From 43bf6d5118fd80fd3bf55b2598b530514ffda501 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: JoshStrobl Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2023 22:37:47 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] deploy: 5346f149c8294258553d7c8dad940e23db25222a --- 404.html | 4 +- assets/js/4baf25ff.66bd67b9.js | 1 + assets/js/4baf25ff.b3c8ae2d.js | 1 - ...n.c79aae31.js => runtime~main.685903d7.js} | 2 +- calendars/third-party-schedules.ics | 120 +++++++++--------- developer/intro/index.html | 4 +- developer/lab/magpie/index.html | 4 +- .../meta/writing-documentation/index.html | 4 +- .../building-budgie-desktop/index.html | 4 +- .../workflow/providing-backtraces/index.html | 4 +- .../third-party-release-schedules/index.html | 4 +- index.html | 4 +- organization/core-values/index.html | 4 +- organization/getting-involved/index.html | 4 +- organization/intro/index.html | 4 +- organization/teams/index.html | 4 +- search/index.html | 4 +- user/getting-budgie/index.html | 6 +- user/intro/index.html | 4 +- user/keyboard-shortcuts/index.html | 4 +- user/testing-budgie/index.html | 4 +- 21 files changed, 97 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-) create mode 100644 assets/js/4baf25ff.66bd67b9.js delete mode 100644 assets/js/4baf25ff.b3c8ae2d.js rename assets/js/{runtime~main.c79aae31.js => runtime~main.685903d7.js} (98%) diff --git a/404.html b/404.html index 0b0256f..a62dece 100644 --- a/404.html +++ b/404.html @@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ Page Not Found | Buddies of Budgie Docs - +
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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/js/4baf25ff.66bd67b9.js b/assets/js/4baf25ff.66bd67b9.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77c1b9e --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/js/4baf25ff.66bd67b9.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +"use strict";(self.webpackChunkdocs=self.webpackChunkdocs||[]).push([[447],{4742:(e,t,a)=>{a.d(t,{q:()=>r});var n=a(2734),i=a(8396);const r=function(e,t,a){void 0===e&&(e="row"),void 0===t&&(t="column"),void 0===a&&(a="md");const r=(0,n.Z)();return(0,i.Z)(r.breakpoints.down(a))?t:e}},8645:(e,t,a)=>{a.r(t),a.d(t,{assets:()=>O,contentTitle:()=>_,default:()=>V,frontMatter:()=>A,metadata:()=>F,toc:()=>N});var n=a(7462),i=a(7294),r=a(3905),o=a(3612),s=a(5999),l=a(4996),u=a(6486),d=a(8006),m=a(1233),g=a(7357),c=a(3946),p=a(7400),b=a(4464),h=a(5162),f=a(4866);const y=[{budgieAvailablePostInstall:null,budgieVersion:"10.8.2",installationInfo:()=>i.createElement(i.Fragment,null,"Arch Linux offers a Budgie Desktop profile within its 'archinstall' installer, though more intrepid users also have the option to install the desktop manually.",i.createElement(f.Z,null,i.createElement(h.Z,{value:"archinstall",label:"archinstall"},'Under the "Profile" option, select "desktop", then "budgie".'),i.createElement(h.Z,{value:"manual",label:"Manual Installation"},"After completing manual installation, run the following to install Budgie and a login manager:",i.createElement(b.Z,{language:"bash"},"sudo pacman -S budgie lightdm-gtk-greeter"),"It's also recommended to install nm-applet, the default GTK theme, and the default icon theme:",i.createElement(b.Z,{language:"bash"},"sudo pacman -S arc-gtk-theme papirus-icon-theme network-manager-applet"),"Finally, enable LightDM:",i.createElement(b.Z,{language:"bash"},"sudo systemctl enable --now lightdm")))),name:"Arch Linux",showInGrid:!1,website:""},{budgieAvailablePostInstall:null,budgieVersion:"10.5.2",name:"Debian",showInGrid:!1,installationInfo:()=>i.createElement(o.Z,{icon:"\ud83d\udea7",type:"note",title:"Coming Soon"},"Installation instructions coming soon!"),website:""},{budgieAvailablePostInstall:null,budgieVersion:"10.8.2",name:"EndeavourOS",showInGrid:!0,summary:()=>i.createElement(s.Z,{id:"get.budgie.endeavouros.summary",description:"Summary of EndeavourOS"},"EndeavourOS is a terminal-centric distro built on top of Arch Linux. EndeavourOS offers through their unified installer the ability to install Budgie Desktop, with user choice on their desired experience."),website:""},{budgieAvailablePostInstall:"10.8.1",budgieVersion:"10.7.1",name:"Fedora Budgie Spin",showInGrid:!0,summary:()=>i.createElement(s.Z,{id:"get.budgie.fedorabudgiespin.summary",description:"Summary of Fedora Budgie Spin"},"Fedora Budgie Spin offers a near-stock Budgie Desktop experience on top of the Fedora open source platform."),website:""},{budgieAvailablePostInstall:"10.8.2",budgieVersion:"10.7.1",installationInfo:()=>i.createElement(i.Fragment,null,"Budgie is not yet available in a quarterly release of FreeBSD; however, it can be installed if the Latest binary repository or the master branch of the ports repository is used instead.",i.createElement(f.Z,null,i.createElement(h.Z,{value:"package",label:"Package"},"Install X11 and the Budgie package group:",i.createElement(b.Z,{language:"bash"},"pkg install xorg-minimal budgie")),i.createElement(h.Z,{value:"port",label:"Port"},"Configure and install X11:",i.createElement(b.Z,{language:"bash"},"cd /usr/ports/x11/xorg-minimal && make config-recursive install clean"),"Configure and install Budgie:",i.createElement(b.Z,{language:"bash"},"cd /usr/ports/x11/budgie && make config-recursive install clean"))),"Finally, enable DBus and LightDM:",i.createElement(b.Z,{language:"bash"},'sysrc dbus_enable="YES" lightdm_enable="YES"'),"After a reboot, you will be able to log into Budgie.",i.createElement(o.Z,{icon:"\ud83d\udea7",type:"caution"},"Using the Latest repository or the master version of the ports repository may result in system instability.")),name:"FreeBSD",showInGrid:!1,website:""},{budgieAvailablePostInstall:"10.8.1",budgieVersion:"10.6.4",installationInfo:()=>i.createElement(i.Fragment,null,"Manjaro Budgie Community Edition offers Budgie Desktop as an out-of-the-box experience on top of Manjaro. Manjaro is based on Arch Linux.",i.createElement(o.Z,{icon:"\ud83d\udea7",type:"caution"},"The Budgie Desktop experience offered by this edition is incomplete, setting no default theme or enabling our built-in theme. This results in a partially broken user experience.")),name:"Manjaro Budgie Community Edition",showInGrid:!1,website:""},{budgieAvailablePostInstall:"10.8",budgieVersion:"10.7.2",installationInfo:()=>i.createElement(i.Fragment,null,"Budgie Desktop can be installed through the following mechanisms on openSUSE.",i.createElement(f.Z,null,i.createElement(h.Z,{value:"graphical",label:"Graphical (Leap 15.4+ and Tumbleweed)"},'Choose the "Budgie Desktop Environment" pattern under the "Desktop Environments" section when searching for patterns in YaST Software Management.'),i.createElement(h.Z,{value:"installer",label:"Installer (Leap 15.4+ and Tumbleweed)"},'At the \'Installation Settings\' page, click on "Software" and then choose the "Budgie Desktop Environment" pattern under the "Desktop Environments" section when searching for patterns.'),i.createElement(h.Z,{value:"cli",label:"CLI"},i.createElement(b.Z,{language:"bash"},"sudo zypper install budgie-desktop")))),name:"OpenSUSE",showInGrid:!1,website:""},{budgieAvailablePostInstall:null,budgieVersion:"10.8.2",name:"NixOS",installationInfo:()=>i.createElement(i.Fragment,null,"Budgie