The "Deadline Scripting API" is used inside Deadline's features, for various tasks, including:
- renderer plugins
- event plugins
- job scripts
- submitter scripts
- etc.
Example (from the RezVray plugin):
def SetupRez(self):
self.rezExecutable = self.GetPluginInfoEntryWithDefault("RezExecutable", None) or self.GetRenderExecutable("RezExecutable", "rez")
self.rezRequires = self.GetPluginInfoEntryWithDefault("RezRequires", None) or self.GetConfigEntryWithDefault("RezRequires", "vray")
rezCommand = self.GetPluginInfoEntryWithDefault("RezCommand", None) or self.GetConfigEntryWithDefault("RezCommand", "vray")
self.rezArgument = 'env {} -- {}'.format(self.rezRequires, rezCommand)
self.LogInfo("[SetupRez] {} {}".format(self.rezExecutable, self.rezArgument))
The "Python Standalone API" is a wrapper around the REST API.
Example submitting a job
from Deadline.DeadlineConnect import DeadlineCon
dl.Jobs.SubmitJob(job.job_info, job.plugin_info)
Example quering jobs
workers = dl.Slaves.GetSlaveNamesInPool("test")
for worker in sorted(workers):
infos = dl.Slaves.GetSlaveInfo(worker)
print(f"{worker} -> {infos.get('User')} {infos.get('Stat')} {infos.get('StatDate')}")
Note: the REST API is wrapped by the "Python Standalone API" (see above)
Examples on using the REST API in python.
Async quering of groups:
import logging
import traceback
import aiohttp
logger = logging.getLogger("deadline")
class DeadlineRunner:
async def query_repos(query_url: str):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(query_url) as response:
query = await response.json()
return query
except Exception as e:
"Could not connect to Deadline WebService and query Groups and Pool information: "
+ traceback.format_exc()
raise Exception(str(e))
async def get_groups():
groups = await DeadlineRunner.query_repos(
return groups
Setting a job to Pending state using PUT
import requests
url = "http://deadline:8081/api/jobs"
data = {
"Command": "pend",
"JobID": "63f7879702e8f442e1348d07",
response = requests.put(url, json=data)
Can be used on a machine where DL is installed. Example:
@echo off
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('"C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline10\bin\deadlinecommand.exe" -GetSlaveNamesInGroup classrooms') do ( echo %%i >> \\...\deadline\artfxTools\workerManagement\output.txt )
"C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline10\bin\deadlinecommand.exe" -ExecuteScript \\...\artfxTools\workerManagement\
For the REST API and the Python Standalone API, the "web service" needs to run.
To start the service locally (deadline needs to be installed), open powershell (keep powershell during runtime) and type:
cd "C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline10\bin"
Test the python API :
import sys
api_path = r'\\deadline\DeadlineRepository\api\python'
from Deadline.DeadlineConnect import DeadlineCon
deadline = DeadlineCon('localhost', 8081)
for u in deadline.Users.GetUserNames():