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How to install redis


  • You need to install a distros(distribution) for Linux lets take Ubuntu
  • First you need wsl (Also disable your antivirus, because sometimes it cries. This is 100% safe)
    • Open cmd or powershell as admin
      • wsl --install
    • List out all distros
      • wsl --list --online
    • Install Ubuntu
      • wsl --install -d Ubuntu
    • Open Ubuntu from search bar
      • For the first time it will ask you to set name and password
      • Then install package universe sudo add-apt-repository universe, this will allow you to install all the open-source package like Redis which do not come under Ubuntu
      • Finally install Redis sudo apt-get intall redis
  • Congratulations 🎉 You have installed Redis, now to start Redis Server on you local machine type redis-server in your Ubuntu terminal.
  • Now open another Ubuntu terminal and type redis-cli, now you can communicate with your redis server
  • Remember not to close your Redis Server

Basic Commands

Note - < abc > needs to be replaced by appropriate data KV - Key-Value

  • SET <KEY_NAME> <VALUE>🔸Set a key-value in redis volitile storage
  • GET <KEY_NAME>🔸Get the value for given KEY_NAME
  • KEYS *🔸 Get all keys
  • EXISTS <KEY_NAME>🔸Check if a key exists
  • FLUSHALL🔸Removes all saved up key-value pairs
  • CLEAR🔸Clear's the console
  • EXPIRE <KEY_NAME> <SECONDS>🔸For existing key set expiration time
  • SETEX <KEY_NAME> <SECONDS> <VALUE>🔸Set a new key with expiration time


  • LPUSH <KEY_NAME> <VALUE>🔸Add's KV at the start
  • RPUSH <KEY_NAME> <VALUE>🔸Add's KV at the end
  • LPOP <KEY_NAME>🔸Remove's KV from start
  • RPOP <KEY_NAME>🔸Remove's KV from end
  • LRANGE <KEY_NAME> <START> <END>🔸 Log's all the KV's from range start to end

Set (Does not contain duplicates)

  • SADD <KEY_NAME> <VALUE>🔸Add KV in set
  • SMEMBERS <KEY_NAME>🔸Log's all the KV pair's in set
  • SREM <KEY_NAME> <VALUE>🔸Remove's KV from set


Why even need Hash, as Redis is already built upon key-value pairs?

Hash in Redis gives user's a way to store multiple field's and value's for a key. Additionally it allow user to store complex data.
  • HSET <KEY> <FIELD> <VALUE>🔸 Add's key-{field, value} in hash
  • HGET <KEY> <FIELD>🔸Get the value for a key's field
  • HGETALL <KEY>🔸Get all Field and Values for a Key
  • HDEL <KEY> <FIELD>🔸Removes Field and Value for a given field
  • HEXISTS <KEY> <FIELD>🔸Check if a field exists