Desktop can be installed by adding the following to your system configuration:",i.createElement(b.Z,{language:"nix"},"# Enable the X server.",i.createElement("br",null),"services.xserver.enable = true;",i.createElement("br",null),"# Enable the Budgie Desktop.",i.createElement("br",null),"services.xserver.desktopManager.budgie.enable = true;",i.createElement("br",null),"# Enable a display manager (recommended).",i.createElement("br",null),"services.xserver.displayManager.lightdm.enable = true;")),summary:()=>i.createElement(s.Z,{id:"get.budgie.nixos.summary",description:"Summary of NixOS"},"NixOS is a Linux distribution based on the Nix package manager and build system."),showInGrid:!0,website:""},{budgieAvailablePostInstall:"10.8.1",budgieVersion:"10.7.2",name:"Solus",summary:()=>i.createElement(s.Z,{id:"get.budgie.solus.summary",description:"Summary of Solus"},"Solus offers a curated Budgie Desktop experience on top of its built-from-scratch operating system."),showInGrid:!0,website:""},{budgieAvailablePostInstall:"10.8",budgieVersion:"10.6.4",name:"Ubuntu Budgie",summary:()=>i.createElement(s.Z,{id:"get.budgie.ubuntubudgie.summary",description:"Summary of Ubuntu Budgie"},"Ubuntu Budgie offers a highly curated Budgie Desktop experience with Ubuntu at its core."),showInGrid:!0,website:""},{budgieAvailablePostInstall:"10.8.1",budgieVersion:"10.7.2",name:"Ultramarine Linux",summary:()=>i.createElement(s.Z,{id:"get.budgie.ultramarinelinux.summary",description:"Summary of Ultramarine Linux"},"Ultramarine Linux is a Fedora-based Linux distribution designed to stay out of your way and be easy to use."),showInGrid:!0,website:""},{budgieAvailablePostInstall:"10.7.2",budgieVersion:"10.6.4",name:"Void Linux",installationInfo:()=>i.createElement(i.Fragment,null,"Void Linux does not offer a Budgie Desktop installer profile, but it can be installed manually on top of the base image. First, install the required packages:",i.createElement(b.Z,{language:"bash"},"sudo xbps-install budgie-desktop network-manager-applet lightdm-gtk3-greeter"),"Enable DBus, elogind, NetworkManager, and LightDM:",i.createElement(b.Z,{language:"bash"},"sudo ln -s /etc/sv/dbus /var/service",i.createElement("br",null),"sudo ln -s /etc/sv/elogind /var/service",i.createElement("br",null),"sudo ln -s /etc/sv/NetworkManager /var/service",i.createElement("br",null),"sudo ln -s /etc/sv/lightdm /var/service"),"Finally, disable dhcpcd:",i.createElement(b.Z,{language:"bash"},"sudo rm -f /var/service/dhcpcd"),i.createElement("p",null,"After a reboot, you will be able to log into Budgie.")),showInGrid:!1,website:""}];var E=a(9960),w=a(8396),k=a(7918);const v="2023-10-18",x="",Z="10.8.2";var I=a(888),B=a(2177),S=a(5620),D=a(4742),L=a(120);const G=e=>{let{info:t}=e;const a=(0,w.Z)(S.J.breakpoints.up("sm")),n=(0,u.kebabCase)((0,u.toLower)(,r=(0,l.Z)(`/img/logos/${n}.svg`),o=(0,l.Z)(`/img/distribution/screenshots/${n}.webp`),d=t.budgieVersion===Z,c=t.budgieAvailablePostInstall?t.budgieAvailablePostInstall===Z:d,b=!d&&!c,{format:"basic"}),f=(0,i.useMemo)((()=>"ISODATE",h)),[,h]),[y,v,x]=[(0,s.I)({id:"latest",description:"Latest",message:"Latest"}),(0,s.I)({id:"latest_postinstall",description:"Latest with post-install upgrade",message:"Latest with post-install upgrade"}),(0,s.I)({id:"outdated",description:"Outdated",message:"Outdated"})],G=d?y:c?v:x;return i.createElement(p.Z,{key:`OSCard-${}-GridItem`,xs:6},i.createElement(g.Z,{className:"OSCard card",height:1,key:`card-${n}`},i.createElement(g.Z,{className:"card__image"},i.createElement("img",{alt:(0,s.I)({message:"Screenshot of {distribution}",id:"get.budgie.card.imagealttext",description:"Alt text for images of various distributions"},{}),src:o,style:{aspectRatio:"16 / 9"}})),i.createElement(m.Z,{className:"card__body",gap:2},i.createElement(m.Z,{alignItems:"center",direction:"row",gap:2},i.createElement("img",{src:r,style:{height:48,width:48,objectFit:"scale-down"}}),i.createElement("h3",{style:{margin:0}},,i.createElement("h4",{style:{fontWeight:"normal"}},i.createElement(t.summary,null))),i.createElement(m.Z,{alignItems:a?"center":"flex-start",className:"card__footer",direction:(0,D.q)("row","column-reverse","sm"),justifyContent:a?"space-between":void 0,width:a?1:"max-content"},i.createElement(E.Z,{className:"button button--lg button--primary",style:{marginBlockStart:a?void 0:12},target:"_blank",to:f},i.createElement(s.Z,{id:"download",description:"Download"},"Download")),i.createElement(k.Z,{color:b?"warning":"success",label:G,icon:b?i.createElement(B.Z,null):i.createElement(I.Z,null),size:"medium"}))))},M=()=>{const[e,t]=[y.filter((e=>e.showInGrid)),y.filter((e=>!!e.installationInfo))],a=L.ou.fromISO(v).diffNow("days").days<=14;return i.createElement(m.Z,{gap:2,key:"SupportList"},a&&i.createElement(o.Z,{icon:"\ud83c\udf89",title:(0,s.I)({id:"newBudgieRelease",message:"New Budgie Release"}),type:"tip"},i.createElement(m.Z,{gap:2},i.createElement(s.Z,{id:"get.budgie.newrelease",description:"Flavor text used to inform the user there is a new release of Budgie",values:{version:Z}},"The Buddies of Budgie team just released Budgie Desktop {version}. Please keep in mind that it may take some time for the release to be available on the operating systems shown below, as this is a manual process performed by our amazing community of package maintainers."),i.createElement(E.Z,{className:"button button--primary",style:{maxWidth:"max-content",textDecoration:"none"},target:"_blank",to:x},i.createElement(s.Z,{id:"readMore",description:"Read More on the blog post for this release"},"Read more")))),i.createElement("h2",{style:{fontWeight:"bold",margin:0},key:"SupportList-EffortlesslyHeader"},i.createElement(s.Z,{id:"get.budgie.header.effortlessly",description:"Header text for getting Budgie effortlessly through live media"},"Get Budgie Effortlessly")),i.createElement("h4",{style:{fontWeight:"normal",margin:0},key:"SupportList-EffortlesslyDescription"},i.createElement(s.Z,{id:"get.budgie.description.effortlessly",description:"Description text for getting Budgie effortlessly through live media"},'You are able to get Budgie Desktop out-of-the-box, with no extra effort, with the operating systems shown below. These operating systems range in the experience they provide, some will be more curated with additional widgets / extensions for Budgie Desktop, others may be closer to the "stock" / "vanilla" Budgie Desktop experience.')),i.createElement(p.Z,{columns:{xs:6,sm:6,md:6,lg:12},container:!0,columnSpacing:2,key:"SupportList-Grid",margin:0,rowGap:4,width:1},>i.createElement(G,{info:e,key:`OSCard-${}-Entry`})))),i.createElement("h2",{style:{fontWeight:"bold",margin:"1vh 0"},key:"SupportList-BitMoreWorkHeader"},i.createElement(s.Z,{id:"get.budgie.header.bitmorework",description:"Header text for getting Budgie with a bit more work"},"Get Budgie with a bit more work")),i.createElement(m.Z,{gap:4,key:"SupportList-ManualItems"},>{const t=(0,u.kebabCase)((0,u.toLower)(,a=(0,l.Z)(`/img/logos/${t}.svg`);return i.createElement(g.Z,{className:"ManualOSCard card",key:`SupportList-ManualItem-${}-Box`},i.createElement(m.Z,{className:"card__body",gap:2,key:`SupportList-ManualItem-${}-Stack`,pb:0},i.createElement(m.Z,{alignItems:"center",direction:"row",columnGap:1},i.createElement("img",{src:a,style:{height:32,width:32,objectFit:"scale-down"}}),i.createElement("h3",{style:{margin:0}},,i.createElement(c.Z,{"aria-label":(0,s.I)({message:"Open in new tab"}),component:"a",,size:"small",sx:{color:S.J.palette.success.main},target:"_blank"},i.createElement(d.Z,null))),i.createElement(m.Z,{gap:2},i.createElement(e.installationInfo,{key:`InstallationInfo-${}`}))))}))),i.createElement("hr",null),i.createElement(o.Z,{type:"note"},i.createElement(s.Z,{id:"get.budgie.description.reference",description:"Text describing that there is no reference platform for Budgie Desktop"},'None of these operating systems are viewed as being the "reference" platform for Budgie Desktop, rather we want you to be able to pick the OS that fits your needs best, and have Budgie Desktop along with you!')))