no fueron incluidas desde el inicio:",
- "March 27": "Marzo 27",
- "March 28": "Marzo 28",
- "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "En aislamiento voluntario para evitar una potencial propagación o ser contagiado de COVID-19",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "De aquellos que informaron que han estado en contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo por COVID-19, tienen:",
+ "One more thing": "Una cosa más",
"Other": "Otro",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Puede encontrar nuestra política de privacidad aquí",
+ "Page not found": "Página no encontrada",
+ "Positive": "Positivo",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Resultados de la prueba positivos y con contacto cercano",
+ "Postal code": "Código postal",
+ "Privacy": "Privacidad",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Política de privacidad",
+ "Proceed": "Continuar",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Las preguntas sobre el contacto cercano se agregaron el 16 de marzo a las. 10:30 p.m. Algunos síntomas no formaron parte del formulario desde el principio:",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Lea aquí cómo se procesan sus datos!",
+ "Report status by zip code": "Reporte de estado por código postal",
+ "Report your health condition": "Reporte de su estado de salud",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Informe anónimamente su estado de salud.",
+ "Reports": "Informes",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Informes con síntomas",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Guarde el siguiente enlace en algún lugar, o añádalo a los marcadores en su navegador.",
+ "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Seleccione solo los síntomas que ha experimentado",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "Envíe un e-mail a",
+ "Share on": "Compartir en",
+ "Shortness of breath": "Dificultad para respirar",
+ "Slovakia": "Eslovaquia",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Algunas preguntas no fueron incluidas desde el inicio:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "Algo debió salir mal",
+ "Something went wrong!": "Algo salió mal!",
+ "Sore throat": "Dolor de garganta",
+ "Statistics": "Estadísticas",
+ "Stuffy or runny nose": "Congestión o goteo nasal",
+ "Submit report": "Enviar reporte",
+ "Symptom": "Síntoma",
+ "Symptoms": "Síntomas",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "Síntomas que ha experimentado",
+ "Test results": "Resultados de la prueba",
+ "Tested negative": "Resultado negativo",
+ "Tested positive": "Salió positivo",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "Pruebas y síntomas",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "Gracias por su contribución!",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Gracias por su contribución! Use este enlace si su estado de salud cambia: ",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "De esa manera puede actualizar su informe si su estado de salud cambia.",
+ "The Netherlands": "Países bajos",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "El código de la página web se puede encontrar",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Los datos están disponibles para todos. Mire mapas y gráficos, o descargue los datos y cree sus propias visualizaciones.",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "El gobierno ha puesto en marcha su propio sistema de autoinforme, por favor, utilice esa plataforma en vez de esta",
+ "The link has been copied": "El enlace se ha copiado",
+ "The link has been copied.": "El enlace se ha copiado.",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "El enlace que clickeó puede que esté roto, o la página ya no existe",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Los marcadores corresponden a las coordenadas de los códigos postales, no tienen nada que ver con personas.",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "No conocemos la propagación precisa del COVID-19 en nuestro país, ayúdenos a obtener una imagen más detallada de la situación.",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "El sitio es un proyecto de código abierto y fue creado por voluntarios. Siéntase libre de unirse!",
+ "This field is optional": "Este campo es opcional",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Esta no es una herramienta oficial del gobierno, para obtener más información sobre la epidemia, le recomendamos que consulte a las autoridades sanitarias oficiales que siempre tienen información actualizada.",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Esta página no está afiliada con autoridades oficiales de ninguna manera.",
"This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "Esta página no está afiliada con las autoridades.",
- "Learn more!": "¡Conoce más!",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "QUERIDOS ESPAÑOLES: Así es como podemos derrotar al coronavirus: juntos podemos hacer visible el virus invisible.",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Comparta {{ hostname }} en",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Complete este formulario (se tarda 1 minuto) y ayude a España a controlar el COVID-19.",
- "One more thing": "Una cosa más",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Esta página web está hecha con la ayuda de voluntarios. Sin algún orden en particular:",
+ "To WHO.int": "Ir a who.int/es",
"To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "Para vencer al coronavirus necesitamos hacer visible el virus invisible.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} personas ya compartieron su estado de salud.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Dígale a sus amigos que rellenen este formulario también y ayude a España a controlar el COVID-19."
+ "Total number of reports": "Número total de informes",
+ "Total reports": "Reportes totales",
+ "United Kingdom": "Reino Unido",
+ "Unreported cases": "Casos no reportados",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use el enlace que escribió para actualizar su estado de salud.",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Usando una herramienta de autoevaluación, podemos obtener una mejor idea de cuánta gente tiene sintomas sin exponer al personal de salud a una posible contaminación y sin agotar los dispositivos médicos necesarios. La plataforma fue creada originalmente en Noruega por una compañía llamada Bustbyte. Posteriormente, muchos otros voluntarios se han unido para crear las versiones internacionales de la plataforma. Fue inspirado ",
+ "Waiting for result": "A la espera de resultado",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "No podemos encontrar la página o servicio que está buscando",
+ "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Guardamos su informacion en una cookie para que pueda regresar a este sitio y actualice su estado de salud",
+ "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "¿Cuál es su temperatura corporal actual? (Celcius)",
+ "What was the result?": "¿Cuál fue el resultado?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "¿Cuándo comenzaron los síntomas?",
+ "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Anótela en algún lugar o guardelo en su computador.",
+ "Yes": "Sí",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Ahora puede utilizar este computador para otro usuario.",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Debe aprobar las condiciones de privacidad para ingresar sus datos.",
+ "Your age": "Su edad",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Su información médica se almacena de forma anónima, y no puede ser utilizada para identificarlo.",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Su información médica personal se eliminó de este computador.",
+ "Your state of health": "Su estado de salud",
+ "Zip code": "Código postal",
+ "Zip code information": "Información de código postal",
+ "and": "y",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "como un intento de trazar estos números.",
+ "at": "a las",
+ "clear this form": "borrar el formulario",
+ "here": "aquí",
+ "https://who.int": "https://who.int/es",
+ "if you can't get it to work.": "si no puede hacer que funcione.",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "personas han reportado tener sintomas.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "personas han reportado que tuvieron contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo en la prueba del COVID-19",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "personas han reportado que dieron positivo en la prueba del COVID-19 y tienen sintomas.",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "personas han informado que han dado positivo por COVID-19 y experimentan síntomas.",
+ "recommended": "recomendado",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reportaron que tuvieron los tres síntomas más comunes de COVID-19",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reportaron que tuvieron los dos síntomas más comunes de COVID-19",
+ "required": "requerido",
+ "this article": "este artículo",
+ "volunteers": "voluntarios",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "https://www.mscbs.gob.es/profesionales/saludPublica/ccayes/alertasActual/nCov-China/home.htm",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} personas ya compartieron su estado de salud."
diff --git a/app/locales/es-MX.json b/app/locales/es-MX.json
index 5fff52b3..690563e6 100644
--- a/app/locales/es-MX.json
+++ b/app/locales/es-MX.json
@@ -1,195 +1,195 @@
- "Postal code": "Codigo postal",
- "Important": "Importante",
- "Page not found": "Pagina no existe",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "No podemos encontrar la pagina o el servicio que estas buscando",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "La liga que intentaste acceder ya no existe",
- "Something went wrong!": "Algo salio mal!",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "Algo seguramente salio mal",
- "Send an e-mail to": "Enviar un correo a",
- "if you can't get it to work.": "si no lo puedes hacer funcionar",
- "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Antes de continuar toma nota del siguiente enlace",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Guarda el siguiente enlace en algun lugar, agregalo a tus favoritos en tu navegador",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "De esa manera podras actualizar tu reporte si tu salud cambia.",
- "I've noted down the link.": "Tome nota del enlace.",
- "Proceed": "Continuar",
- "The link has been copied": "El enlace ha sido copiado.",
- "Copy": "Copiar",
- "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "No se pudo copiar el enlace, favor de copiarlo manualmente",
- "Contributors": "Colaboradores",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Este sitio es hecho con la ayuda de voluntarios. Sin ningun orden en particular:",
"...and others": "...entre otros",
- "The code for the website can be found": "El codigo para el sitio se puede encontrar",
- "here": "aqui",
+ "API": "API",
"About the service": "Acerca del servicio",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "En conexión con el brote de COVID-19, a mucha gente se la han practicado pruebas para el virus, pero debido a la falta de recursos, a la gran mayoria no se le han hecho exámenes.",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Usando el auto-reporte, puedes obtener una mejor imagen de que tanta gente que tiene síntomas sin exponer a los trabajadores de la salud a una potencial contaminación y sin utilizar valioso equipo de control de infeccioso que ya esta muy escaso de por si. Nosotros en Bustbyte, con la ayuda de otros voluntarios, hemos creado esta herramienta en respuesta a",
- "this article": "este artículo",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "como un intento de graficar estos números.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Esta no es una herramienta oficial de las autoridades, y para mas información acerca del brote nos referimos a las autoridades que siempre tienen la información mas actualizada.",
- "Developed by": "Desarrollado por",
+ "Added to form": "Agregado al formulario",
+ "All submissions": "Todos los reportes",
+ "Are you from": "Eres de ",
+ "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Antes de continuar toma nota del siguiente enlace",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "Debajo encontraras tu reporte de salud personal.",
+ "Biological gender": "Genero/Sexo Biologico",
"BustByte AS": "BustByte AS",
- "and": "y",
- "volunteers": "voluntarios",
- "Privacy Policy": "Aviso de Privacidad",
- "Privacy": "Privacidad",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "Gracias por tu contribución!",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "El gobierno ha lanzado su propia herramienta de auto-reporte, favor de utilizar esa.",
- "www.nhs.uk": "www.gob.mx/salud",
- "Go to the National health service website": "Ir al sitio de la Secretaria de Salud",
- "Report status by zip code": "Reportar estatus por codigo postal",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Los marcadores corresponden a las coordenadas del codigo postal, no tienen ninguna relacion con individuos específicos.",
- "Healthy": "Saludable",
- "Has symptoms": "Tiene síntomas",
- "Tested positive": "Resultó positivo",
- "Zip code information": "Información del codigo postal",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Unete a esta muy importante iniciativa!",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Haz tu aportacion voluntaria al sistema de salud y registra tu estado de salud ahora. Juntos podemos crear una perspectiva general.",
- "Share on": "Comparte",
- "NB!": "Importante!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Esta pagina no esta afiliada de ninguna manera con ninguna autoridad.",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Lee como se procesan los datos aquí!",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Usa el enlace que anotaste la ùltima vez para actualizar tu estado de salud.",
- "Unreported cases": "Casos sin reportar",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "No se sabe muy bien el grado de transmision del COVID-19 en nuestro país. Ayudanos a crear una mejor perspectiva.",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "QUERIDOS MEXICANOS: Así es como podemos derrotar al coronavirus: juntos podemos hacer visible el virus invisible.",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "infectados COVID-19",
+ "Choose your age": "Elija su edad",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Consumo de Cigarrillos",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Aclaraciones sobre los datos",
+ "Close": "Cerrar",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Contacto cercano con alguien que resultado positivo",
+ "Close contacts": "Contactos cercanos",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Comparta {{ hostname }} en",
"Contribute anonymously": "Contribuye anonimamente",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Reporta tu estado de salud anonimamente.",
- "Insight for everyone": "Datos disponibles para todos",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "La informacion esta abierta para todos. Mira los mapas y las graficas o descarga la informacion y crea tus propias visualizaciones.",
+ "Contribute now": "Contribuir ahora",
+ "Contributors": "Colaboradores",
+ "Copy": "Copiar",
+ "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "No se pudo copiar el enlace, favor de copiarlo manualmente",
+ "Developed by": "Desarrollado por",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, Hipertension, Enfermdades Cardiacas, Asma, Enfermedad Cronica de los Pulmones, Enfermedad Renal Cronica",
+ "Diarrhea": "Diarrea",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "Descargar el dataset como CSV",
+ "Dry cough": "Tos seca",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Todos los que han enviado un reporte, tambien han:",
"Everything is open": "Todo esta abierto",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "El sitio de es de fuente abierta y construido por voluntarios. Sientase libre a unirse.",
- "Total reports": "Reportes Totales",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Infectados / Se les han practicado pruebas",
- "In close contact with someone who's infected": "En contacto cercano con alguien que esta infectado",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Debes aprovar el aviso de privacidad si quiere enviar tu informacion.",
- "Your state of health": "Tu estado de salud",
- "Report your health condition": "Reporta tu estado de salud",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Gracias por su aportacion! Use este enlace si su estado de salud cambia:",
- "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Unete a esta importante iniciativa! Sin importar si estas saludable o no, favor de llenar la forma de abajo – tu informacion también es valiosa!",
- "Geography and demography": "Demografia and geografia",
- "Your age": "Tu edad",
- "Choose your age": "Elija su edad",
- "Biological gender": "Genero/Sexo Biologico",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatiga and agotamiento",
"Female": "Femenino",
- "Male": "Masculino",
- "Zip code": "Codigo postal",
- "Testing and symptoms": "Examenes y síntomas",
+ "Fever": "Fiebre",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Complete este formulario (se tarda 1 minuto) y ayude a México a controlar el COVID-19.",
+ "Geography and demography": "Demografia and geografia",
+ "Go to the National health service website": "Ir al sitio de la Secretaria de Salud",
+ "Has symptoms": "Tiene síntomas",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Has sido diagnosticado con alguna de las siguientes condiciones?",
"Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Ha estado en contacto cercano con alguien que resulto positivo para COVID-19?",
- "Yes": "Si",
- "No": "No",
- "Positive": "Positivo",
- "Negative": "Negativo",
"Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Se le ha practicado examenes para el virus COVID-19?",
- "What was the result?": "Cual fue el resultado?",
- "Waiting for result": "Esperando resultado",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "Sintomas que ha tenido",
- "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Elija los sintomas que ha tenido",
- "Dry cough": "Tos seca",
- "Mucus cough": "Tos con flemas",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatiga and agotamiento",
- "Fever": "Fiebre",
- "Shortness of breath": "Dificultad respiratoria / falta de aire",
- "Muscle pain": "Dolor muscular",
- "Diarrhea": "Diarrea",
"Headache": "Dolor de cabeza",
- "Sore throat": "Dolor de garganta",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "Perdida del sentido del olfato",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "Perdida del sentido del gusto",
- "Stuffy or runny nose": "Escurrimiento nasal o nariz tapada",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "Cuando comenzaron los sintomas?",
+ "Healthy": "Saludable",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Ayuda a descurbrir y predecir la transmision del coronavirus en tu region",
"How will my data be used?": "Como se va a utilizar mi informacion?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Eres completamente anonimo. Los datos que enviaste no pueden ser utilizados para identificarte.",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Nuestro aviso de privacidad se puede encontrar aqui",
"I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "Estoy de acuerdo que mi informacion se almacene conforme con nuestro Aviso de Privacidad",
- "Submit report": "Enviar reporte",
- "Statistics": "Estadisticas",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "Descargar el dataset como CSV",
- "COVID-19 infected": "infectados COVID-19",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "personas que han reportado que dieron positivo en la prueba del COVID-19 y tienen sintomas.",
- "Symptoms": "Sintomas",
- "Test results": "Resultados de la Prueba",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "personas que han reportado que se les ha aplicado la prueba para el COVID-19.",
- "Close contacts": "Contactos cercanos",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "personas que han reportado que estuvieron en contacto cercano con una persona que dio positivo en la prueba del COVID-19.",
- "Key figures": "Cifras Clave",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "De los que reportaron haber estado en contacto cercano con alquien que dio positivo en la prueba del COVID-19, han:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reportado que tienen los dos sintomas mas comunes que los infectados reportan.",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reportado que tienen los tres sintomas mas comunes que los infectados reportan.",
- "All submissions": "Todos los reportes",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Todos los que han enviado un reporte, tambien han:",
- "Total number of reports": "Numero total de reportes",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Resultados positivos y contacto cercano",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Aclaraciones sobre los datos",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Preguntas sobre contacto cercano se agregaron el 16 de Marzo a las 10:30 p.m.. Algunos sintomas no eran parte de este formulario desde el principio:",
- "Symptom": "Sintoma",
- "Added to form": "Agregado al formulario",
- "In total": "En total",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "personas que han reportado tener sintomas.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Numero reportado en pacientes infectados con COVID-19",
- "Number reported": "Numero reportado",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Reportes con sintomas",
- "Reports": "Reportes",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Acepto fijar una cookie para que mas tarde pueda cambiar mi estado de salud para reportar mejorias o empeoramiento.",
+ "I am currently:": "Yo estoy actualmente",
+ "I currently smoke": "Actualmente fumo",
+ "I have never smoked": "Nunca he fumado",
+ "I used to smoke": "Solia fumar",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "Tome nota del enlace.",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Si utilizas este dispositivo con multiples usuarios, favor de utilizar este enlace para actualizar tu estado de salud.",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Si quieres registrar otra persona en este dispositivo, graba o escribe tu enlace personal",
+ "Important": "Importante",
+ "In close contact with someone who's infected": "En contacto cercano con alguien que esta infectado",
"In close contact with symptoms": "En contacto cercano y con sintomas",
"In close contact without symptoms": "En contacto cercano sin sintomas",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Contacto cercano con alguien que resultado positivo",
- "Tested negative": "Resultado negativo",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "En conexión con el brote de COVID-19, a mucha gente se la han practicado pruebas para el virus, pero debido a la falta de recursos, a la gran mayoria no se le han hecho exámenes.",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "En aislamiento por contagio de COVID-19",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "En aislamiento debido a reciente viaje internacional",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "En aislamiento debido a contacto con una persona que ha sido expuesta al coronavirus",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "En aislamiento por ordenes del gobierno",
+ "In total": "En total",
+ "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "En aislamiento voluntario para evitar una potencial propagación o ser contagiado de COVID-19",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Infectados / Se les han practicado pruebas",
+ "Insight for everyone": "Datos disponibles para todos",
+ "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Unete a esta importante iniciativa! Sin importar si estas saludable o no, favor de llenar la forma de abajo – tu informacion también es valiosa!",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Unete a esta muy importante iniciativa!",
+ "Key figures": "Cifras Clave",
+ "Learn more!": "¡Conoce más!",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Dígale a sus amigos que llenen este formulario también y ayude a México a controlar el COVID-19.",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "Perdida del sentido del olfato",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "Perdida del sentido del gusto",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Haz tu aportacion voluntaria al sistema de salud y registra tu estado de salud ahora. Juntos podemos crear una perspectiva general.",
+ "Male": "Masculino",
"Map": "Mapa",
- "API": "API",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Acepto fijar una cookie para que mas tarde pueda cambiar mi estado de salud para reportar mejorias o empeoramiento.",
- "required": "requerido",
- "recommended": "recomendado",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "Debajo encontraras tu reporte de salud personal.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Si quieres registrar otra persona en este dispositivo, graba o escribe tu enlace personal",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Tus datos de salud personal han sido borrados de este dispositivo.",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Ahora puedes utilizar este dispositivo para otro usuario.",
- "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Almacenamos tu informacion en una cookie para que puedas regresar a este sitio y actualices tu estado de salud",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Si utilizas este dispositivo con multiples usuarios, favor de utilizar este enlace para actualizar tu estado de salud.",
- "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Escribelo en algun lado o guardalo en tu dispositivo.",
- "The link has been copied.": "El enlace ha sido copiado.",
- "clear this form": "borrar el formulario",
- "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
- "To WHO.int": "A WHO.int",
- "Are you from": "Eres de ",
- "Norway": "Norway",
- "The Netherlands": "The Netherlands",
- "Slovakia": "Slovakia",
- "United Kingdom": "The United Kingdom",
- "Mexico": "México",
"March 16": "Marzo 16",
"March 17": "Marzo 17",
"March 23": "Marzo 23",
- "at": "a las",
+ "March 27": "Marzo 27",
+ "March 28": "Marzo 28",
+ "Mexico": "México",
+ "Mucus cough": "Tos con flemas",
+ "Muscle pain": "Dolor muscular",
+ "NB!": "Importante!",
"Nausea or vomiting": "Nausea o vomito",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Has sido diagnosticado con alguna de las siguientes condiciones?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, Hipertension, Enfermdades Cardiacas, Asma, Enfermedad Cronica de los Pulmones, Enfermedad Renal Cronica",
- "I am currently:": "Yo estoy actualmente",
+ "Negative": "Negativo",
+ "No": "No",
+ "Norway": "Norway",
"Not in isolation": "No en aislamiento",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "En aislamiento debido a reciente viaje internacional",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "En aislamiento debido a contacto con una persona que ha sido expuesta al coronavirus",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Consumo de Cigarrillos",
- "I currently smoke": "Actualmente fumo",
- "I used to smoke": "Solia fumar",
- "I have never smoked": "Nunca he fumado",
- "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "Cual es tu temperatura corporal en grados Celsius?",
- "This field is optional": "Este campo es opcional",
- "Close": "Cerrar",
- "Contribute now": "Contribuir ahora",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Ayuda a descurbrir y predecir la transmision del coronavirus en tu region",
+ "Number reported": "Numero reportado",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Numero reportado en pacientes infectados con COVID-19",
"Numbers": "Numeros",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "En aislamiento por ordenes del gobierno",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "En aislamiento por contagio de COVID-19",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Algunas preguntas y sus respuestas no formaban parte del formulario original:",
- "March 27": "Marzo 27",
- "March 28": "Marzo 28",
- "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "En aislamiento voluntario para evitar una potencial propagación o ser contagiado de COVID-19",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "De los que reportaron haber estado en contacto cercano con alquien que dio positivo en la prueba del COVID-19, han:",
+ "One more thing": "Una cosa más",
"Other": "Otro",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Nuestro aviso de privacidad se puede encontrar aqui",
+ "Page not found": "Pagina no existe",
+ "Positive": "Positivo",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Resultados positivos y contacto cercano",
+ "Postal code": "Codigo postal",
+ "Privacy": "Privacidad",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Aviso de Privacidad",
+ "Proceed": "Continuar",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Preguntas sobre contacto cercano se agregaron el 16 de Marzo a las 10:30 p.m.. Algunos sintomas no eran parte de este formulario desde el principio:",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Lee como se procesan los datos aquí!",
+ "Report status by zip code": "Reportar estatus por codigo postal",
+ "Report your health condition": "Reporta tu estado de salud",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Reporta tu estado de salud anonimamente.",
+ "Reports": "Reportes",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Reportes con sintomas",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Guarda el siguiente enlace en algun lugar, agregalo a tus favoritos en tu navegador",
+ "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Elija los sintomas que ha tenido",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "Enviar un correo a",
+ "Share on": "Comparte",
+ "Shortness of breath": "Dificultad respiratoria / falta de aire",
+ "Slovakia": "Slovakia",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Algunas preguntas y sus respuestas no formaban parte del formulario original:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "Algo seguramente salio mal",
+ "Something went wrong!": "Algo salio mal!",
+ "Sore throat": "Dolor de garganta",
+ "Statistics": "Estadisticas",
+ "Stuffy or runny nose": "Escurrimiento nasal o nariz tapada",
+ "Submit report": "Enviar reporte",
+ "Symptom": "Sintoma",
+ "Symptoms": "Sintomas",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "Sintomas que ha tenido",
+ "Test results": "Resultados de la Prueba",
+ "Tested negative": "Resultado negativo",
+ "Tested positive": "Resultó positivo",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "Examenes y síntomas",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "Gracias por tu contribución!",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Gracias por su aportacion! Use este enlace si su estado de salud cambia:",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "De esa manera podras actualizar tu reporte si tu salud cambia.",
+ "The Netherlands": "The Netherlands",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "El codigo para el sitio se puede encontrar",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "La informacion esta abierta para todos. Mira los mapas y las graficas o descarga la informacion y crea tus propias visualizaciones.",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "El gobierno ha lanzado su propia herramienta de auto-reporte, favor de utilizar esa.",
+ "The link has been copied": "El enlace ha sido copiado.",
+ "The link has been copied.": "El enlace ha sido copiado.",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "La liga que intentaste acceder ya no existe",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Los marcadores corresponden a las coordenadas del codigo postal, no tienen ninguna relacion con individuos específicos.",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "No se sabe muy bien el grado de transmision del COVID-19 en nuestro país. Ayudanos a crear una mejor perspectiva.",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "El sitio de es de fuente abierta y construido por voluntarios. Sientase libre a unirse.",
+ "This field is optional": "Este campo es opcional",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Esta no es una herramienta oficial de las autoridades, y para mas información acerca del brote nos referimos a las autoridades que siempre tienen la información mas actualizada.",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Esta pagina no esta afiliada de ninguna manera con ninguna autoridad.",
"This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "Esta página no está afiliada con las autoridades.",
- "Learn more!": "¡Conoce más!",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "QUERIDOS MEXICANOS: Así es como podemos derrotar al coronavirus: juntos podemos hacer visible el virus invisible.",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Comparta {{ hostname }} en",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Complete este formulario (se tarda 1 minuto) y ayude a México a controlar el COVID-19.",
- "One more thing": "Una cosa más",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Este sitio es hecho con la ayuda de voluntarios. Sin ningun orden en particular:",
+ "To WHO.int": "A WHO.int",
"To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "Para vencer al coronavirus necesitamos hacer visible el virus invisible.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} personas ya compartieron su estado de salud.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Dígale a sus amigos que llenen este formulario también y ayude a México a controlar el COVID-19."
+ "Total number of reports": "Numero total de reportes",
+ "Total reports": "Reportes Totales",
+ "United Kingdom": "The United Kingdom",
+ "Unreported cases": "Casos sin reportar",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Usa el enlace que anotaste la ùltima vez para actualizar tu estado de salud.",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Usando el auto-reporte, puedes obtener una mejor imagen de que tanta gente que tiene síntomas sin exponer a los trabajadores de la salud a una potencial contaminación y sin utilizar valioso equipo de control de infeccioso que ya esta muy escaso de por si. Nosotros en Bustbyte, con la ayuda de otros voluntarios, hemos creado esta herramienta en respuesta a",
+ "Waiting for result": "Esperando resultado",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "No podemos encontrar la pagina o el servicio que estas buscando",
+ "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Almacenamos tu informacion en una cookie para que puedas regresar a este sitio y actualices tu estado de salud",
+ "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "Cual es tu temperatura corporal en grados Celsius?",
+ "What was the result?": "Cual fue el resultado?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "Cuando comenzaron los sintomas?",
+ "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Escribelo en algun lado o guardalo en tu dispositivo.",
+ "Yes": "Si",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Ahora puedes utilizar este dispositivo para otro usuario.",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Debes aprovar el aviso de privacidad si quiere enviar tu informacion.",
+ "Your age": "Tu edad",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Eres completamente anonimo. Los datos que enviaste no pueden ser utilizados para identificarte.",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Tus datos de salud personal han sido borrados de este dispositivo.",
+ "Your state of health": "Tu estado de salud",
+ "Zip code": "Codigo postal",
+ "Zip code information": "Información del codigo postal",
+ "and": "y",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "como un intento de graficar estos números.",
+ "at": "a las",
+ "clear this form": "borrar el formulario",
+ "here": "aqui",
+ "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
+ "if you can't get it to work.": "si no lo puedes hacer funcionar",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "personas que han reportado tener sintomas.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "personas que han reportado que estuvieron en contacto cercano con una persona que dio positivo en la prueba del COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "personas que han reportado que se les ha aplicado la prueba para el COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "personas que han reportado que dieron positivo en la prueba del COVID-19 y tienen sintomas.",
+ "recommended": "recomendado",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reportado que tienen los tres sintomas mas comunes que los infectados reportan.",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "reportado que tienen los dos sintomas mas comunes que los infectados reportan.",
+ "required": "requerido",
+ "this article": "este artículo",
+ "volunteers": "voluntarios",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "www.gob.mx/salud",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} personas ya compartieron su estado de salud."
