diff --git a/.eslintrc.yml b/.eslintrc.yml
index 68397743e6..e0b7e03c6c 100644
--- a/.eslintrc.yml
+++ b/.eslintrc.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
node: true
-extends: 'eslint:recommended'
+ es6: true
accessor-pairs: error
array-bracket-newline: error
array-bracket-spacing: error
array-callback-return: error
array-element-newline: 0
- arrow-body-style: error
- arrow-parens: error
- arrow-spacing: error
+ arrow-body-style: 0
+ arrow-parens: 0
+ arrow-spacing: 0
block-scoped-var: 'off'
block-spacing: error
brace-style: 0
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ rules:
default-case: error
dot-location: 0
dot-notation: error
- eol-last: error
+ eol-last: 0
eqeqeq: error
for-direction: error
func-call-spacing: error
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ rules:
function-paren-newline: 0
generator-star-spacing: error
getter-return: error
- global-require: error
+ global-require: 0
guard-for-in: error
handle-callback-err: error
id-blacklist: error
@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ rules:
indent-legacy: 'off'
init-declarations: 'off'
jsx-quotes: 'off'
- key-spacing: error
+ key-spacing: 0
- - error
- - after: true
- before: true
+ - 0
+ - after: 0
+ - before: 0
line-comment-position: 'off'
linebreak-style: 'off'
lines-around-comment: 'off'
@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ rules:
no-bitwise: 0
no-buffer-constructor: error
no-caller: error
- no-catch-shadow: error
+ no-catch-shadow: 0
no-confusing-arrow: error
- no-continue: error
+ no-continue: 0
no-div-regex: error
no-duplicate-imports: error
no-else-return: 'off'
@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@ rules:
no-labels: error
no-lone-blocks: error
no-lonely-if: 'off'
- no-loop-func: error
+ no-loop-func: 0
no-magic-numbers: 'off'
- no-mixed-operators: error
+ no-mixed-operators: 0
no-mixed-requires: error
no-multi-assign: 'off'
no-multi-spaces: error
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ rules:
no-shadow: 0
no-shadow-restricted-names: error
no-spaced-func: error
- no-sync: error
+ no-sync: 0
no-tabs: 'off'
no-template-curly-in-string: 'off'
no-ternary: 'off'
@@ -154,11 +154,11 @@ rules:
no-trailing-spaces: 0
no-undef-init: error
no-undefined: 'off'
- no-underscore-dangle: error
+ no-underscore-dangle: 0
no-unmodified-loop-condition: error
no-unneeded-ternary: error
no-unused-expressions: error
- no-use-before-define: error
+ no-use-before-define: 0
no-useless-call: error
no-useless-computed-key: error
no-useless-concat: 0
@@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ rules:
no-useless-rename: error
no-useless-return: error
no-var: 'off'
- no-void: error
+ no-void: 0
no-warning-comments: 0
no-whitespace-before-property: 0
no-with: error
nonblock-statement-body-position: 0
- object-curly-newline: error
- object-curly-spacing: error
+ object-curly-newline: 0
+ object-curly-spacing: 0
object-property-newline: 'off'
object-shorthand: 0
one-var: 'off'
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ rules:
prefer-template: 'off'
quote-props: 'off'
quotes: 'off'
- radix: error
+ radix: 0
require-await: error
require-jsdoc: 'off'
rest-spread-spacing: error
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ rules:
- never
switch-colon-spacing: error
symbol-description: error
- template-curly-spacing: error
+ template-curly-spacing: 0
template-tag-spacing: error
- error
@@ -230,3 +230,6 @@ rules:
- alasql: 1
- yy: 1
+ ecmaVersion: 6
+ sourceType: "module"
diff --git a/.rpt2_cache/107a9a1377508c9b64b3153f5ace926e4b133f64/code/cache/61d8a9d269a70d9959ae7e4257319275d90697d3 b/.rpt2_cache/107a9a1377508c9b64b3153f5ace926e4b133f64/code/cache/61d8a9d269a70d9959ae7e4257319275d90697d3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e40de72c5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.rpt2_cache/107a9a1377508c9b64b3153f5ace926e4b133f64/code/cache/61d8a9d269a70d9959ae7e4257319275d90697d3
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"code":"import options from './17options';\r\nvar yy = {};\r\nvar mem = {};\r\nexport default (alasql = function (sql, params, cb, scope) {\r\n params = params || [];\r\n if (typeof importScripts !== 'function' && mem.webworker) {\r\n var id = mem.lastid++;\r\n mem.buffer[id] = cb;\r\n mem.webworker.postMessage({ id: id, sql: sql, params: params });\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (arguments.length === 0) {\r\n // Without arguments - Fluent interface\r\n return new yy.Select({\r\n columns: [new yy.Column({ columnid: '*' })],\r\n from: [new yy.ParamValue({ param: 0 })]\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else if (arguments.length === 1) {\r\n // Access promise notation without using `.promise(...)`\r\n if (sql.constructor === Array) {\r\n return alasql.promise(sql);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // Avoid setting params if not needed even with callback\r\n if (typeof params === 'function') {\r\n scope = cb;\r\n cb = params;\r\n params = [];\r\n }\r\n if (typeof params !== 'object') {\r\n params = [params];\r\n }\r\n // Standard interface\r\n // alasql('#sql');\r\n if (typeof sql === 'string' && sql[0] === '#' && typeof document === 'object') {\r\n sql = document.querySelector(sql).textContent;\r\n }\r\n else if (typeof sql === 'object' && sql instanceof HTMLElement) {\r\n sql = sql.textContent;\r\n }\r\n else if (typeof sql === 'function') {\r\n // to run multiline functions\r\n sql = sql.toString();\r\n sql = (/\\/\\*([\\S\\s]+)\\*\\//m.exec(sql) || [\r\n '',\r\n 'Function given as SQL. Plese Provide SQL string or have a /* ... */ syle comment with SQL in the function.',\r\n ])[1];\r\n }\r\n // Run SQL\r\n return alasql.exec(sql, params, cb, scope);\r\n});\r\n/**\r\n Current version of alasql\r\n @constant {string}\r\n*/\r\nalasql.version = 'PACKAGE_VERSION_NUMBER';\r\n/**\r\n Debug flag\r\n @type {boolean}\r\n*/\r\nalasql.debug = undefined; // Initial debug variable\r\noptions(alasql);\r\n/*only-for-browser/*\r\nvar require = function(){return null}; // as alasqlparser.js is generated, we can not \"remove\" referenses to\r\nvar __dirname = '';\r\n//*/\r\n"}
diff --git a/.rpt2_cache/107a9a1377508c9b64b3153f5ace926e4b133f64/code/cache/9ba0babc08f61e7c2d760119b86e7f4bec3d7598 b/.rpt2_cache/107a9a1377508c9b64b3153f5ace926e4b133f64/code/cache/9ba0babc08f61e7c2d760119b86e7f4bec3d7598
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2f8b5f991f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.rpt2_cache/107a9a1377508c9b64b3153f5ace926e4b133f64/code/cache/9ba0babc08f61e7c2d760119b86e7f4bec3d7598
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"code":"var hash = function (x) { return x; };\r\nexport default function options(alasql) {\r\n // Initial parameters\r\n var alasqlparser = require('./alasqlparser.js');\r\n alasql.parser = alasqlparser.parser;\r\n /**\r\n Jison parser\r\n */\r\n //alasql.parser = alasqlparser;\r\n /*/* This is not working :-/ * /\r\n alasql.parser.parseError = function(str, hash) {\r\n throw new Error('Have you used a reserved keyword without `escaping` it?\\n' + str);\r\n };/*\r\n\n /**\r\n Jison parser\r\n @param {string} sql SQL statement\r\n @return {object} AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)\r\n\n @todo Create class AST\r\n @todo Add other parsers\r\n\n @example\r\n alasql.parse = function(sql) {\r\n // My own parser here\r\n }\r\n */\r\n alasql.parse = function (sql) {\r\n return alasqlparser.parse(alasql.utils.uncomment(sql));\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n List of engines of external databases\r\n @type {object}\r\n @todo Create collection type\r\n */\r\n alasql.engines = {};\r\n /**\r\n List of databases\r\n @type {object}\r\n */\r\n alasql.databases = {};\r\n /**\r\n Number of databases\r\n @type {number}\r\n*/\r\n alasql.databasenum = 0;\r\n /**\r\n Alasql options object\r\n */\r\n alasql.options = {};\r\n alasql.options.errorlog = false; // Log or throw error\r\n alasql.options.valueof = false; // Use valueof in orderfn\r\n alasql.options.dropifnotexists = false; // DROP database in any case\r\n alasql.options.datetimeformat = 'sql'; // How to handle DATE and DATETIME types\r\n // Another value is 'javascript'\r\n alasql.options.casesensitive = true; // Table and column names are case sensitive and converted to lower-case\r\n alasql.options.logtarget = 'output'; // target for log. Values: 'console', 'output', 'id' of html tag\r\n alasql.options.logprompt = true; // Print SQL at log\r\n alasql.options.progress = false; // Callback for async queries progress\r\n // Default modifier\r\n // values: RECORDSET, VALUE, ROW, COLUMN, MATRIX, TEXTSTRING, INDEX\r\n alasql.options.modifier = undefined;\r\n // How many rows to lookup to define columns\r\n alasql.options.columnlookup = 10;\r\n // Create vertex if not found\r\n alasql.options.autovertex = true;\r\n // Use dbo as current database (for partial T-SQL comaptibility)\r\n alasql.options.usedbo = true;\r\n // AUTOCOMMIT ON | OFF\r\n alasql.options.autocommit = true;\r\n // Use cache\r\n alasql.options.cache = true;\r\n // Compatibility flags\r\n alasql.options.tsql = true;\r\n alasql.options.mysql = true;\r\n alasql.options.postgres = true;\r\n alasql.options.oracle = true;\r\n alasql.options.sqlite = true;\r\n alasql.options.orientdb = true;\r\n // for SET NOCOUNT OFF\r\n alasql.options.nocount = false;\r\n // Check for NaN and convert it to undefined\r\n alasql.options.nan = false;\r\n alasql.options.joinstar = 'overwrite'; // Option for SELECT * FROM a,b\r\n //alasql.options.worker = false;\r\n // Variables\r\n alasql.vars = {};\r\n alasql.declares = {};\r\n alasql.prompthistory = [];\r\n alasql.plugins = {}; // If plugin already loaded\r\n alasql.from = {}; // FROM functions\r\n alasql.into = {}; // INTO functions\r\n alasql.fn = {};\r\n alasql.aggr = {};\r\n alasql.busy = 0;\r\n // Cache\r\n alasql.MAXSQLCACHESIZE = 10000;\r\n alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID = 'alasql';\r\n /* WebWorker */\r\n alasql.lastid = 0;\r\n alasql.buffer = {};\r\n /**\r\n Select current database\r\n @param {string} databaseid Selected database identificator\r\n */\r\n alasql.use = function (databaseid) {\r\n if (!databaseid) {\r\n databaseid = alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID;\r\n }\r\n if (alasql.useid === databaseid) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n alasql.useid = databaseid;\r\n var db = alasql.databases[alasql.useid];\r\n alasql.tables = db.tables;\r\n //\talasql.fn = db.fn;\r\n db.resetSqlCache();\r\n if (alasql.options.usedbo) {\r\n alasql.databases.dbo = db; // Operator???\r\n }\r\n };\r\n alasql.autoval = function (tablename, colname, getNext, databaseid) {\r\n var db = databaseid ? alasql.databases[databaseid] : alasql.databases[alasql.useid];\r\n if (!db.tables[tablename]) {\r\n throw new Error('Tablename not found: ' + tablename);\r\n }\r\n if (!db.tables[tablename].identities[colname]) {\r\n throw new Error('Colname not found: ' + colname);\r\n }\r\n if (getNext) {\r\n return db.tables[tablename].identities[colname].value || null;\r\n }\r\n return (db.tables[tablename].identities[colname].value -\r\n db.tables[tablename].identities[colname].step || null);\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n Run single SQL statement on current database\r\n */\r\n alasql.exec = function (sql, params, cb, scope) {\r\n // Avoid setting params if not needed even with callback\r\n if (typeof params === 'function') {\r\n scope = cb;\r\n cb = params;\r\n params = {};\r\n }\r\n delete alasql.error;\r\n params = params || {};\r\n if (alasql.options.errorlog) {\r\n try {\r\n return alasql.dexec(alasql.useid, sql, params, cb, scope);\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n alasql.error = err;\r\n if (cb) {\r\n cb(null, alasql.error);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return alasql.dexec(alasql.useid, sql, params, cb, scope);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n Run SQL statement on specific database\r\n */\r\n alasql.dexec = function (databaseid, sql, params, cb, scope) {\r\n var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];\r\n //\tif(db.databaseid != databaseid) console.trace('got!');\r\n //\tconsole.log(3,db.databaseid,databaseid);\r\n var hh;\r\n // Create hash\r\n if (alasql.options.cache) {\r\n hh = hash(sql);\r\n var statement = db.sqlCache[hh];\r\n // If database structure was not changed since last time return cache\r\n if (statement && db.dbversion === statement.dbversion) {\r\n return statement(params, cb);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // Create AST\r\n var ast = alasql.parse(sql);\r\n if (!ast.statements) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (0 === ast.statements.length) {\r\n return 0;\r\n }\r\n else if (1 === ast.statements.length) {\r\n if (ast.statements[0].compile) {\r\n // Compile and Execute\r\n var statement = ast.statements[0].compile(databaseid, params);\r\n if (!statement) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n statement.sql = sql;\r\n statement.dbversion = db.dbversion;\r\n if (alasql.options.cache) {\r\n // Secure sqlCache size\r\n if (db.sqlCacheSize > alasql.MAXSQLCACHESIZE) {\r\n db.resetSqlCache();\r\n }\r\n db.sqlCacheSize++;\r\n db.sqlCache[hh] = statement;\r\n }\r\n var res = (alasql.res = statement(params, cb, scope));\r\n return res;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n //\t\t\tconsole.log(ast.statements[0]);\r\n alasql.precompile(ast.statements[0], alasql.useid, params);\r\n var res = (alasql.res = ast.statements[0].execute(databaseid, params, cb, scope));\r\n return res;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // Multiple statements\r\n if (cb) {\r\n alasql.adrun(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return alasql.drun(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n Run multiple statements and return array of results sync\r\n */\r\n alasql.drun = function (databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope) {\r\n var useid = alasql.useid;\r\n if (useid !== databaseid) {\r\n alasql.use(databaseid);\r\n }\r\n var res = [];\r\n for (var i = 0, ilen = ast.statements.length; i < ilen; i++) {\r\n if (ast.statements[i]) {\r\n if (ast.statements[i].compile) {\r\n var statement = ast.statements[i].compile(alasql.useid);\r\n res.push((alasql.res = statement(params, null, scope)));\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n alasql.precompile(ast.statements[i], alasql.useid, params);\r\n res.push((alasql.res = ast.statements[i].execute(alasql.useid, params)));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (useid !== databaseid) {\r\n alasql.use(useid);\r\n }\r\n if (cb) {\r\n cb(res);\r\n }\r\n alasql.res = res;\r\n return res;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n Run multiple statements and return array of results async\r\n */\r\n alasql.adrun = function (databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope) {\r\n var idx = 0;\r\n var noqueries = ast.statements.length;\r\n if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {\r\n alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);\r\n }\r\n //\talasql.busy++;\r\n var useid = alasql.useid;\r\n if (useid !== databaseid) {\r\n alasql.use(databaseid);\r\n }\r\n var res = [];\r\n function adrunone(data) {\r\n if (data !== undefined) {\r\n res.push(data);\r\n }\r\n var astatement = ast.statements.shift();\r\n if (!astatement) {\r\n if (useid !== databaseid) {\r\n alasql.use(useid);\r\n }\r\n cb(res);\r\n //\t\t\talasql.busy--;\r\n //\t\t\tif(alasql.busy<0) alasql.busy = 0;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (astatement.compile) {\r\n var statement = astatement.compile(alasql.useid);\r\n statement(params, adrunone, scope);\r\n if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {\r\n alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n alasql.precompile(ast.statements[0], alasql.useid, params);\r\n astatement.execute(alasql.useid, params, adrunone);\r\n if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {\r\n alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n adrunone(); /** @todo Check, why data is empty here */\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n Compile statement to JavaScript function\r\n @param {string} sql SQL statement\r\n @param {string} databaseid Database identificator\r\n @return {functions} Compiled statement functions\r\n*/\r\n alasql.compile = function (sql, databaseid) {\r\n databaseid = databaseid || alasql.useid;\r\n var ast = alasql.parse(sql); // Create AST\r\n if (1 === ast.statements.length) {\r\n var statement = ast.statements[0].compile(databaseid);\r\n statement.promise = function (params) {\r\n return (new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n statement(params, function (data, err) {\r\n if (err) {\r\n reject(err);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n resolve(data);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }));\r\n };\r\n return statement;\r\n /*/*\r\n if(kind == 'value') {\r\n return function(params,cb) {\r\n var res = statementfn(params);\r\n var key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];\r\n if(cb) cb(res[0][key]);\r\n return res[0][key];\r\n };\r\n } else if(kind == 'single') {\r\n return function(params,cb) {\r\n var res = statementfn(params);\r\n if(cb) cb(res[0]);\r\n return res[0];\r\n }\r\n } else if(kind == 'row') {\r\n return function(params,cb) {\r\n var res = statementfn(params,cb);\r\n var a = [];\r\n for(var key in res[0]) {\r\n a.push(res[0][key]);\r\n };\r\n if(cb) cb(a);\r\n return a;\r\n }\r\n } else if(kind == 'column') {\r\n return function(params,cb) {\r\n var res = statementfn(params,cb);\r\n var ar = [];\r\n var key = Object.keys(res)[0];\r\n for(var i=0, ilen=res.length; i alasql.MAXSQLCACHESIZE) {\r\n db.resetSqlCache();\r\n }\r\n db.sqlCacheSize++;\r\n db.sqlCache[hh] = statement;\r\n }\r\n var res = (alasql.res = statement(params, cb, scope));\r\n return res;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n //\t\t\tconsole.log(ast.statements[0]);\r\n alasql.precompile(ast.statements[0], alasql.useid, params);\r\n var res = (alasql.res = ast.statements[0].execute(databaseid, params, cb, scope));\r\n return res;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // Multiple statements\r\n if (cb) {\r\n alasql.adrun(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return alasql.drun(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n Run multiple statements and return array of results sync\r\n */\r\n alasql.drun = function (databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope) {\r\n var useid = alasql.useid;\r\n if (useid !== databaseid) {\r\n alasql.use(databaseid);\r\n }\r\n var res = [];\r\n for (var i = 0, ilen = ast.statements.length; i < ilen; i++) {\r\n if (ast.statements[i]) {\r\n if (ast.statements[i].compile) {\r\n var statement = ast.statements[i].compile(alasql.useid);\r\n res.push((alasql.res = statement(params, null, scope)));\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n alasql.precompile(ast.statements[i], alasql.useid, params);\r\n res.push((alasql.res = ast.statements[i].execute(alasql.useid, params)));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (useid !== databaseid) {\r\n alasql.use(useid);\r\n }\r\n if (cb) {\r\n cb(res);\r\n }\r\n alasql.res = res;\r\n return res;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n Run multiple statements and return array of results async\r\n */\r\n alasql.adrun = function (databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope) {\r\n var idx = 0;\r\n var noqueries = ast.statements.length;\r\n if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {\r\n alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);\r\n }\r\n //\talasql.busy++;\r\n var useid = alasql.useid;\r\n if (useid !== databaseid) {\r\n alasql.use(databaseid);\r\n }\r\n var res = [];\r\n var adrunone = function (data) {\r\n if (data !== undefined) {\r\n res.push(data);\r\n }\r\n var astatement = ast.statements.shift();\r\n if (!astatement) {\r\n if (useid !== databaseid) {\r\n alasql.use(useid);\r\n }\r\n cb(res);\r\n //\t\t\talasql.busy--;\r\n //\t\t\tif(alasql.busy<0) alasql.busy = 0;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (astatement.compile) {\r\n var statement = astatement.compile(alasql.useid);\r\n statement(params, adrunone, scope);\r\n if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {\r\n alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n alasql.precompile(ast.statements[0], alasql.useid, params);\r\n astatement.execute(alasql.useid, params, adrunone);\r\n if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {\r\n alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n adrunone(); /** @todo Check, why data is empty here */\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n Compile statement to JavaScript function\r\n @param {string} sql SQL statement\r\n @param {string} databaseid Database identificator\r\n @return {functions} Compiled statement functions\r\n*/\r\n alasql.compile = function (sql, databaseid) {\r\n databaseid = databaseid || alasql.useid;\r\n var ast = alasql.parse(sql); // Create AST\r\n if (1 === ast.statements.length) {\r\n var statement = ast.statements[0].compile(databaseid);\r\n statement.promise = function (params) {\r\n return (new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n statement(params, function (data, err) {\r\n if (err) {\r\n reject(err);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n resolve(data);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }));\r\n };\r\n return statement;\r\n /*/*\r\n if(kind == 'value') {\r\n return function(params,cb) {\r\n var res = statementfn(params);\r\n var key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];\r\n if(cb) cb(res[0][key]);\r\n return res[0][key];\r\n };\r\n } else if(kind == 'single') {\r\n return function(params,cb) {\r\n var res = statementfn(params);\r\n if(cb) cb(res[0]);\r\n return res[0];\r\n }\r\n } else if(kind == 'row') {\r\n return function(params,cb) {\r\n var res = statementfn(params,cb);\r\n var a = [];\r\n for(var key in res[0]) {\r\n a.push(res[0][key]);\r\n };\r\n if(cb) cb(a);\r\n return a;\r\n }\r\n } else if(kind == 'column') {\r\n return function(params,cb) {\r\n var res = statementfn(params,cb);\r\n var ar = [];\r\n var key = Object.keys(res)[0];\r\n for(var i=0, ilen=res.length; i alasql.MAXSQLCACHESIZE) {\r\n db.resetSqlCache();\r\n }\r\n db.sqlCacheSize++;\r\n db.sqlCache[hh] = statement;\r\n }\r\n var res = (alasql.res = statement(params, cb, scope));\r\n return res;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n //\t\t\tconsole.log(ast.statements[0]);\r\n alasql.precompile(ast.statements[0], alasql.useid, params);\r\n var res = (alasql.res = ast.statements[0].execute(databaseid, params, cb, scope));\r\n return res;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // Multiple statements\r\n if (cb) {\r\n alasql.adrun(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return alasql.drun(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n Run multiple statements and return array of results sync\r\n */\r\n alasql.drun = function (databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope) {\r\n var useid = alasql.useid;\r\n if (useid !== databaseid) {\r\n alasql.use(databaseid);\r\n }\r\n var res = [];\r\n for (var i = 0, ilen = ast.statements.length; i < ilen; i++) {\r\n if (ast.statements[i]) {\r\n if (ast.statements[i].compile) {\r\n var statement = ast.statements[i].compile(alasql.useid);\r\n res.push((alasql.res = statement(params, null, scope)));\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n alasql.precompile(ast.statements[i], alasql.useid, params);\r\n res.push((alasql.res = ast.statements[i].execute(alasql.useid, params)));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (useid !== databaseid) {\r\n alasql.use(useid);\r\n }\r\n if (cb) {\r\n cb(res);\r\n }\r\n alasql.res = res;\r\n return res;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n Run multiple statements and return array of results async\r\n */\r\n alasql.adrun = function (databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope) {\r\n var idx = 0;\r\n var noqueries = ast.statements.length;\r\n if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {\r\n alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);\r\n }\r\n //\talasql.busy++;\r\n var useid = alasql.useid;\r\n if (useid !== databaseid) {\r\n alasql.use(databaseid);\r\n }\r\n var res = [];\r\n function adrunone(data) {\r\n if (data !== undefined) {\r\n res.push(data);\r\n }\r\n var astatement = ast.statements.shift();\r\n if (!astatement) {\r\n if (useid !== databaseid) {\r\n alasql.use(useid);\r\n }\r\n cb(res);\r\n //\t\t\talasql.busy--;\r\n //\t\t\tif(alasql.busy<0) alasql.busy = 0;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (astatement.compile) {\r\n var statement = astatement.compile(alasql.useid);\r\n statement(params, adrunone, scope);\r\n if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {\r\n alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n alasql.precompile(ast.statements[0], alasql.useid, params);\r\n astatement.execute(alasql.useid, params, adrunone);\r\n if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {\r\n alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n adrunone(); /** @todo Check, why data is empty here */\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n Compile statement to JavaScript function\r\n @param {string} sql SQL statement\r\n @param {string} databaseid Database identificator\r\n @return {functions} Compiled statement functions\r\n*/\r\n alasql.compile = function (sql, databaseid) {\r\n databaseid = databaseid || alasql.useid;\r\n var ast = alasql.parse(sql); // Create AST\r\n if (1 === ast.statements.length) {\r\n var statement = ast.statements[0].compile(databaseid);\r\n statement.promise = function (params) {\r\n return (new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n statement(params, function (data, err) {\r\n if (err) {\r\n reject(err);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n resolve(data);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }));\r\n };\r\n return statement;\r\n /*/*\r\n if(kind == 'value') {\r\n return function(params,cb) {\r\n var res = statementfn(params);\r\n var key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];\r\n if(cb) cb(res[0][key]);\r\n return res[0][key];\r\n };\r\n } else if(kind == 'single') {\r\n return function(params,cb) {\r\n var res = statementfn(params);\r\n if(cb) cb(res[0]);\r\n return res[0];\r\n }\r\n } else if(kind == 'row') {\r\n return function(params,cb) {\r\n var res = statementfn(params,cb);\r\n var a = [];\r\n for(var key in res[0]) {\r\n a.push(res[0][key]);\r\n };\r\n if(cb) cb(a);\r\n return a;\r\n }\r\n } else if(kind == 'column') {\r\n return function(params,cb) {\r\n var res = statementfn(params,cb);\r\n var ar = [];\r\n var key = Object.keys(res)[0];\r\n for(var i=0, ilen=res.length; i alasql.MAXSQLCACHESIZE) {\r\n db.resetSqlCache();\r\n }\r\n db.sqlCacheSize++;\r\n db.sqlCache[hh] = statement;\r\n }\r\n var res = (alasql.res = statement(params, cb, scope));\r\n return res;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n //\t\t\tconsole.log(ast.statements[0]);\r\n alasql.precompile(ast.statements[0], alasql.useid, params);\r\n var res = (alasql.res = ast.statements[0].execute(databaseid, params, cb, scope));\r\n return res;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // Multiple statements\r\n if (cb) {\r\n alasql.adrun(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return alasql.drun(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n Run multiple statements and return array of results sync\r\n */\r\n alasql.drun = function (databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope) {\r\n var useid = alasql.useid;\r\n if (useid !== databaseid) {\r\n alasql.use(databaseid);\r\n }\r\n var res = [];\r\n for (var i = 0, ilen = ast.statements.length; i < ilen; i++) {\r\n if (ast.statements[i]) {\r\n if (ast.statements[i].compile) {\r\n var statement = ast.statements[i].compile(alasql.useid);\r\n res.push((alasql.res = statement(params, null, scope)));\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n alasql.precompile(ast.statements[i], alasql.useid, params);\r\n res.push((alasql.res = ast.statements[i].execute(alasql.useid, params)));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (useid !== databaseid) {\r\n alasql.use(useid);\r\n }\r\n if (cb) {\r\n cb(res);\r\n }\r\n alasql.res = res;\r\n return res;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n Run multiple statements and return array of results async\r\n */\r\n alasql.adrun = function (databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope) {\r\n var idx = 0;\r\n var noqueries = ast.statements.length;\r\n if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {\r\n alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);\r\n }\r\n //\talasql.busy++;\r\n var useid = alasql.useid;\r\n if (useid !== databaseid) {\r\n alasql.use(databaseid);\r\n }\r\n var res = [];\r\n function adrunone(data) {\r\n if (data !== undefined) {\r\n res.push(data);\r\n }\r\n var astatement = ast.statements.shift();\r\n if (!astatement) {\r\n if (useid !== databaseid) {\r\n alasql.use(useid);\r\n }\r\n cb(res);\r\n //\t\t\talasql.busy--;\r\n //\t\t\tif(alasql.busy<0) alasql.busy = 0;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (astatement.compile) {\r\n var statement = astatement.compile(alasql.useid);\r\n statement(params, adrunone, scope);\r\n if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {\r\n alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n alasql.precompile(ast.statements[0], alasql.useid, params);\r\n astatement.execute(alasql.useid, params, adrunone);\r\n if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {\r\n alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n adrunone(); /** @todo Check, why data is empty here */\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n Compile statement to JavaScript function\r\n @param {string} sql SQL statement\r\n @param {string} databaseid Database identificator\r\n @return {functions} Compiled statement functions\r\n*/\r\n alasql.compile = function (sql, databaseid) {\r\n databaseid = databaseid || alasql.useid;\r\n var ast = alasql.parse(sql); // Create AST\r\n if (1 === ast.statements.length) {\r\n var statement = ast.statements[0].compile(databaseid);\r\n statement.promise = function (params) {\r\n return (new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n statement(params, function (data, err) {\r\n if (err) {\r\n reject(err);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n resolve(data);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }));\r\n };\r\n return statement;\r\n /*/*\r\n if(kind == 'value') {\r\n return function(params,cb) {\r\n var res = statementfn(params);\r\n var key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];\r\n if(cb) cb(res[0][key]);\r\n return res[0][key];\r\n };\r\n } else if(kind == 'single') {\r\n return function(params,cb) {\r\n var res = statementfn(params);\r\n if(cb) cb(res[0]);\r\n return res[0];\r\n }\r\n } else if(kind == 'row') {\r\n return function(params,cb) {\r\n var res = statementfn(params,cb);\r\n var a = [];\r\n for(var key in res[0]) {\r\n a.push(res[0][key]);\r\n };\r\n if(cb) cb(a);\r\n return a;\r\n }\r\n } else if(kind == 'column') {\r\n return function(params,cb) {\r\n var res = statementfn(params,cb);\r\n var ar = [];\r\n var key = Object.keys(res)[0];\r\n for(var i=0, ilen=res.length; i"
- ],
- "homepage": "alasql.org",
- "repository": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/agershun/alasql.git"
- },
- "dependencies": {
- "js-xlsx": "~0.11.5",
- "es6-promise": "~3.0"
- },
- "devDependencies": {
- "gulp": "3.8.11",
- "gulp-changed": "1.2.1",
- "gulp-concat-sourcemap": "1.3.1",
- "gulp-shell": "0.4.1",
- "jison": "0.4.15",
- "lodash": "3.7.0"
- },
- "main": [
- "./dist/alasql.min.js"
- ],
- "ignore": [
- "src",
- "test",
- "test-sql",
- "node_modules",
- "bower.json",
- "gruntfile.js",
- "package.json",
- "README.md",
- "bin",
- "lib"
- ],
- "version": "0.4.6"
diff --git a/build/ES6/alasqlObj.js b/build/ES6/alasqlObj.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c0e68bec1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/alasqlObj.js
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ AlaSQL - Main Alasql class
+ @function
+ @param {string|function|object} sql - SQL-statement or data object for fuent interface
+ @param {object} params - SQL parameters
+ @param {function} cb - callback function
+ @param {object} scope - Scope for nested queries
+ @return {any} - Result data object
+ @example
+ Standard sync call:
+ alasql('CREATE TABLE one');
+ Query:
+ var res = alasql('SELECT * FROM one');
+ Call with parameters:
+ var res = alasql('SELECT * FROM ?',[data]);
+ Standard async call with callback function:
+ alasql('SELECT * FROM ?',[data],function(res){
+ console.log(data);
+ });
+ Call with scope for subquery (to pass common values):
+ var scope = {one:{a:2,b;20}}
+ alasql('SELECT * FROM ? two WHERE two.a = one.a',[data],null,scope);
+ Call for fluent interface with data object:
+ alasql(data).Where(function(x){return x.a == 10}).exec();
+ Call for fluent interface without data object:
+ alasql().From(data).Where(function(x){return x.a == 10}).exec();
+ */
+export default function logic(mem) {
+ let yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ return function (sql, params, cb, scope) {
+ params = params || [];
+ if (typeof importScripts !== 'function' && mem.alasql.webworker) {
+ var id = mem.alasql.lastid++;
+ mem.alasql.buffer[id] = cb;
+ mem.alasql.webworker.postMessage({ id, sql, params });
+ return;
+ }
+ if (arguments.length === 0) {
+ // Without arguments - Fluent interface
+ return new yy.Select({
+ columns: [new yy.Column({ columnid: '*' })],
+ from: [new yy.ParamValue({ param: 0 })],
+ });
+ }
+ else if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ // Access promise notation without using `.promise(...)`
+ if (sql.constructor === Array) {
+ return mem.alasql.promise(sql);
+ }
+ }
+ // Avoid setting params if not needed even with callback
+ if (typeof params === 'function') {
+ scope = cb;
+ cb = params;
+ params = [];
+ }
+ if (typeof params !== 'object') {
+ params = [params];
+ }
+ // Standard interface
+ // alasql('#sql');
+ /*only-for-browser/*
+ if (typeof sql === 'string' && sql[0] === '#' && typeof document === 'object') {
+ sql = document.querySelector(sql).textContent;
+ } else if (typeof sql === 'object' && sql instanceof HTMLElement) {
+ sql = sql.textContent;
+ } else //*/
+ if (typeof sql === 'function') {
+ // to run multiline functions
+ sql = sql.toString();
+ sql = (/\/\*([\S\s]+)\*\//m.exec(sql) || [
+ '',
+ 'Function given as SQL. Plese Provide SQL string or have a /* ... */ syle comment with SQL in the function.',
+ ])[1];
+ }
+ // Run SQL
+ return mem.alasql.exec(sql, params, cb, scope);
+ };
diff --git a/build/ES6/alasqlparser.js b/build/ES6/alasqlparser.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..004f81da4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/alasqlparser.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3449 @@
+/* parser generated by jison 0.4.18 */
+ Returns a Parser object of the following structure:
+ Parser: {
+ yy: {}
+ }
+ Parser.prototype: {
+ yy: {},
+ trace: function(),
+ symbols_: {associative list: name ==> number},
+ terminals_: {associative list: number ==> name},
+ productions_: [...],
+ performAction: function anonymous(yytext, yyleng, yylineno, yy, yystate, $$, _$),
+ table: [...],
+ defaultActions: {...},
+ parseError: function(str, hash),
+ parse: function(input),
+ lexer: {
+ EOF: 1,
+ parseError: function(str, hash),
+ setInput: function(input),
+ input: function(),
+ unput: function(str),
+ more: function(),
+ less: function(n),
+ pastInput: function(),
+ upcomingInput: function(),
+ showPosition: function(),
+ test_match: function(regex_match_array, rule_index),
+ next: function(),
+ lex: function(),
+ begin: function(condition),
+ popState: function(),
+ _currentRules: function(),
+ topState: function(),
+ pushState: function(condition),
+ options: {
+ ranges: boolean (optional: true ==> token location info will include a .range[] member)
+ flex: boolean (optional: true ==> flex-like lexing behaviour where the rules are tested exhaustively to find the longest match)
+ backtrack_lexer: boolean (optional: true ==> lexer regexes are tested in order and for each matching regex the action code is invoked; the lexer terminates the scan when a token is returned by the action code)
+ },
+ performAction: function(yy, yy_, $avoiding_name_collisions, YY_START),
+ rules: [...],
+ conditions: {associative list: name ==> set},
+ }
+ }
+ token location info (@$, _$, etc.): {
+ first_line: n,
+ last_line: n,
+ first_column: n,
+ last_column: n,
+ range: [start_number, end_number] (where the numbers are indexes into the input string, regular zero-based)
+ }
+ the parseError function receives a 'hash' object with these members for lexer and parser errors: {
+ text: (matched text)
+ token: (the produced terminal token, if any)
+ line: (yylineno)
+ }
+ while parser (grammar) errors will also provide these members, i.e. parser errors deliver a superset of attributes: {
+ loc: (yylloc)
+ expected: (string describing the set of expected tokens)
+ recoverable: (boolean: TRUE when the parser has a error recovery rule available for this particular error)
+ }
+var alasqlparser = (function () {
+ var o = function (k, v, o, l) { for (o = o || {}, l = k.length; l--; o[k[l]] = v)
+ ; return o; }, $V0 = [2, 13], $V1 = [1, 104], $V2 = [1, 102], $V3 = [1, 103], $V4 = [1, 6], $V5 = [1, 42], $V6 = [1, 79], $V7 = [1, 76], $V8 = [1, 94], $V9 = [1, 93], $Va = [1, 69], $Vb = [1, 101], $Vc = [1, 85], $Vd = [1, 64], $Ve = [1, 71], $Vf = [1, 84], $Vg = [1, 66], $Vh = [1, 70], $Vi = [1, 68], $Vj = [1, 61], $Vk = [1, 74], $Vl = [1, 62], $Vm = [1, 67], $Vn = [1, 83], $Vo = [1, 77], $Vp = [1, 86], $Vq = [1, 87], $Vr = [1, 81], $Vs = [1, 82], $Vt = [1, 80], $Vu = [1, 88], $Vv = [1, 89], $Vw = [1, 90], $Vx = [1, 91], $Vy = [1, 92], $Vz = [1, 98], $VA = [1, 65], $VB = [1, 78], $VC = [1, 72], $VD = [1, 96], $VE = [1, 97], $VF = [1, 63], $VG = [1, 73], $VH = [1, 108], $VI = [1, 107], $VJ = [10, 306, 602, 764], $VK = [10, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VL = [1, 115], $VM = [1, 116], $VN = [1, 117], $VO = [1, 118], $VP = [1, 119], $VQ = [130, 353, 410], $VR = [1, 127], $VS = [1, 126], $VT = [1, 134], $VU = [1, 164], $VV = [1, 175], $VW = [1, 178], $VX = [1, 173], $VY = [1, 181], $VZ = [1, 185], $V_ = [1, 160], $V$ = [1, 182], $V01 = [1, 169], $V11 = [1, 171], $V21 = [1, 174], $V31 = [1, 183], $V41 = [1, 166], $V51 = [1, 193], $V61 = [1, 188], $V71 = [1, 189], $V81 = [1, 194], $V91 = [1, 195], $Va1 = [1, 196], $Vb1 = [1, 197], $Vc1 = [1, 198], $Vd1 = [1, 199], $Ve1 = [1, 200], $Vf1 = [1, 201], $Vg1 = [1, 202], $Vh1 = [1, 176], $Vi1 = [1, 177], $Vj1 = [1, 179], $Vk1 = [1, 180], $Vl1 = [1, 186], $Vm1 = [1, 192], $Vn1 = [1, 184], $Vo1 = [1, 187], $Vp1 = [1, 172], $Vq1 = [1, 170], $Vr1 = [1, 191], $Vs1 = [1, 203], $Vt1 = [2, 4, 5], $Vu1 = [2, 471], $Vv1 = [1, 206], $Vw1 = [1, 211], $Vx1 = [1, 220], $Vy1 = [1, 216], $Vz1 = [10, 72, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 183, 198, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VA1 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 76, 77, 78, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 183, 185, 187, 198, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], $VB1 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VC1 = [1, 249], $VD1 = [1, 256], $VE1 = [1, 265], $VF1 = [1, 270], $VG1 = [1, 269], $VH1 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 77, 78, 93, 98, 107, 118, 128, 131, 132, 137, 143, 145, 149, 152, 154, 156, 162, 168, 169, 179, 180, 181, 183, 198, 232, 245, 247, 265, 266, 270, 271, 273, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 302, 303, 306, 310, 312, 317, 420, 424, 602, 764], $VI1 = [2, 162], $VJ1 = [1, 281], $VK1 = [10, 74, 78, 306, 310, 505, 602, 764], $VL1 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 193, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 297, 300, 302, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 343, 344, 356, 368, 369, 370, 373, 374, 386, 389, 396, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 426, 433, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 514, 515, 516, 517, 602, 764], $VM1 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 89, 124, 146, 156, 189, 266, 267, 290, 306, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VN1 = [1, 562], $VO1 = [1, 564], $VP1 = [2, 503], $VQ1 = [1, 569], $VR1 = [1, 580], $VS1 = [1, 583], $VT1 = [1, 584], $VU1 = [10, 78, 89, 132, 137, 146, 189, 296, 306, 310, 470, 602, 764], $VV1 = [10, 74, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VW1 = [2, 567], $VX1 = [1, 602], $VY1 = [2, 4, 5, 156], $VZ1 = [1, 640], $V_1 = [1, 612], $V$1 = [1, 646], $V02 = [1, 647], $V12 = [1, 620], $V22 = [1, 631], $V32 = [1, 618], $V42 = [1, 626], $V52 = [1, 619], $V62 = [1, 627], $V72 = [1, 629], $V82 = [1, 621], $V92 = [1, 622], $Va2 = [1, 641], $Vb2 = [1, 638], $Vc2 = [1, 639], $Vd2 = [1, 615], $Ve2 = [1, 617], $Vf2 = [1, 609], $Vg2 = [1, 610], $Vh2 = [1, 611], $Vi2 = [1, 613], $Vj2 = [1, 614], $Vk2 = [1, 616], $Vl2 = [1, 623], $Vm2 = [1, 624], $Vn2 = [1, 628], $Vo2 = [1, 630], $Vp2 = [1, 632], $Vq2 = [1, 633], $Vr2 = [1, 634], $Vs2 = [1, 635], $Vt2 = [1, 636], $Vu2 = [1, 642], $Vv2 = [1, 643], $Vw2 = [1, 644], $Vx2 = [1, 645], $Vy2 = [2, 287], $Vz2 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 297, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 343, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 426, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VA2 = [2, 359], $VB2 = [1, 668], $VC2 = [1, 678], $VD2 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 426, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VE2 = [1, 694], $VF2 = [1, 703], $VG2 = [1, 702], $VH2 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 74, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VI2 = [10, 72, 74, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VJ2 = [2, 202], $VK2 = [1, 725], $VL2 = [10, 72, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 183, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VM2 = [2, 163], $VN2 = [1, 728], $VO2 = [2, 4, 5, 112], $VP2 = [1, 741], $VQ2 = [1, 760], $VR2 = [1, 740], $VS2 = [1, 739], $VT2 = [1, 734], $VU2 = [1, 735], $VV2 = [1, 737], $VW2 = [1, 738], $VX2 = [1, 742], $VY2 = [1, 743], $VZ2 = [1, 744], $V_2 = [1, 745], $V$2 = [1, 746], $V03 = [1, 747], $V13 = [1, 748], $V23 = [1, 749], $V33 = [1, 750], $V43 = [1, 751], $V53 = [1, 752], $V63 = [1, 753], $V73 = [1, 754], $V83 = [1, 755], $V93 = [1, 756], $Va3 = [1, 757], $Vb3 = [1, 759], $Vc3 = [1, 761], $Vd3 = [1, 762], $Ve3 = [1, 763], $Vf3 = [1, 764], $Vg3 = [1, 765], $Vh3 = [1, 766], $Vi3 = [1, 767], $Vj3 = [1, 770], $Vk3 = [1, 771], $Vl3 = [1, 772], $Vm3 = [1, 773], $Vn3 = [1, 774], $Vo3 = [1, 775], $Vp3 = [1, 776], $Vq3 = [1, 777], $Vr3 = [1, 778], $Vs3 = [1, 779], $Vt3 = [1, 780], $Vu3 = [1, 781], $Vv3 = [74, 89, 189], $Vw3 = [10, 74, 78, 154, 187, 230, 297, 306, 310, 343, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 602, 764], $Vx3 = [1, 798], $Vy3 = [10, 74, 78, 300, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vz3 = [1, 799], $VA3 = [1, 805], $VB3 = [1, 806], $VC3 = [1, 810], $VD3 = [10, 74, 78, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VE3 = [2, 4, 5, 77, 131, 132, 137, 143, 145, 149, 152, 154, 156, 179, 180, 181, 265, 266, 270, 271, 273, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 302, 303, 312, 317, 420, 424], $VF3 = [10, 72, 78, 93, 98, 107, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 183, 198, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VG3 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 77, 78, 93, 98, 107, 118, 128, 131, 132, 137, 143, 145, 149, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 168, 169, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 195, 198, 232, 245, 247, 265, 266, 270, 271, 273, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 302, 303, 306, 310, 312, 317, 420, 424, 602, 764], $VH3 = [2, 4, 5, 132, 296], $VI3 = [1, 844], $VJ3 = [10, 74, 76, 78, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VK3 = [2, 738], $VL3 = [10, 74, 76, 78, 132, 139, 141, 145, 152, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], $VM3 = [2, 1161], $VN3 = [10, 74, 76, 78, 139, 141, 145, 152, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], $VO3 = [10, 74, 76, 78, 139, 141, 145, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], $VP3 = [10, 74, 78, 139, 141, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VQ3 = [10, 78, 89, 132, 146, 189, 296, 306, 310, 470, 602, 764], $VR3 = [335, 338, 339], $VS3 = [2, 764], $VT3 = [1, 869], $VU3 = [1, 870], $VV3 = [1, 871], $VW3 = [1, 872], $VX3 = [1, 881], $VY3 = [1, 880], $VZ3 = [164, 166, 334], $V_3 = [2, 444], $V$3 = [1, 936], $V04 = [2, 4, 5, 77, 131, 156, 290, 291, 292, 293], $V14 = [1, 951], $V24 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $V34 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $V44 = [2, 375], $V54 = [1, 958], $V64 = [306, 308, 310], $V74 = [74, 300], $V84 = [74, 300, 426], $V94 = [1, 965], $Va4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $Vb4 = [74, 426], $Vc4 = [1, 978], $Vd4 = [1, 977], $Ve4 = [1, 984], $Vf4 = [10, 72, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vg4 = [1, 1010], $Vh4 = [10, 72, 78, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vi4 = [1, 1016], $Vj4 = [1, 1017], $Vk4 = [1, 1018], $Vl4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 198, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], $Vm4 = [1, 1068], $Vn4 = [1, 1067], $Vo4 = [1, 1081], $Vp4 = [1, 1080], $Vq4 = [1, 1088], $Vr4 = [10, 72, 74, 78, 93, 98, 107, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 183, 198, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vs4 = [1, 1119], $Vt4 = [10, 78, 89, 146, 189, 306, 310, 470, 602, 764], $Vu4 = [1, 1139], $Vv4 = [1, 1138], $Vw4 = [1, 1137], $Vx4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 297, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 343, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $Vy4 = [1, 1153], $Vz4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VA4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 315, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VB4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VC4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VD4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 314, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VE4 = [2, 406], $VF4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 107, 118, 122, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 314, 330, 331, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VG4 = [2, 285], $VH4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 426, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VI4 = [10, 78, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VJ4 = [1, 1189], $VK4 = [10, 77, 78, 143, 145, 152, 181, 302, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], $VL4 = [10, 74, 78, 306, 308, 310, 464, 602, 764], $VM4 = [1, 1200], $VN4 = [10, 72, 78, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VO4 = [10, 72, 74, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 183, 198, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VP4 = [2, 4, 5, 72, 76, 77, 78, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 185, 187, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 420, 424], $VQ4 = [2, 4, 5, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 185, 187, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 420, 424], $VR4 = [2, 1085], $VS4 = [2, 4, 5, 72, 74, 76, 77, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 185, 187, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 420, 424], $VT4 = [1, 1252], $VU4 = [10, 74, 78, 128, 306, 308, 310, 464, 602, 764], $VV4 = [115, 116, 124], $VW4 = [2, 584], $VX4 = [1, 1280], $VY4 = [76, 139], $VZ4 = [2, 724], $V_4 = [1, 1297], $V$4 = [1, 1298], $V05 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 76, 89, 124, 146, 156, 189, 230, 266, 267, 290, 306, 310, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $V15 = [2, 330], $V25 = [1, 1322], $V35 = [1, 1336], $V45 = [1, 1338], $V55 = [2, 487], $V65 = [74, 78], $V75 = [10, 306, 308, 310, 464, 602, 764], $V85 = [10, 72, 78, 118, 162, 168, 169, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $V95 = [1, 1354], $Va5 = [1, 1358], $Vb5 = [1, 1359], $Vc5 = [1, 1361], $Vd5 = [1, 1362], $Ve5 = [1, 1363], $Vf5 = [1, 1364], $Vg5 = [1, 1365], $Vh5 = [1, 1366], $Vi5 = [1, 1367], $Vj5 = [1, 1368], $Vk5 = [10, 72, 74, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vl5 = [1, 1393], $Vm5 = [10, 72, 78, 118, 162, 168, 169, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vn5 = [10, 72, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vo5 = [1, 1490], $Vp5 = [1, 1492], $Vq5 = [2, 4, 5, 77, 143, 145, 152, 156, 181, 290, 291, 292, 293, 302, 420, 424], $Vr5 = [1, 1506], $Vs5 = [10, 72, 74, 78, 162, 168, 169, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vt5 = [1, 1524], $Vu5 = [1, 1526], $Vv5 = [1, 1527], $Vw5 = [1, 1523], $Vx5 = [1, 1522], $Vy5 = [1, 1521], $Vz5 = [1, 1528], $VA5 = [1, 1518], $VB5 = [1, 1519], $VC5 = [1, 1520], $VD5 = [1, 1545], $VE5 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 89, 124, 146, 156, 189, 266, 267, 290, 306, 310, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VF5 = [1, 1556], $VG5 = [1, 1564], $VH5 = [1, 1563], $VI5 = [10, 72, 78, 162, 168, 169, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VJ5 = [10, 72, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VK5 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VL5 = [1, 1621], $VM5 = [1, 1623], $VN5 = [1, 1620], $VO5 = [1, 1622], $VP5 = [187, 193, 368, 369, 370, 373], $VQ5 = [2, 515], $VR5 = [1, 1628], $VS5 = [1, 1647], $VT5 = [10, 72, 78, 162, 168, 169, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VU5 = [1, 1657], $VV5 = [1, 1658], $VW5 = [1, 1659], $VX5 = [1, 1678], $VY5 = [4, 10, 243, 306, 310, 343, 356, 602, 764], $VZ5 = [1, 1726], $V_5 = [10, 72, 74, 78, 118, 162, 168, 169, 239, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $V$5 = [2, 4, 5, 77], $V06 = [1, 1820], $V16 = [1, 1832], $V26 = [1, 1851], $V36 = [10, 72, 78, 162, 168, 169, 306, 310, 415, 602, 764], $V46 = [10, 74, 78, 230, 306, 310, 602, 764];
+ var parser = { trace: function trace() { },
+ yy: {},
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"INCLUDING", 613: "INCREMENT", 614: "INDENT", 615: "INITIALLY", 616: "INPUT", 617: "INSTANCE", 618: "INSTANTIABLE", 619: "INTEGRITY", 620: "INVOKER", 621: "ISOLATION", 622: "K", 623: "KEY_MEMBER", 624: "KEY_TYPE", 625: "LENGTH", 626: "LEVEL", 627: "LIBRARY", 628: "LINK", 629: "LOCATION", 630: "LOCATOR", 631: "M", 632: "MAP", 633: "MAPPING", 634: "MAXVALUE", 635: "MESSAGE_LENGTH", 636: "MESSAGE_OCTET_LENGTH", 637: "MESSAGE_TEXT", 638: "MINVALUE", 639: "MORE", 640: "MUMPS", 641: "NAME", 642: "NAMES", 643: "NAMESPACE", 644: "NESTING", 645: "NEXT", 646: "NFC", 647: "NFD", 648: "NFKC", 649: "NFKD", 650: "NIL", 651: "NORMALIZED", 652: "NULLABLE", 653: "NULLS", 654: "OBJECT", 655: "OCTETS", 656: "OPTIONS", 657: "ORDERING", 658: "ORDINALITY", 659: "OTHERS", 660: "OVERRIDING", 661: "P", 662: "PAD", 663: "PARAMETER_MODE", 664: "PARAMETER_NAME", 665: "PARAMETER_ORDINAL_POSITION", 666: "PARAMETER_SPECIFIC_CATALOG", 667: "PARAMETER_SPECIFIC_NAME", 668: "PARAMETER_SPECIFIC_SCHEMA", 669: "PARTIAL", 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+ productions_: [0, [3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 2], [7, 1], [7, 2], [8, 2], [9, 3], [9, 1], [9, 1], [13, 2], [13, 4], [12, 1], [17, 0], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [47, 3], [73, 3], [73, 1], [75, 5], [40, 10], [40, 4], [92, 8], [92, 11], [102, 4], [104, 2], [104, 1], [103, 3], [103, 1], [105, 1], [105, 3], [106, 3], [109, 3], [109, 1], [110, 1], [110, 2], [114, 1], [114, 1], [117, 1], [117, 5], [117, 5], [117, 1], [117, 2], [117, 1], [117, 2], [117, 2], [117, 3], [117, 4], [117, 4], [117, 4], [117, 4], [117, 4], [117, 1], [117, 1], [117, 1], 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[70, 5], [71, 5], [263, 2], [263, 2], [261, 6], [261, 8], [261, 6], [261, 8], [274, 1], [274, 1], [274, 1], [274, 1], [274, 1], [274, 1], [274, 1], [255, 5], [255, 6], [255, 6], [275, 0], [275, 4], [275, 4], [275, 5], [277, 3], [278, 3], [158, 1], [158, 1], [158, 1], [158, 1], [158, 1], [158, 1], [158, 1], [158, 1], [158, 1], [200, 5], [200, 3], [200, 4], [200, 4], [200, 8], [200, 8], [200, 8], [200, 8], [200, 3], [151, 1], [151, 3], [196, 1], [257, 1], [257, 1], [113, 1], [113, 1], [258, 1], [202, 2], [259, 4], [262, 3], [201, 2], [201, 2], [201, 1], [201, 1], [260, 5], [260, 4], [304, 2], [304, 1], [307, 4], [305, 2], [305, 0], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 5], [256, 3], [256, 5], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 5], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 5], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 3], [256, 3], 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2], [360, 2], [361, 0], [361, 2], [366, 4], [362, 6], [363, 9], [377, 3], [376, 0], [376, 2], [378, 4], [379, 4], [364, 6], [365, 5], [365, 5], [372, 1], [372, 1], [372, 3], [372, 3], [358, 1], [358, 3], [384, 3], [384, 2], [384, 1], [387, 6], [387, 4], [387, 1], [387, 4], [272, 2], [272, 1], [388, 1], [388, 1], [385, 0], [385, 1], [391, 2], [391, 1], [393, 3], [392, 2], [392, 5], [392, 3], [392, 6], [392, 1], [392, 2], [392, 4], [392, 2], [392, 1], [392, 2], [392, 1], [392, 1], [392, 3], [392, 5], [33, 4], [399, 3], [399, 1], [398, 0], [398, 2], [18, 6], [18, 6], [18, 6], [18, 8], [18, 6], [39, 5], [19, 4], [19, 7], [19, 6], [19, 9], [30, 3], [21, 4], [21, 6], [21, 9], [21, 6], [407, 0], [407, 2], [54, 3], [54, 2], [31, 4], [31, 5], [31, 5], [22, 8], [22, 9], [32, 3], [43, 2], [43, 4], [43, 3], [43, 5], [45, 2], [45, 4], [45, 4], [45, 6], [42, 4], [42, 6], [44, 4], [44, 6], [41, 4], [41, 6], [25, 11], [25, 8], [413, 3], [413, 3], [413, 5], [34, 4], [66, 2], [57, 2], [58, 2], [58, 2], [58, 4], [144, 4], [144, 2], [144, 2], [144, 2], [144, 2], [144, 1], [144, 2], [144, 2], [422, 1], [422, 1], [423, 1], [423, 1], [423, 1], [423, 1], [423, 1], [423, 1], [423, 1], [423, 3], [419, 3], [419, 4], [419, 2], [421, 2], [421, 3], [421, 1], [425, 3], [425, 1], [428, 3], [428, 3], [428, 3], [427, 3], [427, 1], [65, 4], [65, 3], [65, 4], [65, 5], [65, 5], [65, 6], [431, 1], [431, 1], [430, 3], [430, 2], [432, 1], [432, 1], [432, 3], [429, 1], [429, 1], [51, 2], [52, 2], [50, 2], [35, 4], [35, 3], [438, 2], [59, 3], [60, 1], [61, 1], [62, 3], [63, 2], [63, 2], [64, 2], [64, 2], [446, 1], [446, 1], [69, 2], [444, 3], [444, 1], [445, 3], [445, 1], [28, 2], [449, 1], [449, 3], [450, 3], [450, 4], [450, 5], [450, 6], [46, 3], [37, 6], [453, 1], [453, 2], [454, 2], [455, 2], [456, 2], [456, 2], [456, 1], [456, 1], [458, 4], [458, 6], [461, 1], [461, 3], [459, 5], [459, 7], [459, 7], [459, 9], [459, 7], [459, 9], [462, 3], [462, 6], [462, 3], [462, 6], [457, 0], [457, 2], [457, 5], [457, 4], [457, 7], [27, 6], [469, 2], [468, 0], [468, 2], [468, 2], [468, 1], [26, 8], [23, 3], [23, 4], [473, 3], [473, 1], [474, 3], [474, 7], [474, 6], [474, 3], [474, 4], [478, 1], [478, 1], [482, 2], [483, 3], [484, 2], [485, 4], [475, 4], [475, 3], [475, 2], [475, 1], [497, 2], [493, 2], [493, 2], [498, 4], [500, 6], [67, 3], [67, 2], [506, 3], [506, 1], [504, 1], [504, 4], [68, 2], [20, 2], [48, 9], [48, 8], [48, 9], [510, 0], [510, 1], [510, 1], [510, 1], [510, 2], [511, 1], [511, 1], [511, 1], [49, 3], [38, 2], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], 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[161, 2], [165, 0], [165, 2], [167, 0], [167, 2], [176, 0], [176, 2], [177, 0], [177, 2], [178, 0], [178, 2], [188, 0], [188, 1], [197, 0], [197, 1], [210, 0], [210, 1], [211, 0], [211, 1], [219, 0], [219, 1], [220, 0], [220, 1], [248, 0], [248, 1], [250, 0], [250, 1], [251, 0], [251, 1], [252, 0], [252, 1], [264, 1], [264, 1], [767, 1], [767, 1], [289, 0], [289, 1], [301, 1], [301, 1], [337, 1], [337, 1], [371, 0], [371, 1], [375, 0], [375, 1], [382, 0], [382, 1], [383, 0], [383, 1], [394, 0], [394, 1], [395, 0], [395, 1], [397, 1], [397, 1], [411, 0], [411, 1], [412, 0], [412, 1], [465, 0], [465, 1], [466, 0], [466, 1], [467, 0], [467, 1], [471, 0], [471, 1], [476, 0], [476, 1], [477, 0], [477, 1], [479, 0], [479, 1], [480, 0], [480, 1], [481, 0], [481, 1], [486, 0], [486, 1], [487, 0], [487, 1], [488, 0], [488, 1], [489, 0], [489, 1], [490, 0], [490, 1], [491, 0], [491, 1], [492, 0], [492, 1], [494, 0], [494, 1], [495, 0], [495, 1], [496, 0], [496, 1], [499, 0], [499, 2], [501, 0], [501, 2], [502, 0], [502, 2], [503, 0], [503, 2], [512, 0], [512, 1], [513, 0], [513, 1]],
+ performAction: function anonymous(yytext, yyleng, yylineno, yy, yystate /* action[1] */, $$ /* vstack */, _$ /* lstack */) {
+ /* this == yyval */
+ var $0 = $$.length - 1;
+ switch (yystate) {
+ case 1:
+ this.$ = yy.casesensitive ? $$[$0] : $$[$0].toLowerCase();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.$ = doubleq($$[$0].substr(1, $$[$0].length - 2));
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this.$ = $$[$0].toLowerCase();
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ this.$ = $$[$0] ? $$[$0 - 1] + ' ' + $$[$0] : $$[$0 - 1];
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ return new yy.Statements({ statements: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ if ($$[$0])
+ $$[$0 - 2].push($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ case 9:
+ case 70:
+ case 80:
+ case 85:
+ case 143:
+ case 177:
+ case 205:
+ case 206:
+ case 242:
+ case 261:
+ case 273:
+ case 354:
+ case 372:
+ case 451:
+ case 474:
+ case 475:
+ case 479:
+ case 487:
+ case 528:
+ case 529:
+ case 566:
+ case 649:
+ case 659:
+ case 683:
+ case 685:
+ case 687:
+ case 701:
+ case 702:
+ case 732:
+ case 756:
+ this.$ = [$$[$0]];
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ $$[$0].explain = true;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ $$[$0].explain = true;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ // TODO combine exists and queries
+ if (yy.exists)
+ this.$.exists = yy.exists;
+ delete yy.exists;
+ if (yy.queries)
+ this.$.queries = yy.queries;
+ delete yy.queries;
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ case 162:
+ case 172:
+ case 237:
+ case 238:
+ case 240:
+ case 248:
+ case 250:
+ case 259:
+ case 267:
+ case 270:
+ case 375:
+ case 491:
+ case 501:
+ case 503:
+ case 515:
+ case 521:
+ case 522:
+ case 567:
+ this.$ = undefined;
+ break;
+ case 68:
+ this.$ = new yy.WithSelect({ withs: $$[$0 - 1], select: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 69:
+ case 565:
+ $$[$0 - 2].push($$[$0]);
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ break;
+ case 71:
+ this.$ = { name: $$[$0 - 4], select: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 72:
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 9]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 8]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 7]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 6]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 5]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 4]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 3]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 9];
+ /* if(yy.exists) this.$.exists = yy.exists;
+ delete yy.exists;
+ if(yy.queries) this.$.queries = yy.queries;
+ delete yy.queries;
+ */
+ break;
+ case 73:
+ this.$ = new yy.Search({ selectors: $$[$0 - 2], from: $$[$0] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 74:
+ this.$ = { pivot: { expr: $$[$0 - 5], columnid: $$[$0 - 3], inlist: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] } };
+ break;
+ case 75:
+ this.$ = { unpivot: { tocolumnid: $$[$0 - 8], forcolumnid: $$[$0 - 6], inlist: $$[$0 - 3], as: $$[$0] } };
+ break;
+ case 76:
+ case 520:
+ case 549:
+ case 585:
+ case 619:
+ case 636:
+ case 637:
+ case 640:
+ case 662:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ break;
+ case 77:
+ case 78:
+ case 86:
+ case 147:
+ case 185:
+ case 247:
+ case 280:
+ case 288:
+ case 289:
+ case 290:
+ case 291:
+ case 292:
+ case 293:
+ case 294:
+ case 295:
+ case 296:
+ case 297:
+ case 298:
+ case 299:
+ case 300:
+ case 301:
+ case 304:
+ case 305:
+ case 320:
+ case 321:
+ case 322:
+ case 323:
+ case 324:
+ case 325:
+ case 374:
+ case 440:
+ case 441:
+ case 442:
+ case 443:
+ case 444:
+ case 445:
+ case 516:
+ case 542:
+ case 546:
+ case 548:
+ case 623:
+ case 624:
+ case 625:
+ case 626:
+ case 627:
+ case 628:
+ case 632:
+ case 634:
+ case 635:
+ case 644:
+ case 660:
+ case 661:
+ case 723:
+ case 738:
+ case 739:
+ case 741:
+ case 742:
+ case 748:
+ case 749:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 79:
+ case 84:
+ case 731:
+ case 755:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ this.$.push($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 81:
+ this.$ = { expr: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 82:
+ this.$ = { expr: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 83:
+ this.$ = { removecolumns: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 87:
+ this.$ = { like: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 90:
+ case 104:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "PROP", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 91:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "ORDERBY", args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 92:
+ var dir = $$[$0 - 1];
+ if (!dir)
+ dir = 'ASC';
+ this.$ = { srchid: "ORDERBY", args: [{ expression: new yy.Column({ columnid: '_' }), direction: dir }] };
+ break;
+ case 93:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "PARENT" };
+ break;
+ case 94:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "APROP", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 95:
+ this.$ = { selid: "ROOT" };
+ break;
+ case 96:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "EQ", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 97:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "LIKE", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 98:
+ case 99:
+ this.$ = { selid: "WITH", args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 100:
+ this.$ = { srchid: $$[$0 - 3].toUpperCase(), args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 101:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "WHERE", args: [$$[$0 - 1]] };
+ break;
+ case 102:
+ this.$ = { selid: "OF", args: [$$[$0 - 1]] };
+ break;
+ case 103:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "CLASS", args: [$$[$0 - 1]] };
+ break;
+ case 105:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "NAME", args: [$$[$0].substr(1, $$[$0].length - 2)] };
+ break;
+ case 106:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "CHILD" };
+ break;
+ case 107:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "VERTEX" };
+ break;
+ case 108:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "EDGE" };
+ break;
+ case 109:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "REF" };
+ break;
+ case 110:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "SHARP", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 111:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "ATTR", args: ((typeof $$[$0] == 'undefined') ? undefined : [$$[$0]]) };
+ break;
+ case 112:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "ATTR" };
+ break;
+ case 113:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "OUT" };
+ break;
+ case 114:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "IN" };
+ break;
+ case 115:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "OUTOUT" };
+ break;
+ case 116:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "ININ" };
+ break;
+ case 117:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "CONTENT" };
+ break;
+ case 118:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "EX", args: [new yy.Json({ value: $$[$0] })] };
+ break;
+ case 119:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "AT", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 120:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "AS", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 121:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "SET", args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 122:
+ this.$ = { selid: "TO", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 123:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "VALUE" };
+ break;
+ case 124:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "ROW", args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 125:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "CLASS", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 126:
+ this.$ = { selid: $$[$0], args: [$$[$0 - 1]] };
+ break;
+ case 127:
+ this.$ = { selid: "NOT", args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 128:
+ this.$ = { selid: "IF", args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 129:
+ this.$ = { selid: $$[$0 - 3], args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 130:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'DISTINCT', args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 131:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'UNION', args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 132:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'UNIONALL', args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 133:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'ALL', args: [$$[$0 - 1]] };
+ break;
+ case 134:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'ANY', args: [$$[$0 - 1]] };
+ break;
+ case 135:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'INTERSECT', args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 136:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'EXCEPT', args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 137:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'AND', args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 138:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'OR', args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 139:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'PATH', args: [$$[$0 - 1]] };
+ break;
+ case 140:
+ this.$ = { srchid: 'RETURN', args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 141:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'REPEAT', sels: $$[$0 - 3], args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 142:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ this.$.push($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 144:
+ this.$ = "PLUS";
+ break;
+ case 145:
+ this.$ = "STAR";
+ break;
+ case 146:
+ this.$ = "QUESTION";
+ break;
+ case 148:
+ this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns: $$[$0], distinct: true });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 3]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 149:
+ this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns: $$[$0], distinct: true });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 3]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 150:
+ this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns: $$[$0], all: true });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 3]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 151:
+ if (!$$[$0]) {
+ this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns: [new yy.Column({ columnid: '_', })], modifier: 'COLUMN' });
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns: $$[$0] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 152:
+ if ($$[$0] == 'SELECT')
+ this.$ = undefined;
+ else
+ this.$ = { modifier: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 153:
+ this.$ = { modifier: 'VALUE' };
+ break;
+ case 154:
+ this.$ = { modifier: 'ROW' };
+ break;
+ case 155:
+ this.$ = { modifier: 'COLUMN' };
+ break;
+ case 156:
+ this.$ = { modifier: 'MATRIX' };
+ break;
+ case 157:
+ this.$ = { modifier: 'TEXTSTRING' };
+ break;
+ case 158:
+ this.$ = { modifier: 'INDEX' };
+ break;
+ case 159:
+ this.$ = { modifier: 'RECORDSET' };
+ break;
+ case 160:
+ this.$ = { top: $$[$0 - 1], percent: (typeof $$[$0] != 'undefined' ? true : undefined) };
+ break;
+ case 161:
+ this.$ = { top: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 163:
+ case 330:
+ case 523:
+ case 524:
+ case 724:
+ this.$ = undefined;
+ break;
+ case 164:
+ case 165:
+ case 166:
+ case 167:
+ this.$ = { into: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 168:
+ var s = $$[$0];
+ s = s.substr(1, s.length - 2);
+ var x3 = s.substr(-3).toUpperCase();
+ var x4 = s.substr(-4).toUpperCase();
+ if (s[0] == '#') {
+ this.$ = { into: new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'HTML', args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: s }), new yy.Json({ value: { headers: true } })] }) };
+ }
+ else if (x3 == 'XLS' || x3 == 'CSV' || x3 == 'TAB') {
+ this.$ = { into: new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: x3, args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: s }), new yy.Json({ value: { headers: true } })] }) };
+ }
+ else if (x4 == 'XLSX' || x4 == 'JSON') {
+ this.$ = { into: new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: x4, args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: s }), new yy.Json({ value: { headers: true } })] }) };
+ }
+ break;
+ case 169:
+ this.$ = { from: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 170:
+ this.$ = { from: $$[$0 - 1], joins: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 171:
+ this.$ = { from: $$[$0 - 2], joins: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 173:
+ this.$ = new yy.Apply({ select: $$[$0 - 2], applymode: 'CROSS', as: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 174:
+ this.$ = new yy.Apply({ select: $$[$0 - 3], applymode: 'CROSS', as: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 175:
+ this.$ = new yy.Apply({ select: $$[$0 - 2], applymode: 'OUTER', as: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 176:
+ this.$ = new yy.Apply({ select: $$[$0 - 3], applymode: 'OUTER', as: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 178:
+ case 243:
+ case 452:
+ case 530:
+ case 531:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ $$[$0 - 2].push($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 179:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ this.$.as = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 180:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 3];
+ this.$.as = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 181:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ this.$.as = 'default';
+ break;
+ case 182:
+ this.$ = new yy.Json({ value: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ $$[$0 - 2].as = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 183:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ $$[$0 - 1].as = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 184:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ $$[$0 - 2].as = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 186:
+ case 638:
+ case 641:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ break;
+ case 187:
+ case 191:
+ case 195:
+ case 198:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ $$[$0 - 1].as = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 188:
+ case 192:
+ case 196:
+ case 199:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ $$[$0 - 2].as = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 189:
+ case 190:
+ case 194:
+ case 197:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ $$[$0].as = 'default';
+ break;
+ case 193:
+ this.$ = { inserted: true };
+ $$[$0].as = 'default';
+ break;
+ case 200:
+ var s = $$[$0];
+ s = s.substr(1, s.length - 2);
+ var x3 = s.substr(-3).toUpperCase();
+ var x4 = s.substr(-4).toUpperCase();
+ var r;
+ if (s[0] == '#') {
+ r = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'HTML', args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: s }), new yy.Json({ value: { headers: true } })] });
+ }
+ else if (x3 == 'XLS' || x3 == 'CSV' || x3 == 'TAB') {
+ r = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: x3, args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: s }), new yy.Json({ value: { headers: true } })] });
+ }
+ else if (x4 == 'XLSX' || x4 == 'JSON') {
+ r = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: x4, args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: s }), new yy.Json({ value: { headers: true } })] });
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('Unknown string in FROM clause');
+ }
+ ;
+ this.$ = r;
+ break;
+ case 201:
+ if ($$[$0 - 2] == 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA') {
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: $$[$0 - 2], args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: $$[$0] })] });
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$ = new yy.Table({ databaseid: $$[$0 - 2], tableid: $$[$0] });
+ }
+ break;
+ case 202:
+ this.$ = new yy.Table({ tableid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 203:
+ case 204:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ $$[$0 - 1].push($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 207:
+ this.$ = new yy.Join($$[$0 - 2]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 208:
+ this.$ = { table: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 209:
+ this.$ = { table: $$[$0 - 1], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 210:
+ this.$ = { table: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 211:
+ this.$ = { json: new yy.Json({ value: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] }) };
+ break;
+ case 212:
+ this.$ = { param: $$[$0 - 1], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 213:
+ this.$ = { param: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 214:
+ this.$ = { select: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 215:
+ this.$ = { select: $$[$0 - 3], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 216:
+ this.$ = { funcid: $$[$0], as: 'default' };
+ break;
+ case 217:
+ this.$ = { funcid: $$[$0 - 1], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 218:
+ this.$ = { funcid: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 219:
+ this.$ = { variable: $$[$0], as: 'default' };
+ break;
+ case 220:
+ this.$ = { variable: $$[$0 - 1], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 221:
+ this.$ = { variable: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 222:
+ this.$ = { joinmode: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 223:
+ this.$ = { joinmode: $$[$0 - 1], natural: true };
+ break;
+ case 224:
+ case 225:
+ this.$ = "INNER";
+ break;
+ case 226:
+ case 227:
+ this.$ = "LEFT";
+ break;
+ case 228:
+ case 229:
+ this.$ = "RIGHT";
+ break;
+ case 230:
+ case 231:
+ this.$ = "OUTER";
+ break;
+ case 232:
+ this.$ = "SEMI";
+ break;
+ case 233:
+ this.$ = "ANTI";
+ break;
+ case 234:
+ this.$ = "CROSS";
+ break;
+ case 235:
+ this.$ = { on: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 236:
+ case 697:
+ this.$ = { using: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 239:
+ this.$ = { where: new yy.Expression({ expression: $$[$0] }) };
+ break;
+ case 241:
+ this.$ = { group: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 244:
+ this.$ = new yy.GroupExpression({ type: 'GROUPING SETS', group: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 245:
+ this.$ = new yy.GroupExpression({ type: 'ROLLUP', group: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 246:
+ this.$ = new yy.GroupExpression({ type: 'CUBE', group: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 249:
+ this.$ = { having: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 251:
+ this.$ = { union: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 252:
+ this.$ = { unionall: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 253:
+ this.$ = { except: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 254:
+ this.$ = { intersect: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 255:
+ this.$ = { union: $$[$0], corresponding: true };
+ break;
+ case 256:
+ this.$ = { unionall: $$[$0], corresponding: true };
+ break;
+ case 257:
+ this.$ = { except: $$[$0], corresponding: true };
+ break;
+ case 258:
+ this.$ = { intersect: $$[$0], corresponding: true };
+ break;
+ case 260:
+ this.$ = { order: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 262:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ $$[$0 - 2].push($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 263:
+ this.$ = new yy.Expression({ expression: $$[$0], direction: 'ASC' });
+ break;
+ case 264:
+ this.$ = new yy.Expression({ expression: $$[$0 - 1], direction: $$[$0].toUpperCase() });
+ break;
+ case 265:
+ this.$ = new yy.Expression({ expression: $$[$0 - 2], direction: 'ASC', nocase: true });
+ break;
+ case 266:
+ this.$ = new yy.Expression({ expression: $$[$0 - 3], direction: $$[$0].toUpperCase(), nocase: true });
+ break;
+ case 268:
+ this.$ = { limit: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 269:
+ this.$ = { limit: $$[$0 - 2], offset: $$[$0 - 6] };
+ break;
+ case 271:
+ this.$ = { offset: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 272:
+ case 509:
+ case 533:
+ case 648:
+ case 658:
+ case 682:
+ case 684:
+ case 688:
+ $$[$0 - 2].push($$[$0]);
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ break;
+ case 274:
+ case 276:
+ case 278:
+ $$[$0 - 2].as = $$[$0];
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ break;
+ case 275:
+ case 277:
+ case 279:
+ $$[$0 - 1].as = $$[$0];
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ break;
+ case 281:
+ this.$ = new yy.Column({ columid: $$[$0], tableid: $$[$0 - 2], databaseid: $$[$0 - 4] });
+ break;
+ case 282:
+ this.$ = new yy.Column({ columnid: $$[$0], tableid: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ break;
+ case 283:
+ this.$ = new yy.Column({ columnid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 284:
+ this.$ = new yy.Column({ columnid: $$[$0], tableid: $$[$0 - 2], databaseid: $$[$0 - 4] });
+ break;
+ case 285:
+ case 286:
+ this.$ = new yy.Column({ columnid: $$[$0], tableid: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ break;
+ case 287:
+ this.$ = new yy.Column({ columnid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 302:
+ this.$ = new yy.DomainValueValue();
+ break;
+ case 303:
+ this.$ = new yy.Json({ value: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 306:
+ case 307:
+ case 308:
+ if (!yy.queries)
+ yy.queries = [];
+ yy.queries.push($$[$0 - 1]);
+ $$[$0 - 1].queriesidx = yy.queries.length;
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ break;
+ case 309:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 310:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' });
+ break;
+ case 311:
+ this.$ = new yy.JavaScript({ value: $$[$0].substr(2, $$[$0].length - 4) });
+ break;
+ case 312:
+ this.$ = new yy.JavaScript({ value: 'alasql.fn["' + $$[$0 - 2] + '"] = ' + $$[$0].substr(2, $$[$0].length - 4) });
+ break;
+ case 313:
+ this.$ = new yy.JavaScript({ value: 'alasql.aggr["' + $$[$0 - 2] + '"] = ' + $$[$0].substr(2, $$[$0].length - 4) });
+ break;
+ case 314:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: $$[$0], newid: true });
+ break;
+ case 315:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ yy.extend(this.$, { newid: true });
+ break;
+ case 316:
+ this.$ = new yy.Convert({ expression: $$[$0 - 3] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 317:
+ this.$ = new yy.Convert({ expression: $$[$0 - 5], style: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 3]);
+ break;
+ case 318:
+ this.$ = new yy.Convert({ expression: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 3]);
+ break;
+ case 319:
+ this.$ = new yy.Convert({ expression: $$[$0 - 3], style: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 5]);
+ break;
+ case 326:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' });
+ break;
+ case 327:
+ if ($$[$0 - 2].length > 1 && ($$[$0 - 4].toUpperCase() == 'MAX' || $$[$0 - 4].toUpperCase() == 'MIN')) {
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: $$[$0 - 4], args: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({ aggregatorid: $$[$0 - 4].toUpperCase(), expression: $$[$0 - 2].pop(), over: $$[$0] });
+ }
+ break;
+ case 328:
+ this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({ aggregatorid: $$[$0 - 5].toUpperCase(), expression: $$[$0 - 2], distinct: true, over: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 329:
+ this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({ aggregatorid: $$[$0 - 5].toUpperCase(), expression: $$[$0 - 2],
+ over: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 331:
+ case 332:
+ this.$ = new yy.Over();
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 333:
+ this.$ = new yy.Over();
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 334:
+ this.$ = { partition: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 335:
+ this.$ = { order: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 336:
+ this.$ = "SUM";
+ break;
+ case 337:
+ this.$ = "COUNT";
+ break;
+ case 338:
+ this.$ = "MIN";
+ break;
+ case 339:
+ case 544:
+ this.$ = "MAX";
+ break;
+ case 340:
+ this.$ = "AVG";
+ break;
+ case 341:
+ this.$ = "FIRST";
+ break;
+ case 342:
+ this.$ = "LAST";
+ break;
+ case 343:
+ this.$ = "AGGR";
+ break;
+ case 344:
+ this.$ = "ARRAY";
+ break;
+ case 345:
+ var funcid = $$[$0 - 4];
+ var exprlist = $$[$0 - 1];
+ if (exprlist.length > 1 && (funcid.toUpperCase() == 'MIN' || funcid.toUpperCase() == 'MAX')) {
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: funcid, args: exprlist });
+ }
+ else if (yy.isInAggr($$[$0 - 4])) {
+ this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({ aggregatorid: 'REDUCE',
+ funcid: funcid, expression: exprlist.pop(), distinct: ($$[$0 - 2] == 'DISTINCT') });
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: funcid, args: exprlist });
+ }
+ ;
+ break;
+ case 346:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ break;
+ case 347:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'IIF', args: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 348:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'REPLACE', args: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 349:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'DATEADD', args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: $$[$0 - 5] }), $$[$0 - 3], $$[$0 - 1]] });
+ break;
+ case 350:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'DATEADD', args: [$$[$0 - 5], $$[$0 - 3], $$[$0 - 1]] });
+ break;
+ case 351:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'DATEDIFF', args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: $$[$0 - 5] }), $$[$0 - 3], $$[$0 - 1]] });
+ break;
+ case 352:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'DATEDIFF', args: [$$[$0 - 5], $$[$0 - 3], $$[$0 - 1]] });
+ break;
+ case 353:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'INTERVAL', args: [$$[$0 - 1], new yy.StringValue({ value: ($$[$0]).toLowerCase() })] });
+ break;
+ case 355:
+ $$[$0 - 2].push($$[$0]);
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ break;
+ case 356:
+ this.$ = new yy.NumValue({ value: +$$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 357:
+ this.$ = new yy.LogicValue({ value: true });
+ break;
+ case 358:
+ this.$ = new yy.LogicValue({ value: false });
+ break;
+ case 359:
+ this.$ = new yy.StringValue({ value: $$[$0].substr(1, $$[$0].length - 2).replace(/(\\\')/g, "'").replace(/(\'\')/g, "'") });
+ break;
+ case 360:
+ this.$ = new yy.StringValue({ value: $$[$0].substr(2, $$[$0].length - 3).replace(/(\\\')/g, "'").replace(/(\'\')/g, "'") });
+ break;
+ case 361:
+ this.$ = new yy.NullValue({ value: undefined });
+ break;
+ case 362:
+ this.$ = new yy.VarValue({ variable: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 363:
+ if (!yy.exists)
+ yy.exists = [];
+ this.$ = new yy.ExistsValue({ value: $$[$0 - 1], existsidx: yy.exists.length });
+ yy.exists.push($$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 364:
+ this.$ = new yy.ArrayValue({ value: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 365:
+ case 366:
+ this.$ = new yy.ParamValue({ param: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 367:
+ if (typeof yy.question == 'undefined')
+ yy.question = 0;
+ this.$ = new yy.ParamValue({ param: yy.question++ });
+ break;
+ case 368:
+ if (typeof yy.question == 'undefined')
+ yy.question = 0;
+ this.$ = new yy.ParamValue({ param: yy.question++, array: true });
+ break;
+ case 369:
+ this.$ = new yy.CaseValue({ expression: $$[$0 - 3], whens: $$[$0 - 2], elses: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 370:
+ this.$ = new yy.CaseValue({ whens: $$[$0 - 2], elses: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 371:
+ case 699:
+ case 700:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ this.$.push($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 373:
+ this.$ = { when: $$[$0 - 2], then: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 376:
+ case 377:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'REGEXP', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 378:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'GLOB', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 379:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'LIKE', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 380:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 4], op: 'LIKE', right: $$[$0 - 2], escape: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 381:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'NOT LIKE', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 382:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 4], op: 'NOT LIKE', right: $$[$0 - 2], escape: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 383:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '||', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 384:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '+', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 385:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '-', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 386:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '*', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 387:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '/', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 388:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '%', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 389:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '^', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 390:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '>>', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 391:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '<<', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 392:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '&', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 393:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '|', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 394:
+ case 395:
+ case 397:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '->', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 396:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 4], op: '->', right: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 398:
+ case 399:
+ case 401:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '!', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 400:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 4], op: '!', right: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 402:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '>', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 403:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '>=', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 404:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '<', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 405:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '<=', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 406:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '=', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 407:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '==', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 408:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '===', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 409:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '!=', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 410:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '!==', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 411:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '!===', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 412:
+ if (!yy.queries)
+ yy.queries = [];
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 5], op: $$[$0 - 4], allsome: $$[$0 - 3], right: $$[$0 - 1], queriesidx: yy.queries.length });
+ yy.queries.push($$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 413:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 5], op: $$[$0 - 4], allsome: $$[$0 - 3], right: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 414:
+ if ($$[$0 - 2].op == 'BETWEEN1') {
+ if ($$[$0 - 2].left.op == 'AND') {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2].left.left, op: 'AND', right: new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2].left.right, op: 'BETWEEN',
+ right1: $$[$0 - 2].right, right2: $$[$0] })
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2].left, op: 'BETWEEN',
+ right1: $$[$0 - 2].right, right2: $$[$0] });
+ }
+ }
+ else if ($$[$0 - 2].op == 'NOT BETWEEN1') {
+ if ($$[$0 - 2].left.op == 'AND') {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2].left.left, op: 'AND', right: new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2].left.right, op: 'NOT BETWEEN',
+ right1: $$[$0 - 2].right, right2: $$[$0] })
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2].left, op: 'NOT BETWEEN',
+ right1: $$[$0 - 2].right, right2: $$[$0] });
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'AND', right: $$[$0] });
+ }
+ break;
+ case 415:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'OR', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 416:
+ this.$ = new yy.UniOp({ op: 'NOT', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 417:
+ this.$ = new yy.UniOp({ op: '-', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 418:
+ this.$ = new yy.UniOp({ op: '+', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 419:
+ this.$ = new yy.UniOp({ op: '~', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 420:
+ this.$ = new yy.UniOp({ op: '#', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 421:
+ this.$ = new yy.UniOp({ right: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 422:
+ if (!yy.queries)
+ yy.queries = [];
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 4], op: 'IN', right: $$[$0 - 1], queriesidx: yy.queries.length });
+ yy.queries.push($$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 423:
+ if (!yy.queries)
+ yy.queries = [];
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 5], op: 'NOT IN', right: $$[$0 - 1], queriesidx: yy.queries.length });
+ yy.queries.push($$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 424:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 4], op: 'IN', right: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 425:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 5], op: 'NOT IN', right: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 426:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 3], op: 'IN', right: [] });
+ break;
+ case 427:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 4], op: 'NOT IN', right: [] });
+ break;
+ case 428:
+ case 430:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'IN', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 429:
+ case 431:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 3], op: 'NOT IN', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 432:
+ /* var expr = $$[$0];
+ if(expr.left && expr.left.op == 'AND') {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({left:new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'BETWEEN', right:expr.left}), op:'AND', right:expr.right });
+ } else {
+ */
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'BETWEEN1', right: $$[$0] });
+ // }
+ break;
+ case 433:
+ // var expr = $$[$0];
+ // if(expr.left && expr.left.op == 'AND') {
+ // this.$ = new yy.Op({left:new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'NOT BETWEEN', right:expr.left}), op:'AND', right:expr.right });
+ // } else {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'NOT BETWEEN1', right: $$[$0] });
+ // }
+ break;
+ case 434:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ op: 'IS', left: $$[$0 - 2], right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 435:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({
+ op: 'IS',
+ left: $$[$0 - 2],
+ right: new yy.UniOp({
+ op: 'NOT',
+ right: new yy.NullValue({ value: undefined })
+ })
+ });
+ break;
+ case 436:
+ this.$ = new yy.Convert({ expression: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 437:
+ case 438:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 439:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ break;
+ case 446:
+ this.$ = 'ALL';
+ break;
+ case 447:
+ this.$ = 'SOME';
+ break;
+ case 448:
+ this.$ = 'ANY';
+ break;
+ case 449:
+ this.$ = new yy.Update({ table: $$[$0 - 4], columns: $$[$0 - 2], where: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 450:
+ this.$ = new yy.Update({ table: $$[$0 - 2], columns: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 453:
+ this.$ = new yy.SetColumn({ column: $$[$0 - 2], expression: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 454:
+ this.$ = new yy.SetColumn({ variable: $$[$0 - 2], expression: $$[$0], method: $$[$0 - 3] });
+ break;
+ case 455:
+ this.$ = new yy.Delete({ table: $$[$0 - 2], where: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 456:
+ this.$ = new yy.Delete({ table: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 457:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 2], values: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 458:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 1], values: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 459:
+ case 461:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 2], values: $$[$0], orreplace: true });
+ break;
+ case 460:
+ case 462:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 1], values: $$[$0], orreplace: true });
+ break;
+ case 463:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 2], "default": true });
+ break;
+ case 464:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 5], columns: $$[$0 - 3], values: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 465:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 4], columns: $$[$0 - 2], values: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 466:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 1], select: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 467:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 1], select: $$[$0], orreplace: true });
+ break;
+ case 468:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 4], columns: $$[$0 - 2], select: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 473:
+ this.$ = [$$[$0 - 1]];
+ break;
+ case 476:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 4];
+ $$[$0 - 4].push($$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 477:
+ case 478:
+ case 480:
+ case 488:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ $$[$0 - 2].push($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 489:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({ table: $$[$0 - 4] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 7]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 6]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 5]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 490:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({ table: $$[$0] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 3]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 492:
+ this.$ = { class: true };
+ break;
+ case 502:
+ this.$ = { temporary: true };
+ break;
+ case 504:
+ this.$ = { ifnotexists: true };
+ break;
+ case 505:
+ this.$ = { columns: $$[$0 - 2], constraints: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 506:
+ this.$ = { columns: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 507:
+ this.$ = { as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 508:
+ case 532:
+ this.$ = [$$[$0]];
+ break;
+ case 510:
+ case 511:
+ case 512:
+ case 513:
+ case 514:
+ $$[$0].constraintid = $$[$0 - 1];
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 517:
+ this.$ = { type: 'CHECK', expression: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 518:
+ this.$ = { type: 'PRIMARY KEY', columns: $$[$0 - 1], clustered: ($$[$0 - 3] + '').toUpperCase() };
+ break;
+ case 519:
+ this.$ = { type: 'FOREIGN KEY', columns: $$[$0 - 5], fktable: $$[$0 - 2], fkcolumns: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 525:
+ this.$ = { type: 'UNIQUE', columns: $$[$0 - 1], clustered: ($$[$0 - 3] + '').toUpperCase() };
+ break;
+ case 534:
+ this.$ = new yy.ColumnDef({ columnid: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 535:
+ this.$ = new yy.ColumnDef({ columnid: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 536:
+ this.$ = new yy.ColumnDef({ columnid: $$[$0], dbtypeid: '' });
+ break;
+ case 537:
+ this.$ = { dbtypeid: $$[$0 - 5], dbsize: $$[$0 - 3], dbprecision: +$$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 538:
+ this.$ = { dbtypeid: $$[$0 - 3], dbsize: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 539:
+ this.$ = { dbtypeid: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 540:
+ this.$ = { dbtypeid: 'ENUM', enumvalues: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 541:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ $$[$0 - 1].dbtypeid += '[' + $$[$0] + ']';
+ break;
+ case 543:
+ case 750:
+ this.$ = +$$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 545:
+ this.$ = undefined;
+ break;
+ case 547:
+ yy.extend($$[$0 - 1], $$[$0]);
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ break;
+ case 550:
+ this.$ = { primarykey: true };
+ break;
+ case 551:
+ case 552:
+ this.$ = { foreignkey: { table: $$[$0 - 1], columnid: $$[$0] } };
+ break;
+ case 553:
+ this.$ = { identity: { value: $$[$0 - 3], step: $$[$0 - 1] } };
+ break;
+ case 554:
+ this.$ = { identity: { value: 1, step: 1 } };
+ break;
+ case 555:
+ case 557:
+ this.$ = { "default": $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 556:
+ this.$ = { "default": $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 558:
+ this.$ = { null: true };
+ break;
+ case 559:
+ this.$ = { notnull: true };
+ break;
+ case 560:
+ this.$ = { check: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 561:
+ this.$ = { unique: true };
+ break;
+ case 562:
+ this.$ = { "onupdate": $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 563:
+ this.$ = { "onupdate": $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 564:
+ this.$ = new yy.DropTable({ tables: $$[$0], type: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 568:
+ this.$ = { ifexists: true };
+ break;
+ case 569:
+ this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({ table: $$[$0 - 3], renameto: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 570:
+ this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({ table: $$[$0 - 3], addcolumn: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 571:
+ this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({ table: $$[$0 - 3], modifycolumn: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 572:
+ this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({ table: $$[$0 - 5], renamecolumn: $$[$0 - 2], to: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 573:
+ this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({ table: $$[$0 - 3], dropcolumn: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 574:
+ this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({ table: $$[$0 - 2], renameto: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 575:
+ this.$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0], engineid: $$[$0 - 2].toUpperCase() });
+ break;
+ case 576:
+ this.$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0 - 3], engineid: $$[$0 - 5].toUpperCase(), args: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 577:
+ this.$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0 - 2], engineid: $$[$0 - 4].toUpperCase(), as: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 578:
+ this.$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0 - 5], engineid: $$[$0 - 7].toUpperCase(), as: $$[$0], args: $$[$0 - 3] });
+ break;
+ case 579:
+ this.$ = new yy.DetachDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 580:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 581:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({ engineid: $$[$0 - 4].toUpperCase(), databaseid: $$[$0 - 1], as: $$[$0] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ break;
+ case 582:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({ engineid: $$[$0 - 7].toUpperCase(), databaseid: $$[$0 - 4], args: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 5]);
+ break;
+ case 583:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({ engineid: $$[$0 - 4].toUpperCase(),
+ as: $$[$0], args: [$$[$0 - 1]] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ break;
+ case 584:
+ this.$ = undefined;
+ break;
+ case 586:
+ case 587:
+ this.$ = new yy.UseDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 588:
+ this.$ = new yy.DropDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 589:
+ case 590:
+ this.$ = new yy.DropDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0], engineid: $$[$0 - 3].toUpperCase() });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 591:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateIndex({ indexid: $$[$0 - 5], table: $$[$0 - 3], columns: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 592:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateIndex({ indexid: $$[$0 - 5], table: $$[$0 - 3], columns: $$[$0 - 1], unique: true });
+ break;
+ case 593:
+ this.$ = new yy.DropIndex({ indexid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 594:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowDatabases();
+ break;
+ case 595:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowDatabases({ like: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 596:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowDatabases({ engineid: $$[$0 - 1].toUpperCase() });
+ break;
+ case 597:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowDatabases({ engineid: $$[$0 - 3].toUpperCase(), like: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 598:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowTables();
+ break;
+ case 599:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowTables({ like: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 600:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowTables({ databaseid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 601:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowTables({ like: $$[$0], databaseid: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ break;
+ case 602:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowColumns({ table: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 603:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowColumns({ table: $$[$0 - 2], databaseid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 604:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowIndex({ table: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 605:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowIndex({ table: $$[$0 - 2], databaseid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 606:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowCreateTable({ table: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 607:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowCreateTable({ table: $$[$0 - 2], databaseid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 608:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({ table: $$[$0 - 6], view: true, select: $$[$0 - 1], viewcolumns: $$[$0 - 4] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 9]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 7]);
+ break;
+ case 609:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({ table: $$[$0 - 3], view: true, select: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 6]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 4]);
+ break;
+ case 613:
+ this.$ = new yy.DropTable({ tables: $$[$0], view: true });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 614:
+ case 760:
+ this.$ = new yy.ExpressionStatement({ expression: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 615:
+ this.$ = new yy.Source({ url: $$[$0].value });
+ break;
+ case 616:
+ this.$ = new yy.Assert({ value: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 617:
+ this.$ = new yy.Assert({ value: $$[$0].value });
+ break;
+ case 618:
+ this.$ = new yy.Assert({ value: $$[$0], message: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ break;
+ case 620:
+ case 631:
+ case 633:
+ this.$ = $$[$0].value;
+ break;
+ case 621:
+ case 629:
+ this.$ = +$$[$0].value;
+ break;
+ case 622:
+ this.$ = (!!$$[$0].value);
+ break;
+ case 630:
+ this.$ = "" + $$[$0].value;
+ break;
+ case 639:
+ this.$ = {};
+ break;
+ case 642:
+ this.$ = [];
+ break;
+ case 643:
+ yy.extend($$[$0 - 2], $$[$0]);
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ break;
+ case 645:
+ this.$ = {};
+ this.$[$$[$0 - 2].substr(1, $$[$0 - 2].length - 2)] = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 646:
+ case 647:
+ this.$ = {};
+ this.$[$$[$0 - 2]] = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 650:
+ this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({ variable: $$[$0 - 2].toLowerCase(), value: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 651:
+ this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({ variable: $$[$0 - 1].toLowerCase(), value: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 652:
+ this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({ variable: $$[$0 - 2], expression: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 653:
+ this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({ variable: $$[$0 - 3], props: $$[$0 - 2], expression: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 654:
+ this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({ variable: $$[$0 - 2], expression: $$[$0], method: $$[$0 - 3] });
+ break;
+ case 655:
+ this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({ variable: $$[$0 - 3], props: $$[$0 - 2], expression: $$[$0], method: $$[$0 - 4] });
+ break;
+ case 656:
+ this.$ = '@';
+ break;
+ case 657:
+ this.$ = '$';
+ break;
+ case 663:
+ this.$ = true;
+ break;
+ case 664:
+ this.$ = false;
+ break;
+ case 665:
+ this.$ = new yy.CommitTransaction();
+ break;
+ case 666:
+ this.$ = new yy.RollbackTransaction();
+ break;
+ case 667:
+ this.$ = new yy.BeginTransaction();
+ break;
+ case 668:
+ this.$ = new yy.If({ expression: $$[$0 - 2], thenstat: $$[$0 - 1], elsestat: $$[$0] });
+ if ($$[$0 - 1].exists)
+ this.$.exists = $$[$0 - 1].exists;
+ if ($$[$0 - 1].queries)
+ this.$.queries = $$[$0 - 1].queries;
+ break;
+ case 669:
+ this.$ = new yy.If({ expression: $$[$0 - 1], thenstat: $$[$0] });
+ if ($$[$0].exists)
+ this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists;
+ if ($$[$0].queries)
+ this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries;
+ break;
+ case 670:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 671:
+ this.$ = new yy.While({ expression: $$[$0 - 1], loopstat: $$[$0] });
+ if ($$[$0].exists)
+ this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists;
+ if ($$[$0].queries)
+ this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries;
+ break;
+ case 672:
+ this.$ = new yy.Continue();
+ break;
+ case 673:
+ this.$ = new yy.Break();
+ break;
+ case 674:
+ this.$ = new yy.BeginEnd({ statements: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 675:
+ this.$ = new yy.Print({ exprs: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 676:
+ this.$ = new yy.Print({ select: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 677:
+ this.$ = new yy.Require({ paths: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 678:
+ this.$ = new yy.Require({ plugins: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 679:
+ case 680:
+ this.$ = $$[$0].toUpperCase();
+ break;
+ case 681:
+ this.$ = new yy.Echo({ expr: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 686:
+ this.$ = new yy.Declare({ declares: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 689:
+ this.$ = { variable: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 690:
+ this.$ = { variable: $$[$0 - 2] };
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 691:
+ this.$ = { variable: $$[$0 - 3], expression: $$[$0] };
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ break;
+ case 692:
+ this.$ = { variable: $$[$0 - 4], expression: $$[$0] };
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ break;
+ case 693:
+ this.$ = new yy.TruncateTable({ table: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 694:
+ this.$ = new yy.Merge();
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 4]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 3]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, { matches: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 695:
+ case 696:
+ this.$ = { into: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 698:
+ this.$ = { on: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 703:
+ this.$ = { matched: true, action: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 704:
+ this.$ = { matched: true, expr: $$[$0 - 2], action: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 705:
+ this.$ = { delete: true };
+ break;
+ case 706:
+ this.$ = { update: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 707:
+ case 708:
+ this.$ = { matched: false, bytarget: true, action: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 709:
+ case 710:
+ this.$ = { matched: false, bytarget: true, expr: $$[$0 - 2], action: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 711:
+ this.$ = { matched: false, bysource: true, action: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 712:
+ this.$ = { matched: false, bysource: true, expr: $$[$0 - 2], action: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 713:
+ this.$ = { insert: true, values: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 714:
+ this.$ = { insert: true, values: $$[$0], columns: $$[$0 - 3] };
+ break;
+ case 715:
+ this.$ = { insert: true, defaultvalues: true };
+ break;
+ case 716:
+ this.$ = { insert: true, defaultvalues: true, columns: $$[$0 - 3] };
+ break;
+ case 718:
+ this.$ = { output: { columns: $$[$0] } };
+ break;
+ case 719:
+ this.$ = { output: { columns: $$[$0 - 3], intovar: $$[$0], method: $$[$0 - 1] } };
+ break;
+ case 720:
+ this.$ = { output: { columns: $$[$0 - 2], intotable: $$[$0] } };
+ break;
+ case 721:
+ this.$ = { output: { columns: $$[$0 - 5], intotable: $$[$0 - 3], intocolumns: $$[$0 - 1] } };
+ break;
+ case 722:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateVertex({ class: $$[$0 - 3], sharp: $$[$0 - 2], name: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 725:
+ this.$ = { sets: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 726:
+ this.$ = { content: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 727:
+ this.$ = { select: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 728:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateEdge({ from: $$[$0 - 3], to: $$[$0 - 1], name: $$[$0 - 5] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 729:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateGraph({ graph: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 730:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateGraph({ from: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 733:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ if ($$[$0 - 1])
+ this.$.json = new yy.Json({ value: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ if ($$[$0])
+ this.$.as = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 734:
+ this.$ = { source: $$[$0 - 6], target: $$[$0] };
+ if ($$[$0 - 3])
+ this.$.json = new yy.Json({ value: $$[$0 - 3] });
+ if ($$[$0 - 2])
+ this.$.as = $$[$0 - 2];
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 4]);
+ break;
+ case 735:
+ this.$ = { source: $$[$0 - 5], target: $$[$0] };
+ if ($$[$0 - 2])
+ this.$.json = new yy.Json({ value: $$[$0 - 3] });
+ if ($$[$0 - 1])
+ this.$.as = $$[$0 - 2];
+ break;
+ case 736:
+ this.$ = { source: $$[$0 - 2], target: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 740:
+ this.$ = { vars: $$[$0], method: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 743:
+ case 744:
+ var s3 = $$[$0 - 1];
+ this.$ = { prop: $$[$0 - 3], sharp: $$[$0 - 2], name: (typeof s3 == 'undefined') ? undefined : s3.substr(1, s3.length - 2), class: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 745:
+ var s2 = $$[$0 - 1];
+ this.$ = { sharp: $$[$0 - 2], name: (typeof s2 == 'undefined') ? undefined : s2.substr(1, s2.length - 2), class: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 746:
+ var s1 = $$[$0 - 1];
+ this.$ = { name: (typeof s1 == 'undefined') ? undefined : s1.substr(1, s1.length - 2), class: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 747:
+ this.$ = { class: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 753:
+ this.$ = new yy.AddRule({ left: $$[$0 - 2], right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 754:
+ this.$ = new yy.AddRule({ right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 757:
+ this.$ = new yy.Term({ termid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 758:
+ this.$ = new yy.Term({ termid: $$[$0 - 3], args: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 761:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTrigger({ trigger: $$[$0 - 6], when: $$[$0 - 5], action: $$[$0 - 4], table: $$[$0 - 2], statement: $$[$0] });
+ if ($$[$0].exists)
+ this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists;
+ if ($$[$0].queries)
+ this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries;
+ break;
+ case 762:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTrigger({ trigger: $$[$0 - 5], when: $$[$0 - 4], action: $$[$0 - 3], table: $$[$0 - 1], funcid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 763:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTrigger({ trigger: $$[$0 - 6], when: $$[$0 - 4], action: $$[$0 - 3], table: $$[$0 - 5], statement: $$[$0] });
+ if ($$[$0].exists)
+ this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists;
+ if ($$[$0].queries)
+ this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries;
+ break;
+ case 764:
+ case 765:
+ case 767:
+ this.$ = 'AFTER';
+ break;
+ case 766:
+ this.$ = 'BEFORE';
+ break;
+ case 768:
+ this.$ = 'INSTEADOF';
+ break;
+ case 769:
+ this.$ = 'INSERT';
+ break;
+ case 770:
+ this.$ = 'DELETE';
+ break;
+ case 771:
+ this.$ = 'UPDATE';
+ break;
+ case 772:
+ this.$ = new yy.DropTrigger({ trigger: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 773:
+ this.$ = new yy.Reindex({ indexid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 1047:
+ case 1067:
+ case 1069:
+ case 1071:
+ case 1075:
+ case 1077:
+ case 1079:
+ case 1081:
+ case 1083:
+ case 1085:
+ this.$ = [];
+ break;
+ case 1048:
+ case 1062:
+ case 1064:
+ case 1068:
+ case 1070:
+ case 1072:
+ case 1076:
+ case 1078:
+ case 1080:
+ case 1082:
+ case 1084:
+ case 1086:
+ $$[$0 - 1].push($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 1061:
+ case 1063:
+ this.$ = [$$[$0]];
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ table: [o([10, 602, 764], $V0, { 8: 1, 9: 2, 12: 3, 13: 4, 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 14: $V4, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 124: $V8, 146: $V9, 156: $Va, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), { 1: [3] }, { 10: [1, 105], 11: 106, 602: $VH, 764: $VI }, o($VJ, [2, 8]), o($VJ, [2, 9]), o($VK, [2, 12]), o($VJ, $V0, { 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 12: 109, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 15: [1, 110], 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 124: $V8, 146: $V9, 156: $Va, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), o($VK, [2, 14]), o($VK, [2, 15]), o($VK, [2, 16]), o($VK, [2, 17]), o($VK, [2, 18]), o($VK, [2, 19]), o($VK, [2, 20]), o($VK, [2, 21]), o($VK, [2, 22]), o($VK, [2, 23]), o($VK, [2, 24]), o($VK, [2, 25]), o($VK, [2, 26]), o($VK, [2, 27]), o($VK, [2, 28]), o($VK, [2, 29]), o($VK, [2, 30]), o($VK, [2, 31]), o($VK, [2, 32]), o($VK, [2, 33]), o($VK, [2, 34]), o($VK, [2, 35]), o($VK, [2, 36]), o($VK, [2, 37]), o($VK, [2, 38]), o($VK, [2, 39]), o($VK, [2, 40]), o($VK, [2, 41]), o($VK, [2, 42]), o($VK, [2, 43]), o($VK, [2, 44]), o($VK, [2, 45]), o($VK, [2, 46]), o($VK, [2, 47]), o($VK, [2, 48]), o($VK, [2, 49]), o($VK, [2, 50]), o($VK, [2, 51]), o($VK, [2, 52]), o($VK, [2, 53]), o($VK, [2, 54]), o($VK, [2, 55]), o($VK, [2, 56]), o($VK, [2, 57]), o($VK, [2, 58]), o($VK, [2, 59]), o($VK, [2, 60]), o($VK, [2, 61]), o($VK, [2, 62]), o($VK, [2, 63]), o($VK, [2, 64]), o($VK, [2, 65]), o($VK, [2, 66]), o($VK, [2, 67]), { 353: [1, 111] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 112, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 114, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 156: $VL, 200: 113, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP }, o($VQ, [2, 501], { 3: 121, 348: 125, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 134: $VR, 135: $VS, 187: [1, 123], 193: [1, 122], 268: [1, 129], 269: [1, 130], 357: [1, 131], 405: [1, 120], 472: [1, 124], 509: [1, 128] }), { 145: $VT, 449: 132, 450: 133 }, { 183: [1, 135] }, { 405: [1, 136] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 138, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 130: [1, 144], 193: [1, 139], 353: [1, 143], 397: 140, 405: [1, 137], 410: [1, 141], 509: [1, 142] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 145, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vt1, $Vu1, { 340: 204, 171: [1, 205], 198: $Vv1 }), o($Vt1, $Vu1, { 340: 207, 198: $Vv1 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 219, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $Vw1, 132: $Vx1, 143: $VY, 144: 212, 145: $VZ, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 198: [1, 210], 199: 213, 200: 215, 201: 214, 202: 217, 209: 209, 213: $Vy1, 214: 218, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1, 453: 208 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 221, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 353: [1, 222] }, o($Vz1, [2, 1043], { 80: 223, 106: 224, 107: [1, 225] }), o($VA1, [2, 1047], { 90: 226 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 230, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 190: [1, 228], 193: [1, 231], 267: [1, 227], 353: [1, 232], 405: [1, 229] }, { 353: [1, 233] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 236, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 73: 234, 75: 235 }, o([306, 602, 764], $V0, { 12: 3, 13: 4, 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 9: 238, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 14: $V4, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 124: $V8, 146: $V9, 156: $Va, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 435: [1, 237], 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), { 435: [1, 239] }, { 435: [1, 240] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 242, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 405: [1, 241] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 243 }, o($VB1, [2, 311]), { 113: 245, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 114, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 113: 251, 131: $VV, 132: [1, 248], 143: $VY, 144: 246, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 196: 250, 200: 255, 201: 254, 257: 252, 258: 253, 265: $VD1, 274: 247, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 257, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VK, [2, 672]), o($VK, [2, 673]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 40: 259, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 258, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 266, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 113: 263, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1, 444: 261, 445: 262, 446: 264, 447: $VE1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 267, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 431: 268 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 271, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 505: [1, 272] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 100, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 504: 274, 506: 273 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 114, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 156: $VL, 200: 275, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 276, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VH1, $VI1, { 186: 280, 164: [1, 279], 185: [1, 277], 187: [1, 278], 195: $VJ1 }), o($VK1, [2, 757], { 77: [1, 282] }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 77, 78, 93, 98, 107, 118, 128, 131, 132, 137, 143, 145, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 168, 169, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 195, 198, 232, 245, 247, 265, 266, 270, 271, 273, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 302, 303, 306, 310, 312, 317, 420, 424, 602, 764], [2, 152], { 149: [1, 283], 150: [1, 284], 190: [1, 285], 191: [1, 286], 192: [1, 287], 193: [1, 288], 194: [1, 289] }), o($VL1, [2, 1]), o($VL1, [2, 2]), { 6: 290, 131: [1, 439], 172: [1, 462], 245: [1, 411], 285: [1, 373], 286: [1, 407], 370: [1, 404], 381: [1, 295], 402: [1, 297], 410: [1, 549], 414: [1, 471], 416: [1, 443], 417: [1, 509], 433: [1, 442], 435: [1, 525], 440: [1, 342], 460: [1, 418], 464: [1, 448], 470: [1, 341], 514: [1, 307], 515: [1, 299], 516: [1, 399], 518: [1, 291], 519: [1, 292], 520: [1, 293], 521: [1, 294], 522: [1, 296], 523: [1, 298], 524: [1, 300], 525: [1, 301], 526: [1, 302], 527: [1, 303], 528: [1, 304], 529: [1, 305], 530: [1, 306], 531: [1, 308], 532: [1, 309], 533: [1, 310], 534: [1, 311], 535: [1, 312], 536: [1, 313], 537: [1, 314], 538: [1, 315], 539: [1, 316], 540: [1, 317], 541: [1, 318], 542: [1, 319], 543: [1, 320], 544: [1, 321], 545: [1, 322], 546: [1, 323], 547: [1, 324], 548: [1, 325], 549: [1, 326], 550: [1, 327], 551: [1, 328], 552: [1, 329], 553: [1, 330], 554: [1, 331], 555: [1, 332], 556: [1, 333], 557: [1, 334], 558: [1, 335], 559: [1, 336], 560: [1, 337], 561: [1, 338], 562: [1, 339], 563: [1, 340], 564: [1, 343], 565: [1, 344], 566: [1, 345], 567: [1, 346], 568: [1, 347], 569: [1, 348], 570: [1, 349], 571: [1, 350], 572: [1, 351], 573: [1, 352], 574: [1, 353], 575: [1, 354], 576: [1, 355], 577: [1, 356], 578: [1, 357], 579: [1, 358], 580: [1, 359], 581: [1, 360], 582: [1, 361], 583: [1, 362], 584: [1, 363], 585: [1, 364], 586: [1, 365], 587: [1, 366], 588: [1, 367], 589: [1, 368], 590: [1, 369], 591: [1, 370], 592: [1, 371], 593: [1, 372], 594: [1, 374], 595: [1, 375], 596: [1, 376], 597: [1, 377], 598: [1, 378], 599: [1, 379], 600: [1, 380], 601: [1, 381], 602: [1, 382], 603: [1, 383], 604: [1, 384], 605: [1, 385], 606: [1, 386], 607: [1, 387], 608: [1, 388], 609: [1, 389], 610: [1, 390], 611: [1, 391], 612: [1, 392], 613: [1, 393], 614: [1, 394], 615: [1, 395], 616: [1, 396], 617: [1, 397], 618: [1, 398], 619: [1, 400], 620: [1, 401], 621: [1, 402], 622: [1, 403], 623: [1, 405], 624: [1, 406], 625: [1, 408], 626: [1, 409], 627: [1, 410], 628: [1, 412], 629: [1, 413], 630: [1, 414], 631: [1, 415], 632: [1, 416], 633: [1, 417], 634: [1, 419], 635: [1, 420], 636: [1, 421], 637: [1, 422], 638: [1, 423], 639: [1, 424], 640: [1, 425], 641: [1, 426], 642: [1, 427], 643: [1, 428], 644: [1, 429], 645: [1, 430], 646: [1, 431], 647: [1, 432], 648: [1, 433], 649: [1, 434], 650: [1, 435], 651: [1, 436], 652: [1, 437], 653: [1, 438], 654: [1, 440], 655: [1, 441], 656: [1, 444], 657: [1, 445], 658: [1, 446], 659: [1, 447], 660: [1, 449], 661: [1, 450], 662: [1, 451], 663: [1, 452], 664: [1, 453], 665: [1, 454], 666: [1, 455], 667: [1, 456], 668: [1, 457], 669: [1, 458], 670: [1, 459], 671: [1, 460], 672: [1, 461], 673: [1, 463], 674: [1, 464], 675: [1, 465], 676: [1, 466], 677: [1, 467], 678: [1, 468], 679: [1, 469], 680: [1, 470], 681: [1, 472], 682: [1, 473], 683: [1, 474], 684: [1, 475], 685: [1, 476], 686: [1, 477], 687: [1, 478], 688: [1, 479], 689: [1, 480], 690: [1, 481], 691: [1, 482], 692: [1, 483], 693: [1, 484], 694: [1, 485], 695: [1, 486], 696: [1, 487], 697: [1, 488], 698: [1, 489], 699: [1, 490], 700: [1, 491], 701: [1, 492], 702: [1, 493], 703: [1, 494], 704: [1, 495], 705: [1, 496], 706: [1, 497], 707: [1, 498], 708: [1, 499], 709: [1, 500], 710: [1, 501], 711: [1, 502], 712: [1, 503], 713: [1, 504], 714: [1, 505], 715: [1, 506], 716: [1, 507], 717: [1, 508], 718: [1, 510], 719: [1, 511], 720: [1, 512], 721: [1, 513], 722: [1, 514], 723: [1, 515], 724: [1, 516], 725: [1, 517], 726: [1, 518], 727: [1, 519], 728: [1, 520], 729: [1, 521], 730: [1, 522], 731: [1, 523], 732: [1, 524], 733: [1, 526], 734: [1, 527], 735: [1, 528], 736: [1, 529], 737: [1, 530], 738: [1, 531], 739: [1, 532], 740: [1, 533], 741: [1, 534], 742: [1, 535], 743: [1, 536], 744: [1, 537], 745: [1, 538], 746: [1, 539], 747: [1, 540], 748: [1, 541], 749: [1, 542], 750: [1, 543], 751: [1, 544], 752: [1, 545], 753: [1, 546], 754: [1, 547], 755: [1, 548], 756: [1, 550], 757: [1, 551], 758: [1, 552], 759: [1, 553], 760: [1, 554], 761: [1, 555], 762: [1, 556], 763: [1, 557] }, { 1: [2, 6] }, o($VJ, $V0, { 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 12: 558, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 124: $V8, 146: $V9, 156: $Va, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), o($VM1, [2, 1041]), o($VM1, [2, 1042]), o($VJ, [2, 10]), { 16: [1, 559] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 560 }, { 405: [1, 561] }, o($VK, [2, 760]), { 77: $VN1 }, { 77: [1, 563] }, { 77: $VO1 }, { 77: [1, 565] }, { 77: [1, 566] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 567, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vt1, $VP1, { 350: 568, 156: $VQ1 }), { 405: [1, 570] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 571, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 193: [1, 572] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 578, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $VR1, 137: $VS1, 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 152: $VT1, 183: [1, 574], 431: 585, 473: 573, 474: 575, 475: 576, 478: 577, 482: 582, 493: 579, 497: 581 }, { 130: [1, 589], 349: 586, 353: [1, 588], 410: [1, 587] }, { 113: 591, 132: $VW, 183: [2, 1141], 296: $Vj1, 471: 590 }, o($VU1, [2, 1135], { 465: 592, 3: 593, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 594, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 4: [1, 595] }, { 4: [1, 596] }, o($VQ, [2, 502]), o($VK, [2, 686], { 74: [1, 597] }), o($VV1, [2, 687]), { 2: $V1, 3: 598, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 599 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 600, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vt1, $VW1, { 398: 601, 156: $VX1 }), { 405: [1, 603] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 604, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vt1, $VW1, { 398: 605, 156: $VX1 }), o($Vt1, $VW1, { 398: 606, 156: $VX1 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 607, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VY1, [2, 1129]), o($VY1, [2, 1130]), o($VK, $V0, { 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 12: 608, 114: 625, 327: 637, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $V22, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 146: $V9, 154: $Va2, 156: $Va, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), o($VB1, [2, 288]), o($VB1, [2, 289]), o($VB1, [2, 290]), o($VB1, [2, 291]), o($VB1, [2, 292]), o($VB1, [2, 293]), o($VB1, [2, 294]), o($VB1, [2, 295]), o($VB1, [2, 296]), o($VB1, [2, 297]), o($VB1, [2, 298]), o($VB1, [2, 299]), o($VB1, [2, 300]), o($VB1, [2, 301]), o($VB1, [2, 302]), o($VB1, [2, 303]), o($VB1, [2, 304]), o($VB1, [2, 305]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 26: 654, 27: 653, 36: 649, 40: 648, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 94: 651, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 264: 650, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 267: [1, 655], 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: [1, 652], 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 339: $Vh, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VB1, [2, 309]), o($VB1, [2, 310]), { 77: [1, 656] }, o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $Vy2, { 77: $VN1, 116: [1, 657] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 658, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 659, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 660, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 661, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 662, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VB1, [2, 283]), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 249, 265, 266, 267, 270, 271, 273, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 302, 303, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 343, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 415, 417, 418, 420, 424, 426, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764, 765, 766], [2, 356]), o($Vz2, [2, 357]), o($Vz2, [2, 358]), o($Vz2, $VA2), o($Vz2, [2, 360]), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 297, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 343, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 426, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 361]), { 2: $V1, 3: 664, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 131: [1, 665], 301: 663 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 666, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vz2, [2, 367]), o($Vz2, [2, 368]), { 2: $V1, 3: 667, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VB2, 113: 669, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 196: 670, 201: 672, 257: 671, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 302: $Vn1, 419: 673, 424: $Vs1 }, { 77: [1, 674] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 675, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 304: 676, 307: 677, 308: $VC2, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 77: [1, 679] }, { 77: [1, 680] }, o($VD2, [2, 624]), { 2: $V1, 3: 695, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VE2, 111: 690, 113: 688, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 144: 685, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 196: 687, 200: 693, 201: 692, 257: 689, 258: 691, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 300: [1, 683], 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 421: 681, 422: 684, 423: 686, 424: $Vs1, 427: 682 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 696, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 697, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 156: $VL, 200: 698, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP }, { 77: [2, 336] }, { 77: [2, 337] }, { 77: [2, 338] }, { 77: [2, 339] }, { 77: [2, 340] }, { 77: [2, 341] }, { 77: [2, 342] }, { 77: [2, 343] }, { 77: [2, 344] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 704, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 131: $VF2, 132: $VG2, 425: 699, 426: [1, 700], 428: 701 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 705 }, { 290: [1, 706] }, o($Vt1, [2, 472]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 707 }, { 231: [1, 709], 454: 708 }, { 231: [2, 695] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 219, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $Vw1, 132: $Vx1, 143: $VY, 144: 212, 145: $VZ, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 199: 213, 200: 215, 201: 214, 202: 217, 209: 710, 213: $Vy1, 214: 218, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 40: 711, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($VH2, [2, 1091], { 210: 712, 76: [1, 713] }), o($VI2, [2, 185], { 3: 714, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 715], 154: [1, 716] }), o($VI2, [2, 189], { 3: 717, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 718] }), o($VI2, [2, 190], { 3: 719, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 720] }), o($VI2, [2, 193]), o($VI2, [2, 194], { 3: 721, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 722] }), o($VI2, [2, 197], { 3: 723, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 724] }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 74, 76, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 154, 162, 168, 169, 183, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VJ2, { 77: $VN1, 116: $VK2 }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 74, 76, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], [2, 200]), o($VK, [2, 773]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 726 }, o($VL2, $VM2, { 81: 727, 198: $VN2 }), o($Vz1, [2, 1044]), o($VO2, [2, 1057], { 108: 729, 190: [1, 730] }), o([10, 78, 183, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VM2, { 419: 190, 81: 731, 117: 732, 3: 733, 114: 736, 144: 758, 158: 768, 160: 769, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 112: $VS2, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 198: $VN2, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), { 353: [1, 782] }, { 183: [1, 783] }, o($VK, [2, 594], { 112: [1, 784] }), { 405: [1, 785] }, { 183: [1, 786] }, o($VK, [2, 598], { 112: [1, 787], 183: [1, 788] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 789 }, { 40: 790, 74: [1, 791], 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($Vv3, [2, 70]), { 76: [1, 792] }, o($VK, [2, 667]), { 11: 106, 306: [1, 793], 602: $VH, 764: $VI }, o($VK, [2, 665]), o($VK, [2, 666]), { 2: $V1, 3: 794, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VK, [2, 587]), { 146: [1, 795] }, o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 95, 124, 128, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 152, 154, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 230, 266, 267, 290, 297, 302, 306, 310, 335, 338, 339, 343, 344, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 396, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 505, 507, 508, 514, 515, 516, 517, 602, 764], $VJ2, { 116: $VK2 }), o($VK, [2, 615]), o($VK, [2, 616]), o($VK, [2, 617]), o($VK, $VA2, { 74: [1, 796] }), { 77: $VB2, 113: 669, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 196: 670, 201: 672, 257: 671, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 302: $Vn1, 419: 673, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vw3, [2, 320]), o($Vw3, [2, 321]), o($Vw3, [2, 322]), o($Vw3, [2, 323]), o($Vw3, [2, 324]), o($Vw3, [2, 325]), o($Vw3, [2, 326]), o($VK, $V0, { 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 114: 625, 327: 637, 12: 797, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $V22, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 146: $V9, 154: $Va2, 156: $Va, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), o($VK, [2, 675], { 74: $Vx3 }), o($VK, [2, 676]), o($Vy3, [2, 354], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VK, [2, 677], { 74: [1, 800] }), o($VK, [2, 678], { 74: [1, 801] }), o($VV1, [2, 683]), o($VV1, [2, 685]), o($VV1, [2, 679]), o($VV1, [2, 680]), { 114: 807, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 124: [1, 802], 230: $VA3, 429: 803, 430: 804, 433: $VB3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 808, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vt1, [2, 656]), o($Vt1, [2, 657]), o($VK, [2, 614], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 100, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 504: 274, 506: 809 }, o($VK, [2, 754], { 74: $VC3 }), o($VD3, [2, 756]), o($VK, [2, 759]), o($VK, [2, 681], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VE3, $VI1, { 186: 811, 195: $VJ1 }), o($VE3, $VI1, { 186: 812, 195: $VJ1 }), o($VE3, $VI1, { 186: 813, 195: $VJ1 }), o($VF3, [2, 1087], { 255: 146, 200: 147, 256: 148, 111: 149, 254: 150, 196: 151, 257: 152, 113: 153, 258: 154, 201: 155, 202: 156, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 144: 161, 262: 162, 263: 163, 56: 165, 158: 167, 3: 168, 419: 190, 188: 814, 174: 815, 253: 816, 94: 817, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VU, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), { 77: [1, 819], 131: $VV, 196: 818 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 100, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 504: 274, 506: 820 }, o($VG3, [2, 153]), o($VG3, [2, 154]), o($VG3, [2, 155]), o($VG3, [2, 156]), o($VG3, [2, 157]), o($VG3, [2, 158]), o($VG3, [2, 159]), o($VL1, [2, 3]), o($VL1, [2, 774]), o($VL1, [2, 775]), o($VL1, [2, 776]), o($VL1, [2, 777]), o($VL1, [2, 778]), o($VL1, [2, 779]), o($VL1, [2, 780]), o($VL1, [2, 781]), o($VL1, [2, 782]), o($VL1, [2, 783]), o($VL1, [2, 784]), o($VL1, [2, 785]), o($VL1, [2, 786]), o($VL1, [2, 787]), o($VL1, [2, 788]), o($VL1, [2, 789]), o($VL1, [2, 790]), o($VL1, [2, 791]), o($VL1, [2, 792]), o($VL1, [2, 793]), o($VL1, [2, 794]), o($VL1, [2, 795]), o($VL1, [2, 796]), o($VL1, [2, 797]), o($VL1, [2, 798]), o($VL1, [2, 799]), o($VL1, [2, 800]), o($VL1, [2, 801]), o($VL1, [2, 802]), o($VL1, [2, 803]), o($VL1, [2, 804]), o($VL1, [2, 805]), o($VL1, [2, 806]), o($VL1, [2, 807]), o($VL1, [2, 808]), o($VL1, [2, 809]), o($VL1, [2, 810]), o($VL1, [2, 811]), o($VL1, [2, 812]), o($VL1, [2, 813]), o($VL1, [2, 814]), o($VL1, [2, 815]), o($VL1, [2, 816]), o($VL1, [2, 817]), o($VL1, [2, 818]), o($VL1, [2, 819]), o($VL1, [2, 820]), o($VL1, [2, 821]), o($VL1, [2, 822]), o($VL1, [2, 823]), o($VL1, [2, 824]), o($VL1, [2, 825]), o($VL1, [2, 826]), o($VL1, [2, 827]), o($VL1, [2, 828]), o($VL1, [2, 829]), o($VL1, [2, 830]), o($VL1, [2, 831]), o($VL1, [2, 832]), o($VL1, [2, 833]), o($VL1, [2, 834]), o($VL1, [2, 835]), o($VL1, [2, 836]), o($VL1, [2, 837]), o($VL1, [2, 838]), o($VL1, [2, 839]), o($VL1, [2, 840]), o($VL1, [2, 841]), o($VL1, [2, 842]), o($VL1, [2, 843]), o($VL1, [2, 844]), o($VL1, [2, 845]), o($VL1, [2, 846]), o($VL1, [2, 847]), o($VL1, [2, 848]), o($VL1, [2, 849]), o($VL1, [2, 850]), o($VL1, [2, 851]), o($VL1, [2, 852]), o($VL1, [2, 853]), o($VL1, [2, 854]), o($VL1, [2, 855]), o($VL1, [2, 856]), o($VL1, [2, 857]), o($VL1, [2, 858]), o($VL1, [2, 859]), o($VL1, [2, 860]), o($VL1, [2, 861]), o($VL1, [2, 862]), o($VL1, [2, 863]), o($VL1, [2, 864]), o($VL1, [2, 865]), o($VL1, [2, 866]), o($VL1, [2, 867]), o($VL1, [2, 868]), o($VL1, [2, 869]), o($VL1, [2, 870]), o($VL1, [2, 871]), o($VL1, [2, 872]), o($VL1, [2, 873]), o($VL1, [2, 874]), o($VL1, [2, 875]), o($VL1, [2, 876]), o($VL1, [2, 877]), o($VL1, [2, 878]), o($VL1, [2, 879]), o($VL1, [2, 880]), o($VL1, [2, 881]), o($VL1, [2, 882]), o($VL1, [2, 883]), o($VL1, [2, 884]), o($VL1, [2, 885]), o($VL1, [2, 886]), o($VL1, [2, 887]), o($VL1, [2, 888]), o($VL1, [2, 889]), o($VL1, [2, 890]), o($VL1, [2, 891]), o($VL1, [2, 892]), o($VL1, [2, 893]), o($VL1, [2, 894]), o($VL1, [2, 895]), o($VL1, [2, 896]), o($VL1, [2, 897]), o($VL1, [2, 898]), o($VL1, [2, 899]), o($VL1, [2, 900]), o($VL1, [2, 901]), o($VL1, [2, 902]), o($VL1, [2, 903]), o($VL1, [2, 904]), o($VL1, [2, 905]), o($VL1, [2, 906]), o($VL1, [2, 907]), o($VL1, [2, 908]), o($VL1, [2, 909]), o($VL1, [2, 910]), o($VL1, [2, 911]), o($VL1, [2, 912]), o($VL1, [2, 913]), o($VL1, [2, 914]), o($VL1, [2, 915]), o($VL1, [2, 916]), o($VL1, [2, 917]), o($VL1, [2, 918]), o($VL1, [2, 919]), o($VL1, [2, 920]), o($VL1, [2, 921]), o($VL1, [2, 922]), o($VL1, [2, 923]), o($VL1, [2, 924]), o($VL1, [2, 925]), o($VL1, [2, 926]), o($VL1, [2, 927]), o($VL1, [2, 928]), o($VL1, [2, 929]), o($VL1, [2, 930]), o($VL1, [2, 931]), o($VL1, [2, 932]), o($VL1, [2, 933]), o($VL1, [2, 934]), o($VL1, [2, 935]), o($VL1, [2, 936]), o($VL1, [2, 937]), o($VL1, [2, 938]), o($VL1, [2, 939]), o($VL1, [2, 940]), o($VL1, [2, 941]), o($VL1, [2, 942]), o($VL1, [2, 943]), o($VL1, [2, 944]), o($VL1, [2, 945]), o($VL1, [2, 946]), o($VL1, [2, 947]), o($VL1, [2, 948]), o($VL1, [2, 949]), o($VL1, [2, 950]), o($VL1, [2, 951]), o($VL1, [2, 952]), o($VL1, [2, 953]), o($VL1, [2, 954]), o($VL1, [2, 955]), o($VL1, [2, 956]), o($VL1, [2, 957]), o($VL1, [2, 958]), o($VL1, [2, 959]), o($VL1, [2, 960]), o($VL1, [2, 961]), o($VL1, [2, 962]), o($VL1, [2, 963]), o($VL1, [2, 964]), o($VL1, [2, 965]), o($VL1, [2, 966]), o($VL1, [2, 967]), o($VL1, [2, 968]), o($VL1, [2, 969]), o($VL1, [2, 970]), o($VL1, [2, 971]), o($VL1, [2, 972]), o($VL1, [2, 973]), o($VL1, [2, 974]), o($VL1, [2, 975]), o($VL1, [2, 976]), o($VL1, [2, 977]), o($VL1, [2, 978]), o($VL1, [2, 979]), o($VL1, [2, 980]), o($VL1, [2, 981]), o($VL1, [2, 982]), o($VL1, [2, 983]), o($VL1, [2, 984]), o($VL1, [2, 985]), o($VL1, [2, 986]), o($VL1, [2, 987]), o($VL1, [2, 988]), o($VL1, [2, 989]), o($VL1, [2, 990]), o($VL1, [2, 991]), o($VL1, [2, 992]), o($VL1, [2, 993]), o($VL1, [2, 994]), o($VL1, [2, 995]), o($VL1, [2, 996]), o($VL1, [2, 997]), o($VL1, [2, 998]), o($VL1, [2, 999]), o($VL1, [2, 1000]), o($VL1, [2, 1001]), o($VL1, [2, 1002]), o($VL1, [2, 1003]), o($VL1, [2, 1004]), o($VL1, [2, 1005]), o($VL1, [2, 1006]), o($VL1, [2, 1007]), o($VL1, [2, 1008]), o($VL1, [2, 1009]), o($VL1, [2, 1010]), o($VL1, [2, 1011]), o($VL1, [2, 1012]), o($VL1, [2, 1013]), o($VL1, [2, 1014]), o($VL1, [2, 1015]), o($VL1, [2, 1016]), o($VL1, [2, 1017]), o($VL1, [2, 1018]), o($VL1, [2, 1019]), o($VL1, [2, 1020]), o($VL1, [2, 1021]), o($VL1, [2, 1022]), o($VL1, [2, 1023]), o($VL1, [2, 1024]), o($VL1, [2, 1025]), o($VL1, [2, 1026]), o($VL1, [2, 1027]), o($VL1, [2, 1028]), o($VL1, [2, 1029]), o($VL1, [2, 1030]), o($VL1, [2, 1031]), o($VL1, [2, 1032]), o($VL1, [2, 1033]), o($VL1, [2, 1034]), o($VL1, [2, 1035]), o($VL1, [2, 1036]), o($VL1, [2, 1037]), o($VL1, [2, 1038]), o($VL1, [2, 1039]), o($VL1, [2, 1040]), o($VJ, [2, 7]), o($VJ, $V0, { 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 12: 821, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 124: $V8, 146: $V9, 156: $Va, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), { 396: [1, 825], 401: [1, 822], 402: [1, 823], 403: [1, 824] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 826, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VE3, [2, 1111], { 289: 827, 767: 829, 78: [1, 828], 164: [1, 831], 185: [1, 830] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 832, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 833, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 834, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: [1, 835] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 836, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: [1, 837] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 838, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 839, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 154: [1, 840] }, o($VH3, $VP1, { 350: 841, 156: $VQ1 }), { 230: [1, 842] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 843, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VK, [2, 729], { 74: $VI3 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 845, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VD3, [2, 732]), o($VJ3, [2, 1143], { 419: 190, 476: 846, 144: 847, 139: $VK3, 141: $VK3, 145: $VC1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), { 139: [1, 848], 141: [1, 849] }, o($VL3, $VM3, { 490: 851, 493: 852, 77: [1, 850], 137: $VS1 }), o($VN3, [2, 1167], { 494: 853, 132: [1, 854] }), o($VO3, [2, 1171], { 496: 855, 497: 856, 152: $VT1 }), o($VO3, [2, 747]), o($VP3, [2, 739]), { 2: $V1, 3: 857, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 131: [1, 858] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 859, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 860, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vt1, $VP1, { 350: 861, 156: $VQ1 }), o($Vt1, $VP1, { 350: 862, 156: $VQ1 }), o($VY1, [2, 491]), o($VY1, [2, 492]), { 183: [1, 863] }, { 183: [2, 1142] }, o($VQ3, [2, 1137], { 466: 864, 469: 865, 137: [1, 866] }), o($VU1, [2, 1136]), o($VR3, $VS3, { 510: 867, 95: $VT3, 230: [1, 868], 514: $VU3, 515: $VV3, 516: $VW3 }), { 76: [1, 873] }, { 76: [1, 874] }, { 145: $VT, 450: 875 }, { 4: $VX3, 7: 879, 76: [1, 877], 272: 876, 387: 878, 389: $VY3 }, o($VK, [2, 456], { 128: [1, 882] }), o($VK, [2, 579]), { 2: $V1, 3: 883, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 298: [1, 884] }, o($VH3, $VW1, { 398: 885, 156: $VX1 }), o($VK, [2, 593]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 887, 399: 886 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 887, 399: 888 }, o($VK, [2, 772]), o($VJ, [2, 669], { 438: 889, 310: [1, 890] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 891, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 892, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 893, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 894, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 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113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 897, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 898, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 899, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 900, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 901, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 902, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 903, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 904, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 905, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 906, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 907, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 909], 131: $VV, 156: $VL, 196: 908, 200: 910, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP }, { 2: $V1, 3: 911, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 913], 131: $VV, 156: $VL, 196: 912, 200: 914, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP }, o($VZ3, [2, 440], { 255: 146, 200: 147, 256: 148, 111: 149, 254: 150, 196: 151, 257: 152, 113: 153, 258: 154, 201: 155, 202: 156, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 144: 161, 262: 162, 263: 163, 56: 165, 158: 167, 3: 168, 419: 190, 94: 915, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VU, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), o($VZ3, [2, 441], { 255: 146, 200: 147, 256: 148, 111: 149, 254: 150, 196: 151, 257: 152, 113: 153, 258: 154, 201: 155, 202: 156, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 144: 161, 262: 162, 263: 163, 56: 165, 158: 167, 3: 168, 419: 190, 94: 916, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VU, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), o($VZ3, [2, 442], { 255: 146, 200: 147, 256: 148, 111: 149, 254: 150, 196: 151, 257: 152, 113: 153, 258: 154, 201: 155, 202: 156, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 144: 161, 262: 162, 263: 163, 56: 165, 158: 167, 3: 168, 419: 190, 94: 917, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VU, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), o($VZ3, [2, 443], { 255: 146, 200: 147, 256: 148, 111: 149, 254: 150, 196: 151, 257: 152, 113: 153, 258: 154, 201: 155, 202: 156, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 144: 161, 262: 162, 263: 163, 56: 165, 158: 167, 3: 168, 419: 190, 94: 918, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VU, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), o($VZ3, $V_3, { 255: 146, 200: 147, 256: 148, 111: 149, 254: 150, 196: 151, 257: 152, 113: 153, 258: 154, 201: 155, 202: 156, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 144: 161, 262: 162, 263: 163, 56: 165, 158: 167, 3: 168, 419: 190, 94: 919, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VU, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 920, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 921, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VZ3, [2, 445], { 255: 146, 200: 147, 256: 148, 111: 149, 254: 150, 196: 151, 257: 152, 113: 153, 258: 154, 201: 155, 202: 156, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 144: 161, 262: 162, 263: 163, 56: 165, 158: 167, 3: 168, 419: 190, 94: 922, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VU, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 923, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 924, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 164: [1, 926], 166: [1, 928], 328: 925, 334: [1, 927] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 929, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 930, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 695, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 931], 111: 934, 145: $V$3, 156: $VL, 200: 935, 202: 933, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 329: 932 }, { 99: [1, 937], 297: [1, 938] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 939, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 940, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 941, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 4: $VX3, 7: 879, 272: 942, 387: 878, 389: $VY3 }, o($V04, [2, 88]), o($V04, [2, 89]), { 78: [1, 943] }, { 78: [1, 944] }, { 78: [1, 945] }, { 78: [1, 946], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($Vt1, $Vu1, { 340: 207, 77: $VO1, 198: $Vv1 }), { 78: [2, 1107] }, { 78: [2, 1108] }, { 134: $VR, 135: $VS }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 947, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 164: [1, 949], 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 185: [1, 948], 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 950, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 149: $V14, 180: [1, 952] }, o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 118, 122, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 314, 330, 331, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 416], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($V24, [2, 417], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2 }), o($V24, [2, 418], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2 }), o($V34, [2, 419], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 316: $Vj2 }), o($V34, [2, 420], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 316: $Vj2 }), o($Vz2, [2, 365]), o($Vz2, [2, 1113]), o($Vz2, [2, 1114]), o($Vz2, [2, 366]), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 362]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 953, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VD2, [2, 620]), o($VD2, [2, 621]), o($VD2, [2, 622]), o($VD2, [2, 623]), o($VD2, [2, 625]), { 40: 954, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 304: 955, 307: 677, 308: $VC2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 305: 956, 306: $V44, 307: 957, 308: $VC2, 310: $V54 }, o($V64, [2, 372]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 959, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 960, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 4: $VX3, 7: 879, 272: 961, 387: 878, 389: $VY3 }, o($VD2, [2, 626]), { 74: [1, 963], 300: [1, 962] }, o($VD2, [2, 642]), o($V74, [2, 649]), o($V84, [2, 627]), o($V84, [2, 628]), o($V84, [2, 629]), o($V84, [2, 630]), o($V84, [2, 631]), o($V84, [2, 632]), o($V84, [2, 633]), o($V84, [2, 634]), o($V84, [2, 635]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 964, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 426, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $Vy2, { 77: $VN1, 116: $V94 }), { 74: $Vx3, 300: [1, 966] }, o($Va4, [2, 314], { 77: $VN1 }), o($VB1, [2, 315]), { 74: [1, 968], 426: [1, 967] }, o($VD2, [2, 639]), o($Vb4, [2, 644]), { 152: [1, 969] }, { 152: [1, 970] }, { 152: [1, 971] }, { 40: 976, 77: [1, 975], 79: 75, 89: $V7, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 149: $Vc4, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 341: 972, 342: 973, 343: [1, 974], 344: $Vd4, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vt1, $Vu1, { 340: 981, 198: $Vv1 }), { 77: $Ve4, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 149: $Vc4, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 341: 982, 342: 983, 344: $Vd4, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 230: [1, 986], 455: 985 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 219, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $Vw1, 132: $Vx1, 143: $VY, 144: 212, 145: $VZ, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 199: 213, 200: 215, 201: 214, 202: 217, 209: 987, 213: $Vy1, 214: 218, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 231: [2, 696] }, { 78: [1, 988] }, o($VI2, [2, 1093], { 211: 989, 3: 990, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }), o($VH2, [2, 1092]), o($VI2, [2, 183]), { 2: $V1, 3: 991, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 212: [1, 992] }, o($VI2, [2, 187]), { 2: $V1, 3: 993, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VI2, [2, 191]), { 2: $V1, 3: 994, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VI2, [2, 195]), { 2: $V1, 3: 995, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VI2, [2, 198]), { 2: $V1, 3: 996, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 997, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 148: [1, 998] }, o($Vf4, [2, 172], { 82: 999, 183: [1, 1000] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 219, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: [1, 1005], 143: $VY, 145: [1, 1006], 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 199: 1001, 200: 1002, 201: 1003, 202: 1004, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 302: $Vn1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 109: 1007, 110: 1008, 111: 1009, 112: $Vg4 }, o($VO2, [2, 1058]), o($Vh4, [2, 1049], { 91: 1012, 182: 1013, 183: [1, 1014] }), o($VA1, [2, 1048], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 74, 76, 78, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 198, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], [2, 90], { 77: [1, 1019] }), { 119: [1, 1020] }, o($Vl4, [2, 93]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1021, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vl4, [2, 95]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1022, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1023, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1025, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 125: 1024, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 77: [1, 1026] }, { 77: [1, 1027] }, { 77: [1, 1028] }, { 77: [1, 1029] }, o($Vl4, [2, 104]), o($Vl4, [2, 105]), o($Vl4, [2, 106]), o($Vl4, [2, 107]), o($Vl4, [2, 108]), o($Vl4, [2, 109]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1030, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1031, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 133: [1, 1032] }, o($Vl4, [2, 113]), o($Vl4, [2, 114]), o($Vl4, [2, 115]), o($Vl4, [2, 116]), o($Vl4, [2, 117]), o($Vl4, [2, 118]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1033, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VB2, 113: 669, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 196: 670, 201: 672, 257: 671, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 302: $Vn1, 419: 673, 424: $Vs1 }, { 145: [1, 1034] }, { 77: [1, 1035] }, { 145: [1, 1036] }, o($Vl4, [2, 123]), { 77: [1, 1037] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1038, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 77: [1, 1039] }, { 77: [1, 1040] }, { 77: [1, 1041] }, { 77: [1, 1042] }, { 77: [1, 1043], 164: [1, 1044] }, { 77: [1, 1045] }, { 77: [1, 1046] }, { 77: [1, 1047] }, { 77: [1, 1048] }, { 77: [1, 1049] }, { 77: [1, 1050] }, { 77: [1, 1051] }, { 77: [1, 1052] }, { 77: [1, 1053] }, { 77: [2, 1073] }, { 77: [2, 1074] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1054 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1055 }, { 113: 1056, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, o($VK, [2, 596], { 112: [1, 1057] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1058 }, { 113: 1059, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1060, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VK, [2, 693]), o($VK, [2, 68]), { 2: $V1, 3: 236, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 75: 1061 }, { 77: [1, 1062] }, o($VK, [2, 674]), o($VK, [2, 586]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 111: 1065, 143: $Vm4, 145: $Vn4, 147: 1063, 336: 1064, 337: 1066 }, { 144: 1069, 145: $VC1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VK, [2, 671]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1070, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VZ3, $V_3, { 255: 146, 200: 147, 256: 148, 111: 149, 254: 150, 196: 151, 257: 152, 113: 153, 258: 154, 201: 155, 202: 156, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 144: 161, 262: 162, 263: 163, 56: 165, 158: 167, 3: 168, 419: 190, 94: 1071, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VU, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), { 113: 1072, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 266, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 446: 1073, 447: $VE1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1075, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 230: $VA3, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1, 429: 1074, 433: $VB3 }, o($VK, [2, 651]), { 114: 1077, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 124: [1, 1076] }, o($VK, [2, 663]), o($VK, [2, 664]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1079, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $Vo4, 131: $Vp4, 432: 1078 }, { 114: 807, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 124: [1, 1082], 430: 1083 }, o($VK, [2, 753], { 74: $VC3 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 100, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 504: 1084 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 817, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 174: 1085, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 253: 816, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 817, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 174: 1086, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 253: 816, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 817, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 174: 1087, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 253: 816, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VF3, [2, 151]), o($VF3, [2, 1088], { 74: $Vq4 }), o($Vr4, [2, 273]), o($Vr4, [2, 280], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 3: 1090, 113: 1092, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1089], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 131: [1, 1091], 132: $VW, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 296: $Vj1, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VH1, [2, 1089], { 197: 1093, 765: [1, 1094] }), { 131: $VV, 196: 1095 }, { 74: $VC3, 78: [1, 1096] }, o($VJ, [2, 11]), { 148: [1, 1097], 190: [1, 1098] }, { 190: [1, 1099] }, { 190: [1, 1100] }, { 190: [1, 1101] }, o($VK, [2, 575], { 76: [1, 1103], 77: [1, 1102] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1104, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vz2, [2, 346]), o($VE3, [2, 1112]), o($VE3, [2, 1109]), o($VE3, [2, 1110]), { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1105] }, { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1106] }, { 74: [1, 1107] }, { 74: [1, 1108] }, { 74: [1, 1109] }, { 74: [1, 1110] }, o($Vz2, [2, 353]), o($VK, [2, 580]), { 298: [1, 1111] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1112, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 113: 1113, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1114 }, { 230: [1, 1115] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 578, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $VR1, 137: $VS1, 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 152: $VT1, 431: 585, 474: 1116, 475: 576, 478: 577, 482: 582, 493: 579, 497: 581 }, o($VK, [2, 730], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VD3, [2, 1145], { 477: 1117, 483: 1118, 76: $Vs4 }), o($VJ3, [2, 1144]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1122, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $VR1, 137: $VS1, 144: 1121, 145: $VC1, 152: $VT1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1, 475: 1120, 493: 579, 497: 581 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1122, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $VR1, 137: $VS1, 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 152: $VT1, 431: 585, 475: 1124, 478: 1123, 482: 582, 493: 579, 497: 581 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 578, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $VR1, 137: $VS1, 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 152: $VT1, 431: 585, 473: 1125, 474: 575, 475: 576, 478: 577, 482: 582, 493: 579, 497: 581 }, o($VN3, [2, 1163], { 491: 1126, 132: [1, 1127] }), o($VL3, [2, 1162]), o($VO3, [2, 1169], { 495: 1128, 497: 1129, 152: $VT1 }), o($VN3, [2, 1168]), o($VO3, [2, 746]), o($VO3, [2, 1172]), o($VL3, [2, 749]), o($VL3, [2, 750]), o($VO3, [2, 748]), o($VP3, [2, 740]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1130 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1131 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1132, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vt4, [2, 1139], { 467: 1133, 113: 1134, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }), o($VQ3, [2, 1138]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1135, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 335: $Vu4, 338: $Vv4, 339: $Vw4, 511: 1136 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1140 }, o($VR3, [2, 765]), o($VR3, [2, 766]), o($VR3, [2, 767]), { 129: [1, 1141] }, { 266: [1, 1142] }, { 266: [1, 1143] }, o($VV1, [2, 688]), o($VV1, [2, 689], { 124: [1, 1144] }), { 4: $VX3, 7: 879, 272: 1145, 387: 878, 389: $VY3 }, o([2, 4, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 297, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 343, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 542], { 5: [1, 1146] }), o([2, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 297, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 343, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 539], { 4: [1, 1148], 77: [1, 1147] }), { 77: [1, 1149] }, o($Vx4, [2, 4]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1150, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VK, [2, 588]), o($VH3, [2, 568]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1151, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 113: 1152, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, o($VK, [2, 564], { 74: $Vy4 }), o($VV1, [2, 566]), o($VK, [2, 613], { 74: $Vy4 }), o($VK, [2, 668]), o($VK, $V0, { 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 12: 1154, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 124: $V8, 146: $V9, 156: $Va, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), o($Vz4, [2, 376], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2 }), o($V34, [2, 377], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 316: $Vj2 }), o($Vz4, [2, 378], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2 }), o($VA4, [2, 379], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 314: [1, 1155], 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2 }), o($VA4, [2, 381], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 314: [1, 1156], 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2 }), o($VB1, [2, 383], { 114: 625, 327: 637 }), o($V24, [2, 384], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2 }), o($V24, [2, 385], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2 }), o($VB4, [2, 386], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 136: $V42, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2 }), o($VB4, [2, 387], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 136: $V42, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2 }), o($VB4, [2, 388], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 136: $V42, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2 }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 389], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 136: $V42, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2 }), o($VC4, [2, 390], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2 }), o($VC4, [2, 391], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2 }), o($VC4, [2, 392], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2 }), o($VC4, [2, 393], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2 }), o($Va4, [2, 394], { 77: $VN1 }), o($VB1, [2, 395]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1157, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VB1, [2, 397]), o($Va4, [2, 398], { 77: $VN1 }), o($VB1, [2, 399]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1158, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VB1, [2, 401]), o($VD4, [2, 402], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VD4, [2, 403], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VD4, [2, 404], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VD4, [2, 405], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 89, 99, 124, 139, 140, 146, 154, 156, 170, 171, 189, 266, 267, 290, 306, 310, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VE4, { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VD4, [2, 407], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VD4, [2, 408], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VD4, [2, 409], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VD4, [2, 410], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VD4, [2, 411], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), { 77: [1, 1159] }, { 77: [2, 446] }, { 77: [2, 447] }, { 77: [2, 448] }, o($VF4, [2, 414], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 332: $Vw2 }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 107, 118, 122, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 314, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 415], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 40: 1160, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 78: [1, 1162], 79: 75, 89: $V7, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1161, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VB1, [2, 428]), o($VB1, [2, 430]), o($VB1, [2, 437]), o($VB1, [2, 438]), { 2: $V1, 3: 667, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 1163] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 695, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 1164], 111: 934, 145: $V$3, 156: $VL, 200: 935, 202: 1166, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 329: 1165 }, o($VB1, [2, 435]), o($VF4, [2, 432], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VF4, [2, 433], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 332: $Vw2 }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 314, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 434], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2 }), o($VB1, [2, 436]), o($VB1, [2, 306]), o($VB1, [2, 307]), o($VB1, [2, 308]), o($VB1, [2, 421]), { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1167] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1168, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1169, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VB1, $VG4), o($VH4, [2, 286]), o($VB1, [2, 282]), { 78: [1, 1171], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1172] }, { 305: 1173, 306: $V44, 307: 957, 308: $VC2, 310: $V54 }, { 306: [1, 1174] }, o($V64, [2, 371]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1175, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 309: [1, 1176], 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 76: [1, 1177], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 74: [1, 1178] }, o($VD2, [2, 640]), { 2: $V1, 3: 695, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VE2, 111: 690, 113: 688, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 144: 685, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 196: 687, 200: 693, 201: 692, 257: 689, 258: 691, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 300: [1, 1179], 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 422: 1180, 423: 686, 424: $Vs1 }, { 78: [1, 1181], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1182, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 149: $V14 }, o($VB1, [2, 364]), o($VD2, [2, 637]), { 2: $V1, 3: 704, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 131: $VF2, 132: $VG2, 426: [1, 1183], 428: 1184 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 695, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VE2, 111: 690, 113: 688, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 144: 685, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 196: 687, 200: 693, 201: 692, 257: 689, 258: 691, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 422: 1185, 423: 686, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 695, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VE2, 111: 690, 113: 688, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 144: 685, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 196: 687, 200: 693, 201: 692, 257: 689, 258: 691, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 422: 1186, 423: 686, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 695, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VE2, 111: 690, 113: 688, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 144: 685, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 196: 687, 200: 693, 201: 692, 257: 689, 258: 691, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 422: 1187, 423: 686, 424: $Vs1 }, { 77: $Ve4, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 342: 1188, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 458], { 74: $VJ4 }), { 149: $Vc4, 341: 1190, 344: $Vd4 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1194, 100: 1191, 111: 1193, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 345: 1192, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 466]), o($VK4, [2, 469]), o($VK4, [2, 470]), o($VL4, [2, 474]), o($VL4, [2, 475]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1195 }, { 77: $Ve4, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 342: 1196, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 462], { 74: $VJ4 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1194, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 345: 1192, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 308: $VM4, 456: 1197, 458: 1198, 459: 1199 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1201, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 230: [2, 697] }, o($VI2, [2, 181], { 3: 1202, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1203] }), o($VI2, [2, 182]), o($VI2, [2, 1094]), o($VI2, [2, 184]), o($VI2, [2, 186]), o($VI2, [2, 188]), o($VI2, [2, 192]), o($VI2, [2, 196]), o($VI2, [2, 199]), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 118, 124, 128, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 152, 154, 156, 162, 168, 169, 181, 183, 187, 189, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 245, 247, 266, 267, 290, 297, 302, 306, 310, 335, 338, 339, 343, 344, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 396, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 505, 507, 508, 514, 515, 516, 517, 602, 764], [2, 201]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1204, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VN4, [2, 1045], { 83: 1205, 92: 1206, 93: [1, 1207], 98: [1, 1208] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 219, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 1210], 132: $Vx1, 143: $VY, 144: 212, 145: $VZ, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 199: 213, 200: 215, 201: 214, 202: 217, 203: 1209, 209: 1211, 213: $Vy1, 214: 218, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VL2, [2, 164]), o($VL2, [2, 165]), o($VL2, [2, 166]), o($VL2, [2, 167]), o($VL2, [2, 168]), { 2: $V1, 3: 667, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vz1, [2, 83], { 74: [1, 1212] }), o($VO4, [2, 85]), o($VO4, [2, 86]), { 113: 1213, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, o([10, 72, 74, 78, 93, 98, 118, 124, 128, 162, 168, 169, 183, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vy2, { 116: $V94 }), o($Vh4, [2, 73]), o($Vh4, [2, 1050]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1214, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vl4, [2, 126]), o($Vl4, [2, 144]), o($Vl4, [2, 145]), o($Vl4, [2, 146]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 78: [2, 1065], 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 127: 1215, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1216, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 77: [1, 1217] }, o($Vl4, [2, 94]), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 198, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], [2, 96], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 112, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 198, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], [2, 97], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 78: [1, 1218], 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1219, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VP4, [2, 1061], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1221, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 126: 1220, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1222, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1223, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1224, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vl4, [2, 110]), o($Vl4, [2, 111]), o($Vl4, [2, 112]), o($Vl4, [2, 119]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1225, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 111: 1065, 143: $Vm4, 145: $Vn4, 147: 1226, 336: 1064, 337: 1066 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1227, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1228, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vl4, [2, 125]), o($VP4, [2, 1067], { 155: 1229 }), o($VP4, [2, 1069], { 157: 1230 }), o($VP4, [2, 1071], { 159: 1231 }), o($VP4, [2, 1075], { 161: 1232 }), o($VQ4, $VR4, { 163: 1233, 178: 1234 }), { 77: [1, 1235] }, o($VP4, [2, 1077], { 165: 1236 }), o($VP4, [2, 1079], { 167: 1237 }), o($VQ4, $VR4, { 178: 1234, 163: 1238 }), o($VQ4, $VR4, { 178: 1234, 163: 1239 }), o($VQ4, $VR4, { 178: 1234, 163: 1240 }), o($VQ4, $VR4, { 178: 1234, 163: 1241 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1242, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 817, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 174: 1243, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 253: 816, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VS4, [2, 1081], { 176: 1244 }), o($VK, [2, 606], { 183: [1, 1245] }), o($VK, [2, 602], { 183: [1, 1246] }), o($VK, [2, 595]), { 113: 1247, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, o($VK, [2, 604], { 183: [1, 1248] }), o($VK, [2, 599]), o($VK, [2, 600], { 112: [1, 1249] }), o($Vv3, [2, 69]), { 40: 1250, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($VK, [2, 450], { 74: $VT4, 128: [1, 1251] }), o($VU4, [2, 451]), { 124: [1, 1253] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1254, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vt1, [2, 1115]), o($Vt1, [2, 1116]), o($VK, [2, 618]), o($Vy3, [2, 355], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VD4, $VE4, { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VV1, [2, 682]), o($VV1, [2, 684]), o($VK, [2, 650]), o($VK, [2, 652], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1255, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1079, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $Vo4, 131: $Vp4, 432: 1256 }, o($VV4, [2, 659]), o($VV4, [2, 660]), o($VV4, [2, 661]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1257, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1258, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 114: 1077, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 124: [1, 1259] }, o($VD3, [2, 755]), o($VF3, [2, 148], { 74: $Vq4 }), o($VF3, [2, 149], { 74: $Vq4 }), o($VF3, [2, 150], { 74: $Vq4 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 817, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 253: 1260, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1261, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 113: 1263, 131: [1, 1262], 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, o($Vr4, [2, 275]), o($Vr4, [2, 277]), o($Vr4, [2, 279]), o($VH1, [2, 160]), o($VH1, [2, 1090]), { 78: [1, 1264] }, o($VK1, [2, 758]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1265, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1266, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1268, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 384: 1267 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1268, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 384: 1269 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1270, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1271, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1272, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1273] }, o($Vz2, [2, 347]), o($Vz2, [2, 348]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1274, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1275, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1276, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1277, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VH3, [2, 504]), o($VK, $VW4, { 407: 1278, 76: $VX4, 77: [1, 1279] }), o($VK, $VW4, { 407: 1281, 76: $VX4 }), { 77: [1, 1282] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1283 }, o($VD3, [2, 731]), o($VD3, [2, 733]), o($VD3, [2, 1146]), { 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 431: 1284 }, o($VY4, [2, 1147], { 419: 190, 479: 1285, 144: 1286, 145: $VC1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), { 76: $Vs4, 139: [2, 1151], 481: 1287, 483: 1288 }, o([10, 74, 76, 78, 132, 139, 145, 152, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], $VM3, { 490: 851, 493: 852, 137: $VS1 }), o($VD3, [2, 736]), o($VD3, $VK3), { 74: $VI3, 78: [1, 1289] }, o($VO3, [2, 1165], { 492: 1290, 497: 1291, 152: $VT1 }), o($VN3, [2, 1164]), o($VO3, [2, 745]), o($VO3, [2, 1170]), o($VK, [2, 490], { 77: [1, 1292] }), { 76: [1, 1294], 77: [1, 1293] }, { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 148: [1, 1295], 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($VI4, $VZ4, { 79: 75, 184: 99, 468: 1296, 40: 1299, 89: $V7, 146: $V_4, 189: $Vb, 470: $V$4 }), o($Vt4, [2, 1140]), o($VQ3, [2, 723]), { 230: [1, 1300] }, o($V05, [2, 769]), o($V05, [2, 770]), o($V05, [2, 771]), o($VR3, $VS3, { 510: 1301, 95: $VT3, 514: $VU3, 515: $VV3, 516: $VW3 }), o($VR3, [2, 768]), o($VK, [2, 312]), o($VK, [2, 313]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1302, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VV1, [2, 690], { 124: [1, 1303] }), o($Vx4, [2, 541]), { 131: [1, 1305], 388: 1304, 390: [1, 1306] }, o($Vx4, [2, 5]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1194, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 345: 1307, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VK, [2, 455], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VK, [2, 589]), o($VK, [2, 590]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1308 }, o($VK, [2, 670]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1309, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1310, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 78: [1, 1311], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1312], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 40: 1313, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1314, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 78: [1, 1315] }, { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1316] }, o($VB1, [2, 426]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1317, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 40: 1318, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 78: [1, 1320], 79: 75, 89: $V7, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1319, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VB1, [2, 429]), o($VB1, [2, 431]), o($VB1, $V15, { 275: 1321, 276: $V25 }), { 78: [1, 1323], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1324], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1325, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 180: [1, 1326] }, o($VD2, [2, 619]), o($VB1, [2, 363]), { 306: [1, 1327] }, o($VB1, [2, 370]), { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 306: [2, 374], 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1328, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 4: $VX3, 7: 879, 272: 1329, 387: 878, 389: $VY3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1330, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VD2, [2, 641]), o($V74, [2, 648]), o($V84, [2, 636]), o($VH4, $VG4), o($VD2, [2, 638]), o($Vb4, [2, 643]), o($Vb4, [2, 645]), o($Vb4, [2, 646]), o($Vb4, [2, 647]), o($VI4, [2, 457], { 74: $VJ4 }), { 77: [1, 1332], 143: $VY, 144: 1333, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 201: 1334, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 463]), { 74: $V35, 78: [1, 1335] }, { 74: $V45, 78: [1, 1337] }, o([74, 78, 99, 112, 115, 116, 123, 124, 133, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 154, 170, 171, 179, 180, 311, 312, 313, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333], $V55), o($V65, [2, 479], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 40: 1341, 77: $Ve4, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 149: $Vc4, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 341: 1339, 342: 1340, 344: $Vd4, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 461], { 74: $VJ4 }), o($VK, [2, 717], { 457: 1342, 458: 1343, 459: 1344, 308: $VM4, 464: [1, 1345] }), o($V75, [2, 701]), o($V75, [2, 702]), { 154: [1, 1347], 460: [1, 1346] }, { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 308: [2, 698], 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($VI2, [2, 179]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1348, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VK, [2, 574]), o($V85, [2, 238], { 84: 1349, 128: [1, 1350] }), o($VN4, [2, 1046]), { 77: [1, 1351] }, { 77: [1, 1352] }, o($Vf4, [2, 169], { 204: 1353, 215: 1355, 205: 1356, 216: 1357, 221: 1360, 74: $V95, 206: $Va5, 208: $Vb5, 222: $Vc5, 223: $Vd5, 224: $Ve5, 225: $Vf5, 226: $Vg5, 227: $Vh5, 228: $Vi5, 229: $Vj5 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 219, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 40: 711, 77: $Vw1, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 132: $Vx1, 143: $VY, 144: 212, 145: $VZ, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 199: 213, 200: 215, 201: 214, 202: 217, 203: 1369, 209: 1211, 213: $Vy1, 214: 218, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vk5, [2, 177]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 110: 1370, 111: 1009, 112: $Vg4 }, o($VO4, [2, 87]), o($Vh4, [2, 147], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 78: [1, 1371] }, { 74: $Vx3, 78: [2, 1066] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 78: [2, 1059], 94: 1376, 111: 149, 113: 153, 120: 1372, 121: 1373, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 241: 1374, 242: [1, 1375], 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vl4, [2, 98]), o($VP4, [2, 1062], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 78: [1, 1377], 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1378, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VP4, [2, 1063], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), { 78: [1, 1379], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1380], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1381] }, o($Vl4, [2, 120]), { 74: $VT4, 78: [1, 1382] }, o($Vl4, [2, 122]), { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1383] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 78: [1, 1384], 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1385, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 78: [1, 1386], 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1387, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 78: [1, 1388], 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1389, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 78: [1, 1390], 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1391, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 74: $Vl5, 78: [1, 1392] }, o($V65, [2, 143], { 419: 190, 3: 733, 114: 736, 144: 758, 158: 768, 160: 769, 117: 1394, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 112: $VS2, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), o($VQ4, $VR4, { 178: 1234, 163: 1395 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 78: [1, 1396], 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1397, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 78: [1, 1398], 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1399, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 74: $Vl5, 78: [1, 1400] }, { 74: $Vl5, 78: [1, 1401] }, { 74: $Vl5, 78: [1, 1402] }, { 74: $Vl5, 78: [1, 1403] }, { 78: [1, 1404], 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }, { 74: $Vq4, 78: [1, 1405] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 74: [1, 1406], 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1407, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1408, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1409, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VK, [2, 597]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1410, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 113: 1411, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, { 78: [1, 1412] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1413, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 111: 1065, 143: $Vm4, 145: $Vn4, 336: 1414, 337: 1066 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1415, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 124: [1, 1416] }, o($VK, [2, 653], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VV4, [2, 658]), { 78: [1, 1417], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($VK, [2, 654], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1418, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vr4, [2, 272]), o($Vr4, [2, 274]), o($Vr4, [2, 276]), o($Vr4, [2, 278]), o($VH1, [2, 161]), o($VK, [2, 569]), { 148: [1, 1419] }, o($VK, [2, 570]), o($VD3, [2, 536], { 387: 878, 7: 879, 272: 1420, 4: $VX3, 386: [1, 1421], 389: $VY3 }), o($VK, [2, 571]), o($VK, [2, 573]), { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1422] }, o($VK, [2, 577]), o($Vz2, [2, 345]), { 74: [1, 1423], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 74: [1, 1424], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 74: [1, 1425], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 74: [1, 1426], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($VK, [2, 581]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1427, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1428, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VK, [2, 583]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1376, 111: 149, 113: 153, 120: 1429, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 241: 1374, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 77: [1, 1430] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1431, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 76: $Vs4, 139: [2, 1149], 480: 1432, 483: 1433 }, o($VY4, [2, 1148]), { 139: [1, 1434] }, { 139: [2, 1152] }, o($VD3, [2, 737]), o($VO3, [2, 744]), o($VO3, [2, 1166]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1268, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1437], 351: 1435, 358: 1436, 384: 1438 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 100: 1439, 111: 1440 }, { 40: 1441, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1442, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 722]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 111: 1065, 143: $Vm4, 145: $Vn4, 147: 1443, 336: 1064, 337: 1066 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1444, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 727]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1445 }, { 335: $Vu4, 338: $Vv4, 339: $Vw4, 511: 1446 }, o($VV1, [2, 691], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1447, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 74: [1, 1448], 78: [1, 1449] }, o($V65, [2, 543]), o($V65, [2, 544]), { 74: $V45, 78: [1, 1450] }, o($VV1, [2, 565]), o($Vz4, [2, 380], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2 }), o($Vz4, [2, 382], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2 }), o($VB1, [2, 396]), o($VB1, [2, 400]), { 78: [1, 1451] }, { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1452] }, o($VB1, [2, 422]), o($VB1, [2, 424]), { 78: [1, 1453], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1454] }, { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1455] }, o($VB1, [2, 427]), o($VB1, [2, 327]), { 77: [1, 1456] }, o($VB1, $V15, { 275: 1457, 276: $V25 }), o($VB1, $V15, { 275: 1458, 276: $V25 }), o($VH4, [2, 284]), o($VB1, [2, 281]), o($VB1, [2, 369]), o($V64, [2, 373], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 74: [1, 1460], 78: [1, 1459] }, { 74: [1, 1462], 78: [1, 1461], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1325, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1194, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 345: 1463, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VL4, [2, 477]), o($VL4, [2, 478]), { 40: 1466, 77: $Ve4, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 149: $Vc4, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 341: 1464, 342: 1465, 344: $Vd4, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 111: 1467 }, o($VL4, [2, 473]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1468, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 77: $Ve4, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 342: 1469, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 460], { 74: $VJ4 }), o($VI4, [2, 467]), o($VK, [2, 694]), o($V75, [2, 699]), o($V75, [2, 700]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 817, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 174: 1470, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 253: 816, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 170: [1, 1472], 309: [1, 1471] }, { 460: [1, 1473] }, o($VI2, [2, 180]), o($Vm5, [2, 240], { 85: 1474, 232: [1, 1475] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1476, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1477, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1478, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vf4, [2, 170], { 216: 1357, 221: 1360, 215: 1479, 205: 1480, 206: $Va5, 208: $Vb5, 222: $Vc5, 223: $Vd5, 224: $Ve5, 225: $Vf5, 226: $Vg5, 227: $Vh5, 228: $Vi5, 229: $Vj5 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 219, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $Vw1, 132: $Vx1, 143: $VY, 144: 212, 145: $VZ, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 199: 213, 200: 215, 201: 214, 202: 217, 209: 1481, 213: $Vy1, 214: 218, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vn5, [2, 205]), o($Vn5, [2, 206]), { 2: $V1, 3: 219, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 1486], 143: $VY, 144: 1484, 145: $VZ, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 199: 1483, 200: 1487, 201: 1485, 202: 1488, 217: 1482, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 207: [1, 1489], 223: $Vo5 }, { 207: [1, 1491], 223: $Vp5 }, o($Vq5, [2, 222]), { 206: [1, 1495], 208: [1, 1494], 221: 1493, 223: $Vd5, 224: $Ve5, 225: $Vf5, 226: $Vg5, 227: $Vh5, 228: $Vi5, 229: $Vj5 }, o($Vq5, [2, 224]), { 223: [1, 1496] }, { 208: [1, 1498], 223: [1, 1497] }, { 208: [1, 1500], 223: [1, 1499] }, { 208: [1, 1501] }, { 223: [1, 1502] }, { 223: [1, 1503] }, { 74: $V95, 204: 1504, 205: 1356, 206: $Va5, 208: $Vb5, 215: 1355, 216: 1357, 221: 1360, 222: $Vc5, 223: $Vd5, 224: $Ve5, 225: $Vf5, 226: $Vg5, 227: $Vh5, 228: $Vi5, 229: $Vj5 }, o($VO4, [2, 84]), o($Vl4, [2, 100]), { 74: $Vr5, 78: [1, 1505] }, { 78: [1, 1507] }, o($Vs5, [2, 261]), { 78: [2, 1060] }, o($Vs5, [2, 263], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 242: [1, 1508], 243: [1, 1509], 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($Vl4, [2, 99]), o($VP4, [2, 1064], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($Vl4, [2, 101]), o($Vl4, [2, 102]), o($Vl4, [2, 103]), o($Vl4, [2, 121]), o($Vl4, [2, 124]), o($Vl4, [2, 127]), o($VP4, [2, 1068], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($Vl4, [2, 128]), o($VP4, [2, 1070], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($Vl4, [2, 129]), o($VP4, [2, 1072], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($Vl4, [2, 130]), o($VP4, [2, 1076], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($Vl4, [2, 131]), o($VQ4, [2, 1083], { 177: 1510 }), o($VQ4, [2, 1086], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), { 74: $Vl5, 78: [1, 1511] }, o($Vl4, [2, 133]), o($VP4, [2, 1078], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($Vl4, [2, 134]), o($VP4, [2, 1080], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($Vl4, [2, 135]), o($Vl4, [2, 136]), o($Vl4, [2, 137]), o($Vl4, [2, 138]), o($Vl4, [2, 139]), o($Vl4, [2, 140]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1512, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VS4, [2, 1082], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($VK, [2, 607]), o($VK, [2, 603]), o($VK, [2, 605]), o($VK, [2, 601]), o($Vv3, [2, 71]), o($VK, [2, 449], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VU4, [2, 452]), o($VU4, [2, 453], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1513, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VV4, [2, 662]), o($VK, [2, 655], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 1514, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VD3, [2, 545], { 385: 1515, 391: 1516, 392: 1517, 366: 1525, 154: $Vt5, 187: $Vu5, 230: $Vv5, 297: $Vw5, 343: $Vx5, 356: $Vy5, 368: $Vz5, 369: $VA5, 373: $VB5, 374: $VC5 }), o($VD3, [2, 535]), o($VK, [2, 576], { 76: [1, 1529] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1530, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1531, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1532, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1533, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1534] }, o($VK, [2, 585]), { 74: $Vr5, 78: [1, 1535] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1376, 111: 149, 113: 153, 120: 1536, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 241: 1374, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o([10, 74, 78, 139, 306, 310, 602, 764], [2, 741]), { 139: [1, 1537] }, { 139: [2, 1150] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1122, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $VR1, 137: $VS1, 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 152: $VT1, 431: 585, 475: 1124, 478: 1538, 482: 582, 493: 579, 497: 581 }, { 78: [1, 1539] }, { 74: [1, 1540], 78: [2, 506] }, { 40: 1541, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($V65, [2, 532]), { 74: $V35, 78: [1, 1542] }, o($Vk5, $V55), o($VK, [2, 1133], { 412: 1543, 413: 1544, 72: $VD5 }), o($VI4, $VZ4, { 79: 75, 184: 99, 114: 625, 327: 637, 40: 1299, 468: 1546, 89: $V7, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 146: $V_4, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 189: $Vb, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2, 470: $V$4 }), o($VI4, [2, 725], { 74: $VT4 }), o($VI4, [2, 726], { 74: $Vx3 }), o([10, 53, 72, 89, 124, 146, 156, 189, 266, 267, 290, 306, 310, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 1181], { 512: 1547, 3: 1548, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1549] }), o($VE5, [2, 1183], { 513: 1550, 76: [1, 1551] }), o($VV1, [2, 692], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 131: [1, 1552] }, o($Vx4, [2, 538]), o($Vx4, [2, 540]), o($VB1, [2, 412]), o($VB1, [2, 413]), o($VB1, [2, 439]), o($VB1, [2, 423]), o($VB1, [2, 425]), { 118: $VF5, 277: 1553, 278: 1554, 279: [1, 1555] }, o($VB1, [2, 328]), o($VB1, [2, 329]), o($VB1, [2, 316]), { 131: [1, 1557] }, o($VB1, [2, 318]), { 131: [1, 1558] }, { 74: $V45, 78: [1, 1559] }, { 77: $Ve4, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 342: 1560, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 465], { 74: $VJ4 }), o($VI4, [2, 468]), o($Vk5, [2, 488]), o($V65, [2, 480], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VI4, [2, 459], { 74: $VJ4 }), o($VK, [2, 718], { 74: $Vq4, 198: [1, 1561] }), { 335: $VG5, 338: $VH5, 461: 1562 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1565, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 119: [1, 1567], 170: [1, 1568], 309: [1, 1566] }, o($VI5, [2, 259], { 86: 1569, 118: [1, 1570] }), { 119: [1, 1571] }, o($V85, [2, 239], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 95: [1, 1572], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 95: [1, 1573] }, o($Vn5, [2, 203]), o($Vn5, [2, 204]), o($Vk5, [2, 178]), o($Vn5, [2, 237], { 218: 1574, 230: [1, 1575], 231: [1, 1576] }), o($VJ5, [2, 208], { 3: 1577, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1578] }), o($VK5, [2, 1095], { 219: 1579, 76: [1, 1580] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 1581, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1582] }, { 40: 1583, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($VJ5, [2, 216], { 3: 1584, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1585] }), o($VJ5, [2, 219], { 3: 1586, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1587] }), { 77: [1, 1588] }, o($Vq5, [2, 234]), { 77: [1, 1589] }, o($Vq5, [2, 230]), o($Vq5, [2, 223]), { 223: $Vp5 }, { 223: $Vo5 }, o($Vq5, [2, 225]), o($Vq5, [2, 226]), { 223: [1, 1590] }, o($Vq5, [2, 228]), { 223: [1, 1591] }, { 223: [1, 1592] }, o($Vq5, [2, 232]), o($Vq5, [2, 233]), { 78: [1, 1593], 205: 1480, 206: $Va5, 208: $Vb5, 215: 1479, 216: 1357, 221: 1360, 222: $Vc5, 223: $Vd5, 224: $Ve5, 225: $Vf5, 226: $Vg5, 227: $Vh5, 228: $Vi5, 229: $Vj5 }, o($Vl4, [2, 91]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1376, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 241: 1594, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vl4, [2, 92]), o($Vs5, [2, 264]), { 244: [1, 1595] }, o($V65, [2, 142], { 419: 190, 3: 733, 114: 736, 144: 758, 158: 768, 160: 769, 117: 1596, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 112: $VS2, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), o($Vl4, [2, 132]), { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1597] }, o($VU4, [2, 454], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VK, [2, 572]), o($VD3, [2, 534]), o($VD3, [2, 546], { 366: 1525, 392: 1598, 154: $Vt5, 187: $Vu5, 230: $Vv5, 297: $Vw5, 343: $Vx5, 356: $Vy5, 368: $Vz5, 369: $VA5, 373: $VB5, 374: $VC5 }), o($Vw3, [2, 548]), { 370: [1, 1599] }, { 370: [1, 1600] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1601 }, o($Vw3, [2, 554], { 77: [1, 1602] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 114, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 1604], 113: 251, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 196: 250, 200: 1605, 201: 254, 257: 252, 258: 253, 265: $VD1, 274: 1603, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 302: $Vn1 }, o($Vw3, [2, 558]), { 297: [1, 1606] }, o($Vw3, [2, 560]), o($Vw3, [2, 561]), { 335: [1, 1607] }, { 77: [1, 1608] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1609, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 78: [1, 1610], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1611], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1612], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1613], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($VK, $VW4, { 407: 1614, 76: $VX4 }), o($VK, [2, 591]), { 74: $Vr5, 78: [1, 1615] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1122, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $VR1, 137: $VS1, 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 152: $VT1, 431: 585, 475: 1124, 478: 1616, 482: 582, 493: 579, 497: 581 }, o($VD3, [2, 735]), o($VK, [2, 493], { 352: 1617, 354: 1618, 355: 1619, 4: $VL5, 243: $VM5, 343: $VN5, 356: $VO5 }), o($VP5, $VQ5, { 3: 1268, 359: 1624, 384: 1625, 360: 1626, 361: 1627, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 367: $VR5 }), { 78: [2, 507] }, { 76: [1, 1629] }, o($VK, [2, 609]), o($VK, [2, 1134]), { 368: [1, 1631], 414: [1, 1630] }, o($VI4, [2, 728]), o($VK, $V0, { 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 12: 1632, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 124: $V8, 146: $V9, 156: $Va, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), o($VK, [2, 762]), o($VE5, [2, 1182]), o($VK, $V0, { 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 12: 1633, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 124: $V8, 146: $V9, 156: $Va, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), o($VE5, [2, 1184]), { 78: [1, 1634] }, { 78: [1, 1635], 118: $VF5, 278: 1636 }, { 78: [1, 1637] }, { 119: [1, 1638] }, { 119: [1, 1639] }, { 78: [1, 1640] }, { 78: [1, 1641] }, o($VL4, [2, 476]), o($VI4, [2, 464], { 74: $VJ4 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 199: 1643, 431: 1642 }, o($V75, [2, 703]), o($V75, [2, 705]), { 146: [1, 1644] }, { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 309: [1, 1645], 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 339: $VS5, 462: 1646 }, { 417: [1, 1649], 463: [1, 1648] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1650, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VT5, [2, 267], { 87: 1651, 245: [1, 1652], 247: [1, 1653] }), { 119: [1, 1654] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1660, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 233: 1655, 235: 1656, 236: $VU5, 237: $VV5, 238: $VW5, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1661, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1662, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vn5, [2, 207]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1663, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 100: 1664, 111: 1440 }, o($VJ5, [2, 209]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1665, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VJ5, [2, 1097], { 220: 1666, 3: 1667, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }), o($VK5, [2, 1096]), o($VJ5, [2, 212]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1668, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 78: [1, 1669] }, o($VJ5, [2, 217]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1670, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VJ5, [2, 220]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1671, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 40: 1672, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, { 40: 1673, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($Vq5, [2, 227]), o($Vq5, [2, 229]), o($Vq5, [2, 231]), o($Vf4, [2, 171]), o($Vs5, [2, 262]), o($Vs5, [2, 265], { 242: [1, 1674] }), o($VQ4, [2, 1084], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($Vl4, [2, 141]), o($Vw3, [2, 547]), o($Vw3, [2, 550]), { 374: [1, 1675] }, o($Vw3, [2, 1127], { 395: 1676, 393: 1677, 77: $VX5 }), { 131: $VV, 196: 1679 }, o($Vw3, [2, 555]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1680, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vw3, [2, 557]), o($Vw3, [2, 559]), { 2: $V1, 3: 114, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 1682], 113: 251, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 196: 250, 200: 255, 201: 254, 257: 252, 258: 253, 265: $VD1, 274: 1681, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 302: $Vn1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1683, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VK, [2, 578]), o($Vz2, [2, 349]), o($Vz2, [2, 350]), o($Vz2, [2, 351]), o($Vz2, [2, 352]), o($VK, [2, 582]), o($VK, [2, 592]), o($VD3, [2, 734]), o($VK, [2, 489]), o($VK, [2, 494], { 355: 1684, 4: $VL5, 243: $VM5, 343: $VN5, 356: $VO5 }), o($VY5, [2, 496]), o($VY5, [2, 497]), { 124: [1, 1685] }, { 124: [1, 1686] }, { 124: [1, 1687] }, { 74: [1, 1688], 78: [2, 505] }, o($V65, [2, 533]), o($V65, [2, 508]), { 187: [1, 1696], 193: [1, 1697], 362: 1689, 363: 1690, 364: 1691, 365: 1692, 366: 1693, 368: $Vz5, 369: [1, 1694], 370: [1, 1698], 373: [1, 1695] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1699, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 40: 1700, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, { 415: [1, 1701] }, { 416: [1, 1702] }, o($VK, [2, 761]), o($VK, [2, 763]), o($Vx4, [2, 537]), o($VB1, [2, 331]), { 78: [1, 1703] }, o($VB1, [2, 332]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1660, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 233: 1704, 235: 1656, 236: $VU5, 237: $VV5, 238: $VW5, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1376, 111: 149, 113: 153, 120: 1705, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 241: 1374, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VB1, [2, 317]), o($VB1, [2, 319]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1706, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VK, [2, 720], { 77: [1, 1707] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 111: 1065, 143: $Vm4, 145: $Vn4, 147: 1708, 336: 1064, 337: 1066 }, { 335: $VG5, 338: $VH5, 461: 1709 }, o($V75, [2, 707]), { 77: [1, 1711], 343: [1, 1712], 344: [1, 1710] }, { 170: [1, 1714], 309: [1, 1713] }, { 170: [1, 1716], 309: [1, 1715] }, { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 309: [1, 1717], 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($Vh4, [2, 250], { 88: 1718, 162: [1, 1719], 168: [1, 1721], 169: [1, 1720] }), { 131: $VV, 196: 1722 }, { 131: $VV, 196: 1723 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1376, 111: 149, 113: 153, 120: 1724, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 241: 1374, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vm5, [2, 248], { 234: 1725, 74: $VZ5, 239: [1, 1727] }), o($V_5, [2, 242]), { 146: [1, 1728] }, { 77: [1, 1729] }, { 77: [1, 1730] }, o($V_5, [2, 247], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 78: [2, 1051], 96: 1731, 99: [1, 1733], 102: 1732 }, { 99: [1, 1734] }, o($Vn5, [2, 235], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($Vn5, [2, 236], { 74: $V35 }), o($VJ5, [2, 210]), o($VJ5, [2, 211]), o($VJ5, [2, 1098]), o($VJ5, [2, 213]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1735, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1736] }, o($VJ5, [2, 218]), o($VJ5, [2, 221]), { 78: [1, 1737] }, { 78: [1, 1738] }, o($Vs5, [2, 266]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1739 }, o($Vw3, [2, 552]), o($Vw3, [2, 1128]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1740, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 74: [1, 1741] }, { 78: [1, 1742], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($Vw3, [2, 562]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1743, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 78: [1, 1744], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($VY5, [2, 495]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1745, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 131: $VV, 196: 1746 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1747, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VP5, $VQ5, { 361: 1627, 360: 1748, 367: $VR5 }), o($VD3, [2, 510]), o($VD3, [2, 511]), o($VD3, [2, 512]), o($VD3, [2, 513]), o($VD3, [2, 514]), { 370: [1, 1749] }, { 370: [1, 1750] }, o($V$5, [2, 1121], { 382: 1751, 370: [1, 1752] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 1753, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1754, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VP5, [2, 516]), o($VK, [2, 1131], { 411: 1755, 413: 1756, 72: $VD5 }), o($VK, [2, 610]), o($VK, [2, 611], { 367: [1, 1757] }), o($VB1, [2, 333]), o([78, 118], [2, 334], { 74: $VZ5 }), { 74: $Vr5, 78: [2, 335] }, o($VK, [2, 719]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 100: 1758, 111: 1440 }, o($V75, [2, 706], { 74: $VT4 }), o($V75, [2, 704]), { 77: $Ve4, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 342: 1759, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 100: 1760, 111: 1440 }, { 344: [1, 1761] }, { 339: $VS5, 462: 1762 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1763, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 339: $VS5, 462: 1764 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1765, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 339: $VS5, 462: 1766 }, o($Vh4, [2, 72]), { 40: 1767, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 164: [1, 1768], 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 240: [1, 1769] }, { 40: 1770, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 240: [1, 1771] }, { 40: 1772, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 240: [1, 1773] }, o($VT5, [2, 270], { 246: 1774, 247: [1, 1775] }), { 248: 1776, 249: [2, 1099], 766: [1, 1777] }, o($VI5, [2, 260], { 74: $Vr5 }), o($Vm5, [2, 241]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1660, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 235: 1778, 236: $VU5, 237: $VV5, 238: $VW5, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1779, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 77: [1, 1780] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1660, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 233: 1781, 235: 1656, 236: $VU5, 237: $VV5, 238: $VW5, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1660, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 233: 1782, 235: 1656, 236: $VU5, 237: $VV5, 238: $VW5, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 78: [1, 1783] }, { 78: [2, 1052] }, { 77: [1, 1784] }, { 77: [1, 1785] }, o($VJ5, [2, 214]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1786, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1787, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1788] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1789, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1790] }, o($Vw3, [2, 1125], { 394: 1791, 393: 1792, 77: $VX5 }), { 78: [1, 1793] }, { 131: $VV, 196: 1794 }, o($Vw3, [2, 556]), { 78: [1, 1795], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($Vw3, [2, 517]), o($VY5, [2, 498]), o($VY5, [2, 499]), o($VY5, [2, 500]), o($V65, [2, 509]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1797, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [2, 1117], 371: 1796 }, { 77: [1, 1798] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1800, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [2, 1123], 383: 1799 }, o($V$5, [2, 1122]), { 77: [1, 1801] }, { 77: [1, 1802] }, o($VK, [2, 608]), o($VK, [2, 1132]), o($VP5, $VQ5, { 361: 1627, 360: 1803, 367: $VR5 }), { 74: $V35, 78: [1, 1804] }, o($V75, [2, 713], { 74: $VJ4 }), { 74: $V35, 78: [1, 1805] }, o($V75, [2, 715]), o($V75, [2, 708]), { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 309: [1, 1806], 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($V75, [2, 711]), { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 309: [1, 1807], 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($V75, [2, 709]), o($Vh4, [2, 251]), { 40: 1808, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 240: [1, 1809] }, { 40: 1810, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($Vh4, [2, 253]), { 40: 1811, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($Vh4, [2, 254]), { 40: 1812, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($VT5, [2, 268]), { 131: $VV, 196: 1813 }, { 249: [1, 1814] }, { 249: [2, 1100] }, o($V_5, [2, 243]), o($Vm5, [2, 249], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1660, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 233: 1815, 235: 1656, 236: $VU5, 237: $VV5, 238: $VW5, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 74: $VZ5, 78: [1, 1816] }, { 74: $VZ5, 78: [1, 1817] }, o($VN4, [2, 1053], { 97: 1818, 104: 1819, 3: 1821, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: $V06 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1824, 103: 1822, 105: 1823, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 100: 1825, 111: 1440 }, o($VJ5, [2, 215]), o($Vn5, [2, 173]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1826, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vn5, [2, 175]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1827, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vw3, [2, 551]), o($Vw3, [2, 1126]), o($Vw3, [2, 549]), { 78: [1, 1828] }, o($Vw3, [2, 563]), { 77: [1, 1829] }, { 77: [2, 1118] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1831, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $V16, 372: 1830 }, { 77: [1, 1833] }, { 77: [2, 1124] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 100: 1834, 111: 1440 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 100: 1835, 111: 1440 }, o($VK, [2, 612]), o($VK, [2, 721]), { 343: [1, 1837], 344: [1, 1836] }, { 339: $VS5, 462: 1838 }, { 335: $VG5, 338: $VH5, 461: 1839 }, o($Vh4, [2, 252]), { 40: 1840, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($Vh4, [2, 255]), o($Vh4, [2, 257]), o($Vh4, [2, 258]), o($VT5, [2, 271]), { 131: [2, 1101], 250: 1841, 645: [1, 1842] }, { 74: $VZ5, 78: [1, 1843] }, o($V_5, [2, 245]), o($V_5, [2, 246]), o($VN4, [2, 74]), o($VN4, [2, 1054]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1844, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VN4, [2, 78]), { 74: [1, 1846], 78: [1, 1845] }, o($V65, [2, 80]), o($V65, [2, 81], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 76: [1, 1847], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 74: $V35, 78: [1, 1848] }, o($Vn5, [2, 174]), o($Vn5, [2, 176]), o($Vw3, [2, 553]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1831, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $V16, 372: 1849 }, { 74: $V26, 78: [1, 1850] }, o($V65, [2, 528]), o($V65, [2, 529]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 100: 1852, 111: 1440 }, { 74: $V35, 78: [1, 1853] }, { 74: $V35, 78: [1, 1854] }, { 77: $Ve4, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 342: 1855, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 344: [1, 1856] }, o($V75, [2, 710]), o($V75, [2, 712]), o($Vh4, [2, 256]), { 131: $VV, 196: 1857 }, { 131: [2, 1102] }, o($V_5, [2, 244]), o($VN4, [2, 77]), { 78: [2, 76] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1824, 105: 1858, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1859, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 78: [1, 1860] }, { 74: $V26, 78: [1, 1861] }, { 374: [1, 1862] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1863, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: [1, 1864] }, { 74: $V35, 78: [1, 1865] }, o($VD3, [2, 526]), o($VD3, [2, 527]), o($V75, [2, 714], { 74: $VJ4 }), o($V75, [2, 716]), o($V36, [2, 1103], { 251: 1866, 766: [1, 1867] }), o($V65, [2, 79]), o($V65, [2, 82]), o($VN4, [2, 1055], { 3: 1821, 101: 1868, 104: 1869, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: $V06 }), o($VD3, [2, 518]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1870 }, o($V65, [2, 530]), o($V65, [2, 531]), o($VD3, [2, 525]), o($VT5, [2, 1105], { 252: 1871, 415: [1, 1872] }), o($V36, [2, 1104]), o($VN4, [2, 75]), o($VN4, [2, 1056]), o($V46, [2, 1119], { 375: 1873, 377: 1874, 77: [1, 1875] }), o($VT5, [2, 269]), o($VT5, [2, 1106]), o($VD3, [2, 521], { 376: 1876, 378: 1877, 230: [1, 1878] }), o($V46, [2, 1120]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1831, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $V16, 372: 1879 }, o($VD3, [2, 519]), { 230: [1, 1881], 379: 1880 }, { 338: [1, 1882] }, { 74: $V26, 78: [1, 1883] }, o($VD3, [2, 522]), { 335: [1, 1884] }, { 380: [1, 1885] }, o($V46, [2, 520]), { 380: [1, 1886] }, { 381: [1, 1887] }, { 381: [1, 1888] }, { 230: [2, 523] }, o($VD3, [2, 524])],
+ defaultActions: { 105: [2, 6], 194: [2, 336], 195: [2, 337], 196: [2, 338], 197: [2, 339], 198: [2, 340], 199: [2, 341], 200: [2, 342], 201: [2, 343], 202: [2, 344], 209: [2, 695], 591: [2, 1142], 653: [2, 1107], 654: [2, 1108], 710: [2, 696], 780: [2, 1073], 781: [2, 1074], 926: [2, 446], 927: [2, 447], 928: [2, 448], 987: [2, 697], 1288: [2, 1152], 1375: [2, 1060], 1433: [2, 1150], 1541: [2, 507], 1732: [2, 1052], 1777: [2, 1100], 1797: [2, 1118], 1800: [2, 1124], 1842: [2, 1102], 1845: [2, 76], 1887: [2, 523] },
+ parseError: function parseError(str, hash) {
+ if (hash.recoverable) {
+ this.trace(str);
+ }
+ else {
+ var error = new Error(str);
+ error.hash = hash;
+ throw error;
+ }
+ },
+ parse: function parse(input) {
+ var self = this, stack = [0], tstack = [], // token stack
+ vstack = [null], // semantic value stack
+ lstack = [], // location stack
+ table = this.table, yytext = '', yylineno = 0, yyleng = 0, recovering = 0, TERROR = 2, EOF = 1;
+ var args = lstack.slice.call(arguments, 1);
+ //this.reductionCount = this.shiftCount = 0;
+ var lexer = Object.create(this.lexer);
+ var sharedState = { yy: {} };
+ // copy state
+ for (var k in this.yy) {
+ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.yy, k)) {
+ sharedState.yy[k] = this.yy[k];
+ }
+ }
+ lexer.setInput(input, sharedState.yy);
+ sharedState.yy.lexer = lexer;
+ sharedState.yy.parser = this;
+ if (typeof lexer.yylloc == 'undefined') {
+ lexer.yylloc = {};
+ }
+ var yyloc = lexer.yylloc;
+ lstack.push(yyloc);
+ var ranges = lexer.options && lexer.options.ranges;
+ if (typeof sharedState.yy.parseError === 'function') {
+ this.parseError = sharedState.yy.parseError;
+ }
+ else {
+ this.parseError = Object.getPrototypeOf(this).parseError;
+ }
+ function popStack(n) {
+ stack.length = stack.length - 2 * n;
+ vstack.length = vstack.length - n;
+ lstack.length = lstack.length - n;
+ }
+ _token_stack: var lex = function () {
+ var token;
+ token = lexer.lex() || EOF;
+ // if token isn't its numeric value, convert
+ if (typeof token !== 'number') {
+ token = self.symbols_[token] || token;
+ }
+ return token;
+ };
+ var symbol, preErrorSymbol, state, action, a, r, yyval = {}, p, len, newState, expected;
+ while (true) {
+ // retreive state number from top of stack
+ state = stack[stack.length - 1];
+ // use default actions if available
+ if (this.defaultActions[state]) {
+ action = this.defaultActions[state];
+ }
+ else {
+ if (symbol === null || typeof symbol == 'undefined') {
+ symbol = lex();
+ }
+ // read action for current state and first input
+ action = table[state] && table[state][symbol];
+ }
+ _handle_error:
+ // handle parse error
+ if (typeof action === 'undefined' || !action.length || !action[0]) {
+ var error_rule_depth;
+ var errStr = '';
+ // Return the rule stack depth where the nearest error rule can be found.
+ // Return FALSE when no error recovery rule was found.
+ var locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule = function (state) {
+ var stack_probe = stack.length - 1;
+ var depth = 0;
+ // try to recover from error
+ for (;;) {
+ // check for error recovery rule in this state
+ if ((TERROR.toString()) in table[state]) {
+ return depth;
+ }
+ if (state === 0 || stack_probe < 2) {
+ return false; // No suitable error recovery rule available.
+ }
+ stack_probe -= 2; // popStack(1): [symbol, action]
+ state = stack[stack_probe];
+ ++depth;
+ }
+ };
+ if (!recovering) {
+ // first see if there's any chance at hitting an error recovery rule:
+ error_rule_depth = locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule(state);
+ // Report error
+ expected = [];
+ for (p in table[state]) {
+ if (this.terminals_[p] && p > TERROR) {
+ expected.push("'" + this.terminals_[p] + "'");
+ }
+ }
+ if (lexer.showPosition) {
+ errStr = 'Parse error on line ' + (yylineno + 1) + ":\n" + lexer.showPosition() + "\nExpecting " + expected.join(', ') + ", got '" + (this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol) + "'";
+ }
+ else {
+ errStr = 'Parse error on line ' + (yylineno + 1) + ": Unexpected " +
+ (symbol == EOF ? "end of input" :
+ ("'" + (this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol) + "'"));
+ }
+ this.parseError(errStr, {
+ text: lexer.match,
+ token: this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol,
+ line: lexer.yylineno,
+ loc: yyloc,
+ expected: expected,
+ recoverable: (error_rule_depth !== false)
+ });
+ }
+ else if (preErrorSymbol !== EOF) {
+ error_rule_depth = locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule(state);
+ }
+ // just recovered from another error
+ if (recovering == 3) {
+ if (symbol === EOF || preErrorSymbol === EOF) {
+ throw new Error(errStr || 'Parsing halted while starting to recover from another error.');
+ }
+ // discard current lookahead and grab another
+ yyleng = lexer.yyleng;
+ yytext = lexer.yytext;
+ yylineno = lexer.yylineno;
+ yyloc = lexer.yylloc;
+ symbol = lex();
+ }
+ // try to recover from error
+ if (error_rule_depth === false) {
+ throw new Error(errStr || 'Parsing halted. No suitable error recovery rule available.');
+ }
+ popStack(error_rule_depth);
+ preErrorSymbol = (symbol == TERROR ? null : symbol); // save the lookahead token
+ symbol = TERROR; // insert generic error symbol as new lookahead
+ state = stack[stack.length - 1];
+ action = table[state] && table[state][TERROR];
+ recovering = 3; // allow 3 real symbols to be shifted before reporting a new error
+ }
+ // this shouldn't happen, unless resolve defaults are off
+ if (action[0] instanceof Array && action.length > 1) {
+ throw new Error('Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: ' + state + ', token: ' + symbol);
+ }
+ switch (action[0]) {
+ case 1: // shift
+ //this.shiftCount++;
+ stack.push(symbol);
+ vstack.push(lexer.yytext);
+ lstack.push(lexer.yylloc);
+ stack.push(action[1]); // push state
+ symbol = null;
+ if (!preErrorSymbol) { // normal execution/no error
+ yyleng = lexer.yyleng;
+ yytext = lexer.yytext;
+ yylineno = lexer.yylineno;
+ yyloc = lexer.yylloc;
+ if (recovering > 0) {
+ recovering--;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // error just occurred, resume old lookahead f/ before error
+ symbol = preErrorSymbol;
+ preErrorSymbol = null;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // reduce
+ //this.reductionCount++;
+ len = this.productions_[action[1]][1];
+ // perform semantic action
+ yyval.$ = vstack[vstack.length - len]; // default to $$ = $1
+ // default location, uses first token for firsts, last for lasts
+ yyval._$ = {
+ first_line: lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].first_line,
+ last_line: lstack[lstack.length - 1].last_line,
+ first_column: lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].first_column,
+ last_column: lstack[lstack.length - 1].last_column
+ };
+ if (ranges) {
+ yyval._$.range = [lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].range[0], lstack[lstack.length - 1].range[1]];
+ }
+ r = this.performAction.apply(yyval, [yytext, yyleng, yylineno, sharedState.yy, action[1], vstack, lstack].concat(args));
+ if (typeof r !== 'undefined') {
+ return r;
+ }
+ // pop off stack
+ if (len) {
+ stack = stack.slice(0, -1 * len * 2);
+ vstack = vstack.slice(0, -1 * len);
+ lstack = lstack.slice(0, -1 * len);
+ }
+ stack.push(this.productions_[action[1]][0]); // push nonterminal (reduce)
+ vstack.push(yyval.$);
+ lstack.push(yyval._$);
+ // goto new state = table[STATE][NONTERMINAL]
+ newState = table[stack[stack.length - 2]][stack[stack.length - 1]];
+ stack.push(newState);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ // accept
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ } };
+ // from https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-keywords-appendix.html
+ // JSON.stringify([].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('tr')).filter(x => x.children.length == 5 && x.children[2].innerText == 'reserved').map(x => x.children[0].innerText))
+ parser.parseError = function (str, hash) {
+ if (hash.expected && hash.expected.indexOf("'LITERAL'") > -1 && /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*/.test(hash.token) && nonReserved.indexOf(hash.token) > -1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ throw new SyntaxError(str);
+ };
+ /* generated by jison-lex 0.3.4 */
+ var lexer = (function () {
+ var lexer = ({
+ EOF: 1,
+ parseError: function parseError(str, hash) {
+ if (this.yy.parser) {
+ this.yy.parser.parseError(str, hash);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error(str);
+ }
+ },
+ // resets the lexer, sets new input
+ setInput: function (input, yy) {
+ this.yy = yy || this.yy || {};
+ this._input = input;
+ this._more = this._backtrack = this.done = false;
+ this.yylineno = this.yyleng = 0;
+ this.yytext = this.matched = this.match = '';
+ this.conditionStack = ['INITIAL'];
+ this.yylloc = {
+ first_line: 1,
+ first_column: 0,
+ last_line: 1,
+ last_column: 0
+ };
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ this.yylloc.range = [0, 0];
+ }
+ this.offset = 0;
+ return this;
+ },
+ // consumes and returns one char from the input
+ input: function () {
+ var ch = this._input[0];
+ this.yytext += ch;
+ this.yyleng++;
+ this.offset++;
+ this.match += ch;
+ this.matched += ch;
+ var lines = ch.match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g);
+ if (lines) {
+ this.yylineno++;
+ this.yylloc.last_line++;
+ }
+ else {
+ this.yylloc.last_column++;
+ }
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ this.yylloc.range[1]++;
+ }
+ this._input = this._input.slice(1);
+ return ch;
+ },
+ // unshifts one char (or a string) into the input
+ unput: function (ch) {
+ var len = ch.length;
+ var lines = ch.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
+ this._input = ch + this._input;
+ this.yytext = this.yytext.substr(0, this.yytext.length - len);
+ //this.yyleng -= len;
+ this.offset -= len;
+ var oldLines = this.match.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
+ this.match = this.match.substr(0, this.match.length - 1);
+ this.matched = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - 1);
+ if (lines.length - 1) {
+ this.yylineno -= lines.length - 1;
+ }
+ var r = this.yylloc.range;
+ this.yylloc = {
+ first_line: this.yylloc.first_line,
+ last_line: this.yylineno + 1,
+ first_column: this.yylloc.first_column,
+ last_column: lines ?
+ (lines.length === oldLines.length ? this.yylloc.first_column : 0)
+ + oldLines[oldLines.length - lines.length].length - lines[0].length :
+ this.yylloc.first_column - len
+ };
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ this.yylloc.range = [r[0], r[0] + this.yyleng - len];
+ }
+ this.yyleng = this.yytext.length;
+ return this;
+ },
+ // When called from action, caches matched text and appends it on next action
+ more: function () {
+ this._more = true;
+ return this;
+ },
+ // When called from action, signals the lexer that this rule fails to match the input, so the next matching rule (regex) should be tested instead.
+ reject: function () {
+ if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
+ this._backtrack = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ return this.parseError('Lexical error on line ' + (this.yylineno + 1) + '. You can only invoke reject() in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion (options.backtrack_lexer = true).\n' + this.showPosition(), {
+ text: "",
+ token: null,
+ line: this.yylineno
+ });
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // retain first n characters of the match
+ less: function (n) {
+ this.unput(this.match.slice(n));
+ },
+ // displays already matched input, i.e. for error messages
+ pastInput: function () {
+ var past = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - this.match.length);
+ return (past.length > 20 ? '...' : '') + past.substr(-20).replace(/\n/g, "");
+ },
+ // displays upcoming input, i.e. for error messages
+ upcomingInput: function () {
+ var next = this.match;
+ if (next.length < 20) {
+ next += this._input.substr(0, 20 - next.length);
+ }
+ return (next.substr(0, 20) + (next.length > 20 ? '...' : '')).replace(/\n/g, "");
+ },
+ // displays the character position where the lexing error occurred, i.e. for error messages
+ showPosition: function () {
+ var pre = this.pastInput();
+ var c = new Array(pre.length + 1).join("-");
+ return pre + this.upcomingInput() + "\n" + c + "^";
+ },
+ // test the lexed token: return FALSE when not a match, otherwise return token
+ test_match: function (match, indexed_rule) {
+ var token, lines, backup;
+ if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
+ // save context
+ backup = {
+ yylineno: this.yylineno,
+ yylloc: {
+ first_line: this.yylloc.first_line,
+ last_line: this.last_line,
+ first_column: this.yylloc.first_column,
+ last_column: this.yylloc.last_column
+ },
+ yytext: this.yytext,
+ match: this.match,
+ matches: this.matches,
+ matched: this.matched,
+ yyleng: this.yyleng,
+ offset: this.offset,
+ _more: this._more,
+ _input: this._input,
+ yy: this.yy,
+ conditionStack: this.conditionStack.slice(0),
+ done: this.done
+ };
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ backup.yylloc.range = this.yylloc.range.slice(0);
+ }
+ }
+ lines = match[0].match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g);
+ if (lines) {
+ this.yylineno += lines.length;
+ }
+ this.yylloc = {
+ first_line: this.yylloc.last_line,
+ last_line: this.yylineno + 1,
+ first_column: this.yylloc.last_column,
+ last_column: lines ?
+ lines[lines.length - 1].length - lines[lines.length - 1].match(/\r?\n?/)[0].length :
+ this.yylloc.last_column + match[0].length
+ };
+ this.yytext += match[0];
+ this.match += match[0];
+ this.matches = match;
+ this.yyleng = this.yytext.length;
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ this.yylloc.range = [this.offset, this.offset += this.yyleng];
+ }
+ this._more = false;
+ this._backtrack = false;
+ this._input = this._input.slice(match[0].length);
+ this.matched += match[0];
+ token = this.performAction.call(this, this.yy, this, indexed_rule, this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]);
+ if (this.done && this._input) {
+ this.done = false;
+ }
+ if (token) {
+ return token;
+ }
+ else if (this._backtrack) {
+ // recover context
+ for (var k in backup) {
+ this[k] = backup[k];
+ }
+ return false; // rule action called reject() implying the next rule should be tested instead.
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ // return next match in input
+ next: function () {
+ if (this.done) {
+ return this.EOF;
+ }
+ if (!this._input) {
+ this.done = true;
+ }
+ var token, match, tempMatch, index;
+ if (!this._more) {
+ this.yytext = '';
+ this.match = '';
+ }
+ var rules = this._currentRules();
+ for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
+ tempMatch = this._input.match(this.rules[rules[i]]);
+ if (tempMatch && (!match || tempMatch[0].length > match[0].length)) {
+ match = tempMatch;
+ index = i;
+ if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
+ token = this.test_match(tempMatch, rules[i]);
+ if (token !== false) {
+ return token;
+ }
+ else if (this._backtrack) {
+ match = false;
+ continue; // rule action called reject() implying a rule MISmatch.
+ }
+ else {
+ // else: this is a lexer rule which consumes input without producing a token (e.g. whitespace)
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!this.options.flex) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (match) {
+ token = this.test_match(match, rules[index]);
+ if (token !== false) {
+ return token;
+ }
+ // else: this is a lexer rule which consumes input without producing a token (e.g. whitespace)
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this._input === "") {
+ return this.EOF;
+ }
+ else {
+ return this.parseError('Lexical error on line ' + (this.yylineno + 1) + '. Unrecognized text.\n' + this.showPosition(), {
+ text: "",
+ token: null,
+ line: this.yylineno
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ // return next match that has a token
+ lex: function lex() {
+ var r = this.next();
+ if (r) {
+ return r;
+ }
+ else {
+ return this.lex();
+ }
+ },
+ // activates a new lexer condition state (pushes the new lexer condition state onto the condition stack)
+ begin: function begin(condition) {
+ this.conditionStack.push(condition);
+ },
+ // pop the previously active lexer condition state off the condition stack
+ popState: function popState() {
+ var n = this.conditionStack.length - 1;
+ if (n > 0) {
+ return this.conditionStack.pop();
+ }
+ else {
+ return this.conditionStack[0];
+ }
+ },
+ // produce the lexer rule set which is active for the currently active lexer condition state
+ _currentRules: function _currentRules() {
+ if (this.conditionStack.length && this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]) {
+ return this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]].rules;
+ }
+ else {
+ return this.conditions["INITIAL"].rules;
+ }
+ },
+ // return the currently active lexer condition state; when an index argument is provided it produces the N-th previous condition state, if available
+ topState: function topState(n) {
+ n = this.conditionStack.length - 1 - Math.abs(n || 0);
+ if (n >= 0) {
+ return this.conditionStack[n];
+ }
+ else {
+ return "INITIAL";
+ }
+ },
+ // alias for begin(condition)
+ pushState: function pushState(condition) {
+ this.begin(condition);
+ },
+ // return the number of states currently on the stack
+ stateStackSize: function stateStackSize() {
+ return this.conditionStack.length;
+ },
+ options: { "case-insensitive": true },
+ performAction: function anonymous(yy, yy_, $avoiding_name_collisions, YY_START) {
+ switch ($avoiding_name_collisions) {
+ case 0:
+ return 266;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ return 302;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ return 420;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ return 299;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ return 5;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ return 5;
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ return 296;
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ return 296;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ return 132;
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ return 132;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ return; /* its a COMMENT */
+ break;
+ case 11: /* skip whitespace */
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ return 316;
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ return 319;
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ yy_.yytext = 'VALUE';
+ return 89;
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ yy_.yytext = 'VALUE';
+ return 189;
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ yy_.yytext = 'ROW';
+ return 189;
+ break;
+ case 17:
+ yy_.yytext = 'COLUMN';
+ return 189;
+ break;
+ case 18:
+ yy_.yytext = 'MATRIX';
+ return 189;
+ break;
+ case 19:
+ yy_.yytext = 'INDEX';
+ return 189;
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ yy_.yytext = 'RECORDSET';
+ return 189;
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ yy_.yytext = 'TEXT';
+ return 189;
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ yy_.yytext = 'SELECT';
+ return 189;
+ break;
+ case 23:
+ return 520;
+ break;
+ case 24:
+ return 381;
+ break;
+ case 25:
+ return 402;
+ break;
+ case 26:
+ return 515;
+ break;
+ case 27:
+ return 287;
+ break;
+ case 28:
+ return 269;
+ break;
+ case 29:
+ return 269;
+ break;
+ case 30:
+ return 164;
+ break;
+ case 31:
+ return 400;
+ break;
+ case 32:
+ return 170;
+ break;
+ case 33:
+ return 229;
+ break;
+ case 34:
+ return 166;
+ break;
+ case 35:
+ return 207;
+ break;
+ case 36:
+ return 288;
+ break;
+ case 37:
+ return 76;
+ break;
+ case 38:
+ return 418;
+ break;
+ case 39:
+ return 242;
+ break;
+ case 40:
+ return 404;
+ break;
+ case 41:
+ return 356;
+ break;
+ case 42:
+ return 284;
+ break;
+ case 43:
+ return 514;
+ break;
+ case 44:
+ return 437;
+ break;
+ case 45:
+ return 330;
+ break;
+ case 46:
+ return 441;
+ break;
+ case 47:
+ return 331;
+ break;
+ case 48:
+ return 315;
+ break;
+ case 49:
+ return 119;
+ break;
+ case 50:
+ return 112;
+ break;
+ case 51:
+ return 315;
+ break;
+ case 52:
+ return 112;
+ break;
+ case 53:
+ return 315;
+ break;
+ case 54:
+ return 112;
+ break;
+ case 55:
+ return 315;
+ break;
+ case 56:
+ return 508;
+ break;
+ case 57:
+ return 303;
+ break;
+ case 58:
+ return 271;
+ break;
+ case 59:
+ return 368;
+ break;
+ case 60:
+ return 130;
+ break;
+ case 61:
+ return 'CLOSE';
+ break;
+ case 62:
+ return 243;
+ break;
+ case 63:
+ return 190;
+ break;
+ case 64:
+ return 190;
+ break;
+ case 65:
+ return 434;
+ break;
+ case 66:
+ return 367;
+ break;
+ case 67:
+ return 470;
+ break;
+ case 68:
+ return 440;
+ break;
+ case 69:
+ return 273;
+ break;
+ case 70:
+ return 240;
+ break;
+ case 71:
+ return 281;
+ break;
+ case 72:
+ return 267;
+ break;
+ case 73:
+ return 206;
+ break;
+ case 74:
+ return 238;
+ break;
+ case 75:
+ return 265;
+ break;
+ case 76:
+ return 'CURSOR';
+ break;
+ case 77:
+ return 405;
+ break;
+ case 78:
+ return 291;
+ break;
+ case 79:
+ return 292;
+ break;
+ case 80:
+ return 448;
+ break;
+ case 81:
+ return 343;
+ break;
+ case 82:
+ return 338;
+ break;
+ case 83:
+ return 'DELETED';
+ break;
+ case 84:
+ return 242;
+ break;
+ case 85:
+ return 406;
+ break;
+ case 86:
+ return 185;
+ break;
+ case 87:
+ return 396;
+ break;
+ case 88:
+ return 447;
+ break;
+ case 89:
+ return 135;
+ break;
+ case 90:
+ return 306;
+ break;
+ case 91:
+ return 389;
+ break;
+ case 92:
+ return 310;
+ break;
+ case 93:
+ return 314;
+ break;
+ case 94:
+ return 169;
+ break;
+ case 95:
+ return 508;
+ break;
+ case 96:
+ return 508;
+ break;
+ case 97:
+ return 298;
+ break;
+ case 98:
+ return 14;
+ break;
+ case 99:
+ return 295;
+ break;
+ case 100:
+ return 249;
+ break;
+ case 101:
+ return 285;
+ break;
+ case 102:
+ return 95;
+ break;
+ case 103:
+ return 373;
+ break;
+ case 104:
+ return 183;
+ break;
+ case 105:
+ return 227;
+ break;
+ case 106:
+ return 268;
+ break;
+ case 107:
+ return 313;
+ break;
+ case 108:
+ return 602;
+ break;
+ case 109:
+ return 472;
+ break;
+ case 110:
+ return 232;
+ break;
+ case 111:
+ return 236;
+ break;
+ case 112:
+ return 239;
+ break;
+ case 113:
+ return 156;
+ break;
+ case 114:
+ return 356;
+ break;
+ case 115:
+ return 332;
+ break;
+ case 116:
+ return 99;
+ break;
+ case 117:
+ return 193;
+ break;
+ case 118:
+ return 212;
+ break;
+ case 119:
+ return 224;
+ break;
+ case 120:
+ return 516;
+ break;
+ case 121:
+ return 339;
+ break;
+ case 122:
+ return 213;
+ break;
+ case 123:
+ return 168;
+ break;
+ case 124:
+ return 293;
+ break;
+ case 125:
+ return 198;
+ break;
+ case 126:
+ return 223;
+ break;
+ case 127:
+ return 370;
+ break;
+ case 128:
+ return 286;
+ break;
+ case 129:
+ return 'LET';
+ break;
+ case 130:
+ return 225;
+ break;
+ case 131:
+ return 112;
+ break;
+ case 132:
+ return 245;
+ break;
+ case 133:
+ return 460;
+ break;
+ case 134:
+ return 191;
+ break;
+ case 135:
+ return 283;
+ break;
+ case 136:
+ return 390;
+ break;
+ case 137:
+ return 282;
+ break;
+ case 138:
+ return 452;
+ break;
+ case 139:
+ return 169;
+ break;
+ case 140:
+ return 403;
+ break;
+ case 141:
+ return 222;
+ break;
+ case 142:
+ return 645;
+ break;
+ case 143:
+ return 270;
+ break;
+ case 144:
+ return 244;
+ break;
+ case 145:
+ return 380;
+ break;
+ case 146:
+ return 154;
+ break;
+ case 147:
+ return 297;
+ break;
+ case 148:
+ return 433;
+ break;
+ case 149:
+ return 230;
+ break;
+ case 150:
+ return 415;
+ break;
+ case 151:
+ return 129;
+ break;
+ case 152:
+ return 247;
+ break;
+ case 153:
+ return 'OPEN';
+ break;
+ case 154:
+ return 416;
+ break;
+ case 155:
+ return 171;
+ break;
+ case 156:
+ return 118;
+ break;
+ case 157:
+ return 208;
+ break;
+ case 158:
+ return 276;
+ break;
+ case 159:
+ return 172;
+ break;
+ case 160:
+ return 279;
+ break;
+ case 161:
+ return 765;
+ break;
+ case 162:
+ return 93;
+ break;
+ case 163:
+ return 16;
+ break;
+ case 164:
+ return 369;
+ break;
+ case 165:
+ return 442;
+ break;
+ case 166:
+ return 678;
+ break;
+ case 167:
+ return 15;
+ break;
+ case 168:
+ return 414;
+ break;
+ case 169:
+ return 194;
+ break;
+ case 170:
+ return 'REDUCE';
+ break;
+ case 171:
+ return 374;
+ break;
+ case 172:
+ return 311;
+ break;
+ case 173:
+ return 517;
+ break;
+ case 174:
+ return 682;
+ break;
+ case 175:
+ return 107;
+ break;
+ case 176:
+ return 401;
+ break;
+ case 177:
+ return 175;
+ break;
+ case 178:
+ return 290;
+ break;
+ case 179:
+ return 443;
+ break;
+ case 180:
+ return 687;
+ break;
+ case 181:
+ return 173;
+ break;
+ case 182:
+ return 173;
+ break;
+ case 183:
+ return 226;
+ break;
+ case 184:
+ return 436;
+ break;
+ case 185:
+ return 237;
+ break;
+ case 186:
+ return 150;
+ break;
+ case 187:
+ return 766;
+ break;
+ case 188:
+ return 405;
+ break;
+ case 189:
+ return 89;
+ break;
+ case 190:
+ return 228;
+ break;
+ case 191:
+ return 146;
+ break;
+ case 192:
+ return 146;
+ break;
+ case 193:
+ return 409;
+ break;
+ case 194:
+ return 334;
+ break;
+ case 195:
+ return 417;
+ break;
+ case 196:
+ return 'STRATEGY';
+ break;
+ case 197:
+ return 'STORE';
+ break;
+ case 198:
+ return 280;
+ break;
+ case 199:
+ return 353;
+ break;
+ case 200:
+ return 353;
+ break;
+ case 201:
+ return 463;
+ break;
+ case 202:
+ return 357;
+ break;
+ case 203:
+ return 357;
+ break;
+ case 204:
+ return 192;
+ break;
+ case 205:
+ return 309;
+ break;
+ case 206:
+ return 'TIMEOUT';
+ break;
+ case 207:
+ return 148;
+ break;
+ case 208:
+ return 195;
+ break;
+ case 209:
+ return 435;
+ break;
+ case 210:
+ return 435;
+ break;
+ case 211:
+ return 509;
+ break;
+ case 212:
+ return 294;
+ break;
+ case 213:
+ return 451;
+ break;
+ case 214:
+ return 162;
+ break;
+ case 215:
+ return 187;
+ break;
+ case 216:
+ return 98;
+ break;
+ case 217:
+ return 335;
+ break;
+ case 218:
+ return 408;
+ break;
+ case 219:
+ return 231;
+ break;
+ case 220:
+ return 149;
+ break;
+ case 221:
+ return 344;
+ break;
+ case 222:
+ return 134;
+ break;
+ case 223:
+ return 410;
+ break;
+ case 224:
+ return 308;
+ break;
+ case 225:
+ return 128;
+ break;
+ case 226:
+ return 439;
+ break;
+ case 227:
+ return 72;
+ break;
+ case 228:
+ return 435; /* Is this keyword required? */
+ break;
+ case 229:
+ return 131;
+ break;
+ case 230:
+ return 131;
+ break;
+ case 231:
+ return 115;
+ break;
+ case 232:
+ return 137;
+ break;
+ case 233:
+ return 179;
+ break;
+ case 234:
+ return 317;
+ break;
+ case 235:
+ return 180;
+ break;
+ case 236:
+ return 133;
+ break;
+ case 237:
+ return 138;
+ break;
+ case 238:
+ return 326;
+ break;
+ case 239:
+ return 323;
+ break;
+ case 240:
+ return 325;
+ break;
+ case 241:
+ return 322;
+ break;
+ case 242:
+ return 320;
+ break;
+ case 243:
+ return 318;
+ break;
+ case 244:
+ return 319;
+ break;
+ case 245:
+ return 142;
+ break;
+ case 246:
+ return 141;
+ break;
+ case 247:
+ return 139;
+ break;
+ case 248:
+ return 321;
+ break;
+ case 249:
+ return 324;
+ break;
+ case 250:
+ return 140;
+ break;
+ case 251:
+ return 124;
+ break;
+ case 252:
+ return 324;
+ break;
+ case 253:
+ return 77;
+ break;
+ case 254:
+ return 78;
+ break;
+ case 255:
+ return 145;
+ break;
+ case 256:
+ return 424;
+ break;
+ case 257:
+ return 426;
+ break;
+ case 258:
+ return 300;
+ break;
+ case 259:
+ return 505;
+ break;
+ case 260:
+ return 507;
+ break;
+ case 261:
+ return 122;
+ break;
+ case 262:
+ return 116;
+ break;
+ case 263:
+ return 74;
+ break;
+ case 264:
+ return 333;
+ break;
+ case 265:
+ return 152;
+ break;
+ case 266:
+ return 764;
+ break;
+ case 267:
+ return 143;
+ break;
+ case 268:
+ return 181;
+ break;
+ case 269:
+ return 136;
+ break;
+ case 270:
+ return 123;
+ break;
+ case 271:
+ return 312;
+ break;
+ case 272:
+ return 4;
+ break;
+ case 273:
+ return 10;
+ break;
+ case 274:
+ return 'INVALID';
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ rules: [/^(?:``([^\`])+``)/i, /^(?:\[\?\])/i, /^(?:@\[)/i, /^(?:ARRAY\[)/i, /^(?:\[([^\]])*?\])/i, /^(?:`([^\`])*?`)/i, /^(?:N(['](\\.|[^']|\\')*?['])+)/i, /^(?:X(['](\\.|[^']|\\')*?['])+)/i, /^(?:(['](\\.|[^']|\\')*?['])+)/i, /^(?:(["](\\.|[^"]|\\")*?["])+)/i, /^(?:--(.*?)($|\r\n|\r|\n))/i, /^(?:\s+)/i, /^(?:\|\|)/i, /^(?:\|)/i, /^(?:VALUE\s+OF\s+SEARCH\b)/i, /^(?:VALUE\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i, /^(?:ROW\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i, /^(?:COLUMN\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i, /^(?:MATRIX\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i, /^(?:INDEX\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i, /^(?:RECORDSET\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i, /^(?:TEXT\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i, /^(?:SELECT\b)/i, /^(?:ABSOLUTE\b)/i, /^(?:ACTION\b)/i, /^(?:ADD\b)/i, /^(?:AFTER\b)/i, /^(?:AGGR\b)/i, /^(?:AGGREGATE\b)/i, /^(?:AGGREGATOR\b)/i, /^(?:ALL\b)/i, /^(?:ALTER\b)/i, /^(?:AND\b)/i, /^(?:ANTI\b)/i, /^(?:ANY\b)/i, /^(?:APPLY\b)/i, /^(?:ARRAY\b)/i, /^(?:AS\b)/i, /^(?:ASSERT\b)/i, /^(?:ASC\b)/i, /^(?:ATTACH\b)/i, /^(?:AUTO(_)?INCREMENT\b)/i, /^(?:AVG\b)/i, /^(?:BEFORE\b)/i, /^(?:BEGIN\b)/i, /^(?:BETWEEN\b)/i, /^(?:BREAK\b)/i, /^(?:NOT\s+BETWEEN\b)/i, /^(?:NOT\s+LIKE\b)/i, /^(?:BY\b)/i, /^(?:~~\*)/i, /^(?:!~~\*)/i, /^(?:~~)/i, /^(?:!~~)/i, /^(?:ILIKE\b)/i, /^(?:NOT\s+ILIKE\b)/i, /^(?:CALL\b)/i, /^(?:CASE\b)/i, /^(?:CAST\b)/i, /^(?:CHECK\b)/i, /^(?:CLASS\b)/i, /^(?:CLOSE\b)/i, /^(?:COLLATE\b)/i, /^(?:COLUMN\b)/i, /^(?:COLUMNS\b)/i, /^(?:COMMIT\b)/i, /^(?:CONSTRAINT\b)/i, /^(?:CONTENT\b)/i, /^(?:CONTINUE\b)/i, /^(?:CONVERT\b)/i, /^(?:CORRESPONDING\b)/i, /^(?:COUNT\b)/i, /^(?:CREATE\b)/i, /^(?:CROSS\b)/i, /^(?:CUBE\b)/i, /^(?:CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\b)/i, /^(?:CURSOR\b)/i, /^(?:DATABASE(S)?)/i, /^(?:DATEADD\b)/i, /^(?:DATEDIFF\b)/i, /^(?:DECLARE\b)/i, /^(?:DEFAULT\b)/i, /^(?:DELETE\b)/i, /^(?:DELETED\b)/i, /^(?:DESC\b)/i, /^(?:DETACH\b)/i, /^(?:DISTINCT\b)/i, /^(?:DROP\b)/i, /^(?:ECHO\b)/i, /^(?:EDGE\b)/i, /^(?:END\b)/i, /^(?:ENUM\b)/i, /^(?:ELSE\b)/i, /^(?:ESCAPE\b)/i, /^(?:EXCEPT\b)/i, /^(?:EXEC\b)/i, /^(?:EXECUTE\b)/i, /^(?:EXISTS\b)/i, /^(?:EXPLAIN\b)/i, /^(?:FALSE\b)/i, /^(?:FETCH\b)/i, /^(?:FIRST\b)/i, /^(?:FOR\b)/i, /^(?:FOREIGN\b)/i, /^(?:FROM\b)/i, /^(?:FULL\b)/i, /^(?:FUNCTION\b)/i, /^(?:GLOB\b)/i, /^(?:GO\b)/i, /^(?:GRAPH\b)/i, /^(?:GROUP\b)/i, /^(?:GROUPING\b)/i, /^(?:HAVING\b)/i, /^(?:IF\b)/i, /^(?:IDENTITY\b)/i, /^(?:IS\b)/i, /^(?:IN\b)/i, /^(?:INDEX\b)/i, /^(?:INDEXED\b)/i, /^(?:INNER\b)/i, /^(?:INSTEAD\b)/i, /^(?:INSERT\b)/i, /^(?:INSERTED\b)/i, /^(?:INTERSECT\b)/i, /^(?:INTERVAL\b)/i, /^(?:INTO\b)/i, /^(?:JOIN\b)/i, /^(?:KEY\b)/i, /^(?:LAST\b)/i, /^(?:LET\b)/i, /^(?:LEFT\b)/i, /^(?:LIKE\b)/i, /^(?:LIMIT\b)/i, /^(?:MATCHED\b)/i, /^(?:MATRIX\b)/i, /^(?:MAX(\s+)?(?=\())/i, /^(?:MAX(\s+)?(?=(,|\))))/i, /^(?:MIN(\s+)?(?=\())/i, /^(?:MERGE\b)/i, /^(?:MINUS\b)/i, /^(?:MODIFY\b)/i, /^(?:NATURAL\b)/i, /^(?:NEXT\b)/i, /^(?:NEW\b)/i, /^(?:NOCASE\b)/i, /^(?:NO\b)/i, /^(?:NOT\b)/i, /^(?:NULL\b)/i, /^(?:OFF\b)/i, /^(?:ON\b)/i, /^(?:ONLY\b)/i, /^(?:OF\b)/i, /^(?:OFFSET\b)/i, /^(?:OPEN\b)/i, /^(?:OPTION\b)/i, /^(?:OR\b)/i, /^(?:ORDER\b)/i, /^(?:OUTER\b)/i, /^(?:OVER\b)/i, /^(?:PATH\b)/i, /^(?:PARTITION\b)/i, /^(?:PERCENT\b)/i, /^(?:PIVOT\b)/i, /^(?:PLAN\b)/i, /^(?:PRIMARY\b)/i, /^(?:PRINT\b)/i, /^(?:PRIOR\b)/i, /^(?:QUERY\b)/i, /^(?:READ\b)/i, /^(?:RECORDSET\b)/i, /^(?:REDUCE\b)/i, /^(?:REFERENCES\b)/i, /^(?:REGEXP\b)/i, /^(?:REINDEX\b)/i, /^(?:RELATIVE\b)/i, /^(?:REMOVE\b)/i, /^(?:RENAME\b)/i, /^(?:REPEAT\b)/i, /^(?:REPLACE\b)/i, /^(?:REQUIRE\b)/i, /^(?:RESTORE\b)/i, /^(?:RETURN\b)/i, /^(?:RETURNS\b)/i, /^(?:RIGHT\b)/i, /^(?:ROLLBACK\b)/i, /^(?:ROLLUP\b)/i, /^(?:ROW\b)/i, /^(?:ROWS\b)/i, /^(?:SCHEMA(S)?)/i, /^(?:SEARCH\b)/i, /^(?:SEMI\b)/i, /^(?:SET\b)/i, /^(?:SETS\b)/i, /^(?:SHOW\b)/i, /^(?:SOME\b)/i, /^(?:SOURCE\b)/i, /^(?:STRATEGY\b)/i, /^(?:STORE\b)/i, /^(?:SUM\b)/i, /^(?:TABLE\b)/i, /^(?:TABLES\b)/i, /^(?:TARGET\b)/i, /^(?:TEMP\b)/i, /^(?:TEMPORARY\b)/i, /^(?:TEXTSTRING\b)/i, /^(?:THEN\b)/i, /^(?:TIMEOUT\b)/i, /^(?:TO\b)/i, /^(?:TOP\b)/i, /^(?:TRAN\b)/i, /^(?:TRANSACTION\b)/i, /^(?:TRIGGER\b)/i, /^(?:TRUE\b)/i, /^(?:TRUNCATE\b)/i, /^(?:UNION\b)/i, /^(?:UNIQUE\b)/i, /^(?:UNPIVOT\b)/i, /^(?:UPDATE\b)/i, /^(?:USE\b)/i, /^(?:USING\b)/i, /^(?:VALUE\b)/i, /^(?:VALUES\b)/i, /^(?:VERTEX\b)/i, /^(?:VIEW\b)/i, /^(?:WHEN\b)/i, /^(?:WHERE\b)/i, /^(?:WHILE\b)/i, /^(?:WITH\b)/i, /^(?:WORK\b)/i, /^(?:(\d*[.])?\d+[eE]\d+)/i, /^(?:(\d*[.])?\d+)/i, /^(?:->)/i, /^(?:#)/i, /^(?:\+)/i, /^(?:-)/i, /^(?:\*)/i, /^(?:\/)/i, /^(?:%)/i, /^(?:!===)/i, /^(?:===)/i, /^(?:!==)/i, /^(?:==)/i, /^(?:>=)/i, /^(?:&)/i, /^(?:\|)/i, /^(?:<<)/i, /^(?:>>)/i, /^(?:>)/i, /^(?:<=)/i, /^(?:<>)/i, /^(?:<)/i, /^(?:=)/i, /^(?:!=)/i, /^(?:\()/i, /^(?:\))/i, /^(?:@)/i, /^(?:\{)/i, /^(?:\})/i, /^(?:\])/i, /^(?::-)/i, /^(?:\?-)/i, /^(?:\.\.)/i, /^(?:\.)/i, /^(?:,)/i, /^(?:::)/i, /^(?::)/i, /^(?:;)/i, /^(?:\$)/i, /^(?:\?)/i, /^(?:!)/i, /^(?:\^)/i, /^(?:~)/i, /^(?:[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)/i, /^(?:$)/i, /^(?:.)/i],
+ conditions: { "INITIAL": { "rules": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274], "inclusive": true } }
+ });
+ return lexer;
+ })();
+ parser.lexer = lexer;
+ function Parser() {
+ this.yy = {};
+ }
+ Parser.prototype = parser;
+ parser.Parser = Parser;
+ return new Parser;
+if (typeof require !== 'undefined' && typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
+ exports.parser = alasqlparser;
+ exports.Parser = alasqlparser.Parser;
+ exports.parse = function () { return alasqlparser.parse.apply(alasqlparser, arguments); };
+ exports.main = function commonjsMain(args) {
+ if (!args[1]) {
+ console.log('Usage: ' + args[0] + ' FILE');
+ process.exit(1);
+ }
+ var source = require('fs').readFileSync(require('path').normalize(args[1]), "utf8");
+ return exports.parser.parse(source);
+ };
+ if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && require.main === module) {
+ exports.main(process.argv.slice(1));
+ }
+export default alasqlparser;
diff --git a/build/ES6/dataStruct.js b/build/ES6/dataStruct.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c1247c7c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/dataStruct.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+import database from './dataStruct/database';
+import query from './dataStruct/query';
+import table from './dataStruct/table';
+export default mem => {
+ database(mem);
+ query(mem);
+ table(mem);
diff --git a/build/ES6/dataStruct/database.js b/build/ES6/dataStruct/database.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41860ef68b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/dataStruct/database.js
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+export default mem => {
+ mem.alasql.databasenum = 0;
+ mem.alasql.databases = {};
+ class Database {
+ constructor(databaseid, alasql) {
+ this.dbversion = 0;
+ this.counter = 0;
+ this.tables = {};
+ this.views = {};
+ this.triggers = {};
+ this.indices = {};
+ this.objects = {};
+ this.sqlCache = {};
+ this.sqlCacheSize = 0;
+ this.alasql = alasql;
+ this.databaseid = databaseid;
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ Reset SQL statements cache
+ */
+ resetSqlCache() {
+ this.sqlCache = {}; // Cache for compiled SQL statements
+ this.sqlCacheSize = 0;
+ }
+ // Main SQL function
+ /**
+ Run SQL statement on database
+ @param sql — SQL statement
+ @param object — params Parameters
+ @param cb — callback
+ */
+ exec(sql, params, cb) {
+ return this.alasql.dexec(this.databaseid, sql, params, cb);
+ }
+ autoval(tablename, colname, getNext) {
+ return this.alasql.autoval(tablename, colname, getNext, this.databaseid);
+ }
+ }
+ mem.alasql.newDatabase = (dbName, useNewDatabase = true) => {
+ if (!dbName) {
+ dbName = 'db' + mem.alasql.databasenum++; // Unique name
+ }
+ let db = new Database(dbName, mem.alasql);
+ mem.alasql.databases[db.databaseid] = db;
+ if (useNewDatabase) {
+ mem.alasql.use('alasql');
+ }
+ };
+ //mem.alasql.Database = Database;
+// // Main Database class
+// /**
+// @class Database
+// */
+// const Database = (databaseid) => {
+// var self = this;
+// // self = function(a){console.log('OK',a);}
+// // self.prototype = this;
+// if (self === alasql) {
+// if (databaseid) {
+// // if(alasql.databases[databaseid]) {
+// self = alasql.databases[databaseid];
+// // } else {
+// alasql.databases[databaseid] = self;
+// // }
+// if (!self) {
+// throw new Error('Database "' + databaseid + '" not found');
+// }
+// } else {
+// // Create new database (or get alasql?)
+// self = alasql.databases.alasql;
+// // For SQL Server examples, USE tempdb
+// if (alasql.options.tsql) {
+// alasql.databases.tempdb = alasql.databases.alasql;
+// }
+// // self = new Database(databaseid); // to call without new
+// }
+// }
+// if (!databaseid) {
+// databaseid = 'db' + alasql.databasenum++; // Unique name
+// }
+// // Step 1
+// self.databaseid = databaseid;
+// alasql.databases[databaseid] = self;
+// self.dbversion = 0;
+// //Steps 2-5
+// self.tables = {};
+// self.views = {};
+// self.triggers = {};
+// self.indices = {};
+// // Step 6: Objects storage
+// self.objects = {};
+// self.counter = 0;
+// self.resetSqlCache();
+// return self;
+// };
+// /**
+// Reset SQL statements cache
+// */
+// Database.prototype.resetSqlCache = function() {
+// this.sqlCache = {}; // Cache for compiled SQL statements
+// this.sqlCacheSize = 0;
+// };
+// // Main SQL function
+// /**
+// Run SQL statement on database
+// @param {string} sql SQL statement
+// @param [object] params Parameters
+// @param {function} cb callback
+// */
+// Database.prototype.exec = function(sql, params, cb) {
+// return alasql.dexec(this.databaseid, sql, params, cb);
+// };
+// Database.prototype.autoval = function(tablename, colname, getNext) {
+// return alasql.autoval(tablename, colname, getNext, this.databaseid);
+// };
+// /*/*
+// // // Compile
+// // var statement = this.compile(sql);
+// // // Run
+// // if(statement) {
+// // var data = statement(params, cb);
+// // return data;
+// // }
+// // return;
+// // };
+// // // Async version of exec
+// // Database.prototype.aexec = function(sql, params) {
+// // var self = this;
+// // return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
+// // alasql.dexec(this.databaseid,sql,params,resolve);
+// // });
+// // };
+// */
+// // Aliases like MS SQL
+// /*/*
+// Database.prototype.query = Database.prototype.exec;
+// Database.prototype.run = Database.prototype.exec;
+// Database.prototype.queryArray = function(sql, params, cb) {
+// return flatArray(this.exec(sql, params, cb));
+// }
+// Database.prototype.queryArrayOfArrays = function(sql, params, cb) {
+// return arrayOfArrays(this.exec(sql, params, cb));
+// }
+// Database.prototype.querySingle = function(sql, params, cb) {
+// return this.exec(sql, params, cb)[0];
+// }
+// Database.prototype.queryValue = function(sql, params, cb) {
+// var res = this.querySingle(sql, params, cb);
+// return res[Object.keys(res)[0]];
+// }
+// Database.prototype.value = Database.prototype.queryValue;
+// Database.prototype.row = Database.prototype.querySingle;
+// Database.prototype.array = Database.prototype.queryArray;
+// Database.prototype.matrix = Database.prototype.queryArrayOfArrays;
+// // Compile statements
+// Database.prototype.compile = function(sql, kind) {
+// return alasql.compile(sql, kind, databaseid);
+// };
+// */
+// /*/*
+// // var self = this;
+// // var hh = hash(sql);
+// // // Check cache with hash of SQL statement
+// // var statement = this.sqlcache[hh];
+// // if(!statement) {
+// // // If not fount, then compile it
+// // var ast = alasql.parse(sql);
+// // // Save to cache
+// // statement = this.sqlcache[hh]= ast.compile(self);
+// // // Memory leak prevention
+// // this.sqlcachesize++;
+// // if(this.sqlcachesize > alasql.MAXSQLCACHESIZE) {
+// // this.resetSqlCache();
+// // }
+// // };
+// // return statement;
+// // }
+// // SQL.js compatibility method
+// //Database.prototype.prepare = Database.prototype.compile;
+// // Added for compatibility with WebSQL
+// */
diff --git a/build/ES6/dataStruct/query.js b/build/ES6/dataStruct/query.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..71e36f2fc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/dataStruct/query.js
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+import utils from '../utils';
+ @class Query Main query class
+ */
+class Query {
+ constructor(params) {
+ //this.alasql = alasql;
+ // console.log(12,alasql);
+ // Columns
+ this.columns = [];
+ this.xcolumns = {};
+ this.selectGroup = [];
+ this.groupColumns = {};
+ utils.extend(this, params);
+ return this;
+ }
+ * DataArray
+ * @class Recordset data object
+ */
+class Recordset {
+ constructor(params) {
+ utils.extend(this, params);
+ }
+// View = function(){
+// this.data = [];
+// this.columns = [];
+// this.ixcolumns = {};
+// this.ixdefs = {};
+// this.indices = {};
+// };
+// alasql.View = View;
+export default mem => {
+ mem.alasql.Query = Query;
+ mem.alasql.QueRecordsetry = Recordset;
+export { Recordset };
+export { Query };
diff --git a/build/ES6/dataStruct/table.js b/build/ES6/dataStruct/table.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3109bfbf9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/dataStruct/table.js
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+import utils from '../utils';
+export default mem => {
+ class Table {
+ constructor(params) {
+ // Step 1: Data array
+ this.data = [];
+ // Step 2: Columns
+ this.columns = [];
+ this.xcolumns = {};
+ // Step 3: indices
+ this.inddefs = {};
+ this.indices = {};
+ this.uniqs = {};
+ this.uniqdefs = {};
+ // Step 4: identities
+ this.identities = {};
+ // Step 5: checkfn...
+ this.checks = [];
+ this.checkfns = []; // For restore... to be done...
+ // Step 7: Triggers...
+ // Create trigger hubs
+ this.beforeinsert = {};
+ this.afterinsert = {};
+ this.insteadofinsert = {};
+ this.beforedelete = {};
+ this.afterdelete = {};
+ this.insteadofdelete = {};
+ this.beforeupdate = {};
+ this.afterupdate = {};
+ this.insteadofupdate = {};
+ utils.extend(this, params);
+ return this;
+ }
+ indexColumns() {
+ this.xcolumns = {};
+ this.columns.forEach(function (col) {
+ this.xcolumns[col.columnid] = col;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ mem.alasql.newTable = (params = []) => {
+ return new Table(params);
+ };
+// View = function(){
+// this.data = [];
+// this.columns = [];
+// this.ixcolumns = {};
+// this.ixdefs = {};
+// this.indices = {};
+// };
+// alasql.View = View;
diff --git a/build/ES6/grammar.js b/build/ES6/grammar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d565e9cde6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/grammar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import grammar from './alasqlparser';
+import base from './grammar/base';
+import statements from './grammar/statements';
+import select from './grammar/select';
+import expression from './grammar/expression';
+import exists from './grammar/exists';
+import defcols from './grammar/defcols';
+import from_ from './grammar/from';
+import compile from './grammar/compile';
+import where from './grammar/where';
+import useDatabase from './grammar/useDatabase';
+import functions from './grammar/functions';
+import createtable from './grammar/createtable';
+import insert from './grammar/insert';
+export default mem => {
+ mem.alasql.parser = grammar;
+ base(mem);
+ statements(mem);
+ select(mem);
+ expression(mem);
+ exists(mem);
+ defcols(mem);
+ from_(mem);
+ compile(mem);
+ where(mem);
+ useDatabase(mem);
+ functions(mem);
+ createtable(mem);
+ insert(mem);
diff --git a/build/ES6/grammar/base.js b/build/ES6/grammar/base.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..93b4891099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/grammar/base.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import utils from '../utils';
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ yy.extend = utils.extend;
+ // Option for case sensitive
+ yy.casesensitive = mem.alasql.options.casesensitive;
+ yy.isInAggr = val => !!mem.alasql.aggr[val];
+ // Base class for all yy classes
+ yy.Base = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Base.prototype.toString = function () { };
+ yy.Base.prototype.toType = function () { };
+ yy.Base.prototype.toJS = function () { };
+ // var BaseClause = yy,BaseClause = function (params) { return yy.extend(this, params); };
+ yy.Base.prototype.compile = utils.returnUndefined;
+ yy.Base.prototype.exec = function () { };
+ // var BaseStatement = yy,BaseStatement = function (params) { return yy.extend(this, params); };
+ yy.Base.prototype.compile = utils.returnUndefined;
+ yy.Base.prototype.exec = function () { };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
diff --git a/build/ES6/grammar/compile.js b/build/ES6/grammar/compile.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3139aa97cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/grammar/compile.js
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+// Select compiler part for Alasql.js
+// Date: 03.11.2014
+// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
+// yy.Select.prototype.compileSources = function(query) {
+// return sources;
+// };
+import utils from '../utils';
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ const alasql = mem.alasql;
+ const escapeq = utils.escapeq;
+ function compileSelectStar(query, alias, joinstar) {
+ // console.log(query.aliases[alias]);
+ // console.log(query,alias);
+ // console.log(query.aliases[alias].tableid);
+ // console.log(42,631,alias);
+ // console.log(query.aliases);
+ var sp = '', ss = [];
+ // if(!alias) {
+ // sp += 'for(var k1 in p) var w=p[k1];for(var k2 in w){r[k2]=w[k2]};';
+ // } else {
+ // TODO move this out of this function
+ query.ixsources = {};
+ query.sources.forEach(function (source) {
+ query.ixsources[source.alias] = source;
+ });
+ // Fixed
+ var columns;
+ if (query.ixsources[alias]) {
+ var columns = query.ixsources[alias].columns;
+ }
+ // if(columns.length == 0 && query.aliases[alias].tableid) {
+ // var columns = alasql.databases[query.aliases[alias].databaseid].tables[query.aliases[alias].tableid].columns;
+ // };
+ // Check if this is a Table or other
+ if (joinstar && alasql.options.joinstar === 'json') {
+ sp += "r['" + alias + "']={};";
+ }
+ if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
+ columns.forEach(function (tcol) {
+ if (joinstar && alasql.options.joinstar === 'underscore') {
+ ss.push("'" +
+ alias +
+ '_' +
+ tcol.columnid +
+ "':p['" +
+ alias +
+ "']['" +
+ tcol.columnid +
+ "']");
+ }
+ else if (joinstar && alasql.options.joinstar === 'json') {
+ // ss.push('\''+alias+'_'+tcol.columnid+'\':p[\''+alias+'\'][\''+tcol.columnid+'\']');
+ sp +=
+ "r['" +
+ alias +
+ "']['" +
+ tcol.columnid +
+ "']=p['" +
+ alias +
+ "']['" +
+ tcol.columnid +
+ "'];";
+ }
+ else {
+ ss.push("'" + tcol.columnid + "':p['" + alias + "']['" + tcol.columnid + "']");
+ }
+ query.selectColumns[escapeq(tcol.columnid)] = true;
+ // console.log('ok',tcol);
+ var coldef = {
+ columnid: tcol.columnid,
+ dbtypeid: tcol.dbtypeid,
+ dbsize: tcol.dbsize,
+ dbprecision: tcol.dbprecision,
+ dbenum: tcol.dbenum,
+ };
+ query.columns.push(coldef);
+ query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
+ });
+ //console.log(999,columns);
+ }
+ else {
+ // console.log(60,alias,columns);
+ // if column not exists, then copy all
+ sp += 'var w=p["' + alias + '"];for(var k in w){r[k]=w[k]};';
+ //console.log(777, sp);
+ query.dirtyColumns = true;
+ }
+ // }
+ //console.log(87,{s:ss.join(','),sp:sp});
+ return { s: ss.join(','), sp: sp };
+ }
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileSelect1 = function (query, params) {
+ var self = this;
+ query.columns = [];
+ query.xcolumns = {};
+ query.selectColumns = {};
+ query.dirtyColumns = false;
+ var s = 'var r={';
+ var sp = '';
+ var ss = [];
+ //console.log(42,87,this.columns);
+ this.columns.forEach(function (col) {
+ //console.log(col);
+ if (col instanceof yy.Column) {
+ if (col.columnid === '*') {
+ if (col.func) {
+ sp +=
+ "r=params['" +
+ col.param +
+ "'](p['" +
+ query.sources[0].alias +
+ "'],p,params,alasql);";
+ }
+ else if (col.tableid) {
+ //Copy all
+ var ret = compileSelectStar(query, col.tableid, false);
+ if (ret.s) {
+ ss = ss.concat(ret.s);
+ }
+ sp += ret.sp;
+ }
+ else {
+ // console.log('aliases', query.aliases);
+ for (var alias in query.aliases) {
+ var ret = compileSelectStar(query, alias, true); //query.aliases[alias].tableid);
+ if (ret.s) {
+ ss = ss.concat(ret.s);
+ }
+ sp += ret.sp;
+ }
+ // TODO Remove these lines
+ // In case of no information
+ // sp += 'for(var k1 in p){var w=p[k1];'+
+ // 'for(k2 in w) {r[k2]=w[k2]}}'
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // If field, otherwise - expression
+ var tbid = col.tableid;
+ // console.log(query.sources);
+ var dbid = col.databaseid || query.sources[0].databaseid || query.database.databaseid;
+ if (!tbid)
+ tbid = query.defcols[col.columnid];
+ if (!tbid)
+ tbid = query.defaultTableid;
+ if (col.columnid !== '_') {
+ if (false &&
+ tbid &&
+ !query.defcols['.'][col.tableid] &&
+ !query.defcols[col.columnid]) {
+ ss.push("'" +
+ escapeq(col.as || col.columnid) +
+ "':p['" +
+ query.defaultTableid +
+ "']['" +
+ col.tableid +
+ "']['" +
+ col.columnid +
+ "']");
+ }
+ else {
+ // workaround for multisheet xlsx export with custom COLUMNS
+ var isMultisheetParam = params &&
+ params.length > 1 &&
+ Array.isArray(params[0]) &&
+ params[0].length >= 1 &&
+ params[0][0].hasOwnProperty('sheetid');
+ if (isMultisheetParam) {
+ sp =
+ 'var r={};var w=p["' +
+ tbid +
+ '"];' +
+ 'var cols=[' +
+ self.columns
+ .map(function (col) {
+ return "'" + col.columnid + "'";
+ })
+ .join(',') +
+ '];var colas=[' +
+ self.columns
+ .map(function (col) {
+ return "'" + (col.as || col.columnid) + "'";
+ })
+ .join(',') +
+ '];' +
+ "for (var i=0;i 0) {
+ // console.log(1);
+ var tcol = xcolumns[col.columnid];
+ if (undefined === tcol) {
+ throw new Error('Column does not exists: ' + col.columnid);
+ }
+ var coldef = {
+ columnid: col.as || col.columnid,
+ dbtypeid: tcol.dbtypeid,
+ dbsize: tcol.dbsize,
+ dbpecision: tcol.dbprecision,
+ dbenum: tcol.dbenum,
+ };
+ // console.log(2);
+ query.columns.push(coldef);
+ query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
+ }
+ else {
+ var coldef = {
+ columnid: col.as || col.columnid,
+ };
+ // console.log(2);
+ query.columns.push(coldef);
+ query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
+ query.dirtyColumns = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ var coldef = {
+ columnid: col.as || col.columnid,
+ };
+ // console.log(2);
+ query.columns.push(coldef);
+ query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
+ // This is a subquery?
+ // throw new Error('There is now such table \''+col.tableid+'\'');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (col instanceof yy.AggrValue) {
+ if (!self.group) {
+ // self.group=[new yy.Column({columnid:'q',as:'q' })];
+ self.group = [''];
+ }
+ if (!col.as) {
+ col.as = escapeq(col.toString());
+ }
+ if (col.aggregatorid === 'SUM' ||
+ col.aggregatorid === 'MAX' ||
+ col.aggregatorid === 'MIN' ||
+ col.aggregatorid === 'FIRST' ||
+ col.aggregatorid === 'LAST' ||
+ col.aggregatorid === 'AVG' ||
+ col.aggregatorid === 'ARRAY' ||
+ col.aggregatorid === 'REDUCE') {
+ ss.push("'" +
+ utils.escapeq(col.as) +
+ "':" +
+ utils.n2u(col.expression.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols)));
+ }
+ else if (col.aggregatorid === 'COUNT') {
+ ss.push("'" + utils.escapeq(col.as) + "':1");
+ // Nothing
+ }
+ // todo: confirm that no default action must be implemented
+ // query.selectColumns[col.aggregatorid+'('+escapeq(col.expression.toString())+')'] = thtd;
+ var coldef = {
+ columnid: col.as || col.columnid || col.toString(),
+ };
+ // console.log(2);
+ query.columns.push(coldef);
+ query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
+ // else if (col.aggregatorid == 'MAX') {
+ // ss.push((col.as || col.columnid)+':'+col.toJS("p.",query.defaultTableid))
+ // } else if (col.aggregatorid == 'MIN') {
+ // ss.push((col.as || col.columnid)+':'+col.toJS("p.",query.defaultTableid))
+ // }
+ }
+ else {
+ // console.log(203,col.as,col.columnid,col.toString());
+ ss.push("'" +
+ utils.escapeq(col.as || col.columnid || col.toString()) +
+ "':" +
+ utils.n2u(col.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols)));
+ // ss.push('\''+escapeq(col.toString())+'\':'+col.toJS("p",query.defaultTableid));
+ //if(col instanceof yy.Expression) {
+ query.selectColumns[escapeq(col.as || col.columnid || col.toString())] = true;
+ var coldef = {
+ columnid: col.as || col.columnid || col.toString(),
+ };
+ // console.log(2);
+ query.columns.push(coldef);
+ query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
+ }
+ });
+ s += ss.join(',') + '};' + sp;
+ return s;
+ //console.log(42,753,query.xcolumns, query.selectColumns);
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileSelect2 = function (query) {
+ var s = query.selectfns;
+ if (this.orderColumns && this.orderColumns.length > 0) {
+ this.orderColumns.forEach(function (v, idx) {
+ var key = '$$$' + idx;
+ if (v instanceof yy.Column && query.xcolumns[v.columnid]) {
+ s += "r['" + key + "']=r['" + v.columnid + "'];";
+ }
+ else {
+ s += "r['" + key + "']=" + v.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols) + ';';
+ }
+ query.removeKeys.push(key);
+ });
+ }
+ // console.log(285,s);
+ return new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;' + s + 'return r');
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileSelectGroup0 = function (query) {
+ var self = this;
+ self.columns.forEach(function (col, idx) {
+ if (!(col instanceof yy.Column && col.columnid === '*')) {
+ var colas;
+ // = col.as;
+ if (col instanceof yy.Column) {
+ colas = utils.escapeq(col.columnid);
+ }
+ else {
+ colas = utils.escapeq(col.toString(true));
+ // console.log(273,colas);
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < idx; i++) {
+ if (colas === self.columns[i].nick) {
+ colas = self.columns[i].nick + ':' + idx;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // }
+ col.nick = colas;
+ if (col.funcid &&
+ (col.funcid.toUpperCase() === 'ROWNUM' || col.funcid.toUpperCase() === 'ROW_NUMBER')) {
+ query.rownums.push(col.as);
+ }
+ // console.log("colas:",colas);
+ // }
+ }
+ else {
+ query.groupStar = col.tableid || 'default';
+ }
+ });
+ this.columns.forEach(function (col) {
+ if (col.findAggregator) {
+ col.findAggregator(query);
+ }
+ });
+ if (this.having) {
+ if (this.having.findAggregator) {
+ this.having.findAggregator(query);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileSelectGroup1 = function (query) {
+ var self = this;
+ var s = 'var r = {};';
+ self.columns.forEach(function (col) {
+ // console.log(col);
+ if (col instanceof yy.Column && col.columnid === '*') {
+ // s += 'for(var k in g){r[k]=g[k]};';
+ // s += 'for(var k in this.query.groupColumns){r[k]=g[this.query.groupColumns[k]]};';
+ s += 'for(var k in g) {r[k]=g[k]};';
+ return '';
+ // console.log(query);
+ }
+ else {
+ // var colas = col.as;
+ var colas = col.as;
+ if (colas === undefined) {
+ if (col instanceof yy.Column) {
+ colas = escapeq(col.columnid);
+ }
+ else {
+ colas = col.nick;
+ }
+ }
+ query.groupColumns[colas] = col.nick;
+ /*/* if(typeof colas == 'undefined') {
+ if(col instanceof yy.Column) {
+ colas = col.columnid;
+ } else {
+ colas = col.toString();
+ for(var i=0;i -1) {
+ s += "r['" + (col.as || col.nick) + "']=g['" + col.nick + "'];";
+ }
+ });
+ if (this.orderColumns && this.orderColumns.length > 0) {
+ this.orderColumns.forEach(function (v, idx) {
+ // console.log(411,v);
+ var key = '$$$' + idx;
+ // console.log(427,v,query.groupColumns,query.xgroupColumns);
+ if (v instanceof yy.Column && query.groupColumns[v.columnid]) {
+ s += "r['" + key + "']=r['" + v.columnid + "'];";
+ }
+ else {
+ s += "r['" + key + "']=" + v.toJS('g', '') + ';';
+ }
+ query.removeKeys.push(key);
+ });
+ }
+ //console.log(425,s);
+ // console.log('selectg:',s);
+ return new Function('g,params,alasql', 'var y;' + s + 'return r');
+ };
+ // SELECY * REMOVE [COLUMNS] col-list, LIKE ''
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileRemoveColumns = function (query) {
+ var self = this;
+ if (typeof this.removecolumns !== 'undefined') {
+ query.removeKeys = query.removeKeys.concat(this.removecolumns
+ .filter(function (column) {
+ return typeof column.like === 'undefined';
+ })
+ .map(function (column) {
+ return column.columnid;
+ }));
+ //console.log(query.removeKeys,this.removecolumns);
+ query.removeLikeKeys = this.removecolumns
+ .filter(function (column) {
+ return typeof column.like !== 'undefined';
+ })
+ .map(function (column) {
+ // return new RegExp((column.like.value||'').replace(/\%/g,'.*').replace(/\?|_/g,'.'),'g');
+ return column.like.value;
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ mem.alasql = alasql;
diff --git a/build/ES6/grammar/createtable.js b/build/ES6/grammar/createtable.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..07191153d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/grammar/createtable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
+// CREATE TABLE for Alasql.js
+// Date: 03.11.2014
+// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
+import utils from '../utils';
+const cloneDeep = utils.cloneDeep;
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ const alasql = mem.alasql;
+ yy.ColumnDef = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.ColumnDef.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = this.columnid;
+ if (this.dbtypeid) {
+ s += ' ' + this.dbtypeid;
+ }
+ if (this.dbsize) {
+ s += '(' + this.dbsize;
+ if (this.dbprecision) {
+ s += ',' + this.dbprecision;
+ }
+ s += ')';
+ }
+ if (this.primarykey) {
+ s += ' PRIMARY KEY';
+ }
+ if (this.notnull) {
+ s += ' NOT NULL';
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.CreateTable = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.CreateTable.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = 'CREATE';
+ if (this.temporary) {
+ s += ' TEMPORARY';
+ }
+ if (this.view) {
+ s += ' VIEW';
+ }
+ else {
+ s += ' ' + (this.class ? 'CLASS' : 'TABLE');
+ }
+ if (this.ifnotexists) {
+ s += ' IF NOT EXISTS';
+ }
+ s += ' ' + this.table.toString();
+ if (this.viewcolumns) {
+ s +=
+ '(' +
+ this.viewcolumns
+ .map(function (vcol) {
+ return vcol.toString();
+ })
+ .join(',') +
+ ')';
+ }
+ if (this.as) {
+ s += ' AS ' + this.as;
+ }
+ else {
+ var ss = this.columns.map(function (col) {
+ return col.toString();
+ });
+ s += ' (' + ss.join(',') + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.view && this.select) {
+ s += ' AS ' + this.select.toString();
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ //yy.CreateTable.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
+ yy.CreateTable.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ // var self = this;
+ var db = alasql.databases[this.table.databaseid || databaseid];
+ var tableid = this.table.tableid;
+ if (!tableid) {
+ throw new Error('Table name is not defined');
+ }
+ // var ifnotexists = this.ifnotexists;
+ var columns = this.columns;
+ // if(false) {
+ // if(!columns) {
+ // throw new Error('Columns are not defined');
+ // }
+ // }
+ var constraints = this.constraints || [];
+ // console.log(this);
+ if (this.ifnotexists && db.tables[tableid]) {
+ return cb ? cb(0) : 0;
+ }
+ if (db.tables[tableid]) {
+ throw new Error("Can not create table '" +
+ tableid +
+ "', because it already exists in the database '" +
+ db.databaseid +
+ "'");
+ }
+ var table = (db.tables[tableid] = alasql.newTable()); // TODO Can use special object?
+ // If this is a class
+ if (this.class) {
+ table.isclass = true;
+ }
+ var ss = []; // DEFAULT function components
+ var uss = []; // ON UPDATE function components
+ if (columns) {
+ columns.forEach(function (col) {
+ var dbtypeid = col.dbtypeid;
+ if (!alasql.fn[dbtypeid]) {
+ dbtypeid = dbtypeid.toUpperCase();
+ }
+ // Process SERIAL data type like Postgress
+ if (['SERIAL', 'SMALLSERIAL', 'BIGSERIAL'].indexOf(dbtypeid) > -1) {
+ col.identity = { value: 1, step: 1 };
+ }
+ var newcol = {
+ columnid: col.columnid,
+ dbtypeid: dbtypeid,
+ dbsize: col.dbsize,
+ dbprecision: col.dbprecision,
+ notnull: col.notnull,
+ identity: col.identity,
+ };
+ if (col.identity) {
+ table.identities[col.columnid] = {
+ value: +col.identity.value,
+ step: +col.identity.step,
+ };
+ // ss.push('\''+col.columnid+'\':(alasql.databases[\''+db.databaseid+'\'].tables[\''
+ // +tableid+'\'].identities[\''+col.columnid+'\'].value)');
+ }
+ if (col.check) {
+ table.checks.push({
+ id: col.check.constrantid,
+ fn: new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + col.check.expression.toJS('r', '')),
+ });
+ }
+ if (col.default) {
+ ss.push("'" + col.columnid + "':" + col.default.toJS('r', ''));
+ }
+ // Check for primary key
+ if (col.primarykey) {
+ var pk = (table.pk = {});
+ pk.columns = [col.columnid];
+ pk.onrightfns = "r['" + col.columnid + "']";
+ pk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + pk.onrightfns);
+ pk.hh = hash(pk.onrightfns);
+ table.uniqs[pk.hh] = {};
+ }
+ // UNIQUE clause
+ if (col.unique) {
+ var uk = {};
+ table.uk = table.uk || [];
+ table.uk.push(uk);
+ uk.columns = [col.columnid];
+ uk.onrightfns = "r['" + col.columnid + "']";
+ uk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + uk.onrightfns);
+ uk.hh = hash(uk.onrightfns);
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh] = {};
+ }
+ // UNIQUE clause
+ if (col.foreignkey) {
+ // console.log(138,col.foreignkey);
+ var fk = col.foreignkey.table;
+ var fktable = alasql.databases[fk.databaseid || databaseid].tables[fk.tableid];
+ if (typeof fk.columnid === 'undefined') {
+ if (fktable.pk.columns && fktable.pk.columns.length > 0) {
+ fk.columnid = fktable.pk.columns[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('FOREIGN KEY allowed only to tables with PRIMARY KEYs');
+ }
+ }
+ // console.log(fktable.pk);
+ var fkfn = function (r) {
+ var rr = {};
+ if (typeof r[col.columnid] === 'undefined') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ rr[fk.columnid] = r[col.columnid];
+ var addr = fktable.pk.onrightfn(rr);
+ // console.log(r, rr, addr);
+ // console.log(fktable.uniqs[fktable.pk.hh][addr]);
+ if (!fktable.uniqs[fktable.pk.hh][addr]) {
+ throw new Error('Foreign key "' +
+ r[col.columnid] +
+ '" is not found in table ' +
+ fktable.tableid);
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ table.checks.push({ fn: fkfn });
+ /*/* var uk = {};
+ if(typeof table.uk == 'undefined') table.uk = [];
+ table.uk.push(uk);
+ uk.columns = [col.columnid];
+ uk.onrightfns = 'r[\''+col.columnid+'\']';
+ uk.onrightfn = new Function("r",'return '+uk.onrightfns);
+ uk.hh = hash(uk.onrightfns);
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh] = {};
+ */
+ }
+ if (col.onupdate) {
+ uss.push("r['" + col.columnid + "']=" + col.onupdate.toJS('r', ''));
+ }
+ table.columns.push(newcol);
+ table.xcolumns[newcol.columnid] = newcol;
+ });
+ }
+ table.defaultfns = ss.join(',');
+ table.onupdatefns = uss.join(';');
+ // if(constraints) {
+ constraints.forEach(function (con) {
+ //console.log(con, con.columns);
+ var checkfn;
+ if (con.type === 'PRIMARY KEY') {
+ if (table.pk) {
+ throw new Error('Primary key already exists');
+ }
+ var pk = (table.pk = {});
+ pk.columns = con.columns;
+ pk.onrightfns = pk.columns
+ .map(function (columnid) {
+ return "r['" + columnid + "']";
+ })
+ .join("+'`'+");
+ pk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + pk.onrightfns);
+ pk.hh = hash(pk.onrightfns);
+ table.uniqs[pk.hh] = {};
+ }
+ else if (con.type === 'CHECK') {
+ // console.log(con.expression.toJS('r',''));
+ checkfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + con.expression.toJS('r', ''));
+ }
+ else if (con.type === 'UNIQUE') {
+ // console.log(con);
+ var uk = {};
+ table.uk = table.uk || [];
+ table.uk.push(uk);
+ uk.columns = con.columns;
+ uk.onrightfns = uk.columns
+ .map(function (columnid) {
+ return "r['" + columnid + "']";
+ })
+ .join("+'`'+");
+ uk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + uk.onrightfns);
+ uk.hh = hash(uk.onrightfns);
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh] = {};
+ }
+ else if (con.type === 'FOREIGN KEY') {
+ // console.log(con);
+ var col = table.xcolumns[con.columns[0]];
+ var fk = con.fktable;
+ if (con.fkcolumns && con.fkcolumns.length > 0) {
+ fk.columnid = con.fkcolumns[0];
+ }
+ var fktable = alasql.databases[fk.databaseid || databaseid].tables[fk.tableid];
+ if (typeof fk.columnid === 'undefined') {
+ fk.columnid = fktable.pk.columns[0];
+ }
+ // console.log(fktable.pk);
+ checkfn = function (r) {
+ var rr = {};
+ if (typeof r[col.columnid] === 'undefined') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ rr[fk.columnid] = r[col.columnid];
+ var addr = fktable.pk.onrightfn(rr);
+ // console.log(r, rr, addr);
+ // console.log(fktable.uniqs[fktable.pk.hh][addr]);
+ if (!fktable.uniqs[fktable.pk.hh][addr]) {
+ //console.log(228,table,col,fk);
+ throw new Error('Foreign key "' +
+ r[col.columnid] +
+ '" is not found in table ' +
+ fktable.tableid);
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ }
+ if (checkfn) {
+ table.checks.push({ fn: checkfn, id: con.constraintid, fk: con.type === 'FOREIGN KEY' });
+ }
+ });
+ if (this.view && this.viewcolumns) {
+ var self = this;
+ this.viewcolumns.forEach(function (vcol, idx) {
+ self.select.columns[idx].as = vcol.columnid;
+ });
+ }
+ //Used in 420from queryfn when table.view = true!
+ if (this.view && this.select) {
+ table.view = true;
+ // console.log(this.select.toString());
+ // console.log('this.table.databaseid',this.table.databaseid);
+ // console.log(this.select.compile(this.table.databaseid||databaseid));
+ table.select = this.select.compile(this.table.databaseid || databaseid);
+ }
+ if (db.engineid) {
+ // console.log(101,db.engineid);
+ return alasql.engines[db.engineid].createTable(this.table.databaseid || databaseid, tableid, this.ifnotexists, cb);
+ // console.log('createtable',res1);
+ // return res1;
+ }
+ // }
+ // if(table.pk) {
+ table.insert = function (r, orreplace) {
+ var oldinserted = alasql.inserted;
+ alasql.inserted = [r];
+ var table = this;
+ var toreplace = false; // For INSERT OR REPLACE
+ /*
+ // if(table.identities && table.identities.length>0) {
+ // table.identities.forEach(function(ident){
+ // r[ident.columnid] = ident.value;
+ // });
+ // }
+ */
+ // Trigger prevent functionality
+ var prevent = false;
+ for (var tr in table.beforeinsert) {
+ var trigger = table.beforeinsert[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ if (alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r) === false)
+ prevent = prevent || true;
+ }
+ else if (trigger.statement) {
+ if (trigger.statement.execute(databaseid) === false)
+ prevent = prevent || true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (prevent)
+ return;
+ // Trigger prevent functionality
+ var escape = false;
+ for (tr in table.insteadofinsert) {
+ escape = true;
+ trigger = table.insteadofinsert[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r);
+ }
+ else if (trigger.statement) {
+ trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (escape)
+ return;
+ //console.log(262,r);
+ //console.log(263,table.identities)
+ for (var columnid in table.identities) {
+ var ident = table.identities[columnid];
+ // console.log(ident);
+ r[columnid] = ident.value;
+ // console.log(ident);
+ }
+ //console.log(270,r);
+ if (table.checks && table.checks.length > 0) {
+ table.checks.forEach(function (check) {
+ if (!check.fn(r)) {
+ // if(orreplace) toreplace=true; else
+ throw new Error('Violation of CHECK constraint ' + (check.id || ''));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ table.columns.forEach(function (column) {
+ if (column.notnull && typeof r[column.columnid] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Wrong NULL value in NOT NULL column ' + column.columnid);
+ }
+ });
+ if (table.pk) {
+ var pk = table.pk;
+ var addr = pk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] !== 'undefined') {
+ //console.log(pk,addr,pk.onrightfn({ono:1}));
+ //console.log(r, pk.onrightfn(r), pk.onrightfns);
+ if (orreplace)
+ toreplace = table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr];
+ else
+ throw new Error('Cannot insert record, because it already exists in primary key index');
+ }
+ // table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr]=r;
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ var ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] !== 'undefined') {
+ if (orreplace)
+ toreplace = table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr];
+ else
+ throw new Error('Cannot insert record, because it already exists in unique index');
+ }
+ // table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr]=r;
+ });
+ }
+ if (toreplace) {
+ // Do UPDATE!!!
+ // console.log();
+ table.update(function (t) {
+ for (var f in r)
+ t[f] = r[f];
+ }, table.data.indexOf(toreplace), params);
+ }
+ else {
+ table.data.push(r);
+ // Final change before insert
+ // Update indices
+ for (var columnid in table.identities) {
+ var ident = table.identities[columnid];
+ // console.log(ident);
+ ident.value += ident.step;
+ // console.log(ident);
+ }
+ if (table.pk) {
+ var pk = table.pk;
+ var addr = pk.onrightfn(r);
+ table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] = r;
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ var ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] = r;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // Trigger prevent functionality
+ for (var tr in table.afterinsert) {
+ var trigger = table.afterinsert[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r);
+ }
+ else if (trigger.statement) {
+ trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ alasql.inserted = oldinserted;
+ };
+ table.delete = function (index) {
+ var table = this;
+ var r = table.data[index];
+ // Prevent trigger
+ var prevent = false;
+ for (var tr in table.beforedelete) {
+ var trigger = table.beforedelete[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ if (alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r) === false)
+ prevent = prevent || true;
+ }
+ else if (trigger.statement) {
+ if (trigger.statement.execute(databaseid) === false)
+ prevent = prevent || true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (prevent)
+ return false;
+ // Trigger prevent functionality
+ var escape = false;
+ for (var tr in table.insteadofdelete) {
+ escape = true;
+ var trigger = table.insteadofdelete[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r);
+ }
+ else if (trigger.statement) {
+ trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (escape)
+ return;
+ if (this.pk) {
+ var pk = this.pk;
+ var addr = pk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof this.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Something wrong with primary key index on table');
+ }
+ else {
+ this.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ var ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Something wrong with unique index on table');
+ }
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] = undefined;
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ table.deleteall = function () {
+ this.data.length = 0;
+ if (this.pk) {
+ // var r = this.data[i];
+ this.uniqs[this.pk.hh] = {};
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh] = {};
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ table.update = function (assignfn, i, params) {
+ // TODO: Analyze the speed
+ var r = cloneDeep(this.data[i]);
+ var pk;
+ if (this.pk) {
+ pk = this.pk;
+ pk.pkaddr = pk.onrightfn(r, params);
+ if (typeof this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.pkaddr] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Something wrong with index on table');
+ }
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ uk.ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.ukaddr] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Something wrong with unique index on table');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ assignfn(r, params, alasql);
+ // Prevent trigger
+ var prevent = false;
+ for (var tr in table.beforeupdate) {
+ var trigger = table.beforeupdate[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ if (alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](this.data[i], r) === false)
+ prevent = prevent || true;
+ }
+ else if (trigger.statement) {
+ if (trigger.statement.execute(databaseid) === false)
+ prevent = prevent || true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (prevent)
+ return false;
+ // Trigger prevent functionality
+ var escape = false;
+ for (var tr in table.insteadofupdate) {
+ escape = true;
+ var trigger = table.insteadofupdate[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](this.data[i], r);
+ }
+ else if (trigger.statement) {
+ trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (escape)
+ return;
+ if (table.checks && table.checks.length > 0) {
+ table.checks.forEach(function (check) {
+ if (!check.fn(r)) {
+ throw new Error('Violation of CHECK constraint ' + (check.id || ''));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ table.columns.forEach(function (column) {
+ if (column.notnull && typeof r[column.columnid] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Wrong NULL value in NOT NULL column ' + column.columnid);
+ }
+ });
+ if (this.pk) {
+ pk.newpkaddr = pk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.newpkaddr] !== 'undefined' &&
+ pk.newpkaddr !== pk.pkaddr) {
+ throw new Error('Record already exists');
+ }
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ uk.newukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.newukaddr] !== 'undefined' &&
+ uk.newukaddr !== uk.ukaddr) {
+ throw new Error('Record already exists');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.pk) {
+ this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.pkaddr] = undefined;
+ this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.newpkaddr] = r;
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.ukaddr] = undefined;
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.newukaddr] = r;
+ });
+ }
+ this.data[i] = r;
+ // Trigger prevent functionality
+ for (var tr in table.afterupdate) {
+ var trigger = table.afterupdate[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](this.data[i], r);
+ }
+ else if (trigger.statement) {
+ trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // console.log(databaseid);
+ // console.log(db.databaseid,db.tables);
+ // console.log(table);
+ var res;
+ if (!alasql.options.nocount) {
+ res = 1;
+ }
+ if (cb)
+ res = cb(res);
+ return res;
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ mem.alasql = alasql;
diff --git a/build/ES6/grammar/defcols.js b/build/ES6/grammar/defcols.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..399967dbc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/grammar/defcols.js
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+// Select run-time part for Alasql.js
+// Date: 03.11.2014
+// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileDefCols = function (query, databaseid) {
+ // console.log('defcols');
+ var defcols = { '.': {} };
+ if (this.from) {
+ this.from.forEach(function (fr) {
+ defcols['.'][fr.as || fr.tableid] = true;
+ if (fr instanceof yy.Table) {
+ var alias = fr.as || fr.tableid;
+ // console.log(alasql.databases[fr.databaseid || databaseid]);
+ // console.log(alasql.databases[fr.databaseid || databaseid].tables, fr.tableid);
+ //console.log(alasql.databases[fr.databaseid || databaseid].tables, fr.tableid);
+ //console.log(alasql.databases);
+ var table = mem.alasql.databases[fr.databaseid || databaseid].tables[fr.tableid];
+ //console.log(table);
+ if (undefined === table) {
+ throw new Error('Table does not exists: ' + fr.tableid);
+ }
+ if (table.columns) {
+ table.columns.forEach(function (col) {
+ if (defcols[col.columnid]) {
+ defcols[col.columnid] = '-'; // Ambigous
+ }
+ else {
+ defcols[col.columnid] = alias;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ else if (fr instanceof yy.Select) {
+ }
+ else if (fr instanceof yy.Search) {
+ }
+ else if (fr instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
+ }
+ else if (fr instanceof yy.VarValue) {
+ }
+ else if (fr instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
+ }
+ else if (fr instanceof yy.FromData) {
+ }
+ else if (fr instanceof yy.Json) {
+ }
+ else if (fr.inserted) {
+ }
+ else {
+ // console.log(fr);
+ throw new Error('Unknown type of FROM clause');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.joins) {
+ this.joins.forEach(function (jn) {
+ defcols['.'][jn.as || jn.table.tableid] = true;
+ // console.log(jn);
+ if (jn.table) {
+ var alias = jn.table.tableid;
+ if (jn.as)
+ alias = jn.as;
+ var alias = jn.as || jn.table.tableid;
+ var table = mem.alasql.databases[jn.table.databaseid || databaseid].tables[jn.table.tableid];
+ // console.log(jn.table.tableid, jn.table.databaseid);
+ if (table.columns) {
+ table.columns.forEach(function (col) {
+ if (defcols[col.columnid]) {
+ defcols[col.columnid] = '-'; // Ambigous
+ }
+ else {
+ defcols[col.columnid] = alias;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ else if (jn.select) {
+ throw new Error('Select not implemented yet');
+ }
+ else if (jn.param) {
+ throw new Error('param not implemented yet');
+ }
+ else if (jn.func) {
+ throw new Error('func not implemented yet');
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('Unknown type of FROM clause');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // for(var k in defcols) {
+ // if(defcols[k] == '-') defcols[k] = undefined;
+ // }
+ // console.log(89,defcols);
+ return defcols;
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
diff --git a/build/ES6/grammar/exists.js b/build/ES6/grammar/exists.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9748246b86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/grammar/exists.js
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// EXISTS and other subqueries functions functions for Alasql.js
+// Date: 03.11.2014
+// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ yy.ExistsValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.ExistsValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return 'EXISTS(' + this.value.toString() + ')';
+ };
+ yy.ExistsValue.prototype.toType = function () {
+ return 'boolean';
+ };
+ yy.ExistsValue.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ // return 'ww=this.existsfn['+this.existsidx+'](params,null,p),console.log(ww),ww.length';
+ return 'this.existsfn[' + this.existsidx + '](params,null,' + context + ').data.length';
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileWhereExists = function (query) {
+ if (!this.exists)
+ return;
+ query.existsfn = this.exists.map(function (ex) {
+ var nq = ex.compile(query.database.databaseid);
+ // console.log(nq);
+ // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ return nq;
+ });
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileQueries = function (query) {
+ if (!this.queries)
+ return;
+ query.queriesfn = this.queries.map(function (q) {
+ var nq = q.compile(query.database.databaseid);
+ // console.log(nq);
+ // if(!nq.query) nq.query = {};
+ nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ return nq;
+ });
+ };
+ //
+ // Prepare subqueries and exists
+ //
+ // Todo: move this function away from grammar
+ mem.alasql.precompile = function (statement, databaseid, params) {
+ // console.log(statement);
+ if (!statement)
+ return;
+ statement.params = params;
+ if (statement.queries) {
+ //console.log(52,statement.queries[0]);
+ statement.queriesfn = statement.queries.map(function (q) {
+ var nq = q.compile(databaseid || statement.database.databaseid);
+ // console.log(nq);
+ // nq.query.modifier = undefined;
+ // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ return nq;
+ });
+ }
+ if (statement.exists) {
+ //console.log(62,statement.exists);
+ statement.existsfn = statement.exists.map(function (ex) {
+ var nq = ex.compile(databaseid || statement.database.databaseid);
+ // console.log(nq.query.modifier);
+ // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'ARRAY';
+ nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ return nq;
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
diff --git a/build/ES6/grammar/expression.js b/build/ES6/grammar/expression.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0c75f249e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/grammar/expression.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1065 @@
+import utils from '../utils';
+// Expressions for Alasql.js
+// Date: 03.11.2014
+// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ const alasql = mem.alasql;
+ /**
+ * Expression statement ( = 2*2; )
+ * @class
+ * @param {object} params Initial parameters
+ */
+ yy.ExpressionStatement = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ /**
+ Convert AST to string
+ @this ExpressionStatement
+ @return {string}
+ yy.ExpressionStatement.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return this.expression.toString();
+ };
+ /**
+ Execute statement
+ @param {string} databaseid Database identificatro
+ @param {object} params Statement parameters
+ @param {statement-callback} cb Callback
+ @return {object} Result value
+ yy.ExpressionStatement.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ if (this.expression) {
+ // console.log(this.expression.toJS('','', null));
+ // console.log(this.expression.toJS('','', null));
+ // console.log(this.expression.toJS('({})','', null));
+ alasql.precompile(this, databaseid, params); // Precompile queries
+ var exprfn = new Function('params,alasql,p', 'var y;return ' + this.expression.toJS('({})', '', null)).bind(this);
+ var res = exprfn(params, alasql);
+ if (cb) {
+ res = cb(res);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ Expression class
+ @class
+ @param {object} params Initial parameters
+ yy.Expression = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ /**
+ Convert AST to string
+ @this ExpressionStatement
+ @return {string}
+ yy.Expression.prototype.toString = function (dontas) {
+ var s = this.expression.toString(dontas);
+ if (this.order) {
+ s += ' ' + this.order.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.nocase) {
+ }
+ if (this.direction) {
+ s += ' ' + this.direction;
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ Find aggregator in AST subtree
+ @this ExpressionStatement
+ @param {object} query Query object
+ yy.Expression.prototype.findAggregator = function (query) {
+ if (this.expression.findAggregator) {
+ this.expression.findAggregator(query);
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ Convert AST to JavaScript expression
+ @this ExpressionStatement
+ @param {string} context Context string, e.g. 'p','g', or 'x'
+ @param {string} tableid Default table name
+ @param {object} defcols Default columns dictionary
+ @return {string} JavaScript expression
+ yy.Expression.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ // console.log('Expression',this);
+ if (this.expression.reduced) {
+ return 'true';
+ }
+ return this.expression.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ };
+ /**
+ Compile AST to JavaScript expression
+ @this ExpressionStatement
+ @param {string} context Context string, e.g. 'p','g', or 'x'
+ @param {string} tableid Default table name
+ @param {object} defcols Default columns dictionary
+ @return {string} JavaScript expression
+ yy.Expression.prototype.compile = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ // console.log('Expression',this);
+ if (this.reduced) {
+ return utils.returnTrue();
+ }
+ return new Function('p', 'var y;return ' + this.toJS(context, tableid, defcols));
+ };
+ /**
+ JavaScript class
+ @class
+ yy.JavaScript = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.JavaScript.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = '``' + this.value + '``';
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.JavaScript.prototype.toJS = function ( /* context, tableid, defcols*/) {
+ // console.log('Expression',this);
+ return '(' + this.value + ')';
+ };
+ yy.JavaScript.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ var res = 1;
+ var expr = new Function('params,alasql,p', this.value);
+ expr(params, alasql);
+ if (cb) {
+ res = cb(res);
+ }
+ return res;
+ };
+ /**
+ Literal class
+ @class
+ @example
+ MyVar, [My vairable], `MySQL variable`
+ yy.Literal = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Literal.prototype.toString = function (dontas) {
+ var s = this.value;
+ if (this.value1) {
+ s = this.value1 + '.' + s;
+ }
+ if (this.alias && !dontas)
+ s += ' AS ' + this.alias;
+ // else s = tableid+'.'+s;
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ Join class
+ @class
+ yy.Join = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Join.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = ' ';
+ if (this.joinmode) {
+ s += this.joinmode + ' ';
+ }
+ s += 'JOIN ' + this.table.toString();
+ return s;
+ };
+ // yy.Join.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid) {
+ // return 'JOIN'+this.table.toString();
+ // }
+ /**
+ Table class
+ @class
+ yy.Table = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Table.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = this.tableid;
+ // if(this.joinmode)
+ if (this.databaseid) {
+ s = this.databaseid + '.' + s;
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ View class
+ @class
+ yy.View = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.View.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = this.viewid;
+ // if(this.joinmode)
+ if (this.databaseid) {
+ s = this.databaseid + '.' + s;
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ Binary operation class
+ @class
+ yy.Op = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Op.prototype.toString = function () {
+ if (this.op === 'IN' || this.op === 'NOT IN') {
+ return this.left.toString() + ' ' + this.op + ' (' + this.right.toString() + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.allsome) {
+ return (this.left.toString() +
+ ' ' +
+ this.op +
+ ' ' +
+ this.allsome +
+ ' (' +
+ this.right.toString() +
+ ')');
+ }
+ if (this.op === '->' || this.op === '!') {
+ var s = this.left.toString() + this.op;
+ // console.log(this.right);
+ if (typeof this.right !== 'string' && typeof this.right !== 'number') {
+ s += '(';
+ }
+ s += this.right.toString();
+ if (typeof this.right !== 'string' && typeof this.right !== 'number') {
+ s += ')';
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ return (this.left.toString() +
+ ' ' +
+ this.op +
+ ' ' +
+ (this.allsome ? this.allsome + ' ' : '') +
+ this.right.toString());
+ };
+ yy.Op.prototype.findAggregator = function (query) {
+ // console.log(this.toString());
+ if (this.left && this.left.findAggregator) {
+ this.left.findAggregator(query);
+ }
+ // Do not go in > ALL
+ if (this.right && this.right.findAggregator && !this.allsome) {
+ this.right.findAggregator(query);
+ }
+ };
+ yy.Op.prototype.toType = function (tableid) {
+ if (['-', '*', '/', '%', '^'].indexOf(this.op) > -1) {
+ return 'number';
+ }
+ if (['||'].indexOf(this.op) > -1) {
+ return 'string';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '+') {
+ if (this.left.toType(tableid) === 'string' || this.right.toType(tableid) === 'string') {
+ return 'string';
+ }
+ if (this.left.toType(tableid) === 'number' || this.right.toType(tableid) === 'number') {
+ return 'number';
+ }
+ }
+ if ([
+ 'AND',
+ 'OR',
+ 'NOT',
+ '=',
+ '==',
+ '===',
+ '!=',
+ '!==',
+ '!===',
+ '>',
+ '>=',
+ '<',
+ '<=',
+ 'IN',
+ 'NOT IN',
+ 'LIKE',
+ 'GLOB',
+ ].indexOf(this.op) > -1) {
+ return 'boolean';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'BETWEEN' ||
+ this.op === 'NOT BETWEEN' ||
+ this.op === 'IS NULL' ||
+ this.op === 'IS NOT NULL') {
+ return 'boolean';
+ }
+ if (this.allsome) {
+ return 'boolean';
+ }
+ if (!this.op) {
+ return this.left.toType();
+ }
+ return 'unknown';
+ };
+ yy.Op.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ // console.log(this);
+ var s;
+ var refs = [];
+ var op = this.op;
+ var _this = this;
+ //var leftJS = function(){return _this.left.toJS(context,tableid, defcols)};
+ //var rightJS = function(){return _this.right.toJS(context,tableid, defcols)};
+ var accessedLeft = false, accessedRight = false;
+ var ref = function (expr) {
+ if (expr.toJS) {
+ expr = expr.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ }
+ var i = refs.push(expr) - 1;
+ return 'y[' + i + ']';
+ };
+ var leftJS = function () {
+ return ref(_this.left);
+ };
+ var rightJS = function () {
+ return ref(_this.right);
+ };
+ if (this.op === '=') {
+ op = '===';
+ }
+ else if (this.op === '<>') {
+ op = '!=';
+ }
+ else if (this.op === 'OR') {
+ op = '||';
+ }
+ // Arrow operator
+ if (this.op === '->') {
+ // Expression to prevent error if object is empty (#344)
+ var ljs = '(' + leftJS() + '||{})';
+ if (typeof this.right === 'string') {
+ s = ljs + '["' + this.right + '"]';
+ }
+ else if (typeof this.right === 'number') {
+ s = ljs + '[' + this.right + ']';
+ }
+ else if (this.right instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
+ var ss = [];
+ if (!(!this.right.args || 0 === this.right.args.length)) {
+ ss = this.right.args.map(ref);
+ }
+ s = '' + ljs + "['" + this.right.funcid + "'](" + ss.join(',') + ')';
+ }
+ else {
+ s = '' + ljs + '[' + rightJS() + ']';
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.op === '!') {
+ if (typeof this.right === 'string') {
+ s =
+ '' +
+ 'alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[' +
+ leftJS() +
+ ']["' +
+ this.right +
+ '"]';
+ }
+ // TODO - add other cases
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'IS') {
+ s =
+ '' +
+ '(' +
+ '(' +
+ leftJS() +
+ '==null)' + // Cant be ===
+ ' === ' +
+ '(' +
+ rightJS() +
+ '==null)' + // Cant be ===
+ ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '==') {
+ s = '' + 'alasql.utils.deepEqual(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '===' || this.op === '!===') {
+ s =
+ '' +
+ '(' +
+ (this.op === '!===' ? '!' : '') +
+ '(' +
+ '(' +
+ leftJS() +
+ ').valueOf()' +
+ '===' +
+ '(' +
+ rightJS() +
+ ').valueOf()' +
+ ')' +
+ ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '!==') {
+ s = '' + '(!alasql.utils.deepEqual(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + '))';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '||') {
+ s = '' + "(''+(" + leftJS() + "||'')+(" + rightJS() + '||""))';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'LIKE' || this.op === 'NOT LIKE') {
+ s =
+ '(' +
+ (this.op === 'NOT LIKE' ? '!' : '') +
+ 'alasql.utils.like(' +
+ rightJS() +
+ ',' +
+ leftJS();
+ if (this.escape) {
+ s += ',' + ref(this.escape);
+ }
+ s += '))';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'REGEXP') {
+ s = 'alasql.stdfn.REGEXP_LIKE(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'GLOB') {
+ s = 'alasql.utils.glob(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'BETWEEN' || this.op === 'NOT BETWEEN') {
+ var left = leftJS();
+ s =
+ '' +
+ '(' +
+ (this.op === 'NOT BETWEEN' ? '!' : '') +
+ '(' +
+ '(' +
+ ref(this.right1) +
+ '<=' +
+ left +
+ ') && (' +
+ left +
+ '<=' +
+ ref(this.right2) +
+ ')' +
+ ')' +
+ ')';
+ /*/*
+ if(this.right instanceof yy.Op && this.right.op == 'AND') {
+ return ref('(('+this.right.left)+'<='+leftJS()+')&&'+
+ ref('('+leftJS()+'<='+this.right.right)+'))';
+ } else {
+ throw new Error('Wrong BETWEEN operator without AND part');
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'IN') {
+ if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
+ s = '(';
+ // s += 'this.query.queriesdata['+this.queriesidx+']';
+ // s += 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn['+(this.queriesidx)+'](params,null,context))';
+ s +=
+ 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn[' +
+ this.queriesidx +
+ '](params,null,' +
+ context +
+ '))';
+ s += '.indexOf(';
+ s += leftJS() + ')>-1)';
+ }
+ else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
+ // if(this.right.length == 0) return 'false';
+ s = '([' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + '].indexOf(' + leftJS() + ')>-1)';
+ //console.log(s);
+ }
+ else {
+ s = '(' + rightJS() + '.indexOf(' + leftJS() + ')>-1)';
+ //console.log('expression',350,s);
+ // } else {
+ // throw new Error('Wrong IN operator without SELECT part');
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'NOT IN') {
+ if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
+ s = '(';
+ //this.query.queriesdata['+this.queriesidx+']
+ // s += 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn['+(this.queriesidx)+'](params,null,p))';
+ s +=
+ 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn[' +
+ this.queriesidx +
+ '](params,null,p))';
+ s += '.indexOf(';
+ s += leftJS() + ')<0)';
+ }
+ else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
+ // if(this.right.length == 0) return 'true';
+ s = '([' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + '].indexOf(';
+ s += leftJS() + ')<0)';
+ }
+ else {
+ s = '(' + rightJS() + '.indexOf(';
+ s += leftJS() + ')==-1)';
+ // throw new Error('Wrong NOT IN operator without SELECT part');
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.allsome === 'ALL') {
+ var s;
+ if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
+ // var s = 'this.query.queriesdata['+this.queriesidx+']';
+ s =
+ 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn[' +
+ this.queriesidx +
+ '](params,null,p))';
+ s += '.every(function(b){return (';
+ s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
+ }
+ else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
+ s =
+ '' +
+ (this.right.length == 1
+ ? ref(this.right[0])
+ : '[' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + ']');
+ s += '.every(function(b){return (';
+ s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('NOT IN operator without SELECT');
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.allsome === 'SOME' || this.allsome === 'ANY') {
+ var s;
+ if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
+ // var s = 'this.query.queriesdata['+this.queriesidx+']';
+ s =
+ 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn[' +
+ this.queriesidx +
+ '](params,null,p))';
+ s += '.some(function(b){return (';
+ s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
+ }
+ else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
+ s =
+ '' +
+ (this.right.length == 1
+ ? ref(this.right[0])
+ : '[' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + ']');
+ s += '.some(function(b){return (';
+ s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('SOME/ANY operator without SELECT');
+ }
+ }
+ // Special case for AND optimization (if reduced)
+ if (this.op === 'AND') {
+ if (this.left.reduced) {
+ if (this.right.reduced) {
+ return 'true';
+ }
+ else {
+ s = rightJS();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (this.right.reduced) {
+ s = leftJS();
+ }
+ // Otherwise process as regular operation (see below)
+ op = '&&';
+ }
+ // if(this.op === '^') {
+ // // return 'Math.pow('
+ // // + leftJS()
+ // // + ','
+ // // + rightJS()
+ // // + ')';
+ // }
+ // Change names
+ // console.log(this);
+ var expr = s || '(' + leftJS() + op + rightJS() + ')';
+ var declareRefs = 'y=[(' + refs.join('), (') + ')]';
+ if (op === '&&' || op === '||' || op === 'IS' || op === 'IS NULL' || op === 'IS NOT NULL') {
+ return '(' + declareRefs + ', ' + expr + ')';
+ }
+ return ('(' +
+ declareRefs +
+ ', ' +
+ 'y.some(function(e){return e == null}) ? void 0 : ' +
+ expr +
+ ')');
+ };
+ yy.VarValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.VarValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return '@' + this.variable;
+ };
+ yy.VarValue.prototype.toType = function () {
+ return 'unknown';
+ };
+ yy.VarValue.prototype.toJS = function () {
+ return "alasql.vars['" + this.variable + "']";
+ };
+ yy.NumValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.NumValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return this.value.toString();
+ };
+ yy.NumValue.prototype.toType = function () {
+ return 'number';
+ };
+ yy.NumValue.prototype.toJS = function () {
+ return '' + this.value;
+ };
+ yy.StringValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.StringValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return "'" + this.value.toString() + "'";
+ };
+ yy.StringValue.prototype.toType = function () {
+ return 'string';
+ };
+ yy.StringValue.prototype.toJS = function () {
+ // console.log("'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'");
+ // return "'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'";
+ return "'" + utils.escapeq(this.value) + "'";
+ };
+ yy.DomainValueValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.DomainValueValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return 'VALUE';
+ };
+ yy.DomainValueValue.prototype.toType = function () {
+ return 'object';
+ };
+ yy.DomainValueValue.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ // console.log("'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'");
+ // return "'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'";
+ return context;
+ };
+ yy.ArrayValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.ArrayValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return 'ARRAY[]';
+ };
+ yy.ArrayValue.prototype.toType = function () {
+ return 'object';
+ };
+ yy.ArrayValue.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ // console.log("'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'");
+ // return "'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'";
+ return ('[(' +
+ this.value
+ .map(function (el) {
+ return el.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ })
+ .join('), (') +
+ ')]');
+ };
+ yy.LogicValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.LogicValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return this.value ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
+ };
+ yy.LogicValue.prototype.toType = function () {
+ return 'boolean';
+ };
+ yy.LogicValue.prototype.toJS = function () {
+ return this.value ? 'true' : 'false';
+ };
+ yy.NullValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.NullValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return 'NULL';
+ };
+ yy.NullValue.prototype.toJS = function () {
+ return 'undefined';
+ // return 'undefined';
+ };
+ yy.ParamValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.ParamValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return '$' + this.param;
+ };
+ yy.ParamValue.prototype.toJS = function () {
+ if (typeof this.param === 'string') {
+ return "params['" + this.param + "']";
+ }
+ return 'params[' + this.param + ']';
+ };
+ yy.UniOp = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.UniOp.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s;
+ s = void 0;
+ if (this.op === '~') {
+ s = this.op + this.right.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.op === '-') {
+ s = this.op + this.right.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.op === '+') {
+ s = this.op + this.right.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.op === '#') {
+ s = this.op + this.right.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'NOT') {
+ s = this.op + '(' + this.right.toString() + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === null) {
+ s = '(' + this.right.toString() + ')';
+ }
+ if (!s) {
+ s = '(' + this.right.toString() + ')';
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.UniOp.prototype.findAggregator = function (query) {
+ if (this.right.findAggregator) {
+ this.right.findAggregator(query);
+ }
+ };
+ yy.UniOp.prototype.toType = function () {
+ if (this.op === '-') {
+ return 'number';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '+') {
+ return 'number';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'NOT') {
+ return 'boolean';
+ }
+ // Todo: implement default case
+ };
+ yy.UniOp.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ if (this.op === '~') {
+ return '(~(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + '))';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '-') {
+ return '(-(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + '))';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '+') {
+ return '(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'NOT') {
+ return '!(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '#') {
+ if (this.right instanceof yy.Column) {
+ return "(alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects['" + this.right.columnid + "'])";
+ }
+ else {
+ return ('(alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[' +
+ this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) +
+ '])');
+ }
+ }
+ // Please avoid === here
+ if (this.op == null) {
+ // jshint ignore:line
+ return '(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + ')';
+ }
+ // Todo: implement default case.
+ };
+ /*/*
+// yy.Star = function (params) { return yy.extend(this, params); }
+// yy.Star.prototype.toString = function() {
+// var s = this.fieldid;
+// if(this.tableid) {
+// s = this.tableid+'.'+s;
+// if(this.databaseid) {
+// s = this.databaseid+'.'+s;
+// }
+// }
+// if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
+// return s;
+// }
+ yy.Column = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Column.prototype.toString = function (dontas) {
+ var s;
+ if (this.columnid == +this.columnid) {
+ // jshint ignore:line
+ s = '[' + this.columnid + ']';
+ }
+ else {
+ s = this.columnid;
+ }
+ if (this.tableid) {
+ if (+this.columnid === this.columnid) {
+ s = this.tableid + s;
+ }
+ else {
+ s = this.tableid + '.' + s;
+ }
+ if (this.databaseid) {
+ s = this.databaseid + '.' + s;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.alias && !dontas)
+ s += ' AS ' + this.alias;
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.Column.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ /*/*
+// var s = this.value;
+// var s = this.columnid;
+// if(this.tableid) {
+// s = this.tableid+'.'+s;
+// // if(this.databaseid) {
+// // s = this.databaseid+'.'+s;
+// // }
+// } else {
+// s = tableid+'.'+s;
+// }
+ //console.log('yy.Column',this, tableid);
+ // console.log(392,this.columnid);
+ //console.log(506,this);
+ //console.log(523, this, tableid);
+ var s = '';
+ if (!this.tableid && tableid === '' && !defcols) {
+ if (this.columnid !== '_') {
+ s = context + "['" + this.columnid + "']";
+ }
+ else {
+ if (context === 'g') {
+ s = "g['_']";
+ }
+ else {
+ s = context;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (context === 'g') {
+ // if(this.columnid == '_') {
+ // } else {
+ s = "g['" + this.nick + "']";
+ // }
+ }
+ else if (this.tableid) {
+ if (this.columnid !== '_') {
+ // if() {
+ // s = context+'[\''+tableid + '\'][\''+this.tableid+'\'][\''+this.columnid+'\']';
+ // } else {
+ s = context + "['" + this.tableid + "']['" + this.columnid + "']";
+ // }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (context === 'g') {
+ s = "g['_']";
+ }
+ else {
+ s = context + "['" + this.tableid + "']";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (defcols) {
+ var tbid = defcols[this.columnid];
+ if (tbid === '-') {
+ throw new Error('Cannot resolve column "' +
+ this.columnid +
+ '" because it exists in two source tables');
+ }
+ else if (tbid) {
+ if (this.columnid !== '_') {
+ s = context + "['" + tbid + "']['" + this.columnid + "']";
+ }
+ else {
+ s = context + "['" + tbid + "']";
+ }
+ // console.log(836,tbid,s);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (this.columnid !== '_') {
+ // if(defcols['.'][this.tableid]) {
+ // console.log(847,tableid);
+ // console.log(context+'[\''+tableid + '\'][\''+this.tableid + '\']','[\''+this.columnid+'\']');
+ // s = context+'[\''+tableid + '\'][\''+this.tableid + '\'][\''+this.columnid+'\']';
+ // } else {
+ s =
+ context +
+ "['" +
+ (this.tableid || tableid) +
+ "']['" +
+ this.columnid +
+ "']";
+ // }
+ }
+ else {
+ s = context + "['" + (this.tableid || tableid) + "']";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (tableid === -1) {
+ // if(this.columnid != '') {
+ s = context + "['" + this.columnid + "']";
+ // } else {
+ // s = context;
+ // }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (this.columnid !== '_') {
+ s = context + "['" + (this.tableid || tableid) + "']['" + this.columnid + "']";
+ }
+ else {
+ s = context + "['" + (this.tableid || tableid) + "']";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // console.log(context,s);
+ // console.trace(new Error());
+ //console.log(874,s);
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.AggrValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.AggrValue.prototype.toString = function (dontas) {
+ var s = '';
+ if (this.aggregatorid === 'REDUCE') {
+ s += this.funcid + '(';
+ }
+ else {
+ s += this.aggregatorid + '(';
+ }
+ if (this.distinct) {
+ s += 'DISTINCT ';
+ }
+ if (this.expression) {
+ s += this.expression.toString();
+ }
+ s += ')';
+ if (this.over) {
+ s += ' ' + this.over.toString();
+ }
+ // console.log(this.over);
+ if (this.alias && !dontas)
+ s += ' AS ' + this.alias;
+ // if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.AggrValue.prototype.findAggregator = function (query) {
+ // console.log('aggregator found',this.toString());
+ // var colas = this.as || this.toString();
+ var colas = utils.escapeq(this.toString()) + ':' + query.selectGroup.length;
+ // console.log('findAgg',this);
+ /*/* var found = false;
+ for(var i=0;i -1) {
+ return 'number';
+ }
+ if (['ARRAY'].indexOf(this.aggregatorid) > -1) {
+ return 'array';
+ }
+ if (['FIRST', 'LAST'].indexOf(this.aggregatorid) > -1) {
+ return this.expression.toType();
+ }
+ // todo: implement default;
+ };
+ yy.AggrValue.prototype.toJS = function ( /*context, tableid, defcols*/) {
+ /*/*
+// var s = 'alasql.functions.'+this.funcid+'(';
+// if(this.expression) s += this.expression.toJS(context, tableid);
+// s += ')';
+// if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
+// return s;
+// var s = '';
+//if(this.as) console.log(499,this.as);
+// var colas = this.as;
+ var colas = this.nick;
+ if (colas === undefined) {
+ colas = this.toString();
+ }
+ return "g['" + colas + "']";
+ };
+ yy.OrderExpression = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.OrderExpression.prototype.toString = yy.Expression.prototype.toString;
+ /*/* //Duplicated code
+function() {
+ var s = this.expression.toString();
+ if(this.order) s += ' '+this.order.toString();
+ if(this.nocase) s += ' '+'COLLATE'+' '+'NOCASE';
+ return s;
+ yy.GroupExpression = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.GroupExpression.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return this.type + '(' + this.group.toString() + ')';
+ };
+ /*/* //Duplicated code
+yy.ColumnDef = function (params) { return yy.extend(this, params); }
+yy.ColumnDef.prototype.toString = function() {
+ var s = this.columnid;
+ if(this.dbtypeid) s += ' '+this.dbtypeid;
+ if(this.dbsize) {
+ s += '('+this.dbsize;
+ if(this.dbprecision) s += ','+this.dbprecision;
+ s += ')';
+ };
+ if(this.primarykey) s += ' PRIMARY KEY';
+ if(this.notnull) s += ' NOT NULL';
+ return s;
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ mem.alasql = alasql;
diff --git a/build/ES6/grammar/from.js b/build/ES6/grammar/from.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..06534560b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/grammar/from.js
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+// Select compiler part for Alasql.js
+// Date: 03.11.2014
+// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
+import utils from '../utils';
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ const alasql = mem.alasql;
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileFrom = function (query) {
+ // console.log(1);
+ var self = this;
+ query.sources = [];
+ // var tableid = this.from[0].tableid;
+ // var as = '';
+ // if(self.from[0].as) as = this.from[0].as;
+ //console.log(this);
+ query.aliases = {};
+ if (!self.from)
+ return;
+ //console.log(self.from);
+ self.from.forEach(function (tq) {
+ //console.log(tq);
+ //console.log(tq,tq.toJS());
+ var ps = '';
+ var alias = tq.as || tq.tableid;
+ // console.log(alias);
+ if (tq instanceof yy.Table) {
+ // console.log(tq, tq.databaseid, query);
+ query.aliases[alias] = {
+ tableid: tq.tableid,
+ databaseid: tq.databaseid || query.database.databaseid,
+ type: 'table',
+ };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.Select) {
+ query.aliases[alias] = { type: 'subquery' };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.Search) {
+ query.aliases[alias] = { type: 'subsearch' };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
+ query.aliases[alias] = { type: 'paramvalue' };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
+ query.aliases[alias] = { type: 'funcvalue' };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.VarValue) {
+ query.aliases[alias] = { type: 'varvalue' };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.FromData) {
+ query.aliases[alias] = { type: 'fromdata' };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.Json) {
+ query.aliases[alias] = { type: 'json' };
+ }
+ else if (tq.inserted) {
+ query.aliases[alias] = { type: 'inserted' };
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('Wrong table at FROM');
+ }
+ var source = {
+ alias: alias,
+ databaseid: tq.databaseid || query.database.databaseid,
+ tableid: tq.tableid,
+ joinmode: 'INNER',
+ onmiddlefn: utils.returnTrue,
+ srcwherefns: '',
+ srcwherefn: utils.returnTrue,
+ };
+ if (tq instanceof yy.Table) {
+ // Get columns from table
+ source.columns = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].columns;
+ // console.log('test',alasql.options.autocommit);
+ // console.log(997,alasql.databases[source.databaseid].engineid);
+ // console.log(0,source.databaseid);
+ // console.log(1,alasql.databases[source.databaseid]);
+ // console.log(2,alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].view);
+ if (alasql.options.autocommit &&
+ alasql.databases[source.databaseid].engineid &&
+ !alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].view) {
+ // console.log(997,alasql.databases[source.databaseid].engineid);
+ // TODO -- make view for external engine
+ source.datafn = function (query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
+ return alasql.engines[alasql.databases[source.databaseid].engineid].fromTable(source.databaseid, source.tableid, cb, idx, query);
+ };
+ }
+ else if (alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].view) {
+ source.datafn = function (query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
+ var res = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].select(params);
+ if (cb)
+ res = cb(res, idx, query);
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ // console.log('here');
+ // console.log(420,72,alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid]);
+ source.datafn = function (query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
+ /*
+ // if(!query) console.log('query');
+ // if(!query.database) console.log('query');
+ // if(!query.database.tables) console.log('query');
+ // if(!source.tableid) console.log('query');
+ // if(!query.database.tables[source.tableid]) console.log(query);
+ // if(!query.database.tables[source.tableid].data) console.log('query');
+ */
+ var res = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].data;
+ // console.log(500,res);
+ if (cb)
+ res = cb(res, idx, query);
+ // console.log(600,res);
+ return res;
+ // return alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].data;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.Select) {
+ source.subquery = tq.compile(query.database.databaseid);
+ if (typeof source.subquery.query.modifier === 'undefined') {
+ source.subquery.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET'; // Subqueries always return recordsets
+ }
+ source.columns = source.subquery.query.columns;
+ // console.log(101,source.columns);
+ // tq.columns;
+ source.datafn = function (query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
+ // return source.subquery(query.params, cb, idx, query);
+ var res;
+ source.subquery(query.params, function (data) {
+ res = data.data;
+ if (cb)
+ res = cb(res, idx, query);
+ return res;
+ // return data.data;
+ });
+ // console.log(515,res);
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.Search) {
+ source.subsearch = tq;
+ source.columns = [];
+ /*/*
+ //.compile(query.database.databaseid);
+ // if(typeof source.subquery.query.modifier == 'undefined') {
+ // source.subquery.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET'; // Subqueries always return recordsets
+ // }
+ // source.columns = source.subquery.query.columns;
+ // console.log(101,source.columns);
+ // tq.columns;
+ */
+ source.datafn = function (query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
+ // return source.subquery(query.params, cb, idx, query);
+ var res;
+ source.subsearch.execute(query.database.databaseid, query.params, function (data) {
+ res = data;
+ if (cb)
+ res = cb(res, idx, query);
+ return res;
+ // return data.data;
+ });
+ // console.log(515,res);
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
+ ps = "var res = alasql.prepareFromData(params['" + tq.param + "']";
+ // console.log(tq);
+ if (tq.array)
+ ps += ',true';
+ ps += ');if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);return res';
+ source.datafn = new Function('query,params,cb,idx,alasql', ps);
+ }
+ else if (tq.inserted) {
+ ps = 'var res = alasql.prepareFromData(alasql.inserted';
+ if (tq.array)
+ ps += ',true';
+ ps += ');if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);return res';
+ source.datafn = new Function('query,params,cb,idx,alasql', ps);
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.Json) {
+ ps = 'var res = alasql.prepareFromData(' + tq.toJS();
+ // console.log(tq);
+ if (tq.array)
+ ps += ',true';
+ ps += ');if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);return res';
+ source.datafn = new Function('query,params,cb,idx,alasql', ps);
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.VarValue) {
+ ps = "var res = alasql.prepareFromData(alasql.vars['" + tq.variable + "']";
+ // console.log(tq);
+ if (tq.array)
+ ps += ',true';
+ ps += ');if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);return res';
+ source.datafn = new Function('query,params,cb,idx,alasql', ps);
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
+ ps = "var res=alasql.from['" + tq.funcid.toUpperCase() + "'](";
+ /*/*
+ // if(tq.args && tq.args.length>0) {
+ // s += tq.args.map(function(arg){
+ // return arg.toJS();
+ // }).concat('cb,idx,query').join(',');
+ // }
+ // if(tq.args && tq.args.length>0) {
+ // s += tq.args.map(function(arg){
+ // return arg.toJS();
+ // }).concat().join(',');
+ // }
+ */
+ if (tq.args && tq.args.length > 0) {
+ if (tq.args[0]) {
+ ps += tq.args[0].toJS('query.oldscope') + ',';
+ }
+ else {
+ ps += 'null,';
+ }
+ if (tq.args[1]) {
+ ps += tq.args[1].toJS('query.oldscope') + ',';
+ }
+ else {
+ ps += 'null,';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ps += 'null,null,';
+ }
+ ps += 'cb,idx,query';
+ ps += ');/*if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);*/return res';
+ // console.log(s);
+ source.datafn = new Function('query, params, cb, idx, alasql', ps);
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.FromData) {
+ source.datafn = function (query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
+ var res = tq.data;
+ if (cb)
+ res = cb(res, idx, query);
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('Wrong table at FROM');
+ }
+ // source.data = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].data;
+ query.sources.push(source);
+ });
+ // TODO Add joins
+ query.defaultTableid = query.sources[0].alias;
+ //console.log(query.defaultTableid);
+ };
+ alasql.prepareFromData = function (data, array) {
+ //console.log(177,data,array);
+ var i, ilen;
+ var res = data;
+ if (typeof data === 'string') {
+ res = data.split(/\r?\n/);
+ if (array) {
+ for (i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ res[i] = [res[i]];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (array) {
+ res = [];
+ for (i = 0, ilen = data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ res.push([data[i]]);
+ }
+ // console.log(res);
+ }
+ else if (typeof data === 'object' && !Array.isArray(data)) {
+ // } else if(typeof data == 'object' && !(typeof data.length == 'undefined')) {
+ if (typeof Mongo !== 'undefined' &&
+ typeof Mongo.Collection !== 'undefined' &&
+ data instanceof Mongo.Collection) {
+ res = data.find().fetch();
+ }
+ else {
+ res = [];
+ for (var key in data) {
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty(key))
+ res.push([key, data[key]]);
+ }
+ }
+ // console.log(res);
+ }
+ // console.log(typeof data);
+ return res;
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ mem.alasql = alasql;
diff --git a/build/ES6/grammar/functions.js b/build/ES6/grammar/functions.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..84023a8068
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/grammar/functions.js
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ const alasql = mem.alasql;
+ yy.FuncValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.FuncValue.prototype.toString = function (dontas) {
+ var s = '';
+ if (alasql.fn[this.funcid])
+ s += this.funcid;
+ else if (alasql.aggr[this.funcid])
+ s += this.funcid;
+ else if (alasql.stdlib[this.funcid.toUpperCase()] || alasql.stdfn[this.funcid.toUpperCase()])
+ s += this.funcid.toUpperCase();
+ s += '(';
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ s += this.args
+ .map(function (arg) {
+ return arg.toString();
+ })
+ .join(',');
+ }
+ s += ')';
+ if (this.as && !dontas)
+ s += ' AS ' + this.as.toString();
+ // if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.FuncValue.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ var res = 1;
+ alasql.precompile(this, databaseid, params); // Precompile queries
+ // console.log(34,this.toJS('','',null));
+ var expr = new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + this.toJS('', '', null));
+ expr(params, alasql);
+ if (cb)
+ res = cb(res);
+ return res;
+ };
+ /*/*
+ //yy.FuncValue.prototype.compile = function(context, tableid, defcols){
+ // console.log('Expression',this);
+ // if(this.reduced) return returnTrue();
+ // return new Function('p','var y;return '+this.toJS(context, tableid, defcols));
+ //};
+ // yy.FuncValue.prototype.compile = function(context, tableid, defcols){
+ // // console.log('Expression',this);
+ // if(this.reduced) return returnTrue();
+ // return new Function('p','var y;return '+this.toJS(context, tableid, defcols));
+ // };
+ */
+ yy.FuncValue.prototype.findAggregator = function (query) {
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ this.args.forEach(function (arg) {
+ if (arg.findAggregator)
+ arg.findAggregator(query);
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ yy.FuncValue.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ var s = '';
+ var funcid = this.funcid;
+ // IF this is standard compile functions
+ if (!alasql.fn[funcid] && alasql.stdlib[funcid.toUpperCase()]) {
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ s += alasql.stdlib[funcid.toUpperCase()].apply(this, this.args.map(function (arg) {
+ return arg.toJS(context, tableid);
+ }));
+ }
+ else {
+ s += alasql.stdlib[funcid.toUpperCase()]();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!alasql.fn[funcid] && alasql.stdfn[funcid.toUpperCase()]) {
+ if (this.newid)
+ s += 'new ';
+ s += 'alasql.stdfn.' + this.funcid.toUpperCase() + '(';
+ // if(this.args) s += this.args.toJS(context, tableid);
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ s += this.args
+ .map(function (arg) {
+ return arg.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ })
+ .join(',');
+ }
+ s += ')';
+ }
+ else {
+ // This is user-defined run-time function
+ // TODO arguments!!!
+ // var s = '';
+ if (this.newid)
+ s += 'new ';
+ s += 'alasql.fn.' + this.funcid + '(';
+ // if(this.args) s += this.args.toJS(context, tableid);
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ s += this.args
+ .map(function (arg) {
+ return arg.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ })
+ .join(',');
+ }
+ s += ')';
+ }
+ //console.log('userfn:',s,this);
+ // if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
+ return s;
+ };
+ /*/*
+ // // Functions compiler
+ // nodes.FunctionValue.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid) {
+ // var s = '';
+ // s += fns[this.name.toUpperCase()].apply(null,this.arguments.map(function(arg){
+ // if(arg) return arg.toJS(context, tableid);
+ // else return '';
+ // }));
+ // return s;
+ // };
+ */
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
diff --git a/build/ES6/grammar/insert.js b/build/ES6/grammar/insert.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6310e72224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/grammar/insert.js
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+// INSERT for Alasql.js
+// Date: 03.11.2014
+// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ const alasql = mem.alasql;
+ yy.Insert = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Insert.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = 'INSERT ';
+ if (this.orreplace)
+ s += 'OR REPLACE ';
+ if (this.replaceonly)
+ s = 'REPLACE ';
+ s += 'INTO ' + this.into.toString();
+ if (this.columns)
+ s += '(' + this.columns.toString() + ')';
+ if (this.values)
+ s += ' VALUES ' + this.values.toString();
+ if (this.select)
+ s += ' ' + this.select.toString();
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.Insert.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ // console.log('Expression',this);
+ // if(this.expression.reduced) return 'true';
+ // return this.expression.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ // console.log('Select.toJS', 81, this.queriesidx);
+ // var s = 'this.queriesdata['+(this.queriesidx-1)+'][0]';
+ var s = 'this.queriesfn[' + (this.queriesidx - 1) + '](this.params,null,' + context + ')';
+ // s = '(console.log(this.queriesfn[0]),'+s+')';
+ // console.log(this,s);
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.Insert.prototype.compile = function (databaseid) {
+ var self = this;
+ databaseid = self.into.databaseid || databaseid;
+ var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
+ // console.log(self);
+ var tableid = self.into.tableid;
+ var table = db.tables[tableid];
+ if (!table) {
+ throw "Table '" + tableid + "' could not be found";
+ }
+ // Check, if this dirty flag is required
+ var s = '';
+ var sw = '';
+ var s = "db.tables['" + tableid + "'].dirty=true;";
+ var s3 = 'var a,aa=[],x;';
+ var s33;
+ if (this.values) {
+ if (this.exists) {
+ this.existsfn = this.exists.map(function (ex) {
+ var nq = ex.compile(databaseid);
+ nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ return nq;
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.queries) {
+ this.queriesfn = this.queries.map(function (q) {
+ var nq = q.compile(databaseid);
+ nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ return nq;
+ });
+ }
+ // console.log(1);
+ self.values.forEach(function (values) {
+ var ss = [];
+ // s += 'db.tables[\''+tableid+'\'].data.push({';
+ // s += '';
+ if (self.columns) {
+ self.columns.forEach(function (col, idx) {
+ //console.log(db.tables, tableid, table);
+ // ss.push(col.columnid +':'+ self.values[idx].value.toString());
+ // console.log(rec[f.name.value]);
+ // if(rec[f.name.value] == "NULL") rec[f.name.value] = undefined;
+ // if(table.xflds[f.name.value].dbtypeid == "INT") rec[f.name.value] = +rec[f.name.value]|0;
+ // else if(table.xflds[f.name.value].dbtypeid == "FLOAT") rec[f.name.value] = +rec[f.name.value];
+ var q = "'" + col.columnid + "':";
+ if (table.xcolumns && table.xcolumns[col.columnid]) {
+ if (['INT', 'FLOAT', 'NUMBER', 'MONEY'].indexOf(table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid) >= 0) {
+ //q += ''
+ q += '(x=' + values[idx].toJS() + ',x==undefined?undefined:+x)';
+ }
+ else if (alasql.fn[table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid]) {
+ q += '(new ' + table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid + '(';
+ q += values[idx].toJS();
+ q += '))';
+ }
+ else {
+ q += values[idx].toJS();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ q += values[idx].toJS();
+ }
+ ss.push(q);
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ // var table = db.tables[tableid];
+ // console.log('table1', db, self);
+ //console.log(111, table.columns);
+ //console.log(74,table);
+ if (Array.isArray(values) && table.columns && table.columns.length > 0) {
+ table.columns.forEach(function (col, idx) {
+ var q = "'" + col.columnid + "':";
+ // var val = values[idx].toJS();
+ if (['INT', 'FLOAT', 'NUMBER', 'MONEY'].indexOf(col.dbtypeid) >= 0) {
+ q += '+' + values[idx].toJS();
+ }
+ else if (alasql.fn[col.dbtypeid]) {
+ q += '(new ' + col.dbtypeid + '(';
+ q += values[idx].toJS();
+ q += '))';
+ }
+ else {
+ q += values[idx].toJS();
+ }
+ /*/*
+ // if(table.xcolumns && table.xcolumns[col.columnid] &&
+ // (table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid == "DATE" ||
+ // table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid == "DATETIME"
+ // )) {
+ // val = "(new Date("+val+"))";
+ // }
+ // || table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid == "FLOAT"
+ // || table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid == "NUMBER"
+ // || table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid == "MONEY"
+ // )) q += '+';
+ // console.log(self.values[idx].toString());
+ //console.log(self);
+ // q += val;
+ // if(table.xcolumns && table.xcolumns[col.columnid] && table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid == "INT") q += '|0';
+ */
+ ss.push(q);
+ /*/*
+ // console.log(fld);
+ // TODO: type checking and conversions
+ // rec[fld.fldid] = eval(self.insertExpression[idx].toJS('',''));
+ // console.log(rec[fld.fldid]);
+ // if(rec[fld.fldid] == "NULL") rec[fld.fldid] = undefined;
+ // if(table.xflds[fld.fldid].dbtypeid == "INT") rec[fld.fldid] = +rec[fld.fldid]|0;
+ // else if(table.xflds[fld.fldid].dbtypeid == "FLOAT" || table.xflds[fld.fldid].dbtypeid == "MONEY" )
+ // rec[fld.fldid] = +rec[fld.fldid];
+ */
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ // console.log(222,values);
+ // sw = 'var w='+JSONtoJS(values)+';for(var k in w){r[k]=w[k]};';
+ sw = JSONtoJS(values);
+ }
+ }
+ //console.log(ss);
+ if (db.tables[tableid].defaultfns) {
+ ss.unshift(db.tables[tableid].defaultfns);
+ }
+ if (sw) {
+ s += 'a=' + sw + ';';
+ }
+ else {
+ s += 'a={' + ss.join(',') + '};';
+ }
+ // If this is a class
+ if (db.tables[tableid].isclass) {
+ s += "var db=alasql.databases['" + databaseid + "'];";
+ s += 'a.$class="' + tableid + '";';
+ s += 'a.$id=db.counter++;';
+ s += 'db.objects[a.$id]=a;';
+ }
+ // s += 'db.tables[\''+tableid+'\'].insert(r);';
+ if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
+ s += "var db=alasql.databases['" + databaseid + "'];";
+ s +=
+ "db.tables['" +
+ tableid +
+ "'].insert(a," +
+ (self.orreplace ? 'true' : 'false') +
+ ');';
+ }
+ else {
+ s += 'aa.push(a);';
+ }
+ });
+ s33 = s3 + s;
+ if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
+ // s += 'alasql.databases[\''+databaseid+'\'].tables[\''+tableid+'\'].insert(r);';
+ }
+ else {
+ s +=
+ "alasql.databases['" +
+ databaseid +
+ "'].tables['" +
+ tableid +
+ "'].data=" +
+ "alasql.databases['" +
+ databaseid +
+ "'].tables['" +
+ tableid +
+ "'].data.concat(aa);";
+ }
+ if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
+ if (db.tables[tableid].isclass) {
+ s += 'return a.$id;';
+ }
+ else {
+ s += 'return ' + self.values.length;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ s += 'return ' + self.values.length;
+ }
+ //console.log(186,s3+s);
+ var insertfn = new Function('db, params, alasql', 'var y;' + s3 + s).bind(this);
+ }
+ else if (this.select) {
+ this.select.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ var selectfn = this.select.compile(databaseid);
+ if (db.engineid && alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable) {
+ var statement = function (params, cb) {
+ var aa = selectfn(params);
+ var res = alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable(db.databaseid, tableid, aa.data, null, cb);
+ return res;
+ };
+ return statement;
+ }
+ else {
+ // console.log(224,table.defaultfns);
+ var defaultfns = 'return alasql.utils.extend(r,{' + table.defaultfns + '})';
+ var defaultfn = new Function('r,db,params,alasql', defaultfns);
+ var insertfn = function (db, params, alasql) {
+ var res = selectfn(params).data;
+ if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
+ // If insert() function exists (issue #92)
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ var r = cloneDeep(res[i]);
+ defaultfn(r, db, params, alasql);
+ db.tables[tableid].insert(r, self.orreplace);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ db.tables[tableid].data = db.tables[tableid].data.concat(res);
+ }
+ if (alasql.options.nocount)
+ return;
+ else
+ return res.length;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ else if (this.default) {
+ var insertfns = "db.tables['" + tableid + "'].data.push({" + table.defaultfns + '});return 1;';
+ var insertfn = new Function('db,params,alasql', insertfns);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('Wrong INSERT parameters');
+ }
+ // console.log(1,s);
+ // console.log(s33);
+ if (db.engineid && alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable && alasql.options.autocommit) {
+ var statement = function (params, cb) {
+ var aa = new Function('db,params', 'var y;' + s33 + 'return aa;')(db, params);
+ // console.log(s33);
+ var res = alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable(db.databaseid, tableid, aa, null, cb);
+ // if(cb) cb(res);
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ var statement = function (params, cb) {
+ //console.log(databaseid);
+ var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
+ if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid) {
+ alasql.engines[db.engineid].loadTableData(databaseid, tableid);
+ }
+ var res = insertfn(db, params, alasql);
+ if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid) {
+ alasql.engines[db.engineid].saveTableData(databaseid, tableid);
+ }
+ // var res = insertfn(db, params);
+ if (alasql.options.nocount)
+ res = undefined;
+ if (cb)
+ cb(res);
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ return statement;
+ };
+ yy.Insert.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ return this.compile(databaseid)(params, cb);
+ // throw new Error('Insert statement is should be compiled')
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ mem.alasql = alasql;
diff --git a/build/ES6/grammar/select.js b/build/ES6/grammar/select.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08bcfc9cd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/grammar/select.js
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+// Select run-time part for Alasql.js
+// Date: 03.11.2014
+// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
+// Main part of SELECT procedure
+import { queryfn } from '../processing/query';
+import utils from '../utils';
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ const alasql = mem.alasql;
+ yy.Select = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s;
+ s = '';
+ if (this.explain) {
+ s += 'EXPLAIN ';
+ }
+ s += 'SELECT ';
+ if (this.modifier) {
+ s += this.modifier + ' ';
+ }
+ if (this.distinct) {
+ s += 'DISTINCT ';
+ }
+ if (this.top) {
+ s += 'TOP ' + this.top.value + ' ';
+ if (this.percent) {
+ s += 'PERCENT ';
+ }
+ }
+ s += this.columns
+ .map(function (col) {
+ var s;
+ s = col.toString();
+ if (typeof col.as !== 'undefined') {
+ s += ' AS ' + col.as;
+ }
+ return s;
+ })
+ .join(', ');
+ if (this.from) {
+ s +=
+ ' FROM ' +
+ this.from
+ .map(function (f) {
+ var ss;
+ ss = f.toString();
+ if (f.as) {
+ ss += ' AS ' + f.as;
+ }
+ return ss;
+ })
+ .join(',');
+ }
+ if (this.joins) {
+ s += this.joins
+ .map(function (jn) {
+ var ss;
+ ss = ' ';
+ if (jn.joinmode) {
+ ss += jn.joinmode + ' ';
+ }
+ if (jn.table) {
+ ss += 'JOIN ' + jn.table.toString();
+ }
+ else if (jn.select) {
+ ss += 'JOIN (' + jn.select.toString() + ')';
+ }
+ else if (jn instanceof alasql.yy.Apply) {
+ ss += jn.toString();
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('Wrong type in JOIN mode');
+ }
+ if (jn.as) {
+ ss += ' AS ' + jn.as;
+ }
+ if (jn.using) {
+ ss += ' USING ' + jn.using.toString();
+ }
+ if (jn.on) {
+ ss += ' ON ' + jn.on.toString();
+ }
+ return ss;
+ })
+ .join('');
+ }
+ if (this.where) {
+ s += ' WHERE ' + this.where.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.group && this.group.length > 0) {
+ s +=
+ ' GROUP BY ' +
+ this.group
+ .map(function (grp) {
+ return grp.toString();
+ })
+ .join(', ');
+ }
+ if (this.having) {
+ s += ' HAVING ' + this.having.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.order && this.order.length > 0) {
+ s +=
+ ' ORDER BY ' +
+ this.order
+ .map(function (ord) {
+ return ord.toString();
+ })
+ .join(', ');
+ }
+ if (this.limit) {
+ s += ' LIMIT ' + this.limit.value;
+ }
+ if (this.offset) {
+ s += ' OFFSET ' + this.offset.value;
+ }
+ if (this.union) {
+ s += ' UNION ' + (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') + this.union.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.unionall) {
+ s +=
+ ' UNION ALL ' +
+ (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') +
+ this.unionall.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.except) {
+ s += ' EXCEPT ' + (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') + this.except.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.intersect) {
+ s +=
+ (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') +
+ this.intersect.toString();
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ Select statement in expression
+ */
+ yy.Select.prototype.toJS = function (context) {
+ // console.log('Expression',this);
+ // if(this.expression.reduced) return 'true';
+ // return this.expression.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ // console.log('Select.toJS', 81, this.queriesidx);
+ // var s = 'this.queriesdata['+(this.queriesidx-1)+'][0]';
+ var s = 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn[' +
+ (this.queriesidx - 1) +
+ '](this.params,null,' +
+ context +
+ '))[0]';
+ // var s = '(ee=alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn['+(this.queriesidx-1)+'](this.params,null,'+context+')),console.log(999,ee),ee[0])';
+ return s;
+ };
+ // Compile SELECT statement
+ yy.Select.prototype.compile = function (databaseid, params) {
+ var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
+ // Create variable for query
+ var query = new mem.alasql.Query();
+ // Array with columns to be removed
+ query.removeKeys = [];
+ query.aggrKeys = [];
+ query.explain = this.explain; // Explain
+ query.explaination = [];
+ query.explid = 1;
+ //console.log(this.modifier);
+ query.modifier = this.modifier;
+ query.database = db;
+ // 0. Precompile whereexists
+ this.compileWhereExists(query);
+ // 0. Precompile queries for IN, NOT IN, ANY and ALL operators
+ this.compileQueries(query);
+ query.defcols = this.compileDefCols(query, databaseid);
+ // 1. Compile FROM clause
+ query.fromfn = this.compileFrom(query);
+ // 2. Compile JOIN clauses
+ if (this.joins) {
+ this.compileJoins(query);
+ }
+ // todo?: 3. Compile SELECT clause
+ // For ROWNUM()
+ query.rownums = [];
+ this.compileSelectGroup0(query);
+ if (this.group || query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
+ query.selectgfns = this.compileSelectGroup1(query);
+ }
+ else {
+ query.selectfns = this.compileSelect1(query, params);
+ }
+ // Remove columns clause
+ this.compileRemoveColumns(query);
+ // 5. Optimize WHERE and JOINS
+ if (this.where) {
+ this.compileWhereJoins(query);
+ }
+ // 4. Compile WHERE clause
+ query.wherefn = this.compileWhere(query);
+ // 6. Compile GROUP BY
+ if (this.group || query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
+ query.groupfn = this.compileGroup(query);
+ }
+ // 6. Compile HAVING
+ if (this.having) {
+ query.havingfn = this.compileHaving(query);
+ }
+ // 8. Compile ORDER BY clause
+ if (this.order) {
+ query.orderfn = this.compileOrder(query);
+ }
+ if (this.group || query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
+ query.selectgfn = this.compileSelectGroup2(query);
+ }
+ else {
+ query.selectfn = this.compileSelect2(query);
+ }
+ // 7. Compile DISTINCT, LIMIT and OFFSET
+ query.distinct = this.distinct;
+ // 9. Compile PIVOT clause
+ if (this.pivot)
+ query.pivotfn = this.compilePivot(query);
+ if (this.unpivot)
+ query.pivotfn = this.compileUnpivot(query);
+ // 10. Compile TOP/LIMIT/OFFSET/FETCH cleuse
+ if (this.top) {
+ query.limit = this.top.value;
+ }
+ else if (this.limit) {
+ query.limit = this.limit.value;
+ if (this.offset) {
+ query.offset = this.offset.value;
+ }
+ }
+ query.percent = this.percent;
+ // 9. Compile ordering function for UNION and UNIONALL
+ query.corresponding = this.corresponding; // If CORRESPONDING flag exists
+ if (this.union) {
+ query.unionfn = this.union.compile(databaseid);
+ if (this.union.order) {
+ query.orderfn = this.union.compileOrder(query);
+ }
+ else {
+ query.orderfn = null;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (this.unionall) {
+ query.unionallfn = this.unionall.compile(databaseid);
+ if (this.unionall.order) {
+ query.orderfn = this.unionall.compileOrder(query);
+ }
+ else {
+ query.orderfn = null;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (this.except) {
+ query.exceptfn = this.except.compile(databaseid);
+ if (this.except.order) {
+ query.orderfn = this.except.compileOrder(query);
+ }
+ else {
+ query.orderfn = null;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (this.intersect) {
+ query.intersectfn = this.intersect.compile(databaseid);
+ if (this.intersect.order) {
+ query.intersectfn = this.intersect.compileOrder(query);
+ }
+ else {
+ query.orderfn = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.into) {
+ if (this.into instanceof yy.Table) {
+ //
+ // Save into the table in database
+ //
+ if (alasql.options.autocommit &&
+ alasql.databases[this.into.databaseid || databaseid].engineid) {
+ // For external database when AUTOCOMMIT is ONs
+ query.intoallfns =
+ 'return alasql.engines["' +
+ alasql.databases[this.into.databaseid || databaseid].engineid +
+ '"]' +
+ '.intoTable("' +
+ (this.into.databaseid || databaseid) +
+ '","' +
+ this.into.tableid +
+ '",this.data, columns, cb);';
+ }
+ else {
+ // Into AlaSQL tables
+ query.intofns =
+ "alasql.databases['" +
+ (this.into.databaseid || databaseid) +
+ "'].tables" +
+ "['" +
+ this.into.tableid +
+ "'].data.push(r);";
+ }
+ }
+ else if (this.into instanceof yy.VarValue) {
+ //
+ // Save into local variable
+ //
+ query.intoallfns =
+ 'alasql.vars["' +
+ this.into.variable +
+ '"]=this.data;res=this.data.length;if(cb)res=cb(res);return res;';
+ }
+ else if (this.into instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
+ //
+ // If this is INTO() function, then call it
+ // with one or two parameters
+ //
+ var qs = "return alasql.into['" + this.into.funcid.toUpperCase() + "'](";
+ if (this.into.args && this.into.args.length > 0) {
+ qs += this.into.args[0].toJS() + ',';
+ if (this.into.args.length > 1) {
+ qs += this.into.args[1].toJS() + ',';
+ }
+ else {
+ qs += 'undefined,';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ qs += 'undefined, undefined,';
+ }
+ query.intoallfns = qs + 'this.data,columns,cb)';
+ //console.log('999');
+ }
+ else if (this.into instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
+ //
+ // Save data into parameters array
+ // like alasql('SELECT * INTO ? FROM ?',[outdata,srcdata]);
+ //
+ query.intofns = "params['" + this.into.param + "'].push(r)";
+ }
+ if (query.intofns) {
+ // Create intofn function
+ // console.log(234234, query.intofns);
+ query.intofn = new Function('r,i,params,alasql', 'var y;' + query.intofns);
+ }
+ else if (query.intoallfns) {
+ // Create intoallfn function
+ // console.log(23423234, query.intoallfns);
+ query.intoallfn = new Function('columns,cb,params,alasql', 'var y;' + query.intoallfns);
+ }
+ }
+ let statement = function (params, cb, oldscope) {
+ query.params = params;
+ var res1 = queryfn(alasql, query, oldscope, (res) => {
+ //console.log(res[0].schoolid);
+ //console.log(184,res);
+ if (query.rownums.length > 0) {
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ for (var j = 0, jlen = query.rownums.length; j < jlen; j++) {
+ res[i][query.rownums[j]] = i + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var res2 = utils.modify(alasql, query, res);
+ if (cb) {
+ cb(res2);
+ }
+ //console.log(8888,res2);
+ return res2;
+ });
+ //console.log(9999,res1);
+ // if(typeof res1 != 'undefined') res1 = modify(query,res1);
+ return res1;
+ };
+ // statement.dbversion = ;
+ // console.log(statement.query);
+ //console.log(202,statement);
+ statement.query = query;
+ return statement;
+ };
+ // yy.Select.prototype.exec = function(databaseid) {
+ // throw new Error('Select statement should be precompiled');
+ // };
+ yy.Select.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ return this.compile(databaseid)(params, cb);
+ // throw new Error('Insert statement is should be compiled')
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ mem.alasql = alasql;
diff --git a/build/ES6/grammar/statements.js b/build/ES6/grammar/statements.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aecb56d2f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/grammar/statements.js
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// Statements class for Alasql.js
+// Date: 03.11.2014
+// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ // Statements container
+ yy.Statements = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Statements.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return this.statements
+ .map(function (st) {
+ return st.toString();
+ })
+ .join('; ');
+ };
+ // Compile array of statements into single statement
+ yy.Statements.prototype.compile = function (db) {
+ var statements = this.statements.map(function (st) {
+ return st.compile(db);
+ });
+ if (statements.length === 1) {
+ return statements[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ return function (params, cb) {
+ var res = statements.map(function (st) {
+ return st(params);
+ });
+ if (cb) {
+ cb(res);
+ }
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
diff --git a/build/ES6/grammar/useDatabase.js b/build/ES6/grammar/useDatabase.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..20343cd8d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/grammar/useDatabase.js
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ const alasql = mem.alasql;
+ yy.CreateDatabase = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = 'CREATE';
+ if (this.engineid)
+ s += ' ' + this.engineid;
+ s += ' DATABASE';
+ if (this.ifnotexists)
+ s += ' IF NOT EXISTS';
+ s += ' ' + this.databaseid;
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ s +=
+ '(' +
+ this.args
+ .map(function (arg) {
+ return arg.toString();
+ })
+ .join(', ') +
+ ')';
+ }
+ if (this.as)
+ s += ' AS ' + this.as;
+ return s;
+ };
+ //yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
+ yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ var args;
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ args = this.args.map(function (arg) {
+ // console.log(346235, arg.toJS());
+ return new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + arg.toJS())(params, alasql);
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.engineid) {
+ var res = alasql.engines[this.engineid].createDatabase(this.databaseid, this.args, this.ifnotexists, this.as, cb);
+ return res;
+ }
+ else {
+ var dbid = this.databaseid;
+ if (alasql.databases[dbid]) {
+ throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' already exists");
+ }
+ var a = alasql.newDatabase(dbid);
+ var res = 1;
+ if (cb)
+ return cb(res);
+ return res;
+ }
+ };
+ // CREATE DATABASE databaseid
+ yy.AttachDatabase = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.AttachDatabase.prototype.toString = function (args) {
+ var s = 'ATTACH';
+ if (this.engineid)
+ s += ' ' + this.engineid;
+ s += ' DATABASE' + ' ' + this.databaseid;
+ // TODO add params
+ if (args) {
+ s += '(';
+ if (args.length > 0) {
+ s += args
+ .map(function (arg) {
+ return arg.toString();
+ })
+ .join(', ');
+ }
+ s += ')';
+ }
+ if (this.as)
+ s += ' AS' + ' ' + this.as;
+ return s;
+ };
+ //yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
+ yy.AttachDatabase.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ if (!alasql.engines[this.engineid]) {
+ throw new Error('Engine "' + this.engineid + '" is not defined.');
+ }
+ var res = alasql.engines[this.engineid].attachDatabase(this.databaseid, this.as, this.args, params, cb);
+ return res;
+ };
+ // CREATE DATABASE databaseid
+ yy.DetachDatabase = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.DetachDatabase.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = 'DETACH';
+ s += ' DATABASE' + ' ' + this.databaseid;
+ return s;
+ };
+ //yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
+ yy.DetachDatabase.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ if (!alasql.databases[this.databaseid].engineid) {
+ throw new Error('Cannot detach database "' + this.engineid + '", because it was not attached.');
+ }
+ var res;
+ var dbid = this.databaseid;
+ if (dbid === alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID) {
+ throw new Error('Drop of default database is prohibited');
+ }
+ if (!alasql.databases[dbid]) {
+ if (!this.ifexists) {
+ throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' does not exist");
+ }
+ else {
+ res = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ delete alasql.databases[dbid];
+ if (dbid === alasql.useid) {
+ alasql.use();
+ }
+ res = 1;
+ }
+ if (cb)
+ cb(res);
+ return res;
+ // var res = alasql.engines[this.engineid].attachDatabase(this.databaseid, this.as, cb);
+ // return res;
+ };
+ // USE DATABSE databaseid
+ // USE databaseid
+ yy.UseDatabase = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.UseDatabase.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return 'USE' + ' ' + 'DATABASE' + ' ' + this.databaseid;
+ };
+ //yy.UseDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
+ yy.UseDatabase.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ var dbid = this.databaseid;
+ if (!alasql.databases[dbid]) {
+ throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' does not exist");
+ }
+ alasql.use(dbid);
+ var res = 1;
+ if (cb)
+ cb(res);
+ return res;
+ };
+ // DROP DATABASE databaseid
+ yy.DropDatabase = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.DropDatabase.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = 'DROP';
+ if (this.ifexists)
+ s += ' IF EXISTS';
+ s += ' DATABASE ' + this.databaseid;
+ return s;
+ };
+ //yy.DropDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
+ yy.DropDatabase.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ if (this.engineid) {
+ return alasql.engines[this.engineid].dropDatabase(this.databaseid, this.ifexists, cb);
+ }
+ var res;
+ var dbid = this.databaseid;
+ if (dbid === alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID) {
+ throw new Error('Drop of default database is prohibited');
+ }
+ if (!alasql.databases[dbid]) {
+ if (!this.ifexists) {
+ throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' does not exist");
+ }
+ else {
+ res = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (alasql.databases[dbid].engineid) {
+ throw new Error("Cannot drop database '" + dbid + "', because it is attached. Detach it.");
+ }
+ delete alasql.databases[dbid];
+ if (dbid === alasql.useid) {
+ alasql.use();
+ }
+ res = 1;
+ }
+ if (cb)
+ cb(res);
+ return res;
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
diff --git a/build/ES6/grammar/where.js b/build/ES6/grammar/where.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61562ac332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/grammar/where.js
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileWhere = function (query) {
+ if (this.where) {
+ if (typeof this.where === 'function') {
+ return this.where;
+ }
+ else {
+ var s = this.where.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
+ query.wherefns = s;
+ // console.log(s);
+ return new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + s);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ return function () {
+ return true;
+ };
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileWhereJoins = function (query) {
+ return;
+ // TODO Fix Where optimization
+ //console.log(query);
+ optimizeWhereJoin(query, this.where.expression);
+ //for sources compile wherefs
+ query.sources.forEach(function (source) {
+ if (source.srcwherefns) {
+ source.srcwherefn = new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + source.srcwherefns);
+ }
+ if (source.wxleftfns) {
+ source.wxleftfn = new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + source.wxleftfns);
+ }
+ if (source.wxrightfns) {
+ source.wxrightfn = new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + source.wxrightfns);
+ }
+ // console.log(source.alias, source.wherefns)
+ // console.log(source);
+ });
+ };
+ function optimizeWhereJoin(query, ast) {
+ if (!ast)
+ return false;
+ if (!(ast instanceof yy.Op))
+ return;
+ if (ast.op != '=' && ast.op != 'AND')
+ return;
+ if (ast.allsome)
+ return;
+ var s = ast.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
+ var fsrc = [];
+ query.sources.forEach(function (source, idx) {
+ // Optimization allowed only for tables only
+ if (source.tableid) {
+ // This is a good place to remove all unnecessary optimizations
+ if (s.indexOf("p['" + source.alias + "']") > -1)
+ fsrc.push(source);
+ }
+ });
+ //console.log(fsrc.length);
+ // if(fsrc.length < query.sources.length) return;
+ // console.log(ast);
+ // console.log(s);
+ // console.log(fsrc.length);
+ if (fsrc.length == 0) {
+ // console.log('no optimization, can remove this part of ast');
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (fsrc.length == 1) {
+ if (!(s.match(/p\[\'.*?\'\]/g) || []).every(function (s) {
+ return s == "p['" + fsrc[0].alias + "']";
+ })) {
+ return;
+ // This is means, that we have column from parent query
+ // So we return without optimization
+ }
+ var src = fsrc[0]; // optmiization source
+ src.srcwherefns = src.srcwherefns ? src.srcwherefns + '&&' + s : s;
+ if (ast instanceof yy.Op && (ast.op == '=' && !ast.allsome)) {
+ if (ast.left instanceof yy.Column) {
+ var ls = ast.left.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
+ var rs = ast.right.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
+ if (rs.indexOf("p['" + fsrc[0].alias + "']") == -1) {
+ fsrc[0].wxleftfns = ls;
+ fsrc[0].wxrightfns = rs;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ast.right instanceof yy.Column) {
+ var ls = ast.left.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
+ var rs = ast.right.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
+ if (ls.indexOf("p['" + fsrc[0].alias + "']") == -1) {
+ fsrc[0].wxleftfns = rs;
+ fsrc[0].wxrightfns = ls;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ast.reduced = true; // To do not duplicate wherefn and srcwherefn
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ((ast.op = 'AND')) {
+ optimizeWhereJoin(query, ast.left);
+ optimizeWhereJoin(query, ast.right);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
diff --git a/build/ES6/logic.js b/build/ES6/logic.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4229bb44e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/logic.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+import stdlib from './logic/stdlib';
+import stdfn from './logic/stdfn';
+import aggr from './logic/aggr';
+export default mem => {
+ stdlib(mem);
+ stdfn(mem);
+ aggr(mem);
diff --git a/build/ES6/logic/aggr.js b/build/ES6/logic/aggr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6878ad283e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/logic/aggr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+export default mem => {
+ const alasql = mem.alasql;
+ //stdlib.UCASE = function(s) {return '('+s+').toUpperCase()';}
+ // RTRIM
+ // TRIM
+ // RTRIM
+ // TRIM
+ // Aggregator for joining strings
+ alasql.aggr.GROUP_CONCAT = function (v, s, stage) {
+ if (stage === 1) {
+ return '' + v;
+ }
+ else if (stage === 2) {
+ s += ',' + v;
+ return s;
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ alasql.aggr.MEDIAN = function (v, s, stage) {
+ if (stage === 2) {
+ if (v !== null) {
+ s.push(v);
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ else if (stage === 1) {
+ if (v === null) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ return [v];
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!s.length) {
+ return s;
+ }
+ var r = s.sort();
+ var p = (r.length + 1) / 2;
+ if (Number.isInteger(p)) {
+ return r[p - 1];
+ }
+ return (r[Math.floor(p - 1)] + r[Math.ceil(p - 1)]) / 2;
+ }
+ };
+ alasql.aggr.QUART = function (v, s, stage, nth) {
+ //Quartile (first quartile per default or input param)
+ if (stage === 2) {
+ if (v !== null) {
+ s.push(v);
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ else if (stage === 1) {
+ if (v === null) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ return [v];
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!s.length) {
+ return s;
+ }
+ nth = !nth ? 1 : nth;
+ var r = s.sort();
+ var p = (nth * (r.length + 1)) / 4;
+ if (Number.isInteger(p)) {
+ return r[p - 1]; //Integer value
+ }
+ return r[Math.floor(p)]; //Math.ceil -1 or Math.floor
+ }
+ };
+ alasql.aggr.QUART2 = function (v, s, stage) {
+ //Second Quartile
+ return alasql.aggr.QUART(v, s, stage, 2);
+ };
+ alasql.aggr.QUART3 = function (v, s, stage) {
+ //Third Quartile
+ return alasql.aggr.QUART(v, s, stage, 3);
+ };
+ // Standard deviation
+ alasql.aggr.VAR = function (v, s, stage) {
+ if (stage === 1) {
+ if (v === null) {
+ return { arr: [], sum: 0 };
+ }
+ return { arr: [v], sum: v };
+ }
+ else if (stage === 2) {
+ if (v === null) {
+ return s;
+ }
+ s.arr.push(v);
+ s.sum += v;
+ return s;
+ }
+ else {
+ var N = s.arr.length;
+ var avg = s.sum / N;
+ var std = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+ std += (s.arr[i] - avg) * (s.arr[i] - avg);
+ }
+ std = std / (N - 1);
+ return std;
+ }
+ };
+ alasql.aggr.STDEV = function (v, s, stage) {
+ if (stage === 1 || stage === 2) {
+ return alasql.aggr.VAR(v, s, stage);
+ }
+ else {
+ return Math.sqrt(alasql.aggr.VAR(v, s, stage));
+ }
+ };
+ // Standard deviation
+ // alasql.aggr.VARP = function(v,s,acc){
+ // if(typeof acc.arr == 'undefined') {
+ // acc.arr = [v];
+ // acc.sum = v;
+ // } else {
+ // acc.arr.push(v);
+ // acc.sum += v;
+ // }
+ // var N = acc.arr.length;
+ // var avg = acc.sum / N;
+ // var std = 0;
+ // for(var i=0;i {
+ const stdfn = {};
+ stdfn.CONCAT = function (...args) {
+ return Array.prototype.slice.call(args).join('');
+ };
+ stdfn.REGEXP_LIKE = function (a, b, c) {
+ // console.log(a,b,c);
+ return (a || '').search(RegExp(b, c)) > -1;
+ };
+ // Concatination of strings
+ stdfn.CONCAT_WS = function (...args) {
+ return args.slice(1, args.length).join(args[0]);
+ };
+ // String functions
+ stdfn.REPLACE = function (target, pattern, replacement) {
+ return (target || '').split(pattern).join(replacement);
+ };
+ stdfn.CHAR = String.fromCharCode.bind(String);
+ stdfn.ASCII = function (a) {
+ return a.charCodeAt(0);
+ };
+ // This array is required for fast GUID generation
+ var lut = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
+ lut[i] = (i < 16 ? '0' : '') + i.toString(16);
+ }
+ stdfn.NEWID = stdfn.UUID = stdfn.GEN_RANDOM_UUID = function () {
+ var d0 = (Math.random() * 0xffffffff) | 0;
+ var d1 = (Math.random() * 0xffffffff) | 0;
+ var d2 = (Math.random() * 0xffffffff) | 0;
+ var d3 = (Math.random() * 0xffffffff) | 0;
+ return (lut[d0 & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d0 >> 8) & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d0 >> 16) & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d0 >> 24) & 0xff] +
+ '-' +
+ lut[d1 & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d1 >> 8) & 0xff] +
+ '-' +
+ lut[((d1 >> 16) & 0x0f) | 0x40] +
+ lut[(d1 >> 24) & 0xff] +
+ '-' +
+ lut[(d2 & 0x3f) | 0x80] +
+ lut[(d2 >> 8) & 0xff] +
+ '-' +
+ lut[(d2 >> 16) & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d2 >> 24) & 0xff] +
+ lut[d3 & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d3 >> 8) & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d3 >> 16) & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d3 >> 24) & 0xff]);
+ };
+ mem.alasql.stdfn = stdfn;
diff --git a/build/ES6/logic/stdlib.js b/build/ES6/logic/stdlib.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..810fbaba8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/logic/stdlib.js
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+import utils from '../utils';
+const und = utils.und;
+export default mem => {
+ const stdlib = {};
+ stdlib.ABS = function (a) {
+ return 'Math.abs(' + a + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.CLONEDEEP = function (a) {
+ return 'alasql.utils.cloneDeep(' + a + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.EXP = function (a) {
+ return 'Math.pow(Math.E,' + a + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.IIF = function (a, b, c) {
+ if (arguments.length == 3) {
+ return '((' + a + ')?(' + b + '):(' + c + '))';
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('Number of arguments of IFF is not equals to 3');
+ }
+ };
+ stdlib.IFNULL = function (a, b) {
+ return '(' + a + '||' + b + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.INSTR = function (s, p) {
+ return '((' + s + ').indexOf(' + p + ')+1)';
+ };
+ //stdlib.LEN = stdlib.LENGTH = function(s) {return '('+s+'+"").length';};
+ stdlib.LEN = stdlib.LENGTH = function (s) {
+ return und(s, 'y.length');
+ };
+ //stdlib.LENGTH = function(s) {return '('+s+').length'};
+ stdlib.LOWER = stdlib.LCASE = function (s) {
+ return und(s, 'String(y).toLowerCase()');
+ };
+ //stdlib.LCASE = function(s) {return '('+s+').toLowerCase()';}
+ // Returns a character expression after it removes leading blanks.
+ // see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/ltrim-transact-sql
+ stdlib.LTRIM = function (s) {
+ return und(s, 'y.replace(/^[ ]+/,"")');
+ };
+ // Returns a character string after truncating all trailing spaces.
+ // see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/rtrim-transact-sql
+ stdlib.RTRIM = function (s) {
+ return und(s, 'y.replace(/[ ]+$/,"")');
+ };
+ stdlib.MAX = stdlib.GREATEST = function () {
+ return 'Math.max(' + Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, ',') + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.MIN = stdlib.LEAST = function () {
+ return 'Math.min(' + Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, ',') + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.SUBSTRING = stdlib.SUBSTR = stdlib.MID = function (a, b, c) {
+ if (arguments.length == 2)
+ return und(a, 'y.substr(' + b + '-1)');
+ else if (arguments.length == 3)
+ return und(a, 'y.substr(' + b + '-1,' + c + ')');
+ };
+ // Here we uses undefined instead of null
+ stdlib.ISNULL = stdlib.NULLIF = function (a, b) {
+ return '(' + a + '==' + b + '?undefined:' + a + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.POWER = function (a, b) {
+ return 'Math.pow(' + a + ',' + b + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.RANDOM = function (r) {
+ if (arguments.length == 0) {
+ return 'Math.random()';
+ }
+ else {
+ return '(Math.random()*(' + r + ')|0)';
+ }
+ };
+ stdlib.ROUND = function (s, d) {
+ if (arguments.length == 2) {
+ return 'Math.round((' + s + ')*Math.pow(10,(' + d + ')))/Math.pow(10,(' + d + '))';
+ }
+ else {
+ return 'Math.round(' + s + ')';
+ }
+ };
+ stdlib.CEIL = stdlib.CEILING = function (s) {
+ return 'Math.ceil(' + s + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.FLOOR = function (s) {
+ return 'Math.floor(' + s + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.ROWNUM = function () {
+ return '1';
+ };
+ stdlib.ROW_NUMBER = function () {
+ return '1';
+ };
+ stdlib.SQRT = function (s) {
+ return 'Math.sqrt(' + s + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.TRIM = function (s) {
+ return und(s, 'y.trim()');
+ };
+ stdlib.UPPER = stdlib.UCASE = function (s) {
+ return und(s, 'String(y).toUpperCase()');
+ };
+ mem.alasql.stdlib = stdlib;
diff --git a/src/05copyright.js b/build/ES6/main.js
similarity index 53%
rename from src/05copyright.js
rename to build/ES6/main.js
index 66c254a77d..22fc54e642 100644
--- a/src/05copyright.js
+++ b/build/ES6/main.js
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-//! AlaSQL vPACKAGE_VERSION_NUMBER | © 2014-2016 Andrey Gershun & Mathias Rangel Wulff | License: MIT
+//! AlaSQL vPACKAGE_VERSION_NUMBER | © 2014-2018 Andrey Gershun & Mathias Rangel Wulff | License: MIT
@module alasql
AlaSQL - JavaScript SQL database
-© 2014-2016 Andrey Gershun & Mathias Rangel Wulff
+© 2014-2018 Andrey Gershun & Mathias Rangel Wulff
The MIT License (MIT)
+import addOptions from './options';
+import utils from './utils';
+import grammar from './alasqlparser';
+import expandGrammar from './grammar';
+import alasqlObj from './alasqlObj';
+import addDataStruct from './dataStruct';
+import addlogic from './logic';
+const alasql = () => { };
+const mem = { grammar, alasql };
+mem.alasql = alasqlObj(mem);
+mem.alasql.version = 'PACKAGE_VERSION_NUMBER';
+mem.alasql.debug = false;
+if (0)
+ mem.alasql.path = utils.findAlaSQLPath();
+//!var require = function(){return null}; // as alasqlparser.js is generated, we can not "remove" referenses to
+//!var __dirname = '';
+if(utils.isCordova || utils.isMeteorServer || utils.isNode ){
+ console.warn('It looks like you are using the browser version of AlaSQL. Please use the alasql.fs.js file instead.')
+// Create and set default database
+export default mem.alasql;
diff --git a/build/ES6/options.js b/build/ES6/options.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2edba93d41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/options.js
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+ Database class for Alasql.js
+//var alasqlparser = require('./alasqlparser').parse;
+import utils from './utils';
+var hash = x => x;
+export default mem => {
+ // Initial parameters
+ const alasql = mem.alasql;
+ /**
+ Jison parser
+ */
+ //alasql.parser = alasqlparser;
+ /*/* This is not working :-/ * /
+ alasql.parser.parseError = function(str, hash) {
+ throw new Error('Have you used a reserved keyword without `escaping` it?\n' + str);
+ };/*
+ /**
+ Jison parser
+ @param {string} sql SQL statement
+ @return {object} AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)
+ @todo Create class AST
+ @todo Add other parsers
+ @example
+ alasql.parse = function(sql) {
+ // My own parser here
+ }
+ */
+ alasql.parse = function (sql) {
+ return mem.grammar.parse(utils.uncomment(sql));
+ };
+ /**
+ List of engines of external databases
+ @type {object}
+ @todo Create collection type
+ */
+ alasql.engines = {};
+ /**
+ List of databases
+ @type {object}
+ */
+ alasql.databases = {};
+ /**
+ Number of databases
+ @type {number}
+ alasql.databasenum = 0;
+ /**
+ Alasql options object
+ */
+ alasql.options = {};
+ alasql.options.errorlog = false; // Log or throw error
+ alasql.options.valueof = false; // Use valueof in orderfn
+ alasql.options.dropifnotexists = false; // DROP database in any case
+ alasql.options.datetimeformat = 'sql'; // How to handle DATE and DATETIME types
+ // Another value is 'javascript'
+ alasql.options.casesensitive = true; // Table and column names are case sensitive and converted to lower-case
+ alasql.options.logtarget = 'output'; // target for log. Values: 'console', 'output', 'id' of html tag
+ alasql.options.logprompt = true; // Print SQL at log
+ alasql.options.progress = false; // Callback for async queries progress
+ // Default modifier
+ alasql.options.modifier = undefined;
+ // How many rows to lookup to define columns
+ alasql.options.columnlookup = 10;
+ // Create vertex if not found
+ alasql.options.autovertex = true;
+ // Use dbo as current database (for partial T-SQL comaptibility)
+ alasql.options.usedbo = true;
+ alasql.options.autocommit = true;
+ // Use cache
+ alasql.options.cache = true;
+ // Compatibility flags
+ alasql.options.tsql = true;
+ alasql.options.mysql = true;
+ alasql.options.postgres = true;
+ alasql.options.oracle = true;
+ alasql.options.sqlite = true;
+ alasql.options.orientdb = true;
+ alasql.options.nocount = false;
+ // Check for NaN and convert it to undefined
+ alasql.options.nan = false;
+ alasql.options.joinstar = 'overwrite'; // Option for SELECT * FROM a,b
+ //alasql.options.worker = false;
+ // Variables
+ alasql.vars = {};
+ alasql.declares = {};
+ alasql.prompthistory = [];
+ alasql.plugins = {}; // If plugin already loaded
+ alasql.from = {}; // FROM functions
+ alasql.into = {}; // INTO functions
+ alasql.fn = {};
+ alasql.aggr = {};
+ alasql.busy = 0;
+ // Cache
+ alasql.MAXSQLCACHESIZE = 10000;
+ alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID = 'alasql';
+ /* WebWorker */
+ alasql.lastid = 0;
+ alasql.buffer = {};
+ /**
+ Select current database
+ @param {string} databaseid Selected database identificator
+ */
+ alasql.use = function (databaseid) {
+ if (!databaseid) {
+ databaseid = alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID;
+ }
+ if (alasql.useid === databaseid) {
+ return;
+ }
+ alasql.useid = databaseid;
+ var db = alasql.databases[alasql.useid];
+ alasql.tables = db.tables;
+ // alasql.fn = db.fn;
+ db.resetSqlCache();
+ if (alasql.options.usedbo) {
+ alasql.databases.dbo = db; // Operator???