},A={description:"Get Budgie Desktop across the Linux operating system of your choice!",hide_table_of_contents:!0,keywords:["budgie desktop","installing"],pagination_next:null,pagination_prev:null,title:"Getting Budgie"},_=void 0,F={unversionedId:"user/getting-budgie",id:"user/getting-budgie",title:"Getting Budgie",description:"Get Budgie Desktop across the Linux operating system of your choice!",source:"@site/docs/user/getting-budgie.mdx",sourceDirName:"user",slug:"/user/getting-budgie",permalink:"/user/getting-budgie",draft:!1,tags:[],version:"current",frontMatter:{description:"Get Budgie Desktop across the Linux operating system of your choice!",hide_table_of_contents:!0,keywords:["budgie desktop","installing"],pagination_next:null,pagination_prev:null,title:"Getting Budgie"},sidebar:"user"},O={},N=[],P={toc:N},C="wrapper";function V(e){let{components:t,...a}=e;return(0,r.kt)(C,(0,n.Z)({},P,a,{components:t,mdxType:"MDXLayout"}),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"Budgie Desktop and our macrocosm of applications are available across a wide variety of Linux-based operating systems."),(0,r.kt)(M,{mdxType:"SupportList"}))}V.isMDXComponent=!0}}]); 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EndeavourOS offers through their unified installer the ability to install Budgie Desktop, with user choice on their desired experience."),website:""},{budgieAvailablePostInstall:"10.8.1",budgieVersion:"10.7.1",name:"Fedora Budgie Spin",showInGrid:!0,summary:()=>i.createElement(s.Z,{id:"get.budgie.fedorabudgiespin.summary",description:"Summary of Fedora Budgie Spin"},"Fedora Budgie Spin offers a near-stock Budgie Desktop experience on top of the Fedora open source platform."),website:""},{budgieAvailablePostInstall:"10.8.2",budgieVersion:"10.7.1",installationInfo:()=>i.createElement(i.Fragment,null,"Budgie is not yet available in a quarterly release of FreeBSD; however, it can be installed if the Latest binary repository or the master branch of the ports repository is used instead.",i.createElement(f.Z,null,i.createElement(h.Z,{value:"package",label:"Package"},"Install X11 and the Budgie package group:",i.createElement(b.Z,{language:"bash"},"pkg install xorg-minimal budgie")),i.createElement(h.Z,{value:"port",label:"Port"},"Configure and install X11:",i.createElement(b.Z,{language:"bash"},"cd /usr/ports/x11/xorg-minimal && make config-recursive install clean"),"Configure and install Budgie:",i.createElement(b.Z,{language:"bash"},"cd /usr/ports/x11/budgie && make config-recursive install clean"))),"Finally, enable DBus and LightDM:",i.createElement(b.Z,{language:"bash"},'sysrc dbus_enable="YES" lightdm_enable="YES"'),"After a reboot, you will be able to log into Budgie.",i.createElement(o.Z,{icon:"\ud83d\udea7",type:"caution"},"Using the Latest repository or the master version of the ports repository may result in system instability.")),name:"FreeBSD",showInGrid:!1,website:""},{budgieAvailablePostInstall:"10.8.1",budgieVersion:"10.6.4",installationInfo:()=>i.createElement(i.Fragment,null,"Manjaro Budgie Community Edition offers Budgie Desktop as an out-of-the-box experience on top of Manjaro. Manjaro is based on Arch Linux.",i.createElement(o.Z,{icon:"\ud83d\udea7",type:"caution"},"The Budgie Desktop experience offered by this edition is incomplete, setting no default theme or enabling our built-in theme. This results in a partially broken user experience.")),name:"Manjaro Budgie Community Edition",showInGrid:!1,website:""},{budgieAvailablePostInstall:"10.8",budgieVersion:"10.7.2",installationInfo:()=>i.createElement(i.Fragment,null,"Budgie Desktop can be installed through the following mechanisms on openSUSE.",i.createElement(f.Z,null,i.createElement(h.Z,{value:"graphical",label:"Graphical (Leap 15.4+ and Tumbleweed)"},'Choose the "Budgie Desktop Environment" pattern under the "Desktop Environments" section when searching for patterns in YaST Software Management.'),i.createElement(h.Z,{value:"installer",label:"Installer (Leap 15.4+ and Tumbleweed)"},'At the \'Installation Settings\' page, click on "Software" and then choose the "Budgie Desktop Environment" pattern under the "Desktop Environments" section when searching for patterns.'),i.createElement(h.Z,{value:"cli",label:"CLI"},i.createElement(b.Z,{language:"bash"},"sudo zypper install budgie-desktop")))),name:"OpenSUSE",showInGrid:!1,website:""},{budgieAvailablePostInstall:null,budgieVersion:"10.8.2",name:"NixOS",installationInfo:()=>i.createElement(i.Fragment,null,"Budgie Desktop can be installed by adding the following to your system configuration:",i.createElement(b.Z,{language:"nix"},"# Enable the X server.",i.createElement("br",null),"services.xserver.enable = true;",i.createElement("br",null),"# Enable the Budgie Desktop.",i.createElement("br",null),"services.xserver.desktopManager.budgie.enable = true;",i.createElement("br",null),"# Enable a display manager (recommended).",i.createElement("br",null),"services.xserver.displayManager.lightdm.enable = true;")),summary:()=>i.createElement(s.Z,{id:"get.budgie.nixos.summary",description:"Summary of NixOS"},"NixOS is a Linux distribution based on the Nix package manager and build system."),showInGrid:!0,website:""},{budgieAvailablePostInstall:"10.8.1",budgieVersion:"10.7.2",name:"Solus",summary:()=>i.createElement(s.Z,{id:"get.budgie.solus.summary",description:"Summary of Solus"},"Solus offers a curated Budgie Desktop experience on top of its built-from-scratch operating system."),showInGrid:!0,website:""},{budgieAvailablePostInstall:"10.8",budgieVersion:"10.6.4",name:"Ubuntu Budgie",summary:()=>i.createElement(s.Z,{id:"get.budgie.ubuntubudgie.summary",description:"Summary of Ubuntu Budgie"},"Ubuntu Budgie offers a highly curated Budgie Desktop experience with Ubuntu at its core."),showInGrid:!0,website:""},{budgieAvailablePostInstall:"10.8.1",budgieVersion:"10.7.2",name:"Ultramarine Linux",summary:()=>i.createElement(s.Z,{id:"get.budgie.ultramarinelinux.summary",description:"Summary of Ultramarine Linux"},"Ultramarine Linux is a Fedora-based Linux distribution designed to stay out of your way and be easy to use."),showInGrid:!0,website:""},{budgieAvailablePostInstall:"10.7.2",budgieVersion:"10.6.4",name:"Void Linux",installationInfo:()=>i.createElement(i.Fragment,null,"Void Linux does not offer a Budgie Desktop