diff --git a/app/locales/fr-FR.json b/app/locales/fr-FR.json
index cc19afd3..8fa0b9cf 100644
--- a/app/locales/fr-FR.json
+++ b/app/locales/fr-FR.json
@@ -1,195 +1,195 @@
- "Postal code": "Code postal",
- "Important": "Important",
- "Page not found": "Page introuvable",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "Nous ne trouvons pas la page ou le service que vous recherchez",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "Le lien sur lequel vous avez cliqué a l'air d'être rompu ou la page n'existe plus",
- "Something went wrong!": "Quelque chose a mal tourné !",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "Quelque chose a l'air d'avoir mal tourné",
- "Send an e-mail to": "Envoyer un e-mail à",
- "if you can't get it to work.": "si vous arrivez à le faire marcher.",
- "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Avant de continuer, veuillez noter le lien suivant",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Enregistrez le lien suivant quelque part ou ajoutez-le à vos favoris dans votre navigateur.",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "De cette façon, vous pouvez mettre à jour votre rapport si votre état de santé change.",
- "I've noted down the link.": "J'ai noté le lien.",
- "Proceed": "Continuer",
- "The link has been copied": "Le lien a été copié.",
- "Copy": "Copier",
- "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Impossible de copier le lien, veuillez le copier vous-même",
- "Contributors": "Contributeurs",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Ce site est réalisé avec l'aide de bénévoles. Sans ordre particulier:",
"...and others": "...et d'autres",
- "The code for the website can be found": "Le code du site Web se trouve",
- "here": "ici",
+ "API": "API",
"About the service": "À propos du service",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "Dans le cadre de l'épidémie de COVID-19, de nombreuses personnes ont été testées mais, par manque de ressources, la grande majorité n'a pas été testée. Il y a donc un biais d'estimation de l'étendue réelle de l'épidémie.",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Grâce à l'auto-évaluation, nous pouvons avoir une meilleure idée du nombre de personnes présentant des symptômes sans risquer d'exposer inutilement le personnel de santé et sans utiliser de tests dont nous manquons. Chez BustByte, aidés par de nombreux bénévoles, nous avons créé cet outil en réponse à",
- "this article": "cet article",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "afin de pouvoir estimer le nombre de cas réels.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Ce n'est pas un outil officiel des autorités et, pour plus d'informations sur l'épidémie, nous vous invitons à vous référer aux autorités sanitaires qui auront des informations officielles et à jour.",
- "Developed by": "Developpé par",
+ "Added to form": "Ajouté au formulaire",
+ "All submissions": "Toutes les soumissions",
+ "Are you from": "Êtes-vous originaire",
+ "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Avant de continuer, veuillez noter le lien suivant",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "Vous trouverez ci-dessous vos informations personnelles sur votre état de santé.",
+ "Biological gender": "Genre biologique / sexe",
"BustByte AS": "BustByte",
- "and": "et",
- "volunteers": "de nombreux volontaires",
- "Privacy Policy": "Politique de confidentialité",
- "Privacy": "Confidentialité",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "Merci pour votre contribution !",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "Le gouvernement a maintenant lancé son propre système d'auto-évaluation, veuillez l'utiliser à la place.",
- "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.fr",
- "Go to the National health service website": "Accédez au site Web du Service national de santé",
- "Report status by zip code": "Signaler votre état par code postal",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Les marqueurs correspondent aux coordonnées des codes postaux, ils n'ont rien à voir avec les individus.",
- "Healthy": "En bonne santé",
- "Has symptoms": "Présentant des symptômes",
- "Tested positive": "Testé positif",
- "Zip code information": "Code postal",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Rejoignez-nous dans cette collecte participative de données !",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Contribuez au système de santé en renseignant votre état de santé actuel. Ensemble, nous pouvons créer une vue d'ensemble.",
- "Share on": "Partager sur",
- "NB!": "NB!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Cette page n'est pas affiliée aux autorités.",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Découvrez comment les données que vous saisissez sont traitées ici !",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Utilisez le lien que vous avez noté précédemment pour mettre à jour votre état de santé",
- "Unreported cases": "Cas non signalés",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "Nous ne connaissons pas (ou mal) la propagation de COVID-19 dans notre pays. Aidez-nous à créer un meilleur aperçu.",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "APPEL À TOUS LES CITOYENS FRANÇAIS: C'est ainsi que nous vainquons le virus corona: ensemble, nous rendons visible le virus invisible.",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "Personnes infectées par le COVID-19",
+ "Choose your age": "Sélectionnez votre âge",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Tabagisme",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Clarification de la base de données",
+ "Close": "Fermé",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "En contact étroit avec quelqu'un ayant été testé positif",
+ "Close contacts": "Contacts proches",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribuez et partagez {{ hostname }} sur",
"Contribute anonymously": "Contribuez de manière anonyme",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Signalez votre état de santé de manière anonyme.",
- "Insight for everyone": "Données accessibles par tous",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Les données sont ouvertes à tous. Vous pouvez regarder des cartes et des graphiques, ou télécharger les données pour créer vos propres visualisations.",
+ "Contribute now": "Participer",
+ "Contributors": "Contributeurs",
+ "Copy": "Copier",
+ "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Impossible de copier le lien, veuillez le copier vous-même",
+ "Developed by": "Developpé par",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabète, hypertension, cardiopathie, asthme, maladie pulmonaire chronique, maladie rénale chronique",
+ "Diarrhea": "Diarrhée",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "Téléchargez l'ensemble de données au format CSV",
+ "Dry cough": "Toux sèche",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Tous ceux qui ont soumis un rapport ont également:",
"Everything is open": "Tout est ouvert et transparent",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "Le site Web est open source et construit par des bénévoles. N'hésitez pas à nous rejoindre.",
- "Total reports": "Nombre total de rapports",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Infectés / Officiellement testés",
- "In close contact with someone who's infected": "En contact étroit avec une personne infectée",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Approuvez la déclaration de confidentialité afin de partager vos données.",
- "Your state of health": "Votre état de santé",
- "Report your health condition": "Signalez votre état de santé",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Nous vous remercions de votre contribution ! Vous pouvez utiliser ce lien pour mettre à jour votre état de santé, si celui-ci change",
- "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Rejoignez l'un des sourcing participatifs les plus importants ! Quel que soit votre état de santé, remplissez le formulaire ci-dessous - vous nous serez d'une aide précieuse !",
- "Geography and demography": "Démographie et géographie",
- "Your age": "Votre âge",
- "Choose your age": "Sélectionnez votre âge",
- "Biological gender": "Genre biologique / sexe",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatigue et épuisement",
"Female": "Femme",
- "Male": "Homme",
- "Zip code": "Code postal",
- "Testing and symptoms": "Tests et symptômes",
+ "Fever": "Fièvre",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Remplissez ce formulaire - cela prend 1 minute - et aidez les États-Unis à prendre le contrôle de COVID-19.",
+ "France": "de France",
+ "Geography and demography": "Démographie et géographie",
+ "Go to the National health service website": "Accédez au site Web du Service national de santé",
+ "Has symptoms": "Présentant des symptômes",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Présentez-vous les troubles suivants ?",
"Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Avez-vous été en contact rapproché avec quelqu'un qui a été testé positif au COVID-19 ?",
- "Yes": "Oui",
- "No": "Non",
- "Positive": "Positif",
- "Negative": "Négatif",
"Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Avez-vous été testé pour COVID-19 ?",
- "What was the result?": "Quel a été le résultat ?",
- "Waiting for result": "En attente du résultats",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptômes ressentis",
- "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Sélectionnez uniquement les symptômes que vous avez ressentis. Si vous ne présentez pas de symptôme, ne cochez aucune case.",
- "Dry cough": "Toux sèche",
- "Mucus cough": "Toux grasse (muqueuse)",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fatigue et épuisement",
- "Fever": "Fièvre",
- "Shortness of breath": "Essoufflement",
- "Muscle pain": "Courbatures",
- "Diarrhea": "Diarrhée",
"Headache": "Mal de crâne",
- "Sore throat": "Gorge irritée",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "Perte de l'odorat",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "Perte du goût",
- "Stuffy or runny nose": "Rhume",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "Quand les symptômes ont-ils commencé ?",
+ "Healthy": "En bonne santé",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Aidez-nous à estimer et prédire la propagation du corona-virus dans votre région",
"How will my data be used?": "Comment mes données seront-elles utilisées ?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Vos informations de santé sont stockées de façon complètement anonyme et ne peuvent pas être utilisées pour vous identifier.",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Notre déclaration de confidentialité peut être trouvée ici",
"I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "J'accepte que mes données soient enregistrées conformément à la déclaration de confidentialité",
- "Submit report": "Soumettre le rapport",
- "Statistics": "Statistiques",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "Téléchargez l'ensemble de données au format CSV",
- "COVID-19 infected": "Personnes infectées par le COVID-19",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "des personnes ont signalé avoir été testées positives au COVID-19 et avoir éprouvé des symptômes.",
- "Symptoms": "Symptômes",
- "Test results": "Résultats au test",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "des personnes ont signalé avoir été testées pour le COVID-19.",
- "Close contacts": "Contacts proches",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "des personnes ont signalé avoir été en contact étroit avec une personne testée positive au COVID-19.",
- "Key figures": "Chiffres clés",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Parmi ceux qui ont déclaré avoir été en contact étroit avec une personne testée positive au COVID-19:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "ont rapporté qu'ils ont éprouvé les deux symptômes les plus courants chez ceux qui sont infectés.",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "ont rapporté qu'ils ont éprouvé les trois symptômes les plus courants chez ceux qui sont infectés.",
- "All submissions": "Toutes les soumissions",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Tous ceux qui ont soumis un rapport ont également:",
- "Total number of reports": "Nombre total de rapports",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Résultats de tests positifs et contact étroit",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Clarification de la base de données",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Des questions sur les contacts étroits ont été ajoutées le 16 mars à 22h30. Certains symptômes ne faisaient pas partie du formulaire depuis le début:",
- "Symptom": "Symptômes",
- "Added to form": "Ajouté au formulaire",
- "In total": "Au total",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "personnes ont signalé qu'elles éprouvaient des symptômes.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Nombre de cas signalés chez des patients infectés par le COVID-19",
- "Number reported": "Nombre de cas reportés",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Avec symptômes",
- "Reports": "Rapports",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "J'accepte de placer un cookie pour pouvoir changer mon état de santé plus tard, par exemple signaler un rétablissement ou une contamination",
+ "I am currently:": "Je suis actuellement",
+ "I currently smoke": "Je suis fumeur",
+ "I have never smoked": "Je n'ai jamais fumé",
+ "I used to smoke": "J'ai été fumeur",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "J'ai noté le lien.",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Si vous utilisez cet ordinateur avec d'autres personnes, veuillez utiliser ce lien pour mettre à jour votre état de santé.",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Si vous souhaitez inscrire quelqu'un d'autre sur cet ordinateur, veuillez enregistrer ou noter votre lien personnel",
+ "Important": "Important",
+ "In close contact with someone who's infected": "En contact étroit avec une personne infectée",
"In close contact with symptoms": "En contact étroit avec quelqu'un ne présentant pas de symptôme",
"In close contact without symptoms": "En contact étroit avec quelqu'un présentant des symptômes",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "En contact étroit avec quelqu'un ayant été testé positif",
- "Tested negative": "Testé négatif",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "Dans le cadre de l'épidémie de COVID-19, de nombreuses personnes ont été testées mais, par manque de ressources, la grande majorité n'a pas été testée. Il y a donc un biais d'estimation de l'étendue réelle de l'épidémie.",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "isolé(e) car vous êtes infecté(e) par le COVID-19",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "isolé(e) en raison d'un récent voyage international",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "isolé(e) car vous êtes ou avez été en contact avec une personne exposée au COVID-19",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "isolé(e) en raison des ordres du gouvernement",
+ "In total": "Au total",
+ "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "En isolement volontaire pour éviter de propager le COVOD-19 ou d'être contaminé",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Infectés / Officiellement testés",
+ "Insight for everyone": "Données accessibles par tous",
+ "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Rejoignez l'un des sourcing participatifs les plus importants ! Quel que soit votre état de santé, remplissez le formulaire ci-dessous - vous nous serez d'une aide précieuse !",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Rejoignez-nous dans cette collecte participative de données !",
+ "Key figures": "Chiffres clés",
+ "Learn more!": "En savoir plus!",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Laissez également vos amis remplir ce formulaire et aidez la France à prendre le contrôle de COVID-19.",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "Perte de l'odorat",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "Perte du goût",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Contribuez au système de santé en renseignant votre état de santé actuel. Ensemble, nous pouvons créer une vue d'ensemble.",
+ "Male": "Homme",
"Map": "Carte",
- "API": "API",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "J'accepte de placer un cookie pour pouvoir changer mon état de santé plus tard, par exemple signaler un rétablissement ou une contamination",
- "required": "obligatoire",
- "recommended": "conseillé",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "Vous trouverez ci-dessous vos informations personnelles sur votre état de santé.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Si vous souhaitez inscrire quelqu'un d'autre sur cet ordinateur, veuillez enregistrer ou noter votre lien personnel",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Vos informations personnelles sur votre état de santé sont effacées de cet ordinateur",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Vous pouvez maintenant utiliser cet ordinateur pour quelqu'un d'autre.",
- "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Nous avons bien enregistré vos données dans un cookie, afin que vous puissiez revenir plus tard et les mettre à jour",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Si vous utilisez cet ordinateur avec d'autres personnes, veuillez utiliser ce lien pour mettre à jour votre état de santé.",
- "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Notez-le quelque part ou enregistrez-le sur votre ordinateur..",
- "The link has been copied.": "Le lien a été copié.",
- "clear this form": "effacer ce formulaire",
- "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
- "To WHO.int": "Ici.",
- "Are you from": "Êtes-vous originaire",
- "France": "de France",
- "Norway": "de Norvège",
- "The Netherlands": "des Pays-Bas",
- "Slovakia": "de Slovaquie",
- "United Kingdom": "d'Angleterre",
"March 16": "16 mars",
"March 17": "17 mars",
"March 23": "23 mars",
- "at": "à",
+ "March 27": "27 mars",
+ "March 28": "28 mars",
+ "Mucus cough": "Toux grasse (muqueuse)",
+ "Muscle pain": "Courbatures",
+ "NB!": "NB!",
"Nausea or vomiting": "Nausées ou vomissements",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Présentez-vous les troubles suivants ?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabète, hypertension, cardiopathie, asthme, maladie pulmonaire chronique, maladie rénale chronique",
- "I am currently:": "Je suis actuellement",
+ "Negative": "Négatif",
+ "No": "Non",
+ "Norway": "de Norvège",
"Not in isolation": "pas isolé(e)",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "isolé(e) en raison d'un récent voyage international",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "isolé(e) car vous êtes ou avez été en contact avec une personne exposée au COVID-19",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Tabagisme",
- "I currently smoke": "Je suis fumeur",
- "I used to smoke": "J'ai été fumeur",
- "I have never smoked": "Je n'ai jamais fumé",
- "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "Quelle est votre température? (Celsius)",
- "This field is optional": "Ce champ est facultatif",
- "Close": "Fermé",
- "Contribute now": "Participer",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Aidez-nous à estimer et prédire la propagation du corona-virus dans votre région",
+ "Number reported": "Nombre de cas reportés",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Nombre de cas signalés chez des patients infectés par le COVID-19",
"Numbers": "Chiffres",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "isolé(e) en raison des ordres du gouvernement",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "isolé(e) car vous êtes infecté(e) par le COVID-19",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Certaines questions ou alternatives n'étaient pas présentes au début:",
- "March 27": "27 mars",
- "March 28": "28 mars",
- "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "En isolement volontaire pour éviter de propager le COVOD-19 ou d'être contaminé",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Parmi ceux qui ont déclaré avoir été en contact étroit avec une personne testée positive au COVID-19:",
+ "One more thing": "Encore une chose",
"Other": "Autre",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Notre déclaration de confidentialité peut être trouvée ici",
+ "Page not found": "Page introuvable",
+ "Positive": "Positif",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Résultats de tests positifs et contact étroit",
+ "Postal code": "Code postal",
+ "Privacy": "Confidentialité",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Politique de confidentialité",
+ "Proceed": "Continuer",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Des questions sur les contacts étroits ont été ajoutées le 16 mars à 22h30. Certains symptômes ne faisaient pas partie du formulaire depuis le début:",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Découvrez comment les données que vous saisissez sont traitées ici !",
+ "Report status by zip code": "Signaler votre état par code postal",
+ "Report your health condition": "Signalez votre état de santé",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Signalez votre état de santé de manière anonyme.",
+ "Reports": "Rapports",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Avec symptômes",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Enregistrez le lien suivant quelque part ou ajoutez-le à vos favoris dans votre navigateur.",
+ "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Sélectionnez uniquement les symptômes que vous avez ressentis. Si vous ne présentez pas de symptôme, ne cochez aucune case.",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "Envoyer un e-mail à",
+ "Share on": "Partager sur",
+ "Shortness of breath": "Essoufflement",
+ "Slovakia": "de Slovaquie",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Certaines questions ou alternatives n'étaient pas présentes au début:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "Quelque chose a l'air d'avoir mal tourné",
+ "Something went wrong!": "Quelque chose a mal tourné !",
+ "Sore throat": "Gorge irritée",
+ "Statistics": "Statistiques",
+ "Stuffy or runny nose": "Rhume",
+ "Submit report": "Soumettre le rapport",
+ "Symptom": "Symptômes",
+ "Symptoms": "Symptômes",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptômes ressentis",
+ "Test results": "Résultats au test",
+ "Tested negative": "Testé négatif",
+ "Tested positive": "Testé positif",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "Tests et symptômes",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "Merci pour votre contribution !",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Nous vous remercions de votre contribution ! Vous pouvez utiliser ce lien pour mettre à jour votre état de santé, si celui-ci change",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "De cette façon, vous pouvez mettre à jour votre rapport si votre état de santé change.",
+ "The Netherlands": "des Pays-Bas",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "Le code du site Web se trouve",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Les données sont ouvertes à tous. Vous pouvez regarder des cartes et des graphiques, ou télécharger les données pour créer vos propres visualisations.",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "Le gouvernement a maintenant lancé son propre système d'auto-évaluation, veuillez l'utiliser à la place.",
+ "The link has been copied": "Le lien a été copié.",
+ "The link has been copied.": "Le lien a été copié.",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "Le lien sur lequel vous avez cliqué a l'air d'être rompu ou la page n'existe plus",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Les marqueurs correspondent aux coordonnées des codes postaux, ils n'ont rien à voir avec les individus.",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "Nous ne connaissons pas (ou mal) la propagation de COVID-19 dans notre pays. Aidez-nous à créer un meilleur aperçu.",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "Le site Web est open source et construit par des bénévoles. N'hésitez pas à nous rejoindre.",
+ "This field is optional": "Ce champ est facultatif",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Ce n'est pas un outil officiel des autorités et, pour plus d'informations sur l'épidémie, nous vous invitons à vous référer aux autorités sanitaires qui auront des informations officielles et à jour.",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Cette page n'est pas affiliée aux autorités.",
"This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "Cette page n'est pas affiliée aux autorités",
- "Learn more!": "En savoir plus!",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "APPEL À TOUS LES CITOYENS FRANÇAIS: C'est ainsi que nous vainquons le virus corona: ensemble, nous rendons visible le virus invisible.",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribuez et partagez {{ hostname }} sur",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Remplissez ce formulaire - cela prend 1 minute - et aidez les États-Unis à prendre le contrôle de COVID-19.",
- "One more thing": "Encore une chose",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Ce site est réalisé avec l'aide de bénévoles. Sans ordre particulier:",
+ "To WHO.int": "Ici.",
"To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "Pour vaincre le virus corona, nous devons rendre visible le virus invisible.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} personnes ont déjà partagé leur état de santé.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Laissez également vos amis remplir ce formulaire et aidez la France à prendre le contrôle de COVID-19."
+ "Total number of reports": "Nombre total de rapports",
+ "Total reports": "Nombre total de rapports",
+ "United Kingdom": "d'Angleterre",
+ "Unreported cases": "Cas non signalés",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Utilisez le lien que vous avez noté précédemment pour mettre à jour votre état de santé",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Grâce à l'auto-évaluation, nous pouvons avoir une meilleure idée du nombre de personnes présentant des symptômes sans risquer d'exposer inutilement le personnel de santé et sans utiliser de tests dont nous manquons. Chez BustByte, aidés par de nombreux bénévoles, nous avons créé cet outil en réponse à",
+ "Waiting for result": "En attente du résultats",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "Nous ne trouvons pas la page ou le service que vous recherchez",
+ "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Nous avons bien enregistré vos données dans un cookie, afin que vous puissiez revenir plus tard et les mettre à jour",
+ "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "Quelle est votre température? (Celsius)",
+ "What was the result?": "Quel a été le résultat ?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "Quand les symptômes ont-ils commencé ?",
+ "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Notez-le quelque part ou enregistrez-le sur votre ordinateur..",
+ "Yes": "Oui",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Vous pouvez maintenant utiliser cet ordinateur pour quelqu'un d'autre.",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Approuvez la déclaration de confidentialité afin de partager vos données.",
+ "Your age": "Votre âge",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Vos informations de santé sont stockées de façon complètement anonyme et ne peuvent pas être utilisées pour vous identifier.",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Vos informations personnelles sur votre état de santé sont effacées de cet ordinateur",
+ "Your state of health": "Votre état de santé",
+ "Zip code": "Code postal",
+ "Zip code information": "Code postal",
+ "and": "et",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "afin de pouvoir estimer le nombre de cas réels.",
+ "at": "à",
+ "clear this form": "effacer ce formulaire",
+ "here": "ici",
+ "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
+ "if you can't get it to work.": "si vous arrivez à le faire marcher.",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "personnes ont signalé qu'elles éprouvaient des symptômes.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "des personnes ont signalé avoir été en contact étroit avec une personne testée positive au COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "des personnes ont signalé avoir été testées pour le COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "des personnes ont signalé avoir été testées positives au COVID-19 et avoir éprouvé des symptômes.",
+ "recommended": "conseillé",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "ont rapporté qu'ils ont éprouvé les trois symptômes les plus courants chez ceux qui sont infectés.",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "ont rapporté qu'ils ont éprouvé les deux symptômes les plus courants chez ceux qui sont infectés.",
+ "required": "obligatoire",
+ "this article": "cet article",
+ "volunteers": "de nombreux volontaires",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.fr",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} personnes ont déjà partagé leur état de santé."
diff --git a/app/locales/it.json b/app/locales/it.json
index 3b626a6f..29d3cd06 100644
--- a/app/locales/it.json
+++ b/app/locales/it.json
@@ -1,195 +1,195 @@
- "Postal code": "Codice postale",
- "Important": "Importante",
- "Page not found": "Pagina non trovata",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "Non troviamo la pagina o il servizio che stai cercando",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "Il link che hai cliccato potrebbe avere dei problemi oppure la pagina non esiste più",
- "Something went wrong!": "Qualcosa è andato storto!",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "Qualcosa deve essere andato storto",
- "Send an e-mail to": "Invia una e-mail a",
- "if you can't get it to work.": "Se non riesci a farlo funzionare.",
+ "#stayindoors": "#iorestoacasa",
+ "#washyourhands": "#lavalemani",
+ "...and others": "...e altri",
+ "API": "API",
+ "About the service": "In merito al servizio",
+ "Added to form": "Aggiunto al form",
+ "All submissions": "Tutte le risposte raccolte",
+ "Are you from": "Sei in",
"Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Prima di procedere annota il seguente link",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Salva il seguente link da qualche parte oppure salvalo sul browser.",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "Aggiorna il modulo se le tue condizioni di salute sono cambiate",
- "I've noted down the link.": "Ho annotato il link.",
- "Proceed": "Finito!",
- "The link has been copied": "Il link è stato copiato.",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "Di seguito le tue informazioni di salute personali.",
+ "Biological gender": "Sesso",
+ "BustByte AS": "BustByte",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "CHIAMATA A TUTTI I CITTADINI ITALIANI: Ecco come sconfiggiamo il virus corona: insieme rendiamo visibile il virus invisibile.",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "Tamponi positivi al COVID-19",
+ "Choose your age": "Indica la tua età",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Fumatore?",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Chiarimenti sulla base dati",
+ "Close": "Chiudi",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Contatto ravvicinato con qualcuno che ha avuto un tampone positivo",
+ "Close contacts": "Contatti ravvicinati",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribuisci e condividi {{hostname}} su",
+ "Contribute anonymously": "Contribuisci in modo anonimo",
+ "Contribute now": "Partecipa anche tu",
+ "Contributors": "Collaboratori",
"Copy": "Copia",
"Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Se non riesci a copiare il link, per favore copialo a mano",
- "Contributors": "Collaboratori",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Questo sito è stato creato con l'aiuto di volontari. In ordine sparso:",
- "...and others": "...e altri",
- "The code for the website can be found": "Il codice della piattaforma si trova",
- "here": "qui",
- "About the service": "In merito al servizio",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "Durante questa epidemia molte persone stanno facendo il tampone ma, a causa della mancanza di tempo o risorse, la stragrande maggioranza della popolazione non ha avuto la possibilità di farlo. Di conseguenza, è possibile che ci siano diverse persone che hanno contratto il Coronavirus ma sono mancanti nei dati ufficiali riguardanti l'epidemia.",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Utilizzando uno strumento di autovalutazione possiamo avere un quadro più dettagliato di quante persone hanno i sintomi senza esporre la salute dei lavoratori a potenziali contaminazioni e senza esaurire i presidi medici necessari. La piattaforma è stata creata originariamente in Norvegia, da una azienda di nome BustByte. A seguito, molti altri volontari si sono uniti per dar vita alle versioni internazionali (tradotte e configurate) della piattaforma. Si è preso spunto ",
- "this article": "da questo articolo norgevese",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "e si è iniziato a sviluppare la piattaforma per raccogliere questi dati.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Questo non è uno strumento ufficiale del Governo e, per ulteriori informazioni riguardo l'epidemia, ti consigliamo di fare riferimento alle autorità sanitarie italiane (o alla Protezione Civile) che hanno sempre informazioni aggiornate e ufficiali",
"Developed by": "Sviluppato open source da",
- "BustByte AS": "BustByte",
- "and": "e",
- "volunteers": "molti volontari",
- "Privacy Policy": "Informativa sulla privacy",
- "Privacy": "Privacy",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "Grazie per il tuo contributo!",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "Il governo ha avviato il proprio sistema di autosegnalazione, per cortesia utilizzalo",
- "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.uk",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabete mellito, Ipertensione, Malattia cardiaca ischemica, Asma, Patologie croniche ai polmoni, Patologie croniche ai reni",
+ "Diarrhea": "Diarrea",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "Scarica i dati come CSV",
+ "Dry cough": "Tosse secca",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Ogni persona che ha inviato una dichiarazione, ha anche:",
+ "Everything is open": "Piattaforma open source ed accessibile",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Sensazione di fatica e di sfinimento",
+ "Female": "Femmina",
+ "Fever": "Febbre",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Compila questo modulo - richiede 1 minuto - e aiuta l'Italia a ottenere il controllo su COVID-19.",
+ "Geography and demography": "Dove sei e chi sei",
"Go to the National health service website": "Vai al sito del servizio sanitario nazionale",
- "Report status by zip code": "Dichiarazioni effettuate per CAP",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "I marcatori corrispondono alle coordinate dei CAP, non hanno nulla a che vedere con le persone che si sono registrate",
- "Healthy": "In salute",
"Has symptoms": "Ha sintomi",
- "Tested positive": "Tampone positivo",
- "Zip code information": "Informazioni sui CAP",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Dai il tuo contributo a tracciare il coronavirus!",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Dai tuo contributo volontario al sistema sanitario e registra subito la tua condizione di salute. Insieme possiamo fare il quadro della situazione.",
- "Share on": "Condividi su",
- "NB!": "Importante!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Questa pagina non è in alcun modo legata alle autorità italiane.",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Leggi qui come vengono elaborati i tuoi dati!",
- "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "Questo sito non è legato alle autorità italiane.",
- "Learn more!": "Scopri di più!",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Utilizza il link che ti eri annotato per aggiornare la tua condizione di salute.",
- "Unreported cases": "Casi non segnalati",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "Non conosciamo la diffusione del COVID-19 nel nostro Paese, aiutaci quindi ad avere un quadro della situazione più dettagliato.",
- "Contribute anonymously": "Contribuisci in modo anonimo",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Segnala anonimamente la tua condizione di salute.",
- "Insight for everyone": "I dati sono disponibili per chiunque",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Tutti i dati sono accessibili a tutti. Guarda le mappe ed i grafici. Oppure scarica i dati e crea la tua visualizzazione.",
- "Everything is open": "Piattaforma open source ed accessibile",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "Il sito è un progetto open source ed è stato creato da volontari. Sentiti libero di dare una mano al progetto!",
- "Total reports": "Totale partecipanti",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Infettato / è stato sottoposto a tampone",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Hai una delle seguenti patologie?",
+ "Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Sei stato a stretto contatto con qualcuno che è risultato positivo al COVID-19?",
+ "Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Hai fatto il tampone per il COVID-19?",
+ "Headache": "Mal di testa",
+ "Healthy": "In salute",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Aiutaci a scoprire e prevedere la diffusione del coronavirus nella tua zona",
+ "How will my data be used?": "Come saranno usati i miei dati?",
+ "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "Consento che i miei dati vengano salvati in accordo alle norme sulla privacy di questo sito",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Se vuoi aggiornare la tua scheda: consenti a salvare un cookie nel mio browser in maniera che io possa aggiornare le mie condizioni di salute più tardi",
+ "I am currently:": "Attualmente",
+ "I currently smoke": "Fumo",
+ "I have never smoked": "Non ho mai fumato",
+ "I used to smoke": "Fumavo tempo fa, ora non più",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "Ho annotato il link.",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Se per caso dovessi usare questo computer con più persone, copia questo link e usalo per aggiornare il tuo stato.",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Se vuoi registrare un'altra persona da questo computer, salva o scriviti da qualche parte il tuo link personale",
+ "Important": "Importante",
"In close contact with someone who's infected": "A stretto contatto con qualcuno che è risultato infetto",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Devi approvare le condizioni di privacy per inserire i tuoi dati.",
- "Your state of health": "Il tuo stato di salute",
- "Report your health condition": "Indica il tuo stato di salute",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Grazie per il tuo contributo! Utilizza questo link se le tue condizioni di salute dovessero cambiare:",
+ "In close contact with symptoms": "In contatto ravvicinato con qualcuno con sintomi",
+ "In close contact without symptoms": "In contatto ravvicinato con qualcuno senza sintomi",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "Durante questa epidemia molte persone stanno facendo il tampone ma, a causa della mancanza di tempo o risorse, la stragrande maggioranza della popolazione non ha avuto la possibilità di farlo. Di conseguenza, è possibile che ci siano diverse persone che hanno contratto il Coronavirus ma sono mancanti nei dati ufficiali riguardanti l'epidemia.",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "In isolamento per infezione da COVID-19 accertata",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "In isolamento dato che son appena rientrato dall'estero",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "In isolamento per contatto con una persona che ha contratto il coronavirus",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "In quarantena per ordine del Governo Italiano",
+ "In total": "In totale",
+ "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "In isolamento volontario per evitare la potenziale diffusione del COVID-19 o di contrarlo",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Infettato / è stato sottoposto a tampone",
+ "Insight for everyone": "I dati sono disponibili per chiunque",
"Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Partecipa alla raccolta dati per tracciare il Coronavirus!