+ }
+ };
+ alasql.autoval = function (tablename, colname, getNext, databaseid) {
+ var db = databaseid ? alasql.databases[databaseid] : alasql.databases[alasql.useid];
+ if (!db.tables[tablename]) {
+ throw new Error('Tablename not found: ' + tablename);
+ }
+ if (!db.tables[tablename].identities[colname]) {
+ throw new Error('Colname not found: ' + colname);
+ }
+ if (getNext) {
+ return db.tables[tablename].identities[colname].value || null;
+ }
+ return (db.tables[tablename].identities[colname].value -
+ db.tables[tablename].identities[colname].step || null);
+ };
+ /**
+ Run single SQL statement on current database
+ */
+ alasql.exec = function (sql, params, cb, scope) {
+ // Avoid setting params if not needed even with callback
+ if (typeof params === 'function') {
+ scope = cb;
+ cb = params;
+ params = {};
+ }
+ delete alasql.error;
+ params = params || {};
+ if (alasql.options.errorlog) {
+ try {
+ return alasql.dexec(alasql.useid, sql, params, cb, scope);
+ }
+ catch (err) {
+ alasql.error = err;
+ if (cb) {
+ cb(null, alasql.error);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return alasql.dexec(alasql.useid, sql, params, cb, scope);
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ Run SQL statement on specific database
+ */
+ alasql.dexec = function (databaseid, sql, params, cb, scope) {
+ var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
+ // if(db.databaseid != databaseid) console.trace('got!');
+ // console.log(3, databaseid, alasql.databases);
+ var hh;
+ // Create hash
+ if (alasql.options.cache) {
+ hh = hash(sql);
+ var statement = db.sqlCache[hh];
+ // If database structure was not changed since last time return cache
+ if (statement && db.dbversion === statement.dbversion) {
+ return statement(params, cb);
+ }
+ }
+ // Create AST
+ var ast = alasql.parse(sql);
+ if (!ast.statements) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (0 === ast.statements.length) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (1 === ast.statements.length) {
+ if (ast.statements[0].compile) {
+ // Compile and Execute
+ statement = ast.statements[0].compile(databaseid, params);
+ if (!statement) {
+ return;
+ }
+ statement.sql = sql;
+ statement.dbversion = db.dbversion;
+ if (alasql.options.cache) {
+ // Secure sqlCache size
+ if (db.sqlCacheSize > alasql.MAXSQLCACHESIZE) {
+ db.resetSqlCache();
+ }
+ db.sqlCacheSize++;
+ db.sqlCache[hh] = statement;
+ }
+ var res = (alasql.res = statement(params, cb, scope));
+ return res;
+ }
+ else {
+ // console.log(ast.statements[0]);
+ alasql.precompile(ast.statements[0], alasql.useid, params);
+ res = alasql.res = ast.statements[0].execute(databaseid, params, cb, scope);
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // Multiple statements
+ if (cb) {
+ alasql.adrun(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope);
+ }
+ else {
+ return alasql.drun(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ Run multiple statements and return array of results sync
+ */
+ alasql.drun = function (databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope) {
+ var useid = alasql.useid;
+ if (useid !== databaseid) {
+ alasql.use(databaseid);
+ }
+ var res = [];
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = ast.statements.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ if (ast.statements[i]) {
+ if (ast.statements[i].compile) {
+ var statement = ast.statements[i].compile(alasql.useid);
+ res.push((alasql.res = statement(params, null, scope)));
+ }
+ else {
+ alasql.precompile(ast.statements[i], alasql.useid, params);
+ res.push((alasql.res = ast.statements[i].execute(alasql.useid, params)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (useid !== databaseid) {
+ alasql.use(useid);
+ }
+ if (cb) {
+ cb(res);
+ }
+ alasql.res = res;
+ return res;
+ };
+ /**
+ Run multiple statements and return array of results async
+ */
+ alasql.adrun = function (databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope) {
+ var idx = 0;
+ var noqueries = ast.statements.length;
+ if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {
+ alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);
+ }
+ // alasql.busy++;
+ var useid = alasql.useid;
+ if (useid !== databaseid) {
+ alasql.use(databaseid);
+ }
+ var res = [];
+ const adrunone = function (data) {
+ if (data !== undefined) {
+ res.push(data);
+ }
+ var astatement = ast.statements.shift();
+ if (!astatement) {
+ if (useid !== databaseid) {
+ alasql.use(useid);
+ }
+ cb(res);
+ // alasql.busy--;
+ // if(alasql.busy<0) alasql.busy = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (astatement.compile) {
+ var statement = astatement.compile(alasql.useid);
+ statement(params, adrunone, scope);
+ if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {
+ alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ alasql.precompile(ast.statements[0], alasql.useid, params);
+ astatement.execute(alasql.useid, params, adrunone);
+ if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {
+ alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ adrunone(); /** @todo Check, why data is empty here */
+ };
+ /**
+ Compile statement to JavaScript function
+ @param {string} sql SQL statement
+ @param {string} databaseid Database identificator
+ @return {functions} Compiled statement functions
+ alasql.compile = function (sql, databaseid) {
+ databaseid = databaseid || alasql.useid;
+ var ast = alasql.parse(sql); // Create AST
+ if (1 === ast.statements.length) {
+ var statement = ast.statements[0].compile(databaseid);
+ statement.promise = function (params) {
+ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ statement(params, function (data, err) {
+ if (err) {
+ reject(err);
+ }
+ else {
+ resolve(data);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ return statement;
+ /*/*
+ if(kind == 'value') {
+ return function(params,cb) {
+ var res = statementfn(params);
+ var key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];
+ if(cb) cb(res[0][key]);
+ return res[0][key];
+ };
+ } else if(kind == 'single') {
+ return function(params,cb) {
+ var res = statementfn(params);
+ if(cb) cb(res[0]);
+ return res[0];
+ }
+ } else if(kind == 'row') {
+ return function(params,cb) {
+ var res = statementfn(params,cb);
+ var a = [];
+ for(var key in res[0]) {
+ a.push(res[0][key]);
+ };
+ if(cb) cb(a);
+ return a;
+ }
+ } else if(kind == 'column') {
+ return function(params,cb) {
+ var res = statementfn(params,cb);
+ var ar = [];
+ var key = Object.keys(res)[0];
+ for(var i=0, ilen=res.length; i= query.sources.length) {
+ // Todo: check if this runs once too many
+ //console.log(query.wherefns);
+ // Then apply where and select
+ // console.log(query);
+ if (query.wherefn(scope, query.params, alasql)) {
+ // console.log("scope",scope.schools);
+ // var res = query.selectfn(scope, query.params, alasql);
+ // console.log("last",res);
+ // If there is a GROUP BY then pipe to groupping function
+ if (query.groupfn) {
+ query.groupfn(scope, query.params, alasql);
+ }
+ else {
+ // query.qwerty = 999;
+ //console.log(query.qwerty, query.queriesfn && query.queriesfn.length,2);
+ query.data.push(query.selectfn(scope, query.params, alasql));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (query.sources[h].applyselect) {
+ // console.log('APPLY',scope);
+ // console.log('scope1',scope);
+ // console.log(scope);
+ var source = query.sources[h];
+ source.applyselect(query.params, function (data) {
+ if (data.length > 0) {
+ // console.log('APPLY CB');
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ scope[source.alias] = data[i];
+ doJoin(query, scope, h + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (source.applymode === 'OUTER') {
+ scope[source.alias] = {};
+ doJoin(query, scope, h + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }, scope);
+ // console.log(data);
+ }
+ else {
+ // STEP 1
+ var source = query.sources[h];
+ var nextsource = query.sources[h + 1];
+ // if(source.joinmode == "LEFT" || source.joinmode == "INNER" || source.joinmode == "RIGHT"
+ // || source.joinmode == "OUTER" || source.joinmode == "SEMI") {
+ // Todo: check if this is smart
+ if (true) {
+ //source.joinmode != "ANTI") {
+ /*/*
+ // if(nextsource && nextsource.joinmode == "RIGHT") {
+ // if(!nextsource.rightdata) {
+ // console.log("ok");
+ // nextsource.rightdata = new Array(nextsource.data.length);
+ // console.log(nextsource.data.length, nextsource.rightdata);
+ // }
+ // }
+ var tableid = source.alias || source.tableid;
+ var pass = false; // For LEFT JOIN
+ var data = source.data;
+ var opt = false;
+ // Reduce data for looping if there is optimization hint
+ if (!source.getfn || (source.getfn && !source.dontcache)) {
+ if (source.joinmode !== 'RIGHT' &&
+ source.joinmode !== 'OUTER' &&
+ source.joinmode !== 'ANTI' &&
+ source.optimization === 'ix') {
+ data = source.ix[source.onleftfn(scope, query.params, alasql)] || [];
+ opt = true;
+ // console.log(source.onleftfns);
+ // console.log(source.ix);
+ // console.log(source.onleftfn(scope, query.params, alasql));
+ // console.log(opt, data, data.length);
+ }
+ }
+ // Main cycle
+ var i = 0;
+ if (typeof data === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Data source number ' + h + ' in undefined');
+ }
+ var ilen = data.length;
+ var dataw;
+ // console.log(h,opt,source.data,i,source.dontcache);
+ while ((dataw = data[i]) ||
+ (!opt && (source.getfn && (dataw = source.getfn(i)))) ||
+ i < ilen) {
+ if (!opt && source.getfn && !source.dontcache)
+ data[i] = dataw;
+ //console.log(h, i, dataw);
+ scope[tableid] = dataw;
+ // Reduce with ON and USING clause
+ if (!source.onleftfn ||
+ source.onleftfn(scope, query.params, alasql) ==
+ source.onrightfn(scope, query.params, alasql)) {
+ // For all non-standard JOINs like a-b=0
+ if (source.onmiddlefn(scope, query.params, alasql)) {
+ // Recursively call new join
+ // if(source.joinmode == "LEFT" || source.joinmode == "INNER" || source.joinmode == "OUTER" || source.joinmode == "RIGHT" ) {
+ if (source.joinmode != 'SEMI' && source.joinmode != 'ANTI') {
+ // console.log(scope);
+ doJoin(query, scope, h + 1);
+ }
+ // if(source.data[i].f = 200) debugger;
+ // if(source.joinmode == "RIGHT" || source.joinmode == "ANTI" || source.joinmode == "OUTER") {
+ if (source.joinmode != 'LEFT' && source.joinmode != 'INNER') {
+ dataw._rightjoin = true;
+ }
+ // for LEFT JOIN
+ pass = true;
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ // Additional join for LEFT JOINS
+ if ((source.joinmode == 'LEFT' ||
+ source.joinmode == 'OUTER' ||
+ source.joinmode == 'SEMI') &&
+ !pass) {
+ // Clear the scope after the loop
+ scope[tableid] = {};
+ doJoin(query, scope, h + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ // When there is no records
+ // if(data.length == 0 && query.groupfn) {
+ // scope[tableid] = undefined;
+ // doJoin(query,scope,h+1);
+ // }
+ // STEP 2
+ if (h + 1 < query.sources.length) {
+ if (nextsource.joinmode == 'OUTER' ||
+ nextsource.joinmode == 'RIGHT' ||
+ nextsource.joinmode == 'ANTI') {
+ scope[source.alias] = {};
+ var j = 0;
+ var jlen = nextsource.data.length;
+ var dataw;
+ while ((dataw = nextsource.data[j]) ||
+ (nextsource.getfn && (dataw = nextsource.getfn(j))) ||
+ j < jlen) {
+ if (nextsource.getfn && !nextsource.dontcache) {
+ nextsource.data[j] = dataw;
+ }
+ // console.log(169,dataw._rightjoin,scope);
+ if (dataw._rightjoin) {
+ delete dataw._rightjoin;
+ }
+ else {
+ // delete dataw._rightjoin;
+ // console.log(163,h,scope);
+ if (h == 0) {
+ scope[nextsource.alias] = dataw;
+ doJoin(query, scope, h + 2);
+ }
+ else {
+ //scope[nextsource.alias] = dataw;
+ //doJoin(query, scope, h+2);
+ // console.log(169,scope);
+ }
+ }
+ j++;
+ }
+ // debugger;
+ }
+ else {
+ //console.log(180,scope);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // console.log(179,scope);
+ }
+ scope[tableid] = undefined;
+ /*/*
+ if(h+1 < query.sources.length) {
+ var nextsource = query.sources[h+1];
+ if(nextsource.joinmode == "OUTER" || nextsource.joinmode == "RIGHT"
+ || nextsource.joinmode == "ANTI") {
+ // console.log(h,query.sources.length);
+ // Swap
+// swapSources(query,h);
+// console.log(query.sources);
+ //debugger;
+// var source = query.sources[h];
+// var tableid = source.alias || source.tableid;
+// var data = source.data;
+ // Reduce data for looping if there is optimization hint
+// if(source.optimization == 'ix') {
+// data = source.ix[ source.onleftfn(scope, query.params, alasql) ] || [];
+// }
+ // Main cycle
+ var pass = false;
+// console.log(tableid, data.length);
+ for(var i=0, ilen=nextsource.data.length; i= 0) {
+ var source = query.sources[idx];
+ source.data = data;
+ if (typeof source.data === 'function') {
+ source.getfn = source.data;
+ source.dontcache = source.getfn.dontcache;
+ // var prevsource = query.sources[h-1];
+ if (source.joinmode === 'OUTER' ||
+ source.joinmode === 'RIGHT' ||
+ source.joinmode === 'ANTI') {
+ source.dontcache = false;
+ }
+ source.data = {};
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // subqueries
+ // console.log("queriesdata",data, flatArray(data));
+ query.queriesdata[-idx - 1] = flatArray(data);
+ // console.log(98,query.queriesdata);
+ // console.log(79,query.queriesdata);
+ }
+ query.sourceslen--;
+ if (query.sourceslen > 0)
+ return;
+ return queryfn3(alasql, query);
+function queryfn3(alasql, query) {
+ var scope = query.scope, jlen;
+ // Preindexation of data sources
+ // if(!oldscope) {
+ preIndex(query);
+ // }
+ // query.sources.forEach(function(source) {
+ // console.log(source.data);
+ // });
+ // Prepare variables
+ query.data = [];
+ query.xgroups = {};
+ query.groups = [];
+ // Level of Joins
+ var h = 0;
+ // Start walking over data
+ //console.log(142,'1111');
+ doJoin(alasql, query, scope, h);
+ //console.log(144,'2222',query.modifier);
+ //console.log(85,query.data[0]);
+ // If groupping, then filter groups with HAVING function
+ // console.log(query.havingfns);
+ if (query.groupfn) {
+ query.data = [];
+ if (0 === query.groups.length) {
+ var g = {};
+ if (query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
+ // console.log(query.selectGroup);
+ query.selectGroup.forEach(function (sg) {
+ if (sg.aggregatorid === 'COUNT' || sg.aggregatorid === 'SUM') {
+ g[sg.nick] = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ g[sg.nick] = undefined;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ query.groups = [g];
+ // console.log();
+ }
+ // ******
+ if (query.aggrKeys.length > 0) {
+ var gfns = '';
+ query.aggrKeys.forEach(function (col) {
+ gfns +=
+ "g['" +
+ col.nick +
+ "']=alasql.aggr['" +
+ col.funcid +
+ "'](undefined,g['" +
+ col.nick +
+ "'],3);";
+ // gfns += 'return g[\''+col.nick+'\];';
+ });
+ // console.log(175, gfns);
+ var gfn = new Function('g,params,alasql', 'var y;' + gfns);
+ }
+ // return "'"+colas+'\':alasql.aggr[\''+col.funcid+'\']('+colexp+',undefined,(acc={}),1),'
+ // +'\'__REDUCE__'+colas+'\':acc,';
+ // *******
+ // console.log('EMPTY',query.groups);
+ // debugger;
+ // if(false && (query.groups.length == 1) && (Object.keys(query.groups[0]).length == 0)) {
+ // console.log('EMPTY',query.groups);
+ // } else {
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = query.groups.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ var g = query.groups[i];
+ if (gfn)
+ gfn(g, query.params, alasql);
+ // console.log(query.groups[i]);
+ if (!query.havingfn || query.havingfn(g, query.params, alasql)) {
+ // console.log(g);
+ var d = query.selectgfn(g, query.params, alasql);
+ query.data.push(d);
+ }
+ }
+ // }
+ // query.groups = query.groups.filter();
+ }
+ // Remove distinct values
+ doDistinct(query);
+ if (query.unionallfn) {
+ // TODO Simplify this part of program
+ var ud, nd;
+ if (query.corresponding) {
+ if (!query.unionallfn.query.modifier)
+ query.unionallfn.query.modifier = undefined;
+ ud = query.unionallfn(query.params);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!query.unionallfn.query.modifier)
+ query.unionallfn.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ nd = query.unionallfn(query.params);
+ ud = [];
+ ilen = nd.data.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
+ var r = {};
+ for (var j = Math.min(query.columns.length, nd.columns.length) - 1; 0 <= j; j--) {
+ r[query.columns[j].columnid] = nd.data[i][nd.columns[j].columnid];
+ }
+ ud.push(r);
+ }
+ }
+ query.data = query.data.concat(ud);
+ }
+ else if (query.unionfn) {
+ if (query.corresponding) {
+ if (!query.unionfn.query.modifier)
+ query.unionfn.query.modifier = 'ARRAY';
+ ud = query.unionfn(query.params);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!query.unionfn.query.modifier)
+ query.unionfn.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ nd = query.unionfn(query.params);
+ ud = [];
+ ilen = nd.data.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
+ r = {};
+ jlen = Math.min(query.columns.length, nd.columns.length);
+ for (var j = 0; j < jlen; j++) {
+ r[query.columns[j].columnid] = nd.data[i][nd.columns[j].columnid];
+ }
+ ud.push(r);
+ }
+ }
+ query.data = arrayUnionDeep(query.data, ud);
+ }
+ else if (query.exceptfn) {
+ if (query.corresponding) {
+ if (!query.exceptfn.query.modifier)
+ query.exceptfn.query.modifier = 'ARRAY';
+ var ud = query.exceptfn(query.params);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!query.exceptfn.query.modifier)
+ query.exceptfn.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ var nd = query.exceptfn(query.params);
+ var ud = [];
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = nd.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ var r = {};
+ for (var j = Math.min(query.columns.length, nd.columns.length) - 1; 0 <= j; j--) {
+ r[query.columns[j].columnid] = nd.data[i][nd.columns[j].columnid];
+ }
+ ud.push(r);
+ }
+ }
+ query.data = arrayExceptDeep(query.data, ud);
+ }
+ else if (query.intersectfn) {
+ if (query.corresponding) {
+ if (!query.intersectfn.query.modifier)
+ query.intersectfn.query.modifier = undefined;
+ ud = query.intersectfn(query.params);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!query.intersectfn.query.modifier)
+ query.intersectfn.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ nd = query.intersectfn(query.params);
+ ud = [];
+ ilen = nd.data.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
+ r = {};
+ jlen = Math.min(query.columns.length, nd.columns.length);
+ for (j = 0; j < jlen; j++) {
+ r[query.columns[j].columnid] = nd.data[i][nd.columns[j].columnid];
+ }
+ ud.push(r);
+ }
+ }
+ query.data = arrayIntersectDeep(query.data, ud);
+ }
+ // Ordering
+ if (query.orderfn) {
+ if (query.explain)
+ var ms = Date.now();
+ query.data = query.data.sort(query.orderfn);
+ if (query.explain) {
+ query.explaination.push({
+ explid: query.explid++,
+ description: 'QUERY BY',
+ ms: Date.now() - ms,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // Reduce to limit and offset
+ doLimit(query);
+ // Remove Angular.js artifacts and other unnecessary columns
+ // Issue #25
+ // console.log('removeKeys:',query.removeKeys);
+ // TODO: Check what artefacts rest from Angular.js
+ if (typeof angular !== 'undefined') {
+ query.removeKeys.push('$$hashKey');
+ }
+ if (query.removeKeys.length > 0) {
+ var removeKeys = query.removeKeys;
+ // Remove from data
+ jlen = removeKeys.length;
+ if (jlen > 0) {
+ ilen = query.data.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < jlen; j++) {
+ delete query.data[i][removeKeys[j]];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove from columns list
+ if (query.columns.length > 0) {
+ query.columns = query.columns.filter(function (column) {
+ var found = false;
+ removeKeys.forEach(function (key) {
+ if (column.columnid === key)
+ found = true;
+ });
+ return !found;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof query.removeLikeKeys !== 'undefined' && query.removeLikeKeys.length > 0) {
+ var removeLikeKeys = query.removeLikeKeys;
+ // Remove unused columns
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = query.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ r = query.data[i];
+ for (var k in r) {
+ for (j = 0; j < query.removeLikeKeys.length; j++) {
+ if (alasql.utils.like(query.removeLikeKeys[j], k)) {
+ // if(k.match(query.removeLikeKeys[j])) {
+ delete r[k];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (query.columns.length > 0) {
+ query.columns = query.columns.filter(function (column) {
+ var found = false;
+ removeLikeKeys.forEach(function (key) {
+ // if(column.columnid.match(key)) found = true;
+ if (alasql.utils.like(key, column.columnid)) {
+ found = true;
+ }
+ });
+ return !found;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (query.pivotfn)
+ query.pivotfn();
+ if (query.unpivotfn)
+ query.unpivotfn();
+ // console.log(query.intoallfns);
+ /*/*
+ // if(query.explain) {
+ // if(query.cb) query.cb(query.explaination,query.A, query.B);
+ // return query.explaination;
+ // } else
+ //console.log(190,query.intofns);
+ if (query.intoallfn) {
+ // console.log(161);
+ // var res = query.intoallfn(query.columns,query.cb,query.A, query.B, alasql);
+ var res = query.intoallfn(query.columns, query.cb, query.params, query.alasql);
+ // console.log(1163,res);
+ // if(query.cb) res = query.cb(res,query.A, query.B);
+ // console.log(1165,res);
+ // debugger;
+ return res;
+ }
+ else if (query.intofn) {
+ ilen = query.data.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
+ query.intofn(query.data[i], i, query.params, query.alasql);
+ }
+ // console.log(query.intofn);
+ if (query.cb)
+ query.cb(query.data.length, query.A, query.B);
+ return query.data.length;
+ }
+ else {
+ // console.log(111,query.cb,query.data);
+ res = query.data;
+ if (query.cb)
+ res = query.cb(query.data, query.A, query.B);
+ return res;
+ }
+// Limiting
+function doLimit(query) {
+ // console.log(query.limit, query.offset)
+ if (query.limit) {
+ var offset = 0;
+ if (query.offset) {
+ offset = query.offset | 0 || 0;
+ offset = offset < 0 ? 0 : offset;
+ }
+ var limit;
+ if (query.percent) {
+ limit = (((query.data.length * query.limit) / 100) | 0) + offset;
+ }
+ else {
+ limit = (query.limit | 0) + offset;
+ }
+ query.data = query.data.slice(offset, limit);
+ }
+// Distinct
+function doDistinct(query) {
+ if (query.distinct) {
+ var uniq = {};
+ // TODO: Speedup, because Object.keys is slow**
+ // TODO: Problem with DISTINCT on objects
+ var keys = Object.keys(query.data[0] || []);
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = query.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ var uix = keys
+ .map(function (k) {
+ return query.data[i][k];
+ })
+ .join('`');
+ uniq[uix] = query.data[i];
+ }
+ query.data = [];
+ for (let ind in uniq) {
+ query.data.push(uniq[ind]);
+ }
+ }
+// Optimization: preliminary indexation of joins
+var preIndex = function (query) {
+ // console.log(query);
+ // Loop over all sources
+ // Todo: make this loop smaller and more graspable
+ for (var k = 0, klen = query.sources.length; k < klen; k++) {
+ var source = query.sources[k];
+ delete source.ix;
+ // If there is indexation rule
+ //console.log('preIndex', source);
+ //console.log(source);
+ if (k > 0 && source.optimization === 'ix' && source.onleftfn && source.onrightfn) {
+ // If there is no table.indices - create it
+ if (source.databaseid && alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid]) {
+ if (!alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].indices)
+ query.database.tables[source.tableid].indices = {};
+ // Check if index already exists
+ var ixx = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].indices[hash(source.onrightfns + '`' + source.srcwherefns)];
+ if (!alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].dirty && ixx) {
+ source.ix = ixx;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!source.ix) {
+ source.ix = {};
+ // Walking over source data
+ var scope = {};
+ var i = 0;
+ var ilen = source.data.length;
+ var dataw;
+ // while(source.getfn i {
+ var len = container.childNodes.length;
+ while (len--) {
+ container.removeChild(container.lastChild);
+ }
+ } };
diff --git a/build/ES6/utils/enviroment.js b/build/ES6/utils/enviroment.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a1cbc11fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/utils/enviroment.js
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+import gen from './general';
+// Todo: prepend .gen in the code
+const global = gen.global;
+const isNativeFunction = gen.isNativeFunction;
+// const utils : {[key: string]: any} = {};
+const utils = {};
+Find out if code is running in a web worker enviroment
+@return {boolean} True if code is running in a web worker enviroment
+utils.isWebWorker = (() => {
+ try {
+ var importScripts = global.importScripts;
+ return isNativeFunction(importScripts);
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+Find out if code is running in a node enviroment
+@return {boolean} True if code is running in a node enviroment
+utils.isNode = (() => {
+ try {
+ return isNativeFunction(global.process.reallyExit);
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+Find out if code is running in a browser enviroment
+@return {boolean} True if code is running in a browser enviroment
+utils.isBrowser = (() => {
+ try {
+ return isNativeFunction(global.location.reload);
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+Find out if code is running in a browser with a browserify setup
+@return {boolean} True if code is running in a browser with a browserify setup
+utils.isBrowserify = (() => {
+ return utils.isBrowser && typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.browser;
+Find out if code is running in a browser with a requireJS setup
+@return {boolean} True if code is running in a browser with a requireJS setup
+utils.isRequireJS = (() => {
+ return (utils.isBrowser &&
+ typeof require === 'function' &&
+ typeof require.specified === 'function');
+Find out if code is running with Meteor in the enviroment
+@return {boolean} True if code is running with Meteor in the enviroment
+@todo Find out if this is the best way to do this
+utils.isMeteor = (() => {
+ return typeof Meteor !== 'undefined' && Meteor.release;
+Find out if code is running on a Meteor client
+@return {boolean} True if code is running on a Meteor client
+utils.isMeteorClient = utils.isMeteor && Meteor.isClient;
+Find out if code is running on a Meteor server
+@return {boolean} True if code is running on a Meteor server
+utils.isMeteorServer = utils.isMeteor && Meteor.isServer;
+Find out code is running in a cordovar enviroment
+@return {boolean} True if code is running in a web worker enviroment
+@todo Find out if this is the best way to do this
+utils.isCordova = typeof cordova === 'object';
+utils.isReactNative = (() => {
+ var isReact = false;
+ //*not-for-browser/*
+ try {
+ if (typeof require('react-native') === 'object') {
+ isReact = true;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ void 0;
+ }
+ //*/
+ return isReact;
+utils.hasIndexedDB = !!global.indexedDB;
+@function Is this IE9
+@return {boolean} True for IE9 and false for other browsers
+For IE9 compatibility issues
+utils.isIE = (() => {
+ /*only-for-browser/*
+ var myNav = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
+ return myNav.indexOf('msie') !== -1 ? parseInt(myNav.split('msie')[1]) : false;
+ return false;
+Get path of alasql.js
+@todo Rewrite and simplify the code. Review, is this function is required separately
+utils.findAlaSQLPath = function () {
+ /** type {string} Path to alasql library and plugins */
+ if (utils.isWebWorker) {
+ return '';
+ /** @todo Check how to get path in worker */
+ }
+ else if (utils.isMeteorClient) {
+ return '/packages/dist/';
+ }
+ else if (utils.isMeteorServer) {
+ return 'assets/packages/dist/';
+ }
+ else if (utils.isNode) {
+ return __dirname;
+ }
+ else if (utils.isBrowser) {
+ var sc = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
+ for (var i = 0; i < sc.length; i++) {
+ if (sc[i].src.substr(-16).toLowerCase() === 'alasql-worker.js') {
+ return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 16);
+ }
+ else if (sc[i].src.substr(-20).toLowerCase() === 'alasql-worker.min.js') {
+ return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 20);
+ }
+ else if (sc[i].src.substr(-9).toLowerCase() === 'alasql.js') {
+ return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 9);
+ }
+ else if (sc[i].src.substr(-13).toLowerCase() === 'alasql.min.js') {
+ return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 13);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return '';
+export default utils;
diff --git a/build/ES6/utils/excelTools.js b/build/ES6/utils/excelTools.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2c37f333c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/utils/excelTools.js
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+import env from './enviroment';
+const utils = {};
+utils.getXLSX = () => {
+ var XLSX = null;
+ /* If require() shuold be supported else take from global scope */
+ if (env.isNode || env.isBrowserify || env.isMeteorServer) {
+ //*not-for-browser/*
+ XLSX = require('xlsx') || null;
+ //*/
+ }
+ else {
+ XLSX = global.XLSX || null;
+ }
+ if (null === XLSX) {
+ throw new Error('Please include the xlsx.js library');
+ }
+ return XLSX;
+Excel:convert number to Excel column, like 1 => 'A'
+@param {integer} i Column number, starting with 0
+@return {string} Column name, starting with 'A'
+utils.xlsnc = i => {
+ var addr = String.fromCharCode(65 + (i % 26));
+ if (i >= 26) {
+ i = ((i / 26) | 0) - 1;
+ addr = String.fromCharCode(65 + (i % 26)) + addr;
+ if (i > 26) {
+ i = ((i / 26) | 0) - 1;
+ addr = String.fromCharCode(65 + (i % 26)) + addr;
+ }
+ }
+ return addr;
+Excel:conver Excel column name to number
+@param {string} s Column number, like 'A' or 'BE'
+@return {string} Column name, starting with 0
+utils.xlscn = s => {
+ var n = s.charCodeAt(0) - 65;
+ if (s.length > 1) {
+ n = (n + 1) * 26 + s.charCodeAt(1) - 65;
+ // console.log(n, s.charCodeAt(0)-65, s.charCodeAt(1)-65);
+ if (s.length > 2) {
+ n = (n + 1) * 26 + s.charCodeAt(2) - 65;
+ }
+ }
+ return n;
+export default utils;
diff --git a/build/ES6/utils/files.js b/build/ES6/utils/files.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..afd8f9861c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/utils/files.js
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+import env from './enviroment';
+import trans from './transformation';
+const cutbom = trans.cutbom;
+const utils = {};
+Load text file from anywhere
+@param {string|object} path File path or HTML event
+@param {boolean} asy True - async call, false - sync call
+@param {function} success Success function
+@param {function} error Error function
+@return {string} Read data
+@todo Define Event type
+@todo Smaller if-else structures.
+utils.loadFile = function (path, asy, success, error) {
+ var data, fs;
+ if (env.isNode || env.isMeteorServer) {
+ //*not-for-browser/*
+ if (utils.isMeteor) {
+ fs = Npm.require('fs');
+ }
+ else {
+ fs = require('fs');
+ }
+ // If path is empty, than read data from stdin (for Node)
+ if (typeof path === 'undefined') {
+ var buff = '';
+ process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8');
+ process.stdin.on('readable', function () {
+ var chunk = process.stdin.read();
+ if (chunk !== null) {
+ buff += chunk.toString();
+ }
+ });
+ process.stdin.on('end', function () {
+ success(cutbom(buff));
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ if (/^[a-z]+:\/\//i.test(path)) {
+ var request = require('request');
+ request(path, function (err, response, body) {
+ if (err) {
+ throw err;
+ }
+ success(cutbom(body.toString()));
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ //If async callthen call async
+ if (asy) {
+ fs.readFile(path, function (err, data) {
+ if (err) {
+ throw err;
+ }
+ success(cutbom(data.toString()));
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ // Call sync version
+ data = fs.readFileSync(path);
+ success(cutbom(data.toString()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (utils.isReactNative) {
+ // If ReactNative
+ var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
+ RNFS.readFile(path, 'utf8')
+ .then(function (contents) {
+ success(cutbom(contents));
+ })
+ .catch(function (err) {
+ throw err;
+ });
+ //*/
+ }
+ else if (utils.isCordova) {
+ /* If Cordova */
+ utils.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function (fileSystem) {
+ fileSystem.root.getFile(path, { create: false }, function (fileEntry) {
+ fileEntry.file(function (file) {
+ var fileReader = new FileReader();
+ fileReader.onloadend = function (e) {
+ success(cutbom(this.result));
+ };
+ fileReader.readAsText(file);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ /** @todo Check eliminated code below */
+ /*/*
+ var paths = path.split('/');
+ var filename = paths[paths.length-1];
+ var dirpath = path.substr(0,path.length-filename.length);
+// console.log('CORDOVA',filename,dirpath);
+//return success('[{"a":"'+filename+'"}]');
+ window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(dirpath, function(dir) {
+ dir.getFile(filename, null, function(file) {
+ file.file(function(file) {
+ var reader = new FileReader();
+// console.log('READ FILE 2');
+ reader.onloadend = function(e) {
+// console.log('READ FILE 3',this.result);
+ success(this.result);
+ };
+ reader.readAsText(file);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ /* For string */
+ if (typeof path === 'string') {
+ // For browser read from tag
+ /*
+ SELECT * FROM TXT('#one') -- read data from HTML element with id="one"
+ */
+ if (path.substr(0, 1) === '#' && typeof document !== 'undefined') {
+ data = document.querySelector(path).textContent;
+ success(data);
+ }
+ else {
+ /*
+ Simply read file from HTTP request, like:
+ SELECT * FROM TXT('http://alasql.org/README.md');
+ */
+ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
+ if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
+ if (xhr.status === 200) {
+ if (success) {
+ success(cutbom(xhr.responseText));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (error) {
+ error(xhr);
+ }
+ // Todo: else...?
+ }
+ };
+ xhr.open('GET', path, asy); // Async
+ xhr.responseType = 'text';
+ xhr.send();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (path instanceof Event) {
+ /*
+ For browser read from files input element
+ */
+ /** @type {array} List of files from element */
+ var files = path.target.files;
+ /** type {object} */
+ var reader = new FileReader();
+ /** type {string} */
+ var name = files[0].name;
+ reader.onload = function (e) {
+ var data = e.target.result;
+ success(cutbom(data));
+ };
+ reader.readAsText(files[0]);
+ }
+ }
+@function Load binary file from anywhere
+@param {string} path File path
+@param {boolean} asy True - async call, false - sync call
+@param {function} success Success function
+@param {function} error Error function
+@return 1 for Async, data - for sync version
+@todo merge functionality from loadFile and LoadBinaryFile
+utils.loadBinaryFile = function (path, asy, success, error) {
+ var fs;
+ if (utils.isNode || utils.isMeteorServer) {
+ //*not-for-browser/*
+ if (utils.isMeteorServer) {
+ fs = Npm.require('fs'); // For Meteor
+ }
+ else {
+ fs = require('fs');
+ }
+ if (/^[a-z]+:\/\//i.test(path)) {
+ var request = require('request');
+ request({ url: path, encoding: null }, function (err, response, data) {
+ if (err) {
+ throw err;
+ }
+ var arr = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+ arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
+ }
+ success(arr.join(''));
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ if (asy) {
+ fs.readFile(path, function (err, data) {
+ if (err) {
+ throw err;
+ }
+ var arr = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+ arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
+ }
+ success(arr.join(''));
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ var data = fs.readFileSync(path);
+ var arr = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+ arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
+ }
+ success(arr.join(''));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (utils.isReactNative) {
+ // If ReactNative
+ //var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
+ var RNFetchBlob = require('react-native-fetch-blob').default;
+ var dirs = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs;
+ //should use readStream instead if the file is large
+ RNFetchBlob.fs.readFile(path, 'base64').then(function (data) {
+ //RNFetchBlob.base64.decode(data) //need more test on excel
+ success(data);
+ });
+ //*/
+ }
+ else {
+ if (typeof path === 'string') {
+ // For browser
+ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ xhr.open('GET', path, asy); // Async
+ xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
+ xhr.onload = function () {
+ var data = new Uint8Array(xhr.response);
+ var arr = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+ arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
+ }
+ success(arr.join(''));
+ };
+ // xhr.responseType = "blob";
+ xhr.send();
+ }
+ else if (path instanceof Event) {
+ // console.log("event");
+ var files = path.target.files;
+ var reader = new FileReader();
+ var name = files[0].name;
+ reader.onload = function (e) {
+ var data = e.target.result;
+ success(data);
+ };
+ reader.readAsArrayBuffer(files[0]);
+ }
+ else if (path instanceof Blob) {
+ success(path);
+ }
+ }
+var removeFile = (utils.removeFile = function (path, cb) {
+ if (utils.isNode) {
+ //*not-for-browser/*
+ var fs = require('fs');
+ fs.remove(path, cb);
+ }
+ else if (utils.isCordova) {
+ utils.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function (fileSystem) {
+ fileSystem.root.getFile(path, { create: false }, function (fileEntry) {
+ fileEntry.remove(cb);
+ if (cb)
+ cb(); // jshint ignore:line
+ }, function () {
+ if (cb)
+ cb(); // jshint ignore:line
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ else if (utils.isReactNative) {
+ // If ReactNative
+ var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
+ RNFS.unlink(path)
+ .then(function () {
+ if (cb)
+ cb();
+ })
+ .catch(function (err) {
+ throw err;
+ });
+ //*/
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('You can remove files only in Node.js and Apache Cordova');
+ }
+// Todo: check if it makes sense to support cordova and Meteor server
+utils.deleteFile = (path, cb) => {
+ //*not-for-browser/*
+ if (utils.isNode) {
+ var fs = require('fs');
+ fs.unlink(path, cb);
+ }
+ else if (utils.isReactNative) {
+ // If ReactNative
+ var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
+ RNFS.unlink(path)
+ .then(function () {
+ if (cb)
+ cb();
+ })
+ .catch(function (err) {
+ throw err;
+ });
+ }
+ //*/
+utils.autoExtFilename = (filename, ext, config) => {
+ config = config || {};
+ if (typeof filename !== 'string' ||
+ filename.match(/^[A-z]+:\/\/|\n|\..{2,4}$/) ||
+ config.autoExt === 0 ||
+ config.autoExt === false) {
+ return filename;
+ }
+ return filename + '.' + ext;
+utils.fileExists = function (path, cb) {
+ if (utils.isNode) {
+ //*not-for-browser/*
+ var fs = require('fs');
+ fs.exists(path, cb);
+ }
+ else if (utils.isCordova) {
+ utils.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function (fileSystem) {
+ fileSystem.root.getFile(path, { create: false }, function (fileEntry) {
+ cb(true);
+ }, function () {
+ cb(false);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ else if (utils.isReactNative) {
+ // If ReactNative
+ var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
+ RNFS.exists(path)
+ .then(function (yes) {
+ if (cb)
+ cb(yes);
+ })
+ .catch(function (err) {
+ throw err;
+ });
+ //*/
+ }
+ else {
+ // TODO Cordova, etc.
+ throw new Error('You can use exists() only in Node.js or Apach Cordova');
+ }
+Save text file from anywhere
+@param {string} path File path
+@param {array} data Data object
+@param {function} cb Callback
+@param {object=} opts
+utils.saveFile = function (path, data, cb, opts) {
+ var res = 1;
+ if (path === undefined) {
+ //
+ // Return data into result variable
+ // like: alasql('SELECT * INTO TXT() FROM ?',[data]);
+ //
+ res = data;
+ if (cb) {
+ res = cb(res);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (utils.isNode) {
+ //*not-for-browser/*
+ var fs = require('fs');
+ data = fs.writeFileSync(path, data);
+ if (cb) {
+ res = cb(res);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (utils.isReactNative) {
+ var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
+ RNFS.writeFile(path, data)
+ .then(function (success) {
+ //, 'utf8'
+ if (cb)
+ res = cb(res);
+ })
+ .catch(function (err) {
+ console.error(err.message);
+ });
+ }
+ else if (utils.isCordova) {
+ utils.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function (fileSystem) {
+ // alasql.utils.removeFile(path,function(){
+ fileSystem.root.getFile(path, { create: true }, function (fileEntry) {
+ fileEntry.createWriter(function (fileWriter) {
+ fileWriter.onwriteend = function () {
+ if (cb) {
+ res = cb(res);
+ }
+ };
+ fileWriter.write(data);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ //*/
+ /*/*
+ } else if((typeof cordova == 'object') && cordova.file) {
+// console.log('saveFile 1');
+ // Cordova
+ var paths = path.split('/');
+ var filename = paths[paths.length-1];
+ var dirpath = path.substr(0,path.length-filename.length);
+ // console.log('CORDOVA',filename,dirpath);
+ //return success('[{"a":"'+filename+'"}]');
+ window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(dirpath, function(dir) {
+// console.log('saveFile 2');
+ dir.getFile(filename, {create:true}, function(file) {
+// console.log('saveFile 3');
+// file.file(function(file) {
+// console.log('saveFile 4');
+ file.createWriter(function(fileWriter) {
+// fileWriter.seek(fileWriter.length);
+ var blob = new Blob([data], {type:'text/plain'});
+ fileWriter.write(blob);
+ fileWriter.onwriteend = function(){
+ if(cb) cb();
+ };
+// console.log("ok, in theory i worked");
+ });
+ /*/*
+ // Corodva
+ function writeFinish() {
+ // ... your done code here...
+ return cb()
+ };
+ var written = 0;
+ var BLOCK_SIZE = 1*1024*1024; // write 1M every time of write
+ function writeNext(cbFinish) {
+ var sz = Math.min(BLOCK_SIZE, data.length - written);
+ var sub = data.slice(written, written+sz);
+ writer.write(sub);
+ written += sz;
+ writer.onwrite = function(evt) {
+ if (written < data.length)
+ writeNext(cbFinish);
+ else
+ cbFinish();
+ };
+ }
+ writeNext(writeFinish);
+ }
+ // });
+ // });
+ // });
+ }
+ else {
+ if (utils.isIE() === 9) {
+ // Solution was taken from
+ // http://megatuto.com/formation-JAVASCRIPT.php?JAVASCRIPT_Example=Javascript+Save+CSV+file+in+IE+8/IE+9+without+using+window.open()+Categorie+javascript+internet-explorer-8&category=&article=7993
+ // var URI = 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,';
+ // Prepare data
+ var ndata = data.replace(/\r\n/g, 'A;D;');
+ ndata = ndata.replace(/\n/g, 'D;');
+ ndata = ndata.replace(/\t/g, ' ');
+ var testlink = utils.global.open('about:blank', '_blank');
+ testlink.document.write(ndata); //fileData has contents for the file
+ testlink.document.close();
+ testlink.document.execCommand('SaveAs', false, path);
+ testlink.close();
+ }
+ else {
+ var opt = {
+ disableAutoBom: false,
+ };
+ utils.extend(opt, opts);
+ var blob = new Blob([data], { type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' });
+ utils.saveAs(blob, path, opt.disableAutoBom);
+ if (cb) {
+ res = cb(res);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+// For LOAD
+// var saveBinaryFile = utils.saveFile = function(path, data, cb) {
+// if(utils.isNode) {
+// // For Node.js
+// var fs = require('fs');
+// var data = fs.writeFileSync(path,data);
+// } else {
+// var blob = new Blob([data], {type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8"});
+// saveAs(blob, path);
+// }
+// };
+export default utils;
diff --git a/build/ES6/utils/general.js b/build/ES6/utils/general.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78c7f43b3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/utils/general.js
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+const utils = {};
+ Convert NaN to undefined
+ @function
+ @param {string} s JavaScript string to be modified
+ @return {string} Covered expression
+ @example
+ 123 => 123
+ undefined => undefined
+ NaN => undefined
+utils.n2u = function (s) {
+ return '(y=' + s + ',y===y?y:undefined)';
+ Return undefined if s undefined
+ @param {string} s JavaScript string to be modified
+ @return {string} Covered expression
+ @example
+ 123,a => a
+ undefined,a => undefined
+ NaN,a => undefined
+utils.und = (s, r) => {
+ return '(y=' + s + ',typeof y=="undefined"?undefined:' + r + ')';
+ Return always true. Stub for non-ecisting WHERE clause, because is faster then if(whenrfn) whenfn()
+ @function
+ @return {boolean} Always true
+utils.returnTrue = () => {
+ return true;
+ Return undefined. Stub for non-ecisting WHERE clause, because is faster then if(whenrfn) whenfn()
+ @function
+ @return {undefined} Always undefined
+utils.returnUndefined = function () { };
+ Escape string
+ @function
+ @param {string} s Source string
+ @return {string} Escaped string
+ @example
+ Pit\er's => Pit\\er\'s
+ Get the global scope
+ Inspired by System.global
+ @return {object} The global scope
+utils.global = (function () {
+ if (typeof self !== 'undefined') {
+ return self;
+ }
+ if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
+ return window;
+ }
+ if (typeof global !== 'undefined') {
+ return global;
+ }
+ return Function('return this')();
+ * Find out if a function is native to the enviroment
+ * @param {function} Function to check
+ * @return {boolean} True if function is native
+ */
+utils.isNativeFunction = fn => {
+ return typeof fn === 'function' && !!~fn.toString().indexOf('[native code]');
+utils.isArray = function (obj) {
+ return '[object Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(obj);
+ * Extend object a with properties of b
+ * @function
+ * @param {object} a
+ * @param {object} b
+ * @return {object}
+utils.extend = (a, b) => {
+ a = a || {};
+ for (var key in b) {
+ if (b.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ a[key] = b[key];
+ }
+ }
+ return a;
+export default utils;
diff --git a/build/ES6/utils/sqlTools.js b/build/ES6/utils/sqlTools.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..590f80be1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/utils/sqlTools.js
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+const utils = {};
+SQL LIKE emulation
+@parameter {string} pattern Search pattern
+@parameter {string} value Searched value
+@parameter {string} escape Escape character (optional)
+@return {boolean} If value LIKE pattern ESCAPE escape
+utils.like = (pattern, value, escape) => {
+ // Verify escape character
+ if (!escape)
+ escape = '';
+ var i = 0;
+ var s = '^';
+ while (i < pattern.length) {
+ var c = pattern[i], c1 = '';
+ if (i < pattern.length - 1)
+ c1 = pattern[i + 1];
+ if (c === escape) {
+ s += '\\' + c1;
+ i++;
+ }
+ else if (c === '[' && c1 === '^') {
+ s += '[^';
+ i++;
+ }
+ else if (c === '[' || c === ']') {
+ s += c;
+ }
+ else if (c === '%') {
+ s += '.*';
+ }
+ else if (c === '_') {
+ s += '.';
+ }
+ else if ('/.*+?|(){}'.indexOf(c) > -1) {
+ s += '\\' + c;
+ }
+ else {
+ s += c;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ s += '$';
+ // if(value == undefined) return false;
+ //console.log(s,value,(value||'').search(RegExp(s))>-1);
+ return ('' + (value || '')).toUpperCase().search(RegExp(s.toUpperCase())) > -1;
+Strip all comments.
+@param {string} str
+@return {string}
+Based om the https://github.com/lehni/uncomment.js/blob/master/uncomment.js
+I just replaced JavaScript's '//' to SQL's '--' and remove other stuff
+@todo Fixed [aaa/*bbb] for column names
+@todo Bug if -- comments in the last line
+@todo Check if it possible to model it with Jison parser
+@todo Remove unused code
+utils.uncomment = function (str) {
+ // Add some padding so we can always look ahead and behind by two chars
+ str = ('__' + str + '__').split('');
+ var quote = false, quoteSign,
+ // regularExpression = false,
+ // characterClass = false,
+ blockComment = false, lineComment = false;
+ // preserveComment = false;
+ for (var i = 0, l = str.length; i < l; i++) {
+ // console.log(i,str[i]);
+ // When checking for quote escaping, we also need to check that the
+ // escape sign itself is not escaped, as otherwise '\\' would cause
+ // the wrong impression of an unclosed string:
+ var unescaped = str[i - 1] !== '\\' || str[i - 2] === '\\';
+ if (quote) {
+ if (str[i] === quoteSign && unescaped) {
+ quote = false;
+ }
+ /*/* // } else if (regularExpression) {
+ // Make sure '/'' inside character classes is not considered the end
+ // of the regular expression.
+ // if (str[i] === '[' && unescaped) {
+ // characterClass = true;
+ // } else if (str[i] === ']' && unescaped && characterClass) {
+ // characterClass = false;
+ // } else if (str[i] === '/' && unescaped && !characterClass) {
+ // regularExpression = false;
+ // }
+ }
+ else if (blockComment) {
+ // Is the block comment closing?
+ if (str[i] === '*' && str[i + 1] === '/') {
+ // if (!preserveComment)
+ str[i] = str[i + 1] = '';
+ blockComment /* = preserveComment*/ = false;
+ // Increase by 1 to skip closing '/', as it would be mistaken
+ // for a regexp otherwise
+ i++;
+ }
+ else {
+ //if (!preserveComment) {
+ str[i] = '';
+ }
+ }
+ else if (lineComment) {
+ // One-line comments end with the line-break
+ if (str[i + 1] === '\n' || str[i + 1] === '\r') {
+ lineComment = false;
+ }
+ str[i] = '';
+ }
+ else {
+ if (str[i] === '"' || str[i] === "'") {
+ quote = true;
+ quoteSign = str[i];
+ }
+ else if (str[i] === '[' && str[i - 1] !== '@') {
+ quote = true;
+ quoteSign = ']';
+ // } else if (str[i] === '-' && str[i + 1] === '-') {
+ // str[i] = '';
+ // lineComment = true;
+ }
+ else if (str[i] === '/' && str[i + 1] === '*') {
+ // Do not filter out conditional comments /*@ ... */
+ // and comments marked as protected /*! ... */
+ // preserveComment = /[@!]/.test(str[i + 2]);
+ // if (!preserveComment)
+ str[i] = '';
+ blockComment = true;
+ // console.log('block');
+ /*/* // } else if (str[i + 1] === '/') {
+ // str[i] = '';
+ // lineComment = true;
+ // } else {
+ // We need to make sure we don't count normal divisions as
+ // regular expresions. Matching this properly is difficult,
+ // but if we assume that normal division always have a space
+ // after /, a simple check for white space or '='' (for /=)
+ // is enough to distinguish divisions from regexps.
+ // TODO: Develop a proper check for regexps.
+ // if (!/[\s=]/.test(str[i + 1])) {
+ // regularExpression = true;
+ // }
+ // }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove padding again.
+ str = str.join('').slice(2, -2);
+ /*/*
+// Strip empty lines that contain only white space and line breaks, as they
+// are left-overs from comment removal.
+str = str.replace(/^[ \t]+(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, function(all) {
+ return '';
+// Replace a sequence of more than two line breaks with only two.
+str = str.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)(\r\n|\n|\r)+/g, function(all, lineBreak) {
+ return lineBreak + lineBreak;
+ return str;
+export default utils;
diff --git a/build/ES6/utils/transformation.js b/build/ES6/utils/transformation.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c3f76c9cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ES6/utils/transformation.js
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+const utils = {};
+ Cut BOM first character for UTF-8 files (for merging two files)
+ @param {string} s Source string
+ @return {string} Replaced string
+utils.cutbom = s => {
+ if (s[0] === String.fromCharCode(65279)) {
+ s = s.substr(1);
+ }
+ return s;
+// based on joliss/js-string-escape
+utils.escapeq = s => {
+ // console.log(s);
+ return ('' + s).replace(/["'\\\n\r\u2028\u2029]/g, function (character) {
+ // Escape all characters not included in SingleStringCharacters and
+ // DoubleStringCharacters on
+ // http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-7.8.4
+ switch (character) {
+ case '"':
+ case "'":
+ case '\\':
+ return '\\' + character;
+ // Four possible LineTerminator characters need to be escaped:
+ case '\n':
+ return '\\n';
+ case '\r':
+ return '\\r';
+ case '\u2028':
+ return '\\u2028';
+ case '\u2029':
+ return '\\u2029';
+ default:
+ }
+ });
+ Double quotes for SQL statements
+ @param {string} s Source string
+ @return {string} Escaped string
+ @example
+ Piter's => Piter''s
+ */
+utils.undoubleq = s => {
+ return s.replace(/(\')/g, "''");
+ Replace double quotes with single quote
+ @param {string} s Source string
+ @return {string} Replaced string
+ @example
+ Piter''s => Piter's
+ */
+utils.doubleq = s => {
+ return s.replace(/(\'\')/g, "\\'");
+ Replace sigle quote to escaped single quote
+ @param {string} s Source string
+ @return {string} Replaced string
+ @todo Chack this functions
+utils.doubleqq = s => {
+ return s.replace(/\'/g, "'");
+@function Hash a string to signed integer
+@param {string} source string
+@return {integer} hash number
+// FNV-1a inspired hashing
+utils.hash = str => {
+ var hash = 0x811c9dc5, i = str.length;
+ while (i) {
+ hash ^= str.charCodeAt(--i);
+ hash += (hash << 1) + (hash << 4) + (hash << 7) + (hash << 8) + (hash << 24);
+ }
+ return hash;
+utils.glob = (value, pattern) => {
+ var i = 0;
+ var s = '^';
+ while (i < pattern.length) {
+ var c = pattern[i], c1 = '';
+ if (i < pattern.length - 1)
+ c1 = pattern[i + 1];
+ if (c === '[' && c1 === '^') {
+ s += '[^';
+ i++;
+ }
+ else if (c === '[' || c === ']') {
+ s += c;
+ }
+ else if (c === '*') {
+ s += '.*';
+ }
+ else if (c === '?') {
+ s += '.';
+ }
+ else if ('/.*+?|(){}'.indexOf(c) > -1) {
+ s += '\\' + c;
+ }
+ else {
+ s += c;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ s += '$';
+ return ('' + (value || '')).toUpperCase().search(RegExp(s.toUpperCase())) > -1;
+ Modify res according modifier
+ @function
+ @param {object} query Query object
+ @param res {object|number|string|boolean} res Data to be converted
+utils.modify = (alasql, query, res) => {
+ // jshint ignore:line
+ // console.log(arguments);
+ /* If source is a primitive value then return it */
+ if (typeof res === 'undefined' ||
+ typeof res === 'number' ||
+ typeof res === 'string' ||
+ typeof res === 'boolean') {
+ return res;
+ }
+ var modifier = query.modifier || alasql.options.modifier;
+ var columns = query.columns;
+ if (typeof columns === 'undefined' || columns.length === 0) {
+ // Try to create columns
+ if (res.length > 0) {
+ var allcol = {};
+ for (var i = Math.min(res.length, alasql.options.columnlookup || 10) - 1; 0 <= i; i--) {
+ for (let key in res[i]) {
+ allcol[key] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ columns = Object.keys(allcol).map(function (columnid) {
+ return { columnid: columnid };
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ // Cannot recognize columns
+ columns = [];
+ }
+ }
+ // console.log(columns);
+ let key;
+ if (modifier === 'VALUE') {
+ // console.log(222,res);
+ if (res.length > 0) {
+ if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
+ key = columns[0].columnid;
+ }
+ else {
+ key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];
+ }
+ res = res[0][key];
+ }
+ else {
+ res = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (modifier === 'ROW') {
+ if (res.length > 0) {
+ var a = [];
+ for (var ind in res[0]) {
+ a.push(res[0][ind]);
+ }
+ res = a;
+ }
+ else {
+ res = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (modifier === 'COLUMN') {
+ var ar = [];
+ if (res.length > 0) {
+ if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
+ key = columns[0].columnid;
+ }
+ else {
+ key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ ar.push(res[i][key]);
+ }
+ }
+ res = ar;
+ }
+ else if (modifier === 'MATRIX') {
+ // Returns square matrix of rows
+ var ar = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
+ var a = [];
+ var r = res[i];
+ for (var j = 0; j < columns.length; j++) {
+ a.push(r[columns[j].columnid]);
+ }
+ ar.push(a);
+ }
+ res = ar;
+ }
+ else if (modifier === 'INDEX') {
+ let ar = {};
+ let val;
+ if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
+ key = columns[0].columnid;
+ val = columns[1].columnid;
+ }
+ else {
+ var okeys = Object.keys(res[0]);
+ key = okeys[0];
+ val = okeys[1];
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ ar[res[i][key]] = res[i][val];
+ }
+ res = ar;
+ // res = arrayOfArrays(res);
+ }
+ else if (modifier === 'RECORDSET') {
+ res = new alasql.Recordset({ columns: columns, data: res });
+ // res = arrayOfArrays(res);
+ }
+ else if (modifier === 'TEXTSTRING') {
+ if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
+ key = columns[0].columnid;
+ }
+ else {
+ key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ res[i] = res[i][key];
+ }
+ res = res.join('\n');
+ // res = arrayOfArrays(res);
+ }
+ return res;
+export default utils;
diff --git a/dist/alasql-md.js b/dist/alasql-md.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d0728eadc6..0000000000
--- a/dist/alasql-md.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- Markdown export functions from the result table
- @function
- @param {string} filename
- @param {object} opts
- @param {array} data
- @param {array} columns
- @param {callback} cb
- @return {number}
-alasql.into.MD = function(filename, opts, data, columns, cb) {
- // If columns is empty then generate columns
- if(columns.length == 0 && data.length > 0) {
- columns = Object.keys(data[0]).map(function(columnid){return {columnid:columnid}});
- };
- // If one parameter then filename is opts
- if(typeof filename == 'object') {
- opts = filename;
- filename = undefined;
- };
- /** @todo Add columns and lines generation */
- /** @type {number} */
- var res = data.length;
- /** @type {string} */
- var s = '';
- if(data.length > 0) {
- var key = columns[0].columnid;
- s += data.map(function(d){
- return d[key];
- }).join('\n');
- }
- // Save file
- res = alasql.utils.saveFile(filename,s);
- // Process callback
- if(cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
diff --git a/dist/alasql-worker.js b/dist/alasql-worker.js
deleted file mode 100755
index c6c6aa8664..0000000000
--- a/dist/alasql-worker.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-//! AlaSQL v0.4.6 | © 2014-2016 Andrey Gershun & Mathias Rangel Wulff | License: MIT
-@module alasql
-@version 0.4.6
-AlaSQL - JavaScript SQL database
-© 2014-2016 Andrey Gershun & Mathias Rangel Wulff
-The MIT License (MIT)
-Copyright 2014-2016 Andrey Gershun (agershun@gmail.com) & Mathias Rangel Wulff (m@rawu.dk)
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-// AlaSQL Workker
-// Date: 13.04.2014
-// (c) 2014-2015, Andrey Gershun
-(function (root, factory) {
- if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
- define([], factory);
- } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
- module.exports = factory();
- } else {
- root.alasql = factory();
- }
-}(this, function () {
- Main procedure for worker
- @function
- @param {string} sql SQL statement
- @param {object} params List of parameters (can be omitted)
- @param {callback} cb Callback function
- @return {object} Query result
-function alasql(sql,params,cb){
- params = params||[];
- // Avoid setting params if not needed even with callback
- if(typeof params === 'function'){
- scope = cb;
- cb = params;
- params = [];
- }
- if(typeof params !== 'object'){
- params = [params];
- }
- // Increase last request id
- var id = alasql.lastid++;
- // Save callback
- alasql.buffer[id] = cb;
- // Send a message to worker
- alasql.webworker.postMessage({id:id,sql:sql,params:params});
-alasql.options = {};
-alasql.options.progress = function(){};
-isArray = function(obj){
- return "[object Array]"===Object.prototype.toString.call(obj);
-alasql.promise = function() {
- throw new Error('Please include a Promise/A+ library');
-// From src/18promise.js
-if(typeof Promise !== "undefined"){
- var promiseExec = function(sql, params, counterStep, counterTotal){
- return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
- alasql(sql, params, function(data,err) {
- if(err) {
- reject(err);
- } else {
- if (counterStep && counterTotal && alasql.options.progress !== false) {
- alasql.options.progress(counterStep, counterTotal);
- }
- resolve(data);
- }
- });
- });
- }
- var promiseAll = function(sqlParamsArray){
- if(sqlParamsArray.length<1){
- return ;
- }
- var active, sql, params;
- var execArray = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < sqlParamsArray.length; i++) {
- active = sqlParamsArray[i];
- if(typeof active === 'string'){
- active = [active];
- }
- if(!isArray(active) || active.length<1 || 2 1) {
- var sql =
- 'REQUIRE ' +
- paths
- .map(function(p) {
- return '"' + p + '"';
- })
- .join(',');
- alasql(sql, [], cb);
- }
- } else if (path === false) {
- delete alasql.webworker;
- return;
- }
- };
-/* WebWorker */
-/** @type {number} */
-alasql.lastid = 0;
-/** @type {object} */
-alasql.buffer = {};
-return alasql;
diff --git a/dist/alasql-worker.min.js b/dist/alasql-worker.min.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 4c5aa11fb5..0000000000
--- a/dist/alasql-worker.min.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-//! AlaSQL v0.4.6 | © 2014-2016 Andrey Gershun & Mathias Rangel Wulff | License: MIT
-!function(r,e){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define([],e):"object"==typeof exports?module.exports=e():r.alasql=e()}(this,function(){function r(e,t,o){t=t||[],"function"==typeof t&&(scope=o,o=t,t=[]),"object"!=typeof t&&(t=[t]);var n=r.lastid++;r.buffer[n]=o,r.webworker.postMessage({id:n,sql:e,params:t})}if(r.options={},r.options.progress=function(){},isArray=function(r){return"[object Array]"===Object.prototype.toString.call(r)},r.promise=function(){throw new Error("Please include a Promise/A+ library")},"undefined"!=typeof Promise){var e=function(e,t,o,n){return new Promise(function(s,i){r(e,t,function(e,t){t?i(t):(o&&n&&!1!==r.options.progress&&r.options.progress(o,n),s(e))})})},t=function(r){if(!(r.length<1)){for(var t,o,n,s=[],i=0;i1){r("REQUIRE "+t.map(function(r){return'"'+r+'"'}).join(","),[],o)}}else if(!1===e)return void delete r.webworker}),r.lastid=0,r.buffer={},r.worker(),r});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dist/alasql.d.ts b/dist/alasql.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index c6cf8ef3c3..0000000000
--- a/dist/alasql.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-// Project: https://github.com/agershun/alasql
-declare namespace alaSQLSpace {
- interface AlaSQLCallback {
- (data?: any, err?: Error): void;
- }
- interface AlaSQLOptions {
- errorlog: boolean;
- valueof: boolean;
- dropifnotexists: boolean; // drop database in any case
- datetimeformat: string; // how to handle DATE and DATETIME types
- casesensitive: boolean; // table and column names are case sensitive and converted to lower-case
- logtarget: string; // target for log. Values: 'console', 'output', 'id' of html tag
- logprompt: boolean; // print SQL at log
- columnlookup: number; // how many rows to lookup to define columns
- autovertex: boolean; // create vertex if not found
- usedbo: boolean; // use dbo as current database (for partial T-SQL comaptibility)
- autocommit: boolean; // the AUTOCOMMIT ON | OFF
- cache: boolean; // use cache
- nocount: boolean; // for SET NOCOUNT OFF
- nan: boolean; // check for NaN and convert it to undefined
- angularjs: boolean;
- tsql: boolean;
- mysql: boolean;
- postgres: boolean;
- oracle: boolean;
- sqlite: boolean;
- orientdb: boolean;
- }
- // compiled Statement
- interface AlaSQLStatement {
- (params?: any, cb?: AlaSQLCallback, scope?: any): any;
- }
- // abstract Syntax Tree
- interface AlaSQLAST {
- compile(databaseid: string): AlaSQLStatement;
- }
- // https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/master/es6-promise/es6-promise.d.ts
- interface Thenable {
- then(onFulfilled?: (value: T) => U | Thenable, onRejected?: (error: any) => U | Thenable): Thenable;
- then(onFulfilled?: (value: T) => U | Thenable, onRejected?: (error: any) => void): Thenable;
- catch(onRejected?: (error: any) => U | Thenable): Thenable;
- }
- // see https://github.com/agershun/alasql/wiki/User%20Defined%20Functions
- interface userDefinedFunction {
- (x: any): any;
- }
- interface userDefinedFunctionLookUp {
- [x: string]: userDefinedFunction;
- }
- // see https://github.com/agershun/alasql/wiki/User%20Defined%20Functions
- interface userAggregator {
- (value: any, accumulator: any, stage: number): any;
- }
- interface userAggregatorLookUp {
- [x: string]: userAggregator;
- }
- interface AlaSQL {
- options: AlaSQLOptions;
- error: Error;
- (sql: any, params?: any, cb?: AlaSQLCallback, scope?: any): any;
- parse(sql: any): AlaSQLAST;
- promise(sql: any, params?: any): Thenable;
- fn: userDefinedFunctionLookUp;
- aggr: userAggregatorLookUp;
- autoval(tablename: string, colname: string, getNext?:boolean): number;
- yy:{};
- }
-declare var alasql: alaSQLSpace.AlaSQL;
-declare module 'alasql' {
- export = alasql;
diff --git a/dist/alasql.fs.js b/dist/alasql.fs.js
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index a808547d22..8549fffcd8
--- a/dist/alasql.fs.js
+++ b/dist/alasql.fs.js
@@ -1,19744 +1,8411 @@
-//! AlaSQL v0.4.6 | © 2014-2016 Andrey Gershun & Mathias Rangel Wulff | License: MIT
-@module alasql
-@version 0.4.6
-AlaSQL - JavaScript SQL database
-© 2014-2016 Andrey Gershun & Mathias Rangel Wulff
-The MIT License (MIT)
-Copyright 2014-2016 Andrey Gershun (agershun@gmail.com) & Mathias Rangel Wulff (m@rawu.dk)
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-/* eslint-disable */
-"use strict";
- @fileoverview AlaSQL JavaScript SQL library
- @see http://github.com/agershun/alasql
- Callback from statement
- @callback statement-callback
- @param {object} data Result data
- UMD envelope for AlaSQL
-(function (root, factory) {
- if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
- define([], factory);
- } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
- /** alasql main function */
- module.exports = factory();
- } else {
- root.alasql = factory();
- }
-}(this, function () {
- AlaSQL - Main Alasql class
- @function
- @param {string|function|object} sql - SQL-statement or data object for fuent interface
- @param {object} params - SQL parameters
- @param {function} cb - callback function
- @param {object} scope - Scope for nested queries
- @return {any} - Result data object
- @example
- Standard sync call:
- alasql('CREATE TABLE one');
- Query:
- var res = alasql('SELECT * FROM one');
- Call with parameters:
- var res = alasql('SELECT * FROM ?',[data]);
- Standard async call with callback function:
- alasql('SELECT * FROM ?',[data],function(res){
- console.log(data);
- });
- Call with scope for subquery (to pass common values):
- var scope = {one:{a:2,b;20}}
- alasql('SELECT * FROM ? two WHERE two.a = one.a',[data],null,scope);
- Call for fluent interface with data object:
- alasql(data).Where(function(x){return x.a == 10}).exec();
- Call for fluent interface without data object:
- alasql().From(data).Where(function(x){return x.a == 10}).exec();
- */
-var alasql = function(sql, params, cb, scope) {
- params = params||[];
- if(typeof importScripts !== 'function' && alasql.webworker) {
- var id = alasql.lastid++;
- alasql.buffer[id] = cb;
- alasql.webworker.postMessage({id:id,sql:sql,params:params});
- return;
- }
- if(arguments.length === 0) {
- // Without arguments - Fluent interface
- return new yy.Select({
- columns:[new yy.Column({columnid:'*'})],
- from: [new yy.ParamValue({param:0})]
- });
- } else if(arguments.length === 1){
- // Access promise notation without using `.promise(...)`
- if(sql.constructor === Array){
- return alasql.promise(sql);
- }
- }
- // Avoid setting params if not needed even with callback
- if(typeof params === 'function'){
- scope = cb;
- cb = params;
- params = [];
- }
- if(typeof params !== 'object'){
- params = [params];
- }
- // Standard interface
- // alasql('#sql');
- if(typeof sql === 'string' && sql[0]==='#' && typeof document === "object") {
- sql = document.querySelector(sql).textContent;
- } else if(typeof sql === 'object' && sql instanceof HTMLElement) {
- sql = sql.textContent;
- } else if(typeof sql === 'function') {
- // to run multiline functions
- sql = sql.toString();
- sql = (/\/\*([\S\s]+)\*\//m.exec(sql) || ['','Function given as SQL. Plese Provide SQL string or have a /* ... */ syle comment with SQL in the function.'])[1];
- }
- // Run SQL
- return alasql.exec(sql, params, cb, scope);
- Current version of alasql
- @constant {string}
-alasql.version = '0.4.6';
- Debug flag
- @type {boolean}
-alasql.debug = undefined; // Initial debug variable
-var require = function(){return null}; // as alasqlparser.js is generated, we can not "remove" referenses to
-var __dirname = '';
-/* parser generated by jison 0.4.18 */
- Returns a Parser object of the following structure:
+(function (global, factory) {
+ typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
+ typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
+ (global.alasql = factory());
+}(this, (function () { 'use strict';
+ var utils = {};
+ utils.n2u = function (s) {
+ return '(y=' + s + ',y===y?y:undefined)';
+ };
+ utils.und = function (s, r) {
+ return '(y=' + s + ',typeof y=="undefined"?undefined:' + r + ')';
+ };
+ utils.returnTrue = function () {
+ return true;
+ };
+ utils.returnUndefined = function () { };
+ utils.global = (function () {
+ if (typeof self !== 'undefined') {
+ return self;
+ }
+ if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
+ return window;
+ }
+ if (typeof global !== 'undefined') {
+ return global;
+ }
+ return Function('return this')();
+ }());
+ utils.isNativeFunction = function (fn) {
+ return typeof fn === 'function' && !!~fn.toString().indexOf('[native code]');
+ };
+ utils.isArray = function (obj) {
+ return '[object Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(obj);
+ };
+ utils.extend = function (a, b) {
+ a = a || {};
+ for (var key in b) {
+ if (b.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ a[key] = b[key];
+ }
+ }
+ return a;
+ };
+ var global$1 = utils.global;
+ var isNativeFunction = utils.isNativeFunction;
+ var utils$1 = {};
+ utils$1.isWebWorker = (function () {
+ try {
+ var importScripts = global$1.importScripts;
+ return isNativeFunction(importScripts);
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ })();
+ utils$1.isNode = (function () {
+ try {
+ return isNativeFunction(global$1.process.reallyExit);
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ })();
+ utils$1.isBrowser = (function () {
+ try {
+ return isNativeFunction(global$1.location.reload);
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ })();
+ utils$1.isBrowserify = (function () {
+ return utils$1.isBrowser && typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.browser;
+ })();
+ utils$1.isRequireJS = (function () {
+ return (utils$1.isBrowser &&
+ typeof require === 'function' &&
+ typeof require.specified === 'function');
+ })();
+ utils$1.isMeteor = (function () {
+ return typeof Meteor !== 'undefined' && Meteor.release;
+ })();
+ utils$1.isMeteorClient = utils$1.isMeteor && Meteor.isClient;
+ utils$1.isMeteorServer = utils$1.isMeteor && Meteor.isServer;
+ utils$1.isCordova = typeof cordova === 'object';
+ utils$1.isReactNative = (function () {
+ var isReact = false;
+ try {
+ if (typeof require('react-native') === 'object') {
+ isReact = true;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ }
+ return isReact;
+ })();
+ utils$1.hasIndexedDB = !!global$1.indexedDB;
+ utils$1.isIE = (function () {
+ return false;
+ })();
+ utils$1.findAlaSQLPath = function () {
+ if (utils$1.isWebWorker) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ else if (utils$1.isMeteorClient) {
+ return '/packages/dist/';
+ }
+ else if (utils$1.isMeteorServer) {
+ return 'assets/packages/dist/';
+ }
+ else if (utils$1.isNode) {
+ return __dirname;
+ }
+ else if (utils$1.isBrowser) {
+ var sc = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
+ for (var i = 0; i < sc.length; i++) {
+ if (sc[i].src.substr(-16).toLowerCase() === 'alasql-worker.js') {
+ return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 16);
+ }
+ else if (sc[i].src.substr(-20).toLowerCase() === 'alasql-worker.min.js') {
+ return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 20);
+ }
+ else if (sc[i].src.substr(-9).toLowerCase() === 'alasql.js') {
+ return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 9);
+ }
+ else if (sc[i].src.substr(-13).toLowerCase() === 'alasql.min.js') {
+ return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 13);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return '';
+ };
- Parser: {
- yy: {}
+ var utils$2 = {};
+ utils$2.cutbom = function (s) {
+ if (s[0] === String.fromCharCode(65279)) {
+ s = s.substr(1);
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ utils$2.escapeq = function (s) {
+ return ('' + s).replace(/["'\\\n\r\u2028\u2029]/g, function (character) {
+ switch (character) {
+ case '"':
+ case "'":
+ case '\\':
+ return '\\' + character;
+ case '\n':
+ return '\\n';
+ case '\r':
+ return '\\r';
+ case '\u2028':
+ return '\\u2028';
+ case '\u2029':
+ return '\\u2029';
+ default:
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ utils$2.undoubleq = function (s) {
+ return s.replace(/(\')/g, "''");
+ };
+ utils$2.doubleq = function (s) {
+ return s.replace(/(\'\')/g, "\\'");
+ };
+ utils$2.doubleqq = function (s) {
+ return s.replace(/\'/g, "'");
+ };
+ utils$2.hash = function (str) {
+ var hash = 0x811c9dc5, i = str.length;
+ while (i) {
+ hash ^= str.charCodeAt(--i);
+ hash += (hash << 1) + (hash << 4) + (hash << 7) + (hash << 8) + (hash << 24);
+ }
+ return hash;
+ };
+ utils$2.glob = function (value, pattern) {
+ var i = 0;
+ var s = '^';
+ while (i < pattern.length) {
+ var c = pattern[i], c1 = '';
+ if (i < pattern.length - 1)
+ { c1 = pattern[i + 1]; }
+ if (c === '[' && c1 === '^') {
+ s += '[^';
+ i++;
+ }
+ else if (c === '[' || c === ']') {
+ s += c;
+ }
+ else if (c === '*') {
+ s += '.*';
+ }
+ else if (c === '?') {
+ s += '.';
+ }
+ else if ('/.*+?|(){}'.indexOf(c) > -1) {
+ s += '\\' + c;
+ }
+ else {
+ s += c;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ s += '$';
+ return ('' + (value || '')).toUpperCase().search(RegExp(s.toUpperCase())) > -1;
+ };
+ utils$2.modify = function (alasql, query, res) {
+ if (typeof res === 'undefined' ||
+ typeof res === 'number' ||
+ typeof res === 'string' ||
+ typeof res === 'boolean') {
+ return res;
+ }
+ var modifier = query.modifier || alasql.options.modifier;
+ var columns = query.columns;
+ if (typeof columns === 'undefined' || columns.length === 0) {
+ if (res.length > 0) {
+ var allcol = {};
+ for (var i = Math.min(res.length, alasql.options.columnlookup || 10) - 1; 0 <= i; i--) {
+ for (var key$1 in res[i]) {
+ allcol[key$1] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ columns = Object.keys(allcol).map(function (columnid) {
+ return { columnid: columnid };
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ columns = [];
+ }
+ }
+ var key;
+ if (modifier === 'VALUE') {
+ if (res.length > 0) {
+ if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
+ key = columns[0].columnid;
+ }
+ else {
+ key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];
+ }
+ res = res[0][key];
+ }
+ else {
+ res = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (modifier === 'ROW') {
+ if (res.length > 0) {
+ var a = [];
+ for (var ind in res[0]) {
+ a.push(res[0][ind]);
+ }
+ res = a;
+ }
+ else {
+ res = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (modifier === 'COLUMN') {
+ var ar = [];
+ if (res.length > 0) {
+ if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
+ key = columns[0].columnid;
+ }
+ else {
+ key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ ar.push(res[i][key]);
+ }
+ }
+ res = ar;
+ }
+ else if (modifier === 'MATRIX') {
+ var ar = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
+ var a = [];
+ var r = res[i];
+ for (var j = 0; j < columns.length; j++) {
+ a.push(r[columns[j].columnid]);
+ }
+ ar.push(a);
+ }
+ res = ar;
+ }
+ else if (modifier === 'INDEX') {
+ var ar$1 = {};
+ var val;
+ if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
+ key = columns[0].columnid;
+ val = columns[1].columnid;
+ }
+ else {
+ var okeys = Object.keys(res[0]);
+ key = okeys[0];
+ val = okeys[1];
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ ar$1[res[i][key]] = res[i][val];
+ }
+ res = ar$1;
+ }
+ else if (modifier === 'RECORDSET') {
+ res = new alasql.Recordset({ columns: columns, data: res });
+ }
+ else if (modifier === 'TEXTSTRING') {
+ if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
+ key = columns[0].columnid;
+ }
+ else {
+ key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ res[i] = res[i][key];
+ }
+ res = res.join('\n');
+ }
+ return res;
+ };
+ var utils$3 = {};
+ utils$3.like = function (pattern, value, escape) {
+ if (!escape)
+ { escape = ''; }
+ var i = 0;
+ var s = '^';
+ while (i < pattern.length) {
+ var c = pattern[i], c1 = '';
+ if (i < pattern.length - 1)
+ { c1 = pattern[i + 1]; }
+ if (c === escape) {
+ s += '\\' + c1;
+ i++;
+ }
+ else if (c === '[' && c1 === '^') {
+ s += '[^';
+ i++;
+ }
+ else if (c === '[' || c === ']') {
+ s += c;
+ }
+ else if (c === '%') {
+ s += '.*';
+ }
+ else if (c === '_') {
+ s += '.';
+ }
+ else if ('/.*+?|(){}'.indexOf(c) > -1) {
+ s += '\\' + c;
+ }
+ else {
+ s += c;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ s += '$';
+ return ('' + (value || '')).toUpperCase().search(RegExp(s.toUpperCase())) > -1;
+ };
+ utils$3.uncomment = function (str) {
+ str = ('__' + str + '__').split('');
+ var quote = false, quoteSign,
+ blockComment = false, lineComment = false;
+ for (var i = 0, l = str.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var unescaped = str[i - 1] !== '\\' || str[i - 2] === '\\';
+ if (quote) {
+ if (str[i] === quoteSign && unescaped) {
+ quote = false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (blockComment) {
+ if (str[i] === '*' && str[i + 1] === '/') {
+ str[i] = str[i + 1] = '';
+ blockComment = false;
+ i++;
+ }
+ else {
+ str[i] = '';
+ }
+ }
+ else if (lineComment) {
+ if (str[i + 1] === '\n' || str[i + 1] === '\r') {
+ lineComment = false;
+ }
+ str[i] = '';
+ }
+ else {
+ if (str[i] === '"' || str[i] === "'") {
+ quote = true;
+ quoteSign = str[i];
+ }
+ else if (str[i] === '[' && str[i - 1] !== '@') {
+ quote = true;
+ quoteSign = ']';
+ }
+ else if (str[i] === '/' && str[i + 1] === '*') {
+ str[i] = '';
+ blockComment = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ str = str.join('').slice(2, -2);
+ return str;
+ };
+ var cutbom = utils$2.cutbom;
+ var utils$4 = {};
+ utils$4.loadFile = function (path, asy, success, error) {
+ var data, fs;
+ if (utils$1.isNode || utils$1.isMeteorServer) {
+ if (utils$4.isMeteor) {
+ fs = Npm.require('fs');
+ }
+ else {
+ fs = require('fs');
+ }
+ if (typeof path === 'undefined') {
+ var buff = '';
+ process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8');
+ process.stdin.on('readable', function () {
+ var chunk = process.stdin.read();
+ if (chunk !== null) {
+ buff += chunk.toString();
+ }
+ });
+ process.stdin.on('end', function () {
+ success(cutbom(buff));
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ if (/^[a-z]+:\/\//i.test(path)) {
+ var request = require('request');
+ request(path, function (err, response, body) {
+ if (err) {
+ throw err;
+ }
+ success(cutbom(body.toString()));
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ if (asy) {
+ fs.readFile(path, function (err, data) {
+ if (err) {
+ throw err;
+ }
+ success(cutbom(data.toString()));
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ data = fs.readFileSync(path);
+ success(cutbom(data.toString()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (utils$4.isReactNative) {
+ var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
+ RNFS.readFile(path, 'utf8')
+ .then(function (contents) {
+ success(cutbom(contents));
+ })
+ .catch(function (err) {
+ throw err;
+ });
+ }
+ else if (utils$4.isCordova) {
+ utils$4.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function (fileSystem) {
+ fileSystem.root.getFile(path, { create: false }, function (fileEntry) {
+ fileEntry.file(function (file) {
+ var fileReader = new FileReader();
+ fileReader.onloadend = function (e) {
+ success(cutbom(this.result));
+ };
+ fileReader.readAsText(file);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ if (typeof path === 'string') {
+ if (path.substr(0, 1) === '#' && typeof document !== 'undefined') {
+ data = document.querySelector(path).textContent;
+ success(data);
+ }
+ else {
+ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
+ if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
+ if (xhr.status === 200) {
+ if (success) {
+ success(cutbom(xhr.responseText));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (error) {
+ error(xhr);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ xhr.open('GET', path, asy);
+ xhr.responseType = 'text';
+ xhr.send();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (path instanceof Event) {
+ var files = path.target.files;
+ var reader = new FileReader();
+ var name = files[0].name;
+ reader.onload = function (e) {
+ var data = e.target.result;
+ success(cutbom(data));
+ };
+ reader.readAsText(files[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ utils$4.loadBinaryFile = function (path, asy, success, error) {
+ var fs;
+ if (utils$4.isNode || utils$4.isMeteorServer) {
+ if (utils$4.isMeteorServer) {
+ fs = Npm.require('fs');
+ }
+ else {
+ fs = require('fs');
+ }
+ if (/^[a-z]+:\/\//i.test(path)) {
+ var request = require('request');
+ request({ url: path, encoding: null }, function (err, response, data) {
+ if (err) {
+ throw err;
+ }
+ var arr = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+ arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
+ }
+ success(arr.join(''));
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ if (asy) {
+ fs.readFile(path, function (err, data) {
+ if (err) {
+ throw err;
+ }
+ var arr = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+ arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
+ }
+ success(arr.join(''));
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ var data = fs.readFileSync(path);
+ var arr = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+ arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
+ }
+ success(arr.join(''));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (utils$4.isReactNative) {
+ var RNFetchBlob = require('react-native-fetch-blob').default;
+ var dirs = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs;
+ RNFetchBlob.fs.readFile(path, 'base64').then(function (data) {
+ success(data);
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ if (typeof path === 'string') {
+ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ xhr.open('GET', path, asy);
+ xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
+ xhr.onload = function () {
+ var data = new Uint8Array(xhr.response);
+ var arr = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+ arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
+ }
+ success(arr.join(''));
+ };
+ xhr.send();
+ }
+ else if (path instanceof Event) {
+ var files = path.target.files;
+ var reader = new FileReader();
+ var name = files[0].name;
+ reader.onload = function (e) {
+ var data = e.target.result;
+ success(data);
+ };
+ reader.readAsArrayBuffer(files[0]);
+ }
+ else if (path instanceof Blob) {
+ success(path);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var removeFile = (utils$4.removeFile = function (path, cb) {
+ if (utils$4.isNode) {
+ var fs = require('fs');
+ fs.remove(path, cb);
+ }
+ else if (utils$4.isCordova) {
+ utils$4.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function (fileSystem) {
+ fileSystem.root.getFile(path, { create: false }, function (fileEntry) {
+ fileEntry.remove(cb);
+ if (cb)
+ { cb(); }
+ }, function () {
+ if (cb)
+ { cb(); }
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ else if (utils$4.isReactNative) {
+ var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
+ RNFS.unlink(path)
+ .then(function () {
+ if (cb)
+ { cb(); }
+ })
+ .catch(function (err) {
+ throw err;
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('You can remove files only in Node.js and Apache Cordova');
+ }
+ });
+ utils$4.deleteFile = function (path, cb) {
+ if (utils$4.isNode) {
+ var fs = require('fs');
+ fs.unlink(path, cb);
+ }
+ else if (utils$4.isReactNative) {
+ var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
+ RNFS.unlink(path)
+ .then(function () {
+ if (cb)
+ { cb(); }
+ })
+ .catch(function (err) {
+ throw err;
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ utils$4.autoExtFilename = function (filename, ext, config) {
+ config = config || {};
+ if (typeof filename !== 'string' ||
+ filename.match(/^[A-z]+:\/\/|\n|\..{2,4}$/) ||
+ config.autoExt === 0 ||
+ config.autoExt === false) {
+ return filename;
+ }
+ return filename + '.' + ext;
+ };
+ utils$4.fileExists = function (path, cb) {
+ if (utils$4.isNode) {
+ var fs = require('fs');
+ fs.exists(path, cb);
+ }
+ else if (utils$4.isCordova) {
+ utils$4.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function (fileSystem) {
+ fileSystem.root.getFile(path, { create: false }, function (fileEntry) {
+ cb(true);
+ }, function () {
+ cb(false);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ else if (utils$4.isReactNative) {
+ var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
+ RNFS.exists(path)
+ .then(function (yes) {
+ if (cb)
+ { cb(yes); }
+ })
+ .catch(function (err) {
+ throw err;
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('You can use exists() only in Node.js or Apach Cordova');
+ }
+ };
+ utils$4.saveFile = function (path, data, cb, opts) {
+ var res = 1;
+ if (path === undefined) {
+ res = data;
+ if (cb) {
+ res = cb(res);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (utils$4.isNode) {
+ var fs = require('fs');
+ data = fs.writeFileSync(path, data);
+ if (cb) {
+ res = cb(res);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (utils$4.isReactNative) {
+ var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
+ RNFS.writeFile(path, data)
+ .then(function (success) {
+ if (cb)
+ { res = cb(res); }
+ })
+ .catch(function (err) {
+ console.error(err.message);
+ });
+ }
+ else if (utils$4.isCordova) {
+ utils$4.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function (fileSystem) {
+ fileSystem.root.getFile(path, { create: true }, function (fileEntry) {
+ fileEntry.createWriter(function (fileWriter) {
+ fileWriter.onwriteend = function () {
+ if (cb) {
+ res = cb(res);
+ }
+ };
+ fileWriter.write(data);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ if (utils$4.isIE() === 9) {
+ var ndata = data.replace(/\r\n/g, 'A;D;');
+ ndata = ndata.replace(/\n/g, 'D;');
+ ndata = ndata.replace(/\t/g, ' ');
+ var testlink = utils$4.global.open('about:blank', '_blank');
+ testlink.document.write(ndata);
+ testlink.document.close();
+ testlink.document.execCommand('SaveAs', false, path);
+ testlink.close();
+ }
+ else {
+ var opt = {
+ disableAutoBom: false,
+ };
+ utils$4.extend(opt, opts);
+ var blob = new Blob([data], { type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' });
+ utils$4.saveAs(blob, path, opt.disableAutoBom);
+ if (cb) {
+ res = cb(res);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ };
+ var domTools = { domEmptyChildren: function (container) {
+ var len = container.childNodes.length;
+ while (len--) {
+ container.removeChild(container.lastChild);
+ }
+ } };
+ var utils$5 = {};
+ utils$5.getXLSX = function () {
+ var XLSX = null;
+ if (utils$1.isNode || utils$1.isBrowserify || utils$1.isMeteorServer) {
+ XLSX = require('xlsx') || null;
+ }
+ else {
+ XLSX = global.XLSX || null;
+ }
+ if (null === XLSX) {
+ throw new Error('Please include the xlsx.js library');
+ }
+ return XLSX;
+ };
+ utils$5.xlsnc = function (i) {
+ var addr = String.fromCharCode(65 + (i % 26));
+ if (i >= 26) {
+ i = ((i / 26) | 0) - 1;
+ addr = String.fromCharCode(65 + (i % 26)) + addr;
+ if (i > 26) {
+ i = ((i / 26) | 0) - 1;
+ addr = String.fromCharCode(65 + (i % 26)) + addr;
+ }
+ }
+ return addr;
+ };
+ utils$5.xlscn = function (s) {
+ var n = s.charCodeAt(0) - 65;
+ if (s.length > 1) {
+ n = (n + 1) * 26 + s.charCodeAt(1) - 65;
+ if (s.length > 2) {
+ n = (n + 1) * 26 + s.charCodeAt(2) - 65;
+ }
+ }
+ return n;
+ };
+ var utils$6 = Object.assign({}, utils, utils$1, utils$2, utils$3, utils$4, domTools, utils$3, utils$5);
+ var hash$1 = function (x) { return x; };
+ function addOptions (mem) {
+ var alasql = mem.alasql;
+ alasql.parse = function (sql) {
+ return mem.grammar.parse(utils$6.uncomment(sql));
+ };
+ alasql.engines = {};
+ alasql.databases = {};
+ alasql.databasenum = 0;
+ alasql.options = {};
+ alasql.options.errorlog = false;
+ alasql.options.valueof = false;
+ alasql.options.dropifnotexists = false;
+ alasql.options.datetimeformat = 'sql';
+ alasql.options.casesensitive = true;
+ alasql.options.logtarget = 'output';
+ alasql.options.logprompt = true;
+ alasql.options.progress = false;
+ alasql.options.modifier = undefined;
+ alasql.options.columnlookup = 10;
+ alasql.options.autovertex = true;
+ alasql.options.usedbo = true;
+ alasql.options.autocommit = true;
+ alasql.options.cache = true;
+ alasql.options.tsql = true;
+ alasql.options.mysql = true;
+ alasql.options.postgres = true;
+ alasql.options.oracle = true;
+ alasql.options.sqlite = true;
+ alasql.options.orientdb = true;
+ alasql.options.nocount = false;
+ alasql.options.nan = false;
+ alasql.options.joinstar = 'overwrite';
+ alasql.vars = {};
+ alasql.declares = {};
+ alasql.prompthistory = [];
+ alasql.plugins = {};
+ alasql.from = {};
+ alasql.into = {};
+ alasql.fn = {};
+ alasql.aggr = {};
+ alasql.busy = 0;
+ alasql.MAXSQLCACHESIZE = 10000;
+ alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID = 'alasql';
+ alasql.lastid = 0;
+ alasql.buffer = {};
+ alasql.use = function (databaseid) {
+ if (!databaseid) {
+ databaseid = alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID;
+ }
+ if (alasql.useid === databaseid) {
+ return;
+ }
+ alasql.useid = databaseid;
+ var db = alasql.databases[alasql.useid];
+ alasql.tables = db.tables;
+ db.resetSqlCache();
+ if (alasql.options.usedbo) {
+ alasql.databases.dbo = db;
+ }
+ };
+ alasql.autoval = function (tablename, colname, getNext, databaseid) {
+ var db = databaseid ? alasql.databases[databaseid] : alasql.databases[alasql.useid];
+ if (!db.tables[tablename]) {
+ throw new Error('Tablename not found: ' + tablename);
+ }
+ if (!db.tables[tablename].identities[colname]) {
+ throw new Error('Colname not found: ' + colname);
+ }
+ if (getNext) {
+ return db.tables[tablename].identities[colname].value || null;
+ }
+ return (db.tables[tablename].identities[colname].value -
+ db.tables[tablename].identities[colname].step || null);
+ };
+ alasql.exec = function (sql, params, cb, scope) {
+ if (typeof params === 'function') {
+ scope = cb;
+ cb = params;
+ params = {};
+ }
+ delete alasql.error;
+ params = params || {};
+ if (alasql.options.errorlog) {
+ try {
+ return alasql.dexec(alasql.useid, sql, params, cb, scope);
+ }
+ catch (err) {
+ alasql.error = err;
+ if (cb) {
+ cb(null, alasql.error);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return alasql.dexec(alasql.useid, sql, params, cb, scope);
+ }
+ };
+ alasql.dexec = function (databaseid, sql, params, cb, scope) {
+ var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
+ var hh;
+ if (alasql.options.cache) {
+ hh = hash$1(sql);
+ var statement = db.sqlCache[hh];
+ if (statement && db.dbversion === statement.dbversion) {
+ return statement(params, cb);
+ }
+ }
+ var ast = alasql.parse(sql);
+ if (!ast.statements) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (0 === ast.statements.length) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (1 === ast.statements.length) {
+ if (ast.statements[0].compile) {
+ statement = ast.statements[0].compile(databaseid, params);
+ if (!statement) {
+ return;
+ }
+ statement.sql = sql;
+ statement.dbversion = db.dbversion;
+ if (alasql.options.cache) {
+ if (db.sqlCacheSize > alasql.MAXSQLCACHESIZE) {
+ db.resetSqlCache();
+ }
+ db.sqlCacheSize++;
+ db.sqlCache[hh] = statement;
+ }
+ var res = (alasql.res = statement(params, cb, scope));
+ return res;
+ }
+ else {
+ alasql.precompile(ast.statements[0], alasql.useid, params);
+ res = alasql.res = ast.statements[0].execute(databaseid, params, cb, scope);
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (cb) {
+ alasql.adrun(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope);
+ }
+ else {
+ return alasql.drun(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ alasql.drun = function (databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope) {
+ var useid = alasql.useid;
+ if (useid !== databaseid) {
+ alasql.use(databaseid);
+ }
+ var res = [];
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = ast.statements.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ if (ast.statements[i]) {
+ if (ast.statements[i].compile) {
+ var statement = ast.statements[i].compile(alasql.useid);
+ res.push((alasql.res = statement(params, null, scope)));
+ }
+ else {
+ alasql.precompile(ast.statements[i], alasql.useid, params);
+ res.push((alasql.res = ast.statements[i].execute(alasql.useid, params)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (useid !== databaseid) {
+ alasql.use(useid);
+ }
+ if (cb) {
+ cb(res);
+ }
+ alasql.res = res;
+ return res;
+ };
+ alasql.adrun = function (databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope) {
+ var idx = 0;
+ var noqueries = ast.statements.length;
+ if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {
+ alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);
+ }
+ var useid = alasql.useid;
+ if (useid !== databaseid) {
+ alasql.use(databaseid);
+ }
+ var res = [];
+ var adrunone = function (data) {
+ if (data !== undefined) {
+ res.push(data);
+ }
+ var astatement = ast.statements.shift();
+ if (!astatement) {
+ if (useid !== databaseid) {
+ alasql.use(useid);
+ }
+ cb(res);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (astatement.compile) {
+ var statement = astatement.compile(alasql.useid);
+ statement(params, adrunone, scope);
+ if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {
+ alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ alasql.precompile(ast.statements[0], alasql.useid, params);
+ astatement.execute(alasql.useid, params, adrunone);
+ if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {
+ alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ adrunone();
+ };
+ alasql.compile = function (sql, databaseid) {
+ databaseid = databaseid || alasql.useid;
+ var ast = alasql.parse(sql);
+ if (1 === ast.statements.length) {
+ var statement = ast.statements[0].compile(databaseid);
+ statement.promise = function (params) {
+ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ statement(params, function (data, err) {
+ if (err) {
+ reject(err);
+ }
+ else {
+ resolve(data);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ return statement;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('Cannot compile, because number of statements in SQL is not equal to 1');
+ }
+ };
+ mem.alasql = alasql;
- Parser.prototype: {
- yy: {},
- trace: function(),
- symbols_: {associative list: name ==> number},
- terminals_: {associative list: number ==> name},
- productions_: [...],
- performAction: function anonymous(yytext, yyleng, yylineno, yy, yystate, $$, _$),
- table: [...],
- defaultActions: {...},
- parseError: function(str, hash),
- parse: function(input),
- lexer: {
- EOF: 1,
- parseError: function(str, hash),
- setInput: function(input),
- input: function(),
- unput: function(str),
- more: function(),
- less: function(n),
- pastInput: function(),
- upcomingInput: function(),
- showPosition: function(),
- test_match: function(regex_match_array, rule_index),
- next: function(),
- lex: function(),
- begin: function(condition),
- popState: function(),
- _currentRules: function(),
- topState: function(),
- pushState: function(condition),
+ var alasqlparser = (function () {
+ var o = function (k, v, o, l) { for (o = o || {}, l = k.length; l--; o[k[l]] = v)
+ { } return o; }, $V0 = [2, 13], $V1 = [1, 104], $V2 = [1, 102], $V3 = [1, 103], $V4 = [1, 6], $V5 = [1, 42], $V6 = [1, 79], $V7 = [1, 76], $V8 = [1, 94], $V9 = [1, 93], $Va = [1, 69], $Vb = [1, 101], $Vc = [1, 85], $Vd = [1, 64], $Ve = [1, 71], $Vf = [1, 84], $Vg = [1, 66], $Vh = [1, 70], $Vi = [1, 68], $Vj = [1, 61], $Vk = [1, 74], $Vl = [1, 62], $Vm = [1, 67], $Vn = [1, 83], $Vo = [1, 77], $Vp = [1, 86], $Vq = [1, 87], $Vr = [1, 81], $Vs = [1, 82], $Vt = [1, 80], $Vu = [1, 88], $Vv = [1, 89], $Vw = [1, 90], $Vx = [1, 91], $Vy = [1, 92], $Vz = [1, 98], $VA = [1, 65], $VB = [1, 78], $VC = [1, 72], $VD = [1, 96], $VE = [1, 97], $VF = [1, 63], $VG = [1, 73], $VH = [1, 108], $VI = [1, 107], $VJ = [10, 306, 602, 764], $VK = [10, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VL = [1, 115], $VM = [1, 116], $VN = [1, 117], $VO = [1, 118], $VP = [1, 119], $VQ = [130, 353, 410], $VR = [1, 127], $VS = [1, 126], $VT = [1, 134], $VU = [1, 164], $VV = [1, 175], $VW = [1, 178], $VX = [1, 173], $VY = [1, 181], $VZ = [1, 185], $V_ = [1, 160], $V$ = [1, 182], $V01 = [1, 169], $V11 = [1, 171], $V21 = [1, 174], $V31 = [1, 183], $V41 = [1, 166], $V51 = [1, 193], $V61 = [1, 188], $V71 = [1, 189], $V81 = [1, 194], $V91 = [1, 195], $Va1 = [1, 196], $Vb1 = [1, 197], $Vc1 = [1, 198], $Vd1 = [1, 199], $Ve1 = [1, 200], $Vf1 = [1, 201], $Vg1 = [1, 202], $Vh1 = [1, 176], $Vi1 = [1, 177], $Vj1 = [1, 179], $Vk1 = [1, 180], $Vl1 = [1, 186], $Vm1 = [1, 192], $Vn1 = [1, 184], $Vo1 = [1, 187], $Vp1 = [1, 172], $Vq1 = [1, 170], $Vr1 = [1, 191], $Vs1 = [1, 203], $Vt1 = [2, 4, 5], $Vu1 = [2, 471], $Vv1 = [1, 206], $Vw1 = [1, 211], $Vx1 = [1, 220], $Vy1 = [1, 216], $Vz1 = [10, 72, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 183, 198, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VA1 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 76, 77, 78, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 183, 185, 187, 198, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], $VB1 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VC1 = [1, 249], $VD1 = [1, 256], $VE1 = [1, 265], $VF1 = [1, 270], $VG1 = [1, 269], $VH1 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 77, 78, 93, 98, 107, 118, 128, 131, 132, 137, 143, 145, 149, 152, 154, 156, 162, 168, 169, 179, 180, 181, 183, 198, 232, 245, 247, 265, 266, 270, 271, 273, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 302, 303, 306, 310, 312, 317, 420, 424, 602, 764], $VI1 = [2, 162], $VJ1 = [1, 281], $VK1 = [10, 74, 78, 306, 310, 505, 602, 764], $VL1 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 193, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 297, 300, 302, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 343, 344, 356, 368, 369, 370, 373, 374, 386, 389, 396, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 426, 433, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 514, 515, 516, 517, 602, 764], $VM1 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 89, 124, 146, 156, 189, 266, 267, 290, 306, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VN1 = [1, 562], $VO1 = [1, 564], $VP1 = [2, 503], $VQ1 = [1, 569], $VR1 = [1, 580], $VS1 = [1, 583], $VT1 = [1, 584], $VU1 = [10, 78, 89, 132, 137, 146, 189, 296, 306, 310, 470, 602, 764], $VV1 = [10, 74, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VW1 = [2, 567], $VX1 = [1, 602], $VY1 = [2, 4, 5, 156], $VZ1 = [1, 640], $V_1 = [1, 612], $V$1 = [1, 646], $V02 = [1, 647], $V12 = [1, 620], $V22 = [1, 631], $V32 = [1, 618], $V42 = [1, 626], $V52 = [1, 619], $V62 = [1, 627], $V72 = [1, 629], $V82 = [1, 621], $V92 = [1, 622], $Va2 = [1, 641], $Vb2 = [1, 638], $Vc2 = [1, 639], $Vd2 = [1, 615], $Ve2 = [1, 617], $Vf2 = [1, 609], $Vg2 = [1, 610], $Vh2 = [1, 611], $Vi2 = [1, 613], $Vj2 = [1, 614], $Vk2 = [1, 616], $Vl2 = [1, 623], $Vm2 = [1, 624], $Vn2 = [1, 628], $Vo2 = [1, 630], $Vp2 = [1, 632], $Vq2 = [1, 633], $Vr2 = [1, 634], $Vs2 = [1, 635], $Vt2 = [1, 636], $Vu2 = [1, 642], $Vv2 = [1, 643], $Vw2 = [1, 644], $Vx2 = [1, 645], $Vy2 = [2, 287], $Vz2 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 297, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 343, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 426, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VA2 = [2, 359], $VB2 = [1, 668], $VC2 = [1, 678], $VD2 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 426, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VE2 = [1, 694], $VF2 = [1, 703], $VG2 = [1, 702], $VH2 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 74, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VI2 = [10, 72, 74, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VJ2 = [2, 202], $VK2 = [1, 725], $VL2 = [10, 72, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 183, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VM2 = [2, 163], $VN2 = [1, 728], $VO2 = [2, 4, 5, 112], $VP2 = [1, 741], $VQ2 = [1, 760], $VR2 = [1, 740], $VS2 = [1, 739], $VT2 = [1, 734], $VU2 = [1, 735], $VV2 = [1, 737], $VW2 = [1, 738], $VX2 = [1, 742], $VY2 = [1, 743], $VZ2 = [1, 744], $V_2 = [1, 745], $V$2 = [1, 746], $V03 = [1, 747], $V13 = [1, 748], $V23 = [1, 749], $V33 = [1, 750], $V43 = [1, 751], $V53 = [1, 752], $V63 = [1, 753], $V73 = [1, 754], $V83 = [1, 755], $V93 = [1, 756], $Va3 = [1, 757], $Vb3 = [1, 759], $Vc3 = [1, 761], $Vd3 = [1, 762], $Ve3 = [1, 763], $Vf3 = [1, 764], $Vg3 = [1, 765], $Vh3 = [1, 766], $Vi3 = [1, 767], $Vj3 = [1, 770], $Vk3 = [1, 771], $Vl3 = [1, 772], $Vm3 = [1, 773], $Vn3 = [1, 774], $Vo3 = [1, 775], $Vp3 = [1, 776], $Vq3 = [1, 777], $Vr3 = [1, 778], $Vs3 = [1, 779], $Vt3 = [1, 780], $Vu3 = [1, 781], $Vv3 = [74, 89, 189], $Vw3 = [10, 74, 78, 154, 187, 230, 297, 306, 310, 343, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 602, 764], $Vx3 = [1, 798], $Vy3 = [10, 74, 78, 300, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vz3 = [1, 799], $VA3 = [1, 805], $VB3 = [1, 806], $VC3 = [1, 810], $VD3 = [10, 74, 78, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VE3 = [2, 4, 5, 77, 131, 132, 137, 143, 145, 149, 152, 154, 156, 179, 180, 181, 265, 266, 270, 271, 273, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 302, 303, 312, 317, 420, 424], $VF3 = [10, 72, 78, 93, 98, 107, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 183, 198, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VG3 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 77, 78, 93, 98, 107, 118, 128, 131, 132, 137, 143, 145, 149, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 168, 169, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 195, 198, 232, 245, 247, 265, 266, 270, 271, 273, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 302, 303, 306, 310, 312, 317, 420, 424, 602, 764], $VH3 = [2, 4, 5, 132, 296], $VI3 = [1, 844], $VJ3 = [10, 74, 76, 78, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VK3 = [2, 738], $VL3 = [10, 74, 76, 78, 132, 139, 141, 145, 152, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], $VM3 = [2, 1161], $VN3 = [10, 74, 76, 78, 139, 141, 145, 152, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], $VO3 = [10, 74, 76, 78, 139, 141, 145, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], $VP3 = [10, 74, 78, 139, 141, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VQ3 = [10, 78, 89, 132, 146, 189, 296, 306, 310, 470, 602, 764], $VR3 = [335, 338, 339], $VS3 = [2, 764], $VT3 = [1, 869], $VU3 = [1, 870], $VV3 = [1, 871], $VW3 = [1, 872], $VX3 = [1, 881], $VY3 = [1, 880], $VZ3 = [164, 166, 334], $V_3 = [2, 444], $V$3 = [1, 936], $V04 = [2, 4, 5, 77, 131, 156, 290, 291, 292, 293], $V14 = [1, 951], $V24 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $V34 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $V44 = [2, 375], $V54 = [1, 958], $V64 = [306, 308, 310], $V74 = [74, 300], $V84 = [74, 300, 426], $V94 = [1, 965], $Va4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $Vb4 = [74, 426], $Vc4 = [1, 978], $Vd4 = [1, 977], $Ve4 = [1, 984], $Vf4 = [10, 72, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vg4 = [1, 1010], $Vh4 = [10, 72, 78, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vi4 = [1, 1016], $Vj4 = [1, 1017], $Vk4 = [1, 1018], $Vl4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 198, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], $Vm4 = [1, 1068], $Vn4 = [1, 1067], $Vo4 = [1, 1081], $Vp4 = [1, 1080], $Vq4 = [1, 1088], $Vr4 = [10, 72, 74, 78, 93, 98, 107, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 183, 198, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vs4 = [1, 1119], $Vt4 = [10, 78, 89, 146, 189, 306, 310, 470, 602, 764], $Vu4 = [1, 1139], $Vv4 = [1, 1138], $Vw4 = [1, 1137], $Vx4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 297, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 343, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $Vy4 = [1, 1153], $Vz4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VA4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 315, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VB4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VC4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VD4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 314, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VE4 = [2, 406], $VF4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 107, 118, 122, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 314, 330, 331, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VG4 = [2, 285], $VH4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 426, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VI4 = [10, 78, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VJ4 = [1, 1189], $VK4 = [10, 77, 78, 143, 145, 152, 181, 302, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], $VL4 = [10, 74, 78, 306, 308, 310, 464, 602, 764], $VM4 = [1, 1200], $VN4 = [10, 72, 78, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VO4 = [10, 72, 74, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 183, 198, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VP4 = [2, 4, 5, 72, 76, 77, 78, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 185, 187, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 420, 424], $VQ4 = [2, 4, 5, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 185, 187, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 420, 424], $VR4 = [2, 1085], $VS4 = [2, 4, 5, 72, 74, 76, 77, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 185, 187, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 420, 424], $VT4 = [1, 1252], $VU4 = [10, 74, 78, 128, 306, 308, 310, 464, 602, 764], $VV4 = [115, 116, 124], $VW4 = [2, 584], $VX4 = [1, 1280], $VY4 = [76, 139], $VZ4 = [2, 724], $V_4 = [1, 1297], $V$4 = [1, 1298], $V05 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 76, 89, 124, 146, 156, 189, 230, 266, 267, 290, 306, 310, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $V15 = [2, 330], $V25 = [1, 1322], $V35 = [1, 1336], $V45 = [1, 1338], $V55 = [2, 487], $V65 = [74, 78], $V75 = [10, 306, 308, 310, 464, 602, 764], $V85 = [10, 72, 78, 118, 162, 168, 169, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $V95 = [1, 1354], $Va5 = [1, 1358], $Vb5 = [1, 1359], $Vc5 = [1, 1361], $Vd5 = [1, 1362], $Ve5 = [1, 1363], $Vf5 = [1, 1364], $Vg5 = [1, 1365], $Vh5 = [1, 1366], $Vi5 = [1, 1367], $Vj5 = [1, 1368], $Vk5 = [10, 72, 74, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vl5 = [1, 1393], $Vm5 = [10, 72, 78, 118, 162, 168, 169, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vn5 = [10, 72, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vo5 = [1, 1490], $Vp5 = [1, 1492], $Vq5 = [2, 4, 5, 77, 143, 145, 152, 156, 181, 290, 291, 292, 293, 302, 420, 424], $Vr5 = [1, 1506], $Vs5 = [10, 72, 74, 78, 162, 168, 169, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vt5 = [1, 1524], $Vu5 = [1, 1526], $Vv5 = [1, 1527], $Vw5 = [1, 1523], $Vx5 = [1, 1522], $Vy5 = [1, 1521], $Vz5 = [1, 1528], $VA5 = [1, 1518], $VB5 = [1, 1519], $VC5 = [1, 1520], $VD5 = [1, 1545], $VE5 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 89, 124, 146, 156, 189, 266, 267, 290, 306, 310, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VF5 = [1, 1556], $VG5 = [1, 1564], $VH5 = [1, 1563], $VI5 = [10, 72, 78, 162, 168, 169, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VJ5 = [10, 72, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VK5 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VL5 = [1, 1621], $VM5 = [1, 1623], $VN5 = [1, 1620], $VO5 = [1, 1622], $VP5 = [187, 193, 368, 369, 370, 373], $VQ5 = [2, 515], $VR5 = [1, 1628], $VS5 = [1, 1647], $VT5 = [10, 72, 78, 162, 168, 169, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VU5 = [1, 1657], $VV5 = [1, 1658], $VW5 = [1, 1659], $VX5 = [1, 1678], $VY5 = [4, 10, 243, 306, 310, 343, 356, 602, 764], $VZ5 = [1, 1726], $V_5 = [10, 72, 74, 78, 118, 162, 168, 169, 239, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $V$5 = [2, 4, 5, 77], $V06 = [1, 1820], $V16 = [1, 1832], $V26 = [1, 1851], $V36 = [10, 72, 78, 162, 168, 169, 306, 310, 415, 602, 764], $V46 = [10, 74, 78, 230, 306, 310, 602, 764];
+ var parser = { trace: function trace() { },
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"CONDITION_NUMBER", 557: "CONNECTION", 558: "CONNECTION_NAME", 559: "CONSTRAINTS", 560: "CONSTRAINT_CATALOG", 561: "CONSTRAINT_NAME", 562: "CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", 563: "CONSTRUCTOR", 564: "CONTROL", 565: "CURSOR_NAME", 566: "DATA", 567: "DATETIME_INTERVAL_CODE", 568: "DATETIME_INTERVAL_PRECISION", 569: "DB", 570: "DEFAULTS", 571: "DEFERRABLE", 572: "DEFERRED", 573: "DEFINED", 574: "DEFINER", 575: "DEGREE", 576: "DEPTH", 577: "DERIVED", 578: "DESC", 579: "DESCRIPTOR", 580: "DIAGNOSTICS", 581: "DISPATCH", 582: "DOCUMENT", 583: "DOMAIN", 584: "DYNAMIC_FUNCTION", 585: "DYNAMIC_FUNCTION_CODE", 586: "EMPTY", 587: "ENCODING", 588: "ENFORCED", 589: "EXCLUDE", 590: "EXCLUDING", 591: "EXPRESSION", 592: "FILE", 593: "FINAL", 594: "FLAG", 595: "FOLLOWING", 596: "FORTRAN", 597: "FOUND", 598: "FS", 599: "G", 600: "GENERAL", 601: "GENERATED", 602: "GO", 603: "GOTO", 604: "GRANTED", 605: "HEX", 606: "HIERARCHY", 607: "ID", 608: "IGNORE", 609: "IMMEDIATE", 610: "IMMEDIATELY", 611: "IMPLEMENTATION", 612: "INCLUDING", 613: "INCREMENT", 614: "INDENT", 615: "INITIALLY", 616: "INPUT", 617: "INSTANCE", 618: "INSTANTIABLE", 619: "INTEGRITY", 620: "INVOKER", 621: "ISOLATION", 622: "K", 623: "KEY_MEMBER", 624: "KEY_TYPE", 625: "LENGTH", 626: "LEVEL", 627: "LIBRARY", 628: "LINK", 629: "LOCATION", 630: "LOCATOR", 631: "M", 632: "MAP", 633: "MAPPING", 634: "MAXVALUE", 635: "MESSAGE_LENGTH", 636: "MESSAGE_OCTET_LENGTH", 637: "MESSAGE_TEXT", 638: "MINVALUE", 639: "MORE", 640: "MUMPS", 641: "NAME", 642: "NAMES", 643: "NAMESPACE", 644: "NESTING", 645: "NEXT", 646: "NFC", 647: "NFD", 648: "NFKC", 649: "NFKD", 650: "NIL", 651: "NORMALIZED", 652: "NULLABLE", 653: "NULLS", 654: "OBJECT", 655: "OCTETS", 656: "OPTIONS", 657: "ORDERING", 658: "ORDINALITY", 659: "OTHERS", 660: "OVERRIDING", 661: "P", 662: "PAD", 663: "PARAMETER_MODE", 664: "PARAMETER_NAME", 665: "PARAMETER_ORDINAL_POSITION", 666: "PARAMETER_SPECIFIC_CATALOG", 667: "PARAMETER_SPECIFIC_NAME", 668: "PARAMETER_SPECIFIC_SCHEMA", 669: "PARTIAL", 670: "PASCAL", 671: "PASSING", 672: "PASSTHROUGH", 673: "PERMISSION", 674: "PLACING", 675: "PLI", 676: "PRECEDING", 677: "PRESERVE", 678: "PRIOR", 679: "PRIVILEGES", 680: "PUBLIC", 681: "RECOVERY", 682: "RELATIVE", 683: "REPEATABLE", 684: "REQUIRING", 685: "RESPECT", 686: "RESTART", 687: "RESTORE", 688: "RESTRICT", 689: "RETURNED_CARDINALITY", 690: "RETURNED_LENGTH", 691: "RETURNED_OCTET_LENGTH", 692: "RETURNED_SQLSTATE", 693: "RETURNING", 694: "ROLE", 695: "ROUTINE", 696: "ROUTINE_CATALOG", 697: "ROUTINE_NAME", 698: "ROUTINE_SCHEMA", 699: "ROW_COUNT", 700: "SCALE", 701: "SCHEMA", 702: "SCHEMA_NAME", 703: "SCOPE_CATALOG", 704: "SCOPE_NAME", 705: "SCOPE_SCHEMA", 706: "SECTION", 707: "SECURITY", 708: "SELECTIVE", 709: "SELF", 710: "SEQUENCE", 711: "SERIALIZABLE", 712: "SERVER", 713: "SERVER_NAME", 714: "SESSION", 715: "SETS", 716: "SIMPLE", 717: "SIZE", 718: "SPACE", 719: "SPECIFIC_NAME", 720: "STANDALONE", 721: "STATE", 722: "STATEMENT", 723: "STRIP", 724: "STRUCTURE", 725: "STYLE", 726: "SUBCLASS_ORIGIN", 727: "T", 728: "TABLE_NAME", 729: "TEMPORARY", 730: "TIES", 731: "TOKEN", 732: "TOP_LEVEL_COUNT", 733: "TRANSACTIONS_COMMITTED", 734: "TRANSACTIONS_ROLLED_BACK", 735: "TRANSACTION_ACTIVE", 736: "TRANSFORM", 737: "TRANSFORMS", 738: "TRIGGER_CATALOG", 739: "TRIGGER_NAME", 740: "TRIGGER_SCHEMA", 741: "TYPE", 742: "UNBOUNDED", 743: "UNCOMMITTED", 744: "UNDER", 745: "UNLINK", 746: "UNNAMED", 747: "UNTYPED", 748: "URI", 749: "USAGE", 750: "USER_DEFINED_TYPE_CATALOG", 751: "USER_DEFINED_TYPE_CODE", 752: "USER_DEFINED_TYPE_NAME", 753: "USER_DEFINED_TYPE_SCHEMA", 754: "VALID", 755: "VERSION", 756: "WHITESPACE", 757: "WORK", 758: "WRAPPER", 759: "WRITE", 760: "XMLDECLARATION", 761: "XMLSCHEMA", 762: "YES", 763: "ZONE", 764: "SEMICOLON", 765: "PERCENT", 766: "ROWS" },
+ productions_: [0, [3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 2], [7, 1], [7, 2], [8, 2], [9, 3], [9, 1], [9, 1], [13, 2], [13, 4], [12, 1], [17, 0], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [47, 3], [73, 3], [73, 1], [75, 5], [40, 10], [40, 4], [92, 8], [92, 11], [102, 4], [104, 2], [104, 1], [103, 3], [103, 1], [105, 1], [105, 3], [106, 3], [109, 3], [109, 1], [110, 1], [110, 2], [114, 1], [114, 1], [117, 1], [117, 5], [117, 5], [117, 1], [117, 2], [117, 1], [117, 2], [117, 2], [117, 3], [117, 4], [117, 4], [117, 4], [117, 4], [117, 4], [117, 1], [117, 1], [117, 1], 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2], [360, 2], [361, 0], [361, 2], [366, 4], [362, 6], [363, 9], [377, 3], [376, 0], [376, 2], [378, 4], [379, 4], [364, 6], [365, 5], [365, 5], [372, 1], [372, 1], [372, 3], [372, 3], [358, 1], [358, 3], [384, 3], [384, 2], [384, 1], [387, 6], [387, 4], [387, 1], [387, 4], [272, 2], [272, 1], [388, 1], [388, 1], [385, 0], [385, 1], [391, 2], [391, 1], [393, 3], [392, 2], [392, 5], [392, 3], [392, 6], [392, 1], [392, 2], [392, 4], [392, 2], [392, 1], [392, 2], [392, 1], [392, 1], [392, 3], [392, 5], [33, 4], [399, 3], [399, 1], [398, 0], [398, 2], [18, 6], [18, 6], [18, 6], [18, 8], [18, 6], [39, 5], [19, 4], [19, 7], [19, 6], [19, 9], [30, 3], [21, 4], [21, 6], [21, 9], [21, 6], [407, 0], [407, 2], [54, 3], [54, 2], [31, 4], [31, 5], [31, 5], [22, 8], [22, 9], [32, 3], [43, 2], [43, 4], [43, 3], [43, 5], [45, 2], [45, 4], [45, 4], [45, 6], [42, 4], [42, 6], [44, 4], [44, 6], [41, 4], [41, 6], [25, 11], [25, 8], [413, 3], [413, 3], [413, 5], [34, 4], [66, 2], [57, 2], [58, 2], [58, 2], 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[501, 2], [502, 0], [502, 2], [503, 0], [503, 2], [512, 0], [512, 1], [513, 0], [513, 1]],
+ performAction: function anonymous(yytext, yyleng, yylineno, yy, yystate , $$ , _$ ) {
+ var $0 = $$.length - 1;
+ switch (yystate) {
+ case 1:
+ this.$ = yy.casesensitive ? $$[$0] : $$[$0].toLowerCase();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.$ = doubleq($$[$0].substr(1, $$[$0].length - 2));
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this.$ = $$[$0].toLowerCase();
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ this.$ = $$[$0] ? $$[$0 - 1] + ' ' + $$[$0] : $$[$0 - 1];
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ return new yy.Statements({ statements: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ if ($$[$0])
+ { $$[$0 - 2].push($$[$0]); }
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ case 9:
+ case 70:
+ case 80:
+ case 85:
+ case 143:
+ case 177:
+ case 205:
+ case 206:
+ case 242:
+ case 261:
+ case 273:
+ case 354:
+ case 372:
+ case 451:
+ case 474:
+ case 475:
+ case 479:
+ case 487:
+ case 528:
+ case 529:
+ case 566:
+ case 649:
+ case 659:
+ case 683:
+ case 685:
+ case 687:
+ case 701:
+ case 702:
+ case 732:
+ case 756:
+ this.$ = [$$[$0]];
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ $$[$0].explain = true;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ $$[$0].explain = true;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ if (yy.exists)
+ { this.$.exists = yy.exists; }
+ delete yy.exists;
+ if (yy.queries)
+ { this.$.queries = yy.queries; }
+ delete yy.queries;
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ case 162:
+ case 172:
+ case 237:
+ case 238:
+ case 240:
+ case 248:
+ case 250:
+ case 259:
+ case 267:
+ case 270:
+ case 375:
+ case 491:
+ case 501:
+ case 503:
+ case 515:
+ case 521:
+ case 522:
+ case 567:
+ this.$ = undefined;
+ break;
+ case 68:
+ this.$ = new yy.WithSelect({ withs: $$[$0 - 1], select: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 69:
+ case 565:
+ $$[$0 - 2].push($$[$0]);
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ break;
+ case 71:
+ this.$ = { name: $$[$0 - 4], select: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 72:
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 9]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 8]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 7]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 6]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 5]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 4]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 3]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 9];
+ break;
+ case 73:
+ this.$ = new yy.Search({ selectors: $$[$0 - 2], from: $$[$0] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 74:
+ this.$ = { pivot: { expr: $$[$0 - 5], columnid: $$[$0 - 3], inlist: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] } };
+ break;
+ case 75:
+ this.$ = { unpivot: { tocolumnid: $$[$0 - 8], forcolumnid: $$[$0 - 6], inlist: $$[$0 - 3], as: $$[$0] } };
+ break;
+ case 76:
+ case 520:
+ case 549:
+ case 585:
+ case 619:
+ case 636:
+ case 637:
+ case 640:
+ case 662:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ break;
+ case 77:
+ case 78:
+ case 86:
+ case 147:
+ case 185:
+ case 247:
+ case 280:
+ case 288:
+ case 289:
+ case 290:
+ case 291:
+ case 292:
+ case 293:
+ case 294:
+ case 295:
+ case 296:
+ case 297:
+ case 298:
+ case 299:
+ case 300:
+ case 301:
+ case 304:
+ case 305:
+ case 320:
+ case 321:
+ case 322:
+ case 323:
+ case 324:
+ case 325:
+ case 374:
+ case 440:
+ case 441:
+ case 442:
+ case 443:
+ case 444:
+ case 445:
+ case 516:
+ case 542:
+ case 546:
+ case 548:
+ case 623:
+ case 624:
+ case 625:
+ case 626:
+ case 627:
+ case 628:
+ case 632:
+ case 634:
+ case 635:
+ case 644:
+ case 660:
+ case 661:
+ case 723:
+ case 738:
+ case 739:
+ case 741:
+ case 742:
+ case 748:
+ case 749:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 79:
+ case 84:
+ case 731:
+ case 755:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ this.$.push($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 81:
+ this.$ = { expr: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 82:
+ this.$ = { expr: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 83:
+ this.$ = { removecolumns: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 87:
+ this.$ = { like: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 90:
+ case 104:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "PROP", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 91:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "ORDERBY", args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 92:
+ var dir = $$[$0 - 1];
+ if (!dir)
+ { dir = 'ASC'; }
+ this.$ = { srchid: "ORDERBY", args: [{ expression: new yy.Column({ columnid: '_' }), direction: dir }] };
+ break;
+ case 93:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "PARENT" };
+ break;
+ case 94:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "APROP", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 95:
+ this.$ = { selid: "ROOT" };
+ break;
+ case 96:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "EQ", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 97:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "LIKE", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 98:
+ case 99:
+ this.$ = { selid: "WITH", args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 100:
+ this.$ = { srchid: $$[$0 - 3].toUpperCase(), args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 101:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "WHERE", args: [$$[$0 - 1]] };
+ break;
+ case 102:
+ this.$ = { selid: "OF", args: [$$[$0 - 1]] };
+ break;
+ case 103:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "CLASS", args: [$$[$0 - 1]] };
+ break;
+ case 105:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "NAME", args: [$$[$0].substr(1, $$[$0].length - 2)] };
+ break;
+ case 106:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "CHILD" };
+ break;
+ case 107:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "VERTEX" };
+ break;
+ case 108:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "EDGE" };
+ break;
+ case 109:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "REF" };
+ break;
+ case 110:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "SHARP", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 111:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "ATTR", args: ((typeof $$[$0] == 'undefined') ? undefined : [$$[$0]]) };
+ break;
+ case 112:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "ATTR" };
+ break;
+ case 113:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "OUT" };
+ break;
+ case 114:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "IN" };
+ break;
+ case 115:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "OUTOUT" };
+ break;
+ case 116:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "ININ" };
+ break;
+ case 117:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "CONTENT" };
+ break;
+ case 118:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "EX", args: [new yy.Json({ value: $$[$0] })] };
+ break;
+ case 119:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "AT", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 120:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "AS", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 121:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "SET", args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 122:
+ this.$ = { selid: "TO", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 123:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "VALUE" };
+ break;
+ case 124:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "ROW", args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 125:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "CLASS", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 126:
+ this.$ = { selid: $$[$0], args: [$$[$0 - 1]] };
+ break;
+ case 127:
+ this.$ = { selid: "NOT", args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 128:
+ this.$ = { selid: "IF", args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 129:
+ this.$ = { selid: $$[$0 - 3], args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 130:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'DISTINCT', args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 131:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'UNION', args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 132:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'UNIONALL', args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 133:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'ALL', args: [$$[$0 - 1]] };
+ break;
+ case 134:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'ANY', args: [$$[$0 - 1]] };
+ break;
+ case 135:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'INTERSECT', args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 136:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'EXCEPT', args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 137:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'AND', args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 138:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'OR', args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 139:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'PATH', args: [$$[$0 - 1]] };
+ break;
+ case 140:
+ this.$ = { srchid: 'RETURN', args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 141:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'REPEAT', sels: $$[$0 - 3], args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 142:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ this.$.push($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 144:
+ this.$ = "PLUS";
+ break;
+ case 145:
+ this.$ = "STAR";
+ break;
+ case 146:
+ this.$ = "QUESTION";
+ break;
+ case 148:
+ this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns: $$[$0], distinct: true });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 3]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 149:
+ this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns: $$[$0], distinct: true });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 3]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 150:
+ this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns: $$[$0], all: true });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 3]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 151:
+ if (!$$[$0]) {
+ this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns: [new yy.Column({ columnid: '_', })], modifier: 'COLUMN' });
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns: $$[$0] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 152:
+ if ($$[$0] == 'SELECT')
+ { this.$ = undefined; }
+ else
+ { this.$ = { modifier: $$[$0] }; }
+ break;
+ case 153:
+ this.$ = { modifier: 'VALUE' };
+ break;
+ case 154:
+ this.$ = { modifier: 'ROW' };
+ break;
+ case 155:
+ this.$ = { modifier: 'COLUMN' };
+ break;
+ case 156:
+ this.$ = { modifier: 'MATRIX' };
+ break;
+ case 157:
+ this.$ = { modifier: 'TEXTSTRING' };
+ break;
+ case 158:
+ this.$ = { modifier: 'INDEX' };
+ break;
+ case 159:
+ this.$ = { modifier: 'RECORDSET' };
+ break;
+ case 160:
+ this.$ = { top: $$[$0 - 1], percent: (typeof $$[$0] != 'undefined' ? true : undefined) };
+ break;
+ case 161:
+ this.$ = { top: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 163:
+ case 330:
+ case 523:
+ case 524:
+ case 724:
+ this.$ = undefined;
+ break;
+ case 164:
+ case 165:
+ case 166:
+ case 167:
+ this.$ = { into: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 168:
+ var s = $$[$0];
+ s = s.substr(1, s.length - 2);
+ var x3 = s.substr(-3).toUpperCase();
+ var x4 = s.substr(-4).toUpperCase();
+ if (s[0] == '#') {
+ this.$ = { into: new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'HTML', args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: s }), new yy.Json({ value: { headers: true } })] }) };
+ }
+ else if (x3 == 'XLS' || x3 == 'CSV' || x3 == 'TAB') {
+ this.$ = { into: new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: x3, args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: s }), new yy.Json({ value: { headers: true } })] }) };
+ }
+ else if (x4 == 'XLSX' || x4 == 'JSON') {
+ this.$ = { into: new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: x4, args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: s }), new yy.Json({ value: { headers: true } })] }) };
+ }
+ break;
+ case 169:
+ this.$ = { from: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 170:
+ this.$ = { from: $$[$0 - 1], joins: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 171:
+ this.$ = { from: $$[$0 - 2], joins: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 173:
+ this.$ = new yy.Apply({ select: $$[$0 - 2], applymode: 'CROSS', as: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 174:
+ this.$ = new yy.Apply({ select: $$[$0 - 3], applymode: 'CROSS', as: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 175:
+ this.$ = new yy.Apply({ select: $$[$0 - 2], applymode: 'OUTER', as: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 176:
+ this.$ = new yy.Apply({ select: $$[$0 - 3], applymode: 'OUTER', as: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 178:
+ case 243:
+ case 452:
+ case 530:
+ case 531:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ $$[$0 - 2].push($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 179:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ this.$.as = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 180:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 3];
+ this.$.as = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 181:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ this.$.as = 'default';
+ break;
+ case 182:
+ this.$ = new yy.Json({ value: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ $$[$0 - 2].as = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 183:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ $$[$0 - 1].as = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 184:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ $$[$0 - 2].as = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 186:
+ case 638:
+ case 641:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ break;
+ case 187:
+ case 191:
+ case 195:
+ case 198:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ $$[$0 - 1].as = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 188:
+ case 192:
+ case 196:
+ case 199:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ $$[$0 - 2].as = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 189:
+ case 190:
+ case 194:
+ case 197:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ $$[$0].as = 'default';
+ break;
+ case 193:
+ this.$ = { inserted: true };
+ $$[$0].as = 'default';
+ break;
+ case 200:
+ var s = $$[$0];
+ s = s.substr(1, s.length - 2);
+ var x3 = s.substr(-3).toUpperCase();
+ var x4 = s.substr(-4).toUpperCase();
+ var r;
+ if (s[0] == '#') {
+ r = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'HTML', args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: s }), new yy.Json({ value: { headers: true } })] });
+ }
+ else if (x3 == 'XLS' || x3 == 'CSV' || x3 == 'TAB') {
+ r = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: x3, args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: s }), new yy.Json({ value: { headers: true } })] });
+ }
+ else if (x4 == 'XLSX' || x4 == 'JSON') {
+ r = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: x4, args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: s }), new yy.Json({ value: { headers: true } })] });
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('Unknown string in FROM clause');
+ }
+ this.$ = r;
+ break;
+ case 201:
+ if ($$[$0 - 2] == 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA') {
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: $$[$0 - 2], args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: $$[$0] })] });
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$ = new yy.Table({ databaseid: $$[$0 - 2], tableid: $$[$0] });
+ }
+ break;
+ case 202:
+ this.$ = new yy.Table({ tableid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 203:
+ case 204:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ $$[$0 - 1].push($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 207:
+ this.$ = new yy.Join($$[$0 - 2]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 208:
+ this.$ = { table: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 209:
+ this.$ = { table: $$[$0 - 1], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 210:
+ this.$ = { table: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 211:
+ this.$ = { json: new yy.Json({ value: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] }) };
+ break;
+ case 212:
+ this.$ = { param: $$[$0 - 1], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 213:
+ this.$ = { param: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 214:
+ this.$ = { select: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 215:
+ this.$ = { select: $$[$0 - 3], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 216:
+ this.$ = { funcid: $$[$0], as: 'default' };
+ break;
+ case 217:
+ this.$ = { funcid: $$[$0 - 1], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 218:
+ this.$ = { funcid: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 219:
+ this.$ = { variable: $$[$0], as: 'default' };
+ break;
+ case 220:
+ this.$ = { variable: $$[$0 - 1], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 221:
+ this.$ = { variable: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 222:
+ this.$ = { joinmode: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 223:
+ this.$ = { joinmode: $$[$0 - 1], natural: true };
+ break;
+ case 224:
+ case 225:
+ this.$ = "INNER";
+ break;
+ case 226:
+ case 227:
+ this.$ = "LEFT";
+ break;
+ case 228:
+ case 229:
+ this.$ = "RIGHT";
+ break;
+ case 230:
+ case 231:
+ this.$ = "OUTER";
+ break;
+ case 232:
+ this.$ = "SEMI";
+ break;
+ case 233:
+ this.$ = "ANTI";
+ break;
+ case 234:
+ this.$ = "CROSS";
+ break;
+ case 235:
+ this.$ = { on: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 236:
+ case 697:
+ this.$ = { using: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 239:
+ this.$ = { where: new yy.Expression({ expression: $$[$0] }) };
+ break;
+ case 241:
+ this.$ = { group: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 244:
+ this.$ = new yy.GroupExpression({ type: 'GROUPING SETS', group: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 245:
+ this.$ = new yy.GroupExpression({ type: 'ROLLUP', group: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 246:
+ this.$ = new yy.GroupExpression({ type: 'CUBE', group: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 249:
+ this.$ = { having: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 251:
+ this.$ = { union: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 252:
+ this.$ = { unionall: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 253:
+ this.$ = { except: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 254:
+ this.$ = { intersect: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 255:
+ this.$ = { union: $$[$0], corresponding: true };
+ break;
+ case 256:
+ this.$ = { unionall: $$[$0], corresponding: true };
+ break;
+ case 257:
+ this.$ = { except: $$[$0], corresponding: true };
+ break;
+ case 258:
+ this.$ = { intersect: $$[$0], corresponding: true };
+ break;
+ case 260:
+ this.$ = { order: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 262:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ $$[$0 - 2].push($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 263:
+ this.$ = new yy.Expression({ expression: $$[$0], direction: 'ASC' });
+ break;
+ case 264:
+ this.$ = new yy.Expression({ expression: $$[$0 - 1], direction: $$[$0].toUpperCase() });
+ break;
+ case 265:
+ this.$ = new yy.Expression({ expression: $$[$0 - 2], direction: 'ASC', nocase: true });
+ break;
+ case 266:
+ this.$ = new yy.Expression({ expression: $$[$0 - 3], direction: $$[$0].toUpperCase(), nocase: true });
+ break;
+ case 268:
+ this.$ = { limit: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 269:
+ this.$ = { limit: $$[$0 - 2], offset: $$[$0 - 6] };
+ break;
+ case 271:
+ this.$ = { offset: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 272:
+ case 509:
+ case 533:
+ case 648:
+ case 658:
+ case 682:
+ case 684:
+ case 688:
+ $$[$0 - 2].push($$[$0]);
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ break;
+ case 274:
+ case 276:
+ case 278:
+ $$[$0 - 2].as = $$[$0];
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ break;
+ case 275:
+ case 277:
+ case 279:
+ $$[$0 - 1].as = $$[$0];
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ break;
+ case 281:
+ this.$ = new yy.Column({ columid: $$[$0], tableid: $$[$0 - 2], databaseid: $$[$0 - 4] });
+ break;
+ case 282:
+ this.$ = new yy.Column({ columnid: $$[$0], tableid: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ break;
+ case 283:
+ this.$ = new yy.Column({ columnid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 284:
+ this.$ = new yy.Column({ columnid: $$[$0], tableid: $$[$0 - 2], databaseid: $$[$0 - 4] });
+ break;
+ case 285:
+ case 286:
+ this.$ = new yy.Column({ columnid: $$[$0], tableid: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ break;
+ case 287:
+ this.$ = new yy.Column({ columnid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 302:
+ this.$ = new yy.DomainValueValue();
+ break;
+ case 303:
+ this.$ = new yy.Json({ value: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 306:
+ case 307:
+ case 308:
+ if (!yy.queries)
+ { yy.queries = []; }
+ yy.queries.push($$[$0 - 1]);
+ $$[$0 - 1].queriesidx = yy.queries.length;
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ break;
+ case 309:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 310:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' });
+ break;
+ case 311:
+ this.$ = new yy.JavaScript({ value: $$[$0].substr(2, $$[$0].length - 4) });
+ break;
+ case 312:
+ this.$ = new yy.JavaScript({ value: 'alasql.fn["' + $$[$0 - 2] + '"] = ' + $$[$0].substr(2, $$[$0].length - 4) });
+ break;
+ case 313:
+ this.$ = new yy.JavaScript({ value: 'alasql.aggr["' + $$[$0 - 2] + '"] = ' + $$[$0].substr(2, $$[$0].length - 4) });
+ break;
+ case 314:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: $$[$0], newid: true });
+ break;
+ case 315:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ yy.extend(this.$, { newid: true });
+ break;
+ case 316:
+ this.$ = new yy.Convert({ expression: $$[$0 - 3] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 317:
+ this.$ = new yy.Convert({ expression: $$[$0 - 5], style: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 3]);
+ break;
+ case 318:
+ this.$ = new yy.Convert({ expression: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 3]);
+ break;
+ case 319:
+ this.$ = new yy.Convert({ expression: $$[$0 - 3], style: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 5]);
+ break;
+ case 326:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' });
+ break;
+ case 327:
+ if ($$[$0 - 2].length > 1 && ($$[$0 - 4].toUpperCase() == 'MAX' || $$[$0 - 4].toUpperCase() == 'MIN')) {
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: $$[$0 - 4], args: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({ aggregatorid: $$[$0 - 4].toUpperCase(), expression: $$[$0 - 2].pop(), over: $$[$0] });
+ }
+ break;
+ case 328:
+ this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({ aggregatorid: $$[$0 - 5].toUpperCase(), expression: $$[$0 - 2], distinct: true, over: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 329:
+ this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({ aggregatorid: $$[$0 - 5].toUpperCase(), expression: $$[$0 - 2],
+ over: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 331:
+ case 332:
+ this.$ = new yy.Over();
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 333:
+ this.$ = new yy.Over();
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 334:
+ this.$ = { partition: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 335:
+ this.$ = { order: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 336:
+ this.$ = "SUM";
+ break;
+ case 337:
+ this.$ = "COUNT";
+ break;
+ case 338:
+ this.$ = "MIN";
+ break;
+ case 339:
+ case 544:
+ this.$ = "MAX";
+ break;
+ case 340:
+ this.$ = "AVG";
+ break;
+ case 341:
+ this.$ = "FIRST";
+ break;
+ case 342:
+ this.$ = "LAST";
+ break;
+ case 343:
+ this.$ = "AGGR";
+ break;
+ case 344:
+ this.$ = "ARRAY";
+ break;
+ case 345:
+ var funcid = $$[$0 - 4];
+ var exprlist = $$[$0 - 1];
+ if (exprlist.length > 1 && (funcid.toUpperCase() == 'MIN' || funcid.toUpperCase() == 'MAX')) {
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: funcid, args: exprlist });
+ }
+ else if (yy.isInAggr($$[$0 - 4])) {
+ this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({ aggregatorid: 'REDUCE',
+ funcid: funcid, expression: exprlist.pop(), distinct: ($$[$0 - 2] == 'DISTINCT') });
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: funcid, args: exprlist });
+ }
+ break;
+ case 346:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ break;
+ case 347:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'IIF', args: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 348:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'REPLACE', args: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 349:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'DATEADD', args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: $$[$0 - 5] }), $$[$0 - 3], $$[$0 - 1]] });
+ break;
+ case 350:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'DATEADD', args: [$$[$0 - 5], $$[$0 - 3], $$[$0 - 1]] });
+ break;
+ case 351:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'DATEDIFF', args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: $$[$0 - 5] }), $$[$0 - 3], $$[$0 - 1]] });
+ break;
+ case 352:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'DATEDIFF', args: [$$[$0 - 5], $$[$0 - 3], $$[$0 - 1]] });
+ break;
+ case 353:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'INTERVAL', args: [$$[$0 - 1], new yy.StringValue({ value: ($$[$0]).toLowerCase() })] });
+ break;
+ case 355:
+ $$[$0 - 2].push($$[$0]);
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ break;
+ case 356:
+ this.$ = new yy.NumValue({ value: +$$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 357:
+ this.$ = new yy.LogicValue({ value: true });
+ break;
+ case 358:
+ this.$ = new yy.LogicValue({ value: false });
+ break;
+ case 359:
+ this.$ = new yy.StringValue({ value: $$[$0].substr(1, $$[$0].length - 2).replace(/(\\\')/g, "'").replace(/(\'\')/g, "'") });
+ break;
+ case 360:
+ this.$ = new yy.StringValue({ value: $$[$0].substr(2, $$[$0].length - 3).replace(/(\\\')/g, "'").replace(/(\'\')/g, "'") });
+ break;
+ case 361:
+ this.$ = new yy.NullValue({ value: undefined });
+ break;
+ case 362:
+ this.$ = new yy.VarValue({ variable: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 363:
+ if (!yy.exists)
+ { yy.exists = []; }
+ this.$ = new yy.ExistsValue({ value: $$[$0 - 1], existsidx: yy.exists.length });
+ yy.exists.push($$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 364:
+ this.$ = new yy.ArrayValue({ value: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 365:
+ case 366:
+ this.$ = new yy.ParamValue({ param: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 367:
+ if (typeof yy.question == 'undefined')
+ { yy.question = 0; }
+ this.$ = new yy.ParamValue({ param: yy.question++ });
+ break;
+ case 368:
+ if (typeof yy.question == 'undefined')
+ { yy.question = 0; }
+ this.$ = new yy.ParamValue({ param: yy.question++, array: true });
+ break;
+ case 369:
+ this.$ = new yy.CaseValue({ expression: $$[$0 - 3], whens: $$[$0 - 2], elses: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 370:
+ this.$ = new yy.CaseValue({ whens: $$[$0 - 2], elses: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 371:
+ case 699:
+ case 700:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ this.$.push($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 373:
+ this.$ = { when: $$[$0 - 2], then: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 376:
+ case 377:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'REGEXP', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 378:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'GLOB', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 379:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'LIKE', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 380:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 4], op: 'LIKE', right: $$[$0 - 2], escape: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 381:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'NOT LIKE', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 382:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 4], op: 'NOT LIKE', right: $$[$0 - 2], escape: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 383:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '||', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 384:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '+', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 385:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '-', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 386:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '*', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 387:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '/', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 388:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '%', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 389:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '^', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 390:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '>>', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 391:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '<<', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 392:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '&', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 393:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '|', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 394:
+ case 395:
+ case 397:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '->', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 396:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 4], op: '->', right: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 398:
+ case 399:
+ case 401:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '!', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 400:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 4], op: '!', right: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 402:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '>', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 403:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '>=', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 404:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '<', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 405:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '<=', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 406:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '=', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 407:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '==', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 408:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '===', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 409:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '!=', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 410:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '!==', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 411:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '!===', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 412:
+ if (!yy.queries)
+ { yy.queries = []; }
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 5], op: $$[$0 - 4], allsome: $$[$0 - 3], right: $$[$0 - 1], queriesidx: yy.queries.length });
+ yy.queries.push($$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 413:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 5], op: $$[$0 - 4], allsome: $$[$0 - 3], right: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 414:
+ if ($$[$0 - 2].op == 'BETWEEN1') {
+ if ($$[$0 - 2].left.op == 'AND') {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2].left.left, op: 'AND', right: new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2].left.right, op: 'BETWEEN',
+ right1: $$[$0 - 2].right, right2: $$[$0] })
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2].left, op: 'BETWEEN',
+ right1: $$[$0 - 2].right, right2: $$[$0] });
+ }
+ }
+ else if ($$[$0 - 2].op == 'NOT BETWEEN1') {
+ if ($$[$0 - 2].left.op == 'AND') {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2].left.left, op: 'AND', right: new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2].left.right, op: 'NOT BETWEEN',
+ right1: $$[$0 - 2].right, right2: $$[$0] })
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2].left, op: 'NOT BETWEEN',
+ right1: $$[$0 - 2].right, right2: $$[$0] });
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'AND', right: $$[$0] });
+ }
+ break;
+ case 415:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'OR', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 416:
+ this.$ = new yy.UniOp({ op: 'NOT', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 417:
+ this.$ = new yy.UniOp({ op: '-', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 418:
+ this.$ = new yy.UniOp({ op: '+', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 419:
+ this.$ = new yy.UniOp({ op: '~', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 420:
+ this.$ = new yy.UniOp({ op: '#', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 421:
+ this.$ = new yy.UniOp({ right: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 422:
+ if (!yy.queries)
+ { yy.queries = []; }
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 4], op: 'IN', right: $$[$0 - 1], queriesidx: yy.queries.length });
+ yy.queries.push($$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 423:
+ if (!yy.queries)
+ { yy.queries = []; }
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 5], op: 'NOT IN', right: $$[$0 - 1], queriesidx: yy.queries.length });
+ yy.queries.push($$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 424:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 4], op: 'IN', right: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 425:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 5], op: 'NOT IN', right: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 426:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 3], op: 'IN', right: [] });
+ break;
+ case 427:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 4], op: 'NOT IN', right: [] });
+ break;
+ case 428:
+ case 430:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'IN', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 429:
+ case 431:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 3], op: 'NOT IN', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 432:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'BETWEEN1', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 433:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'NOT BETWEEN1', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 434:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ op: 'IS', left: $$[$0 - 2], right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 435:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({
+ op: 'IS',
+ left: $$[$0 - 2],
+ right: new yy.UniOp({
+ op: 'NOT',
+ right: new yy.NullValue({ value: undefined })
+ })
+ });
+ break;
+ case 436:
+ this.$ = new yy.Convert({ expression: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 437:
+ case 438:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 439:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ break;
+ case 446:
+ this.$ = 'ALL';
+ break;
+ case 447:
+ this.$ = 'SOME';
+ break;
+ case 448:
+ this.$ = 'ANY';
+ break;
+ case 449:
+ this.$ = new yy.Update({ table: $$[$0 - 4], columns: $$[$0 - 2], where: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 450:
+ this.$ = new yy.Update({ table: $$[$0 - 2], columns: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 453:
+ this.$ = new yy.SetColumn({ column: $$[$0 - 2], expression: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 454:
+ this.$ = new yy.SetColumn({ variable: $$[$0 - 2], expression: $$[$0], method: $$[$0 - 3] });
+ break;
+ case 455:
+ this.$ = new yy.Delete({ table: $$[$0 - 2], where: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 456:
+ this.$ = new yy.Delete({ table: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 457:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 2], values: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 458:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 1], values: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 459:
+ case 461:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 2], values: $$[$0], orreplace: true });
+ break;
+ case 460:
+ case 462:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 1], values: $$[$0], orreplace: true });
+ break;
+ case 463:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 2], "default": true });
+ break;
+ case 464:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 5], columns: $$[$0 - 3], values: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 465:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 4], columns: $$[$0 - 2], values: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 466:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 1], select: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 467:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 1], select: $$[$0], orreplace: true });
+ break;
+ case 468:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 4], columns: $$[$0 - 2], select: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 473:
+ this.$ = [$$[$0 - 1]];
+ break;
+ case 476:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 4];
+ $$[$0 - 4].push($$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 477:
+ case 478:
+ case 480:
+ case 488:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ $$[$0 - 2].push($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 489:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({ table: $$[$0 - 4] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 7]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 6]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 5]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 490:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({ table: $$[$0] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 3]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 492:
+ this.$ = { class: true };
+ break;
+ case 502:
+ this.$ = { temporary: true };
+ break;
+ case 504:
+ this.$ = { ifnotexists: true };
+ break;
+ case 505:
+ this.$ = { columns: $$[$0 - 2], constraints: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 506:
+ this.$ = { columns: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 507:
+ this.$ = { as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 508:
+ case 532:
+ this.$ = [$$[$0]];
+ break;
+ case 510:
+ case 511:
+ case 512:
+ case 513:
+ case 514:
+ $$[$0].constraintid = $$[$0 - 1];
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 517:
+ this.$ = { type: 'CHECK', expression: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 518:
+ this.$ = { type: 'PRIMARY KEY', columns: $$[$0 - 1], clustered: ($$[$0 - 3] + '').toUpperCase() };
+ break;
+ case 519:
+ this.$ = { type: 'FOREIGN KEY', columns: $$[$0 - 5], fktable: $$[$0 - 2], fkcolumns: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 525:
+ this.$ = { type: 'UNIQUE', columns: $$[$0 - 1], clustered: ($$[$0 - 3] + '').toUpperCase() };
+ break;
+ case 534:
+ this.$ = new yy.ColumnDef({ columnid: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 535:
+ this.$ = new yy.ColumnDef({ columnid: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 536:
+ this.$ = new yy.ColumnDef({ columnid: $$[$0], dbtypeid: '' });
+ break;
+ case 537:
+ this.$ = { dbtypeid: $$[$0 - 5], dbsize: $$[$0 - 3], dbprecision: +$$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 538:
+ this.$ = { dbtypeid: $$[$0 - 3], dbsize: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 539:
+ this.$ = { dbtypeid: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 540:
+ this.$ = { dbtypeid: 'ENUM', enumvalues: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 541:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ $$[$0 - 1].dbtypeid += '[' + $$[$0] + ']';
+ break;
+ case 543:
+ case 750:
+ this.$ = +$$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 545:
+ this.$ = undefined;
+ break;
+ case 547:
+ yy.extend($$[$0 - 1], $$[$0]);
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ break;
+ case 550:
+ this.$ = { primarykey: true };
+ break;
+ case 551:
+ case 552:
+ this.$ = { foreignkey: { table: $$[$0 - 1], columnid: $$[$0] } };
+ break;
+ case 553:
+ this.$ = { identity: { value: $$[$0 - 3], step: $$[$0 - 1] } };
+ break;
+ case 554:
+ this.$ = { identity: { value: 1, step: 1 } };
+ break;
+ case 555:
+ case 557:
+ this.$ = { "default": $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 556:
+ this.$ = { "default": $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 558:
+ this.$ = { null: true };
+ break;
+ case 559:
+ this.$ = { notnull: true };
+ break;
+ case 560:
+ this.$ = { check: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 561:
+ this.$ = { unique: true };
+ break;
+ case 562:
+ this.$ = { "onupdate": $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 563:
+ this.$ = { "onupdate": $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 564:
+ this.$ = new yy.DropTable({ tables: $$[$0], type: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 568:
+ this.$ = { ifexists: true };
+ break;
+ case 569:
+ this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({ table: $$[$0 - 3], renameto: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 570:
+ this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({ table: $$[$0 - 3], addcolumn: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 571:
+ this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({ table: $$[$0 - 3], modifycolumn: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 572:
+ this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({ table: $$[$0 - 5], renamecolumn: $$[$0 - 2], to: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 573:
+ this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({ table: $$[$0 - 3], dropcolumn: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 574:
+ this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({ table: $$[$0 - 2], renameto: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 575:
+ this.$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0], engineid: $$[$0 - 2].toUpperCase() });
+ break;
+ case 576:
+ this.$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0 - 3], engineid: $$[$0 - 5].toUpperCase(), args: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 577:
+ this.$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0 - 2], engineid: $$[$0 - 4].toUpperCase(), as: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 578:
+ this.$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0 - 5], engineid: $$[$0 - 7].toUpperCase(), as: $$[$0], args: $$[$0 - 3] });
+ break;
+ case 579:
+ this.$ = new yy.DetachDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 580:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 581:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({ engineid: $$[$0 - 4].toUpperCase(), databaseid: $$[$0 - 1], as: $$[$0] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ break;
+ case 582:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({ engineid: $$[$0 - 7].toUpperCase(), databaseid: $$[$0 - 4], args: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 5]);
+ break;
+ case 583:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({ engineid: $$[$0 - 4].toUpperCase(),
+ as: $$[$0], args: [$$[$0 - 1]] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ break;
+ case 584:
+ this.$ = undefined;
+ break;
+ case 586:
+ case 587:
+ this.$ = new yy.UseDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 588:
+ this.$ = new yy.DropDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 589:
+ case 590:
+ this.$ = new yy.DropDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0], engineid: $$[$0 - 3].toUpperCase() });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 591:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateIndex({ indexid: $$[$0 - 5], table: $$[$0 - 3], columns: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 592:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateIndex({ indexid: $$[$0 - 5], table: $$[$0 - 3], columns: $$[$0 - 1], unique: true });
+ break;
+ case 593:
+ this.$ = new yy.DropIndex({ indexid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 594:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowDatabases();
+ break;
+ case 595:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowDatabases({ like: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 596:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowDatabases({ engineid: $$[$0 - 1].toUpperCase() });
+ break;
+ case 597:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowDatabases({ engineid: $$[$0 - 3].toUpperCase(), like: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 598:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowTables();
+ break;
+ case 599:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowTables({ like: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 600:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowTables({ databaseid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 601:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowTables({ like: $$[$0], databaseid: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ break;
+ case 602:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowColumns({ table: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 603:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowColumns({ table: $$[$0 - 2], databaseid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 604:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowIndex({ table: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 605:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowIndex({ table: $$[$0 - 2], databaseid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 606:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowCreateTable({ table: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 607:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowCreateTable({ table: $$[$0 - 2], databaseid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 608:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({ table: $$[$0 - 6], view: true, select: $$[$0 - 1], viewcolumns: $$[$0 - 4] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 9]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 7]);
+ break;
+ case 609:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({ table: $$[$0 - 3], view: true, select: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 6]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 4]);
+ break;
+ case 613:
+ this.$ = new yy.DropTable({ tables: $$[$0], view: true });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 614:
+ case 760:
+ this.$ = new yy.ExpressionStatement({ expression: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 615:
+ this.$ = new yy.Source({ url: $$[$0].value });
+ break;
+ case 616:
+ this.$ = new yy.Assert({ value: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 617:
+ this.$ = new yy.Assert({ value: $$[$0].value });
+ break;
+ case 618:
+ this.$ = new yy.Assert({ value: $$[$0], message: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ break;
+ case 620:
+ case 631:
+ case 633:
+ this.$ = $$[$0].value;
+ break;
+ case 621:
+ case 629:
+ this.$ = +$$[$0].value;
+ break;
+ case 622:
+ this.$ = (!!$$[$0].value);
+ break;
+ case 630:
+ this.$ = "" + $$[$0].value;
+ break;
+ case 639:
+ this.$ = {};
+ break;
+ case 642:
+ this.$ = [];
+ break;
+ case 643:
+ yy.extend($$[$0 - 2], $$[$0]);
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ break;
+ case 645:
+ this.$ = {};
+ this.$[$$[$0 - 2].substr(1, $$[$0 - 2].length - 2)] = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 646:
+ case 647:
+ this.$ = {};
+ this.$[$$[$0 - 2]] = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 650:
+ this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({ variable: $$[$0 - 2].toLowerCase(), value: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 651:
+ this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({ variable: $$[$0 - 1].toLowerCase(), value: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 652:
+ this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({ variable: $$[$0 - 2], expression: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 653:
+ this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({ variable: $$[$0 - 3], props: $$[$0 - 2], expression: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 654:
+ this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({ variable: $$[$0 - 2], expression: $$[$0], method: $$[$0 - 3] });
+ break;
+ case 655:
+ this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({ variable: $$[$0 - 3], props: $$[$0 - 2], expression: $$[$0], method: $$[$0 - 4] });
+ break;
+ case 656:
+ this.$ = '@';
+ break;
+ case 657:
+ this.$ = '$';
+ break;
+ case 663:
+ this.$ = true;
+ break;
+ case 664:
+ this.$ = false;
+ break;
+ case 665:
+ this.$ = new yy.CommitTransaction();
+ break;
+ case 666:
+ this.$ = new yy.RollbackTransaction();
+ break;
+ case 667:
+ this.$ = new yy.BeginTransaction();
+ break;
+ case 668:
+ this.$ = new yy.If({ expression: $$[$0 - 2], thenstat: $$[$0 - 1], elsestat: $$[$0] });
+ if ($$[$0 - 1].exists)
+ { this.$.exists = $$[$0 - 1].exists; }
+ if ($$[$0 - 1].queries)
+ { this.$.queries = $$[$0 - 1].queries; }
+ break;
+ case 669:
+ this.$ = new yy.If({ expression: $$[$0 - 1], thenstat: $$[$0] });
+ if ($$[$0].exists)
+ { this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists; }
+ if ($$[$0].queries)
+ { this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries; }
+ break;
+ case 670:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 671:
+ this.$ = new yy.While({ expression: $$[$0 - 1], loopstat: $$[$0] });
+ if ($$[$0].exists)
+ { this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists; }
+ if ($$[$0].queries)
+ { this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries; }
+ break;
+ case 672:
+ this.$ = new yy.Continue();
+ break;
+ case 673:
+ this.$ = new yy.Break();
+ break;
+ case 674:
+ this.$ = new yy.BeginEnd({ statements: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 675:
+ this.$ = new yy.Print({ exprs: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 676:
+ this.$ = new yy.Print({ select: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 677:
+ this.$ = new yy.Require({ paths: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 678:
+ this.$ = new yy.Require({ plugins: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 679:
+ case 680:
+ this.$ = $$[$0].toUpperCase();
+ break;
+ case 681:
+ this.$ = new yy.Echo({ expr: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 686:
+ this.$ = new yy.Declare({ declares: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 689:
+ this.$ = { variable: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 690:
+ this.$ = { variable: $$[$0 - 2] };
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 691:
+ this.$ = { variable: $$[$0 - 3], expression: $$[$0] };
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ break;
+ case 692:
+ this.$ = { variable: $$[$0 - 4], expression: $$[$0] };
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ break;
+ case 693:
+ this.$ = new yy.TruncateTable({ table: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 694:
+ this.$ = new yy.Merge();
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 4]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 3]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, { matches: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 695:
+ case 696:
+ this.$ = { into: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 698:
+ this.$ = { on: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 703:
+ this.$ = { matched: true, action: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 704:
+ this.$ = { matched: true, expr: $$[$0 - 2], action: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 705:
+ this.$ = { delete: true };
+ break;
+ case 706:
+ this.$ = { update: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 707:
+ case 708:
+ this.$ = { matched: false, bytarget: true, action: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 709:
+ case 710:
+ this.$ = { matched: false, bytarget: true, expr: $$[$0 - 2], action: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 711:
+ this.$ = { matched: false, bysource: true, action: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 712:
+ this.$ = { matched: false, bysource: true, expr: $$[$0 - 2], action: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 713:
+ this.$ = { insert: true, values: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 714:
+ this.$ = { insert: true, values: $$[$0], columns: $$[$0 - 3] };
+ break;
+ case 715:
+ this.$ = { insert: true, defaultvalues: true };
+ break;
+ case 716:
+ this.$ = { insert: true, defaultvalues: true, columns: $$[$0 - 3] };
+ break;
+ case 718:
+ this.$ = { output: { columns: $$[$0] } };
+ break;
+ case 719:
+ this.$ = { output: { columns: $$[$0 - 3], intovar: $$[$0], method: $$[$0 - 1] } };
+ break;
+ case 720:
+ this.$ = { output: { columns: $$[$0 - 2], intotable: $$[$0] } };
+ break;
+ case 721:
+ this.$ = { output: { columns: $$[$0 - 5], intotable: $$[$0 - 3], intocolumns: $$[$0 - 1] } };
+ break;
+ case 722:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateVertex({ class: $$[$0 - 3], sharp: $$[$0 - 2], name: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 725:
+ this.$ = { sets: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 726:
+ this.$ = { content: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 727:
+ this.$ = { select: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 728:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateEdge({ from: $$[$0 - 3], to: $$[$0 - 1], name: $$[$0 - 5] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 729:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateGraph({ graph: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 730:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateGraph({ from: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 733:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ if ($$[$0 - 1])
+ { this.$.json = new yy.Json({ value: $$[$0 - 1] }); }
+ if ($$[$0])
+ { this.$.as = $$[$0]; }
+ break;
+ case 734:
+ this.$ = { source: $$[$0 - 6], target: $$[$0] };
+ if ($$[$0 - 3])
+ { this.$.json = new yy.Json({ value: $$[$0 - 3] }); }
+ if ($$[$0 - 2])
+ { this.$.as = $$[$0 - 2]; }
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 4]);
+ break;
+ case 735:
+ this.$ = { source: $$[$0 - 5], target: $$[$0] };
+ if ($$[$0 - 2])
+ { this.$.json = new yy.Json({ value: $$[$0 - 3] }); }
+ if ($$[$0 - 1])
+ { this.$.as = $$[$0 - 2]; }
+ break;
+ case 736:
+ this.$ = { source: $$[$0 - 2], target: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 740:
+ this.$ = { vars: $$[$0], method: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 743:
+ case 744:
+ var s3 = $$[$0 - 1];
+ this.$ = { prop: $$[$0 - 3], sharp: $$[$0 - 2], name: (typeof s3 == 'undefined') ? undefined : s3.substr(1, s3.length - 2), class: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 745:
+ var s2 = $$[$0 - 1];
+ this.$ = { sharp: $$[$0 - 2], name: (typeof s2 == 'undefined') ? undefined : s2.substr(1, s2.length - 2), class: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 746:
+ var s1 = $$[$0 - 1];
+ this.$ = { name: (typeof s1 == 'undefined') ? undefined : s1.substr(1, s1.length - 2), class: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 747:
+ this.$ = { class: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 753:
+ this.$ = new yy.AddRule({ left: $$[$0 - 2], right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 754:
+ this.$ = new yy.AddRule({ right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 757:
+ this.$ = new yy.Term({ termid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 758:
+ this.$ = new yy.Term({ termid: $$[$0 - 3], args: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 761:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTrigger({ trigger: $$[$0 - 6], when: $$[$0 - 5], action: $$[$0 - 4], table: $$[$0 - 2], statement: $$[$0] });
+ if ($$[$0].exists)
+ { this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists; }
+ if ($$[$0].queries)
+ { this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries; }
+ break;
+ case 762:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTrigger({ trigger: $$[$0 - 5], when: $$[$0 - 4], action: $$[$0 - 3], table: $$[$0 - 1], funcid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 763:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTrigger({ trigger: $$[$0 - 6], when: $$[$0 - 4], action: $$[$0 - 3], table: $$[$0 - 5], statement: $$[$0] });
+ if ($$[$0].exists)
+ { this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists; }
+ if ($$[$0].queries)
+ { this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries; }
+ break;
+ case 764:
+ case 765:
+ case 767:
+ this.$ = 'AFTER';
+ break;
+ case 766:
+ this.$ = 'BEFORE';
+ break;
+ case 768:
+ this.$ = 'INSTEADOF';
+ break;
+ case 769:
+ this.$ = 'INSERT';
+ break;
+ case 770:
+ this.$ = 'DELETE';
+ break;
+ case 771:
+ this.$ = 'UPDATE';
+ break;
+ case 772:
+ this.$ = new yy.DropTrigger({ trigger: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 773:
+ this.$ = new yy.Reindex({ indexid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 1047:
+ case 1067:
+ case 1069:
+ case 1071:
+ case 1075:
+ case 1077:
+ case 1079:
+ case 1081:
+ case 1083:
+ case 1085:
+ this.$ = [];
+ break;
+ case 1048:
+ case 1062:
+ case 1064:
+ case 1068:
+ case 1070:
+ case 1072:
+ case 1076:
+ case 1078:
+ case 1080:
+ case 1082:
+ case 1084:
+ case 1086:
+ $$[$0 - 1].push($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 1061:
+ case 1063:
+ this.$ = [$$[$0]];
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ table: [o([10, 602, 764], $V0, { 8: 1, 9: 2, 12: 3, 13: 4, 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 14: $V4, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 124: $V8, 146: $V9, 156: $Va, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), { 1: [3] }, { 10: [1, 105], 11: 106, 602: $VH, 764: $VI }, o($VJ, [2, 8]), o($VJ, [2, 9]), o($VK, [2, 12]), o($VJ, $V0, { 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 12: 109, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 15: [1, 110], 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 124: $V8, 146: $V9, 156: $Va, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), o($VK, [2, 14]), o($VK, [2, 15]), o($VK, [2, 16]), o($VK, [2, 17]), o($VK, [2, 18]), o($VK, [2, 19]), o($VK, [2, 20]), o($VK, [2, 21]), o($VK, [2, 22]), o($VK, [2, 23]), o($VK, [2, 24]), o($VK, [2, 25]), o($VK, [2, 26]), o($VK, [2, 27]), o($VK, [2, 28]), o($VK, [2, 29]), o($VK, [2, 30]), o($VK, [2, 31]), o($VK, [2, 32]), o($VK, [2, 33]), o($VK, [2, 34]), o($VK, [2, 35]), o($VK, [2, 36]), o($VK, [2, 37]), o($VK, [2, 38]), o($VK, [2, 39]), o($VK, [2, 40]), o($VK, [2, 41]), o($VK, [2, 42]), o($VK, [2, 43]), o($VK, [2, 44]), o($VK, [2, 45]), o($VK, [2, 46]), o($VK, [2, 47]), o($VK, [2, 48]), o($VK, [2, 49]), o($VK, [2, 50]), o($VK, [2, 51]), o($VK, [2, 52]), o($VK, [2, 53]), o($VK, [2, 54]), o($VK, [2, 55]), o($VK, [2, 56]), o($VK, [2, 57]), o($VK, [2, 58]), o($VK, [2, 59]), o($VK, [2, 60]), o($VK, [2, 61]), o($VK, [2, 62]), o($VK, [2, 63]), o($VK, [2, 64]), o($VK, [2, 65]), o($VK, [2, 66]), o($VK, [2, 67]), { 353: [1, 111] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 112, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 114, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 156: $VL, 200: 113, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP }, o($VQ, [2, 501], { 3: 121, 348: 125, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 134: $VR, 135: $VS, 187: [1, 123], 193: [1, 122], 268: [1, 129], 269: [1, 130], 357: [1, 131], 405: [1, 120], 472: [1, 124], 509: [1, 128] }), { 145: $VT, 449: 132, 450: 133 }, { 183: [1, 135] }, { 405: [1, 136] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 138, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 130: [1, 144], 193: [1, 139], 353: [1, 143], 397: 140, 405: [1, 137], 410: [1, 141], 509: [1, 142] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 145, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vt1, $Vu1, { 340: 204, 171: [1, 205], 198: $Vv1 }), o($Vt1, $Vu1, { 340: 207, 198: $Vv1 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 219, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $Vw1, 132: $Vx1, 143: $VY, 144: 212, 145: $VZ, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 198: [1, 210], 199: 213, 200: 215, 201: 214, 202: 217, 209: 209, 213: $Vy1, 214: 218, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1, 453: 208 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 221, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 353: [1, 222] }, o($Vz1, [2, 1043], { 80: 223, 106: 224, 107: [1, 225] }), o($VA1, [2, 1047], { 90: 226 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 230, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 190: [1, 228], 193: [1, 231], 267: [1, 227], 353: [1, 232], 405: [1, 229] }, { 353: [1, 233] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 236, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 73: 234, 75: 235 }, o([306, 602, 764], $V0, { 12: 3, 13: 4, 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 9: 238, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 14: $V4, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 124: $V8, 146: $V9, 156: $Va, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 435: [1, 237], 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), { 435: [1, 239] }, { 435: [1, 240] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 242, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 405: [1, 241] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 243 }, o($VB1, [2, 311]), { 113: 245, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 114, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 113: 251, 131: $VV, 132: [1, 248], 143: $VY, 144: 246, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 196: 250, 200: 255, 201: 254, 257: 252, 258: 253, 265: $VD1, 274: 247, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 257, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VK, [2, 672]), o($VK, [2, 673]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 40: 259, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 258, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 266, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 113: 263, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1, 444: 261, 445: 262, 446: 264, 447: $VE1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 267, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 431: 268 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 271, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 505: [1, 272] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 100, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 504: 274, 506: 273 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 114, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 156: $VL, 200: 275, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 276, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VH1, $VI1, { 186: 280, 164: [1, 279], 185: [1, 277], 187: [1, 278], 195: $VJ1 }), o($VK1, [2, 757], { 77: [1, 282] }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 77, 78, 93, 98, 107, 118, 128, 131, 132, 137, 143, 145, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 168, 169, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 195, 198, 232, 245, 247, 265, 266, 270, 271, 273, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 302, 303, 306, 310, 312, 317, 420, 424, 602, 764], [2, 152], { 149: [1, 283], 150: [1, 284], 190: [1, 285], 191: [1, 286], 192: [1, 287], 193: [1, 288], 194: [1, 289] }), o($VL1, [2, 1]), o($VL1, [2, 2]), { 6: 290, 131: [1, 439], 172: [1, 462], 245: [1, 411], 285: [1, 373], 286: [1, 407], 370: [1, 404], 381: [1, 295], 402: [1, 297], 410: [1, 549], 414: [1, 471], 416: [1, 443], 417: [1, 509], 433: [1, 442], 435: [1, 525], 440: [1, 342], 460: [1, 418], 464: [1, 448], 470: [1, 341], 514: [1, 307], 515: [1, 299], 516: [1, 399], 518: [1, 291], 519: [1, 292], 520: [1, 293], 521: [1, 294], 522: [1, 296], 523: [1, 298], 524: [1, 300], 525: [1, 301], 526: [1, 302], 527: [1, 303], 528: [1, 304], 529: [1, 305], 530: [1, 306], 531: [1, 308], 532: [1, 309], 533: [1, 310], 534: [1, 311], 535: [1, 312], 536: [1, 313], 537: [1, 314], 538: [1, 315], 539: [1, 316], 540: [1, 317], 541: [1, 318], 542: [1, 319], 543: [1, 320], 544: [1, 321], 545: [1, 322], 546: [1, 323], 547: [1, 324], 548: [1, 325], 549: [1, 326], 550: [1, 327], 551: [1, 328], 552: [1, 329], 553: [1, 330], 554: [1, 331], 555: [1, 332], 556: [1, 333], 557: [1, 334], 558: [1, 335], 559: [1, 336], 560: [1, 337], 561: [1, 338], 562: [1, 339], 563: [1, 340], 564: [1, 343], 565: [1, 344], 566: [1, 345], 567: [1, 346], 568: [1, 347], 569: [1, 348], 570: [1, 349], 571: [1, 350], 572: [1, 351], 573: [1, 352], 574: [1, 353], 575: [1, 354], 576: [1, 355], 577: [1, 356], 578: [1, 357], 579: [1, 358], 580: [1, 359], 581: [1, 360], 582: [1, 361], 583: [1, 362], 584: [1, 363], 585: [1, 364], 586: [1, 365], 587: [1, 366], 588: [1, 367], 589: [1, 368], 590: [1, 369], 591: [1, 370], 592: [1, 371], 593: [1, 372], 594: [1, 374], 595: [1, 375], 596: [1, 376], 597: [1, 377], 598: [1, 378], 599: [1, 379], 600: [1, 380], 601: [1, 381], 602: [1, 382], 603: [1, 383], 604: [1, 384], 605: [1, 385], 606: [1, 386], 607: [1, 387], 608: [1, 388], 609: [1, 389], 610: [1, 390], 611: [1, 391], 612: [1, 392], 613: [1, 393], 614: [1, 394], 615: [1, 395], 616: [1, 396], 617: [1, 397], 618: [1, 398], 619: [1, 400], 620: [1, 401], 621: [1, 402], 622: [1, 403], 623: [1, 405], 624: [1, 406], 625: [1, 408], 626: [1, 409], 627: [1, 410], 628: [1, 412], 629: [1, 413], 630: [1, 414], 631: [1, 415], 632: [1, 416], 633: [1, 417], 634: [1, 419], 635: [1, 420], 636: [1, 421], 637: [1, 422], 638: [1, 423], 639: [1, 424], 640: [1, 425], 641: [1, 426], 642: [1, 427], 643: [1, 428], 644: [1, 429], 645: [1, 430], 646: [1, 431], 647: [1, 432], 648: [1, 433], 649: [1, 434], 650: [1, 435], 651: [1, 436], 652: [1, 437], 653: [1, 438], 654: [1, 440], 655: [1, 441], 656: [1, 444], 657: [1, 445], 658: [1, 446], 659: [1, 447], 660: [1, 449], 661: [1, 450], 662: [1, 451], 663: [1, 452], 664: [1, 453], 665: [1, 454], 666: [1, 455], 667: [1, 456], 668: [1, 457], 669: [1, 458], 670: [1, 459], 671: [1, 460], 672: [1, 461], 673: [1, 463], 674: [1, 464], 675: [1, 465], 676: [1, 466], 677: [1, 467], 678: [1, 468], 679: [1, 469], 680: [1, 470], 681: [1, 472], 682: [1, 473], 683: [1, 474], 684: [1, 475], 685: [1, 476], 686: [1, 477], 687: [1, 478], 688: [1, 479], 689: [1, 480], 690: [1, 481], 691: [1, 482], 692: [1, 483], 693: [1, 484], 694: [1, 485], 695: [1, 486], 696: [1, 487], 697: [1, 488], 698: [1, 489], 699: [1, 490], 700: [1, 491], 701: [1, 492], 702: [1, 493], 703: [1, 494], 704: [1, 495], 705: [1, 496], 706: [1, 497], 707: [1, 498], 708: [1, 499], 709: [1, 500], 710: [1, 501], 711: [1, 502], 712: [1, 503], 713: [1, 504], 714: [1, 505], 715: [1, 506], 716: [1, 507], 717: [1, 508], 718: [1, 510], 719: [1, 511], 720: [1, 512], 721: [1, 513], 722: [1, 514], 723: [1, 515], 724: [1, 516], 725: [1, 517], 726: [1, 518], 727: [1, 519], 728: [1, 520], 729: [1, 521], 730: [1, 522], 731: [1, 523], 732: [1, 524], 733: [1, 526], 734: [1, 527], 735: [1, 528], 736: [1, 529], 737: [1, 530], 738: [1, 531], 739: [1, 532], 740: [1, 533], 741: [1, 534], 742: [1, 535], 743: [1, 536], 744: [1, 537], 745: [1, 538], 746: [1, 539], 747: [1, 540], 748: [1, 541], 749: [1, 542], 750: [1, 543], 751: [1, 544], 752: [1, 545], 753: [1, 546], 754: [1, 547], 755: [1, 548], 756: [1, 550], 757: [1, 551], 758: [1, 552], 759: [1, 553], 760: [1, 554], 761: [1, 555], 762: [1, 556], 763: [1, 557] }, { 1: [2, 6] }, o($VJ, $V0, { 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 12: 558, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 124: $V8, 146: $V9, 156: $Va, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), o($VM1, [2, 1041]), o($VM1, [2, 1042]), o($VJ, [2, 10]), { 16: [1, 559] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 560 }, { 405: [1, 561] }, o($VK, [2, 760]), { 77: $VN1 }, { 77: [1, 563] }, { 77: $VO1 }, { 77: [1, 565] }, { 77: [1, 566] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 567, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vt1, $VP1, { 350: 568, 156: $VQ1 }), { 405: [1, 570] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 571, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 193: [1, 572] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 578, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $VR1, 137: $VS1, 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 152: $VT1, 183: [1, 574], 431: 585, 473: 573, 474: 575, 475: 576, 478: 577, 482: 582, 493: 579, 497: 581 }, { 130: [1, 589], 349: 586, 353: [1, 588], 410: [1, 587] }, { 113: 591, 132: $VW, 183: [2, 1141], 296: $Vj1, 471: 590 }, o($VU1, [2, 1135], { 465: 592, 3: 593, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 594, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 4: [1, 595] }, { 4: [1, 596] }, o($VQ, [2, 502]), o($VK, [2, 686], { 74: [1, 597] }), o($VV1, [2, 687]), { 2: $V1, 3: 598, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 599 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 600, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vt1, $VW1, { 398: 601, 156: $VX1 }), { 405: [1, 603] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 604, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vt1, $VW1, { 398: 605, 156: $VX1 }), o($Vt1, $VW1, { 398: 606, 156: $VX1 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 607, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VY1, [2, 1129]), o($VY1, [2, 1130]), o($VK, $V0, { 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 12: 608, 114: 625, 327: 637, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $V22, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 146: $V9, 154: $Va2, 156: $Va, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), o($VB1, [2, 288]), o($VB1, [2, 289]), o($VB1, [2, 290]), o($VB1, [2, 291]), o($VB1, [2, 292]), o($VB1, [2, 293]), o($VB1, [2, 294]), o($VB1, [2, 295]), o($VB1, [2, 296]), o($VB1, [2, 297]), o($VB1, [2, 298]), o($VB1, [2, 299]), o($VB1, [2, 300]), o($VB1, [2, 301]), o($VB1, [2, 302]), o($VB1, [2, 303]), o($VB1, [2, 304]), o($VB1, [2, 305]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 26: 654, 27: 653, 36: 649, 40: 648, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 94: 651, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 264: 650, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 267: [1, 655], 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: [1, 652], 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 339: $Vh, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VB1, [2, 309]), o($VB1, [2, 310]), { 77: [1, 656] }, o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $Vy2, { 77: $VN1, 116: [1, 657] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 658, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 659, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 660, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 661, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 662, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VB1, [2, 283]), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 249, 265, 266, 267, 270, 271, 273, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 302, 303, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 343, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 415, 417, 418, 420, 424, 426, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764, 765, 766], [2, 356]), o($Vz2, [2, 357]), o($Vz2, [2, 358]), o($Vz2, $VA2), o($Vz2, [2, 360]), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 297, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 343, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 426, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 361]), { 2: $V1, 3: 664, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 131: [1, 665], 301: 663 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 666, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vz2, [2, 367]), o($Vz2, [2, 368]), { 2: $V1, 3: 667, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VB2, 113: 669, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 196: 670, 201: 672, 257: 671, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 302: $Vn1, 419: 673, 424: $Vs1 }, { 77: [1, 674] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 675, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 304: 676, 307: 677, 308: $VC2, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 77: [1, 679] }, { 77: [1, 680] }, o($VD2, [2, 624]), { 2: $V1, 3: 695, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VE2, 111: 690, 113: 688, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 144: 685, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 196: 687, 200: 693, 201: 692, 257: 689, 258: 691, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 300: [1, 683], 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 421: 681, 422: 684, 423: 686, 424: $Vs1, 427: 682 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 696, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 697, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 156: $VL, 200: 698, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP }, { 77: [2, 336] }, { 77: [2, 337] }, { 77: [2, 338] }, { 77: [2, 339] }, { 77: [2, 340] }, { 77: [2, 341] }, { 77: [2, 342] }, { 77: [2, 343] }, { 77: [2, 344] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 704, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 131: $VF2, 132: $VG2, 425: 699, 426: [1, 700], 428: 701 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 705 }, { 290: [1, 706] }, o($Vt1, [2, 472]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 707 }, { 231: [1, 709], 454: 708 }, { 231: [2, 695] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 219, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $Vw1, 132: $Vx1, 143: $VY, 144: 212, 145: $VZ, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 199: 213, 200: 215, 201: 214, 202: 217, 209: 710, 213: $Vy1, 214: 218, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 40: 711, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($VH2, [2, 1091], { 210: 712, 76: [1, 713] }), o($VI2, [2, 185], { 3: 714, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 715], 154: [1, 716] }), o($VI2, [2, 189], { 3: 717, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 718] }), o($VI2, [2, 190], { 3: 719, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 720] }), o($VI2, [2, 193]), o($VI2, [2, 194], { 3: 721, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 722] }), o($VI2, [2, 197], { 3: 723, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 724] }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 74, 76, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 154, 162, 168, 169, 183, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VJ2, { 77: $VN1, 116: $VK2 }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 74, 76, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], [2, 200]), o($VK, [2, 773]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 726 }, o($VL2, $VM2, { 81: 727, 198: $VN2 }), o($Vz1, [2, 1044]), o($VO2, [2, 1057], { 108: 729, 190: [1, 730] }), o([10, 78, 183, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VM2, { 419: 190, 81: 731, 117: 732, 3: 733, 114: 736, 144: 758, 158: 768, 160: 769, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 112: $VS2, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 198: $VN2, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), { 353: [1, 782] }, { 183: [1, 783] }, o($VK, [2, 594], { 112: [1, 784] }), { 405: [1, 785] }, { 183: [1, 786] }, o($VK, [2, 598], { 112: [1, 787], 183: [1, 788] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 789 }, { 40: 790, 74: [1, 791], 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($Vv3, [2, 70]), { 76: [1, 792] }, o($VK, [2, 667]), { 11: 106, 306: [1, 793], 602: $VH, 764: $VI }, o($VK, [2, 665]), o($VK, [2, 666]), { 2: $V1, 3: 794, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VK, [2, 587]), { 146: [1, 795] }, o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 95, 124, 128, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 152, 154, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 230, 266, 267, 290, 297, 302, 306, 310, 335, 338, 339, 343, 344, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 396, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 505, 507, 508, 514, 515, 516, 517, 602, 764], $VJ2, { 116: $VK2 }), o($VK, [2, 615]), o($VK, [2, 616]), o($VK, [2, 617]), o($VK, $VA2, { 74: [1, 796] }), { 77: $VB2, 113: 669, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 196: 670, 201: 672, 257: 671, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 302: $Vn1, 419: 673, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vw3, [2, 320]), o($Vw3, [2, 321]), o($Vw3, [2, 322]), o($Vw3, [2, 323]), o($Vw3, [2, 324]), o($Vw3, [2, 325]), o($Vw3, [2, 326]), o($VK, $V0, { 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 114: 625, 327: 637, 12: 797, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $V22, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 146: $V9, 154: $Va2, 156: $Va, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), o($VK, [2, 675], { 74: $Vx3 }), o($VK, [2, 676]), o($Vy3, [2, 354], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VK, [2, 677], { 74: [1, 800] }), o($VK, [2, 678], { 74: [1, 801] }), o($VV1, [2, 683]), o($VV1, [2, 685]), o($VV1, [2, 679]), o($VV1, [2, 680]), { 114: 807, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 124: [1, 802], 230: $VA3, 429: 803, 430: 804, 433: $VB3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 808, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vt1, [2, 656]), o($Vt1, [2, 657]), o($VK, [2, 614], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 100, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 504: 274, 506: 809 }, o($VK, [2, 754], { 74: $VC3 }), o($VD3, [2, 756]), o($VK, [2, 759]), o($VK, [2, 681], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VE3, $VI1, { 186: 811, 195: $VJ1 }), o($VE3, $VI1, { 186: 812, 195: $VJ1 }), o($VE3, $VI1, { 186: 813, 195: $VJ1 }), o($VF3, [2, 1087], { 255: 146, 200: 147, 256: 148, 111: 149, 254: 150, 196: 151, 257: 152, 113: 153, 258: 154, 201: 155, 202: 156, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 144: 161, 262: 162, 263: 163, 56: 165, 158: 167, 3: 168, 419: 190, 188: 814, 174: 815, 253: 816, 94: 817, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VU, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), { 77: [1, 819], 131: $VV, 196: 818 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 100, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 504: 274, 506: 820 }, o($VG3, [2, 153]), o($VG3, [2, 154]), o($VG3, [2, 155]), o($VG3, [2, 156]), o($VG3, [2, 157]), o($VG3, [2, 158]), o($VG3, [2, 159]), o($VL1, [2, 3]), o($VL1, [2, 774]), o($VL1, [2, 775]), o($VL1, [2, 776]), o($VL1, [2, 777]), o($VL1, [2, 778]), o($VL1, [2, 779]), o($VL1, [2, 780]), o($VL1, [2, 781]), o($VL1, [2, 782]), o($VL1, [2, 783]), o($VL1, [2, 784]), o($VL1, [2, 785]), o($VL1, [2, 786]), o($VL1, [2, 787]), o($VL1, [2, 788]), o($VL1, [2, 789]), o($VL1, [2, 790]), o($VL1, [2, 791]), o($VL1, [2, 792]), o($VL1, [2, 793]), o($VL1, [2, 794]), o($VL1, [2, 795]), o($VL1, [2, 796]), o($VL1, [2, 797]), o($VL1, [2, 798]), o($VL1, [2, 799]), o($VL1, [2, 800]), o($VL1, [2, 801]), o($VL1, [2, 802]), o($VL1, [2, 803]), o($VL1, [2, 804]), o($VL1, [2, 805]), o($VL1, [2, 806]), o($VL1, [2, 807]), o($VL1, [2, 808]), o($VL1, [2, 809]), o($VL1, [2, 810]), o($VL1, [2, 811]), o($VL1, [2, 812]), o($VL1, [2, 813]), o($VL1, [2, 814]), o($VL1, [2, 815]), o($VL1, [2, 816]), o($VL1, [2, 817]), o($VL1, [2, 818]), o($VL1, [2, 819]), o($VL1, [2, 820]), o($VL1, [2, 821]), o($VL1, [2, 822]), o($VL1, [2, 823]), o($VL1, [2, 824]), o($VL1, [2, 825]), o($VL1, [2, 826]), o($VL1, [2, 827]), o($VL1, [2, 828]), o($VL1, [2, 829]), o($VL1, [2, 830]), o($VL1, [2, 831]), o($VL1, [2, 832]), o($VL1, [2, 833]), o($VL1, [2, 834]), o($VL1, [2, 835]), o($VL1, [2, 836]), o($VL1, [2, 837]), o($VL1, [2, 838]), o($VL1, [2, 839]), o($VL1, [2, 840]), o($VL1, [2, 841]), o($VL1, [2, 842]), o($VL1, [2, 843]), o($VL1, [2, 844]), o($VL1, [2, 845]), o($VL1, [2, 846]), o($VL1, [2, 847]), o($VL1, [2, 848]), o($VL1, [2, 849]), o($VL1, [2, 850]), o($VL1, [2, 851]), o($VL1, [2, 852]), o($VL1, [2, 853]), o($VL1, [2, 854]), o($VL1, [2, 855]), o($VL1, [2, 856]), o($VL1, [2, 857]), o($VL1, [2, 858]), o($VL1, [2, 859]), o($VL1, [2, 860]), o($VL1, [2, 861]), o($VL1, [2, 862]), o($VL1, [2, 863]), o($VL1, [2, 864]), o($VL1, [2, 865]), o($VL1, [2, 866]), o($VL1, [2, 867]), o($VL1, [2, 868]), o($VL1, [2, 869]), o($VL1, [2, 870]), o($VL1, [2, 871]), o($VL1, [2, 872]), o($VL1, [2, 873]), o($VL1, [2, 874]), o($VL1, [2, 875]), o($VL1, [2, 876]), o($VL1, [2, 877]), o($VL1, [2, 878]), o($VL1, [2, 879]), o($VL1, [2, 880]), o($VL1, [2, 881]), o($VL1, [2, 882]), o($VL1, [2, 883]), o($VL1, [2, 884]), o($VL1, [2, 885]), o($VL1, [2, 886]), o($VL1, [2, 887]), o($VL1, [2, 888]), o($VL1, [2, 889]), o($VL1, [2, 890]), o($VL1, [2, 891]), o($VL1, [2, 892]), o($VL1, [2, 893]), o($VL1, [2, 894]), o($VL1, [2, 895]), o($VL1, [2, 896]), o($VL1, [2, 897]), o($VL1, [2, 898]), o($VL1, [2, 899]), o($VL1, [2, 900]), o($VL1, [2, 901]), o($VL1, [2, 902]), o($VL1, [2, 903]), o($VL1, [2, 904]), o($VL1, [2, 905]), o($VL1, [2, 906]), o($VL1, [2, 907]), o($VL1, [2, 908]), o($VL1, [2, 909]), o($VL1, [2, 910]), o($VL1, [2, 911]), o($VL1, [2, 912]), o($VL1, [2, 913]), o($VL1, [2, 914]), o($VL1, [2, 915]), o($VL1, [2, 916]), o($VL1, [2, 917]), o($VL1, [2, 918]), o($VL1, [2, 919]), o($VL1, [2, 920]), o($VL1, [2, 921]), o($VL1, [2, 922]), o($VL1, [2, 923]), o($VL1, [2, 924]), o($VL1, [2, 925]), o($VL1, [2, 926]), o($VL1, [2, 927]), o($VL1, [2, 928]), o($VL1, [2, 929]), o($VL1, [2, 930]), o($VL1, [2, 931]), o($VL1, [2, 932]), o($VL1, [2, 933]), o($VL1, [2, 934]), o($VL1, [2, 935]), o($VL1, [2, 936]), o($VL1, [2, 937]), o($VL1, [2, 938]), o($VL1, [2, 939]), o($VL1, [2, 940]), o($VL1, [2, 941]), o($VL1, [2, 942]), o($VL1, [2, 943]), o($VL1, [2, 944]), o($VL1, [2, 945]), o($VL1, [2, 946]), o($VL1, [2, 947]), o($VL1, [2, 948]), o($VL1, [2, 949]), o($VL1, [2, 950]), o($VL1, [2, 951]), o($VL1, [2, 952]), o($VL1, [2, 953]), o($VL1, [2, 954]), o($VL1, [2, 955]), o($VL1, [2, 956]), o($VL1, [2, 957]), o($VL1, [2, 958]), o($VL1, [2, 959]), o($VL1, [2, 960]), o($VL1, [2, 961]), o($VL1, [2, 962]), o($VL1, [2, 963]), o($VL1, [2, 964]), o($VL1, [2, 965]), o($VL1, [2, 966]), o($VL1, [2, 967]), o($VL1, [2, 968]), o($VL1, [2, 969]), o($VL1, [2, 970]), o($VL1, [2, 971]), o($VL1, [2, 972]), o($VL1, [2, 973]), o($VL1, [2, 974]), o($VL1, [2, 975]), o($VL1, [2, 976]), o($VL1, [2, 977]), o($VL1, [2, 978]), o($VL1, [2, 979]), o($VL1, [2, 980]), o($VL1, [2, 981]), o($VL1, [2, 982]), o($VL1, [2, 983]), o($VL1, [2, 984]), o($VL1, [2, 985]), o($VL1, [2, 986]), o($VL1, [2, 987]), o($VL1, [2, 988]), o($VL1, [2, 989]), o($VL1, [2, 990]), o($VL1, [2, 991]), o($VL1, [2, 992]), o($VL1, [2, 993]), o($VL1, [2, 994]), o($VL1, [2, 995]), o($VL1, [2, 996]), o($VL1, [2, 997]), o($VL1, [2, 998]), o($VL1, [2, 999]), o($VL1, [2, 1000]), o($VL1, [2, 1001]), o($VL1, [2, 1002]), o($VL1, [2, 1003]), o($VL1, [2, 1004]), o($VL1, [2, 1005]), o($VL1, [2, 1006]), o($VL1, [2, 1007]), o($VL1, [2, 1008]), o($VL1, [2, 1009]), o($VL1, [2, 1010]), o($VL1, [2, 1011]), o($VL1, [2, 1012]), o($VL1, [2, 1013]), o($VL1, [2, 1014]), o($VL1, [2, 1015]), o($VL1, [2, 1016]), o($VL1, [2, 1017]), o($VL1, [2, 1018]), o($VL1, [2, 1019]), o($VL1, [2, 1020]), o($VL1, [2, 1021]), o($VL1, [2, 1022]), o($VL1, [2, 1023]), o($VL1, [2, 1024]), o($VL1, [2, 1025]), o($VL1, [2, 1026]), o($VL1, [2, 1027]), o($VL1, [2, 1028]), o($VL1, [2, 1029]), o($VL1, [2, 1030]), o($VL1, [2, 1031]), o($VL1, [2, 1032]), o($VL1, [2, 1033]), o($VL1, [2, 1034]), o($VL1, [2, 1035]), o($VL1, [2, 1036]), o($VL1, [2, 1037]), o($VL1, [2, 1038]), o($VL1, [2, 1039]), o($VL1, [2, 1040]), o($VJ, [2, 7]), o($VJ, $V0, { 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 12: 821, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 124: $V8, 146: $V9, 156: $Va, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), { 396: [1, 825], 401: [1, 822], 402: [1, 823], 403: [1, 824] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 826, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VE3, [2, 1111], { 289: 827, 767: 829, 78: [1, 828], 164: [1, 831], 185: [1, 830] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 832, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 833, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 834, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: [1, 835] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 836, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: [1, 837] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 838, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 839, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 154: [1, 840] }, o($VH3, $VP1, { 350: 841, 156: $VQ1 }), { 230: [1, 842] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 843, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VK, [2, 729], { 74: $VI3 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 845, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VD3, [2, 732]), o($VJ3, [2, 1143], { 419: 190, 476: 846, 144: 847, 139: $VK3, 141: $VK3, 145: $VC1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), { 139: [1, 848], 141: [1, 849] }, o($VL3, $VM3, { 490: 851, 493: 852, 77: [1, 850], 137: $VS1 }), o($VN3, [2, 1167], { 494: 853, 132: [1, 854] }), o($VO3, [2, 1171], { 496: 855, 497: 856, 152: $VT1 }), o($VO3, [2, 747]), o($VP3, [2, 739]), { 2: $V1, 3: 857, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 131: [1, 858] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 859, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 860, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vt1, $VP1, { 350: 861, 156: $VQ1 }), o($Vt1, $VP1, { 350: 862, 156: $VQ1 }), o($VY1, [2, 491]), o($VY1, [2, 492]), { 183: [1, 863] }, { 183: [2, 1142] }, o($VQ3, [2, 1137], { 466: 864, 469: 865, 137: [1, 866] }), o($VU1, [2, 1136]), o($VR3, $VS3, { 510: 867, 95: $VT3, 230: [1, 868], 514: $VU3, 515: $VV3, 516: $VW3 }), { 76: [1, 873] }, { 76: [1, 874] }, { 145: $VT, 450: 875 }, { 4: $VX3, 7: 879, 76: [1, 877], 272: 876, 387: 878, 389: $VY3 }, o($VK, [2, 456], { 128: [1, 882] }), o($VK, [2, 579]), { 2: $V1, 3: 883, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 298: [1, 884] }, o($VH3, $VW1, { 398: 885, 156: $VX1 }), o($VK, [2, 593]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 887, 399: 886 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 887, 399: 888 }, o($VK, [2, 772]), o($VJ, [2, 669], { 438: 889, 310: [1, 890] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 891, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 892, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 893, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 894, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 895, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 896, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 897, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 898, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 899, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 900, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 901, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 902, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 903, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 904, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 905, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 906, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 907, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 909], 131: $VV, 156: $VL, 196: 908, 200: 910, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP }, { 2: $V1, 3: 911, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 913], 131: $VV, 156: $VL, 196: 912, 200: 914, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP }, o($VZ3, [2, 440], { 255: 146, 200: 147, 256: 148, 111: 149, 254: 150, 196: 151, 257: 152, 113: 153, 258: 154, 201: 155, 202: 156, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 144: 161, 262: 162, 263: 163, 56: 165, 158: 167, 3: 168, 419: 190, 94: 915, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VU, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), o($VZ3, [2, 441], { 255: 146, 200: 147, 256: 148, 111: 149, 254: 150, 196: 151, 257: 152, 113: 153, 258: 154, 201: 155, 202: 156, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 144: 161, 262: 162, 263: 163, 56: 165, 158: 167, 3: 168, 419: 190, 94: 916, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VU, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), o($VZ3, [2, 442], { 255: 146, 200: 147, 256: 148, 111: 149, 254: 150, 196: 151, 257: 152, 113: 153, 258: 154, 201: 155, 202: 156, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 144: 161, 262: 162, 263: 163, 56: 165, 158: 167, 3: 168, 419: 190, 94: 917, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VU, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), o($VZ3, [2, 443], { 255: 146, 200: 147, 256: 148, 111: 149, 254: 150, 196: 151, 257: 152, 113: 153, 258: 154, 201: 155, 202: 156, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 144: 161, 262: 162, 263: 163, 56: 165, 158: 167, 3: 168, 419: 190, 94: 918, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VU, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), o($VZ3, $V_3, { 255: 146, 200: 147, 256: 148, 111: 149, 254: 150, 196: 151, 257: 152, 113: 153, 258: 154, 201: 155, 202: 156, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 144: 161, 262: 162, 263: 163, 56: 165, 158: 167, 3: 168, 419: 190, 94: 919, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VU, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 920, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 921, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VZ3, [2, 445], { 255: 146, 200: 147, 256: 148, 111: 149, 254: 150, 196: 151, 257: 152, 113: 153, 258: 154, 201: 155, 202: 156, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 144: 161, 262: 162, 263: 163, 56: 165, 158: 167, 3: 168, 419: 190, 94: 922, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VU, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 923, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 924, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 164: [1, 926], 166: [1, 928], 328: 925, 334: [1, 927] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 929, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 930, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 695, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 931], 111: 934, 145: $V$3, 156: $VL, 200: 935, 202: 933, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 329: 932 }, { 99: [1, 937], 297: [1, 938] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 939, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 940, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 941, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 4: $VX3, 7: 879, 272: 942, 387: 878, 389: $VY3 }, o($V04, [2, 88]), o($V04, [2, 89]), { 78: [1, 943] }, { 78: [1, 944] }, { 78: [1, 945] }, { 78: [1, 946], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($Vt1, $Vu1, { 340: 207, 77: $VO1, 198: $Vv1 }), { 78: [2, 1107] }, { 78: [2, 1108] }, { 134: $VR, 135: $VS }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 947, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 164: [1, 949], 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 185: [1, 948], 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 950, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 149: $V14, 180: [1, 952] }, o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 118, 122, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 314, 330, 331, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 416], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($V24, [2, 417], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2 }), o($V24, [2, 418], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2 }), o($V34, [2, 419], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 316: $Vj2 }), o($V34, [2, 420], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 316: $Vj2 }), o($Vz2, [2, 365]), o($Vz2, [2, 1113]), o($Vz2, [2, 1114]), o($Vz2, [2, 366]), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 362]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 953, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VD2, [2, 620]), o($VD2, [2, 621]), o($VD2, [2, 622]), o($VD2, [2, 623]), o($VD2, [2, 625]), { 40: 954, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 304: 955, 307: 677, 308: $VC2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 305: 956, 306: $V44, 307: 957, 308: $VC2, 310: $V54 }, o($V64, [2, 372]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 959, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 960, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 4: $VX3, 7: 879, 272: 961, 387: 878, 389: $VY3 }, o($VD2, [2, 626]), { 74: [1, 963], 300: [1, 962] }, o($VD2, [2, 642]), o($V74, [2, 649]), o($V84, [2, 627]), o($V84, [2, 628]), o($V84, [2, 629]), o($V84, [2, 630]), o($V84, [2, 631]), o($V84, [2, 632]), o($V84, [2, 633]), o($V84, [2, 634]), o($V84, [2, 635]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 964, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 426, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $Vy2, { 77: $VN1, 116: $V94 }), { 74: $Vx3, 300: [1, 966] }, o($Va4, [2, 314], { 77: $VN1 }), o($VB1, [2, 315]), { 74: [1, 968], 426: [1, 967] }, o($VD2, [2, 639]), o($Vb4, [2, 644]), { 152: [1, 969] }, { 152: [1, 970] }, { 152: [1, 971] }, { 40: 976, 77: [1, 975], 79: 75, 89: $V7, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 149: $Vc4, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 341: 972, 342: 973, 343: [1, 974], 344: $Vd4, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vt1, $Vu1, { 340: 981, 198: $Vv1 }), { 77: $Ve4, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 149: $Vc4, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 341: 982, 342: 983, 344: $Vd4, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 230: [1, 986], 455: 985 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 219, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $Vw1, 132: $Vx1, 143: $VY, 144: 212, 145: $VZ, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 199: 213, 200: 215, 201: 214, 202: 217, 209: 987, 213: $Vy1, 214: 218, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 231: [2, 696] }, { 78: [1, 988] }, o($VI2, [2, 1093], { 211: 989, 3: 990, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }), o($VH2, [2, 1092]), o($VI2, [2, 183]), { 2: $V1, 3: 991, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 212: [1, 992] }, o($VI2, [2, 187]), { 2: $V1, 3: 993, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VI2, [2, 191]), { 2: $V1, 3: 994, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VI2, [2, 195]), { 2: $V1, 3: 995, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VI2, [2, 198]), { 2: $V1, 3: 996, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 997, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 148: [1, 998] }, o($Vf4, [2, 172], { 82: 999, 183: [1, 1000] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 219, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: [1, 1005], 143: $VY, 145: [1, 1006], 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 199: 1001, 200: 1002, 201: 1003, 202: 1004, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 302: $Vn1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 109: 1007, 110: 1008, 111: 1009, 112: $Vg4 }, o($VO2, [2, 1058]), o($Vh4, [2, 1049], { 91: 1012, 182: 1013, 183: [1, 1014] }), o($VA1, [2, 1048], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 74, 76, 78, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 198, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], [2, 90], { 77: [1, 1019] }), { 119: [1, 1020] }, o($Vl4, [2, 93]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1021, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vl4, [2, 95]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1022, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1023, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1025, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 125: 1024, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 77: [1, 1026] }, { 77: [1, 1027] }, { 77: [1, 1028] }, { 77: [1, 1029] }, o($Vl4, [2, 104]), o($Vl4, [2, 105]), o($Vl4, [2, 106]), o($Vl4, [2, 107]), o($Vl4, [2, 108]), o($Vl4, [2, 109]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1030, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1031, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 133: [1, 1032] }, o($Vl4, [2, 113]), o($Vl4, [2, 114]), o($Vl4, [2, 115]), o($Vl4, [2, 116]), o($Vl4, [2, 117]), o($Vl4, [2, 118]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1033, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VB2, 113: 669, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 196: 670, 201: 672, 257: 671, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 302: $Vn1, 419: 673, 424: $Vs1 }, { 145: [1, 1034] }, { 77: [1, 1035] }, { 145: [1, 1036] }, o($Vl4, [2, 123]), { 77: [1, 1037] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1038, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 77: [1, 1039] }, { 77: [1, 1040] }, { 77: [1, 1041] }, { 77: [1, 1042] }, { 77: [1, 1043], 164: [1, 1044] }, { 77: [1, 1045] }, { 77: [1, 1046] }, { 77: [1, 1047] }, { 77: [1, 1048] }, { 77: [1, 1049] }, { 77: [1, 1050] }, { 77: [1, 1051] }, { 77: [1, 1052] }, { 77: [1, 1053] }, { 77: [2, 1073] }, { 77: [2, 1074] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1054 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1055 }, { 113: 1056, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, o($VK, [2, 596], { 112: [1, 1057] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1058 }, { 113: 1059, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1060, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VK, [2, 693]), o($VK, [2, 68]), { 2: $V1, 3: 236, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 75: 1061 }, { 77: [1, 1062] }, o($VK, [2, 674]), o($VK, [2, 586]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 111: 1065, 143: $Vm4, 145: $Vn4, 147: 1063, 336: 1064, 337: 1066 }, { 144: 1069, 145: $VC1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VK, [2, 671]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1070, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VZ3, $V_3, { 255: 146, 200: 147, 256: 148, 111: 149, 254: 150, 196: 151, 257: 152, 113: 153, 258: 154, 201: 155, 202: 156, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 144: 161, 262: 162, 263: 163, 56: 165, 158: 167, 3: 168, 419: 190, 94: 1071, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VU, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), { 113: 1072, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 266, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 446: 1073, 447: $VE1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1075, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 230: $VA3, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1, 429: 1074, 433: $VB3 }, o($VK, [2, 651]), { 114: 1077, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 124: [1, 1076] }, o($VK, [2, 663]), o($VK, [2, 664]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1079, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $Vo4, 131: $Vp4, 432: 1078 }, { 114: 807, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 124: [1, 1082], 430: 1083 }, o($VK, [2, 753], { 74: $VC3 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 100, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 504: 1084 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 817, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 174: 1085, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 253: 816, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 817, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 174: 1086, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 253: 816, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 817, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 174: 1087, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 253: 816, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VF3, [2, 151]), o($VF3, [2, 1088], { 74: $Vq4 }), o($Vr4, [2, 273]), o($Vr4, [2, 280], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 3: 1090, 113: 1092, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1089], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 131: [1, 1091], 132: $VW, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 296: $Vj1, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VH1, [2, 1089], { 197: 1093, 765: [1, 1094] }), { 131: $VV, 196: 1095 }, { 74: $VC3, 78: [1, 1096] }, o($VJ, [2, 11]), { 148: [1, 1097], 190: [1, 1098] }, { 190: [1, 1099] }, { 190: [1, 1100] }, { 190: [1, 1101] }, o($VK, [2, 575], { 76: [1, 1103], 77: [1, 1102] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1104, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vz2, [2, 346]), o($VE3, [2, 1112]), o($VE3, [2, 1109]), o($VE3, [2, 1110]), { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1105] }, { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1106] }, { 74: [1, 1107] }, { 74: [1, 1108] }, { 74: [1, 1109] }, { 74: [1, 1110] }, o($Vz2, [2, 353]), o($VK, [2, 580]), { 298: [1, 1111] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1112, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 113: 1113, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1114 }, { 230: [1, 1115] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 578, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $VR1, 137: $VS1, 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 152: $VT1, 431: 585, 474: 1116, 475: 576, 478: 577, 482: 582, 493: 579, 497: 581 }, o($VK, [2, 730], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VD3, [2, 1145], { 477: 1117, 483: 1118, 76: $Vs4 }), o($VJ3, [2, 1144]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1122, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $VR1, 137: $VS1, 144: 1121, 145: $VC1, 152: $VT1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1, 475: 1120, 493: 579, 497: 581 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1122, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $VR1, 137: $VS1, 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 152: $VT1, 431: 585, 475: 1124, 478: 1123, 482: 582, 493: 579, 497: 581 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 578, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $VR1, 137: $VS1, 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 152: $VT1, 431: 585, 473: 1125, 474: 575, 475: 576, 478: 577, 482: 582, 493: 579, 497: 581 }, o($VN3, [2, 1163], { 491: 1126, 132: [1, 1127] }), o($VL3, [2, 1162]), o($VO3, [2, 1169], { 495: 1128, 497: 1129, 152: $VT1 }), o($VN3, [2, 1168]), o($VO3, [2, 746]), o($VO3, [2, 1172]), o($VL3, [2, 749]), o($VL3, [2, 750]), o($VO3, [2, 748]), o($VP3, [2, 740]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1130 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1131 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1132, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vt4, [2, 1139], { 467: 1133, 113: 1134, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }), o($VQ3, [2, 1138]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1135, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 335: $Vu4, 338: $Vv4, 339: $Vw4, 511: 1136 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1140 }, o($VR3, [2, 765]), o($VR3, [2, 766]), o($VR3, [2, 767]), { 129: [1, 1141] }, { 266: [1, 1142] }, { 266: [1, 1143] }, o($VV1, [2, 688]), o($VV1, [2, 689], { 124: [1, 1144] }), { 4: $VX3, 7: 879, 272: 1145, 387: 878, 389: $VY3 }, o([2, 4, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 297, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 343, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 542], { 5: [1, 1146] }), o([2, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 297, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 343, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 539], { 4: [1, 1148], 77: [1, 1147] }), { 77: [1, 1149] }, o($Vx4, [2, 4]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1150, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VK, [2, 588]), o($VH3, [2, 568]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1151, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 113: 1152, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, o($VK, [2, 564], { 74: $Vy4 }), o($VV1, [2, 566]), o($VK, [2, 613], { 74: $Vy4 }), o($VK, [2, 668]), o($VK, $V0, { 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 12: 1154, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 124: $V8, 146: $V9, 156: $Va, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), o($Vz4, [2, 376], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2 }), o($V34, [2, 377], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 316: $Vj2 }), o($Vz4, [2, 378], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2 }), o($VA4, [2, 379], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 314: [1, 1155], 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2 }), o($VA4, [2, 381], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 314: [1, 1156], 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2 }), o($VB1, [2, 383], { 114: 625, 327: 637 }), o($V24, [2, 384], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2 }), o($V24, [2, 385], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2 }), o($VB4, [2, 386], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 136: $V42, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2 }), o($VB4, [2, 387], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 136: $V42, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2 }), o($VB4, [2, 388], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 136: $V42, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2 }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 389], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 136: $V42, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2 }), o($VC4, [2, 390], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2 }), o($VC4, [2, 391], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2 }), o($VC4, [2, 392], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2 }), o($VC4, [2, 393], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2 }), o($Va4, [2, 394], { 77: $VN1 }), o($VB1, [2, 395]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1157, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VB1, [2, 397]), o($Va4, [2, 398], { 77: $VN1 }), o($VB1, [2, 399]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1158, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VB1, [2, 401]), o($VD4, [2, 402], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VD4, [2, 403], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VD4, [2, 404], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VD4, [2, 405], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 89, 99, 124, 139, 140, 146, 154, 156, 170, 171, 189, 266, 267, 290, 306, 310, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VE4, { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VD4, [2, 407], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VD4, [2, 408], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VD4, [2, 409], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VD4, [2, 410], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VD4, [2, 411], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), { 77: [1, 1159] }, { 77: [2, 446] }, { 77: [2, 447] }, { 77: [2, 448] }, o($VF4, [2, 414], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 332: $Vw2 }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 107, 118, 122, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 314, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 415], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 40: 1160, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 78: [1, 1162], 79: 75, 89: $V7, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1161, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VB1, [2, 428]), o($VB1, [2, 430]), o($VB1, [2, 437]), o($VB1, [2, 438]), { 2: $V1, 3: 667, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 1163] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 695, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 1164], 111: 934, 145: $V$3, 156: $VL, 200: 935, 202: 1166, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 329: 1165 }, o($VB1, [2, 435]), o($VF4, [2, 432], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VF4, [2, 433], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 332: $Vw2 }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 314, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 434], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2 }), o($VB1, [2, 436]), o($VB1, [2, 306]), o($VB1, [2, 307]), o($VB1, [2, 308]), o($VB1, [2, 421]), { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1167] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1168, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1169, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VB1, $VG4), o($VH4, [2, 286]), o($VB1, [2, 282]), { 78: [1, 1171], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1172] }, { 305: 1173, 306: $V44, 307: 957, 308: $VC2, 310: $V54 }, { 306: [1, 1174] }, o($V64, [2, 371]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1175, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 309: [1, 1176], 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 76: [1, 1177], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 74: [1, 1178] }, o($VD2, [2, 640]), { 2: $V1, 3: 695, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VE2, 111: 690, 113: 688, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 144: 685, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 196: 687, 200: 693, 201: 692, 257: 689, 258: 691, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 300: [1, 1179], 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 422: 1180, 423: 686, 424: $Vs1 }, { 78: [1, 1181], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1182, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 149: $V14 }, o($VB1, [2, 364]), o($VD2, [2, 637]), { 2: $V1, 3: 704, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 131: $VF2, 132: $VG2, 426: [1, 1183], 428: 1184 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 695, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VE2, 111: 690, 113: 688, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 144: 685, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 196: 687, 200: 693, 201: 692, 257: 689, 258: 691, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 422: 1185, 423: 686, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 695, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VE2, 111: 690, 113: 688, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 144: 685, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 196: 687, 200: 693, 201: 692, 257: 689, 258: 691, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 422: 1186, 423: 686, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 695, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VE2, 111: 690, 113: 688, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 144: 685, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 196: 687, 200: 693, 201: 692, 257: 689, 258: 691, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 422: 1187, 423: 686, 424: $Vs1 }, { 77: $Ve4, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 342: 1188, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 458], { 74: $VJ4 }), { 149: $Vc4, 341: 1190, 344: $Vd4 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1194, 100: 1191, 111: 1193, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 345: 1192, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 466]), o($VK4, [2, 469]), o($VK4, [2, 470]), o($VL4, [2, 474]), o($VL4, [2, 475]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1195 }, { 77: $Ve4, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 342: 1196, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 462], { 74: $VJ4 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1194, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 345: 1192, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 308: $VM4, 456: 1197, 458: 1198, 459: 1199 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1201, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 230: [2, 697] }, o($VI2, [2, 181], { 3: 1202, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1203] }), o($VI2, [2, 182]), o($VI2, [2, 1094]), o($VI2, [2, 184]), o($VI2, [2, 186]), o($VI2, [2, 188]), o($VI2, [2, 192]), o($VI2, [2, 196]), o($VI2, [2, 199]), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 118, 124, 128, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 152, 154, 156, 162, 168, 169, 181, 183, 187, 189, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 245, 247, 266, 267, 290, 297, 302, 306, 310, 335, 338, 339, 343, 344, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 396, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 505, 507, 508, 514, 515, 516, 517, 602, 764], [2, 201]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1204, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VN4, [2, 1045], { 83: 1205, 92: 1206, 93: [1, 1207], 98: [1, 1208] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 219, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 1210], 132: $Vx1, 143: $VY, 144: 212, 145: $VZ, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 199: 213, 200: 215, 201: 214, 202: 217, 203: 1209, 209: 1211, 213: $Vy1, 214: 218, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VL2, [2, 164]), o($VL2, [2, 165]), o($VL2, [2, 166]), o($VL2, [2, 167]), o($VL2, [2, 168]), { 2: $V1, 3: 667, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vz1, [2, 83], { 74: [1, 1212] }), o($VO4, [2, 85]), o($VO4, [2, 86]), { 113: 1213, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, o([10, 72, 74, 78, 93, 98, 118, 124, 128, 162, 168, 169, 183, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vy2, { 116: $V94 }), o($Vh4, [2, 73]), o($Vh4, [2, 1050]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1214, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vl4, [2, 126]), o($Vl4, [2, 144]), o($Vl4, [2, 145]), o($Vl4, [2, 146]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 78: [2, 1065], 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 127: 1215, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1216, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 77: [1, 1217] }, o($Vl4, [2, 94]), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 198, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], [2, 96], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 112, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 198, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], [2, 97], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 78: [1, 1218], 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1219, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VP4, [2, 1061], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1221, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 126: 1220, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1222, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1223, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1224, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vl4, [2, 110]), o($Vl4, [2, 111]), o($Vl4, [2, 112]), o($Vl4, [2, 119]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1225, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 111: 1065, 143: $Vm4, 145: $Vn4, 147: 1226, 336: 1064, 337: 1066 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1227, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1228, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vl4, [2, 125]), o($VP4, [2, 1067], { 155: 1229 }), o($VP4, [2, 1069], { 157: 1230 }), o($VP4, [2, 1071], { 159: 1231 }), o($VP4, [2, 1075], { 161: 1232 }), o($VQ4, $VR4, { 163: 1233, 178: 1234 }), { 77: [1, 1235] }, o($VP4, [2, 1077], { 165: 1236 }), o($VP4, [2, 1079], { 167: 1237 }), o($VQ4, $VR4, { 178: 1234, 163: 1238 }), o($VQ4, $VR4, { 178: 1234, 163: 1239 }), o($VQ4, $VR4, { 178: 1234, 163: 1240 }), o($VQ4, $VR4, { 178: 1234, 163: 1241 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1242, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 817, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 174: 1243, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 253: 816, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VS4, [2, 1081], { 176: 1244 }), o($VK, [2, 606], { 183: [1, 1245] }), o($VK, [2, 602], { 183: [1, 1246] }), o($VK, [2, 595]), { 113: 1247, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, o($VK, [2, 604], { 183: [1, 1248] }), o($VK, [2, 599]), o($VK, [2, 600], { 112: [1, 1249] }), o($Vv3, [2, 69]), { 40: 1250, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($VK, [2, 450], { 74: $VT4, 128: [1, 1251] }), o($VU4, [2, 451]), { 124: [1, 1253] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1254, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vt1, [2, 1115]), o($Vt1, [2, 1116]), o($VK, [2, 618]), o($Vy3, [2, 355], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VD4, $VE4, { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VV1, [2, 682]), o($VV1, [2, 684]), o($VK, [2, 650]), o($VK, [2, 652], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1255, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1079, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $Vo4, 131: $Vp4, 432: 1256 }, o($VV4, [2, 659]), o($VV4, [2, 660]), o($VV4, [2, 661]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1257, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1258, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 114: 1077, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 124: [1, 1259] }, o($VD3, [2, 755]), o($VF3, [2, 148], { 74: $Vq4 }), o($VF3, [2, 149], { 74: $Vq4 }), o($VF3, [2, 150], { 74: $Vq4 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 817, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 253: 1260, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1261, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 113: 1263, 131: [1, 1262], 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, o($Vr4, [2, 275]), o($Vr4, [2, 277]), o($Vr4, [2, 279]), o($VH1, [2, 160]), o($VH1, [2, 1090]), { 78: [1, 1264] }, o($VK1, [2, 758]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1265, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1266, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1268, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 384: 1267 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1268, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 384: 1269 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1270, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1271, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1272, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1273] }, o($Vz2, [2, 347]), o($Vz2, [2, 348]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1274, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1275, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1276, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1277, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VH3, [2, 504]), o($VK, $VW4, { 407: 1278, 76: $VX4, 77: [1, 1279] }), o($VK, $VW4, { 407: 1281, 76: $VX4 }), { 77: [1, 1282] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1283 }, o($VD3, [2, 731]), o($VD3, [2, 733]), o($VD3, [2, 1146]), { 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 431: 1284 }, o($VY4, [2, 1147], { 419: 190, 479: 1285, 144: 1286, 145: $VC1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), { 76: $Vs4, 139: [2, 1151], 481: 1287, 483: 1288 }, o([10, 74, 76, 78, 132, 139, 145, 152, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], $VM3, { 490: 851, 493: 852, 137: $VS1 }), o($VD3, [2, 736]), o($VD3, $VK3), { 74: $VI3, 78: [1, 1289] }, o($VO3, [2, 1165], { 492: 1290, 497: 1291, 152: $VT1 }), o($VN3, [2, 1164]), o($VO3, [2, 745]), o($VO3, [2, 1170]), o($VK, [2, 490], { 77: [1, 1292] }), { 76: [1, 1294], 77: [1, 1293] }, { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 148: [1, 1295], 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($VI4, $VZ4, { 79: 75, 184: 99, 468: 1296, 40: 1299, 89: $V7, 146: $V_4, 189: $Vb, 470: $V$4 }), o($Vt4, [2, 1140]), o($VQ3, [2, 723]), { 230: [1, 1300] }, o($V05, [2, 769]), o($V05, [2, 770]), o($V05, [2, 771]), o($VR3, $VS3, { 510: 1301, 95: $VT3, 514: $VU3, 515: $VV3, 516: $VW3 }), o($VR3, [2, 768]), o($VK, [2, 312]), o($VK, [2, 313]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1302, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VV1, [2, 690], { 124: [1, 1303] }), o($Vx4, [2, 541]), { 131: [1, 1305], 388: 1304, 390: [1, 1306] }, o($Vx4, [2, 5]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1194, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 345: 1307, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VK, [2, 455], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VK, [2, 589]), o($VK, [2, 590]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1308 }, o($VK, [2, 670]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1309, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1310, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 78: [1, 1311], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1312], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 40: 1313, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1314, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 78: [1, 1315] }, { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1316] }, o($VB1, [2, 426]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1317, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 40: 1318, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 78: [1, 1320], 79: 75, 89: $V7, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1319, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VB1, [2, 429]), o($VB1, [2, 431]), o($VB1, $V15, { 275: 1321, 276: $V25 }), { 78: [1, 1323], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1324], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1325, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 180: [1, 1326] }, o($VD2, [2, 619]), o($VB1, [2, 363]), { 306: [1, 1327] }, o($VB1, [2, 370]), { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 306: [2, 374], 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1328, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 4: $VX3, 7: 879, 272: 1329, 387: 878, 389: $VY3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1330, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VD2, [2, 641]), o($V74, [2, 648]), o($V84, [2, 636]), o($VH4, $VG4), o($VD2, [2, 638]), o($Vb4, [2, 643]), o($Vb4, [2, 645]), o($Vb4, [2, 646]), o($Vb4, [2, 647]), o($VI4, [2, 457], { 74: $VJ4 }), { 77: [1, 1332], 143: $VY, 144: 1333, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 201: 1334, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 463]), { 74: $V35, 78: [1, 1335] }, { 74: $V45, 78: [1, 1337] }, o([74, 78, 99, 112, 115, 116, 123, 124, 133, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 154, 170, 171, 179, 180, 311, 312, 313, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333], $V55), o($V65, [2, 479], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 40: 1341, 77: $Ve4, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 149: $Vc4, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 341: 1339, 342: 1340, 344: $Vd4, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 461], { 74: $VJ4 }), o($VK, [2, 717], { 457: 1342, 458: 1343, 459: 1344, 308: $VM4, 464: [1, 1345] }), o($V75, [2, 701]), o($V75, [2, 702]), { 154: [1, 1347], 460: [1, 1346] }, { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 308: [2, 698], 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($VI2, [2, 179]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1348, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VK, [2, 574]), o($V85, [2, 238], { 84: 1349, 128: [1, 1350] }), o($VN4, [2, 1046]), { 77: [1, 1351] }, { 77: [1, 1352] }, o($Vf4, [2, 169], { 204: 1353, 215: 1355, 205: 1356, 216: 1357, 221: 1360, 74: $V95, 206: $Va5, 208: $Vb5, 222: $Vc5, 223: $Vd5, 224: $Ve5, 225: $Vf5, 226: $Vg5, 227: $Vh5, 228: $Vi5, 229: $Vj5 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 219, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 40: 711, 77: $Vw1, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 132: $Vx1, 143: $VY, 144: 212, 145: $VZ, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 199: 213, 200: 215, 201: 214, 202: 217, 203: 1369, 209: 1211, 213: $Vy1, 214: 218, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vk5, [2, 177]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 110: 1370, 111: 1009, 112: $Vg4 }, o($VO4, [2, 87]), o($Vh4, [2, 147], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 78: [1, 1371] }, { 74: $Vx3, 78: [2, 1066] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 78: [2, 1059], 94: 1376, 111: 149, 113: 153, 120: 1372, 121: 1373, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 241: 1374, 242: [1, 1375], 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vl4, [2, 98]), o($VP4, [2, 1062], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 78: [1, 1377], 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1378, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VP4, [2, 1063], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), { 78: [1, 1379], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1380], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1381] }, o($Vl4, [2, 120]), { 74: $VT4, 78: [1, 1382] }, o($Vl4, [2, 122]), { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1383] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 78: [1, 1384], 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1385, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 78: [1, 1386], 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1387, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 78: [1, 1388], 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1389, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 78: [1, 1390], 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1391, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 74: $Vl5, 78: [1, 1392] }, o($V65, [2, 143], { 419: 190, 3: 733, 114: 736, 144: 758, 158: 768, 160: 769, 117: 1394, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 112: $VS2, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), o($VQ4, $VR4, { 178: 1234, 163: 1395 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 78: [1, 1396], 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1397, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 78: [1, 1398], 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1399, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 74: $Vl5, 78: [1, 1400] }, { 74: $Vl5, 78: [1, 1401] }, { 74: $Vl5, 78: [1, 1402] }, { 74: $Vl5, 78: [1, 1403] }, { 78: [1, 1404], 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }, { 74: $Vq4, 78: [1, 1405] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 74: [1, 1406], 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1407, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1408, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1409, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VK, [2, 597]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1410, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 113: 1411, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, { 78: [1, 1412] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1413, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 111: 1065, 143: $Vm4, 145: $Vn4, 336: 1414, 337: 1066 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1415, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 124: [1, 1416] }, o($VK, [2, 653], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VV4, [2, 658]), { 78: [1, 1417], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($VK, [2, 654], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1418, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vr4, [2, 272]), o($Vr4, [2, 274]), o($Vr4, [2, 276]), o($Vr4, [2, 278]), o($VH1, [2, 161]), o($VK, [2, 569]), { 148: [1, 1419] }, o($VK, [2, 570]), o($VD3, [2, 536], { 387: 878, 7: 879, 272: 1420, 4: $VX3, 386: [1, 1421], 389: $VY3 }), o($VK, [2, 571]), o($VK, [2, 573]), { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1422] }, o($VK, [2, 577]), o($Vz2, [2, 345]), { 74: [1, 1423], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 74: [1, 1424], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 74: [1, 1425], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 74: [1, 1426], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($VK, [2, 581]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1427, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1428, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VK, [2, 583]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1376, 111: 149, 113: 153, 120: 1429, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 241: 1374, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 77: [1, 1430] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1431, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 76: $Vs4, 139: [2, 1149], 480: 1432, 483: 1433 }, o($VY4, [2, 1148]), { 139: [1, 1434] }, { 139: [2, 1152] }, o($VD3, [2, 737]), o($VO3, [2, 744]), o($VO3, [2, 1166]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1268, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1437], 351: 1435, 358: 1436, 384: 1438 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 100: 1439, 111: 1440 }, { 40: 1441, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1442, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 722]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 111: 1065, 143: $Vm4, 145: $Vn4, 147: 1443, 336: 1064, 337: 1066 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1444, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 727]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1445 }, { 335: $Vu4, 338: $Vv4, 339: $Vw4, 511: 1446 }, o($VV1, [2, 691], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1447, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 74: [1, 1448], 78: [1, 1449] }, o($V65, [2, 543]), o($V65, [2, 544]), { 74: $V45, 78: [1, 1450] }, o($VV1, [2, 565]), o($Vz4, [2, 380], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2 }), o($Vz4, [2, 382], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2 }), o($VB1, [2, 396]), o($VB1, [2, 400]), { 78: [1, 1451] }, { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1452] }, o($VB1, [2, 422]), o($VB1, [2, 424]), { 78: [1, 1453], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1454] }, { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1455] }, o($VB1, [2, 427]), o($VB1, [2, 327]), { 77: [1, 1456] }, o($VB1, $V15, { 275: 1457, 276: $V25 }), o($VB1, $V15, { 275: 1458, 276: $V25 }), o($VH4, [2, 284]), o($VB1, [2, 281]), o($VB1, [2, 369]), o($V64, [2, 373], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 74: [1, 1460], 78: [1, 1459] }, { 74: [1, 1462], 78: [1, 1461], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1325, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1194, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 345: 1463, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VL4, [2, 477]), o($VL4, [2, 478]), { 40: 1466, 77: $Ve4, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 149: $Vc4, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 341: 1464, 342: 1465, 344: $Vd4, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 111: 1467 }, o($VL4, [2, 473]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1468, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 77: $Ve4, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 342: 1469, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 460], { 74: $VJ4 }), o($VI4, [2, 467]), o($VK, [2, 694]), o($V75, [2, 699]), o($V75, [2, 700]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 817, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 174: 1470, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 253: 816, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 170: [1, 1472], 309: [1, 1471] }, { 460: [1, 1473] }, o($VI2, [2, 180]), o($Vm5, [2, 240], { 85: 1474, 232: [1, 1475] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1476, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1477, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1478, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vf4, [2, 170], { 216: 1357, 221: 1360, 215: 1479, 205: 1480, 206: $Va5, 208: $Vb5, 222: $Vc5, 223: $Vd5, 224: $Ve5, 225: $Vf5, 226: $Vg5, 227: $Vh5, 228: $Vi5, 229: $Vj5 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 219, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $Vw1, 132: $Vx1, 143: $VY, 144: 212, 145: $VZ, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 199: 213, 200: 215, 201: 214, 202: 217, 209: 1481, 213: $Vy1, 214: 218, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vn5, [2, 205]), o($Vn5, [2, 206]), { 2: $V1, 3: 219, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 1486], 143: $VY, 144: 1484, 145: $VZ, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 199: 1483, 200: 1487, 201: 1485, 202: 1488, 217: 1482, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 207: [1, 1489], 223: $Vo5 }, { 207: [1, 1491], 223: $Vp5 }, o($Vq5, [2, 222]), { 206: [1, 1495], 208: [1, 1494], 221: 1493, 223: $Vd5, 224: $Ve5, 225: $Vf5, 226: $Vg5, 227: $Vh5, 228: $Vi5, 229: $Vj5 }, o($Vq5, [2, 224]), { 223: [1, 1496] }, { 208: [1, 1498], 223: [1, 1497] }, { 208: [1, 1500], 223: [1, 1499] }, { 208: [1, 1501] }, { 223: [1, 1502] }, { 223: [1, 1503] }, { 74: $V95, 204: 1504, 205: 1356, 206: $Va5, 208: $Vb5, 215: 1355, 216: 1357, 221: 1360, 222: $Vc5, 223: $Vd5, 224: $Ve5, 225: $Vf5, 226: $Vg5, 227: $Vh5, 228: $Vi5, 229: $Vj5 }, o($VO4, [2, 84]), o($Vl4, [2, 100]), { 74: $Vr5, 78: [1, 1505] }, { 78: [1, 1507] }, o($Vs5, [2, 261]), { 78: [2, 1060] }, o($Vs5, [2, 263], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 242: [1, 1508], 243: [1, 1509], 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($Vl4, [2, 99]), o($VP4, [2, 1064], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($Vl4, [2, 101]), o($Vl4, [2, 102]), o($Vl4, [2, 103]), o($Vl4, [2, 121]), o($Vl4, [2, 124]), o($Vl4, [2, 127]), o($VP4, [2, 1068], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($Vl4, [2, 128]), o($VP4, [2, 1070], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($Vl4, [2, 129]), o($VP4, [2, 1072], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($Vl4, [2, 130]), o($VP4, [2, 1076], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($Vl4, [2, 131]), o($VQ4, [2, 1083], { 177: 1510 }), o($VQ4, [2, 1086], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), { 74: $Vl5, 78: [1, 1511] }, o($Vl4, [2, 133]), o($VP4, [2, 1078], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($Vl4, [2, 134]), o($VP4, [2, 1080], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($Vl4, [2, 135]), o($Vl4, [2, 136]), o($Vl4, [2, 137]), o($Vl4, [2, 138]), o($Vl4, [2, 139]), o($Vl4, [2, 140]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1512, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VS4, [2, 1082], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($VK, [2, 607]), o($VK, [2, 603]), o($VK, [2, 605]), o($VK, [2, 601]), o($Vv3, [2, 71]), o($VK, [2, 449], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VU4, [2, 452]), o($VU4, [2, 453], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1513, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VV4, [2, 662]), o($VK, [2, 655], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 1514, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VD3, [2, 545], { 385: 1515, 391: 1516, 392: 1517, 366: 1525, 154: $Vt5, 187: $Vu5, 230: $Vv5, 297: $Vw5, 343: $Vx5, 356: $Vy5, 368: $Vz5, 369: $VA5, 373: $VB5, 374: $VC5 }), o($VD3, [2, 535]), o($VK, [2, 576], { 76: [1, 1529] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1530, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1531, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1532, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1533, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1534] }, o($VK, [2, 585]), { 74: $Vr5, 78: [1, 1535] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1376, 111: 149, 113: 153, 120: 1536, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 241: 1374, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o([10, 74, 78, 139, 306, 310, 602, 764], [2, 741]), { 139: [1, 1537] }, { 139: [2, 1150] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1122, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $VR1, 137: $VS1, 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 152: $VT1, 431: 585, 475: 1124, 478: 1538, 482: 582, 493: 579, 497: 581 }, { 78: [1, 1539] }, { 74: [1, 1540], 78: [2, 506] }, { 40: 1541, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($V65, [2, 532]), { 74: $V35, 78: [1, 1542] }, o($Vk5, $V55), o($VK, [2, 1133], { 412: 1543, 413: 1544, 72: $VD5 }), o($VI4, $VZ4, { 79: 75, 184: 99, 114: 625, 327: 637, 40: 1299, 468: 1546, 89: $V7, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 146: $V_4, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 189: $Vb, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2, 470: $V$4 }), o($VI4, [2, 725], { 74: $VT4 }), o($VI4, [2, 726], { 74: $Vx3 }), o([10, 53, 72, 89, 124, 146, 156, 189, 266, 267, 290, 306, 310, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 1181], { 512: 1547, 3: 1548, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1549] }), o($VE5, [2, 1183], { 513: 1550, 76: [1, 1551] }), o($VV1, [2, 692], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 131: [1, 1552] }, o($Vx4, [2, 538]), o($Vx4, [2, 540]), o($VB1, [2, 412]), o($VB1, [2, 413]), o($VB1, [2, 439]), o($VB1, [2, 423]), o($VB1, [2, 425]), { 118: $VF5, 277: 1553, 278: 1554, 279: [1, 1555] }, o($VB1, [2, 328]), o($VB1, [2, 329]), o($VB1, [2, 316]), { 131: [1, 1557] }, o($VB1, [2, 318]), { 131: [1, 1558] }, { 74: $V45, 78: [1, 1559] }, { 77: $Ve4, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 342: 1560, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 465], { 74: $VJ4 }), o($VI4, [2, 468]), o($Vk5, [2, 488]), o($V65, [2, 480], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VI4, [2, 459], { 74: $VJ4 }), o($VK, [2, 718], { 74: $Vq4, 198: [1, 1561] }), { 335: $VG5, 338: $VH5, 461: 1562 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1565, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 119: [1, 1567], 170: [1, 1568], 309: [1, 1566] }, o($VI5, [2, 259], { 86: 1569, 118: [1, 1570] }), { 119: [1, 1571] }, o($V85, [2, 239], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 95: [1, 1572], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 95: [1, 1573] }, o($Vn5, [2, 203]), o($Vn5, [2, 204]), o($Vk5, [2, 178]), o($Vn5, [2, 237], { 218: 1574, 230: [1, 1575], 231: [1, 1576] }), o($VJ5, [2, 208], { 3: 1577, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1578] }), o($VK5, [2, 1095], { 219: 1579, 76: [1, 1580] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 1581, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1582] }, { 40: 1583, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($VJ5, [2, 216], { 3: 1584, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1585] }), o($VJ5, [2, 219], { 3: 1586, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1587] }), { 77: [1, 1588] }, o($Vq5, [2, 234]), { 77: [1, 1589] }, o($Vq5, [2, 230]), o($Vq5, [2, 223]), { 223: $Vp5 }, { 223: $Vo5 }, o($Vq5, [2, 225]), o($Vq5, [2, 226]), { 223: [1, 1590] }, o($Vq5, [2, 228]), { 223: [1, 1591] }, { 223: [1, 1592] }, o($Vq5, [2, 232]), o($Vq5, [2, 233]), { 78: [1, 1593], 205: 1480, 206: $Va5, 208: $Vb5, 215: 1479, 216: 1357, 221: 1360, 222: $Vc5, 223: $Vd5, 224: $Ve5, 225: $Vf5, 226: $Vg5, 227: $Vh5, 228: $Vi5, 229: $Vj5 }, o($Vl4, [2, 91]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1376, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 241: 1594, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vl4, [2, 92]), o($Vs5, [2, 264]), { 244: [1, 1595] }, o($V65, [2, 142], { 419: 190, 3: 733, 114: 736, 144: 758, 158: 768, 160: 769, 117: 1596, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 112: $VS2, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), o($Vl4, [2, 132]), { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1597] }, o($VU4, [2, 454], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VK, [2, 572]), o($VD3, [2, 534]), o($VD3, [2, 546], { 366: 1525, 392: 1598, 154: $Vt5, 187: $Vu5, 230: $Vv5, 297: $Vw5, 343: $Vx5, 356: $Vy5, 368: $Vz5, 369: $VA5, 373: $VB5, 374: $VC5 }), o($Vw3, [2, 548]), { 370: [1, 1599] }, { 370: [1, 1600] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1601 }, o($Vw3, [2, 554], { 77: [1, 1602] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 114, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 1604], 113: 251, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 196: 250, 200: 1605, 201: 254, 257: 252, 258: 253, 265: $VD1, 274: 1603, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 302: $Vn1 }, o($Vw3, [2, 558]), { 297: [1, 1606] }, o($Vw3, [2, 560]), o($Vw3, [2, 561]), { 335: [1, 1607] }, { 77: [1, 1608] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1609, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 78: [1, 1610], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1611], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1612], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1613], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($VK, $VW4, { 407: 1614, 76: $VX4 }), o($VK, [2, 591]), { 74: $Vr5, 78: [1, 1615] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1122, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $VR1, 137: $VS1, 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 152: $VT1, 431: 585, 475: 1124, 478: 1616, 482: 582, 493: 579, 497: 581 }, o($VD3, [2, 735]), o($VK, [2, 493], { 352: 1617, 354: 1618, 355: 1619, 4: $VL5, 243: $VM5, 343: $VN5, 356: $VO5 }), o($VP5, $VQ5, { 3: 1268, 359: 1624, 384: 1625, 360: 1626, 361: 1627, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 367: $VR5 }), { 78: [2, 507] }, { 76: [1, 1629] }, o($VK, [2, 609]), o($VK, [2, 1134]), { 368: [1, 1631], 414: [1, 1630] }, o($VI4, [2, 728]), o($VK, $V0, { 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 12: 1632, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 124: $V8, 146: $V9, 156: $Va, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), o($VK, [2, 762]), o($VE5, [2, 1182]), o($VK, $V0, { 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 12: 1633, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 124: $V8, 146: $V9, 156: $Va, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), o($VE5, [2, 1184]), { 78: [1, 1634] }, { 78: [1, 1635], 118: $VF5, 278: 1636 }, { 78: [1, 1637] }, { 119: [1, 1638] }, { 119: [1, 1639] }, { 78: [1, 1640] }, { 78: [1, 1641] }, o($VL4, [2, 476]), o($VI4, [2, 464], { 74: $VJ4 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 199: 1643, 431: 1642 }, o($V75, [2, 703]), o($V75, [2, 705]), { 146: [1, 1644] }, { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 309: [1, 1645], 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 339: $VS5, 462: 1646 }, { 417: [1, 1649], 463: [1, 1648] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1650, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VT5, [2, 267], { 87: 1651, 245: [1, 1652], 247: [1, 1653] }), { 119: [1, 1654] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1660, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 233: 1655, 235: 1656, 236: $VU5, 237: $VV5, 238: $VW5, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1661, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1662, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vn5, [2, 207]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1663, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 100: 1664, 111: 1440 }, o($VJ5, [2, 209]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1665, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VJ5, [2, 1097], { 220: 1666, 3: 1667, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }), o($VK5, [2, 1096]), o($VJ5, [2, 212]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1668, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 78: [1, 1669] }, o($VJ5, [2, 217]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1670, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VJ5, [2, 220]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1671, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 40: 1672, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, { 40: 1673, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($Vq5, [2, 227]), o($Vq5, [2, 229]), o($Vq5, [2, 231]), o($Vf4, [2, 171]), o($Vs5, [2, 262]), o($Vs5, [2, 265], { 242: [1, 1674] }), o($VQ4, [2, 1084], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($Vl4, [2, 141]), o($Vw3, [2, 547]), o($Vw3, [2, 550]), { 374: [1, 1675] }, o($Vw3, [2, 1127], { 395: 1676, 393: 1677, 77: $VX5 }), { 131: $VV, 196: 1679 }, o($Vw3, [2, 555]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1680, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vw3, [2, 557]), o($Vw3, [2, 559]), { 2: $V1, 3: 114, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 1682], 113: 251, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 196: 250, 200: 255, 201: 254, 257: 252, 258: 253, 265: $VD1, 274: 1681, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 302: $Vn1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1683, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VK, [2, 578]), o($Vz2, [2, 349]), o($Vz2, [2, 350]), o($Vz2, [2, 351]), o($Vz2, [2, 352]), o($VK, [2, 582]), o($VK, [2, 592]), o($VD3, [2, 734]), o($VK, [2, 489]), o($VK, [2, 494], { 355: 1684, 4: $VL5, 243: $VM5, 343: $VN5, 356: $VO5 }), o($VY5, [2, 496]), o($VY5, [2, 497]), { 124: [1, 1685] }, { 124: [1, 1686] }, { 124: [1, 1687] }, { 74: [1, 1688], 78: [2, 505] }, o($V65, [2, 533]), o($V65, [2, 508]), { 187: [1, 1696], 193: [1, 1697], 362: 1689, 363: 1690, 364: 1691, 365: 1692, 366: 1693, 368: $Vz5, 369: [1, 1694], 370: [1, 1698], 373: [1, 1695] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1699, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 40: 1700, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, { 415: [1, 1701] }, { 416: [1, 1702] }, o($VK, [2, 761]), o($VK, [2, 763]), o($Vx4, [2, 537]), o($VB1, [2, 331]), { 78: [1, 1703] }, o($VB1, [2, 332]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1660, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 233: 1704, 235: 1656, 236: $VU5, 237: $VV5, 238: $VW5, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1376, 111: 149, 113: 153, 120: 1705, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 241: 1374, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VB1, [2, 317]), o($VB1, [2, 319]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1706, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VK, [2, 720], { 77: [1, 1707] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 111: 1065, 143: $Vm4, 145: $Vn4, 147: 1708, 336: 1064, 337: 1066 }, { 335: $VG5, 338: $VH5, 461: 1709 }, o($V75, [2, 707]), { 77: [1, 1711], 343: [1, 1712], 344: [1, 1710] }, { 170: [1, 1714], 309: [1, 1713] }, { 170: [1, 1716], 309: [1, 1715] }, { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 309: [1, 1717], 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($Vh4, [2, 250], { 88: 1718, 162: [1, 1719], 168: [1, 1721], 169: [1, 1720] }), { 131: $VV, 196: 1722 }, { 131: $VV, 196: 1723 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1376, 111: 149, 113: 153, 120: 1724, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 241: 1374, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vm5, [2, 248], { 234: 1725, 74: $VZ5, 239: [1, 1727] }), o($V_5, [2, 242]), { 146: [1, 1728] }, { 77: [1, 1729] }, { 77: [1, 1730] }, o($V_5, [2, 247], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 78: [2, 1051], 96: 1731, 99: [1, 1733], 102: 1732 }, { 99: [1, 1734] }, o($Vn5, [2, 235], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($Vn5, [2, 236], { 74: $V35 }), o($VJ5, [2, 210]), o($VJ5, [2, 211]), o($VJ5, [2, 1098]), o($VJ5, [2, 213]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1735, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1736] }, o($VJ5, [2, 218]), o($VJ5, [2, 221]), { 78: [1, 1737] }, { 78: [1, 1738] }, o($Vs5, [2, 266]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1739 }, o($Vw3, [2, 552]), o($Vw3, [2, 1128]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1740, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 74: [1, 1741] }, { 78: [1, 1742], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($Vw3, [2, 562]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1743, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 78: [1, 1744], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($VY5, [2, 495]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1745, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 131: $VV, 196: 1746 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1747, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VP5, $VQ5, { 361: 1627, 360: 1748, 367: $VR5 }), o($VD3, [2, 510]), o($VD3, [2, 511]), o($VD3, [2, 512]), o($VD3, [2, 513]), o($VD3, [2, 514]), { 370: [1, 1749] }, { 370: [1, 1750] }, o($V$5, [2, 1121], { 382: 1751, 370: [1, 1752] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 1753, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1754, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VP5, [2, 516]), o($VK, [2, 1131], { 411: 1755, 413: 1756, 72: $VD5 }), o($VK, [2, 610]), o($VK, [2, 611], { 367: [1, 1757] }), o($VB1, [2, 333]), o([78, 118], [2, 334], { 74: $VZ5 }), { 74: $Vr5, 78: [2, 335] }, o($VK, [2, 719]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 100: 1758, 111: 1440 }, o($V75, [2, 706], { 74: $VT4 }), o($V75, [2, 704]), { 77: $Ve4, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 342: 1759, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 100: 1760, 111: 1440 }, { 344: [1, 1761] }, { 339: $VS5, 462: 1762 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1763, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 339: $VS5, 462: 1764 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1765, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 339: $VS5, 462: 1766 }, o($Vh4, [2, 72]), { 40: 1767, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 164: [1, 1768], 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 240: [1, 1769] }, { 40: 1770, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 240: [1, 1771] }, { 40: 1772, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 240: [1, 1773] }, o($VT5, [2, 270], { 246: 1774, 247: [1, 1775] }), { 248: 1776, 249: [2, 1099], 766: [1, 1777] }, o($VI5, [2, 260], { 74: $Vr5 }), o($Vm5, [2, 241]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1660, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 235: 1778, 236: $VU5, 237: $VV5, 238: $VW5, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1779, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 77: [1, 1780] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1660, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 233: 1781, 235: 1656, 236: $VU5, 237: $VV5, 238: $VW5, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1660, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 233: 1782, 235: 1656, 236: $VU5, 237: $VV5, 238: $VW5, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 78: [1, 1783] }, { 78: [2, 1052] }, { 77: [1, 1784] }, { 77: [1, 1785] }, o($VJ5, [2, 214]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1786, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1787, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1788] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1789, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1790] }, o($Vw3, [2, 1125], { 394: 1791, 393: 1792, 77: $VX5 }), { 78: [1, 1793] }, { 131: $VV, 196: 1794 }, o($Vw3, [2, 556]), { 78: [1, 1795], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($Vw3, [2, 517]), o($VY5, [2, 498]), o($VY5, [2, 499]), o($VY5, [2, 500]), o($V65, [2, 509]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1797, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [2, 1117], 371: 1796 }, { 77: [1, 1798] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1800, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [2, 1123], 383: 1799 }, o($V$5, [2, 1122]), { 77: [1, 1801] }, { 77: [1, 1802] }, o($VK, [2, 608]), o($VK, [2, 1132]), o($VP5, $VQ5, { 361: 1627, 360: 1803, 367: $VR5 }), { 74: $V35, 78: [1, 1804] }, o($V75, [2, 713], { 74: $VJ4 }), { 74: $V35, 78: [1, 1805] }, o($V75, [2, 715]), o($V75, [2, 708]), { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 309: [1, 1806], 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($V75, [2, 711]), { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 309: [1, 1807], 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($V75, [2, 709]), o($Vh4, [2, 251]), { 40: 1808, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 240: [1, 1809] }, { 40: 1810, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($Vh4, [2, 253]), { 40: 1811, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($Vh4, [2, 254]), { 40: 1812, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($VT5, [2, 268]), { 131: $VV, 196: 1813 }, { 249: [1, 1814] }, { 249: [2, 1100] }, o($V_5, [2, 243]), o($Vm5, [2, 249], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1660, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 233: 1815, 235: 1656, 236: $VU5, 237: $VV5, 238: $VW5, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 74: $VZ5, 78: [1, 1816] }, { 74: $VZ5, 78: [1, 1817] }, o($VN4, [2, 1053], { 97: 1818, 104: 1819, 3: 1821, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: $V06 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1824, 103: 1822, 105: 1823, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 100: 1825, 111: 1440 }, o($VJ5, [2, 215]), o($Vn5, [2, 173]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1826, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vn5, [2, 175]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1827, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vw3, [2, 551]), o($Vw3, [2, 1126]), o($Vw3, [2, 549]), { 78: [1, 1828] }, o($Vw3, [2, 563]), { 77: [1, 1829] }, { 77: [2, 1118] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1831, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $V16, 372: 1830 }, { 77: [1, 1833] }, { 77: [2, 1124] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 100: 1834, 111: 1440 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 100: 1835, 111: 1440 }, o($VK, [2, 612]), o($VK, [2, 721]), { 343: [1, 1837], 344: [1, 1836] }, { 339: $VS5, 462: 1838 }, { 335: $VG5, 338: $VH5, 461: 1839 }, o($Vh4, [2, 252]), { 40: 1840, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($Vh4, [2, 255]), o($Vh4, [2, 257]), o($Vh4, [2, 258]), o($VT5, [2, 271]), { 131: [2, 1101], 250: 1841, 645: [1, 1842] }, { 74: $VZ5, 78: [1, 1843] }, o($V_5, [2, 245]), o($V_5, [2, 246]), o($VN4, [2, 74]), o($VN4, [2, 1054]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1844, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VN4, [2, 78]), { 74: [1, 1846], 78: [1, 1845] }, o($V65, [2, 80]), o($V65, [2, 81], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 76: [1, 1847], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 74: $V35, 78: [1, 1848] }, o($Vn5, [2, 174]), o($Vn5, [2, 176]), o($Vw3, [2, 553]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1831, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $V16, 372: 1849 }, { 74: $V26, 78: [1, 1850] }, o($V65, [2, 528]), o($V65, [2, 529]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 100: 1852, 111: 1440 }, { 74: $V35, 78: [1, 1853] }, { 74: $V35, 78: [1, 1854] }, { 77: $Ve4, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 342: 1855, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 344: [1, 1856] }, o($V75, [2, 710]), o($V75, [2, 712]), o($Vh4, [2, 256]), { 131: $VV, 196: 1857 }, { 131: [2, 1102] }, o($V_5, [2, 244]), o($VN4, [2, 77]), { 78: [2, 76] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1824, 105: 1858, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1859, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 78: [1, 1860] }, { 74: $V26, 78: [1, 1861] }, { 374: [1, 1862] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1863, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: [1, 1864] }, { 74: $V35, 78: [1, 1865] }, o($VD3, [2, 526]), o($VD3, [2, 527]), o($V75, [2, 714], { 74: $VJ4 }), o($V75, [2, 716]), o($V36, [2, 1103], { 251: 1866, 766: [1, 1867] }), o($V65, [2, 79]), o($V65, [2, 82]), o($VN4, [2, 1055], { 3: 1821, 101: 1868, 104: 1869, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: $V06 }), o($VD3, [2, 518]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1870 }, o($V65, [2, 530]), o($V65, [2, 531]), o($VD3, [2, 525]), o($VT5, [2, 1105], { 252: 1871, 415: [1, 1872] }), o($V36, [2, 1104]), o($VN4, [2, 75]), o($VN4, [2, 1056]), o($V46, [2, 1119], { 375: 1873, 377: 1874, 77: [1, 1875] }), o($VT5, [2, 269]), o($VT5, [2, 1106]), o($VD3, [2, 521], { 376: 1876, 378: 1877, 230: [1, 1878] }), o($V46, [2, 1120]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1831, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $V16, 372: 1879 }, o($VD3, [2, 519]), { 230: [1, 1881], 379: 1880 }, { 338: [1, 1882] }, { 74: $V26, 78: [1, 1883] }, o($VD3, [2, 522]), { 335: [1, 1884] }, { 380: [1, 1885] }, o($V46, [2, 520]), { 380: [1, 1886] }, { 381: [1, 1887] }, { 381: [1, 1888] }, { 230: [2, 523] }, o($VD3, [2, 524])],
+ defaultActions: { 105: [2, 6], 194: [2, 336], 195: [2, 337], 196: [2, 338], 197: [2, 339], 198: [2, 340], 199: [2, 341], 200: [2, 342], 201: [2, 343], 202: [2, 344], 209: [2, 695], 591: [2, 1142], 653: [2, 1107], 654: [2, 1108], 710: [2, 696], 780: [2, 1073], 781: [2, 1074], 926: [2, 446], 927: [2, 447], 928: [2, 448], 987: [2, 697], 1288: [2, 1152], 1375: [2, 1060], 1433: [2, 1150], 1541: [2, 507], 1732: [2, 1052], 1777: [2, 1100], 1797: [2, 1118], 1800: [2, 1124], 1842: [2, 1102], 1845: [2, 76], 1887: [2, 523] },
+ parseError: function parseError(str, hash) {
+ if (hash.recoverable) {
+ this.trace(str);
+ }
+ else {
+ var error = new Error(str);
+ error.hash = hash;
+ throw error;
+ }
+ },
+ parse: function parse(input) {
+ var this$1 = this;
+ var self = this, stack = [0], vstack = [null],
+ lstack = [],
+ table = this.table, yytext = '', yylineno = 0, yyleng = 0, recovering = 0, TERROR = 2, EOF = 1;
+ var args = lstack.slice.call(arguments, 1);
+ var lexer = Object.create(this.lexer);
+ var sharedState = { yy: {} };
+ for (var k in this$1.yy) {
+ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this$1.yy, k)) {
+ sharedState.yy[k] = this$1.yy[k];
+ }
+ }
+ lexer.setInput(input, sharedState.yy);
+ sharedState.yy.lexer = lexer;
+ sharedState.yy.parser = this;
+ if (typeof lexer.yylloc == 'undefined') {
+ lexer.yylloc = {};
+ }
+ var yyloc = lexer.yylloc;
+ lstack.push(yyloc);
+ var ranges = lexer.options && lexer.options.ranges;
+ if (typeof sharedState.yy.parseError === 'function') {
+ this.parseError = sharedState.yy.parseError;
+ }
+ else {
+ this.parseError = Object.getPrototypeOf(this).parseError;
+ }
+ function popStack(n) {
+ stack.length = stack.length - 2 * n;
+ vstack.length = vstack.length - n;
+ lstack.length = lstack.length - n;
+ }
+ _token_stack: var lex = function () {
+ var token;
+ token = lexer.lex() || EOF;
+ if (typeof token !== 'number') {
+ token = self.symbols_[token] || token;
+ }
+ return token;
+ };
+ var symbol, preErrorSymbol, state, action, r, yyval = {}, p, len, newState, expected;
+ while (true) {
+ state = stack[stack.length - 1];
+ if (this$1.defaultActions[state]) {
+ action = this$1.defaultActions[state];
+ }
+ else {
+ if (symbol === null || typeof symbol == 'undefined') {
+ symbol = lex();
+ }
+ action = table[state] && table[state][symbol];
+ }
+ _handle_error:
+ if (typeof action === 'undefined' || !action.length || !action[0]) {
+ var error_rule_depth;
+ var errStr = '';
+ var locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule = function (state) {
+ var stack_probe = stack.length - 1;
+ var depth = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ if ((TERROR.toString()) in table[state]) {
+ return depth;
+ }
+ if (state === 0 || stack_probe < 2) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ stack_probe -= 2;
+ state = stack[stack_probe];
+ ++depth;
+ }
+ };
+ if (!recovering) {
+ error_rule_depth = locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule(state);
+ expected = [];
+ for (p in table[state]) {
+ if (this$1.terminals_[p] && p > TERROR) {
+ expected.push("'" + this$1.terminals_[p] + "'");
+ }
+ }
+ if (lexer.showPosition) {
+ errStr = 'Parse error on line ' + (yylineno + 1) + ":\n" + lexer.showPosition() + "\nExpecting " + expected.join(', ') + ", got '" + (this$1.terminals_[symbol] || symbol) + "'";
+ }
+ else {
+ errStr = 'Parse error on line ' + (yylineno + 1) + ": Unexpected " +
+ (symbol == EOF ? "end of input" :
+ ("'" + (this$1.terminals_[symbol] || symbol) + "'"));
+ }
+ this$1.parseError(errStr, {
+ text: lexer.match,
+ token: this$1.terminals_[symbol] || symbol,
+ line: lexer.yylineno,
+ loc: yyloc,
+ expected: expected,
+ recoverable: (error_rule_depth !== false)
+ });
+ }
+ else if (preErrorSymbol !== EOF) {
+ error_rule_depth = locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule(state);
+ }
+ if (recovering == 3) {
+ if (symbol === EOF || preErrorSymbol === EOF) {
+ throw new Error(errStr || 'Parsing halted while starting to recover from another error.');
+ }
+ yyleng = lexer.yyleng;
+ yytext = lexer.yytext;
+ yylineno = lexer.yylineno;
+ yyloc = lexer.yylloc;
+ symbol = lex();
+ }
+ if (error_rule_depth === false) {
+ throw new Error(errStr || 'Parsing halted. No suitable error recovery rule available.');
+ }
+ popStack(error_rule_depth);
+ preErrorSymbol = (symbol == TERROR ? null : symbol);
+ symbol = TERROR;
+ state = stack[stack.length - 1];
+ action = table[state] && table[state][TERROR];
+ recovering = 3;
+ }
+ if (action[0] instanceof Array && action.length > 1) {
+ throw new Error('Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: ' + state + ', token: ' + symbol);
+ }
+ switch (action[0]) {
+ case 1:
+ stack.push(symbol);
+ vstack.push(lexer.yytext);
+ lstack.push(lexer.yylloc);
+ stack.push(action[1]);
+ symbol = null;
+ if (!preErrorSymbol) {
+ yyleng = lexer.yyleng;
+ yytext = lexer.yytext;
+ yylineno = lexer.yylineno;
+ yyloc = lexer.yylloc;
+ if (recovering > 0) {
+ recovering--;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ symbol = preErrorSymbol;
+ preErrorSymbol = null;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ len = this$1.productions_[action[1]][1];
+ yyval.$ = vstack[vstack.length - len];
+ yyval._$ = {
+ first_line: lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].first_line,
+ last_line: lstack[lstack.length - 1].last_line,
+ first_column: lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].first_column,
+ last_column: lstack[lstack.length - 1].last_column
+ };
+ if (ranges) {
+ yyval._$.range = [lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].range[0], lstack[lstack.length - 1].range[1]];
+ }
+ r = this$1.performAction.apply(yyval, [yytext, yyleng, yylineno, sharedState.yy, action[1], vstack, lstack].concat(args));
+ if (typeof r !== 'undefined') {
+ return r;
+ }
+ if (len) {
+ stack = stack.slice(0, -1 * len * 2);
+ vstack = vstack.slice(0, -1 * len);
+ lstack = lstack.slice(0, -1 * len);
+ }
+ stack.push(this$1.productions_[action[1]][0]);
+ vstack.push(yyval.$);
+ lstack.push(yyval._$);
+ newState = table[stack[stack.length - 2]][stack[stack.length - 1]];
+ stack.push(newState);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ } };
+ parser.parseError = function (str, hash) {
+ if (hash.expected && hash.expected.indexOf("'LITERAL'") > -1 && /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*/.test(hash.token) && nonReserved.indexOf(hash.token) > -1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ throw new SyntaxError(str);
+ };
+ var lexer = (function () {
+ var lexer = ({
+ EOF: 1,
+ parseError: function parseError(str, hash) {
+ if (this.yy.parser) {
+ this.yy.parser.parseError(str, hash);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error(str);
+ }
+ },
+ setInput: function (input, yy) {
+ this.yy = yy || this.yy || {};
+ this._input = input;
+ this._more = this._backtrack = this.done = false;
+ this.yylineno = this.yyleng = 0;
+ this.yytext = this.matched = this.match = '';
+ this.conditionStack = ['INITIAL'];
+ this.yylloc = {
+ first_line: 1,
+ first_column: 0,
+ last_line: 1,
+ last_column: 0
+ };
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ this.yylloc.range = [0, 0];
+ }
+ this.offset = 0;
+ return this;
+ },
+ input: function () {
+ var ch = this._input[0];
+ this.yytext += ch;
+ this.yyleng++;
+ this.offset++;
+ this.match += ch;
+ this.matched += ch;
+ var lines = ch.match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g);
+ if (lines) {
+ this.yylineno++;
+ this.yylloc.last_line++;
+ }
+ else {
+ this.yylloc.last_column++;
+ }
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ this.yylloc.range[1]++;
+ }
+ this._input = this._input.slice(1);
+ return ch;
+ },
+ unput: function (ch) {
+ var len = ch.length;
+ var lines = ch.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
+ this._input = ch + this._input;
+ this.yytext = this.yytext.substr(0, this.yytext.length - len);
+ this.offset -= len;
+ var oldLines = this.match.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
+ this.match = this.match.substr(0, this.match.length - 1);
+ this.matched = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - 1);
+ if (lines.length - 1) {
+ this.yylineno -= lines.length - 1;
+ }
+ var r = this.yylloc.range;
+ this.yylloc = {
+ first_line: this.yylloc.first_line,
+ last_line: this.yylineno + 1,
+ first_column: this.yylloc.first_column,
+ last_column: lines ?
+ (lines.length === oldLines.length ? this.yylloc.first_column : 0)
+ + oldLines[oldLines.length - lines.length].length - lines[0].length :
+ this.yylloc.first_column - len
+ };
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ this.yylloc.range = [r[0], r[0] + this.yyleng - len];
+ }
+ this.yyleng = this.yytext.length;
+ return this;
+ },
+ more: function () {
+ this._more = true;
+ return this;
+ },
+ reject: function () {
+ if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
+ this._backtrack = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ return this.parseError('Lexical error on line ' + (this.yylineno + 1) + '. You can only invoke reject() in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion (options.backtrack_lexer = true).\n' + this.showPosition(), {
+ text: "",
+ token: null,
+ line: this.yylineno
+ });
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ less: function (n) {
+ this.unput(this.match.slice(n));
+ },
+ pastInput: function () {
+ var past = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - this.match.length);
+ return (past.length > 20 ? '...' : '') + past.substr(-20).replace(/\n/g, "");
+ },
+ upcomingInput: function () {
+ var next = this.match;
+ if (next.length < 20) {
+ next += this._input.substr(0, 20 - next.length);
+ }
+ return (next.substr(0, 20) + (next.length > 20 ? '...' : '')).replace(/\n/g, "");
+ },
+ showPosition: function () {
+ var pre = this.pastInput();
+ var c = new Array(pre.length + 1).join("-");
+ return pre + this.upcomingInput() + "\n" + c + "^";
+ },
+ test_match: function (match, indexed_rule) {
+ var this$1 = this;
+ var token, lines, backup;
+ if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
+ backup = {
+ yylineno: this.yylineno,
+ yylloc: {
+ first_line: this.yylloc.first_line,
+ last_line: this.last_line,
+ first_column: this.yylloc.first_column,
+ last_column: this.yylloc.last_column
+ },
+ yytext: this.yytext,
+ match: this.match,
+ matches: this.matches,
+ matched: this.matched,
+ yyleng: this.yyleng,
+ offset: this.offset,
+ _more: this._more,
+ _input: this._input,
+ yy: this.yy,
+ conditionStack: this.conditionStack.slice(0),
+ done: this.done
+ };
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ backup.yylloc.range = this.yylloc.range.slice(0);
+ }
+ }
+ lines = match[0].match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g);
+ if (lines) {
+ this.yylineno += lines.length;
+ }
+ this.yylloc = {
+ first_line: this.yylloc.last_line,
+ last_line: this.yylineno + 1,
+ first_column: this.yylloc.last_column,
+ last_column: lines ?
+ lines[lines.length - 1].length - lines[lines.length - 1].match(/\r?\n?/)[0].length :
+ this.yylloc.last_column + match[0].length
+ };
+ this.yytext += match[0];
+ this.match += match[0];
+ this.matches = match;
+ this.yyleng = this.yytext.length;
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ this.yylloc.range = [this.offset, this.offset += this.yyleng];
+ }
+ this._more = false;
+ this._backtrack = false;
+ this._input = this._input.slice(match[0].length);
+ this.matched += match[0];
+ token = this.performAction.call(this, this.yy, this, indexed_rule, this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]);
+ if (this.done && this._input) {
+ this.done = false;
+ }
+ if (token) {
+ return token;
+ }
+ else if (this._backtrack) {
+ for (var k in backup) {
+ this$1[k] = backup[k];
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ next: function () {
+ var this$1 = this;
+ if (this.done) {
+ return this.EOF;
+ }
+ if (!this._input) {
+ this.done = true;
+ }
+ var token, match, tempMatch, index;
+ if (!this._more) {
+ this.yytext = '';
+ this.match = '';
+ }
+ var rules = this._currentRules();
+ for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
+ tempMatch = this$1._input.match(this$1.rules[rules[i]]);
+ if (tempMatch && (!match || tempMatch[0].length > match[0].length)) {
+ match = tempMatch;
+ index = i;
+ if (this$1.options.backtrack_lexer) {
+ token = this$1.test_match(tempMatch, rules[i]);
+ if (token !== false) {
+ return token;
+ }
+ else if (this$1._backtrack) {
+ match = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!this$1.options.flex) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (match) {
+ token = this.test_match(match, rules[index]);
+ if (token !== false) {
+ return token;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this._input === "") {
+ return this.EOF;
+ }
+ else {
+ return this.parseError('Lexical error on line ' + (this.yylineno + 1) + '. Unrecognized text.\n' + this.showPosition(), {
+ text: "",
+ token: null,
+ line: this.yylineno
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ lex: function lex() {
+ var r = this.next();
+ if (r) {
+ return r;
+ }
+ else {
+ return this.lex();
+ }
+ },
+ begin: function begin(condition) {
+ this.conditionStack.push(condition);
+ },
+ popState: function popState() {
+ var n = this.conditionStack.length - 1;
+ if (n > 0) {
+ return this.conditionStack.pop();
+ }
+ else {
+ return this.conditionStack[0];
+ }
+ },
+ _currentRules: function _currentRules() {
+ if (this.conditionStack.length && this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]) {
+ return this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]].rules;
+ }
+ else {
+ return this.conditions["INITIAL"].rules;
+ }
+ },
+ topState: function topState(n) {
+ n = this.conditionStack.length - 1 - Math.abs(n || 0);
+ if (n >= 0) {
+ return this.conditionStack[n];
+ }
+ else {
+ return "INITIAL";
+ }
+ },
+ pushState: function pushState(condition) {
+ this.begin(condition);
+ },
+ stateStackSize: function stateStackSize() {
+ return this.conditionStack.length;
+ },
+ options: { "case-insensitive": true },
+ performAction: function anonymous(yy, yy_, $avoiding_name_collisions, YY_START) {
+ switch ($avoiding_name_collisions) {
+ case 0:
+ return 266;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ return 302;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ return 420;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ return 299;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ return 5;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ return 5;
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ return 296;
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ return 296;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ return 132;
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ return 132;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ return;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ return 316;
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ return 319;
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ yy_.yytext = 'VALUE';
+ return 89;
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ yy_.yytext = 'VALUE';
+ return 189;
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ yy_.yytext = 'ROW';
+ return 189;
+ break;
+ case 17:
+ yy_.yytext = 'COLUMN';
+ return 189;
+ break;
+ case 18:
+ yy_.yytext = 'MATRIX';
+ return 189;
+ break;
+ case 19:
+ yy_.yytext = 'INDEX';
+ return 189;
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ yy_.yytext = 'RECORDSET';
+ return 189;
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ yy_.yytext = 'TEXT';
+ return 189;
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ yy_.yytext = 'SELECT';
+ return 189;
+ break;
+ case 23:
+ return 520;
+ break;
+ case 24:
+ return 381;
+ break;
+ case 25:
+ return 402;
+ break;
+ case 26:
+ return 515;
+ break;
+ case 27:
+ return 287;
+ break;
+ case 28:
+ return 269;
+ break;
+ case 29:
+ return 269;
+ break;
+ case 30:
+ return 164;
+ break;
+ case 31:
+ return 400;
+ break;
+ case 32:
+ return 170;
+ break;
+ case 33:
+ return 229;
+ break;
+ case 34:
+ return 166;
+ break;
+ case 35:
+ return 207;
+ break;
+ case 36:
+ return 288;
+ break;
+ case 37:
+ return 76;
+ break;
+ case 38:
+ return 418;
+ break;
+ case 39:
+ return 242;
+ break;
+ case 40:
+ return 404;
+ break;
+ case 41:
+ return 356;
+ break;
+ case 42:
+ return 284;
+ break;
+ case 43:
+ return 514;
+ break;
+ case 44:
+ return 437;
+ break;
+ case 45:
+ return 330;
+ break;
+ case 46:
+ return 441;
+ break;
+ case 47:
+ return 331;
+ break;
+ case 48:
+ return 315;
+ break;
+ case 49:
+ return 119;
+ break;
+ case 50:
+ return 112;
+ break;
+ case 51:
+ return 315;
+ break;
+ case 52:
+ return 112;
+ break;
+ case 53:
+ return 315;
+ break;
+ case 54:
+ return 112;
+ break;
+ case 55:
+ return 315;
+ break;
+ case 56:
+ return 508;
+ break;
+ case 57:
+ return 303;
+ break;
+ case 58:
+ return 271;
+ break;
+ case 59:
+ return 368;
+ break;
+ case 60:
+ return 130;
+ break;
+ case 61:
+ return 'CLOSE';
+ break;
+ case 62:
+ return 243;
+ break;
+ case 63:
+ return 190;
+ break;
+ case 64:
+ return 190;
+ break;
+ case 65:
+ return 434;
+ break;
+ case 66:
+ return 367;
+ break;
+ case 67:
+ return 470;
+ break;
+ case 68:
+ return 440;
+ break;
+ case 69:
+ return 273;
+ break;
+ case 70:
+ return 240;
+ break;
+ case 71:
+ return 281;
+ break;
+ case 72:
+ return 267;
+ break;
+ case 73:
+ return 206;
+ break;
+ case 74:
+ return 238;
+ break;
+ case 75:
+ return 265;
+ break;
+ case 76:
+ return 'CURSOR';
+ break;
+ case 77:
+ return 405;
+ break;
+ case 78:
+ return 291;
+ break;
+ case 79:
+ return 292;
+ break;
+ case 80:
+ return 448;
+ break;
+ case 81:
+ return 343;
+ break;
+ case 82:
+ return 338;
+ break;
+ case 83:
+ return 'DELETED';
+ break;
+ case 84:
+ return 242;
+ break;
+ case 85:
+ return 406;
+ break;
+ case 86:
+ return 185;
+ break;
+ case 87:
+ return 396;
+ break;
+ case 88:
+ return 447;
+ break;
+ case 89:
+ return 135;
+ break;
+ case 90:
+ return 306;
+ break;
+ case 91:
+ return 389;
+ break;
+ case 92:
+ return 310;
+ break;
+ case 93:
+ return 314;
+ break;
+ case 94:
+ return 169;
+ break;
+ case 95:
+ return 508;
+ break;
+ case 96:
+ return 508;
+ break;
+ case 97:
+ return 298;
+ break;
+ case 98:
+ return 14;
+ break;
+ case 99:
+ return 295;
+ break;
+ case 100:
+ return 249;
+ break;
+ case 101:
+ return 285;
+ break;
+ case 102:
+ return 95;
+ break;
+ case 103:
+ return 373;
+ break;
+ case 104:
+ return 183;
+ break;
+ case 105:
+ return 227;
+ break;
+ case 106:
+ return 268;
+ break;
+ case 107:
+ return 313;
+ break;
+ case 108:
+ return 602;
+ break;
+ case 109:
+ return 472;
+ break;
+ case 110:
+ return 232;
+ break;
+ case 111:
+ return 236;
+ break;
+ case 112:
+ return 239;
+ break;
+ case 113:
+ return 156;
+ break;
+ case 114:
+ return 356;
+ break;
+ case 115:
+ return 332;
+ break;
+ case 116:
+ return 99;
+ break;
+ case 117:
+ return 193;
+ break;
+ case 118:
+ return 212;
+ break;
+ case 119:
+ return 224;
+ break;
+ case 120:
+ return 516;
+ break;
+ case 121:
+ return 339;
+ break;
+ case 122:
+ return 213;
+ break;
+ case 123:
+ return 168;
+ break;
+ case 124:
+ return 293;
+ break;
+ case 125:
+ return 198;
+ break;
+ case 126:
+ return 223;
+ break;
+ case 127:
+ return 370;
+ break;
+ case 128:
+ return 286;
+ break;
+ case 129:
+ return 'LET';
+ break;
+ case 130:
+ return 225;
+ break;
+ case 131:
+ return 112;
+ break;
+ case 132:
+ return 245;
+ break;
+ case 133:
+ return 460;
+ break;
+ case 134:
+ return 191;
+ break;
+ case 135:
+ return 283;
+ break;
+ case 136:
+ return 390;
+ break;
+ case 137:
+ return 282;
+ break;
+ case 138:
+ return 452;
+ break;
+ case 139:
+ return 169;
+ break;
+ case 140:
+ return 403;
+ break;
+ case 141:
+ return 222;
+ break;
+ case 142:
+ return 645;
+ break;
+ case 143:
+ return 270;
+ break;
+ case 144:
+ return 244;
+ break;
+ case 145:
+ return 380;
+ break;
+ case 146:
+ return 154;
+ break;
+ case 147:
+ return 297;
+ break;
+ case 148:
+ return 433;
+ break;
+ case 149:
+ return 230;
+ break;
+ case 150:
+ return 415;
+ break;
+ case 151:
+ return 129;
+ break;
+ case 152:
+ return 247;
+ break;
+ case 153:
+ return 'OPEN';
+ break;
+ case 154:
+ return 416;
+ break;
+ case 155:
+ return 171;
+ break;
+ case 156:
+ return 118;
+ break;
+ case 157:
+ return 208;
+ break;
+ case 158:
+ return 276;
+ break;
+ case 159:
+ return 172;
+ break;
+ case 160:
+ return 279;
+ break;
+ case 161:
+ return 765;
+ break;
+ case 162:
+ return 93;
+ break;
+ case 163:
+ return 16;
+ break;
+ case 164:
+ return 369;
+ break;
+ case 165:
+ return 442;
+ break;
+ case 166:
+ return 678;
+ break;
+ case 167:
+ return 15;
+ break;
+ case 168:
+ return 414;
+ break;
+ case 169:
+ return 194;
+ break;
+ case 170:
+ return 'REDUCE';
+ break;
+ case 171:
+ return 374;
+ break;
+ case 172:
+ return 311;
+ break;
+ case 173:
+ return 517;
+ break;
+ case 174:
+ return 682;
+ break;
+ case 175:
+ return 107;
+ break;
+ case 176:
+ return 401;
+ break;
+ case 177:
+ return 175;
+ break;
+ case 178:
+ return 290;
+ break;
+ case 179:
+ return 443;
+ break;
+ case 180:
+ return 687;
+ break;
+ case 181:
+ return 173;
+ break;
+ case 182:
+ return 173;
+ break;
+ case 183:
+ return 226;
+ break;
+ case 184:
+ return 436;
+ break;
+ case 185:
+ return 237;
+ break;
+ case 186:
+ return 150;
+ break;
+ case 187:
+ return 766;
+ break;
+ case 188:
+ return 405;
+ break;
+ case 189:
+ return 89;
+ break;
+ case 190:
+ return 228;
+ break;
+ case 191:
+ return 146;
+ break;
+ case 192:
+ return 146;
+ break;
+ case 193:
+ return 409;
+ break;
+ case 194:
+ return 334;
+ break;
+ case 195:
+ return 417;
+ break;
+ case 196:
+ return 'STRATEGY';
+ break;
+ case 197:
+ return 'STORE';
+ break;
+ case 198:
+ return 280;
+ break;
+ case 199:
+ return 353;
+ break;
+ case 200:
+ return 353;
+ break;
+ case 201:
+ return 463;
+ break;
+ case 202:
+ return 357;
+ break;
+ case 203:
+ return 357;
+ break;
+ case 204:
+ return 192;
+ break;
+ case 205:
+ return 309;
+ break;
+ case 206:
+ return 'TIMEOUT';
+ break;
+ case 207:
+ return 148;
+ break;
+ case 208:
+ return 195;
+ break;
+ case 209:
+ return 435;
+ break;
+ case 210:
+ return 435;
+ break;
+ case 211:
+ return 509;
+ break;
+ case 212:
+ return 294;
+ break;
+ case 213:
+ return 451;
+ break;
+ case 214:
+ return 162;
+ break;
+ case 215:
+ return 187;
+ break;
+ case 216:
+ return 98;
+ break;
+ case 217:
+ return 335;
+ break;
+ case 218:
+ return 408;
+ break;
+ case 219:
+ return 231;
+ break;
+ case 220:
+ return 149;
+ break;
+ case 221:
+ return 344;
+ break;
+ case 222:
+ return 134;
+ break;
+ case 223:
+ return 410;
+ break;
+ case 224:
+ return 308;
+ break;
+ case 225:
+ return 128;
+ break;
+ case 226:
+ return 439;
+ break;
+ case 227:
+ return 72;
+ break;
+ case 228:
+ return 435;
+ break;
+ case 229:
+ return 131;
+ break;
+ case 230:
+ return 131;
+ break;
+ case 231:
+ return 115;
+ break;
+ case 232:
+ return 137;
+ break;
+ case 233:
+ return 179;
+ break;
+ case 234:
+ return 317;
+ break;
+ case 235:
+ return 180;
+ break;
+ case 236:
+ return 133;
+ break;
+ case 237:
+ return 138;
+ break;
+ case 238:
+ return 326;
+ break;
+ case 239:
+ return 323;
+ break;
+ case 240:
+ return 325;
+ break;
+ case 241:
+ return 322;
+ break;
+ case 242:
+ return 320;
+ break;
+ case 243:
+ return 318;
+ break;
+ case 244:
+ return 319;
+ break;
+ case 245:
+ return 142;
+ break;
+ case 246:
+ return 141;
+ break;
+ case 247:
+ return 139;
+ break;
+ case 248:
+ return 321;
+ break;
+ case 249:
+ return 324;
+ break;
+ case 250:
+ return 140;
+ break;
+ case 251:
+ return 124;
+ break;
+ case 252:
+ return 324;
+ break;
+ case 253:
+ return 77;
+ break;
+ case 254:
+ return 78;
+ break;
+ case 255:
+ return 145;
+ break;
+ case 256:
+ return 424;
+ break;
+ case 257:
+ return 426;
+ break;
+ case 258:
+ return 300;
+ break;
+ case 259:
+ return 505;
+ break;
+ case 260:
+ return 507;
+ break;
+ case 261:
+ return 122;
+ break;
+ case 262:
+ return 116;
+ break;
+ case 263:
+ return 74;
+ break;
+ case 264:
+ return 333;
+ break;
+ case 265:
+ return 152;
+ break;
+ case 266:
+ return 764;
+ break;
+ case 267:
+ return 143;
+ break;
+ case 268:
+ return 181;
+ break;
+ case 269:
+ return 136;
+ break;
+ case 270:
+ return 123;
+ break;
+ case 271:
+ return 312;
+ break;
+ case 272:
+ return 4;
+ break;
+ case 273:
+ return 10;
+ break;
+ case 274:
+ return 'INVALID';
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ rules: [/^(?:``([^\`])+``)/i, /^(?:\[\?\])/i, /^(?:@\[)/i, /^(?:ARRAY\[)/i, /^(?:\[([^\]])*?\])/i, /^(?:`([^\`])*?`)/i, /^(?:N(['](\\.|[^']|\\')*?['])+)/i, /^(?:X(['](\\.|[^']|\\')*?['])+)/i, /^(?:(['](\\.|[^']|\\')*?['])+)/i, /^(?:(["](\\.|[^"]|\\")*?["])+)/i, /^(?:--(.*?)($|\r\n|\r|\n))/i, /^(?:\s+)/i, /^(?:\|\|)/i, /^(?:\|)/i, /^(?:VALUE\s+OF\s+SEARCH\b)/i, /^(?:VALUE\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i, /^(?:ROW\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i, /^(?:COLUMN\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i, /^(?:MATRIX\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i, /^(?:INDEX\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i, /^(?:RECORDSET\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i, /^(?:TEXT\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i, /^(?:SELECT\b)/i, /^(?:ABSOLUTE\b)/i, /^(?:ACTION\b)/i, /^(?:ADD\b)/i, /^(?:AFTER\b)/i, /^(?:AGGR\b)/i, /^(?:AGGREGATE\b)/i, /^(?:AGGREGATOR\b)/i, /^(?:ALL\b)/i, /^(?:ALTER\b)/i, /^(?:AND\b)/i, /^(?:ANTI\b)/i, /^(?:ANY\b)/i, /^(?:APPLY\b)/i, /^(?:ARRAY\b)/i, /^(?:AS\b)/i, /^(?:ASSERT\b)/i, /^(?:ASC\b)/i, /^(?:ATTACH\b)/i, /^(?:AUTO(_)?INCREMENT\b)/i, /^(?:AVG\b)/i, /^(?:BEFORE\b)/i, /^(?:BEGIN\b)/i, /^(?:BETWEEN\b)/i, /^(?:BREAK\b)/i, /^(?:NOT\s+BETWEEN\b)/i, /^(?:NOT\s+LIKE\b)/i, /^(?:BY\b)/i, /^(?:~~\*)/i, /^(?:!~~\*)/i, /^(?:~~)/i, /^(?:!~~)/i, /^(?:ILIKE\b)/i, /^(?:NOT\s+ILIKE\b)/i, /^(?:CALL\b)/i, /^(?:CASE\b)/i, /^(?:CAST\b)/i, /^(?:CHECK\b)/i, /^(?:CLASS\b)/i, /^(?:CLOSE\b)/i, /^(?:COLLATE\b)/i, /^(?:COLUMN\b)/i, /^(?:COLUMNS\b)/i, /^(?:COMMIT\b)/i, /^(?:CONSTRAINT\b)/i, /^(?:CONTENT\b)/i, /^(?:CONTINUE\b)/i, /^(?:CONVERT\b)/i, /^(?:CORRESPONDING\b)/i, /^(?:COUNT\b)/i, /^(?:CREATE\b)/i, /^(?:CROSS\b)/i, /^(?:CUBE\b)/i, /^(?:CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\b)/i, /^(?:CURSOR\b)/i, /^(?:DATABASE(S)?)/i, /^(?:DATEADD\b)/i, /^(?:DATEDIFF\b)/i, /^(?:DECLARE\b)/i, /^(?:DEFAULT\b)/i, /^(?:DELETE\b)/i, /^(?:DELETED\b)/i, /^(?:DESC\b)/i, /^(?:DETACH\b)/i, /^(?:DISTINCT\b)/i, /^(?:DROP\b)/i, /^(?:ECHO\b)/i, /^(?:EDGE\b)/i, /^(?:END\b)/i, /^(?:ENUM\b)/i, /^(?:ELSE\b)/i, /^(?:ESCAPE\b)/i, /^(?:EXCEPT\b)/i, /^(?:EXEC\b)/i, /^(?:EXECUTE\b)/i, /^(?:EXISTS\b)/i, /^(?:EXPLAIN\b)/i, /^(?:FALSE\b)/i, /^(?:FETCH\b)/i, /^(?:FIRST\b)/i, /^(?:FOR\b)/i, /^(?:FOREIGN\b)/i, /^(?:FROM\b)/i, /^(?:FULL\b)/i, /^(?:FUNCTION\b)/i, /^(?:GLOB\b)/i, /^(?:GO\b)/i, /^(?:GRAPH\b)/i, /^(?:GROUP\b)/i, /^(?:GROUPING\b)/i, /^(?:HAVING\b)/i, /^(?:IF\b)/i, /^(?:IDENTITY\b)/i, /^(?:IS\b)/i, /^(?:IN\b)/i, /^(?:INDEX\b)/i, /^(?:INDEXED\b)/i, /^(?:INNER\b)/i, /^(?:INSTEAD\b)/i, /^(?:INSERT\b)/i, /^(?:INSERTED\b)/i, /^(?:INTERSECT\b)/i, /^(?:INTERVAL\b)/i, /^(?:INTO\b)/i, /^(?:JOIN\b)/i, /^(?:KEY\b)/i, /^(?:LAST\b)/i, /^(?:LET\b)/i, /^(?:LEFT\b)/i, /^(?:LIKE\b)/i, /^(?:LIMIT\b)/i, /^(?:MATCHED\b)/i, /^(?:MATRIX\b)/i, /^(?:MAX(\s+)?(?=\())/i, /^(?:MAX(\s+)?(?=(,|\))))/i, /^(?:MIN(\s+)?(?=\())/i, /^(?:MERGE\b)/i, /^(?:MINUS\b)/i, /^(?:MODIFY\b)/i, /^(?:NATURAL\b)/i, /^(?:NEXT\b)/i, /^(?:NEW\b)/i, /^(?:NOCASE\b)/i, /^(?:NO\b)/i, /^(?:NOT\b)/i, /^(?:NULL\b)/i, /^(?:OFF\b)/i, /^(?:ON\b)/i, /^(?:ONLY\b)/i, /^(?:OF\b)/i, /^(?:OFFSET\b)/i, /^(?:OPEN\b)/i, /^(?:OPTION\b)/i, /^(?:OR\b)/i, /^(?:ORDER\b)/i, /^(?:OUTER\b)/i, /^(?:OVER\b)/i, /^(?:PATH\b)/i, /^(?:PARTITION\b)/i, /^(?:PERCENT\b)/i, /^(?:PIVOT\b)/i, /^(?:PLAN\b)/i, /^(?:PRIMARY\b)/i, /^(?:PRINT\b)/i, /^(?:PRIOR\b)/i, /^(?:QUERY\b)/i, /^(?:READ\b)/i, /^(?:RECORDSET\b)/i, /^(?:REDUCE\b)/i, /^(?:REFERENCES\b)/i, /^(?:REGEXP\b)/i, /^(?:REINDEX\b)/i, /^(?:RELATIVE\b)/i, /^(?:REMOVE\b)/i, /^(?:RENAME\b)/i, /^(?:REPEAT\b)/i, /^(?:REPLACE\b)/i, /^(?:REQUIRE\b)/i, /^(?:RESTORE\b)/i, /^(?:RETURN\b)/i, /^(?:RETURNS\b)/i, /^(?:RIGHT\b)/i, /^(?:ROLLBACK\b)/i, /^(?:ROLLUP\b)/i, /^(?:ROW\b)/i, /^(?:ROWS\b)/i, /^(?:SCHEMA(S)?)/i, /^(?:SEARCH\b)/i, /^(?:SEMI\b)/i, /^(?:SET\b)/i, /^(?:SETS\b)/i, /^(?:SHOW\b)/i, /^(?:SOME\b)/i, /^(?:SOURCE\b)/i, /^(?:STRATEGY\b)/i, /^(?:STORE\b)/i, /^(?:SUM\b)/i, /^(?:TABLE\b)/i, /^(?:TABLES\b)/i, /^(?:TARGET\b)/i, /^(?:TEMP\b)/i, /^(?:TEMPORARY\b)/i, /^(?:TEXTSTRING\b)/i, /^(?:THEN\b)/i, /^(?:TIMEOUT\b)/i, /^(?:TO\b)/i, /^(?:TOP\b)/i, /^(?:TRAN\b)/i, /^(?:TRANSACTION\b)/i, /^(?:TRIGGER\b)/i, /^(?:TRUE\b)/i, /^(?:TRUNCATE\b)/i, /^(?:UNION\b)/i, /^(?:UNIQUE\b)/i, /^(?:UNPIVOT\b)/i, /^(?:UPDATE\b)/i, /^(?:USE\b)/i, /^(?:USING\b)/i, /^(?:VALUE\b)/i, /^(?:VALUES\b)/i, /^(?:VERTEX\b)/i, /^(?:VIEW\b)/i, /^(?:WHEN\b)/i, /^(?:WHERE\b)/i, /^(?:WHILE\b)/i, /^(?:WITH\b)/i, /^(?:WORK\b)/i, /^(?:(\d*[.])?\d+[eE]\d+)/i, /^(?:(\d*[.])?\d+)/i, /^(?:->)/i, /^(?:#)/i, /^(?:\+)/i, /^(?:-)/i, /^(?:\*)/i, /^(?:\/)/i, /^(?:%)/i, /^(?:!===)/i, /^(?:===)/i, /^(?:!==)/i, /^(?:==)/i, /^(?:>=)/i, /^(?:&)/i, /^(?:\|)/i, /^(?:<<)/i, /^(?:>>)/i, /^(?:>)/i, /^(?:<=)/i, /^(?:<>)/i, /^(?:<)/i, /^(?:=)/i, /^(?:!=)/i, /^(?:\()/i, /^(?:\))/i, /^(?:@)/i, /^(?:\{)/i, /^(?:\})/i, /^(?:\])/i, /^(?::-)/i, /^(?:\?-)/i, /^(?:\.\.)/i, /^(?:\.)/i, /^(?:,)/i, /^(?:::)/i, /^(?::)/i, /^(?:;)/i, /^(?:\$)/i, /^(?:\?)/i, /^(?:!)/i, /^(?:\^)/i, /^(?:~)/i, /^(?:[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)/i, /^(?:$)/i, /^(?:.)/i],
+ conditions: { "INITIAL": { "rules": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274], "inclusive": true } }
+ });
+ return lexer;
+ })();
+ parser.lexer = lexer;
+ function Parser() {
+ this.yy = {};
+ }
+ Parser.prototype = parser;
+ parser.Parser = Parser;
+ return new Parser;
+ })();
+ if (typeof require !== 'undefined' && typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
+ exports.parser = alasqlparser;
+ exports.Parser = alasqlparser.Parser;
+ exports.parse = function () { return alasqlparser.parse.apply(alasqlparser, arguments); };
+ exports.main = function commonjsMain(args) {
+ if (!args[1]) {
+ console.log('Usage: ' + args[0] + ' FILE');
+ process.exit(1);
+ }
+ var source = require('fs').readFileSync(require('path').normalize(args[1]), "utf8");
+ return exports.parser.parse(source);
+ };
+ if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && require.main === module) {
+ exports.main(process.argv.slice(1));
+ }
+ }
- options: {
- ranges: boolean (optional: true ==> token location info will include a .range[] member)
- flex: boolean (optional: true ==> flex-like lexing behaviour where the rules are tested exhaustively to find the longest match)
- backtrack_lexer: boolean (optional: true ==> lexer regexes are tested in order and for each matching regex the action code is invoked; the lexer terminates the scan when a token is returned by the action code)
- },
+ function base (mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ yy.extend = utils$6.extend;
+ yy.casesensitive = mem.alasql.options.casesensitive;
+ yy.isInAggr = function (val) { return !!mem.alasql.aggr[val]; };
+ yy.Base = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Base.prototype.toString = function () { };
+ yy.Base.prototype.toType = function () { };
+ yy.Base.prototype.toJS = function () { };
+ yy.Base.prototype.compile = utils$6.returnUndefined;
+ yy.Base.prototype.exec = function () { };
+ yy.Base.prototype.compile = utils$6.returnUndefined;
+ yy.Base.prototype.exec = function () { };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ }
- performAction: function(yy, yy_, $avoiding_name_collisions, YY_START),
- rules: [...],
- conditions: {associative list: name ==> set},
- }
+ function statements (mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ yy.Statements = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Statements.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return this.statements
+ .map(function (st) {
+ return st.toString();
+ })
+ .join('; ');
+ };
+ yy.Statements.prototype.compile = function (db) {
+ var statements = this.statements.map(function (st) {
+ return st.compile(db);
+ });
+ if (statements.length === 1) {
+ return statements[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ return function (params, cb) {
+ var res = statements.map(function (st) {
+ return st(params);
+ });
+ if (cb) {
+ cb(res);
+ }
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
- token location info (@$, _$, etc.): {
- first_line: n,
- last_line: n,
- first_column: n,
- last_column: n,
- range: [start_number, end_number] (where the numbers are indexes into the input string, regular zero-based)
+ function doJoin(alasql, query, scope, h) {
+ if (h >= query.sources.length) {
+ if (query.wherefn(scope, query.params, alasql)) {
+ if (query.groupfn) {
+ query.groupfn(scope, query.params, alasql);
+ }
+ else {
+ query.data.push(query.selectfn(scope, query.params, alasql));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (query.sources[h].applyselect) {
+ var source = query.sources[h];
+ source.applyselect(query.params, function (data) {
+ if (data.length > 0) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ scope[source.alias] = data[i];
+ doJoin(query, scope, h + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (source.applymode === 'OUTER') {
+ scope[source.alias] = {};
+ doJoin(query, scope, h + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }, scope);
+ }
+ else {
+ var source = query.sources[h];
+ var nextsource = query.sources[h + 1];
+ {
+ var tableid = source.alias || source.tableid;
+ var pass = false;
+ var data = source.data;
+ var opt = false;
+ if (!source.getfn || (source.getfn && !source.dontcache)) {
+ if (source.joinmode !== 'RIGHT' &&
+ source.joinmode !== 'OUTER' &&
+ source.joinmode !== 'ANTI' &&
+ source.optimization === 'ix') {
+ data = source.ix[source.onleftfn(scope, query.params, alasql)] || [];
+ opt = true;
+ }
+ }
+ var i = 0;
+ if (typeof data === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Data source number ' + h + ' in undefined');
+ }
+ var ilen = data.length;
+ var dataw;
+ while ((dataw = data[i]) ||
+ (!opt && (source.getfn && (dataw = source.getfn(i)))) ||
+ i < ilen) {
+ if (!opt && source.getfn && !source.dontcache)
+ { data[i] = dataw; }
+ scope[tableid] = dataw;
+ if (!source.onleftfn ||
+ source.onleftfn(scope, query.params, alasql) ==
+ source.onrightfn(scope, query.params, alasql)) {
+ if (source.onmiddlefn(scope, query.params, alasql)) {
+ if (source.joinmode != 'SEMI' && source.joinmode != 'ANTI') {
+ doJoin(query, scope, h + 1);
+ }
+ if (source.joinmode != 'LEFT' && source.joinmode != 'INNER') {
+ dataw._rightjoin = true;
+ }
+ pass = true;
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ if ((source.joinmode == 'LEFT' ||
+ source.joinmode == 'OUTER' ||
+ source.joinmode == 'SEMI') &&
+ !pass) {
+ scope[tableid] = {};
+ doJoin(query, scope, h + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (h + 1 < query.sources.length) {
+ if (nextsource.joinmode == 'OUTER' ||
+ nextsource.joinmode == 'RIGHT' ||
+ nextsource.joinmode == 'ANTI') {
+ scope[source.alias] = {};
+ var j = 0;
+ var jlen = nextsource.data.length;
+ var dataw;
+ while ((dataw = nextsource.data[j]) ||
+ (nextsource.getfn && (dataw = nextsource.getfn(j))) ||
+ j < jlen) {
+ if (nextsource.getfn && !nextsource.dontcache) {
+ nextsource.data[j] = dataw;
+ }
+ if (dataw._rightjoin) {
+ delete dataw._rightjoin;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (h == 0) {
+ scope[nextsource.alias] = dataw;
+ doJoin(query, scope, h + 2);
+ }
+ }
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ scope[tableid] = undefined;
+ }
- the parseError function receives a 'hash' object with these members for lexer and parser errors: {
- text: (matched text)
- token: (the produced terminal token, if any)
- line: (yylineno)
+ function queryfn(alasql, query, oldscope, cb, A, B) {
+ var aaa = query.sources.length;
+ query.sourceslen = query.sources.length;
+ var slen = query.sourceslen;
+ query.query = query;
+ query.A = A;
+ query.B = B;
+ query.cb = cb;
+ query.oldscope = oldscope;
+ if (query.queriesfn) {
+ query.sourceslen += query.queriesfn.length;
+ slen += query.queriesfn.length;
+ query.queriesdata = [];
+ query.queriesfn.forEach(function (q, idx) {
+ q.query.params = query.params;
+ queryfn2(alasql, [], -idx - 1, query);
+ });
+ }
+ var scope;
+ if (!oldscope)
+ { scope = {}; }
+ else
+ { scope = cloneDeep(oldscope); }
+ query.scope = scope;
+ var result;
+ query.sources.forEach(function (source, idx) {
+ source.query = query;
+ var rs = source.datafn(query, query.params, queryfn2, idx, alasql);
+ if (typeof rs !== 'undefined') {
+ if ((query.intofn || query.intoallfn) && Array.isArray(rs))
+ { rs = rs.length; }
+ result = rs;
+ }
+ source.queriesdata = query.queriesdata;
+ });
+ if (query.sources.length === 0 || 0 === slen)
+ { result = queryfn3(alasql, query); }
+ return result;
- while parser (grammar) errors will also provide these members, i.e. parser errors deliver a superset of attributes: {
- loc: (yylloc)
- expected: (string describing the set of expected tokens)
- recoverable: (boolean: TRUE when the parser has a error recovery rule available for this particular error)
+ function queryfn2(alasql, data, idx, query) {
+ if (idx >= 0) {
+ var source = query.sources[idx];
+ source.data = data;
+ if (typeof source.data === 'function') {
+ source.getfn = source.data;
+ source.dontcache = source.getfn.dontcache;
+ if (source.joinmode === 'OUTER' ||
+ source.joinmode === 'RIGHT' ||
+ source.joinmode === 'ANTI') {
+ source.dontcache = false;
+ }
+ source.data = {};
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ query.queriesdata[-idx - 1] = flatArray(data);
+ }
+ query.sourceslen--;
+ if (query.sourceslen > 0)
+ { return; }
+ return queryfn3(alasql, query);
-var alasqlparser = (function(){
-var o=function(k,v,o,l){for(o=o||{},l=k.length;l--;o[k[l]]=v);return o},$V0=[2,13],$V1=[1,104],$V2=[1,102],$V3=[1,103],$V4=[1,6],$V5=[1,42],$V6=[1,79],$V7=[1,76],$V8=[1,94],$V9=[1,93],$Va=[1,69],$Vb=[1,101],$Vc=[1,85],$Vd=[1,64],$Ve=[1,71],$Vf=[1,84],$Vg=[1,66],$Vh=[1,70],$Vi=[1,68],$Vj=[1,61],$Vk=[1,74],$Vl=[1,62],$Vm=[1,67],$Vn=[1,83],$Vo=[1,77],$Vp=[1,86],$Vq=[1,87],$Vr=[1,81],$Vs=[1,82],$Vt=[1,80],$Vu=[1,88],$Vv=[1,89],$Vw=[1,90],$Vx=[1,91],$Vy=[1,92],$Vz=[1,98],$VA=[1,65],$VB=[1,78],$VC=[1,72],$VD=[1,96],$VE=[1,97],$VF=[1,63],$VG=[1,73],$VH=[1,108],$VI=[1,107],$VJ=[10,306,602,764],$VK=[10,306,310,602,764],$VL=[1,115],$VM=[1,116],$VN=[1,117],$VO=[1,118],$VP=[1,119],$VQ=[130,353,410],$VR=[1,127],$VS=[1,126],$VT=[1,134],$VU=[1,164],$VV=[1,175],$VW=[1,178],$VX=[1,173],$VY=[1,181],$VZ=[1,185],$V_=[1,160],$V$=[1,182],$V01=[1,169],$V11=[1,171],$V21=[1,174],$V31=[1,183],$V41=[1,166],$V51=[1,193],$V61=[1,188],$V71=[1,189],$V81=[1,194],$V91=[1,195],$Va1=[1,196],$Vb1=[1,197],$Vc1=[1,198],$Vd1=[1,199],$Ve1=[1,200],$Vf1=[1,201],$Vg1=[1,202],$Vh1=[1,176],$Vi1=[1,177],$Vj1=[1,179],$Vk1=[1,180],$Vl1=[1,186],$Vm1=[1,192],$Vn1=[1,184],$Vo1=[1,187],$Vp1=[1,172],$Vq1=[1,170],$Vr1=[1,191],$Vs1=[1,203],$Vt1=[2,4,5],$Vu1=[2,471],$Vv1=[1,206],$Vw1=[1,211],$Vx1=[1,220],$Vy1=[1,216],$Vz1=[10,72,78,93,98,118,128,162,168,169,183,198,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$VA1=[2,4,5,10,72,76,77,78,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,183,185,187,198,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,306,310,420,424,602,764],$VB1=[2,4,5,10,53,72,74,76,77,78,89,93,95,98,99,107,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,179,180,181,183,185,187,189,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,232,239,242,243,245,247,266,267,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,296,300,306,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,330,331,332,333,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,464,470,505,507,508,517,602,764],$VC1=[1,249],$VD1=[1,256],$VE1=[1,265],$VF1=[1,270],$VG1=[1,269],$VH1=[2,4,5,10,72,77,78,93,98,107,118,128,131,132,137,143,145,149,152,154,156,162,168,169,179,180,181,183,198,232,245,247,265,266,270,271,273,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,291,292,293,294,295,296,297,298,299,302,303,306,310,312,317,420,424,602,764],$VI1=[2,162],$VJ1=[1,281],$VK1=[10,74,78,306,310,505,602,764],$VL1=[2,4,5,10,53,72,74,76,77,78,89,93,95,98,99,107,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,179,180,181,183,185,187,189,193,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,239,242,243,245,247,266,267,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,296,297,300,302,306,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,330,331,332,333,335,338,339,343,344,356,368,369,370,373,374,386,389,396,400,401,402,403,404,405,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,426,433,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,464,470,505,507,508,514,515,516,517,602,764],$VM1=[2,4,5,10,53,72,89,124,146,156,189,266,267,290,306,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,505,507,508,517,602,764],$VN1=[1,562],$VO1=[1,564],$VP1=[2,503],$VQ1=[1,569],$VR1=[1,580],$VS1=[1,583],$VT1=[1,584],$VU1=[10,78,89,132,137,146,189,296,306,310,470,602,764],$VV1=[10,74,306,310,602,764],$VW1=[2,567],$VX1=[1,602],$VY1=[2,4,5,156],$VZ1=[1,640],$V_1=[1,612],$V$1=[1,646],$V02=[1,647],$V12=[1,620],$V22=[1,631],$V32=[1,618],$V42=[1,626],$V52=[1,619],$V62=[1,627],$V72=[1,629],$V82=[1,621],$V92=[1,622],$Va2=[1,641],$Vb2=[1,638],$Vc2=[1,639],$Vd2=[1,615],$Ve2=[1,617],$Vf2=[1,609],$Vg2=[1,610],$Vh2=[1,611],$Vi2=[1,613],$Vj2=[1,614],$Vk2=[1,616],$Vl2=[1,623],$Vm2=[1,624],$Vn2=[1,628],$Vo2=[1,630],$Vp2=[1,632],$Vq2=[1,633],$Vr2=[1,634],$Vs2=[1,635],$Vt2=[1,636],$Vu2=[1,642],$Vv2=[1,643],$Vw2=[1,644],$Vx2=[1,645],$Vy2=[2,287],$Vz2=[2,4,5,10,53,72,74,76,77,78,89,93,95,98,99,107,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,179,180,181,183,185,187,189,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,239,242,243,245,247,266,267,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,296,297,300,306,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,330,331,332,333,335,338,339,343,356,368,369,373,374,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,426,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,464,470,505,507,508,517,602,764],$VA2=[2,359],$VB2=[1,668],$VC2=[1,678],$VD2=[2,4,5,10,53,72,74,76,77,78,89,93,95,98,99,107,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,179,180,181,183,185,187,189,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,239,242,243,245,247,266,267,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,296,300,306,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,330,331,332,333,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,426,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,464,470,505,507,508,517,602,764],$VE2=[1,694],$VF2=[1,703],$VG2=[1,702],$VH2=[2,4,5,10,72,74,78,93,98,118,128,162,168,169,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$VI2=[10,72,74,78,93,98,118,128,162,168,169,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$VJ2=[2,202],$VK2=[1,725],$VL2=[10,72,78,93,98,118,128,162,168,169,183,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$VM2=[2,163],$VN2=[1,728],$VO2=[2,4,5,112],$VP2=[1,741],$VQ2=[1,760],$VR2=[1,740],$VS2=[1,739],$VT2=[1,734],$VU2=[1,735],$VV2=[1,737],$VW2=[1,738],$VX2=[1,742],$VY2=[1,743],$VZ2=[1,744],$V_2=[1,745],$V$2=[1,746],$V03=[1,747],$V13=[1,748],$V23=[1,749],$V33=[1,750],$V43=[1,751],$V53=[1,752],$V63=[1,753],$V73=[1,754],$V83=[1,755],$V93=[1,756],$Va3=[1,757],$Vb3=[1,759],$Vc3=[1,761],$Vd3=[1,762],$Ve3=[1,763],$Vf3=[1,764],$Vg3=[1,765],$Vh3=[1,766],$Vi3=[1,767],$Vj3=[1,770],$Vk3=[1,771],$Vl3=[1,772],$Vm3=[1,773],$Vn3=[1,774],$Vo3=[1,775],$Vp3=[1,776],$Vq3=[1,777],$Vr3=[1,778],$Vs3=[1,779],$Vt3=[1,780],$Vu3=[1,781],$Vv3=[74,89,189],$Vw3=[10,74,78,154,187,230,297,306,310,343,356,368,369,373,374,602,764],$Vx3=[1,798],$Vy3=[10,74,78,300,306,310,602,764],$Vz3=[1,799],$VA3=[1,805],$VB3=[1,806],$VC3=[1,810],$VD3=[10,74,78,306,310,602,764],$VE3=[2,4,5,77,131,132,137,143,145,149,152,154,156,179,180,181,265,266,270,271,273,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,291,292,293,294,295,296,297,298,299,302,303,312,317,420,424],$VF3=[10,72,78,93,98,107,118,128,162,168,169,183,198,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$VG3=[2,4,5,10,72,77,78,93,98,107,118,128,131,132,137,143,145,149,152,154,156,162,164,168,169,179,180,181,183,185,187,195,198,232,245,247,265,266,270,271,273,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,291,292,293,294,295,296,297,298,299,302,303,306,310,312,317,420,424,602,764],$VH3=[2,4,5,132,296],$VI3=[1,844],$VJ3=[10,74,76,78,306,310,602,764],$VK3=[2,738],$VL3=[10,74,76,78,132,139,141,145,152,306,310,420,424,602,764],$VM3=[2,1161],$VN3=[10,74,76,78,139,141,145,152,306,310,420,424,602,764],$VO3=[10,74,76,78,139,141,145,306,310,420,424,602,764],$VP3=[10,74,78,139,141,306,310,602,764],$VQ3=[10,78,89,132,146,189,296,306,310,470,602,764],$VR3=[335,338,339],$VS3=[2,764],$VT3=[1,869],$VU3=[1,870],$VV3=[1,871],$VW3=[1,872],$VX3=[1,881],$VY3=[1,880],$VZ3=[164,166,334],$V_3=[2,444],$V$3=[1,936],$V04=[2,4,5,77,131,156,290,291,292,293],$V14=[1,951],$V24=[2,4,5,10,53,72,74,76,77,78,89,93,95,98,99,107,112,118,122,124,128,129,130,131,132,134,135,137,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,179,181,183,185,187,189,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,232,239,242,243,245,247,266,267,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,296,300,306,308,309,310,311,313,314,315,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,330,331,332,333,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,464,470,505,507,508,517,602,764],$V34=[2,4,5,10,53,72,74,76,77,78,89,93,95,98,99,107,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,179,180,181,183,185,187,189,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,232,239,242,243,245,247,266,267,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,296,300,306,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,330,331,332,333,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,464,470,505,507,508,517,602,764],$V44=[2,375],$V54=[1,958],$V64=[306,308,310],$V74=[74,300],$V84=[74,300,426],$V94=[1,965],$Va4=[2,4,5,10,53,72,74,76,78,89,93,95,98,99,107,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,179,180,181,183,185,187,189,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,232,239,242,243,245,247,266,267,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,296,300,306,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,330,331,332,333,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,464,470,505,507,508,517,602,764],$Vb4=[74,426],$Vc4=[1,978],$Vd4=[1,977],$Ve4=[1,984],$Vf4=[10,72,78,93,98,118,128,162,168,169,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$Vg4=[1,1010],$Vh4=[10,72,78,306,310,602,764],$Vi4=[1,1016],$Vj4=[1,1017],$Vk4=[1,1018],$Vl4=[2,4,5,10,72,74,76,77,78,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,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],$VN4=[10,72,78,118,128,162,168,169,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$VO4=[10,72,74,78,93,98,118,128,162,168,169,183,198,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$VP4=[2,4,5,72,76,77,78,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,185,187,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,420,424],$VQ4=[2,4,5,72,74,76,77,78,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,185,187,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,420,424],$VR4=[2,1085],$VS4=[2,4,5,72,74,76,77,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,185,187,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,420,424],$VT4=[1,1252],$VU4=[10,74,78,128,306,308,310,464,602,764],$VV4=[115,116,124],$VW4=[2,584],$VX4=[1,1280],$VY4=[76,139],$VZ4=[2,724],$V_4=[1,1297],$V$4=[1,1298],$V05=[2,4,5,10,53,72,76,89,124,146,156,189,230,266,267,290,306,310,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,505,507,508,517,602,764],$V15=[2,330],$V25=[1,1322],$V35=[1,1336],$V45=[1,1338],$V55=[2,487],$V65=[74,78],$V75=[10,306,308,310,464,602,764],$V85=[10,72,78,118,162,168,169,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$V95=[1,1354],$Va5=[1,1358],$Vb5=[1,1359],$Vc5=[1,1361],$Vd5=[1,1362],$Ve5=[1,1363],$Vf5=[1,1364],$Vg5=[1,1365],$Vh5=[1,1366],$Vi5=[1,1367],$Vj5=[1,1368],$Vk5=[10,72,74,78,93,98,118,128,162,168,169,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$Vl5=[1,1393],$Vm5=[10,72,78,118,162,168,169,245,247,306,310,602,764],$Vn5=[10,72,78,93,98,118,128,162,168,169,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$Vo5=[1,1490],$Vp5=[1,1492],$Vq5=[2,4,5,77,143,145,152,156,181,290,291,292,293,302,420,424],$Vr5=[1,1506],$Vs5=[10,72,74,78,162,168,169,245,247,306,310,602,764],$Vt5=[1,1524],$Vu5=[1,1526],$Vv5=[1,1527],$Vw5=[1,1523],$Vx5=[1,1522],$Vy5=[1,1521],$Vz5=[1,1528],$VA5=[1,1518],$VB5=[1,1519],$VC5=[1,1520],$VD5=[1,1545],$VE5=[2,4,5,10,53,72,89,124,146,156,189,266,267,290,306,310,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,505,507,508,517,602,764],$VF5=[1,1556],$VG5=[1,1564],$VH5=[1,1563],$VI5=[10,72,78,162,168,169,245,247,306,310,602,764],$VJ5=[10,72,78,93,98,118,128,162,168,169,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$VK5=[2,4,5,10,72,78,93,98,118,128,162,168,169,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$VL5=[1,1621],$VM5=[1,1623],$VN5=[1,1620],$VO5=[1,1622],$VP5=[187,193,368,369,370,373],$VQ5=[2,515],$VR5=[1,1628],$VS5=[1,1647],$VT5=[10,72,78,162,168,169,306,310,602,764],$VU5=[1,1657],$VV5=[1,1658],$VW5=[1,1659],$VX5=[1,1678],$VY5=[4,10,243,306,310,343,356,602,764],$VZ5=[1,1726],$V_5=[10,72,74,78,118,162,168,169,239,245,247,306,310,602,764],$V$5=[2,4,5,77],$V06=[1,1820],$V16=[1,1832],$V26=[1,1851],$V36=[10,72,78,162,168,169,306,310,415,602,764],$V46=[10,74,78,230,306,310,602,764];
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[0,[3,1],[3,1],[3,2],[7,1],[7,2],[8,2],[9,3],[9,1],[9,1],[13,2],[13,4],[12,1],[17,0],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[47,3],[73,3],[73,1],[75,5],[40,10],[40,4],[92,8],[92,11],[102,4],[104,2],[104,1],[103,3],[103,1],[105,1],[105,3],[106,3],[109,3],[109,1],[110,1],[110,2],[114,1],[114,1],[117,1],[117,5],[117,5],[117,1],[117,2],[117,1],[117,2],[117,2],[117,3],[117,4],[117,4],[117,4],[117,4],[117,4],[117,1],[117,1],[117,1],[117,1],[117,1],[117,1],[117,2],[117,2],[117,2],[117,1],[117,1],[117,1],[117,1],[117,1],[117,1],[117,2],[117,3],[117,4],[117,3],[117,1],[117,4],[117,2],[117,2],[117,4],[117,4],[117,4],[117,4],[117,4],[117,5],[117,4],[117,4],[117,4],[117,4],[117,4],[117,4],[117,4],[117,4],[117,6],[163,3],[163,1],[153,1],[153,1],[153,1],[182,2],[79,4],[79,4],[79,4],[79,3],[184,1],[184,2],[184,2],[184,2],[184,2],[184,2],[184,2],[184,2],[186,3],[186,4],[186,0],[81,0],[81,2],[81,2],[81,2],[81,2],[81,2],[82,2],[82,3],[82,5],[82,0],[205,6],[205,7],[205,6],[205,7],[203,1],[203,3],[209,4],[209,5],[209,3],[209,3],[209,2],[209,3],[209,1],[209,3],[209,2],[209,3],[209,1],[209,1],[209,2],[209,3],[209,1],[209,1],[209,2],[209,3],[209,1],[209,2],[209,3],[214,1],[199,3],[199,1],[204,2],[204,2],[204,1],[204,1],[215,3],[217,1],[217,2],[217,3],[217,3],[217,2],[217,3],[217,4],[217,5],[217,1],[217,2],[217,3],[217,1],[217,2],[217,3],[216,1],[216,2],[221,1],[221,2],[221,2],[221,3],[221,2],[221,3],[221,2],[221,3],[221,2],[221,2],[221,2],[218,2],[218,2],[218,0],[84,0],[84,2],[85,0],[85,4],[233,1],[233,3],[235,5],[235,4],[235,4],[235,1],[234,0],[234,2],[88,0],[88,2],[88,3],[88,2],[88,2],[88,3],[88,4],[88,3],[88,3],[86,0],[86,3],[120,1],[120,3],[241,1],[241,2],[241,3],[241,4],[87,0],[87,3],[87,8],[246,0],[246,2],[174,3],[174,1],[253,3],[253,2],[253,3],[253,2],[253,3],[253,2],[253,1],[254,5],[254,3],[254,1],[111,5],[111,3],[111,3],[111,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,3],[94,3],[94,3],[94,1],[94,1],[56,1],[70,5],[71,5],[263,2],[263,2],[261,6],[261,8],[261,6],[261,8],[274,1],[274,1],[274,1],[274,1],[274,1],[274,1],[274,1],[255,5],[255,6],[255,6],[275,0],[275,4],[275,4],[275,5],[277,3],[278,3],[158,1],[158,1],[158,1],[158,1],[158,1],[158,1],[158,1],[158,1],[158,1],[200,5],[200,3],[200,4],[200,4],[200,8],[200,8],[200,8],[200,8],[200,3],[151,1],[151,3],[196,1],[257,1],[257,1],[113,1],[113,1],[258,1],[202,2],[259,4],[262,3],[201,2],[201,2],[201,1],[201,1],[260,5],[260,4],[304,2],[304,1],[307,4],[305,2],[305,0],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,5],[256,3],[256,5],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,5],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,5],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,6],[256,6],[256,3],[256,3],[256,2],[256,2],[256,2],[256,2],[256,2],[256,3],[256,5],[256,6],[256,5],[256,6],[256,4],[256,5],[256,3],[256,4],[256,3],[256,4],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[329,1],[329,1],[329,4],[327,1],[327,1],[327,1],[327,1],[327,1],[327,1],[328,1],[328,1],[328,1],[55,6],[55,4],[147,1],[147,3],[336,3],[336,4],[29,5],[29,3],[36,5],[36,4],[36,7],[36,6],[36,5],[36,4],[36,5],[36,8],[36,7],[36,4],[36,6],[36,7],[341,1],[341,1],[340,0],[340,1],[342,3],[342,1],[342,1],[342,5],[342,3],[342,3],[345,1],[345,3],[346,1],[346,1],[346,1],[346,1],[346,1],[346,1],[100,1],[100,3],[24,9],[24,5],[349,1],[349,1],[352,0],[352,1],[354,2],[354,1],[355,1],[355,3],[355,3],[355,3],[348,0],[348,1],[350,0],[350,3],[351,3],[351,1],[351,2],[359,1],[359,3],[360,2],[360,2],[360,2],[360,2],[360,2],[361,0],[361,2],[366,4],[362,6],[363,9],[377,3],[376,0],[376,2],[378,4],[379,4],[364,6],[365,5],[365,5],[372,1],[372,1],[372,3],[372,3],[358,1],[358,3],[384,3],[384,2],[384,1],[387,6],[387,4],[387,1],[387,4],[272,2],[272,1],[388,1],[388,1],[385,0],[385,1],[391,2],[391,1],[393,3],[392,2],[392,5],[392,3],[392,6],[392,1],[392,2],[392,4],[392,2],[392,1],[392,2],[392,1],[392,1],[392,3],[392,5],[33,4],[399,3],[399,1],[398,0],[398,2],[18,6],[18,6],[18,6],[18,8],[18,6],[39,5],[19,4],[19,7],[19,6],[19,9],[30,3],[21,4],[21,6],[21,9],[21,6],[407,0],[407,2],[54,3],[54,2],[31,4],[31,5],[31,5],[22,8],[22,9],[32,3],[43,2],[43,4],[43,3],[43,5],[45,2],[45,4],[45,4],[45,6],[42,4],[42,6],[44,4],[44,6],[41,4],[41,6],[25,11],[25,8],[413,3],[413,3],[413,5],[34,4],[66,2],[57,2],[58,2],[58,2],[58,4],[144,4],[144,2],[144,2],[144,2],[144,2],[144,1],[144,2],[144,2],[422,1],[422,1],[423,1],[423,1],[423,1],[423,1],[423,1],[423,1],[423,1],[423,3],[419,3],[419,4],[419,2],[421,2],[421,3],[421,1],[425,3],[425,1],[428,3],[428,3],[428,3],[427,3],[427,1],[65,4],[65,3],[65,4],[65,5],[65,5],[65,6],[431,1],[431,1],[430,3],[430,2],[432,1],[432,1],[432,3],[429,1],[429,1],[51,2],[52,2],[50,2],[35,4],[35,3],[438,2],[59,3],[60,1],[61,1],[62,3],[63,2],[63,2],[64,2],[64,2],[446,1],[446,1],[69,2],[444,3],[444,1],[445,3],[445,1],[28,2],[449,1],[449,3],[450,3],[450,4],[450,5],[450,6],[46,3],[37,6],[453,1],[453,2],[454,2],[455,2],[456,2],[456,2],[456,1],[456,1],[458,4],[458,6],[461,1],[461,3],[459,5],[459,7],[459,7],[459,9],[459,7],[459,9],[462,3],[462,6],[462,3],[462,6],[457,0],[457,2],[457,5],[457,4],[457,7],[27,6],[469,2],[468,0],[468,2],[468,2],[468,1],[26,8],[23,3],[23,4],[473,3],[473,1],[474,3],[474,7],[474,6],[474,3],[474,4],[478,1],[478,1],[482,2],[483,3],[484,2],[485,4],[475,4],[475,3],[475,2],[475,1],[497,2],[493,2],[493,2],[498,4],[500,6],[67,3],[67,2],[506,3],[506,1],[504,1],[504,4],[68,2],[20,2],[48,9],[48,8],[48,9],[510,0],[510,1],[510,1],[510,1],[510,2],[511,1],[511,1],[511,1],[49,3],[38,2],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[11,1],[11,1],[80,0],[80,1],[83,0],[83,1],[90,0],[90,2],[91,0],[91,1],[96,0],[96,1],[97,0],[97,1],[101,0],[101,1],[108,0],[108,1],[121,0],[121,1],[125,1],[125,2],[126,1],[126,2],[127,0],[127,1],[155,0],[155,2],[157,0],[157,2],[159,0],[159,2],[160,1],[160,1],[161,0],[161,2],[165,0],[165,2],[167,0],[167,2],[176,0],[176,2],[177,0],[177,2],[178,0],[178,2],[188,0],[188,1],[197,0],[197,1],[210,0],[210,1],[211,0],[211,1],[219,0],[219,1],[220,0],[220,1],[248,0],[248,1],[250,0],[250,1],[251,0],[251,1],[252,0],[252,1],[264,1],[264,1],[767,1],[767,1],[289,0],[289,1],[301,1],[301,1],[337,1],[337,1],[371,0],[371,1],[375,0],[375,1],[382,0],[382,1],[383,0],[383,1],[394,0],[394,1],[395,0],[395,1],[397,1],[397,1],[411,0],[411,1],[412,0],[412,1],[465,0],[465,1],[466,0],[466,1],[467,0],[467,1],[471,0],[471,1],[476,0],[476,1],[477,0],[477,1],[479,0],[479,1],[480,0],[480,1],[481,0],[481,1],[486,0],[486,1],[487,0],[487,1],[488,0],[488,1],[489,0],[489,1],[490,0],[490,1],[491,0],[491,1],[492,0],[492,1],[494,0],[494,1],[495,0],[495,1],[496,0],[496,1],[499,0],[499,2],[501,0],[501,2],[502,0],[502,2],[503,0],[503,2],[512,0],[512,1],[513,0],[513,1]],
-performAction: function anonymous(yytext, yyleng, yylineno, yy, yystate /* action[1] */, $$ /* vstack */, _$ /* lstack */) {
-/* this == yyval */
-var $0 = $$.length - 1;
-switch (yystate) {
-case 1:
- if (alasql.options.casesensitive) this.$ = $$[$0];
- else this.$ = $$[$0].toLowerCase();
-case 2:
- this.$ = doubleq($$[$0].substr(1,$$[$0].length-2));
-case 3:
- this.$ = $$[$0].toLowerCase()
-case 4:
- this.$ = $$[$0]
-case 5:
- this.$ = $$[$0] ? $$[$0-1] + ' ' + $$[$0] : $$[$0-1]
-case 6:
- return new yy.Statements({statements:$$[$0-1]});
-case 7:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2]; if($$[$0]) $$[$0-2].push($$[$0]);
-case 8: case 9: case 70: case 80: case 85: case 143: case 177: case 205: case 206: case 242: case 261: case 273: case 354: case 372: case 451: case 474: case 475: case 479: case 487: case 528: case 529: case 566: case 649: case 659: case 683: case 685: case 687: case 701: case 702: case 732: case 756:
- this.$ = [$$[$0]];
-case 10:
- this.$ = $$[$0]; $$[$0].explain = true;
-case 11:
- this.$ = $$[$0]; $$[$0].explain = true;
-case 12:
- this.$ = $$[$0];
- // TODO combine exists and queries
- if(yy.exists) this.$.exists = yy.exists;
- delete yy.exists;
- if(yy.queries) this.$.queries = yy.queries;
- delete yy.queries;
-case 13: case 162: case 172: case 237: case 238: case 240: case 248: case 250: case 259: case 267: case 270: case 375: case 491: case 501: case 503: case 515: case 521: case 522: case 567:
- this.$ = undefined;
-case 68:
- this.$ = new yy.WithSelect({withs: $$[$0-1], select:$$[$0]});
-case 69: case 565:
- $$[$0-2].push($$[$0]); this.$=$$[$0-2];
-case 71:
- this.$ = {name:$$[$0-4], select:$$[$0-1]};
-case 72:
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-9]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-8]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-7]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-6]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-5]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-4]);yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-3]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
- this.$ = $$[$0-9];
-/* if(yy.exists) this.$.exists = yy.exists;
- delete yy.exists;
- if(yy.queries) this.$.queries = yy.queries;
- delete yy.queries;
-case 73:
- this.$ = new yy.Search({selectors:$$[$0-2], from:$$[$0]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]);
-case 74:
- this.$ = {pivot:{expr:$$[$0-5], columnid:$$[$0-3], inlist:$$[$0-2], as:$$[$0]}};
-case 75:
- this.$ = {unpivot:{tocolumnid:$$[$0-8], forcolumnid:$$[$0-6], inlist:$$[$0-3], as:$$[$0]}};
-case 76: case 520: case 549: case 585: case 619: case 636: case 637: case 640: case 662:
- this.$ = $$[$0-1];
-case 77: case 78: case 86: case 147: case 185: case 247: case 280: case 288: case 289: case 290: case 291: case 292: case 293: case 294: case 295: case 296: case 297: case 298: case 299: case 300: case 301: case 304: case 305: case 320: case 321: case 322: case 323: case 324: case 325: case 374: case 440: case 441: case 442: case 443: case 444: case 445: case 516: case 542: case 546: case 548: case 623: case 624: case 625: case 626: case 627: case 628: case 632: case 634: case 635: case 644: case 660: case 661: case 723: case 738: case 739: case 741: case 742: case 748: case 749:
- this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 79: case 84: case 731: case 755:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2]; this.$.push($$[$0]);
-case 81:
- this.$ = {expr:$$[$0]};
-case 82:
- this.$ = {expr:$$[$0-2],as:$$[$0]};
-case 83:
- this.$ = {removecolumns:$$[$0]};
-case 87:
- this.$ = {like:$$[$0]};
-case 90: case 104:
- this.$ = {srchid:"PROP", args: [$$[$0]]};
-case 91:
- this.$ = {srchid:"ORDERBY", args: $$[$0-1]};
-case 92:
- var dir = $$[$0-1];
- if(!dir) dir = 'ASC';
- this.$ = {srchid:"ORDERBY", args: [{expression: new yy.Column({columnid:'_'}), direction:dir}]};
-case 93:
- this.$ = {srchid:"PARENT"};
-case 94:
- this.$ = {srchid:"APROP", args: [$$[$0]]};
-case 95:
- this.$ = {selid:"ROOT"};
-case 96:
- this.$ = {srchid:"EQ", args: [$$[$0]]};
-case 97:
- this.$ = {srchid:"LIKE", args: [$$[$0]]};
-case 98: case 99:
- this.$ = {selid:"WITH", args: $$[$0-1]};
-case 100:
- this.$ = {srchid:$$[$0-3].toUpperCase(), args:$$[$0-1]};
-case 101:
- this.$ = {srchid:"WHERE", args:[$$[$0-1]]};
-case 102:
- this.$ = {selid:"OF", args:[$$[$0-1]]};
-case 103:
- this.$ = {srchid:"CLASS", args:[$$[$0-1]]};
-case 105:
- this.$ = {srchid:"NAME", args: [$$[$0].substr(1,$$[$0].length-2)]};
-case 106:
- this.$ = {srchid:"CHILD"};
-case 107:
- this.$ = {srchid:"VERTEX"};
-case 108:
- this.$ = {srchid:"EDGE"};
-case 109:
- this.$ = {srchid:"REF"};
-case 110:
- this.$ = {srchid:"SHARP", args:[$$[$0]]};
-case 111:
- this.$ = {srchid:"ATTR", args:((typeof $$[$0] == 'undefined')?undefined:[$$[$0]])};
-case 112:
- this.$ = {srchid:"ATTR"};
-case 113:
- this.$ = {srchid:"OUT"};
-case 114:
- this.$ = {srchid:"IN"};
-case 115:
- this.$ = {srchid:"OUTOUT"};
-case 116:
- this.$ = {srchid:"ININ"};
-case 117:
- this.$ = {srchid:"CONTENT"};
-case 118:
- this.$ = {srchid:"EX",args:[new yy.Json({value:$$[$0]})]};
-case 119:
- this.$ = {srchid:"AT", args:[$$[$0]]};
-case 120:
- this.$ = {srchid:"AS", args:[$$[$0]]};
-case 121:
- this.$ = {srchid:"SET", args:$$[$0-1]};
-case 122:
- this.$ = {selid:"TO", args:[$$[$0]]};
-case 123:
- this.$ = {srchid:"VALUE"};
-case 124:
- this.$ = {srchid:"ROW", args:$$[$0-1]};
-case 125:
- this.$ = {srchid:"CLASS", args:[$$[$0]]};
-case 126:
- this.$ = {selid:$$[$0],args:[$$[$0-1]] };
-case 127:
- this.$ = {selid:"NOT",args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 128:
- this.$ = {selid:"IF",args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 129:
- this.$ = {selid:$$[$0-3],args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 130:
- this.$ = {selid:'DISTINCT',args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 131:
- this.$ = {selid:'UNION',args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 132:
- this.$ = {selid:'UNIONALL',args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 133:
- this.$ = {selid:'ALL',args:[$$[$0-1]] };
-case 134:
- this.$ = {selid:'ANY',args:[$$[$0-1]] };
-case 135:
- this.$ = {selid:'INTERSECT',args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 136:
- this.$ = {selid:'EXCEPT',args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 137:
- this.$ = {selid:'AND',args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 138:
- this.$ = {selid:'OR',args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 139:
- this.$ = {selid:'PATH',args:[$$[$0-1]] };
-case 140:
- this.$ = {srchid:'RETURN',args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 141:
- this.$ = {selid:'REPEAT',sels:$$[$0-3], args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 142:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2]; this.$.push($$[$0]);
-case 144:
- this.$ = "PLUS";
-case 145:
- this.$ = "STAR";
-case 146:
- this.$ = "QUESTION";
-case 148:
- this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns:$$[$0], distinct: true }); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-3]); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-1]);
-case 149:
- this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns:$$[$0], distinct: true }); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-3]);yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-1]);
-case 150:
- this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns:$$[$0], all:true }); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-3]);yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-1]);
-case 151:
- if(!$$[$0]) {
- this.$ = new yy.Select({columns:[new yy.Column({columnid:'_',})], modifier:'COLUMN'});
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns:$$[$0] }); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-2]);yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-1]);
- }
-case 152:
- if($$[$0]=='SELECT') this.$ = undefined; else this.$ = {modifier: $$[$0]};
-case 153:
- this.$ = {modifier:'VALUE'}
-case 154:
- this.$ = {modifier:'ROW'}
-case 155:
- this.$ = {modifier:'COLUMN'}
-case 156:
- this.$ = {modifier:'MATRIX'}
-case 157:
- this.$ = {modifier:'TEXTSTRING'}
-case 158:
- this.$ = {modifier:'INDEX'}
-case 159:
- this.$ = {modifier:'RECORDSET'}
-case 160:
- this.$ = {top: $$[$0-1], percent:(typeof $$[$0] != 'undefined'?true:undefined)};
-case 161:
- this.$ = {top: $$[$0-1]};
-case 163: case 330: case 523: case 524: case 724:
-this.$ = undefined;
-case 164: case 165: case 166: case 167:
-this.$ = {into: $$[$0]}
-case 168:
- var s = $$[$0];
- s = s.substr(1,s.length-2);
- var x3 = s.substr(-3).toUpperCase();
- var x4 = s.substr(-4).toUpperCase();
- if(s[0] == '#') {
- this.$ = {into: new yy.FuncValue({funcid: 'HTML', args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]})};
- } else if(x3=='XLS' || x3 == 'CSV' || x3=='TAB') {
- this.$ = {into: new yy.FuncValue({funcid: x3, args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]})};
- } else if(x4=='XLSX' || x4 == 'JSON') {
- this.$ = {into: new yy.FuncValue({funcid: x4, args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]})};
- }
-case 169:
- this.$ = { from: $$[$0] };
-case 170:
- this.$ = { from: $$[$0-1], joins: $$[$0] };
-case 171:
- this.$ = { from: $$[$0-2], joins: $$[$0-1] };
-case 173:
- this.$ = new yy.Apply({select: $$[$0-2], applymode:'CROSS', as:$$[$0]});
-case 174:
- this.$ = new yy.Apply({select: $$[$0-3], applymode:'CROSS', as:$$[$0]});
-case 175:
- this.$ = new yy.Apply({select: $$[$0-2], applymode:'OUTER', as:$$[$0]});
-case 176:
- this.$ = new yy.Apply({select: $$[$0-3], applymode:'OUTER', as:$$[$0]});
-case 178: case 243: case 452: case 530: case 531:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2]; $$[$0-2].push($$[$0]);
-case 179:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2]; this.$.as = $$[$0]
-case 180:
- this.$ = $$[$0-3]; this.$.as = $$[$0]
-case 181:
- this.$ = $$[$0-1]; this.$.as = 'default'
-case 182:
- this.$ = new yy.Json({value:$$[$0-2]}); $$[$0-2].as = $$[$0]
-case 183:
- this.$ = $$[$0-1]; $$[$0-1].as = $$[$0]
-case 184:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2]; $$[$0-2].as = $$[$0]
-case 186: case 638: case 641:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2];
-case 187: case 191: case 195: case 198:
- this.$ = $$[$0-1]; $$[$0-1].as = $$[$0];
-case 188: case 192: case 196: case 199:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2]; $$[$0-2].as = $$[$0];
-case 189: case 190: case 194: case 197:
- this.$ = $$[$0]; $$[$0].as = 'default';
-case 193:
- this.$ = {inserted:true}; /*$$[$0].as = 'default'*/;
-case 200:
- var s = $$[$0];
- s = s.substr(1,s.length-2);
- var x3 = s.substr(-3).toUpperCase();
- var x4 = s.substr(-4).toUpperCase();
- var r;
- if(s[0] == '#') {
- r = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: 'HTML', args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]});
- } else if(x3=='XLS' || x3 == 'CSV' || x3=='TAB') {
- r = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: x3, args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]});
- } else if(x4=='XLSX' || x4 == 'JSON') {
- r = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: x4, args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]});
- } else {
- throw new Error('Unknown string in FROM clause');
- };
- this.$ = r;
-case 201:
- if($$[$0-2] == 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA') {
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: $$[$0-2], args:[new yy.StringValue({value:$$[$0]})]});
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Table({databaseid: $$[$0-2], tableid:$$[$0]});
- }
-case 202:
- this.$ = new yy.Table({tableid: $$[$0]});
-case 203: case 204:
- this.$ = $$[$0-1]; $$[$0-1].push($$[$0]);
-case 207:
- this.$ = new yy.Join($$[$0-2]); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-1]); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
-case 208:
- this.$ = {table: $$[$0]};
-case 209:
- this.$ = {table: $$[$0-1], as: $$[$0] } ;
-case 210:
- this.$ = {table: $$[$0-2], as: $$[$0] } ;
-case 211:
- this.$ = {json:new yy.Json({value:$$[$0-2],as:$$[$0]})};
-case 212:
- this.$ = {param: $$[$0-1], as: $$[$0] } ;
-case 213:
- this.$ = {param: $$[$0-2], as: $$[$0] } ;
-case 214:
- this.$ = {select: $$[$0-2], as: $$[$0]} ;
-case 215:
- this.$ = {select: $$[$0-3], as: $$[$0] } ;
-case 216:
- this.$ = {funcid:$$[$0], as:'default'};
-case 217:
- this.$ = {funcid:$$[$0-1], as: $$[$0]};
-case 218:
- this.$ = {funcid:$$[$0-2], as: $$[$0]};
-case 219:
- this.$ = {variable:$$[$0],as:'default'};
-case 220:
- this.$ = {variable:$$[$0-1],as:$$[$0]};
-case 221:
- this.$ = {variable:$$[$0-2],as:$$[$0]}
-case 222:
- this.$ = { joinmode: $$[$0] } ;
-case 223:
- this.$ = {joinmode: $$[$0-1], natural:true} ;
-case 224: case 225:
- this.$ = "INNER";
-case 226: case 227:
- this.$ = "LEFT";
-case 228: case 229:
- this.$ = "RIGHT";
-case 230: case 231:
- this.$ = "OUTER";
-case 232:
- this.$ = "SEMI";
-case 233:
- this.$ = "ANTI";
-case 234:
- this.$ = "CROSS";
-case 235:
- this.$ = {on: $$[$0]};
-case 236: case 697:
- this.$ = {using: $$[$0]};
-case 239:
- this.$ = {where: new yy.Expression({expression:$$[$0]})};
-case 241:
- this.$ = {group:$$[$0-1]}; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 244:
- this.$ = new yy.GroupExpression({type:'GROUPING SETS', group: $$[$0-1]});
-case 245:
- this.$ = new yy.GroupExpression({type:'ROLLUP', group: $$[$0-1]});
-case 246:
- this.$ = new yy.GroupExpression({type:'CUBE', group: $$[$0-1]});
-case 249:
- this.$ = {having:$$[$0]}
-case 251:
- this.$ = {union: $$[$0]} ;
-case 252:
- this.$ = {unionall: $$[$0]} ;
-case 253:
- this.$ = {except: $$[$0]} ;
-case 254:
- this.$ = {intersect: $$[$0]} ;
-case 255:
- this.$ = {union: $$[$0], corresponding:true} ;
-case 256:
- this.$ = {unionall: $$[$0], corresponding:true} ;
-case 257:
- this.$ = {except: $$[$0], corresponding:true} ;
-case 258:
- this.$ = {intersect: $$[$0], corresponding:true} ;
-case 260:
- this.$ = {order:$$[$0]}
-case 262:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2]; $$[$0-2].push($$[$0])
-case 263:
- this.$ = new yy.Expression({expression: $$[$0], direction:'ASC'})
-case 264:
- this.$ = new yy.Expression({expression: $$[$0-1], direction:$$[$0].toUpperCase()})
-case 265:
- this.$ = new yy.Expression({expression: $$[$0-2], direction:'ASC', nocase:true})
-case 266:
- this.$ = new yy.Expression({expression: $$[$0-3], direction:$$[$0].toUpperCase(), nocase:true})
-case 268:
- this.$ = {limit:$$[$0-1]}; yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
-case 269:
- this.$ = {limit:$$[$0-2],offset:$$[$0-6]};
-case 271:
- this.$ = {offset:$$[$0]};
-case 272: case 509: case 533: case 648: case 658: case 682: case 684: case 688:
- $$[$0-2].push($$[$0]); this.$ = $$[$0-2];
-case 274: case 276: case 278:
- $$[$0-2].as = $$[$0]; this.$ = $$[$0-2];
-case 275: case 277: case 279:
- $$[$0-1].as = $$[$0]; this.$ = $$[$0-1];
-case 281:
- this.$ = new yy.Column({columid: $$[$0], tableid: $$[$0-2], databaseid:$$[$0-4]});
-case 282:
- this.$ = new yy.Column({columnid: $$[$0], tableid: $$[$0-2]});
-case 283:
- this.$ = new yy.Column({columnid:$$[$0]});
-case 284:
- this.$ = new yy.Column({columnid: $$[$0], tableid: $$[$0-2], databaseid:$$[$0-4]});
-case 285: case 286:
- this.$ = new yy.Column({columnid: $$[$0], tableid: $$[$0-2]});
-case 287:
- this.$ = new yy.Column({columnid: $$[$0]});
-case 302:
- this.$ = new yy.DomainValueValue();
-case 303:
- this.$ = new yy.Json({value:$$[$0]});
-case 306: case 307: case 308:
- if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
- yy.queries.push($$[$0-1]);
- $$[$0-1].queriesidx = yy.queries.length;
- this.$ = $$[$0-1];
-case 309:
-this.$ = $$[$0]
-case 310:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid:'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'});
-case 311:
- this.$ = new yy.JavaScript({value:$$[$0].substr(2,$$[$0].length-4)});
-case 312:
- this.$ = new yy.JavaScript({value:'alasql.fn["'+$$[$0-2]+'"] = '+$$[$0].substr(2,$$[$0].length-4)});
-case 313:
- this.$ = new yy.JavaScript({value:'alasql.aggr["'+$$[$0-2]+'"] = '+$$[$0].substr(2,$$[$0].length-4)});
-case 314:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid:$$[$0], newid:true});
-case 315:
- this.$ = $$[$0]; yy.extend(this.$,{newid:true});
-case 316:
- this.$ = new yy.Convert({expression:$$[$0-3]}) ; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]) ;
-case 317:
- this.$ = new yy.Convert({expression:$$[$0-5], style:$$[$0-1]}) ; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-3]) ;
-case 318:
- this.$ = new yy.Convert({expression:$$[$0-1]}) ; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-3]) ;
-case 319:
- this.$ = new yy.Convert({expression:$$[$0-3], style:$$[$0-1]}) ; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-5]) ;
-case 326:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid:'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'});
-case 327:
- if($$[$0-2].length > 1 && ($$[$0-4].toUpperCase() == 'MAX' || $$[$0-4].toUpperCase() == 'MIN')) {
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid:$$[$0-4],args:$$[$0-2]});
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({aggregatorid: $$[$0-4].toUpperCase(), expression: $$[$0-2].pop(), over:$$[$0]});
- }
-case 328:
- this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({aggregatorid: $$[$0-5].toUpperCase(), expression: $$[$0-2], distinct:true, over:$$[$0]});
-case 329:
- this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({aggregatorid: $$[$0-5].toUpperCase(), expression: $$[$0-2],
- over:$$[$0]});
-case 331: case 332:
- this.$ = new yy.Over(); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]);
-case 333:
- this.$ = new yy.Over(); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]);
-case 334:
- this.$ = {partition:$$[$0]};
-case 335:
- this.$ = {order:$$[$0]};
-case 336:
- this.$ = "SUM";
-case 337:
- this.$ = "COUNT";
-case 338:
- this.$ = "MIN";
-case 339: case 544:
- this.$ = "MAX";
-case 340:
- this.$ = "AVG";
-case 341:
- this.$ = "FIRST";
-case 342:
- this.$ = "LAST";
-case 343:
- this.$ = "AGGR";
-case 344:
- this.$ = "ARRAY";
-case 345:
- var funcid = $$[$0-4];
- var exprlist = $$[$0-1];
- if(exprlist.length > 1 && (funcid.toUpperCase() == 'MIN' || funcid.toUpperCase() == 'MAX')) {
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: funcid, args: exprlist});
- } else if(alasql.aggr[$$[$0-4]]) {
- this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({aggregatorid: 'REDUCE',
- funcid: funcid, expression: exprlist.pop(),distinct:($$[$0-2]=='DISTINCT') });
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: funcid, args: exprlist});
- };
-case 346:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: $$[$0-2] })
-case 347:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'IIF', args:$$[$0-1] })
-case 348:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'REPLACE', args:$$[$0-1] })
-case 349:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'DATEADD', args:[new yy.StringValue({value:$$[$0-5]}),$$[$0-3],$$[$0-1]]})
-case 350:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'DATEADD', args:[$$[$0-5],$$[$0-3],$$[$0-1]]})
-case 351:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'DATEDIFF', args:[new yy.StringValue({value:$$[$0-5]}),$$[$0-3],$$[$0-1]]})
-case 352:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'DATEDIFF', args:[$$[$0-5],$$[$0-3],$$[$0-1]]})
-case 353:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'INTERVAL', args:[$$[$0-1],new yy.StringValue({value:($$[$0]).toLowerCase()})]});
-case 355:
- $$[$0-2].push($$[$0]); this.$ = $$[$0-2]
-case 356:
- this.$ = new yy.NumValue({value:+$$[$0]});
-case 357:
- this.$ = new yy.LogicValue({value:true});
-case 358:
- this.$ = new yy.LogicValue({value:false});
-case 359:
- this.$ = new yy.StringValue({value: $$[$0].substr(1,$$[$0].length-2).replace(/(\\\')/g,"'").replace(/(\'\')/g,"'")});
-case 360:
- this.$ = new yy.StringValue({value: $$[$0].substr(2,$$[$0].length-3).replace(/(\\\')/g,"'").replace(/(\'\')/g,"'")});
-case 361:
- this.$ = new yy.NullValue({value:undefined});
-case 362:
- this.$ = new yy.VarValue({variable:$$[$0]});
-case 363:
- if(!yy.exists) yy.exists = [];
- this.$ = new yy.ExistsValue({value:$$[$0-1], existsidx:yy.exists.length});
- yy.exists.push($$[$0-1]);
-case 364:
- this.$ = new yy.ArrayValue({value:$$[$0-1]});
-case 365: case 366:
- this.$ = new yy.ParamValue({param: $$[$0]});
-case 367:
- if(typeof yy.question == 'undefined') yy.question = 0;
- this.$ = new yy.ParamValue({param: yy.question++});
-case 368:
- if(typeof yy.question == 'undefined') yy.question = 0;
- this.$ = new yy.ParamValue({param: yy.question++, array:true});
-case 369:
- this.$ = new yy.CaseValue({expression:$$[$0-3], whens: $$[$0-2], elses: $$[$0-1]});
-case 370:
- this.$ = new yy.CaseValue({whens: $$[$0-2], elses: $$[$0-1]});
-case 371: case 699: case 700:
- this.$ = $$[$0-1]; this.$.push($$[$0]);
-case 373:
- this.$ = {when: $$[$0-2], then: $$[$0] };
-case 376: case 377:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'REGEXP', right:$$[$0]});
-case 378:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'GLOB', right:$$[$0]});
-case 379:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'LIKE', right:$$[$0]});
-case 380:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-4], op:'LIKE', right:$$[$0-2], escape:$$[$0]});
-case 381:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'NOT LIKE', right:$$[$0] });
-case 382:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-4], op:'NOT LIKE', right:$$[$0-2], escape:$$[$0] });
-case 383:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'||', right:$$[$0]});
-case 384:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'+', right:$$[$0]});
-case 385:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'-', right:$$[$0]});
-case 386:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'*', right:$$[$0]});
-case 387:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'/', right:$$[$0]});
-case 388:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'%', right:$$[$0]});
-case 389:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'^', right:$$[$0]});
-case 390:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'>>', right:$$[$0]});
-case 391:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'<<', right:$$[$0]});
-case 392:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'&', right:$$[$0]});
-case 393:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'|', right:$$[$0]});
-case 394: case 395: case 397:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'->' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 396:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-4], op:'->' , right:$$[$0-1]});
-case 398: case 399: case 401:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'!' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 400:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-4], op:'!' , right:$$[$0-1]});
-case 402:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'>' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 403:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'>=' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 404:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'<' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 405:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'<=' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 406:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'=' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 407:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'==' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 408:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'===' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 409:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'!=' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 410:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'!==' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 411:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'!===' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 412:
- if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-5], op:$$[$0-4] , allsome:$$[$0-3], right:$$[$0-1], queriesidx: yy.queries.length});
- yy.queries.push($$[$0-1]);
-case 413:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-5], op:$$[$0-4] , allsome:$$[$0-3], right:$$[$0-1]});
-case 414:
- if($$[$0-2].op == 'BETWEEN1') {
- if($$[$0-2].left.op == 'AND') {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left.left,op:'AND',right:
- new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left.right, op:'BETWEEN',
- right1:$$[$0-2].right, right2:$$[$0]})
- });
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left, op:'BETWEEN',
- right1:$$[$0-2].right, right2:$$[$0]});
- }
- } else if($$[$0-2].op == 'NOT BETWEEN1') {
- if($$[$0-2].left.op == 'AND') {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left.left,op:'AND',right:
- new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left.right, op:'NOT BETWEEN',
- right1:$$[$0-2].right, right2:$$[$0]})
- });
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left, op:'NOT BETWEEN',
- right1:$$[$0-2].right, right2:$$[$0]});
- }
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'AND', right:$$[$0]});
- }
-case 415:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'OR' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 416:
- this.$ = new yy.UniOp({op:'NOT' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 417:
- this.$ = new yy.UniOp({op:'-' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 418:
- this.$ = new yy.UniOp({op:'+' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 419:
- this.$ = new yy.UniOp({op:'~' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 420:
- this.$ = new yy.UniOp({op:'#' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 421:
- this.$ = new yy.UniOp({right: $$[$0-1]});
-case 422:
- if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-4], op:'IN', right:$$[$0-1], queriesidx: yy.queries.length});
- yy.queries.push($$[$0-1]);
-case 423:
- if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-5], op:'NOT IN', right:$$[$0-1], queriesidx: yy.queries.length});
- yy.queries.push($$[$0-1]);
-case 424:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-4], op:'IN', right:$$[$0-1]});
-case 425:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-5], op:'NOT IN', right:$$[$0-1]});
-case 426:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-3], op:'IN', right:[]});
-case 427:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-4], op:'NOT IN', right:[]});
-case 428: case 430:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-2], op:'IN', right:$$[$0]});
-case 429: case 431:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-3], op:'NOT IN', right:$$[$0]});
-case 432:
-/* var expr = $$[$0];
- if(expr.left && expr.left.op == 'AND') {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'BETWEEN', right:expr.left}), op:'AND', right:expr.right });
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'BETWEEN1', right:$$[$0] });
-case 433:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'NOT BETWEEN1', right:$$[$0] });
-case 434:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({op:'IS' , left:$$[$0-2], right:$$[$0]});
-case 435:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({
- op:'IS',
- left:$$[$0-2],
- right: new yy.UniOp({
- op:'NOT',
- right:new yy.NullValue({value:undefined})
- })
- });
-case 436:
- this.$ = new yy.Convert({expression:$$[$0-2]}) ; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]) ;
-case 437: case 438:
- this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 439:
- this.$ = $$[$0-1];
-case 446:
- this.$ = 'ALL';
-case 447:
- this.$ = 'SOME';
-case 448:
- this.$ = 'ANY';
-case 449:
- this.$ = new yy.Update({table:$$[$0-4], columns:$$[$0-2], where:$$[$0]});
-case 450:
- this.$ = new yy.Update({table:$$[$0-2], columns:$$[$0]});
-case 453:
- this.$ = new yy.SetColumn({column:$$[$0-2], expression:$$[$0]})
-case 454:
- this.$ = new yy.SetColumn({variable:$$[$0-2], expression:$$[$0], method:$$[$0-3]})
-case 455:
- this.$ = new yy.Delete({table:$$[$0-2], where:$$[$0]});
-case 456:
- this.$ = new yy.Delete({table:$$[$0]});
-case 457:
- this.$ = new yy.Insert({into:$$[$0-2], values: $$[$0]});
-case 458:
- this.$ = new yy.Insert({into:$$[$0-1], values: $$[$0]});
-case 459: case 461:
- this.$ = new yy.Insert({into:$$[$0-2], values: $$[$0], orreplace:true});
-case 460: case 462:
- this.$ = new yy.Insert({into:$$[$0-1], values: $$[$0], orreplace:true});
-case 463:
- this.$ = new yy.Insert({into:$$[$0-2], "default": true}) ;
-case 464:
- this.$ = new yy.Insert({into:$$[$0-5], columns: $$[$0-3], values: $$[$0]});
-case 465:
- this.$ = new yy.Insert({into:$$[$0-4], columns: $$[$0-2], values: $$[$0]});
-case 466:
- this.$ = new yy.Insert({into:$$[$0-1], select: $$[$0]});
-case 467:
- this.$ = new yy.Insert({into:$$[$0-1], select: $$[$0], orreplace:true});
-case 468:
- this.$ = new yy.Insert({into:$$[$0-4], columns: $$[$0-2], select: $$[$0]});
-case 473:
- this.$ = [$$[$0-1]];
-case 476:
-this.$ = $$[$0-4]; $$[$0-4].push($$[$0-1])
-case 477: case 478: case 480: case 488:
-this.$ = $$[$0-2]; $$[$0-2].push($$[$0])
-case 489:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({table:$$[$0-4]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-7]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-6]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-5]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 490:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({table:$$[$0]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-3]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]);
-case 492:
- this.$ = {class:true};
-case 502:
- this.$ = {temporary:true};
-case 504:
- this.$ = {ifnotexists: true};
-case 505:
- this.$ = {columns: $$[$0-2], constraints: $$[$0]};
-case 506:
- this.$ = {columns: $$[$0]};
-case 507:
- this.$ = {as: $$[$0]}
-case 508: case 532:
- this.$ = [$$[$0]];
-case 510: case 511: case 512: case 513: case 514:
- $$[$0].constraintid = $$[$0-1]; this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 517:
- this.$ = {type: 'CHECK', expression: $$[$0-1]};
-case 518:
- this.$ = {type: 'PRIMARY KEY', columns: $$[$0-1], clustered:($$[$0-3]+'').toUpperCase()};
-case 519:
- this.$ = {type: 'FOREIGN KEY', columns: $$[$0-5], fktable: $$[$0-2], fkcolumns: $$[$0-1]};
-case 525:
- this.$ = {type: 'UNIQUE', columns: $$[$0-1], clustered:($$[$0-3]+'').toUpperCase()};
-case 534:
- this.$ = new yy.ColumnDef({columnid:$$[$0-2]}); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 535:
- this.$ = new yy.ColumnDef({columnid:$$[$0-1]}); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 536:
- this.$ = new yy.ColumnDef({columnid:$$[$0], dbtypeid: ''});
-case 537:
- this.$ = {dbtypeid: $$[$0-5], dbsize: $$[$0-3], dbprecision: +$$[$0-1]}
-case 538:
- this.$ = {dbtypeid: $$[$0-3], dbsize: $$[$0-1]}
-case 539:
- this.$ = {dbtypeid: $$[$0]}
-case 540:
- this.$ = {dbtypeid: 'ENUM', enumvalues: $$[$0-1]}
-case 541:
- this.$ = $$[$0-1]; $$[$0-1].dbtypeid += '[' + $$[$0] + ']';
-case 543: case 750:
- this.$ = +$$[$0];
-case 545:
-this.$ = undefined
-case 547:
- yy.extend($$[$0-1],$$[$0]); this.$ = $$[$0-1];
-case 550:
-this.$ = {primarykey:true};
-case 551: case 552:
-this.$ = {foreignkey:{table:$$[$0-1], columnid: $$[$0]}};
-case 553:
- this.$ = {identity: {value:$$[$0-3],step:$$[$0-1]}}
-case 554:
- this.$ = {identity: {value:1,step:1}}
-case 555: case 557:
-this.$ = {"default":$$[$0]};
-case 556:
-this.$ = {"default":$$[$0-1]};
-case 558:
-this.$ = {null:true};
-case 559:
-this.$ = {notnull:true};
-case 560:
-this.$ = {check:$$[$0]};
-case 561:
-this.$ = {unique:true};
-case 562:
-this.$ = {"onupdate":$$[$0]};
-case 563:
-this.$ = {"onupdate":$$[$0-1]};
-case 564:
- this.$ = new yy.DropTable({tables:$$[$0],type:$$[$0-2]}); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-1]);
-case 568:
- this.$ = {ifexists: true};
-case 569:
- this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({table:$$[$0-3], renameto: $$[$0]});
-case 570:
- this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({table:$$[$0-3], addcolumn: $$[$0]});
-case 571:
- this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({table:$$[$0-3], modifycolumn: $$[$0]});
-case 572:
- this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({table:$$[$0-5], renamecolumn: $$[$0-2], to: $$[$0]});
-case 573:
- this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({table:$$[$0-3], dropcolumn: $$[$0]});
-case 574:
- this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({table:$$[$0-2], renameto: $$[$0]});
-case 575:
- this.$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({databaseid:$$[$0], engineid:$$[$0-2].toUpperCase() });
-case 576:
- this.$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({databaseid:$$[$0-3], engineid:$$[$0-5].toUpperCase(), args:$$[$0-1] });
-case 577:
- this.$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({databaseid:$$[$0-2], engineid:$$[$0-4].toUpperCase(), as:$$[$0] });
-case 578:
- this.$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({databaseid:$$[$0-5], engineid:$$[$0-7].toUpperCase(), as:$$[$0], args:$$[$0-3]});
-case 579:
- this.$ = new yy.DetachDatabase({databaseid:$$[$0]});
-case 580:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({databaseid:$$[$0] }); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 581:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({engineid:$$[$0-4].toUpperCase(), databaseid:$$[$0-1], as:$$[$0] }); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
-case 582:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({engineid:$$[$0-7].toUpperCase(), databaseid:$$[$0-4], args:$$[$0-2], as:$$[$0] }); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-5]);
-case 583:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({engineid:$$[$0-4].toUpperCase(),
- as:$$[$0], args:[$$[$0-1]] }); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
-case 584:
-this.$ = undefined;
-case 586: case 587:
- this.$ = new yy.UseDatabase({databaseid: $$[$0] });
-case 588:
- this.$ = new yy.DropDatabase({databaseid: $$[$0] }); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]);
-case 589: case 590:
- this.$ = new yy.DropDatabase({databaseid: $$[$0], engineid:$$[$0-3].toUpperCase() }); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]);
-case 591:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateIndex({indexid:$$[$0-5], table:$$[$0-3], columns:$$[$0-1]})
-case 592:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateIndex({indexid:$$[$0-5], table:$$[$0-3], columns:$$[$0-1], unique:true})
-case 593:
- this.$ = new yy.DropIndex({indexid:$$[$0]});
-case 594:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowDatabases();
-case 595:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowDatabases({like:$$[$0]});
-case 596:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowDatabases({engineid:$$[$0-1].toUpperCase() });
-case 597:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowDatabases({engineid:$$[$0-3].toUpperCase() , like:$$[$0]});
-case 598:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowTables();
-case 599:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowTables({like:$$[$0]});
-case 600:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowTables({databaseid: $$[$0]});
-case 601:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowTables({like:$$[$0], databaseid: $$[$0-2]});
-case 602:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowColumns({table: $$[$0]});
-case 603:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowColumns({table: $$[$0-2], databaseid:$$[$0]});
-case 604:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowIndex({table: $$[$0]});
-case 605:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowIndex({table: $$[$0-2], databaseid: $$[$0]});
-case 606:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowCreateTable({table: $$[$0]});
-case 607:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowCreateTable({table: $$[$0-2], databaseid:$$[$0]});
-case 608:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({table:$$[$0-6],view:true,select:$$[$0-1],viewcolumns:$$[$0-4]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-9]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-7]);
-case 609:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({table:$$[$0-3],view:true,select:$$[$0-1]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-6]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-4]);
-case 613:
- this.$ = new yy.DropTable({tables:$$[$0], view:true}); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-1]);
-case 614: case 760:
- this.$ = new yy.ExpressionStatement({expression:$$[$0]});
-case 615:
- this.$ = new yy.Source({url:$$[$0].value});
-case 616:
- this.$ = new yy.Assert({value:$$[$0]});
-case 617:
- this.$ = new yy.Assert({value:$$[$0].value});
-case 618:
- this.$ = new yy.Assert({value:$$[$0], message:$$[$0-2]});
-case 620: case 631: case 633:
- this.$ = $$[$0].value;
-case 621: case 629:
- this.$ = +$$[$0].value;
-case 622:
- this.$ = (!!$$[$0].value);
-case 630:
- this.$ = ""+$$[$0].value;
-case 639:
- this.$ = {};
-case 642:
- this.$ = [];
-case 643:
- yy.extend($$[$0-2],$$[$0]); this.$ = $$[$0-2];
-case 645:
- this.$ = {}; this.$[$$[$0-2].substr(1,$$[$0-2].length-2)] = $$[$0];
-case 646: case 647:
- this.$ = {}; this.$[$$[$0-2]] = $$[$0];
-case 650:
- this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({variable:$$[$0-2].toLowerCase(), value:$$[$0]});
-case 651:
- this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({variable:$$[$0-1].toLowerCase(), value:$$[$0]});
-case 652:
- this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({variable:$$[$0-2], expression:$$[$0]});
-case 653:
- this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({variable:$$[$0-3], props: $$[$0-2], expression:$$[$0]});
-case 654:
- this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({variable:$$[$0-2], expression:$$[$0], method:$$[$0-3]});
-case 655:
- this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({variable:$$[$0-3], props: $$[$0-2], expression:$$[$0], method:$$[$0-4]});
-case 656:
-this.$ = '@';
-case 657:
-this.$ = '$';
-case 663:
- this.$ = true;
-case 664:
- this.$ = false;
-case 665:
- this.$ = new yy.CommitTransaction();
-case 666:
- this.$ = new yy.RollbackTransaction();
-case 667:
- this.$ = new yy.BeginTransaction();
-case 668:
- this.$ = new yy.If({expression:$$[$0-2],thenstat:$$[$0-1], elsestat:$$[$0]});
- if($$[$0-1].exists) this.$.exists = $$[$0-1].exists;
- if($$[$0-1].queries) this.$.queries = $$[$0-1].queries;
-case 669:
- this.$ = new yy.If({expression:$$[$0-1],thenstat:$$[$0]});
- if($$[$0].exists) this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists;
- if($$[$0].queries) this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries;
-case 670:
-this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 671:
- this.$ = new yy.While({expression:$$[$0-1],loopstat:$$[$0]});
- if($$[$0].exists) this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists;
- if($$[$0].queries) this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries;
-case 672:
- this.$ = new yy.Continue();
-case 673:
- this.$ = new yy.Break();
-case 674:
- this.$ = new yy.BeginEnd({statements:$$[$0-1]});
-case 675:
- this.$ = new yy.Print({exprs:$$[$0]});
-case 676:
- this.$ = new yy.Print({select:$$[$0]});
-case 677:
- this.$ = new yy.Require({paths:$$[$0]});
-case 678:
- this.$ = new yy.Require({plugins:$$[$0]});
-case 679: case 680:
-this.$ = $$[$0].toUpperCase();
-case 681:
- this.$ = new yy.Echo({expr:$$[$0]});
-case 686:
- this.$ = new yy.Declare({declares:$$[$0]});
-case 689:
- this.$ = {variable: $$[$0-1]}; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 690:
- this.$ = {variable: $$[$0-2]}; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 691:
- this.$ = {variable: $$[$0-3], expression:$$[$0]}; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
-case 692:
- this.$ = {variable: $$[$0-4], expression:$$[$0]}; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
-case 693:
- this.$ = new yy.TruncateTable({table:$$[$0]});
-case 694:
- this.$ = new yy.Merge(); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-4]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-3]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
- yy.extend(this.$,{matches:$$[$0-1]});yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 695: case 696:
- this.$ = {into: $$[$0]};
-case 698:
- this.$ = {on:$$[$0]};
-case 703:
- this.$ = {matched:true, action:$$[$0]}
-case 704:
- this.$ = {matched:true, expr: $$[$0-2], action:$$[$0]}
-case 705:
- this.$ = {delete:true};
-case 706:
- this.$ = {update:$$[$0]};
-case 707: case 708:
- this.$ = {matched:false, bytarget: true, action:$$[$0]}
-case 709: case 710:
- this.$ = {matched:false, bytarget: true, expr:$$[$0-2], action:$$[$0]}
-case 711:
- this.$ = {matched:false, bysource: true, action:$$[$0]}
-case 712:
- this.$ = {matched:false, bysource: true, expr:$$[$0-2], action:$$[$0]}
-case 713:
- this.$ = {insert:true, values:$$[$0]};
-case 714:
- this.$ = {insert:true, values:$$[$0], columns:$$[$0-3]};
-case 715:
- this.$ = {insert:true, defaultvalues:true};
-case 716:
- this.$ = {insert:true, defaultvalues:true, columns:$$[$0-3]};
-case 718:
- this.$ = {output:{columns:$$[$0]}}
-case 719:
- this.$ = {output:{columns:$$[$0-3], intovar: $$[$0], method:$$[$0-1]}}
-case 720:
- this.$ = {output:{columns:$$[$0-2], intotable: $$[$0]}}
-case 721:
- this.$ = {output:{columns:$$[$0-5], intotable: $$[$0-3], intocolumns:$$[$0-1]}}
-case 722:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateVertex({class:$$[$0-3],sharp:$$[$0-2], name:$$[$0-1]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 725:
- this.$ = {sets:$$[$0]};
-case 726:
- this.$ = {content:$$[$0]};
-case 727:
- this.$ = {select:$$[$0]};
-case 728:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateEdge({from:$$[$0-3],to:$$[$0-1],name:$$[$0-5]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 729:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateGraph({graph:$$[$0]});
-case 730:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateGraph({from:$$[$0]});
-case 733:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2];
- if($$[$0-1]) this.$.json = new yy.Json({value:$$[$0-1]});
- if($$[$0]) this.$.as = $$[$0];
-case 734:
- this.$ = {source:$$[$0-6], target: $$[$0]};
- if($$[$0-3]) this.$.json = new yy.Json({value:$$[$0-3]});
- if($$[$0-2]) this.$.as = $$[$0-2];
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-4]);
-case 735:
- this.$ = {source:$$[$0-5], target: $$[$0]};
- if($$[$0-2]) this.$.json = new yy.Json({value:$$[$0-3]});
- if($$[$0-1]) this.$.as = $$[$0-2];
-case 736:
- this.$ = {source:$$[$0-2], target: $$[$0]};
-case 740:
- this.$ = {vars:$$[$0], method:$$[$0-1]};
-case 743: case 744:
- var s3 = $$[$0-1];
- this.$ = {prop:$$[$0-3], sharp:$$[$0-2], name:(typeof s3 == 'undefined')?undefined:s3.substr(1,s3.length-2), class:$$[$0]};
-case 745:
- var s2 = $$[$0-1];
- this.$ = {sharp:$$[$0-2], name:(typeof s2 == 'undefined')?undefined:s2.substr(1,s2.length-2), class:$$[$0]};
-case 746:
- var s1 = $$[$0-1];
- this.$ = {name:(typeof s1 == 'undefined')?undefined:s1.substr(1,s1.length-2), class:$$[$0]};
-case 747:
- this.$ = {class:$$[$0]};
-case 753:
- this.$ = new yy.AddRule({left:$$[$0-2], right:$$[$0]});
-case 754:
- this.$ = new yy.AddRule({right:$$[$0]});
-case 757:
- this.$ = new yy.Term({termid:$$[$0]});
-case 758:
- this.$ = new yy.Term({termid:$$[$0-3],args:$$[$0-1]});
-case 761:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateTrigger({trigger:$$[$0-6], when:$$[$0-5], action:$$[$0-4], table:$$[$0-2], statement:$$[$0]});
- if($$[$0].exists) this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists;
- if($$[$0].queries) this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries;
-case 762:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateTrigger({trigger:$$[$0-5], when:$$[$0-4], action:$$[$0-3], table:$$[$0-1], funcid:$$[$0]});
-case 763:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateTrigger({trigger:$$[$0-6], when:$$[$0-4], action:$$[$0-3], table:$$[$0-5], statement:$$[$0]});
- if($$[$0].exists) this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists;
- if($$[$0].queries) this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries;
-case 764: case 765: case 767:
- this.$ = 'AFTER';
-case 766:
- this.$ = 'BEFORE';
-case 768:
- this.$ = 'INSTEADOF';
-case 769:
- this.$ = 'INSERT';
-case 770:
- this.$ = 'DELETE';
-case 771:
- this.$ = 'UPDATE';
-case 772:
- this.$ = new yy.DropTrigger({trigger:$$[$0]});
-case 773:
- this.$ = new yy.Reindex({indexid:$$[$0]});
-case 1047: case 1067: case 1069: case 1071: case 1075: case 1077: case 1079: case 1081: case 1083: case 1085:
-this.$ = [];
-case 1048: case 1062: case 1064: case 1068: case 1070: case 1072: case 1076: case 1078: case 1080: case 1082: case 1084: case 1086:
-case 1061: case 1063:
-this.$ = [$$[$0]];
-table: 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661:[1,450],662:[1,451],663:[1,452],664:[1,453],665:[1,454],666:[1,455],667:[1,456],668:[1,457],669:[1,458],670:[1,459],671:[1,460],672:[1,461],673:[1,463],674:[1,464],675:[1,465],676:[1,466],677:[1,467],678:[1,468],679:[1,469],680:[1,470],681:[1,472],682:[1,473],683:[1,474],684:[1,475],685:[1,476],686:[1,477],687:[1,478],688:[1,479],689:[1,480],690:[1,481],691:[1,482],692:[1,483],693:[1,484],694:[1,485],695:[1,486],696:[1,487],697:[1,488],698:[1,489],699:[1,490],700:[1,491],701:[1,492],702:[1,493],703:[1,494],704:[1,495],705:[1,496],706:[1,497],707:[1,498],708:[1,499],709:[1,500],710:[1,501],711:[1,502],712:[1,503],713:[1,504],714:[1,505],715:[1,506],716:[1,507],717:[1,508],718:[1,510],719:[1,511],720:[1,512],721:[1,513],722:[1,514],723:[1,515],724:[1,516],725:[1,517],726:[1,518],727:[1,519],728:[1,520],729:[1,521],730:[1,522],731:[1,523],732:[1,524],733:[1,526],734:[1,527],735:[1,528],736:[1,529],737:[1,530],738:[1,531],739:[1,532],740:[1,533],741:[1,534],742:[1,535],743:[1,536],744:[1,537],745:[1,538],746:[1,539],747:[1,540],748:[1,541],749:[1,542],750:[1,543],751:[1,544],752:[1,545],753:[1,546],754:[1,547],755:[1,548],756:[1,550],757:[1,551],758:[1,552],759:[1,553],760:[1,554],761:[1,555],762:[1,556],763:[1,557]},{1:[2,6]},o($VJ,$V0,{17:5,18:7,19:8,20:9,21:10,22:11,23:12,24:13,25:14,26:15,27:16,28:17,29:18,30:19,31:20,32:21,33:22,34:23,35:24,36:25,37:26,38:27,39:28,40:29,41:30,42:31,43:32,44:33,45:34,46:35,47:36,48:37,49:38,50:39,51:40,52:41,54:43,55:44,56:45,57:46,58:47,59:48,60:49,61:50,62:51,63:52,64:53,65:54,66:55,67:56,68:57,69:58,70:59,71:60,79:75,504:95,184:99,3:100,12:558,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,53:$V5,72:$V6,89:$V7,124:$V8,146:$V9,156:$Va,189:$Vb,266:$Vc,267:$Vd,290:$Ve,335:$Vf,338:$Vg,339:$Vh,396:$Vi,400:$Vj,401:$Vk,404:$Vl,406:$Vm,408:$Vn,409:$Vo,417:$Vp,418:$Vq,434:$Vr,436:$Vs,437:$Vt,439:$Vu,440:$Vv,441:$Vw,442:$Vx,443:$Vy,447:$Vz,448:$VA,451:$VB,452:$VC,505:$VD,507:$VE,508:$VF,517:$VG}),o($VM1,[2,1041]),o($VM1,[2,1042]),o($VJ,[2,10]),{16:[1,559]},{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:560},{405:[1,561]},o($VK,[2,760]),{77:$VN1},{77:[1,563]},{77:$VO1},{77:[1,565]},{77:[1,566]},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:567,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($Vt1,$VP1,{350:568,156:$VQ1}),{405:[1,570]},{2:$V1,3:571,4:$V2,5:$V3},{193:[1,572]},{2:$V1,3:578,4:$V2,5:$V3,132:$VR1,137:$VS1,143:$VF1,145:$VG1,152:$VT1,183:[1,574],431:585,473:573,474:575,475:576,478:577,482:582,493:579,497:581},{130:[1,589],349:586,353:[1,588],410:[1,587]},{113:591,132:$VW,183:[2,1141],296:$Vj1,471:590},o($VU1,[2,1135],{465:592,3:593,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3}),{2:$V1,3:594,4:$V2,5:$V3},{4:[1,595]},{4:[1,596]},o($VQ,[2,502]),o($VK,[2,686],{74:[1,597]}),o($VV1,[2,687]),{2:$V1,3:598,4:$V2,5:$V3},{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:599},{2:$V1,3:600,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($Vt1,$VW1,{398:601,156:$VX1}),{405:[1,603]},{2:$V1,3:604,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($Vt1,$VW1,{398:605,156:$VX1}),o($Vt1,$VW1,{398:606,156:$VX1}),{2:$V1,3:607,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($VY1,[2,1129]),o($VY1,[2,1130]),o($VK,$V0,{17:5,18:7,19:8,20:9,21:10,22:11,23:12,24:13,25:14,26:15,27:16,28:17,29:18,30:19,31:20,32:21,33:22,34:23,35:24,36:25,37:26,38:27,39:28,40:29,41:30,42:31,43:32,44:33,45:34,46:35,47:36,48:37,49:38,50:39,51:40,52:41,54:43,55:44,56:45,57:46,58:47,59:48,60:49,61:50,62:51,63:52,64:53,65:54,66:55,67:56,68:57,69:58,70:59,71:60,79:75,504:95,184:99,3:100,12:608,114:625,327:637,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,53:$V5,72:$V6,89:$V7,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$V22,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,146:$V9,154:$Va2,156:$Va,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,189:$Vb,266:$Vc,267:$Vd,290:$Ve,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2,335:$Vf,338:$Vg,339:$Vh,396:$Vi,400:$Vj,401:$Vk,404:$Vl,406:$Vm,408:$Vn,409:$Vo,417:$Vp,418:$Vq,434:$Vr,436:$Vs,437:$Vt,439:$Vu,440:$Vv,441:$Vw,442:$Vx,443:$Vy,447:$Vz,448:$VA,451:$VB,452:$VC,505:$VD,507:$VE,508:$VF,517:$VG}),o($VB1,[2,288]),o($VB1,[2,289]),o($VB1,[2,290]),o($VB1,[2,291]),o($VB1,[2,292]),o($VB1,[2,293]),o($VB1,[2,294]),o($VB1,[2,295]),o($VB1,[2,296]),o($VB1,[2,297]),o($VB1,[2,298]),o($VB1,[2,299]),o($VB1,[2,300]),o($VB1,[2,301]),o($VB1,[2,302]),o($VB1,[2,303]),o($VB1,[2,304]),o($VB1,[2,305]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,26:654,27:653,36:649,40:648,56:165,77:$VU,79:75,89:$V7,94:651,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,184:99,189:$Vb,196:1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Vh3,156:$Vi3,158:768,160:769,162:$Vj3,164:$Vk3,166:$Vl3,168:$Vm3,169:$Vn3,170:$Vo3,171:$Vp3,172:$Vq3,173:$Vr3,175:$Vs3,185:$Vt3,187:$Vu3,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{77:[1,1026]},{77:[1,1027]},{77:[1,1028]},{77:[1,1029]},o($Vl4,[2,104]),o($Vl4,[2,105]),o($Vl4,[2,106]),o($Vl4,[2,107]),o($Vl4,[2,108]),o($Vl4,[2,109]),{2:$V1,3:1030,4:$V2,5:$V3},{2:$V1,3:1031,4:$V2,5:$V3,133:[1,1032]},o($Vl4,[2,113]),o($Vl4,[2,114]),o($Vl4,[2,115]),o($Vl4,[2,116]),o($Vl4,[2,117]),o($Vl4,[2,118]),{2:$V1,3:1033,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:$VB2,113:669,131:$VV,132:$VW,143:$VY,152:$V$,181:$V31,196:670,201:672,257:671,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,302:$Vn1,419:673,424:$Vs1},{145:[1,1034]},{77:[1,1035]},{145:[1,1036]},o($Vl4,[2,123]),{77:[1,1037]},{2:$V1,3:1038,4:$V2,5:$V3},{77:[1,1039]},{77:[1,1040]},{77:[1,1041]},{77:[1,1042]},{77:[1,1043],164:[1,1044]},{77:[1,1045]},{77:[1,1046]},{77:[1,1047]},{77:[1,1048]},{77:[1,1049]},{77:[1,1050]},{77:[1,1051]},{77:[1,1052]},{77:[1,1053]},{77:[2,1073]},{77:[2,1074]},{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:1054},{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:1055},{113:1056,132:$VW,296:$Vj1},o($VK,[2,596],{112:[1,1057]}),{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:1058},{113:1059,132:$VW,296:$Vj1},{2:$V1,3:1060,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($VK,[2,693]),o($VK,[2,68]),{2:$V1,3:236,4:$V2,5:$V3,75:1061},{77:[1,1062]},o($VK,[2,674]),o($VK,[2,586]),{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,111:1065,143:$Vm4,145:$Vn4,147:1063,336:1064,337:1066},{144:1069,145:$VC1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VK,[2,671]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1070,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VZ3,$V_3,{255:146,200:147,256:148,111:149,254:150,196:151,257:152,113:153,258:154,201:155,202:156,259:157,260:158,261:159,144:161,262:162,263:163,56:165,158:167,3:168,419:190,94:1071,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:$VU,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1}),{113:1072,132:$VW,296:$Vj1},{2:$V1,3:266,4:$V2,5:$V3,446:1073,447:$VE1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1075,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,230:$VA3,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1,429:1074,433:$VB3},o($VK,[2,651]),{114:1077,115:$V$1,116:$V02,124:[1,1076]},o($VK,[2,663]),o($VK,[2,664]),{2:$V1,3:1079,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:$Vo4,131:$Vp4,432:1078},{114:807,115:$V$1,116:$V02,124:[1,1082],430:1083},o($VK,[2,753],{74:$VC3}),{2:$V1,3:100,4:$V2,5:$V3,504:1084},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:817,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,174:1085,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,253:816,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:817,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,174:1086,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,253:816,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:817,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,174:1087,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,253:816,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VF3,[2,151]),o($VF3,[2,1088],{74:$Vq4}),o($Vr4,[2,273]),o($Vr4,[2,280],{114:625,327:637,3:1090,113:1092,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:[1,1089],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,131:[1,1091],132:$VW,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,296:$Vj1,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),o($VH1,[2,1089],{197:1093,765:[1,1094]}),{131:$VV,196:1095},{74:$VC3,78:[1,1096]},o($VJ,[2,11]),{148:[1,1097],190:[1,1098]},{190:[1,1099]},{190:[1,1100]},{190:[1,1101]},o($VK,[2,575],{76:[1,1103],77:[1,1102]}),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:260,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,151:1104,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($Vz2,[2,346]),o($VE3,[2,1112]),o($VE3,[2,1109]),o($VE3,[2,1110]),{74:$Vx3,78:[1,1105]},{74:$Vx3,78:[1,1106]},{74:[1,1107]},{74:[1,1108]},{74:[1,1109]},{74:[1,1110]},o($Vz2,[2,353]),o($VK,[2,580]),{298:[1,1111]},{2:$V1,3:1112,4:$V2,5:$V3,113:1113,132:$VW,296:$Vj1},{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:1114},{230:[1,1115]},{2:$V1,3:578,4:$V2,5:$V3,132:$VR1,137:$VS1,143:$VF1,145:$VG1,152:$VT1,431:585,474:1116,475:576,478:577,482:582,493:579,497:581},o($VK,[2,730],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),o($VD3,[2,1145],{477:1117,483:1118,76:$Vs4}),o($VJ3,[2,1144]),{2:$V1,3:1122,4:$V2,5:$V3,132:$VR1,137:$VS1,144:1121,145:$VC1,152:$VT1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1,475:1120,493:579,497:581},{2:$V1,3:1122,4:$V2,5:$V3,132:$VR1,137:$VS1,143:$VF1,145:$VG1,152:$VT1,431:585,475:1124,478:1123,482:582,493:579,497:581},{2:$V1,3:578,4:$V2,5:$V3,132:$VR1,137:$VS1,143:$VF1,145:$VG1,152:$VT1,431:585,473:1125,474:575,475:576,478:577,482:582,493:579,497:581},o($VN3,[2,1163],{491:1126,132:[1,1127]}),o($VL3,[2,1162]),o($VO3,[2,1169],{495:1128,497:1129,152:$VT1}),o($VN3,[2,1168]),o($VO3,[2,746]),o($VO3,[2,1172]),o($VL3,[2,749]),o($VL3,[2,750]),o($VO3,[2,748]),o($VP3,[2,740]),{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:1130},{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:1131},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1132,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($Vt4,[2,1139],{467:1133,113:1134,132:$VW,296:$Vj1}),o($VQ3,[2,1138]),{2:$V1,3:1135,4:$V2,5:$V3},{335:$Vu4,338:$Vv4,339:$Vw4,511:1136},{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:1140},o($VR3,[2,765]),o($VR3,[2,766]),o($VR3,[2,767]),{129:[1,1141]},{266:[1,1142]},{266:[1,1143]},o($VV1,[2,688]),o($VV1,[2,689],{124:[1,1144]}),{4:$VX3,7:879,272:1145,387:878,389:$VY3},o([2,4,10,53,72,74,76,77,78,89,93,95,98,99,107,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,179,180,181,183,185,187,189,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,232,239,242,243,245,247,266,267,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,296,297,300,306,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,330,331,332,333,335,338,339,343,356,368,369,373,374,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,464,470,505,507,508,517,602,764],[2,542],{5:[1,1146]}),o([2,5,10,53,72,74,76,78,89,93,95,98,99,107,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,179,180,181,183,185,187,189,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230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2,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,332:$Vw2}),o($VF4,[2,433],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,332:$Vw2}),o([2,4,5,10,53,72,74,76,77,78,89,93,95,98,99,107,118,122,124,128,129,130,131,132,134,135,137,139,140,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,181,183,185,187,189,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,232,239,242,243,245,247,266,267,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,296,300,306,308,309,310,314,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,330,331,332,333,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,464,470,505,507,508,517,602,764],[2,434],{114:625,327:637,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,141:$V82,142:$V92,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2}),o($VB1,[2,436]),o($VB1,[2,306]),o($VB1,[2,307]),o($VB1,[2,308]),o($VB1,[2,421]),{74:$Vx3,78:[1,1167]},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1168,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1169,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VB1,$VG4),o($VH4,[2,286]),o($VB1,[2,282]),{78:[1,1171],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{78:[1,1172]},{305:1173,306:$V44,307:957,308:$VC2,310:$V54},{306:[1,1174]},o($V64,[2,371]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1175,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,309:[1,1176],311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{76:[1,1177],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{74:[1,1178]},o($VD2,[2,640]),{2:$V1,3:695,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:$VE2,111:690,113:688,131:$VV,132:$VW,143:$VY,144:685,145:$VC1,152:$V$,156:$VL,181:$V31,196:687,200:693,201:692,257:689,258:691,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,300:[1,1179],302:$Vn1,419:190,420:$Vr1,422:1180,423:686,424:$Vs1},{78:[1,1181],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{2:$V1,3:1182,4:$V2,5:$V3,149:$V14},o($VB1,[2,364]),o($VD2,[2,637]),{2:$V1,3:704,4:$V2,5:$V3,131:$VF2,132:$VG2,426:[1,1183],428:1184},{2:$V1,3:695,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:$VE2,111:690,113:688,131:$VV,132:$VW,143:$VY,144:685,145:$VC1,152:$V$,156:$VL,181:$V31,196:687,200:693,201:692,257:689,258:691,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,302:$Vn1,419:190,420:$Vr1,422:1185,423:686,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:695,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:$VE2,111:690,113:688,131:$VV,132:$VW,143:$VY,144:685,145:$VC1,152:$V$,156:$VL,181:$V31,196:687,200:693,201:692,257:689,258:691,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,302:$Vn1,419:190,420:$Vr1,422:1186,423:686,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:695,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:$VE2,111:690,113:688,131:$VV,132:$VW,143:$VY,144:685,145:$VC1,152:$V$,156:$VL,181:$V31,196:687,200:693,201:692,257:689,258:691,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,302:$Vn1,419:190,420:$Vr1,422:1187,423:686,424:$Vs1},{77:$Ve4,143:$VY,144:979,145:$VC1,152:$V$,181:$V31,201:980,302:$Vn1,342:1188,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VI4,[2,458],{74:$VJ4}),{149:$Vc4,341:1190,344:$Vd4},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1194,100:1191,111:1193,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,345:1192,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VI4,[2,466]),o($VK4,[2,469]),o($VK4,[2,470]),o($VL4,[2,474]),o($VL4,[2,475]),{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:1195},{77:$Ve4,143:$VY,144:979,145:$VC1,152:$V$,181:$V31,201:980,302:$Vn1,342:1196,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VI4,[2,462],{74:$VJ4}),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1194,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,345:1192,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{308:$VM4,456:1197,458:1198,459:1199},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1201,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{230:[2,697]},o($VI2,[2,181],{3:1202,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:[1,1203]}),o($VI2,[2,182]),o($VI2,[2,1094]),o($VI2,[2,184]),o($VI2,[2,186]),o($VI2,[2,188]),o($VI2,[2,192]),o($VI2,[2,196]),o($VI2,[2,199]),o([2,4,5,10,53,72,74,76,77,78,89,93,95,98,118,124,128,143,145,146,148,149,152,154,156,162,168,169,181,183,187,189,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,245,247,266,267,290,297,302,306,310,335,338,339,343,344,356,368,369,373,374,396,400,401,402,403,404,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,505,507,508,514,515,516,517,602,764],[2,201]),{2:$V1,3:1204,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($VN4,[2,1045],{83:1205,92:1206,93:[1,1207],98:[1,1208]}),{2:$V1,3:219,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:[1,1210],132:$Vx1,143:$VY,144:212,145:$VZ,152:$V$,156:$VL,181:$V31,199:213,200:215,201:214,202:217,203:1209,209:1211,213:$Vy1,214:218,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,302:$Vn1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VL2,[2,164]),o($VL2,[2,165]),o($VL2,[2,166]),o($VL2,[2,167]),o($VL2,[2,168]),{2:$V1,3:667,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($Vz1,[2,83],{74:[1,1212]}),o($VO4,[2,85]),o($VO4,[2,86]),{113:1213,132:$VW,296:$Vj1},o([10,72,74,78,93,98,118,124,128,162,168,169,183,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$Vy2,{116:$V94}),o($Vh4,[2,73]),o($Vh4,[2,1050]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1214,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($Vl4,[2,126]),o($Vl4,[2,144]),o($Vl4,[2,145]),o($Vl4,[2,146]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,78:[2,1065],94:260,111:149,113:153,127:1215,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,151:1216,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{77:[1,1217]},o($Vl4,[2,94]),o([2,4,5,10,72,74,76,77,78,118,122,124,128,129,130,131,132,134,135,137,139,140,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,181,183,185,187,198,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,306,310,420,424,602,764],[2,96],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,141:$V82,142:$V92,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),o([2,4,5,10,72,74,76,77,78,112,118,122,124,128,129,130,131,132,134,135,137,139,140,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,181,183,185,187,198,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,306,310,420,424,602,764],[2,97],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,141:$V82,142:$V92,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),{2:$V1,3:733,4:$V2,5:$V3,72:$VP2,76:$VQ2,77:$VR2,78:[1,1218],112:$VS2,114:736,115:$V$1,116:$V02,117:1219,118:$VT2,122:$VU2,123:$VV2,124:$VW2,128:$VX2,129:$VY2,130:$VZ2,131:$V_2,132:$V$2,133:$V03,134:$V13,135:$V23,136:$V33,137:$V43,138:$V53,139:$V63,140:$V73,141:$V83,142:$V93,143:$Va3,144:758,145:$Vb3,146:$Vc3,148:$Vd3,149:$Ve3,150:$Vf3,152:$Vg3,154:$Vh3,156:$Vi3,158:768,160:769,162:$Vj3,164:$Vk3,166:$Vl3,168:$Vm3,169:$Vn3,170:$Vo3,171:$Vp3,172:$Vq3,173:$Vr3,175:$Vs3,185:$Vt3,187:$Vu3,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VP4,[2,1061],{153:1015,179:$Vi4,180:$Vj4,181:$Vk4}),{2:$V1,3:733,4:$V2,5:$V3,72:$VP2,76:$VQ2,77:$VR2,112:$VS2,114:736,115:$V$1,116:$V02,117:1221,118:$VT2,122:$VU2,123:$VV2,124:$VW2,126:1220,128:$VX2,129:$VY2,130:$VZ2,131:$V_2,132:$V$2,133:$V03,134:$V13,135:$V23,136:$V33,137:$V43,138:$V53,139:$V63,140:$V73,141:$V83,142:$V93,143:$Va3,144:758,145:$Vb3,146:$Vc3,148:$Vd3,149:$Ve3,150:$Vf3,152:$Vg3,154:$Vh3,156:$Vi3,158:768,160:769,162:$Vj3,164:$Vk3,166:$Vl3,168:$Vm3,169:$Vn3,170:$Vo3,171:$Vp3,172:$Vq3,173:$Vr3,175:$Vs3,185:$Vt3,187:$Vu3,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1222,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1223,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:1224,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($Vl4,[2,110]),o($Vl4,[2,111]),o($Vl4,[2,112]),o($Vl4,[2,119]),{2:$V1,3:1225,4:$V2,5:$V3},{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,111:1065,143:$Vm4,145:$Vn4,147:1226,336:1064,337:1066},{2:$V1,3:1227,4:$V2,5:$V3},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:260,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,151:1228,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($Vl4,[2,125]),o($VP4,[2,1067],{155:1229}),o($VP4,[2,1069],{157:1230}),o($VP4,[2,1071],{159:1231}),o($VP4,[2,1075],{161:1232}),o($VQ4,$VR4,{163:1233,178:1234}),{77:[1,1235]},o($VP4,[2,1077],{165:1236}),o($VP4,[2,1079],{167:1237}),o($VQ4,$VR4,{178:1234,163:1238}),o($VQ4,$VR4,{178:1234,163:1239}),o($VQ4,$VR4,{178:1234,163:1240}),o($VQ4,$VR4,{178:1234,163:1241}),{2:$V1,3:733,4:$V2,5:$V3,72:$VP2,76:$VQ2,77:$VR2,112:$VS2,114:736,115:$V$1,116:$V02,117:1242,118:$VT2,122:$VU2,123:$VV2,124:$VW2,128:$VX2,129:$VY2,130:$VZ2,131:$V_2,132:$V$2,133:$V03,134:$V13,135:$V23,136:$V33,137:$V43,138:$V53,139:$V63,140:$V73,141:$V83,142:$V93,143:$Va3,144:758,145:$Vb3,146:$Vc3,148:$Vd3,149:$Ve3,150:$Vf3,152:$Vg3,154:$Vh3,156:$Vi3,158:768,160:769,162:$Vj3,164:$Vk3,166:$Vl3,168:$Vm3,169:$Vn3,170:$Vo3,171:$Vp3,172:$Vq3,173:$Vr3,175:$Vs3,185:$Vt3,187:$Vu3,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:817,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,174:1243,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,253:816,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VS4,[2,1081],{176:1244}),o($VK,[2,606],{183:[1,1245]}),o($VK,[2,602],{183:[1,1246]}),o($VK,[2,595]),{113:1247,132:$VW,296:$Vj1},o($VK,[2,604],{183:[1,1248]}),o($VK,[2,599]),o($VK,[2,600],{112:[1,1249]}),o($Vv3,[2,69]),{40:1250,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb},o($VK,[2,450],{74:$VT4,128:[1,1251]}),o($VU4,[2,451]),{124:[1,1253]},{2:$V1,3:1254,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($Vt1,[2,1115]),o($Vt1,[2,1116]),o($VK,[2,618]),o($Vy3,[2,355],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),o($VD4,$VE4,{114:625,327:637,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,141:$V82,142:$V92,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,332:$Vw2}),o($VV1,[2,682]),o($VV1,[2,684]),o($VK,[2,650]),o($VK,[2,652],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1255,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:1079,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:$Vo4,131:$Vp4,432:1256},o($VV4,[2,659]),o($VV4,[2,660]),o($VV4,[2,661]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1257,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1258,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{114:1077,115:$V$1,116:$V02,124:[1,1259]},o($VD3,[2,755]),o($VF3,[2,148],{74:$Vq4}),o($VF3,[2,149],{74:$Vq4}),o($VF3,[2,150],{74:$Vq4}),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:817,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,253:1260,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259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3:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VB1,[2,429]),o($VB1,[2,431]),o($VB1,$V15,{275:1321,276:$V25}),{78:[1,1323],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{78:[1,1324],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{2:$V1,3:1325,4:$V2,5:$V3,180:[1,1326]},o($VD2,[2,619]),o($VB1,[2,363]),{306:[1,1327]},o($VB1,[2,370]),{99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,306:[2,374],311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1328,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{4:$VX3,7:879,272:1329,387:878,389:$VY3},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1330,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VD2,[2,641]),o($V74,[2,648]),o($V84,[2,636]),o($VH4,$VG4),o($VD2,[2,638]),o($Vb4,[2,643]),o($Vb4,[2,645]),o($Vb4,[2,646]),o($Vb4,[2,647]),o($VI4,[2,457],{74:$VJ4}),{77:[1,1332],143:$VY,144:1333,145:$VC1,152:$V$,181:$V31,201:1334,302:$Vn1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VI4,[2,463]),{74:$V35,78:[1,1335]},{74:$V45,78:[1,1337]},o([74,78,99,112,115,116,123,124,133,136,138,139,140,141,142,154,170,171,179,180,311,312,313,315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,330,331,332,333],$V55),o($V65,[2,479],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),{40:1341,77:$Ve4,79:75,89:$V7,143:$VY,144:979,145:$VC1,149:$Vc4,152:$V$,181:$V31,184:99,189:$Vb,201:980,302:$Vn1,341:1339,342:1340,344:$Vd4,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VI4,[2,461],{74:$VJ4}),o($VK,[2,717],{457:1342,458:1343,459:1344,308:$VM4,464:[1,1345]}),o($V75,[2,701]),o($V75,[2,702]),{154:[1,1347],460:[1,1346]},{99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,308:[2,698],311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},o($VI2,[2,179]),{2:$V1,3:1348,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($VK,[2,574]),o($V85,[2,238],{84:1349,128:[1,1350]}),o($VN4,[2,1046]),{77:[1,1351]},{77:[1,1352]},o($Vf4,[2,169],{204:1353,215:1355,205:1356,216:1357,221:1360,74:$V95,206:$Va5,208:$Vb5,222:$Vc5,223:$Vd5,224:$Ve5,225:$Vf5,226:$Vg5,227:$Vh5,228:$Vi5,229:$Vj5}),{2:$V1,3:219,4:$V2,5:$V3,40:711,77:$Vw1,79:75,89:$V7,132:$Vx1,143:$VY,144:212,145:$VZ,152:$V$,156:$VL,181:$V31,184:99,189:$Vb,199:213,200:215,201:214,202:217,203:1369,209:1211,213:$Vy1,214:218,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,302:$Vn1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($Vk5,[2,177]),{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,110:1370,111:1009,112:$Vg4},o($VO4,[2,87]),o($Vh4,[2,147],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180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$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($Vr4,[2,272]),o($Vr4,[2,274]),o($Vr4,[2,276]),o($Vr4,[2,278]),o($VH1,[2,161]),o($VK,[2,569]),{148:[1,1419]},o($VK,[2,570]),o($VD3,[2,536],{387:878,7:879,272:1420,4:$VX3,386:[1,1421],389:$VY3}),o($VK,[2,571]),o($VK,[2,573]),{74:$Vx3,78:[1,1422]},o($VK,[2,577]),o($Vz2,[2,345]),{74:[1,1423],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{74:[1,1424],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{74:[1,1425],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{74:[1,1426],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},o($VK,[2,581]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:260,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,151:1427,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:1428,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($VK,[2,583]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1376,111:149,113:153,120:1429,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,241:1374,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{77:[1,1430]},{2:$V1,3:1431,4:$V2,5:$V3},{76:$Vs4,139:[2,1149],480:1432,483:1433},o($VY4,[2,1148]),{139:[1,1434]},{139:[2,1152]},o($VD3,[2,737]),o($VO3,[2,744]),o($VO3,[2,1166]),{2:$V1,3:1268,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:[1,1437],351:1435,358:1436,384:1438},{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,100:1439,111:1440},{40:1441,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1442,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VI4,[2,722]),{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,111:1065,143:$Vm4,145:$Vn4,147:1443,336:1064,337:1066},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:260,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,151:1444,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VI4,[2,727]),{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:1445},{335:$Vu4,338:$Vv4,339:$Vw4,511:1446},o($VV1,[2,691],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1447,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{74:[1,1448],78:[1,1449]},o($V65,[2,543]),o($V65,[2,544]),{74:$V45,78:[1,1450]},o($VV1,[2,565]),o($Vz4,[2,380],{114:625,327:637,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,141:$V82,142:$V92,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,312:$Vg2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2}),o($Vz4,[2,382],{114:625,327:637,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,141:$V82,142:$V92,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,312:$Vg2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2}),o($VB1,[2,396]),o($VB1,[2,400]),{78:[1,1451]},{74:$Vx3,78:[1,1452]},o($VB1,[2,422]),o($VB1,[2,424]),{78:[1,1453],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{78:[1,1454]},{74:$Vx3,78:[1,1455]},o($VB1,[2,427]),o($VB1,[2,327]),{77:[1,1456]},o($VB1,$V15,{275:1457,276:$V25}),o($VB1,$V15,{275:1458,276:$V25}),o($VH4,[2,284]),o($VB1,[2,281]),o($VB1,[2,369]),o($V64,[2,373],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),{74:[1,1460],78:[1,1459]},{74:[1,1462],78:[1,1461],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{2:$V1,3:1325,4:$V2,5:$V3},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1194,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,345:1463,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VL4,[2,477]),o($VL4,[2,478]),{40:1466,77:$Ve4,79:75,89:$V7,143:$VY,144:979,145:$VC1,149:$Vc4,152:$V$,181:$V31,184:99,189:$Vb,201:980,302:$Vn1,341:1464,342:1465,344:$Vd4,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,111:1467},o($VL4,[2,473]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1468,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{77:$Ve4,143:$VY,144:979,145:$VC1,152:$V$,181:$V31,201:980,302:$Vn1,342:1469,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VI4,[2,460],{74:$VJ4}),o($VI4,[2,467]),o($VK,[2,694]),o($V75,[2,699]),o($V75,[2,700]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:817,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,174:1470,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,253:816,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{170:[1,1472],309:[1,1471]},{460:[1,1473]},o($VI2,[2,180]),o($Vm5,[2,240],{85:1474,232:[1,1475]}),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1476,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1477,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:1478,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($Vf4,[2,170],{216:1357,221:1360,215:1479,205:1480,206:$Va5,208:$Vb5,222:$Vc5,223:$Vd5,224:$Ve5,225:$Vf5,226:$Vg5,227:$Vh5,228:$Vi5,229:$Vj5}),{2:$V1,3:219,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:$Vw1,132:$Vx1,143:$VY,144:212,145:$VZ,152:$V$,156:$VL,181:$V31,199:213,200:215,201:214,202:217,209:1481,213:$Vy1,214:218,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,302:$Vn1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($Vn5,[2,205]),o($Vn5,[2,206]),{2:$V1,3:219,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:[1,1486],143:$VY,144:1484,145:$VZ,152:$V$,156:$VL,181:$V31,199:1483,200:1487,201:1485,202:1488,217:1482,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,302:$Vn1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{207:[1,1489],223:$Vo5},{207:[1,1491],223:$Vp5},o($Vq5,[2,222]),{206:[1,1495],208:[1,1494],221:1493,223:$Vd5,224:$Ve5,225:$Vf5,226:$Vg5,227:$Vh5,228:$Vi5,229:$Vj5},o($Vq5,[2,224]),{223:[1,1496]},{208:[1,1498],223:[1,1497]},{208:[1,1500],223:[1,1499]},{208:[1,1501]},{223:[1,1502]},{223:[1,1503]},{74:$V95,204:1504,205:1356,206:$Va5,208:$Vb5,215:1355,216:1357,221:1360,222:$Vc5,223:$Vd5,224:$Ve5,225:$Vf5,226:$Vg5,227:$Vh5,228:$Vi5,229:$Vj5},o($VO4,[2,84]),o($Vl4,[2,100]),{74:$Vr5,78:[1,1505]},{78:[1,1507]},o($Vs5,[2,261]),{78:[2,1060]},o($Vs5,[2,263],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,242:[1,1508],243:[1,1509],311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),o($Vl4,[2,99]),o($VP4,[2,1064],{153:1015,179:$Vi4,180:$Vj4,181:$Vk4}),o($Vl4,[2,101]),o($Vl4,[2,102]),o($Vl4,[2,103]),o($Vl4,[2,121]),o($Vl4,[2,124]),o($Vl4,[2,127]),o($VP4,[2,1068],{153:1015,179:$Vi4,180:$Vj4,181:$Vk4}),o($Vl4,[2,128]),o($VP4,[2,1070],{153:1015,179:$Vi4,180:$Vj4,181:$Vk4}),o($Vl4,[2,129]),o($VP4,[2,1072],{153:1015,179:$Vi4,180:$Vj4,181:$Vk4}),o($Vl4,[2,130]),o($VP4,[2,1076],{153:1015,179:$Vi4,180:$Vj4,181:$Vk4}),o($Vl4,[2,131]),o($VQ4,[2,1083],{177:1510}),o($VQ4,[2,1086],{153:1015,179:$Vi4,180:$Vj4,181:$Vk4}),{74:$Vl5,78:[1,1511]},o($Vl4,[2,133]),o($VP4,[2,1078],{153:1015,179:$Vi4,180:$Vj4,181:$Vk4}),o($Vl4,[2,134]),o($VP4,[2,1080],{153:1015,179:$Vi4,180:$Vj4,181:$Vk4}),o($Vl4,[2,135]),o($Vl4,[2,136]),o($Vl4,[2,137]),o($Vl4,[2,138]),o($Vl4,[2,139]),o($Vl4,[2,140]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:260,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,151:1512,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VS4,[2,1082],{153:1015,179:$Vi4,180:$Vj4,181:$Vk4}),o($VK,[2,607]),o($VK,[2,603]),o($VK,[2,605]),o($VK,[2,601]),o($Vv3,[2,71]),o($VK,[2,449],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),o($VU4,[2,452]),o($VU4,[2,453],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1513,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VV4,[2,662]),o($VK,[2,655],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),{2:$V1,3:1514,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($VD3,[2,545],{385:1515,391:1516,392:1517,366:1525,154:$Vt5,187:$Vu5,230:$Vv5,297:$Vw5,343:$Vx5,356:$Vy5,368:$Vz5,369:$VA5,373:$VB5,374:$VC5}),o($VD3,[2,535]),o($VK,[2,576],{76:[1,1529]}),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1530,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1531,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1532,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1533,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{74:$Vx3,78:[1,1534]},o($VK,[2,585]),{74:$Vr5,78:[1,1535]},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1376,111:149,113:153,120:1536,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,241:1374,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o([10,74,78,139,306,310,602,764],[2,741]),{139:[1,1537]},{139:[2,1150]},{2:$V1,3:1122,4:$V2,5:$V3,132:$VR1,137:$VS1,143:$VF1,145:$VG1,152:$VT1,431:585,475:1124,478:1538,482:582,493:579,497:581},{78:[1,1539]},{74:[1,1540],78:[2,506]},{40:1541,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb},o($V65,[2,532]),{74:$V35,78:[1,1542]},o($Vk5,$V55),o($VK,[2,1133],{412:1543,413:1544,72:$VD5}),o($VI4,$VZ4,{79:75,184:99,114:625,327:637,40:1299,468:1546,89:$V7,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,146:$V_4,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,189:$Vb,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2,470:$V$4}),o($VI4,[2,725],{74:$VT4}),o($VI4,[2,726],{74:$Vx3}),o([10,53,72,89,124,146,156,189,266,267,290,306,310,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,505,507,508,517,602,764],[2,1181],{512:1547,3:1548,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:[1,1549]}),o($VE5,[2,1183],{513:1550,76:[1,1551]}),o($VV1,[2,692],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),{131:[1,1552]},o($Vx4,[2,538]),o($Vx4,[2,540]),o($VB1,[2,412]),o($VB1,[2,413]),o($VB1,[2,439]),o($VB1,[2,423]),o($VB1,[2,425]),{118:$VF5,277:1553,278:1554,279:[1,1555]},o($VB1,[2,328]),o($VB1,[2,329]),o($VB1,[2,316]),{131:[1,1557]},o($VB1,[2,318]),{131:[1,1558]},{74:$V45,78:[1,1559]},{77:$Ve4,143:$VY,144:979,145:$VC1,152:$V$,181:$V31,201:980,302:$Vn1,342:1560,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VI4,[2,465],{74:$VJ4}),o($VI4,[2,468]),o($Vk5,[2,488]),o($V65,[2,480],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),o($VI4,[2,459],{74:$VJ4}),o($VK,[2,718],{74:$Vq4,198:[1,1561]}),{335:$VG5,338:$VH5,461:1562},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1565,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{119:[1,1567],170:[1,1568],309:[1,1566]},o($VI5,[2,259],{86:1569,118:[1,1570]}),{119:[1,1571]},o($V85,[2,239],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),{95:[1,1572],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{95:[1,1573]},o($Vn5,[2,203]),o($Vn5,[2,204]),o($Vk5,[2,178]),o($Vn5,[2,237],{218:1574,230:[1,1575],231:[1,1576]}),o($VJ5,[2,208],{3:1577,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:[1,1578]}),o($VK5,[2,1095],{219:1579,76:[1,1580]}),{2:$V1,3:1581,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:[1,1582]},{40:1583,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb},o($VJ5,[2,216],{3:1584,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:[1,1585]}),o($VJ5,[2,219],{3:1586,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:[1,1587]}),{77:[1,1588]},o($Vq5,[2,234]),{77:[1,1589]},o($Vq5,[2,230]),o($Vq5,[2,223]),{223:$Vp5},{223:$Vo5},o($Vq5,[2,225]),o($Vq5,[2,226]),{223:[1,1590]},o($Vq5,[2,228]),{223:[1,1591]},{223:[1,1592]},o($Vq5,[2,232]),o($Vq5,[2,233]),{78:[1,1593],205:1480,206:$Va5,208:$Vb5,215:1479,216:1357,221:1360,222:$Vc5,223:$Vd5,224:$Ve5,225:$Vf5,226:$Vg5,227:$Vh5,228:$Vi5,229:$Vj5},o($Vl4,[2,91]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1376,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,241:1594,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($Vl4,[2,92]),o($Vs5,[2,264]),{244:[1,1595]},o($V65,[2,142],{419:190,3:733,114:736,144:758,158:768,160:769,117:1596,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,72:$VP2,76:$VQ2,77:$VR2,112:$VS2,115:$V$1,116:$V02,118:$VT2,122:$VU2,123:$VV2,124:$VW2,128:$VX2,129:$VY2,130:$VZ2,131:$V_2,132:$V$2,133:$V03,134:$V13,135:$V23,136:$V33,137:$V43,138:$V53,139:$V63,140:$V73,141:$V83,142:$V93,143:$Va3,145:$Vb3,146:$Vc3,148:$Vd3,149:$Ve3,150:$Vf3,152:$Vg3,154:$Vh3,156:$Vi3,162:$Vj3,164:$Vk3,166:$Vl3,168:$Vm3,169:$Vn3,170:$Vo3,171:$Vp3,172:$Vq3,173:$Vr3,175:$Vs3,185:$Vt3,187:$Vu3,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1}),o($Vl4,[2,132]),{74:$Vx3,78:[1,1597]},o($VU4,[2,454],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),o($VK,[2,572]),o($VD3,[2,534]),o($VD3,[2,546],{366:1525,392:1598,154:$Vt5,187:$Vu5,230:$Vv5,297:$Vw5,343:$Vx5,356:$Vy5,368:$Vz5,369:$VA5,373:$VB5,374:$VC5}),o($Vw3,[2,548]),{370:[1,1599]},{370:[1,1600]},{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:1601},o($Vw3,[2,554],{77:[1,1602]}),{2:$V1,3:114,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:[1,1604],113:251,131:$VV,132:$VW,143:$VY,152:$V$,156:$VL,181:$V31,196:250,200:1605,201:254,257:252,258:253,265:$VD1,274:1603,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,302:$Vn1},o($Vw3,[2,558]),{297:[1,1606]},o($Vw3,[2,560]),o($Vw3,[2,561]),{335:[1,1607]},{77:[1,1608]},{2:$V1,3:1609,4:$V2,5:$V3},{78:[1,1610],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{78:[1,1611],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{78:[1,1612],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{78:[1,1613],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},o($VK,$VW4,{407:1614,76:$VX4}),o($VK,[2,591]),{74:$Vr5,78:[1,1615]},{2:$V1,3:1122,4:$V2,5:$V3,132:$VR1,137:$VS1,143:$VF1,145:$VG1,152:$VT1,431:585,475:1124,478:1616,482:582,493:579,497:581},o($VD3,[2,735]),o($VK,[2,493],{352:1617,354:1618,355:1619,4:$VL5,243:$VM5,343:$VN5,356:$VO5}),o($VP5,$VQ5,{3:1268,359:1624,384:1625,360:1626,361:1627,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,367:$VR5}),{78:[2,507]},{76:[1,1629]},o($VK,[2,609]),o($VK,[2,1134]),{368:[1,1631],414:[1,1630]},o($VI4,[2,728]),o($VK,$V0,{17:5,18:7,19:8,20:9,21:10,22:11,23:12,24:13,25:14,26:15,27:16,28:17,29:18,30:19,31:20,32:21,33:22,34:23,35:24,36:25,37:26,38:27,39:28,40:29,41:30,42:31,43:32,44:33,45:34,46:35,47:36,48:37,49:38,50:39,51:40,52:41,54:43,55:44,56:45,57:46,58:47,59:48,60:49,61:50,62:51,63:52,64:53,65:54,66:55,67:56,68:57,69:58,70:59,71:60,79:75,504:95,184:99,3:100,12:1632,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,53:$V5,72:$V6,89:$V7,124:$V8,146:$V9,156:$Va,189:$Vb,266:$Vc,267:$Vd,290:$Ve,335:$Vf,338:$Vg,339:$Vh,396:$Vi,400:$Vj,401:$Vk,404:$Vl,406:$Vm,408:$Vn,409:$Vo,417:$Vp,418:$Vq,434:$Vr,436:$Vs,437:$Vt,439:$Vu,440:$Vv,441:$Vw,442:$Vx,443:$Vy,447:$Vz,448:$VA,451:$VB,452:$VC,505:$VD,507:$VE,508:$VF,517:$VG}),o($VK,[2,762]),o($VE5,[2,1182]),o($VK,$V0,{17:5,18:7,19:8,20:9,21:10,22:11,23:12,24:13,25:14,26:15,27:16,28:17,29:18,30:19,31:20,32:21,33:22,34:23,35:24,36:25,37:26,38:27,39:28,40:29,41:30,42:31,43:32,44:33,45:34,46:35,47:36,48:37,49:38,50:39,51:40,52:41,54:43,55:44,56:45,57:46,58:47,59:48,60:49,61:50,62:51,63:52,64:53,65:54,66:55,67:56,68:57,69:58,70:59,71:60,79:75,504:95,184:99,3:100,12:1633,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,53:$V5,72:$V6,89:$V7,124:$V8,146:$V9,156:$Va,189:$Vb,266:$Vc,267:$Vd,290:$Ve,335:$Vf,338:$Vg,339:$Vh,396:$Vi,400:$Vj,401:$Vk,404:$Vl,406:$Vm,408:$Vn,409:$Vo,417:$Vp,418:$Vq,434:$Vr,436:$Vs,437:$Vt,439:$Vu,440:$Vv,441:$Vw,442:$Vx,443:$Vy,447:$Vz,448:$VA,451:$VB,452:$VC,505:$VD,507:$VE,508:$VF,517:$VG}),o($VE5,[2,1184]),{78:[1,1634]},{78:[1,1635],118:$VF5,278:1636},{78:[1,1637]},{119:[1,1638]},{119:[1,1639]},{78:[1,1640]},{78:[1,1641]},o($VL4,[2,476]),o($VI4,[2,464],{74:$VJ4}),{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,143:$VF1,145:$VG1,199:1643,431:1642},o($V75,[2,703]),o($V75,[2,705]),{146:[1,1644]},{99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,309:[1,1645],311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{339:$VS5,462:1646},{417:[1,1649],463:[1,1648]},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1650,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VT5,[2,267],{87:1651,245:[1,1652],247:[1,1653]}),{119:[1,1654]},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1660,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,233:1655,235:1656,236:$VU5,237:$VV5,238:$VW5,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:1661,4:$V2,5:$V3},{2:$V1,3:1662,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($Vn5,[2,207]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1663,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,100:1664,111:1440},o($VJ5,[2,209]),{2:$V1,3:1665,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($VJ5,[2,1097],{220:1666,3:1667,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3}),o($VK5,[2,1096]),o($VJ5,[2,212]),{2:$V1,3:1668,4:$V2,5:$V3},{78:[1,1669]},o($VJ5,[2,217]),{2:$V1,3:1670,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($VJ5,[2,220]),{2:$V1,3:1671,4:$V2,5:$V3},{40:1672,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb},{40:1673,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb},o($Vq5,[2,227]),o($Vq5,[2,229]),o($Vq5,[2,231]),o($Vf4,[2,171]),o($Vs5,[2,262]),o($Vs5,[2,265],{242:[1,1674]}),o($VQ4,[2,1084],{153:1015,179:$Vi4,180:$Vj4,181:$Vk4}),o($Vl4,[2,141]),o($Vw3,[2,547]),o($Vw3,[2,550]),{374:[1,1675]},o($Vw3,[2,1127],{395:1676,393:1677,77:$VX5}),{131:$VV,196:1679},o($Vw3,[2,555]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1680,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($Vw3,[2,557]),o($Vw3,[2,559]),{2:$V1,3:114,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:[1,1682],113:251,131:$VV,132:$VW,143:$VY,152:$V$,156:$VL,181:$V31,196:250,200:255,201:254,257:252,258:253,265:$VD1,274:1681,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,302:$Vn1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1683,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VK,[2,578]),o($Vz2,[2,349]),o($Vz2,[2,350]),o($Vz2,[2,351]),o($Vz2,[2,352]),o($VK,[2,582]),o($VK,[2,592]),o($VD3,[2,734]),o($VK,[2,489]),o($VK,[2,494],{355:1684,4:$VL5,243:$VM5,343:$VN5,356:$VO5}),o($VY5,[2,496]),o($VY5,[2,497]),{124:[1,1685]},{124:[1,1686]},{124:[1,1687]},{74:[1,1688],78:[2,505]},o($V65,[2,533]),o($V65,[2,508]),{187:[1,1696],193:[1,1697],362:1689,363:1690,364:1691,365:1692,366:1693,368:$Vz5,369:[1,1694],370:[1,1698],373:[1,1695]},{2:$V1,3:1699,4:$V2,5:$V3},{40:1700,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb},{415:[1,1701]},{416:[1,1702]},o($VK,[2,761]),o($VK,[2,763]),o($Vx4,[2,537]),o($VB1,[2,331]),{78:[1,1703]},o($VB1,[2,332]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1660,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,233:1704,235:1656,236:$VU5,237:$VV5,238:$VW5,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1376,111:149,113:153,120:1705,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,241:1374,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VB1,[2,317]),o($VB1,[2,319]),{2:$V1,3:1706,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($VK,[2,720],{77:[1,1707]}),{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,111:1065,143:$Vm4,145:$Vn4,147:1708,336:1064,337:1066},{335:$VG5,338:$VH5,461:1709},o($V75,[2,707]),{77:[1,1711],343:[1,1712],344:[1,1710]},{170:[1,1714],309:[1,1713]},{170:[1,1716],309:[1,1715]},{99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,309:[1,1717],311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},o($Vh4,[2,250],{88:1718,162:[1,1719],168:[1,1721],169:[1,1720]}),{131:$VV,196:1722},{131:$VV,196:1723},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1376,111:149,113:153,120:1724,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,241:1374,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($Vm5,[2,248],{234:1725,74:$VZ5,239:[1,1727]}),o($V_5,[2,242]),{146:[1,1728]},{77:[1,1729]},{77:[1,1730]},o($V_5,[2,247],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),{78:[2,1051],96:1731,99:[1,1733],102:1732},{99:[1,1734]},o($Vn5,[2,235],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),o($Vn5,[2,236],{74:$V35}),o($VJ5,[2,210]),o($VJ5,[2,211]),o($VJ5,[2,1098]),o($VJ5,[2,213]),{2:$V1,3:1735,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:[1,1736]},o($VJ5,[2,218]),o($VJ5,[2,221]),{78:[1,1737]},{78:[1,1738]},o($Vs5,[2,266]),{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:1739},o($Vw3,[2,552]),o($Vw3,[2,1128]),{2:$V1,3:1740,4:$V2,5:$V3},{74:[1,1741]},{78:[1,1742],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},o($Vw3,[2,562]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1743,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{78:[1,1744],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},o($VY5,[2,495]),{2:$V1,3:1745,4:$V2,5:$V3},{131:$VV,196:1746},{2:$V1,3:1747,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($VP5,$VQ5,{361:1627,360:1748,367:$VR5}),o($VD3,[2,510]),o($VD3,[2,511]),o($VD3,[2,512]),o($VD3,[2,513]),o($VD3,[2,514]),{370:[1,1749]},{370:[1,1750]},o($V$5,[2,1121],{382:1751,370:[1,1752]}),{2:$V1,3:1753,4:$V2,5:$V3},{2:$V1,3:1754,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($VP5,[2,516]),o($VK,[2,1131],{411:1755,413:1756,72:$VD5}),o($VK,[2,610]),o($VK,[2,611],{367:[1,1757]}),o($VB1,[2,333]),o([78,118],[2,334],{74:$VZ5}),{74:$Vr5,78:[2,335]},o($VK,[2,719]),{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,100:1758,111:1440},o($V75,[2,706],{74:$VT4}),o($V75,[2,704]),{77:$Ve4,143:$VY,144:979,145:$VC1,152:$V$,181:$V31,201:980,302:$Vn1,342:1759,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,100:1760,111:1440},{344:[1,1761]},{339:$VS5,462:1762},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1763,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{339:$VS5,462:1764},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1765,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{339:$VS5,462:1766},o($Vh4,[2,72]),{40:1767,79:75,89:$V7,164:[1,1768],184:99,189:$Vb,240:[1,1769]},{40:1770,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb,240:[1,1771]},{40:1772,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb,240:[1,1773]},o($VT5,[2,270],{246:1774,247:[1,1775]}),{248:1776,249:[2,1099],766:[1,1777]},o($VI5,[2,260],{74:$Vr5}),o($Vm5,[2,241]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1660,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,235:1778,236:$VU5,237:$VV5,238:$VW5,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1779,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{77:[1,1780]},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1660,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,233:1781,235:1656,236:$VU5,237:$VV5,238:$VW5,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1660,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,233:1782,235:1656,236:$VU5,237:$VV5,238:$VW5,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{78:[1,1783]},{78:[2,1052]},{77:[1,1784]},{77:[1,1785]},o($VJ5,[2,214]),{2:$V1,3:1786,4:$V2,5:$V3},{2:$V1,3:1787,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:[1,1788]},{2:$V1,3:1789,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:[1,1790]},o($Vw3,[2,1125],{394:1791,393:1792,77:$VX5}),{78:[1,1793]},{131:$VV,196:1794},o($Vw3,[2,556]),{78:[1,1795],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},o($Vw3,[2,517]),o($VY5,[2,498]),o($VY5,[2,499]),o($VY5,[2,500]),o($V65,[2,509]),{2:$V1,3:1797,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:[2,1117],371:1796},{77:[1,1798]},{2:$V1,3:1800,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:[2,1123],383:1799},o($V$5,[2,1122]),{77:[1,1801]},{77:[1,1802]},o($VK,[2,608]),o($VK,[2,1132]),o($VP5,$VQ5,{361:1627,360:1803,367:$VR5}),{74:$V35,78:[1,1804]},o($V75,[2,713],{74:$VJ4}),{74:$V35,78:[1,1805]},o($V75,[2,715]),o($V75,[2,708]),{99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,309:[1,1806],311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},o($V75,[2,711]),{99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,309:[1,1807],311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},o($V75,[2,709]),o($Vh4,[2,251]),{40:1808,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb,240:[1,1809]},{40:1810,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb},o($Vh4,[2,253]),{40:1811,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb},o($Vh4,[2,254]),{40:1812,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb},o($VT5,[2,268]),{131:$VV,196:1813},{249:[1,1814]},{249:[2,1100]},o($V_5,[2,243]),o($Vm5,[2,249],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1660,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,233:1815,235:1656,236:$VU5,237:$VV5,238:$VW5,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{74:$VZ5,78:[1,1816]},{74:$VZ5,78:[1,1817]},o($VN4,[2,1053],{97:1818,104:1819,3:1821,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:$V06}),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1824,103:1822,105:1823,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,100:1825,111:1440},o($VJ5,[2,215]),o($Vn5,[2,173]),{2:$V1,3:1826,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($Vn5,[2,175]),{2:$V1,3:1827,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($Vw3,[2,551]),o($Vw3,[2,1126]),o($Vw3,[2,549]),{78:[1,1828]},o($Vw3,[2,563]),{77:[1,1829]},{77:[2,1118]},{2:$V1,3:1831,4:$V2,5:$V3,132:$V16,372:1830},{77:[1,1833]},{77:[2,1124]},{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,100:1834,111:1440},{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,100:1835,111:1440},o($VK,[2,612]),o($VK,[2,721]),{343:[1,1837],344:[1,1836]},{339:$VS5,462:1838},{335:$VG5,338:$VH5,461:1839},o($Vh4,[2,252]),{40:1840,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb},o($Vh4,[2,255]),o($Vh4,[2,257]),o($Vh4,[2,258]),o($VT5,[2,271]),{131:[2,1101],250:1841,645:[1,1842]},{74:$VZ5,78:[1,1843]},o($V_5,[2,245]),o($V_5,[2,246]),o($VN4,[2,74]),o($VN4,[2,1054]),{2:$V1,3:1844,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($VN4,[2,78]),{74:[1,1846],78:[1,1845]},o($V65,[2,80]),o($V65,[2,81],{114:625,327:637,76:[1,1847],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),{74:$V35,78:[1,1848]},o($Vn5,[2,174]),o($Vn5,[2,176]),o($Vw3,[2,553]),{2:$V1,3:1831,4:$V2,5:$V3,132:$V16,372:1849},{74:$V26,78:[1,1850]},o($V65,[2,528]),o($V65,[2,529]),{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,100:1852,111:1440},{74:$V35,78:[1,1853]},{74:$V35,78:[1,1854]},{77:$Ve4,143:$VY,144:979,145:$VC1,152:$V$,181:$V31,201:980,302:$Vn1,342:1855,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{344:[1,1856]},o($V75,[2,710]),o($V75,[2,712]),o($Vh4,[2,256]),{131:$VV,196:1857},{131:[2,1102]},o($V_5,[2,244]),o($VN4,[2,77]),{78:[2,76]},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1824,105:1858,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:1859,4:$V2,5:$V3},{78:[1,1860]},{74:$V26,78:[1,1861]},{374:[1,1862]},{2:$V1,3:1863,4:$V2,5:$V3,132:[1,1864]},{74:$V35,78:[1,1865]},o($VD3,[2,526]),o($VD3,[2,527]),o($V75,[2,714],{74:$VJ4}),o($V75,[2,716]),o($V36,[2,1103],{251:1866,766:[1,1867]}),o($V65,[2,79]),o($V65,[2,82]),o($VN4,[2,1055],{3:1821,101:1868,104:1869,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:$V06}),o($VD3,[2,518]),{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:1870},o($V65,[2,530]),o($V65,[2,531]),o($VD3,[2,525]),o($VT5,[2,1105],{252:1871,415:[1,1872]}),o($V36,[2,1104]),o($VN4,[2,75]),o($VN4,[2,1056]),o($V46,[2,1119],{375:1873,377:1874,77:[1,1875]}),o($VT5,[2,269]),o($VT5,[2,1106]),o($VD3,[2,521],{376:1876,378:1877,230:[1,1878]}),o($V46,[2,1120]),{2:$V1,3:1831,4:$V2,5:$V3,132:$V16,372:1879},o($VD3,[2,519]),{230:[1,1881],379:1880},{338:[1,1882]},{74:$V26,78:[1,1883]},o($VD3,[2,522]),{335:[1,1884]},{380:[1,1885]},o($V46,[2,520]),{380:[1,1886]},{381:[1,1887]},{381:[1,1888]},{230:[2,523]},o($VD3,[2,524])],
-defaultActions: {105:[2,6],194:[2,336],195:[2,337],196:[2,338],197:[2,339],198:[2,340],199:[2,341],200:[2,342],201:[2,343],202:[2,344],209:[2,695],591:[2,1142],653:[2,1107],654:[2,1108],710:[2,696],780:[2,1073],781:[2,1074],926:[2,446],927:[2,447],928:[2,448],987:[2,697],1288:[2,1152],1375:[2,1060],1433:[2,1150],1541:[2,507],1732:[2,1052],1777:[2,1100],1797:[2,1118],1800:[2,1124],1842:[2,1102],1845:[2,76],1887:[2,523]},
-parseError: function parseError(str, hash) {
- if (hash.recoverable) {
- this.trace(str);
- } else {
- var error = new Error(str);
- error.hash = hash;
- throw error;
- }
-parse: function parse(input) {
- var self = this,
- stack = [0],
- tstack = [], // token stack
- vstack = [null], // semantic value stack
- lstack = [], // location stack
- table = this.table,
- yytext = '',
- yylineno = 0,
- yyleng = 0,
- recovering = 0,
- TERROR = 2,
- EOF = 1;
- var args = lstack.slice.call(arguments, 1);
- //this.reductionCount = this.shiftCount = 0;
- var lexer = Object.create(this.lexer);
- var sharedState = { yy: {} };
- // copy state
- for (var k in this.yy) {
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.yy, k)) {
- sharedState.yy[k] = this.yy[k];
+ function queryfn3(alasql, query) {
+ var scope = query.scope, jlen;
+ preIndex(query);
+ query.data = [];
+ query.xgroups = {};
+ query.groups = [];
+ var h = 0;
+ doJoin(alasql, query, scope, h);
+ if (query.groupfn) {
+ query.data = [];
+ if (0 === query.groups.length) {
+ var g = {};
+ if (query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
+ query.selectGroup.forEach(function (sg) {
+ if (sg.aggregatorid === 'COUNT' || sg.aggregatorid === 'SUM') {
+ g[sg.nick] = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ g[sg.nick] = undefined;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ query.groups = [g];
+ }
+ if (query.aggrKeys.length > 0) {
+ var gfns = '';
+ query.aggrKeys.forEach(function (col) {
+ gfns +=
+ "g['" +
+ col.nick +
+ "']=alasql.aggr['" +
+ col.funcid +
+ "'](undefined,g['" +
+ col.nick +
+ "'],3);";
+ });
+ var gfn = new Function('g,params,alasql', 'var y;' + gfns);
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = query.groups.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ var g = query.groups[i];
+ if (gfn)
+ { gfn(g, query.params, alasql); }
+ if (!query.havingfn || query.havingfn(g, query.params, alasql)) {
+ var d = query.selectgfn(g, query.params, alasql);
+ query.data.push(d);
+ }
+ }
- }
- lexer.setInput(input, sharedState.yy);
- sharedState.yy.lexer = lexer;
- sharedState.yy.parser = this;
- if (typeof lexer.yylloc == 'undefined') {
- lexer.yylloc = {};
- }
- var yyloc = lexer.yylloc;
- lstack.push(yyloc);
- var ranges = lexer.options && lexer.options.ranges;
- if (typeof sharedState.yy.parseError === 'function') {
- this.parseError = sharedState.yy.parseError;
- } else {
- this.parseError = Object.getPrototypeOf(this).parseError;
- }
- function popStack (n) {
- stack.length = stack.length - 2 * n;
- vstack.length = vstack.length - n;
- lstack.length = lstack.length - n;
- }
- var lex = function () {
- var token;
- token = lexer.lex() || EOF;
- // if token isn't its numeric value, convert
- if (typeof token !== 'number') {
- token = self.symbols_[token] || token;
- }
- return token;
- }
- var symbol, preErrorSymbol, state, action, a, r, yyval = {}, p, len, newState, expected;
- while (true) {
- // retreive state number from top of stack
- state = stack[stack.length - 1];
- // use default actions if available
- if (this.defaultActions[state]) {
- action = this.defaultActions[state];
- } else {
- if (symbol === null || typeof symbol == 'undefined') {
- symbol = lex();
- }
- // read action for current state and first input
- action = table[state] && table[state][symbol];
- }
- // handle parse error
- if (typeof action === 'undefined' || !action.length || !action[0]) {
- var error_rule_depth;
- var errStr = '';
- // Return the rule stack depth where the nearest error rule can be found.