installer profile, but it can be installed manually on top of the base image. First, install the required packages:",i.createElement(b.Z,{language:"bash"},"sudo xbps-install budgie-desktop network-manager-applet lightdm-gtk3-greeter"),"Enable DBus, elogind, NetworkManager, and LightDM:",i.createElement(b.Z,{language:"bash"},"sudo ln -s /etc/sv/dbus /var/service",i.createElement("br",null),"sudo ln -s /etc/sv/elogind /var/service",i.createElement("br",null),"sudo ln -s /etc/sv/NetworkManager /var/service",i.createElement("br",null),"sudo ln -s /etc/sv/lightdm /var/service"),"Finally, disable dhcpcd:",i.createElement(b.Z,{language:"bash"},"sudo rm -f /var/service/dhcpcd"),i.createElement("p",null,"After a reboot, you will be able to log into Budgie.")),showInGrid:!1,website:""}];var E=a(9960),w=a(8396),k=a(7918);const v="2023-10-18",x="",Z="10.8.2";var I=a(888),B=a(2177),S=a(5620),D=a(4742),L=a(120);const G=e=>{let{info:t}=e;const a=(0,w.Z)(S.J.breakpoints.up("sm")),n=(0,u.kebabCase)((0,u.toLower)(,r=(0,l.Z)(`/img/logos/${n}.svg`),o=(0,l.Z)(`/img/distribution/screenshots/${n}.webp`),d=t.budgieVersion===Z,c=t.budgieAvailablePostInstall?t.budgieAvailablePostInstall===Z:d,b=!d&&!c,{format:"basic"}),f=(0,i.useMemo)((()=>"ISODATE",h)),[,h]),[y,v,x]=[(0,s.I)({id:"latest",description:"Latest",message:"Latest"}),(0,s.I)({id:"latest_postinstall",description:"Latest with post-install upgrade",message:"Latest with post-install upgrade"}),(0,s.I)({id:"outdated",description:"Outdated",message:"Outdated"})],G=d?y:c?v:x;return i.createElement(p.Z,{key:`OSCard-${}-GridItem`,xs:6},i.createElement(g.Z,{className:"OSCard card",height:1,key:`card-${n}`},i.createElement(g.Z,{className:"card__image"},i.createElement("img",{alt:(0,s.I)({message:"Screenshot of {distribution}",id:"get.budgie.card.imagealttext",description:"Alt text for images of various distributions"},{}),src:o,style:{aspectRatio:"16 / 9"}})),i.createElement(m.Z,{className:"card__body",gap:2},i.createElement(m.Z,{alignItems:"center",direction:"row",gap:2},i.createElement("img",{src:r,style:{height:48,width:48,objectFit:"scale-down"}}),i.createElement("h3",{style:{margin:0}},,i.createElement("h4",{style:{fontWeight:"normal"}},i.createElement(t.summary,null))),i.createElement(m.Z,{alignItems:a?"center":"flex-start",className:"card__footer",direction:(0,D.q)("row","column-reverse","sm"),justifyContent:a?"space-between":void 0,width:a?1:"max-content"},i.createElement(E.Z,{className:"button button--lg button--primary",style:{marginBlockStart:a?void 0:12},target:"_blank",to:f},i.createElement(s.Z,{id:"download",description:"Download"},"Download")),i.createElement(k.Z,{color:b?"warning":"success",label:G,icon:b?i.createElement(B.Z,null):i.createElement(I.Z,null),size:"medium"}))))},M=()=>{const[e,t]=[y.filter((e=>e.showInGrid)),y.filter((e=>!!e.installationInfo))],a=L.ou.fromISO(v).diffNow("days").days<=14;return i.createElement(m.Z,{gap:2,key:"SupportList"},a&&i.createElement(o.Z,{icon:"\ud83c\udf89",title:(0,s.I)({id:"newBudgieRelease",message:"New Budgie Release"}),type:"tip"},i.createElement(m.Z,{gap:2},i.createElement(s.Z,{id:"get.budgie.newrelease",description:"Flavor text used to inform the user there is a new release of Budgie",values:{version:Z}},"The Buddies of Budgie team just released Budgie Desktop {version}. Please keep in mind that it may take some time for the release to be available on the operating systems shown below, as this is a manual process performed by our amazing community of package maintainers."),i.createElement(E.Z,{className:"button button--primary",style:{maxWidth:"max-content",textDecoration:"none"},target:"_blank",to:x},i.createElement(s.Z,{id:"readMore",description:"Read More on the blog post for this release"},"Read more")))),i.createElement("h2",{style:{fontWeight:"bold",margin:0},key:"SupportList-EffortlesslyHeader"},i.createElement(s.Z,{id:"get.budgie.header.effortlessly",description:"Header text for getting Budgie effortlessly through live media"},"Get Budgie Effortlessly")),i.createElement("h4",{style:{fontWeight:"normal",margin:0},key:"SupportList-EffortlesslyDescription"},i.createElement(s.Z,{id:"get.budgie.description.effortlessly",description:"Description text for getting Budgie effortlessly through live media"},'You are able to get Budgie Desktop out-of-the-box, with no extra effort, with the operating systems shown below. These operating systems range in the experience they provide, some will be more curated with additional widgets / extensions for Budgie Desktop, others may be closer to the "stock" / "vanilla" Budgie Desktop experience.')),i.createElement(p.Z,{columns:{xs:6,sm:6,md:6,lg:12},container:!0,columnSpacing:2,key:"SupportList-Grid",margin:0,rowGap:4,width:1},>i.createElement(G,{info:e,key:`OSCard-${}-Entry`})))),i.createElement("h2",{style:{fontWeight:"bold",margin:"1vh 0"},key:"SupportList-BitMoreWorkHeader"},i.createElement(s.Z,{id:"get.budgie.header.bitmorework",description:"Header text for getting Budgie with a bit more work"},"Get Budgie with a bit more work")),i.createElement(m.Z,{gap:4,key:"SupportList-ManualItems"},>{const t=(0,u.kebabCase)((0,u.toLower)(,a=(0,l.Z)(`/img/logos/${t}.svg`);return i.createElement(g.Z,{className:"ManualOSCard 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Budgie Desktop along with you!')))},A={description:"Get Budgie Desktop across the Linux operating system of your choice!",hide_table_of_contents:!0,keywords:["budgie desktop","installing"],pagination_next:null,pagination_prev:null,title:"Getting Budgie"},_=void 0,F={unversionedId:"user/getting-budgie",id:"user/getting-budgie",title:"Getting Budgie",description:"Get Budgie Desktop across the Linux operating system of your choice!",source:"@site/docs/user/getting-budgie.mdx",sourceDirName:"user",slug:"/user/getting-budgie",permalink:"/user/getting-budgie",draft:!1,tags:[],version:"current",frontMatter:{description:"Get Budgie Desktop across the Linux operating system of your choice!",hide_table_of_contents:!0,keywords:["budgie desktop","installing"],pagination_next:null,pagination_prev:null,title:"Getting Budgie"},sidebar:"user"},O={},N=[],P={toc:N},C="wrapper";function V(e){let{components:t,...a}=e;return(0,r.kt)(C,(0,n.Z)({},P,a,{components:t,mdxType:"MDXLayout"}),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"Budgie Desktop and our macrocosm of applications are available across a wide variety of Linux-based operating systems."),(0,r.kt)(M,{mdxType:"SupportList"}))}V.isMDXComponent=!0}}]); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/js/runtime~main.c79aae31.js b/assets/js/runtime~main.685903d7.js similarity index 98% rename from assets/js/runtime~main.c79aae31.js rename to assets/js/runtime~main.685903d7.js index 599758a..e83502b 100644 --- a/assets/js/runtime~main.c79aae31.js +++ b/assets/js/runtime~main.685903d7.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -(()=>{"use strict";var e,t,r,a,o,n={},f={};function c(e){var t=f[e];if(void 0!==t)return t.exports;var r=f[e]={id:e,loaded:!1,exports:{}};return n[e].call(r.exports,r,r.exports,c),r.loaded=!0,r.exports}c.m=n,c.c=f,e=[],c.O=(t,r,a,o)=>{if(!r){var 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Documentation | Buddies of Budgie Docs - +