Che tu sia in salute o meno, compila il modulo sottostante, è un'informazione preziosa!I tuoi dati sono completamente anonomizzati!",
- "Geography and demography": "Dove sei e chi sei",
- "Your age": "La tua età",
- "Choose your age": "Indica la tua età",
- "Biological gender": "Sesso",
- "Female": "Femmina",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Dai il tuo contributo a tracciare il coronavirus!",
+ "Key figures": "Dati principali",
+ "Learn more!": "Scopri di più!",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Lascia che anche i tuoi amici compilino questo modulo e aiutano l'Italia a ottenere il controllo di COVID-19.",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "Perdita del senso dell'olfatto",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "Perdita del senso del gusto",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Dai tuo contributo volontario al sistema sanitario e registra subito la tua condizione di salute. Insieme possiamo fare il quadro della situazione.",
"Male": "Maschio",
- "Zip code": "Codice postale / CAP",
- "Testing and symptoms": "Tampone e sintomi",
- "Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Sei stato a stretto contatto con qualcuno che è risultato positivo al COVID-19?",
- "Yes": "Sì",
+ "Map": "Mappa",
+ "March 16": "16 Marzo",
+ "March 17": "17 Marzo",
+ "March 23": "23 Marzo",
+ "March 27": "27 Marzo",
+ "March 28": "28 Marzo",
+ "Mucus cough": "Tosse grassa",
+ "Muscle pain": "Dolore muscolare",
+ "NB!": "Importante!",
+ "Nausea or vomiting": "Nausea o vomito",
+ "Negative": "Negativo",
"No": "No",
+ "Norway": "Norvegia",
+ "Not in isolation": "Non mi trovo in isolamento",
+ "Number reported": "Numero partecipanti",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Numero di pazienti positivi al COVID-19 per sintomo",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Delle persone che sono state in contatto ravvicinato con qualcuno con tampone positivo, hanno:",
+ "One more thing": "Un'altra cosa",
+ "Other": "Altro",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Clicca qui per leggere la nostra privacy policy sul trattamento dei tuoi dati",
+ "Page not found": "Pagina non trovata",
"Positive": "Positivo",
- "Negative": "Negativo",
- "Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Hai fatto il tampone per il COVID-19?",
- "What was the result?": "Che risultato hai ricevuto?",
- "Waiting for result": "In attesa dei risultati",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "Se non hai o non hai avuto sintomi lascia vuota questa sezione.",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Tamponi positivi a contatti ravvicinati",
+ "Postal code": "Codice postale",
+ "Privacy": "Privacy",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Informativa sulla privacy",
+ "Proceed": "Finito!",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Le domande sui contatti ravvicinati son state aggiunte il 16 Marzo alle 22.30. Alcuni sintomi non erano parte dell'indagine dall'inizio.",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Leggi qui come vengono elaborati i tuoi dati!",
+ "Report status by zip code": "Dichiarazioni effettuate per CAP",
+ "Report your health condition": "Indica il tuo stato di salute",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Segnala anonimamente la tua condizione di salute.",
+ "Reports": "Partecipanti totali",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Partecipanti con sintomi",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Salva il seguente link da qualche parte oppure salvalo sul browser.",
"Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Seleziona i sintomi che hai avuto o che hai attualmente (se ne hai avuti)",
- "Dry cough": "Tosse secca",
- "Mucus cough": "Tosse grassa",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Sensazione di fatica e di sfinimento",
- "Fever": "Febbre",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "Invia una e-mail a",
+ "Share on": "Condividi su",
"Shortness of breath": "Affanno",
- "Muscle pain": "Dolore muscolare",
- "Diarrhea": "Diarrea",
- "Headache": "Mal di testa",
+ "Slovakia": "Slovacchia",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Alcune domamdne non erano parte del questionario dall'inizio:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "Qualcosa deve essere andato storto",
+ "Something went wrong!": "Qualcosa è andato storto!",
"Sore throat": "Mal di gola",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "Perdita del senso dell'olfatto",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "Perdita del senso del gusto",
+ "Statistics": "Statistiche",
"Stuffy or runny nose": "Naso chiuso o che cola",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "Quando sono iniziati i sintomi?",
- "How will my data be used?": "Come saranno usati i miei dati?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Sei in completo anonimato. I dati che invii non possono essere usati per rintracciarti.",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Clicca qui per leggere la nostra privacy policy sul trattamento dei tuoi dati",
- "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "Consento che i miei dati vengano salvati in accordo alle norme sulla privacy di questo sito",
"Submit report": "Invia il modulo",
- "Statistics": "Statistiche",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "Scarica i dati come CSV",
- "COVID-19 infected": "Tamponi positivi al COVID-19",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "persone hanno dichiarato di esser risultate positive al COVID-19 e hanno avuto sintomi.",
+ "Symptom": "Sintomo",
"Symptoms": "Sintomi",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "Se non hai o non hai avuto sintomi lascia vuota questa sezione.",
"Test results": "Risultati del test",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "persone hanno dichiarato che sono state sottoposte a tampone per il COVID-19.",
- "Close contacts": "Contatti ravvicinati",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "persone hanno dichiarato di esser state a contatto ravvinato con pazienti con tampone positivo",
- "Key figures": "Dati principali",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Delle persone che sono state in contatto ravvicinato con qualcuno con tampone positivo, hanno:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "dichiarato che che ha avuto i due sintomi più comuni del COVID-19",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "dichiarato che ha avuto i tre sintomi più comuni del COVID-19",
- "All submissions": "Tutte le risposte raccolte",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Ogni persona che ha inviato una dichiarazione, ha anche:",
- "Total number of reports": "Numero totale di partecipanti",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Tamponi positivi a contatti ravvicinati",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Chiarimenti sulla base dati",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Le domande sui contatti ravvicinati son state aggiunte il 16 Marzo alle 22.30. Alcuni sintomi non erano parte dell'indagine dall'inizio.",
- "Symptom": "Sintomo",
- "Added to form": "Aggiunto al form",
- "In total": "In totale",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "persone hanno dichiarato di aver avuto sintomi.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Numero di pazienti positivi al COVID-19 per sintomo",
- "Number reported": "Numero partecipanti",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Partecipanti con sintomi",
- "Reports": "Partecipanti totali",
- "In close contact with symptoms": "In contatto ravvicinato con qualcuno con sintomi",
- "In close contact without symptoms": "In contatto ravvicinato con qualcuno senza sintomi",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Contatto ravvicinato con qualcuno che ha avuto un tampone positivo",
"Tested negative": "Tampone negativo",
- "Map": "Mappa",
- "API": "API",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Se vuoi aggiornare la tua scheda: consenti a salvare un cookie nel mio browser in maniera che io possa aggiornare le mie condizioni di salute più tardi",
- "required": "richiesto",
- "recommended": "consigliato",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "Di seguito le tue informazioni di salute personali.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Se vuoi registrare un'altra persona da questo computer, salva o scriviti da qualche parte il tuo link personale",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Le tue informazioni di salute personali son state cancellate da questo computer.",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Ora puoi usare questo computer per salvare i dati di un'altra persona",
- "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Fatto! Abbiamo salvato i tuoi dati anche sul tuo computer così puoi tornare più tardi ad aggiornarli se dovesse cambiare qualcosa!",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Se per caso dovessi usare questo computer con più persone, copia questo link e usalo per aggiornare il tuo stato.",
- "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Annotalo da qualche parte o salvalo sul tuo computer.",
+ "Tested positive": "Tampone positivo",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "Tampone e sintomi",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "Grazie per il tuo contributo!",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Grazie per il tuo contributo! Utilizza questo link se le tue condizioni di salute dovessero cambiare:",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "Aggiorna il modulo se le tue condizioni di salute sono cambiate",
+ "The Netherlands": "I Paesi Bassi",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "Il codice della piattaforma si trova",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Tutti i dati sono accessibili a tutti. Guarda le mappe ed i grafici. Oppure scarica i dati e crea la tua visualizzazione.",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "Il governo ha avviato il proprio sistema di autosegnalazione, per cortesia utilizzalo",
+ "The link has been copied": "Il link è stato copiato.",
"The link has been copied.": "Link copiato negli appunti!",
- "clear this form": "pulisci il form",
- "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "Il link che hai cliccato potrebbe avere dei problemi oppure la pagina non esiste più",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "I marcatori corrispondono alle coordinate dei CAP, non hanno nulla a che vedere con le persone che si sono registrate",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "Non conosciamo la diffusione del COVID-19 nel nostro Paese, aiutaci quindi ad avere un quadro della situazione più dettagliato.",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "Il sito è un progetto open source ed è stato creato da volontari. Sentiti libero di dare una mano al progetto!",
+ "This field is optional": "Questo campo è opzionale",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Questo non è uno strumento ufficiale del Governo e, per ulteriori informazioni riguardo l'epidemia, ti consigliamo di fare riferimento alle autorità sanitarie italiane (o alla Protezione Civile) che hanno sempre informazioni aggiornate e ufficiali",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Questa pagina non è in alcun modo legata alle autorità italiane.",
+ "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "Questo sito non è legato alle autorità italiane.",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Questo sito è stato creato con l'aiuto di volontari. In ordine sparso:",
"To WHO.int": "oppure sul sito dell'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità - WHO.int",
- "Are you from": "Sei in",
- "Norway": "Norvegia",
- "The Netherlands": "I Paesi Bassi",
- "Slovakia": "Slovacchia",
+ "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "Per sconfiggere il virus corona dobbiamo rendere visibile il virus invisibile.",
+ "Total number of reports": "Numero totale di partecipanti",
+ "Total reports": "Totale partecipanti",
"United Kingdom": "il Regno Unito",
- "March 16": "16 Marzo",
- "March 17": "17 Marzo",
- "March 23": "23 Marzo",
- "at": "a",
- "Nausea or vomiting": "Nausea o vomito",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Hai una delle seguenti patologie?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabete mellito, Ipertensione, Malattia cardiaca ischemica, Asma, Patologie croniche ai polmoni, Patologie croniche ai reni",
- "I am currently:": "Attualmente",
- "Not in isolation": "Non mi trovo in isolamento",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "In isolamento dato che son appena rientrato dall'estero",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "In isolamento per contatto con una persona che ha contratto il coronavirus",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Fumatore?",
- "I currently smoke": "Fumo",
- "I used to smoke": "Fumavo tempo fa, ora non più",
- "I have never smoked": "Non ho mai fumato",
+ "Unreported cases": "Casi non segnalati",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Utilizza il link che ti eri annotato per aggiornare la tua condizione di salute.",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Utilizzando uno strumento di autovalutazione possiamo avere un quadro più dettagliato di quante persone hanno i sintomi senza esporre la salute dei lavoratori a potenziali contaminazioni e senza esaurire i presidi medici necessari. La piattaforma è stata creata originariamente in Norvegia, da una azienda di nome BustByte. A seguito, molti altri volontari si sono uniti per dar vita alle versioni internazionali (tradotte e configurate) della piattaforma. Si è preso spunto ",
+ "Waiting for result": "In attesa dei risultati",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "Non troviamo la pagina o il servizio che stai cercando",
+ "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Fatto! Abbiamo salvato i tuoi dati anche sul tuo computer così puoi tornare più tardi ad aggiornarli se dovesse cambiare qualcosa!",
"What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "Se hai la febbre, qual è la tua temperatura corporea adesso?",
- "This field is optional": "Questo campo è opzionale",
- "Close": "Chiudi",
- "Contribute now": "Partecipa anche tu",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Aiutaci a scoprire e prevedere la diffusione del coronavirus nella tua zona",
- "#washyourhands": "#lavalemani",
- "#stayindoors": "#iorestoacasa",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "In quarantena per ordine del Governo Italiano",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "In isolamento per infezione da COVID-19 accertata",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Alcune domamdne non erano parte del questionario dall'inizio:",
- "March 27": "27 Marzo",
- "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "In isolamento volontario per evitare la potenziale diffusione del COVID-19 o di contrarlo",
- "March 28": "28 Marzo",
- "Other": "Altro",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "CHIAMATA A TUTTI I CITTADINI ITALIANI: Ecco come sconfiggiamo il virus corona: insieme rendiamo visibile il virus invisibile.",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribuisci e condividi {{hostname}} su",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Compila questo modulo - richiede 1 minuto - e aiuta l'Italia a ottenere il controllo su COVID-19.",
- "One more thing": "Un'altra cosa",
- "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "Per sconfiggere il virus corona dobbiamo rendere visibile il virus invisibile.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} persone hanno già condiviso il loro stato di salute.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Lascia che anche i tuoi amici compilino questo modulo e aiutano l'Italia a ottenere il controllo di COVID-19."
+ "What was the result?": "Che risultato hai ricevuto?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "Quando sono iniziati i sintomi?",
+ "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Annotalo da qualche parte o salvalo sul tuo computer.",
+ "Yes": "Sì",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Ora puoi usare questo computer per salvare i dati di un'altra persona",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Devi approvare le condizioni di privacy per inserire i tuoi dati.",
+ "Your age": "La tua età",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Sei in completo anonimato. I dati che invii non possono essere usati per rintracciarti.",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Le tue informazioni di salute personali son state cancellate da questo computer.",
+ "Your state of health": "Il tuo stato di salute",
+ "Zip code": "Codice postale / CAP",
+ "Zip code information": "Informazioni sui CAP",
+ "and": "e",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "e si è iniziato a sviluppare la piattaforma per raccogliere questi dati.",
+ "at": "a",
+ "clear this form": "pulisci il form",
+ "here": "qui",
+ "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
+ "if you can't get it to work.": "Se non riesci a farlo funzionare.",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "persone hanno dichiarato di aver avuto sintomi.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "persone hanno dichiarato di esser state a contatto ravvinato con pazienti con tampone positivo",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "persone hanno dichiarato che sono state sottoposte a tampone per il COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "persone hanno dichiarato di esser risultate positive al COVID-19 e hanno avuto sintomi.",
+ "recommended": "consigliato",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "dichiarato che ha avuto i tre sintomi più comuni del COVID-19",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "dichiarato che che ha avuto i due sintomi più comuni del COVID-19",
+ "required": "richiesto",
+ "this article": "da questo articolo norgevese",
+ "volunteers": "molti volontari",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.uk",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} persone hanno già condiviso il loro stato di salute."
diff --git a/app/locales/nl.json b/app/locales/nl.json
index f8a990d5..641f9b90 100644
--- a/app/locales/nl.json
+++ b/app/locales/nl.json
@@ -1,196 +1,196 @@
- "Postal code": "Postcode",
- "Important": "Belangrijk",
- "Page not found": "Pagina niet gevonden",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "Kan gezochte pagina niet vinden",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "De gebruikte link is misschien stuk of de pagina bestaat niet meer",
- "Something went wrong!": "Er is iets misgegaan!",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "Er moet iets mis zijn gegaan.",
- "Send an e-mail to": "Stuur een e-mail naar",
- "if you can't get it to work.": " als het niet lukt.",
+ "#stayindoors": "#stayhome",
+ "#washyourhands": "#washyourhands",
+ "...and others": "...en anderen",
+ "API": "API",
+ "About the service": "Over de service",
+ "Added to form": "Toegevoegd aan formulier",
+ "All submissions": "Alle ingezonden rapporten",
+ "Are you from": "Kom je uit",
"Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Voordat u verder gaat, sla de onderstaande link op.",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Sla de volgende link ergens op of maak een bladwijzer van de pagina.",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "U kan dan via deze link uw rapportage wijzigen als uw gezondheid verandert.",
- "I've noted down the link.": "Ik heb de link opgeslagen",
- "Proceed": "Verder",
- "The link has been copied": "De link is gekopieerd.",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "Hieronder vindt u uw persoonlijke gezondheidsinformatie.",
+ "Biological gender": "Biologisch geslacht/sekse",
+ "BustByte AS": "BustByte",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "OPROEP AAN ALLE NEDERLANDERS: Zo verslaan we samen het coronavirus: we maken het onzichtbare virus zichtbaar.",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 geïnfecteerden",
+ "Choose your age": "Kies uw leeftijd",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Roken",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Verduidelijkingen gegevensbasis",
+ "Close": "Sluit",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Nauw contact met iemand die positief getest is",
+ "Close contacts": "Nauwe contacten",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Draag bij en deel {{ hostname }} via",
+ "Contribute anonymously": "Anoniem bijdragen",
+ "Contribute now": "Draag nu bij",
+ "Contributors": "Bijdragers",
"Copy": "Kopieer",
"Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Kan de link niet kopiëren. Kopieer alstublieft zelf de link.",
- "Contributors": "Bijdragers",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Deze website is gemaakt met hulp van vrijwilligers. In willekeurige volgorde:",
- "...and others": "...en anderen",
- "The code for the website can be found": "De code van de website vind je",
- "here": "hier",
- "About the service": "Over de service",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "In verband met de uitbraak van COVID-19 zijn veel mensen getest op het virus, maar door een gebrek aan middelen is de overgrote meerderheid niet getest. Er wordt daarom aangenomen dat er missende cijfers zijn in verband met de uitbraak.",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Door zelfrapportage te gebruiken kunen we een beter beeld krijgen van het aantal mensen met symptomen zonder gezondheidswerkers bloot te stellen aan mogelijke besmettingsgevaren en zonder waardevolle apparatuur voor infectiecontrole te gebruiken die al schaars is. Wij bij BustByte, goed geholpen door andere vrijwilligers, hebben deze tool ontwikkeld als reactie op",
- "this article": "dit artikel",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "als een poging om deze cijfers in kaart te brengen.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Dit is dus geen officieel instrument van de autoriteiten en voor de meest recente informatie over de uitbraak verwijzen we naar de officiele website van de RIVM.",
"Developed by": "Ontwikkeld door",
- "BustByte AS": "BustByte",
- "and": "en",
- "volunteers": "vrijwilligers",
- "Privacy Policy": "Privacybeleid",
- "Privacy": "Privacy",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "Bedankt voor uw bijdrage!",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "De overheid heeft haar eigen rapportagesysteem gemaakt en we raden u aan dit te gebruiken.",
- "www.nhs.uk": "rivm.nl",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Suikerziekte (Diabetes mellitus), Hoge bloeddruk (Hypertensie), Ischemische hartziekte, Astma, Chronische longaandoening, Chronische nieraandoening",
+ "Diarrhea": "Diarree",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "Download de dataset in CSV-formaat",
+ "Dry cough": "Droge hoest",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Van alle mensen die hebben gerapporteerd:",
+ "Everything is open": "Alles is open",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Vermoeidheid",
+ "Female": "Vrouw",
+ "Fever": "Koorts",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Vul dit formulier in en help Nederland controle te krijgen over corona.",
+ "Geography and demography": "Demografie en geografie",
"Go to the National health service website": "Ga naar de website van het RIVM",
- "Report status by zip code": "Gerapporteerde status per postcode",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "De weergegeven posities komen overeen met de opgegeven coördinaten per postcode en hebben niets met individuen te maken.",
- "Healthy": "Gezond",
"Has symptoms": "Hebben symptomen",
- "Tested positive": "Positief getest",
- "Zip code information": "Postcode informatie",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Doe mee met Nederland's meest belangrijke crowdsource!",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Doe uw vrijwillige bijdrage aan de gezondheidszorg en registreer nu uw gezondheidstoestand. Samen creëren we een overzicht.",
- "Share on": "Deel op",
- "NB!": "NB!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Deze pagina is momenteel niet gelieerd aan de Nederlandse overheid.",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Lees hier hoe de door u ingevulde gegevens worden verwerkt!",
- "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.":"Deze pagina is niet gelieerd aan de overheid.",
- "Learn more!":"Lees meer!",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Gebruik de door u opgeslagen link om uw veranderde gezondheid door te geven",
- "Unreported cases": "Ongemelde gevallen",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "De verspreiding van COVID-19 in ons land is onbekend. Help ons een beter overzicht te creëren.",
- "Contribute anonymously": "Anoniem bijdragen",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Meld uw gezondheidstoestand anoniem in onderstaand formulier.",
- "Insight for everyone": "Inzichtelijk voor iedereen",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "De gegevens zijn voor iedereen toegankelijk. Bekijk kaarten en grafieken of download de gegevens en voer uw eigen analyse uit.",
- "Everything is open": "Alles is open",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "Deze service is volledig open source en gemaakt door vrijwilligers. Wilt u ook meehelpen? Graag!",
- "Total reports": "Totaal ingezonden",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Geïnfecteerd / is getest",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Bent u gediagnostiseerd met één van de volgende aandoeningen?",
+ "Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Bent u in nauw contact geweest met iemand die positief is getest op COVID-19?",
+ "Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Bent u getest op COVID-19?",
+ "Headache": "Hoofdpijn",
+ "Healthy": "Gezond",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Help ons de verspreiding van het coronavirus te ontdekken en voorspellen in uw omgeving",
+ "How will my data be used?": "Hoe worden mijn gegevens gebruikt?",
+ "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "Ik ga ermee akkoord dat mijn gegevens worden opgeslagen in overeenstemming met de privacyverklaring",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Ik ga ermee akkoord om een cookie te plaatsen, zodat ik later mijn gezondheidstoestand kan veranderen, b.v. herstel / ziek worden te melden",
+ "I am currently:": "Momenteel ben ik",
+ "I currently smoke": "Ik rook",
+ "I have never smoked": "Ik heb nooit gerookt",
+ "I used to smoke": "Ik heb gerookt",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "Ik heb de link opgeslagen",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Als u deze computer met meerdere gebruikers gebruikt, gebruik dan deze link om uw status bij te werken.",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Als u een andere persoon op deze computer wilt registreren, sla u uw persoonlijke link op of noteert u deze",
+ "Important": "Belangrijk",
"In close contact with someone who's infected": "In nauw contact met een geïnfecteerde",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "U moet de privacyverklaring goedkeuren om uw gegevens te melden.",
- "Your state of health": "Uw gezondheidstoestand",
- "Report your health condition": "Meld uw gezondheidstoestand",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Bedankt voor uw inzending! Gebruik deze link als uw gezondheidstoestand verandert:",
+ "In close contact with symptoms": "In nauw contact met symptomen",
+ "In close contact without symptoms": "In nauw contact zonder symptomen",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "In verband met de uitbraak van COVID-19 zijn veel mensen getest op het virus, maar door een gebrek aan middelen is de overgrote meerderheid niet getest. Er wordt daarom aangenomen dat er missende cijfers zijn in verband met de uitbraak.",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "Geïsoleerd vanwege coronabesmetting",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "Geïsoleerd vanwege een recent reisverbod",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "Geïsoleerd vanwege contact met een persoon die aan het coronavirus bloot is gesteld",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "Geïsoleerd vanwege verplichting door de overheid",
+ "In total": "In totaal hebben",
+ "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "Vrijwillige zelfisolatie",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Geïnfecteerd / is getest",
+ "Insight for everyone": "Inzichtelijk voor iedereen",
"Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Doe mee met Nederland's meest belangrijke crowdsource! Zelfs als u gezond bent, hopen we dat u het formulier indient - Ook dat is waardevolle informatie!",
- "Geography and demography": "Demografie en geografie",
- "Your age": "Uw leeftijd",
- "Choose your age": "Kies uw leeftijd",
- "Biological gender": "Biologisch geslacht/sekse",
- "Female": "Vrouw",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Doe mee met Nederland's meest belangrijke crowdsource!",
+ "Key figures": "Kerncijfers",
+ "Learn more!": "Lees meer!",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Laat je vrienden ook dit formulier invullen en help Nederland controle te krijgen over corona.",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "Verlies van reukvermogen",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "Verlies van smaakvermogen",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Doe uw vrijwillige bijdrage aan de gezondheidszorg en registreer nu uw gezondheidstoestand. Samen creëren we een overzicht.",
"Male": "Man",
- "Zip code": "Postcode (zonder letters)",
- "Testing and symptoms": "Testen en symptomen",
- "Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Bent u in nauw contact geweest met iemand die positief is getest op COVID-19?",
- "Yes": "Ja",
+ "Map": "Kaart",
+ "March 16": "16 maart",
+ "March 17": "17 maart",
+ "March 23": "23 maart",
+ "March 27": "27 maart",
+ "March 28": "28 maart",
+ "Mucus cough": "Slijmhoest",
+ "Muscle pain": "Spierpijn",
+ "NB!": "NB!",
+ "Nausea or vomiting": "Misselijkheid of braken",
+ "Negative": "Negatief",
"No": "Nee",
+ "Norway": "Noorwegen",
+ "Not in isolation": "Niet geïsoleerd",
+ "Number reported": "Aantal gemeld",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Aantal gemeld bij met COVID-19 geïnfecteerde patiënten",
+ "Numbers": "Cijfers",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Van degenen die hebben gemeld dat ze in nauw contact staan met een persoon met een COVID-19-infectie, hebben:",
+ "One more thing": "Nog één dingetje",
+ "Other": "Anders / zeg ik liever niet",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Onze privacyverklaring vindt u hier",
+ "Page not found": "Pagina niet gevonden",
"Positive": "Positief",
- "Negative": "Negatief",
- "Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Bent u getest op COVID-19?",
- "What was the result?": "Wat was het testresultaat?",
- "Waiting for result": "In afwachting van resultaat",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptomen die u heeft of hebt gehad",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Positieve testresultaten en nauw contact",
+ "Postal code": "Postcode",
+ "Privacy": "Privacy",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Privacybeleid",
+ "Proceed": "Verder",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Vragen over nauw contact zijn op 16 maart toegevoegd om 10:30. Sommige symptomen zijn later toegevoegd aan het formulier:",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Lees hier hoe de door u ingevulde gegevens worden verwerkt!",
+ "Report status by zip code": "Gerapporteerde status per postcode",
+ "Report your health condition": "Meld uw gezondheidstoestand",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Meld uw gezondheidstoestand anoniem in onderstaand formulier.",
+ "Reports": "Rapporteringen",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Rapporteringen met symptomen",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Sla de volgende link ergens op of maak een bladwijzer van de pagina.",
"Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Selecteer enkel de symptomen die u heeft of hebt gehad",
- "Dry cough": "Droge hoest",
- "Mucus cough": "Slijmhoest",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Vermoeidheid",
- "Fever": "Koorts",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "Stuur een e-mail naar",
+ "Share on": "Deel op",
"Shortness of breath": "Kortademigheid",
- "Muscle pain": "Spierpijn",
- "Diarrhea": "Diarree",
- "Headache": "Hoofdpijn",
+ "Slovakia": "Slowakije",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Sommige vragen en antwoorden zijn later toegevoegd aan het formulier:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "Er moet iets mis zijn gegaan.",
+ "Something went wrong!": "Er is iets misgegaan!",
"Sore throat": "Keelpijn",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "Verlies van reukvermogen",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "Verlies van smaakvermogen",
+ "Statistics": "Statistieken",
"Stuffy or runny nose": "Verstopte neus of loopneus",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "Wanneer zijn de symptomen begonnen?",
- "How will my data be used?": "Hoe worden mijn gegevens gebruikt?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Uw gezondheidsinformatie wordt anoniem opgeslagen en kan niet aan u worden gekoppeld.",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Onze privacyverklaring vindt u hier",
- "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "Ik ga ermee akkoord dat mijn gegevens worden opgeslagen in overeenstemming met de privacyverklaring",
"Submit report": "Rapport indienen",
- "In total": "In totaal hebben",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "mensen symptomen gemeld.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Aantal gemeld bij met COVID-19 geïnfecteerde patiënten",
- "Number reported": "Aantal gemeld",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Rapporteringen met symptomen",
- "Reports": "Rapporteringen",
- "In close contact with symptoms": "In nauw contact met symptomen",
- "In close contact without symptoms": "In nauw contact zonder symptomen",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Nauw contact met iemand die positief getest is",
- "Tested negative": "Negatief getest",
- "Map": "Kaart",
- "API": "API",
- "Statistics": "Statistieken",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "Download de dataset in CSV-formaat",
- "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 geïnfecteerden",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "mensen gemeld dat ze positief zijn getest op COVID-19 en symptomen hebben.",
+ "Symptom": "Symptoom",
"Symptoms": "Symptomen",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptomen die u heeft of hebt gehad",
"Test results": "Testresultaten",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "mensen gemeld dat ze zijn getest op COVID-19.",
- "Close contacts": "Nauwe contacten",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "mensen gemeld dat ze nauw contact hebben gehad met een persoon die positief is getest op COVID-19.",
- "Key figures": "Kerncijfers",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Van degenen die hebben gemeld dat ze in nauw contact staan met een persoon met een COVID-19-infectie, hebben:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "gemeld dat ze de twee meest voorkomende symptomen hebben die geïnfecteerde mensen hebben.",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "gemeld dat ze de drie meest voorkomende symptomen hebben die geïnfecteerde mensen hebben.",
- "All submissions": "Alle ingezonden rapporten",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Van alle mensen die hebben gerapporteerd:",
+ "Tested negative": "Negatief getest",
+ "Tested positive": "Positief getest",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "Testen en symptomen",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "Bedankt voor uw bijdrage!",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Bedankt voor uw inzending! Gebruik deze link als uw gezondheidstoestand verandert:",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "U kan dan via deze link uw rapportage wijzigen als uw gezondheid verandert.",
+ "The Netherlands": "Nederland",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "De code van de website vind je",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "De gegevens zijn voor iedereen toegankelijk. Bekijk kaarten en grafieken of download de gegevens en voer uw eigen analyse uit.",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "De overheid heeft haar eigen rapportagesysteem gemaakt en we raden u aan dit te gebruiken.",
+ "The link has been copied": "De link is gekopieerd.",
+ "The link has been copied.": "De link is gekopieerd.",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "De gebruikte link is misschien stuk of de pagina bestaat niet meer",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "De weergegeven posities komen overeen met de opgegeven coördinaten per postcode en hebben niets met individuen te maken.",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "De verspreiding van COVID-19 in ons land is onbekend. Help ons een beter overzicht te creëren.",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "Deze service is volledig open source en gemaakt door vrijwilligers. Wilt u ook meehelpen? Graag!",
+ "This field is optional": "Dit veld is optioneel",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Dit is dus geen officieel instrument van de autoriteiten en voor de meest recente informatie over de uitbraak verwijzen we naar de officiele website van de RIVM.",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Deze pagina is momenteel niet gelieerd aan de Nederlandse overheid.",
+ "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "Deze pagina is niet gelieerd aan de overheid.",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Deze website is gemaakt met hulp van vrijwilligers. In willekeurige volgorde:",
+ "To WHO.int": "naar rivm.nl",
+ "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "Om het coronavirus te verslaan moeten we het onzichtbare virus zichtbaar maken.",
"Total number of reports": "Totaal aantal meldingen",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Positieve testresultaten en nauw contact",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Verduidelijkingen gegevensbasis",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Vragen over nauw contact zijn op 16 maart toegevoegd om 10:30. Sommige symptomen zijn later toegevoegd aan het formulier:",
- "Symptom": "Symptoom",
- "Added to form": "Toegevoegd aan formulier",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Ik ga ermee akkoord om een cookie te plaatsen, zodat ik later mijn gezondheidstoestand kan veranderen, b.v. herstel / ziek worden te melden",
- "required": "verplicht",
- "recommended": "aanbevolen",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "Hieronder vindt u uw persoonlijke gezondheidsinformatie.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Als u een andere persoon op deze computer wilt registreren, sla u uw persoonlijke link op of noteert u deze",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Uw persoonlijke gezondheidsinformatie is van deze computer gewist.",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Je kunt deze computer nu gebruiken voor een andere gebruiker.",
+ "Total reports": "Totaal ingezonden",
+ "United Kingdom": "Verenigd Koninkrijk",
+ "Unreported cases": "Ongemelde gevallen",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Gebruik de door u opgeslagen link om uw veranderde gezondheid door te geven",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Door zelfrapportage te gebruiken kunen we een beter beeld krijgen van het aantal mensen met symptomen zonder gezondheidswerkers bloot te stellen aan mogelijke besmettingsgevaren en zonder waardevolle apparatuur voor infectiecontrole te gebruiken die al schaars is. Wij bij BustByte, goed geholpen door andere vrijwilligers, hebben deze tool ontwikkeld als reactie op",
+ "Waiting for result": "In afwachting van resultaat",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "Kan gezochte pagina niet vinden",
"We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "We hebben uw gegevens in een cookie opgeslagen, dus kom later terug om uw status bij te werken",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Als u deze computer met meerdere gebruikers gebruikt, gebruik dan deze link om uw status bij te werken.",
+ "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "Wat is uw huidige lichaamstemperatuur? (Celsius)",
+ "What was the result?": "Wat was het testresultaat?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "Wanneer zijn de symptomen begonnen?",
"Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Schrijf het ergens op of bewaar het op uw computer.",
- "The link has been copied.": "De link is gekopieerd.",
+ "Yes": "Ja",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Je kunt deze computer nu gebruiken voor een andere gebruiker.",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "U moet de privacyverklaring goedkeuren om uw gegevens te melden.",
+ "Your age": "Uw leeftijd",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Uw gezondheidsinformatie wordt anoniem opgeslagen en kan niet aan u worden gekoppeld.",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Uw persoonlijke gezondheidsinformatie is van deze computer gewist.",
+ "Your state of health": "Uw gezondheidstoestand",
+ "Zip code": "Postcode (zonder letters)",
+ "Zip code information": "Postcode informatie",
+ "and": "en",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "als een poging om deze cijfers in kaart te brengen.",
+ "at": "om",
"clear this form": "dit formulier wissen",
- "Are you from": "Kom je uit",
- "Norway": "Noorwegen",
- "The Netherlands": "Nederland",
- "Slovakia": "Slowakije",
- "United Kingdom": "Verenigd Koninkrijk",
+ "here": "hier",
"https://who.int": "https://rivm.nl",
- "To WHO.int": "naar rivm.nl",
- "March 16": "16 maart",
- "March 17": "17 maart",
- "March 23": "23 maart",
- "at": "om",
- "Nausea or vomiting": "Misselijkheid of braken",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Bent u gediagnostiseerd met één van de volgende aandoeningen?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Suikerziekte (Diabetes mellitus), Hoge bloeddruk (Hypertensie), Ischemische hartziekte, Astma, Chronische longaandoening, Chronische nieraandoening",
- "I am currently:": "Momenteel ben ik",
- "Not in isolation": "Niet geïsoleerd",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "Geïsoleerd vanwege een recent reisverbod",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "Geïsoleerd vanwege contact met een persoon die aan het coronavirus bloot is gesteld",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Roken",
- "I currently smoke": "Ik rook",
- "I used to smoke": "Ik heb gerookt",
- "I have never smoked": "Ik heb nooit gerookt",
- "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "Wat is uw huidige lichaamstemperatuur? (Celsius)",
- "This field is optional": "Dit veld is optioneel",
- "Close": "Sluit",
- "Contribute now": "Draag nu bij",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Help ons de verspreiding van het coronavirus te ontdekken en voorspellen in uw omgeving",
- "Numbers": "Cijfers",
- "#washyourhands": "#washyourhands",
- "#stayindoors": "#stayhome",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "Geïsoleerd vanwege verplichting door de overheid",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "Geïsoleerd vanwege coronabesmetting",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Sommige vragen en antwoorden zijn later toegevoegd aan het formulier:",
- "March 27": "27 maart",
- "March 28": "28 maart",
- "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "Vrijwillige zelfisolatie",
- "Other": "Anders / zeg ik liever niet",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "OPROEP AAN ALLE NEDERLANDERS: Zo verslaan we samen het coronavirus: we maken het onzichtbare virus zichtbaar.",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Draag bij en deel {{ hostname }} via",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Vul dit formulier in en help Nederland controle te krijgen over corona.",
- "One more thing": "Nog één dingetje",
- "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "Om het coronavirus te verslaan moeten we het onzichtbare virus zichtbaar maken.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "Al {{ amount }} mensen hebben hun gezondheidsstatus ingevuld.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Laat je vrienden ook dit formulier invullen en help Nederland controle te krijgen over corona."