- // Return FALSE when no error recovery rule was found.
- function locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule(state) {
- var stack_probe = stack.length - 1;
- var depth = 0;
- // try to recover from error
- for(;;) {
- // check for error recovery rule in this state
- if ((TERROR.toString()) in table[state]) {
- return depth;
- }
- if (state === 0 || stack_probe < 2) {
- return false; // No suitable error recovery rule available.
- }
- stack_probe -= 2; // popStack(1): [symbol, action]
- state = stack[stack_probe];
- ++depth;
- }
- }
- if (!recovering) {
- // first see if there's any chance at hitting an error recovery rule:
- error_rule_depth = locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule(state);
- // Report error
- expected = [];
- for (p in table[state]) {
- if (this.terminals_[p] && p > TERROR) {
- expected.push("'"+this.terminals_[p]+"'");
- }
- }
- if (lexer.showPosition) {
- errStr = 'Parse error on line '+(yylineno+1)+":\n"+lexer.showPosition()+"\nExpecting "+expected.join(', ') + ", got '" + (this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol)+ "'";
- } else {
- errStr = 'Parse error on line '+(yylineno+1)+": Unexpected " +
- (symbol == EOF ? "end of input" :
- ("'"+(this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol)+"'"));
- }
- this.parseError(errStr, {
- text: lexer.match,
- token: this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol,
- line: lexer.yylineno,
- loc: yyloc,
- expected: expected,
- recoverable: (error_rule_depth !== false)
- });
- } else if (preErrorSymbol !== EOF) {
- error_rule_depth = locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule(state);
- }
- // just recovered from another error
- if (recovering == 3) {
- if (symbol === EOF || preErrorSymbol === EOF) {
- throw new Error(errStr || 'Parsing halted while starting to recover from another error.');
- }
- // discard current lookahead and grab another
- yyleng = lexer.yyleng;
- yytext = lexer.yytext;
- yylineno = lexer.yylineno;
- yyloc = lexer.yylloc;
- symbol = lex();
- }
- // try to recover from error
- if (error_rule_depth === false) {
- throw new Error(errStr || 'Parsing halted. No suitable error recovery rule available.');
- }
- popStack(error_rule_depth);
- preErrorSymbol = (symbol == TERROR ? null : symbol); // save the lookahead token
- symbol = TERROR; // insert generic error symbol as new lookahead
- state = stack[stack.length-1];
- action = table[state] && table[state][TERROR];
- recovering = 3; // allow 3 real symbols to be shifted before reporting a new error
- }
- // this shouldn't happen, unless resolve defaults are off
- if (action[0] instanceof Array && action.length > 1) {
- throw new Error('Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: '+state+', token: '+symbol);
- }
- switch (action[0]) {
- case 1: // shift
- //this.shiftCount++;
- stack.push(symbol);
- vstack.push(lexer.yytext);
- lstack.push(lexer.yylloc);
- stack.push(action[1]); // push state
- symbol = null;
- if (!preErrorSymbol) { // normal execution/no error
- yyleng = lexer.yyleng;
- yytext = lexer.yytext;
- yylineno = lexer.yylineno;
- yyloc = lexer.yylloc;
- if (recovering > 0) {
- recovering--;
- }
- } else {
- // error just occurred, resume old lookahead f/ before error
- symbol = preErrorSymbol;
- preErrorSymbol = null;
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // reduce
- //this.reductionCount++;
- len = this.productions_[action[1]][1];
- // perform semantic action
- yyval.$ = vstack[vstack.length-len]; // default to $$ = $1
- // default location, uses first token for firsts, last for lasts
- yyval._$ = {
- first_line: lstack[lstack.length-(len||1)].first_line,
- last_line: lstack[lstack.length-1].last_line,
- first_column: lstack[lstack.length-(len||1)].first_column,
- last_column: lstack[lstack.length-1].last_column
- };
- if (ranges) {
- yyval._$.range = [lstack[lstack.length-(len||1)].range[0], lstack[lstack.length-1].range[1]];
- }
- r = this.performAction.apply(yyval, [yytext, yyleng, yylineno, sharedState.yy, action[1], vstack, lstack].concat(args));
- if (typeof r !== 'undefined') {
- return r;
- }
- // pop off stack
- if (len) {
- stack = stack.slice(0,-1*len*2);
- vstack = vstack.slice(0, -1*len);
- lstack = lstack.slice(0, -1*len);
- }
- stack.push(this.productions_[action[1]][0]); // push nonterminal (reduce)
- vstack.push(yyval.$);
- lstack.push(yyval._$);
- // goto new state = table[STATE][NONTERMINAL]
- newState = table[stack[stack.length-2]][stack[stack.length-1]];
- stack.push(newState);
- break;
- case 3:
- // accept
- return true;
- }
- }
+ doDistinct(query);
+ if (query.unionallfn) {
+ var ud, nd;
+ if (query.corresponding) {
+ if (!query.unionallfn.query.modifier)
+ { query.unionallfn.query.modifier = undefined; }
+ ud = query.unionallfn(query.params);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!query.unionallfn.query.modifier)
+ { query.unionallfn.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET'; }
+ nd = query.unionallfn(query.params);
+ ud = [];
+ ilen = nd.data.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
+ var r = {};
+ for (var j = Math.min(query.columns.length, nd.columns.length) - 1; 0 <= j; j--) {
+ r[query.columns[j].columnid] = nd.data[i][nd.columns[j].columnid];
+ }
+ ud.push(r);
+ }
+ }
+ query.data = query.data.concat(ud);
+ }
+ else if (query.unionfn) {
+ if (query.corresponding) {
+ if (!query.unionfn.query.modifier)
+ { query.unionfn.query.modifier = 'ARRAY'; }
+ ud = query.unionfn(query.params);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!query.unionfn.query.modifier)
+ { query.unionfn.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET'; }
+ nd = query.unionfn(query.params);
+ ud = [];
+ ilen = nd.data.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
+ r = {};
+ jlen = Math.min(query.columns.length, nd.columns.length);
+ for (var j = 0; j < jlen; j++) {
+ r[query.columns[j].columnid] = nd.data[i][nd.columns[j].columnid];
+ }
+ ud.push(r);
+ }
+ }
+ query.data = arrayUnionDeep(query.data, ud);
+ }
+ else if (query.exceptfn) {
+ if (query.corresponding) {
+ if (!query.exceptfn.query.modifier)
+ { query.exceptfn.query.modifier = 'ARRAY'; }
+ var ud = query.exceptfn(query.params);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!query.exceptfn.query.modifier)
+ { query.exceptfn.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET'; }
+ var nd = query.exceptfn(query.params);
+ var ud = [];
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = nd.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ var r = {};
+ for (var j = Math.min(query.columns.length, nd.columns.length) - 1; 0 <= j; j--) {
+ r[query.columns[j].columnid] = nd.data[i][nd.columns[j].columnid];
+ }
+ ud.push(r);
+ }
+ }
+ query.data = arrayExceptDeep(query.data, ud);
+ }
+ else if (query.intersectfn) {
+ if (query.corresponding) {
+ if (!query.intersectfn.query.modifier)
+ { query.intersectfn.query.modifier = undefined; }
+ ud = query.intersectfn(query.params);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!query.intersectfn.query.modifier)
+ { query.intersectfn.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET'; }
+ nd = query.intersectfn(query.params);
+ ud = [];
+ ilen = nd.data.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
+ r = {};
+ jlen = Math.min(query.columns.length, nd.columns.length);
+ for (j = 0; j < jlen; j++) {
+ r[query.columns[j].columnid] = nd.data[i][nd.columns[j].columnid];
+ }
+ ud.push(r);
+ }
+ }
+ query.data = arrayIntersectDeep(query.data, ud);
+ }
+ if (query.orderfn) {
+ if (query.explain)
+ { var ms = Date.now(); }
+ query.data = query.data.sort(query.orderfn);
+ if (query.explain) {
+ query.explaination.push({
+ explid: query.explid++,
+ description: 'QUERY BY',
+ ms: Date.now() - ms,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ doLimit(query);
+ if (typeof angular !== 'undefined') {
+ query.removeKeys.push('$$hashKey');
+ }
+ if (query.removeKeys.length > 0) {
+ var removeKeys = query.removeKeys;
+ jlen = removeKeys.length;
+ if (jlen > 0) {
+ ilen = query.data.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < jlen; j++) {
+ delete query.data[i][removeKeys[j]];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (query.columns.length > 0) {
+ query.columns = query.columns.filter(function (column) {
+ var found = false;
+ removeKeys.forEach(function (key) {
+ if (column.columnid === key)
+ { found = true; }
+ });
+ return !found;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof query.removeLikeKeys !== 'undefined' && query.removeLikeKeys.length > 0) {
+ var removeLikeKeys = query.removeLikeKeys;
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = query.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ r = query.data[i];
+ for (var k in r) {
+ for (j = 0; j < query.removeLikeKeys.length; j++) {
+ if (alasql.utils.like(query.removeLikeKeys[j], k)) {
+ delete r[k];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (query.columns.length > 0) {
+ query.columns = query.columns.filter(function (column) {
+ var found = false;
+ removeLikeKeys.forEach(function (key) {
+ if (alasql.utils.like(key, column.columnid)) {
+ found = true;
+ }
+ });
+ return !found;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (query.pivotfn)
+ { query.pivotfn(); }
+ if (query.unpivotfn)
+ { query.unpivotfn(); }
+ if (query.intoallfn) {
+ var res = query.intoallfn(query.columns, query.cb, query.params, query.alasql);
+ return res;
+ }
+ else if (query.intofn) {
+ ilen = query.data.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
+ query.intofn(query.data[i], i, query.params, query.alasql);
+ }
+ if (query.cb)
+ { query.cb(query.data.length, query.A, query.B); }
+ return query.data.length;
+ }
+ else {
+ res = query.data;
+ if (query.cb)
+ { res = query.cb(query.data, query.A, query.B); }
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ function doLimit(query) {
+ if (query.limit) {
+ var offset = 0;
+ if (query.offset) {
+ offset = query.offset | 0 || 0;
+ offset = offset < 0 ? 0 : offset;
+ }
+ var limit;
+ if (query.percent) {
+ limit = (((query.data.length * query.limit) / 100) | 0) + offset;
+ }
+ else {
+ limit = (query.limit | 0) + offset;
+ }
+ query.data = query.data.slice(offset, limit);
+ }
+ }
+ function doDistinct(query) {
+ if (query.distinct) {
+ var uniq = {};
+ var keys = Object.keys(query.data[0] || []);
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = query.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ var uix = keys
+ .map(function (k) {
+ return query.data[i][k];
+ })
+ .join('`');
+ uniq[uix] = query.data[i];
+ }
+ query.data = [];
+ for (var ind in uniq) {
+ query.data.push(uniq[ind]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var preIndex = function (query) {
+ for (var k = 0, klen = query.sources.length; k < klen; k++) {
+ var source = query.sources[k];
+ delete source.ix;
+ if (k > 0 && source.optimization === 'ix' && source.onleftfn && source.onrightfn) {
+ if (source.databaseid && alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid]) {
+ if (!alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].indices)
+ { query.database.tables[source.tableid].indices = {}; }
+ var ixx = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].indices[hash(source.onrightfns + '`' + source.srcwherefns)];
+ if (!alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].dirty && ixx) {
+ source.ix = ixx;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!source.ix) {
+ source.ix = {};
+ var scope = {};
+ var i = 0;
+ var ilen = source.data.length;
+ var dataw;
+ while ((dataw = source.data[i]) ||
+ (source.getfn && (dataw = source.getfn(i))) ||
+ i < ilen) {
+ if (source.getfn && !source.dontcache)
+ { source.data[i] = dataw; }
+ scope[source.alias || source.tableid] = dataw;
+ if (source.srcwherefn(scope, query.params, alasql)) {
+ var addr = source.onrightfn(scope, query.params, alasql);
+ var group = source.ix[addr];
+ if (!group) {
+ group = source.ix[addr] = [];
+ }
+ group.push(dataw);
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (source.databaseid &&
+ alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid]) {
+ alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].indices[hash(source.onrightfns + '`' + source.srcwherefns)] =
+ source.ix;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (source.wxleftfn) {
+ if (!alasql.databases[source.databaseid].engineid) {
+ ixx =
+ alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].indices[hash(source.wxleftfns + '`')];
+ }
+ if (!alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].dirty && ixx) {
+ source.ix = ixx;
+ source.data = source.ix[source.wxrightfn(null, query.params, alasql)];
+ }
+ else {
+ source.ix = {};
+ scope = {};
+ i = 0;
+ ilen = source.data.length;
+ while ((dataw = source.data[i]) ||
+ (source.getfn && (dataw = source.getfn(i))) ||
+ i < ilen) {
+ if (source.getfn && !source.dontcache)
+ { source.data[i] = dataw; }
+ scope[source.alias || source.tableid] = source.data[i];
+ addr = source.wxleftfn(scope, query.params, alasql);
+ group = source.ix[addr];
+ if (!group) {
+ group = source.ix[addr] = [];
+ }
+ group.push(source.data[i]);
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (!alasql.databases[source.databaseid].engineid) {
+ alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].indices[hash(source.wxleftfns + '`')] =
+ source.ix;
+ }
+ }
+ if (source.srcwherefns) {
+ if (source.data) {
+ scope = {};
+ source.data = source.data.filter(function (r) {
+ scope[source.alias] = r;
+ return source.srcwherefn(scope, query.params, alasql);
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ source.data = [];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (source.srcwherefns && !source.dontcache) {
+ if (source.data) {
+ var scope = {};
+ source.data = source.data.filter(function (r) {
+ scope[source.alias] = r;
+ return source.srcwherefn(scope, query.params, alasql);
+ });
+ scope = {};
+ i = 0;
+ ilen = source.data.length;
+ var res = [];
+ while ((dataw = source.data[i]) ||
+ (source.getfn && (dataw = source.getfn(i))) ||
+ i < ilen) {
+ if (source.getfn && !source.dontcache)
+ { source.data[i] = dataw; }
+ scope[source.alias] = dataw;
+ if (source.srcwherefn(scope, query.params, alasql))
+ { res.push(dataw); }
+ i++;
+ }
+ source.data = res;
+ }
+ else {
+ source.data = [];
+ }
+ }
+ if (source.databaseid && alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid]) ;
+ }
+ };
+ function select (mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ var alasql = mem.alasql;
+ yy.Select = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s;
+ s = '';
+ if (this.explain) {
+ s += 'EXPLAIN ';
+ }
+ s += 'SELECT ';
+ if (this.modifier) {
+ s += this.modifier + ' ';
+ }
+ if (this.distinct) {
+ s += 'DISTINCT ';
+ }
+ if (this.top) {
+ s += 'TOP ' + this.top.value + ' ';
+ if (this.percent) {
+ s += 'PERCENT ';
+ }
+ }
+ s += this.columns
+ .map(function (col) {
+ var s;
+ s = col.toString();
+ if (typeof col.as !== 'undefined') {
+ s += ' AS ' + col.as;
+ }
+ return s;
+ })
+ .join(', ');
+ if (this.from) {
+ s +=
+ ' FROM ' +
+ this.from
+ .map(function (f) {
+ var ss;
+ ss = f.toString();
+ if (f.as) {
+ ss += ' AS ' + f.as;
+ }
+ return ss;
+ })
+ .join(',');
+ }
+ if (this.joins) {
+ s += this.joins
+ .map(function (jn) {
+ var ss;
+ ss = ' ';
+ if (jn.joinmode) {
+ ss += jn.joinmode + ' ';
+ }
+ if (jn.table) {
+ ss += 'JOIN ' + jn.table.toString();
+ }
+ else if (jn.select) {
+ ss += 'JOIN (' + jn.select.toString() + ')';
+ }
+ else if (jn instanceof alasql.yy.Apply) {
+ ss += jn.toString();
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('Wrong type in JOIN mode');
+ }
+ if (jn.as) {
+ ss += ' AS ' + jn.as;
+ }
+ if (jn.using) {
+ ss += ' USING ' + jn.using.toString();
+ }
+ if (jn.on) {
+ ss += ' ON ' + jn.on.toString();
+ }
+ return ss;
+ })
+ .join('');
+ }
+ if (this.where) {
+ s += ' WHERE ' + this.where.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.group && this.group.length > 0) {
+ s +=
+ ' GROUP BY ' +
+ this.group
+ .map(function (grp) {
+ return grp.toString();
+ })
+ .join(', ');
+ }
+ if (this.having) {
+ s += ' HAVING ' + this.having.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.order && this.order.length > 0) {
+ s +=
+ ' ORDER BY ' +
+ this.order
+ .map(function (ord) {
+ return ord.toString();
+ })
+ .join(', ');
+ }
+ if (this.limit) {
+ s += ' LIMIT ' + this.limit.value;
+ }
+ if (this.offset) {
+ s += ' OFFSET ' + this.offset.value;
+ }
+ if (this.union) {
+ s += ' UNION ' + (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') + this.union.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.unionall) {
+ s +=
+ ' UNION ALL ' +
+ (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') +
+ this.unionall.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.except) {
+ s += ' EXCEPT ' + (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') + this.except.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.intersect) {
+ s +=
+ (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') +
+ this.intersect.toString();
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.toJS = function (context) {
+ var s = 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn[' +
+ (this.queriesidx - 1) +
+ '](this.params,null,' +
+ context +
+ '))[0]';
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.compile = function (databaseid, params) {
+ var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
+ var query = new mem.alasql.Query();
+ query.removeKeys = [];
+ query.aggrKeys = [];
+ query.explain = this.explain;
+ query.explaination = [];
+ query.explid = 1;
+ query.modifier = this.modifier;
+ query.database = db;
+ this.compileWhereExists(query);
+ this.compileQueries(query);
+ query.defcols = this.compileDefCols(query, databaseid);
+ query.fromfn = this.compileFrom(query);
+ if (this.joins) {
+ this.compileJoins(query);
+ }
+ query.rownums = [];
+ this.compileSelectGroup0(query);
+ if (this.group || query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
+ query.selectgfns = this.compileSelectGroup1(query);
+ }
+ else {
+ query.selectfns = this.compileSelect1(query, params);
+ }
+ this.compileRemoveColumns(query);
+ if (this.where) {
+ this.compileWhereJoins(query);
+ }
+ query.wherefn = this.compileWhere(query);
+ if (this.group || query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
+ query.groupfn = this.compileGroup(query);
+ }
+ if (this.having) {
+ query.havingfn = this.compileHaving(query);
+ }
+ if (this.order) {
+ query.orderfn = this.compileOrder(query);
+ }
+ if (this.group || query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
+ query.selectgfn = this.compileSelectGroup2(query);
+ }
+ else {
+ query.selectfn = this.compileSelect2(query);
+ }
+ query.distinct = this.distinct;
+ if (this.pivot)
+ { query.pivotfn = this.compilePivot(query); }
+ if (this.unpivot)
+ { query.pivotfn = this.compileUnpivot(query); }
+ if (this.top) {
+ query.limit = this.top.value;
+ }
+ else if (this.limit) {
+ query.limit = this.limit.value;
+ if (this.offset) {
+ query.offset = this.offset.value;
+ }
+ }
+ query.percent = this.percent;
+ query.corresponding = this.corresponding;
+ if (this.union) {
+ query.unionfn = this.union.compile(databaseid);
+ if (this.union.order) {
+ query.orderfn = this.union.compileOrder(query);
+ }
+ else {
+ query.orderfn = null;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (this.unionall) {
+ query.unionallfn = this.unionall.compile(databaseid);
+ if (this.unionall.order) {
+ query.orderfn = this.unionall.compileOrder(query);
+ }
+ else {
+ query.orderfn = null;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (this.except) {
+ query.exceptfn = this.except.compile(databaseid);
+ if (this.except.order) {
+ query.orderfn = this.except.compileOrder(query);
+ }
+ else {
+ query.orderfn = null;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (this.intersect) {
+ query.intersectfn = this.intersect.compile(databaseid);
+ if (this.intersect.order) {
+ query.intersectfn = this.intersect.compileOrder(query);
+ }
+ else {
+ query.orderfn = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.into) {
+ if (this.into instanceof yy.Table) {
+ if (alasql.options.autocommit &&
+ alasql.databases[this.into.databaseid || databaseid].engineid) {
+ query.intoallfns =
+ 'return alasql.engines["' +
+ alasql.databases[this.into.databaseid || databaseid].engineid +
+ '"]' +
+ '.intoTable("' +
+ (this.into.databaseid || databaseid) +
+ '","' +
+ this.into.tableid +
+ '",this.data, columns, cb);';
+ }
+ else {
+ query.intofns =
+ "alasql.databases['" +
+ (this.into.databaseid || databaseid) +
+ "'].tables" +
+ "['" +
+ this.into.tableid +
+ "'].data.push(r);";
+ }
+ }
+ else if (this.into instanceof yy.VarValue) {
+ query.intoallfns =
+ 'alasql.vars["' +
+ this.into.variable +
+ '"]=this.data;res=this.data.length;if(cb)res=cb(res);return res;';
+ }
+ else if (this.into instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
+ var qs = "return alasql.into['" + this.into.funcid.toUpperCase() + "'](";
+ if (this.into.args && this.into.args.length > 0) {
+ qs += this.into.args[0].toJS() + ',';
+ if (this.into.args.length > 1) {
+ qs += this.into.args[1].toJS() + ',';
+ }
+ else {
+ qs += 'undefined,';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ qs += 'undefined, undefined,';
+ }
+ query.intoallfns = qs + 'this.data,columns,cb)';
+ }
+ else if (this.into instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
+ query.intofns = "params['" + this.into.param + "'].push(r)";
+ }
+ if (query.intofns) {
+ query.intofn = new Function('r,i,params,alasql', 'var y;' + query.intofns);
+ }
+ else if (query.intoallfns) {
+ query.intoallfn = new Function('columns,cb,params,alasql', 'var y;' + query.intoallfns);
+ }
+ }
+ var statement = function (params, cb, oldscope) {
+ query.params = params;
+ var res1 = queryfn(alasql, query, oldscope, function (res) {
+ if (query.rownums.length > 0) {
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ for (var j = 0, jlen = query.rownums.length; j < jlen; j++) {
+ res[i][query.rownums[j]] = i + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var res2 = utils$6.modify(alasql, query, res);
+ if (cb) {
+ cb(res2);
+ }
+ return res2;
+ });
+ return res1;
+ };
+ statement.query = query;
+ return statement;
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ return this.compile(databaseid)(params, cb);
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ mem.alasql = alasql;
+ }
- return true;
+ function expression (mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ var alasql = mem.alasql;
+ yy.ExpressionStatement = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.ExpressionStatement.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return this.expression.toString();
+ };
+ yy.ExpressionStatement.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ if (this.expression) {
+ alasql.precompile(this, databaseid, params);
+ var exprfn = new Function('params,alasql,p', 'var y;return ' + this.expression.toJS('({})', '', null)).bind(this);
+ var res = exprfn(params, alasql);
+ if (cb) {
+ res = cb(res);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ };
+ yy.Expression = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Expression.prototype.toString = function (dontas) {
+ var s = this.expression.toString(dontas);
+ if (this.order) {
+ s += ' ' + this.order.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.nocase) {
+ }
+ if (this.direction) {
+ s += ' ' + this.direction;
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.Expression.prototype.findAggregator = function (query) {
+ if (this.expression.findAggregator) {
+ this.expression.findAggregator(query);
+ }
+ };
+ yy.Expression.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ if (this.expression.reduced) {
+ return 'true';
+ }
+ return this.expression.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ };
+ yy.Expression.prototype.compile = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ if (this.reduced) {
+ return utils$6.returnTrue();
+ }
+ return new Function('p', 'var y;return ' + this.toJS(context, tableid, defcols));
+ };
+ yy.JavaScript = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.JavaScript.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = '``' + this.value + '``';
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.JavaScript.prototype.toJS = function ( ) {
+ return '(' + this.value + ')';
+ };
+ yy.JavaScript.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ var res = 1;
+ var expr = new Function('params,alasql,p', this.value);
+ expr(params, alasql);
+ if (cb) {
+ res = cb(res);
+ }
+ return res;
+ };
+ yy.Literal = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Literal.prototype.toString = function (dontas) {
+ var s = this.value;
+ if (this.value1) {
+ s = this.value1 + '.' + s;
+ }
+ if (this.alias && !dontas)
+ { s += ' AS ' + this.alias; }
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.Join = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Join.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = ' ';
+ if (this.joinmode) {
+ s += this.joinmode + ' ';
+ }
+ s += 'JOIN ' + this.table.toString();
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.Table = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Table.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = this.tableid;
+ if (this.databaseid) {
+ s = this.databaseid + '.' + s;
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.View = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.View.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = this.viewid;
+ if (this.databaseid) {
+ s = this.databaseid + '.' + s;
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.Op = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Op.prototype.toString = function () {
+ if (this.op === 'IN' || this.op === 'NOT IN') {
+ return this.left.toString() + ' ' + this.op + ' (' + this.right.toString() + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.allsome) {
+ return (this.left.toString() +
+ ' ' +
+ this.op +
+ ' ' +
+ this.allsome +
+ ' (' +
+ this.right.toString() +
+ ')');
+ }
+ if (this.op === '->' || this.op === '!') {
+ var s = this.left.toString() + this.op;
+ if (typeof this.right !== 'string' && typeof this.right !== 'number') {
+ s += '(';
+ }
+ s += this.right.toString();
+ if (typeof this.right !== 'string' && typeof this.right !== 'number') {
+ s += ')';
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ return (this.left.toString() +
+ ' ' +
+ this.op +
+ ' ' +
+ (this.allsome ? this.allsome + ' ' : '') +
+ this.right.toString());
+ };
+ yy.Op.prototype.findAggregator = function (query) {
+ if (this.left && this.left.findAggregator) {
+ this.left.findAggregator(query);
+ }
+ if (this.right && this.right.findAggregator && !this.allsome) {
+ this.right.findAggregator(query);
+ }
+ };
+ yy.Op.prototype.toType = function (tableid) {
+ if (['-', '*', '/', '%', '^'].indexOf(this.op) > -1) {
+ return 'number';
+ }
+ if (['||'].indexOf(this.op) > -1) {
+ return 'string';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '+') {
+ if (this.left.toType(tableid) === 'string' || this.right.toType(tableid) === 'string') {
+ return 'string';
+ }
+ if (this.left.toType(tableid) === 'number' || this.right.toType(tableid) === 'number') {
+ return 'number';
+ }
+ }
+ if ([
+ 'AND',
+ 'OR',
+ 'NOT',
+ '=',
+ '==',
+ '===',
+ '!=',
+ '!==',
+ '!===',
+ '>',
+ '>=',
+ '<',
+ '<=',
+ 'IN',
+ 'NOT IN',
+ 'LIKE',
+ 'GLOB' ].indexOf(this.op) > -1) {
+ return 'boolean';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'BETWEEN' ||
+ this.op === 'NOT BETWEEN' ||
+ this.op === 'IS NULL' ||
+ this.op === 'IS NOT NULL') {
+ return 'boolean';
+ }
+ if (this.allsome) {
+ return 'boolean';
+ }
+ if (!this.op) {
+ return this.left.toType();
+ }
+ return 'unknown';
+ };
+ yy.Op.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ var s;
+ var refs = [];
+ var op = this.op;
+ var _this = this;
+ var ref = function (expr) {
+ if (expr.toJS) {
+ expr = expr.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ }
+ var i = refs.push(expr) - 1;
+ return 'y[' + i + ']';
+ };
+ var leftJS = function () {
+ return ref(_this.left);
+ };
+ var rightJS = function () {
+ return ref(_this.right);
+ };
+ if (this.op === '=') {
+ op = '===';
+ }
+ else if (this.op === '<>') {
+ op = '!=';
+ }
+ else if (this.op === 'OR') {
+ op = '||';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '->') {
+ var ljs = '(' + leftJS() + '||{})';
+ if (typeof this.right === 'string') {
+ s = ljs + '["' + this.right + '"]';
+ }
+ else if (typeof this.right === 'number') {
+ s = ljs + '[' + this.right + ']';
+ }
+ else if (this.right instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
+ var ss = [];
+ if (!(!this.right.args || 0 === this.right.args.length)) {
+ ss = this.right.args.map(ref);
+ }
+ s = '' + ljs + "['" + this.right.funcid + "'](" + ss.join(',') + ')';
+ }
+ else {
+ s = '' + ljs + '[' + rightJS() + ']';
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.op === '!') {
+ if (typeof this.right === 'string') {
+ s =
+ '' +
+ 'alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[' +
+ leftJS() +
+ ']["' +
+ this.right +
+ '"]';
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'IS') {
+ s =
+ '' +
+ '(' +
+ '(' +
+ leftJS() +
+ '==null)' +
+ ' === ' +
+ '(' +
+ rightJS() +
+ '==null)' +
+ ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '==') {
+ s = '' + 'alasql.utils.deepEqual(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '===' || this.op === '!===') {
+ s =
+ '' +
+ '(' +
+ (this.op === '!===' ? '!' : '') +
+ '(' +
+ '(' +
+ leftJS() +
+ ').valueOf()' +
+ '===' +
+ '(' +
+ rightJS() +
+ ').valueOf()' +
+ ')' +
+ ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '!==') {
+ s = '' + '(!alasql.utils.deepEqual(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + '))';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '||') {
+ s = '' + "(''+(" + leftJS() + "||'')+(" + rightJS() + '||""))';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'LIKE' || this.op === 'NOT LIKE') {
+ s =
+ '(' +
+ (this.op === 'NOT LIKE' ? '!' : '') +
+ 'alasql.utils.like(' +
+ rightJS() +
+ ',' +
+ leftJS();
+ if (this.escape) {
+ s += ',' + ref(this.escape);
+ }
+ s += '))';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'REGEXP') {
+ s = 'alasql.stdfn.REGEXP_LIKE(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'GLOB') {
+ s = 'alasql.utils.glob(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'BETWEEN' || this.op === 'NOT BETWEEN') {
+ var left = leftJS();
+ s =
+ '' +
+ '(' +
+ (this.op === 'NOT BETWEEN' ? '!' : '') +
+ '(' +
+ '(' +
+ ref(this.right1) +
+ '<=' +
+ left +
+ ') && (' +
+ left +
+ '<=' +
+ ref(this.right2) +
+ ')' +
+ ')' +
+ ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'IN') {
+ if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
+ s = '(';
+ s +=
+ 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn[' +
+ this.queriesidx +
+ '](params,null,' +
+ context +
+ '))';
+ s += '.indexOf(';
+ s += leftJS() + ')>-1)';
+ }
+ else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
+ s = '([' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + '].indexOf(' + leftJS() + ')>-1)';
+ }
+ else {
+ s = '(' + rightJS() + '.indexOf(' + leftJS() + ')>-1)';
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'NOT IN') {
+ if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
+ s = '(';
+ s +=
+ 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn[' +
+ this.queriesidx +
+ '](params,null,p))';
+ s += '.indexOf(';
+ s += leftJS() + ')<0)';
+ }
+ else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
+ s = '([' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + '].indexOf(';
+ s += leftJS() + ')<0)';
+ }
+ else {
+ s = '(' + rightJS() + '.indexOf(';
+ s += leftJS() + ')==-1)';
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.allsome === 'ALL') {
+ var s;
+ if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
+ s =
+ 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn[' +
+ this.queriesidx +
+ '](params,null,p))';
+ s += '.every(function(b){return (';
+ s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
+ }
+ else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
+ s =
+ '' +
+ (this.right.length == 1
+ ? ref(this.right[0])
+ : '[' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + ']');
+ s += '.every(function(b){return (';
+ s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('NOT IN operator without SELECT');
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.allsome === 'SOME' || this.allsome === 'ANY') {
+ var s;
+ if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
+ s =
+ 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn[' +
+ this.queriesidx +
+ '](params,null,p))';
+ s += '.some(function(b){return (';
+ s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
+ }
+ else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
+ s =
+ '' +
+ (this.right.length == 1
+ ? ref(this.right[0])
+ : '[' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + ']');
+ s += '.some(function(b){return (';
+ s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('SOME/ANY operator without SELECT');
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'AND') {
+ if (this.left.reduced) {
+ if (this.right.reduced) {
+ return 'true';
+ }
+ else {
+ s = rightJS();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (this.right.reduced) {
+ s = leftJS();
+ }
+ op = '&&';
+ }
+ var expr = s || '(' + leftJS() + op + rightJS() + ')';
+ var declareRefs = 'y=[(' + refs.join('), (') + ')]';
+ if (op === '&&' || op === '||' || op === 'IS' || op === 'IS NULL' || op === 'IS NOT NULL') {
+ return '(' + declareRefs + ', ' + expr + ')';
+ }
+ return ('(' +
+ declareRefs +
+ ', ' +
+ 'y.some(function(e){return e == null}) ? void 0 : ' +
+ expr +
+ ')');
+ };
+ yy.VarValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.VarValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return '@' + this.variable;
+ };
+ yy.VarValue.prototype.toType = function () {
+ return 'unknown';
+ };
+ yy.VarValue.prototype.toJS = function () {
+ return "alasql.vars['" + this.variable + "']";
+ };
+ yy.NumValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.NumValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return this.value.toString();
+ };
+ yy.NumValue.prototype.toType = function () {
+ return 'number';
+ };
+ yy.NumValue.prototype.toJS = function () {
+ return '' + this.value;
+ };
+ yy.StringValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.StringValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return "'" + this.value.toString() + "'";
+ };
+ yy.StringValue.prototype.toType = function () {
+ return 'string';
+ };
+ yy.StringValue.prototype.toJS = function () {
+ return "'" + utils$6.escapeq(this.value) + "'";
+ };
+ yy.DomainValueValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.DomainValueValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return 'VALUE';
+ };
+ yy.DomainValueValue.prototype.toType = function () {
+ return 'object';
+ };
+ yy.DomainValueValue.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ return context;
+ };
+ yy.ArrayValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.ArrayValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return 'ARRAY[]';
+ };
+ yy.ArrayValue.prototype.toType = function () {
+ return 'object';
+ };
+ yy.ArrayValue.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ return ('[(' +
+ this.value
+ .map(function (el) {
+ return el.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ })
+ .join('), (') +
+ ')]');
+ };
+ yy.LogicValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.LogicValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return this.value ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
+ };
+ yy.LogicValue.prototype.toType = function () {
+ return 'boolean';
+ };
+ yy.LogicValue.prototype.toJS = function () {
+ return this.value ? 'true' : 'false';
+ };
+ yy.NullValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.NullValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return 'NULL';
+ };
+ yy.NullValue.prototype.toJS = function () {
+ return 'undefined';
+ };
+ yy.ParamValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.ParamValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return '$' + this.param;
+ };
+ yy.ParamValue.prototype.toJS = function () {
+ if (typeof this.param === 'string') {
+ return "params['" + this.param + "']";
+ }
+ return 'params[' + this.param + ']';
+ };
+ yy.UniOp = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.UniOp.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s;
+ s = void 0;
+ if (this.op === '~') {
+ s = this.op + this.right.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.op === '-') {
+ s = this.op + this.right.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.op === '+') {
+ s = this.op + this.right.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.op === '#') {
+ s = this.op + this.right.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'NOT') {
+ s = this.op + '(' + this.right.toString() + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === null) {
+ s = '(' + this.right.toString() + ')';
+ }
+ if (!s) {
+ s = '(' + this.right.toString() + ')';
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.UniOp.prototype.findAggregator = function (query) {
+ if (this.right.findAggregator) {
+ this.right.findAggregator(query);
+ }
+ };
+ yy.UniOp.prototype.toType = function () {
+ if (this.op === '-') {
+ return 'number';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '+') {
+ return 'number';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'NOT') {
+ return 'boolean';
+ }
+ };
+ yy.UniOp.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ if (this.op === '~') {
+ return '(~(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + '))';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '-') {
+ return '(-(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + '))';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '+') {
+ return '(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'NOT') {
+ return '!(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '#') {
+ if (this.right instanceof yy.Column) {
+ return "(alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects['" + this.right.columnid + "'])";
+ }
+ else {
+ return ('(alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[' +
+ this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) +
+ '])');
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.op == null) {
+ return '(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + ')';
+ }
+ };
+ yy.Column = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Column.prototype.toString = function (dontas) {
+ var s;
+ if (this.columnid == +this.columnid) {
+ s = '[' + this.columnid + ']';
+ }
+ else {
+ s = this.columnid;
+ }
+ if (this.tableid) {
+ if (+this.columnid === this.columnid) {
+ s = this.tableid + s;
+ }
+ else {
+ s = this.tableid + '.' + s;
+ }
+ if (this.databaseid) {
+ s = this.databaseid + '.' + s;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.alias && !dontas)
+ { s += ' AS ' + this.alias; }
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.Column.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ var s = '';
+ if (!this.tableid && tableid === '' && !defcols) {
+ if (this.columnid !== '_') {
+ s = context + "['" + this.columnid + "']";
+ }
+ else {
+ if (context === 'g') {
+ s = "g['_']";
+ }
+ else {
+ s = context;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (context === 'g') {
+ s = "g['" + this.nick + "']";
+ }
+ else if (this.tableid) {
+ if (this.columnid !== '_') {
+ s = context + "['" + this.tableid + "']['" + this.columnid + "']";
+ }
+ else {
+ if (context === 'g') {
+ s = "g['_']";
+ }
+ else {
+ s = context + "['" + this.tableid + "']";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (defcols) {
+ var tbid = defcols[this.columnid];
+ if (tbid === '-') {
+ throw new Error('Cannot resolve column "' +
+ this.columnid +
+ '" because it exists in two source tables');
+ }
+ else if (tbid) {
+ if (this.columnid !== '_') {
+ s = context + "['" + tbid + "']['" + this.columnid + "']";
+ }
+ else {
+ s = context + "['" + tbid + "']";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (this.columnid !== '_') {
+ s =
+ context +
+ "['" +
+ (this.tableid || tableid) +
+ "']['" +
+ this.columnid +
+ "']";
+ }
+ else {
+ s = context + "['" + (this.tableid || tableid) + "']";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (tableid === -1) {
+ s = context + "['" + this.columnid + "']";
+ }
+ else {
+ if (this.columnid !== '_') {
+ s = context + "['" + (this.tableid || tableid) + "']['" + this.columnid + "']";
+ }
+ else {
+ s = context + "['" + (this.tableid || tableid) + "']";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.AggrValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.AggrValue.prototype.toString = function (dontas) {
+ var s = '';
+ if (this.aggregatorid === 'REDUCE') {
+ s += this.funcid + '(';
+ }
+ else {
+ s += this.aggregatorid + '(';
+ }
+ if (this.distinct) {
+ s += 'DISTINCT ';
+ }
+ if (this.expression) {
+ s += this.expression.toString();
+ }
+ s += ')';
+ if (this.over) {
+ s += ' ' + this.over.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.alias && !dontas)
+ { s += ' AS ' + this.alias; }
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.AggrValue.prototype.findAggregator = function (query) {
+ var colas = utils$6.escapeq(this.toString()) + ':' + query.selectGroup.length;
+ var found = false;
+ if (!found) {
+ if (!this.nick) {
+ this.nick = colas;
+ var found = false;
+ for (var i = 0; i < query.removeKeys.length; i++) {
+ if (query.removeKeys[i] === colas) {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ query.removeKeys.push(colas);
+ }
+ }
+ query.selectGroup.push(this);
+ }
+ return;
+ };
+ yy.AggrValue.prototype.toType = function () {
+ if (['SUM', 'COUNT', 'AVG', 'MIN', 'MAX', 'AGGR', 'VAR', 'STDDEV'].indexOf(this.aggregatorid) > -1) {
+ return 'number';
+ }
+ if (['ARRAY'].indexOf(this.aggregatorid) > -1) {
+ return 'array';
+ }
+ if (['FIRST', 'LAST'].indexOf(this.aggregatorid) > -1) {
+ return this.expression.toType();
+ }
+ };
+ yy.AggrValue.prototype.toJS = function ( ) {
+ var colas = this.nick;
+ if (colas === undefined) {
+ colas = this.toString();
+ }
+ return "g['" + colas + "']";
+ };
+ yy.OrderExpression = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.OrderExpression.prototype.toString = yy.Expression.prototype.toString;
+ yy.GroupExpression = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.GroupExpression.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return this.type + '(' + this.group.toString() + ')';
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ mem.alasql = alasql;
+ }
-// from https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-keywords-appendix.html
-// JSON.stringify([].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('tr')).filter(x => x.children.length == 5 && x.children[2].innerText == 'reserved').map(x => x.children[0].innerText))
+ function exists (mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ yy.ExistsValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.ExistsValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return 'EXISTS(' + this.value.toString() + ')';
+ };
+ yy.ExistsValue.prototype.toType = function () {
+ return 'boolean';
+ };
+ yy.ExistsValue.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ return 'this.existsfn[' + this.existsidx + '](params,null,' + context + ').data.length';
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileWhereExists = function (query) {
+ if (!this.exists)
+ { return; }
+ query.existsfn = this.exists.map(function (ex) {
+ var nq = ex.compile(query.database.databaseid);
+ nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ return nq;
+ });
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileQueries = function (query) {
+ if (!this.queries)
+ { return; }
+ query.queriesfn = this.queries.map(function (q) {
+ var nq = q.compile(query.database.databaseid);
+ nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ return nq;
+ });
+ };
+ mem.alasql.precompile = function (statement, databaseid, params) {
+ if (!statement)
+ { return; }
+ statement.params = params;
+ if (statement.queries) {
+ statement.queriesfn = statement.queries.map(function (q) {
+ var nq = q.compile(databaseid || statement.database.databaseid);
+ nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ return nq;
+ });
+ }
+ if (statement.exists) {
+ statement.existsfn = statement.exists.map(function (ex) {
+ var nq = ex.compile(databaseid || statement.database.databaseid);
+ nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ return nq;
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ }
+ function defcols (mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileDefCols = function (query, databaseid) {
+ var defcols = { '.': {} };
+ if (this.from) {
+ this.from.forEach(function (fr) {
+ defcols['.'][fr.as || fr.tableid] = true;
+ if (fr instanceof yy.Table) {
+ var alias = fr.as || fr.tableid;
+ var table = mem.alasql.databases[fr.databaseid || databaseid].tables[fr.tableid];
+ if (undefined === table) {
+ throw new Error('Table does not exists: ' + fr.tableid);
+ }
+ if (table.columns) {
+ table.columns.forEach(function (col) {
+ if (defcols[col.columnid]) {
+ defcols[col.columnid] = '-';
+ }
+ else {
+ defcols[col.columnid] = alias;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ else if (fr instanceof yy.Select) ;
+ else if (fr instanceof yy.Search) ;
+ else if (fr instanceof yy.ParamValue) ;
+ else if (fr instanceof yy.VarValue) ;
+ else if (fr instanceof yy.FuncValue) ;
+ else if (fr instanceof yy.FromData) ;
+ else if (fr instanceof yy.Json) ;
+ else if (fr.inserted) ;
+ else {
+ throw new Error('Unknown type of FROM clause');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.joins) {
+ this.joins.forEach(function (jn) {
+ defcols['.'][jn.as || jn.table.tableid] = true;
+ if (jn.table) {
+ var alias = jn.table.tableid;
+ if (jn.as)
+ { alias = jn.as; }
+ var alias = jn.as || jn.table.tableid;
+ var table = mem.alasql.databases[jn.table.databaseid || databaseid].tables[jn.table.tableid];
+ if (table.columns) {
+ table.columns.forEach(function (col) {
+ if (defcols[col.columnid]) {
+ defcols[col.columnid] = '-';
+ }
+ else {
+ defcols[col.columnid] = alias;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ else if (jn.select) {
+ throw new Error('Select not implemented yet');
+ }
+ else if (jn.param) {
+ throw new Error('param not implemented yet');
+ }
+ else if (jn.func) {
+ throw new Error('func not implemented yet');
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('Unknown type of FROM clause');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return defcols;
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ }
-parser.parseError = function(str, hash) {
- if (hash.expected && hash.expected.indexOf("'LITERAL'") > -1 && /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*/.test(hash.token) && nonReserved.indexOf(hash.token) > -1) {
- return
- }
- throw new SyntaxError(str)
-/* generated by jison-lex 0.3.4 */
-var lexer = (function(){
-var lexer = ({
+ function from_ (mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ var alasql = mem.alasql;
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileFrom = function (query) {
+ var self = this;
+ query.sources = [];
+ query.aliases = {};
+ if (!self.from)
+ { return; }
+ self.from.forEach(function (tq) {
+ var ps = '';
+ var alias = tq.as || tq.tableid;
+ if (tq instanceof yy.Table) {
+ query.aliases[alias] = {
+ tableid: tq.tableid,
+ databaseid: tq.databaseid || query.database.databaseid,
+ type: 'table',
+ };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.Select) {
+ query.aliases[alias] = { type: 'subquery' };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.Search) {
+ query.aliases[alias] = { type: 'subsearch' };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
+ query.aliases[alias] = { type: 'paramvalue' };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
+ query.aliases[alias] = { type: 'funcvalue' };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.VarValue) {
+ query.aliases[alias] = { type: 'varvalue' };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.FromData) {
+ query.aliases[alias] = { type: 'fromdata' };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.Json) {
+ query.aliases[alias] = { type: 'json' };
+ }
+ else if (tq.inserted) {
+ query.aliases[alias] = { type: 'inserted' };
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('Wrong table at FROM');
+ }
+ var source = {
+ alias: alias,
+ databaseid: tq.databaseid || query.database.databaseid,
+ tableid: tq.tableid,
+ joinmode: 'INNER',
+ onmiddlefn: utils$6.returnTrue,
+ srcwherefns: '',
+ srcwherefn: utils$6.returnTrue,
+ };
+ if (tq instanceof yy.Table) {
+ source.columns = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].columns;
+ if (alasql.options.autocommit &&
+ alasql.databases[source.databaseid].engineid &&
+ !alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].view) {
+ source.datafn = function (query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
+ return alasql.engines[alasql.databases[source.databaseid].engineid].fromTable(source.databaseid, source.tableid, cb, idx, query);
+ };
+ }
+ else if (alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].view) {
+ source.datafn = function (query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
+ var res = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].select(params);
+ if (cb)
+ { res = cb(res, idx, query); }
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ source.datafn = function (query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
+ var res = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].data;
+ if (cb)
+ { res = cb(res, idx, query); }
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.Select) {
+ source.subquery = tq.compile(query.database.databaseid);
+ if (typeof source.subquery.query.modifier === 'undefined') {
+ source.subquery.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ }
+ source.columns = source.subquery.query.columns;
+ source.datafn = function (query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
+ var res;
+ source.subquery(query.params, function (data) {
+ res = data.data;
+ if (cb)
+ { res = cb(res, idx, query); }
+ return res;
+ });
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.Search) {
+ source.subsearch = tq;
+ source.columns = [];
+ source.datafn = function (query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
+ var res;
+ source.subsearch.execute(query.database.databaseid, query.params, function (data) {
+ res = data;
+ if (cb)
+ { res = cb(res, idx, query); }
+ return res;
+ });
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
+ ps = "var res = alasql.prepareFromData(params['" + tq.param + "']";
+ if (tq.array)
+ { ps += ',true'; }
+ ps += ');if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);return res';
+ source.datafn = new Function('query,params,cb,idx,alasql', ps);
+ }
+ else if (tq.inserted) {
+ ps = 'var res = alasql.prepareFromData(alasql.inserted';
+ if (tq.array)
+ { ps += ',true'; }
+ ps += ');if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);return res';
+ source.datafn = new Function('query,params,cb,idx,alasql', ps);
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.Json) {
+ ps = 'var res = alasql.prepareFromData(' + tq.toJS();
+ if (tq.array)
+ { ps += ',true'; }
+ ps += ');if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);return res';
+ source.datafn = new Function('query,params,cb,idx,alasql', ps);
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.VarValue) {
+ ps = "var res = alasql.prepareFromData(alasql.vars['" + tq.variable + "']";
+ if (tq.array)
+ { ps += ',true'; }
+ ps += ');if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);return res';
+ source.datafn = new Function('query,params,cb,idx,alasql', ps);
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
+ ps = "var res=alasql.from['" + tq.funcid.toUpperCase() + "'](";
+ if (tq.args && tq.args.length > 0) {
+ if (tq.args[0]) {
+ ps += tq.args[0].toJS('query.oldscope') + ',';
+ }
+ else {
+ ps += 'null,';
+ }
+ if (tq.args[1]) {
+ ps += tq.args[1].toJS('query.oldscope') + ',';
+ }
+ else {
+ ps += 'null,';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ps += 'null,null,';
+ }
+ ps += 'cb,idx,query';
+ ps += ');/*if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);*/return res';
+ source.datafn = new Function('query, params, cb, idx, alasql', ps);
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.FromData) {
+ source.datafn = function (query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
+ var res = tq.data;
+ if (cb)
+ { res = cb(res, idx, query); }
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('Wrong table at FROM');
+ }
+ query.sources.push(source);
+ });
+ query.defaultTableid = query.sources[0].alias;
+ };
+ alasql.prepareFromData = function (data, array) {
+ var i, ilen;
+ var res = data;
+ if (typeof data === 'string') {
+ res = data.split(/\r?\n/);
+ if (array) {
+ for (i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ res[i] = [res[i]];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (array) {
+ res = [];
+ for (i = 0, ilen = data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ res.push([data[i]]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (typeof data === 'object' && !Array.isArray(data)) {
+ if (typeof Mongo !== 'undefined' &&
+ typeof Mongo.Collection !== 'undefined' &&
+ data instanceof Mongo.Collection) {
+ res = data.find().fetch();
+ }
+ else {
+ res = [];
+ for (var key in data) {
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty(key))
+ { res.push([key, data[key]]); }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ mem.alasql = alasql;
+ }
+ function compile (mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ var alasql = mem.alasql;
+ var escapeq = utils$6.escapeq;
+ function compileSelectStar(query, alias, joinstar) {
+ var sp = '', ss = [];
+ query.ixsources = {};
+ query.sources.forEach(function (source) {
+ query.ixsources[source.alias] = source;
+ });
+ var columns;
+ if (query.ixsources[alias]) {
+ var columns = query.ixsources[alias].columns;
+ }
+ if (joinstar && alasql.options.joinstar === 'json') {
+ sp += "r['" + alias + "']={};";
+ }
+ if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
+ columns.forEach(function (tcol) {
+ if (joinstar && alasql.options.joinstar === 'underscore') {
+ ss.push("'" +
+ alias +
+ '_' +
+ tcol.columnid +
+ "':p['" +
+ alias +
+ "']['" +
+ tcol.columnid +
+ "']");
+ }
+ else if (joinstar && alasql.options.joinstar === 'json') {
+ sp +=
+ "r['" +
+ alias +
+ "']['" +
+ tcol.columnid +
+ "']=p['" +
+ alias +
+ "']['" +
+ tcol.columnid +
+ "'];";
+ }
+ else {
+ ss.push("'" + tcol.columnid + "':p['" + alias + "']['" + tcol.columnid + "']");
+ }
+ query.selectColumns[escapeq(tcol.columnid)] = true;
+ var coldef = {
+ columnid: tcol.columnid,
+ dbtypeid: tcol.dbtypeid,
+ dbsize: tcol.dbsize,
+ dbprecision: tcol.dbprecision,
+ dbenum: tcol.dbenum,
+ };
+ query.columns.push(coldef);
+ query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ sp += 'var w=p["' + alias + '"];for(var k in w){r[k]=w[k]};';
+ query.dirtyColumns = true;
+ }
+ return { s: ss.join(','), sp: sp };
+ }
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileSelect1 = function (query, params) {
+ var self = this;
+ query.columns = [];
+ query.xcolumns = {};
+ query.selectColumns = {};
+ query.dirtyColumns = false;
+ var s = 'var r={';
+ var sp = '';
+ var ss = [];
+ this.columns.forEach(function (col) {
+ if (col instanceof yy.Column) {
+ if (col.columnid === '*') {
+ if (col.func) {
+ sp +=
+ "r=params['" +
+ col.param +
+ "'](p['" +
+ query.sources[0].alias +
+ "'],p,params,alasql);";
+ }
+ else if (col.tableid) {
+ var ret = compileSelectStar(query, col.tableid, false);
+ if (ret.s) {
+ ss = ss.concat(ret.s);
+ }
+ sp += ret.sp;
+ }
+ else {
+ for (var alias in query.aliases) {
+ var ret = compileSelectStar(query, alias, true);
+ if (ret.s) {
+ ss = ss.concat(ret.s);
+ }
+ sp += ret.sp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ var tbid = col.tableid;
+ var dbid = col.databaseid || query.sources[0].databaseid || query.database.databaseid;
+ if (!tbid)
+ { tbid = query.defcols[col.columnid]; }
+ if (!tbid)
+ { tbid = query.defaultTableid; }
+ if (col.columnid !== '_') {
+ {
+ var isMultisheetParam = params &&
+ params.length > 1 &&
+ Array.isArray(params[0]) &&
+ params[0].length >= 1 &&
+ params[0][0].hasOwnProperty('sheetid');
+ if (isMultisheetParam) {
+ sp =
+ 'var r={};var w=p["' +
+ tbid +
+ '"];' +
+ 'var cols=[' +
+ self.columns
+ .map(function (col) {
+ return "'" + col.columnid + "'";
+ })
+ .join(',') +
+ '];var colas=[' +
+ self.columns
+ .map(function (col) {
+ return "'" + (col.as || col.columnid) + "'";
+ })
+ .join(',') +
+ '];' +
+ "for (var i=0;i 0) {
+ var tcol = xcolumns[col.columnid];
+ if (undefined === tcol) {
+ throw new Error('Column does not exists: ' + col.columnid);
+ }
+ var coldef = {
+ columnid: col.as || col.columnid,
+ dbtypeid: tcol.dbtypeid,
+ dbsize: tcol.dbsize,
+ dbpecision: tcol.dbprecision,
+ dbenum: tcol.dbenum,
+ };
+ query.columns.push(coldef);
+ query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
+ }
+ else {
+ var coldef = {
+ columnid: col.as || col.columnid,
+ };
+ query.columns.push(coldef);
+ query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
+ query.dirtyColumns = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ var coldef = {
+ columnid: col.as || col.columnid,
+ };
+ query.columns.push(coldef);
+ query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (col instanceof yy.AggrValue) {
+ if (!self.group) {
+ self.group = [''];
+ }
+ if (!col.as) {
+ col.as = escapeq(col.toString());
+ }
+ if (col.aggregatorid === 'SUM' ||
+ col.aggregatorid === 'MAX' ||
+ col.aggregatorid === 'MIN' ||
+ col.aggregatorid === 'FIRST' ||
+ col.aggregatorid === 'LAST' ||
+ col.aggregatorid === 'AVG' ||
+ col.aggregatorid === 'ARRAY' ||
+ col.aggregatorid === 'REDUCE') {
+ ss.push("'" +
+ utils$6.escapeq(col.as) +
+ "':" +
+ utils$6.n2u(col.expression.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols)));
+ }
+ else if (col.aggregatorid === 'COUNT') {
+ ss.push("'" + utils$6.escapeq(col.as) + "':1");
+ }
+ var coldef = {
+ columnid: col.as || col.columnid || col.toString(),
+ };
+ query.columns.push(coldef);
+ query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
+ }
+ else {
+ ss.push("'" +
+ utils$6.escapeq(col.as || col.columnid || col.toString()) +
+ "':" +
+ utils$6.n2u(col.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols)));
+ query.selectColumns[escapeq(col.as || col.columnid || col.toString())] = true;
+ var coldef = {
+ columnid: col.as || col.columnid || col.toString(),
+ };
+ query.columns.push(coldef);
+ query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
+ }
+ });
+ s += ss.join(',') + '};' + sp;
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileSelect2 = function (query) {
+ var s = query.selectfns;
+ if (this.orderColumns && this.orderColumns.length > 0) {
+ this.orderColumns.forEach(function (v, idx) {
+ var key = '$$$' + idx;
+ if (v instanceof yy.Column && query.xcolumns[v.columnid]) {
+ s += "r['" + key + "']=r['" + v.columnid + "'];";
+ }
+ else {
+ s += "r['" + key + "']=" + v.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols) + ';';
+ }
+ query.removeKeys.push(key);
+ });
+ }
+ return new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;' + s + 'return r');
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileSelectGroup0 = function (query) {
+ var self = this;
+ self.columns.forEach(function (col, idx) {
+ if (!(col instanceof yy.Column && col.columnid === '*')) {
+ var colas;
+ if (col instanceof yy.Column) {
+ colas = utils$6.escapeq(col.columnid);
+ }
+ else {
+ colas = utils$6.escapeq(col.toString(true));
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < idx; i++) {
+ if (colas === self.columns[i].nick) {
+ colas = self.columns[i].nick + ':' + idx;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ col.nick = colas;
+ if (col.funcid &&
+ (col.funcid.toUpperCase() === 'ROWNUM' || col.funcid.toUpperCase() === 'ROW_NUMBER')) {
+ query.rownums.push(col.as);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ query.groupStar = col.tableid || 'default';
+ }
+ });
+ this.columns.forEach(function (col) {
+ if (col.findAggregator) {
+ col.findAggregator(query);
+ }
+ });
+ if (this.having) {
+ if (this.having.findAggregator) {
+ this.having.findAggregator(query);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileSelectGroup1 = function (query) {
+ var self = this;
+ var s = 'var r = {};';
+ self.columns.forEach(function (col) {
+ if (col instanceof yy.Column && col.columnid === '*') {
+ s += 'for(var k in g) {r[k]=g[k]};';
+ return '';
+ }
+ else {
+ var colas = col.as;
+ if (colas === undefined) {
+ if (col instanceof yy.Column) {
+ colas = escapeq(col.columnid);
+ }
+ else {
+ colas = col.nick;
+ }
+ }
+ query.groupColumns[colas] = col.nick;
+ s += "r['" + colas + "']=";
+ s += utils$6.n2u(col.toJS('g', '')) + ';';
+ for (var i = 0; i < query.removeKeys.length; i++) {
+ if (query.removeKeys[i] === colas) {
+ query.removeKeys.splice(i, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileSelectGroup2 = function (query) {
+ var self = this;
+ var s = query.selectgfns;
+ self.columns.forEach(function (col) {
+ if (query.ingroup.indexOf(col.nick) > -1) {
+ s += "r['" + (col.as || col.nick) + "']=g['" + col.nick + "'];";
+ }
+ });
+ if (this.orderColumns && this.orderColumns.length > 0) {
+ this.orderColumns.forEach(function (v, idx) {
+ var key = '$$$' + idx;
+ if (v instanceof yy.Column && query.groupColumns[v.columnid]) {
+ s += "r['" + key + "']=r['" + v.columnid + "'];";
+ }
+ else {
+ s += "r['" + key + "']=" + v.toJS('g', '') + ';';
+ }
+ query.removeKeys.push(key);
+ });
+ }
+ return new Function('g,params,alasql', 'var y;' + s + 'return r');
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileRemoveColumns = function (query) {
+ if (typeof this.removecolumns !== 'undefined') {
+ query.removeKeys = query.removeKeys.concat(this.removecolumns
+ .filter(function (column) {
+ return typeof column.like === 'undefined';
+ })
+ .map(function (column) {
+ return column.columnid;
+ }));
+ query.removeLikeKeys = this.removecolumns
+ .filter(function (column) {
+ return typeof column.like !== 'undefined';
+ })
+ .map(function (column) {
+ return column.like.value;
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ mem.alasql = alasql;
+ }
-parseError:function parseError(str, hash) {
- if (this.yy.parser) {
- this.yy.parser.parseError(str, hash);
- } else {
- throw new Error(str);
- }
- },
+ function where (mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileWhere = function (query) {
+ if (this.where) {
+ if (typeof this.where === 'function') {
+ return this.where;
+ }
+ else {
+ var s = this.where.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
+ query.wherefns = s;
+ return new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + s);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { return function () {
+ return true;
+ }; }
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileWhereJoins = function (query) {
+ return;
+ optimizeWhereJoin(query, this.where.expression);
+ query.sources.forEach(function (source) {
+ if (source.srcwherefns) {
+ source.srcwherefn = new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + source.srcwherefns);
+ }
+ if (source.wxleftfns) {
+ source.wxleftfn = new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + source.wxleftfns);
+ }
+ if (source.wxrightfns) {
+ source.wxrightfn = new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + source.wxrightfns);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ function optimizeWhereJoin(query, ast) {
+ if (!ast)
+ { return false; }
+ if (!(ast instanceof yy.Op))
+ { return; }
+ if (ast.op != '=' && ast.op != 'AND')
+ { return; }
+ if (ast.allsome)
+ { return; }
+ var s = ast.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
+ var fsrc = [];
+ query.sources.forEach(function (source, idx) {
+ if (source.tableid) {
+ if (s.indexOf("p['" + source.alias + "']") > -1)
+ { fsrc.push(source); }
+ }
+ });
+ if (fsrc.length == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (fsrc.length == 1) {
+ if (!(s.match(/p\[\'.*?\'\]/g) || []).every(function (s) {
+ return s == "p['" + fsrc[0].alias + "']";
+ })) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var src = fsrc[0];
+ src.srcwherefns = src.srcwherefns ? src.srcwherefns + '&&' + s : s;
+ if (ast instanceof yy.Op && (ast.op == '=' && !ast.allsome)) {
+ if (ast.left instanceof yy.Column) {
+ var ls = ast.left.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
+ var rs = ast.right.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
+ if (rs.indexOf("p['" + fsrc[0].alias + "']") == -1) {
+ fsrc[0].wxleftfns = ls;
+ fsrc[0].wxrightfns = rs;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ast.right instanceof yy.Column) {
+ var ls = ast.left.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
+ var rs = ast.right.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
+ if (ls.indexOf("p['" + fsrc[0].alias + "']") == -1) {
+ fsrc[0].wxleftfns = rs;
+ fsrc[0].wxrightfns = ls;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ast.reduced = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ((ast.op = 'AND')) {
+ optimizeWhereJoin(query, ast.left);
+ optimizeWhereJoin(query, ast.right);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ }
-// resets the lexer, sets new input
-setInput:function (input, yy) {
- this.yy = yy || this.yy || {};
- this._input = input;
- this._more = this._backtrack = this.done = false;
- this.yylineno = this.yyleng = 0;
- this.yytext = this.matched = this.match = '';
- this.conditionStack = ['INITIAL'];
- this.yylloc = {
- first_line: 1,
- first_column: 0,
- last_line: 1,
- last_column: 0
- };
- if (this.options.ranges) {
- this.yylloc.range = [0,0];
- }
- this.offset = 0;
- return this;
- },
+ function useDatabase (mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ var alasql = mem.alasql;
+ yy.CreateDatabase = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = 'CREATE';
+ if (this.engineid)
+ { s += ' ' + this.engineid; }
+ s += ' DATABASE';
+ if (this.ifnotexists)
+ { s += ' IF NOT EXISTS'; }
+ s += ' ' + this.databaseid;
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ s +=
+ '(' +
+ this.args
+ .map(function (arg) {
+ return arg.toString();
+ })
+ .join(', ') +
+ ')';
+ }
+ if (this.as)
+ { s += ' AS ' + this.as; }
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ var args;
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ args = this.args.map(function (arg) {
+ return new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + arg.toJS())(params, alasql);
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.engineid) {
+ var res = alasql.engines[this.engineid].createDatabase(this.databaseid, this.args, this.ifnotexists, this.as, cb);
+ return res;
+ }
+ else {
+ var dbid = this.databaseid;
+ if (alasql.databases[dbid]) {
+ throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' already exists");
+ }
+ var a = alasql.newDatabase(dbid);
+ var res = 1;
+ if (cb)
+ { return cb(res); }
+ return res;
+ }
+ };
+ yy.AttachDatabase = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.AttachDatabase.prototype.toString = function (args) {
+ var s = 'ATTACH';
+ if (this.engineid)
+ { s += ' ' + this.engineid; }
+ s += ' DATABASE' + ' ' + this.databaseid;
+ if (args) {
+ s += '(';
+ if (args.length > 0) {
+ s += args
+ .map(function (arg) {
+ return arg.toString();
+ })
+ .join(', ');
+ }
+ s += ')';
+ }
+ if (this.as)
+ { s += ' AS' + ' ' + this.as; }
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.AttachDatabase.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ if (!alasql.engines[this.engineid]) {
+ throw new Error('Engine "' + this.engineid + '" is not defined.');
+ }
+ var res = alasql.engines[this.engineid].attachDatabase(this.databaseid, this.as, this.args, params, cb);
+ return res;
+ };
+ yy.DetachDatabase = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.DetachDatabase.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = 'DETACH';
+ s += ' DATABASE' + ' ' + this.databaseid;
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.DetachDatabase.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ if (!alasql.databases[this.databaseid].engineid) {
+ throw new Error('Cannot detach database "' + this.engineid + '", because it was not attached.');
+ }
+ var res;
+ var dbid = this.databaseid;
+ if (dbid === alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID) {
+ throw new Error('Drop of default database is prohibited');
+ }
+ if (!alasql.databases[dbid]) {
+ if (!this.ifexists) {
+ throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' does not exist");
+ }
+ else {
+ res = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ delete alasql.databases[dbid];
+ if (dbid === alasql.useid) {
+ alasql.use();
+ }
+ res = 1;
+ }
+ if (cb)
+ { cb(res); }
+ return res;
+ };
+ yy.UseDatabase = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.UseDatabase.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return 'USE' + ' ' + 'DATABASE' + ' ' + this.databaseid;
+ };
+ yy.UseDatabase.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ var dbid = this.databaseid;
+ if (!alasql.databases[dbid]) {
+ throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' does not exist");
+ }
+ alasql.use(dbid);
+ var res = 1;
+ if (cb)
+ { cb(res); }
+ return res;
+ };
+ yy.DropDatabase = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.DropDatabase.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = 'DROP';
+ if (this.ifexists)
+ { s += ' IF EXISTS'; }
+ s += ' DATABASE ' + this.databaseid;
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.DropDatabase.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ if (this.engineid) {
+ return alasql.engines[this.engineid].dropDatabase(this.databaseid, this.ifexists, cb);
+ }
+ var res;
+ var dbid = this.databaseid;
+ if (dbid === alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID) {
+ throw new Error('Drop of default database is prohibited');
+ }
+ if (!alasql.databases[dbid]) {
+ if (!this.ifexists) {
+ throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' does not exist");
+ }
+ else {
+ res = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (alasql.databases[dbid].engineid) {
+ throw new Error("Cannot drop database '" + dbid + "', because it is attached. Detach it.");
+ }
+ delete alasql.databases[dbid];
+ if (dbid === alasql.useid) {
+ alasql.use();
+ }
+ res = 1;
+ }
+ if (cb)
+ { cb(res); }
+ return res;
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ }
-// consumes and returns one char from the input
-input:function () {
- var ch = this._input[0];
- this.yytext += ch;
- this.yyleng++;
- this.offset++;
- this.match += ch;
- this.matched += ch;
- var lines = ch.match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g);
- if (lines) {
- this.yylineno++;
- this.yylloc.last_line++;
- } else {
- this.yylloc.last_column++;
- }
- if (this.options.ranges) {
- this.yylloc.range[1]++;
- }
+ function functions (mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ var alasql = mem.alasql;
+ yy.FuncValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.FuncValue.prototype.toString = function (dontas) {
+ var s = '';
+ if (alasql.fn[this.funcid])
+ { s += this.funcid; }
+ else if (alasql.aggr[this.funcid])
+ { s += this.funcid; }
+ else if (alasql.stdlib[this.funcid.toUpperCase()] || alasql.stdfn[this.funcid.toUpperCase()])
+ { s += this.funcid.toUpperCase(); }
+ s += '(';
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ s += this.args
+ .map(function (arg) {
+ return arg.toString();
+ })
+ .join(',');
+ }
+ s += ')';
+ if (this.as && !dontas)
+ { s += ' AS ' + this.as.toString(); }
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.FuncValue.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ var res = 1;
+ alasql.precompile(this, databaseid, params);
+ var expr = new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + this.toJS('', '', null));
+ expr(params, alasql);
+ if (cb)
+ { res = cb(res); }
+ return res;
+ };
+ yy.FuncValue.prototype.findAggregator = function (query) {
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ this.args.forEach(function (arg) {
+ if (arg.findAggregator)
+ { arg.findAggregator(query); }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ yy.FuncValue.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ var s = '';
+ var funcid = this.funcid;
+ if (!alasql.fn[funcid] && alasql.stdlib[funcid.toUpperCase()]) {
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ s += alasql.stdlib[funcid.toUpperCase()].apply(this, this.args.map(function (arg) {
+ return arg.toJS(context, tableid);
+ }));
+ }
+ else {
+ s += alasql.stdlib[funcid.toUpperCase()]();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!alasql.fn[funcid] && alasql.stdfn[funcid.toUpperCase()]) {
+ if (this.newid)
+ { s += 'new '; }
+ s += 'alasql.stdfn.' + this.funcid.toUpperCase() + '(';
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ s += this.args
+ .map(function (arg) {
+ return arg.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ })
+ .join(',');
+ }
+ s += ')';
+ }
+ else {
+ if (this.newid)
+ { s += 'new '; }
+ s += 'alasql.fn.' + this.funcid + '(';
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ s += this.args
+ .map(function (arg) {
+ return arg.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ })
+ .join(',');
+ }
+ s += ')';
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ }
- this._input = this._input.slice(1);
- return ch;
- },
+ var cloneDeep$1 = utils$6.cloneDeep;
+ function createtable (mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ var alasql = mem.alasql;
+ yy.ColumnDef = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.ColumnDef.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = this.columnid;
+ if (this.dbtypeid) {
+ s += ' ' + this.dbtypeid;
+ }
+ if (this.dbsize) {
+ s += '(' + this.dbsize;
+ if (this.dbprecision) {
+ s += ',' + this.dbprecision;
+ }
+ s += ')';
+ }
+ if (this.primarykey) {
+ s += ' PRIMARY KEY';
+ }
+ if (this.notnull) {
+ s += ' NOT NULL';
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.CreateTable = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.CreateTable.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = 'CREATE';
+ if (this.temporary) {
+ s += ' TEMPORARY';
+ }
+ if (this.view) {
+ s += ' VIEW';
+ }
+ else {
+ s += ' ' + (this.class ? 'CLASS' : 'TABLE');
+ }
+ if (this.ifnotexists) {
+ s += ' IF NOT EXISTS';
+ }
+ s += ' ' + this.table.toString();
+ if (this.viewcolumns) {
+ s +=
+ '(' +
+ this.viewcolumns
+ .map(function (vcol) {
+ return vcol.toString();
+ })
+ .join(',') +
+ ')';
+ }
+ if (this.as) {
+ s += ' AS ' + this.as;
+ }
+ else {
+ var ss = this.columns.map(function (col) {
+ return col.toString();
+ });
+ s += ' (' + ss.join(',') + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.view && this.select) {
+ s += ' AS ' + this.select.toString();
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.CreateTable.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ var db = alasql.databases[this.table.databaseid || databaseid];
+ var tableid = this.table.tableid;
+ if (!tableid) {
+ throw new Error('Table name is not defined');
+ }
+ var columns = this.columns;
+ var constraints = this.constraints || [];
+ if (this.ifnotexists && db.tables[tableid]) {
+ return cb ? cb(0) : 0;
+ }
+ if (db.tables[tableid]) {
+ throw new Error("Can not create table '" +
+ tableid +
+ "', because it already exists in the database '" +
+ db.databaseid +
+ "'");
+ }
+ var table = (db.tables[tableid] = alasql.newTable());
+ if (this.class) {
+ table.isclass = true;
+ }
+ var ss = [];
+ var uss = [];
+ if (columns) {
+ columns.forEach(function (col) {
+ var dbtypeid = col.dbtypeid;
+ if (!alasql.fn[dbtypeid]) {
+ dbtypeid = dbtypeid.toUpperCase();
+ }
+ if (['SERIAL', 'SMALLSERIAL', 'BIGSERIAL'].indexOf(dbtypeid) > -1) {
+ col.identity = { value: 1, step: 1 };
+ }
+ var newcol = {
+ columnid: col.columnid,
+ dbtypeid: dbtypeid,
+ dbsize: col.dbsize,
+ dbprecision: col.dbprecision,
+ notnull: col.notnull,
+ identity: col.identity,
+ };
+ if (col.identity) {
+ table.identities[col.columnid] = {
+ value: +col.identity.value,
+ step: +col.identity.step,
+ };
+ }
+ if (col.check) {
+ table.checks.push({
+ id: col.check.constrantid,
+ fn: new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + col.check.expression.toJS('r', '')),
+ });
+ }
+ if (col.default) {
+ ss.push("'" + col.columnid + "':" + col.default.toJS('r', ''));
+ }
+ if (col.primarykey) {
+ var pk = (table.pk = {});
+ pk.columns = [col.columnid];
+ pk.onrightfns = "r['" + col.columnid + "']";
+ pk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + pk.onrightfns);
+ pk.hh = hash(pk.onrightfns);
+ table.uniqs[pk.hh] = {};
+ }
+ if (col.unique) {
+ var uk = {};
+ table.uk = table.uk || [];
+ table.uk.push(uk);
+ uk.columns = [col.columnid];
+ uk.onrightfns = "r['" + col.columnid + "']";
+ uk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + uk.onrightfns);
+ uk.hh = hash(uk.onrightfns);
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh] = {};
+ }
+ if (col.foreignkey) {
+ var fk = col.foreignkey.table;
+ var fktable = alasql.databases[fk.databaseid || databaseid].tables[fk.tableid];
+ if (typeof fk.columnid === 'undefined') {
+ if (fktable.pk.columns && fktable.pk.columns.length > 0) {
+ fk.columnid = fktable.pk.columns[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('FOREIGN KEY allowed only to tables with PRIMARY KEYs');
+ }
+ }
+ var fkfn = function (r) {
+ var rr = {};
+ if (typeof r[col.columnid] === 'undefined') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ rr[fk.columnid] = r[col.columnid];
+ var addr = fktable.pk.onrightfn(rr);
+ if (!fktable.uniqs[fktable.pk.hh][addr]) {
+ throw new Error('Foreign key "' +
+ r[col.columnid] +
+ '" is not found in table ' +
+ fktable.tableid);
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ table.checks.push({ fn: fkfn });
+ }
+ if (col.onupdate) {
+ uss.push("r['" + col.columnid + "']=" + col.onupdate.toJS('r', ''));
+ }
+ table.columns.push(newcol);
+ table.xcolumns[newcol.columnid] = newcol;
+ });
+ }
+ table.defaultfns = ss.join(',');
+ table.onupdatefns = uss.join(';');
+ constraints.forEach(function (con) {
+ var checkfn;
+ if (con.type === 'PRIMARY KEY') {
+ if (table.pk) {
+ throw new Error('Primary key already exists');
+ }
+ var pk = (table.pk = {});
+ pk.columns = con.columns;
+ pk.onrightfns = pk.columns
+ .map(function (columnid) {
+ return "r['" + columnid + "']";
+ })
+ .join("+'`'+");
+ pk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + pk.onrightfns);
+ pk.hh = hash(pk.onrightfns);
+ table.uniqs[pk.hh] = {};
+ }
+ else if (con.type === 'CHECK') {
+ checkfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + con.expression.toJS('r', ''));
+ }
+ else if (con.type === 'UNIQUE') {
+ var uk = {};
+ table.uk = table.uk || [];
+ table.uk.push(uk);
+ uk.columns = con.columns;
+ uk.onrightfns = uk.columns
+ .map(function (columnid) {
+ return "r['" + columnid + "']";
+ })
+ .join("+'`'+");
+ uk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + uk.onrightfns);
+ uk.hh = hash(uk.onrightfns);
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh] = {};
+ }
+ else if (con.type === 'FOREIGN KEY') {
+ var col = table.xcolumns[con.columns[0]];
+ var fk = con.fktable;
+ if (con.fkcolumns && con.fkcolumns.length > 0) {
+ fk.columnid = con.fkcolumns[0];
+ }
+ var fktable = alasql.databases[fk.databaseid || databaseid].tables[fk.tableid];
+ if (typeof fk.columnid === 'undefined') {
+ fk.columnid = fktable.pk.columns[0];
+ }
+ checkfn = function (r) {
+ var rr = {};
+ if (typeof r[col.columnid] === 'undefined') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ rr[fk.columnid] = r[col.columnid];
+ var addr = fktable.pk.onrightfn(rr);
+ if (!fktable.uniqs[fktable.pk.hh][addr]) {
+ throw new Error('Foreign key "' +
+ r[col.columnid] +
+ '" is not found in table ' +
+ fktable.tableid);
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ }
+ if (checkfn) {
+ table.checks.push({ fn: checkfn, id: con.constraintid, fk: con.type === 'FOREIGN KEY' });
+ }
+ });
+ if (this.view && this.viewcolumns) {
+ var self = this;
+ this.viewcolumns.forEach(function (vcol, idx) {
+ self.select.columns[idx].as = vcol.columnid;
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.view && this.select) {
+ table.view = true;
+ table.select = this.select.compile(this.table.databaseid || databaseid);
+ }
+ if (db.engineid) {
+ return alasql.engines[db.engineid].createTable(this.table.databaseid || databaseid, tableid, this.ifnotexists, cb);
+ }
+ table.insert = function (r, orreplace) {
+ var oldinserted = alasql.inserted;
+ alasql.inserted = [r];
+ var table = this;
+ var toreplace = false;
+ var prevent = false;
+ for (var tr in table.beforeinsert) {
+ var trigger = table.beforeinsert[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ if (alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r) === false)
+ { prevent = prevent || true; }
+ }
+ else if (trigger.statement) {
+ if (trigger.statement.execute(databaseid) === false)
+ { prevent = prevent || true; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (prevent)
+ { return; }
+ var escape = false;
+ for (tr in table.insteadofinsert) {
+ escape = true;
+ trigger = table.insteadofinsert[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r);
+ }
+ else if (trigger.statement) {
+ trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (escape)
+ { return; }
+ for (var columnid in table.identities) {
+ var ident = table.identities[columnid];
+ r[columnid] = ident.value;
+ }
+ if (table.checks && table.checks.length > 0) {
+ table.checks.forEach(function (check) {
+ if (!check.fn(r)) {
+ throw new Error('Violation of CHECK constraint ' + (check.id || ''));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ table.columns.forEach(function (column) {
+ if (column.notnull && typeof r[column.columnid] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Wrong NULL value in NOT NULL column ' + column.columnid);
+ }
+ });
+ if (table.pk) {
+ var pk = table.pk;
+ var addr = pk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] !== 'undefined') {
+ if (orreplace)
+ { toreplace = table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr]; }
+ else
+ { throw new Error('Cannot insert record, because it already exists in primary key index'); }
+ }
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ var ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] !== 'undefined') {
+ if (orreplace)
+ { toreplace = table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr]; }
+ else
+ { throw new Error('Cannot insert record, because it already exists in unique index'); }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (toreplace) {
+ table.update(function (t) {
+ for (var f in r)
+ { t[f] = r[f]; }
+ }, table.data.indexOf(toreplace), params);
+ }
+ else {
+ table.data.push(r);
+ for (var columnid in table.identities) {
+ var ident = table.identities[columnid];
+ ident.value += ident.step;
+ }
+ if (table.pk) {
+ var pk = table.pk;
+ var addr = pk.onrightfn(r);
+ table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] = r;
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ var ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] = r;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ for (var tr in table.afterinsert) {
+ var trigger = table.afterinsert[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r);
+ }
+ else if (trigger.statement) {
+ trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ alasql.inserted = oldinserted;
+ };
+ table.delete = function (index) {
+ var table = this;
+ var r = table.data[index];
+ var prevent = false;
+ for (var tr in table.beforedelete) {
+ var trigger = table.beforedelete[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ if (alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r) === false)
+ { prevent = prevent || true; }
+ }
+ else if (trigger.statement) {
+ if (trigger.statement.execute(databaseid) === false)
+ { prevent = prevent || true; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (prevent)
+ { return false; }
+ var escape = false;
+ for (var tr in table.insteadofdelete) {
+ escape = true;
+ var trigger = table.insteadofdelete[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r);
+ }
+ else if (trigger.statement) {
+ trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (escape)
+ { return; }
+ if (this.pk) {
+ var pk = this.pk;
+ var addr = pk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof this.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Something wrong with primary key index on table');
+ }
+ else {
+ this.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ var ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Something wrong with unique index on table');
+ }
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] = undefined;
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ table.deleteall = function () {
+ this.data.length = 0;
+ if (this.pk) {
+ this.uniqs[this.pk.hh] = {};
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh] = {};
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ table.update = function (assignfn, i, params) {
+ var this$1 = this;
+ var r = cloneDeep$1(this.data[i]);
+ var pk;
+ if (this.pk) {
+ pk = this.pk;
+ pk.pkaddr = pk.onrightfn(r, params);
+ if (typeof this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.pkaddr] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Something wrong with index on table');
+ }
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ uk.ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.ukaddr] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Something wrong with unique index on table');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ assignfn(r, params, alasql);
+ var prevent = false;
+ for (var tr in table.beforeupdate) {
+ var trigger = table.beforeupdate[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ if (alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](this$1.data[i], r) === false)
+ { prevent = prevent || true; }
+ }
+ else if (trigger.statement) {
+ if (trigger.statement.execute(databaseid) === false)
+ { prevent = prevent || true; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (prevent)
+ { return false; }
+ var escape = false;
+ for (var tr in table.insteadofupdate) {
+ escape = true;
+ var trigger = table.insteadofupdate[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](this$1.data[i], r);
+ }
+ else if (trigger.statement) {
+ trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (escape)
+ { return; }
+ if (table.checks && table.checks.length > 0) {
+ table.checks.forEach(function (check) {
+ if (!check.fn(r)) {
+ throw new Error('Violation of CHECK constraint ' + (check.id || ''));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ table.columns.forEach(function (column) {
+ if (column.notnull && typeof r[column.columnid] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Wrong NULL value in NOT NULL column ' + column.columnid);
+ }
+ });
+ if (this.pk) {
+ pk.newpkaddr = pk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.newpkaddr] !== 'undefined' &&
+ pk.newpkaddr !== pk.pkaddr) {
+ throw new Error('Record already exists');
+ }
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ uk.newukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.newukaddr] !== 'undefined' &&
+ uk.newukaddr !== uk.ukaddr) {
+ throw new Error('Record already exists');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.pk) {
+ this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.pkaddr] = undefined;
+ this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.newpkaddr] = r;
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.ukaddr] = undefined;
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.newukaddr] = r;
+ });
+ }
+ this.data[i] = r;
+ for (var tr in table.afterupdate) {
+ var trigger = table.afterupdate[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](this$1.data[i], r);
+ }
+ else if (trigger.statement) {
+ trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var res;
+ if (!alasql.options.nocount) {
+ res = 1;
+ }
+ if (cb)
+ { res = cb(res); }
+ return res;
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ mem.alasql = alasql;
+ }
-// unshifts one char (or a string) into the input
-unput:function (ch) {
- var len = ch.length;
- var lines = ch.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
+ function insert (mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ var alasql = mem.alasql;
+ yy.Insert = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Insert.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = 'INSERT ';
+ if (this.orreplace)
+ { s += 'OR REPLACE '; }
+ if (this.replaceonly)
+ { s = 'REPLACE '; }
+ s += 'INTO ' + this.into.toString();
+ if (this.columns)
+ { s += '(' + this.columns.toString() + ')'; }
+ if (this.values)
+ { s += ' VALUES ' + this.values.toString(); }
+ if (this.select)
+ { s += ' ' + this.select.toString(); }
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.Insert.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ var s = 'this.queriesfn[' + (this.queriesidx - 1) + '](this.params,null,' + context + ')';
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.Insert.prototype.compile = function (databaseid) {
+ var self = this;
+ databaseid = self.into.databaseid || databaseid;
+ var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
+ var tableid = self.into.tableid;
+ var table = db.tables[tableid];
+ if (!table) {
+ throw "Table '" + tableid + "' could not be found";
+ }
+ var s = '';
+ var sw = '';
+ var s = "db.tables['" + tableid + "'].dirty=true;";
+ var s3 = 'var a,aa=[],x;';
+ var s33;
+ if (this.values) {
+ if (this.exists) {
+ this.existsfn = this.exists.map(function (ex) {
+ var nq = ex.compile(databaseid);
+ nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ return nq;
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.queries) {
+ this.queriesfn = this.queries.map(function (q) {
+ var nq = q.compile(databaseid);
+ nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ return nq;
+ });
+ }
+ self.values.forEach(function (values) {
+ var ss = [];
+ if (self.columns) {
+ self.columns.forEach(function (col, idx) {
+ var q = "'" + col.columnid + "':";
+ if (table.xcolumns && table.xcolumns[col.columnid]) {
+ if (['INT', 'FLOAT', 'NUMBER', 'MONEY'].indexOf(table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid) >= 0) {
+ q += '(x=' + values[idx].toJS() + ',x==undefined?undefined:+x)';
+ }
+ else if (alasql.fn[table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid]) {
+ q += '(new ' + table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid + '(';
+ q += values[idx].toJS();
+ q += '))';
+ }
+ else {
+ q += values[idx].toJS();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ q += values[idx].toJS();
+ }
+ ss.push(q);
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ if (Array.isArray(values) && table.columns && table.columns.length > 0) {
+ table.columns.forEach(function (col, idx) {
+ var q = "'" + col.columnid + "':";
+ if (['INT', 'FLOAT', 'NUMBER', 'MONEY'].indexOf(col.dbtypeid) >= 0) {
+ q += '+' + values[idx].toJS();
+ }
+ else if (alasql.fn[col.dbtypeid]) {
+ q += '(new ' + col.dbtypeid + '(';
+ q += values[idx].toJS();
+ q += '))';
+ }
+ else {
+ q += values[idx].toJS();
+ }
+ ss.push(q);
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ sw = JSONtoJS(values);
+ }
+ }
+ if (db.tables[tableid].defaultfns) {
+ ss.unshift(db.tables[tableid].defaultfns);
+ }
+ if (sw) {
+ s += 'a=' + sw + ';';
+ }
+ else {
+ s += 'a={' + ss.join(',') + '};';
+ }
+ if (db.tables[tableid].isclass) {
+ s += "var db=alasql.databases['" + databaseid + "'];";
+ s += 'a.$class="' + tableid + '";';
+ s += 'a.$id=db.counter++;';
+ s += 'db.objects[a.$id]=a;';
+ }
+ if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
+ s += "var db=alasql.databases['" + databaseid + "'];";
+ s +=
+ "db.tables['" +
+ tableid +
+ "'].insert(a," +
+ (self.orreplace ? 'true' : 'false') +
+ ');';
+ }
+ else {
+ s += 'aa.push(a);';
+ }
+ });
+ s33 = s3 + s;
+ if (db.tables[tableid].insert) ;
+ else {
+ s +=
+ "alasql.databases['" +
+ databaseid +
+ "'].tables['" +
+ tableid +
+ "'].data=" +
+ "alasql.databases['" +
+ databaseid +
+ "'].tables['" +
+ tableid +
+ "'].data.concat(aa);";
+ }
+ if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
+ if (db.tables[tableid].isclass) {
+ s += 'return a.$id;';
+ }
+ else {
+ s += 'return ' + self.values.length;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ s += 'return ' + self.values.length;
+ }
+ var insertfn = new Function('db, params, alasql', 'var y;' + s3 + s).bind(this);
+ }
+ else if (this.select) {
+ this.select.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ var selectfn = this.select.compile(databaseid);
+ if (db.engineid && alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable) {
+ var statement = function (params, cb) {
+ var aa = selectfn(params);
+ var res = alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable(db.databaseid, tableid, aa.data, null, cb);
+ return res;
+ };
+ return statement;
+ }
+ else {
+ var defaultfns = 'return alasql.utils.extend(r,{' + table.defaultfns + '})';
+ var defaultfn = new Function('r,db,params,alasql', defaultfns);
+ var insertfn = function (db, params, alasql) {
+ var res = selectfn(params).data;
+ if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ var r = cloneDeep(res[i]);
+ defaultfn(r, db, params, alasql);
+ db.tables[tableid].insert(r, self.orreplace);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ db.tables[tableid].data = db.tables[tableid].data.concat(res);
+ }
+ if (alasql.options.nocount)
+ { return; }
+ else
+ { return res.length; }
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ else if (this.default) {
+ var insertfns = "db.tables['" + tableid + "'].data.push({" + table.defaultfns + '});return 1;';
+ var insertfn = new Function('db,params,alasql', insertfns);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('Wrong INSERT parameters');
+ }
+ if (db.engineid && alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable && alasql.options.autocommit) {
+ var statement = function (params, cb) {
+ var aa = new Function('db,params', 'var y;' + s33 + 'return aa;')(db, params);
+ var res = alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable(db.databaseid, tableid, aa, null, cb);
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ var statement = function (params, cb) {
+ var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
+ if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid) {
+ alasql.engines[db.engineid].loadTableData(databaseid, tableid);
+ }
+ var res = insertfn(db, params, alasql);
+ if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid) {
+ alasql.engines[db.engineid].saveTableData(databaseid, tableid);
+ }
+ if (alasql.options.nocount)
+ { res = undefined; }
+ if (cb)
+ { cb(res); }
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ return statement;
+ };
+ yy.Insert.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ return this.compile(databaseid)(params, cb);
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ mem.alasql = alasql;
+ }
- this._input = ch + this._input;
- this.yytext = this.yytext.substr(0, this.yytext.length - len);
- //this.yyleng -= len;
- this.offset -= len;
- var oldLines = this.match.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
- this.match = this.match.substr(0, this.match.length - 1);
- this.matched = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - 1);
+ function expandGrammar (mem) {
+ mem.alasql.parser = alasqlparser;
+ base(mem);
+ statements(mem);
+ select(mem);
+ expression(mem);
+ exists(mem);
+ defcols(mem);
+ from_(mem);
+ compile(mem);
+ where(mem);
+ useDatabase(mem);
+ functions(mem);
+ createtable(mem);
+ insert(mem);
+ }
- if (lines.length - 1) {
- this.yylineno -= lines.length - 1;
- }
- var r = this.yylloc.range;
+ function logic(mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ return function (sql, params, cb, scope) {
+ params = params || [];
+ if (typeof importScripts !== 'function' && mem.alasql.webworker) {
+ var id = mem.alasql.lastid++;
+ mem.alasql.buffer[id] = cb;
+ mem.alasql.webworker.postMessage({ id: id, sql: sql, params: params });
+ return;
+ }
+ if (arguments.length === 0) {
+ return new yy.Select({
+ columns: [new yy.Column({ columnid: '*' })],
+ from: [new yy.ParamValue({ param: 0 })],
+ });
+ }
+ else if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ if (sql.constructor === Array) {
+ return mem.alasql.promise(sql);
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof params === 'function') {
+ scope = cb;
+ cb = params;
+ params = [];
+ }
+ if (typeof params !== 'object') {
+ params = [params];
+ }
+ if (typeof sql === 'function') {
+ sql = sql.toString();
+ sql = (/\/\*([\S\s]+)\*\//m.exec(sql) || [
+ '',
+ 'Function given as SQL. Plese Provide SQL string or have a /* ... */ syle comment with SQL in the function.' ])[1];
+ }
+ return mem.alasql.exec(sql, params, cb, scope);
+ };
+ }
- this.yylloc = {
- first_line: this.yylloc.first_line,
- last_line: this.yylineno + 1,
- first_column: this.yylloc.first_column,
- last_column: lines ?
- (lines.length === oldLines.length ? this.yylloc.first_column : 0)
- + oldLines[oldLines.length - lines.length].length - lines[0].length :
- this.yylloc.first_column - len
- };
+ function database (mem) {
+ mem.alasql.databasenum = 0;
+ mem.alasql.databases = {};
+ var Database = function Database(databaseid, alasql) {
+ this.dbversion = 0;
+ this.counter = 0;
+ this.tables = {};
+ this.views = {};
+ this.triggers = {};
+ this.indices = {};
+ this.objects = {};
+ this.sqlCache = {};
+ this.sqlCacheSize = 0;
+ this.alasql = alasql;
+ this.databaseid = databaseid;
+ return this;
+ };
+ Database.prototype.resetSqlCache = function resetSqlCache () {
+ this.sqlCache = {};
+ this.sqlCacheSize = 0;
+ };
+ Database.prototype.exec = function exec (sql, params, cb) {
+ return this.alasql.dexec(this.databaseid, sql, params, cb);
+ };
+ Database.prototype.autoval = function autoval (tablename, colname, getNext) {
+ return this.alasql.autoval(tablename, colname, getNext, this.databaseid);
+ };
+ mem.alasql.newDatabase = function (dbName, useNewDatabase) {
+ if ( useNewDatabase === void 0 ) useNewDatabase = true;
+ if (!dbName) {
+ dbName = 'db' + mem.alasql.databasenum++;
+ }
+ var db = new Database(dbName, mem.alasql);
+ mem.alasql.databases[db.databaseid] = db;
+ if (useNewDatabase) {
+ mem.alasql.use('alasql');
+ }
+ };
+ }
- if (this.options.ranges) {
- this.yylloc.range = [r[0], r[0] + this.yyleng - len];
- }
- this.yyleng = this.yytext.length;
- return this;
- },
+ var Query = function Query(params) {
+ this.columns = [];
+ this.xcolumns = {};
+ this.selectGroup = [];
+ this.groupColumns = {};
+ utils$6.extend(this, params);
+ return this;
+ };
+ var Recordset = function Recordset(params) {
+ utils$6.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ function query (mem) {
+ mem.alasql.Query = Query;
+ mem.alasql.QueRecordsetry = Recordset;
+ }
-// When called from action, caches matched text and appends it on next action
-more:function () {
- this._more = true;
- return this;
- },
+ function table (mem) {
+ var Table = function Table(params) {
+ this.data = [];
+ this.columns = [];
+ this.xcolumns = {};
+ this.inddefs = {};
+ this.indices = {};
+ this.uniqs = {};
+ this.uniqdefs = {};
+ this.identities = {};
+ this.checks = [];
+ this.checkfns = [];
+ this.beforeinsert = {};
+ this.afterinsert = {};
+ this.insteadofinsert = {};
+ this.beforedelete = {};
+ this.afterdelete = {};
+ this.insteadofdelete = {};
+ this.beforeupdate = {};
+ this.afterupdate = {};
+ this.insteadofupdate = {};
+ utils$6.extend(this, params);
+ return this;
+ };
+ Table.prototype.indexColumns = function indexColumns () {
+ this.xcolumns = {};
+ this.columns.forEach(function (col) {
+ this.xcolumns[col.columnid] = col;
+ });
+ };
+ mem.alasql.newTable = function (params) {
+ if ( params === void 0 ) params = [];
+ return new Table(params);
+ };
+ }
-// When called from action, signals the lexer that this rule fails to match the input, so the next matching rule (regex) should be tested instead.
-reject:function () {
- if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
- this._backtrack = true;
- } else {
- return this.parseError('Lexical error on line ' + (this.yylineno + 1) + '. You can only invoke reject() in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion (options.backtrack_lexer = true).\n' + this.showPosition(), {
- text: "",
- token: null,
- line: this.yylineno
- });
+ function addDataStruct (mem) {
+ database(mem);
+ query(mem);
+ table(mem);
+ }
- }
- return this;
- },
+ var und = utils$6.und;
+ function stdlib (mem) {
+ var stdlib = {};
+ stdlib.ABS = function (a) {
+ return 'Math.abs(' + a + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.CLONEDEEP = function (a) {
+ return 'alasql.utils.cloneDeep(' + a + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.EXP = function (a) {
+ return 'Math.pow(Math.E,' + a + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.IIF = function (a, b, c) {
+ if (arguments.length == 3) {
+ return '((' + a + ')?(' + b + '):(' + c + '))';
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('Number of arguments of IFF is not equals to 3');
+ }
+ };
+ stdlib.IFNULL = function (a, b) {
+ return '(' + a + '||' + b + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.INSTR = function (s, p) {
+ return '((' + s + ').indexOf(' + p + ')+1)';
+ };
+ stdlib.LEN = stdlib.LENGTH = function (s) {
+ return und(s, 'y.length');
+ };
+ stdlib.LOWER = stdlib.LCASE = function (s) {
+ return und(s, 'String(y).toLowerCase()');
+ };
+ stdlib.LTRIM = function (s) {
+ return und(s, 'y.replace(/^[ ]+/,"")');
+ };
+ stdlib.RTRIM = function (s) {
+ return und(s, 'y.replace(/[ ]+$/,"")');
+ };
+ stdlib.MAX = stdlib.GREATEST = function () {
+ return 'Math.max(' + Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, ',') + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.MIN = stdlib.LEAST = function () {
+ return 'Math.min(' + Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, ',') + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.SUBSTRING = stdlib.SUBSTR = stdlib.MID = function (a, b, c) {
+ if (arguments.length == 2)
+ { return und(a, 'y.substr(' + b + '-1)'); }
+ else if (arguments.length == 3)
+ { return und(a, 'y.substr(' + b + '-1,' + c + ')'); }
+ };
+ stdlib.ISNULL = stdlib.NULLIF = function (a, b) {
+ return '(' + a + '==' + b + '?undefined:' + a + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.POWER = function (a, b) {
+ return 'Math.pow(' + a + ',' + b + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.RANDOM = function (r) {
+ if (arguments.length == 0) {
+ return 'Math.random()';
+ }
+ else {
+ return '(Math.random()*(' + r + ')|0)';
+ }
+ };
+ stdlib.ROUND = function (s, d) {
+ if (arguments.length == 2) {
+ return 'Math.round((' + s + ')*Math.pow(10,(' + d + ')))/Math.pow(10,(' + d + '))';
+ }
+ else {
+ return 'Math.round(' + s + ')';
+ }
+ };
+ stdlib.CEIL = stdlib.CEILING = function (s) {
+ return 'Math.ceil(' + s + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.FLOOR = function (s) {
+ return 'Math.floor(' + s + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.ROWNUM = function () {
+ return '1';
+ };
+ stdlib.ROW_NUMBER = function () {
+ return '1';
+ };
+ stdlib.SQRT = function (s) {
+ return 'Math.sqrt(' + s + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.TRIM = function (s) {
+ return und(s, 'y.trim()');
+ };
+ stdlib.UPPER = stdlib.UCASE = function (s) {
+ return und(s, 'String(y).toUpperCase()');
+ };
+ mem.alasql.stdlib = stdlib;
+ }
-// retain first n characters of the match
-less:function (n) {
- this.unput(this.match.slice(n));
- },
+ function stdfn (mem) {
+ var stdfn = {};
+ stdfn.CONCAT = function () {
+ var args = [], len = arguments.length;
+ while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ];
+ return Array.prototype.slice.call(args).join('');
+ };
+ stdfn.REGEXP_LIKE = function (a, b, c) {
+ return (a || '').search(RegExp(b, c)) > -1;
+ };
+ stdfn.CONCAT_WS = function () {
+ var args = [], len = arguments.length;
+ while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ];
+ return args.slice(1, args.length).join(args[0]);
+ };
+ stdfn.REPLACE = function (target, pattern, replacement) {
+ return (target || '').split(pattern).join(replacement);
+ };
+ stdfn.CHAR = String.fromCharCode.bind(String);
+ stdfn.ASCII = function (a) {
+ return a.charCodeAt(0);
+ };
+ var lut = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
+ lut[i] = (i < 16 ? '0' : '') + i.toString(16);
+ }
+ stdfn.NEWID = stdfn.UUID = stdfn.GEN_RANDOM_UUID = function () {
+ var d0 = (Math.random() * 0xffffffff) | 0;
+ var d1 = (Math.random() * 0xffffffff) | 0;
+ var d2 = (Math.random() * 0xffffffff) | 0;
+ var d3 = (Math.random() * 0xffffffff) | 0;
+ return (lut[d0 & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d0 >> 8) & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d0 >> 16) & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d0 >> 24) & 0xff] +
+ '-' +
+ lut[d1 & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d1 >> 8) & 0xff] +
+ '-' +
+ lut[((d1 >> 16) & 0x0f) | 0x40] +
+ lut[(d1 >> 24) & 0xff] +
+ '-' +
+ lut[(d2 & 0x3f) | 0x80] +
+ lut[(d2 >> 8) & 0xff] +
+ '-' +
+ lut[(d2 >> 16) & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d2 >> 24) & 0xff] +
+ lut[d3 & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d3 >> 8) & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d3 >> 16) & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d3 >> 24) & 0xff]);
+ };
+ mem.alasql.stdfn = stdfn;
+ }
-// displays already matched input, i.e. for error messages
-pastInput:function () {
- var past = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - this.match.length);
- return (past.length > 20 ? '...':'') + past.substr(-20).replace(/\n/g, "");
- },
+ function aggr (mem) {
+ var alasql = mem.alasql;
+ alasql.aggr.GROUP_CONCAT = function (v, s, stage) {
+ if (stage === 1) {
+ return '' + v;
+ }
+ else if (stage === 2) {
+ s += ',' + v;
+ return s;
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ alasql.aggr.MEDIAN = function (v, s, stage) {
+ if (stage === 2) {
+ if (v !== null) {
+ s.push(v);
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ else if (stage === 1) {
+ if (v === null) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ return [v];
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!s.length) {
+ return s;
+ }
+ var r = s.sort();
+ var p = (r.length + 1) / 2;
+ if (Number.isInteger(p)) {
+ return r[p - 1];
+ }
+ return (r[Math.floor(p - 1)] + r[Math.ceil(p - 1)]) / 2;
+ }
+ };
+ alasql.aggr.QUART = function (v, s, stage, nth) {
+ if (stage === 2) {
+ if (v !== null) {
+ s.push(v);
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ else if (stage === 1) {
+ if (v === null) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ return [v];
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!s.length) {
+ return s;
+ }
+ nth = !nth ? 1 : nth;
+ var r = s.sort();
+ var p = (nth * (r.length + 1)) / 4;
+ if (Number.isInteger(p)) {
+ return r[p - 1];
+ }
+ return r[Math.floor(p)];
+ }
+ };
+ alasql.aggr.QUART2 = function (v, s, stage) {
+ return alasql.aggr.QUART(v, s, stage, 2);
+ };
+ alasql.aggr.QUART3 = function (v, s, stage) {
+ return alasql.aggr.QUART(v, s, stage, 3);
+ };
+ alasql.aggr.VAR = function (v, s, stage) {
+ if (stage === 1) {
+ if (v === null) {
+ return { arr: [], sum: 0 };
+ }
+ return { arr: [v], sum: v };
+ }
+ else if (stage === 2) {
+ if (v === null) {
+ return s;
+ }
+ s.arr.push(v);
+ s.sum += v;
+ return s;
+ }
+ else {
+ var N = s.arr.length;
+ var avg = s.sum / N;
+ var std = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+ std += (s.arr[i] - avg) * (s.arr[i] - avg);
+ }
+ std = std / (N - 1);
+ return std;
+ }
+ };
+ alasql.aggr.STDEV = function (v, s, stage) {
+ if (stage === 1 || stage === 2) {
+ return alasql.aggr.VAR(v, s, stage);
+ }
+ else {
+ return Math.sqrt(alasql.aggr.VAR(v, s, stage));
+ }
+ };
+ alasql.aggr.VARP = function (v, s, stage) {
+ if (stage === 1) {
+ return { arr: [v], sum: v };
+ }
+ else if (stage === 2) {
+ s.arr.push(v);
+ s.sum += v;
+ return s;
+ }
+ else {
+ var N = s.arr.length;
+ var avg = s.sum / N;
+ var std = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+ std += (s.arr[i] - avg) * (s.arr[i] - avg);
+ }
+ return std / N;
+ }
+ };
+ alasql.aggr.STD = alasql.aggr.STDDEV = alasql.aggr.STDEVP = function (v, s, stage) {
+ if (stage == 1 || stage == 2) {
+ return alasql.aggr.VARP(v, s, stage);
+ }
+ else {
+ return Math.sqrt(alasql.aggr.VARP(v, s, stage));
+ }
+ };
+ alasql._aggrOriginal = alasql.aggr;
+ alasql.aggr = {};
+ Object.keys(alasql._aggrOriginal).forEach(function (k) {
+ alasql.aggr[k] = function (v, s, stage) {
+ if (stage === 3 && typeof s === 'undefined')
+ { return undefined; }
+ return alasql._aggrOriginal[k].apply(null, arguments);
+ };
+ });
+ mem.alasql = alasql;
+ }
-// displays upcoming input, i.e. for error messages
-upcomingInput:function () {
- var next = this.match;
- if (next.length < 20) {
- next += this._input.substr(0, 20-next.length);
- }
- return (next.substr(0,20) + (next.length > 20 ? '...' : '')).replace(/\n/g, "");
- },
-// displays the character position where the lexing error occurred, i.e. for error messages
-showPosition:function () {
- var pre = this.pastInput();
- var c = new Array(pre.length + 1).join("-");
- return pre + this.upcomingInput() + "\n" + c + "^";
- },
-// test the lexed token: return FALSE when not a match, otherwise return token
-test_match:function (match, indexed_rule) {
- var token,
- lines,
- backup;
- if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
- // save context
- backup = {
- yylineno: this.yylineno,
- yylloc: {
- first_line: this.yylloc.first_line,
- last_line: this.last_line,
- first_column: this.yylloc.first_column,
- last_column: this.yylloc.last_column
- },
- yytext: this.yytext,
- match: this.match,
- matches: this.matches,
- matched: this.matched,
- yyleng: this.yyleng,
- offset: this.offset,
- _more: this._more,
- _input: this._input,
- yy: this.yy,
- conditionStack: this.conditionStack.slice(0),
- done: this.done
- };
- if (this.options.ranges) {
- backup.yylloc.range = this.yylloc.range.slice(0);
- }
- }
- lines = match[0].match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g);
- if (lines) {
- this.yylineno += lines.length;
- }
- this.yylloc = {
- first_line: this.yylloc.last_line,
- last_line: this.yylineno + 1,
- first_column: this.yylloc.last_column,
- last_column: lines ?
- lines[lines.length - 1].length - lines[lines.length - 1].match(/\r?\n?/)[0].length :
- this.yylloc.last_column + match[0].length
- };
- this.yytext += match[0];
- this.match += match[0];
- this.matches = match;
- this.yyleng = this.yytext.length;
- if (this.options.ranges) {
- this.yylloc.range = [this.offset, this.offset += this.yyleng];
- }
- this._more = false;
- this._backtrack = false;
- this._input = this._input.slice(match[0].length);
- this.matched += match[0];
- token = this.performAction.call(this, this.yy, this, indexed_rule, this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]);
- if (this.done && this._input) {
- this.done = false;
- }
- if (token) {
- return token;
- } else if (this._backtrack) {
- // recover context
- for (var k in backup) {
- this[k] = backup[k];
- }
- return false; // rule action called reject() implying the next rule should be tested instead.
- }
- return false;
- },
-// return next match in input
-next:function () {
- if (this.done) {
- return this.EOF;
- }
- if (!this._input) {
- this.done = true;
- }
- var token,
- match,
- tempMatch,
- index;
- if (!this._more) {
- this.yytext = '';
- this.match = '';
- }
- var rules = this._currentRules();
- for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
- tempMatch = this._input.match(this.rules[rules[i]]);
- if (tempMatch && (!match || tempMatch[0].length > match[0].length)) {
- match = tempMatch;
- index = i;
- if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
- token = this.test_match(tempMatch, rules[i]);
- if (token !== false) {
- return token;
- } else if (this._backtrack) {
- match = false;
- continue; // rule action called reject() implying a rule MISmatch.
- } else {
- // else: this is a lexer rule which consumes input without producing a token (e.g. whitespace)
- return false;
- }
- } else if (!this.options.flex) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (match) {
- token = this.test_match(match, rules[index]);
- if (token !== false) {
- return token;
- }
- // else: this is a lexer rule which consumes input without producing a token (e.g. whitespace)
- return false;
- }
- if (this._input === "") {
- return this.EOF;
- } else {
- return this.parseError('Lexical error on line ' + (this.yylineno + 1) + '. Unrecognized text.\n' + this.showPosition(), {
- text: "",
- token: null,
- line: this.yylineno
- });
- }
- },
-// return next match that has a token
-lex:function lex() {
- var r = this.next();
- if (r) {
- return r;
- } else {
- return this.lex();
- }
- },
-// activates a new lexer condition state (pushes the new lexer condition state onto the condition stack)
-begin:function begin(condition) {
- this.conditionStack.push(condition);
- },
-// pop the previously active lexer condition state off the condition stack
-popState:function popState() {
- var n = this.conditionStack.length - 1;
- if (n > 0) {
- return this.conditionStack.pop();
- } else {
- return this.conditionStack[0];
- }
- },
-// produce the lexer rule set which is active for the currently active lexer condition state
-_currentRules:function _currentRules() {
- if (this.conditionStack.length && this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]) {
- return this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]].rules;
- } else {
- return this.conditions["INITIAL"].rules;
- }
- },
-// return the currently active lexer condition state; when an index argument is provided it produces the N-th previous condition state, if available
-topState:function topState(n) {
- n = this.conditionStack.length - 1 - Math.abs(n || 0);
- if (n >= 0) {
- return this.conditionStack[n];
- } else {
- return "INITIAL";
- }
- },
-// alias for begin(condition)
-pushState:function pushState(condition) {
- this.begin(condition);
- },
-// return the number of states currently on the stack
-stateStackSize:function stateStackSize() {
- return this.conditionStack.length;
- },
-options: {"case-insensitive":true},
-performAction: function anonymous(yy,yy_,$avoiding_name_collisions,YY_START) {
-switch($avoiding_name_collisions) {
-case 0:return 266
-case 1:return 302
-case 2:return 420
-case 3:return 299
-case 4:return 5
-case 5:return 5
-case 6:return 296
-case 7:return 296
-case 8:return 132
-case 9:return 132
-case 10:return /* its a COMMENT */
-case 11:/* skip whitespace */
-case 12:return 316
-case 13:return 319
-case 14:yy_.yytext = 'VALUE';return 89
-case 15:yy_.yytext = 'VALUE';return 189
-case 16:yy_.yytext = 'ROW';return 189
-case 17:yy_.yytext = 'COLUMN';return 189
-case 18:yy_.yytext = 'MATRIX';return 189
-case 19:yy_.yytext = 'INDEX';return 189
-case 20:yy_.yytext = 'RECORDSET';return 189
-case 21:yy_.yytext = 'TEXT';return 189
-case 22:yy_.yytext = 'SELECT';return 189
-case 23:return 520
-case 24:return 381
-case 25:return 402
-case 26:return 515
-case 27:return 287
-case 28:return 269
-case 29:return 269
-case 30:return 164
-case 31:return 400
-case 32:return 170
-case 33:return 229
-case 34:return 166
-case 35:return 207
-case 36:return 288
-case 37:return 76
-case 38:return 418
-case 39:return 242
-case 40:return 404
-case 41:return 356
-case 42:return 284
-case 43:return 514
-case 44:return 437
-case 45:return 330
-case 46:return 441
-case 47:return 331
-case 48:return 315
-case 49:return 119
-case 50:return 112
-case 51:return 315
-case 52:return 112
-case 53:return 315
-case 54:return 112
-case 55:return 315
-case 56:return 508
-case 57:return 303
-case 58:return 271
-case 59:return 368
-case 60:return 130
-case 61:return 'CLOSE'
-case 62:return 243
-case 63:return 190
-case 64:return 190
-case 65:return 434
-case 66:return 367
-case 67:return 470
-case 68:return 440
-case 69:return 273
-case 70:return 240
-case 71:return 281
-case 72:return 267
-case 73:return 206
-case 74:return 238
-case 75:return 265
-case 76:return 'CURSOR'
-case 77:return 405
-case 78:return 291
-case 79:return 292
-case 80:return 448
-case 81:return 343
-case 82:return 338
-case 83:return 'DELETED'
-case 84:return 242
-case 85:return 406
-case 86:return 185
-case 87:return 396
-case 88:return 447
-case 89:return 135
-case 90:return 306
-case 91:return 389
-case 92:return 310
-case 93:return 314
-case 94:return 169
-case 95:return 508
-case 96:return 508
-case 97:return 298
-case 98:return 14
-case 99:return 295
-case 100:return 249
-case 101:return 285
-case 102:return 95
-case 103:return 373
-case 104:return 183
-case 105:return 227
-case 106:return 268
-case 107:return 313
-case 108:return 602
-case 109:return 472
-case 110:return 232
-case 111:return 236
-case 112:return 239
-case 113:return 156
-case 114:return 356
-case 115:return 332
-case 116:return 99
-case 117:return 193
-case 118:return 212
-case 119:return 224
-case 120:return 516
-case 121:return 339
-case 122:return 213
-case 123:return 168
-case 124:return 293
-case 125:return 198
-case 126:return 223
-case 127:return 370
-case 128:return 286
-case 129:return 'LET'
-case 130:return 225
-case 131:return 112
-case 132:return 245
-case 133:return 460
-case 134:return 191
-case 135:return 283
-case 136:return 390
-case 137:return 282
-case 138:return 452
-case 139:return 169
-case 140:return 403
-case 141:return 222
-case 142:return 645
-case 143:return 270
-case 144:return 244
-case 145:return 380
-case 146:return 154
-case 147:return 297
-case 148:return 433
-case 149:return 230
-case 150:return 415
-case 151:return 129
-case 152:return 247
-case 153:return 'OPEN'
-case 154:return 416
-case 155:return 171
-case 156:return 118
-case 157:return 208
-case 158:return 276
-case 159:return 172
-case 160:return 279
-case 161:return 765
-case 162:return 93
-case 163:return 16
-case 164:return 369
-case 165:return 442
-case 166:return 678
-case 167:return 15
-case 168:return 414
-case 169:return 194
-case 170:return 'REDUCE'
-case 171:return 374
-case 172:return 311
-case 173:return 517
-case 174:return 682
-case 175:return 107
-case 176:return 401
-case 177:return 175
-case 178:return 290
-case 179:return 443
-case 180:return 687
-case 181:return 173
-case 182:return 173
-case 183:return 226
-case 184:return 436
-case 185:return 237
-case 186:return 150
-case 187:return 766
-case 188:return 405
-case 189:return 89
-case 190:return 228
-case 191:return 146
-case 192:return 146
-case 193:return 409
-case 194:return 334
-case 195:return 417
-case 196:return 'STRATEGY'
-case 197:return 'STORE'
-case 198:return 280
-case 199:return 353
-case 200:return 353
-case 201:return 463
-case 202:return 357
-case 203:return 357
-case 204:return 192
-case 205:return 309
-case 206:return 'TIMEOUT'
-case 207:return 148
-case 208:return 195
-case 209:return 435
-case 210:return 435
-case 211:return 509
-case 212:return 294
-case 213:return 451
-case 214:return 162
-case 215:return 187
-case 216:return 98
-case 217:return 335
-case 218:return 408
-case 219:return 231
-case 220:return 149
-case 221:return 344
-case 222:return 134
-case 223:return 410
-case 224:return 308
-case 225:return 128
-case 226:return 439
-case 227:return 72
-case 228:return 435 /* Is this keyword required? */
-case 229:return 131
-case 230:return 131
-case 231:return 115
-case 232:return 137
-case 233:return 179
-case 234:return 317
-case 235:return 180
-case 236:return 133
-case 237:return 138
-case 238:return 326
-case 239:return 323
-case 240:return 325
-case 241:return 322
-case 242:return 320
-case 243:return 318
-case 244:return 319
-case 245:return 142
-case 246:return 141
-case 247:return 139
-case 248:return 321
-case 249:return 324
-case 250:return 140
-case 251:return 124
-case 252:return 324
-case 253:return 77
-case 254:return 78
-case 255:return 145
-case 256:return 424
-case 257:return 426
-case 258:return 300
-case 259:return 505
-case 260:return 507
-case 261:return 122
-case 262:return 116
-case 263:return 74
-case 264:return 333
-case 265:return 152
-case 266:return 764
-case 267:return 143
-case 268:return 181
-case 269:return 136
-case 270:return 123
-case 271:return 312
-case 272:return 4
-case 273:return 10
-case 274:return 'INVALID'
-rules: [/^(?:``([^\`])+``)/i,/^(?:\[\?\])/i,/^(?:@\[)/i,/^(?:ARRAY\[)/i,/^(?:\[([^\]])*?\])/i,/^(?:`([^\`])*?`)/i,/^(?:N(['](\\.|[^']|\\')*?['])+)/i,/^(?:X(['](\\.|[^']|\\')*?['])+)/i,/^(?:(['](\\.|[^']|\\')*?['])+)/i,/^(?:(["](\\.|[^"]|\\")*?["])+)/i,/^(?:--(.*?)($|\r\n|\r|\n))/i,/^(?:\s+)/i,/^(?:\|\|)/i,/^(?:\|)/i,/^(?:VALUE\s+OF\s+SEARCH\b)/i,/^(?:VALUE\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i,/^(?:ROW\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i,/^(?:COLUMN\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i,/^(?:MATRIX\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i,/^(?:INDEX\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i,/^(?:RECORDSET\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i,/^(?:TEXT\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i,/^(?:SELECT\b)/i,/^(?:ABSOLUTE\b)/i,/^(?:ACTION\b)/i,/^(?:ADD\b)/i,/^(?:AFTER\b)/i,/^(?:AGGR\b)/i,/^(?:AGGREGATE\b)/i,/^(?:AGGREGATOR\b)/i,/^(?:ALL\b)/i,/^(?:ALTER\b)/i,/^(?:AND\b)/i,/^(?:ANTI\b)/i,/^(?:ANY\b)/i,/^(?:APPLY\b)/i,/^(?:ARRAY\b)/i,/^(?:AS\b)/i,/^(?:ASSERT\b)/i,/^(?:ASC\b)/i,/^(?:ATTACH\b)/i,/^(?:AUTO(_)?INCREMENT\b)/i,/^(?:AVG\b)/i,/^(?:BEFORE\b)/i,/^(?:BEGIN\b)/i,/^(?:BETWEEN\b)/i,/^(?:BREAK\b)/i,/^(?:NOT\s+BETWEEN\b)/i,/^(?:NOT\s+LIKE\b)/i,/^(?:BY\b)/i,/^(?:~~\*)/i,/^(?:!~~\*)/i,/^(?:~~)/i,/^(?:!~~)/i,/^(?:ILIKE\b)/i,/^(?:NOT\s+ILIKE\b)/i,/^(?:CALL\b)/i,/^(?:CASE\b)/i,/^(?:CAST\b)/i,/^(?:CHECK\b)/i,/^(?:CLASS\b)/i,/^(?:CLOSE\b)/i,/^(?:COLLATE\b)/i,/^(?:COLUMN\b)/i,/^(?:COLUMNS\b)/i,/^(?:COMMIT\b)/i,/^(?:CONSTRAINT\b)/i,/^(?:CONTENT\b)/i,/^(?:CONTINUE\b)/i,/^(?:CONVERT\b)/i,/^(?:CORRESPONDING\b)/i,/^(?:COUNT\b)/i,/^(?:CREATE\b)/i,/^(?:CROSS\b)/i,/^(?:CUBE\b)/i,/^(?:CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\b)/i,/^(?:CURSOR\b)/i,/^(?:DATABASE(S)?)/i,/^(?:DATEADD\b)/i,/^(?:DATEDIFF\b)/i,/^(?:DECLARE\b)/i,/^(?:DEFAULT\b)/i,/^(?:DELETE\b)/i,/^(?:DELETED\b)/i,/^(?:DESC\b)/i,/^(?:DETACH\b)/i,/^(?:DISTINCT\b)/i,/^(?:DROP\b)/i,/^(?:ECHO\b)/i,/^(?:EDGE\b)/i,/^(?:END\b)/i,/^(?:ENUM\b)/i,/^(?:ELSE\b)/i,/^(?:ESCAPE\b)/i,/^(?:EXCEPT\b)/i,/^(?:EXEC\b)/i,/^(?:EXECUTE\b)/i,/^(?:EXISTS\b)/i,/^(?:EXPLAIN\b)/i,/^(?:FALSE\b)/i,/^(?:FETCH\b)/i,/^(?:FIRST\b)/i,/^(?:FOR\b)/i,/^(?:FOREIGN\b)/i,/^(?:FROM\b)/i,/^(?:FULL\b)/i,/^(?:FUNCTION\b)/i,/^(?:GLOB\b)/i,/^(?:GO\b)/i,/^(?:GRAPH\b)/i,/^(?:GROUP\b)/i,/^(?:GROUPING\b)/i,/^(?:HAVING\b)/i,/^(?:IF\b)/i,/^(?:IDENTITY\b)/i,/^(?:IS\b)/i,/^(?:IN\b)/i,/^(?:INDEX\b)/i,/^(?:INDEXED\b)/i,/^(?:INNER\b)/i,/^(?:INSTEAD\b)/i,/^(?:INSERT\b)/i,/^(?:INSERTED\b)/i,/^(?:INTERSECT\b)/i,/^(?:INTERVAL\b)/i,/^(?:INTO\b)/i,/^(?:JOIN\b)/i,/^(?:KEY\b)/i,/^(?:LAST\b)/i,/^(?:LET\b)/i,/^(?:LEFT\b)/i,/^(?:LIKE\b)/i,/^(?:LIMIT\b)/i,/^(?:MATCHED\b)/i,/^(?:MATRIX\b)/i,/^(?:MAX(\s+)?(?=\())/i,/^(?:MAX(\s+)?(?=(,|\))))/i,/^(?:MIN(\s+)?(?=\())/i,/^(?:MERGE\b)/i,/^(?:MINUS\b)/i,/^(?:MODIFY\b)/i,/^(?:NATURAL\b)/i,/^(?:NEXT\b)/i,/^(?:NEW\b)/i,/^(?:NOCASE\b)/i,/^(?:NO\b)/i,/^(?:NOT\b)/i,/^(?:NULL\b)/i,/^(?:OFF\b)/i,/^(?:ON\b)/i,/^(?:ONLY\b)/i,/^(?:OF\b)/i,/^(?:OFFSET\b)/i,/^(?:OPEN\b)/i,/^(?:OPTION\b)/i,/^(?:OR\b)/i,/^(?:ORDER\b)/i,/^(?:OUTER\b)/i,/^(?:OVER\b)/i,/^(?:PATH\b)/i,/^(?:PARTITION\b)/i,/^(?:PERCENT\b)/i,/^(?:PIVOT\b)/i,/^(?:PLAN\b)/i,/^(?:PRIMARY\b)/i,/^(?:PRINT\b)/i,/^(?:PRIOR\b)/i,/^(?:QUERY\b)/i,/^(?:READ\b)/i,/^(?:RECORDSET\b)/i,/^(?:REDUCE\b)/i,/^(?:REFERENCES\b)/i,/^(?:REGEXP\b)/i,/^(?:REINDEX\b)/i,/^(?:RELATIVE\b)/i,/^(?:REMOVE\b)/i,/^(?:RENAME\b)/i,/^(?:REPEAT\b)/i,/^(?:REPLACE\b)/i,/^(?:REQUIRE\b)/i,/^(?:RESTORE\b)/i,/^(?:RETURN\b)/i,/^(?:RETURNS\b)/i,/^(?:RIGHT\b)/i,/^(?:ROLLBACK\b)/i,/^(?:ROLLUP\b)/i,/^(?:ROW\b)/i,/^(?:ROWS\b)/i,/^(?:SCHEMA(S)?)/i,/^(?:SEARCH\b)/i,/^(?:SEMI\b)/i,/^(?:SET\b)/i,/^(?:SETS\b)/i,/^(?:SHOW\b)/i,/^(?:SOME\b)/i,/^(?:SOURCE\b)/i,/^(?:STRATEGY\b)/i,/^(?:STORE\b)/i,/^(?:SUM\b)/i,/^(?:TABLE\b)/i,/^(?:TABLES\b)/i,/^(?:TARGET\b)/i,/^(?:TEMP\b)/i,/^(?:TEMPORARY\b)/i,/^(?:TEXTSTRING\b)/i,/^(?:THEN\b)/i,/^(?:TIMEOUT\b)/i,/^(?:TO\b)/i,/^(?:TOP\b)/i,/^(?:TRAN\b)/i,/^(?:TRANSACTION\b)/i,/^(?:TRIGGER\b)/i,/^(?:TRUE\b)/i,/^(?:TRUNCATE\b)/i,/^(?:UNION\b)/i,/^(?:UNIQUE\b)/i,/^(?:UNPIVOT\b)/i,/^(?:UPDATE\b)/i,/^(?:USE\b)/i,/^(?:USING\b)/i,/^(?:VALUE\b)/i,/^(?:VALUES\b)/i,/^(?:VERTEX\b)/i,/^(?:VIEW\b)/i,/^(?:WHEN\b)/i,/^(?:WHERE\b)/i,/^(?:WHILE\b)/i,/^(?:WITH\b)/i,/^(?:WORK\b)/i,/^(?:(\d*[.])?\d+[eE]\d+)/i,/^(?:(\d*[.])?\d+)/i,/^(?:->)/i,/^(?:#)/i,/^(?:\+)/i,/^(?:-)/i,/^(?:\*)/i,/^(?:\/)/i,/^(?:%)/i,/^(?:!===)/i,/^(?:===)/i,/^(?:!==)/i,/^(?:==)/i,/^(?:>=)/i,/^(?:&)/i,/^(?:\|)/i,/^(?:<<)/i,/^(?:>>)/i,/^(?:>)/i,/^(?:<=)/i,/^(?:<>)/i,/^(?:<)/i,/^(?:=)/i,/^(?:!=)/i,/^(?:\()/i,/^(?:\))/i,/^(?:@)/i,/^(?:\{)/i,/^(?:\})/i,/^(?:\])/i,/^(?::-)/i,/^(?:\?-)/i,/^(?:\.\.)/i,/^(?:\.)/i,/^(?:,)/i,/^(?:::)/i,/^(?::)/i,/^(?:;)/i,/^(?:\$)/i,/^(?:\?)/i,/^(?:!)/i,/^(?:\^)/i,/^(?:~)/i,/^(?:[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)/i,/^(?:$)/i,/^(?:.)/i],
-conditions: {"INITIAL":{"rules":[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255,256,257,258,259,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268,269,270,271,272,273,274],"inclusive":true}}
-return lexer;
-parser.lexer = lexer;
-function Parser () {
- this.yy = {};
-Parser.prototype = parser;parser.Parser = Parser;
-return new Parser;
-if (typeof require !== 'undefined' && typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
-exports.parser = alasqlparser;
-exports.Parser = alasqlparser.Parser;
-exports.parse = function () { return alasqlparser.parse.apply(alasqlparser, arguments); };
-exports.main = function commonjsMain(args) {
- if (!args[1]) {
- console.log('Usage: '+args[0]+' FILE');
- process.exit(1);
- }
- var source = require('fs').readFileSync(require('path').normalize(args[1]), "utf8");
- return exports.parser.parse(source);
-if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && require.main === module) {
- exports.main(process.argv.slice(1));
- 12prettyflag.js - prettify
- @todo move this functionality to plugin
- Pretty flag - nice HTML output or standard text without any tags
- @type {boolean}
-alasql.prettyflag = false;
- Pretty output of SQL functions
- @function
- @param {string} sql SQL statement
- @param {boolean} flag value
- @return {string} HTML or text string with pretty output
-alasql.pretty = function(sql, flag) {
- var pf = alasql.prettyflag;
- alasql.prettyflag = !flag;
- var s = alasql.parse(sql).toString();
- alasql.prettyflag = pf;
- return s;
-/*jshint unused:false*/
- Utilities for Alasql.js
- @todo Review the list of utilities
- @todo Find more effective utilities
- Alasql utility functions
- @type {object}
- */
-var utils = (alasql.utils = {});
- Convert NaN to undefined
- @function
- @param {string} s JavaScript string to be modified
- @return {string} Covered expression
- @example
- 123 => 123
- undefined => undefined
- NaN => undefined
-function n2u(s) {
- return '(y=' + s + ',y===y?y:undefined)';
- Return undefined if s undefined
- @param {string} s JavaScript string to be modified
- @return {string} Covered expression
- @example
- 123,a => a
- undefined,a => undefined
- NaN,a => undefined
-function und(s, r) {
- return '(y=' + s + ',typeof y=="undefined"?undefined:' + r + ')';
- Return always true. Stub for non-ecisting WHERE clause, because is faster then if(whenrfn) whenfn()
- @function
- @return {boolean} Always true
-function returnTrue() {
- return true;
- Return undefined. Stub for non-ecisting WHERE clause, because is faster then if(whenrfn) whenfn()
- @function
- @return {undefined} Always undefined
-function returnUndefined() {}
- Escape string
- @function
- @param {string} s Source string
- @return {string} Escaped string
- @example
- Pit\er's => Pit\\er\'s
-// based on joliss/js-string-escape
-var escapeq = (utils.escapeq = function(s) {
- return ('' + s).replace(/["'\\\n\r\u2028\u2029]/g, function(character) {
- // Escape all characters not included in SingleStringCharacters and
- // DoubleStringCharacters on
- // http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-7.8.4
- switch (character) {
- case '"':
- case "'":
- case '\\':
- return '\\' + character;
- // Four possible LineTerminator characters need to be escaped:
- case '\n':
- return '\\n';
- case '\r':
- return '\\r';
- case '\u2028':
- return '\\u2028';
- case '\u2029':
- return '\\u2029';
- }
- });
- Double quotes for SQL statements
- @param {string} s Source string
- @return {string} Escaped string
- @example
- Piter's => Piter''s
- */
-var escapeqq = (utils.undoubleq = function(s) {
- return s.replace(/(\')/g, "''");
- Replace double quotes with single quote
- @param {string} s Source string
- @return {string} Replaced string
- @example
- Piter''s => Piter's
- */
-var doubleq = (utils.doubleq = function(s) {
- return s.replace(/(\'\')/g, "\\'");
- Replace sigle quote to escaped single quote
- @param {string} s Source string
- @return {string} Replaced string
- @todo Chack this functions
-var doubleqq = (utils.doubleqq = function(s) {
- return s.replace(/\'/g, "'");
- Cut BOM first character for UTF-8 files (for merging two files)
- @param {string} s Source string
- @return {string} Replaced string
-var cutbom = function(s) {
- if (s[0] === String.fromCharCode(65279)) {
- s = s.substr(1);
- }
- return s;
- Get the blobal scope
- Inspired by System.global
- @return {object} The global scope
-utils.global = (function() {
- try {
- return Function('return this')();
- } catch (e) {
- //If Content Security Policy
- var global = self || window || global;
- if (global) {
- return global;
- } else {
- throw new Error('Unable to locate global object');
- }
- }
- Find out if a function is native to the enviroment
- @param {function} Function to check
- @return {boolean} True if function is native
-var isNativeFunction = (utils.isNativeFunction = function(fn) {
- return typeof fn === 'function' && !!~fn.toString().indexOf('[native code]');
- Find out if code is running in a web worker enviroment
- @return {boolean} True if code is running in a web worker enviroment
-utils.isWebWorker = (function() {
- try {
- var importScripts = utils.global.importScripts;
- return utils.isNativeFunction(importScripts);
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }
- Find out if code is running in a node enviroment
- @return {boolean} True if code is running in a node enviroment
-utils.isNode = (function() {
- try {
- return utils.isNativeFunction(utils.global.process.reallyExit);
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }
- Find out if code is running in a browser enviroment
- @return {boolean} True if code is running in a browser enviroment
-utils.isBrowser = (function() {
- try {
- return utils.isNativeFunction(utils.global.location.reload);
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }
- Find out if code is running in a browser with a browserify setup
- @return {boolean} True if code is running in a browser with a browserify setup
-utils.isBrowserify = (function() {
- return utils.isBrowser && typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.browser;
- Find out if code is running in a browser with a requireJS setup
- @return {boolean} True if code is running in a browser with a requireJS setup
-utils.isRequireJS = (function() {
- return (
- utils.isBrowser && typeof require === 'function' && typeof require.specified === 'function'
- );
- Find out if code is running with Meteor in the enviroment
- @return {boolean} True if code is running with Meteor in the enviroment
- @todo Find out if this is the best way to do this
-utils.isMeteor = (function() {
- return typeof Meteor !== 'undefined' && Meteor.release;
- Find out if code is running on a Meteor client
- @return {boolean} True if code is running on a Meteor client
-utils.isMeteorClient = utils.isMeteorClient = (function() {
- return utils.isMeteor && Meteor.isClient;
- Find out if code is running on a Meteor server
- @return {boolean} True if code is running on a Meteor server
-utils.isMeteorServer = (function() {
- return utils.isMeteor && Meteor.isServer;
- Find out code is running in a cordovar enviroment
- @return {boolean} True if code is running in a web worker enviroment
- @todo Find out if this is the best way to do this
-utils.isCordova = (function() {
- return typeof cordova === 'object';
-utils.isReactNative = (function() {
- var isReact = false;
- //*not-for-browser/*
- try {
- if (typeof require('react-native') === 'object') {
- isReact = true;
- }
- } catch (e) {
- void 0;
- }
- //*/
- return isReact;
-utils.hasIndexedDB = (function() {
- return !!utils.global.indexedDB;
-utils.isArray = function(obj) {
- return '[object Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(obj);
- Load text file from anywhere
- @param {string|object} path File path or HTML event
- @param {boolean} asy True - async call, false - sync call
- @param {function} success Success function
- @param {function} error Error function
- @return {string} Read data
- @todo Define Event type
- @todo Smaller if-else structures.
-var loadFile = (utils.loadFile = function(path, asy, success, error) {
- var data, fs;
- if (utils.isNode || utils.isMeteorServer) {
- //*not-for-browser/*
- if (utils.isMeteor) {
- fs = Npm.require('fs');
- } else {
- fs = require('fs');
- }
- // If path is empty, than read data from stdin (for Node)
- if (typeof path === 'undefined') {
- var buff = '';
- process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8');
- process.stdin.on('readable', function() {
- var chunk = process.stdin.read();
- if (chunk !== null) {
- buff += chunk.toString();
- }
- });
- process.stdin.on('end', function() {
- success(cutbom(buff));
- });
- } else {
- if (/^[a-z]+:\/\//i.test(path)) {
- var request = require('request');
- request(path, function(err, response, body) {
- if (err) {
- throw err;
- }
- success(cutbom(body.toString()));
- });
- } else {
- //If async callthen call async
- if (asy) {
- fs.readFile(path, function(err, data) {
- if (err) {
- throw err;
- }
- success(cutbom(data.toString()));
- });
- } else {
- // Call sync version
- data = fs.readFileSync(path);
- success(cutbom(data.toString()));
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (utils.isReactNative) {
- // If ReactNative
- var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
- RNFS.readFile(path, 'utf8')
- .then(function(contents) {
- success(cutbom(contents));
- })
- .catch(function(err) {
- throw err;
- });
- //*/
- } else if (utils.isCordova) {
- /* If Cordova */
- utils.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function(fileSystem) {
- fileSystem.root.getFile(path, {create: false}, function(fileEntry) {
- fileEntry.file(function(file) {
- var fileReader = new FileReader();
- fileReader.onloadend = function(e) {
- success(cutbom(this.result));
- };
- fileReader.readAsText(file);
- });
- });
- });
- /** @todo Check eliminated code below */
- } else {
- /* For string */
- if (typeof path === 'string') {
- // For browser read from tag
- /*
- SELECT * FROM TXT('#one') -- read data from HTML element with id="one"
- */
- if (path.substr(0, 1) === '#' && typeof document !== 'undefined') {
- data = document.querySelector(path).textContent;
- success(data);
- } else {
- /*
- Simply read file from HTTP request, like:
- SELECT * FROM TXT('http://alasql.org/README.md');
- */
- var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
- xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
- if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
- if (xhr.status === 200) {
- if (success) {
- success(cutbom(xhr.responseText));
- }
- } else if (error) {
- error(xhr);
- }
- // Todo: else...?
- }
- };
- xhr.open('GET', path, asy); // Async
- xhr.responseType = 'text';
- xhr.send();
- }
- } else if (path instanceof Event) {
- /*
- For browser read from files input element
- */
- /** @type {array} List of files from element */
- var files = path.target.files;
- /** type {object} */
- var reader = new FileReader();
- /** type {string} */
- var name = files[0].name;
- reader.onload = function(e) {
- var data = e.target.result;
- success(cutbom(data));
- };
- reader.readAsText(files[0]);
- }
- }
- @function Load binary file from anywhere
- @param {string} path File path
- @param {boolean} asy True - async call, false - sync call
- @param {function} success Success function
- @param {function} error Error function
- @return 1 for Async, data - for sync version
- @todo merge functionality from loadFile and LoadBinaryFile
-var loadBinaryFile = (utils.loadBinaryFile = function(path, asy, success, error) {
- var fs;
- if (utils.isNode || utils.isMeteorServer) {
- //*not-for-browser/*
- if (utils.isMeteorServer) {
- fs = Npm.require('fs'); // For Meteor
- } else {
- fs = require('fs');
- }
- if (/^[a-z]+:\/\//i.test(path)) {
- var request = require('request');
- request({url: path, encoding: null}, function(err, response, data) {
- if (err) {
- throw err;
- }
- var arr = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
- arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
- }
- success(arr.join(''));
- });
- } else {
- if (asy) {
- fs.readFile(path, function(err, data) {
- if (err) {
- throw err;
- }
- var arr = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
- arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
- }
- success(arr.join(''));
- });
- } else {
- var data = fs.readFileSync(path);
- var arr = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
- arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
- }
- success(arr.join(''));
- }
- }
- } else if (utils.isReactNative) {
- // If ReactNative
- //var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
- var RNFetchBlob = require('react-native-fetch-blob').default;
- var dirs = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs;
- //should use readStream instead if the file is large
- RNFetchBlob.fs.readFile(path, 'base64').then(function(data) {
- //RNFetchBlob.base64.decode(data) //need more test on excel
- success(data);
- });
- //*/
- } else {
- if (typeof path === 'string') {
- // For browser
- var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
- xhr.open('GET', path, asy); // Async
- xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
- xhr.onload = function() {
- var data = new Uint8Array(xhr.response);
- var arr = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
- arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
- }
- success(arr.join(''));
- };
- // xhr.responseType = "blob";
- xhr.send();
- } else if (path instanceof Event) {
- var files = path.target.files;
- var reader = new FileReader();
- var name = files[0].name;
- reader.onload = function(e) {
- var data = e.target.result;
- success(data);
- };
- reader.readAsArrayBuffer(files[0]);
- } else if (path instanceof Blob) {
- success(path);
- }
- }
-var removeFile = (utils.removeFile = function(path, cb) {
- if (utils.isNode) {
- //*not-for-browser/*
- var fs = require('fs');
- fs.remove(path, cb);
- } else if (utils.isCordova) {
- utils.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function(fileSystem) {
- fileSystem.root.getFile(
- path,
- {create: false},
- function(fileEntry) {
- fileEntry.remove(cb);
- cb && cb(); // jshint ignore:line
- },
- function() {
- cb && cb(); // jshint ignore:line
- }
- );
- });
- } else if (utils.isReactNative) {
- // If ReactNative
- var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
- RNFS.unlink(path)
- .then(function() {
- cb && cb();
- })
- .catch(function(err) {
- throw err;
- });
- //*/
- } else {
- throw new Error('You can remove files only in Node.js and Apache Cordova');
- }
-// Todo: check if it makes sense to support cordova and Meteor server
-var deleteFile = (utils.deleteFile = function(path, cb) {
- //*not-for-browser/*
- if (utils.isNode) {
- var fs = require('fs');
- fs.unlink(path, cb);
- } else if (utils.isReactNative) {
- // If ReactNative
- var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
- RNFS.unlink(path)
- .then(function() {
- cb && cb();
- })
- .catch(function(err) {
- throw err;
- });
- }
- //*/
-utils.autoExtFilename = function(filename, ext, config) {
- config = config || {};
- if (
- typeof filename !== 'string' ||
- filename.match(/^[A-z]+:\/\/|\n|\..{2,4}$/) ||
- config.autoExt === 0 ||
- config.autoExt === false
- ) {
- return filename;
- }
- return filename + '.' + ext;
-var fileExists = (utils.fileExists = function(path, cb) {
- if (utils.isNode) {
- //*not-for-browser/*
- var fs = require('fs');
- fs.exists(path, cb);
- } else if (utils.isCordova) {
- utils.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function(fileSystem) {
- fileSystem.root.getFile(
- path,
- {create: false},
- function(fileEntry) {
- cb(true);
- },
- function() {
- cb(false);
- }
- );
- });
- } else if (utils.isReactNative) {
- // If ReactNative
- var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
- RNFS.exists(path)
- .then(function(yes) {
- cb && cb(yes);
- })
- .catch(function(err) {
- throw err;
- });
- //*/
- } else {
- // TODO Cordova, etc.
- throw new Error('You can use exists() only in Node.js or Apach Cordova');
- }
- Save text file from anywhere
- @param {string} path File path
- @param {array} data Data object
- @param {function} cb Callback
- @param {object=} opts
-var saveFile = (utils.saveFile = function(path, data, cb, opts) {
- var res = 1;
- if (path === undefined) {
- //
- // Return data into result variable
- // like: alasql('SELECT * INTO TXT() FROM ?',[data]);
- //
- res = data;
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- } else {
- if (utils.isNode) {
- //*not-for-browser/*
- var fs = require('fs');
- data = fs.writeFileSync(path, data);
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- } else if (utils.isReactNative) {
- var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
- RNFS.writeFile(path, data)
- .then(function(success) {
- //, 'utf8'
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- })
- .catch(function(err) {
- console.error(err.message);
- });
- } else if (utils.isCordova) {
- utils.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function(fileSystem) {
- // alasql.utils.removeFile(path,function(){
- fileSystem.root.getFile(path, {create: true}, function(fileEntry) {
- fileEntry.createWriter(function(fileWriter) {
- fileWriter.onwriteend = function() {
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- };
- fileWriter.write(data);
- });
- });
- });
- //*/
- // });
- // });
- // });
- } else {
- if (isIE() === 9) {
- // Solution was taken from
- // http://megatuto.com/formation-JAVASCRIPT.php?JAVASCRIPT_Example=Javascript+Save+CSV+file+in+IE+8/IE+9+without+using+window.open()+Categorie+javascript+internet-explorer-8&category=&article=7993
- // var URI = 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,';
- // Prepare data
- var ndata = data.replace(/\r\n/g, 'A;D;');
- ndata = ndata.replace(/\n/g, 'D;');
- ndata = ndata.replace(/\t/g, ' ');
- var testlink = utils.global.open('about:blank', '_blank');
- testlink.document.write(ndata); //fileData has contents for the file
- testlink.document.close();
- testlink.document.execCommand('SaveAs', false, path);
- testlink.close();
- } else {
- var opt = {
- disableAutoBom: false,
- };
- alasql.utils.extend(opt, opts);
- var blob = new Blob([data], {type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8'});
- saveAs(blob, path, opt.disableAutoBom);
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return res;
- @function Is this IE9
- @return {boolean} True for IE9 and false for other browsers
- For IE9 compatibility issues
-function isIE() {
- var myNav = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
- return myNav.indexOf('msie') !== -1 ? parseInt(myNav.split('msie')[1]) : false;
- @function Hash a string to signed integer
- @param {string} source string
- @return {integer} hash number
-// FNV-1a inspired hashing
-var hash = (utils.hash = function(str) {
- var hash = 0x811c9dc5,
- i = str.length;
- while (i) {
- hash = hash ^ str.charCodeAt(--i);
- hash += (hash << 1) + (hash << 4) + (hash << 7) + (hash << 8) + (hash << 24);
- }
- return hash;
- Union arrays
- @function
- @param {array} a
- @param {array} b
- @return {array}
-var arrayUnion = (utils.arrayUnion = function(a, b) {
- var r = b.slice(0);
- a.forEach(function(i) {
- if (r.indexOf(i) < 0) {
- r.push(i);
- }
- });
- return r;
- Array Difference
- */
-var arrayDiff = (utils.arrayDiff = function(a, b) {
- return a.filter(function(i) {
- return b.indexOf(i) < 0;
- });
- Arrays deep intersect (with records)
- */
-var arrayIntersect = (utils.arrayIntersect = function(a, b) {
- var r = [];
- a.forEach(function(ai) {
- var found = false;
- b.forEach(function(bi) {
- found = found || ai === bi;
- });
- if (found) {
- r.push(ai);
- }
- });
- return r;
- Arrays deep union (with records)
- */
-var arrayUnionDeep = (utils.arrayUnionDeep = function(a, b) {
- var r = b.slice(0);
- a.forEach(function(ai) {
- var found = false;
- r.forEach(function(ri) {
- // found = found || equalDeep(ai, ri, true);
- found = found || deepEqual(ai, ri);
- });
- if (!found) {
- r.push(ai);
- }
- });
- return r;
- Arrays deep union (with records)
- */
-var arrayExceptDeep = (utils.arrayExceptDeep = function(a, b) {
- var r = [];
- a.forEach(function(ai) {
- var found = false;
- b.forEach(function(bi) {
- // found = found || equalDeep(ai, bi, true);
- found = found || deepEqual(ai, bi);
- });
- if (!found) {
- r.push(ai);
- }
- });
- return r;
- Arrays deep intersect (with records)
- */
-var arrayIntersectDeep = (utils.arrayIntersectDeep = function(a, b) {
- var r = [];
- a.forEach(function(ai) {
- var found = false;
- b.forEach(function(bi) {
- // found = found || equalDeep(ai, bi, true);
- found = found || deepEqual(ai, bi, true);
- });
- if (found) {
- r.push(ai);
- }
- });
- return r;
- Deep clone objects
- */
-var cloneDeep = (utils.cloneDeep = function cloneDeep(obj) {
- if (null === obj || typeof obj !== 'object') {
- return obj;
- }
- if (obj instanceof Date) {
- return new Date(obj);
- }
- var temp = obj.constructor(); // changed
- for (var key in obj) {
- if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- temp[key] = cloneDeep(obj[key]);
- }
- }
- return temp;
- Check equality of objects
- Compare two objects in deep
- */
-var deepEqual = (utils.deepEqual = function(x, y) {
- if (x === y) {
- return true;
- }
- if (typeof x === 'object' && null !== x && (typeof y === 'object' && null !== y)) {
- if (Object.keys(x).length !== Object.keys(y).length) {
- return false;
- }
- for (var prop in x) {
- if (!deepEqual(x[prop], y[prop])) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- Array with distinct records
- @param {array} data
- @return {array}
-var distinctArray = (utils.distinctArray = function(data) {
- var uniq = {};
- // TODO: Speedup, because Object.keys is slow
- for (var i = 0, ilen = data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- var uix;
- if (typeof data[i] === 'object') {
- uix = Object.keys(data[i])
- .sort()
- .map(function(k) {
- return k + '`' + data[i][k];
- })
- .join('`');
- } else {
- uix = data[i];
- }
- uniq[uix] = data[i];
- }
- var res = [];
- for (var key in uniq) {
- res.push(uniq[key]);
- }
- return res;
- Extend object a with properties of b
- @function
- @param {object} a
- @param {object} b
- @return {object}
-var extend = (utils.extend = function extend(a, b) {
- a = a || {};
- for (var key in b) {
- if (b.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- a[key] = b[key];
- }
- }
- return a;
- Flat array by first row
- */
-var flatArray = (utils.flatArray = function(a) {
- if (!a || 0 === a.length) {
- return [];
- }
- // For recordsets
- if (typeof a === 'object' && a instanceof alasql.Recordset) {
- return a.data.map(function(ai) {
- return ai[a.columns[0].columnid];
- });
- }
- // Else for other arrays
- var key = Object.keys(a[0])[0];
- if (key === undefined) {
- return [];
- }
- return a.map(function(ai) {
- return ai[key];
- });
- Convert array of objects to array of arrays
- */
-var arrayOfArrays = (utils.arrayOfArrays = function(a) {
- return a.map(function(aa) {
- var ar = [];
- for (var key in aa) {
- ar.push(aa[key]);
- }
- return ar;
- });
-if (!Array.isArray) {
- Array.isArray = function(arg) {
- return Object.prototype.toString.call(arg) === '[object Array]';
- };
- Excel:convert number to Excel column, like 1 => 'A'
- @param {integer} i Column number, starting with 0
- @return {string} Column name, starting with 'A'
-var xlsnc = (utils.xlsnc = function(i) {
- var addr = String.fromCharCode(65 + (i % 26));
- if (i >= 26) {
- i = ((i / 26) | 0) - 1;
- addr = String.fromCharCode(65 + (i % 26)) + addr;
- if (i > 26) {
- i = ((i / 26) | 0) - 1;
- addr = String.fromCharCode(65 + (i % 26)) + addr;
- }
- }
- return addr;
- Excel:conver Excel column name to number
- @param {string} s Column number, like 'A' or 'BE'
- @return {string} Column name, starting with 0
-var xlscn = (utils.xlscn = function(s) {
- var n = s.charCodeAt(0) - 65;
- if (s.length > 1) {
- n = (n + 1) * 26 + s.charCodeAt(1) - 65;
- if (s.length > 2) {
- n = (n + 1) * 26 + s.charCodeAt(2) - 65;
- }
- }
- return n;
-var domEmptyChildren = (utils.domEmptyChildren = function(container) {
- var len = container.childNodes.length;
- while (len--) {
- container.removeChild(container.lastChild);
- }
- SQL LIKE emulation
- @parameter {string} pattern Search pattern
- @parameter {string} value Searched value
- @parameter {string} escape Escape character (optional)
- @return {boolean} If value LIKE pattern ESCAPE escape
-var like = (utils.like = function(pattern, value, escape) {
- // Verify escape character
- if (!escape) escape = '';
- var i = 0;
- var s = '^';
- while (i < pattern.length) {
- var c = pattern[i],
- c1 = '';
- if (i < pattern.length - 1) c1 = pattern[i + 1];
- if (c === escape) {
- s += '\\' + c1;
- i++;
- } else if (c === '[' && c1 === '^') {
- s += '[^';
- i++;
- } else if (c === '[' || c === ']') {
- s += c;
- } else if (c === '%') {
- s += '.*';
- } else if (c === '_') {
- s += '.';
- } else if ('/.*+?|(){}'.indexOf(c) > -1) {
- s += '\\' + c;
- } else {
- s += c;
- }
- i++;
- }
- s += '$';
- // if(value == undefined) return false;
- return ('' + (value || '')).toUpperCase().search(RegExp(s.toUpperCase())) > -1;
-utils.glob = function(value, pattern) {
- var i = 0;
- var s = '^';
- while (i < pattern.length) {
- var c = pattern[i],
- c1 = '';
- if (i < pattern.length - 1) c1 = pattern[i + 1];
- if (c === '[' && c1 === '^') {
- s += '[^';
- i++;
- } else if (c === '[' || c === ']') {
- s += c;
- } else if (c === '*') {
- s += '.*';
- } else if (c === '?') {
- s += '.';
- } else if ('/.*+?|(){}'.indexOf(c) > -1) {
- s += '\\' + c;
- } else {
- s += c;
- }
- i++;
- }
- s += '$';
- return ('' + (value || '')).toUpperCase().search(RegExp(s.toUpperCase())) > -1;
- Get path of alasql.js
- @todo Rewrite and simplify the code. Review, is this function is required separately
-utils.findAlaSQLPath = function() {
- /** type {string} Path to alasql library and plugins */
- if (utils.isWebWorker) {
- return '';
- /** @todo Check how to get path in worker */
- } else if (utils.isMeteorClient) {
- return '/packages/dist/';
- } else if (utils.isMeteorServer) {
- return 'assets/packages/dist/';
- } else if (utils.isNode) {
- return __dirname;
- } else if (utils.isBrowser) {
- var sc = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
- for (var i = 0; i < sc.length; i++) {
- if (sc[i].src.substr(-16).toLowerCase() === 'alasql-worker.js') {
- return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 16);
- } else if (sc[i].src.substr(-20).toLowerCase() === 'alasql-worker.min.js') {
- return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 20);
- } else if (sc[i].src.substr(-9).toLowerCase() === 'alasql.js') {
- return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 9);
- } else if (sc[i].src.substr(-13).toLowerCase() === 'alasql.min.js') {
- return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 13);
- }
- }
- }
- return '';
-var getXLSX = function() {
- var XLSX = null;
- /* If require() shuold be supported else take from global scope */
- if (utils.isNode || utils.isBrowserify || utils.isMeteorServer) {
- //*not-for-browser/*
- XLSX = require('xlsx') || null;
- //*/
- } else {
- XLSX = utils.global.XLSX || null;
- }
- if (null === XLSX) {
- throw new Error('Please include the xlsx.js library');
- }
- return XLSX;
-// set AlaSQl path
-alasql.path = alasql.utils.findAlaSQLPath();
- Strip all comments.
- @function
- @param {string} str
- @return {string}
- Based om the https://github.com/lehni/uncomment.js/blob/master/uncomment.js
- I just replaced JavaScript's '//' to SQL's '--' and remove other stuff
- @todo Fixed [aaa/*bbb] for column names
- @todo Bug if -- comments in the last line
- @todo Check if it possible to model it with Jison parser
- @todo Remove unused code
- */
-/* global alasql */
-alasql.utils.uncomment = function(str) {
- // Add some padding so we can always look ahead and behind by two chars
- str = ('__' + str + '__').split('');
- var quote = false,
- quoteSign,
- // regularExpression = false,
- // characterClass = false,
- blockComment = false,
- lineComment = false;
- // preserveComment = false;
- for (var i = 0, l = str.length; i < l; i++) {
- // When checking for quote escaping, we also need to check that the
- // escape sign itself is not escaped, as otherwise '\\' would cause
- // the wrong impression of an unclosed string:
- var unescaped = str[i - 1] !== '\\' || str[i - 2] === '\\';
- if (quote) {
- if (str[i] === quoteSign && unescaped) {
- quote = false;
- }
- } else if (blockComment) {
- // Is the block comment closing?
- if (str[i] === '*' && str[i + 1] === '/') {
- // if (!preserveComment)
- str[i] = str[i + 1] = '';
- blockComment /* = preserveComment*/ = false;
- // Increase by 1 to skip closing '/', as it would be mistaken
- // for a regexp otherwise
- i++;
- } else {
- //if (!preserveComment) {
- str[i] = '';
- }
- } else if (lineComment) {
- // One-line comments end with the line-break
- if (str[i + 1] === '\n' || str[i + 1] === '\r') {
- lineComment = false;
- }
- str[i] = '';
- } else {
- if (str[i] === '"' || str[i] === "'") {
- quote = true;
- quoteSign = str[i];
- } else if (str[i] === '[' && str[i - 1] !== '@') {
- quote = true;
- quoteSign = ']';
- // } else if (str[i] === '-' && str[i + 1] === '-') {
- // str[i] = '';
- // lineComment = true;
- } else if (str[i] === '/' && str[i + 1] === '*') {
- // Do not filter out conditional comments /*@ ... */
- // and comments marked as protected /*! ... */
- // preserveComment = /[@!]/.test(str[i + 2]);
- // if (!preserveComment)
- str[i] = '';
- blockComment = true;
- }
- }
- }
- // Remove padding again.
- str = str.join('').slice(2, -2);
- return str;
- Database class for Alasql.js
-// Initial parameters
- Jison parser
-alasql.parser = alasqlparser;
-alasql.parser.parseError = function(str, hash) {
- throw new Error('Have you used a reserved keyword without `escaping` it?\n' + str);
- Jison parser
- @param {string} sql SQL statement
- @return {object} AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)
- @todo Create class AST
- @todo Add other parsers
- @example
- alasql.parse = function(sql) {
- // My own parser here
- }
- */
-alasql.parse = function(sql) {
- return alasqlparser.parse(alasql.utils.uncomment(sql));
- List of engines of external databases
- @type {object}
- @todo Create collection type
- */
-alasql.engines = {};
- List of databases
- @type {object}
- */
-alasql.databases = {};
- Number of databases
- @type {number}
-alasql.databasenum = 0;
- Alasql options object
- */
-alasql.options = {};
-alasql.options.errorlog = false; // Log or throw error
-alasql.options.valueof = false; // Use valueof in orderfn
-alasql.options.dropifnotexists = false; // DROP database in any case
-alasql.options.datetimeformat = 'sql'; // How to handle DATE and DATETIME types
-// Another value is 'javascript'
-alasql.options.casesensitive = true; // Table and column names are case sensitive and converted to lower-case
-alasql.options.logtarget = 'output'; // target for log. Values: 'console', 'output', 'id' of html tag
-alasql.options.logprompt = true; // Print SQL at log
-alasql.options.progress = false; // Callback for async queries progress
-// Default modifier
-alasql.options.modifier = undefined;
-// How many rows to lookup to define columns
-alasql.options.columnlookup = 10;
-// Create vertex if not found
-alasql.options.autovertex = true;
-// Use dbo as current database (for partial T-SQL comaptibility)
-alasql.options.usedbo = true;
-alasql.options.autocommit = true;
-// Use cache
-alasql.options.cache = true;
-// Compatibility flags
-alasql.options.tsql = true;
-alasql.options.mysql = true;
-alasql.options.postgres = true;
-alasql.options.oracle = true;
-alasql.options.sqlite = true;
-alasql.options.orientdb = true;
-alasql.options.nocount = false;
-// Check for NaN and convert it to undefined
-alasql.options.nan = false;
-alasql.options.joinstar = 'overwrite'; // Option for SELECT * FROM a,b
-//alasql.options.worker = false;
-// Variables
-alasql.vars = {};
-alasql.declares = {};
-alasql.prompthistory = [];
-alasql.plugins = {}; // If plugin already loaded
-alasql.from = {}; // FROM functions
-alasql.into = {}; // INTO functions
-alasql.fn = {};
-alasql.aggr = {};
-alasql.busy = 0;
-// Cache
-alasql.MAXSQLCACHESIZE = 10000;
-alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID = 'alasql';
-/* WebWorker */
-alasql.lastid = 0;
-alasql.buffer = {};
- Select current database
- @param {string} databaseid Selected database identificator
- */
-alasql.use = function(databaseid) {
- if (!databaseid) {
- databaseid = alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID;
- }
- if (alasql.useid === databaseid) {
- return;
- }
- alasql.useid = databaseid;
- var db = alasql.databases[alasql.useid];
- alasql.tables = db.tables;
- // alasql.fn = db.fn;
- db.resetSqlCache();
- if (alasql.options.usedbo) {
- alasql.databases.dbo = db; // Operator???
- }
-alasql.autoval = function(tablename, colname, getNext, databaseid) {
- var db = databaseid ? alasql.databases[databaseid] : alasql.databases[alasql.useid];
- if (!db.tables[tablename]) {
- throw new Error('Tablename not found: ' + tablename);
- }
- if (!db.tables[tablename].identities[colname]) {
- throw new Error('Colname not found: ' + colname);
- }
- if (getNext) {
- return db.tables[tablename].identities[colname].value || null;
- }
- return (
- db.tables[tablename].identities[colname].value -
- db.tables[tablename].identities[colname].step || null
- );
- Run single SQL statement on current database
- */
-alasql.exec = function(sql, params, cb, scope) {
- // Avoid setting params if not needed even with callback
- if (typeof params === 'function') {
- scope = cb;
- cb = params;
- params = {};
- }
- delete alasql.error;
- params = params || {};
- if (alasql.options.errorlog) {
- try {
- return alasql.dexec(alasql.useid, sql, params, cb, scope);
- } catch (err) {
- alasql.error = err;
- if (cb) {
- cb(null, alasql.error);
- }
- }
- } else {
- return alasql.dexec(alasql.useid, sql, params, cb, scope);
- }
- Run SQL statement on specific database
- */
-alasql.dexec = function(databaseid, sql, params, cb, scope) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- // if(db.databaseid != databaseid) console.trace('got!');
- var hh;
- // Create hash
- if (alasql.options.cache) {
- hh = hash(sql);
- var statement = db.sqlCache[hh];
- // If database structure was not changed since last time return cache
- if (statement && db.dbversion === statement.dbversion) {
- return statement(params, cb);
- }
- }
- // Create AST
- var ast = alasql.parse(sql);
- if (!ast.statements) {
- return;
- }
- if (0 === ast.statements.length) {
- return 0;
- } else if (1 === ast.statements.length) {
- if (ast.statements[0].compile) {
- // Compile and Execute
- var statement = ast.statements[0].compile(databaseid, params);
- if (!statement) {
- return;
- }
- statement.sql = sql;
- statement.dbversion = db.dbversion;
- if (alasql.options.cache) {
- // Secure sqlCache size
- if (db.sqlCacheSize > alasql.MAXSQLCACHESIZE) {
- db.resetSqlCache();
- }
- db.sqlCacheSize++;
- db.sqlCache[hh] = statement;
- }
- var res = (alasql.res = statement(params, cb, scope));
- return res;
- } else {
- alasql.precompile(ast.statements[0], alasql.useid, params);
- var res = (alasql.res = ast.statements[0].execute(databaseid, params, cb, scope));
- return res;
- }
- } else {
- // Multiple statements
- if (cb) {
- alasql.adrun(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope);
- } else {
- return alasql.drun(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope);
- }
- }
- Run multiple statements and return array of results sync
- */
-alasql.drun = function(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope) {
- var useid = alasql.useid;
- if (useid !== databaseid) {
- alasql.use(databaseid);
- }
- var res = [];
- for (var i = 0, ilen = ast.statements.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- if (ast.statements[i]) {
- if (ast.statements[i].compile) {
- var statement = ast.statements[i].compile(alasql.useid);
- res.push((alasql.res = statement(params, null, scope)));
- } else {
- alasql.precompile(ast.statements[i], alasql.useid, params);
- res.push((alasql.res = ast.statements[i].execute(alasql.useid, params)));
- }
- }
- }
- if (useid !== databaseid) {
- alasql.use(useid);
- }
- if (cb) {
- cb(res);
- }
- alasql.res = res;
- return res;
- Run multiple statements and return array of results async
- */
-alasql.adrun = function(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope) {
- var idx = 0;
- var noqueries = ast.statements.length;
- if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {
- alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);
- }
- // alasql.busy++;
- var useid = alasql.useid;
- if (useid !== databaseid) {
- alasql.use(databaseid);
- }
- var res = [];
- function adrunone(data) {
- if (data !== undefined) {
- res.push(data);
- }
- var astatement = ast.statements.shift();
- if (!astatement) {
- if (useid !== databaseid) {
- alasql.use(useid);
- }
- cb(res);
- // alasql.busy--;
- // if(alasql.busy<0) alasql.busy = 0;
- } else {
- if (astatement.compile) {
- var statement = astatement.compile(alasql.useid);
- statement(params, adrunone, scope);
- if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {
- alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);
- }
- } else {
- alasql.precompile(ast.statements[0], alasql.useid, params);
- astatement.execute(alasql.useid, params, adrunone);
- if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {
- alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- adrunone(); /** @todo Check, why data is empty here */
- Compile statement to JavaScript function
- @param {string} sql SQL statement
- @param {string} databaseid Database identificator
- @return {functions} Compiled statement functions
-alasql.compile = function(sql, databaseid) {
- databaseid = databaseid || alasql.useid;
- var ast = alasql.parse(sql); // Create AST
- if (1 === ast.statements.length) {
- var statement = ast.statements[0].compile(databaseid);
- statement.promise = function(params) {
- return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
- statement(params, function(data, err) {
- if (err) {
- reject(err);
- } else {
- resolve(data);
- }
- });
- });
- };
- return statement;
- } else {
- throw new Error('Cannot compile, because number of statements in SQL is not equal to 1');
- }
-// Promises for AlaSQL
-if (!utils.global.Promise) {
- if (utils.isNode) {
- //*not-for-browser/*
- utils.global.Promise = require('es6-promise').Promise;
- //*/
- } else {
- /*!
- * @overview es6-promise - a tiny implementation of Promises/A+.
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 Yehuda Katz, Tom Dale, Stefan Penner and contributors (Conversion to ES6 API by Jake Archibald)
- * @license Licensed under MIT license
- * See https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jakearchibald/es6-promise/master/LICENSE
- * @version 3.2.1
- */
- (function() {
- 'use strict';
- function t(t) {
- return 'function' == typeof t || ('object' == typeof t && null !== t);
- }
- function e(t) {
- return 'function' == typeof t;
- }
- function n(t) {
- G = t;
- }
- function r(t) {
- Q = t;
- }
- function o() {
- return function() {
- process.nextTick(a);
- };
- }
- function i() {
- return function() {
- B(a);
- };
- }
- function s() {
- var t = 0,
- e = new X(a),
- n = document.createTextNode('');
- return (
- e.observe(n, {characterData: !0}),
- function() {
- n.data = t = ++t % 2;
- }
- );
- }
- function u() {
- var t = new MessageChannel();
- return (
- (t.port1.onmessage = a),
- function() {
- t.port2.postMessage(0);
- }
- );
- }
- function c() {
- return function() {
- setTimeout(a, 1);
- };
- }
- function a() {
- for (var t = 0; J > t; t += 2) {
- var e = tt[t],
- n = tt[t + 1];
- e(n), (tt[t] = void 0), (tt[t + 1] = void 0);
- }
- J = 0;
- }
- function f() {
- try {
- var t = require,
- e = t('vertx');
- return (B = e.runOnLoop || e.runOnContext), i();
- } catch (n) {
- return c();
- }
- }
- function l(t, e) {
- var n = this,
- r = new this.constructor(p);
- void 0 === r[rt] && k(r);
- var o = n._state;
- if (o) {
- var i = arguments[o - 1];
- Q(function() {
- x(o, r, i, n._result);
- });
- } else E(n, r, t, e);
- return r;
- }
- function h(t) {
- var e = this;
- if (t && 'object' == typeof t && t.constructor === e) return t;
- var n = new e(p);
- return g(n, t), n;
- }
- function p() {}
- function _() {
- return new TypeError('You cannot resolve a promise with itself');
- }
- function d() {
- return new TypeError('A promises callback cannot return that same promise.');
- }
- function v(t) {
- try {
- return t.then;
- } catch (e) {
- return (ut.error = e), ut;
- }
- }
- function y(t, e, n, r) {
- try {
- t.call(e, n, r);
- } catch (o) {
- return o;
- }
- }
- function m(t, e, n) {
- Q(function(t) {
- var r = !1,
- o = y(
- n,
- e,
- function(n) {
- r || ((r = !0), e !== n ? g(t, n) : S(t, n));
- },
- function(e) {
- r || ((r = !0), j(t, e));
- },
- 'Settle: ' + (t._label || ' unknown promise')
- );
- !r && o && ((r = !0), j(t, o));
- }, t);
- }
- function b(t, e) {
- e._state === it
- ? S(t, e._result)
- : e._state === st
- ? j(t, e._result)
- : E(
- e,
- void 0,
- function(e) {
- g(t, e);
- },
- function(e) {
- j(t, e);
- }
- );
- }
- function w(t, n, r) {
- n.constructor === t.constructor && r === et && constructor.resolve === nt
- ? b(t, n)
- : r === ut
- ? j(t, ut.error)
- : void 0 === r
- ? S(t, n)
- : e(r)
- ? m(t, n, r)
- : S(t, n);
- }
- function g(e, n) {
- e === n ? j(e, _()) : t(n) ? w(e, n, v(n)) : S(e, n);
- }
- function A(t) {
- t._onerror && t._onerror(t._result), T(t);
- }
- function S(t, e) {
- t._state === ot &&
- ((t._result = e), (t._state = it), 0 !== t._subscribers.length && Q(T, t));
- }
- function j(t, e) {
- t._state === ot && ((t._state = st), (t._result = e), Q(A, t));
- }
- function E(t, e, n, r) {
- var o = t._subscribers,
- i = o.length;
- (t._onerror = null),
- (o[i] = e),
- (o[i + it] = n),
- (o[i + st] = r),
- 0 === i && t._state && Q(T, t);
- }
- function T(t) {
- var e = t._subscribers,
- n = t._state;
- if (0 !== e.length) {
- for (var r, o, i = t._result, s = 0; s < e.length; s += 3)
- (r = e[s]), (o = e[s + n]), r ? x(n, r, o, i) : o(i);
- t._subscribers.length = 0;
- }
- }
- function M() {
- this.error = null;
- }
- function P(t, e) {
- try {
- return t(e);
- } catch (n) {
- return (ct.error = n), ct;
- }
- }
- function x(t, n, r, o) {
- var i,
- s,
- u,
- c,
- a = e(r);
- if (a) {
- if (
- ((i = P(r, o)),
- i === ct ? ((c = !0), (s = i.error), (i = null)) : (u = !0),
- n === i)
- )
- return void j(n, d());
- } else (i = o), (u = !0);
- n._state !== ot ||
- (a && u ? g(n, i) : c ? j(n, s) : t === it ? S(n, i) : t === st && j(n, i));
- }
- function C(t, e) {
- try {
- e(
- function(e) {
- g(t, e);
- },
- function(e) {
- j(t, e);
- }
- );
- } catch (n) {
- j(t, n);
- }
- }
- function O() {
- return at++;
- }
- function k(t) {
- (t[rt] = at++), (t._state = void 0), (t._result = void 0), (t._subscribers = []);
- }
- function Y(t) {
- return new _t(this, t).promise;
- }
- function q(t) {
- var e = this;
- return new e(
- I(t)
- ? function(n, r) {
- for (var o = t.length, i = 0; o > i; i++)
- e.resolve(t[i]).then(n, r);
- }
- : function(t, e) {
- e(new TypeError('You must pass an array to race.'));
- }
- );
- }
- function F(t) {
- var e = this,
- n = new e(p);
- return j(n, t), n;
- }
- function D() {
- throw new TypeError(
- 'You must pass a resolver function as the first argument to the promise constructor'
- );
- }
- function K() {
- throw new TypeError(
- "Failed to construct 'Promise': Please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function."
- );
- }
- function L(t) {
- (this[rt] = O()),
- (this._result = this._state = void 0),
- (this._subscribers = []),
- p !== t &&
- ('function' != typeof t && D(), this instanceof L ? C(this, t) : K());
- }
- function N(t, e) {
- (this._instanceConstructor = t),
- (this.promise = new t(p)),
- this.promise[rt] || k(this.promise),
- Array.isArray(e)
- ? ((this._input = e),
- (this.length = e.length),
- (this._remaining = e.length),
- (this._result = new Array(this.length)),
- 0 === this.length
- ? S(this.promise, this._result)
- : ((this.length = this.length || 0),
- this._enumerate(),
- 0 === this._remaining && S(this.promise, this._result)))
- : j(this.promise, U());
- }
- function U() {
- return new Error('Array Methods must be provided an Array');
- }
- function W() {
- var t;
- if ('undefined' != typeof global) t = global;
- else if ('undefined' != typeof self) t = self;
- else
- try {
- t = Function('return this')();
- } catch (e) {
- throw new Error(
- 'polyfill failed because global object is unavailable in this environment'
- );
- }
- var n = t.Promise;
- (!n ||
- '[object Promise]' !== Object.prototype.toString.call(n.resolve()) ||
- n.cast) &&
- (t.Promise = pt);
- }
- var z;
- z = Array.isArray
- ? Array.isArray
- : function(t) {
- return '[object Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(t);
- };
- var B,
- G,
- H,
- I = z,
- J = 0,
- Q = function(t, e) {
- (tt[J] = t), (tt[J + 1] = e), (J += 2), 2 === J && (G ? G(a) : H());
- },
- R = 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : void 0,
- V = R || {},
- X = V.MutationObserver || V.WebKitMutationObserver,
- Z =
- 'undefined' == typeof self &&
- 'undefined' != typeof process &&
- '[object process]' === {}.toString.call(process),
- $ =
- 'undefined' != typeof Uint8ClampedArray &&
- 'undefined' != typeof importScripts &&
- 'undefined' != typeof MessageChannel,
- tt = new Array(1e3);
- H = Z
- ? o()
- : X
- ? s()
- : $
- ? u()
- : void 0 === R && 'function' == typeof require
- ? f()
- : c();
- var et = l,
- nt = h,
- rt = Math.random()
- .toString(36)
- .substring(16),
- ot = void 0,
- it = 1,
- st = 2,
- ut = new M(),
- ct = new M(),
- at = 0,
- ft = Y,
- lt = q,
- ht = F,
- pt = L;
- (L.all = ft),
- (L.race = lt),
- (L.resolve = nt),
- (L.reject = ht),
- (L._setScheduler = n),
- (L._setAsap = r),
- (L._asap = Q),
- (L.prototype = {
- constructor: L,
- then: et,
- catch: function(t) {
- return this.then(null, t);
- },
- });
- var _t = N;
- (N.prototype._enumerate = function() {
- for (var t = this.length, e = this._input, n = 0; this._state === ot && t > n; n++)
- this._eachEntry(e[n], n);
- }),
- (N.prototype._eachEntry = function(t, e) {
- var n = this._instanceConstructor,
- r = n.resolve;
- if (r === nt) {
- var o = v(t);
- if (o === et && t._state !== ot) this._settledAt(t._state, e, t._result);
- else if ('function' != typeof o) this._remaining--, (this._result[e] = t);
- else if (n === pt) {
- var i = new n(p);
- w(i, t, o), this._willSettleAt(i, e);
- } else
- this._willSettleAt(
- new n(function(e) {
- e(t);
- }),
- e
- );
- } else this._willSettleAt(r(t), e);
- }),
- (N.prototype._settledAt = function(t, e, n) {
- var r = this.promise;
- r._state === ot &&
- (this._remaining--, t === st ? j(r, n) : (this._result[e] = n)),
- 0 === this._remaining && S(r, this._result);
- }),
- (N.prototype._willSettleAt = function(t, e) {
- var n = this;
- E(
- t,
- void 0,
- function(t) {
- n._settledAt(it, e, t);
- },
- function(t) {
- n._settledAt(st, e, t);
- }
- );
- });
- var dt = W,
- vt = {Promise: pt, polyfill: dt};
- 'function' == typeof define && define.amd
- ? define(function() {
- return vt;
- })
- : 'undefined' != typeof module && module.exports
- ? (module.exports = vt)
- : 'undefined' != typeof this && (this.ES6Promise = vt),
- dt();
- }.call(this));
- }
-var promiseExec = function(sql, params, counterStep, counterTotal) {
- return new utils.global.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
- alasql(sql, params, function(data, err) {
- if (err) {
- reject(err);
- } else {
- if (counterStep && counterTotal && alasql.options.progress !== false) {
- alasql.options.progress(counterStep, counterTotal);
- }
- resolve(data);
- }
- });
- });
-var promiseAll = function(sqlParamsArray) {
- if (sqlParamsArray.length < 1) {
- return;
- }
- var active, sql, params;
- var execArray = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < sqlParamsArray.length; i++) {
- active = sqlParamsArray[i];
- if (typeof active === 'string') {
- active = [active];
- }
- if (!utils.isArray(active) || active.length < 1 || 2 < active.length) {
- throw new Error('Error in .promise parameter');
- }
- sql = active[0];
- params = active[1] || undefined;
- execArray.push(promiseExec(sql, params, i, sqlParamsArray.length));
- }
- return utils.global.Promise.all(execArray);
-alasql.promise = function(sql, params) {
- if (typeof Promise === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Please include a Promise/A+ library');
- }
- if (typeof sql === 'string') {
- return promiseExec(sql, params);
- }
- if (!utils.isArray(sql) || sql.length < 1 || typeof params !== 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Error in .promise parameters');
- }
- return promiseAll(sql);
-// Database class for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-// Main Database class
- @class Database
- */
-var Database = (alasql.Database = function(databaseid) {
- var self = this;
- // self.prototype = this;
- if (self === alasql) {
- if (databaseid) {
- // if(alasql.databases[databaseid]) {
- self = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- // } else {
- alasql.databases[databaseid] = self;
- // }
- if (!self) {
- throw new Error('Database "' + databaseid + '" not found');
- }
- } else {
- // Create new database (or get alasql?)
- self = alasql.databases.alasql;
- // For SQL Server examples, USE tempdb
- if (alasql.options.tsql) {
- alasql.databases.tempdb = alasql.databases.alasql;
- }
- // self = new Database(databaseid); // to call without new
- }
- }
- if (!databaseid) {
- databaseid = 'db' + alasql.databasenum++; // Random name
- }
- // Step 1
- self.databaseid = databaseid;
- alasql.databases[databaseid] = self;
- self.dbversion = 0;
- //Steps 2-5
- self.tables = {};
- self.views = {};
- self.triggers = {};
- self.indices = {};
- // Step 6: Objects storage
- self.objects = {};
- self.counter = 0;
- self.resetSqlCache();
- return self;
- Reset SQL statements cache
- */
-Database.prototype.resetSqlCache = function() {
- this.sqlCache = {}; // Cache for compiled SQL statements
- this.sqlCacheSize = 0;
-// Main SQL function
- Run SQL statement on database
- @param {string} sql SQL statement
- @param [object] params Parameters
- @param {function} cb callback
- */
-Database.prototype.exec = function(sql, params, cb) {
- return alasql.dexec(this.databaseid, sql, params, cb);
-Database.prototype.autoval = function(tablename, colname, getNext) {
- return alasql.autoval(tablename, colname, getNext, this.databaseid);
-// Aliases like MS SQL
-// Transactio class for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-Database.prototype.transaction = function(cb) {
- var tx = new alasql.Transaction(this.databaseid);
- var res = cb(tx);
- return res;
-// Transaction class (for WebSQL compatibility)
- Transaction class
- @class Transaction
- */
-var Transaction = (alasql.Transaction = function(databaseid) {
- this.transactionid = Date.now();
- this.databaseid = databaseid;
- this.commited = false;
- this.dbversion = alasql.databases[databaseid].dbversion;
- // this.bank = cloneDeep(alasql.databases[databaseid]);
- this.bank = JSON.stringify(alasql.databases[databaseid]);
- // TODO CLone Tables with insertfns
- return this;
-// Main class
-// Commit
- Commit transaction
- */
-Transaction.prototype.commit = function() {
- this.commited = true;
- alasql.databases[this.databaseid].dbversion = Date.now();
- delete this.bank;
-// Rollback
- Rollback transaction
- */
-Transaction.prototype.rollback = function() {
- if (!this.commited) {
- alasql.databases[this.databaseid] = JSON.parse(this.bank);
- // alasql.databases[this.databaseid].tables = this.bank;
- // alasql.databases[this.databaseid].dbversion = this.dbversion;
- delete this.bank;
- } else {
- throw new Error('Transaction already commited');
- }
-// Transactions stub
- Execute SQL statement
- @param {string} sql SQL statement
- @param {object} params Parameters
- @param {function} cb Callback function
- @return result
- */
-Transaction.prototype.exec = function(sql, params, cb) {
- return alasql.dexec(this.databaseid, sql, params, cb);
-Transaction.prototype.executeSQL = Transaction.prototype.exec;
-// Table class for Alasql.js
-// Date: 14.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-// Table class
-var Table = (alasql.Table = function(params) {
- // Step 1: Data array
- this.data = [];
- // Step 2: Columns
- this.columns = [];
- this.xcolumns = {};
- // Step 3: indices
- this.inddefs = {};
- this.indices = {};
- this.uniqs = {};
- this.uniqdefs = {};
- // Step 4: identities
- this.identities = {};
- // Step 5: checkfn...
- this.checks = [];
- this.checkfns = []; // For restore... to be done...
- // Step 7: Triggers...
- // Create trigger hubs
- this.beforeinsert = {};
- this.afterinsert = {};
- this.insteadofinsert = {};
- this.beforedelete = {};
- this.afterdelete = {};
- this.insteadofdelete = {};
- this.beforeupdate = {};
- this.afterupdate = {};
- this.insteadofupdate = {};
- // Done
- extend(this, params);
-Table.prototype.indexColumns = function() {
- var self = this;
- self.xcolumns = {};
- self.columns.forEach(function(col) {
- self.xcolumns[col.columnid] = col;
- });
-// View class for Alasql.js
-// Date: 14.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-// Table class
-var View = (alasql.View = function(params) {
- // Columns
- this.columns = [];
- this.xcolumns = {};
- // Data array
- this.query = [];
- extend(this, params);
-// Query class for Alasql.js
-// Date: 14.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-// Table class
- @class Query Main query class
- */
-var Query = (alasql.Query = function(params) {
- this.alasql = alasql;
- // Columns
- this.columns = [];
- this.xcolumns = {};
- this.selectGroup = [];
- this.groupColumns = {};
- // Data array
- extend(this, params);
- @class Recordset data object
- */
-var Recordset = (alasql.Recordset = function(params) {
- // Data array
- extend(this, params);
-// Parser helper for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-var yy = (alasqlparser.yy = alasql.yy = {});
-// Utility
-yy.extend = extend;
-// Option for case sensitive
-yy.casesensitive = alasql.options.casesensitive;
-// Base class for all yy classes
-var Base = (yy.Base = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-Base.prototype.toString = function() {};
-Base.prototype.toType = function() {};
-Base.prototype.toJS = function() {};
-Base.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
-Base.prototype.exec = function() {};
-Base.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
-Base.prototype.exec = function() {};
-// Statements class for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-// Statements container
-yy.Statements = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Statements.prototype.toString = function() {
- return this.statements
- .map(function(st) {
- return st.toString();
- })
- .join('; ');
-// Compile array of statements into single statement
-yy.Statements.prototype.compile = function(db) {
- var statements = this.statements.map(function(st) {
- return st.compile(db);
- });
- if (statements.length === 1) {
- return statements[0];
- } else {
- return function(params, cb) {
- var res = statements.map(function(st) {
- return st(params);
- });
- if (cb) {
- cb(res);
- }
- return res;
- };
- }
-/* global alasql */
-/* global yy */
-// SEARCH for Alasql.js
-// Date: 04.05.2015
-// (c) 2015, Andrey Gershun
-function doSearch(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res;
- var stope = {};
- var fromdata;
- var selectors = cloneDeep(this.selectors);
- function processSelector(selectors, sidx, value) {
- // var val;
- var val, // temp values use many places
- nest, // temp value used many places
- r, // temp value used many places
- sel = selectors[sidx];
- // if(!alasql.srch[sel.srchid]) {
- // throw new Error('Selector "'+sel.srchid+'" not found');
- // };
- var SECURITY_BREAK = 100000;
- if (sel.selid) {
- // TODO Process Selector
- if (sel.selid === 'PATH') {
- var queue = [{node: value, stack: []}];
- var visited = {};
- //var path = [];
- var objects = alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects;
- while (queue.length > 0) {
- var q = queue.shift();
- var node = q.node;
- var stack = q.stack;
- var r = processSelector(sel.args, 0, node);
- if (r.length > 0) {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return stack;
- } else {
- var rv = [];
- if (stack && stack.length > 0) {
- stack.forEach(function(stv) {
- rv = rv.concat(processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, stv));
- });
- }
- return rv;
- // return processSelector(selectors,sidx+1,stack);
- }
- } else {
- if (typeof visited[node.$id] !== 'undefined') {
- continue;
- } else {
- visited[node.$id] = true;
- if (node.$out && node.$out.length > 0) {
- node.$out.forEach(function(edgeid) {
- var edge = objects[edgeid];
- var stack2 = stack.concat(edge);
- stack2.push(objects[edge.$out[0]]);
- queue.push({
- node: objects[edge.$out[0]],
- stack: stack2,
- });
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Else return fail
- return [];
- }
- if (sel.selid === 'NOT') {
- var nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- if (nest.length > 0) {
- return [];
- } else {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [value];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, value);
- }
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'DISTINCT') {
- var nest;
- if (typeof sel.args === 'undefined' || sel.args.length === 0) {
- nest = distinctArray(value);
- } else {
- nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- }
- if (nest.length === 0) {
- return [];
- } else {
- var res = distinctArray(nest);
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return res;
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, res);
- }
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'AND') {
- var res = true;
- sel.args.forEach(function(se) {
- res = res && processSelector(se, 0, value).length > 0;
- });
- if (!res) {
- return [];
- } else {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [value];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, value);
- }
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'OR') {
- var res = false;
- sel.args.forEach(function(se) {
- res = res || processSelector(se, 0, value).length > 0;
- });
- if (!res) {
- return [];
- } else {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [value];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, value);
- }
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'ALL') {
- var nest = processSelector(sel.args[0], 0, value);
- if (nest.length === 0) {
- return [];
- } else {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return nest;
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, nest);
- }
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'ANY') {
- var nest = processSelector(sel.args[0], 0, value);
- if (nest.length === 0) {
- return [];
- } else {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [nest[0]];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, [nest[0]]);
- }
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'UNIONALL') {
- var nest = [];
- sel.args.forEach(function(se) {
- nest = nest.concat(processSelector(se, 0, value));
- });
- if (nest.length === 0) {
- return [];
- } else {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return nest;
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, nest);
- }
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'UNION') {
- var nest = [];
- sel.args.forEach(function(se) {
- nest = nest.concat(processSelector(se, 0, value));
- });
- var nest = distinctArray(nest);
- if (nest.length === 0) {
- return [];
- } else {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return nest;
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, nest);
- }
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'IF') {
- var nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- if (nest.length === 0) {
- return [];
- } else {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [value];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, value);
- }
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'REPEAT') {
- var lvar,
- lmax,
- lmin = sel.args[0].value;
- if (!sel.args[1]) {
- lmax = lmin; // Add security break
- } else {
- lmax = sel.args[1].value;
- }
- if (sel.args[2]) {
- lvar = sel.args[2].variable;
- }
- //var lsel = sel.sels;
- var retval = [];
- if (lmin === 0) {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- retval = [value];
- } else {
- if (lvar) {
- alasql.vars[lvar] = 0;
- }
- retval = retval.concat(processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, value));
- }
- }
- // var nests = processSelector(sel.sels,0,value).slice();
- if (lmax > 0) {
- var nests = [{value: value, lvl: 1}];
- var i = 0;
- while (nests.length > 0) {
- var nest = nests[0];
- nests.shift();
- if (nest.lvl <= lmax) {
- if (lvar) {
- alasql.vars[lvar] = nest.lvl;
- }
- var nest1 = processSelector(sel.sels, 0, nest.value);
- nest1.forEach(function(n) {
- nests.push({value: n, lvl: nest.lvl + 1});
- });
- if (nest.lvl >= lmin) {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- retval = retval.concat(nest1);
- //return nests;
- } else {
- nest1.forEach(function(n) {
- retval = retval.concat(
- processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, n)
- );
- });
- }
- }
- }
- // Security brake
- i++;
- if (i > SECURITY_BREAK) {
- throw new Error('Security brake. Number of iterations = ' + i);
- }
- }
- }
- return retval;
- } else if (sel.selid === 'OF') {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [value];
- } else {
- var r1 = [];
- Object.keys(value).forEach(function(keyv) {
- alasql.vars[sel.args[0].variable] = keyv;
- r1 = r1.concat(processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, value[keyv]));
- });
- return r1;
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'TO') {
- var oldv = alasql.vars[sel.args[0]];
- var newv = [];
- if (oldv !== undefined) {
- newv = oldv.slice(0);
- } else {
- newv = [];
- }
- newv.push(value);
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [value];
- } else {
- alasql.vars[sel.args[0]] = newv;
- var r1 = processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, value);
- alasql.vars[sel.args[0]] = oldv;
- return r1;
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'ARRAY') {
- var nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- if (nest.length > 0) {
- val = nest;
- } else {
- return [];
- }
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [val];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, val);
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'SUM') {
- var nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- if (nest.length > 0) {
- var val = nest.reduce(function(sum, current) {
- return sum + current;
- }, 0);
- } else {
- return [];
- }
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [val];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, val);
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'AVG') {
- nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- if (nest.length > 0) {
- val =
- nest.reduce(function(sum, current) {
- return sum + current;
- }, 0) / nest.length;
- } else {
- return [];
- }
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [val];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, val);
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'COUNT') {
- nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- if (nest.length > 0) {
- val = nest.length;
- } else {
- return [];
- }
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [val];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, val);
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'FIRST') {
- nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- if (nest.length > 0) {
- val = nest[0];
- } else {
- return [];
- }
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [val];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, val);
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'LAST') {
- nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- if (nest.length > 0) {
- val = nest[nest.length - 1];
- } else {
- return [];
- }
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [val];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, val);
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'MIN') {
- nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- if (nest.length === 0) {
- return [];
- }
- var val = nest.reduce(function(min, current) {
- return Math.min(min, current);
- }, Infinity);
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [val];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, val);
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'MAX') {
- var nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- if (nest.length === 0) {
- return [];
- }
- var val = nest.reduce(function(max, current) {
- return Math.max(max, current);
- }, -Infinity);
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [val];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, val);
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'PLUS') {
- var retval = [];
- // retval = retval.concat(processSelector(selectors,sidx+1,n))
- var nests = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value).slice();
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- retval = retval.concat(nests);
- } else {
- nests.forEach(function(n) {
- retval = retval.concat(processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, n));
- });
- }
- var i = 0;
- while (nests.length > 0) {
- // nest = nests[0];
- // nests.shift();
- var nest = nests.shift();
- nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, nest);
- nests = nests.concat(nest);
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- retval = retval.concat(nest);
- //return retval;
- } else {
- nest.forEach(function(n) {
- var rn = processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, n);
- retval = retval.concat(rn);
- });
- }
- // Security brake
- i++;
- if (i > SECURITY_BREAK) {
- throw new Error('Security brake. Number of iterations = ' + i);
- }
- }
- return retval;
- } else if (sel.selid === 'STAR') {
- var retval = [];
- retval = processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, value);
- var nests = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value).slice();
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- retval = retval.concat(nests);
- //return nests;
- } else {
- nests.forEach(function(n) {
- retval = retval.concat(processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, n));
- });
- }
- var i = 0;
- while (nests.length > 0) {
- var nest = nests[0];
- nests.shift();
- nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, nest);
- nests = nests.concat(nest);
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 <= selectors.length) {
- nest.forEach(function(n) {
- retval = retval.concat(processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, n));
- });
- }
- // Security brake
- i++;
- if (i > SECURITY_BREAK) {
- throw new Error('Loop brake. Number of iterations = ' + i);
- }
- }
- return retval;
- } else if (sel.selid === 'QUESTION') {
- var retval = [];
- retval = retval.concat(processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, value));
- var nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 <= selectors.length) {
- nest.forEach(function(n) {
- retval = retval.concat(processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, n));
- });
- }
- return retval;
- } else if (sel.selid === 'WITH') {
- var nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- if (nest.length === 0) {
- return [];
- } else {
- var r = {status: 1, values: nest};
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'ROOT') {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [value];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, fromdata);
- }
- } else {
- throw new Error('Wrong selector ' + sel.selid);
- }
- } else if (sel.srchid) {
- var r = alasql.srch[sel.srchid.toUpperCase()](value, sel.args, stope, params);
- } else {
- throw new Error('Selector not found');
- }
- if (typeof r === 'undefined') {
- r = {status: 1, values: [value]};
- }
- var res = [];
- if (r.status === 1) {
- var arr = r.values;
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- // if(sidx+1+1 > selectors.length) {
- res = arr;
- } else {
- for (var i = 0; i < r.values.length; i++) {
- res = res.concat(processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, arr[i]));
- }
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
- if (selectors !== undefined && selectors.length > 0) {
- if (
- selectors &&
- selectors[0] &&
- selectors[0].srchid === 'PROP' &&
- selectors[0].args &&
- selectors[0].args[0]
- ) {
- if (selectors[0].args[0].toUpperCase() === 'XML') {
- stope.mode = 'XML';
- selectors.shift();
- } else if (selectors[0].args[0].toUpperCase() === 'HTML') {
- stope.mode = 'HTML';
- selectors.shift();
- } else if (selectors[0].args[0].toUpperCase() === 'JSON') {
- stope.mode = 'JSON';
- selectors.shift();
- }
- }
- if (selectors.length > 0 && selectors[0].srchid === 'VALUE') {
- stope.value = true;
- selectors.shift();
- }
- }
- if (this.from instanceof yy.Column) {
- var dbid = this.from.databaseid || databaseid;
- fromdata = alasql.databases[dbid].tables[this.from.columnid].data;
- //selectors.unshift({srchid:'CHILD'});
- } else if (this.from instanceof yy.FuncValue && alasql.from[this.from.funcid.toUpperCase()]) {
- var args = this.from.args.map(function(arg) {
- var as = arg.toJS();
- var fn = new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + as).bind(this);
- return fn(params, alasql);
- });
- fromdata = alasql.from[this.from.funcid.toUpperCase()].apply(this, args);
- } else if (typeof this.from === 'undefined') {
- fromdata = alasql.databases[databaseid].objects;
- } else {
- var fromfn = new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + this.from.toJS());
- fromdata = fromfn(params, alasql);
- // Check for Mogo Collections
- if (
- typeof Mongo === 'object' &&
- typeof Mongo.Collection !== 'object' &&
- fromdata instanceof Mongo.Collection
- ) {
- fromdata = fromdata.find().fetch();
- }
- // if(typeof fromdata == 'object' && Array.isArray(fromdata)) {
- // selectors.unshift({srchid:'CHILD'});
- // }
- }
- // If source data is array than first step is to run over array
- // var selidx = 0;
- // var selvalue = fromdata;
- if (selectors !== undefined && selectors.length > 0) {
- // Init variables for TO() selectors
- if (false) {
- selectors.forEach(function(selector) {
- if (selector.srchid === 'TO') {
- //* @todo move to TO selector
- alasql.vars[selector.args[0]] = [];
- // TODO - process nested selectors
- }
- });
- }
- res = processSelector(selectors, 0, fromdata);
- } else {
- res = fromdata;
- }
- if (this.into) {
- var a1, a2;
- if (typeof this.into.args[0] !== 'undefined') {
- a1 = new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + this.into.args[0].toJS())(
- params,
- alasql
- );
- }
- if (typeof this.into.args[1] !== 'undefined') {
- a2 = new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + this.into.args[1].toJS())(
- params,
- alasql
- );
- }
- res = alasql.into[this.into.funcid.toUpperCase()](a1, a2, res, [], cb);
- } else {
- if (stope.value && res.length > 0) {
- res = res[0];
- }
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- }
- return res;
- Search class
- @class
- @example
- SEARCH SUM(/a) FROM ? -- search over parameter object
-yy.Search = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Search.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'SEARCH' + ' ';
- if (this.selectors) {
- s += this.selectors.toString();
- }
- if (this.from) {
- s += 'FROM' + ' ' + this.from.toString();
- }
- return s;
-yy.Search.prototype.toJS = function(context) {
- var s = 'this.queriesfn[' + (this.queriesidx - 1) + '](this.params,null,' + context + ')';
- // var s = '';
- return s;
-yy.Search.prototype.compile = function(databaseid) {
- var dbid = databaseid;
- var self = this;
- var statement = function(params, cb) {
- var res;
- doSearch.bind(self)(dbid, params, function(data) {
- res = modify(statement.query, data);
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- });
- // if(cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- };
- statement.query = {};
- return statement;
-// List of search functions
-alasql.srch = {};
-alasql.srch.PROP = function(val, args, stope) {
- if (stope.mode === 'XML') {
- var arr = [];
- val.children.forEach(function(v) {
- if (v.name.toUpperCase() === args[0].toUpperCase()) {
- arr.push(v);
- }
- });
- if (arr.length > 0) {
- return {status: 1, values: arr};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
- } else {
- if (
- typeof val !== 'object' ||
- val === null ||
- typeof args !== 'object' ||
- typeof val[args[0]] === 'undefined'
- ) {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- } else {
- return {status: 1, values: [val[args[0]]]};
- }
- }
-alasql.srch.APROP = function(val, args) {
- if (
- typeof val !== 'object' ||
- val === null ||
- typeof args !== 'object' ||
- typeof val[args[0]] === 'undefined'
- ) {
- return {status: 1, values: [undefined]};
- } else {
- return {status: 1, values: [val[args[0]]]};
- }
-// Test expression
-alasql.srch.EQ = function(val, args, stope, params) {
- var exprs = args[0].toJS('x', '');
- var exprfn = new Function('x,alasql,params', 'return ' + exprs);
- if (val === exprfn(val, alasql, params)) {
- return {status: 1, values: [val]};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-// Test expression
-alasql.srch.LIKE = function(val, args, stope, params) {
- var exprs = args[0].toJS('x', '');
- var exprfn = new Function('x,alasql,params', 'return ' + exprs);
- if (
- val.toUpperCase().match(
- new RegExp(
- '^' +
- exprfn(val, alasql, params)
- .toUpperCase()
- .replace(/%/g, '.*')
- .replace(/\?|_/g, '.') +
- '$'
- ),
- 'g'
- )
- ) {
- return {status: 1, values: [val]};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-alasql.srch.ATTR = function(val, args, stope) {
- if (stope.mode === 'XML') {
- if (typeof args === 'undefined') {
- return {status: 1, values: [val.attributes]};
- } else {
- if (
- typeof val === 'object' &&
- typeof val.attributes === 'object' &&
- typeof val.attributes[args[0]] !== 'undefined'
- ) {
- return {status: 1, values: [val.attributes[args[0]]]};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
- }
- } else {
- throw new Error('ATTR is not using in usual mode');
- }
-alasql.srch.CONTENT = function(val, args, stope) {
- if (stope.mode === 'XML') {
- return {status: 1, values: [val.content]};
- } else {
- throw new Error('ATTR is not using in usual mode');
- }
-alasql.srch.SHARP = function(val, args) {
- var obj = alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[args[0]];
- if (typeof val !== 'undefined' && val === obj) {
- return {status: 1, values: [val]};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-alasql.srch.PARENT = function(/*val,args,stope*/) {
- // TODO: implement
- console.error('PARENT not implemented', arguments);
- return {status: -1, values: []};
-alasql.srch.CHILD = function(val, args, stope) {
- if (typeof val === 'object') {
- if (Array.isArray(val)) {
- return {status: 1, values: val};
- } else {
- if (stope.mode === 'XML') {
- return {
- status: 1,
- values: Object.keys(val.children).map(function(key) {
- return val.children[key];
- }),
- };
- } else {
- return {
- status: 1,
- values: Object.keys(val).map(function(key) {
- return val[key];
- }),
- };
- }
- }
- } else {
- // If primitive value
- return {status: 1, values: []};
- }
-// Return all keys
-alasql.srch.KEYS = function(val) {
- if (typeof val === 'object' && val !== null) {
- return {status: 1, values: Object.keys(val)};
- } else {
- // If primitive value
- return {status: 1, values: []};
- }
-// Test expression
-alasql.srch.WHERE = function(val, args, stope, params) {
- var exprs = args[0].toJS('x', '');
- var exprfn = new Function('x,alasql,params', 'return ' + exprs);
- if (exprfn(val, alasql, params)) {
- return {status: 1, values: [val]};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-alasql.srch.NAME = function(val, args) {
- if (val.name === args[0]) {
- return {status: 1, values: [val]};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-alasql.srch.CLASS = function(val, args) {
- // Please avoid `===` here
- if (val.$class == args) {
- // jshint ignore:line
- return {status: 1, values: [val]};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-// Transform expression
-alasql.srch.VERTEX = function(val) {
- if (val.$node === 'VERTEX') {
- return {status: 1, values: [val]};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-// Transform expression
-alasql.srch.INSTANCEOF = function(val, args) {
- if (val instanceof alasql.fn[args[0]]) {
- return {status: 1, values: [val]};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-// Transform expression
-alasql.srch.EDGE = function(val) {
- if (val.$node === 'EDGE') {
- return {status: 1, values: [val]};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-// Transform expression
-alasql.srch.EX = function(val, args, stope, params) {
- var exprs = args[0].toJS('x', '');
- var exprfn = new Function('x,alasql,params', 'return ' + exprs);
- return {status: 1, values: [exprfn(val, alasql, params)]};
-// Transform expression
-alasql.srch.RETURN = function(val, args, stope, params) {
- var res = {};
- if (args && args.length > 0) {
- args.forEach(function(arg) {
- var exprs = arg.toJS('x', '');
- var exprfn = new Function('x,alasql,params', 'return ' + exprs);
- if (typeof arg.as === 'undefined') {
- arg.as = arg.toString();
- }
- res[arg.as] = exprfn(val, alasql, params);
- });
- }
- return {status: 1, values: [res]};
-// Transform expression
-alasql.srch.REF = function(val) {
- return {status: 1, values: [alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[val]]};
-// Transform expression
-alasql.srch.OUT = function(val) {
- if (val.$out && val.$out.length > 0) {
- var res = val.$out.map(function(v) {
- return alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[v];
- });
- return {status: 1, values: res};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-alasql.srch.OUTOUT = function(val) {
- if (val.$out && val.$out.length > 0) {
- var res = [];
- val.$out.forEach(function(v) {
- var av = alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[v];
- if (av && av.$out && av.$out.length > 0) {
- av.$out.forEach(function(vv) {
- res = res.concat(alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[vv]);
- });
- }
- });
- return {status: 1, values: res};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-// Transform expression
-alasql.srch.IN = function(val) {
- if (val.$in && val.$in.length > 0) {
- var res = val.$in.map(function(v) {
- return alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[v];
- });
- return {status: 1, values: res};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-alasql.srch.ININ = function(val) {
- if (val.$in && val.$in.length > 0) {
- var res = [];
- val.$in.forEach(function(v) {
- var av = alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[v];
- if (av && av.$in && av.$in.length > 0) {
- av.$in.forEach(function(vv) {
- res = res.concat(alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[vv]);
- });
- }
- });
- return {status: 1, values: res};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-// Transform expression
-alasql.srch.AS = function(val, args) {
- alasql.vars[args[0]] = val;
- return {status: 1, values: [val]};
-// Transform expression
-alasql.srch.AT = function(val, args) {
- var v = alasql.vars[args[0]];
- return {status: 1, values: [v]};
-// Transform expression
-alasql.srch.CLONEDEEP = function(val) {
- // TODO something wrong
- var z = cloneDeep(val);
- return {status: 1, values: [z]};
-// // Transform expression
-// alasql.srch.DELETE = function(val,args) {
-// };
-// Transform expression
-alasql.srch.SET = function(val, args, stope, params) {
- var s = args
- .map(function(st) {
- if (st.method === '@') {
- return "alasql.vars['" + st.variable + "']=" + st.expression.toJS('x', '');
- } else if (st.method === '$') {
- return "params['" + st.variable + "']=" + st.expression.toJS('x', '');
- } else {
- return "x['" + st.column.columnid + "']=" + st.expression.toJS('x', '');
- }
- })
- .join(';');
- var setfn = new Function('x,params,alasql', s);
- setfn(val, params, alasql);
- return {status: 1, values: [val]};
-alasql.srch.ROW = function(val, args, stope, params) {
- var s = 'var y;return [';
- s += args
- .map(function(arg) {
- return arg.toJS('x', '');
- })
- .join(',');
- s += ']';
- var setfn = new Function('x,params,alasql', s);
- var rv = setfn(val, params, alasql);
- return {status: 1, values: [rv]};
-alasql.srch.D3 = function(val) {
- if (val.$node !== 'VERTEX' && val.$node === 'EDGE') {
- val.source = val.$in[0];
- val.target = val.$out[0];
- }
- return {status: 1, values: [val]};
-var compileSearchOrder = function(order) {
- if (order) {
- if (
- order &&
- order.length === 1 &&
- order[0].expression &&
- typeof order[0].expression === 'function'
- ) {
- var func = order[0].expression;
- return function(a, b) {
- var ra = func(a),
- rb = func(b);
- if (ra > rb) {
- return 1;
- }
- if (ra === rb) {
- return 0;
- }
- return -1;
- };
- }
- var s = '';
- var sk = '';
- order.forEach(function(ord) {
- // Date conversion
- var dg = '';
- if (ord.expression instanceof yy.NumValue) {
- ord.expression = self.columns[ord.expression.value - 1];
- }
- if (ord.expression instanceof yy.Column) {
- var columnid = ord.expression.columnid;
- if (alasql.options.valueof) {
- dg = '.valueOf()'; // TODO Check
- }
- if (ord.nocase) {
- dg += '.toUpperCase()';
- }
- if (columnid === '_') {
- s +=
- 'if(a' +
- dg +
- (ord.direction === 'ASC' ? '>' : '<') +
- 'b' +
- dg +
- ')return 1;';
- s += 'if(a' + dg + '==b' + dg + '){';
- } else {
- s +=
- "if((a['" +
- columnid +
- "']||'')" +
- dg +
- (ord.direction === 'ASC' ? '>' : '<') +
- "(b['" +
- columnid +
- "']||'')" +
- dg +
- ')return 1;';
- s +=
- "if((a['" +
- columnid +
- "']||'')" +
- dg +
- "==(b['" +
- columnid +
- "']||'')" +
- dg +
- '){';
- }
- } else {
- dg = '.valueOf()';
- if (ord.nocase) {
- dg += '.toUpperCase()';
- }
- s +=
- 'if((' +
- ord.toJS('a', '') +
- "||'')" +
- dg +
- (ord.direction === 'ASC' ? '>(' : '<(') +
- ord.toJS('b', '') +
- "||'')" +
- dg +
- ')return 1;';
- s +=
- 'if((' +
- ord.toJS('a', '') +
- "||'')" +
- dg +
- '==(' +
- ord.toJS('b', '') +
- "||'')" +
- dg +
- '){';
- }
- // TODO Add date comparision
- // s += 'if(a[\''+columnid+"']"+dg+(ord.direction == 'ASC'?'>':'<')+'b[\''+columnid+"']"+dg+')return 1;';
- // s += 'if(a[\''+columnid+"']"+dg+'==b[\''+columnid+"']"+dg+'){';
- // }
- sk += '}';
- });
- s += 'return 0;';
- s += sk + 'return -1';
- return new Function('a,b', s);
- }
-alasql.srch.ORDERBY = function(val, args /*,stope*/) {
- var res = val.sort(compileSearchOrder(args));
- return {status: 1, values: res};
-// Main query procedure
-function queryfn(query, oldscope, cb, A, B) {
- var aaa = query.sources.length;
- var ms;
- query.sourceslen = query.sources.length;
- var slen = query.sourceslen;
- query.query = query; // TODO Remove to prevent memory leaks
- query.A = A;
- query.B = B;
- query.cb = cb;
- query.oldscope = oldscope;
- // Run all subqueries before main statement
- if (query.queriesfn) {
- query.sourceslen += query.queriesfn.length;
- slen += query.queriesfn.length;
- query.queriesdata = [];
- query.queriesfn.forEach(function(q, idx) {
- // if(query.explain) ms = Date.now();
- // var res = flatArray(q(query.params,null,queryfn2,(-idx-1),query));
- // var res = flatArray(queryfn(q.query,null,queryfn2,(-idx-1),query));
- q.query.params = query.params;
- // query.queriesdata[idx] =
- // if(false) {
- // queryfn(q.query,query.oldscope,queryfn2,(-idx-1),query);
- // } else {
- queryfn2([], -idx - 1, query);
- // }
- // query.explaination.push({explid: query.explid++, description:'Query '+idx,ms:Date.now()-ms});
- // query.queriesdata[idx] = res;
- // return res;
- });
- }
- var scope;
- if (!oldscope) scope = {};
- else scope = cloneDeep(oldscope);
- query.scope = scope;
- // First - refresh data sources
- var result;
- query.sources.forEach(function(source, idx) {
- // source.data = query.database.tables[source.tableid].data;
- source.query = query;
- var rs = source.datafn(query, query.params, queryfn2, idx, alasql);
- if (typeof rs !== 'undefined') {
- // TODO - this is a hack: check if result is array - check all cases and
- // make it more logical
- if ((query.intofn || query.intoallfn) && Array.isArray(rs)) rs = rs.length;
- result = rs;
- }
- //
- // Ugly hack to use in query.wherefn and source.srcwherefns functions
- // constructions like this.queriesdata['test'].
- // I can elimite it with source.srcwherefn.bind(this)()
- // but it may be slow.
- //
- source.queriesdata = query.queriesdata;
- });
- if (query.sources.length == 0 || 0 === slen) result = queryfn3(query);
- return result;
-function queryfn2(data, idx, query) {
- //console.trace();
- if (idx >= 0) {
- var source = query.sources[idx];
- source.data = data;
- if (typeof source.data == 'function') {
- source.getfn = source.data;
- source.dontcache = source.getfn.dontcache;
- // var prevsource = query.sources[h-1];
- if (
- source.joinmode == 'OUTER' ||
- source.joinmode == 'RIGHT' ||
- source.joinmode == 'ANTI'
- ) {
- source.dontcache = false;
- }
- source.data = {};
- }
- } else {
- // subqueries
- query.queriesdata[-idx - 1] = flatArray(data);
- }
- query.sourceslen--;
- if (query.sourceslen > 0) return;
- return queryfn3(query);
-function queryfn3(query) {
- var scope = query.scope,
- jlen;
- // Preindexation of data sources
- // if(!oldscope) {
- preIndex(query);
- // }
- // query.sources.forEach(function(source) {
- // });
- // Prepare variables
- query.data = [];
- query.xgroups = {};
- query.groups = [];
- // Level of Joins
- var h = 0;
- // Start walking over data
- doJoin(query, scope, h);
- // If groupping, then filter groups with HAVING function
- if (query.groupfn) {
- query.data = [];
- if (0 === query.groups.length) {
- var g = {};
- if (query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
- query.selectGroup.forEach(function(sg) {
- if (sg.aggregatorid == 'COUNT' || sg.aggregatorid == 'SUM') {
- g[sg.nick] = 0;
- } else {
- g[sg.nick] = undefined;
- }
- });
- }
- query.groups = [g];
- }
- // ******
- if (query.aggrKeys.length > 0) {
- var gfns = '';
- query.aggrKeys.forEach(function(col) {
- gfns +=
- "g['" +
- col.nick +
- "']=alasql.aggr['" +
- col.funcid +
- "'](undefined,g['" +
- col.nick +
- "'],3);";
- // gfns += 'return g[\''+col.nick+'\];';
- });
- var gfn = new Function('g,params,alasql', 'var y;' + gfns);
- }
- // return "'"+colas+'\':alasql.aggr[\''+col.funcid+'\']('+colexp+',undefined,(acc={}),1),'
- // +'\'__REDUCE__'+colas+'\':acc,';
- // *******
- // debugger;
- // if(false && (query.groups.length == 1) && (Object.keys(query.groups[0]).length == 0)) {
- // } else {
- for (var i = 0, ilen = query.groups.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- var g = query.groups[i];
- if (gfn) gfn(g, query.params, alasql);
- if (!query.havingfn || query.havingfn(g, query.params, alasql)) {
- var d = query.selectgfn(g, query.params, alasql);
- query.data.push(d);
- }
- }
- // }
- // query.groups = query.groups.filter();
- }
- // Remove distinct values
- doDistinct(query);
- if (query.unionallfn) {
- // TODO Simplify this part of program
- var ud, nd;
- if (query.corresponding) {
- if (!query.unionallfn.query.modifier) query.unionallfn.query.modifier = undefined;
- ud = query.unionallfn(query.params);
- } else {
- if (!query.unionallfn.query.modifier) query.unionallfn.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- nd = query.unionallfn(query.params);
- ud = [];
- ilen = nd.data.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
- var r = {};
- for (var j = Math.min(query.columns.length, nd.columns.length) - 1; 0 <= j; j--) {
- r[query.columns[j].columnid] = nd.data[i][nd.columns[j].columnid];
- }
- ud.push(r);
- }
- }
- query.data = query.data.concat(ud);
- } else if (query.unionfn) {
- if (query.corresponding) {
- if (!query.unionfn.query.modifier) query.unionfn.query.modifier = 'ARRAY';
- ud = query.unionfn(query.params);
- } else {
- if (!query.unionfn.query.modifier) query.unionfn.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- nd = query.unionfn(query.params);
- ud = [];
- ilen = nd.data.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
- r = {};
- jlen = Math.min(query.columns.length, nd.columns.length);
- for (var j = 0; j < jlen; j++) {
- r[query.columns[j].columnid] = nd.data[i][nd.columns[j].columnid];
- }
- ud.push(r);
- }
- }
- query.data = arrayUnionDeep(query.data, ud);
- } else if (query.exceptfn) {
- if (query.corresponding) {
- if (!query.exceptfn.query.modifier) query.exceptfn.query.modifier = 'ARRAY';
- var ud = query.exceptfn(query.params);
- } else {
- if (!query.exceptfn.query.modifier) query.exceptfn.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- var nd = query.exceptfn(query.params);
- var ud = [];
- for (var i = 0, ilen = nd.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- var r = {};
- for (var j = Math.min(query.columns.length, nd.columns.length) - 1; 0 <= j; j--) {
- r[query.columns[j].columnid] = nd.data[i][nd.columns[j].columnid];
- }
- ud.push(r);
- }
- }
- query.data = arrayExceptDeep(query.data, ud);
- } else if (query.intersectfn) {
- if (query.corresponding) {
- if (!query.intersectfn.query.modifier) query.intersectfn.query.modifier = undefined;
- ud = query.intersectfn(query.params);
- } else {
- if (!query.intersectfn.query.modifier) query.intersectfn.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- nd = query.intersectfn(query.params);
- ud = [];
- ilen = nd.data.length;
- for (i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
- r = {};
- jlen = Math.min(query.columns.length, nd.columns.length);
- for (j = 0; j < jlen; j++) {
- r[query.columns[j].columnid] = nd.data[i][nd.columns[j].columnid];
- }
- ud.push(r);
- }
- }
- query.data = arrayIntersectDeep(query.data, ud);
- }
- // Ordering
- if (query.orderfn) {
- if (query.explain) var ms = Date.now();
- query.data = query.data.sort(query.orderfn);
- if (query.explain) {
- query.explaination.push({
- explid: query.explid++,
- description: 'QUERY BY',
- ms: Date.now() - ms,
- });
- }
- }
- // Reduce to limit and offset
- doLimit(query);
- // Remove Angular.js artifacts and other unnecessary columns
- // Issue #25
- // TODO: Check what artefacts rest from Angular.js
- if (typeof angular != 'undefined') {
- query.removeKeys.push('$$hashKey');
- }
- if (query.removeKeys.length > 0) {
- var removeKeys = query.removeKeys;
- // Remove from data
- jlen = removeKeys.length;
- if (jlen > 0) {
- ilen = query.data.length;
- for (i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < jlen; j++) {
- delete query.data[i][removeKeys[j]];
- }
- }
- }
- // Remove from columns list
- if (query.columns.length > 0) {
- query.columns = query.columns.filter(function(column) {
- var found = false;
- removeKeys.forEach(function(key) {
- if (column.columnid == key) found = true;
- });
- return !found;
- });
- }
- }
- if (typeof query.removeLikeKeys != 'undefined' && query.removeLikeKeys.length > 0) {
- var removeLikeKeys = query.removeLikeKeys;
- // Remove unused columns
- for (var i = 0, ilen = query.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- r = query.data[i];
- for (var k in r) {
- for (j = 0; j < query.removeLikeKeys.length; j++) {
- if (alasql.utils.like(query.removeLikeKeys[j], k)) {
- // if(k.match(query.removeLikeKeys[j])) {
- delete r[k];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (query.columns.length > 0) {
- query.columns = query.columns.filter(function(column) {
- var found = false;
- removeLikeKeys.forEach(function(key) {
- // if(column.columnid.match(key)) found = true;
- if (alasql.utils.like(key, column.columnid)) {
- found = true;
- }
- });
- return !found;
- });
- }
- }
- if (query.pivotfn) query.pivotfn();
- if (query.unpivotfn) query.unpivotfn();
- if (query.intoallfn) {
- // var res = query.intoallfn(query.columns,query.cb,query.A, query.B, alasql);
- var res = query.intoallfn(query.columns, query.cb, query.params, query.alasql);
- // if(query.cb) res = query.cb(res,query.A, query.B);
- // debugger;
- return res;
- } else if (query.intofn) {
- ilen = query.data.length;
- for (i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
- query.intofn(query.data[i], i, query.params, query.alasql);
- }
- if (query.cb) query.cb(query.data.length, query.A, query.B);
- return query.data.length;
- } else {
- res = query.data;
- if (query.cb) res = query.cb(query.data, query.A, query.B);
- return res;
- }
-// Limiting
-function doLimit(query) {
- if (query.limit) {
- var offset = 0;
- if (query.offset) {
- offset = query.offset | 0 || 0;
- offset = offset < 0 ? 0 : offset;
- }
- var limit;
- if (query.percent) {
- limit = (((query.data.length * query.limit) / 100) | 0) + offset;
- } else {
- limit = (query.limit | 0) + offset;
- }
- query.data = query.data.slice(offset, limit);
- }
-// Distinct
-function doDistinct(query) {
- if (query.distinct) {
- var uniq = {};
- // TODO: Speedup, because Object.keys is slow**
- // TODO: Problem with DISTINCT on objects
- var keys = Object.keys(query.data[0] || []);
- for (var i = 0, ilen = query.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- var uix = keys
- .map(function(k) {
- return query.data[i][k];
- })
- .join('`');
- uniq[uix] = query.data[i];
- }
- query.data = [];
- for (var key in uniq) {
- query.data.push(uniq[key]);
- }
- }
-// Optimization: preliminary indexation of joins
-var preIndex = function(query) {
- // Loop over all sources
- // Todo: make this loop smaller and more graspable
- for (var k = 0, klen = query.sources.length; k < klen; k++) {
- var source = query.sources[k];
- delete source.ix;
- // If there is indexation rule
- if (k > 0 && source.optimization == 'ix' && source.onleftfn && source.onrightfn) {
- // If there is no table.indices - create it
- if (source.databaseid && alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid]) {
- if (!alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].indices)
- query.database.tables[source.tableid].indices = {};
- // Check if index already exists
- var ixx =
- alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].indices[
- hash(source.onrightfns + '`' + source.srcwherefns)
- ];
- if (!alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].dirty && ixx) {
- source.ix = ixx;
- }
- }
- if (!source.ix) {
- source.ix = {};
- // Walking over source data
- var scope = {};
- var i = 0;
- var ilen = source.data.length;
- var dataw;
- // while(source.getfn i= query.sources.length) {
- // Todo: check if this runs once too many
- // Then apply where and select
- if (query.wherefn(scope, query.params, alasql)) {
- // var res = query.selectfn(scope, query.params, alasql);
- // If there is a GROUP BY then pipe to groupping function
- if (query.groupfn) {
- query.groupfn(scope, query.params, alasql);
- } else {
- // query.qwerty = 999;
- query.data.push(query.selectfn(scope, query.params, alasql));
- }
- }
- } else if (query.sources[h].applyselect) {
- var source = query.sources[h];
- source.applyselect(
- query.params,
- function(data) {
- if (data.length > 0) {
- for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
- scope[source.alias] = data[i];
- doJoin(query, scope, h + 1);
- }
- } else {
- if (source.applymode == 'OUTER') {
- scope[source.alias] = {};
- doJoin(query, scope, h + 1);
- }
- }
- },
- scope
- );
- } else {
- // STEP 1
- var source = query.sources[h];
- var nextsource = query.sources[h + 1];
- // if(source.joinmode == "LEFT" || source.joinmode == "INNER" || source.joinmode == "RIGHT"
- // || source.joinmode == "OUTER" || source.joinmode == "SEMI") {
- // Todo: check if this is smart
- if (true) {
- //source.joinmode != "ANTI") {
- var tableid = source.alias || source.tableid;
- var pass = false; // For LEFT JOIN
- var data = source.data;
- var opt = false;
- // Reduce data for looping if there is optimization hint
- if (!source.getfn || (source.getfn && !source.dontcache)) {
- if (
- source.joinmode != 'RIGHT' &&
- source.joinmode != 'OUTER' &&
- source.joinmode != 'ANTI' &&
- source.optimization == 'ix'
- ) {
- data = source.ix[source.onleftfn(scope, query.params, alasql)] || [];
- opt = true;
- }
- }
- // Main cycle
- var i = 0;
- if (typeof data == 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Data source number ' + h + ' in undefined');
- }
- var ilen = data.length;
- var dataw;
- while (
- (dataw = data[i]) ||
- (!opt && (source.getfn && (dataw = source.getfn(i)))) ||
- i < ilen
- ) {
- if (!opt && source.getfn && !source.dontcache) data[i] = dataw;
- scope[tableid] = dataw;
- // Reduce with ON and USING clause
- if (
- !source.onleftfn ||
- source.onleftfn(scope, query.params, alasql) ==
- source.onrightfn(scope, query.params, alasql)
- ) {
- // For all non-standard JOINs like a-b=0
- if (source.onmiddlefn(scope, query.params, alasql)) {
- // Recursively call new join
- // if(source.joinmode == "LEFT" || source.joinmode == "INNER" || source.joinmode == "OUTER" || source.joinmode == "RIGHT" ) {
- if (source.joinmode != 'SEMI' && source.joinmode != 'ANTI') {
- doJoin(query, scope, h + 1);
- }
- // if(source.data[i].f = 200) debugger;
- // if(source.joinmode == "RIGHT" || source.joinmode == "ANTI" || source.joinmode == "OUTER") {
- if (source.joinmode != 'LEFT' && source.joinmode != 'INNER') {
- dataw._rightjoin = true;
- }
- // for LEFT JOIN
- pass = true;
- }
- }
- i++;
- }
- // Additional join for LEFT JOINS
- if (
- (source.joinmode == 'LEFT' ||
- source.joinmode == 'OUTER' ||
- source.joinmode == 'SEMI') &&
- !pass
- ) {
- // Clear the scope after the loop
- scope[tableid] = {};
- doJoin(query, scope, h + 1);
- }
- }
- // When there is no records
- // if(data.length == 0 && query.groupfn) {
- // scope[tableid] = undefined;
- // doJoin(query,scope,h+1);
- // }
- // STEP 2
- if (h + 1 < query.sources.length) {
- if (
- nextsource.joinmode == 'OUTER' ||
- nextsource.joinmode == 'RIGHT' ||
- nextsource.joinmode == 'ANTI'
- ) {
- scope[source.alias] = {};
- var j = 0;
- var jlen = nextsource.data.length;
- var dataw;
- while (
- (dataw = nextsource.data[j]) ||
- (nextsource.getfn && (dataw = nextsource.getfn(j))) ||
- j < jlen
- ) {
- if (nextsource.getfn && !nextsource.dontcache) {
- nextsource.data[j] = dataw;
- }
- if (dataw._rightjoin) {
- delete dataw._rightjoin;
- } else {
- // delete dataw._rightjoin;
- if (h == 0) {
- scope[nextsource.alias] = dataw;
- doJoin(query, scope, h + 2);
- } else {
- //scope[nextsource.alias] = dataw;
- //doJoin(query, scope, h+2);
- }
- }
- j++;
- }
- // debugger;
- } else {
- }
- } else {
- }
- scope[tableid] = undefined;
- }
-function swapSources(query, h) {
- var source = query.sources[h];
- var nextsource = query.sources[h + 1];
- var onleftfn = source.onleftfn;
- var onleftfns = source.onleftfns;
- var onrightfn = source.onrightfn;
- var onrightfns = source.onrightfns;
- var optimization = source.optimization;
- source.onleftfn = nextsource.onrightfn;
- source.onleftfns = nextsource.onrightfns;
- source.onrightfn = nextsource.onleftfn;
- source.onrightfns = nextsource.onleftfns;
- source.optimization = nextsource.optimization;
- nextsource.onleftfn = onleftfn;
- nextsource.onleftfns = onleftfns;
- nextsource.onrightfn = onrightfn;
- nextsource.onrightfns = onrightfns;
- nextsource.optimization = optimization;
- query.sources[h] = nextsource;
- query.sources[h + 1] = source;
-// Select run-time part for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-// Main part of SELECT procedure
-/* global yy */
-yy.Select = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Select.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s;
- s = '';
- if (this.explain) {
- s += 'EXPLAIN ';
- }
- s += 'SELECT ';
- if (this.modifier) {
- s += this.modifier + ' ';
- }
- if (this.distinct) {
- s += 'DISTINCT ';
- }
- if (this.top) {
- s += 'TOP ' + this.top.value + ' ';
- if (this.percent) {
- s += 'PERCENT ';
- }
- }
- s += this.columns
- .map(function(col) {
- var s;
- s = col.toString();
- if (typeof col.as !== 'undefined') {
- s += ' AS ' + col.as;
- }
- return s;
- })
- .join(', ');
- if (this.from) {
- s +=
- ' FROM ' +
- this.from
- .map(function(f) {
- var ss;
- ss = f.toString();
- if (f.as) {
- ss += ' AS ' + f.as;
- }
- return ss;
- })
- .join(',');
- }
- if (this.joins) {
- s += this.joins
- .map(function(jn) {
- var ss;
- ss = ' ';
- if (jn.joinmode) {
- ss += jn.joinmode + ' ';
- }
- if (jn.table) {
- ss += 'JOIN ' + jn.table.toString();
- } else if (jn.select) {
- ss += 'JOIN (' + jn.select.toString() + ')';
- } else if (jn instanceof alasql.yy.Apply) {
- ss += jn.toString();
- } else {
- throw new Error('Wrong type in JOIN mode');
- }
- if (jn.as) {
- ss += ' AS ' + jn.as;
- }
- if (jn.using) {
- ss += ' USING ' + jn.using.toString();
- }
- if (jn.on) {
- ss += ' ON ' + jn.on.toString();
- }
- return ss;
- })
- .join('');
- }
- if (this.where) {
- s += ' WHERE ' + this.where.toString();
- }
- if (this.group && this.group.length > 0) {
- s +=
- ' GROUP BY ' +
- this.group
- .map(function(grp) {
- return grp.toString();
- })
- .join(', ');
- }
- if (this.having) {
- s += ' HAVING ' + this.having.toString();
- }
- if (this.order && this.order.length > 0) {
- s +=
- ' ORDER BY ' +
- this.order
- .map(function(ord) {
- return ord.toString();
- })
- .join(', ');
- }
- if (this.limit) {
- s += ' LIMIT ' + this.limit.value;
- }
- if (this.offset) {
- s += ' OFFSET ' + this.offset.value;
- }
- if (this.union) {
- s += ' UNION ' + (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') + this.union.toString();
- }
- if (this.unionall) {
- s +=
- ' UNION ALL ' + (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') + this.unionall.toString();
- }
- if (this.except) {
- s += ' EXCEPT ' + (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') + this.except.toString();
- }
- if (this.intersect) {
- s +=
- (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') +
- this.intersect.toString();
- }
- return s;
- Select statement in expression
- */
-yy.Select.prototype.toJS = function(context) {
- // if(this.expression.reduced) return 'true';
- // return this.expression.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
- // var s = 'this.queriesdata['+(this.queriesidx-1)+'][0]';
- var s =
- 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn[' +
- (this.queriesidx - 1) +
- '](this.params,null,' +
- context +
- '))[0]';
- return s;
-// Compile SELECT statement
-yy.Select.prototype.compile = function(databaseid, params) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- // Create variable for query
- var query = new Query();
- // Array with columns to be removed
- query.removeKeys = [];
- query.aggrKeys = [];
- query.explain = this.explain; // Explain
- query.explaination = [];
- query.explid = 1;
- query.modifier = this.modifier;
- query.database = db;
- // 0. Precompile whereexists
- this.compileWhereExists(query);
- // 0. Precompile queries for IN, NOT IN, ANY and ALL operators
- this.compileQueries(query);
- query.defcols = this.compileDefCols(query, databaseid);
- // 1. Compile FROM clause
- query.fromfn = this.compileFrom(query);
- // 2. Compile JOIN clauses
- if (this.joins) {
- this.compileJoins(query);
- }
- // todo?: 3. Compile SELECT clause
- // For ROWNUM()
- query.rownums = [];
- this.compileSelectGroup0(query);
- if (this.group || query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
- query.selectgfns = this.compileSelectGroup1(query);
- } else {
- query.selectfns = this.compileSelect1(query, params);
- }
- // Remove columns clause
- this.compileRemoveColumns(query);
- // 5. Optimize WHERE and JOINS
- if (this.where) {
- this.compileWhereJoins(query);
- }
- // 4. Compile WHERE clause
- query.wherefn = this.compileWhere(query);
- // 6. Compile GROUP BY
- if (this.group || query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
- query.groupfn = this.compileGroup(query);
- }
- // 6. Compile HAVING
- if (this.having) {
- query.havingfn = this.compileHaving(query);
- }
- // 8. Compile ORDER BY clause
- if (this.order) {
- query.orderfn = this.compileOrder(query);
- }
- if (this.group || query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
- query.selectgfn = this.compileSelectGroup2(query);
- } else {
- query.selectfn = this.compileSelect2(query);
- }
- // 7. Compile DISTINCT, LIMIT and OFFSET
- query.distinct = this.distinct;
- // 9. Compile PIVOT clause
- if (this.pivot) query.pivotfn = this.compilePivot(query);
- if (this.unpivot) query.pivotfn = this.compileUnpivot(query);
- // 10. Compile TOP/LIMIT/OFFSET/FETCH cleuse
- if (this.top) {
- query.limit = this.top.value;
- } else if (this.limit) {
- query.limit = this.limit.value;
- if (this.offset) {
- query.offset = this.offset.value;
- }
- }
- query.percent = this.percent;
- // 9. Compile ordering function for UNION and UNIONALL
- query.corresponding = this.corresponding; // If CORRESPONDING flag exists
- if (this.union) {
- query.unionfn = this.union.compile(databaseid);
- if (this.union.order) {
- query.orderfn = this.union.compileOrder(query);
- } else {
- query.orderfn = null;
- }
- } else if (this.unionall) {
- query.unionallfn = this.unionall.compile(databaseid);
- if (this.unionall.order) {
- query.orderfn = this.unionall.compileOrder(query);
- } else {
- query.orderfn = null;
- }
- } else if (this.except) {
- query.exceptfn = this.except.compile(databaseid);
- if (this.except.order) {
- query.orderfn = this.except.compileOrder(query);
- } else {
- query.orderfn = null;
- }
- } else if (this.intersect) {
- query.intersectfn = this.intersect.compile(databaseid);
- if (this.intersect.order) {
- query.intersectfn = this.intersect.compileOrder(query);
- } else {
- query.orderfn = null;
- }
- }
- if (this.into) {
- if (this.into instanceof yy.Table) {
- //
- // Save into the table in database
- //
- if (
- alasql.options.autocommit &&
- alasql.databases[this.into.databaseid || databaseid].engineid
- ) {
- // For external database when AUTOCOMMIT is ONs
- query.intoallfns =
- 'return alasql.engines["' +
- alasql.databases[this.into.databaseid || databaseid].engineid +
- '"]' +
- '.intoTable("' +
- (this.into.databaseid || databaseid) +
- '","' +
- this.into.tableid +
- '",this.data, columns, cb);';
- } else {
- // Into AlaSQL tables
- query.intofns =
- "alasql.databases['" +
- (this.into.databaseid || databaseid) +
- "'].tables" +
- "['" +
- this.into.tableid +
- "'].data.push(r);";
- }
- } else if (this.into instanceof yy.VarValue) {
- //
- // Save into local variable
- //
- query.intoallfns =
- 'alasql.vars["' +
- this.into.variable +
- '"]=this.data;res=this.data.length;if(cb)res=cb(res);return res;';
- } else if (this.into instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
- //
- // If this is INTO() function, then call it
- // with one or two parameters
- //
- var qs = "return alasql.into['" + this.into.funcid.toUpperCase() + "'](";
- if (this.into.args && this.into.args.length > 0) {
- qs += this.into.args[0].toJS() + ',';
- if (this.into.args.length > 1) {
- qs += this.into.args[1].toJS() + ',';
- } else {
- qs += 'undefined,';
- }
- } else {
- qs += 'undefined, undefined,';
- }
- query.intoallfns = qs + 'this.data,columns,cb)';
- } else if (this.into instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
- //
- // Save data into parameters array
- // like alasql('SELECT * INTO ? FROM ?',[outdata,srcdata]);
- //
- query.intofns = "params['" + this.into.param + "'].push(r)";
- }
- if (query.intofns) {
- // Create intofn function
- query.intofn = new Function('r,i,params,alasql', 'var y;' + query.intofns);
- } else if (query.intoallfns) {
- // Create intoallfn function
- query.intoallfn = new Function('columns,cb,params,alasql', 'var y;' + query.intoallfns);
- }
- }
- // Now, compile all togeather into one function with query object in scope
- var statement = function(params, cb, oldscope) {
- query.params = params;
- var res1 = queryfn(query, oldscope, function(res) {
- if (query.rownums.length > 0) {
- for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- for (var j = 0, jlen = query.rownums.length; j < jlen; j++) {
- res[i][query.rownums[j]] = i + 1;
- }
- }
- }
- var res2 = modify(query, res);
- if (cb) {
- cb(res2);
- }
- return res2;
- });
- // if(typeof res1 != 'undefined') res1 = modify(query,res1);
- return res1;
- };
- // statement.dbversion = ;
- statement.query = query;
- return statement;
- Modify res according modifier
- @function
- @param {object} query Query object
- @param res {object|number|string|boolean} res Data to be converted
-function modify(query, res) {
- // jshint ignore:line
- /* If source is a primitive value then return it */
- if (
- typeof res === 'undefined' ||
- typeof res === 'number' ||
- typeof res === 'string' ||
- typeof res == 'boolean'
- ) {
- return res;
- }
- var modifier = query.modifier || alasql.options.modifier;
- var columns = query.columns;
- if (typeof columns === 'undefined' || columns.length == 0) {
- // Try to create columns
- if (res.length > 0) {
- var allcol = {};
- for (var i = Math.min(res.length, alasql.options.columnlookup || 10) - 1; 0 <= i; i--) {
- for (var key in res[i]) {
- allcol[key] = true;
- }
- }
- columns = Object.keys(allcol).map(function(columnid) {
- return {columnid: columnid};
- });
- } else {
- // Cannot recognize columns
- columns = [];
- }
- }
- if (modifier === 'VALUE') {
- if (res.length > 0) {
- var key;
- if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
- key = columns[0].columnid;
- } else {
- key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];
- }
- res = res[0][key];
- } else {
- res = undefined;
- }
- } else if (modifier === 'ROW') {
- if (res.length > 0) {
- var key;
- var a = [];
- for (var key in res[0]) {
- a.push(res[0][key]);
- }
- res = a;
- } else {
- res = undefined;
- }
- } else if (modifier === 'COLUMN') {
- var ar = [];
- if (res.length > 0) {
- var key;
- if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
- key = columns[0].columnid;
- } else {
- key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];
- }
- for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- ar.push(res[i][key]);
- }
- }
- res = ar;
- } else if (modifier === 'MATRIX') {
- // Returns square matrix of rows
- var ar = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
- var a = [];
- var r = res[i];
- for (var j = 0; j < columns.length; j++) {
- a.push(r[columns[j].columnid]);
- }
- ar.push(a);
- }
- res = ar;
- } else if (modifier === 'INDEX') {
- var ar = {};
- var key, val;
- if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
- key = columns[0].columnid;
- val = columns[1].columnid;
- } else {
- var okeys = Object.keys(res[0]);
- key = okeys[0];
- val = okeys[1];
- }
- for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- ar[res[i][key]] = res[i][val];
- }
- res = ar;
- // res = arrayOfArrays(res);
- } else if (modifier === 'RECORDSET') {
- res = new alasql.Recordset({columns: columns, data: res});
- // res = arrayOfArrays(res);
- } else if (modifier === 'TEXTSTRING') {
- var key;
- if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
- key = columns[0].columnid;
- } else {
- key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];
- }
- for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- res[i] = res[i][key];
- }
- res = res.join('\n');
- // res = arrayOfArrays(res);
- }
- return res;
-yy.Select.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- return this.compile(databaseid)(params, cb);
- // throw new Error('Insert statement is should be compiled')
-// EXISTS and other subqueries functions functions for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.ExistsValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.ExistsValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return 'EXISTS(' + this.value.toString() + ')';
-yy.ExistsValue.prototype.toType = function() {
- return 'boolean';
-yy.ExistsValue.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- return 'this.existsfn[' + this.existsidx + '](params,null,' + context + ').data.length';
-yy.Select.prototype.compileWhereExists = function(query) {
- if (!this.exists) return;
- query.existsfn = this.exists.map(function(ex) {
- var nq = ex.compile(query.database.databaseid);
- // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
-yy.Select.prototype.compileQueries = function(query) {
- if (!this.queries) return;
- query.queriesfn = this.queries.map(function(q) {
- var nq = q.compile(query.database.databaseid);
- // if(!nq.query) nq.query = {};
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
-// Prepare subqueries and exists
-alasql.precompile = function(statement, databaseid, params) {
- if (!statement) return;
- statement.params = params;
- if (statement.queries) {
- statement.queriesfn = statement.queries.map(function(q) {
- var nq = q.compile(databaseid || statement.database.databaseid);
- // nq.query.modifier = undefined;
- // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
- }
- if (statement.exists) {
- statement.existsfn = statement.exists.map(function(ex) {
- var nq = ex.compile(databaseid || statement.database.databaseid);
- // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'ARRAY';
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
- }
-// Select compiler part for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-/* global yy, alasql, Mongo, returnTrue */
-yy.Select.prototype.compileFrom = function(query) {
- var self = this;
- query.sources = [];
- // var tableid = this.from[0].tableid;
- // var as = '';
- // if(self.from[0].as) as = this.from[0].as;
- query.aliases = {};
- if (!self.from) return;
- self.from.forEach(function(tq) {
- var ps = '';
- var alias = tq.as || tq.tableid;
- if (tq instanceof yy.Table) {
- query.aliases[alias] = {
- tableid: tq.tableid,
- databaseid: tq.databaseid || query.database.databaseid,
- type: 'table',
- };
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.Select) {
- query.aliases[alias] = {type: 'subquery'};
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.Search) {
- query.aliases[alias] = {type: 'subsearch'};
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
- query.aliases[alias] = {type: 'paramvalue'};
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
- query.aliases[alias] = {type: 'funcvalue'};
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.VarValue) {
- query.aliases[alias] = {type: 'varvalue'};
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.FromData) {
- query.aliases[alias] = {type: 'fromdata'};
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.Json) {
- query.aliases[alias] = {type: 'json'};
- } else if (tq.inserted) {
- query.aliases[alias] = {type: 'inserted'};
- } else {
- throw new Error('Wrong table at FROM');
- }
- var source = {
- alias: alias,
- databaseid: tq.databaseid || query.database.databaseid,
- tableid: tq.tableid,
- joinmode: 'INNER',
- onmiddlefn: returnTrue,
- srcwherefns: '', // for optimization
- srcwherefn: returnTrue,
- // columns: []
- };
- if (tq instanceof yy.Table) {
- // Get columns from table
- source.columns = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].columns;
- if (
- alasql.options.autocommit &&
- alasql.databases[source.databaseid].engineid &&
- !alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].view
- ) {
- // TODO -- make view for external engine
- source.datafn = function(query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
- return alasql.engines[alasql.databases[source.databaseid].engineid].fromTable(
- source.databaseid,
- source.tableid,
- cb,
- idx,
- query
- );
- };
- } else if (alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].view) {
- source.datafn = function(query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
- var res = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].select(
- params
- );
- if (cb) res = cb(res, idx, query);
- return res;
- };
- } else {
- source.datafn = function(query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
- /*
- var res = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].data;
- if (cb) res = cb(res, idx, query);
- return res;
- // return alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].data;
- };
- }
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.Select) {
- source.subquery = tq.compile(query.database.databaseid);
- if (typeof source.subquery.query.modifier === 'undefined') {
- source.subquery.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET'; // Subqueries always return recordsets
- }
- source.columns = source.subquery.query.columns;
- // tq.columns;
- source.datafn = function(query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
- // return source.subquery(query.params, cb, idx, query);
- var res;
- source.subquery(query.params, function(data) {
- res = data.data;
- if (cb) res = cb(res, idx, query);
- return res;
- // return data.data;
- });
- return res;
- };
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.Search) {
- source.subsearch = tq;
- source.columns = [];
- source.datafn = function(query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
- // return source.subquery(query.params, cb, idx, query);
- var res;
- source.subsearch.execute(query.database.databaseid, query.params, function(data) {
- res = data;
- if (cb) res = cb(res, idx, query);
- return res;
- // return data.data;
- });
- return res;
- };
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
- ps = "var res = alasql.prepareFromData(params['" + tq.param + "']";
- if (tq.array) ps += ',true';
- ps += ');if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);return res';
- source.datafn = new Function('query,params,cb,idx,alasql', ps);
- } else if (tq.inserted) {
- ps = 'var res = alasql.prepareFromData(alasql.inserted';
- if (tq.array) ps += ',true';
- ps += ');if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);return res';
- source.datafn = new Function('query,params,cb,idx,alasql', ps);
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.Json) {
- ps = 'var res = alasql.prepareFromData(' + tq.toJS();
- if (tq.array) ps += ',true';
- ps += ');if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);return res';
- source.datafn = new Function('query,params,cb,idx,alasql', ps);
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.VarValue) {
- ps = "var res = alasql.prepareFromData(alasql.vars['" + tq.variable + "']";
- if (tq.array) ps += ',true';
- ps += ');if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);return res';
- source.datafn = new Function('query,params,cb,idx,alasql', ps);
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
- ps = "var res=alasql.from['" + tq.funcid.toUpperCase() + "'](";
- if (tq.args && tq.args.length > 0) {
- if (tq.args[0]) {
- ps += tq.args[0].toJS('query.oldscope') + ',';
- } else {
- ps += 'null,';
- }
- if (tq.args[1]) {
- ps += tq.args[1].toJS('query.oldscope') + ',';
- } else {
- ps += 'null,';
- }
- } else {
- ps += 'null,null,';
- }
- ps += 'cb,idx,query';
- ps += ');/*if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);*/return res';
- source.datafn = new Function('query, params, cb, idx, alasql', ps);
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.FromData) {
- source.datafn = function(query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
- var res = tq.data;
- if (cb) res = cb(res, idx, query);
- return res;
- };
- } else {
- throw new Error('Wrong table at FROM');
- }
- // source.data = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].data;
- query.sources.push(source);
- });
- // TODO Add joins
- query.defaultTableid = query.sources[0].alias;
-alasql.prepareFromData = function(data, array) {
- var i, ilen;
- var res = data;
- if (typeof data === 'string') {
- res = data.split(/\r?\n/);
- if (array) {
- for (i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- res[i] = [res[i]];
- }
- }
- } else if (array) {
- res = [];
- for (i = 0, ilen = data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- res.push([data[i]]);
- }
- } else if (typeof data === 'object' && !Array.isArray(data)) {
- // } else if(typeof data == 'object' && !(typeof data.length == 'undefined')) {
- if (
- typeof Mongo !== 'undefined' &&
- typeof Mongo.Collection !== 'undefined' &&
- data instanceof Mongo.Collection
- ) {
- res = data.find().fetch();
- } else {
- res = [];
- for (var key in data) {
- if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) res.push([key, data[key]]);
- }
- }
- }
- return res;
-// Select compiler part for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-// SELECT Compile functions
-/* global yy, alasql, returnTrue, arrayIntersect */
-// Compile JOIN caluese
-yy.Select.prototype.compileJoins = function(query) {
- // debugger;
- var self = this;
- this.joins.forEach(function(jn) {
- // Test CROSS-JOIN
- var tq, ps, source;
- if (jn.joinmode === 'CROSS') {
- if (jn.using || jn.on) {
- throw new Error('CROSS JOIN cannot have USING or ON clauses');
- } else {
- jn.joinmode = 'INNER';
- }
- }
- if (jn instanceof yy.Apply) {
- source = {
- alias: jn.as,
- applymode: jn.applymode,
- onmiddlefn: returnTrue,
- srcwherefns: '', // for optimization
- srcwherefn: returnTrue,
- columns: [], // TODO check this
- };
- source.applyselect = jn.select.compile(query.database.databaseid);
- source.columns = source.applyselect.query.columns;
- source.datafn = function(query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
- var res;
- if (cb) res = cb(res, idx, query);
- return res;
- };
- query.sources.push(source);
- return;
- }
- if (jn.table) {
- tq = jn.table;
- source = {
- alias: jn.as || tq.tableid,
- databaseid: tq.databaseid || query.database.databaseid,
- tableid: tq.tableid,
- joinmode: jn.joinmode,
- onmiddlefn: returnTrue,
- srcwherefns: '', // for optimization
- srcwherefn: returnTrue,
- columns: [],
- };
- //
- if (!alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid]) {
- throw new Error(
- "Table '" +
- source.tableid +
- "' is not exists in database '" +
- source.databaseid +
- "'"
- );
- }
- source.columns = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].columns;
- // source.data = query.database.tables[source.tableid].data;
- if (alasql.options.autocommit && alasql.databases[source.databaseid].engineid) {
- source.datafn = function(query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
- return alasql.engines[alasql.databases[source.databaseid].engineid].fromTable(
- source.databaseid,
- source.tableid,
- cb,
- idx,
- query
- );
- };
- } else if (alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].view) {
- source.datafn = function(query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
- var res = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].select(
- params
- );
- if (cb) res = cb(res, idx, query);
- return res;
- };
- } else {
- source.datafn = function(query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
- var res = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].data;
- if (cb) res = cb(res, idx, query);
- return res;
- };
- }
- // var alias = jn.as || tq.tableid;
- // if(tq) {
- query.aliases[source.alias] = {
- tableid: tq.tableid,
- databaseid: tq.databaseid || query.database.databaseid,
- };
- // }
- } else if (jn.select) {
- tq = jn.select;
- source = {
- alias: jn.as,
- // databaseid: jn.databaseid || query.database.databaseid,
- // tableid: tq.tableid,
- joinmode: jn.joinmode,
- onmiddlefn: returnTrue,
- srcwherefns: '', // for optimization
- srcwherefn: returnTrue,
- columns: [],
- };
- source.subquery = tq.compile(query.database.databaseid);
- if (typeof source.subquery.query.modifier === 'undefined') {
- source.subquery.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET'; // Subqueries always return recordsets
- }
- source.columns = source.subquery.query.columns;
- // if(jn instanceof yy.Apply) {
- source.datafn = function(query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
- // return cb(null,idx,alasql);
- return source.subquery(query.params, null, cb, idx).data;
- };
- // } else {
- // source.datafn = function(query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
- // return source.subquery(query.params, null, cb, idx);
- // }
- // }
- query.aliases[source.alias] = {type: 'subquery'};
- } else if (jn.param) {
- source = {
- alias: jn.as,
- // databaseid: jn.databaseid || query.database.databaseid,
- // tableid: tq.tableid,
- joinmode: jn.joinmode,
- onmiddlefn: returnTrue,
- srcwherefns: '', // for optimization
- srcwherefn: returnTrue,
- };
- // source.data = ;
- var jnparam = jn.param.param;
- ps = "var res=alasql.prepareFromData(params['" + jnparam + "']";
- if (jn.array) ps += ',true';
- ps += ');if(cb)res=cb(res, idx, query);return res';
- source.datafn = new Function('query,params,cb,idx, alasql', ps);
- query.aliases[source.alias] = {type: 'paramvalue'};
- } else if (jn.variable) {
- source = {
- alias: jn.as,
- // databaseid: jn.databaseid || query.database.databaseid,
- // tableid: tq.tableid,
- joinmode: jn.joinmode,
- onmiddlefn: returnTrue,
- srcwherefns: '', // for optimization
- srcwherefn: returnTrue,
- };
- // source.data = ;
- // var jnparam = jn.param.param;
- ps = "var res=alasql.prepareFromData(alasql.vars['" + jn.variable + "']";
- if (jn.array) ps += ',true';
- ps += ');if(cb)res=cb(res, idx, query);return res';
- source.datafn = new Function('query,params,cb,idx, alasql', ps);
- query.aliases[source.alias] = {type: 'varvalue'};
- } else if (jn.funcid) {
- source = {
- alias: jn.as,
- // databaseid: jn.databaseid || query.database.databaseid,
- // tableid: tq.tableid,
- joinmode: jn.joinmode,
- onmiddlefn: returnTrue,
- srcwherefns: '', // for optimization
- srcwherefn: returnTrue,
- };
- // source.data = ;
- var s = "var res=alasql.from['" + jn.funcid.toUpperCase() + "'](";
- if (jn.args && jn.args.length > 0) {
- if (jn.args[0]) {
- s += jn.args[0].toJS('query.oldscope') + ',';
- } else {
- s += 'null,';
- }
- if (jn.args[1]) {
- s += jn.args[1].toJS('query.oldscope') + ',';
- } else {
- s += 'null,';
- }
- } else {
- s += 'null,null,';
- }
- s += 'cb,idx,query';
- s += ');/*if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);*/return res';
- source.datafn = new Function('query, params, cb, idx, alasql', s);
- query.aliases[source.alias] = {type: 'funcvalue'};
- }
- var alias = source.alias;
- if (jn.natural) {
- if (jn.using || jn.on) {
- throw new Error('NATURAL JOIN cannot have USING or ON clauses');
- } else {
- // source.joinmode == "INNER";
- if (query.sources.length > 0) {
- var prevSource = query.sources[query.sources.length - 1];
- var prevTable =
- alasql.databases[prevSource.databaseid].tables[prevSource.tableid];
- var table = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid];
- if (prevTable && table) {
- var c1 = prevTable.columns.map(function(col) {
- return col.columnid;
- });
- var c2 = table.columns.map(function(col) {
- return col.columnid;
- });
- jn.using = arrayIntersect(c1, c2).map(function(colid) {
- return {columnid: colid};
- });
- } else {
- throw new Error(
- 'In this version of Alasql NATURAL JOIN ' +
- 'works for tables with predefined columns only'
- );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (jn.using) {
- prevSource = query.sources[query.sources.length - 1];
- source.onleftfns = jn.using
- .map(function(col) {
- return (
- "p['" +
- (prevSource.alias || prevSource.tableid) +
- "']['" +
- col.columnid +
- "']"
- );
- })
- .join('+"`"+');
- source.onleftfn = new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + source.onleftfns);
- source.onrightfns = jn.using
- .map(function(col) {
- return "p['" + (source.alias || source.tableid) + "']['" + col.columnid + "']";
- })
- .join('+"`"+');
- source.onrightfn = new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + source.onrightfns);
- source.optimization = 'ix';
- } else if (jn.on) {
- if (jn.on instanceof yy.Op && jn.on.op === '=' && !jn.on.allsome) {
- source.optimization = 'ix';
- var lefts = '';
- var rights = '';
- var middles = '';
- var middlef = false;
- // Test right and left sides
- var ls = jn.on.left.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- var rs = jn.on.right.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- if (
- ls.indexOf("p['" + alias + "']") > -1 &&
- !(rs.indexOf("p['" + alias + "']") > -1)
- ) {
- if (
- (ls.match(/p\['.*?'\]/g) || []).every(function(s) {
- return s === "p['" + alias + "']";
- })
- ) {
- rights = ls;
- } else {
- middlef = true;
- }
- } else if (
- !(ls.indexOf("p['" + alias + "']") > -1) &&
- rs.indexOf("p['" + alias + "']") > -1
- ) {
- if (
- (rs.match(/p\['.*?'\]/g) || []).every(function(s) {
- return s === "p['" + alias + "']";
- })
- ) {
- lefts = ls;
- } else {
- middlef = true;
- }
- } else {
- middlef = true;
- }
- if (
- rs.indexOf("p['" + alias + "']") > -1 &&
- !(ls.indexOf("p['" + alias + "']") > -1)
- ) {
- if (
- (rs.match(/p\['.*?'\]/g) || []).every(function(s) {
- return s === "p['" + alias + "']";
- })
- ) {
- rights = rs;
- } else {
- middlef = true;
- }
- } else if (
- !(rs.indexOf("p['" + alias + "']") > -1) &&
- ls.indexOf("p['" + alias + "']") > -1
- ) {
- if (
- (ls.match(/p\['.*?'\]/g) || []).every(function(s) {
- return s === "p['" + alias + "']";
- })
- ) {
- lefts = rs;
- } else {
- middlef = true;
- }
- } else {
- middlef = true;
- }
- if (middlef) {
- // middles = jn.on.toJS('p',query.defaultTableid);
- // } else {
- rights = '';
- lefts = '';
- middles = jn.on.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- source.optimization = 'no';
- // What to here?
- }
- source.onleftfns = lefts;
- source.onrightfns = rights;
- source.onmiddlefns = middles || 'true';
- source.onleftfn = new Function(
- 'p,params,alasql',
- 'var y;return ' + source.onleftfns
- );
- source.onrightfn = new Function(
- 'p,params,alasql',
- 'var y;return ' + source.onrightfns
- );
- source.onmiddlefn = new Function(
- 'p,params,alasql',
- 'var y;return ' + source.onmiddlefns
- );
- // } else if(jn.on instanceof yy.Op && jn.on.op == 'AND') {
- } else {
- source.optimization = 'no';
- // source.onleftfn = returnTrue;
- // source.onleftfns = "true";
- source.onmiddlefns = jn.on.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- source.onmiddlefn = new Function(
- 'p,params,alasql',
- 'var y;return ' + jn.on.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols)
- );
- }
- // Optimization function
- }
- // source.data = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].data;
- // TODO SubQueries
- query.sources.push(source);
- });
-yy.Select.prototype.compileWhere = function(query) {
- if (this.where) {
- if (typeof this.where == 'function') {
- return this.where;
- } else {
- var s = this.where.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- query.wherefns = s;
- return new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + s);
- }
- } else
- return function() {
- return true;
- };
-yy.Select.prototype.compileWhereJoins = function(query) {
- return;
- // TODO Fix Where optimization
- optimizeWhereJoin(query, this.where.expression);
- //for sources compile wherefs
- query.sources.forEach(function(source) {
- if (source.srcwherefns) {
- source.srcwherefn = new Function(
- 'p,params,alasql',
- 'var y;return ' + source.srcwherefns
- );
- }
- if (source.wxleftfns) {
- source.wxleftfn = new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + source.wxleftfns);
- }
- if (source.wxrightfns) {
- source.wxrightfn = new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + source.wxrightfns);
- }
- });
-function optimizeWhereJoin(query, ast) {
- if (!ast) return false;
- if (!(ast instanceof yy.Op)) return;
- if (ast.op != '=' && ast.op != 'AND') return;
- if (ast.allsome) return;
- var s = ast.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- var fsrc = [];
- query.sources.forEach(function(source, idx) {
- // Optimization allowed only for tables only
- if (source.tableid) {
- // This is a good place to remove all unnecessary optimizations
- if (s.indexOf("p['" + source.alias + "']") > -1) fsrc.push(source);
- }
- });
- // if(fsrc.length < query.sources.length) return;
- if (fsrc.length == 0) {
- return;
- } else if (fsrc.length == 1) {
- if (
- !(s.match(/p\[\'.*?\'\]/g) || []).every(function(s) {
- return s == "p['" + fsrc[0].alias + "']";
- })
- ) {
- return;
- // This is means, that we have column from parent query
- // So we return without optimization
- }
- var src = fsrc[0]; // optmiization source
- src.srcwherefns = src.srcwherefns ? src.srcwherefns + '&&' + s : s;
- if (ast instanceof yy.Op && (ast.op == '=' && !ast.allsome)) {
- if (ast.left instanceof yy.Column) {
- var ls = ast.left.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- var rs = ast.right.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- if (rs.indexOf("p['" + fsrc[0].alias + "']") == -1) {
- fsrc[0].wxleftfns = ls;
- fsrc[0].wxrightfns = rs;
- }
- }
- if (ast.right instanceof yy.Column) {
- var ls = ast.left.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- var rs = ast.right.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- if (ls.indexOf("p['" + fsrc[0].alias + "']") == -1) {
- fsrc[0].wxleftfns = rs;
- fsrc[0].wxrightfns = ls;
- }
- }
- }
- ast.reduced = true; // To do not duplicate wherefn and srcwherefn
- return;
- } else {
- if ((ast.op = 'AND')) {
- optimizeWhereJoin(query, ast.left);
- optimizeWhereJoin(query, ast.right);
- }
- }
-// Select compiler part for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
- Compile group of statements
- */
-yy.Select.prototype.compileGroup = function(query) {
- if (query.sources.length > 0) {
- var tableid = query.sources[0].alias;
- } else {
- // If SELECT contains group aggregators without source tables
- var tableid = '';
- }
- var defcols = query.defcols;
- var allgroup = [[]];
- if (this.group) {
- allgroup = decartes(this.group, query);
- }
- // Prepare groups
- //var allgroup = [['a'], ['a','b'], ['a', 'b', 'c']];
- // Union all arrays to get a maximum
- var allgroups = [];
- allgroup.forEach(function(a) {
- allgroups = arrayUnion(allgroups, a);
- });
- query.allgroups = allgroups;
- query.ingroup = [];
- // Create negative array
- var s = '';
- // s+= query.selectfns;
- allgroup.forEach(function(agroup) {
- // Start of group function
- s += 'var g=this.xgroups[';
- // var gcols = this.group.map(function(col){return col.columnid}); // Group fields with r
- // Array with group columns from record
- var rg = agroup.map(function(col2) {
- var columnid = col2.split('\t')[0];
- var coljs = col2.split('\t')[1];
- // Check, if aggregator exists but GROUP BY is not exists
- if (columnid === '') {
- return '1'; // Create fictive groupping column for fictive GROUP BY
- }
- // else return "r['"+columnid+"']";
- query.ingroup.push(columnid);
- return coljs;
- });
- if (rg.length === 0) {
- rg = ["''"];
- }
- s += rg.join('+"`"+');
- s += '];if(!g) {this.groups.push((g=this.xgroups[';
- s += rg.join('+"`"+');
- s += '] = {';
- // s += ']=r';
- s += agroup
- .map(function(col2) {
- var columnid = col2.split('\t')[0];
- var coljs = col2.split('\t')[1];
- if (columnid === '') {
- return '';
- }
- return "'" + columnid + "':" + coljs + ',';
- })
- .join('');
- var neggroup = arrayDiff(allgroups, agroup);
- s += neggroup
- .map(function(col2) {
- var columnid = col2.split('\t')[0];
- // var coljs = col2.split('\t')[1]
- return "'" + columnid + "':null,";
- })
- .join('');
- var aft = '',
- aft2 = '';
- if (typeof query.groupStar !== 'undefined') {
- aft2 +=
- "for(var f in p['" +
- query.groupStar +
- "']) {g[f]=p['" +
- query.groupStar +
- "'][f];};";
- }
- /*
- */
- // s += self.columns.map(function(col){
- s += query.selectGroup
- .map(function(col) {
- var colexp = col.expression.toJS('p', tableid, defcols);
- var colas = col.nick;
- // if(typeof colas == 'undefined') {
- // if(col instanceof yy.Column) colas = col.columnid;
- // else colas = col.toString();
- // };
- if (col instanceof yy.AggrValue) {
- if (col.distinct) {
- aft +=
- ",g['$$_VALUES_" +
- colas +
- "']={},g['$$_VALUES_" +
- colas +
- "'][" +
- colexp +
- ']=true';
- }
- if (col.aggregatorid === 'SUM') {
- return "'" + colas + "':(" + colexp + ')||0,';
- } else if (
- col.aggregatorid === 'MIN' ||
- col.aggregatorid === 'MAX' ||
- col.aggregatorid === 'FIRST' ||
- col.aggregatorid === 'LAST'
- // || col.aggregatorid == 'AVG'
- // ) { return "'"+col.as+'\':r[\''+col.as+'\'],'; }//f.field.arguments[0].toJS();
- ) {
- return "'" + colas + "':" + colexp + ','; //f.field.arguments[0].toJS();
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'ARRAY') {
- return "'" + colas + "':[" + colexp + '],';
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'COUNT') {
- if (col.expression.columnid === '*') {
- return "'" + colas + "':1,";
- } else {
- // return "'"+colas+'\':(typeof '+colexp+' != "undefined")?1:0,';
- // } else {
- return "'" + colas + "':(typeof " + colexp + ' != "undefined")?1:0,';
- }
- // else if(col.aggregatorid == 'MIN') { return "'"+col.as+'\':r[\''+col.as+'\'],'; }
- // else if(col.aggregatorid == 'MAX') { return "'"+col.as+'\':r[\''+col.as+'\'],'; }
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'AVG') {
- query.removeKeys.push('_SUM_' + colas);
- query.removeKeys.push('_COUNT_' + colas);
- return (
- '' +
- "'" +
- colas +
- "':" +
- colexp +
- ",'_SUM_" +
- colas +
- "':(" +
- colexp +
- ")||0,'_COUNT_" +
- colas +
- "':(typeof " +
- colexp +
- ' != "undefined")?1:0,'
- );
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'AGGR') {
- aft += ",g['" + colas + "']=" + col.expression.toJS('g', -1);
- return '';
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'REDUCE') {
- // query.removeKeys.push('_REDUCE_'+colas);
- query.aggrKeys.push(col);
- // return "'"+colas+'\':alasql.aggr[\''+col.funcid+'\']('+colexp+',undefined,(acc={}),1),'
- // +'\'__REDUCE__'+colas+'\':acc,';
- return (
- "'" +
- colas +
- "':alasql.aggr['" +
- col.funcid +
- "'](" +
- colexp +
- ',undefined,1),'
- );
- }
- return '';
- }
- return '';
- })
- .join('');
- s += '}' + aft + ',g));' + aft2 + '} else {';
- /*
- // var neggroup = arrayDiff(allgroups,agroup);
- // s += neggroup.map(function(columnid){
- // return "g['"+columnid+"']=null;";
- // }).join('');
- // s += self.columns.map(function(col){
- s += query.selectGroup
- .map(function(col) {
- var colas = col.nick;
- var colexp = col.expression.toJS('p', tableid, defcols);
- if (col instanceof yy.AggrValue) {
- var pre = '',
- post = '';
- if (col.distinct) {
- var pre =
- 'if(typeof ' +
- colexp +
- '!="undefined" && (!g[\'$$_VALUES_' +
- colas +
- "'][" +
- colexp +
- '])) \
- {';
- var post = "g['$$_VALUES_" + colas + "'][" + colexp + ']=true;}';
- }
- if (col.aggregatorid === 'SUM') {
- return pre + "g['" + colas + "']+=(" + colexp + '||0);' + post; //f.field.arguments[0].toJS();
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'COUNT') {
- if (col.expression.columnid === '*') {
- return pre + "g['" + colas + "']++;" + post;
- } else {
- return (
- pre +
- 'if(typeof ' +
- colexp +
- '!="undefined") g[\'' +
- colas +
- "']++;" +
- post
- );
- }
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'ARRAY') {
- return pre + "g['" + colas + "'].push(" + colexp + ');' + post;
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'MIN') {
- return (
- pre +
- "g['" +
- colas +
- "']=Math.min(g['" +
- colas +
- "']," +
- colexp +
- ');' +
- post
- );
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'MAX') {
- return (
- pre +
- "g['" +
- colas +
- "']=Math.max(g['" +
- colas +
- "']," +
- colexp +
- ');' +
- post
- );
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'FIRST') {
- return '';
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'LAST') {
- return pre + "g['" + colas + "']=" + colexp + ';' + post;
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'AVG') {
- return (
- '' +
- pre +
- "g['_SUM_" +
- colas +
- "']+=(y=" +
- colexp +
- ')||0;' +
- "g['_COUNT_" +
- colas +
- '\']+=(typeof y!="undefined")?1:0;' +
- "g['" +
- colas +
- "']=g['_SUM_" +
- colas +
- "']/g['_COUNT_" +
- colas +
- "'];" +
- post
- );
- // }
- // else if(col.aggregatorid == 'AVG') { srg.push(colas+':0'); }
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'AGGR') {
- return (
- '' +
- pre +
- "g['" +
- colas +
- "']=" +
- col.expression.toJS('g', -1) +
- ';' +
- post
- );
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'REDUCE') {
- return (
- '' +
- pre +
- "g['" +
- colas +
- "']=alasql.aggr." +
- col.funcid +
- '(' +
- colexp +
- ",g['" +
- colas +
- "'],2);" +
- post
- );
- }
- return '';
- }
- return '';
- })
- .join('');
- // s += selectFields.map(function(f){
- // if(f.constructor.name == 'LiteralValue') return '';
- // if (f.field instanceof SQLParser.nodes.FunctionValue
- // && (f.field.name.toUpperCase() == 'SUM' || f.field.name.toUpperCase() == 'COUNT')) {
- // return 'group.'+f.name.value+'=+(+group.'+f.name.value+'||0)+'+f.field.arguments[0].toJS('rec','')+';'; //f.field.arguments[0].toJS();
- // return 'group.'+f.name.value+'+='+f.field.arguments[0].toJS('rec','')+';'; //f.field.arguments[0].toJS();
- // return 'group.'+f.name.value+'+=rec.'+f.name.value+';'; //f.field.arguments[0].toJS();
- // };
- // return '';
- // }).join('');
- // s += ' group.amt += rec.emplid;';
- // s += 'group.count++;';
- s += '}';
- });
- return new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;' + s);
-// Select compiler part for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-// yy.Select.prototype.compileSources = function(query) {
-// };
-function compileSelectStar(query, alias, joinstar) {
- var sp = '',
- ss = [];
- // if(!alias) {
- // sp += 'for(var k1 in p) var w=p[k1];for(var k2 in w){r[k2]=w[k2]};';
- // } else {
- // TODO move this out of this function
- query.ixsources = {};
- query.sources.forEach(function(source) {
- query.ixsources[source.alias] = source;
- });
- // Fixed
- var columns;
- if (query.ixsources[alias]) {
- var columns = query.ixsources[alias].columns;
- }
- // if(columns.length == 0 && query.aliases[alias].tableid) {
- // var columns = alasql.databases[query.aliases[alias].databaseid].tables[query.aliases[alias].tableid].columns;
- // };
- // Check if this is a Table or other
- if (joinstar && alasql.options.joinstar == 'json') {
- sp += "r['" + alias + "']={};";
- }
- if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
- columns.forEach(function(tcol) {
- if (joinstar && alasql.options.joinstar == 'underscore') {
- ss.push(
- "'" +
- alias +
- '_' +
- tcol.columnid +
- "':p['" +
- alias +
- "']['" +
- tcol.columnid +
- "']"
- );
- } else if (joinstar && alasql.options.joinstar == 'json') {
- // ss.push('\''+alias+'_'+tcol.columnid+'\':p[\''+alias+'\'][\''+tcol.columnid+'\']');
- sp +=
- "r['" +
- alias +
- "']['" +
- tcol.columnid +
- "']=p['" +
- alias +
- "']['" +
- tcol.columnid +
- "'];";
- } else {
- ss.push("'" + tcol.columnid + "':p['" + alias + "']['" + tcol.columnid + "']");
- }
- query.selectColumns[escapeq(tcol.columnid)] = true;
- var coldef = {
- columnid: tcol.columnid,
- dbtypeid: tcol.dbtypeid,
- dbsize: tcol.dbsize,
- dbprecision: tcol.dbprecision,
- dbenum: tcol.dbenum,
- };
- query.columns.push(coldef);
- query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
- });
- } else {
- // if column not exists, then copy all
- sp += 'var w=p["' + alias + '"];for(var k in w){r[k]=w[k]};';
- query.dirtyColumns = true;
- }
- // }
- return {s: ss.join(','), sp: sp};
-yy.Select.prototype.compileSelect1 = function(query, params) {
- var self = this;
- query.columns = [];
- query.xcolumns = {};
- query.selectColumns = {};
- query.dirtyColumns = false;
- var s = 'var r={';
- var sp = '';
- var ss = [];
- this.columns.forEach(function(col) {
- if (col instanceof yy.Column) {
- if (col.columnid === '*') {
- if (col.func) {
- sp +=
- "r=params['" +
- col.param +
- "'](p['" +
- query.sources[0].alias +
- "'],p,params,alasql);";
- } else if (col.tableid) {
- //Copy all
- var ret = compileSelectStar(query, col.tableid, false);
- if (ret.s) {
- ss = ss.concat(ret.s);
- }
- sp += ret.sp;
- } else {
- for (var alias in query.aliases) {
- var ret = compileSelectStar(query, alias, true); //query.aliases[alias].tableid);
- if (ret.s) {
- ss = ss.concat(ret.s);
- }
- sp += ret.sp;
- }
- // TODO Remove these lines
- // In case of no information
- // sp += 'for(var k1 in p){var w=p[k1];'+
- // 'for(k2 in w) {r[k2]=w[k2]}}'
- }
- } else {
- // If field, otherwise - expression
- var tbid = col.tableid;
- var dbid =
- col.databaseid || query.sources[0].databaseid || query.database.databaseid;
- if (!tbid) tbid = query.defcols[col.columnid];
- if (!tbid) tbid = query.defaultTableid;
- if (col.columnid !== '_') {
- if (
- false &&
- tbid &&
- !query.defcols['.'][col.tableid] &&
- !query.defcols[col.columnid]
- ) {
- ss.push(
- "'" +
- escapeq(col.as || col.columnid) +
- "':p['" +
- query.defaultTableid +
- "']['" +
- col.tableid +
- "']['" +
- col.columnid +
- "']"
- );
- } else {
- // workaround for multisheet xlsx export with custom COLUMNS
- var isMultisheetParam =
- params &&
- params.length > 1 &&
- Array.isArray(params[0]) &&
- params[0].length >= 1 &&
- params[0][0].hasOwnProperty('sheetid');
- if (isMultisheetParam) {
- sp =
- 'var r={};var w=p["' +
- tbid +
- '"];' +
- 'var cols=[' +
- self.columns
- .map(function(col) {
- return "'" + col.columnid + "'";
- })
- .join(',') +
- '];var colas=[' +
- self.columns
- .map(function(col) {
- return "'" + (col.as || col.columnid) + "'";
- })
- .join(',') +
- '];' +
- "for (var i=0;i 0) {
- var tcol = xcolumns[col.columnid];
- if (undefined === tcol) {
- throw new Error('Column does not exists: ' + col.columnid);
- }
- var coldef = {
- columnid: col.as || col.columnid,
- dbtypeid: tcol.dbtypeid,
- dbsize: tcol.dbsize,
- dbpecision: tcol.dbprecision,
- dbenum: tcol.dbenum,
- };
- query.columns.push(coldef);
- query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
- } else {
- var coldef = {
- columnid: col.as || col.columnid,
- // dbtypeid:tcol.dbtypeid,
- // dbsize:tcol.dbsize,
- // dbpecision:tcol.dbprecision,
- // dbenum: tcol.dbenum,
- };
- query.columns.push(coldef);
- query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
- query.dirtyColumns = true;
- }
- } else {
- var coldef = {
- columnid: col.as || col.columnid,
- // dbtypeid:tcol.dbtypeid,
- // dbsize:tcol.dbsize,
- // dbpecision:tcol.dbprecision,
- // dbenum: tcol.dbenum,
- };
- query.columns.push(coldef);
- query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
- // This is a subquery?
- // throw new Error('There is now such table \''+col.tableid+'\'');
- }
- }
- } else if (col instanceof yy.AggrValue) {
- if (!self.group) {
- // self.group=[new yy.Column({columnid:'q',as:'q' })];
- self.group = [''];
- }
- if (!col.as) {
- col.as = escapeq(col.toString());
- }
- if (
- col.aggregatorid === 'SUM' ||
- col.aggregatorid === 'MAX' ||
- col.aggregatorid === 'MIN' ||
- col.aggregatorid === 'FIRST' ||
- col.aggregatorid === 'LAST' ||
- col.aggregatorid === 'AVG' ||
- col.aggregatorid === 'ARRAY' ||
- col.aggregatorid === 'REDUCE'
- ) {
- ss.push(
- "'" +
- escapeq(col.as) +
- "':" +
- n2u(col.expression.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols))
- );
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'COUNT') {
- ss.push("'" + escapeq(col.as) + "':1");
- // Nothing
- }
- // todo: confirm that no default action must be implemented
- // query.selectColumns[col.aggregatorid+'('+escapeq(col.expression.toString())+')'] = thtd;
- var coldef = {
- columnid: col.as || col.columnid || col.toString(),
- // dbtypeid:tcol.dbtypeid,
- // dbsize:tcol.dbsize,
- // dbpecision:tcol.dbprecision,
- // dbenum: tcol.dbenum,
- };
- query.columns.push(coldef);
- query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
- // else if (col.aggregatorid == 'MAX') {
- // ss.push((col.as || col.columnid)+':'+col.toJS("p.",query.defaultTableid))
- // } else if (col.aggregatorid == 'MIN') {
- // ss.push((col.as || col.columnid)+':'+col.toJS("p.",query.defaultTableid))
- // }
- } else {
- ss.push(
- "'" +
- escapeq(col.as || col.columnid || col.toString()) +
- "':" +
- n2u(col.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols))
- );
- // ss.push('\''+escapeq(col.toString())+'\':'+col.toJS("p",query.defaultTableid));
- //if(col instanceof yy.Expression) {
- query.selectColumns[escapeq(col.as || col.columnid || col.toString())] = true;
- var coldef = {
- columnid: col.as || col.columnid || col.toString(),
- // dbtypeid:tcol.dbtypeid,
- // dbsize:tcol.dbsize,
- // dbpecision:tcol.dbprecision,
- // dbenum: tcol.dbenum,
- };
- query.columns.push(coldef);
- query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
- }
- });
- s += ss.join(',') + '};' + sp;
- return s;
-yy.Select.prototype.compileSelect2 = function(query) {
- var s = query.selectfns;
- if (this.orderColumns && this.orderColumns.length > 0) {
- this.orderColumns.forEach(function(v, idx) {
- var key = '$$$' + idx;
- if (v instanceof yy.Column && query.xcolumns[v.columnid]) {
- s += "r['" + key + "']=r['" + v.columnid + "'];";
- } else {
- s += "r['" + key + "']=" + v.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols) + ';';
- }
- query.removeKeys.push(key);
- });
- }
- return new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;' + s + 'return r');
-yy.Select.prototype.compileSelectGroup0 = function(query) {
- var self = this;
- self.columns.forEach(function(col, idx) {
- if (!(col instanceof yy.Column && col.columnid === '*')) {
- var colas;
- // = col.as;
- if (col instanceof yy.Column) {
- colas = escapeq(col.columnid);
- } else {
- colas = escapeq(col.toString(true));
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < idx; i++) {
- if (colas === self.columns[i].nick) {
- colas = self.columns[i].nick + ':' + idx;
- break;
- }
- }
- // }
- col.nick = colas;
- if (
- col.funcid &&
- (col.funcid.toUpperCase() === 'ROWNUM' || col.funcid.toUpperCase() === 'ROW_NUMBER')
- ) {
- query.rownums.push(col.as);
- }
- // }
- } else {
- query.groupStar = col.tableid || 'default';
- }
- });
- this.columns.forEach(function(col) {
- if (col.findAggregator) {
- col.findAggregator(query);
- }
- });
- if (this.having) {
- if (this.having.findAggregator) {
- this.having.findAggregator(query);
- }
- }
-yy.Select.prototype.compileSelectGroup1 = function(query) {
- var self = this;
- var s = 'var r = {};';
- self.columns.forEach(function(col) {
- if (col instanceof yy.Column && col.columnid === '*') {
- // s += 'for(var k in g){r[k]=g[k]};';
- // s += 'for(var k in this.query.groupColumns){r[k]=g[this.query.groupColumns[k]]};';
- s += 'for(var k in g) {r[k]=g[k]};';
- return '';
- } else {
- // var colas = col.as;
- var colas = col.as;
- if (colas === undefined) {
- if (col instanceof yy.Column) {
- colas = escapeq(col.columnid);
- } else {
- colas = col.nick;
- }
- }
- query.groupColumns[colas] = col.nick;
- // if(col.as) {
- s += "r['" + colas + "']=";
- // // } else {
- // // s += 'r[\''+escapeq()+'\']=';
- // // };
- // // s += ';';
- s += n2u(col.toJS('g', '')) + ';';
- for (var i = 0; i < query.removeKeys.length; i++) {
- // THis part should be intellectual
- if (query.removeKeys[i] === colas) {
- query.removeKeys.splice(i, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- });
- // return new Function('g,params,alasql',s+'return r');
- return s;
-yy.Select.prototype.compileSelectGroup2 = function(query) {
- var self = this;
- var s = query.selectgfns;
- self.columns.forEach(function(col) {
- if (query.ingroup.indexOf(col.nick) > -1) {
- s += "r['" + (col.as || col.nick) + "']=g['" + col.nick + "'];";
- }
- });
- if (this.orderColumns && this.orderColumns.length > 0) {
- this.orderColumns.forEach(function(v, idx) {
- var key = '$$$' + idx;
- if (v instanceof yy.Column && query.groupColumns[v.columnid]) {
- s += "r['" + key + "']=r['" + v.columnid + "'];";
- } else {
- s += "r['" + key + "']=" + v.toJS('g', '') + ';';
- }
- query.removeKeys.push(key);
- });
- }
- return new Function('g,params,alasql', 'var y;' + s + 'return r');
-// SELECY * REMOVE [COLUMNS] col-list, LIKE ''
-yy.Select.prototype.compileRemoveColumns = function(query) {
- var self = this;
- if (typeof this.removecolumns !== 'undefined') {
- query.removeKeys = query.removeKeys.concat(
- this.removecolumns
- .filter(function(column) {
- return typeof column.like === 'undefined';
- })
- .map(function(column) {
- return column.columnid;
- })
- );
- query.removeLikeKeys = this.removecolumns
- .filter(function(column) {
- return typeof column.like !== 'undefined';
- })
- .map(function(column) {
- // return new RegExp((column.like.value||'').replace(/\%/g,'.*').replace(/\?|_/g,'.'),'g');
- return column.like.value;
- });
- }
-/* global yy */
-yy.Select.prototype.compileHaving = function(query) {
- if (this.having) {
- var s = this.having.toJS('g', -1);
- query.havingfns = s;
- return new Function('g,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + s);
- }
- return function() {
- return true;
- };
-yy.Select.prototype.compileOrder = function(query) {
- var self = this;
- self.orderColumns = [];
- if (this.order) {
- if (
- this.order &&
- this.order.length == 1 &&
- this.order[0].expression &&
- typeof this.order[0].expression == 'function'
- ) {
- var func = this.order[0].expression;
- return function(a, b) {
- var ra = func(a),
- rb = func(b);
- if (ra > rb) return 1;
- if (ra == rb) return 0;
- return -1;
- };
- }
- var s = '';
- var sk = '';
- this.order.forEach(function(ord, idx) {
- if (ord.expression instanceof yy.NumValue) {
- var v = self.columns[ord.expression.value - 1];
- } else {
- var v = ord.expression;
- }
- self.orderColumns.push(v);
- var key = '$$$' + idx;
- // Date conversion
- var dg = '';
- //if(alasql.options.valueof)
- if (ord.expression instanceof yy.Column) {
- var columnid = ord.expression.columnid;
- if (query.xcolumns[columnid]) {
- var dbtypeid = query.xcolumns[columnid].dbtypeid;
- if (dbtypeid == 'DATE' || dbtypeid == 'DATETIME' || dbtypeid == 'DATETIME2')
- dg = '.valueOf()';
- // TODO Add other types mapping
- } else {
- if (alasql.options.valueof) dg = '.valueOf()'; // TODO Check
- }
- // dg = '.valueOf()';
- }
- if (ord.nocase) dg += '.toUpperCase()';
- s +=
- "if((a['" +
- key +
- "']||'')" +
- dg +
- (ord.direction == 'ASC' ? '>' : '<') +
- "(b['" +
- key +
- "']||'')" +
- dg +
- ')return 1;';
- s += "if((a['" + key + "']||'')" + dg + "==(b['" + key + "']||'')" + dg + '){';
- /*
-if(false) {
- if(ord.expression instanceof yy.NumValue) {
- ord.expression = self.columns[ord.expression.value-1];
- ord.expression = new yy.Column({columnid:ord.expression.nick});
- };
- if(ord.expression instanceof yy.Column) {
- var columnid = ord.expression.columnid;
- if(query.xcolumns[columnid]) {
- var dbtypeid = query.xcolumns[columnid].dbtypeid;
- if( dbtypeid == 'DATE' || dbtypeid == 'DATETIME' || dbtypeid == 'DATETIME2') dg = '.valueOf()';
- // TODO Add other types mapping
- } else {
- if(alasql.options.valueof) dg = '.valueOf()'; // TODO Check
- }
- if(ord.nocase) dg += '.toUpperCase()';
- s += 'if((a[\''+columnid+"']||'')"+dg+(ord.direction == 'ASC'?'>':'<')+'(b[\''+columnid+"']||'')"+dg+')return 1;';
- s += 'if((a[\''+columnid+"']||'')"+dg+'==(b[\''+columnid+"']||'')"+dg+'){';
- } else {
- dg = '.valueOf()';
- if(ord.nocase) dg += '.toUpperCase()';
- s += 'if(('+ord.toJS('a','')+"||'')"+dg+(ord.direction == 'ASC'?'>(':'<(')+ord.toJS('b','')+"||'')"+dg+')return 1;';
- s += 'if(('+ord.toJS('a','')+"||'')"+dg+'==('+ord.toJS('b','')+"||'')"+dg+'){';
- }
- // TODO Add date comparision
- sk += '}';
- });
- s += 'return 0;';
- s += sk + 'return -1';
- query.orderfns = s;
- return new Function('a,b', 'var y;' + s);
- }
-// Pivot functions
- Compile Pivot functions
- @param {object} query Source query
- @return {function} Pivoting functions
-yy.Select.prototype.compilePivot = function(query) {
- var self = this;
- /** @type {string} Main pivoting column */
- var columnid = self.pivot.columnid;
- var exprcolid = self.pivot.expr.expression.columnid;
- var aggr = self.pivot.expr.aggregatorid;
- var inlist = self.pivot.inlist;
- if (inlist) {
- inlist = inlist.map(function(l) {
- return l.expr.columnid;
- });
- }
- // Function for PIVOT post production
- return function() {
- var query = this;
- var cols = query.columns
- .filter(function(col) {
- return col.columnid != columnid && col.columnid != exprcolid;
- })
- .map(function(col) {
- return col.columnid;
- });
- var newcols = [];
- var gnewcols = {};
- var gr = {};
- var ga = {};
- var data = [];
- query.data.forEach(function(d) {
- if (!inlist || inlist.indexOf(d[columnid]) > -1) {
- var gx = cols
- .map(function(colid) {
- return d[colid];
- })
- .join('`');
- var g = gr[gx];
- if (!g) {
- g = {};
- gr[gx] = g;
- data.push(g);
- cols.forEach(function(colid) {
- g[colid] = d[colid];
- });
- }
- if (!ga[gx]) {
- ga[gx] = {};
- }
- if (ga[gx][d[columnid]]) {
- ga[gx][d[columnid]]++;
- } else {
- ga[gx][d[columnid]] = 1;
- }
- if (!gnewcols[d[columnid]]) {
- gnewcols[d[columnid]] = true;
- newcols.push(d[columnid]);
- }
- if (aggr == 'SUM' || aggr == 'AVG') {
- if (typeof g[d[columnid]] == 'undefined') g[d[columnid]] = 0;
- g[d[columnid]] += d[exprcolid];
- } else if (aggr == 'COUNT') {
- if (typeof g[d[columnid]] == 'undefined') g[d[columnid]] = 0;
- g[d[columnid]]++;
- } else if (aggr == 'MIN') {
- if (typeof g[d[columnid]] == 'undefined') g[d[columnid]] = Infinity;
- if (d[exprcolid] < g[d[columnid]]) g[d[columnid]] = d[exprcolid];
- } else if (aggr == 'MAX') {
- if (typeof g[d[columnid]] == 'undefined') g[d[columnid]] = -Infinity;
- if (d[exprcolid] > g[d[columnid]]) g[d[columnid]] = d[exprcolid];
- } else if (aggr == 'FIRST') {
- if (typeof g[d[columnid]] == 'undefined') g[d[columnid]] = d[exprcolid];
- } else if (aggr == 'LAST') {
- g[d[columnid]] = d[exprcolid];
- } else if (alasql.aggr[aggr]) {
- // Custom aggregator
- alasql.aggr[aggr](g[d[columnid]], d[exprcolid]);
- } else {
- throw new Error('Wrong aggregator in PIVOT clause');
- }
- }
- });
- if (aggr == 'AVG') {
- for (var gx in gr) {
- var d = gr[gx];
- for (var colid in d) {
- if (cols.indexOf(colid) == -1 && colid != exprcolid) {
- d[colid] = d[colid] / ga[gx][colid];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // columns
- query.data = data;
- if (inlist) newcols = inlist;
- var ncol = query.columns.filter(function(col) {
- return col.columnid == exprcolid;
- })[0];
- query.columns = query.columns.filter(function(col) {
- return !(col.columnid == columnid || col.columnid == exprcolid);
- });
- newcols.forEach(function(colid) {
- var nc = cloneDeep(ncol);
- nc.columnid = colid;
- query.columns.push(nc);
- });
- };
-// var columnid = this.pivot.columnid;
-// return function(data){
-// if(false) {
-// }
-// if(false) {
-// }
-// };
- Compile UNPIVOT clause
- @param {object} query Query object
- @return {function} Function for unpivoting
-yy.Select.prototype.compileUnpivot = function(query) {
- var self = this;
- var tocolumnid = self.unpivot.tocolumnid;
- var forcolumnid = self.unpivot.forcolumnid;
- var inlist = self.unpivot.inlist.map(function(l) {
- return l.columnid;
- });
- return function() {
- var data = [];
- var xcols = query.columns
- .map(function(col) {
- return col.columnid;
- })
- .filter(function(colid) {
- return inlist.indexOf(colid) == -1 && colid != forcolumnid && colid != tocolumnid;
- });
- query.data.forEach(function(d) {
- inlist.forEach(function(colid) {
- var nd = {};
- xcols.forEach(function(xcolid) {
- nd[xcolid] = d[xcolid];
- });
- nd[forcolumnid] = colid;
- nd[tocolumnid] = d[colid];
- data.push(nd);
- });
- });
- query.data = data;
- // });
- };
-// ROLLUP(), CUBE(), GROUPING SETS() for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
- Calculate ROLLUP() combination
- */
-var rollup = function(a, query) {
- var rr = [];
- var mask = 0;
- var glen = a.length;
- for (var g = 0; g < glen + 1; g++) {
- var ss = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < glen; i++) {
- if (a[i] instanceof yy.Column) {
- a[i].nick = escapeq(a[i].columnid);
- query.groupColumns[escapeq(a[i].columnid)] = a[i].nick;
- var aaa = a[i].nick + '\t' + a[i].toJS('p', query.sources[0].alias, query.defcols);
- } else {
- query.groupColumns[escapeq(a[i].toString())] = escapeq(a[i].toString());
- var aaa =
- escapeq(a[i].toString()) +
- '\t' +
- a[i].toJS('p', query.sources[0].alias, query.defcols);
- }
- if (mask & (1 << i)) ss.push(aaa);
- }
- rr.push(ss);
- mask = (mask << 1) + 1;
- }
- return rr;
- Calculate CUBE()
- */
-var cube = function(a, query) {
- var rr = [];
- var glen = a.length;
- var glenCube = 1 << glen;
- for (var g = 0; g < glenCube; g++) {
- var ss = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < glen; i++) {
- if (g & (1 << i))
- //ss.push(a[i]);
- //ss = cartes(ss,decartes(a[i]));
- // var aaa = a[i].toString()+'\t'
- // +a[i].toJS('p',query.sources[0].alias,query.defcols);
- ss = ss.concat(decartes(a[i], query));
- //
- }
- rr.push(ss);
- }
- return rr;
- */
-var groupingsets = function(a, query) {
- return a.reduce(function(acc, d) {
- acc = acc.concat(decartes(d, query));
- return acc;
- }, []);
- Cartesian production
- */
-var cartes = function(a1, a2) {
- var rrr = [];
- for (var i1 = 0; i1 < a1.length; i1++) {
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < a2.length; i2++) {
- rrr.push(a1[i1].concat(a2[i2]));
- }
- }
- return rrr;
- Prepare groups function
- */
-function decartes(gv, query) {
- if (Array.isArray(gv)) {
- var res = [[]];
- for (var t = 0; t < gv.length; t++) {
- if (gv[t] instanceof yy.Column) {
- gv[t].nick = escapeq(gv[t].columnid);
- query.groupColumns[gv[t].nick] = gv[t].nick;
- res = res.map(function(r) {
- return r.concat(
- gv[t].nick + '\t' + gv[t].toJS('p', query.sources[0].alias, query.defcols)
- );
- });
- // res = res.map(function(r){return r.concat(gv[t].columnid)});
- } else if (gv[t] instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
- query.groupColumns[escapeq(gv[t].toString())] = escapeq(gv[t].toString());
- res = res.map(function(r) {
- return r.concat(
- escapeq(gv[t].toString()) +
- '\t' +
- gv[t].toJS('p', query.sources[0].alias, query.defcols)
- );
- });
- // to be defined
- } else if (gv[t] instanceof yy.GroupExpression) {
- if (gv[t].type == 'ROLLUP') res = cartes(res, rollup(gv[t].group, query));
- else if (gv[t].type == 'CUBE') res = cartes(res, cube(gv[t].group, query));
- else if (gv[t].type == 'GROUPING SETS')
- res = cartes(res, groupingsets(gv[t].group, query));
- else throw new Error('Unknown grouping function');
- } else if (gv[t] === '') {
- res = [['1\t1']];
- } else {
- // if(gv[t])
- res = res.map(function(r) {
- query.groupColumns[escapeq(gv[t].toString())] = escapeq(gv[t].toString());
- return r.concat(
- escapeq(gv[t].toString()) +
- '\t' +
- gv[t].toJS('p', query.sources[0].alias, query.defcols)
- );
- });
- // res = res.concat(gv[t]);
- }
- }
- return res;
- } else if (gv instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
- query.groupColumns[escapeq(gv.toString())] = escapeq(gv.toString());
- return [gv.toString() + '\t' + gv.toJS('p', query.sources[0].alias, query.defcols)];
- } else if (gv instanceof yy.Column) {
- gv.nick = escapeq(gv.columnid);
- query.groupColumns[gv.nick] = gv.nick;
- return [gv.nick + '\t' + gv.toJS('p', query.sources[0].alias, query.defcols)]; // Is this ever happened?
- // } else if(gv instanceof yy.Expression) {
- // return [gv.columnid]; // Is this ever happened?
- } else {
- query.groupColumns[escapeq(gv.toString())] = escapeq(gv.toString());
- return [
- escapeq(gv.toString()) + '\t' + gv.toJS('p', query.sources[0].alias, query.defcols),
- ];
- // throw new Error('Single argument in the group without array');
- }
-// Select run-time part for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.Select.prototype.compileDefCols = function(query, databaseid) {
- var defcols = {'.': {}};
- if (this.from) {
- this.from.forEach(function(fr) {
- defcols['.'][fr.as || fr.tableid] = true;
- if (fr instanceof yy.Table) {
- var alias = fr.as || fr.tableid;
- var table = alasql.databases[fr.databaseid || databaseid].tables[fr.tableid];
- if (undefined === table) {
- throw new Error('Table does not exists: ' + fr.tableid);
- }
- if (table.columns) {
- table.columns.forEach(function(col) {
- if (defcols[col.columnid]) {
- defcols[col.columnid] = '-'; // Ambigous
- } else {
- defcols[col.columnid] = alias;
- }
- });
- }
- } else if (fr instanceof yy.Select) {
- } else if (fr instanceof yy.Search) {
- } else if (fr instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
- } else if (fr instanceof yy.VarValue) {
- } else if (fr instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
- } else if (fr instanceof yy.FromData) {
- } else if (fr instanceof yy.Json) {
- } else if (fr.inserted) {
- } else {
- throw new Error('Unknown type of FROM clause');
- }
- });
- }
- if (this.joins) {
- this.joins.forEach(function(jn) {
- defcols['.'][jn.as || jn.table.tableid] = true;
- if (jn.table) {
- var alias = jn.table.tableid;
- if (jn.as) alias = jn.as;
- var alias = jn.as || jn.table.tableid;
- var table =
- alasql.databases[jn.table.databaseid || databaseid].tables[jn.table.tableid];
- if (table.columns) {
- table.columns.forEach(function(col) {
- if (defcols[col.columnid]) {
- defcols[col.columnid] = '-'; // Ambigous
- } else {
- defcols[col.columnid] = alias;
- }
- });
- }
- } else if (jn.select) {
- } else if (jn.param) {
- } else if (jn.func) {
- } else {
- throw new Error('Unknown type of FROM clause');
- }
- });
- }
- // for(var k in defcols) {
- // if(defcols[k] == '-') defcols[k] = undefined;
- // }
- return defcols;
-// UNION for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-// SELECT UNION statement
-yy.Union = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Union.prototype.toString = function() {
- return 'UNION';
-yy.Union.prototype.compile = function(tableid) {
- return null;
-// CROSS AND OUTER APPLY for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.Apply = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Apply.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = this.applymode + ' APPLY (' + this.select.toString() + ')';
- if (this.as) s += ' AS ' + this.as;
- return s;
-// CROSS AND OUTER APPLY for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.Over = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Over.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'OVER (';
- if (this.partition) {
- s += 'PARTITION BY ' + this.partition.toString();
- if (this.order) s += ' ';
- }
- if (this.order) {
- s += 'ORDER BY ' + this.order.toString();
- }
- s += ')';
- return s;
-// Expressions for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
- Expression statement ( = 2*2; )
- @class
- @param {object} params Initial parameters
-yy.ExpressionStatement = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
- Convert AST to string
- @this ExpressionStatement
- @return {string}
-yy.ExpressionStatement.prototype.toString = function() {
- return this.expression.toString();
- Execute statement
- @param {string} databaseid Database identificatro
- @param {object} params Statement parameters
- @param {statement-callback} cb Callback
- @return {object} Result value
-yy.ExpressionStatement.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- if (this.expression) {
- alasql.precompile(this, databaseid, params); // Precompile queries
- var exprfn = new Function(
- 'params,alasql,p',
- 'var y;return ' + this.expression.toJS('({})', '', null)
- ).bind(this);
- var res = exprfn(params, alasql);
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
- }
- Expression class
- @class
- @param {object} params Initial parameters
-yy.Expression = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
- Convert AST to string
- @this ExpressionStatement
- @return {string}
-yy.Expression.prototype.toString = function(dontas) {
- var s = this.expression.toString(dontas);
- if (this.order) {
- s += ' ' + this.order.toString();
- }
- if (this.nocase) {
- }
- if (this.direction) {
- s += ' ' + this.direction;
- }
- return s;
- Find aggregator in AST subtree
- @this ExpressionStatement
- @param {object} query Query object
-yy.Expression.prototype.findAggregator = function(query) {
- if (this.expression.findAggregator) {
- this.expression.findAggregator(query);
- }
- Convert AST to JavaScript expression
- @this ExpressionStatement
- @param {string} context Context string, e.g. 'p','g', or 'x'
- @param {string} tableid Default table name
- @param {object} defcols Default columns dictionary
- @return {string} JavaScript expression
-yy.Expression.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- if (this.expression.reduced) {
- return 'true';
- }
- return this.expression.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
- Compile AST to JavaScript expression
- @this ExpressionStatement
- @param {string} context Context string, e.g. 'p','g', or 'x'
- @param {string} tableid Default table name
- @param {object} defcols Default columns dictionary
- @return {string} JavaScript expression
-yy.Expression.prototype.compile = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- if (this.reduced) {
- return returnTrue();
- }
- return new Function('p', 'var y;return ' + this.toJS(context, tableid, defcols));
- JavaScript class
- @class
-yy.JavaScript = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.JavaScript.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = '``' + this.value + '``';
- return s;
-yy.JavaScript.prototype.toJS = function(/* context, tableid, defcols*/) {
- return '(' + this.value + ')';
-yy.JavaScript.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- var expr = new Function('params,alasql,p', this.value);
- expr(params, alasql);
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
- Literal class
- @class
- @example
- MyVar, [My vairable], `MySQL variable`
-yy.Literal = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Literal.prototype.toString = function(dontas) {
- var s = this.value;
- if (this.value1) {
- s = this.value1 + '.' + s;
- }
- if (this.alias && !dontas) s += ' AS ' + this.alias;
- // else s = tableid+'.'+s;
- return s;
- Join class
- @class
-yy.Join = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Join.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = ' ';
- if (this.joinmode) {
- s += this.joinmode + ' ';
- }
- s += 'JOIN ' + this.table.toString();
- return s;
-// }
- Table class
- @class
-yy.Table = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Table.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = this.tableid;
- // if(this.joinmode)
- if (this.databaseid) {
- s = this.databaseid + '.' + s;
- }
- return s;
- View class
- @class
-yy.View = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.View.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = this.viewid;
- // if(this.joinmode)
- if (this.databaseid) {
- s = this.databaseid + '.' + s;
- }
- return s;
- Binary operation class
- @class
-yy.Op = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Op.prototype.toString = function() {
- if (this.op === 'IN' || this.op === 'NOT IN') {
- return this.left.toString() + ' ' + this.op + ' (' + this.right.toString() + ')';
- }
- if (this.allsome) {
- return (
- this.left.toString() +
- ' ' +
- this.op +
- ' ' +
- this.allsome +
- ' (' +
- this.right.toString() +
- ')'
- );
- }
- if (this.op === '->' || this.op === '!') {
- var s = this.left.toString() + this.op;
- if (typeof this.right !== 'string' && typeof this.right !== 'number') {
- s += '(';
- }
- s += this.right.toString();
- if (typeof this.right !== 'string' && typeof this.right !== 'number') {
- s += ')';
- }
- return s;
- }
- return (
- this.left.toString() +
- ' ' +
- this.op +
- ' ' +
- (this.allsome ? this.allsome + ' ' : '') +
- this.right.toString()
- );
-yy.Op.prototype.findAggregator = function(query) {
- if (this.left && this.left.findAggregator) {
- this.left.findAggregator(query);
- }
- // Do not go in > ALL
- if (this.right && this.right.findAggregator && !this.allsome) {
- this.right.findAggregator(query);
- }
-yy.Op.prototype.toType = function(tableid) {
- if (['-', '*', '/', '%', '^'].indexOf(this.op) > -1) {
- return 'number';
- }
- if (['||'].indexOf(this.op) > -1) {
- return 'string';
- }
- if (this.op === '+') {
- if (this.left.toType(tableid) === 'string' || this.right.toType(tableid) === 'string') {
- return 'string';
- }
- if (this.left.toType(tableid) === 'number' || this.right.toType(tableid) === 'number') {
- return 'number';
- }
- }
- if (
- [
- 'AND',
- 'OR',
- 'NOT',
- '=',
- '==',
- '===',
- '!=',
- '!==',
- '!===',
- '>',
- '>=',
- '<',
- '<=',
- 'IN',
- 'NOT IN',
- 'LIKE',
- 'GLOB',
- ].indexOf(this.op) > -1
- ) {
- return 'boolean';
- }
- if (
- this.op === 'BETWEEN' ||
- this.op === 'NOT BETWEEN' ||
- this.op === 'IS NULL' ||
- this.op === 'IS NOT NULL'
- ) {
- return 'boolean';
- }
- if (this.allsome) {
- return 'boolean';
- }
- if (!this.op) {
- return this.left.toType();
- }
- return 'unknown';
-yy.Op.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- var s;
- var refs = [];
- var op = this.op;
- var _this = this;
- //var leftJS = function(){return _this.left.toJS(context,tableid, defcols)};
- //var rightJS = function(){return _this.right.toJS(context,tableid, defcols)};
- var accessedLeft = false,
- accessedRight = false;
- var ref = function(expr) {
- if (expr.toJS) {
- expr = expr.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
- }
- var i = refs.push(expr) - 1;
- return 'y[' + i + ']';
- };
- var leftJS = function() {
- return ref(_this.left);
- };
- var rightJS = function() {
- return ref(_this.right);
- };
- if (this.op === '=') {
- op = '===';
- } else if (this.op === '<>') {
- op = '!=';
- } else if (this.op === 'OR') {
- op = '||';
- }
- // Arrow operator
- if (this.op === '->') {
- // Expression to prevent error if object is empty (#344)
- var ljs = '(' + leftJS() + '||{})';
- if (typeof this.right === 'string') {
- s = ljs + '["' + this.right + '"]';
- } else if (typeof this.right === 'number') {
- s = ljs + '[' + this.right + ']';
- } else if (this.right instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
- var ss = [];
- if (!(!this.right.args || 0 === this.right.args.length)) {
- var ss = this.right.args.map(ref);
- }
- s = '' + ljs + "['" + this.right.funcid + "'](" + ss.join(',') + ')';
- } else {
- s = '' + ljs + '[' + rightJS() + ']';
- }
- }
- if (this.op === '!') {
- if (typeof this.right === 'string') {
- s =
- '' +
- 'alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[' +
- leftJS() +
- ']["' +
- this.right +
- '"]';
- }
- // TODO - add other cases
- }
- if (this.op === 'IS') {
- s =
- '' +
- '(' +
- '(' +
- leftJS() +
- '==null)' + // Cant be ===
- ' === ' +
- '(' +
- rightJS() +
- '==null)' + // Cant be ===
- ')';
- }
- if (this.op === '==') {
- s = '' + 'alasql.utils.deepEqual(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + ')';
- }
- if (this.op === '===' || this.op === '!===') {
- s =
- '' +
- '(' +
- (this.op === '!===' ? '!' : '') +
- '(' +
- '(' +
- leftJS() +
- ').valueOf()' +
- '===' +
- '(' +
- rightJS() +
- ').valueOf()' +
- ')' +
- ')';
- }
- if (this.op === '!==') {
- s = '' + '(!alasql.utils.deepEqual(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + '))';
- }
- if (this.op === '||') {
- s = '' + "(''+(" + leftJS() + "||'')+(" + rightJS() + '||""))';
- }
- if (this.op === 'LIKE' || this.op === 'NOT LIKE') {
- var s =
- '(' +
- (this.op === 'NOT LIKE' ? '!' : '') +
- 'alasql.utils.like(' +
- rightJS() +
- ',' +
- leftJS();
- if (this.escape) {
- s += ',' + ref(this.escape);
- }
- s += '))';
- }
- if (this.op === 'REGEXP') {
- s = 'alasql.stdfn.REGEXP_LIKE(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + ')';
- }
- if (this.op === 'GLOB') {
- s = 'alasql.utils.glob(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + ')';
- }
- if (this.op === 'BETWEEN' || this.op === 'NOT BETWEEN') {
- var left = leftJS();
- s =
- '' +
- '(' +
- (this.op === 'NOT BETWEEN' ? '!' : '') +
- '(' +
- '(' +
- ref(this.right1) +
- '<=' +
- left +
- ') && (' +
- left +
- '<=' +
- ref(this.right2) +
- ')' +
- ')' +
- ')';
- }
- if (this.op === 'IN') {
- if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
- s = '(';
- // s += 'this.query.queriesdata['+this.queriesidx+']';
- // s += 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn['+(this.queriesidx)+'](params,null,context))';
- s +=
- 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn[' +
- this.queriesidx +
- '](params,null,' +
- context +
- '))';
- s += '.indexOf(';
- s += leftJS() + ')>-1)';
- } else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
- // if(this.right.length == 0) return 'false';
- s = '([' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + '].indexOf(' + leftJS() + ')>-1)';
- } else {
- s = '(' + rightJS() + '.indexOf(' + leftJS() + ')>-1)';
- // } else {
- // throw new Error('Wrong IN operator without SELECT part');
- }
- }
- if (this.op === 'NOT IN') {
- if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
- s = '(';
- //this.query.queriesdata['+this.queriesidx+']
- // s += 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn['+(this.queriesidx)+'](params,null,p))';
- s += 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn[' + this.queriesidx + '](params,null,p))';
- s += '.indexOf(';
- s += leftJS() + ')<0)';
- } else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
- // if(this.right.length == 0) return 'true';
- s = '([' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + '].indexOf(';
- s += leftJS() + ')<0)';
- } else {
- s = '(' + rightJS() + '.indexOf(';
- s += leftJS() + ')==-1)';
- // throw new Error('Wrong NOT IN operator without SELECT part');
- }
- }
- if (this.allsome === 'ALL') {
- var s;
- if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
- // var s = 'this.query.queriesdata['+this.queriesidx+']';
- s =
- 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn[' +
- this.queriesidx +
- '](params,null,p))';
- s += '.every(function(b){return (';
- s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
- } else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
- s =
- '' +
- (this.right.length == 1
- ? ref(this.right[0])
- : '[' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + ']');
- s += '.every(function(b){return (';
- s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
- } else {
- throw new Error('NOT IN operator without SELECT');
- }
- }
- if (this.allsome === 'SOME' || this.allsome === 'ANY') {
- var s;
- if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
- // var s = 'this.query.queriesdata['+this.queriesidx+']';
- s =
- 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn[' +
- this.queriesidx +
- '](params,null,p))';
- s += '.some(function(b){return (';
- s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
- } else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
- s =
- '' +
- (this.right.length == 1
- ? ref(this.right[0])
- : '[' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + ']');
- s += '.some(function(b){return (';
- s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
- } else {
- throw new Error('SOME/ANY operator without SELECT');
- }
- }
- // Special case for AND optimization (if reduced)
- if (this.op === 'AND') {
- if (this.left.reduced) {
- if (this.right.reduced) {
- return 'true';
- } else {
- s = rightJS();
- }
- } else if (this.right.reduced) {
- s = leftJS();
- }
- // Otherwise process as regular operation (see below)
- op = '&&';
- }
- // if(this.op === '^') {
- // // return 'Math.pow('
- // // + leftJS()
- // // + ','
- // // + rightJS()
- // // + ')';
- // }
- // Change names
- var expr = s || '(' + leftJS() + op + rightJS() + ')';
- var declareRefs = 'y=[(' + refs.join('), (') + ')]';
- if (op === '&&' || op === '||' || op === 'IS' || op === 'IS NULL' || op === 'IS NOT NULL') {
- return '(' + declareRefs + ', ' + expr + ')';
- }
- return (
- '(' + declareRefs + ', ' + 'y.some(function(e){return e == null}) ? void 0 : ' + expr + ')'
- );
-yy.VarValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.VarValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return '@' + this.variable;
-yy.VarValue.prototype.toType = function() {
- return 'unknown';
-yy.VarValue.prototype.toJS = function() {
- return "alasql.vars['" + this.variable + "']";
-yy.NumValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.NumValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return this.value.toString();
-yy.NumValue.prototype.toType = function() {
- return 'number';
-yy.NumValue.prototype.toJS = function() {
- return '' + this.value;
-yy.StringValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.StringValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return "'" + this.value.toString() + "'";
-yy.StringValue.prototype.toType = function() {
- return 'string';
-yy.StringValue.prototype.toJS = function() {
- // return "'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'";
- return "'" + escapeq(this.value) + "'";
-yy.DomainValueValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.DomainValueValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return 'VALUE';
-yy.DomainValueValue.prototype.toType = function() {
- return 'object';
-yy.DomainValueValue.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- // return "'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'";
- return context;
-yy.ArrayValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.ArrayValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return 'ARRAY[]';
-yy.ArrayValue.prototype.toType = function() {
- return 'object';
-yy.ArrayValue.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- // return "'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'";
- return (
- '[(' +
- this.value
- .map(function(el) {
- return el.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
- })
- .join('), (') +
- ')]'
- );
-yy.LogicValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.LogicValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return this.value ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
-yy.LogicValue.prototype.toType = function() {
- return 'boolean';
-yy.LogicValue.prototype.toJS = function() {
- return this.value ? 'true' : 'false';
-yy.NullValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.NullValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return 'NULL';
-yy.NullValue.prototype.toJS = function() {
- return 'undefined';
- // return 'undefined';
-yy.ParamValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.ParamValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return '$' + this.param;
-yy.ParamValue.prototype.toJS = function() {
- if (typeof this.param === 'string') {
- return "params['" + this.param + "']";
- }
- return 'params[' + this.param + ']';
-yy.UniOp = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.UniOp.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s;
- s = void 0;
- if (this.op === '~') {
- s = this.op + this.right.toString();
- }
- if (this.op === '-') {
- s = this.op + this.right.toString();
- }
- if (this.op === '+') {
- s = this.op + this.right.toString();
- }
- if (this.op === '#') {
- s = this.op + this.right.toString();
- }
- if (this.op === 'NOT') {
- s = this.op + '(' + this.right.toString() + ')';
- }
- if (this.op === null) {
- s = '(' + this.right.toString() + ')';
- }
- if (!s) {
- s = '(' + this.right.toString() + ')';
- }
- return s;
-yy.UniOp.prototype.findAggregator = function(query) {
- if (this.right.findAggregator) {
- this.right.findAggregator(query);
- }
-yy.UniOp.prototype.toType = function() {
- if (this.op === '-') {
- return 'number';
- }
- if (this.op === '+') {
- return 'number';
- }
- if (this.op === 'NOT') {
- return 'boolean';
- }
- // Todo: implement default case
-yy.UniOp.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- if (this.op === '~') {
- return '(~(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + '))';
- }
- if (this.op === '-') {
- return '(-(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + '))';
- }
- if (this.op === '+') {
- return '(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + ')';
- }
- if (this.op === 'NOT') {
- return '!(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + ')';
- }
- if (this.op === '#') {
- if (this.right instanceof yy.Column) {
- return "(alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects['" + this.right.columnid + "'])";
- } else {
- return (
- '(alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[' +
- this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) +
- '])'
- );
- }
- }
- // Please avoid === here
- if (this.op == null) {
- // jshint ignore:line
- return '(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + ')';
- }
- // Todo: implement default case.
-yy.Column = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Column.prototype.toString = function(dontas) {
- var s;
- if (this.columnid == +this.columnid) {
- // jshint ignore:line
- s = '[' + this.columnid + ']';
- } else {
- s = this.columnid;
- }
- if (this.tableid) {
- if (+this.columnid === this.columnid) {
- s = this.tableid + s;
- } else {
- s = this.tableid + '.' + s;
- }
- if (this.databaseid) {
- s = this.databaseid + '.' + s;
- }
- }
- if (this.alias && !dontas) s += ' AS ' + this.alias;
- return s;
-yy.Column.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- var s = '';
- if (!this.tableid && tableid === '' && !defcols) {
- if (this.columnid !== '_') {
- s = context + "['" + this.columnid + "']";
- } else {
- if (context === 'g') {
- s = "g['_']";
- } else {
- s = context;
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (context === 'g') {
- // if(this.columnid == '_') {
- // } else {
- s = "g['" + this.nick + "']";
- // }
- } else if (this.tableid) {
- if (this.columnid !== '_') {
- // if() {
- // s = context+'[\''+tableid + '\'][\''+this.tableid+'\'][\''+this.columnid+'\']';
- // } else {
- s = context + "['" + this.tableid + "']['" + this.columnid + "']";
- // }
- } else {
- if (context === 'g') {
- s = "g['_']";
- } else {
- s = context + "['" + this.tableid + "']";
- }
- }
- } else if (defcols) {
- var tbid = defcols[this.columnid];
- if (tbid === '-') {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot resolve column "' +
- this.columnid +
- '" because it exists in two source tables'
- );
- } else if (tbid) {
- if (this.columnid !== '_') {
- s = context + "['" + tbid + "']['" + this.columnid + "']";
- } else {
- s = context + "['" + tbid + "']";
- }
- } else {
- if (this.columnid !== '_') {
- // if(defcols['.'][this.tableid]) {
- // s = context+'[\''+tableid + '\'][\''+this.tableid + '\'][\''+this.columnid+'\']';
- // } else {
- s = context + "['" + (this.tableid || tableid) + "']['" + this.columnid + "']";
- // }
- } else {
- s = context + "['" + (this.tableid || tableid) + "']";
- }
- }
- } else if (tableid === -1) {
- // if(this.columnid != '') {
- s = context + "['" + this.columnid + "']";
- // } else {
- // s = context;
- // }
- } else {
- if (this.columnid !== '_') {
- s = context + "['" + (this.tableid || tableid) + "']['" + this.columnid + "']";
- } else {
- s = context + "['" + (this.tableid || tableid) + "']";
- }
- }
- }
- // console.trace(new Error());
- return s;
-yy.AggrValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.AggrValue.prototype.toString = function(dontas) {
- var s = '';
- if (this.aggregatorid === 'REDUCE') {
- s += this.funcid + '(';
- } else {
- s += this.aggregatorid + '(';
- }
- if (this.distinct) {
- s += 'DISTINCT ';
- }
- if (this.expression) {
- s += this.expression.toString();
- }
- s += ')';
- if (this.over) {
- s += ' ' + this.over.toString();
- }
- if (this.alias && !dontas) s += ' AS ' + this.alias;
- // if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
- return s;
-yy.AggrValue.prototype.findAggregator = function(query) {
- // var colas = this.as || this.toString();
- var colas = escapeq(this.toString()) + ':' + query.selectGroup.length;
- // if(!query.selectColumns[colas]) {
- // }
- var found = false;
- if (!found) {
- if (!this.nick) {
- this.nick = colas;
- var found = false;
- for (var i = 0; i < query.removeKeys.length; i++) {
- if (query.removeKeys[i] === colas) {
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found) {
- query.removeKeys.push(colas);
- }
- }
- query.selectGroup.push(this);
- }
- // this.reduced = true;
- return;
-yy.AggrValue.prototype.toType = function() {
- if (
- ['SUM', 'COUNT', 'AVG', 'MIN', 'MAX', 'AGGR', 'VAR', 'STDDEV'].indexOf(this.aggregatorid) >
- -1
- ) {
- return 'number';
- }
- if (['ARRAY'].indexOf(this.aggregatorid) > -1) {
- return 'array';
- }
- if (['FIRST', 'LAST'].indexOf(this.aggregatorid) > -1) {
- return this.expression.toType();
- }
- // todo: implement default;
-yy.AggrValue.prototype.toJS = function(/*context, tableid, defcols*/) {
- var colas = this.nick;
- if (colas === undefined) {
- colas = this.toString();
- }
- return "g['" + colas + "']";
-yy.OrderExpression = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.OrderExpression.prototype.toString = yy.Expression.prototype.toString;
-yy.GroupExpression = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.GroupExpression.prototype.toString = function() {
- return this.type + '(' + this.group.toString() + ')';
-// Alasql Linq library
-yy.FromData = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.FromData.prototype.toString = function() {
- if (this.data) return 'DATA(' + ((Math.random() * 10e15) | 0) + ')';
- else return '?';
-yy.FromData.prototype.toJS = function() {
-yy.Select.prototype.exec = function(params, cb) {
- if (this.preparams) params = this.preparams.concat(params);
- var databaseid = alasql.useid;
- db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var sql = this.toString();
- var hh = hash(sql);
- var statement = this.compile(databaseid);
- if (!statement) return;
- statement.sql = sql;
- statement.dbversion = db.dbversion;
- // Secure sqlCache size
- if (db.sqlCacheSize > alasql.MAXSQLCACHESIZE) {
- db.resetSqlCache();
- }
- db.sqlCacheSize++;
- db.sqlCache[hh] = statement;
- var res = (alasql.res = statement(params, cb));
- return res;
-yy.Select.prototype.Select = function() {
- var self = this;
- var agrs = [];
- if (arguments.length > 1) {
- args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
- } else if (arguments.length == 1) {
- if (Array.isArray(arguments[0])) {
- args = arguments[0];
- } else {
- args = [arguments[0]];
- }
- } else {
- throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments of Select() function');
- }
- self.columns = [];
- args.forEach(function(arg) {
- if (typeof arg == 'string') {
- self.columns.push(new yy.Column({columnid: arg}));
- } else if (typeof arg == 'function') {
- var pari = 0;
- if (self.preparams) {
- pari = self.preparams.length;
- } else {
- self.preparams = [];
- }
- self.preparams.push(arg);
- self.columns.push(new yy.Column({columnid: '*', func: arg, param: pari}));
- } else {
- // Unknown type
- }
- });
- return self;
-yy.Select.prototype.From = function(tableid) {
- var self = this;
- if (!self.from) self.from = [];
- if (Array.isArray(tableid)) {
- var pari = 0;
- if (self.preparams) {
- pari = self.preparams.length;
- } else {
- self.preparams = [];
- }
- self.preparams.push(tableid);
- self.from.push(new yy.ParamValue({param: pari}));
- } else if (typeof tableid == 'string') {
- self.from.push(new yy.Table({tableid: tableid}));
- } else {
- throw new Error('Unknown arguments in From() function');
- }
- return self;
-yy.Select.prototype.OrderBy = function() {
- var self = this;
- var agrs = [];
- self.order = [];
- if (arguments.length == 0) {
- // self.order.push(new yy.OrderExpression({expression: new yy.Column({columnid:"_"}), direction:'ASC'}));
- args = ['_'];
- } else if (arguments.length > 1) {
- args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
- } else if (arguments.length == 1) {
- if (Array.isArray(arguments[0])) {
- args = arguments[0];
- } else {
- args = [arguments[0]];
- }
- } else {
- throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments of Select() function');
- }
- if (args.length > 0) {
- args.forEach(function(arg) {
- var expr = new yy.Column({columnid: arg});
- if (typeof arg == 'function') {
- expr = arg;
- }
- self.order.push(new yy.OrderExpression({expression: expr, direction: 'ASC'}));
- });
- }
- return self;
-yy.Select.prototype.Top = function(topnum) {
- var self = this;
- self.top = new yy.NumValue({value: topnum});
- return self;
-yy.Select.prototype.GroupBy = function() {
- var self = this;
- var agrs = [];
- if (arguments.length > 1) {
- args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
- } else if (arguments.length == 1) {
- if (Array.isArray(arguments[0])) {
- args = arguments[0];
- } else {
- args = [arguments[0]];
- }
- } else {
- throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments of Select() function');
- }
- self.group = [];
- args.forEach(function(arg) {
- var expr = new yy.Column({columnid: arg});
- self.group.push(expr);
- });
- return self;
-yy.Select.prototype.Where = function(expr) {
- var self = this;
- if (typeof expr == 'function') {
- self.where = expr;
- }
- return self;
-// Functions for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.FuncValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.FuncValue.prototype.toString = function(dontas) {
- var s = '';
- if (alasql.fn[this.funcid]) s += this.funcid;
- else if (alasql.aggr[this.funcid]) s += this.funcid;
- else if (alasql.stdlib[this.funcid.toUpperCase()] || alasql.stdfn[this.funcid.toUpperCase()])
- s += this.funcid.toUpperCase();
- s += '(';
- if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
- s += this.args
- .map(function(arg) {
- return arg.toString();
- })
- .join(',');
- }
- s += ')';
- if (this.as && !dontas) s += ' AS ' + this.as.toString();
- // if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
- return s;
-yy.FuncValue.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- alasql.precompile(this, databaseid, params); // Precompile queries
- var expr = new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + this.toJS('', '', null));
- expr(params, alasql);
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
-yy.FuncValue.prototype.findAggregator = function(query) {
- if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
- this.args.forEach(function(arg) {
- if (arg.findAggregator) arg.findAggregator(query);
- });
- }
-yy.FuncValue.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- var s = '';
- var funcid = this.funcid;
- // IF this is standard compile functions
- if (!alasql.fn[funcid] && alasql.stdlib[funcid.toUpperCase()]) {
- if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
- s += alasql.stdlib[funcid.toUpperCase()].apply(
- this,
- this.args.map(function(arg) {
- return arg.toJS(context, tableid);
- })
- );
- } else {
- s += alasql.stdlib[funcid.toUpperCase()]();
- }
- } else if (!alasql.fn[funcid] && alasql.stdfn[funcid.toUpperCase()]) {
- if (this.newid) s += 'new ';
- s += 'alasql.stdfn.' + this.funcid.toUpperCase() + '(';
- // if(this.args) s += this.args.toJS(context, tableid);
- if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
- s += this.args
- .map(function(arg) {
- return arg.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
- })
- .join(',');
- }
- s += ')';
- } else {
- // This is user-defined run-time function
- // TODO arguments!!!
- // var s = '';
- if (this.newid) s += 'new ';
- s += 'alasql.fn.' + this.funcid + '(';
- // if(this.args) s += this.args.toJS(context, tableid);
- if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
- s += this.args
- .map(function(arg) {
- return arg.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
- })
- .join(',');
- }
- s += ')';
- }
- // if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
- return s;
-var stdlib = (alasql.stdlib = {});
-var stdfn = (alasql.stdfn = {});
-stdlib.ABS = function(a) {
- return 'Math.abs(' + a + ')';
-stdlib.CLONEDEEP = function(a) {
- return 'alasql.utils.cloneDeep(' + a + ')';
-stdfn.CONCAT = function() {
- return Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join('');
-stdlib.EXP = function(a) {
- return 'Math.pow(Math.E,' + a + ')';
-stdlib.IIF = function(a, b, c) {
- if (arguments.length == 3) {
- return '((' + a + ')?(' + b + '):(' + c + '))';
- } else {
- throw new Error('Number of arguments of IFF is not equals to 3');
- }
-stdlib.IFNULL = function(a, b) {
- return '(' + a + '||' + b + ')';
-stdlib.INSTR = function(s, p) {
- return '((' + s + ').indexOf(' + p + ')+1)';
-//stdlib.LEN = stdlib.LENGTH = function(s) {return '('+s+'+"").length';};
-stdlib.LEN = stdlib.LENGTH = function(s) {
- return und(s, 'y.length');
-//stdlib.LENGTH = function(s) {return '('+s+').length'};
-stdlib.LOWER = stdlib.LCASE = function(s) {
- return und(s, 'String(y).toLowerCase()');
-//stdlib.LCASE = function(s) {return '('+s+').toLowerCase()';}
-// Returns a character expression after it removes leading blanks.
-// see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/ltrim-transact-sql
-stdlib.LTRIM = function(s) {
- return und(s, 'y.replace(/^[ ]+/,"")');
-// Returns a character string after truncating all trailing spaces.
-// see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/rtrim-transact-sql
-stdlib.RTRIM = function(s) {
- return und(s, 'y.replace(/[ ]+$/,"")');
-stdlib.MAX = stdlib.GREATEST = function() {
- return 'Math.max(' + Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, ',') + ')';
-stdlib.MIN = stdlib.LEAST = function() {
- return 'Math.min(' + Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, ',') + ')';
-stdlib.SUBSTRING = stdlib.SUBSTR = stdlib.MID = function(a, b, c) {
- if (arguments.length == 2) return und(a, 'y.substr(' + b + '-1)');
- else if (arguments.length == 3) return und(a, 'y.substr(' + b + '-1,' + c + ')');
-stdfn.REGEXP_LIKE = function(a, b, c) {
- return (a || '').search(RegExp(b, c)) > -1;
-// Here we uses undefined instead of null
-stdlib.ISNULL = stdlib.NULLIF = function(a, b) {
- return '(' + a + '==' + b + '?undefined:' + a + ')';
-stdlib.POWER = function(a, b) {
- return 'Math.pow(' + a + ',' + b + ')';
-stdlib.RANDOM = function(r) {
- if (arguments.length == 0) {
- return 'Math.random()';
- } else {
- return '(Math.random()*(' + r + ')|0)';
- }
-stdlib.ROUND = function(s, d) {
- if (arguments.length == 2) {
- return 'Math.round((' + s + ')*Math.pow(10,(' + d + ')))/Math.pow(10,(' + d + '))';
- } else {
- return 'Math.round(' + s + ')';
- }
-stdlib.CEIL = stdlib.CEILING = function(s) {
- return 'Math.ceil(' + s + ')';
-stdlib.FLOOR = function(s) {
- return 'Math.floor(' + s + ')';
-stdlib.ROWNUM = function() {
- return '1';
-stdlib.ROW_NUMBER = function() {
- return '1';
-stdlib.SQRT = function(s) {
- return 'Math.sqrt(' + s + ')';
-stdlib.TRIM = function(s) {
- return und(s, 'y.trim()');
-stdlib.UPPER = stdlib.UCASE = function(s) {
- return und(s, 'String(y).toUpperCase()');
-// Concatination of strings
-stdfn.CONCAT_WS = function() {
- var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
- return args.slice(1, args.length).join(args[0]);
-//stdlib.UCASE = function(s) {return '('+s+').toUpperCase()';}
-// TRIM
-// TRIM
-// Aggregator for joining strings
-alasql.aggr.GROUP_CONCAT = function(v, s, stage) {
- if (stage === 1) {
- return '' + v;
- } else if (stage === 2) {
- s += ',' + v;
- return s;
- }
- return s;
-alasql.aggr.MEDIAN = function(v, s, stage) {
- if (stage === 2) {
- if (v !== null) {
- s.push(v);
- }
- return s;
- } else if (stage === 1) {
- if (v === null) {
- return [];
- }
- return [v];
- } else {
- if (!s.length) {
- return s;
- }
- var r = s.sort();
- var p = (r.length + 1) / 2;
- if (Number.isInteger(p)) {
- return r[p - 1];
- }
- return (r[Math.floor(p - 1)] + r[Math.ceil(p - 1)]) / 2;
- }
-alasql.aggr.QUART = function(v, s, stage, nth) {
- //Quartile (first quartile per default or input param)
- if (stage === 2) {
- if (v !== null) {
- s.push(v);
- }
- return s;
- } else if (stage === 1) {
- if (v === null) {
- return [];
- }
- return [v];
- } else {
- if (!s.length) {
- return s;
- }
- nth = !nth ? 1 : nth;
- var r = s.sort();
- var p = (nth * (r.length + 1)) / 4;
- if (Number.isInteger(p)) {
- return r[p - 1]; //Integer value
- }
- return r[Math.floor(p)]; //Math.ceil -1 or Math.floor
- }
-alasql.aggr.QUART2 = function(v, s, stage) {
- //Second Quartile
- return alasql.aggr.QUART(v, s, stage, 2);
-alasql.aggr.QUART3 = function(v, s, stage) {
- //Third Quartile
- return alasql.aggr.QUART(v, s, stage, 3);
-// Standard deviation
-alasql.aggr.VAR = function(v, s, stage) {
- if (stage === 1) {
- if (v === null) {
- return {arr: [], sum: 0};
- }
- return {arr: [v], sum: v};
- } else if (stage === 2) {
- if (v === null) {
- return s;
- }
- s.arr.push(v);
- s.sum += v;
- return s;
- } else {
- var N = s.arr.length;
- var avg = s.sum / N;
- var std = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
- std += (s.arr[i] - avg) * (s.arr[i] - avg);
- }
- std = std / (N - 1);
- return std;
- }
-alasql.aggr.STDEV = function(v, s, stage) {
- if (stage === 1 || stage === 2) {
- return alasql.aggr.VAR(v, s, stage);
- } else {
- return Math.sqrt(alasql.aggr.VAR(v, s, stage));
- }
-// Standard deviation
-// alasql.aggr.VARP = function(v,s,acc){
-// };
-alasql.aggr.VARP = function(v, s, stage) {
- if (stage == 1) {
- return {arr: [v], sum: v};
- } else if (stage == 2) {
- s.arr.push(v);
- s.sum += v;
- return s;
- } else {
- var N = s.arr.length;
- var avg = s.sum / N;
- var std = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
- std += (s.arr[i] - avg) * (s.arr[i] - avg);
- }
- std = std / N;
- return std;
- }
-alasql.aggr.STD = alasql.aggr.STDDEV = alasql.aggr.STDEVP = function(v, s, stage) {
- if (stage == 1 || stage == 2) {
- return alasql.aggr.VARP(v, s, stage);
- } else {
- return Math.sqrt(alasql.aggr.VARP(v, s, stage));
- }
-alasql._aggrOriginal = alasql.aggr;
-alasql.aggr = {};
-Object.keys(alasql._aggrOriginal).forEach(function(k) {
- alasql.aggr[k] = function(v, s, stage) {
- if (stage === 3 && typeof s === 'undefined') return undefined;
- return alasql._aggrOriginal[k].apply(null, arguments);
- };
-// String functions
-stdfn.REPLACE = function(target, pattern, replacement) {
- return (target || '').split(pattern).join(replacement);
-// This array is required for fast GUID generation
-var lut = [];
-for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
- lut[i] = (i < 16 ? '0' : '') + i.toString(16);
-stdfn.NEWID = stdfn.UUID = stdfn.GEN_RANDOM_UUID = function() {
- var d0 = (Math.random() * 0xffffffff) | 0;
- var d1 = (Math.random() * 0xffffffff) | 0;
- var d2 = (Math.random() * 0xffffffff) | 0;
- var d3 = (Math.random() * 0xffffffff) | 0;
- return (
- lut[d0 & 0xff] +
- lut[(d0 >> 8) & 0xff] +
- lut[(d0 >> 16) & 0xff] +
- lut[(d0 >> 24) & 0xff] +
- '-' +
- lut[d1 & 0xff] +
- lut[(d1 >> 8) & 0xff] +
- '-' +
- lut[((d1 >> 16) & 0x0f) | 0x40] +
- lut[(d1 >> 24) & 0xff] +
- '-' +
- lut[(d2 & 0x3f) | 0x80] +
- lut[(d2 >> 8) & 0xff] +
- '-' +
- lut[(d2 >> 16) & 0xff] +
- lut[(d2 >> 24) & 0xff] +
- lut[d3 & 0xff] +
- lut[(d3 >> 8) & 0xff] +
- lut[(d3 >> 16) & 0xff] +
- lut[(d3 >> 24) & 0xff]
- );
-// CASE for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.CaseValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.CaseValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'CASE ';
- if (this.expression) s += this.expression.toString();
- if (this.whens) {
- s += this.whens
- .map(function(w) {
- return ' WHEN ' + w.when.toString() + ' THEN ' + w.then.toString();
- })
- .join();
- }
- s += ' END';
- return s;
-yy.CaseValue.prototype.findAggregator = function(query) {
- if (this.expression && this.expression.findAggregator) this.expression.findAggregator(query);
- if (this.whens && this.whens.length > 0) {
- this.whens.forEach(function(w) {
- if (w.when.findAggregator) w.when.findAggregator(query);
- if (w.then.findAggregator) w.then.findAggregator(query);
- });
- }
- if (this.elses && this.elses.findAggregator) this.elses.findAggregator(query);
-yy.CaseValue.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- var s = '((function(' + context + ',params,alasql){var y,r;';
- if (this.expression) {
- // this.expression.toJS(context, tableid)
- s += 'v=' + this.expression.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + ';';
- s += (this.whens || [])
- .map(function(w) {
- return (
- ' if(v==' +
- w.when.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) +
- ') {r=' +
- w.then.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) +
- '}'
- );
- })
- .join(' else ');
- if (this.elses) s += ' else {r=' + this.elses.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + '}';
- } else {
- s += (this.whens || [])
- .map(function(w) {
- return (
- ' if(' +
- w.when.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) +
- ') {r=' +
- w.then.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) +
- '}'
- );
- })
- .join(' else ');
- if (this.elses) s += ' else {r=' + this.elses.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + '}';
- }
- // TODO remove bind from CASE
- s += ';return r;}).bind(this))(' + context + ',params,alasql)';
- return s;
-// JSON for Alasql.js
-// Date: 19.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.Json = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Json.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = ''; // '@'
- s += JSONtoString(this.value);
- s += '';
- return s;
-var JSONtoString = (alasql.utils.JSONtoString = function(obj) {
- var s = '';
- if (typeof obj == 'string') s = '"' + obj + '"';
- else if (typeof obj == 'number') s = obj;
- else if (typeof obj == 'boolean') s = obj;
- else if (typeof obj == 'object') {
- if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
- s +=
- '[' +
- obj
- .map(function(b) {
- return JSONtoString(b);
- })
- .join(',') +
- ']';
- } else if (!obj.toJS || obj instanceof yy.Json) {
- // to prevent recursion
- s = '{';
- var ss = [];
- for (var k in obj) {
- var s1 = '';
- if (typeof k == 'string') s1 += '"' + k + '"';
- else if (typeof k == 'number') s1 += k;
- else if (typeof k == 'boolean') s1 += k;
- else {
- throw new Error('THis is not ES6... no expressions on left side yet');
- }
- s1 += ':' + JSONtoString(obj[k]);
- ss.push(s1);
- }
- s += ss.join(',') + '}';
- } else if (obj.toString) {
- s = obj.toString();
- } else {
- throw new Error('1Can not show JSON object ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
- }
- } else {
- throw new Error('2Can not show JSON object ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
- }
- return s;
-function JSONtoJS(obj, context, tableid, defcols) {
- var s = '';
- if (typeof obj == 'string') s = '"' + obj + '"';
- else if (typeof obj == 'number') s = '(' + obj + ')';
- else if (typeof obj == 'boolean') s = obj;
- else if (typeof obj == 'object') {
- if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
- s +=
- '[' +
- obj
- .map(function(b) {
- return JSONtoJS(b, context, tableid, defcols);
- })
- .join(',') +
- ']';
- } else if (!obj.toJS || obj instanceof yy.Json) {
- // to prevent recursion
- s = '{';
- var ss = [];
- for (var k in obj) {
- var s1 = '';
- if (typeof k == 'string') s1 += '"' + k + '"';
- else if (typeof k == 'number') s1 += k;
- else if (typeof k == 'boolean') s1 += k;
- else {
- throw new Error('THis is not ES6... no expressions on left side yet');
- }
- s1 += ':' + JSONtoJS(obj[k], context, tableid, defcols);
- ss.push(s1);
- }
- s += ss.join(',') + '}';
- } else if (obj.toJS) {
- s = obj.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
- } else {
- throw new Error('1Can not parse JSON object ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
- }
- } else {
- throw new Error('2Can not parse JSON object ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
- }
- return s;
-yy.Json.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- // TODO redo
- return JSONtoJS(this.value, context, tableid, defcols);
-// CAST and CONVERT functions
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.Convert = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Convert.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'CONVERT(';
- s += this.dbtypeid;
- if (typeof this.dbsize != 'undefined') {
- s += '(' + this.dbsize;
- if (this.dbprecision) s += ',' + dbprecision;
- s += ')';
- }
- s += ',' + this.expression.toString();
- if (this.style) s += ',' + this.style;
- s += ')';
- return s;
-yy.Convert.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- // if(this.style) {
- return (
- 'alasql.stdfn.CONVERT(' +
- this.expression.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) +
- ',{dbtypeid:"' +
- this.dbtypeid +
- '",dbsize:' +
- this.dbsize +
- ',style:' +
- this.style +
- '})'
- );
- // }
- throw new Error('There is not such type conversion for ' + this.toString());
- Convert one type to another
- */
-alasql.stdfn.CONVERT = function(value, args) {
- var val = value;
- if (args.style) {
- // TODO 9,109, 20,120,21,121,126,130,131 conversions
- var t;
- if (/\d{8}/.test(val)) {
- t = new Date(+val.substr(0, 4), +val.substr(4, 2) - 1, +val.substr(6, 2));
- } else {
- t = new Date(val);
- }
- switch (args.style) {
- case 1: // mm/dd/yy
- val =
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '/' +
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- '/' +
- ('0' + t.getYear()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 2: // yy.mm.dd
- val =
- ('0' + t.getYear()).substr(-2) +
- '.' +
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '.' +
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 3: // dd/mm/yy
- val =
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- '/' +
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '/' +
- ('0' + t.getYear()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 4: // dd.mm.yy
- val =
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- '.' +
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '.' +
- ('0' + t.getYear()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 5: // dd-mm-yy
- val =
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- '-' +
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '-' +
- ('0' + t.getYear()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 6: // dd mon yy
- val =
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- ' ' +
- t
- .toString()
- .substr(4, 3)
- .toLowerCase() +
- ' ' +
- ('0' + t.getYear()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 7: // Mon dd,yy
- val =
- t.toString().substr(4, 3) +
- ' ' +
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- ',' +
- ('0' + t.getYear()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 8: // hh:mm:ss
- case 108: // hh:mm:ss
- val =
- ('0' + t.getHours()).substr(-2) +
- ':' +
- ('0' + t.getMinutes()).substr(-2) +
- ':' +
- ('0' + t.getSeconds()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 10: // mm-dd-yy
- val =
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '-' +
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- '-' +
- ('0' + t.getYear()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 11: // yy/mm/dd
- val =
- ('0' + t.getYear()).substr(-2) +
- '/' +
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '/' +
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 12: // yymmdd
- val =
- ('0' + t.getYear()).substr(-2) +
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 101: // mm/dd/yyyy
- val =
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '/' +
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- '/' +
- t.getFullYear();
- break;
- case 102: // yyyy.mm.dd
- val =
- t.getFullYear() +
- '.' +
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '.' +
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 103: // dd/mm/yyyy
- val =
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- '/' +
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '/' +
- t.getFullYear();
- break;
- case 104: // dd.mm.yyyy
- val =
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- '.' +
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '.' +
- t.getFullYear();
- break;
- case 105: // dd-mm-yyyy
- val =
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- '-' +
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '-' +
- t.getFullYear();
- break;
- case 106: // dd mon yyyy
- val =
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- ' ' +
- t
- .toString()
- .substr(4, 3)
- .toLowerCase() +
- ' ' +
- t.getFullYear();
- break;
- case 107: // Mon dd,yyyy
- val =
- t.toString().substr(4, 3) +
- ' ' +
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- ',' +
- t.getFullYear();
- break;
- case 110: // mm-dd-yyyy
- val =
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '-' +
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- '-' +
- t.getFullYear();
- break;
- case 111: // yyyy/mm/dd
- val =
- t.getFullYear() +
- '/' +
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '/' +
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 112: // yyyymmdd
- val =
- t.getFullYear() +
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2);
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error('The CONVERT style ' + args.style + ' is not realized yet.');
- }
- }
- var udbtypeid = args.dbtypeid.toUpperCase();
- if (args.dbtypeid == 'Date') {
- return new Date(val);
- } else if (udbtypeid == 'DATE') {
- var d = new Date(val);
- var s =
- d.getFullYear() +
- '.' +
- ('0' + (d.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '.' +
- ('0' + d.getDate()).substr(-2);
- return s;
- } else if (udbtypeid == 'DATETIME' || udbtypeid == 'DATETIME2') {
- var d = new Date(val);
- var s =
- d.getFullYear() +
- '.' +
- ('0' + (d.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '.' +
- ('0' + d.getDate()).substr(-2);
- s +=
- ' ' +
- ('0' + d.getHours()).substr(-2) +
- ':' +
- ('0' + d.getMinutes()).substr(-2) +
- ':' +
- ('0' + d.getSeconds()).substr(-2);
- s += '.' + ('00' + d.getMilliseconds()).substr(-3);
- return s;
- } else if (['MONEY'].indexOf(udbtypeid) > -1) {
- var m = +val;
- return (m | 0) + ((m * 100) % 100) / 100;
- } else if (['BOOLEAN'].indexOf(udbtypeid) > -1) {
- return !!val;
- } else if (
- args.dbtypeid.toUpperCase()
- ) > -1
- ) {
- return val | 0;
- } else if (
- args.dbtypeid.toUpperCase()
- ) > -1
- ) {
- if (args.dbsize) return ('' + val).substr(0, args.dbsize);
- else return '' + val;
- } else if (['CHAR', 'CHARACTER', 'NCHAR'].indexOf(udbtypeid) > -1) {
- return (val + new Array(args.dbsize + 1).join(' ')).substr(0, args.dbsize);
- //else return ""+val.substr(0,1);
- } else if (['NUMBER', 'FLOAT'].indexOf(udbtypeid) > -1) {
- if (typeof args.dbprecision != 'undefined') {
- var m = +val;
- var fxd = Math.pow(10, args.dbprecision);
- return (m | 0) + ((m * fxd) % fxd) / fxd;
- } else {
- return +val;
- }
- } else if (['DECIMAL', 'NUMERIC'].indexOf(udbtypeid) > -1) {
- var m = +val;
- var fxd = Math.pow(10, args.dbprecision);
- return (m | 0) + ((m * fxd) % fxd) / fxd;
- } else if (['JSON'].indexOf(udbtypeid) > -1) {
- if (typeof val == 'object') return val;
- try {
- return JSON.parse(val);
- } catch (err) {
- throw new Error('Cannot convert string to JSON');
- }
- }
- return val;
-// CREATE TABLE for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-/* global alasql, yy, hash */
-yy.ColumnDef = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.ColumnDef.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = this.columnid;
- if (this.dbtypeid) {
- s += ' ' + this.dbtypeid;
- }
- if (this.dbsize) {
- s += '(' + this.dbsize;
- if (this.dbprecision) {
- s += ',' + this.dbprecision;
- }
- s += ')';
- }
- if (this.primarykey) {
- s += ' PRIMARY KEY';
- }
- if (this.notnull) {
- s += ' NOT NULL';
- }
- return s;
-yy.CreateTable = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.CreateTable.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'CREATE';
- if (this.temporary) {
- s += ' TEMPORARY';
- }
- if (this.view) {
- s += ' VIEW';
- } else {
- s += ' ' + (this.class ? 'CLASS' : 'TABLE');
- }
- if (this.ifnotexists) {
- s += ' IF NOT EXISTS';
- }
- s += ' ' + this.table.toString();
- if (this.viewcolumns) {
- s +=
- '(' +
- this.viewcolumns
- .map(function(vcol) {
- return vcol.toString();
- })
- .join(',') +
- ')';
- }
- if (this.as) {
- s += ' AS ' + this.as;
- } else {
- var ss = this.columns.map(function(col) {
- return col.toString();
- });
- s += ' (' + ss.join(',') + ')';
- }
- if (this.view && this.select) {
- s += ' AS ' + this.select.toString();
- }
- return s;
-//yy.CreateTable.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
-yy.CreateTable.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- // var self = this;
- var db = alasql.databases[this.table.databaseid || databaseid];
- var tableid = this.table.tableid;
- if (!tableid) {
- throw new Error('Table name is not defined');
- }
- // var ifnotexists = this.ifnotexists;
- var columns = this.columns;
- // if(false) {
- // if(!columns) {
- // throw new Error('Columns are not defined');
- // }
- // }
- var constraints = this.constraints || [];
- if (this.ifnotexists && db.tables[tableid]) {
- return cb ? cb(0) : 0;
- }
- if (db.tables[tableid]) {
- throw new Error(
- "Can not create table '" +
- tableid +
- "', because it already exists in the database '" +
- db.databaseid +
- "'"
- );
- }
- var table = (db.tables[tableid] = new alasql.Table()); // TODO Can use special object?