Developer Documentation

This section contains documentation intended for developers and those interested in either contributing to Budgie Desktop or developing "widgets" for it!

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/developer/lab/magpie/index.html b/developer/lab/magpie/index.html index e48f176..6f6ba5d 100644 --- a/developer/lab/magpie/index.html +++ b/developer/lab/magpie/index.html @@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ Magpie Validation | Buddies of Budgie Docs - +

Magpie Validation

This document provides guidance on compiling and validating Magpie, our soft-fork of Mutter, alongside steps for getting the testing support branch for Budgie Desktop.

If you are unfamilar with Magpie, please check its GitHub repository.

Please keep in mind that this document is intended to be limited in scope to pre-1.0 Magpie validation and will not be necessary once magpie is shipped in various distributions and a new Budgie Desktop 10 series (such as 10.8) is out.

Need help?

You can reach out to us on our Matrix Space for guidance if you run into issues.

Ubuntu Budgie

For Ubuntu Budgie, you can test out Magpie support using their PPA. Follow the steps below.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntubudgie-dev/magpie-wm
sudo apt full-upgrade

To safely purge the PPA and return to the repo version, run the command below:

sudo ppa-purge ppa:ubuntubudgie-dev/magpie-wm

Other Distributions

For other distributions, you will need to build and install Magpie from source, followed by Budgie Desktop.

Magpie Build & Installation

Before compiling Magpie, you should first to first follow the "Installing Build Dependencies" section from the Building Budgie Desktop documentation. This should get you most of the required build dependencies for Magpie compilation as well.

In addition to the ones listed in that document, you may need the following (these are the Fedora listed ones, so please check your respective operating system):

  • libdrm-devel
  • libgudev-devel
  • libinput-devel
  • mesa-libEGL-devel
  • mesa-libGLES-devel
  • mesa-libGL-devel
  • mesa-libgbm-devel
  • libwacom-devel
  • libxkbcommon-x11-devel
  • libxkbfile-devel
  • mesalib-devel
  • pipewire-devel
  • sysprof-devel

After installation of the above mentioned dependencies, clone the magpie source repository using git:

git clone

At this point, we will attempt to configure our build system for compilation. If any development dependencies are missing at this point, you will need to install them using your respective package manager

cd magpie
meson setup build --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --libexecdir=/usr/lib

Assuming configuration was successful, we will now attempt to build and install Magpie.

ninja -j$(($(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)+1)) -C build
sudo ninja install -C build

Budgie Desktop

Now that you have a build of Magpie installed on your system, it is time to check out the dedicated testing code branch for Budgie Desktop and build Budgie Desktop.


If at this point in time you have not installed the dependencies required to compile Budgie Desktop itself, see the "Installing Build Dependencies" section of Building Budgie Desktop.

As you already have the dependencies for Budgie Desktop installed, run the following command to clone the source and check out the dedicated branch.

git clone
cd budgie-desktop
git submodule update --init
git checkout magpie

Following all steps including and after the "Configuring" section of the Building Budgie Desktop document.

At this stage, you should have a Budgie Desktop compiled and installed that uses Magpie. At this point, you will need to perform a reboot.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/developer/meta/writing-documentation/index.html b/developer/meta/writing-documentation/index.html index 351cd79..ebcf7b8 100644 --- a/developer/meta/writing-documentation/index.html +++ b/developer/meta/writing-documentation/index.html @@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ Writing Documentation | Buddies of Budgie Docs - +

Writing Documentation

This document provides guidance on writing documentation for Buddies of Budgie. This is not intended to be an all-encompassing document, however it will strive to provide links to any extra resources to make your documentation writing as easy as possible.

What Should Be Documented?

Buddies of Budgie documentation is intended to cover the following:

  • Day-to-day usage of Budgie Desktop, with useful information to new and existing users alike. This can be everything from keybinds to how to install Budgie Desktop on various operating systems. It is not intended to replace documentation for those specific operating systems or any applications those operating systems / curated experiences provide, but useful guidance on navigating around various "core" Budgie Desktop functionality and features.
  • Developing Budgie Desktop or "on top of" the desktop with our panel and Raven widget APIs.
  • Information about the organization, how it operates on a daily basis, and how one can get involved in the organization (not even necessarily coding!)

Before Getting Started

If you would like to write some documentation but aren't sure where to start, our recommendation would be to take a look at our issue tracker which may have requested documentation.


All of our documentation, including the site itself, is open source, meaning you can take a look at how it all works under the hood!

If you have an idea of some documentation to write, we suggest taking a look at the issue tracker linked above or see if someone else had a similar idea by taking a look at our pull requests.

Writing documentation requires some technical knowledge, but it isn't anything we believe you can't learn if you haven't already! In some cases, issues can just be solved with some copy / paste and editing.

The process of writing and submitting documentation requires that you "fork" our GitHub repository linked above. Forking is effectively creating your own copy of all of our source code (e.g. the website) and docs (like this one!). To do all of this, you will need an account with GitHub, the collaboration platform we use for issue tracking, source code management, feature requests, and more.


GitHub accounts are free and you can create one just by visiting their sign up page.

Have an account? Great! Now it's time to do that forking we talked about. Just click here and you should immediately be greeted with a page with pre-filled details. Make sure the owner is you, then click "Create fork".

You will need to now "clone" your fork to your computer. There is a bunch of different ways to do that, from the command-line to various graphical programs. Given that fact, we would just recommend you check out GitHub's documentation.

Of course, testing out your changes will require some technical knowledge, but our README should help walk you through that. You can read it in your fork too!

Need help?

You can reach out to us on our Matrix Space for guidance if you run into issues.

The Writing

Documentation is written in either GitHub-flavored Markdown (GFM) or MDX. Chances are, you will be writing your documentation in GFM, so we will stick to that for documentation. For really fancy docs, be sure to take a look at Docusaurus' Markdown Features.

Docusaurus, the tooling we use to provide this nifty documentation center, has documentation on creating a document. The basics are:

  1. Figure out where the doc goes. Is it something related to development workflow? Put it in doc/developer/workflow. Related to the end-user? Probably somewhere in docs/user. If you aren't sure, that's fine, we can always move the file later or invent a new category.
  2. Create a file in the respective folder with the file extension .md. For example, "Hello World" should be all lowercased with spaces replaced with -, so
  3. Create the header of the file. There is a lot of "front matter" options, but just stick with the basics of a title and description for now per the linked documentation for Docusaurus.

Once you do that, the recommendation is to run Docusaurus on your local machine following our documentation linked in the README of the repository. This will provide you a live preview of the documentation and how your doc will look in the live environment for the rest of the world to see.

After that, just start writing!

Submitting a Pull Request

Submitting a pull request can be done through our GitHub repository. GitHub has excellent documentation that can walk you through this process. Since you will likely be working on a "fork" of the repository, it is recommended to follow GitHub's documentation on creating a pull request from a fork.



Docusaurus supports adding assets, such as images, to a document. Please keep assets in an assets/document-name-here folder relative to the Markdown file.


We would expect assets for this document, located at docs/developer/documentation/ to reside in docs/developer/documentation/assets/writing-documentation. We have an example below for reference (and testing!)

Transparency should be used sparingly as our documentation center supports both light and dark theme. Using images that look good against a light background may make them unreadable on a dark one, and vice-versa. You can use Themed Images in MDX, but consider if that is necessary first!

Images should be compressed without noticable artifacting, preferably in JPG.

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Building Budgie Desktop

Build Dependencies

budgie-desktop has a number of build dependencies that must be present before attempting configuration. The names are different depending on distribution. The following is a list of pkg-config dependencies currently required to build Budgie from source.

