Create app npx create-react-app ytvideo-kata
Change to directory cd ytvideo-kata
Add hook to display video yarn add react-player
Add hook to retrieve API call yarn add axios
Add themeing libaries, we are using styled components but we will need to install all of mui components to be sure that we have what we need if we want to customize yarn add @mui/material @mui/styles @mui/icons-material @emotion/react @emotion/style @mui/styled-engine-sc styled-components
Add Fonts (feel free to pick your own via yarn add @fontsource/roboto @fontsource/bebas-neue
yarn start HTTPS=true
To build a custom theme there are several tools available:
For basic theme setup:
For custom color palette:!/?view.left=0&view.right=0&primary.color=6002ee
A handy color palette generator:
The following components will be needed for our app from MUI:
App Bar with Search Field
And more info on Typography:
You will need to get a key from youtube at the following link:
You will place your key in a .env file placed in the app's root directory. React App will automatically load the key from the .env file. So long as you name it REACT_APP_YOUTUBE_API_KEY, it will be loaded.
In key.js you will need to add the following line for the app to work: export const YOUTUBE_API_KEY = process.env.REACT_APP_YOUTUBE_API_KEY