+ "if you can't get it to work.": " als het niet lukt.",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "mensen symptomen gemeld.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "mensen gemeld dat ze nauw contact hebben gehad met een persoon die positief is getest op COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "mensen gemeld dat ze zijn getest op COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "mensen gemeld dat ze positief zijn getest op COVID-19 en symptomen hebben.",
+ "recommended": "aanbevolen",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "gemeld dat ze de drie meest voorkomende symptomen hebben die geïnfecteerde mensen hebben.",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "gemeld dat ze de twee meest voorkomende symptomen hebben die geïnfecteerde mensen hebben.",
+ "required": "verplicht",
+ "this article": "dit artikel",
+ "volunteers": "vrijwilligers",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "rivm.nl",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "Al {{ amount }} mensen hebben hun gezondheidsstatus ingevuld."
diff --git a/app/locales/no.json b/app/locales/no.json
index 62607852..42f1c111 100644
--- a/app/locales/no.json
+++ b/app/locales/no.json
@@ -1,197 +1,197 @@
- "Postal code": "Postkode",
- "Important": "Viktig",
- "Page not found": "Finner ikke siden",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "Vi kan ikke finne siden eller tjenesten du etterspør",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "Koblingen du klikket kan være ødelagt, eller siden kan ha blitt fjernet.",
- "Something went wrong!": "Noe gikk galt!",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "Her har det skjedd noe galt.",
- "Send an e-mail to": "Send en mail til",
- "if you can't get it to work.": " hvis du ikke finner løsningen på problemet.",
+ "#stayindoors": "#stayhome",
+ "#washyourhands": "#washyourhands",
+ "...and others": "...og flere",
+ "API": "API",
+ "About the service": "Om tjenesten",
+ "Added to form": "Lagt til i skjema",
+ "All submissions": "Alle innrapporterte",
+ "Are you from": "Er du fra",
"Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Før du går videre må du ta vare på følgende lenke",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Lagre den følgende lenken et sted, eller opprett et bokmerke til siden.",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "Da kan du gå inn og endre din helsetilstand dersom den endrer seg.",
- "I've noted down the link.": "Jeg har tatt vare på lenken",
- "Proceed": "Gå videre",
- "The link has been copied": "Linken er kopiert.",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "Nedenfor er din personlig helsetilstand.",
+ "Biological gender": "Biologisk kjønn",
+ "BustByte AS": "BustByte AS",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "BLI MED PÅ NORGES STØRSTE DUGNAD: Sammen synliggjør vi det usynlige viruset.",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19-smittede",
+ "Choose your age": "Velg din alder",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Røykevaner",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Avklaringer datagrunnlag",
+ "Close": "Lukk",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Nærkontakt med noen som har testet positivt",
+ "Close contacts": "Nærkontakter",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Bidra ved å dele {{ hostname }} på",
+ "Contribute anonymously": "Bidra anonymt",
+ "Contribute now": "Bidra nå",
+ "Contributors": "Bidragsytere",
"Copy": "Kopier",
"Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Klarte ikke å kopiere linke til utklippstavlen. Skriv ned linken selv.",
- "Contributors": "Bidragsytere",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Denne nettsiden er laget med god hjelp fra frivillige. I tilfeldig rekkefølge:",
- "...and others": "...og flere",
- "The code for the website can be found": "Koden for nettsiden finnes",
- "here": "her",
- "About the service": "Om tjenesten",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "I forbindelse med utbruddet av Covid-19 har mange nordmenn blitt testet for viruset, men grunnet ressursmangler har det overveldende flertallet ikke blitt testet. Det er derfor antatt at det er store mørketall her i Norge forbindelse med utbruddet.",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Ved hjelp av egenrapport kan du få et bedre bilde av hvor mange som har symptomer uten å utsette helsearbeidere for potensielle forurensningsfare og uten å bruke opp verdifullt infeksjonskontrollutstyr som allerede er mangelvare. Vi i BustByte, godt hjulpet av andre frivillige, har laget dette verktøyet som svar på ",
- "this article": "denne artikkelen",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "som et forsøk på å kartlegge disse tallene.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Dette er dermed ikke et offisielt verktøy fra myndighetene, og for mer informasjon rundt utbruddet henviser vi til FHI som alltid har oppdatert informasjon.",
"Developed by": "Utviklet av",
- "BustByte AS": "BustByte AS",
- "and": "og",
- "volunteers": "frivillige",
- "Privacy Policy": "Personvernerklæring",
- "Privacy": "Personvern",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "Takk for ditt engasjement!",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "Helsemyndighetene har nå opprettet sitt eget rapporteringssystem, og vi anbefaler at du heller benytter det.",
- "www.nhs.uk": "https://helsenorge.no/koronavirus/koronasmitte",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes, høyt blodtrykk, hjertesykdom, astma, lungesykdom, nyresykdom",
+ "Diarrhea": "Diaré",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "Last ned datasett som CSV",
+ "Dry cough": "Tørrhoste",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Av alle som har rapportert, har:",
+ "Everything is open": "Alt er åpent",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Slitenhet eller utmattelse",
+ "Female": "Kvinne",
+ "Fever": "Feber",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Bruk 1 minutt på å fylle ut skjemaet og bidra til å kartlegge mørketallene for COVID-19 i Norge.",
+ "Geography and demography": "Demografi og geografi",
"Go to the National health service website": "Til helsenorge.no",
- "Report status by zip code": "Rapportert status per postnummer",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Posisjonene vist samsvarer med gitte koordinater per postnummer, og har ingenting med enkeltpersoner og gjøre.",
- "Healthy": "Frisk",
"Has symptoms": "Har symptomer",
- "Tested positive": "Testet positivt",
- "Zip code information": "Postnummerinfo ",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Bli med på Norges største dugnad!",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Gi ditt frivillige bidrag til helsevesenet og registrer din helsetilstand nå. Sammen skaper vi oversikt.",
- "Share on": "Share on",
- "NB!": "NB!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Denne siden er p.t. ikke tilknyttet FHI eller norske myndigheter på noen måte.",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Les hvordan dataen du oppgir blir behandlet her!",
- "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.":"Denne siden er ikke tilknyttet myndighetene.",
- "Learn more!":"Les mer!",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Bruk lenken du noterte deg sist for å endre din helsetilstand.",
- "Unreported cases": "Store mørketall",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "Spredningen av COVID-19 i landet vårt er ukjent. Hjelp oss med å skape en bedre oversikt.",
- "Contribute anonymously": "Bidra anonymt",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Rapporter din helsetilstand anonymt i skjemaet under.",
- "Insight for everyone": "Innsikt til alle",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Dataene er åpne for alle. Se kart og grafer, eller last ned dataene og gjør dine egne analyser.",
- "Everything is open": "Alt er åpent",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "Tjenesten er åpen kildekode og laget i dugnadsånd. Du kan bidra i utviklingen.",
- "Total reports": "Totalt innsendte",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Smittede / har blitt testet",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Har du blitt diagnostisert med noen av disse sykdommene?",
+ "Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Har du vært i nærkontakt med noen som har testet positivt på COVID-19?",
+ "Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Har du blitt testet for COVID-19?",
+ "Headache": "Hodepine",
+ "Healthy": "Frisk",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Hjelp oss å avdekke og forutsi koronautbredelsen i ditt område",
+ "How will my data be used?": "Hvordan blir dataene mine brukt?",
+ "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "Jeg godtar at mine data lagres i henhold til personvernerklæringen",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Jeg godtar at dere husker nettleseren min til neste gang jeg ønsker å oppdatere helsetilstanden min",
+ "I am currently:": "Jeg er for tiden",
+ "I currently smoke": "Jeg røyker",
+ "I have never smoked": "Jeg har aldri røyket",
+ "I used to smoke": "Jeg røyket tidligere",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "Jeg har tatt vare på lenken",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Bruk den følgende lenken hvis du ønsker å rapportere helsetilstanden til flere enn deg selv på denne datamaskinen.",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Noter deg din personlige lenke dersom du ønsker å rapportere en annen person sin helsetilstand på denne datamaskinen",
+ "Important": "Viktig",
"In close contact with someone who's infected": "I nærkontakt med smittet",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Du må godkjenne personvernerklæringen for å rapportere dine data.",
- "Your state of health": "Din helsetilstand",
- "Report your health condition": "Rapporter din helsetilstand",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Takk for ditt svar! Benytt denne lenken hvis helsetilstanden din endrer seg:",
+ "In close contact with symptoms": "I nærkontakt med symptomer",
+ "In close contact without symptoms": "I nærkontakt uten symptomer",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "I forbindelse med utbruddet av Covid-19 har mange nordmenn blitt testet for viruset, men grunnet ressursmangler har det overveldende flertallet ikke blitt testet. Det er derfor antatt at det er store mørketall her i Norge forbindelse med utbruddet.",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "I karantene på grunn av COVID-19-infeksjon",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "I karantene pga nylig reise internasjonalt",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "I karantene pga kontakt med en smittet person eller en person som har reist internasjonalt",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "I karantene pålagt av myndighetene",
+ "In total": "Totalt har",
+ "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "I frivillig isolasjon for å potensielt unngå å spre eller bli smittet av COVID-19",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Smittede / har blitt testet",
+ "Insight for everyone": "Innsikt til alle",
"Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Bli med på Norges viktigste dugnad! Selv om du er frisk håper vi du sender inn skjemaet – det er også verdifull informasjon!",
- "Geography and demography": "Demografi og geografi",
- "Your age": "Din alder",
- "Choose your age": "Velg din alder",
- "Biological gender": "Biologisk kjønn",
- "Female": "Kvinne",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Bli med på Norges største dugnad!",
+ "Key figures": "Nøkkeltall",
+ "Learn more!": "Les mer!",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Bidra til å kartlegge mørketallene for COVID-19 i Norge ved å invitere vennene dine til å fylle ut dette skjemaet.",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "Tap av luktesans",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "Tap av smakssans",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Gi ditt frivillige bidrag til helsevesenet og registrer din helsetilstand nå. Sammen skaper vi oversikt.",
"Male": "Mann",
- "Zip code": "Postnummer",
- "Testing and symptoms": "Testing og symptomer",
- "Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Har du vært i nærkontakt med noen som har testet positivt på COVID-19?",
- "Yes": "Ja",
+ "Map": "Kart",
+ "March 16": "16. mars",
+ "March 17": "17. mars",
+ "March 23": "23. mars",
+ "March 27": "27. mars",
+ "March 28": "28. mars",
+ "Mucus cough": "Slimhoste",
+ "Muscle pain": "Muskelsmerter",
+ "NB!": "NB!",
+ "Nausea or vomiting": "Kvalme eller oppkast",
+ "Negative": "Negativt",
+ "Netherlands": "Nederland",
"No": "Nei",
+ "Norway": "Norge",
+ "Not in isolation": "Ikke i karantene",
+ "Number reported": "Antall rapportert",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Antall rapportert hos påvist covid-19-smittede",
+ "Numbers": "Tall",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Av de som har rapportert at de har hatt nærkontakt med en person med påvist COVID-19-smitte, har:",
+ "One more thing": "En ting til",
+ "Other": "Annet / ønsker ikke å oppgi",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Vår personvernerklæring finner du her",
+ "Page not found": "Finner ikke siden",
"Positive": "Positivt",
- "Negative": "Negativt",
- "Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Har du blitt testet for COVID-19?",
- "What was the result?": "Hva var svaret på testen?",
- "Waiting for result": "Venter på svar",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptomer du har hatt",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Positive testresultater og nærkontakt",
+ "Postal code": "Postkode",
+ "Privacy": "Personvern",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Personvernerklæring",
+ "Proceed": "Gå videre",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Spørsmål om nærkontakt ble lagt til 16. mars kl. 22:30. Noen symptomer var ikke en del av skjema fra starten av:",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Les hvordan dataen du oppgir blir behandlet her!",
+ "Report status by zip code": "Rapportert status per postnummer",
+ "Report your health condition": "Rapporter din helsetilstand",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Rapporter din helsetilstand anonymt i skjemaet under.",
+ "Reports": "Rapporteringer",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Rapporteringer med symptomer",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Lagre den følgende lenken et sted, eller opprett et bokmerke til siden.",
"Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Ikke velg noen dersom du ikke har hatt symptomer",
- "Dry cough": "Tørrhoste",
- "Mucus cough": "Slimhoste",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Slitenhet eller utmattelse",
- "Fever": "Feber",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "Send en mail til",
+ "Share on": "Share on",
"Shortness of breath": "Tung pust",
- "Muscle pain": "Muskelsmerter",
- "Diarrhea": "Diaré",
- "Headache": "Hodepine",
+ "Slovakia": "Slovakia",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Noen spørsmål og svaralternativer har kommet til etter hvert:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "Her har det skjedd noe galt.",
+ "Something went wrong!": "Noe gikk galt!",
"Sore throat": "Vondt i halsen",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "Tap av luktesans",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "Tap av smakssans",
+ "Statistics": "Statistikk",
"Stuffy or runny nose": "Tett eller rennende nese",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "Når startet symptomene?",
- "How will my data be used?": "Hvordan blir dataene mine brukt?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Dine helseopplysninger blir lagret anonymisert, og kan ikke kobles til deg.",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Vår personvernerklæring finner du her",
- "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "Jeg godtar at mine data lagres i henhold til personvernerklæringen",
"Submit report": "Send inn rapportering",
- "Statistics": "Statistikk",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "Last ned datasett som CSV",
- "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19-smittede",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "personer rapportert at de har testet positivt på COVID-19 og har symptomer.",
+ "Symptom": "Symptom",
"Symptoms": "Symptomer",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptomer du har hatt",
"Test results": "Testresultater",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "personer rapportert at de har testet seg for COVID-19.",
- "Close contacts": "Nærkontakter",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "personer rapportert at de har hatt nærkontakt med en person som har testet positivt på COVID-19.",
- "Key figures": "Nøkkeltall",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Av de som har rapportert at de har hatt nærkontakt med en person med påvist COVID-19-smitte, har:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "rapportert at de har de to vanligste symptomene som smittede har.",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "rapportert at de har de tre vanligste symptomene som smittede har.",
- "All submissions": "Alle innrapporterte",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Av alle som har rapportert, har:",
- "Total number of reports": "Antall rapporteringer",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Positive testresultater og nærkontakt",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Avklaringer datagrunnlag",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Spørsmål om nærkontakt ble lagt til 16. mars kl. 22:30. Noen symptomer var ikke en del av skjema fra starten av:",
- "Symptom": "Symptom",
- "Added to form": "Lagt til i skjema",
- "In total": "Totalt har",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "personer rapportert at de opplever symptomer.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Antall rapportert hos påvist covid-19-smittede",
- "Number reported": "Antall rapportert",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Rapporteringer med symptomer",
- "Reports": "Rapporteringer",
- "In close contact with symptoms": "I nærkontakt med symptomer",
- "In close contact without symptoms": "I nærkontakt uten symptomer",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Nærkontakt med noen som har testet positivt",
"Tested negative": "Testet negativt",
- "Map": "Kart",
- "API": "API",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Jeg godtar at dere husker nettleseren min til neste gang jeg ønsker å oppdatere helsetilstanden min",
- "required": "påkrevd",
- "recommended": "anbefalt",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "Nedenfor er din personlig helsetilstand.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Noter deg din personlige lenke dersom du ønsker å rapportere en annen person sin helsetilstand på denne datamaskinen",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Din personlig helsetilstand er nå fjernet fra denne datamaskinen.",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Du kan nå bruke denne datamaskinen til å rapportere inn helsetilstanden til en annen person.",
- "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Vi husker deg til neste gang du ønsker å oppdatere din helsetilstand",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Bruk den følgende lenken hvis du ønsker å rapportere helsetilstanden til flere enn deg selv på denne datamaskinen.",
- "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Noter ned lenken et sted, eller lagre den på datamaskinen din.",
- "The link has been copied.": "Lenken har blitt kopiert.",
- "clear this form": "tøm alle feltene i skjemaet",
- "Are you from": "Er du fra",
- "Norway": "Norge",
+ "Tested positive": "Testet positivt",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "Testing og symptomer",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "Takk for ditt engasjement!",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Takk for ditt svar! Benytt denne lenken hvis helsetilstanden din endrer seg:",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "Da kan du gå inn og endre din helsetilstand dersom den endrer seg.",
"The Netherlands": "Nederland",
- "Slovakia": "Slovakia",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "Koden for nettsiden finnes",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Dataene er åpne for alle. Se kart og grafer, eller last ned dataene og gjør dine egne analyser.",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "Helsemyndighetene har nå opprettet sitt eget rapporteringssystem, og vi anbefaler at du heller benytter det.",
+ "The link has been copied": "Linken er kopiert.",
+ "The link has been copied.": "Lenken har blitt kopiert.",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "Koblingen du klikket kan være ødelagt, eller siden kan ha blitt fjernet.",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Posisjonene vist samsvarer med gitte koordinater per postnummer, og har ingenting med enkeltpersoner og gjøre.",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "Spredningen av COVID-19 i landet vårt er ukjent. Hjelp oss med å skape en bedre oversikt.",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "Tjenesten er åpen kildekode og laget i dugnadsånd. Du kan bidra i utviklingen.",
+ "This field is optional": "Dette feltet er valgfritt",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Dette er dermed ikke et offisielt verktøy fra myndighetene, og for mer informasjon rundt utbruddet henviser vi til FHI som alltid har oppdatert informasjon.",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Denne siden er p.t. ikke tilknyttet FHI eller norske myndigheter på noen måte.",
+ "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "Denne siden er ikke tilknyttet myndighetene.",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Denne nettsiden er laget med god hjelp fra frivillige. I tilfeldig rekkefølge:",
+ "To WHO.int": "Til fhi.no",
+ "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "For å beseire koronaviruset trenger vi å synliggjøre det usynlige viruset.",
+ "Total number of reports": "Antall rapporteringer",
+ "Total reports": "Totalt innsendte",
"United Kingdom": "Storbritannia",
- "March 16": "16. mars",
- "March 17": "17. mars",
- "March 23": "23. mars",
+ "Unreported cases": "Store mørketall",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Bruk lenken du noterte deg sist for å endre din helsetilstand.",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Ved hjelp av egenrapport kan du få et bedre bilde av hvor mange som har symptomer uten å utsette helsearbeidere for potensielle forurensningsfare og uten å bruke opp verdifullt infeksjonskontrollutstyr som allerede er mangelvare. Vi i BustByte, godt hjulpet av andre frivillige, har laget dette verktøyet som svar på ",
+ "Waiting for result": "Venter på svar",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "Vi kan ikke finne siden eller tjenesten du etterspør",
+ "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Vi husker deg til neste gang du ønsker å oppdatere din helsetilstand",
+ "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "Hva er din kroppstemperatur i Celsius?",
+ "What was the result?": "Hva var svaret på testen?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "Når startet symptomene?",
+ "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Noter ned lenken et sted, eller lagre den på datamaskinen din.",
+ "Yes": "Ja",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Du kan nå bruke denne datamaskinen til å rapportere inn helsetilstanden til en annen person.",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Du må godkjenne personvernerklæringen for å rapportere dine data.",
+ "Your age": "Din alder",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Dine helseopplysninger blir lagret anonymisert, og kan ikke kobles til deg.",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Din personlig helsetilstand er nå fjernet fra denne datamaskinen.",
+ "Your state of health": "Din helsetilstand",
+ "Zip code": "Postnummer",
+ "Zip code information": "Postnummerinfo ",
+ "and": "og",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "som et forsøk på å kartlegge disse tallene.",
"at": "kl.",
+ "clear this form": "tøm alle feltene i skjemaet",
+ "here": "her",
"https://who.int": "https://fhi.no",
- "To WHO.int": "Til fhi.no",
- "Netherlands": "Nederland",
- "Nausea or vomiting": "Kvalme eller oppkast",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Har du blitt diagnostisert med noen av disse sykdommene?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes, høyt blodtrykk, hjertesykdom, astma, lungesykdom, nyresykdom",
- "I am currently:": "Jeg er for tiden",
- "Not in isolation": "Ikke i karantene",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "I karantene pga nylig reise internasjonalt",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "I karantene pga kontakt med en smittet person eller en person som har reist internasjonalt",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Røykevaner",
- "I currently smoke": "Jeg røyker",
- "I used to smoke": "Jeg røyket tidligere",
- "I have never smoked": "Jeg har aldri røyket",
- "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "Hva er din kroppstemperatur i Celsius?",
- "This field is optional": "Dette feltet er valgfritt",
- "Close": "Lukk",
- "Contribute now": "Bidra nå",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Hjelp oss å avdekke og forutsi koronautbredelsen i ditt område",
- "Numbers": "Tall",
- "#washyourhands": "#washyourhands",
- "#stayindoors": "#stayhome",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "I karantene pålagt av myndighetene",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "I karantene på grunn av COVID-19-infeksjon",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Noen spørsmål og svaralternativer har kommet til etter hvert:",
- "March 27": "27. mars",
- "March 28": "28. mars",
- "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "I frivillig isolasjon for å potensielt unngå å spre eller bli smittet av COVID-19",
- "Other": "Annet / ønsker ikke å oppgi",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "BLI MED PÅ NORGES STØRSTE DUGNAD: Sammen synliggjør vi det usynlige viruset.",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Bidra ved å dele {{ hostname }} på",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Bruk 1 minutt på å fylle ut skjemaet og bidra til å kartlegge mørketallene for COVID-19 i Norge.",
- "One more thing": "En ting til",
- "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "For å beseire koronaviruset trenger vi å synliggjøre det usynlige viruset.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} personer har allerede delt helsetilstanden sin.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Bidra til å kartlegge mørketallene for COVID-19 i Norge ved å invitere vennene dine til å fylle ut dette skjemaet."
+ "if you can't get it to work.": " hvis du ikke finner løsningen på problemet.",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "personer rapportert at de opplever symptomer.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "personer rapportert at de har hatt nærkontakt med en person som har testet positivt på COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "personer rapportert at de har testet seg for COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "personer rapportert at de har testet positivt på COVID-19 og har symptomer.",
+ "recommended": "anbefalt",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "rapportert at de har de tre vanligste symptomene som smittede har.",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "rapportert at de har de to vanligste symptomene som smittede har.",
+ "required": "påkrevd",
+ "this article": "denne artikkelen",
+ "volunteers": "frivillige",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "https://helsenorge.no/koronavirus/koronasmitte",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} personer har allerede delt helsetilstanden sin."
diff --git a/app/locales/pt-BR.json b/app/locales/pt-BR.json
index 55148e9f..0e9240bd 100644
--- a/app/locales/pt-BR.json
+++ b/app/locales/pt-BR.json
@@ -1,195 +1,195 @@
- "Postal code": "CEP sem traço",
- "Important": "Importante",
- "Page not found": "Página não encontrada",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "Não conseguimos encontrar a página ou serviço que você está procurando.",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "O link que você clicou pode estar quebrado, ou a página não existe.",
- "Something went wrong!": "Algo deu errado!",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "Algo deve ter dado errado",
- "Send an e-mail to": "Envie um e-mail para",
- "if you can't get it to work.": "se você não conseguir fazê-lo funcionar.",
- "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Antes de prosseguir, anote o seguinte link",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Salve o seguinte link em algum lugar ou adicione-o aos favoritos no seu navegador.",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "Dessa forma, você pode atualizar seu relatório se sua condição de saúde mudar.",
- "I've noted down the link.": "Eu anotei o link.",
- "Proceed": "Continuar",
- "The link has been copied": "O link foi copiado.",
- "Copy": "Copiar",
- "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Não foi possível copiar o link, copie-o você mesmo",
- "Contributors": "Contribuidores",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Este site é feito com a ajuda de voluntários. Em nenhuma ordem em particular:",
+ "#stayindoors": "#fiqueemcasa",
+ "#washyourhands": "#lavesuasmãos",
"...and others": "...e outros",
- "The code for the website can be found": "O código para o site pode ser encontrado",
- "here": "aqui",
+ "API": "API",
"About the service": "Sobre o serviço",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "Em conexão com o surto de COVID-19, muitas pessoas foram testadas para o vírus, mas devido à falta de recursos, a grande maioria não foi testada. Supõe-se, portanto, que existam grandes números ausentes aqui relacionados ao surto.",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Usando o auto-diagnóstico, você pode ter uma ideia melhor de quantas pessoas têm sintomas sem expor os profissionais de saúde a riscos potenciais de contaminação e sem usar valiosos equipamentos de controle de infecções que já estão em falta. Nós da Bustbyte, bem ajudado por outros voluntários, criamos essa ferramenta em resposta a",
- "this article": "este artigo",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "como uma tentativa de expressar esses números.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Isso não é uma ferramenta oficial das autoridades e, para obter mais informações sobre o surto, nos referimos às autoridades de saúde que sempre têm informações atualizadas.",
- "Developed by": "Desenvolvido por",
+ "Added to form": "Adicionado ao formulário",
+ "All submissions": "Total de relatos",
+ "Are you from": "Você é de",
+ "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Antes de prosseguir, anote o seguinte link",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "Abaixo estão suas informações pessoais de saúde.",
+ "Biological gender": "Sexo biológico / sexo",
"BustByte AS": "BustByte como",
- "and": "e",
- "volunteers": "voluntários",
- "Privacy Policy": "Declaração de Privacidade",
- "Privacy": "Privacidade",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "Obrigado pela sua contribuição!",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "O governo lançou agora seu próprio sistema de auto-diagnóstico, use-o.",
- "www.nhs.uk": "saude.gov.br",
- "Go to the National health service website": "Ir para o site do Ministério da Saúde",
- "Report status by zip code": "Reportar status por CEP",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Os marcadores correspondem às coordenadas dos CEPs, eles não têm nada a ver com indivíduos.",
- "Healthy": "Saudável",
- "Has symptoms": "Tem sintomas",
- "Tested positive": "Testou positivo",
- "Zip code information": "Informações do CEP",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Junte-se a nós na mais importante fonte comunitária",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Faça sua contribuição voluntária ao sistema de saúde e registre sua condição de saúde agora. Juntos, podemos criar uma visão geral.",
- "Share on": "Compartilhe no",
- "NB!": "Importante!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Atualmente, esta página não é afiliada às autoridades.",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Leia como os dados inseridos são processados aqui!",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use o link que você anotou da última vez para atualizar sua condição de saúde.",
- "Unreported cases": "Casos não reportados",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "A disseminação do COVID-19 em nosso país é desconhecida. Ajude-nos a criar uma visão geral melhor.",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "Chamada de atenção a todos os cidadãos portugueses: É assim que vencemos o coronavírus: juntos tornamos visível, o vírus invisível.",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "Infectado com COVID-19",
+ "Choose your age": "Escolha sua idade",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Hábitos de fumar",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Base de dados de esclarecimentos",
+ "Close": "Fechar",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Contato próximo com alguém que testou positivo",
+ "Close contacts": "Contatos próximos",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribui e partilha {{hostname}} no",
"Contribute anonymously": "Contribua anonimamente",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Informe anonimamente o seu estado de saúde.",
- "Insight for everyone": "Dados disponíveis para todos",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Os dados estão abertos a todos. Veja mapas e gráficos ou faça o download dos dados e crie suas próprias visualizações.",
+ "Contribute now": "Contribuir agora",
+ "Contributors": "Contribuidores",
+ "Copy": "Copiar",
+ "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Não foi possível copiar o link, copie-o você mesmo",
+ "Developed by": "Desenvolvido por",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, Hipertensão, cardiopatia isquêmica, asma, doença pulmonar crônica, doença renal crônica",
+ "Diarrhea": "Diarréia",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "Faça o download do conjunto de dados como CSV",
+ "Dry cough": "Tosse seca",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Todo mundo que enviou dados também possui:",
"Everything is open": "Tudo é aberto",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "O site é de código aberto e construído por voluntários. Sinta-se livre para participar.",
- "Total reports": "Total de relatos",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Infectados / Foram testados",
- "In close contact with someone who's infected": "Em contato próximo com alguém que está infectado",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Você deve aprovar a declaração de privacidade para informar seus dados.",
- "Your state of health": "Seu estado de saúde",
- "Report your health condition": "Informe sua condição de saúde",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Obrigado pela sua contribuição! Use este link se sua condição de saúde mudar:",
- "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Junte-se à fonte comunitária mais importante! Independentemente de você estar saudável ou não, envie o formulário abaixo - isso também é uma informação valiosa!",
- "Geography and demography": "Demografia e geografia",
- "Your age": "Sua idade",
- "Choose your age": "Escolha sua idade",
- "Biological gender": "Sexo biológico / sexo",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fadiga e exaustão",
"Female": "Feminino",
- "Male": "Masculino",
- "Zip code": "CEP sem traços",
- "Testing and symptoms": "Teste e sintomas",
+ "Fever": "Febre",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United Kingdom gain control over COVID-19.",
+ "Geography and demography": "Demografia e geografia",
+ "Go to the National health service website": "Ir para o site do Ministério da Saúde",
+ "Has symptoms": "Tem sintomas",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Você foi diagnosticado com alguma das seguintes condições?",
"Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Você já esteve em contato próximo com alguém que testou positivo para COVID-19?",
- "Yes": "Sim",
- "No": "Não",
- "Positive": "Positivo",
- "Negative": "Negativo",
"Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Você foi testado para COVID-19?",
- "What was the result?": "Qual foi o resultado?",
- "Waiting for result": "Aguardando resultado",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "Sintomas que você teve",
- "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Selecione apenas os sintomas que você teve",
- "Dry cough": "Tosse seca",
- "Mucus cough": "Tosse com catarro",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fadiga e exaustão",
- "Fever": "Febre",
- "Shortness of breath": "Falta de ar",
- "Muscle pain": "Dor muscular",
- "Diarrhea": "Diarréia",
"Headache": "Dor de cabeça",
- "Sore throat": "Dor de garganta",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "Perda do sentido do olfato",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "Perda do paladar",
- "Stuffy or runny nose": "Nariz entupido ou escorrendo",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "Quando os sintomas começaram?",
+ "Healthy": "Saudável",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Ajude-nos a descobrir e prever o contágio de corona na sua área",
"How will my data be used?": "Como meus dados serão usados?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Você é completamente anônimo. Os dados que você envia não podem ser usados para identificá-lo.",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Nossa declaração de privacidade pode ser encontrada aqui",
"I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "Concordo que meus dados sejam armazenados de acordo com a declaração de privacidade",
- "Submit report": "Enviar",
- "Statistics": "Estatísticas",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "Faça o download do conjunto de dados como CSV",
- "COVID-19 infected": "Infectado com COVID-19",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "pessoas relataram ter testado positivo para COVID-19 e tiveram sintomas.",
- "Symptoms": "Sintomas",
- "Test results": "Resultado dos testes",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "pessoas relataram que foram testadas para o COVID-19.",
- "Close contacts": "Contatos próximos",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "pessoas relataram ter mantido contato próximo com uma pessoa que foi testada positiva para COVID-19.",
- "Key figures": "Figuras chave",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Entre aqueles que relataram ter tido contato próximo com alguém que testou positivo para COVID-19, temos:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "relataram ter sentido os dois sintomas mais comuns daqueles que estão infectados.",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "relataram que sentiram os três sintomas mais comuns daqueles que estão infectados.",
- "All submissions": "Total de relatos",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Todo mundo que enviou dados também possui:",
- "Total number of reports": "Número total de relatos",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Resultados positivos do teste e contato próximo",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Base de dados de esclarecimentos",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 11:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Perguntas sobre contato próximo foram adicionadas em 16 de março às 23:30. Alguns sintomas não faziam parte do formulário desde o início:",
- "Symptom": "Sintoma",
- "Added to form": "Adicionado ao formulário",
- "In total": "No total",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "pessoas relataram ter sintomas.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Número relatado de pacientes infectados com COVID-19",
- "Number reported": "Número relatado",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Relatos com sintomas",
- "Reports": "Relatos",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Concordo em definir um cookie para poder alterar minha condição de saúde posteriormente, por exemplo. relatar recuperação / adoecer",
+ "I am currently:": "Eu estou atualmente",
+ "I currently smoke": "Eu fumo",
+ "I have never smoked": "Nunca fumei",
+ "I used to smoke": "Eu costumava fumar",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "Eu anotei o link.",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Se você usa este computador com vários usuários, use este link para atualizar seu status.",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Se você deseja registrar outra pessoa neste computador, salve ou anote seu link pessoal",
+ "Important": "Importante",
+ "In close contact with someone who's infected": "Em contato próximo com alguém que está infectado",
"In close contact with symptoms": "Em contato próximo com os sintomas",
"In close contact without symptoms": "Em contato próximo sem sintomas",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Contato próximo com alguém que testou positivo",
- "Tested negative": "Testou negativo",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "Em conexão com o surto de COVID-19, muitas pessoas foram testadas para o vírus, mas devido à falta de recursos, a grande maioria não foi testada. Supõe-se, portanto, que existam grandes números ausentes aqui relacionados ao surto.",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "Em isolamento por motivos de infecção por COVID-19",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "Isolado devido a uma recente viagem internacional",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "Isolado devido ao contato com um indivíduo que foi exposto ao coronavírus",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "Em isolamento por ordens do governo",
+ "In total": "No total",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Infectados / Foram testados",
+ "Insight for everyone": "Dados disponíveis para todos",
+ "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Junte-se à fonte comunitária mais importante! Independentemente de você estar saudável ou não, envie o formulário abaixo - isso também é uma informação valiosa!",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Junte-se a nós na mais importante fonte comunitária",
+ "Key figures": "Figuras chave",
+ "Learn more!": "Saber mais!",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Pede aos teus familiares e amigos para preencherem este formulário de forma a ajudar Portugal a ganhar controlo sob o COVID-19.",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "Perda do sentido do olfato",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "Perda do paladar",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Faça sua contribuição voluntária ao sistema de saúde e registre sua condição de saúde agora. Juntos, podemos criar uma visão geral.",
+ "Male": "Masculino",
"Map": "Mapa",
- "API": "API",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Concordo em definir um cookie para poder alterar minha condição de saúde posteriormente, por exemplo. relatar recuperação / adoecer",
- "required": "obrigatório",
- "recommended": "recomendado",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "Abaixo estão suas informações pessoais de saúde.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Se você deseja registrar outra pessoa neste computador, salve ou anote seu link pessoal",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Suas informações pessoais de saúde são apagadas deste computador.",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Agora você pode usar este computador para outro usuário.",
- "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Armazenamos seus dados em um cookie. Volte mais tarde para atualizar seu status",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Se você usa este computador com vários usuários, use este link para atualizar seu status.",
- "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Anotá-lo em algum lugar ou salvá-lo em seu computador.",
- "The link has been copied.": "O link foi copiado.",
- "clear this form": "limpe este formulário",
- "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
- "To WHO.int": "Ir para o site da Organização Mundial da Saúde",
- "Are you from": "Você é de",
- "Norway": "Noruega",
- "The Netherlands": "Os Países Baixos",
- "Slovakia": "Eslováquia",
- "United Kingdom": "O Reino Unido",
"March 16": "Março 16",
"March 17": "Março 17",
"March 23": "Março 23",
- "at": "ás",
+ "March 27": "Março 27",
+ "Mucus cough": "Tosse com catarro",
+ "Muscle pain": "Dor muscular",
+ "NB!": "Importante!",
"Nausea or vomiting": "Náusea ou vômito",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Você foi diagnosticado com alguma das seguintes condições?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes mellitus, Hipertensão, cardiopatia isquêmica, asma, doença pulmonar crônica, doença renal crônica",
- "I am currently:": "Eu estou atualmente",
+ "Negative": "Negativo",
+ "No": "Não",
+ "Norway": "Noruega",
"Not in isolation": "Não estou em isolamento",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "Isolado devido a uma recente viagem internacional",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "Isolado devido ao contato com um indivíduo que foi exposto ao coronavírus",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Hábitos de fumar",
- "I currently smoke": "Eu fumo",
- "I used to smoke": "Eu costumava fumar",
- "I have never smoked": "Nunca fumei",
- "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "Qual é a sua temperatura corporal atual em graus Celsius?",
- "This field is optional": "Este campo é opcional",
- "Close": "Fechar",
- "Contribute now": "Contribuir agora",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Ajude-nos a descobrir e prever o contágio de corona na sua área",
+ "Number reported": "Número relatado",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Número relatado de pacientes infectados com COVID-19",
"Numbers": "Números",
- "#washyourhands": "#lavesuasmãos",
- "#stayindoors": "#fiqueemcasa",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "Em isolamento por ordens do governo",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "Em isolamento por motivos de infecção por COVID-19",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Algumas perguntas e alternativas não faziam parte do formulário desde o início:",
- "March 27": "Março 27",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Entre aqueles que relataram ter tido contato próximo com alguém que testou positivo para COVID-19, temos:",
+ "One more thing": "E mais uma coisa",
"Other": "Outro",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Nossa declaração de privacidade pode ser encontrada aqui",
+ "Page not found": "Página não encontrada",
+ "Positive": "Positivo",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Resultados positivos do teste e contato próximo",
+ "Postal code": "CEP sem traço",
+ "Privacy": "Privacidade",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Declaração de Privacidade",
+ "Proceed": "Continuar",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 11:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Perguntas sobre contato próximo foram adicionadas em 16 de março às 23:30. Alguns sintomas não faziam parte do formulário desde o início:",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Leia como os dados inseridos são processados aqui!",
+ "Report status by zip code": "Reportar status por CEP",
+ "Report your health condition": "Informe sua condição de saúde",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Informe anonimamente o seu estado de saúde.",
+ "Reports": "Relatos",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Relatos com sintomas",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Salve o seguinte link em algum lugar ou adicione-o aos favoritos no seu navegador.",
+ "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Selecione apenas os sintomas que você teve",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "Envie um e-mail para",
+ "Share on": "Compartilhe no",
+ "Shortness of breath": "Falta de ar",
+ "Slovakia": "Eslováquia",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Algumas perguntas e alternativas não faziam parte do formulário desde o início:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "Algo deve ter dado errado",
+ "Something went wrong!": "Algo deu errado!",
+ "Sore throat": "Dor de garganta",
+ "Statistics": "Estatísticas",
+ "Stuffy or runny nose": "Nariz entupido ou escorrendo",
+ "Submit report": "Enviar",
+ "Symptom": "Sintoma",
+ "Symptoms": "Sintomas",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "Sintomas que você teve",
+ "Test results": "Resultado dos testes",
+ "Tested negative": "Testou negativo",
+ "Tested positive": "Testou positivo",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "Teste e sintomas",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "Obrigado pela sua contribuição!",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Obrigado pela sua contribuição! Use este link se sua condição de saúde mudar:",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "Dessa forma, você pode atualizar seu relatório se sua condição de saúde mudar.",
+ "The Netherlands": "Os Países Baixos",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "O código para o site pode ser encontrado",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Os dados estão abertos a todos. Veja mapas e gráficos ou faça o download dos dados e crie suas próprias visualizações.",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "O governo lançou agora seu próprio sistema de auto-diagnóstico, use-o.",
+ "The link has been copied": "O link foi copiado.",
+ "The link has been copied.": "O link foi copiado.",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "O link que você clicou pode estar quebrado, ou a página não existe.",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Os marcadores correspondem às coordenadas dos CEPs, eles não têm nada a ver com indivíduos.",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "A disseminação do COVID-19 em nosso país é desconhecida. Ajude-nos a criar uma visão geral melhor.",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "O site é de código aberto e construído por voluntários. Sinta-se livre para participar.",
+ "This field is optional": "Este campo é opcional",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Isso não é uma ferramenta oficial das autoridades e, para obter mais informações sobre o surto, nos referimos às autoridades de saúde que sempre têm informações atualizadas.",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Atualmente, esta página não é afiliada às autoridades.",
"This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "Este site não está afiliados às autoridades.",
- "Learn more!": "Saber mais!",
- "View Website Statistics": "Ver estatísticas do website",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "Chamada de atenção a todos os cidadãos portugueses: É assim que vencemos o coronavírus: juntos tornamos visível, o vírus invisível.",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribui e partilha {{hostname}} no",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United Kingdom gain control over COVID-19.",
- "One more thing": "E mais uma coisa",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Este site é feito com a ajuda de voluntários. Em nenhuma ordem em particular:",
+ "To WHO.int": "Ir para o site da Organização Mundial da Saúde",
"To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "Para vencermos o coronavírus, precisamos tornar visível, o vírus invisível.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} pessoas já partilharam o seu estado de saúde.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Pede aos teus familiares e amigos para preencherem este formulário de forma a ajudar Portugal a ganhar controlo sob o COVID-19."