  • accountsservice >= 0.6.40
  • alsa-lib >= 1.1.0
  • budgie-screensaver (or gnome-screensaver on Debian / Ubuntu)
  • gee-0.8 >= 0.20.0
  • gio-2.0 >= 2.64.0
  • gio-unix-2.0 >= 2.64.0
  • gnome-bluetooth-1.0 >= 3.34.0
  • gnome-desktop-3.0 >= 41.0
  • gnome-settings-daemon >= 41.0
  • gobject-2.0 >= 2.64.0
  • gobject-introspection-1.0 >= 1.64.0
  • gstreamer-1.0
  • gtk+-3.0 >= 3.24.0
  • ibus-1.0 >= 1.5.10
  • libcanberra-devel
  • libgnome-menu-3.0 >= 3.10.3
  • libnotify >= 0.7
  • libpeas-gtk-1.0 >= 1.26.0
  • libpulse >= 2
  • libwnck >= 3.36.0
  • meson
  • magpie 0.9.x
  • polkit-agent-1 >= 0.110
  • polkit-gobject-1 >= 0.110
  • upower-glib >= 0.99.0
  • uuid


  • gtk-doc (For documentation building from git only)
  • sassc (to build theming)
  • vala >= 0.52.0
Important Information

Please ensure you install budgie-screensaver before configuration. If you are on a Debian-based system, ensure you are install gnome-screensaver.

Run-time dependencies

budgie-desktop requires/recommends the following to be installed:

  • zenity (to display mutter based dialogs)
  • dconf-cli (to handle resetting of dconf)
  • xdotool (lock keys applet)

Installing Build Dependencies

sudo pacman -S base-devel git
sudo pacman -S accountsservice budgie-screensaver gnome-bluetooth gnome-menus gnome-session gnome-settings-daemon gobject-introspection ibus intltool libgee libpeas libwnck3 meson magpie sassc vala zenity

Cloning the repository

git clone
cd budgie-desktop
git submodule update --init


cd budgie-desktop
meson setup build --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --libexecdir=/usr/lib


ninja -j$(($(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)+1)) -C build
sudo ninja install -C build

Note: When building a distro package, please ensure you use:

meson build --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --buildtype plain

This ensures your distro flags are respected.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/developer/workflow/providing-backtraces/index.html b/developer/workflow/providing-backtraces/index.html index 86d587e..fe653a5 100644 --- a/developer/workflow/providing-backtraces/index.html +++ b/developer/workflow/providing-backtraces/index.html @@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ Providing Backtraces | Buddies of Budgie Docs - +

Providing Backtraces

To ensure the best results and facilitate resolution when reporting segfaults, it is highly recommended that a backtrace be provided. A backtrace is "a summary of how your program got where it is. It shows one line per frame, for many frames, starting with the currently executing frame (frame zero), followed by its caller (frame one), and on up the stack".

Source: GDB Manual

This document will provide instructions, some of which may be OS-specific, for generating a file containing the backtrace. Please note that you must have the debug symbols for Budgie Desktop installed on your system. This may already be the case if you built Budgie Desktop yourself, but we provide some OS-specific instructions below.

Debug Symbols

A debug symbol is a special kind of symbol that attaches additional information to the symbol table of an object file, such as a shared library or an executable. This information allows a symbolic debugger to gain access to information from the source code of the binary, such as the names of identifiers, including variables and routines.

Source: Wikipedia

In the case of Budgie Desktop, this helps us identify various parts of the Budgie Desktop codebase across its range of components that may affect any issue that requires a backtrace.

sudo dnf debuginfo-install budgie-desktop


The GNU Project Debugger (GDB) is widely available across various Linux-based operating systems. We recommend using the instructions below for installing the debugger, though if you are familiar with the package manager of the operating system of your choice, typically the package is gdb and you can install using your package manager's typical installation command(s).

sudo pacman -S gdb

Generating a Backtrace

First, replace your existing budgie-panel with one managed by gdb and pipe the output into the referenced file:

gdb budgie-panel 2&>1 | tee ~/budgie-panel-gdb.txt

Once you're in gdb, you will be presented with a prompt showing:


Type the following, then press the ENTER / Return key. This should replace your Budgie panel(s).

r --replace

Next, perform the actions required to cause the segfault. You should see something like Thread 1 "budgie-panel" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. Press Enter / Return and you should now see a (gdb) prompt again.

Type the following, then press the ENTER / Return key. This may provide a considerable backtrace of content.

bt full

Once it is done and you see the (gdb) prompt, type quit and upload the txt file generated in the bug report. You bring back your budgie panel by opening a Terminal and typing budgie-panel --replace &! then pressing Ctrl+D to detach from that process.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/developer/workflow/third-party-release-schedules/index.html b/developer/workflow/third-party-release-schedules/index.html index 4734871..e2b8245 100644 --- a/developer/workflow/third-party-release-schedules/index.html +++ b/developer/workflow/third-party-release-schedules/index.html @@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ Third-party Release Schedules | Buddies of Budgie Docs - +

Third-party Release Schedules

This document contains an aggregated list of third-party release schedules relevant to Budgie Desktop development.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index 47157e7..5930323 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ Buddies of Budgie Docs - +

The place to learn and build with Budgie Desktop.


- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/organization/core-values/index.html b/organization/core-values/index.html index b637cd5..1b8492c 100644 --- a/organization/core-values/index.html +++ b/organization/core-values/index.html @@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ Core Values | Buddies of Budgie Docs - +

Core Values

Buddies of Budgie has several established "core values" that act as our guiding principles for leading our organization, community, and our projects (technical or otherwise).


Independence is a crucial value to how we operate as an organization. All organizations and projects are equal stakeholders in the future of the organization and most importantly, the future of the Budgie Desktop platform. No singular for-profit or non-profit entity has sole influence over our direction. This value was defined based on the history of the project (Budgie Desktop), experiences of those actively contributing to its development / evolution, and technical perspective on how we wish Budgie to evolve going forward.

  • Budgie is viewed as a platform and encourages consumers of Budgie, such as any operating system which ships it as the option (or one of many) to make decisions which allow them to ship Budgie and their desired ecosystem in a manner that best satisfies their user base. This does not need to be "stock" Budgie, so long as an operating system or user is using Budgie, we are happy!
  • We have made technical decisions for Budgie 11 and beyond that focuses on a clear separation between the "data layer" that enables complex Budgie functionality, and the visual / "presentation layer". This reduces our reliance on any one given upstream for a toolkit or related libraries, allowing us to potentially explore different models for achieving the presentation layer, and even enabling other developers to build on top of Budgie's data layer with their own presentations.


Transparency has been central to how we function from the start. Transparency is not just a value but a way of working. We would prefer to have an excess of transparency than folks lacking sufficient understanding of the day-to-day functions of Budgie and its respective organization, as more information available to everyone enables smarter decision-making and easier retrospectives.

In practice, this means striving to perform the below:

  • Proactive communication on the plans for the organization and any of its projects, through social media, our own web properties, and more. This includes active engagement with the broader open source community.
  • Fostering public and open discussions through our freely joinable Matrix Space as well as discussion forums on GitHub.


Buddies of Budgie and the Budgie desktop itself is built for its users. Users are seen as stakeholders in development and day-to-day operations, with a fundamental part of our consensus model for making changes to the organization and our platform being how do our decisions positively impact the end user’s experience.

People should feel encouraged to get involved directly, promoting fairness in our ways of working, and helping to reduce the likelihood that changes are performed in a vacuum where there is no clear understanding on the user's position to a specific change. If we are unsure of the impact, our consensus model mandates that surveying / polling in some form is done so we can gather user sentiment / thoughts.

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Getting Involved

Buddies of Budgie is first and foremost a diverse community, with people of all different skill sets and origins, that come together to contribute to and promote open source software. There are many different ways to contribute depending on your skill set, as well as opportunities to develop new skills based on what interests you the most!

Regardless of your desired contribution, the best place to start getting involved, raising items, and asking questions is our Matrix Space.