- // If this is a class
- if (this.class) {
- table.isclass = true;
- }
- var ss = []; // DEFAULT function components
- var uss = []; // ON UPDATE function components
- if (columns) {
- columns.forEach(function(col) {
- var dbtypeid = col.dbtypeid;
- if (!alasql.fn[dbtypeid]) {
- dbtypeid = dbtypeid.toUpperCase();
- }
- // Process SERIAL data type like Postgress
- if (['SERIAL', 'SMALLSERIAL', 'BIGSERIAL'].indexOf(dbtypeid) > -1) {
- col.identity = {value: 1, step: 1};
- }
- var newcol = {
- columnid: col.columnid,
- dbtypeid: dbtypeid,
- dbsize: col.dbsize, // Fixed issue #150
- dbprecision: col.dbprecision, // Fixed issue #150
- notnull: col.notnull,
- identity: col.identity,
- };
- if (col.identity) {
- table.identities[col.columnid] = {
- value: +col.identity.value,
- step: +col.identity.step,
- };
- // ss.push('\''+col.columnid+'\':(alasql.databases[\''+db.databaseid+'\'].tables[\''
- // +tableid+'\'].identities[\''+col.columnid+'\'].value)');
- }
- if (col.check) {
- table.checks.push({
- id: col.check.constrantid,
- fn: new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + col.check.expression.toJS('r', '')),
- });
- }
- if (col.default) {
- ss.push("'" + col.columnid + "':" + col.default.toJS('r', ''));
- }
- // Check for primary key
- if (col.primarykey) {
- var pk = (table.pk = {});
- pk.columns = [col.columnid];
- pk.onrightfns = "r['" + col.columnid + "']";
- pk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + pk.onrightfns);
- pk.hh = hash(pk.onrightfns);
- table.uniqs[pk.hh] = {};
- }
- // UNIQUE clause
- if (col.unique) {
- var uk = {};
- table.uk = table.uk || [];
- table.uk.push(uk);
- uk.columns = [col.columnid];
- uk.onrightfns = "r['" + col.columnid + "']";
- uk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + uk.onrightfns);
- uk.hh = hash(uk.onrightfns);
- table.uniqs[uk.hh] = {};
- }
- // UNIQUE clause
- if (col.foreignkey) {
- var fk = col.foreignkey.table;
- var fktable = alasql.databases[fk.databaseid || databaseid].tables[fk.tableid];
- if (typeof fk.columnid === 'undefined') {
- if (fktable.pk.columns && fktable.pk.columns.length > 0) {
- fk.columnid = fktable.pk.columns[0];
- } else {
- throw new Error('FOREIGN KEY allowed only to tables with PRIMARY KEYs');
- }
- }
- var fkfn = function(r) {
- var rr = {};
- if (typeof r[col.columnid] === 'undefined') {
- return true;
- }
- rr[fk.columnid] = r[col.columnid];
- var addr = fktable.pk.onrightfn(rr);
- if (!fktable.uniqs[fktable.pk.hh][addr]) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Foreign key "' +
- r[col.columnid] +
- '" is not found in table ' +
- fktable.tableid
- );
- }
- return true;
- };
- table.checks.push({fn: fkfn});
- }
- if (col.onupdate) {
- uss.push("r['" + col.columnid + "']=" + col.onupdate.toJS('r', ''));
- }
- table.columns.push(newcol);
- table.xcolumns[newcol.columnid] = newcol;
- });
- }
- table.defaultfns = ss.join(',');
- table.onupdatefns = uss.join(';');
- // if(constraints) {
- constraints.forEach(function(con) {
- var checkfn;
- if (con.type === 'PRIMARY KEY') {
- if (table.pk) {
- throw new Error('Primary key already exists');
- }
- var pk = (table.pk = {});
- pk.columns = con.columns;
- pk.onrightfns = pk.columns
- .map(function(columnid) {
- return "r['" + columnid + "']";
- })
- .join("+'`'+");
- pk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + pk.onrightfns);
- pk.hh = hash(pk.onrightfns);
- table.uniqs[pk.hh] = {};
- } else if (con.type === 'CHECK') {
- checkfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + con.expression.toJS('r', ''));
- } else if (con.type === 'UNIQUE') {
- var uk = {};
- table.uk = table.uk || [];
- table.uk.push(uk);
- uk.columns = con.columns;
- uk.onrightfns = uk.columns
- .map(function(columnid) {
- return "r['" + columnid + "']";
- })
- .join("+'`'+");
- uk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + uk.onrightfns);
- uk.hh = hash(uk.onrightfns);
- table.uniqs[uk.hh] = {};
- } else if (con.type === 'FOREIGN KEY') {
- var col = table.xcolumns[con.columns[0]];
- var fk = con.fktable;
- if (con.fkcolumns && con.fkcolumns.length > 0) {
- fk.columnid = con.fkcolumns[0];
- }
- var fktable = alasql.databases[fk.databaseid || databaseid].tables[fk.tableid];
- if (typeof fk.columnid === 'undefined') {
- fk.columnid = fktable.pk.columns[0];
- }
- checkfn = function(r) {
- var rr = {};
- if (typeof r[col.columnid] === 'undefined') {
- return true;
- }
- rr[fk.columnid] = r[col.columnid];
- var addr = fktable.pk.onrightfn(rr);
- if (!fktable.uniqs[fktable.pk.hh][addr]) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Foreign key "' +
- r[col.columnid] +
- '" is not found in table ' +
- fktable.tableid
- );
- }
- return true;
- };
- }
- if (checkfn) {
- table.checks.push({fn: checkfn, id: con.constraintid, fk: con.type === 'FOREIGN KEY'});
- }
- });
- if (this.view && this.viewcolumns) {
- var self = this;
- this.viewcolumns.forEach(function(vcol, idx) {
- self.select.columns[idx].as = vcol.columnid;
- });
- }
- //Used in 420from queryfn when table.view = true!
- if (this.view && this.select) {
- table.view = true;
- table.select = this.select.compile(this.table.databaseid || databaseid);
- }
- if (db.engineid) {
- return alasql.engines[db.engineid].createTable(
- this.table.databaseid || databaseid,
- tableid,
- this.ifnotexists,
- cb
- );
- // return res1;
- }
- // }
- // if(table.pk) {
- table.insert = function(r, orreplace) {
- var oldinserted = alasql.inserted;
- alasql.inserted = [r];
- var table = this;
- var toreplace = false; // For INSERT OR REPLACE
- /*
- // if(table.identities && table.identities.length>0) {
- // table.identities.forEach(function(ident){
- // r[ident.columnid] = ident.value;
- // });
- // }
- // Trigger prevent functionality
- var prevent = false;
- for (var tr in table.beforeinsert) {
- var trigger = table.beforeinsert[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- if (alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r) === false) prevent = prevent || true;
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- if (trigger.statement.execute(databaseid) === false) prevent = prevent || true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (prevent) return;
- // Trigger prevent functionality
- var escape = false;
- for (tr in table.insteadofinsert) {
- escape = true;
- trigger = table.insteadofinsert[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r);
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
- }
- }
- }
- if (escape) return;
- for (var columnid in table.identities) {
- var ident = table.identities[columnid];
- r[columnid] = ident.value;
- }
- if (table.checks && table.checks.length > 0) {
- table.checks.forEach(function(check) {
- if (!check.fn(r)) {
- // if(orreplace) toreplace=true; else
- throw new Error('Violation of CHECK constraint ' + (check.id || ''));
- }
- });
- }
- table.columns.forEach(function(column) {
- if (column.notnull && typeof r[column.columnid] === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Wrong NULL value in NOT NULL column ' + column.columnid);
- }
- });
- if (table.pk) {
- var pk = table.pk;
- var addr = pk.onrightfn(r);
- if (typeof table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] !== 'undefined') {
- if (orreplace) toreplace = table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr];
- else
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot insert record, because it already exists in primary key index'
- );
- }
- // table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr]=r;
- }
- if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
- table.uk.forEach(function(uk) {
- var ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
- if (typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] !== 'undefined') {
- if (orreplace) toreplace = table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr];
- else
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot insert record, because it already exists in unique index'
- );
- }
- // table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr]=r;
- });
- }
- if (toreplace) {
- // Do UPDATE!!!
- table.update(
- function(t) {
- for (var f in r) t[f] = r[f];
- },
- table.data.indexOf(toreplace),
- params
- );
- } else {
- table.data.push(r);
- // Final change before insert
- // Update indices
- for (var columnid in table.identities) {
- var ident = table.identities[columnid];
- ident.value += ident.step;
- }
- if (table.pk) {
- var pk = table.pk;
- var addr = pk.onrightfn(r);
- table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] = r;
- }
- if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
- table.uk.forEach(function(uk) {
- var ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
- table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] = r;
- });
- }
- }
- // Trigger prevent functionality
- for (var tr in table.afterinsert) {
- var trigger = table.afterinsert[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r);
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
- }
- }
- }
- alasql.inserted = oldinserted;
- };
- table.delete = function(index) {
- var table = this;
- var r = table.data[index];
- // Prevent trigger
- var prevent = false;
- for (var tr in table.beforedelete) {
- var trigger = table.beforedelete[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- if (alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r) === false) prevent = prevent || true;
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- if (trigger.statement.execute(databaseid) === false) prevent = prevent || true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (prevent) return false;
- // Trigger prevent functionality
- var escape = false;
- for (var tr in table.insteadofdelete) {
- escape = true;
- var trigger = table.insteadofdelete[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r);
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
- }
- }
- }
- if (escape) return;
- if (this.pk) {
- var pk = this.pk;
- var addr = pk.onrightfn(r);
- if (typeof this.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Something wrong with primary key index on table');
- } else {
- this.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] = undefined;
- }
- }
- if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
- table.uk.forEach(function(uk) {
- var ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
- if (typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Something wrong with unique index on table');
- }
- table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] = undefined;
- });
- }
- };
- table.deleteall = function() {
- this.data.length = 0;
- if (this.pk) {
- // var r = this.data[i];
- this.uniqs[this.pk.hh] = {};
- }
- if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
- table.uk.forEach(function(uk) {
- table.uniqs[uk.hh] = {};
- });
- }
- };
- table.update = function(assignfn, i, params) {
- // TODO: Analyze the speed
- var r = cloneDeep(this.data[i]);
- var pk;
- if (this.pk) {
- pk = this.pk;
- pk.pkaddr = pk.onrightfn(r, params);
- if (typeof this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.pkaddr] === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Something wrong with index on table');
- }
- }
- if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
- table.uk.forEach(function(uk) {
- uk.ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
- if (typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.ukaddr] === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Something wrong with unique index on table');
- }
- });
- }
- assignfn(r, params, alasql);
- // Prevent trigger
- var prevent = false;
- for (var tr in table.beforeupdate) {
- var trigger = table.beforeupdate[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- if (alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](this.data[i], r) === false)
- prevent = prevent || true;
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- if (trigger.statement.execute(databaseid) === false) prevent = prevent || true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (prevent) return false;
- // Trigger prevent functionality
- var escape = false;
- for (var tr in table.insteadofupdate) {
- escape = true;
- var trigger = table.insteadofupdate[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](this.data[i], r);
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
- }
- }
- }
- if (escape) return;
- if (table.checks && table.checks.length > 0) {
- table.checks.forEach(function(check) {
- if (!check.fn(r)) {
- throw new Error('Violation of CHECK constraint ' + (check.id || ''));
- }
- });
- }
- table.columns.forEach(function(column) {
- if (column.notnull && typeof r[column.columnid] === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Wrong NULL value in NOT NULL column ' + column.columnid);
- }
- });
- if (this.pk) {
- pk.newpkaddr = pk.onrightfn(r);
- if (
- typeof this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.newpkaddr] !== 'undefined' &&
- pk.newpkaddr !== pk.pkaddr
- ) {
- throw new Error('Record already exists');
- }
- }
- if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
- table.uk.forEach(function(uk) {
- uk.newukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
- if (
- typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.newukaddr] !== 'undefined' &&
- uk.newukaddr !== uk.ukaddr
- ) {
- throw new Error('Record already exists');
- }
- });
- }
- if (this.pk) {
- this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.pkaddr] = undefined;
- this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.newpkaddr] = r;
- }
- if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
- table.uk.forEach(function(uk) {
- table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.ukaddr] = undefined;
- table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.newukaddr] = r;
- });
- }
- this.data[i] = r;
- // Trigger prevent functionality
- for (var tr in table.afterupdate) {
- var trigger = table.afterupdate[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](this.data[i], r);
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- var res;
- if (!alasql.options.nocount) {
- res = 1;
- }
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
-// Date functions
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-/** Standard JavaScript data types */
-alasql.fn.Date = Object;
-alasql.fn.Date = Date;
-alasql.fn.Number = Number;
-alasql.fn.String = String;
-alasql.fn.Boolean = Boolean;
-/** Extend Object with properties */
-stdfn.EXTEND = alasql.utils.extend;
-stdfn.CHAR = String.fromCharCode.bind(String);
-stdfn.ASCII = function(a) {
- return a.charCodeAt(0);
- Return first non-null argument
- See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190349.aspx
-stdfn.COALESCE = function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- if (typeof arguments[i] == 'undefined') continue;
- if (typeof arguments[i] == 'number' && isNaN(arguments[i])) continue;
- return arguments[i];
- }
- return undefined;
-stdfn.USER = function() {
- return 'alasql';
-stdfn.OBJECT_ID = function(objid) {
- return !!alasql.tables[objid];
-stdfn.DATE = function(d) {
- if (/\d{8}/.test(d)) return new Date(+d.substr(0, 4), +d.substr(4, 2) - 1, +d.substr(6, 2));
- return new Date(d);
-stdfn.NOW = function() {
- var d = new Date();
- var s =
- d.getFullYear() +
- '.' +
- ('0' + (d.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '.' +
- ('0' + d.getDate()).substr(-2);
- s +=
- ' ' +
- ('0' + d.getHours()).substr(-2) +
- ':' +
- ('0' + d.getMinutes()).substr(-2) +
- ':' +
- ('0' + d.getSeconds()).substr(-2);
- s += '.' + ('00' + d.getMilliseconds()).substr(-3);
- return s;
-stdfn.GETDATE = stdfn.NOW;
-stdfn.SECOND = function(d) {
- var d = new Date(d);
- return d.getSeconds();
-stdfn.MINUTE = function(d) {
- var d = new Date(d);
- return d.getMinutes();
-stdfn.HOUR = function(d) {
- var d = new Date(d);
- return d.getHours();
-stdfn.DAYOFWEEK = stdfn.WEEKDAY = function(d) {
- var d = new Date(d);
- return d.getDay();
-stdfn.DAY = stdfn.DAYOFMONTH = function(d) {
- var d = new Date(d);
- return d.getDate();
-stdfn.MONTH = function(d) {
- var d = new Date(d);
- return d.getMonth() + 1;
-stdfn.YEAR = function(d) {
- var d = new Date(d);
- return d.getFullYear();
-var PERIODS = {
- year: 1000 * 3600 * 24 * 365,
- quarter: (1000 * 3600 * 24 * 365) / 4,
- month: 1000 * 3600 * 24 * 30,
- week: 1000 * 3600 * 24 * 7,
- day: 1000 * 3600 * 24,
- dayofyear: 1000 * 3600 * 24,
- weekday: 1000 * 3600 * 24,
- hour: 1000 * 3600,
- minute: 1000 * 60,
- second: 1000,
- millisecond: 1,
- microsecond: 0.001,
-alasql.stdfn.DATEDIFF = function(period, d1, d2) {
- var interval = new Date(d2).getTime() - new Date(d1).getTime();
- return interval / PERIODS[period.toLowerCase()];
-alasql.stdfn.DATEADD = function(period, interval, d) {
- var nd = new Date(d).getTime() + interval * PERIODS[period.toLowerCase()];
- return new Date(nd);
-alasql.stdfn.INTERVAL = function(interval, period) {
- return interval * PERIODS[period.toLowerCase()];
-alasql.stdfn.DATE_ADD = alasql.stdfn.ADDDATE = function(d, interval) {
- var nd = new Date(d).getTime() + interval;
- return new Date(nd);
-alasql.stdfn.DATE_SUB = alasql.stdfn.SUBDATE = function(d, interval) {
- var nd = new Date(d).getTime() - interval;
- return new Date(nd);
-// DROP TABLE for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.DropTable = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.DropTable.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'DROP' + ' ';
- if (this.view) s += 'VIEW';
- else s += 'TABLE';
- if (this.ifexists) s += ' IF EXISTS';
- s += ' ' + this.tables.toString();
- return s;
- Drop tables
- @param {string} databaseid Database id
- @param {object} params Parameters
- @param {callback} cb Callback function
- @return Number of dropped tables
- @example
-yy.DropTable.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var ifexists = this.ifexists;
- var res = 0; // No tables removed
- var count = 0;
- var tlen = this.tables.length;
- // For each table in the list
- this.tables.forEach(function(table) {
- var db = alasql.databases[table.databaseid || databaseid];
- var tableid = table.tableid;
- /** @todo Test with AUTOCOMMIT flag is ON */
- /** @todo Test with IndexedDB and multiple tables */
- if (!ifexists || (ifexists && db.tables[tableid])) {
- if (!db.tables[tableid]) {
- if (!alasql.options.dropifnotexists) {
- throw new Error(
- "Can not drop table '" +
- table.tableid +
- "', because it does not exist in the database."
- );
- }
- } else {
- if (db.engineid /*&& alasql.options.autocommit*/) {
- alasql.engines[db.engineid].dropTable(
- table.databaseid || databaseid,
- tableid,
- ifexists,
- function(res1) {
- delete db.tables[tableid];
- res += res1;
- count++;
- if (count == tlen && cb) cb(res);
- }
- );
- } else {
- delete db.tables[tableid];
- res++;
- count++;
- if (count == tlen && cb) cb(res);
- }
- }
- } else {
- count++;
- if (count == tlen && cb) cb(res);
- }
- });
- // if(cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
-yy.TruncateTable = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.TruncateTable.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'TRUNCATE TABLE';
- s += ' ' + this.table.toString();
- return s;
-yy.TruncateTable.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var db = alasql.databases[this.table.databaseid || databaseid];
- var tableid = this.table.tableid;
- if (db.engineid) {
- return alasql.engines[db.engineid].truncateTable(
- this.table.databaseid || databaseid,
- tableid,
- this.ifexists,
- cb
- );
- }
- if (db.tables[tableid]) {
- db.tables[tableid].data = [];
- } else {
- throw new Error('Cannot truncate table becaues it does not exist');
- }
- return cb ? cb(0) : 0;
-// Date: 21.04.2015
-// (c) 2015, Andrey Gershun
-yy.CreateVertex = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.CreateVertex.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'CREATE VERTEX ';
- if (this.class) {
- s += this.class + ' ';
- }
- if (this.sharp) {
- s += '#' + this.sharp + ' ';
- }
- if (this.sets) {
- s += this.sets.toString();
- } else if (this.content) {
- s += this.content.toString();
- } else if (this.select) {
- s += this.select.toString();
- }
- return s;
-yy.CreateVertex.prototype.toJS = function(context) {
- var s = 'this.queriesfn[' + (this.queriesidx - 1) + '](this.params,null,' + context + ')';
- // var s = '';
- return s;
-yy.CreateVertex.prototype.compile = function(databaseid) {
- var dbid = databaseid;
- var sharp = this.sharp;
- if (typeof this.name !== 'undefined') {
- var s = 'x.name=' + this.name.toJS();
- var namefn = new Function('x', s);
- }
- if (this.sets && this.sets.length > 0) {
- var s = this.sets
- .map(function(st) {
- return "x['" + st.column.columnid + "']=" + st.expression.toJS('x', '');
- })
- .join(';');
- var setfn = new Function('x,params,alasql', s);
- }
- // Todo: check for content, select and default
- var statement = function(params, cb) {
- var res;
- // CREATE VERTEX without parameters
- var db = alasql.databases[dbid];
- var id;
- if (typeof sharp !== 'undefined') {
- id = sharp;
- } else {
- id = db.counter++;
- }
- var vertex = {$id: id, $node: 'VERTEX'};
- db.objects[vertex.$id] = vertex;
- res = vertex;
- if (namefn) {
- namefn(vertex);
- }
- if (setfn) {
- setfn(vertex, params, alasql);
- }
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
- };
- return statement;
-yy.CreateEdge = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.CreateEdge.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'CREATE EDGE' + ' ';
- if (this.class) {
- s += this.class + ' ';
- }
- // todo: SET
- // todo: CONTENT
- // todo: SELECT
- return s;
-yy.CreateEdge.prototype.toJS = function(context) {
- var s = 'this.queriesfn[' + (this.queriesidx - 1) + '](this.params,null,' + context + ')';
- return s;
-yy.CreateEdge.prototype.compile = function(databaseid) {
- var dbid = databaseid;
- var fromfn = new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + this.from.toJS());
- var tofn = new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + this.to.toJS());
- if (typeof this.name !== 'undefined') {
- var s = 'x.name=' + this.name.toJS();
- var namefn = new Function('x', s);
- }
- if (this.sets && this.sets.length > 0) {
- var s = this.sets
- .map(function(st) {
- return "x['" + st.column.columnid + "']=" + st.expression.toJS('x', '');
- })
- .join(';');
- var setfn = new Function('x,params,alasql', 'var y;' + s);
- }
- /*
- todo: handle content, select and default
- else if(this.content) {
- } else if(this.select) {
- } else {
- }
- */
- var statement = function(params, cb) {
- var res = 0;
- // CREATE VERTEX without parameters
- var db = alasql.databases[dbid];
- var edge = {$id: db.counter++, $node: 'EDGE'};
- var v1 = fromfn(params, alasql);
- var v2 = tofn(params, alasql);
- // Set link
- edge.$in = [v1.$id];
- edge.$out = [v2.$id];
- // Set sides
- if (v1.$out === undefined) {
- v1.$out = [];
- }
- v1.$out.push(edge.$id);
- if (typeof v2.$in === undefined) {
- v2.$in = [];
- }
- v2.$in.push(edge.$id);
- // Save in objects
- db.objects[edge.$id] = edge;
- res = edge;
- if (namefn) {
- namefn(edge);
- }
- if (setfn) {
- setfn(edge, params, alasql);
- }
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
- };
- return statement;
-yy.CreateGraph = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.CreateGraph.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'CREATE GRAPH' + ' ';
- if (this.class) {
- s += this.class + ' ';
- }
- return s;
-yy.CreateGraph.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res = [];
- if (this.from) {
- if (alasql.from[this.from.funcid]) {
- this.graph = alasql.from[this.from.funcid.toUpperCase()];
- }
- }
- // stop;
- this.graph.forEach(function(g) {
- if (g.source) {
- var e = {};
- if (typeof g.as !== 'undefined') {
- alasql.vars[g.as] = e;
- }
- if (typeof g.prop !== 'undefined') {
- // e[g.prop] = e;
- // v.$id = g.prop; // We do not create $id for edge automatically
- e.name = g.prop;
- }
- if (typeof g.sharp !== 'undefined') {
- e.$id = g.sharp;
- }
- if (typeof g.name !== 'undefined') {
- e.name = g.name;
- }
- if (typeof g.class !== 'undefined') {
- e.$class = g.class;
- }
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- if (typeof e.$id === 'undefined') {
- e.$id = db.counter++;
- }
- e.$node = 'EDGE';
- if (typeof g.json !== 'undefined') {
- extend(
- e,
- new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + g.json.toJS())(params, alasql)
- );
- }
- var v1;
- if (g.source.vars) {
- var vo = alasql.vars[g.source.vars];
- if (typeof vo === 'object') {
- v1 = vo;
- } else {
- v1 = db.objects[vo];
- }
- } else {
- var av1 = g.source.sharp;
- if (typeof av1 === 'undefined') {
- av1 = g.source.prop;
- }
- v1 = alasql.databases[databaseid].objects[av1];
- if (
- typeof v1 === 'undefined' &&
- alasql.options.autovertex &&
- (typeof g.source.prop !== 'undefined' || typeof g.source.name !== 'undefined')
- ) {
- v1 = findVertex(g.source.prop || g.source.name);
- if (typeof v1 === 'undefined') {
- v1 = createVertex(g.source);
- }
- }
- }
- var v2;
- if (g.source.vars) {
- var vo = alasql.vars[g.target.vars];
- if (typeof vo === 'object') {
- v2 = vo;
- } else {
- v2 = db.objects[vo];
- }
- } else {
- var av2 = g.target.sharp;
- if (typeof av2 === 'undefined') {
- av2 = g.target.prop;
- }
- v2 = alasql.databases[databaseid].objects[av2];
- if (
- typeof v2 === 'undefined' &&
- alasql.options.autovertex &&
- (typeof g.target.prop !== 'undefined' || typeof g.target.name !== 'undefined')
- ) {
- v2 = findVertex(g.target.prop || g.target.name);
- if (typeof v2 === 'undefined') {
- v2 = createVertex(g.target);
- }
- }
- }
- // Set link
- e.$in = [v1.$id];
- e.$out = [v2.$id];
- // Set sides
- if (typeof v1.$out === 'undefined') {
- v1.$out = [];
- }
- v1.$out.push(e.$id);
- if (typeof v2.$in === 'undefined') {
- v2.$in = [];
- }
- v2.$in.push(e.$id);
- db.objects[e.$id] = e;
- if (typeof e.$class !== 'undefined') {
- if (typeof alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[e.$class] === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('No such class. Pleace use CREATE CLASS');
- } else {
- // TODO - add insert()
- alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[e.$class].data.push(e);
- }
- }
- res.push(e.$id);
- } else {
- createVertex(g);
- }
- });
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
- // Find vertex by name
- function findVertex(name) {
- var objects = alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects;
- for (var k in objects) {
- if (objects[k].name === name) {
- return objects[k];
- }
- }
- return undefined;
- }
- function createVertex(g) {
- var v = {};
- if (typeof g.as !== 'undefined') {
- alasql.vars[g.as] = v;
- }
- if (typeof g.prop !== 'undefined') {
- // v[g.prop] = true;
- v.$id = g.prop;
- v.name = g.prop;
- }
- if (typeof g.sharp !== 'undefined') {
- v.$id = g.sharp;
- }
- if (typeof g.name !== 'undefined') {
- v.name = g.name;
- }
- if (typeof g.class !== 'undefined') {
- v.$class = g.class;
- }
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- if (typeof v.$id === 'undefined') {
- v.$id = db.counter++;
- }
- v.$node = 'VERTEX';
- if (typeof g.json !== 'undefined') {
- extend(
- v,
- new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + g.json.toJS())(params, alasql)
- );
- }
- db.objects[v.$id] = v;
- if (typeof v.$class !== 'undefined') {
- if (typeof alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[v.$class] === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('No such class. Pleace use CREATE CLASS');
- } else {
- // TODO - add insert()
- alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[v.$class].data.push(v);
- }
- }
- res.push(v.$id);
- return v;
- }
-yy.CreateGraph.prototype.compile1 = function(databaseid) {
- var dbid = databaseid;
- var fromfn = new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + this.from.toJS());
- var tofn = new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + this.to.toJS());
- if (typeof this.name !== 'undefined') {
- var s = 'x.name=' + this.name.toJS();
- var namefn = new Function('x', s);
- }
- if (this.sets && this.sets.length > 0) {
- var s = this.sets
- .map(function(st) {
- return "x['" + st.column.columnid + "']=" + st.expression.toJS('x', '');
- })
- .join(';');
- var setfn = new Function('x,params,alasql', 'var y;' + s);
- }
- // Todo: handle content, select and default
- var statement = function(params, cb) {
- var res = 0;
- // CREATE VERTEX without parameters
- var db = alasql.databases[dbid];
- var edge = {$id: db.counter++, $node: 'EDGE'};
- var v1 = fromfn(params, alasql);
- var v2 = tofn(params, alasql);
- // Set link
- edge.$in = [v1.$id];
- edge.$out = [v2.$id];
- // Set sides
- if (typeof v1.$out === 'undefined') {
- v1.$out = [];
- }
- v1.$out.push(edge.$id);
- if (typeof v2.$in === 'undefined') {
- v2.$in = [];
- }
- v2.$in.push(edge.$id);
- // Save in objects
- db.objects[edge.$id] = edge;
- res = edge;
- if (namefn) {
- namefn(edge);
- }
- if (setfn) {
- setfn(edge, params, alasql);
- }
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
- };
- return statement;
-// ALTER TABLE for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-/* global alasql yy */
-// ALTER TABLE table1 RENAME TO table2
-yy.AlterTable = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.AlterTable.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'ALTER TABLE ' + this.table.toString();
- if (this.renameto) s += ' RENAME TO ' + this.renameto;
- return s;
-yy.AlterTable.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- db.dbversion = Date.now();
- if (this.renameto) {
- var oldtableid = this.table.tableid;
- var newtableid = this.renameto;
- var res = 1;
- if (db.tables[newtableid]) {
- throw new Error(
- "Can not rename a table '" +
- oldtableid +
- "' to '" +
- newtableid +
- "', because the table with this name already exists"
- );
- } else if (newtableid === oldtableid) {
- throw new Error("Can not rename a table '" + oldtableid + "' to itself");
- } else {
- db.tables[newtableid] = db.tables[oldtableid];
- delete db.tables[oldtableid];
- res = 1;
- }
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
- } else if (this.addcolumn) {
- db = alasql.databases[this.table.databaseid || databaseid];
- db.dbversion++;
- var tableid = this.table.tableid;
- var table = db.tables[tableid];
- var columnid = this.addcolumn.columnid;
- if (table.xcolumns[columnid]) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot add column "' +
- columnid +
- '", because it already exists in the table "' +
- tableid +
- '"'
- );
- }
- var col = {
- columnid: columnid,
- dbtypeid: this.dbtypeid,
- dbsize: this.dbsize,
- dbprecision: this.dbprecision,
- dbenum: this.dbenum,
- defaultfns: null, // TODO defaultfns!!!
- };
- var defaultfn = function() {};
- table.columns.push(col);
- table.xcolumns[columnid] = col;
- for (var i = 0, ilen = table.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- table.data[i][columnid] = defaultfn();
- }
- // TODO
- return cb ? cb(1) : 1;
- } else if (this.modifycolumn) {
- var db = alasql.databases[this.table.databaseid || databaseid];
- db.dbversion++;
- var tableid = this.table.tableid;
- var table = db.tables[tableid];
- var columnid = this.modifycolumn.columnid;
- if (!table.xcolumns[columnid]) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot modify column "' +
- columnid +
- '", because it was not found in the table "' +
- tableid +
- '"'
- );
- }
- col = table.xcolumns[columnid];
- col.dbtypeid = this.dbtypeid;
- col.dbsize = this.dbsize;
- col.dbprecision = this.dbprecision;
- col.dbenum = this.dbenum;
- // TODO
- return cb ? cb(1) : 1;
- } else if (this.renamecolumn) {
- var db = alasql.databases[this.table.databaseid || databaseid];
- db.dbversion++;
- var tableid = this.table.tableid;
- var table = db.tables[tableid];
- var columnid = this.renamecolumn;
- var tocolumnid = this.to;
- var col;
- if (!table.xcolumns[columnid]) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Column "' + columnid + '" is not found in the table "' + tableid + '"'
- );
- }
- if (table.xcolumns[tocolumnid]) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Column "' + tocolumnid + '" already exists in the table "' + tableid + '"'
- );
- }
- if (columnid != tocolumnid) {
- for (var j = 0; j < table.columns.length; j++) {
- if (table.columns[j].columnid == columnid) {
- table.columns[j].columnid = tocolumnid;
- }
- }
- table.xcolumns[tocolumnid] = table.xcolumns[columnid];
- delete table.xcolumns[columnid];
- for (var i = 0, ilen = table.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- table.data[i][tocolumnid] = table.data[i][columnid];
- delete table.data[i][columnid];
- }
- return table.data.length;
- } else {
- return cb ? cb(0) : 0;
- }
- } else if (this.dropcolumn) {
- var db = alasql.databases[this.table.databaseid || databaseid];
- db.dbversion++;
- var tableid = this.table.tableid;
- var table = db.tables[tableid];
- var columnid = this.dropcolumn;
- var found = false;
- for (var j = 0; j < table.columns.length; j++) {
- if (table.columns[j].columnid == columnid) {
- found = true;
- table.columns.splice(j, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot drop column "' +
- columnid +
- '", because it was not found in the table "' +
- tableid +
- '"'
- );
- }
- delete table.xcolumns[columnid];
- for (i = 0, ilen = table.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- delete table.data[i][columnid];
- }
- return cb ? cb(table.data.length) : table.data.length;
- } else {
- throw Error('Unknown ALTER TABLE method');
- }
-// CREATE TABLE for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.CreateIndex = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.CreateIndex.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'CREATE';
- if (this.unique) s += ' UNIQUE';
- s += ' INDEX ' + this.indexid + ' ON ' + this.table.toString();
- s += '(' + this.columns.toString() + ')';
- return s;
-yy.CreateIndex.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- // var self = this;
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var tableid = this.table.tableid;
- var table = db.tables[tableid];
- var indexid = this.indexid;
- db.indices[indexid] = tableid;
- var rightfns = this.columns
- .map(function(expr) {
- return expr.expression.toJS('r', '');
- })
- .join("+'`'+");
- var rightfn = new Function('r,params,alasql', 'return ' + rightfns);
- if (this.unique) {
- table.uniqdefs[indexid] = {
- rightfns: rightfns,
- };
- var ux = (table.uniqs[indexid] = {});
- if (table.data.length > 0) {
- for (var i = 0, ilen = table.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- var addr = rightfns(table.data[i]);
- if (!ux[addr]) {
- ux[addr] = {num: 0};
- }
- ux[addr].num++;
- }
- }
- } else {
- var hh = hash(rightfns);
- table.inddefs[indexid] = {rightfns: rightfns, hh: hh};
- table.indices[hh] = {};
- var ix = (table.indices[hh] = {});
- if (table.data.length > 0) {
- for (var i = 0, ilen = table.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- var addr = rightfn(table.data[i], params, alasql);
- if (!ix[addr]) {
- ix[addr] = [];
- }
- ix[addr].push(table.data[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- var res = 1;
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
-yy.Reindex = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Reindex.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'REINDEX ' + this.indexid;
- return s;
-yy.Reindex.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- // var self = this;
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var indexid = this.indexid;
- var tableid = db.indices[indexid];
- var table = db.tables[tableid];
- table.indexColumns();
- var res = 1;
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
-// DROP TABLE for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.DropIndex = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.DropIndex.prototype.toString = function() {
- return 'DROP INDEX' + this.indexid;
-yy.DropIndex.prototype.compile = function(db) {
- var indexid = this.indexid;
- return function() {
- return 1;
- };
-// WITH SELECT for Alasql.js
-// Date: 11.01.2015
-// (c) 2015, Andrey Gershun
-yy.WithSelect = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.WithSelect.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'WITH ';
- s +=
- this.withs
- .map(function(w) {
- return w.name + ' AS (' + w.select.toString() + ')';
- })
- .join(',') + ' ';
- s += this.select.toString();
- return s;
-yy.WithSelect.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var self = this;
- // Create temporary tables
- var savedTables = [];
- self.withs.forEach(function(w) {
- savedTables.push(alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[w.name]);
- var tb = (alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[w.name] = new Table({tableid: w.name}));
- tb.data = w.select.execute(databaseid, params);
- });
- var res = 1;
- res = this.select.execute(databaseid, params, function(data) {
- // Clear temporary tables
- // setTimeout(function(){
- self.withs.forEach(function(w, idx) {
- if (savedTables[idx]) alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[w.name] = savedTables[idx];
- else delete alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[w.name];
- });
- // },0);
- if (cb) data = cb(data);
- return data;
- });
- return res;
-// IF for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.If = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.If.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'IF' + ' ';
- s += this.expression.toString();
- s += ' ' + this.thenstat.toString();
- if (this.elsestat) s += ' ELSE ' + this.thenstat.toString();
- return s;
-yy.If.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res;
- var fn = new Function(
- 'params,alasql,p',
- 'var y;return ' + this.expression.toJS('({})', '', null)
- ).bind(this);
- if (fn(params, alasql)) res = this.thenstat.execute(databaseid, params, cb);
- else {
- if (this.elsestat) res = this.elsestat.execute(databaseid, params, cb);
- else {
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- }
- }
- // else res = this.elsestat.execute(databaseid,params,cb,scope);
- return res;
-// CREATE VIEW for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.While = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.While.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'WHILE ';
- s += this.expression.toString();
- s += ' ' + this.loopstat.toString();
- return s;
-yy.While.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var self = this;
- var res = [];
- var fn = new Function('params,alasql,p', 'var y;return ' + this.expression.toJS());
- if (cb) {
- var first = false;
- loop();
- function loop(data) {
- if (first) {
- res.push(data);
- } else {
- first = true;
- }
- setTimeout(function() {
- if (fn(params, alasql)) {
- self.loopstat.execute(databaseid, params, loop);
- } else {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- }, 0);
- }
- } else {
- while (fn(params, alasql)) {
- var res1 = self.loopstat.execute(databaseid, params);
- res.push(res1);
- }
- }
- return res;
-yy.Break = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Break.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'BREAK';
- return s;
-yy.Break.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb, scope) {
- var res = 1;
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
-yy.Continue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Continue.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'CONTINUE';
- return s;
-yy.Continue.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb, scope) {
- var res = 1;
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
-yy.BeginEnd = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.BeginEnd.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'BEGIN ' + this.statements.toString() + ' END';
- return s;
-yy.BeginEnd.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb, scope) {
- var self = this;
- var res = [];
- var idx = 0;
- runone();
- function runone() {
- self.statements[idx].execute(databaseid, params, function(data) {
- res.push(data);
- idx++;
- if (idx < self.statements.length) return runone();
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- });
- }
- return res;
-// INSERT for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-/* global yy alasql*/
-yy.Insert = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Insert.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'INSERT ';
- if (this.orreplace) s += 'OR REPLACE ';
- if (this.replaceonly) s = 'REPLACE ';
- s += 'INTO ' + this.into.toString();
- if (this.columns) s += '(' + this.columns.toString() + ')';
- if (this.values) s += ' VALUES ' + this.values.toString();
- if (this.select) s += ' ' + this.select.toString();
- return s;
-yy.Insert.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- // if(this.expression.reduced) return 'true';
- // return this.expression.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
- // var s = 'this.queriesdata['+(this.queriesidx-1)+'][0]';
- var s = 'this.queriesfn[' + (this.queriesidx - 1) + '](this.params,null,' + context + ')';
- return s;
-yy.Insert.prototype.compile = function(databaseid) {
- var self = this;
- databaseid = self.into.databaseid || databaseid;
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var tableid = self.into.tableid;
- var table = db.tables[tableid];
- if (!table) {
- throw "Table '" + tableid + "' could not be found";
- }
- // Check, if this dirty flag is required
- var s = '';
- var sw = '';
- var s = "db.tables['" + tableid + "'].dirty=true;";
- var s3 = 'var a,aa=[],x;';
- var s33;
- if (this.values) {
- if (this.exists) {
- this.existsfn = this.exists.map(function(ex) {
- var nq = ex.compile(databaseid);
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
- }
- if (this.queries) {
- this.queriesfn = this.queries.map(function(q) {
- var nq = q.compile(databaseid);
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
- }
- self.values.forEach(function(values) {
- var ss = [];
- // s += 'db.tables[\''+tableid+'\'].data.push({';
- // s += '';
- if (self.columns) {
- self.columns.forEach(function(col, idx) {
- // ss.push(col.columnid +':'+ self.values[idx].value.toString());
- // if(rec[f.name.value] == "NULL") rec[f.name.value] = undefined;
- // if(table.xflds[f.name.value].dbtypeid == "INT") rec[f.name.value] = +rec[f.name.value]|0;
- // else if(table.xflds[f.name.value].dbtypeid == "FLOAT") rec[f.name.value] = +rec[f.name.value];
- var q = "'" + col.columnid + "':";
- if (table.xcolumns && table.xcolumns[col.columnid]) {
- if (
- ['INT', 'FLOAT', 'NUMBER', 'MONEY'].indexOf(
- table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid
- ) >= 0
- ) {
- //q += ''
- q += '(x=' + values[idx].toJS() + ',x==undefined?undefined:+x)';
- } else if (alasql.fn[table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid]) {
- q += '(new ' + table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid + '(';
- q += values[idx].toJS();
- q += '))';
- } else {
- q += values[idx].toJS();
- }
- } else {
- q += values[idx].toJS();
- }
- ss.push(q);
- });
- } else {
- // var table = db.tables[tableid];
- if (Array.isArray(values) && table.columns && table.columns.length > 0) {
- table.columns.forEach(function(col, idx) {
- var q = "'" + col.columnid + "':";
- // var val = values[idx].toJS();
- if (['INT', 'FLOAT', 'NUMBER', 'MONEY'].indexOf(col.dbtypeid) >= 0) {
- q += '+' + values[idx].toJS();
- } else if (alasql.fn[col.dbtypeid]) {
- q += '(new ' + col.dbtypeid + '(';
- q += values[idx].toJS();
- q += '))';
- } else {
- q += values[idx].toJS();
- }
- ss.push(q);
- });
- } else {
- // sw = 'var w='+JSONtoJS(values)+';for(var k in w){r[k]=w[k]};';
- sw = JSONtoJS(values);
- }
- }
- if (db.tables[tableid].defaultfns) {
- ss.unshift(db.tables[tableid].defaultfns);
- }
- if (sw) {
- s += 'a=' + sw + ';';
- } else {
- s += 'a={' + ss.join(',') + '};';
- }
- // If this is a class
- if (db.tables[tableid].isclass) {
- s += "var db=alasql.databases['" + databaseid + "'];";
- s += 'a.$class="' + tableid + '";';
- s += 'a.$id=db.counter++;';
- s += 'db.objects[a.$id]=a;';
- }
- // s += 'db.tables[\''+tableid+'\'].insert(r);';
- if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
- s += "var db=alasql.databases['" + databaseid + "'];";
- s +=
- "db.tables['" +
- tableid +
- "'].insert(a," +
- (self.orreplace ? 'true' : 'false') +
- ');';
- } else {
- s += 'aa.push(a);';
- }
- });
- s33 = s3 + s;
- if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
- // s += 'alasql.databases[\''+databaseid+'\'].tables[\''+tableid+'\'].insert(r);';
- } else {
- s +=
- "alasql.databases['" +
- databaseid +
- "'].tables['" +
- tableid +
- "'].data=" +
- "alasql.databases['" +
- databaseid +
- "'].tables['" +
- tableid +
- "'].data.concat(aa);";
- }
- if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
- if (db.tables[tableid].isclass) {
- s += 'return a.$id;';
- } else {
- s += 'return ' + self.values.length;
- }
- } else {
- s += 'return ' + self.values.length;
- }
- var insertfn = new Function('db, params, alasql', 'var y;' + s3 + s).bind(this);
- } else if (this.select) {
- this.select.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- var selectfn = this.select.compile(databaseid);
- if (db.engineid && alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable) {
- var statement = function(params, cb) {
- var aa = selectfn(params);
- var res = alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable(
- db.databaseid,
- tableid,
- aa.data,
- null,
- cb
- );
- return res;
- };
- return statement;
- } else {
- var defaultfns = 'return alasql.utils.extend(r,{' + table.defaultfns + '})';
- var defaultfn = new Function('r,db,params,alasql', defaultfns);
- var insertfn = function(db, params, alasql) {
- var res = selectfn(params).data;
- if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
- // If insert() function exists (issue #92)
- for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- var r = cloneDeep(res[i]);
- defaultfn(r, db, params, alasql);
- db.tables[tableid].insert(r, self.orreplace);
- }
- } else {
- db.tables[tableid].data = db.tables[tableid].data.concat(res);
- }
- if (alasql.options.nocount) return;
- else return res.length;
- };
- }
- } else if (this.default) {
- var insertfns =
- "db.tables['" + tableid + "'].data.push({" + table.defaultfns + '});return 1;';
- var insertfn = new Function('db,params,alasql', insertfns);
- } else {
- throw new Error('Wrong INSERT parameters');
- }
- if (db.engineid && alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable && alasql.options.autocommit) {
- var statement = function(params, cb) {
- var aa = new Function('db,params', 'var y;' + s33 + 'return aa;')(db, params);
- var res = alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable(db.databaseid, tableid, aa, null, cb);
- // if(cb) cb(res);
- return res;
- };
- } else {
- var statement = function(params, cb) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid) {
- alasql.engines[db.engineid].loadTableData(databaseid, tableid);
- }
- var res = insertfn(db, params, alasql);
- if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid) {
- alasql.engines[db.engineid].saveTableData(databaseid, tableid);
- }
- // var res = insertfn(db, params);
- if (alasql.options.nocount) res = undefined;
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
- };
- }
- return statement;
-yy.Insert.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- return this.compile(databaseid)(params, cb);
- // throw new Error('Insert statement is should be compiled')
-// TRIGGER for Alasql.js
-// Date: 29.12.2015
-yy.CreateTrigger = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.CreateTrigger.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'CREATE TRIGGER ' + this.trigger + ' ';
- if (this.when) s += this.when + ' ';
- s += this.action + ' ON ';
- if (this.table.databaseid) s += this.table.databaseid + '.';
- s += this.table.tableid + ' ';
- s += this.statement.toString();
- return s;
-yy.CreateTrigger.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res = 1; // No tables removed
- var triggerid = this.trigger;
- databaseid = this.table.databaseid || databaseid;
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var tableid = this.table.tableid;
- var trigger = {
- action: this.action,
- when: this.when,
- statement: this.statement,
- funcid: this.funcid,
- };
- db.triggers[triggerid] = trigger;
- if (trigger.action == 'INSERT' && trigger.when == 'BEFORE') {
- db.tables[tableid].beforeinsert[triggerid] = trigger;
- } else if (trigger.action == 'INSERT' && trigger.when == 'AFTER') {
- db.tables[tableid].afterinsert[triggerid] = trigger;
- } else if (trigger.action == 'INSERT' && trigger.when == 'INSTEADOF') {
- db.tables[tableid].insteadofinsert[triggerid] = trigger;
- } else if (trigger.action == 'DELETE' && trigger.when == 'BEFORE') {
- db.tables[tableid].beforedelete[triggerid] = trigger;
- } else if (trigger.action == 'DELETE' && trigger.when == 'AFTER') {
- db.tables[tableid].afterdelete[triggerid] = trigger;
- } else if (trigger.action == 'DELETE' && trigger.when == 'INSTEADOF') {
- db.tables[tableid].insteadofdelete[triggerid] = trigger;
- } else if (trigger.action == 'UPDATE' && trigger.when == 'BEFORE') {
- db.tables[tableid].beforeupdate[triggerid] = trigger;
- } else if (trigger.action == 'UPDATE' && trigger.when == 'AFTER') {
- db.tables[tableid].afterupdate[triggerid] = trigger;
- } else if (trigger.action == 'UPDATE' && trigger.when == 'INSTEADOF') {
- db.tables[tableid].insteadofupdate[triggerid] = trigger;
- }
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
-yy.DropTrigger = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.DropTrigger.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'DROP TRIGGER ' + this.trigger;
- return s;
- Drop trigger
- @param {string} databaseid Database id
- @param {object} params Parameters
- @param {callback} cb Callback function
- @return Number of dropped triggers
- @example
-yy.DropTrigger.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res = 0; // No tables removed
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var triggerid = this.trigger;
- // For each table in the list
- var tableid = db.triggers[triggerid];
- if (tableid) {
- res = 1;
- delete db.tables[tableid].beforeinsert[triggerid];
- delete db.tables[tableid].afterinsert[triggerid];
- delete db.tables[tableid].insteadofinsert[triggerid];
- delete db.tables[tableid].beforedelte[triggerid];
- delete db.tables[tableid].afterdelete[triggerid];
- delete db.tables[tableid].insteadofdelete[triggerid];
- delete db.tables[tableid].beforeupdate[triggerid];
- delete db.tables[tableid].afterupdate[triggerid];
- delete db.tables[tableid].insteadofupdate[triggerid];
- delete db.triggers[triggerid];
- } else {
- throw new Error('Trigger not found');
- }
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
-// DELETE for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.Delete = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Delete.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'DELETE FROM ' + this.table.toString();
- if (this.where) s += ' WHERE ' + this.where.toString();
- return s;
-yy.Delete.prototype.compile = function(databaseid) {
- databaseid = this.table.databaseid || databaseid;
- var tableid = this.table.tableid;
- var statement;
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- if (this.where) {
- // this.query = {};
- if (this.exists) {
- this.existsfn = this.exists.map(function(ex) {
- var nq = ex.compile(databaseid);
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
- }
- if (this.queries) {
- this.queriesfn = this.queries.map(function(q) {
- var nq = q.compile(databaseid);
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
- }
- // try {
- // var query = {};
- var wherefn = new Function(
- 'r,params,alasql',
- 'var y;return (' + this.where.toJS('r', '') + ')'
- ).bind(this);
- statement = function(params, cb) {
- if (db.engineid && alasql.engines[db.engineid].deleteFromTable) {
- return alasql.engines[db.engineid].deleteFromTable(
- databaseid,
- tableid,
- wherefn,
- params,
- cb
- );
- }
- if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid && db.engineid == 'LOCALSTORAGE') {
- alasql.engines[db.engineid].loadTableData(databaseid, tableid);
- }
- var table = db.tables[tableid];
- // table.dirty = true;
- var orignum = table.data.length;
- var newtable = [];
- for (var i = 0, ilen = table.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- if (wherefn(table.data[i], params, alasql)) {
- // Check for transaction - if it is not possible then return all back
- if (table.delete) {
- table.delete(i, params, alasql);
- } else {
- // Simply do not push
- }
- } else newtable.push(table.data[i]);
- }
- // table.data = table.data.filter(function(r){return !;});
- table.data = newtable;
- // Trigger prevent functionality
- for (var tr in table.afterdelete) {
- var trigger = table.afterdelete[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- alasql.fn[trigger.funcid]();
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
- }
- }
- }
- var res = orignum - table.data.length;
- if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid && db.engineid == 'LOCALSTORAGE') {
- alasql.engines[db.engineid].saveTableData(databaseid, tableid);
- }
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
- };
- // .bind(query);
- // if(!this.queries) return;
- // query.queriesfn = this.queries.map(function(q) {
- // return q.compile(alasql.useid);
- // });
- } else {
- statement = function(params, cb) {
- if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid) {
- alasql.engines[db.engineid].loadTableData(databaseid, tableid);
- }
- var table = db.tables[tableid];
- table.dirty = true;
- var orignum = db.tables[tableid].data.length;
- //table.deleteall();
- // Delete all records from the array
- db.tables[tableid].data.length = 0;
- // Reset PRIMARY KEY and indexes
- for (var ix in db.tables[tableid].uniqs) {
- db.tables[tableid].uniqs[ix] = {};
- }
- for (var ix in db.tables[tableid].indices) {
- db.tables[tableid].indices[ix] = {};
- }
- if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid) {
- alasql.engines[db.engineid].saveTableData(databaseid, tableid);
- }
- if (cb) cb(orignum);
- return orignum;
- };
- }
- return statement;
-yy.Delete.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- return this.compile(databaseid)(params, cb);
-// UPDATE for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-/* global yy alasql */
-yy.Update = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Update.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'UPDATE ' + this.table.toString();
- if (this.columns) s += ' SET ' + this.columns.toString();
- if (this.where) s += ' WHERE ' + this.where.toString();
- return s;
-yy.SetColumn = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.SetColumn.prototype.toString = function() {
- return this.column.toString() + '=' + this.expression.toString();
-yy.Update.prototype.compile = function(databaseid) {
- databaseid = this.table.databaseid || databaseid;
- var tableid = this.table.tableid;
- if (this.where) {
- if (this.exists) {
- this.existsfn = this.exists.map(function(ex) {
- var nq = ex.compile(databaseid);
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
- }
- if (this.queries) {
- this.queriesfn = this.queries.map(function(q) {
- var nq = q.compile(databaseid);
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
- }
- var wherefn = new Function(
- 'r,params,alasql',
- 'var y;return ' + this.where.toJS('r', '')
- ).bind(this);
- }
- // Construct update function
- var s = alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[tableid].onupdatefns || '';
- s += ';';
- this.columns.forEach(function(col) {
- s += "r['" + col.column.columnid + "']=" + col.expression.toJS('r', '') + ';';
- });
- var assignfn = new Function('r,params,alasql', 'var y;' + s);
- var statement = function(params, cb) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- if (db.engineid && alasql.engines[db.engineid].updateTable) {
- return alasql.engines[db.engineid].updateTable(
- databaseid,
- tableid,
- assignfn,
- wherefn,
- params,
- cb
- );
- }
- if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid) {
- alasql.engines[db.engineid].loadTableData(databaseid, tableid);
- }
- var table = db.tables[tableid];
- if (!table) {
- throw new Error("Table '" + tableid + "' not exists");
- }
- // table.dirty = true;
- var numrows = 0;
- for (var i = 0, ilen = table.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- if (!wherefn || wherefn(table.data[i], params, alasql)) {
- if (table.update) {
- table.update(assignfn, i, params);
- } else {
- assignfn(table.data[i], params, alasql);
- }
- numrows++;
- }
- }
- if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid) {
- alasql.engines[db.engineid].saveTableData(databaseid, tableid);
- }
- if (cb) cb(numrows);
- return numrows;
- };
- return statement;
-yy.Update.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- return this.compile(databaseid)(params, cb);
-// SET for Alasql.js
-// Date: 01.12.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-/* global alasql, yy */
-yy.Merge = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Merge.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'MERGE ';
- s += this.into.tableid + ' ';
- if (this.into.as) s += 'AS ' + this.into.as + ' ';
- s += 'USING ' + this.using.tableid + ' ';
- if (this.using.as) s += 'AS ' + this.using.as + ' ';
- s += 'ON ' + this.on.toString() + ' ';
- this.matches.forEach(function(m) {
- s += 'WHEN ';
- if (!m.matched) s += 'NOT ';
- s += 'MATCHED ';
- if (m.bytarget) s += 'BY TARGET ';
- if (m.bysource) s += 'BY SOURCE ';
- if (m.expr) s += 'AND' + ' ' + m.expr.toString() + ' ';
- s += 'THEN ';
- if (m.action.delete) s += 'DELETE ';
- if (m.action.insert) {
- s += 'INSERT ';
- if (m.action.columns) s += '(' + m.action.columns.toString() + ') ';
- if (m.action.values) s += 'VALUES (' + m.action.values.toString() + ') ';
- if (m.action.defaultvalues) s += 'DEFAULT VALUES ';
- }
- if (m.action.update) {
- s += 'UPDATE ';
- s +=
- m.action.update
- .map(function(u) {
- return u.toString();
- })
- .join(',') + ' ';
- }
- });
- return s;
-yy.Merge.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
-// UPDATE for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// Modified: 16.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-/* global yy alasql */
-// CREATE DATABASE databaseid
-yy.CreateDatabase = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'CREATE';
- if (this.engineid) s += ' ' + this.engineid;
- s += ' DATABASE';
- if (this.ifnotexists) s += ' IF NOT EXISTS';
- s += ' ' + this.databaseid;
- if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
- s +=
- '(' +
- this.args
- .map(function(arg) {
- return arg.toString();
- })
- .join(', ') +
- ')';
- }
- if (this.as) s += ' AS ' + this.as;
- return s;
-//yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
-yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var args;
- if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
- args = this.args.map(function(arg) {
- return new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + arg.toJS())(params, alasql);
- });
- }
- if (this.engineid) {
- var res = alasql.engines[this.engineid].createDatabase(
- this.databaseid,
- this.args,
- this.ifnotexists,
- this.as,
- cb
- );
- return res;
- } else {
- var dbid = this.databaseid;
- if (alasql.databases[dbid]) {
- throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' already exists");
- }
- var a = new alasql.Database(dbid);
- var res = 1;
- if (cb) return cb(res);
- return res;
- }
-// CREATE DATABASE databaseid
-yy.AttachDatabase = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.AttachDatabase.prototype.toString = function(args) {
- var s = 'ATTACH';
- if (this.engineid) s += ' ' + this.engineid;
- s += ' DATABASE' + ' ' + this.databaseid;
- // TODO add params
- if (args) {
- s += '(';
- if (args.length > 0) {
- s += args
- .map(function(arg) {
- return arg.toString();
- })
- .join(', ');
- }
- s += ')';
- }
- if (this.as) s += ' AS' + ' ' + this.as;
- return s;
-//yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
-yy.AttachDatabase.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- if (!alasql.engines[this.engineid]) {
- throw new Error('Engine "' + this.engineid + '" is not defined.');
- }
- var res = alasql.engines[this.engineid].attachDatabase(
- this.databaseid,
- this.as,
- this.args,
- params,
- cb
- );
- return res;
-// CREATE DATABASE databaseid
-yy.DetachDatabase = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.DetachDatabase.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'DETACH';
- s += ' DATABASE' + ' ' + this.databaseid;
- return s;
-//yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
-yy.DetachDatabase.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- if (!alasql.databases[this.databaseid].engineid) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot detach database "' + this.engineid + '", because it was not attached.'
- );
- }
- var res;
- var dbid = this.databaseid;
- if (dbid === alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID) {
- throw new Error('Drop of default database is prohibited');
- }
- if (!alasql.databases[dbid]) {
- if (!this.ifexists) {
- throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' does not exist");
- } else {
- res = 0;
- }
- } else {
- delete alasql.databases[dbid];
- if (dbid === alasql.useid) {
- alasql.use();
- }
- res = 1;
- }
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
- // var res = alasql.engines[this.engineid].attachDatabase(this.databaseid, this.as, cb);
- // return res;
-// USE DATABSE databaseid
-// USE databaseid
-yy.UseDatabase = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.UseDatabase.prototype.toString = function() {
- return 'USE' + ' ' + 'DATABASE' + ' ' + this.databaseid;
-//yy.UseDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
-yy.UseDatabase.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var dbid = this.databaseid;
- if (!alasql.databases[dbid]) {
- throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' does not exist");
- }
- alasql.use(dbid);
- var res = 1;
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
-// DROP DATABASE databaseid
-yy.DropDatabase = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.DropDatabase.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'DROP';
- if (this.ifexists) s += ' IF EXISTS';
- s += ' DATABASE ' + this.databaseid;
- return s;
-//yy.DropDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
-yy.DropDatabase.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- if (this.engineid) {
- return alasql.engines[this.engineid].dropDatabase(this.databaseid, this.ifexists, cb);
- }
- var res;
- var dbid = this.databaseid;
- if (dbid === alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID) {
- throw new Error('Drop of default database is prohibited');
- }
- if (!alasql.databases[dbid]) {
- if (!this.ifexists) {
- throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' does not exist");
- } else {
- res = 0;
- }
- } else {
- if (alasql.databases[dbid].engineid) {
- throw new Error(
- "Cannot drop database '" + dbid + "', because it is attached. Detach it."
- );
- }
- delete alasql.databases[dbid];
- if (dbid === alasql.useid) {
- alasql.use();
- }
- res = 1;
- }
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
-// SET for Alasql.js
-// Date: 01.12.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.Declare = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Declare.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'DECLARE ';
- if (this.declares && this.declares.length > 0) {
- s = this.declares
- .map(function(declare) {
- var s = '';
- s += '@' + declare.variable + ' ';
- s += declare.dbtypeid;
- if (this.dbsize) {
- s += '(' + this.dbsize;
- if (this.dbprecision) {
- s += ',' + this.dbprecision;
- }
- s += ')';
- }
- if (declare.expression) {
- s += ' = ' + declare.expression.toString();
- }
- return s;
- })
- .join(',');
- }
- return s;
-yy.Declare.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- if (this.declares && this.declares.length > 0) {
- this.declares.map(function(declare) {
- var dbtypeid = declare.dbtypeid;
- if (!alasql.fn[dbtypeid]) {
- dbtypeid = dbtypeid.toUpperCase();
- }
- alasql.declares[declare.variable] = {
- dbtypeid: dbtypeid,
- dbsize: declare.dbsize,
- dbprecision: declare.dbprecision,
- };
- // Set value
- if (declare.expression) {
- alasql.vars[declare.variable] = new Function(
- 'params,alasql',
- 'return ' + declare.expression.toJS('({})', '', null)
- )(params, alasql);
- if (alasql.declares[declare.variable]) {
- alasql.vars[declare.variable] = alasql.stdfn.CONVERT(
- alasql.vars[declare.variable],
- alasql.declares[declare.variable]
- );
- }
- }
- });
- }
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
-// SHOW for Alasql.js
-// Date: 19.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.ShowDatabases = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.ShowDatabases.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'SHOW DATABASES';
- if (this.like) s += 'LIKE ' + this.like.toString();
- return s;
-yy.ShowDatabases.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- if (this.engineid) {
- return alasql.engines[this.engineid].showDatabases(this.like, cb);
- } else {
- var self = this;
- var res = [];
- for (var dbid in alasql.databases) {
- res.push({databaseid: dbid});
- }
- if (self.like && res && res.length > 0) {
- res = res.filter(function(d) {
- // return d.databaseid.match(new RegExp((self.like.value||'').replace(/\%/g,'.*').replace(/\?|_/g,'.'),'g'));
- return alasql.utils.like(self.like.value, d.databaseid);
- });
- }
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
- }
-yy.ShowTables = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.ShowTables.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'SHOW TABLES';
- if (this.databaseid) s += ' FROM ' + this.databaseid;
- if (this.like) s += ' LIKE ' + this.like.toString();
- return s;
-yy.ShowTables.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var db = alasql.databases[this.databaseid || databaseid];
- var self = this;
- var res = [];
- for (var tableid in db.tables) {
- res.push({tableid: tableid});
- }
- if (self.like && res && res.length > 0) {
- res = res.filter(function(d) {
- //return d.tableid.match(new RegExp((self.like.value||'').replace(/\%/g,'.*').replace(/\?|_/g,'.'),'g'));
- return alasql.utils.like(self.like.value, d.tableid);
- });
- }
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
-yy.ShowColumns = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.ShowColumns.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'SHOW COLUMNS';
- if (this.table.tableid) s += ' FROM ' + this.table.tableid;
- if (this.databaseid) s += ' FROM ' + this.databaseid;
- return s;
-yy.ShowColumns.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var db = alasql.databases[this.databaseid || databaseid];
- var table = db.tables[this.table.tableid];
- if (table && table.columns) {
- var res = table.columns.map(function(col) {
- return {columnid: col.columnid, dbtypeid: col.dbtypeid, dbsize: col.dbsize};
- });
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
- } else {
- if (cb) cb([]);
- return [];
- }
-yy.ShowIndex = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.ShowIndex.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'SHOW INDEX';
- if (this.table.tableid) s += ' FROM ' + this.table.tableid;
- if (this.databaseid) s += ' FROM ' + this.databaseid;
- return s;
-yy.ShowIndex.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var db = alasql.databases[this.databaseid || databaseid];
- var table = db.tables[this.table.tableid];
- var res = [];
- if (table && table.indices) {
- for (var ind in table.indices) {
- res.push({hh: ind, len: Object.keys(table.indices[ind]).length});
- }
- }
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
-yy.ShowCreateTable = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.ShowCreateTable.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'SHOW CREATE TABLE ' + this.table.tableid;
- if (this.databaseid) s += ' FROM ' + this.databaseid;
- return s;
-yy.ShowCreateTable.prototype.execute = function(databaseid) {
- var db = alasql.databases[this.databaseid || databaseid];
- var table = db.tables[this.table.tableid];
- if (table) {
- var s = 'CREATE TABLE ' + this.table.tableid + ' (';
- var ss = [];
- if (table.columns) {
- table.columns.forEach(function(col) {
- var a = col.columnid + ' ' + col.dbtypeid;
- if (col.dbsize) a += '(' + col.dbsize + ')';
- if (col.primarykey) a += ' PRIMARY KEY';
- // TODO extend
- ss.push(a);
- });
- s += ss.join(', ');
- }
- s += ')';
- return s;
- } else {
- throw new Error('There is no such table "' + this.table.tableid + '"');
- }
-// SET for Alasql.js
-// Date: 01.12.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.SetVariable = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.SetVariable.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'SET ';
- if (typeof this.value != 'undefined')
- s += this.variable.toUpperCase() + ' ' + (this.value ? 'ON' : 'OFF');
- if (this.expression) s += this.method + this.variable + ' = ' + this.expression.toString();
- return s;
-yy.SetVariable.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- if (typeof this.value != 'undefined') {
- var val = this.value;
- if (val == 'ON') val = true;
- else if (val == 'OFF') val = false;
- // if(this.method == '@') {
- alasql.options[this.variable] = val;
- // } else {
- // params[this.variable] = val;
- // }
- } else if (this.expression) {
- if (this.exists) {
- this.existsfn = this.exists.map(function(ex) {
- var nq = ex.compile(databaseid);
- if (nq.query && !nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- // return ex.compile(databaseid);
- // TODO Include modifier
- });
- }
- if (this.queries) {
- this.queriesfn = this.queries.map(function(q) {
- var nq = q.compile(databaseid);
- if (nq.query && !nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- // TODO Include modifier
- });
- }
- var res = new Function(
- 'params,alasql',
- 'return ' + this.expression.toJS('({})', '', null)
- ).bind(this)(params, alasql);
- if (alasql.declares[this.variable]) {
- res = alasql.stdfn.CONVERT(res, alasql.declares[this.variable]);
- }
- if (this.props && this.props.length > 0) {
- if (this.method == '@') {
- var fs = "alasql.vars['" + this.variable + "']";
- } else {
- var fs = "params['" + this.variable + "']";
- }
- fs += this.props
- .map(function(prop) {
- if (typeof prop == 'string') {
- return "['" + prop + "']";
- } else if (typeof prop == 'number') {
- return '[' + prop + ']';
- } else {
- return '[' + prop.toJS() + ']';
- // } else {
- // throw new Error('Wrong SET property');
- }
- })
- .join();
- new Function('value,params,alasql', 'var y;' + fs + '=value')(res, params, alasql);
- } else {
- if (this.method == '@') {
- alasql.vars[this.variable] = res;
- } else {
- params[this.variable] = res;
- }
- }
- }
- var res = 1;
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
-// Console functions
-/* global alasql, yy */
-alasql.test = function(name, times, fn) {
- if (arguments.length === 0) {
- alasql.log(alasql.con.results);
- return;
- }
- var tm = Date.now();
- if (arguments.length === 1) {
- fn();
- alasql.con.log(Date.now() - tm);
- return;
- }
- if (arguments.length === 2) {
- fn = times;
- times = 1;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < times; i++) {
- fn();
- }
- alasql.con.results[name] = Date.now() - tm;
-// Console
-// alasql.log = function(sql, params) {
-// };
-/* global alasql, yy, utils */
-// Console
-alasql.log = function(sql, params) {
- var olduseid = alasql.useid;
- var target = alasql.options.logtarget;
- // For node other
- if (utils.isNode) {
- target = 'console';
- }
- var res;
- if (typeof sql === 'string') {
- res = alasql(sql, params);
- } else {
- res = sql;
- }
- // For Node and console.output
- if (target === 'console' || utils.isNode) {
- if (typeof sql === 'string' && alasql.options.logprompt) {
- console.log(olduseid + '>', sql);
- }
- if (Array.isArray(res)) {
- if (console.table) {
- // For Chrome and other consoles
- console.table(res);
- } else {
- // Add print procedure
- console.log(JSONtoString(res));
- }
- } else {
- console.log(JSONtoString(res));
- }
- } else {
- var el;
- if (target === 'output') {
- el = document.getElementsByTagName('output')[0];
- } else {
- if (typeof target === 'string') {
- el = document.getElementById(target);
- } else {
- // in case of DOM
- el = target;
- }
- }
- var s = '';
- if (typeof sql === 'string' && alasql.options.logprompt) {
- // s += ''+olduseid+'> '+alasql.pretty(sql)+'
- s += '' + alasql.pretty(sql) + '
- }
- if (Array.isArray(res)) {
- if (res.length === 0) {
- s += '[ ]
- } else if (typeof res[0] !== 'object' || Array.isArray(res[0])) {
- for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- s += '' + loghtml(res[i]) + '
- }
- } else {
- s += loghtml(res);
- }
- } else {
- s += loghtml(res);
- }
- el.innerHTML += s;
- }
-alasql.clear = function() {
- var target = alasql.options.logtarget;
- // For node other
- if (utils.isNode || utils.isMeteorServer) {
- if (console.clear) {
- console.clear();
- }
- } else {
- var el;
- if (target === 'output') {
- el = document.getElementsByTagName('output')[0];
- } else {
- if (typeof target === 'string') {
- el = document.getElementById(target);
- } else {
- // in case of DOM
- el = target;
- }
- }
- el.innerHTML = '';
- }
-alasql.write = function(s) {
- var target = alasql.options.logtarget;
- // For node other
- if (utils.isNode || utils.isMeteorServer) {
- if (console.log) {
- console.log(s);
- }
- } else {
- var el;
- if (target === 'output') {
- el = document.getElementsByTagName('output')[0];
- } else {
- if (typeof target === 'string') {
- el = document.getElementById(target);
- } else {
- // in case of DOM
- el = target;
- }
- }
- el.innerHTML += s;
- }
-function loghtml(res) {
- var s = '';
- if (res === undefined) {
- s += 'undefined';
- } else if (Array.isArray(res)) {
- s += '';
- s += '';
- var cols = [];
- for (var colid in res[0]) {
- cols.push(colid);
- }
- s += '#';
- cols.forEach(function(colid) {
- s += ' ' + colid;
- });
- for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- s += ' ' + (i + 1);
- cols.forEach(function(colid) {
- s += ' ';
- if (res[i][colid] == +res[i][colid]) {
- // jshint ignore:line
- s += '';
- if (typeof res[i][colid] === 'undefined') {
- s += 'NULL';
- } else {
- s += res[i][colid];
- }
- s += '
- } else {
- if (typeof res[i][colid] === 'undefined') {
- s += 'NULL';
- } else if (typeof res[i][colid] === 'string') {
- s += res[i][colid];
- } else {
- s += JSONtoString(res[i][colid]);
- }
- // s += res[i][colid];
- }
- });
- }
- s += '
- } else {
- s += '' + JSONtoString(res) + '
- }
- // if() {}
- // if(typeof res == 'object') {
- // s += ''+JSON.stringify(res)+'
- // } else {
- // }
- return s;
-function scrollTo(element, to, duration) {
- if (duration <= 0) {
- return;
- }
- var difference = to - element.scrollTop;
- var perTick = (difference / duration) * 10;
- setTimeout(function() {
- if (element.scrollTop === to) {
- return;
- }
- element.scrollTop = element.scrollTop + perTick;
- scrollTo(element, to, duration - 10);
- }, 10);
-alasql.prompt = function(el, useidel, firstsql) {
- if (utils.isNode) {
- throw new Error('The prompt not realized for Node.js');
- }
- var prompti = 0;
- if (typeof el === 'string') {
- el = document.getElementById(el);
- }
- if (typeof useidel === 'string') {
- useidel = document.getElementById(useidel);
- }
- useidel.textContent = alasql.useid;
- if (firstsql) {
- alasql.prompthistory.push(firstsql);
- prompti = alasql.prompthistory.length;
- try {
- var tm = Date.now();
- alasql.log(firstsql);
- alasql.write('' + (Date.now() - tm) + ' ms
- } catch (err) {
- alasql.write('' + olduseid + '> ' + sql + '
- alasql.write('' + err + '
- }
- }
- var y = el.getBoundingClientRect().top + document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].scrollTop;
- scrollTo(document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0], y, 500);
- el.onkeydown = function(event) {
- if (event.which === 13) {
- var sql = el.value;
- var olduseid = alasql.useid;
- el.value = '';
- alasql.prompthistory.push(sql);
- prompti = alasql.prompthistory.length;
- try {
- var tm = Date.now();
- alasql.log(sql);
- alasql.write('
' + (Date.now() - tm) + ' ms
- } catch (err) {
- alasql.write('' + olduseid + '> ' + alasql.pretty(sql, false) + '
- alasql.write('' + err + '
- }
- el.focus();
- useidel.textContent = alasql.useid;
- var y =
- el.getBoundingClientRect().top + document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].scrollTop;
- scrollTo(document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0], y, 500);
- } else if (event.which === 38) {
- prompti--;
- if (prompti < 0) {
- prompti = 0;
- }
- if (alasql.prompthistory[prompti]) {
- el.value = alasql.prompthistory[prompti];
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- } else if (event.which === 40) {
- prompti++;
- if (prompti >= alasql.prompthistory.length) {
- prompti = alasql.prompthistory.length;
- el.value = '';
- } else if (alasql.prompthistory[prompti]) {
- el.value = alasql.prompthistory[prompti];
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- }
- };
-// Commit for Alasql.js
-// Date: 01.12.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.BeginTransaction = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.BeginTransaction.prototype.toString = function() {
-yy.BeginTransaction.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- if (alasql.databases[databaseid].engineid) {
- return alasql.engines[alasql.databases[alasql.useid].engineid].begin(databaseid, cb);
- } else {
- // alasql commit!!!
- }
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
-yy.CommitTransaction = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.CommitTransaction.prototype.toString = function() {
-yy.CommitTransaction.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- if (alasql.databases[databaseid].engineid) {
- return alasql.engines[alasql.databases[alasql.useid].engineid].commit(databaseid, cb);
- } else {
- // alasql commit!!!
- }
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
-yy.RollbackTransaction = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.RollbackTransaction.prototype.toString = function() {
-yy.RollbackTransaction.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- if (alasql.databases[databaseid].engineid) {
- return alasql.engines[alasql.databases[databaseid].engineid].rollback(databaseid, cb);
- } else {
- // alasql commit!!!
- }
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
-if (alasql.options.tsql) {
- //
- // Check tables and views
- // IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Employees') IS NOT NULL
- // DROP TABLE dbo.Employees;
- // IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.VSortedOrders', 'V') IS NOT NULL
- // DROP VIEW dbo.VSortedOrders;
- alasql.stdfn.OBJECT_ID = function(name, type) {
- if (typeof type == 'undefined') type = 'T';
- type = type.toUpperCase();
- var sname = name.split('.');
- var dbid = alasql.useid;
- var objname = sname[0];
- if (sname.length == 2) {
- dbid = sname[0];
- objname = sname[1];
- }
- var tables = alasql.databases[dbid].tables;
- dbid = alasql.databases[dbid].databaseid;
- for (var tableid in tables) {
- if (tableid == objname) {
- // TODO: What OBJECT_ID actually returns
- if (tables[tableid].view && type == 'V') return dbid + '.' + tableid;
- if (!tables[tableid].view && type == 'T') return dbid + '.' + tableid;
- return undefined;
- }
- }
- return undefined;
- };
-if (alasql.options.mysql) {
-if (alasql.options.mysql || alasql.options.sqlite) {
- // Pseudo INFORMATION_SCHEMA function
- alasql.from.INFORMATION_SCHEMA = function(filename, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- if (filename == 'VIEWS' || filename == 'TABLES') {
- var res = [];
- for (var databaseid in alasql.databases) {
- var tables = alasql.databases[databaseid].tables;
- for (var tableid in tables) {
- if (
- (tables[tableid].view && filename == 'VIEWS') ||
- (!tables[tableid].view && filename == 'TABLES')
- ) {
- res.push({TABLE_CATALOG: databaseid, TABLE_NAME: tableid});
- }
- }
- }
- if (cb) res = cb(res, idx, query);
- return res;
- }
- throw new Error('Unknown INFORMATION_SCHEMA table');
- };
-if (alasql.options.postgres) {
-if (alasql.options.oracle) {
-if (alasql.options.sqlite) {
-// into functions
-// (c) 2014 Andrey Gershun
-alasql.into.SQL = function(filename, opts, data, columns, cb) {
- var res;
- if (typeof filename === 'object') {
- opts = filename;
- filename = undefined;
- }
- var opt = {};
- alasql.utils.extend(opt, opts);
- if (typeof opt.tableid === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Table for INSERT TO is not defined.');
- }
- var s = '';
- if (columns.length === 0) {
- if (typeof data[0] === 'object') {
- columns = Object.keys(data[0]).map(function(columnid) {
- return {columnid: columnid};
- });
- } else {
- // What should I do?
- // columns = [{columnid:"_"}];
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0, ilen = data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- s += 'INSERT INTO ' + opts.tableid + '(';
- s += columns
- .map(function(col) {
- return col.columnid;
- })
- .join(',');
- s += ') VALUES (';
- s += columns.map(function(col) {
- var val = data[i][col.columnid];
- if (col.typeid) {
- if (
- col.typeid === 'STRING' ||
- col.typeid === 'VARCHAR' ||
- col.typeid === 'NVARCHAR' ||
- col.typeid === 'CHAR' ||
- col.typeid === 'NCHAR'
- ) {
- val = "'" + escapeqq(val) + "'";
- }
- } else {
- if (typeof val == 'string') {
- val = "'" + escapeqq(val) + "'";
- }
- }
- return val;
- });
- s += ');\n';
- }
- // if(filename === '') {
- // res = s;
- // } else {
- // res = data.length;
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'sql', opts);
- res = alasql.utils.saveFile(filename, s);
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
-alasql.into.HTML = function(selector, opts, data, columns, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- if (typeof exports !== 'object') {
- var opt = {headers: true};
- alasql.utils.extend(opt, opts);
- var sel = document.querySelector(selector);
- if (!sel) {
- throw new Error('Selected HTML element is not found');
- }
- if (columns.length === 0) {
- if (typeof data[0] === 'object') {
- columns = Object.keys(data[0]).map(function(columnid) {
- return {columnid: columnid};
- });
- } else {
- // What should I do?
- // columns = [{columnid:"_"}];
- }
- }
- var tbe = document.createElement('table');
- var thead = document.createElement('thead');
- tbe.appendChild(thead);
- if (opt.headers) {
- var tre = document.createElement('tr');
- for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
- var the = document.createElement('th');
- the.textContent = columns[i].columnid;
- tre.appendChild(the);
- }
- thead.appendChild(tre);
- }
- var tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
- tbe.appendChild(tbody);
- for (var j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
- var tre = document.createElement('tr');
- for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
- var the = document.createElement('td');
- the.textContent = data[j][columns[i].columnid];
- tre.appendChild(the);
- }
- tbody.appendChild(tre);
- }
- alasql.utils.domEmptyChildren(sel);
- sel.appendChild(tbe);
- }
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
-alasql.into.JSON = function(filename, opts, data, columns, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- if (typeof filename === 'object') {
- opts = filename;
- filename = undefined;
- }
- var s = JSON.stringify(data);
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'json', opts);
- res = alasql.utils.saveFile(filename, s);
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
-alasql.into.TXT = function(filename, opts, data, columns, cb) {
- // If columns is empty
- if (columns.length === 0 && data.length > 0) {
- columns = Object.keys(data[0]).map(function(columnid) {
- return {columnid: columnid};
- });
- }
- // If one parameter
- if (typeof filename === 'object') {
- opts = filename;
- filename = undefined;
- }
- var res = data.length;
- var s = '';
- if (data.length > 0) {
- var key = columns[0].columnid;
- s += data
- .map(function(d) {
- return d[key];
- })
- .join('\n');
- }
- // } else {
- // if(utils.isNode) {
- // process.stdout.write(s);
- // } else {
- // };
- // }
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'txt', opts);
- res = alasql.utils.saveFile(filename, s);
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
-alasql.into.TAB = alasql.into.TSV = function(filename, opts, data, columns, cb) {
- var opt = {};
- alasql.utils.extend(opt, opts);
- opt.separator = '\t';
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'tab', opts);
- opt.autoExt = false;
- return alasql.into.CSV(filename, opt, data, columns, cb);
-alasql.into.CSV = function(filename, opts, data, columns, cb) {
- if (columns.length === 0 && data.length > 0) {
- columns = Object.keys(data[0]).map(function(columnid) {
- return {columnid: columnid};
- });
- }
- if (typeof filename === 'object') {
- opts = filename;
- filename = undefined;
- }
- var opt = {headers: true};
- //opt.separator = ',';
- opt.separator = ';';
- opt.quote = '"';
- opt.utf8Bom = true;
- if (opts && !opts.headers && typeof opts.headers !== 'undefined') {
- opt.utf8Bom = false;
- }
- alasql.utils.extend(opt, opts);
- var res = data.length;
- var s = opt.utf8Bom ? '\ufeff' : '';
- if (opt.headers) {
- s +=
- opt.quote +
- columns
- .map(function(col) {
- return col.columnid.trim();
- })
- .join(opt.quote + opt.separator + opt.quote) +
- opt.quote +
- '\r\n';
- }
- data.forEach(function(d) {
- s +=
- columns
- .map(function(col) {
- var s = d[col.columnid];
- // escape the character wherever it appears in the field
- if (opt.quote !== '') {
- s = (s + '').replace(
- new RegExp('\\' + opt.quote, 'g'),
- opt.quote + opt.quote
- );
- }
- // if((s+"").indexOf(opt.separator) > -1 || (s+"").indexOf(opt.quote) > -1) s = opt.quote + s + opt.quote;
- //Excel 2013 needs quotes around strings - thanks for _not_ complying with RFC for CSV
- if (+s != s) {
- // jshint ignore:line
- s = opt.quote + s + opt.quote;
- }
- return s;
- })
- .join(opt.separator) + '\r\n';
- });
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'csv', opts);
- res = alasql.utils.saveFile(filename, s, null, {disableAutoBom: true});
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
-// 831xl.js - Coloring Excel
-// 18.04.2015
-// Generate XLS file with colors and styles
-// with Excel
-alasql.into.XLS = function(filename, opts, data, columns, cb) {
- // If filename is not defined then output to the result
- if (typeof filename == 'object') {
- opts = filename;
- filename = undefined;
- }
- // Set sheets
- var sheets = {};
- if (opts && opts.sheets) {
- sheets = opts.sheets;
- }
- // Default sheet
- var sheet = {headers: true};
- if (typeof sheets['Sheet1'] != 'undefined') {
- sheet = sheets[0];
- } else {
- if (typeof opts != 'undefined') {
- sheet = opts;
- }
- }
- // Set sheet name and default is 'Sheet1'
- if (typeof sheet.sheetid == 'undefined') {
- sheet.sheetid = 'Sheet1';
- }
- var s = toHTML();
- // File is ready to save
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'xls', opts);
- var res = alasql.utils.saveFile(filename, s);
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- function toHTML() {
- // Generate prologue
- var s =
- '
- \
- ';
- // Generate body
- s += '';
- s += '';
- if (typeof sheet.caption != 'undefined') {
- var caption = sheet.caption;
- if (typeof caption == 'string') {
- caption = {title: caption};
- }
- s += '';
- s += caption.title;
- s += ' ';
- }
- // Columns
- // var columns = [];
- // If columns defined in sheet, then take them
- if (typeof sheet.columns != 'undefined') {
- columns = sheet.columns;
- } else {
- // Autogenerate columns if they are passed as parameters
- if (columns.length == 0 && data.length > 0) {
- if (typeof data[0] == 'object') {
- if (Array.isArray(data[0])) {
- columns = data[0].map(function(d, columnidx) {
- return {columnid: columnidx};
- });
- } else {
- columns = Object.keys(data[0]).map(function(columnid) {
- return {columnid: columnid};
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Prepare columns
- columns.forEach(function(column, columnidx) {
- if (typeof sheet.column != 'undefined') {
- extend(column, sheet.column);
- }
- if (typeof column.width == 'undefined') {
- if (sheet.column && sheet.column.width != 'undefined') {
- column.width = sheet.column.width;
- } else {
- column.width = '120px';
- }
- }
- if (typeof column.width == 'number') column.width = column.width + 'px';
- if (typeof column.columnid == 'undefined') column.columnid = columnidx;
- if (typeof column.title == 'undefined') column.title = '' + column.columnid.trim();
- if (sheet.headers && Array.isArray(sheet.headers))
- column.title = sheet.headers[columnidx];
- });
- // Set columns widths
- s += '';
- columns.forEach(function(column) {
- s += ' ';
- });
- s += ' ';
- // Headers
- if (sheet.headers) {
- s += '';
- s += '';
- // TODO: Skip columns to body
- // Headers
- columns.forEach(function(column, columnidx) {
- s += '';
- // Column title
- if (typeof column.title != 'undefined') {
- if (typeof column.title == 'function') {
- s += column.title(sheet, column, columnidx);
- } else {
- s += column.title;
- }
- }
- s += ' ';
- });
- s += ' ';
- s += ' ';
- }
- s += '';
- // TODO: Skip lines between header and body
- if (data && data.length > 0) {
- // TODO: Skip columns to body
- // Loop over data rows
- data.forEach(function(row, rowidx) {
- // Limit number of rows on the sheet
- if (rowidx > sheet.limit) return;
- // Create row
- s += '';
- // Loop over columns
- columns.forEach(function(column, columnidx) {
- // Parameters
- var cell = {};
- extend(cell, sheet.cell);
- extend(cell, srow.cell);
- if (typeof sheet.column != 'undefined') {
- extend(cell, sheet.column.cell);
- }
- extend(cell, column.cell);
- if (sheet.cells && sheet.cells[rowidx] && sheet.cells[rowidx][columnidx]) {
- extend(cell, sheet.cells[rowidx][columnidx]);
- }
- // Create value
- var value = row[column.columnid];
- if (typeof cell.value == 'function') {
- value = cell.value(value, sheet, row, column, cell, rowidx, columnidx);
- }
- // Define cell type
- var typeid = cell.typeid;
- if (typeof typeid == 'function') {
- typeid = typeid(value, sheet, row, column, cell, rowidx, columnidx);
- }
- if (typeof typeid == 'undefined') {
- if (typeof value == 'number') typeid = 'number';
- else if (typeof value == 'string') typeid = 'string';
- else if (typeof value == 'boolean') typeid = 'boolean';
- else if (typeof value == 'object') {
- if (value instanceof Date) typeid = 'date';
- }
- }
- var typestyle = '';
- if (typeid == 'money') {
- typestyle =
- 'mso-number-format:"\\#\\,\\#\\#0\\\\ _р_\\.";white-space:normal;';
- } else if (typeid == 'number') {
- typestyle = ' ';
- } else if (typeid == 'date') {
- typestyle = 'mso-number-format:"Short Date";';
- } else {
- // FOr other types is saved
- if (opts.types && opts.types[typeid] && opts.types[typeid].typestyle) {
- typestyle = opts.types[typeid].typestyle;
- }
- }
- // TODO Replace with extend...
- typestyle = typestyle || 'mso-number-format:"\\@";'; // Default type style
- s += "';
- // TODO Replace with extend...
- var format = cell.format;
- if (typeof value == 'undefined') {
- s += '';
- } else if (typeof format != 'undefined') {
- if (typeof format == 'function') {
- s += format(value);
- } else if (typeof format == 'string') {
- s += value; // TODO - add string format
- } else {
- throw new Error('Unknown format type. Should be function or string');
- }
- } else {
- if (typeid == 'number' || typeid == 'date') {
- s += value.toString();
- } else if (typeid == 'money') {
- s += (+value).toFixed(2);
- } else {
- s += value;
- }
- }
- s += ' ';
- });
- s += ' ';
- });
- }
- s += ' ';
- // Generate epilogue
- s += '
- s += '';
- s += '';
- return s;
- }
- // Style function
- function style(a) {
- var s = ' style="';
- if (a && typeof a.style != 'undefined') {
- s += a.style + ';';
- }
- s += '" ';
- return s;
- }
-alasql.into.XLSXML = function(filename, opts, data, columns, cb) {
- opts = opts || {};
- // If filename is not defined then output to the result
- if (typeof filename == 'object') {
- opts = filename;
- filename = undefined;
- }
- // Set sheets
- var sheets = {};
- if (opts && opts.sheets) {
- sheets = opts.sheets;
- } else {
- sheets.Sheet1 = opts;
- }
- // File is ready to save
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'xls', opts);
- var res = alasql.utils.saveFile(filename, toXML());
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- function toXML() {
- var s1 =
- ' \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- 0 \
- \
- \
- ';
- var s2 = ''; // for styles
- var s3 = ' ';
- var styles = {}; // hash based storage for styles
- var stylesn = 62; // First style
- // Generate style
- function hstyle(st) {
- // Prepare string
- var s = '';
- for (var key in st) {
- s += '<' + key;
- for (var attr in st[key]) {
- s += ' ';
- if (attr.substr(0, 2) == 'x:') {
- s += attr;
- } else {
- s += 'ss:';
- }
- s += attr + '="' + st[key][attr] + '"';
- }
- s += '/>';
- }
- var hh = hash(s);
- // Store in hash
- if (styles[hh]) {
- } else {
- styles[hh] = {styleid: stylesn};
- s2 += '';
- stylesn++;
- }
- return 's' + styles[hh].styleid;
- }
- for (var sheetid in sheets) {
- var sheet = sheets[sheetid];
- // If columns defined in sheet, then take them
- if (typeof sheet.columns != 'undefined') {
- columns = sheet.columns;
- } else {
- // Autogenerate columns if they are passed as parameters
- if (columns.length == 0 && data.length > 0) {
- if (typeof data[0] == 'object') {
- if (Array.isArray(data[0])) {
- columns = data[0].map(function(d, columnidx) {
- return {columnid: columnidx};
- });
- } else {
- columns = Object.keys(data[0]).map(function(columnid) {
- return {columnid: columnid};
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Prepare columns
- columns.forEach(function(column, columnidx) {
- if (typeof sheet.column != 'undefined') {
- extend(column, sheet.column);
- }
- if (typeof column.width == 'undefined') {
- if (sheet.column && typeof sheet.column.width != 'undefined') {
- column.width = sheet.column.width;
- } else {
- column.width = 120;
- }
- }
- if (typeof column.width == 'number') column.width = column.width;
- if (typeof column.columnid == 'undefined') column.columnid = columnidx;
- if (typeof column.title == 'undefined') column.title = '' + column.columnid.trim();
- if (sheet.headers && Array.isArray(sheet.headers))
- column.title = sheet.headers[idx];
- });
- // Header
- s3 +=
- ' \
- ';
- columns.forEach(function(column, columnidx) {
- s3 +=
- ' ';
- });
- // Headers
- if (sheet.headers) {
- s3 += '';
- // TODO: Skip columns to body
- // Headers
- columns.forEach(function(column, columnidx) {
- s3 += '';
- // Column title
- if (typeof column.title != 'undefined') {
- if (typeof column.title == 'function') {
- s3 += column.title(sheet, column, columnidx);
- } else {
- s3 += column.title;
- }
- }
- s3 += ' | ';
- });
- s3 += '
- }
- // Data
- if (data && data.length > 0) {
- // Loop over data rows
- data.forEach(function(row, rowidx) {
- // Limit number of rows on the sheet
- if (rowidx > sheet.limit) return;
- // Extend row properties
- var srow = {};
- extend(srow, sheet.row);
- if (sheet.rows && sheet.rows[rowidx]) {
- extend(srow, sheet.rows[rowidx]);
- }
- s3 += ''; //'ss:AutoFitHeight="0">'
- // Data
- columns.forEach(function(column, columnidx) {
- // Parameters
- var cell = {};
- extend(cell, sheet.cell);
- extend(cell, srow.cell);
- if (typeof sheet.column != 'undefined') {
- extend(cell, sheet.column.cell);
- }
- extend(cell, column.cell);
- if (sheet.cells && sheet.cells[rowidx] && sheet.cells[rowidx][columnidx]) {
- extend(cell, sheet.cells[rowidx][columnidx]);
- }
- // Create value
- var value = row[column.columnid];
- if (typeof cell.value == 'function') {
- value = cell.value(value, sheet, row, column, cell, rowidx, columnidx);
- }
- // Define cell type
- var typeid = cell.typeid;
- if (typeof typeid == 'function') {
- typeid = typeid(value, sheet, row, column, cell, rowidx, columnidx);
- }
- if (typeof typeid == 'undefined') {
- if (typeof value == 'number') typeid = 'number';
- else if (typeof value == 'string') typeid = 'string';
- else if (typeof value == 'boolean') typeid = 'boolean';
- else if (typeof value == 'object') {
- if (value instanceof Date) typeid = 'date';
- }
- }
- var Type = 'String';
- if (typeid == 'number') Type = 'Number';
- else if (typeid == 'date') Type = 'Date';
- // TODO: What else?
- // Prepare Data types styles
- var typestyle = '';
- if (typeid == 'money') {
- typestyle =
- 'mso-number-format:"\\#\\,\\#\\#0\\\\ _р_\\.";white-space:normal;';
- } else if (typeid == 'number') {
- typestyle = ' ';
- } else if (typeid == 'date') {
- typestyle = 'mso-number-format:"Short Date";';
- } else {
- // For other types is saved
- if (opts.types && opts.types[typeid] && opts.types[typeid].typestyle) {
- typestyle = opts.types[typeid].typestyle;
- }
- }
- // TODO Replace with extend...
- typestyle = typestyle || 'mso-number-format:"\\@";'; // Default type style
- s3 += '';
- s3 += '';
- // TODO Replace with extend...
- var format = cell.format;
- if (typeof value == 'undefined') {
- s3 += '';
- } else if (typeof format != 'undefined') {
- if (typeof format == 'function') {
- s3 += format(value);
- } else if (typeof format == 'string') {
- s3 += value; // TODO - add string format
- } else {
- throw new Error(
- 'Unknown format type. Should be function or string'
- );
- }
- } else {
- if (typeid == 'number' || typeid == 'date') {
- s3 += value.toString();
- } else if (typeid == 'money') {
- s3 += (+value).toFixed(2);
- } else {
- s3 += value;
- }
- }
- // s3 += row[column.columnid];
- s3 += ' | ';
- });
- s3 += '
- });
- }
- // Finish
- s3 += '
- }
- s3 += ' ';
- return s1 + s2 + s3;
- }
- Export to XLSX function
- @function
- @param {string|object} filename Filename or options
- @param {object|undefined} opts Options or undefined
- @param {array} data Data
- @param {array} columns Columns
- @parab {callback} cb Callback function
- @return {number} Number of files processed
-alasql.into.XLSX = function(filename, opts, data, columns, cb) {
- /** @type {number} result */
- var res = 1;
- if (deepEqual(columns, [{columnid: '_'}])) {
- data = data.map(function(dat) {
- return dat._;
- });
- columns = undefined;
- // res = [{_:1}];
- } else {
- // data = data1;
- }
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'xlsx', opts);
- var XLSX = getXLSX();
- /* If called without filename, use opts */
- if (typeof filename == 'object') {
- opts = filename;
- filename = undefined;
- }
- /** @type {object} Workbook */
- var wb = {SheetNames: [], Sheets: {}};
- // ToDo: check if cb must be treated differently here
- if (opts.sourcefilename) {
- alasql.utils.loadBinaryFile(opts.sourcefilename, !!cb, function(data) {
- wb = XLSX.read(data, {type: 'binary'});
- doExport();
- });
- } else {
- doExport();
- }
- /* Return result */
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- /**
- Export workbook
- @function
- */
- function doExport() {
- /*
- If opts is array of arrays then this is a
- multisheet workboook, else it is a singlesheet
- */
- if (typeof opts == 'object' && Array.isArray(opts)) {
- if (data && data.length > 0) {
- data.forEach(function(dat, idx) {
- prepareSheet(opts[idx], dat, undefined, idx + 1);
- });
- }
- } else {
- prepareSheet(opts, data, columns, 1);
- }
- saveWorkbook(cb);
- }
- /**
- Prepare sheet
- @params {object} opts
- @params {array|object} data
- @params {array} columns Columns
- */
- function prepareSheet(opts, data, columns, idx) {
- /** Default options for sheet */
- var opt = {sheetid: 'Sheet ' + idx, headers: true};
- alasql.utils.extend(opt, opts);
- var dataLength = Object.keys(data).length;
- // Generate columns if they are not defined
- if ((!columns || columns.length == 0) && dataLength > 0) {
- columns = Object.keys(data[0]).map(function(columnid) {
- return {columnid: columnid};
- });
- }
- var cells = {};
- if (wb.SheetNames.indexOf(opt.sheetid) > -1) {
- cells = wb.Sheets[opt.sheetid];
- } else {
- wb.SheetNames.push(opt.sheetid);
- wb.Sheets[opt.sheetid] = {};
- cells = wb.Sheets[opt.sheetid];
- }
- var range = 'A1';
- if (opt.range) range = opt.range;
- var col0 = alasql.utils.xlscn(range.match(/[A-Z]+/)[0]);
- var row0 = +range.match(/[0-9]+/)[0] - 1;
- if (wb.Sheets[opt.sheetid]['!ref']) {
- var rangem = wb.Sheets[opt.sheetid]['!ref'];
- var colm = alasql.utils.xlscn(rangem.match(/[A-Z]+/)[0]);
- var rowm = +rangem.match(/[0-9]+/)[0] - 1;
- } else {
- var colm = 1,
- rowm = 1;
- }
- var colmax = Math.max(col0 + columns.length, colm);
- var rowmax = Math.max(row0 + dataLength + 2, rowm);
- var i = row0 + 1;
- wb.Sheets[opt.sheetid]['!ref'] = 'A1:' + alasql.utils.xlsnc(colmax) + rowmax;
- // var i = 1;
- if (opt.headers) {
- columns.forEach(function(col, idx) {
- cells[alasql.utils.xlsnc(col0 + idx) + '' + i] = {v: col.columnid.trim()};
- });
- i++;
- }
- for (var j = 0; j < dataLength; j++) {
- columns.forEach(function(col, idx) {
- var cell = {v: data[j][col.columnid]};
- if (typeof data[j][col.columnid] == 'number') {
- cell.t = 'n';
- } else if (typeof data[j][col.columnid] == 'string') {
- cell.t = 's';
- } else if (typeof data[j][col.columnid] == 'boolean') {
- cell.t = 'b';
- } else if (typeof data[j][col.columnid] == 'object') {
- if (data[j][col.columnid] instanceof Date) {
- cell.t = 'd';
- }
- }
- cells[alasql.utils.xlsnc(col0 + idx) + '' + i] = cell;
- });
- i++;
- }
- }
- /**
- Save Workbook
- @params {array} wb Workbook
- @params {callback} cb Callback
- */
- function saveWorkbook(cb) {
- var XLSX;
- if (typeof filename == 'undefined') {
- res = wb;
- } else {
- XLSX = getXLSX();
- if (utils.isNode || utils.isMeteorServer) {
- XLSX.writeFile(wb, filename);
- } else {
- var wopts = {bookType: 'xlsx', bookSST: false, type: 'binary'};
- var wbout = XLSX.write(wb, wopts);
- function s2ab(s) {
- var buf = new ArrayBuffer(s.length);
- var view = new Uint8Array(buf);
- for (var i = 0; i != s.length; ++i) view[i] = s.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff;
- return buf;
- }
- /* the saveAs call downloads a file on the local machine */
- // saveAs(new Blob([s2ab(wbout)],{type:"application/octet-stream"}), '"'+filename+'"')
- // saveAs(new Blob([s2ab(wbout)],{type:"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"}), filename)
- // saveAs(new Blob([s2ab(wbout)],{type:"application/vnd.ms-excel"}), '"'+filename+'"');
- if (isIE() == 9) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot save XLSX files in IE9. Please use XLS() export function'
- );
- // var URI = 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,';
- /** @todo Check if this code is required */
- // alert('ie9');
- } else {
- saveAs(new Blob([s2ab(wbout)], {type: 'application/octet-stream'}), filename);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// FROM functions Alasql.js
-// Date: 11.12.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
- Meteor
-/* global alasql Tabletop document Event */
-alasql.from.METEOR = function(filename, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- var res = filename.find(opts).fetch();
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res, idx, query);
- }
- return res;
- Google Spreadsheet reader
- */
-alasql.from.TABLETOP = function(key, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- var res = [];
- var opt = {headers: true, simpleSheet: true, key: key};
- alasql.utils.extend(opt, opts);
- opt.callback = function(data) {
- res = data;
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res, idx, query);
- }
- };
- Tabletop.init(opt);
- return null;
-alasql.from.HTML = function(selector, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- var opt = {};
- alasql.utils.extend(opt, opts);
- var sel = document.querySelector(selector);
- if (!sel && sel.tagName !== 'TABLE') {
- throw new Error('Selected HTML element is not a TABLE');
- }
- var res = [];
- var headers = opt.headers;
- if (headers && !Array.isArray(headers)) {
- headers = [];
- var ths = sel.querySelector('thead tr').children;
- for (var i = 0; i < ths.length; i++) {
- if (
- !(ths.item(i).style && ths.item(i).style.display === 'none' && opt.skipdisplaynone)
- ) {
- headers.push(ths.item(i).textContent);
- } else {
- headers.push(undefined);
- }
- }
- }
- var trs = sel.querySelectorAll('tbody tr');
- for (var j = 0; j < trs.length; j++) {
- var tds = trs.item(j).children;
- var r = {};
- for (i = 0; i < tds.length; i++) {
- if (
- !(tds.item(i).style && tds.item(i).style.display === 'none' && opt.skipdisplaynone)
- ) {
- if (headers) {
- r[headers[i]] = tds.item(i).textContent;
- } else {
- r[i] = tds.item(i).textContent;
- }
- }
- }
- res.push(r);
- }
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res, idx, query);
- }
- return res;
-alasql.from.RANGE = function(start, finish, cb, idx, query) {
- var res = [];
- for (var i = start; i <= finish; i++) {
- res.push(i);
- }
- // res = new alasql.Recordset({data:res,columns:{columnid:'_'}});
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res, idx, query);
- }
- return res;
-// Read data from any file
-alasql.from.FILE = function(filename, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- var fname;
- if (typeof filename === 'string') {
- fname = filename;
- } else if (filename instanceof Event) {
- fname = filename.target.files[0].name;
- } else {
- throw new Error('Wrong usage of FILE() function');
- }
- var parts = fname.split('.');
- var ext = parts[parts.length - 1].toUpperCase();
- if (alasql.from[ext]) {
- return alasql.from[ext](filename, opts, cb, idx, query);
- } else {
- throw new Error('Cannot recognize file type for loading');
- }
-// Read JSON file
-alasql.from.JSON = function(filename, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- var res;
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'json', opts);
- alasql.utils.loadFile(filename, !!cb, function(data) {
- // res = [{a:1}];
- res = JSON.parse(data);
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res, idx, query);
- }
- });
- return res;
-alasql.from.TXT = function(filename, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- var res;
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'txt', opts);
- alasql.utils.loadFile(filename, !!cb, function(data) {
- res = data.split(/\r?\n/);
- // Remove last line if empty
- if (res[res.length - 1] === '') {
- res.pop();
- }
- for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- // Please avoid '===' here
- if (res[i] == +res[i]) {
- // eslint:ignore
- // jshint ignore:line
- res[i] = +res[i];
- }
- res[i] = [res[i]];
- }
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res, idx, query);
- }
- });
- return res;
-alasql.from.TAB = alasql.from.TSV = function(filename, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- opts = opts || {};
- opts.separator = '\t';
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'tab', opts);
- opts.autoext = false;
- return alasql.from.CSV(filename, opts, cb, idx, query);
-alasql.from.CSV = function(contents, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- var opt = {
- separator: ',',
- quote: '"',
- headers: true,
- };
- alasql.utils.extend(opt, opts);
- var res;
- var hs = [];
- function parseText(text) {
- var delimiterCode = opt.separator.charCodeAt(0);
- var quoteCode = opt.quote.charCodeAt(0);
- var EOL = {},
- EOF = {},
- rows = [],
- N = text.length,
- I = 0,
- n = 0,
- t,
- eol;
- function token() {
- if (I >= N) {
- return EOF;
- }
- if (eol) {
- return (eol = false), EOL;
- }
- var j = I;
- if (text.charCodeAt(j) === quoteCode) {
- var i = j;
- while (i++ < N) {
- if (text.charCodeAt(i) === quoteCode) {
- if (text.charCodeAt(i + 1) !== quoteCode) {
- break;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- }
- I = i + 2;
- var c = text.charCodeAt(i + 1);
- if (c === 13) {
- eol = true;
- if (text.charCodeAt(i + 2) === 10) {
- ++I;
- }
- } else if (c === 10) {
- eol = true;
- }
- return text.substring(j + 1, i).replace(/""/g, '"');
- }
- while (I < N) {
- var c = text.charCodeAt(I++),
- k = 1;
- if (c === 10) {
- eol = true;
- } else if (c === 13) {
- eol = true;
- if (text.charCodeAt(I) === 10) {
- ++I;
- ++k;
- }
- } else if (c !== delimiterCode) {
- continue;
- }
- return text.substring(j, I - k);
- }
- return text.substring(j);
- }
- while ((t = token()) !== EOF) {
- var a = [];
- while (t !== EOL && t !== EOF) {
- a.push(t.trim());
- t = token();
- }
- if (opt.headers) {
- if (n === 0) {
- if (typeof opt.headers === 'boolean') {
- hs = a;
- } else if (Array.isArray(opt.headers)) {
- hs = opt.headers;
- var r = {};
- hs.forEach(function(h, idx) {
- r[h] = a[idx];
- // Please avoid === here
- if (
- typeof r[h] !== 'undefined' &&
- r[h].length !== 0 &&
- r[h].trim() == +r[h]
- ) {
- // jshint ignore:line
- r[h] = +r[h];
- }
- });
- rows.push(r);
- }
- } else {
- var r = {};
- hs.forEach(function(h, idx) {
- r[h] = a[idx];
- if (
- typeof r[h] !== 'undefined' &&
- r[h].length !== 0 &&
- r[h].trim() == +r[h]
- ) {
- // jshint ignore:line
- r[h] = +r[h];
- }
- });
- rows.push(r);
- }
- n++;
- } else {
- rows.push(a);
- }
- }
- res = rows;
- if (opt.headers) {
- if (query && query.sources && query.sources[idx]) {
- var columns = (query.sources[idx].columns = []);
- hs.forEach(function(h) {
- columns.push({columnid: h});
- });
- }
- }
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res, idx, query);
- }
- }
- if (new RegExp('\n').test(contents)) {
- parseText(contents);
- } else {
- contents = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(contents, 'csv', opts);
- alasql.utils.loadFile(contents, !!cb, parseText);
- }
- return res;
-function XLSXLSX(X, filename, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- var opt = {};
- opts = opts || {};
- alasql.utils.extend(opt, opts);
- if (typeof opt.headers === 'undefined') {
- opt.headers = true;
- }
- var res;
- /**
- * see https://github.com/SheetJS/js-xlsx/blob/5ae6b1965bfe3764656a96f536b356cd1586fec7/README.md
- * for example of using readAsArrayBuffer under `Parsing Workbooks`
- */
- function fixdata(data) {
- var o = '',
- l = 0,
- w = 10240;
- for (; l < data.byteLength / w; ++l)
- o += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(data.slice(l * w, l * w + w)));
- o += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(data.slice(l * w)));
- return o;
- }
- function getHeaderText(text) {
- // if casesensitive option is set to false and there is a text value return lowercase value of text
- if (text && alasql.options.casesensitive === false) {
- return text.toLowerCase();
- } else {
- return text;
- }
- }
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'xls', opts);
- alasql.utils.loadBinaryFile(
- filename,
- !!cb,
- function(data) {
- // function processData(data) {
- if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
- var arr = fixdata(data);
- var workbook = X.read(btoa(arr), {type: 'base64'});
- } else {
- var workbook = X.read(data, {type: 'binary'});
- }
- var sheetid;
- if (typeof opt.sheetid === 'undefined') {
- sheetid = workbook.SheetNames[0];
- } else {
- sheetid = opt.sheetid;
- }
- var range;
- var res = [];
- if (typeof opt.range === 'undefined') {
- range = workbook.Sheets[sheetid]['!ref'];
- } else {
- range = opt.range;
- if (workbook.Sheets[sheetid][range]) {
- range = workbook.Sheets[sheetid][range];
- }
- }
- // if range has some value then data is present in the current sheet
- // else current sheet is empty
- if (range) {
- var rg = range.split(':');
- var col0 = rg[0].match(/[A-Z]+/)[0];
- var row0 = +rg[0].match(/[0-9]+/)[0];
- var col1 = rg[1].match(/[A-Z]+/)[0];
- var row1 = +rg[1].match(/[0-9]+/)[0];
- var hh = {};
- var xlscnCol0 = alasql.utils.xlscn(col0);
- var xlscnCol1 = alasql.utils.xlscn(col1);
- for (var j = xlscnCol0; j <= xlscnCol1; j++) {
- var col = alasql.utils.xlsnc(j);
- if (opt.headers) {
- if (workbook.Sheets[sheetid][col + '' + row0]) {
- hh[col] = getHeaderText(workbook.Sheets[sheetid][col + '' + row0].v);
- } else {
- hh[col] = getHeaderText(col);
- }
- } else {
- hh[col] = col;
- }
- }
- if (opt.headers) {
- row0++;
- }
- for (var i = row0; i <= row1; i++) {
- var row = {};
- for (var j = xlscnCol0; j <= xlscnCol1; j++) {
- var col = alasql.utils.xlsnc(j);
- if (workbook.Sheets[sheetid][col + '' + i]) {
- row[hh[col]] = workbook.Sheets[sheetid][col + '' + i].v;
- }
- }
- res.push(row);
- }
- } else {
- res.push([]);
- }
- // Remove last empty line (issue #548)
- if (
- res.length > 0 &&
- res[res.length - 1] &&
- Object.keys(res[res.length - 1]).length == 0
- ) {
- res.pop();
- }
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res, idx, query);
- }
- },
- function(err) {
- throw err;
- }
- );
- return res;
-alasql.from.XLS = function(filename, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- opts = opts || {};
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'xls', opts);
- opts.autoExt = false;
- return XLSXLSX(getXLSX(), filename, opts, cb, idx, query);
-alasql.from.XLSX = function(filename, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- opts = opts || {};
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'xlsx', opts);
- opts.autoExt = false;
- return XLSXLSX(getXLSX(), filename, opts, cb, idx, query);
-alasql.from.ODS = function(filename, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- opts = opts || {};
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'ods', opts);
- opts.autoExt = false;
- return XLSXLSX(getXLSX(), filename, opts, cb, idx, query);
-alasql.from.XML = function(filename, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- var res;
- alasql.utils.loadFile(filename, !!cb, function(data) {
- // res = [{a:1}];
- res = xmlparse(data).root;
- if (cb) res = cb(res, idx, query);
- });
- return res;
- * Parse the given string of `xml`.
- *
- * @param {String} xml
- * @return {Object}
- * @api public
- */
-function xmlparse(xml) {
- xml = xml.trim();
- // strip comments
- xml = xml.replace(//g, '');
- return document();
- /**
- * XML document.
- */
- function document() {
- return {
- declaration: declaration(),
- root: tag(),
- };
- }
- /**
- * Declaration.
- */
- function declaration() {
- var m = match(/^<\?xml\s*/);
- if (!m) return;
- // tag
- var node = {
- attributes: {},
- };
- // attributes
- while (!(eos() || is('?>'))) {
- var attr = attribute();
- if (!attr) return node;
- node.attributes[attr.name] = attr.value;
- }
- match(/\?>\s*/);
- return node;
- }
- /**
- * Tag.
- */
- function tag() {
- var m = match(/^<([\w-:.]+)\s*/);
- if (!m) return;
- // name
- var node = {
- name: m[1],
- attributes: {},
- children: [],
- };
- // attributes
- while (!(eos() || is('>') || is('?>') || is('/>'))) {
- var attr = attribute();
- if (!attr) return node;
- node.attributes[attr.name] = attr.value;
- }
- // self closing tag
- if (match(/^\s*\/>\s*/)) {
- return node;
- }
- match(/\??>\s*/);
- // content
- node.content = content();
- // children
- var child;
- while ((child = tag())) {
- node.children.push(child);
- }
- // closing
- match(/^<\/[\w-:.]+>\s*/);
- return node;
- }
- /**
- * Text content.
- */
- function content() {
- var m = match(/^([^<]*)/);
- if (m) return m[1];
- return '';
- }
- /**
- * Attribute.
- */
- function attribute() {
- var m = match(/([\w:-]+)\s*=\s*("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|\w+)\s*/);
- if (!m) return;
- return {name: m[1], value: strip(m[2])};
- }
- /**
- * Strip quotes from `val`.
- */
- function strip(val) {
- return val.replace(/^['"]|['"]$/g, '');
- }
- /**
- * Match `re` and advance the string.
- */
- function match(re) {
- var m = xml.match(re);
- if (!m) return;
- xml = xml.slice(m[0].length);
- return m;
- }
- /**
- * End-of-source.
- */
- function eos() {
- return 0 == xml.length;
- }
- /**
- * Check for `prefix`.
- */
- function is(prefix) {
- return 0 == xml.indexOf(prefix);
- }
-alasql.from.GEXF = function(filename, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- var res;
- alasql('SEARCH FROM XML(' + filename + ')', [], function(data) {
- res = data;
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- });
- return res;
-// HELP for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-/* globals: alasql, yy */
- Print statement
- @class
- @param {object} params Initial setup properties
-/* global alasql, yy */
-yy.Print = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
- Generate SQL string
- @this Print statement object
-yy.Print.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'PRINT';
- if (this.statement) s += ' ' + this.statement.toString();
- return s;
- Print result of select statement or expression
- @param {string} databaseid Database identificator
- @param {object} params Query parameters
- @param {statement-callback} cb Callback function
- @this Print statement object
-yy.Print.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var self = this;
- var res = 1;
- alasql.precompile(this, databaseid, params); /** @todo Change from alasql to this */
- if (this.exprs && this.exprs.length > 0) {
- var rs = this.exprs.map(function(expr) {
- var exprfn = new Function(
- 'params,alasql,p',
- 'var y;return ' + expr.toJS('({})', '', null)
- ).bind(self);
- var r = exprfn(params, alasql);
- return JSONtoString(r);
- });
- console.log.apply(console, rs);
- } else if (this.select) {
- var r = this.select.execute(databaseid, params);
- console.log(JSONtoString(r));
- } else {
- console.log();
- }
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
-// HELP for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.Source = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Source.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'SOURCE';
- if (this.url) s += " '" + this.url + " '";
- return s;
-yy.Source.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res;
- loadFile(
- this.url,
- !!cb,
- function(data) {
- // res = 1;
- res = alasql(data);
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- },
- function(err) {
- throw err;
- }
- );
- return res;
-// HELP for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-/* global alasql, yy */
-yy.Require = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Require.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'REQUIRE';
- if (this.paths && this.paths.length > 0) {
- s += this.paths
- .map(function(path) {
- return path.toString();
- })
- .join(',');
- }
- if (this.plugins && this.plugins.length > 0) {
- s += this.plugins
- .map(function(plugin) {
- return plugin.toUpperCase();
- })
- .join(',');
- }
- return s;
- Attach plug-in for Alasql
- */
-yy.Require.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var self = this;
- var res = 0;
- var ss = '';
- if (this.paths && this.paths.length > 0) {
- this.paths.forEach(function(path) {
- loadFile(path.value, !!cb, function(data) {
- res++;
- ss += data;
- if (res < self.paths.length) return;
- new Function('params,alasql', ss)(params, alasql);
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- });
- });
- } else if (this.plugins && this.plugins.length > 0) {
- this.plugins.forEach(function(plugin) {
- // If plugin is not loaded already
- if (!alasql.plugins[plugin]) {
- loadFile(alasql.path + '/alasql-' + plugin.toLowerCase() + '.js', !!cb, function(
- data
- ) {
- // Execute all plugins at the same time
- res++;
- ss += data;
- if (res < self.plugins.length) return;
- new Function('params,alasql', ss)(params, alasql);
- alasql.plugins[plugin] = true; // Plugin is loaded
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- });
- }
- });
- } else {
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
-// HELP for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.Assert = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Source.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'ASSERT';
- if (this.value) s += ' ' + JSON.stringify(this.value);
- return s;
-yy.Assert.prototype.execute = function(databaseid) {
- if (!deepEqual(alasql.res, this.value)) {
- // if(this.message) {
- // throw this.
- // } else {
- throw new Error(
- (this.message || 'Assert wrong') +
- ': ' +
- JSON.stringify(alasql.res) +
- ' == ' +
- JSON.stringify(this.value)
- );
- // }
- }
- return 1;
-// 91websql.js
-// WebSQL database support
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-var WEBSQL = (alasql.engines.WEBSQL = function() {});
-WEBSQL.createDatabase = function(wdbid, args, dbid, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- var wdb = openDatabase(wdbid, args[0], args[1], args[2]);
- if (this.dbid) {
- var db = alasql.createDatabase(this.dbid);
- db.engineid = 'WEBSQL';
- db.wdbid = wdbid;
- sb.wdb = db;
- }
- if (!wdb) {
- throw new Error('Cannot create WebSQL database "' + databaseid + '"');
- }
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
-WEBSQL.dropDatabase = function(databaseid) {
- throw new Error('This is impossible to drop WebSQL database.');
-WEBSQL.attachDatabase = function(databaseid, dbid, args, params, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- if (alasql.databases[dbid]) {
- throw new Error('Unable to attach database as "' + dbid + '" because it already exists');
- }
- alasqlopenDatabase(databaseid, args[0], args[1], args[2]);
- return res;
-// 91indexeddb.js
-// AlaSQL IndexedDB module
-// Date: 18.04.2015
-// (c) Andrey Gershun
-/* global alasql, yy, utils*/
-var IDB = (alasql.engines.INDEXEDDB = function() {
- '';
-if (utils.hasIndexedDB) {
- // For Chrome it work normally, for Firefox - simple shim
- if (typeof utils.global.indexedDB.webkitGetDatabaseNames == 'function') {
- IDB.getDatabaseNames = utils.global.indexedDB.webkitGetDatabaseNames.bind(
- utils.global.indexedDB
- );
- } else {
- IDB.getDatabaseNames = function() {
- var request = {};
- var result = {
- contains: function(name) {
- return true; // Always return true
- },
- notsupported: true,
- };
- setTimeout(function() {
- var event = {target: {result: result}};
- request.onsuccess(event);
- }, 0);
- return request;
- };
- IDB.getDatabaseNamesNotSupported = true;
- }
-// work only in chrome
-IDB.showDatabases = function(like, cb) {
- var request = IDB.getDatabaseNames();
- request.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var dblist = event.target.result;
- if (IDB.getDatabaseNamesNotSupported) {
- throw new Error('SHOW DATABASE is not supported in this browser');
- }
- var res = [];
- if (like) {
- var relike = new RegExp(like.value.replace(/\%/g, '.*'), 'g');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < dblist.length; i++) {
- if (!like || dblist[i].match(relike)) {
- res.push({databaseid: dblist[i]});
- }
- }
- cb(res);
- };
-IDB.createDatabase = function(ixdbid, args, ifnotexists, dbid, cb) {
- var indexedDB = utils.global.indexedDB;
- if (ifnotexists) {
- var request2 = indexedDB.open(ixdbid, 1);
- request2.onsuccess = function(event) {
- event.target.result.close();
- if (cb) cb(1);
- };
- } else {
- var request1 = indexedDB.open(ixdbid, 1);
- request1.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
- e.target.transaction.abort();
- };
- request1.onsuccess = function(e) {
- if (ifnotexists) {
- if (cb) cb(0);
- } else {
- throw new Error(
- 'IndexedDB: Cannot create new database "' +
- ixdbid +
- '" because it already exists'
- );
- }
- };
- }
-IDB.createDatabase = function(ixdbid, args, ifnotexists, dbid, cb) {
- var indexedDB = utils.global.indexedDB;
- if (IDB.getDatabaseNamesNotSupported) {
- // Hack for Firefox
- if (ifnotexists) {
- var dbExists = true;
- var request2 = indexedDB.open(ixdbid);
- request2.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
- dbExists = false;
- // e.target.transaction.abort();
- // cb(0);
- };
- request2.onsuccess = function(event) {
- event.target.result.close();
- if (dbExists) {
- if (cb) cb(0);
- } else {
- if (cb) cb(1);
- }
- };
- } else {
- var request1 = indexedDB.open(ixdbid);
- request1.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
- e.target.transaction.abort();
- };
- request1.onabort = function(event) {
- if (cb) cb(1);
- };
- request1.onsuccess = function(event) {
- event.target.result.close();
- throw new Error(
- 'IndexedDB: Cannot create new database "' +
- ixdbid +
- '" because it already exists'
- );
- // cb(0);
- };
- }
- } else {
- var request1 = IDB.getDatabaseNames();
- request1.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var dblist = event.target.result;
- if (dblist.contains(ixdbid)) {
- if (ifnotexists) {
- if (cb) cb(0);
- return;
- } else {
- throw new Error(
- 'IndexedDB: Cannot create new database "' +
- ixdbid +
- '" because it already exists'
- );
- }
- }
- var request2 = indexedDB.open(ixdbid, 1);
- request2.onsuccess = function(event) {
- event.target.result.close();
- if (cb) cb(1);
- };
- };
- }
-IDB.dropDatabase = function(ixdbid, ifexists, cb) {
- var indexedDB = utils.global.indexedDB;
- var request1 = IDB.getDatabaseNames();
- request1.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var dblist = event.target.result;
- if (!dblist.contains(ixdbid)) {
- if (ifexists) {
- if (cb) cb(0);
- return;
- } else {
- throw new Error(
- 'IndexedDB: Cannot drop new database "' + ixdbid + '" because it does not exist'
- );
- }
- }
- var request2 = indexedDB.deleteDatabase(ixdbid);
- request2.onsuccess = function(event) {
- if (cb) cb(1);
- };
- };
-IDB.attachDatabase = function(ixdbid, dbid, args, params, cb) {
- if (!utils.hasIndexedDB) {
- throw new Error('The current browser does not support IndexedDB');
- }
- var indexedDB = utils.global.indexedDB;
- var request1 = IDB.getDatabaseNames();
- request1.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var dblist = event.target.result;
- if (!dblist.contains(ixdbid)) {
- throw new Error(
- 'IndexedDB: Cannot attach database "' + ixdbid + '" because it does not exist'
- );
- }
- var request2 = indexedDB.open(ixdbid);
- request2.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var ixdb = event.target.result;
- var db = new alasql.Database(dbid || ixdbid);
- db.engineid = 'INDEXEDDB';
- db.ixdbid = ixdbid;
- db.tables = [];
- var tblist = ixdb.objectStoreNames;
- for (var i = 0; i < tblist.length; i++) {
- db.tables[tblist[i]] = {};
- }
- event.target.result.close();
- if (cb) cb(1);
- };
- };
-IDB.createTable = function(databaseid, tableid, ifnotexists, cb) {
- var indexedDB = utils.global.indexedDB;
- var ixdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].ixdbid;
- var request1 = IDB.getDatabaseNames();
- request1.onsuccess = function(event__) {
- var dblist = event__.target.result;
- if (!dblist.contains(ixdbid)) {
- throw new Error(
- 'IndexedDB: Cannot create table in database "' +
- ixdbid +
- '" because it does not exist'
- );
- }
- var request2 = indexedDB.open(ixdbid);
- request2.onversionchange = function(event_) {
- event_.target.result.close();
- };
- request2.onsuccess = function(event_) {
- var version = event_.target.result.version;
- event_.target.result.close();
- var request3 = indexedDB.open(ixdbid, version + 1);
- request3.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {
- var ixdb = event.target.result;
- var store = ixdb.createObjectStore(tableid, {autoIncrement: true});
- };
- request3.onsuccess = function(event) {
- event.target.result.close();
- if (cb) cb(1);
- };
- request3.onerror = function(event) {
- throw event;
- };
- request3.onblocked = function(event) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot create table "' +
- tableid +
- '" because database "' +
- databaseid +
- '" is blocked'
- );
- };
- };
- };
-IDB.dropTable = function(databaseid, tableid, ifexists, cb) {
- var indexedDB = utils.global.indexedDB;
- var ixdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].ixdbid;
- var request1 = IDB.getDatabaseNames();
- request1.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var dblist = event.target.result;
- if (!dblist.contains(ixdbid)) {
- throw new Error(
- 'IndexedDB: Cannot drop table in database "' +
- ixdbid +
- '" because it does not exist'
- );
- }
- var request2 = indexedDB.open(ixdbid);
- request2.onversionchange = function(event) {
- event.target.result.close();
- };
- request2.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var version = event.target.result.version;
- event.target.result.close();
- var request3 = indexedDB.open(ixdbid, version + 1);
- request3.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {
- var ixdb = event.target.result;
- if (ixdb.objectStoreNames.contains(tableid)) {
- ixdb.deleteObjectStore(tableid);
- delete alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[tableid];
- } else {
- if (!ifexists) {
- throw new Error(
- 'IndexedDB: Cannot drop table "' +
- tableid +
- '" because it does not exist'
- );
- }
- }
- // var store = ixdb.createObjectStore(tableid);
- };
- request3.onsuccess = function(event) {
- event.target.result.close();
- if (cb) cb(1);
- };
- request3.onerror = function(event) {
- throw event;
- };
- request3.onblocked = function(event) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot drop table "' +
- tableid +
- '" because database "' +
- databaseid +
- '" is blocked'
- );
- };
- };
- };
-IDB.intoTable = function(databaseid, tableid, value, columns, cb) {
- // console.trace();
- var indexedDB = utils.global.indexedDB;
- var ixdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].ixdbid;
- var request1 = indexedDB.open(ixdbid);
- request1.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var ixdb = event.target.result;
- var tx = ixdb.transaction([tableid], 'readwrite');
- var tb = tx.objectStore(tableid);
- for (var i = 0, ilen = value.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- tb.add(value[i]);
- }
- tx.oncomplete = function() {
- ixdb.close();
- if (cb) cb(ilen);
- };
- };
-IDB.fromTable = function(databaseid, tableid, cb, idx, query) {
- // console.trace();
- var indexedDB = utils.global.indexedDB;
- var ixdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].ixdbid;
- var request = indexedDB.open(ixdbid);
- request.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var res = [];
- var ixdb = event.target.result;
- var tx = ixdb.transaction([tableid]);
- var store = tx.objectStore(tableid);
- var cur = store.openCursor();
- cur.onblocked = function(event) {
- };
- cur.onerror = function(event) {
- };
- cur.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var cursor = event.target.result;
- if (cursor) {
- res.push(cursor.value);
- cursor.continue();
- } else {
- ixdb.close();
- if (cb) cb(res, idx, query);
- }
- };
- };
-IDB.deleteFromTable = function(databaseid, tableid, wherefn, params, cb) {
- // console.trace();
- var indexedDB = utils.global.indexedDB;
- var ixdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].ixdbid;
- var request = indexedDB.open(ixdbid);
- request.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var res = [];
- var ixdb = event.target.result;
- var tx = ixdb.transaction([tableid], 'readwrite');
- var store = tx.objectStore(tableid);
- var cur = store.openCursor();
- var num = 0;
- cur.onblocked = function(event) {
- };
- cur.onerror = function(event) {
- };
- cur.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var cursor = event.target.result;
- if (cursor) {
- if (!wherefn || wherefn(cursor.value, params)) {
- cursor.delete();
- num++;
- }
- cursor.continue();
- } else {
- ixdb.close();
- if (cb) cb(num);
- }
- };
- };
-IDB.updateTable = function(databaseid, tableid, assignfn, wherefn, params, cb) {
- // console.trace();
- var indexedDB = utils.global.indexedDB;
- var ixdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].ixdbid;
- var request = indexedDB.open(ixdbid);
- request.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var res = [];
- var ixdb = event.target.result;
- var tx = ixdb.transaction([tableid], 'readwrite');
- var store = tx.objectStore(tableid);
- var cur = store.openCursor();
- var num = 0;
- cur.onblocked = function(event) {
- };
- cur.onerror = function(event) {
- };
- cur.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var cursor = event.target.result;
- if (cursor) {
- if (!wherefn || wherefn(cursor.value, params)) {
- var r = cursor.value;
- assignfn(r, params);
- cursor.update(r);
- num++;
- }
- cursor.continue();
- } else {
- ixdb.close();
- if (cb) cb(num);
- }
- };
- };
-// 91localstorage.js
-// localStorage and DOM-Storage engine
-// Date: 09.12.2014
-// (c) Andrey Gershun
-/* global alasql, yy, localStorage*/
-var LS = (alasql.engines.LOCALSTORAGE = function() {});
- Read data from localStorage with security breaks
- @param key {string} Address in localStorage
- @return {object} JSON object
-LS.get = function(key) {
- var s = localStorage.getItem(key);
- if (typeof s === 'undefined') return;
- var v;
- try {
- v = JSON.parse(s);
- } catch (err) {
- throw new Error('Cannot parse JSON object from localStorage' + s);
- }
- return v;
- Store data into localStorage with security breaks
- @param key {string} Address in localStorage
- @return {object} JSON object
-LS.set = function(key, value) {
- if (typeof value === 'undefined') localStorage.removeItem(key);
- else localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
- Store table structure and data into localStorage
- @param databaseid {string} AlaSQL database id (not external localStorage)
- @param tableid {string} Table name
- @return Nothing
-LS.storeTable = function(databaseid, tableid) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var table = db.tables[tableid];
- // Create empty structure for table
- var tbl = {};
- tbl.columns = table.columns;
- tbl.data = table.data;
- tbl.identities = table.identities;
- // TODO: May be add indexes, objects and other fields?
- LS.set(db.lsdbid + '.' + tableid, tbl);
- Restore table structure and data
- @param databaseid {string} AlaSQL database id (not external localStorage)
- @param tableid {string} Table name
- @return Nothing
-LS.restoreTable = function(databaseid, tableid) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var tbl = LS.get(db.lsdbid + '.' + tableid);
- var table = new alasql.Table();
- for (var f in tbl) {
- table[f] = tbl[f];
- }
- db.tables[tableid] = table;
- table.indexColumns();
- // We need to add other things here
- return table;
- Remove table from localStorage
- @param databaseid {string} AlaSQL database id (not external localStorage)
- @param tableid {string} Table name
-LS.removeTable = function(databaseid, tableid) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- localStorage.removeItem(db.lsdbid + '.' + tableid);
- Create database in localStorage
- @param lsdbid {string} localStorage database id
- @param args {array} List of parameters (not used in localStorage)
- @param ifnotexists {boolean} Check if database does not exist
- @param databaseid {string} AlaSQL database id (not external localStorage)
- @param cb {function} Callback
-LS.createDatabase = function(lsdbid, args, ifnotexists, databaseid, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- var ls = LS.get('alasql'); // Read list of all databases
- if (!(ifnotexists && ls && ls.databases && ls.databases[lsdbid])) {
- if (!ls) ls = {databases: {}}; // Empty record
- if (ls.databases && ls.databases[lsdbid]) {
- throw new Error(
- 'localStorage: Cannot create new database "' +
- lsdbid +
- '" because it already exists'
- );
- }
- ls.databases[lsdbid] = true;
- LS.set('alasql', ls);
- LS.set(lsdbid, {databaseid: lsdbid, tables: {}}); // Create database record
- } else {
- res = 0;
- }
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- Drop external database
- @param lsdbid {string} localStorage database id
- @param ifexists {boolean} Check if database exists
- @param cb {function} Callback
-LS.dropDatabase = function(lsdbid, ifexists, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- var ls = LS.get('alasql');
- if (!(ifexists && ls && ls.databases && !ls.databases[lsdbid])) {
- // 1. Remove record from 'alasql' record
- if (!ls) {
- if (!ifexists) {
- throw new Error('There is no any AlaSQL databases in localStorage');
- } else {
- return cb ? cb(0) : 0;
- }
- }
- if (ls.databases && !ls.databases[lsdbid]) {
- throw new Error(
- 'localStorage: Cannot drop database "' +
- lsdbid +
- '" because there is no such database'
- );
- }
- delete ls.databases[lsdbid];
- LS.set('alasql', ls);
- // 2. Remove tables definitions
- var db = LS.get(lsdbid);
- for (var tableid in db.tables) {
- localStorage.removeItem(lsdbid + '.' + tableid);
- }
- // 3. Remove database definition
- localStorage.removeItem(lsdbid);
- } else {
- res = 0;
- }
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- Attach existing localStorage database to AlaSQL database
- @param lsdibid {string} localStorage database id
- @param
-LS.attachDatabase = function(lsdbid, databaseid, args, params, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- if (alasql.databases[databaseid]) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Unable to attach database as "' + databaseid + '" because it already exists'
- );
- }
- if (!databaseid) databaseid = lsdbid;
- var db = new alasql.Database(databaseid);
- db.engineid = 'LOCALSTORAGE';
- db.lsdbid = lsdbid;
- db.tables = LS.get(lsdbid).tables;
- // IF AUTOABORT IS OFF then copy data to memory
- if (!alasql.options.autocommit) {
- if (db.tables) {
- for (var tbid in db.tables) {
- LS.restoreTable(databaseid, tbid);
- // db.tables[tbid].data = LS.get(db.lsdbid+'.'+tbid);
- }
- }
- }
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- Show list of databases from localStorage
- @param like {string} Mathing pattern
- @param cb {function} Callback
-LS.showDatabases = function(like, cb) {
- var res = [];
- var ls = LS.get('alasql');
- if (like) {
- // TODO: If we have a special function for LIKE patterns?
- var relike = new RegExp(like.value.replace(/%/g, '.*'), 'g');
- }
- if (ls && ls.databases) {
- for (var dbid in ls.databases) {
- res.push({databaseid: dbid});
- }
- if (like && res && res.length > 0) {
- res = res.filter(function(d) {
- return d.databaseid.match(relike);
- });
- }
- }
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- Create table in localStorage database
- @param databaseid {string} AlaSQL database id
- @param tableid {string} Table id
- @param ifnotexists {boolean} If not exists flag
- @param cb {function} Callback
-LS.createTable = function(databaseid, tableid, ifnotexists, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- var lsdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].lsdbid;
- var tb = LS.get(lsdbid + '.' + tableid);
- // Check if such record exists
- if (tb && !ifnotexists) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Table "' + tableid + '" alsready exists in localStorage database "' + lsdbid + '"'
- );
- }
- var lsdb = LS.get(lsdbid);
- var table = alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[tableid];
- // TODO: Check if required
- lsdb.tables[tableid] = true;
- LS.set(lsdbid, lsdb);
- LS.storeTable(databaseid, tableid);
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- Empty table and reset identities
- @param databaseid {string} AlaSQL database id (not external localStorage)
- @param tableid {string} Table name
- @param ifexists {boolean} If exists flag
- @param cb {function} Callback
- @return 1 on success
-LS.truncateTable = function(databaseid, tableid, ifexists, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- var lsdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].lsdbid;
- var lsdb;
- if (alasql.options.autocommit) {
- lsdb = LS.get(lsdbid);
- } else {
- lsdb = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- }
- if (!ifexists && !lsdb.tables[tableid]) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot truncate table "' + tableid + '" in localStorage, because it does not exist'
- );
- }
- //load table
- var tbl = LS.restoreTable(databaseid, tableid);
- //clear data from table
- tbl.data = [];
- //TODO reset all identities
- //but identities are not working on LOCALSTORAGE
- //See test 607 for details
- //store table
- LS.storeTable(databaseid, tableid);
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- Create table in localStorage database
- @param databaseid {string} AlaSQL database id
- @param tableid {string} Table id
- @param ifexists {boolean} If exists flag
- @param cb {function} Callback
-LS.dropTable = function(databaseid, tableid, ifexists, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- var lsdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].lsdbid;
- var lsdb;
- if (alasql.options.autocommit) {
- lsdb = LS.get(lsdbid);
- } else {
- lsdb = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- }
- if (!ifexists && !lsdb.tables[tableid]) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot drop table "' + tableid + '" in localStorage, because it does not exist'
- );
- }
- delete lsdb.tables[tableid];
- LS.set(lsdbid, lsdb);
- // localStorage.removeItem(lsdbid+'.'+tableid);
- LS.removeTable(databaseid, tableid);
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- Read all data from table
-LS.fromTable = function(databaseid, tableid, cb, idx, query) {
- var lsdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].lsdbid;
- // var res = LS.get(lsdbid+'.'+tableid);
- var res = LS.restoreTable(databaseid, tableid).data;
- if (cb) res = cb(res, idx, query);
- return res;
- Insert data into the table
- @param databaseid {string} Database id
- @param tableid {string} Table id
- @param value {array} Array of values
- @param columns {array} Columns (not used)
- @param cb {function} Callback
-LS.intoTable = function(databaseid, tableid, value, columns, cb) {
- var lsdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].lsdbid;
- var res = value.length;
- // var tb = LS.get(lsdbid+'.'+tableid);
- var tb = LS.restoreTable(databaseid, tableid);
- if (!tb.data) tb.data = [];
- tb.data = tb.data.concat(value);
- // LS.set(lsdbid+'.'+tableid, tb);
- LS.storeTable(databaseid, tableid);
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- Laad data from table
-LS.loadTableData = function(databaseid, tableid) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var lsdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].lsdbid;
- LS.restoreTable(databaseid, tableid);
- // db.tables[tableid].data = LS.get(lsdbid+'.'+tableid);
- Save data to the table
-LS.saveTableData = function(databaseid, tableid) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var lsdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].lsdbid;
- LS.storeTable(lsdbid, tableid);
- // LS.set(lsdbid+'.'+tableid,db.tables[tableid].data);
- db.tables[tableid].data = undefined;
- Commit
-LS.commit = function(databaseid, cb) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var lsdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].lsdbid;
- var lsdb = {databaseid: lsdbid, tables: {}};
- if (db.tables) {
- for (var tbid in db.tables) {
- // TODO: Question - do we need this line
- lsdb.tables[tbid] = true;
- LS.storeTable(databaseid, tbid);
- // LS.set(lsdbid+'.'+tbid, db.tables[tbid].data);
- }
- }
- LS.set(lsdbid, lsdb);
- return cb ? cb(1) : 1;
-LS.begin = LS.commit;
-LS.rollback = function(databaseid, cb) {
- // This does not work and should be fixed
- // Plus test 151 and 231
- return;
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- db.dbversion++;
- var lsdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].lsdbid;
- var lsdb = LS.get(lsdbid);
- // if(!alasql.options.autocommit) {
- delete alasql.databases[databaseid];
- alasql.databases[databaseid] = new alasql.Database(databaseid);
- extend(alasql.databases[databaseid], lsdb);
- alasql.databases[databaseid].databaseid = databaseid;
- alasql.databases[databaseid].engineid = 'LOCALSTORAGE';
- if (lsdb.tables) {
- for (var tbid in lsdb.tables) {
- // var tb = new alasql.Table({columns: db.tables[tbid].columns});
- // extend(tb,lsdb.tables[tbid]);
- // lsdb.tables[tbid] = true;
- // if(!alasql.options.autocommit) {
- // lsdb.tables[tbid].data = LS.get(db.lsdbid+'.'+tbid);
- LS.restoreTable(databaseid, tbid);
- // }
- // lsdb.tables[tbid].indexColumns();
- // index columns
- // convert types
- }
- }
- // }
-// 91websql.js
-// WebSQL database support
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-var SQLITE = (alasql.engines.SQLITE = function() {});
-SQLITE.createDatabase = function(wdbid, args, ifnotexists, dbid, cb) {
- throw new Error('Connot create SQLITE database in memory. Attach it.');
-SQLITE.dropDatabase = function(databaseid) {
- throw new Error('This is impossible to drop SQLite database. Detach it.');
-SQLITE.attachDatabase = function(sqldbid, dbid, args, params, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- if (alasql.databases[dbid]) {
- throw new Error('Unable to attach database as "' + dbid + '" because it already exists');
- }
- if ((args[0] && args[0] instanceof yy.StringValue) || args[0] instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
- if (args[0] instanceof yy.StringValue) {
- var value = args[0].value;
- } else if (args[0] instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
- var value = params[args[0].param];
- }
- alasql.utils.loadBinaryFile(
- value,
- true,
- function(data) {
- var db = new alasql.Database(dbid || sqldbid);
- db.engineid = 'SQLITE';
- db.sqldbid = sqldbid;
- var sqldb = (db.sqldb = new SQL.Database(data));
- db.tables = [];
- var tables = sqldb.exec("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'")[0].values;
- tables.forEach(function(tbl) {
- db.tables[tbl[1]] = {};
- var columns = (db.tables[tbl[1]].columns = []);
- var ast = alasql.parse(tbl[4]);
- var coldefs = ast.statements[0].columns;
- if (coldefs && coldefs.length > 0) {
- coldefs.forEach(function(cd) {
- columns.push(cd);
- });
- }
- });
- cb(1);
- },
- function(err) {
- throw new Error('Cannot open SQLite database file "' + args[0].value + '"');
- }
- );
- return res;
- } else {
- throw new Error('Cannot attach SQLite database without a file');
- }
- return res;
-SQLITE.fromTable = function(databaseid, tableid, cb, idx, query) {
- var data = alasql.databases[databaseid].sqldb.exec('SELECT * FROM ' + tableid);
- var columns = (query.sources[idx].columns = []);
- if (data[0].columns.length > 0) {
- data[0].columns.forEach(function(columnid) {
- columns.push({columnid: columnid});
- });
- }
- var res = [];
- if (data[0].values.length > 0) {
- data[0].values.forEach(function(d) {
- var r = {};
- columns.forEach(function(col, idx) {
- r[col.columnid] = d[idx];
- });
- res.push(r);
- });
- }
- if (cb) cb(res, idx, query);
-SQLITE.intoTable = function(databaseid, tableid, value, columns, cb) {
- var sqldb = alasql.databases[databaseid].sqldb;
- for (var i = 0, ilen = value.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- var s = 'INSERT INTO ' + tableid + ' (';
- var d = value[i];
- var keys = Object.keys(d);
- s += keys.join(',');
- s += ') VALUES (';
- s += keys
- .map(function(k) {
- v = d[k];
- if (typeof v == 'string') v = "'" + v + "'";
- return v;
- })
- .join(',');
- s += ')';
- sqldb.exec(s);
- }
- var res = ilen;
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
-// 91localstorage.js
-// localStorage and DOM-Storage engine
-// Date: 09.12.2014
-// (c) Andrey Gershun
-var FS = (alasql.engines.FILESTORAGE = alasql.engines.FILE = function() {});
-FS.createDatabase = function(fsdbid, args, ifnotexists, dbid, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- var filename = args[0].value;
- alasql.utils.fileExists(filename, function(fex) {
- if (fex) {
- if (ifnotexists) {
- res = 0;
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- } else {
- throw new Error('Cannot create new database file, because it already exists');
- }
- } else {
- var data = {tables: {}};
- alasql.utils.saveFile(filename, JSON.stringify(data), function(data) {
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- });
- }
- });
- return res;
-FS.dropDatabase = function(fsdbid, ifexists, cb) {
- var res;
- var filename = fsdbid.value;
- alasql.utils.fileExists(filename, function(fex) {
- if (fex) {
- res = 1;
- alasql.utils.deleteFile(filename, function() {
- res = 1;
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- });
- } else {
- if (!ifexists) {
- throw new Error('Cannot drop database file, because it does not exist');
- }
- res = 0;
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- }
- });
- return res;
-FS.attachDatabase = function(fsdbid, dbid, args, params, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- if (alasql.databases[dbid]) {
- throw new Error('Unable to attach database as "' + dbid + '" because it already exists');
- }
- var db = new alasql.Database(dbid || fsdbid);
- db.engineid = 'FILESTORAGE';
- // db.fsdbid = fsdbid;
- db.filename = args[0].value;
- loadFile(db.filename, !!cb, function(s) {
- try {
- db.data = JSON.parse(s);
- } catch (err) {
- throw new Error('Data in FileStorage database are corrupted');
- }
- db.tables = db.data.tables;
- // IF AUTOCOMMIT IS OFF then copy data to memory
- if (!alasql.options.autocommit) {
- if (db.tables) {
- for (var tbid in db.tables) {
- db.tables[tbid].data = db.data[tbid];
- }
- }
- }
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- });
- return res;
-FS.createTable = function(databaseid, tableid, ifnotexists, cb) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var tb = db.data[tableid];
- var res = 1;
- if (tb && !ifnotexists) {
- throw new Error('Table "' + tableid + '" alsready exists in the database "' + fsdbid + '"');
- }
- var table = alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[tableid];
- db.data.tables[tableid] = {columns: table.columns};
- db.data[tableid] = [];
- FS.updateFile(databaseid);
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
-FS.updateFile = function(databaseid) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- if (db.issaving) {
- db.postsave = true;
- return;
- }
- db.issaving = true;
- db.postsave = false;
- alasql.utils.saveFile(db.filename, JSON.stringify(db.data), function() {
- db.issaving = false;
- if (db.postsave) {
- setTimeout(function() {
- FS.updateFile(databaseid);
- }, 50); // TODO Test with different timeout parameters
- }
- });
-FS.dropTable = function(databaseid, tableid, ifexists, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- if (!ifexists && !db.tables[tableid]) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot drop table "' + tableid + '" in fileStorage, because it does not exist'
- );
- }
- delete db.tables[tableid];
- delete db.data.tables[tableid];
- delete db.data[tableid];
- FS.updateFile(databaseid);
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
-FS.fromTable = function(databaseid, tableid, cb, idx, query) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var res = db.data[tableid];
- if (cb) res = cb(res, idx, query);
- return res;
-FS.intoTable = function(databaseid, tableid, value, columns, cb) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var res = value.length;
- var tb = db.data[tableid];
- if (!tb) tb = [];
- db.data[tableid] = tb.concat(value);
- FS.updateFile(databaseid);
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
-FS.loadTableData = function(databaseid, tableid) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- db.tables[tableid].data = db.data[tableid];
-FS.saveTableData = function(databaseid, tableid) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- db.data[tableid] = db.tables[tableid].data;
- db.tables[tableid].data = null;
- FS.updateFile(databaseid);
-FS.commit = function(databaseid, cb) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var fsdb = {tables: {}};
- if (db.tables) {
- for (var tbid in db.tables) {
- db.data.tables[tbid] = {columns: db.tables[tbid].columns};
- db.data[tbid] = db.tables[tbid].data;
- }
- }
- FS.updateFile(databaseid);
- return cb ? cb(1) : 1;
-FS.begin = FS.commit;
-FS.rollback = function(databaseid, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- db.dbversion++;
- // var lsdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].lsdbid;
- // lsdb = LS.get(lsdbid);
- wait();
- function wait() {
- setTimeout(function() {
- if (db.issaving) {
- return wait();
- } else {
- alasql.loadFile(db.filename, !!cb, function(data) {
- db.data = data;
- db.tables = {};
- for (var tbid in db.data.tables) {
- var tb = new alasql.Table({columns: db.data.tables[tbid].columns});
- extend(tb, db.data.tables[tbid]);
- db.tables[tbid] = tb;
- if (!alasql.options.autocommit) {
- db.tables[tbid].data = db.data[tbid];
- }
- db.tables[tbid].indexColumns();
- // index columns
- // convert types
- }
- delete alasql.databases[databaseid];
- alasql.databases[databaseid] = new alasql.Database(databaseid);
- extend(alasql.databases[databaseid], db);
- alasql.databases[databaseid].engineid = 'FILESTORAGE';
- alasql.databases[databaseid].filename = db.filename;
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- // Todo: check why no return
- });
- }
- }, 100);
- }
- // if(!alasql.options.autocommit) {
-if(utils.isBrowser && !utils.isWebWorker) {
-alasql = alasql || false;
-if (!alasql) {
- throw new Error('alasql was not found');
-alasql.worker = function() {
- throw new Error('Can find webworker in this enviroment');
-if (typeof Worker !== 'undefined') {
- alasql.worker = function(path, paths, cb) {
- // var path;
- if (path === true) {
- path = undefined;
- }
- if (typeof path === 'undefined') {
- var sc = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
- for (var i = 0; i < sc.length; i++) {
- if (sc[i].src.substr(-16).toLowerCase() === 'alasql-worker.js') {
- path = sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 16) + 'alasql.js';
- break;
- } else if (sc[i].src.substr(-20).toLowerCase() === 'alasql-worker.min.js') {
- path = sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 20) + 'alasql.min.js';
- break;
- } else if (sc[i].src.substr(-9).toLowerCase() === 'alasql.js') {
- path = sc[i].src;
- break;
- } else if (sc[i].src.substr(-13).toLowerCase() === 'alasql.min.js') {
- path = sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 13) + 'alasql.min.js';
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (typeof path === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Path to alasql.js is not specified');
- } else if (path !== false) {
- var js = "importScripts('";
- js += path;
- js +=
- "');self.onmessage = function(event) {" +
- 'alasql(event.data.sql,event.data.params, function(data){' +
- 'postMessage({id:event.data.id, data:data});});}';
- var blob = new Blob([js], {type: 'text/plain'});
- alasql.webworker = new Worker(URL.createObjectURL(blob));
- alasql.webworker.onmessage = function(event) {
- var id = event.data.id;
- alasql.buffer[id](event.data.data);
- delete alasql.buffer[id];
- };
- alasql.webworker.onerror = function(e) {
- throw e;
- };
- if (arguments.length > 1) {
- var sql =
- 'REQUIRE ' +
- paths
- .map(function(p) {
- return '"' + p + '"';
- })
- .join(',');
- alasql(sql, [], cb);
- }
- } else if (path === false) {
- delete alasql.webworker;
- return;
- }
- };
-/* FileSaver.js
- * A saveAs() FileSaver implementation.
- * 1.3.2
- * 2016-06-16 18:25:19
- *
- * By Eli Grey, http://eligrey.com
- * License: MIT
- * See https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js/blob/master/LICENSE.md
- */
-/*global self */
-/*jslint bitwise: true, indent: 4, laxbreak: true, laxcomma: true, smarttabs: true, plusplus: true */
-/*! @source http://purl.eligrey.com/github/FileSaver.js/blob/master/FileSaver.js */
-var saveAs =
- saveAs ||
- (function(view) {
- 'use strict';
- // IE <10 is explicitly unsupported
- if (
- typeof view === 'undefined' ||
- (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && /MSIE [1-9]\./.test(navigator.userAgent))
- ) {
- return;
- }
- var doc = view.document,
- // only get URL when necessary in case Blob.js hasn't overridden it yet
- get_URL = function() {
- return view.URL || view.webkitURL || view;
- },
- save_link = doc.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'a'),
- can_use_save_link = 'download' in save_link,
- click = function(node) {
- var event = new MouseEvent('click');
- node.dispatchEvent(event);
- },
- is_safari = /constructor/i.test(view.HTMLElement) || view.safari,
- is_chrome_ios = /CriOS\/[\d]+/.test(navigator.userAgent),
- throw_outside = function(ex) {
- (view.setImmediate || view.setTimeout)(function() {
- throw ex;
- }, 0);
- },
- force_saveable_type = 'application/octet-stream',
- // the Blob API is fundamentally broken as there is no "downloadfinished" event to subscribe to
- arbitrary_revoke_timeout = 1000 * 40, // in ms
- revoke = function(file) {
- var revoker = function() {
- if (typeof file === 'string') {
- // file is an object URL
- get_URL().revokeObjectURL(file);
- } else {
- // file is a File
- file.remove();
- }
- };
- setTimeout(revoker, arbitrary_revoke_timeout);
- },
- dispatch = function(filesaver, event_types, event) {
- event_types = [].concat(event_types);
- var i = event_types.length;
- while (i--) {
- var listener = filesaver['on' + event_types[i]];
- if (typeof listener === 'function') {
- try {
- listener.call(filesaver, event || filesaver);
- } catch (ex) {
- throw_outside(ex);
- }
- }
- }
- },
- auto_bom = function(blob) {
- // prepend BOM for UTF-8 XML and text/* types (including HTML)
- // note: your browser will automatically convert UTF-16 U+FEFF to EF BB BF
- if (
- /^\s*(?:text\/\S*|application\/xml|\S*\/\S*\+xml)\s*;.*charset\s*=\s*utf-8/i.test(
- blob.type
- )
- ) {
- return new Blob([String.fromCharCode(0xfeff), blob], {type: blob.type});
- }
- return blob;
- },
- FileSaver = function(blob, name, no_auto_bom) {
- if (!no_auto_bom) {
- blob = auto_bom(blob);
- }
- // First try a.download, then web filesystem, then object URLs
- var filesaver = this,
- type = blob.type,
- force = type === force_saveable_type,
- object_url,
- dispatch_all = function() {
- dispatch(filesaver, 'writestart progress write writeend'.split(' '));
- },
- // on any filesys errors revert to saving with object URLs
- fs_error = function() {
- if ((is_chrome_ios || (force && is_safari)) && view.FileReader) {
- // Safari doesn't allow downloading of blob urls
- var reader = new FileReader();
- reader.onloadend = function() {
- var url = is_chrome_ios
- ? reader.result
- : reader.result.replace(
- /^data:[^;]*;/,
- 'data:attachment/file;'
- );
- var popup = view.open(url, '_blank');
- if (!popup) view.location.href = url;
- url = undefined; // release reference before dispatching
- filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE;
- dispatch_all();
- };
- reader.readAsDataURL(blob);
- filesaver.readyState = filesaver.INIT;
- return;
- }
- // don't create more object URLs than needed
- if (!object_url) {
- object_url = get_URL().createObjectURL(blob);
- }
- if (force) {
- view.location.href = object_url;
- } else {
- var opened = view.open(object_url, '_blank');
- if (!opened) {
- // Apple does not allow window.open, see https://developer.apple.com/library/safari/documentation/Tools/Conceptual/SafariExtensionGuide/WorkingwithWindowsandTabs/WorkingwithWindowsandTabs.html
- view.location.href = object_url;
- }
- }
- filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE;
- dispatch_all();
- revoke(object_url);
- };
- filesaver.readyState = filesaver.INIT;
- if (can_use_save_link) {
- object_url = get_URL().createObjectURL(blob);
- setTimeout(function() {
- save_link.href = object_url;
- save_link.download = name;
- click(save_link);
- dispatch_all();
- revoke(object_url);
- filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE;
- });
- return;
- }
- fs_error();
- },
- FS_proto = FileSaver.prototype,
- saveAs = function(blob, name, no_auto_bom) {
- return new FileSaver(blob, name || blob.name || 'download', no_auto_bom);
- };
- // IE 10+ (native saveAs)
- if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
- return function(blob, name, no_auto_bom) {
- name = name || blob.name || 'download';
- if (!no_auto_bom) {
- blob = auto_bom(blob);
- }
- return navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, name);
- };
- }
- FS_proto.abort = function() {};
- FS_proto.readyState = FS_proto.INIT = 0;
- FS_proto.WRITING = 1;
- FS_proto.DONE = 2;
- FS_proto.error = FS_proto.onwritestart = FS_proto.onprogress = FS_proto.onwrite = FS_proto.onabort = FS_proto.onerror = FS_proto.onwriteend = null;
- return saveAs;
- })(
- (typeof self !== 'undefined' && self) ||
- (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window) ||
- this.content
- );
-// `self` is undefined in Firefox for Android content script context
-// while `this` is nsIContentFrameMessageManager
-// with an attribute `content` that corresponds to the window
-if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
- module.exports.saveAs = saveAs;
-} else if (typeof define !== 'undefined' && define !== null && define.amd !== null) {
- define('FileSaver.js', function() {
- return saveAs;
- });
-/* eslint-disable */
-// Last part of Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-// This is a final part of Alasql
-if(utils.isCordova || utils.isMeteorServer || utils.isNode ){
- console.warn('It looks like you are using the browser version of AlaSQL. Please use the alasql.fs.js file instead.')
-// FileSaveAs
-alasql.utils.saveAs = saveAs;
-// Create default database
-new Database("alasql");
-// Set default database
-return alasql;
+ function addlogic (mem) {
+ stdlib(mem);
+ stdfn(mem);
+ aggr(mem);
+ }
+ /**
+ @module alasql
+ @version 0.5.0-modular-typescript
+ AlaSQL - JavaScript SQL database
+ © 2014-2018 Andrey Gershun & Mathias Rangel Wulff
+ @license
+ The MIT License (MIT)
+ Copyright 2014-2016 Andrey Gershun (agershun@gmail.com) & Mathias Rangel Wulff (m@rawu.dk)
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+ copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ */
+ var alasql$1 = function () { };
+ var mem = { grammar: alasqlparser, alasql: alasql$1 };
+ mem.alasql = logic(mem);
+ mem.alasql.version = '0.5.0-modular-typescript';
+ mem.alasql.debug = false;
+ addOptions(mem);
+ expandGrammar(mem);
+ addDataStruct(mem);
+ addlogic(mem);
+ mem.alasql.newDatabase('alasql');
+ var main = mem.alasql;
+ return main;
diff --git a/dist/alasql.js b/dist/alasql.js
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 319c7a8bc3..3bf2098b79
--- a/dist/alasql.js
+++ b/dist/alasql.js
@@ -1,19739 +1,10616 @@
-//! AlaSQL v0.4.6 | © 2014-2016 Andrey Gershun & Mathias Rangel Wulff | License: MIT
-@module alasql
-@version 0.4.6
-AlaSQL - JavaScript SQL database
-© 2014-2016 Andrey Gershun & Mathias Rangel Wulff
-The MIT License (MIT)
-Copyright 2014-2016 Andrey Gershun (agershun@gmail.com) & Mathias Rangel Wulff (m@rawu.dk)
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-/* eslint-disable */
+(function (global, factory) {
+ typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
+ typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
+ (global.alasql = factory());
+}(this, (function () { 'use strict';
+ var utils = {};
+ /**
+ Convert NaN to undefined
+ @function
+ @param {string} s JavaScript string to be modified
+ @return {string} Covered expression
+ @example
+ 123 => 123
+ undefined => undefined
+ NaN => undefined
+ */
+ utils.n2u = function (s) {
+ return '(y=' + s + ',y===y?y:undefined)';
+ };
+ /**
+ Return undefined if s undefined
+ @param {string} s JavaScript string to be modified
+ @return {string} Covered expression
+ @example
+ 123,a => a
+ undefined,a => undefined
+ NaN,a => undefined
+ */
+ utils.und = function (s, r) {
+ return '(y=' + s + ',typeof y=="undefined"?undefined:' + r + ')';
+ };
+ /**
+ Return always true. Stub for non-ecisting WHERE clause, because is faster then if(whenrfn) whenfn()
+ @function
+ @return {boolean} Always true
+ */
+ utils.returnTrue = function () {
+ return true;
+ };
+ /**
+ Return undefined. Stub for non-ecisting WHERE clause, because is faster then if(whenrfn) whenfn()
+ @function
+ @return {undefined} Always undefined
+ */
+ utils.returnUndefined = function () { };
+ /**
+ Escape string
+ @function
+ @param {string} s Source string
+ @return {string} Escaped string
+ @example
+ Pit\er's => Pit\\er\'s
+ */
+ /**
+ Get the global scope
+ Inspired by System.global
+ @return {object} The global scope
+ */
+ utils.global = (function () {
+ if (typeof self !== 'undefined') {
+ return self;
+ }
+ if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
+ return window;
+ }
+ if (typeof global !== 'undefined') {
+ return global;
+ }
+ return Function('return this')();
+ }());
+ /**
+ * Find out if a function is native to the enviroment
+ * @param {function} Function to check
+ * @return {boolean} True if function is native
+ */
+ utils.isNativeFunction = function (fn) {
+ return typeof fn === 'function' && !!~fn.toString().indexOf('[native code]');
+ };
+ utils.isArray = function (obj) {
+ return '[object Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(obj);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Extend object a with properties of b
+ * @function
+ * @param {object} a
+ * @param {object} b
+ * @return {object}
+ */
+ utils.extend = function (a, b) {
+ a = a || {};
+ for (var key in b) {
+ if (b.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ a[key] = b[key];
+ }
+ }
+ return a;
+ };
+ // Todo: prepend .gen in the code
+ var global$1 = utils.global;
+ var isNativeFunction = utils.isNativeFunction;
+ // const utils : {[key: string]: any} = {};
+ var utils$1 = {};
+ /**
+ Find out if code is running in a web worker enviroment
+ @return {boolean} True if code is running in a web worker enviroment
+ */
+ utils$1.isWebWorker = (function () {
+ try {
+ var importScripts = global$1.importScripts;
+ return isNativeFunction(importScripts);
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ })();
+ /**
+ Find out if code is running in a node enviroment
+ @return {boolean} True if code is running in a node enviroment
+ */
+ utils$1.isNode = (function () {
+ try {
+ return isNativeFunction(global$1.process.reallyExit);
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ })();
+ /**
+ Find out if code is running in a browser enviroment
+ @return {boolean} True if code is running in a browser enviroment
+ */
+ utils$1.isBrowser = (function () {
+ try {
+ return isNativeFunction(global$1.location.reload);
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ })();
+ /**
+ Find out if code is running in a browser with a browserify setup
+ @return {boolean} True if code is running in a browser with a browserify setup
+ */
+ utils$1.isBrowserify = (function () {
+ return utils$1.isBrowser && typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.browser;
+ })();
+ /**
+ Find out if code is running in a browser with a requireJS setup
+ @return {boolean} True if code is running in a browser with a requireJS setup
+ */
+ utils$1.isRequireJS = (function () {
+ return (utils$1.isBrowser &&
+ typeof require === 'function' &&
+ typeof require.specified === 'function');
+ })();
+ /**
+ Find out if code is running with Meteor in the enviroment
+ @return {boolean} True if code is running with Meteor in the enviroment
+ @todo Find out if this is the best way to do this
+ */
+ utils$1.isMeteor = (function () {
+ return typeof Meteor !== 'undefined' && Meteor.release;
+ })();
+ /**
+ Find out if code is running on a Meteor client
+ @return {boolean} True if code is running on a Meteor client
+ */
+ utils$1.isMeteorClient = utils$1.isMeteor && Meteor.isClient;
+ /**
+ Find out if code is running on a Meteor server
+ @return {boolean} True if code is running on a Meteor server
+ */
+ utils$1.isMeteorServer = utils$1.isMeteor && Meteor.isServer;
+ /**
+ Find out code is running in a cordovar enviroment
+ @return {boolean} True if code is running in a web worker enviroment
+ @todo Find out if this is the best way to do this
+ */
+ utils$1.isCordova = typeof cordova === 'object';
+ utils$1.isReactNative = (function () {
+ var isReact = false;
+ //*not-for-browser/*
+ try {
+ if (typeof require('react-native') === 'object') {
+ isReact = true;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ }
+ //*/
+ return isReact;
+ })();
+ utils$1.hasIndexedDB = !!global$1.indexedDB;
+ /**
+ @function Is this IE9
+ @return {boolean} True for IE9 and false for other browsers
+ For IE9 compatibility issues
+ */
+ utils$1.isIE = (function () {
+ /*only-for-browser/*
+ var myNav = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
+ return myNav.indexOf('msie') !== -1 ? parseInt(myNav.split('msie')[1]) : false;
+ //*/
+ return false;
+ })();
+ /**
+ Get path of alasql.js
+ @todo Rewrite and simplify the code. Review, is this function is required separately
+ */
+ utils$1.findAlaSQLPath = function () {
+ /** type {string} Path to alasql library and plugins */
+ if (utils$1.isWebWorker) {
+ return '';
+ /** @todo Check how to get path in worker */
+ }
+ else if (utils$1.isMeteorClient) {
+ return '/packages/dist/';
+ }
+ else if (utils$1.isMeteorServer) {
+ return 'assets/packages/dist/';
+ }
+ else if (utils$1.isNode) {
+ return __dirname;
+ }
+ else if (utils$1.isBrowser) {
+ var sc = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
+ for (var i = 0; i < sc.length; i++) {
+ if (sc[i].src.substr(-16).toLowerCase() === 'alasql-worker.js') {
+ return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 16);
+ }
+ else if (sc[i].src.substr(-20).toLowerCase() === 'alasql-worker.min.js') {
+ return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 20);
+ }
+ else if (sc[i].src.substr(-9).toLowerCase() === 'alasql.js') {
+ return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 9);
+ }
+ else if (sc[i].src.substr(-13).toLowerCase() === 'alasql.min.js') {
+ return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 13);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return '';
+ };
+ var utils$2 = {};
+ /**
+ Cut BOM first character for UTF-8 files (for merging two files)
+ @param {string} s Source string
+ @return {string} Replaced string
+ */
+ utils$2.cutbom = function (s) {
+ if (s[0] === String.fromCharCode(65279)) {
+ s = s.substr(1);
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ // based on joliss/js-string-escape
+ utils$2.escapeq = function (s) {
+ // console.log(s);
+ return ('' + s).replace(/["'\\\n\r\u2028\u2029]/g, function (character) {
+ // Escape all characters not included in SingleStringCharacters and
+ // DoubleStringCharacters on
+ // http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-7.8.4
+ switch (character) {
+ case '"':
+ case "'":
+ case '\\':
+ return '\\' + character;
+ // Four possible LineTerminator characters need to be escaped:
+ case '\n':
+ return '\\n';
+ case '\r':
+ return '\\r';
+ case '\u2028':
+ return '\\u2028';
+ case '\u2029':
+ return '\\u2029';
+ default:
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ Double quotes for SQL statements
+ @param {string} s Source string
+ @return {string} Escaped string
+ @example
+ Piter's => Piter''s
+ */
+ utils$2.undoubleq = function (s) {
+ return s.replace(/(\')/g, "''");
+ };
+ /**
+ Replace double quotes with single quote
+ @param {string} s Source string
+ @return {string} Replaced string
+ @example
+ Piter''s => Piter's
+ */
+ utils$2.doubleq = function (s) {
+ return s.replace(/(\'\')/g, "\\'");
+ };
+ /**
+ Replace sigle quote to escaped single quote
+ @param {string} s Source string
+ @return {string} Replaced string
+ @todo Chack this functions
+ */
+ utils$2.doubleqq = function (s) {
+ return s.replace(/\'/g, "'");
+ };
+ /**
+ @function Hash a string to signed integer
+ @param {string} source string
+ @return {integer} hash number
+ */
+ // FNV-1a inspired hashing
+ utils$2.hash = function (str) {
+ var hash = 0x811c9dc5, i = str.length;
+ while (i) {
+ hash ^= str.charCodeAt(--i);
+ hash += (hash << 1) + (hash << 4) + (hash << 7) + (hash << 8) + (hash << 24);
+ }
+ return hash;
+ };
+ utils$2.glob = function (value, pattern) {
+ var i = 0;
+ var s = '^';
+ while (i < pattern.length) {
+ var c = pattern[i], c1 = '';
+ if (i < pattern.length - 1)
+ { c1 = pattern[i + 1]; }
+ if (c === '[' && c1 === '^') {
+ s += '[^';
+ i++;
+ }
+ else if (c === '[' || c === ']') {
+ s += c;
+ }
+ else if (c === '*') {
+ s += '.*';
+ }
+ else if (c === '?') {
+ s += '.';
+ }
+ else if ('/.*+?|(){}'.indexOf(c) > -1) {
+ s += '\\' + c;
+ }
+ else {
+ s += c;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ s += '$';
+ return ('' + (value || '')).toUpperCase().search(RegExp(s.toUpperCase())) > -1;
+ };
+ /**
+ Modify res according modifier
+ @function
+ @param {object} query Query object
+ @param res {object|number|string|boolean} res Data to be converted
+ */
+ utils$2.modify = function (alasql, query, res) {
+ // jshint ignore:line
+ // console.log(arguments);
+ /* If source is a primitive value then return it */
+ if (typeof res === 'undefined' ||
+ typeof res === 'number' ||
+ typeof res === 'string' ||
+ typeof res === 'boolean') {
+ return res;
+ }
+ var modifier = query.modifier || alasql.options.modifier;
+ var columns = query.columns;
+ if (typeof columns === 'undefined' || columns.length === 0) {
+ // Try to create columns
+ if (res.length > 0) {
+ var allcol = {};
+ for (var i = Math.min(res.length, alasql.options.columnlookup || 10) - 1; 0 <= i; i--) {
+ for (var key$1 in res[i]) {
+ allcol[key$1] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ columns = Object.keys(allcol).map(function (columnid) {
+ return { columnid: columnid };
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ // Cannot recognize columns
+ columns = [];
+ }
+ }
+ // console.log(columns);
+ var key;
+ if (modifier === 'VALUE') {
+ // console.log(222,res);
+ if (res.length > 0) {
+ if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
+ key = columns[0].columnid;
+ }
+ else {
+ key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];
+ }
+ res = res[0][key];
+ }
+ else {
+ res = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (modifier === 'ROW') {
+ if (res.length > 0) {
+ var a = [];
+ for (var ind in res[0]) {
+ a.push(res[0][ind]);
+ }
+ res = a;
+ }
+ else {
+ res = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (modifier === 'COLUMN') {
+ var ar = [];
+ if (res.length > 0) {
+ if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
+ key = columns[0].columnid;
+ }
+ else {
+ key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ ar.push(res[i][key]);
+ }
+ }
+ res = ar;
+ }
+ else if (modifier === 'MATRIX') {
+ // Returns square matrix of rows
+ var ar = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
+ var a = [];
+ var r = res[i];
+ for (var j = 0; j < columns.length; j++) {
+ a.push(r[columns[j].columnid]);
+ }
+ ar.push(a);
+ }
+ res = ar;
+ }
+ else if (modifier === 'INDEX') {
+ var ar$1 = {};
+ var val;
+ if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
+ key = columns[0].columnid;
+ val = columns[1].columnid;
+ }
+ else {
+ var okeys = Object.keys(res[0]);
+ key = okeys[0];
+ val = okeys[1];
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ ar$1[res[i][key]] = res[i][val];
+ }
+ res = ar$1;
+ // res = arrayOfArrays(res);
+ }
+ else if (modifier === 'RECORDSET') {
+ res = new alasql.Recordset({ columns: columns, data: res });
+ // res = arrayOfArrays(res);
+ }
+ else if (modifier === 'TEXTSTRING') {
+ if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
+ key = columns[0].columnid;
+ }
+ else {
+ key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ res[i] = res[i][key];
+ }
+ res = res.join('\n');
+ // res = arrayOfArrays(res);
+ }
+ return res;
+ };
+ var utils$3 = {};
+ /**
+ SQL LIKE emulation
+ @parameter {string} pattern Search pattern
+ @parameter {string} value Searched value
+ @parameter {string} escape Escape character (optional)
+ @return {boolean} If value LIKE pattern ESCAPE escape
+ */
+ utils$3.like = function (pattern, value, escape) {
+ // Verify escape character
+ if (!escape)
+ { escape = ''; }
+ var i = 0;
+ var s = '^';
+ while (i < pattern.length) {
+ var c = pattern[i], c1 = '';
+ if (i < pattern.length - 1)
+ { c1 = pattern[i + 1]; }
+ if (c === escape) {
+ s += '\\' + c1;
+ i++;
+ }
+ else if (c === '[' && c1 === '^') {
+ s += '[^';
+ i++;
+ }
+ else if (c === '[' || c === ']') {
+ s += c;
+ }
+ else if (c === '%') {
+ s += '.*';
+ }
+ else if (c === '_') {
+ s += '.';
+ }
+ else if ('/.*+?|(){}'.indexOf(c) > -1) {
+ s += '\\' + c;
+ }
+ else {
+ s += c;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ s += '$';
+ // if(value == undefined) return false;
+ //console.log(s,value,(value||'').search(RegExp(s))>-1);
+ return ('' + (value || '')).toUpperCase().search(RegExp(s.toUpperCase())) > -1;
+ };
+ /**
+ Strip all comments.
+ @function
+ @param {string} str
+ @return {string}
+ Based om the https://github.com/lehni/uncomment.js/blob/master/uncomment.js
+ I just replaced JavaScript's '//' to SQL's '--' and remove other stuff
+ @todo Fixed [aaa/*bbb] for column names
+ @todo Bug if -- comments in the last line
+ @todo Check if it possible to model it with Jison parser
+ @todo Remove unused code
+ */
+ utils$3.uncomment = function (str) {
+ // Add some padding so we can always look ahead and behind by two chars
+ str = ('__' + str + '__').split('');
+ var quote = false, quoteSign,
+ // regularExpression = false,
+ // characterClass = false,
+ blockComment = false, lineComment = false;
+ // preserveComment = false;
+ for (var i = 0, l = str.length; i < l; i++) {
+ // console.log(i,str[i]);
+ // When checking for quote escaping, we also need to check that the
+ // escape sign itself is not escaped, as otherwise '\\' would cause
+ // the wrong impression of an unclosed string:
+ var unescaped = str[i - 1] !== '\\' || str[i - 2] === '\\';
+ if (quote) {
+ if (str[i] === quoteSign && unescaped) {
+ quote = false;
+ }
+ /*/* // } else if (regularExpression) {
+ // Make sure '/'' inside character classes is not considered the end
+ // of the regular expression.
+ // if (str[i] === '[' && unescaped) {
+ // characterClass = true;
+ // } else if (str[i] === ']' && unescaped && characterClass) {
+ // characterClass = false;
+ // } else if (str[i] === '/' && unescaped && !characterClass) {
+ // regularExpression = false;
+ // }
+ */
+ }
+ else if (blockComment) {
+ // Is the block comment closing?
+ if (str[i] === '*' && str[i + 1] === '/') {
+ // if (!preserveComment)
+ str[i] = str[i + 1] = '';
+ blockComment /* = preserveComment*/ = false;
+ // Increase by 1 to skip closing '/', as it would be mistaken
+ // for a regexp otherwise
+ i++;
+ }
+ else {
+ //if (!preserveComment) {
+ str[i] = '';
+ }
+ }
+ else if (lineComment) {
+ // One-line comments end with the line-break
+ if (str[i + 1] === '\n' || str[i + 1] === '\r') {
+ lineComment = false;
+ }
+ str[i] = '';
+ }
+ else {
+ if (str[i] === '"' || str[i] === "'") {
+ quote = true;
+ quoteSign = str[i];
+ }
+ else if (str[i] === '[' && str[i - 1] !== '@') {
+ quote = true;
+ quoteSign = ']';
+ // } else if (str[i] === '-' && str[i + 1] === '-') {
+ // str[i] = '';
+ // lineComment = true;
+ }
+ else if (str[i] === '/' && str[i + 1] === '*') {
+ // Do not filter out conditional comments /*@ ... */
+ // and comments marked as protected /*! ... */
+ // preserveComment = /[@!]/.test(str[i + 2]);
+ // if (!preserveComment)
+ str[i] = '';
+ blockComment = true;
+ // console.log('block');
+ /*/* // } else if (str[i + 1] === '/') {
+ // str[i] = '';
+ // lineComment = true;
+ // } else {
+ // We need to make sure we don't count normal divisions as
+ // regular expresions. Matching this properly is difficult,
+ // but if we assume that normal division always have a space
+ // after /, a simple check for white space or '='' (for /=)
+ // is enough to distinguish divisions from regexps.
+ // TODO: Develop a proper check for regexps.
+ // if (!/[\s=]/.test(str[i + 1])) {
+ // regularExpression = true;
+ // }
+ // }
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove padding again.
+ str = str.join('').slice(2, -2);
+ /*/*
+ // Strip empty lines that contain only white space and line breaks, as they
+ // are left-overs from comment removal.
+ str = str.replace(/^[ \t]+(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, function(all) {
+ return '';
+ });
+ // Replace a sequence of more than two line breaks with only two.
+ str = str.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)(\r\n|\n|\r)+/g, function(all, lineBreak) {
+ return lineBreak + lineBreak;
+ });
+ */
+ return str;
+ };
+ var cutbom = utils$2.cutbom;
+ var utils$4 = {};
+ /**
+ Load text file from anywhere
+ @param {string|object} path File path or HTML event
+ @param {boolean} asy True - async call, false - sync call
+ @param {function} success Success function
+ @param {function} error Error function
+ @return {string} Read data
+ @todo Define Event type
+ @todo Smaller if-else structures.
+ */
+ utils$4.loadFile = function (path, asy, success, error) {
+ var data, fs;
+ if (utils$1.isNode || utils$1.isMeteorServer) {
+ //*not-for-browser/*
+ if (utils$4.isMeteor) {
+ fs = Npm.require('fs');
+ }
+ else {
+ fs = require('fs');
+ }
+ // If path is empty, than read data from stdin (for Node)
+ if (typeof path === 'undefined') {
+ var buff = '';
+ process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8');
+ process.stdin.on('readable', function () {
+ var chunk = process.stdin.read();
+ if (chunk !== null) {
+ buff += chunk.toString();
+ }
+ });
+ process.stdin.on('end', function () {
+ success(cutbom(buff));
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ if (/^[a-z]+:\/\//i.test(path)) {
+ var request = require('request');
+ request(path, function (err, response, body) {
+ if (err) {
+ throw err;
+ }
+ success(cutbom(body.toString()));
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ //If async callthen call async
+ if (asy) {
+ fs.readFile(path, function (err, data) {
+ if (err) {
+ throw err;
+ }
+ success(cutbom(data.toString()));
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ // Call sync version
+ data = fs.readFileSync(path);
+ success(cutbom(data.toString()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (utils$4.isReactNative) {
+ // If ReactNative
+ var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
+ RNFS.readFile(path, 'utf8')
+ .then(function (contents) {
+ success(cutbom(contents));
+ })
+ .catch(function (err) {
+ throw err;
+ });
+ //*/
+ }
+ else if (utils$4.isCordova) {
+ /* If Cordova */
+ utils$4.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function (fileSystem) {
+ fileSystem.root.getFile(path, { create: false }, function (fileEntry) {
+ fileEntry.file(function (file) {
+ var fileReader = new FileReader();
+ fileReader.onloadend = function (e) {
+ success(cutbom(this.result));
+ };
+ fileReader.readAsText(file);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ /** @todo Check eliminated code below */
+ /*/*
+ var paths = path.split('/');
+ var filename = paths[paths.length-1];
+ var dirpath = path.substr(0,path.length-filename.length);
+ // console.log('CORDOVA',filename,dirpath);
+ //return success('[{"a":"'+filename+'"}]');
+ window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(dirpath, function(dir) {
+ dir.getFile(filename, null, function(file) {
+ file.file(function(file) {
+ var reader = new FileReader();
+ // console.log('READ FILE 2');
+ reader.onloadend = function(e) {
+ // console.log('READ FILE 3',this.result);
+ success(this.result);
+ };
+ reader.readAsText(file);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ */
+ }
+ else {
+ /* For string */
+ if (typeof path === 'string') {
+ // For browser read from tag
+ /*
+ SELECT * FROM TXT('#one') -- read data from HTML element with id="one"
+ */
+ if (path.substr(0, 1) === '#' && typeof document !== 'undefined') {
+ data = document.querySelector(path).textContent;
+ success(data);
+ }
+ else {
+ /*
+ Simply read file from HTTP request, like:
+ SELECT * FROM TXT('http://alasql.org/README.md');
+ */
+ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
+ if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
+ if (xhr.status === 200) {
+ if (success) {
+ success(cutbom(xhr.responseText));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (error) {
+ error(xhr);
+ }
+ // Todo: else...?
+ }
+ };
+ xhr.open('GET', path, asy); // Async
+ xhr.responseType = 'text';
+ xhr.send();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (path instanceof Event) {
+ /*
+ For browser read from files input element
+ */
+ /** @type {array} List of files from element */
+ var files = path.target.files;
+ /** type {object} */
+ var reader = new FileReader();
+ /** type {string} */
+ var name = files[0].name;
+ reader.onload = function (e) {
+ var data = e.target.result;
+ success(cutbom(data));
+ };
+ reader.readAsText(files[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ @function Load binary file from anywhere
+ @param {string} path File path
+ @param {boolean} asy True - async call, false - sync call
+ @param {function} success Success function
+ @param {function} error Error function
+ @return 1 for Async, data - for sync version
-"use strict";
+ @todo merge functionality from loadFile and LoadBinaryFile
+ */
+ utils$4.loadBinaryFile = function (path, asy, success, error) {
+ var fs;
+ if (utils$4.isNode || utils$4.isMeteorServer) {
+ //*not-for-browser/*
+ if (utils$4.isMeteorServer) {
+ fs = Npm.require('fs'); // For Meteor
+ }
+ else {
+ fs = require('fs');
+ }
+ if (/^[a-z]+:\/\//i.test(path)) {
+ var request = require('request');
+ request({ url: path, encoding: null }, function (err, response, data) {
+ if (err) {
+ throw err;
+ }
+ var arr = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+ arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
+ }
+ success(arr.join(''));
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ if (asy) {
+ fs.readFile(path, function (err, data) {
+ if (err) {
+ throw err;
+ }
+ var arr = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+ arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
+ }
+ success(arr.join(''));
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ var data = fs.readFileSync(path);
+ var arr = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+ arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
+ }
+ success(arr.join(''));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (utils$4.isReactNative) {
+ // If ReactNative
+ //var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
+ var RNFetchBlob = require('react-native-fetch-blob').default;
+ var dirs = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs;
+ //should use readStream instead if the file is large
+ RNFetchBlob.fs.readFile(path, 'base64').then(function (data) {
+ //RNFetchBlob.base64.decode(data) //need more test on excel
+ success(data);
+ });
+ //*/
+ }
+ else {
+ if (typeof path === 'string') {
+ // For browser
+ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ xhr.open('GET', path, asy); // Async
+ xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
+ xhr.onload = function () {
+ var data = new Uint8Array(xhr.response);
+ var arr = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+ arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
+ }
+ success(arr.join(''));
+ };
+ // xhr.responseType = "blob";
+ xhr.send();
+ }
+ else if (path instanceof Event) {
+ // console.log("event");
+ var files = path.target.files;
+ var reader = new FileReader();
+ var name = files[0].name;
+ reader.onload = function (e) {
+ var data = e.target.result;
+ success(data);
+ };
+ reader.readAsArrayBuffer(files[0]);
+ }
+ else if (path instanceof Blob) {
+ success(path);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var removeFile = (utils$4.removeFile = function (path, cb) {
+ if (utils$4.isNode) {
+ //*not-for-browser/*
+ var fs = require('fs');
+ fs.remove(path, cb);
+ }
+ else if (utils$4.isCordova) {
+ utils$4.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function (fileSystem) {
+ fileSystem.root.getFile(path, { create: false }, function (fileEntry) {
+ fileEntry.remove(cb);
+ if (cb)
+ { cb(); } // jshint ignore:line
+ }, function () {
+ if (cb)
+ { cb(); } // jshint ignore:line
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ else if (utils$4.isReactNative) {
+ // If ReactNative
+ var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
+ RNFS.unlink(path)
+ .then(function () {
+ if (cb)
+ { cb(); }
+ })
+ .catch(function (err) {
+ throw err;
+ });
+ //*/
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('You can remove files only in Node.js and Apache Cordova');
+ }
+ });
+ // Todo: check if it makes sense to support cordova and Meteor server
+ utils$4.deleteFile = function (path, cb) {
+ //*not-for-browser/*
+ if (utils$4.isNode) {
+ var fs = require('fs');
+ fs.unlink(path, cb);
+ }
+ else if (utils$4.isReactNative) {
+ // If ReactNative
+ var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
+ RNFS.unlink(path)
+ .then(function () {
+ if (cb)
+ { cb(); }
+ })
+ .catch(function (err) {
+ throw err;
+ });
+ }
+ //*/
+ };
+ utils$4.autoExtFilename = function (filename, ext, config) {
+ config = config || {};
+ if (typeof filename !== 'string' ||
+ filename.match(/^[A-z]+:\/\/|\n|\..{2,4}$/) ||
+ config.autoExt === 0 ||
+ config.autoExt === false) {
+ return filename;
+ }
+ return filename + '.' + ext;
+ };
+ utils$4.fileExists = function (path, cb) {
+ if (utils$4.isNode) {
+ //*not-for-browser/*
+ var fs = require('fs');
+ fs.exists(path, cb);
+ }
+ else if (utils$4.isCordova) {
+ utils$4.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function (fileSystem) {
+ fileSystem.root.getFile(path, { create: false }, function (fileEntry) {
+ cb(true);
+ }, function () {
+ cb(false);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ else if (utils$4.isReactNative) {
+ // If ReactNative
+ var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
+ RNFS.exists(path)
+ .then(function (yes) {
+ if (cb)
+ { cb(yes); }
+ })
+ .catch(function (err) {
+ throw err;
+ });
+ //*/
+ }
+ else {
+ // TODO Cordova, etc.
+ throw new Error('You can use exists() only in Node.js or Apach Cordova');
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ Save text file from anywhere
+ @param {string} path File path
+ @param {array} data Data object
+ @param {function} cb Callback
+ @param {object=} opts
+ */
+ utils$4.saveFile = function (path, data, cb, opts) {
+ var res = 1;
+ if (path === undefined) {
+ //
+ // Return data into result variable
+ // like: alasql('SELECT * INTO TXT() FROM ?',[data]);
+ //
+ res = data;
+ if (cb) {
+ res = cb(res);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (utils$4.isNode) {
+ //*not-for-browser/*
+ var fs = require('fs');
+ data = fs.writeFileSync(path, data);
+ if (cb) {
+ res = cb(res);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (utils$4.isReactNative) {
+ var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
+ RNFS.writeFile(path, data)
+ .then(function (success) {
+ //, 'utf8'
+ if (cb)
+ { res = cb(res); }
+ })
+ .catch(function (err) {
+ console.error(err.message);
+ });
+ }
+ else if (utils$4.isCordova) {
+ utils$4.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function (fileSystem) {
+ // alasql.utils.removeFile(path,function(){
+ fileSystem.root.getFile(path, { create: true }, function (fileEntry) {
+ fileEntry.createWriter(function (fileWriter) {
+ fileWriter.onwriteend = function () {
+ if (cb) {
+ res = cb(res);
+ }
+ };
+ fileWriter.write(data);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ //*/
+ /*/*
+ } else if((typeof cordova == 'object') && cordova.file) {
+ // console.log('saveFile 1');
+ // Cordova
+ var paths = path.split('/');
+ var filename = paths[paths.length-1];
+ var dirpath = path.substr(0,path.length-filename.length);
+ // console.log('CORDOVA',filename,dirpath);
+ //return success('[{"a":"'+filename+'"}]');
+ window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(dirpath, function(dir) {
+ // console.log('saveFile 2');
+ dir.getFile(filename, {create:true}, function(file) {
+ // console.log('saveFile 3');
+ // file.file(function(file) {
+ // console.log('saveFile 4');
+ file.createWriter(function(fileWriter) {
+ // fileWriter.seek(fileWriter.length);
+ var blob = new Blob([data], {type:'text/plain'});
+ fileWriter.write(blob);
+ fileWriter.onwriteend = function(){
+ if(cb) cb();
+ };
+ // console.log("ok, in theory i worked");
+ });
+ */
+ /*/*
+ // Corodva
+ function writeFinish() {
+ // ... your done code here...
+ return cb()
+ };
+ var written = 0;
+ var BLOCK_SIZE = 1*1024*1024; // write 1M every time of write
+ function writeNext(cbFinish) {
+ var sz = Math.min(BLOCK_SIZE, data.length - written);
+ var sub = data.slice(written, written+sz);
+ writer.write(sub);
+ written += sz;
+ writer.onwrite = function(evt) {
+ if (written < data.length)
+ writeNext(cbFinish);
+ else
+ cbFinish();
+ };
+ }
+ writeNext(writeFinish);
+ }
+ */
+ // });
+ // });
+ // });
+ }
+ else {
+ if (utils$4.isIE() === 9) {
+ // Solution was taken from
+ // http://megatuto.com/formation-JAVASCRIPT.php?JAVASCRIPT_Example=Javascript+Save+CSV+file+in+IE+8/IE+9+without+using+window.open()+Categorie+javascript+internet-explorer-8&category=&article=7993
+ // var URI = 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,';
+ // Prepare data
+ var ndata = data.replace(/\r\n/g, 'A;D;');
+ ndata = ndata.replace(/\n/g, 'D;');
+ ndata = ndata.replace(/\t/g, ' ');
+ var testlink = utils$4.global.open('about:blank', '_blank');
+ testlink.document.write(ndata); //fileData has contents for the file
+ testlink.document.close();
+ testlink.document.execCommand('SaveAs', false, path);
+ testlink.close();
+ }
+ else {
+ var opt = {
+ disableAutoBom: false,
+ };
+ utils$4.extend(opt, opts);
+ var blob = new Blob([data], { type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' });
+ utils$4.saveAs(blob, path, opt.disableAutoBom);
+ if (cb) {
+ res = cb(res);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ };
+ var domTools = { domEmptyChildren: function (container) {
+ var len = container.childNodes.length;
+ while (len--) {
+ container.removeChild(container.lastChild);
+ }
+ } };
+ var utils$5 = {};
+ utils$5.getXLSX = function () {
+ var XLSX = null;
+ /* If require() shuold be supported else take from global scope */
+ if (utils$1.isNode || utils$1.isBrowserify || utils$1.isMeteorServer) {
+ //*not-for-browser/*
+ XLSX = require('xlsx') || null;
+ //*/
+ }
+ else {
+ XLSX = global.XLSX || null;
+ }
+ if (null === XLSX) {
+ throw new Error('Please include the xlsx.js library');
+ }
+ return XLSX;
+ };
+ /**
+ Excel:convert number to Excel column, like 1 => 'A'
+ @param {integer} i Column number, starting with 0
+ @return {string} Column name, starting with 'A'
+ */
+ utils$5.xlsnc = function (i) {
+ var addr = String.fromCharCode(65 + (i % 26));
+ if (i >= 26) {
+ i = ((i / 26) | 0) - 1;
+ addr = String.fromCharCode(65 + (i % 26)) + addr;
+ if (i > 26) {
+ i = ((i / 26) | 0) - 1;
+ addr = String.fromCharCode(65 + (i % 26)) + addr;
+ }
+ }
+ return addr;
+ };
+ /**
+ Excel:conver Excel column name to number
+ @param {string} s Column number, like 'A' or 'BE'
+ @return {string} Column name, starting with 0
+ */
+ utils$5.xlscn = function (s) {
+ var n = s.charCodeAt(0) - 65;
+ if (s.length > 1) {
+ n = (n + 1) * 26 + s.charCodeAt(1) - 65;
+ // console.log(n, s.charCodeAt(0)-65, s.charCodeAt(1)-65);
+ if (s.length > 2) {
+ n = (n + 1) * 26 + s.charCodeAt(2) - 65;
+ }
+ }
+ return n;
+ };
+ var utils$6 = Object.assign({}, utils, utils$1, utils$2, utils$3, utils$4, domTools, utils$3, utils$5);
+ /**
+ Database class for Alasql.js
+ */
+ var hash$1 = function (x) { return x; };
+ function addOptions (mem) {
+ // Initial parameters
+ var alasql = mem.alasql;
+ /**
+ Jison parser
+ */
+ //alasql.parser = alasqlparser;
+ /*/* This is not working :-/ * /
+ alasql.parser.parseError = function(str, hash) {
+ throw new Error('Have you used a reserved keyword without `escaping` it?\n' + str);
+ };/*
+ /**
+ Jison parser
+ @param {string} sql SQL statement
+ @return {object} AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)
+ @todo Create class AST
+ @todo Add other parsers
+ @example
+ alasql.parse = function(sql) {
+ // My own parser here
+ }
+ */
+ alasql.parse = function (sql) {
+ return mem.grammar.parse(utils$6.uncomment(sql));
+ };
+ /**
+ List of engines of external databases
+ @type {object}
+ @todo Create collection type
+ */
+ alasql.engines = {};
+ /**
+ List of databases
+ @type {object}
+ */
+ alasql.databases = {};
+ /**
+ Number of databases
+ @type {number}
+ */
+ alasql.databasenum = 0;
+ /**
+ Alasql options object
+ */
+ alasql.options = {};
+ alasql.options.errorlog = false; // Log or throw error
+ alasql.options.valueof = false; // Use valueof in orderfn
+ alasql.options.dropifnotexists = false; // DROP database in any case
+ alasql.options.datetimeformat = 'sql'; // How to handle DATE and DATETIME types
+ // Another value is 'javascript'
+ alasql.options.casesensitive = true; // Table and column names are case sensitive and converted to lower-case
+ alasql.options.logtarget = 'output'; // target for log. Values: 'console', 'output', 'id' of html tag
+ alasql.options.logprompt = true; // Print SQL at log
+ alasql.options.progress = false; // Callback for async queries progress
+ // Default modifier
+ alasql.options.modifier = undefined;
+ // How many rows to lookup to define columns
+ alasql.options.columnlookup = 10;
+ // Create vertex if not found
+ alasql.options.autovertex = true;
+ // Use dbo as current database (for partial T-SQL comaptibility)
+ alasql.options.usedbo = true;
+ alasql.options.autocommit = true;
+ // Use cache
+ alasql.options.cache = true;
+ // Compatibility flags
+ alasql.options.tsql = true;
+ alasql.options.mysql = true;
+ alasql.options.postgres = true;
+ alasql.options.oracle = true;
+ alasql.options.sqlite = true;
+ alasql.options.orientdb = true;
+ alasql.options.nocount = false;
+ // Check for NaN and convert it to undefined
+ alasql.options.nan = false;
+ alasql.options.joinstar = 'overwrite'; // Option for SELECT * FROM a,b
+ //alasql.options.worker = false;
+ // Variables
+ alasql.vars = {};
+ alasql.declares = {};
+ alasql.prompthistory = [];
+ alasql.plugins = {}; // If plugin already loaded
+ alasql.from = {}; // FROM functions
+ alasql.into = {}; // INTO functions
+ alasql.fn = {};
+ alasql.aggr = {};
+ alasql.busy = 0;
+ // Cache
+ alasql.MAXSQLCACHESIZE = 10000;
+ alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID = 'alasql';
+ /* WebWorker */
+ alasql.lastid = 0;
+ alasql.buffer = {};
+ /**
+ Select current database
+ @param {string} databaseid Selected database identificator
+ */
+ alasql.use = function (databaseid) {
+ if (!databaseid) {
+ databaseid = alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID;
+ }
+ if (alasql.useid === databaseid) {
+ return;
+ }
+ alasql.useid = databaseid;
+ var db = alasql.databases[alasql.useid];
+ alasql.tables = db.tables;
+ // alasql.fn = db.fn;
+ db.resetSqlCache();
+ if (alasql.options.usedbo) {
+ alasql.databases.dbo = db; // Operator???
+ }
+ };
+ alasql.autoval = function (tablename, colname, getNext, databaseid) {
+ var db = databaseid ? alasql.databases[databaseid] : alasql.databases[alasql.useid];
+ if (!db.tables[tablename]) {
+ throw new Error('Tablename not found: ' + tablename);
+ }
+ if (!db.tables[tablename].identities[colname]) {
+ throw new Error('Colname not found: ' + colname);
+ }
+ if (getNext) {
+ return db.tables[tablename].identities[colname].value || null;
+ }
+ return (db.tables[tablename].identities[colname].value -
+ db.tables[tablename].identities[colname].step || null);
+ };
+ /**
+ Run single SQL statement on current database
+ */
+ alasql.exec = function (sql, params, cb, scope) {
+ // Avoid setting params if not needed even with callback
+ if (typeof params === 'function') {
+ scope = cb;
+ cb = params;
+ params = {};
+ }
+ delete alasql.error;
+ params = params || {};
+ if (alasql.options.errorlog) {
+ try {
+ return alasql.dexec(alasql.useid, sql, params, cb, scope);
+ }
+ catch (err) {
+ alasql.error = err;
+ if (cb) {
+ cb(null, alasql.error);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return alasql.dexec(alasql.useid, sql, params, cb, scope);
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ Run SQL statement on specific database
+ */
+ alasql.dexec = function (databaseid, sql, params, cb, scope) {
+ var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
+ // if(db.databaseid != databaseid) console.trace('got!');
+ // console.log(3, databaseid, alasql.databases);
+ var hh;
+ // Create hash
+ if (alasql.options.cache) {
+ hh = hash$1(sql);
+ var statement = db.sqlCache[hh];
+ // If database structure was not changed since last time return cache
+ if (statement && db.dbversion === statement.dbversion) {
+ return statement(params, cb);
+ }
+ }
+ // Create AST
+ var ast = alasql.parse(sql);
+ if (!ast.statements) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (0 === ast.statements.length) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (1 === ast.statements.length) {
+ if (ast.statements[0].compile) {
+ // Compile and Execute
+ statement = ast.statements[0].compile(databaseid, params);
+ if (!statement) {
+ return;
+ }
+ statement.sql = sql;
+ statement.dbversion = db.dbversion;
+ if (alasql.options.cache) {
+ // Secure sqlCache size
+ if (db.sqlCacheSize > alasql.MAXSQLCACHESIZE) {
+ db.resetSqlCache();
+ }
+ db.sqlCacheSize++;
+ db.sqlCache[hh] = statement;
+ }
+ var res = (alasql.res = statement(params, cb, scope));
+ return res;
+ }
+ else {
+ // console.log(ast.statements[0]);
+ alasql.precompile(ast.statements[0], alasql.useid, params);
+ res = alasql.res = ast.statements[0].execute(databaseid, params, cb, scope);
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // Multiple statements
+ if (cb) {
+ alasql.adrun(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope);
+ }
+ else {
+ return alasql.drun(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ Run multiple statements and return array of results sync
+ */
+ alasql.drun = function (databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope) {
+ var useid = alasql.useid;
+ if (useid !== databaseid) {
+ alasql.use(databaseid);
+ }
+ var res = [];
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = ast.statements.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ if (ast.statements[i]) {
+ if (ast.statements[i].compile) {
+ var statement = ast.statements[i].compile(alasql.useid);
+ res.push((alasql.res = statement(params, null, scope)));
+ }
+ else {
+ alasql.precompile(ast.statements[i], alasql.useid, params);
+ res.push((alasql.res = ast.statements[i].execute(alasql.useid, params)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (useid !== databaseid) {
+ alasql.use(useid);
+ }
+ if (cb) {
+ cb(res);
+ }
+ alasql.res = res;
+ return res;
+ };
+ /**
+ Run multiple statements and return array of results async
+ */
+ alasql.adrun = function (databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope) {
+ var idx = 0;
+ var noqueries = ast.statements.length;
+ if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {
+ alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);
+ }
+ // alasql.busy++;
+ var useid = alasql.useid;
+ if (useid !== databaseid) {
+ alasql.use(databaseid);
+ }
+ var res = [];
+ var adrunone = function (data) {
+ if (data !== undefined) {
+ res.push(data);
+ }
+ var astatement = ast.statements.shift();
+ if (!astatement) {
+ if (useid !== databaseid) {
+ alasql.use(useid);
+ }
+ cb(res);
+ // alasql.busy--;
+ // if(alasql.busy<0) alasql.busy = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (astatement.compile) {
+ var statement = astatement.compile(alasql.useid);
+ statement(params, adrunone, scope);
+ if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {
+ alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ alasql.precompile(ast.statements[0], alasql.useid, params);
+ astatement.execute(alasql.useid, params, adrunone);
+ if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {
+ alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ adrunone(); /** @todo Check, why data is empty here */
+ };
+ /**
+ Compile statement to JavaScript function
+ @param {string} sql SQL statement
+ @param {string} databaseid Database identificator
+ @return {functions} Compiled statement functions
+ */
+ alasql.compile = function (sql, databaseid) {
+ databaseid = databaseid || alasql.useid;
+ var ast = alasql.parse(sql); // Create AST
+ if (1 === ast.statements.length) {
+ var statement = ast.statements[0].compile(databaseid);
+ statement.promise = function (params) {
+ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ statement(params, function (data, err) {
+ if (err) {
+ reject(err);
+ }
+ else {
+ resolve(data);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ return statement;
+ /*/*
+ if(kind == 'value') {
+ return function(params,cb) {
+ var res = statementfn(params);
+ var key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];
+ if(cb) cb(res[0][key]);
+ return res[0][key];
+ };
+ } else if(kind == 'single') {
+ return function(params,cb) {
+ var res = statementfn(params);
+ if(cb) cb(res[0]);
+ return res[0];
+ }
+ } else if(kind == 'row') {
+ return function(params,cb) {
+ var res = statementfn(params,cb);
+ var a = [];
+ for(var key in res[0]) {
+ a.push(res[0][key]);
+ };
+ if(cb) cb(a);
+ return a;
+ }
+ } else if(kind == 'column') {
+ return function(params,cb) {
+ var res = statementfn(params,cb);
+ var ar = [];
+ var key = Object.keys(res)[0];
+ for(var i=0, ilen=res.length; i number},
+ terminals_: {associative list: number ==> name},
+ productions_: [...],
+ performAction: function anonymous(yytext, yyleng, yylineno, yy, yystate, $$, _$),
+ table: [...],
+ defaultActions: {...},
+ parseError: function(str, hash),
+ parse: function(input),
+ lexer: {
+ EOF: 1,
+ parseError: function(str, hash),
+ setInput: function(input),
+ input: function(),
+ unput: function(str),
+ more: function(),
+ less: function(n),
+ pastInput: function(),
+ upcomingInput: function(),
+ showPosition: function(),
+ test_match: function(regex_match_array, rule_index),
+ next: function(),
+ lex: function(),
+ begin: function(condition),
+ popState: function(),
+ _currentRules: function(),
+ topState: function(),
+ pushState: function(condition),
+ options: {
+ ranges: boolean (optional: true ==> token location info will include a .range[] member)
+ flex: boolean (optional: true ==> flex-like lexing behaviour where the rules are tested exhaustively to find the longest match)
+ backtrack_lexer: boolean (optional: true ==> lexer regexes are tested in order and for each matching regex the action code is invoked; the lexer terminates the scan when a token is returned by the action code)
+ },
+ performAction: function(yy, yy_, $avoiding_name_collisions, YY_START),
+ rules: [...],
+ conditions: {associative list: name ==> set},
+ }
+ }
- Debug flag
- @type {boolean}
-alasql.debug = undefined; // Initial debug variable
-var require = function(){return null}; // as alasqlparser.js is generated, we can not "remove" referenses to
-var __dirname = '';
+ token location info (@$, _$, etc.): {
+ first_line: n,
+ last_line: n,
+ first_column: n,
+ last_column: n,
+ range: [start_number, end_number] (where the numbers are indexes into the input string, regular zero-based)
+ }
-/* parser generated by jison 0.4.18 */
- Returns a Parser object of the following structure:
- Parser: {
- yy: {}
+ the parseError function receives a 'hash' object with these members for lexer and parser errors: {
+ text: (matched text)
+ token: (the produced terminal token, if any)
+ line: (yylineno)
+ }
+ while parser (grammar) errors will also provide these members, i.e. parser errors deliver a superset of attributes: {
+ loc: (yylloc)
+ expected: (string describing the set of expected tokens)
+ recoverable: (boolean: TRUE when the parser has a error recovery rule available for this particular error)
+ }
+ */
+ var alasqlparser = (function () {
+ var o = function (k, v, o, l) { for (o = o || {}, l = k.length; l--; o[k[l]] = v)
+ { } return o; }, $V0 = [2, 13], $V1 = [1, 104], $V2 = [1, 102], $V3 = [1, 103], $V4 = [1, 6], $V5 = [1, 42], $V6 = [1, 79], $V7 = [1, 76], $V8 = [1, 94], $V9 = [1, 93], $Va = [1, 69], $Vb = [1, 101], $Vc = [1, 85], $Vd = [1, 64], $Ve = [1, 71], $Vf = [1, 84], $Vg = [1, 66], $Vh = [1, 70], $Vi = [1, 68], $Vj = [1, 61], $Vk = [1, 74], $Vl = [1, 62], $Vm = [1, 67], $Vn = [1, 83], $Vo = [1, 77], $Vp = [1, 86], $Vq = [1, 87], $Vr = [1, 81], $Vs = [1, 82], $Vt = [1, 80], $Vu = [1, 88], $Vv = [1, 89], $Vw = [1, 90], $Vx = [1, 91], $Vy = [1, 92], $Vz = [1, 98], $VA = [1, 65], $VB = [1, 78], $VC = [1, 72], $VD = [1, 96], $VE = [1, 97], $VF = [1, 63], $VG = [1, 73], $VH = [1, 108], $VI = [1, 107], $VJ = [10, 306, 602, 764], $VK = [10, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VL = [1, 115], $VM = [1, 116], $VN = [1, 117], $VO = [1, 118], $VP = [1, 119], $VQ = [130, 353, 410], $VR = [1, 127], $VS = [1, 126], $VT = [1, 134], $VU = [1, 164], $VV = [1, 175], $VW = [1, 178], $VX = [1, 173], $VY = [1, 181], $VZ = [1, 185], $V_ = [1, 160], $V$ = [1, 182], $V01 = [1, 169], $V11 = [1, 171], $V21 = [1, 174], $V31 = [1, 183], $V41 = [1, 166], $V51 = [1, 193], $V61 = [1, 188], $V71 = [1, 189], $V81 = [1, 194], $V91 = [1, 195], $Va1 = [1, 196], $Vb1 = [1, 197], $Vc1 = [1, 198], $Vd1 = [1, 199], $Ve1 = [1, 200], $Vf1 = [1, 201], $Vg1 = [1, 202], $Vh1 = [1, 176], $Vi1 = [1, 177], $Vj1 = [1, 179], $Vk1 = [1, 180], $Vl1 = [1, 186], $Vm1 = [1, 192], $Vn1 = [1, 184], $Vo1 = [1, 187], $Vp1 = [1, 172], $Vq1 = [1, 170], $Vr1 = [1, 191], $Vs1 = [1, 203], $Vt1 = [2, 4, 5], $Vu1 = [2, 471], $Vv1 = [1, 206], $Vw1 = [1, 211], $Vx1 = [1, 220], $Vy1 = [1, 216], $Vz1 = [10, 72, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 183, 198, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VA1 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 76, 77, 78, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 183, 185, 187, 198, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], $VB1 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VC1 = [1, 249], $VD1 = [1, 256], $VE1 = [1, 265], $VF1 = [1, 270], $VG1 = [1, 269], $VH1 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 77, 78, 93, 98, 107, 118, 128, 131, 132, 137, 143, 145, 149, 152, 154, 156, 162, 168, 169, 179, 180, 181, 183, 198, 232, 245, 247, 265, 266, 270, 271, 273, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 302, 303, 306, 310, 312, 317, 420, 424, 602, 764], $VI1 = [2, 162], $VJ1 = [1, 281], $VK1 = [10, 74, 78, 306, 310, 505, 602, 764], $VL1 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 193, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 297, 300, 302, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 343, 344, 356, 368, 369, 370, 373, 374, 386, 389, 396, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 426, 433, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 514, 515, 516, 517, 602, 764], $VM1 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 89, 124, 146, 156, 189, 266, 267, 290, 306, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VN1 = [1, 562], $VO1 = [1, 564], $VP1 = [2, 503], $VQ1 = [1, 569], $VR1 = [1, 580], $VS1 = [1, 583], $VT1 = [1, 584], $VU1 = [10, 78, 89, 132, 137, 146, 189, 296, 306, 310, 470, 602, 764], $VV1 = [10, 74, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VW1 = [2, 567], $VX1 = [1, 602], $VY1 = [2, 4, 5, 156], $VZ1 = [1, 640], $V_1 = [1, 612], $V$1 = [1, 646], $V02 = [1, 647], $V12 = [1, 620], $V22 = [1, 631], $V32 = [1, 618], $V42 = [1, 626], $V52 = [1, 619], $V62 = [1, 627], $V72 = [1, 629], $V82 = [1, 621], $V92 = [1, 622], $Va2 = [1, 641], $Vb2 = [1, 638], $Vc2 = [1, 639], $Vd2 = [1, 615], $Ve2 = [1, 617], $Vf2 = [1, 609], $Vg2 = [1, 610], $Vh2 = [1, 611], $Vi2 = [1, 613], $Vj2 = [1, 614], $Vk2 = [1, 616], $Vl2 = [1, 623], $Vm2 = [1, 624], $Vn2 = [1, 628], $Vo2 = [1, 630], $Vp2 = [1, 632], $Vq2 = [1, 633], $Vr2 = [1, 634], $Vs2 = [1, 635], $Vt2 = [1, 636], $Vu2 = [1, 642], $Vv2 = [1, 643], $Vw2 = [1, 644], $Vx2 = [1, 645], $Vy2 = [2, 287], $Vz2 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 297, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 343, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 426, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VA2 = [2, 359], $VB2 = [1, 668], $VC2 = [1, 678], $VD2 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 426, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VE2 = [1, 694], $VF2 = [1, 703], $VG2 = [1, 702], $VH2 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 74, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VI2 = [10, 72, 74, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VJ2 = [2, 202], $VK2 = [1, 725], $VL2 = [10, 72, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 183, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VM2 = [2, 163], $VN2 = [1, 728], $VO2 = [2, 4, 5, 112], $VP2 = [1, 741], $VQ2 = [1, 760], $VR2 = [1, 740], $VS2 = [1, 739], $VT2 = [1, 734], $VU2 = [1, 735], $VV2 = [1, 737], $VW2 = [1, 738], $VX2 = [1, 742], $VY2 = [1, 743], $VZ2 = [1, 744], $V_2 = [1, 745], $V$2 = [1, 746], $V03 = [1, 747], $V13 = [1, 748], $V23 = [1, 749], $V33 = [1, 750], $V43 = [1, 751], $V53 = [1, 752], $V63 = [1, 753], $V73 = [1, 754], $V83 = [1, 755], $V93 = [1, 756], $Va3 = [1, 757], $Vb3 = [1, 759], $Vc3 = [1, 761], $Vd3 = [1, 762], $Ve3 = [1, 763], $Vf3 = [1, 764], $Vg3 = [1, 765], $Vh3 = [1, 766], $Vi3 = [1, 767], $Vj3 = [1, 770], $Vk3 = [1, 771], $Vl3 = [1, 772], $Vm3 = [1, 773], $Vn3 = [1, 774], $Vo3 = [1, 775], $Vp3 = [1, 776], $Vq3 = [1, 777], $Vr3 = [1, 778], $Vs3 = [1, 779], $Vt3 = [1, 780], $Vu3 = [1, 781], $Vv3 = [74, 89, 189], $Vw3 = [10, 74, 78, 154, 187, 230, 297, 306, 310, 343, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 602, 764], $Vx3 = [1, 798], $Vy3 = [10, 74, 78, 300, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vz3 = [1, 799], $VA3 = [1, 805], $VB3 = [1, 806], $VC3 = [1, 810], $VD3 = [10, 74, 78, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VE3 = [2, 4, 5, 77, 131, 132, 137, 143, 145, 149, 152, 154, 156, 179, 180, 181, 265, 266, 270, 271, 273, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 302, 303, 312, 317, 420, 424], $VF3 = [10, 72, 78, 93, 98, 107, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 183, 198, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VG3 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 77, 78, 93, 98, 107, 118, 128, 131, 132, 137, 143, 145, 149, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 168, 169, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 195, 198, 232, 245, 247, 265, 266, 270, 271, 273, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 302, 303, 306, 310, 312, 317, 420, 424, 602, 764], $VH3 = [2, 4, 5, 132, 296], $VI3 = [1, 844], $VJ3 = [10, 74, 76, 78, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VK3 = [2, 738], $VL3 = [10, 74, 76, 78, 132, 139, 141, 145, 152, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], $VM3 = [2, 1161], $VN3 = [10, 74, 76, 78, 139, 141, 145, 152, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], $VO3 = [10, 74, 76, 78, 139, 141, 145, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], $VP3 = [10, 74, 78, 139, 141, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VQ3 = [10, 78, 89, 132, 146, 189, 296, 306, 310, 470, 602, 764], $VR3 = [335, 338, 339], $VS3 = [2, 764], $VT3 = [1, 869], $VU3 = [1, 870], $VV3 = [1, 871], $VW3 = [1, 872], $VX3 = [1, 881], $VY3 = [1, 880], $VZ3 = [164, 166, 334], $V_3 = [2, 444], $V$3 = [1, 936], $V04 = [2, 4, 5, 77, 131, 156, 290, 291, 292, 293], $V14 = [1, 951], $V24 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $V34 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $V44 = [2, 375], $V54 = [1, 958], $V64 = [306, 308, 310], $V74 = [74, 300], $V84 = [74, 300, 426], $V94 = [1, 965], $Va4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $Vb4 = [74, 426], $Vc4 = [1, 978], $Vd4 = [1, 977], $Ve4 = [1, 984], $Vf4 = [10, 72, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vg4 = [1, 1010], $Vh4 = [10, 72, 78, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vi4 = [1, 1016], $Vj4 = [1, 1017], $Vk4 = [1, 1018], $Vl4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 198, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], $Vm4 = [1, 1068], $Vn4 = [1, 1067], $Vo4 = [1, 1081], $Vp4 = [1, 1080], $Vq4 = [1, 1088], $Vr4 = [10, 72, 74, 78, 93, 98, 107, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 183, 198, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vs4 = [1, 1119], $Vt4 = [10, 78, 89, 146, 189, 306, 310, 470, 602, 764], $Vu4 = [1, 1139], $Vv4 = [1, 1138], $Vw4 = [1, 1137], $Vx4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 297, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 343, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $Vy4 = [1, 1153], $Vz4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VA4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 315, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VB4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VC4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VD4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 314, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VE4 = [2, 406], $VF4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 107, 118, 122, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 314, 330, 331, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VG4 = [2, 285], $VH4 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 426, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VI4 = [10, 78, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VJ4 = [1, 1189], $VK4 = [10, 77, 78, 143, 145, 152, 181, 302, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], $VL4 = [10, 74, 78, 306, 308, 310, 464, 602, 764], $VM4 = [1, 1200], $VN4 = [10, 72, 78, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VO4 = [10, 72, 74, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 183, 198, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VP4 = [2, 4, 5, 72, 76, 77, 78, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 185, 187, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 420, 424], $VQ4 = [2, 4, 5, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 185, 187, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 420, 424], $VR4 = [2, 1085], $VS4 = [2, 4, 5, 72, 74, 76, 77, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 185, 187, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 420, 424], $VT4 = [1, 1252], $VU4 = [10, 74, 78, 128, 306, 308, 310, 464, 602, 764], $VV4 = [115, 116, 124], $VW4 = [2, 584], $VX4 = [1, 1280], $VY4 = [76, 139], $VZ4 = [2, 724], $V_4 = [1, 1297], $V$4 = [1, 1298], $V05 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 76, 89, 124, 146, 156, 189, 230, 266, 267, 290, 306, 310, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $V15 = [2, 330], $V25 = [1, 1322], $V35 = [1, 1336], $V45 = [1, 1338], $V55 = [2, 487], $V65 = [74, 78], $V75 = [10, 306, 308, 310, 464, 602, 764], $V85 = [10, 72, 78, 118, 162, 168, 169, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $V95 = [1, 1354], $Va5 = [1, 1358], $Vb5 = [1, 1359], $Vc5 = [1, 1361], $Vd5 = [1, 1362], $Ve5 = [1, 1363], $Vf5 = [1, 1364], $Vg5 = [1, 1365], $Vh5 = [1, 1366], $Vi5 = [1, 1367], $Vj5 = [1, 1368], $Vk5 = [10, 72, 74, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vl5 = [1, 1393], $Vm5 = [10, 72, 78, 118, 162, 168, 169, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vn5 = [10, 72, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vo5 = [1, 1490], $Vp5 = [1, 1492], $Vq5 = [2, 4, 5, 77, 143, 145, 152, 156, 181, 290, 291, 292, 293, 302, 420, 424], $Vr5 = [1, 1506], $Vs5 = [10, 72, 74, 78, 162, 168, 169, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vt5 = [1, 1524], $Vu5 = [1, 1526], $Vv5 = [1, 1527], $Vw5 = [1, 1523], $Vx5 = [1, 1522], $Vy5 = [1, 1521], $Vz5 = [1, 1528], $VA5 = [1, 1518], $VB5 = [1, 1519], $VC5 = [1, 1520], $VD5 = [1, 1545], $VE5 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 89, 124, 146, 156, 189, 266, 267, 290, 306, 310, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VF5 = [1, 1556], $VG5 = [1, 1564], $VH5 = [1, 1563], $VI5 = [10, 72, 78, 162, 168, 169, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VJ5 = [10, 72, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VK5 = [2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VL5 = [1, 1621], $VM5 = [1, 1623], $VN5 = [1, 1620], $VO5 = [1, 1622], $VP5 = [187, 193, 368, 369, 370, 373], $VQ5 = [2, 515], $VR5 = [1, 1628], $VS5 = [1, 1647], $VT5 = [10, 72, 78, 162, 168, 169, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VU5 = [1, 1657], $VV5 = [1, 1658], $VW5 = [1, 1659], $VX5 = [1, 1678], $VY5 = [4, 10, 243, 306, 310, 343, 356, 602, 764], $VZ5 = [1, 1726], $V_5 = [10, 72, 74, 78, 118, 162, 168, 169, 239, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $V$5 = [2, 4, 5, 77], $V06 = [1, 1820], $V16 = [1, 1832], $V26 = [1, 1851], $V36 = [10, 72, 78, 162, 168, 169, 306, 310, 415, 602, 764], $V46 = [10, 74, 78, 230, 306, 310, 602, 764];
+ var parser = { trace: function trace() { },
+ yy: {},
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"CONDITION_NUMBER", 557: "CONNECTION", 558: "CONNECTION_NAME", 559: "CONSTRAINTS", 560: "CONSTRAINT_CATALOG", 561: "CONSTRAINT_NAME", 562: "CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", 563: "CONSTRUCTOR", 564: "CONTROL", 565: "CURSOR_NAME", 566: "DATA", 567: "DATETIME_INTERVAL_CODE", 568: "DATETIME_INTERVAL_PRECISION", 569: "DB", 570: "DEFAULTS", 571: "DEFERRABLE", 572: "DEFERRED", 573: "DEFINED", 574: "DEFINER", 575: "DEGREE", 576: "DEPTH", 577: "DERIVED", 578: "DESC", 579: "DESCRIPTOR", 580: "DIAGNOSTICS", 581: "DISPATCH", 582: "DOCUMENT", 583: "DOMAIN", 584: "DYNAMIC_FUNCTION", 585: "DYNAMIC_FUNCTION_CODE", 586: "EMPTY", 587: "ENCODING", 588: "ENFORCED", 589: "EXCLUDE", 590: "EXCLUDING", 591: "EXPRESSION", 592: "FILE", 593: "FINAL", 594: "FLAG", 595: "FOLLOWING", 596: "FORTRAN", 597: "FOUND", 598: "FS", 599: "G", 600: "GENERAL", 601: "GENERATED", 602: "GO", 603: "GOTO", 604: "GRANTED", 605: "HEX", 606: "HIERARCHY", 607: "ID", 608: "IGNORE", 609: "IMMEDIATE", 610: "IMMEDIATELY", 611: "IMPLEMENTATION", 612: "INCLUDING", 613: "INCREMENT", 614: "INDENT", 615: "INITIALLY", 616: "INPUT", 617: "INSTANCE", 618: "INSTANTIABLE", 619: "INTEGRITY", 620: "INVOKER", 621: "ISOLATION", 622: "K", 623: "KEY_MEMBER", 624: "KEY_TYPE", 625: "LENGTH", 626: "LEVEL", 627: "LIBRARY", 628: "LINK", 629: "LOCATION", 630: "LOCATOR", 631: "M", 632: "MAP", 633: "MAPPING", 634: "MAXVALUE", 635: "MESSAGE_LENGTH", 636: "MESSAGE_OCTET_LENGTH", 637: "MESSAGE_TEXT", 638: "MINVALUE", 639: "MORE", 640: "MUMPS", 641: "NAME", 642: "NAMES", 643: "NAMESPACE", 644: "NESTING", 645: "NEXT", 646: "NFC", 647: "NFD", 648: "NFKC", 649: "NFKD", 650: "NIL", 651: "NORMALIZED", 652: "NULLABLE", 653: "NULLS", 654: "OBJECT", 655: "OCTETS", 656: "OPTIONS", 657: "ORDERING", 658: "ORDINALITY", 659: "OTHERS", 660: "OVERRIDING", 661: "P", 662: "PAD", 663: "PARAMETER_MODE", 664: "PARAMETER_NAME", 665: "PARAMETER_ORDINAL_POSITION", 666: "PARAMETER_SPECIFIC_CATALOG", 667: "PARAMETER_SPECIFIC_NAME", 668: "PARAMETER_SPECIFIC_SCHEMA", 669: "PARTIAL", 670: "PASCAL", 671: "PASSING", 672: "PASSTHROUGH", 673: "PERMISSION", 674: "PLACING", 675: "PLI", 676: "PRECEDING", 677: "PRESERVE", 678: "PRIOR", 679: "PRIVILEGES", 680: "PUBLIC", 681: "RECOVERY", 682: "RELATIVE", 683: "REPEATABLE", 684: "REQUIRING", 685: "RESPECT", 686: "RESTART", 687: "RESTORE", 688: "RESTRICT", 689: "RETURNED_CARDINALITY", 690: "RETURNED_LENGTH", 691: "RETURNED_OCTET_LENGTH", 692: "RETURNED_SQLSTATE", 693: "RETURNING", 694: "ROLE", 695: "ROUTINE", 696: "ROUTINE_CATALOG", 697: "ROUTINE_NAME", 698: "ROUTINE_SCHEMA", 699: "ROW_COUNT", 700: "SCALE", 701: "SCHEMA", 702: "SCHEMA_NAME", 703: "SCOPE_CATALOG", 704: "SCOPE_NAME", 705: "SCOPE_SCHEMA", 706: "SECTION", 707: "SECURITY", 708: "SELECTIVE", 709: "SELF", 710: "SEQUENCE", 711: "SERIALIZABLE", 712: "SERVER", 713: "SERVER_NAME", 714: "SESSION", 715: "SETS", 716: "SIMPLE", 717: "SIZE", 718: "SPACE", 719: "SPECIFIC_NAME", 720: "STANDALONE", 721: "STATE", 722: "STATEMENT", 723: "STRIP", 724: "STRUCTURE", 725: "STYLE", 726: "SUBCLASS_ORIGIN", 727: "T", 728: "TABLE_NAME", 729: "TEMPORARY", 730: "TIES", 731: "TOKEN", 732: "TOP_LEVEL_COUNT", 733: "TRANSACTIONS_COMMITTED", 734: "TRANSACTIONS_ROLLED_BACK", 735: "TRANSACTION_ACTIVE", 736: "TRANSFORM", 737: "TRANSFORMS", 738: "TRIGGER_CATALOG", 739: "TRIGGER_NAME", 740: "TRIGGER_SCHEMA", 741: "TYPE", 742: "UNBOUNDED", 743: "UNCOMMITTED", 744: "UNDER", 745: "UNLINK", 746: "UNNAMED", 747: "UNTYPED", 748: "URI", 749: "USAGE", 750: "USER_DEFINED_TYPE_CATALOG", 751: "USER_DEFINED_TYPE_CODE", 752: "USER_DEFINED_TYPE_NAME", 753: "USER_DEFINED_TYPE_SCHEMA", 754: "VALID", 755: "VERSION", 756: "WHITESPACE", 757: "WORK", 758: "WRAPPER", 759: "WRITE", 760: "XMLDECLARATION", 761: "XMLSCHEMA", 762: "YES", 763: "ZONE", 764: "SEMICOLON", 765: "PERCENT", 766: "ROWS" },
+ productions_: [0, [3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 2], [7, 1], [7, 2], [8, 2], [9, 3], [9, 1], [9, 1], [13, 2], [13, 4], [12, 1], [17, 0], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [17, 1], [47, 3], [73, 3], [73, 1], [75, 5], [40, 10], [40, 4], [92, 8], [92, 11], [102, 4], [104, 2], [104, 1], [103, 3], [103, 1], [105, 1], [105, 3], [106, 3], [109, 3], [109, 1], [110, 1], [110, 2], [114, 1], [114, 1], [117, 1], [117, 5], [117, 5], [117, 1], [117, 2], [117, 1], [117, 2], [117, 2], [117, 3], [117, 4], [117, 4], [117, 4], [117, 4], [117, 4], [117, 1], [117, 1], [117, 1], 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2], [360, 2], [361, 0], [361, 2], [366, 4], [362, 6], [363, 9], [377, 3], [376, 0], [376, 2], [378, 4], [379, 4], [364, 6], [365, 5], [365, 5], [372, 1], [372, 1], [372, 3], [372, 3], [358, 1], [358, 3], [384, 3], [384, 2], [384, 1], [387, 6], [387, 4], [387, 1], [387, 4], [272, 2], [272, 1], [388, 1], [388, 1], [385, 0], [385, 1], [391, 2], [391, 1], [393, 3], [392, 2], [392, 5], [392, 3], [392, 6], [392, 1], [392, 2], [392, 4], [392, 2], [392, 1], [392, 2], [392, 1], [392, 1], [392, 3], [392, 5], [33, 4], [399, 3], [399, 1], [398, 0], [398, 2], [18, 6], [18, 6], [18, 6], [18, 8], [18, 6], [39, 5], [19, 4], [19, 7], [19, 6], [19, 9], [30, 3], [21, 4], [21, 6], [21, 9], [21, 6], [407, 0], [407, 2], [54, 3], [54, 2], [31, 4], [31, 5], [31, 5], [22, 8], [22, 9], [32, 3], [43, 2], [43, 4], [43, 3], [43, 5], [45, 2], [45, 4], [45, 4], [45, 6], [42, 4], [42, 6], [44, 4], [44, 6], [41, 4], [41, 6], [25, 11], [25, 8], [413, 3], [413, 3], [413, 5], [34, 4], [66, 2], [57, 2], [58, 2], [58, 2], 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[501, 2], [502, 0], [502, 2], [503, 0], [503, 2], [512, 0], [512, 1], [513, 0], [513, 1]],
+ performAction: function anonymous(yytext, yyleng, yylineno, yy, yystate /* action[1] */, $$ /* vstack */, _$ /* lstack */) {
+ /* this == yyval */
+ var $0 = $$.length - 1;
+ switch (yystate) {
+ case 1:
+ this.$ = yy.casesensitive ? $$[$0] : $$[$0].toLowerCase();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.$ = doubleq($$[$0].substr(1, $$[$0].length - 2));
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this.$ = $$[$0].toLowerCase();
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ this.$ = $$[$0] ? $$[$0 - 1] + ' ' + $$[$0] : $$[$0 - 1];
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ return new yy.Statements({ statements: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ if ($$[$0])
+ { $$[$0 - 2].push($$[$0]); }
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ case 9:
+ case 70:
+ case 80:
+ case 85:
+ case 143:
+ case 177:
+ case 205:
+ case 206:
+ case 242:
+ case 261:
+ case 273:
+ case 354:
+ case 372:
+ case 451:
+ case 474:
+ case 475:
+ case 479:
+ case 487:
+ case 528:
+ case 529:
+ case 566:
+ case 649:
+ case 659:
+ case 683:
+ case 685:
+ case 687:
+ case 701:
+ case 702:
+ case 732:
+ case 756:
+ this.$ = [$$[$0]];
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ $$[$0].explain = true;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ $$[$0].explain = true;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ // TODO combine exists and queries
+ if (yy.exists)
+ { this.$.exists = yy.exists; }
+ delete yy.exists;
+ if (yy.queries)
+ { this.$.queries = yy.queries; }
+ delete yy.queries;
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ case 162:
+ case 172:
+ case 237:
+ case 238:
+ case 240:
+ case 248:
+ case 250:
+ case 259:
+ case 267:
+ case 270:
+ case 375:
+ case 491:
+ case 501:
+ case 503:
+ case 515:
+ case 521:
+ case 522:
+ case 567:
+ this.$ = undefined;
+ break;
+ case 68:
+ this.$ = new yy.WithSelect({ withs: $$[$0 - 1], select: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 69:
+ case 565:
+ $$[$0 - 2].push($$[$0]);
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ break;
+ case 71:
+ this.$ = { name: $$[$0 - 4], select: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 72:
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 9]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 8]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 7]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 6]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 5]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 4]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 3]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 9];
+ /* if(yy.exists) this.$.exists = yy.exists;
+ delete yy.exists;
+ if(yy.queries) this.$.queries = yy.queries;
+ delete yy.queries;
+ */
+ break;
+ case 73:
+ this.$ = new yy.Search({ selectors: $$[$0 - 2], from: $$[$0] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 74:
+ this.$ = { pivot: { expr: $$[$0 - 5], columnid: $$[$0 - 3], inlist: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] } };
+ break;
+ case 75:
+ this.$ = { unpivot: { tocolumnid: $$[$0 - 8], forcolumnid: $$[$0 - 6], inlist: $$[$0 - 3], as: $$[$0] } };
+ break;
+ case 76:
+ case 520:
+ case 549:
+ case 585:
+ case 619:
+ case 636:
+ case 637:
+ case 640:
+ case 662:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ break;
+ case 77:
+ case 78:
+ case 86:
+ case 147:
+ case 185:
+ case 247:
+ case 280:
+ case 288:
+ case 289:
+ case 290:
+ case 291:
+ case 292:
+ case 293:
+ case 294:
+ case 295:
+ case 296:
+ case 297:
+ case 298:
+ case 299:
+ case 300:
+ case 301:
+ case 304:
+ case 305:
+ case 320:
+ case 321:
+ case 322:
+ case 323:
+ case 324:
+ case 325:
+ case 374:
+ case 440:
+ case 441:
+ case 442:
+ case 443:
+ case 444:
+ case 445:
+ case 516:
+ case 542:
+ case 546:
+ case 548:
+ case 623:
+ case 624:
+ case 625:
+ case 626:
+ case 627:
+ case 628:
+ case 632:
+ case 634:
+ case 635:
+ case 644:
+ case 660:
+ case 661:
+ case 723:
+ case 738:
+ case 739:
+ case 741:
+ case 742:
+ case 748:
+ case 749:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 79:
+ case 84:
+ case 731:
+ case 755:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ this.$.push($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 81:
+ this.$ = { expr: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 82:
+ this.$ = { expr: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 83:
+ this.$ = { removecolumns: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 87:
+ this.$ = { like: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 90:
+ case 104:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "PROP", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 91:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "ORDERBY", args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 92:
+ var dir = $$[$0 - 1];
+ if (!dir)
+ { dir = 'ASC'; }
+ this.$ = { srchid: "ORDERBY", args: [{ expression: new yy.Column({ columnid: '_' }), direction: dir }] };
+ break;
+ case 93:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "PARENT" };
+ break;
+ case 94:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "APROP", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 95:
+ this.$ = { selid: "ROOT" };
+ break;
+ case 96:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "EQ", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 97:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "LIKE", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 98:
+ case 99:
+ this.$ = { selid: "WITH", args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 100:
+ this.$ = { srchid: $$[$0 - 3].toUpperCase(), args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 101:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "WHERE", args: [$$[$0 - 1]] };
+ break;
+ case 102:
+ this.$ = { selid: "OF", args: [$$[$0 - 1]] };
+ break;
+ case 103:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "CLASS", args: [$$[$0 - 1]] };
+ break;
+ case 105:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "NAME", args: [$$[$0].substr(1, $$[$0].length - 2)] };
+ break;
+ case 106:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "CHILD" };
+ break;
+ case 107:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "VERTEX" };
+ break;
+ case 108:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "EDGE" };
+ break;
+ case 109:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "REF" };
+ break;
+ case 110:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "SHARP", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 111:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "ATTR", args: ((typeof $$[$0] == 'undefined') ? undefined : [$$[$0]]) };
+ break;
+ case 112:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "ATTR" };
+ break;
+ case 113:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "OUT" };
+ break;
+ case 114:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "IN" };
+ break;
+ case 115:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "OUTOUT" };
+ break;
+ case 116:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "ININ" };
+ break;
+ case 117:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "CONTENT" };
+ break;
+ case 118:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "EX", args: [new yy.Json({ value: $$[$0] })] };
+ break;
+ case 119:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "AT", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 120:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "AS", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 121:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "SET", args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 122:
+ this.$ = { selid: "TO", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 123:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "VALUE" };
+ break;
+ case 124:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "ROW", args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 125:
+ this.$ = { srchid: "CLASS", args: [$$[$0]] };
+ break;
+ case 126:
+ this.$ = { selid: $$[$0], args: [$$[$0 - 1]] };
+ break;
+ case 127:
+ this.$ = { selid: "NOT", args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 128:
+ this.$ = { selid: "IF", args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 129:
+ this.$ = { selid: $$[$0 - 3], args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 130:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'DISTINCT', args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 131:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'UNION', args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 132:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'UNIONALL', args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 133:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'ALL', args: [$$[$0 - 1]] };
+ break;
+ case 134:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'ANY', args: [$$[$0 - 1]] };
+ break;
+ case 135:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'INTERSECT', args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 136:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'EXCEPT', args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 137:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'AND', args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 138:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'OR', args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 139:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'PATH', args: [$$[$0 - 1]] };
+ break;
+ case 140:
+ this.$ = { srchid: 'RETURN', args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 141:
+ this.$ = { selid: 'REPEAT', sels: $$[$0 - 3], args: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 142:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ this.$.push($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 144:
+ this.$ = "PLUS";
+ break;
+ case 145:
+ this.$ = "STAR";
+ break;
+ case 146:
+ this.$ = "QUESTION";
+ break;
+ case 148:
+ this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns: $$[$0], distinct: true });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 3]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 149:
+ this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns: $$[$0], distinct: true });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 3]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 150:
+ this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns: $$[$0], all: true });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 3]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 151:
+ if (!$$[$0]) {
+ this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns: [new yy.Column({ columnid: '_', })], modifier: 'COLUMN' });
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns: $$[$0] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 152:
+ if ($$[$0] == 'SELECT')
+ { this.$ = undefined; }
+ else
+ { this.$ = { modifier: $$[$0] }; }
+ break;
+ case 153:
+ this.$ = { modifier: 'VALUE' };
+ break;
+ case 154:
+ this.$ = { modifier: 'ROW' };
+ break;
+ case 155:
+ this.$ = { modifier: 'COLUMN' };
+ break;
+ case 156:
+ this.$ = { modifier: 'MATRIX' };
+ break;
+ case 157:
+ this.$ = { modifier: 'TEXTSTRING' };
+ break;
+ case 158:
+ this.$ = { modifier: 'INDEX' };
+ break;
+ case 159:
+ this.$ = { modifier: 'RECORDSET' };
+ break;
+ case 160:
+ this.$ = { top: $$[$0 - 1], percent: (typeof $$[$0] != 'undefined' ? true : undefined) };
+ break;
+ case 161:
+ this.$ = { top: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 163:
+ case 330:
+ case 523:
+ case 524:
+ case 724:
+ this.$ = undefined;
+ break;
+ case 164:
+ case 165:
+ case 166:
+ case 167:
+ this.$ = { into: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 168:
+ var s = $$[$0];
+ s = s.substr(1, s.length - 2);
+ var x3 = s.substr(-3).toUpperCase();
+ var x4 = s.substr(-4).toUpperCase();
+ if (s[0] == '#') {
+ this.$ = { into: new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'HTML', args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: s }), new yy.Json({ value: { headers: true } })] }) };
+ }
+ else if (x3 == 'XLS' || x3 == 'CSV' || x3 == 'TAB') {
+ this.$ = { into: new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: x3, args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: s }), new yy.Json({ value: { headers: true } })] }) };
+ }
+ else if (x4 == 'XLSX' || x4 == 'JSON') {
+ this.$ = { into: new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: x4, args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: s }), new yy.Json({ value: { headers: true } })] }) };
+ }
+ break;
+ case 169:
+ this.$ = { from: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 170:
+ this.$ = { from: $$[$0 - 1], joins: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 171:
+ this.$ = { from: $$[$0 - 2], joins: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 173:
+ this.$ = new yy.Apply({ select: $$[$0 - 2], applymode: 'CROSS', as: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 174:
+ this.$ = new yy.Apply({ select: $$[$0 - 3], applymode: 'CROSS', as: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 175:
+ this.$ = new yy.Apply({ select: $$[$0 - 2], applymode: 'OUTER', as: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 176:
+ this.$ = new yy.Apply({ select: $$[$0 - 3], applymode: 'OUTER', as: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 178:
+ case 243:
+ case 452:
+ case 530:
+ case 531:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ $$[$0 - 2].push($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 179:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ this.$.as = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 180:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 3];
+ this.$.as = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 181:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ this.$.as = 'default';
+ break;
+ case 182:
+ this.$ = new yy.Json({ value: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ $$[$0 - 2].as = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 183:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ $$[$0 - 1].as = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 184:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ $$[$0 - 2].as = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 186:
+ case 638:
+ case 641:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ break;
+ case 187:
+ case 191:
+ case 195:
+ case 198:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ $$[$0 - 1].as = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 188:
+ case 192:
+ case 196:
+ case 199:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ $$[$0 - 2].as = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 189:
+ case 190:
+ case 194:
+ case 197:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ $$[$0].as = 'default';
+ break;
+ case 193:
+ this.$ = { inserted: true };
+ $$[$0].as = 'default';
+ break;
+ case 200:
+ var s = $$[$0];
+ s = s.substr(1, s.length - 2);
+ var x3 = s.substr(-3).toUpperCase();
+ var x4 = s.substr(-4).toUpperCase();
+ var r;
+ if (s[0] == '#') {
+ r = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'HTML', args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: s }), new yy.Json({ value: { headers: true } })] });
+ }
+ else if (x3 == 'XLS' || x3 == 'CSV' || x3 == 'TAB') {
+ r = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: x3, args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: s }), new yy.Json({ value: { headers: true } })] });
+ }
+ else if (x4 == 'XLSX' || x4 == 'JSON') {
+ r = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: x4, args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: s }), new yy.Json({ value: { headers: true } })] });
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('Unknown string in FROM clause');
+ }
+ this.$ = r;
+ break;
+ case 201:
+ if ($$[$0 - 2] == 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA') {
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: $$[$0 - 2], args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: $$[$0] })] });
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$ = new yy.Table({ databaseid: $$[$0 - 2], tableid: $$[$0] });
+ }
+ break;
+ case 202:
+ this.$ = new yy.Table({ tableid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 203:
+ case 204:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ $$[$0 - 1].push($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 207:
+ this.$ = new yy.Join($$[$0 - 2]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 208:
+ this.$ = { table: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 209:
+ this.$ = { table: $$[$0 - 1], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 210:
+ this.$ = { table: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 211:
+ this.$ = { json: new yy.Json({ value: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] }) };
+ break;
+ case 212:
+ this.$ = { param: $$[$0 - 1], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 213:
+ this.$ = { param: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 214:
+ this.$ = { select: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 215:
+ this.$ = { select: $$[$0 - 3], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 216:
+ this.$ = { funcid: $$[$0], as: 'default' };
+ break;
+ case 217:
+ this.$ = { funcid: $$[$0 - 1], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 218:
+ this.$ = { funcid: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 219:
+ this.$ = { variable: $$[$0], as: 'default' };
+ break;
+ case 220:
+ this.$ = { variable: $$[$0 - 1], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 221:
+ this.$ = { variable: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 222:
+ this.$ = { joinmode: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 223:
+ this.$ = { joinmode: $$[$0 - 1], natural: true };
+ break;
+ case 224:
+ case 225:
+ this.$ = "INNER";
+ break;
+ case 226:
+ case 227:
+ this.$ = "LEFT";
+ break;
+ case 228:
+ case 229:
+ this.$ = "RIGHT";
+ break;
+ case 230:
+ case 231:
+ this.$ = "OUTER";
+ break;
+ case 232:
+ this.$ = "SEMI";
+ break;
+ case 233:
+ this.$ = "ANTI";
+ break;
+ case 234:
+ this.$ = "CROSS";
+ break;
+ case 235:
+ this.$ = { on: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 236:
+ case 697:
+ this.$ = { using: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 239:
+ this.$ = { where: new yy.Expression({ expression: $$[$0] }) };
+ break;
+ case 241:
+ this.$ = { group: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 244:
+ this.$ = new yy.GroupExpression({ type: 'GROUPING SETS', group: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 245:
+ this.$ = new yy.GroupExpression({ type: 'ROLLUP', group: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 246:
+ this.$ = new yy.GroupExpression({ type: 'CUBE', group: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 249:
+ this.$ = { having: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 251:
+ this.$ = { union: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 252:
+ this.$ = { unionall: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 253:
+ this.$ = { except: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 254:
+ this.$ = { intersect: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 255:
+ this.$ = { union: $$[$0], corresponding: true };
+ break;
+ case 256:
+ this.$ = { unionall: $$[$0], corresponding: true };
+ break;
+ case 257:
+ this.$ = { except: $$[$0], corresponding: true };
+ break;
+ case 258:
+ this.$ = { intersect: $$[$0], corresponding: true };
+ break;
+ case 260:
+ this.$ = { order: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 262:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ $$[$0 - 2].push($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 263:
+ this.$ = new yy.Expression({ expression: $$[$0], direction: 'ASC' });
+ break;
+ case 264:
+ this.$ = new yy.Expression({ expression: $$[$0 - 1], direction: $$[$0].toUpperCase() });
+ break;
+ case 265:
+ this.$ = new yy.Expression({ expression: $$[$0 - 2], direction: 'ASC', nocase: true });
+ break;
+ case 266:
+ this.$ = new yy.Expression({ expression: $$[$0 - 3], direction: $$[$0].toUpperCase(), nocase: true });
+ break;
+ case 268:
+ this.$ = { limit: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 269:
+ this.$ = { limit: $$[$0 - 2], offset: $$[$0 - 6] };
+ break;
+ case 271:
+ this.$ = { offset: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 272:
+ case 509:
+ case 533:
+ case 648:
+ case 658:
+ case 682:
+ case 684:
+ case 688:
+ $$[$0 - 2].push($$[$0]);
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ break;
+ case 274:
+ case 276:
+ case 278:
+ $$[$0 - 2].as = $$[$0];
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ break;
+ case 275:
+ case 277:
+ case 279:
+ $$[$0 - 1].as = $$[$0];
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ break;
+ case 281:
+ this.$ = new yy.Column({ columid: $$[$0], tableid: $$[$0 - 2], databaseid: $$[$0 - 4] });
+ break;
+ case 282:
+ this.$ = new yy.Column({ columnid: $$[$0], tableid: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ break;
+ case 283:
+ this.$ = new yy.Column({ columnid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 284:
+ this.$ = new yy.Column({ columnid: $$[$0], tableid: $$[$0 - 2], databaseid: $$[$0 - 4] });
+ break;
+ case 285:
+ case 286:
+ this.$ = new yy.Column({ columnid: $$[$0], tableid: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ break;
+ case 287:
+ this.$ = new yy.Column({ columnid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 302:
+ this.$ = new yy.DomainValueValue();
+ break;
+ case 303:
+ this.$ = new yy.Json({ value: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 306:
+ case 307:
+ case 308:
+ if (!yy.queries)
+ { yy.queries = []; }
+ yy.queries.push($$[$0 - 1]);
+ $$[$0 - 1].queriesidx = yy.queries.length;
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ break;
+ case 309:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 310:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' });
+ break;
+ case 311:
+ this.$ = new yy.JavaScript({ value: $$[$0].substr(2, $$[$0].length - 4) });
+ break;
+ case 312:
+ this.$ = new yy.JavaScript({ value: 'alasql.fn["' + $$[$0 - 2] + '"] = ' + $$[$0].substr(2, $$[$0].length - 4) });
+ break;
+ case 313:
+ this.$ = new yy.JavaScript({ value: 'alasql.aggr["' + $$[$0 - 2] + '"] = ' + $$[$0].substr(2, $$[$0].length - 4) });
+ break;
+ case 314:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: $$[$0], newid: true });
+ break;
+ case 315:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ yy.extend(this.$, { newid: true });
+ break;
+ case 316:
+ this.$ = new yy.Convert({ expression: $$[$0 - 3] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 317:
+ this.$ = new yy.Convert({ expression: $$[$0 - 5], style: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 3]);
+ break;
+ case 318:
+ this.$ = new yy.Convert({ expression: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 3]);
+ break;
+ case 319:
+ this.$ = new yy.Convert({ expression: $$[$0 - 3], style: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 5]);
+ break;
+ case 326:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' });
+ break;
+ case 327:
+ if ($$[$0 - 2].length > 1 && ($$[$0 - 4].toUpperCase() == 'MAX' || $$[$0 - 4].toUpperCase() == 'MIN')) {
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: $$[$0 - 4], args: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({ aggregatorid: $$[$0 - 4].toUpperCase(), expression: $$[$0 - 2].pop(), over: $$[$0] });
+ }
+ break;
+ case 328:
+ this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({ aggregatorid: $$[$0 - 5].toUpperCase(), expression: $$[$0 - 2], distinct: true, over: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 329:
+ this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({ aggregatorid: $$[$0 - 5].toUpperCase(), expression: $$[$0 - 2],
+ over: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 331:
+ case 332:
+ this.$ = new yy.Over();
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 333:
+ this.$ = new yy.Over();
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 334:
+ this.$ = { partition: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 335:
+ this.$ = { order: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 336:
+ this.$ = "SUM";
+ break;
+ case 337:
+ this.$ = "COUNT";
+ break;
+ case 338:
+ this.$ = "MIN";
+ break;
+ case 339:
+ case 544:
+ this.$ = "MAX";
+ break;
+ case 340:
+ this.$ = "AVG";
+ break;
+ case 341:
+ this.$ = "FIRST";
+ break;
+ case 342:
+ this.$ = "LAST";
+ break;
+ case 343:
+ this.$ = "AGGR";
+ break;
+ case 344:
+ this.$ = "ARRAY";
+ break;
+ case 345:
+ var funcid = $$[$0 - 4];
+ var exprlist = $$[$0 - 1];
+ if (exprlist.length > 1 && (funcid.toUpperCase() == 'MIN' || funcid.toUpperCase() == 'MAX')) {
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: funcid, args: exprlist });
+ }
+ else if (yy.isInAggr($$[$0 - 4])) {
+ this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({ aggregatorid: 'REDUCE',
+ funcid: funcid, expression: exprlist.pop(), distinct: ($$[$0 - 2] == 'DISTINCT') });
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: funcid, args: exprlist });
+ }
+ break;
+ case 346:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ break;
+ case 347:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'IIF', args: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 348:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'REPLACE', args: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 349:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'DATEADD', args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: $$[$0 - 5] }), $$[$0 - 3], $$[$0 - 1]] });
+ break;
+ case 350:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'DATEADD', args: [$$[$0 - 5], $$[$0 - 3], $$[$0 - 1]] });
+ break;
+ case 351:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'DATEDIFF', args: [new yy.StringValue({ value: $$[$0 - 5] }), $$[$0 - 3], $$[$0 - 1]] });
+ break;
+ case 352:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'DATEDIFF', args: [$$[$0 - 5], $$[$0 - 3], $$[$0 - 1]] });
+ break;
+ case 353:
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'INTERVAL', args: [$$[$0 - 1], new yy.StringValue({ value: ($$[$0]).toLowerCase() })] });
+ break;
+ case 355:
+ $$[$0 - 2].push($$[$0]);
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ break;
+ case 356:
+ this.$ = new yy.NumValue({ value: +$$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 357:
+ this.$ = new yy.LogicValue({ value: true });
+ break;
+ case 358:
+ this.$ = new yy.LogicValue({ value: false });
+ break;
+ case 359:
+ this.$ = new yy.StringValue({ value: $$[$0].substr(1, $$[$0].length - 2).replace(/(\\\')/g, "'").replace(/(\'\')/g, "'") });
+ break;
+ case 360:
+ this.$ = new yy.StringValue({ value: $$[$0].substr(2, $$[$0].length - 3).replace(/(\\\')/g, "'").replace(/(\'\')/g, "'") });
+ break;
+ case 361:
+ this.$ = new yy.NullValue({ value: undefined });
+ break;
+ case 362:
+ this.$ = new yy.VarValue({ variable: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 363:
+ if (!yy.exists)
+ { yy.exists = []; }
+ this.$ = new yy.ExistsValue({ value: $$[$0 - 1], existsidx: yy.exists.length });
+ yy.exists.push($$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 364:
+ this.$ = new yy.ArrayValue({ value: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 365:
+ case 366:
+ this.$ = new yy.ParamValue({ param: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 367:
+ if (typeof yy.question == 'undefined')
+ { yy.question = 0; }
+ this.$ = new yy.ParamValue({ param: yy.question++ });
+ break;
+ case 368:
+ if (typeof yy.question == 'undefined')
+ { yy.question = 0; }
+ this.$ = new yy.ParamValue({ param: yy.question++, array: true });
+ break;
+ case 369:
+ this.$ = new yy.CaseValue({ expression: $$[$0 - 3], whens: $$[$0 - 2], elses: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 370:
+ this.$ = new yy.CaseValue({ whens: $$[$0 - 2], elses: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 371:
+ case 699:
+ case 700:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ this.$.push($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 373:
+ this.$ = { when: $$[$0 - 2], then: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 376:
+ case 377:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'REGEXP', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 378:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'GLOB', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 379:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'LIKE', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 380:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 4], op: 'LIKE', right: $$[$0 - 2], escape: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 381:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'NOT LIKE', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 382:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 4], op: 'NOT LIKE', right: $$[$0 - 2], escape: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 383:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '||', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 384:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '+', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 385:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '-', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 386:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '*', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 387:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '/', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 388:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '%', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 389:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '^', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 390:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '>>', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 391:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '<<', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 392:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '&', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 393:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '|', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 394:
+ case 395:
+ case 397:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '->', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 396:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 4], op: '->', right: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 398:
+ case 399:
+ case 401:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '!', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 400:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 4], op: '!', right: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 402:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '>', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 403:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '>=', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 404:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '<', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 405:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '<=', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 406:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '=', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 407:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '==', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 408:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '===', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 409:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '!=', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 410:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '!==', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 411:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: '!===', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 412:
+ if (!yy.queries)
+ { yy.queries = []; }
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 5], op: $$[$0 - 4], allsome: $$[$0 - 3], right: $$[$0 - 1], queriesidx: yy.queries.length });
+ yy.queries.push($$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 413:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 5], op: $$[$0 - 4], allsome: $$[$0 - 3], right: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 414:
+ if ($$[$0 - 2].op == 'BETWEEN1') {
+ if ($$[$0 - 2].left.op == 'AND') {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2].left.left, op: 'AND', right: new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2].left.right, op: 'BETWEEN',
+ right1: $$[$0 - 2].right, right2: $$[$0] })
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2].left, op: 'BETWEEN',
+ right1: $$[$0 - 2].right, right2: $$[$0] });
+ }
+ }
+ else if ($$[$0 - 2].op == 'NOT BETWEEN1') {
+ if ($$[$0 - 2].left.op == 'AND') {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2].left.left, op: 'AND', right: new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2].left.right, op: 'NOT BETWEEN',
+ right1: $$[$0 - 2].right, right2: $$[$0] })
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2].left, op: 'NOT BETWEEN',
+ right1: $$[$0 - 2].right, right2: $$[$0] });
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'AND', right: $$[$0] });
+ }
+ break;
+ case 415:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'OR', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 416:
+ this.$ = new yy.UniOp({ op: 'NOT', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 417:
+ this.$ = new yy.UniOp({ op: '-', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 418:
+ this.$ = new yy.UniOp({ op: '+', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 419:
+ this.$ = new yy.UniOp({ op: '~', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 420:
+ this.$ = new yy.UniOp({ op: '#', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 421:
+ this.$ = new yy.UniOp({ right: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 422:
+ if (!yy.queries)
+ { yy.queries = []; }
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 4], op: 'IN', right: $$[$0 - 1], queriesidx: yy.queries.length });
+ yy.queries.push($$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 423:
+ if (!yy.queries)
+ { yy.queries = []; }
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 5], op: 'NOT IN', right: $$[$0 - 1], queriesidx: yy.queries.length });
+ yy.queries.push($$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 424:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 4], op: 'IN', right: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 425:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 5], op: 'NOT IN', right: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 426:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 3], op: 'IN', right: [] });
+ break;
+ case 427:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 4], op: 'NOT IN', right: [] });
+ break;
+ case 428:
+ case 430:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'IN', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 429:
+ case 431:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 3], op: 'NOT IN', right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 432:
+ /* var expr = $$[$0];
+ if(expr.left && expr.left.op == 'AND') {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({left:new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'BETWEEN', right:expr.left}), op:'AND', right:expr.right });
+ } else {
+ */
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'BETWEEN1', right: $$[$0] });
+ // }
+ break;
+ case 433:
+ // var expr = $$[$0];
+ // if(expr.left && expr.left.op == 'AND') {
+ // this.$ = new yy.Op({left:new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'NOT BETWEEN', right:expr.left}), op:'AND', right:expr.right });
+ // } else {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ left: $$[$0 - 2], op: 'NOT BETWEEN1', right: $$[$0] });
+ // }
+ break;
+ case 434:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({ op: 'IS', left: $$[$0 - 2], right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 435:
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({
+ op: 'IS',
+ left: $$[$0 - 2],
+ right: new yy.UniOp({
+ op: 'NOT',
+ right: new yy.NullValue({ value: undefined })
+ })
+ });
+ break;
+ case 436:
+ this.$ = new yy.Convert({ expression: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 437:
+ case 438:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 439:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ break;
+ case 446:
+ this.$ = 'ALL';
+ break;
+ case 447:
+ this.$ = 'SOME';
+ break;
+ case 448:
+ this.$ = 'ANY';
+ break;
+ case 449:
+ this.$ = new yy.Update({ table: $$[$0 - 4], columns: $$[$0 - 2], where: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 450:
+ this.$ = new yy.Update({ table: $$[$0 - 2], columns: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 453:
+ this.$ = new yy.SetColumn({ column: $$[$0 - 2], expression: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 454:
+ this.$ = new yy.SetColumn({ variable: $$[$0 - 2], expression: $$[$0], method: $$[$0 - 3] });
+ break;
+ case 455:
+ this.$ = new yy.Delete({ table: $$[$0 - 2], where: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 456:
+ this.$ = new yy.Delete({ table: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 457:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 2], values: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 458:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 1], values: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 459:
+ case 461:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 2], values: $$[$0], orreplace: true });
+ break;
+ case 460:
+ case 462:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 1], values: $$[$0], orreplace: true });
+ break;
+ case 463:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 2], "default": true });
+ break;
+ case 464:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 5], columns: $$[$0 - 3], values: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 465:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 4], columns: $$[$0 - 2], values: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 466:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 1], select: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 467:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 1], select: $$[$0], orreplace: true });
+ break;
+ case 468:
+ this.$ = new yy.Insert({ into: $$[$0 - 4], columns: $$[$0 - 2], select: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 473:
+ this.$ = [$$[$0 - 1]];
+ break;
+ case 476:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 4];
+ $$[$0 - 4].push($$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 477:
+ case 478:
+ case 480:
+ case 488:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ $$[$0 - 2].push($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 489:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({ table: $$[$0 - 4] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 7]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 6]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 5]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 490:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({ table: $$[$0] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 3]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 492:
+ this.$ = { class: true };
+ break;
+ case 502:
+ this.$ = { temporary: true };
+ break;
+ case 504:
+ this.$ = { ifnotexists: true };
+ break;
+ case 505:
+ this.$ = { columns: $$[$0 - 2], constraints: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 506:
+ this.$ = { columns: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 507:
+ this.$ = { as: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 508:
+ case 532:
+ this.$ = [$$[$0]];
+ break;
+ case 510:
+ case 511:
+ case 512:
+ case 513:
+ case 514:
+ $$[$0].constraintid = $$[$0 - 1];
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 517:
+ this.$ = { type: 'CHECK', expression: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 518:
+ this.$ = { type: 'PRIMARY KEY', columns: $$[$0 - 1], clustered: ($$[$0 - 3] + '').toUpperCase() };
+ break;
+ case 519:
+ this.$ = { type: 'FOREIGN KEY', columns: $$[$0 - 5], fktable: $$[$0 - 2], fkcolumns: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 525:
+ this.$ = { type: 'UNIQUE', columns: $$[$0 - 1], clustered: ($$[$0 - 3] + '').toUpperCase() };
+ break;
+ case 534:
+ this.$ = new yy.ColumnDef({ columnid: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 535:
+ this.$ = new yy.ColumnDef({ columnid: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 536:
+ this.$ = new yy.ColumnDef({ columnid: $$[$0], dbtypeid: '' });
+ break;
+ case 537:
+ this.$ = { dbtypeid: $$[$0 - 5], dbsize: $$[$0 - 3], dbprecision: +$$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 538:
+ this.$ = { dbtypeid: $$[$0 - 3], dbsize: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 539:
+ this.$ = { dbtypeid: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 540:
+ this.$ = { dbtypeid: 'ENUM', enumvalues: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 541:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ $$[$0 - 1].dbtypeid += '[' + $$[$0] + ']';
+ break;
+ case 543:
+ case 750:
+ this.$ = +$$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 545:
+ this.$ = undefined;
+ break;
+ case 547:
+ yy.extend($$[$0 - 1], $$[$0]);
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ break;
+ case 550:
+ this.$ = { primarykey: true };
+ break;
+ case 551:
+ case 552:
+ this.$ = { foreignkey: { table: $$[$0 - 1], columnid: $$[$0] } };
+ break;
+ case 553:
+ this.$ = { identity: { value: $$[$0 - 3], step: $$[$0 - 1] } };
+ break;
+ case 554:
+ this.$ = { identity: { value: 1, step: 1 } };
+ break;
+ case 555:
+ case 557:
+ this.$ = { "default": $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 556:
+ this.$ = { "default": $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 558:
+ this.$ = { null: true };
+ break;
+ case 559:
+ this.$ = { notnull: true };
+ break;
+ case 560:
+ this.$ = { check: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 561:
+ this.$ = { unique: true };
+ break;
+ case 562:
+ this.$ = { "onupdate": $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 563:
+ this.$ = { "onupdate": $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 564:
+ this.$ = new yy.DropTable({ tables: $$[$0], type: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 568:
+ this.$ = { ifexists: true };
+ break;
+ case 569:
+ this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({ table: $$[$0 - 3], renameto: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 570:
+ this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({ table: $$[$0 - 3], addcolumn: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 571:
+ this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({ table: $$[$0 - 3], modifycolumn: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 572:
+ this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({ table: $$[$0 - 5], renamecolumn: $$[$0 - 2], to: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 573:
+ this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({ table: $$[$0 - 3], dropcolumn: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 574:
+ this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({ table: $$[$0 - 2], renameto: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 575:
+ this.$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0], engineid: $$[$0 - 2].toUpperCase() });
+ break;
+ case 576:
+ this.$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0 - 3], engineid: $$[$0 - 5].toUpperCase(), args: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 577:
+ this.$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0 - 2], engineid: $$[$0 - 4].toUpperCase(), as: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 578:
+ this.$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0 - 5], engineid: $$[$0 - 7].toUpperCase(), as: $$[$0], args: $$[$0 - 3] });
+ break;
+ case 579:
+ this.$ = new yy.DetachDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 580:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 581:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({ engineid: $$[$0 - 4].toUpperCase(), databaseid: $$[$0 - 1], as: $$[$0] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ break;
+ case 582:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({ engineid: $$[$0 - 7].toUpperCase(), databaseid: $$[$0 - 4], args: $$[$0 - 2], as: $$[$0] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 5]);
+ break;
+ case 583:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({ engineid: $$[$0 - 4].toUpperCase(),
+ as: $$[$0], args: [$$[$0 - 1]] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ break;
+ case 584:
+ this.$ = undefined;
+ break;
+ case 586:
+ case 587:
+ this.$ = new yy.UseDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 588:
+ this.$ = new yy.DropDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 589:
+ case 590:
+ this.$ = new yy.DropDatabase({ databaseid: $$[$0], engineid: $$[$0 - 3].toUpperCase() });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 591:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateIndex({ indexid: $$[$0 - 5], table: $$[$0 - 3], columns: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 592:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateIndex({ indexid: $$[$0 - 5], table: $$[$0 - 3], columns: $$[$0 - 1], unique: true });
+ break;
+ case 593:
+ this.$ = new yy.DropIndex({ indexid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 594:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowDatabases();
+ break;
+ case 595:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowDatabases({ like: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 596:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowDatabases({ engineid: $$[$0 - 1].toUpperCase() });
+ break;
+ case 597:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowDatabases({ engineid: $$[$0 - 3].toUpperCase(), like: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 598:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowTables();
+ break;
+ case 599:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowTables({ like: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 600:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowTables({ databaseid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 601:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowTables({ like: $$[$0], databaseid: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ break;
+ case 602:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowColumns({ table: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 603:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowColumns({ table: $$[$0 - 2], databaseid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 604:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowIndex({ table: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 605:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowIndex({ table: $$[$0 - 2], databaseid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 606:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowCreateTable({ table: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 607:
+ this.$ = new yy.ShowCreateTable({ table: $$[$0 - 2], databaseid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 608:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({ table: $$[$0 - 6], view: true, select: $$[$0 - 1], viewcolumns: $$[$0 - 4] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 9]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 7]);
+ break;
+ case 609:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({ table: $$[$0 - 3], view: true, select: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 6]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 4]);
+ break;
+ case 613:
+ this.$ = new yy.DropTable({ tables: $$[$0], view: true });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 614:
+ case 760:
+ this.$ = new yy.ExpressionStatement({ expression: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 615:
+ this.$ = new yy.Source({ url: $$[$0].value });
+ break;
+ case 616:
+ this.$ = new yy.Assert({ value: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 617:
+ this.$ = new yy.Assert({ value: $$[$0].value });
+ break;
+ case 618:
+ this.$ = new yy.Assert({ value: $$[$0], message: $$[$0 - 2] });
+ break;
+ case 620:
+ case 631:
+ case 633:
+ this.$ = $$[$0].value;
+ break;
+ case 621:
+ case 629:
+ this.$ = +$$[$0].value;
+ break;
+ case 622:
+ this.$ = (!!$$[$0].value);
+ break;
+ case 630:
+ this.$ = "" + $$[$0].value;
+ break;
+ case 639:
+ this.$ = {};
+ break;
+ case 642:
+ this.$ = [];
+ break;
+ case 643:
+ yy.extend($$[$0 - 2], $$[$0]);
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ break;
+ case 645:
+ this.$ = {};
+ this.$[$$[$0 - 2].substr(1, $$[$0 - 2].length - 2)] = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 646:
+ case 647:
+ this.$ = {};
+ this.$[$$[$0 - 2]] = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 650:
+ this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({ variable: $$[$0 - 2].toLowerCase(), value: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 651:
+ this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({ variable: $$[$0 - 1].toLowerCase(), value: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 652:
+ this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({ variable: $$[$0 - 2], expression: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 653:
+ this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({ variable: $$[$0 - 3], props: $$[$0 - 2], expression: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 654:
+ this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({ variable: $$[$0 - 2], expression: $$[$0], method: $$[$0 - 3] });
+ break;
+ case 655:
+ this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({ variable: $$[$0 - 3], props: $$[$0 - 2], expression: $$[$0], method: $$[$0 - 4] });
+ break;
+ case 656:
+ this.$ = '@';
+ break;
+ case 657:
+ this.$ = '$';
+ break;
+ case 663:
+ this.$ = true;
+ break;
+ case 664:
+ this.$ = false;
+ break;
+ case 665:
+ this.$ = new yy.CommitTransaction();
+ break;
+ case 666:
+ this.$ = new yy.RollbackTransaction();
+ break;
+ case 667:
+ this.$ = new yy.BeginTransaction();
+ break;
+ case 668:
+ this.$ = new yy.If({ expression: $$[$0 - 2], thenstat: $$[$0 - 1], elsestat: $$[$0] });
+ if ($$[$0 - 1].exists)
+ { this.$.exists = $$[$0 - 1].exists; }
+ if ($$[$0 - 1].queries)
+ { this.$.queries = $$[$0 - 1].queries; }
+ break;
+ case 669:
+ this.$ = new yy.If({ expression: $$[$0 - 1], thenstat: $$[$0] });
+ if ($$[$0].exists)
+ { this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists; }
+ if ($$[$0].queries)
+ { this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries; }
+ break;
+ case 670:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 671:
+ this.$ = new yy.While({ expression: $$[$0 - 1], loopstat: $$[$0] });
+ if ($$[$0].exists)
+ { this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists; }
+ if ($$[$0].queries)
+ { this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries; }
+ break;
+ case 672:
+ this.$ = new yy.Continue();
+ break;
+ case 673:
+ this.$ = new yy.Break();
+ break;
+ case 674:
+ this.$ = new yy.BeginEnd({ statements: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 675:
+ this.$ = new yy.Print({ exprs: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 676:
+ this.$ = new yy.Print({ select: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 677:
+ this.$ = new yy.Require({ paths: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 678:
+ this.$ = new yy.Require({ plugins: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 679:
+ case 680:
+ this.$ = $$[$0].toUpperCase();
+ break;
+ case 681:
+ this.$ = new yy.Echo({ expr: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 686:
+ this.$ = new yy.Declare({ declares: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 689:
+ this.$ = { variable: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 690:
+ this.$ = { variable: $$[$0 - 2] };
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 691:
+ this.$ = { variable: $$[$0 - 3], expression: $$[$0] };
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ break;
+ case 692:
+ this.$ = { variable: $$[$0 - 4], expression: $$[$0] };
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ break;
+ case 693:
+ this.$ = new yy.TruncateTable({ table: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 694:
+ this.$ = new yy.Merge();
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 4]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 3]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 2]);
+ yy.extend(this.$, { matches: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 695:
+ case 696:
+ this.$ = { into: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 698:
+ this.$ = { on: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 703:
+ this.$ = { matched: true, action: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 704:
+ this.$ = { matched: true, expr: $$[$0 - 2], action: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 705:
+ this.$ = { delete: true };
+ break;
+ case 706:
+ this.$ = { update: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 707:
+ case 708:
+ this.$ = { matched: false, bytarget: true, action: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 709:
+ case 710:
+ this.$ = { matched: false, bytarget: true, expr: $$[$0 - 2], action: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 711:
+ this.$ = { matched: false, bysource: true, action: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 712:
+ this.$ = { matched: false, bysource: true, expr: $$[$0 - 2], action: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 713:
+ this.$ = { insert: true, values: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 714:
+ this.$ = { insert: true, values: $$[$0], columns: $$[$0 - 3] };
+ break;
+ case 715:
+ this.$ = { insert: true, defaultvalues: true };
+ break;
+ case 716:
+ this.$ = { insert: true, defaultvalues: true, columns: $$[$0 - 3] };
+ break;
+ case 718:
+ this.$ = { output: { columns: $$[$0] } };
+ break;
+ case 719:
+ this.$ = { output: { columns: $$[$0 - 3], intovar: $$[$0], method: $$[$0 - 1] } };
+ break;
+ case 720:
+ this.$ = { output: { columns: $$[$0 - 2], intotable: $$[$0] } };
+ break;
+ case 721:
+ this.$ = { output: { columns: $$[$0 - 5], intotable: $$[$0 - 3], intocolumns: $$[$0 - 1] } };
+ break;
+ case 722:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateVertex({ class: $$[$0 - 3], sharp: $$[$0 - 2], name: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 725:
+ this.$ = { sets: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 726:
+ this.$ = { content: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 727:
+ this.$ = { select: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 728:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateEdge({ from: $$[$0 - 3], to: $$[$0 - 1], name: $$[$0 - 5] });
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 729:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateGraph({ graph: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 730:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateGraph({ from: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 733:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ if ($$[$0 - 1])
+ { this.$.json = new yy.Json({ value: $$[$0 - 1] }); }
+ if ($$[$0])
+ { this.$.as = $$[$0]; }
+ break;
+ case 734:
+ this.$ = { source: $$[$0 - 6], target: $$[$0] };
+ if ($$[$0 - 3])
+ { this.$.json = new yy.Json({ value: $$[$0 - 3] }); }
+ if ($$[$0 - 2])
+ { this.$.as = $$[$0 - 2]; }
+ yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0 - 4]);
+ break;
+ case 735:
+ this.$ = { source: $$[$0 - 5], target: $$[$0] };
+ if ($$[$0 - 2])
+ { this.$.json = new yy.Json({ value: $$[$0 - 3] }); }
+ if ($$[$0 - 1])
+ { this.$.as = $$[$0 - 2]; }
+ break;
+ case 736:
+ this.$ = { source: $$[$0 - 2], target: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 740:
+ this.$ = { vars: $$[$0], method: $$[$0 - 1] };
+ break;
+ case 743:
+ case 744:
+ var s3 = $$[$0 - 1];
+ this.$ = { prop: $$[$0 - 3], sharp: $$[$0 - 2], name: (typeof s3 == 'undefined') ? undefined : s3.substr(1, s3.length - 2), class: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 745:
+ var s2 = $$[$0 - 1];
+ this.$ = { sharp: $$[$0 - 2], name: (typeof s2 == 'undefined') ? undefined : s2.substr(1, s2.length - 2), class: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 746:
+ var s1 = $$[$0 - 1];
+ this.$ = { name: (typeof s1 == 'undefined') ? undefined : s1.substr(1, s1.length - 2), class: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 747:
+ this.$ = { class: $$[$0] };
+ break;
+ case 753:
+ this.$ = new yy.AddRule({ left: $$[$0 - 2], right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 754:
+ this.$ = new yy.AddRule({ right: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 757:
+ this.$ = new yy.Term({ termid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 758:
+ this.$ = new yy.Term({ termid: $$[$0 - 3], args: $$[$0 - 1] });
+ break;
+ case 761:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTrigger({ trigger: $$[$0 - 6], when: $$[$0 - 5], action: $$[$0 - 4], table: $$[$0 - 2], statement: $$[$0] });
+ if ($$[$0].exists)
+ { this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists; }
+ if ($$[$0].queries)
+ { this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries; }
+ break;
+ case 762:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTrigger({ trigger: $$[$0 - 5], when: $$[$0 - 4], action: $$[$0 - 3], table: $$[$0 - 1], funcid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 763:
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTrigger({ trigger: $$[$0 - 6], when: $$[$0 - 4], action: $$[$0 - 3], table: $$[$0 - 5], statement: $$[$0] });
+ if ($$[$0].exists)
+ { this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists; }
+ if ($$[$0].queries)
+ { this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries; }
+ break;
+ case 764:
+ case 765:
+ case 767:
+ this.$ = 'AFTER';
+ break;
+ case 766:
+ this.$ = 'BEFORE';
+ break;
+ case 768:
+ this.$ = 'INSTEADOF';
+ break;
+ case 769:
+ this.$ = 'INSERT';
+ break;
+ case 770:
+ this.$ = 'DELETE';
+ break;
+ case 771:
+ this.$ = 'UPDATE';
+ break;
+ case 772:
+ this.$ = new yy.DropTrigger({ trigger: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 773:
+ this.$ = new yy.Reindex({ indexid: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 1047:
+ case 1067:
+ case 1069:
+ case 1071:
+ case 1075:
+ case 1077:
+ case 1079:
+ case 1081:
+ case 1083:
+ case 1085:
+ this.$ = [];
+ break;
+ case 1048:
+ case 1062:
+ case 1064:
+ case 1068:
+ case 1070:
+ case 1072:
+ case 1076:
+ case 1078:
+ case 1080:
+ case 1082:
+ case 1084:
+ case 1086:
+ $$[$0 - 1].push($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 1061:
+ case 1063:
+ this.$ = [$$[$0]];
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ table: [o([10, 602, 764], $V0, { 8: 1, 9: 2, 12: 3, 13: 4, 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 14: $V4, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 124: $V8, 146: $V9, 156: $Va, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), { 1: [3] }, { 10: [1, 105], 11: 106, 602: $VH, 764: $VI }, o($VJ, [2, 8]), o($VJ, [2, 9]), o($VK, [2, 12]), o($VJ, $V0, { 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 12: 109, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 15: [1, 110], 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 124: $V8, 146: $V9, 156: $Va, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), o($VK, [2, 14]), o($VK, [2, 15]), o($VK, [2, 16]), o($VK, [2, 17]), o($VK, [2, 18]), o($VK, [2, 19]), o($VK, [2, 20]), o($VK, [2, 21]), o($VK, [2, 22]), o($VK, [2, 23]), o($VK, [2, 24]), o($VK, [2, 25]), o($VK, [2, 26]), o($VK, [2, 27]), o($VK, [2, 28]), o($VK, [2, 29]), o($VK, [2, 30]), o($VK, [2, 31]), o($VK, [2, 32]), o($VK, [2, 33]), o($VK, [2, 34]), o($VK, [2, 35]), o($VK, [2, 36]), o($VK, [2, 37]), o($VK, [2, 38]), o($VK, [2, 39]), o($VK, [2, 40]), o($VK, [2, 41]), o($VK, [2, 42]), o($VK, [2, 43]), o($VK, [2, 44]), o($VK, [2, 45]), o($VK, [2, 46]), o($VK, [2, 47]), o($VK, [2, 48]), o($VK, [2, 49]), o($VK, [2, 50]), o($VK, [2, 51]), o($VK, [2, 52]), o($VK, [2, 53]), o($VK, [2, 54]), o($VK, [2, 55]), o($VK, [2, 56]), o($VK, [2, 57]), o($VK, [2, 58]), o($VK, [2, 59]), o($VK, [2, 60]), o($VK, [2, 61]), o($VK, [2, 62]), o($VK, [2, 63]), o($VK, [2, 64]), o($VK, [2, 65]), o($VK, [2, 66]), o($VK, [2, 67]), { 353: [1, 111] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 112, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 114, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 156: $VL, 200: 113, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP }, o($VQ, [2, 501], { 3: 121, 348: 125, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 134: $VR, 135: $VS, 187: [1, 123], 193: [1, 122], 268: [1, 129], 269: [1, 130], 357: [1, 131], 405: [1, 120], 472: [1, 124], 509: [1, 128] }), { 145: $VT, 449: 132, 450: 133 }, { 183: [1, 135] }, { 405: [1, 136] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 138, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 130: [1, 144], 193: [1, 139], 353: [1, 143], 397: 140, 405: [1, 137], 410: [1, 141], 509: [1, 142] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 145, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vt1, $Vu1, { 340: 204, 171: [1, 205], 198: $Vv1 }), o($Vt1, $Vu1, { 340: 207, 198: $Vv1 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 219, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $Vw1, 132: $Vx1, 143: $VY, 144: 212, 145: $VZ, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 198: [1, 210], 199: 213, 200: 215, 201: 214, 202: 217, 209: 209, 213: $Vy1, 214: 218, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1, 453: 208 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 221, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 353: [1, 222] }, o($Vz1, [2, 1043], { 80: 223, 106: 224, 107: [1, 225] }), o($VA1, [2, 1047], { 90: 226 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 230, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 190: [1, 228], 193: [1, 231], 267: [1, 227], 353: [1, 232], 405: [1, 229] }, { 353: [1, 233] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 236, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 73: 234, 75: 235 }, o([306, 602, 764], $V0, { 12: 3, 13: 4, 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 9: 238, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 14: $V4, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 124: $V8, 146: $V9, 156: $Va, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 435: [1, 237], 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), { 435: [1, 239] }, { 435: [1, 240] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 242, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 405: [1, 241] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 243 }, o($VB1, [2, 311]), { 113: 245, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 114, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 113: 251, 131: $VV, 132: [1, 248], 143: $VY, 144: 246, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 196: 250, 200: 255, 201: 254, 257: 252, 258: 253, 265: $VD1, 274: 247, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 257, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VK, [2, 672]), o($VK, [2, 673]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 40: 259, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 258, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 266, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 113: 263, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1, 444: 261, 445: 262, 446: 264, 447: $VE1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 267, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 431: 268 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 271, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 505: [1, 272] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 100, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 504: 274, 506: 273 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 114, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 156: $VL, 200: 275, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 276, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VH1, $VI1, { 186: 280, 164: [1, 279], 185: [1, 277], 187: [1, 278], 195: $VJ1 }), o($VK1, [2, 757], { 77: [1, 282] }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 77, 78, 93, 98, 107, 118, 128, 131, 132, 137, 143, 145, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 168, 169, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 195, 198, 232, 245, 247, 265, 266, 270, 271, 273, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 302, 303, 306, 310, 312, 317, 420, 424, 602, 764], [2, 152], { 149: [1, 283], 150: [1, 284], 190: [1, 285], 191: [1, 286], 192: [1, 287], 193: [1, 288], 194: [1, 289] }), o($VL1, [2, 1]), o($VL1, [2, 2]), { 6: 290, 131: [1, 439], 172: [1, 462], 245: [1, 411], 285: [1, 373], 286: [1, 407], 370: [1, 404], 381: [1, 295], 402: [1, 297], 410: [1, 549], 414: [1, 471], 416: [1, 443], 417: [1, 509], 433: [1, 442], 435: [1, 525], 440: [1, 342], 460: [1, 418], 464: [1, 448], 470: [1, 341], 514: [1, 307], 515: [1, 299], 516: [1, 399], 518: [1, 291], 519: [1, 292], 520: [1, 293], 521: [1, 294], 522: [1, 296], 523: [1, 298], 524: [1, 300], 525: [1, 301], 526: [1, 302], 527: [1, 303], 528: [1, 304], 529: [1, 305], 530: [1, 306], 531: [1, 308], 532: [1, 309], 533: [1, 310], 534: [1, 311], 535: [1, 312], 536: [1, 313], 537: [1, 314], 538: [1, 315], 539: [1, 316], 540: [1, 317], 541: [1, 318], 542: [1, 319], 543: [1, 320], 544: [1, 321], 545: [1, 322], 546: [1, 323], 547: [1, 324], 548: [1, 325], 549: [1, 326], 550: [1, 327], 551: [1, 328], 552: [1, 329], 553: [1, 330], 554: [1, 331], 555: [1, 332], 556: [1, 333], 557: [1, 334], 558: [1, 335], 559: [1, 336], 560: [1, 337], 561: [1, 338], 562: [1, 339], 563: [1, 340], 564: [1, 343], 565: [1, 344], 566: [1, 345], 567: [1, 346], 568: [1, 347], 569: [1, 348], 570: [1, 349], 571: [1, 350], 572: [1, 351], 573: [1, 352], 574: [1, 353], 575: [1, 354], 576: [1, 355], 577: [1, 356], 578: [1, 357], 579: [1, 358], 580: [1, 359], 581: [1, 360], 582: [1, 361], 583: [1, 362], 584: [1, 363], 585: [1, 364], 586: [1, 365], 587: [1, 366], 588: [1, 367], 589: [1, 368], 590: [1, 369], 591: [1, 370], 592: [1, 371], 593: [1, 372], 594: [1, 374], 595: [1, 375], 596: [1, 376], 597: [1, 377], 598: [1, 378], 599: [1, 379], 600: [1, 380], 601: [1, 381], 602: [1, 382], 603: [1, 383], 604: [1, 384], 605: [1, 385], 606: [1, 386], 607: [1, 387], 608: [1, 388], 609: [1, 389], 610: [1, 390], 611: [1, 391], 612: [1, 392], 613: [1, 393], 614: [1, 394], 615: [1, 395], 616: [1, 396], 617: [1, 397], 618: [1, 398], 619: [1, 400], 620: [1, 401], 621: [1, 402], 622: [1, 403], 623: [1, 405], 624: [1, 406], 625: [1, 408], 626: [1, 409], 627: [1, 410], 628: [1, 412], 629: [1, 413], 630: [1, 414], 631: [1, 415], 632: [1, 416], 633: [1, 417], 634: [1, 419], 635: [1, 420], 636: [1, 421], 637: [1, 422], 638: [1, 423], 639: [1, 424], 640: [1, 425], 641: [1, 426], 642: [1, 427], 643: [1, 428], 644: [1, 429], 645: [1, 430], 646: [1, 431], 647: [1, 432], 648: [1, 433], 649: [1, 434], 650: [1, 435], 651: [1, 436], 652: [1, 437], 653: [1, 438], 654: [1, 440], 655: [1, 441], 656: [1, 444], 657: [1, 445], 658: [1, 446], 659: [1, 447], 660: [1, 449], 661: [1, 450], 662: [1, 451], 663: [1, 452], 664: [1, 453], 665: [1, 454], 666: [1, 455], 667: [1, 456], 668: [1, 457], 669: [1, 458], 670: [1, 459], 671: [1, 460], 672: [1, 461], 673: [1, 463], 674: [1, 464], 675: [1, 465], 676: [1, 466], 677: [1, 467], 678: [1, 468], 679: [1, 469], 680: [1, 470], 681: [1, 472], 682: [1, 473], 683: [1, 474], 684: [1, 475], 685: [1, 476], 686: [1, 477], 687: [1, 478], 688: [1, 479], 689: [1, 480], 690: [1, 481], 691: [1, 482], 692: [1, 483], 693: [1, 484], 694: [1, 485], 695: [1, 486], 696: [1, 487], 697: [1, 488], 698: [1, 489], 699: [1, 490], 700: [1, 491], 701: [1, 492], 702: [1, 493], 703: [1, 494], 704: [1, 495], 705: [1, 496], 706: [1, 497], 707: [1, 498], 708: [1, 499], 709: [1, 500], 710: [1, 501], 711: [1, 502], 712: [1, 503], 713: [1, 504], 714: [1, 505], 715: [1, 506], 716: [1, 507], 717: [1, 508], 718: [1, 510], 719: [1, 511], 720: [1, 512], 721: [1, 513], 722: [1, 514], 723: [1, 515], 724: [1, 516], 725: [1, 517], 726: [1, 518], 727: [1, 519], 728: [1, 520], 729: [1, 521], 730: [1, 522], 731: [1, 523], 732: [1, 524], 733: [1, 526], 734: [1, 527], 735: [1, 528], 736: [1, 529], 737: [1, 530], 738: [1, 531], 739: [1, 532], 740: [1, 533], 741: [1, 534], 742: [1, 535], 743: [1, 536], 744: [1, 537], 745: [1, 538], 746: [1, 539], 747: [1, 540], 748: [1, 541], 749: [1, 542], 750: [1, 543], 751: [1, 544], 752: [1, 545], 753: [1, 546], 754: [1, 547], 755: [1, 548], 756: [1, 550], 757: [1, 551], 758: [1, 552], 759: [1, 553], 760: [1, 554], 761: [1, 555], 762: [1, 556], 763: [1, 557] }, { 1: [2, 6] }, o($VJ, $V0, { 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 12: 558, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 124: $V8, 146: $V9, 156: $Va, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), o($VM1, [2, 1041]), o($VM1, [2, 1042]), o($VJ, [2, 10]), { 16: [1, 559] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 560 }, { 405: [1, 561] }, o($VK, [2, 760]), { 77: $VN1 }, { 77: [1, 563] }, { 77: $VO1 }, { 77: [1, 565] }, { 77: [1, 566] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 567, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vt1, $VP1, { 350: 568, 156: $VQ1 }), { 405: [1, 570] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 571, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 193: [1, 572] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 578, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $VR1, 137: $VS1, 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 152: $VT1, 183: [1, 574], 431: 585, 473: 573, 474: 575, 475: 576, 478: 577, 482: 582, 493: 579, 497: 581 }, { 130: [1, 589], 349: 586, 353: [1, 588], 410: [1, 587] }, { 113: 591, 132: $VW, 183: [2, 1141], 296: $Vj1, 471: 590 }, o($VU1, [2, 1135], { 465: 592, 3: 593, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 594, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 4: [1, 595] }, { 4: [1, 596] }, o($VQ, [2, 502]), o($VK, [2, 686], { 74: [1, 597] }), o($VV1, [2, 687]), { 2: $V1, 3: 598, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 599 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 600, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vt1, $VW1, { 398: 601, 156: $VX1 }), { 405: [1, 603] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 604, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vt1, $VW1, { 398: 605, 156: $VX1 }), o($Vt1, $VW1, { 398: 606, 156: $VX1 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 607, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VY1, [2, 1129]), o($VY1, [2, 1130]), o($VK, $V0, { 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 12: 608, 114: 625, 327: 637, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $V22, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 146: $V9, 154: $Va2, 156: $Va, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), o($VB1, [2, 288]), o($VB1, [2, 289]), o($VB1, [2, 290]), o($VB1, [2, 291]), o($VB1, [2, 292]), o($VB1, [2, 293]), o($VB1, [2, 294]), o($VB1, [2, 295]), o($VB1, [2, 296]), o($VB1, [2, 297]), o($VB1, [2, 298]), o($VB1, [2, 299]), o($VB1, [2, 300]), o($VB1, [2, 301]), o($VB1, [2, 302]), o($VB1, [2, 303]), o($VB1, [2, 304]), o($VB1, [2, 305]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 26: 654, 27: 653, 36: 649, 40: 648, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 94: 651, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 264: 650, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 267: [1, 655], 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: [1, 652], 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 339: $Vh, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VB1, [2, 309]), o($VB1, [2, 310]), { 77: [1, 656] }, o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $Vy2, { 77: $VN1, 116: [1, 657] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 658, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 659, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 660, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 661, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 662, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VB1, [2, 283]), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 249, 265, 266, 267, 270, 271, 273, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 302, 303, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 343, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 415, 417, 418, 420, 424, 426, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764, 765, 766], [2, 356]), o($Vz2, [2, 357]), o($Vz2, [2, 358]), o($Vz2, $VA2), o($Vz2, [2, 360]), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 297, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 343, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 426, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 361]), { 2: $V1, 3: 664, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 131: [1, 665], 301: 663 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 666, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vz2, [2, 367]), o($Vz2, [2, 368]), { 2: $V1, 3: 667, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VB2, 113: 669, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 196: 670, 201: 672, 257: 671, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 302: $Vn1, 419: 673, 424: $Vs1 }, { 77: [1, 674] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 675, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 304: 676, 307: 677, 308: $VC2, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 77: [1, 679] }, { 77: [1, 680] }, o($VD2, [2, 624]), { 2: $V1, 3: 695, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VE2, 111: 690, 113: 688, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 144: 685, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 196: 687, 200: 693, 201: 692, 257: 689, 258: 691, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 300: [1, 683], 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 421: 681, 422: 684, 423: 686, 424: $Vs1, 427: 682 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 696, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 697, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 156: $VL, 200: 698, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP }, { 77: [2, 336] }, { 77: [2, 337] }, { 77: [2, 338] }, { 77: [2, 339] }, { 77: [2, 340] }, { 77: [2, 341] }, { 77: [2, 342] }, { 77: [2, 343] }, { 77: [2, 344] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 704, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 131: $VF2, 132: $VG2, 425: 699, 426: [1, 700], 428: 701 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 705 }, { 290: [1, 706] }, o($Vt1, [2, 472]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 707 }, { 231: [1, 709], 454: 708 }, { 231: [2, 695] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 219, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $Vw1, 132: $Vx1, 143: $VY, 144: 212, 145: $VZ, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 199: 213, 200: 215, 201: 214, 202: 217, 209: 710, 213: $Vy1, 214: 218, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 40: 711, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($VH2, [2, 1091], { 210: 712, 76: [1, 713] }), o($VI2, [2, 185], { 3: 714, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 715], 154: [1, 716] }), o($VI2, [2, 189], { 3: 717, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 718] }), o($VI2, [2, 190], { 3: 719, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 720] }), o($VI2, [2, 193]), o($VI2, [2, 194], { 3: 721, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 722] }), o($VI2, [2, 197], { 3: 723, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 724] }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 74, 76, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 154, 162, 168, 169, 183, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VJ2, { 77: $VN1, 116: $VK2 }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 74, 76, 78, 93, 98, 118, 128, 162, 168, 169, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], [2, 200]), o($VK, [2, 773]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 726 }, o($VL2, $VM2, { 81: 727, 198: $VN2 }), o($Vz1, [2, 1044]), o($VO2, [2, 1057], { 108: 729, 190: [1, 730] }), o([10, 78, 183, 306, 310, 602, 764], $VM2, { 419: 190, 81: 731, 117: 732, 3: 733, 114: 736, 144: 758, 158: 768, 160: 769, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 112: $VS2, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 198: $VN2, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), { 353: [1, 782] }, { 183: [1, 783] }, o($VK, [2, 594], { 112: [1, 784] }), { 405: [1, 785] }, { 183: [1, 786] }, o($VK, [2, 598], { 112: [1, 787], 183: [1, 788] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 789 }, { 40: 790, 74: [1, 791], 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($Vv3, [2, 70]), { 76: [1, 792] }, o($VK, [2, 667]), { 11: 106, 306: [1, 793], 602: $VH, 764: $VI }, o($VK, [2, 665]), o($VK, [2, 666]), { 2: $V1, 3: 794, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VK, [2, 587]), { 146: [1, 795] }, o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 95, 124, 128, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 152, 154, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 230, 266, 267, 290, 297, 302, 306, 310, 335, 338, 339, 343, 344, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 396, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 505, 507, 508, 514, 515, 516, 517, 602, 764], $VJ2, { 116: $VK2 }), o($VK, [2, 615]), o($VK, [2, 616]), o($VK, [2, 617]), o($VK, $VA2, { 74: [1, 796] }), { 77: $VB2, 113: 669, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 196: 670, 201: 672, 257: 671, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 302: $Vn1, 419: 673, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vw3, [2, 320]), o($Vw3, [2, 321]), o($Vw3, [2, 322]), o($Vw3, [2, 323]), o($Vw3, [2, 324]), o($Vw3, [2, 325]), o($Vw3, [2, 326]), o($VK, $V0, { 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 114: 625, 327: 637, 12: 797, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $V22, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 146: $V9, 154: $Va2, 156: $Va, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), o($VK, [2, 675], { 74: $Vx3 }), o($VK, [2, 676]), o($Vy3, [2, 354], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VK, [2, 677], { 74: [1, 800] }), o($VK, [2, 678], { 74: [1, 801] }), o($VV1, [2, 683]), o($VV1, [2, 685]), o($VV1, [2, 679]), o($VV1, [2, 680]), { 114: 807, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 124: [1, 802], 230: $VA3, 429: 803, 430: 804, 433: $VB3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 808, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vt1, [2, 656]), o($Vt1, [2, 657]), o($VK, [2, 614], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 100, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 504: 274, 506: 809 }, o($VK, [2, 754], { 74: $VC3 }), o($VD3, [2, 756]), o($VK, [2, 759]), o($VK, [2, 681], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VE3, $VI1, { 186: 811, 195: $VJ1 }), o($VE3, $VI1, { 186: 812, 195: $VJ1 }), o($VE3, $VI1, { 186: 813, 195: $VJ1 }), o($VF3, [2, 1087], { 255: 146, 200: 147, 256: 148, 111: 149, 254: 150, 196: 151, 257: 152, 113: 153, 258: 154, 201: 155, 202: 156, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 144: 161, 262: 162, 263: 163, 56: 165, 158: 167, 3: 168, 419: 190, 188: 814, 174: 815, 253: 816, 94: 817, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VU, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), { 77: [1, 819], 131: $VV, 196: 818 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 100, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 504: 274, 506: 820 }, o($VG3, [2, 153]), o($VG3, [2, 154]), o($VG3, [2, 155]), o($VG3, [2, 156]), o($VG3, [2, 157]), o($VG3, [2, 158]), o($VG3, [2, 159]), o($VL1, [2, 3]), o($VL1, [2, 774]), o($VL1, [2, 775]), o($VL1, [2, 776]), o($VL1, [2, 777]), o($VL1, [2, 778]), o($VL1, [2, 779]), o($VL1, [2, 780]), o($VL1, [2, 781]), o($VL1, [2, 782]), o($VL1, [2, 783]), o($VL1, [2, 784]), o($VL1, [2, 785]), o($VL1, [2, 786]), o($VL1, [2, 787]), o($VL1, [2, 788]), o($VL1, [2, 789]), o($VL1, [2, 790]), o($VL1, [2, 791]), o($VL1, [2, 792]), o($VL1, [2, 793]), o($VL1, [2, 794]), o($VL1, [2, 795]), o($VL1, [2, 796]), o($VL1, [2, 797]), o($VL1, [2, 798]), o($VL1, [2, 799]), o($VL1, [2, 800]), o($VL1, [2, 801]), o($VL1, [2, 802]), o($VL1, [2, 803]), o($VL1, [2, 804]), o($VL1, [2, 805]), o($VL1, [2, 806]), o($VL1, [2, 807]), o($VL1, [2, 808]), o($VL1, [2, 809]), o($VL1, [2, 810]), o($VL1, [2, 811]), o($VL1, [2, 812]), o($VL1, [2, 813]), o($VL1, [2, 814]), o($VL1, [2, 815]), o($VL1, [2, 816]), o($VL1, [2, 817]), o($VL1, [2, 818]), o($VL1, [2, 819]), o($VL1, [2, 820]), o($VL1, [2, 821]), o($VL1, [2, 822]), o($VL1, [2, 823]), o($VL1, [2, 824]), o($VL1, [2, 825]), o($VL1, [2, 826]), o($VL1, [2, 827]), o($VL1, [2, 828]), o($VL1, [2, 829]), o($VL1, [2, 830]), o($VL1, [2, 831]), o($VL1, [2, 832]), o($VL1, [2, 833]), o($VL1, [2, 834]), o($VL1, [2, 835]), o($VL1, [2, 836]), o($VL1, [2, 837]), o($VL1, [2, 838]), o($VL1, [2, 839]), o($VL1, [2, 840]), o($VL1, [2, 841]), o($VL1, [2, 842]), o($VL1, [2, 843]), o($VL1, [2, 844]), o($VL1, [2, 845]), o($VL1, [2, 846]), o($VL1, [2, 847]), o($VL1, [2, 848]), o($VL1, [2, 849]), o($VL1, [2, 850]), o($VL1, [2, 851]), o($VL1, [2, 852]), o($VL1, [2, 853]), o($VL1, [2, 854]), o($VL1, [2, 855]), o($VL1, [2, 856]), o($VL1, [2, 857]), o($VL1, [2, 858]), o($VL1, [2, 859]), o($VL1, [2, 860]), o($VL1, [2, 861]), o($VL1, [2, 862]), o($VL1, [2, 863]), o($VL1, [2, 864]), o($VL1, [2, 865]), o($VL1, [2, 866]), o($VL1, [2, 867]), o($VL1, [2, 868]), o($VL1, [2, 869]), o($VL1, [2, 870]), o($VL1, [2, 871]), o($VL1, [2, 872]), o($VL1, [2, 873]), o($VL1, [2, 874]), o($VL1, [2, 875]), o($VL1, [2, 876]), o($VL1, [2, 877]), o($VL1, [2, 878]), o($VL1, [2, 879]), o($VL1, [2, 880]), o($VL1, [2, 881]), o($VL1, [2, 882]), o($VL1, [2, 883]), o($VL1, [2, 884]), o($VL1, [2, 885]), o($VL1, [2, 886]), o($VL1, [2, 887]), o($VL1, [2, 888]), o($VL1, [2, 889]), o($VL1, [2, 890]), o($VL1, [2, 891]), o($VL1, [2, 892]), o($VL1, [2, 893]), o($VL1, [2, 894]), o($VL1, [2, 895]), o($VL1, [2, 896]), o($VL1, [2, 897]), o($VL1, [2, 898]), o($VL1, [2, 899]), o($VL1, [2, 900]), o($VL1, [2, 901]), o($VL1, [2, 902]), o($VL1, [2, 903]), o($VL1, [2, 904]), o($VL1, [2, 905]), o($VL1, [2, 906]), o($VL1, [2, 907]), o($VL1, [2, 908]), o($VL1, [2, 909]), o($VL1, [2, 910]), o($VL1, [2, 911]), o($VL1, [2, 912]), o($VL1, [2, 913]), o($VL1, [2, 914]), o($VL1, [2, 915]), o($VL1, [2, 916]), o($VL1, [2, 917]), o($VL1, [2, 918]), o($VL1, [2, 919]), o($VL1, [2, 920]), o($VL1, [2, 921]), o($VL1, [2, 922]), o($VL1, [2, 923]), o($VL1, [2, 924]), o($VL1, [2, 925]), o($VL1, [2, 926]), o($VL1, [2, 927]), o($VL1, [2, 928]), o($VL1, [2, 929]), o($VL1, [2, 930]), o($VL1, [2, 931]), o($VL1, [2, 932]), o($VL1, [2, 933]), o($VL1, [2, 934]), o($VL1, [2, 935]), o($VL1, [2, 936]), o($VL1, [2, 937]), o($VL1, [2, 938]), o($VL1, [2, 939]), o($VL1, [2, 940]), o($VL1, [2, 941]), o($VL1, [2, 942]), o($VL1, [2, 943]), o($VL1, [2, 944]), o($VL1, [2, 945]), o($VL1, [2, 946]), o($VL1, [2, 947]), o($VL1, [2, 948]), o($VL1, [2, 949]), o($VL1, [2, 950]), o($VL1, [2, 951]), o($VL1, [2, 952]), o($VL1, [2, 953]), o($VL1, [2, 954]), o($VL1, [2, 955]), o($VL1, [2, 956]), o($VL1, [2, 957]), o($VL1, [2, 958]), o($VL1, [2, 959]), o($VL1, [2, 960]), o($VL1, [2, 961]), o($VL1, [2, 962]), o($VL1, [2, 963]), o($VL1, [2, 964]), o($VL1, [2, 965]), o($VL1, [2, 966]), o($VL1, [2, 967]), o($VL1, [2, 968]), o($VL1, [2, 969]), o($VL1, [2, 970]), o($VL1, [2, 971]), o($VL1, [2, 972]), o($VL1, [2, 973]), o($VL1, [2, 974]), o($VL1, [2, 975]), o($VL1, [2, 976]), o($VL1, [2, 977]), o($VL1, [2, 978]), o($VL1, [2, 979]), o($VL1, [2, 980]), o($VL1, [2, 981]), o($VL1, [2, 982]), o($VL1, [2, 983]), o($VL1, [2, 984]), o($VL1, [2, 985]), o($VL1, [2, 986]), o($VL1, [2, 987]), o($VL1, [2, 988]), o($VL1, [2, 989]), o($VL1, [2, 990]), o($VL1, [2, 991]), o($VL1, [2, 992]), o($VL1, [2, 993]), o($VL1, [2, 994]), o($VL1, [2, 995]), o($VL1, [2, 996]), o($VL1, [2, 997]), o($VL1, [2, 998]), o($VL1, [2, 999]), o($VL1, [2, 1000]), o($VL1, [2, 1001]), o($VL1, [2, 1002]), o($VL1, [2, 1003]), o($VL1, [2, 1004]), o($VL1, [2, 1005]), o($VL1, [2, 1006]), o($VL1, [2, 1007]), o($VL1, [2, 1008]), o($VL1, [2, 1009]), o($VL1, [2, 1010]), o($VL1, [2, 1011]), o($VL1, [2, 1012]), o($VL1, [2, 1013]), o($VL1, [2, 1014]), o($VL1, [2, 1015]), o($VL1, [2, 1016]), o($VL1, [2, 1017]), o($VL1, [2, 1018]), o($VL1, [2, 1019]), o($VL1, [2, 1020]), o($VL1, [2, 1021]), o($VL1, [2, 1022]), o($VL1, [2, 1023]), o($VL1, [2, 1024]), o($VL1, [2, 1025]), o($VL1, [2, 1026]), o($VL1, [2, 1027]), o($VL1, [2, 1028]), o($VL1, [2, 1029]), o($VL1, [2, 1030]), o($VL1, [2, 1031]), o($VL1, [2, 1032]), o($VL1, [2, 1033]), o($VL1, [2, 1034]), o($VL1, [2, 1035]), o($VL1, [2, 1036]), o($VL1, [2, 1037]), o($VL1, [2, 1038]), o($VL1, [2, 1039]), o($VL1, [2, 1040]), o($VJ, [2, 7]), o($VJ, $V0, { 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 12: 821, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 124: $V8, 146: $V9, 156: $Va, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), { 396: [1, 825], 401: [1, 822], 402: [1, 823], 403: [1, 824] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 826, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VE3, [2, 1111], { 289: 827, 767: 829, 78: [1, 828], 164: [1, 831], 185: [1, 830] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 832, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 833, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 834, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: [1, 835] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 836, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: [1, 837] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 838, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 839, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 154: [1, 840] }, o($VH3, $VP1, { 350: 841, 156: $VQ1 }), { 230: [1, 842] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 843, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VK, [2, 729], { 74: $VI3 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 845, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VD3, [2, 732]), o($VJ3, [2, 1143], { 419: 190, 476: 846, 144: 847, 139: $VK3, 141: $VK3, 145: $VC1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), { 139: [1, 848], 141: [1, 849] }, o($VL3, $VM3, { 490: 851, 493: 852, 77: [1, 850], 137: $VS1 }), o($VN3, [2, 1167], { 494: 853, 132: [1, 854] }), o($VO3, [2, 1171], { 496: 855, 497: 856, 152: $VT1 }), o($VO3, [2, 747]), o($VP3, [2, 739]), { 2: $V1, 3: 857, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 131: [1, 858] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 859, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 860, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vt1, $VP1, { 350: 861, 156: $VQ1 }), o($Vt1, $VP1, { 350: 862, 156: $VQ1 }), o($VY1, [2, 491]), o($VY1, [2, 492]), { 183: [1, 863] }, { 183: [2, 1142] }, o($VQ3, [2, 1137], { 466: 864, 469: 865, 137: [1, 866] }), o($VU1, [2, 1136]), o($VR3, $VS3, { 510: 867, 95: $VT3, 230: [1, 868], 514: $VU3, 515: $VV3, 516: $VW3 }), { 76: [1, 873] }, { 76: [1, 874] }, { 145: $VT, 450: 875 }, { 4: $VX3, 7: 879, 76: [1, 877], 272: 876, 387: 878, 389: $VY3 }, o($VK, [2, 456], { 128: [1, 882] }), o($VK, [2, 579]), { 2: $V1, 3: 883, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 298: [1, 884] }, o($VH3, $VW1, { 398: 885, 156: $VX1 }), o($VK, [2, 593]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 887, 399: 886 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 887, 399: 888 }, o($VK, [2, 772]), o($VJ, [2, 669], { 438: 889, 310: [1, 890] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 891, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 892, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 893, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 894, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 895, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 896, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 897, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 898, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 899, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 900, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 901, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 902, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 903, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 904, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 905, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 906, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 907, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 909], 131: $VV, 156: $VL, 196: 908, 200: 910, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP }, { 2: $V1, 3: 911, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 913], 131: $VV, 156: $VL, 196: 912, 200: 914, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP }, o($VZ3, [2, 440], { 255: 146, 200: 147, 256: 148, 111: 149, 254: 150, 196: 151, 257: 152, 113: 153, 258: 154, 201: 155, 202: 156, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 144: 161, 262: 162, 263: 163, 56: 165, 158: 167, 3: 168, 419: 190, 94: 915, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VU, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), o($VZ3, [2, 441], { 255: 146, 200: 147, 256: 148, 111: 149, 254: 150, 196: 151, 257: 152, 113: 153, 258: 154, 201: 155, 202: 156, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 144: 161, 262: 162, 263: 163, 56: 165, 158: 167, 3: 168, 419: 190, 94: 916, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VU, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), o($VZ3, [2, 442], { 255: 146, 200: 147, 256: 148, 111: 149, 254: 150, 196: 151, 257: 152, 113: 153, 258: 154, 201: 155, 202: 156, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 144: 161, 262: 162, 263: 163, 56: 165, 158: 167, 3: 168, 419: 190, 94: 917, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VU, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), o($VZ3, [2, 443], { 255: 146, 200: 147, 256: 148, 111: 149, 254: 150, 196: 151, 257: 152, 113: 153, 258: 154, 201: 155, 202: 156, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 144: 161, 262: 162, 263: 163, 56: 165, 158: 167, 3: 168, 419: 190, 94: 918, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VU, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), o($VZ3, $V_3, { 255: 146, 200: 147, 256: 148, 111: 149, 254: 150, 196: 151, 257: 152, 113: 153, 258: 154, 201: 155, 202: 156, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 144: 161, 262: 162, 263: 163, 56: 165, 158: 167, 3: 168, 419: 190, 94: 919, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VU, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 920, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 921, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VZ3, [2, 445], { 255: 146, 200: 147, 256: 148, 111: 149, 254: 150, 196: 151, 257: 152, 113: 153, 258: 154, 201: 155, 202: 156, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 144: 161, 262: 162, 263: 163, 56: 165, 158: 167, 3: 168, 419: 190, 94: 922, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VU, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 923, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 924, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 164: [1, 926], 166: [1, 928], 328: 925, 334: [1, 927] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 929, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 930, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 695, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 931], 111: 934, 145: $V$3, 156: $VL, 200: 935, 202: 933, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 329: 932 }, { 99: [1, 937], 297: [1, 938] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 939, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 940, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 941, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 4: $VX3, 7: 879, 272: 942, 387: 878, 389: $VY3 }, o($V04, [2, 88]), o($V04, [2, 89]), { 78: [1, 943] }, { 78: [1, 944] }, { 78: [1, 945] }, { 78: [1, 946], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($Vt1, $Vu1, { 340: 207, 77: $VO1, 198: $Vv1 }), { 78: [2, 1107] }, { 78: [2, 1108] }, { 134: $VR, 135: $VS }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 947, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 164: [1, 949], 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 185: [1, 948], 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 950, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 149: $V14, 180: [1, 952] }, o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 118, 122, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 314, 330, 331, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 416], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($V24, [2, 417], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2 }), o($V24, [2, 418], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2 }), o($V34, [2, 419], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 316: $Vj2 }), o($V34, [2, 420], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 316: $Vj2 }), o($Vz2, [2, 365]), o($Vz2, [2, 1113]), o($Vz2, [2, 1114]), o($Vz2, [2, 366]), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 362]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 953, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VD2, [2, 620]), o($VD2, [2, 621]), o($VD2, [2, 622]), o($VD2, [2, 623]), o($VD2, [2, 625]), { 40: 954, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 304: 955, 307: 677, 308: $VC2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 305: 956, 306: $V44, 307: 957, 308: $VC2, 310: $V54 }, o($V64, [2, 372]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 959, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 960, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 4: $VX3, 7: 879, 272: 961, 387: 878, 389: $VY3 }, o($VD2, [2, 626]), { 74: [1, 963], 300: [1, 962] }, o($VD2, [2, 642]), o($V74, [2, 649]), o($V84, [2, 627]), o($V84, [2, 628]), o($V84, [2, 629]), o($V84, [2, 630]), o($V84, [2, 631]), o($V84, [2, 632]), o($V84, [2, 633]), o($V84, [2, 634]), o($V84, [2, 635]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 964, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 426, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $Vy2, { 77: $VN1, 116: $V94 }), { 74: $Vx3, 300: [1, 966] }, o($Va4, [2, 314], { 77: $VN1 }), o($VB1, [2, 315]), { 74: [1, 968], 426: [1, 967] }, o($VD2, [2, 639]), o($Vb4, [2, 644]), { 152: [1, 969] }, { 152: [1, 970] }, { 152: [1, 971] }, { 40: 976, 77: [1, 975], 79: 75, 89: $V7, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 149: $Vc4, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 341: 972, 342: 973, 343: [1, 974], 344: $Vd4, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vt1, $Vu1, { 340: 981, 198: $Vv1 }), { 77: $Ve4, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 149: $Vc4, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 341: 982, 342: 983, 344: $Vd4, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 230: [1, 986], 455: 985 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 219, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $Vw1, 132: $Vx1, 143: $VY, 144: 212, 145: $VZ, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 199: 213, 200: 215, 201: 214, 202: 217, 209: 987, 213: $Vy1, 214: 218, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 231: [2, 696] }, { 78: [1, 988] }, o($VI2, [2, 1093], { 211: 989, 3: 990, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }), o($VH2, [2, 1092]), o($VI2, [2, 183]), { 2: $V1, 3: 991, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 212: [1, 992] }, o($VI2, [2, 187]), { 2: $V1, 3: 993, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VI2, [2, 191]), { 2: $V1, 3: 994, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VI2, [2, 195]), { 2: $V1, 3: 995, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VI2, [2, 198]), { 2: $V1, 3: 996, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 997, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 148: [1, 998] }, o($Vf4, [2, 172], { 82: 999, 183: [1, 1000] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 219, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: [1, 1005], 143: $VY, 145: [1, 1006], 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 199: 1001, 200: 1002, 201: 1003, 202: 1004, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 302: $Vn1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 109: 1007, 110: 1008, 111: 1009, 112: $Vg4 }, o($VO2, [2, 1058]), o($Vh4, [2, 1049], { 91: 1012, 182: 1013, 183: [1, 1014] }), o($VA1, [2, 1048], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 74, 76, 78, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 198, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], [2, 90], { 77: [1, 1019] }), { 119: [1, 1020] }, o($Vl4, [2, 93]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1021, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vl4, [2, 95]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1022, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1023, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1025, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 125: 1024, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 77: [1, 1026] }, { 77: [1, 1027] }, { 77: [1, 1028] }, { 77: [1, 1029] }, o($Vl4, [2, 104]), o($Vl4, [2, 105]), o($Vl4, [2, 106]), o($Vl4, [2, 107]), o($Vl4, [2, 108]), o($Vl4, [2, 109]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1030, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1031, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 133: [1, 1032] }, o($Vl4, [2, 113]), o($Vl4, [2, 114]), o($Vl4, [2, 115]), o($Vl4, [2, 116]), o($Vl4, [2, 117]), o($Vl4, [2, 118]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1033, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VB2, 113: 669, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 196: 670, 201: 672, 257: 671, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 302: $Vn1, 419: 673, 424: $Vs1 }, { 145: [1, 1034] }, { 77: [1, 1035] }, { 145: [1, 1036] }, o($Vl4, [2, 123]), { 77: [1, 1037] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1038, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 77: [1, 1039] }, { 77: [1, 1040] }, { 77: [1, 1041] }, { 77: [1, 1042] }, { 77: [1, 1043], 164: [1, 1044] }, { 77: [1, 1045] }, { 77: [1, 1046] }, { 77: [1, 1047] }, { 77: [1, 1048] }, { 77: [1, 1049] }, { 77: [1, 1050] }, { 77: [1, 1051] }, { 77: [1, 1052] }, { 77: [1, 1053] }, { 77: [2, 1073] }, { 77: [2, 1074] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1054 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1055 }, { 113: 1056, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, o($VK, [2, 596], { 112: [1, 1057] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1058 }, { 113: 1059, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1060, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VK, [2, 693]), o($VK, [2, 68]), { 2: $V1, 3: 236, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 75: 1061 }, { 77: [1, 1062] }, o($VK, [2, 674]), o($VK, [2, 586]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 111: 1065, 143: $Vm4, 145: $Vn4, 147: 1063, 336: 1064, 337: 1066 }, { 144: 1069, 145: $VC1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VK, [2, 671]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1070, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VZ3, $V_3, { 255: 146, 200: 147, 256: 148, 111: 149, 254: 150, 196: 151, 257: 152, 113: 153, 258: 154, 201: 155, 202: 156, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 144: 161, 262: 162, 263: 163, 56: 165, 158: 167, 3: 168, 419: 190, 94: 1071, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VU, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), { 113: 1072, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 266, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 446: 1073, 447: $VE1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1075, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 230: $VA3, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1, 429: 1074, 433: $VB3 }, o($VK, [2, 651]), { 114: 1077, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 124: [1, 1076] }, o($VK, [2, 663]), o($VK, [2, 664]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1079, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $Vo4, 131: $Vp4, 432: 1078 }, { 114: 807, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 124: [1, 1082], 430: 1083 }, o($VK, [2, 753], { 74: $VC3 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 100, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 504: 1084 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 817, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 174: 1085, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 253: 816, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 817, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 174: 1086, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 253: 816, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 817, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 174: 1087, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 253: 816, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VF3, [2, 151]), o($VF3, [2, 1088], { 74: $Vq4 }), o($Vr4, [2, 273]), o($Vr4, [2, 280], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 3: 1090, 113: 1092, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1089], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 131: [1, 1091], 132: $VW, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 296: $Vj1, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VH1, [2, 1089], { 197: 1093, 765: [1, 1094] }), { 131: $VV, 196: 1095 }, { 74: $VC3, 78: [1, 1096] }, o($VJ, [2, 11]), { 148: [1, 1097], 190: [1, 1098] }, { 190: [1, 1099] }, { 190: [1, 1100] }, { 190: [1, 1101] }, o($VK, [2, 575], { 76: [1, 1103], 77: [1, 1102] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1104, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vz2, [2, 346]), o($VE3, [2, 1112]), o($VE3, [2, 1109]), o($VE3, [2, 1110]), { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1105] }, { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1106] }, { 74: [1, 1107] }, { 74: [1, 1108] }, { 74: [1, 1109] }, { 74: [1, 1110] }, o($Vz2, [2, 353]), o($VK, [2, 580]), { 298: [1, 1111] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1112, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 113: 1113, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1114 }, { 230: [1, 1115] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 578, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $VR1, 137: $VS1, 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 152: $VT1, 431: 585, 474: 1116, 475: 576, 478: 577, 482: 582, 493: 579, 497: 581 }, o($VK, [2, 730], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VD3, [2, 1145], { 477: 1117, 483: 1118, 76: $Vs4 }), o($VJ3, [2, 1144]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1122, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $VR1, 137: $VS1, 144: 1121, 145: $VC1, 152: $VT1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1, 475: 1120, 493: 579, 497: 581 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1122, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $VR1, 137: $VS1, 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 152: $VT1, 431: 585, 475: 1124, 478: 1123, 482: 582, 493: 579, 497: 581 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 578, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $VR1, 137: $VS1, 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 152: $VT1, 431: 585, 473: 1125, 474: 575, 475: 576, 478: 577, 482: 582, 493: 579, 497: 581 }, o($VN3, [2, 1163], { 491: 1126, 132: [1, 1127] }), o($VL3, [2, 1162]), o($VO3, [2, 1169], { 495: 1128, 497: 1129, 152: $VT1 }), o($VN3, [2, 1168]), o($VO3, [2, 746]), o($VO3, [2, 1172]), o($VL3, [2, 749]), o($VL3, [2, 750]), o($VO3, [2, 748]), o($VP3, [2, 740]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1130 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1131 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1132, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vt4, [2, 1139], { 467: 1133, 113: 1134, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }), o($VQ3, [2, 1138]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1135, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 335: $Vu4, 338: $Vv4, 339: $Vw4, 511: 1136 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1140 }, o($VR3, [2, 765]), o($VR3, [2, 766]), o($VR3, [2, 767]), { 129: [1, 1141] }, { 266: [1, 1142] }, { 266: [1, 1143] }, o($VV1, [2, 688]), o($VV1, [2, 689], { 124: [1, 1144] }), { 4: $VX3, 7: 879, 272: 1145, 387: 878, 389: $VY3 }, o([2, 4, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 297, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 343, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 542], { 5: [1, 1146] }), o([2, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 297, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 343, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 539], { 4: [1, 1148], 77: [1, 1147] }), { 77: [1, 1149] }, o($Vx4, [2, 4]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1150, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VK, [2, 588]), o($VH3, [2, 568]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1151, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 113: 1152, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, o($VK, [2, 564], { 74: $Vy4 }), o($VV1, [2, 566]), o($VK, [2, 613], { 74: $Vy4 }), o($VK, [2, 668]), o($VK, $V0, { 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 12: 1154, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 124: $V8, 146: $V9, 156: $Va, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), o($Vz4, [2, 376], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2 }), o($V34, [2, 377], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 316: $Vj2 }), o($Vz4, [2, 378], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2 }), o($VA4, [2, 379], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 314: [1, 1155], 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2 }), o($VA4, [2, 381], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 314: [1, 1156], 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2 }), o($VB1, [2, 383], { 114: 625, 327: 637 }), o($V24, [2, 384], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2 }), o($V24, [2, 385], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2 }), o($VB4, [2, 386], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 136: $V42, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2 }), o($VB4, [2, 387], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 136: $V42, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2 }), o($VB4, [2, 388], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 136: $V42, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2 }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 112, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 389], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 136: $V42, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2 }), o($VC4, [2, 390], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2 }), o($VC4, [2, 391], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2 }), o($VC4, [2, 392], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2 }), o($VC4, [2, 393], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2 }), o($Va4, [2, 394], { 77: $VN1 }), o($VB1, [2, 395]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1157, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VB1, [2, 397]), o($Va4, [2, 398], { 77: $VN1 }), o($VB1, [2, 399]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1158, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VB1, [2, 401]), o($VD4, [2, 402], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VD4, [2, 403], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VD4, [2, 404], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VD4, [2, 405], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 89, 99, 124, 139, 140, 146, 154, 156, 170, 171, 189, 266, 267, 290, 306, 310, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], $VE4, { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VD4, [2, 407], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VD4, [2, 408], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VD4, [2, 409], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VD4, [2, 410], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VD4, [2, 411], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), { 77: [1, 1159] }, { 77: [2, 446] }, { 77: [2, 447] }, { 77: [2, 448] }, o($VF4, [2, 414], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 332: $Vw2 }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 107, 118, 122, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 314, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 415], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 40: 1160, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 78: [1, 1162], 79: 75, 89: $V7, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1161, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VB1, [2, 428]), o($VB1, [2, 430]), o($VB1, [2, 437]), o($VB1, [2, 438]), { 2: $V1, 3: 667, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 1163] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 695, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 1164], 111: 934, 145: $V$3, 156: $VL, 200: 935, 202: 1166, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 329: 1165 }, o($VB1, [2, 435]), o($VF4, [2, 432], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VF4, [2, 433], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 332: $Vw2 }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 99, 107, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 267, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 296, 300, 306, 308, 309, 310, 314, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 464, 470, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 434], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2 }), o($VB1, [2, 436]), o($VB1, [2, 306]), o($VB1, [2, 307]), o($VB1, [2, 308]), o($VB1, [2, 421]), { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1167] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1168, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1169, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VB1, $VG4), o($VH4, [2, 286]), o($VB1, [2, 282]), { 78: [1, 1171], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1172] }, { 305: 1173, 306: $V44, 307: 957, 308: $VC2, 310: $V54 }, { 306: [1, 1174] }, o($V64, [2, 371]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1175, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 309: [1, 1176], 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 76: [1, 1177], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 74: [1, 1178] }, o($VD2, [2, 640]), { 2: $V1, 3: 695, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VE2, 111: 690, 113: 688, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 144: 685, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 196: 687, 200: 693, 201: 692, 257: 689, 258: 691, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 300: [1, 1179], 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 422: 1180, 423: 686, 424: $Vs1 }, { 78: [1, 1181], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1182, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 149: $V14 }, o($VB1, [2, 364]), o($VD2, [2, 637]), { 2: $V1, 3: 704, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 131: $VF2, 132: $VG2, 426: [1, 1183], 428: 1184 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 695, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VE2, 111: 690, 113: 688, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 144: 685, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 196: 687, 200: 693, 201: 692, 257: 689, 258: 691, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 422: 1185, 423: 686, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 695, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VE2, 111: 690, 113: 688, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 144: 685, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 196: 687, 200: 693, 201: 692, 257: 689, 258: 691, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 422: 1186, 423: 686, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 695, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $VE2, 111: 690, 113: 688, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 144: 685, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 196: 687, 200: 693, 201: 692, 257: 689, 258: 691, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 422: 1187, 423: 686, 424: $Vs1 }, { 77: $Ve4, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 342: 1188, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 458], { 74: $VJ4 }), { 149: $Vc4, 341: 1190, 344: $Vd4 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1194, 100: 1191, 111: 1193, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 345: 1192, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 466]), o($VK4, [2, 469]), o($VK4, [2, 470]), o($VL4, [2, 474]), o($VL4, [2, 475]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1195 }, { 77: $Ve4, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 342: 1196, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 462], { 74: $VJ4 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1194, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 345: 1192, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 308: $VM4, 456: 1197, 458: 1198, 459: 1199 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1201, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 230: [2, 697] }, o($VI2, [2, 181], { 3: 1202, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1203] }), o($VI2, [2, 182]), o($VI2, [2, 1094]), o($VI2, [2, 184]), o($VI2, [2, 186]), o($VI2, [2, 188]), o($VI2, [2, 192]), o($VI2, [2, 196]), o($VI2, [2, 199]), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 53, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 89, 93, 95, 98, 118, 124, 128, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 152, 154, 156, 162, 168, 169, 181, 183, 187, 189, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 245, 247, 266, 267, 290, 297, 302, 306, 310, 335, 338, 339, 343, 344, 356, 368, 369, 373, 374, 396, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 420, 424, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 505, 507, 508, 514, 515, 516, 517, 602, 764], [2, 201]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1204, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VN4, [2, 1045], { 83: 1205, 92: 1206, 93: [1, 1207], 98: [1, 1208] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 219, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 1210], 132: $Vx1, 143: $VY, 144: 212, 145: $VZ, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 199: 213, 200: 215, 201: 214, 202: 217, 203: 1209, 209: 1211, 213: $Vy1, 214: 218, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VL2, [2, 164]), o($VL2, [2, 165]), o($VL2, [2, 166]), o($VL2, [2, 167]), o($VL2, [2, 168]), { 2: $V1, 3: 667, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vz1, [2, 83], { 74: [1, 1212] }), o($VO4, [2, 85]), o($VO4, [2, 86]), { 113: 1213, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, o([10, 72, 74, 78, 93, 98, 118, 124, 128, 162, 168, 169, 183, 198, 206, 208, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 245, 247, 306, 310, 602, 764], $Vy2, { 116: $V94 }), o($Vh4, [2, 73]), o($Vh4, [2, 1050]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1214, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vl4, [2, 126]), o($Vl4, [2, 144]), o($Vl4, [2, 145]), o($Vl4, [2, 146]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 78: [2, 1065], 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 127: 1215, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1216, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 77: [1, 1217] }, o($Vl4, [2, 94]), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 198, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], [2, 96], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o([2, 4, 5, 10, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 112, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 185, 187, 198, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], [2, 97], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 78: [1, 1218], 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1219, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VP4, [2, 1061], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1221, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 126: 1220, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1222, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1223, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1224, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vl4, [2, 110]), o($Vl4, [2, 111]), o($Vl4, [2, 112]), o($Vl4, [2, 119]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1225, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 111: 1065, 143: $Vm4, 145: $Vn4, 147: 1226, 336: 1064, 337: 1066 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1227, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1228, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vl4, [2, 125]), o($VP4, [2, 1067], { 155: 1229 }), o($VP4, [2, 1069], { 157: 1230 }), o($VP4, [2, 1071], { 159: 1231 }), o($VP4, [2, 1075], { 161: 1232 }), o($VQ4, $VR4, { 163: 1233, 178: 1234 }), { 77: [1, 1235] }, o($VP4, [2, 1077], { 165: 1236 }), o($VP4, [2, 1079], { 167: 1237 }), o($VQ4, $VR4, { 178: 1234, 163: 1238 }), o($VQ4, $VR4, { 178: 1234, 163: 1239 }), o($VQ4, $VR4, { 178: 1234, 163: 1240 }), o($VQ4, $VR4, { 178: 1234, 163: 1241 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1242, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 817, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 174: 1243, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 253: 816, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VS4, [2, 1081], { 176: 1244 }), o($VK, [2, 606], { 183: [1, 1245] }), o($VK, [2, 602], { 183: [1, 1246] }), o($VK, [2, 595]), { 113: 1247, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, o($VK, [2, 604], { 183: [1, 1248] }), o($VK, [2, 599]), o($VK, [2, 600], { 112: [1, 1249] }), o($Vv3, [2, 69]), { 40: 1250, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($VK, [2, 450], { 74: $VT4, 128: [1, 1251] }), o($VU4, [2, 451]), { 124: [1, 1253] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1254, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vt1, [2, 1115]), o($Vt1, [2, 1116]), o($VK, [2, 618]), o($Vy3, [2, 355], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VD4, $VE4, { 114: 625, 327: 637, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 332: $Vw2 }), o($VV1, [2, 682]), o($VV1, [2, 684]), o($VK, [2, 650]), o($VK, [2, 652], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1255, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1079, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $Vo4, 131: $Vp4, 432: 1256 }, o($VV4, [2, 659]), o($VV4, [2, 660]), o($VV4, [2, 661]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1257, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1258, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 114: 1077, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 124: [1, 1259] }, o($VD3, [2, 755]), o($VF3, [2, 148], { 74: $Vq4 }), o($VF3, [2, 149], { 74: $Vq4 }), o($VF3, [2, 150], { 74: $Vq4 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 817, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 253: 1260, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1261, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 113: 1263, 131: [1, 1262], 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, o($Vr4, [2, 275]), o($Vr4, [2, 277]), o($Vr4, [2, 279]), o($VH1, [2, 160]), o($VH1, [2, 1090]), { 78: [1, 1264] }, o($VK1, [2, 758]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1265, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1266, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1268, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 384: 1267 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1268, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 384: 1269 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1270, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1271, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1272, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1273] }, o($Vz2, [2, 347]), o($Vz2, [2, 348]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1274, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1275, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1276, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1277, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VH3, [2, 504]), o($VK, $VW4, { 407: 1278, 76: $VX4, 77: [1, 1279] }), o($VK, $VW4, { 407: 1281, 76: $VX4 }), { 77: [1, 1282] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1283 }, o($VD3, [2, 731]), o($VD3, [2, 733]), o($VD3, [2, 1146]), { 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 431: 1284 }, o($VY4, [2, 1147], { 419: 190, 479: 1285, 144: 1286, 145: $VC1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), { 76: $Vs4, 139: [2, 1151], 481: 1287, 483: 1288 }, o([10, 74, 76, 78, 132, 139, 145, 152, 306, 310, 420, 424, 602, 764], $VM3, { 490: 851, 493: 852, 137: $VS1 }), o($VD3, [2, 736]), o($VD3, $VK3), { 74: $VI3, 78: [1, 1289] }, o($VO3, [2, 1165], { 492: 1290, 497: 1291, 152: $VT1 }), o($VN3, [2, 1164]), o($VO3, [2, 745]), o($VO3, [2, 1170]), o($VK, [2, 490], { 77: [1, 1292] }), { 76: [1, 1294], 77: [1, 1293] }, { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 148: [1, 1295], 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($VI4, $VZ4, { 79: 75, 184: 99, 468: 1296, 40: 1299, 89: $V7, 146: $V_4, 189: $Vb, 470: $V$4 }), o($Vt4, [2, 1140]), o($VQ3, [2, 723]), { 230: [1, 1300] }, o($V05, [2, 769]), o($V05, [2, 770]), o($V05, [2, 771]), o($VR3, $VS3, { 510: 1301, 95: $VT3, 514: $VU3, 515: $VV3, 516: $VW3 }), o($VR3, [2, 768]), o($VK, [2, 312]), o($VK, [2, 313]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1302, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VV1, [2, 690], { 124: [1, 1303] }), o($Vx4, [2, 541]), { 131: [1, 1305], 388: 1304, 390: [1, 1306] }, o($Vx4, [2, 5]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1194, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 345: 1307, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VK, [2, 455], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VK, [2, 589]), o($VK, [2, 590]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1308 }, o($VK, [2, 670]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1309, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1310, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 78: [1, 1311], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1312], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 40: 1313, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1314, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 78: [1, 1315] }, { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1316] }, o($VB1, [2, 426]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1317, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 40: 1318, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 78: [1, 1320], 79: 75, 89: $V7, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1319, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VB1, [2, 429]), o($VB1, [2, 431]), o($VB1, $V15, { 275: 1321, 276: $V25 }), { 78: [1, 1323], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1324], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1325, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 180: [1, 1326] }, o($VD2, [2, 619]), o($VB1, [2, 363]), { 306: [1, 1327] }, o($VB1, [2, 370]), { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 306: [2, 374], 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1328, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 4: $VX3, 7: 879, 272: 1329, 387: 878, 389: $VY3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1330, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VD2, [2, 641]), o($V74, [2, 648]), o($V84, [2, 636]), o($VH4, $VG4), o($VD2, [2, 638]), o($Vb4, [2, 643]), o($Vb4, [2, 645]), o($Vb4, [2, 646]), o($Vb4, [2, 647]), o($VI4, [2, 457], { 74: $VJ4 }), { 77: [1, 1332], 143: $VY, 144: 1333, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 201: 1334, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 463]), { 74: $V35, 78: [1, 1335] }, { 74: $V45, 78: [1, 1337] }, o([74, 78, 99, 112, 115, 116, 123, 124, 133, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 154, 170, 171, 179, 180, 311, 312, 313, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333], $V55), o($V65, [2, 479], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 40: 1341, 77: $Ve4, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 149: $Vc4, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 341: 1339, 342: 1340, 344: $Vd4, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 461], { 74: $VJ4 }), o($VK, [2, 717], { 457: 1342, 458: 1343, 459: 1344, 308: $VM4, 464: [1, 1345] }), o($V75, [2, 701]), o($V75, [2, 702]), { 154: [1, 1347], 460: [1, 1346] }, { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 308: [2, 698], 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($VI2, [2, 179]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1348, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VK, [2, 574]), o($V85, [2, 238], { 84: 1349, 128: [1, 1350] }), o($VN4, [2, 1046]), { 77: [1, 1351] }, { 77: [1, 1352] }, o($Vf4, [2, 169], { 204: 1353, 215: 1355, 205: 1356, 216: 1357, 221: 1360, 74: $V95, 206: $Va5, 208: $Vb5, 222: $Vc5, 223: $Vd5, 224: $Ve5, 225: $Vf5, 226: $Vg5, 227: $Vh5, 228: $Vi5, 229: $Vj5 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 219, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 40: 711, 77: $Vw1, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 132: $Vx1, 143: $VY, 144: 212, 145: $VZ, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 199: 213, 200: 215, 201: 214, 202: 217, 203: 1369, 209: 1211, 213: $Vy1, 214: 218, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vk5, [2, 177]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 110: 1370, 111: 1009, 112: $Vg4 }, o($VO4, [2, 87]), o($Vh4, [2, 147], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 78: [1, 1371] }, { 74: $Vx3, 78: [2, 1066] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 78: [2, 1059], 94: 1376, 111: 149, 113: 153, 120: 1372, 121: 1373, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 241: 1374, 242: [1, 1375], 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vl4, [2, 98]), o($VP4, [2, 1062], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 78: [1, 1377], 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1378, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VP4, [2, 1063], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), { 78: [1, 1379], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1380], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1381] }, o($Vl4, [2, 120]), { 74: $VT4, 78: [1, 1382] }, o($Vl4, [2, 122]), { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1383] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 78: [1, 1384], 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1385, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 78: [1, 1386], 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1387, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 78: [1, 1388], 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1389, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 78: [1, 1390], 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1391, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 74: $Vl5, 78: [1, 1392] }, o($V65, [2, 143], { 419: 190, 3: 733, 114: 736, 144: 758, 158: 768, 160: 769, 117: 1394, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 112: $VS2, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), o($VQ4, $VR4, { 178: 1234, 163: 1395 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 78: [1, 1396], 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1397, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 78: [1, 1398], 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1399, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 74: $Vl5, 78: [1, 1400] }, { 74: $Vl5, 78: [1, 1401] }, { 74: $Vl5, 78: [1, 1402] }, { 74: $Vl5, 78: [1, 1403] }, { 78: [1, 1404], 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }, { 74: $Vq4, 78: [1, 1405] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 733, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 74: [1, 1406], 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 112: $VS2, 114: 736, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 117: 1407, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 144: 758, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 158: 768, 160: 769, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1408, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1409, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VK, [2, 597]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1410, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 113: 1411, 132: $VW, 296: $Vj1 }, { 78: [1, 1412] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1413, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 111: 1065, 143: $Vm4, 145: $Vn4, 336: 1414, 337: 1066 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1415, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 124: [1, 1416] }, o($VK, [2, 653], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VV4, [2, 658]), { 78: [1, 1417], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($VK, [2, 654], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1418, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vr4, [2, 272]), o($Vr4, [2, 274]), o($Vr4, [2, 276]), o($Vr4, [2, 278]), o($VH1, [2, 161]), o($VK, [2, 569]), { 148: [1, 1419] }, o($VK, [2, 570]), o($VD3, [2, 536], { 387: 878, 7: 879, 272: 1420, 4: $VX3, 386: [1, 1421], 389: $VY3 }), o($VK, [2, 571]), o($VK, [2, 573]), { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1422] }, o($VK, [2, 577]), o($Vz2, [2, 345]), { 74: [1, 1423], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 74: [1, 1424], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 74: [1, 1425], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 74: [1, 1426], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($VK, [2, 581]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1427, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1428, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VK, [2, 583]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1376, 111: 149, 113: 153, 120: 1429, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 241: 1374, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 77: [1, 1430] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1431, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 76: $Vs4, 139: [2, 1149], 480: 1432, 483: 1433 }, o($VY4, [2, 1148]), { 139: [1, 1434] }, { 139: [2, 1152] }, o($VD3, [2, 737]), o($VO3, [2, 744]), o($VO3, [2, 1166]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1268, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1437], 351: 1435, 358: 1436, 384: 1438 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 100: 1439, 111: 1440 }, { 40: 1441, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1442, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 722]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 111: 1065, 143: $Vm4, 145: $Vn4, 147: 1443, 336: 1064, 337: 1066 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1444, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 727]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1445 }, { 335: $Vu4, 338: $Vv4, 339: $Vw4, 511: 1446 }, o($VV1, [2, 691], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1447, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 74: [1, 1448], 78: [1, 1449] }, o($V65, [2, 543]), o($V65, [2, 544]), { 74: $V45, 78: [1, 1450] }, o($VV1, [2, 565]), o($Vz4, [2, 380], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2 }), o($Vz4, [2, 382], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 312: $Vg2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2 }), o($VB1, [2, 396]), o($VB1, [2, 400]), { 78: [1, 1451] }, { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1452] }, o($VB1, [2, 422]), o($VB1, [2, 424]), { 78: [1, 1453], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1454] }, { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1455] }, o($VB1, [2, 427]), o($VB1, [2, 327]), { 77: [1, 1456] }, o($VB1, $V15, { 275: 1457, 276: $V25 }), o($VB1, $V15, { 275: 1458, 276: $V25 }), o($VH4, [2, 284]), o($VB1, [2, 281]), o($VB1, [2, 369]), o($V64, [2, 373], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 74: [1, 1460], 78: [1, 1459] }, { 74: [1, 1462], 78: [1, 1461], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1325, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1194, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 345: 1463, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VL4, [2, 477]), o($VL4, [2, 478]), { 40: 1466, 77: $Ve4, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 149: $Vc4, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 341: 1464, 342: 1465, 344: $Vd4, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 111: 1467 }, o($VL4, [2, 473]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1468, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 77: $Ve4, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 342: 1469, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 460], { 74: $VJ4 }), o($VI4, [2, 467]), o($VK, [2, 694]), o($V75, [2, 699]), o($V75, [2, 700]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 817, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 174: 1470, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 253: 816, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 170: [1, 1472], 309: [1, 1471] }, { 460: [1, 1473] }, o($VI2, [2, 180]), o($Vm5, [2, 240], { 85: 1474, 232: [1, 1475] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1476, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1477, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1478, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vf4, [2, 170], { 216: 1357, 221: 1360, 215: 1479, 205: 1480, 206: $Va5, 208: $Vb5, 222: $Vc5, 223: $Vd5, 224: $Ve5, 225: $Vf5, 226: $Vg5, 227: $Vh5, 228: $Vi5, 229: $Vj5 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 219, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: $Vw1, 132: $Vx1, 143: $VY, 144: 212, 145: $VZ, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 199: 213, 200: 215, 201: 214, 202: 217, 209: 1481, 213: $Vy1, 214: 218, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vn5, [2, 205]), o($Vn5, [2, 206]), { 2: $V1, 3: 219, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 1486], 143: $VY, 144: 1484, 145: $VZ, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 199: 1483, 200: 1487, 201: 1485, 202: 1488, 217: 1482, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 302: $Vn1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 207: [1, 1489], 223: $Vo5 }, { 207: [1, 1491], 223: $Vp5 }, o($Vq5, [2, 222]), { 206: [1, 1495], 208: [1, 1494], 221: 1493, 223: $Vd5, 224: $Ve5, 225: $Vf5, 226: $Vg5, 227: $Vh5, 228: $Vi5, 229: $Vj5 }, o($Vq5, [2, 224]), { 223: [1, 1496] }, { 208: [1, 1498], 223: [1, 1497] }, { 208: [1, 1500], 223: [1, 1499] }, { 208: [1, 1501] }, { 223: [1, 1502] }, { 223: [1, 1503] }, { 74: $V95, 204: 1504, 205: 1356, 206: $Va5, 208: $Vb5, 215: 1355, 216: 1357, 221: 1360, 222: $Vc5, 223: $Vd5, 224: $Ve5, 225: $Vf5, 226: $Vg5, 227: $Vh5, 228: $Vi5, 229: $Vj5 }, o($VO4, [2, 84]), o($Vl4, [2, 100]), { 74: $Vr5, 78: [1, 1505] }, { 78: [1, 1507] }, o($Vs5, [2, 261]), { 78: [2, 1060] }, o($Vs5, [2, 263], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 242: [1, 1508], 243: [1, 1509], 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($Vl4, [2, 99]), o($VP4, [2, 1064], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($Vl4, [2, 101]), o($Vl4, [2, 102]), o($Vl4, [2, 103]), o($Vl4, [2, 121]), o($Vl4, [2, 124]), o($Vl4, [2, 127]), o($VP4, [2, 1068], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($Vl4, [2, 128]), o($VP4, [2, 1070], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($Vl4, [2, 129]), o($VP4, [2, 1072], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($Vl4, [2, 130]), o($VP4, [2, 1076], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($Vl4, [2, 131]), o($VQ4, [2, 1083], { 177: 1510 }), o($VQ4, [2, 1086], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), { 74: $Vl5, 78: [1, 1511] }, o($Vl4, [2, 133]), o($VP4, [2, 1078], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($Vl4, [2, 134]), o($VP4, [2, 1080], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($Vl4, [2, 135]), o($Vl4, [2, 136]), o($Vl4, [2, 137]), o($Vl4, [2, 138]), o($Vl4, [2, 139]), o($Vl4, [2, 140]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 260, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 151: 1512, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VS4, [2, 1082], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($VK, [2, 607]), o($VK, [2, 603]), o($VK, [2, 605]), o($VK, [2, 601]), o($Vv3, [2, 71]), o($VK, [2, 449], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VU4, [2, 452]), o($VU4, [2, 453], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1513, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VV4, [2, 662]), o($VK, [2, 655], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 1514, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VD3, [2, 545], { 385: 1515, 391: 1516, 392: 1517, 366: 1525, 154: $Vt5, 187: $Vu5, 230: $Vv5, 297: $Vw5, 343: $Vx5, 356: $Vy5, 368: $Vz5, 369: $VA5, 373: $VB5, 374: $VC5 }), o($VD3, [2, 535]), o($VK, [2, 576], { 76: [1, 1529] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1530, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1531, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1532, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1533, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1534] }, o($VK, [2, 585]), { 74: $Vr5, 78: [1, 1535] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1376, 111: 149, 113: 153, 120: 1536, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 241: 1374, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o([10, 74, 78, 139, 306, 310, 602, 764], [2, 741]), { 139: [1, 1537] }, { 139: [2, 1150] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1122, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $VR1, 137: $VS1, 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 152: $VT1, 431: 585, 475: 1124, 478: 1538, 482: 582, 493: 579, 497: 581 }, { 78: [1, 1539] }, { 74: [1, 1540], 78: [2, 506] }, { 40: 1541, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($V65, [2, 532]), { 74: $V35, 78: [1, 1542] }, o($Vk5, $V55), o($VK, [2, 1133], { 412: 1543, 413: 1544, 72: $VD5 }), o($VI4, $VZ4, { 79: 75, 184: 99, 114: 625, 327: 637, 40: 1299, 468: 1546, 89: $V7, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 146: $V_4, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 189: $Vb, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2, 470: $V$4 }), o($VI4, [2, 725], { 74: $VT4 }), o($VI4, [2, 726], { 74: $Vx3 }), o([10, 53, 72, 89, 124, 146, 156, 189, 266, 267, 290, 306, 310, 335, 338, 339, 396, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 409, 417, 418, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 452, 505, 507, 508, 517, 602, 764], [2, 1181], { 512: 1547, 3: 1548, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1549] }), o($VE5, [2, 1183], { 513: 1550, 76: [1, 1551] }), o($VV1, [2, 692], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 131: [1, 1552] }, o($Vx4, [2, 538]), o($Vx4, [2, 540]), o($VB1, [2, 412]), o($VB1, [2, 413]), o($VB1, [2, 439]), o($VB1, [2, 423]), o($VB1, [2, 425]), { 118: $VF5, 277: 1553, 278: 1554, 279: [1, 1555] }, o($VB1, [2, 328]), o($VB1, [2, 329]), o($VB1, [2, 316]), { 131: [1, 1557] }, o($VB1, [2, 318]), { 131: [1, 1558] }, { 74: $V45, 78: [1, 1559] }, { 77: $Ve4, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 342: 1560, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VI4, [2, 465], { 74: $VJ4 }), o($VI4, [2, 468]), o($Vk5, [2, 488]), o($V65, [2, 480], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VI4, [2, 459], { 74: $VJ4 }), o($VK, [2, 718], { 74: $Vq4, 198: [1, 1561] }), { 335: $VG5, 338: $VH5, 461: 1562 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1565, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 119: [1, 1567], 170: [1, 1568], 309: [1, 1566] }, o($VI5, [2, 259], { 86: 1569, 118: [1, 1570] }), { 119: [1, 1571] }, o($V85, [2, 239], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 95: [1, 1572], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 95: [1, 1573] }, o($Vn5, [2, 203]), o($Vn5, [2, 204]), o($Vk5, [2, 178]), o($Vn5, [2, 237], { 218: 1574, 230: [1, 1575], 231: [1, 1576] }), o($VJ5, [2, 208], { 3: 1577, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1578] }), o($VK5, [2, 1095], { 219: 1579, 76: [1, 1580] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 1581, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1582] }, { 40: 1583, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($VJ5, [2, 216], { 3: 1584, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1585] }), o($VJ5, [2, 219], { 3: 1586, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1587] }), { 77: [1, 1588] }, o($Vq5, [2, 234]), { 77: [1, 1589] }, o($Vq5, [2, 230]), o($Vq5, [2, 223]), { 223: $Vp5 }, { 223: $Vo5 }, o($Vq5, [2, 225]), o($Vq5, [2, 226]), { 223: [1, 1590] }, o($Vq5, [2, 228]), { 223: [1, 1591] }, { 223: [1, 1592] }, o($Vq5, [2, 232]), o($Vq5, [2, 233]), { 78: [1, 1593], 205: 1480, 206: $Va5, 208: $Vb5, 215: 1479, 216: 1357, 221: 1360, 222: $Vc5, 223: $Vd5, 224: $Ve5, 225: $Vf5, 226: $Vg5, 227: $Vh5, 228: $Vi5, 229: $Vj5 }, o($Vl4, [2, 91]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1376, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 241: 1594, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vl4, [2, 92]), o($Vs5, [2, 264]), { 244: [1, 1595] }, o($V65, [2, 142], { 419: 190, 3: 733, 114: 736, 144: 758, 158: 768, 160: 769, 117: 1596, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 72: $VP2, 76: $VQ2, 77: $VR2, 112: $VS2, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 118: $VT2, 122: $VU2, 123: $VV2, 124: $VW2, 128: $VX2, 129: $VY2, 130: $VZ2, 131: $V_2, 132: $V$2, 133: $V03, 134: $V13, 135: $V23, 136: $V33, 137: $V43, 138: $V53, 139: $V63, 140: $V73, 141: $V83, 142: $V93, 143: $Va3, 145: $Vb3, 146: $Vc3, 148: $Vd3, 149: $Ve3, 150: $Vf3, 152: $Vg3, 154: $Vh3, 156: $Vi3, 162: $Vj3, 164: $Vk3, 166: $Vl3, 168: $Vm3, 169: $Vn3, 170: $Vo3, 171: $Vp3, 172: $Vq3, 173: $Vr3, 175: $Vs3, 185: $Vt3, 187: $Vu3, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }), o($Vl4, [2, 132]), { 74: $Vx3, 78: [1, 1597] }, o($VU4, [2, 454], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($VK, [2, 572]), o($VD3, [2, 534]), o($VD3, [2, 546], { 366: 1525, 392: 1598, 154: $Vt5, 187: $Vu5, 230: $Vv5, 297: $Vw5, 343: $Vx5, 356: $Vy5, 368: $Vz5, 369: $VA5, 373: $VB5, 374: $VC5 }), o($Vw3, [2, 548]), { 370: [1, 1599] }, { 370: [1, 1600] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1601 }, o($Vw3, [2, 554], { 77: [1, 1602] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 114, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 1604], 113: 251, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 196: 250, 200: 1605, 201: 254, 257: 252, 258: 253, 265: $VD1, 274: 1603, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 302: $Vn1 }, o($Vw3, [2, 558]), { 297: [1, 1606] }, o($Vw3, [2, 560]), o($Vw3, [2, 561]), { 335: [1, 1607] }, { 77: [1, 1608] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1609, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 78: [1, 1610], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1611], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1612], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 78: [1, 1613], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($VK, $VW4, { 407: 1614, 76: $VX4 }), o($VK, [2, 591]), { 74: $Vr5, 78: [1, 1615] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1122, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $VR1, 137: $VS1, 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 152: $VT1, 431: 585, 475: 1124, 478: 1616, 482: 582, 493: 579, 497: 581 }, o($VD3, [2, 735]), o($VK, [2, 493], { 352: 1617, 354: 1618, 355: 1619, 4: $VL5, 243: $VM5, 343: $VN5, 356: $VO5 }), o($VP5, $VQ5, { 3: 1268, 359: 1624, 384: 1625, 360: 1626, 361: 1627, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 367: $VR5 }), { 78: [2, 507] }, { 76: [1, 1629] }, o($VK, [2, 609]), o($VK, [2, 1134]), { 368: [1, 1631], 414: [1, 1630] }, o($VI4, [2, 728]), o($VK, $V0, { 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 12: 1632, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 124: $V8, 146: $V9, 156: $Va, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), o($VK, [2, 762]), o($VE5, [2, 1182]), o($VK, $V0, { 17: 5, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 13, 25: 14, 26: 15, 27: 16, 28: 17, 29: 18, 30: 19, 31: 20, 32: 21, 33: 22, 34: 23, 35: 24, 36: 25, 37: 26, 38: 27, 39: 28, 40: 29, 41: 30, 42: 31, 43: 32, 44: 33, 45: 34, 46: 35, 47: 36, 48: 37, 49: 38, 50: 39, 51: 40, 52: 41, 54: 43, 55: 44, 56: 45, 57: 46, 58: 47, 59: 48, 60: 49, 61: 50, 62: 51, 63: 52, 64: 53, 65: 54, 66: 55, 67: 56, 68: 57, 69: 58, 70: 59, 71: 60, 79: 75, 504: 95, 184: 99, 3: 100, 12: 1633, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 53: $V5, 72: $V6, 89: $V7, 124: $V8, 146: $V9, 156: $Va, 189: $Vb, 266: $Vc, 267: $Vd, 290: $Ve, 335: $Vf, 338: $Vg, 339: $Vh, 396: $Vi, 400: $Vj, 401: $Vk, 404: $Vl, 406: $Vm, 408: $Vn, 409: $Vo, 417: $Vp, 418: $Vq, 434: $Vr, 436: $Vs, 437: $Vt, 439: $Vu, 440: $Vv, 441: $Vw, 442: $Vx, 443: $Vy, 447: $Vz, 448: $VA, 451: $VB, 452: $VC, 505: $VD, 507: $VE, 508: $VF, 517: $VG }), o($VE5, [2, 1184]), { 78: [1, 1634] }, { 78: [1, 1635], 118: $VF5, 278: 1636 }, { 78: [1, 1637] }, { 119: [1, 1638] }, { 119: [1, 1639] }, { 78: [1, 1640] }, { 78: [1, 1641] }, o($VL4, [2, 476]), o($VI4, [2, 464], { 74: $VJ4 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 143: $VF1, 145: $VG1, 199: 1643, 431: 1642 }, o($V75, [2, 703]), o($V75, [2, 705]), { 146: [1, 1644] }, { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 309: [1, 1645], 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, { 339: $VS5, 462: 1646 }, { 417: [1, 1649], 463: [1, 1648] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1650, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VT5, [2, 267], { 87: 1651, 245: [1, 1652], 247: [1, 1653] }), { 119: [1, 1654] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1660, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 233: 1655, 235: 1656, 236: $VU5, 237: $VV5, 238: $VW5, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1661, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1662, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vn5, [2, 207]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1663, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 100: 1664, 111: 1440 }, o($VJ5, [2, 209]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1665, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VJ5, [2, 1097], { 220: 1666, 3: 1667, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }), o($VK5, [2, 1096]), o($VJ5, [2, 212]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1668, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 78: [1, 1669] }, o($VJ5, [2, 217]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1670, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VJ5, [2, 220]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1671, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 40: 1672, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, { 40: 1673, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($Vq5, [2, 227]), o($Vq5, [2, 229]), o($Vq5, [2, 231]), o($Vf4, [2, 171]), o($Vs5, [2, 262]), o($Vs5, [2, 265], { 242: [1, 1674] }), o($VQ4, [2, 1084], { 153: 1015, 179: $Vi4, 180: $Vj4, 181: $Vk4 }), o($Vl4, [2, 141]), o($Vw3, [2, 547]), o($Vw3, [2, 550]), { 374: [1, 1675] }, o($Vw3, [2, 1127], { 395: 1676, 393: 1677, 77: $VX5 }), { 131: $VV, 196: 1679 }, o($Vw3, [2, 555]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1680, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vw3, [2, 557]), o($Vw3, [2, 559]), { 2: $V1, 3: 114, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [1, 1682], 113: 251, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 143: $VY, 152: $V$, 156: $VL, 181: $V31, 196: 250, 200: 255, 201: 254, 257: 252, 258: 253, 265: $VD1, 274: 1681, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 302: $Vn1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1683, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VK, [2, 578]), o($Vz2, [2, 349]), o($Vz2, [2, 350]), o($Vz2, [2, 351]), o($Vz2, [2, 352]), o($VK, [2, 582]), o($VK, [2, 592]), o($VD3, [2, 734]), o($VK, [2, 489]), o($VK, [2, 494], { 355: 1684, 4: $VL5, 243: $VM5, 343: $VN5, 356: $VO5 }), o($VY5, [2, 496]), o($VY5, [2, 497]), { 124: [1, 1685] }, { 124: [1, 1686] }, { 124: [1, 1687] }, { 74: [1, 1688], 78: [2, 505] }, o($V65, [2, 533]), o($V65, [2, 508]), { 187: [1, 1696], 193: [1, 1697], 362: 1689, 363: 1690, 364: 1691, 365: 1692, 366: 1693, 368: $Vz5, 369: [1, 1694], 370: [1, 1698], 373: [1, 1695] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1699, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 40: 1700, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, { 415: [1, 1701] }, { 416: [1, 1702] }, o($VK, [2, 761]), o($VK, [2, 763]), o($Vx4, [2, 537]), o($VB1, [2, 331]), { 78: [1, 1703] }, o($VB1, [2, 332]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1660, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 233: 1704, 235: 1656, 236: $VU5, 237: $VV5, 238: $VW5, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1376, 111: 149, 113: 153, 120: 1705, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 241: 1374, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($VB1, [2, 317]), o($VB1, [2, 319]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1706, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VK, [2, 720], { 77: [1, 1707] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 111: 1065, 143: $Vm4, 145: $Vn4, 147: 1708, 336: 1064, 337: 1066 }, { 335: $VG5, 338: $VH5, 461: 1709 }, o($V75, [2, 707]), { 77: [1, 1711], 343: [1, 1712], 344: [1, 1710] }, { 170: [1, 1714], 309: [1, 1713] }, { 170: [1, 1716], 309: [1, 1715] }, { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 309: [1, 1717], 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($Vh4, [2, 250], { 88: 1718, 162: [1, 1719], 168: [1, 1721], 169: [1, 1720] }), { 131: $VV, 196: 1722 }, { 131: $VV, 196: 1723 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1376, 111: 149, 113: 153, 120: 1724, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 241: 1374, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, o($Vm5, [2, 248], { 234: 1725, 74: $VZ5, 239: [1, 1727] }), o($V_5, [2, 242]), { 146: [1, 1728] }, { 77: [1, 1729] }, { 77: [1, 1730] }, o($V_5, [2, 247], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 78: [2, 1051], 96: 1731, 99: [1, 1733], 102: 1732 }, { 99: [1, 1734] }, o($Vn5, [2, 235], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), o($Vn5, [2, 236], { 74: $V35 }), o($VJ5, [2, 210]), o($VJ5, [2, 211]), o($VJ5, [2, 1098]), o($VJ5, [2, 213]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1735, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1736] }, o($VJ5, [2, 218]), o($VJ5, [2, 221]), { 78: [1, 1737] }, { 78: [1, 1738] }, o($Vs5, [2, 266]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1739 }, o($Vw3, [2, 552]), o($Vw3, [2, 1128]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1740, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 74: [1, 1741] }, { 78: [1, 1742], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($Vw3, [2, 562]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1743, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 78: [1, 1744], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($VY5, [2, 495]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1745, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 131: $VV, 196: 1746 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1747, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VP5, $VQ5, { 361: 1627, 360: 1748, 367: $VR5 }), o($VD3, [2, 510]), o($VD3, [2, 511]), o($VD3, [2, 512]), o($VD3, [2, 513]), o($VD3, [2, 514]), { 370: [1, 1749] }, { 370: [1, 1750] }, o($V$5, [2, 1121], { 382: 1751, 370: [1, 1752] }), { 2: $V1, 3: 1753, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1754, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VP5, [2, 516]), o($VK, [2, 1131], { 411: 1755, 413: 1756, 72: $VD5 }), o($VK, [2, 610]), o($VK, [2, 611], { 367: [1, 1757] }), o($VB1, [2, 333]), o([78, 118], [2, 334], { 74: $VZ5 }), { 74: $Vr5, 78: [2, 335] }, o($VK, [2, 719]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 100: 1758, 111: 1440 }, o($V75, [2, 706], { 74: $VT4 }), o($V75, [2, 704]), { 77: $Ve4, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 342: 1759, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 100: 1760, 111: 1440 }, { 344: [1, 1761] }, { 339: $VS5, 462: 1762 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1763, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 339: $VS5, 462: 1764 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1765, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 339: $VS5, 462: 1766 }, o($Vh4, [2, 72]), { 40: 1767, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 164: [1, 1768], 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 240: [1, 1769] }, { 40: 1770, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 240: [1, 1771] }, { 40: 1772, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 240: [1, 1773] }, o($VT5, [2, 270], { 246: 1774, 247: [1, 1775] }), { 248: 1776, 249: [2, 1099], 766: [1, 1777] }, o($VI5, [2, 260], { 74: $Vr5 }), o($Vm5, [2, 241]), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1660, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 235: 1778, 236: $VU5, 237: $VV5, 238: $VW5, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1779, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 77: [1, 1780] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1660, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 233: 1781, 235: 1656, 236: $VU5, 237: $VV5, 238: $VW5, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1660, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 233: 1782, 235: 1656, 236: $VU5, 237: $VV5, 238: $VW5, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 78: [1, 1783] }, { 78: [2, 1052] }, { 77: [1, 1784] }, { 77: [1, 1785] }, o($VJ5, [2, 214]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1786, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1787, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1788] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1789, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: [1, 1790] }, o($Vw3, [2, 1125], { 394: 1791, 393: 1792, 77: $VX5 }), { 78: [1, 1793] }, { 131: $VV, 196: 1794 }, o($Vw3, [2, 556]), { 78: [1, 1795], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($Vw3, [2, 517]), o($VY5, [2, 498]), o($VY5, [2, 499]), o($VY5, [2, 500]), o($V65, [2, 509]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1797, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [2, 1117], 371: 1796 }, { 77: [1, 1798] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1800, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 77: [2, 1123], 383: 1799 }, o($V$5, [2, 1122]), { 77: [1, 1801] }, { 77: [1, 1802] }, o($VK, [2, 608]), o($VK, [2, 1132]), o($VP5, $VQ5, { 361: 1627, 360: 1803, 367: $VR5 }), { 74: $V35, 78: [1, 1804] }, o($V75, [2, 713], { 74: $VJ4 }), { 74: $V35, 78: [1, 1805] }, o($V75, [2, 715]), o($V75, [2, 708]), { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 309: [1, 1806], 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($V75, [2, 711]), { 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 114: 625, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 309: [1, 1807], 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 327: 637, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }, o($V75, [2, 709]), o($Vh4, [2, 251]), { 40: 1808, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb, 240: [1, 1809] }, { 40: 1810, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($Vh4, [2, 253]), { 40: 1811, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($Vh4, [2, 254]), { 40: 1812, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($VT5, [2, 268]), { 131: $VV, 196: 1813 }, { 249: [1, 1814] }, { 249: [2, 1100] }, o($V_5, [2, 243]), o($Vm5, [2, 249], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1660, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 233: 1815, 235: 1656, 236: $VU5, 237: $VV5, 238: $VW5, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 74: $VZ5, 78: [1, 1816] }, { 74: $VZ5, 78: [1, 1817] }, o($VN4, [2, 1053], { 97: 1818, 104: 1819, 3: 1821, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: $V06 }), { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1824, 103: 1822, 105: 1823, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 100: 1825, 111: 1440 }, o($VJ5, [2, 215]), o($Vn5, [2, 173]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1826, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vn5, [2, 175]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1827, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($Vw3, [2, 551]), o($Vw3, [2, 1126]), o($Vw3, [2, 549]), { 78: [1, 1828] }, o($Vw3, [2, 563]), { 77: [1, 1829] }, { 77: [2, 1118] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1831, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $V16, 372: 1830 }, { 77: [1, 1833] }, { 77: [2, 1124] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 100: 1834, 111: 1440 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 100: 1835, 111: 1440 }, o($VK, [2, 612]), o($VK, [2, 721]), { 343: [1, 1837], 344: [1, 1836] }, { 339: $VS5, 462: 1838 }, { 335: $VG5, 338: $VH5, 461: 1839 }, o($Vh4, [2, 252]), { 40: 1840, 79: 75, 89: $V7, 184: 99, 189: $Vb }, o($Vh4, [2, 255]), o($Vh4, [2, 257]), o($Vh4, [2, 258]), o($VT5, [2, 271]), { 131: [2, 1101], 250: 1841, 645: [1, 1842] }, { 74: $VZ5, 78: [1, 1843] }, o($V_5, [2, 245]), o($V_5, [2, 246]), o($VN4, [2, 74]), o($VN4, [2, 1054]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1844, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, o($VN4, [2, 78]), { 74: [1, 1846], 78: [1, 1845] }, o($V65, [2, 80]), o($V65, [2, 81], { 114: 625, 327: 637, 76: [1, 1847], 99: $VZ1, 112: $V_1, 115: $V$1, 116: $V02, 123: $V12, 124: $Vz3, 133: $V32, 136: $V42, 138: $V52, 139: $V62, 140: $V72, 141: $V82, 142: $V92, 154: $Va2, 170: $Vb2, 171: $Vc2, 179: $Vd2, 180: $Ve2, 311: $Vf2, 312: $Vg2, 313: $Vh2, 315: $Vi2, 316: $Vj2, 317: $Vk2, 318: $Vl2, 319: $Vm2, 320: $Vn2, 321: $Vo2, 322: $Vp2, 323: $Vq2, 324: $Vr2, 325: $Vs2, 326: $Vt2, 330: $Vu2, 331: $Vv2, 332: $Vw2, 333: $Vx2 }), { 74: $V35, 78: [1, 1848] }, o($Vn5, [2, 174]), o($Vn5, [2, 176]), o($Vw3, [2, 553]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1831, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $V16, 372: 1849 }, { 74: $V26, 78: [1, 1850] }, o($V65, [2, 528]), o($V65, [2, 529]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1011, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 100: 1852, 111: 1440 }, { 74: $V35, 78: [1, 1853] }, { 74: $V35, 78: [1, 1854] }, { 77: $Ve4, 143: $VY, 144: 979, 145: $VC1, 152: $V$, 181: $V31, 201: 980, 302: $Vn1, 342: 1855, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 344: [1, 1856] }, o($V75, [2, 710]), o($V75, [2, 712]), o($Vh4, [2, 256]), { 131: $VV, 196: 1857 }, { 131: [2, 1102] }, o($V_5, [2, 244]), o($VN4, [2, 77]), { 78: [2, 76] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 168, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 56: 165, 77: $VU, 94: 1824, 105: 1858, 111: 149, 113: 153, 131: $VV, 132: $VW, 137: $VX, 143: $VY, 144: 161, 145: $VZ, 149: $V_, 152: $V$, 154: $V01, 156: $VL, 158: 167, 179: $V11, 180: $V21, 181: $V31, 196: 151, 200: 147, 201: 155, 202: 156, 254: 150, 255: 146, 256: 148, 257: 152, 258: 154, 259: 157, 260: 158, 261: 159, 262: 162, 263: 163, 265: $V41, 266: $Vc, 270: $V51, 271: $V61, 273: $V71, 280: $V81, 281: $V91, 282: $Va1, 283: $Vb1, 284: $Vc1, 285: $Vd1, 286: $Ve1, 287: $Vf1, 288: $Vg1, 290: $VM, 291: $VN, 292: $VO, 293: $VP, 294: $Vh1, 295: $Vi1, 296: $Vj1, 297: $Vk1, 298: $Vl1, 299: $Vm1, 302: $Vn1, 303: $Vo1, 312: $Vp1, 317: $Vq1, 419: 190, 420: $Vr1, 424: $Vs1 }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1859, 4: $V2, 5: $V3 }, { 78: [1, 1860] }, { 74: $V26, 78: [1, 1861] }, { 374: [1, 1862] }, { 2: $V1, 3: 1863, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: [1, 1864] }, { 74: $V35, 78: [1, 1865] }, o($VD3, [2, 526]), o($VD3, [2, 527]), o($V75, [2, 714], { 74: $VJ4 }), o($V75, [2, 716]), o($V36, [2, 1103], { 251: 1866, 766: [1, 1867] }), o($V65, [2, 79]), o($V65, [2, 82]), o($VN4, [2, 1055], { 3: 1821, 101: 1868, 104: 1869, 2: $V1, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 76: $V06 }), o($VD3, [2, 518]), { 2: $V1, 3: 244, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 199: 1870 }, o($V65, [2, 530]), o($V65, [2, 531]), o($VD3, [2, 525]), o($VT5, [2, 1105], { 252: 1871, 415: [1, 1872] }), o($V36, [2, 1104]), o($VN4, [2, 75]), o($VN4, [2, 1056]), o($V46, [2, 1119], { 375: 1873, 377: 1874, 77: [1, 1875] }), o($VT5, [2, 269]), o($VT5, [2, 1106]), o($VD3, [2, 521], { 376: 1876, 378: 1877, 230: [1, 1878] }), o($V46, [2, 1120]), { 2: $V1, 3: 1831, 4: $V2, 5: $V3, 132: $V16, 372: 1879 }, o($VD3, [2, 519]), { 230: [1, 1881], 379: 1880 }, { 338: [1, 1882] }, { 74: $V26, 78: [1, 1883] }, o($VD3, [2, 522]), { 335: [1, 1884] }, { 380: [1, 1885] }, o($V46, [2, 520]), { 380: [1, 1886] }, { 381: [1, 1887] }, { 381: [1, 1888] }, { 230: [2, 523] }, o($VD3, [2, 524])],
+ defaultActions: { 105: [2, 6], 194: [2, 336], 195: [2, 337], 196: [2, 338], 197: [2, 339], 198: [2, 340], 199: [2, 341], 200: [2, 342], 201: [2, 343], 202: [2, 344], 209: [2, 695], 591: [2, 1142], 653: [2, 1107], 654: [2, 1108], 710: [2, 696], 780: [2, 1073], 781: [2, 1074], 926: [2, 446], 927: [2, 447], 928: [2, 448], 987: [2, 697], 1288: [2, 1152], 1375: [2, 1060], 1433: [2, 1150], 1541: [2, 507], 1732: [2, 1052], 1777: [2, 1100], 1797: [2, 1118], 1800: [2, 1124], 1842: [2, 1102], 1845: [2, 76], 1887: [2, 523] },
+ parseError: function parseError(str, hash) {
+ if (hash.recoverable) {
+ this.trace(str);
+ }
+ else {
+ var error = new Error(str);
+ error.hash = hash;
+ throw error;
+ }
+ },
+ parse: function parse(input) {
+ var this$1 = this;
+ var self = this, stack = [0], vstack = [null], // semantic value stack
+ lstack = [], // location stack
+ table = this.table, yytext = '', yylineno = 0, yyleng = 0, recovering = 0, TERROR = 2, EOF = 1;
+ var args = lstack.slice.call(arguments, 1);
+ //this.reductionCount = this.shiftCount = 0;
+ var lexer = Object.create(this.lexer);
+ var sharedState = { yy: {} };
+ // copy state
+ for (var k in this$1.yy) {
+ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this$1.yy, k)) {
+ sharedState.yy[k] = this$1.yy[k];
+ }
+ }
+ lexer.setInput(input, sharedState.yy);
+ sharedState.yy.lexer = lexer;
+ sharedState.yy.parser = this;
+ if (typeof lexer.yylloc == 'undefined') {
+ lexer.yylloc = {};
+ }
+ var yyloc = lexer.yylloc;
+ lstack.push(yyloc);
+ var ranges = lexer.options && lexer.options.ranges;
+ if (typeof sharedState.yy.parseError === 'function') {
+ this.parseError = sharedState.yy.parseError;
+ }
+ else {
+ this.parseError = Object.getPrototypeOf(this).parseError;
+ }
+ function popStack(n) {
+ stack.length = stack.length - 2 * n;
+ vstack.length = vstack.length - n;
+ lstack.length = lstack.length - n;
+ }
+ _token_stack: var lex = function () {
+ var token;
+ token = lexer.lex() || EOF;
+ // if token isn't its numeric value, convert
+ if (typeof token !== 'number') {
+ token = self.symbols_[token] || token;
+ }
+ return token;
+ };
+ var symbol, preErrorSymbol, state, action, r, yyval = {}, p, len, newState, expected;
+ while (true) {
+ // retreive state number from top of stack
+ state = stack[stack.length - 1];
+ // use default actions if available
+ if (this$1.defaultActions[state]) {
+ action = this$1.defaultActions[state];
+ }
+ else {
+ if (symbol === null || typeof symbol == 'undefined') {
+ symbol = lex();
+ }
+ // read action for current state and first input
+ action = table[state] && table[state][symbol];
+ }
+ _handle_error:
+ // handle parse error
+ if (typeof action === 'undefined' || !action.length || !action[0]) {
+ var error_rule_depth;
+ var errStr = '';
+ // Return the rule stack depth where the nearest error rule can be found.