+ "Total number of reports": "Número total de relatos",
+ "Total reports": "Total de relatos",
+ "United Kingdom": "O Reino Unido",
+ "Unreported cases": "Casos não reportados",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Use o link que você anotou da última vez para atualizar sua condição de saúde.",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Usando o auto-diagnóstico, você pode ter uma ideia melhor de quantas pessoas têm sintomas sem expor os profissionais de saúde a riscos potenciais de contaminação e sem usar valiosos equipamentos de controle de infecções que já estão em falta. Nós da Bustbyte, bem ajudado por outros voluntários, criamos essa ferramenta em resposta a",
+ "View Website Statistics": "Ver estatísticas do website",
+ "Waiting for result": "Aguardando resultado",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "Não conseguimos encontrar a página ou serviço que você está procurando.",
+ "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Armazenamos seus dados em um cookie. Volte mais tarde para atualizar seu status",
+ "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "Qual é a sua temperatura corporal atual em graus Celsius?",
+ "What was the result?": "Qual foi o resultado?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "Quando os sintomas começaram?",
+ "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Anotá-lo em algum lugar ou salvá-lo em seu computador.",
+ "Yes": "Sim",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Agora você pode usar este computador para outro usuário.",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Você deve aprovar a declaração de privacidade para informar seus dados.",
+ "Your age": "Sua idade",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Você é completamente anônimo. Os dados que você envia não podem ser usados para identificá-lo.",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Suas informações pessoais de saúde são apagadas deste computador.",
+ "Your state of health": "Seu estado de saúde",
+ "Zip code": "CEP sem traços",
+ "Zip code information": "Informações do CEP",
+ "and": "e",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "como uma tentativa de expressar esses números.",
+ "at": "ás",
+ "clear this form": "limpe este formulário",
+ "here": "aqui",
+ "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
+ "if you can't get it to work.": "se você não conseguir fazê-lo funcionar.",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "pessoas relataram ter sintomas.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "pessoas relataram ter mantido contato próximo com uma pessoa que foi testada positiva para COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "pessoas relataram que foram testadas para o COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "pessoas relataram ter testado positivo para COVID-19 e tiveram sintomas.",
+ "recommended": "recomendado",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "relataram que sentiram os três sintomas mais comuns daqueles que estão infectados.",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "relataram ter sentido os dois sintomas mais comuns daqueles que estão infectados.",
+ "required": "obrigatório",
+ "this article": "este artigo",
+ "volunteers": "voluntários",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "saude.gov.br",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} pessoas já partilharam o seu estado de saúde."
diff --git a/app/locales/pt-PT.json b/app/locales/pt-PT.json
index 9d59292f..85ff6ce3 100644
--- a/app/locales/pt-PT.json
+++ b/app/locales/pt-PT.json
@@ -1,199 +1,199 @@
- "Postal code": "Código postal",
- "Important": "Importante",
- "Page not found": "Página não encontrada",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "Não nos foi encontrar a página ou serviço que procura",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "O endereço que abriu pode estar incompleto ou a página pode não existir",
- "Something went wrong!": "Algo correu mal!",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "Algo não está a funcionar corretamente",
- "Send an e-mail to": "Envie um e-mail para",
- "if you can't get it to work.": "se o problema persistir.",
- "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Antes de continuar por favor tome nota do seguinte endereço",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Anote o seguinte endereço ou guarde nos favoritos do seu browser.",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "Desta forma poderá atualizar o seu formulário caso o seu estado de saúde se altere.",
- "I've noted down the link.": "Já guardei o endereço.",
- "Proceed": "Proceder",
- "The link has been copied": "O endereço foi copiado.",
- "Copy": "Copiar",
- "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Não nos foi possível copiar o endereço, por favor copie o endereço.",
- "Contributors": "Voluntários",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Este website foi criado com a ajuda de voluntários. Sem nenhuma ordem particular:",
+ "#stayindoors": "#ficaemcasa",
+ "#washyourhands": "#lavaasmãos",
"...and others": "...e outros",
- "The code for the website can be found": "O código do website pode ser encontrado",
- "here": "aqui",
+ "API": "API",
"About the service": "Sobre o serviço",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "No seguimento do surto de COVID-19 muitas pessoas foram testadas para o vírus, mas devido à falta de recursos a grande maioria não terá sido testada. Supõe-se, portanto, que exista um grande números de casos ausentes das estatísticas atuais sobre o surto.",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Através da auto avaliação podemos ter uma visão mais abrangente de quantas pessoas têm sintomas sem expor profissionais de saúse a potenciais riscos de contaminação e sem utilizar equipamentos valiosos para controlo da infecção que já estão em falta. Nós na Bustbyte, ajudados por outros voluntários, criámos esta ferramenta em resposta a",
- "this article": "este artigo",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "numa tentativa de mapear estes números.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Esta não é uma ferramenta oficial das autoridades e para mais informações sobre o surto deve consultar as autoridades de saúde que têm sempre informações atualizadas, como a",
- "Developed by": "Desenvolvido por",
+ "Added to form": "Adicionado ao formulário",
+ "All submissions": "Todas as submissões",
+ "Are you from": "Vive em",
+ "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Antes de continuar por favor tome nota do seguinte endereço",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "Abaixo encontra-se a sua informação pessoal.",
+ "Biological gender": "Sexo",
"BustByte AS": "BustByte AS",
- "and": "e",
- "volunteers": "voluntários",
- "Privacy Policy": "Política de Privacidade",
- "Privacy": "Privacidade",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "Obrigado pelo seu contributo!",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "O governo lançou o seu próprio sistema de auto avaliação, por favor utilize-o.",
- "www.nhs.uk": "https://covid19.min-saude.pt/",
- "Go to the National health service website": "Ir para o website da Direção Geral de Saúde",
- "Report status by zip code": "Relatórios por código postal",
- "What is my Zip code?": "Qual é o meu código postal?",
- "https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://www.whatismyzip.com",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Os marcadores correspondem a coordenadas de código postal e não de indivíduos.",
- "Healthy": "Saudáveis",
- "Has symptoms": "Com sintomas",
- "Tested positive": "Positivos",
- "Zip code information": "Zip code information",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Junte-se a nós no crowsource mais importante!",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.",
- "Share on": "Partilhe no",
- "NB!": "Importante!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Esta página não está de forma alguma afiliada a nenhuma autoridade.",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Leia sobre como os seus dados são processados aqui!",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Utilize o endereço que guardou da última vez para atualizar o seu estado de saúde.",
- "Unreported cases": "Casos não reportados",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "A extensão da propagação do COVID-19 no nosso país é desconhecida. Ajude-nos a criar uma melhor visão geral.",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "Chamada de atenção a todos os cidadãos portugueses: É assim que vencemos o coronavírus: juntos tornamos visível, o vírus invisível.",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "Infetados COVID-19",
+ "Choose your age": "Escolha a sua idade",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Hábitos de fumador",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Esclarecimento sobre os dados",
+ "Close": "Fechar",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Contacto próximo com alguém que testou positivo",
+ "Close contacts": "Contactos próximos",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribui e partilha {{hostname}} no",
"Contribute anonymously": "Totalmente anónimo",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Submeta o seu estado de saúde anonimamente.",
- "Insight for everyone": "Informação aberta",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Os dados são abertos a todos. Veja mapas e gráficos ou faça download dos dados e crie as suas próprias visualizações.",
+ "Contribute now": "Contribua agora",
+ "Contributors": "Voluntários",
+ "Copy": "Copiar",
+ "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Não nos foi possível copiar o endereço, por favor copie o endereço.",
+ "Developed by": "Desenvolvido por",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes, Hipertensão, Doença arterial coronária, Asma, Doença pulmonar crónica, Doença renal crónica",
+ "Diarrhea": "Diarreia",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "Download dos dados em formato CSV",
+ "Dry cough": "Tosse seca",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Todos os que submeteram o relatório:",
"Everything is open": "Código aberto",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "O código-fonte do website é aberto e desenvolvido por voluntários. Você também pode fazer parte.",
- "Total reports": "Total de submissões",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Infetados / Testados",
- "In close contact with someone who's infected": "Em contacto próximo com alguém infetado",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.",
- "Your state of health": "O seu estado de saúde",
- "Report your health condition": "Submeta o seu estado de saúde",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Obrigado pelo seu contributo! Utilize este endereço case o seu estado de saúde se altere:",
- "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Junte-se a nós no crowsource mais importante! Quer esteja saudável ou não, por favor submeta este formulário – essa informação é valiosa!",
- "Geography and demography": "Geografia e demografia",
- "Your age": "A sua idade",
- "Choose your age": "Escolha a sua idade",
- "Biological gender": "Sexo",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fadiga e exaustão",
"Female": "Feminino",
- "Male": "Masculino",
- "Zip code": "Código Postal",
- "Testing and symptoms": "Teste e sintomas",
+ "Fever": "Febre",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United Kingdom gain control over COVID-19.",
+ "Geography and demography": "Geografia e demografia",
+ "Go to the National health service website": "Ir para o website da Direção Geral de Saúde",
+ "Has symptoms": "Com sintomas",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Foi diagnosticado/a com alguma das seguintes condições?",
"Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Esteve em contacto próximo com alguém que testou positivo para COVID-19?",
- "Yes": "Sim",
- "No": "Não",
- "Positive": "Positivo",
- "Negative": "Negativo",
"Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Foi testado/a para COVID-19?",
- "What was the result?": "Qual foi o resultado?",
- "Waiting for result": "À espera do resultado",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "Sintomas",
- "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Seleccione os seus sintomas",
- "Dry cough": "Tosse seca",
- "Mucus cough": "Tosse com expetoração",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Fadiga e exaustão",
- "Fever": "Febre",
- "Shortness of breath": "Falta de ar",
- "Muscle pain": "Dor muscular",
- "Diarrhea": "Diarreia",
"Headache": "Dor de cabeça",
- "Sore throat": "Dor de garganta",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "Perda do olfato",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "Perda do paladar",
- "Stuffy or runny nose": "Nariz entupido ou corrimento",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "Quando começaram os sintomas?",
+ "Healthy": "Saudáveis",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Ajude-nos a descobrir e prever a propagação de corona na sua zona",
"How will my data be used?": "Como são utilizados os meus dados?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "A sua submissão é completamente anónima e não será possível identificá-lo/a.",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "A nossa política de privacidade pode ser consultada aqui",
"I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "Concordo que os meus dados sejam armazenados em concordância com a política de privacidade",
- "Submit report": "Submeter relatório",
- "Statistics": "Estatística",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "Download dos dados em formato CSV",
- "COVID-19 infected": "Infetados COVID-19",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "pessoas relataram ter teste positivo para COVID-19 e têm sintomas.",
- "Symptoms": "Sintomas",
- "Test results": "Resultados dos testes",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "pessoas relataram ter sido testadas para COVID-19.",
- "Close contacts": "Contactos próximos",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "pessoas relataram ter estado em contacto próximo com alguém que testou positivo para COVID-19.",
- "Key figures": "Números chave",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Daqueles que relataram ter estado em contacto próximo com alguém que testou positivo para COVID-19:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "relataram que sentiram os dois sintomas mais comuns a outros infetados.",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "relataram que sentiram os três sintomas mais comuns a outros infetados.",
- "All submissions": "Todas as submissões",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Todos os que submeteram o relatório:",
- "Total number of reports": "Número total de relatórios",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Resultados com teste positivo e contacto próximo",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Esclarecimento sobre os dados",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Perguntas sobre contacto próximo foram adicionadas às 22:30 de 16 de março. Alguns sintomas não fizeram parte do formulário desde o início:",
- "Symptom": "Sintoma",
- "Added to form": "Adicionado ao formulário",
- "In total": "No total",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "pessoas relataram que sentiram sintomas.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Número relatado em pacientes infetados com COVID-19",
- "Number reported": "Número relatado",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Relatórios com sintomas",
- "Reports": "Relatórios",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Concordo em utilizar uma cookie para poder alterar o meu estado de saúde mais tarde, por exemplo para relatar situação de recuperação ou doença",
+ "I am currently:": "Encontro-me atualmente",
+ "I currently smoke": "Sou fumador/a",
+ "I have never smoked": "Nunca fumei",
+ "I used to smoke": "Já fui fumador/a",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "Já guardei o endereço.",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Se utilizar este computador com multiplos utilizadores, por favor utilize este endereço para atualizar o seu estado.",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Se pretender registar outra pessoa neste computador, guarde ou anote o seu endereço pessoal",
+ "Important": "Importante",
+ "In close contact with someone who's infected": "Em contacto próximo com alguém infetado",
"In close contact with symptoms": "Em contacto próximo com sintomas",
"In close contact without symptoms": "Em contacto próximo sem sintomas",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Contacto próximo com alguém que testou positivo",
- "Tested negative": "Negativos",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "No seguimento do surto de COVID-19 muitas pessoas foram testadas para o vírus, mas devido à falta de recursos a grande maioria não terá sido testada. Supõe-se, portanto, que exista um grande números de casos ausentes das estatísticas atuais sobre o surto.",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "Em isolamento devido a infeção de COVID-19",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "Em isolamento devido a uma recente viagem internacional",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "Em isolamento devido a contacto com alguém exposto ao coronavirus",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "Em isolamento devido ao estado de emergência nacional",
+ "In total": "No total",
+ "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "Em isolamento voluntário para evitar uma potencial propagação ou contração do COVID-19",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Infetados / Testados",
+ "Insight for everyone": "Informação aberta",
+ "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Junte-se a nós no crowsource mais importante! Quer esteja saudável ou não, por favor submeta este formulário – essa informação é valiosa!",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Junte-se a nós no crowsource mais importante!",
+ "Key figures": "Números chave",
+ "Learn more!": "Saber mais!",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Pede aos teus familiares e amigos para preencherem este formulário de forma a ajudar Portugal a ganhar controlo sob o COVID-19.",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "Perda do olfato",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "Perda do paladar",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.",
+ "Male": "Masculino",
"Map": "Mapa",
- "API": "API",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Concordo em utilizar uma cookie para poder alterar o meu estado de saúde mais tarde, por exemplo para relatar situação de recuperação ou doença",
- "required": "obrigatório",
- "recommended": "recomendado",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "Abaixo encontra-se a sua informação pessoal.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Se pretender registar outra pessoa neste computador, guarde ou anote o seu endereço pessoal",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "A sua informação pessoal foi eliminada deste computador.",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Pode agora utilizar este computador para outra pessoa.",
- "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Guardámos os seus dados numa cookie, no seu computador, para que possa voltar mais tarde e atualizar o seu estado",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Se utilizar este computador com multiplos utilizadores, por favor utilize este endereço para atualizar o seu estado.",
- "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Anote-o ou guarde no seu computador.",
- "The link has been copied.": "O endereço foi copiado.",
- "clear this form": "limpe os dados deste formulário",
- "https://who.int": "https://covid19.min-saude.pt/",
- "To WHO.int": "Direção Geral de Saúde (DGS).",
- "Are you from": "Vive em",
- "Norway": "Norway",
- "The Netherlands": "The Netherlands",
- "Slovakia": "Slovakia",
- "United Kingdom": "The United Kingdom",
"March 16": "16 de Março",
"March 17": "17 de Março",
"March 23": "23 de Março",
- "at": "às",
+ "March 27": "27 de Março",
+ "March 28": "28 de Março",
+ "Mucus cough": "Tosse com expetoração",
+ "Muscle pain": "Dor muscular",
+ "NB!": "Importante!",
"Nausea or vomiting": "Náusea ou vómito",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Foi diagnosticado/a com alguma das seguintes condições?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes, Hipertensão, Doença arterial coronária, Asma, Doença pulmonar crónica, Doença renal crónica",
- "I am currently:": "Encontro-me atualmente",
+ "Negative": "Negativo",
+ "No": "Não",
+ "Norway": "Norway",
"Not in isolation": "Não estou em isolamento",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "Em isolamento devido a uma recente viagem internacional",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "Em isolamento devido a contacto com alguém exposto ao coronavirus",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Hábitos de fumador",
- "I currently smoke": "Sou fumador/a",
- "I used to smoke": "Já fui fumador/a",
- "I have never smoked": "Nunca fumei",
- "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "Qual é a sua temperatura? (Celcius)",
- "This field is optional": "Este campo é opcional",
- "Close": "Fechar",
- "Contribute now": "Contribua agora",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Ajude-nos a descobrir e prever a propagação de corona na sua zona",
+ "Number reported": "Número relatado",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Número relatado em pacientes infetados com COVID-19",
"Numbers": "Números",
- "#washyourhands": "#lavaasmãos",
- "#stayindoors": "#ficaemcasa",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "Em isolamento devido ao estado de emergência nacional",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "Em isolamento devido a infeção de COVID-19",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Algumas perguntas e alternativas não fizeram parte do formulário desde o início:",
- "March 27": "27 de Março",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Daqueles que relataram ter estado em contacto próximo com alguém que testou positivo para COVID-19:",
+ "One more thing": "E mais uma coisa",
"Other": "Outro",
- "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "Em isolamento voluntário para evitar uma potencial propagação ou contração do COVID-19",
- "March 28": "28 de Março",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "A nossa política de privacidade pode ser consultada aqui",
+ "Page not found": "Página não encontrada",
+ "Positive": "Positivo",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Resultados com teste positivo e contacto próximo",
+ "Postal code": "Código postal",
+ "Privacy": "Privacidade",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Política de Privacidade",
+ "Proceed": "Proceder",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Perguntas sobre contacto próximo foram adicionadas às 22:30 de 16 de março. Alguns sintomas não fizeram parte do formulário desde o início:",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Leia sobre como os seus dados são processados aqui!",
+ "Report status by zip code": "Relatórios por código postal",
+ "Report your health condition": "Submeta o seu estado de saúde",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Submeta o seu estado de saúde anonimamente.",
+ "Reports": "Relatórios",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Relatórios com sintomas",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Anote o seguinte endereço ou guarde nos favoritos do seu browser.",
+ "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Seleccione os seus sintomas",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "Envie um e-mail para",
+ "Share on": "Partilhe no",
+ "Shortness of breath": "Falta de ar",
+ "Slovakia": "Slovakia",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Algumas perguntas e alternativas não fizeram parte do formulário desde o início:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "Algo não está a funcionar corretamente",
+ "Something went wrong!": "Algo correu mal!",
+ "Sore throat": "Dor de garganta",
+ "Statistics": "Estatística",
+ "Stuffy or runny nose": "Nariz entupido ou corrimento",
+ "Submit report": "Submeter relatório",
+ "Symptom": "Sintoma",
+ "Symptoms": "Sintomas",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "Sintomas",
+ "Test results": "Resultados dos testes",
+ "Tested negative": "Negativos",
+ "Tested positive": "Positivos",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "Teste e sintomas",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "Obrigado pelo seu contributo!",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Obrigado pelo seu contributo! Utilize este endereço case o seu estado de saúde se altere:",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "Desta forma poderá atualizar o seu formulário caso o seu estado de saúde se altere.",
+ "The Netherlands": "The Netherlands",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "O código do website pode ser encontrado",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Os dados são abertos a todos. Veja mapas e gráficos ou faça download dos dados e crie as suas próprias visualizações.",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "O governo lançou o seu próprio sistema de auto avaliação, por favor utilize-o.",
+ "The link has been copied": "O endereço foi copiado.",
+ "The link has been copied.": "O endereço foi copiado.",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "O endereço que abriu pode estar incompleto ou a página pode não existir",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Os marcadores correspondem a coordenadas de código postal e não de indivíduos.",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "A extensão da propagação do COVID-19 no nosso país é desconhecida. Ajude-nos a criar uma melhor visão geral.",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "O código-fonte do website é aberto e desenvolvido por voluntários. Você também pode fazer parte.",
+ "This field is optional": "Este campo é opcional",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Esta não é uma ferramenta oficial das autoridades e para mais informações sobre o surto deve consultar as autoridades de saúde que têm sempre informações atualizadas, como a",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Esta página não está de forma alguma afiliada a nenhuma autoridade.",
"This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "Este site não está afiliados às autoridades.",
- "Learn more!": "Saber mais!",
- "View Website Statistics": "Ver estatísticas do website",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "Chamada de atenção a todos os cidadãos portugueses: É assim que vencemos o coronavírus: juntos tornamos visível, o vírus invisível.",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Contribui e partilha {{hostname}} no",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United Kingdom gain control over COVID-19.",
- "One more thing": "E mais uma coisa",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Este website foi criado com a ajuda de voluntários. Sem nenhuma ordem particular:",
+ "To WHO.int": "Direção Geral de Saúde (DGS).",
"To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "Para vencermos o coronavírus, precisamos tornar visível, o vírus invisível.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} pessoas já partilharam o seu estado de saúde.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Pede aos teus familiares e amigos para preencherem este formulário de forma a ajudar Portugal a ganhar controlo sob o COVID-19."