Matrix is an open source project that publishes the Matrix open standard for secure, decentralised, real-time communication, and its Apache licensed reference implementations.

You can access Matrix Spaces with clients such as Element.

Code Contributions

Buddies of Budgie software is open source and primarily written in either C or Vala. This software is hosted through our GitHub organization, with issue tracking, releases, and pull requests all being done through various source repositories there.

Alongside this, we organize various tasks into organization-wide projects. These contain a mix of pull requests, issues, high-level draft items for potential future development, and more.

  • Budgie 10: Current major release of Budgie Desktop
  • Budgie 11: Future major release of Budgie Desktop


There is always room for improvement for documentation around Budgie Desktop and our organization. To learn how to contribute to documentation, click here.


Making software accessible to users around the world, in their native language, is incredibly important to the success of our project and to the success of the open source ecosystem as a whole. Enabling our software to be more translatable and more accessible is an active and always ongoing process, whether that is extending existing features or building new ones.

To facilitate translations, Buddies of Budgie uses the Transifex platform to manage new translations.

Work In Progress

Translation support for our documentation (documents and user elements) is a work in progress. Keep an eye on this document, our blog, or our Mastodon for news on when documentation translations support is introduced!

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/organization/intro/index.html b/organization/intro/index.html index a091775..94704b3 100644 --- a/organization/intro/index.html +++ b/organization/intro/index.html @@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ Organization Documentation | Buddies of Budgie Docs - +

Organization Documentation

This section contains documentation related to the Buddies of Budgie organization.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/organization/teams/index.html b/organization/teams/index.html index 4e958e1..94333fb 100644 --- a/organization/teams/index.html +++ b/organization/teams/index.html @@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ Teams | Buddies of Budgie Docs - +


🛠️ Founder / Lead of Buddies of Budgie. 🐧 Fedora Budgie Spin maintainer. Enjoyer of MMOs and whiskey.
Campbell Jones's Avatar
Campbell Jones
Known miscreant, suspected film and animation enthusiast, alleged software engineer, and documented Arch Linux package maintainer.
David Mohammed's Avatar
David Mohammed
Ubuntu Budgie project founder/lead & Debian 'all-things-budgie' maintainer
Evan Maddock's Avatar
Evan Maddock
Sci-fi and tech nerd who enjoys programming, woodworking, cooking, and other miscellaneous stuff. Not necessarily in that order.


Buddies of Budgie internally is organized into several teams, which share responsibility for various aspects of the operations of Buddies of Budgie, or Budgie Desktop itself.

Best Buds

This team is responsible for general day-to-day maintenance of our software, whether that be issue triaging and code reviews or releasing a new version of various parts of our macrocosm of applications.

Campbell Jones's Avatar
Campbell Jones
David Mohammed's Avatar
David Mohammed
Evan Maddock's Avatar
Evan Maddock

Distribution / Packaging Team

This team is responsible for the distribution / packaging of Budgie and its microcosm of supplemental software on various operating systems.

Joshua Strobl's Avatar
Joshua Strobl
Campbell Jones's Avatar
Campbell Jones
Arch Linux
David Mohammed's Avatar
David Mohammed
Debian / Ubuntu
Evan Maddock's Avatar
Evan Maddock

Documentation Team

This team is responsible for improving documentation of the organization and our software.

Joshua Strobl's Avatar
Joshua Strobl
Campbell Jones's Avatar
Campbell Jones
David Mohammed's Avatar
David Mohammed
Evan Maddock's Avatar
Evan Maddock

Infrastructure and Web Ops Team

This team is responsible for the development and management of our web properties and infrastructure.

Joshua Strobl's Avatar
Joshua Strobl
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/search/index.html b/search/index.html index 00a4596..d5c270d 100644 --- a/search/index.html +++ b/search/index.html @@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ Search the documentation | Buddies of Budgie Docs - +

Search the documentation

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/user/getting-budgie/index.html b/user/getting-budgie/index.html index c3c4812..4dd12fb 100644 --- a/user/getting-budgie/index.html +++ b/user/getting-budgie/index.html @@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ Getting Budgie | Buddies of Budgie Docs - +

Getting Budgie

Budgie Desktop and our macrocosm of applications are available across a wide variety of Linux-based operating systems.

🎉New Budgie Release
The Buddies of Budgie team just released Budgie Desktop 10.8.2. Please keep in mind that it may take some time for the release to be available on the operating systems shown below, as this is a manual process performed by our amazing community of package maintainers.Read more

Get Budgie Effortlessly

You are able to get Budgie Desktop out-of-the-box, with no extra effort, with the operating systems shown below. These operating systems range in the experience they provide, some will be more curated with additional widgets / extensions for Budgie Desktop, others may be closer to the "stock" / "vanilla" Budgie Desktop experience.

Screenshot of EndeavourOS


EndeavourOS is a terminal-centric distro built on top of Arch Linux. EndeavourOS offers through their unified installer the ability to install Budgie Desktop, with user choice on their desired experience.

Screenshot of Fedora Budgie Spin

Fedora Budgie Spin

Fedora Budgie Spin offers a near-stock Budgie Desktop experience on top of the Fedora open source platform.

Screenshot of NixOS


NixOS is a Linux distribution based on the Nix package manager and build system.

Screenshot of Solus


Solus offers a curated Budgie Desktop experience on top of its built-from-scratch operating system.

Screenshot of Ubuntu Budgie

Ubuntu Budgie

Ubuntu Budgie offers a highly curated Budgie Desktop experience with Ubuntu at its core.

Screenshot of Ultramarine Linux

Ultramarine Linux

Ultramarine Linux is a Fedora-based Linux distribution designed to stay out of your way and be easy to use.

Get Budgie with a bit more work

Arch Linux

Arch Linux offers a Budgie Desktop profile within its 'archinstall' installer, though more intrepid users also have the option to install the desktop manually.
Under the "Profile" option, select "desktop", then "budgie".


🚧Coming Soon
Installation instructions coming soon!


Budgie is not yet available in a quarterly release of FreeBSD; however, it can be installed if the Latest binary repository or the master branch of the ports repository is used instead.
Install X11 and the Budgie package group:
pkg install xorg-minimal budgie
Finally, enable DBus and LightDM:
sysrc dbus_enable="YES" lightdm_enable="YES"
After a reboot, you will be able to log into Budgie.
Using the Latest repository or the master version of the ports repository may result in system instability.

Manjaro Budgie Community Edition

Manjaro Budgie Community Edition offers Budgie Desktop as an out-of-the-box experience on top of Manjaro. Manjaro is based on Arch Linux.
The Budgie Desktop experience offered by this edition is incomplete, setting no default theme or enabling our built-in theme. This results in a partially broken user experience.


Budgie Desktop can be installed through the following mechanisms on openSUSE.
Choose the "Budgie Desktop Environment" pattern under the "Desktop Environments" section when searching for patterns in YaST Software Management.


Budgie Desktop can be installed by adding the following to your system configuration:
# Enable the X server.
services.xserver.enable = true;
# Enable the Budgie Desktop.
services.xserver.desktopManager.budgie.enable = true;
# Enable a display manager (recommended).
services.xserver.displayManager.lightdm.enable = true;

Void Linux

Void Linux does not offer a Budgie Desktop installer profile, but it can be installed manually on top of the base image. First, install the required packages:
sudo xbps-install budgie-desktop network-manager-applet lightdm-gtk3-greeter
Enable DBus, elogind, NetworkManager, and LightDM:
sudo ln -s /etc/sv/dbus /var/service
sudo ln -s /etc/sv/elogind /var/service
sudo ln -s /etc/sv/NetworkManager /var/service
sudo ln -s /etc/sv/lightdm /var/service
Finally, disable dhcpcd:
sudo rm -f /var/service/dhcpcd

After a reboot, you will be able to log into Budgie.

None of these operating systems are viewed as being the "reference" platform for Budgie Desktop, rather we want you to be able to pick the OS that fits your needs best, and have Budgie Desktop along with you!
- +

Getting Budgie

Budgie Desktop and our macrocosm of applications are available across a wide variety of Linux-based operating systems.