+ // Return FALSE when no error recovery rule was found.
+ var locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule = function (state) {
+ var stack_probe = stack.length - 1;
+ var depth = 0;
+ // try to recover from error
+ for (;;) {
+ // check for error recovery rule in this state
+ if ((TERROR.toString()) in table[state]) {
+ return depth;
+ }
+ if (state === 0 || stack_probe < 2) {
+ return false; // No suitable error recovery rule available.
+ }
+ stack_probe -= 2; // popStack(1): [symbol, action]
+ state = stack[stack_probe];
+ ++depth;
+ }
+ };
+ if (!recovering) {
+ // first see if there's any chance at hitting an error recovery rule:
+ error_rule_depth = locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule(state);
+ // Report error
+ expected = [];
+ for (p in table[state]) {
+ if (this$1.terminals_[p] && p > TERROR) {
+ expected.push("'" + this$1.terminals_[p] + "'");
+ }
+ }
+ if (lexer.showPosition) {
+ errStr = 'Parse error on line ' + (yylineno + 1) + ":\n" + lexer.showPosition() + "\nExpecting " + expected.join(', ') + ", got '" + (this$1.terminals_[symbol] || symbol) + "'";
+ }
+ else {
+ errStr = 'Parse error on line ' + (yylineno + 1) + ": Unexpected " +
+ (symbol == EOF ? "end of input" :
+ ("'" + (this$1.terminals_[symbol] || symbol) + "'"));
+ }
+ this$1.parseError(errStr, {
+ text: lexer.match,
+ token: this$1.terminals_[symbol] || symbol,
+ line: lexer.yylineno,
+ loc: yyloc,
+ expected: expected,
+ recoverable: (error_rule_depth !== false)
+ });
+ }
+ else if (preErrorSymbol !== EOF) {
+ error_rule_depth = locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule(state);
+ }
+ // just recovered from another error
+ if (recovering == 3) {
+ if (symbol === EOF || preErrorSymbol === EOF) {
+ throw new Error(errStr || 'Parsing halted while starting to recover from another error.');
+ }
+ // discard current lookahead and grab another
+ yyleng = lexer.yyleng;
+ yytext = lexer.yytext;
+ yylineno = lexer.yylineno;
+ yyloc = lexer.yylloc;
+ symbol = lex();
+ }
+ // try to recover from error
+ if (error_rule_depth === false) {
+ throw new Error(errStr || 'Parsing halted. No suitable error recovery rule available.');
+ }
+ popStack(error_rule_depth);
+ preErrorSymbol = (symbol == TERROR ? null : symbol); // save the lookahead token
+ symbol = TERROR; // insert generic error symbol as new lookahead
+ state = stack[stack.length - 1];
+ action = table[state] && table[state][TERROR];
+ recovering = 3; // allow 3 real symbols to be shifted before reporting a new error
+ }
+ // this shouldn't happen, unless resolve defaults are off
+ if (action[0] instanceof Array && action.length > 1) {
+ throw new Error('Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: ' + state + ', token: ' + symbol);
+ }
+ switch (action[0]) {
+ case 1: // shift
+ //this.shiftCount++;
+ stack.push(symbol);
+ vstack.push(lexer.yytext);
+ lstack.push(lexer.yylloc);
+ stack.push(action[1]); // push state
+ symbol = null;
+ if (!preErrorSymbol) { // normal execution/no error
+ yyleng = lexer.yyleng;
+ yytext = lexer.yytext;
+ yylineno = lexer.yylineno;
+ yyloc = lexer.yylloc;
+ if (recovering > 0) {
+ recovering--;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // error just occurred, resume old lookahead f/ before error
+ symbol = preErrorSymbol;
+ preErrorSymbol = null;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // reduce
+ //this.reductionCount++;
+ len = this$1.productions_[action[1]][1];
+ // perform semantic action
+ yyval.$ = vstack[vstack.length - len]; // default to $$ = $1
+ // default location, uses first token for firsts, last for lasts
+ yyval._$ = {
+ first_line: lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].first_line,
+ last_line: lstack[lstack.length - 1].last_line,
+ first_column: lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].first_column,
+ last_column: lstack[lstack.length - 1].last_column
+ };
+ if (ranges) {
+ yyval._$.range = [lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].range[0], lstack[lstack.length - 1].range[1]];
+ }
+ r = this$1.performAction.apply(yyval, [yytext, yyleng, yylineno, sharedState.yy, action[1], vstack, lstack].concat(args));
+ if (typeof r !== 'undefined') {
+ return r;
+ }
+ // pop off stack
+ if (len) {
+ stack = stack.slice(0, -1 * len * 2);
+ vstack = vstack.slice(0, -1 * len);
+ lstack = lstack.slice(0, -1 * len);
+ }
+ stack.push(this$1.productions_[action[1]][0]); // push nonterminal (reduce)
+ vstack.push(yyval.$);
+ lstack.push(yyval._$);
+ // goto new state = table[STATE][NONTERMINAL]
+ newState = table[stack[stack.length - 2]][stack[stack.length - 1]];
+ stack.push(newState);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ // accept
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ } };
+ // from https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-keywords-appendix.html
+ // JSON.stringify([].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('tr')).filter(x => x.children.length == 5 && x.children[2].innerText == 'reserved').map(x => x.children[0].innerText))
+ parser.parseError = function (str, hash) {
+ if (hash.expected && hash.expected.indexOf("'LITERAL'") > -1 && /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*/.test(hash.token) && nonReserved.indexOf(hash.token) > -1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ throw new SyntaxError(str);
+ };
+ /* generated by jison-lex 0.3.4 */
+ var lexer = (function () {
+ var lexer = ({
+ EOF: 1,
+ parseError: function parseError(str, hash) {
+ if (this.yy.parser) {
+ this.yy.parser.parseError(str, hash);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error(str);
+ }
+ },
+ // resets the lexer, sets new input
+ setInput: function (input, yy) {
+ this.yy = yy || this.yy || {};
+ this._input = input;
+ this._more = this._backtrack = this.done = false;
+ this.yylineno = this.yyleng = 0;
+ this.yytext = this.matched = this.match = '';
+ this.conditionStack = ['INITIAL'];
+ this.yylloc = {
+ first_line: 1,
+ first_column: 0,
+ last_line: 1,
+ last_column: 0
+ };
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ this.yylloc.range = [0, 0];
+ }
+ this.offset = 0;
+ return this;
+ },
+ // consumes and returns one char from the input
+ input: function () {
+ var ch = this._input[0];
+ this.yytext += ch;
+ this.yyleng++;
+ this.offset++;
+ this.match += ch;
+ this.matched += ch;
+ var lines = ch.match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g);
+ if (lines) {
+ this.yylineno++;
+ this.yylloc.last_line++;
+ }
+ else {
+ this.yylloc.last_column++;
+ }
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ this.yylloc.range[1]++;
+ }
+ this._input = this._input.slice(1);
+ return ch;
+ },
+ // unshifts one char (or a string) into the input
+ unput: function (ch) {
+ var len = ch.length;
+ var lines = ch.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
+ this._input = ch + this._input;
+ this.yytext = this.yytext.substr(0, this.yytext.length - len);
+ //this.yyleng -= len;
+ this.offset -= len;
+ var oldLines = this.match.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
+ this.match = this.match.substr(0, this.match.length - 1);
+ this.matched = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - 1);
+ if (lines.length - 1) {
+ this.yylineno -= lines.length - 1;
+ }
+ var r = this.yylloc.range;
+ this.yylloc = {
+ first_line: this.yylloc.first_line,
+ last_line: this.yylineno + 1,
+ first_column: this.yylloc.first_column,
+ last_column: lines ?
+ (lines.length === oldLines.length ? this.yylloc.first_column : 0)
+ + oldLines[oldLines.length - lines.length].length - lines[0].length :
+ this.yylloc.first_column - len
+ };
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ this.yylloc.range = [r[0], r[0] + this.yyleng - len];
+ }
+ this.yyleng = this.yytext.length;
+ return this;
+ },
+ // When called from action, caches matched text and appends it on next action
+ more: function () {
+ this._more = true;
+ return this;
+ },
+ // When called from action, signals the lexer that this rule fails to match the input, so the next matching rule (regex) should be tested instead.
+ reject: function () {
+ if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
+ this._backtrack = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ return this.parseError('Lexical error on line ' + (this.yylineno + 1) + '. You can only invoke reject() in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion (options.backtrack_lexer = true).\n' + this.showPosition(), {
+ text: "",
+ token: null,
+ line: this.yylineno
+ });
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // retain first n characters of the match
+ less: function (n) {
+ this.unput(this.match.slice(n));
+ },
+ // displays already matched input, i.e. for error messages
+ pastInput: function () {
+ var past = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - this.match.length);
+ return (past.length > 20 ? '...' : '') + past.substr(-20).replace(/\n/g, "");
+ },
+ // displays upcoming input, i.e. for error messages
+ upcomingInput: function () {
+ var next = this.match;
+ if (next.length < 20) {
+ next += this._input.substr(0, 20 - next.length);
+ }
+ return (next.substr(0, 20) + (next.length > 20 ? '...' : '')).replace(/\n/g, "");
+ },
+ // displays the character position where the lexing error occurred, i.e. for error messages
+ showPosition: function () {
+ var pre = this.pastInput();
+ var c = new Array(pre.length + 1).join("-");
+ return pre + this.upcomingInput() + "\n" + c + "^";
+ },
+ // test the lexed token: return FALSE when not a match, otherwise return token
+ test_match: function (match, indexed_rule) {
+ var this$1 = this;
+ var token, lines, backup;
+ if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
+ // save context
+ backup = {
+ yylineno: this.yylineno,
+ yylloc: {
+ first_line: this.yylloc.first_line,
+ last_line: this.last_line,
+ first_column: this.yylloc.first_column,
+ last_column: this.yylloc.last_column
+ },
+ yytext: this.yytext,
+ match: this.match,
+ matches: this.matches,
+ matched: this.matched,
+ yyleng: this.yyleng,
+ offset: this.offset,
+ _more: this._more,
+ _input: this._input,
+ yy: this.yy,
+ conditionStack: this.conditionStack.slice(0),
+ done: this.done
+ };
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ backup.yylloc.range = this.yylloc.range.slice(0);
+ }
+ }
+ lines = match[0].match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g);
+ if (lines) {
+ this.yylineno += lines.length;
+ }
+ this.yylloc = {
+ first_line: this.yylloc.last_line,
+ last_line: this.yylineno + 1,
+ first_column: this.yylloc.last_column,
+ last_column: lines ?
+ lines[lines.length - 1].length - lines[lines.length - 1].match(/\r?\n?/)[0].length :
+ this.yylloc.last_column + match[0].length
+ };
+ this.yytext += match[0];
+ this.match += match[0];
+ this.matches = match;
+ this.yyleng = this.yytext.length;
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ this.yylloc.range = [this.offset, this.offset += this.yyleng];
+ }
+ this._more = false;
+ this._backtrack = false;
+ this._input = this._input.slice(match[0].length);
+ this.matched += match[0];
+ token = this.performAction.call(this, this.yy, this, indexed_rule, this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]);
+ if (this.done && this._input) {
+ this.done = false;
+ }
+ if (token) {
+ return token;
+ }
+ else if (this._backtrack) {
+ // recover context
+ for (var k in backup) {
+ this$1[k] = backup[k];
+ }
+ return false; // rule action called reject() implying the next rule should be tested instead.
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ // return next match in input
+ next: function () {
+ var this$1 = this;
+ if (this.done) {
+ return this.EOF;
+ }
+ if (!this._input) {
+ this.done = true;
+ }
+ var token, match, tempMatch, index;
+ if (!this._more) {
+ this.yytext = '';
+ this.match = '';
+ }
+ var rules = this._currentRules();
+ for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
+ tempMatch = this$1._input.match(this$1.rules[rules[i]]);
+ if (tempMatch && (!match || tempMatch[0].length > match[0].length)) {
+ match = tempMatch;
+ index = i;
+ if (this$1.options.backtrack_lexer) {
+ token = this$1.test_match(tempMatch, rules[i]);
+ if (token !== false) {
+ return token;
+ }
+ else if (this$1._backtrack) {
+ match = false;
+ continue; // rule action called reject() implying a rule MISmatch.
+ }
+ else {
+ // else: this is a lexer rule which consumes input without producing a token (e.g. whitespace)
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!this$1.options.flex) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (match) {
+ token = this.test_match(match, rules[index]);
+ if (token !== false) {
+ return token;
+ }
+ // else: this is a lexer rule which consumes input without producing a token (e.g. whitespace)
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this._input === "") {
+ return this.EOF;
+ }
+ else {
+ return this.parseError('Lexical error on line ' + (this.yylineno + 1) + '. Unrecognized text.\n' + this.showPosition(), {
+ text: "",
+ token: null,
+ line: this.yylineno
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ // return next match that has a token
+ lex: function lex() {
+ var r = this.next();
+ if (r) {
+ return r;
+ }
+ else {
+ return this.lex();
+ }
+ },
+ // activates a new lexer condition state (pushes the new lexer condition state onto the condition stack)
+ begin: function begin(condition) {
+ this.conditionStack.push(condition);
+ },
+ // pop the previously active lexer condition state off the condition stack
+ popState: function popState() {
+ var n = this.conditionStack.length - 1;
+ if (n > 0) {
+ return this.conditionStack.pop();
+ }
+ else {
+ return this.conditionStack[0];
+ }
+ },
+ // produce the lexer rule set which is active for the currently active lexer condition state
+ _currentRules: function _currentRules() {
+ if (this.conditionStack.length && this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]) {
+ return this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]].rules;
+ }
+ else {
+ return this.conditions["INITIAL"].rules;
+ }
+ },
+ // return the currently active lexer condition state; when an index argument is provided it produces the N-th previous condition state, if available
+ topState: function topState(n) {
+ n = this.conditionStack.length - 1 - Math.abs(n || 0);
+ if (n >= 0) {
+ return this.conditionStack[n];
+ }
+ else {
+ return "INITIAL";
+ }
+ },
+ // alias for begin(condition)
+ pushState: function pushState(condition) {
+ this.begin(condition);
+ },
+ // return the number of states currently on the stack
+ stateStackSize: function stateStackSize() {
+ return this.conditionStack.length;
+ },
+ options: { "case-insensitive": true },
+ performAction: function anonymous(yy, yy_, $avoiding_name_collisions, YY_START) {
+ switch ($avoiding_name_collisions) {
+ case 0:
+ return 266;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ return 302;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ return 420;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ return 299;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ return 5;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ return 5;
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ return 296;
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ return 296;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ return 132;
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ return 132;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ return; /* its a COMMENT */
+ break;
+ case 11: /* skip whitespace */
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ return 316;
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ return 319;
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ yy_.yytext = 'VALUE';
+ return 89;
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ yy_.yytext = 'VALUE';
+ return 189;
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ yy_.yytext = 'ROW';
+ return 189;
+ break;
+ case 17:
+ yy_.yytext = 'COLUMN';
+ return 189;
+ break;
+ case 18:
+ yy_.yytext = 'MATRIX';
+ return 189;
+ break;
+ case 19:
+ yy_.yytext = 'INDEX';
+ return 189;
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ yy_.yytext = 'RECORDSET';
+ return 189;
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ yy_.yytext = 'TEXT';
+ return 189;
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ yy_.yytext = 'SELECT';
+ return 189;
+ break;
+ case 23:
+ return 520;
+ break;
+ case 24:
+ return 381;
+ break;
+ case 25:
+ return 402;
+ break;
+ case 26:
+ return 515;
+ break;
+ case 27:
+ return 287;
+ break;
+ case 28:
+ return 269;
+ break;
+ case 29:
+ return 269;
+ break;
+ case 30:
+ return 164;
+ break;
+ case 31:
+ return 400;
+ break;
+ case 32:
+ return 170;
+ break;
+ case 33:
+ return 229;
+ break;
+ case 34:
+ return 166;
+ break;
+ case 35:
+ return 207;
+ break;
+ case 36:
+ return 288;
+ break;
+ case 37:
+ return 76;
+ break;
+ case 38:
+ return 418;
+ break;
+ case 39:
+ return 242;
+ break;
+ case 40:
+ return 404;
+ break;
+ case 41:
+ return 356;
+ break;
+ case 42:
+ return 284;
+ break;
+ case 43:
+ return 514;
+ break;
+ case 44:
+ return 437;
+ break;
+ case 45:
+ return 330;
+ break;
+ case 46:
+ return 441;
+ break;
+ case 47:
+ return 331;
+ break;
+ case 48:
+ return 315;
+ break;
+ case 49:
+ return 119;
+ break;
+ case 50:
+ return 112;
+ break;
+ case 51:
+ return 315;
+ break;
+ case 52:
+ return 112;
+ break;
+ case 53:
+ return 315;
+ break;
+ case 54:
+ return 112;
+ break;
+ case 55:
+ return 315;
+ break;
+ case 56:
+ return 508;
+ break;
+ case 57:
+ return 303;
+ break;
+ case 58:
+ return 271;
+ break;
+ case 59:
+ return 368;
+ break;
+ case 60:
+ return 130;
+ break;
+ case 61:
+ return 'CLOSE';
+ break;
+ case 62:
+ return 243;
+ break;
+ case 63:
+ return 190;
+ break;
+ case 64:
+ return 190;
+ break;
+ case 65:
+ return 434;
+ break;
+ case 66:
+ return 367;
+ break;
+ case 67:
+ return 470;
+ break;
+ case 68:
+ return 440;
+ break;
+ case 69:
+ return 273;
+ break;
+ case 70:
+ return 240;
+ break;
+ case 71:
+ return 281;
+ break;
+ case 72:
+ return 267;
+ break;
+ case 73:
+ return 206;
+ break;
+ case 74:
+ return 238;
+ break;
+ case 75:
+ return 265;
+ break;
+ case 76:
+ return 'CURSOR';
+ break;
+ case 77:
+ return 405;
+ break;
+ case 78:
+ return 291;
+ break;
+ case 79:
+ return 292;
+ break;
+ case 80:
+ return 448;
+ break;
+ case 81:
+ return 343;
+ break;
+ case 82:
+ return 338;
+ break;
+ case 83:
+ return 'DELETED';
+ break;
+ case 84:
+ return 242;
+ break;
+ case 85:
+ return 406;
+ break;
+ case 86:
+ return 185;
+ break;
+ case 87:
+ return 396;
+ break;
+ case 88:
+ return 447;
+ break;
+ case 89:
+ return 135;
+ break;
+ case 90:
+ return 306;
+ break;
+ case 91:
+ return 389;
+ break;
+ case 92:
+ return 310;
+ break;
+ case 93:
+ return 314;
+ break;
+ case 94:
+ return 169;
+ break;
+ case 95:
+ return 508;
+ break;
+ case 96:
+ return 508;
+ break;
+ case 97:
+ return 298;
+ break;
+ case 98:
+ return 14;
+ break;
+ case 99:
+ return 295;
+ break;
+ case 100:
+ return 249;
+ break;
+ case 101:
+ return 285;
+ break;
+ case 102:
+ return 95;
+ break;
+ case 103:
+ return 373;
+ break;
+ case 104:
+ return 183;
+ break;
+ case 105:
+ return 227;
+ break;
+ case 106:
+ return 268;
+ break;
+ case 107:
+ return 313;
+ break;
+ case 108:
+ return 602;
+ break;
+ case 109:
+ return 472;
+ break;
+ case 110:
+ return 232;
+ break;
+ case 111:
+ return 236;
+ break;
+ case 112:
+ return 239;
+ break;
+ case 113:
+ return 156;
+ break;
+ case 114:
+ return 356;
+ break;
+ case 115:
+ return 332;
+ break;
+ case 116:
+ return 99;
+ break;
+ case 117:
+ return 193;
+ break;
+ case 118:
+ return 212;
+ break;
+ case 119:
+ return 224;
+ break;
+ case 120:
+ return 516;
+ break;
+ case 121:
+ return 339;
+ break;
+ case 122:
+ return 213;
+ break;
+ case 123:
+ return 168;
+ break;
+ case 124:
+ return 293;
+ break;
+ case 125:
+ return 198;
+ break;
+ case 126:
+ return 223;
+ break;
+ case 127:
+ return 370;
+ break;
+ case 128:
+ return 286;
+ break;
+ case 129:
+ return 'LET';
+ break;
+ case 130:
+ return 225;
+ break;
+ case 131:
+ return 112;
+ break;
+ case 132:
+ return 245;
+ break;
+ case 133:
+ return 460;
+ break;
+ case 134:
+ return 191;
+ break;
+ case 135:
+ return 283;
+ break;
+ case 136:
+ return 390;
+ break;
+ case 137:
+ return 282;
+ break;
+ case 138:
+ return 452;
+ break;
+ case 139:
+ return 169;
+ break;
+ case 140:
+ return 403;
+ break;
+ case 141:
+ return 222;
+ break;
+ case 142:
+ return 645;
+ break;
+ case 143:
+ return 270;
+ break;
+ case 144:
+ return 244;
+ break;
+ case 145:
+ return 380;
+ break;
+ case 146:
+ return 154;
+ break;
+ case 147:
+ return 297;
+ break;
+ case 148:
+ return 433;
+ break;
+ case 149:
+ return 230;
+ break;
+ case 150:
+ return 415;
+ break;
+ case 151:
+ return 129;
+ break;
+ case 152:
+ return 247;
+ break;
+ case 153:
+ return 'OPEN';
+ break;
+ case 154:
+ return 416;
+ break;
+ case 155:
+ return 171;
+ break;
+ case 156:
+ return 118;
+ break;
+ case 157:
+ return 208;
+ break;
+ case 158:
+ return 276;
+ break;
+ case 159:
+ return 172;
+ break;
+ case 160:
+ return 279;
+ break;
+ case 161:
+ return 765;
+ break;
+ case 162:
+ return 93;
+ break;
+ case 163:
+ return 16;
+ break;
+ case 164:
+ return 369;
+ break;
+ case 165:
+ return 442;
+ break;
+ case 166:
+ return 678;
+ break;
+ case 167:
+ return 15;
+ break;
+ case 168:
+ return 414;
+ break;
+ case 169:
+ return 194;
+ break;
+ case 170:
+ return 'REDUCE';
+ break;
+ case 171:
+ return 374;
+ break;
+ case 172:
+ return 311;
+ break;
+ case 173:
+ return 517;
+ break;
+ case 174:
+ return 682;
+ break;
+ case 175:
+ return 107;
+ break;
+ case 176:
+ return 401;
+ break;
+ case 177:
+ return 175;
+ break;
+ case 178:
+ return 290;
+ break;
+ case 179:
+ return 443;
+ break;
+ case 180:
+ return 687;
+ break;
+ case 181:
+ return 173;
+ break;
+ case 182:
+ return 173;
+ break;
+ case 183:
+ return 226;
+ break;
+ case 184:
+ return 436;
+ break;
+ case 185:
+ return 237;
+ break;
+ case 186:
+ return 150;
+ break;
+ case 187:
+ return 766;
+ break;
+ case 188:
+ return 405;
+ break;
+ case 189:
+ return 89;
+ break;
+ case 190:
+ return 228;
+ break;
+ case 191:
+ return 146;
+ break;
+ case 192:
+ return 146;
+ break;
+ case 193:
+ return 409;
+ break;
+ case 194:
+ return 334;
+ break;
+ case 195:
+ return 417;
+ break;
+ case 196:
+ return 'STRATEGY';
+ break;
+ case 197:
+ return 'STORE';
+ break;
+ case 198:
+ return 280;
+ break;
+ case 199:
+ return 353;
+ break;
+ case 200:
+ return 353;
+ break;
+ case 201:
+ return 463;
+ break;
+ case 202:
+ return 357;
+ break;
+ case 203:
+ return 357;
+ break;
+ case 204:
+ return 192;
+ break;
+ case 205:
+ return 309;
+ break;
+ case 206:
+ return 'TIMEOUT';
+ break;
+ case 207:
+ return 148;
+ break;
+ case 208:
+ return 195;
+ break;
+ case 209:
+ return 435;
+ break;
+ case 210:
+ return 435;
+ break;
+ case 211:
+ return 509;
+ break;
+ case 212:
+ return 294;
+ break;
+ case 213:
+ return 451;
+ break;
+ case 214:
+ return 162;
+ break;
+ case 215:
+ return 187;
+ break;
+ case 216:
+ return 98;
+ break;
+ case 217:
+ return 335;
+ break;
+ case 218:
+ return 408;
+ break;
+ case 219:
+ return 231;
+ break;
+ case 220:
+ return 149;
+ break;
+ case 221:
+ return 344;
+ break;
+ case 222:
+ return 134;
+ break;
+ case 223:
+ return 410;
+ break;
+ case 224:
+ return 308;
+ break;
+ case 225:
+ return 128;
+ break;
+ case 226:
+ return 439;
+ break;
+ case 227:
+ return 72;
+ break;
+ case 228:
+ return 435; /* Is this keyword required? */
+ break;
+ case 229:
+ return 131;
+ break;
+ case 230:
+ return 131;
+ break;
+ case 231:
+ return 115;
+ break;
+ case 232:
+ return 137;
+ break;
+ case 233:
+ return 179;
+ break;
+ case 234:
+ return 317;
+ break;
+ case 235:
+ return 180;
+ break;
+ case 236:
+ return 133;
+ break;
+ case 237:
+ return 138;
+ break;
+ case 238:
+ return 326;
+ break;
+ case 239:
+ return 323;
+ break;
+ case 240:
+ return 325;
+ break;
+ case 241:
+ return 322;
+ break;
+ case 242:
+ return 320;
+ break;
+ case 243:
+ return 318;
+ break;
+ case 244:
+ return 319;
+ break;
+ case 245:
+ return 142;
+ break;
+ case 246:
+ return 141;
+ break;
+ case 247:
+ return 139;
+ break;
+ case 248:
+ return 321;
+ break;
+ case 249:
+ return 324;
+ break;
+ case 250:
+ return 140;
+ break;
+ case 251:
+ return 124;
+ break;
+ case 252:
+ return 324;
+ break;
+ case 253:
+ return 77;
+ break;
+ case 254:
+ return 78;
+ break;
+ case 255:
+ return 145;
+ break;
+ case 256:
+ return 424;
+ break;
+ case 257:
+ return 426;
+ break;
+ case 258:
+ return 300;
+ break;
+ case 259:
+ return 505;
+ break;
+ case 260:
+ return 507;
+ break;
+ case 261:
+ return 122;
+ break;
+ case 262:
+ return 116;
+ break;
+ case 263:
+ return 74;
+ break;
+ case 264:
+ return 333;
+ break;
+ case 265:
+ return 152;
+ break;
+ case 266:
+ return 764;
+ break;
+ case 267:
+ return 143;
+ break;
+ case 268:
+ return 181;
+ break;
+ case 269:
+ return 136;
+ break;
+ case 270:
+ return 123;
+ break;
+ case 271:
+ return 312;
+ break;
+ case 272:
+ return 4;
+ break;
+ case 273:
+ return 10;
+ break;
+ case 274:
+ return 'INVALID';
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ rules: [/^(?:``([^\`])+``)/i, /^(?:\[\?\])/i, /^(?:@\[)/i, /^(?:ARRAY\[)/i, /^(?:\[([^\]])*?\])/i, /^(?:`([^\`])*?`)/i, /^(?:N(['](\\.|[^']|\\')*?['])+)/i, /^(?:X(['](\\.|[^']|\\')*?['])+)/i, /^(?:(['](\\.|[^']|\\')*?['])+)/i, /^(?:(["](\\.|[^"]|\\")*?["])+)/i, /^(?:--(.*?)($|\r\n|\r|\n))/i, /^(?:\s+)/i, /^(?:\|\|)/i, /^(?:\|)/i, /^(?:VALUE\s+OF\s+SEARCH\b)/i, /^(?:VALUE\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i, /^(?:ROW\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i, /^(?:COLUMN\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i, /^(?:MATRIX\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i, /^(?:INDEX\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i, /^(?:RECORDSET\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i, /^(?:TEXT\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i, /^(?:SELECT\b)/i, /^(?:ABSOLUTE\b)/i, /^(?:ACTION\b)/i, /^(?:ADD\b)/i, /^(?:AFTER\b)/i, /^(?:AGGR\b)/i, /^(?:AGGREGATE\b)/i, /^(?:AGGREGATOR\b)/i, /^(?:ALL\b)/i, /^(?:ALTER\b)/i, /^(?:AND\b)/i, /^(?:ANTI\b)/i, /^(?:ANY\b)/i, /^(?:APPLY\b)/i, /^(?:ARRAY\b)/i, /^(?:AS\b)/i, /^(?:ASSERT\b)/i, /^(?:ASC\b)/i, /^(?:ATTACH\b)/i, /^(?:AUTO(_)?INCREMENT\b)/i, /^(?:AVG\b)/i, /^(?:BEFORE\b)/i, /^(?:BEGIN\b)/i, /^(?:BETWEEN\b)/i, /^(?:BREAK\b)/i, /^(?:NOT\s+BETWEEN\b)/i, /^(?:NOT\s+LIKE\b)/i, /^(?:BY\b)/i, /^(?:~~\*)/i, /^(?:!~~\*)/i, /^(?:~~)/i, /^(?:!~~)/i, /^(?:ILIKE\b)/i, /^(?:NOT\s+ILIKE\b)/i, /^(?:CALL\b)/i, /^(?:CASE\b)/i, /^(?:CAST\b)/i, /^(?:CHECK\b)/i, /^(?:CLASS\b)/i, /^(?:CLOSE\b)/i, /^(?:COLLATE\b)/i, /^(?:COLUMN\b)/i, /^(?:COLUMNS\b)/i, /^(?:COMMIT\b)/i, /^(?:CONSTRAINT\b)/i, /^(?:CONTENT\b)/i, /^(?:CONTINUE\b)/i, /^(?:CONVERT\b)/i, /^(?:CORRESPONDING\b)/i, /^(?:COUNT\b)/i, /^(?:CREATE\b)/i, /^(?:CROSS\b)/i, /^(?:CUBE\b)/i, /^(?:CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\b)/i, /^(?:CURSOR\b)/i, /^(?:DATABASE(S)?)/i, /^(?:DATEADD\b)/i, /^(?:DATEDIFF\b)/i, /^(?:DECLARE\b)/i, /^(?:DEFAULT\b)/i, /^(?:DELETE\b)/i, /^(?:DELETED\b)/i, /^(?:DESC\b)/i, /^(?:DETACH\b)/i, /^(?:DISTINCT\b)/i, /^(?:DROP\b)/i, /^(?:ECHO\b)/i, /^(?:EDGE\b)/i, /^(?:END\b)/i, /^(?:ENUM\b)/i, /^(?:ELSE\b)/i, /^(?:ESCAPE\b)/i, /^(?:EXCEPT\b)/i, /^(?:EXEC\b)/i, /^(?:EXECUTE\b)/i, /^(?:EXISTS\b)/i, /^(?:EXPLAIN\b)/i, /^(?:FALSE\b)/i, /^(?:FETCH\b)/i, /^(?:FIRST\b)/i, /^(?:FOR\b)/i, /^(?:FOREIGN\b)/i, /^(?:FROM\b)/i, /^(?:FULL\b)/i, /^(?:FUNCTION\b)/i, /^(?:GLOB\b)/i, /^(?:GO\b)/i, /^(?:GRAPH\b)/i, /^(?:GROUP\b)/i, /^(?:GROUPING\b)/i, /^(?:HAVING\b)/i, /^(?:IF\b)/i, /^(?:IDENTITY\b)/i, /^(?:IS\b)/i, /^(?:IN\b)/i, /^(?:INDEX\b)/i, /^(?:INDEXED\b)/i, /^(?:INNER\b)/i, /^(?:INSTEAD\b)/i, /^(?:INSERT\b)/i, /^(?:INSERTED\b)/i, /^(?:INTERSECT\b)/i, /^(?:INTERVAL\b)/i, /^(?:INTO\b)/i, /^(?:JOIN\b)/i, /^(?:KEY\b)/i, /^(?:LAST\b)/i, /^(?:LET\b)/i, /^(?:LEFT\b)/i, /^(?:LIKE\b)/i, /^(?:LIMIT\b)/i, /^(?:MATCHED\b)/i, /^(?:MATRIX\b)/i, /^(?:MAX(\s+)?(?=\())/i, /^(?:MAX(\s+)?(?=(,|\))))/i, /^(?:MIN(\s+)?(?=\())/i, /^(?:MERGE\b)/i, /^(?:MINUS\b)/i, /^(?:MODIFY\b)/i, /^(?:NATURAL\b)/i, /^(?:NEXT\b)/i, /^(?:NEW\b)/i, /^(?:NOCASE\b)/i, /^(?:NO\b)/i, /^(?:NOT\b)/i, /^(?:NULL\b)/i, /^(?:OFF\b)/i, /^(?:ON\b)/i, /^(?:ONLY\b)/i, /^(?:OF\b)/i, /^(?:OFFSET\b)/i, /^(?:OPEN\b)/i, /^(?:OPTION\b)/i, /^(?:OR\b)/i, /^(?:ORDER\b)/i, /^(?:OUTER\b)/i, /^(?:OVER\b)/i, /^(?:PATH\b)/i, /^(?:PARTITION\b)/i, /^(?:PERCENT\b)/i, /^(?:PIVOT\b)/i, /^(?:PLAN\b)/i, /^(?:PRIMARY\b)/i, /^(?:PRINT\b)/i, /^(?:PRIOR\b)/i, /^(?:QUERY\b)/i, /^(?:READ\b)/i, /^(?:RECORDSET\b)/i, /^(?:REDUCE\b)/i, /^(?:REFERENCES\b)/i, /^(?:REGEXP\b)/i, /^(?:REINDEX\b)/i, /^(?:RELATIVE\b)/i, /^(?:REMOVE\b)/i, /^(?:RENAME\b)/i, /^(?:REPEAT\b)/i, /^(?:REPLACE\b)/i, /^(?:REQUIRE\b)/i, /^(?:RESTORE\b)/i, /^(?:RETURN\b)/i, /^(?:RETURNS\b)/i, /^(?:RIGHT\b)/i, /^(?:ROLLBACK\b)/i, /^(?:ROLLUP\b)/i, /^(?:ROW\b)/i, /^(?:ROWS\b)/i, /^(?:SCHEMA(S)?)/i, /^(?:SEARCH\b)/i, /^(?:SEMI\b)/i, /^(?:SET\b)/i, /^(?:SETS\b)/i, /^(?:SHOW\b)/i, /^(?:SOME\b)/i, /^(?:SOURCE\b)/i, /^(?:STRATEGY\b)/i, /^(?:STORE\b)/i, /^(?:SUM\b)/i, /^(?:TABLE\b)/i, /^(?:TABLES\b)/i, /^(?:TARGET\b)/i, /^(?:TEMP\b)/i, /^(?:TEMPORARY\b)/i, /^(?:TEXTSTRING\b)/i, /^(?:THEN\b)/i, /^(?:TIMEOUT\b)/i, /^(?:TO\b)/i, /^(?:TOP\b)/i, /^(?:TRAN\b)/i, /^(?:TRANSACTION\b)/i, /^(?:TRIGGER\b)/i, /^(?:TRUE\b)/i, /^(?:TRUNCATE\b)/i, /^(?:UNION\b)/i, /^(?:UNIQUE\b)/i, /^(?:UNPIVOT\b)/i, /^(?:UPDATE\b)/i, /^(?:USE\b)/i, /^(?:USING\b)/i, /^(?:VALUE\b)/i, /^(?:VALUES\b)/i, /^(?:VERTEX\b)/i, /^(?:VIEW\b)/i, /^(?:WHEN\b)/i, /^(?:WHERE\b)/i, /^(?:WHILE\b)/i, /^(?:WITH\b)/i, /^(?:WORK\b)/i, /^(?:(\d*[.])?\d+[eE]\d+)/i, /^(?:(\d*[.])?\d+)/i, /^(?:->)/i, /^(?:#)/i, /^(?:\+)/i, /^(?:-)/i, /^(?:\*)/i, /^(?:\/)/i, /^(?:%)/i, /^(?:!===)/i, /^(?:===)/i, /^(?:!==)/i, /^(?:==)/i, /^(?:>=)/i, /^(?:&)/i, /^(?:\|)/i, /^(?:<<)/i, /^(?:>>)/i, /^(?:>)/i, /^(?:<=)/i, /^(?:<>)/i, /^(?:<)/i, /^(?:=)/i, /^(?:!=)/i, /^(?:\()/i, /^(?:\))/i, /^(?:@)/i, /^(?:\{)/i, /^(?:\})/i, /^(?:\])/i, /^(?::-)/i, /^(?:\?-)/i, /^(?:\.\.)/i, /^(?:\.)/i, /^(?:,)/i, /^(?:::)/i, /^(?::)/i, /^(?:;)/i, /^(?:\$)/i, /^(?:\?)/i, /^(?:!)/i, /^(?:\^)/i, /^(?:~)/i, /^(?:[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)/i, /^(?:$)/i, /^(?:.)/i],
+ conditions: { "INITIAL": { "rules": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274], "inclusive": true } }
+ });
+ return lexer;
+ })();
+ parser.lexer = lexer;
+ function Parser() {
+ this.yy = {};
+ }
+ Parser.prototype = parser;
+ parser.Parser = Parser;
+ return new Parser;
+ })();
+ if (typeof require !== 'undefined' && typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
+ exports.parser = alasqlparser;
+ exports.Parser = alasqlparser.Parser;
+ exports.parse = function () { return alasqlparser.parse.apply(alasqlparser, arguments); };
+ exports.main = function commonjsMain(args) {
+ if (!args[1]) {
+ console.log('Usage: ' + args[0] + ' FILE');
+ process.exit(1);
+ }
+ var source = require('fs').readFileSync(require('path').normalize(args[1]), "utf8");
+ return exports.parser.parse(source);
+ };
+ if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && require.main === module) {
+ exports.main(process.argv.slice(1));
+ }
- Parser.prototype: {
- yy: {},
- trace: function(),
- symbols_: {associative list: name ==> number},
- terminals_: {associative list: number ==> name},
- productions_: [...],
- performAction: function anonymous(yytext, yyleng, yylineno, yy, yystate, $$, _$),
- table: [...],
- defaultActions: {...},
- parseError: function(str, hash),
- parse: function(input),
- lexer: {
- EOF: 1,
- parseError: function(str, hash),
- setInput: function(input),
- input: function(),
- unput: function(str),
- more: function(),
- less: function(n),
- pastInput: function(),
- upcomingInput: function(),
- showPosition: function(),
- test_match: function(regex_match_array, rule_index),
- next: function(),
- lex: function(),
- begin: function(condition),
- popState: function(),
- _currentRules: function(),
- topState: function(),
- pushState: function(condition),
- options: {
- ranges: boolean (optional: true ==> token location info will include a .range[] member)
- flex: boolean (optional: true ==> flex-like lexing behaviour where the rules are tested exhaustively to find the longest match)
- backtrack_lexer: boolean (optional: true ==> lexer regexes are tested in order and for each matching regex the action code is invoked; the lexer terminates the scan when a token is returned by the action code)
- },
+ function base (mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ yy.extend = utils$6.extend;
+ // Option for case sensitive
+ yy.casesensitive = mem.alasql.options.casesensitive;
+ yy.isInAggr = function (val) { return !!mem.alasql.aggr[val]; };
+ // Base class for all yy classes
+ yy.Base = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Base.prototype.toString = function () { };
+ yy.Base.prototype.toType = function () { };
+ yy.Base.prototype.toJS = function () { };
+ // var BaseClause = yy,BaseClause = function (params) { return yy.extend(this, params); };
+ yy.Base.prototype.compile = utils$6.returnUndefined;
+ yy.Base.prototype.exec = function () { };
+ // var BaseStatement = yy,BaseStatement = function (params) { return yy.extend(this, params); };
+ yy.Base.prototype.compile = utils$6.returnUndefined;
+ yy.Base.prototype.exec = function () { };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ }
- performAction: function(yy, yy_, $avoiding_name_collisions, YY_START),
- rules: [...],
- conditions: {associative list: name ==> set},
- }
+ /*
+ //
+ // Statements class for Alasql.js
+ // Date: 03.11.2014
+ // (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
+ //
+ */
+ function statements (mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ // Statements container
+ yy.Statements = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Statements.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return this.statements
+ .map(function (st) {
+ return st.toString();
+ })
+ .join('; ');
+ };
+ // Compile array of statements into single statement
+ yy.Statements.prototype.compile = function (db) {
+ var statements = this.statements.map(function (st) {
+ return st.compile(db);
+ });
+ if (statements.length === 1) {
+ return statements[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ return function (params, cb) {
+ var res = statements.map(function (st) {
+ return st(params);
+ });
+ if (cb) {
+ cb(res);
+ }
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
- token location info (@$, _$, etc.): {
- first_line: n,
- last_line: n,
- first_column: n,
- last_column: n,
- range: [start_number, end_number] (where the numbers are indexes into the input string, regular zero-based)
+ //
+ // Join all lines over sources
+ //
+ function doJoin(alasql, query, scope, h) {
+ // console.log('doJoin', arguments);
+ // console.log(query.sources.length);
+ // Check, if this is a last join?
+ if (h >= query.sources.length) {
+ // Todo: check if this runs once too many
+ //console.log(query.wherefns);
+ // Then apply where and select
+ // console.log(query);
+ if (query.wherefn(scope, query.params, alasql)) {
+ // console.log("scope",scope.schools);
+ // var res = query.selectfn(scope, query.params, alasql);
+ // console.log("last",res);
+ // If there is a GROUP BY then pipe to groupping function
+ if (query.groupfn) {
+ query.groupfn(scope, query.params, alasql);
+ }
+ else {
+ // query.qwerty = 999;
+ //console.log(query.qwerty, query.queriesfn && query.queriesfn.length,2);
+ query.data.push(query.selectfn(scope, query.params, alasql));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (query.sources[h].applyselect) {
+ // console.log('APPLY',scope);
+ // console.log('scope1',scope);
+ // console.log(scope);
+ var source = query.sources[h];
+ source.applyselect(query.params, function (data) {
+ if (data.length > 0) {
+ // console.log('APPLY CB');
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ scope[source.alias] = data[i];
+ doJoin(query, scope, h + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (source.applymode === 'OUTER') {
+ scope[source.alias] = {};
+ doJoin(query, scope, h + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }, scope);
+ // console.log(data);
+ }
+ else {
+ // STEP 1
+ var source = query.sources[h];
+ var nextsource = query.sources[h + 1];
+ // if(source.joinmode == "LEFT" || source.joinmode == "INNER" || source.joinmode == "RIGHT"
+ // || source.joinmode == "OUTER" || source.joinmode == "SEMI") {
+ // Todo: check if this is smart
+ {
+ //source.joinmode != "ANTI") {
+ /*/*
+ // if(nextsource && nextsource.joinmode == "RIGHT") {
+ // if(!nextsource.rightdata) {
+ // console.log("ok");
+ // nextsource.rightdata = new Array(nextsource.data.length);
+ // console.log(nextsource.data.length, nextsource.rightdata);
+ // }
+ // }
+ */
+ var tableid = source.alias || source.tableid;
+ var pass = false; // For LEFT JOIN
+ var data = source.data;
+ var opt = false;
+ // Reduce data for looping if there is optimization hint
+ if (!source.getfn || (source.getfn && !source.dontcache)) {
+ if (source.joinmode !== 'RIGHT' &&
+ source.joinmode !== 'OUTER' &&
+ source.joinmode !== 'ANTI' &&
+ source.optimization === 'ix') {
+ data = source.ix[source.onleftfn(scope, query.params, alasql)] || [];
+ opt = true;
+ // console.log(source.onleftfns);
+ // console.log(source.ix);
+ // console.log(source.onleftfn(scope, query.params, alasql));
+ // console.log(opt, data, data.length);
+ }
+ }
+ // Main cycle
+ var i = 0;
+ if (typeof data === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Data source number ' + h + ' in undefined');
+ }
+ var ilen = data.length;
+ var dataw;
+ // console.log(h,opt,source.data,i,source.dontcache);
+ while ((dataw = data[i]) ||
+ (!opt && (source.getfn && (dataw = source.getfn(i)))) ||
+ i < ilen) {
+ if (!opt && source.getfn && !source.dontcache)
+ { data[i] = dataw; }
+ //console.log(h, i, dataw);
+ scope[tableid] = dataw;
+ // Reduce with ON and USING clause
+ if (!source.onleftfn ||
+ source.onleftfn(scope, query.params, alasql) ==
+ source.onrightfn(scope, query.params, alasql)) {
+ // For all non-standard JOINs like a-b=0
+ if (source.onmiddlefn(scope, query.params, alasql)) {
+ // Recursively call new join
+ // if(source.joinmode == "LEFT" || source.joinmode == "INNER" || source.joinmode == "OUTER" || source.joinmode == "RIGHT" ) {
+ if (source.joinmode != 'SEMI' && source.joinmode != 'ANTI') {
+ // console.log(scope);
+ doJoin(query, scope, h + 1);
+ }
+ // if(source.data[i].f = 200) debugger;
+ // if(source.joinmode == "RIGHT" || source.joinmode == "ANTI" || source.joinmode == "OUTER") {
+ if (source.joinmode != 'LEFT' && source.joinmode != 'INNER') {
+ dataw._rightjoin = true;
+ }
+ // for LEFT JOIN
+ pass = true;
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ // Additional join for LEFT JOINS
+ if ((source.joinmode == 'LEFT' ||
+ source.joinmode == 'OUTER' ||
+ source.joinmode == 'SEMI') &&
+ !pass) {
+ // Clear the scope after the loop
+ scope[tableid] = {};
+ doJoin(query, scope, h + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ // When there is no records
+ // if(data.length == 0 && query.groupfn) {
+ // scope[tableid] = undefined;
+ // doJoin(query,scope,h+1);
+ // }
+ // STEP 2
+ if (h + 1 < query.sources.length) {
+ if (nextsource.joinmode == 'OUTER' ||
+ nextsource.joinmode == 'RIGHT' ||
+ nextsource.joinmode == 'ANTI') {
+ scope[source.alias] = {};
+ var j = 0;
+ var jlen = nextsource.data.length;
+ var dataw;
+ while ((dataw = nextsource.data[j]) ||
+ (nextsource.getfn && (dataw = nextsource.getfn(j))) ||
+ j < jlen) {
+ if (nextsource.getfn && !nextsource.dontcache) {
+ nextsource.data[j] = dataw;
+ }
+ // console.log(169,dataw._rightjoin,scope);
+ if (dataw._rightjoin) {
+ delete dataw._rightjoin;
+ }
+ else {
+ // delete dataw._rightjoin;
+ // console.log(163,h,scope);
+ if (h == 0) {
+ scope[nextsource.alias] = dataw;
+ doJoin(query, scope, h + 2);
+ }
+ }
+ j++;
+ }
+ // debugger;
+ }
+ }
+ scope[tableid] = undefined;
+ /*/*
+ if(h+1 < query.sources.length) {
+ var nextsource = query.sources[h+1];
+ if(nextsource.joinmode == "OUTER" || nextsource.joinmode == "RIGHT"
+ || nextsource.joinmode == "ANTI") {
+ // console.log(h,query.sources.length);
+ // Swap
+ // swapSources(query,h);
+ // console.log(query.sources);
+ //debugger;
+ // var source = query.sources[h];
+ // var tableid = source.alias || source.tableid;
+ // var data = source.data;
+ // Reduce data for looping if there is optimization hint
+ // if(source.optimization == 'ix') {
+ // data = source.ix[ source.onleftfn(scope, query.params, alasql) ] || [];
+ // }
+ // Main cycle
+ var pass = false;
+ // console.log(tableid, data.length);
+ for(var i=0, ilen=nextsource.data.length; i= 0) {
+ var source = query.sources[idx];
+ source.data = data;
+ if (typeof source.data === 'function') {
+ source.getfn = source.data;
+ source.dontcache = source.getfn.dontcache;
+ // var prevsource = query.sources[h-1];
+ if (source.joinmode === 'OUTER' ||
+ source.joinmode === 'RIGHT' ||
+ source.joinmode === 'ANTI') {
+ source.dontcache = false;
+ }
+ source.data = {};
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // subqueries
+ // console.log("queriesdata",data, flatArray(data));
+ query.queriesdata[-idx - 1] = flatArray(data);
+ // console.log(98,query.queriesdata);
+ // console.log(79,query.queriesdata);
+ }
+ query.sourceslen--;
+ if (query.sourceslen > 0)
+ { return; }
+ return queryfn3(alasql, query);
-var alasqlparser = (function(){
-var o=function(k,v,o,l){for(o=o||{},l=k.length;l--;o[k[l]]=v);return o},$V0=[2,13],$V1=[1,104],$V2=[1,102],$V3=[1,103],$V4=[1,6],$V5=[1,42],$V6=[1,79],$V7=[1,76],$V8=[1,94],$V9=[1,93],$Va=[1,69],$Vb=[1,101],$Vc=[1,85],$Vd=[1,64],$Ve=[1,71],$Vf=[1,84],$Vg=[1,66],$Vh=[1,70],$Vi=[1,68],$Vj=[1,61],$Vk=[1,74],$Vl=[1,62],$Vm=[1,67],$Vn=[1,83],$Vo=[1,77],$Vp=[1,86],$Vq=[1,87],$Vr=[1,81],$Vs=[1,82],$Vt=[1,80],$Vu=[1,88],$Vv=[1,89],$Vw=[1,90],$Vx=[1,91],$Vy=[1,92],$Vz=[1,98],$VA=[1,65],$VB=[1,78],$VC=[1,72],$VD=[1,96],$VE=[1,97],$VF=[1,63],$VG=[1,73],$VH=[1,108],$VI=[1,107],$VJ=[10,306,602,764],$VK=[10,306,310,602,764],$VL=[1,115],$VM=[1,116],$VN=[1,117],$VO=[1,118],$VP=[1,119],$VQ=[130,353,410],$VR=[1,127],$VS=[1,126],$VT=[1,134],$VU=[1,164],$VV=[1,175],$VW=[1,178],$VX=[1,173],$VY=[1,181],$VZ=[1,185],$V_=[1,160],$V$=[1,182],$V01=[1,169],$V11=[1,171],$V21=[1,174],$V31=[1,183],$V41=[1,166],$V51=[1,193],$V61=[1,188],$V71=[1,189],$V81=[1,194],$V91=[1,195],$Va1=[1,196],$Vb1=[1,197],$Vc1=[1,198],$Vd1=[1,199],$Ve1=[1,200],$Vf1=[1,201],$Vg1=[1,202],$Vh1=[1,176],$Vi1=[1,177],$Vj1=[1,179],$Vk1=[1,180],$Vl1=[1,186],$Vm1=[1,192],$Vn1=[1,184],$Vo1=[1,187],$Vp1=[1,172],$Vq1=[1,170],$Vr1=[1,191],$Vs1=[1,203],$Vt1=[2,4,5],$Vu1=[2,471],$Vv1=[1,206],$Vw1=[1,211],$Vx1=[1,220],$Vy1=[1,216],$Vz1=[10,72,78,93,98,118,128,162,168,169,183,198,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$VA1=[2,4,5,10,72,76,77,78,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,183,185,187,198,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,306,310,420,424,602,764],$VB1=[2,4,5,10,53,72,74,76,77,78,89,93,95,98,99,107,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,179,180,181,183,185,187,189,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,232,239,242,243,245,247,266,267,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,296,300,306,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,330,331,332,333,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,464,470,505,507,508,517,602,764],$VC1=[1,249],$VD1=[1,256],$VE1=[1,265],$VF1=[1,270],$VG1=[1,269],$VH1=[2,4,5,10,72,77,78,93,98,107,118,128,131,132,137,143,145,149,152,154,156,162,168,169,179,180,181,183,198,232,245,247,265,266,270,271,273,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,291,292,293,294,295,296,297,298,299,302,303,306,310,312,317,420,424,602,764],$VI1=[2,162],$VJ1=[1,281],$VK1=[10,74,78,306,310,505,602,764],$VL1=[2,4,5,10,53,72,74,76,77,78,89,93,95,98,99,107,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,179,180,181,183,185,187,189,193,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,239,242,243,245,247,266,267,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,296,297,300,302,306,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,330,331,332,333,335,338,339,343,344,356,368,369,370,373,374,386,389,396,400,401,402,403,404,405,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,426,433,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,464,470,505,507,508,514,515,516,517,602,764],$VM1=[2,4,5,10,53,72,89,124,146,156,189,266,267,290,306,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,505,507,508,517,602,764],$VN1=[1,562],$VO1=[1,564],$VP1=[2,503],$VQ1=[1,569],$VR1=[1,580],$VS1=[1,583],$VT1=[1,584],$VU1=[10,78,89,132,137,146,189,296,306,310,470,602,764],$VV1=[10,74,306,310,602,764],$VW1=[2,567],$VX1=[1,602],$VY1=[2,4,5,156],$VZ1=[1,640],$V_1=[1,612],$V$1=[1,646],$V02=[1,647],$V12=[1,620],$V22=[1,631],$V32=[1,618],$V42=[1,626],$V52=[1,619],$V62=[1,627],$V72=[1,629],$V82=[1,621],$V92=[1,622],$Va2=[1,641],$Vb2=[1,638],$Vc2=[1,639],$Vd2=[1,615],$Ve2=[1,617],$Vf2=[1,609],$Vg2=[1,610],$Vh2=[1,611],$Vi2=[1,613],$Vj2=[1,614],$Vk2=[1,616],$Vl2=[1,623],$Vm2=[1,624],$Vn2=[1,628],$Vo2=[1,630],$Vp2=[1,632],$Vq2=[1,633],$Vr2=[1,634],$Vs2=[1,635],$Vt2=[1,636],$Vu2=[1,642],$Vv2=[1,643],$Vw2=[1,644],$Vx2=[1,645],$Vy2=[2,287],$Vz2=[2,4,5,10,53,72,74,76,77,78,89,93,95,98,99,107,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,179,180,181,183,185,187,189,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,239,242,243,245,247,266,267,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,296,297,300,306,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,330,331,332,333,335,338,339,343,356,368,369,373,374,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,426,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,464,470,505,507,508,517,602,764],$VA2=[2,359],$VB2=[1,668],$VC2=[1,678],$VD2=[2,4,5,10,53,72,74,76,77,78,89,93,95,98,99,107,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,179,180,181,183,185,187,189,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,239,242,243,245,247,266,267,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,296,300,306,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,330,331,332,333,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,426,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,464,470,505,507,508,517,602,764],$VE2=[1,694],$VF2=[1,703],$VG2=[1,702],$VH2=[2,4,5,10,72,74,78,93,98,118,128,162,168,169,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$VI2=[10,72,74,78,93,98,118,128,162,168,169,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$VJ2=[2,202],$VK2=[1,725],$VL2=[10,72,78,93,98,118,128,162,168,169,183,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$VM2=[2,163],$VN2=[1,728],$VO2=[2,4,5,112],$VP2=[1,741],$VQ2=[1,760],$VR2=[1,740],$VS2=[1,739],$VT2=[1,734],$VU2=[1,735],$VV2=[1,737],$VW2=[1,738],$VX2=[1,742],$VY2=[1,743],$VZ2=[1,744],$V_2=[1,745],$V$2=[1,746],$V03=[1,747],$V13=[1,748],$V23=[1,749],$V33=[1,750],$V43=[1,751],$V53=[1,752],$V63=[1,753],$V73=[1,754],$V83=[1,755],$V93=[1,756],$Va3=[1,757],$Vb3=[1,759],$Vc3=[1,761],$Vd3=[1,762],$Ve3=[1,763],$Vf3=[1,764],$Vg3=[1,765],$Vh3=[1,766],$Vi3=[1,767],$Vj3=[1,770],$Vk3=[1,771],$Vl3=[1,772],$Vm3=[1,773],$Vn3=[1,774],$Vo3=[1,775],$Vp3=[1,776],$Vq3=[1,777],$Vr3=[1,778],$Vs3=[1,779],$Vt3=[1,780],$Vu3=[1,781],$Vv3=[74,89,189],$Vw3=[10,74,78,154,187,230,297,306,310,343,356,368,369,373,374,602,764],$Vx3=[1,798],$Vy3=[10,74,78,300,306,310,602,764],$Vz3=[1,799],$VA3=[1,805],$VB3=[1,806],$VC3=[1,810],$VD3=[10,74,78,306,310,602,764],$VE3=[2,4,5,77,131,132,137,143,145,149,152,154,156,179,180,181,265,266,270,271,273,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,291,292,293,294,295,296,297,298,299,302,303,312,317,420,424],$VF3=[10,72,78,93,98,107,118,128,162,168,169,183,198,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$VG3=[2,4,5,10,72,77,78,93,98,107,118,128,131,132,137,143,145,149,152,154,156,162,164,168,169,179,180,181,183,185,187,195,198,232,245,247,265,266,270,271,273,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,291,292,293,294,295,296,297,298,299,302,303,306,310,312,317,420,424,602,764],$VH3=[2,4,5,132,296],$VI3=[1,844],$VJ3=[10,74,76,78,306,310,602,764],$VK3=[2,738],$VL3=[10,74,76,78,132,139,141,145,152,306,310,420,424,602,764],$VM3=[2,1161],$VN3=[10,74,76,78,139,141,145,152,306,310,420,424,602,764],$VO3=[10,74,76,78,139,141,145,306,310,420,424,602,764],$VP3=[10,74,78,139,141,306,310,602,764],$VQ3=[10,78,89,132,146,189,296,306,310,470,602,764],$VR3=[335,338,339],$VS3=[2,764],$VT3=[1,869],$VU3=[1,870],$VV3=[1,871],$VW3=[1,872],$VX3=[1,881],$VY3=[1,880],$VZ3=[164,166,334],$V_3=[2,444],$V$3=[1,936],$V04=[2,4,5,77,131,156,290,291,292,293],$V14=[1,951],$V24=[2,4,5,10,53,72,74,76,77,78,89,93,95,98,99,107,112,118,122,124,128,129,130,131,132,134,135,137,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,179,181,183,185,187,189,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,232,239,242,243,245,247,266,267,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,296,300,306,308,309,310,311,313,314,315,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,330,331,332,333,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,464,470,505,507,508,517,602,764],$V34=[2,4,5,10,53,72,74,76,77,78,89,93,95,98,99,107,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,179,180,181,183,185,187,189,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,232,239,242,243,245,247,266,267,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,296,300,306,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,330,331,332,333,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,464,470,505,507,508,517,602,764],$V44=[2,375],$V54=[1,958],$V64=[306,308,310],$V74=[74,300],$V84=[74,300,426],$V94=[1,965],$Va4=[2,4,5,10,53,72,74,76,78,89,93,95,98,99,107,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,179,180,181,183,185,187,189,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,232,239,242,243,245,247,266,267,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,296,300,306,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,330,331,332,333,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,464,470,505,507,508,517,602,764],$Vb4=[74,426],$Vc4=[1,978],$Vd4=[1,977],$Ve4=[1,984],$Vf4=[10,72,78,93,98,118,128,162,168,169,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$Vg4=[1,1010],$Vh4=[10,72,78,306,310,602,764],$Vi4=[1,1016],$Vj4=[1,1017],$Vk4=[1,1018],$Vl4=[2,4,5,10,72,74,76,77,78,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,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],$VN4=[10,72,78,118,128,162,168,169,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$VO4=[10,72,74,78,93,98,118,128,162,168,169,183,198,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$VP4=[2,4,5,72,76,77,78,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,185,187,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,420,424],$VQ4=[2,4,5,72,74,76,77,78,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,185,187,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,420,424],$VR4=[2,1085],$VS4=[2,4,5,72,74,76,77,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,185,187,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,420,424],$VT4=[1,1252],$VU4=[10,74,78,128,306,308,310,464,602,764],$VV4=[115,116,124],$VW4=[2,584],$VX4=[1,1280],$VY4=[76,139],$VZ4=[2,724],$V_4=[1,1297],$V$4=[1,1298],$V05=[2,4,5,10,53,72,76,89,124,146,156,189,230,266,267,290,306,310,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,505,507,508,517,602,764],$V15=[2,330],$V25=[1,1322],$V35=[1,1336],$V45=[1,1338],$V55=[2,487],$V65=[74,78],$V75=[10,306,308,310,464,602,764],$V85=[10,72,78,118,162,168,169,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$V95=[1,1354],$Va5=[1,1358],$Vb5=[1,1359],$Vc5=[1,1361],$Vd5=[1,1362],$Ve5=[1,1363],$Vf5=[1,1364],$Vg5=[1,1365],$Vh5=[1,1366],$Vi5=[1,1367],$Vj5=[1,1368],$Vk5=[10,72,74,78,93,98,118,128,162,168,169,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$Vl5=[1,1393],$Vm5=[10,72,78,118,162,168,169,245,247,306,310,602,764],$Vn5=[10,72,78,93,98,118,128,162,168,169,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$Vo5=[1,1490],$Vp5=[1,1492],$Vq5=[2,4,5,77,143,145,152,156,181,290,291,292,293,302,420,424],$Vr5=[1,1506],$Vs5=[10,72,74,78,162,168,169,245,247,306,310,602,764],$Vt5=[1,1524],$Vu5=[1,1526],$Vv5=[1,1527],$Vw5=[1,1523],$Vx5=[1,1522],$Vy5=[1,1521],$Vz5=[1,1528],$VA5=[1,1518],$VB5=[1,1519],$VC5=[1,1520],$VD5=[1,1545],$VE5=[2,4,5,10,53,72,89,124,146,156,189,266,267,290,306,310,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,505,507,508,517,602,764],$VF5=[1,1556],$VG5=[1,1564],$VH5=[1,1563],$VI5=[10,72,78,162,168,169,245,247,306,310,602,764],$VJ5=[10,72,78,93,98,118,128,162,168,169,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$VK5=[2,4,5,10,72,78,93,98,118,128,162,168,169,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$VL5=[1,1621],$VM5=[1,1623],$VN5=[1,1620],$VO5=[1,1622],$VP5=[187,193,368,369,370,373],$VQ5=[2,515],$VR5=[1,1628],$VS5=[1,1647],$VT5=[10,72,78,162,168,169,306,310,602,764],$VU5=[1,1657],$VV5=[1,1658],$VW5=[1,1659],$VX5=[1,1678],$VY5=[4,10,243,306,310,343,356,602,764],$VZ5=[1,1726],$V_5=[10,72,74,78,118,162,168,169,239,245,247,306,310,602,764],$V$5=[2,4,5,77],$V06=[1,1820],$V16=[1,1832],$V26=[1,1851],$V36=[10,72,78,162,168,169,306,310,415,602,764],$V46=[10,74,78,230,306,310,602,764];
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[0,[3,1],[3,1],[3,2],[7,1],[7,2],[8,2],[9,3],[9,1],[9,1],[13,2],[13,4],[12,1],[17,0],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[47,3],[73,3],[73,1],[75,5],[40,10],[40,4],[92,8],[92,11],[102,4],[104,2],[104,1],[103,3],[103,1],[105,1],[105,3],[106,3],[109,3],[109,1],[110,1],[110,2],[114,1],[114,1],[117,1],[117,5],[117,5],[117,1],[117,2],[117,1],[117,2],[117,2],[117,3],[117,4],[117,4],[117,4],[117,4],[117,4],[117,1],[117,1],[117,1],[117,1],[117,1],[117,1],[117,2],[117,2],[117,2],[117,1],[117,1],[117,1],[117,1],[117,1],[117,1],[117,2],[117,3],[117,4],[117,3],[117,1],[117,4],[117,2],[117,2],[117,4],[117,4],[117,4],[117,4],[117,4],[117,5],[117,4],[117,4],[117,4],[117,4],[117,4],[117,4],[117,4],[117,4],[117,6],[163,3],[163,1],[153,1],[153,1],[153,1],[182,2],[79,4],[79,4],[79,4],[79,3],[184,1],[184,2],[184,2],[184,2],[184,2],[184,2],[184,2],[184,2],[186,3],[186,4],[186,0],[81,0],[81,2],[81,2],[81,2],[81,2],[81,2],[82,2],[82,3],[82,5],[82,0],[205,6],[205,7],[205,6],[205,7],[203,1],[203,3],[209,4],[209,5],[209,3],[209,3],[209,2],[209,3],[209,1],[209,3],[209,2],[209,3],[209,1],[209,1],[209,2],[209,3],[209,1],[209,1],[209,2],[209,3],[209,1],[209,2],[209,3],[214,1],[199,3],[199,1],[204,2],[204,2],[204,1],[204,1],[215,3],[217,1],[217,2],[217,3],[217,3],[217,2],[217,3],[217,4],[217,5],[217,1],[217,2],[217,3],[217,1],[217,2],[217,3],[216,1],[216,2],[221,1],[221,2],[221,2],[221,3],[221,2],[221,3],[221,2],[221,3],[221,2],[221,2],[221,2],[218,2],[218,2],[218,0],[84,0],[84,2],[85,0],[85,4],[233,1],[233,3],[235,5],[235,4],[235,4],[235,1],[234,0],[234,2],[88,0],[88,2],[88,3],[88,2],[88,2],[88,3],[88,4],[88,3],[88,3],[86,0],[86,3],[120,1],[120,3],[241,1],[241,2],[241,3],[241,4],[87,0],[87,3],[87,8],[246,0],[246,2],[174,3],[174,1],[253,3],[253,2],[253,3],[253,2],[253,3],[253,2],[253,1],[254,5],[254,3],[254,1],[111,5],[111,3],[111,3],[111,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,1],[94,3],[94,3],[94,3],[94,1],[94,1],[56,1],[70,5],[71,5],[263,2],[263,2],[261,6],[261,8],[261,6],[261,8],[274,1],[274,1],[274,1],[274,1],[274,1],[274,1],[274,1],[255,5],[255,6],[255,6],[275,0],[275,4],[275,4],[275,5],[277,3],[278,3],[158,1],[158,1],[158,1],[158,1],[158,1],[158,1],[158,1],[158,1],[158,1],[200,5],[200,3],[200,4],[200,4],[200,8],[200,8],[200,8],[200,8],[200,3],[151,1],[151,3],[196,1],[257,1],[257,1],[113,1],[113,1],[258,1],[202,2],[259,4],[262,3],[201,2],[201,2],[201,1],[201,1],[260,5],[260,4],[304,2],[304,1],[307,4],[305,2],[305,0],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,5],[256,3],[256,5],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,5],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,5],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,6],[256,6],[256,3],[256,3],[256,2],[256,2],[256,2],[256,2],[256,2],[256,3],[256,5],[256,6],[256,5],[256,6],[256,4],[256,5],[256,3],[256,4],[256,3],[256,4],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[256,3],[329,1],[329,1],[329,4],[327,1],[327,1],[327,1],[327,1],[327,1],[327,1],[328,1],[328,1],[328,1],[55,6],[55,4],[147,1],[147,3],[336,3],[336,4],[29,5],[29,3],[36,5],[36,4],[36,7],[36,6],[36,5],[36,4],[36,5],[36,8],[36,7],[36,4],[36,6],[36,7],[341,1],[341,1],[340,0],[340,1],[342,3],[342,1],[342,1],[342,5],[342,3],[342,3],[345,1],[345,3],[346,1],[346,1],[346,1],[346,1],[346,1],[346,1],[100,1],[100,3],[24,9],[24,5],[349,1],[349,1],[352,0],[352,1],[354,2],[354,1],[355,1],[355,3],[355,3],[355,3],[348,0],[348,1],[350,0],[350,3],[351,3],[351,1],[351,2],[359,1],[359,3],[360,2],[360,2],[360,2],[360,2],[360,2],[361,0],[361,2],[366,4],[362,6],[363,9],[377,3],[376,0],[376,2],[378,4],[379,4],[364,6],[365,5],[365,5],[372,1],[372,1],[372,3],[372,3],[358,1],[358,3],[384,3],[384,2],[384,1],[387,6],[387,4],[387,1],[387,4],[272,2],[272,1],[388,1],[388,1],[385,0],[385,1],[391,2],[391,1],[393,3],[392,2],[392,5],[392,3],[392,6],[392,1],[392,2],[392,4],[392,2],[392,1],[392,2],[392,1],[392,1],[392,3],[392,5],[33,4],[399,3],[399,1],[398,0],[398,2],[18,6],[18,6],[18,6],[18,8],[18,6],[39,5],[19,4],[19,7],[19,6],[19,9],[30,3],[21,4],[21,6],[21,9],[21,6],[407,0],[407,2],[54,3],[54,2],[31,4],[31,5],[31,5],[22,8],[22,9],[32,3],[43,2],[43,4],[43,3],[43,5],[45,2],[45,4],[45,4],[45,6],[42,4],[42,6],[44,4],[44,6],[41,4],[41,6],[25,11],[25,8],[413,3],[413,3],[413,5],[34,4],[66,2],[57,2],[58,2],[58,2],[58,4],[144,4],[144,2],[144,2],[144,2],[144,2],[144,1],[144,2],[144,2],[422,1],[422,1],[423,1],[423,1],[423,1],[423,1],[423,1],[423,1],[423,1],[423,3],[419,3],[419,4],[419,2],[421,2],[421,3],[421,1],[425,3],[425,1],[428,3],[428,3],[428,3],[427,3],[427,1],[65,4],[65,3],[65,4],[65,5],[65,5],[65,6],[431,1],[431,1],[430,3],[430,2],[432,1],[432,1],[432,3],[429,1],[429,1],[51,2],[52,2],[50,2],[35,4],[35,3],[438,2],[59,3],[60,1],[61,1],[62,3],[63,2],[63,2],[64,2],[64,2],[446,1],[446,1],[69,2],[444,3],[444,1],[445,3],[445,1],[28,2],[449,1],[449,3],[450,3],[450,4],[450,5],[450,6],[46,3],[37,6],[453,1],[453,2],[454,2],[455,2],[456,2],[456,2],[456,1],[456,1],[458,4],[458,6],[461,1],[461,3],[459,5],[459,7],[459,7],[459,9],[459,7],[459,9],[462,3],[462,6],[462,3],[462,6],[457,0],[457,2],[457,5],[457,4],[457,7],[27,6],[469,2],[468,0],[468,2],[468,2],[468,1],[26,8],[23,3],[23,4],[473,3],[473,1],[474,3],[474,7],[474,6],[474,3],[474,4],[478,1],[478,1],[482,2],[483,3],[484,2],[485,4],[475,4],[475,3],[475,2],[475,1],[497,2],[493,2],[493,2],[498,4],[500,6],[67,3],[67,2],[506,3],[506,1],[504,1],[504,4],[68,2],[20,2],[48,9],[48,8],[48,9],[510,0],[510,1],[510,1],[510,1],[510,2],[511,1],[511,1],[511,1],[49,3],[38,2],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[11,1],[11,1],[80,0],[80,1],[83,0],[83,1],[90,0],[90,2],[91,0],[91,1],[96,0],[96,1],[97,0],[97,1],[101,0],[101,1],[108,0],[108,1],[121,0],[121,1],[125,1],[125,2],[126,1],[126,2],[127,0],[127,1],[155,0],[155,2],[157,0],[157,2],[159,0],[159,2],[160,1],[160,1],[161,0],[161,2],[165,0],[165,2],[167,0],[167,2],[176,0],[176,2],[177,0],[177,2],[178,0],[178,2],[188,0],[188,1],[197,0],[197,1],[210,0],[210,1],[211,0],[211,1],[219,0],[219,1],[220,0],[220,1],[248,0],[248,1],[250,0],[250,1],[251,0],[251,1],[252,0],[252,1],[264,1],[264,1],[767,1],[767,1],[289,0],[289,1],[301,1],[301,1],[337,1],[337,1],[371,0],[371,1],[375,0],[375,1],[382,0],[382,1],[383,0],[383,1],[394,0],[394,1],[395,0],[395,1],[397,1],[397,1],[411,0],[411,1],[412,0],[412,1],[465,0],[465,1],[466,0],[466,1],[467,0],[467,1],[471,0],[471,1],[476,0],[476,1],[477,0],[477,1],[479,0],[479,1],[480,0],[480,1],[481,0],[481,1],[486,0],[486,1],[487,0],[487,1],[488,0],[488,1],[489,0],[489,1],[490,0],[490,1],[491,0],[491,1],[492,0],[492,1],[494,0],[494,1],[495,0],[495,1],[496,0],[496,1],[499,0],[499,2],[501,0],[501,2],[502,0],[502,2],[503,0],[503,2],[512,0],[512,1],[513,0],[513,1]],
-performAction: function anonymous(yytext, yyleng, yylineno, yy, yystate /* action[1] */, $$ /* vstack */, _$ /* lstack */) {
-/* this == yyval */
-var $0 = $$.length - 1;
-switch (yystate) {
-case 1:
- if (alasql.options.casesensitive) this.$ = $$[$0];
- else this.$ = $$[$0].toLowerCase();
-case 2:
- this.$ = doubleq($$[$0].substr(1,$$[$0].length-2));
-case 3:
- this.$ = $$[$0].toLowerCase()
-case 4:
- this.$ = $$[$0]
-case 5:
- this.$ = $$[$0] ? $$[$0-1] + ' ' + $$[$0] : $$[$0-1]
-case 6:
- return new yy.Statements({statements:$$[$0-1]});
-case 7:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2]; if($$[$0]) $$[$0-2].push($$[$0]);
-case 8: case 9: case 70: case 80: case 85: case 143: case 177: case 205: case 206: case 242: case 261: case 273: case 354: case 372: case 451: case 474: case 475: case 479: case 487: case 528: case 529: case 566: case 649: case 659: case 683: case 685: case 687: case 701: case 702: case 732: case 756:
- this.$ = [$$[$0]];
-case 10:
- this.$ = $$[$0]; $$[$0].explain = true;
-case 11:
- this.$ = $$[$0]; $$[$0].explain = true;
-case 12:
- this.$ = $$[$0];
- // TODO combine exists and queries
- if(yy.exists) this.$.exists = yy.exists;
- delete yy.exists;
- if(yy.queries) this.$.queries = yy.queries;
- delete yy.queries;
-case 13: case 162: case 172: case 237: case 238: case 240: case 248: case 250: case 259: case 267: case 270: case 375: case 491: case 501: case 503: case 515: case 521: case 522: case 567:
- this.$ = undefined;
-case 68:
- this.$ = new yy.WithSelect({withs: $$[$0-1], select:$$[$0]});
-case 69: case 565:
- $$[$0-2].push($$[$0]); this.$=$$[$0-2];
-case 71:
- this.$ = {name:$$[$0-4], select:$$[$0-1]};
-case 72:
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-9]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-8]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-7]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-6]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-5]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-4]);yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-3]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
- this.$ = $$[$0-9];
-/* if(yy.exists) this.$.exists = yy.exists;
- delete yy.exists;
- if(yy.queries) this.$.queries = yy.queries;
- delete yy.queries;
-case 73:
- this.$ = new yy.Search({selectors:$$[$0-2], from:$$[$0]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]);
-case 74:
- this.$ = {pivot:{expr:$$[$0-5], columnid:$$[$0-3], inlist:$$[$0-2], as:$$[$0]}};
-case 75:
- this.$ = {unpivot:{tocolumnid:$$[$0-8], forcolumnid:$$[$0-6], inlist:$$[$0-3], as:$$[$0]}};
-case 76: case 520: case 549: case 585: case 619: case 636: case 637: case 640: case 662:
- this.$ = $$[$0-1];
-case 77: case 78: case 86: case 147: case 185: case 247: case 280: case 288: case 289: case 290: case 291: case 292: case 293: case 294: case 295: case 296: case 297: case 298: case 299: case 300: case 301: case 304: case 305: case 320: case 321: case 322: case 323: case 324: case 325: case 374: case 440: case 441: case 442: case 443: case 444: case 445: case 516: case 542: case 546: case 548: case 623: case 624: case 625: case 626: case 627: case 628: case 632: case 634: case 635: case 644: case 660: case 661: case 723: case 738: case 739: case 741: case 742: case 748: case 749:
- this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 79: case 84: case 731: case 755:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2]; this.$.push($$[$0]);
-case 81:
- this.$ = {expr:$$[$0]};
-case 82:
- this.$ = {expr:$$[$0-2],as:$$[$0]};
-case 83:
- this.$ = {removecolumns:$$[$0]};
-case 87:
- this.$ = {like:$$[$0]};
-case 90: case 104:
- this.$ = {srchid:"PROP", args: [$$[$0]]};
-case 91:
- this.$ = {srchid:"ORDERBY", args: $$[$0-1]};
-case 92:
- var dir = $$[$0-1];
- if(!dir) dir = 'ASC';
- this.$ = {srchid:"ORDERBY", args: [{expression: new yy.Column({columnid:'_'}), direction:dir}]};
-case 93:
- this.$ = {srchid:"PARENT"};
-case 94:
- this.$ = {srchid:"APROP", args: [$$[$0]]};
-case 95:
- this.$ = {selid:"ROOT"};
-case 96:
- this.$ = {srchid:"EQ", args: [$$[$0]]};
-case 97:
- this.$ = {srchid:"LIKE", args: [$$[$0]]};
-case 98: case 99:
- this.$ = {selid:"WITH", args: $$[$0-1]};
-case 100:
- this.$ = {srchid:$$[$0-3].toUpperCase(), args:$$[$0-1]};
-case 101:
- this.$ = {srchid:"WHERE", args:[$$[$0-1]]};
-case 102:
- this.$ = {selid:"OF", args:[$$[$0-1]]};
-case 103:
- this.$ = {srchid:"CLASS", args:[$$[$0-1]]};
-case 105:
- this.$ = {srchid:"NAME", args: [$$[$0].substr(1,$$[$0].length-2)]};
-case 106:
- this.$ = {srchid:"CHILD"};
-case 107:
- this.$ = {srchid:"VERTEX"};
-case 108:
- this.$ = {srchid:"EDGE"};
-case 109:
- this.$ = {srchid:"REF"};
-case 110:
- this.$ = {srchid:"SHARP", args:[$$[$0]]};
-case 111:
- this.$ = {srchid:"ATTR", args:((typeof $$[$0] == 'undefined')?undefined:[$$[$0]])};
-case 112:
- this.$ = {srchid:"ATTR"};
-case 113:
- this.$ = {srchid:"OUT"};
-case 114:
- this.$ = {srchid:"IN"};
-case 115:
- this.$ = {srchid:"OUTOUT"};
-case 116:
- this.$ = {srchid:"ININ"};
-case 117:
- this.$ = {srchid:"CONTENT"};
-case 118:
- this.$ = {srchid:"EX",args:[new yy.Json({value:$$[$0]})]};
-case 119:
- this.$ = {srchid:"AT", args:[$$[$0]]};
-case 120:
- this.$ = {srchid:"AS", args:[$$[$0]]};
-case 121:
- this.$ = {srchid:"SET", args:$$[$0-1]};
-case 122:
- this.$ = {selid:"TO", args:[$$[$0]]};
-case 123:
- this.$ = {srchid:"VALUE"};
-case 124:
- this.$ = {srchid:"ROW", args:$$[$0-1]};
-case 125:
- this.$ = {srchid:"CLASS", args:[$$[$0]]};
-case 126:
- this.$ = {selid:$$[$0],args:[$$[$0-1]] };
-case 127:
- this.$ = {selid:"NOT",args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 128:
- this.$ = {selid:"IF",args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 129:
- this.$ = {selid:$$[$0-3],args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 130:
- this.$ = {selid:'DISTINCT',args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 131:
- this.$ = {selid:'UNION',args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 132:
- this.$ = {selid:'UNIONALL',args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 133:
- this.$ = {selid:'ALL',args:[$$[$0-1]] };
-case 134:
- this.$ = {selid:'ANY',args:[$$[$0-1]] };
-case 135:
- this.$ = {selid:'INTERSECT',args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 136:
- this.$ = {selid:'EXCEPT',args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 137:
- this.$ = {selid:'AND',args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 138:
- this.$ = {selid:'OR',args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 139:
- this.$ = {selid:'PATH',args:[$$[$0-1]] };
-case 140:
- this.$ = {srchid:'RETURN',args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 141:
- this.$ = {selid:'REPEAT',sels:$$[$0-3], args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 142:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2]; this.$.push($$[$0]);
-case 144:
- this.$ = "PLUS";
-case 145:
- this.$ = "STAR";
-case 146:
- this.$ = "QUESTION";
-case 148:
- this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns:$$[$0], distinct: true }); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-3]); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-1]);
-case 149:
- this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns:$$[$0], distinct: true }); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-3]);yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-1]);
-case 150:
- this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns:$$[$0], all:true }); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-3]);yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-1]);
-case 151:
- if(!$$[$0]) {
- this.$ = new yy.Select({columns:[new yy.Column({columnid:'_',})], modifier:'COLUMN'});
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns:$$[$0] }); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-2]);yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-1]);
- }
-case 152:
- if($$[$0]=='SELECT') this.$ = undefined; else this.$ = {modifier: $$[$0]};
-case 153:
- this.$ = {modifier:'VALUE'}
-case 154:
- this.$ = {modifier:'ROW'}
-case 155:
- this.$ = {modifier:'COLUMN'}
-case 156:
- this.$ = {modifier:'MATRIX'}
-case 157:
- this.$ = {modifier:'TEXTSTRING'}
-case 158:
- this.$ = {modifier:'INDEX'}
-case 159:
- this.$ = {modifier:'RECORDSET'}
-case 160:
- this.$ = {top: $$[$0-1], percent:(typeof $$[$0] != 'undefined'?true:undefined)};
-case 161:
- this.$ = {top: $$[$0-1]};
-case 163: case 330: case 523: case 524: case 724:
-this.$ = undefined;
-case 164: case 165: case 166: case 167:
-this.$ = {into: $$[$0]}
-case 168:
- var s = $$[$0];
- s = s.substr(1,s.length-2);
- var x3 = s.substr(-3).toUpperCase();
- var x4 = s.substr(-4).toUpperCase();
- if(s[0] == '#') {
- this.$ = {into: new yy.FuncValue({funcid: 'HTML', args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]})};
- } else if(x3=='XLS' || x3 == 'CSV' || x3=='TAB') {
- this.$ = {into: new yy.FuncValue({funcid: x3, args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]})};
- } else if(x4=='XLSX' || x4 == 'JSON') {
- this.$ = {into: new yy.FuncValue({funcid: x4, args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]})};
- }
-case 169:
- this.$ = { from: $$[$0] };
-case 170:
- this.$ = { from: $$[$0-1], joins: $$[$0] };
-case 171:
- this.$ = { from: $$[$0-2], joins: $$[$0-1] };
-case 173:
- this.$ = new yy.Apply({select: $$[$0-2], applymode:'CROSS', as:$$[$0]});
-case 174:
- this.$ = new yy.Apply({select: $$[$0-3], applymode:'CROSS', as:$$[$0]});
-case 175:
- this.$ = new yy.Apply({select: $$[$0-2], applymode:'OUTER', as:$$[$0]});
-case 176:
- this.$ = new yy.Apply({select: $$[$0-3], applymode:'OUTER', as:$$[$0]});
-case 178: case 243: case 452: case 530: case 531:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2]; $$[$0-2].push($$[$0]);
-case 179:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2]; this.$.as = $$[$0]
-case 180:
- this.$ = $$[$0-3]; this.$.as = $$[$0]
-case 181:
- this.$ = $$[$0-1]; this.$.as = 'default'
-case 182:
- this.$ = new yy.Json({value:$$[$0-2]}); $$[$0-2].as = $$[$0]
-case 183:
- this.$ = $$[$0-1]; $$[$0-1].as = $$[$0]
-case 184:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2]; $$[$0-2].as = $$[$0]
-case 186: case 638: case 641:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2];
-case 187: case 191: case 195: case 198:
- this.$ = $$[$0-1]; $$[$0-1].as = $$[$0];
-case 188: case 192: case 196: case 199:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2]; $$[$0-2].as = $$[$0];
-case 189: case 190: case 194: case 197:
- this.$ = $$[$0]; $$[$0].as = 'default';
-case 193:
- this.$ = {inserted:true}; /*$$[$0].as = 'default'*/;
-case 200:
- var s = $$[$0];
- s = s.substr(1,s.length-2);
- var x3 = s.substr(-3).toUpperCase();
- var x4 = s.substr(-4).toUpperCase();
- var r;
- if(s[0] == '#') {
- r = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: 'HTML', args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]});
- } else if(x3=='XLS' || x3 == 'CSV' || x3=='TAB') {
- r = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: x3, args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]});
- } else if(x4=='XLSX' || x4 == 'JSON') {
- r = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: x4, args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]});
- } else {
- throw new Error('Unknown string in FROM clause');
- };
- this.$ = r;
-case 201:
- if($$[$0-2] == 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA') {
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: $$[$0-2], args:[new yy.StringValue({value:$$[$0]})]});
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Table({databaseid: $$[$0-2], tableid:$$[$0]});
- }
-case 202:
- this.$ = new yy.Table({tableid: $$[$0]});
-case 203: case 204:
- this.$ = $$[$0-1]; $$[$0-1].push($$[$0]);
-case 207:
- this.$ = new yy.Join($$[$0-2]); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-1]); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
-case 208:
- this.$ = {table: $$[$0]};
-case 209:
- this.$ = {table: $$[$0-1], as: $$[$0] } ;
-case 210:
- this.$ = {table: $$[$0-2], as: $$[$0] } ;
-case 211:
- this.$ = {json:new yy.Json({value:$$[$0-2],as:$$[$0]})};
-case 212:
- this.$ = {param: $$[$0-1], as: $$[$0] } ;
-case 213:
- this.$ = {param: $$[$0-2], as: $$[$0] } ;
-case 214:
- this.$ = {select: $$[$0-2], as: $$[$0]} ;
-case 215:
- this.$ = {select: $$[$0-3], as: $$[$0] } ;
-case 216:
- this.$ = {funcid:$$[$0], as:'default'};
-case 217:
- this.$ = {funcid:$$[$0-1], as: $$[$0]};
-case 218:
- this.$ = {funcid:$$[$0-2], as: $$[$0]};
-case 219:
- this.$ = {variable:$$[$0],as:'default'};
-case 220:
- this.$ = {variable:$$[$0-1],as:$$[$0]};
-case 221:
- this.$ = {variable:$$[$0-2],as:$$[$0]}
-case 222:
- this.$ = { joinmode: $$[$0] } ;
-case 223:
- this.$ = {joinmode: $$[$0-1], natural:true} ;
-case 224: case 225:
- this.$ = "INNER";
-case 226: case 227:
- this.$ = "LEFT";
-case 228: case 229:
- this.$ = "RIGHT";
-case 230: case 231:
- this.$ = "OUTER";
-case 232:
- this.$ = "SEMI";
-case 233:
- this.$ = "ANTI";
-case 234:
- this.$ = "CROSS";
-case 235:
- this.$ = {on: $$[$0]};
-case 236: case 697:
- this.$ = {using: $$[$0]};
-case 239:
- this.$ = {where: new yy.Expression({expression:$$[$0]})};
-case 241:
- this.$ = {group:$$[$0-1]}; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 244:
- this.$ = new yy.GroupExpression({type:'GROUPING SETS', group: $$[$0-1]});
-case 245:
- this.$ = new yy.GroupExpression({type:'ROLLUP', group: $$[$0-1]});
-case 246:
- this.$ = new yy.GroupExpression({type:'CUBE', group: $$[$0-1]});
-case 249:
- this.$ = {having:$$[$0]}
-case 251:
- this.$ = {union: $$[$0]} ;
-case 252:
- this.$ = {unionall: $$[$0]} ;
-case 253:
- this.$ = {except: $$[$0]} ;
-case 254:
- this.$ = {intersect: $$[$0]} ;
-case 255:
- this.$ = {union: $$[$0], corresponding:true} ;
-case 256:
- this.$ = {unionall: $$[$0], corresponding:true} ;
-case 257:
- this.$ = {except: $$[$0], corresponding:true} ;
-case 258:
- this.$ = {intersect: $$[$0], corresponding:true} ;
-case 260:
- this.$ = {order:$$[$0]}
-case 262:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2]; $$[$0-2].push($$[$0])
-case 263:
- this.$ = new yy.Expression({expression: $$[$0], direction:'ASC'})
-case 264:
- this.$ = new yy.Expression({expression: $$[$0-1], direction:$$[$0].toUpperCase()})
-case 265:
- this.$ = new yy.Expression({expression: $$[$0-2], direction:'ASC', nocase:true})
-case 266:
- this.$ = new yy.Expression({expression: $$[$0-3], direction:$$[$0].toUpperCase(), nocase:true})
-case 268:
- this.$ = {limit:$$[$0-1]}; yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
-case 269:
- this.$ = {limit:$$[$0-2],offset:$$[$0-6]};
-case 271:
- this.$ = {offset:$$[$0]};
-case 272: case 509: case 533: case 648: case 658: case 682: case 684: case 688:
- $$[$0-2].push($$[$0]); this.$ = $$[$0-2];
-case 274: case 276: case 278:
- $$[$0-2].as = $$[$0]; this.$ = $$[$0-2];
-case 275: case 277: case 279:
- $$[$0-1].as = $$[$0]; this.$ = $$[$0-1];
-case 281:
- this.$ = new yy.Column({columid: $$[$0], tableid: $$[$0-2], databaseid:$$[$0-4]});
-case 282:
- this.$ = new yy.Column({columnid: $$[$0], tableid: $$[$0-2]});
-case 283:
- this.$ = new yy.Column({columnid:$$[$0]});
-case 284:
- this.$ = new yy.Column({columnid: $$[$0], tableid: $$[$0-2], databaseid:$$[$0-4]});
-case 285: case 286:
- this.$ = new yy.Column({columnid: $$[$0], tableid: $$[$0-2]});
-case 287:
- this.$ = new yy.Column({columnid: $$[$0]});
-case 302:
- this.$ = new yy.DomainValueValue();
-case 303:
- this.$ = new yy.Json({value:$$[$0]});
-case 306: case 307: case 308:
- if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
- yy.queries.push($$[$0-1]);
- $$[$0-1].queriesidx = yy.queries.length;
- this.$ = $$[$0-1];
-case 309:
-this.$ = $$[$0]
-case 310:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid:'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'});
-case 311:
- this.$ = new yy.JavaScript({value:$$[$0].substr(2,$$[$0].length-4)});
-case 312:
- this.$ = new yy.JavaScript({value:'alasql.fn["'+$$[$0-2]+'"] = '+$$[$0].substr(2,$$[$0].length-4)});
-case 313:
- this.$ = new yy.JavaScript({value:'alasql.aggr["'+$$[$0-2]+'"] = '+$$[$0].substr(2,$$[$0].length-4)});
-case 314:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid:$$[$0], newid:true});
-case 315:
- this.$ = $$[$0]; yy.extend(this.$,{newid:true});
-case 316:
- this.$ = new yy.Convert({expression:$$[$0-3]}) ; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]) ;
-case 317:
- this.$ = new yy.Convert({expression:$$[$0-5], style:$$[$0-1]}) ; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-3]) ;
-case 318:
- this.$ = new yy.Convert({expression:$$[$0-1]}) ; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-3]) ;
-case 319:
- this.$ = new yy.Convert({expression:$$[$0-3], style:$$[$0-1]}) ; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-5]) ;
-case 326:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid:'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'});
-case 327:
- if($$[$0-2].length > 1 && ($$[$0-4].toUpperCase() == 'MAX' || $$[$0-4].toUpperCase() == 'MIN')) {
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid:$$[$0-4],args:$$[$0-2]});
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({aggregatorid: $$[$0-4].toUpperCase(), expression: $$[$0-2].pop(), over:$$[$0]});
- }
-case 328:
- this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({aggregatorid: $$[$0-5].toUpperCase(), expression: $$[$0-2], distinct:true, over:$$[$0]});
-case 329:
- this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({aggregatorid: $$[$0-5].toUpperCase(), expression: $$[$0-2],
- over:$$[$0]});
-case 331: case 332:
- this.$ = new yy.Over(); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]);
-case 333:
- this.$ = new yy.Over(); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]);
-case 334:
- this.$ = {partition:$$[$0]};
-case 335:
- this.$ = {order:$$[$0]};
-case 336:
- this.$ = "SUM";
-case 337:
- this.$ = "COUNT";
-case 338:
- this.$ = "MIN";
-case 339: case 544:
- this.$ = "MAX";
-case 340:
- this.$ = "AVG";
-case 341:
- this.$ = "FIRST";
-case 342:
- this.$ = "LAST";
-case 343:
- this.$ = "AGGR";
-case 344:
- this.$ = "ARRAY";
-case 345:
- var funcid = $$[$0-4];
- var exprlist = $$[$0-1];
- if(exprlist.length > 1 && (funcid.toUpperCase() == 'MIN' || funcid.toUpperCase() == 'MAX')) {
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: funcid, args: exprlist});
- } else if(alasql.aggr[$$[$0-4]]) {
- this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({aggregatorid: 'REDUCE',
- funcid: funcid, expression: exprlist.pop(),distinct:($$[$0-2]=='DISTINCT') });
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: funcid, args: exprlist});
- };
-case 346:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: $$[$0-2] })
-case 347:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'IIF', args:$$[$0-1] })
-case 348:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'REPLACE', args:$$[$0-1] })
-case 349:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'DATEADD', args:[new yy.StringValue({value:$$[$0-5]}),$$[$0-3],$$[$0-1]]})
-case 350:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'DATEADD', args:[$$[$0-5],$$[$0-3],$$[$0-1]]})
-case 351:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'DATEDIFF', args:[new yy.StringValue({value:$$[$0-5]}),$$[$0-3],$$[$0-1]]})
-case 352:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'DATEDIFF', args:[$$[$0-5],$$[$0-3],$$[$0-1]]})
-case 353:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: 'INTERVAL', args:[$$[$0-1],new yy.StringValue({value:($$[$0]).toLowerCase()})]});
-case 355:
- $$[$0-2].push($$[$0]); this.$ = $$[$0-2]
-case 356:
- this.$ = new yy.NumValue({value:+$$[$0]});
-case 357:
- this.$ = new yy.LogicValue({value:true});
-case 358:
- this.$ = new yy.LogicValue({value:false});
-case 359:
- this.$ = new yy.StringValue({value: $$[$0].substr(1,$$[$0].length-2).replace(/(\\\')/g,"'").replace(/(\'\')/g,"'")});
-case 360:
- this.$ = new yy.StringValue({value: $$[$0].substr(2,$$[$0].length-3).replace(/(\\\')/g,"'").replace(/(\'\')/g,"'")});
-case 361:
- this.$ = new yy.NullValue({value:undefined});
-case 362:
- this.$ = new yy.VarValue({variable:$$[$0]});
-case 363:
- if(!yy.exists) yy.exists = [];
- this.$ = new yy.ExistsValue({value:$$[$0-1], existsidx:yy.exists.length});
- yy.exists.push($$[$0-1]);
-case 364:
- this.$ = new yy.ArrayValue({value:$$[$0-1]});
-case 365: case 366:
- this.$ = new yy.ParamValue({param: $$[$0]});
-case 367:
- if(typeof yy.question == 'undefined') yy.question = 0;
- this.$ = new yy.ParamValue({param: yy.question++});
-case 368:
- if(typeof yy.question == 'undefined') yy.question = 0;
- this.$ = new yy.ParamValue({param: yy.question++, array:true});
-case 369:
- this.$ = new yy.CaseValue({expression:$$[$0-3], whens: $$[$0-2], elses: $$[$0-1]});
-case 370:
- this.$ = new yy.CaseValue({whens: $$[$0-2], elses: $$[$0-1]});
-case 371: case 699: case 700:
- this.$ = $$[$0-1]; this.$.push($$[$0]);
-case 373:
- this.$ = {when: $$[$0-2], then: $$[$0] };
-case 376: case 377:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'REGEXP', right:$$[$0]});
-case 378:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'GLOB', right:$$[$0]});
-case 379:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'LIKE', right:$$[$0]});
-case 380:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-4], op:'LIKE', right:$$[$0-2], escape:$$[$0]});
-case 381:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'NOT LIKE', right:$$[$0] });
-case 382:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-4], op:'NOT LIKE', right:$$[$0-2], escape:$$[$0] });
-case 383:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'||', right:$$[$0]});
-case 384:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'+', right:$$[$0]});
-case 385:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'-', right:$$[$0]});
-case 386:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'*', right:$$[$0]});
-case 387:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'/', right:$$[$0]});
-case 388:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'%', right:$$[$0]});
-case 389:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'^', right:$$[$0]});
-case 390:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'>>', right:$$[$0]});
-case 391:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'<<', right:$$[$0]});
-case 392:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'&', right:$$[$0]});
-case 393:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'|', right:$$[$0]});
-case 394: case 395: case 397:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'->' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 396:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-4], op:'->' , right:$$[$0-1]});
-case 398: case 399: case 401:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'!' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 400:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-4], op:'!' , right:$$[$0-1]});
-case 402:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'>' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 403:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'>=' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 404:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'<' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 405:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'<=' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 406:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'=' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 407:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'==' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 408:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'===' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 409:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'!=' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 410:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'!==' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 411:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'!===' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 412:
- if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-5], op:$$[$0-4] , allsome:$$[$0-3], right:$$[$0-1], queriesidx: yy.queries.length});
- yy.queries.push($$[$0-1]);
-case 413:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-5], op:$$[$0-4] , allsome:$$[$0-3], right:$$[$0-1]});
-case 414:
- if($$[$0-2].op == 'BETWEEN1') {
- if($$[$0-2].left.op == 'AND') {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left.left,op:'AND',right:
- new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left.right, op:'BETWEEN',
- right1:$$[$0-2].right, right2:$$[$0]})
- });
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left, op:'BETWEEN',
- right1:$$[$0-2].right, right2:$$[$0]});
- }
- } else if($$[$0-2].op == 'NOT BETWEEN1') {
- if($$[$0-2].left.op == 'AND') {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left.left,op:'AND',right:
- new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left.right, op:'NOT BETWEEN',
- right1:$$[$0-2].right, right2:$$[$0]})
- });
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left, op:'NOT BETWEEN',
- right1:$$[$0-2].right, right2:$$[$0]});
- }
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'AND', right:$$[$0]});
- }
-case 415:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'OR' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 416:
- this.$ = new yy.UniOp({op:'NOT' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 417:
- this.$ = new yy.UniOp({op:'-' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 418:
- this.$ = new yy.UniOp({op:'+' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 419:
- this.$ = new yy.UniOp({op:'~' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 420:
- this.$ = new yy.UniOp({op:'#' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 421:
- this.$ = new yy.UniOp({right: $$[$0-1]});
-case 422:
- if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-4], op:'IN', right:$$[$0-1], queriesidx: yy.queries.length});
- yy.queries.push($$[$0-1]);
-case 423:
- if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-5], op:'NOT IN', right:$$[$0-1], queriesidx: yy.queries.length});
- yy.queries.push($$[$0-1]);
-case 424:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-4], op:'IN', right:$$[$0-1]});
-case 425:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-5], op:'NOT IN', right:$$[$0-1]});
-case 426:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-3], op:'IN', right:[]});
-case 427:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-4], op:'NOT IN', right:[]});
-case 428: case 430:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-2], op:'IN', right:$$[$0]});
-case 429: case 431:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-3], op:'NOT IN', right:$$[$0]});
-case 432:
-/* var expr = $$[$0];
- if(expr.left && expr.left.op == 'AND') {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'BETWEEN', right:expr.left}), op:'AND', right:expr.right });
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'BETWEEN1', right:$$[$0] });
-case 433:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'NOT BETWEEN1', right:$$[$0] });
-case 434:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({op:'IS' , left:$$[$0-2], right:$$[$0]});
-case 435:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({
- op:'IS',
- left:$$[$0-2],
- right: new yy.UniOp({
- op:'NOT',
- right:new yy.NullValue({value:undefined})
- })
- });
-case 436:
- this.$ = new yy.Convert({expression:$$[$0-2]}) ; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]) ;
-case 437: case 438:
- this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 439:
- this.$ = $$[$0-1];
-case 446:
- this.$ = 'ALL';
-case 447:
- this.$ = 'SOME';
-case 448:
- this.$ = 'ANY';
-case 449:
- this.$ = new yy.Update({table:$$[$0-4], columns:$$[$0-2], where:$$[$0]});
-case 450:
- this.$ = new yy.Update({table:$$[$0-2], columns:$$[$0]});
-case 453:
- this.$ = new yy.SetColumn({column:$$[$0-2], expression:$$[$0]})
-case 454:
- this.$ = new yy.SetColumn({variable:$$[$0-2], expression:$$[$0], method:$$[$0-3]})
-case 455:
- this.$ = new yy.Delete({table:$$[$0-2], where:$$[$0]});
-case 456:
- this.$ = new yy.Delete({table:$$[$0]});
-case 457:
- this.$ = new yy.Insert({into:$$[$0-2], values: $$[$0]});
-case 458:
- this.$ = new yy.Insert({into:$$[$0-1], values: $$[$0]});
-case 459: case 461:
- this.$ = new yy.Insert({into:$$[$0-2], values: $$[$0], orreplace:true});
-case 460: case 462:
- this.$ = new yy.Insert({into:$$[$0-1], values: $$[$0], orreplace:true});
-case 463:
- this.$ = new yy.Insert({into:$$[$0-2], "default": true}) ;
-case 464:
- this.$ = new yy.Insert({into:$$[$0-5], columns: $$[$0-3], values: $$[$0]});
-case 465:
- this.$ = new yy.Insert({into:$$[$0-4], columns: $$[$0-2], values: $$[$0]});
-case 466:
- this.$ = new yy.Insert({into:$$[$0-1], select: $$[$0]});
-case 467:
- this.$ = new yy.Insert({into:$$[$0-1], select: $$[$0], orreplace:true});
-case 468:
- this.$ = new yy.Insert({into:$$[$0-4], columns: $$[$0-2], select: $$[$0]});
-case 473:
- this.$ = [$$[$0-1]];
-case 476:
-this.$ = $$[$0-4]; $$[$0-4].push($$[$0-1])
-case 477: case 478: case 480: case 488:
-this.$ = $$[$0-2]; $$[$0-2].push($$[$0])
-case 489:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({table:$$[$0-4]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-7]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-6]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-5]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 490:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({table:$$[$0]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-3]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]);
-case 492:
- this.$ = {"class":true};
-case 502:
- this.$ = {temporary:true};
-case 504:
- this.$ = {ifnotexists: true};
-case 505:
- this.$ = {columns: $$[$0-2], constraints: $$[$0]};
-case 506:
- this.$ = {columns: $$[$0]};
-case 507:
- this.$ = {as: $$[$0]}
-case 508: case 532:
- this.$ = [$$[$0]];
-case 510: case 511: case 512: case 513: case 514:
- $$[$0].constraintid = $$[$0-1]; this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 517:
- this.$ = {type: 'CHECK', expression: $$[$0-1]};
-case 518:
- this.$ = {type: 'PRIMARY KEY', columns: $$[$0-1], clustered:($$[$0-3]+'').toUpperCase()};
-case 519:
- this.$ = {type: 'FOREIGN KEY', columns: $$[$0-5], fktable: $$[$0-2], fkcolumns: $$[$0-1]};
-case 525:
- this.$ = {type: 'UNIQUE', columns: $$[$0-1], clustered:($$[$0-3]+'').toUpperCase()};
-case 534:
- this.$ = new yy.ColumnDef({columnid:$$[$0-2]}); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 535:
- this.$ = new yy.ColumnDef({columnid:$$[$0-1]}); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 536:
- this.$ = new yy.ColumnDef({columnid:$$[$0], dbtypeid: ''});
-case 537:
- this.$ = {dbtypeid: $$[$0-5], dbsize: $$[$0-3], dbprecision: +$$[$0-1]}
-case 538:
- this.$ = {dbtypeid: $$[$0-3], dbsize: $$[$0-1]}
-case 539:
- this.$ = {dbtypeid: $$[$0]}
-case 540:
- this.$ = {dbtypeid: 'ENUM', enumvalues: $$[$0-1]}
-case 541:
- this.$ = $$[$0-1]; $$[$0-1].dbtypeid += '[' + $$[$0] + ']';
-case 543: case 750:
- this.$ = +$$[$0];
-case 545:
-this.$ = undefined
-case 547:
- yy.extend($$[$0-1],$$[$0]); this.$ = $$[$0-1];
-case 550:
-this.$ = {primarykey:true};
-case 551: case 552:
-this.$ = {foreignkey:{table:$$[$0-1], columnid: $$[$0]}};
-case 553:
- this.$ = {identity: {value:$$[$0-3],step:$$[$0-1]}}
-case 554:
- this.$ = {identity: {value:1,step:1}}
-case 555: case 557:
-this.$ = {"default":$$[$0]};
-case 556:
-this.$ = {"default":$$[$0-1]};
-case 558:
-this.$ = {"null":true};
-case 559:
-this.$ = {notnull:true};
-case 560:
-this.$ = {check:$$[$0]};
-case 561:
-this.$ = {unique:true};
-case 562:
-this.$ = {"onupdate":$$[$0]};
-case 563:
-this.$ = {"onupdate":$$[$0-1]};
-case 564:
- this.$ = new yy.DropTable({tables:$$[$0],type:$$[$0-2]}); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-1]);
-case 568:
- this.$ = {ifexists: true};
-case 569:
- this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({table:$$[$0-3], renameto: $$[$0]});
-case 570:
- this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({table:$$[$0-3], addcolumn: $$[$0]});
-case 571:
- this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({table:$$[$0-3], modifycolumn: $$[$0]});
-case 572:
- this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({table:$$[$0-5], renamecolumn: $$[$0-2], to: $$[$0]});
-case 573:
- this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({table:$$[$0-3], dropcolumn: $$[$0]});
-case 574:
- this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({table:$$[$0-2], renameto: $$[$0]});
-case 575:
- this.$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({databaseid:$$[$0], engineid:$$[$0-2].toUpperCase() });
-case 576:
- this.$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({databaseid:$$[$0-3], engineid:$$[$0-5].toUpperCase(), args:$$[$0-1] });
-case 577:
- this.$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({databaseid:$$[$0-2], engineid:$$[$0-4].toUpperCase(), as:$$[$0] });
-case 578:
- this.$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({databaseid:$$[$0-5], engineid:$$[$0-7].toUpperCase(), as:$$[$0], args:$$[$0-3]});
-case 579:
- this.$ = new yy.DetachDatabase({databaseid:$$[$0]});
-case 580:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({databaseid:$$[$0] }); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 581:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({engineid:$$[$0-4].toUpperCase(), databaseid:$$[$0-1], as:$$[$0] }); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
-case 582:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({engineid:$$[$0-7].toUpperCase(), databaseid:$$[$0-4], args:$$[$0-2], as:$$[$0] }); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-5]);
-case 583:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({engineid:$$[$0-4].toUpperCase(),
- as:$$[$0], args:[$$[$0-1]] }); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
-case 584:
-this.$ = undefined;
-case 586: case 587:
- this.$ = new yy.UseDatabase({databaseid: $$[$0] });
-case 588:
- this.$ = new yy.DropDatabase({databaseid: $$[$0] }); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]);
-case 589: case 590:
- this.$ = new yy.DropDatabase({databaseid: $$[$0], engineid:$$[$0-3].toUpperCase() }); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]);
-case 591:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateIndex({indexid:$$[$0-5], table:$$[$0-3], columns:$$[$0-1]})
-case 592:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateIndex({indexid:$$[$0-5], table:$$[$0-3], columns:$$[$0-1], unique:true})
-case 593:
- this.$ = new yy.DropIndex({indexid:$$[$0]});
-case 594:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowDatabases();
-case 595:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowDatabases({like:$$[$0]});
-case 596:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowDatabases({engineid:$$[$0-1].toUpperCase() });
-case 597:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowDatabases({engineid:$$[$0-3].toUpperCase() , like:$$[$0]});
-case 598:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowTables();
-case 599:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowTables({like:$$[$0]});
-case 600:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowTables({databaseid: $$[$0]});
-case 601:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowTables({like:$$[$0], databaseid: $$[$0-2]});
-case 602:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowColumns({table: $$[$0]});
-case 603:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowColumns({table: $$[$0-2], databaseid:$$[$0]});
-case 604:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowIndex({table: $$[$0]});
-case 605:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowIndex({table: $$[$0-2], databaseid: $$[$0]});
-case 606:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowCreateTable({table: $$[$0]});
-case 607:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowCreateTable({table: $$[$0-2], databaseid:$$[$0]});
-case 608:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({table:$$[$0-6],view:true,select:$$[$0-1],viewcolumns:$$[$0-4]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-9]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-7]);
-case 609:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({table:$$[$0-3],view:true,select:$$[$0-1]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-6]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-4]);
-case 613:
- this.$ = new yy.DropTable({tables:$$[$0], view:true}); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-1]);
-case 614: case 760:
- this.$ = new yy.ExpressionStatement({expression:$$[$0]});
-case 615:
- this.$ = new yy.Source({url:$$[$0].value});
-case 616:
- this.$ = new yy.Assert({value:$$[$0]});
-case 617:
- this.$ = new yy.Assert({value:$$[$0].value});
-case 618:
- this.$ = new yy.Assert({value:$$[$0], message:$$[$0-2]});
-case 620: case 631: case 633:
- this.$ = $$[$0].value;
-case 621: case 629:
- this.$ = +$$[$0].value;
-case 622:
- this.$ = (!!$$[$0].value);
-case 630:
- this.$ = ""+$$[$0].value;
-case 639:
- this.$ = {};
-case 642:
- this.$ = [];
-case 643:
- yy.extend($$[$0-2],$$[$0]); this.$ = $$[$0-2];
-case 645:
- this.$ = {}; this.$[$$[$0-2].substr(1,$$[$0-2].length-2)] = $$[$0];
-case 646: case 647:
- this.$ = {}; this.$[$$[$0-2]] = $$[$0];
-case 650:
- this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({variable:$$[$0-2].toLowerCase(), value:$$[$0]});
-case 651:
- this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({variable:$$[$0-1].toLowerCase(), value:$$[$0]});
-case 652:
- this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({variable:$$[$0-2], expression:$$[$0]});
-case 653:
- this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({variable:$$[$0-3], props: $$[$0-2], expression:$$[$0]});
-case 654:
- this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({variable:$$[$0-2], expression:$$[$0], method:$$[$0-3]});
-case 655:
- this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({variable:$$[$0-3], props: $$[$0-2], expression:$$[$0], method:$$[$0-4]});
-case 656:
-this.$ = '@';
-case 657:
-this.$ = '$';
-case 663:
- this.$ = true;
-case 664:
- this.$ = false;
-case 665:
- this.$ = new yy.CommitTransaction();
-case 666:
- this.$ = new yy.RollbackTransaction();
-case 667:
- this.$ = new yy.BeginTransaction();
-case 668:
- this.$ = new yy.If({expression:$$[$0-2],thenstat:$$[$0-1], elsestat:$$[$0]});
- if($$[$0-1].exists) this.$.exists = $$[$0-1].exists;
- if($$[$0-1].queries) this.$.queries = $$[$0-1].queries;
-case 669:
- this.$ = new yy.If({expression:$$[$0-1],thenstat:$$[$0]});
- if($$[$0].exists) this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists;
- if($$[$0].queries) this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries;
-case 670:
-this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 671:
- this.$ = new yy.While({expression:$$[$0-1],loopstat:$$[$0]});
- if($$[$0].exists) this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists;
- if($$[$0].queries) this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries;
-case 672:
- this.$ = new yy.Continue();
-case 673:
- this.$ = new yy.Break();
-case 674:
- this.$ = new yy.BeginEnd({statements:$$[$0-1]});
-case 675:
- this.$ = new yy.Print({exprs:$$[$0]});
-case 676:
- this.$ = new yy.Print({select:$$[$0]});
-case 677:
- this.$ = new yy.Require({paths:$$[$0]});
-case 678:
- this.$ = new yy.Require({plugins:$$[$0]});
-case 679: case 680:
-this.$ = $$[$0].toUpperCase();
-case 681:
- this.$ = new yy.Echo({expr:$$[$0]});
-case 686:
- this.$ = new yy.Declare({declares:$$[$0]});
-case 689:
- this.$ = {variable: $$[$0-1]}; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 690:
- this.$ = {variable: $$[$0-2]}; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 691:
- this.$ = {variable: $$[$0-3], expression:$$[$0]}; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
-case 692:
- this.$ = {variable: $$[$0-4], expression:$$[$0]}; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
-case 693:
- this.$ = new yy.TruncateTable({table:$$[$0]});
-case 694:
- this.$ = new yy.Merge(); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-4]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-3]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
- yy.extend(this.$,{matches:$$[$0-1]});yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 695: case 696:
- this.$ = {into: $$[$0]};
-case 698:
- this.$ = {on:$$[$0]};
-case 703:
- this.$ = {matched:true, action:$$[$0]}
-case 704:
- this.$ = {matched:true, expr: $$[$0-2], action:$$[$0]}
-case 705:
- this.$ = {"delete":true};
-case 706:
- this.$ = {update:$$[$0]};
-case 707: case 708:
- this.$ = {matched:false, bytarget: true, action:$$[$0]}
-case 709: case 710:
- this.$ = {matched:false, bytarget: true, expr:$$[$0-2], action:$$[$0]}
-case 711:
- this.$ = {matched:false, bysource: true, action:$$[$0]}
-case 712:
- this.$ = {matched:false, bysource: true, expr:$$[$0-2], action:$$[$0]}
-case 713:
- this.$ = {insert:true, values:$$[$0]};
-case 714:
- this.$ = {insert:true, values:$$[$0], columns:$$[$0-3]};
-case 715:
- this.$ = {insert:true, defaultvalues:true};
-case 716:
- this.$ = {insert:true, defaultvalues:true, columns:$$[$0-3]};
-case 718:
- this.$ = {output:{columns:$$[$0]}}
-case 719:
- this.$ = {output:{columns:$$[$0-3], intovar: $$[$0], method:$$[$0-1]}}
-case 720:
- this.$ = {output:{columns:$$[$0-2], intotable: $$[$0]}}
-case 721:
- this.$ = {output:{columns:$$[$0-5], intotable: $$[$0-3], intocolumns:$$[$0-1]}}
-case 722:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateVertex({"class":$$[$0-3],sharp:$$[$0-2], name:$$[$0-1]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 725:
- this.$ = {sets:$$[$0]};
-case 726:
- this.$ = {content:$$[$0]};
-case 727:
- this.$ = {select:$$[$0]};
-case 728:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateEdge({from:$$[$0-3],to:$$[$0-1],name:$$[$0-5]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 729:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateGraph({graph:$$[$0]});
-case 730:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateGraph({from:$$[$0]});
-case 733:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2];
- if($$[$0-1]) this.$.json = new yy.Json({value:$$[$0-1]});
- if($$[$0]) this.$.as = $$[$0];
-case 734:
- this.$ = {source:$$[$0-6], target: $$[$0]};
- if($$[$0-3]) this.$.json = new yy.Json({value:$$[$0-3]});
- if($$[$0-2]) this.$.as = $$[$0-2];
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-4]);
-case 735:
- this.$ = {source:$$[$0-5], target: $$[$0]};
- if($$[$0-2]) this.$.json = new yy.Json({value:$$[$0-3]});
- if($$[$0-1]) this.$.as = $$[$0-2];
-case 736:
- this.$ = {source:$$[$0-2], target: $$[$0]};
-case 740:
- this.$ = {vars:$$[$0], method:$$[$0-1]};
-case 743: case 744:
- var s3 = $$[$0-1];
- this.$ = {prop:$$[$0-3], sharp:$$[$0-2], name:(typeof s3 == 'undefined')?undefined:s3.substr(1,s3.length-2), "class":$$[$0]};
-case 745:
- var s2 = $$[$0-1];
- this.$ = {sharp:$$[$0-2], name:(typeof s2 == 'undefined')?undefined:s2.substr(1,s2.length-2), "class":$$[$0]};
-case 746:
- var s1 = $$[$0-1];
- this.$ = {name:(typeof s1 == 'undefined')?undefined:s1.substr(1,s1.length-2), "class":$$[$0]};
-case 747:
- this.$ = {"class":$$[$0]};
-case 753:
- this.$ = new yy.AddRule({left:$$[$0-2], right:$$[$0]});
-case 754:
- this.$ = new yy.AddRule({right:$$[$0]});
-case 757:
- this.$ = new yy.Term({termid:$$[$0]});
-case 758:
- this.$ = new yy.Term({termid:$$[$0-3],args:$$[$0-1]});
-case 761:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateTrigger({trigger:$$[$0-6], when:$$[$0-5], action:$$[$0-4], table:$$[$0-2], statement:$$[$0]});
- if($$[$0].exists) this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists;
- if($$[$0].queries) this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries;
-case 762:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateTrigger({trigger:$$[$0-5], when:$$[$0-4], action:$$[$0-3], table:$$[$0-1], funcid:$$[$0]});
-case 763:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateTrigger({trigger:$$[$0-6], when:$$[$0-4], action:$$[$0-3], table:$$[$0-5], statement:$$[$0]});
- if($$[$0].exists) this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists;
- if($$[$0].queries) this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries;
-case 764: case 765: case 767:
- this.$ = 'AFTER';
-case 766:
- this.$ = 'BEFORE';
-case 768:
- this.$ = 'INSTEADOF';
-case 769:
- this.$ = 'INSERT';
-case 770:
- this.$ = 'DELETE';
-case 771:
- this.$ = 'UPDATE';
-case 772:
- this.$ = new yy.DropTrigger({trigger:$$[$0]});
-case 773:
- this.$ = new yy.Reindex({indexid:$$[$0]});
-case 1047: case 1067: case 1069: case 1071: case 1075: case 1077: case 1079: case 1081: case 1083: case 1085:
-this.$ = [];
-case 1048: case 1062: case 1064: case 1068: case 1070: case 1072: case 1076: case 1078: case 1080: case 1082: case 1084: case 1086:
-case 1061: case 1063:
-this.$ = [$$[$0]];
-table: 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661:[1,450],662:[1,451],663:[1,452],664:[1,453],665:[1,454],666:[1,455],667:[1,456],668:[1,457],669:[1,458],670:[1,459],671:[1,460],672:[1,461],673:[1,463],674:[1,464],675:[1,465],676:[1,466],677:[1,467],678:[1,468],679:[1,469],680:[1,470],681:[1,472],682:[1,473],683:[1,474],684:[1,475],685:[1,476],686:[1,477],687:[1,478],688:[1,479],689:[1,480],690:[1,481],691:[1,482],692:[1,483],693:[1,484],694:[1,485],695:[1,486],696:[1,487],697:[1,488],698:[1,489],699:[1,490],700:[1,491],701:[1,492],702:[1,493],703:[1,494],704:[1,495],705:[1,496],706:[1,497],707:[1,498],708:[1,499],709:[1,500],710:[1,501],711:[1,502],712:[1,503],713:[1,504],714:[1,505],715:[1,506],716:[1,507],717:[1,508],718:[1,510],719:[1,511],720:[1,512],721:[1,513],722:[1,514],723:[1,515],724:[1,516],725:[1,517],726:[1,518],727:[1,519],728:[1,520],729:[1,521],730:[1,522],731:[1,523],732:[1,524],733:[1,526],734:[1,527],735:[1,528],736:[1,529],737:[1,530],738:[1,531],739:[1,532],740:[1,533],741:[1,534],742:[1,535],743:[1,536],744:[1,537],745:[1,538],746:[1,539],747:[1,540],748:[1,541],749:[1,542],750:[1,543],751:[1,544],752:[1,545],753:[1,546],754:[1,547],755:[1,548],756:[1,550],757:[1,551],758:[1,552],759:[1,553],760:[1,554],761:[1,555],762:[1,556],763:[1,557]},{1:[2,6]},o($VJ,$V0,{17:5,18:7,19:8,20:9,21:10,22:11,23:12,24:13,25:14,26:15,27:16,28:17,29:18,30:19,31:20,32:21,33:22,34:23,35:24,36:25,37:26,38:27,39:28,40:29,41:30,42:31,43:32,44:33,45:34,46:35,47:36,48:37,49:38,50:39,51:40,52:41,54:43,55:44,56:45,57:46,58:47,59:48,60:49,61:50,62:51,63:52,64:53,65:54,66:55,67:56,68:57,69:58,70:59,71:60,79:75,504:95,184:99,3:100,12:558,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,53:$V5,72:$V6,89:$V7,124:$V8,146:$V9,156:$Va,189:$Vb,266:$Vc,267:$Vd,290:$Ve,335:$Vf,338:$Vg,339:$Vh,396:$Vi,400:$Vj,401:$Vk,404:$Vl,406:$Vm,408:$Vn,409:$Vo,417:$Vp,418:$Vq,434:$Vr,436:$Vs,437:$Vt,439:$Vu,440:$Vv,441:$Vw,442:$Vx,443:$Vy,447:$Vz,448:$VA,451:$VB,452:$VC,505:$VD,507:$VE,508:$VF,517:$VG}),o($VM1,[2,1041]),o($VM1,[2,1042]),o($VJ,[2,10]),{16:[1,559]},{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:560},{405:[1,561]},o($VK,[2,760]),{77:$VN1},{77:[1,563]},{77:$VO1},{77:[1,565]},{77:[1,566]},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:567,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($Vt1,$VP1,{350:568,156:$VQ1}),{405:[1,570]},{2:$V1,3:571,4:$V2,5:$V3},{193:[1,572]},{2:$V1,3:578,4:$V2,5:$V3,132:$VR1,137:$VS1,143:$VF1,145:$VG1,152:$VT1,183:[1,574],431:585,473:573,474:575,475:576,478:577,482:582,493:579,497:581},{130:[1,589],349:586,353:[1,588],410:[1,587]},{113:591,132:$VW,183:[2,1141],296:$Vj1,471:590},o($VU1,[2,1135],{465:592,3:593,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3}),{2:$V1,3:594,4:$V2,5:$V3},{4:[1,595]},{4:[1,596]},o($VQ,[2,502]),o($VK,[2,686],{74:[1,597]}),o($VV1,[2,687]),{2:$V1,3:598,4:$V2,5:$V3},{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:599},{2:$V1,3:600,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($Vt1,$VW1,{398:601,156:$VX1}),{405:[1,603]},{2:$V1,3:604,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($Vt1,$VW1,{398:605,156:$VX1}),o($Vt1,$VW1,{398:606,156:$VX1}),{2:$V1,3:607,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($VY1,[2,1129]),o($VY1,[2,1130]),o($VK,$V0,{17:5,18:7,19:8,20:9,21:10,22:11,23:12,24:13,25:14,26:15,27:16,28:17,29:18,30:19,31:20,32:21,33:22,34:23,35:24,36:25,37:26,38:27,39:28,40:29,41:30,42:31,43:32,44:33,45:34,46:35,47:36,48:37,49:38,50:39,51:40,52:41,54:43,55:44,56:45,57:46,58:47,59:48,60:49,61:50,62:51,63:52,64:53,65:54,66:55,67:56,68:57,69:58,70:59,71:60,79:75,504:95,184:99,3:100,12:608,114:625,327:637,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,53:$V5,72:$V6,89:$V7,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$V22,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,146:$V9,154:$Va2,156:$Va,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,189:$Vb,266:$Vc,267:$Vd,290:$Ve,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2,335:$Vf,338:$Vg,339:$Vh,396:$Vi,400:$Vj,401:$Vk,404:$Vl,406:$Vm,408:$Vn,409:$Vo,417:$Vp,418:$Vq,434:$Vr,436:$Vs,437:$Vt,439:$Vu,440:$Vv,441:$Vw,442:$Vx,443:$Vy,447:$Vz,448:$VA,451:$VB,452:$VC,505:$VD,507:$VE,508:$VF,517:$VG}),o($VB1,[2,288]),o($VB1,[2,289]),o($VB1,[2,290]),o($VB1,[2,291]),o($VB1,[2,292]),o($VB1,[2,293]),o($VB1,[2,294]),o($VB1,[2,295]),o($VB1,[2,296]),o($VB1,[2,297]),o($VB1,[2,298]),o($VB1,[2,299]),o($VB1,[2,300]),o($VB1,[2,301]),o($VB1,[2,302]),o($VB1,[2,303]),o($VB1,[2,304]),o($VB1,[2,305]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,26:654,27:653,36:649,40:648,56:165,77:$VU,79:75,89:$V7,94:651,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,184:99,189:$Vb,196:1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Vh3,156:$Vi3,158:768,160:769,162:$Vj3,164:$Vk3,166:$Vl3,168:$Vm3,169:$Vn3,170:$Vo3,171:$Vp3,172:$Vq3,173:$Vr3,175:$Vs3,185:$Vt3,187:$Vu3,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{77:[1,1026]},{77:[1,1027]},{77:[1,1028]},{77:[1,1029]},o($Vl4,[2,104]),o($Vl4,[2,105]),o($Vl4,[2,106]),o($Vl4,[2,107]),o($Vl4,[2,108]),o($Vl4,[2,109]),{2:$V1,3:1030,4:$V2,5:$V3},{2:$V1,3:1031,4:$V2,5:$V3,133:[1,1032]},o($Vl4,[2,113]),o($Vl4,[2,114]),o($Vl4,[2,115]),o($Vl4,[2,116]),o($Vl4,[2,117]),o($Vl4,[2,118]),{2:$V1,3:1033,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:$VB2,113:669,131:$VV,132:$VW,143:$VY,152:$V$,181:$V31,196:670,201:672,257:671,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,302:$Vn1,419:673,424:$Vs1},{145:[1,1034]},{77:[1,1035]},{145:[1,1036]},o($Vl4,[2,123]),{77:[1,1037]},{2:$V1,3:1038,4:$V2,5:$V3},{77:[1,1039]},{77:[1,1040]},{77:[1,1041]},{77:[1,1042]},{77:[1,1043],164:[1,1044]},{77:[1,1045]},{77:[1,1046]},{77:[1,1047]},{77:[1,1048]},{77:[1,1049]},{77:[1,1050]},{77:[1,1051]},{77:[1,1052]},{77:[1,1053]},{77:[2,1073]},{77:[2,1074]},{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:1054},{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:1055},{113:1056,132:$VW,296:$Vj1},o($VK,[2,596],{112:[1,1057]}),{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:1058},{113:1059,132:$VW,296:$Vj1},{2:$V1,3:1060,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($VK,[2,693]),o($VK,[2,68]),{2:$V1,3:236,4:$V2,5:$V3,75:1061},{77:[1,1062]},o($VK,[2,674]),o($VK,[2,586]),{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,111:1065,143:$Vm4,145:$Vn4,147:1063,336:1064,337:1066},{144:1069,145:$VC1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VK,[2,671]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1070,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VZ3,$V_3,{255:146,200:147,256:148,111:149,254:150,196:151,257:152,113:153,258:154,201:155,202:156,259:157,260:158,261:159,144:161,262:162,263:163,56:165,158:167,3:168,419:190,94:1071,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:$VU,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1}),{113:1072,132:$VW,296:$Vj1},{2:$V1,3:266,4:$V2,5:$V3,446:1073,447:$VE1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1075,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,230:$VA3,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1,429:1074,433:$VB3},o($VK,[2,651]),{114:1077,115:$V$1,116:$V02,124:[1,1076]},o($VK,[2,663]),o($VK,[2,664]),{2:$V1,3:1079,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:$Vo4,131:$Vp4,432:1078},{114:807,115:$V$1,116:$V02,124:[1,1082],430:1083},o($VK,[2,753],{74:$VC3}),{2:$V1,3:100,4:$V2,5:$V3,504:1084},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:817,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,174:1085,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,253:816,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:817,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,174:1086,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,253:816,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:817,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,174:1087,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,253:816,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VF3,[2,151]),o($VF3,[2,1088],{74:$Vq4}),o($Vr4,[2,273]),o($Vr4,[2,280],{114:625,327:637,3:1090,113:1092,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:[1,1089],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,131:[1,1091],132:$VW,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,296:$Vj1,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),o($VH1,[2,1089],{197:1093,765:[1,1094]}),{131:$VV,196:1095},{74:$VC3,78:[1,1096]},o($VJ,[2,11]),{148:[1,1097],190:[1,1098]},{190:[1,1099]},{190:[1,1100]},{190:[1,1101]},o($VK,[2,575],{76:[1,1103],77:[1,1102]}),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:260,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,151:1104,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($Vz2,[2,346]),o($VE3,[2,1112]),o($VE3,[2,1109]),o($VE3,[2,1110]),{74:$Vx3,78:[1,1105]},{74:$Vx3,78:[1,1106]},{74:[1,1107]},{74:[1,1108]},{74:[1,1109]},{74:[1,1110]},o($Vz2,[2,353]),o($VK,[2,580]),{298:[1,1111]},{2:$V1,3:1112,4:$V2,5:$V3,113:1113,132:$VW,296:$Vj1},{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:1114},{230:[1,1115]},{2:$V1,3:578,4:$V2,5:$V3,132:$VR1,137:$VS1,143:$VF1,145:$VG1,152:$VT1,431:585,474:1116,475:576,478:577,482:582,493:579,497:581},o($VK,[2,730],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),o($VD3,[2,1145],{477:1117,483:1118,76:$Vs4}),o($VJ3,[2,1144]),{2:$V1,3:1122,4:$V2,5:$V3,132:$VR1,137:$VS1,144:1121,145:$VC1,152:$VT1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1,475:1120,493:579,497:581},{2:$V1,3:1122,4:$V2,5:$V3,132:$VR1,137:$VS1,143:$VF1,145:$VG1,152:$VT1,431:585,475:1124,478:1123,482:582,493:579,497:581},{2:$V1,3:578,4:$V2,5:$V3,132:$VR1,137:$VS1,143:$VF1,145:$VG1,152:$VT1,431:585,473:1125,474:575,475:576,478:577,482:582,493:579,497:581},o($VN3,[2,1163],{491:1126,132:[1,1127]}),o($VL3,[2,1162]),o($VO3,[2,1169],{495:1128,497:1129,152:$VT1}),o($VN3,[2,1168]),o($VO3,[2,746]),o($VO3,[2,1172]),o($VL3,[2,749]),o($VL3,[2,750]),o($VO3,[2,748]),o($VP3,[2,740]),{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:1130},{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:1131},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1132,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($Vt4,[2,1139],{467:1133,113:1134,132:$VW,296:$Vj1}),o($VQ3,[2,1138]),{2:$V1,3:1135,4:$V2,5:$V3},{335:$Vu4,338:$Vv4,339:$Vw4,511:1136},{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:1140},o($VR3,[2,765]),o($VR3,[2,766]),o($VR3,[2,767]),{129:[1,1141]},{266:[1,1142]},{266:[1,1143]},o($VV1,[2,688]),o($VV1,[2,689],{124:[1,1144]}),{4:$VX3,7:879,272:1145,387:878,389:$VY3},o([2,4,10,53,72,74,76,77,78,89,93,95,98,99,107,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,179,180,181,183,185,187,189,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,232,239,242,243,245,247,266,267,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,296,297,300,306,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,330,331,332,333,335,338,339,343,356,368,369,373,374,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,464,470,505,507,508,517,602,764],[2,542],{5:[1,1146]}),o([2,5,10,53,72,74,76,78,89,93,95,98,99,107,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,179,180,181,183,185,187,189,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230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2,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,332:$Vw2}),o($VF4,[2,433],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,332:$Vw2}),o([2,4,5,10,53,72,74,76,77,78,89,93,95,98,99,107,118,122,124,128,129,130,131,132,134,135,137,139,140,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,181,183,185,187,189,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,232,239,242,243,245,247,266,267,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,296,300,306,308,309,310,314,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,330,331,332,333,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,464,470,505,507,508,517,602,764],[2,434],{114:625,327:637,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,141:$V82,142:$V92,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2}),o($VB1,[2,436]),o($VB1,[2,306]),o($VB1,[2,307]),o($VB1,[2,308]),o($VB1,[2,421]),{74:$Vx3,78:[1,1167]},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1168,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1169,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VB1,$VG4),o($VH4,[2,286]),o($VB1,[2,282]),{78:[1,1171],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{78:[1,1172]},{305:1173,306:$V44,307:957,308:$VC2,310:$V54},{306:[1,1174]},o($V64,[2,371]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1175,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,309:[1,1176],311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{76:[1,1177],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{74:[1,1178]},o($VD2,[2,640]),{2:$V1,3:695,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:$VE2,111:690,113:688,131:$VV,132:$VW,143:$VY,144:685,145:$VC1,152:$V$,156:$VL,181:$V31,196:687,200:693,201:692,257:689,258:691,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,300:[1,1179],302:$Vn1,419:190,420:$Vr1,422:1180,423:686,424:$Vs1},{78:[1,1181],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{2:$V1,3:1182,4:$V2,5:$V3,149:$V14},o($VB1,[2,364]),o($VD2,[2,637]),{2:$V1,3:704,4:$V2,5:$V3,131:$VF2,132:$VG2,426:[1,1183],428:1184},{2:$V1,3:695,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:$VE2,111:690,113:688,131:$VV,132:$VW,143:$VY,144:685,145:$VC1,152:$V$,156:$VL,181:$V31,196:687,200:693,201:692,257:689,258:691,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,302:$Vn1,419:190,420:$Vr1,422:1185,423:686,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:695,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:$VE2,111:690,113:688,131:$VV,132:$VW,143:$VY,144:685,145:$VC1,152:$V$,156:$VL,181:$V31,196:687,200:693,201:692,257:689,258:691,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,302:$Vn1,419:190,420:$Vr1,422:1186,423:686,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:695,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:$VE2,111:690,113:688,131:$VV,132:$VW,143:$VY,144:685,145:$VC1,152:$V$,156:$VL,181:$V31,196:687,200:693,201:692,257:689,258:691,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,302:$Vn1,419:190,420:$Vr1,422:1187,423:686,424:$Vs1},{77:$Ve4,143:$VY,144:979,145:$VC1,152:$V$,181:$V31,201:980,302:$Vn1,342:1188,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VI4,[2,458],{74:$VJ4}),{149:$Vc4,341:1190,344:$Vd4},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1194,100:1191,111:1193,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,345:1192,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VI4,[2,466]),o($VK4,[2,469]),o($VK4,[2,470]),o($VL4,[2,474]),o($VL4,[2,475]),{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:1195},{77:$Ve4,143:$VY,144:979,145:$VC1,152:$V$,181:$V31,201:980,302:$Vn1,342:1196,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VI4,[2,462],{74:$VJ4}),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1194,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,345:1192,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{308:$VM4,456:1197,458:1198,459:1199},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1201,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{230:[2,697]},o($VI2,[2,181],{3:1202,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:[1,1203]}),o($VI2,[2,182]),o($VI2,[2,1094]),o($VI2,[2,184]),o($VI2,[2,186]),o($VI2,[2,188]),o($VI2,[2,192]),o($VI2,[2,196]),o($VI2,[2,199]),o([2,4,5,10,53,72,74,76,77,78,89,93,95,98,118,124,128,143,145,146,148,149,152,154,156,162,168,169,181,183,187,189,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,245,247,266,267,290,297,302,306,310,335,338,339,343,344,356,368,369,373,374,396,400,401,402,403,404,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,505,507,508,514,515,516,517,602,764],[2,201]),{2:$V1,3:1204,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($VN4,[2,1045],{83:1205,92:1206,93:[1,1207],98:[1,1208]}),{2:$V1,3:219,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:[1,1210],132:$Vx1,143:$VY,144:212,145:$VZ,152:$V$,156:$VL,181:$V31,199:213,200:215,201:214,202:217,203:1209,209:1211,213:$Vy1,214:218,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,302:$Vn1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VL2,[2,164]),o($VL2,[2,165]),o($VL2,[2,166]),o($VL2,[2,167]),o($VL2,[2,168]),{2:$V1,3:667,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($Vz1,[2,83],{74:[1,1212]}),o($VO4,[2,85]),o($VO4,[2,86]),{113:1213,132:$VW,296:$Vj1},o([10,72,74,78,93,98,118,124,128,162,168,169,183,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],$Vy2,{116:$V94}),o($Vh4,[2,73]),o($Vh4,[2,1050]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1214,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($Vl4,[2,126]),o($Vl4,[2,144]),o($Vl4,[2,145]),o($Vl4,[2,146]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,78:[2,1065],94:260,111:149,113:153,127:1215,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,151:1216,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{77:[1,1217]},o($Vl4,[2,94]),o([2,4,5,10,72,74,76,77,78,118,122,124,128,129,130,131,132,134,135,137,139,140,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,181,183,185,187,198,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,306,310,420,424,602,764],[2,96],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,141:$V82,142:$V92,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),o([2,4,5,10,72,74,76,77,78,112,118,122,124,128,129,130,131,132,134,135,137,139,140,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,181,183,185,187,198,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,306,310,420,424,602,764],[2,97],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,141:$V82,142:$V92,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),{2:$V1,3:733,4:$V2,5:$V3,72:$VP2,76:$VQ2,77:$VR2,78:[1,1218],112:$VS2,114:736,115:$V$1,116:$V02,117:1219,118:$VT2,122:$VU2,123:$VV2,124:$VW2,128:$VX2,129:$VY2,130:$VZ2,131:$V_2,132:$V$2,133:$V03,134:$V13,135:$V23,136:$V33,137:$V43,138:$V53,139:$V63,140:$V73,141:$V83,142:$V93,143:$Va3,144:758,145:$Vb3,146:$Vc3,148:$Vd3,149:$Ve3,150:$Vf3,152:$Vg3,154:$Vh3,156:$Vi3,158:768,160:769,162:$Vj3,164:$Vk3,166:$Vl3,168:$Vm3,169:$Vn3,170:$Vo3,171:$Vp3,172:$Vq3,173:$Vr3,175:$Vs3,185:$Vt3,187:$Vu3,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VP4,[2,1061],{153:1015,179:$Vi4,180:$Vj4,181:$Vk4}),{2:$V1,3:733,4:$V2,5:$V3,72:$VP2,76:$VQ2,77:$VR2,112:$VS2,114:736,115:$V$1,116:$V02,117:1221,118:$VT2,122:$VU2,123:$VV2,124:$VW2,126:1220,128:$VX2,129:$VY2,130:$VZ2,131:$V_2,132:$V$2,133:$V03,134:$V13,135:$V23,136:$V33,137:$V43,138:$V53,139:$V63,140:$V73,141:$V83,142:$V93,143:$Va3,144:758,145:$Vb3,146:$Vc3,148:$Vd3,149:$Ve3,150:$Vf3,152:$Vg3,154:$Vh3,156:$Vi3,158:768,160:769,162:$Vj3,164:$Vk3,166:$Vl3,168:$Vm3,169:$Vn3,170:$Vo3,171:$Vp3,172:$Vq3,173:$Vr3,175:$Vs3,185:$Vt3,187:$Vu3,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1222,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1223,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:1224,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($Vl4,[2,110]),o($Vl4,[2,111]),o($Vl4,[2,112]),o($Vl4,[2,119]),{2:$V1,3:1225,4:$V2,5:$V3},{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,111:1065,143:$Vm4,145:$Vn4,147:1226,336:1064,337:1066},{2:$V1,3:1227,4:$V2,5:$V3},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:260,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,151:1228,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($Vl4,[2,125]),o($VP4,[2,1067],{155:1229}),o($VP4,[2,1069],{157:1230}),o($VP4,[2,1071],{159:1231}),o($VP4,[2,1075],{161:1232}),o($VQ4,$VR4,{163:1233,178:1234}),{77:[1,1235]},o($VP4,[2,1077],{165:1236}),o($VP4,[2,1079],{167:1237}),o($VQ4,$VR4,{178:1234,163:1238}),o($VQ4,$VR4,{178:1234,163:1239}),o($VQ4,$VR4,{178:1234,163:1240}),o($VQ4,$VR4,{178:1234,163:1241}),{2:$V1,3:733,4:$V2,5:$V3,72:$VP2,76:$VQ2,77:$VR2,112:$VS2,114:736,115:$V$1,116:$V02,117:1242,118:$VT2,122:$VU2,123:$VV2,124:$VW2,128:$VX2,129:$VY2,130:$VZ2,131:$V_2,132:$V$2,133:$V03,134:$V13,135:$V23,136:$V33,137:$V43,138:$V53,139:$V63,140:$V73,141:$V83,142:$V93,143:$Va3,144:758,145:$Vb3,146:$Vc3,148:$Vd3,149:$Ve3,150:$Vf3,152:$Vg3,154:$Vh3,156:$Vi3,158:768,160:769,162:$Vj3,164:$Vk3,166:$Vl3,168:$Vm3,169:$Vn3,170:$Vo3,171:$Vp3,172:$Vq3,173:$Vr3,175:$Vs3,185:$Vt3,187:$Vu3,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:817,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,174:1243,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,253:816,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VS4,[2,1081],{176:1244}),o($VK,[2,606],{183:[1,1245]}),o($VK,[2,602],{183:[1,1246]}),o($VK,[2,595]),{113:1247,132:$VW,296:$Vj1},o($VK,[2,604],{183:[1,1248]}),o($VK,[2,599]),o($VK,[2,600],{112:[1,1249]}),o($Vv3,[2,69]),{40:1250,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb},o($VK,[2,450],{74:$VT4,128:[1,1251]}),o($VU4,[2,451]),{124:[1,1253]},{2:$V1,3:1254,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($Vt1,[2,1115]),o($Vt1,[2,1116]),o($VK,[2,618]),o($Vy3,[2,355],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),o($VD4,$VE4,{114:625,327:637,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,141:$V82,142:$V92,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,332:$Vw2}),o($VV1,[2,682]),o($VV1,[2,684]),o($VK,[2,650]),o($VK,[2,652],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1255,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:1079,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:$Vo4,131:$Vp4,432:1256},o($VV4,[2,659]),o($VV4,[2,660]),o($VV4,[2,661]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1257,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1258,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{114:1077,115:$V$1,116:$V02,124:[1,1259]},o($VD3,[2,755]),o($VF3,[2,148],{74:$Vq4}),o($VF3,[2,149],{74:$Vq4}),o($VF3,[2,150],{74:$Vq4}),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:817,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,253:1260,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259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3:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VB1,[2,429]),o($VB1,[2,431]),o($VB1,$V15,{275:1321,276:$V25}),{78:[1,1323],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{78:[1,1324],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{2:$V1,3:1325,4:$V2,5:$V3,180:[1,1326]},o($VD2,[2,619]),o($VB1,[2,363]),{306:[1,1327]},o($VB1,[2,370]),{99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,306:[2,374],311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1328,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{4:$VX3,7:879,272:1329,387:878,389:$VY3},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1330,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VD2,[2,641]),o($V74,[2,648]),o($V84,[2,636]),o($VH4,$VG4),o($VD2,[2,638]),o($Vb4,[2,643]),o($Vb4,[2,645]),o($Vb4,[2,646]),o($Vb4,[2,647]),o($VI4,[2,457],{74:$VJ4}),{77:[1,1332],143:$VY,144:1333,145:$VC1,152:$V$,181:$V31,201:1334,302:$Vn1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VI4,[2,463]),{74:$V35,78:[1,1335]},{74:$V45,78:[1,1337]},o([74,78,99,112,115,116,123,124,133,136,138,139,140,141,142,154,170,171,179,180,311,312,313,315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,330,331,332,333],$V55),o($V65,[2,479],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),{40:1341,77:$Ve4,79:75,89:$V7,143:$VY,144:979,145:$VC1,149:$Vc4,152:$V$,181:$V31,184:99,189:$Vb,201:980,302:$Vn1,341:1339,342:1340,344:$Vd4,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VI4,[2,461],{74:$VJ4}),o($VK,[2,717],{457:1342,458:1343,459:1344,308:$VM4,464:[1,1345]}),o($V75,[2,701]),o($V75,[2,702]),{154:[1,1347],460:[1,1346]},{99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,308:[2,698],311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},o($VI2,[2,179]),{2:$V1,3:1348,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($VK,[2,574]),o($V85,[2,238],{84:1349,128:[1,1350]}),o($VN4,[2,1046]),{77:[1,1351]},{77:[1,1352]},o($Vf4,[2,169],{204:1353,215:1355,205:1356,216:1357,221:1360,74:$V95,206:$Va5,208:$Vb5,222:$Vc5,223:$Vd5,224:$Ve5,225:$Vf5,226:$Vg5,227:$Vh5,228:$Vi5,229:$Vj5}),{2:$V1,3:219,4:$V2,5:$V3,40:711,77:$Vw1,79:75,89:$V7,132:$Vx1,143:$VY,144:212,145:$VZ,152:$V$,156:$VL,181:$V31,184:99,189:$Vb,199:213,200:215,201:214,202:217,203:1369,209:1211,213:$Vy1,214:218,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,302:$Vn1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($Vk5,[2,177]),{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,110:1370,111:1009,112:$Vg4},o($VO4,[2,87]),o($Vh4,[2,147],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180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$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($Vr4,[2,272]),o($Vr4,[2,274]),o($Vr4,[2,276]),o($Vr4,[2,278]),o($VH1,[2,161]),o($VK,[2,569]),{148:[1,1419]},o($VK,[2,570]),o($VD3,[2,536],{387:878,7:879,272:1420,4:$VX3,386:[1,1421],389:$VY3}),o($VK,[2,571]),o($VK,[2,573]),{74:$Vx3,78:[1,1422]},o($VK,[2,577]),o($Vz2,[2,345]),{74:[1,1423],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{74:[1,1424],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{74:[1,1425],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{74:[1,1426],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},o($VK,[2,581]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:260,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,151:1427,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:1428,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($VK,[2,583]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1376,111:149,113:153,120:1429,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,241:1374,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{77:[1,1430]},{2:$V1,3:1431,4:$V2,5:$V3},{76:$Vs4,139:[2,1149],480:1432,483:1433},o($VY4,[2,1148]),{139:[1,1434]},{139:[2,1152]},o($VD3,[2,737]),o($VO3,[2,744]),o($VO3,[2,1166]),{2:$V1,3:1268,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:[1,1437],351:1435,358:1436,384:1438},{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,100:1439,111:1440},{40:1441,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1442,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VI4,[2,722]),{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,111:1065,143:$Vm4,145:$Vn4,147:1443,336:1064,337:1066},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:260,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,151:1444,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VI4,[2,727]),{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:1445},{335:$Vu4,338:$Vv4,339:$Vw4,511:1446},o($VV1,[2,691],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1447,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{74:[1,1448],78:[1,1449]},o($V65,[2,543]),o($V65,[2,544]),{74:$V45,78:[1,1450]},o($VV1,[2,565]),o($Vz4,[2,380],{114:625,327:637,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,141:$V82,142:$V92,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,312:$Vg2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2}),o($Vz4,[2,382],{114:625,327:637,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,141:$V82,142:$V92,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,312:$Vg2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2}),o($VB1,[2,396]),o($VB1,[2,400]),{78:[1,1451]},{74:$Vx3,78:[1,1452]},o($VB1,[2,422]),o($VB1,[2,424]),{78:[1,1453],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{78:[1,1454]},{74:$Vx3,78:[1,1455]},o($VB1,[2,427]),o($VB1,[2,327]),{77:[1,1456]},o($VB1,$V15,{275:1457,276:$V25}),o($VB1,$V15,{275:1458,276:$V25}),o($VH4,[2,284]),o($VB1,[2,281]),o($VB1,[2,369]),o($V64,[2,373],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),{74:[1,1460],78:[1,1459]},{74:[1,1462],78:[1,1461],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{2:$V1,3:1325,4:$V2,5:$V3},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1194,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,345:1463,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VL4,[2,477]),o($VL4,[2,478]),{40:1466,77:$Ve4,79:75,89:$V7,143:$VY,144:979,145:$VC1,149:$Vc4,152:$V$,181:$V31,184:99,189:$Vb,201:980,302:$Vn1,341:1464,342:1465,344:$Vd4,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,111:1467},o($VL4,[2,473]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1468,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{77:$Ve4,143:$VY,144:979,145:$VC1,152:$V$,181:$V31,201:980,302:$Vn1,342:1469,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VI4,[2,460],{74:$VJ4}),o($VI4,[2,467]),o($VK,[2,694]),o($V75,[2,699]),o($V75,[2,700]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:817,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,174:1470,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,253:816,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{170:[1,1472],309:[1,1471]},{460:[1,1473]},o($VI2,[2,180]),o($Vm5,[2,240],{85:1474,232:[1,1475]}),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1476,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1477,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:1478,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($Vf4,[2,170],{216:1357,221:1360,215:1479,205:1480,206:$Va5,208:$Vb5,222:$Vc5,223:$Vd5,224:$Ve5,225:$Vf5,226:$Vg5,227:$Vh5,228:$Vi5,229:$Vj5}),{2:$V1,3:219,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:$Vw1,132:$Vx1,143:$VY,144:212,145:$VZ,152:$V$,156:$VL,181:$V31,199:213,200:215,201:214,202:217,209:1481,213:$Vy1,214:218,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,302:$Vn1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($Vn5,[2,205]),o($Vn5,[2,206]),{2:$V1,3:219,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:[1,1486],143:$VY,144:1484,145:$VZ,152:$V$,156:$VL,181:$V31,199:1483,200:1487,201:1485,202:1488,217:1482,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,302:$Vn1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{207:[1,1489],223:$Vo5},{207:[1,1491],223:$Vp5},o($Vq5,[2,222]),{206:[1,1495],208:[1,1494],221:1493,223:$Vd5,224:$Ve5,225:$Vf5,226:$Vg5,227:$Vh5,228:$Vi5,229:$Vj5},o($Vq5,[2,224]),{223:[1,1496]},{208:[1,1498],223:[1,1497]},{208:[1,1500],223:[1,1499]},{208:[1,1501]},{223:[1,1502]},{223:[1,1503]},{74:$V95,204:1504,205:1356,206:$Va5,208:$Vb5,215:1355,216:1357,221:1360,222:$Vc5,223:$Vd5,224:$Ve5,225:$Vf5,226:$Vg5,227:$Vh5,228:$Vi5,229:$Vj5},o($VO4,[2,84]),o($Vl4,[2,100]),{74:$Vr5,78:[1,1505]},{78:[1,1507]},o($Vs5,[2,261]),{78:[2,1060]},o($Vs5,[2,263],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,242:[1,1508],243:[1,1509],311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),o($Vl4,[2,99]),o($VP4,[2,1064],{153:1015,179:$Vi4,180:$Vj4,181:$Vk4}),o($Vl4,[2,101]),o($Vl4,[2,102]),o($Vl4,[2,103]),o($Vl4,[2,121]),o($Vl4,[2,124]),o($Vl4,[2,127]),o($VP4,[2,1068],{153:1015,179:$Vi4,180:$Vj4,181:$Vk4}),o($Vl4,[2,128]),o($VP4,[2,1070],{153:1015,179:$Vi4,180:$Vj4,181:$Vk4}),o($Vl4,[2,129]),o($VP4,[2,1072],{153:1015,179:$Vi4,180:$Vj4,181:$Vk4}),o($Vl4,[2,130]),o($VP4,[2,1076],{153:1015,179:$Vi4,180:$Vj4,181:$Vk4}),o($Vl4,[2,131]),o($VQ4,[2,1083],{177:1510}),o($VQ4,[2,1086],{153:1015,179:$Vi4,180:$Vj4,181:$Vk4}),{74:$Vl5,78:[1,1511]},o($Vl4,[2,133]),o($VP4,[2,1078],{153:1015,179:$Vi4,180:$Vj4,181:$Vk4}),o($Vl4,[2,134]),o($VP4,[2,1080],{153:1015,179:$Vi4,180:$Vj4,181:$Vk4}),o($Vl4,[2,135]),o($Vl4,[2,136]),o($Vl4,[2,137]),o($Vl4,[2,138]),o($Vl4,[2,139]),o($Vl4,[2,140]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:260,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,151:1512,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VS4,[2,1082],{153:1015,179:$Vi4,180:$Vj4,181:$Vk4}),o($VK,[2,607]),o($VK,[2,603]),o($VK,[2,605]),o($VK,[2,601]),o($Vv3,[2,71]),o($VK,[2,449],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),o($VU4,[2,452]),o($VU4,[2,453],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1513,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VV4,[2,662]),o($VK,[2,655],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),{2:$V1,3:1514,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($VD3,[2,545],{385:1515,391:1516,392:1517,366:1525,154:$Vt5,187:$Vu5,230:$Vv5,297:$Vw5,343:$Vx5,356:$Vy5,368:$Vz5,369:$VA5,373:$VB5,374:$VC5}),o($VD3,[2,535]),o($VK,[2,576],{76:[1,1529]}),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1530,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1531,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1532,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1533,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{74:$Vx3,78:[1,1534]},o($VK,[2,585]),{74:$Vr5,78:[1,1535]},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1376,111:149,113:153,120:1536,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,241:1374,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o([10,74,78,139,306,310,602,764],[2,741]),{139:[1,1537]},{139:[2,1150]},{2:$V1,3:1122,4:$V2,5:$V3,132:$VR1,137:$VS1,143:$VF1,145:$VG1,152:$VT1,431:585,475:1124,478:1538,482:582,493:579,497:581},{78:[1,1539]},{74:[1,1540],78:[2,506]},{40:1541,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb},o($V65,[2,532]),{74:$V35,78:[1,1542]},o($Vk5,$V55),o($VK,[2,1133],{412:1543,413:1544,72:$VD5}),o($VI4,$VZ4,{79:75,184:99,114:625,327:637,40:1299,468:1546,89:$V7,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,146:$V_4,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,189:$Vb,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2,470:$V$4}),o($VI4,[2,725],{74:$VT4}),o($VI4,[2,726],{74:$Vx3}),o([10,53,72,89,124,146,156,189,266,267,290,306,310,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,505,507,508,517,602,764],[2,1181],{512:1547,3:1548,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:[1,1549]}),o($VE5,[2,1183],{513:1550,76:[1,1551]}),o($VV1,[2,692],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),{131:[1,1552]},o($Vx4,[2,538]),o($Vx4,[2,540]),o($VB1,[2,412]),o($VB1,[2,413]),o($VB1,[2,439]),o($VB1,[2,423]),o($VB1,[2,425]),{118:$VF5,277:1553,278:1554,279:[1,1555]},o($VB1,[2,328]),o($VB1,[2,329]),o($VB1,[2,316]),{131:[1,1557]},o($VB1,[2,318]),{131:[1,1558]},{74:$V45,78:[1,1559]},{77:$Ve4,143:$VY,144:979,145:$VC1,152:$V$,181:$V31,201:980,302:$Vn1,342:1560,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VI4,[2,465],{74:$VJ4}),o($VI4,[2,468]),o($Vk5,[2,488]),o($V65,[2,480],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),o($VI4,[2,459],{74:$VJ4}),o($VK,[2,718],{74:$Vq4,198:[1,1561]}),{335:$VG5,338:$VH5,461:1562},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1565,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{119:[1,1567],170:[1,1568],309:[1,1566]},o($VI5,[2,259],{86:1569,118:[1,1570]}),{119:[1,1571]},o($V85,[2,239],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),{95:[1,1572],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{95:[1,1573]},o($Vn5,[2,203]),o($Vn5,[2,204]),o($Vk5,[2,178]),o($Vn5,[2,237],{218:1574,230:[1,1575],231:[1,1576]}),o($VJ5,[2,208],{3:1577,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:[1,1578]}),o($VK5,[2,1095],{219:1579,76:[1,1580]}),{2:$V1,3:1581,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:[1,1582]},{40:1583,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb},o($VJ5,[2,216],{3:1584,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:[1,1585]}),o($VJ5,[2,219],{3:1586,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:[1,1587]}),{77:[1,1588]},o($Vq5,[2,234]),{77:[1,1589]},o($Vq5,[2,230]),o($Vq5,[2,223]),{223:$Vp5},{223:$Vo5},o($Vq5,[2,225]),o($Vq5,[2,226]),{223:[1,1590]},o($Vq5,[2,228]),{223:[1,1591]},{223:[1,1592]},o($Vq5,[2,232]),o($Vq5,[2,233]),{78:[1,1593],205:1480,206:$Va5,208:$Vb5,215:1479,216:1357,221:1360,222:$Vc5,223:$Vd5,224:$Ve5,225:$Vf5,226:$Vg5,227:$Vh5,228:$Vi5,229:$Vj5},o($Vl4,[2,91]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1376,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,241:1594,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($Vl4,[2,92]),o($Vs5,[2,264]),{244:[1,1595]},o($V65,[2,142],{419:190,3:733,114:736,144:758,158:768,160:769,117:1596,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,72:$VP2,76:$VQ2,77:$VR2,112:$VS2,115:$V$1,116:$V02,118:$VT2,122:$VU2,123:$VV2,124:$VW2,128:$VX2,129:$VY2,130:$VZ2,131:$V_2,132:$V$2,133:$V03,134:$V13,135:$V23,136:$V33,137:$V43,138:$V53,139:$V63,140:$V73,141:$V83,142:$V93,143:$Va3,145:$Vb3,146:$Vc3,148:$Vd3,149:$Ve3,150:$Vf3,152:$Vg3,154:$Vh3,156:$Vi3,162:$Vj3,164:$Vk3,166:$Vl3,168:$Vm3,169:$Vn3,170:$Vo3,171:$Vp3,172:$Vq3,173:$Vr3,175:$Vs3,185:$Vt3,187:$Vu3,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1}),o($Vl4,[2,132]),{74:$Vx3,78:[1,1597]},o($VU4,[2,454],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),o($VK,[2,572]),o($VD3,[2,534]),o($VD3,[2,546],{366:1525,392:1598,154:$Vt5,187:$Vu5,230:$Vv5,297:$Vw5,343:$Vx5,356:$Vy5,368:$Vz5,369:$VA5,373:$VB5,374:$VC5}),o($Vw3,[2,548]),{370:[1,1599]},{370:[1,1600]},{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:1601},o($Vw3,[2,554],{77:[1,1602]}),{2:$V1,3:114,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:[1,1604],113:251,131:$VV,132:$VW,143:$VY,152:$V$,156:$VL,181:$V31,196:250,200:1605,201:254,257:252,258:253,265:$VD1,274:1603,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,302:$Vn1},o($Vw3,[2,558]),{297:[1,1606]},o($Vw3,[2,560]),o($Vw3,[2,561]),{335:[1,1607]},{77:[1,1608]},{2:$V1,3:1609,4:$V2,5:$V3},{78:[1,1610],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{78:[1,1611],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{78:[1,1612],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{78:[1,1613],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},o($VK,$VW4,{407:1614,76:$VX4}),o($VK,[2,591]),{74:$Vr5,78:[1,1615]},{2:$V1,3:1122,4:$V2,5:$V3,132:$VR1,137:$VS1,143:$VF1,145:$VG1,152:$VT1,431:585,475:1124,478:1616,482:582,493:579,497:581},o($VD3,[2,735]),o($VK,[2,493],{352:1617,354:1618,355:1619,4:$VL5,243:$VM5,343:$VN5,356:$VO5}),o($VP5,$VQ5,{3:1268,359:1624,384:1625,360:1626,361:1627,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,367:$VR5}),{78:[2,507]},{76:[1,1629]},o($VK,[2,609]),o($VK,[2,1134]),{368:[1,1631],414:[1,1630]},o($VI4,[2,728]),o($VK,$V0,{17:5,18:7,19:8,20:9,21:10,22:11,23:12,24:13,25:14,26:15,27:16,28:17,29:18,30:19,31:20,32:21,33:22,34:23,35:24,36:25,37:26,38:27,39:28,40:29,41:30,42:31,43:32,44:33,45:34,46:35,47:36,48:37,49:38,50:39,51:40,52:41,54:43,55:44,56:45,57:46,58:47,59:48,60:49,61:50,62:51,63:52,64:53,65:54,66:55,67:56,68:57,69:58,70:59,71:60,79:75,504:95,184:99,3:100,12:1632,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,53:$V5,72:$V6,89:$V7,124:$V8,146:$V9,156:$Va,189:$Vb,266:$Vc,267:$Vd,290:$Ve,335:$Vf,338:$Vg,339:$Vh,396:$Vi,400:$Vj,401:$Vk,404:$Vl,406:$Vm,408:$Vn,409:$Vo,417:$Vp,418:$Vq,434:$Vr,436:$Vs,437:$Vt,439:$Vu,440:$Vv,441:$Vw,442:$Vx,443:$Vy,447:$Vz,448:$VA,451:$VB,452:$VC,505:$VD,507:$VE,508:$VF,517:$VG}),o($VK,[2,762]),o($VE5,[2,1182]),o($VK,$V0,{17:5,18:7,19:8,20:9,21:10,22:11,23:12,24:13,25:14,26:15,27:16,28:17,29:18,30:19,31:20,32:21,33:22,34:23,35:24,36:25,37:26,38:27,39:28,40:29,41:30,42:31,43:32,44:33,45:34,46:35,47:36,48:37,49:38,50:39,51:40,52:41,54:43,55:44,56:45,57:46,58:47,59:48,60:49,61:50,62:51,63:52,64:53,65:54,66:55,67:56,68:57,69:58,70:59,71:60,79:75,504:95,184:99,3:100,12:1633,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,53:$V5,72:$V6,89:$V7,124:$V8,146:$V9,156:$Va,189:$Vb,266:$Vc,267:$Vd,290:$Ve,335:$Vf,338:$Vg,339:$Vh,396:$Vi,400:$Vj,401:$Vk,404:$Vl,406:$Vm,408:$Vn,409:$Vo,417:$Vp,418:$Vq,434:$Vr,436:$Vs,437:$Vt,439:$Vu,440:$Vv,441:$Vw,442:$Vx,443:$Vy,447:$Vz,448:$VA,451:$VB,452:$VC,505:$VD,507:$VE,508:$VF,517:$VG}),o($VE5,[2,1184]),{78:[1,1634]},{78:[1,1635],118:$VF5,278:1636},{78:[1,1637]},{119:[1,1638]},{119:[1,1639]},{78:[1,1640]},{78:[1,1641]},o($VL4,[2,476]),o($VI4,[2,464],{74:$VJ4}),{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,143:$VF1,145:$VG1,199:1643,431:1642},o($V75,[2,703]),o($V75,[2,705]),{146:[1,1644]},{99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,309:[1,1645],311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},{339:$VS5,462:1646},{417:[1,1649],463:[1,1648]},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1650,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VT5,[2,267],{87:1651,245:[1,1652],247:[1,1653]}),{119:[1,1654]},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1660,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,233:1655,235:1656,236:$VU5,237:$VV5,238:$VW5,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:1661,4:$V2,5:$V3},{2:$V1,3:1662,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($Vn5,[2,207]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1663,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,100:1664,111:1440},o($VJ5,[2,209]),{2:$V1,3:1665,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($VJ5,[2,1097],{220:1666,3:1667,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3}),o($VK5,[2,1096]),o($VJ5,[2,212]),{2:$V1,3:1668,4:$V2,5:$V3},{78:[1,1669]},o($VJ5,[2,217]),{2:$V1,3:1670,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($VJ5,[2,220]),{2:$V1,3:1671,4:$V2,5:$V3},{40:1672,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb},{40:1673,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb},o($Vq5,[2,227]),o($Vq5,[2,229]),o($Vq5,[2,231]),o($Vf4,[2,171]),o($Vs5,[2,262]),o($Vs5,[2,265],{242:[1,1674]}),o($VQ4,[2,1084],{153:1015,179:$Vi4,180:$Vj4,181:$Vk4}),o($Vl4,[2,141]),o($Vw3,[2,547]),o($Vw3,[2,550]),{374:[1,1675]},o($Vw3,[2,1127],{395:1676,393:1677,77:$VX5}),{131:$VV,196:1679},o($Vw3,[2,555]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1680,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($Vw3,[2,557]),o($Vw3,[2,559]),{2:$V1,3:114,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:[1,1682],113:251,131:$VV,132:$VW,143:$VY,152:$V$,156:$VL,181:$V31,196:250,200:255,201:254,257:252,258:253,265:$VD1,274:1681,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,302:$Vn1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1683,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VK,[2,578]),o($Vz2,[2,349]),o($Vz2,[2,350]),o($Vz2,[2,351]),o($Vz2,[2,352]),o($VK,[2,582]),o($VK,[2,592]),o($VD3,[2,734]),o($VK,[2,489]),o($VK,[2,494],{355:1684,4:$VL5,243:$VM5,343:$VN5,356:$VO5}),o($VY5,[2,496]),o($VY5,[2,497]),{124:[1,1685]},{124:[1,1686]},{124:[1,1687]},{74:[1,1688],78:[2,505]},o($V65,[2,533]),o($V65,[2,508]),{187:[1,1696],193:[1,1697],362:1689,363:1690,364:1691,365:1692,366:1693,368:$Vz5,369:[1,1694],370:[1,1698],373:[1,1695]},{2:$V1,3:1699,4:$V2,5:$V3},{40:1700,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb},{415:[1,1701]},{416:[1,1702]},o($VK,[2,761]),o($VK,[2,763]),o($Vx4,[2,537]),o($VB1,[2,331]),{78:[1,1703]},o($VB1,[2,332]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1660,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,233:1704,235:1656,236:$VU5,237:$VV5,238:$VW5,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1376,111:149,113:153,120:1705,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,241:1374,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($VB1,[2,317]),o($VB1,[2,319]),{2:$V1,3:1706,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($VK,[2,720],{77:[1,1707]}),{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,111:1065,143:$Vm4,145:$Vn4,147:1708,336:1064,337:1066},{335:$VG5,338:$VH5,461:1709},o($V75,[2,707]),{77:[1,1711],343:[1,1712],344:[1,1710]},{170:[1,1714],309:[1,1713]},{170:[1,1716],309:[1,1715]},{99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,309:[1,1717],311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},o($Vh4,[2,250],{88:1718,162:[1,1719],168:[1,1721],169:[1,1720]}),{131:$VV,196:1722},{131:$VV,196:1723},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1376,111:149,113:153,120:1724,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,241:1374,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},o($Vm5,[2,248],{234:1725,74:$VZ5,239:[1,1727]}),o($V_5,[2,242]),{146:[1,1728]},{77:[1,1729]},{77:[1,1730]},o($V_5,[2,247],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),{78:[2,1051],96:1731,99:[1,1733],102:1732},{99:[1,1734]},o($Vn5,[2,235],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),o($Vn5,[2,236],{74:$V35}),o($VJ5,[2,210]),o($VJ5,[2,211]),o($VJ5,[2,1098]),o($VJ5,[2,213]),{2:$V1,3:1735,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:[1,1736]},o($VJ5,[2,218]),o($VJ5,[2,221]),{78:[1,1737]},{78:[1,1738]},o($Vs5,[2,266]),{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:1739},o($Vw3,[2,552]),o($Vw3,[2,1128]),{2:$V1,3:1740,4:$V2,5:$V3},{74:[1,1741]},{78:[1,1742],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},o($Vw3,[2,562]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1743,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{78:[1,1744],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},o($VY5,[2,495]),{2:$V1,3:1745,4:$V2,5:$V3},{131:$VV,196:1746},{2:$V1,3:1747,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($VP5,$VQ5,{361:1627,360:1748,367:$VR5}),o($VD3,[2,510]),o($VD3,[2,511]),o($VD3,[2,512]),o($VD3,[2,513]),o($VD3,[2,514]),{370:[1,1749]},{370:[1,1750]},o($V$5,[2,1121],{382:1751,370:[1,1752]}),{2:$V1,3:1753,4:$V2,5:$V3},{2:$V1,3:1754,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($VP5,[2,516]),o($VK,[2,1131],{411:1755,413:1756,72:$VD5}),o($VK,[2,610]),o($VK,[2,611],{367:[1,1757]}),o($VB1,[2,333]),o([78,118],[2,334],{74:$VZ5}),{74:$Vr5,78:[2,335]},o($VK,[2,719]),{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,100:1758,111:1440},o($V75,[2,706],{74:$VT4}),o($V75,[2,704]),{77:$Ve4,143:$VY,144:979,145:$VC1,152:$V$,181:$V31,201:980,302:$Vn1,342:1759,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,100:1760,111:1440},{344:[1,1761]},{339:$VS5,462:1762},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1763,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{339:$VS5,462:1764},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1765,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{339:$VS5,462:1766},o($Vh4,[2,72]),{40:1767,79:75,89:$V7,164:[1,1768],184:99,189:$Vb,240:[1,1769]},{40:1770,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb,240:[1,1771]},{40:1772,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb,240:[1,1773]},o($VT5,[2,270],{246:1774,247:[1,1775]}),{248:1776,249:[2,1099],766:[1,1777]},o($VI5,[2,260],{74:$Vr5}),o($Vm5,[2,241]),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1660,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,235:1778,236:$VU5,237:$VV5,238:$VW5,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1779,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{77:[1,1780]},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1660,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,233:1781,235:1656,236:$VU5,237:$VV5,238:$VW5,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1660,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,233:1782,235:1656,236:$VU5,237:$VV5,238:$VW5,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{78:[1,1783]},{78:[2,1052]},{77:[1,1784]},{77:[1,1785]},o($VJ5,[2,214]),{2:$V1,3:1786,4:$V2,5:$V3},{2:$V1,3:1787,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:[1,1788]},{2:$V1,3:1789,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:[1,1790]},o($Vw3,[2,1125],{394:1791,393:1792,77:$VX5}),{78:[1,1793]},{131:$VV,196:1794},o($Vw3,[2,556]),{78:[1,1795],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},o($Vw3,[2,517]),o($VY5,[2,498]),o($VY5,[2,499]),o($VY5,[2,500]),o($V65,[2,509]),{2:$V1,3:1797,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:[2,1117],371:1796},{77:[1,1798]},{2:$V1,3:1800,4:$V2,5:$V3,77:[2,1123],383:1799},o($V$5,[2,1122]),{77:[1,1801]},{77:[1,1802]},o($VK,[2,608]),o($VK,[2,1132]),o($VP5,$VQ5,{361:1627,360:1803,367:$VR5}),{74:$V35,78:[1,1804]},o($V75,[2,713],{74:$VJ4}),{74:$V35,78:[1,1805]},o($V75,[2,715]),o($V75,[2,708]),{99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,309:[1,1806],311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},o($V75,[2,711]),{99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,114:625,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,309:[1,1807],311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,327:637,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2},o($V75,[2,709]),o($Vh4,[2,251]),{40:1808,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb,240:[1,1809]},{40:1810,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb},o($Vh4,[2,253]),{40:1811,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb},o($Vh4,[2,254]),{40:1812,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb},o($VT5,[2,268]),{131:$VV,196:1813},{249:[1,1814]},{249:[2,1100]},o($V_5,[2,243]),o($Vm5,[2,249],{114:625,327:637,99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1660,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,233:1815,235:1656,236:$VU5,237:$VV5,238:$VW5,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{74:$VZ5,78:[1,1816]},{74:$VZ5,78:[1,1817]},o($VN4,[2,1053],{97:1818,104:1819,3:1821,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:$V06}),{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1824,103:1822,105:1823,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,100:1825,111:1440},o($VJ5,[2,215]),o($Vn5,[2,173]),{2:$V1,3:1826,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($Vn5,[2,175]),{2:$V1,3:1827,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($Vw3,[2,551]),o($Vw3,[2,1126]),o($Vw3,[2,549]),{78:[1,1828]},o($Vw3,[2,563]),{77:[1,1829]},{77:[2,1118]},{2:$V1,3:1831,4:$V2,5:$V3,132:$V16,372:1830},{77:[1,1833]},{77:[2,1124]},{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,100:1834,111:1440},{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,100:1835,111:1440},o($VK,[2,612]),o($VK,[2,721]),{343:[1,1837],344:[1,1836]},{339:$VS5,462:1838},{335:$VG5,338:$VH5,461:1839},o($Vh4,[2,252]),{40:1840,79:75,89:$V7,184:99,189:$Vb},o($Vh4,[2,255]),o($Vh4,[2,257]),o($Vh4,[2,258]),o($VT5,[2,271]),{131:[2,1101],250:1841,645:[1,1842]},{74:$VZ5,78:[1,1843]},o($V_5,[2,245]),o($V_5,[2,246]),o($VN4,[2,74]),o($VN4,[2,1054]),{2:$V1,3:1844,4:$V2,5:$V3},o($VN4,[2,78]),{74:[1,1846],78:[1,1845]},o($V65,[2,80]),o($V65,[2,81],{114:625,327:637,76:[1,1847],99:$VZ1,112:$V_1,115:$V$1,116:$V02,123:$V12,124:$Vz3,133:$V32,136:$V42,138:$V52,139:$V62,140:$V72,141:$V82,142:$V92,154:$Va2,170:$Vb2,171:$Vc2,179:$Vd2,180:$Ve2,311:$Vf2,312:$Vg2,313:$Vh2,315:$Vi2,316:$Vj2,317:$Vk2,318:$Vl2,319:$Vm2,320:$Vn2,321:$Vo2,322:$Vp2,323:$Vq2,324:$Vr2,325:$Vs2,326:$Vt2,330:$Vu2,331:$Vv2,332:$Vw2,333:$Vx2}),{74:$V35,78:[1,1848]},o($Vn5,[2,174]),o($Vn5,[2,176]),o($Vw3,[2,553]),{2:$V1,3:1831,4:$V2,5:$V3,132:$V16,372:1849},{74:$V26,78:[1,1850]},o($V65,[2,528]),o($V65,[2,529]),{2:$V1,3:1011,4:$V2,5:$V3,100:1852,111:1440},{74:$V35,78:[1,1853]},{74:$V35,78:[1,1854]},{77:$Ve4,143:$VY,144:979,145:$VC1,152:$V$,181:$V31,201:980,302:$Vn1,342:1855,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{344:[1,1856]},o($V75,[2,710]),o($V75,[2,712]),o($Vh4,[2,256]),{131:$VV,196:1857},{131:[2,1102]},o($V_5,[2,244]),o($VN4,[2,77]),{78:[2,76]},{2:$V1,3:168,4:$V2,5:$V3,56:165,77:$VU,94:1824,105:1858,111:149,113:153,131:$VV,132:$VW,137:$VX,143:$VY,144:161,145:$VZ,149:$V_,152:$V$,154:$V01,156:$VL,158:167,179:$V11,180:$V21,181:$V31,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:$V41,266:$Vc,270:$V51,271:$V61,273:$V71,280:$V81,281:$V91,282:$Va1,283:$Vb1,284:$Vc1,285:$Vd1,286:$Ve1,287:$Vf1,288:$Vg1,290:$VM,291:$VN,292:$VO,293:$VP,294:$Vh1,295:$Vi1,296:$Vj1,297:$Vk1,298:$Vl1,299:$Vm1,302:$Vn1,303:$Vo1,312:$Vp1,317:$Vq1,419:190,420:$Vr1,424:$Vs1},{2:$V1,3:1859,4:$V2,5:$V3},{78:[1,1860]},{74:$V26,78:[1,1861]},{374:[1,1862]},{2:$V1,3:1863,4:$V2,5:$V3,132:[1,1864]},{74:$V35,78:[1,1865]},o($VD3,[2,526]),o($VD3,[2,527]),o($V75,[2,714],{74:$VJ4}),o($V75,[2,716]),o($V36,[2,1103],{251:1866,766:[1,1867]}),o($V65,[2,79]),o($V65,[2,82]),o($VN4,[2,1055],{3:1821,101:1868,104:1869,2:$V1,4:$V2,5:$V3,76:$V06}),o($VD3,[2,518]),{2:$V1,3:244,4:$V2,5:$V3,199:1870},o($V65,[2,530]),o($V65,[2,531]),o($VD3,[2,525]),o($VT5,[2,1105],{252:1871,415:[1,1872]}),o($V36,[2,1104]),o($VN4,[2,75]),o($VN4,[2,1056]),o($V46,[2,1119],{375:1873,377:1874,77:[1,1875]}),o($VT5,[2,269]),o($VT5,[2,1106]),o($VD3,[2,521],{376:1876,378:1877,230:[1,1878]}),o($V46,[2,1120]),{2:$V1,3:1831,4:$V2,5:$V3,132:$V16,372:1879},o($VD3,[2,519]),{230:[1,1881],379:1880},{338:[1,1882]},{74:$V26,78:[1,1883]},o($VD3,[2,522]),{335:[1,1884]},{380:[1,1885]},o($V46,[2,520]),{380:[1,1886]},{381:[1,1887]},{381:[1,1888]},{230:[2,523]},o($VD3,[2,524])],
-defaultActions: {105:[2,6],194:[2,336],195:[2,337],196:[2,338],197:[2,339],198:[2,340],199:[2,341],200:[2,342],201:[2,343],202:[2,344],209:[2,695],591:[2,1142],653:[2,1107],654:[2,1108],710:[2,696],780:[2,1073],781:[2,1074],926:[2,446],927:[2,447],928:[2,448],987:[2,697],1288:[2,1152],1375:[2,1060],1433:[2,1150],1541:[2,507],1732:[2,1052],1777:[2,1100],1797:[2,1118],1800:[2,1124],1842:[2,1102],1845:[2,76],1887:[2,523]},
-parseError: function parseError(str, hash) {
- if (hash.recoverable) {
- this.trace(str);
- } else {
- var error = new Error(str);
- error.hash = hash;
- throw error;
- }
-parse: function parse(input) {
- var self = this,
- stack = [0],
- tstack = [], // token stack
- vstack = [null], // semantic value stack
- lstack = [], // location stack
- table = this.table,
- yytext = '',
- yylineno = 0,
- yyleng = 0,
- recovering = 0,
- TERROR = 2,
- EOF = 1;
- var args = lstack.slice.call(arguments, 1);
- //this.reductionCount = this.shiftCount = 0;
- var lexer = Object.create(this.lexer);
- var sharedState = { yy: {} };
- // copy state
- for (var k in this.yy) {
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.yy, k)) {
- sharedState.yy[k] = this.yy[k];
+ function queryfn3(alasql, query) {
+ var scope = query.scope, jlen;
+ // Preindexation of data sources
+ // if(!oldscope) {
+ preIndex(query);
+ // }
+ // query.sources.forEach(function(source) {
+ // console.log(source.data);
+ // });
+ // Prepare variables
+ query.data = [];
+ query.xgroups = {};
+ query.groups = [];
+ // Level of Joins
+ var h = 0;
+ // Start walking over data
+ //console.log(142,'1111');
+ doJoin(alasql, query, scope, h);
+ //console.log(144,'2222',query.modifier);
+ //console.log(85,query.data[0]);
+ // If groupping, then filter groups with HAVING function
+ // console.log(query.havingfns);
+ if (query.groupfn) {
+ query.data = [];
+ if (0 === query.groups.length) {
+ var g = {};
+ if (query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
+ // console.log(query.selectGroup);
+ query.selectGroup.forEach(function (sg) {
+ if (sg.aggregatorid === 'COUNT' || sg.aggregatorid === 'SUM') {
+ g[sg.nick] = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ g[sg.nick] = undefined;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ query.groups = [g];
+ // console.log();
+ }
+ // ******
+ if (query.aggrKeys.length > 0) {
+ var gfns = '';
+ query.aggrKeys.forEach(function (col) {
+ gfns +=
+ "g['" +
+ col.nick +
+ "']=alasql.aggr['" +
+ col.funcid +
+ "'](undefined,g['" +
+ col.nick +
+ "'],3);";
+ // gfns += 'return g[\''+col.nick+'\];';
+ });
+ // console.log(175, gfns);
+ var gfn = new Function('g,params,alasql', 'var y;' + gfns);
+ }
+ // return "'"+colas+'\':alasql.aggr[\''+col.funcid+'\']('+colexp+',undefined,(acc={}),1),'
+ // +'\'__REDUCE__'+colas+'\':acc,';
+ // *******
+ // console.log('EMPTY',query.groups);
+ // debugger;
+ // if(false && (query.groups.length == 1) && (Object.keys(query.groups[0]).length == 0)) {
+ // console.log('EMPTY',query.groups);
+ // } else {
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = query.groups.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ var g = query.groups[i];
+ if (gfn)
+ { gfn(g, query.params, alasql); }
+ // console.log(query.groups[i]);
+ if (!query.havingfn || query.havingfn(g, query.params, alasql)) {
+ // console.log(g);
+ var d = query.selectgfn(g, query.params, alasql);
+ query.data.push(d);
+ }
+ }
+ // }
+ // query.groups = query.groups.filter();
- }
- lexer.setInput(input, sharedState.yy);
- sharedState.yy.lexer = lexer;
- sharedState.yy.parser = this;
- if (typeof lexer.yylloc == 'undefined') {
- lexer.yylloc = {};
- }
- var yyloc = lexer.yylloc;
- lstack.push(yyloc);
- var ranges = lexer.options && lexer.options.ranges;
+ // Remove distinct values
+ doDistinct(query);
+ if (query.unionallfn) {
+ // TODO Simplify this part of program
+ var ud, nd;
+ if (query.corresponding) {
+ if (!query.unionallfn.query.modifier)
+ { query.unionallfn.query.modifier = undefined; }
+ ud = query.unionallfn(query.params);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!query.unionallfn.query.modifier)
+ { query.unionallfn.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET'; }
+ nd = query.unionallfn(query.params);
+ ud = [];
+ ilen = nd.data.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
+ var r = {};
+ for (var j = Math.min(query.columns.length, nd.columns.length) - 1; 0 <= j; j--) {
+ r[query.columns[j].columnid] = nd.data[i][nd.columns[j].columnid];
+ }
+ ud.push(r);
+ }
+ }
+ query.data = query.data.concat(ud);
+ }
+ else if (query.unionfn) {
+ if (query.corresponding) {
+ if (!query.unionfn.query.modifier)
+ { query.unionfn.query.modifier = 'ARRAY'; }
+ ud = query.unionfn(query.params);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!query.unionfn.query.modifier)
+ { query.unionfn.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET'; }
+ nd = query.unionfn(query.params);
+ ud = [];
+ ilen = nd.data.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
+ r = {};
+ jlen = Math.min(query.columns.length, nd.columns.length);
+ for (var j = 0; j < jlen; j++) {
+ r[query.columns[j].columnid] = nd.data[i][nd.columns[j].columnid];
+ }
+ ud.push(r);
+ }
+ }
+ query.data = arrayUnionDeep(query.data, ud);
+ }
+ else if (query.exceptfn) {
+ if (query.corresponding) {
+ if (!query.exceptfn.query.modifier)
+ { query.exceptfn.query.modifier = 'ARRAY'; }
+ var ud = query.exceptfn(query.params);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!query.exceptfn.query.modifier)
+ { query.exceptfn.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET'; }
+ var nd = query.exceptfn(query.params);
+ var ud = [];
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = nd.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ var r = {};
+ for (var j = Math.min(query.columns.length, nd.columns.length) - 1; 0 <= j; j--) {
+ r[query.columns[j].columnid] = nd.data[i][nd.columns[j].columnid];
+ }
+ ud.push(r);
+ }
+ }
+ query.data = arrayExceptDeep(query.data, ud);
+ }
+ else if (query.intersectfn) {
+ if (query.corresponding) {
+ if (!query.intersectfn.query.modifier)
+ { query.intersectfn.query.modifier = undefined; }
+ ud = query.intersectfn(query.params);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!query.intersectfn.query.modifier)
+ { query.intersectfn.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET'; }
+ nd = query.intersectfn(query.params);
+ ud = [];
+ ilen = nd.data.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
+ r = {};
+ jlen = Math.min(query.columns.length, nd.columns.length);
+ for (j = 0; j < jlen; j++) {
+ r[query.columns[j].columnid] = nd.data[i][nd.columns[j].columnid];
+ }
+ ud.push(r);
+ }
+ }
+ query.data = arrayIntersectDeep(query.data, ud);
+ }
+ // Ordering
+ if (query.orderfn) {
+ if (query.explain)
+ { var ms = Date.now(); }
+ query.data = query.data.sort(query.orderfn);
+ if (query.explain) {
+ query.explaination.push({
+ explid: query.explid++,
+ description: 'QUERY BY',
+ ms: Date.now() - ms,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // Reduce to limit and offset
+ doLimit(query);
+ // Remove Angular.js artifacts and other unnecessary columns
+ // Issue #25
+ // console.log('removeKeys:',query.removeKeys);
+ // TODO: Check what artefacts rest from Angular.js
+ if (typeof angular !== 'undefined') {
+ query.removeKeys.push('$$hashKey');
+ }
+ if (query.removeKeys.length > 0) {
+ var removeKeys = query.removeKeys;
+ // Remove from data
+ jlen = removeKeys.length;
+ if (jlen > 0) {
+ ilen = query.data.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < jlen; j++) {
+ delete query.data[i][removeKeys[j]];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove from columns list
+ if (query.columns.length > 0) {
+ query.columns = query.columns.filter(function (column) {
+ var found = false;
+ removeKeys.forEach(function (key) {
+ if (column.columnid === key)
+ { found = true; }
+ });
+ return !found;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof query.removeLikeKeys !== 'undefined' && query.removeLikeKeys.length > 0) {
+ var removeLikeKeys = query.removeLikeKeys;
+ // Remove unused columns
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = query.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ r = query.data[i];
+ for (var k in r) {
+ for (j = 0; j < query.removeLikeKeys.length; j++) {
+ if (alasql.utils.like(query.removeLikeKeys[j], k)) {
+ // if(k.match(query.removeLikeKeys[j])) {
+ delete r[k];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (query.columns.length > 0) {
+ query.columns = query.columns.filter(function (column) {
+ var found = false;
+ removeLikeKeys.forEach(function (key) {
+ // if(column.columnid.match(key)) found = true;
+ if (alasql.utils.like(key, column.columnid)) {
+ found = true;
+ }
+ });
+ return !found;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (query.pivotfn)
+ { query.pivotfn(); }
+ if (query.unpivotfn)
+ { query.unpivotfn(); }
+ // console.log(query.intoallfns);
+ /*/*
+ // if(query.explain) {
+ // if(query.cb) query.cb(query.explaination,query.A, query.B);
+ // return query.explaination;
+ // } else
+ */
+ //console.log(190,query.intofns);
+ if (query.intoallfn) {
+ // console.log(161);
+ // var res = query.intoallfn(query.columns,query.cb,query.A, query.B, alasql);
+ var res = query.intoallfn(query.columns, query.cb, query.params, query.alasql);
+ // console.log(1163,res);
+ // if(query.cb) res = query.cb(res,query.A, query.B);
+ // console.log(1165,res);
+ // debugger;
+ return res;
+ }
+ else if (query.intofn) {
+ ilen = query.data.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
+ query.intofn(query.data[i], i, query.params, query.alasql);
+ }
+ // console.log(query.intofn);
+ if (query.cb)
+ { query.cb(query.data.length, query.A, query.B); }
+ return query.data.length;
+ }
+ else {
+ // console.log(111,query.cb,query.data);
+ res = query.data;
+ if (query.cb)
+ { res = query.cb(query.data, query.A, query.B); }
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ // Limiting
+ function doLimit(query) {
+ // console.log(query.limit, query.offset)
+ if (query.limit) {
+ var offset = 0;
+ if (query.offset) {
+ offset = query.offset | 0 || 0;
+ offset = offset < 0 ? 0 : offset;
+ }
+ var limit;
+ if (query.percent) {
+ limit = (((query.data.length * query.limit) / 100) | 0) + offset;
+ }
+ else {
+ limit = (query.limit | 0) + offset;
+ }
+ query.data = query.data.slice(offset, limit);
+ }
+ }
+ // Distinct
+ function doDistinct(query) {
+ if (query.distinct) {
+ var uniq = {};
+ // TODO: Speedup, because Object.keys is slow**
+ // TODO: Problem with DISTINCT on objects
+ var keys = Object.keys(query.data[0] || []);
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = query.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ var uix = keys
+ .map(function (k) {
+ return query.data[i][k];
+ })
+ .join('`');
+ uniq[uix] = query.data[i];
+ }
+ query.data = [];
+ for (var ind in uniq) {
+ query.data.push(uniq[ind]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Optimization: preliminary indexation of joins
+ var preIndex = function (query) {
+ // console.log(query);
+ // Loop over all sources
+ // Todo: make this loop smaller and more graspable
+ for (var k = 0, klen = query.sources.length; k < klen; k++) {
+ var source = query.sources[k];
+ delete source.ix;
+ // If there is indexation rule
+ //console.log('preIndex', source);
+ //console.log(source);
+ if (k > 0 && source.optimization === 'ix' && source.onleftfn && source.onrightfn) {
+ // If there is no table.indices - create it
+ if (source.databaseid && alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid]) {
+ if (!alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].indices)
+ { query.database.tables[source.tableid].indices = {}; }
+ // Check if index already exists
+ var ixx = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].indices[hash(source.onrightfns + '`' + source.srcwherefns)];
+ if (!alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].dirty && ixx) {
+ source.ix = ixx;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!source.ix) {
+ source.ix = {};
+ // Walking over source data
+ var scope = {};
+ var i = 0;
+ var ilen = source.data.length;
+ var dataw;
+ // while(source.getfn i 0) {
+ s +=
+ ' GROUP BY ' +
+ this.group
+ .map(function (grp) {
+ return grp.toString();
+ })
+ .join(', ');
+ }
+ if (this.having) {
+ s += ' HAVING ' + this.having.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.order && this.order.length > 0) {
+ s +=
+ ' ORDER BY ' +
+ this.order
+ .map(function (ord) {
+ return ord.toString();
+ })
+ .join(', ');
+ }
+ if (this.limit) {
+ s += ' LIMIT ' + this.limit.value;
+ }
+ if (this.offset) {
+ s += ' OFFSET ' + this.offset.value;
+ }
+ if (this.union) {
+ s += ' UNION ' + (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') + this.union.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.unionall) {
+ s +=
+ ' UNION ALL ' +
+ (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') +
+ this.unionall.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.except) {
+ s += ' EXCEPT ' + (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') + this.except.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.intersect) {
+ s +=
+ (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') +
+ this.intersect.toString();
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ Select statement in expression
+ */
+ yy.Select.prototype.toJS = function (context) {
+ // console.log('Expression',this);
+ // if(this.expression.reduced) return 'true';
+ // return this.expression.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ // console.log('Select.toJS', 81, this.queriesidx);
+ // var s = 'this.queriesdata['+(this.queriesidx-1)+'][0]';
+ var s = 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn[' +
+ (this.queriesidx - 1) +
+ '](this.params,null,' +
+ context +
+ '))[0]';
+ // var s = '(ee=alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn['+(this.queriesidx-1)+'](this.params,null,'+context+')),console.log(999,ee),ee[0])';
+ return s;
+ };
+ // Compile SELECT statement
+ yy.Select.prototype.compile = function (databaseid, params) {
+ var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
+ // Create variable for query
+ var query = new mem.alasql.Query();
+ // Array with columns to be removed
+ query.removeKeys = [];
+ query.aggrKeys = [];
+ query.explain = this.explain; // Explain
+ query.explaination = [];
+ query.explid = 1;
+ //console.log(this.modifier);
+ query.modifier = this.modifier;
+ query.database = db;
+ // 0. Precompile whereexists
+ this.compileWhereExists(query);
+ // 0. Precompile queries for IN, NOT IN, ANY and ALL operators
+ this.compileQueries(query);
+ query.defcols = this.compileDefCols(query, databaseid);
+ // 1. Compile FROM clause
+ query.fromfn = this.compileFrom(query);
+ // 2. Compile JOIN clauses
+ if (this.joins) {
+ this.compileJoins(query);
+ }
+ // todo?: 3. Compile SELECT clause
+ // For ROWNUM()
+ query.rownums = [];
+ this.compileSelectGroup0(query);
+ if (this.group || query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
+ query.selectgfns = this.compileSelectGroup1(query);
+ }
+ else {
+ query.selectfns = this.compileSelect1(query, params);
+ }
+ // Remove columns clause
+ this.compileRemoveColumns(query);
+ // 5. Optimize WHERE and JOINS
+ if (this.where) {
+ this.compileWhereJoins(query);
+ }
+ // 4. Compile WHERE clause
+ query.wherefn = this.compileWhere(query);
+ // 6. Compile GROUP BY
+ if (this.group || query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
+ query.groupfn = this.compileGroup(query);
+ }
+ // 6. Compile HAVING
+ if (this.having) {
+ query.havingfn = this.compileHaving(query);
+ }
+ // 8. Compile ORDER BY clause
+ if (this.order) {
+ query.orderfn = this.compileOrder(query);
+ }
+ if (this.group || query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
+ query.selectgfn = this.compileSelectGroup2(query);
+ }
+ else {
+ query.selectfn = this.compileSelect2(query);
+ }
+ // 7. Compile DISTINCT, LIMIT and OFFSET
+ query.distinct = this.distinct;
+ // 9. Compile PIVOT clause
+ if (this.pivot)
+ { query.pivotfn = this.compilePivot(query); }
+ if (this.unpivot)
+ { query.pivotfn = this.compileUnpivot(query); }
+ // 10. Compile TOP/LIMIT/OFFSET/FETCH cleuse
+ if (this.top) {
+ query.limit = this.top.value;
+ }
+ else if (this.limit) {
+ query.limit = this.limit.value;
+ if (this.offset) {
+ query.offset = this.offset.value;
+ }
+ }
+ query.percent = this.percent;
+ // 9. Compile ordering function for UNION and UNIONALL
+ query.corresponding = this.corresponding; // If CORRESPONDING flag exists
+ if (this.union) {
+ query.unionfn = this.union.compile(databaseid);
+ if (this.union.order) {
+ query.orderfn = this.union.compileOrder(query);
+ }
+ else {
+ query.orderfn = null;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (this.unionall) {
+ query.unionallfn = this.unionall.compile(databaseid);
+ if (this.unionall.order) {
+ query.orderfn = this.unionall.compileOrder(query);
+ }
+ else {
+ query.orderfn = null;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (this.except) {
+ query.exceptfn = this.except.compile(databaseid);
+ if (this.except.order) {
+ query.orderfn = this.except.compileOrder(query);
+ }
+ else {
+ query.orderfn = null;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (this.intersect) {
+ query.intersectfn = this.intersect.compile(databaseid);
+ if (this.intersect.order) {
+ query.intersectfn = this.intersect.compileOrder(query);
+ }
+ else {
+ query.orderfn = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.into) {
+ if (this.into instanceof yy.Table) {
+ //
+ // Save into the table in database
+ //
+ if (alasql.options.autocommit &&
+ alasql.databases[this.into.databaseid || databaseid].engineid) {
+ // For external database when AUTOCOMMIT is ONs
+ query.intoallfns =
+ 'return alasql.engines["' +
+ alasql.databases[this.into.databaseid || databaseid].engineid +
+ '"]' +
+ '.intoTable("' +
+ (this.into.databaseid || databaseid) +
+ '","' +
+ this.into.tableid +
+ '",this.data, columns, cb);';
+ }
+ else {
+ // Into AlaSQL tables
+ query.intofns =
+ "alasql.databases['" +
+ (this.into.databaseid || databaseid) +
+ "'].tables" +
+ "['" +
+ this.into.tableid +
+ "'].data.push(r);";
+ }
+ }
+ else if (this.into instanceof yy.VarValue) {
+ //
+ // Save into local variable
+ //
+ query.intoallfns =
+ 'alasql.vars["' +
+ this.into.variable +
+ '"]=this.data;res=this.data.length;if(cb)res=cb(res);return res;';
+ }
+ else if (this.into instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
+ //
+ // If this is INTO() function, then call it
+ // with one or two parameters
+ //
+ var qs = "return alasql.into['" + this.into.funcid.toUpperCase() + "'](";
+ if (this.into.args && this.into.args.length > 0) {
+ qs += this.into.args[0].toJS() + ',';
+ if (this.into.args.length > 1) {
+ qs += this.into.args[1].toJS() + ',';
+ }
+ else {
+ qs += 'undefined,';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ qs += 'undefined, undefined,';
+ }
+ query.intoallfns = qs + 'this.data,columns,cb)';
+ //console.log('999');
+ }
+ else if (this.into instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
+ //
+ // Save data into parameters array
+ // like alasql('SELECT * INTO ? FROM ?',[outdata,srcdata]);
+ //
+ query.intofns = "params['" + this.into.param + "'].push(r)";
+ }
+ if (query.intofns) {
+ // Create intofn function
+ // console.log(234234, query.intofns);
+ query.intofn = new Function('r,i,params,alasql', 'var y;' + query.intofns);
+ }
+ else if (query.intoallfns) {
+ // Create intoallfn function
+ // console.log(23423234, query.intoallfns);
+ query.intoallfn = new Function('columns,cb,params,alasql', 'var y;' + query.intoallfns);
+ }
+ }
+ var statement = function (params, cb, oldscope) {
+ query.params = params;
+ var res1 = queryfn(alasql, query, oldscope, function (res) {
+ //console.log(res[0].schoolid);
+ //console.log(184,res);
+ if (query.rownums.length > 0) {
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ for (var j = 0, jlen = query.rownums.length; j < jlen; j++) {
+ res[i][query.rownums[j]] = i + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var res2 = utils$6.modify(alasql, query, res);
+ if (cb) {
+ cb(res2);
+ }
+ //console.log(8888,res2);
+ return res2;
+ });
+ //console.log(9999,res1);
+ // if(typeof res1 != 'undefined') res1 = modify(query,res1);
+ return res1;
+ };
+ // statement.dbversion = ;
+ // console.log(statement.query);
+ //console.log(202,statement);
+ statement.query = query;
+ return statement;
+ };
+ // yy.Select.prototype.exec = function(databaseid) {
+ // throw new Error('Select statement should be precompiled');
+ // };
+ yy.Select.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ return this.compile(databaseid)(params, cb);
+ // throw new Error('Insert statement is should be compiled')
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ mem.alasql = alasql;
+ }
- if (typeof sharedState.yy.parseError === 'function') {
- this.parseError = sharedState.yy.parseError;
- } else {
- this.parseError = Object.getPrototypeOf(this).parseError;
- }
+ /*
+ //
+ // Expressions for Alasql.js
+ // Date: 03.11.2014
+ // (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
+ //
+ */
+ function expression (mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ var alasql = mem.alasql;
+ /**
+ * Expression statement ( = 2*2; )
+ * @class
+ * @param {object} params Initial parameters
+ */
+ yy.ExpressionStatement = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ /**
+ Convert AST to string
+ @this ExpressionStatement
+ @return {string}
+ */
+ yy.ExpressionStatement.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return this.expression.toString();
+ };
+ /**
+ Execute statement
+ @param {string} databaseid Database identificatro
+ @param {object} params Statement parameters
+ @param {statement-callback} cb Callback
+ @return {object} Result value
+ */
+ yy.ExpressionStatement.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ if (this.expression) {
+ // console.log(this.expression.toJS('','', null));
+ // console.log(this.expression.toJS('','', null));
+ // console.log(this.expression.toJS('({})','', null));
+ alasql.precompile(this, databaseid, params); // Precompile queries
+ var exprfn = new Function('params,alasql,p', 'var y;return ' + this.expression.toJS('({})', '', null)).bind(this);
+ var res = exprfn(params, alasql);
+ if (cb) {
+ res = cb(res);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ Expression class
+ @class
+ @param {object} params Initial parameters
+ */
+ yy.Expression = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ /**
+ Convert AST to string
+ @this ExpressionStatement
+ @return {string}
+ */
+ yy.Expression.prototype.toString = function (dontas) {
+ var s = this.expression.toString(dontas);
+ if (this.order) {
+ s += ' ' + this.order.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.nocase) {
+ }
+ if (this.direction) {
+ s += ' ' + this.direction;
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ Find aggregator in AST subtree
+ @this ExpressionStatement
+ @param {object} query Query object
+ */
+ yy.Expression.prototype.findAggregator = function (query) {
+ if (this.expression.findAggregator) {
+ this.expression.findAggregator(query);
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ Convert AST to JavaScript expression
+ @this ExpressionStatement
+ @param {string} context Context string, e.g. 'p','g', or 'x'
+ @param {string} tableid Default table name
+ @param {object} defcols Default columns dictionary
+ @return {string} JavaScript expression
+ */
+ yy.Expression.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ // console.log('Expression',this);
+ if (this.expression.reduced) {
+ return 'true';
+ }
+ return this.expression.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ };
+ /**
+ Compile AST to JavaScript expression
+ @this ExpressionStatement
+ @param {string} context Context string, e.g. 'p','g', or 'x'
+ @param {string} tableid Default table name
+ @param {object} defcols Default columns dictionary
+ @return {string} JavaScript expression
+ */
+ yy.Expression.prototype.compile = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ // console.log('Expression',this);
+ if (this.reduced) {
+ return utils$6.returnTrue();
+ }
+ return new Function('p', 'var y;return ' + this.toJS(context, tableid, defcols));
+ };
+ /**
+ JavaScript class
+ @class
+ */
+ yy.JavaScript = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.JavaScript.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = '``' + this.value + '``';
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.JavaScript.prototype.toJS = function ( /* context, tableid, defcols*/) {
+ // console.log('Expression',this);
+ return '(' + this.value + ')';
+ };
+ yy.JavaScript.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ var res = 1;
+ var expr = new Function('params,alasql,p', this.value);
+ expr(params, alasql);
+ if (cb) {
+ res = cb(res);
+ }
+ return res;
+ };
+ /**
+ Literal class
+ @class
+ @example
+ MyVar, [My vairable], `MySQL variable`
+ */
+ yy.Literal = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Literal.prototype.toString = function (dontas) {
+ var s = this.value;
+ if (this.value1) {
+ s = this.value1 + '.' + s;
+ }
+ if (this.alias && !dontas)
+ { s += ' AS ' + this.alias; }
+ // else s = tableid+'.'+s;
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ Join class
+ @class
+ */
+ yy.Join = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Join.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = ' ';
+ if (this.joinmode) {
+ s += this.joinmode + ' ';
+ }
+ s += 'JOIN ' + this.table.toString();
+ return s;
+ };
+ // yy.Join.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid) {
+ // return 'JOIN'+this.table.toString();
+ // }
+ /**
+ Table class
+ @class
+ */
+ yy.Table = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Table.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = this.tableid;
+ // if(this.joinmode)
+ if (this.databaseid) {
+ s = this.databaseid + '.' + s;
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ View class
+ @class
+ */
+ yy.View = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.View.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = this.viewid;
+ // if(this.joinmode)
+ if (this.databaseid) {
+ s = this.databaseid + '.' + s;
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ Binary operation class
+ @class
+ */
+ yy.Op = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Op.prototype.toString = function () {
+ if (this.op === 'IN' || this.op === 'NOT IN') {
+ return this.left.toString() + ' ' + this.op + ' (' + this.right.toString() + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.allsome) {
+ return (this.left.toString() +
+ ' ' +
+ this.op +
+ ' ' +
+ this.allsome +
+ ' (' +
+ this.right.toString() +
+ ')');
+ }
+ if (this.op === '->' || this.op === '!') {
+ var s = this.left.toString() + this.op;
+ // console.log(this.right);
+ if (typeof this.right !== 'string' && typeof this.right !== 'number') {
+ s += '(';
+ }
+ s += this.right.toString();
+ if (typeof this.right !== 'string' && typeof this.right !== 'number') {
+ s += ')';
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ return (this.left.toString() +
+ ' ' +
+ this.op +
+ ' ' +
+ (this.allsome ? this.allsome + ' ' : '') +
+ this.right.toString());
+ };
+ yy.Op.prototype.findAggregator = function (query) {
+ // console.log(this.toString());
+ if (this.left && this.left.findAggregator) {
+ this.left.findAggregator(query);
+ }
+ // Do not go in > ALL
+ if (this.right && this.right.findAggregator && !this.allsome) {
+ this.right.findAggregator(query);
+ }
+ };
+ yy.Op.prototype.toType = function (tableid) {
+ if (['-', '*', '/', '%', '^'].indexOf(this.op) > -1) {
+ return 'number';
+ }
+ if (['||'].indexOf(this.op) > -1) {
+ return 'string';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '+') {
+ if (this.left.toType(tableid) === 'string' || this.right.toType(tableid) === 'string') {
+ return 'string';
+ }
+ if (this.left.toType(tableid) === 'number' || this.right.toType(tableid) === 'number') {
+ return 'number';
+ }
+ }
+ if ([
+ 'AND',
+ 'OR',
+ 'NOT',
+ '=',
+ '==',
+ '===',
+ '!=',
+ '!==',
+ '!===',
+ '>',
+ '>=',
+ '<',
+ '<=',
+ 'IN',
+ 'NOT IN',
+ 'LIKE',
+ 'GLOB' ].indexOf(this.op) > -1) {
+ return 'boolean';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'BETWEEN' ||
+ this.op === 'NOT BETWEEN' ||
+ this.op === 'IS NULL' ||
+ this.op === 'IS NOT NULL') {
+ return 'boolean';
+ }
+ if (this.allsome) {
+ return 'boolean';
+ }
+ if (!this.op) {
+ return this.left.toType();
+ }
+ return 'unknown';
+ };
+ yy.Op.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ // console.log(this);
+ var s;
+ var refs = [];
+ var op = this.op;
+ var _this = this;
+ var ref = function (expr) {
+ if (expr.toJS) {
+ expr = expr.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ }
+ var i = refs.push(expr) - 1;
+ return 'y[' + i + ']';
+ };
+ var leftJS = function () {
+ return ref(_this.left);
+ };
+ var rightJS = function () {
+ return ref(_this.right);
+ };
+ if (this.op === '=') {
+ op = '===';
+ }
+ else if (this.op === '<>') {
+ op = '!=';
+ }
+ else if (this.op === 'OR') {
+ op = '||';
+ }
+ // Arrow operator
+ if (this.op === '->') {
+ // Expression to prevent error if object is empty (#344)
+ var ljs = '(' + leftJS() + '||{})';
+ if (typeof this.right === 'string') {
+ s = ljs + '["' + this.right + '"]';
+ }
+ else if (typeof this.right === 'number') {
+ s = ljs + '[' + this.right + ']';
+ }
+ else if (this.right instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
+ var ss = [];
+ if (!(!this.right.args || 0 === this.right.args.length)) {
+ ss = this.right.args.map(ref);
+ }
+ s = '' + ljs + "['" + this.right.funcid + "'](" + ss.join(',') + ')';
+ }
+ else {
+ s = '' + ljs + '[' + rightJS() + ']';
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.op === '!') {
+ if (typeof this.right === 'string') {
+ s =
+ '' +
+ 'alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[' +
+ leftJS() +
+ ']["' +
+ this.right +
+ '"]';
+ }
+ // TODO - add other cases
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'IS') {
+ s =
+ '' +
+ '(' +
+ '(' +
+ leftJS() +
+ '==null)' + // Cant be ===
+ ' === ' +
+ '(' +
+ rightJS() +
+ '==null)' + // Cant be ===
+ ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '==') {
+ s = '' + 'alasql.utils.deepEqual(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '===' || this.op === '!===') {
+ s =
+ '' +
+ '(' +
+ (this.op === '!===' ? '!' : '') +
+ '(' +
+ '(' +
+ leftJS() +
+ ').valueOf()' +
+ '===' +
+ '(' +
+ rightJS() +
+ ').valueOf()' +
+ ')' +
+ ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '!==') {
+ s = '' + '(!alasql.utils.deepEqual(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + '))';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '||') {
+ s = '' + "(''+(" + leftJS() + "||'')+(" + rightJS() + '||""))';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'LIKE' || this.op === 'NOT LIKE') {
+ s =
+ '(' +
+ (this.op === 'NOT LIKE' ? '!' : '') +
+ 'alasql.utils.like(' +
+ rightJS() +
+ ',' +
+ leftJS();
+ if (this.escape) {
+ s += ',' + ref(this.escape);
+ }
+ s += '))';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'REGEXP') {
+ s = 'alasql.stdfn.REGEXP_LIKE(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'GLOB') {
+ s = 'alasql.utils.glob(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'BETWEEN' || this.op === 'NOT BETWEEN') {
+ var left = leftJS();
+ s =
+ '' +
+ '(' +
+ (this.op === 'NOT BETWEEN' ? '!' : '') +
+ '(' +
+ '(' +
+ ref(this.right1) +
+ '<=' +
+ left +
+ ') && (' +
+ left +
+ '<=' +
+ ref(this.right2) +
+ ')' +
+ ')' +
+ ')';
+ /*/*
+ if(this.right instanceof yy.Op && this.right.op == 'AND') {
+ return ref('(('+this.right.left)+'<='+leftJS()+')&&'+
+ ref('('+leftJS()+'<='+this.right.right)+'))';
+ } else {
+ throw new Error('Wrong BETWEEN operator without AND part');
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'IN') {
+ if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
+ s = '(';
+ // s += 'this.query.queriesdata['+this.queriesidx+']';
+ // s += 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn['+(this.queriesidx)+'](params,null,context))';
+ s +=
+ 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn[' +
+ this.queriesidx +
+ '](params,null,' +
+ context +
+ '))';
+ s += '.indexOf(';
+ s += leftJS() + ')>-1)';
+ }
+ else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
+ // if(this.right.length == 0) return 'false';
+ s = '([' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + '].indexOf(' + leftJS() + ')>-1)';
+ //console.log(s);
+ }
+ else {
+ s = '(' + rightJS() + '.indexOf(' + leftJS() + ')>-1)';
+ //console.log('expression',350,s);
+ // } else {
+ // throw new Error('Wrong IN operator without SELECT part');
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'NOT IN') {
+ if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
+ s = '(';
+ //this.query.queriesdata['+this.queriesidx+']
+ // s += 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn['+(this.queriesidx)+'](params,null,p))';
+ s +=
+ 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn[' +
+ this.queriesidx +
+ '](params,null,p))';
+ s += '.indexOf(';
+ s += leftJS() + ')<0)';
+ }
+ else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
+ // if(this.right.length == 0) return 'true';
+ s = '([' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + '].indexOf(';
+ s += leftJS() + ')<0)';
+ }
+ else {
+ s = '(' + rightJS() + '.indexOf(';
+ s += leftJS() + ')==-1)';
+ // throw new Error('Wrong NOT IN operator without SELECT part');
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.allsome === 'ALL') {
+ var s;
+ if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
+ // var s = 'this.query.queriesdata['+this.queriesidx+']';
+ s =
+ 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn[' +
+ this.queriesidx +
+ '](params,null,p))';
+ s += '.every(function(b){return (';
+ s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
+ }
+ else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
+ s =
+ '' +
+ (this.right.length == 1
+ ? ref(this.right[0])
+ : '[' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + ']');
+ s += '.every(function(b){return (';
+ s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('NOT IN operator without SELECT');
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.allsome === 'SOME' || this.allsome === 'ANY') {
+ var s;
+ if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
+ // var s = 'this.query.queriesdata['+this.queriesidx+']';
+ s =
+ 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn[' +
+ this.queriesidx +
+ '](params,null,p))';
+ s += '.some(function(b){return (';
+ s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
+ }
+ else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
+ s =
+ '' +
+ (this.right.length == 1
+ ? ref(this.right[0])
+ : '[' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + ']');
+ s += '.some(function(b){return (';
+ s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('SOME/ANY operator without SELECT');
+ }
+ }
+ // Special case for AND optimization (if reduced)
+ if (this.op === 'AND') {
+ if (this.left.reduced) {
+ if (this.right.reduced) {
+ return 'true';
+ }
+ else {
+ s = rightJS();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (this.right.reduced) {
+ s = leftJS();
+ }
+ // Otherwise process as regular operation (see below)
+ op = '&&';
+ }
+ // if(this.op === '^') {
+ // // return 'Math.pow('
+ // // + leftJS()
+ // // + ','
+ // // + rightJS()
+ // // + ')';
+ // }
+ // Change names
+ // console.log(this);
+ var expr = s || '(' + leftJS() + op + rightJS() + ')';
+ var declareRefs = 'y=[(' + refs.join('), (') + ')]';
+ if (op === '&&' || op === '||' || op === 'IS' || op === 'IS NULL' || op === 'IS NOT NULL') {
+ return '(' + declareRefs + ', ' + expr + ')';
+ }
+ return ('(' +
+ declareRefs +
+ ', ' +
+ 'y.some(function(e){return e == null}) ? void 0 : ' +
+ expr +
+ ')');
+ };
+ yy.VarValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.VarValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return '@' + this.variable;
+ };
+ yy.VarValue.prototype.toType = function () {
+ return 'unknown';
+ };
+ yy.VarValue.prototype.toJS = function () {
+ return "alasql.vars['" + this.variable + "']";
+ };
+ yy.NumValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.NumValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return this.value.toString();
+ };
+ yy.NumValue.prototype.toType = function () {
+ return 'number';
+ };
+ yy.NumValue.prototype.toJS = function () {
+ return '' + this.value;
+ };
+ yy.StringValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.StringValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return "'" + this.value.toString() + "'";
+ };
+ yy.StringValue.prototype.toType = function () {
+ return 'string';
+ };
+ yy.StringValue.prototype.toJS = function () {
+ // console.log("'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'");
+ // return "'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'";
+ return "'" + utils$6.escapeq(this.value) + "'";
+ };
+ yy.DomainValueValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.DomainValueValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return 'VALUE';
+ };
+ yy.DomainValueValue.prototype.toType = function () {
+ return 'object';
+ };
+ yy.DomainValueValue.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ // console.log("'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'");
+ // return "'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'";
+ return context;
+ };
+ yy.ArrayValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.ArrayValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return 'ARRAY[]';
+ };
+ yy.ArrayValue.prototype.toType = function () {
+ return 'object';
+ };
+ yy.ArrayValue.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ // console.log("'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'");
+ // return "'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'";
+ return ('[(' +
+ this.value
+ .map(function (el) {
+ return el.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ })
+ .join('), (') +
+ ')]');
+ };
+ yy.LogicValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.LogicValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return this.value ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
+ };
+ yy.LogicValue.prototype.toType = function () {
+ return 'boolean';
+ };
+ yy.LogicValue.prototype.toJS = function () {
+ return this.value ? 'true' : 'false';
+ };
+ yy.NullValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.NullValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return 'NULL';
+ };
+ yy.NullValue.prototype.toJS = function () {
+ return 'undefined';
+ // return 'undefined';
+ };
+ yy.ParamValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.ParamValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return '$' + this.param;
+ };
+ yy.ParamValue.prototype.toJS = function () {
+ if (typeof this.param === 'string') {
+ return "params['" + this.param + "']";
+ }
+ return 'params[' + this.param + ']';
+ };
+ yy.UniOp = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.UniOp.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s;
+ s = void 0;
+ if (this.op === '~') {
+ s = this.op + this.right.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.op === '-') {
+ s = this.op + this.right.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.op === '+') {
+ s = this.op + this.right.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.op === '#') {
+ s = this.op + this.right.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'NOT') {
+ s = this.op + '(' + this.right.toString() + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === null) {
+ s = '(' + this.right.toString() + ')';
+ }
+ if (!s) {
+ s = '(' + this.right.toString() + ')';
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.UniOp.prototype.findAggregator = function (query) {
+ if (this.right.findAggregator) {
+ this.right.findAggregator(query);
+ }
+ };
+ yy.UniOp.prototype.toType = function () {
+ if (this.op === '-') {
+ return 'number';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '+') {
+ return 'number';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'NOT') {
+ return 'boolean';
+ }
+ // Todo: implement default case
+ };
+ yy.UniOp.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ if (this.op === '~') {
+ return '(~(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + '))';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '-') {
+ return '(-(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + '))';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '+') {
+ return '(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'NOT') {
+ return '!(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '#') {
+ if (this.right instanceof yy.Column) {
+ return "(alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects['" + this.right.columnid + "'])";
+ }
+ else {
+ return ('(alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[' +
+ this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) +
+ '])');
+ }
+ }
+ // Please avoid === here
+ if (this.op == null) {
+ // jshint ignore:line
+ return '(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + ')';
+ }
+ // Todo: implement default case.
+ };
+ /*/*
+ // yy.Star = function (params) { return yy.extend(this, params); }
+ // yy.Star.prototype.toString = function() {
+ // var s = this.fieldid;
+ // if(this.tableid) {
+ // s = this.tableid+'.'+s;
+ // if(this.databaseid) {
+ // s = this.databaseid+'.'+s;
+ // }
+ // }
+ // if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
+ // return s;
+ // }
+ */
+ yy.Column = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Column.prototype.toString = function (dontas) {
+ var s;
+ if (this.columnid == +this.columnid) {
+ // jshint ignore:line
+ s = '[' + this.columnid + ']';
+ }
+ else {
+ s = this.columnid;
+ }
+ if (this.tableid) {
+ if (+this.columnid === this.columnid) {
+ s = this.tableid + s;
+ }
+ else {
+ s = this.tableid + '.' + s;
+ }
+ if (this.databaseid) {
+ s = this.databaseid + '.' + s;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.alias && !dontas)
+ { s += ' AS ' + this.alias; }
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.Column.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ /*/*
+ // var s = this.value;
+ // var s = this.columnid;
+ // if(this.tableid) {
+ // s = this.tableid+'.'+s;
+ // // if(this.databaseid) {
+ // // s = this.databaseid+'.'+s;
+ // // }
+ // } else {
+ // s = tableid+'.'+s;
+ // }
+ */
+ //console.log('yy.Column',this, tableid);
+ // console.log(392,this.columnid);
+ //console.log(506,this);
+ //console.log(523, this, tableid);
+ var s = '';
+ if (!this.tableid && tableid === '' && !defcols) {
+ if (this.columnid !== '_') {
+ s = context + "['" + this.columnid + "']";
+ }
+ else {
+ if (context === 'g') {
+ s = "g['_']";
+ }
+ else {
+ s = context;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (context === 'g') {
+ // if(this.columnid == '_') {
+ // } else {
+ s = "g['" + this.nick + "']";
+ // }
+ }
+ else if (this.tableid) {
+ if (this.columnid !== '_') {
+ // if() {
+ // s = context+'[\''+tableid + '\'][\''+this.tableid+'\'][\''+this.columnid+'\']';
+ // } else {
+ s = context + "['" + this.tableid + "']['" + this.columnid + "']";
+ // }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (context === 'g') {
+ s = "g['_']";
+ }
+ else {
+ s = context + "['" + this.tableid + "']";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (defcols) {
+ var tbid = defcols[this.columnid];
+ if (tbid === '-') {
+ throw new Error('Cannot resolve column "' +
+ this.columnid +
+ '" because it exists in two source tables');
+ }
+ else if (tbid) {
+ if (this.columnid !== '_') {
+ s = context + "['" + tbid + "']['" + this.columnid + "']";
+ }
+ else {
+ s = context + "['" + tbid + "']";
+ }
+ // console.log(836,tbid,s);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (this.columnid !== '_') {
+ // if(defcols['.'][this.tableid]) {
+ // console.log(847,tableid);
+ // console.log(context+'[\''+tableid + '\'][\''+this.tableid + '\']','[\''+this.columnid+'\']');
+ // s = context+'[\''+tableid + '\'][\''+this.tableid + '\'][\''+this.columnid+'\']';
+ // } else {
+ s =
+ context +
+ "['" +
+ (this.tableid || tableid) +
+ "']['" +
+ this.columnid +
+ "']";
+ // }
+ }
+ else {
+ s = context + "['" + (this.tableid || tableid) + "']";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (tableid === -1) {
+ // if(this.columnid != '') {
+ s = context + "['" + this.columnid + "']";
+ // } else {
+ // s = context;
+ // }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (this.columnid !== '_') {
+ s = context + "['" + (this.tableid || tableid) + "']['" + this.columnid + "']";
+ }
+ else {
+ s = context + "['" + (this.tableid || tableid) + "']";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // console.log(context,s);
+ // console.trace(new Error());
+ //console.log(874,s);
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.AggrValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.AggrValue.prototype.toString = function (dontas) {
+ var s = '';
+ if (this.aggregatorid === 'REDUCE') {
+ s += this.funcid + '(';
+ }
+ else {
+ s += this.aggregatorid + '(';
+ }
+ if (this.distinct) {
+ s += 'DISTINCT ';
+ }
+ if (this.expression) {
+ s += this.expression.toString();
+ }
+ s += ')';
+ if (this.over) {
+ s += ' ' + this.over.toString();
+ }
+ // console.log(this.over);
+ if (this.alias && !dontas)
+ { s += ' AS ' + this.alias; }
+ // if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.AggrValue.prototype.findAggregator = function (query) {
+ // console.log('aggregator found',this.toString());
+ // var colas = this.as || this.toString();
+ var colas = utils$6.escapeq(this.toString()) + ':' + query.selectGroup.length;
+ // console.log('findAgg',this);
+ /*/* var found = false;
+ for(var i=0;i -1) {
+ return 'number';
+ }
+ if (['ARRAY'].indexOf(this.aggregatorid) > -1) {
+ return 'array';
+ }
+ if (['FIRST', 'LAST'].indexOf(this.aggregatorid) > -1) {
+ return this.expression.toType();
+ }
+ // todo: implement default;
+ };
+ yy.AggrValue.prototype.toJS = function ( /*context, tableid, defcols*/) {
+ /*/*
+ // var s = 'alasql.functions.'+this.funcid+'(';
+ // if(this.expression) s += this.expression.toJS(context, tableid);
+ // s += ')';
+ // if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
+ // return s;
+ // var s = '';
+ //if(this.as) console.log(499,this.as);
+ // var colas = this.as;
+ */
+ var colas = this.nick;
+ if (colas === undefined) {
+ colas = this.toString();
+ }
+ return "g['" + colas + "']";
+ };
+ yy.OrderExpression = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.OrderExpression.prototype.toString = yy.Expression.prototype.toString;
+ /*/* //Duplicated code
+ function() {
+ var s = this.expression.toString();
+ if(this.order) s += ' '+this.order.toString();
+ if(this.nocase) s += ' '+'COLLATE'+' '+'NOCASE';
+ return s;
+ }*/
+ yy.GroupExpression = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.GroupExpression.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return this.type + '(' + this.group.toString() + ')';
+ };
+ /*/* //Duplicated code
+ yy.ColumnDef = function (params) { return yy.extend(this, params); }
+ yy.ColumnDef.prototype.toString = function() {
+ var s = this.columnid;
+ if(this.dbtypeid) s += ' '+this.dbtypeid;
+ if(this.dbsize) {
+ s += '('+this.dbsize;
+ if(this.dbprecision) s += ','+this.dbprecision;
+ s += ')';
+ };
+ if(this.primarykey) s += ' PRIMARY KEY';
+ if(this.notnull) s += ' NOT NULL';
+ return s;
+ }*/
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ mem.alasql = alasql;
+ }
- function popStack (n) {
- stack.length = stack.length - 2 * n;
- vstack.length = vstack.length - n;
- lstack.length = lstack.length - n;
- }
+ /*
+ //
+ // EXISTS and other subqueries functions functions for Alasql.js
+ // Date: 03.11.2014
+ // (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
+ //
+ */
+ function exists (mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ yy.ExistsValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.ExistsValue.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return 'EXISTS(' + this.value.toString() + ')';
+ };
+ yy.ExistsValue.prototype.toType = function () {
+ return 'boolean';
+ };
+ yy.ExistsValue.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ // return 'ww=this.existsfn['+this.existsidx+'](params,null,p),console.log(ww),ww.length';
+ return 'this.existsfn[' + this.existsidx + '](params,null,' + context + ').data.length';
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileWhereExists = function (query) {
+ if (!this.exists)
+ { return; }
+ query.existsfn = this.exists.map(function (ex) {
+ var nq = ex.compile(query.database.databaseid);
+ // console.log(nq);
+ // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ return nq;
+ });
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileQueries = function (query) {
+ if (!this.queries)
+ { return; }
+ query.queriesfn = this.queries.map(function (q) {
+ var nq = q.compile(query.database.databaseid);
+ // console.log(nq);
+ // if(!nq.query) nq.query = {};
+ nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ return nq;
+ });
+ };
+ //
+ // Prepare subqueries and exists
+ //
+ // Todo: move this function away from grammar
+ mem.alasql.precompile = function (statement, databaseid, params) {
+ // console.log(statement);
+ if (!statement)
+ { return; }
+ statement.params = params;
+ if (statement.queries) {
+ //console.log(52,statement.queries[0]);
+ statement.queriesfn = statement.queries.map(function (q) {
+ var nq = q.compile(databaseid || statement.database.databaseid);
+ // console.log(nq);
+ // nq.query.modifier = undefined;
+ // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ return nq;
+ });
+ }
+ if (statement.exists) {
+ //console.log(62,statement.exists);
+ statement.existsfn = statement.exists.map(function (ex) {
+ var nq = ex.compile(databaseid || statement.database.databaseid);
+ // console.log(nq.query.modifier);
+ // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'ARRAY';
+ nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ return nq;
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ }
- var lex = function () {
- var token;
- token = lexer.lex() || EOF;
- // if token isn't its numeric value, convert
- if (typeof token !== 'number') {
- token = self.symbols_[token] || token;
- }
- return token;
- }
+ /*
+ //
+ // Select run-time part for Alasql.js
+ // Date: 03.11.2014
+ // (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
+ //
+ */
+ function defcols (mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileDefCols = function (query, databaseid) {
+ // console.log('defcols');
+ var defcols = { '.': {} };
+ if (this.from) {
+ this.from.forEach(function (fr) {
+ defcols['.'][fr.as || fr.tableid] = true;
+ if (fr instanceof yy.Table) {
+ var alias = fr.as || fr.tableid;
+ // console.log(alasql.databases[fr.databaseid || databaseid]);
+ // console.log(alasql.databases[fr.databaseid || databaseid].tables, fr.tableid);
+ //console.log(alasql.databases[fr.databaseid || databaseid].tables, fr.tableid);
+ //console.log(alasql.databases);
+ var table = mem.alasql.databases[fr.databaseid || databaseid].tables[fr.tableid];
+ //console.log(table);
+ if (undefined === table) {
+ throw new Error('Table does not exists: ' + fr.tableid);
+ }
+ if (table.columns) {
+ table.columns.forEach(function (col) {
+ if (defcols[col.columnid]) {
+ defcols[col.columnid] = '-'; // Ambigous
+ }
+ else {
+ defcols[col.columnid] = alias;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ else if (fr instanceof yy.Select) ;
+ else if (fr instanceof yy.Search) ;
+ else if (fr instanceof yy.ParamValue) ;
+ else if (fr instanceof yy.VarValue) ;
+ else if (fr instanceof yy.FuncValue) ;
+ else if (fr instanceof yy.FromData) ;
+ else if (fr instanceof yy.Json) ;
+ else if (fr.inserted) ;
+ else {
+ // console.log(fr);
+ throw new Error('Unknown type of FROM clause');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.joins) {
+ this.joins.forEach(function (jn) {
+ defcols['.'][jn.as || jn.table.tableid] = true;
+ // console.log(jn);
+ if (jn.table) {
+ var alias = jn.table.tableid;
+ if (jn.as)
+ { alias = jn.as; }
+ var alias = jn.as || jn.table.tableid;
+ var table = mem.alasql.databases[jn.table.databaseid || databaseid].tables[jn.table.tableid];
+ // console.log(jn.table.tableid, jn.table.databaseid);
+ if (table.columns) {
+ table.columns.forEach(function (col) {
+ if (defcols[col.columnid]) {
+ defcols[col.columnid] = '-'; // Ambigous
+ }
+ else {
+ defcols[col.columnid] = alias;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ else if (jn.select) {
+ throw new Error('Select not implemented yet');
+ }
+ else if (jn.param) {
+ throw new Error('param not implemented yet');
+ }
+ else if (jn.func) {
+ throw new Error('func not implemented yet');
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('Unknown type of FROM clause');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // for(var k in defcols) {
+ // if(defcols[k] == '-') defcols[k] = undefined;
+ // }
+ // console.log(89,defcols);
+ return defcols;
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ }
- var symbol, preErrorSymbol, state, action, a, r, yyval = {}, p, len, newState, expected;
- while (true) {
- // retreive state number from top of stack
- state = stack[stack.length - 1];
+ /*
+ //
+ // Select compiler part for Alasql.js
+ // Date: 03.11.2014
+ // (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
+ //
+ */
+ function from_ (mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ var alasql = mem.alasql;
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileFrom = function (query) {
+ // console.log(1);
+ var self = this;
+ query.sources = [];
+ // var tableid = this.from[0].tableid;
+ // var as = '';
+ // if(self.from[0].as) as = this.from[0].as;
+ //console.log(this);
+ query.aliases = {};
+ if (!self.from)
+ { return; }
+ //console.log(self.from);
+ self.from.forEach(function (tq) {
+ //console.log(tq);
+ //console.log(tq,tq.toJS());
+ var ps = '';
+ var alias = tq.as || tq.tableid;
+ // console.log(alias);
+ if (tq instanceof yy.Table) {
+ // console.log(tq, tq.databaseid, query);
+ query.aliases[alias] = {
+ tableid: tq.tableid,
+ databaseid: tq.databaseid || query.database.databaseid,
+ type: 'table',
+ };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.Select) {
+ query.aliases[alias] = { type: 'subquery' };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.Search) {
+ query.aliases[alias] = { type: 'subsearch' };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
+ query.aliases[alias] = { type: 'paramvalue' };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
+ query.aliases[alias] = { type: 'funcvalue' };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.VarValue) {
+ query.aliases[alias] = { type: 'varvalue' };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.FromData) {
+ query.aliases[alias] = { type: 'fromdata' };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.Json) {
+ query.aliases[alias] = { type: 'json' };
+ }
+ else if (tq.inserted) {
+ query.aliases[alias] = { type: 'inserted' };
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('Wrong table at FROM');
+ }
+ var source = {
+ alias: alias,
+ databaseid: tq.databaseid || query.database.databaseid,
+ tableid: tq.tableid,
+ joinmode: 'INNER',
+ onmiddlefn: utils$6.returnTrue,
+ srcwherefns: '',
+ srcwherefn: utils$6.returnTrue,
+ };
+ if (tq instanceof yy.Table) {
+ // Get columns from table
+ source.columns = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].columns;
+ // console.log('test',alasql.options.autocommit);
+ // console.log(997,alasql.databases[source.databaseid].engineid);
+ // console.log(0,source.databaseid);
+ // console.log(1,alasql.databases[source.databaseid]);
+ // console.log(2,alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].view);
+ if (alasql.options.autocommit &&
+ alasql.databases[source.databaseid].engineid &&
+ !alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].view) {
+ // console.log(997,alasql.databases[source.databaseid].engineid);
+ // TODO -- make view for external engine
+ source.datafn = function (query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
+ return alasql.engines[alasql.databases[source.databaseid].engineid].fromTable(source.databaseid, source.tableid, cb, idx, query);
+ };
+ }
+ else if (alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].view) {
+ source.datafn = function (query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
+ var res = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].select(params);
+ if (cb)
+ { res = cb(res, idx, query); }
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ // console.log('here');
+ // console.log(420,72,alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid]);
+ source.datafn = function (query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
+ /*
+ // if(!query) console.log('query');
+ // if(!query.database) console.log('query');
+ // if(!query.database.tables) console.log('query');
+ // if(!source.tableid) console.log('query');
+ // if(!query.database.tables[source.tableid]) console.log(query);
+ // if(!query.database.tables[source.tableid].data) console.log('query');
+ */
+ var res = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].data;
+ // console.log(500,res);
+ if (cb)
+ { res = cb(res, idx, query); }
+ // console.log(600,res);
+ return res;
+ // return alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].data;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.Select) {
+ source.subquery = tq.compile(query.database.databaseid);
+ if (typeof source.subquery.query.modifier === 'undefined') {
+ source.subquery.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET'; // Subqueries always return recordsets
+ }
+ source.columns = source.subquery.query.columns;
+ // console.log(101,source.columns);
+ // tq.columns;
+ source.datafn = function (query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
+ // return source.subquery(query.params, cb, idx, query);
+ var res;
+ source.subquery(query.params, function (data) {
+ res = data.data;
+ if (cb)
+ { res = cb(res, idx, query); }
+ return res;
+ // return data.data;
+ });
+ // console.log(515,res);
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.Search) {
+ source.subsearch = tq;
+ source.columns = [];
+ /*/*
+ //.compile(query.database.databaseid);
+ // if(typeof source.subquery.query.modifier == 'undefined') {
+ // source.subquery.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET'; // Subqueries always return recordsets
+ // }
+ // source.columns = source.subquery.query.columns;
+ // console.log(101,source.columns);
+ // tq.columns;
+ */
+ source.datafn = function (query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
+ // return source.subquery(query.params, cb, idx, query);
+ var res;
+ source.subsearch.execute(query.database.databaseid, query.params, function (data) {
+ res = data;
+ if (cb)
+ { res = cb(res, idx, query); }
+ return res;
+ // return data.data;
+ });
+ // console.log(515,res);
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
+ ps = "var res = alasql.prepareFromData(params['" + tq.param + "']";
+ // console.log(tq);
+ if (tq.array)
+ { ps += ',true'; }
+ ps += ');if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);return res';
+ source.datafn = new Function('query,params,cb,idx,alasql', ps);
+ }
+ else if (tq.inserted) {
+ ps = 'var res = alasql.prepareFromData(alasql.inserted';
+ if (tq.array)
+ { ps += ',true'; }
+ ps += ');if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);return res';
+ source.datafn = new Function('query,params,cb,idx,alasql', ps);
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.Json) {
+ ps = 'var res = alasql.prepareFromData(' + tq.toJS();
+ // console.log(tq);
+ if (tq.array)
+ { ps += ',true'; }
+ ps += ');if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);return res';
+ source.datafn = new Function('query,params,cb,idx,alasql', ps);
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.VarValue) {
+ ps = "var res = alasql.prepareFromData(alasql.vars['" + tq.variable + "']";
+ // console.log(tq);
+ if (tq.array)
+ { ps += ',true'; }
+ ps += ');if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);return res';
+ source.datafn = new Function('query,params,cb,idx,alasql', ps);
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
+ ps = "var res=alasql.from['" + tq.funcid.toUpperCase() + "'](";
+ /*/*
+ // if(tq.args && tq.args.length>0) {
+ // s += tq.args.map(function(arg){
+ // return arg.toJS();
+ // }).concat('cb,idx,query').join(',');
+ // }
+ // if(tq.args && tq.args.length>0) {
+ // s += tq.args.map(function(arg){
+ // return arg.toJS();
+ // }).concat().join(',');
+ // }
+ */
+ if (tq.args && tq.args.length > 0) {
+ if (tq.args[0]) {
+ ps += tq.args[0].toJS('query.oldscope') + ',';
+ }
+ else {
+ ps += 'null,';
+ }
+ if (tq.args[1]) {
+ ps += tq.args[1].toJS('query.oldscope') + ',';
+ }
+ else {
+ ps += 'null,';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ps += 'null,null,';
+ }
+ ps += 'cb,idx,query';
+ ps += ');/*if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);*/return res';
+ // console.log(s);
+ source.datafn = new Function('query, params, cb, idx, alasql', ps);
+ }
+ else if (tq instanceof yy.FromData) {
+ source.datafn = function (query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
+ var res = tq.data;
+ if (cb)
+ { res = cb(res, idx, query); }
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('Wrong table at FROM');
+ }
+ // source.data = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].data;
+ query.sources.push(source);
+ });
+ // TODO Add joins
+ query.defaultTableid = query.sources[0].alias;
+ //console.log(query.defaultTableid);
+ };
+ alasql.prepareFromData = function (data, array) {
+ //console.log(177,data,array);
+ var i, ilen;
+ var res = data;
+ if (typeof data === 'string') {
+ res = data.split(/\r?\n/);
+ if (array) {
+ for (i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ res[i] = [res[i]];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (array) {
+ res = [];
+ for (i = 0, ilen = data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ res.push([data[i]]);
+ }
+ // console.log(res);
+ }
+ else if (typeof data === 'object' && !Array.isArray(data)) {
+ // } else if(typeof data == 'object' && !(typeof data.length == 'undefined')) {
+ if (typeof Mongo !== 'undefined' &&
+ typeof Mongo.Collection !== 'undefined' &&
+ data instanceof Mongo.Collection) {
+ res = data.find().fetch();
+ }
+ else {
+ res = [];
+ for (var key in data) {
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty(key))
+ { res.push([key, data[key]]); }
+ }
+ }
+ // console.log(res);
+ }
+ // console.log(typeof data);
+ return res;
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ mem.alasql = alasql;
+ }
- // use default actions if available
- if (this.defaultActions[state]) {
- action = this.defaultActions[state];
- } else {
- if (symbol === null || typeof symbol == 'undefined') {
- symbol = lex();
- }
- // read action for current state and first input
- action = table[state] && table[state][symbol];
- }
+ /*
+ //
+ // Select compiler part for Alasql.js
+ // Date: 03.11.2014
+ // (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
+ //
+ */
+ function compile (mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ var alasql = mem.alasql;
+ var escapeq = utils$6.escapeq;
+ function compileSelectStar(query, alias, joinstar) {
+ // console.log(query.aliases[alias]);
+ // console.log(query,alias);
+ // console.log(query.aliases[alias].tableid);
+ // console.log(42,631,alias);
+ // console.log(query.aliases);
+ var sp = '', ss = [];
+ // if(!alias) {
+ // sp += 'for(var k1 in p) var w=p[k1];for(var k2 in w){r[k2]=w[k2]};';
+ // } else {
+ // TODO move this out of this function
+ query.ixsources = {};
+ query.sources.forEach(function (source) {
+ query.ixsources[source.alias] = source;
+ });
+ // Fixed
+ var columns;
+ if (query.ixsources[alias]) {
+ var columns = query.ixsources[alias].columns;
+ }
+ // if(columns.length == 0 && query.aliases[alias].tableid) {
+ // var columns = alasql.databases[query.aliases[alias].databaseid].tables[query.aliases[alias].tableid].columns;
+ // };
+ // Check if this is a Table or other
+ if (joinstar && alasql.options.joinstar === 'json') {
+ sp += "r['" + alias + "']={};";
+ }
+ if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
+ columns.forEach(function (tcol) {
+ if (joinstar && alasql.options.joinstar === 'underscore') {
+ ss.push("'" +
+ alias +
+ '_' +
+ tcol.columnid +
+ "':p['" +
+ alias +
+ "']['" +
+ tcol.columnid +
+ "']");
+ }
+ else if (joinstar && alasql.options.joinstar === 'json') {
+ // ss.push('\''+alias+'_'+tcol.columnid+'\':p[\''+alias+'\'][\''+tcol.columnid+'\']');
+ sp +=
+ "r['" +
+ alias +
+ "']['" +
+ tcol.columnid +
+ "']=p['" +
+ alias +
+ "']['" +
+ tcol.columnid +
+ "'];";
+ }
+ else {
+ ss.push("'" + tcol.columnid + "':p['" + alias + "']['" + tcol.columnid + "']");
+ }
+ query.selectColumns[escapeq(tcol.columnid)] = true;
+ // console.log('ok',tcol);
+ var coldef = {
+ columnid: tcol.columnid,
+ dbtypeid: tcol.dbtypeid,
+ dbsize: tcol.dbsize,
+ dbprecision: tcol.dbprecision,
+ dbenum: tcol.dbenum,
+ };
+ query.columns.push(coldef);
+ query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
+ });
+ //console.log(999,columns);
+ }
+ else {
+ // console.log(60,alias,columns);
+ // if column not exists, then copy all
+ sp += 'var w=p["' + alias + '"];for(var k in w){r[k]=w[k]};';
+ //console.log(777, sp);
+ query.dirtyColumns = true;
+ }
+ // }
+ //console.log(87,{s:ss.join(','),sp:sp});
+ return { s: ss.join(','), sp: sp };
+ }
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileSelect1 = function (query, params) {
+ var self = this;
+ query.columns = [];
+ query.xcolumns = {};
+ query.selectColumns = {};
+ query.dirtyColumns = false;
+ var s = 'var r={';
+ var sp = '';
+ var ss = [];
+ //console.log(42,87,this.columns);
+ this.columns.forEach(function (col) {
+ //console.log(col);
+ if (col instanceof yy.Column) {
+ if (col.columnid === '*') {
+ if (col.func) {
+ sp +=
+ "r=params['" +
+ col.param +
+ "'](p['" +
+ query.sources[0].alias +
+ "'],p,params,alasql);";
+ }
+ else if (col.tableid) {
+ //Copy all
+ var ret = compileSelectStar(query, col.tableid, false);
+ if (ret.s) {
+ ss = ss.concat(ret.s);
+ }
+ sp += ret.sp;
+ }
+ else {
+ // console.log('aliases', query.aliases);
+ for (var alias in query.aliases) {
+ var ret = compileSelectStar(query, alias, true); //query.aliases[alias].tableid);
+ if (ret.s) {
+ ss = ss.concat(ret.s);
+ }
+ sp += ret.sp;
+ }
+ // TODO Remove these lines
+ // In case of no information
+ // sp += 'for(var k1 in p){var w=p[k1];'+
+ // 'for(k2 in w) {r[k2]=w[k2]}}'
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // If field, otherwise - expression
+ var tbid = col.tableid;
+ // console.log(query.sources);
+ var dbid = col.databaseid || query.sources[0].databaseid || query.database.databaseid;
+ if (!tbid)
+ { tbid = query.defcols[col.columnid]; }
+ if (!tbid)
+ { tbid = query.defaultTableid; }
+ if (col.columnid !== '_') {
+ {
+ // workaround for multisheet xlsx export with custom COLUMNS
+ var isMultisheetParam = params &&
+ params.length > 1 &&
+ Array.isArray(params[0]) &&
+ params[0].length >= 1 &&
+ params[0][0].hasOwnProperty('sheetid');
+ if (isMultisheetParam) {
+ sp =
+ 'var r={};var w=p["' +
+ tbid +
+ '"];' +
+ 'var cols=[' +
+ self.columns
+ .map(function (col) {
+ return "'" + col.columnid + "'";
+ })
+ .join(',') +
+ '];var colas=[' +
+ self.columns
+ .map(function (col) {
+ return "'" + (col.as || col.columnid) + "'";
+ })
+ .join(',') +
+ '];' +
+ "for (var i=0;i 0) {
+ // console.log(1);
+ var tcol = xcolumns[col.columnid];
+ if (undefined === tcol) {
+ throw new Error('Column does not exists: ' + col.columnid);
+ }
+ var coldef = {
+ columnid: col.as || col.columnid,
+ dbtypeid: tcol.dbtypeid,
+ dbsize: tcol.dbsize,
+ dbpecision: tcol.dbprecision,
+ dbenum: tcol.dbenum,
+ };
+ // console.log(2);
+ query.columns.push(coldef);
+ query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
+ }
+ else {
+ var coldef = {
+ columnid: col.as || col.columnid,
+ };
+ // console.log(2);
+ query.columns.push(coldef);
+ query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
+ query.dirtyColumns = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ var coldef = {
+ columnid: col.as || col.columnid,
+ };
+ // console.log(2);
+ query.columns.push(coldef);
+ query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
+ // This is a subquery?
+ // throw new Error('There is now such table \''+col.tableid+'\'');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (col instanceof yy.AggrValue) {
+ if (!self.group) {
+ // self.group=[new yy.Column({columnid:'q',as:'q' })];
+ self.group = [''];
+ }
+ if (!col.as) {
+ col.as = escapeq(col.toString());
+ }
+ if (col.aggregatorid === 'SUM' ||
+ col.aggregatorid === 'MAX' ||
+ col.aggregatorid === 'MIN' ||
+ col.aggregatorid === 'FIRST' ||
+ col.aggregatorid === 'LAST' ||
+ col.aggregatorid === 'AVG' ||
+ col.aggregatorid === 'ARRAY' ||
+ col.aggregatorid === 'REDUCE') {
+ ss.push("'" +
+ utils$6.escapeq(col.as) +
+ "':" +
+ utils$6.n2u(col.expression.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols)));
+ }
+ else if (col.aggregatorid === 'COUNT') {
+ ss.push("'" + utils$6.escapeq(col.as) + "':1");
+ // Nothing
+ }
+ // todo: confirm that no default action must be implemented
+ // query.selectColumns[col.aggregatorid+'('+escapeq(col.expression.toString())+')'] = thtd;
+ var coldef = {
+ columnid: col.as || col.columnid || col.toString(),
+ };
+ // console.log(2);
+ query.columns.push(coldef);
+ query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
+ // else if (col.aggregatorid == 'MAX') {
+ // ss.push((col.as || col.columnid)+':'+col.toJS("p.",query.defaultTableid))
+ // } else if (col.aggregatorid == 'MIN') {
+ // ss.push((col.as || col.columnid)+':'+col.toJS("p.",query.defaultTableid))
+ // }
+ }
+ else {
+ // console.log(203,col.as,col.columnid,col.toString());
+ ss.push("'" +
+ utils$6.escapeq(col.as || col.columnid || col.toString()) +
+ "':" +
+ utils$6.n2u(col.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols)));
+ // ss.push('\''+escapeq(col.toString())+'\':'+col.toJS("p",query.defaultTableid));
+ //if(col instanceof yy.Expression) {
+ query.selectColumns[escapeq(col.as || col.columnid || col.toString())] = true;
+ var coldef = {
+ columnid: col.as || col.columnid || col.toString(),
+ };
+ // console.log(2);
+ query.columns.push(coldef);
+ query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
+ }
+ });
+ s += ss.join(',') + '};' + sp;
+ return s;
+ //console.log(42,753,query.xcolumns, query.selectColumns);
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileSelect2 = function (query) {
+ var s = query.selectfns;
+ if (this.orderColumns && this.orderColumns.length > 0) {
+ this.orderColumns.forEach(function (v, idx) {
+ var key = '$$$' + idx;
+ if (v instanceof yy.Column && query.xcolumns[v.columnid]) {
+ s += "r['" + key + "']=r['" + v.columnid + "'];";
+ }
+ else {
+ s += "r['" + key + "']=" + v.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols) + ';';
+ }
+ query.removeKeys.push(key);
+ });
+ }
+ // console.log(285,s);
+ return new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;' + s + 'return r');
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileSelectGroup0 = function (query) {
+ var self = this;
+ self.columns.forEach(function (col, idx) {
+ if (!(col instanceof yy.Column && col.columnid === '*')) {
+ var colas;
+ // = col.as;
+ if (col instanceof yy.Column) {
+ colas = utils$6.escapeq(col.columnid);
+ }
+ else {
+ colas = utils$6.escapeq(col.toString(true));
+ // console.log(273,colas);
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < idx; i++) {
+ if (colas === self.columns[i].nick) {
+ colas = self.columns[i].nick + ':' + idx;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // }
+ col.nick = colas;
+ if (col.funcid &&
+ (col.funcid.toUpperCase() === 'ROWNUM' || col.funcid.toUpperCase() === 'ROW_NUMBER')) {
+ query.rownums.push(col.as);
+ }
+ // console.log("colas:",colas);
+ // }
+ }
+ else {
+ query.groupStar = col.tableid || 'default';
+ }
+ });
+ this.columns.forEach(function (col) {
+ if (col.findAggregator) {
+ col.findAggregator(query);
+ }
+ });
+ if (this.having) {
+ if (this.having.findAggregator) {
+ this.having.findAggregator(query);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileSelectGroup1 = function (query) {
+ var self = this;
+ var s = 'var r = {};';
+ self.columns.forEach(function (col) {
+ // console.log(col);
+ if (col instanceof yy.Column && col.columnid === '*') {
+ // s += 'for(var k in g){r[k]=g[k]};';
+ // s += 'for(var k in this.query.groupColumns){r[k]=g[this.query.groupColumns[k]]};';
+ s += 'for(var k in g) {r[k]=g[k]};';
+ return '';
+ // console.log(query);
+ }
+ else {
+ // var colas = col.as;
+ var colas = col.as;
+ if (colas === undefined) {
+ if (col instanceof yy.Column) {
+ colas = escapeq(col.columnid);
+ }
+ else {
+ colas = col.nick;
+ }
+ }
+ query.groupColumns[colas] = col.nick;
+ /*/* if(typeof colas == 'undefined') {
+ if(col instanceof yy.Column) {
+ colas = col.columnid;
+ } else {
+ colas = col.toString();
+ for(var i=0;i -1) {
+ s += "r['" + (col.as || col.nick) + "']=g['" + col.nick + "'];";
+ }
+ });
+ if (this.orderColumns && this.orderColumns.length > 0) {
+ this.orderColumns.forEach(function (v, idx) {
+ // console.log(411,v);
+ var key = '$$$' + idx;
+ // console.log(427,v,query.groupColumns,query.xgroupColumns);
+ if (v instanceof yy.Column && query.groupColumns[v.columnid]) {
+ s += "r['" + key + "']=r['" + v.columnid + "'];";
+ }
+ else {
+ s += "r['" + key + "']=" + v.toJS('g', '') + ';';
+ }
+ query.removeKeys.push(key);
+ });
+ }
+ //console.log(425,s);
+ // console.log('selectg:',s);
+ return new Function('g,params,alasql', 'var y;' + s + 'return r');
+ };
+ // SELECY * REMOVE [COLUMNS] col-list, LIKE ''
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileRemoveColumns = function (query) {
+ if (typeof this.removecolumns !== 'undefined') {
+ query.removeKeys = query.removeKeys.concat(this.removecolumns
+ .filter(function (column) {
+ return typeof column.like === 'undefined';
+ })
+ .map(function (column) {
+ return column.columnid;
+ }));
+ //console.log(query.removeKeys,this.removecolumns);
+ query.removeLikeKeys = this.removecolumns
+ .filter(function (column) {
+ return typeof column.like !== 'undefined';
+ })
+ .map(function (column) {
+ // return new RegExp((column.like.value||'').replace(/\%/g,'.*').replace(/\?|_/g,'.'),'g');
+ return column.like.value;
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ mem.alasql = alasql;
+ }
- // handle parse error
- if (typeof action === 'undefined' || !action.length || !action[0]) {
- var error_rule_depth;
- var errStr = '';
+ function where (mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileWhere = function (query) {
+ if (this.where) {
+ if (typeof this.where === 'function') {
+ return this.where;
+ }
+ else {
+ var s = this.where.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
+ query.wherefns = s;
+ // console.log(s);
+ return new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + s);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { return function () {
+ return true;
+ }; }
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileWhereJoins = function (query) {
+ return;
+ // TODO Fix Where optimization
+ //console.log(query);
+ optimizeWhereJoin(query, this.where.expression);
+ //for sources compile wherefs
+ query.sources.forEach(function (source) {
+ if (source.srcwherefns) {
+ source.srcwherefn = new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + source.srcwherefns);
+ }
+ if (source.wxleftfns) {
+ source.wxleftfn = new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + source.wxleftfns);
+ }
+ if (source.wxrightfns) {
+ source.wxrightfn = new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + source.wxrightfns);
+ }
+ // console.log(source.alias, source.wherefns)
+ // console.log(source);
+ });
+ };
+ function optimizeWhereJoin(query, ast) {
+ if (!ast)
+ { return false; }
+ if (!(ast instanceof yy.Op))
+ { return; }
+ if (ast.op != '=' && ast.op != 'AND')
+ { return; }
+ if (ast.allsome)
+ { return; }
+ var s = ast.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
+ var fsrc = [];
+ query.sources.forEach(function (source, idx) {
+ // Optimization allowed only for tables only
+ if (source.tableid) {
+ // This is a good place to remove all unnecessary optimizations
+ if (s.indexOf("p['" + source.alias + "']") > -1)
+ { fsrc.push(source); }
+ }
+ });
+ //console.log(fsrc.length);
+ // if(fsrc.length < query.sources.length) return;
+ // console.log(ast);
+ // console.log(s);
+ // console.log(fsrc.length);
+ if (fsrc.length == 0) {
+ // console.log('no optimization, can remove this part of ast');
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (fsrc.length == 1) {
+ if (!(s.match(/p\[\'.*?\'\]/g) || []).every(function (s) {
+ return s == "p['" + fsrc[0].alias + "']";
+ })) {
+ return;
+ // This is means, that we have column from parent query
+ // So we return without optimization
+ }
+ var src = fsrc[0]; // optmiization source
+ src.srcwherefns = src.srcwherefns ? src.srcwherefns + '&&' + s : s;
+ if (ast instanceof yy.Op && (ast.op == '=' && !ast.allsome)) {
+ if (ast.left instanceof yy.Column) {
+ var ls = ast.left.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
+ var rs = ast.right.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
+ if (rs.indexOf("p['" + fsrc[0].alias + "']") == -1) {
+ fsrc[0].wxleftfns = ls;
+ fsrc[0].wxrightfns = rs;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ast.right instanceof yy.Column) {
+ var ls = ast.left.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
+ var rs = ast.right.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
+ if (ls.indexOf("p['" + fsrc[0].alias + "']") == -1) {
+ fsrc[0].wxleftfns = rs;
+ fsrc[0].wxrightfns = ls;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ast.reduced = true; // To do not duplicate wherefn and srcwherefn
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ((ast.op = 'AND')) {
+ optimizeWhereJoin(query, ast.left);
+ optimizeWhereJoin(query, ast.right);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ }
- // Return the rule stack depth where the nearest error rule can be found.
- // Return FALSE when no error recovery rule was found.
- function locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule(state) {
- var stack_probe = stack.length - 1;
- var depth = 0;
+ function useDatabase (mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ var alasql = mem.alasql;
+ yy.CreateDatabase = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = 'CREATE';
+ if (this.engineid)
+ { s += ' ' + this.engineid; }
+ s += ' DATABASE';
+ if (this.ifnotexists)
+ { s += ' IF NOT EXISTS'; }
+ s += ' ' + this.databaseid;
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ s +=
+ '(' +
+ this.args
+ .map(function (arg) {
+ return arg.toString();
+ })
+ .join(', ') +
+ ')';
+ }
+ if (this.as)
+ { s += ' AS ' + this.as; }
+ return s;
+ };
+ //yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
+ yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ var args;
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ args = this.args.map(function (arg) {
+ // console.log(346235, arg.toJS());
+ return new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + arg.toJS())(params, alasql);
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.engineid) {
+ var res = alasql.engines[this.engineid].createDatabase(this.databaseid, this.args, this.ifnotexists, this.as, cb);
+ return res;
+ }
+ else {
+ var dbid = this.databaseid;
+ if (alasql.databases[dbid]) {
+ throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' already exists");
+ }
+ var a = alasql.newDatabase(dbid);
+ var res = 1;
+ if (cb)
+ { return cb(res); }
+ return res;
+ }
+ };
+ // CREATE DATABASE databaseid
+ yy.AttachDatabase = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.AttachDatabase.prototype.toString = function (args) {
+ var s = 'ATTACH';
+ if (this.engineid)
+ { s += ' ' + this.engineid; }
+ s += ' DATABASE' + ' ' + this.databaseid;
+ // TODO add params
+ if (args) {
+ s += '(';
+ if (args.length > 0) {
+ s += args
+ .map(function (arg) {
+ return arg.toString();
+ })
+ .join(', ');
+ }
+ s += ')';
+ }
+ if (this.as)
+ { s += ' AS' + ' ' + this.as; }
+ return s;
+ };
+ //yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
+ yy.AttachDatabase.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ if (!alasql.engines[this.engineid]) {
+ throw new Error('Engine "' + this.engineid + '" is not defined.');
+ }
+ var res = alasql.engines[this.engineid].attachDatabase(this.databaseid, this.as, this.args, params, cb);
+ return res;
+ };
+ // CREATE DATABASE databaseid
+ yy.DetachDatabase = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.DetachDatabase.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = 'DETACH';
+ s += ' DATABASE' + ' ' + this.databaseid;
+ return s;
+ };
+ //yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
+ yy.DetachDatabase.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ if (!alasql.databases[this.databaseid].engineid) {
+ throw new Error('Cannot detach database "' + this.engineid + '", because it was not attached.');
+ }
+ var res;
+ var dbid = this.databaseid;
+ if (dbid === alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID) {
+ throw new Error('Drop of default database is prohibited');
+ }
+ if (!alasql.databases[dbid]) {
+ if (!this.ifexists) {
+ throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' does not exist");
+ }
+ else {
+ res = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ delete alasql.databases[dbid];
+ if (dbid === alasql.useid) {
+ alasql.use();
+ }
+ res = 1;
+ }
+ if (cb)
+ { cb(res); }
+ return res;
+ // var res = alasql.engines[this.engineid].attachDatabase(this.databaseid, this.as, cb);
+ // return res;
+ };
+ // USE DATABSE databaseid
+ // USE databaseid
+ yy.UseDatabase = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.UseDatabase.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return 'USE' + ' ' + 'DATABASE' + ' ' + this.databaseid;
+ };
+ //yy.UseDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
+ yy.UseDatabase.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ var dbid = this.databaseid;
+ if (!alasql.databases[dbid]) {
+ throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' does not exist");
+ }
+ alasql.use(dbid);
+ var res = 1;
+ if (cb)
+ { cb(res); }
+ return res;
+ };
+ // DROP DATABASE databaseid
+ yy.DropDatabase = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.DropDatabase.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = 'DROP';
+ if (this.ifexists)
+ { s += ' IF EXISTS'; }
+ s += ' DATABASE ' + this.databaseid;
+ return s;
+ };
+ //yy.DropDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
+ yy.DropDatabase.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ if (this.engineid) {
+ return alasql.engines[this.engineid].dropDatabase(this.databaseid, this.ifexists, cb);
+ }
+ var res;
+ var dbid = this.databaseid;
+ if (dbid === alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID) {
+ throw new Error('Drop of default database is prohibited');
+ }
+ if (!alasql.databases[dbid]) {
+ if (!this.ifexists) {
+ throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' does not exist");
+ }
+ else {
+ res = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (alasql.databases[dbid].engineid) {
+ throw new Error("Cannot drop database '" + dbid + "', because it is attached. Detach it.");
+ }
+ delete alasql.databases[dbid];
+ if (dbid === alasql.useid) {
+ alasql.use();
+ }
+ res = 1;
+ }
+ if (cb)
+ { cb(res); }
+ return res;
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ }
- // try to recover from error
- for(;;) {
- // check for error recovery rule in this state
- if ((TERROR.toString()) in table[state]) {
- return depth;
- }
- if (state === 0 || stack_probe < 2) {
- return false; // No suitable error recovery rule available.
- }
- stack_probe -= 2; // popStack(1): [symbol, action]
- state = stack[stack_probe];
- ++depth;
- }
- }
+ function functions (mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ var alasql = mem.alasql;
+ yy.FuncValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.FuncValue.prototype.toString = function (dontas) {
+ var s = '';
+ if (alasql.fn[this.funcid])
+ { s += this.funcid; }
+ else if (alasql.aggr[this.funcid])
+ { s += this.funcid; }
+ else if (alasql.stdlib[this.funcid.toUpperCase()] || alasql.stdfn[this.funcid.toUpperCase()])
+ { s += this.funcid.toUpperCase(); }
+ s += '(';
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ s += this.args
+ .map(function (arg) {
+ return arg.toString();
+ })
+ .join(',');
+ }
+ s += ')';
+ if (this.as && !dontas)
+ { s += ' AS ' + this.as.toString(); }
+ // if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.FuncValue.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ var res = 1;
+ alasql.precompile(this, databaseid, params); // Precompile queries
+ // console.log(34,this.toJS('','',null));
+ var expr = new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + this.toJS('', '', null));
+ expr(params, alasql);
+ if (cb)
+ { res = cb(res); }
+ return res;
+ };
+ /*/*
+ //yy.FuncValue.prototype.compile = function(context, tableid, defcols){
+ // console.log('Expression',this);
+ // if(this.reduced) return returnTrue();
+ // return new Function('p','var y;return '+this.toJS(context, tableid, defcols));
+ //};
+ // yy.FuncValue.prototype.compile = function(context, tableid, defcols){
+ // // console.log('Expression',this);
+ // if(this.reduced) return returnTrue();
+ // return new Function('p','var y;return '+this.toJS(context, tableid, defcols));
+ // };
+ */
+ yy.FuncValue.prototype.findAggregator = function (query) {
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ this.args.forEach(function (arg) {
+ if (arg.findAggregator)
+ { arg.findAggregator(query); }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ yy.FuncValue.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ var s = '';
+ var funcid = this.funcid;
+ // IF this is standard compile functions
+ if (!alasql.fn[funcid] && alasql.stdlib[funcid.toUpperCase()]) {
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ s += alasql.stdlib[funcid.toUpperCase()].apply(this, this.args.map(function (arg) {
+ return arg.toJS(context, tableid);
+ }));
+ }
+ else {
+ s += alasql.stdlib[funcid.toUpperCase()]();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!alasql.fn[funcid] && alasql.stdfn[funcid.toUpperCase()]) {
+ if (this.newid)
+ { s += 'new '; }
+ s += 'alasql.stdfn.' + this.funcid.toUpperCase() + '(';
+ // if(this.args) s += this.args.toJS(context, tableid);
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ s += this.args
+ .map(function (arg) {
+ return arg.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ })
+ .join(',');
+ }
+ s += ')';
+ }
+ else {
+ // This is user-defined run-time function
+ // TODO arguments!!!
+ // var s = '';
+ if (this.newid)
+ { s += 'new '; }
+ s += 'alasql.fn.' + this.funcid + '(';
+ // if(this.args) s += this.args.toJS(context, tableid);
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ s += this.args
+ .map(function (arg) {
+ return arg.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ })
+ .join(',');
+ }
+ s += ')';
+ }
+ //console.log('userfn:',s,this);
+ // if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
+ return s;
+ };
+ /*/*
+ // // Functions compiler
+ // nodes.FunctionValue.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid) {
+ // var s = '';
+ // s += fns[this.name.toUpperCase()].apply(null,this.arguments.map(function(arg){
+ // if(arg) return arg.toJS(context, tableid);
+ // else return '';
+ // }));
+ // return s;
+ // };
+ */
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ }
- if (!recovering) {
- // first see if there's any chance at hitting an error recovery rule:
- error_rule_depth = locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule(state);
+ /*
+ //
+ // CREATE TABLE for Alasql.js
+ // Date: 03.11.2014
+ // (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
+ //
+ */
+ var cloneDeep$1 = utils$6.cloneDeep;
+ function createtable (mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ var alasql = mem.alasql;
+ yy.ColumnDef = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.ColumnDef.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = this.columnid;
+ if (this.dbtypeid) {
+ s += ' ' + this.dbtypeid;
+ }
+ if (this.dbsize) {
+ s += '(' + this.dbsize;
+ if (this.dbprecision) {
+ s += ',' + this.dbprecision;
+ }
+ s += ')';
+ }
+ if (this.primarykey) {
+ s += ' PRIMARY KEY';
+ }
+ if (this.notnull) {
+ s += ' NOT NULL';
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.CreateTable = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.CreateTable.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = 'CREATE';
+ if (this.temporary) {
+ s += ' TEMPORARY';
+ }
+ if (this.view) {
+ s += ' VIEW';
+ }
+ else {
+ s += ' ' + (this.class ? 'CLASS' : 'TABLE');
+ }
+ if (this.ifnotexists) {
+ s += ' IF NOT EXISTS';
+ }
+ s += ' ' + this.table.toString();
+ if (this.viewcolumns) {
+ s +=
+ '(' +
+ this.viewcolumns
+ .map(function (vcol) {
+ return vcol.toString();
+ })
+ .join(',') +
+ ')';
+ }
+ if (this.as) {
+ s += ' AS ' + this.as;
+ }
+ else {
+ var ss = this.columns.map(function (col) {
+ return col.toString();
+ });
+ s += ' (' + ss.join(',') + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.view && this.select) {
+ s += ' AS ' + this.select.toString();
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ //yy.CreateTable.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
+ yy.CreateTable.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ // var self = this;
+ var db = alasql.databases[this.table.databaseid || databaseid];
+ var tableid = this.table.tableid;
+ if (!tableid) {
+ throw new Error('Table name is not defined');
+ }
+ // var ifnotexists = this.ifnotexists;
+ var columns = this.columns;
+ // if(false) {
+ // if(!columns) {
+ // throw new Error('Columns are not defined');
+ // }
+ // }
+ var constraints = this.constraints || [];
+ // console.log(this);
+ if (this.ifnotexists && db.tables[tableid]) {
+ return cb ? cb(0) : 0;
+ }
+ if (db.tables[tableid]) {
+ throw new Error("Can not create table '" +
+ tableid +
+ "', because it already exists in the database '" +
+ db.databaseid +
+ "'");
+ }
+ var table = (db.tables[tableid] = alasql.newTable()); // TODO Can use special object?
+ // If this is a class
+ if (this.class) {
+ table.isclass = true;
+ }
+ var ss = []; // DEFAULT function components
+ var uss = []; // ON UPDATE function components
+ if (columns) {
+ columns.forEach(function (col) {
+ var dbtypeid = col.dbtypeid;
+ if (!alasql.fn[dbtypeid]) {
+ dbtypeid = dbtypeid.toUpperCase();
+ }
+ // Process SERIAL data type like Postgress
+ if (['SERIAL', 'SMALLSERIAL', 'BIGSERIAL'].indexOf(dbtypeid) > -1) {
+ col.identity = { value: 1, step: 1 };
+ }
+ var newcol = {
+ columnid: col.columnid,
+ dbtypeid: dbtypeid,
+ dbsize: col.dbsize,
+ dbprecision: col.dbprecision,
+ notnull: col.notnull,
+ identity: col.identity,
+ };
+ if (col.identity) {
+ table.identities[col.columnid] = {
+ value: +col.identity.value,
+ step: +col.identity.step,
+ };
+ // ss.push('\''+col.columnid+'\':(alasql.databases[\''+db.databaseid+'\'].tables[\''
+ // +tableid+'\'].identities[\''+col.columnid+'\'].value)');
+ }
+ if (col.check) {
+ table.checks.push({
+ id: col.check.constrantid,
+ fn: new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + col.check.expression.toJS('r', '')),
+ });
+ }
+ if (col.default) {
+ ss.push("'" + col.columnid + "':" + col.default.toJS('r', ''));
+ }
+ // Check for primary key
+ if (col.primarykey) {
+ var pk = (table.pk = {});
+ pk.columns = [col.columnid];
+ pk.onrightfns = "r['" + col.columnid + "']";
+ pk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + pk.onrightfns);
+ pk.hh = hash(pk.onrightfns);
+ table.uniqs[pk.hh] = {};
+ }
+ // UNIQUE clause
+ if (col.unique) {
+ var uk = {};
+ table.uk = table.uk || [];
+ table.uk.push(uk);
+ uk.columns = [col.columnid];
+ uk.onrightfns = "r['" + col.columnid + "']";
+ uk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + uk.onrightfns);
+ uk.hh = hash(uk.onrightfns);
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh] = {};
+ }
+ // UNIQUE clause
+ if (col.foreignkey) {
+ // console.log(138,col.foreignkey);
+ var fk = col.foreignkey.table;
+ var fktable = alasql.databases[fk.databaseid || databaseid].tables[fk.tableid];
+ if (typeof fk.columnid === 'undefined') {
+ if (fktable.pk.columns && fktable.pk.columns.length > 0) {
+ fk.columnid = fktable.pk.columns[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('FOREIGN KEY allowed only to tables with PRIMARY KEYs');
+ }
+ }
+ // console.log(fktable.pk);
+ var fkfn = function (r) {
+ var rr = {};
+ if (typeof r[col.columnid] === 'undefined') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ rr[fk.columnid] = r[col.columnid];
+ var addr = fktable.pk.onrightfn(rr);
+ // console.log(r, rr, addr);
+ // console.log(fktable.uniqs[fktable.pk.hh][addr]);
+ if (!fktable.uniqs[fktable.pk.hh][addr]) {
+ throw new Error('Foreign key "' +
+ r[col.columnid] +
+ '" is not found in table ' +
+ fktable.tableid);
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ table.checks.push({ fn: fkfn });
+ /*/* var uk = {};
+ if(typeof table.uk == 'undefined') table.uk = [];
+ table.uk.push(uk);
+ uk.columns = [col.columnid];
+ uk.onrightfns = 'r[\''+col.columnid+'\']';
+ uk.onrightfn = new Function("r",'return '+uk.onrightfns);
+ uk.hh = hash(uk.onrightfns);
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh] = {};
+ */
+ }
+ if (col.onupdate) {
+ uss.push("r['" + col.columnid + "']=" + col.onupdate.toJS('r', ''));
+ }
+ table.columns.push(newcol);
+ table.xcolumns[newcol.columnid] = newcol;
+ });
+ }
+ table.defaultfns = ss.join(',');
+ table.onupdatefns = uss.join(';');
+ // if(constraints) {
+ constraints.forEach(function (con) {
+ //console.log(con, con.columns);
+ var checkfn;
+ if (con.type === 'PRIMARY KEY') {
+ if (table.pk) {
+ throw new Error('Primary key already exists');
+ }
+ var pk = (table.pk = {});
+ pk.columns = con.columns;
+ pk.onrightfns = pk.columns
+ .map(function (columnid) {
+ return "r['" + columnid + "']";
+ })
+ .join("+'`'+");
+ pk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + pk.onrightfns);
+ pk.hh = hash(pk.onrightfns);
+ table.uniqs[pk.hh] = {};
+ }
+ else if (con.type === 'CHECK') {
+ // console.log(con.expression.toJS('r',''));
+ checkfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + con.expression.toJS('r', ''));
+ }
+ else if (con.type === 'UNIQUE') {
+ // console.log(con);
+ var uk = {};
+ table.uk = table.uk || [];
+ table.uk.push(uk);
+ uk.columns = con.columns;
+ uk.onrightfns = uk.columns
+ .map(function (columnid) {
+ return "r['" + columnid + "']";
+ })
+ .join("+'`'+");
+ uk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + uk.onrightfns);
+ uk.hh = hash(uk.onrightfns);
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh] = {};
+ }
+ else if (con.type === 'FOREIGN KEY') {
+ // console.log(con);
+ var col = table.xcolumns[con.columns[0]];
+ var fk = con.fktable;
+ if (con.fkcolumns && con.fkcolumns.length > 0) {
+ fk.columnid = con.fkcolumns[0];
+ }
+ var fktable = alasql.databases[fk.databaseid || databaseid].tables[fk.tableid];
+ if (typeof fk.columnid === 'undefined') {
+ fk.columnid = fktable.pk.columns[0];
+ }
+ // console.log(fktable.pk);
+ checkfn = function (r) {
+ var rr = {};
+ if (typeof r[col.columnid] === 'undefined') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ rr[fk.columnid] = r[col.columnid];
+ var addr = fktable.pk.onrightfn(rr);
+ // console.log(r, rr, addr);
+ // console.log(fktable.uniqs[fktable.pk.hh][addr]);
+ if (!fktable.uniqs[fktable.pk.hh][addr]) {
+ //console.log(228,table,col,fk);
+ throw new Error('Foreign key "' +
+ r[col.columnid] +
+ '" is not found in table ' +
+ fktable.tableid);
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ }
+ if (checkfn) {
+ table.checks.push({ fn: checkfn, id: con.constraintid, fk: con.type === 'FOREIGN KEY' });
+ }
+ });
+ if (this.view && this.viewcolumns) {
+ var self = this;
+ this.viewcolumns.forEach(function (vcol, idx) {
+ self.select.columns[idx].as = vcol.columnid;
+ });
+ }
+ //Used in 420from queryfn when table.view = true!
+ if (this.view && this.select) {
+ table.view = true;
+ // console.log(this.select.toString());
+ // console.log('this.table.databaseid',this.table.databaseid);
+ // console.log(this.select.compile(this.table.databaseid||databaseid));
+ table.select = this.select.compile(this.table.databaseid || databaseid);
+ }
+ if (db.engineid) {
+ // console.log(101,db.engineid);
+ return alasql.engines[db.engineid].createTable(this.table.databaseid || databaseid, tableid, this.ifnotexists, cb);
+ // console.log('createtable',res1);
+ // return res1;
+ }
+ // }
+ // if(table.pk) {
+ table.insert = function (r, orreplace) {
+ var oldinserted = alasql.inserted;
+ alasql.inserted = [r];
+ var table = this;
+ var toreplace = false; // For INSERT OR REPLACE
+ /*
+ // if(table.identities && table.identities.length>0) {
+ // table.identities.forEach(function(ident){
+ // r[ident.columnid] = ident.value;
+ // });
+ // }
+ */
+ // Trigger prevent functionality
+ var prevent = false;
+ for (var tr in table.beforeinsert) {
+ var trigger = table.beforeinsert[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ if (alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r) === false)
+ { prevent = prevent || true; }
+ }
+ else if (trigger.statement) {
+ if (trigger.statement.execute(databaseid) === false)
+ { prevent = prevent || true; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (prevent)
+ { return; }
+ // Trigger prevent functionality
+ var escape = false;
+ for (tr in table.insteadofinsert) {
+ escape = true;
+ trigger = table.insteadofinsert[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r);
+ }
+ else if (trigger.statement) {
+ trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (escape)
+ { return; }
+ //console.log(262,r);
+ //console.log(263,table.identities)
+ for (var columnid in table.identities) {
+ var ident = table.identities[columnid];
+ // console.log(ident);
+ r[columnid] = ident.value;
+ // console.log(ident);
+ }
+ //console.log(270,r);
+ if (table.checks && table.checks.length > 0) {
+ table.checks.forEach(function (check) {
+ if (!check.fn(r)) {
+ // if(orreplace) toreplace=true; else
+ throw new Error('Violation of CHECK constraint ' + (check.id || ''));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ table.columns.forEach(function (column) {
+ if (column.notnull && typeof r[column.columnid] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Wrong NULL value in NOT NULL column ' + column.columnid);
+ }
+ });
+ if (table.pk) {
+ var pk = table.pk;
+ var addr = pk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] !== 'undefined') {
+ //console.log(pk,addr,pk.onrightfn({ono:1}));
+ //console.log(r, pk.onrightfn(r), pk.onrightfns);
+ if (orreplace)
+ { toreplace = table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr]; }
+ else
+ { throw new Error('Cannot insert record, because it already exists in primary key index'); }
+ }
+ // table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr]=r;
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ var ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] !== 'undefined') {
+ if (orreplace)
+ { toreplace = table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr]; }
+ else
+ { throw new Error('Cannot insert record, because it already exists in unique index'); }
+ }
+ // table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr]=r;
+ });
+ }
+ if (toreplace) {
+ // Do UPDATE!!!
+ // console.log();
+ table.update(function (t) {
+ for (var f in r)
+ { t[f] = r[f]; }
+ }, table.data.indexOf(toreplace), params);
+ }
+ else {
+ table.data.push(r);
+ // Final change before insert
+ // Update indices
+ for (var columnid in table.identities) {
+ var ident = table.identities[columnid];
+ // console.log(ident);
+ ident.value += ident.step;
+ // console.log(ident);
+ }
+ if (table.pk) {
+ var pk = table.pk;
+ var addr = pk.onrightfn(r);
+ table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] = r;
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ var ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] = r;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // Trigger prevent functionality
+ for (var tr in table.afterinsert) {
+ var trigger = table.afterinsert[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r);
+ }
+ else if (trigger.statement) {
+ trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ alasql.inserted = oldinserted;
+ };
+ table.delete = function (index) {
+ var table = this;
+ var r = table.data[index];
+ // Prevent trigger
+ var prevent = false;
+ for (var tr in table.beforedelete) {
+ var trigger = table.beforedelete[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ if (alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r) === false)
+ { prevent = prevent || true; }
+ }
+ else if (trigger.statement) {
+ if (trigger.statement.execute(databaseid) === false)
+ { prevent = prevent || true; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (prevent)
+ { return false; }
+ // Trigger prevent functionality
+ var escape = false;
+ for (var tr in table.insteadofdelete) {
+ escape = true;
+ var trigger = table.insteadofdelete[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r);
+ }
+ else if (trigger.statement) {
+ trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (escape)
+ { return; }
+ if (this.pk) {
+ var pk = this.pk;
+ var addr = pk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof this.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Something wrong with primary key index on table');
+ }
+ else {
+ this.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ var ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Something wrong with unique index on table');
+ }
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] = undefined;
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ table.deleteall = function () {
+ this.data.length = 0;
+ if (this.pk) {
+ // var r = this.data[i];
+ this.uniqs[this.pk.hh] = {};
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh] = {};
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ table.update = function (assignfn, i, params) {
+ var this$1 = this;
+ // TODO: Analyze the speed
+ var r = cloneDeep$1(this.data[i]);
+ var pk;
+ if (this.pk) {
+ pk = this.pk;
+ pk.pkaddr = pk.onrightfn(r, params);
+ if (typeof this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.pkaddr] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Something wrong with index on table');
+ }
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ uk.ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.ukaddr] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Something wrong with unique index on table');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ assignfn(r, params, alasql);
+ // Prevent trigger
+ var prevent = false;
+ for (var tr in table.beforeupdate) {
+ var trigger = table.beforeupdate[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ if (alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](this$1.data[i], r) === false)
+ { prevent = prevent || true; }
+ }
+ else if (trigger.statement) {
+ if (trigger.statement.execute(databaseid) === false)
+ { prevent = prevent || true; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (prevent)
+ { return false; }
+ // Trigger prevent functionality
+ var escape = false;
+ for (var tr in table.insteadofupdate) {
+ escape = true;
+ var trigger = table.insteadofupdate[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](this$1.data[i], r);
+ }
+ else if (trigger.statement) {
+ trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (escape)
+ { return; }
+ if (table.checks && table.checks.length > 0) {
+ table.checks.forEach(function (check) {
+ if (!check.fn(r)) {
+ throw new Error('Violation of CHECK constraint ' + (check.id || ''));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ table.columns.forEach(function (column) {
+ if (column.notnull && typeof r[column.columnid] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Wrong NULL value in NOT NULL column ' + column.columnid);
+ }
+ });
+ if (this.pk) {
+ pk.newpkaddr = pk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.newpkaddr] !== 'undefined' &&
+ pk.newpkaddr !== pk.pkaddr) {
+ throw new Error('Record already exists');
+ }
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ uk.newukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.newukaddr] !== 'undefined' &&
+ uk.newukaddr !== uk.ukaddr) {
+ throw new Error('Record already exists');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.pk) {
+ this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.pkaddr] = undefined;
+ this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.newpkaddr] = r;
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.ukaddr] = undefined;
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.newukaddr] = r;
+ });
+ }
+ this.data[i] = r;
+ // Trigger prevent functionality
+ for (var tr in table.afterupdate) {
+ var trigger = table.afterupdate[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](this$1.data[i], r);
+ }
+ else if (trigger.statement) {
+ trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // console.log(databaseid);
+ // console.log(db.databaseid,db.tables);
+ // console.log(table);
+ var res;
+ if (!alasql.options.nocount) {
+ res = 1;
+ }
+ if (cb)
+ { res = cb(res); }
+ return res;
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ mem.alasql = alasql;
+ }
- // Report error
- expected = [];
- for (p in table[state]) {
- if (this.terminals_[p] && p > TERROR) {
- expected.push("'"+this.terminals_[p]+"'");
- }
- }
- if (lexer.showPosition) {
- errStr = 'Parse error on line '+(yylineno+1)+":\n"+lexer.showPosition()+"\nExpecting "+expected.join(', ') + ", got '" + (this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol)+ "'";
- } else {
- errStr = 'Parse error on line '+(yylineno+1)+": Unexpected " +
- (symbol == EOF ? "end of input" :
- ("'"+(this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol)+"'"));
- }
- this.parseError(errStr, {
- text: lexer.match,
- token: this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol,
- line: lexer.yylineno,
- loc: yyloc,
- expected: expected,
- recoverable: (error_rule_depth !== false)
- });
- } else if (preErrorSymbol !== EOF) {
- error_rule_depth = locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule(state);
- }
+ /*
+ //
+ // INSERT for Alasql.js
+ // Date: 03.11.2014
+ // (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
+ //
+ */
+ function insert (mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ var alasql = mem.alasql;
+ yy.Insert = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Insert.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = 'INSERT ';
+ if (this.orreplace)
+ { s += 'OR REPLACE '; }
+ if (this.replaceonly)
+ { s = 'REPLACE '; }
+ s += 'INTO ' + this.into.toString();
+ if (this.columns)
+ { s += '(' + this.columns.toString() + ')'; }
+ if (this.values)
+ { s += ' VALUES ' + this.values.toString(); }
+ if (this.select)
+ { s += ' ' + this.select.toString(); }
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.Insert.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ // console.log('Expression',this);
+ // if(this.expression.reduced) return 'true';
+ // return this.expression.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ // console.log('Select.toJS', 81, this.queriesidx);
+ // var s = 'this.queriesdata['+(this.queriesidx-1)+'][0]';
+ var s = 'this.queriesfn[' + (this.queriesidx - 1) + '](this.params,null,' + context + ')';
+ // s = '(console.log(this.queriesfn[0]),'+s+')';
+ // console.log(this,s);
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.Insert.prototype.compile = function (databaseid) {
+ var self = this;
+ databaseid = self.into.databaseid || databaseid;
+ var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
+ // console.log(self);
+ var tableid = self.into.tableid;
+ var table = db.tables[tableid];
+ if (!table) {
+ throw "Table '" + tableid + "' could not be found";
+ }
+ // Check, if this dirty flag is required
+ var s = '';
+ var sw = '';
+ var s = "db.tables['" + tableid + "'].dirty=true;";
+ var s3 = 'var a,aa=[],x;';
+ var s33;
+ if (this.values) {
+ if (this.exists) {
+ this.existsfn = this.exists.map(function (ex) {
+ var nq = ex.compile(databaseid);
+ nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ return nq;
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.queries) {
+ this.queriesfn = this.queries.map(function (q) {
+ var nq = q.compile(databaseid);
+ nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ return nq;
+ });
+ }
+ // console.log(1);
+ self.values.forEach(function (values) {
+ var ss = [];
+ // s += 'db.tables[\''+tableid+'\'].data.push({';
+ // s += '';
+ if (self.columns) {
+ self.columns.forEach(function (col, idx) {
+ //console.log(db.tables, tableid, table);
+ // ss.push(col.columnid +':'+ self.values[idx].value.toString());
+ // console.log(rec[f.name.value]);
+ // if(rec[f.name.value] == "NULL") rec[f.name.value] = undefined;
+ // if(table.xflds[f.name.value].dbtypeid == "INT") rec[f.name.value] = +rec[f.name.value]|0;
+ // else if(table.xflds[f.name.value].dbtypeid == "FLOAT") rec[f.name.value] = +rec[f.name.value];
+ var q = "'" + col.columnid + "':";
+ if (table.xcolumns && table.xcolumns[col.columnid]) {
+ if (['INT', 'FLOAT', 'NUMBER', 'MONEY'].indexOf(table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid) >= 0) {
+ //q += ''
+ q += '(x=' + values[idx].toJS() + ',x==undefined?undefined:+x)';
+ }
+ else if (alasql.fn[table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid]) {
+ q += '(new ' + table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid + '(';
+ q += values[idx].toJS();
+ q += '))';
+ }
+ else {
+ q += values[idx].toJS();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ q += values[idx].toJS();
+ }
+ ss.push(q);
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ // var table = db.tables[tableid];
+ // console.log('table1', db, self);
+ //console.log(111, table.columns);
+ //console.log(74,table);
+ if (Array.isArray(values) && table.columns && table.columns.length > 0) {
+ table.columns.forEach(function (col, idx) {
+ var q = "'" + col.columnid + "':";
+ // var val = values[idx].toJS();
+ if (['INT', 'FLOAT', 'NUMBER', 'MONEY'].indexOf(col.dbtypeid) >= 0) {
+ q += '+' + values[idx].toJS();
+ }
+ else if (alasql.fn[col.dbtypeid]) {
+ q += '(new ' + col.dbtypeid + '(';
+ q += values[idx].toJS();
+ q += '))';
+ }
+ else {
+ q += values[idx].toJS();
+ }
+ /*/*
+ // if(table.xcolumns && table.xcolumns[col.columnid] &&
+ // (table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid == "DATE" ||
+ // table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid == "DATETIME"
+ // )) {
+ // val = "(new Date("+val+"))";
+ // }
+ // || table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid == "FLOAT"
+ // || table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid == "NUMBER"
+ // || table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid == "MONEY"
+ // )) q += '+';
+ // console.log(self.values[idx].toString());
+ //console.log(self);
+ // q += val;
+ // if(table.xcolumns && table.xcolumns[col.columnid] && table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid == "INT") q += '|0';
+ */
+ ss.push(q);
+ /*/*
+ // console.log(fld);
+ // TODO: type checking and conversions
+ // rec[fld.fldid] = eval(self.insertExpression[idx].toJS('',''));
+ // console.log(rec[fld.fldid]);
+ // if(rec[fld.fldid] == "NULL") rec[fld.fldid] = undefined;
+ // if(table.xflds[fld.fldid].dbtypeid == "INT") rec[fld.fldid] = +rec[fld.fldid]|0;
+ // else if(table.xflds[fld.fldid].dbtypeid == "FLOAT" || table.xflds[fld.fldid].dbtypeid == "MONEY" )
+ // rec[fld.fldid] = +rec[fld.fldid];
+ */
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ // console.log(222,values);
+ // sw = 'var w='+JSONtoJS(values)+';for(var k in w){r[k]=w[k]};';
+ sw = JSONtoJS(values);
+ }
+ }
+ //console.log(ss);
+ if (db.tables[tableid].defaultfns) {
+ ss.unshift(db.tables[tableid].defaultfns);
+ }
+ if (sw) {
+ s += 'a=' + sw + ';';
+ }
+ else {
+ s += 'a={' + ss.join(',') + '};';
+ }
+ // If this is a class
+ if (db.tables[tableid].isclass) {
+ s += "var db=alasql.databases['" + databaseid + "'];";
+ s += 'a.$class="' + tableid + '";';
+ s += 'a.$id=db.counter++;';
+ s += 'db.objects[a.$id]=a;';
+ }
+ // s += 'db.tables[\''+tableid+'\'].insert(r);';
+ if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
+ s += "var db=alasql.databases['" + databaseid + "'];";
+ s +=
+ "db.tables['" +
+ tableid +
+ "'].insert(a," +
+ (self.orreplace ? 'true' : 'false') +
+ ');';
+ }
+ else {
+ s += 'aa.push(a);';
+ }
+ });
+ s33 = s3 + s;
+ if (db.tables[tableid].insert) ;
+ else {
+ s +=
+ "alasql.databases['" +
+ databaseid +
+ "'].tables['" +
+ tableid +
+ "'].data=" +
+ "alasql.databases['" +
+ databaseid +
+ "'].tables['" +
+ tableid +
+ "'].data.concat(aa);";
+ }
+ if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
+ if (db.tables[tableid].isclass) {
+ s += 'return a.$id;';
+ }
+ else {
+ s += 'return ' + self.values.length;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ s += 'return ' + self.values.length;
+ }
+ //console.log(186,s3+s);
+ var insertfn = new Function('db, params, alasql', 'var y;' + s3 + s).bind(this);
+ }
+ else if (this.select) {
+ this.select.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ var selectfn = this.select.compile(databaseid);
+ if (db.engineid && alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable) {
+ var statement = function (params, cb) {
+ var aa = selectfn(params);
+ var res = alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable(db.databaseid, tableid, aa.data, null, cb);
+ return res;
+ };
+ return statement;
+ }
+ else {
+ // console.log(224,table.defaultfns);
+ var defaultfns = 'return alasql.utils.extend(r,{' + table.defaultfns + '})';
+ var defaultfn = new Function('r,db,params,alasql', defaultfns);
+ var insertfn = function (db, params, alasql) {
+ var res = selectfn(params).data;
+ if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
+ // If insert() function exists (issue #92)
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ var r = cloneDeep(res[i]);
+ defaultfn(r, db, params, alasql);
+ db.tables[tableid].insert(r, self.orreplace);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ db.tables[tableid].data = db.tables[tableid].data.concat(res);
+ }
+ if (alasql.options.nocount)
+ { return; }
+ else
+ { return res.length; }
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ else if (this.default) {
+ var insertfns = "db.tables['" + tableid + "'].data.push({" + table.defaultfns + '});return 1;';
+ var insertfn = new Function('db,params,alasql', insertfns);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('Wrong INSERT parameters');
+ }
+ // console.log(1,s);
+ // console.log(s33);
+ if (db.engineid && alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable && alasql.options.autocommit) {
+ var statement = function (params, cb) {
+ var aa = new Function('db,params', 'var y;' + s33 + 'return aa;')(db, params);
+ // console.log(s33);
+ var res = alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable(db.databaseid, tableid, aa, null, cb);
+ // if(cb) cb(res);
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ var statement = function (params, cb) {
+ //console.log(databaseid);
+ var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
+ if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid) {
+ alasql.engines[db.engineid].loadTableData(databaseid, tableid);
+ }
+ var res = insertfn(db, params, alasql);
+ if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid) {
+ alasql.engines[db.engineid].saveTableData(databaseid, tableid);
+ }
+ // var res = insertfn(db, params);
+ if (alasql.options.nocount)
+ { res = undefined; }
+ if (cb)
+ { cb(res); }
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ return statement;
+ };
+ yy.Insert.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ return this.compile(databaseid)(params, cb);
+ // throw new Error('Insert statement is should be compiled')
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ mem.alasql = alasql;
+ }
- // just recovered from another error
- if (recovering == 3) {
- if (symbol === EOF || preErrorSymbol === EOF) {
- throw new Error(errStr || 'Parsing halted while starting to recover from another error.');
- }
+ function expandGrammar (mem) {
+ mem.alasql.parser = alasqlparser;
+ base(mem);
+ statements(mem);
+ select(mem);
+ expression(mem);
+ exists(mem);
+ defcols(mem);
+ from_(mem);
+ compile(mem);
+ where(mem);
+ useDatabase(mem);
+ functions(mem);
+ createtable(mem);
+ insert(mem);
+ }
- // discard current lookahead and grab another
- yyleng = lexer.yyleng;
- yytext = lexer.yytext;
- yylineno = lexer.yylineno;
- yyloc = lexer.yylloc;
- symbol = lex();
- }
+ /**
+ AlaSQL - Main Alasql class
+ @function
+ @param {string|function|object} sql - SQL-statement or data object for fuent interface
+ @param {object} params - SQL parameters
+ @param {function} cb - callback function
+ @param {object} scope - Scope for nested queries
+ @return {any} - Result data object
+ @example
+ Standard sync call:
+ alasql('CREATE TABLE one');
+ Query:
+ var res = alasql('SELECT * FROM one');
+ Call with parameters:
+ var res = alasql('SELECT * FROM ?',[data]);
+ Standard async call with callback function:
+ alasql('SELECT * FROM ?',[data],function(res){
+ console.log(data);
+ });
+ Call with scope for subquery (to pass common values):
+ var scope = {one:{a:2,b;20}}
+ alasql('SELECT * FROM ? two WHERE two.a = one.a',[data],null,scope);
+ Call for fluent interface with data object:
+ alasql(data).Where(function(x){return x.a == 10}).exec();
+ Call for fluent interface without data object:
+ alasql().From(data).Where(function(x){return x.a == 10}).exec();
+ */
+ function logic(mem) {
+ var yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ return function (sql, params, cb, scope) {
+ params = params || [];
+ if (typeof importScripts !== 'function' && mem.alasql.webworker) {
+ var id = mem.alasql.lastid++;
+ mem.alasql.buffer[id] = cb;
+ mem.alasql.webworker.postMessage({ id: id, sql: sql, params: params });
+ return;
+ }
+ if (arguments.length === 0) {
+ // Without arguments - Fluent interface
+ return new yy.Select({
+ columns: [new yy.Column({ columnid: '*' })],
+ from: [new yy.ParamValue({ param: 0 })],
+ });
+ }
+ else if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ // Access promise notation without using `.promise(...)`
+ if (sql.constructor === Array) {
+ return mem.alasql.promise(sql);
+ }
+ }
+ // Avoid setting params if not needed even with callback
+ if (typeof params === 'function') {
+ scope = cb;
+ cb = params;
+ params = [];
+ }
+ if (typeof params !== 'object') {
+ params = [params];
+ }
+ // Standard interface
+ // alasql('#sql');
+ /*only-for-browser/*
+ if (typeof sql === 'string' && sql[0] === '#' && typeof document === 'object') {
+ sql = document.querySelector(sql).textContent;
+ } else if (typeof sql === 'object' && sql instanceof HTMLElement) {
+ sql = sql.textContent;
+ } else //*/
+ if (typeof sql === 'function') {
+ // to run multiline functions
+ sql = sql.toString();
+ sql = (/\/\*([\S\s]+)\*\//m.exec(sql) || [
+ '',
+ 'Function given as SQL. Plese Provide SQL string or have a /* ... */ syle comment with SQL in the function.' ])[1];
+ }
+ // Run SQL
+ return mem.alasql.exec(sql, params, cb, scope);
+ };
+ }
- // try to recover from error
- if (error_rule_depth === false) {
- throw new Error(errStr || 'Parsing halted. No suitable error recovery rule available.');
- }
- popStack(error_rule_depth);
+ function database (mem) {
+ mem.alasql.databasenum = 0;
+ mem.alasql.databases = {};
+ var Database = function Database(databaseid, alasql) {
+ this.dbversion = 0;
+ this.counter = 0;
+ this.tables = {};
+ this.views = {};
+ this.triggers = {};
+ this.indices = {};
+ this.objects = {};
+ this.sqlCache = {};
+ this.sqlCacheSize = 0;
+ this.alasql = alasql;
+ this.databaseid = databaseid;
+ return this;
+ };
+ /**
+ Reset SQL statements cache
+ */
+ Database.prototype.resetSqlCache = function resetSqlCache () {
+ this.sqlCache = {}; // Cache for compiled SQL statements
+ this.sqlCacheSize = 0;
+ };
+ // Main SQL function
+ /**
+ Run SQL statement on database
+ @param sql — SQL statement
+ @param object — params Parameters
+ @param cb — callback
+ */
+ Database.prototype.exec = function exec (sql, params, cb) {
+ return this.alasql.dexec(this.databaseid, sql, params, cb);
+ };
+ Database.prototype.autoval = function autoval (tablename, colname, getNext) {
+ return this.alasql.autoval(tablename, colname, getNext, this.databaseid);
+ };
+ mem.alasql.newDatabase = function (dbName, useNewDatabase) {
+ if ( useNewDatabase === void 0 ) useNewDatabase = true;
+ if (!dbName) {
+ dbName = 'db' + mem.alasql.databasenum++; // Unique name
+ }
+ var db = new Database(dbName, mem.alasql);
+ mem.alasql.databases[db.databaseid] = db;
+ if (useNewDatabase) {
+ mem.alasql.use('alasql');
+ }
+ };
+ //mem.alasql.Database = Database;
+ }// // Main Database class
+ // /**
+ // @class Database
+ // */
+ // const Database = (databaseid) => {
+ // var self = this;
+ // // self = function(a){console.log('OK',a);}
+ // // self.prototype = this;
+ // if (self === alasql) {
+ // if (databaseid) {
+ // // if(alasql.databases[databaseid]) {
+ // self = alasql.databases[databaseid];
+ // // } else {
+ // alasql.databases[databaseid] = self;
+ // // }
+ // if (!self) {
+ // throw new Error('Database "' + databaseid + '" not found');
+ // }
+ // } else {
+ // // Create new database (or get alasql?)
+ // self = alasql.databases.alasql;
+ // // For SQL Server examples, USE tempdb
+ // if (alasql.options.tsql) {
+ // alasql.databases.tempdb = alasql.databases.alasql;
+ // }
+ // // self = new Database(databaseid); // to call without new
+ // }
+ // }
+ // if (!databaseid) {
+ // databaseid = 'db' + alasql.databasenum++; // Unique name
+ // }
+ // // Step 1
+ // self.databaseid = databaseid;
+ // alasql.databases[databaseid] = self;
+ // self.dbversion = 0;
+ // //Steps 2-5
+ // self.tables = {};
+ // self.views = {};
+ // self.triggers = {};
+ // self.indices = {};
+ // // Step 6: Objects storage
+ // self.objects = {};
+ // self.counter = 0;
+ // self.resetSqlCache();
+ // return self;
+ // };
+ // /**
+ // Reset SQL statements cache
+ // */
+ // Database.prototype.resetSqlCache = function() {
+ // this.sqlCache = {}; // Cache for compiled SQL statements
+ // this.sqlCacheSize = 0;
+ // };
+ // // Main SQL function
+ // /**
+ // Run SQL statement on database
+ // @param {string} sql SQL statement
+ // @param [object] params Parameters
+ // @param {function} cb callback
+ // */
+ // Database.prototype.exec = function(sql, params, cb) {
+ // return alasql.dexec(this.databaseid, sql, params, cb);
+ // };
+ // Database.prototype.autoval = function(tablename, colname, getNext) {
+ // return alasql.autoval(tablename, colname, getNext, this.databaseid);
+ // };
+ // /*/*
+ // // // Compile
+ // // var statement = this.compile(sql);
+ // // // Run
+ // // if(statement) {
+ // // var data = statement(params, cb);
+ // // return data;
+ // // }
+ // // return;
+ // // };
+ // // // Async version of exec
+ // // Database.prototype.aexec = function(sql, params) {
+ // // var self = this;
+ // // return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
+ // // alasql.dexec(this.databaseid,sql,params,resolve);
+ // // });
+ // // };
+ // */
+ // // Aliases like MS SQL
+ // /*/*
+ // Database.prototype.query = Database.prototype.exec;
+ // Database.prototype.run = Database.prototype.exec;
+ // Database.prototype.queryArray = function(sql, params, cb) {
+ // return flatArray(this.exec(sql, params, cb));
+ // }
+ // Database.prototype.queryArrayOfArrays = function(sql, params, cb) {
+ // return arrayOfArrays(this.exec(sql, params, cb));
+ // }
+ // Database.prototype.querySingle = function(sql, params, cb) {
+ // return this.exec(sql, params, cb)[0];
+ // }
+ // Database.prototype.queryValue = function(sql, params, cb) {
+ // var res = this.querySingle(sql, params, cb);
+ // return res[Object.keys(res)[0]];
+ // }
+ // Database.prototype.value = Database.prototype.queryValue;
+ // Database.prototype.row = Database.prototype.querySingle;
+ // Database.prototype.array = Database.prototype.queryArray;
+ // Database.prototype.matrix = Database.prototype.queryArrayOfArrays;
+ // // Compile statements
+ // Database.prototype.compile = function(sql, kind) {
+ // return alasql.compile(sql, kind, databaseid);
+ // };
+ // */
+ // /*/*
+ // // var self = this;
+ // // var hh = hash(sql);
+ // // // Check cache with hash of SQL statement
+ // // var statement = this.sqlcache[hh];
+ // // if(!statement) {
+ // // // If not fount, then compile it
+ // // var ast = alasql.parse(sql);
+ // // // Save to cache
+ // // statement = this.sqlcache[hh]= ast.compile(self);
+ // // // Memory leak prevention
+ // // this.sqlcachesize++;
+ // // if(this.sqlcachesize > alasql.MAXSQLCACHESIZE) {
+ // // this.resetSqlCache();
+ // // }
+ // // };
+ // // return statement;
+ // // }
+ // // SQL.js compatibility method
+ // //Database.prototype.prepare = Database.prototype.compile;
+ // // Added for compatibility with WebSQL
+ // */
+ /**
+ @class Query Main query class
+ */
+ var Query = function Query(params) {
+ //this.alasql = alasql;
+ // console.log(12,alasql);
+ // Columns
+ this.columns = [];
+ this.xcolumns = {};
+ this.selectGroup = [];
+ this.groupColumns = {};
+ utils$6.extend(this, params);
+ return this;
+ };
+ /**
+ * DataArray
+ * @class Recordset data object
+ */
+ var Recordset = function Recordset(params) {
+ utils$6.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ /*/*
+ // View = function(){
+ // this.data = [];
+ // this.columns = [];
+ // this.ixcolumns = {};
+ // this.ixdefs = {};
+ // this.indices = {};
+ // };
+ // alasql.View = View;
+ */
+ function query (mem) {
+ mem.alasql.Query = Query;
+ mem.alasql.QueRecordsetry = Recordset;
+ }
- preErrorSymbol = (symbol == TERROR ? null : symbol); // save the lookahead token
- symbol = TERROR; // insert generic error symbol as new lookahead
- state = stack[stack.length-1];
- action = table[state] && table[state][TERROR];
- recovering = 3; // allow 3 real symbols to be shifted before reporting a new error
- }
+ function table (mem) {
+ var Table = function Table(params) {
+ // Step 1: Data array
+ this.data = [];
+ // Step 2: Columns
+ this.columns = [];
+ this.xcolumns = {};
+ // Step 3: indices
+ this.inddefs = {};
+ this.indices = {};
+ this.uniqs = {};
+ this.uniqdefs = {};
+ // Step 4: identities
+ this.identities = {};
+ // Step 5: checkfn...
+ this.checks = [];
+ this.checkfns = []; // For restore... to be done...
+ // Step 7: Triggers...
+ // Create trigger hubs
+ this.beforeinsert = {};
+ this.afterinsert = {};
+ this.insteadofinsert = {};
+ this.beforedelete = {};
+ this.afterdelete = {};
+ this.insteadofdelete = {};
+ this.beforeupdate = {};
+ this.afterupdate = {};
+ this.insteadofupdate = {};
+ utils$6.extend(this, params);
+ return this;
+ };
+ Table.prototype.indexColumns = function indexColumns () {
+ this.xcolumns = {};
+ this.columns.forEach(function (col) {
+ this.xcolumns[col.columnid] = col;
+ });
+ };
+ mem.alasql.newTable = function (params) {
+ if ( params === void 0 ) params = [];
+ return new Table(params);
+ };
+ }/*/*
+ // View = function(){
+ // this.data = [];
+ // this.columns = [];
+ // this.ixcolumns = {};
+ // this.ixdefs = {};
+ // this.indices = {};
+ // };
+ // alasql.View = View;
+ */
+ function addDataStruct (mem) {
+ database(mem);
+ query(mem);
+ table(mem);
+ }
- // this shouldn't happen, unless resolve defaults are off
- if (action[0] instanceof Array && action.length > 1) {
- throw new Error('Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: '+state+', token: '+symbol);
- }
+ var und = utils$6.und;
+ function stdlib (mem) {
+ var stdlib = {};
+ stdlib.ABS = function (a) {
+ return 'Math.abs(' + a + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.CLONEDEEP = function (a) {
+ return 'alasql.utils.cloneDeep(' + a + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.EXP = function (a) {
+ return 'Math.pow(Math.E,' + a + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.IIF = function (a, b, c) {
+ if (arguments.length == 3) {
+ return '((' + a + ')?(' + b + '):(' + c + '))';
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('Number of arguments of IFF is not equals to 3');
+ }
+ };
+ stdlib.IFNULL = function (a, b) {
+ return '(' + a + '||' + b + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.INSTR = function (s, p) {
+ return '((' + s + ').indexOf(' + p + ')+1)';
+ };
+ //stdlib.LEN = stdlib.LENGTH = function(s) {return '('+s+'+"").length';};
+ stdlib.LEN = stdlib.LENGTH = function (s) {
+ return und(s, 'y.length');
+ };
+ //stdlib.LENGTH = function(s) {return '('+s+').length'};
+ stdlib.LOWER = stdlib.LCASE = function (s) {
+ return und(s, 'String(y).toLowerCase()');
+ };
+ //stdlib.LCASE = function(s) {return '('+s+').toLowerCase()';}
+ // Returns a character expression after it removes leading blanks.
+ // see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/ltrim-transact-sql
+ stdlib.LTRIM = function (s) {
+ return und(s, 'y.replace(/^[ ]+/,"")');
+ };
+ // Returns a character string after truncating all trailing spaces.
+ // see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/rtrim-transact-sql
+ stdlib.RTRIM = function (s) {
+ return und(s, 'y.replace(/[ ]+$/,"")');
+ };
+ stdlib.MAX = stdlib.GREATEST = function () {
+ return 'Math.max(' + Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, ',') + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.MIN = stdlib.LEAST = function () {
+ return 'Math.min(' + Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, ',') + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.SUBSTRING = stdlib.SUBSTR = stdlib.MID = function (a, b, c) {
+ if (arguments.length == 2)
+ { return und(a, 'y.substr(' + b + '-1)'); }
+ else if (arguments.length == 3)
+ { return und(a, 'y.substr(' + b + '-1,' + c + ')'); }
+ };
+ // Here we uses undefined instead of null
+ stdlib.ISNULL = stdlib.NULLIF = function (a, b) {
+ return '(' + a + '==' + b + '?undefined:' + a + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.POWER = function (a, b) {
+ return 'Math.pow(' + a + ',' + b + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.RANDOM = function (r) {
+ if (arguments.length == 0) {
+ return 'Math.random()';
+ }
+ else {
+ return '(Math.random()*(' + r + ')|0)';
+ }
+ };
+ stdlib.ROUND = function (s, d) {
+ if (arguments.length == 2) {
+ return 'Math.round((' + s + ')*Math.pow(10,(' + d + ')))/Math.pow(10,(' + d + '))';
+ }
+ else {
+ return 'Math.round(' + s + ')';
+ }
+ };
+ stdlib.CEIL = stdlib.CEILING = function (s) {
+ return 'Math.ceil(' + s + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.FLOOR = function (s) {
+ return 'Math.floor(' + s + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.ROWNUM = function () {
+ return '1';
+ };
+ stdlib.ROW_NUMBER = function () {
+ return '1';
+ };
+ stdlib.SQRT = function (s) {
+ return 'Math.sqrt(' + s + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.TRIM = function (s) {
+ return und(s, 'y.trim()');
+ };
+ stdlib.UPPER = stdlib.UCASE = function (s) {
+ return und(s, 'String(y).toUpperCase()');
+ };
+ mem.alasql.stdlib = stdlib;
+ }
- switch (action[0]) {
- case 1: // shift
- //this.shiftCount++;
+ function stdfn (mem) {
+ var stdfn = {};
+ stdfn.CONCAT = function () {
+ var args = [], len = arguments.length;
+ while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ];
+ return Array.prototype.slice.call(args).join('');
+ };
+ stdfn.REGEXP_LIKE = function (a, b, c) {
+ // console.log(a,b,c);
+ return (a || '').search(RegExp(b, c)) > -1;
+ };
+ // Concatination of strings
+ stdfn.CONCAT_WS = function () {
+ var args = [], len = arguments.length;
+ while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ];
+ return args.slice(1, args.length).join(args[0]);
+ };
+ // String functions
+ stdfn.REPLACE = function (target, pattern, replacement) {
+ return (target || '').split(pattern).join(replacement);
+ };
+ stdfn.CHAR = String.fromCharCode.bind(String);
+ stdfn.ASCII = function (a) {
+ return a.charCodeAt(0);
+ };
+ // This array is required for fast GUID generation
+ var lut = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
+ lut[i] = (i < 16 ? '0' : '') + i.toString(16);
+ }
+ stdfn.NEWID = stdfn.UUID = stdfn.GEN_RANDOM_UUID = function () {
+ var d0 = (Math.random() * 0xffffffff) | 0;
+ var d1 = (Math.random() * 0xffffffff) | 0;
+ var d2 = (Math.random() * 0xffffffff) | 0;
+ var d3 = (Math.random() * 0xffffffff) | 0;
+ return (lut[d0 & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d0 >> 8) & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d0 >> 16) & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d0 >> 24) & 0xff] +
+ '-' +
+ lut[d1 & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d1 >> 8) & 0xff] +
+ '-' +
+ lut[((d1 >> 16) & 0x0f) | 0x40] +
+ lut[(d1 >> 24) & 0xff] +
+ '-' +
+ lut[(d2 & 0x3f) | 0x80] +
+ lut[(d2 >> 8) & 0xff] +
+ '-' +
+ lut[(d2 >> 16) & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d2 >> 24) & 0xff] +
+ lut[d3 & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d3 >> 8) & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d3 >> 16) & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d3 >> 24) & 0xff]);
+ };
+ mem.alasql.stdfn = stdfn;
+ }
- stack.push(symbol);
- vstack.push(lexer.yytext);
- lstack.push(lexer.yylloc);
- stack.push(action[1]); // push state
- symbol = null;
- if (!preErrorSymbol) { // normal execution/no error
- yyleng = lexer.yyleng;
- yytext = lexer.yytext;
- yylineno = lexer.yylineno;
- yyloc = lexer.yylloc;
- if (recovering > 0) {
- recovering--;
- }
- } else {
- // error just occurred, resume old lookahead f/ before error
- symbol = preErrorSymbol;
- preErrorSymbol = null;
- }
- break;
+ function aggr (mem) {
+ var alasql = mem.alasql;
+ //stdlib.UCASE = function(s) {return '('+s+').toUpperCase()';}
+ // RTRIM
+ // TRIM
+ // RTRIM
+ // TRIM
+ // Aggregator for joining strings
+ alasql.aggr.GROUP_CONCAT = function (v, s, stage) {
+ if (stage === 1) {
+ return '' + v;
+ }
+ else if (stage === 2) {
+ s += ',' + v;
+ return s;
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ alasql.aggr.MEDIAN = function (v, s, stage) {
+ if (stage === 2) {
+ if (v !== null) {
+ s.push(v);
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ else if (stage === 1) {
+ if (v === null) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ return [v];
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!s.length) {
+ return s;
+ }
+ var r = s.sort();
+ var p = (r.length + 1) / 2;
+ if (Number.isInteger(p)) {
+ return r[p - 1];
+ }
+ return (r[Math.floor(p - 1)] + r[Math.ceil(p - 1)]) / 2;
+ }
+ };
+ alasql.aggr.QUART = function (v, s, stage, nth) {
+ //Quartile (first quartile per default or input param)
+ if (stage === 2) {
+ if (v !== null) {
+ s.push(v);
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ else if (stage === 1) {
+ if (v === null) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ return [v];
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!s.length) {
+ return s;
+ }
+ nth = !nth ? 1 : nth;
+ var r = s.sort();
+ var p = (nth * (r.length + 1)) / 4;
+ if (Number.isInteger(p)) {
+ return r[p - 1]; //Integer value
+ }
+ return r[Math.floor(p)]; //Math.ceil -1 or Math.floor
+ }
+ };
+ alasql.aggr.QUART2 = function (v, s, stage) {
+ //Second Quartile
+ return alasql.aggr.QUART(v, s, stage, 2);
+ };
+ alasql.aggr.QUART3 = function (v, s, stage) {
+ //Third Quartile
+ return alasql.aggr.QUART(v, s, stage, 3);
+ };
+ // Standard deviation
+ alasql.aggr.VAR = function (v, s, stage) {
+ if (stage === 1) {
+ if (v === null) {
+ return { arr: [], sum: 0 };
+ }
+ return { arr: [v], sum: v };
+ }
+ else if (stage === 2) {
+ if (v === null) {
+ return s;
+ }
+ s.arr.push(v);
+ s.sum += v;
+ return s;
+ }
+ else {
+ var N = s.arr.length;
+ var avg = s.sum / N;
+ var std = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+ std += (s.arr[i] - avg) * (s.arr[i] - avg);
+ }
+ std = std / (N - 1);
+ return std;
+ }
+ };
+ alasql.aggr.STDEV = function (v, s, stage) {
+ if (stage === 1 || stage === 2) {
+ return alasql.aggr.VAR(v, s, stage);
+ }
+ else {
+ return Math.sqrt(alasql.aggr.VAR(v, s, stage));
+ }
+ };
+ // Standard deviation
+ // alasql.aggr.VARP = function(v,s,acc){
+ // if(typeof acc.arr == 'undefined') {
+ // acc.arr = [v];
+ // acc.sum = v;
+ // } else {
+ // acc.arr.push(v);
+ // acc.sum += v;
+ // }
+ // var N = acc.arr.length;
+ // var avg = acc.sum / N;
+ // var std = 0;
+ // for(var i=0;i x.children.length == 5 && x.children[2].innerText == 'reserved').map(x => x.children[0].innerText))
-parser.parseError = function(str, hash) {
- if (hash.expected && hash.expected.indexOf("'LITERAL'") > -1 && /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*/.test(hash.token) && nonReserved.indexOf(hash.token) > -1) {
- return
- }
- throw new SyntaxError(str)
-/* generated by jison-lex 0.3.4 */
-var lexer = (function(){
-var lexer = ({
-parseError:function parseError(str, hash) {
- if (this.yy.parser) {
- this.yy.parser.parseError(str, hash);
- } else {
- throw new Error(str);
- }
- },
-// resets the lexer, sets new input
-setInput:function (input, yy) {
- this.yy = yy || this.yy || {};
- this._input = input;
- this._more = this._backtrack = this.done = false;
- this.yylineno = this.yyleng = 0;
- this.yytext = this.matched = this.match = '';
- this.conditionStack = ['INITIAL'];
- this.yylloc = {
- first_line: 1,
- first_column: 0,
- last_line: 1,
- last_column: 0
- };
- if (this.options.ranges) {
- this.yylloc.range = [0,0];
- }
- this.offset = 0;
- return this;
- },
-// consumes and returns one char from the input
-input:function () {
- var ch = this._input[0];
- this.yytext += ch;
- this.yyleng++;
- this.offset++;
- this.match += ch;
- this.matched += ch;
- var lines = ch.match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g);
- if (lines) {
- this.yylineno++;
- this.yylloc.last_line++;
- } else {
- this.yylloc.last_column++;
- }
- if (this.options.ranges) {
- this.yylloc.range[1]++;
- }
- this._input = this._input.slice(1);
- return ch;
- },
-// unshifts one char (or a string) into the input
-unput:function (ch) {
- var len = ch.length;
- var lines = ch.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
- this._input = ch + this._input;
- this.yytext = this.yytext.substr(0, this.yytext.length - len);
- //this.yyleng -= len;
- this.offset -= len;
- var oldLines = this.match.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
- this.match = this.match.substr(0, this.match.length - 1);
- this.matched = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - 1);
- if (lines.length - 1) {
- this.yylineno -= lines.length - 1;
- }
- var r = this.yylloc.range;
- this.yylloc = {
- first_line: this.yylloc.first_line,
- last_line: this.yylineno + 1,
- first_column: this.yylloc.first_column,
- last_column: lines ?
- (lines.length === oldLines.length ? this.yylloc.first_column : 0)
- + oldLines[oldLines.length - lines.length].length - lines[0].length :
- this.yylloc.first_column - len
- };
- if (this.options.ranges) {
- this.yylloc.range = [r[0], r[0] + this.yyleng - len];
- }
- this.yyleng = this.yytext.length;
- return this;
- },
-// When called from action, caches matched text and appends it on next action
-more:function () {
- this._more = true;
- return this;
- },
-// When called from action, signals the lexer that this rule fails to match the input, so the next matching rule (regex) should be tested instead.
-reject:function () {
- if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
- this._backtrack = true;
- } else {
- return this.parseError('Lexical error on line ' + (this.yylineno + 1) + '. You can only invoke reject() in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion (options.backtrack_lexer = true).\n' + this.showPosition(), {
- text: "",
- token: null,
- line: this.yylineno
- });
- }
- return this;
- },
-// retain first n characters of the match
-less:function (n) {
- this.unput(this.match.slice(n));
- },
-// displays already matched input, i.e. for error messages
-pastInput:function () {
- var past = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - this.match.length);
- return (past.length > 20 ? '...':'') + past.substr(-20).replace(/\n/g, "");
- },
-// displays upcoming input, i.e. for error messages
-upcomingInput:function () {
- var next = this.match;
- if (next.length < 20) {
- next += this._input.substr(0, 20-next.length);
- }
- return (next.substr(0,20) + (next.length > 20 ? '...' : '')).replace(/\n/g, "");
- },
-// displays the character position where the lexing error occurred, i.e. for error messages
-showPosition:function () {
- var pre = this.pastInput();
- var c = new Array(pre.length + 1).join("-");
- return pre + this.upcomingInput() + "\n" + c + "^";
- },
-// test the lexed token: return FALSE when not a match, otherwise return token
-test_match:function (match, indexed_rule) {
- var token,
- lines,
- backup;
- if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
- // save context
- backup = {
- yylineno: this.yylineno,
- yylloc: {
- first_line: this.yylloc.first_line,
- last_line: this.last_line,
- first_column: this.yylloc.first_column,
- last_column: this.yylloc.last_column
- },
- yytext: this.yytext,
- match: this.match,
- matches: this.matches,
- matched: this.matched,
- yyleng: this.yyleng,
- offset: this.offset,
- _more: this._more,
- _input: this._input,
- yy: this.yy,
- conditionStack: this.conditionStack.slice(0),
- done: this.done
- };
- if (this.options.ranges) {
- backup.yylloc.range = this.yylloc.range.slice(0);
- }
- }
- lines = match[0].match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g);
- if (lines) {
- this.yylineno += lines.length;
- }
- this.yylloc = {
- first_line: this.yylloc.last_line,
- last_line: this.yylineno + 1,
- first_column: this.yylloc.last_column,
- last_column: lines ?
- lines[lines.length - 1].length - lines[lines.length - 1].match(/\r?\n?/)[0].length :
- this.yylloc.last_column + match[0].length
- };
- this.yytext += match[0];
- this.match += match[0];
- this.matches = match;
- this.yyleng = this.yytext.length;
- if (this.options.ranges) {
- this.yylloc.range = [this.offset, this.offset += this.yyleng];
- }
- this._more = false;
- this._backtrack = false;
- this._input = this._input.slice(match[0].length);
- this.matched += match[0];
- token = this.performAction.call(this, this.yy, this, indexed_rule, this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]);
- if (this.done && this._input) {
- this.done = false;
- }
- if (token) {
- return token;
- } else if (this._backtrack) {
- // recover context
- for (var k in backup) {
- this[k] = backup[k];
- }
- return false; // rule action called reject() implying the next rule should be tested instead.
- }
- return false;
- },
-// return next match in input
-next:function () {
- if (this.done) {
- return this.EOF;
- }
- if (!this._input) {
- this.done = true;
- }
- var token,
- match,
- tempMatch,
- index;
- if (!this._more) {
- this.yytext = '';
- this.match = '';
- }
- var rules = this._currentRules();
- for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
- tempMatch = this._input.match(this.rules[rules[i]]);
- if (tempMatch && (!match || tempMatch[0].length > match[0].length)) {
- match = tempMatch;
- index = i;
- if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
- token = this.test_match(tempMatch, rules[i]);
- if (token !== false) {
- return token;
- } else if (this._backtrack) {
- match = false;
- continue; // rule action called reject() implying a rule MISmatch.
- } else {
- // else: this is a lexer rule which consumes input without producing a token (e.g. whitespace)
- return false;
- }
- } else if (!this.options.flex) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (match) {
- token = this.test_match(match, rules[index]);
- if (token !== false) {
- return token;
- }
- // else: this is a lexer rule which consumes input without producing a token (e.g. whitespace)
- return false;
- }
- if (this._input === "") {
- return this.EOF;
- } else {
- return this.parseError('Lexical error on line ' + (this.yylineno + 1) + '. Unrecognized text.\n' + this.showPosition(), {
- text: "",
- token: null,
- line: this.yylineno
- });
- }
- },
-// return next match that has a token
-lex:function lex() {
- var r = this.next();
- if (r) {
- return r;
- } else {
- return this.lex();
- }
- },
-// activates a new lexer condition state (pushes the new lexer condition state onto the condition stack)
-begin:function begin(condition) {
- this.conditionStack.push(condition);
- },
-// pop the previously active lexer condition state off the condition stack
-popState:function popState() {
- var n = this.conditionStack.length - 1;
- if (n > 0) {
- return this.conditionStack.pop();
- } else {
- return this.conditionStack[0];
- }
- },
-// produce the lexer rule set which is active for the currently active lexer condition state
-_currentRules:function _currentRules() {
- if (this.conditionStack.length && this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]) {
- return this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]].rules;
- } else {
- return this.conditions["INITIAL"].rules;
- }
- },
-// return the currently active lexer condition state; when an index argument is provided it produces the N-th previous condition state, if available
-topState:function topState(n) {
- n = this.conditionStack.length - 1 - Math.abs(n || 0);
- if (n >= 0) {
- return this.conditionStack[n];
- } else {
- return "INITIAL";
- }
- },
-// alias for begin(condition)
-pushState:function pushState(condition) {
- this.begin(condition);
- },
-// return the number of states currently on the stack
-stateStackSize:function stateStackSize() {
- return this.conditionStack.length;
- },
-options: {"case-insensitive":true},
-performAction: function anonymous(yy,yy_,$avoiding_name_collisions,YY_START) {
-switch($avoiding_name_collisions) {
-case 0:return 266
-case 1:return 302
-case 2:return 420
-case 3:return 299
-case 4:return 5
-case 5:return 5
-case 6:return 296
-case 7:return 296
-case 8:return 132
-case 9:return 132
-case 10:return /* its a COMMENT */
-case 11:/* skip whitespace */
-case 12:return 316
-case 13:return 319
-case 14:yy_.yytext = 'VALUE';return 89
-case 15:yy_.yytext = 'VALUE';return 189
-case 16:yy_.yytext = 'ROW';return 189
-case 17:yy_.yytext = 'COLUMN';return 189
-case 18:yy_.yytext = 'MATRIX';return 189
-case 19:yy_.yytext = 'INDEX';return 189
-case 20:yy_.yytext = 'RECORDSET';return 189
-case 21:yy_.yytext = 'TEXT';return 189
-case 22:yy_.yytext = 'SELECT';return 189
-case 23:return 520
-case 24:return 381
-case 25:return 402
-case 26:return 515
-case 27:return 287
-case 28:return 269
-case 29:return 269
-case 30:return 164
-case 31:return 400
-case 32:return 170
-case 33:return 229
-case 34:return 166
-case 35:return 207
-case 36:return 288
-case 37:return 76
-case 38:return 418
-case 39:return 242
-case 40:return 404
-case 41:return 356
-case 42:return 284
-case 43:return 514
-case 44:return 437
-case 45:return 330
-case 46:return 441
-case 47:return 331
-case 48:return 315
-case 49:return 119
-case 50:return 112
-case 51:return 315
-case 52:return 112
-case 53:return 315
-case 54:return 112
-case 55:return 315
-case 56:return 508
-case 57:return 303
-case 58:return 271
-case 59:return 368
-case 60:return 130
-case 61:return 'CLOSE'
-case 62:return 243
-case 63:return 190
-case 64:return 190
-case 65:return 434
-case 66:return 367
-case 67:return 470
-case 68:return 440
-case 69:return 273
-case 70:return 240
-case 71:return 281
-case 72:return 267
-case 73:return 206
-case 74:return 238
-case 75:return 265
-case 76:return 'CURSOR'
-case 77:return 405
-case 78:return 291
-case 79:return 292
-case 80:return 448
-case 81:return 343
-case 82:return 338
-case 83:return 'DELETED'
-case 84:return 242
-case 85:return 406
-case 86:return 185
-case 87:return 396
-case 88:return 447
-case 89:return 135
-case 90:return 306
-case 91:return 389
-case 92:return 310
-case 93:return 314
-case 94:return 169
-case 95:return 508
-case 96:return 508
-case 97:return 298
-case 98:return 14
-case 99:return 295
-case 100:return 249
-case 101:return 285
-case 102:return 95
-case 103:return 373
-case 104:return 183
-case 105:return 227
-case 106:return 268
-case 107:return 313
-case 108:return 602
-case 109:return 472
-case 110:return 232
-case 111:return 236
-case 112:return 239
-case 113:return 156
-case 114:return 356
-case 115:return 332
-case 116:return 99
-case 117:return 193
-case 118:return 212
-case 119:return 224
-case 120:return 516
-case 121:return 339
-case 122:return 213
-case 123:return 168
-case 124:return 293
-case 125:return 198
-case 126:return 223
-case 127:return 370
-case 128:return 286
-case 129:return 'LET'
-case 130:return 225
-case 131:return 112
-case 132:return 245
-case 133:return 460
-case 134:return 191
-case 135:return 283
-case 136:return 390
-case 137:return 282
-case 138:return 452
-case 139:return 169
-case 140:return 403
-case 141:return 222
-case 142:return 645
-case 143:return 270
-case 144:return 244
-case 145:return 380
-case 146:return 154
-case 147:return 297
-case 148:return 433
-case 149:return 230
-case 150:return 415
-case 151:return 129
-case 152:return 247
-case 153:return 'OPEN'
-case 154:return 416
-case 155:return 171
-case 156:return 118
-case 157:return 208
-case 158:return 276
-case 159:return 172
-case 160:return 279
-case 161:return 765
-case 162:return 93
-case 163:return 16
-case 164:return 369
-case 165:return 442
-case 166:return 678
-case 167:return 15
-case 168:return 414
-case 169:return 194
-case 170:return 'REDUCE'
-case 171:return 374
-case 172:return 311
-case 173:return 517
-case 174:return 682
-case 175:return 107
-case 176:return 401
-case 177:return 175
-case 178:return 290
-case 179:return 443
-case 180:return 687
-case 181:return 173
-case 182:return 173
-case 183:return 226
-case 184:return 436
-case 185:return 237
-case 186:return 150
-case 187:return 766
-case 188:return 405
-case 189:return 89
-case 190:return 228
-case 191:return 146
-case 192:return 146
-case 193:return 409
-case 194:return 334
-case 195:return 417
-case 196:return 'STRATEGY'
-case 197:return 'STORE'
-case 198:return 280
-case 199:return 353
-case 200:return 353
-case 201:return 463
-case 202:return 357
-case 203:return 357
-case 204:return 192
-case 205:return 309
-case 206:return 'TIMEOUT'
-case 207:return 148
-case 208:return 195
-case 209:return 435
-case 210:return 435
-case 211:return 509
-case 212:return 294
-case 213:return 451
-case 214:return 162
-case 215:return 187
-case 216:return 98
-case 217:return 335
-case 218:return 408
-case 219:return 231
-case 220:return 149
-case 221:return 344
-case 222:return 134
-case 223:return 410
-case 224:return 308
-case 225:return 128
-case 226:return 439
-case 227:return 72
-case 228:return 435 /* Is this keyword required? */
-case 229:return 131
-case 230:return 131
-case 231:return 115
-case 232:return 137
-case 233:return 179
-case 234:return 317
-case 235:return 180
-case 236:return 133
-case 237:return 138
-case 238:return 326
-case 239:return 323
-case 240:return 325
-case 241:return 322
-case 242:return 320
-case 243:return 318
-case 244:return 319
-case 245:return 142
-case 246:return 141
-case 247:return 139
-case 248:return 321
-case 249:return 324
-case 250:return 140
-case 251:return 124
-case 252:return 324
-case 253:return 77
-case 254:return 78
-case 255:return 145
-case 256:return 424
-case 257:return 426
-case 258:return 300
-case 259:return 505
-case 260:return 507
-case 261:return 122
-case 262:return 116
-case 263:return 74
-case 264:return 333
-case 265:return 152
-case 266:return 764
-case 267:return 143
-case 268:return 181
-case 269:return 136
-case 270:return 123
-case 271:return 312
-case 272:return 4
-case 273:return 10
-case 274:return 'INVALID'
-rules: [/^(?:``([^\`])+``)/i,/^(?:\[\?\])/i,/^(?:@\[)/i,/^(?:ARRAY\[)/i,/^(?:\[([^\]])*?\])/i,/^(?:`([^\`])*?`)/i,/^(?:N(['](\\.|[^']|\\')*?['])+)/i,/^(?:X(['](\\.|[^']|\\')*?['])+)/i,/^(?:(['](\\.|[^']|\\')*?['])+)/i,/^(?:(["](\\.|[^"]|\\")*?["])+)/i,/^(?:--(.*?)($|\r\n|\r|\n))/i,/^(?:\s+)/i,/^(?:\|\|)/i,/^(?:\|)/i,/^(?:VALUE\s+OF\s+SEARCH\b)/i,/^(?:VALUE\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i,/^(?:ROW\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i,/^(?:COLUMN\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i,/^(?:MATRIX\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i,/^(?:INDEX\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i,/^(?:RECORDSET\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i,/^(?:TEXT\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i,/^(?:SELECT\b)/i,/^(?:ABSOLUTE\b)/i,/^(?:ACTION\b)/i,/^(?:ADD\b)/i,/^(?:AFTER\b)/i,/^(?:AGGR\b)/i,/^(?:AGGREGATE\b)/i,/^(?:AGGREGATOR\b)/i,/^(?:ALL\b)/i,/^(?:ALTER\b)/i,/^(?:AND\b)/i,/^(?:ANTI\b)/i,/^(?:ANY\b)/i,/^(?:APPLY\b)/i,/^(?:ARRAY\b)/i,/^(?:AS\b)/i,/^(?:ASSERT\b)/i,/^(?:ASC\b)/i,/^(?:ATTACH\b)/i,/^(?:AUTO(_)?INCREMENT\b)/i,/^(?:AVG\b)/i,/^(?:BEFORE\b)/i,/^(?:BEGIN\b)/i,/^(?:BETWEEN\b)/i,/^(?:BREAK\b)/i,/^(?:NOT\s+BETWEEN\b)/i,/^(?:NOT\s+LIKE\b)/i,/^(?:BY\b)/i,/^(?:~~\*)/i,/^(?:!~~\*)/i,/^(?:~~)/i,/^(?:!~~)/i,/^(?:ILIKE\b)/i,/^(?:NOT\s+ILIKE\b)/i,/^(?:CALL\b)/i,/^(?:CASE\b)/i,/^(?:CAST\b)/i,/^(?:CHECK\b)/i,/^(?:CLASS\b)/i,/^(?:CLOSE\b)/i,/^(?:COLLATE\b)/i,/^(?:COLUMN\b)/i,/^(?:COLUMNS\b)/i,/^(?:COMMIT\b)/i,/^(?:CONSTRAINT\b)/i,/^(?:CONTENT\b)/i,/^(?:CONTINUE\b)/i,/^(?:CONVERT\b)/i,/^(?:CORRESPONDING\b)/i,/^(?:COUNT\b)/i,/^(?:CREATE\b)/i,/^(?:CROSS\b)/i,/^(?:CUBE\b)/i,/^(?:CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\b)/i,/^(?:CURSOR\b)/i,/^(?:DATABASE(S)?)/i,/^(?:DATEADD\b)/i,/^(?:DATEDIFF\b)/i,/^(?:DECLARE\b)/i,/^(?:DEFAULT\b)/i,/^(?:DELETE\b)/i,/^(?:DELETED\b)/i,/^(?:DESC\b)/i,/^(?:DETACH\b)/i,/^(?:DISTINCT\b)/i,/^(?:DROP\b)/i,/^(?:ECHO\b)/i,/^(?:EDGE\b)/i,/^(?:END\b)/i,/^(?:ENUM\b)/i,/^(?:ELSE\b)/i,/^(?:ESCAPE\b)/i,/^(?:EXCEPT\b)/i,/^(?:EXEC\b)/i,/^(?:EXECUTE\b)/i,/^(?:EXISTS\b)/i,/^(?:EXPLAIN\b)/i,/^(?:FALSE\b)/i,/^(?:FETCH\b)/i,/^(?:FIRST\b)/i,/^(?:FOR\b)/i,/^(?:FOREIGN\b)/i,/^(?:FROM\b)/i,/^(?:FULL\b)/i,/^(?:FUNCTION\b)/i,/^(?:GLOB\b)/i,/^(?:GO\b)/i,/^(?:GRAPH\b)/i,/^(?:GROUP\b)/i,/^(?:GROUPING\b)/i,/^(?:HAVING\b)/i,/^(?:IF\b)/i,/^(?:IDENTITY\b)/i,/^(?:IS\b)/i,/^(?:IN\b)/i,/^(?:INDEX\b)/i,/^(?:INDEXED\b)/i,/^(?:INNER\b)/i,/^(?:INSTEAD\b)/i,/^(?:INSERT\b)/i,/^(?:INSERTED\b)/i,/^(?:INTERSECT\b)/i,/^(?:INTERVAL\b)/i,/^(?:INTO\b)/i,/^(?:JOIN\b)/i,/^(?:KEY\b)/i,/^(?:LAST\b)/i,/^(?:LET\b)/i,/^(?:LEFT\b)/i,/^(?:LIKE\b)/i,/^(?:LIMIT\b)/i,/^(?:MATCHED\b)/i,/^(?:MATRIX\b)/i,/^(?:MAX(\s+)?(?=\())/i,/^(?:MAX(\s+)?(?=(,|\))))/i,/^(?:MIN(\s+)?(?=\())/i,/^(?:MERGE\b)/i,/^(?:MINUS\b)/i,/^(?:MODIFY\b)/i,/^(?:NATURAL\b)/i,/^(?:NEXT\b)/i,/^(?:NEW\b)/i,/^(?:NOCASE\b)/i,/^(?:NO\b)/i,/^(?:NOT\b)/i,/^(?:NULL\b)/i,/^(?:OFF\b)/i,/^(?:ON\b)/i,/^(?:ONLY\b)/i,/^(?:OF\b)/i,/^(?:OFFSET\b)/i,/^(?:OPEN\b)/i,/^(?:OPTION\b)/i,/^(?:OR\b)/i,/^(?:ORDER\b)/i,/^(?:OUTER\b)/i,/^(?:OVER\b)/i,/^(?:PATH\b)/i,/^(?:PARTITION\b)/i,/^(?:PERCENT\b)/i,/^(?:PIVOT\b)/i,/^(?:PLAN\b)/i,/^(?:PRIMARY\b)/i,/^(?:PRINT\b)/i,/^(?:PRIOR\b)/i,/^(?:QUERY\b)/i,/^(?:READ\b)/i,/^(?:RECORDSET\b)/i,/^(?:REDUCE\b)/i,/^(?:REFERENCES\b)/i,/^(?:REGEXP\b)/i,/^(?:REINDEX\b)/i,/^(?:RELATIVE\b)/i,/^(?:REMOVE\b)/i,/^(?:RENAME\b)/i,/^(?:REPEAT\b)/i,/^(?:REPLACE\b)/i,/^(?:REQUIRE\b)/i,/^(?:RESTORE\b)/i,/^(?:RETURN\b)/i,/^(?:RETURNS\b)/i,/^(?:RIGHT\b)/i,/^(?:ROLLBACK\b)/i,/^(?:ROLLUP\b)/i,/^(?:ROW\b)/i,/^(?:ROWS\b)/i,/^(?:SCHEMA(S)?)/i,/^(?:SEARCH\b)/i,/^(?:SEMI\b)/i,/^(?:SET\b)/i,/^(?:SETS\b)/i,/^(?:SHOW\b)/i,/^(?:SOME\b)/i,/^(?:SOURCE\b)/i,/^(?:STRATEGY\b)/i,/^(?:STORE\b)/i,/^(?:SUM\b)/i,/^(?:TABLE\b)/i,/^(?:TABLES\b)/i,/^(?:TARGET\b)/i,/^(?:TEMP\b)/i,/^(?:TEMPORARY\b)/i,/^(?:TEXTSTRING\b)/i,/^(?:THEN\b)/i,/^(?:TIMEOUT\b)/i,/^(?:TO\b)/i,/^(?:TOP\b)/i,/^(?:TRAN\b)/i,/^(?:TRANSACTION\b)/i,/^(?:TRIGGER\b)/i,/^(?:TRUE\b)/i,/^(?:TRUNCATE\b)/i,/^(?:UNION\b)/i,/^(?:UNIQUE\b)/i,/^(?:UNPIVOT\b)/i,/^(?:UPDATE\b)/i,/^(?:USE\b)/i,/^(?:USING\b)/i,/^(?:VALUE\b)/i,/^(?:VALUES\b)/i,/^(?:VERTEX\b)/i,/^(?:VIEW\b)/i,/^(?:WHEN\b)/i,/^(?:WHERE\b)/i,/^(?:WHILE\b)/i,/^(?:WITH\b)/i,/^(?:WORK\b)/i,/^(?:(\d*[.])?\d+[eE]\d+)/i,/^(?:(\d*[.])?\d+)/i,/^(?:->)/i,/^(?:#)/i,/^(?:\+)/i,/^(?:-)/i,/^(?:\*)/i,/^(?:\/)/i,/^(?:%)/i,/^(?:!===)/i,/^(?:===)/i,/^(?:!==)/i,/^(?:==)/i,/^(?:>=)/i,/^(?:&)/i,/^(?:\|)/i,/^(?:<<)/i,/^(?:>>)/i,/^(?:>)/i,/^(?:<=)/i,/^(?:<>)/i,/^(?:<)/i,/^(?:=)/i,/^(?:!=)/i,/^(?:\()/i,/^(?:\))/i,/^(?:@)/i,/^(?:\{)/i,/^(?:\})/i,/^(?:\])/i,/^(?::-)/i,/^(?:\?-)/i,/^(?:\.\.)/i,/^(?:\.)/i,/^(?:,)/i,/^(?:::)/i,/^(?::)/i,/^(?:;)/i,/^(?:\$)/i,/^(?:\?)/i,/^(?:!)/i,/^(?:\^)/i,/^(?:~)/i,/^(?:[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)/i,/^(?:$)/i,/^(?:.)/i],
-conditions: {"INITIAL":{"rules":[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255,256,257,258,259,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268,269,270,271,272,273,274],"inclusive":true}}
-return lexer;
-parser.lexer = lexer;
-function Parser () {
- this.yy = {};
-Parser.prototype = parser;parser.Parser = Parser;
-return new Parser;
-if (typeof require !== 'undefined' && typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
-exports.parser = alasqlparser;
-exports.Parser = alasqlparser.Parser;
-exports.parse = function () { return alasqlparser.parse.apply(alasqlparser, arguments); };
-exports.main = function commonjsMain(args) {
- if (!args[1]) {
- console.log('Usage: '+args[0]+' FILE');
- process.exit(1);
- }
- var source = require('fs').readFileSync(require('path').normalize(args[1]), "utf8");
- return exports.parser.parse(source);
-if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && require.main === module) {
- exports.main(process.argv.slice(1));
- 12prettyflag.js - prettify
- @todo move this functionality to plugin
- Pretty flag - nice HTML output or standard text without any tags
- @type {boolean}
-alasql.prettyflag = false;
- Pretty output of SQL functions
- @function
- @param {string} sql SQL statement
- @param {boolean} flag value
- @return {string} HTML or text string with pretty output
-alasql.pretty = function(sql, flag) {
- var pf = alasql.prettyflag;
- alasql.prettyflag = !flag;
- var s = alasql.parse(sql).toString();
- alasql.prettyflag = pf;
- return s;
-/*jshint unused:false*/
- Utilities for Alasql.js
- @todo Review the list of utilities
- @todo Find more effective utilities
- Alasql utility functions
- @type {object}
- */
-var utils = (alasql.utils = {});
- Convert NaN to undefined
- @function
- @param {string} s JavaScript string to be modified
- @return {string} Covered expression
- @example
- 123 => 123
- undefined => undefined
- NaN => undefined
-function n2u(s) {
- return '(y=' + s + ',y===y?y:undefined)';
- Return undefined if s undefined
- @param {string} s JavaScript string to be modified
- @return {string} Covered expression
- @example
- 123,a => a
- undefined,a => undefined
- NaN,a => undefined
-function und(s, r) {
- return '(y=' + s + ',typeof y=="undefined"?undefined:' + r + ')';
- Return always true. Stub for non-ecisting WHERE clause, because is faster then if(whenrfn) whenfn()
- @function
- @return {boolean} Always true
-function returnTrue() {
- return true;
- Return undefined. Stub for non-ecisting WHERE clause, because is faster then if(whenrfn) whenfn()
- @function
- @return {undefined} Always undefined
-function returnUndefined() {}
- Escape string
- @function
- @param {string} s Source string
- @return {string} Escaped string
- @example
- Pit\er's => Pit\\er\'s
-// based on joliss/js-string-escape
-var escapeq = (utils.escapeq = function(s) {
- return ('' + s).replace(/["'\\\n\r\u2028\u2029]/g, function(character) {
- // Escape all characters not included in SingleStringCharacters and
- // DoubleStringCharacters on
- // http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-7.8.4
- switch (character) {
- case '"':
- case "'":
- case '\\':
- return '\\' + character;
- // Four possible LineTerminator characters need to be escaped:
- case '\n':
- return '\\n';
- case '\r':
- return '\\r';
- case '\u2028':
- return '\\u2028';
- case '\u2029':
- return '\\u2029';
- }
- });
- Double quotes for SQL statements
- @param {string} s Source string
- @return {string} Escaped string
- @example
- Piter's => Piter''s
- */
-var escapeqq = (utils.undoubleq = function(s) {
- return s.replace(/(\')/g, "''");
- Replace double quotes with single quote
- @param {string} s Source string
- @return {string} Replaced string
- @example
- Piter''s => Piter's
- */
-var doubleq = (utils.doubleq = function(s) {
- return s.replace(/(\'\')/g, "\\'");
- Replace sigle quote to escaped single quote
- @param {string} s Source string
- @return {string} Replaced string
- @todo Chack this functions
-var doubleqq = (utils.doubleqq = function(s) {
- return s.replace(/\'/g, "'");
- Cut BOM first character for UTF-8 files (for merging two files)
- @param {string} s Source string
- @return {string} Replaced string
-var cutbom = function(s) {
- if (s[0] === String.fromCharCode(65279)) {
- s = s.substr(1);
- }
- return s;
- Get the blobal scope
- Inspired by System.global
- @return {object} The global scope
-utils.global = (function() {
- try {
- return Function('return this')();
- } catch (e) {
- //If Content Security Policy
- var global = self || window || global;
- if (global) {
- return global;
- } else {
- throw new Error('Unable to locate global object');
- }
- }
- Find out if a function is native to the enviroment
- @param {function} Function to check
- @return {boolean} True if function is native
-var isNativeFunction = (utils.isNativeFunction = function(fn) {
- return typeof fn === 'function' && !!~fn.toString().indexOf('[native code]');
- Find out if code is running in a web worker enviroment
- @return {boolean} True if code is running in a web worker enviroment
-utils.isWebWorker = (function() {
- try {
- var importScripts = utils.global.importScripts;
- return utils.isNativeFunction(importScripts);
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }
- Find out if code is running in a node enviroment
- @return {boolean} True if code is running in a node enviroment
-utils.isNode = (function() {
- try {
- return utils.isNativeFunction(utils.global.process.reallyExit);
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }
- Find out if code is running in a browser enviroment
- @return {boolean} True if code is running in a browser enviroment
-utils.isBrowser = (function() {
- try {
- return utils.isNativeFunction(utils.global.location.reload);
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }
- Find out if code is running in a browser with a browserify setup
- @return {boolean} True if code is running in a browser with a browserify setup
-utils.isBrowserify = (function() {
- return utils.isBrowser && typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.browser;
- Find out if code is running in a browser with a requireJS setup
- @return {boolean} True if code is running in a browser with a requireJS setup
-utils.isRequireJS = (function() {
- return (
- utils.isBrowser && typeof require === 'function' && typeof require.specified === 'function'
- );
- Find out if code is running with Meteor in the enviroment
- @return {boolean} True if code is running with Meteor in the enviroment
- @todo Find out if this is the best way to do this
-utils.isMeteor = (function() {
- return typeof Meteor !== 'undefined' && Meteor.release;
- Find out if code is running on a Meteor client
- @return {boolean} True if code is running on a Meteor client
-utils.isMeteorClient = utils.isMeteorClient = (function() {
- return utils.isMeteor && Meteor.isClient;
- Find out if code is running on a Meteor server
- @return {boolean} True if code is running on a Meteor server
-utils.isMeteorServer = (function() {
- return utils.isMeteor && Meteor.isServer;
- Find out code is running in a cordovar enviroment
- @return {boolean} True if code is running in a web worker enviroment
- @todo Find out if this is the best way to do this
-utils.isCordova = (function() {
- return typeof cordova === 'object';
-utils.isReactNative = (function() {
- var isReact = false;
- /*not-for-browser/*
- try {
- if (typeof require('react-native') === 'object') {
- isReact = true;
- }
- } catch (e) {
- void 0;
- }
- //*/
- return isReact;
-utils.hasIndexedDB = (function() {
- return !!utils.global.indexedDB;
-utils.isArray = function(obj) {
- return '[object Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(obj);
- Load text file from anywhere
- @param {string|object} path File path or HTML event
- @param {boolean} asy True - async call, false - sync call
- @param {function} success Success function
- @param {function} error Error function
- @return {string} Read data
- @todo Define Event type
- @todo Smaller if-else structures.
-var loadFile = (utils.loadFile = function(path, asy, success, error) {
- var data, fs;
- if (utils.isNode || utils.isMeteorServer) {
- /*not-for-browser/*
- if (utils.isMeteor) {
- fs = Npm.require('fs');
- } else {
- fs = require('fs');
- }
- // If path is empty, than read data from stdin (for Node)
- if (typeof path === 'undefined') {
- var buff = '';
- process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8');
- process.stdin.on('readable', function() {
- var chunk = process.stdin.read();
- if (chunk !== null) {
- buff += chunk.toString();
- }
- });
- process.stdin.on('end', function() {
- success(cutbom(buff));
- });
- } else {
- if (/^[a-z]+:\/\//i.test(path)) {
- var request = require('request');
- request(path, function(err, response, body) {
- if (err) {
- throw err;
- }
- success(cutbom(body.toString()));
- });
- } else {
- //If async callthen call async
- if (asy) {
- fs.readFile(path, function(err, data) {
- if (err) {
- throw err;
- }
- success(cutbom(data.toString()));
- });
- } else {
- // Call sync version
- data = fs.readFileSync(path);
- success(cutbom(data.toString()));
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (utils.isReactNative) {
- // If ReactNative
- var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
- RNFS.readFile(path, 'utf8')
- .then(function(contents) {
- success(cutbom(contents));
- })["catch"](function(err) {
- throw err;
- });
- //*/
- } else if (utils.isCordova) {
- /* If Cordova */
- utils.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function(fileSystem) {
- fileSystem.root.getFile(path, {create: false}, function(fileEntry) {
- fileEntry.file(function(file) {
- var fileReader = new FileReader();
- fileReader.onloadend = function(e) {
- success(cutbom(this.result));
- };
- fileReader.readAsText(file);
- });
- });
- });
- /** @todo Check eliminated code below */
- } else {
- /* For string */
- if (typeof path === 'string') {
- // For browser read from tag
- /*
- SELECT * FROM TXT('#one') -- read data from HTML element with id="one"
- */
- if (path.substr(0, 1) === '#' && typeof document !== 'undefined') {
- data = document.querySelector(path).textContent;
- success(data);
- } else {
- /*
- Simply read file from HTTP request, like:
- SELECT * FROM TXT('http://alasql.org/README.md');
- */
- var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
- xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
- if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
- if (xhr.status === 200) {
- if (success) {
- success(cutbom(xhr.responseText));
- }
- } else if (error) {
- error(xhr);
- }
- // Todo: else...?
- }
- };
- xhr.open('GET', path, asy); // Async
- xhr.responseType = 'text';
- xhr.send();
- }
- } else if (path instanceof Event) {
- /*
- For browser read from files input element
- */
- /** @type {array} List of files from element */
- var files = path.target.files;
- /** type {object} */
- var reader = new FileReader();
- /** type {string} */
- var name = files[0].name;
- reader.onload = function(e) {
- var data = e.target.result;
- success(cutbom(data));
- };
- reader.readAsText(files[0]);
- }
- }
- @function Load binary file from anywhere
- @param {string} path File path
- @param {boolean} asy True - async call, false - sync call
- @param {function} success Success function
- @param {function} error Error function
- @return 1 for Async, data - for sync version
- @todo merge functionality from loadFile and LoadBinaryFile
-var loadBinaryFile = (utils.loadBinaryFile = function(path, asy, success, error) {
- var fs;
- if (utils.isNode || utils.isMeteorServer) {
- /*not-for-browser/*
- if (utils.isMeteorServer) {
- fs = Npm.require('fs'); // For Meteor
- } else {
- fs = require('fs');
- }
- if (/^[a-z]+:\/\//i.test(path)) {
- var request = require('request');
- request({url: path, encoding: null}, function(err, response, data) {
- if (err) {
- throw err;
- }
- var arr = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
- arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
- }
- success(arr.join(''));
- });
- } else {
- if (asy) {
- fs.readFile(path, function(err, data) {
- if (err) {
- throw err;
- }
- var arr = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
- arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
- }
- success(arr.join(''));
- });
- } else {
- var data = fs.readFileSync(path);
- var arr = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
- arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
- }
- success(arr.join(''));
- }
- }
- } else if (utils.isReactNative) {
- // If ReactNative
- //var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
- var RNFetchBlob = require('react-native-fetch-blob')["default"];
- var dirs = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs;
- //should use readStream instead if the file is large
- RNFetchBlob.fs.readFile(path, 'base64').then(function(data) {
- //RNFetchBlob.base64.decode(data) //need more test on excel
- success(data);
- });
- //*/
- } else {
- if (typeof path === 'string') {
- // For browser
- var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
- xhr.open('GET', path, asy); // Async
- xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
- xhr.onload = function() {
- var data = new Uint8Array(xhr.response);
- var arr = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
- arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
- }
- success(arr.join(''));
- };
- // xhr.responseType = "blob";
- xhr.send();
- } else if (path instanceof Event) {
- var files = path.target.files;
- var reader = new FileReader();
- var name = files[0].name;
- reader.onload = function(e) {
- var data = e.target.result;
- success(data);
- };
- reader.readAsArrayBuffer(files[0]);
- } else if (path instanceof Blob) {
- success(path);
- }
- }
-var removeFile = (utils.removeFile = function(path, cb) {
- if (utils.isNode) {
- /*not-for-browser/*
- var fs = require('fs');
- fs.remove(path, cb);
- } else if (utils.isCordova) {
- utils.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function(fileSystem) {
- fileSystem.root.getFile(
- path,
- {create: false},
- function(fileEntry) {
- fileEntry.remove(cb);
- cb && cb(); // jshint ignore:line
- },
- function() {
- cb && cb(); // jshint ignore:line
- }
- );
- });
- } else if (utils.isReactNative) {
- // If ReactNative
- var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
- RNFS.unlink(path)
- .then(function() {
- cb && cb();
- })["catch"](function(err) {
- throw err;
- });
- //*/
- } else {
- throw new Error('You can remove files only in Node.js and Apache Cordova');
- }
-// Todo: check if it makes sense to support cordova and Meteor server
-var deleteFile = (utils.deleteFile = function(path, cb) {
- /*not-for-browser/*
- if (utils.isNode) {
- var fs = require('fs');
- fs.unlink(path, cb);
- } else if (utils.isReactNative) {
- // If ReactNative
- var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
- RNFS.unlink(path)
- .then(function() {
- cb && cb();
- })["catch"](function(err) {
- throw err;
- });
- }
- //*/
-utils.autoExtFilename = function(filename, ext, config) {
- config = config || {};
- if (
- typeof filename !== 'string' ||
- filename.match(/^[A-z]+:\/\/|\n|\..{2,4}$/) ||
- config.autoExt === 0 ||
- config.autoExt === false
- ) {
- return filename;
- }
- return filename + '.' + ext;
-var fileExists = (utils.fileExists = function(path, cb) {
- if (utils.isNode) {
- /*not-for-browser/*
- var fs = require('fs');
- fs.exists(path, cb);
- } else if (utils.isCordova) {
- utils.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function(fileSystem) {
- fileSystem.root.getFile(
- path,
- {create: false},
- function(fileEntry) {
- cb(true);
- },
- function() {
- cb(false);
- }
- );
- });
- } else if (utils.isReactNative) {
- // If ReactNative
- var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
- RNFS.exists(path)
- .then(function(yes) {
- cb && cb(yes);
- })["catch"](function(err) {
- throw err;
- });
- //*/
- } else {
- // TODO Cordova, etc.
- throw new Error('You can use exists() only in Node.js or Apach Cordova');
- }
- Save text file from anywhere
- @param {string} path File path
- @param {array} data Data object
- @param {function} cb Callback
- @param {object=} opts
-var saveFile = (utils.saveFile = function(path, data, cb, opts) {
- var res = 1;
- if (path === undefined) {
- //
- // Return data into result variable
- // like: alasql('SELECT * INTO TXT() FROM ?',[data]);
- //
- res = data;
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- } else {
- if (utils.isNode) {
- /*not-for-browser/*
- var fs = require('fs');
- data = fs.writeFileSync(path, data);
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- } else if (utils.isReactNative) {
- var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
- RNFS.writeFile(path, data)
- .then(function(success) {
- //, 'utf8'
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- })["catch"](function(err) {
- console.error(err.message);
- });
- } else if (utils.isCordova) {
- utils.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function(fileSystem) {
- // alasql.utils.removeFile(path,function(){
- fileSystem.root.getFile(path, {create: true}, function(fileEntry) {
- fileEntry.createWriter(function(fileWriter) {
- fileWriter.onwriteend = function() {
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- };
- fileWriter.write(data);
- });
- });
- });
- //*/
- // });
- // });
- // });
- } else {
- if (isIE() === 9) {
- // Solution was taken from
- // http://megatuto.com/formation-JAVASCRIPT.php?JAVASCRIPT_Example=Javascript+Save+CSV+file+in+IE+8/IE+9+without+using+window.open()+Categorie+javascript+internet-explorer-8&category=&article=7993
- // var URI = 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,';
- // Prepare data
- var ndata = data.replace(/\r\n/g, 'A;D;');
- ndata = ndata.replace(/\n/g, 'D;');
- ndata = ndata.replace(/\t/g, ' ');
- var testlink = utils.global.open('about:blank', '_blank');
- testlink.document.write(ndata); //fileData has contents for the file
- testlink.document.close();
- testlink.document.execCommand('SaveAs', false, path);
- testlink.close();
- } else {
- var opt = {
- disableAutoBom: false,
- };
- alasql.utils.extend(opt, opts);
- var blob = new Blob([data], {type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8'});
- saveAs(blob, path, opt.disableAutoBom);
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return res;
- @function Is this IE9
- @return {boolean} True for IE9 and false for other browsers
- For IE9 compatibility issues
-function isIE() {
- var myNav = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
- return myNav.indexOf('msie') !== -1 ? parseInt(myNav.split('msie')[1]) : false;
- @function Hash a string to signed integer
- @param {string} source string
- @return {integer} hash number
-// FNV-1a inspired hashing
-var hash = (utils.hash = function(str) {
- var hash = 0x811c9dc5,
- i = str.length;
- while (i) {
- hash = hash ^ str.charCodeAt(--i);
- hash += (hash << 1) + (hash << 4) + (hash << 7) + (hash << 8) + (hash << 24);
- }
- return hash;
- Union arrays
- @function
- @param {array} a
- @param {array} b
- @return {array}
-var arrayUnion = (utils.arrayUnion = function(a, b) {
- var r = b.slice(0);
- a.forEach(function(i) {
- if (r.indexOf(i) < 0) {
- r.push(i);
- }
- });
- return r;
- Array Difference
- */
-var arrayDiff = (utils.arrayDiff = function(a, b) {
- return a.filter(function(i) {
- return b.indexOf(i) < 0;
- });
- Arrays deep intersect (with records)
- */
-var arrayIntersect = (utils.arrayIntersect = function(a, b) {
- var r = [];
- a.forEach(function(ai) {
- var found = false;
- b.forEach(function(bi) {
- found = found || ai === bi;
- });
- if (found) {
- r.push(ai);
- }
- });
- return r;
- Arrays deep union (with records)
- */
-var arrayUnionDeep = (utils.arrayUnionDeep = function(a, b) {
- var r = b.slice(0);
- a.forEach(function(ai) {
- var found = false;
- r.forEach(function(ri) {
- // found = found || equalDeep(ai, ri, true);
- found = found || deepEqual(ai, ri);
- });
- if (!found) {
- r.push(ai);
- }
- });
- return r;
- Arrays deep union (with records)
- */
-var arrayExceptDeep = (utils.arrayExceptDeep = function(a, b) {
- var r = [];
- a.forEach(function(ai) {
- var found = false;
- b.forEach(function(bi) {
- // found = found || equalDeep(ai, bi, true);
- found = found || deepEqual(ai, bi);
- });
- if (!found) {
- r.push(ai);
- }
- });
- return r;
- Arrays deep intersect (with records)
- */
-var arrayIntersectDeep = (utils.arrayIntersectDeep = function(a, b) {
- var r = [];
- a.forEach(function(ai) {
- var found = false;
- b.forEach(function(bi) {
- // found = found || equalDeep(ai, bi, true);
- found = found || deepEqual(ai, bi, true);
- });
- if (found) {
- r.push(ai);
- }
- });
- return r;
- Deep clone objects
- */
-var cloneDeep = (utils.cloneDeep = function cloneDeep(obj) {
- if (null === obj || typeof obj !== 'object') {
- return obj;
- }
- if (obj instanceof Date) {
- return new Date(obj);
- }
- var temp = obj.constructor(); // changed
- for (var key in obj) {
- if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- temp[key] = cloneDeep(obj[key]);
- }
- }
- return temp;
- Check equality of objects
- Compare two objects in deep
- */
-var deepEqual = (utils.deepEqual = function(x, y) {
- if (x === y) {
- return true;
- }
- if (typeof x === 'object' && null !== x && (typeof y === 'object' && null !== y)) {
- if (Object.keys(x).length !== Object.keys(y).length) {
- return false;
- }
- for (var prop in x) {
- if (!deepEqual(x[prop], y[prop])) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- Array with distinct records
- @param {array} data
- @return {array}
-var distinctArray = (utils.distinctArray = function(data) {
- var uniq = {};
- // TODO: Speedup, because Object.keys is slow
- for (var i = 0, ilen = data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- var uix;
- if (typeof data[i] === 'object') {
- uix = Object.keys(data[i])
- .sort()
- .map(function(k) {
- return k + '`' + data[i][k];
- })
- .join('`');
- } else {
- uix = data[i];
- }
- uniq[uix] = data[i];
- }
- var res = [];
- for (var key in uniq) {
- res.push(uniq[key]);
- }
- return res;
- Extend object a with properties of b
- @function
- @param {object} a
- @param {object} b
- @return {object}
-var extend = (utils.extend = function extend(a, b) {
- a = a || {};
- for (var key in b) {
- if (b.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- a[key] = b[key];
- }
- }
- return a;
- Flat array by first row
- */
-var flatArray = (utils.flatArray = function(a) {
- if (!a || 0 === a.length) {
- return [];
- }
- // For recordsets
- if (typeof a === 'object' && a instanceof alasql.Recordset) {
- return a.data.map(function(ai) {
- return ai[a.columns[0].columnid];
- });
- }
- // Else for other arrays
- var key = Object.keys(a[0])[0];
- if (key === undefined) {
- return [];
- }
- return a.map(function(ai) {
- return ai[key];
- });
- Convert array of objects to array of arrays
- */
-var arrayOfArrays = (utils.arrayOfArrays = function(a) {
- return a.map(function(aa) {
- var ar = [];
- for (var key in aa) {
- ar.push(aa[key]);
- }
- return ar;
- });
-if (!Array.isArray) {
- Array.isArray = function(arg) {
- return Object.prototype.toString.call(arg) === '[object Array]';
- };
- Excel:convert number to Excel column, like 1 => 'A'
- @param {integer} i Column number, starting with 0
- @return {string} Column name, starting with 'A'
-var xlsnc = (utils.xlsnc = function(i) {
- var addr = String.fromCharCode(65 + (i % 26));
- if (i >= 26) {
- i = ((i / 26) | 0) - 1;
- addr = String.fromCharCode(65 + (i % 26)) + addr;
- if (i > 26) {
- i = ((i / 26) | 0) - 1;
- addr = String.fromCharCode(65 + (i % 26)) + addr;
- }
- }
- return addr;
- Excel:conver Excel column name to number
- @param {string} s Column number, like 'A' or 'BE'
- @return {string} Column name, starting with 0
-var xlscn = (utils.xlscn = function(s) {
- var n = s.charCodeAt(0) - 65;
- if (s.length > 1) {
- n = (n + 1) * 26 + s.charCodeAt(1) - 65;
- if (s.length > 2) {
- n = (n + 1) * 26 + s.charCodeAt(2) - 65;
- }
- }
- return n;
-var domEmptyChildren = (utils.domEmptyChildren = function(container) {
- var len = container.childNodes.length;
- while (len--) {
- container.removeChild(container.lastChild);
- }
- SQL LIKE emulation
- @parameter {string} pattern Search pattern
- @parameter {string} value Searched value
- @parameter {string} escape Escape character (optional)
- @return {boolean} If value LIKE pattern ESCAPE escape
-var like = (utils.like = function(pattern, value, escape) {
- // Verify escape character
- if (!escape) escape = '';
- var i = 0;
- var s = '^';
- while (i < pattern.length) {
- var c = pattern[i],
- c1 = '';
- if (i < pattern.length - 1) c1 = pattern[i + 1];
- if (c === escape) {
- s += '\\' + c1;
- i++;
- } else if (c === '[' && c1 === '^') {
- s += '[^';
- i++;
- } else if (c === '[' || c === ']') {
- s += c;
- } else if (c === '%') {
- s += '.*';
- } else if (c === '_') {
- s += '.';
- } else if ('/.*+?|(){}'.indexOf(c) > -1) {
- s += '\\' + c;
- } else {
- s += c;
- }
- i++;
- }
- s += '$';
- // if(value == undefined) return false;
- return ('' + (value || '')).toUpperCase().search(RegExp(s.toUpperCase())) > -1;
-utils.glob = function(value, pattern) {
- var i = 0;
- var s = '^';
- while (i < pattern.length) {
- var c = pattern[i],
- c1 = '';
- if (i < pattern.length - 1) c1 = pattern[i + 1];
- if (c === '[' && c1 === '^') {
- s += '[^';
- i++;
- } else if (c === '[' || c === ']') {
- s += c;
- } else if (c === '*') {
- s += '.*';
- } else if (c === '?') {
- s += '.';
- } else if ('/.*+?|(){}'.indexOf(c) > -1) {
- s += '\\' + c;
- } else {
- s += c;
- }
- i++;
- }
- s += '$';
- return ('' + (value || '')).toUpperCase().search(RegExp(s.toUpperCase())) > -1;
- Get path of alasql.js
- @todo Rewrite and simplify the code. Review, is this function is required separately
-utils.findAlaSQLPath = function() {
- /** type {string} Path to alasql library and plugins */
- if (utils.isWebWorker) {
- return '';
- /** @todo Check how to get path in worker */
- } else if (utils.isMeteorClient) {
- return '/packages/dist/';
- } else if (utils.isMeteorServer) {
- return 'assets/packages/dist/';
- } else if (utils.isNode) {
- return __dirname;
- } else if (utils.isBrowser) {
- var sc = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
- for (var i = 0; i < sc.length; i++) {
- if (sc[i].src.substr(-16).toLowerCase() === 'alasql-worker.js') {
- return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 16);
- } else if (sc[i].src.substr(-20).toLowerCase() === 'alasql-worker.min.js') {
- return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 20);
- } else if (sc[i].src.substr(-9).toLowerCase() === 'alasql.js') {
- return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 9);
- } else if (sc[i].src.substr(-13).toLowerCase() === 'alasql.min.js') {
- return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 13);
- }
- }
- }
- return '';
-var getXLSX = function() {
- var XLSX = null;
- /* If require() shuold be supported else take from global scope */
- if (utils.isNode || utils.isBrowserify || utils.isMeteorServer) {
- /*not-for-browser/*
- XLSX = require('xlsx') || null;
- //*/
- } else {
- XLSX = utils.global.XLSX || null;
- }
- if (null === XLSX) {
- throw new Error('Please include the xlsx.js library');
- }
- return XLSX;
-// set AlaSQl path
-alasql.path = alasql.utils.findAlaSQLPath();
- Strip all comments.
- @function
- @param {string} str
- @return {string}
- Based om the https://github.com/lehni/uncomment.js/blob/master/uncomment.js
- I just replaced JavaScript's '//' to SQL's '--' and remove other stuff
- @todo Fixed [aaa/*bbb] for column names
- @todo Bug if -- comments in the last line
- @todo Check if it possible to model it with Jison parser
- @todo Remove unused code
- */
-/* global alasql */
-alasql.utils.uncomment = function(str) {
- // Add some padding so we can always look ahead and behind by two chars
- str = ('__' + str + '__').split('');
- var quote = false,
- quoteSign,
- // regularExpression = false,
- // characterClass = false,
- blockComment = false,
- lineComment = false;
- // preserveComment = false;
- for (var i = 0, l = str.length; i < l; i++) {
- // When checking for quote escaping, we also need to check that the
- // escape sign itself is not escaped, as otherwise '\\' would cause
- // the wrong impression of an unclosed string:
- var unescaped = str[i - 1] !== '\\' || str[i - 2] === '\\';
- if (quote) {
- if (str[i] === quoteSign && unescaped) {
- quote = false;
- }
- } else if (blockComment) {
- // Is the block comment closing?
- if (str[i] === '*' && str[i + 1] === '/') {
- // if (!preserveComment)
- str[i] = str[i + 1] = '';
- blockComment /* = preserveComment*/ = false;
- // Increase by 1 to skip closing '/', as it would be mistaken
- // for a regexp otherwise
- i++;
- } else {
- //if (!preserveComment) {
- str[i] = '';
- }
- } else if (lineComment) {
- // One-line comments end with the line-break
- if (str[i + 1] === '\n' || str[i + 1] === '\r') {
- lineComment = false;
- }
- str[i] = '';
- } else {
- if (str[i] === '"' || str[i] === "'") {
- quote = true;
- quoteSign = str[i];
- } else if (str[i] === '[' && str[i - 1] !== '@') {
- quote = true;
- quoteSign = ']';
- // } else if (str[i] === '-' && str[i + 1] === '-') {
- // str[i] = '';
- // lineComment = true;
- } else if (str[i] === '/' && str[i + 1] === '*') {
- // Do not filter out conditional comments /*@ ... */
- // and comments marked as protected /*! ... */
- // preserveComment = /[@!]/.test(str[i + 2]);
- // if (!preserveComment)
- str[i] = '';
- blockComment = true;
- }
- }
- }
- // Remove padding again.
- str = str.join('').slice(2, -2);
- return str;
- Database class for Alasql.js
-// Initial parameters
- Jison parser
-alasql.parser = alasqlparser;
-alasql.parser.parseError = function(str, hash) {
- throw new Error('Have you used a reserved keyword without `escaping` it?\n' + str);
- Jison parser
- @param {string} sql SQL statement
- @return {object} AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)
- @todo Create class AST
- @todo Add other parsers
- @example
- alasql.parse = function(sql) {
- // My own parser here
- }
- */
-alasql.parse = function(sql) {
- return alasqlparser.parse(alasql.utils.uncomment(sql));
- List of engines of external databases
- @type {object}
- @todo Create collection type
- */
-alasql.engines = {};
- List of databases
- @type {object}
- */
-alasql.databases = {};
- Number of databases
- @type {number}
-alasql.databasenum = 0;
- Alasql options object
- */
-alasql.options = {};
-alasql.options.errorlog = false; // Log or throw error
-alasql.options.valueof = false; // Use valueof in orderfn
-alasql.options.dropifnotexists = false; // DROP database in any case
-alasql.options.datetimeformat = 'sql'; // How to handle DATE and DATETIME types
-// Another value is 'javascript'
-alasql.options.casesensitive = true; // Table and column names are case sensitive and converted to lower-case
-alasql.options.logtarget = 'output'; // target for log. Values: 'console', 'output', 'id' of html tag
-alasql.options.logprompt = true; // Print SQL at log
-alasql.options.progress = false; // Callback for async queries progress
-// Default modifier
-alasql.options.modifier = undefined;
-// How many rows to lookup to define columns
-alasql.options.columnlookup = 10;
-// Create vertex if not found
-alasql.options.autovertex = true;
-// Use dbo as current database (for partial T-SQL comaptibility)
-alasql.options.usedbo = true;
-alasql.options.autocommit = true;
-// Use cache
-alasql.options.cache = true;
-// Compatibility flags
-alasql.options.tsql = true;
-alasql.options.mysql = true;
-alasql.options.postgres = true;
-alasql.options.oracle = true;
-alasql.options.sqlite = true;
-alasql.options.orientdb = true;
-alasql.options.nocount = false;
-// Check for NaN and convert it to undefined
-alasql.options.nan = false;
-alasql.options.joinstar = 'overwrite'; // Option for SELECT * FROM a,b
-//alasql.options.worker = false;
-// Variables
-alasql.vars = {};
-alasql.declares = {};
-alasql.prompthistory = [];
-alasql.plugins = {}; // If plugin already loaded
-alasql.from = {}; // FROM functions
-alasql.into = {}; // INTO functions
-alasql.fn = {};
-alasql.aggr = {};
-alasql.busy = 0;
-// Cache
-alasql.MAXSQLCACHESIZE = 10000;
-alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID = 'alasql';
-/* WebWorker */
-alasql.lastid = 0;
-alasql.buffer = {};
- Select current database
- @param {string} databaseid Selected database identificator
- */
-alasql.use = function(databaseid) {
- if (!databaseid) {
- databaseid = alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID;
- }
- if (alasql.useid === databaseid) {
- return;
- }
- alasql.useid = databaseid;
- var db = alasql.databases[alasql.useid];
- alasql.tables = db.tables;
- // alasql.fn = db.fn;
- db.resetSqlCache();
- if (alasql.options.usedbo) {
- alasql.databases.dbo = db; // Operator???