+ "Total number of reports": "Número total de relatórios",
+ "Total reports": "Total de submissões",
+ "United Kingdom": "The United Kingdom",
+ "Unreported cases": "Casos não reportados",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Utilize o endereço que guardou da última vez para atualizar o seu estado de saúde.",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Através da auto avaliação podemos ter uma visão mais abrangente de quantas pessoas têm sintomas sem expor profissionais de saúse a potenciais riscos de contaminação e sem utilizar equipamentos valiosos para controlo da infecção que já estão em falta. Nós na Bustbyte, ajudados por outros voluntários, criámos esta ferramenta em resposta a",
+ "View Website Statistics": "Ver estatísticas do website",
+ "Waiting for result": "À espera do resultado",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "Não nos foi encontrar a página ou serviço que procura",
+ "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Guardámos os seus dados numa cookie, no seu computador, para que possa voltar mais tarde e atualizar o seu estado",
+ "What is my Zip code?": "Qual é o meu código postal?",
+ "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "Qual é a sua temperatura? (Celcius)",
+ "What was the result?": "Qual foi o resultado?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "Quando começaram os sintomas?",
+ "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Anote-o ou guarde no seu computador.",
+ "Yes": "Sim",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Pode agora utilizar este computador para outra pessoa.",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.",
+ "Your age": "A sua idade",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "A sua submissão é completamente anónima e não será possível identificá-lo/a.",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "A sua informação pessoal foi eliminada deste computador.",
+ "Your state of health": "O seu estado de saúde",
+ "Zip code": "Código Postal",
+ "Zip code information": "Zip code information",
+ "and": "e",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "numa tentativa de mapear estes números.",
+ "at": "às",
+ "clear this form": "limpe os dados deste formulário",
+ "here": "aqui",
+ "https://who.int": "https://covid19.min-saude.pt/",
+ "https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://www.whatismyzip.com",
+ "if you can't get it to work.": "se o problema persistir.",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "pessoas relataram que sentiram sintomas.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "pessoas relataram ter estado em contacto próximo com alguém que testou positivo para COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "pessoas relataram ter sido testadas para COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "pessoas relataram ter teste positivo para COVID-19 e têm sintomas.",
+ "recommended": "recomendado",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "relataram que sentiram os três sintomas mais comuns a outros infetados.",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "relataram que sentiram os dois sintomas mais comuns a outros infetados.",
+ "required": "obrigatório",
+ "this article": "este artigo",
+ "volunteers": "voluntários",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "https://covid19.min-saude.pt/",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} pessoas já partilharam o seu estado de saúde."
diff --git a/app/locales/se.json b/app/locales/se.json
index 550b78f0..2ceb0d4d 100644
--- a/app/locales/se.json
+++ b/app/locales/se.json
@@ -1,203 +1,197 @@
- "Postal code": "Postnummer",
- "Important": "Viktigt",
- "Page not found": "Sidan kunde inte hittas",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "Sidan eller tjänsten du söker kan inte hittas",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "Länken är trasig, eller så finns sidan inte längre kvar",
- "Something went wrong!": "Något blev fel!",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "Något verkar ha blivit fel",
- "Send an e-mail to": "Skicka ett mail till",
- "if you can't get it to work.": "om du inte får det att fungera.",
+ "#stayindoors": "#stannahemma",
+ "#washyourhands": "#tvättahänderna",
+ "...and others": "...med flera",
+ "API": "API",
+ "About the service": "Om tjänsten",
+ "Added to form": "Tillagt till formuläret",
+ "All submissions": "Alla bidrag",
+ "Are you from": "Bor du i",
"Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Var god kopiera följande länk innan du fortsätter",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Spara följande länk, eller sätt ett bokmärke till den i din webbläsare.",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "På så sätt kan du uppdatera din rapport om ditt hälsotillstånd förändras.",
- "I've noted down the link.": "Jag har kopierat länken.",
- "Proceed": "Fortsätt",
- "The link has been copied": "Länken har kopierats",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "Nedan visas din hälsoinformation.",
+ "Biological gender": "Biologiskt kön",
+ "BustByte AS": "BustByte AS",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "ALLMÄNT UPPROP TILL SVENSKA MEDBORGARE: Så här besegrar vi coronaviruset: tillsammans gör vi det osynliga viruset synligt.",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19-smittade",
+ "Choose your age": "Välj din ålder",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Rökvanor",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Förtydliganden angående databasen",
+ "Close": "Stäng",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Närkontakt med någon som testats positivt",
+ "Close contacts": "Närkontakter",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Bidra genom att dela {{ hostname }} på",
+ "Contribute anonymously": "Bidra anonymt",
+ "Contribute now": "Bidra nu",
+ "Contributors": "Medarbetare",
"Copy": "Kopiera",
"Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Kunde inte kopiera länken, var god kopiera den själv",
- "Contributors": "Medarbetare",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Den här webbsidan skapas med hjälp av frivilliga. Utan inbördes ordning:",
- "...and others": "...med flera",
- "The code for the website can be found": "Sidans källkod finns",
- "here": "här",
- "About the service": "Om tjänsten",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "I samband med utbrottet av COVID-19 har många människor testats för viruset, men på grund av resursbrist så har en överväldigande majoritet inte blivit testade. Det kan därför antas att det finns ett stort mörkertal vad gäller antalet drabbade.",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Genom självrapportering kan vi få en bättre bild av hur många som har symptom utan att utsätta vårdpersonal för någon smittorisk och utan att använda värdefull utrustning för infektionskontroll, vilket redan är en bristvara. Vi på Bustbyte, med stor hjälp av frivilliga, har skapat det här verktyget som ett svar på",
- "this article": "denna artikel",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "som ett försök att kartlägga den informationen.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Detta är inte ett officiellt verktyg från svenska myndigheter. Vi hänvisar till hälsomyndigheterna för mer information om utbrottet. De har alltid aktuell information.",
"Developed by": "Utvecklad av",
- "BustByte AS": "BustByte AS",
- "and": "och",
- "volunteers": "frivilliga",
- "Privacy Policy": "Sekretesspolicy",
- "Privacy": "Integritet",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "Tack för ditt bidrag!",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "Myndigheterna har nu lanserat sitt eget självrapporterings-system, var god använd det istället.",
- "www.nhs.uk": "folkhälsomyndigheten.se",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes, högt blodtryck, hjärt- och kärlsjukdom, astma, kronisk lungsjukdom, kronisk njursjukdom",
+ "Diarrhea": "Diarré",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "Ladda hem datan som CSV",
+ "Dry cough": "Torrhosta",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Alla som har skickat in en rapport har även:",
+ "Everything is open": "Allt är öppet",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Trötthet och utmattning",
+ "Female": "Kvinna",
+ "Fever": "Feber",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Fyll i det här formuläret - det tar en minut - och hjälp Sverige ta kontrollen över COVID-19.",
+ "Geography and demography": "Demografi och geografi",
"Go to the National health service website": "Gå till Folkhälsomyndigheten",
- "Report status by zip code": "Rapportera hälsostatus via postnummer",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "De markerade positionerna motsvarar koordinater för postnummer och har inget att göra med enskilda individer.",
- "Healthy": "Frisk",
"Has symptoms": "Har symptom",
- "Tested positive": "Testats positivt",
- "Zip code information": "Postnummer",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Hjälp oss i denna viktiga crowdsourcing!",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Gör ett frivilligt bidrag till hälsovårdssystemet och registrera ditt hälsotillstånd. Tillsammans skapar vi en översikt.",
- "Share on": "Dela på",
- "NB!": "Viktigt!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Den här sidan är för närvarande inte på något sätt kopplad till myndigheterna.",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Läs mer om hur din data hanteras här!",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Använd länken du kopierade vid ditt förra besök för att uppdatera ditt hälsotillstånd.",
- "Unreported cases": "Stort mörkertal",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "Spridningen av COVID-19 i landet är okänd. Hjälp oss att skapa en bättre översikt.",
- "Contribute anonymously": "Bidra anonymt",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Rapportera ditt hälsotillstånd anonymt.",
- "Insight for everyone": "Insyn för alla",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Datan är öppen för alla. Titta på kartor och grafer, eller ladda hem datan och gör egna visualiseringar.",
- "Everything is open": "Allt är öppet",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "Webbsidan har öppen källkod och byggs av frivilliga. Bidra gärna.",
- "Total reports": "Totalt antal rapporter",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Smittade / Har blivit testade",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Har du blivit diagnostiserad med något av följande sjukdomstillstånd?",
+ "Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Har du varit i nära kontakt med någon som testats positiv för COVID-19?",
+ "Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Har du blivit testad för COVID-19?",
+ "Headache": "Huvudvärk",
+ "Healthy": "Frisk",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Hjälp oss kartlägga och förutse spridningen av corona i ditt område",
+ "How will my data be used?": "Hur kommer min data att användas?",
+ "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "Jag godkänner att min data sparas enligt sekretesspolicyn",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Jag godkänner att en cookie sparas på min dator, så att jag senare kan uppdatera mitt rapporterade hälsotillstånd, till exempel vid tillfrisknande / insjuknande",
+ "I am currently:": "Jag befinner mig för närvarande",
+ "I currently smoke": "Jag är rökare",
+ "I have never smoked": "Jag har aldrig varit rökare",
+ "I used to smoke": "Jag har tidigare varit rökare",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "Jag har kopierat länken.",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Om du har flera användare på den här datorn, var god använd den här länken för din status.",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "För att lägga till en annan person på denna dator, spara eller skriv ner din personliga länk",
+ "Important": "Viktigt",
"In close contact with someone who's infected": "I nära kontakt med någon smittad",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Du måste godkända sekretesspolicyn för att kunna rapportera data.",
- "Your state of health": "Ditt hälsotillstånd",
- "Report your health condition": "Rapportera ditt hälsotillstånd",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Tack för ditt bidrag! Använd den här länken om ditt hälsotillstånd förändras:",
+ "In close contact with symptoms": "I närkontakt med symptom",
+ "In close contact without symptoms": "I närkontakt utan symptom",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "I samband med utbrottet av COVID-19 har många människor testats för viruset, men på grund av resursbrist så har en överväldigande majoritet inte blivit testade. Det kan därför antas att det finns ett stort mörkertal vad gäller antalet drabbade.",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "Isolerad på grund av COVID-19-infektion",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "I karantän pga nylig utlandsresa",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "I karantän på grund av en kontakt som blivit utsatt för coronaviruset.",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "Isolerad på myndigheters begäran",
+ "In total": "Totalt",
+ "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "Frivilligt isolerad för att undgå möjlig spridning eller att bli smittad av COVID-19",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Smittade / Har blivit testade",
+ "Insight for everyone": "Insyn för alla",
"Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Gå med i denna viktiga crowdsource-insamling! Fyll i formuläret nedan, även om du är frisk – det är också viktig information!",
- "Geography and demography": "Demografi och geografi",
- "Your age": "Din ålder",
- "Choose your age": "Välj din ålder",
- "Biological gender": "Biologiskt kön",
- "Female": "Kvinna",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Hjälp oss i denna viktiga crowdsourcing!",
+ "Key figures": "Nyckeltal",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Låt dina vänner fylla i det här formuläret också och hjälp Sverige ta kontroll över COVID-19.",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "Luktbortfall",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "Smakbortfall",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Gör ett frivilligt bidrag till hälsovårdssystemet och registrera ditt hälsotillstånd. Tillsammans skapar vi en översikt.",
"Male": "Man",
- "Zip code": "Postnummer",
- "Testing and symptoms": "Testning och symptom",
- "Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Har du varit i nära kontakt med någon som testats positiv för COVID-19?",
- "Yes": "Ja",
+ "Map": "Karta",
+ "March 16": "16 mars",
+ "March 17": "17 mars",
+ "March 23": "23 mars",
+ "March 27": "27 mars",
+ "March 28": "28 mars",
+ "Mucus cough": "Slemhosta",
+ "Muscle pain": "Muskelsmärtor",
+ "NB!": "Viktigt!",
+ "Nausea or vomiting": "Illamående eller kräkningar",
+ "Negative": "Negativt",
"No": "Nej",
+ "Norway": "Norge",
+ "Not in isolation": "Inte i karantän",
+ "Number reported": "Antal rapporterade",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Antal rapporterade fall av COVID-19-smittade patienter",
+ "Numbers": "I siffror",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Av dem som rapporterat att de varit i nära kontakt med någon som testats positivt för COVID-19, har:",
+ "One more thing": "En sak till",
+ "Other": "Annat",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Vår sekretesspolicy finns här",
+ "Page not found": "Sidan kunde inte hittas",
"Positive": "Positivt",
- "Negative": "Negativt",
- "Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Har du blivit testad för COVID-19?",
- "What was the result?": "Vad var resultatet?",
- "Waiting for result": "Väntar på svar",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptom du haft",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Positivt testresultat och närkontakt",
+ "Postal code": "Postnummer",
+ "Privacy": "Integritet",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Sekretesspolicy",
+ "Proceed": "Fortsätt",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Frågor angående närkontakt blev tillagda den 16/3 kl. 22:30. Vissa symptom fanns inte med i formuläret från början:",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Läs mer om hur din data hanteras här!",
+ "Report status by zip code": "Rapportera hälsostatus via postnummer",
+ "Report your health condition": "Rapportera ditt hälsotillstånd",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Rapportera ditt hälsotillstånd anonymt.",
+ "Reports": "Rapporter",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Rapporter med symptom",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Spara följande länk, eller sätt ett bokmärke till den i din webbläsare.",
"Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Fyll bara i de symptom du haft",
- "Dry cough": "Torrhosta",
- "Mucus cough": "Slemhosta",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Trötthet och utmattning",
- "Fever": "Feber",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "Skicka ett mail till",
+ "Share on": "Dela på",
"Shortness of breath": "Andningssvårigheter",
- "Muscle pain": "Muskelsmärtor",
- "Diarrhea": "Diarré",
- "Headache": "Huvudvärk",
+ "Slovakia": "Slovakien",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Några frågor och alternativ fanns inte med i formuläret från början:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "Något verkar ha blivit fel",
+ "Something went wrong!": "Något blev fel!",
"Sore throat": "Halsont",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "Luktbortfall",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "Smakbortfall",
+ "Statistics": "Statistik",
"Stuffy or runny nose": "Täppt eller rinnande näsa",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "När började symptomen?",
- "How will my data be used?": "Hur kommer min data att användas?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "All information sparas helt anonymt och kan inte kopplas till dig.",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Vår sekretesspolicy finns här",
- "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "Jag godkänner att min data sparas enligt sekretesspolicyn",
"Submit report": "Skicka in rapport",
- "Statistics": "Statistik",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "Ladda hem datan som CSV",
- "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19-smittade",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "personer har rapporterat att de testat positivt för COVID-19 och att de upplevt symptom.",
+ "Sweden": "Sverige",
+ "Symptom": "Symptom",
"Symptoms": "Symptom",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "Symptom du haft",
"Test results": "Testresultat",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "personer har rapporterat att de testats för COVID-19.",
- "Close contacts": "Närkontakter",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "personer har rapporterat att de har varit i nära kontakt med någon som testats positivt för COVID-19.",
- "Key figures": "Nyckeltal",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Av dem som rapporterat att de varit i nära kontakt med någon som testats positivt för COVID-19, har:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "rapporterat att de upplevt de två vanligaste symptomen som smittade upplever.",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "rapporterat att de upplevt de tre vanligaste symptomen som smittade upplever.",
- "All submissions": "Alla bidrag",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Alla som har skickat in en rapport har även:",
- "Total number of reports": "Totalt antal rapporter",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Positivt testresultat och närkontakt",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Förtydliganden angående databasen",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Frågor angående närkontakt blev tillagda den 16/3 kl. 22:30. Vissa symptom fanns inte med i formuläret från början:",
- "Symptom": "Symptom",
- "Added to form": "Tillagt till formuläret",
- "In total": "Totalt",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "personer har rapporterat att de upplevt symptom.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Antal rapporterade fall av COVID-19-smittade patienter",
- "Number reported": "Antal rapporterade",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Rapporter med symptom",
- "Reports": "Rapporter",
- "In close contact with symptoms": "I närkontakt med symptom",
- "In close contact without symptoms": "I närkontakt utan symptom",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Närkontakt med någon som testats positivt",
"Tested negative": "Testat negativ",
- "Map": "Karta",
- "API": "API",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Jag godkänner att en cookie sparas på min dator, så att jag senare kan uppdatera mitt rapporterade hälsotillstånd, till exempel vid tillfrisknande / insjuknande",
- "required": "nödvändigt",
- "recommended": "rekommenderat",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "Nedan visas din hälsoinformation.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "För att lägga till en annan person på denna dator, spara eller skriv ner din personliga länk",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Din hälsoinformation är rensad från datorn.",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Du kan nu använda den här datorn för en annan användare.",
- "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Vi har sparat din data i en cookie tills nästa gång du vill uppdatera din status",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Om du har flera användare på den här datorn, var god använd den här länken för din status.",
- "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Skriv ner den eller spara den på din dator.",
+ "Tested positive": "Testats positivt",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "Testning och symptom",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "Tack för ditt bidrag!",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Tack för ditt bidrag! Använd den här länken om ditt hälsotillstånd förändras:",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "På så sätt kan du uppdatera din rapport om ditt hälsotillstånd förändras.",
+ "The Netherlands": "Nederländerna",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "Sidans källkod finns",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Datan är öppen för alla. Titta på kartor och grafer, eller ladda hem datan och gör egna visualiseringar.",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "Myndigheterna har nu lanserat sitt eget självrapporterings-system, var god använd det istället.",
+ "The link has been copied": "Länken har kopierats",
"The link has been copied.": "Länken har kopierats.",
- "clear this form": "rensa formuläret",
- "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "Länken är trasig, eller så finns sidan inte längre kvar",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "De markerade positionerna motsvarar koordinater för postnummer och har inget att göra med enskilda individer.",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "Spridningen av COVID-19 i landet är okänd. Hjälp oss att skapa en bättre översikt.",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "Webbsidan har öppen källkod och byggs av frivilliga. Bidra gärna.",
+ "This field is optional": "Detta fält är frivilligt",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Detta är inte ett officiellt verktyg från svenska myndigheter. Vi hänvisar till hälsomyndigheterna för mer information om utbrottet. De har alltid aktuell information.",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Den här sidan är för närvarande inte på något sätt kopplad till myndigheterna.",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Den här webbsidan skapas med hjälp av frivilliga. Utan inbördes ordning:",
"To WHO.int": "Till WHO.int",
- "Are you from": "Bor du i",
- "Sweden": "Sverige",
- "Norway": "Norge",
- "The Netherlands": "Nederländerna",
- "Slovakia": "Slovakien",
+ "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "För att besegra coronaviruset måste vi göra det osynliga viruset synligt.",
+ "Total number of reports": "Totalt antal rapporter",
+ "Total reports": "Totalt antal rapporter",
"United Kingdom": "Storbritannien",
- "March 16": "16 mars",
- "March 17": "17 mars",
- "March 23": "23 mars",
- "at": "klockan",
- "Nausea or vomiting": "Illamående eller kräkningar",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Har du blivit diagnostiserad med något av följande sjukdomstillstånd?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Diabetes, högt blodtryck, hjärt- och kärlsjukdom, astma, kronisk lungsjukdom, kronisk njursjukdom",
- "I am currently:": "Jag befinner mig för närvarande",
- "Not in isolation": "Inte i karantän",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "I karantän pga nylig utlandsresa",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "I karantän på grund av en kontakt som blivit utsatt för coronaviruset.",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Rökvanor",
- "I currently smoke": "Jag är rökare",
- "I used to smoke": "Jag har tidigare varit rökare",
- "I have never smoked": "Jag har aldrig varit rökare",
+ "Unreported cases": "Stort mörkertal",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Använd länken du kopierade vid ditt förra besök för att uppdatera ditt hälsotillstånd.",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Genom självrapportering kan vi få en bättre bild av hur många som har symptom utan att utsätta vårdpersonal för någon smittorisk och utan att använda värdefull utrustning för infektionskontroll, vilket redan är en bristvara. Vi på Bustbyte, med stor hjälp av frivilliga, har skapat det här verktyget som ett svar på",
+ "Waiting for result": "Väntar på svar",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "Sidan eller tjänsten du söker kan inte hittas",
+ "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Vi har sparat din data i en cookie tills nästa gång du vill uppdatera din status",
+ "What is my Zip code?": "Vad har jag för postnummer?",
"What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "Vad är din kroppstemperatur, i grader Celsius?",
- "This field is optional": "Detta fält är frivilligt",
- "Close": "Stäng",
- "Contribute now": "Bidra nu",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Hjälp oss kartlägga och förutse spridningen av corona i ditt område",
- "March 27": "27 mars",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "Isolerad på myndigheters begäran",
+ "What was the result?": "Vad var resultatet?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "När började symptomen?",
+ "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Skriv ner den eller spara den på din dator.",
+ "Yes": "Ja",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Du kan nu använda den här datorn för en annan användare.",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Du måste godkända sekretesspolicyn för att kunna rapportera data.",
+ "Your age": "Din ålder",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "All information sparas helt anonymt och kan inte kopplas till dig.",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Din hälsoinformation är rensad från datorn.",
+ "Your state of health": "Ditt hälsotillstånd",
+ "Zip code": "Postnummer",
+ "Zip code information": "Postnummer",
+ "and": "och",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "som ett försök att kartlägga den informationen.",
+ "at": "klockan",
+ "clear this form": "rensa formuläret",
+ "here": "här",
+ "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
"https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://www.whatismyzip.com",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Några frågor och alternativ fanns inte med i formuläret från början:",
- "Numbers": "I siffror",
- "What is my Zip code?": "Vad har jag för postnummer?",
- "#stayindoors": "#stannahemma",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "Isolerad på grund av COVID-19-infektion",
- "#washyourhands": "#tvättahänderna",
- "March 28": "28 mars",
- "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "Frivilligt isolerad för att undgå möjlig spridning eller att bli smittad av COVID-19",
- "Other": "Annat",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Bidra och dela {{ hostname }} på",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Fyll i formuläret - det tar 1 minut - och hjälpa Sverige att få kontroll över COVID-19.",
- "One more thing": "En sak till",
- "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "För att besegra coronaviruset måste vi göra det osynliga viruset synligt.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} personer delade redan sin hälsostatus.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Låt dina vänner fylla i detta formulär också och hjälpa Sverige att få kontroll över COVID-19.",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "ALLMÄNT UPPROP TILL SVENSKA MEDBORGARE: Så här besegrar vi coronaviruset: tillsammans gör vi det osynliga viruset synligt.",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Bidra genom att dela {{ hostname }} på",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Fyll i det här formuläret - det tar en minut - och hjälp Sverige ta kontrollen över COVID-19.",
- "One more thing": "En sak till",
- "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "För att besegra coronaviruset måste vi göra det osynliga viruset synligt.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} personer har redan delat sin hälsostatus.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Låt dina vänner fylla i det här formuläret också och hjälp Sverige ta kontroll över COVID-19."
+ "if you can't get it to work.": "om du inte får det att fungera.",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "personer har rapporterat att de upplevt symptom.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "personer har rapporterat att de har varit i nära kontakt med någon som testats positivt för COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "personer har rapporterat att de testats för COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "personer har rapporterat att de testat positivt för COVID-19 och att de upplevt symptom.",
+ "recommended": "rekommenderat",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "rapporterat att de upplevt de tre vanligaste symptomen som smittade upplever.",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "rapporterat att de upplevt de två vanligaste symptomen som smittade upplever.",
+ "required": "nödvändigt",
+ "this article": "denna artikel",
+ "volunteers": "frivilliga",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "folkhälsomyndigheten.se",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} personer har redan delat sin hälsostatus."
diff --git a/app/locales/sk.json b/app/locales/sk.json
index d2dfa477..875e99c1 100644
--- a/app/locales/sk.json
+++ b/app/locales/sk.json
@@ -1,197 +1,200 @@
- "Postal code": "PSČ",
- "Important": "Doležité",
- "Page not found": "Stránka nenájdená",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "Stránka alebo služba žial nebola nájdená",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "Odkaz, na ktorý ste klikli, je nefunkčný alebo stránka už neexistuje",
- "Something went wrong!": "Niekde nastala chyba!",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "Niekde musela nastať chyba",
- "Send an e-mail to": "Pošli email na",
- "if you can't get it to work.": " ak sa Vám to nedarí sprevádzkovať.",
- "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Pred pokračovaním si prosím uložte nasledujúci link",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Uložte si tento odkaz alebo si ho pridajte do záložiek.",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "Touto cestou viete aktualizovať váš report v prípade zmeny zdravotného stavu.",
- "I've noted down the link.": "Zapísal som si tento odkaz.",
- "Proceed": "Pokračovať",
- "The link has been copied": "Odkaz bol skopírovaný.",
- "Copy": "Kopírovať",
- "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Odkaz sa nedá skopírovať, skopírujte si ho manuálne",
- "Contributors": "Prispievatelia",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Táto stránka je nezá s pomocou dobrovoľných prispievateľov. Bez konkrétneho poradia:",
+ "#stayindoors": "#zostaňdoma",
+ "#washyourhands": "#umývajsiruky",
"...and others": "...a ďalší",
- "The code for the website can be found": "Zdrojový kód stránky nájdete",
- "here": "tu",
+ "API": "API",
"About the service": "O službe",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "V dôsledku rýchleho prepuknutia pandémie COVID-19 nie sú dostupné dostatočné zdroje na testovanie všetkých ľudí. Preto sa predpokladá, že sa medzi nami pohybuje množstvo infikovaných ľudí, o ktorých nevieme.",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Zaslaním vlastného hlásenia o zdravotnom stave môžeme všetci získať lepšiu predstavu o tom, koľko ľudí má príznaky. A to bez toho, aby boli zdravotnícki pracovníci vystavení potenciálnym nebezpečenstvám kontaminácie a bez spotrebovania cenného vybavenia na testovanie, ktorého je nedostatok. Bustbyte, spolu s ďalšími dobrovoľníkmi, vytvorili túto službu ako reakciu na pandémiu",
- "this article": "",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "so snahou vykresliť reálne čísla.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Táto stránka je nezávislou iniciatívou dobrovoľníkov. Pre získanie informácií o koronavíruse Vám odporúčame navštíviť oficiálne stránky štátnych úradov (napr. Úrad verejného zdravotníctva SR), ktoré poskytujú aktualizované informácie.",
- "Developed by": "Vytvoril",
+ "Added to form": "Pridaný do formulára",
+ "All submissions": "Všetký príspevky",
+ "Are you from": "Ste zo",
+ "Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Pred pokračovaním si prosím uložte nasledujúci link",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "Nižšie nájdete informácie o svojom zdravotnom stave.",
+ "Biological gender": "Pohlavie",
"BustByte AS": "BustByte",
- "and": "a",
- "volunteers": "dobrovoľníci",
- "Privacy Policy": "Ochrana súkromia",
- "Privacy": "Súkromie",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "Ďakujeme za váš príspevok!",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "Štát už zriadil vlastný systém na samo ohlasovanie zdravotného stavu, prosím použite radšej tento.",
- "www.nhs.uk": "www.uvzsr.sk",
- "Go to the National health service website": "Prejsť na stránku Úradu verejného zdravotníctva SR",
- "Report status by zip code": "Stav podľa PSČ",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Značky zobrazujú polohu PSČ, nie konkrétnych jednotlivcov. Objavia sa až pri viacerých záznamoch z rovnakého PSČ kvôli ochranie súkromia",
- "Healthy": "Zdravý",
- "Has symptoms": "Má symptómy",
- "Tested positive": "Pozitívne testovaný",
- "Zip code information ": "PSČ informácie ",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Pridajte sa k tomuto dôležitému crowdsourcing projektu!",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Spolu môžeme lepšie odhaliť šírenie COVID-19 na Slovensku!",
- "Share on": "Zdieľajte na",
- "NB!": "Upozornenie!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Táto stránka je nezávislou iniciatívou dobrovoľníkov, nesúvisí so štátnými orgánmi.",
- "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.":"Táto stránka je nezávislou iniciatívou.",
- "Learn more!":"Zisti viac!",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Prečítajte si ako sú vami zadané dáta spracovávané",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Použite uložený odkaz, ktorý sa zobrazil pri vašej poslednej aktualizácii vášho zdravotného stavu",
- "Unreported cases": "Neoznámené prípady",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "Trend šírenia COVID-19 v našej krajine je neznámy. Pomôžte nám získať lepší prehľad",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "Žiadosť o pomoc: Porazme spoločne COVID-19 - zviditeľnime neviditeľný vírus.",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 infikovaný",
+ "Choose your age": "Zvoľte váš vek",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Vzťah k fajčeniu:",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Podklady k dátam na objasnenie",
+ "Close": "Zavrieť",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Blízky kontakt s pozitívne testovaným",
+ "Close contacts": "Blízky kontakt",
+ "Contact details": "Kontaktné údaje",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Zdieľajte {{ hostname }} na",
"Contribute anonymously": "Anonymizované dáta",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Zadajte info o vašom zdravotnom stave anonymne",
- "Insight for everyone": "Prehľad pre každého",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Dáta sú otvorené pre každého. Pozrite si mapy, grafy alebo stiahnite dáta a vytvorte vlastné vizualizácie",
+ "Contribute now": "Nahláste stav anonymne",
+ "Contributors": "Prispievatelia",
+ "Copy": "Kopírovať",
+ "Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Odkaz sa nedá skopírovať, skopírujte si ho manuálne",
+ "Developed by": "Vytvoril",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Cukrovka (diabetes), vysoký krvný tlak, ischemická choroba srdca, astma, chronické ochorenie pľúc, chronické ochorenie obličiek",
+ "Diarrhea": "Hnačka",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "Stiahnite si dáta vo formáte CSV",
+ "Dry cough": "Suchý kašeľ",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Každý, kto odoslal údaje, má tiež:",
"Everything is open": "Open source",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "Tento web má otvorený zdrojový kód vytvorený dobrovoľníkmi",
- "Total reports": "Počet záznamov",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Infikovaných / Otestovaných",
- "In close contact with someone who's infected": "V blízkom kontakte s infikovaným",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Pre uloženie vášho zdravotného stavu musíte akceptovať podmienky ochrany súkromia",
- "Your state of health": "Váš zdravotný stav",
- "Report your health condition": "Nahláste stav anonymne",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Ďakujeme za váš príspevok! Použite tento link ak sa váš zdravotný stav zmení:",
- "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Pridajte sa k tomuto dôležitému crowdsourcing projektu! Bez ohľadu na to, či ste zdravý alebo nie, prosím, vyplňte tento formulár - každá informácia je nápomocná!",
- "Geography and demography": "Základné údaje",
- "Your age": "Veková kategória",
- "Choose your age": "Zvoľte váš vek",
- "Biological gender": "Pohlavie",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Únava a vyčerpanie",
"Female": "Žena",
- "Male": "Muž",
- "Zip code": "PSČ",
- "Testing and symptoms": "Testovanie a symptómy",
+ "Fever": "Horúčka",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Vyplniť formulár trvá iba minútu - pomôžete tak Slovensku získať lepší prehľad o šírení vírusu.",
+ "Geography and demography": "Základné údaje",
+ "Go to the National health service website": "Prejsť na stránku Úradu verejného zdravotníctva SR",
+ "Has symptoms": "Má symptómy",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Máte niektorú z nasledujúcich diagnóz?",
"Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Boli ste v blízkom kontakte s pozitívne testovaným na COVID-19?",
- "Yes": "Áno",
- "No": "Nie",
- "Positive": "Pozitívny",
- "Negative": "Negatívny",
"Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Boli ste pozitívne testovaný na COVID-19?",
- "What was the result?": "Aký bol výsledok testu?",
- "Waiting for result": "Čakám na výsledky",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "Vaše symptómy",
- "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Zvoľte iba symptómy, ktoré skutočne máte",
- "Dry cough": "Suchý kašeľ",
- "Mucus cough": "Vlhký kašeľ",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Únava a vyčerpanie",
- "Fever": "Horúčka",
- "Shortness of breath": "Dýchavičnosť",
- "Muscle pain": "Bolesť svalov",
- "Diarrhea": "Hnačka",
"Headache": "Bolesť hlavy",
- "Sore throat": "Bolesť hrdla",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "Strata čuchu",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "Strata chuti",
- "Stuffy or runny nose": "Nádcha alebo plný nos",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "Kedy začali symptómy?",
+ "Healthy": "Zdravý",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Pomôžte nám odhaliť a predvídať šírenie koronavírusu COVID-19 vo vašej lokalite",
"How will my data be used?": "Ako budú použité vaše dáta?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Vaše zdravotné informácie sú anonymizované a nemožno ich použiť na vašu identifikáciu.",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Politiku ochrany súkromia nájdete tu",
"I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "Súhlasím s uložením týchto údajov v súlade s politikou o ochrane súkromia",
- "Submit report": "Odoslať hlásenie",
- "In total": "Celkom",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "ľudí uviedlo, že malo symptómy.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Počet reportov pacientov infikovaných COVID-19",
- "Number reported": "Nahlásený počet",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Počet reportov so symptómami",
- "Reports": "Reporty",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Akceptujem cookies, aby som vedel neskôr aktualizovať zmenu svojho zdravotného stavu",
+ "I am currently:": "Aktuálne som:",
+ "I currently smoke": "Fajčím",
+ "I have never smoked": "Nikdy som nefajčil",
+ "I used to smoke": "Fajčil som",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "Zapísal som si tento odkaz.",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Ak toto zariadenie používa viacero používateľov, prosím, použite tento link na aktualizáciu vášho zdravotného stavu.",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Ak chcete registrovať ďalšiu osobu, uložte a zapíšte si váš unikátny URL odkaz:",
+ "Important": "Doležité",
+ "In close contact with someone who's infected": "V blízkom kontakte s infikovaným",