🎉New Budgie Release
The Buddies of Budgie team just released Budgie Desktop 10.8.2. Please keep in mind that it may take some time for the release to be available on the operating systems shown below, as this is a manual process performed by our amazing community of package maintainers.Read more

Get Budgie Effortlessly

You are able to get Budgie Desktop out-of-the-box, with no extra effort, with the operating systems shown below. These operating systems range in the experience they provide, some will be more curated with additional widgets / extensions for Budgie Desktop, others may be closer to the "stock" / "vanilla" Budgie Desktop experience.

Screenshot of EndeavourOS


EndeavourOS is a terminal-centric distro built on top of Arch Linux. EndeavourOS offers through their unified installer the ability to install Budgie Desktop, with user choice on their desired experience.

Screenshot of Fedora Budgie Spin

Fedora Budgie Spin

Fedora Budgie Spin offers a near-stock Budgie Desktop experience on top of the Fedora open source platform.

Screenshot of NixOS


NixOS is a Linux distribution based on the Nix package manager and build system.

Screenshot of Solus


Solus offers a curated Budgie Desktop experience on top of its built-from-scratch operating system.

Screenshot of Ubuntu Budgie

Ubuntu Budgie

Ubuntu Budgie offers a highly curated Budgie Desktop experience with Ubuntu at its core.

Screenshot of Ultramarine Linux

Ultramarine Linux

Ultramarine Linux is a Fedora-based Linux distribution designed to stay out of your way and be easy to use.

Get Budgie with a bit more work

Arch Linux

Arch Linux offers a Budgie Desktop profile within its 'archinstall' installer, though more intrepid users also have the option to install the desktop manually.
Under the "Profile" option, select "desktop", then "budgie".


🚧Coming Soon
Installation instructions coming soon!


Budgie is not yet available in a quarterly release of FreeBSD; however, it can be installed if the Latest binary repository or the master branch of the ports repository is used instead.
Install X11 and the Budgie package group:
pkg install xorg-minimal budgie
Finally, enable DBus and LightDM:
sysrc dbus_enable="YES" lightdm_enable="YES"
After a reboot, you will be able to log into Budgie.
Using the Latest repository or the master version of the ports repository may result in system instability.

Manjaro Budgie Community Edition

Manjaro Budgie Community Edition offers Budgie Desktop as an out-of-the-box experience on top of Manjaro. Manjaro is based on Arch Linux.
The Budgie Desktop experience offered by this edition is incomplete, setting no default theme or enabling our built-in theme. This results in a partially broken user experience.


Budgie Desktop can be installed through the following mechanisms on openSUSE.
Choose the "Budgie Desktop Environment" pattern under the "Desktop Environments" section when searching for patterns in YaST Software Management.


Budgie Desktop can be installed by adding the following to your system configuration:
# Enable the X server.
services.xserver.enable = true;
# Enable the Budgie Desktop.
services.xserver.desktopManager.budgie.enable = true;
# Enable a display manager (recommended).
services.xserver.displayManager.lightdm.enable = true;

Void Linux

Void Linux does not offer a Budgie Desktop installer profile, but it can be installed manually on top of the base image. First, install the required packages:
sudo xbps-install budgie-desktop network-manager-applet lightdm-gtk3-greeter
Enable DBus, elogind, NetworkManager, and LightDM:
sudo ln -s /etc/sv/dbus /var/service
sudo ln -s /etc/sv/elogind /var/service
sudo ln -s /etc/sv/NetworkManager /var/service
sudo ln -s /etc/sv/lightdm /var/service
Finally, disable dhcpcd:
sudo rm -f /var/service/dhcpcd

After a reboot, you will be able to log into Budgie.

None of these operating systems are viewed as being the "reference" platform for Budgie Desktop, rather we want you to be able to pick the OS that fits your needs best, and have Budgie Desktop along with you!
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User Documentation

This section contains documentation intended for end users of Budgie Desktop. In this section you can learn more about various features and functionality related to Budgie, as well as getting involved in the community!

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/user/keyboard-shortcuts/index.html b/user/keyboard-shortcuts/index.html index 72526f7..c98b19d 100644 --- a/user/keyboard-shortcuts/index.html +++ b/user/keyboard-shortcuts/index.html @@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ Keyboard Shortcuts | Buddies of Budgie Docs - +

Keyboard Shortcuts

Budgie Desktop supports a wide-variety of keyboard combinations / shortcuts (commonly referred to as keybinds) to enable quick actions without taking your hands off the keyboard.

Note: This is not an exhaustive list, so be sure to open up Budgie Control Center, go to Keyboard, and choose "View and Customize Shortcuts" at the bottom of the panel!

These keyboards assume a "stock" user experience and may differ if you use an operating system which ships Budgie Desktop with changes to the experience. Be sure to consult their documentation for any specifics as well!

Unless specified otherwise, Super refers to the "Windows" key. If you have multiple "Windows" keys, it will be the left one. You may also see it specified as Win

Common Actions


Clear notifications in RavenSuper+C
Open Budgie MenuSuper
Open Power DialogSuper+Shift+P
Open Raven widgetsSuper+A
Open Raven notificationsSuper+N
Take screenshot of entire screenPrintScreen
Take screenshot of active windowAlt+PrintScreen
Take screenshot of an areaCtrl+PrintScreen

Window Management

Maximize windowSuper+Up Arrow
Move window to any monitor left of currentSuper+Shift+Left Arrow
Move window to any monitor right of currentSuper+Shift+Right Arrow
Snap window to left half of monitorSuper+Left Arrow
Snap window to right half of monitorSuper+Right Arrow
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/user/testing-budgie/index.html b/user/testing-budgie/index.html index b2ad413..e147b46 100644 --- a/user/testing-budgie/index.html +++ b/user/testing-budgie/index.html @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Testing Budgie | Buddies of Budgie Docs - + @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ reporting an issue with Budgie Desktop that you first test with the latest available version of Budgie Desktop, if not the latest in-development changes, to see if the issue is already resolved.

Please look at our GitHub releases to confirm the latest version. You can compare this against the version you have installed by running:

budgie-desktop --version

Git Builds

Some distros provide up-to-date "git" versions of each component. If possible please try these packages on a separate machine / in a virtual machine.

Arch Linux typically has the latest stable version in the Community repository. You can test with the latest git master of Budgie by installing the budgie-desktop-git AUR package using an AUR helper like yay or paru. Make sure to update your system before installing budgie-desktop-git, and reinstall the official budgie-desktop package once you have finished testing.

For other distributions than those listed above, you will need to follow the steps at Building Budgie Desktop.


There are several components that you may encounter throughout usage or testing of Budgie Desktop.

NameDescriptionSupports --replace
budgie-daemonBudgie Daemon is a background process responsible for many activities such as notification handling, XDG Directory monitorying, screenshot invoking, tab switching, and more.
budgie-desktop-settingsBudgie Desktop Settings is the graphical application for configuration of our desktop environment.
budgie-panelThis component handles one of more visual panels, which includes Raven and panel applets.
budgie-wmBudgie WM is our window manager that sits as a Meta "plugin" on top of Mutter.

Restarting components

It is common when testing Budgie Desktop to restart various components. When doing so, the --replace flag is passed alongside &! at the end of the command. This allows you to detach from the process without it stopping, so you can for example close the Terminal.

Full example:

budgie-panel --replace &!

Some may opt to use the nohup (no hangup) command to log the output as well. If you do not need to do any long-term logging, it is not necessary to run it with nohup. Below is an example of how you would use it with budgie-panel:

nohup budgie-panel --replace > budgie-panel.out

This will output to the file named budgie-panel.out in whichever directory you run the command. You can change the filename should you desire.


Some components may be more sensitive to replacing and may either need to be done in a specific order, or twice (common with budgie-daemon).

When in doubt, you should:

  1. Do a double replace of budgie-daemon
  2. If you are replacing both budgie-daemon and budgie-panel, first replace then daemon, then replace panel.
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