- }
-alasql.autoval = function(tablename, colname, getNext, databaseid) {
- var db = databaseid ? alasql.databases[databaseid] : alasql.databases[alasql.useid];
- if (!db.tables[tablename]) {
- throw new Error('Tablename not found: ' + tablename);
- }
- if (!db.tables[tablename].identities[colname]) {
- throw new Error('Colname not found: ' + colname);
- }
- if (getNext) {
- return db.tables[tablename].identities[colname].value || null;
- }
- return (
- db.tables[tablename].identities[colname].value -
- db.tables[tablename].identities[colname].step || null
- );
- Run single SQL statement on current database
- */
-alasql.exec = function(sql, params, cb, scope) {
- // Avoid setting params if not needed even with callback
- if (typeof params === 'function') {
- scope = cb;
- cb = params;
- params = {};
- }
- delete alasql.error;
- params = params || {};
- if (alasql.options.errorlog) {
- try {
- return alasql.dexec(alasql.useid, sql, params, cb, scope);
- } catch (err) {
- alasql.error = err;
- if (cb) {
- cb(null, alasql.error);
- }
- }
- } else {
- return alasql.dexec(alasql.useid, sql, params, cb, scope);
- }
- Run SQL statement on specific database
- */
-alasql.dexec = function(databaseid, sql, params, cb, scope) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- // if(db.databaseid != databaseid) console.trace('got!');
- var hh;
- // Create hash
- if (alasql.options.cache) {
- hh = hash(sql);
- var statement = db.sqlCache[hh];
- // If database structure was not changed since last time return cache
- if (statement && db.dbversion === statement.dbversion) {
- return statement(params, cb);
- }
- }
- // Create AST
- var ast = alasql.parse(sql);
- if (!ast.statements) {
- return;
- }
- if (0 === ast.statements.length) {
- return 0;
- } else if (1 === ast.statements.length) {
- if (ast.statements[0].compile) {
- // Compile and Execute
- var statement = ast.statements[0].compile(databaseid, params);
- if (!statement) {
- return;
- }
- statement.sql = sql;
- statement.dbversion = db.dbversion;
- if (alasql.options.cache) {
- // Secure sqlCache size
- if (db.sqlCacheSize > alasql.MAXSQLCACHESIZE) {
- db.resetSqlCache();
- }
- db.sqlCacheSize++;
- db.sqlCache[hh] = statement;
- }
- var res = (alasql.res = statement(params, cb, scope));
- return res;
- } else {
- alasql.precompile(ast.statements[0], alasql.useid, params);
- var res = (alasql.res = ast.statements[0].execute(databaseid, params, cb, scope));
- return res;
- }
- } else {
- // Multiple statements
- if (cb) {
- alasql.adrun(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope);
- } else {
- return alasql.drun(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope);
- }
- }
- Run multiple statements and return array of results sync
- */
-alasql.drun = function(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope) {
- var useid = alasql.useid;
- if (useid !== databaseid) {
- alasql.use(databaseid);
- }
- var res = [];
- for (var i = 0, ilen = ast.statements.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- if (ast.statements[i]) {
- if (ast.statements[i].compile) {
- var statement = ast.statements[i].compile(alasql.useid);
- res.push((alasql.res = statement(params, null, scope)));
- } else {
- alasql.precompile(ast.statements[i], alasql.useid, params);
- res.push((alasql.res = ast.statements[i].execute(alasql.useid, params)));
- }
- }
- }
- if (useid !== databaseid) {
- alasql.use(useid);
- }
- if (cb) {
- cb(res);
- }
- alasql.res = res;
- return res;
- Run multiple statements and return array of results async
- */
-alasql.adrun = function(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope) {
- var idx = 0;
- var noqueries = ast.statements.length;
- if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {
- alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);
- }
- // alasql.busy++;
- var useid = alasql.useid;
- if (useid !== databaseid) {
- alasql.use(databaseid);
- }
- var res = [];
- function adrunone(data) {
- if (data !== undefined) {
- res.push(data);
- }
- var astatement = ast.statements.shift();
- if (!astatement) {
- if (useid !== databaseid) {
- alasql.use(useid);
- }
- cb(res);
- // alasql.busy--;
- // if(alasql.busy<0) alasql.busy = 0;
- } else {
- if (astatement.compile) {
- var statement = astatement.compile(alasql.useid);
- statement(params, adrunone, scope);
- if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {
- alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);
- }
- } else {
- alasql.precompile(ast.statements[0], alasql.useid, params);
- astatement.execute(alasql.useid, params, adrunone);
- if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {
- alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- adrunone(); /** @todo Check, why data is empty here */
- Compile statement to JavaScript function
- @param {string} sql SQL statement
- @param {string} databaseid Database identificator
- @return {functions} Compiled statement functions
-alasql.compile = function(sql, databaseid) {
- databaseid = databaseid || alasql.useid;
- var ast = alasql.parse(sql); // Create AST
- if (1 === ast.statements.length) {
- var statement = ast.statements[0].compile(databaseid);
- statement.promise = function(params) {
- return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
- statement(params, function(data, err) {
- if (err) {
- reject(err);
- } else {
- resolve(data);
- }
- });
- });
- };
- return statement;
- } else {
- throw new Error('Cannot compile, because number of statements in SQL is not equal to 1');
- }
-// Promises for AlaSQL
-if (!utils.global.Promise) {
- if (utils.isNode) {
- /*not-for-browser/*
- utils.global.Promise = require('es6-promise').Promise;
- //*/
- } else {
- /*!
- * @overview es6-promise - a tiny implementation of Promises/A+.
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 Yehuda Katz, Tom Dale, Stefan Penner and contributors (Conversion to ES6 API by Jake Archibald)
- * @license Licensed under MIT license
- * See https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jakearchibald/es6-promise/master/LICENSE
- * @version 3.2.1
- */
- (function() {
- 'use strict';
- function t(t) {
- return 'function' == typeof t || ('object' == typeof t && null !== t);
- }
- function e(t) {
- return 'function' == typeof t;
- }
- function n(t) {
- G = t;
- }
- function r(t) {
- Q = t;
- }
- function o() {
- return function() {
- process.nextTick(a);
- };
- }
- function i() {
- return function() {
- B(a);
- };
- }
- function s() {
- var t = 0,
- e = new X(a),
- n = document.createTextNode('');
- return (
- e.observe(n, {characterData: !0}),
- function() {
- n.data = t = ++t % 2;
- }
- );
- }
- function u() {
- var t = new MessageChannel();
- return (
- (t.port1.onmessage = a),
- function() {
- t.port2.postMessage(0);
- }
- );
- }
- function c() {
- return function() {
- setTimeout(a, 1);
- };
- }
- function a() {
- for (var t = 0; J > t; t += 2) {
- var e = tt[t],
- n = tt[t + 1];
- e(n), (tt[t] = void 0), (tt[t + 1] = void 0);
- }
- J = 0;
- }
- function f() {
- try {
- var t = require,
- e = t('vertx');
- return (B = e.runOnLoop || e.runOnContext, i());
- } catch (n) {
- return c();
- }
- }
- function l(t, e) {
- var n = this,
- r = new this.constructor(p);
- void 0 === r[rt] && k(r);
- var o = n._state;
- if (o) {
- var i = arguments[o - 1];
- Q(function() {
- x(o, r, i, n._result);
- });
- } else E(n, r, t, e);
- return r;
- }
- function h(t) {
- var e = this;
- if (t && 'object' == typeof t && t.constructor === e) return t;
- var n = new e(p);
- return (g(n, t), n);
- }
- function p() {}
- function _() {
- return new TypeError('You cannot resolve a promise with itself');
- }
- function d() {
- return new TypeError('A promises callback cannot return that same promise.');
- }
- function v(t) {
- try {
- return t.then;
- } catch (e) {
- return (ut.error = e, ut);
- }
- }
- function y(t, e, n, r) {
- try {
- t.call(e, n, r);
- } catch (o) {
- return o;
- }
- }
- function m(t, e, n) {
- Q(function(t) {
- var r = !1,
- o = y(
- n,
- e,
- function(n) {
- r || ((r = !0), e !== n ? g(t, n) : S(t, n));
- },
- function(e) {
- r || ((r = !0), j(t, e));
- },
- 'Settle: ' + (t._label || ' unknown promise')
- );
- !r && o && ((r = !0), j(t, o));
- }, t);
- }
- function b(t, e) {
- e._state === it
- ? S(t, e._result)
- : e._state === st
- ? j(t, e._result)
- : E(
- e,
- void 0,
- function(e) {
- g(t, e);
- },
- function(e) {
- j(t, e);
- }
- );
- }
- function w(t, n, r) {
- n.constructor === t.constructor && r === et && constructor.resolve === nt
- ? b(t, n)
- : r === ut
- ? j(t, ut.error)
- : void 0 === r
- ? S(t, n)
- : e(r)
- ? m(t, n, r)
- : S(t, n);
- }
- function g(e, n) {
- e === n ? j(e, _()) : t(n) ? w(e, n, v(n)) : S(e, n);
- }
- function A(t) {
- t._onerror && t._onerror(t._result), T(t);
- }
- function S(t, e) {
- t._state === ot &&
- ((t._result = e), (t._state = it), 0 !== t._subscribers.length && Q(T, t));
- }
- function j(t, e) {
- t._state === ot && ((t._state = st), (t._result = e), Q(A, t));
- }
- function E(t, e, n, r) {
- var o = t._subscribers,
- i = o.length;
- (t._onerror = null),
- (o[i] = e),
- (o[i + it] = n),
- (o[i + st] = r),
- 0 === i && t._state && Q(T, t);
- }
- function T(t) {
- var e = t._subscribers,
- n = t._state;
- if (0 !== e.length) {
- for (var r, o, i = t._result, s = 0; s < e.length; s += 3)
- (r = e[s]), (o = e[s + n]), r ? x(n, r, o, i) : o(i);
- t._subscribers.length = 0;
- }
- }
- function M() {
- this.error = null;
- }
- function P(t, e) {
- try {
- return t(e);
- } catch (n) {
- return (ct.error = n, ct);
- }
- }
- function x(t, n, r, o) {
- var i,
- s,
- u,
- c,
- a = e(r);
- if (a) {
- if (
- ((i = P(r, o)),
- i === ct ? ((c = !0), (s = i.error), (i = null)) : (u = !0),
- n === i)
- )
- return void j(n, d());
- } else (i = o), (u = !0);
- n._state !== ot ||
- (a && u ? g(n, i) : c ? j(n, s) : t === it ? S(n, i) : t === st && j(n, i));
- }
- function C(t, e) {
- try {
- e(
- function(e) {
- g(t, e);
- },
- function(e) {
- j(t, e);
- }
- );
- } catch (n) {
- j(t, n);
- }
- }
- function O() {
- return at++;
- }
- function k(t) {
- (t[rt] = at++), (t._state = void 0), (t._result = void 0), (t._subscribers = []);
- }
- function Y(t) {
- return new _t(this, t).promise;
- }
- function q(t) {
- var e = this;
- return new e(
- I(t)
- ? function(n, r) {
- for (var o = t.length, i = 0; o > i; i++)
- e.resolve(t[i]).then(n, r);
- }
- : function(t, e) {
- e(new TypeError('You must pass an array to race.'));
- }
- );
- }
- function F(t) {
- var e = this,
- n = new e(p);
- return (j(n, t), n);
- }
- function D() {
- throw new TypeError(
- 'You must pass a resolver function as the first argument to the promise constructor'
- );
- }
- function K() {
- throw new TypeError(
- "Failed to construct 'Promise': Please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function."
- );
- }
- function L(t) {
- (this[rt] = O()),
- (this._result = this._state = void 0),
- (this._subscribers = []),
- p !== t &&
- ('function' != typeof t && D(), this instanceof L ? C(this, t) : K());
- }
- function N(t, e) {
- (this._instanceConstructor = t),
- (this.promise = new t(p)),
- this.promise[rt] || k(this.promise),
- Array.isArray(e)
- ? ((this._input = e),
- (this.length = e.length),
- (this._remaining = e.length),
- (this._result = new Array(this.length)),
- 0 === this.length
- ? S(this.promise, this._result)
- : ((this.length = this.length || 0),
- this._enumerate(),
- 0 === this._remaining && S(this.promise, this._result)))
- : j(this.promise, U());
- }
- function U() {
- return new Error('Array Methods must be provided an Array');
- }
- function W() {
- var t;
- if ('undefined' != typeof global) t = global;
- else if ('undefined' != typeof self) t = self;
- else
- try {
- t = Function('return this')();
- } catch (e) {
- throw new Error(
- 'polyfill failed because global object is unavailable in this environment'
- );
- }
- var n = t.Promise;
- (!n ||
- '[object Promise]' !== Object.prototype.toString.call(n.resolve()) ||
- n.cast) &&
- (t.Promise = pt);
- }
- var z;
- z = Array.isArray
- ? Array.isArray
- : function(t) {
- return '[object Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(t);
- };
- var B,
- G,
- H,
- I = z,
- J = 0,
- Q = function(t, e) {
- (tt[J] = t), (tt[J + 1] = e), (J += 2), 2 === J && (G ? G(a) : H());
- },
- R = 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : void 0,
- V = R || {},
- X = V.MutationObserver || V.WebKitMutationObserver,
- Z =
- 'undefined' == typeof self &&
- 'undefined' != typeof process &&
- '[object process]' === {}.toString.call(process),
- $ =
- 'undefined' != typeof Uint8ClampedArray &&
- 'undefined' != typeof importScripts &&
- 'undefined' != typeof MessageChannel,
- tt = new Array(1e3);
- H = Z
- ? o()
- : X
- ? s()
- : $
- ? u()
- : void 0 === R && 'function' == typeof require
- ? f()
- : c();
- var et = l,
- nt = h,
- rt = Math.random()
- .toString(36)
- .substring(16),
- ot = void 0,
- it = 1,
- st = 2,
- ut = new M(),
- ct = new M(),
- at = 0,
- ft = Y,
- lt = q,
- ht = F,
- pt = L;
- (L.all = ft),
- (L.race = lt),
- (L.resolve = nt),
- (L.reject = ht),
- (L._setScheduler = n),
- (L._setAsap = r),
- (L._asap = Q),
- (L.prototype = {
- constructor: L,
- then: et,
- "catch": function(t) {
- return this.then(null, t);
- },
- });
- var _t = N;
- (N.prototype._enumerate = function() {
- for (var t = this.length, e = this._input, n = 0; this._state === ot && t > n; n++)
- this._eachEntry(e[n], n);
- }),
- (N.prototype._eachEntry = function(t, e) {
- var n = this._instanceConstructor,
- r = n.resolve;
- if (r === nt) {
- var o = v(t);
- if (o === et && t._state !== ot) this._settledAt(t._state, e, t._result);
- else if ('function' != typeof o) this._remaining--, (this._result[e] = t);
- else if (n === pt) {
- var i = new n(p);
- w(i, t, o), this._willSettleAt(i, e);
- } else
- this._willSettleAt(
- new n(function(e) {
- e(t);
- }),
- e
- );
- } else this._willSettleAt(r(t), e);
- }),
- (N.prototype._settledAt = function(t, e, n) {
- var r = this.promise;
- r._state === ot &&
- (this._remaining--, t === st ? j(r, n) : (this._result[e] = n)),
- 0 === this._remaining && S(r, this._result);
- }),
- (N.prototype._willSettleAt = function(t, e) {
- var n = this;
- E(
- t,
- void 0,
- function(t) {
- n._settledAt(it, e, t);
- },
- function(t) {
- n._settledAt(st, e, t);
- }
- );
- });
- var dt = W,
- vt = {Promise: pt, polyfill: dt};
- 'function' == typeof define && define.amd
- ? define(function() {
- return vt;
- })
- : 'undefined' != typeof module && module.exports
- ? (module.exports = vt)
- : 'undefined' != typeof this && (this.ES6Promise = vt),
- dt();
- }.call(this));
- }
-var promiseExec = function(sql, params, counterStep, counterTotal) {
- return new utils.global.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
- alasql(sql, params, function(data, err) {
- if (err) {
- reject(err);
- } else {
- if (counterStep && counterTotal && alasql.options.progress !== false) {
- alasql.options.progress(counterStep, counterTotal);
- }
- resolve(data);
- }
- });
- });
-var promiseAll = function(sqlParamsArray) {
- if (sqlParamsArray.length < 1) {
- return;
- }
- var active, sql, params;
- var execArray = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < sqlParamsArray.length; i++) {
- active = sqlParamsArray[i];
- if (typeof active === 'string') {
- active = [active];
- }
- if (!utils.isArray(active) || active.length < 1 || 2 < active.length) {
- throw new Error('Error in .promise parameter');
- }
- sql = active[0];
- params = active[1] || undefined;
- execArray.push(promiseExec(sql, params, i, sqlParamsArray.length));
- }
- return utils.global.Promise.all(execArray);
-alasql.promise = function(sql, params) {
- if (typeof Promise === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Please include a Promise/A+ library');
- }
- if (typeof sql === 'string') {
- return promiseExec(sql, params);
- }
- if (!utils.isArray(sql) || sql.length < 1 || typeof params !== 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Error in .promise parameters');
- }
- return promiseAll(sql);
-// Database class for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-// Main Database class
- @class Database
- */
-var Database = (alasql.Database = function(databaseid) {
- var self = this;
- // self.prototype = this;
- if (self === alasql) {
- if (databaseid) {
- // if(alasql.databases[databaseid]) {
- self = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- // } else {
- alasql.databases[databaseid] = self;
- // }
- if (!self) {
- throw new Error('Database "' + databaseid + '" not found');
- }
- } else {
- // Create new database (or get alasql?)
- self = alasql.databases.alasql;
- // For SQL Server examples, USE tempdb
- if (alasql.options.tsql) {
- alasql.databases.tempdb = alasql.databases.alasql;
- }
- // self = new Database(databaseid); // to call without new
- }
- }
- if (!databaseid) {
- databaseid = 'db' + alasql.databasenum++; // Random name
- }
- // Step 1
- self.databaseid = databaseid;
- alasql.databases[databaseid] = self;
- self.dbversion = 0;
- //Steps 2-5
- self.tables = {};
- self.views = {};
- self.triggers = {};
- self.indices = {};
- // Step 6: Objects storage
- self.objects = {};
- self.counter = 0;
- self.resetSqlCache();
- return self;
- Reset SQL statements cache
- */
-Database.prototype.resetSqlCache = function() {
- this.sqlCache = {}; // Cache for compiled SQL statements
- this.sqlCacheSize = 0;
-// Main SQL function
- Run SQL statement on database
- @param {string} sql SQL statement
- @param [object] params Parameters
- @param {function} cb callback
- */
-Database.prototype.exec = function(sql, params, cb) {
- return alasql.dexec(this.databaseid, sql, params, cb);
-Database.prototype.autoval = function(tablename, colname, getNext) {
- return alasql.autoval(tablename, colname, getNext, this.databaseid);
-// Aliases like MS SQL
-// Transactio class for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-Database.prototype.transaction = function(cb) {
- var tx = new alasql.Transaction(this.databaseid);
- var res = cb(tx);
- return res;
-// Transaction class (for WebSQL compatibility)
- Transaction class
- @class Transaction
- */
-var Transaction = (alasql.Transaction = function(databaseid) {
- this.transactionid = Date.now();
- this.databaseid = databaseid;
- this.commited = false;
- this.dbversion = alasql.databases[databaseid].dbversion;
- // this.bank = cloneDeep(alasql.databases[databaseid]);
- this.bank = JSON.stringify(alasql.databases[databaseid]);
- // TODO CLone Tables with insertfns
- return this;
-// Main class
-// Commit
- Commit transaction
- */
-Transaction.prototype.commit = function() {
- this.commited = true;
- alasql.databases[this.databaseid].dbversion = Date.now();
- delete this.bank;
-// Rollback
- Rollback transaction
- */
-Transaction.prototype.rollback = function() {
- if (!this.commited) {
- alasql.databases[this.databaseid] = JSON.parse(this.bank);
- // alasql.databases[this.databaseid].tables = this.bank;
- // alasql.databases[this.databaseid].dbversion = this.dbversion;
- delete this.bank;
- } else {
- throw new Error('Transaction already commited');
- }
-// Transactions stub
- Execute SQL statement
- @param {string} sql SQL statement
- @param {object} params Parameters
- @param {function} cb Callback function
- @return result
- */
-Transaction.prototype.exec = function(sql, params, cb) {
- return alasql.dexec(this.databaseid, sql, params, cb);
-Transaction.prototype.executeSQL = Transaction.prototype.exec;
-// Table class for Alasql.js
-// Date: 14.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-// Table class
-var Table = (alasql.Table = function(params) {
- // Step 1: Data array
- this.data = [];
- // Step 2: Columns
- this.columns = [];
- this.xcolumns = {};
- // Step 3: indices
- this.inddefs = {};
- this.indices = {};
- this.uniqs = {};
- this.uniqdefs = {};
- // Step 4: identities
- this.identities = {};
- // Step 5: checkfn...
- this.checks = [];
- this.checkfns = []; // For restore... to be done...
- // Step 7: Triggers...
- // Create trigger hubs
- this.beforeinsert = {};
- this.afterinsert = {};
- this.insteadofinsert = {};
- this.beforedelete = {};
- this.afterdelete = {};
- this.insteadofdelete = {};
- this.beforeupdate = {};
- this.afterupdate = {};
- this.insteadofupdate = {};
- // Done
- extend(this, params);
-Table.prototype.indexColumns = function() {
- var self = this;
- self.xcolumns = {};
- self.columns.forEach(function(col) {
- self.xcolumns[col.columnid] = col;
- });
-// View class for Alasql.js
-// Date: 14.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-// Table class
-var View = (alasql.View = function(params) {
- // Columns
- this.columns = [];
- this.xcolumns = {};
- // Data array
- this.query = [];
- extend(this, params);
-// Query class for Alasql.js
-// Date: 14.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-// Table class
- @class Query Main query class
- */
-var Query = (alasql.Query = function(params) {
- this.alasql = alasql;
- // Columns
- this.columns = [];
- this.xcolumns = {};
- this.selectGroup = [];
- this.groupColumns = {};
- // Data array
- extend(this, params);
- @class Recordset data object
- */
-var Recordset = (alasql.Recordset = function(params) {
- // Data array
- extend(this, params);
-// Parser helper for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-var yy = (alasqlparser.yy = alasql.yy = {});
-// Utility
-yy.extend = extend;
-// Option for case sensitive
-yy.casesensitive = alasql.options.casesensitive;
-// Base class for all yy classes
-var Base = (yy.Base = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-Base.prototype.toString = function() {};
-Base.prototype.toType = function() {};
-Base.prototype.toJS = function() {};
-Base.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
-Base.prototype.exec = function() {};
-Base.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
-Base.prototype.exec = function() {};
-// Statements class for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-// Statements container
-yy.Statements = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Statements.prototype.toString = function() {
- return this.statements
- .map(function(st) {
- return st.toString();
- })
- .join('; ');
-// Compile array of statements into single statement
-yy.Statements.prototype.compile = function(db) {
- var statements = this.statements.map(function(st) {
- return st.compile(db);
- });
- if (statements.length === 1) {
- return statements[0];
- } else {
- return function(params, cb) {
- var res = statements.map(function(st) {
- return st(params);
- });
- if (cb) {
- cb(res);
- }
- return res;
- };
- }
-/* global alasql */
-/* global yy */
-// SEARCH for Alasql.js
-// Date: 04.05.2015
-// (c) 2015, Andrey Gershun
-function doSearch(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res;
- var stope = {};
- var fromdata;
- var selectors = cloneDeep(this.selectors);
- function processSelector(selectors, sidx, value) {
- // var val;
- var val, // temp values use many places
- nest, // temp value used many places
- r, // temp value used many places
- sel = selectors[sidx];
- // if(!alasql.srch[sel.srchid]) {
- // throw new Error('Selector "'+sel.srchid+'" not found');
- // };
- var SECURITY_BREAK = 100000;
- if (sel.selid) {
- // TODO Process Selector
- if (sel.selid === 'PATH') {
- var queue = [{node: value, stack: []}];
- var visited = {};
- //var path = [];
- var objects = alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects;
- while (queue.length > 0) {
- var q = queue.shift();
- var node = q.node;
- var stack = q.stack;
- var r = processSelector(sel.args, 0, node);
- if (r.length > 0) {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return stack;
- } else {
- var rv = [];
- if (stack && stack.length > 0) {
- stack.forEach(function(stv) {
- rv = rv.concat(processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, stv));
- });
- }
- return rv;
- // return processSelector(selectors,sidx+1,stack);
- }
- } else {
- if (typeof visited[node.$id] !== 'undefined') {
- continue;
- } else {
- visited[node.$id] = true;
- if (node.$out && node.$out.length > 0) {
- node.$out.forEach(function(edgeid) {
- var edge = objects[edgeid];
- var stack2 = stack.concat(edge);
- stack2.push(objects[edge.$out[0]]);
- queue.push({
- node: objects[edge.$out[0]],
- stack: stack2,
- });
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Else return fail
- return [];
- }
- if (sel.selid === 'NOT') {
- var nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- if (nest.length > 0) {
- return [];
- } else {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [value];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, value);
- }
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'DISTINCT') {
- var nest;
- if (typeof sel.args === 'undefined' || sel.args.length === 0) {
- nest = distinctArray(value);
- } else {
- nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- }
- if (nest.length === 0) {
- return [];
- } else {
- var res = distinctArray(nest);
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return res;
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, res);
- }
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'AND') {
- var res = true;
- sel.args.forEach(function(se) {
- res = res && processSelector(se, 0, value).length > 0;
- });
- if (!res) {
- return [];
- } else {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [value];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, value);
- }
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'OR') {
- var res = false;
- sel.args.forEach(function(se) {
- res = res || processSelector(se, 0, value).length > 0;
- });
- if (!res) {
- return [];
- } else {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [value];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, value);
- }
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'ALL') {
- var nest = processSelector(sel.args[0], 0, value);
- if (nest.length === 0) {
- return [];
- } else {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return nest;
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, nest);
- }
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'ANY') {
- var nest = processSelector(sel.args[0], 0, value);
- if (nest.length === 0) {
- return [];
- } else {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [nest[0]];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, [nest[0]]);
- }
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'UNIONALL') {
- var nest = [];
- sel.args.forEach(function(se) {
- nest = nest.concat(processSelector(se, 0, value));
- });
- if (nest.length === 0) {
- return [];
- } else {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return nest;
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, nest);
- }
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'UNION') {
- var nest = [];
- sel.args.forEach(function(se) {
- nest = nest.concat(processSelector(se, 0, value));
- });
- var nest = distinctArray(nest);
- if (nest.length === 0) {
- return [];
- } else {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return nest;
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, nest);
- }
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'IF') {
- var nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- if (nest.length === 0) {
- return [];
- } else {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [value];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, value);
- }
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'REPEAT') {
- var lvar,
- lmax,
- lmin = sel.args[0].value;
- if (!sel.args[1]) {
- lmax = lmin; // Add security break
- } else {
- lmax = sel.args[1].value;
- }
- if (sel.args[2]) {
- lvar = sel.args[2].variable;
- }
- //var lsel = sel.sels;
- var retval = [];
- if (lmin === 0) {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- retval = [value];
- } else {
- if (lvar) {
- alasql.vars[lvar] = 0;
- }
- retval = retval.concat(processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, value));
- }
- }
- // var nests = processSelector(sel.sels,0,value).slice();
- if (lmax > 0) {
- var nests = [{value: value, lvl: 1}];
- var i = 0;
- while (nests.length > 0) {
- var nest = nests[0];
- nests.shift();
- if (nest.lvl <= lmax) {
- if (lvar) {
- alasql.vars[lvar] = nest.lvl;
- }
- var nest1 = processSelector(sel.sels, 0, nest.value);
- nest1.forEach(function(n) {
- nests.push({value: n, lvl: nest.lvl + 1});
- });
- if (nest.lvl >= lmin) {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- retval = retval.concat(nest1);
- //return nests;
- } else {
- nest1.forEach(function(n) {
- retval = retval.concat(
- processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, n)
- );
- });
- }
- }
- }
- // Security brake
- i++;
- if (i > SECURITY_BREAK) {
- throw new Error('Security brake. Number of iterations = ' + i);
- }
- }
- }
- return retval;
- } else if (sel.selid === 'OF') {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [value];
- } else {
- var r1 = [];
- Object.keys(value).forEach(function(keyv) {
- alasql.vars[sel.args[0].variable] = keyv;
- r1 = r1.concat(processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, value[keyv]));
- });
- return r1;
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'TO') {
- var oldv = alasql.vars[sel.args[0]];
- var newv = [];
- if (oldv !== undefined) {
- newv = oldv.slice(0);
- } else {
- newv = [];
- }
- newv.push(value);
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [value];
- } else {
- alasql.vars[sel.args[0]] = newv;
- var r1 = processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, value);
- alasql.vars[sel.args[0]] = oldv;
- return r1;
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'ARRAY') {
- var nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- if (nest.length > 0) {
- val = nest;
- } else {
- return [];
- }
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [val];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, val);
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'SUM') {
- var nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- if (nest.length > 0) {
- var val = nest.reduce(function(sum, current) {
- return sum + current;
- }, 0);
- } else {
- return [];
- }
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [val];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, val);
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'AVG') {
- nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- if (nest.length > 0) {
- val =
- nest.reduce(function(sum, current) {
- return sum + current;
- }, 0) / nest.length;
- } else {
- return [];
- }
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [val];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, val);
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'COUNT') {
- nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- if (nest.length > 0) {
- val = nest.length;
- } else {
- return [];
- }
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [val];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, val);
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'FIRST') {
- nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- if (nest.length > 0) {
- val = nest[0];
- } else {
- return [];
- }
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [val];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, val);
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'LAST') {
- nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- if (nest.length > 0) {
- val = nest[nest.length - 1];
- } else {
- return [];
- }
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [val];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, val);
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'MIN') {
- nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- if (nest.length === 0) {
- return [];
- }
- var val = nest.reduce(function(min, current) {
- return Math.min(min, current);
- }, Infinity);
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [val];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, val);
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'MAX') {
- var nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- if (nest.length === 0) {
- return [];
- }
- var val = nest.reduce(function(max, current) {
- return Math.max(max, current);
- }, -Infinity);
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [val];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, val);
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'PLUS') {
- var retval = [];
- // retval = retval.concat(processSelector(selectors,sidx+1,n))
- var nests = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value).slice();
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- retval = retval.concat(nests);
- } else {
- nests.forEach(function(n) {
- retval = retval.concat(processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, n));
- });
- }
- var i = 0;
- while (nests.length > 0) {
- // nest = nests[0];
- // nests.shift();
- var nest = nests.shift();
- nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, nest);
- nests = nests.concat(nest);
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- retval = retval.concat(nest);
- //return retval;
- } else {
- nest.forEach(function(n) {
- var rn = processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, n);
- retval = retval.concat(rn);
- });
- }
- // Security brake
- i++;
- if (i > SECURITY_BREAK) {
- throw new Error('Security brake. Number of iterations = ' + i);
- }
- }
- return retval;
- } else if (sel.selid === 'STAR') {
- var retval = [];
- retval = processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, value);
- var nests = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value).slice();
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- retval = retval.concat(nests);
- //return nests;
- } else {
- nests.forEach(function(n) {
- retval = retval.concat(processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, n));
- });
- }
- var i = 0;
- while (nests.length > 0) {
- var nest = nests[0];
- nests.shift();
- nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, nest);
- nests = nests.concat(nest);
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 <= selectors.length) {
- nest.forEach(function(n) {
- retval = retval.concat(processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, n));
- });
- }
- // Security brake
- i++;
- if (i > SECURITY_BREAK) {
- throw new Error('Loop brake. Number of iterations = ' + i);
- }
- }
- return retval;
- } else if (sel.selid === 'QUESTION') {
- var retval = [];
- retval = retval.concat(processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, value));
- var nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 <= selectors.length) {
- nest.forEach(function(n) {
- retval = retval.concat(processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, n));
- });
- }
- return retval;
- } else if (sel.selid === 'WITH') {
- var nest = processSelector(sel.args, 0, value);
- if (nest.length === 0) {
- return [];
- } else {
- var r = {status: 1, values: nest};
- }
- } else if (sel.selid === 'ROOT') {
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- return [value];
- } else {
- return processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, fromdata);
- }
- } else {
- throw new Error('Wrong selector ' + sel.selid);
- }
- } else if (sel.srchid) {
- var r = alasql.srch[sel.srchid.toUpperCase()](value, sel.args, stope, params);
- } else {
- throw new Error('Selector not found');
- }
- if (typeof r === 'undefined') {
- r = {status: 1, values: [value]};
- }
- var res = [];
- if (r.status === 1) {
- var arr = r.values;
- if (sidx + 1 + 1 > selectors.length) {
- // if(sidx+1+1 > selectors.length) {
- res = arr;
- } else {
- for (var i = 0; i < r.values.length; i++) {
- res = res.concat(processSelector(selectors, sidx + 1, arr[i]));
- }
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
- if (selectors !== undefined && selectors.length > 0) {
- if (
- selectors &&
- selectors[0] &&
- selectors[0].srchid === 'PROP' &&
- selectors[0].args &&
- selectors[0].args[0]
- ) {
- if (selectors[0].args[0].toUpperCase() === 'XML') {
- stope.mode = 'XML';
- selectors.shift();
- } else if (selectors[0].args[0].toUpperCase() === 'HTML') {
- stope.mode = 'HTML';
- selectors.shift();
- } else if (selectors[0].args[0].toUpperCase() === 'JSON') {
- stope.mode = 'JSON';
- selectors.shift();
- }
- }
- if (selectors.length > 0 && selectors[0].srchid === 'VALUE') {
- stope.value = true;
- selectors.shift();
- }
- }
- if (this.from instanceof yy.Column) {
- var dbid = this.from.databaseid || databaseid;
- fromdata = alasql.databases[dbid].tables[this.from.columnid].data;
- //selectors.unshift({srchid:'CHILD'});
- } else if (this.from instanceof yy.FuncValue && alasql.from[this.from.funcid.toUpperCase()]) {
- var args = this.from.args.map(function(arg) {
- var as = arg.toJS();
- var fn = new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + as).bind(this);
- return fn(params, alasql);
- });
- fromdata = alasql.from[this.from.funcid.toUpperCase()].apply(this, args);
- } else if (typeof this.from === 'undefined') {
- fromdata = alasql.databases[databaseid].objects;
- } else {
- var fromfn = new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + this.from.toJS());
- fromdata = fromfn(params, alasql);
- // Check for Mogo Collections
- if (
- typeof Mongo === 'object' &&
- typeof Mongo.Collection !== 'object' &&
- fromdata instanceof Mongo.Collection
- ) {
- fromdata = fromdata.find().fetch();
- }
- // if(typeof fromdata == 'object' && Array.isArray(fromdata)) {
- // selectors.unshift({srchid:'CHILD'});
- // }
- }
- // If source data is array than first step is to run over array
- // var selidx = 0;
- // var selvalue = fromdata;
- if (selectors !== undefined && selectors.length > 0) {
- // Init variables for TO() selectors
- if (false) {
- selectors.forEach(function(selector) {
- if (selector.srchid === 'TO') {
- //* @todo move to TO selector
- alasql.vars[selector.args[0]] = [];
- // TODO - process nested selectors
- }
- });
- }
- res = processSelector(selectors, 0, fromdata);
- } else {
- res = fromdata;
- }
- if (this.into) {
- var a1, a2;
- if (typeof this.into.args[0] !== 'undefined') {
- a1 = new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + this.into.args[0].toJS())(
- params,
- alasql
- );
- }
- if (typeof this.into.args[1] !== 'undefined') {
- a2 = new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + this.into.args[1].toJS())(
- params,
- alasql
- );
- }
- res = alasql.into[this.into.funcid.toUpperCase()](a1, a2, res, [], cb);
- } else {
- if (stope.value && res.length > 0) {
- res = res[0];
- }
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- }
- return res;
- Search class
- @class
- @example
- SEARCH SUM(/a) FROM ? -- search over parameter object
-yy.Search = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Search.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'SEARCH' + ' ';
- if (this.selectors) {
- s += this.selectors.toString();
- }
- if (this.from) {
- s += 'FROM' + ' ' + this.from.toString();
- }
- return s;
-yy.Search.prototype.toJS = function(context) {
- var s = 'this.queriesfn[' + (this.queriesidx - 1) + '](this.params,null,' + context + ')';
- // var s = '';
- return s;
-yy.Search.prototype.compile = function(databaseid) {
- var dbid = databaseid;
- var self = this;
- var statement = function(params, cb) {
- var res;
- doSearch.bind(self)(dbid, params, function(data) {
- res = modify(statement.query, data);
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- });
- // if(cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- };
- statement.query = {};
- return statement;
-// List of search functions
-alasql.srch = {};
-alasql.srch.PROP = function(val, args, stope) {
- if (stope.mode === 'XML') {
- var arr = [];
- val.children.forEach(function(v) {
- if (v.name.toUpperCase() === args[0].toUpperCase()) {
- arr.push(v);
- }
- });
- if (arr.length > 0) {
- return {status: 1, values: arr};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
- } else {
- if (
- typeof val !== 'object' ||
- val === null ||
- typeof args !== 'object' ||
- typeof val[args[0]] === 'undefined'
- ) {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- } else {
- return {status: 1, values: [val[args[0]]]};
- }
- }
-alasql.srch.APROP = function(val, args) {
- if (
- typeof val !== 'object' ||
- val === null ||
- typeof args !== 'object' ||
- typeof val[args[0]] === 'undefined'
- ) {
- return {status: 1, values: [undefined]};
- } else {
- return {status: 1, values: [val[args[0]]]};
- }
-// Test expression
-alasql.srch.EQ = function(val, args, stope, params) {
- var exprs = args[0].toJS('x', '');
- var exprfn = new Function('x,alasql,params', 'return ' + exprs);
- if (val === exprfn(val, alasql, params)) {
- return {status: 1, values: [val]};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-// Test expression
-alasql.srch.LIKE = function(val, args, stope, params) {
- var exprs = args[0].toJS('x', '');
- var exprfn = new Function('x,alasql,params', 'return ' + exprs);
- if (
- val.toUpperCase().match(
- new RegExp(
- '^' +
- exprfn(val, alasql, params)
- .toUpperCase()
- .replace(/%/g, '.*')
- .replace(/\?|_/g, '.') +
- '$'
- ),
- 'g'
- )
- ) {
- return {status: 1, values: [val]};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-alasql.srch.ATTR = function(val, args, stope) {
- if (stope.mode === 'XML') {
- if (typeof args === 'undefined') {
- return {status: 1, values: [val.attributes]};
- } else {
- if (
- typeof val === 'object' &&
- typeof val.attributes === 'object' &&
- typeof val.attributes[args[0]] !== 'undefined'
- ) {
- return {status: 1, values: [val.attributes[args[0]]]};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
- }
- } else {
- throw new Error('ATTR is not using in usual mode');
- }
-alasql.srch.CONTENT = function(val, args, stope) {
- if (stope.mode === 'XML') {
- return {status: 1, values: [val.content]};
- } else {
- throw new Error('ATTR is not using in usual mode');
- }
-alasql.srch.SHARP = function(val, args) {
- var obj = alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[args[0]];
- if (typeof val !== 'undefined' && val === obj) {
- return {status: 1, values: [val]};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-alasql.srch.PARENT = function(/*val,args,stope*/) {
- // TODO: implement
- console.error('PARENT not implemented', arguments);
- return {status: -1, values: []};
-alasql.srch.CHILD = function(val, args, stope) {
- if (typeof val === 'object') {
- if (Array.isArray(val)) {
- return {status: 1, values: val};
- } else {
- if (stope.mode === 'XML') {
- return {
- status: 1,
- values: Object.keys(val.children).map(function(key) {
- return val.children[key];
- }),
- };
- } else {
- return {
- status: 1,
- values: Object.keys(val).map(function(key) {
- return val[key];
- }),
- };
- }
- }
- } else {
- // If primitive value
- return {status: 1, values: []};
- }
-// Return all keys
-alasql.srch.KEYS = function(val) {
- if (typeof val === 'object' && val !== null) {
- return {status: 1, values: Object.keys(val)};
- } else {
- // If primitive value
- return {status: 1, values: []};
- }
-// Test expression
-alasql.srch.WHERE = function(val, args, stope, params) {
- var exprs = args[0].toJS('x', '');
- var exprfn = new Function('x,alasql,params', 'return ' + exprs);
- if (exprfn(val, alasql, params)) {
- return {status: 1, values: [val]};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-alasql.srch.NAME = function(val, args) {
- if (val.name === args[0]) {
- return {status: 1, values: [val]};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-alasql.srch.CLASS = function(val, args) {
- // Please avoid `===` here
- if (val.$class == args) {
- // jshint ignore:line
- return {status: 1, values: [val]};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-// Transform expression
-alasql.srch.VERTEX = function(val) {
- if (val.$node === 'VERTEX') {
- return {status: 1, values: [val]};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-// Transform expression
-alasql.srch.INSTANCEOF = function(val, args) {
- if (val instanceof alasql.fn[args[0]]) {
- return {status: 1, values: [val]};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-// Transform expression
-alasql.srch.EDGE = function(val) {
- if (val.$node === 'EDGE') {
- return {status: 1, values: [val]};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-// Transform expression
-alasql.srch.EX = function(val, args, stope, params) {
- var exprs = args[0].toJS('x', '');
- var exprfn = new Function('x,alasql,params', 'return ' + exprs);
- return {status: 1, values: [exprfn(val, alasql, params)]};
-// Transform expression
-alasql.srch.RETURN = function(val, args, stope, params) {
- var res = {};
- if (args && args.length > 0) {
- args.forEach(function(arg) {
- var exprs = arg.toJS('x', '');
- var exprfn = new Function('x,alasql,params', 'return ' + exprs);
- if (typeof arg.as === 'undefined') {
- arg.as = arg.toString();
- }
- res[arg.as] = exprfn(val, alasql, params);
- });
- }
- return {status: 1, values: [res]};
-// Transform expression
-alasql.srch.REF = function(val) {
- return {status: 1, values: [alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[val]]};
-// Transform expression
-alasql.srch.OUT = function(val) {
- if (val.$out && val.$out.length > 0) {
- var res = val.$out.map(function(v) {
- return alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[v];
- });
- return {status: 1, values: res};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-alasql.srch.OUTOUT = function(val) {
- if (val.$out && val.$out.length > 0) {
- var res = [];
- val.$out.forEach(function(v) {
- var av = alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[v];
- if (av && av.$out && av.$out.length > 0) {
- av.$out.forEach(function(vv) {
- res = res.concat(alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[vv]);
- });
- }
- });
- return {status: 1, values: res};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-// Transform expression
-alasql.srch.IN = function(val) {
- if (val.$in && val.$in.length > 0) {
- var res = val.$in.map(function(v) {
- return alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[v];
- });
- return {status: 1, values: res};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-alasql.srch.ININ = function(val) {
- if (val.$in && val.$in.length > 0) {
- var res = [];
- val.$in.forEach(function(v) {
- var av = alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[v];
- if (av && av.$in && av.$in.length > 0) {
- av.$in.forEach(function(vv) {
- res = res.concat(alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[vv]);
- });
- }
- });
- return {status: 1, values: res};
- } else {
- return {status: -1, values: []};
- }
-// Transform expression
-alasql.srch.AS = function(val, args) {
- alasql.vars[args[0]] = val;
- return {status: 1, values: [val]};
-// Transform expression
-alasql.srch.AT = function(val, args) {
- var v = alasql.vars[args[0]];
- return {status: 1, values: [v]};
-// Transform expression
-alasql.srch.CLONEDEEP = function(val) {
- // TODO something wrong
- var z = cloneDeep(val);
- return {status: 1, values: [z]};
-// // Transform expression
-// alasql.srch.DELETE = function(val,args) {
-// };
-// Transform expression
-alasql.srch.SET = function(val, args, stope, params) {
- var s = args
- .map(function(st) {
- if (st.method === '@') {
- return "alasql.vars['" + st.variable + "']=" + st.expression.toJS('x', '');
- } else if (st.method === '$') {
- return "params['" + st.variable + "']=" + st.expression.toJS('x', '');
- } else {
- return "x['" + st.column.columnid + "']=" + st.expression.toJS('x', '');
- }
- })
- .join(';');
- var setfn = new Function('x,params,alasql', s);
- setfn(val, params, alasql);
- return {status: 1, values: [val]};
-alasql.srch.ROW = function(val, args, stope, params) {
- var s = 'var y;return [';
- s += args
- .map(function(arg) {
- return arg.toJS('x', '');
- })
- .join(',');
- s += ']';
- var setfn = new Function('x,params,alasql', s);
- var rv = setfn(val, params, alasql);
- return {status: 1, values: [rv]};
-alasql.srch.D3 = function(val) {
- if (val.$node !== 'VERTEX' && val.$node === 'EDGE') {
- val.source = val.$in[0];
- val.target = val.$out[0];
- }
- return {status: 1, values: [val]};
-var compileSearchOrder = function(order) {
- if (order) {
- if (
- order &&
- order.length === 1 &&
- order[0].expression &&
- typeof order[0].expression === 'function'
- ) {
- var func = order[0].expression;
- return function(a, b) {
- var ra = func(a),
- rb = func(b);
- if (ra > rb) {
- return 1;
- }
- if (ra === rb) {
- return 0;
- }
- return -1;
- };
- }
- var s = '';
- var sk = '';
- order.forEach(function(ord) {
- // Date conversion
- var dg = '';
- if (ord.expression instanceof yy.NumValue) {
- ord.expression = self.columns[ord.expression.value - 1];
- }
- if (ord.expression instanceof yy.Column) {
- var columnid = ord.expression.columnid;
- if (alasql.options.valueof) {
- dg = '.valueOf()'; // TODO Check
- }
- if (ord.nocase) {
- dg += '.toUpperCase()';
- }
- if (columnid === '_') {
- s +=
- 'if(a' +
- dg +
- (ord.direction === 'ASC' ? '>' : '<') +
- 'b' +
- dg +
- ')return 1;';
- s += 'if(a' + dg + '==b' + dg + '){';
- } else {
- s +=
- "if((a['" +
- columnid +
- "']||'')" +
- dg +
- (ord.direction === 'ASC' ? '>' : '<') +
- "(b['" +
- columnid +
- "']||'')" +
- dg +
- ')return 1;';
- s +=
- "if((a['" +
- columnid +
- "']||'')" +
- dg +
- "==(b['" +
- columnid +
- "']||'')" +
- dg +
- '){';
- }
- } else {
- dg = '.valueOf()';
- if (ord.nocase) {
- dg += '.toUpperCase()';
- }
- s +=
- 'if((' +
- ord.toJS('a', '') +
- "||'')" +
- dg +
- (ord.direction === 'ASC' ? '>(' : '<(') +
- ord.toJS('b', '') +
- "||'')" +
- dg +
- ')return 1;';
- s +=
- 'if((' +
- ord.toJS('a', '') +
- "||'')" +
- dg +
- '==(' +
- ord.toJS('b', '') +
- "||'')" +
- dg +
- '){';
- }
- // TODO Add date comparision
- // s += 'if(a[\''+columnid+"']"+dg+(ord.direction == 'ASC'?'>':'<')+'b[\''+columnid+"']"+dg+')return 1;';
- // s += 'if(a[\''+columnid+"']"+dg+'==b[\''+columnid+"']"+dg+'){';
- // }
- sk += '}';
- });
- s += 'return 0;';
- s += sk + 'return -1';
- return new Function('a,b', s);
- }
-alasql.srch.ORDERBY = function(val, args /*,stope*/) {
- var res = val.sort(compileSearchOrder(args));
- return {status: 1, values: res};
-// Main query procedure
-function queryfn(query, oldscope, cb, A, B) {
- var aaa = query.sources.length;
- var ms;
- query.sourceslen = query.sources.length;
- var slen = query.sourceslen;
- query.query = query; // TODO Remove to prevent memory leaks
- query.A = A;
- query.B = B;
- query.cb = cb;
- query.oldscope = oldscope;
- // Run all subqueries before main statement
- if (query.queriesfn) {
- query.sourceslen += query.queriesfn.length;
- slen += query.queriesfn.length;
- query.queriesdata = [];
- query.queriesfn.forEach(function(q, idx) {
- // if(query.explain) ms = Date.now();
- // var res = flatArray(q(query.params,null,queryfn2,(-idx-1),query));
- // var res = flatArray(queryfn(q.query,null,queryfn2,(-idx-1),query));
- q.query.params = query.params;
- // query.queriesdata[idx] =
- // if(false) {
- // queryfn(q.query,query.oldscope,queryfn2,(-idx-1),query);
- // } else {
- queryfn2([], -idx - 1, query);
- // }
- // query.explaination.push({explid: query.explid++, description:'Query '+idx,ms:Date.now()-ms});
- // query.queriesdata[idx] = res;
- // return res;
- });
- }
- var scope;
- if (!oldscope) scope = {};
- else scope = cloneDeep(oldscope);
- query.scope = scope;
- // First - refresh data sources
- var result;
- query.sources.forEach(function(source, idx) {
- // source.data = query.database.tables[source.tableid].data;
- source.query = query;
- var rs = source.datafn(query, query.params, queryfn2, idx, alasql);
- if (typeof rs !== 'undefined') {
- // TODO - this is a hack: check if result is array - check all cases and
- // make it more logical
- if ((query.intofn || query.intoallfn) && Array.isArray(rs)) rs = rs.length;
- result = rs;
- }
- //
- // Ugly hack to use in query.wherefn and source.srcwherefns functions
- // constructions like this.queriesdata['test'].
- // I can elimite it with source.srcwherefn.bind(this)()
- // but it may be slow.
- //
- source.queriesdata = query.queriesdata;
- });
- if (query.sources.length == 0 || 0 === slen) result = queryfn3(query);
- return result;
-function queryfn2(data, idx, query) {
- //console.trace();
- if (idx >= 0) {
- var source = query.sources[idx];
- source.data = data;
- if (typeof source.data == 'function') {
- source.getfn = source.data;
- source.dontcache = source.getfn.dontcache;
- // var prevsource = query.sources[h-1];
- if (
- source.joinmode == 'OUTER' ||
- source.joinmode == 'RIGHT' ||
- source.joinmode == 'ANTI'
- ) {
- source.dontcache = false;
- }
- source.data = {};
- }
- } else {
- // subqueries
- query.queriesdata[-idx - 1] = flatArray(data);
- }
- query.sourceslen--;
- if (query.sourceslen > 0) return;
- return queryfn3(query);
-function queryfn3(query) {
- var scope = query.scope,
- jlen;
- // Preindexation of data sources
- // if(!oldscope) {
- preIndex(query);
- // }
- // query.sources.forEach(function(source) {
- // });
- // Prepare variables
- query.data = [];
- query.xgroups = {};
- query.groups = [];
- // Level of Joins
- var h = 0;
- // Start walking over data
- doJoin(query, scope, h);
- // If groupping, then filter groups with HAVING function
- if (query.groupfn) {
- query.data = [];
- if (0 === query.groups.length) {
- var g = {};
- if (query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
- query.selectGroup.forEach(function(sg) {
- if (sg.aggregatorid == 'COUNT' || sg.aggregatorid == 'SUM') {
- g[sg.nick] = 0;
- } else {
- g[sg.nick] = undefined;
- }
- });
- }
- query.groups = [g];
- }
- // ******
- if (query.aggrKeys.length > 0) {
- var gfns = '';
- query.aggrKeys.forEach(function(col) {
- gfns +=
- "g['" +
- col.nick +
- "']=alasql.aggr['" +
- col.funcid +
- "'](undefined,g['" +
- col.nick +
- "'],3);";
- // gfns += 'return g[\''+col.nick+'\];';
- });
- var gfn = new Function('g,params,alasql', 'var y;' + gfns);
- }
- // return "'"+colas+'\':alasql.aggr[\''+col.funcid+'\']('+colexp+',undefined,(acc={}),1),'
- // +'\'__REDUCE__'+colas+'\':acc,';
- // *******
- // debugger;
- // if(false && (query.groups.length == 1) && (Object.keys(query.groups[0]).length == 0)) {
- // } else {
- for (var i = 0, ilen = query.groups.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- var g = query.groups[i];
- if (gfn) gfn(g, query.params, alasql);
- if (!query.havingfn || query.havingfn(g, query.params, alasql)) {
- var d = query.selectgfn(g, query.params, alasql);
- query.data.push(d);
- }
- }
- // }
- // query.groups = query.groups.filter();
- }
- // Remove distinct values
- doDistinct(query);
- if (query.unionallfn) {
- // TODO Simplify this part of program
- var ud, nd;
- if (query.corresponding) {
- if (!query.unionallfn.query.modifier) query.unionallfn.query.modifier = undefined;
- ud = query.unionallfn(query.params);
- } else {
- if (!query.unionallfn.query.modifier) query.unionallfn.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- nd = query.unionallfn(query.params);
- ud = [];
- ilen = nd.data.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
- var r = {};
- for (var j = Math.min(query.columns.length, nd.columns.length) - 1; 0 <= j; j--) {
- r[query.columns[j].columnid] = nd.data[i][nd.columns[j].columnid];
- }
- ud.push(r);
- }
- }
- query.data = query.data.concat(ud);
- } else if (query.unionfn) {
- if (query.corresponding) {
- if (!query.unionfn.query.modifier) query.unionfn.query.modifier = 'ARRAY';
- ud = query.unionfn(query.params);
- } else {
- if (!query.unionfn.query.modifier) query.unionfn.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- nd = query.unionfn(query.params);
- ud = [];
- ilen = nd.data.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
- r = {};
- jlen = Math.min(query.columns.length, nd.columns.length);
- for (var j = 0; j < jlen; j++) {
- r[query.columns[j].columnid] = nd.data[i][nd.columns[j].columnid];
- }
- ud.push(r);
- }
- }
- query.data = arrayUnionDeep(query.data, ud);
- } else if (query.exceptfn) {
- if (query.corresponding) {
- if (!query.exceptfn.query.modifier) query.exceptfn.query.modifier = 'ARRAY';
- var ud = query.exceptfn(query.params);
- } else {
- if (!query.exceptfn.query.modifier) query.exceptfn.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- var nd = query.exceptfn(query.params);
- var ud = [];
- for (var i = 0, ilen = nd.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- var r = {};
- for (var j = Math.min(query.columns.length, nd.columns.length) - 1; 0 <= j; j--) {
- r[query.columns[j].columnid] = nd.data[i][nd.columns[j].columnid];
- }
- ud.push(r);
- }
- }
- query.data = arrayExceptDeep(query.data, ud);
- } else if (query.intersectfn) {
- if (query.corresponding) {
- if (!query.intersectfn.query.modifier) query.intersectfn.query.modifier = undefined;
- ud = query.intersectfn(query.params);
- } else {
- if (!query.intersectfn.query.modifier) query.intersectfn.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- nd = query.intersectfn(query.params);
- ud = [];
- ilen = nd.data.length;
- for (i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
- r = {};
- jlen = Math.min(query.columns.length, nd.columns.length);
- for (j = 0; j < jlen; j++) {
- r[query.columns[j].columnid] = nd.data[i][nd.columns[j].columnid];
- }
- ud.push(r);
- }
- }
- query.data = arrayIntersectDeep(query.data, ud);
- }
- // Ordering
- if (query.orderfn) {
- if (query.explain) var ms = Date.now();
- query.data = query.data.sort(query.orderfn);
- if (query.explain) {
- query.explaination.push({
- explid: query.explid++,
- description: 'QUERY BY',
- ms: Date.now() - ms,
- });
- }
- }
- // Reduce to limit and offset
- doLimit(query);
- // Remove Angular.js artifacts and other unnecessary columns
- // Issue #25
- // TODO: Check what artefacts rest from Angular.js
- if (typeof angular != 'undefined') {
- query.removeKeys.push('$$hashKey');
- }
- if (query.removeKeys.length > 0) {
- var removeKeys = query.removeKeys;
- // Remove from data
- jlen = removeKeys.length;
- if (jlen > 0) {
- ilen = query.data.length;
- for (i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < jlen; j++) {
- delete query.data[i][removeKeys[j]];
- }
- }
- }
- // Remove from columns list
- if (query.columns.length > 0) {
- query.columns = query.columns.filter(function(column) {
- var found = false;
- removeKeys.forEach(function(key) {
- if (column.columnid == key) found = true;
- });
- return !found;
- });
- }
- }
- if (typeof query.removeLikeKeys != 'undefined' && query.removeLikeKeys.length > 0) {
- var removeLikeKeys = query.removeLikeKeys;
- // Remove unused columns
- for (var i = 0, ilen = query.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- r = query.data[i];
- for (var k in r) {
- for (j = 0; j < query.removeLikeKeys.length; j++) {
- if (alasql.utils.like(query.removeLikeKeys[j], k)) {
- // if(k.match(query.removeLikeKeys[j])) {
- delete r[k];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (query.columns.length > 0) {
- query.columns = query.columns.filter(function(column) {
- var found = false;
- removeLikeKeys.forEach(function(key) {
- // if(column.columnid.match(key)) found = true;
- if (alasql.utils.like(key, column.columnid)) {
- found = true;
- }
- });
- return !found;
- });
- }
- }
- if (query.pivotfn) query.pivotfn();
- if (query.unpivotfn) query.unpivotfn();
- if (query.intoallfn) {
- // var res = query.intoallfn(query.columns,query.cb,query.A, query.B, alasql);
- var res = query.intoallfn(query.columns, query.cb, query.params, query.alasql);
- // if(query.cb) res = query.cb(res,query.A, query.B);
- // debugger;
- return res;
- } else if (query.intofn) {
- ilen = query.data.length;
- for (i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
- query.intofn(query.data[i], i, query.params, query.alasql);
- }
- if (query.cb) query.cb(query.data.length, query.A, query.B);
- return query.data.length;
- } else {
- res = query.data;
- if (query.cb) res = query.cb(query.data, query.A, query.B);
- return res;
- }
-// Limiting
-function doLimit(query) {
- if (query.limit) {
- var offset = 0;
- if (query.offset) {
- offset = query.offset | 0 || 0;
- offset = offset < 0 ? 0 : offset;
- }
- var limit;
- if (query.percent) {
- limit = (((query.data.length * query.limit) / 100) | 0) + offset;
- } else {
- limit = (query.limit | 0) + offset;
- }
- query.data = query.data.slice(offset, limit);
- }
-// Distinct
-function doDistinct(query) {
- if (query.distinct) {
- var uniq = {};
- // TODO: Speedup, because Object.keys is slow**
- // TODO: Problem with DISTINCT on objects
- var keys = Object.keys(query.data[0] || []);
- for (var i = 0, ilen = query.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- var uix = keys
- .map(function(k) {
- return query.data[i][k];
- })
- .join('`');
- uniq[uix] = query.data[i];
- }
- query.data = [];
- for (var key in uniq) {
- query.data.push(uniq[key]);
- }
- }
-// Optimization: preliminary indexation of joins
-var preIndex = function(query) {
- // Loop over all sources
- // Todo: make this loop smaller and more graspable
- for (var k = 0, klen = query.sources.length; k < klen; k++) {
- var source = query.sources[k];
- delete source.ix;
- // If there is indexation rule
- if (k > 0 && source.optimization == 'ix' && source.onleftfn && source.onrightfn) {
- // If there is no table.indices - create it
- if (source.databaseid && alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid]) {
- if (!alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].indices)
- query.database.tables[source.tableid].indices = {};
- // Check if index already exists
- var ixx =
- alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].indices[
- hash(source.onrightfns + '`' + source.srcwherefns)
- ];
- if (!alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].dirty && ixx) {
- source.ix = ixx;
- }
- }
- if (!source.ix) {
- source.ix = {};
- // Walking over source data
- var scope = {};
- var i = 0;
- var ilen = source.data.length;
- var dataw;
- // while(source.getfn i= query.sources.length) {
- // Todo: check if this runs once too many
- // Then apply where and select
- if (query.wherefn(scope, query.params, alasql)) {
- // var res = query.selectfn(scope, query.params, alasql);
- // If there is a GROUP BY then pipe to groupping function
- if (query.groupfn) {
- query.groupfn(scope, query.params, alasql);
- } else {
- // query.qwerty = 999;
- query.data.push(query.selectfn(scope, query.params, alasql));
- }
- }
- } else if (query.sources[h].applyselect) {
- var source = query.sources[h];
- source.applyselect(
- query.params,
- function(data) {
- if (data.length > 0) {
- for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
- scope[source.alias] = data[i];
- doJoin(query, scope, h + 1);
- }
- } else {
- if (source.applymode == 'OUTER') {
- scope[source.alias] = {};
- doJoin(query, scope, h + 1);
- }
- }
- },
- scope
- );
- } else {
- // STEP 1
- var source = query.sources[h];
- var nextsource = query.sources[h + 1];
- // if(source.joinmode == "LEFT" || source.joinmode == "INNER" || source.joinmode == "RIGHT"
- // || source.joinmode == "OUTER" || source.joinmode == "SEMI") {
- // Todo: check if this is smart
- if (true) {
- //source.joinmode != "ANTI") {
- var tableid = source.alias || source.tableid;
- var pass = false; // For LEFT JOIN
- var data = source.data;
- var opt = false;
- // Reduce data for looping if there is optimization hint
- if (!source.getfn || (source.getfn && !source.dontcache)) {
- if (
- source.joinmode != 'RIGHT' &&
- source.joinmode != 'OUTER' &&
- source.joinmode != 'ANTI' &&
- source.optimization == 'ix'
- ) {
- data = source.ix[source.onleftfn(scope, query.params, alasql)] || [];
- opt = true;
- }
- }
- // Main cycle
- var i = 0;
- if (typeof data == 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Data source number ' + h + ' in undefined');
- }
- var ilen = data.length;
- var dataw;
- while (
- (dataw = data[i]) ||
- (!opt && (source.getfn && (dataw = source.getfn(i)))) ||
- i < ilen
- ) {
- if (!opt && source.getfn && !source.dontcache) data[i] = dataw;
- scope[tableid] = dataw;
- // Reduce with ON and USING clause
- if (
- !source.onleftfn ||
- source.onleftfn(scope, query.params, alasql) ==
- source.onrightfn(scope, query.params, alasql)
- ) {
- // For all non-standard JOINs like a-b=0
- if (source.onmiddlefn(scope, query.params, alasql)) {
- // Recursively call new join
- // if(source.joinmode == "LEFT" || source.joinmode == "INNER" || source.joinmode == "OUTER" || source.joinmode == "RIGHT" ) {
- if (source.joinmode != 'SEMI' && source.joinmode != 'ANTI') {
- doJoin(query, scope, h + 1);
- }
- // if(source.data[i].f = 200) debugger;
- // if(source.joinmode == "RIGHT" || source.joinmode == "ANTI" || source.joinmode == "OUTER") {
- if (source.joinmode != 'LEFT' && source.joinmode != 'INNER') {
- dataw._rightjoin = true;
- }
- // for LEFT JOIN
- pass = true;
- }
- }
- i++;
- }
- // Additional join for LEFT JOINS
- if (
- (source.joinmode == 'LEFT' ||
- source.joinmode == 'OUTER' ||
- source.joinmode == 'SEMI') &&
- !pass
- ) {
- // Clear the scope after the loop
- scope[tableid] = {};
- doJoin(query, scope, h + 1);
- }
- }
- // When there is no records
- // if(data.length == 0 && query.groupfn) {
- // scope[tableid] = undefined;
- // doJoin(query,scope,h+1);
- // }
- // STEP 2
- if (h + 1 < query.sources.length) {
- if (
- nextsource.joinmode == 'OUTER' ||
- nextsource.joinmode == 'RIGHT' ||
- nextsource.joinmode == 'ANTI'
- ) {
- scope[source.alias] = {};
- var j = 0;
- var jlen = nextsource.data.length;
- var dataw;
- while (
- (dataw = nextsource.data[j]) ||
- (nextsource.getfn && (dataw = nextsource.getfn(j))) ||
- j < jlen
- ) {
- if (nextsource.getfn && !nextsource.dontcache) {
- nextsource.data[j] = dataw;
- }
- if (dataw._rightjoin) {
- delete dataw._rightjoin;
- } else {
- // delete dataw._rightjoin;
- if (h == 0) {
- scope[nextsource.alias] = dataw;
- doJoin(query, scope, h + 2);
- } else {
- //scope[nextsource.alias] = dataw;
- //doJoin(query, scope, h+2);
- }
- }
- j++;
- }
- // debugger;
- } else {
- }
- } else {
- }
- scope[tableid] = undefined;
- }
-function swapSources(query, h) {
- var source = query.sources[h];
- var nextsource = query.sources[h + 1];
- var onleftfn = source.onleftfn;
- var onleftfns = source.onleftfns;
- var onrightfn = source.onrightfn;
- var onrightfns = source.onrightfns;
- var optimization = source.optimization;
- source.onleftfn = nextsource.onrightfn;
- source.onleftfns = nextsource.onrightfns;
- source.onrightfn = nextsource.onleftfn;
- source.onrightfns = nextsource.onleftfns;
- source.optimization = nextsource.optimization;
- nextsource.onleftfn = onleftfn;
- nextsource.onleftfns = onleftfns;
- nextsource.onrightfn = onrightfn;
- nextsource.onrightfns = onrightfns;
- nextsource.optimization = optimization;
- query.sources[h] = nextsource;
- query.sources[h + 1] = source;
-// Select run-time part for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-// Main part of SELECT procedure
-/* global yy */
-yy.Select = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Select.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s;
- s = '';
- if (this.explain) {
- s += 'EXPLAIN ';
- }
- s += 'SELECT ';
- if (this.modifier) {
- s += this.modifier + ' ';
- }
- if (this.distinct) {
- s += 'DISTINCT ';
- }
- if (this.top) {
- s += 'TOP ' + this.top.value + ' ';
- if (this.percent) {
- s += 'PERCENT ';
- }
- }
- s += this.columns
- .map(function(col) {
- var s;
- s = col.toString();
- if (typeof col.as !== 'undefined') {
- s += ' AS ' + col.as;
- }
- return s;
- })
- .join(', ');
- if (this.from) {
- s +=
- ' FROM ' +
- this.from
- .map(function(f) {
- var ss;
- ss = f.toString();
- if (f.as) {
- ss += ' AS ' + f.as;
- }
- return ss;
- })
- .join(',');
- }
- if (this.joins) {
- s += this.joins
- .map(function(jn) {
- var ss;
- ss = ' ';
- if (jn.joinmode) {
- ss += jn.joinmode + ' ';
- }
- if (jn.table) {
- ss += 'JOIN ' + jn.table.toString();
- } else if (jn.select) {
- ss += 'JOIN (' + jn.select.toString() + ')';
- } else if (jn instanceof alasql.yy.Apply) {
- ss += jn.toString();
- } else {
- throw new Error('Wrong type in JOIN mode');
- }
- if (jn.as) {
- ss += ' AS ' + jn.as;
- }
- if (jn.using) {
- ss += ' USING ' + jn.using.toString();
- }
- if (jn.on) {
- ss += ' ON ' + jn.on.toString();
- }
- return ss;
- })
- .join('');
- }
- if (this.where) {
- s += ' WHERE ' + this.where.toString();
- }
- if (this.group && this.group.length > 0) {
- s +=
- ' GROUP BY ' +
- this.group
- .map(function(grp) {
- return grp.toString();
- })
- .join(', ');
- }
- if (this.having) {
- s += ' HAVING ' + this.having.toString();
- }
- if (this.order && this.order.length > 0) {
- s +=
- ' ORDER BY ' +
- this.order
- .map(function(ord) {
- return ord.toString();
- })
- .join(', ');
- }
- if (this.limit) {
- s += ' LIMIT ' + this.limit.value;
- }
- if (this.offset) {
- s += ' OFFSET ' + this.offset.value;
- }
- if (this.union) {
- s += ' UNION ' + (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') + this.union.toString();
- }
- if (this.unionall) {
- s +=
- ' UNION ALL ' + (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') + this.unionall.toString();
- }
- if (this.except) {
- s += ' EXCEPT ' + (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') + this.except.toString();
- }
- if (this.intersect) {
- s +=
- (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') +
- this.intersect.toString();
- }
- return s;
- Select statement in expression
- */
-yy.Select.prototype.toJS = function(context) {
- // if(this.expression.reduced) return 'true';
- // return this.expression.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
- // var s = 'this.queriesdata['+(this.queriesidx-1)+'][0]';
- var s =
- 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn[' +
- (this.queriesidx - 1) +
- '](this.params,null,' +
- context +
- '))[0]';
- return s;
-// Compile SELECT statement
-yy.Select.prototype.compile = function(databaseid, params) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- // Create variable for query
- var query = new Query();
- // Array with columns to be removed
- query.removeKeys = [];
- query.aggrKeys = [];
- query.explain = this.explain; // Explain
- query.explaination = [];
- query.explid = 1;
- query.modifier = this.modifier;
- query.database = db;
- // 0. Precompile whereexists
- this.compileWhereExists(query);
- // 0. Precompile queries for IN, NOT IN, ANY and ALL operators
- this.compileQueries(query);
- query.defcols = this.compileDefCols(query, databaseid);
- // 1. Compile FROM clause
- query.fromfn = this.compileFrom(query);
- // 2. Compile JOIN clauses
- if (this.joins) {
- this.compileJoins(query);
- }
- // todo?: 3. Compile SELECT clause
- // For ROWNUM()
- query.rownums = [];
- this.compileSelectGroup0(query);
- if (this.group || query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
- query.selectgfns = this.compileSelectGroup1(query);
- } else {
- query.selectfns = this.compileSelect1(query, params);
- }
- // Remove columns clause
- this.compileRemoveColumns(query);
- // 5. Optimize WHERE and JOINS
- if (this.where) {
- this.compileWhereJoins(query);
- }
- // 4. Compile WHERE clause
- query.wherefn = this.compileWhere(query);
- // 6. Compile GROUP BY
- if (this.group || query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
- query.groupfn = this.compileGroup(query);
- }
- // 6. Compile HAVING
- if (this.having) {
- query.havingfn = this.compileHaving(query);
- }
- // 8. Compile ORDER BY clause
- if (this.order) {
- query.orderfn = this.compileOrder(query);
- }
- if (this.group || query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
- query.selectgfn = this.compileSelectGroup2(query);
- } else {
- query.selectfn = this.compileSelect2(query);
- }
- // 7. Compile DISTINCT, LIMIT and OFFSET
- query.distinct = this.distinct;
- // 9. Compile PIVOT clause
- if (this.pivot) query.pivotfn = this.compilePivot(query);
- if (this.unpivot) query.pivotfn = this.compileUnpivot(query);
- // 10. Compile TOP/LIMIT/OFFSET/FETCH cleuse
- if (this.top) {
- query.limit = this.top.value;
- } else if (this.limit) {
- query.limit = this.limit.value;
- if (this.offset) {
- query.offset = this.offset.value;
- }
- }
- query.percent = this.percent;
- // 9. Compile ordering function for UNION and UNIONALL
- query.corresponding = this.corresponding; // If CORRESPONDING flag exists
- if (this.union) {
- query.unionfn = this.union.compile(databaseid);
- if (this.union.order) {
- query.orderfn = this.union.compileOrder(query);
- } else {
- query.orderfn = null;
- }
- } else if (this.unionall) {
- query.unionallfn = this.unionall.compile(databaseid);
- if (this.unionall.order) {
- query.orderfn = this.unionall.compileOrder(query);
- } else {
- query.orderfn = null;
- }
- } else if (this.except) {
- query.exceptfn = this.except.compile(databaseid);
- if (this.except.order) {
- query.orderfn = this.except.compileOrder(query);
- } else {
- query.orderfn = null;
- }
- } else if (this.intersect) {
- query.intersectfn = this.intersect.compile(databaseid);
- if (this.intersect.order) {
- query.intersectfn = this.intersect.compileOrder(query);
- } else {
- query.orderfn = null;
- }
- }
- if (this.into) {
- if (this.into instanceof yy.Table) {
- //
- // Save into the table in database
- //
- if (
- alasql.options.autocommit &&
- alasql.databases[this.into.databaseid || databaseid].engineid
- ) {
- // For external database when AUTOCOMMIT is ONs
- query.intoallfns =
- 'return alasql.engines["' +
- alasql.databases[this.into.databaseid || databaseid].engineid +
- '"]' +
- '.intoTable("' +
- (this.into.databaseid || databaseid) +
- '","' +
- this.into.tableid +
- '",this.data, columns, cb);';
- } else {
- // Into AlaSQL tables
- query.intofns =
- "alasql.databases['" +
- (this.into.databaseid || databaseid) +
- "'].tables" +
- "['" +
- this.into.tableid +
- "'].data.push(r);";
- }
- } else if (this.into instanceof yy.VarValue) {
- //
- // Save into local variable
- //
- query.intoallfns =
- 'alasql.vars["' +
- this.into.variable +
- '"]=this.data;res=this.data.length;if(cb)res=cb(res);return res;';
- } else if (this.into instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
- //
- // If this is INTO() function, then call it
- // with one or two parameters
- //
- var qs = "return alasql.into['" + this.into.funcid.toUpperCase() + "'](";
- if (this.into.args && this.into.args.length > 0) {
- qs += this.into.args[0].toJS() + ',';
- if (this.into.args.length > 1) {
- qs += this.into.args[1].toJS() + ',';
- } else {
- qs += 'undefined,';
- }
- } else {
- qs += 'undefined, undefined,';
- }
- query.intoallfns = qs + 'this.data,columns,cb)';
- } else if (this.into instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
- //
- // Save data into parameters array
- // like alasql('SELECT * INTO ? FROM ?',[outdata,srcdata]);
- //
- query.intofns = "params['" + this.into.param + "'].push(r)";
- }
- if (query.intofns) {
- // Create intofn function
- query.intofn = new Function('r,i,params,alasql', 'var y;' + query.intofns);
- } else if (query.intoallfns) {
- // Create intoallfn function
- query.intoallfn = new Function('columns,cb,params,alasql', 'var y;' + query.intoallfns);
- }
- }
- // Now, compile all togeather into one function with query object in scope
- var statement = function(params, cb, oldscope) {
- query.params = params;
- var res1 = queryfn(query, oldscope, function(res) {
- if (query.rownums.length > 0) {
- for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- for (var j = 0, jlen = query.rownums.length; j < jlen; j++) {
- res[i][query.rownums[j]] = i + 1;
- }
- }
- }
- var res2 = modify(query, res);
- if (cb) {
- cb(res2);
- }
- return res2;
- });
- // if(typeof res1 != 'undefined') res1 = modify(query,res1);
- return res1;
- };
- // statement.dbversion = ;
- statement.query = query;
- return statement;
- Modify res according modifier
- @function
- @param {object} query Query object
- @param res {object|number|string|boolean} res Data to be converted
-function modify(query, res) {
- // jshint ignore:line
- /* If source is a primitive value then return it */
- if (
- typeof res === 'undefined' ||
- typeof res === 'number' ||
- typeof res === 'string' ||
- typeof res == 'boolean'
- ) {
- return res;
- }
- var modifier = query.modifier || alasql.options.modifier;
- var columns = query.columns;
- if (typeof columns === 'undefined' || columns.length == 0) {
- // Try to create columns
- if (res.length > 0) {
- var allcol = {};
- for (var i = Math.min(res.length, alasql.options.columnlookup || 10) - 1; 0 <= i; i--) {
- for (var key in res[i]) {
- allcol[key] = true;
- }
- }
- columns = Object.keys(allcol).map(function(columnid) {
- return {columnid: columnid};
- });
- } else {
- // Cannot recognize columns
- columns = [];
- }
- }
- if (modifier === 'VALUE') {
- if (res.length > 0) {
- var key;
- if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
- key = columns[0].columnid;
- } else {
- key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];
- }
- res = res[0][key];
- } else {
- res = undefined;
- }
- } else if (modifier === 'ROW') {
- if (res.length > 0) {
- var key;
- var a = [];
- for (var key in res[0]) {
- a.push(res[0][key]);
- }
- res = a;
- } else {
- res = undefined;
- }
- } else if (modifier === 'COLUMN') {
- var ar = [];
- if (res.length > 0) {
- var key;
- if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
- key = columns[0].columnid;
- } else {
- key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];
- }
- for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- ar.push(res[i][key]);
- }
- }
- res = ar;
- } else if (modifier === 'MATRIX') {
- // Returns square matrix of rows
- var ar = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
- var a = [];
- var r = res[i];
- for (var j = 0; j < columns.length; j++) {
- a.push(r[columns[j].columnid]);
- }
- ar.push(a);
- }
- res = ar;
- } else if (modifier === 'INDEX') {
- var ar = {};
- var key, val;
- if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
- key = columns[0].columnid;
- val = columns[1].columnid;
- } else {
- var okeys = Object.keys(res[0]);
- key = okeys[0];
- val = okeys[1];
- }
- for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- ar[res[i][key]] = res[i][val];
- }
- res = ar;
- // res = arrayOfArrays(res);
- } else if (modifier === 'RECORDSET') {
- res = new alasql.Recordset({columns: columns, data: res});
- // res = arrayOfArrays(res);
- } else if (modifier === 'TEXTSTRING') {
- var key;
- if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
- key = columns[0].columnid;
- } else {
- key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];
- }
- for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- res[i] = res[i][key];
- }
- res = res.join('\n');
- // res = arrayOfArrays(res);
- }
- return res;
-yy.Select.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- return this.compile(databaseid)(params, cb);
- // throw new Error('Insert statement is should be compiled')
-// EXISTS and other subqueries functions functions for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.ExistsValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.ExistsValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return 'EXISTS(' + this.value.toString() + ')';
-yy.ExistsValue.prototype.toType = function() {
- return 'boolean';
-yy.ExistsValue.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- return 'this.existsfn[' + this.existsidx + '](params,null,' + context + ').data.length';
-yy.Select.prototype.compileWhereExists = function(query) {
- if (!this.exists) return;
- query.existsfn = this.exists.map(function(ex) {
- var nq = ex.compile(query.database.databaseid);
- // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
-yy.Select.prototype.compileQueries = function(query) {
- if (!this.queries) return;
- query.queriesfn = this.queries.map(function(q) {
- var nq = q.compile(query.database.databaseid);
- // if(!nq.query) nq.query = {};
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
-// Prepare subqueries and exists
-alasql.precompile = function(statement, databaseid, params) {
- if (!statement) return;
- statement.params = params;
- if (statement.queries) {
- statement.queriesfn = statement.queries.map(function(q) {
- var nq = q.compile(databaseid || statement.database.databaseid);
- // nq.query.modifier = undefined;
- // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
- }
- if (statement.exists) {
- statement.existsfn = statement.exists.map(function(ex) {
- var nq = ex.compile(databaseid || statement.database.databaseid);
- // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'ARRAY';
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
- }
-// Select compiler part for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-/* global yy, alasql, Mongo, returnTrue */
-yy.Select.prototype.compileFrom = function(query) {
- var self = this;
- query.sources = [];
- // var tableid = this.from[0].tableid;
- // var as = '';
- // if(self.from[0].as) as = this.from[0].as;
- query.aliases = {};
- if (!self.from) return;
- self.from.forEach(function(tq) {
- var ps = '';
- var alias = tq.as || tq.tableid;
- if (tq instanceof yy.Table) {
- query.aliases[alias] = {
- tableid: tq.tableid,
- databaseid: tq.databaseid || query.database.databaseid,
- type: 'table',
- };
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.Select) {
- query.aliases[alias] = {type: 'subquery'};
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.Search) {
- query.aliases[alias] = {type: 'subsearch'};
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
- query.aliases[alias] = {type: 'paramvalue'};
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
- query.aliases[alias] = {type: 'funcvalue'};
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.VarValue) {
- query.aliases[alias] = {type: 'varvalue'};
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.FromData) {
- query.aliases[alias] = {type: 'fromdata'};
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.Json) {
- query.aliases[alias] = {type: 'json'};
- } else if (tq.inserted) {
- query.aliases[alias] = {type: 'inserted'};
- } else {
- throw new Error('Wrong table at FROM');
- }
- var source = {
- alias: alias,
- databaseid: tq.databaseid || query.database.databaseid,
- tableid: tq.tableid,
- joinmode: 'INNER',
- onmiddlefn: returnTrue,
- srcwherefns: '', // for optimization
- srcwherefn: returnTrue,
- // columns: []
- };
- if (tq instanceof yy.Table) {
- // Get columns from table
- source.columns = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].columns;
- if (
- alasql.options.autocommit &&
- alasql.databases[source.databaseid].engineid &&
- !alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].view
- ) {
- // TODO -- make view for external engine
- source.datafn = function(query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
- return alasql.engines[alasql.databases[source.databaseid].engineid].fromTable(
- source.databaseid,
- source.tableid,
- cb,
- idx,
- query
- );
- };
- } else if (alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].view) {
- source.datafn = function(query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
- var res = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].select(
- params
- );
- if (cb) res = cb(res, idx, query);
- return res;
- };
- } else {
- source.datafn = function(query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
- /*
- var res = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].data;
- if (cb) res = cb(res, idx, query);
- return res;
- // return alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].data;
- };
- }
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.Select) {
- source.subquery = tq.compile(query.database.databaseid);
- if (typeof source.subquery.query.modifier === 'undefined') {
- source.subquery.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET'; // Subqueries always return recordsets
- }
- source.columns = source.subquery.query.columns;
- // tq.columns;
- source.datafn = function(query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
- // return source.subquery(query.params, cb, idx, query);
- var res;
- source.subquery(query.params, function(data) {
- res = data.data;
- if (cb) res = cb(res, idx, query);
- return res;
- // return data.data;
- });
- return res;
- };
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.Search) {
- source.subsearch = tq;
- source.columns = [];
- source.datafn = function(query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
- // return source.subquery(query.params, cb, idx, query);
- var res;
- source.subsearch.execute(query.database.databaseid, query.params, function(data) {
- res = data;
- if (cb) res = cb(res, idx, query);
- return res;
- // return data.data;
- });
- return res;
- };
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
- ps = "var res = alasql.prepareFromData(params['" + tq.param + "']";
- if (tq.array) ps += ',true';
- ps += ');if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);return res';
- source.datafn = new Function('query,params,cb,idx,alasql', ps);
- } else if (tq.inserted) {
- ps = 'var res = alasql.prepareFromData(alasql.inserted';
- if (tq.array) ps += ',true';
- ps += ');if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);return res';
- source.datafn = new Function('query,params,cb,idx,alasql', ps);
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.Json) {
- ps = 'var res = alasql.prepareFromData(' + tq.toJS();
- if (tq.array) ps += ',true';
- ps += ');if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);return res';
- source.datafn = new Function('query,params,cb,idx,alasql', ps);
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.VarValue) {
- ps = "var res = alasql.prepareFromData(alasql.vars['" + tq.variable + "']";
- if (tq.array) ps += ',true';
- ps += ');if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);return res';
- source.datafn = new Function('query,params,cb,idx,alasql', ps);
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
- ps = "var res=alasql.from['" + tq.funcid.toUpperCase() + "'](";
- if (tq.args && tq.args.length > 0) {
- if (tq.args[0]) {
- ps += tq.args[0].toJS('query.oldscope') + ',';
- } else {
- ps += 'null,';
- }
- if (tq.args[1]) {
- ps += tq.args[1].toJS('query.oldscope') + ',';
- } else {
- ps += 'null,';
- }
- } else {
- ps += 'null,null,';
- }
- ps += 'cb,idx,query';
- ps += ');/*if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);*/return res';
- source.datafn = new Function('query, params, cb, idx, alasql', ps);
- } else if (tq instanceof yy.FromData) {
- source.datafn = function(query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
- var res = tq.data;
- if (cb) res = cb(res, idx, query);
- return res;
- };
- } else {
- throw new Error('Wrong table at FROM');
- }
- // source.data = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].data;
- query.sources.push(source);
- });
- // TODO Add joins
- query.defaultTableid = query.sources[0].alias;
-alasql.prepareFromData = function(data, array) {
- var i, ilen;
- var res = data;
- if (typeof data === 'string') {
- res = data.split(/\r?\n/);
- if (array) {
- for (i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- res[i] = [res[i]];
- }
- }
- } else if (array) {
- res = [];
- for (i = 0, ilen = data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- res.push([data[i]]);
- }
- } else if (typeof data === 'object' && !Array.isArray(data)) {
- // } else if(typeof data == 'object' && !(typeof data.length == 'undefined')) {
- if (
- typeof Mongo !== 'undefined' &&
- typeof Mongo.Collection !== 'undefined' &&
- data instanceof Mongo.Collection
- ) {
- res = data.find().fetch();
- } else {
- res = [];
- for (var key in data) {
- if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) res.push([key, data[key]]);
- }
- }
- }
- return res;
-// Select compiler part for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-// SELECT Compile functions
-/* global yy, alasql, returnTrue, arrayIntersect */
-// Compile JOIN caluese
-yy.Select.prototype.compileJoins = function(query) {
- // debugger;
- var self = this;
- this.joins.forEach(function(jn) {
- // Test CROSS-JOIN
- var tq, ps, source;
- if (jn.joinmode === 'CROSS') {
- if (jn.using || jn.on) {
- throw new Error('CROSS JOIN cannot have USING or ON clauses');
- } else {
- jn.joinmode = 'INNER';
- }
- }
- if (jn instanceof yy.Apply) {
- source = {
- alias: jn.as,
- applymode: jn.applymode,
- onmiddlefn: returnTrue,
- srcwherefns: '', // for optimization
- srcwherefn: returnTrue,
- columns: [], // TODO check this
- };
- source.applyselect = jn.select.compile(query.database.databaseid);
- source.columns = source.applyselect.query.columns;
- source.datafn = function(query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
- var res;
- if (cb) res = cb(res, idx, query);
- return res;
- };
- query.sources.push(source);
- return;
- }
- if (jn.table) {
- tq = jn.table;
- source = {
- alias: jn.as || tq.tableid,
- databaseid: tq.databaseid || query.database.databaseid,
- tableid: tq.tableid,
- joinmode: jn.joinmode,
- onmiddlefn: returnTrue,
- srcwherefns: '', // for optimization
- srcwherefn: returnTrue,
- columns: [],
- };
- //
- if (!alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid]) {
- throw new Error(
- "Table '" +
- source.tableid +
- "' is not exists in database '" +
- source.databaseid +
- "'"
- );
- }
- source.columns = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].columns;
- // source.data = query.database.tables[source.tableid].data;
- if (alasql.options.autocommit && alasql.databases[source.databaseid].engineid) {
- source.datafn = function(query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
- return alasql.engines[alasql.databases[source.databaseid].engineid].fromTable(
- source.databaseid,
- source.tableid,
- cb,
- idx,
- query
- );
- };
- } else if (alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].view) {
- source.datafn = function(query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
- var res = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].select(
- params
- );
- if (cb) res = cb(res, idx, query);
- return res;
- };
- } else {
- source.datafn = function(query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
- var res = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].data;
- if (cb) res = cb(res, idx, query);
- return res;
- };
- }
- // var alias = jn.as || tq.tableid;
- // if(tq) {
- query.aliases[source.alias] = {
- tableid: tq.tableid,
- databaseid: tq.databaseid || query.database.databaseid,
- };
- // }
- } else if (jn.select) {
- tq = jn.select;
- source = {
- alias: jn.as,
- // databaseid: jn.databaseid || query.database.databaseid,
- // tableid: tq.tableid,
- joinmode: jn.joinmode,
- onmiddlefn: returnTrue,
- srcwherefns: '', // for optimization
- srcwherefn: returnTrue,
- columns: [],
- };
- source.subquery = tq.compile(query.database.databaseid);
- if (typeof source.subquery.query.modifier === 'undefined') {
- source.subquery.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET'; // Subqueries always return recordsets
- }
- source.columns = source.subquery.query.columns;
- // if(jn instanceof yy.Apply) {
- source.datafn = function(query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
- // return cb(null,idx,alasql);
- return source.subquery(query.params, null, cb, idx).data;
- };
- // } else {
- // source.datafn = function(query, params, cb, idx, alasql) {
- // return source.subquery(query.params, null, cb, idx);
- // }
- // }
- query.aliases[source.alias] = {type: 'subquery'};
- } else if (jn.param) {
- source = {
- alias: jn.as,
- // databaseid: jn.databaseid || query.database.databaseid,
- // tableid: tq.tableid,
- joinmode: jn.joinmode,
- onmiddlefn: returnTrue,
- srcwherefns: '', // for optimization
- srcwherefn: returnTrue,
- };
- // source.data = ;
- var jnparam = jn.param.param;
- ps = "var res=alasql.prepareFromData(params['" + jnparam + "']";
- if (jn.array) ps += ',true';
- ps += ');if(cb)res=cb(res, idx, query);return res';
- source.datafn = new Function('query,params,cb,idx, alasql', ps);
- query.aliases[source.alias] = {type: 'paramvalue'};
- } else if (jn.variable) {
- source = {
- alias: jn.as,
- // databaseid: jn.databaseid || query.database.databaseid,
- // tableid: tq.tableid,
- joinmode: jn.joinmode,
- onmiddlefn: returnTrue,
- srcwherefns: '', // for optimization
- srcwherefn: returnTrue,
- };
- // source.data = ;
- // var jnparam = jn.param.param;
- ps = "var res=alasql.prepareFromData(alasql.vars['" + jn.variable + "']";
- if (jn.array) ps += ',true';
- ps += ');if(cb)res=cb(res, idx, query);return res';
- source.datafn = new Function('query,params,cb,idx, alasql', ps);
- query.aliases[source.alias] = {type: 'varvalue'};
- } else if (jn.funcid) {
- source = {
- alias: jn.as,
- // databaseid: jn.databaseid || query.database.databaseid,
- // tableid: tq.tableid,
- joinmode: jn.joinmode,
- onmiddlefn: returnTrue,
- srcwherefns: '', // for optimization
- srcwherefn: returnTrue,
- };
- // source.data = ;
- var s = "var res=alasql.from['" + jn.funcid.toUpperCase() + "'](";
- if (jn.args && jn.args.length > 0) {
- if (jn.args[0]) {
- s += jn.args[0].toJS('query.oldscope') + ',';
- } else {
- s += 'null,';
- }
- if (jn.args[1]) {
- s += jn.args[1].toJS('query.oldscope') + ',';
- } else {
- s += 'null,';
- }
- } else {
- s += 'null,null,';
- }
- s += 'cb,idx,query';
- s += ');/*if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);*/return res';
- source.datafn = new Function('query, params, cb, idx, alasql', s);
- query.aliases[source.alias] = {type: 'funcvalue'};
- }
- var alias = source.alias;
- if (jn.natural) {
- if (jn.using || jn.on) {
- throw new Error('NATURAL JOIN cannot have USING or ON clauses');
- } else {
- // source.joinmode == "INNER";
- if (query.sources.length > 0) {
- var prevSource = query.sources[query.sources.length - 1];
- var prevTable =
- alasql.databases[prevSource.databaseid].tables[prevSource.tableid];
- var table = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid];
- if (prevTable && table) {
- var c1 = prevTable.columns.map(function(col) {
- return col.columnid;
- });
- var c2 = table.columns.map(function(col) {
- return col.columnid;
- });
- jn.using = arrayIntersect(c1, c2).map(function(colid) {
- return {columnid: colid};
- });
- } else {
- throw new Error(
- 'In this version of Alasql NATURAL JOIN ' +
- 'works for tables with predefined columns only'
- );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (jn.using) {
- prevSource = query.sources[query.sources.length - 1];
- source.onleftfns = jn.using
- .map(function(col) {
- return (
- "p['" +
- (prevSource.alias || prevSource.tableid) +
- "']['" +
- col.columnid +
- "']"
- );
- })
- .join('+"`"+');
- source.onleftfn = new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + source.onleftfns);
- source.onrightfns = jn.using
- .map(function(col) {
- return "p['" + (source.alias || source.tableid) + "']['" + col.columnid + "']";
- })
- .join('+"`"+');
- source.onrightfn = new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + source.onrightfns);
- source.optimization = 'ix';
- } else if (jn.on) {
- if (jn.on instanceof yy.Op && jn.on.op === '=' && !jn.on.allsome) {
- source.optimization = 'ix';
- var lefts = '';
- var rights = '';
- var middles = '';
- var middlef = false;
- // Test right and left sides
- var ls = jn.on.left.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- var rs = jn.on.right.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- if (
- ls.indexOf("p['" + alias + "']") > -1 &&
- !(rs.indexOf("p['" + alias + "']") > -1)
- ) {
- if (
- (ls.match(/p\['.*?'\]/g) || []).every(function(s) {
- return s === "p['" + alias + "']";
- })
- ) {
- rights = ls;
- } else {
- middlef = true;
- }
- } else if (
- !(ls.indexOf("p['" + alias + "']") > -1) &&
- rs.indexOf("p['" + alias + "']") > -1
- ) {
- if (
- (rs.match(/p\['.*?'\]/g) || []).every(function(s) {
- return s === "p['" + alias + "']";
- })
- ) {
- lefts = ls;
- } else {
- middlef = true;
- }
- } else {
- middlef = true;
- }
- if (
- rs.indexOf("p['" + alias + "']") > -1 &&
- !(ls.indexOf("p['" + alias + "']") > -1)
- ) {
- if (
- (rs.match(/p\['.*?'\]/g) || []).every(function(s) {
- return s === "p['" + alias + "']";
- })
- ) {
- rights = rs;
- } else {
- middlef = true;
- }
- } else if (
- !(rs.indexOf("p['" + alias + "']") > -1) &&
- ls.indexOf("p['" + alias + "']") > -1
- ) {
- if (
- (ls.match(/p\['.*?'\]/g) || []).every(function(s) {
- return s === "p['" + alias + "']";
- })
- ) {
- lefts = rs;
- } else {
- middlef = true;
- }
- } else {
- middlef = true;
- }
- if (middlef) {
- // middles = jn.on.toJS('p',query.defaultTableid);
- // } else {
- rights = '';
- lefts = '';
- middles = jn.on.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- source.optimization = 'no';
- // What to here?
- }
- source.onleftfns = lefts;
- source.onrightfns = rights;
- source.onmiddlefns = middles || 'true';
- source.onleftfn = new Function(
- 'p,params,alasql',
- 'var y;return ' + source.onleftfns
- );
- source.onrightfn = new Function(
- 'p,params,alasql',
- 'var y;return ' + source.onrightfns
- );
- source.onmiddlefn = new Function(
- 'p,params,alasql',
- 'var y;return ' + source.onmiddlefns
- );
- // } else if(jn.on instanceof yy.Op && jn.on.op == 'AND') {
- } else {
- source.optimization = 'no';
- // source.onleftfn = returnTrue;
- // source.onleftfns = "true";
- source.onmiddlefns = jn.on.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- source.onmiddlefn = new Function(
- 'p,params,alasql',
- 'var y;return ' + jn.on.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols)
- );
- }
- // Optimization function
- }
- // source.data = alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].data;
- // TODO SubQueries
- query.sources.push(source);
- });
-yy.Select.prototype.compileWhere = function(query) {
- if (this.where) {
- if (typeof this.where == 'function') {
- return this.where;
- } else {
- var s = this.where.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- query.wherefns = s;
- return new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + s);
- }
- } else
- return function() {
- return true;
- };
-yy.Select.prototype.compileWhereJoins = function(query) {
- return;
- // TODO Fix Where optimization
- optimizeWhereJoin(query, this.where.expression);
- //for sources compile wherefs
- query.sources.forEach(function(source) {
- if (source.srcwherefns) {
- source.srcwherefn = new Function(
- 'p,params,alasql',
- 'var y;return ' + source.srcwherefns
- );
- }
- if (source.wxleftfns) {
- source.wxleftfn = new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + source.wxleftfns);
- }
- if (source.wxrightfns) {
- source.wxrightfn = new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + source.wxrightfns);
- }
- });
-function optimizeWhereJoin(query, ast) {
- if (!ast) return false;
- if (!(ast instanceof yy.Op)) return;
- if (ast.op != '=' && ast.op != 'AND') return;
- if (ast.allsome) return;
- var s = ast.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- var fsrc = [];
- query.sources.forEach(function(source, idx) {
- // Optimization allowed only for tables only
- if (source.tableid) {
- // This is a good place to remove all unnecessary optimizations
- if (s.indexOf("p['" + source.alias + "']") > -1) fsrc.push(source);
- }
- });
- // if(fsrc.length < query.sources.length) return;
- if (fsrc.length == 0) {
- return;
- } else if (fsrc.length == 1) {
- if (
- !(s.match(/p\[\'.*?\'\]/g) || []).every(function(s) {
- return s == "p['" + fsrc[0].alias + "']";
- })
- ) {
- return;
- // This is means, that we have column from parent query
- // So we return without optimization
- }
- var src = fsrc[0]; // optmiization source
- src.srcwherefns = src.srcwherefns ? src.srcwherefns + '&&' + s : s;
- if (ast instanceof yy.Op && (ast.op == '=' && !ast.allsome)) {
- if (ast.left instanceof yy.Column) {
- var ls = ast.left.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- var rs = ast.right.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- if (rs.indexOf("p['" + fsrc[0].alias + "']") == -1) {
- fsrc[0].wxleftfns = ls;
- fsrc[0].wxrightfns = rs;
- }
- }
- if (ast.right instanceof yy.Column) {
- var ls = ast.left.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- var rs = ast.right.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- if (ls.indexOf("p['" + fsrc[0].alias + "']") == -1) {
- fsrc[0].wxleftfns = rs;
- fsrc[0].wxrightfns = ls;
- }
- }
- }
- ast.reduced = true; // To do not duplicate wherefn and srcwherefn
- return;
- } else {
- if ((ast.op = 'AND')) {
- optimizeWhereJoin(query, ast.left);
- optimizeWhereJoin(query, ast.right);
- }
- }
-// Select compiler part for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
- Compile group of statements
- */
-yy.Select.prototype.compileGroup = function(query) {
- if (query.sources.length > 0) {
- var tableid = query.sources[0].alias;
- } else {
- // If SELECT contains group aggregators without source tables
- var tableid = '';
- }
- var defcols = query.defcols;
- var allgroup = [[]];
- if (this.group) {
- allgroup = decartes(this.group, query);
- }
- // Prepare groups
- //var allgroup = [['a'], ['a','b'], ['a', 'b', 'c']];
- // Union all arrays to get a maximum
- var allgroups = [];
- allgroup.forEach(function(a) {
- allgroups = arrayUnion(allgroups, a);
- });
- query.allgroups = allgroups;
- query.ingroup = [];
- // Create negative array
- var s = '';
- // s+= query.selectfns;
- allgroup.forEach(function(agroup) {
- // Start of group function
- s += 'var g=this.xgroups[';
- // var gcols = this.group.map(function(col){return col.columnid}); // Group fields with r
- // Array with group columns from record
- var rg = agroup.map(function(col2) {
- var columnid = col2.split('\t')[0];
- var coljs = col2.split('\t')[1];
- // Check, if aggregator exists but GROUP BY is not exists
- if (columnid === '') {
- return '1'; // Create fictive groupping column for fictive GROUP BY
- }
- // else return "r['"+columnid+"']";
- query.ingroup.push(columnid);
- return coljs;
- });
- if (rg.length === 0) {
- rg = ["''"];
- }
- s += rg.join('+"`"+');
- s += '];if(!g) {this.groups.push((g=this.xgroups[';
- s += rg.join('+"`"+');
- s += '] = {';
- // s += ']=r';
- s += agroup
- .map(function(col2) {
- var columnid = col2.split('\t')[0];
- var coljs = col2.split('\t')[1];
- if (columnid === '') {
- return '';
- }
- return "'" + columnid + "':" + coljs + ',';
- })
- .join('');
- var neggroup = arrayDiff(allgroups, agroup);
- s += neggroup
- .map(function(col2) {
- var columnid = col2.split('\t')[0];
- // var coljs = col2.split('\t')[1]
- return "'" + columnid + "':null,";
- })
- .join('');
- var aft = '',
- aft2 = '';
- if (typeof query.groupStar !== 'undefined') {
- aft2 +=
- "for(var f in p['" +
- query.groupStar +
- "']) {g[f]=p['" +
- query.groupStar +
- "'][f];};";
- }
- /*
- */
- // s += self.columns.map(function(col){
- s += query.selectGroup
- .map(function(col) {
- var colexp = col.expression.toJS('p', tableid, defcols);
- var colas = col.nick;
- // if(typeof colas == 'undefined') {
- // if(col instanceof yy.Column) colas = col.columnid;
- // else colas = col.toString();
- // };
- if (col instanceof yy.AggrValue) {
- if (col.distinct) {
- aft +=
- ",g['$$_VALUES_" +
- colas +
- "']={},g['$$_VALUES_" +
- colas +
- "'][" +
- colexp +
- ']=true';
- }
- if (col.aggregatorid === 'SUM') {
- return "'" + colas + "':(" + colexp + ')||0,';
- } else if (
- col.aggregatorid === 'MIN' ||
- col.aggregatorid === 'MAX' ||
- col.aggregatorid === 'FIRST' ||
- col.aggregatorid === 'LAST'
- // || col.aggregatorid == 'AVG'
- // ) { return "'"+col.as+'\':r[\''+col.as+'\'],'; }//f.field.arguments[0].toJS();
- ) {
- return "'" + colas + "':" + colexp + ','; //f.field.arguments[0].toJS();
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'ARRAY') {
- return "'" + colas + "':[" + colexp + '],';
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'COUNT') {
- if (col.expression.columnid === '*') {
- return "'" + colas + "':1,";
- } else {
- // return "'"+colas+'\':(typeof '+colexp+' != "undefined")?1:0,';
- // } else {
- return "'" + colas + "':(typeof " + colexp + ' != "undefined")?1:0,';
- }
- // else if(col.aggregatorid == 'MIN') { return "'"+col.as+'\':r[\''+col.as+'\'],'; }
- // else if(col.aggregatorid == 'MAX') { return "'"+col.as+'\':r[\''+col.as+'\'],'; }
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'AVG') {
- query.removeKeys.push('_SUM_' + colas);
- query.removeKeys.push('_COUNT_' + colas);
- return (
- '' +
- "'" +
- colas +
- "':" +
- colexp +
- ",'_SUM_" +
- colas +
- "':(" +
- colexp +
- ")||0,'_COUNT_" +
- colas +
- "':(typeof " +
- colexp +
- ' != "undefined")?1:0,'
- );
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'AGGR') {
- aft += ",g['" + colas + "']=" + col.expression.toJS('g', -1);
- return '';
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'REDUCE') {
- // query.removeKeys.push('_REDUCE_'+colas);
- query.aggrKeys.push(col);
- // return "'"+colas+'\':alasql.aggr[\''+col.funcid+'\']('+colexp+',undefined,(acc={}),1),'
- // +'\'__REDUCE__'+colas+'\':acc,';
- return (
- "'" +
- colas +
- "':alasql.aggr['" +
- col.funcid +
- "'](" +
- colexp +
- ',undefined,1),'
- );
- }
- return '';
- }
- return '';
- })
- .join('');
- s += '}' + aft + ',g));' + aft2 + '} else {';
- /*
- // var neggroup = arrayDiff(allgroups,agroup);
- // s += neggroup.map(function(columnid){
- // return "g['"+columnid+"']=null;";
- // }).join('');
- // s += self.columns.map(function(col){
- s += query.selectGroup
- .map(function(col) {
- var colas = col.nick;
- var colexp = col.expression.toJS('p', tableid, defcols);
- if (col instanceof yy.AggrValue) {
- var pre = '',
- post = '';
- if (col.distinct) {
- var pre =
- 'if(typeof ' +
- colexp +
- '!="undefined" && (!g[\'$$_VALUES_' +
- colas +
- "'][" +
- colexp +
- '])) \
- {';
- var post = "g['$$_VALUES_" + colas + "'][" + colexp + ']=true;}';
- }
- if (col.aggregatorid === 'SUM') {
- return pre + "g['" + colas + "']+=(" + colexp + '||0);' + post; //f.field.arguments[0].toJS();
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'COUNT') {
- if (col.expression.columnid === '*') {
- return pre + "g['" + colas + "']++;" + post;
- } else {
- return (
- pre +
- 'if(typeof ' +
- colexp +
- '!="undefined") g[\'' +
- colas +
- "']++;" +
- post
- );
- }
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'ARRAY') {
- return pre + "g['" + colas + "'].push(" + colexp + ');' + post;
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'MIN') {
- return (
- pre +
- "g['" +
- colas +
- "']=Math.min(g['" +
- colas +
- "']," +
- colexp +
- ');' +
- post
- );
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'MAX') {
- return (
- pre +
- "g['" +
- colas +
- "']=Math.max(g['" +
- colas +
- "']," +
- colexp +
- ');' +
- post
- );
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'FIRST') {
- return '';
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'LAST') {
- return pre + "g['" + colas + "']=" + colexp + ';' + post;
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'AVG') {
- return (
- '' +
- pre +
- "g['_SUM_" +
- colas +
- "']+=(y=" +
- colexp +
- ')||0;' +
- "g['_COUNT_" +
- colas +
- '\']+=(typeof y!="undefined")?1:0;' +
- "g['" +
- colas +
- "']=g['_SUM_" +
- colas +
- "']/g['_COUNT_" +
- colas +
- "'];" +
- post
- );
- // }
- // else if(col.aggregatorid == 'AVG') { srg.push(colas+':0'); }
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'AGGR') {
- return (
- '' +
- pre +
- "g['" +
- colas +
- "']=" +
- col.expression.toJS('g', -1) +
- ';' +
- post
- );
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'REDUCE') {
- return (
- '' +
- pre +
- "g['" +
- colas +
- "']=alasql.aggr." +
- col.funcid +
- '(' +
- colexp +
- ",g['" +
- colas +
- "'],2);" +
- post
- );
- }
- return '';
- }
- return '';
- })
- .join('');
- // s += selectFields.map(function(f){
- // if(f.constructor.name == 'LiteralValue') return '';
- // if (f.field instanceof SQLParser.nodes.FunctionValue
- // && (f.field.name.toUpperCase() == 'SUM' || f.field.name.toUpperCase() == 'COUNT')) {
- // return 'group.'+f.name.value+'=+(+group.'+f.name.value+'||0)+'+f.field.arguments[0].toJS('rec','')+';'; //f.field.arguments[0].toJS();
- // return 'group.'+f.name.value+'+='+f.field.arguments[0].toJS('rec','')+';'; //f.field.arguments[0].toJS();
- // return 'group.'+f.name.value+'+=rec.'+f.name.value+';'; //f.field.arguments[0].toJS();
- // };
- // return '';
- // }).join('');
- // s += ' group.amt += rec.emplid;';
- // s += 'group.count++;';
- s += '}';
- });
- return new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;' + s);
-// Select compiler part for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-// yy.Select.prototype.compileSources = function(query) {
-// };
-function compileSelectStar(query, alias, joinstar) {
- var sp = '',
- ss = [];
- // if(!alias) {
- // sp += 'for(var k1 in p) var w=p[k1];for(var k2 in w){r[k2]=w[k2]};';
- // } else {
- // TODO move this out of this function
- query.ixsources = {};
- query.sources.forEach(function(source) {
- query.ixsources[source.alias] = source;
- });
- // Fixed
- var columns;
- if (query.ixsources[alias]) {
- var columns = query.ixsources[alias].columns;
- }
- // if(columns.length == 0 && query.aliases[alias].tableid) {
- // var columns = alasql.databases[query.aliases[alias].databaseid].tables[query.aliases[alias].tableid].columns;
- // };
- // Check if this is a Table or other
- if (joinstar && alasql.options.joinstar == 'json') {
- sp += "r['" + alias + "']={};";
- }
- if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
- columns.forEach(function(tcol) {
- if (joinstar && alasql.options.joinstar == 'underscore') {
- ss.push(
- "'" +
- alias +
- '_' +
- tcol.columnid +
- "':p['" +
- alias +
- "']['" +
- tcol.columnid +
- "']"
- );
- } else if (joinstar && alasql.options.joinstar == 'json') {
- // ss.push('\''+alias+'_'+tcol.columnid+'\':p[\''+alias+'\'][\''+tcol.columnid+'\']');
- sp +=
- "r['" +
- alias +
- "']['" +
- tcol.columnid +
- "']=p['" +
- alias +
- "']['" +
- tcol.columnid +
- "'];";
- } else {
- ss.push("'" + tcol.columnid + "':p['" + alias + "']['" + tcol.columnid + "']");
- }
- query.selectColumns[escapeq(tcol.columnid)] = true;
- var coldef = {
- columnid: tcol.columnid,
- dbtypeid: tcol.dbtypeid,
- dbsize: tcol.dbsize,
- dbprecision: tcol.dbprecision,
- dbenum: tcol.dbenum,
- };
- query.columns.push(coldef);
- query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
- });
- } else {
- // if column not exists, then copy all
- sp += 'var w=p["' + alias + '"];for(var k in w){r[k]=w[k]};';
- query.dirtyColumns = true;
- }
- // }
- return {s: ss.join(','), sp: sp};
-yy.Select.prototype.compileSelect1 = function(query, params) {
- var self = this;
- query.columns = [];
- query.xcolumns = {};
- query.selectColumns = {};
- query.dirtyColumns = false;
- var s = 'var r={';
- var sp = '';
- var ss = [];
- this.columns.forEach(function(col) {
- if (col instanceof yy.Column) {
- if (col.columnid === '*') {
- if (col.func) {
- sp +=
- "r=params['" +
- col.param +
- "'](p['" +
- query.sources[0].alias +
- "'],p,params,alasql);";
- } else if (col.tableid) {
- //Copy all
- var ret = compileSelectStar(query, col.tableid, false);
- if (ret.s) {
- ss = ss.concat(ret.s);
- }
- sp += ret.sp;
- } else {
- for (var alias in query.aliases) {
- var ret = compileSelectStar(query, alias, true); //query.aliases[alias].tableid);
- if (ret.s) {
- ss = ss.concat(ret.s);
- }
- sp += ret.sp;
- }
- // TODO Remove these lines
- // In case of no information
- // sp += 'for(var k1 in p){var w=p[k1];'+
- // 'for(k2 in w) {r[k2]=w[k2]}}'
- }
- } else {
- // If field, otherwise - expression
- var tbid = col.tableid;
- var dbid =
- col.databaseid || query.sources[0].databaseid || query.database.databaseid;
- if (!tbid) tbid = query.defcols[col.columnid];
- if (!tbid) tbid = query.defaultTableid;
- if (col.columnid !== '_') {
- if (
- false &&
- tbid &&
- !query.defcols['.'][col.tableid] &&
- !query.defcols[col.columnid]
- ) {
- ss.push(
- "'" +
- escapeq(col.as || col.columnid) +
- "':p['" +
- query.defaultTableid +
- "']['" +
- col.tableid +
- "']['" +
- col.columnid +
- "']"
- );
- } else {
- // workaround for multisheet xlsx export with custom COLUMNS
- var isMultisheetParam =
- params &&
- params.length > 1 &&
- Array.isArray(params[0]) &&
- params[0].length >= 1 &&
- params[0][0].hasOwnProperty('sheetid');
- if (isMultisheetParam) {
- sp =
- 'var r={};var w=p["' +
- tbid +
- '"];' +
- 'var cols=[' +
- self.columns
- .map(function(col) {
- return "'" + col.columnid + "'";
- })
- .join(',') +
- '];var colas=[' +
- self.columns
- .map(function(col) {
- return "'" + (col.as || col.columnid) + "'";
- })
- .join(',') +
- '];' +
- "for (var i=0;i 0) {
- var tcol = xcolumns[col.columnid];
- if (undefined === tcol) {
- throw new Error('Column does not exists: ' + col.columnid);
- }
- var coldef = {
- columnid: col.as || col.columnid,
- dbtypeid: tcol.dbtypeid,
- dbsize: tcol.dbsize,
- dbpecision: tcol.dbprecision,
- dbenum: tcol.dbenum,
- };
- query.columns.push(coldef);
- query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
- } else {
- var coldef = {
- columnid: col.as || col.columnid,
- // dbtypeid:tcol.dbtypeid,
- // dbsize:tcol.dbsize,
- // dbpecision:tcol.dbprecision,
- // dbenum: tcol.dbenum,
- };
- query.columns.push(coldef);
- query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
- query.dirtyColumns = true;
- }
- } else {
- var coldef = {
- columnid: col.as || col.columnid,
- // dbtypeid:tcol.dbtypeid,
- // dbsize:tcol.dbsize,
- // dbpecision:tcol.dbprecision,
- // dbenum: tcol.dbenum,
- };
- query.columns.push(coldef);
- query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
- // This is a subquery?
- // throw new Error('There is now such table \''+col.tableid+'\'');
- }
- }
- } else if (col instanceof yy.AggrValue) {
- if (!self.group) {
- // self.group=[new yy.Column({columnid:'q',as:'q' })];
- self.group = [''];
- }
- if (!col.as) {
- col.as = escapeq(col.toString());
- }
- if (
- col.aggregatorid === 'SUM' ||
- col.aggregatorid === 'MAX' ||
- col.aggregatorid === 'MIN' ||
- col.aggregatorid === 'FIRST' ||
- col.aggregatorid === 'LAST' ||
- col.aggregatorid === 'AVG' ||
- col.aggregatorid === 'ARRAY' ||
- col.aggregatorid === 'REDUCE'
- ) {
- ss.push(
- "'" +
- escapeq(col.as) +
- "':" +
- n2u(col.expression.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols))
- );
- } else if (col.aggregatorid === 'COUNT') {
- ss.push("'" + escapeq(col.as) + "':1");
- // Nothing
- }
- // todo: confirm that no default action must be implemented
- // query.selectColumns[col.aggregatorid+'('+escapeq(col.expression.toString())+')'] = thtd;
- var coldef = {
- columnid: col.as || col.columnid || col.toString(),
- // dbtypeid:tcol.dbtypeid,
- // dbsize:tcol.dbsize,
- // dbpecision:tcol.dbprecision,
- // dbenum: tcol.dbenum,
- };
- query.columns.push(coldef);
- query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
- // else if (col.aggregatorid == 'MAX') {
- // ss.push((col.as || col.columnid)+':'+col.toJS("p.",query.defaultTableid))
- // } else if (col.aggregatorid == 'MIN') {
- // ss.push((col.as || col.columnid)+':'+col.toJS("p.",query.defaultTableid))
- // }
- } else {
- ss.push(
- "'" +
- escapeq(col.as || col.columnid || col.toString()) +
- "':" +
- n2u(col.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols))
- );
- // ss.push('\''+escapeq(col.toString())+'\':'+col.toJS("p",query.defaultTableid));
- //if(col instanceof yy.Expression) {
- query.selectColumns[escapeq(col.as || col.columnid || col.toString())] = true;
- var coldef = {
- columnid: col.as || col.columnid || col.toString(),
- // dbtypeid:tcol.dbtypeid,
- // dbsize:tcol.dbsize,
- // dbpecision:tcol.dbprecision,
- // dbenum: tcol.dbenum,
- };
- query.columns.push(coldef);
- query.xcolumns[coldef.columnid] = coldef;
- }
- });
- s += ss.join(',') + '};' + sp;
- return s;
-yy.Select.prototype.compileSelect2 = function(query) {
- var s = query.selectfns;
- if (this.orderColumns && this.orderColumns.length > 0) {
- this.orderColumns.forEach(function(v, idx) {
- var key = '$$$' + idx;
- if (v instanceof yy.Column && query.xcolumns[v.columnid]) {
- s += "r['" + key + "']=r['" + v.columnid + "'];";
- } else {
- s += "r['" + key + "']=" + v.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols) + ';';
- }
- query.removeKeys.push(key);
- });
- }
- return new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;' + s + 'return r');
-yy.Select.prototype.compileSelectGroup0 = function(query) {
- var self = this;
- self.columns.forEach(function(col, idx) {
- if (!(col instanceof yy.Column && col.columnid === '*')) {
- var colas;
- // = col.as;
- if (col instanceof yy.Column) {
- colas = escapeq(col.columnid);
- } else {
- colas = escapeq(col.toString(true));
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < idx; i++) {
- if (colas === self.columns[i].nick) {
- colas = self.columns[i].nick + ':' + idx;
- break;
- }
- }
- // }
- col.nick = colas;
- if (
- col.funcid &&
- (col.funcid.toUpperCase() === 'ROWNUM' || col.funcid.toUpperCase() === 'ROW_NUMBER')
- ) {
- query.rownums.push(col.as);
- }
- // }
- } else {
- query.groupStar = col.tableid || 'default';
- }
- });
- this.columns.forEach(function(col) {
- if (col.findAggregator) {
- col.findAggregator(query);
- }
- });
- if (this.having) {
- if (this.having.findAggregator) {
- this.having.findAggregator(query);
- }
- }
-yy.Select.prototype.compileSelectGroup1 = function(query) {
- var self = this;
- var s = 'var r = {};';
- self.columns.forEach(function(col) {
- if (col instanceof yy.Column && col.columnid === '*') {
- // s += 'for(var k in g){r[k]=g[k]};';
- // s += 'for(var k in this.query.groupColumns){r[k]=g[this.query.groupColumns[k]]};';
- s += 'for(var k in g) {r[k]=g[k]};';
- return '';
- } else {
- // var colas = col.as;
- var colas = col.as;
- if (colas === undefined) {
- if (col instanceof yy.Column) {
- colas = escapeq(col.columnid);
- } else {
- colas = col.nick;
- }
- }
- query.groupColumns[colas] = col.nick;
- // if(col.as) {
- s += "r['" + colas + "']=";
- // // } else {
- // // s += 'r[\''+escapeq()+'\']=';
- // // };
- // // s += ';';
- s += n2u(col.toJS('g', '')) + ';';
- for (var i = 0; i < query.removeKeys.length; i++) {
- // THis part should be intellectual
- if (query.removeKeys[i] === colas) {
- query.removeKeys.splice(i, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- });
- // return new Function('g,params,alasql',s+'return r');
- return s;
-yy.Select.prototype.compileSelectGroup2 = function(query) {
- var self = this;
- var s = query.selectgfns;
- self.columns.forEach(function(col) {
- if (query.ingroup.indexOf(col.nick) > -1) {
- s += "r['" + (col.as || col.nick) + "']=g['" + col.nick + "'];";
- }
- });
- if (this.orderColumns && this.orderColumns.length > 0) {
- this.orderColumns.forEach(function(v, idx) {
- var key = '$$$' + idx;
- if (v instanceof yy.Column && query.groupColumns[v.columnid]) {
- s += "r['" + key + "']=r['" + v.columnid + "'];";
- } else {
- s += "r['" + key + "']=" + v.toJS('g', '') + ';';
- }
- query.removeKeys.push(key);
- });
- }
- return new Function('g,params,alasql', 'var y;' + s + 'return r');
-// SELECY * REMOVE [COLUMNS] col-list, LIKE ''
-yy.Select.prototype.compileRemoveColumns = function(query) {
- var self = this;
- if (typeof this.removecolumns !== 'undefined') {
- query.removeKeys = query.removeKeys.concat(
- this.removecolumns
- .filter(function(column) {
- return typeof column.like === 'undefined';
- })
- .map(function(column) {
- return column.columnid;
- })
- );
- query.removeLikeKeys = this.removecolumns
- .filter(function(column) {
- return typeof column.like !== 'undefined';
- })
- .map(function(column) {
- // return new RegExp((column.like.value||'').replace(/\%/g,'.*').replace(/\?|_/g,'.'),'g');
- return column.like.value;
- });
- }
-/* global yy */
-yy.Select.prototype.compileHaving = function(query) {
- if (this.having) {
- var s = this.having.toJS('g', -1);
- query.havingfns = s;
- return new Function('g,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + s);
- }
- return function() {
- return true;
- };
-yy.Select.prototype.compileOrder = function(query) {
- var self = this;
- self.orderColumns = [];
- if (this.order) {
- if (
- this.order &&
- this.order.length == 1 &&
- this.order[0].expression &&
- typeof this.order[0].expression == 'function'
- ) {
- var func = this.order[0].expression;
- return function(a, b) {
- var ra = func(a),
- rb = func(b);
- if (ra > rb) return 1;
- if (ra == rb) return 0;
- return -1;
- };
- }
- var s = '';
- var sk = '';
- this.order.forEach(function(ord, idx) {
- if (ord.expression instanceof yy.NumValue) {
- var v = self.columns[ord.expression.value - 1];
- } else {
- var v = ord.expression;
- }
- self.orderColumns.push(v);
- var key = '$$$' + idx;
- // Date conversion
- var dg = '';
- //if(alasql.options.valueof)
- if (ord.expression instanceof yy.Column) {
- var columnid = ord.expression.columnid;
- if (query.xcolumns[columnid]) {
- var dbtypeid = query.xcolumns[columnid].dbtypeid;
- if (dbtypeid == 'DATE' || dbtypeid == 'DATETIME' || dbtypeid == 'DATETIME2')
- dg = '.valueOf()';
- // TODO Add other types mapping
- } else {
- if (alasql.options.valueof) dg = '.valueOf()'; // TODO Check
- }
- // dg = '.valueOf()';
- }
- if (ord.nocase) dg += '.toUpperCase()';
- s +=
- "if((a['" +
- key +
- "']||'')" +
- dg +
- (ord.direction == 'ASC' ? '>' : '<') +
- "(b['" +
- key +
- "']||'')" +
- dg +
- ')return 1;';
- s += "if((a['" + key + "']||'')" + dg + "==(b['" + key + "']||'')" + dg + '){';
- /*
-if(false) {
- if(ord.expression instanceof yy.NumValue) {
- ord.expression = self.columns[ord.expression.value-1];
- ord.expression = new yy.Column({columnid:ord.expression.nick});
- };
- if(ord.expression instanceof yy.Column) {
- var columnid = ord.expression.columnid;
- if(query.xcolumns[columnid]) {
- var dbtypeid = query.xcolumns[columnid].dbtypeid;
- if( dbtypeid == 'DATE' || dbtypeid == 'DATETIME' || dbtypeid == 'DATETIME2') dg = '.valueOf()';
- // TODO Add other types mapping
- } else {
- if(alasql.options.valueof) dg = '.valueOf()'; // TODO Check
- }
- if(ord.nocase) dg += '.toUpperCase()';
- s += 'if((a[\''+columnid+"']||'')"+dg+(ord.direction == 'ASC'?'>':'<')+'(b[\''+columnid+"']||'')"+dg+')return 1;';
- s += 'if((a[\''+columnid+"']||'')"+dg+'==(b[\''+columnid+"']||'')"+dg+'){';
- } else {
- dg = '.valueOf()';
- if(ord.nocase) dg += '.toUpperCase()';
- s += 'if(('+ord.toJS('a','')+"||'')"+dg+(ord.direction == 'ASC'?'>(':'<(')+ord.toJS('b','')+"||'')"+dg+')return 1;';
- s += 'if(('+ord.toJS('a','')+"||'')"+dg+'==('+ord.toJS('b','')+"||'')"+dg+'){';
- }
- // TODO Add date comparision
- sk += '}';
- });
- s += 'return 0;';
- s += sk + 'return -1';
- query.orderfns = s;
- return new Function('a,b', 'var y;' + s);
- }
-// Pivot functions
- Compile Pivot functions
- @param {object} query Source query
- @return {function} Pivoting functions
-yy.Select.prototype.compilePivot = function(query) {
- var self = this;
- /** @type {string} Main pivoting column */
- var columnid = self.pivot.columnid;
- var exprcolid = self.pivot.expr.expression.columnid;
- var aggr = self.pivot.expr.aggregatorid;
- var inlist = self.pivot.inlist;
- if (inlist) {
- inlist = inlist.map(function(l) {
- return l.expr.columnid;
- });
- }
- // Function for PIVOT post production
- return function() {
- var query = this;
- var cols = query.columns
- .filter(function(col) {
- return col.columnid != columnid && col.columnid != exprcolid;
- })
- .map(function(col) {
- return col.columnid;
- });
- var newcols = [];
- var gnewcols = {};
- var gr = {};
- var ga = {};
- var data = [];
- query.data.forEach(function(d) {
- if (!inlist || inlist.indexOf(d[columnid]) > -1) {
- var gx = cols
- .map(function(colid) {
- return d[colid];
- })
- .join('`');
- var g = gr[gx];
- if (!g) {
- g = {};
- gr[gx] = g;
- data.push(g);
- cols.forEach(function(colid) {
- g[colid] = d[colid];
- });
- }
- if (!ga[gx]) {
- ga[gx] = {};
- }
- if (ga[gx][d[columnid]]) {
- ga[gx][d[columnid]]++;
- } else {
- ga[gx][d[columnid]] = 1;
- }
- if (!gnewcols[d[columnid]]) {
- gnewcols[d[columnid]] = true;
- newcols.push(d[columnid]);
- }
- if (aggr == 'SUM' || aggr == 'AVG') {
- if (typeof g[d[columnid]] == 'undefined') g[d[columnid]] = 0;
- g[d[columnid]] += d[exprcolid];
- } else if (aggr == 'COUNT') {
- if (typeof g[d[columnid]] == 'undefined') g[d[columnid]] = 0;
- g[d[columnid]]++;
- } else if (aggr == 'MIN') {
- if (typeof g[d[columnid]] == 'undefined') g[d[columnid]] = Infinity;
- if (d[exprcolid] < g[d[columnid]]) g[d[columnid]] = d[exprcolid];
- } else if (aggr == 'MAX') {
- if (typeof g[d[columnid]] == 'undefined') g[d[columnid]] = -Infinity;
- if (d[exprcolid] > g[d[columnid]]) g[d[columnid]] = d[exprcolid];
- } else if (aggr == 'FIRST') {
- if (typeof g[d[columnid]] == 'undefined') g[d[columnid]] = d[exprcolid];
- } else if (aggr == 'LAST') {
- g[d[columnid]] = d[exprcolid];
- } else if (alasql.aggr[aggr]) {
- // Custom aggregator
- alasql.aggr[aggr](g[d[columnid]], d[exprcolid]);
- } else {
- throw new Error('Wrong aggregator in PIVOT clause');
- }
- }
- });
- if (aggr == 'AVG') {
- for (var gx in gr) {
- var d = gr[gx];
- for (var colid in d) {
- if (cols.indexOf(colid) == -1 && colid != exprcolid) {
- d[colid] = d[colid] / ga[gx][colid];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // columns
- query.data = data;
- if (inlist) newcols = inlist;
- var ncol = query.columns.filter(function(col) {
- return col.columnid == exprcolid;
- })[0];
- query.columns = query.columns.filter(function(col) {
- return !(col.columnid == columnid || col.columnid == exprcolid);
- });
- newcols.forEach(function(colid) {
- var nc = cloneDeep(ncol);
- nc.columnid = colid;
- query.columns.push(nc);
- });
- };
-// var columnid = this.pivot.columnid;
-// return function(data){
-// if(false) {
-// }
-// if(false) {
-// }
-// };
- Compile UNPIVOT clause
- @param {object} query Query object
- @return {function} Function for unpivoting
-yy.Select.prototype.compileUnpivot = function(query) {
- var self = this;
- var tocolumnid = self.unpivot.tocolumnid;
- var forcolumnid = self.unpivot.forcolumnid;
- var inlist = self.unpivot.inlist.map(function(l) {
- return l.columnid;
- });
- return function() {
- var data = [];
- var xcols = query.columns
- .map(function(col) {
- return col.columnid;
- })
- .filter(function(colid) {
- return inlist.indexOf(colid) == -1 && colid != forcolumnid && colid != tocolumnid;
- });
- query.data.forEach(function(d) {
- inlist.forEach(function(colid) {
- var nd = {};
- xcols.forEach(function(xcolid) {
- nd[xcolid] = d[xcolid];
- });
- nd[forcolumnid] = colid;
- nd[tocolumnid] = d[colid];
- data.push(nd);
- });
- });
- query.data = data;
- // });
- };
-// ROLLUP(), CUBE(), GROUPING SETS() for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
- Calculate ROLLUP() combination
- */
-var rollup = function(a, query) {
- var rr = [];
- var mask = 0;
- var glen = a.length;
- for (var g = 0; g < glen + 1; g++) {
- var ss = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < glen; i++) {
- if (a[i] instanceof yy.Column) {
- a[i].nick = escapeq(a[i].columnid);
- query.groupColumns[escapeq(a[i].columnid)] = a[i].nick;
- var aaa = a[i].nick + '\t' + a[i].toJS('p', query.sources[0].alias, query.defcols);
- } else {
- query.groupColumns[escapeq(a[i].toString())] = escapeq(a[i].toString());
- var aaa =
- escapeq(a[i].toString()) +
- '\t' +
- a[i].toJS('p', query.sources[0].alias, query.defcols);
- }
- if (mask & (1 << i)) ss.push(aaa);
- }
- rr.push(ss);
- mask = (mask << 1) + 1;
- }
- return rr;
- Calculate CUBE()
- */
-var cube = function(a, query) {
- var rr = [];
- var glen = a.length;
- var glenCube = 1 << glen;
- for (var g = 0; g < glenCube; g++) {
- var ss = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < glen; i++) {
- if (g & (1 << i))
- //ss.push(a[i]);
- //ss = cartes(ss,decartes(a[i]));
- // var aaa = a[i].toString()+'\t'
- // +a[i].toJS('p',query.sources[0].alias,query.defcols);
- ss = ss.concat(decartes(a[i], query));
- //
- }
- rr.push(ss);
- }
- return rr;
- */
-var groupingsets = function(a, query) {
- return a.reduce(function(acc, d) {
- acc = acc.concat(decartes(d, query));
- return acc;
- }, []);
- Cartesian production
- */
-var cartes = function(a1, a2) {
- var rrr = [];
- for (var i1 = 0; i1 < a1.length; i1++) {
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < a2.length; i2++) {
- rrr.push(a1[i1].concat(a2[i2]));
- }
- }
- return rrr;
- Prepare groups function
- */
-function decartes(gv, query) {
- if (Array.isArray(gv)) {
- var res = [[]];
- for (var t = 0; t < gv.length; t++) {
- if (gv[t] instanceof yy.Column) {
- gv[t].nick = escapeq(gv[t].columnid);
- query.groupColumns[gv[t].nick] = gv[t].nick;
- res = res.map(function(r) {
- return r.concat(
- gv[t].nick + '\t' + gv[t].toJS('p', query.sources[0].alias, query.defcols)
- );
- });
- // res = res.map(function(r){return r.concat(gv[t].columnid)});
- } else if (gv[t] instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
- query.groupColumns[escapeq(gv[t].toString())] = escapeq(gv[t].toString());
- res = res.map(function(r) {
- return r.concat(
- escapeq(gv[t].toString()) +
- '\t' +
- gv[t].toJS('p', query.sources[0].alias, query.defcols)
- );
- });
- // to be defined
- } else if (gv[t] instanceof yy.GroupExpression) {
- if (gv[t].type == 'ROLLUP') res = cartes(res, rollup(gv[t].group, query));
- else if (gv[t].type == 'CUBE') res = cartes(res, cube(gv[t].group, query));
- else if (gv[t].type == 'GROUPING SETS')
- res = cartes(res, groupingsets(gv[t].group, query));
- else throw new Error('Unknown grouping function');
- } else if (gv[t] === '') {
- res = [['1\t1']];
- } else {
- // if(gv[t])
- res = res.map(function(r) {
- query.groupColumns[escapeq(gv[t].toString())] = escapeq(gv[t].toString());
- return r.concat(
- escapeq(gv[t].toString()) +
- '\t' +
- gv[t].toJS('p', query.sources[0].alias, query.defcols)
- );
- });
- // res = res.concat(gv[t]);
- }
- }
- return res;
- } else if (gv instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
- query.groupColumns[escapeq(gv.toString())] = escapeq(gv.toString());
- return [gv.toString() + '\t' + gv.toJS('p', query.sources[0].alias, query.defcols)];
- } else if (gv instanceof yy.Column) {
- gv.nick = escapeq(gv.columnid);
- query.groupColumns[gv.nick] = gv.nick;
- return [gv.nick + '\t' + gv.toJS('p', query.sources[0].alias, query.defcols)]; // Is this ever happened?
- // } else if(gv instanceof yy.Expression) {
- // return [gv.columnid]; // Is this ever happened?
- } else {
- query.groupColumns[escapeq(gv.toString())] = escapeq(gv.toString());
- return [
- escapeq(gv.toString()) + '\t' + gv.toJS('p', query.sources[0].alias, query.defcols),
- ];
- // throw new Error('Single argument in the group without array');
- }
-// Select run-time part for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.Select.prototype.compileDefCols = function(query, databaseid) {
- var defcols = {'.': {}};
- if (this.from) {
- this.from.forEach(function(fr) {
- defcols['.'][fr.as || fr.tableid] = true;
- if (fr instanceof yy.Table) {
- var alias = fr.as || fr.tableid;
- var table = alasql.databases[fr.databaseid || databaseid].tables[fr.tableid];
- if (undefined === table) {
- throw new Error('Table does not exists: ' + fr.tableid);
- }
- if (table.columns) {
- table.columns.forEach(function(col) {
- if (defcols[col.columnid]) {
- defcols[col.columnid] = '-'; // Ambigous
- } else {
- defcols[col.columnid] = alias;
- }
- });
- }
- } else if (fr instanceof yy.Select) {
- } else if (fr instanceof yy.Search) {
- } else if (fr instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
- } else if (fr instanceof yy.VarValue) {
- } else if (fr instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
- } else if (fr instanceof yy.FromData) {
- } else if (fr instanceof yy.Json) {
- } else if (fr.inserted) {
- } else {
- throw new Error('Unknown type of FROM clause');
- }
- });
- }
- if (this.joins) {
- this.joins.forEach(function(jn) {
- defcols['.'][jn.as || jn.table.tableid] = true;
- if (jn.table) {
- var alias = jn.table.tableid;
- if (jn.as) alias = jn.as;
- var alias = jn.as || jn.table.tableid;
- var table =
- alasql.databases[jn.table.databaseid || databaseid].tables[jn.table.tableid];
- if (table.columns) {
- table.columns.forEach(function(col) {
- if (defcols[col.columnid]) {
- defcols[col.columnid] = '-'; // Ambigous
- } else {
- defcols[col.columnid] = alias;
- }
- });
- }
- } else if (jn.select) {
- } else if (jn.param) {
- } else if (jn.func) {
- } else {
- throw new Error('Unknown type of FROM clause');
- }
- });
- }
- // for(var k in defcols) {
- // if(defcols[k] == '-') defcols[k] = undefined;
- // }
- return defcols;
-// UNION for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-// SELECT UNION statement
-yy.Union = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Union.prototype.toString = function() {
- return 'UNION';
-yy.Union.prototype.compile = function(tableid) {
- return null;
-// CROSS AND OUTER APPLY for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.Apply = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Apply.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = this.applymode + ' APPLY (' + this.select.toString() + ')';
- if (this.as) s += ' AS ' + this.as;
- return s;
-// CROSS AND OUTER APPLY for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.Over = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Over.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'OVER (';
- if (this.partition) {
- s += 'PARTITION BY ' + this.partition.toString();
- if (this.order) s += ' ';
- }
- if (this.order) {
- s += 'ORDER BY ' + this.order.toString();
- }
- s += ')';
- return s;
-// Expressions for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
- Expression statement ( = 2*2; )
- @class
- @param {object} params Initial parameters
-yy.ExpressionStatement = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
- Convert AST to string
- @this ExpressionStatement
- @return {string}
-yy.ExpressionStatement.prototype.toString = function() {
- return this.expression.toString();
- Execute statement
- @param {string} databaseid Database identificatro
- @param {object} params Statement parameters
- @param {statement-callback} cb Callback
- @return {object} Result value
-yy.ExpressionStatement.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- if (this.expression) {
- alasql.precompile(this, databaseid, params); // Precompile queries
- var exprfn = new Function(
- 'params,alasql,p',
- 'var y;return ' + this.expression.toJS('({})', '', null)
- ).bind(this);
- var res = exprfn(params, alasql);
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
- }
- Expression class
- @class
- @param {object} params Initial parameters
-yy.Expression = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
- Convert AST to string
- @this ExpressionStatement
- @return {string}
-yy.Expression.prototype.toString = function(dontas) {
- var s = this.expression.toString(dontas);
- if (this.order) {
- s += ' ' + this.order.toString();
- }
- if (this.nocase) {
- }
- if (this.direction) {
- s += ' ' + this.direction;
- }
- return s;
- Find aggregator in AST subtree
- @this ExpressionStatement
- @param {object} query Query object
-yy.Expression.prototype.findAggregator = function(query) {
- if (this.expression.findAggregator) {
- this.expression.findAggregator(query);
- }
- Convert AST to JavaScript expression
- @this ExpressionStatement
- @param {string} context Context string, e.g. 'p','g', or 'x'
- @param {string} tableid Default table name
- @param {object} defcols Default columns dictionary
- @return {string} JavaScript expression
-yy.Expression.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- if (this.expression.reduced) {
- return 'true';
- }
- return this.expression.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
- Compile AST to JavaScript expression
- @this ExpressionStatement
- @param {string} context Context string, e.g. 'p','g', or 'x'
- @param {string} tableid Default table name
- @param {object} defcols Default columns dictionary
- @return {string} JavaScript expression
-yy.Expression.prototype.compile = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- if (this.reduced) {
- return returnTrue();
- }
- return new Function('p', 'var y;return ' + this.toJS(context, tableid, defcols));
- JavaScript class
- @class
-yy.JavaScript = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.JavaScript.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = '``' + this.value + '``';
- return s;
-yy.JavaScript.prototype.toJS = function(/* context, tableid, defcols*/) {
- return '(' + this.value + ')';
-yy.JavaScript.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- var expr = new Function('params,alasql,p', this.value);
- expr(params, alasql);
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
- Literal class
- @class
- @example
- MyVar, [My vairable], `MySQL variable`
-yy.Literal = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Literal.prototype.toString = function(dontas) {
- var s = this.value;
- if (this.value1) {
- s = this.value1 + '.' + s;
- }
- if (this.alias && !dontas) s += ' AS ' + this.alias;
- // else s = tableid+'.'+s;
- return s;
- Join class
- @class
-yy.Join = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Join.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = ' ';
- if (this.joinmode) {
- s += this.joinmode + ' ';
- }
- s += 'JOIN ' + this.table.toString();
- return s;
-// }
- Table class
- @class
-yy.Table = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Table.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = this.tableid;
- // if(this.joinmode)
- if (this.databaseid) {
- s = this.databaseid + '.' + s;
- }
- return s;
- View class
- @class
-yy.View = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.View.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = this.viewid;
- // if(this.joinmode)
- if (this.databaseid) {
- s = this.databaseid + '.' + s;
- }
- return s;
- Binary operation class
- @class
-yy.Op = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Op.prototype.toString = function() {
- if (this.op === 'IN' || this.op === 'NOT IN') {
- return this.left.toString() + ' ' + this.op + ' (' + this.right.toString() + ')';
- }
- if (this.allsome) {
- return (
- this.left.toString() +
- ' ' +
- this.op +
- ' ' +
- this.allsome +
- ' (' +
- this.right.toString() +
- ')'
- );
- }
- if (this.op === '->' || this.op === '!') {
- var s = this.left.toString() + this.op;
- if (typeof this.right !== 'string' && typeof this.right !== 'number') {
- s += '(';
- }
- s += this.right.toString();
- if (typeof this.right !== 'string' && typeof this.right !== 'number') {
- s += ')';
- }
- return s;
- }
- return (
- this.left.toString() +
- ' ' +
- this.op +
- ' ' +
- (this.allsome ? this.allsome + ' ' : '') +
- this.right.toString()
- );
-yy.Op.prototype.findAggregator = function(query) {
- if (this.left && this.left.findAggregator) {
- this.left.findAggregator(query);
- }
- // Do not go in > ALL
- if (this.right && this.right.findAggregator && !this.allsome) {
- this.right.findAggregator(query);
- }
-yy.Op.prototype.toType = function(tableid) {
- if (['-', '*', '/', '%', '^'].indexOf(this.op) > -1) {
- return 'number';
- }
- if (['||'].indexOf(this.op) > -1) {
- return 'string';
- }
- if (this.op === '+') {
- if (this.left.toType(tableid) === 'string' || this.right.toType(tableid) === 'string') {
- return 'string';
- }
- if (this.left.toType(tableid) === 'number' || this.right.toType(tableid) === 'number') {
- return 'number';
- }
- }
- if (
- [
- 'AND',
- 'OR',
- 'NOT',
- '=',
- '==',
- '===',
- '!=',
- '!==',
- '!===',
- '>',
- '>=',
- '<',
- '<=',
- 'IN',
- 'NOT IN',
- 'LIKE',
- 'GLOB',
- ].indexOf(this.op) > -1
- ) {
- return 'boolean';
- }
- if (
- this.op === 'BETWEEN' ||
- this.op === 'NOT BETWEEN' ||
- this.op === 'IS NULL' ||
- this.op === 'IS NOT NULL'
- ) {
- return 'boolean';
- }
- if (this.allsome) {
- return 'boolean';
- }
- if (!this.op) {
- return this.left.toType();
- }
- return 'unknown';
-yy.Op.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- var s;
- var refs = [];
- var op = this.op;
- var _this = this;
- //var leftJS = function(){return _this.left.toJS(context,tableid, defcols)};
- //var rightJS = function(){return _this.right.toJS(context,tableid, defcols)};
- var accessedLeft = false,
- accessedRight = false;
- var ref = function(expr) {
- if (expr.toJS) {
- expr = expr.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
- }
- var i = refs.push(expr) - 1;
- return 'y[' + i + ']';
- };
- var leftJS = function() {
- return ref(_this.left);
- };
- var rightJS = function() {
- return ref(_this.right);
- };
- if (this.op === '=') {
- op = '===';
- } else if (this.op === '<>') {
- op = '!=';
- } else if (this.op === 'OR') {
- op = '||';
- }
- // Arrow operator
- if (this.op === '->') {
- // Expression to prevent error if object is empty (#344)
- var ljs = '(' + leftJS() + '||{})';
- if (typeof this.right === 'string') {
- s = ljs + '["' + this.right + '"]';
- } else if (typeof this.right === 'number') {
- s = ljs + '[' + this.right + ']';
- } else if (this.right instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
- var ss = [];
- if (!(!this.right.args || 0 === this.right.args.length)) {
- var ss = this.right.args.map(ref);
- }
- s = '' + ljs + "['" + this.right.funcid + "'](" + ss.join(',') + ')';
- } else {
- s = '' + ljs + '[' + rightJS() + ']';
- }
- }
- if (this.op === '!') {
- if (typeof this.right === 'string') {
- s =
- '' +
- 'alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[' +
- leftJS() +
- ']["' +
- this.right +
- '"]';
- }
- // TODO - add other cases
- }
- if (this.op === 'IS') {
- s =
- '' +
- '(' +
- '(' +
- leftJS() +
- '==null)' + // Cant be ===
- ' === ' +
- '(' +
- rightJS() +
- '==null)' + // Cant be ===
- ')';
- }
- if (this.op === '==') {
- s = '' + 'alasql.utils.deepEqual(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + ')';
- }
- if (this.op === '===' || this.op === '!===') {
- s =
- '' +
- '(' +
- (this.op === '!===' ? '!' : '') +
- '(' +
- '(' +
- leftJS() +
- ').valueOf()' +
- '===' +
- '(' +
- rightJS() +
- ').valueOf()' +
- ')' +
- ')';
- }
- if (this.op === '!==') {
- s = '' + '(!alasql.utils.deepEqual(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + '))';
- }
- if (this.op === '||') {
- s = '' + "(''+(" + leftJS() + "||'')+(" + rightJS() + '||""))';
- }
- if (this.op === 'LIKE' || this.op === 'NOT LIKE') {
- var s =
- '(' +
- (this.op === 'NOT LIKE' ? '!' : '') +
- 'alasql.utils.like(' +
- rightJS() +
- ',' +
- leftJS();
- if (this.escape) {
- s += ',' + ref(this.escape);
- }
- s += '))';
- }
- if (this.op === 'REGEXP') {
- s = 'alasql.stdfn.REGEXP_LIKE(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + ')';
- }
- if (this.op === 'GLOB') {
- s = 'alasql.utils.glob(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + ')';
- }
- if (this.op === 'BETWEEN' || this.op === 'NOT BETWEEN') {
- var left = leftJS();
- s =
- '' +
- '(' +
- (this.op === 'NOT BETWEEN' ? '!' : '') +
- '(' +
- '(' +
- ref(this.right1) +
- '<=' +
- left +
- ') && (' +
- left +
- '<=' +
- ref(this.right2) +
- ')' +
- ')' +
- ')';
- }
- if (this.op === 'IN') {
- if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
- s = '(';
- // s += 'this.query.queriesdata['+this.queriesidx+']';
- // s += 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn['+(this.queriesidx)+'](params,null,context))';
- s +=
- 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn[' +
- this.queriesidx +
- '](params,null,' +
- context +
- '))';
- s += '.indexOf(';
- s += leftJS() + ')>-1)';
- } else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
- // if(this.right.length == 0) return 'false';
- s = '([' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + '].indexOf(' + leftJS() + ')>-1)';
- } else {
- s = '(' + rightJS() + '.indexOf(' + leftJS() + ')>-1)';
- // } else {
- // throw new Error('Wrong IN operator without SELECT part');
- }
- }
- if (this.op === 'NOT IN') {
- if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
- s = '(';
- //this.query.queriesdata['+this.queriesidx+']
- // s += 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn['+(this.queriesidx)+'](params,null,p))';
- s += 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn[' + this.queriesidx + '](params,null,p))';
- s += '.indexOf(';
- s += leftJS() + ')<0)';
- } else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
- // if(this.right.length == 0) return 'true';
- s = '([' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + '].indexOf(';
- s += leftJS() + ')<0)';
- } else {
- s = '(' + rightJS() + '.indexOf(';
- s += leftJS() + ')==-1)';
- // throw new Error('Wrong NOT IN operator without SELECT part');
- }
- }
- if (this.allsome === 'ALL') {
- var s;
- if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
- // var s = 'this.query.queriesdata['+this.queriesidx+']';
- s =
- 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn[' +
- this.queriesidx +
- '](params,null,p))';
- s += '.every(function(b){return (';
- s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
- } else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
- s =
- '' +
- (this.right.length == 1
- ? ref(this.right[0])
- : '[' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + ']');
- s += '.every(function(b){return (';
- s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
- } else {
- throw new Error('NOT IN operator without SELECT');
- }
- }
- if (this.allsome === 'SOME' || this.allsome === 'ANY') {
- var s;
- if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
- // var s = 'this.query.queriesdata['+this.queriesidx+']';
- s =
- 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn[' +
- this.queriesidx +
- '](params,null,p))';
- s += '.some(function(b){return (';
- s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
- } else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
- s =
- '' +
- (this.right.length == 1
- ? ref(this.right[0])
- : '[' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + ']');
- s += '.some(function(b){return (';
- s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
- } else {
- throw new Error('SOME/ANY operator without SELECT');
- }
- }
- // Special case for AND optimization (if reduced)
- if (this.op === 'AND') {
- if (this.left.reduced) {
- if (this.right.reduced) {
- return 'true';
- } else {
- s = rightJS();
- }
- } else if (this.right.reduced) {
- s = leftJS();
- }
- // Otherwise process as regular operation (see below)
- op = '&&';
- }
- // if(this.op === '^') {
- // // return 'Math.pow('
- // // + leftJS()
- // // + ','
- // // + rightJS()
- // // + ')';
- // }
- // Change names
- var expr = s || '(' + leftJS() + op + rightJS() + ')';
- var declareRefs = 'y=[(' + refs.join('), (') + ')]';
- if (op === '&&' || op === '||' || op === 'IS' || op === 'IS NULL' || op === 'IS NOT NULL') {
- return '(' + declareRefs + ', ' + expr + ')';
- }
- return (
- '(' + declareRefs + ', ' + 'y.some(function(e){return e == null}) ? void 0 : ' + expr + ')'
- );
-yy.VarValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.VarValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return '@' + this.variable;
-yy.VarValue.prototype.toType = function() {
- return 'unknown';
-yy.VarValue.prototype.toJS = function() {
- return "alasql.vars['" + this.variable + "']";
-yy.NumValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.NumValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return this.value.toString();
-yy.NumValue.prototype.toType = function() {
- return 'number';
-yy.NumValue.prototype.toJS = function() {
- return '' + this.value;
-yy.StringValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.StringValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return "'" + this.value.toString() + "'";
-yy.StringValue.prototype.toType = function() {
- return 'string';
-yy.StringValue.prototype.toJS = function() {
- // return "'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'";
- return "'" + escapeq(this.value) + "'";
-yy.DomainValueValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.DomainValueValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return 'VALUE';
-yy.DomainValueValue.prototype.toType = function() {
- return 'object';
-yy.DomainValueValue.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- // return "'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'";
- return context;
-yy.ArrayValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.ArrayValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return 'ARRAY[]';
-yy.ArrayValue.prototype.toType = function() {
- return 'object';
-yy.ArrayValue.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- // return "'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'";
- return (
- '[(' +
- this.value
- .map(function(el) {
- return el.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
- })
- .join('), (') +
- ')]'
- );
-yy.LogicValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.LogicValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return this.value ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
-yy.LogicValue.prototype.toType = function() {
- return 'boolean';
-yy.LogicValue.prototype.toJS = function() {
- return this.value ? 'true' : 'false';
-yy.NullValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.NullValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return 'NULL';
-yy.NullValue.prototype.toJS = function() {
- return 'undefined';
- // return 'undefined';
-yy.ParamValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.ParamValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return '$' + this.param;
-yy.ParamValue.prototype.toJS = function() {
- if (typeof this.param === 'string') {
- return "params['" + this.param + "']";
- }
- return 'params[' + this.param + ']';
-yy.UniOp = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.UniOp.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s;
- s = void 0;
- if (this.op === '~') {
- s = this.op + this.right.toString();
- }
- if (this.op === '-') {
- s = this.op + this.right.toString();
- }
- if (this.op === '+') {
- s = this.op + this.right.toString();
- }
- if (this.op === '#') {
- s = this.op + this.right.toString();
- }
- if (this.op === 'NOT') {
- s = this.op + '(' + this.right.toString() + ')';
- }
- if (this.op === null) {
- s = '(' + this.right.toString() + ')';
- }
- if (!s) {
- s = '(' + this.right.toString() + ')';
- }
- return s;
-yy.UniOp.prototype.findAggregator = function(query) {
- if (this.right.findAggregator) {
- this.right.findAggregator(query);
- }
-yy.UniOp.prototype.toType = function() {
- if (this.op === '-') {
- return 'number';
- }
- if (this.op === '+') {
- return 'number';
- }
- if (this.op === 'NOT') {
- return 'boolean';
- }
- // Todo: implement default case
-yy.UniOp.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- if (this.op === '~') {
- return '(~(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + '))';
- }
- if (this.op === '-') {
- return '(-(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + '))';
- }
- if (this.op === '+') {
- return '(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + ')';
- }
- if (this.op === 'NOT') {
- return '!(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + ')';
- }
- if (this.op === '#') {
- if (this.right instanceof yy.Column) {
- return "(alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects['" + this.right.columnid + "'])";
- } else {
- return (
- '(alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[' +
- this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) +
- '])'
- );
- }
- }
- // Please avoid === here
- if (this.op == null) {
- // jshint ignore:line
- return '(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + ')';
- }
- // Todo: implement default case.
-yy.Column = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Column.prototype.toString = function(dontas) {
- var s;
- if (this.columnid == +this.columnid) {
- // jshint ignore:line
- s = '[' + this.columnid + ']';
- } else {
- s = this.columnid;
- }
- if (this.tableid) {
- if (+this.columnid === this.columnid) {
- s = this.tableid + s;
- } else {
- s = this.tableid + '.' + s;
- }
- if (this.databaseid) {
- s = this.databaseid + '.' + s;
- }
- }
- if (this.alias && !dontas) s += ' AS ' + this.alias;
- return s;
-yy.Column.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- var s = '';
- if (!this.tableid && tableid === '' && !defcols) {
- if (this.columnid !== '_') {
- s = context + "['" + this.columnid + "']";
- } else {
- if (context === 'g') {
- s = "g['_']";
- } else {
- s = context;
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (context === 'g') {
- // if(this.columnid == '_') {
- // } else {
- s = "g['" + this.nick + "']";
- // }
- } else if (this.tableid) {
- if (this.columnid !== '_') {
- // if() {
- // s = context+'[\''+tableid + '\'][\''+this.tableid+'\'][\''+this.columnid+'\']';
- // } else {
- s = context + "['" + this.tableid + "']['" + this.columnid + "']";
- // }
- } else {
- if (context === 'g') {
- s = "g['_']";
- } else {
- s = context + "['" + this.tableid + "']";
- }
- }
- } else if (defcols) {
- var tbid = defcols[this.columnid];
- if (tbid === '-') {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot resolve column "' +
- this.columnid +
- '" because it exists in two source tables'
- );
- } else if (tbid) {
- if (this.columnid !== '_') {
- s = context + "['" + tbid + "']['" + this.columnid + "']";
- } else {
- s = context + "['" + tbid + "']";
- }
- } else {
- if (this.columnid !== '_') {
- // if(defcols['.'][this.tableid]) {
- // s = context+'[\''+tableid + '\'][\''+this.tableid + '\'][\''+this.columnid+'\']';
- // } else {
- s = context + "['" + (this.tableid || tableid) + "']['" + this.columnid + "']";
- // }
- } else {
- s = context + "['" + (this.tableid || tableid) + "']";
- }
- }
- } else if (tableid === -1) {
- // if(this.columnid != '') {
- s = context + "['" + this.columnid + "']";
- // } else {
- // s = context;
- // }
- } else {
- if (this.columnid !== '_') {
- s = context + "['" + (this.tableid || tableid) + "']['" + this.columnid + "']";
- } else {
- s = context + "['" + (this.tableid || tableid) + "']";
- }
- }
- }
- // console.trace(new Error());
- return s;
-yy.AggrValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.AggrValue.prototype.toString = function(dontas) {
- var s = '';
- if (this.aggregatorid === 'REDUCE') {
- s += this.funcid + '(';
- } else {
- s += this.aggregatorid + '(';
- }
- if (this.distinct) {
- s += 'DISTINCT ';
- }
- if (this.expression) {
- s += this.expression.toString();
- }
- s += ')';
- if (this.over) {
- s += ' ' + this.over.toString();
- }
- if (this.alias && !dontas) s += ' AS ' + this.alias;
- // if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
- return s;
-yy.AggrValue.prototype.findAggregator = function(query) {
- // var colas = this.as || this.toString();
- var colas = escapeq(this.toString()) + ':' + query.selectGroup.length;
- // if(!query.selectColumns[colas]) {
- // }
- var found = false;
- if (!found) {
- if (!this.nick) {
- this.nick = colas;
- var found = false;
- for (var i = 0; i < query.removeKeys.length; i++) {
- if (query.removeKeys[i] === colas) {
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found) {
- query.removeKeys.push(colas);
- }
- }
- query.selectGroup.push(this);
- }
- // this.reduced = true;
- return;
-yy.AggrValue.prototype.toType = function() {
- if (
- ['SUM', 'COUNT', 'AVG', 'MIN', 'MAX', 'AGGR', 'VAR', 'STDDEV'].indexOf(this.aggregatorid) >
- -1
- ) {
- return 'number';
- }
- if (['ARRAY'].indexOf(this.aggregatorid) > -1) {
- return 'array';
- }
- if (['FIRST', 'LAST'].indexOf(this.aggregatorid) > -1) {
- return this.expression.toType();
- }
- // todo: implement default;
-yy.AggrValue.prototype.toJS = function(/*context, tableid, defcols*/) {
- var colas = this.nick;
- if (colas === undefined) {
- colas = this.toString();
- }
- return "g['" + colas + "']";
-yy.OrderExpression = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.OrderExpression.prototype.toString = yy.Expression.prototype.toString;
-yy.GroupExpression = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.GroupExpression.prototype.toString = function() {
- return this.type + '(' + this.group.toString() + ')';
-// Alasql Linq library
-yy.FromData = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.FromData.prototype.toString = function() {
- if (this.data) return 'DATA(' + ((Math.random() * 10e15) | 0) + ')';
- else return '?';
-yy.FromData.prototype.toJS = function() {
-yy.Select.prototype.exec = function(params, cb) {
- if (this.preparams) params = this.preparams.concat(params);
- var databaseid = alasql.useid;
- db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var sql = this.toString();
- var hh = hash(sql);
- var statement = this.compile(databaseid);
- if (!statement) return;
- statement.sql = sql;
- statement.dbversion = db.dbversion;
- // Secure sqlCache size
- if (db.sqlCacheSize > alasql.MAXSQLCACHESIZE) {
- db.resetSqlCache();
- }
- db.sqlCacheSize++;
- db.sqlCache[hh] = statement;
- var res = (alasql.res = statement(params, cb));
- return res;
-yy.Select.prototype.Select = function() {
- var self = this;
- var agrs = [];
- if (arguments.length > 1) {
- args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
- } else if (arguments.length == 1) {
- if (Array.isArray(arguments[0])) {
- args = arguments[0];
- } else {
- args = [arguments[0]];
- }
- } else {
- throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments of Select() function');
- }
- self.columns = [];
- args.forEach(function(arg) {
- if (typeof arg == 'string') {
- self.columns.push(new yy.Column({columnid: arg}));
- } else if (typeof arg == 'function') {
- var pari = 0;
- if (self.preparams) {
- pari = self.preparams.length;
- } else {
- self.preparams = [];
- }
- self.preparams.push(arg);
- self.columns.push(new yy.Column({columnid: '*', func: arg, param: pari}));
- } else {
- // Unknown type
- }
- });
- return self;
-yy.Select.prototype.From = function(tableid) {
- var self = this;
- if (!self.from) self.from = [];
- if (Array.isArray(tableid)) {
- var pari = 0;
- if (self.preparams) {
- pari = self.preparams.length;
- } else {
- self.preparams = [];
- }
- self.preparams.push(tableid);
- self.from.push(new yy.ParamValue({param: pari}));
- } else if (typeof tableid == 'string') {
- self.from.push(new yy.Table({tableid: tableid}));
- } else {
- throw new Error('Unknown arguments in From() function');
- }
- return self;
-yy.Select.prototype.OrderBy = function() {
- var self = this;
- var agrs = [];
- self.order = [];
- if (arguments.length == 0) {
- // self.order.push(new yy.OrderExpression({expression: new yy.Column({columnid:"_"}), direction:'ASC'}));
- args = ['_'];
- } else if (arguments.length > 1) {
- args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
- } else if (arguments.length == 1) {
- if (Array.isArray(arguments[0])) {
- args = arguments[0];
- } else {
- args = [arguments[0]];
- }
- } else {
- throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments of Select() function');
- }
- if (args.length > 0) {
- args.forEach(function(arg) {
- var expr = new yy.Column({columnid: arg});
- if (typeof arg == 'function') {
- expr = arg;
- }
- self.order.push(new yy.OrderExpression({expression: expr, direction: 'ASC'}));
- });
- }
- return self;
-yy.Select.prototype.Top = function(topnum) {
- var self = this;
- self.top = new yy.NumValue({value: topnum});
- return self;
-yy.Select.prototype.GroupBy = function() {
- var self = this;
- var agrs = [];
- if (arguments.length > 1) {
- args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
- } else if (arguments.length == 1) {
- if (Array.isArray(arguments[0])) {
- args = arguments[0];
- } else {
- args = [arguments[0]];
- }
- } else {
- throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments of Select() function');
- }
- self.group = [];
- args.forEach(function(arg) {
- var expr = new yy.Column({columnid: arg});
- self.group.push(expr);
- });
- return self;
-yy.Select.prototype.Where = function(expr) {
- var self = this;
- if (typeof expr == 'function') {
- self.where = expr;
- }
- return self;
-// Functions for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.FuncValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.FuncValue.prototype.toString = function(dontas) {
- var s = '';
- if (alasql.fn[this.funcid]) s += this.funcid;
- else if (alasql.aggr[this.funcid]) s += this.funcid;
- else if (alasql.stdlib[this.funcid.toUpperCase()] || alasql.stdfn[this.funcid.toUpperCase()])
- s += this.funcid.toUpperCase();
- s += '(';
- if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
- s += this.args
- .map(function(arg) {
- return arg.toString();
- })
- .join(',');
- }
- s += ')';
- if (this.as && !dontas) s += ' AS ' + this.as.toString();
- // if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
- return s;
-yy.FuncValue.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- alasql.precompile(this, databaseid, params); // Precompile queries
- var expr = new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + this.toJS('', '', null));
- expr(params, alasql);
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
-yy.FuncValue.prototype.findAggregator = function(query) {
- if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
- this.args.forEach(function(arg) {
- if (arg.findAggregator) arg.findAggregator(query);
- });
- }
-yy.FuncValue.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- var s = '';
- var funcid = this.funcid;
- // IF this is standard compile functions
- if (!alasql.fn[funcid] && alasql.stdlib[funcid.toUpperCase()]) {
- if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
- s += alasql.stdlib[funcid.toUpperCase()].apply(
- this,
- this.args.map(function(arg) {
- return arg.toJS(context, tableid);
- })
- );
- } else {
- s += alasql.stdlib[funcid.toUpperCase()]();
- }
- } else if (!alasql.fn[funcid] && alasql.stdfn[funcid.toUpperCase()]) {
- if (this.newid) s += 'new ';
- s += 'alasql.stdfn.' + this.funcid.toUpperCase() + '(';
- // if(this.args) s += this.args.toJS(context, tableid);
- if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
- s += this.args
- .map(function(arg) {
- return arg.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
- })
- .join(',');
- }
- s += ')';
- } else {
- // This is user-defined run-time function
- // TODO arguments!!!
- // var s = '';
- if (this.newid) s += 'new ';
- s += 'alasql.fn.' + this.funcid + '(';
- // if(this.args) s += this.args.toJS(context, tableid);
- if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
- s += this.args
- .map(function(arg) {
- return arg.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
- })
- .join(',');
- }
- s += ')';
- }
- // if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
- return s;
-var stdlib = (alasql.stdlib = {});
-var stdfn = (alasql.stdfn = {});
-stdlib.ABS = function(a) {
- return 'Math.abs(' + a + ')';
-stdlib.CLONEDEEP = function(a) {
- return 'alasql.utils.cloneDeep(' + a + ')';
-stdfn.CONCAT = function() {
- return Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join('');
-stdlib.EXP = function(a) {
- return 'Math.pow(Math.E,' + a + ')';
-stdlib.IIF = function(a, b, c) {
- if (arguments.length == 3) {
- return '((' + a + ')?(' + b + '):(' + c + '))';
- } else {
- throw new Error('Number of arguments of IFF is not equals to 3');
- }
-stdlib.IFNULL = function(a, b) {
- return '(' + a + '||' + b + ')';
-stdlib.INSTR = function(s, p) {
- return '((' + s + ').indexOf(' + p + ')+1)';
-//stdlib.LEN = stdlib.LENGTH = function(s) {return '('+s+'+"").length';};
-stdlib.LEN = stdlib.LENGTH = function(s) {
- return und(s, 'y.length');
-//stdlib.LENGTH = function(s) {return '('+s+').length'};
-stdlib.LOWER = stdlib.LCASE = function(s) {
- return und(s, 'String(y).toLowerCase()');
-//stdlib.LCASE = function(s) {return '('+s+').toLowerCase()';}
-// Returns a character expression after it removes leading blanks.
-// see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/ltrim-transact-sql
-stdlib.LTRIM = function(s) {
- return und(s, 'y.replace(/^[ ]+/,"")');
-// Returns a character string after truncating all trailing spaces.
-// see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/rtrim-transact-sql
-stdlib.RTRIM = function(s) {
- return und(s, 'y.replace(/[ ]+$/,"")');
-stdlib.MAX = stdlib.GREATEST = function() {
- return 'Math.max(' + Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, ',') + ')';
-stdlib.MIN = stdlib.LEAST = function() {
- return 'Math.min(' + Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, ',') + ')';
-stdlib.SUBSTRING = stdlib.SUBSTR = stdlib.MID = function(a, b, c) {
- if (arguments.length == 2) return und(a, 'y.substr(' + b + '-1)');
- else if (arguments.length == 3) return und(a, 'y.substr(' + b + '-1,' + c + ')');
-stdfn.REGEXP_LIKE = function(a, b, c) {
- return (a || '').search(RegExp(b, c)) > -1;
-// Here we uses undefined instead of null
-stdlib.ISNULL = stdlib.NULLIF = function(a, b) {
- return '(' + a + '==' + b + '?undefined:' + a + ')';
-stdlib.POWER = function(a, b) {
- return 'Math.pow(' + a + ',' + b + ')';
-stdlib.RANDOM = function(r) {
- if (arguments.length == 0) {
- return 'Math.random()';
- } else {
- return '(Math.random()*(' + r + ')|0)';
- }
-stdlib.ROUND = function(s, d) {
- if (arguments.length == 2) {
- return 'Math.round((' + s + ')*Math.pow(10,(' + d + ')))/Math.pow(10,(' + d + '))';
- } else {
- return 'Math.round(' + s + ')';
- }
-stdlib.CEIL = stdlib.CEILING = function(s) {
- return 'Math.ceil(' + s + ')';
-stdlib.FLOOR = function(s) {
- return 'Math.floor(' + s + ')';
-stdlib.ROWNUM = function() {
- return '1';
-stdlib.ROW_NUMBER = function() {
- return '1';
-stdlib.SQRT = function(s) {
- return 'Math.sqrt(' + s + ')';
-stdlib.TRIM = function(s) {
- return und(s, 'y.trim()');
-stdlib.UPPER = stdlib.UCASE = function(s) {
- return und(s, 'String(y).toUpperCase()');
-// Concatination of strings
-stdfn.CONCAT_WS = function() {
- var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
- return args.slice(1, args.length).join(args[0]);
-//stdlib.UCASE = function(s) {return '('+s+').toUpperCase()';}
-// TRIM
-// TRIM
-// Aggregator for joining strings
-alasql.aggr.GROUP_CONCAT = function(v, s, stage) {
- if (stage === 1) {
- return '' + v;
- } else if (stage === 2) {
- s += ',' + v;
- return s;
- }
- return s;
-alasql.aggr.MEDIAN = function(v, s, stage) {
- if (stage === 2) {
- if (v !== null) {
- s.push(v);
- }
- return s;
- } else if (stage === 1) {
- if (v === null) {
- return [];
- }
- return [v];
- } else {
- if (!s.length) {
- return s;
- }
- var r = s.sort();
- var p = (r.length + 1) / 2;
- if (Number.isInteger(p)) {
- return r[p - 1];
- }
- return (r[Math.floor(p - 1)] + r[Math.ceil(p - 1)]) / 2;
- }
-alasql.aggr.QUART = function(v, s, stage, nth) {
- //Quartile (first quartile per default or input param)
- if (stage === 2) {
- if (v !== null) {
- s.push(v);
- }
- return s;
- } else if (stage === 1) {
- if (v === null) {
- return [];
- }
- return [v];
- } else {
- if (!s.length) {
- return s;
- }
- nth = !nth ? 1 : nth;
- var r = s.sort();
- var p = (nth * (r.length + 1)) / 4;
- if (Number.isInteger(p)) {
- return r[p - 1]; //Integer value
- }
- return r[Math.floor(p)]; //Math.ceil -1 or Math.floor
- }
-alasql.aggr.QUART2 = function(v, s, stage) {
- //Second Quartile
- return alasql.aggr.QUART(v, s, stage, 2);
-alasql.aggr.QUART3 = function(v, s, stage) {
- //Third Quartile
- return alasql.aggr.QUART(v, s, stage, 3);
-// Standard deviation
-alasql.aggr.VAR = function(v, s, stage) {
- if (stage === 1) {
- if (v === null) {
- return {arr: [], sum: 0};
- }
- return {arr: [v], sum: v};
- } else if (stage === 2) {
- if (v === null) {
- return s;
- }
- s.arr.push(v);
- s.sum += v;
- return s;
- } else {
- var N = s.arr.length;
- var avg = s.sum / N;
- var std = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
- std += (s.arr[i] - avg) * (s.arr[i] - avg);
- }
- std = std / (N - 1);
- return std;
- }
-alasql.aggr.STDEV = function(v, s, stage) {
- if (stage === 1 || stage === 2) {
- return alasql.aggr.VAR(v, s, stage);
- } else {
- return Math.sqrt(alasql.aggr.VAR(v, s, stage));
- }
-// Standard deviation
-// alasql.aggr.VARP = function(v,s,acc){
-// };
-alasql.aggr.VARP = function(v, s, stage) {
- if (stage == 1) {
- return {arr: [v], sum: v};
- } else if (stage == 2) {
- s.arr.push(v);
- s.sum += v;
- return s;
- } else {
- var N = s.arr.length;
- var avg = s.sum / N;
- var std = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
- std += (s.arr[i] - avg) * (s.arr[i] - avg);
- }
- std = std / N;
- return std;
- }
-alasql.aggr.STD = alasql.aggr.STDDEV = alasql.aggr.STDEVP = function(v, s, stage) {
- if (stage == 1 || stage == 2) {
- return alasql.aggr.VARP(v, s, stage);
- } else {
- return Math.sqrt(alasql.aggr.VARP(v, s, stage));
- }
-alasql._aggrOriginal = alasql.aggr;
-alasql.aggr = {};
-Object.keys(alasql._aggrOriginal).forEach(function(k) {
- alasql.aggr[k] = function(v, s, stage) {
- if (stage === 3 && typeof s === 'undefined') return undefined;
- return alasql._aggrOriginal[k].apply(null, arguments);
- };
-// String functions
-stdfn.REPLACE = function(target, pattern, replacement) {
- return (target || '').split(pattern).join(replacement);
-// This array is required for fast GUID generation
-var lut = [];
-for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
- lut[i] = (i < 16 ? '0' : '') + i.toString(16);
-stdfn.NEWID = stdfn.UUID = stdfn.GEN_RANDOM_UUID = function() {
- var d0 = (Math.random() * 0xffffffff) | 0;
- var d1 = (Math.random() * 0xffffffff) | 0;
- var d2 = (Math.random() * 0xffffffff) | 0;
- var d3 = (Math.random() * 0xffffffff) | 0;
- return (
- lut[d0 & 0xff] +
- lut[(d0 >> 8) & 0xff] +
- lut[(d0 >> 16) & 0xff] +
- lut[(d0 >> 24) & 0xff] +
- '-' +
- lut[d1 & 0xff] +
- lut[(d1 >> 8) & 0xff] +
- '-' +
- lut[((d1 >> 16) & 0x0f) | 0x40] +
- lut[(d1 >> 24) & 0xff] +
- '-' +
- lut[(d2 & 0x3f) | 0x80] +
- lut[(d2 >> 8) & 0xff] +
- '-' +
- lut[(d2 >> 16) & 0xff] +
- lut[(d2 >> 24) & 0xff] +
- lut[d3 & 0xff] +
- lut[(d3 >> 8) & 0xff] +
- lut[(d3 >> 16) & 0xff] +
- lut[(d3 >> 24) & 0xff]
- );
-// CASE for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.CaseValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.CaseValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'CASE ';
- if (this.expression) s += this.expression.toString();
- if (this.whens) {
- s += this.whens
- .map(function(w) {
- return ' WHEN ' + w.when.toString() + ' THEN ' + w.then.toString();
- })
- .join();
- }
- s += ' END';
- return s;
-yy.CaseValue.prototype.findAggregator = function(query) {
- if (this.expression && this.expression.findAggregator) this.expression.findAggregator(query);
- if (this.whens && this.whens.length > 0) {
- this.whens.forEach(function(w) {
- if (w.when.findAggregator) w.when.findAggregator(query);
- if (w.then.findAggregator) w.then.findAggregator(query);
- });
- }
- if (this.elses && this.elses.findAggregator) this.elses.findAggregator(query);
-yy.CaseValue.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- var s = '((function(' + context + ',params,alasql){var y,r;';
- if (this.expression) {
- // this.expression.toJS(context, tableid)
- s += 'v=' + this.expression.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + ';';
- s += (this.whens || [])
- .map(function(w) {
- return (
- ' if(v==' +
- w.when.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) +
- ') {r=' +
- w.then.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) +
- '}'
- );
- })
- .join(' else ');
- if (this.elses) s += ' else {r=' + this.elses.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + '}';
- } else {
- s += (this.whens || [])
- .map(function(w) {
- return (
- ' if(' +
- w.when.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) +
- ') {r=' +
- w.then.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) +
- '}'
- );
- })
- .join(' else ');
- if (this.elses) s += ' else {r=' + this.elses.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + '}';
- }
- // TODO remove bind from CASE
- s += ';return r;}).bind(this))(' + context + ',params,alasql)';
- return s;
-// JSON for Alasql.js
-// Date: 19.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.Json = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Json.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = ''; // '@'
- s += JSONtoString(this.value);
- s += '';
- return s;
-var JSONtoString = (alasql.utils.JSONtoString = function(obj) {
- var s = '';
- if (typeof obj == 'string') s = '"' + obj + '"';
- else if (typeof obj == 'number') s = obj;
- else if (typeof obj == 'boolean') s = obj;
- else if (typeof obj == 'object') {
- if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
- s +=
- '[' +
- obj
- .map(function(b) {
- return JSONtoString(b);
- })
- .join(',') +
- ']';
- } else if (!obj.toJS || obj instanceof yy.Json) {
- // to prevent recursion
- s = '{';
- var ss = [];
- for (var k in obj) {
- var s1 = '';
- if (typeof k == 'string') s1 += '"' + k + '"';
- else if (typeof k == 'number') s1 += k;
- else if (typeof k == 'boolean') s1 += k;
- else {
- throw new Error('THis is not ES6... no expressions on left side yet');
- }
- s1 += ':' + JSONtoString(obj[k]);
- ss.push(s1);
- }
- s += ss.join(',') + '}';
- } else if (obj.toString) {
- s = obj.toString();
- } else {
- throw new Error('1Can not show JSON object ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
- }
- } else {
- throw new Error('2Can not show JSON object ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
- }
- return s;
-function JSONtoJS(obj, context, tableid, defcols) {
- var s = '';
- if (typeof obj == 'string') s = '"' + obj + '"';
- else if (typeof obj == 'number') s = '(' + obj + ')';
- else if (typeof obj == 'boolean') s = obj;
- else if (typeof obj == 'object') {
- if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
- s +=
- '[' +
- obj
- .map(function(b) {
- return JSONtoJS(b, context, tableid, defcols);
- })
- .join(',') +
- ']';
- } else if (!obj.toJS || obj instanceof yy.Json) {
- // to prevent recursion
- s = '{';
- var ss = [];
- for (var k in obj) {
- var s1 = '';
- if (typeof k == 'string') s1 += '"' + k + '"';
- else if (typeof k == 'number') s1 += k;
- else if (typeof k == 'boolean') s1 += k;
- else {
- throw new Error('THis is not ES6... no expressions on left side yet');
- }
- s1 += ':' + JSONtoJS(obj[k], context, tableid, defcols);
- ss.push(s1);
- }
- s += ss.join(',') + '}';
- } else if (obj.toJS) {
- s = obj.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
- } else {
- throw new Error('1Can not parse JSON object ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
- }
- } else {
- throw new Error('2Can not parse JSON object ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
- }
- return s;
-yy.Json.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- // TODO redo
- return JSONtoJS(this.value, context, tableid, defcols);
-// CAST and CONVERT functions
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.Convert = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Convert.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'CONVERT(';
- s += this.dbtypeid;
- if (typeof this.dbsize != 'undefined') {
- s += '(' + this.dbsize;
- if (this.dbprecision) s += ',' + dbprecision;
- s += ')';
- }
- s += ',' + this.expression.toString();
- if (this.style) s += ',' + this.style;
- s += ')';
- return s;
-yy.Convert.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- // if(this.style) {
- return (
- 'alasql.stdfn.CONVERT(' +
- this.expression.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) +
- ',{dbtypeid:"' +
- this.dbtypeid +
- '",dbsize:' +
- this.dbsize +
- ',style:' +
- this.style +
- '})'
- );
- // }
- throw new Error('There is not such type conversion for ' + this.toString());
- Convert one type to another
- */
-alasql.stdfn.CONVERT = function(value, args) {
- var val = value;
- if (args.style) {
- // TODO 9,109, 20,120,21,121,126,130,131 conversions
- var t;
- if (/\d{8}/.test(val)) {
- t = new Date(+val.substr(0, 4), +val.substr(4, 2) - 1, +val.substr(6, 2));
- } else {
- t = new Date(val);
- }
- switch (args.style) {
- case 1: // mm/dd/yy
- val =
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '/' +
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- '/' +
- ('0' + t.getYear()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 2: // yy.mm.dd
- val =
- ('0' + t.getYear()).substr(-2) +
- '.' +
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '.' +
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 3: // dd/mm/yy
- val =
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- '/' +
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '/' +
- ('0' + t.getYear()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 4: // dd.mm.yy
- val =
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- '.' +
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '.' +
- ('0' + t.getYear()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 5: // dd-mm-yy
- val =
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- '-' +
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '-' +
- ('0' + t.getYear()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 6: // dd mon yy
- val =
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- ' ' +
- t
- .toString()
- .substr(4, 3)
- .toLowerCase() +
- ' ' +
- ('0' + t.getYear()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 7: // Mon dd,yy
- val =
- t.toString().substr(4, 3) +
- ' ' +
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- ',' +
- ('0' + t.getYear()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 8: // hh:mm:ss
- case 108: // hh:mm:ss
- val =
- ('0' + t.getHours()).substr(-2) +
- ':' +
- ('0' + t.getMinutes()).substr(-2) +
- ':' +
- ('0' + t.getSeconds()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 10: // mm-dd-yy
- val =
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '-' +
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- '-' +
- ('0' + t.getYear()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 11: // yy/mm/dd
- val =
- ('0' + t.getYear()).substr(-2) +
- '/' +
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '/' +
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 12: // yymmdd
- val =
- ('0' + t.getYear()).substr(-2) +
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 101: // mm/dd/yyyy
- val =
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '/' +
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- '/' +
- t.getFullYear();
- break;
- case 102: // yyyy.mm.dd
- val =
- t.getFullYear() +
- '.' +
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '.' +
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 103: // dd/mm/yyyy
- val =
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- '/' +
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '/' +
- t.getFullYear();
- break;
- case 104: // dd.mm.yyyy
- val =
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- '.' +
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '.' +
- t.getFullYear();
- break;
- case 105: // dd-mm-yyyy
- val =
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- '-' +
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '-' +
- t.getFullYear();
- break;
- case 106: // dd mon yyyy
- val =
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- ' ' +
- t
- .toString()
- .substr(4, 3)
- .toLowerCase() +
- ' ' +
- t.getFullYear();
- break;
- case 107: // Mon dd,yyyy
- val =
- t.toString().substr(4, 3) +
- ' ' +
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- ',' +
- t.getFullYear();
- break;
- case 110: // mm-dd-yyyy
- val =
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '-' +
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2) +
- '-' +
- t.getFullYear();
- break;
- case 111: // yyyy/mm/dd
- val =
- t.getFullYear() +
- '/' +
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '/' +
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2);
- break;
- case 112: // yyyymmdd
- val =
- t.getFullYear() +
- ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- ('0' + t.getDate()).substr(-2);
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error('The CONVERT style ' + args.style + ' is not realized yet.');
- }
- }
- var udbtypeid = args.dbtypeid.toUpperCase();
- if (args.dbtypeid == 'Date') {
- return new Date(val);
- } else if (udbtypeid == 'DATE') {
- var d = new Date(val);
- var s =
- d.getFullYear() +
- '.' +
- ('0' + (d.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '.' +
- ('0' + d.getDate()).substr(-2);
- return s;
- } else if (udbtypeid == 'DATETIME' || udbtypeid == 'DATETIME2') {
- var d = new Date(val);
- var s =
- d.getFullYear() +
- '.' +
- ('0' + (d.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '.' +
- ('0' + d.getDate()).substr(-2);
- s +=
- ' ' +
- ('0' + d.getHours()).substr(-2) +
- ':' +
- ('0' + d.getMinutes()).substr(-2) +
- ':' +
- ('0' + d.getSeconds()).substr(-2);
- s += '.' + ('00' + d.getMilliseconds()).substr(-3);
- return s;
- } else if (['MONEY'].indexOf(udbtypeid) > -1) {
- var m = +val;
- return (m | 0) + ((m * 100) % 100) / 100;
- } else if (['BOOLEAN'].indexOf(udbtypeid) > -1) {
- return !!val;
- } else if (
- args.dbtypeid.toUpperCase()
- ) > -1
- ) {
- return val | 0;
- } else if (
- args.dbtypeid.toUpperCase()
- ) > -1
- ) {
- if (args.dbsize) return ('' + val).substr(0, args.dbsize);
- else return '' + val;
- } else if (['CHAR', 'CHARACTER', 'NCHAR'].indexOf(udbtypeid) > -1) {
- return (val + new Array(args.dbsize + 1).join(' ')).substr(0, args.dbsize);
- //else return ""+val.substr(0,1);
- } else if (['NUMBER', 'FLOAT'].indexOf(udbtypeid) > -1) {
- if (typeof args.dbprecision != 'undefined') {
- var m = +val;
- var fxd = Math.pow(10, args.dbprecision);
- return (m | 0) + ((m * fxd) % fxd) / fxd;
- } else {
- return +val;
- }
- } else if (['DECIMAL', 'NUMERIC'].indexOf(udbtypeid) > -1) {
- var m = +val;
- var fxd = Math.pow(10, args.dbprecision);
- return (m | 0) + ((m * fxd) % fxd) / fxd;
- } else if (['JSON'].indexOf(udbtypeid) > -1) {
- if (typeof val == 'object') return val;
- try {
- return JSON.parse(val);
- } catch (err) {
- throw new Error('Cannot convert string to JSON');
- }
- }
- return val;
-// CREATE TABLE for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-/* global alasql, yy, hash */
-yy.ColumnDef = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.ColumnDef.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = this.columnid;
- if (this.dbtypeid) {
- s += ' ' + this.dbtypeid;
- }
- if (this.dbsize) {
- s += '(' + this.dbsize;
- if (this.dbprecision) {
- s += ',' + this.dbprecision;
- }
- s += ')';
- }
- if (this.primarykey) {
- s += ' PRIMARY KEY';
- }
- if (this.notnull) {
- s += ' NOT NULL';
- }
- return s;
-yy.CreateTable = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.CreateTable.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'CREATE';
- if (this.temporary) {
- s += ' TEMPORARY';
- }
- if (this.view) {
- s += ' VIEW';
- } else {
- s += ' ' + (this["class"] ? 'CLASS' : 'TABLE');
- }
- if (this.ifnotexists) {
- s += ' IF NOT EXISTS';
- }
- s += ' ' + this.table.toString();
- if (this.viewcolumns) {
- s +=
- '(' +
- this.viewcolumns
- .map(function(vcol) {
- return vcol.toString();
- })
- .join(',') +
- ')';
- }
- if (this.as) {
- s += ' AS ' + this.as;
- } else {
- var ss = this.columns.map(function(col) {
- return col.toString();
- });
- s += ' (' + ss.join(',') + ')';
- }
- if (this.view && this.select) {
- s += ' AS ' + this.select.toString();
- }
- return s;
-//yy.CreateTable.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
-yy.CreateTable.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- // var self = this;
- var db = alasql.databases[this.table.databaseid || databaseid];
- var tableid = this.table.tableid;
- if (!tableid) {
- throw new Error('Table name is not defined');
- }
- // var ifnotexists = this.ifnotexists;
- var columns = this.columns;
- // if(false) {
- // if(!columns) {
- // throw new Error('Columns are not defined');
- // }
- // }
- var constraints = this.constraints || [];
- if (this.ifnotexists && db.tables[tableid]) {
- return cb ? cb(0) : 0;
- }
- if (db.tables[tableid]) {
- throw new Error(
- "Can not create table '" +
- tableid +
- "', because it already exists in the database '" +
- db.databaseid +
- "'"
- );
- }
- var table = (db.tables[tableid] = new alasql.Table()); // TODO Can use special object?
- // If this is a class
- if (this["class"]) {
- table.isclass = true;
- }
- var ss = []; // DEFAULT function components
- var uss = []; // ON UPDATE function components
- if (columns) {
- columns.forEach(function(col) {
- var dbtypeid = col.dbtypeid;
- if (!alasql.fn[dbtypeid]) {
- dbtypeid = dbtypeid.toUpperCase();
- }
- // Process SERIAL data type like Postgress
- if (['SERIAL', 'SMALLSERIAL', 'BIGSERIAL'].indexOf(dbtypeid) > -1) {
- col.identity = {value: 1, step: 1};
- }
- var newcol = {
- columnid: col.columnid,
- dbtypeid: dbtypeid,
- dbsize: col.dbsize, // Fixed issue #150
- dbprecision: col.dbprecision, // Fixed issue #150
- notnull: col.notnull,
- identity: col.identity,
- };
- if (col.identity) {
- table.identities[col.columnid] = {
- value: +col.identity.value,
- step: +col.identity.step,
- };
- // ss.push('\''+col.columnid+'\':(alasql.databases[\''+db.databaseid+'\'].tables[\''
- // +tableid+'\'].identities[\''+col.columnid+'\'].value)');
- }
- if (col.check) {
- table.checks.push({
- id: col.check.constrantid,
- fn: new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + col.check.expression.toJS('r', '')),
- });
- }
- if (col["default"]) {
- ss.push("'" + col.columnid + "':" + col["default"].toJS('r', ''));
- }
- // Check for primary key
- if (col.primarykey) {
- var pk = (table.pk = {});
- pk.columns = [col.columnid];
- pk.onrightfns = "r['" + col.columnid + "']";
- pk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + pk.onrightfns);
- pk.hh = hash(pk.onrightfns);
- table.uniqs[pk.hh] = {};
- }
- // UNIQUE clause
- if (col.unique) {
- var uk = {};
- table.uk = table.uk || [];
- table.uk.push(uk);
- uk.columns = [col.columnid];
- uk.onrightfns = "r['" + col.columnid + "']";
- uk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + uk.onrightfns);
- uk.hh = hash(uk.onrightfns);
- table.uniqs[uk.hh] = {};
- }
- // UNIQUE clause
- if (col.foreignkey) {
- var fk = col.foreignkey.table;
- var fktable = alasql.databases[fk.databaseid || databaseid].tables[fk.tableid];
- if (typeof fk.columnid === 'undefined') {
- if (fktable.pk.columns && fktable.pk.columns.length > 0) {
- fk.columnid = fktable.pk.columns[0];
- } else {
- throw new Error('FOREIGN KEY allowed only to tables with PRIMARY KEYs');
- }
- }
- var fkfn = function(r) {
- var rr = {};
- if (typeof r[col.columnid] === 'undefined') {
- return true;
- }
- rr[fk.columnid] = r[col.columnid];
- var addr = fktable.pk.onrightfn(rr);
- if (!fktable.uniqs[fktable.pk.hh][addr]) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Foreign key "' +
- r[col.columnid] +
- '" is not found in table ' +
- fktable.tableid
- );
- }
- return true;
- };
- table.checks.push({fn: fkfn});
- }
- if (col.onupdate) {
- uss.push("r['" + col.columnid + "']=" + col.onupdate.toJS('r', ''));
- }
- table.columns.push(newcol);
- table.xcolumns[newcol.columnid] = newcol;
- });
- }
- table.defaultfns = ss.join(',');
- table.onupdatefns = uss.join(';');
- // if(constraints) {
- constraints.forEach(function(con) {
- var checkfn;
- if (con.type === 'PRIMARY KEY') {
- if (table.pk) {
- throw new Error('Primary key already exists');
- }
- var pk = (table.pk = {});
- pk.columns = con.columns;
- pk.onrightfns = pk.columns
- .map(function(columnid) {
- return "r['" + columnid + "']";
- })
- .join("+'`'+");
- pk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + pk.onrightfns);
- pk.hh = hash(pk.onrightfns);
- table.uniqs[pk.hh] = {};
- } else if (con.type === 'CHECK') {
- checkfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + con.expression.toJS('r', ''));
- } else if (con.type === 'UNIQUE') {
- var uk = {};
- table.uk = table.uk || [];
- table.uk.push(uk);
- uk.columns = con.columns;
- uk.onrightfns = uk.columns
- .map(function(columnid) {
- return "r['" + columnid + "']";
- })
- .join("+'`'+");
- uk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + uk.onrightfns);
- uk.hh = hash(uk.onrightfns);
- table.uniqs[uk.hh] = {};
- } else if (con.type === 'FOREIGN KEY') {
- var col = table.xcolumns[con.columns[0]];
- var fk = con.fktable;
- if (con.fkcolumns && con.fkcolumns.length > 0) {
- fk.columnid = con.fkcolumns[0];
- }
- var fktable = alasql.databases[fk.databaseid || databaseid].tables[fk.tableid];
- if (typeof fk.columnid === 'undefined') {
- fk.columnid = fktable.pk.columns[0];
- }
- checkfn = function(r) {
- var rr = {};
- if (typeof r[col.columnid] === 'undefined') {
- return true;
- }
- rr[fk.columnid] = r[col.columnid];
- var addr = fktable.pk.onrightfn(rr);
- if (!fktable.uniqs[fktable.pk.hh][addr]) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Foreign key "' +
- r[col.columnid] +
- '" is not found in table ' +
- fktable.tableid
- );
- }
- return true;
- };
- }
- if (checkfn) {
- table.checks.push({fn: checkfn, id: con.constraintid, fk: con.type === 'FOREIGN KEY'});
- }
- });
- if (this.view && this.viewcolumns) {
- var self = this;
- this.viewcolumns.forEach(function(vcol, idx) {
- self.select.columns[idx].as = vcol.columnid;
- });
- }
- //Used in 420from queryfn when table.view = true!
- if (this.view && this.select) {
- table.view = true;
- table.select = this.select.compile(this.table.databaseid || databaseid);
- }
- if (db.engineid) {
- return alasql.engines[db.engineid].createTable(
- this.table.databaseid || databaseid,
- tableid,
- this.ifnotexists,
- cb
- );
- // return res1;
- }
- // }
- // if(table.pk) {
- table.insert = function(r, orreplace) {
- var oldinserted = alasql.inserted;
- alasql.inserted = [r];
- var table = this;
- var toreplace = false; // For INSERT OR REPLACE
- /*
- // if(table.identities && table.identities.length>0) {
- // table.identities.forEach(function(ident){
- // r[ident.columnid] = ident.value;
- // });
- // }
- // Trigger prevent functionality
- var prevent = false;
- for (var tr in table.beforeinsert) {
- var trigger = table.beforeinsert[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- if (alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r) === false) prevent = prevent || true;
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- if (trigger.statement.execute(databaseid) === false) prevent = prevent || true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (prevent) return;
- // Trigger prevent functionality
- var escape = false;
- for (tr in table.insteadofinsert) {
- escape = true;
- trigger = table.insteadofinsert[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r);
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
- }
- }
- }
- if (escape) return;
- for (var columnid in table.identities) {
- var ident = table.identities[columnid];
- r[columnid] = ident.value;
- }
- if (table.checks && table.checks.length > 0) {
- table.checks.forEach(function(check) {
- if (!check.fn(r)) {
- // if(orreplace) toreplace=true; else
- throw new Error('Violation of CHECK constraint ' + (check.id || ''));
- }
- });
- }
- table.columns.forEach(function(column) {
- if (column.notnull && typeof r[column.columnid] === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Wrong NULL value in NOT NULL column ' + column.columnid);
- }
- });
- if (table.pk) {
- var pk = table.pk;
- var addr = pk.onrightfn(r);
- if (typeof table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] !== 'undefined') {
- if (orreplace) toreplace = table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr];
- else
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot insert record, because it already exists in primary key index'
- );
- }
- // table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr]=r;
- }
- if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
- table.uk.forEach(function(uk) {
- var ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
- if (typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] !== 'undefined') {
- if (orreplace) toreplace = table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr];
- else
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot insert record, because it already exists in unique index'
- );
- }
- // table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr]=r;
- });
- }
- if (toreplace) {
- // Do UPDATE!!!
- table.update(
- function(t) {
- for (var f in r) t[f] = r[f];
- },
- table.data.indexOf(toreplace),
- params
- );
- } else {
- table.data.push(r);
- // Final change before insert
- // Update indices
- for (var columnid in table.identities) {
- var ident = table.identities[columnid];
- ident.value += ident.step;
- }
- if (table.pk) {
- var pk = table.pk;
- var addr = pk.onrightfn(r);
- table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] = r;
- }
- if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
- table.uk.forEach(function(uk) {
- var ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
- table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] = r;
- });
- }
- }
- // Trigger prevent functionality
- for (var tr in table.afterinsert) {
- var trigger = table.afterinsert[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r);
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
- }
- }
- }
- alasql.inserted = oldinserted;
- };
- table["delete"] = function(index) {
- var table = this;
- var r = table.data[index];
- // Prevent trigger
- var prevent = false;
- for (var tr in table.beforedelete) {
- var trigger = table.beforedelete[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- if (alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r) === false) prevent = prevent || true;
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- if (trigger.statement.execute(databaseid) === false) prevent = prevent || true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (prevent) return false;
- // Trigger prevent functionality
- var escape = false;
- for (var tr in table.insteadofdelete) {
- escape = true;
- var trigger = table.insteadofdelete[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r);
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
- }
- }
- }
- if (escape) return;
- if (this.pk) {
- var pk = this.pk;
- var addr = pk.onrightfn(r);
- if (typeof this.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Something wrong with primary key index on table');
- } else {
- this.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] = undefined;
- }
- }
- if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
- table.uk.forEach(function(uk) {
- var ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
- if (typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Something wrong with unique index on table');
- }
- table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] = undefined;
- });
- }
- };
- table.deleteall = function() {
- this.data.length = 0;
- if (this.pk) {
- // var r = this.data[i];
- this.uniqs[this.pk.hh] = {};
- }
- if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
- table.uk.forEach(function(uk) {
- table.uniqs[uk.hh] = {};
- });
- }
- };
- table.update = function(assignfn, i, params) {
- // TODO: Analyze the speed
- var r = cloneDeep(this.data[i]);
- var pk;
- if (this.pk) {
- pk = this.pk;
- pk.pkaddr = pk.onrightfn(r, params);
- if (typeof this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.pkaddr] === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Something wrong with index on table');
- }
- }
- if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
- table.uk.forEach(function(uk) {
- uk.ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
- if (typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.ukaddr] === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Something wrong with unique index on table');
- }
- });
- }
- assignfn(r, params, alasql);
- // Prevent trigger
- var prevent = false;
- for (var tr in table.beforeupdate) {
- var trigger = table.beforeupdate[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- if (alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](this.data[i], r) === false)
- prevent = prevent || true;
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- if (trigger.statement.execute(databaseid) === false) prevent = prevent || true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (prevent) return false;
- // Trigger prevent functionality
- var escape = false;
- for (var tr in table.insteadofupdate) {
- escape = true;
- var trigger = table.insteadofupdate[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](this.data[i], r);
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
- }
- }
- }
- if (escape) return;
- if (table.checks && table.checks.length > 0) {
- table.checks.forEach(function(check) {
- if (!check.fn(r)) {
- throw new Error('Violation of CHECK constraint ' + (check.id || ''));
- }
- });
- }
- table.columns.forEach(function(column) {
- if (column.notnull && typeof r[column.columnid] === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Wrong NULL value in NOT NULL column ' + column.columnid);
- }
- });
- if (this.pk) {
- pk.newpkaddr = pk.onrightfn(r);
- if (
- typeof this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.newpkaddr] !== 'undefined' &&
- pk.newpkaddr !== pk.pkaddr
- ) {
- throw new Error('Record already exists');
- }
- }
- if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
- table.uk.forEach(function(uk) {
- uk.newukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
- if (
- typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.newukaddr] !== 'undefined' &&
- uk.newukaddr !== uk.ukaddr
- ) {
- throw new Error('Record already exists');
- }
- });
- }
- if (this.pk) {
- this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.pkaddr] = undefined;
- this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.newpkaddr] = r;
- }
- if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
- table.uk.forEach(function(uk) {
- table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.ukaddr] = undefined;
- table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.newukaddr] = r;
- });
- }
- this.data[i] = r;
- // Trigger prevent functionality
- for (var tr in table.afterupdate) {
- var trigger = table.afterupdate[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](this.data[i], r);
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- var res;
- if (!alasql.options.nocount) {
- res = 1;
- }
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
-// Date functions
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-/** Standard JavaScript data types */
-alasql.fn.Date = Object;
-alasql.fn.Date = Date;
-alasql.fn.Number = Number;
-alasql.fn.String = String;
-alasql.fn.Boolean = Boolean;
-/** Extend Object with properties */
-stdfn.EXTEND = alasql.utils.extend;
-stdfn.CHAR = String.fromCharCode.bind(String);
-stdfn.ASCII = function(a) {
- return a.charCodeAt(0);
- Return first non-null argument
- See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190349.aspx
-stdfn.COALESCE = function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- if (typeof arguments[i] == 'undefined') continue;
- if (typeof arguments[i] == 'number' && isNaN(arguments[i])) continue;
- return arguments[i];
- }
- return undefined;
-stdfn.USER = function() {
- return 'alasql';
-stdfn.OBJECT_ID = function(objid) {
- return !!alasql.tables[objid];
-stdfn.DATE = function(d) {
- if (/\d{8}/.test(d)) return new Date(+d.substr(0, 4), +d.substr(4, 2) - 1, +d.substr(6, 2));
- return new Date(d);
-stdfn.NOW = function() {
- var d = new Date();
- var s =
- d.getFullYear() +
- '.' +
- ('0' + (d.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) +
- '.' +
- ('0' + d.getDate()).substr(-2);
- s +=
- ' ' +
- ('0' + d.getHours()).substr(-2) +
- ':' +
- ('0' + d.getMinutes()).substr(-2) +
- ':' +
- ('0' + d.getSeconds()).substr(-2);
- s += '.' + ('00' + d.getMilliseconds()).substr(-3);
- return s;
-stdfn.GETDATE = stdfn.NOW;
-stdfn.SECOND = function(d) {
- var d = new Date(d);
- return d.getSeconds();
-stdfn.MINUTE = function(d) {
- var d = new Date(d);
- return d.getMinutes();
-stdfn.HOUR = function(d) {
- var d = new Date(d);
- return d.getHours();
-stdfn.DAYOFWEEK = stdfn.WEEKDAY = function(d) {
- var d = new Date(d);
- return d.getDay();
-stdfn.DAY = stdfn.DAYOFMONTH = function(d) {
- var d = new Date(d);
- return d.getDate();
-stdfn.MONTH = function(d) {
- var d = new Date(d);
- return d.getMonth() + 1;
-stdfn.YEAR = function(d) {
- var d = new Date(d);
- return d.getFullYear();
-var PERIODS = {
- year: 1000 * 3600 * 24 * 365,
- quarter: (1000 * 3600 * 24 * 365) / 4,
- month: 1000 * 3600 * 24 * 30,
- week: 1000 * 3600 * 24 * 7,
- day: 1000 * 3600 * 24,
- dayofyear: 1000 * 3600 * 24,
- weekday: 1000 * 3600 * 24,
- hour: 1000 * 3600,
- minute: 1000 * 60,
- second: 1000,
- millisecond: 1,
- microsecond: 0.001,
-alasql.stdfn.DATEDIFF = function(period, d1, d2) {
- var interval = new Date(d2).getTime() - new Date(d1).getTime();
- return interval / PERIODS[period.toLowerCase()];
-alasql.stdfn.DATEADD = function(period, interval, d) {
- var nd = new Date(d).getTime() + interval * PERIODS[period.toLowerCase()];
- return new Date(nd);
-alasql.stdfn.INTERVAL = function(interval, period) {
- return interval * PERIODS[period.toLowerCase()];
-alasql.stdfn.DATE_ADD = alasql.stdfn.ADDDATE = function(d, interval) {
- var nd = new Date(d).getTime() + interval;
- return new Date(nd);
-alasql.stdfn.DATE_SUB = alasql.stdfn.SUBDATE = function(d, interval) {
- var nd = new Date(d).getTime() - interval;
- return new Date(nd);
-// DROP TABLE for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.DropTable = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.DropTable.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'DROP' + ' ';
- if (this.view) s += 'VIEW';
- else s += 'TABLE';
- if (this.ifexists) s += ' IF EXISTS';
- s += ' ' + this.tables.toString();
- return s;
- Drop tables
- @param {string} databaseid Database id
- @param {object} params Parameters
- @param {callback} cb Callback function
- @return Number of dropped tables
- @example
-yy.DropTable.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var ifexists = this.ifexists;
- var res = 0; // No tables removed
- var count = 0;
- var tlen = this.tables.length;
- // For each table in the list
- this.tables.forEach(function(table) {
- var db = alasql.databases[table.databaseid || databaseid];
- var tableid = table.tableid;
- /** @todo Test with AUTOCOMMIT flag is ON */
- /** @todo Test with IndexedDB and multiple tables */
- if (!ifexists || (ifexists && db.tables[tableid])) {
- if (!db.tables[tableid]) {
- if (!alasql.options.dropifnotexists) {
- throw new Error(
- "Can not drop table '" +
- table.tableid +
- "', because it does not exist in the database."
- );
- }
- } else {
- if (db.engineid /*&& alasql.options.autocommit*/) {
- alasql.engines[db.engineid].dropTable(
- table.databaseid || databaseid,
- tableid,
- ifexists,
- function(res1) {
- delete db.tables[tableid];
- res += res1;
- count++;
- if (count == tlen && cb) cb(res);
- }
- );
- } else {
- delete db.tables[tableid];
- res++;
- count++;
- if (count == tlen && cb) cb(res);
- }
- }
- } else {
- count++;
- if (count == tlen && cb) cb(res);
- }
- });
- // if(cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
-yy.TruncateTable = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.TruncateTable.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'TRUNCATE TABLE';
- s += ' ' + this.table.toString();
- return s;
-yy.TruncateTable.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var db = alasql.databases[this.table.databaseid || databaseid];
- var tableid = this.table.tableid;
- if (db.engineid) {
- return alasql.engines[db.engineid].truncateTable(
- this.table.databaseid || databaseid,
- tableid,
- this.ifexists,
- cb
- );
- }
- if (db.tables[tableid]) {
- db.tables[tableid].data = [];
- } else {
- throw new Error('Cannot truncate table becaues it does not exist');
- }
- return cb ? cb(0) : 0;
-// Date: 21.04.2015
-// (c) 2015, Andrey Gershun
-yy.CreateVertex = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.CreateVertex.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'CREATE VERTEX ';
- if (this["class"]) {
- s += this["class"] + ' ';
- }
- if (this.sharp) {
- s += '#' + this.sharp + ' ';
- }
- if (this.sets) {
- s += this.sets.toString();
- } else if (this.content) {
- s += this.content.toString();
- } else if (this.select) {
- s += this.select.toString();
- }
- return s;
-yy.CreateVertex.prototype.toJS = function(context) {
- var s = 'this.queriesfn[' + (this.queriesidx - 1) + '](this.params,null,' + context + ')';
- // var s = '';
- return s;
-yy.CreateVertex.prototype.compile = function(databaseid) {
- var dbid = databaseid;
- var sharp = this.sharp;
- if (typeof this.name !== 'undefined') {
- var s = 'x.name=' + this.name.toJS();
- var namefn = new Function('x', s);
- }
- if (this.sets && this.sets.length > 0) {
- var s = this.sets
- .map(function(st) {
- return "x['" + st.column.columnid + "']=" + st.expression.toJS('x', '');
- })
- .join(';');
- var setfn = new Function('x,params,alasql', s);
- }
- // Todo: check for content, select and default
- var statement = function(params, cb) {
- var res;
- // CREATE VERTEX without parameters
- var db = alasql.databases[dbid];
- var id;
- if (typeof sharp !== 'undefined') {
- id = sharp;
- } else {
- id = db.counter++;
- }
- var vertex = {$id: id, $node: 'VERTEX'};
- db.objects[vertex.$id] = vertex;
- res = vertex;
- if (namefn) {
- namefn(vertex);
- }
- if (setfn) {
- setfn(vertex, params, alasql);
- }
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
- };
- return statement;
-yy.CreateEdge = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.CreateEdge.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'CREATE EDGE' + ' ';
- if (this["class"]) {
- s += this["class"] + ' ';
- }
- // todo: SET
- // todo: CONTENT
- // todo: SELECT
- return s;
-yy.CreateEdge.prototype.toJS = function(context) {
- var s = 'this.queriesfn[' + (this.queriesidx - 1) + '](this.params,null,' + context + ')';
- return s;
-yy.CreateEdge.prototype.compile = function(databaseid) {
- var dbid = databaseid;
- var fromfn = new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + this.from.toJS());
- var tofn = new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + this.to.toJS());
- if (typeof this.name !== 'undefined') {
- var s = 'x.name=' + this.name.toJS();
- var namefn = new Function('x', s);
- }
- if (this.sets && this.sets.length > 0) {
- var s = this.sets
- .map(function(st) {
- return "x['" + st.column.columnid + "']=" + st.expression.toJS('x', '');
- })
- .join(';');
- var setfn = new Function('x,params,alasql', 'var y;' + s);
- }
- /*
- todo: handle content, select and default
- else if(this.content) {
- } else if(this.select) {
- } else {
- }
- */
- var statement = function(params, cb) {
- var res = 0;
- // CREATE VERTEX without parameters
- var db = alasql.databases[dbid];
- var edge = {$id: db.counter++, $node: 'EDGE'};
- var v1 = fromfn(params, alasql);
- var v2 = tofn(params, alasql);
- // Set link
- edge.$in = [v1.$id];
- edge.$out = [v2.$id];
- // Set sides
- if (v1.$out === undefined) {
- v1.$out = [];
- }
- v1.$out.push(edge.$id);
- if (typeof v2.$in === undefined) {
- v2.$in = [];
- }
- v2.$in.push(edge.$id);
- // Save in objects
- db.objects[edge.$id] = edge;
- res = edge;
- if (namefn) {
- namefn(edge);
- }
- if (setfn) {
- setfn(edge, params, alasql);
- }
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
- };
- return statement;
-yy.CreateGraph = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.CreateGraph.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'CREATE GRAPH' + ' ';
- if (this["class"]) {
- s += this["class"] + ' ';
- }
- return s;
-yy.CreateGraph.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res = [];
- if (this.from) {
- if (alasql.from[this.from.funcid]) {
- this.graph = alasql.from[this.from.funcid.toUpperCase()];
- }
- }
- // stop;
- this.graph.forEach(function(g) {
- if (g.source) {
- var e = {};
- if (typeof g.as !== 'undefined') {
- alasql.vars[g.as] = e;
- }
- if (typeof g.prop !== 'undefined') {
- // e[g.prop] = e;
- // v.$id = g.prop; // We do not create $id for edge automatically
- e.name = g.prop;
- }
- if (typeof g.sharp !== 'undefined') {
- e.$id = g.sharp;
- }
- if (typeof g.name !== 'undefined') {
- e.name = g.name;
- }
- if (typeof g["class"] !== 'undefined') {
- e.$class = g["class"];
- }
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- if (typeof e.$id === 'undefined') {
- e.$id = db.counter++;
- }
- e.$node = 'EDGE';
- if (typeof g.json !== 'undefined') {
- extend(
- e,
- new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + g.json.toJS())(params, alasql)
- );
- }
- var v1;
- if (g.source.vars) {
- var vo = alasql.vars[g.source.vars];
- if (typeof vo === 'object') {
- v1 = vo;
- } else {
- v1 = db.objects[vo];
- }
- } else {
- var av1 = g.source.sharp;
- if (typeof av1 === 'undefined') {
- av1 = g.source.prop;
- }
- v1 = alasql.databases[databaseid].objects[av1];
- if (
- typeof v1 === 'undefined' &&
- alasql.options.autovertex &&
- (typeof g.source.prop !== 'undefined' || typeof g.source.name !== 'undefined')
- ) {
- v1 = findVertex(g.source.prop || g.source.name);
- if (typeof v1 === 'undefined') {
- v1 = createVertex(g.source);
- }
- }
- }
- var v2;
- if (g.source.vars) {
- var vo = alasql.vars[g.target.vars];
- if (typeof vo === 'object') {
- v2 = vo;
- } else {
- v2 = db.objects[vo];
- }
- } else {
- var av2 = g.target.sharp;
- if (typeof av2 === 'undefined') {
- av2 = g.target.prop;
- }
- v2 = alasql.databases[databaseid].objects[av2];
- if (
- typeof v2 === 'undefined' &&
- alasql.options.autovertex &&
- (typeof g.target.prop !== 'undefined' || typeof g.target.name !== 'undefined')
- ) {
- v2 = findVertex(g.target.prop || g.target.name);
- if (typeof v2 === 'undefined') {
- v2 = createVertex(g.target);
- }
- }
- }
- // Set link
- e.$in = [v1.$id];
- e.$out = [v2.$id];
- // Set sides
- if (typeof v1.$out === 'undefined') {
- v1.$out = [];
- }
- v1.$out.push(e.$id);
- if (typeof v2.$in === 'undefined') {
- v2.$in = [];
- }
- v2.$in.push(e.$id);
- db.objects[e.$id] = e;
- if (typeof e.$class !== 'undefined') {
- if (typeof alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[e.$class] === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('No such class. Pleace use CREATE CLASS');
- } else {
- // TODO - add insert()
- alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[e.$class].data.push(e);
- }
- }
- res.push(e.$id);
- } else {
- createVertex(g);
- }
- });
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
- // Find vertex by name
- function findVertex(name) {
- var objects = alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects;
- for (var k in objects) {
- if (objects[k].name === name) {
- return objects[k];
- }
- }
- return undefined;
- }
- function createVertex(g) {
- var v = {};
- if (typeof g.as !== 'undefined') {
- alasql.vars[g.as] = v;
- }
- if (typeof g.prop !== 'undefined') {
- // v[g.prop] = true;
- v.$id = g.prop;
- v.name = g.prop;
- }
- if (typeof g.sharp !== 'undefined') {
- v.$id = g.sharp;
- }
- if (typeof g.name !== 'undefined') {
- v.name = g.name;
- }
- if (typeof g["class"] !== 'undefined') {
- v.$class = g["class"];
- }
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- if (typeof v.$id === 'undefined') {
- v.$id = db.counter++;
- }
- v.$node = 'VERTEX';
- if (typeof g.json !== 'undefined') {
- extend(
- v,
- new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + g.json.toJS())(params, alasql)
- );
- }
- db.objects[v.$id] = v;
- if (typeof v.$class !== 'undefined') {
- if (typeof alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[v.$class] === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('No such class. Pleace use CREATE CLASS');
- } else {
- // TODO - add insert()
- alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[v.$class].data.push(v);
- }
- }
- res.push(v.$id);
- return v;
- }
-yy.CreateGraph.prototype.compile1 = function(databaseid) {
- var dbid = databaseid;
- var fromfn = new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + this.from.toJS());
- var tofn = new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + this.to.toJS());
- if (typeof this.name !== 'undefined') {
- var s = 'x.name=' + this.name.toJS();
- var namefn = new Function('x', s);
- }
- if (this.sets && this.sets.length > 0) {
- var s = this.sets
- .map(function(st) {
- return "x['" + st.column.columnid + "']=" + st.expression.toJS('x', '');
- })
- .join(';');
- var setfn = new Function('x,params,alasql', 'var y;' + s);
- }
- // Todo: handle content, select and default
- var statement = function(params, cb) {
- var res = 0;
- // CREATE VERTEX without parameters
- var db = alasql.databases[dbid];
- var edge = {$id: db.counter++, $node: 'EDGE'};
- var v1 = fromfn(params, alasql);
- var v2 = tofn(params, alasql);
- // Set link
- edge.$in = [v1.$id];
- edge.$out = [v2.$id];
- // Set sides
- if (typeof v1.$out === 'undefined') {
- v1.$out = [];
- }
- v1.$out.push(edge.$id);
- if (typeof v2.$in === 'undefined') {
- v2.$in = [];
- }
- v2.$in.push(edge.$id);
- // Save in objects
- db.objects[edge.$id] = edge;
- res = edge;
- if (namefn) {
- namefn(edge);
- }
- if (setfn) {
- setfn(edge, params, alasql);
- }
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
- };
- return statement;
-// ALTER TABLE for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-/* global alasql yy */
-// ALTER TABLE table1 RENAME TO table2
-yy.AlterTable = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.AlterTable.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'ALTER TABLE ' + this.table.toString();
- if (this.renameto) s += ' RENAME TO ' + this.renameto;
- return s;
-yy.AlterTable.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- db.dbversion = Date.now();
- if (this.renameto) {
- var oldtableid = this.table.tableid;
- var newtableid = this.renameto;
- var res = 1;
- if (db.tables[newtableid]) {
- throw new Error(
- "Can not rename a table '" +
- oldtableid +
- "' to '" +
- newtableid +
- "', because the table with this name already exists"
- );
- } else if (newtableid === oldtableid) {
- throw new Error("Can not rename a table '" + oldtableid + "' to itself");
- } else {
- db.tables[newtableid] = db.tables[oldtableid];
- delete db.tables[oldtableid];
- res = 1;
- }
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
- } else if (this.addcolumn) {
- db = alasql.databases[this.table.databaseid || databaseid];
- db.dbversion++;
- var tableid = this.table.tableid;
- var table = db.tables[tableid];
- var columnid = this.addcolumn.columnid;
- if (table.xcolumns[columnid]) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot add column "' +
- columnid +
- '", because it already exists in the table "' +
- tableid +
- '"'
- );
- }
- var col = {
- columnid: columnid,
- dbtypeid: this.dbtypeid,
- dbsize: this.dbsize,
- dbprecision: this.dbprecision,
- dbenum: this.dbenum,
- defaultfns: null, // TODO defaultfns!!!
- };
- var defaultfn = function() {};
- table.columns.push(col);
- table.xcolumns[columnid] = col;
- for (var i = 0, ilen = table.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- table.data[i][columnid] = defaultfn();
- }
- // TODO
- return cb ? cb(1) : 1;
- } else if (this.modifycolumn) {
- var db = alasql.databases[this.table.databaseid || databaseid];
- db.dbversion++;
- var tableid = this.table.tableid;
- var table = db.tables[tableid];
- var columnid = this.modifycolumn.columnid;
- if (!table.xcolumns[columnid]) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot modify column "' +
- columnid +
- '", because it was not found in the table "' +
- tableid +
- '"'
- );
- }
- col = table.xcolumns[columnid];
- col.dbtypeid = this.dbtypeid;
- col.dbsize = this.dbsize;
- col.dbprecision = this.dbprecision;
- col.dbenum = this.dbenum;
- // TODO
- return cb ? cb(1) : 1;
- } else if (this.renamecolumn) {
- var db = alasql.databases[this.table.databaseid || databaseid];
- db.dbversion++;
- var tableid = this.table.tableid;
- var table = db.tables[tableid];
- var columnid = this.renamecolumn;
- var tocolumnid = this.to;
- var col;
- if (!table.xcolumns[columnid]) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Column "' + columnid + '" is not found in the table "' + tableid + '"'
- );
- }
- if (table.xcolumns[tocolumnid]) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Column "' + tocolumnid + '" already exists in the table "' + tableid + '"'
- );
- }
- if (columnid != tocolumnid) {
- for (var j = 0; j < table.columns.length; j++) {
- if (table.columns[j].columnid == columnid) {
- table.columns[j].columnid = tocolumnid;
- }
- }
- table.xcolumns[tocolumnid] = table.xcolumns[columnid];
- delete table.xcolumns[columnid];
- for (var i = 0, ilen = table.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- table.data[i][tocolumnid] = table.data[i][columnid];
- delete table.data[i][columnid];
- }
- return table.data.length;
- } else {
- return cb ? cb(0) : 0;
- }
- } else if (this.dropcolumn) {
- var db = alasql.databases[this.table.databaseid || databaseid];
- db.dbversion++;
- var tableid = this.table.tableid;
- var table = db.tables[tableid];
- var columnid = this.dropcolumn;
- var found = false;
- for (var j = 0; j < table.columns.length; j++) {
- if (table.columns[j].columnid == columnid) {
- found = true;
- table.columns.splice(j, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot drop column "' +
- columnid +
- '", because it was not found in the table "' +
- tableid +
- '"'
- );
- }
- delete table.xcolumns[columnid];
- for (i = 0, ilen = table.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- delete table.data[i][columnid];
- }
- return cb ? cb(table.data.length) : table.data.length;
- } else {
- throw Error('Unknown ALTER TABLE method');
- }
-// CREATE TABLE for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.CreateIndex = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.CreateIndex.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'CREATE';
- if (this.unique) s += ' UNIQUE';
- s += ' INDEX ' + this.indexid + ' ON ' + this.table.toString();
- s += '(' + this.columns.toString() + ')';
- return s;
-yy.CreateIndex.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- // var self = this;
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var tableid = this.table.tableid;
- var table = db.tables[tableid];
- var indexid = this.indexid;
- db.indices[indexid] = tableid;
- var rightfns = this.columns
- .map(function(expr) {
- return expr.expression.toJS('r', '');
- })
- .join("+'`'+");
- var rightfn = new Function('r,params,alasql', 'return ' + rightfns);
- if (this.unique) {
- table.uniqdefs[indexid] = {
- rightfns: rightfns,
- };
- var ux = (table.uniqs[indexid] = {});
- if (table.data.length > 0) {
- for (var i = 0, ilen = table.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- var addr = rightfns(table.data[i]);
- if (!ux[addr]) {
- ux[addr] = {num: 0};
- }
- ux[addr].num++;
- }
- }
- } else {
- var hh = hash(rightfns);
- table.inddefs[indexid] = {rightfns: rightfns, hh: hh};
- table.indices[hh] = {};
- var ix = (table.indices[hh] = {});
- if (table.data.length > 0) {
- for (var i = 0, ilen = table.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- var addr = rightfn(table.data[i], params, alasql);
- if (!ix[addr]) {
- ix[addr] = [];
- }
- ix[addr].push(table.data[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- var res = 1;
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
-yy.Reindex = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Reindex.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'REINDEX ' + this.indexid;
- return s;
-yy.Reindex.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- // var self = this;
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var indexid = this.indexid;
- var tableid = db.indices[indexid];
- var table = db.tables[tableid];
- table.indexColumns();
- var res = 1;
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
-// DROP TABLE for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.DropIndex = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.DropIndex.prototype.toString = function() {
- return 'DROP INDEX' + this.indexid;
-yy.DropIndex.prototype.compile = function(db) {
- var indexid = this.indexid;
- return function() {
- return 1;
- };
-// WITH SELECT for Alasql.js
-// Date: 11.01.2015
-// (c) 2015, Andrey Gershun
-yy.WithSelect = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.WithSelect.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'WITH ';
- s +=
- this.withs
- .map(function(w) {
- return w.name + ' AS (' + w.select.toString() + ')';
- })
- .join(',') + ' ';
- s += this.select.toString();
- return s;
-yy.WithSelect.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var self = this;
- // Create temporary tables
- var savedTables = [];
- self.withs.forEach(function(w) {
- savedTables.push(alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[w.name]);
- var tb = (alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[w.name] = new Table({tableid: w.name}));
- tb.data = w.select.execute(databaseid, params);
- });
- var res = 1;
- res = this.select.execute(databaseid, params, function(data) {
- // Clear temporary tables
- // setTimeout(function(){
- self.withs.forEach(function(w, idx) {
- if (savedTables[idx]) alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[w.name] = savedTables[idx];
- else delete alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[w.name];
- });
- // },0);
- if (cb) data = cb(data);
- return data;
- });
- return res;
-// IF for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.If = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.If.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'IF' + ' ';
- s += this.expression.toString();
- s += ' ' + this.thenstat.toString();
- if (this.elsestat) s += ' ELSE ' + this.thenstat.toString();
- return s;
-yy.If.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res;
- var fn = new Function(
- 'params,alasql,p',
- 'var y;return ' + this.expression.toJS('({})', '', null)
- ).bind(this);
- if (fn(params, alasql)) res = this.thenstat.execute(databaseid, params, cb);
- else {
- if (this.elsestat) res = this.elsestat.execute(databaseid, params, cb);
- else {
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- }
- }
- // else res = this.elsestat.execute(databaseid,params,cb,scope);
- return res;
-// CREATE VIEW for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.While = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.While.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'WHILE ';
- s += this.expression.toString();
- s += ' ' + this.loopstat.toString();
- return s;
-yy.While.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var self = this;
- var res = [];
- var fn = new Function('params,alasql,p', 'var y;return ' + this.expression.toJS());
- if (cb) {
- var first = false;
- loop();
- function loop(data) {
- if (first) {
- res.push(data);
- } else {
- first = true;
- }
- setTimeout(function() {
- if (fn(params, alasql)) {
- self.loopstat.execute(databaseid, params, loop);
- } else {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- }, 0);
- }
- } else {
- while (fn(params, alasql)) {
- var res1 = self.loopstat.execute(databaseid, params);
- res.push(res1);
- }
- }
- return res;
-yy.Break = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Break.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'BREAK';
- return s;
-yy.Break.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb, scope) {
- var res = 1;
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
-yy.Continue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Continue.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'CONTINUE';
- return s;
-yy.Continue.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb, scope) {
- var res = 1;
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
-yy.BeginEnd = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.BeginEnd.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'BEGIN ' + this.statements.toString() + ' END';
- return s;
-yy.BeginEnd.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb, scope) {
- var self = this;
- var res = [];
- var idx = 0;
- runone();
- function runone() {
- self.statements[idx].execute(databaseid, params, function(data) {
- res.push(data);
- idx++;
- if (idx < self.statements.length) return runone();
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- });
- }
- return res;
-// INSERT for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-/* global yy alasql*/
-yy.Insert = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Insert.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'INSERT ';
- if (this.orreplace) s += 'OR REPLACE ';
- if (this.replaceonly) s = 'REPLACE ';
- s += 'INTO ' + this.into.toString();
- if (this.columns) s += '(' + this.columns.toString() + ')';
- if (this.values) s += ' VALUES ' + this.values.toString();
- if (this.select) s += ' ' + this.select.toString();
- return s;
-yy.Insert.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- // if(this.expression.reduced) return 'true';
- // return this.expression.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
- // var s = 'this.queriesdata['+(this.queriesidx-1)+'][0]';
- var s = 'this.queriesfn[' + (this.queriesidx - 1) + '](this.params,null,' + context + ')';
- return s;
-yy.Insert.prototype.compile = function(databaseid) {
- var self = this;
- databaseid = self.into.databaseid || databaseid;
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var tableid = self.into.tableid;
- var table = db.tables[tableid];
- if (!table) {
- throw "Table '" + tableid + "' could not be found";
- }
- // Check, if this dirty flag is required
- var s = '';
- var sw = '';
- var s = "db.tables['" + tableid + "'].dirty=true;";
- var s3 = 'var a,aa=[],x;';
- var s33;
- if (this.values) {
- if (this.exists) {
- this.existsfn = this.exists.map(function(ex) {
- var nq = ex.compile(databaseid);
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
- }
- if (this.queries) {
- this.queriesfn = this.queries.map(function(q) {
- var nq = q.compile(databaseid);
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
- }
- self.values.forEach(function(values) {
- var ss = [];
- // s += 'db.tables[\''+tableid+'\'].data.push({';
- // s += '';
- if (self.columns) {
- self.columns.forEach(function(col, idx) {
- // ss.push(col.columnid +':'+ self.values[idx].value.toString());
- // if(rec[f.name.value] == "NULL") rec[f.name.value] = undefined;
- // if(table.xflds[f.name.value].dbtypeid == "INT") rec[f.name.value] = +rec[f.name.value]|0;
- // else if(table.xflds[f.name.value].dbtypeid == "FLOAT") rec[f.name.value] = +rec[f.name.value];
- var q = "'" + col.columnid + "':";
- if (table.xcolumns && table.xcolumns[col.columnid]) {
- if (
- ['INT', 'FLOAT', 'NUMBER', 'MONEY'].indexOf(
- table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid
- ) >= 0
- ) {
- //q += ''
- q += '(x=' + values[idx].toJS() + ',x==undefined?undefined:+x)';
- } else if (alasql.fn[table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid]) {
- q += '(new ' + table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid + '(';
- q += values[idx].toJS();
- q += '))';
- } else {
- q += values[idx].toJS();
- }
- } else {
- q += values[idx].toJS();
- }
- ss.push(q);
- });
- } else {
- // var table = db.tables[tableid];
- if (Array.isArray(values) && table.columns && table.columns.length > 0) {
- table.columns.forEach(function(col, idx) {
- var q = "'" + col.columnid + "':";
- // var val = values[idx].toJS();
- if (['INT', 'FLOAT', 'NUMBER', 'MONEY'].indexOf(col.dbtypeid) >= 0) {
- q += '+' + values[idx].toJS();
- } else if (alasql.fn[col.dbtypeid]) {
- q += '(new ' + col.dbtypeid + '(';
- q += values[idx].toJS();
- q += '))';
- } else {
- q += values[idx].toJS();
- }
- ss.push(q);
- });
- } else {
- // sw = 'var w='+JSONtoJS(values)+';for(var k in w){r[k]=w[k]};';
- sw = JSONtoJS(values);
- }
- }
- if (db.tables[tableid].defaultfns) {
- ss.unshift(db.tables[tableid].defaultfns);
- }
- if (sw) {
- s += 'a=' + sw + ';';
- } else {
- s += 'a={' + ss.join(',') + '};';
- }
- // If this is a class
- if (db.tables[tableid].isclass) {
- s += "var db=alasql.databases['" + databaseid + "'];";
- s += 'a.$class="' + tableid + '";';
- s += 'a.$id=db.counter++;';
- s += 'db.objects[a.$id]=a;';
- }
- // s += 'db.tables[\''+tableid+'\'].insert(r);';
- if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
- s += "var db=alasql.databases['" + databaseid + "'];";
- s +=
- "db.tables['" +
- tableid +
- "'].insert(a," +
- (self.orreplace ? 'true' : 'false') +
- ');';
- } else {
- s += 'aa.push(a);';
- }
- });
- s33 = s3 + s;
- if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
- // s += 'alasql.databases[\''+databaseid+'\'].tables[\''+tableid+'\'].insert(r);';
- } else {
- s +=
- "alasql.databases['" +
- databaseid +
- "'].tables['" +
- tableid +
- "'].data=" +
- "alasql.databases['" +
- databaseid +
- "'].tables['" +
- tableid +
- "'].data.concat(aa);";
- }
- if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
- if (db.tables[tableid].isclass) {
- s += 'return a.$id;';
- } else {
- s += 'return ' + self.values.length;
- }
- } else {
- s += 'return ' + self.values.length;
- }
- var insertfn = new Function('db, params, alasql', 'var y;' + s3 + s).bind(this);
- } else if (this.select) {
- this.select.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- var selectfn = this.select.compile(databaseid);
- if (db.engineid && alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable) {
- var statement = function(params, cb) {
- var aa = selectfn(params);
- var res = alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable(
- db.databaseid,
- tableid,
- aa.data,
- null,
- cb
- );
- return res;
- };
- return statement;
- } else {
- var defaultfns = 'return alasql.utils.extend(r,{' + table.defaultfns + '})';
- var defaultfn = new Function('r,db,params,alasql', defaultfns);
- var insertfn = function(db, params, alasql) {
- var res = selectfn(params).data;
- if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
- // If insert() function exists (issue #92)
- for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- var r = cloneDeep(res[i]);
- defaultfn(r, db, params, alasql);
- db.tables[tableid].insert(r, self.orreplace);
- }
- } else {
- db.tables[tableid].data = db.tables[tableid].data.concat(res);
- }
- if (alasql.options.nocount) return;
- else return res.length;
- };
- }
- } else if (this["default"]) {
- var insertfns =
- "db.tables['" + tableid + "'].data.push({" + table.defaultfns + '});return 1;';
- var insertfn = new Function('db,params,alasql', insertfns);
- } else {
- throw new Error('Wrong INSERT parameters');
- }
- if (db.engineid && alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable && alasql.options.autocommit) {
- var statement = function(params, cb) {
- var aa = new Function('db,params', 'var y;' + s33 + 'return aa;')(db, params);
- var res = alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable(db.databaseid, tableid, aa, null, cb);
- // if(cb) cb(res);
- return res;
- };
- } else {
- var statement = function(params, cb) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid) {
- alasql.engines[db.engineid].loadTableData(databaseid, tableid);
- }
- var res = insertfn(db, params, alasql);
- if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid) {
- alasql.engines[db.engineid].saveTableData(databaseid, tableid);
- }
- // var res = insertfn(db, params);
- if (alasql.options.nocount) res = undefined;
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
- };
- }
- return statement;
-yy.Insert.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- return this.compile(databaseid)(params, cb);
- // throw new Error('Insert statement is should be compiled')
-// TRIGGER for Alasql.js
-// Date: 29.12.2015
-yy.CreateTrigger = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.CreateTrigger.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'CREATE TRIGGER ' + this.trigger + ' ';
- if (this.when) s += this.when + ' ';
- s += this.action + ' ON ';
- if (this.table.databaseid) s += this.table.databaseid + '.';
- s += this.table.tableid + ' ';
- s += this.statement.toString();
- return s;
-yy.CreateTrigger.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res = 1; // No tables removed
- var triggerid = this.trigger;
- databaseid = this.table.databaseid || databaseid;
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var tableid = this.table.tableid;
- var trigger = {
- action: this.action,
- when: this.when,
- statement: this.statement,
- funcid: this.funcid,
- };
- db.triggers[triggerid] = trigger;
- if (trigger.action == 'INSERT' && trigger.when == 'BEFORE') {
- db.tables[tableid].beforeinsert[triggerid] = trigger;
- } else if (trigger.action == 'INSERT' && trigger.when == 'AFTER') {
- db.tables[tableid].afterinsert[triggerid] = trigger;
- } else if (trigger.action == 'INSERT' && trigger.when == 'INSTEADOF') {
- db.tables[tableid].insteadofinsert[triggerid] = trigger;
- } else if (trigger.action == 'DELETE' && trigger.when == 'BEFORE') {
- db.tables[tableid].beforedelete[triggerid] = trigger;
- } else if (trigger.action == 'DELETE' && trigger.when == 'AFTER') {
- db.tables[tableid].afterdelete[triggerid] = trigger;
- } else if (trigger.action == 'DELETE' && trigger.when == 'INSTEADOF') {
- db.tables[tableid].insteadofdelete[triggerid] = trigger;
- } else if (trigger.action == 'UPDATE' && trigger.when == 'BEFORE') {
- db.tables[tableid].beforeupdate[triggerid] = trigger;
- } else if (trigger.action == 'UPDATE' && trigger.when == 'AFTER') {
- db.tables[tableid].afterupdate[triggerid] = trigger;
- } else if (trigger.action == 'UPDATE' && trigger.when == 'INSTEADOF') {
- db.tables[tableid].insteadofupdate[triggerid] = trigger;
- }
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
-yy.DropTrigger = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.DropTrigger.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'DROP TRIGGER ' + this.trigger;
- return s;
- Drop trigger
- @param {string} databaseid Database id
- @param {object} params Parameters
- @param {callback} cb Callback function
- @return Number of dropped triggers
- @example
-yy.DropTrigger.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res = 0; // No tables removed
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var triggerid = this.trigger;
- // For each table in the list
- var tableid = db.triggers[triggerid];
- if (tableid) {
- res = 1;
- delete db.tables[tableid].beforeinsert[triggerid];
- delete db.tables[tableid].afterinsert[triggerid];
- delete db.tables[tableid].insteadofinsert[triggerid];
- delete db.tables[tableid].beforedelte[triggerid];
- delete db.tables[tableid].afterdelete[triggerid];
- delete db.tables[tableid].insteadofdelete[triggerid];
- delete db.tables[tableid].beforeupdate[triggerid];
- delete db.tables[tableid].afterupdate[triggerid];
- delete db.tables[tableid].insteadofupdate[triggerid];
- delete db.triggers[triggerid];
- } else {
- throw new Error('Trigger not found');
- }
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
-// DELETE for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.Delete = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Delete.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'DELETE FROM ' + this.table.toString();
- if (this.where) s += ' WHERE ' + this.where.toString();
- return s;
-yy.Delete.prototype.compile = function(databaseid) {
- databaseid = this.table.databaseid || databaseid;
- var tableid = this.table.tableid;
- var statement;
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- if (this.where) {
- // this.query = {};
- if (this.exists) {
- this.existsfn = this.exists.map(function(ex) {
- var nq = ex.compile(databaseid);
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
- }
- if (this.queries) {
- this.queriesfn = this.queries.map(function(q) {
- var nq = q.compile(databaseid);
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
- }
- // try {
- // var query = {};
- var wherefn = new Function(
- 'r,params,alasql',
- 'var y;return (' + this.where.toJS('r', '') + ')'
- ).bind(this);
- statement = function(params, cb) {
- if (db.engineid && alasql.engines[db.engineid].deleteFromTable) {
- return alasql.engines[db.engineid].deleteFromTable(
- databaseid,
- tableid,
- wherefn,
- params,
- cb
- );
- }
- if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid && db.engineid == 'LOCALSTORAGE') {
- alasql.engines[db.engineid].loadTableData(databaseid, tableid);
- }
- var table = db.tables[tableid];
- // table.dirty = true;
- var orignum = table.data.length;
- var newtable = [];
- for (var i = 0, ilen = table.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- if (wherefn(table.data[i], params, alasql)) {
- // Check for transaction - if it is not possible then return all back
- if (table["delete"]) {
- table["delete"](i, params, alasql);
- } else {
- // Simply do not push
- }
- } else newtable.push(table.data[i]);
- }
- // table.data = table.data.filter(function(r){return !;});
- table.data = newtable;
- // Trigger prevent functionality
- for (var tr in table.afterdelete) {
- var trigger = table.afterdelete[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- alasql.fn[trigger.funcid]();
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
- }
- }
- }
- var res = orignum - table.data.length;
- if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid && db.engineid == 'LOCALSTORAGE') {
- alasql.engines[db.engineid].saveTableData(databaseid, tableid);
- }
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
- };
- // .bind(query);
- // if(!this.queries) return;
- // query.queriesfn = this.queries.map(function(q) {
- // return q.compile(alasql.useid);
- // });
- } else {
- statement = function(params, cb) {
- if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid) {
- alasql.engines[db.engineid].loadTableData(databaseid, tableid);
- }
- var table = db.tables[tableid];
- table.dirty = true;
- var orignum = db.tables[tableid].data.length;
- //table.deleteall();
- // Delete all records from the array
- db.tables[tableid].data.length = 0;
- // Reset PRIMARY KEY and indexes
- for (var ix in db.tables[tableid].uniqs) {
- db.tables[tableid].uniqs[ix] = {};
- }
- for (var ix in db.tables[tableid].indices) {
- db.tables[tableid].indices[ix] = {};
- }
- if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid) {
- alasql.engines[db.engineid].saveTableData(databaseid, tableid);
- }
- if (cb) cb(orignum);
- return orignum;
- };
- }
- return statement;
-yy.Delete.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- return this.compile(databaseid)(params, cb);
-// UPDATE for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-/* global yy alasql */
-yy.Update = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Update.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'UPDATE ' + this.table.toString();
- if (this.columns) s += ' SET ' + this.columns.toString();
- if (this.where) s += ' WHERE ' + this.where.toString();
- return s;
-yy.SetColumn = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.SetColumn.prototype.toString = function() {
- return this.column.toString() + '=' + this.expression.toString();
-yy.Update.prototype.compile = function(databaseid) {
- databaseid = this.table.databaseid || databaseid;
- var tableid = this.table.tableid;
- if (this.where) {
- if (this.exists) {
- this.existsfn = this.exists.map(function(ex) {
- var nq = ex.compile(databaseid);
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
- }
- if (this.queries) {
- this.queriesfn = this.queries.map(function(q) {
- var nq = q.compile(databaseid);
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
- }
- var wherefn = new Function(
- 'r,params,alasql',
- 'var y;return ' + this.where.toJS('r', '')
- ).bind(this);
- }
- // Construct update function
- var s = alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[tableid].onupdatefns || '';
- s += ';';
- this.columns.forEach(function(col) {
- s += "r['" + col.column.columnid + "']=" + col.expression.toJS('r', '') + ';';
- });
- var assignfn = new Function('r,params,alasql', 'var y;' + s);
- var statement = function(params, cb) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- if (db.engineid && alasql.engines[db.engineid].updateTable) {
- return alasql.engines[db.engineid].updateTable(
- databaseid,
- tableid,
- assignfn,
- wherefn,
- params,
- cb
- );
- }
- if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid) {
- alasql.engines[db.engineid].loadTableData(databaseid, tableid);
- }
- var table = db.tables[tableid];
- if (!table) {
- throw new Error("Table '" + tableid + "' not exists");
- }
- // table.dirty = true;
- var numrows = 0;
- for (var i = 0, ilen = table.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- if (!wherefn || wherefn(table.data[i], params, alasql)) {
- if (table.update) {
- table.update(assignfn, i, params);
- } else {
- assignfn(table.data[i], params, alasql);
- }
- numrows++;
- }
- }
- if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid) {
- alasql.engines[db.engineid].saveTableData(databaseid, tableid);
- }
- if (cb) cb(numrows);
- return numrows;
- };
- return statement;
-yy.Update.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- return this.compile(databaseid)(params, cb);
-// SET for Alasql.js
-// Date: 01.12.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-/* global alasql, yy */
-yy.Merge = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Merge.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'MERGE ';
- s += this.into.tableid + ' ';
- if (this.into.as) s += 'AS ' + this.into.as + ' ';
- s += 'USING ' + this.using.tableid + ' ';
- if (this.using.as) s += 'AS ' + this.using.as + ' ';
- s += 'ON ' + this.on.toString() + ' ';
- this.matches.forEach(function(m) {
- s += 'WHEN ';
- if (!m.matched) s += 'NOT ';
- s += 'MATCHED ';
- if (m.bytarget) s += 'BY TARGET ';
- if (m.bysource) s += 'BY SOURCE ';
- if (m.expr) s += 'AND' + ' ' + m.expr.toString() + ' ';
- s += 'THEN ';
- if (m.action["delete"]) s += 'DELETE ';
- if (m.action.insert) {
- s += 'INSERT ';
- if (m.action.columns) s += '(' + m.action.columns.toString() + ') ';
- if (m.action.values) s += 'VALUES (' + m.action.values.toString() + ') ';
- if (m.action.defaultvalues) s += 'DEFAULT VALUES ';
- }
- if (m.action.update) {
- s += 'UPDATE ';
- s +=
- m.action.update
- .map(function(u) {
- return u.toString();
- })
- .join(',') + ' ';
- }
- });
- return s;
-yy.Merge.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
-// UPDATE for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// Modified: 16.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-/* global yy alasql */
-// CREATE DATABASE databaseid
-yy.CreateDatabase = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'CREATE';
- if (this.engineid) s += ' ' + this.engineid;
- s += ' DATABASE';
- if (this.ifnotexists) s += ' IF NOT EXISTS';
- s += ' ' + this.databaseid;
- if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
- s +=
- '(' +
- this.args
- .map(function(arg) {
- return arg.toString();
- })
- .join(', ') +
- ')';
- }
- if (this.as) s += ' AS ' + this.as;
- return s;
-//yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
-yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var args;
- if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
- args = this.args.map(function(arg) {
- return new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + arg.toJS())(params, alasql);
- });
- }
- if (this.engineid) {
- var res = alasql.engines[this.engineid].createDatabase(
- this.databaseid,
- this.args,
- this.ifnotexists,
- this.as,
- cb
- );
- return res;
- } else {
- var dbid = this.databaseid;
- if (alasql.databases[dbid]) {
- throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' already exists");
- }
- var a = new alasql.Database(dbid);
- var res = 1;
- if (cb) return cb(res);
- return res;
- }
-// CREATE DATABASE databaseid
-yy.AttachDatabase = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.AttachDatabase.prototype.toString = function(args) {
- var s = 'ATTACH';
- if (this.engineid) s += ' ' + this.engineid;
- s += ' DATABASE' + ' ' + this.databaseid;
- // TODO add params
- if (args) {
- s += '(';
- if (args.length > 0) {
- s += args
- .map(function(arg) {
- return arg.toString();
- })
- .join(', ');
- }
- s += ')';
- }
- if (this.as) s += ' AS' + ' ' + this.as;
- return s;
-//yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
-yy.AttachDatabase.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- if (!alasql.engines[this.engineid]) {
- throw new Error('Engine "' + this.engineid + '" is not defined.');
- }
- var res = alasql.engines[this.engineid].attachDatabase(
- this.databaseid,
- this.as,
- this.args,
- params,
- cb
- );
- return res;
-// CREATE DATABASE databaseid
-yy.DetachDatabase = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.DetachDatabase.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'DETACH';
- s += ' DATABASE' + ' ' + this.databaseid;
- return s;
-//yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
-yy.DetachDatabase.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- if (!alasql.databases[this.databaseid].engineid) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot detach database "' + this.engineid + '", because it was not attached.'
- );
- }
- var res;
- var dbid = this.databaseid;
- if (dbid === alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID) {
- throw new Error('Drop of default database is prohibited');
- }
- if (!alasql.databases[dbid]) {
- if (!this.ifexists) {
- throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' does not exist");
- } else {
- res = 0;
- }
- } else {
- delete alasql.databases[dbid];
- if (dbid === alasql.useid) {
- alasql.use();
- }
- res = 1;
- }
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
- // var res = alasql.engines[this.engineid].attachDatabase(this.databaseid, this.as, cb);
- // return res;
-// USE DATABSE databaseid
-// USE databaseid
-yy.UseDatabase = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.UseDatabase.prototype.toString = function() {
- return 'USE' + ' ' + 'DATABASE' + ' ' + this.databaseid;
-//yy.UseDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
-yy.UseDatabase.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var dbid = this.databaseid;
- if (!alasql.databases[dbid]) {
- throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' does not exist");
- }
- alasql.use(dbid);
- var res = 1;
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
-// DROP DATABASE databaseid
-yy.DropDatabase = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.DropDatabase.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'DROP';
- if (this.ifexists) s += ' IF EXISTS';
- s += ' DATABASE ' + this.databaseid;
- return s;
-//yy.DropDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
-yy.DropDatabase.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- if (this.engineid) {
- return alasql.engines[this.engineid].dropDatabase(this.databaseid, this.ifexists, cb);
- }
- var res;
- var dbid = this.databaseid;
- if (dbid === alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID) {
- throw new Error('Drop of default database is prohibited');
- }
- if (!alasql.databases[dbid]) {
- if (!this.ifexists) {
- throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' does not exist");
- } else {
- res = 0;
- }
- } else {
- if (alasql.databases[dbid].engineid) {
- throw new Error(
- "Cannot drop database '" + dbid + "', because it is attached. Detach it."
- );
- }
- delete alasql.databases[dbid];
- if (dbid === alasql.useid) {
- alasql.use();
- }
- res = 1;
- }
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
-// SET for Alasql.js
-// Date: 01.12.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.Declare = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Declare.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'DECLARE ';
- if (this.declares && this.declares.length > 0) {
- s = this.declares
- .map(function(declare) {
- var s = '';
- s += '@' + declare.variable + ' ';
- s += declare.dbtypeid;
- if (this.dbsize) {
- s += '(' + this.dbsize;
- if (this.dbprecision) {
- s += ',' + this.dbprecision;
- }
- s += ')';
- }
- if (declare.expression) {
- s += ' = ' + declare.expression.toString();
- }
- return s;
- })
- .join(',');
- }
- return s;
-yy.Declare.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- if (this.declares && this.declares.length > 0) {
- this.declares.map(function(declare) {
- var dbtypeid = declare.dbtypeid;
- if (!alasql.fn[dbtypeid]) {
- dbtypeid = dbtypeid.toUpperCase();
- }
- alasql.declares[declare.variable] = {
- dbtypeid: dbtypeid,
- dbsize: declare.dbsize,
- dbprecision: declare.dbprecision,
- };
- // Set value
- if (declare.expression) {
- alasql.vars[declare.variable] = new Function(
- 'params,alasql',
- 'return ' + declare.expression.toJS('({})', '', null)
- )(params, alasql);
- if (alasql.declares[declare.variable]) {
- alasql.vars[declare.variable] = alasql.stdfn.CONVERT(
- alasql.vars[declare.variable],
- alasql.declares[declare.variable]
- );
- }
- }
- });
- }
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
-// SHOW for Alasql.js
-// Date: 19.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.ShowDatabases = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.ShowDatabases.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'SHOW DATABASES';
- if (this.like) s += 'LIKE ' + this.like.toString();
- return s;
-yy.ShowDatabases.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- if (this.engineid) {
- return alasql.engines[this.engineid].showDatabases(this.like, cb);
- } else {
- var self = this;
- var res = [];
- for (var dbid in alasql.databases) {
- res.push({databaseid: dbid});
- }
- if (self.like && res && res.length > 0) {
- res = res.filter(function(d) {
- // return d.databaseid.match(new RegExp((self.like.value||'').replace(/\%/g,'.*').replace(/\?|_/g,'.'),'g'));
- return alasql.utils.like(self.like.value, d.databaseid);
- });
- }
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
- }
-yy.ShowTables = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.ShowTables.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'SHOW TABLES';
- if (this.databaseid) s += ' FROM ' + this.databaseid;
- if (this.like) s += ' LIKE ' + this.like.toString();
- return s;
-yy.ShowTables.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var db = alasql.databases[this.databaseid || databaseid];
- var self = this;
- var res = [];
- for (var tableid in db.tables) {
- res.push({tableid: tableid});
- }
- if (self.like && res && res.length > 0) {
- res = res.filter(function(d) {
- //return d.tableid.match(new RegExp((self.like.value||'').replace(/\%/g,'.*').replace(/\?|_/g,'.'),'g'));
- return alasql.utils.like(self.like.value, d.tableid);
- });
- }
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
-yy.ShowColumns = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.ShowColumns.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'SHOW COLUMNS';
- if (this.table.tableid) s += ' FROM ' + this.table.tableid;
- if (this.databaseid) s += ' FROM ' + this.databaseid;
- return s;
-yy.ShowColumns.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var db = alasql.databases[this.databaseid || databaseid];
- var table = db.tables[this.table.tableid];
- if (table && table.columns) {
- var res = table.columns.map(function(col) {
- return {columnid: col.columnid, dbtypeid: col.dbtypeid, dbsize: col.dbsize};
- });
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
- } else {
- if (cb) cb([]);
- return [];
- }
-yy.ShowIndex = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.ShowIndex.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'SHOW INDEX';
- if (this.table.tableid) s += ' FROM ' + this.table.tableid;
- if (this.databaseid) s += ' FROM ' + this.databaseid;
- return s;
-yy.ShowIndex.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var db = alasql.databases[this.databaseid || databaseid];
- var table = db.tables[this.table.tableid];
- var res = [];
- if (table && table.indices) {
- for (var ind in table.indices) {
- res.push({hh: ind, len: Object.keys(table.indices[ind]).length});
- }
- }
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
-yy.ShowCreateTable = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.ShowCreateTable.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'SHOW CREATE TABLE ' + this.table.tableid;
- if (this.databaseid) s += ' FROM ' + this.databaseid;
- return s;
-yy.ShowCreateTable.prototype.execute = function(databaseid) {
- var db = alasql.databases[this.databaseid || databaseid];
- var table = db.tables[this.table.tableid];
- if (table) {
- var s = 'CREATE TABLE ' + this.table.tableid + ' (';
- var ss = [];
- if (table.columns) {
- table.columns.forEach(function(col) {
- var a = col.columnid + ' ' + col.dbtypeid;
- if (col.dbsize) a += '(' + col.dbsize + ')';
- if (col.primarykey) a += ' PRIMARY KEY';
- // TODO extend
- ss.push(a);
- });
- s += ss.join(', ');
- }
- s += ')';
- return s;
- } else {
- throw new Error('There is no such table "' + this.table.tableid + '"');
- }
-// SET for Alasql.js
-// Date: 01.12.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.SetVariable = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.SetVariable.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'SET ';
- if (typeof this.value != 'undefined')
- s += this.variable.toUpperCase() + ' ' + (this.value ? 'ON' : 'OFF');
- if (this.expression) s += this.method + this.variable + ' = ' + this.expression.toString();
- return s;
-yy.SetVariable.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- if (typeof this.value != 'undefined') {
- var val = this.value;
- if (val == 'ON') val = true;
- else if (val == 'OFF') val = false;
- // if(this.method == '@') {
- alasql.options[this.variable] = val;
- // } else {
- // params[this.variable] = val;
- // }
- } else if (this.expression) {
- if (this.exists) {
- this.existsfn = this.exists.map(function(ex) {
- var nq = ex.compile(databaseid);
- if (nq.query && !nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- // return ex.compile(databaseid);
- // TODO Include modifier
- });
- }
- if (this.queries) {
- this.queriesfn = this.queries.map(function(q) {
- var nq = q.compile(databaseid);
- if (nq.query && !nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- // TODO Include modifier
- });
- }
- var res = new Function(
- 'params,alasql',
- 'return ' + this.expression.toJS('({})', '', null)
- ).bind(this)(params, alasql);
- if (alasql.declares[this.variable]) {
- res = alasql.stdfn.CONVERT(res, alasql.declares[this.variable]);
- }
- if (this.props && this.props.length > 0) {
- if (this.method == '@') {
- var fs = "alasql.vars['" + this.variable + "']";
- } else {
- var fs = "params['" + this.variable + "']";
- }
- fs += this.props
- .map(function(prop) {
- if (typeof prop == 'string') {
- return "['" + prop + "']";
- } else if (typeof prop == 'number') {
- return '[' + prop + ']';
- } else {
- return '[' + prop.toJS() + ']';
- // } else {
- // throw new Error('Wrong SET property');
- }
- })
- .join();
- new Function('value,params,alasql', 'var y;' + fs + '=value')(res, params, alasql);
- } else {
- if (this.method == '@') {
- alasql.vars[this.variable] = res;
- } else {
- params[this.variable] = res;
- }
- }
- }
- var res = 1;
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
-// Console functions
-/* global alasql, yy */
-alasql.test = function(name, times, fn) {
- if (arguments.length === 0) {
- alasql.log(alasql.con.results);
- return;
- }
- var tm = Date.now();
- if (arguments.length === 1) {
- fn();
- alasql.con.log(Date.now() - tm);
- return;
- }
- if (arguments.length === 2) {
- fn = times;
- times = 1;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < times; i++) {
- fn();
- }
- alasql.con.results[name] = Date.now() - tm;
-// Console
-// alasql.log = function(sql, params) {
-// };
-/* global alasql, yy, utils */
-// Console
-alasql.log = function(sql, params) {
- var olduseid = alasql.useid;
- var target = alasql.options.logtarget;
- // For node other
- if (utils.isNode) {
- target = 'console';
- }
- var res;
- if (typeof sql === 'string') {
- res = alasql(sql, params);
- } else {
- res = sql;
- }
- // For Node and console.output
- if (target === 'console' || utils.isNode) {
- if (typeof sql === 'string' && alasql.options.logprompt) {
- console.log(olduseid + '>', sql);
- }
- if (Array.isArray(res)) {
- if (console.table) {
- // For Chrome and other consoles
- console.table(res);
- } else {
- // Add print procedure
- console.log(JSONtoString(res));
- }
- } else {
- console.log(JSONtoString(res));
- }
- } else {
- var el;
- if (target === 'output') {
- el = document.getElementsByTagName('output')[0];
- } else {
- if (typeof target === 'string') {
- el = document.getElementById(target);
- } else {
- // in case of DOM
- el = target;
- }
- }
- var s = '';
- if (typeof sql === 'string' && alasql.options.logprompt) {
- // s += ''+olduseid+'> '+alasql.pretty(sql)+'
- s += '' + alasql.pretty(sql) + '
- }
- if (Array.isArray(res)) {
- if (res.length === 0) {
- s += '[ ]
- } else if (typeof res[0] !== 'object' || Array.isArray(res[0])) {
- for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- s += '' + loghtml(res[i]) + '
- }
- } else {
- s += loghtml(res);
- }
- } else {
- s += loghtml(res);
- }
- el.innerHTML += s;
- }
-alasql.clear = function() {
- var target = alasql.options.logtarget;
- // For node other
- if (utils.isNode || utils.isMeteorServer) {
- if (console.clear) {
- console.clear();
- }
- } else {
- var el;
- if (target === 'output') {
- el = document.getElementsByTagName('output')[0];
- } else {
- if (typeof target === 'string') {
- el = document.getElementById(target);
- } else {
- // in case of DOM
- el = target;
- }
- }
- el.innerHTML = '';
- }
-alasql.write = function(s) {
- var target = alasql.options.logtarget;
- // For node other
- if (utils.isNode || utils.isMeteorServer) {
- if (console.log) {
- console.log(s);
- }
- } else {
- var el;
- if (target === 'output') {
- el = document.getElementsByTagName('output')[0];
- } else {
- if (typeof target === 'string') {
- el = document.getElementById(target);
- } else {
- // in case of DOM
- el = target;
- }
- }
- el.innerHTML += s;
- }
-function loghtml(res) {
- var s = '';
- if (res === undefined) {
- s += 'undefined';
- } else if (Array.isArray(res)) {
- s += '';
- s += '';
- var cols = [];
- for (var colid in res[0]) {
- cols.push(colid);
- }
- s += '#';
- cols.forEach(function(colid) {
- s += ' ' + colid;
- });
- for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- s += ' ' + (i + 1);
- cols.forEach(function(colid) {
- s += ' ';
- if (res[i][colid] == +res[i][colid]) {
- // jshint ignore:line
- s += '';
- if (typeof res[i][colid] === 'undefined') {
- s += 'NULL';
- } else {
- s += res[i][colid];
- }
- s += '
- } else {
- if (typeof res[i][colid] === 'undefined') {
- s += 'NULL';
- } else if (typeof res[i][colid] === 'string') {
- s += res[i][colid];
- } else {
- s += JSONtoString(res[i][colid]);
- }
- // s += res[i][colid];
- }
- });
- }
- s += '
- } else {
- s += '' + JSONtoString(res) + '
- }
- // if() {}
- // if(typeof res == 'object') {
- // s += ''+JSON.stringify(res)+'
- // } else {
- // }
- return s;
-function scrollTo(element, to, duration) {
- if (duration <= 0) {
- return;
- }
- var difference = to - element.scrollTop;
- var perTick = (difference / duration) * 10;
- setTimeout(function() {
- if (element.scrollTop === to) {
- return;
- }
- element.scrollTop = element.scrollTop + perTick;
- scrollTo(element, to, duration - 10);
- }, 10);
-alasql.prompt = function(el, useidel, firstsql) {
- if (utils.isNode) {
- throw new Error('The prompt not realized for Node.js');
- }
- var prompti = 0;
- if (typeof el === 'string') {
- el = document.getElementById(el);
- }
- if (typeof useidel === 'string') {
- useidel = document.getElementById(useidel);
- }
- useidel.textContent = alasql.useid;
- if (firstsql) {
- alasql.prompthistory.push(firstsql);
- prompti = alasql.prompthistory.length;
- try {
- var tm = Date.now();
- alasql.log(firstsql);
- alasql.write('' + (Date.now() - tm) + ' ms
- } catch (err) {
- alasql.write('' + olduseid + '> ' + sql + '
- alasql.write('' + err + '
- }
- }
- var y = el.getBoundingClientRect().top + document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].scrollTop;
- scrollTo(document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0], y, 500);
- el.onkeydown = function(event) {
- if (event.which === 13) {
- var sql = el.value;
- var olduseid = alasql.useid;
- el.value = '';
- alasql.prompthistory.push(sql);
- prompti = alasql.prompthistory.length;
- try {
- var tm = Date.now();
- alasql.log(sql);
- alasql.write('
' + (Date.now() - tm) + ' ms
- } catch (err) {
- alasql.write('' + olduseid + '> ' + alasql.pretty(sql, false) + '
- alasql.write('' + err + '
- }
- el.focus();
- useidel.textContent = alasql.useid;
- var y =
- el.getBoundingClientRect().top + document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].scrollTop;
- scrollTo(document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0], y, 500);
- } else if (event.which === 38) {
- prompti--;
- if (prompti < 0) {
- prompti = 0;
- }
- if (alasql.prompthistory[prompti]) {
- el.value = alasql.prompthistory[prompti];
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- } else if (event.which === 40) {
- prompti++;
- if (prompti >= alasql.prompthistory.length) {
- prompti = alasql.prompthistory.length;
- el.value = '';
- } else if (alasql.prompthistory[prompti]) {
- el.value = alasql.prompthistory[prompti];
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- }
- };
-// Commit for Alasql.js
-// Date: 01.12.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.BeginTransaction = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.BeginTransaction.prototype.toString = function() {
-yy.BeginTransaction.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- if (alasql.databases[databaseid].engineid) {
- return alasql.engines[alasql.databases[alasql.useid].engineid].begin(databaseid, cb);
- } else {
- // alasql commit!!!
- }
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
-yy.CommitTransaction = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.CommitTransaction.prototype.toString = function() {
-yy.CommitTransaction.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- if (alasql.databases[databaseid].engineid) {
- return alasql.engines[alasql.databases[alasql.useid].engineid].commit(databaseid, cb);
- } else {
- // alasql commit!!!
- }
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
-yy.RollbackTransaction = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.RollbackTransaction.prototype.toString = function() {
-yy.RollbackTransaction.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- if (alasql.databases[databaseid].engineid) {
- return alasql.engines[alasql.databases[databaseid].engineid].rollback(databaseid, cb);
- } else {
- // alasql commit!!!
- }
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
-if (alasql.options.tsql) {
- //
- // Check tables and views
- // IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Employees') IS NOT NULL
- // DROP TABLE dbo.Employees;
- // IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.VSortedOrders', 'V') IS NOT NULL
- // DROP VIEW dbo.VSortedOrders;
- alasql.stdfn.OBJECT_ID = function(name, type) {
- if (typeof type == 'undefined') type = 'T';
- type = type.toUpperCase();
- var sname = name.split('.');
- var dbid = alasql.useid;
- var objname = sname[0];
- if (sname.length == 2) {
- dbid = sname[0];
- objname = sname[1];
- }
- var tables = alasql.databases[dbid].tables;
- dbid = alasql.databases[dbid].databaseid;
- for (var tableid in tables) {
- if (tableid == objname) {
- // TODO: What OBJECT_ID actually returns
- if (tables[tableid].view && type == 'V') return dbid + '.' + tableid;
- if (!tables[tableid].view && type == 'T') return dbid + '.' + tableid;
- return undefined;
- }
- }
- return undefined;
- };
-if (alasql.options.mysql) {
-if (alasql.options.mysql || alasql.options.sqlite) {
- // Pseudo INFORMATION_SCHEMA function
- alasql.from.INFORMATION_SCHEMA = function(filename, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- if (filename == 'VIEWS' || filename == 'TABLES') {
- var res = [];
- for (var databaseid in alasql.databases) {
- var tables = alasql.databases[databaseid].tables;
- for (var tableid in tables) {
- if (
- (tables[tableid].view && filename == 'VIEWS') ||
- (!tables[tableid].view && filename == 'TABLES')
- ) {
- res.push({TABLE_CATALOG: databaseid, TABLE_NAME: tableid});
- }
- }
- }
- if (cb) res = cb(res, idx, query);
- return res;
- }
- throw new Error('Unknown INFORMATION_SCHEMA table');
- };
-if (alasql.options.postgres) {
-if (alasql.options.oracle) {
-if (alasql.options.sqlite) {
-// into functions
-// (c) 2014 Andrey Gershun
-alasql.into.SQL = function(filename, opts, data, columns, cb) {
- var res;
- if (typeof filename === 'object') {
- opts = filename;
- filename = undefined;
- }
- var opt = {};
- alasql.utils.extend(opt, opts);
- if (typeof opt.tableid === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Table for INSERT TO is not defined.');
- }
- var s = '';
- if (columns.length === 0) {
- if (typeof data[0] === 'object') {
- columns = Object.keys(data[0]).map(function(columnid) {
- return {columnid: columnid};
- });
- } else {
- // What should I do?
- // columns = [{columnid:"_"}];
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0, ilen = data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- s += 'INSERT INTO ' + opts.tableid + '(';
- s += columns
- .map(function(col) {
- return col.columnid;
- })
- .join(',');
- s += ') VALUES (';
- s += columns.map(function(col) {
- var val = data[i][col.columnid];
- if (col.typeid) {
- if (
- col.typeid === 'STRING' ||
- col.typeid === 'VARCHAR' ||
- col.typeid === 'NVARCHAR' ||
- col.typeid === 'CHAR' ||
- col.typeid === 'NCHAR'
- ) {
- val = "'" + escapeqq(val) + "'";
- }
- } else {
- if (typeof val == 'string') {
- val = "'" + escapeqq(val) + "'";
- }
- }
- return val;
- });
- s += ');\n';
- }
- // if(filename === '') {
- // res = s;
- // } else {
- // res = data.length;
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'sql', opts);
- res = alasql.utils.saveFile(filename, s);
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
-alasql.into.HTML = function(selector, opts, data, columns, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- if (typeof exports !== 'object') {
- var opt = {headers: true};
- alasql.utils.extend(opt, opts);
- var sel = document.querySelector(selector);
- if (!sel) {
- throw new Error('Selected HTML element is not found');
- }
- if (columns.length === 0) {
- if (typeof data[0] === 'object') {
- columns = Object.keys(data[0]).map(function(columnid) {
- return {columnid: columnid};
- });
- } else {
- // What should I do?
- // columns = [{columnid:"_"}];
- }
- }
- var tbe = document.createElement('table');
- var thead = document.createElement('thead');
- tbe.appendChild(thead);
- if (opt.headers) {
- var tre = document.createElement('tr');
- for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
- var the = document.createElement('th');
- the.textContent = columns[i].columnid;
- tre.appendChild(the);
- }
- thead.appendChild(tre);
- }
- var tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
- tbe.appendChild(tbody);
- for (var j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
- var tre = document.createElement('tr');
- for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
- var the = document.createElement('td');
- the.textContent = data[j][columns[i].columnid];
- tre.appendChild(the);
- }
- tbody.appendChild(tre);
- }
- alasql.utils.domEmptyChildren(sel);
- sel.appendChild(tbe);
- }
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
-alasql.into.JSON = function(filename, opts, data, columns, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- if (typeof filename === 'object') {
- opts = filename;
- filename = undefined;
- }
- var s = JSON.stringify(data);
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'json', opts);
- res = alasql.utils.saveFile(filename, s);
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
-alasql.into.TXT = function(filename, opts, data, columns, cb) {
- // If columns is empty
- if (columns.length === 0 && data.length > 0) {
- columns = Object.keys(data[0]).map(function(columnid) {
- return {columnid: columnid};
- });
- }
- // If one parameter
- if (typeof filename === 'object') {
- opts = filename;
- filename = undefined;
- }
- var res = data.length;
- var s = '';
- if (data.length > 0) {
- var key = columns[0].columnid;
- s += data
- .map(function(d) {
- return d[key];
- })
- .join('\n');
- }
- // } else {
- // if(utils.isNode) {
- // process.stdout.write(s);
- // } else {
- // };
- // }
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'txt', opts);
- res = alasql.utils.saveFile(filename, s);
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
-alasql.into.TAB = alasql.into.TSV = function(filename, opts, data, columns, cb) {
- var opt = {};
- alasql.utils.extend(opt, opts);
- opt.separator = '\t';
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'tab', opts);
- opt.autoExt = false;
- return alasql.into.CSV(filename, opt, data, columns, cb);
-alasql.into.CSV = function(filename, opts, data, columns, cb) {
- if (columns.length === 0 && data.length > 0) {
- columns = Object.keys(data[0]).map(function(columnid) {
- return {columnid: columnid};
- });
- }
- if (typeof filename === 'object') {
- opts = filename;
- filename = undefined;
- }
- var opt = {headers: true};
- //opt.separator = ',';
- opt.separator = ';';
- opt.quote = '"';
- opt.utf8Bom = true;
- if (opts && !opts.headers && typeof opts.headers !== 'undefined') {
- opt.utf8Bom = false;
- }
- alasql.utils.extend(opt, opts);
- var res = data.length;
- var s = opt.utf8Bom ? '\ufeff' : '';
- if (opt.headers) {
- s +=
- opt.quote +
- columns
- .map(function(col) {
- return col.columnid.trim();
- })
- .join(opt.quote + opt.separator + opt.quote) +
- opt.quote +
- '\r\n';
- }
- data.forEach(function(d) {
- s +=
- columns
- .map(function(col) {
- var s = d[col.columnid];
- // escape the character wherever it appears in the field
- if (opt.quote !== '') {
- s = (s + '').replace(
- new RegExp('\\' + opt.quote, 'g'),
- opt.quote + opt.quote
- );
- }
- // if((s+"").indexOf(opt.separator) > -1 || (s+"").indexOf(opt.quote) > -1) s = opt.quote + s + opt.quote;
- //Excel 2013 needs quotes around strings - thanks for _not_ complying with RFC for CSV
- if (+s != s) {
- // jshint ignore:line
- s = opt.quote + s + opt.quote;
- }
- return s;
- })
- .join(opt.separator) + '\r\n';
- });
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'csv', opts);
- res = alasql.utils.saveFile(filename, s, null, {disableAutoBom: true});
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
-// 831xl.js - Coloring Excel
-// 18.04.2015
-// Generate XLS file with colors and styles
-// with Excel
-alasql.into.XLS = function(filename, opts, data, columns, cb) {
- // If filename is not defined then output to the result
- if (typeof filename == 'object') {
- opts = filename;
- filename = undefined;
- }
- // Set sheets
- var sheets = {};
- if (opts && opts.sheets) {
- sheets = opts.sheets;
- }
- // Default sheet
- var sheet = {headers: true};
- if (typeof sheets['Sheet1'] != 'undefined') {
- sheet = sheets[0];
- } else {
- if (typeof opts != 'undefined') {
- sheet = opts;
- }
- }
- // Set sheet name and default is 'Sheet1'
- if (typeof sheet.sheetid == 'undefined') {
- sheet.sheetid = 'Sheet1';
- }
- var s = toHTML();
- // File is ready to save
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'xls', opts);
- var res = alasql.utils.saveFile(filename, s);
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- function toHTML() {
- // Generate prologue
- var s =
- '
- \
- ';
- // Generate body
- s += '';
- s += '';
- if (typeof sheet.caption != 'undefined') {
- var caption = sheet.caption;
- if (typeof caption == 'string') {
- caption = {title: caption};
- }
- s += '';
- s += caption.title;
- s += ' ';
- }
- // Columns
- // var columns = [];
- // If columns defined in sheet, then take them
- if (typeof sheet.columns != 'undefined') {
- columns = sheet.columns;
- } else {
- // Autogenerate columns if they are passed as parameters
- if (columns.length == 0 && data.length > 0) {
- if (typeof data[0] == 'object') {
- if (Array.isArray(data[0])) {
- columns = data[0].map(function(d, columnidx) {
- return {columnid: columnidx};
- });
- } else {
- columns = Object.keys(data[0]).map(function(columnid) {
- return {columnid: columnid};
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Prepare columns
- columns.forEach(function(column, columnidx) {
- if (typeof sheet.column != 'undefined') {
- extend(column, sheet.column);
- }
- if (typeof column.width == 'undefined') {
- if (sheet.column && sheet.column.width != 'undefined') {
- column.width = sheet.column.width;
- } else {
- column.width = '120px';
- }
- }
- if (typeof column.width == 'number') column.width = column.width + 'px';
- if (typeof column.columnid == 'undefined') column.columnid = columnidx;
- if (typeof column.title == 'undefined') column.title = '' + column.columnid.trim();
- if (sheet.headers && Array.isArray(sheet.headers))
- column.title = sheet.headers[columnidx];
- });
- // Set columns widths
- s += '';
- columns.forEach(function(column) {
- s += ' ';
- });
- s += ' ';
- // Headers
- if (sheet.headers) {
- s += '';
- s += '';
- // TODO: Skip columns to body
- // Headers
- columns.forEach(function(column, columnidx) {
- s += '';
- // Column title
- if (typeof column.title != 'undefined') {
- if (typeof column.title == 'function') {
- s += column.title(sheet, column, columnidx);
- } else {
- s += column.title;
- }
- }
- s += ' ';
- });
- s += ' ';
- s += ' ';
- }
- s += '';
- // TODO: Skip lines between header and body
- if (data && data.length > 0) {
- // TODO: Skip columns to body
- // Loop over data rows
- data.forEach(function(row, rowidx) {
- // Limit number of rows on the sheet
- if (rowidx > sheet.limit) return;
- // Create row
- s += '';
- // Loop over columns
- columns.forEach(function(column, columnidx) {
- // Parameters
- var cell = {};
- extend(cell, sheet.cell);
- extend(cell, srow.cell);
- if (typeof sheet.column != 'undefined') {
- extend(cell, sheet.column.cell);
- }
- extend(cell, column.cell);
- if (sheet.cells && sheet.cells[rowidx] && sheet.cells[rowidx][columnidx]) {
- extend(cell, sheet.cells[rowidx][columnidx]);
- }
- // Create value
- var value = row[column.columnid];
- if (typeof cell.value == 'function') {
- value = cell.value(value, sheet, row, column, cell, rowidx, columnidx);
- }
- // Define cell type
- var typeid = cell.typeid;
- if (typeof typeid == 'function') {
- typeid = typeid(value, sheet, row, column, cell, rowidx, columnidx);
- }
- if (typeof typeid == 'undefined') {
- if (typeof value == 'number') typeid = 'number';
- else if (typeof value == 'string') typeid = 'string';
- else if (typeof value == 'boolean') typeid = 'boolean';
- else if (typeof value == 'object') {
- if (value instanceof Date) typeid = 'date';
- }
- }
- var typestyle = '';
- if (typeid == 'money') {
- typestyle =
- 'mso-number-format:"\\#\\,\\#\\#0\\\\ _р_\\.";white-space:normal;';
- } else if (typeid == 'number') {
- typestyle = ' ';
- } else if (typeid == 'date') {
- typestyle = 'mso-number-format:"Short Date";';
- } else {
- // FOr other types is saved
- if (opts.types && opts.types[typeid] && opts.types[typeid].typestyle) {
- typestyle = opts.types[typeid].typestyle;
- }
- }
- // TODO Replace with extend...
- typestyle = typestyle || 'mso-number-format:"\\@";'; // Default type style
- s += "';
- // TODO Replace with extend...
- var format = cell.format;
- if (typeof value == 'undefined') {
- s += '';
- } else if (typeof format != 'undefined') {
- if (typeof format == 'function') {
- s += format(value);
- } else if (typeof format == 'string') {
- s += value; // TODO - add string format
- } else {
- throw new Error('Unknown format type. Should be function or string');
- }
- } else {
- if (typeid == 'number' || typeid == 'date') {
- s += value.toString();
- } else if (typeid == 'money') {
- s += (+value).toFixed(2);
- } else {
- s += value;
- }
- }
- s += ' ';
- });
- s += ' ';
- });
- }
- s += ' ';
- // Generate epilogue
- s += '
- s += '';
- s += '';
- return s;
- }
- // Style function
- function style(a) {
- var s = ' style="';
- if (a && typeof a.style != 'undefined') {
- s += a.style + ';';
- }
- s += '" ';
- return s;
- }
-alasql.into.XLSXML = function(filename, opts, data, columns, cb) {
- opts = opts || {};
- // If filename is not defined then output to the result
- if (typeof filename == 'object') {
- opts = filename;
- filename = undefined;
- }
- // Set sheets
- var sheets = {};
- if (opts && opts.sheets) {
- sheets = opts.sheets;
- } else {
- sheets.Sheet1 = opts;
- }
- // File is ready to save
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'xls', opts);
- var res = alasql.utils.saveFile(filename, toXML());
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- function toXML() {
- var s1 =
- ' \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- 0 \
- \
- \
- ';
- var s2 = ''; // for styles
- var s3 = ' ';
- var styles = {}; // hash based storage for styles
- var stylesn = 62; // First style
- // Generate style
- function hstyle(st) {
- // Prepare string
- var s = '';
- for (var key in st) {
- s += '<' + key;
- for (var attr in st[key]) {
- s += ' ';
- if (attr.substr(0, 2) == 'x:') {
- s += attr;
- } else {
- s += 'ss:';
- }
- s += attr + '="' + st[key][attr] + '"';
- }
- s += '/>';
- }
- var hh = hash(s);
- // Store in hash
- if (styles[hh]) {
- } else {
- styles[hh] = {styleid: stylesn};
- s2 += '';
- stylesn++;
- }
- return 's' + styles[hh].styleid;
- }
- for (var sheetid in sheets) {
- var sheet = sheets[sheetid];
- // If columns defined in sheet, then take them
- if (typeof sheet.columns != 'undefined') {
- columns = sheet.columns;
- } else {
- // Autogenerate columns if they are passed as parameters
- if (columns.length == 0 && data.length > 0) {
- if (typeof data[0] == 'object') {
- if (Array.isArray(data[0])) {
- columns = data[0].map(function(d, columnidx) {
- return {columnid: columnidx};
- });
- } else {
- columns = Object.keys(data[0]).map(function(columnid) {
- return {columnid: columnid};
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Prepare columns
- columns.forEach(function(column, columnidx) {
- if (typeof sheet.column != 'undefined') {
- extend(column, sheet.column);
- }
- if (typeof column.width == 'undefined') {
- if (sheet.column && typeof sheet.column.width != 'undefined') {
- column.width = sheet.column.width;
- } else {
- column.width = 120;
- }
- }
- if (typeof column.width == 'number') column.width = column.width;
- if (typeof column.columnid == 'undefined') column.columnid = columnidx;
- if (typeof column.title == 'undefined') column.title = '' + column.columnid.trim();
- if (sheet.headers && Array.isArray(sheet.headers))
- column.title = sheet.headers[idx];
- });
- // Header
- s3 +=
- ' \
- ';
- columns.forEach(function(column, columnidx) {
- s3 +=
- ' ';
- });
- // Headers
- if (sheet.headers) {
- s3 += '';
- // TODO: Skip columns to body
- // Headers
- columns.forEach(function(column, columnidx) {
- s3 += '';
- // Column title
- if (typeof column.title != 'undefined') {
- if (typeof column.title == 'function') {
- s3 += column.title(sheet, column, columnidx);
- } else {
- s3 += column.title;
- }
- }
- s3 += ' | ';
- });
- s3 += '
- }
- // Data
- if (data && data.length > 0) {
- // Loop over data rows
- data.forEach(function(row, rowidx) {
- // Limit number of rows on the sheet
- if (rowidx > sheet.limit) return;
- // Extend row properties
- var srow = {};
- extend(srow, sheet.row);
- if (sheet.rows && sheet.rows[rowidx]) {
- extend(srow, sheet.rows[rowidx]);
- }
- s3 += ''; //'ss:AutoFitHeight="0">'
- // Data
- columns.forEach(function(column, columnidx) {
- // Parameters
- var cell = {};
- extend(cell, sheet.cell);
- extend(cell, srow.cell);
- if (typeof sheet.column != 'undefined') {
- extend(cell, sheet.column.cell);
- }
- extend(cell, column.cell);
- if (sheet.cells && sheet.cells[rowidx] && sheet.cells[rowidx][columnidx]) {
- extend(cell, sheet.cells[rowidx][columnidx]);
- }
- // Create value
- var value = row[column.columnid];
- if (typeof cell.value == 'function') {
- value = cell.value(value, sheet, row, column, cell, rowidx, columnidx);
- }
- // Define cell type
- var typeid = cell.typeid;
- if (typeof typeid == 'function') {
- typeid = typeid(value, sheet, row, column, cell, rowidx, columnidx);
- }
- if (typeof typeid == 'undefined') {
- if (typeof value == 'number') typeid = 'number';
- else if (typeof value == 'string') typeid = 'string';
- else if (typeof value == 'boolean') typeid = 'boolean';
- else if (typeof value == 'object') {
- if (value instanceof Date) typeid = 'date';
- }
- }
- var Type = 'String';
- if (typeid == 'number') Type = 'Number';
- else if (typeid == 'date') Type = 'Date';
- // TODO: What else?
- // Prepare Data types styles
- var typestyle = '';
- if (typeid == 'money') {
- typestyle =
- 'mso-number-format:"\\#\\,\\#\\#0\\\\ _р_\\.";white-space:normal;';
- } else if (typeid == 'number') {
- typestyle = ' ';
- } else if (typeid == 'date') {
- typestyle = 'mso-number-format:"Short Date";';
- } else {
- // For other types is saved
- if (opts.types && opts.types[typeid] && opts.types[typeid].typestyle) {
- typestyle = opts.types[typeid].typestyle;
- }
- }
- // TODO Replace with extend...
- typestyle = typestyle || 'mso-number-format:"\\@";'; // Default type style
- s3 += '';
- s3 += '';
- // TODO Replace with extend...
- var format = cell.format;
- if (typeof value == 'undefined') {
- s3 += '';
- } else if (typeof format != 'undefined') {
- if (typeof format == 'function') {
- s3 += format(value);
- } else if (typeof format == 'string') {
- s3 += value; // TODO - add string format
- } else {
- throw new Error(
- 'Unknown format type. Should be function or string'
- );
- }
- } else {
- if (typeid == 'number' || typeid == 'date') {
- s3 += value.toString();
- } else if (typeid == 'money') {
- s3 += (+value).toFixed(2);
- } else {
- s3 += value;
- }
- }
- // s3 += row[column.columnid];
- s3 += ' | ';
- });
- s3 += '
- });
- }
- // Finish
- s3 += '
- }
- s3 += ' ';
- return s1 + s2 + s3;
- }
- Export to XLSX function
- @function
- @param {string|object} filename Filename or options
- @param {object|undefined} opts Options or undefined
- @param {array} data Data
- @param {array} columns Columns
- @parab {callback} cb Callback function
- @return {number} Number of files processed
-alasql.into.XLSX = function(filename, opts, data, columns, cb) {
- /** @type {number} result */
- var res = 1;
- if (deepEqual(columns, [{columnid: '_'}])) {
- data = data.map(function(dat) {
- return dat._;
- });
- columns = undefined;
- // res = [{_:1}];
- } else {
- // data = data1;
- }
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'xlsx', opts);
- var XLSX = getXLSX();
- /* If called without filename, use opts */
- if (typeof filename == 'object') {
- opts = filename;
- filename = undefined;
- }
- /** @type {object} Workbook */
- var wb = {SheetNames: [], Sheets: {}};
- // ToDo: check if cb must be treated differently here
- if (opts.sourcefilename) {
- alasql.utils.loadBinaryFile(opts.sourcefilename, !!cb, function(data) {
- wb = XLSX.read(data, {type: 'binary'});
- doExport();
- });
- } else {
- doExport();
- }
- /* Return result */
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- /**
- Export workbook
- @function
- */
- function doExport() {
- /*
- If opts is array of arrays then this is a
- multisheet workboook, else it is a singlesheet
- */
- if (typeof opts == 'object' && Array.isArray(opts)) {
- if (data && data.length > 0) {
- data.forEach(function(dat, idx) {
- prepareSheet(opts[idx], dat, undefined, idx + 1);
- });
- }
- } else {
- prepareSheet(opts, data, columns, 1);
- }
- saveWorkbook(cb);
- }
- /**
- Prepare sheet
- @params {object} opts
- @params {array|object} data
- @params {array} columns Columns
- */
- function prepareSheet(opts, data, columns, idx) {
- /** Default options for sheet */
- var opt = {sheetid: 'Sheet ' + idx, headers: true};
- alasql.utils.extend(opt, opts);
- var dataLength = Object.keys(data).length;
- // Generate columns if they are not defined
- if ((!columns || columns.length == 0) && dataLength > 0) {
- columns = Object.keys(data[0]).map(function(columnid) {
- return {columnid: columnid};
- });
- }
- var cells = {};
- if (wb.SheetNames.indexOf(opt.sheetid) > -1) {
- cells = wb.Sheets[opt.sheetid];
- } else {
- wb.SheetNames.push(opt.sheetid);
- wb.Sheets[opt.sheetid] = {};
- cells = wb.Sheets[opt.sheetid];
- }
- var range = 'A1';
- if (opt.range) range = opt.range;
- var col0 = alasql.utils.xlscn(range.match(/[A-Z]+/)[0]);
- var row0 = +range.match(/[0-9]+/)[0] - 1;
- if (wb.Sheets[opt.sheetid]['!ref']) {
- var rangem = wb.Sheets[opt.sheetid]['!ref'];
- var colm = alasql.utils.xlscn(rangem.match(/[A-Z]+/)[0]);
- var rowm = +rangem.match(/[0-9]+/)[0] - 1;
- } else {
- var colm = 1,
- rowm = 1;
- }
- var colmax = Math.max(col0 + columns.length, colm);
- var rowmax = Math.max(row0 + dataLength + 2, rowm);
- var i = row0 + 1;
- wb.Sheets[opt.sheetid]['!ref'] = 'A1:' + alasql.utils.xlsnc(colmax) + rowmax;
- // var i = 1;
- if (opt.headers) {
- columns.forEach(function(col, idx) {
- cells[alasql.utils.xlsnc(col0 + idx) + '' + i] = {v: col.columnid.trim()};
- });
- i++;
- }
- for (var j = 0; j < dataLength; j++) {
- columns.forEach(function(col, idx) {
- var cell = {v: data[j][col.columnid]};
- if (typeof data[j][col.columnid] == 'number') {
- cell.t = 'n';
- } else if (typeof data[j][col.columnid] == 'string') {
- cell.t = 's';
- } else if (typeof data[j][col.columnid] == 'boolean') {
- cell.t = 'b';
- } else if (typeof data[j][col.columnid] == 'object') {
- if (data[j][col.columnid] instanceof Date) {
- cell.t = 'd';
- }
- }
- cells[alasql.utils.xlsnc(col0 + idx) + '' + i] = cell;
- });
- i++;
- }
- }
- /**
- Save Workbook
- @params {array} wb Workbook
- @params {callback} cb Callback
- */
- function saveWorkbook(cb) {
- var XLSX;
- if (typeof filename == 'undefined') {
- res = wb;
- } else {
- XLSX = getXLSX();
- if (utils.isNode || utils.isMeteorServer) {
- XLSX.writeFile(wb, filename);
- } else {
- var wopts = {bookType: 'xlsx', bookSST: false, type: 'binary'};
- var wbout = XLSX.write(wb, wopts);
- function s2ab(s) {
- var buf = new ArrayBuffer(s.length);
- var view = new Uint8Array(buf);
- for (var i = 0; i != s.length; ++i) view[i] = s.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff;
- return buf;
- }
- /* the saveAs call downloads a file on the local machine */
- // saveAs(new Blob([s2ab(wbout)],{type:"application/octet-stream"}), '"'+filename+'"')
- // saveAs(new Blob([s2ab(wbout)],{type:"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"}), filename)
- // saveAs(new Blob([s2ab(wbout)],{type:"application/vnd.ms-excel"}), '"'+filename+'"');
- if (isIE() == 9) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot save XLSX files in IE9. Please use XLS() export function'
- );
- // var URI = 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,';
- /** @todo Check if this code is required */
- // alert('ie9');
- } else {
- saveAs(new Blob([s2ab(wbout)], {type: 'application/octet-stream'}), filename);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// FROM functions Alasql.js
-// Date: 11.12.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
- Meteor
-/* global alasql Tabletop document Event */
-alasql.from.METEOR = function(filename, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- var res = filename.find(opts).fetch();
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res, idx, query);
- }
- return res;
- Google Spreadsheet reader
- */
-alasql.from.TABLETOP = function(key, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- var res = [];
- var opt = {headers: true, simpleSheet: true, key: key};
- alasql.utils.extend(opt, opts);
- opt.callback = function(data) {
- res = data;
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res, idx, query);
- }
- };
- Tabletop.init(opt);
- return null;
-alasql.from.HTML = function(selector, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- var opt = {};
- alasql.utils.extend(opt, opts);
- var sel = document.querySelector(selector);
- if (!sel && sel.tagName !== 'TABLE') {
- throw new Error('Selected HTML element is not a TABLE');
- }
- var res = [];
- var headers = opt.headers;
- if (headers && !Array.isArray(headers)) {
- headers = [];
- var ths = sel.querySelector('thead tr').children;
- for (var i = 0; i < ths.length; i++) {
- if (
- !(ths.item(i).style && ths.item(i).style.display === 'none' && opt.skipdisplaynone)
- ) {
- headers.push(ths.item(i).textContent);
- } else {
- headers.push(undefined);
- }
- }
- }
- var trs = sel.querySelectorAll('tbody tr');
- for (var j = 0; j < trs.length; j++) {
- var tds = trs.item(j).children;
- var r = {};
- for (i = 0; i < tds.length; i++) {
- if (
- !(tds.item(i).style && tds.item(i).style.display === 'none' && opt.skipdisplaynone)
- ) {
- if (headers) {
- r[headers[i]] = tds.item(i).textContent;
- } else {
- r[i] = tds.item(i).textContent;
- }
- }
- }
- res.push(r);
- }
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res, idx, query);
- }
- return res;
-alasql.from.RANGE = function(start, finish, cb, idx, query) {
- var res = [];
- for (var i = start; i <= finish; i++) {
- res.push(i);
- }
- // res = new alasql.Recordset({data:res,columns:{columnid:'_'}});
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res, idx, query);
- }
- return res;
-// Read data from any file
-alasql.from.FILE = function(filename, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- var fname;
- if (typeof filename === 'string') {
- fname = filename;
- } else if (filename instanceof Event) {
- fname = filename.target.files[0].name;
- } else {
- throw new Error('Wrong usage of FILE() function');
- }
- var parts = fname.split('.');
- var ext = parts[parts.length - 1].toUpperCase();
- if (alasql.from[ext]) {
- return alasql.from[ext](filename, opts, cb, idx, query);
- } else {
- throw new Error('Cannot recognize file type for loading');
- }
-// Read JSON file
-alasql.from.JSON = function(filename, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- var res;
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'json', opts);
- alasql.utils.loadFile(filename, !!cb, function(data) {
- // res = [{a:1}];
- res = JSON.parse(data);
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res, idx, query);
- }
- });
- return res;
-alasql.from.TXT = function(filename, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- var res;
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'txt', opts);
- alasql.utils.loadFile(filename, !!cb, function(data) {
- res = data.split(/\r?\n/);
- // Remove last line if empty
- if (res[res.length - 1] === '') {
- res.pop();
- }
- for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- // Please avoid '===' here
- if (res[i] == +res[i]) {
- // eslint:ignore
- // jshint ignore:line
- res[i] = +res[i];
- }
- res[i] = [res[i]];
- }
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res, idx, query);
- }
- });
- return res;
-alasql.from.TAB = alasql.from.TSV = function(filename, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- opts = opts || {};
- opts.separator = '\t';
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'tab', opts);
- opts.autoext = false;
- return alasql.from.CSV(filename, opts, cb, idx, query);
-alasql.from.CSV = function(contents, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- var opt = {
- separator: ',',
- quote: '"',
- headers: true,
- };
- alasql.utils.extend(opt, opts);
- var res;
- var hs = [];
- function parseText(text) {
- var delimiterCode = opt.separator.charCodeAt(0);
- var quoteCode = opt.quote.charCodeAt(0);
- var EOL = {},
- EOF = {},
- rows = [],
- N = text.length,
- I = 0,
- n = 0,
- t,
- eol;
- function token() {
- if (I >= N) {
- return EOF;
- }
- if (eol) {
- return (eol = false, EOL);
- }
- var j = I;
- if (text.charCodeAt(j) === quoteCode) {
- var i = j;
- while (i++ < N) {
- if (text.charCodeAt(i) === quoteCode) {
- if (text.charCodeAt(i + 1) !== quoteCode) {
- break;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- }
- I = i + 2;
- var c = text.charCodeAt(i + 1);
- if (c === 13) {
- eol = true;
- if (text.charCodeAt(i + 2) === 10) {
- ++I;
- }
- } else if (c === 10) {
- eol = true;
- }
- return text.substring(j + 1, i).replace(/""/g, '"');
- }
- while (I < N) {
- var c = text.charCodeAt(I++),
- k = 1;
- if (c === 10) {
- eol = true;
- } else if (c === 13) {
- eol = true;
- if (text.charCodeAt(I) === 10) {
- ++I;
- ++k;
- }
- } else if (c !== delimiterCode) {
- continue;
- }
- return text.substring(j, I - k);
- }
- return text.substring(j);
- }
- while ((t = token()) !== EOF) {
- var a = [];
- while (t !== EOL && t !== EOF) {
- a.push(t.trim());
- t = token();
- }
- if (opt.headers) {
- if (n === 0) {
- if (typeof opt.headers === 'boolean') {
- hs = a;
- } else if (Array.isArray(opt.headers)) {
- hs = opt.headers;
- var r = {};
- hs.forEach(function(h, idx) {
- r[h] = a[idx];
- // Please avoid === here
- if (
- typeof r[h] !== 'undefined' &&
- r[h].length !== 0 &&
- r[h].trim() == +r[h]
- ) {
- // jshint ignore:line
- r[h] = +r[h];
- }
- });
- rows.push(r);
- }
- } else {
- var r = {};
- hs.forEach(function(h, idx) {
- r[h] = a[idx];
- if (
- typeof r[h] !== 'undefined' &&
- r[h].length !== 0 &&
- r[h].trim() == +r[h]
- ) {
- // jshint ignore:line
- r[h] = +r[h];
- }
- });
- rows.push(r);
- }
- n++;
- } else {
- rows.push(a);
- }
- }
- res = rows;
- if (opt.headers) {
- if (query && query.sources && query.sources[idx]) {
- var columns = (query.sources[idx].columns = []);
- hs.forEach(function(h) {
- columns.push({columnid: h});
- });
- }
- }
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res, idx, query);
- }
- }
- if (new RegExp('\n').test(contents)) {
- parseText(contents);
- } else {
- contents = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(contents, 'csv', opts);
- alasql.utils.loadFile(contents, !!cb, parseText);
- }
- return res;
-function XLSXLSX(X, filename, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- var opt = {};
- opts = opts || {};
- alasql.utils.extend(opt, opts);
- if (typeof opt.headers === 'undefined') {
- opt.headers = true;
- }
- var res;
- /**
- * see https://github.com/SheetJS/js-xlsx/blob/5ae6b1965bfe3764656a96f536b356cd1586fec7/README.md
- * for example of using readAsArrayBuffer under `Parsing Workbooks`
- */
- function fixdata(data) {
- var o = '',
- l = 0,
- w = 10240;
- for (; l < data.byteLength / w; ++l)
- o += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(data.slice(l * w, l * w + w)));
- o += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(data.slice(l * w)));
- return o;
- }
- function getHeaderText(text) {
- // if casesensitive option is set to false and there is a text value return lowercase value of text
- if (text && alasql.options.casesensitive === false) {
- return text.toLowerCase();
- } else {
- return text;
- }
- }
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'xls', opts);
- alasql.utils.loadBinaryFile(
- filename,
- !!cb,
- function(data) {
- // function processData(data) {
- if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
- var arr = fixdata(data);
- var workbook = X.read(btoa(arr), {type: 'base64'});
- } else {
- var workbook = X.read(data, {type: 'binary'});
- }
- var sheetid;
- if (typeof opt.sheetid === 'undefined') {
- sheetid = workbook.SheetNames[0];
- } else {
- sheetid = opt.sheetid;
- }
- var range;
- var res = [];
- if (typeof opt.range === 'undefined') {
- range = workbook.Sheets[sheetid]['!ref'];
- } else {
- range = opt.range;
- if (workbook.Sheets[sheetid][range]) {
- range = workbook.Sheets[sheetid][range];
- }
- }
- // if range has some value then data is present in the current sheet
- // else current sheet is empty
- if (range) {
- var rg = range.split(':');
- var col0 = rg[0].match(/[A-Z]+/)[0];
- var row0 = +rg[0].match(/[0-9]+/)[0];
- var col1 = rg[1].match(/[A-Z]+/)[0];
- var row1 = +rg[1].match(/[0-9]+/)[0];
- var hh = {};
- var xlscnCol0 = alasql.utils.xlscn(col0);
- var xlscnCol1 = alasql.utils.xlscn(col1);
- for (var j = xlscnCol0; j <= xlscnCol1; j++) {
- var col = alasql.utils.xlsnc(j);
- if (opt.headers) {
- if (workbook.Sheets[sheetid][col + '' + row0]) {
- hh[col] = getHeaderText(workbook.Sheets[sheetid][col + '' + row0].v);
- } else {
- hh[col] = getHeaderText(col);
- }
- } else {
- hh[col] = col;
- }
- }
- if (opt.headers) {
- row0++;
- }
- for (var i = row0; i <= row1; i++) {
- var row = {};
- for (var j = xlscnCol0; j <= xlscnCol1; j++) {
- var col = alasql.utils.xlsnc(j);
- if (workbook.Sheets[sheetid][col + '' + i]) {
- row[hh[col]] = workbook.Sheets[sheetid][col + '' + i].v;
- }
- }
- res.push(row);
- }
- } else {
- res.push([]);
- }
- // Remove last empty line (issue #548)
- if (
- res.length > 0 &&
- res[res.length - 1] &&
- Object.keys(res[res.length - 1]).length == 0
- ) {
- res.pop();
- }
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res, idx, query);
- }
- },
- function(err) {
- throw err;
- }
- );
- return res;
-alasql.from.XLS = function(filename, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- opts = opts || {};
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'xls', opts);
- opts.autoExt = false;
- return XLSXLSX(getXLSX(), filename, opts, cb, idx, query);
-alasql.from.XLSX = function(filename, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- opts = opts || {};
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'xlsx', opts);
- opts.autoExt = false;
- return XLSXLSX(getXLSX(), filename, opts, cb, idx, query);
-alasql.from.ODS = function(filename, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- opts = opts || {};
- filename = alasql.utils.autoExtFilename(filename, 'ods', opts);
- opts.autoExt = false;
- return XLSXLSX(getXLSX(), filename, opts, cb, idx, query);
-alasql.from.XML = function(filename, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- var res;
- alasql.utils.loadFile(filename, !!cb, function(data) {
- // res = [{a:1}];
- res = xmlparse(data).root;
- if (cb) res = cb(res, idx, query);
- });
- return res;
- * Parse the given string of `xml`.
- *
- * @param {String} xml
- * @return {Object}
- * @api public
- */
-function xmlparse(xml) {
- xml = xml.trim();
- // strip comments
- xml = xml.replace(//g, '');
- return document();
- /**
- * XML document.
- */
- function document() {
- return {
- declaration: declaration(),
- root: tag(),
- };
- }
- /**
- * Declaration.
- */
- function declaration() {
- var m = match(/^<\?xml\s*/);
- if (!m) return;
- // tag
- var node = {
- attributes: {},
- };
- // attributes
- while (!(eos() || is('?>'))) {
- var attr = attribute();
- if (!attr) return node;
- node.attributes[attr.name] = attr.value;
- }
- match(/\?>\s*/);
- return node;
- }
- /**
- * Tag.
- */
- function tag() {
- var m = match(/^<([\w-:.]+)\s*/);
- if (!m) return;
- // name
- var node = {
- name: m[1],
- attributes: {},
- children: [],
- };
- // attributes
- while (!(eos() || is('>') || is('?>') || is('/>'))) {
- var attr = attribute();
- if (!attr) return node;
- node.attributes[attr.name] = attr.value;
- }
- // self closing tag
- if (match(/^\s*\/>\s*/)) {
- return node;
- }
- match(/\??>\s*/);
- // content
- node.content = content();
- // children
- var child;
- while ((child = tag())) {
- node.children.push(child);
- }
- // closing
- match(/^<\/[\w-:.]+>\s*/);
- return node;
- }
- /**
- * Text content.
- */
- function content() {
- var m = match(/^([^<]*)/);
- if (m) return m[1];
- return '';
- }
- /**
- * Attribute.
- */
- function attribute() {
- var m = match(/([\w:-]+)\s*=\s*("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|\w+)\s*/);
- if (!m) return;
- return {name: m[1], value: strip(m[2])};
- }
- /**
- * Strip quotes from `val`.
- */
- function strip(val) {
- return val.replace(/^['"]|['"]$/g, '');
- }
- /**
- * Match `re` and advance the string.
- */
- function match(re) {
- var m = xml.match(re);
- if (!m) return;
- xml = xml.slice(m[0].length);
- return m;
- }
- /**
- * End-of-source.
- */
- function eos() {
- return 0 == xml.length;
- }
- /**
- * Check for `prefix`.
- */
- function is(prefix) {
- return 0 == xml.indexOf(prefix);
- }
-alasql.from.GEXF = function(filename, opts, cb, idx, query) {
- var res;
- alasql('SEARCH FROM XML(' + filename + ')', [], function(data) {
- res = data;
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- });
- return res;
-// HELP for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-/* globals: alasql, yy */
- Print statement
- @class
- @param {object} params Initial setup properties
-/* global alasql, yy */
-yy.Print = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
- Generate SQL string
- @this Print statement object
-yy.Print.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'PRINT';
- if (this.statement) s += ' ' + this.statement.toString();
- return s;
- Print result of select statement or expression
- @param {string} databaseid Database identificator
- @param {object} params Query parameters
- @param {statement-callback} cb Callback function
- @this Print statement object
-yy.Print.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var self = this;
- var res = 1;
- alasql.precompile(this, databaseid, params); /** @todo Change from alasql to this */
- if (this.exprs && this.exprs.length > 0) {
- var rs = this.exprs.map(function(expr) {
- var exprfn = new Function(
- 'params,alasql,p',
- 'var y;return ' + expr.toJS('({})', '', null)
- ).bind(self);
- var r = exprfn(params, alasql);
- return JSONtoString(r);
- });
- console.log.apply(console, rs);
- } else if (this.select) {
- var r = this.select.execute(databaseid, params);
- console.log(JSONtoString(r));
- } else {
- console.log();
- }
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
-// HELP for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.Source = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Source.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'SOURCE';
- if (this.url) s += " '" + this.url + " '";
- return s;
-yy.Source.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res;
- loadFile(
- this.url,
- !!cb,
- function(data) {
- // res = 1;
- res = alasql(data);
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- },
- function(err) {
- throw err;
- }
- );
- return res;
-// HELP for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-/* global alasql, yy */
-yy.Require = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Require.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'REQUIRE';
- if (this.paths && this.paths.length > 0) {
- s += this.paths
- .map(function(path) {
- return path.toString();
- })
- .join(',');
- }
- if (this.plugins && this.plugins.length > 0) {
- s += this.plugins
- .map(function(plugin) {
- return plugin.toUpperCase();
- })
- .join(',');
- }
- return s;
- Attach plug-in for Alasql
- */
-yy.Require.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var self = this;
- var res = 0;
- var ss = '';
- if (this.paths && this.paths.length > 0) {
- this.paths.forEach(function(path) {
- loadFile(path.value, !!cb, function(data) {
- res++;
- ss += data;
- if (res < self.paths.length) return;
- new Function('params,alasql', ss)(params, alasql);
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- });
- });
- } else if (this.plugins && this.plugins.length > 0) {
- this.plugins.forEach(function(plugin) {
- // If plugin is not loaded already
- if (!alasql.plugins[plugin]) {
- loadFile(alasql.path + '/alasql-' + plugin.toLowerCase() + '.js', !!cb, function(
- data
- ) {
- // Execute all plugins at the same time
- res++;
- ss += data;
- if (res < self.plugins.length) return;
- new Function('params,alasql', ss)(params, alasql);
- alasql.plugins[plugin] = true; // Plugin is loaded
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- });
- }
- });
- } else {
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
-// HELP for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.Assert = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Source.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'ASSERT';
- if (this.value) s += ' ' + JSON.stringify(this.value);
- return s;
-yy.Assert.prototype.execute = function(databaseid) {
- if (!deepEqual(alasql.res, this.value)) {
- // if(this.message) {
- // throw this.
- // } else {
- throw new Error(
- (this.message || 'Assert wrong') +
- ': ' +
- JSON.stringify(alasql.res) +
- ' == ' +
- JSON.stringify(this.value)
- );
- // }
- }
- return 1;
-// 91websql.js
-// WebSQL database support
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-var WEBSQL = (alasql.engines.WEBSQL = function() {});
-WEBSQL.createDatabase = function(wdbid, args, dbid, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- var wdb = openDatabase(wdbid, args[0], args[1], args[2]);
- if (this.dbid) {
- var db = alasql.createDatabase(this.dbid);
- db.engineid = 'WEBSQL';
- db.wdbid = wdbid;
- sb.wdb = db;
- }
- if (!wdb) {
- throw new Error('Cannot create WebSQL database "' + databaseid + '"');
- }
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
-WEBSQL.dropDatabase = function(databaseid) {
- throw new Error('This is impossible to drop WebSQL database.');
-WEBSQL.attachDatabase = function(databaseid, dbid, args, params, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- if (alasql.databases[dbid]) {
- throw new Error('Unable to attach database as "' + dbid + '" because it already exists');
- }
- alasqlopenDatabase(databaseid, args[0], args[1], args[2]);
- return res;
-// 91indexeddb.js
-// AlaSQL IndexedDB module
-// Date: 18.04.2015
-// (c) Andrey Gershun
-/* global alasql, yy, utils*/
-var IDB = (alasql.engines.INDEXEDDB = function() {
- '';
-if (utils.hasIndexedDB) {
- // For Chrome it work normally, for Firefox - simple shim
- if (typeof utils.global.indexedDB.webkitGetDatabaseNames == 'function') {
- IDB.getDatabaseNames = utils.global.indexedDB.webkitGetDatabaseNames.bind(
- utils.global.indexedDB
- );
- } else {
- IDB.getDatabaseNames = function() {
- var request = {};
- var result = {
- contains: function(name) {
- return true; // Always return true
- },
- notsupported: true,
- };
- setTimeout(function() {
- var event = {target: {result: result}};
- request.onsuccess(event);
- }, 0);
- return request;
- };
- IDB.getDatabaseNamesNotSupported = true;
- }
-// work only in chrome
-IDB.showDatabases = function(like, cb) {
- var request = IDB.getDatabaseNames();
- request.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var dblist = event.target.result;
- if (IDB.getDatabaseNamesNotSupported) {
- throw new Error('SHOW DATABASE is not supported in this browser');
- }
- var res = [];
- if (like) {
- var relike = new RegExp(like.value.replace(/\%/g, '.*'), 'g');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < dblist.length; i++) {
- if (!like || dblist[i].match(relike)) {
- res.push({databaseid: dblist[i]});
- }
- }
- cb(res);
- };
-IDB.createDatabase = function(ixdbid, args, ifnotexists, dbid, cb) {
- var indexedDB = utils.global.indexedDB;
- if (ifnotexists) {
- var request2 = indexedDB.open(ixdbid, 1);
- request2.onsuccess = function(event) {
- event.target.result.close();
- if (cb) cb(1);
- };
- } else {
- var request1 = indexedDB.open(ixdbid, 1);
- request1.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
- e.target.transaction.abort();
- };
- request1.onsuccess = function(e) {
- if (ifnotexists) {
- if (cb) cb(0);
- } else {
- throw new Error(
- 'IndexedDB: Cannot create new database "' +
- ixdbid +
- '" because it already exists'
- );
- }
- };
- }
-IDB.createDatabase = function(ixdbid, args, ifnotexists, dbid, cb) {
- var indexedDB = utils.global.indexedDB;
- if (IDB.getDatabaseNamesNotSupported) {
- // Hack for Firefox
- if (ifnotexists) {
- var dbExists = true;
- var request2 = indexedDB.open(ixdbid);
- request2.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
- dbExists = false;
- // e.target.transaction.abort();
- // cb(0);
- };
- request2.onsuccess = function(event) {
- event.target.result.close();
- if (dbExists) {
- if (cb) cb(0);
- } else {
- if (cb) cb(1);
- }
- };
- } else {
- var request1 = indexedDB.open(ixdbid);
- request1.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
- e.target.transaction.abort();
- };
- request1.onabort = function(event) {
- if (cb) cb(1);
- };
- request1.onsuccess = function(event) {
- event.target.result.close();
- throw new Error(
- 'IndexedDB: Cannot create new database "' +
- ixdbid +
- '" because it already exists'
- );
- // cb(0);
- };
- }
- } else {
- var request1 = IDB.getDatabaseNames();
- request1.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var dblist = event.target.result;
- if (dblist.contains(ixdbid)) {
- if (ifnotexists) {
- if (cb) cb(0);
- return;
- } else {
- throw new Error(
- 'IndexedDB: Cannot create new database "' +
- ixdbid +
- '" because it already exists'
- );
- }
- }
- var request2 = indexedDB.open(ixdbid, 1);
- request2.onsuccess = function(event) {
- event.target.result.close();
- if (cb) cb(1);
- };
- };
- }
-IDB.dropDatabase = function(ixdbid, ifexists, cb) {
- var indexedDB = utils.global.indexedDB;
- var request1 = IDB.getDatabaseNames();
- request1.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var dblist = event.target.result;
- if (!dblist.contains(ixdbid)) {
- if (ifexists) {
- if (cb) cb(0);
- return;
- } else {
- throw new Error(
- 'IndexedDB: Cannot drop new database "' + ixdbid + '" because it does not exist'
- );
- }
- }
- var request2 = indexedDB.deleteDatabase(ixdbid);
- request2.onsuccess = function(event) {
- if (cb) cb(1);
- };
- };
-IDB.attachDatabase = function(ixdbid, dbid, args, params, cb) {
- if (!utils.hasIndexedDB) {
- throw new Error('The current browser does not support IndexedDB');
- }
- var indexedDB = utils.global.indexedDB;
- var request1 = IDB.getDatabaseNames();
- request1.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var dblist = event.target.result;
- if (!dblist.contains(ixdbid)) {
- throw new Error(
- 'IndexedDB: Cannot attach database "' + ixdbid + '" because it does not exist'
- );
- }
- var request2 = indexedDB.open(ixdbid);
- request2.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var ixdb = event.target.result;
- var db = new alasql.Database(dbid || ixdbid);
- db.engineid = 'INDEXEDDB';
- db.ixdbid = ixdbid;
- db.tables = [];
- var tblist = ixdb.objectStoreNames;
- for (var i = 0; i < tblist.length; i++) {
- db.tables[tblist[i]] = {};
- }
- event.target.result.close();
- if (cb) cb(1);
- };
- };
-IDB.createTable = function(databaseid, tableid, ifnotexists, cb) {
- var indexedDB = utils.global.indexedDB;
- var ixdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].ixdbid;
- var request1 = IDB.getDatabaseNames();
- request1.onsuccess = function(event__) {
- var dblist = event__.target.result;
- if (!dblist.contains(ixdbid)) {
- throw new Error(
- 'IndexedDB: Cannot create table in database "' +
- ixdbid +
- '" because it does not exist'
- );
- }
- var request2 = indexedDB.open(ixdbid);
- request2.onversionchange = function(event_) {
- event_.target.result.close();
- };
- request2.onsuccess = function(event_) {
- var version = event_.target.result.version;
- event_.target.result.close();
- var request3 = indexedDB.open(ixdbid, version + 1);
- request3.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {
- var ixdb = event.target.result;
- var store = ixdb.createObjectStore(tableid, {autoIncrement: true});
- };
- request3.onsuccess = function(event) {
- event.target.result.close();
- if (cb) cb(1);
- };
- request3.onerror = function(event) {
- throw event;
- };
- request3.onblocked = function(event) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot create table "' +
- tableid +
- '" because database "' +
- databaseid +
- '" is blocked'
- );
- };
- };
- };
-IDB.dropTable = function(databaseid, tableid, ifexists, cb) {
- var indexedDB = utils.global.indexedDB;
- var ixdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].ixdbid;
- var request1 = IDB.getDatabaseNames();
- request1.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var dblist = event.target.result;
- if (!dblist.contains(ixdbid)) {
- throw new Error(
- 'IndexedDB: Cannot drop table in database "' +
- ixdbid +
- '" because it does not exist'
- );
- }
- var request2 = indexedDB.open(ixdbid);
- request2.onversionchange = function(event) {
- event.target.result.close();
- };
- request2.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var version = event.target.result.version;
- event.target.result.close();
- var request3 = indexedDB.open(ixdbid, version + 1);
- request3.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {
- var ixdb = event.target.result;
- if (ixdb.objectStoreNames.contains(tableid)) {
- ixdb.deleteObjectStore(tableid);
- delete alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[tableid];
- } else {
- if (!ifexists) {
- throw new Error(
- 'IndexedDB: Cannot drop table "' +
- tableid +
- '" because it does not exist'
- );
- }
- }
- // var store = ixdb.createObjectStore(tableid);
- };
- request3.onsuccess = function(event) {
- event.target.result.close();
- if (cb) cb(1);
- };
- request3.onerror = function(event) {
- throw event;
- };
- request3.onblocked = function(event) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot drop table "' +
- tableid +
- '" because database "' +
- databaseid +
- '" is blocked'
- );
- };
- };
- };
-IDB.intoTable = function(databaseid, tableid, value, columns, cb) {
- // console.trace();
- var indexedDB = utils.global.indexedDB;
- var ixdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].ixdbid;
- var request1 = indexedDB.open(ixdbid);
- request1.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var ixdb = event.target.result;
- var tx = ixdb.transaction([tableid], 'readwrite');
- var tb = tx.objectStore(tableid);
- for (var i = 0, ilen = value.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- tb.add(value[i]);
- }
- tx.oncomplete = function() {
- ixdb.close();
- if (cb) cb(ilen);
- };
- };
-IDB.fromTable = function(databaseid, tableid, cb, idx, query) {
- // console.trace();
- var indexedDB = utils.global.indexedDB;
- var ixdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].ixdbid;
- var request = indexedDB.open(ixdbid);
- request.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var res = [];
- var ixdb = event.target.result;
- var tx = ixdb.transaction([tableid]);
- var store = tx.objectStore(tableid);
- var cur = store.openCursor();
- cur.onblocked = function(event) {
- };
- cur.onerror = function(event) {
- };
- cur.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var cursor = event.target.result;
- if (cursor) {
- res.push(cursor.value);
- cursor["continue"]();
- } else {
- ixdb.close();
- if (cb) cb(res, idx, query);
- }
- };
- };
-IDB.deleteFromTable = function(databaseid, tableid, wherefn, params, cb) {
- // console.trace();
- var indexedDB = utils.global.indexedDB;
- var ixdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].ixdbid;
- var request = indexedDB.open(ixdbid);
- request.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var res = [];
- var ixdb = event.target.result;
- var tx = ixdb.transaction([tableid], 'readwrite');
- var store = tx.objectStore(tableid);
- var cur = store.openCursor();
- var num = 0;
- cur.onblocked = function(event) {
- };
- cur.onerror = function(event) {
- };
- cur.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var cursor = event.target.result;
- if (cursor) {
- if (!wherefn || wherefn(cursor.value, params)) {
- cursor["delete"]();
- num++;
- }
- cursor["continue"]();
- } else {
- ixdb.close();
- if (cb) cb(num);
- }
- };
- };
-IDB.updateTable = function(databaseid, tableid, assignfn, wherefn, params, cb) {
- // console.trace();
- var indexedDB = utils.global.indexedDB;
- var ixdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].ixdbid;
- var request = indexedDB.open(ixdbid);
- request.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var res = [];
- var ixdb = event.target.result;
- var tx = ixdb.transaction([tableid], 'readwrite');
- var store = tx.objectStore(tableid);
- var cur = store.openCursor();
- var num = 0;
- cur.onblocked = function(event) {
- };
- cur.onerror = function(event) {
- };
- cur.onsuccess = function(event) {
- var cursor = event.target.result;
- if (cursor) {
- if (!wherefn || wherefn(cursor.value, params)) {
- var r = cursor.value;
- assignfn(r, params);
- cursor.update(r);
- num++;
- }
- cursor["continue"]();
- } else {
- ixdb.close();
- if (cb) cb(num);
- }
- };
- };
-// 91localstorage.js
-// localStorage and DOM-Storage engine
-// Date: 09.12.2014
-// (c) Andrey Gershun
-/* global alasql, yy, localStorage*/
-var LS = (alasql.engines.LOCALSTORAGE = function() {});
- Read data from localStorage with security breaks
- @param key {string} Address in localStorage
- @return {object} JSON object
-LS.get = function(key) {
- var s = localStorage.getItem(key);
- if (typeof s === 'undefined') return;
- var v;
- try {
- v = JSON.parse(s);
- } catch (err) {
- throw new Error('Cannot parse JSON object from localStorage' + s);
- }
- return v;
- Store data into localStorage with security breaks
- @param key {string} Address in localStorage
- @return {object} JSON object
-LS.set = function(key, value) {
- if (typeof value === 'undefined') localStorage.removeItem(key);
- else localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
- Store table structure and data into localStorage
- @param databaseid {string} AlaSQL database id (not external localStorage)
- @param tableid {string} Table name
- @return Nothing
-LS.storeTable = function(databaseid, tableid) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var table = db.tables[tableid];
- // Create empty structure for table
- var tbl = {};
- tbl.columns = table.columns;
- tbl.data = table.data;
- tbl.identities = table.identities;
- // TODO: May be add indexes, objects and other fields?
- LS.set(db.lsdbid + '.' + tableid, tbl);
- Restore table structure and data
- @param databaseid {string} AlaSQL database id (not external localStorage)
- @param tableid {string} Table name
- @return Nothing
-LS.restoreTable = function(databaseid, tableid) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var tbl = LS.get(db.lsdbid + '.' + tableid);
- var table = new alasql.Table();
- for (var f in tbl) {
- table[f] = tbl[f];
- }
- db.tables[tableid] = table;
- table.indexColumns();
- // We need to add other things here
- return table;
- Remove table from localStorage
- @param databaseid {string} AlaSQL database id (not external localStorage)
- @param tableid {string} Table name
-LS.removeTable = function(databaseid, tableid) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- localStorage.removeItem(db.lsdbid + '.' + tableid);
- Create database in localStorage
- @param lsdbid {string} localStorage database id
- @param args {array} List of parameters (not used in localStorage)
- @param ifnotexists {boolean} Check if database does not exist
- @param databaseid {string} AlaSQL database id (not external localStorage)
- @param cb {function} Callback
-LS.createDatabase = function(lsdbid, args, ifnotexists, databaseid, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- var ls = LS.get('alasql'); // Read list of all databases
- if (!(ifnotexists && ls && ls.databases && ls.databases[lsdbid])) {
- if (!ls) ls = {databases: {}}; // Empty record
- if (ls.databases && ls.databases[lsdbid]) {
- throw new Error(
- 'localStorage: Cannot create new database "' +
- lsdbid +
- '" because it already exists'
- );
- }
- ls.databases[lsdbid] = true;
- LS.set('alasql', ls);
- LS.set(lsdbid, {databaseid: lsdbid, tables: {}}); // Create database record
- } else {
- res = 0;
- }
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- Drop external database
- @param lsdbid {string} localStorage database id
- @param ifexists {boolean} Check if database exists
- @param cb {function} Callback
-LS.dropDatabase = function(lsdbid, ifexists, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- var ls = LS.get('alasql');
- if (!(ifexists && ls && ls.databases && !ls.databases[lsdbid])) {
- // 1. Remove record from 'alasql' record
- if (!ls) {
- if (!ifexists) {
- throw new Error('There is no any AlaSQL databases in localStorage');
- } else {
- return cb ? cb(0) : 0;
- }
- }
- if (ls.databases && !ls.databases[lsdbid]) {
- throw new Error(
- 'localStorage: Cannot drop database "' +
- lsdbid +
- '" because there is no such database'
- );
- }
- delete ls.databases[lsdbid];
- LS.set('alasql', ls);
- // 2. Remove tables definitions
- var db = LS.get(lsdbid);
- for (var tableid in db.tables) {
- localStorage.removeItem(lsdbid + '.' + tableid);
- }
- // 3. Remove database definition
- localStorage.removeItem(lsdbid);
- } else {
- res = 0;
- }
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- Attach existing localStorage database to AlaSQL database
- @param lsdibid {string} localStorage database id
- @param
-LS.attachDatabase = function(lsdbid, databaseid, args, params, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- if (alasql.databases[databaseid]) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Unable to attach database as "' + databaseid + '" because it already exists'
- );
- }
- if (!databaseid) databaseid = lsdbid;
- var db = new alasql.Database(databaseid);
- db.engineid = 'LOCALSTORAGE';
- db.lsdbid = lsdbid;
- db.tables = LS.get(lsdbid).tables;
- // IF AUTOABORT IS OFF then copy data to memory
- if (!alasql.options.autocommit) {
- if (db.tables) {
- for (var tbid in db.tables) {
- LS.restoreTable(databaseid, tbid);
- // db.tables[tbid].data = LS.get(db.lsdbid+'.'+tbid);
- }
- }
- }
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- Show list of databases from localStorage
- @param like {string} Mathing pattern
- @param cb {function} Callback
-LS.showDatabases = function(like, cb) {
- var res = [];
- var ls = LS.get('alasql');
- if (like) {
- // TODO: If we have a special function for LIKE patterns?
- var relike = new RegExp(like.value.replace(/%/g, '.*'), 'g');
- }
- if (ls && ls.databases) {
- for (var dbid in ls.databases) {
- res.push({databaseid: dbid});
- }
- if (like && res && res.length > 0) {
- res = res.filter(function(d) {
- return d.databaseid.match(relike);
- });
- }
- }
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- Create table in localStorage database
- @param databaseid {string} AlaSQL database id
- @param tableid {string} Table id
- @param ifnotexists {boolean} If not exists flag
- @param cb {function} Callback
-LS.createTable = function(databaseid, tableid, ifnotexists, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- var lsdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].lsdbid;
- var tb = LS.get(lsdbid + '.' + tableid);
- // Check if such record exists
- if (tb && !ifnotexists) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Table "' + tableid + '" alsready exists in localStorage database "' + lsdbid + '"'
- );
- }
- var lsdb = LS.get(lsdbid);
- var table = alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[tableid];
- // TODO: Check if required
- lsdb.tables[tableid] = true;
- LS.set(lsdbid, lsdb);
- LS.storeTable(databaseid, tableid);
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- Empty table and reset identities
- @param databaseid {string} AlaSQL database id (not external localStorage)
- @param tableid {string} Table name
- @param ifexists {boolean} If exists flag
- @param cb {function} Callback
- @return 1 on success
-LS.truncateTable = function(databaseid, tableid, ifexists, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- var lsdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].lsdbid;
- var lsdb;
- if (alasql.options.autocommit) {
- lsdb = LS.get(lsdbid);
- } else {
- lsdb = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- }
- if (!ifexists && !lsdb.tables[tableid]) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot truncate table "' + tableid + '" in localStorage, because it does not exist'
- );
- }
- //load table
- var tbl = LS.restoreTable(databaseid, tableid);
- //clear data from table
- tbl.data = [];
- //TODO reset all identities
- //but identities are not working on LOCALSTORAGE
- //See test 607 for details
- //store table
- LS.storeTable(databaseid, tableid);
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- Create table in localStorage database
- @param databaseid {string} AlaSQL database id
- @param tableid {string} Table id
- @param ifexists {boolean} If exists flag
- @param cb {function} Callback
-LS.dropTable = function(databaseid, tableid, ifexists, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- var lsdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].lsdbid;
- var lsdb;
- if (alasql.options.autocommit) {
- lsdb = LS.get(lsdbid);
- } else {
- lsdb = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- }
- if (!ifexists && !lsdb.tables[tableid]) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot drop table "' + tableid + '" in localStorage, because it does not exist'
- );
- }
- delete lsdb.tables[tableid];
- LS.set(lsdbid, lsdb);
- // localStorage.removeItem(lsdbid+'.'+tableid);
- LS.removeTable(databaseid, tableid);
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- Read all data from table
-LS.fromTable = function(databaseid, tableid, cb, idx, query) {
- var lsdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].lsdbid;
- // var res = LS.get(lsdbid+'.'+tableid);
- var res = LS.restoreTable(databaseid, tableid).data;
- if (cb) res = cb(res, idx, query);
- return res;
- Insert data into the table
- @param databaseid {string} Database id
- @param tableid {string} Table id
- @param value {array} Array of values
- @param columns {array} Columns (not used)
- @param cb {function} Callback
-LS.intoTable = function(databaseid, tableid, value, columns, cb) {
- var lsdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].lsdbid;
- var res = value.length;
- // var tb = LS.get(lsdbid+'.'+tableid);
- var tb = LS.restoreTable(databaseid, tableid);
- if (!tb.data) tb.data = [];
- tb.data = tb.data.concat(value);
- // LS.set(lsdbid+'.'+tableid, tb);
- LS.storeTable(databaseid, tableid);
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- Laad data from table
-LS.loadTableData = function(databaseid, tableid) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var lsdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].lsdbid;
- LS.restoreTable(databaseid, tableid);
- // db.tables[tableid].data = LS.get(lsdbid+'.'+tableid);
- Save data to the table
-LS.saveTableData = function(databaseid, tableid) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var lsdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].lsdbid;
- LS.storeTable(lsdbid, tableid);
- // LS.set(lsdbid+'.'+tableid,db.tables[tableid].data);
- db.tables[tableid].data = undefined;
- Commit
-LS.commit = function(databaseid, cb) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var lsdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].lsdbid;
- var lsdb = {databaseid: lsdbid, tables: {}};
- if (db.tables) {
- for (var tbid in db.tables) {
- // TODO: Question - do we need this line
- lsdb.tables[tbid] = true;
- LS.storeTable(databaseid, tbid);
- // LS.set(lsdbid+'.'+tbid, db.tables[tbid].data);
- }
- }
- LS.set(lsdbid, lsdb);
- return cb ? cb(1) : 1;
-LS.begin = LS.commit;
-LS.rollback = function(databaseid, cb) {
- // This does not work and should be fixed
- // Plus test 151 and 231
- return;
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- db.dbversion++;
- var lsdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].lsdbid;
- var lsdb = LS.get(lsdbid);
- // if(!alasql.options.autocommit) {
- delete alasql.databases[databaseid];
- alasql.databases[databaseid] = new alasql.Database(databaseid);
- extend(alasql.databases[databaseid], lsdb);
- alasql.databases[databaseid].databaseid = databaseid;
- alasql.databases[databaseid].engineid = 'LOCALSTORAGE';
- if (lsdb.tables) {
- for (var tbid in lsdb.tables) {
- // var tb = new alasql.Table({columns: db.tables[tbid].columns});
- // extend(tb,lsdb.tables[tbid]);
- // lsdb.tables[tbid] = true;
- // if(!alasql.options.autocommit) {
- // lsdb.tables[tbid].data = LS.get(db.lsdbid+'.'+tbid);
- LS.restoreTable(databaseid, tbid);
- // }
- // lsdb.tables[tbid].indexColumns();
- // index columns
- // convert types
- }
- }
- // }
-// 91websql.js
-// WebSQL database support
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-var SQLITE = (alasql.engines.SQLITE = function() {});
-SQLITE.createDatabase = function(wdbid, args, ifnotexists, dbid, cb) {
- throw new Error('Connot create SQLITE database in memory. Attach it.');
-SQLITE.dropDatabase = function(databaseid) {
- throw new Error('This is impossible to drop SQLite database. Detach it.');
-SQLITE.attachDatabase = function(sqldbid, dbid, args, params, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- if (alasql.databases[dbid]) {
- throw new Error('Unable to attach database as "' + dbid + '" because it already exists');
- }
- if ((args[0] && args[0] instanceof yy.StringValue) || args[0] instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
- if (args[0] instanceof yy.StringValue) {
- var value = args[0].value;
- } else if (args[0] instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
- var value = params[args[0].param];
- }
- alasql.utils.loadBinaryFile(
- value,
- true,
- function(data) {
- var db = new alasql.Database(dbid || sqldbid);
- db.engineid = 'SQLITE';
- db.sqldbid = sqldbid;
- var sqldb = (db.sqldb = new SQL.Database(data));
- db.tables = [];
- var tables = sqldb.exec("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'")[0].values;
- tables.forEach(function(tbl) {
- db.tables[tbl[1]] = {};
- var columns = (db.tables[tbl[1]].columns = []);
- var ast = alasql.parse(tbl[4]);
- var coldefs = ast.statements[0].columns;
- if (coldefs && coldefs.length > 0) {
- coldefs.forEach(function(cd) {
- columns.push(cd);
- });
- }
- });
- cb(1);
- },
- function(err) {
- throw new Error('Cannot open SQLite database file "' + args[0].value + '"');
- }
- );
- return res;
- } else {
- throw new Error('Cannot attach SQLite database without a file');
- }
- return res;
-SQLITE.fromTable = function(databaseid, tableid, cb, idx, query) {
- var data = alasql.databases[databaseid].sqldb.exec('SELECT * FROM ' + tableid);
- var columns = (query.sources[idx].columns = []);
- if (data[0].columns.length > 0) {
- data[0].columns.forEach(function(columnid) {
- columns.push({columnid: columnid});
- });
- }
- var res = [];
- if (data[0].values.length > 0) {
- data[0].values.forEach(function(d) {
- var r = {};
- columns.forEach(function(col, idx) {
- r[col.columnid] = d[idx];
- });
- res.push(r);
- });
- }
- if (cb) cb(res, idx, query);
-SQLITE.intoTable = function(databaseid, tableid, value, columns, cb) {
- var sqldb = alasql.databases[databaseid].sqldb;
- for (var i = 0, ilen = value.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- var s = 'INSERT INTO ' + tableid + ' (';
- var d = value[i];
- var keys = Object.keys(d);
- s += keys.join(',');
- s += ') VALUES (';
- s += keys
- .map(function(k) {
- v = d[k];
- if (typeof v == 'string') v = "'" + v + "'";
- return v;
- })
- .join(',');
- s += ')';
- sqldb.exec(s);
- }
- var res = ilen;
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
-// 91localstorage.js
-// localStorage and DOM-Storage engine
-// Date: 09.12.2014
-// (c) Andrey Gershun
-var FS = (alasql.engines.FILESTORAGE = alasql.engines.FILE = function() {});
-FS.createDatabase = function(fsdbid, args, ifnotexists, dbid, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- var filename = args[0].value;
- alasql.utils.fileExists(filename, function(fex) {
- if (fex) {
- if (ifnotexists) {
- res = 0;
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
- } else {
- throw new Error('Cannot create new database file, because it already exists');
- }
- } else {
- var data = {tables: {}};
- alasql.utils.saveFile(filename, JSON.stringify(data), function(data) {
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- });
- }
- });
- return res;
-FS.dropDatabase = function(fsdbid, ifexists, cb) {
- var res;
- var filename = fsdbid.value;
- alasql.utils.fileExists(filename, function(fex) {
- if (fex) {
- res = 1;
- alasql.utils.deleteFile(filename, function() {
- res = 1;
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- });
- } else {
- if (!ifexists) {
- throw new Error('Cannot drop database file, because it does not exist');
- }
- res = 0;
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- }
- });
- return res;
-FS.attachDatabase = function(fsdbid, dbid, args, params, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- if (alasql.databases[dbid]) {
- throw new Error('Unable to attach database as "' + dbid + '" because it already exists');
- }
- var db = new alasql.Database(dbid || fsdbid);
- db.engineid = 'FILESTORAGE';
- // db.fsdbid = fsdbid;
- db.filename = args[0].value;
- loadFile(db.filename, !!cb, function(s) {
- try {
- db.data = JSON.parse(s);
- } catch (err) {
- throw new Error('Data in FileStorage database are corrupted');
- }
- db.tables = db.data.tables;
- // IF AUTOCOMMIT IS OFF then copy data to memory
- if (!alasql.options.autocommit) {
- if (db.tables) {
- for (var tbid in db.tables) {
- db.tables[tbid].data = db.data[tbid];
- }
- }
- }
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- });
- return res;
-FS.createTable = function(databaseid, tableid, ifnotexists, cb) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var tb = db.data[tableid];
- var res = 1;
- if (tb && !ifnotexists) {
- throw new Error('Table "' + tableid + '" alsready exists in the database "' + fsdbid + '"');
- }
- var table = alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[tableid];
- db.data.tables[tableid] = {columns: table.columns};
- db.data[tableid] = [];
- FS.updateFile(databaseid);
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
-FS.updateFile = function(databaseid) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- if (db.issaving) {
- db.postsave = true;
- return;
- }
- db.issaving = true;
- db.postsave = false;
- alasql.utils.saveFile(db.filename, JSON.stringify(db.data), function() {
- db.issaving = false;
- if (db.postsave) {
- setTimeout(function() {
- FS.updateFile(databaseid);
- }, 50); // TODO Test with different timeout parameters
- }
- });
-FS.dropTable = function(databaseid, tableid, ifexists, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- if (!ifexists && !db.tables[tableid]) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot drop table "' + tableid + '" in fileStorage, because it does not exist'
- );
- }
- delete db.tables[tableid];
- delete db.data.tables[tableid];
- delete db.data[tableid];
- FS.updateFile(databaseid);
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
-FS.fromTable = function(databaseid, tableid, cb, idx, query) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var res = db.data[tableid];
- if (cb) res = cb(res, idx, query);
- return res;
-FS.intoTable = function(databaseid, tableid, value, columns, cb) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var res = value.length;
- var tb = db.data[tableid];
- if (!tb) tb = [];
- db.data[tableid] = tb.concat(value);
- FS.updateFile(databaseid);
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
-FS.loadTableData = function(databaseid, tableid) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- db.tables[tableid].data = db.data[tableid];
-FS.saveTableData = function(databaseid, tableid) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- db.data[tableid] = db.tables[tableid].data;
- db.tables[tableid].data = null;
- FS.updateFile(databaseid);
-FS.commit = function(databaseid, cb) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- var fsdb = {tables: {}};
- if (db.tables) {
- for (var tbid in db.tables) {
- db.data.tables[tbid] = {columns: db.tables[tbid].columns};
- db.data[tbid] = db.tables[tbid].data;
- }
- }
- FS.updateFile(databaseid);
- return cb ? cb(1) : 1;
-FS.begin = FS.commit;
-FS.rollback = function(databaseid, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- db.dbversion++;
- // var lsdbid = alasql.databases[databaseid].lsdbid;
- // lsdb = LS.get(lsdbid);
- wait();
- function wait() {
- setTimeout(function() {
- if (db.issaving) {
- return wait();
- } else {
- alasql.loadFile(db.filename, !!cb, function(data) {
- db.data = data;
- db.tables = {};
- for (var tbid in db.data.tables) {
- var tb = new alasql.Table({columns: db.data.tables[tbid].columns});
- extend(tb, db.data.tables[tbid]);
- db.tables[tbid] = tb;
- if (!alasql.options.autocommit) {
- db.tables[tbid].data = db.data[tbid];
- }
- db.tables[tbid].indexColumns();
- // index columns
- // convert types
- }
- delete alasql.databases[databaseid];
- alasql.databases[databaseid] = new alasql.Database(databaseid);
- extend(alasql.databases[databaseid], db);
- alasql.databases[databaseid].engineid = 'FILESTORAGE';
- alasql.databases[databaseid].filename = db.filename;
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- // Todo: check why no return
- });
- }
- }, 100);
- }
- // if(!alasql.options.autocommit) {
-if(utils.isBrowser && !utils.isWebWorker) {
-alasql = alasql || false;
-if (!alasql) {
- throw new Error('alasql was not found');
-alasql.worker = function() {
- throw new Error('Can find webworker in this enviroment');
-if (typeof Worker !== 'undefined') {
- alasql.worker = function(path, paths, cb) {
- // var path;
- if (path === true) {
- path = undefined;
- }
- if (typeof path === 'undefined') {
- var sc = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
- for (var i = 0; i < sc.length; i++) {
- if (sc[i].src.substr(-16).toLowerCase() === 'alasql-worker.js') {
- path = sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 16) + 'alasql.js';
- break;
- } else if (sc[i].src.substr(-20).toLowerCase() === 'alasql-worker.min.js') {
- path = sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 20) + 'alasql.min.js';
- break;
- } else if (sc[i].src.substr(-9).toLowerCase() === 'alasql.js') {
- path = sc[i].src;
- break;
- } else if (sc[i].src.substr(-13).toLowerCase() === 'alasql.min.js') {
- path = sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 13) + 'alasql.min.js';
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (typeof path === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Path to alasql.js is not specified');
- } else if (path !== false) {
- var js = "importScripts('";
- js += path;
- js +=
- "');self.onmessage = function(event) {" +
- 'alasql(event.data.sql,event.data.params, function(data){' +
- 'postMessage({id:event.data.id, data:data});});}';
- var blob = new Blob([js], {type: 'text/plain'});
- alasql.webworker = new Worker(URL.createObjectURL(blob));
- alasql.webworker.onmessage = function(event) {
- var id = event.data.id;
- alasql.buffer[id](event.data.data);
- delete alasql.buffer[id];
- };
- alasql.webworker.onerror = function(e) {
- throw e;
- };
- if (arguments.length > 1) {
- var sql =
- 'REQUIRE ' +
- paths
- .map(function(p) {
- return '"' + p + '"';
- })
- .join(',');
- alasql(sql, [], cb);
- }
- } else if (path === false) {
- delete alasql.webworker;
- return;
- }
- };
-/* FileSaver.js
- * A saveAs() FileSaver implementation.
- * 1.3.2
- * 2016-06-16 18:25:19
- *
- * By Eli Grey, http://eligrey.com
- * License: MIT
- * See https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js/blob/master/LICENSE.md
- */
-/*global self */
-/*jslint bitwise: true, indent: 4, laxbreak: true, laxcomma: true, smarttabs: true, plusplus: true */
-/*! @source http://purl.eligrey.com/github/FileSaver.js/blob/master/FileSaver.js */
-var saveAs =
- saveAs ||
- (function(view) {
- 'use strict';
- // IE <10 is explicitly unsupported
- if (
- typeof view === 'undefined' ||
- (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && /MSIE [1-9]\./.test(navigator.userAgent))
- ) {
- return;
- }
- var doc = view.document,
- // only get URL when necessary in case Blob.js hasn't overridden it yet
- get_URL = function() {
- return view.URL || view.webkitURL || view;
- },
- save_link = doc.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'a'),
- can_use_save_link = 'download' in save_link,
- click = function(node) {
- var event = new MouseEvent('click');
- node.dispatchEvent(event);
- },
- is_safari = /constructor/i.test(view.HTMLElement) || view.safari,
- is_chrome_ios = /CriOS\/[\d]+/.test(navigator.userAgent),
- throw_outside = function(ex) {
- (view.setImmediate || view.setTimeout)(function() {
- throw ex;
- }, 0);
- },
- force_saveable_type = 'application/octet-stream',
- // the Blob API is fundamentally broken as there is no "downloadfinished" event to subscribe to
- arbitrary_revoke_timeout = 1000 * 40, // in ms
- revoke = function(file) {
- var revoker = function() {
- if (typeof file === 'string') {
- // file is an object URL
- get_URL().revokeObjectURL(file);
- } else {
- // file is a File
- file.remove();
- }
- };
- setTimeout(revoker, arbitrary_revoke_timeout);
- },
- dispatch = function(filesaver, event_types, event) {
- event_types = [].concat(event_types);
- var i = event_types.length;
- while (i--) {
- var listener = filesaver['on' + event_types[i]];
- if (typeof listener === 'function') {
- try {
- listener.call(filesaver, event || filesaver);
- } catch (ex) {
- throw_outside(ex);
- }
- }
- }
- },
- auto_bom = function(blob) {
- // prepend BOM for UTF-8 XML and text/* types (including HTML)
- // note: your browser will automatically convert UTF-16 U+FEFF to EF BB BF
- if (
- /^\s*(?:text\/\S*|application\/xml|\S*\/\S*\+xml)\s*;.*charset\s*=\s*utf-8/i.test(
- blob.type
- )
- ) {
- return new Blob([String.fromCharCode(0xfeff), blob], {type: blob.type});
- }
- return blob;
- },
- FileSaver = function(blob, name, no_auto_bom) {
- if (!no_auto_bom) {
- blob = auto_bom(blob);
- }
- // First try a.download, then web filesystem, then object URLs
- var filesaver = this,
- type = blob.type,
- force = type === force_saveable_type,
- object_url,
- dispatch_all = function() {
- dispatch(filesaver, 'writestart progress write writeend'.split(' '));
- },
- // on any filesys errors revert to saving with object URLs
- fs_error = function() {
- if ((is_chrome_ios || (force && is_safari)) && view.FileReader) {
- // Safari doesn't allow downloading of blob urls
- var reader = new FileReader();
- reader.onloadend = function() {
- var url = is_chrome_ios
- ? reader.result
- : reader.result.replace(
- /^data:[^;]*;/,
- 'data:attachment/file;'
- );
- var popup = view.open(url, '_blank');
- if (!popup) view.location.href = url;
- url = undefined; // release reference before dispatching
- filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE;
- dispatch_all();
- };
- reader.readAsDataURL(blob);
- filesaver.readyState = filesaver.INIT;
- return;
- }
- // don't create more object URLs than needed
- if (!object_url) {
- object_url = get_URL().createObjectURL(blob);
- }
- if (force) {
- view.location.href = object_url;
- } else {
- var opened = view.open(object_url, '_blank');
- if (!opened) {
- // Apple does not allow window.open, see https://developer.apple.com/library/safari/documentation/Tools/Conceptual/SafariExtensionGuide/WorkingwithWindowsandTabs/WorkingwithWindowsandTabs.html
- view.location.href = object_url;
- }
- }
- filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE;
- dispatch_all();
- revoke(object_url);
- };
- filesaver.readyState = filesaver.INIT;
- if (can_use_save_link) {
- object_url = get_URL().createObjectURL(blob);
- setTimeout(function() {
- save_link.href = object_url;
- save_link.download = name;
- click(save_link);
- dispatch_all();
- revoke(object_url);
- filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE;
- });
- return;
- }
- fs_error();
- },
- FS_proto = FileSaver.prototype,
- saveAs = function(blob, name, no_auto_bom) {
- return new FileSaver(blob, name || blob.name || 'download', no_auto_bom);
- };
- // IE 10+ (native saveAs)
- if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
- return function(blob, name, no_auto_bom) {
- name = name || blob.name || 'download';
- if (!no_auto_bom) {
- blob = auto_bom(blob);
- }
- return navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, name);
- };
- }
- FS_proto.abort = function() {};
- FS_proto.readyState = FS_proto.INIT = 0;
- FS_proto.WRITING = 1;
- FS_proto.DONE = 2;
- FS_proto.error = FS_proto.onwritestart = FS_proto.onprogress = FS_proto.onwrite = FS_proto.onabort = FS_proto.onerror = FS_proto.onwriteend = null;
- return saveAs;
- })(
- (typeof self !== 'undefined' && self) ||
- (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window) ||
- this.content
- );
-// `self` is undefined in Firefox for Android content script context
-// while `this` is nsIContentFrameMessageManager
-// with an attribute `content` that corresponds to the window
-if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
- module.exports.saveAs = saveAs;
-} else if (typeof define !== 'undefined' && define !== null && define.amd !== null) {
- define('FileSaver.js', function() {
- return saveAs;
- });
-/* eslint-disable */
-// Last part of Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-// This is a final part of Alasql
-if(utils.isCordova || utils.isMeteorServer || utils.isNode ){
- console.warn('It looks like you are using the browser version of AlaSQL. Please use the alasql.fs.js file instead.')
-// FileSaveAs
-alasql.utils.saveAs = saveAs;
-// Create default database
-new Database("alasql");
-// Set default database
+ //! AlaSQL vPACKAGE_VERSION_NUMBER | © 2014-2018 Andrey Gershun & Mathias Rangel Wulff | License: MIT
+ var alasql$1 = function () { };
+ var mem = { grammar: alasqlparser, alasql: alasql$1 };
+ mem.alasql = logic(mem);
+ mem.alasql.version = '0.5.0-modular-typescript';
+ mem.alasql.debug = false;
+ addOptions(mem);
+ expandGrammar(mem);
+ addDataStruct(mem);
+ addlogic(mem);
+ /*only-for-browser/*
+ //!var require = function(){return null}; // as alasqlparser.js is generated, we can not "remove" referenses to
+ //!var __dirname = '';
+ //*/
+ /*only-for-browser/*
+ if(utils.isCordova || utils.isMeteorServer || utils.isNode ){
+ console.warn('It looks like you are using the browser version of AlaSQL. Please use the alasql.fs.js file instead.')