"In close contact with symptoms": "V blízkom kontakte so symptómami",
"In close contact without symptoms": "V blízkom kontakte bez symptómov",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Blízky kontakt s pozitívne testovaným",
- "Tested negative": "Negatívne testovaný",
- "Map": "Mapa",
- "API": "API",
- "Statistics": "Štatistiky",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "Stiahnite si dáta vo formáte CSV",
- "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 infikovaný",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "ľudí uviedlo, že boli pozitívne testovaní na COVID-19 a mali príznaky.",
- "Symptoms": "Symptómy",
- "Test results": "Výsledky testov",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "ľudí uviedlo, že boli testovaní na COVID-19.",
- "Close contacts": "Blízky kontakt",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "ľudí uviedlo, že boli v blízkom kontakte s osobou pozitívne testovanou na COVID-19.",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "V dôsledku rýchleho prepuknutia pandémie COVID-19 nie sú dostupné dostatočné zdroje na testovanie všetkých ľudí. Preto sa predpokladá, že sa medzi nami pohybuje množstvo infikovaných ľudí, o ktorých nevieme.",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "V karanténe kvôli infikovaniu COVID-19 vírusom",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "V karanténe vzhľadom na návrat zo zahraničia",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "V karanténe kvôli kontaktu s infikovaným na koronavírus",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "V karanténe na príkaz vlády",
+ "In total": "Celkom",
+ "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "V dobrovoľnej karanténe, vyhnúť sa tak možnému šíreniu alebo infikovaniu COVID-19",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Infikovaných / Otestovaných",
+ "Insight for everyone": "Prehľad pre každého",
+ "Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Pridajte sa k tomuto dôležitému crowdsourcing projektu! Bez ohľadu na to, či ste zdravý alebo nie, prosím, vyplňte tento formulár - každá informácia je nápomocná!",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Pridajte sa k tomuto dôležitému crowdsourcing projektu!",
"Key figures": "Kľúčové dáta",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Z tých, ktorí uviedli, že boli v úzkom kontakte s pozitívne testovaným na COVID-19:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "uviedli, že zažívali 2 najčastejšie sa vyskytújuce symptómy medzi infikovanými.",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "uviedli, že zažívali 3 najčastejšie sa vyskytújuce symptómy medzi infikovanými.",
- "All submissions": "Všetký príspevky",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Každý, kto odoslal údaje, má tiež:",
- "Total number of reports": "Celkový počet odoslaných hlásení",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Pozitívne výsledky testu a blízky kontakt",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Podklady k dátam na objasnenie",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Otázky o úzkom kontakte boli pridané 16. marca o 10:30. Niektoré príznaky neboli od začiatku súčasťou formulára:",
- "Symptom": "Symptóm",
- "Added to form": "Pridaný do formulára",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Akceptujem cookies, aby som vedel neskôr aktualizovať zmenu svojho zdravotného stavu",
- "required": "požadované",
- "recommended": "odporúčané",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "Nižšie nájdete informácie o svojom zdravotnom stave.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Ak chcete registrovať ďalšiu osobu, uložte a zapíšte si váš unikátny URL odkaz:",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Informácie o vašom zdravotnom stave boli z tohto zariadenia zmazané.",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Teraz môžete pokračovať na zaregistrovanie ďalšieho používateľa.",
- "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Vaše údaje sú uložené v cookies, aby ste vedeli neskôr ľahko aktualizovať váš zdravotný stav",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Ak toto zariadenie používa viacero používateľov, prosím, použite tento link na aktualizáciu vášho zdravotného stavu.",
- "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Zapíšte si ho alebo uložte na svojom zariadení.",
- "The link has been copied.": "Link bol skopírovaný.",
- "clear this form": "kliknite na vyčistenie tohto formulára",
- "Are you from": "Ste zo",
- "Norway": "Nórska",
- "The Netherlands": "Holandska",
- "Slovakia": "Slovenska",
- "United Kingdom": "Spojeného Kráľovstva",
- "https://who.int": "https://www.uvzsr.sk",
- "To WHO.int": "Prejsť na www.uvzsr.sk",
+ "Learn more!": "Zisti viac!",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Pozvite svojich priateľov vyplniť tento formulár a pomôžte Slovensku získať kontrolu nad COVID-19.",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "Strata čuchu",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "Strata chuti",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Spolu môžeme lepšie odhaliť šírenie COVID-19 na Slovensku!",
+ "Male": "Muž",
+ "Map": "Mapa",
"March 16": "16. marca",
"March 17": "17. marca",
"March 23": "23. marca",
"March 27": "27. marca",
- "at": "v",
+ "March 28": "28. marca",
+ "Mucus cough": "Vlhký kašeľ",
+ "Muscle pain": "Bolesť svalov",
+ "NB!": "Upozornenie!",
"Nausea or vomiting": "Nevoľnosť alebo zvracanie",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Máte niektorú z nasledujúcich diagnóz?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Cukrovka (diabetes), vysoký krvný tlak, ischemická choroba srdca, astma, chronické ochorenie pľúc, chronické ochorenie obličiek",
- "I am currently:": "Aktuálne som:",
+ "Negative": "Negatívny",
+ "No": "Nie",
+ "Norway": "Nórska",
"Not in isolation": "Mimo karantény",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "V karanténe vzhľadom na návrat zo zahraničia",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "V karanténe kvôli kontaktu s infikovaným na koronavírus",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "V karanténe na príkaz vlády",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "V karanténe kvôli infikovaniu COVID-19 vírusom",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Vzťah k fajčeniu:",
- "I currently smoke": "Fajčím",
- "I used to smoke": "Fajčil som",
- "I have never smoked": "Nikdy som nefajčil",
- "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "Aká je vaša telesná teplota?",
- "This field is optional": "Toto pole je voliteľné",
- "Close": "Zavrieť",
- "Contribute now": "Nahláste stav anonymne",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Pomôžte nám odhaliť a predvídať šírenie koronavírusu COVID-19 vo vašej lokalite",
+ "Number of report submissions from your IP address exceeded allowed limit. Report was not saved. Please, try again later.": "Počet reportov z vašej IP adresy presiahol povolený limit. Report nebol uložený.",
+ "Number reported": "Nahlásený počet",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Počet reportov pacientov infikovaných COVID-19",
"Numbers": "čísla",
- "#washyourhands": "#umývajsiruky",
- "#stayindoors": "#zostaňdoma",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Niektoré otázky a možnosti neboli predtým súčasťou formulára:",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "Z tých, ktorí uviedli, že boli v úzkom kontakte s pozitívne testovaným na COVID-19:",
+ "One more thing": "Máme na vás ešte jednu prosbu",
"Other": "Iné / Nechcem zverejniť",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "VÝZVA PRE VŠETKÝCH OBČANOV NA SLOVENSKU: Porazme spoločne COVID-19: zviditeľnime neviditeľný vírus.",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Zdieľajte {{ hostname }} na",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Vyplniť tento formulár trvá iba minútu - pomôžete tak Slovensku získať kontrolu nad COVID-19.",
- "One more thing": "Ešte jedna vec",
- "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "Aby sme mohli poraziť COVID-19, musíme spraviť neviditeľný koronavírus viditeľným.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "Zdravotný stav už zdieľalo {{ amount }} ľudí.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Pozvite svojich priateľov vyplniť tento formulár a pomôžte Slovensku získať kontrolu nad COVID-19.",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Politiku ochrany súkromia nájdete tu",
+ "Page not found": "Stránka nenájdená",
+ "Positive": "Pozitívny",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Pozitívne výsledky testu a blízky kontakt",
+ "Postal code": "PSČ",
+ "Privacy": "Súkromie",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Ochrana súkromia",
+ "Proceed": "Pokračovať",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Otázky o úzkom kontakte boli pridané 16. marca o 10:30. Niektoré príznaky neboli od začiatku súčasťou formulára:",
+ "Rate limit exceeded": "Počet žiadostí prekročený",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Prečítajte si ako sú vami zadané dáta spracovávané",
+ "Report status by zip code": "Stav podľa PSČ",
+ "Report your health condition": "Nahláste stav anonymne",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Zadajte info o vašom zdravotnom stave anonymne",
+ "Reports": "Reporty",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Počet reportov so symptómami",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Uložte si tento odkaz alebo si ho pridajte do záložiek.",
+ "Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Zvoľte iba symptómy, ktoré skutočne máte",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "Pošlite email na",
+ "Share on": "Zdieľajte na",
+ "Shortness of breath": "Dýchavičnosť",
+ "Slovakia": "Slovenska",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Niektoré otázky a možnosti neboli predtým súčasťou formulára:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "Niekde musela nastať chyba",
+ "Something went wrong!": "Niekde nastala chyba!",
+ "Sore throat": "Bolesť hrdla",
+ "Statistics": "Štatistiky",
+ "Stuffy or runny nose": "Nádcha alebo plný nos",
+ "Submit report": "Odoslať hlásenie",
+ "Symptom": "Symptóm",
+ "Symptoms": "Symptómy",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "Vaše symptómy",
+ "Test results": "Výsledky testov",
+ "Tested negative": "Negatívne testovaný",
+ "Tested positive": "Pozitívne testovaný",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "Testovanie a symptómy",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "Ďakujeme za váš príspevok!",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Ďakujeme za váš príspevok! Použite tento link ak sa váš zdravotný stav zmení:",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "Touto cestou viete aktualizovať váš report v prípade zmeny zdravotného stavu.",
+ "The Netherlands": "Holandska",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "Zdrojový kód stránky nájdete",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Dáta sú otvorené pre každého. Pozrite si mapy, grafy alebo stiahnite dáta a vytvorte vlastné vizualizácie",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "Štát už zriadil vlastný systém na samo ohlasovanie zdravotného stavu, prosím použite radšej tento.",
+ "The link has been copied": "Odkaz bol skopírovaný.",
+ "The link has been copied.": "Link bol skopírovaný.",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "Odkaz, na ktorý ste klikli, je nefunkčný alebo stránka už neexistuje",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Značky zobrazujú polohu PSČ, nie konkrétnych jednotlivcov. Objavia sa až pri viacerých záznamoch z rovnakého PSČ kvôli ochranie súkromia",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "Trend šírenia COVID-19 v našej krajine je neznámy. Pomôžte nám získať lepší prehľad",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "Tento web má otvorený zdrojový kód vytvorený dobrovoľníkmi",
+ "This field is optional": "Toto pole je voliteľné",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Táto stránka je nezávislou iniciatívou dobrovoľníkov. Pre získanie informácií o koronavíruse Vám odporúčame navštíviť oficiálne stránky štátnych úradov (napr. Úrad verejného zdravotníctva SR), ktoré poskytujú aktualizované informácie.",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Táto stránka je nezávislou iniciatívou dobrovoľníkov, nesúvisí so štátnými orgánmi.",
+ "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "Táto stránka je nezávislou iniciatívou.",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Táto stránka je nezá s pomocou dobrovoľných prispievateľov. Bez konkrétneho poradia:",
+ "To WHO.int": "Prejsť na www.uvzsr.sk",
+ "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "Aby sme dokázali poraziť COVID-19, musíme spraviť neviditeľný koronavírus viditeľným.",
+ "Total number of reports": "Celkový počet odoslaných hlásení",
+ "Total reports": "Počet záznamov",
+ "United Kingdom": "Spojeného Kráľovstva",
+ "Unreported cases": "Neoznámené prípady",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Použite uložený odkaz, ktorý sa zobrazil pri vašej poslednej aktualizácii vášho zdravotného stavu",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Zaslaním vlastného hlásenia o zdravotnom stave môžeme všetci získať lepšiu predstavu o tom, koľko ľudí má príznaky. A to bez toho, aby boli zdravotnícki pracovníci vystavení potenciálnym nebezpečenstvám kontaminácie a bez spotrebovania cenného vybavenia na testovanie, ktorého je nedostatok. Bustbyte, spolu s ďalšími dobrovoľníkmi, vytvorili túto službu ako reakciu na pandémiu",
"View Website Statistics": "Webové štatistiky",
- "March 28": "28. marca",
- "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "V dobrovoľnej karanténe, vyhnúť sa tak možnému šíreniu alebo infikovaniu COVID-19"
+ "Waiting for result": "Čakám na výsledky",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "Stránka alebo služba žial nebola nájdená",
+ "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Vaše údaje sú uložené v cookies, aby ste vedeli neskôr ľahko aktualizovať váš zdravotný stav",
+ "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "Aká je vaša telesná teplota?",
+ "What was the result?": "Aký bol výsledok testu?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "Kedy začali symptómy?",
+ "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Zapíšte si ho alebo uložte na svojom zariadení.",
+ "Yes": "Áno",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Teraz môžete pokračovať na zaregistrovanie ďalšieho používateľa.",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Pre uloženie vášho zdravotného stavu musíte akceptovať podmienky ochrany súkromia",
+ "Your age": "Veková kategória",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Vaše zdravotné informácie sú anonymizované a nemožno ich použiť na vašu identifikáciu.",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Informácie o vašom zdravotnom stave boli z tohto zariadenia zmazané.",
+ "Your state of health": "Váš zdravotný stav",
+ "Zip code": "PSČ",
+ "Zip code information ": "PSČ informácie ",
+ "and": "a",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "so snahou vykresliť reálne čísla.",
+ "at": "v",
+ "clear this form": "kliknite na vyčistenie tohto formulára",
+ "here": "tu",
+ "https://who.int": "https://www.uvzsr.sk",
+ "if you can't get it to work.": " ak vám to nefunguje.",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "ľudí uviedlo, že malo symptómy.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "ľudí uviedlo, že boli v blízkom kontakte s osobou pozitívne testovanou na COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "ľudí uviedlo, že boli testovaní na COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "ľudí uviedlo, že boli pozitívne testovaní na COVID-19 a mali príznaky.",
+ "recommended": "odporúčané",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "uviedli, že zažívali 3 najčastejšie sa vyskytújuce symptómy medzi infikovanými.",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "uviedli, že zažívali 2 najčastejšie sa vyskytújuce symptómy medzi infikovanými.",
+ "required": "požadované",
+ "this article": "",
+ "volunteers": "dobrovoľníci",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "www.uvzsr.sk",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "Zdravotný stav už zdieľalo {{ amount }} ľudí."
diff --git a/app/locales/tr.json b/app/locales/tr.json
index 523b5965..ba3ed0a0 100644
--- a/app/locales/tr.json
+++ b/app/locales/tr.json
@@ -1,197 +1,197 @@
- "Postal code": "Posta Kodu",
- "Important": "Önemli",
- "Page not found": "Sayfa bulunamadı",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "Aradığınız sayfa ya da servisi bulamadık",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "Erişmeye çalıştığınız bağlantı bozuk ya da silinmiş olabilir ",
- "Something went wrong!": "Bir şeyler ters gitti!",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "Bir şeyler ters gitmiş olmalı",
- "Send an e-mail to": "Eğer ulaşmaya çalıştığınız sayfaya erişemezseniz",
- "if you can't get it to work.": "adresine e-posta gönderebilirsiniz.",
+ "#stayindoors": "#evdekal",
+ "#washyourhands": "#eliniyika",
+ "...and others": "...ve diğerleri",
+ "API": "API",
+ "About the service": "Servis Hakkında",
+ "Added to form": "Forma eklendi",
+ "All submissions": "Tüm bildiriler",
+ "Are you from": "",
"Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Devam etmeden önce lütfen aşağıdaki bağlantıyı not alın",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Bu bağlantıyı bir yere kaydedin ya da tarayıcınızın yer imlerine ekleyin.",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "Böylece sağlık durumunuzda bir değişiklik olursa raporu güncelleyebilirsiniz.",
- "I've noted down the link.": "Bağlantıyı not aldım",
- "Proceed": "Devam Et",
- "The link has been copied": "Bağlantı kopyalandı.",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "Aşağıdakiler kişisel sağlık bilgilerini içeriyor.",
+ "Biological gender": "Cinsiyet",
+ "BustByte AS": "BustByte",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "TÜM TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ VATANDAŞLARINA ÇAĞRI: Korona virüsünü bu şekilde yeniyoruz: birlikte görünmez virüsü görünür kılıyoruz.",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 enfekte olmuş",
+ "Choose your age": "Yaşınızı seçiniz",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Sigara kullanma alışkanlığı",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Veri ile ilgili açıklamalar",
+ "Close": "Kapat",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Pozitif test edilen biriyle yakın temas",
+ "Close contacts": "Yakın temas",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "{{ hostname }} adresine katkıda bulunun ve paylaşın",
+ "Contribute anonymously": "Anonim olarak katkıda bulunun",
+ "Contribute now": "Şimdi destek ol",
+ "Contributors": "Katkıda Bulunanlar",
"Copy": "Kopyala",
"Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Bağlantı kopyalanamadı, lütfen kendiniz kopyalayınız",
- "Contributors": "Katkıda Bulunanlar",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Bu internet sitesi gönüllülerin katkıları ile geliştirilmiştir. Önem gözetmeksizin sırayla:",
- "...and others": "...ve diğerleri",
- "The code for the website can be found": "Bu internet sitesinin kaynak koduna",
- "here": "buradan erişebilirsiniz",
- "About the service": "Servis Hakkında",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "COVID-19'un patlak vermesi ile bağlantılı olarak, birçok insan virüs için test edildi, ancak ezici çoğunluk kaynak eksikliği nedeniyle test edilemedi. Bu nedenle, salgın ile verilerde büyük eksiklik olduğu varsayılmaktadır.",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Bu raporlama aracını kullanarak, sağlık çalışanlarını potansiyel kontaminasyon tehlikelerine maruz bırakmadan ve halihazırda yetersiz olan değerli enfeksiyon kontrol ekipmanlarını kullanmadan kaç kişinin semptomları olduğunu daha iyi görebilirsiniz. BustByte ve gönüllüler tarafından hazırlanan bu araç,",
- "this article": "bu makaleye",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "yanıt olarak, raporların grafik haline getirilmesi amacıyla hazırlanmıştır.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Bu sayfa yetkili birimlerin resmi bir aracı değildir ve salgın hakkında daha fazla bilgi için her zaman en güncel bilgilere sahip olan yetkili birimlere başvurunuz.",
"Developed by": "Geliştiren",
- "BustByte AS": "BustByte",
- "and": "ve",
- "volunteers": "gönüllüler",
- "Privacy Policy": "Gizlilik Bildirimi",
- "Privacy": "Gizlilik",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "Katkınız için teşekkürler!",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı da kendi raporlama sistemini duyurdu, lütfe onu kullanınız.",
- "www.nhs.uk": "https://covid19bilgi.saglik.gov.tr/tr/",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Şeker hastalığı, Hipertansiyon, İskemik kalp hastalığı, Astım, Kronik akciğer hastalığı, Kronik böbrek hastalığı",
+ "Diarrhea": "İshal",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "Veritabanını CSV formatında indir",
+ "Dry cough": "Kuru Öksürük",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Rapor gönderen herkes, şuna da sahip:",
+ "Everything is open": "Her şey açık",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Yorgunluk ve bitkinlik",
+ "Female": "Kadın",
+ "Fever": "Ateş",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Sadece 1 dakika sürecek olan bu formu doldurun ve Türkiye'nin COVID-19 üzerinde kontrol sahibi olmasına yardımcı olun.",
+ "Geography and demography": "Demografi ve Coğrafya",
"Go to the National health service website": "Sağlık bakanlığı sayfasına git",
- "Report status by zip code": "Posta Kodun ile rapor gönder",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Yer imi işaretleri posta kodlarının koordinatlarına karşılık gelir, bireylerle ilgisi yoktur",
- "Healthy": "Sağlıklı",
"Has symptoms": "Belirtiler var",
- "Tested positive": "Test sonucu pozitif",
- "Zip code information": "Posta kodu bilgisi",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "En önemli kitle raporlamada bize katılın!",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Sağlık sistemine gönüllü katkınızı yapın ve sağlık durumunuzu şimdi kaydedin. Hep birlikte bir genel rapor oluşturabiliriz.",
- "Share on": "Paylaş",
- "NB!": "Önemli!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Bu sayfa hiçbir şekilde yetkili birimlere bağlı değildir.",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Girdiğiniz verilerin nasıl işlendiğini öğrenin!",
- "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.":"Bu sayfa yetkili birimlere bağlı değildir.",
- "Learn more!":"Daha fazla bilgi edin!",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Daha önceden not aldığınız bağlantıyı kullanarak sağlık durumunuzu güncelleyin.",
- "Unreported cases": "Bildirilmemiş vakalar",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "COVID-19'un Türkiye'nin hangi bölgelerine dağıldığı net olarak bilinmemektedir. Hep birlikte daha iyi bir genel bakış oluşturabiliriz.",
- "Contribute anonymously": "Anonim olarak katkıda bulunun",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Sağlık durumunuzu anonim olarak herkese açık veri bankasına bildirin.",
- "Insight for everyone": "Herkesin erişimine açık veri bankası",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Veriler herkese açıktır. Haritalara ve grafiklere bakın veya verileri indirin ve kendi görselleştirmelerinizi oluşturun.",
- "Everything is open": "Her şey açık",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "Bu internet sitesi açık kaynak kodludur ve gönüllüler tarafından geliştirilmiştir. Katkıda bulunmak isterseniz hemen katılabilirsiniz",
- "Total reports": "Toplam Rapor Sayısı",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Enfekte / Test Edildi",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Aşağıdaki durumlardan herhangi biriyle ilgili teşhis edildin mi?",
+ "Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "COVID-19 testi pozitif olan bir kişiyle yakın temasta bulundunuz mu?",
+ "Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "COVID-19 için test edildiniz mi?",
+ "Headache": "Baş ağrısı",
+ "Healthy": "Sağlıklı",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Türkiye'deki COVID-19 salgınını hep birlikte analiz edelim",
+ "How will my data be used?": "Verilerim nasıl kullanılacak?",
+ "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "Verilerimin gizlilik beyanına uygun olarak saklanmasını kabul ediyorum",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Daha sonra sağlık durumumu değiştirebilmem için bir çerez (cookie) ayarlamayı kabul ediyorum. Örneğin: iyileşmeyi / hastalanmayı rapor etmek",
+ "I am currently:": "Şu anda",
+ "I currently smoke": "Şu anda sigara kullanıyorum",
+ "I have never smoked": "Hiç sigara kullanmadım",
+ "I used to smoke": "Eskiden sigara kullanıyordum",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "Bağlantıyı not aldım",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Bu bilgisayarı birden çok kullanıcı için kullanıyorsan, lütfen durumunu güncellemek için bu linki kullan.",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Bu bilgisayarda başka birini kayıt etmek istersen, kendi kişisel linkini kaydet veya not et",
+ "Important": "Önemli",
"In close contact with someone who's infected": "Enfekte biri ile yakın temasta",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Raporu göndermek için gizlilik bildirimini onaylamalasınız.",
- "Your state of health": "Sağlık Durumunuz",
- "Report your health condition": "Sağlık Durumunuzu Gönderin",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Katkınız için teşekkürler! Daha sonra sağlık durumunuzda değişiklik yapmak isterseniz bu linki kullanabilirsiniz:",
+ "In close contact with symptoms": "Belirtileri gösteren biriyle yakın temas",
+ "In close contact without symptoms": "Belirtileri göstermeyen biriyle yakın temas",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "COVID-19'un patlak vermesi ile bağlantılı olarak, birçok insan virüs için test edildi, ancak ezici çoğunluk kaynak eksikliği nedeniyle test edilemedi. Bu nedenle, salgın ile verilerde büyük eksiklik olduğu varsayılmaktadır.",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "COVID-19 enfeksiyonu yüzünden karantinada",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "Yakın zamanlardaki uluslararası seyahatimden ötürü izole durumdayım",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "Koronavirüs taşıyıcısı biri ile kontağa geçtiğimden ötürü izole durumdayım",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "Hükümet tarafından alınan kararlar dolayısıyla karantinada",
+ "In total": "Toplamda",
+ "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "COVID-19'a yakalanmamak veya potansiyel yayılmasına engel olmak için gönüllü izolasyonda",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Enfekte / Test Edildi",
+ "Insight for everyone": "Herkesin erişimine açık veri bankası",
"Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Sağlıklı olup olmadığınıza bakılmaksızın, lütfen aşağıdaki formu gönderin - her bilgi çok değerli!",
- "Geography and demography": "Demografi ve Coğrafya",
- "Your age": "Yaşınız",
- "Choose your age": "Yaşınızı seçiniz",
- "Biological gender": "Cinsiyet",
- "Female": "Kadın",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "En önemli kitle raporlamada bize katılın!",
+ "Key figures": "Önemli değerler",
+ "Learn more!": "Daha fazla bilgi edin!",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Arkadaşlarınızın da bu formu doldurmasına ve Türkiye'nin COVID-19 üzerinde kontrol sahibi olmasına yardımcı olun.",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "Koku alma duyusunda kayıp",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "Tat alma duyusunda kayıp",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Sağlık sistemine gönüllü katkınızı yapın ve sağlık durumunuzu şimdi kaydedin. Hep birlikte bir genel rapor oluşturabiliriz.",
"Male": "Erkek",
- "Zip code": "Posta Kodu",
- "Testing and symptoms": "Test ve belirtiler",
- "Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "COVID-19 testi pozitif olan bir kişiyle yakın temasta bulundunuz mu?",
- "Yes": "Evet",
+ "Map": "Harita",
+ "March 16": "16 Mart",
+ "March 17": "17 Mart",
+ "March 23": "23 Mart",
+ "March 27": "27 Mart",
+ "March 28": "28 Mart",
+ "Mucus cough": "Balgam",
+ "Muscle pain": "Kas ağrısı",
+ "NB!": "Önemli!",
+ "Nausea or vomiting": "Mide bulantısı veya kusma",
+ "Negative": "Negatif",
"No": "Hayır",
+ "Norway": "Norveç",
+ "Not in isolation": "İzole değilim",
+ "Number reported": "Rapor edilen sayı",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "COVID-19 enfekte olmuş insanlarda rapor edilen sayı",
+ "Numbers": "Sayılar",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "COVID-19 testi pozitif olan kişilerle yakın temasta olduğunu bildiren kişiler şuna sahip oldurduğunu bildirdi:",
+ "One more thing": "Bir şey daha",
+ "Other": "Diğer",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Gizlilik beyanını burada bulabilirsiniz",
+ "Page not found": "Sayfa bulunamadı",
"Positive": "Pozitif",
- "Negative": "Negatif",
- "Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "COVID-19 için test edildiniz mi?",
- "What was the result?": "Sonuç neydi?",
- "Waiting for result": "Sonuç bekleniyor",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "Yaşadığınız belirtiler",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Pozitif test sonuçları ve yakın temas",
+ "Postal code": "Posta Kodu",
+ "Privacy": "Gizlilik",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Gizlilik Bildirimi",
+ "Proceed": "Devam Et",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Yakın temas ile ilgili sorular 16 Mart saat 22:30 da eklendi. Bazı belirtiler formda en başından beri yer almıyor:",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Girdiğiniz verilerin nasıl işlendiğini öğrenin!",
+ "Report status by zip code": "Posta Kodun ile rapor gönder",
+ "Report your health condition": "Sağlık Durumunuzu Gönderin",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Sağlık durumunuzu anonim olarak herkese açık veri bankasına bildirin.",
+ "Reports": "Raporlar",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Belirtileri içeren raporlar",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Bu bağlantıyı bir yere kaydedin ya da tarayıcınızın yer imlerine ekleyin.",
"Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Lütfen sadece yaşadığınız belirtileri seçiniz",
- "Dry cough": "Kuru Öksürük",
- "Mucus cough": "Balgam",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Yorgunluk ve bitkinlik",
- "Fever": "Ateş",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "Eğer ulaşmaya çalıştığınız sayfaya erişemezseniz",
+ "Share on": "Paylaş",
"Shortness of breath": "Nefes darlığı",
- "Muscle pain": "Kas ağrısı",
- "Diarrhea": "İshal",
- "Headache": "Baş ağrısı",
+ "Slovakia": "Slovakya",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Bazı sorular ve alternatifler en başından beri yoktu:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "Bir şeyler ters gitmiş olmalı",
+ "Something went wrong!": "Bir şeyler ters gitti!",
"Sore throat": "Boğaz ağrısı",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "Koku alma duyusunda kayıp",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "Tat alma duyusunda kayıp",
+ "Statistics": "İstatistikler",
"Stuffy or runny nose": "Burun tıkanıklığı veya burun akıntısı",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "Belirtiler ne zaman başladı?",
- "How will my data be used?": "Verilerim nasıl kullanılacak?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Paylaştığınız veriler tamamen anonim olarak kaydedilir ve sizi tanımlamak için kullanılamaz.",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Gizlilik beyanını burada bulabilirsiniz",
- "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "Verilerimin gizlilik beyanına uygun olarak saklanmasını kabul ediyorum",
"Submit report": "Rapor yükle",
- "Statistics": "İstatistikler",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "Veritabanını CSV formatında indir",
- "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 enfekte olmuş",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "kişi COVID-19 testinin pozitif olduğunu ve belirtileri gösterdiğini belirtti.",
+ "Symptom": "Belirti",
"Symptoms": "Belirtiler",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "Yaşadığınız belirtiler",
"Test results": "Test sonuçları",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "kişi COVID-19 için test edildiğini bildirdi.",
- "Close contacts": "Yakın temas",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "kişi COVID-19 testi pozitif olan bir kişiyle yakın temasta olduğunu bildirdi",
- "Key figures": "Önemli değerler",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "COVID-19 testi pozitif olan kişilerle yakın temasta olduğunu bildiren kişiler şuna sahip oldurduğunu bildirdi:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "enfekte olan kişilerin çok görülen iki belirtisini gösterdiklerini bildirdi",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "enfekte olan kişilerin çok görülen üç belirtisini gösterdiklerini bildirdi",
- "All submissions": "Tüm bildiriler",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Rapor gönderen herkes, şuna da sahip:",
- "Total number of reports": "Toplam rapor sayısı",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Pozitif test sonuçları ve yakın temas",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Veri ile ilgili açıklamalar",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Yakın temas ile ilgili sorular 16 Mart saat 22:30 da eklendi. Bazı belirtiler formda en başından beri yer almıyor:",
- "Symptom": "Belirti",
- "Added to form": "Forma eklendi",
- "In total": "Toplamda",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "kişi belirtileri yaşadığını bildirdi.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "COVID-19 enfekte olmuş insanlarda rapor edilen sayı",
- "Number reported": "Rapor edilen sayı",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Belirtileri içeren raporlar",
- "Reports": "Raporlar",
- "In close contact with symptoms": "Belirtileri gösteren biriyle yakın temas",
- "In close contact without symptoms": "Belirtileri göstermeyen biriyle yakın temas",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "Pozitif test edilen biriyle yakın temas",
"Tested negative": "Negatif test edildi",
- "Map": "Harita",
- "API": "API",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Daha sonra sağlık durumumu değiştirebilmem için bir çerez (cookie) ayarlamayı kabul ediyorum. Örneğin: iyileşmeyi / hastalanmayı rapor etmek",
- "required": "gerekli",
- "recommended": "önerilen",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "Aşağıdakiler kişisel sağlık bilgilerini içeriyor.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Bu bilgisayarda başka birini kayıt etmek istersen, kendi kişisel linkini kaydet veya not et",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Senin kişisel sağlık bilgilerin bu bilgisayardan silindi.",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Bu bilgisayarı şu an başka birini kaydetmek için kullanabilirsin.",
- "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Bilgilerini çerezlerine kaydettik, daha sonra bilgilerini güncellemek için ziyaret edebilirsin",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Bu bilgisayarı birden çok kullanıcı için kullanıyorsan, lütfen durumunu güncellemek için bu linki kullan.",
- "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Herhangi bir yere not et veya bilgisayarına kaydet.",
+ "Tested positive": "Test sonucu pozitif",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "Test ve belirtiler",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "Katkınız için teşekkürler!",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Katkınız için teşekkürler! Daha sonra sağlık durumunuzda değişiklik yapmak isterseniz bu linki kullanabilirsiniz:",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "Böylece sağlık durumunuzda bir değişiklik olursa raporu güncelleyebilirsiniz.",
+ "The Netherlands": "Hollanda",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "Bu internet sitesinin kaynak koduna",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Veriler herkese açıktır. Haritalara ve grafiklere bakın veya verileri indirin ve kendi görselleştirmelerinizi oluşturun.",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı da kendi raporlama sistemini duyurdu, lütfe onu kullanınız.",
+ "The link has been copied": "Bağlantı kopyalandı.",
"The link has been copied.": "Link kopyalandı.",
- "clear this form": "bu formu temizle",
- "https://who.int": "https://covid19bilgi.saglik.gov.tr/tr/",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "Erişmeye çalıştığınız bağlantı bozuk ya da silinmiş olabilir ",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Yer imi işaretleri posta kodlarının koordinatlarına karşılık gelir, bireylerle ilgisi yoktur",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "COVID-19'un Türkiye'nin hangi bölgelerine dağıldığı net olarak bilinmemektedir. Hep birlikte daha iyi bir genel bakış oluşturabiliriz.",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "Bu internet sitesi açık kaynak kodludur ve gönüllüler tarafından geliştirilmiştir. Katkıda bulunmak isterseniz hemen katılabilirsiniz",
+ "This field is optional": "Bu opsiyonel bir seçenektir",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Bu sayfa yetkili birimlerin resmi bir aracı değildir ve salgın hakkında daha fazla bilgi için her zaman en güncel bilgilere sahip olan yetkili birimlere başvurunuz.",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Bu sayfa hiçbir şekilde yetkili birimlere bağlı değildir.",
+ "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "Bu sayfa yetkili birimlere bağlı değildir.",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Bu internet sitesi gönüllülerin katkıları ile geliştirilmiştir. Önem gözetmeksizin sırayla:",
"To WHO.int": "T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı COVID-19 Bilgilendirme Sayfası ",
- "Are you from": "",
- "Norway": "Norveç",
- "The Netherlands": "Hollanda",
- "Slovakia": "Slovakya",
- "United Kingdom": "Birleşik Krallık",
+ "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "Korona virüsünü yenmek için onu görünür hale getirmeliyiz.",
+ "Total number of reports": "Toplam rapor sayısı",
+ "Total reports": "Toplam Rapor Sayısı",
"Turkey": "Türkiye'de misin",
- "March 16": "16 Mart",
- "March 17": "17 Mart",
- "March 23": "23 Mart",
- "at": "",
- "Nausea or vomiting": "Mide bulantısı veya kusma",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "Aşağıdaki durumlardan herhangi biriyle ilgili teşhis edildin mi?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Şeker hastalığı, Hipertansiyon, İskemik kalp hastalığı, Astım, Kronik akciğer hastalığı, Kronik böbrek hastalığı",
- "I am currently:": "Şu anda",
- "Not in isolation": "İzole değilim",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "Yakın zamanlardaki uluslararası seyahatimden ötürü izole durumdayım",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "Koronavirüs taşıyıcısı biri ile kontağa geçtiğimden ötürü izole durumdayım",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Sigara kullanma alışkanlığı",
- "I currently smoke": "Şu anda sigara kullanıyorum",
- "I used to smoke": "Eskiden sigara kullanıyordum",
- "I have never smoked": "Hiç sigara kullanmadım",
+ "United Kingdom": "Birleşik Krallık",
+ "Unreported cases": "Bildirilmemiş vakalar",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Daha önceden not aldığınız bağlantıyı kullanarak sağlık durumunuzu güncelleyin.",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Bu raporlama aracını kullanarak, sağlık çalışanlarını potansiyel kontaminasyon tehlikelerine maruz bırakmadan ve halihazırda yetersiz olan değerli enfeksiyon kontrol ekipmanlarını kullanmadan kaç kişinin semptomları olduğunu daha iyi görebilirsiniz. BustByte ve gönüllüler tarafından hazırlanan bu araç,",
+ "Waiting for result": "Sonuç bekleniyor",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "Aradığınız sayfa ya da servisi bulamadık",
+ "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Bilgilerini çerezlerine kaydettik, daha sonra bilgilerini güncellemek için ziyaret edebilirsin",
"What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "Şu andaki vücut sıcaklığınız kaç derece ? (Santigrat cinsinden)",
- "This field is optional": "Bu opsiyonel bir seçenektir",
- "Close": "Kapat",
- "Contribute now": "Şimdi destek ol",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Türkiye'deki COVID-19 salgınını hep birlikte analiz edelim",
- "Numbers": "Sayılar",
- "#washyourhands": "#eliniyika",
- "#stayindoors": "#evdekal",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "Hükümet tarafından alınan kararlar dolayısıyla karantinada",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "COVID-19 enfeksiyonu yüzünden karantinada",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part of the form from the beginning:": "Bazı sorular ve alternatifler en başından beri yoktu:",
- "March 27": "27 Mart",
- "March 28": "28 Mart",
- "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "COVID-19'a yakalanmamak veya potansiyel yayılmasına engel olmak için gönüllü izolasyonda",
- "Other": "Diğer",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "TÜM TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ VATANDAŞLARINA ÇAĞRI: Korona virüsünü bu şekilde yeniyoruz: birlikte görünmez virüsü görünür kılıyoruz.",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "{{ hostname }} adresine katkıda bulunun ve paylaşın",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Sadece 1 dakika sürecek olan bu formu doldurun ve Türkiye'nin COVID-19 üzerinde kontrol sahibi olmasına yardımcı olun.",
- "One more thing": "Bir şey daha",
- "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "Korona virüsünü yenmek için onu görünür hale getirmeliyiz.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} kişi sağlık durumunu paylaştı.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Arkadaşlarınızın da bu formu doldurmasına ve Türkiye'nin COVID-19 üzerinde kontrol sahibi olmasına yardımcı olun."
