diff --git a/html/ops/sample_table_stats.php b/html/ops/sample_table_stats.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0aa42e68cc..0000000000
--- a/html/ops/sample_table_stats.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-function showTableStatus($db) {
- $size = 0;
- $out = "";
- start_table();
- row1($db, 15);
- row_array(array("Name", "Engine", "Version", "Row Format", "Rows", "Avg Row Length (KB)", "Data Length (MB)", "Max Data Length (MB)", "Index Length (MB)", "Data free (MB)", "Create Time", "Update Time", "Check Time", "Create Options", "Comment"));
- _mysql_select_db($db);
- $result = _mysql_query("show table status");
- while($row = _mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
- $size += ($row["Data_length"] + $row["Index_length"]);
- $engine = $row["Engine"];
- if (!$engine) $engine = $row["Type"];
- row_array(array(
- $row["Name"],
- $engine,
- $row["Version"] ,
- $row["Row_format"] ,
- $row["Rows"] ,
- round($row["Avg_row_length"]/1024,2) ,
- round($row["Data_length"]/(1024*1024),2) ,
- round($row["Max_data_length"]/(1024*1024),2) ,
- round($row["Index_length"]/(1024*1024),2) ,
- round($row["Data_free"]/(1024*1024),2) ,
- $row["Create_time"] ,
- $row["Update_time"] ,
- $row["Check_time"] ,
- $row["Create_options"] ,
- $row["Comment"]
- ));
- }
- $size = round(($size/1024)/1024, 1);
- row2("Total Table Sizes (MB)", $size);
- end_table();
- echo "
-page_head("MySQL Table Stats");
-// add the databases you want to keep track of here