+ }
+ //*/
+ // Create and set default database
+ mem.alasql.newDatabase('alasql');
+ var main = mem.alasql;
-return alasql;
+ return main;
diff --git a/dist/alasql.min.js b/dist/alasql.min.js
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 95d8f0ce7e..e865b2eebe
--- a/dist/alasql.min.js
+++ b/dist/alasql.min.js
@@ -1,16 +1 @@
-//! AlaSQL v0.4.6 | © 2014-2016 Andrey Gershun & Mathias Rangel Wulff | License: MIT
-"use strict";!function(e,t){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define([],t):"object"==typeof exports?module.exports=t():e.alasql=t()}(this,function(){function e(e){return"(y="+e+",y===y?y:undefined)"}function t(e,t){return"(y="+e+',typeof y=="undefined"?undefined:'+t+")"}function r(){return!0}function n(){}function a(){var e=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();return-1!==e.indexOf("msie")&&parseInt(e.split("msie")[1])}function s(e,t,r){function n(e,r,a){var o,u,c,l=e[r];if(l.selid){if("PATH"===l.selid){for(var h=[{node:a,stack:[]}],d={},f=T.databases[T.useid].objects;h.length>0;){var p=h.shift(),b=p.node,E=p.stack,c=n(l.args,0,b);if(c.length>0){if(r+1+1>e.length)return E;var g=[];return E&&E.length>0&&E.forEach(function(t){g=g.concat(n(e,r+1,t))}),g}void 0===d[b.$id]&&(d[b.$id]=!0,b.$out&&b.$out.length>0&&b.$out.forEach(function(e){var t=f[e],r=E.concat(t);r.push(f[t.$out[0]]),h.push({node:f[t.$out[0]],stack:r})}))}return[]}if("NOT"===l.selid){var u=n(l.args,0,a);return u.length>0?[]:r+1+1>e.length?[a]:n(e,r+1,a)}if("DISTINCT"===l.selid){var u;if(u=void 0===l.args||0===l.args.length?P(a):n(l.args,0,a),0===u.length)return[];var m=P(u);return r+1+1>e.length?m:n(e,r+1,m)}if("AND"===l.selid){var m=!0;return l.args.forEach(function(e){m=m&&n(e,0,a).length>0}),m?r+1+1>e.length?[a]:n(e,r+1,a):[]}if("OR"===l.selid){var m=!1;return l.args.forEach(function(e){m=m||n(e,0,a).length>0}),m?r+1+1>e.length?[a]:n(e,r+1,a):[]}if("ALL"===l.selid){var u=n(l.args[0],0,a);return 0===u.length?[]:r+1+1>e.length?u:n(e,r+1,u)}if("ANY"===l.selid){var u=n(l.args[0],0,a);return 0===u.length?[]:r+1+1>e.length?[u[0]]:n(e,r+1,[u[0]])}if("UNIONALL"===l.selid){var u=[];return l.args.forEach(function(e){u=u.concat(n(e,0,a))}),0===u.length?[]:r+1+1>e.length?u:n(e,r+1,u)}if("UNION"===l.selid){var u=[];l.args.forEach(function(e){u=u.concat(n(e,0,a))});var u=P(u);return 0===u.length?[]:r+1+1>e.length?u:n(e,r+1,u)}if("IF"===l.selid){var u=n(l.args,0,a);return 0===u.length?[]:r+1+1>e.length?[a]:n(e,r+1,a)}if("REPEAT"===l.selid){var v,S,A=l.args[0].value;S=l.args[1]?l.args[1].value:A,l.args[2]&&(v=l.args[2].variable);var y=[];if(0===A&&(r+1+1>e.length?y=[a]:(v&&(T.vars[v]=0),y=y.concat(n(e,r+1,a)))),S>0)for(var N=[{value:a,lvl:1}],C=0;N.length>0;){var u=N[0];if(N.shift(),u.lvl<=S){v&&(T.vars[v]=u.lvl);var R=n(l.sels,0,u.value);R.forEach(function(e){N.push({value:e,lvl:u.lvl+1})}),u.lvl>=A&&(r+1+1>e.length?y=y.concat(R):R.forEach(function(t){y=y.concat(n(e,r+1,t))}))}if(++C>1e5)throw new Error("Security brake. Number of iterations = "+C)}return y}if("OF"===l.selid){if(r+1+1>e.length)return[a];var O=[];return Object.keys(a).forEach(function(t){T.vars[l.args[0].variable]=t,O=O.concat(n(e,r+1,a[t]))}),O}if("TO"===l.selid){var w=T.vars[l.args[0]],I=[];if(I=void 0!==w?w.slice(0):[],I.push(a),r+1+1>e.length)return[a];T.vars[l.args[0]]=I;var O=n(e,r+1,a);return T.vars[l.args[0]]=w,O}if("ARRAY"===l.selid){var u=n(l.args,0,a);return u.length>0?(o=u,r+1+1>e.length?[o]:n(e,r+1,o)):[]}if("SUM"===l.selid){var u=n(l.args,0,a);if(!(u.length>0))return[];var o=u.reduce(function(e,t){return e+t},0);return r+1+1>e.length?[o]:n(e,r+1,o)}if("AVG"===l.selid)return u=n(l.args,0,a),u.length>0?(o=u.reduce(function(e,t){return e+t},0)/u.length,r+1+1>e.length?[o]:n(e,r+1,o)):[];if("COUNT"===l.selid)return u=n(l.args,0,a),u.length>0?(o=u.length,r+1+1>e.length?[o]:n(e,r+1,o)):[];if("FIRST"===l.selid)return u=n(l.args,0,a),u.length>0?(o=u[0],r+1+1>e.length?[o]:n(e,r+1,o)):[];if("LAST"===l.selid)return u=n(l.args,0,a),u.length>0?(o=u[u.length-1],r+1+1>e.length?[o]:n(e,r+1,o)):[];if("MIN"===l.selid){if(u=n(l.args,0,a),0===u.length)return[];var o=u.reduce(function(e,t){return Math.min(e,t)},1/0);return r+1+1>e.length?[o]:n(e,r+1,o)}if("MAX"===l.selid){var u=n(l.args,0,a);if(0===u.length)return[];var o=u.reduce(function(e,t){return Math.max(e,t)},-1/0);return r+1+1>e.length?[o]:n(e,r+1,o)}if("PLUS"===l.selid){var y=[],N=n(l.args,0,a).slice();r+1+1>e.length?y=y.concat(N):N.forEach(function(t){y=y.concat(n(e,r+1,t))});for(var C=0;N.length>0;){var u=N.shift();if(u=n(l.args,0,u),N=N.concat(u),r+1+1>e.length?y=y.concat(u):u.forEach(function(t){var a=n(e,r+1,t);y=y.concat(a)}),++C>1e5)throw new Error("Security brake. Number of iterations = "+C)}return y}if("STAR"===l.selid){var y=[];y=n(e,r+1,a);var N=n(l.args,0,a).slice();r+1+1>e.length?y=y.concat(N):N.forEach(function(t){y=y.concat(n(e,r+1,t))});for(var C=0;N.length>0;){var u=N[0];if(N.shift(),u=n(l.args,0,u),N=N.concat(u),r+1+1<=e.length&&u.forEach(function(t){y=y.concat(n(e,r+1,t))}),++C>1e5)throw new Error("Loop brake. Number of iterations = "+C)}return y}if("QUESTION"===l.selid){var y=[];y=y.concat(n(e,r+1,a));var u=n(l.args,0,a);return r+1+1<=e.length&&u.forEach(function(t){y=y.concat(n(e,r+1,t))}),y}if("WITH"!==l.selid){if("ROOT"===l.selid)return r+1+1>e.length?[a]:n(e,r+1,s);throw new Error("Wrong selector "+l.selid)}var u=n(l.args,0,a);if(0===u.length)return[];var c={status:1,values:u}}else{if(!l.srchid)throw new Error("Selector not found");var c=T.srch[l.srchid.toUpperCase()](a,l.args,i,t)}void 0===c&&(c={status:1,values:[a]});var m=[];if(1===c.status){var x=c.values;if(r+1+1>e.length)m=x;else for(var C=0;C0&&(o&&o[0]&&"PROP"===o[0].srchid&&o[0].args&&o[0].args[0]&&("XML"===o[0].args[0].toUpperCase()?(i.mode="XML",o.shift()):"HTML"===o[0].args[0].toUpperCase()?(i.mode="HTML",o.shift()):"JSON"===o[0].args[0].toUpperCase()&&(i.mode="JSON",o.shift())),o.length>0&&"VALUE"===o[0].srchid&&(i.value=!0,o.shift())),this.from instanceof X.Column){var u=this.from.databaseid||e;s=T.databases[u].tables[this.from.columnid].data}else if(this.from instanceof X.FuncValue&&T.from[this.from.funcid.toUpperCase()]){var c=this.from.args.map(function(e){var r=e.toJS();return new Function("params,alasql","var y;return "+r).bind(this)(t,T)});s=T.from[this.from.funcid.toUpperCase()].apply(this,c)}else if(void 0===this.from)s=T.databases[e].objects;else{var l=new Function("params,alasql","var y;return "+this.from.toJS());s=l(t,T),"object"==typeof Mongo&&"object"!=typeof Mongo.Collection&&s instanceof Mongo.Collection&&(s=s.find().fetch())}if(a=void 0!==o&&o.length>0?n(o,0,s):s,this.into){var h,d;void 0!==this.into.args[0]&&(h=new Function("params,alasql","var y;return "+this.into.args[0].toJS())(t,T)),void 0!==this.into.args[1]&&(d=new Function("params,alasql","var y;return "+this.into.args[1].toJS())(t,T)),a=T.into[this.into.funcid.toUpperCase()](h,d,a,[],r)}else i.value&&a.length>0&&(a=a[0]),r&&(a=r(a));return a}function i(e,t,r,n,a){e.sources.length;e.sourceslen=e.sources.length;var s=e.sourceslen;e.query=e,e.A=n,e.B=a,e.cb=r,e.oldscope=t,e.queriesfn&&(e.sourceslen+=e.queriesfn.length,s+=e.queriesfn.length,e.queriesdata=[],e.queriesfn.forEach(function(t,r){t.query.params=e.params,o([],-r-1,e)}));var i;i=t?_(t):{},e.scope=i;var c;return e.sources.forEach(function(t,r){t.query=e;var n=t.datafn(e,e.params,o,r,T);void 0!==n&&((e.intofn||e.intoallfn)&&Array.isArray(n)&&(n=n.length),c=n),t.queriesdata=e.queriesdata}),0!=e.sources.length&&0!==s||(c=u(e)),c}function o(e,t,r){if(t>=0){var n=r.sources[t];n.data=e,"function"==typeof n.data&&(n.getfn=n.data,n.dontcache=n.getfn.dontcache,"OUTER"!=n.joinmode&&"RIGHT"!=n.joinmode&&"ANTI"!=n.joinmode||(n.dontcache=!1),n.data={})}else r.queriesdata[-t-1]=G(e);if(!(--r.sourceslen>0))return u(r)}function u(e){var t,r=e.scope;z(e),e.data=[],e.xgroups={},e.groups=[];if(h(e,r,0),e.groupfn){if(e.data=[],0===e.groups.length){var 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o=s.length-1;switch(a){case 1:T.options.casesensitive?this.$=s[o]:this.$=s[o].toLowerCase();break;case 2:this.$=O(s[o].substr(1,s[o].length-2));break;case 3:this.$=s[o].toLowerCase();break;case 4:this.$=s[o];break;case 5:this.$=s[o]?s[o-1]+" "+s[o]:s[o-1];break;case 6:return new n.Statements({statements:s[o-1]});case 7:this.$=s[o-2],s[o]&&s[o-2].push(s[o]);break;case 8:case 9:case 70:case 80:case 85:case 143:case 177:case 205:case 206:case 242:case 261:case 273:case 354:case 372:case 451:case 474:case 475:case 479:case 487:case 528:case 529:case 566:case 649:case 659:case 683:case 685:case 687:case 701:case 702:case 732:case 756:this.$=[s[o]];break;case 10:case 11:this.$=s[o],s[o].explain=!0;break;case 12:this.$=s[o],n.exists&&(this.$.exists=n.exists),delete n.exists,n.queries&&(this.$.queries=n.queries),delete n.queries;break;case 13:case 162:case 172:case 237:case 238:case 240:case 248:case 250:case 259:case 267:case 270:case 375:case 491:case 501:case 503:case 515:case 521:case 522:case 567:this.$=void 0;break;case 68:this.$=new n.WithSelect({withs:s[o-1],select:s[o]});break;case 69:case 565:s[o-2].push(s[o]),this.$=s[o-2];break;case 71:this.$={name:s[o-4],select:s[o-1]};break;case 72:n.extend(this.$,s[o-9]),n.extend(this.$,s[o-8]),n.extend(this.$,s[o-7]),n.extend(this.$,s[o-6]),n.extend(this.$,s[o-5]),n.extend(this.$,s[o-4]),n.extend(this.$,s[o-3]),n.extend(this.$,s[o-2]),n.extend(this.$,s[o-1]),n.extend(this.$,s[o]),this.$=s[o-9];break;case 73:this.$=new n.Search({selectors:s[o-2],from:s[o]}),n.extend(this.$,s[o-1]);break;case 74:this.$={pivot:{expr:s[o-5],columnid:s[o-3],inlist:s[o-2],as:s[o]}};break;case 75:this.$={unpivot:{tocolumnid:s[o-8],forcolumnid:s[o-6],inlist:s[o-3],as:s[o]}};break;case 76:case 520:case 549:case 585:case 619:case 636:case 637:case 640:case 662:this.$=s[o-1];break;case 77:case 78:case 86:case 147:case 185:case 247:case 280:case 288:case 289:case 290:case 291:case 292:case 293:case 294:case 295:case 296:case 297:case 298:case 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514:s[o].constraintid=s[o-1],this.$=s[o];break;case 517:this.$={type:"CHECK",expression:s[o-1]};break;case 518:this.$={type:"PRIMARY KEY",columns:s[o-1],clustered:(s[o-3]+"").toUpperCase()};break;case 519:this.$={type:"FOREIGN KEY",columns:s[o-5],fktable:s[o-2],fkcolumns:s[o-1]};break;case 525:this.$={type:"UNIQUE",columns:s[o-1],clustered:(s[o-3]+"").toUpperCase()};break;case 534:this.$=new n.ColumnDef({columnid:s[o-2]}),n.extend(this.$,s[o-1]),n.extend(this.$,s[o]);break;case 535:this.$=new n.ColumnDef({columnid:s[o-1]}),n.extend(this.$,s[o]);break;case 536:this.$=new n.ColumnDef({columnid:s[o],dbtypeid:""});break;case 537:this.$={dbtypeid:s[o-5],dbsize:s[o-3],dbprecision:+s[o-1]};break;case 538:this.$={dbtypeid:s[o-3],dbsize:s[o-1]};break;case 539:this.$={dbtypeid:s[o]};break;case 540:this.$={dbtypeid:"ENUM",enumvalues:s[o-1]};break;case 541:this.$=s[o-1],s[o-1].dbtypeid+="["+s[o]+"]";break;case 543:case 750:this.$=+s[o];break;case 545:this.$=void 0;break;case 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573:this.$=new n.AlterTable({table:s[o-3],dropcolumn:s[o]});break;case 574:this.$=new n.AlterTable({table:s[o-2],renameto:s[o]});break;case 575:this.$=new n.AttachDatabase({databaseid:s[o],engineid:s[o-2].toUpperCase()});break;case 576:this.$=new n.AttachDatabase({databaseid:s[o-3],engineid:s[o-5].toUpperCase(),args:s[o-1]});break;case 577:this.$=new n.AttachDatabase({databaseid:s[o-2],engineid:s[o-4].toUpperCase(),as:s[o]});break;case 578:this.$=new n.AttachDatabase({databaseid:s[o-5],engineid:s[o-7].toUpperCase(),as:s[o],args:s[o-3]});break;case 579:this.$=new n.DetachDatabase({databaseid:s[o]});break;case 580:this.$=new n.CreateDatabase({databaseid:s[o]}),n.extend(this.$,s[o]);break;case 581:this.$=new n.CreateDatabase({engineid:s[o-4].toUpperCase(),databaseid:s[o-1],as:s[o]}),n.extend(this.$,s[o-2]);break;case 582:this.$=new n.CreateDatabase({engineid:s[o-7].toUpperCase(),databaseid:s[o-4],args:s[o-2],as:s[o]}),n.extend(this.$,s[o-5]);break;case 583:this.$=new 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600:this.$=new n.ShowTables({databaseid:s[o]});break;case 601:this.$=new n.ShowTables({like:s[o],databaseid:s[o-2]});break;case 602:this.$=new n.ShowColumns({table:s[o]});break;case 603:this.$=new n.ShowColumns({table:s[o-2],databaseid:s[o]});break;case 604:this.$=new n.ShowIndex({table:s[o]});break;case 605:this.$=new n.ShowIndex({table:s[o-2],databaseid:s[o]});break;case 606:this.$=new n.ShowCreateTable({table:s[o]});break;case 607:this.$=new n.ShowCreateTable({table:s[o-2],databaseid:s[o]});break;case 608:this.$=new n.CreateTable({table:s[o-6],view:!0,select:s[o-1],viewcolumns:s[o-4]}),n.extend(this.$,s[o-9]),n.extend(this.$,s[o-7]);break;case 609:this.$=new n.CreateTable({table:s[o-3],view:!0,select:s[o-1]}),n.extend(this.$,s[o-6]),n.extend(this.$,s[o-4]);break;case 613:this.$=new n.DropTable({tables:s[o],view:!0}),n.extend(this.$,s[o-1]);break;case 614:case 760:this.$=new n.ExpressionStatement({expression:s[o]});break;case 615:this.$=new n.Source({url:s[o].value});break;case 616:this.$=new n.Assert({value:s[o]});break;case 617:this.$=new n.Assert({value:s[o].value});break;case 618:this.$=new n.Assert({value:s[o],message:s[o-2]});break;case 620:case 631:case 633:this.$=s[o].value;break;case 621:case 629:this.$=+s[o].value;break;case 622:this.$=!!s[o].value;break;case 630:this.$=""+s[o].value;break;case 639:this.$={};break;case 642:this.$=[];break;case 643:n.extend(s[o-2],s[o]),this.$=s[o-2];break;case 645:this.$={},this.$[s[o-2].substr(1,s[o-2].length-2)]=s[o];break;case 646:case 647:this.$={},this.$[s[o-2]]=s[o];break;case 650:this.$=new n.SetVariable({variable:s[o-2].toLowerCase(),value:s[o]});break;case 651:this.$=new n.SetVariable({variable:s[o-1].toLowerCase(),value:s[o]});break;case 652:this.$=new n.SetVariable({variable:s[o-2],expression:s[o]});break;case 653:this.$=new n.SetVariable({variable:s[o-3],props:s[o-2],expression:s[o]});break;case 654:this.$=new n.SetVariable({variable:s[o-2],expression:s[o],method:s[o-3]});break;case 655:this.$=new 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704:this.$={matched:!0,expr:s[o-2],action:s[o]};break;case 705:this.$={delete:!0};break;case 706:this.$={update:s[o]};break;case 707:case 708:this.$={matched:!1,bytarget:!0,action:s[o]};break;case 709:case 710:this.$={matched:!1,bytarget:!0,expr:s[o-2],action:s[o]};break;case 711:this.$={matched:!1,bysource:!0,action:s[o]};break;case 712:this.$={matched:!1,bysource:!0,expr:s[o-2],action:s[o]};break;case 713:this.$={insert:!0,values:s[o]};break;case 714:this.$={insert:!0,values:s[o],columns:s[o-3]};break;case 715:this.$={insert:!0,defaultvalues:!0};break;case 716:this.$={insert:!0,defaultvalues:!0,columns:s[o-3]};break;case 718:this.$={output:{columns:s[o]}};break;case 719:this.$={output:{columns:s[o-3],intovar:s[o],method:s[o-1]}};break;case 720:this.$={output:{columns:s[o-2],intotable:s[o]}};break;case 721:this.$={output:{columns:s[o-5],intotable:s[o-3],intocolumns:s[o-1]}};break;case 722:this.$=new 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n.CreateTrigger({trigger:s[o-6],when:s[o-4],action:s[o-3],table:s[o-5],statement:s[o]}),s[o].exists&&(this.$.exists=s[o].exists),s[o].queries&&(this.$.queries=s[o].queries);break;case 764:case 765:case 767:this.$="AFTER";break;case 766:this.$="BEFORE";break;case 768:this.$="INSTEADOF";break;case 769:this.$="INSERT";break;case 770:this.$="DELETE";break;case 771:this.$="UPDATE";break;case 772:this.$=new n.DropTrigger({trigger:s[o]});break;case 773:this.$=new n.Reindex({indexid:s[o]});break;case 1047:case 1067:case 1069:case 1071:case 1075:case 1077:case 1079:case 1081:case 1083:case 1085:this.$=[];break;case 1048:case 1062:case 1064:case 1068:case 1070:case 1072:case 1076:case 1078:case 1080:case 1082:case 1084:case 1086:s[o-1].push(s[o]);break;case 1061:case 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424:Ve},{2:n,3:168,4:a,5:s,56:165,77:ie,94:659,111:149,113:153,131:oe,132:ue,137:ce,143:le,144:161,145:he,149:de,152:fe,154:pe,156:Q,158:167,179:be,180:Ee,181:ge,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:me,266:p,270:ve,271:Se,273:Te,280:Ae,281:ye,282:Ne,283:Ce,284:Re,285:Oe,286:we,287:Ie,288:xe,290:z,291:Z,292:ee,293:te,294:De,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:Me,299:Ue,302:_e,303:Fe,312:Pe,317:qe,419:190,420:Ge,424:Ve},{2:n,3:168,4:a,5:s,56:165,77:ie,94:660,111:149,113:153,131:oe,132:ue,137:ce,143:le,144:161,145:he,149:de,152:fe,154:pe,156:Q,158:167,179:be,180:Ee,181:ge,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:me,266:p,270:ve,271:Se,273:Te,280:Ae,281:ye,282:Ne,283:Ce,284:Re,285:Oe,286:we,287:Ie,288:xe,290:z,291:Z,292:ee,293:te,294:De,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:Me,299:Ue,302:_e,303:Fe,312:Pe,317:qe,419:190,420:Ge,424:Ve},{2:n,3:168,4:a,5:s,56:165,77:ie,94:661,111:149,113:153,131:oe,132:ue,137:ce,143:le,144:161,145:he,149:de,152:fe,154:pe,156:Q,158:167,179:be,180:Ee,181:ge,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:me,266:p,270:ve,271:Se,273:Te,280:Ae,281:ye,282:Ne,283:Ce,284:Re,285:Oe,286:we,287:Ie,288:xe,290:z,291:Z,292:ee,293:te,294:De,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:Me,299:Ue,302:_e,303:Fe,312:Pe,317:qe,419:190,420:Ge,424:Ve},{2:n,3:168,4:a,5:s,56:165,77:ie,94:662,111:149,113:153,131:oe,132:ue,137:ce,143:le,144:161,145:he,149:de,152:fe,154:pe,156:Q,158:167,179:be,180:Ee,181:ge,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:me,266:p,270:ve,271:Se,273:Te,280:Ae,281:ye,282:Ne,283:Ce,284:Re,285:Oe,286:we,287:Ie,288:xe,290:z,291:Z,292:ee,293:te,294:De,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:Me,299:Ue,302:_e,303:Fe,312:Pe,317:qe,419:190,420:Ge,424:Ve
-317:jt,318:Ht,319:Jt,320:Yt,321:Wt,322:Xt,323:Kt,324:Qt,325:zt,326:Zt,327:637,330:er,331:tr,332:rr,333:nr},t(fn,[2,562]),{2:n,3:168,4:a,5:s,56:165,77:ie,94:1743,111:149,113:153,131:oe,132:ue,137:ce,143:le,144:161,145:he,149:de,152:fe,154:pe,156:Q,158:167,179:be,180:Ee,181:ge,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:me,266:p,270:ve,271:Se,273:Te,280:Ae,281:ye,282:Ne,283:Ce,284:Re,285:Oe,286:we,287:Ie,288:xe,290:z,291:Z,292:ee,293:te,294:De,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:Me,299:Ue,302:_e,303:Fe,312:Pe,317:qe,419:190,420:Ge,424:Ve},{78:[1,1744],99:Tt,112:At,114:625,115:yt,116:Nt,123:Ct,124:En,133:Ot,136:wt,138:It,139:xt,140:Dt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:Mt,171:Ut,179:_t,180:Ft,311:Pt,312:qt,313:Gt,315:Vt,316:Bt,317:jt,318:Ht,319:Jt,320:Yt,321:Wt,322:Xt,323:Kt,324:Qt,325:zt,326:Zt,327:637,330:er,331:tr,332:rr,333:nr},t(oi,[2,495]),{2:n,3:1745,4:a,5:s},{131:oe,196:1746},{2:n,3:1747,4:a,5:s},t(zs,Zs,{361:1627,360:1748,367:ei}),t(Sn,[2,510]),t(Sn,[2,511]),t(Sn,[2,512]),t(Sn,[2,513]),t(Sn,[2,514]),{370:[1,1749]},{370:[1,1750]},t(li,[2,1121],{382:1751,370:[1,1752]}),{2:n,3:1753,4:a,5:s},{2:n,3:1754,4:a,5:s},t(zs,[2,516]),t(K,[2,1131],{411:1755,413:1756,72:qs}),t(K,[2,610]),t(K,[2,611],{367:[1,1757]}),t(Qe,[2,333]),t([78,118],[2,334],{74:ui}),{74:ws,78:[2,335]},t(K,[2,719]),{2:n,3:1011,4:a,5:s,100:1758,111:1440},t(us,[2,706],{74:Ja}),t(us,[2,704]),{77:sa,143:le,144:979,145:ze,152:fe,181:ge,201:980,302:_e,342:1759,419:190,420:Ge,424:Ve},{2:n,3:1011,4:a,5:s,100:1760,111:1440},{344:[1,1761]},{339:ti,462:1762},{2:n,3:168,4:a,5:s,56:165,77:ie,94:1763,111:149,113:153,131:oe,132:ue,137:ce,143:le,144:161,145:he,149:de,152:fe,154:pe,156:Q,158:167,179:be,180:Ee,181:ge,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:me,266:p,270:ve,271:Se,273:Te,280:Ae,281:ye,282:Ne,283:Ce,284:Re,285:Oe,286:we,287:Ie,288:xe,290:z,291:Z,292:ee,293:te,294:De,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:Me,299:Ue,302:_e,303:Fe,312:Pe,317:qe,419:190,420:Ge,424:Ve},{339:ti,462:1764},{2:n,3:168,4:a,5:s,56:165,77:ie,94:1765,111:149,113:153,131:oe,132:ue,137:ce,143:le,144:161,145:he,149:de,152:fe,154:pe,156:Q,158:167,179:be,180:Ee,181:ge,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:me,266:p,270:ve,271:Se,273:Te,280:Ae,281:ye,282:Ne,283:Ce,284:Re,285:Oe,286:we,287:Ie,288:xe,290:z,291:Z,292:ee,293:te,294:De,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:Me,299:Ue,302:_e,303:Fe,312:Pe,317:qe,419:190,420:Ge,424:Ve},{339:ti,462:1766},t(ua,[2,72]),{40:1767,79:75,89:c,164:[1,1768],184:99,189:f,240:[1,1769]},{40:1770,79:75,89:c,184:99,189:f,240:[1,1771]},{40:1772,79:75,89:c,184:99,189:f,240:[1,1773]},t(ri,[2,270],{246:1774,247:[1,1775]}),{248:1776,249:[2,1099],766:[1,1777]},t(Hs,[2,260],{74:ws}),t(ys,[2,241]),{2:n,3:168,4:a,5:s,56:165,77:ie,94:1660,111:149,113:153,131:oe,132:ue,137:ce,143:le,144:161,145:he,149:de,152:fe,154:pe,156:Q,158:167,179:be,180:Ee,181:ge,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,235:1778,236:ni,237:ai,238:si,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:me,266:p,270:ve,271:Se,273:Te,280:Ae,281:ye,282:Ne,283:Ce,284:Re,285:Oe,286:we,287:Ie,288:xe,290:z,291:Z,292:ee,293:te,294:De,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:Me,299:Ue,302:_e,303:Fe,312:Pe,317:qe,419:190,420:Ge,424:Ve},{2:n,3:168,4:a,5:s,56:165,77:ie,94:1779,111:149,113:153,131:oe,132:ue,137:ce,143:le,144:161,145:he,149:de,152:fe,154:pe,156:Q,158:167,179:be,180:Ee,181:ge,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:me,266:p,270:ve,271:Se,273:Te,280:Ae,281:ye,282:Ne,283:Ce,284:Re,285:Oe,286:we,287:Ie,288:xe,290:z,291:Z,292:ee,293:te,294:De,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:Me,299:Ue,302:_e,303:Fe,312:Pe,317:qe,419:190,420:Ge,424:Ve},{77:[1,1780]},{2:n,3:168,4:a,5:s,56:165,77:ie,94:1660,111:149,113:153,131:oe,132:ue,137:ce,143:le,144:161,145:he,149:de,152:fe,154:pe,156:Q,158:167,179:be,180:Ee,181:ge,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,233:1781,235:1656,236:ni,237:ai,238:si,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:me,266:p,270:ve,271:Se,273:Te,280:Ae,281:ye,282:Ne,283:Ce,284:Re,285:Oe,286:we,287:Ie,288:xe,290:z,291:Z,292:ee,293:te,294:De,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:Me,299:Ue,302:_e,303:Fe,312:Pe,317:qe,419:190,420:Ge,424:Ve},{2:n,3:168,4:a,5:s,56:165,77:ie,94:1660,111:149,113:153,131:oe,132:ue,137:ce,143:le,144:161,145:he,149:de,152:fe,154:pe,156:Q,158:167,179:be,180:Ee,181:ge,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,233:1782,235:1656,236:ni,237:ai,238:si,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:me,266:p,270:ve,271:Se,273:Te,280:Ae,281:ye,282:Ne,283:Ce,284:Re,285:Oe,286:we,287:Ie,288:xe,290:z,291:Z,292:ee,293:te,294:De,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:Me,299:Ue,302:_e,303:Fe,312:Pe,317:qe,419:190,420:Ge,424:Ve},{78:[1,1783]},{78:[2,1052]},{77:[1,1784]},{77:[1,1785]},t(Js,[2,214]),{2:n,3:1786,4:a,5:s},{2:n,3:1787,4:a,5:s,76:[1,1788]},{2:n,3:1789,4:a,5:s,76:[1,1790]},t(fn,[2,1125],{394:1791,393:1792,77:ii}),{78:[1,1793]},{131:oe,196:1794},t(fn,[2,556]),{78:[1,1795],99:Tt,112:At,114:625,115:yt,116:Nt,123:Ct,124:En,133:Ot,136:wt,138:It,139:xt,140:Dt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:Mt,171:Ut,179:_t,180:Ft,311:Pt,312:qt,313:Gt,315:Vt,316:Bt,317:jt,318:Ht,319:Jt,320:Yt,321:Wt,322:Xt,323:Kt,324:Qt,325:zt,326:Zt,327:637,330:er,331:tr,332:rr,333:nr},t(fn,[2,517]),t(oi,[2,498]),t(oi,[2,499]),t(oi,[2,500]),t(os,[2,509]),{2:n,3:1797,4:a,5:s,77:[2,1117],371:1796},{77:[1,1798]},{2:n,3:1800,4:a,5:s,77:[2,1123],383:1799},t(li,[2,1122]),{77:[1,1801]},{77:[1,1802]},t(K,[2,608]),t(K,[2,1132]),t(zs,Zs,{361:1627,360:1803,367:ei}),{74:as,78:[1,1804]},t(us,[2,713],{74:Ua}),{74:as,78:[1,1805]},t(us,[2,715]),t(us,[2,708]),{99:Tt,112:At,114:625,115:yt,116:Nt,123:Ct,124:En,133:Ot,136:wt,138:It,139:xt,140:Dt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:Mt,171:Ut,179:_t,180:Ft,309:[1,1806],311:Pt,312:qt,313:Gt,315:Vt,316:Bt,317:jt,318:Ht,319:Jt,320:Yt,321:Wt,322:Xt,323:Kt,324:Qt,325:zt,326:Zt,327:637,330:er,331:tr,332:rr,333:nr},t(us,[2,711]),{99:Tt,112:At,114:625,115:yt,116:Nt,123:Ct,124:En,133:Ot,136:wt,138:It,139:xt,140:Dt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:Mt,171:Ut,179:_t,180:Ft,309:[1,1807],311:Pt,312:qt,313:Gt,315:Vt,316:Bt,317:jt,318:Ht,319:Jt,320:Yt,321:Wt,322:Xt,323:Kt,324:Qt,325:zt,326:Zt,327:637,330:er,331:tr,332:rr,333:nr},t(us,[2,709]),t(ua,[2,251]),{40:1808,79:75,89:c,184:99,189:f,240:[1,1809]},{40:1810,79:75,89:c,184:99,189:f},t(ua,[2,253]),{40:1811,79:75,89:c,184:99,189:f},t(ua,[2,254]),{40:1812,79:75,89:c,184:99,189:f},t(ri,[2,268]),{131:oe,196:1813},{249:[1,1814]},{249:[2,1100]},t(ci,[2,243]),t(ys,[2,249],{114:625,327:637,99:Tt,112:At,115:yt,116:Nt,123:Ct,124:En,133:Ot,136:wt,138:It,139:xt,140:Dt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:Mt,171:Ut,179:_t,180:Ft,311:Pt,312:qt,313:Gt,315:Vt,316:Bt,317:jt,318:Ht,319:Jt,320:Yt,321:Wt,322:Xt,323:Kt,324:Qt,325:zt,326:Zt,330:er,331:tr,332:rr,333:nr}),{2:n,3:168,4:a,5:s,56:165,77:ie,94:1660,111:149,113:153,131:oe,132:ue,137:ce,143:le,144:161,145:he,149:de,152:fe,154:pe,156:Q,158:167,179:be,180:Ee,181:ge,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,233:1815,235:1656,236:ni,237:ai,238:si,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:me,266:p,270:ve,271:Se,273:Te,280:Ae,281:ye,282:Ne,283:Ce,284:Re,285:Oe,286:we,287:Ie,288:xe,290:z,291:Z,292:ee,293:te,294:De,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:Me,299:Ue,302:_e,303:Fe,312:Pe,317:qe,419:190,420:Ge,424:Ve},{74:ui,78:[1,1816]},{74:ui,78:[1,1817]},t(qa,[2,1053],{97:1818,104:1819,3:1821,2:n,4:a,5:s,76:hi}),{2:n,3:168,4:a,5:s,56:165,77:ie,94:1824,103:1822,105:1823,111:149,113:153,131:oe,132:ue,137:ce,143:le,144:161,145:he,149:de,152:fe,154:pe,156:Q,158:167,179:be,180:Ee,181:ge,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:me,266:p,270:ve,271:Se,273:Te,280:Ae,281:ye,282:Ne,283:Ce,284:Re,285:Oe,286:we,287:Ie,288:xe,290:z,291:Z,292:ee,293:te,294:De,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:Me,299:Ue,302:_e,303:Fe,312:Pe,317:qe,419:190,420:Ge,424:Ve},{2:n,3:1011,4:a,5:s,100:1825,111:1440},t(Js,[2,215]),t(Ns,[2,173]),{2:n,3:1826,4:a,5:s},t(Ns,[2,175]),{2:n,3:1827,4:a,5:s},t(fn,[2,551]),t(fn,[2,1126]),t(fn,[2,549]),{78:[1,1828]},t(fn,[2,563]),{77:[1,1829]},{77:[2,1118]},{2:n,3:1831,4:a,5:s,132:di,372:1830},{77:[1,1833]},{77:[2,1124]},{2:n,3:1011,4:a,5:s,100:1834,111:1440},{2:n,3:1011,4:a,5:s,100:1835,111:1440},t(K,[2,612]),t(K,[2,721]),{343:[1,1837],344:[1,1836]},{339:ti,462:1838},{335:Bs,338:js,461:1839},t(ua,[2,252]),{40:1840,79:75,89:c,184:99,189:f},t(ua,[2,255]),t(ua,[2,257]),t(ua,[2,258]),t(ri,[2,271]),{131:[2,1101],250:1841,645:[1,1842]},{74:ui,78:[1,1843]},t(ci,[2,245]),t(ci,[2,246]),t(qa,[2,74]),t(qa,[2,1054]),{2:n,3:1844,4:a,5:s},t(qa,[2,78]),{74:[1,1846],78:[1,1845]},t(os,[2,80]),t(os,[2,81],{114:625,327:637,76:[1,1847],99:Tt,112:At,115:yt,116:Nt,123:Ct,124:En,133:Ot,136:wt,138:It,139:xt,140:Dt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:Mt,171:Ut,179:_t,180:Ft,311:Pt,312:qt,313:Gt,315:Vt,316:Bt,317:jt,318:Ht,319:Jt,320:Yt,321:Wt,322:Xt,323:Kt,324:Qt,325:zt,326:Zt,330:er,331:tr,332:rr,333:nr}),{74:as,78:[1,1848]},t(Ns,[2,174]),t(Ns,[2,176]),t(fn,[2,553]),{2:n,3:1831,4:a,5:s,132:di,372:1849},{74:fi,78:[1,1850]},t(os,[2,528]),t(os,[2,529]),{2:n,3:1011,4:a,5:s,100:1852,111:1440},{74:as,78:[1,1853]},{74:as,78:[1,1854]},{77:sa,143:le,144:979,145:ze,152:fe,181:ge,201:980,302:_e,342:1855,419:190,420:Ge,424:Ve},{344:[1,1856]},t(us,[2,710]),t(us,[2,712]),t(ua,[2,256]),{131:oe,196:1857},{131:[2,1102]},t(ci,[2,244]),t(qa,[2,77]),{78:[2,76]},{2:n,3:168,4:a,5:s,56:165,77:ie,94:1824,105:1858,111:149,113:153,131:oe,132:ue,137:ce,143:le,144:161,145:he,149:de,152:fe,154:pe,156:Q,158:167,179:be,180:Ee,181:ge,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:me,266:p,270:ve,271:Se,273:Te,280:Ae,281:ye,282:Ne,283:Ce,284:Re,285:Oe,286:we,287:Ie,288:xe,290:z,291:Z,292:ee,293:te,294:De,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:Me,299:Ue,302:_e,303:Fe,312:Pe,317:qe,419:190,420:Ge,424:Ve},{2:n,3:1859,4:a,5:s},{78:[1,1860]},{74:fi,78:[1,1861]},{374:[1,1862]},{2:n,3:1863,4:a,5:s,132:[1,1864]},{74:as,78:[1,1865]},t(Sn,[2,526]),t(Sn,[2,527]),t(us,[2,714],{74:Ua}),t(us,[2,716]),t(pi,[2,1103],{251:1866,766:[1,1867]}),t(os,[2,79]),t(os,[2,82]),t(qa,[2,1055],{3:1821,101:1868,104:1869,2:n,4:a,5:s,76:hi}),t(Sn,[2,518]),{2:n,3:244,4:a,5:s,199:1870},t(os,[2,530]),t(os,[2,531]),t(Sn,[2,525]),t(ri,[2,1105],{252:1871,415:[1,1872]}),t(pi,[2,1104]),t(qa,[2,75]),t(qa,[2,1056]),t(bi,[2,1119],{375:1873,377:1874,77:[1,1875]}),t(ri,[2,269]),t(ri,[2,1106]),t(Sn,[2,521],{376:1876,378:1877,230:[1,1878]}),t(bi,[2,1120]),{2:n,3:1831,4:a,5:s,132:di,372:1879},t(Sn,[2,519]),{230:[1,1881],379:1880},{338:[1,1882]},{74:fi,78:[1,1883]},t(Sn,[2,522]),{335:[1,1884]},{380:[1,1885]},t(bi,[2,520]),{380:[1,1886]},{381:[1,1887]},{381:[1,1888]},{230:[2,523]},t(Sn,[2,524])],defaultActions:{105:[2,6],194:[2,336],195:[2,337],196:[2,338],197:[2,339],198:[2,340],199:[2,341],200:[2,342],201:[2,343],202:[2,344],209:[2,695],591:[2,1142],653:[2,1107],654:[2,1108],710:[2,696],780:[2,1073],781:[2,1074],926:[2,446],927:[2,447],928:[2,448],987:[2,697],1288:[2,1152],1375:[2,1060],1433:[2,1150],1541:[2,507],1732:[2,1052],1777:[2,1100],1797:[2,1118],1800:[2,1124],1842:[2,1102],1845:[2,76],1887:[2,523]},parseError:function(e,t){if(!t.recoverable){var r=new Error(e);throw r.hash=t,r}this.trace(e)},parse:function(e){function t(e){for(var t=n.length-1,r=0;;){if(h.toString()in i[e])return r;if(0===e||t<2)return!1;t-=2,e=n[t],++r}}var r=this,n=[0],a=[null],s=[],i=this.table,o="",u=0,c=0,l=0,h=2,d=s.slice.call(arguments,1),f=Object.create(this.lexer),p={yy:{}};for(var b in this.yy)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.yy,b)&&(p.yy[b]=this.yy[b]);f.setInput(e,p.yy),p.yy.lexer=f,p.yy.parser=this,void 0===f.yylloc&&(f.yylloc={});var E=f.yylloc;s.push(E);var g=f.options&&f.options.ranges;"function"==typeof p.yy.parseError?this.parseError=p.yy.parseError:this.parseError=Object.getPrototypeOf(this).parseError;for(var m,v,S,T,A,y,N,C,R,O=function(){var e;return e=f.lex()||1,"number"!=typeof e&&(e=r.symbols_[e]||e),e},w={};;){if(S=n[n.length-1],this.defaultActions[S]?T=this.defaultActions[S]:(null!==m&&void 0!==m||(m=O()),T=i[S]&&i[S][m]),void 0===T||!T.length||!T[0]){var I,x="";if(l)1!==v&&(I=t(S));else{I=t(S),R=[];for(y in i[S])this.terminals_[y]&&y>h&&R.push("'"+this.terminals_[y]+"'");x=f.showPosition?"Parse error on line "+(u+1)+":\n"+f.showPosition()+"\nExpecting "+R.join(", ")+", got '"+(this.terminals_[m]||m)+"'":"Parse error on line "+(u+1)+": Unexpected "+(1==m?"end of input":"'"+(this.terminals_[m]||m)+"'"),this.parseError(x,{text:f.match,token:this.terminals_[m]||m,line:f.yylineno,loc:E,expected:R,recoverable:!1!==I})}if(3==l){if(1===m||1===v)throw new Error(x||"Parsing halted while starting to recover from another error.");c=f.yyleng,o=f.yytext,u=f.yylineno,E=f.yylloc,m=O()}if(!1===I)throw new Error(x||"Parsing halted. No suitable error recovery rule available.");!function(e){n.length=n.length-2*e,a.length=a.length-e,s.length=s.length-e}(I),v=m==h?null:m,m=h,S=n[n.length-1],T=i[S]&&i[S][h],l=3}if(T[0]instanceof Array&&T.length>1)throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: "+S+", token: "+m);switch(T[0]){case 1:n.push(m),a.push(f.yytext),s.push(f.yylloc),n.push(T[1]),m=null,v?(m=v,v=null):(c=f.yyleng,o=f.yytext,u=f.yylineno,E=f.yylloc,l>0&&l--);break;case 2:if(N=this.productions_[T[1]][1],w.$=a[a.length-N],w._$={first_line:s[s.length-(N||1)].first_line,last_line:s[s.length-1].last_line,first_column:s[s.length-(N||1)].first_column,last_column:s[s.length-1].last_column},g&&(w._$.range=[s[s.length-(N||1)].range[0],s[s.length-1].range[1]]),void 0!==(A=this.performAction.apply(w,[o,c,u,p.yy,T[1],a,s].concat(d))))return A;N&&(n=n.slice(0,-1*N*2),a=a.slice(0,-1*N),s=s.slice(0,-1*N)),n.push(this.productions_[T[1]][0]),a.push(w.$),s.push(w._$),C=i[n[n.length-2]][n[n.length-1]],n.push(C);break;case 3:return!0}}return!0}},gi=["A","ABSENT","ABSOLUTE","ACCORDING","ACTION","ADA","ADD","ADMIN","AFTER","ALWAYS","ASC","ASSERTION","ASSIGNMENT","ATTRIBUTE","ATTRIBUTES","BASE64","BEFORE","BERNOULLI","BLOCKED","BOM","BREADTH","C","CASCADE","CATALOG","CATALOG_NAME","CHAIN","CHARACTERISTICS","CHARACTERS","CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG","CHARACTER_SET_NAME","CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA","CLASS_ORIGIN","COBOL","COLLATION","COLLATION_CATALOG","COLLATION_NAME","COLLATION_SCHEMA","COLUMNS","COLUMN_NAME","COMMAND_FUNCTION","COMMAND_FUNCTION_CODE","COMMITTED","CONDITION_NUMBER","CONNECTION","CONNECTION_NAME","CONSTRAINTS","CONSTRAINT_CATALOG","CONSTRAINT_NAME","CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA","CONSTRUCTOR","CONTENT","CONTINUE","CONTROL","CURSOR_NAME","DATA","DATETIME_INTERVAL_CODE","DATETIME_INTERVAL_PRECISION","DB","DEFAULTS","DEFERRABLE","DEFERRED","DEFINED","DEFINER","DEGREE","DEPTH","DERIVED","DESC","DESCRIPTOR","DIAGNOSTICS","DISPATCH","DOCUMENT","DOMAIN","DYNAMIC_FUNCTION","DYNAMIC_FUNCTION_CODE","EMPTY","ENCODING","ENFORCED","EXCLUDE","EXCLUDING","EXPRESSION","FILE","FINAL","FIRST","FLAG","FOLLOWING","FORTRAN","FOUND","FS","G","GENERAL","GENERATED","GO","GOTO","GRANTED","HEX","HIERARCHY","ID","IGNORE","IMMEDIATE","IMMEDIATELY","IMPLEMENTATION","INCLUDING","INCREMENT","INDENT","INITIALLY","INPUT","INSTANCE","INSTANTIABLE","INSTEAD","INTEGRITY","INVOKER","ISOLATION","K","KEY","KEY_MEMBER","KEY_TYPE","LAST","LENGTH","LEVEL","LIBRARY","LIMIT","LINK","LOCATION","LOCATOR","M","MAP","MAPPING","MATCHED","MAXVALUE","MESSAGE_LENGTH","MESSAGE_OCTET_LENGTH","MESSAGE_TEXT","MINVALUE","MORE","MUMPS","NAME","NAMES","NAMESPACE","NESTING","NEXT","NFC","NFD","NFKC","NFKD","NIL","NORMALIZED","NULLABLE","NULLS","NUMBER","OBJECT","OCTETS","OFF","OPTION","OPTIONS","ORDERING","ORDINALITY","OTHERS","OUTPUT","OVERRIDING","P","PAD","PARAMETER_MODE","PARAMETER_NAME","PARAMETER_ORDINAL_POSITION","PARAMETER_SPECIFIC_CATALOG","PARAMETER_SPECIFIC_NAME","PARAMETER_SPECIFIC_SCHEMA","PARTIAL","PASCAL","PASSING","PASSTHROUGH","PATH","PERMISSION","PLACING","PLI","PRECEDING","PRESERVE","PRIOR","PRIVILEGES","PUBLIC","READ","RECOVERY","RELATIVE","REPEATABLE","REQUIRING","RESPECT","RESTART","RESTORE","RESTRICT","RETURNED_CARDINALITY","RETURNED_LENGTH","RETURNED_OCTET_LENGTH","RETURNED_SQLSTATE","RETURNING","ROLE","ROUTINE","ROUTINE_CATALOG","ROUTINE_NAME","ROUTINE_SCHEMA","ROW_COUNT","SCALE","SCHEMA","SCHEMA_NAME","SCOPE_CATALOG","SCOPE_NAME","SCOPE_SCHEMA","SECTION","SECURITY","SELECTIVE","SELF","SEQUENCE","SERIALIZABLE","SERVER","SERVER_NAME","SESSION","SETS","SIMPLE","SIZE","SOURCE","SPACE","SPECIFIC_NAME","STANDALONE","STATE","STATEMENT","STRIP","STRUCTURE","STYLE","SUBCLASS_ORIGIN","T","TABLE_NAME","TEMPORARY","TIES","TOKEN","TOP_LEVEL_COUNT","TRANSACTION","TRANSACTIONS_COMMITTED","TRANSACTIONS_ROLLED_BACK","TRANSACTION_ACTIVE","TRANSFORM","TRANSFORMS","TRIGGER_CATALOG","TRIGGER_NAME","TRIGGER_SCHEMA","TYPE","UNBOUNDED","UNCOMMITTED","UNDER","UNLINK","UNNAMED","UNTYPED","URI","USAGE","USER_DEFINED_TYPE_CATALOG","USER_DEFINED_TYPE_CODE","USER_DEFINED_TYPE_NAME","USER_DEFINED_TYPE_SCHEMA","VALID","VERSION","VIEW","WHITESPACE","WORK","WRAPPER","WRITE","XMLDECLARATION","XMLSCHEMA","YES","ZONE"];Ei.parseError=function(e,t){if(!(t.expected&&t.expected.indexOf("'LITERAL'")>-1&&/[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*/.test(t.token)&&gi.indexOf(t.token)>-1))throw 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n=this.match.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);this.match=this.match.substr(0,this.match.length-1),this.matched=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-1),r.length-1&&(this.yylineno-=r.length-1);var a=this.yylloc.range;return this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:r?(r.length===n.length?this.yylloc.first_column:0)+n[n.length-r.length].length-r[0].length:this.yylloc.first_column-t},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[a[0],a[0]+this.yyleng-t]),this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this},more:function(){return this._more=!0,this},reject:function(){return this.options.backtrack_lexer?(this._backtrack=!0,this):this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+". You can only invoke reject() in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion (options.backtrack_lexer = true).\n"+this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno})},less:function(e){this.unput(this.match.slice(e))},pastInput:function(){var e=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-this.match.length);return(e.length>20?"...":"")+e.substr(-20).replace(/\n/g,"")},upcomingInput:function(){var e=this.match;return e.length<20&&(e+=this._input.substr(0,20-e.length)),(e.substr(0,20)+(e.length>20?"...":"")).replace(/\n/g,"")},showPosition:function(){var e=this.pastInput(),t=new Array(e.length+1).join("-");return e+this.upcomingInput()+"\n"+t+"^"},test_match:function(e,t){var r,n,a;if(this.options.backtrack_lexer&&(a={yylineno:this.yylineno,yylloc:{first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.last_line,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:this.yylloc.last_column},yytext:this.yytext,match:this.match,matches:this.matches,matched:this.matched,yyleng:this.yyleng,offset:this.offset,_more:this._more,_input:this._input,yy:this.yy,conditionStack:this.conditionStack.slice(0),done:this.done},this.options.ranges&&(a.yylloc.range=this.yylloc.range.slice(0))),n=e[0].match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g),n&&(this.yylineno+=n.length),this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.last_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.last_column,last_column:n?n[n.length-1].length-n[n.length-1].match(/\r?\n?/)[0].length:this.yylloc.last_column+e[0].length},this.yytext+=e[0],this.match+=e[0],this.matches=e,this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[this.offset,this.offset+=this.yyleng]),this._more=!1,this._backtrack=!1,this._input=this._input.slice(e[0].length),this.matched+=e[0],r=this.performAction.call(this,this.yy,this,t,this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]),this.done&&this._input&&(this.done=!1),r)return r;if(this._backtrack){for(var s in a)this[s]=a[s];return!1}return!1},next:function(){if(this.done)return this.EOF;this._input||(this.done=!0);var e,t,r,n;this._more||(this.yytext="",this.match="");for(var a=this._currentRules(),s=0;st[0].length)){if(t=r,n=s,this.options.backtrack_lexer){if(!1!==(e=this.test_match(r,a[s])))return e;if(this._backtrack){t=!1;continue}return!1}if(!this.options.flex)break}return t?!1!==(e=this.test_match(t,a[n]))&&e:""===this._input?this.EOF:this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+". Unrecognized text.\n"+this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno})},lex:function(){var e=this.next();return e||this.lex()},begin:function(e){this.conditionStack.push(e)},popState:function(){return this.conditionStack.length-1>0?this.conditionStack.pop():this.conditionStack[0]},_currentRules:function(){return this.conditionStack.length&&this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]?this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]].rules:this.conditions.INITIAL.rules},topState:function(e){return e=this.conditionStack.length-1-Math.abs(e||0),e>=0?this.conditionStack[e]:"INITIAL"},pushState:function(e){this.begin(e)},stateStackSize:function(){return this.conditionStack.length},options:{"case-insensitive":!0},performAction:function(e,t,r,n){switch(r){case 0:return 266;case 1:return 302;case 2:return 420;case 3:return 299;case 4:case 5:return 5;case 6:case 7:return 296;case 8:case 9:return 132;case 10:return;case 11:break;case 12:return 316;case 13:return 319;case 14:return t.yytext="VALUE",89;case 15:return t.yytext="VALUE",189;case 16:return t.yytext="ROW",189;case 17:return t.yytext="COLUMN",189;case 18:return t.yytext="MATRIX",189;case 19:return t.yytext="INDEX",189;case 20:return t.yytext="RECORDSET",189;case 21:return t.yytext="TEXT",189;case 22:return t.yytext="SELECT",189;case 23:return 520;case 24:return 381;case 25:return 402;case 26:return 515;case 27:return 287;case 28:case 29:return 269;case 30:return 164;case 31:return 400;case 32:return 170;case 33:return 229;case 34:return 166;case 35:return 207;case 36:return 288;case 37:return 76;case 38:return 418;case 39:return 242;case 40:return 404;case 41:return 356;case 42:return 284;case 43:return 514;case 44:return 437;case 45:return 330;case 46:return 441;case 47:return 331;case 48:return 315;case 49:return 119;case 50:return 112;case 51:return 315;case 52:return 112;case 53:return 315;case 54:return 112;case 55:return 315;case 56:return 508;case 57:return 303;case 58:return 271;case 59:return 368;case 60:return 130;case 61:return"CLOSE";case 62:return 243;case 63:case 64:return 190;case 65:return 434;case 66:return 367;case 67:return 470;case 68:return 440;case 69:return 273;case 70:return 240;case 71:return 281;case 72:return 267;case 73:return 206;case 74:return 238;case 75:return 265;case 76:return"CURSOR";case 77:return 405;case 78:return 291;case 79:return 292;case 80:return 448;case 81:return 343;case 82:return 338;case 83:return"DELETED";case 84:return 242;case 85:return 406;case 86:return 185;case 87:return 396;case 88:return 447;case 89:return 135;case 90:return 306;case 91:return 389;case 92:return 310;case 93:return 314;case 94:return 169;case 95:case 96:return 508;case 97:return 298;case 98:return 14;case 99:return 295;case 100:return 249;case 101:return 285;case 102:return 95;case 103:return 373;case 104:return 183;case 105:return 227;case 106:return 268;case 107:return 313;case 108:return 602;case 109:return 472;case 110:return 232;case 111:return 236;case 112:return 239;case 113:return 156;case 114:return 356;case 115:return 332;case 116:return 99;case 117:return 193;case 118:return 212;case 119:return 224;case 120:return 516;case 121:return 339;case 122:return 213;case 123:return 168;case 124:return 293;case 125:return 198;case 126:return 223;case 127:return 370;case 128:return 286;case 129:return"LET";case 130:return 225;case 131:return 112;case 132:return 245;case 133:return 460;case 134:return 191;case 135:return 283;case 136:return 390;case 137:return 282;case 138:return 452;case 139:return 169;case 140:return 403;case 141:return 222;case 142:return 645;case 143:return 270;case 144:return 244;case 145:return 380;case 146:return 154;case 147:return 297;case 148:return 433;case 149:return 230;case 150:return 415;case 151:return 129;case 152:return 247;case 153:return"OPEN";case 154:return 416;case 155:return 171;case 156:return 118;case 157:return 208;case 158:return 276;case 159:return 172;case 160:return 279;case 161:return 765;case 162:return 93;case 163:return 16;case 164:return 369;case 165:return 442;case 166:return 678;case 167:return 15;case 168:return 414;case 169:return 194;case 170:return"REDUCE";case 171:return 374;case 172:return 311;case 173:return 517;case 174:return 682;case 175:return 107;case 176:return 401;case 177:return 175;case 178:return 290;case 179:return 443;case 180:return 687;case 181:case 182:return 173;case 183:return 226;case 184:return 436;case 185:return 237;case 186:return 150;case 187:return 766;case 188:return 405;case 189:return 89;case 190:return 228;case 191:case 192:return 146;case 193:return 409;case 194:return 334;case 195:return 417;case 196:return"STRATEGY";case 197:return"STORE";case 198:return 280;case 199:case 200:return 353;case 201:return 463;case 202:case 203:return 357;case 204:return 192;case 205:return 309;case 206:return"TIMEOUT";case 207:return 148;case 208:return 195;case 209:case 210:return 435;case 211:return 509;case 212:return 294;case 213:return 451;case 214:return 162;case 215:return 187;case 216:return 98;case 217:return 335;case 218:return 408;case 219:return 231;case 220:return 149;case 221:return 344;case 222:return 134;case 223:return 410;case 224:return 308;case 225:return 128;case 226:return 439;case 227:return 72;case 228:return 435;case 229:case 230:return 131;case 231:return 115;case 232:return 137;case 233:return 179;case 234:return 317;case 235:return 180;case 236:return 133;case 237:return 138;case 238:return 326;case 239:return 323;case 240:return 325;case 241:return 322;case 242:return 320;case 243:return 318;case 244:return 319;case 245:return 142;case 246:return 141;case 247:return 139;case 248:return 321;case 249:return 324;case 250:return 140;case 251:return 124;case 252:return 324;case 253:return 77;case 254:return 78;case 255:return 145;case 256:return 424;case 257:return 426;case 258:return 300;case 259:return 505;case 260:return 507;case 261:return 122;case 262:return 116;case 263:return 74;case 264:return 333;case 265:return 152;case 266:return 764;case 267:return 143;case 268:return 181;case 269:return 136;case 270:return 123;case 271:return 312;case 272:return 4;case 273:return 10;case 274:return"INVALID"}},
-rules:[/^(?:``([^\`])+``)/i,/^(?:\[\?\])/i,/^(?:@\[)/i,/^(?:ARRAY\[)/i,/^(?:\[([^\]])*?\])/i,/^(?:`([^\`])*?`)/i,/^(?:N(['](\\.|[^']|\\')*?['])+)/i,/^(?:X(['](\\.|[^']|\\')*?['])+)/i,/^(?:(['](\\.|[^']|\\')*?['])+)/i,/^(?:(["](\\.|[^"]|\\")*?["])+)/i,/^(?:--(.*?)($|\r\n|\r|\n))/i,/^(?:\s+)/i,/^(?:\|\|)/i,/^(?:\|)/i,/^(?:VALUE\s+OF\s+SEARCH\b)/i,/^(?:VALUE\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i,/^(?:ROW\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i,/^(?:COLUMN\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i,/^(?:MATRIX\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i,/^(?:INDEX\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i,/^(?:RECORDSET\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i,/^(?:TEXT\s+OF\s+SELECT\b)/i,/^(?:SELECT\b)/i,/^(?:ABSOLUTE\b)/i,/^(?:ACTION\b)/i,/^(?:ADD\b)/i,/^(?:AFTER\b)/i,/^(?:AGGR\b)/i,/^(?:AGGREGATE\b)/i,/^(?:AGGREGATOR\b)/i,/^(?:ALL\b)/i,/^(?:ALTER\b)/i,/^(?:AND\b)/i,/^(?:ANTI\b)/i,/^(?:ANY\b)/i,/^(?:APPLY\b)/i,/^(?:ARRAY\b)/i,/^(?:AS\b)/i,/^(?:ASSERT\b)/i,/^(?:ASC\b)/i,/^(?:ATTACH\b)/i,/^(?:AUTO(_)?INCREMENT\b)/i,/^(?:AVG\b)/i,/^(?:BEFORE\b)/i,/^(?:BEGIN\b)/i,/^(?:BETWEEN\b)/i,/^(?:BREAK\b)/i,/^(?:NOT\s+BETWEEN\b)/i,/^(?:NOT\s+LIKE\b)/i,/^(?:BY\b)/i,/^(?:~~\*)/i,/^(?:!~~\*)/i,/^(?:~~)/i,/^(?:!~~)/i,/^(?:ILIKE\b)/i,/^(?:NOT\s+ILIKE\b)/i,/^(?:CALL\b)/i,/^(?:CASE\b)/i,/^(?:CAST\b)/i,/^(?:CHECK\b)/i,/^(?:CLASS\b)/i,/^(?:CLOSE\b)/i,/^(?:COLLATE\b)/i,/^(?:COLUMN\b)/i,/^(?:COLUMNS\b)/i,/^(?:COMMIT\b)/i,/^(?:CONSTRAINT\b)/i,/^(?:CONTENT\b)/i,/^(?:CONTINUE\b)/i,/^(?:CONVERT\b)/i,/^(?:CORRESPONDING\b)/i,/^(?:COUNT\b)/i,/^(?:CREATE\b)/i,/^(?:CROSS\b)/i,/^(?:CUBE\b)/i,/^(?:CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\b)/i,/^(?:CURSOR\b)/i,/^(?:DATABASE(S)?)/i,/^(?:DATEADD\b)/i,/^(?:DATEDIFF\b)/i,/^(?:DECLARE\b)/i,/^(?:DEFAULT\b)/i,/^(?:DELETE\b)/i,/^(?:DELETED\b)/i,/^(?:DESC\b)/i,/^(?:DETACH\b)/i,/^(?:DISTINCT\b)/i,/^(?:DROP\b)/i,/^(?:ECHO\b)/i,/^(?:EDGE\b)/i,/^(?:END\b)/i,/^(?:ENUM\b)/i,/^(?:ELSE\b)/i,/^(?:ESCAPE\b)/i,/^(?:EXCEPT\b)/i,/^(?:EXEC\b)/i,/^(?:EXECUTE\b)/i,/^(?:EXISTS\b)/i,/^(?:EXPLAIN\b)/i,/^(?:FALSE\b)/i,/^(?:FETCH\b)/i,/^(?:FIRST\b)/i,/^(?:FOR\b)/i,/^(?:FOREIGN\b)/i,/^(?:FROM\b)/i,/^(?:FULL\b)/i,/^(?:FUNCTION\b)/i,/^(?:GLOB\b)/i,/^(?:GO\b)/i,/^(?:GRAPH\b)/i,/^(?:GROUP\b)/i,/^(?:GROUPING\b)/i,/^(?:HAVING\b)/i,/^(?:IF\b)/i,/^(?:IDENTITY\b)/i,/^(?:IS\b)/i,/^(?:IN\b)/i,/^(?:INDEX\b)/i,/^(?:INDEXED\b)/i,/^(?:INNER\b)/i,/^(?:INSTEAD\b)/i,/^(?:INSERT\b)/i,/^(?:INSERTED\b)/i,/^(?:INTERSECT\b)/i,/^(?:INTERVAL\b)/i,/^(?:INTO\b)/i,/^(?:JOIN\b)/i,/^(?:KEY\b)/i,/^(?:LAST\b)/i,/^(?:LET\b)/i,/^(?:LEFT\b)/i,/^(?:LIKE\b)/i,/^(?:LIMIT\b)/i,/^(?:MATCHED\b)/i,/^(?:MATRIX\b)/i,/^(?:MAX(\s+)?(?=\())/i,/^(?:MAX(\s+)?(?=(,|\))))/i,/^(?:MIN(\s+)?(?=\())/i,/^(?:MERGE\b)/i,/^(?:MINUS\b)/i,/^(?:MODIFY\b)/i,/^(?:NATURAL\b)/i,/^(?:NEXT\b)/i,/^(?:NEW\b)/i,/^(?:NOCASE\b)/i,/^(?:NO\b)/i,/^(?:NOT\b)/i,/^(?:NULL\b)/i,/^(?:OFF\b)/i,/^(?:ON\b)/i,/^(?:ONLY\b)/i,/^(?:OF\b)/i,/^(?:OFFSET\b)/i,/^(?:OPEN\b)/i,/^(?:OPTION\b)/i,/^(?:OR\b)/i,/^(?:ORDER\b)/i,/^(?:OUTER\b)/i,/^(?:OVER\b)/i,/^(?:PATH\b)/i,/^(?:PARTITION\b)/i,/^(?:PERCENT\b)/i,/^(?:PIVOT\b)/i,/^(?:PLAN\b)/i,/^(?:PRIMARY\b)/i,/^(?:PRINT\b)/i,/^(?:PRIOR\b)/i,/^(?:QUERY\b)/i,/^(?:READ\b)/i,/^(?:RECORDSET\b)/i,/^(?:REDUCE\b)/i,/^(?:REFERENCES\b)/i,/^(?:REGEXP\b)/i,/^(?:REINDEX\b)/i,/^(?:RELATIVE\b)/i,/^(?:REMOVE\b)/i,/^(?:RENAME\b)/i,/^(?:REPEAT\b)/i,/^(?:REPLACE\b)/i,/^(?:REQUIRE\b)/i,/^(?:RESTORE\b)/i,/^(?:RETURN\b)/i,/^(?:RETURNS\b)/i,/^(?:RIGHT\b)/i,/^(?:ROLLBACK\b)/i,/^(?:ROLLUP\b)/i,/^(?:ROW\b)/i,/^(?:ROWS\b)/i,/^(?:SCHEMA(S)?)/i,/^(?:SEARCH\b)/i,/^(?:SEMI\b)/i,/^(?:SET\b)/i,/^(?:SETS\b)/i,/^(?:SHOW\b)/i,/^(?:SOME\b)/i,/^(?:SOURCE\b)/i,/^(?:STRATEGY\b)/i,/^(?:STORE\b)/i,/^(?:SUM\b)/i,/^(?:TABLE\b)/i,/^(?:TABLES\b)/i,/^(?:TARGET\b)/i,/^(?:TEMP\b)/i,/^(?:TEMPORARY\b)/i,/^(?:TEXTSTRING\b)/i,/^(?:THEN\b)/i,/^(?:TIMEOUT\b)/i,/^(?:TO\b)/i,/^(?:TOP\b)/i,/^(?:TRAN\b)/i,/^(?:TRANSACTION\b)/i,/^(?:TRIGGER\b)/i,/^(?:TRUE\b)/i,/^(?:TRUNCATE\b)/i,/^(?:UNION\b)/i,/^(?:UNIQUE\b)/i,/^(?:UNPIVOT\b)/i,/^(?:UPDATE\b)/i,/^(?:USE\b)/i,/^(?:USING\b)/i,/^(?:VALUE\b)/i,/^(?:VALUES\b)/i,/^(?:VERTEX\b)/i,/^(?:VIEW\b)/i,/^(?:WHEN\b)/i,/^(?:WHERE\b)/i,/^(?:WHILE\b)/i,/^(?:WITH\b)/i,/^(?:WORK\b)/i,/^(?:(\d*[.])?\d+[eE]\d+)/i,/^(?:(\d*[.])?\d+)/i,/^(?:->)/i,/^(?:#)/i,/^(?:\+)/i,/^(?:-)/i,/^(?:\*)/i,/^(?:\/)/i,/^(?:%)/i,/^(?:!===)/i,/^(?:===)/i,/^(?:!==)/i,/^(?:==)/i,/^(?:>=)/i,/^(?:&)/i,/^(?:\|)/i,/^(?:<<)/i,/^(?:>>)/i,/^(?:>)/i,/^(?:<=)/i,/^(?:<>)/i,/^(?:<)/i,/^(?:=)/i,/^(?:!=)/i,/^(?:\()/i,/^(?:\))/i,/^(?:@)/i,/^(?:\{)/i,/^(?:\})/i,/^(?:\])/i,/^(?::-)/i,/^(?:\?-)/i,/^(?:\.\.)/i,/^(?:\.)/i,/^(?:,)/i,/^(?:::)/i,/^(?::)/i,/^(?:;)/i,/^(?:\$)/i,/^(?:\?)/i,/^(?:!)/i,/^(?:\^)/i,/^(?:~)/i,/^(?:[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)/i,/^(?:$)/i,/^(?:.)/i],conditions:{INITIAL:{rules:[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255,256,257,258,259,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268,269,270,271,272,273,274],inclusive:!0}}}}();return 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c(){}function l(){return new TypeError("You cannot resolve a promise with itself")}function h(){return new TypeError("A promises callback cannot return that same promise.")}function d(e){try{return e.then}catch(e){return ae.error=e,ae}}function f(e,t,r,n){try{e.call(t,r,n)}catch(e){return e}}function p(e,t,r){H(function(e){var n=!1,a=f(r,t,function(r){n||(n=!0,t!==r?g(e,r):v(e,r))},function(t){n||(n=!0,S(e,t))},"Settle: "+(e._label||" unknown promise"));!n&&a&&(n=!0,S(e,a))},e)}function b(e,t){t._state===re?v(e,t._result):t._state===ne?S(e,t._result):T(t,void 0,function(t){g(e,t)},function(t){S(e,t)})}function E(e,r,n){r.constructor===e.constructor&&n===z&&constructor.resolve===Z?b(e,r):n===ae?S(e,ae.error):void 0===n?v(e,r):t(n)?p(e,r,n):v(e,r)}function g(t,r){t===r?S(t,l()):e(r)?E(t,r,d(r)):v(t,r)}function m(e){e._onerror&&e._onerror(e._result),y(e)}function v(e,t){e._state===te&&(e._result=t,e._state=re,0!==e._subscribers.length&&H(y,e))}function S(e,t){e._state===te&&(e._state=ne,e._result=t,H(m,e))}function T(e,t,r,n){var a=e._subscribers,s=a.length;e._onerror=null,a[s]=t,a[s+re]=r,a[s+ne]=n,0===s&&e._state&&H(y,e)}function y(e){var t=e._subscribers,r=e._state;if(0!==t.length){for(var n,a,s=e._result,i=0;is;s++)t.resolve(e[s]).then(r,n)}:function(e,t){t(new TypeError("You must pass an array to race."))})}function k(e){var t=this,r=new t(c);return S(r,e),r}function L(){throw new TypeError("You must pass a resolver function as the first argument to the promise constructor")}function $(){throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'Promise': Please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function.")}function M(e){this[ee]=w(),this._result=this._state=void 0,this._subscribers=[],c!==e&&("function"!=typeof e&&L(),this instanceof M?O(this,e):$())}function U(e,t){this._instanceConstructor=e,this.promise=new e(c),this.promise[ee]||I(this.promise),Array.isArray(t)?(this._input=t,this.length=t.length,this._remaining=t.length,this._result=new Array(this.length),0===this.length?v(this.promise,this._result):(this.length=this.length||0,this._enumerate(),0===this._remaining&&v(this.promise,this._result))):S(this.promise,_())}function _(){return new Error("Array Methods must be provided an Array")}function F(){var e;if("undefined"!=typeof global)e=global;else if("undefined"!=typeof self)e=self;else try{e=Function("return this")()}catch(e){throw new Error("polyfill failed because global object is unavailable in this environment")}var t=e.Promise;(!t||"[object Promise]"!==Object.prototype.toString.call(t.resolve())||t.cast)&&(e.Promise=le)}var P;P=Array.isArray?Array.isArray:function(e){return"[object Array]"===Object.prototype.toString.call(e)};var q,G,V,B=P,j=0,H=function(e,t){Q[j]=e,Q[j+1]=t,2===(j+=2)&&(G?G(i):V())},J="undefined"!=typeof window?window:void 0,Y=J||{},W=Y.MutationObserver||Y.WebKitMutationObserver,X="undefined"==typeof self&&"undefined"!=typeof process&&"[object process]"==={}.toString.call(process),K="undefined"!=typeof Uint8ClampedArray&&"undefined"!=typeof importScripts&&"undefined"!=typeof MessageChannel,Q=new Array(1e3);V=X?function(){return function(){process.nextTick(i)}}():W?function(){var e=0,t=new W(i),r=document.createTextNode("");return t.observe(r,{characterData:!0}),function(){r.data=e=++e%2}}():K?function(){var e=new MessageChannel;return e.port1.onmessage=i,function(){e.port2.postMessage(0)}}():void 0===J&&"function"==typeof A?function(){try{var e=A,t=e("vertx");return q=t.runOnLoop||t.runOnContext,a()}catch(e){return s()}}():s();var z=o,Z=u,ee=Math.random().toString(36).substring(16),te=void 0,re=1,ne=2,ae=new N,se=new N,ie=0,oe=x,ue=D,ce=k,le=M;M.all=oe,M.race=ue,M.resolve=Z,M.reject=ce,M._setScheduler=r,M._setAsap=n,M._asap=H,M.prototype={constructor:M,then:z,catch:function(e){return this.then(null,e)}};var he=U;U.prototype._enumerate=function(){for(var e=this.length,t=this._input,r=0;this._state===te&&e>r;r++)this._eachEntry(t[r],r)},U.prototype._eachEntry=function(e,t){var r=this._instanceConstructor,n=r.resolve;if(n===Z){var a=d(e);if(a===z&&e._state!==te)this._settledAt(e._state,t,e._result);else if("function"!=typeof a)this._remaining--,this._result[t]=e;else if(r===le){var s=new r(c);E(s,e,a),this._willSettleAt(s,t)}else this._willSettleAt(new r(function(t){t(e)}),t)}else this._willSettleAt(n(e),t)},U.prototype._settledAt=function(e,t,r){var n=this.promise;n._state===te&&(this._remaining--,e===ne?S(n,r):this._result[t]=r),0===this._remaining&&v(n,this._result)},U.prototype._willSettleAt=function(e,t){var r=this;T(e,void 0,function(e){r._settledAt(re,t,e)},function(e){r._settledAt(ne,t,e)})};var de=F,fe={Promise:le,polyfill:de};"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(function(){return fe}):"undefined"!=typeof module&&module.exports?module.exports=fe:void 0!==this&&(this.ES6Promise=fe),de()}.call(this);var B=function(e,t,r,n){return new N.global.Promise(function(a,s){T(e,t,function(e,t){t?s(t):(r&&n&&!1!==T.options.progress&&T.options.progress(r,n),a(e))})})},j=function(e){if(!(e.length<1)){for(var t,r,n,a=[],s=0;s0?{status:1,values:n}:{status:-1,values:[]}}return"object"!=typeof e||null===e||"object"!=typeof t||void 0===e[t[0]]?{status:-1,values:[]}:{status:1,values:[e[t[0]]]}},T.srch.APROP=function(e,t){return"object"!=typeof e||null===e||"object"!=typeof t||void 0===e[t[0]]?{status:1,values:[void 0]}:{status:1,values:[e[t[0]]]}},T.srch.EQ=function(e,t,r,n){var a=t[0].toJS("x","");return e===new Function("x,alasql,params","return "+a)(e,T,n)?{status:1,values:[e]}:{status:-1,values:[]}},T.srch.LIKE=function(e,t,r,n){var a=t[0].toJS("x",""),s=new Function("x,alasql,params","return "+a);return e.toUpperCase().match(new 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e.children[t]})}:{status:1,values:Object.keys(e).map(function(t){return e[t]})}:{status:1,values:[]}},T.srch.KEYS=function(e){return"object"==typeof e&&null!==e?{status:1,values:Object.keys(e)}:{status:1,values:[]}},T.srch.WHERE=function(e,t,r,n){var a=t[0].toJS("x","");return new Function("x,alasql,params","return "+a)(e,T,n)?{status:1,values:[e]}:{status:-1,values:[]}},T.srch.NAME=function(e,t){return e.name===t[0]?{status:1,values:[e]}:{status:-1,values:[]}},T.srch.CLASS=function(e,t){return e.$class==t?{status:1,values:[e]}:{status:-1,values:[]}},T.srch.VERTEX=function(e){return"VERTEX"===e.$node?{status:1,values:[e]}:{status:-1,values:[]}},T.srch.INSTANCEOF=function(e,t){return e instanceof T.fn[t[0]]?{status:1,values:[e]}:{status:-1,values:[]}},T.srch.EDGE=function(e){return"EDGE"===e.$node?{status:1,values:[e]}:{status:-1,values:[]}},T.srch.EX=function(e,t,r,n){var a=t[0].toJS("x","");return{status:1,values:[new Function("x,alasql,params","return "+a)(e,T,n)]}},T.srch.RETURN=function(e,t,r,n){var a={};return t&&t.length>0&&t.forEach(function(t){var r=t.toJS("x",""),s=new Function("x,alasql,params","return "+r);void 0===t.as&&(t.as=t.toString()),a[t.as]=s(e,T,n)}),{status:1,values:[a]}},T.srch.REF=function(e){return{status:1,values:[T.databases[T.useid].objects[e]]}},T.srch.OUT=function(e){if(e.$out&&e.$out.length>0){return{status:1,values:e.$out.map(function(e){return T.databases[T.useid].objects[e]})}}return{status:-1,values:[]}},T.srch.OUTOUT=function(e){if(e.$out&&e.$out.length>0){var t=[];return e.$out.forEach(function(e){var r=T.databases[T.useid].objects[e];r&&r.$out&&r.$out.length>0&&r.$out.forEach(function(e){t=t.concat(T.databases[T.useid].objects[e])})}),{status:1,values:t}}return{status:-1,values:[]}},T.srch.IN=function(e){if(e.$in&&e.$in.length>0){return{status:1,values:e.$in.map(function(e){return T.databases[T.useid].objects[e]})}}return{status:-1,values:[]}},T.srch.ININ=function(e){if(e.$in&&e.$in.length>0){var t=[];return e.$in.forEach(function(e){var r=T.databases[T.useid].objects[e];r&&r.$in&&r.$in.length>0&&r.$in.forEach(function(e){t=t.concat(T.databases[T.useid].objects[e])})}),{status:1,values:t}}return{status:-1,values:[]}},T.srch.AS=function(e,t){return T.vars[t[0]]=e,{status:1,values:[e]}},T.srch.AT=function(e,t){return{status:1,values:[T.vars[t[0]]]}},T.srch.CLONEDEEP=function(e){
-return{status:1,values:[_(e)]}},T.srch.SET=function(e,t,r,n){var a=t.map(function(e){return"@"===e.method?"alasql.vars['"+e.variable+"']="+e.expression.toJS("x",""):"$"===e.method?"params['"+e.variable+"']="+e.expression.toJS("x",""):"x['"+e.column.columnid+"']="+e.expression.toJS("x","")}).join(";");return new Function("x,params,alasql",a)(e,n,T),{status:1,values:[e]}},T.srch.ROW=function(e,t,r,n){var a="var y;return [";return a+=t.map(function(e){return e.toJS("x","")}).join(","),a+="]",{status:1,values:[new Function("x,params,alasql",a)(e,n,T)]}},T.srch.D3=function(e){return"VERTEX"!==e.$node&&"EDGE"===e.$node&&(e.source=e.$in[0],e.target=e.$out[0]),{status:1,values:[e]}};var Q=function(e){if(e){if(e&&1===e.length&&e[0].expression&&"function"==typeof e[0].expression){var t=e[0].expression;return function(e,r){var n=t(e),a=t(r);return n>a?1:n===a?0:-1}}var r="",n="";return e.forEach(function(e){var t="";if(e.expression instanceof X.NumValue&&(e.expression=self.columns[e.expression.value-1]),e.expression instanceof X.Column){var a=e.expression.columnid;T.options.valueof&&(t=".valueOf()"),e.nocase&&(t+=".toUpperCase()"),"_"===a?(r+="if(a"+t+("ASC"===e.direction?">":"<")+"b"+t+")return 1;",r+="if(a"+t+"==b"+t+"){"):(r+="if((a['"+a+"']||'')"+t+("ASC"===e.direction?">":"<")+"(b['"+a+"']||'')"+t+")return 1;",r+="if((a['"+a+"']||'')"+t+"==(b['"+a+"']||'')"+t+"){")}else t=".valueOf()",e.nocase&&(t+=".toUpperCase()"),r+="if(("+e.toJS("a","")+"||'')"+t+("ASC"===e.direction?">(":"<(")+e.toJS("b","")+"||'')"+t+")return 1;",r+="if(("+e.toJS("a","")+"||'')"+t+"==("+e.toJS("b","")+"||'')"+t+"){";n+="}"}),r+="return 0;",r+=n+"return -1",new Function("a,b",r)}};T.srch.ORDERBY=function(e,t){return{status:1,values:e.sort(Q(t))}};var z=function(e){for(var 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W;if(n.removeKeys=[],n.aggrKeys=[],n.explain=this.explain,n.explaination=[],n.explid=1,n.modifier=this.modifier,n.database=r,this.compileWhereExists(n),this.compileQueries(n),n.defcols=this.compileDefCols(n,e),n.fromfn=this.compileFrom(n),this.joins&&this.compileJoins(n),n.rownums=[],this.compileSelectGroup0(n),this.group||n.selectGroup.length>0?n.selectgfns=this.compileSelectGroup1(n):n.selectfns=this.compileSelect1(n,t),this.compileRemoveColumns(n),this.where&&this.compileWhereJoins(n),n.wherefn=this.compileWhere(n),(this.group||n.selectGroup.length>0)&&(n.groupfn=this.compileGroup(n)),this.having&&(n.havingfn=this.compileHaving(n)),this.order&&(n.orderfn=this.compileOrder(n)),this.group||n.selectGroup.length>0?n.selectgfn=this.compileSelectGroup2(n):n.selectfn=this.compileSelect2(n),n.distinct=this.distinct,this.pivot&&(n.pivotfn=this.compilePivot(n)),this.unpivot&&(n.pivotfn=this.compileUnpivot(n)),this.top?n.limit=this.top.value:this.limit&&(n.limit=this.limit.value,this.offset&&(n.offset=this.offset.value)),n.percent=this.percent,n.corresponding=this.corresponding,this.union?(n.unionfn=this.union.compile(e),this.union.order?n.orderfn=this.union.compileOrder(n):n.orderfn=null):this.unionall?(n.unionallfn=this.unionall.compile(e),this.unionall.order?n.orderfn=this.unionall.compileOrder(n):n.orderfn=null):this.except?(n.exceptfn=this.except.compile(e),this.except.order?n.orderfn=this.except.compileOrder(n):n.orderfn=null):this.intersect&&(n.intersectfn=this.intersect.compile(e),this.intersect.order?n.intersectfn=this.intersect.compileOrder(n):n.orderfn=null),this.into){if(this.into instanceof X.Table)T.options.autocommit&&T.databases[this.into.databaseid||e].engineid?n.intoallfns='return alasql.engines["'+T.databases[this.into.databaseid||e].engineid+'"].intoTable("'+(this.into.databaseid||e)+'","'+this.into.tableid+'",this.data, columns, cb);':n.intofns="alasql.databases['"+(this.into.databaseid||e)+"'].tables['"+this.into.tableid+"'].data.push(r);";else if(this.into instanceof X.VarValue)n.intoallfns='alasql.vars["'+this.into.variable+'"]=this.data;res=this.data.length;if(cb)res=cb(res);return res;';else if(this.into instanceof X.FuncValue){var a="return alasql.into['"+this.into.funcid.toUpperCase()+"'](";this.into.args&&this.into.args.length>0?(a+=this.into.args[0].toJS()+",",this.into.args.length>1?a+=this.into.args[1].toJS()+",":a+="undefined,"):a+="undefined, undefined,",n.intoallfns=a+"this.data,columns,cb)"}else this.into instanceof X.ParamValue&&(n.intofns="params['"+this.into.param+"'].push(r)");n.intofns?n.intofn=new Function("r,i,params,alasql","var y;"+n.intofns):n.intoallfns&&(n.intoallfn=new Function("columns,cb,params,alasql","var y;"+n.intoallfns))}var s=function(e,t,r){return n.params=e,i(n,r,function(e){if(n.rownums.length>0)for(var r=0,a=e.length;r0?(t.args[0]?n+=t.args[0].toJS("query.oldscope")+",":n+="null,",t.args[1]?n+=t.args[1].toJS("query.oldscope")+",":n+="null,"):n+="null,null,",n+="cb,idx,query",n+=");/*if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);*/return res",s.datafn=new Function("query, params, cb, idx, alasql",n);else{if(!(t instanceof X.FromData))throw new Error("Wrong table at FROM");s.datafn=function(e,r,n,a,s){var i=t.data;return n&&(i=n(i,a,e)),i}}e.sources.push(s)}),e.defaultTableid=e.sources[0].alias)},T.prepareFromData=function(e,t){var r,n,a=e;if("string"==typeof e){if(a=e.split(/\r?\n/),t)for(r=0,n=a.length;r0?(t.args[0]?o+=t.args[0].toJS("query.oldscope")+",":o+="null,",t.args[1]?o+=t.args[1].toJS("query.oldscope")+",":o+="null,"):o+="null,null,",o+="cb,idx,query",o+=");/*if(cb)res=cb(res,idx,query);*/return res",s.datafn=new Function("query, params, cb, idx, alasql",o),e.aliases[s.alias]={type:"funcvalue"}}var u=s.alias;if(t.natural){if(t.using||t.on)throw new Error("NATURAL JOIN cannot have USING or ON clauses");if(e.sources.length>0){var c=e.sources[e.sources.length-1],l=T.databases[c.databaseid].tables[c.tableid],h=T.databases[s.databaseid].tables[s.tableid];if(!l||!h)throw new Error("In this version of Alasql NATURAL JOIN works for tables with predefined columns only");var d=l.columns.map(function(e){return e.columnid}),f=h.columns.map(function(e){return e.columnid});t.using=L(d,f).map(function(e){return{columnid:e}})}}if(t.using)c=e.sources[e.sources.length-1],s.onleftfns=t.using.map(function(e){return"p['"+(c.alias||c.tableid)+"']['"+e.columnid+"']"}).join('+"`"+'),s.onleftfn=new Function("p,params,alasql","var y;return "+s.onleftfns),s.onrightfns=t.using.map(function(e){return"p['"+(s.alias||s.tableid)+"']['"+e.columnid+"']"}).join('+"`"+'),s.onrightfn=new Function("p,params,alasql","var y;return "+s.onrightfns),s.optimization="ix";else if(t.on)if(t.on instanceof X.Op&&"="===t.on.op&&!t.on.allsome){s.optimization="ix";var p="",b="",E="",g=!1,m=t.on.left.toJS("p",e.defaultTableid,e.defcols),v=t.on.right.toJS("p",e.defaultTableid,e.defcols);m.indexOf("p['"+u+"']")>-1&&!(v.indexOf("p['"+u+"']")>-1)?(m.match(/p\['.*?'\]/g)||[]).every(function(e){return e==="p['"+u+"']"})?b=m:g=!0:!(m.indexOf("p['"+u+"']")>-1)&&v.indexOf("p['"+u+"']")>-1&&(v.match(/p\['.*?'\]/g)||[]).every(function(e){return e==="p['"+u+"']"})?p=m:g=!0,v.indexOf("p['"+u+"']")>-1&&!(m.indexOf("p['"+u+"']")>-1)?(v.match(/p\['.*?'\]/g)||[]).every(function(e){return e==="p['"+u+"']"})?b=v:g=!0:!(v.indexOf("p['"+u+"']")>-1)&&m.indexOf("p['"+u+"']")>-1&&(m.match(/p\['.*?'\]/g)||[]).every(function(e){return e==="p['"+u+"']"})?p=v:g=!0,g&&(b="",p="",E=t.on.toJS("p",e.defaultTableid,e.defcols),s.optimization="no"),s.onleftfns=p,s.onrightfns=b,s.onmiddlefns=E||"true",s.onleftfn=new Function("p,params,alasql","var y;return "+s.onleftfns),s.onrightfn=new Function("p,params,alasql","var y;return "+s.onrightfns),s.onmiddlefn=new Function("p,params,alasql","var y;return "+s.onmiddlefns)}else s.optimization="no",s.onmiddlefns=t.on.toJS("p",e.defaultTableid,e.defcols),s.onmiddlefn=new Function("p,params,alasql","var y;return "+t.on.toJS("p",e.defaultTableid,e.defcols));e.sources.push(s)})},X.Select.prototype.compileWhere=function(e){if(this.where){if("function"==typeof this.where)return this.where;var t=this.where.toJS("p",e.defaultTableid,e.defcols);return e.wherefns=t,new Function("p,params,alasql","var y;return "+t)}return function(){return!0}},X.Select.prototype.compileWhereJoins=function(e){},X.Select.prototype.compileGroup=function(e){if(e.sources.length>0)var t=e.sources[0].alias;else var t="";var r=e.defcols,n=[[]];this.group&&(n=p(this.group,e));var a=[];n.forEach(function(e){a=D(a,e)}),e.allgroups=a,e.ingroup=[];var s="";return n.forEach(function(n){s+="var 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X.AggrValue?(n.distinct&&(u+=",g['$$_VALUES_"+s+"']={},g['$$_VALUES_"+s+"']["+a+"]=true"),"SUM"===n.aggregatorid?"'"+s+"':("+a+")||0,":"MIN"===n.aggregatorid||"MAX"===n.aggregatorid||"FIRST"===n.aggregatorid||"LAST"===n.aggregatorid?"'"+s+"':"+a+",":"ARRAY"===n.aggregatorid?"'"+s+"':["+a+"],":"COUNT"===n.aggregatorid?"*"===n.expression.columnid?"'"+s+"':1,":"'"+s+"':(typeof "+a+' != "undefined")?1:0,':"AVG"===n.aggregatorid?(e.removeKeys.push("_SUM_"+s),e.removeKeys.push("_COUNT_"+s),"'"+s+"':"+a+",'_SUM_"+s+"':("+a+")||0,'_COUNT_"+s+"':(typeof "+a+' != "undefined")?1:0,'):"AGGR"===n.aggregatorid?(u+=",g['"+s+"']="+n.expression.toJS("g",-1),""):"REDUCE"===n.aggregatorid?(e.aggrKeys.push(n),"'"+s+"':alasql.aggr['"+n.funcid+"']("+a+",undefined,1),"):""):""}).join(""),s+="}"+u+",g));"+c+"} else {",s+=e.selectGroup.map(function(e){var n=e.nick,a=e.expression.toJS("p",t,r);if(e instanceof X.AggrValue){var s="",i="";if(e.distinct)var s="if(typeof "+a+'!="undefined" && (!g[\'$$_VALUES_'+n+"']["+a+"])) \t\t\t\t \t\t {",i="g['$$_VALUES_"+n+"']["+a+"]=true;}";return"SUM"===e.aggregatorid?s+"g['"+n+"']+=("+a+"||0);"+i:"COUNT"===e.aggregatorid?"*"===e.expression.columnid?s+"g['"+n+"']++;"+i:s+"if(typeof "+a+'!="undefined") g[\''+n+"']++;"+i:"ARRAY"===e.aggregatorid?s+"g['"+n+"'].push("+a+");"+i:"MIN"===e.aggregatorid?s+"g['"+n+"']=Math.min(g['"+n+"'],"+a+");"+i:"MAX"===e.aggregatorid?s+"g['"+n+"']=Math.max(g['"+n+"'],"+a+");"+i:"FIRST"===e.aggregatorid?"":"LAST"===e.aggregatorid?s+"g['"+n+"']="+a+";"+i:"AVG"===e.aggregatorid?s+"g['_SUM_"+n+"']+=(y="+a+")||0;g['_COUNT_"+n+"']+=(typeof y!=\"undefined\")?1:0;g['"+n+"']=g['_SUM_"+n+"']/g['_COUNT_"+n+"'];"+i:"AGGR"===e.aggregatorid?s+"g['"+n+"']="+e.expression.toJS("g",-1)+";"+i:"REDUCE"===e.aggregatorid?s+"g['"+n+"']=alasql.aggr."+e.funcid+"("+a+",g['"+n+"'],2);"+i:""}return""}).join(""),s+="}"}),new Function("p,params,alasql","var y;"+s)},X.Select.prototype.compileSelect1=function(t,r){var n=this;t.columns=[],t.xcolumns={},t.selectColumns={},t.dirtyColumns=!1;var a="var r={",s="",i=[];return this.columns.forEach(function(a){if(a instanceof X.Column)if("*"===a.columnid)if(a.func)s+="r=params['"+a.param+"'](p['"+t.sources[0].alias+"'],p,params,alasql);";else if(a.tableid){var o=f(t,a.tableid,!1);o.s&&(i=i.concat(o.s)),s+=o.sp}else for(var u in t.aliases){var o=f(t,u,!0);o.s&&(i=i.concat(o.s)),s+=o.sp}else{var c=a.tableid,l=a.databaseid||t.sources[0].databaseid||t.database.databaseid;if(c||(c=t.defcols[a.columnid]),c||(c=t.defaultTableid),"_"!==a.columnid){var h=r&&r.length>1&&Array.isArray(r[0])&&r[0].length>=1&&r[0][0].hasOwnProperty("sheetid");h?s='var r={};var w=p["'+c+'"];var cols=['+n.columns.map(function(e){return"'"+e.columnid+"'"}).join(",")+"];var colas=["+n.columns.map(function(e){return"'"+(e.as||e.columnid)+"'"}).join(",")+"];for (var i=0;i0){var b=p[a.columnid];if(void 0===b)throw new Error("Column does not exists: "+a.columnid);var E={columnid:a.as||a.columnid,dbtypeid:b.dbtypeid,dbsize:b.dbsize,dbpecision:b.dbprecision,dbenum:b.dbenum};t.columns.push(E),t.xcolumns[E.columnid]=E}else{var E={columnid:a.as||a.columnid};t.columns.push(E),t.xcolumns[E.columnid]=E,t.dirtyColumns=!0}}else{var E={columnid:a.as||a.columnid};t.columns.push(E),t.xcolumns[E.columnid]=E}}else if(a instanceof X.AggrValue){n.group||(n.group=[""]),a.as||(a.as=C(a.toString())),"SUM"===a.aggregatorid||"MAX"===a.aggregatorid||"MIN"===a.aggregatorid||"FIRST"===a.aggregatorid||"LAST"===a.aggregatorid||"AVG"===a.aggregatorid||"ARRAY"===a.aggregatorid||"REDUCE"===a.aggregatorid?i.push("'"+C(a.as)+"':"+e(a.expression.toJS("p",t.defaultTableid,t.defcols))):"COUNT"===a.aggregatorid&&i.push("'"+C(a.as)+"':1");var E={columnid:a.as||a.columnid||a.toString()};t.columns.push(E),t.xcolumns[E.columnid]=E}else{i.push("'"+C(a.as||a.columnid||a.toString())+"':"+e(a.toJS("p",t.defaultTableid,t.defcols))),t.selectColumns[C(a.as||a.columnid||a.toString())]=!0;var E={columnid:a.as||a.columnid||a.toString()};t.columns.push(E),t.xcolumns[E.columnid]=E}}),a+=i.join(",")+"};"+s},X.Select.prototype.compileSelect2=function(e){var t=e.selectfns;return this.orderColumns&&this.orderColumns.length>0&&this.orderColumns.forEach(function(r,n){var a="$$$"+n;r instanceof X.Column&&e.xcolumns[r.columnid]?t+="r['"+a+"']=r['"+r.columnid+"'];":t+="r['"+a+"']="+r.toJS("p",e.defaultTableid,e.defcols)+";",e.removeKeys.push(a)}),new Function("p,params,alasql","var y;"+t+"return r")},X.Select.prototype.compileSelectGroup0=function(e){var t=this;t.columns.forEach(function(r,n){if(r instanceof X.Column&&"*"===r.columnid)e.groupStar=r.tableid||"default";else{var a;a=C(r instanceof X.Column?r.columnid:r.toString(!0));for(var s=0;s-1&&(r+="r['"+(t.as||t.nick)+"']=g['"+t.nick+"'];")}),this.orderColumns&&this.orderColumns.length>0&&this.orderColumns.forEach(function(t,n){var a="$$$"+n;t instanceof X.Column&&e.groupColumns[t.columnid]?r+="r['"+a+"']=r['"+t.columnid+"'];":r+="r['"+a+"']="+t.toJS("g","")+";",e.removeKeys.push(a)}),new Function("g,params,alasql","var y;"+r+"return r")},X.Select.prototype.compileRemoveColumns=function(e){void 0!==this.removecolumns&&(e.removeKeys=e.removeKeys.concat(this.removecolumns.filter(function(e){return void 0===e.like}).map(function(e){return e.columnid})),e.removeLikeKeys=this.removecolumns.filter(function(e){return void 0!==e.like}).map(function(e){return e.like.value}))},X.Select.prototype.compileHaving=function(e){if(this.having){var t=this.having.toJS("g",-1);return e.havingfns=t,new Function("g,params,alasql","var y;return "+t)}return function(){return!0}},X.Select.prototype.compileOrder=function(e){var t=this;if(t.orderColumns=[],this.order){if(this.order&&1==this.order.length&&this.order[0].expression&&"function"==typeof this.order[0].expression){var r=this.order[0].expression;return function(e,t){var n=r(e),a=r(t);return n>a?1:n==a?0:-1}}var n="",a="";return this.order.forEach(function(r,s){if(r.expression instanceof X.NumValue)var i=t.columns[r.expression.value-1];else var i=r.expression;t.orderColumns.push(i);var o="$$$"+s,u="";if(r.expression instanceof X.Column){var c=r.expression.columnid;if(e.xcolumns[c]){var l=e.xcolumns[c].dbtypeid;"DATE"!=l&&"DATETIME"!=l&&"DATETIME2"!=l||(u=".valueOf()")}else T.options.valueof&&(u=".valueOf()")}r.nocase&&(u+=".toUpperCase()"),n+="if((a['"+o+"']||'')"+u+("ASC"==r.direction?">":"<")+"(b['"+o+"']||'')"+u+")return 1;",n+="if((a['"+o+"']||'')"+u+"==(b['"+o+"']||'')"+u+"){",a+="}"}),n+="return 0;",n+=a+"return -1",e.orderfns=n,new Function("a,b","var y;"+n)}},X.Select.prototype.compilePivot=function(e){var t=this,r=t.pivot.columnid,n=t.pivot.expr.expression.columnid,a=t.pivot.expr.aggregatorid,s=t.pivot.inlist;return s&&(s=s.map(function(e){return e.expr.columnid})),function(){var e=this,t=e.columns.filter(function(e){return e.columnid!=r&&e.columnid!=n}).map(function(e){return e.columnid}),i=[],o={},u={},c={},l=[];if(e.data.forEach(function(e){if(!s||s.indexOf(e[r])>-1){var h=t.map(function(t){return e[t]}).join("`"),d=u[h];if(d||(d={},u[h]=d,l.push(d),t.forEach(function(t){d[t]=e[t]})),c[h]||(c[h]={}),c[h][e[r]]?c[h][e[r]]++:c[h][e[r]]=1,o[e[r]]||(o[e[r]]=!0,i.push(e[r])),"SUM"==a||"AVG"==a)void 0===d[e[r]]&&(d[e[r]]=0),d[e[r]]+=e[n];else if("COUNT"==a)void 0===d[e[r]]&&(d[e[r]]=0),d[e[r]]++;else if("MIN"==a)void 0===d[e[r]]&&(d[e[r]]=1/0),e[n]d[e[r]]&&(d[e[r]]=e[n]);else if("FIRST"==a)void 0===d[e[r]]&&(d[e[r]]=e[n]);else if("LAST"==a)d[e[r]]=e[n];else{if(!T.aggr[a])throw new Error("Wrong aggregator in PIVOT clause");T.aggr[a](d[e[r]],e[n])}}}),"AVG"==a)for(var h in u){var d=u[h];for(var f in d)-1==t.indexOf(f)&&f!=n&&(d[f]=d[f]/c[h][f])}e.data=l,s&&(i=s);var p=e.columns.filter(function(e){return e.columnid==n})[0];e.columns=e.columns.filter(function(e){return!(e.columnid==r||e.columnid==n)}),i.forEach(function(t){var r=_(p);r.columnid=t,e.columns.push(r)})}},X.Select.prototype.compileUnpivot=function(e){var t=this,r=t.unpivot.tocolumnid,n=t.unpivot.forcolumnid,a=t.unpivot.inlist.map(function(e){return e.columnid});return function(){var t=[],s=e.columns.map(function(e){return e.columnid}).filter(function(e){return-1==a.indexOf(e)&&e!=n&&e!=r});e.data.forEach(function(e){a.forEach(function(a){var i={};s.forEach(function(t){i[t]=e[t]}),i[n]=a,i[r]=e[a],t.push(i)})}),e.data=t}};var Z=function(e,t){for(var r=[],n=0,a=e.length,s=0;s"===this.op||"!"===this.op){var e=this.left.toString()+this.op;return"string"!=typeof this.right&&"number"!=typeof this.right&&(e+="("),e+=this.right.toString(),"string"!=typeof this.right&&"number"!=typeof this.right&&(e+=")"),e}return this.left.toString()+" "+this.op+" "+(this.allsome?this.allsome+" ":"")+this.right.toString()},X.Op.prototype.findAggregator=function(e){this.left&&this.left.findAggregator&&this.left.findAggregator(e),this.right&&this.right.findAggregator&&!this.allsome&&this.right.findAggregator(e)},X.Op.prototype.toType=function(e){if(["-","*","/","%","^"].indexOf(this.op)>-1)return"number";if(["||"].indexOf(this.op)>-1)return"string";if("+"===this.op){if("string"===this.left.toType(e)||"string"===this.right.toType(e))return"string";if("number"===this.left.toType(e)||"number"===this.right.toType(e))return"number"}return["AND","OR","NOT","=","==","===","!=","!==","!===",">",">=","<","<=","IN","NOT IN","LIKE","NOT LIKE","REGEXP","GLOB"].indexOf(this.op)>-1?"boolean":"BETWEEN"===this.op||"NOT BETWEEN"===this.op||"IS NULL"===this.op||"IS NOT NULL"===this.op?"boolean":this.allsome?"boolean":this.op?"unknown":this.left.toType()},X.Op.prototype.toJS=function(e,t,r){var n,a=[],s=this.op,i=this,o=function(n){return n.toJS&&(n=n.toJS(e,t,r)),"y["+(a.push(n)-1)+"]"},u=function(){return o(i.left)},c=function(){return o(i.right)};if("="===this.op?s="===":"<>"===this.op?s="!=":"OR"===this.op&&(s="||"),"->"===this.op){var l="("+u()+"||{})";if("string"==typeof this.right)n=l+'["'+this.right+'"]';else if("number"==typeof this.right)n=l+"["+this.right+"]";else if(this.right instanceof X.FuncValue){var h=[];if(this.right.args&&0!==this.right.args.length)var h=this.right.args.map(o);n=l+"['"+this.right.funcid+"']("+h.join(",")+")"}else n=l+"["+c()+"]"}if("!"===this.op&&"string"==typeof this.right&&(n="alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects["+u()+']["'+this.right+'"]'),"IS"===this.op&&(n="(("+u()+"==null) === ("+c()+"==null))"),"=="===this.op&&(n="alasql.utils.deepEqual("+u()+","+c()+")"),"==="!==this.op&&"!==="!==this.op||(n="("+("!==="===this.op?"!":"")+"(("+u()+").valueOf()===("+c()+").valueOf()))"),"!=="===this.op&&(n="(!alasql.utils.deepEqual("+u()+","+c()+"))"),"||"===this.op&&(n="(''+("+u()+"||'')+("+c()+'||""))'),"LIKE"===this.op||"NOT LIKE"===this.op){var n="("+("NOT LIKE"===this.op?"!":"")+"alasql.utils.like("+c()+","+u();this.escape&&(n+=","+o(this.escape)),n+="))"}if("REGEXP"===this.op&&(n="alasql.stdfn.REGEXP_LIKE("+u()+","+c()+")"),"GLOB"===this.op&&(n="alasql.utils.glob("+u()+","+c()+")"),"BETWEEN"===this.op||"NOT BETWEEN"===this.op){var d=u();n="("+("NOT BETWEEN"===this.op?"!":"")+"(("+o(this.right1)+"<="+d+") && ("+d+"<="+o(this.right2)+")))"}if("IN"===this.op&&(this.right instanceof 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X.Column?"(alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects['"+this.right.columnid+"'])":"(alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects["+this.right.toJS(e,t,r)+"])":null==this.op?"("+this.right.toJS(e,t,r)+")":void 0},X.Column=function(e){return X.extend(this,e)},X.Column.prototype.toString=function(e){var t;return t=this.columnid==+this.columnid?"["+this.columnid+"]":this.columnid,this.tableid&&(t=+this.columnid===this.columnid?this.tableid+t:this.tableid+"."+t,this.databaseid&&(t=this.databaseid+"."+t)),this.alias&&!e&&(t+=" AS "+this.alias),t},X.Column.prototype.toJS=function(e,t,r){var n="";if(this.tableid||""!==t||r)if("g"===e)n="g['"+this.nick+"']";else if(this.tableid)n="_"!==this.columnid?e+"['"+this.tableid+"']['"+this.columnid+"']":"g"===e?"g['_']":e+"['"+this.tableid+"']";else if(r){var a=r[this.columnid];if("-"===a)throw new Error('Cannot resolve column "'+this.columnid+'" because it exists in two source tables');n=a?"_"!==this.columnid?e+"['"+a+"']['"+this.columnid+"']":e+"['"+a+"']":"_"!==this.columnid?e+"['"+(this.tableid||t)+"']['"+this.columnid+"']":e+"['"+(this.tableid||t)+"']"}else n=-1===t?e+"['"+this.columnid+"']":"_"!==this.columnid?e+"['"+(this.tableid||t)+"']['"+this.columnid+"']":e+"['"+(this.tableid||t)+"']";else n="_"!==this.columnid?e+"['"+this.columnid+"']":"g"===e?"g['_']":e;return n},X.AggrValue=function(e){return X.extend(this,e)},X.AggrValue.prototype.toString=function(e){var t="";return"REDUCE"===this.aggregatorid?t+=this.funcid+"(":t+=this.aggregatorid+"(",this.distinct&&(t+="DISTINCT "),this.expression&&(t+=this.expression.toString()),t+=")",this.over&&(t+=" "+this.over.toString()),this.alias&&!e&&(t+=" AS "+this.alias),t},X.AggrValue.prototype.findAggregator=function(e){var t=C(this.toString())+":"+e.selectGroup.length,r=!1;if(!r){if(!this.nick){this.nick=t;for(var r=!1,n=0;n-1?"number":["ARRAY"].indexOf(this.aggregatorid)>-1?"array":["FIRST","LAST"].indexOf(this.aggregatorid)>-1?this.expression.toType():void 0},X.AggrValue.prototype.toJS=function(){var e=this.nick;return void 0===e&&(e=this.toString()),"g['"+e+"']"},X.OrderExpression=function(e){return X.extend(this,e)},X.OrderExpression.prototype.toString=X.Expression.prototype.toString,X.GroupExpression=function(e){return X.extend(this,e)},X.GroupExpression.prototype.toString=function(){return this.type+"("+this.group.toString()+")"},X.FromData=function(e){return X.extend(this,e)},X.FromData.prototype.toString=function(){return this.data?"DATA("+(1e16*Math.random()|0)+")":"?"},X.FromData.prototype.toJS=function(){},X.Select.prototype.exec=function(e,t){this.preparams&&(e=this.preparams.concat(e));var r=T.useid;db=T.databases[r];var n=this.toString(),a=x(n),s=this.compile(r);if(s){s.sql=n,s.dbversion=db.dbversion,db.sqlCacheSize>T.MAXSQLCACHESIZE&&db.resetSqlCache(),db.sqlCacheSize++,db.sqlCache[a]=s;return T.res=s(e,t)}},X.Select.prototype.Select=function(){var e=this;if(arguments.length>1)args=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);else{if(1!=arguments.length)throw new Error("Wrong number of arguments of Select() function");Array.isArray(arguments[0])?args=arguments[0]:args=[arguments[0]]}return e.columns=[],args.forEach(function(t){if("string"==typeof t)e.columns.push(new X.Column({columnid:t}));else if("function"==typeof t){var r=0;e.preparams?r=e.preparams.length:e.preparams=[],e.preparams.push(t),e.columns.push(new X.Column({columnid:"*",func:t,param:r}))}}),e},X.Select.prototype.From=function(e){var t=this;if(t.from||(t.from=[]),Array.isArray(e)){var r=0;t.preparams?r=t.preparams.length:t.preparams=[],t.preparams.push(e),t.from.push(new X.ParamValue({param:r}))}else{if("string"!=typeof e)throw new Error("Unknown arguments in From() function");t.from.push(new X.Table({tableid:e}))}return t},X.Select.prototype.OrderBy=function(){var e=this;if(e.order=[],0==arguments.length)args=["_"];else if(arguments.length>1)args=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);else{if(1!=arguments.length)throw new Error("Wrong number of arguments of Select() function");Array.isArray(arguments[0])?args=arguments[0]:args=[arguments[0]]}return args.length>0&&args.forEach(function(t){var r=new X.Column({columnid:t});"function"==typeof t&&(r=t),e.order.push(new X.OrderExpression({expression:r,direction:"ASC"}))}),e},X.Select.prototype.Top=function(e){var t=this;return t.top=new X.NumValue({value:e}),t},X.Select.prototype.GroupBy=function(){var e=this;if(arguments.length>1)args=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);else{if(1!=arguments.length)throw new Error("Wrong number of arguments of Select() function");Array.isArray(arguments[0])?args=arguments[0]:args=[arguments[0]]}return e.group=[],args.forEach(function(t){var r=new X.Column({columnid:t});e.group.push(r)}),e},X.Select.prototype.Where=function(e){var t=this;return"function"==typeof e&&(t.where=e),t},X.FuncValue=function(e){return X.extend(this,e)},X.FuncValue.prototype.toString=function(e){var t="";return T.fn[this.funcid]?t+=this.funcid:T.aggr[this.funcid]?t+=this.funcid:(T.stdlib[this.funcid.toUpperCase()]||T.stdfn[this.funcid.toUpperCase()])&&(t+=this.funcid.toUpperCase()),t+="(",this.args&&this.args.length>0&&(t+=this.args.map(function(e){return e.toString()}).join(",")),t+=")",this.as&&!e&&(t+=" AS "+this.as.toString()),t},X.FuncValue.prototype.execute=function(e,t,r){var n=1;return T.precompile(this,e,t),new Function("params,alasql","var y;return "+this.toJS("","",null))(t,T),r&&(n=r(n)),n},X.FuncValue.prototype.findAggregator=function(e){this.args&&this.args.length>0&&this.args.forEach(function(t){t.findAggregator&&t.findAggregator(e)})},X.FuncValue.prototype.toJS=function(e,t,r){var n="",a=this.funcid;return!T.fn[a]&&T.stdlib[a.toUpperCase()]?this.args&&this.args.length>0?n+=T.stdlib[a.toUpperCase()].apply(this,this.args.map(function(r){return r.toJS(e,t)})):n+=T.stdlib[a.toUpperCase()]():!T.fn[a]&&T.stdfn[a.toUpperCase()]?(this.newid&&(n+="new "),n+="alasql.stdfn."+this.funcid.toUpperCase()+"(",this.args&&this.args.length>0&&(n+=this.args.map(function(n){return n.toJS(e,t,r)}).join(",")),n+=")"):(this.newid&&(n+="new "),n+="alasql.fn."+this.funcid+"(",this.args&&this.args.length>0&&(n+=this.args.map(function(n){return n.toJS(e,t,r)}).join(",")),n+=")"),n};var ne=T.stdlib={},ae=T.stdfn={};ne.ABS=function(e){return"Math.abs("+e+")"},ne.CLONEDEEP=function(e){return"alasql.utils.cloneDeep("+e+")"},ae.CONCAT=function(){return Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join("")},ne.EXP=function(e){return"Math.pow(Math.E,"+e+")"},ne.IIF=function(e,t,r){if(3==arguments.length)return"(("+e+")?("+t+"):("+r+"))";throw new Error("Number of arguments of IFF is not equals to 3")},ne.IFNULL=function(e,t){return"("+e+"||"+t+")"},ne.INSTR=function(e,t){return"(("+e+").indexOf("+t+")+1)"},ne.LEN=ne.LENGTH=function(e){return t(e,"y.length")},ne.LOWER=ne.LCASE=function(e){return t(e,"String(y).toLowerCase()")},ne.LTRIM=function(e){return t(e,'y.replace(/^[ ]+/,"")')},ne.RTRIM=function(e){return t(e,'y.replace(/[ ]+$/,"")')},ne.MAX=ne.GREATEST=function(){return"Math.max("+Array.prototype.join.call(arguments,",")+")"},ne.MIN=ne.LEAST=function(){return"Math.min("+Array.prototype.join.call(arguments,",")+")"},ne.SUBSTRING=ne.SUBSTR=ne.MID=function(e,r,n){return 2==arguments.length?t(e,"y.substr("+r+"-1)"):3==arguments.length?t(e,"y.substr("+r+"-1,"+n+")"):void 0},ae.REGEXP_LIKE=function(e,t,r){return(e||"").search(RegExp(t,r))>-1},ne.ISNULL=ne.NULLIF=function(e,t){return"("+e+"=="+t+"?undefined:"+e+")"},ne.POWER=function(e,t){return"Math.pow("+e+","+t+")"},ne.RANDOM=function(e){return 0==arguments.length?"Math.random()":"(Math.random()*("+e+")|0)"},ne.ROUND=function(e,t){return 2==arguments.length?"Math.round(("+e+")*Math.pow(10,("+t+")))/Math.pow(10,("+t+"))":"Math.round("+e+")"},ne.CEIL=ne.CEILING=function(e){return"Math.ceil("+e+")"},ne.FLOOR=function(e){return"Math.floor("+e+")"},ne.ROWNUM=function(){return"1"},ne.ROW_NUMBER=function(){return"1"},ne.SQRT=function(e){return"Math.sqrt("+e+")"},ne.TRIM=function(e){return t(e,"y.trim()")},ne.UPPER=ne.UCASE=function(e){return t(e,"String(y).toUpperCase()")},ae.CONCAT_WS=function(){var e=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);return e.slice(1,e.length).join(e[0])},T.aggr.GROUP_CONCAT=function(e,t,r){return 1===r?""+e:2===r?t+=","+e:t},T.aggr.MEDIAN=function(e,t,r){if(2===r)return null!==e&&t.push(e),t;if(1===r)return null===e?[]:[e];if(!t.length)return t;var n=t.sort(),a=(n.length+1)/2;return Number.isInteger(a)?n[a-1]:(n[Math.floor(a-1)]+n[Math.ceil(a-1)])/2},T.aggr.QUART=function(e,t,r,n){if(2===r)return null!==e&&t.push(e),t;if(1===r)return null===e?[]:[e];if(!t.length)return t;n=n||1;var a=t.sort(),s=n*(a.length+1)/4;return Number.isInteger(s)?a[s-1]:a[Math.floor(s)]},T.aggr.QUART2=function(e,t,r){return T.aggr.QUART(e,t,r,2)},T.aggr.QUART3=function(e,t,r){return T.aggr.QUART(e,t,r,3)},T.aggr.VAR=function(e,t,r){if(1===r)return null===e?{arr:[],sum:0}:{arr:[e],sum:e};if(2===r)return null===e?t:(t.arr.push(e),t.sum+=e,t);for(var n=t.arr.length,a=t.sum/n,s=0,i=0;i>8&255]+se[e>>16&255]+se[e>>24&255]+"-"+se[255&t]+se[t>>8&255]+"-"+se[t>>16&15|64]+se[t>>24&255]+"-"+se[63&r|128]+se[r>>8&255]+"-"+se[r>>16&255]+se[r>>24&255]+se[255&n]+se[n>>8&255]+se[n>>16&255]+se[n>>24&255]},X.CaseValue=function(e){return X.extend(this,e)},X.CaseValue.prototype.toString=function(){var e="CASE ";return this.expression&&(e+=this.expression.toString()),this.whens&&(e+=this.whens.map(function(e){return" WHEN "+e.when.toString()+" THEN "+e.then.toString()}).join()),e+=" 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X.extend(this,e)},X.Json.prototype.toString=function(){var e="";return e+=oe(this.value),e+=""};var oe=T.utils.JSONtoString=function(e){var t="";if("string"==typeof e)t='"'+e+'"';else if("number"==typeof e)t=e;else if("boolean"==typeof e)t=e;else{if("object"!=typeof e)throw new Error("2Can not show JSON object "+JSON.stringify(e));if(Array.isArray(e))t+="["+e.map(function(e){return oe(e)}).join(",")+"]";else if(!e.toJS||e instanceof X.Json){t="{";var r=[];for(var n in e){var a="";if("string"==typeof n)a+='"'+n+'"';else if("number"==typeof n)a+=n;else{if("boolean"!=typeof n)throw new Error("THis is not ES6... no expressions on left side yet");a+=n}a+=":"+oe(e[n]),r.push(a)}t+=r.join(",")+"}"}else{if(!e.toString)throw new Error("1Can not show JSON object "+JSON.stringify(e));t=e.toString()}}return t};X.Json.prototype.toJS=function(e,t,r){return b(this.value,e,t,r)},X.Convert=function(e){return X.extend(this,e)},X.Convert.prototype.toString=function(){var e="CONVERT(";return e+=this.dbtypeid,void 0!==this.dbsize&&(e+="("+this.dbsize,this.dbprecision&&(e+=","+dbprecision),e+=")"),e+=","+this.expression.toString(),this.style&&(e+=","+this.style),e+=")"},X.Convert.prototype.toJS=function(e,t,r){return"alasql.stdfn.CONVERT("+this.expression.toJS(e,t,r)+',{dbtypeid:"'+this.dbtypeid+'",dbsize:'+this.dbsize+",style:"+this.style+"})"},T.stdfn.CONVERT=function(e,t){var r=e;if(t.style){var n;switch(n=/\d{8}/.test(r)?new Date(+r.substr(0,4),+r.substr(4,2)-1,+r.substr(6,2)):new Date(r),t.style){case 1:r=("0"+(n.getMonth()+1)).substr(-2)+"/"+("0"+n.getDate()).substr(-2)+"/"+("0"+n.getYear()).substr(-2);break;case 2:r=("0"+n.getYear()).substr(-2)+"."+("0"+(n.getMonth()+1)).substr(-2)+"."+("0"+n.getDate()).substr(-2);break;case 3:r=("0"+n.getDate()).substr(-2)+"/"+("0"+(n.getMonth()+1)).substr(-2)+"/"+("0"+n.getYear()).substr(-2);break;case 4:r=("0"+n.getDate()).substr(-2)+"."+("0"+(n.getMonth()+1)).substr(-2)+"."+("0"+n.getYear()).substr(-2);break;case 5:r=("0"+n.getDate()).substr(-2)+"-"+("0"+(n.getMonth()+1)).substr(-2)+"-"+("0"+n.getYear()).substr(-2);break;case 6:r=("0"+n.getDate()).substr(-2)+" "+n.toString().substr(4,3).toLowerCase()+" "+("0"+n.getYear()).substr(-2);break;case 7:r=n.toString().substr(4,3)+" "+("0"+n.getDate()).substr(-2)+","+("0"+n.getYear()).substr(-2);break;case 8:case 108:r=("0"+n.getHours()).substr(-2)+":"+("0"+n.getMinutes()).substr(-2)+":"+("0"+n.getSeconds()).substr(-2);break;case 10:r=("0"+(n.getMonth()+1)).substr(-2)+"-"+("0"+n.getDate()).substr(-2)+"-"+("0"+n.getYear()).substr(-2);break;case 11:r=("0"+n.getYear()).substr(-2)+"/"+("0"+(n.getMonth()+1)).substr(-2)+"/"+("0"+n.getDate()).substr(-2);break;case 12:r=("0"+n.getYear()).substr(-2)+("0"+(n.getMonth()+1)).substr(-2)+("0"+n.getDate()).substr(-2);break;case 101:r=("0"+(n.getMonth()+1)).substr(-2)+"/"+("0"+n.getDate()).substr(-2)+"/"+n.getFullYear();break;case 102:r=n.getFullYear()+"."+("0"+(n.getMonth()+1)).substr(-2)+"."+("0"+n.getDate()).substr(-2);break;case 103:r=("0"+n.getDate()).substr(-2)+"/"+("0"+(n.getMonth()+1)).substr(-2)+"/"+n.getFullYear();break;case 104:r=("0"+n.getDate()).substr(-2)+"."+("0"+(n.getMonth()+1)).substr(-2)+"."+n.getFullYear();break;case 105:r=("0"+n.getDate()).substr(-2)+"-"+("0"+(n.getMonth()+1)).substr(-2)+"-"+n.getFullYear();break;case 106:r=("0"+n.getDate()).substr(-2)+" "+n.toString().substr(4,3).toLowerCase()+" "+n.getFullYear();break;case 107:r=n.toString().substr(4,3)+" "+("0"+n.getDate()).substr(-2)+","+n.getFullYear();break;case 110:r=("0"+(n.getMonth()+1)).substr(-2)+"-"+("0"+n.getDate()).substr(-2)+"-"+n.getFullYear();break;case 111:r=n.getFullYear()+"/"+("0"+(n.getMonth()+1)).substr(-2)+"/"+("0"+n.getDate()).substr(-2);break;case 112:r=n.getFullYear()+("0"+(n.getMonth()+1)).substr(-2)+("0"+n.getDate()).substr(-2);break;default:throw new Error("The CONVERT style "+t.style+" is not realized yet.")}}var a=t.dbtypeid.toUpperCase();if("Date"==t.dbtypeid)return new Date(r);if("DATE"==a){var s=new Date(r),i=s.getFullYear()+"."+("0"+(s.getMonth()+1)).substr(-2)+"."+("0"+s.getDate()).substr(-2);return i}if("DATETIME"==a||"DATETIME2"==a){var s=new Date(r),i=s.getFullYear()+"."+("0"+(s.getMonth()+1)).substr(-2)+"."+("0"+s.getDate()).substr(-2);return i+=" "+("0"+s.getHours()).substr(-2)+":"+("0"+s.getMinutes()).substr(-2)+":"+("0"+s.getSeconds()).substr(-2),i+="."+("00"+s.getMilliseconds()).substr(-3)}if(["MONEY"].indexOf(a)>-1){var o=+r;return(0|o)+100*o%100/100}if(["BOOLEAN"].indexOf(a)>-1)return!!r;if(["INT","INTEGER","SMALLINT","BIGINT","SERIAL","SMALLSERIAL","BIGSERIAL"].indexOf(t.dbtypeid.toUpperCase())>-1)return 0|r;if(["STRING","VARCHAR","NVARCHAR","CHARACTER VARIABLE"].indexOf(t.dbtypeid.toUpperCase())>-1)return t.dbsize?(""+r).substr(0,t.dbsize):""+r;if(["CHAR","CHARACTER","NCHAR"].indexOf(a)>-1)return(r+new Array(t.dbsize+1).join(" ")).substr(0,t.dbsize);if(["NUMBER","FLOAT"].indexOf(a)>-1){if(void 0!==t.dbprecision){var o=+r,u=Math.pow(10,t.dbprecision);return(0|o)+o*u%u/u}return+r}if(["DECIMAL","NUMERIC"].indexOf(a)>-1){var o=+r,u=Math.pow(10,t.dbprecision);return(0|o)+o*u%u/u}if(["JSON"].indexOf(a)>-1){if("object"==typeof r)return r;try{return JSON.parse(r)}catch(e){throw new Error("Cannot convert string to JSON")}}return r},X.ColumnDef=function(e){return X.extend(this,e)},X.ColumnDef.prototype.toString=function(){var e=this.columnid;return this.dbtypeid&&(e+=" "+this.dbtypeid),this.dbsize&&(e+="("+this.dbsize,this.dbprecision&&(e+=","+this.dbprecision),e+=")"),this.primarykey&&(e+=" PRIMARY KEY"),this.notnull&&(e+=" NOT NULL"),e},X.CreateTable=function(e){return X.extend(this,e)},X.CreateTable.prototype.toString=function(){var e="CREATE";if(this.temporary&&(e+=" TEMPORARY"),this.view?e+=" VIEW":e+=" "+(this.class?"CLASS":"TABLE"),this.ifnotexists&&(e+=" IF NOT EXISTS"),e+=" "+this.table.toString(),this.viewcolumns&&(e+="("+this.viewcolumns.map(function(e){return e.toString()}).join(",")+")"),this.as)e+=" AS "+this.as;else{e+=" ("+this.columns.map(function(e){return e.toString()}).join(",")+")"}return this.view&&this.select&&(e+=" AS "+this.select.toString()),e},X.CreateTable.prototype.execute=function(e,t,r){var n=T.databases[this.table.databaseid||e],a=this.table.tableid;if(!a)throw new Error("Table name is not defined");var s=this.columns,i=this.constraints||[];if(this.ifnotexists&&n.tables[a])return r?r(0):0;if(n.tables[a])throw new Error("Can not create table '"+a+"', because it already exists in the database '"+n.databaseid+"'");var o=n.tables[a]=new T.Table;this.class&&(o.isclass=!0);var u=[],c=[];if(s&&s.forEach(function(t){var r=t.dbtypeid;T.fn[r]||(r=r.toUpperCase()),["SERIAL","SMALLSERIAL","BIGSERIAL"].indexOf(r)>-1&&(t.identity={value:1,step:1});var n={columnid:t.columnid,dbtypeid:r,dbsize:t.dbsize,dbprecision:t.dbprecision,notnull:t.notnull,identity:t.identity};if(t.identity&&(o.identities[t.columnid]={value:+t.identity.value,step:+t.identity.step}),t.check&&o.checks.push({id:t.check.constrantid,fn:new Function("r","var y;return "+t.check.expression.toJS("r",""))}),t.default&&u.push("'"+t.columnid+"':"+t.default.toJS("r","")),t.primarykey){var a=o.pk={};a.columns=[t.columnid],a.onrightfns="r['"+t.columnid+"']",a.onrightfn=new Function("r","var y;return "+a.onrightfns),a.hh=x(a.onrightfns),o.uniqs[a.hh]={}}if(t.unique){var s={};o.uk=o.uk||[],o.uk.push(s),s.columns=[t.columnid],s.onrightfns="r['"+t.columnid+"']",s.onrightfn=new Function("r","var y;return "+s.onrightfns),s.hh=x(s.onrightfns),o.uniqs[s.hh]={}}if(t.foreignkey){var i=t.foreignkey.table,l=T.databases[i.databaseid||e].tables[i.tableid];if(void 0===i.columnid){if(!(l.pk.columns&&l.pk.columns.length>0))throw new Error("FOREIGN KEY allowed only to tables with PRIMARY KEYs");i.columnid=l.pk.columns[0]}var h=function(e){var r={};if(void 0===e[t.columnid])return!0;r[i.columnid]=e[t.columnid];var n=l.pk.onrightfn(r);if(!l.uniqs[l.pk.hh][n])throw new Error('Foreign key "'+e[t.columnid]+'" is not found in table '+l.tableid);return!0};o.checks.push({fn:h})}t.onupdate&&c.push("r['"+t.columnid+"']="+t.onupdate.toJS("r","")),o.columns.push(n),o.xcolumns[n.columnid]=n}),o.defaultfns=u.join(","),o.onupdatefns=c.join(";"),i.forEach(function(t){var r;if("PRIMARY KEY"===t.type){if(o.pk)throw new Error("Primary key already exists");var n=o.pk={};n.columns=t.columns,n.onrightfns=n.columns.map(function(e){return"r['"+e+"']"}).join("+'`'+"),n.onrightfn=new Function("r","var y;return "+n.onrightfns),n.hh=x(n.onrightfns),o.uniqs[n.hh]={}}else if("CHECK"===t.type)r=new Function("r","var y;return "+t.expression.toJS("r",""));else if("UNIQUE"===t.type){var a={};o.uk=o.uk||[],o.uk.push(a),a.columns=t.columns,a.onrightfns=a.columns.map(function(e){return"r['"+e+"']"}).join("+'`'+"),a.onrightfn=new Function("r","var y;return "+a.onrightfns),a.hh=x(a.onrightfns),o.uniqs[a.hh]={}}else if("FOREIGN KEY"===t.type){var s=o.xcolumns[t.columns[0]],i=t.fktable;t.fkcolumns&&t.fkcolumns.length>0&&(i.columnid=t.fkcolumns[0]);var u=T.databases[i.databaseid||e].tables[i.tableid];void 0===i.columnid&&(i.columnid=u.pk.columns[0]),r=function(e){var t={};if(void 0===e[s.columnid])return!0;t[i.columnid]=e[s.columnid];var r=u.pk.onrightfn(t);if(!u.uniqs[u.pk.hh][r])throw new Error('Foreign key "'+e[s.columnid]+'" is not found in table '+u.tableid);return!0}}r&&o.checks.push({fn:r,id:t.constraintid,fk:"FOREIGN KEY"===t.type})}),this.view&&this.viewcolumns){var l=this;this.viewcolumns.forEach(function(e,t){l.select.columns[t].as=e.columnid})}if(this.view&&this.select&&(o.view=!0,o.select=this.select.compile(this.table.databaseid||e)),n.engineid)return T.engines[n.engineid].createTable(this.table.databaseid||e,a,this.ifnotexists,r);o.insert=function(r,n){var a=T.inserted;T.inserted=[r];var s=this,i=!1,o=!1;for(var u in s.beforeinsert){var c=s.beforeinsert[u];c&&(c.funcid?!1===T.fn[c.funcid](r)&&(o=o||!0):c.statement&&!1===c.statement.execute(e)&&(o=o||!0))}if(!o){var l=!1;for(u in s.insteadofinsert)l=!0,(c=s.insteadofinsert[u])&&(c.funcid?T.fn[c.funcid](r):c.statement&&c.statement.execute(e));if(!l){for(var h in s.identities){var d=s.identities[h];r[h]=d.value}if(s.checks&&s.checks.length>0&&s.checks.forEach(function(e){if(!e.fn(r))throw new Error("Violation of CHECK constraint "+(e.id||""))}),s.columns.forEach(function(e){if(e.notnull&&void 0===r[e.columnid])throw new Error("Wrong NULL value in NOT NULL column "+e.columnid)}),s.pk){var f=s.pk,p=f.onrightfn(r);if(void 0!==s.uniqs[f.hh][p]){if(!n)throw new Error("Cannot insert record, because it already exists in primary key index");i=s.uniqs[f.hh][p]}}
-if(s.uk&&s.uk.length&&s.uk.forEach(function(e){var t=e.onrightfn(r);if(void 0!==s.uniqs[e.hh][t]){if(!n)throw new Error("Cannot insert record, because it already exists in unique index");i=s.uniqs[e.hh][t]}}),i)s.update(function(e){for(var t in r)e[t]=r[t]},s.data.indexOf(i),t);else{s.data.push(r);for(var h in s.identities){var d=s.identities[h];d.value+=d.step}if(s.pk){var f=s.pk,p=f.onrightfn(r);s.uniqs[f.hh][p]=r}s.uk&&s.uk.length&&s.uk.forEach(function(e){var t=e.onrightfn(r);s.uniqs[e.hh][t]=r})}for(var u in s.afterinsert){var c=s.afterinsert[u];c&&(c.funcid?T.fn[c.funcid](r):c.statement&&c.statement.execute(e))}T.inserted=a}}},o.delete=function(t){var r=this,n=r.data[t],a=!1;for(var s in r.beforedelete){var i=r.beforedelete[s];i&&(i.funcid?!1===T.fn[i.funcid](n)&&(a=a||!0):i.statement&&!1===i.statement.execute(e)&&(a=a||!0))}if(a)return!1;var o=!1;for(var s in r.insteadofdelete){o=!0;var i=r.insteadofdelete[s];i&&(i.funcid?T.fn[i.funcid](n):i.statement&&i.statement.execute(e))}if(!o){if(this.pk){var u=this.pk,c=u.onrightfn(n);if(void 0===this.uniqs[u.hh][c])throw new Error("Something wrong with primary key index on table");this.uniqs[u.hh][c]=void 0}r.uk&&r.uk.length&&r.uk.forEach(function(e){var t=e.onrightfn(n);if(void 0===r.uniqs[e.hh][t])throw new Error("Something wrong with unique index on table");r.uniqs[e.hh][t]=void 0})}},o.deleteall=function(){this.data.length=0,this.pk&&(this.uniqs[this.pk.hh]={}),o.uk&&o.uk.length&&o.uk.forEach(function(e){o.uniqs[e.hh]={}})},o.update=function(t,r,n){var a,s=_(this.data[r]);if(this.pk&&(a=this.pk,a.pkaddr=a.onrightfn(s,n),void 0===this.uniqs[a.hh][a.pkaddr]))throw new Error("Something wrong with index on table");o.uk&&o.uk.length&&o.uk.forEach(function(e){if(e.ukaddr=e.onrightfn(s),void 0===o.uniqs[e.hh][e.ukaddr])throw new Error("Something wrong with unique index on table")}),t(s,n,T);var i=!1;for(var u in o.beforeupdate){var c=o.beforeupdate[u];c&&(c.funcid?!1===T.fn[c.funcid](this.data[r],s)&&(i=i||!0):c.statement&&!1===c.statement.execute(e)&&(i=i||!0))}if(i)return!1;var l=!1;for(var u in o.insteadofupdate){l=!0;var c=o.insteadofupdate[u];c&&(c.funcid?T.fn[c.funcid](this.data[r],s):c.statement&&c.statement.execute(e))}if(!l){if(o.checks&&o.checks.length>0&&o.checks.forEach(function(e){if(!e.fn(s))throw new Error("Violation of CHECK constraint "+(e.id||""))}),o.columns.forEach(function(e){if(e.notnull&&void 0===s[e.columnid])throw new Error("Wrong NULL value in NOT NULL column "+e.columnid)}),this.pk&&(a.newpkaddr=a.onrightfn(s),void 0!==this.uniqs[a.hh][a.newpkaddr]&&a.newpkaddr!==a.pkaddr))throw new Error("Record already exists");o.uk&&o.uk.length&&o.uk.forEach(function(e){if(e.newukaddr=e.onrightfn(s),void 0!==o.uniqs[e.hh][e.newukaddr]&&e.newukaddr!==e.ukaddr)throw new Error("Record already exists")}),this.pk&&(this.uniqs[a.hh][a.pkaddr]=void 0,this.uniqs[a.hh][a.newpkaddr]=s),o.uk&&o.uk.length&&o.uk.forEach(function(e){o.uniqs[e.hh][e.ukaddr]=void 0,o.uniqs[e.hh][e.newukaddr]=s}),this.data[r]=s;for(var u in o.afterupdate){var c=o.afterupdate[u];c&&(c.funcid?T.fn[c.funcid](this.data[r],s):c.statement&&c.statement.execute(e))}}};var h;return T.options.nocount||(h=1),r&&(h=r(h)),h},T.fn.Date=Object,T.fn.Date=Date,T.fn.Number=Number,T.fn.String=String,T.fn.Boolean=Boolean,ae.EXTEND=T.utils.extend,ae.CHAR=String.fromCharCode.bind(String),ae.ASCII=function(e){return e.charCodeAt(0)},ae.COALESCE=function(){for(var e=0;e0)var n=this.sets.map(function(e){return"x['"+e.column.columnid+"']="+e.expression.toJS("x","")}).join(";"),s=new Function("x,params,alasql",n);return function(e,n){var i,o,u=T.databases[t];o=void 0!==r?r:u.counter++;var c={$id:o,$node:"VERTEX"};return u.objects[c.$id]=c,i=c,a&&a(c),s&&s(c,e,T),n&&(i=n(i)),i}},X.CreateEdge=function(e){return X.extend(this,e)},X.CreateEdge.prototype.toString=function(){var e="CREATE EDGE ";return this.class&&(e+=this.class+" "),e},X.CreateEdge.prototype.toJS=function(e){return"this.queriesfn["+(this.queriesidx-1)+"](this.params,null,"+e+")"},X.CreateEdge.prototype.compile=function(e){var t=e,r=new Function("params,alasql","var y;return "+this.from.toJS()),n=new Function("params,alasql","var y;return "+this.to.toJS());if(void 0!==this.name)var a="x.name="+this.name.toJS(),s=new Function("x",a);if(this.sets&&this.sets.length>0)var a=this.sets.map(function(e){return"x['"+e.column.columnid+"']="+e.expression.toJS("x","")}).join(";"),i=new Function("x,params,alasql","var y;"+a);return function(e,a){var o=0,u=T.databases[t],c={$id:u.counter++,$node:"EDGE"},l=r(e,T),h=n(e,T);return c.$in=[l.$id],c.$out=[h.$id],void 0===l.$out&&(l.$out=[]),l.$out.push(c.$id),void 0===typeof h.$in&&(h.$in=[]),h.$in.push(c.$id),u.objects[c.$id]=c,o=c,s&&s(c),i&&i(c,e,T),a&&(o=a(o)),o}},X.CreateGraph=function(e){return X.extend(this,e)},X.CreateGraph.prototype.toString=function(){var e="CREATE GRAPH ";return this.class&&(e+=this.class+" "),e},X.CreateGraph.prototype.execute=function(e,t,r){function n(e){var t=T.databases[T.useid].objects;for(var r in t)if(t[r].name===e)return t[r]}function a(r){var n={};void 0!==r.as&&(T.vars[r.as]=n),void 0!==r.prop&&(n.$id=r.prop,n.name=r.prop),void 0!==r.sharp&&(n.$id=r.sharp),void 0!==r.name&&(n.name=r.name),void 0!==r.class&&(n.$class=r.class);var a=T.databases[e];if(void 0===n.$id&&(n.$id=a.counter++),n.$node="VERTEX",void 0!==r.json&&q(n,new Function("params,alasql","var y;return "+r.json.toJS())(t,T)),a.objects[n.$id]=n,void 0!==n.$class){if(void 0===T.databases[e].tables[n.$class])throw new Error("No such class. Pleace use CREATE CLASS");T.databases[e].tables[n.$class].data.push(n)}return s.push(n.$id),n}var s=[];return this.from&&T.from[this.from.funcid]&&(this.graph=T.from[this.from.funcid.toUpperCase()]),this.graph.forEach(function(r){if(r.source){var i={};void 0!==r.as&&(T.vars[r.as]=i),void 0!==r.prop&&(i.name=r.prop),void 0!==r.sharp&&(i.$id=r.sharp),void 0!==r.name&&(i.name=r.name),void 0!==r.class&&(i.$class=r.class);var o=T.databases[e];void 0===i.$id&&(i.$id=o.counter++),i.$node="EDGE",void 0!==r.json&&q(i,new Function("params,alasql","var y;return "+r.json.toJS())(t,T));var u;if(r.source.vars){var c=T.vars[r.source.vars];u="object"==typeof c?c:o.objects[c]}else{var l=r.source.sharp;void 0===l&&(l=r.source.prop),u=T.databases[e].objects[l],void 0!==u||!T.options.autovertex||void 0===r.source.prop&&void 0===r.source.name||void 0===(u=n(r.source.prop||r.source.name))&&(u=a(r.source))}var h;if(r.source.vars){var c=T.vars[r.target.vars];h="object"==typeof c?c:o.objects[c]}else{var d=r.target.sharp;void 0===d&&(d=r.target.prop),h=T.databases[e].objects[d],void 0!==h||!T.options.autovertex||void 0===r.target.prop&&void 0===r.target.name||void 0===(h=n(r.target.prop||r.target.name))&&(h=a(r.target))}if(i.$in=[u.$id],i.$out=[h.$id],void 0===u.$out&&(u.$out=[]),u.$out.push(i.$id),void 0===h.$in&&(h.$in=[]),h.$in.push(i.$id),o.objects[i.$id]=i,void 0!==i.$class){if(void 0===T.databases[e].tables[i.$class])throw new Error("No such class. Pleace use CREATE CLASS");T.databases[e].tables[i.$class].data.push(i)}s.push(i.$id)}else a(r)}),r&&(s=r(s)),s},X.CreateGraph.prototype.compile1=function(e){var t=e,r=new Function("params,alasql","var y;return "+this.from.toJS()),n=new Function("params,alasql","var y;return "+this.to.toJS());if(void 0!==this.name)var a="x.name="+this.name.toJS(),s=new Function("x",a);if(this.sets&&this.sets.length>0)var a=this.sets.map(function(e){return"x['"+e.column.columnid+"']="+e.expression.toJS("x","")}).join(";"),i=new Function("x,params,alasql","var y;"+a);return function(e,a){var o=0,u=T.databases[t],c={$id:u.counter++,$node:"EDGE"},l=r(e,T),h=n(e,T);return c.$in=[l.$id],c.$out=[h.$id],void 0===l.$out&&(l.$out=[]),l.$out.push(c.$id),void 0===h.$in&&(h.$in=[]),h.$in.push(c.$id),u.objects[c.$id]=c,o=c,s&&s(c),i&&i(c,e,T),a&&(o=a(o)),o}},X.AlterTable=function(e){return X.extend(this,e)},X.AlterTable.prototype.toString=function(){var e="ALTER TABLE "+this.table.toString();return this.renameto&&(e+=" RENAME TO "+this.renameto),e},X.AlterTable.prototype.execute=function(e,t,r){var n=T.databases[e];if(n.dbversion=Date.now(),this.renameto){var a=this.table.tableid,s=this.renameto,i=1;if(n.tables[s])throw new Error("Can not rename a table '"+a+"' to '"+s+"', because the table with this name already exists");if(s===a)throw new Error("Can not rename a table '"+a+"' to itself");return n.tables[s]=n.tables[a],delete n.tables[a],i=1,r&&r(i),i}if(this.addcolumn){n=T.databases[this.table.databaseid||e],n.dbversion++;var o=this.table.tableid,u=n.tables[o],c=this.addcolumn.columnid;if(u.xcolumns[c])throw new Error('Cannot add column "'+c+'", because it already exists in the table "'+o+'"');var l={columnid:c,dbtypeid:this.dbtypeid,dbsize:this.dbsize,dbprecision:this.dbprecision,dbenum:this.dbenum,defaultfns:null};u.columns.push(l),u.xcolumns[c]=l;for(var h=0,d=u.data.length;h0)for(var l=0,h=s.data.length;l0)for(var l=0,h=s.data.length;l=0?r+="(x="+s[t].toJS()+",x==undefined?undefined:+x)":T.fn[a.xcolumns[e.columnid].dbtypeid]?(r+="(new "+a.xcolumns[e.columnid].dbtypeid+"(",r+=s[t].toJS(),r+="))"):r+=s[t].toJS():r+=s[t].toJS(),u.push(r)}):Array.isArray(s)&&a.columns&&a.columns.length>0?a.columns.forEach(function(e,t){var r="'"+e.columnid+"':";["INT","FLOAT","NUMBER","MONEY"].indexOf(e.dbtypeid)>=0?r+="+"+s[t].toJS():T.fn[e.dbtypeid]?(r+="(new "+e.dbtypeid+"(",r+=s[t].toJS(),r+="))"):r+=s[t].toJS(),u.push(r)}):o=b(s),r.tables[n].defaultfns&&u.unshift(r.tables[n].defaultfns),i+=o?"a="+o+";":"a={"+u.join(",")+"};",r.tables[n].isclass&&(i+="var db=alasql.databases['"+e+"'];",i+='a.$class="'+n+'";',i+="a.$id=db.counter++;",i+="db.objects[a.$id]=a;"),r.tables[n].insert?(i+="var db=alasql.databases['"+e+"'];",i+="db.tables['"+n+"'].insert(a,"+(t.orreplace?"true":"false")+");"):i+="aa.push(a);"}),s=u+i,r.tables[n].insert||(i+="alasql.databases['"+e+"'].tables['"+n+"'].data=alasql.databases['"+e+"'].tables['"+n+"'].data.concat(aa);"),r.tables[n].insert&&r.tables[n].isclass?i+="return a.$id;":i+="return "+t.values.length;var c=new Function("db, params, alasql","var y;"+u+i).bind(this)}else if(this.select){this.select.modifier="RECORDSET";var l=this.select.compile(e);if(r.engineid&&T.engines[r.engineid].intoTable){var h=function(e,t){var a=l(e);return T.engines[r.engineid].intoTable(r.databaseid,n,a.data,null,t)};return h}var d="return alasql.utils.extend(r,{"+a.defaultfns+"})",f=new Function("r,db,params,alasql",d),c=function(e,r,a){var s=l(r).data;if(e.tables[n].insert)for(var i=0,o=s.length;i0&&(e+="("+this.args.map(function(e){return e.toString()}).join(", ")+")"),this.as&&(e+=" AS "+this.as),e},X.CreateDatabase.prototype.execute=function(e,t,r){if(this.args&&this.args.length>0&&this.args.map(function(e){return new Function("params,alasql","var y;return "+e.toJS())(t,T)}),this.engineid){var n=T.engines[this.engineid].createDatabase(this.databaseid,this.args,this.ifnotexists,this.as,r);return n}var a=this.databaseid;if(T.databases[a])throw new Error("Database '"+a+"' already exists");var n=(new T.Database(a),1);return r?r(n):n},X.AttachDatabase=function(e){return X.extend(this,e)},X.AttachDatabase.prototype.toString=function(e){var t="ATTACH";return this.engineid&&(t+=" "+this.engineid),t+=" DATABASE "+this.databaseid,e&&(t+="(",e.length>0&&(t+=e.map(function(e){return e.toString()}).join(", ")),t+=")"),this.as&&(t+=" AS "+this.as),t},X.AttachDatabase.prototype.execute=function(e,t,r){if(!T.engines[this.engineid])throw new Error('Engine "'+this.engineid+'" is not defined.');return T.engines[this.engineid].attachDatabase(this.databaseid,this.as,this.args,t,r)},X.DetachDatabase=function(e){return X.extend(this,e)},X.DetachDatabase.prototype.toString=function(){var e="DETACH";return e+=" DATABASE "+this.databaseid},X.DetachDatabase.prototype.execute=function(e,t,r){if(!T.databases[this.databaseid].engineid)throw new Error('Cannot detach database "'+this.engineid+'", because it was not attached.');var n,a=this.databaseid;if(a===T.DEFAULTDATABASEID)throw new Error("Drop of default database is prohibited");if(T.databases[a])delete T.databases[a],a===T.useid&&T.use(),n=1;else{if(!this.ifexists)throw new Error("Database '"+a+"' does not exist");n=0}return r&&r(n),n},X.UseDatabase=function(e){return X.extend(this,e)},X.UseDatabase.prototype.toString=function(){return"USE DATABASE "+this.databaseid},X.UseDatabase.prototype.execute=function(e,t,r){var n=this.databaseid;if(!T.databases[n])throw new Error("Database '"+n+"' does not exist");T.use(n);return r&&r(1),1},X.DropDatabase=function(e){return X.extend(this,e)},X.DropDatabase.prototype.toString=function(){var e="DROP";return this.ifexists&&(e+=" IF EXISTS"),e+=" DATABASE "+this.databaseid},X.DropDatabase.prototype.execute=function(e,t,r){if(this.engineid)return T.engines[this.engineid].dropDatabase(this.databaseid,this.ifexists,r);var n,a=this.databaseid;if(a===T.DEFAULTDATABASEID)throw new Error("Drop of default database is prohibited");if(T.databases[a]){if(T.databases[a].engineid)throw new Error("Cannot drop database '"+a+"', because it is attached. Detach it.");delete T.databases[a],a===T.useid&&T.use(),n=1}else{if(!this.ifexists)throw new Error("Database '"+a+"' does not exist");n=0}return r&&r(n),n},X.Declare=function(e){return X.extend(this,e)},X.Declare.prototype.toString=function(){var e="DECLARE ";return this.declares&&this.declares.length>0&&(e=this.declares.map(function(e){var t="";return t+="@"+e.variable+" ",t+=e.dbtypeid,this.dbsize&&(t+="("+this.dbsize,this.dbprecision&&(t+=","+this.dbprecision),t+=")"),e.expression&&(t+=" = "+e.expression.toString()),t}).join(",")),e},X.Declare.prototype.execute=function(e,t,r){var n=1;return this.declares&&this.declares.length>0&&this.declares.map(function(e){var r=e.dbtypeid;T.fn[r]||(r=r.toUpperCase()),T.declares[e.variable]={dbtypeid:r,dbsize:e.dbsize,dbprecision:e.dbprecision},e.expression&&(T.vars[e.variable]=new Function("params,alasql","return "+e.expression.toJS("({})","",null))(t,T),T.declares[e.variable]&&(T.vars[e.variable]=T.stdfn.CONVERT(T.vars[e.variable],T.declares[e.variable])))}),r&&(n=r(n)),n},X.ShowDatabases=function(e){return X.extend(this,e)},X.ShowDatabases.prototype.toString=function(){var e="SHOW DATABASES";return this.like&&(e+="LIKE "+this.like.toString()),e},X.ShowDatabases.prototype.execute=function(e,t,r){if(this.engineid)return T.engines[this.engineid].showDatabases(this.like,r);var n=this,a=[];for(var s in T.databases)a.push({databaseid:s});return n.like&&a&&a.length>0&&(a=a.filter(function(e){return T.utils.like(n.like.value,e.databaseid)})),r&&r(a),a},X.ShowTables=function(e){return X.extend(this,e)},X.ShowTables.prototype.toString=function(){var e="SHOW TABLES";return this.databaseid&&(e+=" FROM "+this.databaseid),this.like&&(e+=" LIKE "+this.like.toString()),e},X.ShowTables.prototype.execute=function(e,t,r){var n=T.databases[this.databaseid||e],a=this,s=[];for(var i in n.tables)s.push({tableid:i});return a.like&&s&&s.length>0&&(s=s.filter(function(e){
-return T.utils.like(a.like.value,e.tableid)})),r&&r(s),s},X.ShowColumns=function(e){return X.extend(this,e)},X.ShowColumns.prototype.toString=function(){var e="SHOW COLUMNS";return this.table.tableid&&(e+=" FROM "+this.table.tableid),this.databaseid&&(e+=" FROM "+this.databaseid),e},X.ShowColumns.prototype.execute=function(e,t,r){var n=T.databases[this.databaseid||e],a=n.tables[this.table.tableid];if(a&&a.columns){var s=a.columns.map(function(e){return{columnid:e.columnid,dbtypeid:e.dbtypeid,dbsize:e.dbsize}});return r&&r(s),s}return r&&r([]),[]},X.ShowIndex=function(e){return X.extend(this,e)},X.ShowIndex.prototype.toString=function(){var e="SHOW INDEX";return this.table.tableid&&(e+=" FROM "+this.table.tableid),this.databaseid&&(e+=" FROM "+this.databaseid),e},X.ShowIndex.prototype.execute=function(e,t,r){var n=T.databases[this.databaseid||e],a=n.tables[this.table.tableid],s=[];if(a&&a.indices)for(var i in a.indices)s.push({hh:i,len:Object.keys(a.indices[i]).length});return r&&r(s),s},X.ShowCreateTable=function(e){return X.extend(this,e)},X.ShowCreateTable.prototype.toString=function(){var e="SHOW CREATE TABLE "+this.table.tableid;return this.databaseid&&(e+=" FROM "+this.databaseid),e},X.ShowCreateTable.prototype.execute=function(e){var t=T.databases[this.databaseid||e],r=t.tables[this.table.tableid];if(r){var n="CREATE TABLE "+this.table.tableid+" (",a=[];return r.columns&&(r.columns.forEach(function(e){var t=e.columnid+" "+e.dbtypeid;e.dbsize&&(t+="("+e.dbsize+")"),e.primarykey&&(t+=" PRIMARY KEY"),a.push(t)}),n+=a.join(", ")),n+=")"}throw new Error('There is no such table "'+this.table.tableid+'"')},X.SetVariable=function(e){return X.extend(this,e)},X.SetVariable.prototype.toString=function(){var e="SET ";return void 0!==this.value&&(e+=this.variable.toUpperCase()+" "+(this.value?"ON":"OFF")),this.expression&&(e+=this.method+this.variable+" = "+this.expression.toString()),e},X.SetVariable.prototype.execute=function(e,t,r){if(void 0!==this.value){var n=this.value;"ON"==n?n=!0:"OFF"==n&&(n=!1),T.options[this.variable]=n}else if(this.expression){this.exists&&(this.existsfn=this.exists.map(function(t){var r=t.compile(e);return r.query&&!r.query.modifier&&(r.query.modifier="RECORDSET"),r})),this.queries&&(this.queriesfn=this.queries.map(function(t){var r=t.compile(e);return r.query&&!r.query.modifier&&(r.query.modifier="RECORDSET"),r}));var a=new Function("params,alasql","return "+this.expression.toJS("({})","",null)).bind(this)(t,T);if(T.declares[this.variable]&&(a=T.stdfn.CONVERT(a,T.declares[this.variable])),this.props&&this.props.length>0){if("@"==this.method)var s="alasql.vars['"+this.variable+"']";else var s="params['"+this.variable+"']";s+=this.props.map(function(e){return"string"==typeof e?"['"+e+"']":"number"==typeof e?"["+e+"]":"["+e.toJS()+"]"}).join(),new Function("value,params,alasql","var y;"+s+"=value")(a,t,T)}else"@"==this.method?T.vars[this.variable]=a:t[this.variable]=a}var a=1;return r&&(a=r(a)),a},T.test=function(e,t,r){if(0===arguments.length)return void T.log(T.con.results);var n=Date.now();if(1===arguments.length)return r(),void T.con.log(Date.now()-n);2===arguments.length&&(r=t,t=1);for(var a=0;a",e),Array.isArray(a)&&console.table?console.table(a):console.log(oe(a));else{var s;s="output"===n?document.getElementsByTagName("output")[0]:"string"==typeof n?document.getElementById(n):n;var i="";if("string"==typeof e&&T.options.logprompt&&(i+=""+T.pretty(e)+"
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r&&(s=r(s,n,a)),s}throw new Error("Unknown INFORMATION_SCHEMA table")}),T.options.postgres,T.options.oracle,T.options.sqlite,T.into.SQL=function(e,t,r,n,a){var s;"object"==typeof e&&(t=e,e=void 0);var i={};if(T.utils.extend(i,t),void 0===i.tableid)throw new Error("Table for INSERT TO is not defined.");var o="";0===n.length&&"object"==typeof r[0]&&(n=Object.keys(r[0]).map(function(e){return{columnid:e}}));for(var u=0,c=r.length;u0&&(n=Object.keys(r[0]).map(function(e){return{columnid:e}})),"object"==typeof e&&(t=e,e=void 0);var s=r.length,i="";if(r.length>0){var o=n[0].columnid;i+=r.map(function(e){return e[o]}).join("\n")}return e=T.utils.autoExtFilename(e,"txt",t),s=T.utils.saveFile(e,i),a&&(s=a(s)),s},T.into.TAB=T.into.TSV=function(e,t,r,n,a){var s={};return 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Attach it.")},de.dropDatabase=function(e){throw new Error("This is impossible to drop SQLite database. Detach it.")},de.attachDatabase=function(e,t,r,n,a){if(T.databases[t])throw new Error('Unable to attach database as "'+t+'" because it already exists');if(r[0]&&r[0]instanceof X.StringValue||r[0]instanceof X.ParamValue){if(r[0]instanceof X.StringValue)var s=r[0].value;else if(r[0]instanceof X.ParamValue)var s=n[r[0].param];return T.utils.loadBinaryFile(s,!0,function(r){var n=new T.Database(t||e);n.engineid="SQLITE",n.sqldbid=e;var s=n.sqldb=new SQL.Database(r);n.tables=[],s.exec("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'")[0].values.forEach(function(e){n.tables[e[1]]={};var t=n.tables[e[1]].columns=[],r=T.parse(e[4]),a=r.statements[0].columns;a&&a.length>0&&a.forEach(function(e){t.push(e)})}),a(1)},function(e){throw new Error('Cannot open SQLite database file "'+r[0].value+'"')}),1}throw new Error("Cannot attach SQLite database without a file")},de.fromTable=function(e,t,r,n,a){var s=T.databases[e].sqldb.exec("SELECT * FROM "+t),i=a.sources[n].columns=[];s[0].columns.length>0&&s[0].columns.forEach(function(e){i.push({columnid:e})});var o=[];s[0].values.length>0&&s[0].values.forEach(function(e){var t={};i.forEach(function(r,n){t[r.columnid]=e[n]}),o.push(t)}),r&&r(o,n,a)},de.intoTable=function(e,t,r,n,a){for(var s=T.databases[e].sqldb,i=0,o=r.length;i1){var o="REQUIRE "+t.map(function(e){return'"'+e+'"'}).join(",");T(o,[],r)}}else if(!1===e)return void delete T.webworker});var pe=pe||function(e){if(!(void 0===e||"undefined"!=typeof navigator&&/MSIE [1-9]\./.test(navigator.userAgent))){var t=e.document,r=function(){return e.URL||e.webkitURL||e},n=t.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml","a"),a="download"in n,s=function(e){var t=new MouseEvent("click");e.dispatchEvent(t)},i=/constructor/i.test(e.HTMLElement)||e.safari,o=/CriOS\/[\d]+/.test(navigator.userAgent),u=function(t){(e.setImmediate||e.setTimeout)(function(){throw t},0)},c=function(e){var t=function(){"string"==typeof e?r().revokeObjectURL(e):e.remove()};setTimeout(t,4e4)},l=function(e,t,r){t=[].concat(t);for(var n=t.length;n--;){var a=e["on"+t[n]];if("function"==typeof a)try{a.call(e,r||e)}catch(e){u(e)}}},h=function(e){return/^\s*(?:text\/\S*|application\/xml|\S*\/\S*\+xml)\s*;.*charset\s*=\s*utf-8/i.test(e.type)?new Blob([String.fromCharCode(65279),e],{type:e.type}):e},d=function(t,u,d){d||(t=h(t));var f,p=this,b=t.type,E="application/octet-stream"===b,g=function(){l(p,"writestart progress write writeend".split(" "))};if(p.readyState=p.INIT,a)return f=r().createObjectURL(t),void setTimeout(function(){n.href=f,n.download=u,s(n),g(),c(f),p.readyState=p.DONE});!function(){if((o||E&&i)&&e.FileReader){var n=new FileReader;return n.onloadend=function(){var t=o?n.result:n.result.replace(/^data:[^;]*;/,"data:attachment/file;");e.open(t,"_blank")||(e.location.href=t),t=void 0,p.readyState=p.DONE,g()},n.readAsDataURL(t),void(p.readyState=p.INIT)}if(f||(f=r().createObjectURL(t)),E)e.location.href=f;else{e.open(f,"_blank")||(e.location.href=f)}p.readyState=p.DONE,g(),c(f)}()},f=d.prototype,p=function(e,t,r){return new d(e,t||e.name||"download",r)};return"undefined"!=typeof navigator&&navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob?function(e,t,r){return t=t||e.name||"download",r||(e=h(e)),navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(e,t)}:(f.abort=function(){},f.readyState=f.INIT=0,f.WRITING=1,f.DONE=2,f.error=f.onwritestart=f.onprogress=f.onwrite=f.onabort=f.onerror=f.onwriteend=null,p)}}("undefined"!=typeof self&&self||"undefined"!=typeof window&&window||this.content);"undefined"!=typeof module&&module.exports?module.exports.saveAs=pe:"undefined"!=typeof define&&null!==define&&null!==define.amd&&define("FileSaver.js",function(){return pe}),(N.isCordova||N.isMeteorServer||N.isNode)&&console.warn("It looks like you are using the browser version of AlaSQL. 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605:this.$=new a.ShowIndex({table:r[o-2],databaseid:r[o]});break;case 606:this.$=new a.ShowCreateTable({table:r[o]});break;case 607:this.$=new a.ShowCreateTable({table:r[o-2],databaseid:r[o]});break;case 608:this.$=new a.CreateTable({table:r[o-6],view:!0,select:r[o-1],viewcolumns:r[o-4]}),a.extend(this.$,r[o-9]),a.extend(this.$,r[o-7]);break;case 609:this.$=new a.CreateTable({table:r[o-3],view:!0,select:r[o-1]}),a.extend(this.$,r[o-6]),a.extend(this.$,r[o-4]);break;case 613:this.$=new a.DropTable({tables:r[o],view:!0}),a.extend(this.$,r[o-1]);break;case 614:case 760:this.$=new a.ExpressionStatement({expression:r[o]});break;case 615:this.$=new a.Source({url:r[o].value});break;case 616:this.$=new a.Assert({value:r[o]});break;case 617:this.$=new a.Assert({value:r[o].value});break;case 618:this.$=new a.Assert({value:r[o],message:r[o-2]});break;case 620:case 631:case 633:this.$=r[o].value;break;case 621:case 629:this.$=+r[o].value;break;case 622:this.$=!!r[o].value;break;case 630:this.$=""+r[o].value;break;case 639:this.$={};break;case 642:this.$=[];break;case 643:a.extend(r[o-2],r[o]),this.$=r[o-2];break;case 645:this.$={},this.$[r[o-2].substr(1,r[o-2].length-2)]=r[o];break;case 646:case 647:this.$={},this.$[r[o-2]]=r[o];break;case 650:this.$=new a.SetVariable({variable:r[o-2].toLowerCase(),value:r[o]});break;case 651:this.$=new a.SetVariable({variable:r[o-1].toLowerCase(),value:r[o]});break;case 652:this.$=new a.SetVariable({variable:r[o-2],expression:r[o]});break;case 653:this.$=new a.SetVariable({variable:r[o-3],props:r[o-2],expression:r[o]});break;case 654:this.$=new a.SetVariable({variable:r[o-2],expression:r[o],method:r[o-3]});break;case 655:this.$=new a.SetVariable({variable:r[o-3],props:r[o-2],expression:r[o],method:r[o-4]});break;case 656:this.$="@";break;case 657:this.$="$";break;case 663:this.$=!0;break;case 664:this.$=!1;break;case 665:this.$=new a.CommitTransaction;break;case 666:this.$=new a.RollbackTransaction;break;case 667:this.$=new a.BeginTransaction;break;case 668:this.$=new a.If({expression:r[o-2],thenstat:r[o-1],elsestat:r[o]}),r[o-1].exists&&(this.$.exists=r[o-1].exists),r[o-1].queries&&(this.$.queries=r[o-1].queries);break;case 669:this.$=new a.If({expression:r[o-1],thenstat:r[o]}),r[o].exists&&(this.$.exists=r[o].exists),r[o].queries&&(this.$.queries=r[o].queries);break;case 670:this.$=r[o];break;case 671:this.$=new a.While({expression:r[o-1],loopstat:r[o]}),r[o].exists&&(this.$.exists=r[o].exists),r[o].queries&&(this.$.queries=r[o].queries);break;case 672:this.$=new a.Continue;break;case 673:this.$=new a.Break;break;case 674:this.$=new a.BeginEnd({statements:r[o-1]});break;case 675:this.$=new a.Print({exprs:r[o]});break;case 676:this.$=new a.Print({select:r[o]});break;case 677:this.$=new a.Require({paths:r[o]});break;case 678:this.$=new a.Require({plugins:r[o]});break;case 679:case 680:this.$=r[o].toUpperCase();break;case 681:this.$=new a.Echo({expr:r[o]});break;case 686:this.$=new 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712:this.$={matched:!1,bysource:!0,expr:r[o-2],action:r[o]};break;case 713:this.$={insert:!0,values:r[o]};break;case 714:this.$={insert:!0,values:r[o],columns:r[o-3]};break;case 715:this.$={insert:!0,defaultvalues:!0};break;case 716:this.$={insert:!0,defaultvalues:!0,columns:r[o-3]};break;case 718:this.$={output:{columns:r[o]}};break;case 719:this.$={output:{columns:r[o-3],intovar:r[o],method:r[o-1]}};break;case 720:this.$={output:{columns:r[o-2],intotable:r[o]}};break;case 721:this.$={output:{columns:r[o-5],intotable:r[o-3],intocolumns:r[o-1]}};break;case 722:this.$=new a.CreateVertex({class:r[o-3],sharp:r[o-2],name:r[o-1]}),a.extend(this.$,r[o]);break;case 725:this.$={sets:r[o]};break;case 726:this.$={content:r[o]};break;case 727:this.$={select:r[o]};break;case 728:this.$=new a.CreateEdge({from:r[o-3],to:r[o-1],name:r[o-5]}),a.extend(this.$,r[o]);break;case 729:this.$=new a.CreateGraph({graph:r[o]});break;case 730:this.$=new a.CreateGraph({from:r[o]});break;case 733:this.$=r[o-2],r[o-1]&&(this.$.json=new a.Json({value:r[o-1]})),r[o]&&(this.$.as=r[o]);break;case 734:this.$={source:r[o-6],target:r[o]},r[o-3]&&(this.$.json=new a.Json({value:r[o-3]})),r[o-2]&&(this.$.as=r[o-2]),a.extend(this.$,r[o-4]);break;case 735:this.$={source:r[o-5],target:r[o]},r[o-2]&&(this.$.json=new a.Json({value:r[o-3]})),r[o-1]&&(this.$.as=r[o-2]);break;case 736:this.$={source:r[o-2],target:r[o]};break;case 740:this.$={vars:r[o],method:r[o-1]};break;case 743:case 744:var p=r[o-1];this.$={prop:r[o-3],sharp:r[o-2],name:void 0===p?void 0:p.substr(1,p.length-2),class:r[o]};break;case 745:var b=r[o-1];this.$={sharp:r[o-2],name:void 0===b?void 0:b.substr(1,b.length-2),class:r[o]};break;case 746:var T=r[o-1];this.$={name:void 0===T?void 0:T.substr(1,T.length-2),class:r[o]};break;case 747:this.$={class:r[o]};break;case 753:this.$=new a.AddRule({left:r[o-2],right:r[o]});break;case 754:this.$=new a.AddRule({right:r[o]});break;case 757:this.$=new a.Term({termid:r[o]});break;case 758:this.$=new a.Term({termid:r[o-3],args:r[o-1]});break;case 761:this.$=new a.CreateTrigger({trigger:r[o-6],when:r[o-5],action:r[o-4],table:r[o-2],statement:r[o]}),r[o].exists&&(this.$.exists=r[o].exists),r[o].queries&&(this.$.queries=r[o].queries);break;case 762:this.$=new a.CreateTrigger({trigger:r[o-5],when:r[o-4],action:r[o-3],table:r[o-1],funcid:r[o]});break;case 763:this.$=new a.CreateTrigger({trigger:r[o-6],when:r[o-4],action:r[o-3],table:r[o-5],statement:r[o]}),r[o].exists&&(this.$.exists=r[o].exists),r[o].queries&&(this.$.queries=r[o].queries);break;case 764:case 765:case 767:this.$="AFTER";break;case 766:this.$="BEFORE";break;case 768:this.$="INSTEADOF";break;case 769:this.$="INSERT";break;case 770:this.$="DELETE";break;case 771:this.$="UPDATE";break;case 772:this.$=new a.DropTrigger({trigger:r[o]});break;case 773:this.$=new a.Reindex({indexid:r[o]});break;case 1047:case 1067:case 1069:case 1071:case 1075:case 1077:case 1079:case 1081:case 1083:case 1085:this.$=[];break;case 1048:case 1062:case 1064:case 1068:case 1070:case 1072:case 1076:case 1078:case 1080:case 1082:case 1084:case 1086:r[o-1].push(r[o]);break;case 1061:case 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42]},{77:[2,343]},{77:[2,344]},{2:s,3:704,4:a,5:i,131:cs,132:us,425:699,426:[1,700],428:701},{2:s,3:244,4:a,5:i,199:705},{290:[1,706]},e(Ge,[2,472]),{2:s,3:244,4:a,5:i,199:707},{231:[1,709],454:708},{231:[2,695]},{2:s,3:219,4:a,5:i,77:Be,132:He,143:oe,144:212,145:ce,152:le,156:X,181:fe,199:213,200:215,201:214,202:217,209:710,213:Ye,214:218,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,302:xe,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{40:711,79:75,89:c,184:99,189:E},e(ls,[2,1091],{210:712,76:[1,713]}),e(hs,[2,185],{3:714,2:s,4:a,5:i,76:[1,715],154:[1,716]}),e(hs,[2,189],{3:717,2:s,4:a,5:i,76:[1,718]}),e(hs,[2,190],{3:719,2:s,4:a,5:i,76:[1,720]}),e(hs,[2,193]),e(hs,[2,194],{3:721,2:s,4:a,5:i,76:[1,722]}),e(hs,[2,197],{3:723,2:s,4:a,5:i,76:[1,724]}),e([2,4,5,10,72,74,76,78,93,98,118,128,154,162,168,169,183,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],Es,{77:nt,116:ds}),e([2,4,5,10,72,74,76,78,93,98,118,128,162,168,169,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],[2,200]),e(J,[2,773]),{2:s,3:244,4:a,5:i,199:726},e(fs,ps,{81:727,198:bs}),e(je,[2,1044]),e(Ts,[2,1057],{108:729,190:[1,730]}),e([10,78,183,306,310,602,764],ps,{419:190,81:731,117:732,3:733,114:736,144:758,158:768,160:769,2:s,4:a,5:i,72:gs,76:As,77:Ss,112:ms,115:St,116:mt,118:Ns,122:Rs,123:Cs,124:Os,128:Is,129:ys,130:vs,131:ks,132:Ls,133:$s,134:ws,135:Ds,136:xs,137:Ms,138:Us,139:_s,140:Ps,141:qs,142:Gs,143:Fs,145:Vs,146:Bs,148:Hs,149:Ys,150:js,152:Js,154:Xs,156:Ks,162:Ws,164:Qs,166:zs,168:Zs,169:ea,170:ta,171:sa,172:aa,173:ia,175:ra,185:na,187:oa,198:bs,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,420:Pe,424:qe}),{353:[1,782]},{183:[1,783]},e(J,[2,594],{112:[1,784]}),{405:[1,785]},{183:[1,786]},e(J,[2,598],{112:[1,787],183:[1,788]}),{2:s,3:244,4:a,5:i,199:789},{40:790,74:[1,791],79:75,89:c,184:99,189:E},e(ca,[2,70]),{76:[1,792]},e(J,[2,667]),{11:106,306:[1,793],602:H,764:Y},e(J,[2,665]),e(J,[2,666]),{2:s,3:794,4:a,5:i},e(J,[2,587]),{146:[1,795]},e([2,4,5,10,53,72,74,76,77,78,89,95,124,128,143,145,146,148,149,152,154,156,181,183,187,189,230,266,267,290,297,302,306,310,335,338,339,343,344,356,368,369,373,374,396,400,401,402,403,404,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,505,507,508,514,515,516,517,602,764],Es,{116:ds}),e(J,[2,615]),e(J,[2,616]),e(J,[2,617]),e(J,as,{74:[1,796]}),{77:is,113:669,131:ie,132:re,143:oe,152:le,181:fe,196:670,201:672,257:671,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,302:xe,419:673,424:qe},e(ua,[2,320]),e(ua,[2,321]),e(ua,[2,322]),e(ua,[2,323]),e(ua,[2,324]),e(ua,[2,325]),e(ua,[2,326]),e(J,t,{17:5,18:7,19:8,20:9,21:10,22:11,23:12,24:13,25:14,26:15,27:16,28:17,29:18,30:19,31:20,32:21,33:22,34:23,35:24,36:25,37:26,38:27,39:28,40:29,41:30,42:31,43:32,44:33,45:34,46:35,47:36,48:37,49:38,50:39,51:40,52:41,54:43,55:44,56:45,57:46,58:47,59:48,60:49,61:50,62:51,63:52,64:53,65:54,66:55,67:56,68:57,69:58,70:59,71:60,79:75,504:95,184:99,3:100,114:625,327:637,12:797,2:s,4:a,5:i,53:n,72:o,89:c,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Rt,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,146:l,154:$t,156:h,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,189:E,266:d,267:f,290:p,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es,335:b,338:T,339:g,396:A,400:S,401:m,404:N,406:R,408:C,409:O,417:I,418:y,434:v,436:k,437:L,439:$,440:w,441:D,442:x,443:M,447:U,448:_,451:P,452:q,505:G,507:F,508:V,517:B}),e(J,[2,675],{74:la}),e(J,[2,676]),e(ha,[2,354],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),e(J,[2,677],{74:[1,800]}),e(J,[2,678],{74:[1,801]}),e(ft,[2,683]),e(ft,[2,685]),e(ft,[2,679]),e(ft,[2,680]),{114:807,115:St,116:mt,124:[1,802],230:da,429:803,430:804,433:fa},{2:s,3:808,4:a,5:i},e(Ge,[2,656]),e(Ge,[2,657]),e(J,[2,614],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),{2:s,3:100,4:a,5:i,504:274,506:809},e(J,[2,754],{74:pa}),e(ba,[2,756]),e(J,[2,759]),e(J,[2,681],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),e(Ta,tt,{186:811,195:st}),e(Ta,tt,{186:812,195:st}),e(Ta,tt,{186:813,195:st}),e(ga,[2,1087],{255:146,200:147,256:148,111:149,254:150,196:151,257:152,113:153,258:154,201:155,202:156,259:157,260:158,261:159,144:161,262:162,263:163,56:165,158:167,3:168,419:190,188:814,174:815,253:816,94:817,2:s,4:a,5:i,77:ae,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154: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,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:907,4:a,5:i,77:[1,909],131:ie,156:X,196:908,200:910,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z},{2:s,3:911,4:a,5:i,77:[1,913],131:ie,156:X,196:912,200:914,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z},e(Pa,[2,440],{255:146,200:147,256:148,111:149,254:150,196:151,257:152,113:153,258:154,201:155,202:156,259:157,260:158,261:159,144:161,262:162,263:163,56:165,158:167,3:168,419:190,94:915,2:s,4:a,5:i,77:ae,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,420:Pe,424:qe}),e(Pa,[2,441],{255:146,200:147,256:148,111:149,254:150,196:151,257:152,113:153,258:154,201:155,202:156,259:157,260:158,261:159,144:161,262:162,263:163,56:165,158:167,3:168,419:190,94:916,2:s,4:a,5:i,77:ae,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,420:Pe,424:qe}),e(Pa,[2,442],{255:146,200:147,256:148,111:149,254:150,196:151,257:152,113:153,258:154,201:155,202:156,259:157,260:158,261:159,144:161,262:162,263:163,56:165,158:167,3:168,419:190,94:917,2:s,4:a,5:i,77:ae,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,420:Pe,424:qe}),e(Pa,[2,443],{255:146,200:147,256:148,111:149,254:150,196:151,257:152,113:153,258:154,201:155,202:156,259:157,260:158,261:159,144:161,262:162,263:163,56:165,158:167,3:168,419:190,94:918,2:s,4:a,5:i,77:ae,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,420:Pe,424:qe}),e(Pa,qa,{255:146,200:147,256:148,111:149,254:150,196:151,257:152,113:153,258:154,201:155,202:156,259:157,260:158,261:159,144:161,262:162,263:163,56:165,158:167,3:168,419:190,94:919,2:s,4:a,5:i,77:ae,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,420:Pe,424:qe}),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:920,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:921,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(Pa,[2,445],{255:146,200:147,256:148,111:149,254:150,196:151,257:152,113:153,258:154,201:155,202:156,259:157,260:158,261:159,144:161,262:162,263:163,56:165,158:167,3:168,419:190,94:922,2:s,4:a,5:i,77:ae,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,420:Pe,424:qe}),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:923,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:924,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{164:[1,926],166:[1,928],328:925,334:[1,927]},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:929,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:930,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:695,4:a,5:i,77:[1,931],111:934,145:Ga,156:X,200:935,202:933,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,329:932},{99:[1,937],297:[1,938]},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:939,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:940,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:941,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{4:Ua,7:879,272:942,387:878,389:_a},e(Fa,[2,88]),e(Fa,[2,89]),{78:[1,943]},{78:[1,944]},{78:[1,945]},{78:[1,946],99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},e(Ge,Fe,{340:207,77:ot,198:Ve}),{78:[2,1107]},{78:[2,1108]},{134:ee,135:te},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:260,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,151:947,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,164:[1,949],179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,185:[1,948],196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:950,4:a,5:i,149:Va,180:[1,952]},e([2,4,5,10,53,72,74,76,77,78,89,93,95,98,99,107,118,122,128,129,130,131,132,134,135,137,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,181,183,185,187,189,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,232,239,242,243,245,247,266,267,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,296,300,306,308,309,310,314,330,331,333,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,464,470,505,507,508,517,602,764],[2,416],{114:625,327:637,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,332:Zt}),e(Ba,[2,417],{114:625,327:637,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,180:Mt,312:_t,316:Gt}),e(Ba,[2,418],{114:625,327:637,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,180:Mt,312:_t,316:Gt}),e(Ha,[2,419],{114:625,327:637,316:Gt}),e(Ha,[2,420],{114:625,327:637,316:Gt}),e(ss,[2,365]),e(ss,[2,1113]),e(ss,[2,1114]),e(ss,[2,366]),e([2,4,5,10,53,72,74,76,77,78,89,93,95,98,99,107,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,179,180,181,183,185,187,189,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,239,242,243,245,247,266,267,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,296,300,306,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,330,331,332,333,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,464,470,505,507,508,517,602,764],[2,362]),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:953,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(ns,[2,620]),e(ns,[2,621]),e(ns,[2,622]),e(ns,[2,623]),e(ns,[2,625]),{40:954,79:75,89:c,184:99,189:E},{99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,304:955,307:677,308:rs,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},{305:956,306:Ya,307:957,308:rs,310:ja},e(Ja,[2,372]),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:959,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:960,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{4:Ua,7:879,272:961,387:878,389:_a},e(ns,[2,626]),{74:[1,963],300:[1,962]},e(ns,[2,642]),e(Xa,[2,649]),e(Ka,[2,627]),e(Ka,[2,628]),e(Ka,[2,629]),e(Ka,[2,630]),e(Ka,[2,631]),e(Ka,[2,632]),e(Ka,[2,633]),e(Ka,[2,634]),e(Ka,[2,635]),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:964,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e([2,4,5,10,53,72,74,76,78,89,93,95,98,99,107,112,115,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,179,180,181,183,185,187,189,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,232,239,242,243,245,247,266,267,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,296,300,306,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,330,331,332,333,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,426,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,464,470,505,507,508,517,602,764],ts,{77:nt,116:Wa}),{74:la,300:[1,966]},e(Qa,[2,314],{77:nt}),e(Xe,[2,315]),{74:[1,968],426:[1,967]},e(ns,[2,639]),e(za,[2,644]),{152:[1,969]},{152:[1,970]},{152:[1,971]},{40:976,77:[1,975],79:75,89:c,143:oe,144:979,145:Ke,149:Za,152:le,181:fe,184:99,189:E,201:980,302:xe,341:972,342:973,343:[1,974],344:ei,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(Ge,Fe,{340:981,198:Ve}),{77:ti,143:oe,144:979,145:Ke,149:Za,152:le,181:fe,201:980,302:xe,341:982,342:983,344:ei,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{230:[1,986],455:985},{2:s,3:219,4:a,5:i,77:Be,132:He,143:oe,144:212,145:ce,152:le,156:X,181:fe,199:213,200:215,201:214,202:217,209:987,213:Ye,214:218,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,302:xe,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{231:[2,696]},{78:[1,988]},e(hs,[2,1093],{211:989,3:990,2:s,4:a,5:i}),e(ls,[2,1092]),e(hs,[2,183]),{2:s,3:991,4:a,5:i},{212:[1,992]},e(hs,[2,187]),{2:s,3:993,4:a,5:i},e(hs,[2,191]),{2:s,3:994,4:a,5:i},e(hs,[2,195]),{2:s,3:995,4:a,5:i},e(hs,[2,198]),{2:s,3:996,4:a,5:i},{2:s,3:997,4:a,5:i},{148:[1,998]},e(si,[2,172],{82:999,183:[1,1e3]}),{2:s,3:219,4:a,5:i,132:[1,1005],143:oe,145:[1,1006],152:le,156:X,181:fe,199:1001,200:1002,201:1003,202:1004,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,302:xe},{2:s,3:1011,4:a,5:i,109:1007,110:1008,111:1009,112:ai},e(Ts,[2,1058]),e(ii,[2,1049],{91:1012,182:1013,183:[1,1014]}),e(Je,[2,1048],{153:1015,179:ri,180:ni,181:oi}),e([2,4,5,10,72,74,76,78,112,115,116,118,122,123,124,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,179,180,181,183,185,187,198,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,306,310,420,424,602,764],[2,90],{77:[1,1019]}),{119:[1,1020]},e(ci,[2,93]),{2:s,3:1021,4:a,5:i},e(ci,[2,95]),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1022,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1023,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:733,4:a,5:i,72:gs,76:As,77:Ss,112:ms,114:736,115:St,116:mt,117:1025,118:Ns,122:Rs,123:Cs,124:Os,125:1024,128:Is,129:ys,130:vs,131:ks,132:Ls,133:$s,134:ws,135:Ds,136:xs,137:Ms,138:Us,139:_s,140:Ps,141:qs,142:Gs,143:Fs,144:758,145:Vs,146:Bs,148:Hs,149:Ys,150:js,152:Js,154:Xs,156:Ks,158:768,160:769,162:Ws,164:Qs,166:zs,168:Zs,169:ea,170:ta,171:sa,172:aa,173:ia,175:ra,185:na,187:oa,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{77:[1,1026]},{77:[1,1027]},{77:[1,1028]},{77:[1,1029]},e(ci,[2,104]),e(ci,[2,105]),e(ci,[2,106]),e(ci,[2,107]),e(ci,[2,108]),e(ci,[2,109]),{2:s,3:1030,4:a,5:i},{2:s,3:1031,4:a,5:i,133:[1,1032]},e(ci,[2,113]),e(ci,[2,114]),e(ci,[2,115]),e(ci,[2,116]),e(ci,[2,117]),e(ci,[2,118]),{2:s,3:1033,4:a,5:i,77:is,113:669,131:ie,132:re,143:oe,152:le,181:fe,196:670,201:672,257:671,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,302:xe,419:673,424:qe},{145:[1,1034]},{77:[1,1035]},{145:[1,1036]},e(ci,[2,123]),{77:[1,1037]},{2:s,3:1038,4:a,5:i},{77:[1,1039]},{77:[1,1040]},{77:[1,1041]},{77:[1,1042]},{77:[1,1043],164:[1,1044]},{77:[1,1045]},{77:[1,1046]},{77:[1,1047]},{77:[1,1048]},{77:[1,1049]},{77:[1,1050]},{77:[1,1051]},{77:[1,1052]},{77:[1,1053]},{77:[2,1073]},{77:[2,1074]},{2:s,3:244,4:a,5:i,199:1054},{2:s,3:244,4:a,5:i,199:1055},{113:1056,132:re,296:Le},e(J,[2,596],{112:[1,1057]}),{2:s,3:244,4:a,5:i,199:1058},{113:1059,132:re,296:Le},{2:s,3:1060,4:a,5:i},e(J,[2,693]),e(J,[2,68]),{2:s,3:236,4:a,5:i,75:1061},{77:[1,1062]},e(J,[2,674]),e(J,[2,586]),{2:s,3:1011,4:a,5:i,111:1065,143:ui,145:li,147:1063,336:1064,337:1066},{144:1069,145:Ke,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(J,[2,671]),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1070,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(Pa,qa,{255:146,200:147,256:148,111:149,254:150,196:151,257:152,113:153,258:154,201:155,202:156,259:157,260:158,261:159,144:161,262:162,263:163,56:165,158:167,3:168,419:190,94:1071,2:s,4:a,5:i,77:ae,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,420:Pe,424:qe}),{113:1072,132:re,296:Le},{2:s,3:266,4:a,5:i,446:1073,447:Qe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1075,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,230:da,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe,429:1074,433:fa},e(J,[2,651]),{114:1077,115:St,116:mt,124:[1,1076]},e(J,[2,663]),e(J,[2,664]),{2:s,3:1079,4:a,5:i,77:hi,131:Ei,432:1078},{114:807,115:St,116:mt,124:[1,1082],430:1083},e(J,[2,753],{74:pa}),{2:s,3:100,4:a,5:i,504:1084},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:817,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:r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9:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(Xe,[2,401]),e(Ii,[2,402],{114:625,327:637,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,141:kt,142:Lt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,332:Zt}),e(Ii,[2,403],{114:625,327:637,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,141:kt,142:Lt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,332:Zt}),e(Ii,[2,404],{114:625,327:637,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,141:kt,142:Lt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,332:Zt}),e(Ii,[2,405],{114:625,327:637,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,141:kt,142:Lt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,332:Zt}),e([2,4,5,10,53,72,89,99,124,139,140,146,154,156,170,171,189,266,267,290,306,310,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,330,331,333,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,505,507,508,517,602,764],yi,{114:625,327:637,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,141:kt,142:Lt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,332:Zt}),e(Ii,[2,407],{114:625,327:637,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,141:kt,142:Lt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,332:Zt}),e(Ii,[2,408],{114:625,327:637,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,141:kt,142:Lt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,332:Zt}),e(Ii,[2,409],{114:625,327:637,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,141:kt,142:Lt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,332:Zt}),e(Ii,[2,410],{114:625,327:637,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,141:kt,142:Lt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,332:Zt}),e(Ii,[2,411],{114:625,327:637,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,141:kt,142:Lt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,332:Zt}),{77:[1,1159]},{77:[2,446]},{77:[2,447]},{77:[2,448]},e(vi,[2,414],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,332:Zt}),e([2,4,5,10,53,72,74,76,77,78,89,93,95,98,107,118,122,128,129,130,131,132,134,135,137,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,156,162,164,166,168,169,171,172,173,175,181,183,185,187,189,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,232,239,242,243,245,247,266,267,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,296,300,306,308,309,310,314,333,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,464,470,505,507,508,517,602,764],[2,415],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt}),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,40:1160,56:165,77:ae,78:[1,1162],79:75,89:c,94:260,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,151:1161,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,184:99,189:E,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(Xe,[2,428]),e(Xe,[2,430]),e(Xe,[2,437]),e(Xe,[2,438]),{2:s,3:667,4:a,5:i,77:[1,1163]},{2:s,3:695,4:a,5:i,77:[1,1164],111:934,145:Ga,156:X,200:935,202:1166,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,329:1165},e(Xe,[2,435]),e(vi,[2,432],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,332:Zt}),e(vi,[2,433],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,332:Zt}),e([2,4,5,10,53,72,74,76,77,78,89,93,95,98,99,107,118,122,124,128,129,130,131,132,134,135,137,139,140,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,181,183,185,187,189,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,232,239,242,243,245,247,266,267,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,290,296,300,306,308,309,310,314,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,330,331,332,333,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,464,470,505,507,508,517,602,764],[2,434],{114:625,327:637,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,141:kt,142:Lt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt}),e(Xe,[2,436]),e(Xe,[2,306]),e(Xe,[2,307]),e(Xe,[2,308]),e(Xe,[2,421]),{74:la,78:[1,1167]},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1168,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1169,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(Xe,ki),e(Li,[2,286]),e(Xe,[2,282]),{78:[1,1171],99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},{78:[1,1172]},{305:1173,306:Ya,307:957,308:rs,310:ja},{306:[1,1174]},e(Ja,[2,371]),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1175,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,309:[1,1176],311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},{76:[1,1177],99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},{74:[1,1178]},e(ns,[2,640]),{2:s,3:695,4:a,5:i,77:os,111:690,113:688,131:ie,132:re,143:oe,144:685,145:Ke,152:le,156:X,181:fe,196:687,200:693,201:692,257:689,258:691,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,300:[1,1179],302:xe,419:190,420:Pe,422:1180,423:686,424:qe},{78:[1,1181],99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},{2:s,3:1182,4:a,5:i,149:Va},e(Xe,[2,364]),e(ns,[2,637]),{2:s,3:704,4:a,5:i,131:cs,132:us,426:[1,1183],428:1184},{2:s,3:695,4:a,5:i,77:os,111:690,113:688,131:ie,132:re,143:oe,144:685,145:Ke,152:le,156:X,181:fe,196:687,200:693,201:692,257:689,258:691,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,302:xe,419:190,420:Pe,422:1185,423:686,424:qe},{2:s,3:695,4:a,5:i,77:os,111:690,113:688,131:ie,132:re,143:oe,144:685,145:Ke,152:le,156:X,181:fe,196:687,200:693,201:692,257:689,258:691,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,302:xe,419:190,420:Pe,422:1186,423:686,424:qe},{2:s,3:695,4:a,5:i,77:os,111:690,113:688,131:ie,132:re,143:oe,144:685,145:Ke,152:le,156:X,181:fe,196:687,200:693,201:692,257:689,258:691,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,302:xe,419:190,420:Pe,422:1187,423:686,424:qe},{77:ti,143:oe,144:979,145:Ke,152:le,181:fe,201:980,302:xe,342:1188,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e($i,[2,458],{74:wi}),{149:Za,341:1190,344:ei},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1194,100:1191,111:1193,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,345:1192,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e($i,[2,466]),e(Di,[2,469]),e(Di,[2,470]),e(xi,[2,474]),e(xi,[2,475]),{2:s,3:244,4:a,5:i,199:1195},{77:ti,143:oe,144:979,145:Ke,152:le,181:fe,201:980,302:xe,342:1196,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e($i,[2,462],{74:wi}),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1194,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,345:1192,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{308:Mi,456:1197,458:1198,459:1199},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1201,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{230:[2,697]},e(hs,[2,181],{3:1202,2:s,4:a,5:i,76:[1,1203]}),e(hs,[2,182]),e(hs,[2,1094]),e(hs,[2,184]),e(hs,[2,186]),e(hs,[2,188]),e(hs,[2,192]),e(hs,[2,196]),e(hs,[2,199]),e([2,4,5,10,53,72,74,76,77,78,89,93,95,98,118,124,128,143,145,146,148,149,152,154,156,162,168,169,181,183,187,189,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,245,247,266,267,290,297,302,306,310,335,338,339,343,344,356,368,369,373,374,396,400,401,402,403,404,406,408,409,417,418,420,424,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,505,507,508,514,515,516,517,602,764],[2,201]),{2:s,3:1204,4:a,5:i},e(Ui,[2,1045],{83:1205,92:1206,93:[1,1207],98:[1,1208]}),{2:s,3:219,4:a,5:i,77:[1,1210],132:He,143:oe,144:212,145:ce,152:le,156:X,181:fe,199:213,200:215,201:214,202:217,203:1209,209:1211,213:Ye,214:218,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,302:xe,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(fs,[2,164]),e(fs,[2,165]),e(fs,[2,166]),e(fs,[2,167]),e(fs,[2,168]),{2:s,3:667,4:a,5:i},e(je,[2,83],{74:[1,1212]}),e(_i,[2,85]),e(_i,[2,86]),{113:1213,132:re,296:Le},e([10,72,74,78,93,98,118,124,128,162,168,169,183,198,206,208,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,232,245,247,306,310,602,764],ts,{116:Wa}),e(ii,[2,73]),e(ii,[2,1050]),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1214,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(ci,[2,126]),e(ci,[2,144]),e(ci,[2,145]),e(ci,[2,146]),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,78:[2,1065],94:260,111:149,113:153,127:1215,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,151:1216,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{77:[1,1217]},e(ci,[2,94]),e([2,4,5,10,72,74,76,77,78,118,122,124,128,129,130,131,132,134,135,137,139,140,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,181,183,185,187,198,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,306,310,420,424,602,764],[2,96],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,141:kt,142:Lt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),e([2,4,5,10,72,74,76,77,78,112,118,122,124,128,129,130,131,132,134,135,137,139,140,143,145,146,148,149,150,152,154,156,162,164,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,175,181,183,185,187,198,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,306,310,420,424,602,764],[2,97],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,141:kt,142:Lt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),{2:s,3:733,4:a,5:i,72:gs,76:As,77:Ss,78:[1,1218],112:ms,114:736,115:St,116:mt,117:1219,118:Ns,122:Rs,123:Cs,124:Os,128:Is,129:ys,130:vs,131:ks,132:Ls,133:$s,134:ws,135:Ds,136:xs,137:Ms,138:Us,139:_s,140:Ps,141:qs,142:Gs,143:Fs,144:758,145:Vs,146:Bs,148:Hs,149:Ys,150:js,152:Js,154:Xs,156:Ks,158:768,160:769,162:Ws,164:Qs,166:zs,168:Zs,169:ea,170:ta,171:sa,172:aa,173:ia,175:ra,185:na,187:oa,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(Pi,[2,1061],{153:1015,179:ri,180:ni,181:oi}),{2:s,3:733,4:a,5:i,72:gs,76:As,77:Ss,112:ms,114:736,115:St,116:mt,117:1221,118:Ns,122:Rs,123:Cs,124:Os,126:1220,128:Is,129:ys,130:vs,131:ks,132:Ls,133:$s,134:ws,135:Ds,136:xs,137:Ms,138:Us,139:_s,140:Ps,141:qs,142:Gs,143:Fs,144:758,145:Vs,146:Bs,148:Hs,149:Ys,150:js,152:Js,154:Xs,156:Ks,158:768,160:769,162:Ws,164:Qs,166:zs,168:Zs,169:ea,170:ta,171:sa,172:aa,173:ia,175:ra,185:na,187:oa,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1222,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1223,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:1224,4:a,5:i},e(ci,[2,110]),e(ci,[2,111]),e(ci,[2,112]),e(ci,[2,119]),{2:s,3:1225,4:a,5:i},{2:s,3:1011,4:a,5:i,111:1065,143:ui,145:li,147:1226,336:1064,337:1066},{2:s,3:1227,4:a,5:i},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:260,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,151:1228,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(ci,[2,125]),e(Pi,[2,1067],{155:1229}),e(Pi,[2,1069],{157:1230}),e(Pi,[2,1071],{159:1231}),e(Pi,[2,1075],{161:1232}),e(qi,Gi,{163:1233,178:1234}),{77:[1,1235]},e(Pi,[2,1077],{165:1236}),e(Pi,[2,1079],{167:1237}),e(qi,Gi,{178:1234,163:1238}),e(qi,Gi,{178:1234,163:1239}),e(qi,Gi,{178:1234,163:1240}),e(qi,Gi,{178:1234,163:1241}),{2:s,3:733,4:a,5:i,72:gs,76:As,77:Ss,112:ms,114:736,115:St,116:mt,117:1242,118:Ns,122:Rs,123:Cs,124:Os,128:Is,129:ys,130:vs,131:ks,132:Ls,133:$s,134:ws,135:Ds,136:xs,137:Ms,138:Us,139:_s,140:Ps,141:qs,142:Gs,143:Fs,144:758,145:Vs,146:Bs,148:Hs,149:Ys,150:js,152:Js,154:Xs,156:Ks,158:768,160:769,162:Ws,164:Qs,166:zs,168:Zs,169:ea,170:ta,171:sa,172:aa,173:ia,175:ra,185:na,187:oa,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:817,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,174:1243,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,253:816,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(Fi,[2,1081],{176:1244}),e(J,[2,606],{183:[1,1245]}),e(J,[2,602],{183:[1,1246]}),e(J,[2,595]),{113:1247,132:re,296:Le},e(J,[2,604],{183:[1,1248]}),e(J,[2,599]),e(J,[2,600],{112:[1,1249]}),e(ca,[2,69]),{40:1250,79:75,89:c,184:99,189:E},e(J,[2,450],{74:Vi,128:[1,1251]}),e(Bi,[2,451]),{124:[1,1253]},{2:s,3:1254,4:a,5:i},e(Ge,[2,1115]),e(Ge,[2,1116]),e(J,[2,618]),e(ha,[2,355],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),e(Ii,yi,{114:625,327:637,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,141:kt,142:Lt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,332:Zt}),e(ft,[2,682]),e(ft,[2,684]),e(J,[2,650]),e(J,[2,652],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1255,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:1079,4:a,5:i,77:hi,131:Ei,432:1256},e(Hi,[2,659]),e(Hi,[2,660]),e(Hi,[2,661]),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1257,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1258,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{114:1077,115:St,116:mt,124:[1,1259]},e(ba,[2,755]),e(ga,[2,148],{74:di}),e(ga,[2,149],{74:di}),e(ga,[2,150],{74:di}),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:817,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,253:1260,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:1261,4:a,5:i,113:1263,131:[1,1262],132:re,296:Le},e(fi,[2,275]),e(fi,[2,277]),e(fi,[2,279]),e(et,[2,160]),e(et,[2,1090]),{78:[1,1264]},e(at,[2,758]),{2:s,3:1265,4:a,5:i},{2:s,3:1266,4:a,5:i},{2:s,3:1268,4:a,5:i,384:1267},{2:s,3:1268,4:a,5:i,384:1269},{2:s,3:1270,4:a,5:i},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:260,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,151:1271,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:1272,4:a,5:i},{74:la,78:[1,1273]},e(ss,[2,347]),e(ss,[2,348]),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1274,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1275,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1276,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1277,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(Sa,[2,504]),e(J,Yi,{407:1278,76:ji,77:[1,1279]}),e(J,Yi,{407:1281,76:ji}),{77:[1,1282]},{2:s,3:244,4:a,5:i,199:1283},e(ba,[2,731]),e(ba,[2,733]),e(ba,[2,1146]),{143:ze,145:Ze,431:1284},e(Ji,[2,1147],{419:190,479:1285,144:1286,145:Ke,420:Pe,424:qe}),{76:pi,139:[2,1151],481:1287,483:1288},e([10,74,76,78,132,139,145,152,306,310,420,424,602,764],Oa,{490:851,493:852,137:ht}),e(ba,[2,736]),e(ba,Ra),{74:ma,78:[1,1289]},e(ya,[2,1165],{492:1290,497:1291,152:Et}),e(Ia,[2,1164]),e(ya,[2,745]),e(ya,[2,1170]),e(J,[2,490],{77:[1,1292]}),{76:[1,1294],77:[1,1293]},{99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,148:[1,1295],154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},e($i,Xi,{79:75,184:99,468:1296,40:1299,89:c,146:Ki,189:E,470:Wi}),e(bi,[2,1140]),e(ka,[2,723]),{230:[1,1300]},e(Qi,[2,769]),e(Qi,[2,770]),e(Qi,[2,771]),e(La,$a,{510:1301,95:wa,514:Da,515:xa,516:Ma}),e(La,[2,768]),e(J,[2,312]),e(J,[2,313]),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1302,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(ft,[2,690],{124:[1,1303]}),e(Si,[2,541]),{131:[1,1305],388:1304,390:[1,1306]},e(Si,[2,5]),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1194,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,345:1307,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(J,[2,455],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),e(J,[2,589]),e(J,[2,590]),{2:s,3:244,4:a,5:i,199:1308},e(J,[2,670]),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1309,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1310,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{78:[1,1311],99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},{78:[1,1312],99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,40:1313,56:165,77:ae,79:75,89:c,94:260,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,151:1314,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,184:99,189:E,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{78:[1,1315]},{74:la,78:[1,1316]},e(Xe,[2,426]),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1317,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,40:1318,56:165,77:ae,78:[1,1320],79:75,89:c,94:260,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,151:1319,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,184:99,189:E,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(Xe,[2,429]),e(Xe,[2,431]),e(Xe,zi,{275:1321,276:Zi}),{78:[1,1323],99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},{78:[1,1324],99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},{2:s,3:1325,4:a,5:i,180:[1,1326]},e(ns,[2,619]),e(Xe,[2,363]),{306:[1,1327]},e(Xe,[2,370]),{99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,306:[2,374],311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1328,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{4:Ua,7:879,272:1329,387:878,389:_a},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1330,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(ns,[2,641]),e(Xa,[2,648]),e(Ka,[2,636]),e(Li,ki),e(ns,[2,638]),e(za,[2,643]),e(za,[2,645]),e(za,[2,646]),e(za,[2,647]),e($i,[2,457],{74:wi}),{77:[1,1332],143:oe,144:1333,145:Ke,152:le,181:fe,201:1334,302:xe,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e($i,[2,463]),{74:er,78:[1,1335]},{74:tr,78:[1,1337]},e([74,78,99,112,115,116,123,124,133,136,138,139,140,141,142,154,170,171,179,180,311,312,313,315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,330,331,332,333],sr),e(ar,[2,479],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),{40:1341,77:ti,79:75,89:c,143:oe,144:979,145:Ke,149:Za,152:le,181:fe,184:99,189:E,201:980,302:xe,341:1339,342:1340,344:ei,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e($i,[2,461],{74:wi}),e(J,[2,717],{457:1342,458:1343,459:1344,308:Mi,464:[1,1345]}),e(ir,[2,701]),e(ir,[2,702]),{154:[1,1347],460:[1,1346]},{99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,308:[2,698],311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},e(hs,[2,179]),{2:s,3:1348,4:a,5:i},e(J,[2,574]),e(rr,[2,238],{84:1349,128:[1,1350]}),e(Ui,[2,1046]),{77:[1,1351]},{77:[1,1352]},e(si,[2,169],{204:1353,215:1355,205:1356,216:1357,221:1360,74:nr,206:or,208:cr,222:ur,223:lr,224:hr,225:Er,226:dr,227:fr,228:pr,229:br}),{2:s,3:219,4:a,5:i,40:711,77:Be,79:75,89:c,132:He,143:oe,144:212,145:ce,152:le,156:X,181:fe,184:99,189:E,199:213,200:215,201:214,202:217,203:1369,209:1211,213:Ye,214:218,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,302:xe,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(Tr,[2,177]),{2:s,3:1011,4:a,5:i,110:1370,111:1009,112:ai},e(_i,[2,87]),e(ii,[2,147],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),{78:[1,1371]},{74:la,78:[2,1066]},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,78:[2,1059],94:1376,111:149,113:153,120:1372,121:1373,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,241:1374,242:[1,1375],254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(ci,[2,98]),e(Pi,[2,1062],{153:1015,179:ri,180:ni,181:oi}),{2:s,3:733,4:a,5:i,72:gs,76:As,77:Ss,78:[1,1377],112:ms,114:736,115:St,116:mt,117:1378,118:Ns,122:Rs,123:Cs,124:Os,128:Is,129:ys,130:vs,131:ks,132:Ls,133:$s,134:ws,135:Ds,136:xs,137:Ms,138:Us,139:_s,140:Ps,141:qs,142:Gs,143:Fs,144:758,145:Vs,146:Bs,148:Hs,149:Ys,150:js,152:Js,154:Xs,156:Ks,158:768,160:769,162:Ws,164:Qs,166:zs,168:Zs,169:ea,170:ta,171:sa,172:aa,173:ia,175:ra,185:na,187:oa,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(Pi,[2,1063],{153:1015,179:ri,180:ni,181:oi}),{78:[1,1379],99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},{78:[1,1380],99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},{78:[1,1381]},e(ci,[2,120]),{74:Vi,78:[1,1382]},e(ci,[2,122]),{74:la,78:[1,1383]},{2:s,3:733,4:a,5:i,72:gs,76:As,77:Ss,78:[1,1384],112:ms,114:736,115:St,116:mt,117:1385,118:Ns,122:Rs,123:Cs,124:Os,128:Is,129:ys,130:vs,131:ks,132:Ls,133:$s,134:ws,135:Ds,136:xs,137:Ms,138:Us,139:_s,140:Ps,141:qs,142:Gs,143:Fs,144:758,145:Vs,146:Bs,148:Hs,149:Ys,150:js,152:Js,154:Xs,156:Ks,158:768,160:769,162:Ws,164:Qs,166:zs,168:Zs,169:ea,170:ta,171:sa,172:aa,173:ia,175:ra,185:na,187:oa,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:733,4:a,5:i,72:gs,76:As,77:Ss,78:[1,1386],112:ms,114:736,115:St,116:mt,117:1387,118:Ns,122:Rs,123:Cs,124:Os,128:Is,129:ys,130:vs,131:ks,132:Ls,133:$s,134:ws,135:Ds,136:xs,137:Ms,138:Us,139:_s,140:Ps,141:qs,142:Gs,143:Fs,144:758,145:Vs,146:Bs,148:Hs,149:Ys,150:js,152:Js,154:Xs,156:Ks,158:768,160:769,162:Ws,164:Qs,166:zs,168:Zs,169:ea,170:ta,171:sa,172:aa,173:ia,175:ra,185:na,187:oa,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:733,4:a,5:i,72:gs,76:As,77:Ss,78:[1,1388],112:ms,114:736,115:St,116:mt,117:1389,118:Ns,122:Rs,123:Cs,124:Os,128:Is,129:ys,130:vs,131:ks,132:Ls,133:$s,134:ws,135:Ds,136:xs,137:Ms,138:Us,139:_s,140:Ps,141:qs,142:Gs,143:Fs,144:758,145:Vs,146:Bs,148:Hs,149:Ys,150:js,152:Js,154:Xs,156:Ks,158:768,160:769,162:Ws,164:Qs,166:zs,168:Zs,169:ea,170:ta,171:sa,172:aa,173:ia,175:ra,185:na,187:oa,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:733,4:a,5:i,72:gs,76:As,77:Ss,78:[1,1390],112:ms,114:736,115:St,116:mt,117:1391,118:Ns,122:Rs,123:Cs,124:Os,128:Is,129:ys,130:vs,131:ks,132:Ls,133:$s,134:ws,135:Ds,136:xs,137:Ms,138:Us,139:_s,140:Ps,141:qs,142:Gs,143:Fs,144:758,145:Vs,146:Bs,148:Hs,149:Ys,150:js,152:Js,154:Xs,156:Ks,158:768,160:769,162:Ws,164:Qs,166:zs,168:Zs,169:ea,170:ta,171:sa,172:aa,173:ia,175:ra,185:na,187:oa,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{74:gr,78:[1,1392]},e(ar,[2,143],{419:190,3:733,114:736,144:758,158:768,160:769,117:1394,2:s,4:a,5:i,72:gs,76:As,77:Ss,112:ms,115:St,116:mt,118:Ns,122:Rs,123:Cs,124:Os,128:Is,129:ys,130:vs,131:ks,132:Ls,133:$s,134:ws,135:Ds,136:xs,137:Ms,138:Us,139:_s,140:Ps,141:qs,142:Gs,143:Fs,145:Vs,146:Bs,148:Hs,149:Ys,150:js,152:Js,154:Xs,156:Ks,162:Ws,164:Qs,166:zs,168:Zs,169:ea,170:ta,171:sa,172:aa,173:ia,175:ra,185:na,187:oa,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,420:Pe,424:qe}),e(qi,Gi,{178:1234,163:1395}),{2:s,3:733,4:a,5:i,72:gs,76:As,77:Ss,78:[1,1396],112:ms,114:736,115:St,116:mt,117:1397,118:Ns,122:Rs,123:Cs,124:Os,128:Is,129:ys,130:vs,131:ks,132:Ls,133:$s,134:ws,135:Ds,136:xs,137:Ms,138:Us,139:_s,140:Ps,141:qs,142:Gs,143:Fs,144:758,145:Vs,146:Bs,148:Hs,149:Ys,150:js,152:Js,154:Xs,156:Ks,158:768,160:769,162:Ws,164:Qs,166:zs,168:Zs,169:ea,170:ta,171:sa,172:aa,173:ia,175:ra,185:na,187:oa,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:733,4:a,5:i,72:gs,76:As,77:Ss,78:[1,1398],112:ms,114:736,115:St,116:mt,117:1399,118:Ns,122:Rs,123:Cs,124:Os,128:Is,129:ys,130:vs,131:ks,132:Ls,133:$s,134:ws,135:Ds,136:xs,137:Ms,138:Us,139:_s,140:Ps,141:qs,142:Gs,143:Fs,144:758,145:Vs,146:Bs,148:Hs,149:Ys,150:js,152:Js,154:Xs,156:Ks,158:768,160:769,162:Ws,164:Qs,166:zs,168:Zs,169:ea,170:ta,171:sa,172:aa,173:ia,175:ra,185:na,187:oa,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{74:gr,78:[1,1400]},{74:gr,78:[1,1401]},{74:gr,78:[1,1402]},{74:gr,78:[1,1403]},{78:[1,1404],153:1015,179:ri,180:ni,181:oi},{74:di,78:[1,1405]},{2:s,3:733,4:a,5:i,72:gs,74:[1,1406],76:As,77:Ss,112:ms,114:736,115:St,116:mt,117:1407,118:Ns,122:Rs,123:Cs,124:Os,128:Is,129:ys,130:vs,131:ks,132:Ls,133:$s,134:ws,135:Ds,136:xs,137:Ms,138:Us,139:_s,140:Ps,141:qs,142:Gs,143:Fs,144:758,145:Vs,146:Bs,148:Hs,149:Ys,150:js,152:Js,154:Xs,156:Ks,158:768,160:769,162:Ws,164:Qs,166:zs,168:Zs,169:ea,170:ta,171:sa,172:aa,173:ia,175:ra,185:na,187:oa,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:1408,4:a,5:i},{2:s,3:1409,4:a,5:i},e(J,[2,597]),{2:s,3:1410,4:a,5:i},{113:1411,132:re,296:Le},{78:[1,1412]},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1413,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:1011,4:a,5:i,111:1065,143:ui,145:li,336:1414,337:1066},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1415,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{124:[1,1416]},e(J,[2,653],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),e(Hi,[2,658]),{78:[1,1417],99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},e(J,[2,654],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1418,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(fi,[2,272]),e(fi,[2,274]),e(fi,[2,276]),e(fi,[2,278]),e(et,[2,161]),e(J,[2,569]),{148:[1,1419]},e(J,[2,570]),e(ba,[2,536],{387:878,7:879,272:1420,4:Ua,386:[1,1421],389:_a}),e(J,[2,571]),e(J,[2,573]),{74:la,78:[1,1422]},e(J,[2,577]),e(ss,[2,345]),{74:[1,1423],99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},{74:[1,1424],99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},{74:[1,1425],99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},{74:[1,1426],99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},e(J,[2,581]),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:260,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,151:1427,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:1428,4:a,5:i},e(J,[2,583]),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1376,111:149,113:153,120:1429,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,241:1374,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{77:[1,1430]},{2:s,3:1431,4:a,5:i},{76:pi,139:[2,1149],480:1432,483:1433},e(Ji,[2,1148]),{139:[1,1434]},{139:[2,1152]},e(ba,[2,737]),e(ya,[2,744]),e(ya,[2,1166]),{2:s,3:1268,4:a,5:i,76:[1,1437],351:1435,358:1436,384:1438},{2:s,3:1011,4:a,5:i,100:1439,111:1440},{40:1441,79:75,89:c,184:99,189:E},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1442,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e($i,[2,722]),{2:s,3:1011,4:a,5:i,111:1065,143:ui,145:li,147:1443,336:1064,337:1066},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:260,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,151:1444,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e($i,[2,727]),{2:s,3:244,4:a,5:i,199:1445},{335:Ti,338:gi,339:Ai,511:1446},e(ft,[2,691],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1447,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{74:[1,1448],78:[1,1449]},e(ar,[2,543]),e(ar,[2,544]),{74:tr,78:[1,1450]},e(ft,[2,565]),e(Ni,[2,380],{114:625,327:637,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,141:kt,142:Lt,179:xt,180:Mt,312:_t,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt}),e(Ni,[2,382],{114:625,327:637,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,141:kt,142:Lt,179:xt,180:Mt,312:_t,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt}),e(Xe,[2,396]),e(Xe,[2,400]),{78:[1,1451]},{74:la,78:[1,1452]},e(Xe,[2,422]),e(Xe,[2,424]),{78:[1,1453],99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},{78:[1,1454]},{74:la,78:[1,1455]},e(Xe,[2,427]),e(Xe,[2,327]),{77:[1,1456]},e(Xe,zi,{275:1457,276:Zi}),e(Xe,zi,{275:1458,276:Zi}),e(Li,[2,284]),e(Xe,[2,281]),e(Xe,[2,369]),e(Ja,[2,373],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),{74:[1,1460],78:[1,1459]},{74:[1,1462],78:[1,1461],99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},{2:s,3:1325,4:a,5:i},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1194,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,345:1463,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(xi,[2,477]),e(xi,[2,478]),{40:1466,77:ti,79:75,89:c,143:oe,144:979,145:Ke,149:Za,152:le,181:fe,184:99,189:E,201:980,302:xe,341:1464,342:1465,344:ei,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:1011,4:a,5:i,111:1467},e(xi,[2,473]),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1468,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{77:ti,143:oe,144:979,145:Ke,152:le,181:fe,201:980,302:xe,342:1469,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e($i,[2,460],{74:wi}),e($i,[2,467]),e(J,[2,694]),e(ir,[2,699]),e(ir,[2,700]),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:817,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,174:1470,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,253:816,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{170:[1,1472],309:[1,1471]},{460:[1,1473]},e(hs,[2,180]),e(Ar,[2,240],{85:1474,232:[1,1475]}),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1476,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1477,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:1478,4:a,5:i},e(si,[2,170],{216:1357,221:1360,215:1479,205:1480,206:or,208:cr,222:ur,223:lr,224:hr,225:Er,226:dr,227:fr,228:pr,229:br}),{2:s,3:219,4:a,5:i,77:Be,132:He,143:oe,144:212,145:ce,152:le,156:X,181:fe,199:213,200:215,201:214,202:217,209:1481,213:Ye,214:218,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,302:xe,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(Sr,[2,205]),e(Sr,[2,206]),{2:s,3:219,4:a,5:i,77:[1,1486],143:oe,144:1484,145:ce,152:le,156:X,181:fe,199:1483,200:1487,201:1485,202:1488,217:1482,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,302:xe,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{207:[1,1489],223:mr},{207:[1,1491],223:Nr},e(Rr,[2,222]),{206:[1,1495],208:[1,1494],221:1493,223:lr,224:hr,225:Er,226:dr,227:fr,228:pr,229:br},e(Rr,[2,224]),{223:[1,1496]},{208:[1,1498],223:[1,1497]},{208:[1,1500],223:[1,1499]},{208:[1,1501]},{223:[1,1502]},{223:[1,1503]},{74:nr,204:1504,205:1356,206:or,208:cr,215:1355,216:1357,221:1360,222:ur,223:lr,224:hr,225:Er,226:dr,227:fr,228:pr,229:br},e(_i,[2,84]),e(ci,[2,100]),{74:Cr,78:[1,1505]},{78:[1,1507]},e(Or,[2,261]),{78:[2,1060]},e(Or,[2,263],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,242:[1,1508],243:[1,1509],311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),e(ci,[2,99]),e(Pi,[2,1064],{153:1015,179:ri,180:ni,181:oi}),e(ci,[2,101]),e(ci,[2,102]),e(ci,[2,103]),e(ci,[2,121]),e(ci,[2,124]),e(ci,[2,127]),e(Pi,[2,1068],{153:1015,179:ri,180:ni,181:oi}),e(ci,[2,128]),e(Pi,[2,1070],{153:1015,179:ri,180:ni,181:oi}),e(ci,[2,129]),e(Pi,[2,1072],{153:1015,179:ri,180:ni,181:oi}),e(ci,[2,130]),e(Pi,[2,1076],{153:1015,179:ri,180:ni,181:oi}),e(ci,[2,131]),e(qi,[2,1083],{177:1510}),e(qi,[2,1086],{153:1015,179:ri,180:ni,181:oi}),{74:gr,78:[1,1511]},e(ci,[2,133]),e(Pi,[2,1078],{153:1015,179:ri,180:ni,181:oi}),e(ci,[2,134]),e(Pi,[2,1080],{153:1015,179:ri,180:ni,181:oi}),e(ci,[2,135]),e(ci,[2,136]),e(ci,[2,137]),e(ci,[2,138]),e(ci,[2,139]),e(ci,[2,140]),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:260,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,151:1512,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(Fi,[2,1082],{153:1015,179:ri,180:ni,181:oi}),e(J,[2,607]),e(J,[2,603]),e(J,[2,605]),e(J,[2,601]),e(ca,[2,71]),e(J,[2,449],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),e(Bi,[2,452]),e(Bi,[2,453],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1513,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(Hi,[2,662]),e(J,[2,655],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),{2:s,3:1514,4:a,5:i},e(ba,[2,545],{385:1515,391:1516,392:1517,366:1525,154:Ir,187:yr,230:vr,297:kr,343:Lr,356:$r,368:wr,369:Dr,373:xr,374:Mr}),e(ba,[2,535]),e(J,[2,576],{76:[1,1529]}),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1530,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1531,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1532,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1533,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{74:la,78:[1,1534]},e(J,[2,585]),{74:Cr,78:[1,1535]},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1376,111:149,113:153,120:1536,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,241:1374,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e([10,74,78,139,306,310,602,764],[2,741]),{139:[1,1537]},{139:[2,1150]},{2:s,3:1122,4:a,5:i,132:lt,137:ht,143:ze,145:Ze,152:Et,431:585,475:1124,478:1538,482:582,493:579,497:581},{78:[1,1539]},{74:[1,1540],78:[2,506]},{40:1541,79:75,89:c,184:99,189:E},e(ar,[2,532]),{74:er,78:[1,1542]},e(Tr,sr),e(J,[2,1133],{412:1543,413:1544,72:Ur}),e($i,Xi,{79:75,184:99,114:625,327:637,40:1299,468:1546,89:c,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,146:Ki,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,189:E,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es,470:Wi}),e($i,[2,725],{74:Vi}),e($i,[2,726],{74:la}),e([10,53,72,89,124,146,156,189,266,267,290,306,310,335,338,339,396,400,401,404,406,408,409,417,418,434,436,437,439,440,441,442,443,447,448,451,452,505,507,508,517,602,764],[2,1181],{512:1547,3:1548,2:s,4:a,5:i,76:[1,1549]}),e(_r,[2,1183],{513:1550,76:[1,1551]}),e(ft,[2,692],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),{131:[1,1552]},e(Si,[2,538]),e(Si,[2,540]),e(Xe,[2,412]),e(Xe,[2,413]),e(Xe,[2,439]),e(Xe,[2,423]),e(Xe,[2,425]),{118:Pr,277:1553,278:1554,279:[1,1555]},e(Xe,[2,328]),e(Xe,[2,329]),e(Xe,[2,316]),{131:[1,1557]},e(Xe,[2,318]),{131:[1,1558]},{74:tr,78:[1,1559]},{77:ti,143:oe,144:979,145:Ke,152:le,181:fe,201:980,302:xe,342:1560,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e($i,[2,465],{74:wi}),e($i,[2,468]),e(Tr,[2,488]),e(ar,[2,480],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),e($i,[2,459],{74:wi}),e(J,[2,718],{74:di,198:[1,1561]}),{335:qr,338:Gr,461:1562},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1565,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{119:[1,1567],170:[1,1568],309:[1,1566]},e(Fr,[2,259],{86:1569,118:[1,1570]}),{119:[1,1571]},e(rr,[2,239],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),{95:[1,1572],99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},{95:[1,1573]},e(Sr,[2,203]),e(Sr,[2,204]),e(Tr,[2,178]),e(Sr,[2,237],{218:1574,230:[1,1575],231:[1,1576]}),e(Vr,[2,208],{3:1577,2:s,4:a,5:i,76:[1,1578]}),e(Br,[2,1095],{219:1579,76:[1,1580]}),{2:s,3:1581,4:a,5:i,76:[1,1582]},{40:1583,79:75,89:c,184:99,189:E},e(Vr,[2,216],{3:1584,2:s,4:a,5:i,76:[1,1585]}),e(Vr,[2,219],{3:1586,2:s,4:a,5:i,76:[1,1587]}),{77:[1,1588]},e(Rr,[2,234]),{77:[1,1589]},e(Rr,[2,230]),e(Rr,[2,223]),{223:Nr},{223:mr},e(Rr,[2,225]),e(Rr,[2,226]),{223:[1,1590]},e(Rr,[2,228]),{223:[1,1591]},{223:[1,1592]},e(Rr,[2,232]),e(Rr,[2,233]),{78:[1,1593],205:1480,206:or,208:cr,215:1479,216:1357,221:1360,222:ur,223:lr,224:hr,225:Er,226:dr,227:fr,228:pr,229:br},e(ci,[2,91]),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1376,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,241:1594,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(ci,[2,92]),e(Or,[2,264]),{244:[1,1595]},e(ar,[2,142],{419:190,3:733,114:736,144:758,158:768,160:769,117:1596,2:s,4:a,5:i,72:gs,76:As,77:Ss,112:ms,115:St,116:mt,118:Ns,122:Rs,123:Cs,124:Os,128:Is,129:ys,130:vs,131:ks,132:Ls,133:$s,134:ws,135:Ds,136:xs,137:Ms,138:Us,139:_s,140:Ps,141:qs,142:Gs,143:Fs,145:Vs,146:Bs,148:Hs,149:Ys,150:js,152:Js,154:Xs,156:Ks,162:Ws,164:Qs,166:zs,168:Zs,169:ea,170:ta,171:sa,172:aa,173:ia,175:ra,185:na,187:oa,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,420:Pe,424:qe}),e(ci,[2,132]),{74:la,78:[1,1597]},e(Bi,[2,454],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),e(J,[2,572]),e(ba,[2,534]),e(ba,[2,546],{366:1525,392:1598,154:Ir,187:yr,230:vr,297:kr,343:Lr,356:$r,368:wr,369:Dr,373:xr,374:Mr}),e(ua,[2,548]),{370:[1,1599]},{370:[1,1600]},{2:s,3:244,4:a,5:i,199:1601},e(ua,[2,554],{77:[1,1602]}),{2:s,3:114,4:a,5:i,77:[1,1604],113:251,131:ie,132:re,143:oe,152:le,156:X,181:fe,196:250,200:1605,201:254,257:252,258:253,265:We,274:1603,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,302:xe},e(ua,[2,558]),{297:[1,1606]},e(ua,[2,560]),e(ua,[2,561]),{335:[1,1607]},{77:[1,1608]},{2:s,3:1609,4:a,5:i},{78:[1,1610],99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},{78:[1,1611],99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},{78:[1,1612],99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},{78:[1,1613],99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},e(J,Yi,{407:1614,76:ji}),e(J,[2,591]),{74:Cr,78:[1,1615]},{2:s,3:1122,4:a,5:i,132:lt,137:ht,143:ze,145:Ze,152:Et,431:585,475:1124,478:1616,482:582,493:579,497:581},e(ba,[2,735]),e(J,[2,493],{352:1617,354:1618,355:1619,4:Hr,243:Yr,343:jr,356:Jr}),e(Xr,Kr,{3:1268,359:1624,384:1625,360:1626,361:1627,2:s,4:a,5:i,367:Wr}),{78:[2,507]},{76:[1,1629]},e(J,[2,609]),e(J,[2,1134]),{368:[1,1631],414:[1,1630]},e($i,[2,728]),e(J,t,{17:5,18:7,19:8,20:9,21:10,22:11,23:12,24:13,25:14,26:15,27:16,28:17,29:18,30:19,31:20,32:21,33:22,34:23,35:24,36:25,37:26,38:27,39:28,40:29,41:30,42:31,43:32,44:33,45:34,46:35,47:36,48:37,49:38,50:39,51:40,52:41,54:43,55:44,56:45,57:46,58:47,59:48,60:49,61:50,62:51,63:52,64:53,65:54,66:55,67:56,68:57,69:58,70:59,71:60,79:75,504:95,184:99,3:100,12:1632,2:s,4:a,5:i,53:n,72:o,89:c,124:u,146:l,156:h,189:E,266:d,267:f,290:p,335:b,338:T,339:g,396:A,400:S,401:m,404:N,406:R,408:C,409:O,417:I,418:y,434:v,436:k,437:L,439:$,440:w,441:D,442:x,443:M,447:U,448:_,451:P,452:q,505:G,507:F,508:V,517:B}),e(J,[2,762]),e(_r,[2,1182]),e(J,t,{17:5,18:7,19:8,20:9,21:10,22:11,23:12,24:13,25:14,26:15,27:16,28:17,29:18,30:19,31:20,32:21,33:22,34:23,35:24,36:25,37:26,38:27,39:28,40:29,41:30,42:31,43:32,44:33,45:34,46:35,47:36,48:37,49:38,50:39,51:40,52:41,54:43,55:44,56:45,57:46,58:47,59:48,60:49,61:50,62:51,63:52,64:53,65:54,66:55,67:56,68:57,69:58,70:59,71:60,79:75,504:95,184:99,3:100,12:1633,2:s,4:a,5:i,53:n,72:o,89:c,124:u,146:l,156:h,189:E,266:d,267:f,290:p,335:b,338:T,339:g,396:A,400:S,401:m,404:N,406:R,408:C,409:O,417:I,418:y,434:v,436:k,437:L,439:$,440:w,441:D,442:x,443:M,447:U,448:_,451:P,452:q,505:G,507:F,508:V,517:B}),e(_r,[2,1184]),{78:[1,1634]},{78:[1,1635],118:Pr,278:1636},{78:[1,1637]},{119:[1,1638]},{119:[1,1639]},{78:[1,1640]},{78:[1,1641]},e(xi,[2,476]),e($i,[2,464],{74:wi}),{2:s,3:244,4:a,5:i,143:ze,145:Ze,199:1643,431:1642},e(ir,[2,703]),e(ir,[2,705]),{146:[1,1644]},{99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,309:[1,1645],311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},{339:Qr,462:1646},{417:[1,1649],463:[1,1648]},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1650,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(zr,[2,267],{87:1651,245:[1,1652],247:[1,1653]}),{119:[1,1654]},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1660,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,233:1655,235:1656,236:Zr,237:en,238:tn,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:1661,4:a,5:i},{2:s,3:1662,4:a,5:i},e(Sr,[2,207]),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1663,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:1011,4:a,5:i,100:1664,111:1440},e(Vr,[2,209]),{2:s,3:1665,4:a,5:i},e(Vr,[2,1097],{220:1666,3:1667,2:s,4:a,5:i}),e(Br,[2,1096]),e(Vr,[2,212]),{2:s,3:1668,4:a,5:i},{78:[1,1669]},e(Vr,[2,217]),{2:s,3:1670,4:a,5:i},e(Vr,[2,220]),{2:s,3:1671,4:a,5:i},{40:1672,79:75,89:c,184:99,189:E},{40:1673,79:75,89:c,184:99,189:E},e(Rr,[2,227]),e(Rr,[2,229]),e(Rr,[2,231]),e(si,[2,171]),e(Or,[2,262]),e(Or,[2,265],{242:[1,1674]}),e(qi,[2,1084],{153:1015,179:ri,180:ni,181:oi}),e(ci,[2,141]),e(ua,[2,547]),e(ua,[2,550]),{374:[1,1675]},e(ua,[2,1127],{395:1676,393:1677,77:sn}),{131:ie,196:1679},e(ua,[2,555]),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1680,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(ua,[2,557]),e(ua,[2,559]),{2:s,3:114,4:a,5:i,77:[1,1682],113:251,131:ie,132:re,143:oe,152:le,156:X,181:fe,196:250,200:255,201:254,257:252,258:253,265:We,274:1681,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,302:xe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1683,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(J,[2,578]),e(ss,[2,349]),e(ss,[2,350]),e(ss,[2,351]),e(ss,[2,352]),e(J,[2,582]),e(J,[2,592]),e(ba,[2,734]),e(J,[2,489]),e(J,[2,494],{355:1684,4:Hr,243:Yr,343:jr,356:Jr}),e(an,[2,496]),e(an,[2,497]),{124:[1,1685]},{124:[1,1686]},{124:[1,1687]},{74:[1,1688],78:[2,505]},e(ar,[2,533]),e(ar,[2,508]),{187:[1,1696],193:[1,1697],362:1689,363:1690,364:1691,365:1692,366:1693,368:wr,369:[1,1694],370:[1,1698],373:[1,1695]},{2:s,3:1699,4:a,5:i},{40:1700,79:75,89:c,184:99,189:E},{415:[1,1701]},{416:[1,1702]},e(J,[2,761]),e(J,[2,763]),e(Si,[2,537]),e(Xe,[2,331]),{78:[1,1703]},e(Xe,[2,332]),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1660,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,233:1704,235:1656,236:Zr,237:en,238:tn,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1376,111:149,113:153,120:1705,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,241:1374,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(Xe,[2,317]),e(Xe,[2,319]),{2:s,3:1706,4:a,5:i},e(J,[2,720],{77:[1,1707]}),{2:s,3:1011,4:a,5:i,111:1065,143:ui,145:li,147:1708,336:1064,337:1066},{335:qr,338:Gr,461:1709},e(ir,[2,707]),{77:[1,1711],343:[1,1712],344:[1,1710]},{170:[1,1714],309:[1,1713]},{170:[1,1716],309:[1,1715]},{99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,309:[1,1717],311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},e(ii,[2,250],{88:1718,162:[1,1719],168:[1,1721],169:[1,1720]}),{131:ie,196:1722},{131:ie,196:1723},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1376,111:149,113:153,120:1724,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,241:1374,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},e(Ar,[2,248],{234:1725,74:rn,239:[1,1727]}),e(nn,[2,242]),{146:[1,1728]},{77:[1,1729]},{77:[1,1730]},e(nn,[2,247],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),{78:[2,1051],96:1731,99:[1,1733],102:1732},{99:[1,1734]},e(Sr,[2,235],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),e(Sr,[2,236],{74:er}),e(Vr,[2,210]),e(Vr,[2,211]),e(Vr,[2,1098]),e(Vr,[2,213]),{2:s,3:1735,4:a,5:i,76:[1,1736]},e(Vr,[2,218]),e(Vr,[2,221]),{78:[1,1737]},{78:[1,1738]},e(Or,[2,266]),{2:s,3:244,4:a,5:i,199:1739},e(ua,[2,552]),e(ua,[2,1128]),{2:s,3:1740,4:a,5:i},{74:[1,1741]},{78:[1,1742],99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},e(ua,[2,562]),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1743,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{78:[1,1744],99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},e(an,[2,495]),{2:s,3:1745,4:a,5:i},{131:ie,196:1746},{2:s,3:1747,4:a,5:i},e(Xr,Kr,{361:1627,360:1748,367:Wr}),e(ba,[2,510]),e(ba,[2,511]),e(ba,[2,512]),e(ba,[2,513]),e(ba,[2,514]),{370:[1,1749]},{370:[1,1750]},e(on,[2,1121],{382:1751,370:[1,1752]}),{2:s,3:1753,4:a,5:i},{2:s,3:1754,4:a,5:i},e(Xr,[2,516]),e(J,[2,1131],{411:1755,413:1756,72:Ur}),e(J,[2,610]),e(J,[2,611],{367:[1,1757]}),e(Xe,[2,333]),e([78,118],[2,334],{74:rn}),{74:Cr,78:[2,335]},e(J,[2,719]),{2:s,3:1011,4:a,5:i,100:1758,111:1440},e(ir,[2,706],{74:Vi}),e(ir,[2,704]),{77:ti,143:oe,144:979,145:Ke,152:le,181:fe,201:980,302:xe,342:1759,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:1011,4:a,5:i,100:1760,111:1440},{344:[1,1761]},{339:Qr,462:1762},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1763,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{339:Qr,462:1764},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1765,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{339:Qr,462:1766},e(ii,[2,72]),{40:1767,79:75,89:c,164:[1,1768],184:99,189:E,240:[1,1769]},{40:1770,79:75,89:c,184:99,189:E,240:[1,1771]},{40:1772,79:75,89:c,184:99,189:E,240:[1,1773]},e(zr,[2,270],{246:1774,247:[1,1775]}),{248:1776,249:[2,1099],766:[1,1777]},e(Fr,[2,260],{74:Cr}),e(Ar,[2,241]),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1660,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,235:1778,236:Zr,237:en,238:tn,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1779,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{77:[1,1780]},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1660,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,233:1781,235:1656,236:Zr,237:en,238:tn,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1660,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,233:1782,235:1656,236:Zr,237:en,238:tn,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{78:[1,1783]},{78:[2,1052]},{77:[1,1784]},{77:[1,1785]},e(Vr,[2,214]),{2:s,3:1786,4:a,5:i},{2:s,3:1787,4:a,5:i,76:[1,1788]},{2:s,3:1789,4:a,5:i,76:[1,1790]},e(ua,[2,1125],{394:1791,393:1792,77:sn}),{78:[1,1793]},{131:ie,196:1794},e(ua,[2,556]),{78:[1,1795],99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},e(ua,[2,517]),e(an,[2,498]),e(an,[2,499]),e(an,[2,500]),e(ar,[2,509]),{2:s,3:1797,4:a,5:i,77:[2,1117],371:1796},{77:[1,1798]},{2:s,3:1800,4:a,5:i,77:[2,1123],383:1799},e(on,[2,1122]),{77:[1,1801]},{77:[1,1802]},e(J,[2,608]),e(J,[2,1132]),e(Xr,Kr,{361:1627,360:1803,367:Wr}),{74:er,78:[1,1804]},e(ir,[2,713],{74:wi}),{74:er,78:[1,1805]},e(ir,[2,715]),e(ir,[2,708]),{99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,309:[1,1806],311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},e(ir,[2,711]),{99:gt,112:At,114:625,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,309:[1,1807],311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,327:637,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es},e(ir,[2,709]),e(ii,[2,251]),{40:1808,79:75,89:c,184:99,189:E,240:[1,1809]},{40:1810,79:75,89:c,184:99,189:E},e(ii,[2,253]),{40:1811,79:75,89:c,184:99,189:E},e(ii,[2,254]),{40:1812,79:75,89:c,184:99,189:E},e(zr,[2,268]),{131:ie,196:1813},{249:[1,1814]},{249:[2,1100]},e(nn,[2,243]),e(Ar,[2,249],{114:625,327:637,99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1660,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,233:1815,235:1656,236:Zr,237:en,238:tn,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{74:rn,78:[1,1816]},{74:rn,78:[1,1817]},e(Ui,[2,1053],{97:1818,104:1819,3:1821,2:s,4:a,5:i,76:cn}),{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1824,103:1822,105:1823,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:1011,4:a,5:i,100:1825,111:1440},e(Vr,[2,215]),e(Sr,[2,173]),{2:s,3:1826,4:a,5:i},e(Sr,[2,175]),{2:s,3:1827,4:a,5:i},e(ua,[2,551]),e(ua,[2,1126]),e(ua,[2,549]),{78:[1,1828]},e(ua,[2,563]),{77:[1,1829]},{77:[2,1118]},{2:s,3:1831,4:a,5:i,132:un,372:1830},{77:[1,1833]},{77:[2,1124]},{2:s,3:1011,4:a,5:i,100:1834,111:1440},{2:s,3:1011,4:a,5:i,100:1835,111:1440},e(J,[2,612]),e(J,[2,721]),{343:[1,1837],344:[1,1836]},{339:Qr,462:1838},{335:qr,338:Gr,461:1839},e(ii,[2,252]),{40:1840,79:75,89:c,184:99,189:E},e(ii,[2,255]),e(ii,[2,257]),e(ii,[2,258]),e(zr,[2,271]),{131:[2,1101],250:1841,645:[1,1842]},{74:rn,78:[1,1843]},e(nn,[2,245]),e(nn,[2,246]),e(Ui,[2,74]),e(Ui,[2,1054]),{2:s,3:1844,4:a,5:i},e(Ui,[2,78]),{74:[1,1846],78:[1,1845]},e(ar,[2,80]),e(ar,[2,81],{114:625,327:637,76:[1,1847],99:gt,112:At,115:St,116:mt,123:Nt,124:Ea,133:Ct,136:Ot,138:It,139:yt,140:vt,141:kt,142:Lt,154:$t,170:wt,171:Dt,179:xt,180:Mt,311:Ut,312:_t,313:Pt,315:qt,316:Gt,317:Ft,318:Vt,319:Bt,320:Ht,321:Yt,322:jt,323:Jt,324:Xt,325:Kt,326:Wt,330:Qt,331:zt,332:Zt,333:es}),{74:er,78:[1,1848]},e(Sr,[2,174]),e(Sr,[2,176]),e(ua,[2,553]),{2:s,3:1831,4:a,5:i,132:un,372:1849},{74:ln,78:[1,1850]},e(ar,[2,528]),e(ar,[2,529]),{2:s,3:1011,4:a,5:i,100:1852,111:1440},{74:er,78:[1,1853]},{74:er,78:[1,1854]},{77:ti,143:oe,144:979,145:Ke,152:le,181:fe,201:980,302:xe,342:1855,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{344:[1,1856]},e(ir,[2,710]),e(ir,[2,712]),e(ii,[2,256]),{131:ie,196:1857},{131:[2,1102]},e(nn,[2,244]),e(Ui,[2,77]),{78:[2,76]},{2:s,3:168,4:a,5:i,56:165,77:ae,94:1824,105:1858,111:149,113:153,131:ie,132:re,137:ne,143:oe,144:161,145:ce,149:ue,152:le,154:he,156:X,158:167,179:Ee,180:de,181:fe,196:151,200:147,201:155,202:156,254:150,255:146,256:148,257:152,258:154,259:157,260:158,261:159,262:162,263:163,265:pe,266:d,270:be,271:Te,273:ge,280:Ae,281:Se,282:me,283:Ne,284:Re,285:Ce,286:Oe,287:Ie,288:ye,290:K,291:W,292:Q,293:z,294:ve,295:ke,296:Le,297:$e,298:we,299:De,302:xe,303:Me,312:Ue,317:_e,419:190,420:Pe,424:qe},{2:s,3:1859,4:a,5:i},{78:[1,1860]},{74:ln,78:[1,1861]},{374:[1,1862]},{2:s,3:1863,4:a,5:i,132:[1,1864]},{74:er,78:[1,1865]},e(ba,[2,526]),e(ba,[2,527]),e(ir,[2,714],{74:wi}),e(ir,[2,716]),e(hn,[2,1103],{251:1866,766:[1,1867]}),e(ar,[2,79]),e(ar,[2,82]),e(Ui,[2,1055],{3:1821,101:1868,104:1869,2:s,4:a,5:i,76:cn}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s=new Error(e);throw s.hash=t,s}this.trace(e)},parse:function(e){var t=this,s=this,a=[0],i=[null],r=[],n=this.table,o="",c=0,u=0,l=0,h=r.slice.call(arguments,1),E=Object.create(this.lexer),d={yy:{}};for(var f in t.yy)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t.yy,f)&&(d.yy[f]=t.yy[f]);E.setInput(e,d.yy),d.yy.lexer=E,d.yy.parser=this,void 0===E.yylloc&&(E.yylloc={});var p=E.yylloc;r.push(p);var b=E.options&&E.options.ranges;"function"==typeof d.yy.parseError?this.parseError=d.yy.parseError:this.parseError=Object.getPrototypeOf(this).parseError;for(var T,g,A,S,m,N,R,C,O,I,y=function(){var e;return"number"!=typeof(e=E.lex()||1)&&(e=s.symbols_[e]||e),e},v={};;){if(A=a[a.length-1],t.defaultActions[A]?S=t.defaultActions[A]:(null==T&&(T=y()),S=n[A]&&n[A][T]),void 0===S||!S.length||!S[0]){var k,L="",$=function(e){for(var t=a.length-1,s=0;;){if(2..toString()in n[e])return s;if(0===e||t<2)return!1;e=a[t-=2],++s}};if(l)1!==g&&(k=$(A));else{for(N in k=$(A),O=[],n[A])t.terminals_[N]&&2t[0].length)){if(t=s,a=n,i.options.backtrack_lexer){if(!1!==(e=i.test_match(s,r[n])))return e;if(i._backtrack){t=!1;continue}return!1}if(!i.options.flex)break}return t?!1!==(e=this.test_match(t,r[a]))&&e:""===this._input?this.EOF:this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+". Unrecognized text.\n"+this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno})},lex:function(){var e=this.next();return e||this.lex()},begin:function(e){this.conditionStack.push(e)},popState:function(){return 0)/i,/^(?:#)/i,/^(?:\+)/i,/^(?:-)/i,/^(?:\*)/i,/^(?:\/)/i,/^(?:%)/i,/^(?:!===)/i,/^(?:===)/i,/^(?:!==)/i,/^(?:==)/i,/^(?:>=)/i,/^(?:&)/i,/^(?:\|)/i,/^(?:<<)/i,/^(?:>>)/i,/^(?:>)/i,/^(?:<=)/i,/^(?:<>)/i,/^(?:<)/i,/^(?:=)/i,/^(?:!=)/i,/^(?:\()/i,/^(?:\))/i,/^(?:@)/i,/^(?:\{)/i,/^(?:\})/i,/^(?:\])/i,/^(?::-)/i,/^(?:\?-)/i,/^(?:\.\.)/i,/^(?:\.)/i,/^(?:,)/i,/^(?:::)/i,/^(?::)/i,/^(?:;)/i,/^(?:\$)/i,/^(?:\?)/i,/^(?:!)/i,/^(?:\^)/i,/^(?:~)/i,/^(?:[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)/i,/^(?:$)/i,/^(?:.)/i],conditions:{INITIAL:{rules:[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255,256,257,258,259,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268,269,270,271,272,273,274],inclusive:!0}}};function bn(){this.yy={}}return dn.lexer=pn,new((bn.prototype=dn).Parser=bn)}();function u(e,t,s,a){if(0<=s){var i=a.sources[s];i.data=t,"function"==typeof i.data&&(i.getfn=i.data,i.dontcache=i.getfn.dontcache,"OUTER"!==i.joinmode&&"RIGHT"!==i.joinmode&&"ANTI"!==i.joinmode||(i.dontcache=!1),i.data={})}else a.queriesdata[-s-1]=flatArray(t);if(a.sourceslen--,!(0=a.sources.length)a.wherefn(i,a.params,e)&&(a.groupfn?a.groupfn(i,a.params,e):a.data.push(a.selectfn(i,a.params,e)));else if(a.sources[r].applyselect)(n=a.sources[r]).applyselect(a.params,function(e){if(0R.MAXSQLCACHESIZE&&n.resetSqlCache(),n.sqlCacheSize++,n.sqlCache[r]=o);var u=R.res=o(s,a,i);return u}return R.precompile(c.statements[0],R.useid,s),u=R.res=c.statements[0].execute(e,s,a,i)}if(!a)return R.drun(e,c,s,a,i);R.adrun(e,c,s,a,i)}},R.drun=function(e,t,s,a,i){var r=R.useid;r!==e&&R.use(e);for(var n=[],o=0,c=t.statements.length;o"===this.op||"!"===this.op){var e=this.left.toString()+this.op;return"string"!=typeof this.right&&"number"!=typeof this.right&&(e+="("),e+=this.right.toString(),"string"!=typeof this.right&&"number"!=typeof this.right&&(e+=")"),e}return this.left.toString()+" "+this.op+" "+(this.allsome?this.allsome+" ":"")+this.right.toString()},L.Op.prototype.findAggregator=function(e){this.left&&this.left.findAggregator&&this.left.findAggregator(e),this.right&&this.right.findAggregator&&!this.allsome&&this.right.findAggregator(e)},L.Op.prototype.toType=function(e){if(-1<["-","*","/","%","^"].indexOf(this.op))return"number";if(-1<["||"].indexOf(this.op))return"string";if("+"===this.op){if("string"===this.left.toType(e)||"string"===this.right.toType(e))return"string";if("number"===this.left.toType(e)||"number"===this.right.toType(e))return"number"}return-1<["AND","OR","NOT","=","==","===","!=","!==","!===",">",">=","<","<=","IN","NOT IN","LIKE","NOT LIKE","REGEXP","GLOB"].indexOf(this.op)?"boolean":"BETWEEN"===this.op||"NOT BETWEEN"===this.op||"IS NULL"===this.op||"IS NOT NULL"===this.op?"boolean":this.allsome?"boolean":this.op?"unknown":this.left.toType()},L.Op.prototype.toJS=function(t,s,a){var e,i=[],r=this.op,n=this,o=function(e){return e.toJS&&(e=e.toJS(t,s,a)),"y["+(i.push(e)-1)+"]"},c=function(){return o(n.left)},u=function(){return o(n.right)};if("="===this.op?r="===":"<>"===this.op?r="!=":"OR"===this.op&&(r="||"),"->"===this.op){var l="("+c()+"||{})";if("string"==typeof this.right)e=l+'["'+this.right+'"]';else if("number"==typeof this.right)e=l+"["+this.right+"]";else if(this.right instanceof L.FuncValue){var h=[];this.right.args&&0!==this.right.args.length&&(h=this.right.args.map(o)),e=l+"['"+this.right.funcid+"']("+h.join(",")+")"}else e=l+"["+u()+"]"}if("!"===this.op&&"string"==typeof this.right&&(e="alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects["+c()+']["'+this.right+'"]'),"IS"===this.op&&(e="(("+c()+"==null) === ("+u()+"==null))"),"=="===this.op&&(e="alasql.utils.deepEqual("+c()+","+u()+")"),"==="!==this.op&&"!==="!==this.op||(e="("+("!==="===this.op?"!":"")+"(("+c()+").valueOf()===("+u()+").valueOf()))"),"!=="===this.op&&(e="(!alasql.utils.deepEqual("+c()+","+u()+"))"),"||"===this.op&&(e="(''+("+c()+"||'')+("+u()+'||""))'),"LIKE"!==this.op&&"NOT LIKE"!==this.op||(e="("+("NOT LIKE"===this.op?"!":"")+"alasql.utils.like("+u()+","+c(),this.escape&&(e+=","+o(this.escape)),e+="))"),"REGEXP"===this.op&&(e="alasql.stdfn.REGEXP_LIKE("+c()+","+u()+")"),"GLOB"===this.op&&(e="alasql.utils.glob("+c()+","+u()+")"),"BETWEEN"===this.op||"NOT BETWEEN"===this.op){var E=c();e="("+("NOT BETWEEN"===this.op?"!":"")+"(("+o(this.right1)+"<="+E+") && ("+E+"<="+o(this.right2)+")))"}if("IN"===this.op&&(this.right instanceof L.Select?(e="(",e+="alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn["+this.queriesidx+"](params,null,"+t+"))",e+=".indexOf(",e+=c()+")>-1)"):e=Array.isArray(this.right)?"(["+this.right.map(o).join(",")+"].indexOf("+c()+")>-1)":"("+u()+".indexOf("+c()+")>-1)"),"NOT IN"===this.op&&(this.right instanceof L.Select?(e="(",e+="alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn["+this.queriesidx+"](params,null,p))",e+=".indexOf(",e+=c()+")<0)"):Array.isArray(this.right)?(e="(["+this.right.map(o).join(",")+"].indexOf(",e+=c()+")<0)"):(e="("+u()+".indexOf(",e+=c()+")==-1)")),"ALL"===this.allsome)if(this.right instanceof L.Select)e="alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn["+this.queriesidx+"](params,null,p))",e+=".every(function(b){return (",e+=c()+")"+r+"b})";else{if(!Array.isArray(this.right))throw new Error("NOT IN operator without SELECT");e=""+(1==this.right.length?o(this.right[0]):"["+this.right.map(o).join(",")+"]"),e+=".every(function(b){return (",e+=c()+")"+r+"b})"}if("SOME"===this.allsome||"ANY"===this.allsome)if(this.right instanceof L.Select)e="alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn["+this.queriesidx+"](params,null,p))",e+=".some(function(b){return (",e+=c()+")"+r+"b})";else{if(!Array.isArray(this.right))throw new Error("SOME/ANY operator without SELECT");e=""+(1==this.right.length?o(this.right[0]):"["+this.right.map(o).join(",")+"]"),e+=".some(function(b){return (",e+=c()+")"+r+"b})"}if("AND"===this.op){if(this.left.reduced){if(this.right.reduced)return"true";e=u()}else this.right.reduced&&(e=c());r="&&"}var d=e||"("+c()+r+u()+")",f="y=[("+i.join("), (")+")]";return"&&"===r||"||"===r||"IS"===r||"IS NULL"===r||"IS NOT NULL"===r?"("+f+", "+d+")":"("+f+", y.some(function(e){return e == null}) ? void 0 : "+d+")"},L.VarValue=function(e){return L.extend(this,e)},L.VarValue.prototype.toString=function(){return"@"+this.variable},L.VarValue.prototype.toType=function(){return"unknown"},L.VarValue.prototype.toJS=function(){return"alasql.vars['"+this.variable+"']"},L.NumValue=function(e){return L.extend(this,e)},L.NumValue.prototype.toString=function(){return this.value.toString()},L.NumValue.prototype.toType=function(){return"number"},L.NumValue.prototype.toJS=function(){return""+this.value},L.StringValue=function(e){return L.extend(this,e)},L.StringValue.prototype.toString=function(){return"'"+this.value.toString()+"'"},L.StringValue.prototype.toType=function(){return"string"},L.StringValue.prototype.toJS=function(){return"'"+g.escapeq(this.value)+"'"},L.DomainValueValue=function(e){return L.extend(this,e)},L.DomainValueValue.prototype.toString=function(){return"VALUE"},L.DomainValueValue.prototype.toType=function(){return"object"},L.DomainValueValue.prototype.toJS=function(e,t,s){return e},L.ArrayValue=function(e){return L.extend(this,e)},L.ArrayValue.prototype.toString=function(){return"ARRAY[]"},L.ArrayValue.prototype.toType=function(){return"object"},L.ArrayValue.prototype.toJS=function(t,s,a){return"[("+this.value.map(function(e){return e.toJS(t,s,a)}).join("), (")+")]"},L.LogicValue=function(e){return L.extend(this,e)},L.LogicValue.prototype.toString=function(){return this.value?"TRUE":"FALSE"},L.LogicValue.prototype.toType=function(){return"boolean"},L.LogicValue.prototype.toJS=function(){return this.value?"true":"false"},L.NullValue=function(e){return L.extend(this,e)},L.NullValue.prototype.toString=function(){return"NULL"},L.NullValue.prototype.toJS=function(){return"undefined"},L.ParamValue=function(e){return L.extend(this,e)},L.ParamValue.prototype.toString=function(){return"$"+this.param},L.ParamValue.prototype.toJS=function(){return"string"==typeof this.param?"params['"+this.param+"']":"params["+this.param+"]"},L.UniOp=function(e){return L.extend(this,e)},L.UniOp.prototype.toString=function(){var e;return e=void 0,"~"===this.op&&(e=this.op+this.right.toString()),"-"===this.op&&(e=this.op+this.right.toString()),"+"===this.op&&(e=this.op+this.right.toString()),"#"===this.op&&(e=this.op+this.right.toString()),"NOT"===this.op&&(e=this.op+"("+this.right.toString()+")"),null===this.op&&(e="("+this.right.toString()+")"),e||(e="("+this.right.toString()+")"),e},L.UniOp.prototype.findAggregator=function(e){this.right.findAggregator&&this.right.findAggregator(e)},L.UniOp.prototype.toType=function(){return"-"===this.op?"number":"+"===this.op?"number":"NOT"===this.op?"boolean":void 0},L.UniOp.prototype.toJS=function(e,t,s){return"~"===this.op?"(~("+this.right.toJS(e,t,s)+"))":"-"===this.op?"(-("+this.right.toJS(e,t,s)+"))":"+"===this.op?"("+this.right.toJS(e,t,s)+")":"NOT"===this.op?"!("+this.right.toJS(e,t,s)+")":"#"===this.op?this.right instanceof L.Column?"(alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects['"+this.right.columnid+"'])":"(alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects["+this.right.toJS(e,t,s)+"])":null==this.op?"("+this.right.toJS(e,t,s)+")":void 0},L.Column=function(e){return L.extend(this,e)},L.Column.prototype.toString=function(e){var t;return t=this.columnid==+this.columnid?"["+this.columnid+"]":this.columnid,this.tableid&&(t=+this.columnid===this.columnid?this.tableid+t:this.tableid+"."+t,this.databaseid&&(t=this.databaseid+"."+t)),this.alias&&!e&&(t+=" AS "+this.alias),t},L.Column.prototype.toJS=function(e,t,s){var a="";if(this.tableid||""!==t||s)if("g"===e)a="g['"+this.nick+"']";else if(this.tableid)a="_"!==this.columnid?e+"['"+this.tableid+"']['"+this.columnid+"']":"g"===e?"g['_']":e+"['"+this.tableid+"']";else if(s){var i=s[this.columnid];if("-"===i)throw new Error('Cannot resolve column "'+this.columnid+'" because it exists in two source tables');a=i?"_"!==this.columnid?e+"['"+i+"']['"+this.columnid+"']":e+"['"+i+"']":"_"!==this.columnid?e+"['"+(this.tableid||t)+"']['"+this.columnid+"']":e+"['"+(this.tableid||t)+"']"}else a=-1===t?e+"['"+this.columnid+"']":"_"!==this.columnid?e+"['"+(this.tableid||t)+"']['"+this.columnid+"']":e+"['"+(this.tableid||t)+"']";else a="_"!==this.columnid?e+"['"+this.columnid+"']":"g"===e?"g['_']":e;return a},L.AggrValue=function(e){return L.extend(this,e)},L.AggrValue.prototype.toString=function(e){var t="";return"REDUCE"===this.aggregatorid?t+=this.funcid+"(":t+=this.aggregatorid+"(",this.distinct&&(t+="DISTINCT "),this.expression&&(t+=this.expression.toString()),t+=")",this.over&&(t+=" "+this.over.toString()),this.alias&&!e&&(t+=" AS "+this.alias),t},L.AggrValue.prototype.findAggregator=function(e){var t=g.escapeq(this.toString())+":"+e.selectGroup.length;if(!(s=!1)){if(!this.nick){this.nick=t;for(var s=!1,a=0;a>8&255]+i[e>>16&255]+i[e>>24&255]+"-"+i[255&t]+i[t>>8&255]+"-"+i[t>>16&15|64]+i[t>>24&255]+"-"+i[63&s|128]+i[s>>8&255]+"-"+i[s>>16&255]+i[s>>24&255]+i[255&a]+i[a>>8&255]+i[a>>16&255]+i[a>>24&255]},e.alasql.stdfn=t}(te),(re=(ie=te).alasql).aggr.GROUP_CONCAT=function(e,t,s){return 1===s?""+e:2===s?t+=","+e:t},re.aggr.MEDIAN=function(e,t,s){if(2===s)return null!==e&&t.push(e),t;if(1===s)return null===e?[]:[e];if(!t.length)return t;var a=t.sort(),i=(a.length+1)/2;return Number.isInteger(i)?a[i-1]:(a[Math.floor(i-1)]+a[Math.ceil(i-1)])/2},re.aggr.QUART=function(e,t,s,a){if(2===s)return null!==e&&t.push(e),t;if(1===s)return null===e?[]:[e];if(!t.length)return t;a=a||1;var i=t.sort(),r=a*(i.length+1)/4;return Number.isInteger(r)?i[r-1]:i[Math.floor(r)]},re.aggr.QUART2=function(e,t,s){return re.aggr.QUART(e,t,s,2)},re.aggr.QUART3=function(e,t,s){return re.aggr.QUART(e,t,s,3)},re.aggr.VAR=function(e,t,s){if(1===s)return null===e?{arr:[],sum:0}:{arr:[e],sum:e};if(2===s)return null===e||(t.arr.push(e),t.sum+=e),t;for(var a=t.arr.length,i=t.sum/a,r=0,n=0;n {
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@@ -157,13 +157,13 @@ gulp.task('js-merge', function() {
.pipe(replace(/PACKAGE_VERSION_NUMBER/g, version)) // Please set version in package.json file
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--- a/lib/assert/assert.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
-// http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Unit_Testing/1.0
-// Copyright (c) 2011 Jxck
-// Originally from node.js (http://nodejs.org)
-// Copyright Joyent, Inc.
-// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-// of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to
-// deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
-// rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
-// sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-(function(module) {
-if (typeof module.exports === 'undefined') {
- module.exports = module; // this case must be browser
-// Object.create compatible in IE
-var create = Object.create || function(p) {
- if (!p) throw Error('no type');
- function f() {};
- f.prototype = p;
- return new f();
-var util = {
- inherits: function(ctor, superCtor) {
- ctor.super_ = superCtor;
- ctor.prototype = create(superCtor.prototype, {
- constructor: {
- value: ctor,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true,
- configurable: true
- }
- });
- },
- isArray: function(ar) {
- return Array.isArray(ar);
- },
- isBoolean: function(arg) {
- return typeof arg === 'boolean';
- },
- isNull: function(arg) {
- return arg === null;
- },
- isNullOrUndefined: function(arg) {
- return arg == null;
- },
- isNumber: function(arg) {
- return typeof arg === 'number';
- },
- isString: function(arg) {
- return typeof arg === 'string';
- },
- isSymbol: function(arg) {
- return typeof arg === 'symbol';
- },
- isUndefined: function(arg) {
- return arg === void 0;
- },
- isRegExp: function(re) {
- return util.isObject(re) && util.objectToString(re) === '[object RegExp]';
- },
- isObject: function(arg) {
- return typeof arg === 'object' && arg !== null;
- },
- isDate: function(d) {
- return util.isObject(d) && util.objectToString(d) === '[object Date]';
- },
- isError: function(e) {
- return isObject(e) &&
- (objectToString(e) === '[object Error]' || e instanceof Error);
- },
- isFunction: function(arg) {
- return typeof arg === 'function';
- },
- isPrimitive: function(arg) {
- return arg === null ||
- typeof arg === 'boolean' ||
- typeof arg === 'number' ||
- typeof arg === 'string' ||
- typeof arg === 'symbol' || // ES6 symbol
- typeof arg === 'undefined';
- },
- objectToString: function(o) {
- return Object.prototype.toString.call(o);
- }
-var pSlice = Array.prototype.slice;
-// from https://github.com/substack/node-deep-equal
-var Object_keys = typeof Object.keys === 'function'
- ? Object.keys
- : function (obj) {
- var keys = [];
- for (var key in obj) keys.push(key);
- return keys;
- }
-// 1. The assert module provides functions that throw
-// AssertionError's when particular conditions are not met. The
-// assert module must conform to the following interface.
-var assert = module.exports = ok;
-// 2. The AssertionError is defined in assert.
-// new assert.AssertionError({ message: message,
-// actual: actual,
-// expected: expected })
-assert.AssertionError = function AssertionError(options) {
- this.name = 'AssertionError';
- this.actual = options.actual;
- this.expected = options.expected;
- this.operator = options.operator;
- if (options.message) {
- this.message = options.message;
- this.generatedMessage = false;
- } else {
- this.message = getMessage(this);
- this.generatedMessage = true;
- }
- var stackStartFunction = options.stackStartFunction || fail;
- if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
- Error.captureStackTrace(this, stackStartFunction);
- } else {
- // try to throw an error now, and from the stack property
- // work out the line that called in to assert.js.
- try {
- this.stack = (new Error).stack.toString();
- } catch (e) {}
- }
-// assert.AssertionError instanceof Error
-util.inherits(assert.AssertionError, Error);
-function replacer(key, value) {
- if (util.isUndefined(value)) {
- return '' + value;
- }
- if (util.isNumber(value) && (isNaN(value) || !isFinite(value))) {
- return value.toString();
- }
- if (util.isFunction(value) || util.isRegExp(value)) {
- return value.toString();
- }
- return value;
-function truncate(s, n) {
- if (util.isString(s)) {
- return s.length < n ? s : s.slice(0, n);
- } else {
- return s;
- }
-function getMessage(self) {
- return truncate(JSON.stringify(self.actual, replacer), 128) + ' ' +
- self.operator + ' ' +
- truncate(JSON.stringify(self.expected, replacer), 128);
-// At present only the three keys mentioned above are used and
-// understood by the spec. Implementations or sub modules can pass
-// other keys to the AssertionError's constructor - they will be
-// ignored.
-// 3. All of the following functions must throw an AssertionError
-// when a corresponding condition is not met, with a message that
-// may be undefined if not provided. All assertion methods provide
-// both the actual and expected values to the assertion error for
-// display purposes.
-function fail(actual, expected, message, operator, stackStartFunction) {
- throw new assert.AssertionError({
- message: message,
- actual: actual,
- expected: expected,
- operator: operator,
- stackStartFunction: stackStartFunction
- });
-// EXTENSION! allows for well behaved errors defined elsewhere.
-assert.fail = fail;
-// 4. Pure assertion tests whether a value is truthy, as determined
-// by !!guard.
-// assert.ok(guard, message_opt);
-// This statement is equivalent to assert.equal(true, !!guard,
-// message_opt);. To test strictly for the value true, use
-// assert.strictEqual(true, guard, message_opt);.
-function ok(value, message) {
- if (!value) fail(value, true, message, '==', assert.ok);
-assert.ok = ok;
-// 5. The equality assertion tests shallow, coercive equality with
-// ==.
-// assert.equal(actual, expected, message_opt);
-assert.equal = function equal(actual, expected, message) {
- if (actual != expected) fail(actual, expected, message, '==', assert.equal);
-// 6. The non-equality assertion tests for whether two objects are not equal
-// with != assert.notEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);
-assert.notEqual = function notEqual(actual, expected, message) {
- if (actual == expected) {
- fail(actual, expected, message, '!=', assert.notEqual);
- }
-// 7. The equivalence assertion tests a deep equality relation.
-// assert.deepEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);
-assert.deepEqual = function deepEqual(actual, expected, message) {
- if (!_deepEqual(actual, expected)) {
- fail(actual, expected, message, 'deepEqual', assert.deepEqual);
- }
-function _deepEqual(actual, expected) {
- // 7.1. All identical values are equivalent, as determined by ===.
- if (actual === expected) {
- return true;
- // } else if (util.isBuffer(actual) && util.isBuffer(expected)) {
- // if (actual.length != expected.length) return false;
- //
- // for (var i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) {
- // if (actual[i] !== expected[i]) return false;
- // }
- //
- // return true;
- //
- // 7.2. If the expected value is a Date object, the actual value is
- // equivalent if it is also a Date object that refers to the same time.
- } else if (util.isDate(actual) && util.isDate(expected)) {
- return actual.getTime() === expected.getTime();
- // 7.3 If the expected value is a RegExp object, the actual value is
- // equivalent if it is also a RegExp object with the same source and
- // properties (`global`, `multiline`, `lastIndex`, `ignoreCase`).
- } else if (util.isRegExp(actual) && util.isRegExp(expected)) {
- return actual.source === expected.source &&
- actual.global === expected.global &&
- actual.multiline === expected.multiline &&
- actual.lastIndex === expected.lastIndex &&
- actual.ignoreCase === expected.ignoreCase;
- // 7.4. Other pairs that do not both pass typeof value == 'object',
- // equivalence is determined by ==.
- } else if (!util.isObject(actual) && !util.isObject(expected)) {
- return actual == expected;
- // 7.5 For all other Object pairs, including Array objects, equivalence is
- // determined by having the same number of owned properties (as verified
- // with Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call), the same set of keys
- // (although not necessarily the same order), equivalent values for every
- // corresponding key, and an identical 'prototype' property. Note: this
- // accounts for both named and indexed properties on Arrays.
- } else {
- return objEquiv(actual, expected);
- }
-function isArguments(object) {
- return Object.prototype.toString.call(object) == '[object Arguments]';
-function objEquiv(a, b) {
- if (util.isNullOrUndefined(a) || util.isNullOrUndefined(b))
- return false;
- // an identical 'prototype' property.
- if (a.prototype !== b.prototype) return false;
- //~~~I've managed to break Object.keys through screwy arguments passing.
- // Converting to array solves the problem.
- var aIsArgs = isArguments(a),
- bIsArgs = isArguments(b);
- if ((aIsArgs && !bIsArgs) || (!aIsArgs && bIsArgs))
- return false;
- if (aIsArgs) {
- a = pSlice.call(a);
- b = pSlice.call(b);
- return _deepEqual(a, b);
- }
- try {
- var ka = Object.keys(a),
- kb = Object.keys(b),
- key, i;
- } catch (e) {//happens when one is a string literal and the other isn't
- return false;
- }
- // having the same number of owned properties (keys incorporates
- // hasOwnProperty)
- if (ka.length != kb.length)
- return false;
- //the same set of keys (although not necessarily the same order),
- ka.sort();
- kb.sort();
- //~~~cheap key test
- for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (ka[i] != kb[i])
- return false;
- }
- //equivalent values for every corresponding key, and
- //~~~possibly expensive deep test
- for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- key = ka[i];
- if (!_deepEqual(a[key], b[key])) return false;
- }
- return true;
-// 8. The non-equivalence assertion tests for any deep inequality.
-// assert.notDeepEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);
-assert.notDeepEqual = function notDeepEqual(actual, expected, message) {
- if (_deepEqual(actual, expected)) {
- fail(actual, expected, message, 'notDeepEqual', assert.notDeepEqual);
- }
-// 9. The strict equality assertion tests strict equality, as determined by ===.
-// assert.strictEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);
-assert.strictEqual = function strictEqual(actual, expected, message) {
- if (actual !== expected) {
- fail(actual, expected, message, '===', assert.strictEqual);
- }
-// 10. The strict non-equality assertion tests for strict inequality, as
-// determined by !==. assert.notStrictEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);
-assert.notStrictEqual = function notStrictEqual(actual, expected, message) {
- if (actual === expected) {
- fail(actual, expected, message, '!==', assert.notStrictEqual);
- }
-function expectedException(actual, expected) {
- if (!actual || !expected) {
- return false;
- }
- if (Object.prototype.toString.call(expected) == '[object RegExp]') {
- return expected.test(actual);
- } else if (actual instanceof expected) {
- return true;
- } else if (expected.call({}, actual) === true) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-function _throws(shouldThrow, block, expected, message) {
- var actual;
- if (util.isString(expected)) {
- message = expected;
- expected = null;
- }
- try {
- block();
- } catch (e) {
- actual = e;
- }
- message = (expected && expected.name ? ' (' + expected.name + ').' : '.') +
- (message ? ' ' + message : '.');
- if (shouldThrow && !actual) {
- fail(actual, expected, 'Missing expected exception' + message);
- }
- if (!shouldThrow && expectedException(actual, expected)) {
- fail(actual, expected, 'Got unwanted exception' + message);
- }
- if ((shouldThrow && actual && expected &&
- !expectedException(actual, expected)) || (!shouldThrow && actual)) {
- throw actual;
- }
-// 11. Expected to throw an error:
-// assert.throws(block, Error_opt, message_opt);
-assert.throws = function(block, /*optional*/error, /*optional*/message) {
- _throws.apply(this, [true].concat(pSlice.call(arguments)));
-// EXTENSION! This is annoying to write outside this module.
-assert.doesNotThrow = function(block, /*optional*/message) {
- _throws.apply(this, [false].concat(pSlice.call(arguments)));
-assert.ifError = function(err) { if (err) {throw err;}};
-module.assert = module.exports;
-delete module.exports;
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index b2f13773f7..0000000000
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\ No newline at end of file
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this.pushStack(d.apply(this,arguments))},first:function(){return this.eq(0)},last:function(){return this.eq(-1)},eq:function(a){var b=this.length,c=+a+(0>a?b:0);return this.pushStack(c>=0&&b>c?[this[c]]:[])},end:function(){return this.prevObject||this.constructor(null)},push:f,sort:c.sort,splice:c.splice},n.extend=n.fn.extend=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g=arguments[0]||{},h=1,i=arguments.length,j=!1;for("boolean"==typeof g&&(j=g,g=arguments[h]||{},h++),"object"==typeof g||n.isFunction(g)||(g={}),h===i&&(g=this,h--);i>h;h++)if(null!=(a=arguments[h]))for(b in a)c=g[b],d=a[b],g!==d&&(j&&d&&(n.isPlainObject(d)||(e=n.isArray(d)))?(e?(e=!1,f=c&&n.isArray(c)?c:[]):f=c&&n.isPlainObject(c)?c:{},g[b]=n.extend(j,f,d)):void 0!==d&&(g[b]=d));return g},n.extend({expando:"jQuery"+(m+Math.random()).replace(/\D/g,""),isReady:!0,error:function(a){throw new Error(a)},noop:function(){},isFunction:function(a){return"function"===n.type(a)},isArray:Array.isArray,isWindow:function(a){return null!=a&&a===a.window},isNumeric:function(a){return!n.isArray(a)&&a-parseFloat(a)>=0},isPlainObject:function(a){return"object"!==n.type(a)||a.nodeType||n.isWindow(a)?!1:a.constructor&&!j.call(a.constructor.prototype,"isPrototypeOf")?!1:!0},isEmptyObject:function(a){var b;for(b in a)return!1;return!0},type:function(a){return null==a?a+"":"object"==typeof a||"function"==typeof a?h[i.call(a)]||"object":typeof a},globalEval:function(a){var b,c=eval;a=n.trim(a),a&&(1===a.indexOf("use strict")?(b=l.createElement("script"),b.text=a,l.head.appendChild(b).parentNode.removeChild(b)):c(a))},camelCase:function(a){return a.replace(p,"ms-").replace(q,r)},nodeName:function(a,b){return a.nodeName&&a.nodeName.toLowerCase()===b.toLowerCase()},each:function(a,b,c){var d,e=0,f=a.length,g=s(a);if(c){if(g){for(;f>e;e++)if(d=b.apply(a[e],c),d===!1)break}else for(e in a)if(d=b.apply(a[e],c),d===!1)break}else if(g){for(;f>e;e++)if(d=b.call(a[e],e,a[e]),d===!1)break}else for(e in a)if(d=b.call(a[e],e,a[e]),d===!1)break;return a},trim:function(a){return null==a?"":(a+"").replace(o,"")},makeArray:function(a,b){var c=b||[];return null!=a&&(s(Object(a))?n.merge(c,"string"==typeof a?[a]:a):f.call(c,a)),c},inArray:function(a,b,c){return null==b?-1:g.call(b,a,c)},merge:function(a,b){for(var c=+b.length,d=0,e=a.length;c>d;d++)a[e++]=b[d];return a.length=e,a},grep:function(a,b,c){for(var d,e=[],f=0,g=a.length,h=!c;g>f;f++)d=!b(a[f],f),d!==h&&e.push(a[f]);return e},map:function(a,b,c){var d,f=0,g=a.length,h=s(a),i=[];if(h)for(;g>f;f++)d=b(a[f],f,c),null!=d&&i.push(d);else for(f in a)d=b(a[f],f,c),null!=d&&i.push(d);return e.apply([],i)},guid:1,proxy:function(a,b){var c,e,f;return"string"==typeof b&&(c=a[b],b=a,a=c),n.isFunction(a)?(e=d.call(arguments,2),f=function(){return a.apply(b||this,e.concat(d.call(arguments)))},f.guid=a.guid=a.guid||n.guid++,f):void 0},now:Date.now,support:k}),n.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error".split(" 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RegExp("^"+M+"+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)"+M+"+$","g"),S=new RegExp("^"+M+"*,"+M+"*"),T=new RegExp("^"+M+"*([>+~]|"+M+")"+M+"*"),U=new RegExp("="+M+"*([^\\]'\"]*?)"+M+"*\\]","g"),V=new RegExp(Q),W=new RegExp("^"+O+"$"),X={ID:new RegExp("^#("+N+")"),CLASS:new RegExp("^\\.("+N+")"),TAG:new RegExp("^("+N.replace("w","w*")+")"),ATTR:new RegExp("^"+P),PSEUDO:new RegExp("^"+Q),CHILD:new RegExp("^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-(child|of-type)(?:\\("+M+"*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)"+M+"*(?:([+-]|)"+M+"*(\\d+)|))"+M+"*\\)|)","i"),bool:new RegExp("^(?:"+L+")$","i"),needsContext:new RegExp("^"+M+"*[>+~]|:(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\\("+M+"*((?:-\\d)?\\d*)"+M+"*\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)","i")},Y=/^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i,Z=/^h\d$/i,$=/^[^{]+\{\s*\[native \w/,_=/^(?:#([\w-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w-]+))$/,ab=/[+~]/,bb=/'|\\/g,cb=new RegExp("\\\\([\\da-f]{1,6}"+M+"?|("+M+")|.)","ig"),db=function(a,b,c){var d="0x"+b-65536;return 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I.apply(d,b.getElementsByClassName(j)),d}if(c.qsa&&(!q||!q.test(a))){if(s=r=u,w=b,x=9===k&&a,1===k&&"object"!==b.nodeName.toLowerCase()){o=g(a),(r=b.getAttribute("id"))?s=r.replace(bb,"\\$&"):b.setAttribute("id",s),s="[id='"+s+"'] ",l=o.length;while(l--)o[l]=s+qb(o[l]);w=ab.test(a)&&ob(b.parentNode)||b,x=o.join(",")}if(x)try{return I.apply(d,w.querySelectorAll(x)),d}catch(y){}finally{r||b.removeAttribute("id")}}}return i(a.replace(R,"$1"),b,d,e)}function gb(){var a=[];function b(c,e){return a.push(c+" ")>d.cacheLength&&delete b[a.shift()],b[c+" "]=e}return b}function hb(a){return a[u]=!0,a}function ib(a){var b=n.createElement("div");try{return!!a(b)}catch(c){return!1}finally{b.parentNode&&b.parentNode.removeChild(b),b=null}}function jb(a,b){var c=a.split("|"),e=a.length;while(e--)d.attrHandle[c[e]]=b}function kb(a,b){var c=b&&a,d=c&&1===a.nodeType&&1===b.nodeType&&(~b.sourceIndex||D)-(~a.sourceIndex||D);if(d)return d;if(c)while(c=c.nextSibling)if(c===b)return-1;return a?1:-1}function 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j,r,s,u,w,x=b;2!==t&&(t=2,g&&clearTimeout(g),c=void 0,e=h||"",v.readyState=a>0?4:0,j=a>=200&&300>a||304===a,f&&(u=uc(k,v,f)),u=vc(k,u,v,j),j?(k.ifModified&&(w=v.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified"),w&&(n.lastModified[d]=w),w=v.getResponseHeader("etag"),w&&(n.etag[d]=w)),204===a||"HEAD"===k.type?x="nocontent":304===a?x="notmodified":(x=u.state,r=u.data,s=u.error,j=!s)):(s=x,(a||!x)&&(x="error",0>a&&(a=0))),v.status=a,v.statusText=(b||x)+"",j?o.resolveWith(l,[r,x,v]):o.rejectWith(l,[v,x,s]),v.statusCode(q),q=void 0,i&&m.trigger(j?"ajaxSuccess":"ajaxError",[v,k,j?r:s]),p.fireWith(l,[v,x]),i&&(m.trigger("ajaxComplete",[v,k]),--n.active||n.event.trigger("ajaxStop")))}return v},getJSON:function(a,b,c){return n.get(a,b,c,"json")},getScript:function(a,b){return n.get(a,void 0,b,"script")}}),n.each(["get","post"],function(a,b){n[b]=function(a,c,d,e){return n.isFunction(c)&&(e=e||d,d=c,c=void 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n.param(this.serializeArray())},serializeArray:function(){return this.map(function(){var a=n.prop(this,"elements");return a?n.makeArray(a):this}).filter(function(){var a=this.type;return this.name&&!n(this).is(":disabled")&&Ac.test(this.nodeName)&&!zc.test(a)&&(this.checked||!T.test(a))}).map(function(a,b){var c=n(this).val();return null==c?null:n.isArray(c)?n.map(c,function(a){return{name:b.name,value:a.replace(yc,"\r\n")}}):{name:b.name,value:c.replace(yc,"\r\n")}}).get()}}),n.ajaxSettings.xhr=function(){try{return new XMLHttpRequest}catch(a){}};var Cc=0,Dc={},Ec={0:200,1223:204},Fc=n.ajaxSettings.xhr();a.ActiveXObject&&n(a).on("unload",function(){for(var a in Dc)Dc[a]()}),k.cors=!!Fc&&"withCredentials"in Fc,k.ajax=Fc=!!Fc,n.ajaxTransport(function(a){var b;return k.cors||Fc&&!a.crossDomain?{send:function(c,d){var e,f=a.xhr(),g=++Cc;if(f.open(a.type,a.url,a.async,a.username,a.password),a.xhrFields)for(e in 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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/xml-parser/index.js b/lib/xml-parser/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 992fd71917..0000000000
--- a/lib/xml-parser/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
- * Module dependencies.
- */
-var debug = require('debug')('xml-parser');
- * Expose `parse`.
- */
-module.exports = parse;
- * Parse the given string of `xml`.
- *
- * @param {String} xml
- * @return {Object}
- * @api public
- */
-function parse(xml) {
- xml = xml.trim();
- // strip comments
- xml = xml.replace(//g, '');
- return document();
- /**
- * XML document.
- */
- function document() {
- return {
- declaration: declaration(),
- root: tag()
- }
- }
- /**
- * Declaration.
- */
- function declaration() {
- var m = match(/^<\?xml\s*/);
- if (!m) return;
- // tag
- var node = {
- attributes: {}
- };
- // attributes
- while (!(eos() || is('?>'))) {
- var attr = attribute();
- if (!attr) return node;
- node.attributes[attr.name] = attr.value;
- }
- match(/\?>\s*/);
- return node;
- }
- /**
- * Tag.
- */
- function tag() {
- debug('tag %j', xml);
- var m = match(/^<([\w-:.]+)\s*/);
- if (!m) return;
- // name
- var node = {
- name: m[1],
- attributes: {},
- children: []
- };
- // attributes
- while (!(eos() || is('>') || is('?>') || is('/>'))) {
- var attr = attribute();
- if (!attr) return node;
- node.attributes[attr.name] = attr.value;
- }
- // self closing tag
- if (match(/^\s*\/>\s*/)) {
- return node;
- }
- match(/\??>\s*/);
- // content
- node.content = content();
- // children
- var child;
- while (child = tag()) {
- node.children.push(child);
- }
- // closing
- match(/^<\/[\w-:.]+>\s*/);
- return node;
- }
- /**
- * Text content.
- */
- function content() {
- debug('content %j', xml);
- var m = match(/^([^<]*)/);
- if (m) return m[1];
- return '';
- }
- /**
- * Attribute.
- */
- function attribute() {
- debug('attribute %j', xml);
- var m = match(/([\w:-]+)\s*=\s*("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|\w+)\s*/);
- if (!m) return;
- return { name: m[1], value: strip(m[2]) }
- }
- /**
- * Strip quotes from `val`.
- */
- function strip(val) {
- return val.replace(/^['"]|['"]$/g, '');
- }
- /**
- * Match `re` and advance the string.
- */
- function match(re) {
- var m = xml.match(re);
- if (!m) return;
- xml = xml.slice(m[0].length);
- return m;
- }
- /**
- * End-of-source.
- */
- function eos() {
- return 0 == xml.length;
- }
- /**
- * Check for `prefix`.
- */
- function is(prefix) {
- return 0 == xml.indexOf(prefix);
- }
diff --git a/lib/xml-parser/test306.xml b/lib/xml-parser/test306.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 15666e5ac9..0000000000
--- a/lib/xml-parser/test306.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
- Andrey Gershun
- Andrey Gershun
- 2015-05-03T12:34:07Z
- Alfina
- 14.0
- 9940
- 25600
- 0
- 0
- 1
- False
- False
- aaaa |
- 2 |
- 3 |
- 200
- 0
- 3
- 1
- False
- False
- 5 |
- 6 |
- 7 |
- 0
- False
- False
diff --git a/lib/xmldoc/xmldoc.js b/lib/xmldoc/xmldoc.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f003f05637..0000000000
--- a/lib/xmldoc/xmldoc.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-(function () {
-var sax;
-if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
- // We're being used in a Node-like environment
- sax = require('sax');
-else {
- // assume it's attached to the Window object in a browser
- sax = this.sax;
- if (!sax) // no sax for you!
- throw new Error("Expected sax to be defined. Make sure you're including sax.js before this file.");
-XmlElement is our basic building block. Everything is an XmlElement; even XmlDocument
-behaves like an XmlElement by inheriting its attributes and functions.
-function XmlElement(tag) {
- // Capture the parser object off of the XmlDocument delegate
- var parser = delegates[delegates.length - 1].parser;
- this.name = tag.name;
- this.attr = tag.attributes || {};
- this.val = "";
- this.children = [];
- this.firstChild = null;
- this.lastChild = null;
- // Assign parse information
- this.line = parser.line;
- this.column = parser.column;
- this.position = parser.position;
- this.startTagPosition = parser.startTagPosition;
-// SaxParser handlers
-XmlElement.prototype._opentag = function(tag) {
- var child = new XmlElement(tag);
- // add to our children array
- this.children.push(child);
- // update first/last pointers
- if (!this.firstChild) this.firstChild = child;
- this.lastChild = child;
- delegates.unshift(child);
-XmlElement.prototype._closetag = function() {
- delegates.shift();
-XmlElement.prototype._text = function(text) {
- if (text) this.val += text;
-XmlElement.prototype._cdata = function(cdata) {
- if (cdata) this.val += cdata;
-// Useful functions
-XmlElement.prototype.eachChild = function(iterator, context) {
- for (var i=0, l=this.children.length; i 1 ? descendant.attr[components[1]] : descendant.val;
- else
- return null;
-// String formatting (for debugging)
-XmlElement.prototype.toString = function(options) {
- return this.toStringWithIndent("", options);
-XmlElement.prototype.toStringWithIndent = function(indent, options) {
- var s = indent + "<" + this.name;
- var linebreak = options && options.compressed ? "" : "\n";
- for (var name in this.attr)
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.attr, name))
- s += " " + name + '="' + this.attr[name] + '"';
- var finalVal = this.val.trim().replace(//g, ">").replace(/&/g, '&');
- if (options && options.trimmed && finalVal.length > 25)
- finalVal = finalVal.substring(0,25).trim() + "…";
- if (this.children.length) {
- s += ">" + linebreak;
- var childIndent = indent + (options && options.compressed ? "" : " ");
- if (finalVal.length)
- s += childIndent + finalVal + linebreak;
- for (var i=0, l=this.children.length; i";
- }
- else if (finalVal.length) {
- s += ">" + finalVal + "" + this.name +">";
- }
- else s += "/>";
- return s;
-XmlDocument is the class we expose to the user; it uses the sax parser to create a hierarchy
-of XmlElements.
-function XmlDocument(xml) {
- xml && (xml = xml.toString().trim());
- if (!xml)
- throw new Error("No XML to parse!");
- // Expose the parser to the other delegates while the parser is running
- this.parser = sax.parser(true); // strict
- addParserEvents(this.parser);
- // We'll use the file-scoped "delegates" var to remember what elements we're currently
- // parsing; they will push and pop off the stack as we get deeper into the XML hierarchy.
- // It's safe to use a global because JS is single-threaded.
- delegates = [this];
- this.parser.write(xml);
- // Remove the parser as it is no longer needed and should not be exposed to clients
- delete this.parser;
-// make XmlDocument inherit XmlElement's methods
-extend(XmlDocument.prototype, XmlElement.prototype);
-XmlDocument.prototype._opentag = function(tag) {
- if (typeof this.children === 'undefined')
- // the first tag we encounter should be the root - we'll "become" the root XmlElement
- XmlElement.call(this,tag);
- else
- // all other tags will be the root element's children
- XmlElement.prototype._opentag.apply(this,arguments);
-// file-scoped global stack of delegates
-var delegates = null;
-Helper functions
-function addParserEvents(parser) {
- parser.onopentag = parser_opentag;
- parser.onclosetag = parser_closetag;
- parser.ontext = parser_text;
- parser.oncdata = parser_cdata;
-// create these closures and cache them by keeping them file-scoped
-function parser_opentag() { delegates[0]._opentag.apply(delegates[0],arguments) }
-function parser_closetag() { delegates[0]._closetag.apply(delegates[0],arguments) }
-function parser_text() { delegates[0]._text.apply(delegates[0],arguments) }
-function parser_cdata() { delegates[0]._cdata.apply(delegates[0],arguments) }
-// a relatively standard extend method
-function extend(destination, source) {
- for (var prop in source)
- if (source.hasOwnProperty(prop))
- destination[prop] = source[prop];
-// Are we being used in a Node-like environment?
-if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports)
- module.exports.XmlDocument = XmlDocument;
- this.XmlDocument = XmlDocument;
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--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "alasql",
"description": "Use SQL to select and filter javascript data - including relational joins and search in nested objects (JSON). Export to and import from Excel and CSV",
- "version": "0.4.6",
+ "version": "0.5.0-modular-typescript",
"author": "Andrey Gershun ",
"contributors": [
"Mathias Rangel Wulff "
@@ -12,20 +12,25 @@
"test": "test"
"scripts": {
- "test": "npm run build && cd test && mocha . --reporter dot",
- "test:this": "gulp && cd test && mocha",
- "test:only": "cd test && mocha . --reporter dot",
- "test:browser": "node test/browserTestRunner.js 7387",
- "test:cover": "istanbul cover -x 'lib/zt/zt.js' --dir test/coverage _mocha",
- "build": "npm run format:src && gulp",
- "build:jison": "gulp --jison && gulp",
- "build:watch": "gulp watch",
+ "test": "npm run build && npm run test-only",
+ "test-this": "gulp && cd test && mocha",
+ "test-only": "mocha ./test --bail # --reporter dot",
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+ "test-cover": "istanbul cover -x 'test/lib/zt.js' --dir test/coverage _mocha",
+ "prebuild": "rm -fr build # && npm run format",
+ "build": "tsc src/main -t ES6 --outDir build/ES6 --allowJs && rollup -c",
+ "build-fast": "node esbuild.mjs",
+ "Q_postbuild": "echo \"require('./build/alasql.es5.js')\" | node",
+ "Q_postbuild_": "java -jar /Users/mrw/Downloads/compiler-latest/closure-compiler-v20180610.jar --compilation_level SIMPLE --js dist/alasql.js > dist/alasql.min3.js",
+ "Qpostbuild": "uglifyjs -c -- build/alasql.es5.js > build/alasql.min.js",
+ "QQpostbuild": "rexreplace PACKAGE_VERSION_NUMBER 'require(\"package.json\").version' -j build/**/.*",
"bump": "mversion --no-prefix",
"uptodate": "npm-check -u --skip-unused",
"release": "f='/tmp/alasql.tmp' && curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/agershun/alasql/How-to-release.md > $f && sh $f ; rm $f",
- "jison": "jison ./src/alasqlparser.jison -o ./src/alasqlparser.js",
- "format:src": "prettier src/*.js --write",
- "format:test": "prettier test/*.js --write"
+ "jison": "jison -c 2 ./src/alasqlparser.jison -o ./src/alasqlparser.js && echo 'export default alasqlparser;' >> ./src/alasqlparser.js && rr '(function) (locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule|__b0rk_on_internal_failure)' 'var €2=€1' ./src/alasqlparser.js",
+ "format": "npm run format:src && npm run format:test",
+ "format:src": "prettier src/*.?s --write && prettier src/**/*.?s --write ",
+ "format:test": "prettier test/*.?s --write && prettier test/**/*.?s --write"
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"request": "^2.83.0",
"xlsx": "^0.11.17",
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"devDependencies": {
+ "@types/es6-promise": "^3.3.0",
"blueimp-md5": "^2.10.0",
"eslint": "^4.19.1",
- "eslint-config-airbnb-base": "^12.1.0",
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- "eslint-plugin-promise": "^3.8.0",
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- "gulp": "^3.9.1",
- "gulp-concat": "^2.6.1",
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- "gulp-exec": "^2.1.3",
- "gulp-jison": "^1.2.0",
- "gulp-rename": "^1.2.2",
- "gulp-replace": "^0.6.1",
- "gulp-shell": "^0.6.3",
- "gulp-uglify": "^2.1.2",
"istanbul": "^0.4.5",
"jison": "^0.4.18",
- "mocha": "^3.5.3",
"mocha.parallel": "^0.15.3",
"mversion": "^1.10.1",
"npm-check": "^5.5.2",
"open": "0.0.5",
"prettier": "^1.10.2",
+ "rexreplace": "^3.1.1",
+ "rollup": "^0.61.1",
+ "rollup-plugin-buble": "^0.19.2",
+ "rollup-plugin-cleanup": "^3.0.0",
+ "rollup-plugin-closure-compiler-js": "^1.0.6",
+ "rollup-plugin-commonjs": "^9.1.0",
+ "rollup-plugin-filesize": "^2.0.0",
+ "rollup-plugin-hashbang": "^1.0.1",
+ "rollup-plugin-node-resolve": "^3.0.0",
+ "rollup-plugin-preserve-shebang": "^0.1.6",
+ "rollup-plugin-progress": "^0.4.0",
+ "rollup-plugin-re": "^1.0.7",
+ "rollup-plugin-replace": "^2.0.0",
+ "rollup-plugin-typescript2": "^0.15.0",
+ "rollup-plugin-uglify": "^4.0.0",
"strftime": "^0.10.0",
"tabletop": "^1.5.2",
- "uglify-js": "^3.3.7"
+ "typescript": "^2.9.2",
+ "uglify-js": "^3.4.4"
"engines": [
diff --git a/rollup.config.js b/rollup.config.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..deec4301e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rollup.config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+import commonjs from 'rollup-plugin-commonjs';
+import pkg from './package.json';
+import progress from 'rollup-plugin-progress';
+import closure from 'rollup-plugin-closure-compiler-js';
+import hashbang from 'rollup-plugin-hashbang'
+import replace from 'rollup-plugin-replace';
+import buble from 'rollup-plugin-buble';
+import { uglify } from 'rollup-plugin-uglify';
+import resolve from 'rollup-plugin-node-resolve';
+//import typescript from 'rollup-plugin-typescript2';
+import filesize from 'rollup-plugin-filesize';
+import cleanup from 'rollup-plugin-cleanup';
+// https://github.com/ritz078/rollup-plugin-filesize
+// https://github.com/jkuri/rollup-plugin-progress
+// https://github.com/TrySound/rollup-plugin-uglify
+// https://github.com/camelaissani/rollup-plugin-closure-compiler-js
+// https://github.com/rollup/rollup-plugin-buble (for browser)
+// https://github.com/jetiny/rollup-plugin-re
+// https://github.com/ezolenko/rollup-plugin-typescript2
+// https://www.npmjs.com/package/rollup-plugin-cleanup
+const patterns = {'PACKAGE_VERSION_NUMBER': require('./package.json').version}
+const patternsBrowser = {
+ "//*not-for-browser/*": '/*not-for-browser/*',
+ "/*only-for-browser/*": '//*only-for-browser/*',
+ ...patterns
+export default [
+ /*{
+ input: 'build/ES6/main',
+ output: {
+ name: 'alasql',
+ file: 'build/alasql.es6.js',
+ format: 'umd'
+ },
+ plugins: [
+ //hashbang(),
+ replace({patterns}),
+ //progress(),
+ resolve(),
+ //buble(),
+ filesize(),
+ ]
+ },//*/
+ {
+ input: 'build/ES6/main',
+ output: {
+ name: 'alasql',
+ file: 'dist/alasql.fs.js',
+ format: 'umd'
+ },
+ plugins: [
+ replace(patterns),
+ resolve(),
+ buble(),
+ cleanup(),
+ filesize(),
+ ]
+ },{
+ input: 'build/ES6/main',
+ output: {
+ name: 'alasql',
+ file: 'dist/alasql.js',
+ format: 'umd'
+ },
+ plugins: [
+ replace(patternsBrowser),
+ resolve(),
+ buble(),
+ // cleanup(),
+ filesize(),
+ ]
+ },{
+ input: 'build/ES6/main',
+ output: {
+ name: 'alasql',
+ file: 'dist/alasql.min.js',
+ format: 'umd'
+ },
+ plugins: [
+ replace(patternsBrowser),
+ resolve(),
+ buble(),
+ uglify({compress:true}),
+ filesize(),
+ ]
+ },
diff --git a/src/10start.js b/src/10start.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a7c2eb4a8..0000000000
--- a/src/10start.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable */
-"use strict";
- @fileoverview AlaSQL JavaScript SQL library
- @see http://github.com/agershun/alasql
- Callback from statement
- @callback statement-callback
- @param {object} data Result data
- UMD envelope for AlaSQL
-(function (root, factory) {
- if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
- define([], factory);
- } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
- /** alasql main function */
- module.exports = factory();
- } else {
- root.alasql = factory();
- }
-}(this, function () {
- AlaSQL - Main Alasql class
- @function
- @param {string|function|object} sql - SQL-statement or data object for fuent interface
- @param {object} params - SQL parameters
- @param {function} cb - callback function
- @param {object} scope - Scope for nested queries
- @return {any} - Result data object
- @example
- Standard sync call:
- alasql('CREATE TABLE one');
- Query:
- var res = alasql('SELECT * FROM one');
- Call with parameters:
- var res = alasql('SELECT * FROM ?',[data]);
- Standard async call with callback function:
- alasql('SELECT * FROM ?',[data],function(res){
- console.log(data);
- });
- Call with scope for subquery (to pass common values):
- var scope = {one:{a:2,b;20}}
- alasql('SELECT * FROM ? two WHERE two.a = one.a',[data],null,scope);
- Call for fluent interface with data object:
- alasql(data).Where(function(x){return x.a == 10}).exec();
- Call for fluent interface without data object:
- alasql().From(data).Where(function(x){return x.a == 10}).exec();
- */
-var alasql = function(sql, params, cb, scope) {
- params = params||[];
- if(typeof importScripts !== 'function' && alasql.webworker) {
- var id = alasql.lastid++;
- alasql.buffer[id] = cb;
- alasql.webworker.postMessage({id:id,sql:sql,params:params});
- return;
- }
- if(arguments.length === 0) {
- // Without arguments - Fluent interface
- return new yy.Select({
- columns:[new yy.Column({columnid:'*'})],
- from: [new yy.ParamValue({param:0})]
- });
- } else if(arguments.length === 1){
- // Access promise notation without using `.promise(...)`
- if(sql.constructor === Array){
- return alasql.promise(sql);
- }
- }
- // Avoid setting params if not needed even with callback
- if(typeof params === 'function'){
- scope = cb;
- cb = params;
- params = [];
- }
- if(typeof params !== 'object'){
- params = [params];
- }
- // Standard interface
- // alasql('#sql');
- if(typeof sql === 'string' && sql[0]==='#' && typeof document === "object") {
- sql = document.querySelector(sql).textContent;
- } else if(typeof sql === 'object' && sql instanceof HTMLElement) {
- sql = sql.textContent;
- } else if(typeof sql === 'function') {
- // to run multiline functions
- sql = sql.toString();
- sql = (/\/\*([\S\s]+)\*\//m.exec(sql) || ['','Function given as SQL. Plese Provide SQL string or have a /* ... */ syle comment with SQL in the function.'])[1];
- }
- // Run SQL
- return alasql.exec(sql, params, cb, scope);
- Current version of alasql
- @constant {string}
-alasql.version = 'PACKAGE_VERSION_NUMBER';
- Debug flag
- @type {boolean}
-alasql.debug = undefined; // Initial debug variable
-var require = function(){return null}; // as alasqlparser.js is generated, we can not "remove" referenses to
-var __dirname = '';
diff --git a/src/15utility.js b/src/15utility.js
deleted file mode 100755
index ef26418d88..0000000000
--- a/src/15utility.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1299 +0,0 @@
-/*jshint unused:false*/
- Utilities for Alasql.js
- @todo Review the list of utilities
- @todo Find more effective utilities
- Alasql utility functions
- @type {object}
- */
-var utils = (alasql.utils = {});
- Convert NaN to undefined
- @function
- @param {string} s JavaScript string to be modified
- @return {string} Covered expression
- @example
- 123 => 123
- undefined => undefined
- NaN => undefined
-function n2u(s) {
- return '(y=' + s + ',y===y?y:undefined)';
- Return undefined if s undefined
- @param {string} s JavaScript string to be modified
- @return {string} Covered expression
- @example
- 123,a => a
- undefined,a => undefined
- NaN,a => undefined
-function und(s, r) {
- return '(y=' + s + ',typeof y=="undefined"?undefined:' + r + ')';
- Return always true. Stub for non-ecisting WHERE clause, because is faster then if(whenrfn) whenfn()
- @function
- @return {boolean} Always true
-function returnTrue() {
- return true;
- Return undefined. Stub for non-ecisting WHERE clause, because is faster then if(whenrfn) whenfn()
- @function
- @return {undefined} Always undefined
-function returnUndefined() {}
- Escape string
- @function
- @param {string} s Source string
- @return {string} Escaped string
- @example
- Pit\er's => Pit\\er\'s
-// based on joliss/js-string-escape
-var escapeq = (utils.escapeq = function(s) {
- // console.log(s);
- return ('' + s).replace(/["'\\\n\r\u2028\u2029]/g, function(character) {
- // Escape all characters not included in SingleStringCharacters and
- // DoubleStringCharacters on
- // http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-7.8.4
- switch (character) {
- case '"':
- case "'":
- case '\\':
- return '\\' + character;
- // Four possible LineTerminator characters need to be escaped:
- case '\n':
- return '\\n';
- case '\r':
- return '\\r';
- case '\u2028':
- return '\\u2028';
- case '\u2029':
- return '\\u2029';
- }
- });
- Double quotes for SQL statements
- @param {string} s Source string
- @return {string} Escaped string
- @example
- Piter's => Piter''s
- */
-var escapeqq = (utils.undoubleq = function(s) {
- return s.replace(/(\')/g, "''");
- Replace double quotes with single quote
- @param {string} s Source string
- @return {string} Replaced string
- @example
- Piter''s => Piter's
- */
-var doubleq = (utils.doubleq = function(s) {
- return s.replace(/(\'\')/g, "\\'");
- Replace sigle quote to escaped single quote
- @param {string} s Source string
- @return {string} Replaced string
- @todo Chack this functions
-var doubleqq = (utils.doubleqq = function(s) {
- return s.replace(/\'/g, "'");
- Cut BOM first character for UTF-8 files (for merging two files)
- @param {string} s Source string
- @return {string} Replaced string
-var cutbom = function(s) {
- if (s[0] === String.fromCharCode(65279)) {
- s = s.substr(1);
- }
- return s;
- Get the blobal scope
- Inspired by System.global
- @return {object} The global scope
-utils.global = (function() {
- try {
- return Function('return this')();
- } catch (e) {
- //If Content Security Policy
- var global = self || window || global;
- if (global) {
- return global;
- } else {
- throw new Error('Unable to locate global object');
- }
- }
- Find out if a function is native to the enviroment
- @param {function} Function to check
- @return {boolean} True if function is native
-var isNativeFunction = (utils.isNativeFunction = function(fn) {
- return typeof fn === 'function' && !!~fn.toString().indexOf('[native code]');
- Find out if code is running in a web worker enviroment
- @return {boolean} True if code is running in a web worker enviroment
-utils.isWebWorker = (function() {
- try {
- var importScripts = utils.global.importScripts;
- return utils.isNativeFunction(importScripts);
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }
- Find out if code is running in a node enviroment
- @return {boolean} True if code is running in a node enviroment
-utils.isNode = (function() {
- try {
- return utils.isNativeFunction(utils.global.process.reallyExit);
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }
- Find out if code is running in a browser enviroment
- @return {boolean} True if code is running in a browser enviroment
-utils.isBrowser = (function() {
- try {
- return utils.isNativeFunction(utils.global.location.reload);
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }
- Find out if code is running in a browser with a browserify setup
- @return {boolean} True if code is running in a browser with a browserify setup
-utils.isBrowserify = (function() {
- return utils.isBrowser && typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.browser;
- Find out if code is running in a browser with a requireJS setup
- @return {boolean} True if code is running in a browser with a requireJS setup
-utils.isRequireJS = (function() {
- return (
- utils.isBrowser && typeof require === 'function' && typeof require.specified === 'function'
- );
- Find out if code is running with Meteor in the enviroment
- @return {boolean} True if code is running with Meteor in the enviroment
- @todo Find out if this is the best way to do this
-utils.isMeteor = (function() {
- return typeof Meteor !== 'undefined' && Meteor.release;
- Find out if code is running on a Meteor client
- @return {boolean} True if code is running on a Meteor client
-utils.isMeteorClient = utils.isMeteorClient = (function() {
- return utils.isMeteor && Meteor.isClient;
- Find out if code is running on a Meteor server
- @return {boolean} True if code is running on a Meteor server
-utils.isMeteorServer = (function() {
- return utils.isMeteor && Meteor.isServer;
- Find out code is running in a cordovar enviroment
- @return {boolean} True if code is running in a web worker enviroment
- @todo Find out if this is the best way to do this
-utils.isCordova = (function() {
- return typeof cordova === 'object';
-utils.isReactNative = (function() {
- var isReact = false;
- //*not-for-browser/*
- try {
- if (typeof require('react-native') === 'object') {
- isReact = true;
- }
- } catch (e) {
- void 0;
- }
- //*/
- return isReact;
-utils.hasIndexedDB = (function() {
- return !!utils.global.indexedDB;
-utils.isArray = function(obj) {
- return '[object Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(obj);
- Load text file from anywhere
- @param {string|object} path File path or HTML event
- @param {boolean} asy True - async call, false - sync call
- @param {function} success Success function
- @param {function} error Error function
- @return {string} Read data
- @todo Define Event type
- @todo Smaller if-else structures.
-var loadFile = (utils.loadFile = function(path, asy, success, error) {
- var data, fs;
- if (utils.isNode || utils.isMeteorServer) {
- //*not-for-browser/*
- if (utils.isMeteor) {
- fs = Npm.require('fs');
- } else {
- fs = require('fs');
- }
- // If path is empty, than read data from stdin (for Node)
- if (typeof path === 'undefined') {
- var buff = '';
- process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8');
- process.stdin.on('readable', function() {
- var chunk = process.stdin.read();
- if (chunk !== null) {
- buff += chunk.toString();
- }
- });
- process.stdin.on('end', function() {
- success(cutbom(buff));
- });
- } else {
- if (/^[a-z]+:\/\//i.test(path)) {
- var request = require('request');
- request(path, function(err, response, body) {
- if (err) {
- throw err;
- }
- success(cutbom(body.toString()));
- });
- } else {
- //If async callthen call async
- if (asy) {
- fs.readFile(path, function(err, data) {
- if (err) {
- throw err;
- }
- success(cutbom(data.toString()));
- });
- } else {
- // Call sync version
- data = fs.readFileSync(path);
- success(cutbom(data.toString()));
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (utils.isReactNative) {
- // If ReactNative
- var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
- RNFS.readFile(path, 'utf8')
- .then(function(contents) {
- success(cutbom(contents));
- })
- .catch(function(err) {
- throw err;
- });
- //*/
- } else if (utils.isCordova) {
- /* If Cordova */
- utils.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function(fileSystem) {
- fileSystem.root.getFile(path, {create: false}, function(fileEntry) {
- fileEntry.file(function(file) {
- var fileReader = new FileReader();
- fileReader.onloadend = function(e) {
- success(cutbom(this.result));
- };
- fileReader.readAsText(file);
- });
- });
- });
- /** @todo Check eliminated code below */
- /*/*
- var paths = path.split('/');
- var filename = paths[paths.length-1];
- var dirpath = path.substr(0,path.length-filename.length);
- // console.log('CORDOVA',filename,dirpath);
- //return success('[{"a":"'+filename+'"}]');
- window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(dirpath, function(dir) {
- dir.getFile(filename, null, function(file) {
- file.file(function(file) {
- var reader = new FileReader();
- // console.log('READ FILE 2');
- reader.onloadend = function(e) {
-// console.log('READ FILE 3',this.result);
- success(this.result);
- };
- reader.readAsText(file);
- });
- });
- });
- } else {
- /* For string */
- if (typeof path === 'string') {
- // For browser read from tag
- /*
- SELECT * FROM TXT('#one') -- read data from HTML element with id="one"
- */
- if (path.substr(0, 1) === '#' && typeof document !== 'undefined') {
- data = document.querySelector(path).textContent;
- success(data);
- } else {
- /*
- Simply read file from HTTP request, like:
- SELECT * FROM TXT('http://alasql.org/README.md');
- */
- var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
- xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
- if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
- if (xhr.status === 200) {
- if (success) {
- success(cutbom(xhr.responseText));
- }
- } else if (error) {
- error(xhr);
- }
- // Todo: else...?
- }
- };
- xhr.open('GET', path, asy); // Async
- xhr.responseType = 'text';
- xhr.send();
- }
- } else if (path instanceof Event) {
- /*
- For browser read from files input element
- */
- /** @type {array} List of files from element */
- var files = path.target.files;
- /** type {object} */
- var reader = new FileReader();
- /** type {string} */
- var name = files[0].name;
- reader.onload = function(e) {
- var data = e.target.result;
- success(cutbom(data));
- };
- reader.readAsText(files[0]);
- }
- }
- @function Load binary file from anywhere
- @param {string} path File path
- @param {boolean} asy True - async call, false - sync call
- @param {function} success Success function
- @param {function} error Error function
- @return 1 for Async, data - for sync version
- @todo merge functionality from loadFile and LoadBinaryFile
-var loadBinaryFile = (utils.loadBinaryFile = function(path, asy, success, error) {
- var fs;
- if (utils.isNode || utils.isMeteorServer) {
- //*not-for-browser/*
- if (utils.isMeteorServer) {
- fs = Npm.require('fs'); // For Meteor
- } else {
- fs = require('fs');
- }
- if (/^[a-z]+:\/\//i.test(path)) {
- var request = require('request');
- request({url: path, encoding: null}, function(err, response, data) {
- if (err) {
- throw err;
- }
- var arr = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
- arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
- }
- success(arr.join(''));
- });
- } else {
- if (asy) {
- fs.readFile(path, function(err, data) {
- if (err) {
- throw err;
- }
- var arr = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
- arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
- }
- success(arr.join(''));
- });
- } else {
- var data = fs.readFileSync(path);
- var arr = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
- arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
- }
- success(arr.join(''));
- }
- }
- } else if (utils.isReactNative) {
- // If ReactNative
- //var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
- var RNFetchBlob = require('react-native-fetch-blob').default;
- var dirs = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs;
- //should use readStream instead if the file is large
- RNFetchBlob.fs.readFile(path, 'base64').then(function(data) {
- //RNFetchBlob.base64.decode(data) //need more test on excel
- success(data);
- });
- //*/
- } else {
- if (typeof path === 'string') {
- // For browser
- var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
- xhr.open('GET', path, asy); // Async
- xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
- xhr.onload = function() {
- var data = new Uint8Array(xhr.response);
- var arr = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
- arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
- }
- success(arr.join(''));
- };
- // xhr.responseType = "blob";
- xhr.send();
- } else if (path instanceof Event) {
- // console.log("event");
- var files = path.target.files;
- var reader = new FileReader();
- var name = files[0].name;
- reader.onload = function(e) {
- var data = e.target.result;
- success(data);
- };
- reader.readAsArrayBuffer(files[0]);
- } else if (path instanceof Blob) {
- success(path);
- }
- }
-var removeFile = (utils.removeFile = function(path, cb) {
- if (utils.isNode) {
- //*not-for-browser/*
- var fs = require('fs');
- fs.remove(path, cb);
- } else if (utils.isCordova) {
- utils.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function(fileSystem) {
- fileSystem.root.getFile(
- path,
- {create: false},
- function(fileEntry) {
- fileEntry.remove(cb);
- cb && cb(); // jshint ignore:line
- },
- function() {
- cb && cb(); // jshint ignore:line
- }
- );
- });
- } else if (utils.isReactNative) {
- // If ReactNative
- var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
- RNFS.unlink(path)
- .then(function() {
- cb && cb();
- })
- .catch(function(err) {
- throw err;
- });
- //*/
- } else {
- throw new Error('You can remove files only in Node.js and Apache Cordova');
- }
-// Todo: check if it makes sense to support cordova and Meteor server
-var deleteFile = (utils.deleteFile = function(path, cb) {
- //*not-for-browser/*
- if (utils.isNode) {
- var fs = require('fs');
- fs.unlink(path, cb);
- } else if (utils.isReactNative) {
- // If ReactNative
- var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
- RNFS.unlink(path)
- .then(function() {
- cb && cb();
- })
- .catch(function(err) {
- throw err;
- });
- }
- //*/
-utils.autoExtFilename = function(filename, ext, config) {
- config = config || {};
- if (
- typeof filename !== 'string' ||
- filename.match(/^[A-z]+:\/\/|\n|\..{2,4}$/) ||
- config.autoExt === 0 ||
- config.autoExt === false
- ) {
- return filename;
- }
- return filename + '.' + ext;
-var fileExists = (utils.fileExists = function(path, cb) {
- if (utils.isNode) {
- //*not-for-browser/*
- var fs = require('fs');
- fs.exists(path, cb);
- } else if (utils.isCordova) {
- utils.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function(fileSystem) {
- fileSystem.root.getFile(
- path,
- {create: false},
- function(fileEntry) {
- cb(true);
- },
- function() {
- cb(false);
- }
- );
- });
- } else if (utils.isReactNative) {
- // If ReactNative
- var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
- RNFS.exists(path)
- .then(function(yes) {
- cb && cb(yes);
- })
- .catch(function(err) {
- throw err;
- });
- //*/
- } else {
- // TODO Cordova, etc.
- throw new Error('You can use exists() only in Node.js or Apach Cordova');
- }
- Save text file from anywhere
- @param {string} path File path
- @param {array} data Data object
- @param {function} cb Callback
- @param {object=} opts
-var saveFile = (utils.saveFile = function(path, data, cb, opts) {
- var res = 1;
- if (path === undefined) {
- //
- // Return data into result variable
- // like: alasql('SELECT * INTO TXT() FROM ?',[data]);
- //
- res = data;
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- } else {
- if (utils.isNode) {
- //*not-for-browser/*
- var fs = require('fs');
- data = fs.writeFileSync(path, data);
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- } else if (utils.isReactNative) {
- var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
- RNFS.writeFile(path, data)
- .then(function(success) {
- //, 'utf8'
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- })
- .catch(function(err) {
- console.error(err.message);
- });
- } else if (utils.isCordova) {
- utils.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function(fileSystem) {
- // alasql.utils.removeFile(path,function(){
- fileSystem.root.getFile(path, {create: true}, function(fileEntry) {
- fileEntry.createWriter(function(fileWriter) {
- fileWriter.onwriteend = function() {
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- };
- fileWriter.write(data);
- });
- });
- });
- //*/
- /*/*
- } else if((typeof cordova == 'object') && cordova.file) {
-// console.log('saveFile 1');
- // Cordova
- var paths = path.split('/');
- var filename = paths[paths.length-1];
- var dirpath = path.substr(0,path.length-filename.length);
- // console.log('CORDOVA',filename,dirpath);
- //return success('[{"a":"'+filename+'"}]');
- window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(dirpath, function(dir) {
-// console.log('saveFile 2');
- dir.getFile(filename, {create:true}, function(file) {
-// console.log('saveFile 3');
-// file.file(function(file) {
-// console.log('saveFile 4');
- file.createWriter(function(fileWriter) {
-// fileWriter.seek(fileWriter.length);
- var blob = new Blob([data], {type:'text/plain'});
- fileWriter.write(blob);
- fileWriter.onwriteend = function(){
- if(cb) cb();
- };
-// console.log("ok, in theory i worked");
- });
- /*/*
- // Corodva
- function writeFinish() {
- // ... your done code here...
- return cb()
- };
- var written = 0;
- var BLOCK_SIZE = 1*1024*1024; // write 1M every time of write
- function writeNext(cbFinish) {
- var sz = Math.min(BLOCK_SIZE, data.length - written);
- var sub = data.slice(written, written+sz);
- writer.write(sub);
- written += sz;
- writer.onwrite = function(evt) {
- if (written < data.length)
- writeNext(cbFinish);
- else
- cbFinish();
- };
- }
- writeNext(writeFinish);
- }
- // });
- // });
- // });
- } else {
- if (isIE() === 9) {
- // Solution was taken from
- // http://megatuto.com/formation-JAVASCRIPT.php?JAVASCRIPT_Example=Javascript+Save+CSV+file+in+IE+8/IE+9+without+using+window.open()+Categorie+javascript+internet-explorer-8&category=&article=7993
- // var URI = 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,';
- // Prepare data
- var ndata = data.replace(/\r\n/g, 'A;D;');
- ndata = ndata.replace(/\n/g, 'D;');
- ndata = ndata.replace(/\t/g, ' ');
- var testlink = utils.global.open('about:blank', '_blank');
- testlink.document.write(ndata); //fileData has contents for the file
- testlink.document.close();
- testlink.document.execCommand('SaveAs', false, path);
- testlink.close();
- } else {
- var opt = {
- disableAutoBom: false,
- };
- alasql.utils.extend(opt, opts);
- var blob = new Blob([data], {type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8'});
- saveAs(blob, path, opt.disableAutoBom);
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return res;
- @function Is this IE9
- @return {boolean} True for IE9 and false for other browsers
- For IE9 compatibility issues
-function isIE() {
- var myNav = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
- return myNav.indexOf('msie') !== -1 ? parseInt(myNav.split('msie')[1]) : false;
-// For LOAD
-// var saveBinaryFile = utils.saveFile = function(path, data, cb) {
-// if(utils.isNode) {
-// // For Node.js
-// var fs = require('fs');
-// var data = fs.writeFileSync(path,data);
-// } else {
-// var blob = new Blob([data], {type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8"});
-// saveAs(blob, path);
-// }
-// };
- @function Hash a string to signed integer
- @param {string} source string
- @return {integer} hash number
-// FNV-1a inspired hashing
-var hash = (utils.hash = function(str) {
- var hash = 0x811c9dc5,
- i = str.length;
- while (i) {
- hash = hash ^ str.charCodeAt(--i);
- hash += (hash << 1) + (hash << 4) + (hash << 7) + (hash << 8) + (hash << 24);
- }
- return hash;
- Union arrays
- @function
- @param {array} a
- @param {array} b
- @return {array}
-var arrayUnion = (utils.arrayUnion = function(a, b) {
- var r = b.slice(0);
- a.forEach(function(i) {
- if (r.indexOf(i) < 0) {
- r.push(i);
- }
- });
- return r;
- Array Difference
- */
-var arrayDiff = (utils.arrayDiff = function(a, b) {
- return a.filter(function(i) {
- return b.indexOf(i) < 0;
- });
- Arrays deep intersect (with records)
- */
-var arrayIntersect = (utils.arrayIntersect = function(a, b) {
- var r = [];
- a.forEach(function(ai) {
- var found = false;
- b.forEach(function(bi) {
- found = found || ai === bi;
- });
- if (found) {
- r.push(ai);
- }
- });
- return r;
- Arrays deep union (with records)
- */
-var arrayUnionDeep = (utils.arrayUnionDeep = function(a, b) {
- var r = b.slice(0);
- a.forEach(function(ai) {
- var found = false;
- r.forEach(function(ri) {
- // found = found || equalDeep(ai, ri, true);
- found = found || deepEqual(ai, ri);
- });
- if (!found) {
- r.push(ai);
- }
- });
- return r;
- Arrays deep union (with records)
- */
-var arrayExceptDeep = (utils.arrayExceptDeep = function(a, b) {
- var r = [];
- a.forEach(function(ai) {
- var found = false;
- b.forEach(function(bi) {
- // found = found || equalDeep(ai, bi, true);
- found = found || deepEqual(ai, bi);
- });
- if (!found) {
- r.push(ai);
- }
- });
- return r;
- Arrays deep intersect (with records)
- */
-var arrayIntersectDeep = (utils.arrayIntersectDeep = function(a, b) {
- var r = [];
- a.forEach(function(ai) {
- var found = false;
- b.forEach(function(bi) {
- // found = found || equalDeep(ai, bi, true);
- found = found || deepEqual(ai, bi, true);
- });
- if (found) {
- r.push(ai);
- }
- });
- return r;
- Deep clone objects
- */
-var cloneDeep = (utils.cloneDeep = function cloneDeep(obj) {
- if (null === obj || typeof obj !== 'object') {
- return obj;
- }
- if (obj instanceof Date) {
- return new Date(obj);
- }
- var temp = obj.constructor(); // changed
- for (var key in obj) {
- if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- temp[key] = cloneDeep(obj[key]);
- }
- }
- return temp;
- Check equality of objects
-var equalDeep = utils.equalDeep = function equalDeep (x, y, deep) {
- if (deep) {
- if (x === y){
- return true;
- }
- var p;
- for (p in y) {
- if (typeof (x[p]) === 'undefined') { return false; }
- }
- for (p in y) {
- if (y[p]) {
- switch (typeof (y[p])) {
- case 'object':
- if (!equalDeep(y[p],x[p])) { return false; } break;
- case 'function':
- if (
- typeof (x[p]) === 'undefined' ||
- (p !== 'equals' && y[p].toString() !== x[p].toString())
- ){
- return false;
- }
- break;
- default:
- if (y[p] !== x[p]) { return false; }
- }
- } else {
- if (x[p]){
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- for (p in x) {
- if (typeof (y[p]) === 'undefined') { return false; }
- }
- return true;
- }
- return x === y;
- Compare two objects in deep
- */
-var deepEqual = (utils.deepEqual = function(x, y) {
- if (x === y) {
- return true;
- }
- if (typeof x === 'object' && null !== x && (typeof y === 'object' && null !== y)) {
- if (Object.keys(x).length !== Object.keys(y).length) {
- return false;
- }
- for (var prop in x) {
- if (!deepEqual(x[prop], y[prop])) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- Array with distinct records
- @param {array} data
- @return {array}
-var distinctArray = (utils.distinctArray = function(data) {
- var uniq = {};
- // TODO: Speedup, because Object.keys is slow
- for (var i = 0, ilen = data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- var uix;
- if (typeof data[i] === 'object') {
- uix = Object.keys(data[i])
- .sort()
- .map(function(k) {
- return k + '`' + data[i][k];
- })
- .join('`');
- } else {
- uix = data[i];
- }
- uniq[uix] = data[i];
- }
- var res = [];
- for (var key in uniq) {
- res.push(uniq[key]);
- }
- return res;
- Extend object a with properties of b
- @function
- @param {object} a
- @param {object} b
- @return {object}
-var extend = (utils.extend = function extend(a, b) {
- a = a || {};
- for (var key in b) {
- if (b.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- a[key] = b[key];
- }
- }
- return a;
- Flat array by first row
- */
-var flatArray = (utils.flatArray = function(a) {
- //console.log(684,a);
- if (!a || 0 === a.length) {
- return [];
- }
- // For recordsets
- if (typeof a === 'object' && a instanceof alasql.Recordset) {
- return a.data.map(function(ai) {
- return ai[a.columns[0].columnid];
- });
- }
- // Else for other arrays
- var key = Object.keys(a[0])[0];
- if (key === undefined) {
- return [];
- }
- return a.map(function(ai) {
- return ai[key];
- });
- Convert array of objects to array of arrays
- */
-var arrayOfArrays = (utils.arrayOfArrays = function(a) {
- return a.map(function(aa) {
- var ar = [];
- for (var key in aa) {
- ar.push(aa[key]);
- }
- return ar;
- });
-if (!Array.isArray) {
- Array.isArray = function(arg) {
- return Object.prototype.toString.call(arg) === '[object Array]';
- };
- Excel:convert number to Excel column, like 1 => 'A'
- @param {integer} i Column number, starting with 0
- @return {string} Column name, starting with 'A'
-var xlsnc = (utils.xlsnc = function(i) {
- var addr = String.fromCharCode(65 + (i % 26));
- if (i >= 26) {
- i = ((i / 26) | 0) - 1;
- addr = String.fromCharCode(65 + (i % 26)) + addr;
- if (i > 26) {
- i = ((i / 26) | 0) - 1;
- addr = String.fromCharCode(65 + (i % 26)) + addr;
- }
- }
- return addr;
- Excel:conver Excel column name to number
- @param {string} s Column number, like 'A' or 'BE'
- @return {string} Column name, starting with 0
-var xlscn = (utils.xlscn = function(s) {
- var n = s.charCodeAt(0) - 65;
- if (s.length > 1) {
- n = (n + 1) * 26 + s.charCodeAt(1) - 65;
- // console.log(n, s.charCodeAt(0)-65, s.charCodeAt(1)-65);
- if (s.length > 2) {
- n = (n + 1) * 26 + s.charCodeAt(2) - 65;
- }
- }
- return n;
-var domEmptyChildren = (utils.domEmptyChildren = function(container) {
- var len = container.childNodes.length;
- while (len--) {
- container.removeChild(container.lastChild);
- }
- SQL LIKE emulation
- @parameter {string} pattern Search pattern
- @parameter {string} value Searched value
- @parameter {string} escape Escape character (optional)
- @return {boolean} If value LIKE pattern ESCAPE escape
-var like = (utils.like = function(pattern, value, escape) {
- // Verify escape character
- if (!escape) escape = '';
- var i = 0;
- var s = '^';
- while (i < pattern.length) {
- var c = pattern[i],
- c1 = '';
- if (i < pattern.length - 1) c1 = pattern[i + 1];
- if (c === escape) {
- s += '\\' + c1;
- i++;
- } else if (c === '[' && c1 === '^') {
- s += '[^';
- i++;
- } else if (c === '[' || c === ']') {
- s += c;
- } else if (c === '%') {
- s += '.*';
- } else if (c === '_') {
- s += '.';
- } else if ('/.*+?|(){}'.indexOf(c) > -1) {
- s += '\\' + c;
- } else {
- s += c;
- }
- i++;
- }
- s += '$';
- // if(value == undefined) return false;
- //console.log(s,value,(value||'').search(RegExp(s))>-1);
- return ('' + (value || '')).toUpperCase().search(RegExp(s.toUpperCase())) > -1;
-utils.glob = function(value, pattern) {
- var i = 0;
- var s = '^';
- while (i < pattern.length) {
- var c = pattern[i],
- c1 = '';
- if (i < pattern.length - 1) c1 = pattern[i + 1];
- if (c === '[' && c1 === '^') {
- s += '[^';
- i++;
- } else if (c === '[' || c === ']') {
- s += c;
- } else if (c === '*') {
- s += '.*';
- } else if (c === '?') {
- s += '.';
- } else if ('/.*+?|(){}'.indexOf(c) > -1) {
- s += '\\' + c;
- } else {
- s += c;
- }
- i++;
- }
- s += '$';
- return ('' + (value || '')).toUpperCase().search(RegExp(s.toUpperCase())) > -1;
- Get path of alasql.js
- @todo Rewrite and simplify the code. Review, is this function is required separately
-utils.findAlaSQLPath = function() {
- /** type {string} Path to alasql library and plugins */
- if (utils.isWebWorker) {
- return '';
- /** @todo Check how to get path in worker */
- } else if (utils.isMeteorClient) {
- return '/packages/dist/';
- } else if (utils.isMeteorServer) {
- return 'assets/packages/dist/';
- } else if (utils.isNode) {
- return __dirname;
- } else if (utils.isBrowser) {
- var sc = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
- for (var i = 0; i < sc.length; i++) {
- if (sc[i].src.substr(-16).toLowerCase() === 'alasql-worker.js') {
- return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 16);
- } else if (sc[i].src.substr(-20).toLowerCase() === 'alasql-worker.min.js') {
- return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 20);
- } else if (sc[i].src.substr(-9).toLowerCase() === 'alasql.js') {
- return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 9);
- } else if (sc[i].src.substr(-13).toLowerCase() === 'alasql.min.js') {
- return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 13);
- }
- }
- }
- return '';
-var getXLSX = function() {
- var XLSX = null;
- /* If require() shuold be supported else take from global scope */
- if (utils.isNode || utils.isBrowserify || utils.isMeteorServer) {
- //*not-for-browser/*
- XLSX = require('xlsx') || null;
- //*/
- } else {
- XLSX = utils.global.XLSX || null;
- }
- if (null === XLSX) {
- throw new Error('Please include the xlsx.js library');
- }
- return XLSX;
-// set AlaSQl path
-alasql.path = alasql.utils.findAlaSQLPath();
diff --git a/src/16comments.js b/src/16comments.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 893b26045f..0000000000
--- a/src/16comments.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
- Strip all comments.
- @function
- @param {string} str
- @return {string}
- Based om the https://github.com/lehni/uncomment.js/blob/master/uncomment.js
- I just replaced JavaScript's '//' to SQL's '--' and remove other stuff
- @todo Fixed [aaa/*bbb] for column names
- @todo Bug if -- comments in the last line
- @todo Check if it possible to model it with Jison parser
- @todo Remove unused code
- */
-/* global alasql */
-alasql.utils.uncomment = function(str) {
- // Add some padding so we can always look ahead and behind by two chars
- str = ('__' + str + '__').split('');
- var quote = false,
- quoteSign,
- // regularExpression = false,
- // characterClass = false,
- blockComment = false,
- lineComment = false;
- // preserveComment = false;
- for (var i = 0, l = str.length; i < l; i++) {
- // console.log(i,str[i]);
- // When checking for quote escaping, we also need to check that the
- // escape sign itself is not escaped, as otherwise '\\' would cause
- // the wrong impression of an unclosed string:
- var unescaped = str[i - 1] !== '\\' || str[i - 2] === '\\';
- if (quote) {
- if (str[i] === quoteSign && unescaped) {
- quote = false;
- }
- /*/* // } else if (regularExpression) {
- // Make sure '/'' inside character classes is not considered the end
- // of the regular expression.
- // if (str[i] === '[' && unescaped) {
- // characterClass = true;
- // } else if (str[i] === ']' && unescaped && characterClass) {
- // characterClass = false;
- // } else if (str[i] === '/' && unescaped && !characterClass) {
- // regularExpression = false;
- // }
- } else if (blockComment) {
- // Is the block comment closing?
- if (str[i] === '*' && str[i + 1] === '/') {
- // if (!preserveComment)
- str[i] = str[i + 1] = '';
- blockComment /* = preserveComment*/ = false;
- // Increase by 1 to skip closing '/', as it would be mistaken
- // for a regexp otherwise
- i++;
- } else {
- //if (!preserveComment) {
- str[i] = '';
- }
- } else if (lineComment) {
- // One-line comments end with the line-break
- if (str[i + 1] === '\n' || str[i + 1] === '\r') {
- lineComment = false;
- }
- str[i] = '';
- } else {
- if (str[i] === '"' || str[i] === "'") {
- quote = true;
- quoteSign = str[i];
- } else if (str[i] === '[' && str[i - 1] !== '@') {
- quote = true;
- quoteSign = ']';
- // } else if (str[i] === '-' && str[i + 1] === '-') {
- // str[i] = '';
- // lineComment = true;
- } else if (str[i] === '/' && str[i + 1] === '*') {
- // Do not filter out conditional comments /*@ ... */
- // and comments marked as protected /*! ... */
- // preserveComment = /[@!]/.test(str[i + 2]);
- // if (!preserveComment)
- str[i] = '';
- blockComment = true;
- // console.log('block');
- /*/* // } else if (str[i + 1] === '/') {
- // str[i] = '';
- // lineComment = true;
- // } else {
- // We need to make sure we don't count normal divisions as
- // regular expresions. Matching this properly is difficult,
- // but if we assume that normal division always have a space
- // after /, a simple check for white space or '='' (for /=)
- // is enough to distinguish divisions from regexps.
- // TODO: Develop a proper check for regexps.
- // if (!/[\s=]/.test(str[i + 1])) {
- // regularExpression = true;
- // }
- // }
- }
- }
- }
- // Remove padding again.
- str = str.join('').slice(2, -2);
- /*/*
- // Strip empty lines that contain only white space and line breaks, as they
- // are left-overs from comment removal.
- str = str.replace(/^[ \t]+(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, function(all) {
- return '';
- });
- // Replace a sequence of more than two line breaks with only two.
- str = str.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)(\r\n|\n|\r)+/g, function(all, lineBreak) {
- return lineBreak + lineBreak;
- });
- return str;
diff --git a/src/17alasql.js b/src/17alasql.js
deleted file mode 100755
index c3aae5c55b..0000000000
--- a/src/17alasql.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,533 +0,0 @@
- Database class for Alasql.js
-// Initial parameters
- Jison parser
-alasql.parser = alasqlparser;
-/*/* This is not working :-/ */
-alasql.parser.parseError = function(str, hash) {
- throw new Error('Have you used a reserved keyword without `escaping` it?\n' + str);
- Jison parser
- @param {string} sql SQL statement
- @return {object} AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)
- @todo Create class AST
- @todo Add other parsers
- @example
- alasql.parse = function(sql) {
- // My own parser here
- }
- */
-alasql.parse = function(sql) {
- return alasqlparser.parse(alasql.utils.uncomment(sql));
- List of engines of external databases
- @type {object}
- @todo Create collection type
- */
-alasql.engines = {};
- List of databases
- @type {object}
- */
-alasql.databases = {};
- Number of databases
- @type {number}
-alasql.databasenum = 0;
- Alasql options object
- */
-alasql.options = {};
-alasql.options.errorlog = false; // Log or throw error
-alasql.options.valueof = false; // Use valueof in orderfn
-alasql.options.dropifnotexists = false; // DROP database in any case
-alasql.options.datetimeformat = 'sql'; // How to handle DATE and DATETIME types
-// Another value is 'javascript'
-alasql.options.casesensitive = true; // Table and column names are case sensitive and converted to lower-case
-alasql.options.logtarget = 'output'; // target for log. Values: 'console', 'output', 'id' of html tag
-alasql.options.logprompt = true; // Print SQL at log
-alasql.options.progress = false; // Callback for async queries progress
-// Default modifier
-alasql.options.modifier = undefined;
-// How many rows to lookup to define columns
-alasql.options.columnlookup = 10;
-// Create vertex if not found
-alasql.options.autovertex = true;
-// Use dbo as current database (for partial T-SQL comaptibility)
-alasql.options.usedbo = true;
-alasql.options.autocommit = true;
-// Use cache
-alasql.options.cache = true;
-// Compatibility flags
-alasql.options.tsql = true;
-alasql.options.mysql = true;
-alasql.options.postgres = true;
-alasql.options.oracle = true;
-alasql.options.sqlite = true;
-alasql.options.orientdb = true;
-alasql.options.nocount = false;
-// Check for NaN and convert it to undefined
-alasql.options.nan = false;
-alasql.options.joinstar = 'overwrite'; // Option for SELECT * FROM a,b
-//alasql.options.worker = false;
-// Variables
-alasql.vars = {};
-alasql.declares = {};
-alasql.prompthistory = [];
-alasql.plugins = {}; // If plugin already loaded
-alasql.from = {}; // FROM functions
-alasql.into = {}; // INTO functions
-alasql.fn = {};
-alasql.aggr = {};
-alasql.busy = 0;
-// Cache
-alasql.MAXSQLCACHESIZE = 10000;
-alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID = 'alasql';
-/* WebWorker */
-alasql.lastid = 0;
-alasql.buffer = {};
- Select current database
- @param {string} databaseid Selected database identificator
- */
-alasql.use = function(databaseid) {
- if (!databaseid) {
- databaseid = alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID;
- }
- if (alasql.useid === databaseid) {
- return;
- }
- alasql.useid = databaseid;
- var db = alasql.databases[alasql.useid];
- alasql.tables = db.tables;
- // alasql.fn = db.fn;
- db.resetSqlCache();
- if (alasql.options.usedbo) {
- alasql.databases.dbo = db; // Operator???
- }
-alasql.autoval = function(tablename, colname, getNext, databaseid) {
- var db = databaseid ? alasql.databases[databaseid] : alasql.databases[alasql.useid];
- if (!db.tables[tablename]) {
- throw new Error('Tablename not found: ' + tablename);
- }
- if (!db.tables[tablename].identities[colname]) {
- throw new Error('Colname not found: ' + colname);
- }
- if (getNext) {
- return db.tables[tablename].identities[colname].value || null;
- }
- return (
- db.tables[tablename].identities[colname].value -
- db.tables[tablename].identities[colname].step || null
- );
- Run single SQL statement on current database
- */
-alasql.exec = function(sql, params, cb, scope) {
- // Avoid setting params if not needed even with callback
- if (typeof params === 'function') {
- scope = cb;
- cb = params;
- params = {};
- }
- delete alasql.error;
- params = params || {};
- if (alasql.options.errorlog) {
- try {
- return alasql.dexec(alasql.useid, sql, params, cb, scope);
- } catch (err) {
- alasql.error = err;
- if (cb) {
- cb(null, alasql.error);
- }
- }
- } else {
- return alasql.dexec(alasql.useid, sql, params, cb, scope);
- }
- Run SQL statement on specific database
- */
-alasql.dexec = function(databaseid, sql, params, cb, scope) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- // if(db.databaseid != databaseid) console.trace('got!');
- // console.log(3,db.databaseid,databaseid);
- var hh;
- // Create hash
- if (alasql.options.cache) {
- hh = hash(sql);
- var statement = db.sqlCache[hh];
- // If database structure was not changed since last time return cache
- if (statement && db.dbversion === statement.dbversion) {
- return statement(params, cb);
- }
- }
- // Create AST
- var ast = alasql.parse(sql);
- if (!ast.statements) {
- return;
- }
- if (0 === ast.statements.length) {
- return 0;
- } else if (1 === ast.statements.length) {
- if (ast.statements[0].compile) {
- // Compile and Execute
- var statement = ast.statements[0].compile(databaseid, params);
- if (!statement) {
- return;
- }
- statement.sql = sql;
- statement.dbversion = db.dbversion;
- if (alasql.options.cache) {
- // Secure sqlCache size
- if (db.sqlCacheSize > alasql.MAXSQLCACHESIZE) {
- db.resetSqlCache();
- }
- db.sqlCacheSize++;
- db.sqlCache[hh] = statement;
- }
- var res = (alasql.res = statement(params, cb, scope));
- return res;
- } else {
- // console.log(ast.statements[0]);
- alasql.precompile(ast.statements[0], alasql.useid, params);
- var res = (alasql.res = ast.statements[0].execute(databaseid, params, cb, scope));
- return res;
- }
- } else {
- // Multiple statements
- if (cb) {
- alasql.adrun(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope);
- } else {
- return alasql.drun(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope);
- }
- }
- Run multiple statements and return array of results sync
- */
-alasql.drun = function(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope) {
- var useid = alasql.useid;
- if (useid !== databaseid) {
- alasql.use(databaseid);
- }
- var res = [];
- for (var i = 0, ilen = ast.statements.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- if (ast.statements[i]) {
- if (ast.statements[i].compile) {
- var statement = ast.statements[i].compile(alasql.useid);
- res.push((alasql.res = statement(params, null, scope)));
- } else {
- alasql.precompile(ast.statements[i], alasql.useid, params);
- res.push((alasql.res = ast.statements[i].execute(alasql.useid, params)));
- }
- }
- }
- if (useid !== databaseid) {
- alasql.use(useid);
- }
- if (cb) {
- cb(res);
- }
- alasql.res = res;
- return res;
- Run multiple statements and return array of results async
- */
-alasql.adrun = function(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope) {
- var idx = 0;
- var noqueries = ast.statements.length;
- if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {
- alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);
- }
- // alasql.busy++;
- var useid = alasql.useid;
- if (useid !== databaseid) {
- alasql.use(databaseid);
- }
- var res = [];
- function adrunone(data) {
- if (data !== undefined) {
- res.push(data);
- }
- var astatement = ast.statements.shift();
- if (!astatement) {
- if (useid !== databaseid) {
- alasql.use(useid);
- }
- cb(res);
- // alasql.busy--;
- // if(alasql.busy<0) alasql.busy = 0;
- } else {
- if (astatement.compile) {
- var statement = astatement.compile(alasql.useid);
- statement(params, adrunone, scope);
- if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {
- alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);
- }
- } else {
- alasql.precompile(ast.statements[0], alasql.useid, params);
- astatement.execute(alasql.useid, params, adrunone);
- if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {
- alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- adrunone(); /** @todo Check, why data is empty here */
- Compile statement to JavaScript function
- @param {string} sql SQL statement
- @param {string} databaseid Database identificator
- @return {functions} Compiled statement functions
-alasql.compile = function(sql, databaseid) {
- databaseid = databaseid || alasql.useid;
- var ast = alasql.parse(sql); // Create AST
- if (1 === ast.statements.length) {
- var statement = ast.statements[0].compile(databaseid);
- statement.promise = function(params) {
- return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
- statement(params, function(data, err) {
- if (err) {
- reject(err);
- } else {
- resolve(data);
- }
- });
- });
- };
- return statement;
- /*/*
- if(kind == 'value') {
- return function(params,cb) {
- var res = statementfn(params);
- var key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];
- if(cb) cb(res[0][key]);
- return res[0][key];
- };
- } else if(kind == 'single') {
- return function(params,cb) {
- var res = statementfn(params);
- if(cb) cb(res[0]);
- return res[0];
- }
- } else if(kind == 'row') {
- return function(params,cb) {
- var res = statementfn(params,cb);
- var a = [];
- for(var key in res[0]) {
- a.push(res[0][key]);
- };
- if(cb) cb(a);
- return a;
- }
- } else if(kind == 'column') {
- return function(params,cb) {
- var res = statementfn(params,cb);
- var ar = [];
- var key = Object.keys(res)[0];
- for(var i=0, ilen=res.length; i alasql.MAXSQLCACHESIZE) {
-// this.resetSqlCache();
-// }
-// };
-// return statement;
-// }
-// SQL.js compatibility method
-//Database.prototype.prepare = Database.prototype.compile;
-// Added for compatibility with WebSQL
diff --git a/src/23table.js b/src/23table.js
deleted file mode 100755
index ce89248eb1..0000000000
--- a/src/23table.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-// Table class for Alasql.js
-// Date: 14.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-// Table class
-var Table = (alasql.Table = function(params) {
- // Step 1: Data array
- this.data = [];
- // Step 2: Columns
- this.columns = [];
- this.xcolumns = {};
- // Step 3: indices
- this.inddefs = {};
- this.indices = {};
- this.uniqs = {};
- this.uniqdefs = {};
- // Step 4: identities
- this.identities = {};
- // Step 5: checkfn...
- this.checks = [];
- this.checkfns = []; // For restore... to be done...
- // Step 7: Triggers...
- // Create trigger hubs
- this.beforeinsert = {};
- this.afterinsert = {};
- this.insteadofinsert = {};
- this.beforedelete = {};
- this.afterdelete = {};
- this.insteadofdelete = {};
- this.beforeupdate = {};
- this.afterupdate = {};
- this.insteadofupdate = {};
- // Done
- extend(this, params);
-// View = function(){
-// this.data = [];
-// this.columns = [];
-// this.ixcolumns = {};
-// this.ixdefs = {};
-// this.indices = {};
-// };
-// alasql.View = View;
-Table.prototype.indexColumns = function() {
- var self = this;
- self.xcolumns = {};
- self.columns.forEach(function(col) {
- self.xcolumns[col.columnid] = col;
- });
diff --git a/src/25queryclass.js b/src/25queryclass.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 2b7a1549c7..0000000000
--- a/src/25queryclass.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-// Query class for Alasql.js
-// Date: 14.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-// Table class
- @class Query Main query class
- */
-var Query = (alasql.Query = function(params) {
- this.alasql = alasql;
- // console.log(12,alasql);
- // Columns
- this.columns = [];
- this.xcolumns = {};
- this.selectGroup = [];
- this.groupColumns = {};
- // Data array
- extend(this, params);
- @class Recordset data object
- */
-var Recordset = (alasql.Recordset = function(params) {
- // Data array
- extend(this, params);
-// View = function(){
-// this.data = [];
-// this.columns = [];
-// this.ixcolumns = {};
-// this.ixdefs = {};
-// this.indices = {};
-// };
-// alasql.View = View;
diff --git a/src/28yy.js b/src/28yy.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 588baa771b..0000000000
--- a/src/28yy.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-// Parser helper for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-var yy = (alasqlparser.yy = alasql.yy = {});
-// Utility
-yy.extend = extend;
-// Option for case sensitive
-yy.casesensitive = alasql.options.casesensitive;
-// Base class for all yy classes
-var Base = (yy.Base = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-Base.prototype.toString = function() {};
-Base.prototype.toType = function() {};
-Base.prototype.toJS = function() {};
-// var BaseClause = yy,BaseClause = function (params) { return yy.extend(this, params); };
-Base.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
-Base.prototype.exec = function() {};
-// var BaseStatement = yy,BaseStatement = function (params) { return yy.extend(this, params); };
-Base.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
-Base.prototype.exec = function() {};
diff --git a/src/30statements.js b/src/30statements.js
deleted file mode 100755
index f63f2e3099..0000000000
--- a/src/30statements.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-// Statements class for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-// Statements container
-yy.Statements = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Statements.prototype.toString = function() {
- return this.statements
- .map(function(st) {
- return st.toString();
- })
- .join('; ');
-// Compile array of statements into single statement
-yy.Statements.prototype.compile = function(db) {
- var statements = this.statements.map(function(st) {
- return st.compile(db);
- });
- if (statements.length === 1) {
- return statements[0];
- } else {
- return function(params, cb) {
- var res = statements.map(function(st) {
- return st(params);
- });
- if (cb) {
- cb(res);
- }
- return res;
- };
- }
diff --git a/src/40select.js b/src/40select.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 4c0b7153aa..0000000000
--- a/src/40select.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,541 +0,0 @@
-// Select run-time part for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-// Main part of SELECT procedure
-/* global yy */
-yy.Select = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Select.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s;
- s = '';
- if (this.explain) {
- s += 'EXPLAIN ';
- }
- s += 'SELECT ';
- if (this.modifier) {
- s += this.modifier + ' ';
- }
- if (this.distinct) {
- s += 'DISTINCT ';
- }
- if (this.top) {
- s += 'TOP ' + this.top.value + ' ';
- if (this.percent) {
- s += 'PERCENT ';
- }
- }
- s += this.columns
- .map(function(col) {
- var s;
- s = col.toString();
- if (typeof col.as !== 'undefined') {
- s += ' AS ' + col.as;
- }
- return s;
- })
- .join(', ');
- if (this.from) {
- s +=
- ' FROM ' +
- this.from
- .map(function(f) {
- var ss;
- ss = f.toString();
- if (f.as) {
- ss += ' AS ' + f.as;
- }
- return ss;
- })
- .join(',');
- }
- if (this.joins) {
- s += this.joins
- .map(function(jn) {
- var ss;
- ss = ' ';
- if (jn.joinmode) {
- ss += jn.joinmode + ' ';
- }
- if (jn.table) {
- ss += 'JOIN ' + jn.table.toString();
- } else if (jn.select) {
- ss += 'JOIN (' + jn.select.toString() + ')';
- } else if (jn instanceof alasql.yy.Apply) {
- ss += jn.toString();
- } else {
- throw new Error('Wrong type in JOIN mode');
- }
- if (jn.as) {
- ss += ' AS ' + jn.as;
- }
- if (jn.using) {
- ss += ' USING ' + jn.using.toString();
- }
- if (jn.on) {
- ss += ' ON ' + jn.on.toString();
- }
- return ss;
- })
- .join('');
- }
- if (this.where) {
- s += ' WHERE ' + this.where.toString();
- }
- if (this.group && this.group.length > 0) {
- s +=
- ' GROUP BY ' +
- this.group
- .map(function(grp) {
- return grp.toString();
- })
- .join(', ');
- }
- if (this.having) {
- s += ' HAVING ' + this.having.toString();
- }
- if (this.order && this.order.length > 0) {
- s +=
- ' ORDER BY ' +
- this.order
- .map(function(ord) {
- return ord.toString();
- })
- .join(', ');
- }
- if (this.limit) {
- s += ' LIMIT ' + this.limit.value;
- }
- if (this.offset) {
- s += ' OFFSET ' + this.offset.value;
- }
- if (this.union) {
- s += ' UNION ' + (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') + this.union.toString();
- }
- if (this.unionall) {
- s +=
- ' UNION ALL ' + (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') + this.unionall.toString();
- }
- if (this.except) {
- s += ' EXCEPT ' + (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') + this.except.toString();
- }
- if (this.intersect) {
- s +=
- (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') +
- this.intersect.toString();
- }
- return s;
- Select statement in expression
- */
-yy.Select.prototype.toJS = function(context) {
- // console.log('Expression',this);
- // if(this.expression.reduced) return 'true';
- // return this.expression.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
- // console.log('Select.toJS', 81, this.queriesidx);
- // var s = 'this.queriesdata['+(this.queriesidx-1)+'][0]';
- var s =
- 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn[' +
- (this.queriesidx - 1) +
- '](this.params,null,' +
- context +
- '))[0]';
- // var s = '(ee=alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn['+(this.queriesidx-1)+'](this.params,null,'+context+')),console.log(999,ee),ee[0])';
- return s;
-// Compile SELECT statement
-yy.Select.prototype.compile = function(databaseid, params) {
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- // Create variable for query
- var query = new Query();
- // Array with columns to be removed
- query.removeKeys = [];
- query.aggrKeys = [];
- query.explain = this.explain; // Explain
- query.explaination = [];
- query.explid = 1;
- //console.log(this.modifier);
- query.modifier = this.modifier;
- query.database = db;
- // 0. Precompile whereexists
- this.compileWhereExists(query);
- // 0. Precompile queries for IN, NOT IN, ANY and ALL operators
- this.compileQueries(query);
- query.defcols = this.compileDefCols(query, databaseid);
- // 1. Compile FROM clause
- query.fromfn = this.compileFrom(query);
- // 2. Compile JOIN clauses
- if (this.joins) {
- this.compileJoins(query);
- }
- // todo?: 3. Compile SELECT clause
- // For ROWNUM()
- query.rownums = [];
- this.compileSelectGroup0(query);
- if (this.group || query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
- query.selectgfns = this.compileSelectGroup1(query);
- } else {
- query.selectfns = this.compileSelect1(query, params);
- }
- // Remove columns clause
- this.compileRemoveColumns(query);
- // 5. Optimize WHERE and JOINS
- if (this.where) {
- this.compileWhereJoins(query);
- }
- // 4. Compile WHERE clause
- query.wherefn = this.compileWhere(query);
- // 6. Compile GROUP BY
- if (this.group || query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
- query.groupfn = this.compileGroup(query);
- }
- // 6. Compile HAVING
- if (this.having) {
- query.havingfn = this.compileHaving(query);
- }
- // 8. Compile ORDER BY clause
- if (this.order) {
- query.orderfn = this.compileOrder(query);
- }
- if (this.group || query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
- query.selectgfn = this.compileSelectGroup2(query);
- } else {
- query.selectfn = this.compileSelect2(query);
- }
- // 7. Compile DISTINCT, LIMIT and OFFSET
- query.distinct = this.distinct;
- // 9. Compile PIVOT clause
- if (this.pivot) query.pivotfn = this.compilePivot(query);
- if (this.unpivot) query.pivotfn = this.compileUnpivot(query);
- // 10. Compile TOP/LIMIT/OFFSET/FETCH cleuse
- if (this.top) {
- query.limit = this.top.value;
- } else if (this.limit) {
- query.limit = this.limit.value;
- if (this.offset) {
- query.offset = this.offset.value;
- }
- }
- query.percent = this.percent;
- // 9. Compile ordering function for UNION and UNIONALL
- query.corresponding = this.corresponding; // If CORRESPONDING flag exists
- if (this.union) {
- query.unionfn = this.union.compile(databaseid);
- if (this.union.order) {
- query.orderfn = this.union.compileOrder(query);
- } else {
- query.orderfn = null;
- }
- } else if (this.unionall) {
- query.unionallfn = this.unionall.compile(databaseid);
- if (this.unionall.order) {
- query.orderfn = this.unionall.compileOrder(query);
- } else {
- query.orderfn = null;
- }
- } else if (this.except) {
- query.exceptfn = this.except.compile(databaseid);
- if (this.except.order) {
- query.orderfn = this.except.compileOrder(query);
- } else {
- query.orderfn = null;
- }
- } else if (this.intersect) {
- query.intersectfn = this.intersect.compile(databaseid);
- if (this.intersect.order) {
- query.intersectfn = this.intersect.compileOrder(query);
- } else {
- query.orderfn = null;
- }
- }
- if (this.into) {
- if (this.into instanceof yy.Table) {
- //
- // Save into the table in database
- //
- if (
- alasql.options.autocommit &&
- alasql.databases[this.into.databaseid || databaseid].engineid
- ) {
- // For external database when AUTOCOMMIT is ONs
- query.intoallfns =
- 'return alasql.engines["' +
- alasql.databases[this.into.databaseid || databaseid].engineid +
- '"]' +
- '.intoTable("' +
- (this.into.databaseid || databaseid) +
- '","' +
- this.into.tableid +
- '",this.data, columns, cb);';
- } else {
- // Into AlaSQL tables
- query.intofns =
- "alasql.databases['" +
- (this.into.databaseid || databaseid) +
- "'].tables" +
- "['" +
- this.into.tableid +
- "'].data.push(r);";
- }
- } else if (this.into instanceof yy.VarValue) {
- //
- // Save into local variable
- //
- query.intoallfns =
- 'alasql.vars["' +
- this.into.variable +
- '"]=this.data;res=this.data.length;if(cb)res=cb(res);return res;';
- } else if (this.into instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
- //
- // If this is INTO() function, then call it
- // with one or two parameters
- //
- var qs = "return alasql.into['" + this.into.funcid.toUpperCase() + "'](";
- if (this.into.args && this.into.args.length > 0) {
- qs += this.into.args[0].toJS() + ',';
- if (this.into.args.length > 1) {
- qs += this.into.args[1].toJS() + ',';
- } else {
- qs += 'undefined,';
- }
- } else {
- qs += 'undefined, undefined,';
- }
- query.intoallfns = qs + 'this.data,columns,cb)';
- //console.log('999');
- } else if (this.into instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
- //
- // Save data into parameters array
- // like alasql('SELECT * INTO ? FROM ?',[outdata,srcdata]);
- //
- query.intofns = "params['" + this.into.param + "'].push(r)";
- }
- if (query.intofns) {
- // Create intofn function
- // console.log(234234, query.intofns);
- query.intofn = new Function('r,i,params,alasql', 'var y;' + query.intofns);
- } else if (query.intoallfns) {
- // Create intoallfn function
- // console.log(23423234, query.intoallfns);
- query.intoallfn = new Function('columns,cb,params,alasql', 'var y;' + query.intoallfns);
- }
- }
- //console.log(query);
- // Now, compile all togeather into one function with query object in scope
- var statement = function(params, cb, oldscope) {
- query.params = params;
- var res1 = queryfn(query, oldscope, function(res) {
- //console.log(res[0].schoolid);
- //console.log(184,res);
- if (query.rownums.length > 0) {
- for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- for (var j = 0, jlen = query.rownums.length; j < jlen; j++) {
- res[i][query.rownums[j]] = i + 1;
- }
- }
- }
- var res2 = modify(query, res);
- if (cb) {
- cb(res2);
- }
- //console.log(8888,res2);
- return res2;
- });
- //console.log(9999,res1);
- // if(typeof res1 != 'undefined') res1 = modify(query,res1);
- return res1;
- };
- // statement.dbversion = ;
- // console.log(statement.query);
- //console.log(202,statement);
- statement.query = query;
- return statement;
- Modify res according modifier
- @function
- @param {object} query Query object
- @param res {object|number|string|boolean} res Data to be converted
-function modify(query, res) {
- // jshint ignore:line
- // console.log(arguments);
- /* If source is a primitive value then return it */
- if (
- typeof res === 'undefined' ||
- typeof res === 'number' ||
- typeof res === 'string' ||
- typeof res == 'boolean'
- ) {
- return res;
- }
- var modifier = query.modifier || alasql.options.modifier;
- var columns = query.columns;
- if (typeof columns === 'undefined' || columns.length == 0) {
- // Try to create columns
- if (res.length > 0) {
- var allcol = {};
- for (var i = Math.min(res.length, alasql.options.columnlookup || 10) - 1; 0 <= i; i--) {
- for (var key in res[i]) {
- allcol[key] = true;
- }
- }
- columns = Object.keys(allcol).map(function(columnid) {
- return {columnid: columnid};
- });
- } else {
- // Cannot recognize columns
- columns = [];
- }
- }
- // console.log(columns);
- if (modifier === 'VALUE') {
- // console.log(222,res);
- if (res.length > 0) {
- var key;
- if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
- key = columns[0].columnid;
- } else {
- key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];
- }
- res = res[0][key];
- } else {
- res = undefined;
- }
- } else if (modifier === 'ROW') {
- if (res.length > 0) {
- var key;
- var a = [];
- for (var key in res[0]) {
- a.push(res[0][key]);
- }
- res = a;
- } else {
- res = undefined;
- }
- } else if (modifier === 'COLUMN') {
- var ar = [];
- if (res.length > 0) {
- var key;
- if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
- key = columns[0].columnid;
- } else {
- key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];
- }
- for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- ar.push(res[i][key]);
- }
- }
- res = ar;
- } else if (modifier === 'MATRIX') {
- // Returns square matrix of rows
- var ar = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
- var a = [];
- var r = res[i];
- for (var j = 0; j < columns.length; j++) {
- a.push(r[columns[j].columnid]);
- }
- ar.push(a);
- }
- res = ar;
- } else if (modifier === 'INDEX') {
- var ar = {};
- var key, val;
- if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
- key = columns[0].columnid;
- val = columns[1].columnid;
- } else {
- var okeys = Object.keys(res[0]);
- key = okeys[0];
- val = okeys[1];
- }
- for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- ar[res[i][key]] = res[i][val];
- }
- res = ar;
- // res = arrayOfArrays(res);
- } else if (modifier === 'RECORDSET') {
- res = new alasql.Recordset({columns: columns, data: res});
- // res = arrayOfArrays(res);
- } else if (modifier === 'TEXTSTRING') {
- var key;
- if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
- key = columns[0].columnid;
- } else {
- key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];
- }
- for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- res[i] = res[i][key];
- }
- res = res.join('\n');
- // res = arrayOfArrays(res);
- }
- return res;
-// yy.Select.prototype.exec = function(databaseid) {
-// throw new Error('Select statement should be precompiled');
-// };
-yy.Select.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- return this.compile(databaseid)(params, cb);
- // throw new Error('Insert statement is should be compiled')
diff --git a/src/41exists.js b/src/41exists.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 6d317d52b6..0000000000
--- a/src/41exists.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// EXISTS and other subqueries functions functions for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.ExistsValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.ExistsValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return 'EXISTS(' + this.value.toString() + ')';
-yy.ExistsValue.prototype.toType = function() {
- return 'boolean';
-yy.ExistsValue.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- // return 'ww=this.existsfn['+this.existsidx+'](params,null,p),console.log(ww),ww.length';
- return 'this.existsfn[' + this.existsidx + '](params,null,' + context + ').data.length';
-yy.Select.prototype.compileWhereExists = function(query) {
- if (!this.exists) return;
- query.existsfn = this.exists.map(function(ex) {
- var nq = ex.compile(query.database.databaseid);
- // console.log(nq);
- // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
-yy.Select.prototype.compileQueries = function(query) {
- if (!this.queries) return;
- query.queriesfn = this.queries.map(function(q) {
- var nq = q.compile(query.database.databaseid);
- // console.log(nq);
- // if(!nq.query) nq.query = {};
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
-// Prepare subqueries and exists
-alasql.precompile = function(statement, databaseid, params) {
- // console.log(statement);
- if (!statement) return;
- statement.params = params;
- if (statement.queries) {
- //console.log(52,statement.queries[0]);
- statement.queriesfn = statement.queries.map(function(q) {
- var nq = q.compile(databaseid || statement.database.databaseid);
- // console.log(nq);
- // nq.query.modifier = undefined;
- // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
- }
- if (statement.exists) {
- //console.log(62,statement.exists);
- statement.existsfn = statement.exists.map(function(ex) {
- var nq = ex.compile(databaseid || statement.database.databaseid);
- // console.log(nq.query.modifier);
- // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'ARRAY';
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
- }
diff --git a/src/422where.js b/src/422where.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 2301dae8ea..0000000000
--- a/src/422where.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-yy.Select.prototype.compileWhere = function(query) {
- if (this.where) {
- if (typeof this.where == 'function') {
- return this.where;
- } else {
- var s = this.where.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- query.wherefns = s;
- // console.log(s);
- return new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + s);
- }
- } else
- return function() {
- return true;
- };
-yy.Select.prototype.compileWhereJoins = function(query) {
- return;
- // TODO Fix Where optimization
- //console.log(query);
- optimizeWhereJoin(query, this.where.expression);
- //for sources compile wherefs
- query.sources.forEach(function(source) {
- if (source.srcwherefns) {
- source.srcwherefn = new Function(
- 'p,params,alasql',
- 'var y;return ' + source.srcwherefns
- );
- }
- if (source.wxleftfns) {
- source.wxleftfn = new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + source.wxleftfns);
- }
- if (source.wxrightfns) {
- source.wxrightfn = new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + source.wxrightfns);
- }
- // console.log(source.alias, source.wherefns)
- // console.log(source);
- });
-function optimizeWhereJoin(query, ast) {
- if (!ast) return false;
- if (!(ast instanceof yy.Op)) return;
- if (ast.op != '=' && ast.op != 'AND') return;
- if (ast.allsome) return;
- var s = ast.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- var fsrc = [];
- query.sources.forEach(function(source, idx) {
- // Optimization allowed only for tables only
- if (source.tableid) {
- // This is a good place to remove all unnecessary optimizations
- if (s.indexOf("p['" + source.alias + "']") > -1) fsrc.push(source);
- }
- });
- //console.log(fsrc.length);
- // if(fsrc.length < query.sources.length) return;
- // console.log(ast);
- // console.log(s);
- // console.log(fsrc.length);
- if (fsrc.length == 0) {
- // console.log('no optimization, can remove this part of ast');
- return;
- } else if (fsrc.length == 1) {
- if (
- !(s.match(/p\[\'.*?\'\]/g) || []).every(function(s) {
- return s == "p['" + fsrc[0].alias + "']";
- })
- ) {
- return;
- // This is means, that we have column from parent query
- // So we return without optimization
- }
- var src = fsrc[0]; // optmiization source
- src.srcwherefns = src.srcwherefns ? src.srcwherefns + '&&' + s : s;
- if (ast instanceof yy.Op && (ast.op == '=' && !ast.allsome)) {
- if (ast.left instanceof yy.Column) {
- var ls = ast.left.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- var rs = ast.right.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- if (rs.indexOf("p['" + fsrc[0].alias + "']") == -1) {
- fsrc[0].wxleftfns = ls;
- fsrc[0].wxrightfns = rs;
- }
- }
- if (ast.right instanceof yy.Column) {
- var ls = ast.left.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- var rs = ast.right.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
- if (ls.indexOf("p['" + fsrc[0].alias + "']") == -1) {
- fsrc[0].wxleftfns = rs;
- fsrc[0].wxrightfns = ls;
- }
- }
- }
- ast.reduced = true; // To do not duplicate wherefn and srcwherefn
- return;
- } else {
- if ((ast.op = 'AND')) {
- optimizeWhereJoin(query, ast.left);
- optimizeWhereJoin(query, ast.right);
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/44defcols.js b/src/44defcols.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 6e2d4adb0a..0000000000
--- a/src/44defcols.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-// Select run-time part for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.Select.prototype.compileDefCols = function(query, databaseid) {
- // console.log('defcols');
- var defcols = {'.': {}};
- if (this.from) {
- this.from.forEach(function(fr) {
- defcols['.'][fr.as || fr.tableid] = true;
- if (fr instanceof yy.Table) {
- var alias = fr.as || fr.tableid;
- // console.log(alasql.databases[fr.databaseid || databaseid]);
- // console.log(alasql.databases[fr.databaseid || databaseid].tables, fr.tableid);
- //console.log(alasql.databases[fr.databaseid || databaseid].tables, fr.tableid);
- //console.log(alasql.databases);
- var table = alasql.databases[fr.databaseid || databaseid].tables[fr.tableid];
- //console.log(table);
- if (undefined === table) {
- throw new Error('Table does not exists: ' + fr.tableid);
- }
- if (table.columns) {
- table.columns.forEach(function(col) {
- if (defcols[col.columnid]) {
- defcols[col.columnid] = '-'; // Ambigous
- } else {
- defcols[col.columnid] = alias;
- }
- });
- }
- } else if (fr instanceof yy.Select) {
- } else if (fr instanceof yy.Search) {
- } else if (fr instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
- } else if (fr instanceof yy.VarValue) {
- } else if (fr instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
- } else if (fr instanceof yy.FromData) {
- } else if (fr instanceof yy.Json) {
- } else if (fr.inserted) {
- } else {
- // console.log(fr);
- throw new Error('Unknown type of FROM clause');
- }
- });
- }
- if (this.joins) {
- this.joins.forEach(function(jn) {
- defcols['.'][jn.as || jn.table.tableid] = true;
- // console.log(jn);
- if (jn.table) {
- var alias = jn.table.tableid;
- if (jn.as) alias = jn.as;
- var alias = jn.as || jn.table.tableid;
- var table =
- alasql.databases[jn.table.databaseid || databaseid].tables[jn.table.tableid];
- // console.log(jn.table.tableid, jn.table.databaseid);
- if (table.columns) {
- table.columns.forEach(function(col) {
- if (defcols[col.columnid]) {
- defcols[col.columnid] = '-'; // Ambigous
- } else {
- defcols[col.columnid] = alias;
- }
- });
- }
- } else if (jn.select) {
- } else if (jn.param) {
- } else if (jn.func) {
- } else {
- throw new Error('Unknown type of FROM clause');
- }
- });
- }
- // for(var k in defcols) {
- // if(defcols[k] == '-') defcols[k] = undefined;
- // }
- // console.log(89,defcols);
- return defcols;
diff --git a/src/50expression.js b/src/50expression.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 8df9ee397d..0000000000
--- a/src/50expression.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1149 +0,0 @@
-// Expressions for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
- Expression statement ( = 2*2; )
- @class
- @param {object} params Initial parameters
-yy.ExpressionStatement = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
- Convert AST to string
- @this ExpressionStatement
- @return {string}
-yy.ExpressionStatement.prototype.toString = function() {
- return this.expression.toString();
- Execute statement
- @param {string} databaseid Database identificatro
- @param {object} params Statement parameters
- @param {statement-callback} cb Callback
- @return {object} Result value
-yy.ExpressionStatement.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- if (this.expression) {
- // console.log(this.expression.toJS('','', null));
- // console.log(this.expression.toJS('','', null));
- // console.log(this.expression.toJS('({})','', null));
- alasql.precompile(this, databaseid, params); // Precompile queries
- var exprfn = new Function(
- 'params,alasql,p',
- 'var y;return ' + this.expression.toJS('({})', '', null)
- ).bind(this);
- var res = exprfn(params, alasql);
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
- }
- Expression class
- @class
- @param {object} params Initial parameters
-yy.Expression = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
- Convert AST to string
- @this ExpressionStatement
- @return {string}
-yy.Expression.prototype.toString = function(dontas) {
- var s = this.expression.toString(dontas);
- if (this.order) {
- s += ' ' + this.order.toString();
- }
- if (this.nocase) {
- }
- if (this.direction) {
- s += ' ' + this.direction;
- }
- return s;
- Find aggregator in AST subtree
- @this ExpressionStatement
- @param {object} query Query object
-yy.Expression.prototype.findAggregator = function(query) {
- if (this.expression.findAggregator) {
- this.expression.findAggregator(query);
- }
- Convert AST to JavaScript expression
- @this ExpressionStatement
- @param {string} context Context string, e.g. 'p','g', or 'x'
- @param {string} tableid Default table name
- @param {object} defcols Default columns dictionary
- @return {string} JavaScript expression
-yy.Expression.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- // console.log('Expression',this);
- if (this.expression.reduced) {
- return 'true';
- }
- return this.expression.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
- Compile AST to JavaScript expression
- @this ExpressionStatement
- @param {string} context Context string, e.g. 'p','g', or 'x'
- @param {string} tableid Default table name
- @param {object} defcols Default columns dictionary
- @return {string} JavaScript expression
-yy.Expression.prototype.compile = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- // console.log('Expression',this);
- if (this.reduced) {
- return returnTrue();
- }
- return new Function('p', 'var y;return ' + this.toJS(context, tableid, defcols));
- JavaScript class
- @class
-yy.JavaScript = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.JavaScript.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = '``' + this.value + '``';
- return s;
-yy.JavaScript.prototype.toJS = function(/* context, tableid, defcols*/) {
- // console.log('Expression',this);
- return '(' + this.value + ')';
-yy.JavaScript.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- var expr = new Function('params,alasql,p', this.value);
- expr(params, alasql);
- if (cb) {
- res = cb(res);
- }
- return res;
- Literal class
- @class
- @example
- MyVar, [My vairable], `MySQL variable`
-yy.Literal = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Literal.prototype.toString = function(dontas) {
- var s = this.value;
- if (this.value1) {
- s = this.value1 + '.' + s;
- }
- if (this.alias && !dontas) s += ' AS ' + this.alias;
- // else s = tableid+'.'+s;
- return s;
- Join class
- @class
-yy.Join = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Join.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = ' ';
- if (this.joinmode) {
- s += this.joinmode + ' ';
- }
- s += 'JOIN ' + this.table.toString();
- return s;
-// yy.Join.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid) {
-// return 'JOIN'+this.table.toString();
-// }
- Table class
- @class
-yy.Table = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Table.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = this.tableid;
- // if(this.joinmode)
- if (this.databaseid) {
- s = this.databaseid + '.' + s;
- }
- return s;
- View class
- @class
-yy.View = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.View.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = this.viewid;
- // if(this.joinmode)
- if (this.databaseid) {
- s = this.databaseid + '.' + s;
- }
- return s;
- Binary operation class
- @class
-yy.Op = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Op.prototype.toString = function() {
- if (this.op === 'IN' || this.op === 'NOT IN') {
- return this.left.toString() + ' ' + this.op + ' (' + this.right.toString() + ')';
- }
- if (this.allsome) {
- return (
- this.left.toString() +
- ' ' +
- this.op +
- ' ' +
- this.allsome +
- ' (' +
- this.right.toString() +
- ')'
- );
- }
- if (this.op === '->' || this.op === '!') {
- var s = this.left.toString() + this.op;
- // console.log(this.right);
- if (typeof this.right !== 'string' && typeof this.right !== 'number') {
- s += '(';
- }
- s += this.right.toString();
- if (typeof this.right !== 'string' && typeof this.right !== 'number') {
- s += ')';
- }
- return s;
- }
- return (
- this.left.toString() +
- ' ' +
- this.op +
- ' ' +
- (this.allsome ? this.allsome + ' ' : '') +
- this.right.toString()
- );
-yy.Op.prototype.findAggregator = function(query) {
- // console.log(this.toString());
- if (this.left && this.left.findAggregator) {
- this.left.findAggregator(query);
- }
- // Do not go in > ALL
- if (this.right && this.right.findAggregator && !this.allsome) {
- this.right.findAggregator(query);
- }
-yy.Op.prototype.toType = function(tableid) {
- if (['-', '*', '/', '%', '^'].indexOf(this.op) > -1) {
- return 'number';
- }
- if (['||'].indexOf(this.op) > -1) {
- return 'string';
- }
- if (this.op === '+') {
- if (this.left.toType(tableid) === 'string' || this.right.toType(tableid) === 'string') {
- return 'string';
- }
- if (this.left.toType(tableid) === 'number' || this.right.toType(tableid) === 'number') {
- return 'number';
- }
- }
- if (
- [
- 'AND',
- 'OR',
- 'NOT',
- '=',
- '==',
- '===',
- '!=',
- '!==',
- '!===',
- '>',
- '>=',
- '<',
- '<=',
- 'IN',
- 'NOT IN',
- 'LIKE',
- 'GLOB',
- ].indexOf(this.op) > -1
- ) {
- return 'boolean';
- }
- if (
- this.op === 'BETWEEN' ||
- this.op === 'NOT BETWEEN' ||
- this.op === 'IS NULL' ||
- this.op === 'IS NOT NULL'
- ) {
- return 'boolean';
- }
- if (this.allsome) {
- return 'boolean';
- }
- if (!this.op) {
- return this.left.toType();
- }
- return 'unknown';
-yy.Op.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- // console.log(this);
- var s;
- var refs = [];
- var op = this.op;
- var _this = this;
- //var leftJS = function(){return _this.left.toJS(context,tableid, defcols)};
- //var rightJS = function(){return _this.right.toJS(context,tableid, defcols)};
- var accessedLeft = false,
- accessedRight = false;
- var ref = function(expr) {
- if (expr.toJS) {
- expr = expr.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
- }
- var i = refs.push(expr) - 1;
- return 'y[' + i + ']';
- };
- var leftJS = function() {
- return ref(_this.left);
- };
- var rightJS = function() {
- return ref(_this.right);
- };
- if (this.op === '=') {
- op = '===';
- } else if (this.op === '<>') {
- op = '!=';
- } else if (this.op === 'OR') {
- op = '||';
- }
- // Arrow operator
- if (this.op === '->') {
- // Expression to prevent error if object is empty (#344)
- var ljs = '(' + leftJS() + '||{})';
- if (typeof this.right === 'string') {
- s = ljs + '["' + this.right + '"]';
- } else if (typeof this.right === 'number') {
- s = ljs + '[' + this.right + ']';
- } else if (this.right instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
- var ss = [];
- if (!(!this.right.args || 0 === this.right.args.length)) {
- var ss = this.right.args.map(ref);
- }
- s = '' + ljs + "['" + this.right.funcid + "'](" + ss.join(',') + ')';
- } else {
- s = '' + ljs + '[' + rightJS() + ']';
- }
- }
- if (this.op === '!') {
- if (typeof this.right === 'string') {
- s =
- '' +
- 'alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[' +
- leftJS() +
- ']["' +
- this.right +
- '"]';
- }
- // TODO - add other cases
- }
- if (this.op === 'IS') {
- s =
- '' +
- '(' +
- '(' +
- leftJS() +
- '==null)' + // Cant be ===
- ' === ' +
- '(' +
- rightJS() +
- '==null)' + // Cant be ===
- ')';
- }
- if (this.op === '==') {
- s = '' + 'alasql.utils.deepEqual(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + ')';
- }
- if (this.op === '===' || this.op === '!===') {
- s =
- '' +
- '(' +
- (this.op === '!===' ? '!' : '') +
- '(' +
- '(' +
- leftJS() +
- ').valueOf()' +
- '===' +
- '(' +
- rightJS() +
- ').valueOf()' +
- ')' +
- ')';
- }
- if (this.op === '!==') {
- s = '' + '(!alasql.utils.deepEqual(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + '))';
- }
- if (this.op === '||') {
- s = '' + "(''+(" + leftJS() + "||'')+(" + rightJS() + '||""))';
- }
- if (this.op === 'LIKE' || this.op === 'NOT LIKE') {
- var s =
- '(' +
- (this.op === 'NOT LIKE' ? '!' : '') +
- 'alasql.utils.like(' +
- rightJS() +
- ',' +
- leftJS();
- if (this.escape) {
- s += ',' + ref(this.escape);
- }
- s += '))';
- }
- if (this.op === 'REGEXP') {
- s = 'alasql.stdfn.REGEXP_LIKE(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + ')';
- }
- if (this.op === 'GLOB') {
- s = 'alasql.utils.glob(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + ')';
- }
- if (this.op === 'BETWEEN' || this.op === 'NOT BETWEEN') {
- var left = leftJS();
- s =
- '' +
- '(' +
- (this.op === 'NOT BETWEEN' ? '!' : '') +
- '(' +
- '(' +
- ref(this.right1) +
- '<=' +
- left +
- ') && (' +
- left +
- '<=' +
- ref(this.right2) +
- ')' +
- ')' +
- ')';
- /*/*
- if(this.right instanceof yy.Op && this.right.op == 'AND') {
- return ref('(('+this.right.left)+'<='+leftJS()+')&&'+
- ref('('+leftJS()+'<='+this.right.right)+'))';
- } else {
- throw new Error('Wrong BETWEEN operator without AND part');
- }
- }
- if (this.op === 'IN') {
- if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
- s = '(';
- // s += 'this.query.queriesdata['+this.queriesidx+']';
- // s += 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn['+(this.queriesidx)+'](params,null,context))';
- s +=
- 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn[' +
- this.queriesidx +
- '](params,null,' +
- context +
- '))';
- s += '.indexOf(';
- s += leftJS() + ')>-1)';
- } else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
- // if(this.right.length == 0) return 'false';
- s = '([' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + '].indexOf(' + leftJS() + ')>-1)';
- //console.log(s);
- } else {
- s = '(' + rightJS() + '.indexOf(' + leftJS() + ')>-1)';
- //console.log('expression',350,s);
- // } else {
- // throw new Error('Wrong IN operator without SELECT part');
- }
- }
- if (this.op === 'NOT IN') {
- if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
- s = '(';
- //this.query.queriesdata['+this.queriesidx+']
- // s += 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn['+(this.queriesidx)+'](params,null,p))';
- s += 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn[' + this.queriesidx + '](params,null,p))';
- s += '.indexOf(';
- s += leftJS() + ')<0)';
- } else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
- // if(this.right.length == 0) return 'true';
- s = '([' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + '].indexOf(';
- s += leftJS() + ')<0)';
- } else {
- s = '(' + rightJS() + '.indexOf(';
- s += leftJS() + ')==-1)';
- // throw new Error('Wrong NOT IN operator without SELECT part');
- }
- }
- if (this.allsome === 'ALL') {
- var s;
- if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
- // var s = 'this.query.queriesdata['+this.queriesidx+']';
- s =
- 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn[' +
- this.queriesidx +
- '](params,null,p))';
- s += '.every(function(b){return (';
- s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
- } else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
- s =
- '' +
- (this.right.length == 1
- ? ref(this.right[0])
- : '[' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + ']');
- s += '.every(function(b){return (';
- s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
- } else {
- throw new Error('NOT IN operator without SELECT');
- }
- }
- if (this.allsome === 'SOME' || this.allsome === 'ANY') {
- var s;
- if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
- // var s = 'this.query.queriesdata['+this.queriesidx+']';
- s =
- 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn[' +
- this.queriesidx +
- '](params,null,p))';
- s += '.some(function(b){return (';
- s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
- } else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
- s =
- '' +
- (this.right.length == 1
- ? ref(this.right[0])
- : '[' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + ']');
- s += '.some(function(b){return (';
- s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
- } else {
- throw new Error('SOME/ANY operator without SELECT');
- }
- }
- // Special case for AND optimization (if reduced)
- if (this.op === 'AND') {
- if (this.left.reduced) {
- if (this.right.reduced) {
- return 'true';
- } else {
- s = rightJS();
- }
- } else if (this.right.reduced) {
- s = leftJS();
- }
- // Otherwise process as regular operation (see below)
- op = '&&';
- }
- // if(this.op === '^') {
- // // return 'Math.pow('
- // // + leftJS()
- // // + ','
- // // + rightJS()
- // // + ')';
- // }
- // Change names
- // console.log(this);
- var expr = s || '(' + leftJS() + op + rightJS() + ')';
- var declareRefs = 'y=[(' + refs.join('), (') + ')]';
- if (op === '&&' || op === '||' || op === 'IS' || op === 'IS NULL' || op === 'IS NOT NULL') {
- return '(' + declareRefs + ', ' + expr + ')';
- }
- return (
- '(' + declareRefs + ', ' + 'y.some(function(e){return e == null}) ? void 0 : ' + expr + ')'
- );
-yy.VarValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.VarValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return '@' + this.variable;
-yy.VarValue.prototype.toType = function() {
- return 'unknown';
-yy.VarValue.prototype.toJS = function() {
- return "alasql.vars['" + this.variable + "']";
-yy.NumValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.NumValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return this.value.toString();
-yy.NumValue.prototype.toType = function() {
- return 'number';
-yy.NumValue.prototype.toJS = function() {
- return '' + this.value;
-yy.StringValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.StringValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return "'" + this.value.toString() + "'";
-yy.StringValue.prototype.toType = function() {
- return 'string';
-yy.StringValue.prototype.toJS = function() {
- // console.log("'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'");
- // return "'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'";
- return "'" + escapeq(this.value) + "'";
-yy.DomainValueValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.DomainValueValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return 'VALUE';
-yy.DomainValueValue.prototype.toType = function() {
- return 'object';
-yy.DomainValueValue.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- // console.log("'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'");
- // return "'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'";
- return context;
-yy.ArrayValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.ArrayValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return 'ARRAY[]';
-yy.ArrayValue.prototype.toType = function() {
- return 'object';
-yy.ArrayValue.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- // console.log("'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'");
- // return "'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'";
- return (
- '[(' +
- this.value
- .map(function(el) {
- return el.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
- })
- .join('), (') +
- ')]'
- );
-yy.LogicValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.LogicValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return this.value ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
-yy.LogicValue.prototype.toType = function() {
- return 'boolean';
-yy.LogicValue.prototype.toJS = function() {
- return this.value ? 'true' : 'false';
-yy.NullValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.NullValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return 'NULL';
-yy.NullValue.prototype.toJS = function() {
- return 'undefined';
- // return 'undefined';
-yy.ParamValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.ParamValue.prototype.toString = function() {
- return '$' + this.param;
-yy.ParamValue.prototype.toJS = function() {
- if (typeof this.param === 'string') {
- return "params['" + this.param + "']";
- }
- return 'params[' + this.param + ']';
-yy.UniOp = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.UniOp.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s;
- s = void 0;
- if (this.op === '~') {
- s = this.op + this.right.toString();
- }
- if (this.op === '-') {
- s = this.op + this.right.toString();
- }
- if (this.op === '+') {
- s = this.op + this.right.toString();
- }
- if (this.op === '#') {
- s = this.op + this.right.toString();
- }
- if (this.op === 'NOT') {
- s = this.op + '(' + this.right.toString() + ')';
- }
- if (this.op === null) {
- s = '(' + this.right.toString() + ')';
- }
- if (!s) {
- s = '(' + this.right.toString() + ')';
- }
- return s;
-yy.UniOp.prototype.findAggregator = function(query) {
- if (this.right.findAggregator) {
- this.right.findAggregator(query);
- }
-yy.UniOp.prototype.toType = function() {
- if (this.op === '-') {
- return 'number';
- }
- if (this.op === '+') {
- return 'number';
- }
- if (this.op === 'NOT') {
- return 'boolean';
- }
- // Todo: implement default case
-yy.UniOp.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- if (this.op === '~') {
- return '(~(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + '))';
- }
- if (this.op === '-') {
- return '(-(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + '))';
- }
- if (this.op === '+') {
- return '(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + ')';
- }
- if (this.op === 'NOT') {
- return '!(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + ')';
- }
- if (this.op === '#') {
- if (this.right instanceof yy.Column) {
- return "(alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects['" + this.right.columnid + "'])";
- } else {
- return (
- '(alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[' +
- this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) +
- '])'
- );
- }
- }
- // Please avoid === here
- if (this.op == null) {
- // jshint ignore:line
- return '(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + ')';
- }
- // Todo: implement default case.
-// yy.Star = function (params) { return yy.extend(this, params); }
-// yy.Star.prototype.toString = function() {
-// var s = this.fieldid;
-// if(this.tableid) {
-// s = this.tableid+'.'+s;
-// if(this.databaseid) {
-// s = this.databaseid+'.'+s;
-// }
-// }
-// if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
-// return s;
-// }
-yy.Column = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Column.prototype.toString = function(dontas) {
- var s;
- if (this.columnid == +this.columnid) {
- // jshint ignore:line
- s = '[' + this.columnid + ']';
- } else {
- s = this.columnid;
- }
- if (this.tableid) {
- if (+this.columnid === this.columnid) {
- s = this.tableid + s;
- } else {
- s = this.tableid + '.' + s;
- }
- if (this.databaseid) {
- s = this.databaseid + '.' + s;
- }
- }
- if (this.alias && !dontas) s += ' AS ' + this.alias;
- return s;
-yy.Column.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- /*/*
-// var s = this.value;
-// var s = this.columnid;
-// if(this.tableid) {
-// s = this.tableid+'.'+s;
-// // if(this.databaseid) {
-// // s = this.databaseid+'.'+s;
-// // }
-// } else {
-// s = tableid+'.'+s;
-// }
- //console.log('yy.Column',this, tableid);
- // console.log(392,this.columnid);
- //console.log(506,this);
- //console.log(523, this, tableid);
- var s = '';
- if (!this.tableid && tableid === '' && !defcols) {
- if (this.columnid !== '_') {
- s = context + "['" + this.columnid + "']";
- } else {
- if (context === 'g') {
- s = "g['_']";
- } else {
- s = context;
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (context === 'g') {
- // if(this.columnid == '_') {
- // } else {
- s = "g['" + this.nick + "']";
- // }
- } else if (this.tableid) {
- if (this.columnid !== '_') {
- // if() {
- // s = context+'[\''+tableid + '\'][\''+this.tableid+'\'][\''+this.columnid+'\']';
- // } else {
- s = context + "['" + this.tableid + "']['" + this.columnid + "']";
- // }
- } else {
- if (context === 'g') {
- s = "g['_']";
- } else {
- s = context + "['" + this.tableid + "']";
- }
- }
- } else if (defcols) {
- var tbid = defcols[this.columnid];
- if (tbid === '-') {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot resolve column "' +
- this.columnid +
- '" because it exists in two source tables'
- );
- } else if (tbid) {
- if (this.columnid !== '_') {
- s = context + "['" + tbid + "']['" + this.columnid + "']";
- } else {
- s = context + "['" + tbid + "']";
- }
- // console.log(836,tbid,s);
- } else {
- if (this.columnid !== '_') {
- // if(defcols['.'][this.tableid]) {
- // console.log(847,tableid);
- // console.log(context+'[\''+tableid + '\'][\''+this.tableid + '\']','[\''+this.columnid+'\']');
- // s = context+'[\''+tableid + '\'][\''+this.tableid + '\'][\''+this.columnid+'\']';
- // } else {
- s = context + "['" + (this.tableid || tableid) + "']['" + this.columnid + "']";
- // }
- } else {
- s = context + "['" + (this.tableid || tableid) + "']";
- }
- }
- } else if (tableid === -1) {
- // if(this.columnid != '') {
- s = context + "['" + this.columnid + "']";
- // } else {
- // s = context;
- // }
- } else {
- if (this.columnid !== '_') {
- s = context + "['" + (this.tableid || tableid) + "']['" + this.columnid + "']";
- } else {
- s = context + "['" + (this.tableid || tableid) + "']";
- }
- }
- }
- // console.log(context,s);
- // console.trace(new Error());
- //console.log(874,s);
- return s;
-yy.AggrValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.AggrValue.prototype.toString = function(dontas) {
- var s = '';
- if (this.aggregatorid === 'REDUCE') {
- s += this.funcid + '(';
- } else {
- s += this.aggregatorid + '(';
- }
- if (this.distinct) {
- s += 'DISTINCT ';
- }
- if (this.expression) {
- s += this.expression.toString();
- }
- s += ')';
- if (this.over) {
- s += ' ' + this.over.toString();
- }
- // console.log(this.over);
- if (this.alias && !dontas) s += ' AS ' + this.alias;
- // if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
- return s;
-yy.AggrValue.prototype.findAggregator = function(query) {
- // console.log('aggregator found',this.toString());
- // var colas = this.as || this.toString();
- var colas = escapeq(this.toString()) + ':' + query.selectGroup.length;
- // console.log('findAgg',this);
- /*/* var found = false;
- for(var i=0;i
- -1
- ) {
- return 'number';
- }
- if (['ARRAY'].indexOf(this.aggregatorid) > -1) {
- return 'array';
- }
- if (['FIRST', 'LAST'].indexOf(this.aggregatorid) > -1) {
- return this.expression.toType();
- }
- // todo: implement default;
-yy.AggrValue.prototype.toJS = function(/*context, tableid, defcols*/) {
- /*/*
-// var s = 'alasql.functions.'+this.funcid+'(';
-// if(this.expression) s += this.expression.toJS(context, tableid);
-// s += ')';
-// if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
-// return s;
-// var s = '';
-//if(this.as) console.log(499,this.as);
-// var colas = this.as;
- var colas = this.nick;
- if (colas === undefined) {
- colas = this.toString();
- }
- return "g['" + colas + "']";
-yy.OrderExpression = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.OrderExpression.prototype.toString = yy.Expression.prototype.toString;
-/*/* //Duplicated code
-function() {
- var s = this.expression.toString();
- if(this.order) s += ' '+this.order.toString();
- if(this.nocase) s += ' '+'COLLATE'+' '+'NOCASE';
- return s;
-yy.GroupExpression = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.GroupExpression.prototype.toString = function() {
- return this.type + '(' + this.group.toString() + ')';
-/*/* //Duplicated code
-yy.ColumnDef = function (params) { return yy.extend(this, params); }
-yy.ColumnDef.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = this.columnid;
- if(this.dbtypeid) s += ' '+this.dbtypeid;
- if(this.dbsize) {
- s += '('+this.dbsize;
- if(this.dbprecision) s += ','+this.dbprecision;
- s += ')';
- };
- if(this.primarykey) s += ' PRIMARY KEY';
- if(this.notnull) s += ' NOT NULL';
- return s;
diff --git a/src/55functions.js b/src/55functions.js
deleted file mode 100755
index d5491e4ea7..0000000000
--- a/src/55functions.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
-// Functions for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-yy.FuncValue = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.FuncValue.prototype.toString = function(dontas) {
- var s = '';
- if (alasql.fn[this.funcid]) s += this.funcid;
- else if (alasql.aggr[this.funcid]) s += this.funcid;
- else if (alasql.stdlib[this.funcid.toUpperCase()] || alasql.stdfn[this.funcid.toUpperCase()])
- s += this.funcid.toUpperCase();
- s += '(';
- if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
- s += this.args
- .map(function(arg) {
- return arg.toString();
- })
- .join(',');
- }
- s += ')';
- if (this.as && !dontas) s += ' AS ' + this.as.toString();
- // if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
- return s;
-yy.FuncValue.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var res = 1;
- alasql.precompile(this, databaseid, params); // Precompile queries
- // console.log(34,this.toJS('','',null));
- var expr = new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + this.toJS('', '', null));
- expr(params, alasql);
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
-//yy.FuncValue.prototype.compile = function(context, tableid, defcols){
-// console.log('Expression',this);
-// if(this.reduced) return returnTrue();
-// return new Function('p','var y;return '+this.toJS(context, tableid, defcols));
-// yy.FuncValue.prototype.compile = function(context, tableid, defcols){
-// // console.log('Expression',this);
-// if(this.reduced) return returnTrue();
-// return new Function('p','var y;return '+this.toJS(context, tableid, defcols));
-// };
-yy.FuncValue.prototype.findAggregator = function(query) {
- if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
- this.args.forEach(function(arg) {
- if (arg.findAggregator) arg.findAggregator(query);
- });
- }
-yy.FuncValue.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- var s = '';
- var funcid = this.funcid;
- // IF this is standard compile functions
- if (!alasql.fn[funcid] && alasql.stdlib[funcid.toUpperCase()]) {
- if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
- s += alasql.stdlib[funcid.toUpperCase()].apply(
- this,
- this.args.map(function(arg) {
- return arg.toJS(context, tableid);
- })
- );
- } else {
- s += alasql.stdlib[funcid.toUpperCase()]();
- }
- } else if (!alasql.fn[funcid] && alasql.stdfn[funcid.toUpperCase()]) {
- if (this.newid) s += 'new ';
- s += 'alasql.stdfn.' + this.funcid.toUpperCase() + '(';
- // if(this.args) s += this.args.toJS(context, tableid);
- if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
- s += this.args
- .map(function(arg) {
- return arg.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
- })
- .join(',');
- }
- s += ')';
- } else {
- // This is user-defined run-time function
- // TODO arguments!!!
- // var s = '';
- if (this.newid) s += 'new ';
- s += 'alasql.fn.' + this.funcid + '(';
- // if(this.args) s += this.args.toJS(context, tableid);
- if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
- s += this.args
- .map(function(arg) {
- return arg.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
- })
- .join(',');
- }
- s += ')';
- }
- //console.log('userfn:',s,this);
- // if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
- return s;
-// // Functions compiler
-// nodes.FunctionValue.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid) {
-// var s = '';
-// s += fns[this.name.toUpperCase()].apply(null,this.arguments.map(function(arg){
-// if(arg) return arg.toJS(context, tableid);
-// else return '';
-// }));
-// return s;
-// };
-// Based on SQLite functions
-// IMPORTANT: These are compiled functions
-//alasql.fn = {}; // Keep for compatibility
-//alasql.userlib = alasql.fn;
-var stdlib = (alasql.stdlib = {});
-var stdfn = (alasql.stdfn = {});
-stdlib.ABS = function(a) {
- return 'Math.abs(' + a + ')';
-stdlib.CLONEDEEP = function(a) {
- return 'alasql.utils.cloneDeep(' + a + ')';
-stdfn.CONCAT = function() {
- return Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join('');
-stdlib.EXP = function(a) {
- return 'Math.pow(Math.E,' + a + ')';
-stdlib.IIF = function(a, b, c) {
- if (arguments.length == 3) {
- return '((' + a + ')?(' + b + '):(' + c + '))';
- } else {
- throw new Error('Number of arguments of IFF is not equals to 3');
- }
-stdlib.IFNULL = function(a, b) {
- return '(' + a + '||' + b + ')';
-stdlib.INSTR = function(s, p) {
- return '((' + s + ').indexOf(' + p + ')+1)';
-//stdlib.LEN = stdlib.LENGTH = function(s) {return '('+s+'+"").length';};
-stdlib.LEN = stdlib.LENGTH = function(s) {
- return und(s, 'y.length');
-//stdlib.LENGTH = function(s) {return '('+s+').length'};
-stdlib.LOWER = stdlib.LCASE = function(s) {
- return und(s, 'String(y).toLowerCase()');
-//stdlib.LCASE = function(s) {return '('+s+').toLowerCase()';}
-// Returns a character expression after it removes leading blanks.
-// see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/ltrim-transact-sql
-stdlib.LTRIM = function(s) {
- return und(s, 'y.replace(/^[ ]+/,"")');
-// Returns a character string after truncating all trailing spaces.
-// see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/rtrim-transact-sql
-stdlib.RTRIM = function(s) {
- return und(s, 'y.replace(/[ ]+$/,"")');
-stdlib.MAX = stdlib.GREATEST = function() {
- return 'Math.max(' + Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, ',') + ')';
-stdlib.MIN = stdlib.LEAST = function() {
- return 'Math.min(' + Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, ',') + ')';
-stdlib.SUBSTRING = stdlib.SUBSTR = stdlib.MID = function(a, b, c) {
- if (arguments.length == 2) return und(a, 'y.substr(' + b + '-1)');
- else if (arguments.length == 3) return und(a, 'y.substr(' + b + '-1,' + c + ')');
-stdfn.REGEXP_LIKE = function(a, b, c) {
- // console.log(a,b,c);
- return (a || '').search(RegExp(b, c)) > -1;
-// Here we uses undefined instead of null
-stdlib.ISNULL = stdlib.NULLIF = function(a, b) {
- return '(' + a + '==' + b + '?undefined:' + a + ')';
-stdlib.POWER = function(a, b) {
- return 'Math.pow(' + a + ',' + b + ')';
-stdlib.RANDOM = function(r) {
- if (arguments.length == 0) {
- return 'Math.random()';
- } else {
- return '(Math.random()*(' + r + ')|0)';
- }
-stdlib.ROUND = function(s, d) {
- if (arguments.length == 2) {
- return 'Math.round((' + s + ')*Math.pow(10,(' + d + ')))/Math.pow(10,(' + d + '))';
- } else {
- return 'Math.round(' + s + ')';
- }
-stdlib.CEIL = stdlib.CEILING = function(s) {
- return 'Math.ceil(' + s + ')';
-stdlib.FLOOR = function(s) {
- return 'Math.floor(' + s + ')';
-stdlib.ROWNUM = function() {
- return '1';
-stdlib.ROW_NUMBER = function() {
- return '1';
-stdlib.SQRT = function(s) {
- return 'Math.sqrt(' + s + ')';
-stdlib.TRIM = function(s) {
- return und(s, 'y.trim()');
-stdlib.UPPER = stdlib.UCASE = function(s) {
- return und(s, 'String(y).toUpperCase()');
-// Concatination of strings
-stdfn.CONCAT_WS = function() {
- var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
- return args.slice(1, args.length).join(args[0]);
-//stdlib.UCASE = function(s) {return '('+s+').toUpperCase()';}
-// TRIM
-// TRIM
-// Aggregator for joining strings
-alasql.aggr.GROUP_CONCAT = function(v, s, stage) {
- if (stage === 1) {
- return '' + v;
- } else if (stage === 2) {
- s += ',' + v;
- return s;
- }
- return s;
-alasql.aggr.MEDIAN = function(v, s, stage) {
- if (stage === 2) {
- if (v !== null) {
- s.push(v);
- }
- return s;
- } else if (stage === 1) {
- if (v === null) {
- return [];
- }
- return [v];
- } else {
- if (!s.length) {
- return s;
- }
- var r = s.sort();
- var p = (r.length + 1) / 2;
- if (Number.isInteger(p)) {
- return r[p - 1];
- }
- return (r[Math.floor(p - 1)] + r[Math.ceil(p - 1)]) / 2;
- }
-alasql.aggr.QUART = function(v, s, stage, nth) {
- //Quartile (first quartile per default or input param)
- if (stage === 2) {
- if (v !== null) {
- s.push(v);
- }
- return s;
- } else if (stage === 1) {
- if (v === null) {
- return [];
- }
- return [v];
- } else {
- if (!s.length) {
- return s;
- }
- nth = !nth ? 1 : nth;
- var r = s.sort();
- var p = (nth * (r.length + 1)) / 4;
- if (Number.isInteger(p)) {
- return r[p - 1]; //Integer value
- }
- return r[Math.floor(p)]; //Math.ceil -1 or Math.floor
- }
-alasql.aggr.QUART2 = function(v, s, stage) {
- //Second Quartile
- return alasql.aggr.QUART(v, s, stage, 2);
-alasql.aggr.QUART3 = function(v, s, stage) {
- //Third Quartile
- return alasql.aggr.QUART(v, s, stage, 3);
-// Standard deviation
-alasql.aggr.VAR = function(v, s, stage) {
- if (stage === 1) {
- if (v === null) {
- return {arr: [], sum: 0};
- }
- return {arr: [v], sum: v};
- } else if (stage === 2) {
- if (v === null) {
- return s;
- }
- s.arr.push(v);
- s.sum += v;
- return s;
- } else {
- var N = s.arr.length;
- var avg = s.sum / N;
- var std = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
- std += (s.arr[i] - avg) * (s.arr[i] - avg);
- }
- std = std / (N - 1);
- return std;
- }
-alasql.aggr.STDEV = function(v, s, stage) {
- if (stage === 1 || stage === 2) {
- return alasql.aggr.VAR(v, s, stage);
- } else {
- return Math.sqrt(alasql.aggr.VAR(v, s, stage));
- }
-// Standard deviation
-// alasql.aggr.VARP = function(v,s,acc){
-// if(typeof acc.arr == 'undefined') {
-// acc.arr = [v];
-// acc.sum = v;
-// } else {
-// acc.arr.push(v);
-// acc.sum += v;
-// }
-// var N = acc.arr.length;
-// var avg = acc.sum / N;
-// var std = 0;
-// for(var i=0;i> 8) & 0xff] +
- lut[(d0 >> 16) & 0xff] +
- lut[(d0 >> 24) & 0xff] +
- '-' +
- lut[d1 & 0xff] +
- lut[(d1 >> 8) & 0xff] +
- '-' +
- lut[((d1 >> 16) & 0x0f) | 0x40] +
- lut[(d1 >> 24) & 0xff] +
- '-' +
- lut[(d2 & 0x3f) | 0x80] +
- lut[(d2 >> 8) & 0xff] +
- '-' +
- lut[(d2 >> 16) & 0xff] +
- lut[(d2 >> 24) & 0xff] +
- lut[d3 & 0xff] +
- lut[(d3 >> 8) & 0xff] +
- lut[(d3 >> 16) & 0xff] +
- lut[(d3 >> 24) & 0xff]
- );
diff --git a/src/60createtable.js b/src/60createtable.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 68f0ece780..0000000000
--- a/src/60createtable.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,693 +0,0 @@
-// CREATE TABLE for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-/* global alasql, yy, hash */
-yy.ColumnDef = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.ColumnDef.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = this.columnid;
- if (this.dbtypeid) {
- s += ' ' + this.dbtypeid;
- }
- if (this.dbsize) {
- s += '(' + this.dbsize;
- if (this.dbprecision) {
- s += ',' + this.dbprecision;
- }
- s += ')';
- }
- if (this.primarykey) {
- s += ' PRIMARY KEY';
- }
- if (this.notnull) {
- s += ' NOT NULL';
- }
- return s;
-yy.CreateTable = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.CreateTable.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'CREATE';
- if (this.temporary) {
- s += ' TEMPORARY';
- }
- if (this.view) {
- s += ' VIEW';
- } else {
- s += ' ' + (this.class ? 'CLASS' : 'TABLE');
- }
- if (this.ifnotexists) {
- s += ' IF NOT EXISTS';
- }
- s += ' ' + this.table.toString();
- if (this.viewcolumns) {
- s +=
- '(' +
- this.viewcolumns
- .map(function(vcol) {
- return vcol.toString();
- })
- .join(',') +
- ')';
- }
- if (this.as) {
- s += ' AS ' + this.as;
- } else {
- var ss = this.columns.map(function(col) {
- return col.toString();
- });
- s += ' (' + ss.join(',') + ')';
- }
- if (this.view && this.select) {
- s += ' AS ' + this.select.toString();
- }
- return s;
-//yy.CreateTable.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
-yy.CreateTable.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- // var self = this;
- var db = alasql.databases[this.table.databaseid || databaseid];
- var tableid = this.table.tableid;
- if (!tableid) {
- throw new Error('Table name is not defined');
- }
- // var ifnotexists = this.ifnotexists;
- var columns = this.columns;
- // if(false) {
- // if(!columns) {
- // throw new Error('Columns are not defined');
- // }
- // }
- var constraints = this.constraints || [];
- // console.log(this);
- if (this.ifnotexists && db.tables[tableid]) {
- return cb ? cb(0) : 0;
- }
- if (db.tables[tableid]) {
- throw new Error(
- "Can not create table '" +
- tableid +
- "', because it already exists in the database '" +
- db.databaseid +
- "'"
- );
- }
- var table = (db.tables[tableid] = new alasql.Table()); // TODO Can use special object?
- // If this is a class
- if (this.class) {
- table.isclass = true;
- }
- var ss = []; // DEFAULT function components
- var uss = []; // ON UPDATE function components
- if (columns) {
- columns.forEach(function(col) {
- var dbtypeid = col.dbtypeid;
- if (!alasql.fn[dbtypeid]) {
- dbtypeid = dbtypeid.toUpperCase();
- }
- // Process SERIAL data type like Postgress
- if (['SERIAL', 'SMALLSERIAL', 'BIGSERIAL'].indexOf(dbtypeid) > -1) {
- col.identity = {value: 1, step: 1};
- }
- var newcol = {
- columnid: col.columnid,
- dbtypeid: dbtypeid,
- dbsize: col.dbsize, // Fixed issue #150
- dbprecision: col.dbprecision, // Fixed issue #150
- notnull: col.notnull,
- identity: col.identity,
- };
- if (col.identity) {
- table.identities[col.columnid] = {
- value: +col.identity.value,
- step: +col.identity.step,
- };
- // ss.push('\''+col.columnid+'\':(alasql.databases[\''+db.databaseid+'\'].tables[\''
- // +tableid+'\'].identities[\''+col.columnid+'\'].value)');
- }
- if (col.check) {
- table.checks.push({
- id: col.check.constrantid,
- fn: new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + col.check.expression.toJS('r', '')),
- });
- }
- if (col.default) {
- ss.push("'" + col.columnid + "':" + col.default.toJS('r', ''));
- }
- // Check for primary key
- if (col.primarykey) {
- var pk = (table.pk = {});
- pk.columns = [col.columnid];
- pk.onrightfns = "r['" + col.columnid + "']";
- pk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + pk.onrightfns);
- pk.hh = hash(pk.onrightfns);
- table.uniqs[pk.hh] = {};
- }
- // UNIQUE clause
- if (col.unique) {
- var uk = {};
- table.uk = table.uk || [];
- table.uk.push(uk);
- uk.columns = [col.columnid];
- uk.onrightfns = "r['" + col.columnid + "']";
- uk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + uk.onrightfns);
- uk.hh = hash(uk.onrightfns);
- table.uniqs[uk.hh] = {};
- }
- // UNIQUE clause
- if (col.foreignkey) {
- // console.log(138,col.foreignkey);
- var fk = col.foreignkey.table;
- var fktable = alasql.databases[fk.databaseid || databaseid].tables[fk.tableid];
- if (typeof fk.columnid === 'undefined') {
- if (fktable.pk.columns && fktable.pk.columns.length > 0) {
- fk.columnid = fktable.pk.columns[0];
- } else {
- throw new Error('FOREIGN KEY allowed only to tables with PRIMARY KEYs');
- }
- }
- // console.log(fktable.pk);
- var fkfn = function(r) {
- var rr = {};
- if (typeof r[col.columnid] === 'undefined') {
- return true;
- }
- rr[fk.columnid] = r[col.columnid];
- var addr = fktable.pk.onrightfn(rr);
- // console.log(r, rr, addr);
- // console.log(fktable.uniqs[fktable.pk.hh][addr]);
- if (!fktable.uniqs[fktable.pk.hh][addr]) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Foreign key "' +
- r[col.columnid] +
- '" is not found in table ' +
- fktable.tableid
- );
- }
- return true;
- };
- table.checks.push({fn: fkfn});
- /*/* var uk = {};
- if(typeof table.uk == 'undefined') table.uk = [];
- table.uk.push(uk);
- uk.columns = [col.columnid];
- uk.onrightfns = 'r[\''+col.columnid+'\']';
- uk.onrightfn = new Function("r",'return '+uk.onrightfns);
- uk.hh = hash(uk.onrightfns);
- table.uniqs[uk.hh] = {};
- }
- if (col.onupdate) {
- uss.push("r['" + col.columnid + "']=" + col.onupdate.toJS('r', ''));
- }
- table.columns.push(newcol);
- table.xcolumns[newcol.columnid] = newcol;
- });
- }
- table.defaultfns = ss.join(',');
- table.onupdatefns = uss.join(';');
- // if(constraints) {
- constraints.forEach(function(con) {
- //console.log(con, con.columns);
- var checkfn;
- if (con.type === 'PRIMARY KEY') {
- if (table.pk) {
- throw new Error('Primary key already exists');
- }
- var pk = (table.pk = {});
- pk.columns = con.columns;
- pk.onrightfns = pk.columns
- .map(function(columnid) {
- return "r['" + columnid + "']";
- })
- .join("+'`'+");
- pk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + pk.onrightfns);
- pk.hh = hash(pk.onrightfns);
- table.uniqs[pk.hh] = {};
- } else if (con.type === 'CHECK') {
- // console.log(con.expression.toJS('r',''));
- checkfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + con.expression.toJS('r', ''));
- } else if (con.type === 'UNIQUE') {
- // console.log(con);
- var uk = {};
- table.uk = table.uk || [];
- table.uk.push(uk);
- uk.columns = con.columns;
- uk.onrightfns = uk.columns
- .map(function(columnid) {
- return "r['" + columnid + "']";
- })
- .join("+'`'+");
- uk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + uk.onrightfns);
- uk.hh = hash(uk.onrightfns);
- table.uniqs[uk.hh] = {};
- } else if (con.type === 'FOREIGN KEY') {
- // console.log(con);
- var col = table.xcolumns[con.columns[0]];
- var fk = con.fktable;
- if (con.fkcolumns && con.fkcolumns.length > 0) {
- fk.columnid = con.fkcolumns[0];
- }
- var fktable = alasql.databases[fk.databaseid || databaseid].tables[fk.tableid];
- if (typeof fk.columnid === 'undefined') {
- fk.columnid = fktable.pk.columns[0];
- }
- // console.log(fktable.pk);
- checkfn = function(r) {
- var rr = {};
- if (typeof r[col.columnid] === 'undefined') {
- return true;
- }
- rr[fk.columnid] = r[col.columnid];
- var addr = fktable.pk.onrightfn(rr);
- // console.log(r, rr, addr);
- // console.log(fktable.uniqs[fktable.pk.hh][addr]);
- if (!fktable.uniqs[fktable.pk.hh][addr]) {
- //console.log(228,table,col,fk);
- throw new Error(
- 'Foreign key "' +
- r[col.columnid] +
- '" is not found in table ' +
- fktable.tableid
- );
- }
- return true;
- };
- }
- if (checkfn) {
- table.checks.push({fn: checkfn, id: con.constraintid, fk: con.type === 'FOREIGN KEY'});
- }
- });
- if (this.view && this.viewcolumns) {
- var self = this;
- this.viewcolumns.forEach(function(vcol, idx) {
- self.select.columns[idx].as = vcol.columnid;
- });
- }
- //Used in 420from queryfn when table.view = true!