+ "What was the result?": "Sonuç neydi?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "Belirtiler ne zaman başladı?",
+ "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Herhangi bir yere not et veya bilgisayarına kaydet.",
+ "Yes": "Evet",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Bu bilgisayarı şu an başka birini kaydetmek için kullanabilirsin.",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Raporu göndermek için gizlilik bildirimini onaylamalasınız.",
+ "Your age": "Yaşınız",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Paylaştığınız veriler tamamen anonim olarak kaydedilir ve sizi tanımlamak için kullanılamaz.",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Senin kişisel sağlık bilgilerin bu bilgisayardan silindi.",
+ "Your state of health": "Sağlık Durumunuz",
+ "Zip code": "Posta Kodu",
+ "Zip code information": "Posta kodu bilgisi",
+ "and": "ve",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "yanıt olarak, raporların grafik haline getirilmesi amacıyla hazırlanmıştır.",
+ "at": "",
+ "clear this form": "bu formu temizle",
+ "here": "buradan erişebilirsiniz",
+ "https://who.int": "https://covid19bilgi.saglik.gov.tr/tr/",
+ "if you can't get it to work.": "adresine e-posta gönderebilirsiniz.",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "kişi belirtileri yaşadığını bildirdi.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "kişi COVID-19 testi pozitif olan bir kişiyle yakın temasta olduğunu bildirdi",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "kişi COVID-19 için test edildiğini bildirdi.",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "kişi COVID-19 testinin pozitif olduğunu ve belirtileri gösterdiğini belirtti.",
+ "recommended": "önerilen",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "enfekte olan kişilerin çok görülen üç belirtisini gösterdiklerini bildirdi",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "enfekte olan kişilerin çok görülen iki belirtisini gösterdiklerini bildirdi",
+ "required": "gerekli",
+ "this article": "bu makaleye",
+ "volunteers": "gönüllüler",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "https://covid19bilgi.saglik.gov.tr/tr/",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} kişi sağlık durumunu paylaştı."
diff --git a/app/locales/uk-UA.json b/app/locales/uk-UA.json
index aeb75a8a..c3ed65cf 100644
--- a/app/locales/uk-UA.json
+++ b/app/locales/uk-UA.json
@@ -1,200 +1,200 @@
- "Postal code": "Поштовий індекс",
- "Important": "Важливо",
- "Page not found": "Сторінку не знайдено",
- "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "На жаль, ми не знайшли те що ви шукаєте",
- "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "Посилання не працює або сторінки не існує",
- "Something went wrong!": "Упс.. щось пішло не так!",
- "Something must have gone wrong": "Щось пішло не так",
- "Send an e-mail to": "Відправити е-мейл",
- "if you can't get it to work.": "якщо це не працює.",
+ "#stayindoors": "#залишайтесьвдома",
+ "#washyourhands": "#мийтеруки",
+ "...and others": "...та іншими",
+ "API": "API",
+ "About the service": "Про сервіс",
+ "Added to form": "Додано до форми",
+ "All submissions": "Всі відправлення",
+ "Are you from": "Ви з",
"Before proceeding please note down the following link": "Перед продовженням, будь ласка, запишіть це посилання",
- "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Збережіть це посилання, або додайте до закладок.",
- "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "Так, ти зможеш оновити свою відповідь, якщо стан здоров'я зміниться.",
- "I've noted down the link.": "Я записав посилання.",
- "Proceed": "Продовжити",
- "The link has been copied": "Посилання було скопійовано.",
+ "Below is your personal health information.": "Знизу інформація про ваше здоров'я.",
+ "Biological gender": "Стать",
+ "BustByte AS": "BustByte AS",
+ "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "ПРОХАННЯ ДО УСІХ ГРОМАДЯН: Так ми можемо перемогти коронавірус: разом ми робимо невидимий вірус - видими",
+ "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 інфіковано",
+ "Canada": "Канади",
+ "Choose your age": "Виберіть ваш вік",
+ "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Звички куріння",
+ "Clarifications data basis": "Розяснення",
+ "Close": "Закрити",
+ "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "В близькому контакті із кимось хто був протестований позитивно",
+ "Close contacts": "Близькі контакти",
+ "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Допомогти та поділитися {{ hostname }} у",
+ "Contribute anonymously": "Опитування повністю анонімне",
+ "Contribute now": "Допомогти зараз",
+ "Contributors": "Учасники",
"Copy": "Копіювати",
"Could not copy the link, please copy it yourself": "Не вийшло скопіювати посилання, будь ласка, скопіюйте вручну",
- "Contributors": "Учасники",
- "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Цей вебсайт було розроблено волонтерами, а саме:",
- "...and others": "...та іншими",
- "The code for the website can be found": "Код можна знайти",
- "here": "тут",
- "About the service": "Про сервіс",
- "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "У звязку із поширенням COVID-19, багато людей було перевірено на вірус, але через нестачу ресурсів, ще більше все ще не було перевірено. Тому ми припускаємо, що випадків набагато більше у звязку з поширенням вірусу.",
- "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Використовуючи самозвіт, ви можете отримати краще уявлення про те скільки людей мають симптоми без наражування працівників охорони здоров'я на небезпеку інфікування і без використання обладнання, якого і так не вистачає. Ми у Bustbyte, з допомогою інших волонтерів, створили цей сервіс для відповіді",
- "this article": "у цій статті",
- "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "на спробу виявити реальні цифри.",
- "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Це не офіційний портал органів влади, і більше інформації про поширення краще отримати у офіційних представників органів влади.",
"Developed by": "Розроблено",
- "BustByte AS": "BustByte AS",
- "and": "і",
- "volunteers": "волонтерами",
- "Privacy Policy": "Політики Приватності",
- "Privacy": "Приватність",
- "Thank you for your contribution!": "Дякую за ваш вклад!",
- "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "Ваша країна запустили свій сервіс, будь ласка, користуйтеся ним.",
- "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.uk",
+ "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Цукровий діабет, гіпертонія, Ішемічна хвороба серця, Астма, Хронічні захворювання легенів, Хронічні захворювання нирок",
+ "Diarrhea": "Діарея",
+ "Download the dataset as CSV": "Завантажити дані у CSV",
+ "Dry cough": "Сухий кашель",
+ "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Кожен, хто відправив звіт також:",
+ "Everything is open": "Все відкрито",
+ "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Слабкість і втома",
+ "Female": "Жіноча",
+ "Fever": "Гарячка",
+ "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Заповнення форми займає 1 хвилину і допомагає України розуміти стан поширення COVID-19.",
+ "Geography and demography": "Демографія і географія",
"Go to the National health service website": "Перейти на державний сайт",
- "Report status by zip code": "Повідомити статус за індексом",
- "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Позначки біля індексів немають нічого спільного із реальними людьми.",
- "Healthy": "Здоровий",
"Has symptoms": "Є симптоми",
- "Tested positive": "Тест дав позитивний результат",
- "Zip code information": "Індекс",
- "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Приєднуйся до найважливішого краудсорсу!",
- "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Зробіть свій волонтерський внесок в систему здоров'я і зареєструйте стан вашого здоров'я зараз. Разом ми зможемо зроуміти краще ситуацію.",
- "Share on": "Поділитися у",
- "NB!": "Важливо!",
- "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Ця сторінка ніяк не зв'язана із органами влади ні в який спосіб.",
- "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Читати про те як використовуються ваші дані тут!",
- "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Використайте посилання збережене раніше щоб оновити ваш попередній звіт.",
- "Unreported cases": "Невідомі випадки",
- "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "Реальна кількість інфікованих COVID-19 у країні невідомо. Допоможіть нам зрозуміти ситуацію краще.",
- "Contribute anonymously": "Опитування повністю анонімне",
- "Report your health condition anonymously": "Відправити інформацію про стан здоров'я анонімно.",
- "Insight for everyone": "Дані доступні для всіх",
- "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Дані відкриті для всіх. Дивіться на мапу, графи, або завантажуйте дані і робіть свою візуалізацію.",
- "Everything is open": "Все відкрито",
- "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "Вебсайт із відкритим кодом, створений волонтерами. Приєднуйся.",
- "Total reports": "Загальна кількість звітів",
- "Infected / Have been tested": "Інфіковано / Пройшли тест",
+ "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "У вас було діагностовано щось із нижче зазначеного?",
+ "Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Ви перебували у близькому контакті із кимось хто був інфікований COVID-19?",
+ "Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Ви здавали тест на COVID-19?",
+ "Headache": "Головна біль",
+ "Healthy": "Здоровий",
+ "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Допоможи нам зрозуміти і передбачити поширення коронавірусу у вашому районі",
+ "How will my data be used?": "Як ви використовуєте мої дані?",
+ "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "Я погоджуюсь передати свої дані для статистики",
+ "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Я погоджуюсть із куками, щоб я потім зміг оновити статус свого стану, наприклад, якщо я захворію",
+ "I am currently:": "Так, зараз",
+ "I currently smoke": "Я курю",
+ "I have never smoked": "Я ніколи не курив",
+ "I used to smoke": "Я курив раніше",
+ "I've noted down the link.": "Я записав посилання.",
+ "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Якщо ви використовували цей комп'ютер із кимось, будь ласка оновіть ваш статус.",
+ "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Якщо ви хочете зареєструвати іншу людину на цьому комп'ютері, запишіть або збережіть персональне посилання",
+ "Important": "Важливо",
"In close contact with someone who's infected": "Перебував у близькому контакті із інфікованим",
- "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Ви повинні прийняти політики приватності, щоб відправити дані.",
- "Your state of health": "Стан здоровя",
- "Report your health condition": "Повідомити про стан вашого здоров'я",
- "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Дякую за ваш внесок! Використовуйте це посилання, якщо стан вашого здоров'я зміниться:",
+ "In close contact with symptoms": "В близькому контакті із симптомами",
+ "In close contact without symptoms": "В близькому контакті без симптомів",
+ "In connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have been tested for the virus, but due to lack of resources, the overwhelming majority have not been tested. It is therefore assumed that there are large missing numbers here in connection with the outbreak.": "У звязку із поширенням COVID-19, багато людей було перевірено на вірус, але через нестачу ресурсів, ще більше все ще не було перевірено. Тому ми припускаємо, що випадків набагато більше у звязку з поширенням вірусу.",
+ "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "На карантині через COVID-19",
+ "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "На карантині через недавню подорож",
+ "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "На карантині через близький контакт із інфікованою людиною",
+ "In isolation due to orders from the government": "На карантині відповідно до наказів влади",
+ "In total": "Загалом",
+ "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "На самокарантині, щоб зменшити поширення або уникнути COVID-19",
+ "Infected / Have been tested": "Інфіковано / Пройшли тест",
+ "Insight for everyone": "Дані доступні для всіх",
"Join the most important crowdsource! Regardless if you're healthy or not, please submit the form below – that is also valuable information!": "Приєднуйся до нашого crowdsource! Здорові ви чи ні, будь ласка, заповніть форму – це важлива інформація!",
- "Geography and demography": "Демографія і географія",
- "Your age": "Ваш вік",
- "Choose your age": "Виберіть ваш вік",
- "Biological gender": "Стать",
- "Female": "Жіноча",
+ "Join us in the most important crowdsource!": "Приєднуйся до найважливішого краудсорсу!",
+ "Key figures": "Ключові особи",
+ "Learn more!": "Дізнатися більше!",
+ "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Попросіть друзів заповнити цю анкету і допомогти України розуміти стан поширення COVID-19.",
+ "Loss of sense of smell": "Втрата відчуття запахів",
+ "Loss of sense of taste": "Втрата відчуття смаку",
+ "Make your voluntary contribution to the health care system and register your health condition now. Together we can create an overview.": "Зробіть свій волонтерський внесок в систему здоров'я і зареєструйте стан вашого здоров'я зараз. Разом ми зможемо зроуміти краще ситуацію.",
"Male": "Чоловіча",
- "Zip code": "Поштовий індекс",
- "Testing and symptoms": "Тестування і симптоми",
- "Have you been in close contact with someone who was tested positive for COVID-19?": "Ви перебували у близькому контакті із кимось хто був інфікований COVID-19?",
- "Yes": "Так",
+ "Map": "Карта",
+ "March 16": "Березень 16",
+ "March 17": "Березень 17",
+ "March 23": "Березень 23",
+ "March 27": "Березень 27",
+ "March 28": "Березень 28",
+ "Mucus cough": "Мокрий кашель",
+ "Muscle pain": "Біль у мязах",
+ "NB!": "Важливо!",
+ "Nausea or vomiting": "Нудота або рвота",
+ "Negative": "Негативно",
"No": "Ні",
+ "Norway": "Норвегії",
+ "Not in isolation": "Не на карантині",
+ "Number reported": "Кількість повідомлена",
+ "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Кількість повідомлених COVID-19 інфікованих пацієнтів",
+ "Numbers": "Цифри",
+ "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "З тих, хто мав близькі контакти із інфікованими COVID-19, мають:",
+ "One more thing": "Іще одне",
+ "Other": "Інша",
+ "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Інфомрацію про приватність даних можна знайти тут",
+ "Page not found": "Сторінку не знайдено",
"Positive": "Позитивно",
- "Negative": "Негативно",
- "Have you been tested for COVID-19?": "Ви здавали тест на COVID-19?",
- "What was the result?": "Який був результат?",
- "Waiting for result": "Чекаю результату",
- "Symptoms you have experienced": "Які у вас симптоми",
+ "Positive test results and close contact": "Позитивний результат тесту і близький контакт",
+ "Postal code": "Поштовий індекс",
+ "Privacy": "Приватність",
+ "Privacy Policy": "Політики Приватності",
+ "Proceed": "Продовжити",
+ "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Запитання про близький контакт були додані 16 березня о 10:30. Деякі симптоми не були частиною форми:",
+ "Read how the data you enter is processed here!": "Читати про те як використовуються ваші дані тут!",
+ "Report status by zip code": "Повідомити статус за індексом",
+ "Report your health condition": "Повідомити про стан вашого здоров'я",
+ "Report your health condition anonymously": "Відправити інформацію про стан здоров'я анонімно.",
+ "Reports": "Звіти",
+ "Reports with symptoms": "Звіт із симптомамим",
+ "Save the following link somewhere, or bookmark it in your browser.": "Збережіть це посилання, або додайте до закладок.",
"Select only the symptoms you have experienced": "Виберіть тільки ті симптоми, які у вас є",
- "Dry cough": "Сухий кашель",
- "Mucus cough": "Мокрий кашель",
- "Fatigue and exhaustion": "Слабкість і втома",
- "Fever": "Гарячка",
+ "Send an e-mail to": "Відправити е-мейл",
+ "Share on": "Поділитися у",
"Shortness of breath": "Важкість дихання",
- "Muscle pain": "Біль у мязах",
- "Diarrhea": "Діарея",
- "Headache": "Головна біль",
+ "Slovakia": "Словакії",
+ "Some questions and alternatives were not a part from the beginning:": "Деякі питання і альтернативні відповіді не були частиною опитування:",
+ "Something must have gone wrong": "Щось пішло не так",
+ "Something went wrong!": "Упс.. щось пішло не так!",
"Sore throat": "Сухість у горлі",
- "Loss of sense of smell": "Втрата відчуття запахів",
- "Loss of sense of taste": "Втрата відчуття смаку",
+ "Statistics": "Статистика",
"Stuffy or runny nose": "Нежить",
- "When did the symptoms start?": "Коли почались симптоми?",
- "How will my data be used?": "Як ви використовуєте мої дані?",
- "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Ми повністю анонімні. Вас неможливо ідентифікувати, за даними, які ви відправите.",
- "Our privacy policy can be found here": "Інфомрацію про приватність даних можна знайти тут",
- "I agree to my data being stored in accordance with the privacy statement": "Я погоджуюсь передати свої дані для статистики",
"Submit report": "Відправити звіт",
- "Statistics": "Статистика",
- "Download the dataset as CSV": "Завантажити дані у CSV",
- "COVID-19 infected": "COVID-19 інфіковано",
- "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "людей, що отримали позитивний результат на COVID-19 і відчували симптоми.",
+ "Symptom": "Симптоми",
"Symptoms": "Симптоми",
+ "Symptoms you have experienced": "Які у вас симптоми",
"Test results": "Результати тесту",
- "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "людей, що здавали тест COVID-19.",
- "Close contacts": "Близькі контакти",
- "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "людей, які відповіли, що перебували у близькому контакті із інфікованими COVID-19.",
- "Key figures": "Ключові особи",
- "Of those who reported that they have been in close contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, have:": "З тих, хто мав близькі контакти із інфікованими COVID-19, мають:",
- "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "відповіли, що мають мінімум 2 типових симптоми.",
- "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "відповіли, що мають мінімум 3 типових симптоми.",
- "All submissions": "Всі відправлення",
- "Everyone who has submitted a report, also has:": "Кожен, хто відправив звіт також:",
- "Total number of reports": "Кількість звітів",
- "Positive test results and close contact": "Позитивний результат тесту і близький контакт",
- "Clarifications data basis": "Розяснення",
- "Questions about close contact were added on 16 March at. 10:30 p.m.. Some symptoms were not part of the form from the beginning:": "Запитання про близький контакт були додані 16 березня о 10:30. Деякі симптоми не були частиною форми:",
- "Symptom": "Симптоми",
- "Added to form": "Додано до форми",
- "In total": "Загалом",
- "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "людей, у яких були симптоми.",
- "Number reported in COVID-19 infected patients": "Кількість повідомлених COVID-19 інфікованих пацієнтів",
- "Number reported": "Кількість повідомлена",
- "Reports with symptoms": "Звіт із симптомамим",
- "Reports": "Звіти",
- "In close contact with symptoms": "В близькому контакті із симптомами",
- "In close contact without symptoms": "В близькому контакті без симптомів",
- "Close contact with someone who has tested positive": "В близькому контакті із кимось хто був протестований позитивно",
"Tested negative": "Тест негативний",
- "Map": "Карта",
- "API": "API",
- "I agree to set a cookie so I can change my health condition later e.g. to report recovery/getting sick": "Я погоджуюсть із куками, щоб я потім зміг оновити статус свого стану, наприклад, якщо я захворію",
- "required": "обовязково",
- "recommended": "рекомендовано",
- "Below is your personal health information.": "Знизу інформація про ваше здоров'я.",
- "If you want to register another person on this computer, save or write down your personal link": "Якщо ви хочете зареєструвати іншу людину на цьому комп'ютері, запишіть або збережіть персональне посилання",
- "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Ваші персональні дані видалені з цього комп'ютеру.",
- "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Ви можете використати цей комп'ютер з іншою людиною.",
- "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Ми зберегли ваші дані у куках, щоб ви могли повернутися пізніше",
- "If you use this computer with multiple users, please use this link to update your status.": "Якщо ви використовували цей комп'ютер із кимось, будь ласка оновіть ваш статус.",
- "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Запишіть це десь або збережіть на вашому комп'ютері.",
+ "Tested positive": "Тест дав позитивний результат",
+ "Testing and symptoms": "Тестування і симптоми",
+ "Thank you for your contribution!": "Дякую за ваш вклад!",
+ "Thank you for your contribution! Use this link if your health condition changes:": "Дякую за ваш внесок! Використовуйте це посилання, якщо стан вашого здоров'я зміниться:",
+ "That way you can update your report if your health condition changes.": "Так, ти зможеш оновити свою відповідь, якщо стан здоров'я зміниться.",
+ "The Netherlands": "Нідерландів",
+ "The code for the website can be found": "Код можна знайти",
+ "The data is open to everyone. Look at maps and graphs, or download the data and create your own visualizations.": "Дані відкриті для всіх. Дивіться на мапу, графи, або завантажуйте дані і робіть свою візуалізацію.",
+ "The government has now launched their own self-report system, please use that instead.": "Ваша країна запустили свій сервіс, будь ласка, користуйтеся ним.",
+ "The link has been copied": "Посилання було скопійовано.",
"The link has been copied.": "Посилання було скопійовано.",
- "clear this form": "видалити",
- "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
+ "The link you clicked may be broken, or the page no longer exists": "Посилання не працює або сторінки не існує",
+ "The markers correspond to coordinates of zip codes, they have nothing to do with individuals.": "Позначки біля індексів немають нічого спільного із реальними людьми.",
+ "The spread of COVID-19 in our country is unknown. Help us create a better overview.": "Реальна кількість інфікованих COVID-19 у країні невідомо. Допоможіть нам зрозуміти ситуацію краще.",
+ "The website is open source and built by volunteers. Feel free to join.": "Вебсайт із відкритим кодом, створений волонтерами. Приєднуйся.",
+ "This field is optional": "Це поле не обовязкове",
+ "This is not an official tool of the authorities, and for more information about the outbreak we refer to health authorities which always have updated information.": "Це не офіційний портал органів влади, і більше інформації про поширення краще отримати у офіційних представників органів влади.",
+ "This page is currently not affiliated with the authorities in any way.": "Ця сторінка ніяк не зв'язана із органами влади ні в який спосіб.",
+ "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "Ця сторінка ніяк не зв'язана із владою.",
+ "This website is made with help from volunteers. In no particular order:": "Цей вебсайт було розроблено волонтерами, а саме:",
"To WHO.int": "до WHO.int",
- "Are you from": "Ви з",
- "Norway": "Норвегії",
- "The Netherlands": "Нідерландів",
- "Slovakia": "Словакії",
- "United Kingdom": "Великобританії",
- "Canada": "Канади",
+ "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "Щоб перемогти вірус ми повиині зробити невидимий вірус - видимим.",
+ "Total number of reports": "Кількість звітів",
+ "Total reports": "Загальна кількість звітів",
"Ukraine": "України",
- "March 16": "Березень 16",
- "March 17": "Березень 17",
- "March 23": "Березень 23",
- "at": "в",
- "Nausea or vomiting": "Нудота або рвота",
- "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?": "У вас було діагностовано щось із нижче зазначеного?",
- "Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Chronic kidney disease": "Цукровий діабет, гіпертонія, Ішемічна хвороба серця, Астма, Хронічні захворювання легенів, Хронічні захворювання нирок",
- "I am currently:": "Так, зараз",
- "Not in isolation": "Не на карантині",
- "In isolation due to a recent international travel": "На карантині через недавню подорож",
- "In isolation due to contact with an individual who has been exposed to the coronavirus.": "На карантині через близький контакт із інфікованою людиною",
- "Cigarette smoking habits:": "Звички куріння",
- "I currently smoke": "Я курю",
- "I used to smoke": "Я курив раніше",
- "I have never smoked": "Я ніколи не курив",
- "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "Ваша температура тіла в цельсіях?",
- "This field is optional": "Це поле не обовязкове",
- "Close": "Закрити",
- "Contribute now": "Допомогти зараз",
- "Help us uncover and predict the corona spread in your area": "Допоможи нам зрозуміти і передбачити поширення коронавірусу у вашому районі",
- "Numbers": "Цифри",
- "#washyourhands": "#мийтеруки",
- "#stayindoors": "#залишайтесьвдома",
- "In isolation due to orders from the government": "На карантині відповідно до наказів влади",
- "In isolation due to COVID-19 infection": "На карантині через COVID-19",
- "Some questions and alternatives were not a part from the beginning:": "Деякі питання і альтернативні відповіді не були частиною опитування:",
- "March 27": "Березень 27",
- "Other": "Інша",
- "March 28": "Березень 28",
- "In voluntary isolation to avoid potentially spreading or catching COVID-19": "На самокарантині, щоб зменшити поширення або уникнути COVID-19",
+ "United Kingdom": "Великобританії",
+ "Unreported cases": "Невідомі випадки",
+ "Use the link you noted down last time to update your health condition": "Використайте посилання збережене раніше щоб оновити ваш попередній звіт.",
+ "Using self-report, you can get a better picture of how many people have symptoms without exposing health workers to potential contamination hazards and without using up valuable infection control equipment that is already in short supply. We at Bustbyte, well helped by other volunteers, have created this tool in response to": "Використовуючи самозвіт, ви можете отримати краще уявлення про те скільки людей мають симптоми без наражування працівників охорони здоров'я на небезпеку інфікування і без використання обладнання, якого і так не вистачає. Ми у Bustbyte, з допомогою інших волонтерів, створили цей сервіс для відповіді",
+ "Waiting for result": "Чекаю результату",
+ "We can't find the page or service you're looking for": "На жаль, ми не знайшли те що ви шукаєте",
+ "We stored your data in a cookie so come back later to update your status": "Ми зберегли ваші дані у куках, щоб ви могли повернутися пізніше",
"What is my Zip code?": "Як знайти свій поштовий індекс?",
+ "What is your current body temperature? (Celcius)": "Ваша температура тіла в цельсіях?",
+ "What was the result?": "Який був результат?",
+ "When did the symptoms start?": "Коли почались симптоми?",
+ "Write it down somewhere or save it on your computer.": "Запишіть це десь або збережіть на вашому комп'ютері.",
+ "Yes": "Так",
+ "You can now use this computer for another user.": "Ви можете використати цей комп'ютер з іншою людиною.",
+ "You must approve the privacy statement to report your data.": "Ви повинні прийняти політики приватності, щоб відправити дані.",
+ "Your age": "Ваш вік",
+ "Your health information is stored anonymously, and can not be used to identify you.": "Ми повністю анонімні. Вас неможливо ідентифікувати, за даними, які ви відправите.",
+ "Your personal health information is cleared from this computer.": "Ваші персональні дані видалені з цього комп'ютеру.",
+ "Your state of health": "Стан здоровя",
+ "Zip code": "Поштовий індекс",
+ "Zip code information": "Індекс",
+ "and": "і",
+ "as an attempt to chart these numbers.": "на спробу виявити реальні цифри.",
+ "at": "в",
+ "clear this form": "видалити",
+ "here": "тут",
+ "https://who.int": "https://who.int",
"https://www.whatismyzip.com": "https://postcode.in.ua/",
- "This page is not affiliated with the authorities.": "Ця сторінка ніяк не зв'язана із владою.",
- "Learn more!": "Дізнатися більше!",
- "CALL TO ALL US CITIZENS: This is how we defeat the corona virus: together we make the invisible virus visible.": "ПРОХАННЯ ДО УСІХ ГРОМАДЯН: Так ми можемо перемогти коронавірус: разом ми робимо невидимий вірус - видими",
- "Contribute and share {{ hostname }} on": "Допомогти та поділитися {{ hostname }} у",
- "Fill out this form - it takes 1 minute - and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Заповнення форми займає 1 хвилину і допомагає України розуміти стан поширення COVID-19.",
- "One more thing": "Іще одне",
- "To defeat the corona virus we need to make the invisible virus visible.": "Щоб перемогти вірус ми повиині зробити невидимий вірус - видимим.",
- "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} осіб заповнило анкети.",
- "Let your friends fill out this form too and help the United States gain control over COVID-19.": "Попросіть друзів заповнити цю анкету і допомогти України розуміти стан поширення COVID-19."
+ "if you can't get it to work.": "якщо це не працює.",
+ "people have reported that they experience symptoms.": "людей, у яких були симптоми.",
+ "people have reported that they have been in close contact with a person who was tested positive for COVID-19.": "людей, які відповіли, що перебували у близькому контакті із інфікованими COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have been tested for COVID-19.": "людей, що здавали тест COVID-19.",
+ "people have reported that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and experience symptoms.": "людей, що отримали позитивний результат на COVID-19 і відчували симптоми.",
+ "recommended": "рекомендовано",
+ "reported that they experience the three most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "відповіли, що мають мінімум 3 типових симптоми.",
+ "reported that they experience the two most common symptoms those who are infected experience.": "відповіли, що мають мінімум 2 типових симптоми.",
+ "required": "обовязково",
+ "this article": "у цій статті",
+ "volunteers": "волонтерами",
+ "www.nhs.uk": "nhs.uk",
+ "{{ amount }} people already shared their health status.": "{{ amount }} осіб заповнило анкети."