For the project, your job is to simulate the damped wave equation with fixed boundary conditions in two dimensions. This is most easily imagined as the evolution in time of a rectangular drum head. The first phase's simulation, for example, looks like this when visualized as an elastic membrane:
Some aspects of the wave equation are ignored and a rudimentary algorithm is used to simulate it; this comes at the expense of accuracy and versatility but keeps complexity to a level appropriate for this course. 4 parameters fully describe the state of this basic simulation:
: the damping coefficient, which determines how quickly energy dissipates--higherc
means faster dissipation.t
: the amount of time that the simulation has progressed. Given a time stepdt
, this is the amount of iterations multiplied bydt
, which will be fixed at0.01
for most phases of the project to ensure simulation accuracy.u
: an array in which each element represents the displacement at the corresponding point on the plane. If visualizing as a drum head, this is the height of a point on the head relative to the height at its edges.v
: an array in which each element represents the rate of change with respect to time of the displacement (its velocity) at the corresponding point on the plane. If visualizing as a drum head, this is the velocity of a point on the head.
This state will hence be called a wave orthotope. In two dimensions it is a wave rectangle, but there is extra credit for generalizing to an arbitrary number of dimensions.
To step interior cell
To enforce the fixed boundary condition, cells at the edge of the array are never updated.
Here's how one step of dt
for the whole wave rectangle might look in Julia given displacement u
and velocity v
function step!(u, v, c, dt)
rows, cols = size(u)
# Update v
for i in 2:rows-1, j in 2:cols-1
L = (u[i-1,j] + u[i+1,j] + u[i,j-1] + u[i,j+1]) / 2 - 2 * u[i,j]
v[i,j] = (1 - dt * c) * v[i,j] + dt * L
# Update u
for i in 2:rows-1, j in 2:cols-1
u[i,j] += v[i,j] * dt
As you take time to understand what the example code is doing, it's important to know that Julia indexes starting at 1 (not 0).
The simulation proceeds in time steps of dt
until the energy in the grid falls below an average of 0.001 per interior cell. The total energy constitutes two parts, which we'll call dynamic energy and potential energy.
Dynamic energy is the energy stored within each cell, and is defined for cell
Potential energy is the energy stored in the boundaries between adjacent cells, and is defined for cells
Here's how the total energy might be determined in Julia given u
and v
function energy(u, v)
rows, cols = size(u)
E = 0
# Dynamic
for i in 2:rows-1, j in 2:cols-1
E += v[i,j]^2 / 2
# Potential
for i in 1:rows-1, j in 2:cols-1 # along x axis (note i range)
E += (u[i,j] - u[i+1,j])^2 / 4;
for i in 2:rows-1, j in 1:cols-1 # along y axis (note j range)
E += (u[i,j] - u[i,j+1])^2 / 4;
# Return the total
return E
Your job is to determine an initial state (the specifics of which vary phase to phase), repeatedly step the simulation forward until total energy falls below an average of 0.001 per interior cell (i.e. solve the simulation), and do something with the resultant final state (again, the specifics vary by phase). Given damping coefficient c
, time step dt
, initial simulation time t0
, initial displacement u0
, and initial velocity v0
, and functions step
and energy
defined above, here is a Julia function that would solve the wave rectangle defined by c
, t0
, u0
, and v0
and return the changed elements of the final state.
function solve(u0, v0, t0, c, dt)
# Initialize
u, v = deepcopy.(u0, v0)
t = t0
# Constants
rows, cols = size(u)
stopping_energy = (rows-2) * (cols-2) * 0.001
# Solve
while energy(u, v) > stopping_energy
step!(u, v, c, dt)
t += dt
# Return updated state as a tuple
return u, v, t
The foundation you lay in the first phases will be used for the rest of the course. It's thus a good idea to skim over future phases of the project often to ensure that your code maintains the flexibility to easily accommodate future requirements. Pay down technical debt early.
Get familiar with WaveSim.jl
early, ideally by phase 2--you'll be modifying it in phases 4 and 8, so you may as well take advantage of its utility early on.
Look at the example code often, as there's usually very little difference (outside of the algorithm) between it and what you'll be required to do.
You don't need to read any of the following, but some of it is helpful for the extra credit.
The damped wave equation is defined as:
Although some of the equations and justifications in this document are specific to an elastic membrane and/or to 2 dimensions, the same equations can (if appropriately modified for the number of dimensions) represent other wave phenomena in different dimensions. For example, light bouncing around in a perfectly reflective box containing an opaque medium could be simulated, as could longitudinal pulses traveling through a stiff rod.
To determine the energy stored in a 2-dimensional rectangular wave plane, we imagine each cell as a particle of unit mass, each connected to the four adjacent particles by springs of unit spring coefficient constrained to move along the axis orthogonal to the plane.
Since each particle is of unit mass, the kinetic energy (which is generalized as "dynamic" energy above) for a cell is:
The potential energy is held in the springs. Given unit spring coefficient, the potential energy between two adjacent cells is:
Division is by 4 rather than two because both ends of each spring are free; it can thus be modeled as a central point with springs of half length on each side, with half the potential energy of a system with only one free end. The potential of the boundaries at the edges is made identical (and, importantly, the simulation is simplified) by considering these "springs" to have half the spring coefficient of interior "springs."