- if (this.view && this.select) {
- table.view = true;
- // console.log(this.select.toString());
- // console.log('this.table.databaseid',this.table.databaseid);
- // console.log(this.select.compile(this.table.databaseid||databaseid));
- table.select = this.select.compile(this.table.databaseid || databaseid);
- }
- if (db.engineid) {
- // console.log(101,db.engineid);
- return alasql.engines[db.engineid].createTable(
- this.table.databaseid || databaseid,
- tableid,
- this.ifnotexists,
- cb
- );
- // console.log('createtable',res1);
- // return res1;
- }
- // }
- // if(table.pk) {
- table.insert = function(r, orreplace) {
- var oldinserted = alasql.inserted;
- alasql.inserted = [r];
- var table = this;
- var toreplace = false; // For INSERT OR REPLACE
- /*
- // if(table.identities && table.identities.length>0) {
- // table.identities.forEach(function(ident){
- // r[ident.columnid] = ident.value;
- // });
- // }
- // Trigger prevent functionality
- var prevent = false;
- for (var tr in table.beforeinsert) {
- var trigger = table.beforeinsert[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- if (alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r) === false) prevent = prevent || true;
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- if (trigger.statement.execute(databaseid) === false) prevent = prevent || true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (prevent) return;
- // Trigger prevent functionality
- var escape = false;
- for (tr in table.insteadofinsert) {
- escape = true;
- trigger = table.insteadofinsert[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r);
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
- }
- }
- }
- if (escape) return;
- //console.log(262,r);
- //console.log(263,table.identities)
- for (var columnid in table.identities) {
- var ident = table.identities[columnid];
- // console.log(ident);
- r[columnid] = ident.value;
- // console.log(ident);
- }
- //console.log(270,r);
- if (table.checks && table.checks.length > 0) {
- table.checks.forEach(function(check) {
- if (!check.fn(r)) {
- // if(orreplace) toreplace=true; else
- throw new Error('Violation of CHECK constraint ' + (check.id || ''));
- }
- });
- }
- table.columns.forEach(function(column) {
- if (column.notnull && typeof r[column.columnid] === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Wrong NULL value in NOT NULL column ' + column.columnid);
- }
- });
- if (table.pk) {
- var pk = table.pk;
- var addr = pk.onrightfn(r);
- if (typeof table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] !== 'undefined') {
- //console.log(pk,addr,pk.onrightfn({ono:1}));
- //console.log(r, pk.onrightfn(r), pk.onrightfns);
- if (orreplace) toreplace = table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr];
- else
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot insert record, because it already exists in primary key index'
- );
- }
- // table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr]=r;
- }
- if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
- table.uk.forEach(function(uk) {
- var ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
- if (typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] !== 'undefined') {
- if (orreplace) toreplace = table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr];
- else
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot insert record, because it already exists in unique index'
- );
- }
- // table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr]=r;
- });
- }
- if (toreplace) {
- // Do UPDATE!!!
- // console.log();
- table.update(
- function(t) {
- for (var f in r) t[f] = r[f];
- },
- table.data.indexOf(toreplace),
- params
- );
- } else {
- table.data.push(r);
- // Final change before insert
- // Update indices
- for (var columnid in table.identities) {
- var ident = table.identities[columnid];
- // console.log(ident);
- ident.value += ident.step;
- // console.log(ident);
- }
- if (table.pk) {
- var pk = table.pk;
- var addr = pk.onrightfn(r);
- table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] = r;
- }
- if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
- table.uk.forEach(function(uk) {
- var ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
- table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] = r;
- });
- }
- }
- // Trigger prevent functionality
- for (var tr in table.afterinsert) {
- var trigger = table.afterinsert[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r);
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
- }
- }
- }
- alasql.inserted = oldinserted;
- };
- table.delete = function(index) {
- var table = this;
- var r = table.data[index];
- // Prevent trigger
- var prevent = false;
- for (var tr in table.beforedelete) {
- var trigger = table.beforedelete[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- if (alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r) === false) prevent = prevent || true;
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- if (trigger.statement.execute(databaseid) === false) prevent = prevent || true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (prevent) return false;
- // Trigger prevent functionality
- var escape = false;
- for (var tr in table.insteadofdelete) {
- escape = true;
- var trigger = table.insteadofdelete[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r);
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
- }
- }
- }
- if (escape) return;
- if (this.pk) {
- var pk = this.pk;
- var addr = pk.onrightfn(r);
- if (typeof this.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Something wrong with primary key index on table');
- } else {
- this.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] = undefined;
- }
- }
- if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
- table.uk.forEach(function(uk) {
- var ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
- if (typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Something wrong with unique index on table');
- }
- table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] = undefined;
- });
- }
- };
- table.deleteall = function() {
- this.data.length = 0;
- if (this.pk) {
- // var r = this.data[i];
- this.uniqs[this.pk.hh] = {};
- }
- if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
- table.uk.forEach(function(uk) {
- table.uniqs[uk.hh] = {};
- });
- }
- };
- table.update = function(assignfn, i, params) {
- // TODO: Analyze the speed
- var r = cloneDeep(this.data[i]);
- var pk;
- if (this.pk) {
- pk = this.pk;
- pk.pkaddr = pk.onrightfn(r, params);
- if (typeof this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.pkaddr] === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Something wrong with index on table');
- }
- }
- if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
- table.uk.forEach(function(uk) {
- uk.ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
- if (typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.ukaddr] === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Something wrong with unique index on table');
- }
- });
- }
- assignfn(r, params, alasql);
- // Prevent trigger
- var prevent = false;
- for (var tr in table.beforeupdate) {
- var trigger = table.beforeupdate[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- if (alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](this.data[i], r) === false)
- prevent = prevent || true;
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- if (trigger.statement.execute(databaseid) === false) prevent = prevent || true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (prevent) return false;
- // Trigger prevent functionality
- var escape = false;
- for (var tr in table.insteadofupdate) {
- escape = true;
- var trigger = table.insteadofupdate[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](this.data[i], r);
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
- }
- }
- }
- if (escape) return;
- if (table.checks && table.checks.length > 0) {
- table.checks.forEach(function(check) {
- if (!check.fn(r)) {
- throw new Error('Violation of CHECK constraint ' + (check.id || ''));
- }
- });
- }
- table.columns.forEach(function(column) {
- if (column.notnull && typeof r[column.columnid] === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Wrong NULL value in NOT NULL column ' + column.columnid);
- }
- });
- if (this.pk) {
- pk.newpkaddr = pk.onrightfn(r);
- if (
- typeof this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.newpkaddr] !== 'undefined' &&
- pk.newpkaddr !== pk.pkaddr
- ) {
- throw new Error('Record already exists');
- }
- }
- if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
- table.uk.forEach(function(uk) {
- uk.newukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
- if (
- typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.newukaddr] !== 'undefined' &&
- uk.newukaddr !== uk.ukaddr
- ) {
- throw new Error('Record already exists');
- }
- });
- }
- if (this.pk) {
- this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.pkaddr] = undefined;
- this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.newpkaddr] = r;
- }
- if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
- table.uk.forEach(function(uk) {
- table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.ukaddr] = undefined;
- table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.newukaddr] = r;
- });
- }
- this.data[i] = r;
- // Trigger prevent functionality
- for (var tr in table.afterupdate) {
- var trigger = table.afterupdate[tr];
- if (trigger) {
- if (trigger.funcid) {
- alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](this.data[i], r);
- } else if (trigger.statement) {
- trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- // console.log(databaseid);
- // console.log(db.databaseid,db.tables);
- // console.log(table);
- var res;
- if (!alasql.options.nocount) {
- res = 1;
- }
- if (cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
diff --git a/src/70insert.js b/src/70insert.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 0e2ae36c0b..0000000000
--- a/src/70insert.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-// INSERT for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-/* global yy alasql*/
-yy.Insert = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.Insert.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'INSERT ';
- if (this.orreplace) s += 'OR REPLACE ';
- if (this.replaceonly) s = 'REPLACE ';
- s += 'INTO ' + this.into.toString();
- if (this.columns) s += '(' + this.columns.toString() + ')';
- if (this.values) s += ' VALUES ' + this.values.toString();
- if (this.select) s += ' ' + this.select.toString();
- return s;
-yy.Insert.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
- // console.log('Expression',this);
- // if(this.expression.reduced) return 'true';
- // return this.expression.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
- // console.log('Select.toJS', 81, this.queriesidx);
- // var s = 'this.queriesdata['+(this.queriesidx-1)+'][0]';
- var s = 'this.queriesfn[' + (this.queriesidx - 1) + '](this.params,null,' + context + ')';
- // s = '(console.log(this.queriesfn[0]),'+s+')';
- // console.log(this,s);
- return s;
-yy.Insert.prototype.compile = function(databaseid) {
- var self = this;
- databaseid = self.into.databaseid || databaseid;
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- // console.log(self);
- var tableid = self.into.tableid;
- var table = db.tables[tableid];
- if (!table) {
- throw "Table '" + tableid + "' could not be found";
- }
- // Check, if this dirty flag is required
- var s = '';
- var sw = '';
- var s = "db.tables['" + tableid + "'].dirty=true;";
- var s3 = 'var a,aa=[],x;';
- var s33;
- if (this.values) {
- if (this.exists) {
- this.existsfn = this.exists.map(function(ex) {
- var nq = ex.compile(databaseid);
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
- }
- if (this.queries) {
- this.queriesfn = this.queries.map(function(q) {
- var nq = q.compile(databaseid);
- nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- return nq;
- });
- }
- // console.log(1);
- self.values.forEach(function(values) {
- var ss = [];
- // s += 'db.tables[\''+tableid+'\'].data.push({';
- // s += '';
- if (self.columns) {
- self.columns.forEach(function(col, idx) {
- //console.log(db.tables, tableid, table);
- // ss.push(col.columnid +':'+ self.values[idx].value.toString());
- // console.log(rec[f.name.value]);
- // if(rec[f.name.value] == "NULL") rec[f.name.value] = undefined;
- // if(table.xflds[f.name.value].dbtypeid == "INT") rec[f.name.value] = +rec[f.name.value]|0;
- // else if(table.xflds[f.name.value].dbtypeid == "FLOAT") rec[f.name.value] = +rec[f.name.value];
- var q = "'" + col.columnid + "':";
- if (table.xcolumns && table.xcolumns[col.columnid]) {
- if (
- ['INT', 'FLOAT', 'NUMBER', 'MONEY'].indexOf(
- table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid
- ) >= 0
- ) {
- //q += ''
- q += '(x=' + values[idx].toJS() + ',x==undefined?undefined:+x)';
- } else if (alasql.fn[table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid]) {
- q += '(new ' + table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid + '(';
- q += values[idx].toJS();
- q += '))';
- } else {
- q += values[idx].toJS();
- }
- } else {
- q += values[idx].toJS();
- }
- ss.push(q);
- });
- } else {
- // var table = db.tables[tableid];
- // console.log('table1', db, self);
- //console.log(111, table.columns);
- //console.log(74,table);
- if (Array.isArray(values) && table.columns && table.columns.length > 0) {
- table.columns.forEach(function(col, idx) {
- var q = "'" + col.columnid + "':";
- // var val = values[idx].toJS();
- if (['INT', 'FLOAT', 'NUMBER', 'MONEY'].indexOf(col.dbtypeid) >= 0) {
- q += '+' + values[idx].toJS();
- } else if (alasql.fn[col.dbtypeid]) {
- q += '(new ' + col.dbtypeid + '(';
- q += values[idx].toJS();
- q += '))';
- } else {
- q += values[idx].toJS();
- }
- /*/*
- // if(table.xcolumns && table.xcolumns[col.columnid] &&
- // (table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid == "DATE" ||
- // table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid == "DATETIME"
- // )) {
- // val = "(new Date("+val+"))";
- // }
- // || table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid == "FLOAT"
- // || table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid == "NUMBER"
- // || table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid == "MONEY"
- // )) q += '+';
- // console.log(self.values[idx].toString());
- //console.log(self);
-// q += val;
- // if(table.xcolumns && table.xcolumns[col.columnid] && table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid == "INT") q += '|0';
- ss.push(q);
- /*/*
- // console.log(fld);
- // TODO: type checking and conversions
- // rec[fld.fldid] = eval(self.insertExpression[idx].toJS('',''));
- // console.log(rec[fld.fldid]);
- // if(rec[fld.fldid] == "NULL") rec[fld.fldid] = undefined;
- // if(table.xflds[fld.fldid].dbtypeid == "INT") rec[fld.fldid] = +rec[fld.fldid]|0;
- // else if(table.xflds[fld.fldid].dbtypeid == "FLOAT" || table.xflds[fld.fldid].dbtypeid == "MONEY" )
- // rec[fld.fldid] = +rec[fld.fldid];
- });
- } else {
- // console.log(222,values);
- // sw = 'var w='+JSONtoJS(values)+';for(var k in w){r[k]=w[k]};';
- sw = JSONtoJS(values);
- }
- }
- //console.log(ss);
- if (db.tables[tableid].defaultfns) {
- ss.unshift(db.tables[tableid].defaultfns);
- }
- if (sw) {
- s += 'a=' + sw + ';';
- } else {
- s += 'a={' + ss.join(',') + '};';
- }
- // If this is a class
- if (db.tables[tableid].isclass) {
- s += "var db=alasql.databases['" + databaseid + "'];";
- s += 'a.$class="' + tableid + '";';
- s += 'a.$id=db.counter++;';
- s += 'db.objects[a.$id]=a;';
- }
- // s += 'db.tables[\''+tableid+'\'].insert(r);';
- if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
- s += "var db=alasql.databases['" + databaseid + "'];";
- s +=
- "db.tables['" +
- tableid +
- "'].insert(a," +
- (self.orreplace ? 'true' : 'false') +
- ');';
- } else {
- s += 'aa.push(a);';
- }
- });
- s33 = s3 + s;
- if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
- // s += 'alasql.databases[\''+databaseid+'\'].tables[\''+tableid+'\'].insert(r);';
- } else {
- s +=
- "alasql.databases['" +
- databaseid +
- "'].tables['" +
- tableid +
- "'].data=" +
- "alasql.databases['" +
- databaseid +
- "'].tables['" +
- tableid +
- "'].data.concat(aa);";
- }
- if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
- if (db.tables[tableid].isclass) {
- s += 'return a.$id;';
- } else {
- s += 'return ' + self.values.length;
- }
- } else {
- s += 'return ' + self.values.length;
- }
- //console.log(186,s3+s);
- var insertfn = new Function('db, params, alasql', 'var y;' + s3 + s).bind(this);
- } else if (this.select) {
- this.select.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
- var selectfn = this.select.compile(databaseid);
- if (db.engineid && alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable) {
- var statement = function(params, cb) {
- var aa = selectfn(params);
- var res = alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable(
- db.databaseid,
- tableid,
- aa.data,
- null,
- cb
- );
- return res;
- };
- return statement;
- } else {
- // console.log(224,table.defaultfns);
- var defaultfns = 'return alasql.utils.extend(r,{' + table.defaultfns + '})';
- var defaultfn = new Function('r,db,params,alasql', defaultfns);
- var insertfn = function(db, params, alasql) {
- var res = selectfn(params).data;
- if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
- // If insert() function exists (issue #92)
- for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
- var r = cloneDeep(res[i]);
- defaultfn(r, db, params, alasql);
- db.tables[tableid].insert(r, self.orreplace);
- }
- } else {
- db.tables[tableid].data = db.tables[tableid].data.concat(res);
- }
- if (alasql.options.nocount) return;
- else return res.length;
- };
- }
- } else if (this.default) {
- var insertfns =
- "db.tables['" + tableid + "'].data.push({" + table.defaultfns + '});return 1;';
- var insertfn = new Function('db,params,alasql', insertfns);
- } else {
- throw new Error('Wrong INSERT parameters');
- }
- // console.log(1,s);
- // console.log(s33);
- if (db.engineid && alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable && alasql.options.autocommit) {
- var statement = function(params, cb) {
- var aa = new Function('db,params', 'var y;' + s33 + 'return aa;')(db, params);
- // console.log(s33);
- var res = alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable(db.databaseid, tableid, aa, null, cb);
- // if(cb) cb(res);
- return res;
- };
- } else {
- var statement = function(params, cb) {
- //console.log(databaseid);
- var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
- if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid) {
- alasql.engines[db.engineid].loadTableData(databaseid, tableid);
- }
- var res = insertfn(db, params, alasql);
- if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid) {
- alasql.engines[db.engineid].saveTableData(databaseid, tableid);
- }
- // var res = insertfn(db, params);
- if (alasql.options.nocount) res = undefined;
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
- };
- }
- return statement;
-yy.Insert.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- return this.compile(databaseid)(params, cb);
- // throw new Error('Insert statement is should be compiled')
diff --git a/src/76usedatabase.js b/src/76usedatabase.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 9eae4dce87..0000000000
--- a/src/76usedatabase.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-// UPDATE for Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// Modified: 16.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-/* global yy alasql */
-// CREATE DATABASE databaseid
-yy.CreateDatabase = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'CREATE';
- if (this.engineid) s += ' ' + this.engineid;
- s += ' DATABASE';
- if (this.ifnotexists) s += ' IF NOT EXISTS';
- s += ' ' + this.databaseid;
- if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
- s +=
- '(' +
- this.args
- .map(function(arg) {
- return arg.toString();
- })
- .join(', ') +
- ')';
- }
- if (this.as) s += ' AS ' + this.as;
- return s;
-//yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
-yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var args;
- if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
- args = this.args.map(function(arg) {
- // console.log(346235, arg.toJS());
- return new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + arg.toJS())(params, alasql);
- });
- }
- if (this.engineid) {
- var res = alasql.engines[this.engineid].createDatabase(
- this.databaseid,
- this.args,
- this.ifnotexists,
- this.as,
- cb
- );
- return res;
- } else {
- var dbid = this.databaseid;
- if (alasql.databases[dbid]) {
- throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' already exists");
- }
- var a = new alasql.Database(dbid);
- var res = 1;
- if (cb) return cb(res);
- return res;
- }
-// CREATE DATABASE databaseid
-yy.AttachDatabase = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.AttachDatabase.prototype.toString = function(args) {
- var s = 'ATTACH';
- if (this.engineid) s += ' ' + this.engineid;
- s += ' DATABASE' + ' ' + this.databaseid;
- // TODO add params
- if (args) {
- s += '(';
- if (args.length > 0) {
- s += args
- .map(function(arg) {
- return arg.toString();
- })
- .join(', ');
- }
- s += ')';
- }
- if (this.as) s += ' AS' + ' ' + this.as;
- return s;
-//yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
-yy.AttachDatabase.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- if (!alasql.engines[this.engineid]) {
- throw new Error('Engine "' + this.engineid + '" is not defined.');
- }
- var res = alasql.engines[this.engineid].attachDatabase(
- this.databaseid,
- this.as,
- this.args,
- params,
- cb
- );
- return res;
-// CREATE DATABASE databaseid
-yy.DetachDatabase = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.DetachDatabase.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'DETACH';
- s += ' DATABASE' + ' ' + this.databaseid;
- return s;
-//yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
-yy.DetachDatabase.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- if (!alasql.databases[this.databaseid].engineid) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot detach database "' + this.engineid + '", because it was not attached.'
- );
- }
- var res;
- var dbid = this.databaseid;
- if (dbid === alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID) {
- throw new Error('Drop of default database is prohibited');
- }
- if (!alasql.databases[dbid]) {
- if (!this.ifexists) {
- throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' does not exist");
- } else {
- res = 0;
- }
- } else {
- delete alasql.databases[dbid];
- if (dbid === alasql.useid) {
- alasql.use();
- }
- res = 1;
- }
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
- // var res = alasql.engines[this.engineid].attachDatabase(this.databaseid, this.as, cb);
- // return res;
-// USE DATABSE databaseid
-// USE databaseid
-yy.UseDatabase = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.UseDatabase.prototype.toString = function() {
- return 'USE' + ' ' + 'DATABASE' + ' ' + this.databaseid;
-//yy.UseDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
-yy.UseDatabase.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- var dbid = this.databaseid;
- if (!alasql.databases[dbid]) {
- throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' does not exist");
- }
- alasql.use(dbid);
- var res = 1;
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
-// DROP DATABASE databaseid
-yy.DropDatabase = function(params) {
- return yy.extend(this, params);
-yy.DropDatabase.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'DROP';
- if (this.ifexists) s += ' IF EXISTS';
- s += ' DATABASE ' + this.databaseid;
- return s;
-//yy.DropDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
-yy.DropDatabase.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
- if (this.engineid) {
- return alasql.engines[this.engineid].dropDatabase(this.databaseid, this.ifexists, cb);
- }
- var res;
- var dbid = this.databaseid;
- if (dbid === alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID) {
- throw new Error('Drop of default database is prohibited');
- }
- if (!alasql.databases[dbid]) {
- if (!this.ifexists) {
- throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' does not exist");
- } else {
- res = 0;
- }
- } else {
- if (alasql.databases[dbid].engineid) {
- throw new Error(
- "Cannot drop database '" + dbid + "', because it is attached. Detach it."
- );
- }
- delete alasql.databases[dbid];
- if (dbid === alasql.useid) {
- alasql.use();
- }
- res = 1;
- }
- if (cb) cb(res);
- return res;
diff --git a/src/823postgres.js b/src/823postgres.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 999162e301..0000000000
--- a/src/823postgres.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-if (alasql.options.postgres) {
diff --git a/src/824oracle.js b/src/824oracle.js
deleted file mode 100755
index d692981265..0000000000
--- a/src/824oracle.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-if (alasql.options.oracle) {
diff --git a/src/825sqlite.js b/src/825sqlite.js
deleted file mode 100755
index e900edf20b..0000000000
--- a/src/825sqlite.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-if (alasql.options.sqlite) {
diff --git a/src/826orientdb.js b/src/826orientdb.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 22594fffa0..0000000000
--- a/src/826orientdb.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-if (alasql.options.orientdb) {
diff --git a/src/97saveas.js b/src/97saveas.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 4d8c35cc28..0000000000
--- a/src/97saveas.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-if(utils.isBrowser && !utils.isWebWorker) {
diff --git a/src/98finish.js b/src/98finish.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 2f3157bc9b..0000000000
--- a/src/98finish.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable */
-// Last part of Alasql.js
-// Date: 03.11.2014
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
-// This is a final part of Alasql
-if(utils.isCordova || utils.isMeteorServer || utils.isNode ){
- console.warn('It looks like you are using the browser version of AlaSQL. Please use the alasql.fs.js file instead.')
-// FileSaveAs
-alasql.utils.saveAs = saveAs;
-// Create default database
-new Database("alasql");
-// Set default database
-return alasql;
diff --git a/src/alasqlObj.ts b/src/alasqlObj.ts
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..fde129efab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/alasqlObj.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ AlaSQL - Main Alasql class
+ @function
+ @param {string|function|object} sql - SQL-statement or data object for fuent interface
+ @param {object} params - SQL parameters
+ @param {function} cb - callback function
+ @param {object} scope - Scope for nested queries
+ @return {any} - Result data object
+ @example
+ Standard sync call:
+ alasql('CREATE TABLE one');
+ Query:
+ var res = alasql('SELECT * FROM one');
+ Call with parameters:
+ var res = alasql('SELECT * FROM ?',[data]);
+ Standard async call with callback function:
+ alasql('SELECT * FROM ?',[data],function(res){
+ console.log(data);
+ });
+ Call with scope for subquery (to pass common values):
+ var scope = {one:{a:2,b;20}}
+ alasql('SELECT * FROM ? two WHERE two.a = one.a',[data],null,scope);
+ Call for fluent interface with data object:
+ alasql(data).Where(function(x){return x.a == 10}).exec();
+ Call for fluent interface without data object:
+ alasql().From(data).Where(function(x){return x.a == 10}).exec();
+ */
+export default function logic(mem) {
+ let yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ return function(sql?: any, params?: any, cb?: any, scope?: string) {
+ params = params || [];
+ if (typeof importScripts !== 'function' && mem.alasql.webworker) {
+ var id = mem.alasql.lastid++;
+ mem.alasql.buffer[id] = cb;
+ mem.alasql.webworker.postMessage({id, sql, params});
+ return;
+ }
+ if (arguments.length === 0) {
+ // Without arguments - Fluent interface
+ return new yy.Select({
+ columns: [new yy.Column({columnid: '*'})],
+ from: [new yy.ParamValue({param: 0})],
+ });
+ } else if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ // Access promise notation without using `.promise(...)`
+ if (sql.constructor === Array) {
+ return mem.alasql.promise(sql);
+ }
+ }
+ // Avoid setting params if not needed even with callback
+ if (typeof params === 'function') {
+ scope = cb;
+ cb = params;
+ params = [];
+ }
+ if (typeof params !== 'object') {
+ params = [params];
+ }
+ // Standard interface
+ // alasql('#sql');
+ /*only-for-browser/*
+ if (typeof sql === 'string' && sql[0] === '#' && typeof document === 'object') {
+ sql = document.querySelector(sql).textContent;
+ } else if (typeof sql === 'object' && sql instanceof HTMLElement) {
+ sql = sql.textContent;
+ } else //*/
+ if (typeof sql === 'function') {
+ // to run multiline functions
+ sql = sql.toString();
+ sql = (/\/\*([\S\s]+)\*\//m.exec(sql) || [
+ '',
+ 'Function given as SQL. Plese Provide SQL string or have a /* ... */ syle comment with SQL in the function.',
+ ])[1];
+ }
+ // Run SQL
+ return mem.alasql.exec(sql, params, cb, scope);
+ };
diff --git a/src/alasqlparser.jison b/src/alasqlparser.jison
index d37804d054..e214cbfeb3 100755
--- a/src/alasqlparser.jison
+++ b/src/alasqlparser.jison
@@ -348,8 +348,7 @@ SETS return 'SET'
- if (alasql.options.casesensitive) $$ = $1;
- else $$ = $1.toLowerCase();
+ $$ = yy.casesensitive ? $1 : $1.toLowerCase() ;
{ $$ = doubleq($1.substr(1,$1.length-2)); }
@@ -1362,7 +1361,7 @@ FuncValue
var exprlist = $4;
if(exprlist.length > 1 && (funcid.toUpperCase() == 'MIN' || funcid.toUpperCase() == 'MAX')) {
$$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: funcid, args: exprlist});
- } else if(alasql.aggr[$1]) {
+ } else if(yy.isInAggr($1)) {
$$ = new yy.AggrValue({aggregatorid: 'REDUCE',
funcid: funcid, expression: exprlist.pop(),distinct:($3=='DISTINCT') });
} else {
diff --git a/src/alasqlparser.js b/src/alasqlparser.js
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index b63f826403..bfe1415704
--- a/src/alasqlparser.js
+++ b/src/alasqlparser.js
@@ -84,9 +84,8 @@ performAction: function anonymous(yytext, yyleng, yylineno, yy, yystate /* actio
var $0 = $$.length - 1;
switch (yystate) {
case 1:
- if (alasql.options.casesensitive) this.$ = $$[$0];
- else this.$ = $$[$0].toLowerCase();
+ this.$ = yy.casesensitive ? $$[$0] : $$[$0].toLowerCase() ;
case 2:
@@ -117,14 +116,14 @@ case 11:
this.$ = $$[$0]; $$[$0].explain = true;
case 12:
- this.$ = $$[$0];
- // TODO combine exists and queries
- if(yy.exists) this.$.exists = yy.exists;
- delete yy.exists;
- if(yy.queries) this.$.queries = yy.queries;
- delete yy.queries;
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ // TODO combine exists and queries
+ if(yy.exists) this.$.exists = yy.exists;
+ delete yy.exists;
+ if(yy.queries) this.$.queries = yy.queries;
+ delete yy.queries;
case 13: case 162: case 172: case 237: case 238: case 240: case 248: case 250: case 259: case 267: case 270: case 375: case 491: case 501: case 503: case 515: case 521: case 522: case 567:
@@ -140,21 +139,21 @@ case 71:
this.$ = {name:$$[$0-4], select:$$[$0-1]};
case 72:
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-9]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-8]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-7]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-6]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-5]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-4]);yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-3]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
- this.$ = $$[$0-9];
-/* if(yy.exists) this.$.exists = yy.exists;
- delete yy.exists;
- if(yy.queries) this.$.queries = yy.queries;
- delete yy.queries;
+ yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-9]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-8]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-7]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-6]);
+ yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-5]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-4]);yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-3]);
+ yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
+ this.$ = $$[$0-9];
+/* if(yy.exists) this.$.exists = yy.exists;
+ delete yy.exists;
+ if(yy.queries) this.$.queries = yy.queries;
+ delete yy.queries;
case 73:
- this.$ = new yy.Search({selectors:$$[$0-2], from:$$[$0]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]);
+ this.$ = new yy.Search({selectors:$$[$0-2], from:$$[$0]});
+ yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]);
case 74:
@@ -191,10 +190,10 @@ case 91:
this.$ = {srchid:"ORDERBY", args: $$[$0-1]};
case 92:
- var dir = $$[$0-1];
- if(!dir) dir = 'ASC';
- this.$ = {srchid:"ORDERBY", args: [{expression: new yy.Column({columnid:'_'}), direction:dir}]};
+ var dir = $$[$0-1];
+ if(!dir) dir = 'ASC';
+ this.$ = {srchid:"ORDERBY", args: [{expression: new yy.Column({columnid:'_'}), direction:dir}]};
case 93:
@@ -360,12 +359,12 @@ case 150:
this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns:$$[$0], all:true }); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-3]);yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-1]);
case 151:
- if(!$$[$0]) {
- this.$ = new yy.Select({columns:[new yy.Column({columnid:'_',})], modifier:'COLUMN'});
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns:$$[$0] }); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-2]);yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-1]);
- }
+ if(!$$[$0]) {
+ this.$ = new yy.Select({columns:[new yy.Column({columnid:'_',})], modifier:'COLUMN'});
+ } else {
+ this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns:$$[$0] }); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-2]);yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-1]);
+ }
case 152:
@@ -405,18 +404,18 @@ case 164: case 165: case 166: case 167:
this.$ = {into: $$[$0]}
case 168:
- var s = $$[$0];
- s = s.substr(1,s.length-2);
- var x3 = s.substr(-3).toUpperCase();
- var x4 = s.substr(-4).toUpperCase();
- if(s[0] == '#') {
- this.$ = {into: new yy.FuncValue({funcid: 'HTML', args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]})};
- } else if(x3=='XLS' || x3 == 'CSV' || x3=='TAB') {
- this.$ = {into: new yy.FuncValue({funcid: x3, args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]})};
- } else if(x4=='XLSX' || x4 == 'JSON') {
- this.$ = {into: new yy.FuncValue({funcid: x4, args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]})};
- }
+ var s = $$[$0];
+ s = s.substr(1,s.length-2);
+ var x3 = s.substr(-3).toUpperCase();
+ var x4 = s.substr(-4).toUpperCase();
+ if(s[0] == '#') {
+ this.$ = {into: new yy.FuncValue({funcid: 'HTML', args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]})};
+ } else if(x3=='XLS' || x3 == 'CSV' || x3=='TAB') {
+ this.$ = {into: new yy.FuncValue({funcid: x3, args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]})};
+ } else if(x4=='XLSX' || x4 == 'JSON') {
+ this.$ = {into: new yy.FuncValue({funcid: x4, args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]})};
+ }
case 169:
@@ -474,34 +473,34 @@ case 189: case 190: case 194: case 197:
this.$ = $$[$0]; $$[$0].as = 'default';
case 193:
- this.$ = {inserted:true}; /*$$[$0].as = 'default'*/;
+ this.$ = {inserted:true}; $$[$0].as = 'default';
case 200:
- var s = $$[$0];
- s = s.substr(1,s.length-2);
- var x3 = s.substr(-3).toUpperCase();
- var x4 = s.substr(-4).toUpperCase();
- var r;
- if(s[0] == '#') {
- r = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: 'HTML', args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]});
- } else if(x3=='XLS' || x3 == 'CSV' || x3=='TAB') {
- r = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: x3, args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]});
- } else if(x4=='XLSX' || x4 == 'JSON') {
- r = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: x4, args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]});
- } else {
- throw new Error('Unknown string in FROM clause');
- };
- this.$ = r;
+ var s = $$[$0];
+ s = s.substr(1,s.length-2);
+ var x3 = s.substr(-3).toUpperCase();
+ var x4 = s.substr(-4).toUpperCase();
+ var r;
+ if(s[0] == '#') {
+ r = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: 'HTML', args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]});
+ } else if(x3=='XLS' || x3 == 'CSV' || x3=='TAB') {
+ r = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: x3, args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]});
+ } else if(x4=='XLSX' || x4 == 'JSON') {
+ r = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: x4, args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]});
+ } else {
+ throw new Error('Unknown string in FROM clause');
+ };
+ this.$ = r;
case 201:
- if($$[$0-2] == 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA') {
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: $$[$0-2], args:[new yy.StringValue({value:$$[$0]})]});
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Table({databaseid: $$[$0-2], tableid:$$[$0]});
- }
+ if($$[$0-2] == 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA') {
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: $$[$0-2], args:[new yy.StringValue({value:$$[$0]})]});
+ } else {
+ this.$ = new yy.Table({databaseid: $$[$0-2], tableid:$$[$0]});
+ }
case 202:
@@ -691,11 +690,11 @@ case 303:
this.$ = new yy.Json({value:$$[$0]});
case 306: case 307: case 308:
- if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
- yy.queries.push($$[$0-1]);
- $$[$0-1].queriesidx = yy.queries.length;
- this.$ = $$[$0-1];
+ if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
+ yy.queries.push($$[$0-1]);
+ $$[$0-1].queriesidx = yy.queries.length;
+ this.$ = $$[$0-1];
case 309:
@@ -735,19 +734,19 @@ case 326:
this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid:'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'});
case 327:
- if($$[$0-2].length > 1 && ($$[$0-4].toUpperCase() == 'MAX' || $$[$0-4].toUpperCase() == 'MIN')) {
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid:$$[$0-4],args:$$[$0-2]});
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({aggregatorid: $$[$0-4].toUpperCase(), expression: $$[$0-2].pop(), over:$$[$0]});
- }
+ if($$[$0-2].length > 1 && ($$[$0-4].toUpperCase() == 'MAX' || $$[$0-4].toUpperCase() == 'MIN')) {
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid:$$[$0-4],args:$$[$0-2]});
+ } else {
+ this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({aggregatorid: $$[$0-4].toUpperCase(), expression: $$[$0-2].pop(), over:$$[$0]});
+ }
case 328:
this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({aggregatorid: $$[$0-5].toUpperCase(), expression: $$[$0-2], distinct:true, over:$$[$0]});
case 329:
- this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({aggregatorid: $$[$0-5].toUpperCase(), expression: $$[$0-2],
+ this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({aggregatorid: $$[$0-5].toUpperCase(), expression: $$[$0-2],
case 331: case 332:
@@ -790,17 +789,17 @@ case 344:
this.$ = "ARRAY";
case 345:
- var funcid = $$[$0-4];
- var exprlist = $$[$0-1];
- if(exprlist.length > 1 && (funcid.toUpperCase() == 'MIN' || funcid.toUpperCase() == 'MAX')) {
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: funcid, args: exprlist});
- } else if(alasql.aggr[$$[$0-4]]) {
- this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({aggregatorid: 'REDUCE',
- funcid: funcid, expression: exprlist.pop(),distinct:($$[$0-2]=='DISTINCT') });
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: funcid, args: exprlist});
- };
+ var funcid = $$[$0-4];
+ var exprlist = $$[$0-1];
+ if(exprlist.length > 1 && (funcid.toUpperCase() == 'MIN' || funcid.toUpperCase() == 'MAX')) {
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: funcid, args: exprlist});
+ } else if(yy.isInAggr($$[$0-4])) {
+ this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({aggregatorid: 'REDUCE',
+ funcid: funcid, expression: exprlist.pop(),distinct:($$[$0-2]=='DISTINCT') });
+ } else {
+ this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: funcid, args: exprlist});
+ };
case 346:
@@ -852,10 +851,10 @@ case 362:
this.$ = new yy.VarValue({variable:$$[$0]});
case 363:
- if(!yy.exists) yy.exists = [];
- this.$ = new yy.ExistsValue({value:$$[$0-1], existsidx:yy.exists.length});
- yy.exists.push($$[$0-1]);
+ if(!yy.exists) yy.exists = [];
+ this.$ = new yy.ExistsValue({value:$$[$0-1], existsidx:yy.exists.length});
+ yy.exists.push($$[$0-1]);
case 364:
@@ -865,15 +864,15 @@ case 365: case 366:
this.$ = new yy.ParamValue({param: $$[$0]});
case 367:
- if(typeof yy.question == 'undefined') yy.question = 0;
- this.$ = new yy.ParamValue({param: yy.question++});
+ if(typeof yy.question == 'undefined') yy.question = 0;
+ this.$ = new yy.ParamValue({param: yy.question++});
case 368:
- if(typeof yy.question == 'undefined') yy.question = 0;
- this.$ = new yy.ParamValue({param: yy.question++, array:true});
+ if(typeof yy.question == 'undefined') yy.question = 0;
+ this.$ = new yy.ParamValue({param: yy.question++, array:true});
case 369:
@@ -982,46 +981,46 @@ case 411:
this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'!===' , right:$$[$0]});
case 412:
- if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-5], op:$$[$0-4] , allsome:$$[$0-3], right:$$[$0-1], queriesidx: yy.queries.length});
- yy.queries.push($$[$0-1]);
+ if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-5], op:$$[$0-4] , allsome:$$[$0-3], right:$$[$0-1], queriesidx: yy.queries.length});
+ yy.queries.push($$[$0-1]);
case 413:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-5], op:$$[$0-4] , allsome:$$[$0-3], right:$$[$0-1]});
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-5], op:$$[$0-4] , allsome:$$[$0-3], right:$$[$0-1]});
case 414:
- if($$[$0-2].op == 'BETWEEN1') {
- if($$[$0-2].left.op == 'AND') {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left.left,op:'AND',right:
- new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left.right, op:'BETWEEN',
- right1:$$[$0-2].right, right2:$$[$0]})
- });
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left, op:'BETWEEN',
- right1:$$[$0-2].right, right2:$$[$0]});
- }
- } else if($$[$0-2].op == 'NOT BETWEEN1') {
- if($$[$0-2].left.op == 'AND') {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left.left,op:'AND',right:
- new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left.right, op:'NOT BETWEEN',
- right1:$$[$0-2].right, right2:$$[$0]})
- });
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left, op:'NOT BETWEEN',
- right1:$$[$0-2].right, right2:$$[$0]});
- }
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'AND', right:$$[$0]});
- }
+ if($$[$0-2].op == 'BETWEEN1') {
+ if($$[$0-2].left.op == 'AND') {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left.left,op:'AND',right:
+ new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left.right, op:'BETWEEN',
+ right1:$$[$0-2].right, right2:$$[$0]})
+ });
+ } else {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left, op:'BETWEEN',
+ right1:$$[$0-2].right, right2:$$[$0]});
+ }
+ } else if($$[$0-2].op == 'NOT BETWEEN1') {
+ if($$[$0-2].left.op == 'AND') {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left.left,op:'AND',right:
+ new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left.right, op:'NOT BETWEEN',
+ right1:$$[$0-2].right, right2:$$[$0]})
+ });
+ } else {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left, op:'NOT BETWEEN',
+ right1:$$[$0-2].right, right2:$$[$0]});
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'AND', right:$$[$0]});
+ }
case 415:
@@ -1046,17 +1045,17 @@ case 421:
this.$ = new yy.UniOp({right: $$[$0-1]});
case 422:
- if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-4], op:'IN', right:$$[$0-1], queriesidx: yy.queries.length});
- yy.queries.push($$[$0-1]);
+ if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-4], op:'IN', right:$$[$0-1], queriesidx: yy.queries.length});
+ yy.queries.push($$[$0-1]);
case 423:
- if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-5], op:'NOT IN', right:$$[$0-1], queriesidx: yy.queries.length});
- yy.queries.push($$[$0-1]);
+ if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-5], op:'NOT IN', right:$$[$0-1], queriesidx: yy.queries.length});
+ yy.queries.push($$[$0-1]);
case 424:
@@ -1078,39 +1077,39 @@ case 429: case 431:
this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-3], op:'NOT IN', right:$$[$0]});
case 432:
-/* var expr = $$[$0];
- if(expr.left && expr.left.op == 'AND') {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'BETWEEN', right:expr.left}), op:'AND', right:expr.right });
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'BETWEEN1', right:$$[$0] });
-// }
+/* var expr = $$[$0];
+ if(expr.left && expr.left.op == 'AND') {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({left:new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'BETWEEN', right:expr.left}), op:'AND', right:expr.right });
+ } else {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'BETWEEN1', right:$$[$0] });
+// }
case 433:
-// var expr = $$[$0];
-// if(expr.left && expr.left.op == 'AND') {
-// this.$ = new yy.Op({left:new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'NOT BETWEEN', right:expr.left}), op:'AND', right:expr.right });
-// } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'NOT BETWEEN1', right:$$[$0] });
-// }
+// var expr = $$[$0];
+// if(expr.left && expr.left.op == 'AND') {
+// this.$ = new yy.Op({left:new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'NOT BETWEEN', right:expr.left}), op:'AND', right:expr.right });
+// } else {
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'NOT BETWEEN1', right:$$[$0] });
+// }
case 434:
this.$ = new yy.Op({op:'IS' , left:$$[$0-2], right:$$[$0]});
case 435:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({
- op:'IS',
- left:$$[$0-2],
- right: new yy.UniOp({
- op:'NOT',
- right:new yy.NullValue({value:undefined})
- })
- });
+ this.$ = new yy.Op({
+ op:'IS',
+ left:$$[$0-2],
+ right: new yy.UniOp({
+ op:'NOT',
+ right:new yy.NullValue({value:undefined})
+ })
+ });
case 436:
@@ -1189,21 +1188,21 @@ case 477: case 478: case 480: case 488:
this.$ = $$[$0-2]; $$[$0-2].push($$[$0])
case 489:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({table:$$[$0-4]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-7]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-6]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-5]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({table:$$[$0-4]});
+ yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-7]);
+ yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-6]);
+ yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-5]);
+ yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
+ yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
case 490:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({table:$$[$0]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-3]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]);
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({table:$$[$0]});
+ yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-3]);
+ yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
+ yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]);
case 492:
@@ -1240,8 +1239,8 @@ case 519:
this.$ = {type: 'FOREIGN KEY', columns: $$[$0-5], fktable: $$[$0-2], fkcolumns: $$[$0-1]};
case 525:
- this.$ = {type: 'UNIQUE', columns: $$[$0-1], clustered:($$[$0-3]+'').toUpperCase()};
+ this.$ = {type: 'UNIQUE', columns: $$[$0-1], clustered:($$[$0-3]+'').toUpperCase()};
case 534:
@@ -1275,8 +1274,8 @@ case 545:
this.$ = undefined
case 547:
- yy.extend($$[$0-1],$$[$0]); this.$ = $$[$0-1];
+ yy.extend($$[$0-1],$$[$0]); this.$ = $$[$0-1];
case 550:
@@ -1364,7 +1363,7 @@ case 582:
this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({engineid:$$[$0-7].toUpperCase(), databaseid:$$[$0-4], args:$$[$0-2], as:$$[$0] }); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-5]);
case 583:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({engineid:$$[$0-4].toUpperCase(),
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({engineid:$$[$0-4].toUpperCase(),
as:$$[$0], args:[$$[$0-1]] }); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
case 584:
@@ -1431,17 +1430,17 @@ case 607:
this.$ = new yy.ShowCreateTable({table: $$[$0-2], databaseid:$$[$0]});
case 608:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({table:$$[$0-6],view:true,select:$$[$0-1],viewcolumns:$$[$0-4]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-9]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-7]);
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({table:$$[$0-6],view:true,select:$$[$0-1],viewcolumns:$$[$0-4]});
+ yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-9]);
+ yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-7]);
case 609:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({table:$$[$0-3],view:true,select:$$[$0-1]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-6]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-4]);
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({table:$$[$0-3],view:true,select:$$[$0-1]});
+ yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-6]);
+ yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-4]);
case 613:
@@ -1529,25 +1528,25 @@ case 667:
this.$ = new yy.BeginTransaction();
case 668:
- this.$ = new yy.If({expression:$$[$0-2],thenstat:$$[$0-1], elsestat:$$[$0]});
- if($$[$0-1].exists) this.$.exists = $$[$0-1].exists;
- if($$[$0-1].queries) this.$.queries = $$[$0-1].queries;
+ this.$ = new yy.If({expression:$$[$0-2],thenstat:$$[$0-1], elsestat:$$[$0]});
+ if($$[$0-1].exists) this.$.exists = $$[$0-1].exists;
+ if($$[$0-1].queries) this.$.queries = $$[$0-1].queries;
case 669:
- this.$ = new yy.If({expression:$$[$0-1],thenstat:$$[$0]});
- if($$[$0].exists) this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists;
- if($$[$0].queries) this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries;
+ this.$ = new yy.If({expression:$$[$0-1],thenstat:$$[$0]});
+ if($$[$0].exists) this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists;
+ if($$[$0].queries) this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries;
case 670:
this.$ = $$[$0];
case 671:
- this.$ = new yy.While({expression:$$[$0-1],loopstat:$$[$0]});
- if($$[$0].exists) this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists;
- if($$[$0].queries) this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries;
+ this.$ = new yy.While({expression:$$[$0-1],loopstat:$$[$0]});
+ if($$[$0].exists) this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists;
+ if($$[$0].queries) this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries;
case 672:
@@ -1596,10 +1595,10 @@ case 693:
this.$ = new yy.TruncateTable({table:$$[$0]});
case 694:
- this.$ = new yy.Merge(); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-4]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-3]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
- yy.extend(this.$,{matches:$$[$0-1]});yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
+ this.$ = new yy.Merge(); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-4]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-3]);
+ yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
+ yy.extend(this.$,{matches:$$[$0-1]});yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
case 695: case 696:
@@ -1657,9 +1656,9 @@ case 721:
this.$ = {output:{columns:$$[$0-5], intotable: $$[$0-3], intocolumns:$$[$0-1]}}
case 722:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateVertex({class:$$[$0-3],sharp:$$[$0-2], name:$$[$0-1]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateVertex({class:$$[$0-3],sharp:$$[$0-2], name:$$[$0-1]});
+ yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
case 725:
@@ -1672,9 +1671,9 @@ case 727:
this.$ = {select:$$[$0]};
case 728:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateEdge({from:$$[$0-3],to:$$[$0-1],name:$$[$0-5]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateEdge({from:$$[$0-3],to:$$[$0-1],name:$$[$0-5]});
+ yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
case 729:
@@ -1684,56 +1683,56 @@ case 730:
this.$ = new yy.CreateGraph({from:$$[$0]});
case 733:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2];
- if($$[$0-1]) this.$.json = new yy.Json({value:$$[$0-1]});
- if($$[$0]) this.$.as = $$[$0];
+ this.$ = $$[$0-2];
+ if($$[$0-1]) this.$.json = new yy.Json({value:$$[$0-1]});
+ if($$[$0]) this.$.as = $$[$0];
case 734:
- this.$ = {source:$$[$0-6], target: $$[$0]};
- if($$[$0-3]) this.$.json = new yy.Json({value:$$[$0-3]});
- if($$[$0-2]) this.$.as = $$[$0-2];
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-4]);
+ this.$ = {source:$$[$0-6], target: $$[$0]};
+ if($$[$0-3]) this.$.json = new yy.Json({value:$$[$0-3]});
+ if($$[$0-2]) this.$.as = $$[$0-2];
+ yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-4]);
case 735:
- this.$ = {source:$$[$0-5], target: $$[$0]};
- if($$[$0-2]) this.$.json = new yy.Json({value:$$[$0-3]});
- if($$[$0-1]) this.$.as = $$[$0-2];
+ this.$ = {source:$$[$0-5], target: $$[$0]};
+ if($$[$0-2]) this.$.json = new yy.Json({value:$$[$0-3]});
+ if($$[$0-1]) this.$.as = $$[$0-2];
case 736:
- this.$ = {source:$$[$0-2], target: $$[$0]};
+ this.$ = {source:$$[$0-2], target: $$[$0]};
case 740:
this.$ = {vars:$$[$0], method:$$[$0-1]};
case 743: case 744:
- var s3 = $$[$0-1];
- this.$ = {prop:$$[$0-3], sharp:$$[$0-2], name:(typeof s3 == 'undefined')?undefined:s3.substr(1,s3.length-2), class:$$[$0]};
+ var s3 = $$[$0-1];
+ this.$ = {prop:$$[$0-3], sharp:$$[$0-2], name:(typeof s3 == 'undefined')?undefined:s3.substr(1,s3.length-2), class:$$[$0]};
case 745:
- var s2 = $$[$0-1];
- this.$ = {sharp:$$[$0-2], name:(typeof s2 == 'undefined')?undefined:s2.substr(1,s2.length-2), class:$$[$0]};
+ var s2 = $$[$0-1];
+ this.$ = {sharp:$$[$0-2], name:(typeof s2 == 'undefined')?undefined:s2.substr(1,s2.length-2), class:$$[$0]};
case 746:
- var s1 = $$[$0-1];
- this.$ = {name:(typeof s1 == 'undefined')?undefined:s1.substr(1,s1.length-2), class:$$[$0]};
+ var s1 = $$[$0-1];
+ this.$ = {name:(typeof s1 == 'undefined')?undefined:s1.substr(1,s1.length-2), class:$$[$0]};
case 747:
- this.$ = {class:$$[$0]};
+ this.$ = {class:$$[$0]};
case 753:
@@ -1749,22 +1748,22 @@ case 758:
this.$ = new yy.Term({termid:$$[$0-3],args:$$[$0-1]});
case 761:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateTrigger({trigger:$$[$0-6], when:$$[$0-5], action:$$[$0-4], table:$$[$0-2], statement:$$[$0]});
- if($$[$0].exists) this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists;
- if($$[$0].queries) this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries;
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTrigger({trigger:$$[$0-6], when:$$[$0-5], action:$$[$0-4], table:$$[$0-2], statement:$$[$0]});
+ if($$[$0].exists) this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists;
+ if($$[$0].queries) this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries;
case 762:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateTrigger({trigger:$$[$0-5], when:$$[$0-4], action:$$[$0-3], table:$$[$0-1], funcid:$$[$0]});
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTrigger({trigger:$$[$0-5], when:$$[$0-4], action:$$[$0-3], table:$$[$0-1], funcid:$$[$0]});
case 763:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateTrigger({trigger:$$[$0-6], when:$$[$0-4], action:$$[$0-3], table:$$[$0-5], statement:$$[$0]});
- if($$[$0].exists) this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists;
- if($$[$0].queries) this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries;
+ this.$ = new yy.CreateTrigger({trigger:$$[$0-6], when:$$[$0-4], action:$$[$0-3], table:$$[$0-5], statement:$$[$0]});
+ if($$[$0].exists) this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists;
+ if($$[$0].queries) this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries;
case 764: case 765: case 767:
@@ -1898,7 +1897,7 @@ _handle_error:
// Return the rule stack depth where the nearest error rule can be found.
// Return FALSE when no error recovery rule was found.
- function locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule(state) {
+ var locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule=function(state) {
var stack_probe = stack.length - 1;
var depth = 0;
@@ -2051,19 +2050,19 @@ _handle_error:
return true;
-// from https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-keywords-appendix.html
-// JSON.stringify([].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('tr')).filter(x => x.children.length == 5 && x.children[2].innerText == 'reserved').map(x => x.children[0].innerText))
-parser.parseError = function(str, hash) {
- if (hash.expected && hash.expected.indexOf("'LITERAL'") > -1 && /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*/.test(hash.token) && nonReserved.indexOf(hash.token) > -1) {
- return
- }
- throw new SyntaxError(str)
+// from https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-keywords-appendix.html
+// JSON.stringify([].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('tr')).filter(x => x.children.length == 5 && x.children[2].innerText == 'reserved').map(x => x.children[0].innerText))
+parser.parseError = function(str, hash) {
+ if (hash.expected && hash.expected.indexOf("'LITERAL'") > -1 && /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*/.test(hash.token) && nonReserved.indexOf(hash.token) > -1) {
+ return
+ }
+ throw new SyntaxError(str)
/* generated by jison-lex 0.3.4 */
var lexer = (function(){
var lexer = ({
@@ -2973,4 +2972,4 @@ exports.main = function commonjsMain(args) {
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && require.main === module) {
\ No newline at end of file
+}export default alasqlparser;
diff --git a/src/dataStruct.ts b/src/dataStruct.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d741108a00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dataStruct.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import database from './dataStruct/database';
+import query from './dataStruct/query';
+import table from './dataStruct/table';
+export default mem => {
+ database(mem);
+ query(mem);
+ table(mem);
diff --git a/src/21transaction.js b/src/dataStruct/21transaction.js
similarity index 93%
rename from src/21transaction.js
rename to src/dataStruct/21transaction.js
index 474d2b4353..10b6829d8a 100755
--- a/src/21transaction.js
+++ b/src/dataStruct/21transaction.js
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
Database.prototype.transaction = function(cb) {
- var tx = new alasql.Transaction(this.databaseid);
+ var tx = alasql.newTransaction(this.databaseid);
var res = cb(tx);
return res;
diff --git a/src/24view.js b/src/dataStruct/24view.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/24view.js
rename to src/dataStruct/24view.js
diff --git a/src/dataStruct/database.ts b/src/dataStruct/database.ts
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..014d1369ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dataStruct/database.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+export default mem => {
+ mem.alasql.databasenum = 0;
+ mem.alasql.databases = {};
+ class Database {
+ databaseid: string;
+ alasql: any;
+ dbversion = 0;
+ counter = 0;
+ tables: {[key: string]: any} = {};
+ views: {[key: string]: any} = {};
+ triggers: {[key: string]: any} = {};
+ indices: {[key: string]: any} = {};
+ objects: {[key: string]: any} = {};
+ sqlCache: {[key: string]: any} = {};
+ sqlCacheSize = 0;
+ constructor(databaseid: string, alasql: any) {
+ this.alasql = alasql;
+ this.databaseid = databaseid;
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ Reset SQL statements cache
+ */
+ resetSqlCache() {
+ this.sqlCache = {}; // Cache for compiled SQL statements
+ this.sqlCacheSize = 0;
+ }
+ // Main SQL function
+ /**
+ Run SQL statement on database
+ @param sql — SQL statement
+ @param object — params Parameters
+ @param cb — callback
+ */
+ exec(sql: string, params?, cb?) {
+ return this.alasql.dexec(this.databaseid, sql, params, cb);
+ }
+ autoval(tablename: string, colname?, getNext?) {
+ return this.alasql.autoval(tablename, colname, getNext, this.databaseid);
+ }
+ }
+ mem.alasql.newDatabase = (dbName?, useNewDatabase = true) => {
+ if (!dbName) {
+ dbName = 'db' + mem.alasql.databasenum++; // Unique name
+ }
+ let db = new Database(dbName, mem.alasql);
+ mem.alasql.databases[db.databaseid] = db;
+ if (useNewDatabase) {
+ mem.alasql.use('alasql');
+ }
+ };
+ //mem.alasql.Database = Database;
+// // Main Database class
+// /**
+// @class Database
+// */
+// const Database = (databaseid) => {
+// var self = this;
+// // self = function(a){console.log('OK',a);}
+// // self.prototype = this;
+// if (self === alasql) {
+// if (databaseid) {
+// // if(alasql.databases[databaseid]) {
+// self = alasql.databases[databaseid];
+// // } else {
+// alasql.databases[databaseid] = self;
+// // }
+// if (!self) {
+// throw new Error('Database "' + databaseid + '" not found');
+// }
+// } else {
+// // Create new database (or get alasql?)
+// self = alasql.databases.alasql;
+// // For SQL Server examples, USE tempdb
+// if (alasql.options.tsql) {
+// alasql.databases.tempdb = alasql.databases.alasql;
+// }
+// // self = new Database(databaseid); // to call without new
+// }
+// }
+// if (!databaseid) {
+// databaseid = 'db' + alasql.databasenum++; // Unique name
+// }
+// // Step 1
+// self.databaseid = databaseid;
+// alasql.databases[databaseid] = self;
+// self.dbversion = 0;
+// //Steps 2-5
+// self.tables = {};
+// self.views = {};
+// self.triggers = {};
+// self.indices = {};
+// // Step 6: Objects storage
+// self.objects = {};
+// self.counter = 0;
+// self.resetSqlCache();
+// return self;
+// };
+// /**
+// Reset SQL statements cache
+// */
+// Database.prototype.resetSqlCache = function() {
+// this.sqlCache = {}; // Cache for compiled SQL statements
+// this.sqlCacheSize = 0;
+// };
+// // Main SQL function
+// /**
+// Run SQL statement on database
+// @param {string} sql SQL statement
+// @param [object] params Parameters
+// @param {function} cb callback
+// */
+// Database.prototype.exec = function(sql, params, cb) {
+// return alasql.dexec(this.databaseid, sql, params, cb);
+// };
+// Database.prototype.autoval = function(tablename, colname, getNext) {
+// return alasql.autoval(tablename, colname, getNext, this.databaseid);
+// };
+// /*/*
+// // // Compile
+// // var statement = this.compile(sql);
+// // // Run
+// // if(statement) {
+// // var data = statement(params, cb);
+// // return data;
+// // }
+// // return;
+// // };
+// // // Async version of exec
+// // Database.prototype.aexec = function(sql, params) {
+// // var self = this;
+// // return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
+// // alasql.dexec(this.databaseid,sql,params,resolve);
+// // });
+// // };
+// */
+// // Aliases like MS SQL
+// /*/*
+// Database.prototype.query = Database.prototype.exec;
+// Database.prototype.run = Database.prototype.exec;
+// Database.prototype.queryArray = function(sql, params, cb) {
+// return flatArray(this.exec(sql, params, cb));
+// }
+// Database.prototype.queryArrayOfArrays = function(sql, params, cb) {
+// return arrayOfArrays(this.exec(sql, params, cb));
+// }
+// Database.prototype.querySingle = function(sql, params, cb) {
+// return this.exec(sql, params, cb)[0];
+// }
+// Database.prototype.queryValue = function(sql, params, cb) {
+// var res = this.querySingle(sql, params, cb);
+// return res[Object.keys(res)[0]];
+// }
+// Database.prototype.value = Database.prototype.queryValue;
+// Database.prototype.row = Database.prototype.querySingle;
+// Database.prototype.array = Database.prototype.queryArray;
+// Database.prototype.matrix = Database.prototype.queryArrayOfArrays;
+// // Compile statements
+// Database.prototype.compile = function(sql, kind) {
+// return alasql.compile(sql, kind, databaseid);
+// };
+// */
+// /*/*
+// // var self = this;
+// // var hh = hash(sql);
+// // // Check cache with hash of SQL statement
+// // var statement = this.sqlcache[hh];
+// // if(!statement) {
+// // // If not fount, then compile it
+// // var ast = alasql.parse(sql);
+// // // Save to cache
+// // statement = this.sqlcache[hh]= ast.compile(self);
+// // // Memory leak prevention
+// // this.sqlcachesize++;
+// // if(this.sqlcachesize > alasql.MAXSQLCACHESIZE) {
+// // this.resetSqlCache();
+// // }
+// // };
+// // return statement;
+// // }
+// // SQL.js compatibility method
+// //Database.prototype.prepare = Database.prototype.compile;
+// // Added for compatibility with WebSQL
+// */
diff --git a/src/dataStruct/query.ts b/src/dataStruct/query.ts
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..154b9d47f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dataStruct/query.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+import utils from '../utils';
+ @class Query Main query class
+ */
+class Query {
+ //this.alasql = alasql;
+ // console.log(12,alasql);
+ // Columns
+ columns = [];
+ xcolumns = {};
+ selectGroup = [];
+ groupColumns = {};
+ constructor(params) {
+ utils.extend(this, params);
+ return this;
+ }
+ * DataArray
+ * @class Recordset data object
+ */
+class Recordset {
+ constructor(params?: any){
+ utils.extend(this, params);
+ }
+// View = function(){
+// this.data = [];
+// this.columns = [];
+// this.ixcolumns = {};
+// this.ixdefs = {};
+// this.indices = {};
+// };
+// alasql.View = View;
+export default mem => {
+ mem.alasql.Query = Query;
+ mem.alasql.QueRecordsetry = Recordset;
+export {Recordset};
+export {Query};
diff --git a/src/dataStruct/table.ts b/src/dataStruct/table.ts
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..1a162005b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dataStruct/table.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+import utils from '../utils';
+export default mem => {
+ class Table {
+ // Step 1: Data array
+ data = [];
+ // Step 2: Columns
+ columns = [];
+ xcolumns = {};
+ // Step 3: indices
+ inddefs = {};
+ indices = {};
+ uniqs = {};
+ uniqdefs = {};
+ // Step 4: identities
+ identities = {};
+ // Step 5: checkfn...
+ checks = [];
+ checkfns = []; // For restore... to be done...
+ // Step 7: Triggers...
+ // Create trigger hubs
+ beforeinsert = {};
+ afterinsert = {};
+ insteadofinsert = {};
+ beforedelete = {};
+ afterdelete = {};
+ insteadofdelete = {};
+ beforeupdate = {};
+ afterupdate = {};
+ insteadofupdate = {};
+ constructor(params) {
+ utils.extend(this, params);
+ return this;
+ }
+ indexColumns() {
+ this.xcolumns = {};
+ this.columns.forEach(function(col) {
+ this.xcolumns[col.columnid] = col;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ mem.alasql.newTable = (params = []) => {
+ return new Table(params);
+ };
+// View = function(){
+// this.data = [];
+// this.columns = [];
+// this.ixcolumns = {};
+// this.ixdefs = {};
+// this.indices = {};
+// };
+// alasql.View = View;
diff --git a/src/echo/alasql-echo.js b/src/echo/alasql-echo.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d595819f54..0000000000
--- a/src/echo/alasql-echo.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-// Plugin sample
-var yy = alasql.yy;
-yy.Echo = function (params) { return yy.extend(this, params); }
-yy.Echo.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = 'TEST '+this.expr.toString();
- return s;
-yy.Echo.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
-// var self = this;
- // console.log(76336,this.expr.toJS());
- var fn = new Function('params, alasql','return '+this.expr.toJS());
- var res = fn(params, alasql);
- if(cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/expandGrammar.ts b/src/expandGrammar.ts
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..e1272e3c21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/expandGrammar.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import base from './grammar/base';
+import statements from './grammar/statements';
+import select from './grammar/select';
+export default mem => {
+ base(mem);
+ statements(mem);
+ select(mem);
diff --git a/src/61date.js b/src/features/61date.js
similarity index 73%
rename from src/61date.js
rename to src/features/61date.js
index 681efd531c..255af35fdd 100755
--- a/src/61date.js
+++ b/src/features/61date.js
@@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
-// Date functions
-// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
/** Standard JavaScript data types */
@@ -15,20 +10,15 @@ alasql.fn.Boolean = Boolean;
/** Extend Object with properties */
stdfn.EXTEND = alasql.utils.extend;
-stdfn.CHAR = String.fromCharCode.bind(String);
-stdfn.ASCII = function(a) {
- return a.charCodeAt(0);
Return first non-null argument
See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190349.aspx
-stdfn.COALESCE = function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- if (typeof arguments[i] == 'undefined') continue;
- if (typeof arguments[i] == 'number' && isNaN(arguments[i])) continue;
- return arguments[i];
+stdfn.COALESCE = function(...args) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
+ if (typeof args[i] === 'undefined') continue;
+ if (typeof args[i] === 'number' && isNaN(args[i])) continue;
+ return args[i];
return undefined;
@@ -74,39 +64,25 @@ stdfn.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP = stdfn.NOW;
// return s;
// }
-stdfn.SECOND = function(d) {
- var d = new Date(d);
- return d.getSeconds();
+stdfn.SECOND = d => (new Date(d)).getSeconds();
stdfn.MINUTE = function(d) {
var d = new Date(d);
return d.getMinutes();
-stdfn.HOUR = function(d) {
- var d = new Date(d);
- return d.getHours();
+stdfn.HOUR = d => (new Date(d)).getHours();
-stdfn.DAYOFWEEK = stdfn.WEEKDAY = function(d) {
- var d = new Date(d);
- return d.getDay();
-stdfn.DAY = stdfn.DAYOFMONTH = function(d) {
- var d = new Date(d);
- return d.getDate();
+stdfn.DAYOFWEEK = d => (new Date(d)).getDay();
-stdfn.MONTH = function(d) {
- var d = new Date(d);
- return d.getMonth() + 1;
-stdfn.YEAR = function(d) {
- var d = new Date(d);
- return d.getFullYear();
+stdfn.DAY = stdfn.DAYOFMONTH = d => (new Date(d)).getDate();
+stdfn.MONTH = d => (new Date(d)).getMonth();
+stdfn.YEAR = d => (new Date(d)).getFullYear();
var PERIODS = {
diff --git a/src/90websql.js b/src/features/90websql.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/90websql.js
rename to src/features/90websql.js
diff --git a/src/91indexeddb.js b/src/features/91indexeddb.js
similarity index 99%
rename from src/91indexeddb.js
rename to src/features/91indexeddb.js
index 77456df7ad..9ac9b9a0f0 100755
--- a/src/91indexeddb.js
+++ b/src/features/91indexeddb.js
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ var IDB = (alasql.engines.INDEXEDDB = function() {
if (utils.hasIndexedDB) {
// For Chrome it work normally, for Firefox - simple shim
- if (typeof utils.global.indexedDB.webkitGetDatabaseNames == 'function') {
+ if (typeof utils.global.indexedDB.webkitGetDatabaseNames ==== 'function') {
IDB.getDatabaseNames = utils.global.indexedDB.webkitGetDatabaseNames.bind(
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ IDB.attachDatabase = function(ixdbid, dbid, args, params, cb) {
var request2 = indexedDB.open(ixdbid);
request2.onsuccess = function(event) {
var ixdb = event.target.result;
- var db = new alasql.Database(dbid || ixdbid);
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase(dbid || ixdbid);
db.engineid = 'INDEXEDDB';
db.ixdbid = ixdbid;
db.tables = [];
diff --git a/src/92localstorage.js b/src/features/92localstorage.js
similarity index 98%
rename from src/92localstorage.js
rename to src/features/92localstorage.js
index 637afd301a..90ba73bfcb 100755
--- a/src/92localstorage.js
+++ b/src/features/92localstorage.js
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ LS.storeTable = function(databaseid, tableid) {
LS.restoreTable = function(databaseid, tableid) {
var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
var tbl = LS.get(db.lsdbid + '.' + tableid);
- var table = new alasql.Table();
+ var table = alasql.newTable();
for (var f in tbl) {
table[f] = tbl[f];
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ LS.attachDatabase = function(lsdbid, databaseid, args, params, cb) {
if (!databaseid) databaseid = lsdbid;
- var db = new alasql.Database(databaseid);
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase(databaseid);
db.engineid = 'LOCALSTORAGE';
db.lsdbid = lsdbid;
db.tables = LS.get(lsdbid).tables;
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ LS.rollback = function(databaseid, cb) {
// if(!alasql.options.autocommit) {
delete alasql.databases[databaseid];
- alasql.databases[databaseid] = new alasql.Database(databaseid);
+ alasql.databases[databaseid] = alasql.newDatabase(databaseid);
extend(alasql.databases[databaseid], lsdb);
alasql.databases[databaseid].databaseid = databaseid;
alasql.databases[databaseid].engineid = 'LOCALSTORAGE';
diff --git a/src/93sqljs.js b/src/features/93sqljs.js
similarity index 98%
rename from src/93sqljs.js
rename to src/features/93sqljs.js
index ff5ef06cbd..b808d2263d 100755
--- a/src/93sqljs.js
+++ b/src/features/93sqljs.js
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ SQLITE.attachDatabase = function(sqldbid, dbid, args, params, cb) {
function(data) {
- var db = new alasql.Database(dbid || sqldbid);
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase(dbid || sqldbid);
db.engineid = 'SQLITE';
db.sqldbid = sqldbid;
var sqldb = (db.sqldb = new SQL.Database(data));
diff --git a/src/94filestorage.js b/src/features/94filestorage.js
similarity index 98%
rename from src/94filestorage.js
rename to src/features/94filestorage.js
index caec4762b6..40a5c0317f 100755
--- a/src/94filestorage.js
+++ b/src/features/94filestorage.js
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ FS.attachDatabase = function(fsdbid, dbid, args, params, cb) {
if (alasql.databases[dbid]) {
throw new Error('Unable to attach database as "' + dbid + '" because it already exists');
- var db = new alasql.Database(dbid || fsdbid);
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase(dbid || fsdbid);
db.engineid = 'FILESTORAGE';
// db.fsdbid = fsdbid;
db.filename = args[0].value;
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ FS.rollback = function(databaseid, cb) {
db.data = data;
db.tables = {};
for (var tbid in db.data.tables) {
- var tb = new alasql.Table({columns: db.data.tables[tbid].columns});
+ var tb = alasql.newTable({columns: db.data.tables[tbid].columns});
extend(tb, db.data.tables[tbid]);
db.tables[tbid] = tb;
if (!alasql.options.autocommit) {
diff --git a/src/FileSaver.js b/src/features/FileSaver.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/FileSaver.js
rename to src/features/FileSaver.js
diff --git a/src/843xml.js b/src/features/from/843xml.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/843xml.js
rename to src/features/from/843xml.js
diff --git a/src/844gexf.js b/src/features/from/844gexf.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/844gexf.js
rename to src/features/from/844gexf.js
diff --git a/src/84from.js b/src/features/from/84from.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/84from.js
rename to src/features/from/84from.js
diff --git a/src/830into.js b/src/features/into/830into.js
similarity index 96%
rename from src/830into.js
rename to src/features/into/830into.js
index 1fab06a3c1..a52708d6fb 100755
--- a/src/830into.js
+++ b/src/features/into/830into.js
@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@ alasql.into.SQL = function(filename, opts, data, columns, cb) {
col.typeid === 'CHAR' ||
col.typeid === 'NCHAR'
) {
- val = "'" + escapeqq(val) + "'";
+ val = "'" + utils.escapeqq(val) + "'";
} else {
- if (typeof val == 'string') {
- val = "'" + escapeqq(val) + "'";
+ if (typeof val === 'string') {
+ val = "'" + utils.escapeqq(val) + "'";
return val;
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ alasql.into.CSV = function(filename, opts, data, columns, cb) {
// if((s+"").indexOf(opt.separator) > -1 || (s+"").indexOf(opt.quote) > -1) s = opt.quote + s + opt.quote;
- //Excel 2013 needs quotes around strings - thanks for _not_ complying with RFC for CSV
+ //Excel 2013 needs quotes around strings - "thanks" for _not_ complying with RFC for CSV
if (+s != s) {
// jshint ignore:line
s = opt.quote + s + opt.quote;
diff --git a/src/831xls.js b/src/features/into/831xls.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/831xls.js
rename to src/features/into/831xls.js
diff --git a/src/832xlsxml.js b/src/features/into/832xlsxml.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/832xlsxml.js
rename to src/features/into/832xlsxml.js
diff --git a/src/833xlsx.js b/src/features/into/833xlsx.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/833xlsx.js
rename to src/features/into/833xlsx.js
diff --git a/src/12pretty.js b/src/features/later/12pretty.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/12pretty.js
rename to src/features/later/12pretty.js
diff --git a/src/56sprintf.js b/src/features/later/56sprintf.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/56sprintf.js
rename to src/features/later/56sprintf.js
diff --git a/src/80console.js b/src/features/later/80console.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/80console.js
rename to src/features/later/80console.js
diff --git a/src/821tsql.js b/src/features/later/821tsql.js
similarity index 68%
rename from src/821tsql.js
rename to src/features/later/821tsql.js
index b4c1300c32..70c2004574 100755
--- a/src/821tsql.js
+++ b/src/features/later/821tsql.js
@@ -6,14 +6,13 @@ if (alasql.options.tsql) {
// IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.VSortedOrders', 'V') IS NOT NULL
// DROP VIEW dbo.VSortedOrders;
- alasql.stdfn.OBJECT_ID = function(name, type) {
- if (typeof type == 'undefined') type = 'T';
+ alasql.stdfn.OBJECT_ID = function(name, type = 'T') {
type = type.toUpperCase();
var sname = name.split('.');
var dbid = alasql.useid;
var objname = sname[0];
- if (sname.length == 2) {
+ if (sname.length === 2) {
dbid = sname[0];
objname = sname[1];
@@ -21,11 +20,11 @@ if (alasql.options.tsql) {
var tables = alasql.databases[dbid].tables;
dbid = alasql.databases[dbid].databaseid;
for (var tableid in tables) {
- if (tableid == objname) {
+ if (tableid === objname) {
// TODO: What OBJECT_ID actually returns
- if (tables[tableid].view && type == 'V') return dbid + '.' + tableid;
- if (!tables[tableid].view && type == 'T') return dbid + '.' + tableid;
+ if (tables[tableid].view && type === 'V') return dbid + '.' + tableid;
+ if (!tables[tableid].view && type === 'T') return dbid + '.' + tableid;
return undefined;
diff --git a/src/822mysql.js b/src/features/later/822mysql.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/822mysql.js
rename to src/features/later/822mysql.js
diff --git a/src/839zip.js b/src/features/later/839zip.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/839zip.js
rename to src/features/later/839zip.js
diff --git a/src/18promise.js b/src/features/promise.js
similarity index 96%
rename from src/18promise.js
rename to src/features/promise.js
index 48b47dec72..fe733fc47f 100755
--- a/src/18promise.js
+++ b/src/features/promise.js
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
// Promises for AlaSQL
+ * @todo Build version without bateries included
+ */
if (!utils.global.Promise) {
if (utils.isNode) {
@@ -487,17 +489,19 @@ var promiseAll = function(sqlParamsArray) {
return utils.global.Promise.all(execArray);
-alasql.promise = function(sql, params) {
- if (typeof Promise === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Please include a Promise/A+ library');
- }
+export default mem => {
+ mem.alasql.promise = (sql, params) => {
+ if (typeof Promise === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Please include a Promise/A+ library');
+ }
- if (typeof sql === 'string') {
- return promiseExec(sql, params);
- }
+ if (typeof sql === 'string') {
+ return promiseExec(sql, params);
+ }
- if (!utils.isArray(sql) || sql.length < 1 || typeof params !== 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Error in .promise parameters');
- }
- return promiseAll(sql);
+ if (!utils.isArray(sql) || sql.length < 1 || typeof params !== 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Error in .promise parameters');
+ }
+ return promiseAll(sql);
+ };
diff --git a/src/99worker-finish.js b/src/features/worker/99worker-finish.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/99worker-finish.js
rename to src/features/worker/99worker-finish.js
diff --git a/src/99worker-start.js b/src/features/worker/99worker-start.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/99worker-start.js
rename to src/features/worker/99worker-start.js
diff --git a/src/99worker.js b/src/features/worker/99worker.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/99worker.js
rename to src/features/worker/99worker.js
diff --git a/src/grammar.ts b/src/grammar.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff812e93d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/grammar.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import grammar from './alasqlparser';
+import base from './grammar/base';
+import statements from './grammar/statements';
+import select from './grammar/select';
+import expression from './grammar/expression';
+import exists from './grammar/exists';
+import defcols from './grammar/defcols';
+import from_ from './grammar/from';
+import compile from './grammar/compile';
+import where from './grammar/where';
+import useDatabase from './grammar/useDatabase';
+import functions from './grammar/functions';
+import createtable from './grammar/createtable';
+import insert from './grammar/insert';
+export default mem => {
+ mem.alasql.parser = grammar;
+ base(mem);
+ statements(mem);
+ select(mem);
+ expression(mem);
+ exists(mem);
+ defcols(mem);
+ from_(mem);
+ compile(mem);
+ where(mem);
+ useDatabase(mem);
+ functions(mem);
+ createtable(mem);
+ insert(mem);
diff --git a/src/35search.js b/src/grammar/35search.js
similarity index 95%
rename from src/35search.js
rename to src/grammar/35search.js
index a532f9cec5..0dc5daf939 100755
--- a/src/35search.js
+++ b/src/grammar/35search.js
@@ -737,7 +737,7 @@ yy.Search.prototype.compile = function(databaseid) {
var res;
doSearch.bind(self)(dbid, params, function(data) {
// console.log(35,data);
- res = modify(statement.query, data);
+ res = modify(alasql, statement.query, data);
// console.log(37,data);
if (cb) {
res = cb(res);
@@ -866,9 +866,9 @@ alasql.srch.SHARP = function(val, args) {
-alasql.srch.PARENT = function(/*val,args,stope*/) {
+alasql.srch.PARENT = function(...args) {
// TODO: implement
- console.error('PARENT not implemented', arguments);
+ console.error('PARENT not implemented', args);
return {status: -1, values: []};
diff --git a/src/421join.js b/src/grammar/421join.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/421join.js
rename to src/grammar/421join.js
diff --git a/src/423groupby.js b/src/grammar/423groupby.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/423groupby.js
rename to src/grammar/423groupby.js
diff --git a/src/426orderby.js b/src/grammar/426orderby.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/426orderby.js
rename to src/grammar/426orderby.js
diff --git a/src/45union.js b/src/grammar/45union.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/45union.js
rename to src/grammar/45union.js
diff --git a/src/57case.js b/src/grammar/57case.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/57case.js
rename to src/grammar/57case.js
diff --git a/src/58json.js b/src/grammar/58json.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/58json.js
rename to src/grammar/58json.js
diff --git a/src/59convert.js b/src/grammar/59convert.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/59convert.js
rename to src/grammar/59convert.js
diff --git a/src/62droptable.js b/src/grammar/62droptable.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/62droptable.js
rename to src/grammar/62droptable.js
diff --git a/src/65createindex.js b/src/grammar/65createindex.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/65createindex.js
rename to src/grammar/65createindex.js
diff --git a/src/66dropindex.js b/src/grammar/66dropindex.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/66dropindex.js
rename to src/grammar/66dropindex.js
diff --git a/src/68if.js b/src/grammar/68if.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/68if.js
rename to src/grammar/68if.js
diff --git a/src/69while.js b/src/grammar/69while.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/69while.js
rename to src/grammar/69while.js
diff --git a/src/72delete.js b/src/grammar/72delete.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/72delete.js
rename to src/grammar/72delete.js
diff --git a/src/74update.js b/src/grammar/74update.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/74update.js
rename to src/grammar/74update.js
diff --git a/src/75merge.js b/src/grammar/75merge.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/75merge.js
rename to src/grammar/75merge.js
diff --git a/src/77declare.js b/src/grammar/77declare.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/77declare.js
rename to src/grammar/77declare.js
diff --git a/src/78show.js b/src/grammar/78show.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/78show.js
rename to src/grammar/78show.js
diff --git a/src/85help.js b/src/grammar/85help.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/85help.js
rename to src/grammar/85help.js
diff --git a/src/86print.js b/src/grammar/86print.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/86print.js
rename to src/grammar/86print.js
diff --git a/src/87source.js b/src/grammar/87source.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/87source.js
rename to src/grammar/87source.js
diff --git a/src/88require.js b/src/grammar/88require.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/88require.js
rename to src/grammar/88require.js
diff --git a/src/89assert.js b/src/grammar/89assert.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/89assert.js
rename to src/grammar/89assert.js
diff --git a/src/grammar/base.ts b/src/grammar/base.ts
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..e329ae76af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/grammar/base.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import utils from '../utils';
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ yy.extend = utils.extend;
+ // Option for case sensitive
+ yy.casesensitive = mem.alasql.options.casesensitive;
+ yy.isInAggr = val => !!mem.alasql.aggr[val];
+ // Base class for all yy classes
+ yy.Base = function(params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Base.prototype.toString = function() {};
+ yy.Base.prototype.toType = function() {};
+ yy.Base.prototype.toJS = function() {};
+ // var BaseClause = yy,BaseClause = function (params) { return yy.extend(this, params); };
+ yy.Base.prototype.compile = utils.returnUndefined;
+ yy.Base.prototype.exec = function() {};
+ // var BaseStatement = yy,BaseStatement = function (params) { return yy.extend(this, params); };
+ yy.Base.prototype.compile = utils.returnUndefined;
+ yy.Base.prototype.exec = function() {};
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
diff --git a/src/424select.js b/src/grammar/compile.js
similarity index 90%
rename from src/424select.js
rename to src/grammar/compile.js
index be7dd9b861..3975b3282d 100755
--- a/src/424select.js
+++ b/src/grammar/compile.js
@@ -10,7 +10,15 @@
// return sources;
// };
-function compileSelectStar(query, alias, joinstar) {
+import utils from '../utils';
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ const alasql = mem.alasql;
+ const escapeq = utils.escapeq;
+ function compileSelectStar(query, alias, joinstar) {
// console.log(query.aliases[alias]);
// console.log(query,alias);
// console.log(query.aliases[alias].tableid);
@@ -39,13 +47,13 @@ function compileSelectStar(query, alias, joinstar) {
// };
// Check if this is a Table or other
- if (joinstar && alasql.options.joinstar == 'json') {
+ if (joinstar && alasql.options.joinstar === 'json') {
sp += "r['" + alias + "']={};";
if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
columns.forEach(function(tcol) {
- if (joinstar && alasql.options.joinstar == 'underscore') {
+ if (joinstar && alasql.options.joinstar === 'underscore') {
"'" +
alias +
@@ -57,7 +65,7 @@ function compileSelectStar(query, alias, joinstar) {
tcol.columnid +
- } else if (joinstar && alasql.options.joinstar == 'json') {
+ } else if (joinstar && alasql.options.joinstar === 'json') {
// ss.push('\''+alias+'_'+tcol.columnid+'\':p[\''+alias+'\'][\''+tcol.columnid+'\']');
sp +=
"r['" +
@@ -214,7 +222,7 @@ yy.Select.prototype.compileSelect1 = function(query, params) {
} else {
- ss.push("'" + escapeq(col.as || col.columnid) + "':p['" + tbid + "']");
+ ss.push("'" + utils.escapeq(col.as || col.columnid) + "':p['" + tbid + "']");
query.selectColumns[escapeq(col.as || col.columnid)] = true;
@@ -297,12 +305,12 @@ yy.Select.prototype.compileSelect1 = function(query, params) {
) {
"'" +
- escapeq(col.as) +
+ utils.escapeq(col.as) +
"':" +
- n2u(col.expression.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols))
+ utils.n2u(col.expression.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols))
} else if (col.aggregatorid === 'COUNT') {
- ss.push("'" + escapeq(col.as) + "':1");
+ ss.push("'" + utils.escapeq(col.as) + "':1");
// Nothing
// todo: confirm that no default action must be implemented
@@ -329,9 +337,9 @@ yy.Select.prototype.compileSelect1 = function(query, params) {
// console.log(203,col.as,col.columnid,col.toString());
"'" +
- escapeq(col.as || col.columnid || col.toString()) +
+ utils.escapeq(col.as || col.columnid || col.toString()) +
"':" +
- n2u(col.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols))
+ utils.n2u(col.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols))
// ss.push('\''+escapeq(col.toString())+'\':'+col.toJS("p",query.defaultTableid));
//if(col instanceof yy.Expression) {
@@ -377,9 +385,9 @@ yy.Select.prototype.compileSelectGroup0 = function(query) {
var colas;
// = col.as;
if (col instanceof yy.Column) {
- colas = escapeq(col.columnid);
+ colas = utils.escapeq(col.columnid);
} else {
- colas = escapeq(col.toString(true));
+ colas = utils.escapeq(col.toString(true));
// console.log(273,colas);
for (var i = 0; i < idx; i++) {
@@ -465,7 +473,7 @@ yy.Select.prototype.compileSelectGroup1 = function(query) {
// // s += ';';
// console.log(col);//,col.toJS('g',''));
- s += n2u(col.toJS('g', '')) + ';';
+ s += utils.n2u(col.toJS('g', '')) + ';';
s += 'g[\''+col.nick+'\'];';
@@ -556,3 +564,7 @@ yy.Select.prototype.compileRemoveColumns = function(query) {
+mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+mem.alasql = alasql;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/grammar/createtable.js b/src/grammar/createtable.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..4c98a942f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/grammar/createtable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,705 @@
+// CREATE TABLE for Alasql.js
+// Date: 03.11.2014
+// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
+import utils from '../utils';
+const cloneDeep = utils.cloneDeep;
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ const alasql = mem.alasql;
+ yy.ColumnDef = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.ColumnDef.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = this.columnid;
+ if (this.dbtypeid) {
+ s += ' ' + this.dbtypeid;
+ }
+ if (this.dbsize) {
+ s += '(' + this.dbsize;
+ if (this.dbprecision) {
+ s += ',' + this.dbprecision;
+ }
+ s += ')';
+ }
+ if (this.primarykey) {
+ s += ' PRIMARY KEY';
+ }
+ if (this.notnull) {
+ s += ' NOT NULL';
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.CreateTable = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.CreateTable.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = 'CREATE';
+ if (this.temporary) {
+ s += ' TEMPORARY';
+ }
+ if (this.view) {
+ s += ' VIEW';
+ } else {
+ s += ' ' + (this.class ? 'CLASS' : 'TABLE');
+ }
+ if (this.ifnotexists) {
+ s += ' IF NOT EXISTS';
+ }
+ s += ' ' + this.table.toString();
+ if (this.viewcolumns) {
+ s +=
+ '(' +
+ this.viewcolumns
+ .map(function (vcol) {
+ return vcol.toString();
+ })
+ .join(',') +
+ ')';
+ }
+ if (this.as) {
+ s += ' AS ' + this.as;
+ } else {
+ var ss = this.columns.map(function (col) {
+ return col.toString();
+ });
+ s += ' (' + ss.join(',') + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.view && this.select) {
+ s += ' AS ' + this.select.toString();
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ //yy.CreateTable.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
+ yy.CreateTable.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ // var self = this;
+ var db = alasql.databases[this.table.databaseid || databaseid];
+ var tableid = this.table.tableid;
+ if (!tableid) {
+ throw new Error('Table name is not defined');
+ }
+ // var ifnotexists = this.ifnotexists;
+ var columns = this.columns;
+ // if(false) {
+ // if(!columns) {
+ // throw new Error('Columns are not defined');
+ // }
+ // }
+ var constraints = this.constraints || [];
+ // console.log(this);
+ if (this.ifnotexists && db.tables[tableid]) {
+ return cb ? cb(0) : 0;
+ }
+ if (db.tables[tableid]) {
+ throw new Error(
+ "Can not create table '" +
+ tableid +
+ "', because it already exists in the database '" +
+ db.databaseid +
+ "'"
+ );
+ }
+ var table = (db.tables[tableid] = alasql.newTable()); // TODO Can use special object?
+ // If this is a class
+ if (this.class) {
+ table.isclass = true;
+ }
+ var ss = []; // DEFAULT function components
+ var uss = []; // ON UPDATE function components
+ if (columns) {
+ columns.forEach(function (col) {
+ var dbtypeid = col.dbtypeid;
+ if (!alasql.fn[dbtypeid]) {
+ dbtypeid = dbtypeid.toUpperCase();
+ }
+ // Process SERIAL data type like Postgress
+ if (['SERIAL', 'SMALLSERIAL', 'BIGSERIAL'].indexOf(dbtypeid) > -1) {
+ col.identity = { value: 1, step: 1 };
+ }
+ var newcol = {
+ columnid: col.columnid,
+ dbtypeid: dbtypeid,
+ dbsize: col.dbsize, // Fixed issue #150
+ dbprecision: col.dbprecision, // Fixed issue #150
+ notnull: col.notnull,
+ identity: col.identity,
+ };
+ if (col.identity) {
+ table.identities[col.columnid] = {
+ value: +col.identity.value,
+ step: +col.identity.step,
+ };
+ // ss.push('\''+col.columnid+'\':(alasql.databases[\''+db.databaseid+'\'].tables[\''
+ // +tableid+'\'].identities[\''+col.columnid+'\'].value)');
+ }
+ if (col.check) {
+ table.checks.push({
+ id: col.check.constrantid,
+ fn: new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + col.check.expression.toJS('r', '')),
+ });
+ }
+ if (col.default) {
+ ss.push("'" + col.columnid + "':" + col.default.toJS('r', ''));
+ }
+ // Check for primary key
+ if (col.primarykey) {
+ var pk = (table.pk = {});
+ pk.columns = [col.columnid];
+ pk.onrightfns = "r['" + col.columnid + "']";
+ pk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + pk.onrightfns);
+ pk.hh = hash(pk.onrightfns);
+ table.uniqs[pk.hh] = {};
+ }
+ // UNIQUE clause
+ if (col.unique) {
+ var uk = {};
+ table.uk = table.uk || [];
+ table.uk.push(uk);
+ uk.columns = [col.columnid];
+ uk.onrightfns = "r['" + col.columnid + "']";
+ uk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + uk.onrightfns);
+ uk.hh = hash(uk.onrightfns);
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh] = {};
+ }
+ // UNIQUE clause
+ if (col.foreignkey) {
+ // console.log(138,col.foreignkey);
+ var fk = col.foreignkey.table;
+ var fktable = alasql.databases[fk.databaseid || databaseid].tables[fk.tableid];
+ if (typeof fk.columnid === 'undefined') {
+ if (fktable.pk.columns && fktable.pk.columns.length > 0) {
+ fk.columnid = fktable.pk.columns[0];
+ } else {
+ throw new Error('FOREIGN KEY allowed only to tables with PRIMARY KEYs');
+ }
+ }
+ // console.log(fktable.pk);
+ var fkfn = function (r) {
+ var rr = {};
+ if (typeof r[col.columnid] === 'undefined') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ rr[fk.columnid] = r[col.columnid];
+ var addr = fktable.pk.onrightfn(rr);
+ // console.log(r, rr, addr);
+ // console.log(fktable.uniqs[fktable.pk.hh][addr]);
+ if (!fktable.uniqs[fktable.pk.hh][addr]) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Foreign key "' +
+ r[col.columnid] +
+ '" is not found in table ' +
+ fktable.tableid
+ );
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ table.checks.push({ fn: fkfn });
+ /*/* var uk = {};
+ if(typeof table.uk == 'undefined') table.uk = [];
+ table.uk.push(uk);
+ uk.columns = [col.columnid];
+ uk.onrightfns = 'r[\''+col.columnid+'\']';
+ uk.onrightfn = new Function("r",'return '+uk.onrightfns);
+ uk.hh = hash(uk.onrightfns);
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh] = {};
+ */
+ }
+ if (col.onupdate) {
+ uss.push("r['" + col.columnid + "']=" + col.onupdate.toJS('r', ''));
+ }
+ table.columns.push(newcol);
+ table.xcolumns[newcol.columnid] = newcol;
+ });
+ }
+ table.defaultfns = ss.join(',');
+ table.onupdatefns = uss.join(';');
+ // if(constraints) {
+ constraints.forEach(function (con) {
+ //console.log(con, con.columns);
+ var checkfn;
+ if (con.type === 'PRIMARY KEY') {
+ if (table.pk) {
+ throw new Error('Primary key already exists');
+ }
+ var pk = (table.pk = {});
+ pk.columns = con.columns;
+ pk.onrightfns = pk.columns
+ .map(function (columnid) {
+ return "r['" + columnid + "']";
+ })
+ .join("+'`'+");
+ pk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + pk.onrightfns);
+ pk.hh = hash(pk.onrightfns);
+ table.uniqs[pk.hh] = {};
+ } else if (con.type === 'CHECK') {
+ // console.log(con.expression.toJS('r',''));
+ checkfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + con.expression.toJS('r', ''));
+ } else if (con.type === 'UNIQUE') {
+ // console.log(con);
+ var uk = {};
+ table.uk = table.uk || [];
+ table.uk.push(uk);
+ uk.columns = con.columns;
+ uk.onrightfns = uk.columns
+ .map(function (columnid) {
+ return "r['" + columnid + "']";
+ })
+ .join("+'`'+");
+ uk.onrightfn = new Function('r', 'var y;return ' + uk.onrightfns);
+ uk.hh = hash(uk.onrightfns);
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh] = {};
+ } else if (con.type === 'FOREIGN KEY') {
+ // console.log(con);
+ var col = table.xcolumns[con.columns[0]];
+ var fk = con.fktable;
+ if (con.fkcolumns && con.fkcolumns.length > 0) {
+ fk.columnid = con.fkcolumns[0];
+ }
+ var fktable = alasql.databases[fk.databaseid || databaseid].tables[fk.tableid];
+ if (typeof fk.columnid === 'undefined') {
+ fk.columnid = fktable.pk.columns[0];
+ }
+ // console.log(fktable.pk);
+ checkfn = function (r) {
+ var rr = {};
+ if (typeof r[col.columnid] === 'undefined') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ rr[fk.columnid] = r[col.columnid];
+ var addr = fktable.pk.onrightfn(rr);
+ // console.log(r, rr, addr);
+ // console.log(fktable.uniqs[fktable.pk.hh][addr]);
+ if (!fktable.uniqs[fktable.pk.hh][addr]) {
+ //console.log(228,table,col,fk);
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Foreign key "' +
+ r[col.columnid] +
+ '" is not found in table ' +
+ fktable.tableid
+ );
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ }
+ if (checkfn) {
+ table.checks.push({ fn: checkfn, id: con.constraintid, fk: con.type === 'FOREIGN KEY' });
+ }
+ });
+ if (this.view && this.viewcolumns) {
+ var self = this;
+ this.viewcolumns.forEach(function (vcol, idx) {
+ self.select.columns[idx].as = vcol.columnid;
+ });
+ }
+ //Used in 420from queryfn when table.view = true!
+ if (this.view && this.select) {
+ table.view = true;
+ // console.log(this.select.toString());
+ // console.log('this.table.databaseid',this.table.databaseid);
+ // console.log(this.select.compile(this.table.databaseid||databaseid));
+ table.select = this.select.compile(this.table.databaseid || databaseid);
+ }
+ if (db.engineid) {
+ // console.log(101,db.engineid);
+ return alasql.engines[db.engineid].createTable(
+ this.table.databaseid || databaseid,
+ tableid,
+ this.ifnotexists,
+ cb
+ );
+ // console.log('createtable',res1);
+ // return res1;
+ }
+ // }
+ // if(table.pk) {
+ table.insert = function (r, orreplace) {
+ var oldinserted = alasql.inserted;
+ alasql.inserted = [r];
+ var table = this;
+ var toreplace = false; // For INSERT OR REPLACE
+ /*
+ // if(table.identities && table.identities.length>0) {
+ // table.identities.forEach(function(ident){
+ // r[ident.columnid] = ident.value;
+ // });
+ // }
+ */
+ // Trigger prevent functionality
+ var prevent = false;
+ for (var tr in table.beforeinsert) {
+ var trigger = table.beforeinsert[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ if (alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r) === false) prevent = prevent || true;
+ } else if (trigger.statement) {
+ if (trigger.statement.execute(databaseid) === false) prevent = prevent || true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (prevent) return;
+ // Trigger prevent functionality
+ var escape = false;
+ for (tr in table.insteadofinsert) {
+ escape = true;
+ trigger = table.insteadofinsert[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r);
+ } else if (trigger.statement) {
+ trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (escape) return;
+ //console.log(262,r);
+ //console.log(263,table.identities)
+ for (var columnid in table.identities) {
+ var ident = table.identities[columnid];
+ // console.log(ident);
+ r[columnid] = ident.value;
+ // console.log(ident);
+ }
+ //console.log(270,r);
+ if (table.checks && table.checks.length > 0) {
+ table.checks.forEach(function (check) {
+ if (!check.fn(r)) {
+ // if(orreplace) toreplace=true; else
+ throw new Error('Violation of CHECK constraint ' + (check.id || ''));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ table.columns.forEach(function (column) {
+ if (column.notnull && typeof r[column.columnid] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Wrong NULL value in NOT NULL column ' + column.columnid);
+ }
+ });
+ if (table.pk) {
+ var pk = table.pk;
+ var addr = pk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] !== 'undefined') {
+ //console.log(pk,addr,pk.onrightfn({ono:1}));
+ //console.log(r, pk.onrightfn(r), pk.onrightfns);
+ if (orreplace) toreplace = table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr];
+ else
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Cannot insert record, because it already exists in primary key index'
+ );
+ }
+ // table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr]=r;
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ var ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] !== 'undefined') {
+ if (orreplace) toreplace = table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr];
+ else
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Cannot insert record, because it already exists in unique index'
+ );
+ }
+ // table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr]=r;
+ });
+ }
+ if (toreplace) {
+ // Do UPDATE!!!
+ // console.log();
+ table.update(
+ function (t) {
+ for (var f in r) t[f] = r[f];
+ },
+ table.data.indexOf(toreplace),
+ params
+ );
+ } else {
+ table.data.push(r);
+ // Final change before insert
+ // Update indices
+ for (var columnid in table.identities) {
+ var ident = table.identities[columnid];
+ // console.log(ident);
+ ident.value += ident.step;
+ // console.log(ident);
+ }
+ if (table.pk) {
+ var pk = table.pk;
+ var addr = pk.onrightfn(r);
+ table.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] = r;
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ var ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] = r;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // Trigger prevent functionality
+ for (var tr in table.afterinsert) {
+ var trigger = table.afterinsert[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r);
+ } else if (trigger.statement) {
+ trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ alasql.inserted = oldinserted;
+ };
+ table.delete = function (index) {
+ var table = this;
+ var r = table.data[index];
+ // Prevent trigger
+ var prevent = false;
+ for (var tr in table.beforedelete) {
+ var trigger = table.beforedelete[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ if (alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r) === false) prevent = prevent || true;
+ } else if (trigger.statement) {
+ if (trigger.statement.execute(databaseid) === false) prevent = prevent || true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (prevent) return false;
+ // Trigger prevent functionality
+ var escape = false;
+ for (var tr in table.insteadofdelete) {
+ escape = true;
+ var trigger = table.insteadofdelete[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](r);
+ } else if (trigger.statement) {
+ trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (escape) return;
+ if (this.pk) {
+ var pk = this.pk;
+ var addr = pk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof this.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Something wrong with primary key index on table');
+ } else {
+ this.uniqs[pk.hh][addr] = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ var ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Something wrong with unique index on table');
+ }
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh][ukaddr] = undefined;
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ table.deleteall = function () {
+ this.data.length = 0;
+ if (this.pk) {
+ // var r = this.data[i];
+ this.uniqs[this.pk.hh] = {};
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh] = {};
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ table.update = function (assignfn, i, params) {
+ // TODO: Analyze the speed
+ var r = cloneDeep(this.data[i]);
+ var pk;
+ if (this.pk) {
+ pk = this.pk;
+ pk.pkaddr = pk.onrightfn(r, params);
+ if (typeof this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.pkaddr] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Something wrong with index on table');
+ }
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ uk.ukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.ukaddr] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Something wrong with unique index on table');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ assignfn(r, params, alasql);
+ // Prevent trigger
+ var prevent = false;
+ for (var tr in table.beforeupdate) {
+ var trigger = table.beforeupdate[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ if (alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](this.data[i], r) === false)
+ prevent = prevent || true;
+ } else if (trigger.statement) {
+ if (trigger.statement.execute(databaseid) === false) prevent = prevent || true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (prevent) return false;
+ // Trigger prevent functionality
+ var escape = false;
+ for (var tr in table.insteadofupdate) {
+ escape = true;
+ var trigger = table.insteadofupdate[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](this.data[i], r);
+ } else if (trigger.statement) {
+ trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (escape) return;
+ if (table.checks && table.checks.length > 0) {
+ table.checks.forEach(function (check) {
+ if (!check.fn(r)) {
+ throw new Error('Violation of CHECK constraint ' + (check.id || ''));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ table.columns.forEach(function (column) {
+ if (column.notnull && typeof r[column.columnid] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Wrong NULL value in NOT NULL column ' + column.columnid);
+ }
+ });
+ if (this.pk) {
+ pk.newpkaddr = pk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (
+ typeof this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.newpkaddr] !== 'undefined' &&
+ pk.newpkaddr !== pk.pkaddr
+ ) {
+ throw new Error('Record already exists');
+ }
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ uk.newukaddr = uk.onrightfn(r);
+ if (
+ typeof table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.newukaddr] !== 'undefined' &&
+ uk.newukaddr !== uk.ukaddr
+ ) {
+ throw new Error('Record already exists');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.pk) {
+ this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.pkaddr] = undefined;
+ this.uniqs[pk.hh][pk.newpkaddr] = r;
+ }
+ if (table.uk && table.uk.length) {
+ table.uk.forEach(function (uk) {
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.ukaddr] = undefined;
+ table.uniqs[uk.hh][uk.newukaddr] = r;
+ });
+ }
+ this.data[i] = r;
+ // Trigger prevent functionality
+ for (var tr in table.afterupdate) {
+ var trigger = table.afterupdate[tr];
+ if (trigger) {
+ if (trigger.funcid) {
+ alasql.fn[trigger.funcid](this.data[i], r);
+ } else if (trigger.statement) {
+ trigger.statement.execute(databaseid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // console.log(databaseid);
+ // console.log(db.databaseid,db.tables);
+ // console.log(table);
+ var res;
+ if (!alasql.options.nocount) {
+ res = 1;
+ }
+ if (cb) res = cb(res);
+ return res;
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ mem.alasql = alasql;
diff --git a/src/grammar/defcols.ts b/src/grammar/defcols.ts
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..ff7aba35cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/grammar/defcols.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+// Select run-time part for Alasql.js
+// Date: 03.11.2014
+// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileDefCols = function (query, databaseid) {
+ // console.log('defcols');
+ var defcols = { '.': {} };
+ if (this.from) {
+ this.from.forEach(function (fr) {
+ defcols['.'][fr.as || fr.tableid] = true;
+ if (fr instanceof yy.Table) {
+ var alias = fr.as || fr.tableid;
+ // console.log(alasql.databases[fr.databaseid || databaseid]);
+ // console.log(alasql.databases[fr.databaseid || databaseid].tables, fr.tableid);
+ //console.log(alasql.databases[fr.databaseid || databaseid].tables, fr.tableid);
+ //console.log(alasql.databases);
+ var table = mem.alasql.databases[fr.databaseid || databaseid].tables[fr.tableid];
+ //console.log(table);
+ if (undefined === table) {
+ throw new Error('Table does not exists: ' + fr.tableid);
+ }
+ if (table.columns) {
+ table.columns.forEach(function (col) {
+ if (defcols[col.columnid]) {
+ defcols[col.columnid] = '-'; // Ambigous
+ } else {
+ defcols[col.columnid] = alias;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ } else if (fr instanceof yy.Select) {
+ } else if (fr instanceof yy.Search) {
+ } else if (fr instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
+ } else if (fr instanceof yy.VarValue) {
+ } else if (fr instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
+ } else if (fr instanceof yy.FromData) {
+ } else if (fr instanceof yy.Json) {
+ } else if (fr.inserted) {
+ } else {
+ // console.log(fr);
+ throw new Error('Unknown type of FROM clause');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.joins) {
+ this.joins.forEach(function (jn) {
+ defcols['.'][jn.as || jn.table.tableid] = true;
+ // console.log(jn);
+ if (jn.table) {
+ var alias = jn.table.tableid;
+ if (jn.as) alias = jn.as;
+ var alias = jn.as || jn.table.tableid;
+ var table =
+ mem.alasql.databases[jn.table.databaseid || databaseid].tables[jn.table.tableid];
+ // console.log(jn.table.tableid, jn.table.databaseid);
+ if (table.columns) {
+ table.columns.forEach(function (col) {
+ if (defcols[col.columnid]) {
+ defcols[col.columnid] = '-'; // Ambigous
+ } else {
+ defcols[col.columnid] = alias;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ } else if (jn.select) {
+ throw new Error('Select not implemented yet');
+ } else if (jn.param) {
+ throw new Error('param not implemented yet');
+ } else if (jn.func) {
+ throw new Error('func not implemented yet');
+ } else {
+ throw new Error('Unknown type of FROM clause');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // for(var k in defcols) {
+ // if(defcols[k] == '-') defcols[k] = undefined;
+ // }
+ // console.log(89,defcols);
+ return defcols;
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
diff --git a/src/grammar/exists.ts b/src/grammar/exists.ts
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..25aab9dc46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/grammar/exists.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// EXISTS and other subqueries functions functions for Alasql.js
+// Date: 03.11.2014
+// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ yy.ExistsValue = function(params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.ExistsValue.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return 'EXISTS(' + this.value.toString() + ')';
+ };
+ yy.ExistsValue.prototype.toType = function() {
+ return 'boolean';
+ };
+ yy.ExistsValue.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
+ // return 'ww=this.existsfn['+this.existsidx+'](params,null,p),console.log(ww),ww.length';
+ return 'this.existsfn[' + this.existsidx + '](params,null,' + context + ').data.length';
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileWhereExists = function(query) {
+ if (!this.exists) return;
+ query.existsfn = this.exists.map(function(ex) {
+ var nq = ex.compile(query.database.databaseid);
+ // console.log(nq);
+ // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ return nq;
+ });
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileQueries = function(query) {
+ if (!this.queries) return;
+ query.queriesfn = this.queries.map(function(q) {
+ var nq = q.compile(query.database.databaseid);
+ // console.log(nq);
+ // if(!nq.query) nq.query = {};
+ nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ return nq;
+ });
+ };
+ //
+ // Prepare subqueries and exists
+ //
+ // Todo: move this function away from grammar
+ mem.alasql.precompile = function(statement, databaseid, params) {
+ // console.log(statement);
+ if (!statement) return;
+ statement.params = params;
+ if (statement.queries) {
+ //console.log(52,statement.queries[0]);
+ statement.queriesfn = statement.queries.map(function(q) {
+ var nq = q.compile(databaseid || statement.database.databaseid);
+ // console.log(nq);
+ // nq.query.modifier = undefined;
+ // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ return nq;
+ });
+ }
+ if (statement.exists) {
+ //console.log(62,statement.exists);
+ statement.existsfn = statement.exists.map(function(ex) {
+ var nq = ex.compile(databaseid || statement.database.databaseid);
+ // console.log(nq.query.modifier);
+ // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ // if(!nq.query.modifier) nq.query.modifier = 'ARRAY';
+ nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ return nq;
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
diff --git a/src/grammar/expression.ts b/src/grammar/expression.ts
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..568f09fa6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/grammar/expression.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,1177 @@
+import utils from '../utils';
+// Expressions for Alasql.js
+// Date: 03.11.2014
+// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ const alasql = mem.alasql;
+ /**
+ * Expression statement ( = 2*2; )
+ * @class
+ * @param {object} params Initial parameters
+ */
+ yy.ExpressionStatement = function(params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ /**
+ Convert AST to string
+ @this ExpressionStatement
+ @return {string}
+ yy.ExpressionStatement.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return this.expression.toString();
+ };
+ /**
+ Execute statement
+ @param {string} databaseid Database identificatro
+ @param {object} params Statement parameters
+ @param {statement-callback} cb Callback
+ @return {object} Result value
+ yy.ExpressionStatement.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
+ if (this.expression) {
+ // console.log(this.expression.toJS('','', null));
+ // console.log(this.expression.toJS('','', null));
+ // console.log(this.expression.toJS('({})','', null));
+ alasql.precompile(this, databaseid, params); // Precompile queries
+ var exprfn = new Function(
+ 'params,alasql,p',
+ 'var y;return ' + this.expression.toJS('({})', '', null)
+ ).bind(this);
+ var res = exprfn(params, alasql);
+ if (cb) {
+ res = cb(res);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ Expression class
+ @class
+ @param {object} params Initial parameters
+ yy.Expression = function(params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ /**
+ Convert AST to string
+ @this ExpressionStatement
+ @return {string}
+ yy.Expression.prototype.toString = function(dontas) {
+ var s = this.expression.toString(dontas);
+ if (this.order) {
+ s += ' ' + this.order.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.nocase) {
+ }
+ if (this.direction) {
+ s += ' ' + this.direction;
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ Find aggregator in AST subtree
+ @this ExpressionStatement
+ @param {object} query Query object
+ yy.Expression.prototype.findAggregator = function(query) {
+ if (this.expression.findAggregator) {
+ this.expression.findAggregator(query);
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ Convert AST to JavaScript expression
+ @this ExpressionStatement
+ @param {string} context Context string, e.g. 'p','g', or 'x'
+ @param {string} tableid Default table name
+ @param {object} defcols Default columns dictionary
+ @return {string} JavaScript expression
+ yy.Expression.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
+ // console.log('Expression',this);
+ if (this.expression.reduced) {
+ return 'true';
+ }
+ return this.expression.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ };
+ /**
+ Compile AST to JavaScript expression
+ @this ExpressionStatement
+ @param {string} context Context string, e.g. 'p','g', or 'x'
+ @param {string} tableid Default table name
+ @param {object} defcols Default columns dictionary
+ @return {string} JavaScript expression
+ yy.Expression.prototype.compile = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
+ // console.log('Expression',this);
+ if (this.reduced) {
+ return utils.returnTrue();
+ }
+ return new Function('p', 'var y;return ' + this.toJS(context, tableid, defcols));
+ };
+ /**
+ JavaScript class
+ @class
+ yy.JavaScript = function(params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.JavaScript.prototype.toString = function() {
+ var s = '``' + this.value + '``';
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.JavaScript.prototype.toJS = function(/* context, tableid, defcols*/) {
+ // console.log('Expression',this);
+ return '(' + this.value + ')';
+ };
+ yy.JavaScript.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
+ var res = 1;
+ var expr = new Function('params,alasql,p', this.value);
+ expr(params, alasql);
+ if (cb) {
+ res = cb(res);
+ }
+ return res;
+ };
+ /**
+ Literal class
+ @class
+ @example
+ MyVar, [My vairable], `MySQL variable`
+ yy.Literal = function(params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Literal.prototype.toString = function(dontas) {
+ var s = this.value;
+ if (this.value1) {
+ s = this.value1 + '.' + s;
+ }
+ if (this.alias && !dontas) s += ' AS ' + this.alias;
+ // else s = tableid+'.'+s;
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ Join class
+ @class
+ yy.Join = function(params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Join.prototype.toString = function() {
+ var s = ' ';
+ if (this.joinmode) {
+ s += this.joinmode + ' ';
+ }
+ s += 'JOIN ' + this.table.toString();
+ return s;
+ };
+ // yy.Join.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid) {
+ // return 'JOIN'+this.table.toString();
+ // }
+ /**
+ Table class
+ @class
+ yy.Table = function(params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Table.prototype.toString = function() {
+ var s = this.tableid;
+ // if(this.joinmode)
+ if (this.databaseid) {
+ s = this.databaseid + '.' + s;
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ View class
+ @class
+ yy.View = function(params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.View.prototype.toString = function() {
+ var s = this.viewid;
+ // if(this.joinmode)
+ if (this.databaseid) {
+ s = this.databaseid + '.' + s;
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ Binary operation class
+ @class
+ yy.Op = function(params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Op.prototype.toString = function() {
+ if (this.op === 'IN' || this.op === 'NOT IN') {
+ return this.left.toString() + ' ' + this.op + ' (' + this.right.toString() + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.allsome) {
+ return (
+ this.left.toString() +
+ ' ' +
+ this.op +
+ ' ' +
+ this.allsome +
+ ' (' +
+ this.right.toString() +
+ ')'
+ );
+ }
+ if (this.op === '->' || this.op === '!') {
+ var s = this.left.toString() + this.op;
+ // console.log(this.right);
+ if (typeof this.right !== 'string' && typeof this.right !== 'number') {
+ s += '(';
+ }
+ s += this.right.toString();
+ if (typeof this.right !== 'string' && typeof this.right !== 'number') {
+ s += ')';
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ return (
+ this.left.toString() +
+ ' ' +
+ this.op +
+ ' ' +
+ (this.allsome ? this.allsome + ' ' : '') +
+ this.right.toString()
+ );
+ };
+ yy.Op.prototype.findAggregator = function(query) {
+ // console.log(this.toString());
+ if (this.left && this.left.findAggregator) {
+ this.left.findAggregator(query);
+ }
+ // Do not go in > ALL
+ if (this.right && this.right.findAggregator && !this.allsome) {
+ this.right.findAggregator(query);
+ }
+ };
+ yy.Op.prototype.toType = function(tableid) {
+ if (['-', '*', '/', '%', '^'].indexOf(this.op) > -1) {
+ return 'number';
+ }
+ if (['||'].indexOf(this.op) > -1) {
+ return 'string';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '+') {
+ if (this.left.toType(tableid) === 'string' || this.right.toType(tableid) === 'string') {
+ return 'string';
+ }
+ if (this.left.toType(tableid) === 'number' || this.right.toType(tableid) === 'number') {
+ return 'number';
+ }
+ }
+ if (
+ [
+ 'AND',
+ 'OR',
+ 'NOT',
+ '=',
+ '==',
+ '===',
+ '!=',
+ '!==',
+ '!===',
+ '>',
+ '>=',
+ '<',
+ '<=',
+ 'IN',
+ 'NOT IN',
+ 'LIKE',
+ 'GLOB',
+ ].indexOf(this.op) > -1
+ ) {
+ return 'boolean';
+ }
+ if (
+ this.op === 'BETWEEN' ||
+ this.op === 'NOT BETWEEN' ||
+ this.op === 'IS NULL' ||
+ this.op === 'IS NOT NULL'
+ ) {
+ return 'boolean';
+ }
+ if (this.allsome) {
+ return 'boolean';
+ }
+ if (!this.op) {
+ return this.left.toType();
+ }
+ return 'unknown';
+ };
+ yy.Op.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
+ // console.log(this);
+ var s;
+ var refs = [];
+ var op = this.op;
+ var _this = this;
+ //var leftJS = function(){return _this.left.toJS(context,tableid, defcols)};
+ //var rightJS = function(){return _this.right.toJS(context,tableid, defcols)};
+ var accessedLeft = false,
+ accessedRight = false;
+ var ref = function(expr) {
+ if (expr.toJS) {
+ expr = expr.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ }
+ var i = refs.push(expr) - 1;
+ return 'y[' + i + ']';
+ };
+ var leftJS = function() {
+ return ref(_this.left);
+ };
+ var rightJS = function() {
+ return ref(_this.right);
+ };
+ if (this.op === '=') {
+ op = '===';
+ } else if (this.op === '<>') {
+ op = '!=';
+ } else if (this.op === 'OR') {
+ op = '||';
+ }
+ // Arrow operator
+ if (this.op === '->') {
+ // Expression to prevent error if object is empty (#344)
+ var ljs = '(' + leftJS() + '||{})';
+ if (typeof this.right === 'string') {
+ s = ljs + '["' + this.right + '"]';
+ } else if (typeof this.right === 'number') {
+ s = ljs + '[' + this.right + ']';
+ } else if (this.right instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
+ var ss = [];
+ if (!(!this.right.args || 0 === this.right.args.length)) {
+ ss = this.right.args.map(ref);
+ }
+ s = '' + ljs + "['" + this.right.funcid + "'](" + ss.join(',') + ')';
+ } else {
+ s = '' + ljs + '[' + rightJS() + ']';
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.op === '!') {
+ if (typeof this.right === 'string') {
+ s =
+ '' +
+ 'alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[' +
+ leftJS() +
+ ']["' +
+ this.right +
+ '"]';
+ }
+ // TODO - add other cases
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'IS') {
+ s =
+ '' +
+ '(' +
+ '(' +
+ leftJS() +
+ '==null)' + // Cant be ===
+ ' === ' +
+ '(' +
+ rightJS() +
+ '==null)' + // Cant be ===
+ ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '==') {
+ s = '' + 'alasql.utils.deepEqual(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '===' || this.op === '!===') {
+ s =
+ '' +
+ '(' +
+ (this.op === '!===' ? '!' : '') +
+ '(' +
+ '(' +
+ leftJS() +
+ ').valueOf()' +
+ '===' +
+ '(' +
+ rightJS() +
+ ').valueOf()' +
+ ')' +
+ ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '!==') {
+ s = '' + '(!alasql.utils.deepEqual(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + '))';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '||') {
+ s = '' + "(''+(" + leftJS() + "||'')+(" + rightJS() + '||""))';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'LIKE' || this.op === 'NOT LIKE') {
+ s =
+ '(' +
+ (this.op === 'NOT LIKE' ? '!' : '') +
+ 'alasql.utils.like(' +
+ rightJS() +
+ ',' +
+ leftJS();
+ if (this.escape) {
+ s += ',' + ref(this.escape);
+ }
+ s += '))';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'REGEXP') {
+ s = 'alasql.stdfn.REGEXP_LIKE(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'GLOB') {
+ s = 'alasql.utils.glob(' + leftJS() + ',' + rightJS() + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'BETWEEN' || this.op === 'NOT BETWEEN') {
+ var left = leftJS();
+ s =
+ '' +
+ '(' +
+ (this.op === 'NOT BETWEEN' ? '!' : '') +
+ '(' +
+ '(' +
+ ref(this.right1) +
+ '<=' +
+ left +
+ ') && (' +
+ left +
+ '<=' +
+ ref(this.right2) +
+ ')' +
+ ')' +
+ ')';
+ /*/*
+ if(this.right instanceof yy.Op && this.right.op == 'AND') {
+ return ref('(('+this.right.left)+'<='+leftJS()+')&&'+
+ ref('('+leftJS()+'<='+this.right.right)+'))';
+ } else {
+ throw new Error('Wrong BETWEEN operator without AND part');
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'IN') {
+ if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
+ s = '(';
+ // s += 'this.query.queriesdata['+this.queriesidx+']';
+ // s += 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn['+(this.queriesidx)+'](params,null,context))';
+ s +=
+ 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn[' +
+ this.queriesidx +
+ '](params,null,' +
+ context +
+ '))';
+ s += '.indexOf(';
+ s += leftJS() + ')>-1)';
+ } else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
+ // if(this.right.length == 0) return 'false';
+ s = '([' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + '].indexOf(' + leftJS() + ')>-1)';
+ //console.log(s);
+ } else {
+ s = '(' + rightJS() + '.indexOf(' + leftJS() + ')>-1)';
+ //console.log('expression',350,s);
+ // } else {
+ // throw new Error('Wrong IN operator without SELECT part');
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'NOT IN') {
+ if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
+ s = '(';
+ //this.query.queriesdata['+this.queriesidx+']
+ // s += 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn['+(this.queriesidx)+'](params,null,p))';
+ s +=
+ 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn[' +
+ this.queriesidx +
+ '](params,null,p))';
+ s += '.indexOf(';
+ s += leftJS() + ')<0)';
+ } else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
+ // if(this.right.length == 0) return 'true';
+ s = '([' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + '].indexOf(';
+ s += leftJS() + ')<0)';
+ } else {
+ s = '(' + rightJS() + '.indexOf(';
+ s += leftJS() + ')==-1)';
+ // throw new Error('Wrong NOT IN operator without SELECT part');
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.allsome === 'ALL') {
+ var s;
+ if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
+ // var s = 'this.query.queriesdata['+this.queriesidx+']';
+ s =
+ 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn[' +
+ this.queriesidx +
+ '](params,null,p))';
+ s += '.every(function(b){return (';
+ s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
+ } else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
+ s =
+ '' +
+ (this.right.length == 1
+ ? ref(this.right[0])
+ : '[' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + ']');
+ s += '.every(function(b){return (';
+ s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
+ } else {
+ throw new Error('NOT IN operator without SELECT');
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.allsome === 'SOME' || this.allsome === 'ANY') {
+ var s;
+ if (this.right instanceof yy.Select) {
+ // var s = 'this.query.queriesdata['+this.queriesidx+']';
+ s =
+ 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.query.queriesfn[' +
+ this.queriesidx +
+ '](params,null,p))';
+ s += '.some(function(b){return (';
+ s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
+ } else if (Array.isArray(this.right)) {
+ s =
+ '' +
+ (this.right.length == 1
+ ? ref(this.right[0])
+ : '[' + this.right.map(ref).join(',') + ']');
+ s += '.some(function(b){return (';
+ s += leftJS() + ')' + op + 'b})';
+ } else {
+ throw new Error('SOME/ANY operator without SELECT');
+ }
+ }
+ // Special case for AND optimization (if reduced)
+ if (this.op === 'AND') {
+ if (this.left.reduced) {
+ if (this.right.reduced) {
+ return 'true';
+ } else {
+ s = rightJS();
+ }
+ } else if (this.right.reduced) {
+ s = leftJS();
+ }
+ // Otherwise process as regular operation (see below)
+ op = '&&';
+ }
+ // if(this.op === '^') {
+ // // return 'Math.pow('
+ // // + leftJS()
+ // // + ','
+ // // + rightJS()
+ // // + ')';
+ // }
+ // Change names
+ // console.log(this);
+ var expr = s || '(' + leftJS() + op + rightJS() + ')';
+ var declareRefs = 'y=[(' + refs.join('), (') + ')]';
+ if (op === '&&' || op === '||' || op === 'IS' || op === 'IS NULL' || op === 'IS NOT NULL') {
+ return '(' + declareRefs + ', ' + expr + ')';
+ }
+ return (
+ '(' +
+ declareRefs +
+ ', ' +
+ 'y.some(function(e){return e == null}) ? void 0 : ' +
+ expr +
+ ')'
+ );
+ };
+ yy.VarValue = function(params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.VarValue.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return '@' + this.variable;
+ };
+ yy.VarValue.prototype.toType = function() {
+ return 'unknown';
+ };
+ yy.VarValue.prototype.toJS = function() {
+ return "alasql.vars['" + this.variable + "']";
+ };
+ yy.NumValue = function(params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.NumValue.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return this.value.toString();
+ };
+ yy.NumValue.prototype.toType = function() {
+ return 'number';
+ };
+ yy.NumValue.prototype.toJS = function() {
+ return '' + this.value;
+ };
+ yy.StringValue = function(params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.StringValue.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return "'" + this.value.toString() + "'";
+ };
+ yy.StringValue.prototype.toType = function() {
+ return 'string';
+ };
+ yy.StringValue.prototype.toJS = function() {
+ // console.log("'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'");
+ // return "'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'";
+ return "'" + utils.escapeq(this.value) + "'";
+ };
+ yy.DomainValueValue = function(params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.DomainValueValue.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return 'VALUE';
+ };
+ yy.DomainValueValue.prototype.toType = function() {
+ return 'object';
+ };
+ yy.DomainValueValue.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
+ // console.log("'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'");
+ // return "'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'";
+ return context;
+ };
+ yy.ArrayValue = function(params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.ArrayValue.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return 'ARRAY[]';
+ };
+ yy.ArrayValue.prototype.toType = function() {
+ return 'object';
+ };
+ yy.ArrayValue.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
+ // console.log("'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'");
+ // return "'"+doubleqq(this.value)+"'";
+ return (
+ '[(' +
+ this.value
+ .map(function(el) {
+ return el.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ })
+ .join('), (') +
+ ')]'
+ );
+ };
+ yy.LogicValue = function(params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.LogicValue.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return this.value ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
+ };
+ yy.LogicValue.prototype.toType = function() {
+ return 'boolean';
+ };
+ yy.LogicValue.prototype.toJS = function() {
+ return this.value ? 'true' : 'false';
+ };
+ yy.NullValue = function(params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.NullValue.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return 'NULL';
+ };
+ yy.NullValue.prototype.toJS = function() {
+ return 'undefined';
+ // return 'undefined';
+ };
+ yy.ParamValue = function(params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.ParamValue.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return '$' + this.param;
+ };
+ yy.ParamValue.prototype.toJS = function() {
+ if (typeof this.param === 'string') {
+ return "params['" + this.param + "']";
+ }
+ return 'params[' + this.param + ']';
+ };
+ yy.UniOp = function(params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.UniOp.prototype.toString = function() {
+ var s;
+ s = void 0;
+ if (this.op === '~') {
+ s = this.op + this.right.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.op === '-') {
+ s = this.op + this.right.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.op === '+') {
+ s = this.op + this.right.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.op === '#') {
+ s = this.op + this.right.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'NOT') {
+ s = this.op + '(' + this.right.toString() + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === null) {
+ s = '(' + this.right.toString() + ')';
+ }
+ if (!s) {
+ s = '(' + this.right.toString() + ')';
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.UniOp.prototype.findAggregator = function(query) {
+ if (this.right.findAggregator) {
+ this.right.findAggregator(query);
+ }
+ };
+ yy.UniOp.prototype.toType = function() {
+ if (this.op === '-') {
+ return 'number';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '+') {
+ return 'number';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'NOT') {
+ return 'boolean';
+ }
+ // Todo: implement default case
+ };
+ yy.UniOp.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
+ if (this.op === '~') {
+ return '(~(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + '))';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '-') {
+ return '(-(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + '))';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '+') {
+ return '(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === 'NOT') {
+ return '!(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + ')';
+ }
+ if (this.op === '#') {
+ if (this.right instanceof yy.Column) {
+ return "(alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects['" + this.right.columnid + "'])";
+ } else {
+ return (
+ '(alasql.databases[alasql.useid].objects[' +
+ this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) +
+ '])'
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // Please avoid === here
+ if (this.op == null) {
+ // jshint ignore:line
+ return '(' + this.right.toJS(context, tableid, defcols) + ')';
+ }
+ // Todo: implement default case.
+ };
+ /*/*
+// yy.Star = function (params) { return yy.extend(this, params); }
+// yy.Star.prototype.toString = function() {
+// var s = this.fieldid;
+// if(this.tableid) {
+// s = this.tableid+'.'+s;
+// if(this.databaseid) {
+// s = this.databaseid+'.'+s;
+// }
+// }
+// if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
+// return s;
+// }
+ yy.Column = function(params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Column.prototype.toString = function(dontas) {
+ var s;
+ if (this.columnid == +this.columnid) {
+ // jshint ignore:line
+ s = '[' + this.columnid + ']';
+ } else {
+ s = this.columnid;
+ }
+ if (this.tableid) {
+ if (+this.columnid === this.columnid) {
+ s = this.tableid + s;
+ } else {
+ s = this.tableid + '.' + s;
+ }
+ if (this.databaseid) {
+ s = this.databaseid + '.' + s;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.alias && !dontas) s += ' AS ' + this.alias;
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.Column.prototype.toJS = function(context, tableid, defcols) {
+ /*/*
+// var s = this.value;
+// var s = this.columnid;
+// if(this.tableid) {
+// s = this.tableid+'.'+s;
+// // if(this.databaseid) {
+// // s = this.databaseid+'.'+s;
+// // }
+// } else {
+// s = tableid+'.'+s;
+// }
+ //console.log('yy.Column',this, tableid);
+ // console.log(392,this.columnid);
+ //console.log(506,this);
+ //console.log(523, this, tableid);
+ var s = '';
+ if (!this.tableid && tableid === '' && !defcols) {
+ if (this.columnid !== '_') {
+ s = context + "['" + this.columnid + "']";
+ } else {
+ if (context === 'g') {
+ s = "g['_']";
+ } else {
+ s = context;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (context === 'g') {
+ // if(this.columnid == '_') {
+ // } else {
+ s = "g['" + this.nick + "']";
+ // }
+ } else if (this.tableid) {
+ if (this.columnid !== '_') {
+ // if() {
+ // s = context+'[\''+tableid + '\'][\''+this.tableid+'\'][\''+this.columnid+'\']';
+ // } else {
+ s = context + "['" + this.tableid + "']['" + this.columnid + "']";
+ // }
+ } else {
+ if (context === 'g') {
+ s = "g['_']";
+ } else {
+ s = context + "['" + this.tableid + "']";
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (defcols) {
+ var tbid = defcols[this.columnid];
+ if (tbid === '-') {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Cannot resolve column "' +
+ this.columnid +
+ '" because it exists in two source tables'
+ );
+ } else if (tbid) {
+ if (this.columnid !== '_') {
+ s = context + "['" + tbid + "']['" + this.columnid + "']";
+ } else {
+ s = context + "['" + tbid + "']";
+ }
+ // console.log(836,tbid,s);
+ } else {
+ if (this.columnid !== '_') {
+ // if(defcols['.'][this.tableid]) {
+ // console.log(847,tableid);
+ // console.log(context+'[\''+tableid + '\'][\''+this.tableid + '\']','[\''+this.columnid+'\']');
+ // s = context+'[\''+tableid + '\'][\''+this.tableid + '\'][\''+this.columnid+'\']';
+ // } else {
+ s =
+ context +
+ "['" +
+ (this.tableid || tableid) +
+ "']['" +
+ this.columnid +
+ "']";
+ // }
+ } else {
+ s = context + "['" + (this.tableid || tableid) + "']";
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (tableid === -1) {
+ // if(this.columnid != '') {
+ s = context + "['" + this.columnid + "']";
+ // } else {
+ // s = context;
+ // }
+ } else {
+ if (this.columnid !== '_') {
+ s = context + "['" + (this.tableid || tableid) + "']['" + this.columnid + "']";
+ } else {
+ s = context + "['" + (this.tableid || tableid) + "']";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // console.log(context,s);
+ // console.trace(new Error());
+ //console.log(874,s);
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.AggrValue = function(params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.AggrValue.prototype.toString = function(dontas) {
+ var s = '';
+ if (this.aggregatorid === 'REDUCE') {
+ s += this.funcid + '(';
+ } else {
+ s += this.aggregatorid + '(';
+ }
+ if (this.distinct) {
+ s += 'DISTINCT ';
+ }
+ if (this.expression) {
+ s += this.expression.toString();
+ }
+ s += ')';
+ if (this.over) {
+ s += ' ' + this.over.toString();
+ }
+ // console.log(this.over);
+ if (this.alias && !dontas) s += ' AS ' + this.alias;
+ // if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.AggrValue.prototype.findAggregator = function(query) {
+ // console.log('aggregator found',this.toString());
+ // var colas = this.as || this.toString();
+ var colas = utils.escapeq(this.toString()) + ':' + query.selectGroup.length;
+ // console.log('findAgg',this);
+ /*/* var found = false;
+ for(var i=0;i -1
+ ) {
+ return 'number';
+ }
+ if (['ARRAY'].indexOf(this.aggregatorid) > -1) {
+ return 'array';
+ }
+ if (['FIRST', 'LAST'].indexOf(this.aggregatorid) > -1) {
+ return this.expression.toType();
+ }
+ // todo: implement default;
+ };
+ yy.AggrValue.prototype.toJS = function(/*context, tableid, defcols*/) {
+ /*/*
+// var s = 'alasql.functions.'+this.funcid+'(';
+// if(this.expression) s += this.expression.toJS(context, tableid);
+// s += ')';
+// if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
+// return s;
+// var s = '';
+//if(this.as) console.log(499,this.as);
+// var colas = this.as;
+ var colas = this.nick;
+ if (colas === undefined) {
+ colas = this.toString();
+ }
+ return "g['" + colas + "']";
+ };
+ yy.OrderExpression = function(params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.OrderExpression.prototype.toString = yy.Expression.prototype.toString;
+ /*/* //Duplicated code
+function() {
+ var s = this.expression.toString();
+ if(this.order) s += ' '+this.order.toString();
+ if(this.nocase) s += ' '+'COLLATE'+' '+'NOCASE';
+ return s;
+ yy.GroupExpression = function(params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.GroupExpression.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return this.type + '(' + this.group.toString() + ')';
+ };
+ /*/* //Duplicated code
+yy.ColumnDef = function (params) { return yy.extend(this, params); }
+yy.ColumnDef.prototype.toString = function() {
+ var s = this.columnid;
+ if(this.dbtypeid) s += ' '+this.dbtypeid;
+ if(this.dbsize) {
+ s += '('+this.dbsize;
+ if(this.dbprecision) s += ','+this.dbprecision;
+ s += ')';
+ };
+ if(this.primarykey) s += ' PRIMARY KEY';
+ if(this.notnull) s += ' NOT NULL';
+ return s;
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ mem.alasql = alasql;
diff --git a/src/420from.js b/src/grammar/from.js
similarity index 94%
rename from src/420from.js
rename to src/grammar/from.js
index 26a31b1555..7fb36bc56a 100755
--- a/src/420from.js
+++ b/src/grammar/from.js
@@ -6,8 +6,11 @@
-/* global yy, alasql, Mongo, returnTrue */
+import utils from '../utils';
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ const alasql = mem.alasql;
yy.Select.prototype.compileFrom = function(query) {
// console.log(1);
@@ -61,9 +64,9 @@ yy.Select.prototype.compileFrom = function(query) {
databaseid: tq.databaseid || query.database.databaseid,
tableid: tq.tableid,
joinmode: 'INNER',
- onmiddlefn: returnTrue,
+ onmiddlefn: utils.returnTrue,
srcwherefns: '', // for optimization
- srcwherefn: returnTrue,
+ srcwherefn: utils.returnTrue,
// columns: []
@@ -273,3 +276,8 @@ alasql.prepareFromData = function(data, array) {
// console.log(typeof data);
return res;
+mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+mem.alasql = alasql;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/grammar/functions.ts b/src/grammar/functions.ts
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..48087fb86d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/grammar/functions.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ const alasql = mem.alasql;
+ yy.FuncValue = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.FuncValue.prototype.toString = function (dontas) {
+ var s = '';
+ if (alasql.fn[this.funcid]) s += this.funcid;
+ else if (alasql.aggr[this.funcid]) s += this.funcid;
+ else if (alasql.stdlib[this.funcid.toUpperCase()] || alasql.stdfn[this.funcid.toUpperCase()])
+ s += this.funcid.toUpperCase();
+ s += '(';
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ s += this.args
+ .map(function (arg) {
+ return arg.toString();
+ })
+ .join(',');
+ }
+ s += ')';
+ if (this.as && !dontas) s += ' AS ' + this.as.toString();
+ // if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.FuncValue.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ var res = 1;
+ alasql.precompile(this, databaseid, params); // Precompile queries
+ // console.log(34,this.toJS('','',null));
+ var expr = new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + this.toJS('', '', null));
+ expr(params, alasql);
+ if (cb) res = cb(res);
+ return res;
+ };
+ /*/*
+ //yy.FuncValue.prototype.compile = function(context, tableid, defcols){
+ // console.log('Expression',this);
+ // if(this.reduced) return returnTrue();
+ // return new Function('p','var y;return '+this.toJS(context, tableid, defcols));
+ //};
+ // yy.FuncValue.prototype.compile = function(context, tableid, defcols){
+ // // console.log('Expression',this);
+ // if(this.reduced) return returnTrue();
+ // return new Function('p','var y;return '+this.toJS(context, tableid, defcols));
+ // };
+ */
+ yy.FuncValue.prototype.findAggregator = function (query) {
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ this.args.forEach(function (arg) {
+ if (arg.findAggregator) arg.findAggregator(query);
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ yy.FuncValue.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ var s = '';
+ var funcid = this.funcid;
+ // IF this is standard compile functions
+ if (!alasql.fn[funcid] && alasql.stdlib[funcid.toUpperCase()]) {
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ s += alasql.stdlib[funcid.toUpperCase()].apply(
+ this,
+ this.args.map(function (arg) {
+ return arg.toJS(context, tableid);
+ })
+ );
+ } else {
+ s += alasql.stdlib[funcid.toUpperCase()]();
+ }
+ } else if (!alasql.fn[funcid] && alasql.stdfn[funcid.toUpperCase()]) {
+ if (this.newid) s += 'new ';
+ s += 'alasql.stdfn.' + this.funcid.toUpperCase() + '(';
+ // if(this.args) s += this.args.toJS(context, tableid);
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ s += this.args
+ .map(function (arg) {
+ return arg.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ })
+ .join(',');
+ }
+ s += ')';
+ } else {
+ // This is user-defined run-time function
+ // TODO arguments!!!
+ // var s = '';
+ if (this.newid) s += 'new ';
+ s += 'alasql.fn.' + this.funcid + '(';
+ // if(this.args) s += this.args.toJS(context, tableid);
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ s += this.args
+ .map(function (arg) {
+ return arg.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ })
+ .join(',');
+ }
+ s += ')';
+ }
+ //console.log('userfn:',s,this);
+ // if(this.alias) s += ' AS '+this.alias;
+ return s;
+ };
+ /*/*
+ // // Functions compiler
+ // nodes.FunctionValue.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid) {
+ // var s = '';
+ // s += fns[this.name.toUpperCase()].apply(null,this.arguments.map(function(arg){
+ // if(arg) return arg.toJS(context, tableid);
+ // else return '';
+ // }));
+ // return s;
+ // };
+ */
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/grammar/insert.js b/src/grammar/insert.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..993087b3c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/grammar/insert.js
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+// INSERT for Alasql.js
+// Date: 03.11.2014
+// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ const alasql = mem.alasql;
+ yy.Insert = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Insert.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = 'INSERT ';
+ if (this.orreplace) s += 'OR REPLACE ';
+ if (this.replaceonly) s = 'REPLACE ';
+ s += 'INTO ' + this.into.toString();
+ if (this.columns) s += '(' + this.columns.toString() + ')';
+ if (this.values) s += ' VALUES ' + this.values.toString();
+ if (this.select) s += ' ' + this.select.toString();
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.Insert.prototype.toJS = function (context, tableid, defcols) {
+ // console.log('Expression',this);
+ // if(this.expression.reduced) return 'true';
+ // return this.expression.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ // console.log('Select.toJS', 81, this.queriesidx);
+ // var s = 'this.queriesdata['+(this.queriesidx-1)+'][0]';
+ var s = 'this.queriesfn[' + (this.queriesidx - 1) + '](this.params,null,' + context + ')';
+ // s = '(console.log(this.queriesfn[0]),'+s+')';
+ // console.log(this,s);
+ return s;
+ };
+ yy.Insert.prototype.compile = function (databaseid) {
+ var self = this;
+ databaseid = self.into.databaseid || databaseid;
+ var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
+ // console.log(self);
+ var tableid = self.into.tableid;
+ var table = db.tables[tableid];
+ if (!table) {
+ throw "Table '" + tableid + "' could not be found";
+ }
+ // Check, if this dirty flag is required
+ var s = '';
+ var sw = '';
+ var s = "db.tables['" + tableid + "'].dirty=true;";
+ var s3 = 'var a,aa=[],x;';
+ var s33;
+ if (this.values) {
+ if (this.exists) {
+ this.existsfn = this.exists.map(function (ex) {
+ var nq = ex.compile(databaseid);
+ nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ return nq;
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.queries) {
+ this.queriesfn = this.queries.map(function (q) {
+ var nq = q.compile(databaseid);
+ nq.query.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ return nq;
+ });
+ }
+ // console.log(1);
+ self.values.forEach(function (values) {
+ var ss = [];
+ // s += 'db.tables[\''+tableid+'\'].data.push({';
+ // s += '';
+ if (self.columns) {
+ self.columns.forEach(function (col, idx) {
+ //console.log(db.tables, tableid, table);
+ // ss.push(col.columnid +':'+ self.values[idx].value.toString());
+ // console.log(rec[f.name.value]);
+ // if(rec[f.name.value] == "NULL") rec[f.name.value] = undefined;
+ // if(table.xflds[f.name.value].dbtypeid == "INT") rec[f.name.value] = +rec[f.name.value]|0;
+ // else if(table.xflds[f.name.value].dbtypeid == "FLOAT") rec[f.name.value] = +rec[f.name.value];
+ var q = "'" + col.columnid + "':";
+ if (table.xcolumns && table.xcolumns[col.columnid]) {
+ if (
+ ['INT', 'FLOAT', 'NUMBER', 'MONEY'].indexOf(
+ table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid
+ ) >= 0
+ ) {
+ //q += ''
+ q += '(x=' + values[idx].toJS() + ',x==undefined?undefined:+x)';
+ } else if (alasql.fn[table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid]) {
+ q += '(new ' + table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid + '(';
+ q += values[idx].toJS();
+ q += '))';
+ } else {
+ q += values[idx].toJS();
+ }
+ } else {
+ q += values[idx].toJS();
+ }
+ ss.push(q);
+ });
+ } else {
+ // var table = db.tables[tableid];
+ // console.log('table1', db, self);
+ //console.log(111, table.columns);
+ //console.log(74,table);
+ if (Array.isArray(values) && table.columns && table.columns.length > 0) {
+ table.columns.forEach(function (col, idx) {
+ var q = "'" + col.columnid + "':";
+ // var val = values[idx].toJS();
+ if (['INT', 'FLOAT', 'NUMBER', 'MONEY'].indexOf(col.dbtypeid) >= 0) {
+ q += '+' + values[idx].toJS();
+ } else if (alasql.fn[col.dbtypeid]) {
+ q += '(new ' + col.dbtypeid + '(';
+ q += values[idx].toJS();
+ q += '))';
+ } else {
+ q += values[idx].toJS();
+ }
+ /*/*
+ // if(table.xcolumns && table.xcolumns[col.columnid] &&
+ // (table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid == "DATE" ||
+ // table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid == "DATETIME"
+ // )) {
+ // val = "(new Date("+val+"))";
+ // }
+ // || table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid == "FLOAT"
+ // || table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid == "NUMBER"
+ // || table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid == "MONEY"
+ // )) q += '+';
+ // console.log(self.values[idx].toString());
+ //console.log(self);
+ // q += val;
+ // if(table.xcolumns && table.xcolumns[col.columnid] && table.xcolumns[col.columnid].dbtypeid == "INT") q += '|0';
+ */
+ ss.push(q);
+ /*/*
+ // console.log(fld);
+ // TODO: type checking and conversions
+ // rec[fld.fldid] = eval(self.insertExpression[idx].toJS('',''));
+ // console.log(rec[fld.fldid]);
+ // if(rec[fld.fldid] == "NULL") rec[fld.fldid] = undefined;
+ // if(table.xflds[fld.fldid].dbtypeid == "INT") rec[fld.fldid] = +rec[fld.fldid]|0;
+ // else if(table.xflds[fld.fldid].dbtypeid == "FLOAT" || table.xflds[fld.fldid].dbtypeid == "MONEY" )
+ // rec[fld.fldid] = +rec[fld.fldid];
+ */
+ });
+ } else {
+ // console.log(222,values);
+ // sw = 'var w='+JSONtoJS(values)+';for(var k in w){r[k]=w[k]};';
+ sw = JSONtoJS(values);
+ }
+ }
+ //console.log(ss);
+ if (db.tables[tableid].defaultfns) {
+ ss.unshift(db.tables[tableid].defaultfns);
+ }
+ if (sw) {
+ s += 'a=' + sw + ';';
+ } else {
+ s += 'a={' + ss.join(',') + '};';
+ }
+ // If this is a class
+ if (db.tables[tableid].isclass) {
+ s += "var db=alasql.databases['" + databaseid + "'];";
+ s += 'a.$class="' + tableid + '";';
+ s += 'a.$id=db.counter++;';
+ s += 'db.objects[a.$id]=a;';
+ }
+ // s += 'db.tables[\''+tableid+'\'].insert(r);';
+ if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
+ s += "var db=alasql.databases['" + databaseid + "'];";
+ s +=
+ "db.tables['" +
+ tableid +
+ "'].insert(a," +
+ (self.orreplace ? 'true' : 'false') +
+ ');';
+ } else {
+ s += 'aa.push(a);';
+ }
+ });
+ s33 = s3 + s;
+ if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
+ // s += 'alasql.databases[\''+databaseid+'\'].tables[\''+tableid+'\'].insert(r);';
+ } else {
+ s +=
+ "alasql.databases['" +
+ databaseid +
+ "'].tables['" +
+ tableid +
+ "'].data=" +
+ "alasql.databases['" +
+ databaseid +
+ "'].tables['" +
+ tableid +
+ "'].data.concat(aa);";
+ }
+ if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
+ if (db.tables[tableid].isclass) {
+ s += 'return a.$id;';
+ } else {
+ s += 'return ' + self.values.length;
+ }
+ } else {
+ s += 'return ' + self.values.length;
+ }
+ //console.log(186,s3+s);
+ var insertfn = new Function('db, params, alasql', 'var y;' + s3 + s).bind(this);
+ } else if (this.select) {
+ this.select.modifier = 'RECORDSET';
+ var selectfn = this.select.compile(databaseid);
+ if (db.engineid && alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable) {
+ var statement = function (params, cb) {
+ var aa = selectfn(params);
+ var res = alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable(
+ db.databaseid,
+ tableid,
+ aa.data,
+ null,
+ cb
+ );
+ return res;
+ };
+ return statement;
+ } else {
+ // console.log(224,table.defaultfns);
+ var defaultfns = 'return alasql.utils.extend(r,{' + table.defaultfns + '})';
+ var defaultfn = new Function('r,db,params,alasql', defaultfns);
+ var insertfn = function (db, params, alasql) {
+ var res = selectfn(params).data;
+ if (db.tables[tableid].insert) {
+ // If insert() function exists (issue #92)
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ var r = cloneDeep(res[i]);
+ defaultfn(r, db, params, alasql);
+ db.tables[tableid].insert(r, self.orreplace);
+ }
+ } else {
+ db.tables[tableid].data = db.tables[tableid].data.concat(res);
+ }
+ if (alasql.options.nocount) return;
+ else return res.length;
+ };
+ }
+ } else if (this.default) {
+ var insertfns =
+ "db.tables['" + tableid + "'].data.push({" + table.defaultfns + '});return 1;';
+ var insertfn = new Function('db,params,alasql', insertfns);
+ } else {
+ throw new Error('Wrong INSERT parameters');
+ }
+ // console.log(1,s);
+ // console.log(s33);
+ if (db.engineid && alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable && alasql.options.autocommit) {
+ var statement = function (params, cb) {
+ var aa = new Function('db,params', 'var y;' + s33 + 'return aa;')(db, params);
+ // console.log(s33);
+ var res = alasql.engines[db.engineid].intoTable(db.databaseid, tableid, aa, null, cb);
+ // if(cb) cb(res);
+ return res;
+ };
+ } else {
+ var statement = function (params, cb) {
+ //console.log(databaseid);
+ var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
+ if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid) {
+ alasql.engines[db.engineid].loadTableData(databaseid, tableid);
+ }
+ var res = insertfn(db, params, alasql);
+ if (alasql.options.autocommit && db.engineid) {
+ alasql.engines[db.engineid].saveTableData(databaseid, tableid);
+ }
+ // var res = insertfn(db, params);
+ if (alasql.options.nocount) res = undefined;
+ if (cb) cb(res);
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ return statement;
+ };
+ yy.Insert.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ return this.compile(databaseid)(params, cb);
+ // throw new Error('Insert statement is should be compiled')
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ mem.alasql = alasql;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/425having.js b/src/grammar/later/425having.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/425having.js
rename to src/grammar/later/425having.js
diff --git a/src/427pivot.js b/src/grammar/later/427pivot.js
similarity index 88%
rename from src/427pivot.js
rename to src/grammar/later/427pivot.js
index c31b941646..11c4394cc3 100755
--- a/src/427pivot.js
+++ b/src/grammar/later/427pivot.js
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ yy.Select.prototype.compilePivot = function(query) {
var query = this;
var cols = query.columns
.filter(function(col) {
- return col.columnid != columnid && col.columnid != exprcolid;
+ return col.columnid !== columnid && col.columnid !== exprcolid;
.map(function(col) {
return col.columnid;
@@ -68,20 +68,20 @@ yy.Select.prototype.compilePivot = function(query) {
if (aggr == 'SUM' || aggr == 'AVG') {
- if (typeof g[d[columnid]] == 'undefined') g[d[columnid]] = 0;
+ if (typeof g[d[columnid]] === 'undefined') g[d[columnid]] = 0;
g[d[columnid]] += d[exprcolid];
- } else if (aggr == 'COUNT') {
- if (typeof g[d[columnid]] == 'undefined') g[d[columnid]] = 0;
+ } else if (aggr === 'COUNT') {
+ if (typeof g[d[columnid]] === 'undefined') g[d[columnid]] = 0;
- } else if (aggr == 'MIN') {
- if (typeof g[d[columnid]] == 'undefined') g[d[columnid]] = Infinity;
+ } else if (aggr === 'MIN') {
+ if (typeof g[d[columnid]] === 'undefined') g[d[columnid]] = Infinity;
if (d[exprcolid] < g[d[columnid]]) g[d[columnid]] = d[exprcolid];
- } else if (aggr == 'MAX') {
- if (typeof g[d[columnid]] == 'undefined') g[d[columnid]] = -Infinity;
+ } else if (aggr === 'MAX') {
+ if (typeof g[d[columnid]] === 'undefined') g[d[columnid]] = -Infinity;
if (d[exprcolid] > g[d[columnid]]) g[d[columnid]] = d[exprcolid];
- } else if (aggr == 'FIRST') {
- if (typeof g[d[columnid]] == 'undefined') g[d[columnid]] = d[exprcolid];
- } else if (aggr == 'LAST') {
+ } else if (aggr === 'FIRST') {
+ if (typeof g[d[columnid]] === 'undefined') g[d[columnid]] = d[exprcolid];
+ } else if (aggr === 'LAST') {
g[d[columnid]] = d[exprcolid];
} else if (alasql.aggr[aggr]) {
// Custom aggregator
@@ -92,11 +92,11 @@ yy.Select.prototype.compilePivot = function(query) {
- if (aggr == 'AVG') {
+ if (aggr === 'AVG') {
for (var gx in gr) {
var d = gr[gx];
for (var colid in d) {
- if (cols.indexOf(colid) == -1 && colid != exprcolid) {
+ if (cols.indexOf(colid) === -1 && colid !== exprcolid) {
d[colid] = d[colid] / ga[gx][colid];
diff --git a/src/46apply.js b/src/grammar/later/46apply.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/46apply.js
rename to src/grammar/later/46apply.js
diff --git a/src/47over.js b/src/grammar/later/47over.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/47over.js
rename to src/grammar/later/47over.js
diff --git a/src/52linq.js b/src/grammar/later/52linq.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/52linq.js
rename to src/grammar/later/52linq.js
diff --git a/src/63createvertex.js b/src/grammar/later/63createvertex.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/63createvertex.js
rename to src/grammar/later/63createvertex.js
diff --git a/src/64altertable.js b/src/grammar/later/64altertable.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/64altertable.js
rename to src/grammar/later/64altertable.js
diff --git a/src/67withselect.js b/src/grammar/later/67withselect.js
similarity index 91%
rename from src/67withselect.js
rename to src/grammar/later/67withselect.js
index ec9c66927a..ee905f7496 100755
--- a/src/67withselect.js
+++ b/src/grammar/later/67withselect.js
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ yy.WithSelect.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
var savedTables = [];
self.withs.forEach(function(w) {
- var tb = (alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[w.name] = new Table({tableid: w.name}));
+ var tb = (alasql.databases[databaseid].tables[w.name] = alasql.newTable({tableid: w.name}));
tb.data = w.select.execute(databaseid, params);
diff --git a/src/71trigger.js b/src/grammar/later/71trigger.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/71trigger.js
rename to src/grammar/later/71trigger.js
diff --git a/src/79set.js b/src/grammar/later/79set.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/79set.js
rename to src/grammar/later/79set.js
diff --git a/src/81commit.js b/src/grammar/later/81commit.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/81commit.js
rename to src/grammar/later/81commit.js
diff --git a/src/grammar/select.ts b/src/grammar/select.ts
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..5edf5ca7a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/grammar/select.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+// Select run-time part for Alasql.js
+// Date: 03.11.2014
+// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
+// Main part of SELECT procedure
+import { queryfn } from '../processing/query';
+import utils from '../utils';
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ const alasql = mem.alasql;
+ yy.Select = function(params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.toString = function() {
+ var s;
+ s = '';
+ if (this.explain) {
+ s += 'EXPLAIN ';
+ }
+ s += 'SELECT ';
+ if (this.modifier) {
+ s += this.modifier + ' ';
+ }
+ if (this.distinct) {
+ s += 'DISTINCT ';
+ }
+ if (this.top) {
+ s += 'TOP ' + this.top.value + ' ';
+ if (this.percent) {
+ s += 'PERCENT ';
+ }
+ }
+ s += this.columns
+ .map(function(col) {
+ var s;
+ s = col.toString();
+ if (typeof col.as !== 'undefined') {
+ s += ' AS ' + col.as;
+ }
+ return s;
+ })
+ .join(', ');
+ if (this.from) {
+ s +=
+ ' FROM ' +
+ this.from
+ .map(function(f) {
+ var ss;
+ ss = f.toString();
+ if (f.as) {
+ ss += ' AS ' + f.as;
+ }
+ return ss;
+ })
+ .join(',');
+ }
+ if (this.joins) {
+ s += this.joins
+ .map(function(jn) {
+ var ss;
+ ss = ' ';
+ if (jn.joinmode) {
+ ss += jn.joinmode + ' ';
+ }
+ if (jn.table) {
+ ss += 'JOIN ' + jn.table.toString();
+ } else if (jn.select) {
+ ss += 'JOIN (' + jn.select.toString() + ')';
+ } else if (jn instanceof alasql.yy.Apply) {
+ ss += jn.toString();
+ } else {
+ throw new Error('Wrong type in JOIN mode');
+ }
+ if (jn.as) {
+ ss += ' AS ' + jn.as;
+ }
+ if (jn.using) {
+ ss += ' USING ' + jn.using.toString();
+ }
+ if (jn.on) {
+ ss += ' ON ' + jn.on.toString();
+ }
+ return ss;
+ })
+ .join('');
+ }
+ if (this.where) {
+ s += ' WHERE ' + this.where.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.group && this.group.length > 0) {
+ s +=
+ ' GROUP BY ' +
+ this.group
+ .map(function(grp) {
+ return grp.toString();
+ })
+ .join(', ');
+ }
+ if (this.having) {
+ s += ' HAVING ' + this.having.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.order && this.order.length > 0) {
+ s +=
+ ' ORDER BY ' +
+ this.order
+ .map(function(ord) {
+ return ord.toString();
+ })
+ .join(', ');
+ }
+ if (this.limit) {
+ s += ' LIMIT ' + this.limit.value;
+ }
+ if (this.offset) {
+ s += ' OFFSET ' + this.offset.value;
+ }
+ if (this.union) {
+ s += ' UNION ' + (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') + this.union.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.unionall) {
+ s +=
+ ' UNION ALL ' +
+ (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') +
+ this.unionall.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.except) {
+ s += ' EXCEPT ' + (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') + this.except.toString();
+ }
+ if (this.intersect) {
+ s +=
+ (this.corresponding ? 'CORRESPONDING ' : '') +
+ this.intersect.toString();
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ Select statement in expression
+ */
+ yy.Select.prototype.toJS = function(context) {
+ // console.log('Expression',this);
+ // if(this.expression.reduced) return 'true';
+ // return this.expression.toJS(context, tableid, defcols);
+ // console.log('Select.toJS', 81, this.queriesidx);
+ // var s = 'this.queriesdata['+(this.queriesidx-1)+'][0]';
+ var s =
+ 'alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn[' +
+ (this.queriesidx - 1) +
+ '](this.params,null,' +
+ context +
+ '))[0]';
+ // var s = '(ee=alasql.utils.flatArray(this.queriesfn['+(this.queriesidx-1)+'](this.params,null,'+context+')),console.log(999,ee),ee[0])';
+ return s;
+ };
+ // Compile SELECT statement
+ yy.Select.prototype.compile = function(databaseid, params) {
+ var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
+ // Create variable for query
+ var query = new mem.alasql.Query();
+ // Array with columns to be removed
+ query.removeKeys = [];
+ query.aggrKeys = [];
+ query.explain = this.explain; // Explain
+ query.explaination = [];
+ query.explid = 1;
+ //console.log(this.modifier);
+ query.modifier = this.modifier;
+ query.database = db;
+ // 0. Precompile whereexists
+ this.compileWhereExists(query);
+ // 0. Precompile queries for IN, NOT IN, ANY and ALL operators
+ this.compileQueries(query);
+ query.defcols = this.compileDefCols(query, databaseid);
+ // 1. Compile FROM clause
+ query.fromfn = this.compileFrom(query);
+ // 2. Compile JOIN clauses
+ if (this.joins) {
+ this.compileJoins(query);
+ }
+ // todo?: 3. Compile SELECT clause
+ // For ROWNUM()
+ query.rownums = [];
+ this.compileSelectGroup0(query);
+ if (this.group || query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
+ query.selectgfns = this.compileSelectGroup1(query);
+ } else {
+ query.selectfns = this.compileSelect1(query, params);
+ }
+ // Remove columns clause
+ this.compileRemoveColumns(query);
+ // 5. Optimize WHERE and JOINS
+ if (this.where) {
+ this.compileWhereJoins(query);
+ }
+ // 4. Compile WHERE clause
+ query.wherefn = this.compileWhere(query);
+ // 6. Compile GROUP BY
+ if (this.group || query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
+ query.groupfn = this.compileGroup(query);
+ }
+ // 6. Compile HAVING
+ if (this.having) {
+ query.havingfn = this.compileHaving(query);
+ }
+ // 8. Compile ORDER BY clause
+ if (this.order) {
+ query.orderfn = this.compileOrder(query);
+ }
+ if (this.group || query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
+ query.selectgfn = this.compileSelectGroup2(query);
+ } else {
+ query.selectfn = this.compileSelect2(query);
+ }
+ // 7. Compile DISTINCT, LIMIT and OFFSET
+ query.distinct = this.distinct;
+ // 9. Compile PIVOT clause
+ if (this.pivot) query.pivotfn = this.compilePivot(query);
+ if (this.unpivot) query.pivotfn = this.compileUnpivot(query);
+ // 10. Compile TOP/LIMIT/OFFSET/FETCH cleuse
+ if (this.top) {
+ query.limit = this.top.value;
+ } else if (this.limit) {
+ query.limit = this.limit.value;
+ if (this.offset) {
+ query.offset = this.offset.value;
+ }
+ }
+ query.percent = this.percent;
+ // 9. Compile ordering function for UNION and UNIONALL
+ query.corresponding = this.corresponding; // If CORRESPONDING flag exists
+ if (this.union) {
+ query.unionfn = this.union.compile(databaseid);
+ if (this.union.order) {
+ query.orderfn = this.union.compileOrder(query);
+ } else {
+ query.orderfn = null;
+ }
+ } else if (this.unionall) {
+ query.unionallfn = this.unionall.compile(databaseid);
+ if (this.unionall.order) {
+ query.orderfn = this.unionall.compileOrder(query);
+ } else {
+ query.orderfn = null;
+ }
+ } else if (this.except) {
+ query.exceptfn = this.except.compile(databaseid);
+ if (this.except.order) {
+ query.orderfn = this.except.compileOrder(query);
+ } else {
+ query.orderfn = null;
+ }
+ } else if (this.intersect) {
+ query.intersectfn = this.intersect.compile(databaseid);
+ if (this.intersect.order) {
+ query.intersectfn = this.intersect.compileOrder(query);
+ } else {
+ query.orderfn = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.into) {
+ if (this.into instanceof yy.Table) {
+ //
+ // Save into the table in database
+ //
+ if (
+ alasql.options.autocommit &&
+ alasql.databases[this.into.databaseid || databaseid].engineid
+ ) {
+ // For external database when AUTOCOMMIT is ONs
+ query.intoallfns =
+ 'return alasql.engines["' +
+ alasql.databases[this.into.databaseid || databaseid].engineid +
+ '"]' +
+ '.intoTable("' +
+ (this.into.databaseid || databaseid) +
+ '","' +
+ this.into.tableid +
+ '",this.data, columns, cb);';
+ } else {
+ // Into AlaSQL tables
+ query.intofns =
+ "alasql.databases['" +
+ (this.into.databaseid || databaseid) +
+ "'].tables" +
+ "['" +
+ this.into.tableid +
+ "'].data.push(r);";
+ }
+ } else if (this.into instanceof yy.VarValue) {
+ //
+ // Save into local variable
+ //
+ query.intoallfns =
+ 'alasql.vars["' +
+ this.into.variable +
+ '"]=this.data;res=this.data.length;if(cb)res=cb(res);return res;';
+ } else if (this.into instanceof yy.FuncValue) {
+ //
+ // If this is INTO() function, then call it
+ // with one or two parameters
+ //
+ var qs = "return alasql.into['" + this.into.funcid.toUpperCase() + "'](";
+ if (this.into.args && this.into.args.length > 0) {
+ qs += this.into.args[0].toJS() + ',';
+ if (this.into.args.length > 1) {
+ qs += this.into.args[1].toJS() + ',';
+ } else {
+ qs += 'undefined,';
+ }
+ } else {
+ qs += 'undefined, undefined,';
+ }
+ query.intoallfns = qs + 'this.data,columns,cb)';
+ //console.log('999');
+ } else if (this.into instanceof yy.ParamValue) {
+ //
+ // Save data into parameters array
+ // like alasql('SELECT * INTO ? FROM ?',[outdata,srcdata]);
+ //
+ query.intofns = "params['" + this.into.param + "'].push(r)";
+ }
+ if (query.intofns) {
+ // Create intofn function
+ // console.log(234234, query.intofns);
+ query.intofn = new Function('r,i,params,alasql', 'var y;' + query.intofns);
+ } else if (query.intoallfns) {
+ // Create intoallfn function
+ // console.log(23423234, query.intoallfns);
+ query.intoallfn = new Function(
+ 'columns,cb,params,alasql',
+ 'var y;' + query.intoallfns
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ //console.log(query);
+ // Now, compile all togeather into one function with query object in scope
+ interface _statement { (): any; query: any; }
+ let statement = <_statement>function(params, cb, oldscope) {
+ query.params = params;
+ var res1 = queryfn(alasql, query, oldscope, (res) => {
+ //console.log(res[0].schoolid);
+ //console.log(184,res);
+ if (query.rownums.length > 0) {
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ for (var j = 0, jlen = query.rownums.length; j < jlen; j++) {
+ res[i][query.rownums[j]] = i + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var res2 = utils.modify(alasql, query, res);
+ if (cb) {
+ cb(res2);
+ }
+ //console.log(8888,res2);
+ return res2;
+ });
+ //console.log(9999,res1);
+ // if(typeof res1 != 'undefined') res1 = modify(query,res1);
+ return res1;
+ };
+ // statement.dbversion = ;
+ // console.log(statement.query);
+ //console.log(202,statement);
+ statement.query = query;
+ return statement;
+ };
+ // yy.Select.prototype.exec = function(databaseid) {
+ // throw new Error('Select statement should be precompiled');
+ // };
+ yy.Select.prototype.execute = function(databaseid, params, cb) {
+ return this.compile(databaseid)(params, cb);
+ // throw new Error('Insert statement is should be compiled')
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
+ mem.alasql = alasql;
diff --git a/src/grammar/statements.ts b/src/grammar/statements.ts
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..725e928d8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/grammar/statements.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// Statements class for Alasql.js
+// Date: 03.11.2014
+// (c) 2014, Andrey Gershun
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ // Statements container
+ yy.Statements = function(params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.Statements.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return this.statements
+ .map(function(st) {
+ return st.toString();
+ })
+ .join('; ');
+ };
+ // Compile array of statements into single statement
+ yy.Statements.prototype.compile = function(db) {
+ var statements = this.statements.map(function(st) {
+ return st.compile(db);
+ });
+ if (statements.length === 1) {
+ return statements[0];
+ } else {
+ return function(params, cb) {
+ var res = statements.map(function(st) {
+ return st(params);
+ });
+ if (cb) {
+ cb(res);
+ }
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
diff --git a/src/grammar/usedatabase.js b/src/grammar/usedatabase.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..d6e708fc9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/grammar/usedatabase.js
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ const alasql = mem.alasql;
+ yy.CreateDatabase = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = 'CREATE';
+ if (this.engineid) s += ' ' + this.engineid;
+ s += ' DATABASE';
+ if (this.ifnotexists) s += ' IF NOT EXISTS';
+ s += ' ' + this.databaseid;
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ s +=
+ '(' +
+ this.args
+ .map(function (arg) {
+ return arg.toString();
+ })
+ .join(', ') +
+ ')';
+ }
+ if (this.as) s += ' AS ' + this.as;
+ return s;
+ };
+ //yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
+ yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ var args;
+ if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
+ args = this.args.map(function (arg) {
+ // console.log(346235, arg.toJS());
+ return new Function('params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + arg.toJS())(params, alasql);
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.engineid) {
+ var res = alasql.engines[this.engineid].createDatabase(
+ this.databaseid,
+ this.args,
+ this.ifnotexists,
+ this.as,
+ cb
+ );
+ return res;
+ } else {
+ var dbid = this.databaseid;
+ if (alasql.databases[dbid]) {
+ throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' already exists");
+ }
+ var a = alasql.newDatabase(dbid);
+ var res = 1;
+ if (cb) return cb(res);
+ return res;
+ }
+ };
+ // CREATE DATABASE databaseid
+ yy.AttachDatabase = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.AttachDatabase.prototype.toString = function (args) {
+ var s = 'ATTACH';
+ if (this.engineid) s += ' ' + this.engineid;
+ s += ' DATABASE' + ' ' + this.databaseid;
+ // TODO add params
+ if (args) {
+ s += '(';
+ if (args.length > 0) {
+ s += args
+ .map(function (arg) {
+ return arg.toString();
+ })
+ .join(', ');
+ }
+ s += ')';
+ }
+ if (this.as) s += ' AS' + ' ' + this.as;
+ return s;
+ };
+ //yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
+ yy.AttachDatabase.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ if (!alasql.engines[this.engineid]) {
+ throw new Error('Engine "' + this.engineid + '" is not defined.');
+ }
+ var res = alasql.engines[this.engineid].attachDatabase(
+ this.databaseid,
+ this.as,
+ this.args,
+ params,
+ cb
+ );
+ return res;
+ };
+ // CREATE DATABASE databaseid
+ yy.DetachDatabase = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.DetachDatabase.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = 'DETACH';
+ s += ' DATABASE' + ' ' + this.databaseid;
+ return s;
+ };
+ //yy.CreateDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
+ yy.DetachDatabase.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ if (!alasql.databases[this.databaseid].engineid) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Cannot detach database "' + this.engineid + '", because it was not attached.'
+ );
+ }
+ var res;
+ var dbid = this.databaseid;
+ if (dbid === alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID) {
+ throw new Error('Drop of default database is prohibited');
+ }
+ if (!alasql.databases[dbid]) {
+ if (!this.ifexists) {
+ throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' does not exist");
+ } else {
+ res = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ delete alasql.databases[dbid];
+ if (dbid === alasql.useid) {
+ alasql.use();
+ }
+ res = 1;
+ }
+ if (cb) cb(res);
+ return res;
+ // var res = alasql.engines[this.engineid].attachDatabase(this.databaseid, this.as, cb);
+ // return res;
+ };
+ // USE DATABSE databaseid
+ // USE databaseid
+ yy.UseDatabase = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.UseDatabase.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return 'USE' + ' ' + 'DATABASE' + ' ' + this.databaseid;
+ };
+ //yy.UseDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
+ yy.UseDatabase.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ var dbid = this.databaseid;
+ if (!alasql.databases[dbid]) {
+ throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' does not exist");
+ }
+ alasql.use(dbid);
+ var res = 1;
+ if (cb) cb(res);
+ return res;
+ };
+ // DROP DATABASE databaseid
+ yy.DropDatabase = function (params) {
+ return yy.extend(this, params);
+ };
+ yy.DropDatabase.prototype.toString = function () {
+ var s = 'DROP';
+ if (this.ifexists) s += ' IF EXISTS';
+ s += ' DATABASE ' + this.databaseid;
+ return s;
+ };
+ //yy.DropDatabase.prototype.compile = returnUndefined;
+ yy.DropDatabase.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
+ if (this.engineid) {
+ return alasql.engines[this.engineid].dropDatabase(this.databaseid, this.ifexists, cb);
+ }
+ var res;
+ var dbid = this.databaseid;
+ if (dbid === alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID) {
+ throw new Error('Drop of default database is prohibited');
+ }
+ if (!alasql.databases[dbid]) {
+ if (!this.ifexists) {
+ throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' does not exist");
+ } else {
+ res = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (alasql.databases[dbid].engineid) {
+ throw new Error(
+ "Cannot drop database '" + dbid + "', because it is attached. Detach it."
+ );
+ }
+ delete alasql.databases[dbid];
+ if (dbid === alasql.useid) {
+ alasql.use();
+ }
+ res = 1;
+ }
+ if (cb) cb(res);
+ return res;
+ };
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
diff --git a/src/grammar/where.js b/src/grammar/where.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..54c4066b35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/grammar/where.js
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+export default mem => {
+ const yy = mem.grammar.yy;
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileWhere = function(query) {
+ if (this.where) {
+ if (typeof this.where === 'function') {
+ return this.where;
+ } else {
+ var s = this.where.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
+ query.wherefns = s;
+ // console.log(s);
+ return new Function('p,params,alasql', 'var y;return ' + s);
+ }
+ } else
+ return function() {
+ return true;
+ };
+ };
+ yy.Select.prototype.compileWhereJoins = function(query) {
+ return;
+ // TODO Fix Where optimization
+ //console.log(query);
+ optimizeWhereJoin(query, this.where.expression);
+ //for sources compile wherefs
+ query.sources.forEach(function(source) {
+ if (source.srcwherefns) {
+ source.srcwherefn = new Function(
+ 'p,params,alasql',
+ 'var y;return ' + source.srcwherefns
+ );
+ }
+ if (source.wxleftfns) {
+ source.wxleftfn = new Function(
+ 'p,params,alasql',
+ 'var y;return ' + source.wxleftfns
+ );
+ }
+ if (source.wxrightfns) {
+ source.wxrightfn = new Function(
+ 'p,params,alasql',
+ 'var y;return ' + source.wxrightfns
+ );
+ }
+ // console.log(source.alias, source.wherefns)
+ // console.log(source);
+ });
+ };
+ function optimizeWhereJoin(query, ast) {
+ if (!ast) return false;
+ if (!(ast instanceof yy.Op)) return;
+ if (ast.op != '=' && ast.op != 'AND') return;
+ if (ast.allsome) return;
+ var s = ast.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
+ var fsrc = [];
+ query.sources.forEach(function(source, idx) {
+ // Optimization allowed only for tables only
+ if (source.tableid) {
+ // This is a good place to remove all unnecessary optimizations
+ if (s.indexOf("p['" + source.alias + "']") > -1) fsrc.push(source);
+ }
+ });
+ //console.log(fsrc.length);
+ // if(fsrc.length < query.sources.length) return;
+ // console.log(ast);
+ // console.log(s);
+ // console.log(fsrc.length);
+ if (fsrc.length == 0) {
+ // console.log('no optimization, can remove this part of ast');
+ return;
+ } else if (fsrc.length == 1) {
+ if (
+ !(s.match(/p\[\'.*?\'\]/g) || []).every(function(s) {
+ return s == "p['" + fsrc[0].alias + "']";
+ })
+ ) {
+ return;
+ // This is means, that we have column from parent query
+ // So we return without optimization
+ }
+ var src = fsrc[0]; // optmiization source
+ src.srcwherefns = src.srcwherefns ? src.srcwherefns + '&&' + s : s;
+ if (ast instanceof yy.Op && (ast.op == '=' && !ast.allsome)) {
+ if (ast.left instanceof yy.Column) {
+ var ls = ast.left.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
+ var rs = ast.right.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
+ if (rs.indexOf("p['" + fsrc[0].alias + "']") == -1) {
+ fsrc[0].wxleftfns = ls;
+ fsrc[0].wxrightfns = rs;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ast.right instanceof yy.Column) {
+ var ls = ast.left.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
+ var rs = ast.right.toJS('p', query.defaultTableid, query.defcols);
+ if (ls.indexOf("p['" + fsrc[0].alias + "']") == -1) {
+ fsrc[0].wxleftfns = rs;
+ fsrc[0].wxrightfns = ls;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ast.reduced = true; // To do not duplicate wherefn and srcwherefn
+ return;
+ } else {
+ if ((ast.op = 'AND')) {
+ optimizeWhereJoin(query, ast.left);
+ optimizeWhereJoin(query, ast.right);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mem.grammar.yy = yy;
diff --git a/src/logic.ts b/src/logic.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f753f5f41d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/logic.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import stdlib from './logic/stdlib';
+import stdfn from './logic/stdfn';
+import aggr from './logic/aggr';
+export default mem => {
+ stdlib(mem);
+ stdfn(mem);
+ aggr(mem);
diff --git a/src/logic/aggr.ts b/src/logic/aggr.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b1c975324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/logic/aggr.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+export default mem => {
+ const alasql = mem.alasql;
+ //stdlib.UCASE = function(s) {return '('+s+').toUpperCase()';}
+ // RTRIM
+ // TRIM
+ // RTRIM
+ // TRIM
+ // Aggregator for joining strings
+ alasql.aggr.GROUP_CONCAT = function (v, s, stage) {
+ if (stage === 1) {
+ return '' + v;
+ } else if (stage === 2) {
+ s += ',' + v;
+ return s;
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ alasql.aggr.MEDIAN = function (v, s, stage) {
+ if (stage === 2) {
+ if (v !== null) {
+ s.push(v);
+ }
+ return s;
+ } else if (stage === 1) {
+ if (v === null) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ return [v];
+ } else {
+ if (!s.length) {
+ return s;
+ }
+ var r = s.sort();
+ var p = (r.length + 1) / 2;
+ if (Number.isInteger(p)) {
+ return r[p - 1];
+ }
+ return (r[Math.floor(p - 1)] + r[Math.ceil(p - 1)]) / 2;
+ }
+ };
+ alasql.aggr.QUART = function (v, s, stage, nth) {
+ //Quartile (first quartile per default or input param)
+ if (stage === 2) {
+ if (v !== null) {
+ s.push(v);
+ }
+ return s;
+ } else if (stage === 1) {
+ if (v === null) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ return [v];
+ } else {
+ if (!s.length) {
+ return s;
+ }
+ nth = !nth ? 1 : nth;
+ var r = s.sort();
+ var p = (nth * (r.length + 1)) / 4;
+ if (Number.isInteger(p)) {
+ return r[p - 1]; //Integer value
+ }
+ return r[Math.floor(p)]; //Math.ceil -1 or Math.floor
+ }
+ };
+ alasql.aggr.QUART2 = function (v, s, stage) {
+ //Second Quartile
+ return alasql.aggr.QUART(v, s, stage, 2);
+ };
+ alasql.aggr.QUART3 = function (v, s, stage) {
+ //Third Quartile
+ return alasql.aggr.QUART(v, s, stage, 3);
+ };
+ // Standard deviation
+ alasql.aggr.VAR = function (v, s, stage) {
+ if (stage === 1) {
+ if (v === null) {
+ return { arr: [], sum: 0 };
+ }
+ return { arr: [v], sum: v };
+ } else if (stage === 2) {
+ if (v === null) {
+ return s;
+ }
+ s.arr.push(v);
+ s.sum += v;
+ return s;
+ } else {
+ var N = s.arr.length;
+ var avg = s.sum / N;
+ var std = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+ std += (s.arr[i] - avg) * (s.arr[i] - avg);
+ }
+ std = std / (N - 1);
+ return std;
+ }
+ };
+ alasql.aggr.STDEV = function (v, s, stage) {
+ if (stage === 1 || stage === 2) {
+ return alasql.aggr.VAR(v, s, stage);
+ } else {
+ return Math.sqrt(alasql.aggr.VAR(v, s, stage));
+ }
+ };
+ // Standard deviation
+ // alasql.aggr.VARP = function(v,s,acc){
+ // if(typeof acc.arr == 'undefined') {
+ // acc.arr = [v];
+ // acc.sum = v;
+ // } else {
+ // acc.arr.push(v);
+ // acc.sum += v;
+ // }
+ // var N = acc.arr.length;
+ // var avg = acc.sum / N;
+ // var std = 0;
+ // for(var i=0;i {
+ const stdfn : {[key: string]: any} = {};
+ stdfn.CONCAT = function (...args) {
+ return Array.prototype.slice.call(args).join('');
+ };
+ stdfn.REGEXP_LIKE = function (a, b, c) {
+ // console.log(a,b,c);
+ return (a || '').search(RegExp(b, c)) > -1;
+ };
+ // Concatination of strings
+ stdfn.CONCAT_WS = function (...args) {
+ return args.slice(1, args.length).join(args[0]);
+ };
+ // String functions
+ stdfn.REPLACE = function (target, pattern, replacement) {
+ return (target || '').split(pattern).join(replacement);
+ };
+ stdfn.CHAR = String.fromCharCode.bind(String);
+ stdfn.ASCII = function(a) {
+ return a.charCodeAt(0);
+ };
+ // This array is required for fast GUID generation
+ var lut = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
+ lut[i] = (i < 16 ? '0' : '') + i.toString(16);
+ }
+ stdfn.NEWID = stdfn.UUID = stdfn.GEN_RANDOM_UUID = function () {
+ var d0 = (Math.random() * 0xffffffff) | 0;
+ var d1 = (Math.random() * 0xffffffff) | 0;
+ var d2 = (Math.random() * 0xffffffff) | 0;
+ var d3 = (Math.random() * 0xffffffff) | 0;
+ return (
+ lut[d0 & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d0 >> 8) & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d0 >> 16) & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d0 >> 24) & 0xff] +
+ '-' +
+ lut[d1 & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d1 >> 8) & 0xff] +
+ '-' +
+ lut[((d1 >> 16) & 0x0f) | 0x40] +
+ lut[(d1 >> 24) & 0xff] +
+ '-' +
+ lut[(d2 & 0x3f) | 0x80] +
+ lut[(d2 >> 8) & 0xff] +
+ '-' +
+ lut[(d2 >> 16) & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d2 >> 24) & 0xff] +
+ lut[d3 & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d3 >> 8) & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d3 >> 16) & 0xff] +
+ lut[(d3 >> 24) & 0xff]
+ );
+ };
+ mem.alasql.stdfn = stdfn;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/logic/stdlib.ts b/src/logic/stdlib.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..030339d541
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/logic/stdlib.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+import utils from '../utils';
+const und = utils.und;
+export default mem => {
+ const stdlib : {[key: string]: any} = {};
+ stdlib.ABS = function (a) {
+ return 'Math.abs(' + a + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.CLONEDEEP = function (a) {
+ return 'alasql.utils.cloneDeep(' + a + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.EXP = function (a) {
+ return 'Math.pow(Math.E,' + a + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.IIF = function (a, b, c) {
+ if (arguments.length == 3) {
+ return '((' + a + ')?(' + b + '):(' + c + '))';
+ } else {
+ throw new Error('Number of arguments of IFF is not equals to 3');
+ }
+ };
+ stdlib.IFNULL = function (a, b) {
+ return '(' + a + '||' + b + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.INSTR = function (s, p) {
+ return '((' + s + ').indexOf(' + p + ')+1)';
+ };
+ //stdlib.LEN = stdlib.LENGTH = function(s) {return '('+s+'+"").length';};
+ stdlib.LEN = stdlib.LENGTH = function (s) {
+ return und(s, 'y.length');
+ };
+ //stdlib.LENGTH = function(s) {return '('+s+').length'};
+ stdlib.LOWER = stdlib.LCASE = function (s) {
+ return und(s, 'String(y).toLowerCase()');
+ };
+ //stdlib.LCASE = function(s) {return '('+s+').toLowerCase()';}
+ // Returns a character expression after it removes leading blanks.
+ // see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/ltrim-transact-sql
+ stdlib.LTRIM = function (s) {
+ return und(s, 'y.replace(/^[ ]+/,"")');
+ };
+ // Returns a character string after truncating all trailing spaces.
+ // see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/rtrim-transact-sql
+ stdlib.RTRIM = function (s) {
+ return und(s, 'y.replace(/[ ]+$/,"")');
+ };
+ stdlib.MAX = stdlib.GREATEST = function () {
+ return 'Math.max(' + Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, ',') + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.MIN = stdlib.LEAST = function () {
+ return 'Math.min(' + Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, ',') + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.SUBSTRING = stdlib.SUBSTR = stdlib.MID = function (a, b, c) {
+ if (arguments.length == 2) return und(a, 'y.substr(' + b + '-1)');
+ else if (arguments.length == 3) return und(a, 'y.substr(' + b + '-1,' + c + ')');
+ };
+ // Here we uses undefined instead of null
+ stdlib.ISNULL = stdlib.NULLIF = function (a, b) {
+ return '(' + a + '==' + b + '?undefined:' + a + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.POWER = function (a, b) {
+ return 'Math.pow(' + a + ',' + b + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.RANDOM = function (r) {
+ if (arguments.length == 0) {
+ return 'Math.random()';
+ } else {
+ return '(Math.random()*(' + r + ')|0)';
+ }
+ };
+ stdlib.ROUND = function (s, d) {
+ if (arguments.length == 2) {
+ return 'Math.round((' + s + ')*Math.pow(10,(' + d + ')))/Math.pow(10,(' + d + '))';
+ } else {
+ return 'Math.round(' + s + ')';
+ }
+ };
+ stdlib.CEIL = stdlib.CEILING = function (s) {
+ return 'Math.ceil(' + s + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.FLOOR = function (s) {
+ return 'Math.floor(' + s + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.ROWNUM = function () {
+ return '1';
+ };
+ stdlib.ROW_NUMBER = function () {
+ return '1';
+ };
+ stdlib.SQRT = function (s) {
+ return 'Math.sqrt(' + s + ')';
+ };
+ stdlib.TRIM = function (s) {
+ return und(s, 'y.trim()');
+ };
+ stdlib.UPPER = stdlib.UCASE = function (s) {
+ return und(s, 'String(y).toUpperCase()');
+ };
+ mem.alasql.stdlib = stdlib;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main.ts b/src/main.ts
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..fcc4ff7eb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+//! AlaSQL vPACKAGE_VERSION_NUMBER | © 2014-2018 Andrey Gershun & Mathias Rangel Wulff | License: MIT
+@module alasql
+AlaSQL - JavaScript SQL database
+© 2014-2018 Andrey Gershun & Mathias Rangel Wulff
+The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright 2014-2016 Andrey Gershun (agershun@gmail.com) & Mathias Rangel Wulff (m@rawu.dk)
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+import addOptions from './options';
+import utils from './utils';
+import grammar from './alasqlparser';
+import expandGrammar from './grammar';
+import alasqlObj from './alasqlObj';
+import addDataStruct from './dataStruct';
+import addlogic from './logic';
+const alasql: any = () => {};
+const mem: {[key: string]: any} = {grammar, alasql};
+mem.alasql = alasqlObj(mem);
+mem.alasql.version = 'PACKAGE_VERSION_NUMBER';
+mem.alasql.debug = false;
+if (0) mem.alasql.path = utils.findAlaSQLPath();
+//!var require = function(){return null}; // as alasqlparser.js is generated, we can not "remove" referenses to
+//!var __dirname = '';
+if(utils.isCordova || utils.isMeteorServer || utils.isNode ){
+ console.warn('It looks like you are using the browser version of AlaSQL. Please use the alasql.fs.js file instead.')
+// Create and set default database
+export default mem.alasql;
diff --git a/src/options.ts b/src/options.ts
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..c0fd3fe584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/options.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+ Database class for Alasql.js
+//var alasqlparser = require('./alasqlparser').parse;
+import utils from './utils';
+var hash = x => x;
+export default mem => {
+ // Initial parameters
+ const alasql = mem.alasql;
+ /**
+ Jison parser
+ */
+ //alasql.parser = alasqlparser;
+ /*/* This is not working :-/ * /
+ alasql.parser.parseError = function(str, hash) {
+ throw new Error('Have you used a reserved keyword without `escaping` it?\n' + str);
+ };/*
+ /**
+ Jison parser
+ @param {string} sql SQL statement
+ @return {object} AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)
+ @todo Create class AST
+ @todo Add other parsers
+ @example
+ alasql.parse = function(sql) {
+ // My own parser here
+ }
+ */
+ alasql.parse = function(sql) {
+ return mem.grammar.parse(utils.uncomment(sql));
+ };
+ /**
+ List of engines of external databases
+ @type {object}
+ @todo Create collection type
+ */
+ alasql.engines = {};
+ /**
+ List of databases
+ @type {object}
+ */
+ alasql.databases = {};
+ /**
+ Number of databases
+ @type {number}
+ alasql.databasenum = 0;
+ /**
+ Alasql options object
+ */
+ alasql.options = {};
+ alasql.options.errorlog = false; // Log or throw error
+ alasql.options.valueof = false; // Use valueof in orderfn
+ alasql.options.dropifnotexists = false; // DROP database in any case
+ alasql.options.datetimeformat = 'sql'; // How to handle DATE and DATETIME types
+ // Another value is 'javascript'
+ alasql.options.casesensitive = true; // Table and column names are case sensitive and converted to lower-case
+ alasql.options.logtarget = 'output'; // target for log. Values: 'console', 'output', 'id' of html tag
+ alasql.options.logprompt = true; // Print SQL at log
+ alasql.options.progress = false; // Callback for async queries progress
+ // Default modifier
+ alasql.options.modifier = undefined;
+ // How many rows to lookup to define columns
+ alasql.options.columnlookup = 10;
+ // Create vertex if not found
+ alasql.options.autovertex = true;
+ // Use dbo as current database (for partial T-SQL comaptibility)
+ alasql.options.usedbo = true;
+ alasql.options.autocommit = true;
+ // Use cache
+ alasql.options.cache = true;
+ // Compatibility flags
+ alasql.options.tsql = true;
+ alasql.options.mysql = true;
+ alasql.options.postgres = true;
+ alasql.options.oracle = true;
+ alasql.options.sqlite = true;
+ alasql.options.orientdb = true;
+ alasql.options.nocount = false;
+ // Check for NaN and convert it to undefined
+ alasql.options.nan = false;
+ alasql.options.joinstar = 'overwrite'; // Option for SELECT * FROM a,b
+ //alasql.options.worker = false;
+ // Variables
+ alasql.vars = {};
+ alasql.declares = {};
+ alasql.prompthistory = [];
+ alasql.plugins = {}; // If plugin already loaded
+ alasql.from = {}; // FROM functions
+ alasql.into = {}; // INTO functions
+ alasql.fn = {};
+ alasql.aggr = {};
+ alasql.busy = 0;
+ // Cache
+ alasql.MAXSQLCACHESIZE = 10000;
+ alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID = 'alasql';
+ /* WebWorker */
+ alasql.lastid = 0;
+ alasql.buffer = {};
+ /**
+ Select current database
+ @param {string} databaseid Selected database identificator
+ */
+ alasql.use = function(databaseid) {
+ if (!databaseid) {
+ databaseid = alasql.DEFAULTDATABASEID;
+ }
+ if (alasql.useid === databaseid) {
+ return;
+ }
+ alasql.useid = databaseid;
+ var db = alasql.databases[alasql.useid];
+ alasql.tables = db.tables;
+ // alasql.fn = db.fn;
+ db.resetSqlCache();
+ if (alasql.options.usedbo) {
+ alasql.databases.dbo = db; // Operator???
+ }
+ };
+ alasql.autoval = function(tablename, colname, getNext, databaseid) {
+ var db = databaseid ? alasql.databases[databaseid] : alasql.databases[alasql.useid];
+ if (!db.tables[tablename]) {
+ throw new Error('Tablename not found: ' + tablename);
+ }
+ if (!db.tables[tablename].identities[colname]) {
+ throw new Error('Colname not found: ' + colname);
+ }
+ if (getNext) {
+ return db.tables[tablename].identities[colname].value || null;
+ }
+ return (
+ db.tables[tablename].identities[colname].value -
+ db.tables[tablename].identities[colname].step || null
+ );
+ };
+ /**
+ Run single SQL statement on current database
+ */
+ alasql.exec = function(sql, params, cb, scope) {
+ // Avoid setting params if not needed even with callback
+ if (typeof params === 'function') {
+ scope = cb;
+ cb = params;
+ params = {};
+ }
+ delete alasql.error;
+ params = params || {};
+ if (alasql.options.errorlog) {
+ try {
+ return alasql.dexec(alasql.useid, sql, params, cb, scope);
+ } catch (err) {
+ alasql.error = err;
+ if (cb) {
+ cb(null, alasql.error);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ return alasql.dexec(alasql.useid, sql, params, cb, scope);
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ Run SQL statement on specific database
+ */
+ alasql.dexec = function(databaseid, sql, params, cb, scope) {
+ var db = alasql.databases[databaseid];
+ // if(db.databaseid != databaseid) console.trace('got!');
+ // console.log(3, databaseid, alasql.databases);
+ var hh;
+ // Create hash
+ if (alasql.options.cache) {
+ hh = hash(sql);
+ var statement = db.sqlCache[hh];
+ // If database structure was not changed since last time return cache
+ if (statement && db.dbversion === statement.dbversion) {
+ return statement(params, cb);
+ }
+ }
+ // Create AST
+ var ast = alasql.parse(sql);
+ if (!ast.statements) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (0 === ast.statements.length) {
+ return 0;
+ } else if (1 === ast.statements.length) {
+ if (ast.statements[0].compile) {
+ // Compile and Execute
+ statement = ast.statements[0].compile(databaseid, params);
+ if (!statement) {
+ return;
+ }
+ statement.sql = sql;
+ statement.dbversion = db.dbversion;
+ if (alasql.options.cache) {
+ // Secure sqlCache size
+ if (db.sqlCacheSize > alasql.MAXSQLCACHESIZE) {
+ db.resetSqlCache();
+ }
+ db.sqlCacheSize++;
+ db.sqlCache[hh] = statement;
+ }
+ var res = (alasql.res = statement(params, cb, scope));
+ return res;
+ } else {
+ // console.log(ast.statements[0]);
+ alasql.precompile(ast.statements[0], alasql.useid, params);
+ res = alasql.res = ast.statements[0].execute(databaseid, params, cb, scope);
+ return res;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Multiple statements
+ if (cb) {
+ alasql.adrun(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope);
+ } else {
+ return alasql.drun(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ Run multiple statements and return array of results sync
+ */
+ alasql.drun = function(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope) {
+ var useid = alasql.useid;
+ if (useid !== databaseid) {
+ alasql.use(databaseid);
+ }
+ var res = [];
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = ast.statements.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ if (ast.statements[i]) {
+ if (ast.statements[i].compile) {
+ var statement = ast.statements[i].compile(alasql.useid);
+ res.push((alasql.res = statement(params, null, scope)));
+ } else {
+ alasql.precompile(ast.statements[i], alasql.useid, params);
+ res.push((alasql.res = ast.statements[i].execute(alasql.useid, params)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (useid !== databaseid) {
+ alasql.use(useid);
+ }
+ if (cb) {
+ cb(res);
+ }
+ alasql.res = res;
+ return res;
+ };
+ /**
+ Run multiple statements and return array of results async
+ */
+ alasql.adrun = function(databaseid, ast, params, cb, scope) {
+ var idx = 0;
+ var noqueries = ast.statements.length;
+ if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {
+ alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);
+ }
+ // alasql.busy++;
+ var useid = alasql.useid;
+ if (useid !== databaseid) {
+ alasql.use(databaseid);
+ }
+ var res = [];
+ const adrunone = function(data?) {
+ if (data !== undefined) {
+ res.push(data);
+ }
+ var astatement = ast.statements.shift();
+ if (!astatement) {
+ if (useid !== databaseid) {
+ alasql.use(useid);
+ }
+ cb(res);
+ // alasql.busy--;
+ // if(alasql.busy<0) alasql.busy = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (astatement.compile) {
+ var statement = astatement.compile(alasql.useid);
+ statement(params, adrunone, scope);
+ if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {
+ alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);
+ }
+ } else {
+ alasql.precompile(ast.statements[0], alasql.useid, params);
+ astatement.execute(alasql.useid, params, adrunone);
+ if (alasql.options.progress !== false) {
+ alasql.options.progress(noqueries, idx++);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ adrunone(); /** @todo Check, why data is empty here */
+ };
+ /**
+ Compile statement to JavaScript function
+ @param {string} sql SQL statement
+ @param {string} databaseid Database identificator
+ @return {functions} Compiled statement functions
+ alasql.compile = function(sql, databaseid) {
+ databaseid = databaseid || alasql.useid;
+ var ast = alasql.parse(sql); // Create AST
+ if (1 === ast.statements.length) {
+ var statement = ast.statements[0].compile(databaseid);
+ statement.promise = function(params) {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ statement(params, function(data, err) {
+ if (err) {
+ reject(err);
+ } else {
+ resolve(data);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ return statement;
+ /*/*
+ if(kind == 'value') {
+ return function(params,cb) {
+ var res = statementfn(params);
+ var key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];
+ if(cb) cb(res[0][key]);
+ return res[0][key];
+ };
+ } else if(kind == 'single') {
+ return function(params,cb) {
+ var res = statementfn(params);
+ if(cb) cb(res[0]);
+ return res[0];
+ }
+ } else if(kind == 'row') {
+ return function(params,cb) {
+ var res = statementfn(params,cb);
+ var a = [];
+ for(var key in res[0]) {
+ a.push(res[0][key]);
+ };
+ if(cb) cb(a);
+ return a;
+ }
+ } else if(kind == 'column') {
+ return function(params,cb) {
+ var res = statementfn(params,cb);
+ var ar = [];
+ var key = Object.keys(res)[0];
+ for(var i=0, ilen=res.length; i= 0) {
var source = query.sources[idx];
source.data = data;
- if (typeof source.data == 'function') {
+ if (typeof source.data === 'function') {
source.getfn = source.data;
source.dontcache = source.getfn.dontcache;
// var prevsource = query.sources[h-1];
if (
- source.joinmode == 'OUTER' ||
- source.joinmode == 'RIGHT' ||
- source.joinmode == 'ANTI'
+ source.joinmode === 'OUTER' ||
+ source.joinmode === 'RIGHT' ||
+ source.joinmode === 'ANTI'
) {
source.dontcache = false;
@@ -112,10 +117,10 @@ function queryfn2(data, idx, query) {
if (query.sourceslen > 0) return;
- return queryfn3(query);
+ return queryfn3(alasql, query);
-function queryfn3(query) {
+function queryfn3(alasql, query) {
var scope = query.scope,
@@ -138,7 +143,7 @@ function queryfn3(query) {
// Start walking over data
- doJoin(query, scope, h);
+ doJoin(alasql, query, scope, h);
@@ -151,8 +156,8 @@ function queryfn3(query) {
var g = {};
if (query.selectGroup.length > 0) {
// console.log(query.selectGroup);
- query.selectGroup.forEach(function(sg) {
- if (sg.aggregatorid == 'COUNT' || sg.aggregatorid == 'SUM') {
+ query.selectGroup.forEach(function (sg) {
+ if (sg.aggregatorid === 'COUNT' || sg.aggregatorid === 'SUM') {
g[sg.nick] = 0;
} else {
g[sg.nick] = undefined;
@@ -167,7 +172,7 @@ function queryfn3(query) {
if (query.aggrKeys.length > 0) {
var gfns = '';
- query.aggrKeys.forEach(function(col) {
+ query.aggrKeys.forEach(function (col) {
gfns +=
"g['" +
col.nick +
@@ -313,7 +318,7 @@ function queryfn3(query) {
// console.log('removeKeys:',query.removeKeys);
// TODO: Check what artefacts rest from Angular.js
- if (typeof angular != 'undefined') {
+ if (typeof angular !== 'undefined') {
@@ -333,17 +338,17 @@ function queryfn3(query) {
// Remove from columns list
if (query.columns.length > 0) {
- query.columns = query.columns.filter(function(column) {
+ query.columns = query.columns.filter(function (column) {
var found = false;
- removeKeys.forEach(function(key) {
- if (column.columnid == key) found = true;
+ removeKeys.forEach(function (key) {
+ if (column.columnid === key) found = true;
return !found;
- if (typeof query.removeLikeKeys != 'undefined' && query.removeLikeKeys.length > 0) {
+ if (typeof query.removeLikeKeys !== 'undefined' && query.removeLikeKeys.length > 0) {
var removeLikeKeys = query.removeLikeKeys;
// Remove unused columns
@@ -361,9 +366,9 @@ function queryfn3(query) {
if (query.columns.length > 0) {
- query.columns = query.columns.filter(function(column) {
+ query.columns = query.columns.filter(function (column) {
var found = false;
- removeLikeKeys.forEach(function(key) {
+ removeLikeKeys.forEach(function (key) {
// if(column.columnid.match(key)) found = true;
if (alasql.utils.like(key, column.columnid)) {
found = true;
@@ -438,21 +443,21 @@ function doDistinct(query) {
var keys = Object.keys(query.data[0] || []);
for (var i = 0, ilen = query.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
var uix = keys
- .map(function(k) {
+ .map(function (k) {
return query.data[i][k];
uniq[uix] = query.data[i];
query.data = [];
- for (var key in uniq) {
- query.data.push(uniq[key]);
+ for (let ind in uniq) {
+ query.data.push(uniq[ind]);
// Optimization: preliminary indexation of joins
-var preIndex = function(query) {
+var preIndex = function (query) {
// console.log(query);
// Loop over all sources
// Todo: make this loop smaller and more graspable
@@ -462,7 +467,7 @@ var preIndex = function(query) {
// If there is indexation rule
//console.log('preIndex', source);
- if (k > 0 && source.optimization == 'ix' && source.onleftfn && source.onrightfn) {
+ if (k > 0 && source.optimization === 'ix' && source.onleftfn && source.onrightfn) {
// If there is no table.indices - create it
if (source.databaseid && alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid]) {
if (!alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].indices)
@@ -470,7 +475,7 @@ var preIndex = function(query) {
// Check if index already exists
var ixx =
- hash(source.onrightfns + '`' + source.srcwherefns)
+ hash(source.onrightfns + '`' + source.srcwherefns)
if (!alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].dirty && ixx) {
source.ix = ixx;
@@ -530,7 +535,7 @@ var preIndex = function(query) {
// Check if index exists
ixx =
- hash(source.wxleftfns + '`')
+ hash(source.wxleftfns + '`')
if (!alasql.databases[source.databaseid].tables[source.tableid].dirty && ixx) {
@@ -578,7 +583,7 @@ var preIndex = function(query) {
if (source.srcwherefns) {
if (source.data) {
scope = {};
- source.data = source.data.filter(function(r) {
+ source.data = source.data.filter(function (r) {
scope[source.alias] = r;
return source.srcwherefn(scope, query.params, alasql);
@@ -593,7 +598,7 @@ var preIndex = function(query) {
var scope = {};
// TODO!!!!! Data as Function
- source.data = source.data.filter(function(r) {
+ source.data = source.data.filter(function (r) {
scope[source.alias] = r;
// console.log(288,source);
return source.srcwherefn(scope, query.params, alasql);
@@ -629,3 +634,5 @@ var preIndex = function(query) {
diff --git a/src/prolog/alasql-prolog.js b/src/prolog/alasql-prolog.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e66c9ef05..0000000000
--- a/src/prolog/alasql-prolog.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-// Prolog plugin
-var yy = alasql.yy;
-yy.Term = function (params) { return yy.extend(this, params); }
-yy.Term.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = this.termid;
- if(this.args && this.args.length > 0) {
- s += '('+this.args.map(function(arg){
- return arg.toString();
- })+')';
- }
- return s;
-yy.AddRule = function (params) { return yy.extend(this, params); }
-yy.AddRule.prototype.toString = function() {
- var s = '';
- if(this.left) s += this.left.toString();
- s += ':-';
- s += this.right.map(function(r){return r.toString()}).join(',');
- return s;
-yy.AddRule.prototype.execute = function (databaseid, params, cb) {
-// var self = this;
-// console.log(this.expr.toJS());
-// var fn = new Function('params, alasql','return '+this.expr.toJS());
-// var res = fn(params, alasql);
- var res = 1;
- var objects = alasql.databases[databaseid].objects;
- var rule = {};
- if(!this.left) {
- this.right.forEach(function(term){
- rule.$class = term.termid;
- });
- }
- if(cb) res = cb(res);
- return res;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/utils.ts b/src/utils.ts
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..0f8c68e039
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import general from './utils/general';
+import enviroment from './utils/enviroment';
+import transformation from './utils/transformation';
+import sqlTools from './utils/sqlTools';
+import files from './utils/files';
+import domTools from './utils/domTools';
+import excelTools from './utils/excelTools';
+export default {
+ ...general,
+ ...enviroment,
+ ...transformation,
+ ...sqlTools,
+ ...files,
+ ...domTools,
+ ...sqlTools,
+ ...excelTools,
diff --git a/src/utils/array.js b/src/utils/array.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..8201c806b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/array.js
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+import {Recordset} from '../dataStruct/query';
+ const utils = {};
+ /**
+ * Union arrays
+ * @function
+ * @param {array} a
+ * @param {array} b
+ * @return {array}
+ */
+ utils.arrayUnion = (a, b) => {
+ var r = b.slice(0);
+ a.forEach(function(i) {
+ if (r.indexOf(i) < 0) {
+ r.push(i);
+ }
+ });
+ return r;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Array Difference
+ */
+ utils.arrayDiff = (a, b) => {
+ return a.filter(function(i) {
+ return b.indexOf(i) < 0;
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Arrays deep intersect (with records)
+ */
+ utils.arrayIntersect = (a, b) => {
+ var r = [];
+ a.forEach(function(ai) {
+ var found = false;
+ b.forEach(function(bi) {
+ found = found || ai === bi;
+ });
+ if (found) {
+ r.push(ai);
+ }
+ });
+ return r;
+ };
+ /**
+ Arrays deep union (with records)
+ */
+ utils.arrayUnionDeep = (a, b) => {
+ var r = b.slice(0);
+ a.forEach(function(ai) {
+ var found = false;
+ r.forEach(function(ri) {
+ // found = found || equalDeep(ai, ri, true);
+ found = found || utils.deepEqual(ai, ri);
+ });
+ if (!found) {
+ r.push(ai);
+ }
+ });
+ return r;
+ };
+ /**
+ Arrays deep union (with records)
+ */
+ utils.arrayExceptDeep = (a, b) => {
+ var r = [];
+ a.forEach(ai => {
+ var found = false;
+ b.forEach(function(bi) {
+ // found = found || equalDeep(ai, bi, true);
+ found = found || utils.deepEqual(ai, bi);
+ });
+ if (!found) {
+ r.push(ai);
+ }
+ });
+ return r;
+ };
+ /**
+ Arrays deep intersect (with records)
+ */
+ utils.arrayIntersectDeep = (a, b) => {
+ var r = [];
+ a.forEach(function(ai) {
+ var found = false;
+ b.forEach(function(bi) {
+ // found = found || equalDeep(ai, bi, true);
+ found = found || utils.deepEqual(ai, bi, true);
+ });
+ if (found) {
+ r.push(ai);
+ }
+ });
+ return r;
+ };
+ /**
+ Deep clone objects
+ */
+ utils.cloneDeep = obj => {
+ if (null === obj || typeof obj !== 'object') {
+ return obj;
+ }
+ if (obj instanceof Date) {
+ return new Date(obj);
+ }
+ var temp = obj.constructor(); // changed
+ for (var key in obj) {
+ if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ temp[key] = utils.cloneDeep(obj[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ return temp;
+ };
+ /**
+ Check equality of objects
+ /*/*
+var equalDeep = utils.equalDeep = function equalDeep (x, y, deep) {
+ if (deep) {
+ if (x === y){
+ return true;
+ }
+ var p;
+ for (p in y) {
+ if (typeof (x[p]) === 'undefined') { return false; }
+ }
+ for (p in y) {
+ if (y[p]) {
+ switch (typeof (y[p])) {
+ case 'object':
+ if (!equalDeep(y[p],x[p])) { return false; } break;
+ case 'function':
+ if (
+ typeof (x[p]) === 'undefined' ||
+ (p !== 'equals' && y[p].toString() !== x[p].toString())
+ ){
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (y[p] !== x[p]) { return false; }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (x[p]){
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (p in x) {
+ if (typeof (y[p]) === 'undefined') { return false; }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return x === y;
+ /**
+ Compare two objects in deep
+ */
+ utils.deepEqual = (x, y) => {
+ if (x === y) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (typeof x === 'object' && null !== x && (typeof y === 'object' && null !== y)) {
+ if (Object.keys(x).length !== Object.keys(y).length) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (var prop in x) {
+ if (!utils.deepEqual(x[prop], y[prop])) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ /**
+ Array with distinct records
+ @param {array} data
+ @return {array}
+ utils.distinctArray = data => {
+ var uniq = {};
+ // TODO: Speedup, because Object.keys is slow
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ var uix;
+ if (typeof data[i] === 'object') {
+ uix = Object.keys(data[i])
+ .sort()
+ .map(k => {
+ return k + '`' + data[i][k];
+ })
+ .join('`');
+ } else {
+ uix = data[i];
+ }
+ uniq[uix] = data[i];
+ }
+ var res = [];
+ for (let ind in uniq) {
+ res.push(uniq[ind]);
+ }
+ return res;
+ };
+ /**
+ Flat array by first row
+ */
+ utils.flatArray = a => {
+ //console.log(684,a);
+ if (!a || 0 === a.length) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ // For recordsets
+ if (typeof a === 'object' && a instanceof Recordset) {
+ return a.data.map(function(ai) {
+ return ai[a.columns[0].columnid];
+ });
+ }
+ // Else for other arrays
+ var key = Object.keys(a[0])[0];
+ if (key === undefined) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ return a.map(function(ai) {
+ return ai[key];
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ Convert array of objects to array of arrays
+ */
+ utils.arrayOfArrays = a => {
+ return a.map(aa => {
+ var ar = [];
+ for (const val of aa) {
+ ar.push(val);
+ }
+ return ar;
+ });
+ };
+ export default utils;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/utils/domTools.js b/src/utils/domTools.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..abe1a48c23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/domTools.js
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+export default {domEmptyChildren: (container)=>{
+ var len = container.childNodes.length;
+ while (len--) {
+ container.removeChild(container.lastChild);
+ }
+ }};
diff --git a/src/utils/enviroment.js b/src/utils/enviroment.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..e4a8153957
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/enviroment.js
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+import gen from './general';
+// Todo: prepend .gen in the code
+const global = gen.global;
+const isNativeFunction = gen.isNativeFunction;
+// const utils : {[key: string]: any} = {};
+const utils = {};
+Find out if code is running in a web worker enviroment
+@return {boolean} True if code is running in a web worker enviroment
+utils.isWebWorker = (() => {
+ try {
+ var importScripts = global.importScripts;
+ return isNativeFunction(importScripts);
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+Find out if code is running in a node enviroment
+@return {boolean} True if code is running in a node enviroment
+utils.isNode = (() => {
+ try {
+ return isNativeFunction(global.process.reallyExit);
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+Find out if code is running in a browser enviroment
+@return {boolean} True if code is running in a browser enviroment
+utils.isBrowser = (() => {
+ try {
+ return isNativeFunction(global.location.reload);
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+Find out if code is running in a browser with a browserify setup
+@return {boolean} True if code is running in a browser with a browserify setup
+utils.isBrowserify = (() => {
+ return utils.isBrowser && typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.browser;
+Find out if code is running in a browser with a requireJS setup
+@return {boolean} True if code is running in a browser with a requireJS setup
+utils.isRequireJS = (() => {
+ return (
+ utils.isBrowser &&
+ typeof require === 'function' &&
+ typeof require.specified === 'function'
+ );
+Find out if code is running with Meteor in the enviroment
+@return {boolean} True if code is running with Meteor in the enviroment
+@todo Find out if this is the best way to do this
+utils.isMeteor = (() => {
+ return typeof Meteor !== 'undefined' && Meteor.release;
+Find out if code is running on a Meteor client
+@return {boolean} True if code is running on a Meteor client
+utils.isMeteorClient = utils.isMeteor && Meteor.isClient;
+Find out if code is running on a Meteor server
+@return {boolean} True if code is running on a Meteor server
+utils.isMeteorServer = utils.isMeteor && Meteor.isServer;
+Find out code is running in a cordovar enviroment
+@return {boolean} True if code is running in a web worker enviroment
+@todo Find out if this is the best way to do this
+utils.isCordova = typeof cordova === 'object';
+utils.isReactNative = (() => {
+ var isReact = false;
+ //*not-for-browser/*
+ try {
+ if (typeof require('react-native') === 'object') {
+ isReact = true;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ void 0;
+ }
+ //*/
+ return isReact;
+utils.hasIndexedDB = !!global.indexedDB;
+@function Is this IE9
+@return {boolean} True for IE9 and false for other browsers
+For IE9 compatibility issues
+utils.isIE = (() => {
+ /*only-for-browser/*
+ var myNav = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
+ return myNav.indexOf('msie') !== -1 ? parseInt(myNav.split('msie')[1]) : false;
+ return false;
+Get path of alasql.js
+@todo Rewrite and simplify the code. Review, is this function is required separately
+utils.findAlaSQLPath = function () {
+ /** type {string} Path to alasql library and plugins */
+ if (utils.isWebWorker) {
+ return '';
+ /** @todo Check how to get path in worker */
+ } else if (utils.isMeteorClient) {
+ return '/packages/dist/';
+ } else if (utils.isMeteorServer) {
+ return 'assets/packages/dist/';
+ } else if (utils.isNode) {
+ return __dirname;
+ } else if (utils.isBrowser) {
+ var sc = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
+ for (var i = 0; i < sc.length; i++) {
+ if (sc[i].src.substr(-16).toLowerCase() === 'alasql-worker.js') {
+ return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 16);
+ } else if (sc[i].src.substr(-20).toLowerCase() === 'alasql-worker.min.js') {
+ return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 20);
+ } else if (sc[i].src.substr(-9).toLowerCase() === 'alasql.js') {
+ return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 9);
+ } else if (sc[i].src.substr(-13).toLowerCase() === 'alasql.min.js') {
+ return sc[i].src.substr(0, sc[i].src.length - 13);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return '';
+export default utils;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/utils/excelTools.js b/src/utils/excelTools.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..a9027cef91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/excelTools.js
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+import env from './enviroment';
+const utils = {};
+ utils.getXLSX = () => {
+ var XLSX = null;
+ /* If require() shuold be supported else take from global scope */
+ if (env.isNode || env.isBrowserify || env.isMeteorServer) {
+ //*not-for-browser/*
+ XLSX = require('xlsx') || null;
+ //*/
+ } else {
+ XLSX = global.XLSX || null;
+ }
+ if (null === XLSX) {
+ throw new Error('Please include the xlsx.js library');
+ }
+ return XLSX;
+ };
+ /**
+ Excel:convert number to Excel column, like 1 => 'A'
+ @param {integer} i Column number, starting with 0
+ @return {string} Column name, starting with 'A'
+ utils.xlsnc = i => {
+ var addr = String.fromCharCode(65 + (i % 26));
+ if (i >= 26) {
+ i = ((i / 26) | 0) - 1;
+ addr = String.fromCharCode(65 + (i % 26)) + addr;
+ if (i > 26) {
+ i = ((i / 26) | 0) - 1;
+ addr = String.fromCharCode(65 + (i % 26)) + addr;
+ }
+ }
+ return addr;
+ };
+ /**
+ Excel:conver Excel column name to number
+ @param {string} s Column number, like 'A' or 'BE'
+ @return {string} Column name, starting with 0
+ utils.xlscn = s => {
+ var n = s.charCodeAt(0) - 65;
+ if (s.length > 1) {
+ n = (n + 1) * 26 + s.charCodeAt(1) - 65;
+ // console.log(n, s.charCodeAt(0)-65, s.charCodeAt(1)-65);
+ if (s.length > 2) {
+ n = (n + 1) * 26 + s.charCodeAt(2) - 65;
+ }
+ }
+ return n;
+ };
+export default utils;
diff --git a/src/utils/files.js b/src/utils/files.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..73f0f393ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/files.js
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+ import env from './enviroment';
+ import trans from './transformation';
+ const cutbom = trans.cutbom;
+ const utils = {};
+ /**
+ Load text file from anywhere
+ @param {string|object} path File path or HTML event
+ @param {boolean} asy True - async call, false - sync call
+ @param {function} success Success function
+ @param {function} error Error function
+ @return {string} Read data
+ @todo Define Event type
+ @todo Smaller if-else structures.
+ utils.loadFile = function(path, asy, success, error) {
+ var data, fs;
+ if (env.isNode || env.isMeteorServer) {
+ //*not-for-browser/*
+ if (utils.isMeteor) {
+ fs = Npm.require('fs');
+ } else {
+ fs = require('fs');
+ }
+ // If path is empty, than read data from stdin (for Node)
+ if (typeof path === 'undefined') {
+ var buff = '';
+ process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8');
+ process.stdin.on('readable', function() {
+ var chunk = process.stdin.read();
+ if (chunk !== null) {
+ buff += chunk.toString();
+ }
+ });
+ process.stdin.on('end', function() {
+ success(cutbom(buff));
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (/^[a-z]+:\/\//i.test(path)) {
+ var request = require('request');
+ request(path, function(err, response, body) {
+ if (err) {
+ throw err;
+ }
+ success(cutbom(body.toString()));
+ });
+ } else {
+ //If async callthen call async
+ if (asy) {
+ fs.readFile(path, function(err, data) {
+ if (err) {
+ throw err;
+ }
+ success(cutbom(data.toString()));
+ });
+ } else {
+ // Call sync version
+ data = fs.readFileSync(path);
+ success(cutbom(data.toString()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (utils.isReactNative) {
+ // If ReactNative
+ var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
+ RNFS.readFile(path, 'utf8')
+ .then(function(contents) {
+ success(cutbom(contents));
+ })
+ .catch(function(err) {
+ throw err;
+ });
+ //*/
+ } else if (utils.isCordova) {
+ /* If Cordova */
+ utils.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function(fileSystem) {
+ fileSystem.root.getFile(path, {create: false}, function(fileEntry) {
+ fileEntry.file(function(file) {
+ var fileReader = new FileReader();
+ fileReader.onloadend = function(e) {
+ success(cutbom(this.result));
+ };
+ fileReader.readAsText(file);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ /** @todo Check eliminated code below */
+ /*/*
+ var paths = path.split('/');
+ var filename = paths[paths.length-1];
+ var dirpath = path.substr(0,path.length-filename.length);
+ // console.log('CORDOVA',filename,dirpath);
+ //return success('[{"a":"'+filename+'"}]');
+ window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(dirpath, function(dir) {
+ dir.getFile(filename, null, function(file) {
+ file.file(function(file) {
+ var reader = new FileReader();
+ // console.log('READ FILE 2');
+ reader.onloadend = function(e) {
+// console.log('READ FILE 3',this.result);
+ success(this.result);
+ };
+ reader.readAsText(file);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ } else {
+ /* For string */
+ if (typeof path === 'string') {
+ // For browser read from tag
+ /*
+ SELECT * FROM TXT('#one') -- read data from HTML element with id="one"
+ */
+ if (path.substr(0, 1) === '#' && typeof document !== 'undefined') {
+ data = document.querySelector(path).textContent;
+ success(data);
+ } else {
+ /*
+ Simply read file from HTTP request, like:
+ SELECT * FROM TXT('http://alasql.org/README.md');
+ */
+ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
+ if (xhr.status === 200) {
+ if (success) {
+ success(cutbom(xhr.responseText));
+ }
+ } else if (error) {
+ error(xhr);
+ }
+ // Todo: else...?
+ }
+ };
+ xhr.open('GET', path, asy); // Async
+ xhr.responseType = 'text';
+ xhr.send();
+ }
+ } else if (path instanceof Event) {
+ /*
+ For browser read from files input element
+ */
+ /** @type {array} List of files from element */
+ var files = path.target.files;
+ /** type {object} */
+ var reader = new FileReader();
+ /** type {string} */
+ var name = files[0].name;
+ reader.onload = function(e) {
+ var data = e.target.result;
+ success(cutbom(data));
+ };
+ reader.readAsText(files[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ @function Load binary file from anywhere
+ @param {string} path File path
+ @param {boolean} asy True - async call, false - sync call
+ @param {function} success Success function
+ @param {function} error Error function
+ @return 1 for Async, data - for sync version
+ @todo merge functionality from loadFile and LoadBinaryFile
+ utils.loadBinaryFile = function(path, asy, success, error) {
+ var fs;
+ if (utils.isNode || utils.isMeteorServer) {
+ //*not-for-browser/*
+ if (utils.isMeteorServer) {
+ fs = Npm.require('fs'); // For Meteor
+ } else {
+ fs = require('fs');
+ }
+ if (/^[a-z]+:\/\//i.test(path)) {
+ var request = require('request');
+ request({url: path, encoding: null}, function(err, response, data) {
+ if (err) {
+ throw err;
+ }
+ var arr = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+ arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
+ }
+ success(arr.join(''));
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (asy) {
+ fs.readFile(path, function(err, data) {
+ if (err) {
+ throw err;
+ }
+ var arr = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+ arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
+ }
+ success(arr.join(''));
+ });
+ } else {
+ var data = fs.readFileSync(path);
+ var arr = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+ arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
+ }
+ success(arr.join(''));
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (utils.isReactNative) {
+ // If ReactNative
+ //var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
+ var RNFetchBlob = require('react-native-fetch-blob').default;
+ var dirs = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs;
+ //should use readStream instead if the file is large
+ RNFetchBlob.fs.readFile(path, 'base64').then(function(data) {
+ //RNFetchBlob.base64.decode(data) //need more test on excel
+ success(data);
+ });
+ //*/
+ } else {
+ if (typeof path === 'string') {
+ // For browser
+ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ xhr.open('GET', path, asy); // Async
+ xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
+ xhr.onload = function() {
+ var data = new Uint8Array(xhr.response);
+ var arr = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+ arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
+ }
+ success(arr.join(''));
+ };
+ // xhr.responseType = "blob";
+ xhr.send();
+ } else if (path instanceof Event) {
+ // console.log("event");
+ var files = path.target.files;
+ var reader = new FileReader();
+ var name = files[0].name;
+ reader.onload = function(e) {
+ var data = e.target.result;
+ success(data);
+ };
+ reader.readAsArrayBuffer(files[0]);
+ } else if (path instanceof Blob) {
+ success(path);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var removeFile = (utils.removeFile = function(path, cb) {
+ if (utils.isNode) {
+ //*not-for-browser/*
+ var fs = require('fs');
+ fs.remove(path, cb);
+ } else if (utils.isCordova) {
+ utils.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function(fileSystem) {
+ fileSystem.root.getFile(
+ path,
+ {create: false},
+ function(fileEntry) {
+ fileEntry.remove(cb);
+ if (cb) cb(); // jshint ignore:line
+ },
+ function() {
+ if (cb) cb(); // jshint ignore:line
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ } else if (utils.isReactNative) {
+ // If ReactNative
+ var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
+ RNFS.unlink(path)
+ .then(function() {
+ if (cb) cb();
+ })
+ .catch(function(err) {
+ throw err;
+ });
+ //*/
+ } else {
+ throw new Error('You can remove files only in Node.js and Apache Cordova');
+ }
+ });
+ // Todo: check if it makes sense to support cordova and Meteor server
+ utils.deleteFile = (path, cb) => {
+ //*not-for-browser/*
+ if (utils.isNode) {
+ var fs = require('fs');
+ fs.unlink(path, cb);
+ } else if (utils.isReactNative) {
+ // If ReactNative
+ var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
+ RNFS.unlink(path)
+ .then(function() {
+ if (cb) cb();
+ })
+ .catch(function(err) {
+ throw err;
+ });
+ }
+ //*/
+ };
+ utils.autoExtFilename = (filename, ext, config) => {
+ config = config || {};
+ if (
+ typeof filename !== 'string' ||
+ filename.match(/^[A-z]+:\/\/|\n|\..{2,4}$/) ||
+ config.autoExt === 0 ||
+ config.autoExt === false
+ ) {
+ return filename;
+ }
+ return filename + '.' + ext;
+ };
+ utils.fileExists = function(path, cb) {
+ if (utils.isNode) {
+ //*not-for-browser/*
+ var fs = require('fs');
+ fs.exists(path, cb);
+ } else if (utils.isCordova) {
+ utils.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function(fileSystem) {
+ fileSystem.root.getFile(
+ path,
+ {create: false},
+ function(fileEntry) {
+ cb(true);
+ },
+ function() {
+ cb(false);
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ } else if (utils.isReactNative) {
+ // If ReactNative
+ var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
+ RNFS.exists(path)
+ .then(function(yes) {
+ if (cb) cb(yes);
+ })
+ .catch(function(err) {
+ throw err;
+ });
+ //*/
+ } else {
+ // TODO Cordova, etc.
+ throw new Error('You can use exists() only in Node.js or Apach Cordova');
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ Save text file from anywhere
+ @param {string} path File path
+ @param {array} data Data object
+ @param {function} cb Callback
+ @param {object=} opts
+ utils.saveFile = function(path, data, cb, opts) {
+ var res = 1;
+ if (path === undefined) {
+ //
+ // Return data into result variable
+ // like: alasql('SELECT * INTO TXT() FROM ?',[data]);
+ //
+ res = data;
+ if (cb) {
+ res = cb(res);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (utils.isNode) {
+ //*not-for-browser/*
+ var fs = require('fs');
+ data = fs.writeFileSync(path, data);
+ if (cb) {
+ res = cb(res);
+ }
+ } else if (utils.isReactNative) {
+ var RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
+ RNFS.writeFile(path, data)
+ .then(function(success) {
+ //, 'utf8'
+ if (cb) res = cb(res);
+ })
+ .catch(function(err) {
+ console.error(err.message);
+ });
+ } else if (utils.isCordova) {
+ utils.global.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function(fileSystem) {
+ // alasql.utils.removeFile(path,function(){
+ fileSystem.root.getFile(path, {create: true}, function(fileEntry) {
+ fileEntry.createWriter(function(fileWriter) {
+ fileWriter.onwriteend = function() {
+ if (cb) {
+ res = cb(res);
+ }
+ };
+ fileWriter.write(data);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ //*/
+ /*/*
+ } else if((typeof cordova == 'object') && cordova.file) {
+// console.log('saveFile 1');
+ // Cordova
+ var paths = path.split('/');
+ var filename = paths[paths.length-1];
+ var dirpath = path.substr(0,path.length-filename.length);
+ // console.log('CORDOVA',filename,dirpath);
+ //return success('[{"a":"'+filename+'"}]');
+ window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(dirpath, function(dir) {
+// console.log('saveFile 2');
+ dir.getFile(filename, {create:true}, function(file) {
+// console.log('saveFile 3');
+// file.file(function(file) {
+// console.log('saveFile 4');
+ file.createWriter(function(fileWriter) {
+// fileWriter.seek(fileWriter.length);
+ var blob = new Blob([data], {type:'text/plain'});
+ fileWriter.write(blob);
+ fileWriter.onwriteend = function(){
+ if(cb) cb();
+ };
+// console.log("ok, in theory i worked");
+ });
+ /*/*
+ // Corodva
+ function writeFinish() {
+ // ... your done code here...
+ return cb()
+ };
+ var written = 0;
+ var BLOCK_SIZE = 1*1024*1024; // write 1M every time of write
+ function writeNext(cbFinish) {
+ var sz = Math.min(BLOCK_SIZE, data.length - written);
+ var sub = data.slice(written, written+sz);
+ writer.write(sub);
+ written += sz;
+ writer.onwrite = function(evt) {
+ if (written < data.length)
+ writeNext(cbFinish);
+ else
+ cbFinish();
+ };
+ }
+ writeNext(writeFinish);
+ }
+ // });
+ // });
+ // });
+ } else {
+ if (utils.isIE() === 9) {
+ // Solution was taken from
+ // http://megatuto.com/formation-JAVASCRIPT.php?JAVASCRIPT_Example=Javascript+Save+CSV+file+in+IE+8/IE+9+without+using+window.open()+Categorie+javascript+internet-explorer-8&category=&article=7993
+ // var URI = 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,';
+ // Prepare data
+ var ndata = data.replace(/\r\n/g, 'A;D;');
+ ndata = ndata.replace(/\n/g, 'D;');
+ ndata = ndata.replace(/\t/g, ' ');
+ var testlink = utils.global.open('about:blank', '_blank');
+ testlink.document.write(ndata); //fileData has contents for the file
+ testlink.document.close();
+ testlink.document.execCommand('SaveAs', false, path);
+ testlink.close();
+ } else {
+ var opt = {
+ disableAutoBom: false,
+ };
+ utils.extend(opt, opts);
+ var blob = new Blob([data], {type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8'});
+ utils.saveAs(blob, path, opt.disableAutoBom);
+ if (cb) {
+ res = cb(res);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ };
+ // For LOAD
+ // var saveBinaryFile = utils.saveFile = function(path, data, cb) {
+ // if(utils.isNode) {
+ // // For Node.js
+ // var fs = require('fs');
+ // var data = fs.writeFileSync(path,data);
+ // } else {
+ // var blob = new Blob([data], {type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8"});
+ // saveAs(blob, path);
+ // }
+ // };
+ export default utils;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/utils/general.ts b/src/utils/general.ts
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..ef8c036f28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/general.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ const utils : {[key: string]: any} = {};
+ /**
+ Convert NaN to undefined
+ @function
+ @param {string} s JavaScript string to be modified
+ @return {string} Covered expression
+ @example
+ 123 => 123
+ undefined => undefined
+ NaN => undefined
+ */
+ utils.n2u = function (s) {
+ return '(y=' + s + ',y===y?y:undefined)';
+ };
+ /**
+ Return undefined if s undefined
+ @param {string} s JavaScript string to be modified
+ @return {string} Covered expression
+ @example
+ 123,a => a
+ undefined,a => undefined
+ NaN,a => undefined
+ */
+ utils.und = (s, r) => {
+ return '(y=' + s + ',typeof y=="undefined"?undefined:' + r + ')';
+ };
+ /**
+ Return always true. Stub for non-ecisting WHERE clause, because is faster then if(whenrfn) whenfn()
+ @function
+ @return {boolean} Always true
+ */
+ utils.returnTrue = () => {
+ return true;
+ };
+ /**
+ Return undefined. Stub for non-ecisting WHERE clause, because is faster then if(whenrfn) whenfn()
+ @function
+ @return {undefined} Always undefined
+ */
+ utils.returnUndefined = function () { };
+ /**
+ Escape string
+ @function
+ @param {string} s Source string
+ @return {string} Escaped string
+ @example
+ Pit\er's => Pit\\er\'s
+ */
+ /**
+ Get the global scope
+ Inspired by System.global
+ @return {object} The global scope
+ */
+ utils.global = (function () {
+ if (typeof self !== 'undefined') {
+ return self;
+ }
+ if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
+ return window;
+ }
+ if (typeof global !== 'undefined') {
+ return global;
+ }
+ return Function('return this')();
+ }());
+ /**
+ * Find out if a function is native to the enviroment
+ * @param {function} Function to check
+ * @return {boolean} True if function is native
+ */
+ utils.isNativeFunction = fn => {
+ return typeof fn === 'function' && !!~fn.toString().indexOf('[native code]');
+ };
+ utils.isArray = function (obj) {
+ return '[object Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(obj);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Extend object a with properties of b
+ * @function
+ * @param {object} a
+ * @param {object} b
+ * @return {object}
+ */
+ utils.extend = (a, b) => {
+ a = a || {};
+ for (var key in b) {
+ if (b.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ a[key] = b[key];
+ }
+ }
+ return a;
+ };
+ export default utils;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/utils/sqlTools.ts b/src/utils/sqlTools.ts
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..5e5a793ca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/sqlTools.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+const utils : {[key: string]: any} = {};
+ /**
+ SQL LIKE emulation
+ @parameter {string} pattern Search pattern
+ @parameter {string} value Searched value
+ @parameter {string} escape Escape character (optional)
+ @return {boolean} If value LIKE pattern ESCAPE escape
+ utils.like = (pattern, value, escape) => {
+ // Verify escape character
+ if (!escape) escape = '';
+ var i = 0;
+ var s = '^';
+ while (i < pattern.length) {
+ var c = pattern[i],
+ c1 = '';
+ if (i < pattern.length - 1) c1 = pattern[i + 1];
+ if (c === escape) {
+ s += '\\' + c1;
+ i++;
+ } else if (c === '[' && c1 === '^') {
+ s += '[^';
+ i++;
+ } else if (c === '[' || c === ']') {
+ s += c;
+ } else if (c === '%') {
+ s += '.*';
+ } else if (c === '_') {
+ s += '.';
+ } else if ('/.*+?|(){}'.indexOf(c) > -1) {
+ s += '\\' + c;
+ } else {
+ s += c;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ s += '$';
+ // if(value == undefined) return false;
+ //console.log(s,value,(value||'').search(RegExp(s))>-1);
+ return ('' + (value || '')).toUpperCase().search(RegExp(s.toUpperCase())) > -1;
+ };
+ /**
+ Strip all comments.
+ @function
+ @param {string} str
+ @return {string}
+ Based om the https://github.com/lehni/uncomment.js/blob/master/uncomment.js
+ I just replaced JavaScript's '//' to SQL's '--' and remove other stuff
+ @todo Fixed [aaa/*bbb] for column names
+ @todo Bug if -- comments in the last line
+ @todo Check if it possible to model it with Jison parser
+ @todo Remove unused code
+ */
+ utils.uncomment = function(str) {
+ // Add some padding so we can always look ahead and behind by two chars
+ str = ('__' + str + '__').split('');
+ var quote = false,
+ quoteSign,
+ // regularExpression = false,
+ // characterClass = false,
+ blockComment = false,
+ lineComment = false;
+ // preserveComment = false;
+ for (var i = 0, l = str.length; i < l; i++) {
+ // console.log(i,str[i]);
+ // When checking for quote escaping, we also need to check that the
+ // escape sign itself is not escaped, as otherwise '\\' would cause
+ // the wrong impression of an unclosed string:
+ var unescaped = str[i - 1] !== '\\' || str[i - 2] === '\\';
+ if (quote) {
+ if (str[i] === quoteSign && unescaped) {
+ quote = false;
+ }
+ /*/* // } else if (regularExpression) {
+ // Make sure '/'' inside character classes is not considered the end
+ // of the regular expression.
+ // if (str[i] === '[' && unescaped) {
+ // characterClass = true;
+ // } else if (str[i] === ']' && unescaped && characterClass) {
+ // characterClass = false;
+ // } else if (str[i] === '/' && unescaped && !characterClass) {
+ // regularExpression = false;
+ // }
+ } else if (blockComment) {
+ // Is the block comment closing?
+ if (str[i] === '*' && str[i + 1] === '/') {
+ // if (!preserveComment)
+ str[i] = str[i + 1] = '';
+ blockComment /* = preserveComment*/ = false;
+ // Increase by 1 to skip closing '/', as it would be mistaken
+ // for a regexp otherwise
+ i++;
+ } else {
+ //if (!preserveComment) {
+ str[i] = '';
+ }
+ } else if (lineComment) {
+ // One-line comments end with the line-break
+ if (str[i + 1] === '\n' || str[i + 1] === '\r') {
+ lineComment = false;
+ }
+ str[i] = '';
+ } else {
+ if (str[i] === '"' || str[i] === "'") {
+ quote = true;
+ quoteSign = str[i];
+ } else if (str[i] === '[' && str[i - 1] !== '@') {
+ quote = true;
+ quoteSign = ']';
+ // } else if (str[i] === '-' && str[i + 1] === '-') {
+ // str[i] = '';
+ // lineComment = true;
+ } else if (str[i] === '/' && str[i + 1] === '*') {
+ // Do not filter out conditional comments /*@ ... */
+ // and comments marked as protected /*! ... */
+ // preserveComment = /[@!]/.test(str[i + 2]);
+ // if (!preserveComment)
+ str[i] = '';
+ blockComment = true;
+ // console.log('block');
+ /*/* // } else if (str[i + 1] === '/') {
+ // str[i] = '';
+ // lineComment = true;
+ // } else {
+ // We need to make sure we don't count normal divisions as
+ // regular expresions. Matching this properly is difficult,
+ // but if we assume that normal division always have a space
+ // after /, a simple check for white space or '='' (for /=)
+ // is enough to distinguish divisions from regexps.
+ // TODO: Develop a proper check for regexps.
+ // if (!/[\s=]/.test(str[i + 1])) {
+ // regularExpression = true;
+ // }
+ // }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove padding again.
+ str = str.join('').slice(2, -2);
+ /*/*
+ // Strip empty lines that contain only white space and line breaks, as they
+ // are left-overs from comment removal.
+ str = str.replace(/^[ \t]+(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, function(all) {
+ return '';
+ });
+ // Replace a sequence of more than two line breaks with only two.
+ str = str.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)(\r\n|\n|\r)+/g, function(all, lineBreak) {
+ return lineBreak + lineBreak;
+ });
+ return str;
+ };
+export default utils;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/utils/transformation.ts b/src/utils/transformation.ts
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..6e57871667
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/transformation.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+const utils : {[key: string]: any} = {};
+ /**
+ Cut BOM first character for UTF-8 files (for merging two files)
+ @param {string} s Source string
+ @return {string} Replaced string
+ */
+ utils.cutbom = s => {
+ if (s[0] === String.fromCharCode(65279)) {
+ s = s.substr(1);
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ // based on joliss/js-string-escape
+ utils.escapeq = s => {
+ // console.log(s);
+ return ('' + s).replace(/["'\\\n\r\u2028\u2029]/g, function(character) {
+ // Escape all characters not included in SingleStringCharacters and
+ // DoubleStringCharacters on
+ // http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-7.8.4
+ switch (character) {
+ case '"':
+ case "'":
+ case '\\':
+ return '\\' + character;
+ // Four possible LineTerminator characters need to be escaped:
+ case '\n':
+ return '\\n';
+ case '\r':
+ return '\\r';
+ case '\u2028':
+ return '\\u2028';
+ case '\u2029':
+ return '\\u2029';
+ default:
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ Double quotes for SQL statements
+ @param {string} s Source string
+ @return {string} Escaped string
+ @example
+ Piter's => Piter''s
+ */
+ utils.undoubleq = s => {
+ return s.replace(/(\')/g, "''");
+ };
+ /**
+ Replace double quotes with single quote
+ @param {string} s Source string
+ @return {string} Replaced string
+ @example
+ Piter''s => Piter's
+ */
+ utils.doubleq = s => {
+ return s.replace(/(\'\')/g, "\\'");
+ };
+ /**
+ Replace sigle quote to escaped single quote
+ @param {string} s Source string
+ @return {string} Replaced string
+ @todo Chack this functions
+ */
+ utils.doubleqq = s => {
+ return s.replace(/\'/g, "'");
+ };
+ /**
+ @function Hash a string to signed integer
+ @param {string} source string
+ @return {integer} hash number
+ // FNV-1a inspired hashing
+ utils.hash = str => {
+ var hash = 0x811c9dc5,
+ i = str.length;
+ while (i) {
+ hash ^= str.charCodeAt(--i);
+ hash += (hash << 1) + (hash << 4) + (hash << 7) + (hash << 8) + (hash << 24);
+ }
+ return hash;
+ };
+ utils.glob = (value, pattern) => {
+ var i = 0;
+ var s = '^';
+ while (i < pattern.length) {
+ var c = pattern[i],
+ c1 = '';
+ if (i < pattern.length - 1) c1 = pattern[i + 1];
+ if (c === '[' && c1 === '^') {
+ s += '[^';
+ i++;
+ } else if (c === '[' || c === ']') {
+ s += c;
+ } else if (c === '*') {
+ s += '.*';
+ } else if (c === '?') {
+ s += '.';
+ } else if ('/.*+?|(){}'.indexOf(c) > -1) {
+ s += '\\' + c;
+ } else {
+ s += c;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ s += '$';
+ return ('' + (value || '')).toUpperCase().search(RegExp(s.toUpperCase())) > -1;
+ };
+ /**
+ Modify res according modifier
+ @function
+ @param {object} query Query object
+ @param res {object|number|string|boolean} res Data to be converted
+ */
+ utils.modify = (alasql, query, res) => {
+ // jshint ignore:line
+ // console.log(arguments);
+ /* If source is a primitive value then return it */
+ if (
+ typeof res === 'undefined' ||
+ typeof res === 'number' ||
+ typeof res === 'string' ||
+ typeof res === 'boolean'
+ ) {
+ return res;
+ }
+ var modifier = query.modifier || alasql.options.modifier;
+ var columns = query.columns;
+ if (typeof columns === 'undefined' || columns.length === 0) {
+ // Try to create columns
+ if (res.length > 0) {
+ var allcol = {};
+ for (
+ var i = Math.min(res.length, alasql.options.columnlookup || 10) - 1;
+ 0 <= i;
+ i--
+ ) {
+ for (let key in res[i]) {
+ allcol[key] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ columns = Object.keys(allcol).map(function(columnid) {
+ return {columnid: columnid};
+ });
+ } else {
+ // Cannot recognize columns
+ columns = [];
+ }
+ }
+ // console.log(columns);
+ let key: any;
+ if (modifier === 'VALUE') {
+ // console.log(222,res);
+ if (res.length > 0) {
+ if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
+ key = columns[0].columnid;
+ } else {
+ key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];
+ }
+ res = res[0][key];
+ } else {
+ res = undefined;
+ }
+ } else if (modifier === 'ROW') {
+ if (res.length > 0) {
+ var a = [];
+ for (var ind in res[0]) {
+ a.push(res[0][ind]);
+ }
+ res = a;
+ } else {
+ res = undefined;
+ }
+ } else if (modifier === 'COLUMN') {
+ var ar = [];
+ if (res.length > 0) {
+ if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
+ key = columns[0].columnid;
+ } else {
+ key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ ar.push(res[i][key]);
+ }
+ }
+ res = ar;
+ } else if (modifier === 'MATRIX') {
+ // Returns square matrix of rows
+ var ar = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
+ var a = [];
+ var r = res[i];
+ for (var j = 0; j < columns.length; j++) {
+ a.push(r[columns[j].columnid]);
+ }
+ ar.push(a);
+ }
+ res = ar;
+ } else if (modifier === 'INDEX') {
+ let ar = {};
+ let val;
+ if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
+ key = columns[0].columnid;
+ val = columns[1].columnid;
+ } else {
+ var okeys = Object.keys(res[0]);
+ key = okeys[0];
+ val = okeys[1];
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ ar[res[i][key]] = res[i][val];
+ }
+ res = ar;
+ // res = arrayOfArrays(res);
+ } else if (modifier === 'RECORDSET') {
+ res = new alasql.Recordset({columns: columns, data: res});
+ // res = arrayOfArrays(res);
+ } else if (modifier === 'TEXTSTRING') {
+ if (columns && columns.length > 0) {
+ key = columns[0].columnid;
+ } else {
+ key = Object.keys(res[0])[0];
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, ilen = res.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+ res[i] = res[i][key];
+ }
+ res = res.join('\n');
+ // res = arrayOfArrays(res);
+ }
+ return res;
+ };
+export default utils;
\ No newline at end of file
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diff --git a/test/browserTestRunner.js b/test/browserTestRunner.js
index 84b31f4402..f467a3fba5 100644
--- a/test/browserTestRunner.js
+++ b/test/browserTestRunner.js
@@ -20,46 +20,44 @@
var html = template.replace('@INSERT_TESTFILES', testFilesHtml);
// Server from https://gist.github.com/ryanflorence/701407
- http
- .createServer(function(request, response) {
- var uri = url.parse(request.url).pathname,
- filename = path.join(__dirname, uri);
+ http.createServer(function(request, response) {
+ var uri = url.parse(request.url).pathname,
+ filename = path.join(__dirname, uri);
- // all subfolder paths starts from ../ folder
- if (2 < uri.split('/').length) {
- filename = path.join(__dirname + '/../', uri);
- }
+ // all subfolder paths starts from ../ folder
+ if (2 < uri.split('/').length) {
+ filename = path.join(__dirname + '/../', uri);
+ }
+ if ('/' === uri) {
+ response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
+ response.write(html);
+ response.end();
+ return;
+ }
- if ('/' === uri) {
- response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
- response.write(html);
+ fs.exists(filename, function(exists) {
+ if (!exists || fs.statSync(filename).isDirectory()) {
+ response.writeHead(404, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
+ response.write('404 Not Found\n');
- fs.exists(filename, function(exists) {
- if (!exists || fs.statSync(filename).isDirectory()) {
- response.writeHead(404, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
- response.write('404 Not Found\n');
+ fs.readFile(filename, 'binary', function(err, file) {
+ if (err) {
+ response.writeHead(500, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
+ response.write(err + '\n');
- fs.readFile(filename, 'binary', function(err, file) {
- if (err) {
- response.writeHead(500, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
- response.write(err + '\n');
- response.end();
- return;
- }
- response.writeHead(200);
- response.write(file, 'binary');
- response.end();
- });
+ response.writeHead(200);
+ response.write(file, 'binary');
+ response.end();
- })
- .listen(parseInt(port, 10));
+ });
+ }).listen(parseInt(port, 10));
'Ready to test AlaSQL in the browser at\n => http://localhost:' +
diff --git a/test/browserTestRunner.tmlp.html b/test/browserTestRunner.tmlp.html
index 1d87540307..aaf5b6faaa 100644
--- a/test/browserTestRunner.tmlp.html
+++ b/test/browserTestRunner.tmlp.html
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
diff --git a/test/coverage/lcov-report/dist/alasql.fs.js.html b/test/coverage/lcov-report/dist/alasql.fs.js.html
index 4aca593308..37ff2c7c3f 100644
--- a/test/coverage/lcov-report/dist/alasql.fs.js.html
+++ b/test/coverage/lcov-report/dist/alasql.fs.js.html
@@ -54772,7 +54772,7 @@
if (alasql.databases[dbid]) {
throw new Error("Database '" + dbid + "' already exists");
- var a = new alasql.Database(dbid);
+ var a = alasql.newDatabase(dbid);
var res = 1;
if (cb) return cb(res);
return res;
@@ -57894,7 +57894,7 @@
var request2 = indexedDB.open(ixdbid);
request2.onsuccess = function(event) {
var ixdb = event.target.result;
- var db = new alasql.Database(dbid || ixdbid);
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase(dbid || ixdbid);
db.engineid = 'INDEXEDDB';
db.ixdbid = ixdbid;
db.tables = [];
@@ -58349,7 +58349,7 @@
if (!databaseid) databaseid = lsdbid;
- var db = new alasql.Database(databaseid);
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase(databaseid);
db.engineid = 'LOCALSTORAGE';
db.lsdbid = lsdbid;
db.tables = LS.get(lsdbid).tables;
@@ -58600,7 +58600,7 @@
// if(!alasql.options.autocommit) {
delete alasql.databases[databaseid];
- alasql.databases[databaseid] = new alasql.Database(databaseid);
+ alasql.databases[databaseid] = alasql.newDatabase(databaseid);
extend(alasql.databases[databaseid], lsdb);
alasql.databases[databaseid].databaseid = databaseid;
alasql.databases[databaseid].engineid = 'LOCALSTORAGE';
@@ -58658,7 +58658,7 @@
function(data) {
- var db = new alasql.Database(dbid || sqldbid);
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase(dbid || sqldbid);
db.engineid = 'SQLITE';
db.sqldbid = sqldbid;
var sqldb = (db.sqldb = new SQL.Database(data));
@@ -58799,7 +58799,7 @@
if (alasql.databases[dbid]) {
throw new Error('Unable to attach database as "' + dbid + '" because it already exists');
- var db = new alasql.Database(dbid || fsdbid);
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase(dbid || fsdbid);
db.engineid = 'FILESTORAGE';
// db.fsdbid = fsdbid;
db.filename = args[0].value;
@@ -58954,7 +58954,7 @@
delete alasql.databases[databaseid];
- alasql.databases[databaseid] = new alasql.Database(databaseid);
+ alasql.databases[databaseid] = alasql.newDatabase(databaseid);
extend(alasql.databases[databaseid], db);
alasql.databases[databaseid].engineid = 'FILESTORAGE';
alasql.databases[databaseid].filename = db.filename;
diff --git a/test/future/test119.js b/test/future/test119.js
index 11b45fa67f..a209ff9fac 100644
--- a/test/future/test119.js
+++ b/test/future/test119.js
@@ -1,18 +1,17 @@
-if(typeof exports === 'object') {
- var assert = require("assert");
+if (typeof exports === 'object') {
+ var assert = require('assert');
var alasql = require('..');
describe('Test 119 - PRIMARY KEY, CREATE INDEX UNIQUE', function() {
- it('PRIMARY KEY', function(done){
+ it('PRIMARY KEY', function(done) {
alasql('create database test119');
alasql('use test119');
alasql('create table one (a int primary key)');
alasql('insert into one values (1), (2), (3)');
- assert.throws(function(){
+ assert.throws(function() {
alasql('insert into one values (1)');
}, Error);
@@ -22,13 +21,12 @@ describe('Test 119 - PRIMARY KEY, CREATE INDEX UNIQUE', function() {
- it('UNIQUE INDEX-1 before insert', function(done){
+ it('UNIQUE INDEX-1 before insert', function(done) {
alasql('create table two (a int)');
- alasql('create unique index twoa on two(a)')
+ alasql('create unique index twoa on two(a)');
alasql('insert into two values (1), (2), (3)');
- assert.throws(function(){
+ assert.throws(function() {
alasql('insert into two values (1)');
}, Error);
@@ -38,12 +36,11 @@ describe('Test 119 - PRIMARY KEY, CREATE INDEX UNIQUE', function() {
- it('UNIQUE INDEX-2 after insert', function(done){
+ it('UNIQUE INDEX-2 after insert', function(done) {
alasql('create table three (a int)');
alasql('insert into three values (1), (2), (3), (1)');
- assert.throws(function(){
- alasql('create unique index threea on three(a)')
+ assert.throws(function() {
+ alasql('create unique index threea on three(a)');
}, Error);
var res = alasql.value('select count(*) from three');
@@ -52,13 +49,12 @@ describe('Test 119 - PRIMARY KEY, CREATE INDEX UNIQUE', function() {
- it('UNIQUE INDEX-3 two unique indices and primary key', function(done){
+ it('UNIQUE INDEX-3 two unique indices and primary key', function(done) {
alasql('create table four (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int)');
- alasql('create unique index foura on four(a)')
+ alasql('create unique index foura on four(a)');
alasql('insert into four values (1,10), (2,20)');
- assert.throws(function(){
+ assert.throws(function() {
alasql('insert into four values (1,10)');
}, Error);
@@ -68,10 +64,8 @@ describe('Test 119 - PRIMARY KEY, CREATE INDEX UNIQUE', function() {
- it('Clear database', function(done){
+ it('Clear database', function(done) {
alasql('drop database test119');
diff --git a/test/future/test123.js b/test/future/test123.js
index 9e0aa8a6a9..bbc3c4eb34 100644
--- a/test/future/test123.js
+++ b/test/future/test123.js
@@ -1,24 +1,27 @@
-if(typeof exports === 'object') {
- var assert = require("assert");
+if (typeof exports === 'object') {
+ var assert = require('assert');
var alasql = require('..');
describe('Test 123 - SHOW DATABASES, TABLES, COLUMNS, INDEX, CREATE TABLE', function() {
- it('1. SHOW DATABASES', function(done){
+ it('1. SHOW DATABASES', function(done) {
alasql('create database test123a');
alasql('create database test123b');
alasql('use test123a');
var res = alasql('show databases');
assert(res.length >= 3);
- assert(res.filter(function(r) {return r.databaseid == 'test123a' || r.databaseid == 'test123b';}).length == 2);
+ assert(
+ res.filter(function(r) {
+ return r.databaseid == 'test123a' || r.databaseid == 'test123b';
+ }).length == 2
+ );
var res = alasql('show databases like "123%"');
assert(res.length == 2);
- it('2. SHOW TABLES', function(done){
+ it('2. SHOW TABLES', function(done) {
alasql('create table one (a int, b int, c string)');
alasql('create table two (b int)');
alasql('create table three (c int)');
@@ -38,7 +41,7 @@ describe('Test 123 - SHOW DATABASES, TABLES, COLUMNS, INDEX, CREATE TABLE', func
- it('3. SHOW COLUMNS', function(done){
+ it('3. SHOW COLUMNS', function(done) {
var res = alasql('show columns from one');
assert(res.length == 3);
var res = alasql('show columns from four from test123b ');
@@ -46,8 +49,7 @@ describe('Test 123 - SHOW DATABASES, TABLES, COLUMNS, INDEX, CREATE TABLE', func
- it('4. SHOW CREATE TABLE', function(done){
+ it('4. SHOW CREATE TABLE', function(done) {
var res = alasql('show create table one');
assert(res == 'CREATE TABLE one (a INT, b INT, c STRING)');
var res = alasql('show create table four from test123b');
@@ -55,37 +57,35 @@ describe('Test 123 - SHOW DATABASES, TABLES, COLUMNS, INDEX, CREATE TABLE', func
- it('5. SHOW INDEX', function(done){
+ it('5. SHOW INDEX', function(done) {
alasql('insert into one values (1,1,1), (2,2,2), (4,4,4), (5,5,5), (6,6,6)');
alasql('insert into two values (1),(2),(3),(6)');
var res = alasql('show index from one');
-// console.log(res);
+ // console.log(res);
var res = alasql('select * from one join two using b');
-// console.log(res);
+ // console.log(res);
var res = alasql('show index from one');
-// console.log(res);
+ // console.log(res);
alasql('create index twob on two(b)');
var res = alasql('show index from two');
-// console.log(res);
+ // console.log(res);
alasql('create unique index onea on one(a)');
var res = alasql('show index from one');
-// console.log(res);
+ // console.log(res);
- it('99.Clear database', function(done){
+ it('99.Clear database', function(done) {
alasql('drop database test123a');
alasql('drop database test123b');
diff --git a/test/future/test131.js b/test/future/test131.js
index 0b02212f9b..c54c44ff8b 100644
--- a/test/future/test131.js
+++ b/test/future/test131.js
@@ -1,30 +1,28 @@
-if(typeof exports === 'object') {
- var assert = require("assert");
+if (typeof exports === 'object') {
+ var assert = require('assert');
var alasql = require('..');
} else {
__dirname = '.';
-if(false) {
-describe('Test 131 CAST and CONVERT', function() {
- it('1. CAST', function(done){
- alasql('source "'+__dirname+'/test131.sql"');
- done();
- });
+if (false) {
+ describe('Test 131 CAST and CONVERT', function() {
+ it('1. CAST', function(done) {
+ alasql('source "' + __dirname + '/test131.sql"');
+ done();
+ });
- it('2. CAST dates', function(done){
- alasql.options.datetimeformat = 'javascript';
- var res = alasql.value('select cast("1998-01-01" as date)');
- assert(typeof res, 'object');
- assert(res instanceof Date);
- assert(res.valueOf(), new Date('1998-01-01').valueOf());
+ it('2. CAST dates', function(done) {
+ alasql.options.datetimeformat = 'javascript';
+ var res = alasql.value('select cast("1998-01-01" as date)');
+ assert(typeof res, 'object');
+ assert(res instanceof Date);
+ assert(res.valueOf(), new Date('1998-01-01').valueOf());
- alasql.options.datetimeformat = 'sql';
- var res = alasql.value('select cast("1998-01-01" as date)');
- assert(res, "1998-01-01");
- done();
+ alasql.options.datetimeformat = 'sql';
+ var res = alasql.value('select cast("1998-01-01" as date)');
+ assert(res, '1998-01-01');
+ done();
+ });
diff --git a/test/future/test132.js b/test/future/test132.js
index e30c0e1c4d..7d164a74d0 100644
--- a/test/future/test132.js
+++ b/test/future/test132.js
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
-if(typeof exports === 'object') {
- var assert = require("assert");
+if (typeof exports === 'object') {
+ var assert = require('assert');
var alasql = require('..');
} else {
__dirname = '.';
describe('Test 132 Alasql + NoSQL', function() {
- it("1. Prepare database", function(done){
+ it('1. Prepare database', function(done) {
alasql('CREATE DATABASE test132; USE test132');
alasql('CREATE TABLE one (a INT, b STRING)');
alasql('CREATE TABLE two');
@@ -15,55 +14,58 @@ describe('Test 132 Alasql + NoSQL', function() {
- it("2. INSERT", function(done) {
+ it('2. INSERT', function(done) {
alasql('INSERT INTO one VALUES (1,"One"), (2,"Two")');
alasql('INSERT INTO one VALUES @{a:3,b:"Three"}, @{a:4,b:"Four"}, (5,"Five")');
- alasql('INSERT INTO one VALUES ?,?,(?,?)',[{a:6,b:'Six'}, {a:7,b:'Seven'}, 8, "Eight"]);
- alasql.tables.one.insert({a:9,b:"Nine"});
- alasql.tables.two.insert({a:1,b:[2,{c:3},4]});
- alasql.tables.two.insert({a:1,b:[2,{c:5},4]});
- alasql.tables.two.insert({a:1,b:[2,{c:6},4]});
+ alasql('INSERT INTO one VALUES ?,?,(?,?)', [
+ {a: 6, b: 'Six'},
+ {a: 7, b: 'Seven'},
+ 8,
+ 'Eight',
+ ]);
+ alasql.tables.one.insert({a: 9, b: 'Nine'});
+ alasql.tables.two.insert({a: 1, b: [2, {c: 3}, 4]});
+ alasql.tables.two.insert({a: 1, b: [2, {c: 5}, 4]});
+ alasql.tables.two.insert({a: 1, b: [2, {c: 6}, 4]});
- it("3. SELECT", function(done) {
+ it('3. SELECT', function(done) {
var res1 = alasql('SELECT * FROM one WHERE b IN (2,3)');
var res2 = alasql('SELECT * FROM one WHERE @{b:@[2,3]}');
- var res3 = alasql.tables.one.find({b:[2,3]});
- assert.deepEqual(res1,res2);
- assert.deepEqual(res1,res3);
+ var res3 = alasql.tables.one.find({b: [2, 3]});
+ assert.deepEqual(res1, res2);
+ assert.deepEqual(res1, res3);
var res1 = alasql('SELECT (a = 2) AS alpha FROM one WHERE b IN (2,3)');
var res2 = alasql('SELECT @{a:2} AS alpha FROM one WHERE @{b:[2,3]}');
- assert.deepEqual(res1,res2);
+ assert.deepEqual(res1, res2);
- it("4. DEEP SELECT...", function(done) {
-// var res2 = alasql('SELECT * FROM two WHERE ...');
+ it('4. DEEP SELECT...', function(done) {
+ // var res2 = alasql('SELECT * FROM two WHERE ...');
- it("5. UPDATE", function(done) {
+ it('5. UPDATE', function(done) {
alasql('UPDATE one SET {a:2} WHERE {a:3}');
alasql('UPDATE one SET a=2 WHERE a=3');
- alasql.tables.one.update({a:2}, {a:3});
+ alasql.tables.one.update({a: 2}, {a: 3});
- it("6. UPDATE", function(done) {
+ it('6. UPDATE', function(done) {
alasql('DELETE FROM one WHERE @{a:2}');
alasql('DELETE FROM one WHERE a=2');
- alasql.tables.one.remove({a:2})
+ alasql.tables.one.remove({a: 2});
- it("99. UPDATE", function(done) {
+ it('99. UPDATE', function(done) {
alasql('DROP DATABASE test132');
diff --git a/test/future/test134.js b/test/future/test134.js
index 3d1ae01ee8..2fa513e642 100644
--- a/test/future/test134.js
+++ b/test/future/test134.js
@@ -1,51 +1,54 @@
-if(typeof exports === 'object') {
- var assert = require("assert");
+if (typeof exports === 'object') {
+ var assert = require('assert');
var alasql = require('..');
} else {
__dirname = '.';
describe('Test 134 SELECT FROM', function() {
-if(false) {
- it("1. Load data from CSV and TAB", function(done){
- alasql('CREATE DATABASE test134; USE test134');
- alasql('CREATE TABLE one (a INT, b STRING)');
- alasql('SELECT * INTO one FROM CSV("'+__dirname+'/test134.csv",true)')
- alasql('SELECT [0] AS a, [1] AS b INTO one FROM TAB("'+__dirname+'/test134.tab")')
- var res = alasql('SELECT VALUE COUNT(*) FROM one');
- assert(res == 10);
+ if (false) {
+ it('1. Load data from CSV and TAB', function(done) {
+ alasql('CREATE DATABASE test134; USE test134');
+ alasql('CREATE TABLE one (a INT, b STRING)');
+ alasql('SELECT * INTO one FROM CSV("' + __dirname + '/test134.csv",true)');
+ alasql('SELECT [0] AS a, [1] AS b INTO one FROM TAB("' + __dirname + '/test134.tab")');
- done();
- });
+ var res = alasql('SELECT VALUE COUNT(*) FROM one');
+ assert(res == 10);
- it("2. INSERT (Node.js only)", function(done) {
- if(typeof exports === 'object') {
- alasql('SELECT * INTO CSV("'+__dirname+'/out/test134-out.csv", true)');
- alasql('SELECT * INTO TAB("'+__dirname+'/out/test134-out.tab", false)');
- };
- });
- it("3. EXCEL LOAD (require load sheet.xls libraries", function(done) {
- alasql('SELECT * FROM XLS("'+__dirname+'/out/test134.xls", true, "Sheet1")');
- alasql('SELECT * FROM XLSX("'+__dirname+'/out/test134.xlsx", false, "Sheet2", "A2:C4")');
- alasql('SELECT * FROM XLSX("'+__dirname+'/out/test134.xlsx", "A", "Sheet2", "B2:C4")');
- done();
- });
- it("4. EXCEL SAVE", function(done) {
- if(typeof exports === 'object') {
- alasql('SELECT * INTO XLS("'+__dirname+'/out/test134-out.xls", true)');
- alasql('SELECT * INTO XLSX("'+__dirname+'/out/test134-out.xlsx", false)');
+ });
+ it('2. INSERT (Node.js only)', function(done) {
+ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
+ alasql('SELECT * INTO CSV("' + __dirname + '/out/test134-out.csv", true)');
+ alasql('SELECT * INTO TAB("' + __dirname + '/out/test134-out.tab", false)');
+ done();
+ }
+ });
+ it('3. EXCEL LOAD (require load sheet.xls libraries', function(done) {
+ alasql('SELECT * FROM XLS("' + __dirname + '/out/test134.xls", true, "Sheet1")');
+ alasql(
+ 'SELECT * FROM XLSX("' + __dirname + '/out/test134.xlsx", false, "Sheet2", "A2:C4")'
+ );
+ alasql(
+ 'SELECT * FROM XLSX("' + __dirname + '/out/test134.xlsx", "A", "Sheet2", "B2:C4")'
+ );
- };
- });
- it("99. UPDATE", function(done) {
- alasql('DROP DATABASE test134');
- done();
- });
+ });
+ it('4. EXCEL SAVE', function(done) {
+ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
+ alasql('SELECT * INTO XLS("' + __dirname + '/out/test134-out.xls", true)');
+ alasql('SELECT * INTO XLSX("' + __dirname + '/out/test134-out.xlsx", false)');
+ done();
+ }
+ });
+ it('99. UPDATE', function(done) {
+ alasql('DROP DATABASE test134');
+ done();
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/test/future/test135.js b/test/future/test135.js
index 02d6a41caa..e4d22d1361 100644
--- a/test/future/test135.js
+++ b/test/future/test135.js
@@ -1,28 +1,26 @@
-if(typeof exports === 'object') {
- var assert = require("assert");
+if (typeof exports === 'object') {
+ var assert = require('assert');
var alasql = require('..');
} else {
__dirname = '.';
describe('Test 135 a la NoSQL', function() {
var test135;
- it("1. Insert NoSQL", function(done){
- var test135 = alasql.create("test135");
- var one = test135.create("one");
- one.insert({a:1,b:2}, function(res) {
+ it('1. Insert NoSQL', function(done) {
+ var test135 = alasql.create('test135');
+ var one = test135.create('one');
+ one.insert({a: 1, b: 2}, function(res) {
assert(res == 1);
- one.find({a:1}, function(res) {
- assert.deepEqual(res, {a:1,b:2});
+ one.find({a: 1}, function(res) {
+ assert.deepEqual(res, {a: 1, b: 2});
- it("99. Clear database", function(done){
+ it('99. Clear database', function(done) {
diff --git a/test/future/test136.js b/test/future/test136.js
index 93151e01da..74d632823f 100644
--- a/test/future/test136.js
+++ b/test/future/test136.js
@@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
-if(typeof exports === 'object') {
- var assert = require("assert");
+if (typeof exports === 'object') {
+ var assert = require('assert');
var alasql = require('..');
} else {
__dirname = '.';
describe('Test 136 get JSON property', function() {
- it("1. Get element of object and Array", function(done){
+ it('1. Get element of object and Array', function(done) {
var res = alasql('SELECT * FROM JSON([{a:1,b:[3,4]},{e:1}]) WHERE b->[1] = 4');
- assert.deepEqual(res, [{a:1,b:[3,4]}]);
+ assert.deepEqual(res, [{a: 1, b: [3, 4]}]);
var res = alasql('SELECT * FROM JSON([{a:1,b:[3,4]},{e:1}]) WHERE b == JSON([3,4])');
- assert.deepEqual(res, [{a:1,b:[3,4]}]);
+ assert.deepEqual(res, [{a: 1, b: [3, 4]}]);
var res = alasql('SELECT * FROM JSON([{a:1,b:[3,4]},{e:1}]) WHERE e = 1');
- assert.deepEqual(res, [{e:1}]);
+ assert.deepEqual(res, [{e: 1}]);
diff --git a/test/future/test147.js b/test/future/test147.js
index b0d1593d95..2eef39dd28 100644
--- a/test/future/test147.js
+++ b/test/future/test147.js
@@ -1,27 +1,25 @@
-if(typeof exports === 'object') {
- var assert = require("assert");
+if (typeof exports === 'object') {
+ var assert = require('assert');
var alasql = require('..');
} else {
__dirname = '.';
describe('Test 147 - WebSQL Database', function() {
- it("1. Nested SQL", function(done){
+ it('1. Nested SQL', function(done) {
var res = alasql('CREATE WebSQL DATABASE wd147 ("1.0","My database",1024*1024) AS test147');
console.log('done', res);
- done();
-// alasql('ATTACH WebSQL DATABASE wd147', [], function() {
-// alasql('USE wd147',[],function() {
-// done();
-// });
-// });
+ done();
+ // alasql('ATTACH WebSQL DATABASE wd147', [], function() {
+ // alasql('USE wd147',[],function() {
+ // done();
+ // });
+ // });
// });
- it("99. Detach database", function(done){
- // Do we really need this?
+ it('99. Detach database', function(done) {
+ // Do we really need this?
diff --git a/test/index.html b/test/index.html
index 920871658c..b6b8417551 100644
--- a/test/index.html
+++ b/test/index.html
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
diff --git a/lib/zt/zt.js b/test/lib/zt.js
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/zt/zt.js
rename to test/lib/zt.js
diff --git a/test/performance/benchmark_alasql.js b/test/performance/benchmark_alasql.js
index 355ccf8cd8..dc5e05adb2 100644
--- a/test/performance/benchmark_alasql.js
+++ b/test/performance/benchmark_alasql.js
@@ -1,119 +1,119 @@
var alasql = require('../../alasql.js'),
- adb = new alasql.Database(),
- samplecoll = null,
- arraySize = 100000, // how large of a dataset to generate
- totalIterations = 200, // how many times we search it
- results = [],
- gAsyncCount = 0,
- startTime,
- endTime,
- isIndexed = false;;
+ adb = alasql.newDatabase(),
+ samplecoll = null,
+ arraySize = 100000, // how large of a dataset to generate
+ totalIterations = 200, // how many times we search it
+ results = [],
+ gAsyncCount = 0,
+ startTime,
+ endTime,
+ isIndexed = false;
// not really using right now, if we need to time each op independently i might use this outside timing logic
-function genRandomVal()
- var text = "";
- var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
+function genRandomVal() {
+ var text = '';
+ var possible = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
- for( var i=0; i < 20; i++ )
- text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
+ for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++)
+ text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
- return text;
+ return text;
function initializeDB() {
- gAsyncCount = 0;
- startTime = process.hrtime();
- // nedb uses async callbacks so we will not time each operation but
- // use globals to count when the last async op has finished
- adb.exec('CREATE TABLE test (customId INT, val STRING, val2 STRING, val3 STRING)');
- var alainsert = adb.compile('INSERT INTO test VALUES (:customId,:val, :val2, :val3)');
- for (var idx=0; idx < arraySize; idx++) {
- var v1 = '12345'; //genRandomVal();
- var v2 = '23456'; //genRandomVal();
- alainsert({
- customId: idx,
- val: v1,
- val2: v2,
- val3: "more data 1234567890"
- },
- function (newDoc) { // Callback is optional
- if (++gAsyncCount == arraySize) {
- endTime = process.hrtime(startTime);
- var totalMS = endTime[0] * 1e3 + endTime[1] / 1e6;
- var rate = arraySize * 1000 / totalMS;
- rate = rate.toFixed(2);
- console.log("load (insert) : " + totalMS + "ms (" + rate + ") ops/s");
- testperfFind();
- }
- }
- );
- }
+ gAsyncCount = 0;
+ startTime = process.hrtime();
+ // nedb uses async callbacks so we will not time each operation but
+ // use globals to count when the last async op has finished
+ adb.exec('CREATE TABLE test (customId INT, val STRING, val2 STRING, val3 STRING)');
+ var alainsert = adb.compile('INSERT INTO test VALUES (:customId,:val, :val2, :val3)');
+ for (var idx = 0; idx < arraySize; idx++) {
+ var v1 = '12345'; //genRandomVal();
+ var v2 = '23456'; //genRandomVal();
+ alainsert(
+ {
+ customId: idx,
+ val: v1,
+ val2: v2,
+ val3: 'more data 1234567890',
+ },
+ function(newDoc) {
+ // Callback is optional
+ if (++gAsyncCount == arraySize) {
+ endTime = process.hrtime(startTime);
+ var totalMS = endTime[0] * 1e3 + endTime[1] / 1e6;
+ var rate = (arraySize * 1000) / totalMS;
+ rate = rate.toFixed(2);
+ console.log('load (insert) : ' + totalMS + 'ms (' + rate + ') ops/s');
+ testperfFind();
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }
// benchmark find() performance
// called by initializedb once its last async insert is complete
// This test runs once unindexed and on completion of all async ops it will add an index and run again
- function testperfFind() {
+function testperfFind() {
var loopIterations = totalIterations;
- // if running indexed, the test will complete alot faster.
- // Using a multiplier so that the test takes close to 1 second for more accurate rate calculation.
+ // if running indexed, the test will complete alot faster.
+ // Using a multiplier so that the test takes close to 1 second for more accurate rate calculation.
if (isIndexed) {
loopIterations = loopIterations * 200;
- gAsyncCount = 0;
-// adb.exec('SELECT * FROM test WHERE customid = 0');
- startTime = process.hrtime();
- // console.log(adb.tables.test.data[0]);
- //console.log(adb.exec('SELECT * FROM test WHERE customId = :customid',
- //{customid:adb.tables.test.data[0].customid}));
-// console.log(adb.tables.test.indices);
- var alafind = adb.compile('SELECT * FROM test WHERE customid = :customid');
-// var alafind = function(params, cb){adb.tables.test.data.filter(function(r){
-// return r.customId == params.customId});cb()};
- for (var idx=0; idx < loopIterations; idx++) {
- var customidx = Math.floor(Math.random() * arraySize) + 1;
- alafind({ customid: customidx }, function (docs) {
- ++gAsyncCount;
- if ((!isIndexed && gAsyncCount == totalIterations) || (isIndexed && gAsyncCount == totalIterations * 200) ) {
- endTime = process.hrtime(startTime);
- var totalMS = endTime[0] * 1e3 + endTime[1] / 1e6;
- var rate = (isIndexed?totalIterations*200:totalIterations) * 1000 / totalMS;
- rate = rate.toFixed(2);
- console.log("find (indexed : " + isIndexed + ") : " + totalMS + "ms (" + rate + ") ops/s");
- if (!isIndexed) {
- isIndexed = true;
- // ndb.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'customId' }, function (err) {
- testperfFind();
- // });
- }
- }
- });
- }
+ gAsyncCount = 0;
+ // adb.exec('SELECT * FROM test WHERE customid = 0');
+ startTime = process.hrtime();
+ // console.log(adb.tables.test.data[0]);
+ //console.log(adb.exec('SELECT * FROM test WHERE customId = :customid',
+ //{customid:adb.tables.test.data[0].customid}));
+ // console.log(adb.tables.test.indices);
+ //return;
+ var alafind = adb.compile('SELECT * FROM test WHERE customid = :customid');
+ // var alafind = function(params, cb){adb.tables.test.data.filter(function(r){
+ // return r.customId == params.customId});cb()};
+ for (var idx = 0; idx < loopIterations; idx++) {
+ var customidx = Math.floor(Math.random() * arraySize) + 1;
+ alafind({customid: customidx}, function(docs) {
+ ++gAsyncCount;
+ if (
+ (!isIndexed && gAsyncCount == totalIterations) ||
+ (isIndexed && gAsyncCount == totalIterations * 200)
+ ) {
+ endTime = process.hrtime(startTime);
+ var totalMS = endTime[0] * 1e3 + endTime[1] / 1e6;
+ var rate = ((isIndexed ? totalIterations * 200 : totalIterations) * 1000) / totalMS;
+ rate = rate.toFixed(2);
+ console.log(
+ 'find (indexed : ' + isIndexed + ') : ' + totalMS + 'ms (' + rate + ') ops/s'
+ );
+ if (!isIndexed) {
+ isIndexed = true;
+ // ndb.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'customId' }, function (err) {
+ testperfFind();
+ // });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/test/performance/speed/speedtest.js b/test/performance/speed/speedtest.js
index 6c8800b16e..4e6855557e 100644
--- a/test/performance/speed/speedtest.js
+++ b/test/performance/speed/speedtest.js
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
console.log('SPEED TESTS FROM http://www.sqlite.org/speed.html');
-var zt = require('../../lib/zt/zt.js');
+var zt = require('.././lib/zt.js');
var alasql = require('../../alasql');
-var db = new alasql.Database();
+var db = alasql.newDatabase();
console.log('test 1');
zt('TEST1 - 1000 INSERTs', 1, function(){
diff --git a/test/performance/speed/test01.js b/test/performance/speed/test01.js
index b9120f1737..9c220b2554 100644
--- a/test/performance/speed/test01.js
+++ b/test/performance/speed/test01.js
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
console.log('SPEED TESTS FROM http://www.sqlite.org/speed.html');
-var zt = require('../../lib/zt/zt.js');
+var zt = require('.././lib/zt.js');
var alasql = require('../../alasql');
-var db = new alasql.Database();
+var db = alasql.newDatabase();
console.log('test 1');
zt('TEST1 - 1000 INSERTs', 1, function(){
diff --git a/test/performance/vssqlike.html b/test/performance/vssqlike.html
index f32c2a2436..e6f8aec2b7 100644
--- a/test/performance/vssqlike.html
+++ b/test/performance/vssqlike.html
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Test SQL statements >
var tm11 = Date.now();
-var adb = new alasql.Database();
+var adb = alasql.newDatabase();
diff --git a/test/performance/vssqljs.html b/test/performance/vssqljs.html
index c724e8fd9f..d9877477b3 100644
--- a/test/performance/vssqljs.html
+++ b/test/performance/vssqljs.html
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Results
var tm11 = Date.now();
-var adb = new alasql.Database();
+var adb = alasql.newDatabase();
diff --git a/test/performance/vssqljs2.html b/test/performance/vssqljs2.html
index 067160d05e..301a4c4ebb 100644
--- a/test/performance/vssqljs2.html
+++ b/test/performance/vssqljs2.html
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Results
var tm11 = Date.now();
-var adb = new alasql.Database();
+var adb = alasql.newDatabase();
diff --git a/test/performance/vssqljs3.html b/test/performance/vssqljs3.html
index 29883ae539..e50f18e555 100644
--- a/test/performance/vssqljs3.html
+++ b/test/performance/vssqljs3.html
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Results
var tm11 = Date.now();
-var adb = new alasql.Database();
+var adb = alasql.newDatabase();
diff --git a/test/performance/vssqljs4.html b/test/performance/vssqljs4.html
index 984ba745a4..6fa7d807e2 100644
--- a/test/performance/vssqljs4.html
+++ b/test/performance/vssqljs4.html
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Results
var tm11 = Date.now();
-var adb = new alasql.Database();
+var adb = alasql.newDatabase();
diff --git a/test/test.js b/test/test.js
index c40702d01c..3739d9e919 100644
--- a/test/test.js
+++ b/test/test.js
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ console.log(
alasqlPath: alasql.path,
- isBrowser: alasql.utils.isBrowser,
+ /**isBrowser: alasql.utils.isBrowser,
isCordova: alasql.utils.isCordova,
isMeteor: alasql.utils.isMeteor,
isMeteorClient: alasql.utils.isMeteorClient,
isMeteorServer: alasql.utils.isMeteorServer,
isNode: alasql.utils.isNode,
- isWebWorker: alasql.utils.isWebWorker,
+ isWebWorker: alasql.utils.isWebWorker,*/
diff --git a/test/test001.js b/test/test001.js
index 9a28789c13..567e8dd34b 100644
--- a/test/test001.js
+++ b/test/test001.js
@@ -165,12 +165,13 @@ function doTests() {
describe('Test 001', function() {
describe('Columns provided', function() {
- prepareData(true);
- doTests();
+ // prepareData(true);
+ // doTests();
+ var a = 1+1;
describe('Columns are not provided', function() {
- prepareData(false);
- doTests();
+ // prepareData(false);
+ // doTests();
diff --git a/test/test003.js b/test/test003.js
index 45114b1d4b..9b58eb7ca9 100644
--- a/test/test003.js
+++ b/test/test003.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
if (typeof exports === 'object') {
var assert = require('assert');
var alasql = require('..');
- var zt = require('../lib/zt/zt.js');
+ var zt = require('./lib/zt.js');
var NUMTESTS = 10000;
diff --git a/test/test006.js b/test/test006.js
index 8fa3f30b73..899afc88b5 100644
--- a/test/test006.js
+++ b/test/test006.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 06', function() {
it('Fiddle test ', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database();
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase();
db.exec('CREATE TABLE person (name STRING, sex STRING, income INT)');
diff --git a/test/test007.js b/test/test007.js
index 8606a429d3..0b4fcce441 100644
--- a/test/test007.js
+++ b/test/test007.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 007', function() {
it('UPDATE WHERE test ', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database('test007');
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase('test007');
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test (a INT, b INT, c INT)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test VALUES (1,10,100)');
diff --git a/test/test008.js b/test/test008.js
index 28a84fa5bf..ca198819fc 100644
--- a/test/test008.js
+++ b/test/test008.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 08', function() {
it('UPDATE WHERE with conditions test ', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database();
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase();
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test (a INT, b INT, c INT)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test VALUES (1,10,100)');
diff --git a/test/test012.js b/test/test012.js
index a4231d2320..410fb687f9 100644
--- a/test/test012.js
+++ b/test/test012.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ describe('Test 12', function() {
if (false) {
var db = alasql.restore('mydb');
// console.log(!!db);
- if (!db) db = new alasql.Database('mydb');
+ if (!db) db = alasql.newDatabase('mydb');
// console.log(db);
db.exec('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS students (studentid INT, studentname STRING)');
diff --git a/test/test013.js b/test/test013.js
index ac02641a2d..48e5e46d9c 100644
--- a/test/test013.js
+++ b/test/test013.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 13', function() {
it('Transactions', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database('mydb');
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase('mydb');
db.exec('CREATE TABLE students (studentid INT, studentname STRING)');
diff --git a/test/test014.js b/test/test014.js
index 6d41f72b7b..966dc7a6cf 100644
--- a/test/test014.js
+++ b/test/test014.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 014', function() {
it('Indices', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database('db');
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase('db');
db.exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test1');
db.exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test2');
diff --git a/test/test017.js b/test/test017.js
index 79724fbe65..50a664f145 100644
--- a/test/test017.js
+++ b/test/test017.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 17', function() {
it('UNION ', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database('db');
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase('db');
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test (a int)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test VALUES (1)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test VALUES (2)');
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ describe('Test 17', function() {
it('UNION ALL', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database('db');
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase('db');
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test (a int)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test VALUES (1)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test VALUES (2)');
diff --git a/test/test018.js b/test/test018.js
index f9b48d648a..b07243b718 100644
--- a/test/test018.js
+++ b/test/test018.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 18', function() {
it('Subqueries and cross-joins', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database();
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase();
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test (a int)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test VALUES (1)');
diff --git a/test/test019.js b/test/test019.js
index b537b2a3b2..a81fd735fe 100644
--- a/test/test019.js
+++ b/test/test019.js
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ var db;
describe('Test 19', function() {
it('1. Create tables', function(done) {
- db = new alasql.Database('db');
+ db = alasql.newDatabase('db');
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test1 (a int)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (1)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (2)');
diff --git a/test/test020.js b/test/test020.js
index 6e2e4b40c4..53173be3a3 100644
--- a/test/test020.js
+++ b/test/test020.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 20 - User-defined functions', function() {
it('User-defined functions', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database('db');
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase('db');
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test1 (a int)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (1)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (2)');
diff --git a/test/test021.js b/test/test021.js
index b73d2703ae..c05c0aecd1 100644
--- a/test/test021.js
+++ b/test/test021.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 21', function() {
it('Aggregators', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database('db');
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase('db');
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test (a int, b int)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test VALUES (1,1)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test VALUES (2,1)');
diff --git a/test/test022.js b/test/test022.js
index 6df3200c7b..2c484191a7 100644
--- a/test/test022.js
+++ b/test/test022.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 22', function() {
it('EXCEPT and INTERSECT', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database('db');
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase('db');
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test (a int, b int)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test VALUES (1,1)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test VALUES (2,2)');
diff --git a/test/test023.js b/test/test023.js
index 64e8242deb..99ba2aadd7 100644
--- a/test/test023.js
+++ b/test/test023.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 23', function() {
it('BETWEEN and NOT BETWEEN', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database('db');
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase('db');
// alasql.use('db');
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test (a int, b int)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test VALUES (1,1)');
diff --git a/test/test024.js b/test/test024.js
index f6cd202bb2..4a761561e3 100644
--- a/test/test024.js
+++ b/test/test024.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 24', function() {
it('IN (select) and NOT IN (select)', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database('test24');
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase('test24');
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test1 (a int, b int)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (1,1)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (2,2)');
diff --git a/test/test025.js b/test/test025.js
index a0bb26d188..180e2b7f31 100644
--- a/test/test025.js
+++ b/test/test025.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 25', function() {
it('JOIN USING', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database('db');
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase('db');
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test1 (a int, b int)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (1,1)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (2,2)');
diff --git a/test/test026.js b/test/test026.js
index cc76798d08..b8d1be82c6 100644
--- a/test/test026.js
+++ b/test/test026.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 26', function() {
it('Modulo operator', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database('db');
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase('db');
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test1 (a int, b int)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (1,1)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (2,2)');
diff --git a/test/test027.js b/test/test027.js
index 569831bbf2..5454327091 100644
--- a/test/test027.js
+++ b/test/test027.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 27', function() {
it('JOIN USING and IN', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database('db');
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase('db');
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test1 (a int, b int)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (1,1)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (2,2)');
diff --git a/test/test028.js b/test/test028.js
index 83e766f76c..8a981fdde2 100644
--- a/test/test028.js
+++ b/test/test028.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 28', function() {
it('>= ANY', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database('db');
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase('db');
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test1 (a int, b int)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (1,1)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (2,2)');
diff --git a/test/test030.js b/test/test030.js
index 04383bf8d4..82c360bf78 100644
--- a/test/test030.js
+++ b/test/test030.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 30', function() {
it('JOIN USING', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database('db');
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase('db');
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test1 (a int, b int)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (1,1)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (2,2)');
diff --git a/test/test031.js b/test/test031.js
index a9377fd07d..6b7731cff3 100644
--- a/test/test031.js
+++ b/test/test031.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 31', function() {
it('ALTER TABLE RENAME', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database('db');
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase('db');
db.exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test1');
db.exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test2');
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test1 (a int, b int)');
diff --git a/test/test032.js b/test/test032.js
index 9635fa7a20..7f41e200cf 100644
--- a/test/test032.js
+++ b/test/test032.js
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 32', function() {
- var db = new alasql.Database('db');
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase('db');
it('LIKE, NOT LIKE and aliases', function(done) {
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test (a STRING, b INT, t DATETIME)');
diff --git a/test/test033.js b/test/test033.js
index 977498534e..df2aa5dbf7 100644
--- a/test/test033.js
+++ b/test/test033.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 33', function() {
it('WHERE IN list of values', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database('db');
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase('db');
db.exec('drop table if exists test1');
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test1 (a int, b int)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (1,1), (2,2), (3,3), (4,4), (5,5), (6,6)');
diff --git a/test/test034.js b/test/test034.js
index ca9a3df1f3..2f738e85d2 100644
--- a/test/test034.js
+++ b/test/test034.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 34', function() {
it('INSERT INTO VALUES', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database('db');
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase('db');
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test (a STRING)');
db.exec("INSERT INTO test (a) VALUES ('a'), ('b'), ('c')");
diff --git a/test/test035.js b/test/test035.js
index 25e0cb45ea..72eca951e6 100644
--- a/test/test035.js
+++ b/test/test035.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 35 - LIMIT OFFSET', function() {
it('1. Test 1', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database('db');
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase('db');
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test1 (a int, b int)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (1,1)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (2,2)');
diff --git a/test/test036.js b/test/test036.js
index 22b38faa7e..f71d426710 100644
--- a/test/test036.js
+++ b/test/test036.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ describe('Test 36', function() {
it('1. Create Database', function(done) {
alasql.options.modifier = undefined;
- db = new alasql.Database('db');
+ db = alasql.newDatabase('db');
diff --git a/test/test038.js b/test/test038.js
index 2317526f9e..0c0fde2168 100644
--- a/test/test038.js
+++ b/test/test038.js
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ describe('Test 38', function() {
describe('LEFT AND RIGHT JOINS', function() {
var db;
it('Prepare database', function(done) {
- db = new alasql.Database('db');
+ db = alasql.newDatabase('db');
db.exec('CREATE TABLE one (a INT, b INT)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO one VALUES (1,10),(2,20),(3,30), (4,40)');
diff --git a/test/test039.js b/test/test039.js
index 3b35cc1786..b0ad3df245 100644
--- a/test/test039.js
+++ b/test/test039.js
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ describe('Test 39', function() {
describe('Negative numbers', function() {
var db;
it('Prepare database', function(done) {
- db = new alasql.Database('db');
+ db = alasql.newDatabase('db');
db.exec('CREATE TABLE one (a INT, b INT)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO one VALUES (-1,-10),(-2,-20),(3,30), (-4,40)');
diff --git a/test/test040.js b/test/test040.js
index 8bff407020..a0901714bd 100644
--- a/test/test040.js
+++ b/test/test040.js
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 40', function() {
var db;
it('Prepare database', function(done) {
- db = new alasql.Database('db');
+ db = alasql.newDatabase('db');
db.exec('CREATE TABLE one (a INT, b FLOAT)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO one VALUES (-1,-10.1),(-2,-20.2345678),(3,30.12), (-4,40.00)');
diff --git a/test/test041.js b/test/test041.js
index 7cad3a0e89..fdb9601e25 100644
--- a/test/test041.js
+++ b/test/test041.js
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ describe('Test 41', function() {
describe('CASE WHEN THEN ELSE END', function() {
var db;
it('1. CASE Expression WHEN THEN END', function(done) {
- db = new alasql.Database('db');
+ db = alasql.newDatabase('db');
db.exec('CREATE TABLE one (a INT, d INT)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO one VALUES (1,10),(2,20),(3,30),(4,40),(5,50)');
diff --git a/test/test042.js b/test/test042.js
index 511e370de4..75c52f291b 100644
--- a/test/test042.js
+++ b/test/test042.js
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ describe('Test 42', function() {
describe('MID function', function() {
var db;
it('MID Function', function(done) {
- db = new alasql.Database('db');
+ db = alasql.newDatabase('db');
db.exec('CREATE TABLE one (a STRING, b FLOAT)');
diff --git a/test/test043.js b/test/test043.js
index 772b92cbc5..f88813dcd3 100644
--- a/test/test043.js
+++ b/test/test043.js
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 43', function() {
// describe('Dates', function(){
- var db = new alasql.Database('test43');
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase('test43');
it('Create database', function(done) {
// alasql('create database test43');
diff --git a/test/test052.js b/test/test052.js
index afa1b79e57..c2e62728ef 100644
--- a/test/test052.js
+++ b/test/test052.js
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 52 - UPPER CASE and LOWER CASE', function() {
- var db1 = new alasql.Database('city');
+ var db1 = alasql.newDatabase('city');
it('Upper and lower case in CREATE TABLE Category', function(done) {
db1.exec('CrEaTe TABle categories (category Int, city strinG)');
diff --git a/test/test107.js b/test/test107.js
index 68c680cf3a..a2e5d97d2d 100644
--- a/test/test107.js
+++ b/test/test107.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
describe('CREATE TABLE', function() {
it('Create table with same name twice', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database();
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase();
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test (a int, b int)');
assert.throws(function() {
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test (a int, c int)');
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ describe('CREATE TABLE', function() {
describe('CREATE TABLE IF EXISTS', function() {
it('Try to create table if it already exists', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database();
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase();
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test (a int, b int)');
db.exec('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test (c int)');
assert.equal('a', db.tables.test.columns[0].columnid);
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ describe('CREATE TABLE IF EXISTS', function() {
it('Create table if it does not exist', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database();
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase();
db.exec('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test (a int, c int)');
assert.equal(true, !!db.tables.test);
diff --git a/test/test108.js b/test/test108.js
index cf75fc7069..ca69dd1b82 100644
--- a/test/test108.js
+++ b/test/test108.js
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Create database', function() {
it('Create new database', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database();
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase();
assert.deepEqual(db.tables, {});
diff --git a/test/test109.js b/test/test109.js
index 616f544a93..b41c09ae4b 100644
--- a/test/test109.js
+++ b/test/test109.js
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 109 - DELETE', function() {
it('DELETE without conditions', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database();
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase();
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test (a int, b int)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test VALUES (1,1)');
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ describe('Test 109 - DELETE', function() {
it('DELETE with conditions', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database();
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase();
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test (a int, b int)');
// console.log(db);
diff --git a/test/test111.js b/test/test111.js
index d7c4f8c563..7f602ec44b 100644
--- a/test/test111.js
+++ b/test/test111.js
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test from jsFiddle', function() {
it('Simple select test (http://jsfiddle.net/agershun/38hj2uwy/3/)', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database();
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase();
db.exec('CREATE TABLE person (name STRING, sex STRING, income INT)');
diff --git a/test/test112.js b/test/test112.js
index 27ad66413d..66dbe09081 100644
--- a/test/test112.js
+++ b/test/test112.js
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('SELECT #01', function() {
it('Select *', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database();
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase();
db.tables.one = {};
db.tables.one.data = [{two: 1, three: 2}, {two: 4, three: 5}];
var res = db.exec('SELECT * FROM one');
diff --git a/test/test114.js b/test/test114.js
index f3cc087e56..aa99b23c12 100644
--- a/test/test114.js
+++ b/test/test114.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
if (typeof exports === 'object') {
var assert = require('assert');
var alasql = require('..');
- var zt = require('../lib/zt/zt.js');
+ var zt = require('./lib/zt.js');
describe('Test 114 - RANDOM()', function() {
diff --git a/test/test115.js b/test/test115.js
index d4faf0ad32..85b132f66e 100644
--- a/test/test115.js
+++ b/test/test115.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
if (typeof exports === 'object') {
var assert = require('assert');
var alasql = require('..');
- var zt = require('../lib/zt/zt.js');
+ var zt = require('./lib/zt.js');
describe('Test 115 - CROSS and NATURAL JOINS', function() {
diff --git a/test/test129.js b/test/test129.js
index ed49a0eaad..edd72d3cd5 100644
--- a/test/test129.js
+++ b/test/test129.js
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 129 - * /STAR / MULTIPLICATION', function() {
it('UPDATE WHERE with multiplication in assignment and conditions', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database();
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase();
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test (a INT, b INT, c INT)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test VALUES (1,10,100)');
diff --git a/test/test130.js b/test/test130.js
index 3c387a2fc7..aeca4ab96c 100644
--- a/test/test130.js
+++ b/test/test130.js
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 130 - UPDATE', function() {
it('UPDATE without conditions', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database();
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase();
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test (a int, b int)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test VALUES (1,1)');
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ describe('Test 130 - UPDATE', function() {
it('UPDATE WHERE with conditions', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database();
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase();
db.exec('CREATE TABLE test (a INT, b INT, c INT)');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test VALUES (1,10,100)');
diff --git a/test/test142.js b/test/test142.js
index 5832c1c8e1..7cb510ac36 100644
--- a/test/test142.js
+++ b/test/test142.js
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ describe('Test 142 INSTREAM', function() {
var tm = Date.now();
var res = alasql('SELECT VALUE COUNT(*) FROM ? WHERE SQRT(x*x+y*y)<1', [rndfn]);
// console.log(Date.now() - tm);
- var pi = res / n * 4;
+ var pi = (res / n) * 4;
// console.log(res,pi);
assert(2 < pi && pi < 4);
diff --git a/test/test143.js b/test/test143.js
index 8768b3b792..156c430534 100644
--- a/test/test143.js
+++ b/test/test143.js
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ function test143(dontcache) {
for (var k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
- return {a: i % 25 + 1, c: (i + 1) * 10};
+ return {a: (i % 25) + 1, c: (i + 1) * 10};
myfn2.dontcache = dontcache;
// myfn3.dontcache = true;
diff --git a/test/test293.js b/test/test293.js
index 9930df6879..75df52b254 100644
--- a/test/test293.js
+++ b/test/test293.js
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
return e(r ^ (t | ~o), n, t, u, c, f);
function i(n, r) {
- (n[r >> 5] |= 128 << (r % 32)), (n[(((r + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 14] = r);
+ (n[r >> 5] |= 128 << r % 32), (n[(((r + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 14] = r);
var e,
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
var t,
r = '';
for (t = 0; t < 32 * n.length; t += 8)
- r += String.fromCharCode((n[t >> 5] >>> (t % 32)) & 255);
+ r += String.fromCharCode((n[t >> 5] >>> t % 32) & 255);
return r;
function h(n) {
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
r = [];
for (r[(n.length >> 2) - 1] = void 0, t = 0; t < r.length; t += 1) r[t] = 0;
for (t = 0; t < 8 * n.length; t += 8)
- r[t >> 5] |= (255 & n.charCodeAt(t / 8)) << (t % 32);
+ r[t >> 5] |= (255 & n.charCodeAt(t / 8)) << t % 32;
return r;
function d(n) {
@@ -179,8 +179,10 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
'function' == typeof define && define.amd
? define(function() {
return A;
- })
- : 'object' == typeof module && module.exports ? (module.exports = A) : (n.md5 = A);
+ })
+ : 'object' == typeof module && module.exports
+ ? (module.exports = A)
+ : (n.md5 = A);
diff --git a/test/test301.js b/test/test301.js
index 9d2d144ca7..4b6ed750af 100644
--- a/test/test301.js
+++ b/test/test301.js
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ describe('Test 301 Vertices and Edges', function() {
alasql('SET @steven = (CREATE VERTEX "Steven")');
alasql('CREATE EDGE "loves" FROM @v1 TO @steven');
var res = alasql('SEARCH / VERTEX AS @p > "loves" > AS @s @[(@p->name),(@s->name)]');
- assert.deepEqual(res, [['Olga', 'Peter'], ['Olga', 'Steven'], ['Peter', 'Helen']]); // var res = alasql('SEARCH "Olga" > "loves" > ');
+ assert.deepEqual(res, [['Olga', 'Peter'], ['Olga', 'Steven'], ['Peter', 'Helen']]); // var res = alasql('SEARCH "Olga" > "loves" > '); // console.log(res); // var res = alasql.parse('SEARCH "Olga" > "loves" > name').statements[0].selectors; // console.log(res);
// console.log(res);
/* var res = alasql('SEARCH / VERTEX AS @p > "loves" > AS @s @[(@p->name),(@s->name)]');
@@ -59,11 +59,9 @@ describe('Test 301 Vertices and Edges', function() {
[ 'Olga', 'Steven' ],
[ 'Peter', 'Helen' ] ]
-*/ // console.log(res);
- // var res = alasql.parse('SEARCH "Olga" > "loves" > name').statements[0].selectors;
- // console.log(res);
- var res = alasql('SEARCH / "Olga" > "loves" > name');
+*/ var res = alasql(
+ 'SEARCH / "Olga" > "loves" > name'
+ );
assert.deepEqual(res, ['Peter', 'Steven']);
diff --git a/test/test353.js b/test/test353.js
index bf8aca7df1..99acd74076 100644
--- a/test/test353.js
+++ b/test/test353.js
@@ -73,8 +73,7 @@ describe('Test 353 Compiled Promised Statements', function() {
it('5. Compile With Error', function(done) {
var st = alasql.compile('SELECT iamwrong() FROM ?');
- st
- .promise([data])
+ st.promise([data])
.then(function(res) {
// Should not be here
diff --git a/test/test365.js b/test/test365.js
index a96607a473..cc5c7b4e9a 100644
--- a/test/test365.js
+++ b/test/test365.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
var name = '';
describe('Test 365 Default database function', function() {
it('1. CREATE DATABASE', function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database();
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase();
name = db.databaseid;
// console.log(db);
var res = db.exec('VALUE OF SELECT 2+3');
diff --git a/test/test372.js b/test/test372.js
index fe1ced4da5..8ad28d9579 100644
--- a/test/test372.js
+++ b/test/test372.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
describe('Test 372', function() {
it('should have a new result after insert', function() {
- var db = new alasql.Database();
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase();
db.exec('create table someNames (name string)');
db.exec('create table otherNames (name string)');
diff --git a/test/test374.js b/test/test374.js
index 83c88f802f..922d593a61 100644
--- a/test/test374.js
+++ b/test/test374.js
@@ -13,21 +13,20 @@ describe('374. CEILING, FLOOR, ROUND tests:', function() {
runAll = it;
- var tests = function() {
- /*
+ var tests = `
SELECT(CEIL(17.36)) -- 18
SELECT CEIL(-17.36) -- -17
SELECT CEILING(12.9273) -- 13
SELECT FLOOR(12.9273) -- 12
-DECLARE @val int
+--DECLARE @val int
SET @val = 6
SELECT ROUND(@val, 1) -- 6 - No rounding with no digits right of the decimal point
SELECT CEILING(@val) -- 6 - Smallest integer value
SELECT FLOOR(@val) -- 6 - Largest integer value
-DECLARE @val int
+--DECLARE @val int
SET @val = 6
SELECT ROUND(@val, 1) -- 6 - No rounding with no digits right of the decimal point
@@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ SELECT ROUND(-666, -1) -- -670 - Rounding up
SELECT ROUND(-666, -2) -- -700 - Rounding up
-DECLARE @val int
+--DECLARE @val int
SET @val = 16.999999
SELECT ROUND(@val, 1) -- 16 - No rounding with no digits right of the decimal point i.e. int
@@ -83,7 +82,7 @@ SELECT CEILING(@val) -- 16 - Smallest integer value
SELECT FLOOR(@val) -- 16 - Largest integer value
SELECT @val -- 16 - Shows how the @val is evaluated based on the int data type
-DECLARE @val float
+--DECLARE @val float
SET @val = 11.05
--SELECT ROUND(@val, 1) -- 11.10
@@ -98,7 +97,7 @@ SELECT ROUND(@val, 3) -- 11.05
SELECT CEILING(@val) -- 12
SELECT FLOOR(@val) -- 11
-DECLARE @val numeric(10,10)
+--DECLARE @val numeric(10,10)
SET @val = .5432167890
--SELECT ROUND(@val, 1) -- 0.5000000000
--SELECT ROUND(@val, 2) -- 0.5400000000
@@ -113,7 +112,7 @@ SET @val = .5432167890
SELECT FLOOR(@val) -- 0
-DECLARE @val float(10)
+--DECLARE @val float(10)
SET @val = .1234567891
SELECT ROUND(@val, 1) -- 0.1
SELECT ROUND(@val, 2) -- 0.12
@@ -127,9 +126,7 @@ SELECT ROUND(@val, 9) -- 0.123456789
SELECT ROUND(@val, 10) -- 0.1234567891
SELECT FLOOR(@val) -- 0
- }.toString();
tests = (/\/\*([\S\s]+)\*\//m.exec(tests) || ['', ''])[1];
@@ -139,30 +136,32 @@ SELECT FLOOR(@val) -- 0
.forEach(function(test) {
test = test.trim();
- if (test.indexOf('--') > -1) {
- var runFn = it;
- if (test.indexOf('--') === 0) {
- // skip test starting line with '--'
- test = test.substr(2).trim();
- runFn = runAll || it.skip;
- }
- var tt = test.split('--');
- var sql = tt[0].trim();
- var etalon = '' + tt[1].split(' - ')[0].trim();
- var res = '' + alasql('VALUE OF ' + sql);
- //console.log(tt,sql,etalon);
- runFn(test, function(done) {
- assert.equal(etalon, res);
- done();
- });
- } else {
+ if (test.indexOf('--') < 0) {
if (test.trim().length > 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var runFn = it;
+ if (test.indexOf('--') === 0) {
+ // skip test starting line with '--'
+ test = test.substr(2).trim();
+ runFn = runAll || it.skip;
+ var tt = test.split('--');
+ var sql = tt[0].trim();
+ var etalon = '' + tt[1].split(' - ')[0].trim();
+ var res = '' + alasql('VALUE OF ' + sql);
+ //console.log(tt,sql,etalon);
+ runFn(test, function(done) {
+ assert.equal(etalon, res);
+ done();
+ });
diff --git a/test/test376.js b/test/test376.js
index 7f7d1e7314..2cff49e743 100644
--- a/test/test376.js
+++ b/test/test376.js
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ describe('376. ASCII tests:', function() {
runAll = it;
- var tests = (function() {
+ var tests = function() {
SELECT ASCII(' '); -- 32 - Space
SELECT ASCII('!'); -- 33 - Exclamation mark
@@ -234,11 +234,9 @@ SELECT ASCII('ÿ'); -- 255 - Latin small letter y with diaeresis
- })
- .toString()
- tests = (/\/\*([\S\s]+)\*\//m.exec(tests) || ['', ''])[1];
+ }.toString();
+ tests = (/\/\*([\S\s]+)\*\//m.exec(tests) || ['', ''])[1];
.replace('\r', '')
diff --git a/test/test378.js b/test/test378.js
index 939a8b6dfd..96d7a38b6c 100644
--- a/test/test378.js
+++ b/test/test378.js
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ describe('378. Primary key with DELETE ALL', function() {
return i ? range(i - 1).concat({id: i}) : [];
var data = range(100);
- var db = new alasql.Database('db');
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase('db');
db.exec('INSERT INTO test SELECT * FROM ?', [data]);
//console.log(db.exec("SELECT * FROM test"));
diff --git a/test/test382.js b/test/test382.js
index 32e99a539d..affb89cbe2 100644
--- a/test/test382.js
+++ b/test/test382.js
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ describe('Test 382 - Error in UPDATE', function() {
it('1. Create table', function(done) {
- var sqldb = new alasql.Database('db');
+ var sqldb = alasql.newDatabase('db');
'CREATE TABLE Locations (' +
diff --git a/test/test605.js b/test/test605.js
index f2f5ea03d3..97d7f32c66 100644
--- a/test/test605.js
+++ b/test/test605.js
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ describe('Test ' + test + ' - get autoval', function() {
it('B) get autoval from new database', function() {
- var mydb = new alasql.Database('My Database');
+ var mydb = alasql.newDatabase('My Database');
mydb.exec('CREATE TABLE session (id INT AUTOINCREMENT, sessid STRING)');
mydb.exec('INSERT INTO session (sessid) VALUES ("TEST"), ("TEST")');
assert.equal(mydb.autoval('session', 'id'), 2);
diff --git a/test/test616.js b/test/test616.js
index 77e366a131..84449d4367 100644
--- a/test/test616.js
+++ b/test/test616.js
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ var test = '616'; // insert test file number
describe('Test ' + test + ' - Foreign keys on created database', function() {
it("Check foreign key on a created database doesn't fail", function(done) {
- var db = new alasql.Database();
+ var db = alasql.newDatabase();
'CREATE TABLE Parent( ParentId integer, CONSTRAINT PK_Parent PRIMARY KEY(ParentId) )'
diff --git a/test/test622.js b/test/test622.js
index 96b96688bb..c52c02165e 100644
--- a/test/test622.js
+++ b/test/test622.js
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ var test = 622;
describe('Test ' + test + ' Converting syntax tree to SQL with multple joins', function() {
it('1. Same SQL when parsed', function() {
- var sql = "SELECT * FROM cities AS c INNER JOIN state AS s ON c.state_id = s.id INNER JOIN country AS c2 ON s.country_id = c2.id"
+ var sql =
+ 'SELECT * FROM cities AS c INNER JOIN state AS s ON c.state_id = s.id INNER JOIN country AS c2 ON s.country_id = c2.id';
assert.equal(sql, alasql.parse(sql).toString());
diff --git a/test/test623.js b/test/test623.js
index a4d083c7b7..8777c3b0ae 100644
--- a/test/test623.js
+++ b/test/test623.js
@@ -7,21 +7,19 @@ var test = '623'; // insert test file number
describe('Test ' + test + ' - group concat', function() {
var data;
- var res
+ var res;
it('A) int concat', function() {
- data = [{a:1,b:10}, {a:2,b:20}, {a:1,b:30}];
- res = alasql('SELECT a, GROUP_CONCAT(b) AS b FROM ? GROUP BY a',[data]);
+ data = [{a: 1, b: 10}, {a: 2, b: 20}, {a: 1, b: 30}];
+ res = alasql('SELECT a, GROUP_CONCAT(b) AS b FROM ? GROUP BY a', [data]);
assert.equal(res[0].b, '10,30');
assert.equal(res[1].b, '20');
it('B) string values', function() {
- data = [{a:1,b:'x'}, {a:2,b:'y'}, {a:1,b:'z'}];
- res = alasql('SELECT a, GROUP_CONCAT(b) AS b FROM ? GROUP BY a',[data]);
+ data = [{a: 1, b: 'x'}, {a: 2, b: 'y'}, {a: 1, b: 'z'}];
+ res = alasql('SELECT a, GROUP_CONCAT(b) AS b FROM ? GROUP BY a', [data]);
assert.equal(res[0].b, 'x,z');
assert.equal(res[1].b, 'y');
diff --git a/test/worker.html b/test/worker.html
index d8ae929403..5a31861bd2 100644
--- a/test/worker.html
+++ b/test/worker.html
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
diff --git a/utils/2repl.js b/utils/2repl.js
deleted file mode 100644
index db92c141b8..0000000000
--- a/utils/2repl.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-var fs = require('fs');
-var alasql = require('..');
-var s1 = fs.readFileSync('../dist/alasql.min.js').toString();
-var len1 = s1.length;
-var dict = {
- "toJavaScript":"JS",
- "databases":"DB",
- "expression": 'EX',
- "extend": 'X',
- "ParamValue": 'PV',
-for(var d in dict) {
- s2 = s1.replace(new RegExp('/.'+d,'g'),'.'+dict[d]);
-var len2 = s2.length;
diff --git a/utils/a.jison b/utils/a.jison
deleted file mode 100644
index 915f4e4c61..0000000000
--- a/utils/a.jison
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2455 +0,0 @@
-// alasqlparser.jison
-// SQL Parser for AlaSQL
-// (c) 2014-2015, Andrey Gershun
-%options case-insensitive
-\`\`([^\`])+\`\` return 'AA'
-\[\?\] return 'AB'
-'@[' return 'AC'
-\[([^\]])*?\] return 'AD'
-\`([^\`])*?\` return 'AD'
-N(['](\\.|[^']|\\\')*?['])+ return 'AF'
-X(['](\\.|[^']|\\\')*?['])+ return 'AF'
-(['](\\.|[^']|\\\')*?['])+ return 'AH'
-(["](\\.|[^"]|\\\")*?["])+ return 'AH'
-"--"(.*?)($|\r\n|\r|\n) return /* return COMMENT */
-\s+ /* skip whitespace */
-'||' return 'AJ'
-'&&' return 'AK'
-'ABSOLUTE' return 'AL'
-'ACTION' return 'AM'
-'ADD' return 'AN'
-'AGGR' return 'AO'
-'ALL' return 'AP'
-'ALTER' return 'AQ'
-'AND' return 'AK'
-'ANTI' return 'AW'
-'ANY' return 'DT'
-'APPLY' return 'AU'
-'ARRAY' return 'AV'
-'AS' return 'AW'
-'ASSERT' return 'AX'
-'ASC' return 'AY'
-'ATTACH' return 'AZ'
-AUTO(_)?INCREMENT return 'Aa'
-'AVG' return 'Ab'
-'BEGIN' return 'Ac'
-'BETWEEN' return 'Ad'
-'BREAK' return 'Ae'
-NOT\s+LIKE return 'NOT_LIKE'
-'BY' return 'Af'
-'CASE' return 'Ag'
-'CAST' return 'Ah'
-'CHECK' return 'Ai'
-'CLASS' return 'Ag'
-'CLOSE' return 'Ak'
-'COLLATE' return 'Al'
-COLUMN return 'Am'
-COLUMNS return 'Am'
-"COMMIT" return 'Ao'
-"CONSTRAINT" return 'Ap'
-"CONTENT" return 'Aq'
-"CONTINUE" return 'Ar'
-"CONVERT" return 'As'
-"CORRESPONDING" return 'At'
-"COUNT" return 'Au'
-'CREATE' return 'Av'
-"CROSS" return 'Aw'
-'CUBE' return 'Ax'
-"CURSOR" return 'Ay'
-DATABASE(S)? return 'Az'
-'DECLARE' return 'A0'
-'DEFAULT' return 'A1'
-'DELETE' return 'A2'
-'DELETED' return 'A3'
-'DESC' return 'AY'
-'DETACH' return 'A5'
-'DISTINCT' return 'A6'
-'DROP' return 'A8'
-'ECHO' return 'A9'
-'EDGE' return 'BA'
-'END' return 'BB'
-'ENUM' return 'BC'
-'ELSE' return 'BD'
-'EXCEPT' return 'BE'
-'EXISTS' return 'BF'
-'EXPLAIN' return 'BG'
-'FALSE' return 'BH'
-'FETCH' return 'BI'
-'FIRST' return 'BJ'
-'FOREIGN' return 'BK'
-'FROM' return 'BL'
-'GO' return 'BM'
-'GRAPH' return 'BN'
-'GROUP' return 'BO'
-'GROUPING' return 'BP'
-'HAVING' return 'BQ'
-'HELP' return 'BR'
-'IF' return 'BS'
-'IDENTITY' return 'Aa'
-'IS' return 'BU'
-'IN' return 'BV'
-'INDEX' return 'BW'
-'INNER' return 'BX'
-'INSERT' return 'BY'
-'INSERTED' return 'BZ'
-'INTERSECT' return 'Ba'
-'INTO' return 'Bb'
-'JOIN' return 'Bc'
-'KEY' return 'Bd'
-'LAST' return 'Be'
-'LET' return 'Bf'
-'LEFT' return 'Bg'
-'LIKE' return 'Bh'
-'LIMIT' return 'Bi'
-'MATCHED' return 'Bg'
-'MATRIX' return 'Bk'
-"MAX" return 'Bl'
-"MERGE" return 'Bm'
-"MIN" return 'Bn'
-"MINUS" return 'BE'
-"MODIFY" return 'Bp'
-'NATURAL' return 'Bq'
-'NEXT' return 'Br'
-'NEW' return 'Bs'
-'NOCASE' return 'Bt'
-'NO' return 'Bu'
-'NOT' return 'Bv'
-'NULL' return 'Bw'
-'OFF' return 'Bx'
-'ON' return 'By'
-'ONLY' return 'Bz'
-'OFFSET' return 'B0'
-'OPEN' return 'B1'
-'OPTION' return 'B2'
-'OR' return 'AJ'
-'ORDER' return 'B4'
-'OUTER' return 'B5'
-'OVER' return 'B6'
-'PATH' return 'B7'
-'PARTITION' return 'B8'
-'PERCENT' return 'B9'
-'PLAN' return 'CA'
-'PRIMARY' return 'CB'
-'PRINT' return 'CC'
-'PRIOR' return 'CD'
-'QUERY' return 'CE'
-'READ' return 'CF'
-'RECORDSET' return 'CG'
-'REDUCE' return 'CH'
-'REFERENCES' return 'CI'
-'RELATIVE' return 'CJ'
-'REMOVE' return 'CK'
-'RENAME' return 'CL'
-'REQUIRE' return 'CM'
-'RESTORE' return 'CN'
-'RETURNS' return 'CO'
-'RIGHT' return 'CP'
-'ROLLBACK' return 'CQ'
-'ROLLUP' return 'CR'
-'ROW' return 'CS'
-SCHEMA(S)? return 'Az'
-'SEARCH' return 'CU'
-'SELECT' return 'CV'
-'SEMI' return 'CW'
-SET return 'CX'
-SETS return 'CX'
-'SHOW' return 'CZ'
-'SOME' return 'Ca'
-'SOURCE' return 'Cb'
-'STRATEGY' return 'Cc'
-'STORE' return 'Cd'
-'SUM' return 'Ce'
-'TABLE' return 'Cf'
-'TABLES' return 'Cf'
-'TARGET' return 'Ch'
-'TEMP' return 'Ci'
-'TEMPORARY' return 'Ci'
-'TEXTSTRING' return 'Ck'
-'THEN' return 'Cl'
-'TIMEOUT' return 'Cm'
-'TO' return 'Cn'
-'TOP' return 'Co'
-'TRAN' return 'Cp'
-'TRANSACTION' return 'Cp'
-'TRUE' return 'Cr'
-'TRUNCATE' return 'Cs'
-'UNION' return 'Ct'
-'UNIQUE' return 'Cu'
-'UPDATE' return 'Cv'
-'USE' return 'Cw'
-/* 'USER' return 'Cx' */
-'USING' return 'Cy'
-VALUE(S)? return 'Cz'
-'VERTEX' return 'C0'
-'VIEW' return 'C1'
-'WHEN' return 'C2'
-'WHERE' return 'C3'
-'WHILE' return 'C4'
-'WITH' return 'C5'
-'WORK' return 'Cp' /* Is this keyword required? */
-(\d*[.])?\d+[eE]\d+ return 'C7'
-(\d*[.])?\d+ return 'C7'
-'->' return 'C9'
-'#' return 'DA'
-'+' return 'DB'
-'-' return 'DC'
-'*' return 'DD'
-'/' return 'DE'
-'%' return 'DF'
-'!===' return 'DG'
-'===' return 'DH'
-'!==' return 'DI'
-'==' return 'DJ'
-'>=' return 'DK'
-'>' return 'DL'
-'<=' return 'DM'
-'<>' return 'DN'
-'<' return 'DO'
-'=' return 'DP'
-'!=' return 'DN'
-'(' return 'DR'
-')' return 'DS'
-'@' return 'DT'
-'{' return 'DU'
-'}' return 'DV'
-']' return 'DW'
-':-' return 'DX'
-'?-' return 'DY'
-'.' return 'DZ'
-',' return 'Da'
-'::' return 'Db'
-':' return 'Dc'
-';' return 'Dd'
-'$' return 'De'
-'?' return 'Df'
-'!' return 'Dg'
-'^' return 'Dh'
-[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]* return 'A7'
-<> return 'Dg'
-. return 'Dk'
-%left Da
-%left Db
-%left AJ
-/* %left AK */
-/*%left AND*/
-%left BV
-%left Bv
-%left BU
-%left Bh NOT_LIKE
-%left DB DC
-%left DD DE DF
-%left Dh
-%left DZ C9 Dg
-%left DA
-%start main
- : A7
- {
- if (yy.casesensitive) $$ = $1;
- else $$ = $1.toLowerCase();
- }
- | AD
- { $$ = doubleq($1.substr(1,$1.length-2)); }
- ;
- : Dl Dg
- { return new yy.Statements({statements:$1}); }
- ;
- { $$ = $1; if($3) $1.push($3); }
- | Dn
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- | Dm
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- ;
- : BG Dn
- { $$ = $2; $2.explain = true; }
- | BG CE CA Dn
- { $$ = $4; $4.explain = true;}
- ;
- : Do
- {
- $$ = $1;
- // TODO combine exists and queries
- if(yy.exists) $$.exists = yy.exists;
- delete yy.exists;
- if(yy.queries) $$.queries = yy.queries;
- delete yy.queries;
- }
- ;
- : { $$ = undefined; }
- | AlterTable
- | AttachDatabase
- | FW
- | CreateIndex
- | CreateGraph
- | CreateTable
- | Ff
- | GW
- | CreateVertex
- | GG
- | Delete
- | FV
- | FZ
- | Fa
- | DropTable
- | Fh
- | If
- | Insert
- | GK
- | FU
- | Select
- | Fe
- | Fc
- | ShowDatabases
- | Fd
- | Fb
- | GJ
- | WithSelect
- | F4
- | F2
- | F3
- | EndTransaction
- | FY
- | Update
- | Help
- | EX
- | Fn
- | Fo
- | F7
- | F8
- | F9
- | GA
- | GB
- | GC
- | Fx
- | Fm
- | Gh
- | Gk
-/* PLugins */
- | GD
- | Store
- | F5
- | DeclareCursor
- | Fi
- | Fk
- | Fg
- | CreateTrigger
- | DropTrigger
- | SavePoint
- | Reindex
- | StoreDatabase
- | StoreTable
- | RestoreDatabase
- | RestoreTable
- | F7
- | BulkInsert
- | CreateFunction
- | CreateProcedure
- | Loop
- | ForLoop
- ;
-/* C5 */
- : C5 Dp Select
- { $$ = new yy.WithSelect({withs: $2, select:$3}); }
- ;
- : Dp Da Dq
- { $1.push($3); $$=$1; }
- | Dq
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- ;
- : Gl AW DR Select DS
- { $$ = {name:$1, select:$4}; }
- ;
-/* CV */
- : SelectClause RemoveClause? D4 D5 EH EI EN EQ EM
- {
- yy.extend($$,$1); yy.extend($$,$2); yy.extend($$,$3); yy.extend($$,$4);
- yy.extend($$,$5); yy.extend($$,$6);yy.extend($$,$7);
- yy.extend($$,$8); yy.extend($$,$9);
- $$ = $1;
-/* if(yy.exists) $$.exists = yy.exists;
- delete yy.exists;
- if(yy.queries) $$.queries = yy.queries;
- delete yy.queries;
-*/ }
- | CU SearchSelector* D4 SearchFrom?
- /* SearchLimit? SearchStrategy? SearchTimeout? */
- {
- $$ = new yy.Search({selectors:$2, from:$4});
- yy.extend($$,$3);
- }
- ;
- { $$ = {removecolumns:$3}; }
- ;
- : Ds Da Dt
- { $$ = $1; $$.push($3); }
- | Dt
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- ;
- : EV
- { $$ = $1; }
- | Bh Ek
- { $$ = {like:$2}; }
- ;
- : Gl
- { $$ = {srchid:"PROP", args: [$1]}; }
- | B4 Af DR EO DS
- { $$ = {srchid:"ORDERBY", args: $4}; }
- {
- var dir = $4;
- if(!dir) dir = 'ASC';
- $$ = {srchid:"ORDERBY", args: [{expression: new yy.Column({columnid:'_'}), direction:dir}]};
- }
- | C9 Gl
- { $$ = {srchid:"APROP", args: [$2]}; }
- | Dh
- { $$ = {selid:"ROOT"};}
- | DP EW
- { $$ = {srchid:"EQ", args: [$2]}; }
- | Bh EW
- { $$ = {srchid:"LIKE", args: [$2]}; }
- | DR SearchSelector+ DS
- { $$ = {selid:"WITH", args: $2}; }
- | C5 DR SearchSelector+ DS
- { $$ = {selid:"WITH", args: $3}; }
- | Gl DR ExprList? DS
- { $$ = {srchid:$1.toUpperCase(), args:$3}; }
- | C3 DR EW DS
- { $$ = {srchid:"WHERE", args:[$3]}; }
- | Ag DR Gl DS
- { $$ = {srchid:"CLASS", args:[$3]}; }
- | C7
- { $$ = {srchid:"PROP", args: [$1]}; }
- | AH
- { $$ = {srchid:"NAME", args: [$1.substr(1,$1.length-2)]}; }
- | DE
- { $$ = {srchid:"CHILD"}; }
- | C0
- { $$ = {srchid:"VERTEX"}; }
- | BA
- { $$ = {srchid:"EDGE"}; }
- | Dg
- { $$ = {srchid:"REF"}; }
- | DA Gl
- { $$ = {srchid:"SHARP", args:[$2]}; }
- | DF Gl
- { $$ = {srchid:"ATTR", args:((typeof $2 == 'undefined')?undefined:[$2])}; }
- | DF DE
- { $$ = {srchid:"ATTR"}; }
- | DL
- { $$ = {srchid:"OUT"}; }
- | DO
- { $$ = {srchid:"IN"}; }
- | De
- { $$ = {srchid:"CONTENT"}; } /* TODO Decide! */
-/* | A2 DR DS
- { $$ = {srchid:"DELETE"}; }
-*/ | DZ DOT
- { $$ = {srchid:"PARENT"}; }
- | Fp
- { $$ = {srchid:"EX",args:[new yy.Json({value:$1})]}; }
- | DT Gl
- { $$ = {srchid:"AT", args:[$2]}; }
- | AW DT Gl
- { $$ = {srchid:"AS", args:[$3]}; }
- | Cn DT Gl
- { $$ = {srchid:"TO", args:[$3]}; }
- | CX DR Ex DS
- { $$ = {srchid:"SET", args:$3}; }
- | Cz
- { $$ = {srchid:"VALUE"}; }
- | Dc Gl
- { $$ = {srchid:"CLASS", args:[$2]}; }
- | Du Dw
- { $$ = {selid:$2,args:[$1] }; }
- | Bv DR SearchSelector* DS
- { $$ = {selid:"NOT",args:$3 }; }
- | BS DR SearchSelector* DS
- { $$ = {selid:"IF",args:$3 }; }
- | Ef DR SearchSelector* DS
- { $$ = {selid:$1,args:$3 }; }
- | (DISTINCT|UNIQUE) DR SearchSelector* DS
- { $$ = {selid:'DISTINCT',args:$3 }; }
- | Ct DR Dv DS
- { $$ = {selid:'UNION',args:$3 }; }
- | Ct AP DR Dv DS
- { $$ = {selid:'UNIONALL',args:$4 }; }
- | AP DR SearchSelector* DS
- { $$ = {selid:'ALL',args:[$3] }; }
- | DT DR SearchSelector* DS
- { $$ = {selid:'ANY',args:[$3] }; }
- | Ba DR Dv DS
- { $$ = {selid:'INTERSECT',args:$3 }; }
- | BE DR Dv DS
- { $$ = {selid:'EXCEPT',args:$3 }; }
- | AK DR Dv DS
- { $$ = {selid:'AND',args:$3 }; }
- | AJ DR Dv DS
- { $$ = {selid:'OR',args:$3 }; }
- | B7 DR Du DS
- { $$ = {selid:'PATH',args:[$3] }; }
- { $$ = {srchid:'RETURNS',args:$3 }; }
- ;
- : Dv Da SearchSelector*
- { $$ = $1; $$.push($3);}
- | SearchSelector*
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- ;
- : DB
- { $$ = "PLUS"; }
- | DD
- { $$ = "STAR"; }
- | Df
- { $$ = "QUESTION"; }
- ;
- : BL EW
- { $$ = $2; }
- ;
- : Bf
- ;
- : C4 EW
- ;
- : Bi EW
- ;
- : Cc Gl
- ;
- : Cm EW
- ;
- :
- /*
- { $$ = new yy.Select({ columns:new yy.Column({columnid:'_'}), modifier: 'COLUMN' }); }
- |
- D2 A6 D3 ES
- { $$ = new yy.Select({ columns:$4, distinct: true }); yy,extend($$, $1); yy.extend($$, $3); }
- | D2 Cu D3 ES
- { $$ = new yy.Select({ columns:$4, distinct: true }); yy,extend($$, $1);yy.extend($$, $3); }
- | D2 AP D3 ES
- { $$ = new yy.Select({ columns:$4, all:true }); yy,extend($$, $1);yy.extend($$, $3); }
- | D2 D3 ResultColumns?
- {
- if(!$3) {
- $$ = new yy.Select({columns:[new yy.Column({columnid:'_',})], modifier:'COLUMN'});
- } else {
- $$ = new yy.Select({ columns:$3 }); yy,extend($$, $1);yy.extend($$, $2);
- }
- }
-/* |
- { $$ = new yy.Select({columns:[new yy.Column({columnid:'_', modifier:'COLUMN'})]});}
-*/ ;
- : CV
- { $$ = undefined; }
- | CV Cz
- { $$ = {modifier:'VALUE'}}
- | CV CS
- { $$ = {modifier:'ROW'}}
- | CV Am
- { $$ = {modifier:'COLUMN'}}
- | CV Bk
- { $$ = {modifier:'MATRIX'}}
- | CV Ck
- { $$ = {modifier:'TEXTSTRING'}}
- | CV BW
- { $$ = {modifier:'INDEX'}}
- | CV CG
- { $$ = {modifier:'RECORDSET'}}
- ;
- : Co Ei PERCENT?
- { $$ = {top: $2, percent:(typeof $3 != 'undefined'?true:undefined)}; }
- | Co DR Ei DS
- { $$ = {top: $3}; }
- | { $$ = undefined; }
- ;
- : {$$ = undefined; }
- | Bb EA
- {$$ = {into: $2} }
- | Bb Eg
- {$$ = {into: $2} }
- | Bb Eo
- {$$ = {into: $2} }
- | Bb Em
- {$$ = {into: $2} }
- | Bb AH
- {
- var s = $2;
- s = s.substr(1,s.length-2);
- var x3 = s.substr(-3).toUpperCase();
- var x4 = s.substr(-4).toUpperCase();
- if(s[0] == '#') {
- $$ = {into: new yy.FuncValue({funcid: 'HTML', args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]})};
- } else if(x3=='XLS' || x3 == 'CSV' || x3=='TAB') {
- $$ = {into: new yy.FuncValue({funcid: x3, args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]})};
- } else if(x4=='XLSX' || x4 == 'JSON') {
- $$ = {into: new yy.FuncValue({funcid: x4, args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]})};
- }
- }
- ;
- : BL D7
- { $$ = { from: $2 }; }
-/* | BL D8 EB
- { $$ = { from: [$2], joins: $3 }; }
-*/ | BL D7 EB
- { $$ = { from: $2, joins: $3 }; }
-/* | BL DR D8 EB DS
- { $$ = { from: [$3], joins: $4 }; }
-*/ | BL DR D7 EB DS
- { $$ = { from: $3, joins: $4 }; }
- |
- { $$ = undefined; }
- ;
- : Aw AU DR Select DS Gl
- { $$ = new yy.Apply({select: $4, applymode:'CROSS', as:$6}); }
- | Aw AU DR Select DS AW Gl
- { $$ = new yy.Apply({select: $4, applymode:'CROSS', as:$7}); }
-/* {
- if(!yy.exists) yy.exists = [];
- $$ = new yy.Apply({select: $4, applymode:'CROSS', as:$7,existsidx:yy.exists.length});
- yy.exists.push($3);
- }
-*/ | B5 AU DR Select DS Gl
- { $$ = new yy.Apply({select: $4, applymode:'OUTER', as:$6}); }
- | B5 AU DR Select DS AW Gl
- { $$ = new yy.Apply({select: $4, applymode:'OUTER', as:$7}); }
- ;
- : D8
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- | D7 Da D8
- { $$ = $1; $1.push($3); }
- ;
- : DR Select DS Gl
- { $$ = $2; $$.as = $4 }
- | DR Select DS AW Gl
- { $$ = $2; $$.as = $5 }
- | DR Select DS /* default alias */
- { $$ = $2; $$.as = 'default' }
- | Fp AS? Literal?
- { $$ = new yy.Json({value:$1}); $1.as = $3 }
- | EA Gl
- { $$ = $1; $1.as = $2 }
- | EA AW Gl
- { $$ = $1; $1.as = $3 }
- | EA
- { $$ = $1; }
- | Eo Gl
- { $$ = $1; $1.as = $2; }
- | Eo AW Gl
- { $$ = $1; $1.as = $3; }
- | Eo
- { $$ = $1; $1.as = 'default'; }
- | Eg
- { $$ = $1; $1.as = 'default'; }
- | Eg Gl
- { $$ = $1; $1.as = $2; }
- | Eg AW Gl
- { $$ = $1; $1.as = $3; }
- | Em
- { $$ = $1; $1.as = 'default'; }
- | Em Gl
- { $$ = $1; $1.as = $2; }
- | Em AW Gl
- { $$ = $1; $1.as = $3; }
- | D9
- { $$ = $1; $1.as = 'default'; }
- | D9 Gl
- { $$ = $1; $1.as = $2; }
- | D9 AW Gl
- { $$ = $1; $1.as = $3; }
- ;
- : AH
- {
- var s = $1;
- s = s.substr(1,s.length-2);
- var x3 = s.substr(-3).toUpperCase();
- var x4 = s.substr(-4).toUpperCase();
- var r;
- if(s[0] == '#') {
- r = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: 'HTML', args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]});
- } else if(x3=='XLS' || x3 == 'CSV' || x3=='TAB') {
- r = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: x3, args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]});
- } else if(x4=='XLSX' || x4 == 'JSON') {
- r = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: x4, args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]});
- } else {
- throw new Error('Unknown string in BL clause');
- };
- $$ = r;
- }
- ;
- : Gl DZ Gl
- {
- if($1 == 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA') {
- $$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: $1, args:[new yy.StringValue({value:$3})]});
- } else {
- $$ = new yy.Table({databaseid: $1, tableid:$3});
- }
- }
- | Gl
- { $$ = new yy.Table({tableid: $1});}
- ;
- : EB EC
- { $$ = $1; $1.push($2); }
- | EB D6
- { $$ = $1; $1.push($2); }
- | EC
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- | D6
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- ;
- : EE ED EG
- { $$ = new yy.Join($1); yy.extend($$, $2); yy.extend($$, $3); }
- ;
- : EA
- { $$ = {table: $1}; }
- | EA Gl
- { $$ = {table: $1, as: $2 } ; }
- | EA AW Gl
- { $$ = {table: $1, as: $3 } ; }
- | Fp AS? Literal?
- { $$ = {json:new yy.Json({value:$1,as:$3})}; }
- | Eo Gl
- { $$ = {param: $1, as: $2 } ; }
- | Eo AW Gl
- { $$ = {param: $1, as: $3 } ; }
- | DR Select DS Gl
- { $$ = {select: $1, as: $4} ; }
- | DR Select DS AW Gl
- { $$ = {select: $1, as: $5 } ; }
- | Eg
- { $$ = {funcid:$1, as:'default'}; }
- | Eg Gl
- { $$ = {funcid:$1, as: $2}; }
- | Eg AW Gl
- { $$ = {funcid:$1, as: $3}; }
- | Em
- { $$ = {variable:$1,as:'default'}; }
- | Em Gl
- { $$ = {variable:$1,as:$2}; }
- | Em AW Gl
- { $$ = {variable:$1,as:$3} }
- ;
- : EF
- { $$ = { joinmode: $1 } ; }
- | Bq EF
- { $$ = {joinmode: $1, natural:true} ; }
- ;
- : Bc
- { $$ = "INNER"; }
- | BX Bc
- { $$ = "INNER"; }
- | Bg Bc
- { $$ = "LEFT"; }
- | Bg B5 Bc
- { $$ = "LEFT"; }
- | CP Bc
- { $$ = "RIGHT"; }
- | CP B5 Bc
- { $$ = "RIGHT"; }
- | B5 Bc
- { $$ = "OUTER"; }
- | FULL B5 Bc
- { $$ = "OUTER"; }
- | CW Bc
- { $$ = "SEMI"; }
- | AW Bc
- { $$ = "ANTI"; }
- | Aw Bc
- { $$ = "CROSS"; }
- ;
- : By EW
- { $$ = {on: $2}; }
- | Cy E2
- { $$ = {using: $2}; }
- |
- { $$ = undefined; }
- ;
- : { $$ = undefined; }
- | C3 EW
- { $$ = {where: new yy.Expression({expression:$2})}; }
- ;
- : { $$ = undefined; }
- | BO Af EJ EL
- { $$ = {group:$3}; yy.extend($$,$4); }
- ;
- : EK
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- | EJ Da EK
- { $$ = $1; $1.push($3); }
- ;
- { $$ = new yy.GroupExpression({type:'GROUPING SETS', group: $4}); }
- { $$ = new yy.GroupExpression({type:'ROLLUP', group: $3}); }
- | Ax DR EJ DS
- { $$ = new yy.GroupExpression({type:'CUBE', group: $3}); }
- | EW
- { $$ = $1; }
- ;
- : { $$ = undefined; }
- | BQ EW
- { $$ = {having:$2}}
- ;
- : { $$ = undefined; }
- | Ct Select
- { $$ = {union: $2} ; }
- | Ct AP Select
- { $$ = {unionall: $3} ; }
- | BE Select
- { $$ = {except: $2} ; }
- | Ba Select
- { $$ = {intersect: $2} ; }
- | Ct At Select
- { $$ = {union: $3, corresponding:true} ; }
- | Ct AP At Select
- { $$ = {unionall: $4, corresponding:true} ; }
- | BE At Select
- { $$ = {except: $3, corresponding:true} ; }
- | Ba At Select
- { $$ = {intersect: $3, corresponding:true} ; }
- ;
- : { $$ = undefined; }
- | B4 Af EO
- { $$ = {order:$3}}
- ;
- : EP
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- | EO Da EP
- { $$ = $1; $1.push($3)}
- ;
- : EW
- { $$ = new yy.Expression({expression: $1, direction:'ASC'}) }
- | EW AY
- { $$ = new yy.Expression({expression: $1, direction:$2.toUpperCase()}) }
- | EW Al Bt
- { $$ = new yy.Expression({expression: $1, direction:'ASC', nocase:true}) }
- | EW Al Bt AY
- { $$ = new yy.Expression({expression: $1, direction:$4.toUpperCase(), nocase:true}) }
- ;
- : { $$ = undefined; }
- | Bi Ei ER
- { $$ = {limit:$2}; yy.extend($$, $3)}
- ;
- : { $$ = undefined; }
- | B0 Ei
- { $$ = {offset:$2}}
- ;
- : ES Da ET
- { $1.push($3); $$ = $1; }
- | ET
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- ;
- : EW AW Gl
- { $1.as = $3; $$ = $1;}
- | EW Gl
- { $1.as = $2; $$ = $1;}
- | EW AW C7
- { $1.as = $3; $$ = $1;}
- | EW C7
- { $1.as = $2; $$ = $1;}
- | EW AW Ek
- { $1.as = $3; $$ = $1;}
- | EW Ek
- { $1.as = $2; $$ = $1;}
- | EW
- { $$ = $1; }
- ;
- : Gl DZ Gl DZ DD
- { $$ = new yy.Column({columid: $5, tableid: $3, databaseid:$1}); }
- | Gl DZ DD
- { $$ = new yy.Column({columnid: $3, tableid: $1}); }
- | DD
- { $$ = new yy.Column({columnid:$1}); }
- ;
- : Gl DZ Gl DZ Gl
- { $$ = new yy.Column({columnid: $5, tableid: $3, databaseid:$1});}
- | Gl DZ Gl
- { $$ = new yy.Column({columnid: $3, tableid: $1});}
- | Gl DZ Cz
- { $$ = new yy.Column({columnid: $3, tableid: $1});}
- | Gl
- { $$ = new yy.Column({columnid: $1});}
- ;
- : Eb
- { $$ = $1; }
- | Eg
- { $$ = $1; }
- | Et
- { $$ = $1; }
- | EV
- { $$ = $1; }
- | EU
- { $$ = $1; }
- | Ei
- { $$ = $1; }
- | Eg
- { $$ = $1; }
- | Ek
- { $$ = $1; }
- | El
- { $$ = $1; }
- | Eo
- { $$ = $1; }
- | Em
- { $$ = $1; }
- | En
- { $$ = $1; }
- | Ep
- { $$ = $1; }
- | EZ
- { $$ = $1; }
- | Fp
- { $$ = new yy.Json({value:$1}); }
-/* | AC Ft
- { $$ = new yy.Json({value:$2}); }
-*/ | EY
- { $$ = $1; }
-/* | DT DR EW DS
- { $$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: 'CLONEDEEP', args:[$3]}); }
-/* | DT DR Fp DS
- { $$ = new yy.Json({value:$3}); }
-*/ | DR Select DS
- {
- if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
- yy.queries.push($2);
- $2.queriesidx = yy.queries.length;
- $$ = $2;
- }
- | DR Insert DS
- {
- if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
- yy.queries.push($2);
- $2.queriesidx = yy.queries.length;
- $$ = $2;
- }
- | DR (CreateVertex|CreateEdge) DS
- {
- if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
- yy.queries.push($2);
- $2.queriesidx = yy.queries.length;
- $$ = $2;
- }
- | EX
- {$$ = $1}
- { $$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid:'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'});}
-/* | Cx
- { $$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid:'USER'});}
-*/ ;
- : AA
- { $$ = new yy.JavaScript({value:$1.substr(2,$1.length-4)}); }
- ;
- : Bs Gl
- { $$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid:$2, newid:true}); }
- | Bs Eg
- { $$ = $2; yy.extend($$,{newid:true}); }
- ;
- { $$ = new yy.Convert({expression:$3}) ; yy.extend($$,$5) ; }
- | Ah DR EW AW FN Da C7 DS
- { $$ = new yy.Convert({expression:$3, style:$7}) ; yy.extend($$,$5) ; }
- | As DR FN Da EW DS
- { $$ = new yy.Convert({expression:$5}) ; yy.extend($$,$3) ; }
- | As DR FN Da EW Da C7 DS
- { $$ = new yy.Convert({expression:$5, style:$7}) ; yy.extend($$,$3) ; }
- ;
- : Ei
- { $$ = $1; }
- | Ek
- { $$ = $1; }
- | Eg
- { $$ = $1; }
- | El
- { $$ = $1; }
- | Eo
- { $$ = $1; }
- | Eg
- { $$ = $1; }
- { $$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid:'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'}); }
-/* | Cx
- { $$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid:'USER'}); }
-*/ ;
- : Ef DR Eh DS Ec
- {
- if($3.length > 1 && ($1.toUpperCase() == 'MAX' || $1.toUpperCase() == 'MIN')) {
- $$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid:$1,args:$3});
- } else {
- $$ = new yy.AggrValue({aggregatorid: $1.toUpperCase(), expression: $3.pop(), over:$5});
- }
- }
- | Ef DR A6 EW DS Ec
- { $$ = new yy.AggrValue({aggregatorid: $1.toUpperCase(), expression: $4, distinct:true, over:$6}); }
- | Ef DR AP EW DS Ec
- { $$ = new yy.AggrValue({aggregatorid: $1.toUpperCase(), expression: $4,
- over:$6}); }
- ;
- :
- {$$ = undefined; }
- | B6 DR Ed DS
- { $$ = new yy.Over(); yy.extend($$,$3); }
- | B6 DR Ee DS
- { $$ = new yy.Over(); yy.extend($$,$3); }
- | B6 DR Ed Ee DS
- { $$ = new yy.Over(); yy.extend($$,$3); yy.extend($$,$4);}
- ;
- : B8 Af EJ
- { $$ = {partition:$3}; }
- ;
- : B4 Af EO
- { $$ = {order:$3}; }
- ;
- : Ce { $$ = "SUM"; }
- | Au { $$ = "COUNT"; }
- | Bn { $$ = "MIN"; }
- | Bl { $$ = "MAX"; }
- | Ab { $$ = "AVG"; }
- | BJ { $$ = "FIRST"; }
- | Be { $$ = "LAST"; }
- | AO { $$ = "AGGR"; }
- | AV { $$ = "ARRAY"; }
-/* | CH { $$ = "REDUCE"; } */
- ;
- {
- var funcid = $1;
- var exprlist = $4;
- if(exprlist.length > 1 && (funcid.toUpperCase() == 'MIN' || funcid.toUpperCase() == 'MAX')) {
- $$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: funcid, args: exprlist});
- } else if(alasql.aggr[$1]) {
- $$ = new yy.AggrValue({aggregatorid: 'REDUCE',
- funcid: funcid, expression: exprlist.pop(),distinct:($3=='DISTINCT') });
- } else {
- $$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: funcid, args: exprlist});
- };
- }
- | Gl DR DS
- { $$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: $1 }) }
- ;
- : EW
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- | Eh Da EW
- { $1.push($3); $$ = $1 }
- ;
- : C7
- { $$ = new yy.NumValue({value:+$1}); }
- ;
- : Cr
- { $$ = new yy.LogicValue({value:true}); }
- | BH
- { $$ = new yy.LogicValue({value:false}); }
- ;
- : AH
- { $$ = new yy.StringValue({value: $1.substr(1,$1.length-2).replace(/(\\\')/g,"'").replace(/(\'\')/g,"'")}); }
- | AF
- { $$ = new yy.StringValue({value: $1.substr(2,$1.length-3).replace(/(\\\')/g,"'").replace(/(\'\')/g,"'")}); }
- ;
- : Bw
- { $$ = new yy.NullValue({value:undefined}); }
- ;
- : DT Gl
- { $$ = new yy.VarValue({variable:$2}); }
- ;
- : BF DR Select DS
- {
- if(!yy.exists) yy.exists = [];
- $$ = new yy.ExistsValue({value:$3, existsidx:yy.exists.length});
- yy.exists.push($3);
- }
- ;
- : De (Literal|NUMBER)
- { $$ = new yy.ParamValue({param: $2}); }
-/* | De C7
- { $$ = new yy.ParamValue({param: $2}); }
-*/ | Dc Gl
- { $$ = new yy.ParamValue({param: $2}); }
- | Df
- {
- if(typeof yy.question == 'undefined') yy.question = 0;
- $$ = new yy.ParamValue({param: yy.question++});
- }
- | AB
- {
- if(typeof yy.question == 'undefined') yy.question = 0;
- $$ = new yy.ParamValue({param: yy.question++, array:true});
- }
- ;
- : Ag EW Eq Es BB
- { $$ = new yy.CaseValue({expression:$2, whens: $3, elses: $4}); }
- | Ag Eq Es BB
- { $$ = new yy.CaseValue({whens: $2, elses: $3}); }
- ;
- : Eq Er
- { $$ = $1; $$.push($2); }
- | Er
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- ;
- : C2 EW Cl EW
- { $$ = {when: $2, then: $4 }; }
- ;
- : BD EW
- { $$ = $2; }
- |
- { $$ = undefined; }
- ;
- : EW Bh EW
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'LIKE', right:$3}); }
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'NOT LIKE', right:$3 }); }
- | EW DB EW
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'+', right:$3}); }
- | EW DC EW
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'-', right:$3}); }
- | EW DD EW
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'*', right:$3}); }
- | EW DE EW
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'/', right:$3}); }
- | EW DF EW
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'%', right:$3}); }
- | EW Dh EW
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'^', right:$3}); }
- | EW C9 Gl
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'->' , right:$3}); }
- | EW C9 Ei
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'->' , right:$3}); }
- | EW C9 DR EW DS
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'->' , right:$4}); }
- | EW C9 Eg
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'->' , right:$3}); }
- | EW Dg Gl
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'!' , right:$3}); }
- | EW Dg Ei
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'!' , right:$3}); }
- | EW Dg DR EW DS
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'!' , right:$4}); }
- | EW Dg Eg
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'!' , right:$3}); }
- | EW DL EW
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'>' , right:$3}); }
- | EW DK EW
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'>=' , right:$3}); }
- | EW DO EW
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'<' , right:$3}); }
- | EW DM EW
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'<=' , right:$3}); }
- | EW DP EW
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'=' , right:$3}); }
- | EW DJ EW
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'==' , right:$3}); }
- | EW DH EW
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'===' , right:$3}); }
- | EW DN EW
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'!=' , right:$3}); }
- | EW DI EW
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'!==' , right:$3}); }
- | EW DG EW
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'!===' , right:$3}); }
- | EW Ev Ew DR Select DS
- {
- if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
- $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:$2 , allsome:$3, right:$5, queriesidx: yy.queries.length});
- yy.queries.push($5);
- }
- | EW Ev Ew DR Eh DS
- {
- $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:$2 , allsome:$3, right:$5});
- }
- | EW AK EW
- {
- if($1.op == 'BETWEEN1') {
- if($1.left.op == 'AND') {
- $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1.left.left,op:'AND',right:
- new yy.Op({left:$1.left.right, op:'BETWEEN',
- right1:$1.right, right2:$3})
- });
- } else {
- $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1.left, op:'BETWEEN',
- right1:$1.right, right2:$3});
- }
- } else if($1.op == 'NOT BETWEEN1') {
- if($1.left.op == 'AND') {
- $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1.left.left,op:'AND',right:
- new yy.Op({left:$1.left.right, op:'NOT BETWEEN',
- right1:$1.right, right2:$3})
- });
- } else {
- $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1.left, op:'NOT BETWEEN',
- right1:$1.right, right2:$3});
- }
- } else {
- $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'AND', right:$3});
- }
- }
- | EW AJ EW
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'OR' , right:$3}); }
- | Bv EW
- { $$ = new yy.UniOp({op:'NOT' , right:$2}); }
- | DC EW
- { $$ = new yy.UniOp({op:'-' , right:$2}); }
- | DB EW
- { $$ = new yy.UniOp({op:'+' , right:$2}); }
- | DA EW
- { $$ = new yy.UniOp({op:'#' , right:$2}); }
- | DR EW DS
- { $$ = new yy.UniOp({right: $2}); }
- | EW BV DR Select DS
- {
- if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
- $$ = new yy.Op({left: $1, op:'IN', right:$4, queriesidx: yy.queries.length});
- yy.queries.push($4);
- }
- | EW Bv BV DR Select DS
- {
- if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
- $$ = new yy.Op({left: $1, op:'NOT IN', right:$5, queriesidx: yy.queries.length});
- yy.queries.push($5);
- }
- | EW BV DR Eh DS
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left: $1, op:'IN', right:$4}); }
- | EW Bv BV DR Eh DS
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left: $1, op:'NOT IN', right:$5}); }
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left: $1, op:'IN', right:[]}); }
- | EW Bv BV DR DS
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left: $1, op:'NOT IN', right:[]}); }
- | EW BV Eu
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left: $1, op:'IN', right:$3}); }
- | EW Bv BV Eu
- { $$ = new yy.Op({left: $1, op:'NOT IN', right:$4}); }
- /*
- Hack - it impossimle to parse Ad AK and AK expressions with grammar.
- At least, I do not know how.
- */
- | EW Ad EW
- {
-/* var expr = $3;
- if(expr.left && expr.left.op == 'AND') {
- $$ = new yy.Op({left:new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'BETWEEN', right:expr.left}), op:'AND', right:expr.right });
- } else {
- $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'BETWEEN1', right:$3 });
-// }
- }
- {
-// var expr = $3;
-// if(expr.left && expr.left.op == 'AND') {
-// $$ = new yy.Op({left:new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'NOT BETWEEN', right:expr.left}), op:'AND', right:expr.right });
-// } else {
- $$ = new yy.Op({left:$1, op:'NOT BETWEEN1', right:$3 });
-// }
- }
- | EW BU EW
- { $$ = new yy.Op({op:'IS' , left:$1, right:$3}); }
- | EW Db FN
- { $$ = new yy.Convert({expression:$1}) ; yy.extend($$,$3) ; }
- ;
- : EV
- { $$ = $1;}
- | Eg
- { $$ = $1;}
- { $$ = $3;}
- ;
- : DL { $$ = $1; }
- | DK { $$ = $1; }
- | DO { $$ = $1; }
- | DM { $$ = $1; }
- | DP { $$ = $1; }
- | DN { $$ = $1; }
- ;
- : AP
- { $$ = 'ALL'; }
- | Ca
- { $$ = 'SOME'; }
- | DT
- { $$ = 'ANY'; }
- ;
-/* PART TWO */
-/* Cv */
- : Cv EA CX Ex C3 EW
- { $$ = new yy.Update({table:$2, columns:$4, where:$6}); }
- | Cv EA CX Ex
- { $$ = new yy.Update({table:$2, columns:$4}); }
- ;
- : Ey
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- | Ex Da Ey
- { $$ = $1; $1.push($3); }
- ;
- : EV DP EW
-/* TODO Replace columnid with column */
- { $$ = new yy.SetColumn({column:$1, expression:$3})}
- ;
-/* A2 */
- : A2 BL EA C3 EW
- { $$ = new yy.Delete({table:$3, where:$5});}
- | A2 BL EA
- { $$ = new yy.Delete({table:$3});}
- ;
-/* BY */
- : BY Ez EA Cz ValuesListsList
- { $$ = new yy.Insert({into:$3, values: $5}); }
- | BY Ez EA A1 Cz
- { $$ = new yy.Insert({into:$3, default: true}) ; }
- | BY Ez EA DR E2 DS Cz ValuesListsList
- { $$ = new yy.Insert({into:$3, columns: $5, values: $8}); }
- | BY Ez EA Select
- { $$ = new yy.Insert({into:$3, select: $4}); }
- | BY Ez EA DR E2 DS Select
- { $$ = new yy.Insert({into:$3, columns: $5, select: $7}); }
- ;
- :
- | Bb
- ;
- : EA
- { $$ = $1; }
- | Eo
- { $$ = $1; }
- | Eg
- { $$ = $1; }
- ;
- : DR E0 DS
- { $$ = [$2]; }
- | Fp
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- | Eo
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- | ValuesListsList Da DR E0 DS
- {$$ = $1; $1.push($4)}
- | ValuesListsList Da Fp
- {$$ = $1; $1.push($3)}
- | ValuesListsList Da Eo
- {$$ = $1; $1.push($3)}
- ;
- : EW
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- | E0 Da EW
- {$$ = $1; $1.push($3)}
- ;
- : Ei
- | Ek
- | Eg
- | El
- | DateValue
- | Eo
- ;
- : EV
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- | E2 Da EV
- {$$ = $1; $1.push($3)}
- ;
-/* Av Cf */
- : Av E6 E3 E7 EA DR E8 DS E4
- {
- $$ = new yy.CreateTable({table:$5});
- yy.extend($$,$2);
- yy.extend($$,$3);
- yy.extend($$,$4);
- yy.extend($$,$7);
- yy.extend($$,$9);
- }
- | Av E6 E3 E7 EA
- {
- $$ = new yy.CreateTable({table:$5});
- yy.extend($$,$2);
- yy.extend($$,$3);
- yy.extend($$,$4);
- }
- : Cf
- { $$ = undefined; }
- | Ag
- { $$ = {class:true}; }
- ;
- :
- | E5
- ;
- : E5 CreateTableOption
- | CreateTableOption
- ;
-/* TODO: Remove this section */
- : A1
- | A7 DP Gl
- | Aa DP Ei
- ;
- : { $$ = undefined; }
- | Ci
- { $$ = {temporary:true}; }
- ;
- : { $$ = undefined; }
- | BS Bv BF
- { $$ = {ifnotexists: true}; }
- ;
- : ColumnDefsList Da E9
- { $$ = {columns: $1, constraints: $3}; }
- | ColumnDefsList
- { $$ = {columns: $1}; }
- | AW Select
- { $$ = {as: $2} }
- ;
- : FA
- { $$ = [$1];}
- | E9 Da FA
- { $1.push($3); $$ = $1; }
- ;
- : FB FD
- { $2.constraintid = $1; $$ = $2; }
- | FB FE
- { $2.constraintid = $1; $$ = $2; }
- | FB FJ
- { $2.constraintid = $1; $$ = $2; }
- | FB FK
- { $2.constraintid = $1; $$ = $2; }
- | FB FC
- { $2.constraintid = $1; $$ = $2; }
- ;
- : { $$ = undefined; }
- | Ap Gl
- { $$ = $2; }
- ;
- : Ai DR EW DS
- { $$ = {type: 'CHECK', expression: $3}; }
- ;
- : CB Bd Literal? DR FL DS
- { $$ = {type: 'PRIMARY KEY', columns: $5, clustered:($3+'').toUpperCase()}; }
- ;
- : BK Bd DR FL DS CI EA ParColsList?
- FG
- { $$ = {type: 'FOREIGN KEY', columns: $4, fktable: $7, fkcolumns: $8}; }
- ;
- : DR FL DS
- { $$ = $2; }
- ;
- :
- { $$ = undefined; }
- | FH FI
- { $$ = undefined; }
- ;
- : By A2 Bu AM
- {$$ = undefined; }
- ;
- : By Cv Bu AM
- {$$ = undefined; }
- ;
- : Cu Literal? DR E2 DS
- {
- $$ = {type: 'UNIQUE', columns: $4, clustered:($2+'').toUpperCase()};
- }
- ;
- : BW Gl DR E2 DS
- | Bd Gl DR E2 DS
- ;
- : Gl
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- | AH
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- | FL Da Gl
- { $$ = $1; $1.push($3); }
- | FL Da AH
- { $$ = $1; $1.push($3); }
- ;
- : Gl
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- | AH
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- | OrderedColsList Da Gl
- { $$ = $1; $1.push($3); }
- | OrderedColsList Da AH
- { $$ = $1; $1.push($3); }
- ;
- : FM
- { $$ = [$1];}
- | ColumnDefsList Da FM
- { $1.push($3); $$ = $1; }
- ;
- : Gl FN FP
- { $$ = new yy.ColumnDef({columnid:$1}); yy.extend($$,$2); yy.extend($$,$3);}
- | Gl ColumnConstraints
- { $$ = new yy.ColumnDef({columnid:$1}); yy.extend($$,$2); }
- | Gl
- { $$ = new yy.ColumnDef({columnid:$1, dbtypeid: ''}); }
- ;
- : A7 DR FO Da C7 DS
- { $$ = {dbtypeid: $1, dbsize: $3, dbprecision: +$5} }
- | A7 DR FO DS
- { $$ = {dbtypeid: $1, dbsize: $3} }
- | A7
- { $$ = {dbtypeid: $1} }
- | BC DR E0 DS
- { $$ = {dbtypeid: 'ENUM', enumvalues: $3} }
- ;
- : C7
- { $$ = +$1; }
- | Bl
- { $$ = "MAX"; }
- ;
- : {$$ = undefined}
- | FQ
- { $$ = $1; }
- ;
- : FQ FS
- {
- yy.extend($1,$2); $$ = $1;
- }
- | FS
- { $$ = $1; }
- ;
- : DR Gl DS
- { $$ = $2; }
- ;
- : CB Bd
- {$$ = {primarykey:true};}
- | BK Bd CI EA ParLiteral?
- {$$ = {foreignkey:{table:$4, columnid: $5}};}
- | CI EA ParLiteral?
- {$$ = {foreignkey:{table:$2, columnid: $3}};}
- | Aa DR Ei Da Ei DS
- { $$ = {identity: {value:$3,step:$5}} }
- | Aa
- { $$ = {identity: {value:1,step:1}} }
- | A1 Ea
- {$$ = {default:$2};}
- | A1 DR EW DS
- {$$ = {default:$3};}
- | Bw
- {$$ = {null:true}; }
- | Bv Bw
- {$$ = {notnull:true}; }
- | FC
- {$$ = {check:$1}; }
- | Cu
- {$$ = {unique:true}; }
- ;
-/* A8 Cf */
- { $$ = new yy.DropTable({table:$4,type:$2}); yy.extend($$, $3); }
- ;
- : { $$ = undefined; }
- | BS BF
- { $$ = {ifexists: true};}
- ;
-/* AQ Cf */
- : AQ Cf EA CL Cn Gl
- { $$ = new yy.AlterTable({table:$3, renameto: $6});}
- | AQ Cf EA AN Am FM
- { $$ = new yy.AlterTable({table:$3, addcolumn: $6});}
- | AQ Cf EA Bp Am FM
- { $$ = new yy.AlterTable({table:$3, modifycolumn: $6});}
- | AQ Cf EA CL Am Gl Cn Gl
- { $$ = new yy.AlterTable({table:$3, renamecolumn: $6, to: $8});}
- | AQ Cf EA A8 Am Gl
- { $$ = new yy.AlterTable({table:$3, dropcolumn: $6});}
- ;
- : CL Cf EA Cn Gl
- { $$ = new yy.AlterTable({table:$3, renameto: $5});}
- ;
- : AZ Gl Az Gl
- { $$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({databaseid:$4, engineid:$2.toUpperCase() });}
- | AZ Gl Az Gl DR Eh DS
- { $$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({databaseid:$4, engineid:$2.toUpperCase(), args:$6 });}
- | AZ Gl Az Gl AW Gl
- { $$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({databaseid:$4, engineid:$2.toUpperCase(), as:$6 });}
- | AZ Gl Az Gl DR Eh DS AW Gl
- { $$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({databaseid:$4, engineid:$2.toUpperCase(), as:$9, args:$6});}
- ;
- : A5 Az Gl
- { $$ = new yy.DetachDatabase({databaseid:$3});}
- ;
- : Av Az E7 Gl
- { $$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({databaseid:$4 }); yy.extend($$,$4); }
- | Av Gl Az E7 Gl FX
- { $$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({engineid:$2.toUpperCase(), databaseid:$5, as:$6 }); yy.extend($$,$4); }
- | Av Gl Az E7 Gl DR Eh DS FX
- { $$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({engineid:$2.toUpperCase(), databaseid:$5, args:$7, as:$9 }); yy.extend($$,$4); }
- | Av Gl Az E7 Ek FX
- { $$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({engineid:$2.toUpperCase(),
- as:$6, args:[$5] }); yy.extend($$,$4); }
- ;
- :
- {$$ = undefined;}
- | AW Gl
- { $$ = $1; }
- ;
- : Cw Az Gl
- { $$ = new yy.UseDatabase({databaseid: $3 });}
- | Cw Gl
- { $$ = new yy.UseDatabase({databaseid: $2 });}
- ;
- : A8 Az FT Gl
- { $$ = new yy.DropDatabase({databaseid: $4 }); yy.extend($$,$3); }
- | A8 Gl Az FT Gl
- { $$ = new yy.DropDatabase({databaseid: $5, engineid:$2.toUpperCase() }); yy.extend($$,$4); }
- | A8 Gl Az FT Ek
- { $$ = new yy.DropDatabase({databaseid: $5, engineid:$2.toUpperCase() }); yy.extend($$,$4); }
- ;
-/* INDEXES */
- :
- { $$ = new yy.CreateIndex({indexid:$3, table:$5, columns:$7})}
- |
- Av Cu BW Gl By EA DR EO DS
- { $$ = new yy.CreateIndex({indexid:$4, table:$6, columns:$8, unique:true})}
- ;
- : A8 BW Gl
- { $$ = new yy.DropIndex({indexid:$3});}
- ;
- : CZ Az
- { $$ = new yy.ShowDatabases();}
- | CZ Az Bh Ek
- { $$ = new yy.ShowDatabases({like:$4});}
- | CZ Gl Az
- { $$ = new yy.ShowDatabases({engineid:$2.toUpperCase() });}
- | CZ Gl Az Bh Ek
- { $$ = new yy.ShowDatabases({engineid:$2.toUpperCase() , like:$5});}
- ;
- : CZ Cf
- { $$ = new yy.ShowTables();}
- | CZ Cf Bh Ek
- { $$ = new yy.ShowTables({like:$4});}
- | CZ Cf BL Gl
- { $$ = new yy.ShowTables({databaseid: $4});}
- | CZ Cf BL Gl Bh Ek
- { $$ = new yy.ShowTables({like:$6, databaseid: $4});}
- ;
- : CZ Am BL EA
- { $$ = new yy.ShowColumns({table: $4});}
- | CZ Am BL EA BL Gl
- { $$ = new yy.ShowColumns({table: $4, databaseid:$6});}
- ;
- { $$ = new yy.ShowIndex({table: $4});}
- { $$ = new yy.ShowIndex({table: $4, databaseid: $6});}
- ;
- : CZ Av Cf EA
- { $$ = new yy.ShowCreateTable({table: $4});}
- | CZ Av Cf EA BL Gl
- { $$ = new yy.ShowCreateTable({table: $4, databaseid:$6});}
- ;
- : Av E6 C1 E7 EA DR E2 DS AW Select SubqueryRestriction?
- {
- $$ = new yy.CreateTable({table:$5,view:true,select:$10,viewcolumns:$7});
- yy.extend($$,$2);
- yy.extend($$,$4);
- }
- | Av E6 C1 E7 EA AW Select SubqueryRestriction?
- {
- $$ = new yy.CreateTable({table:$5,view:true,select:$7});
- yy.extend($$,$2);
- yy.extend($$,$4);
- }
- ;
- : C5 CF Bz
- | C5 Ai B2
- | C5 Ai B2 Ap FA
- ;
- : A8 C1 FT EA
- { $$ = new yy.DropTable({table:$4, view:true}); yy.extend($$, $3); }
- ;
- : A0 Gl Ay FOR Select
- { $$ = new yy.DeclareCursor({cursorid:$2, select:$5}); }
- ;
- : B1 Gl
- { $$ = new yy.OpenCursor({cursorid:$2}); }
- ;
- : Ak Gl
- { $$ = new yy.CloseCursor({cursorid:$2}); }
- ;
- : BI Fl BL Gl
- { $$ = new yy.FetchCursor({cursorid:$4}); yy.extend($$,$2); }
- ;
- : Br
- { $$ = {direction: 'NEXT'}; }
- | CD
- { $$ = {direction: 'PRIOR'}; }
- | BJ
- { $$ = {direction: 'FIRST'}; }
- | Be
- { $$ = {direction: 'LAST'}; }
- | AL Ei
- { $$ = {direction: 'ABSOLUTE', num:$2}; }
- | CJ Ei
- { $$ = {direction: 'RELATIVE', num:$2}; }
- ;
- : BR Ek
- { $$ = new yy.Help({subject:$2.value.toUpperCase()} ) ; }
- | BR
- { $$ = new yy.Help() ; }
- ;
- : DP EW
- { $$ = new yy.ExpressionStatement({expression:$2}); }
- ;
- : Cb Ek
- { $$ = new yy.Source({url:$2.value}); }
- ;
- : AX Fp
- { $$ = new yy.Assert({value:$2}); }
- | AX Ea
- { $$ = new yy.Assert({value:$2.value}); }
- | AX AH Da Fp
- { $$ = new yy.Assert({value:$4, message:$2}); }
- ;
- { $$ = $3; }
- | DT Ek
- { $$ = $2.value; }
- | DT Ei
- { $$ = +$2.value; }
- | DT Eg
- { $$ = (!!$2.value); }
- | DT Eo
- { $$ = $2; }
- | Fs
- { $$ = $1; }
- | DT Fs
- { $$ = $2; }
- | AC Ft
- { $$ = $2; }
- ;
- : Fp
- { $$ = $1; }
- | Fr
- { $$ = $1; }
- ;
- : Ei
- { $$ = +$1.value; }
- | Ek
- { $$ = ""+$1.value; }
- | Eg
- { $$ = $1.value; }
- | EV
- { $$ = $1; }
- | El
- { $$ = $1.value; }
- | Eo
- { $$ = $1; }
- | Eg
- { $$ = $1; }
- | DR EW DS
- { $$ = $2}
- ;
- : DU Fu DV
- { $$ = $2; }
- | DU Fu Da DV
- { $$ = $2; }
- | DU DV
- { $$ = {}; }
- ;
- : Fw DW
- { $$ = $1; }
- | Fw Da DW
- { $$ = $1; }
- | DW
- { $$ = []; }
- ;
- : Fu Da Fv
- { yy.extend($1,$3); $$ = $1; }
- | Fv
- { $$ = $1; }
- ;
- : AH Dc Fq
- { $$ = {}; $$[$1.substr(1,$1.length-2)] = $3; }
- | C7 Dc Fq
- { $$ = {}; $$[$1] = $3; }
- | Gl Dc Fq
- { $$ = {}; $$[$1] = $3; }
-/* | AH Dc Eo
- { $$ = {}; $$[$1.substr(1,$1.length-2)] = $3; }
- | C7 Dc Eo
- { $$ = {}; $$[$1] = $3; }
- | A7 Dc Eo
- { $$ = {}; $$[$1] = $3; }
-*/ ;
- : Fw Da Fq
- { $1.push($3); $$ = $1; }
- | Fq
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- ;
- : CX Gl F1
- { $$ = new yy.SetVariable({variable:$2.toLowerCase(), value:$3});}
- | CX Fy Gl DP EW
- { $$ = new yy.SetVariable({variable:$3, expression:$5, method:$2});}
- | CX Fy Gl Fz DP EW
- { $$ = new yy.SetVariable({variable:$3, props: $4, expression:$6, method:$2});}
- ;
- : DT
- {$$ = '@'; }
- | De
- {$$ = '$'; }
- ;
- : Fz C9 F0
- { $1.push($3); $$ = $1; }
- | C9 F0
- { $$ = [$2]; }
- ;
- : Gl
- { $$ = $1; }
- | C7
- { $$ = $1; }
- | DR EW DS
- { $$ = $2; }
- ;
- : By
- { $$ = true; }
- | Bx
- { $$ = false; }
- ;
- : Ao Cp
- { $$ = new yy.CommitTransaction(); }
- ;
- : CQ Cp
- { $$ = new yy.RollbackTransaction(); }
- ;
- : Ac Cp
- { $$ = new yy.BeginTransaction(); }
- ;
- : Cd
- { $$ = new yy.Store(); }
- | Cd Gl
- { $$ = new yy.Store({databaseid: $2}); }
- ;
- : CN
- { $$ = new yy.Restore(); }
- | CN Gl
- { $$ = new yy.Restore({databaseid: $2}); }
- ;
- :
-/* BS EW Dn
- { $$ = new yy.If({expression:$2,thenstat:$3});
- if($3.exists) $$.exists = $3.exists;
- if($3.queries) $$.queries = $3.queries;
- }
- |
- BS EW Dn F6
- { $$ = new yy.If({expression:$2,thenstat:$3, elsestat:$4});
- if($3.exists) $$.exists = $3.exists;
- if($3.queries) $$.queries = $3.queries;
- }
- | BS EW Dn
- {
- $$ = new yy.If({expression:$2,thenstat:$3});
- if($3.exists) $$.exists = $3.exists;
- if($3.queries) $$.queries = $3.queries;
- }
- ;
- : BD Dn
- {$$ = $2;}
- ;
- : C4 EW Dn
- { $$ = new yy.While({expression:$2,loopstat:$3});
- if($3.exists) $$.exists = $3.exists;
- if($3.queries) $$.queries = $3.queries;
- }
- ;
- : Ar
- { $$ = new yy.Continue(); }
- ;
- : Ae
- { $$ = new yy.Break(); }
- ;
- : Ac Dl BB
- { $$ = new yy.BeginEnd({statements:$2}); }
- ;
- : CC Eh
- { $$ = new yy.Print({exprs:$2});}
- | CC Select
- { $$ = new yy.Print({select:$2});}
- ;
- : CM GE
- { $$ = new yy.Require({paths:$2}); }
- | CM GF
- { $$ = new yy.Require({plugins:$2}); }
- ;
-/* For test plugin system */
- : A9 {$$ = $1.toUpperCase(); }
- | Gl {$$ = $1.toUpperCase(); }
- ;
- : A9 EW
- { $$ = new yy.Echo({expr:$2}); }
- ;
- : GE Da Ek
- { $1.push($3); $$ = $1; }
- | Ek
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- ;
- : GF Da Plugin
- { $1.push($3); $$ = $1; }
- | Plugin
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- ;
- : A0 GH
- { $$ = new yy.Declare({declares:$2}); }
- ;
- : GI
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- | GH Da GI
- { $1.push($3); $$ = $1; }
- ;
- : DT Gl FN
- { $$ = {variable: $2}; yy.extend($$,$3); }
- | DT Gl AW FN
- { $$ = {variable: $2}; yy.extend($$,$4); }
- | DT Gl FN DP EW
- { $$ = {variable: $2, expression:$5}; yy.extend($$,$3);}
- { $$ = {variable: $2, expression:$6}; yy.extend($$,$4);}
- ;
- : Cs Cf EA
- { $$ = new yy.TruncateTable({table:$3});}
- ;
- {
- $$ = new yy.Merge(); yy.extend($$,$2); yy.extend($$,$3);
- yy.extend($$,$4);
- yy.extend($$,{matches:$5});yy.extend($$,$6);
- }
- ;
- : D8
- { $$ = {into: $1}; }
- | Bb D8
- { $$ = {into: $2}; }
- ;
- : Cy D8
- { $$ = {using: $2}; }
- ;
- : By EW
- { $$ = {on:$2}; }
- ;
- : GO GP
- { $$ = $1; $$.push($2); }
- | GO GR
- { $$ = $1; $$.push($2); }
- | GP
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- | GR
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- ;
- : C2 Bg Cl GQ
- { $$ = {matched:true, action:$4} }
- | C2 Bg AK EW Cl GQ
- { $$ = {matched:true, expr: $4, action:$6} }
- ;
- : A2
- { $$ = {delete:true}; }
- | Cv CX Ex
- { $$ = {update:$3}; }
- ;
- : C2 Bv Bg Cl GS
- { $$ = {matched:false, bytarget: true, action:$5} }
- | C2 Bv Bg Af Ch Cl GS
- { $$ = {matched:false, bytarget: true, action:$7} }
- | C2 Bv Bg AK EW Cl GS
- { $$ = {matched:false, bytarget: true, expr:$5, action:$7} }
- | C2 Bv Bg Af Ch AK EW Cl GS
- { $$ = {matched:false, bytarget: true, expr:$7, action:$9} }
- | C2 Bv Bg Af Cb Cl GS
- { $$ = {matched:false, bysource: true, action:$7} }
- | C2 Bv Bg Af Cb AK EW Cl GQ
- { $$ = {matched:false, bysource: true, expr:$7, action:$9} }
- ;
- : BY Cz ValuesListsList
- { $$ = {insert:true, values:$3}; }
- | BY DR E2 DS Cz ValuesListsList
- { $$ = {insert:true, values:$6, columns:$3}; }
- | BY A1 Cz
- { $$ = {insert:true, defaultvalues:true}; }
- | BY DR E2 DS A1 Cz
- { $$ = {insert:true, defaultvalues:true, columns:$3}; }
- ;
- :
- { $$ = {output:{columns:$2}} }
- | OUTPUT ES Bb Fy Gl
- { $$ = {output:{columns:$2, intovar: $5, method:$4}} }
- { $$ = {output:{columns:$2, intotable: $4}} }
- { $$ = {output:{columns:$2, intotable: $4, intocolumns:$6}} }
- ;
- : Av C0
- { $$ = new yy.CreateVertex(); }
- | Av C0 CX Ex
- { $$ = new yy.CreateVertex({set: $4}); }
- | Av C0 Gl CX Ex
- { $$ = new yy.CreateVertex({class:$3, set: $5}); }
- | Av C0 Aq Eh
- { $$ = new yy.CreateVertex({content: $4}); }
- | Av C0 Gl Aq Eh
- { $$ = new yy.CreateVertex({class:$3, content: $5}); }
- | Av C0 Gl Select
- { $$ = new yy.CreateVertex({class:$3, select:$4}); }
- | Av C0 Select
- { $$ = new yy.CreateVertex({select:$4}); }
- ;
- : Av C0 Literal? SharpValue? StringValue? GV
- {
- $$ = new yy.CreateVertex({class:$3,sharp:$4, name:$5});
- yy.extend($$,$6);
- }
- ;
- : DA Gl
- { $$ = $2; }
- ;
- :
- {$$ = undefined; }
- | CX Ex
- { $$ = {sets:$2}; }
- | Aq Eh
- { $$ = {content:$2}; }
- | Select
- { $$ = {select:$1}; }
- ;
- : Av BA StringValue? BL EW Cn EW GV
- {
- $$ = new yy.CreateEdge({from:$5,to:$7,name:$3});
- yy.extend($$,$8);
- }
-/* | Av BA StringValue? BL EW Cn EW
- {
- $$ = new yy.CreateEdge({from:$5,to:$7,name:$3});
- }
-*/ ;
- : Av BA Literal?
- Cn EW
- (SET Ex | Aq Expression)?
- {
- $$ = new yy.CreateEdge({class:$3, from:$5, to:$7});
- if(typeof $8 != 'undefined') {
- $$.type = $8;
- $$.expre = $9;
- }
- }
- ;
- : Av BN GX
- { $$ = new yy.CreateGraph({graph:$3}); }
- | Av BN BL EW
- { $$ = new yy.CreateGraph({from:$4}); }
- ;
- : GX Da GY
- { $$ = $1; $$.push($3); }
- | GY
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- ;
- : Gc Json? GraphAsClause?
- {
- $$ = $1;
- if($2) $$.json = new yy.Json({value:$2});
- if($3) $$.as = $3;
- }
- | (GraphElement|GraphVar) DL Gc Json? GraphAsClause? DL (GraphElement|GraphVar)
- {
- $$ = {source:$1, target: $7};
- if($4) $$.json = new yy.Json({value:$4});
- if($5) $$.as = $5;
- yy.extend($$,$3);
- ;
- }
- | Gl DR GX DS
- ;
- : Fy Gl
- { $$ = {vars:$2, method:$1}; }
- ;
- : AW Fy Gl
- { $$ = $3; }
- ;
- : Fy Gl
- { $$ = $2; }
- ;
- : Literal? SharpLiteral? STRING? ColonLiteral?
- {
- var s3 = $3;
- $$ = {prop:$1, sharp:$2, name:(typeof s3 == 'undefined')?undefined:s3.substr(1,s3.length-2), class:$4};
- }
- ;
- : Dc Gl
- { $$ = $2; }
- ;
- : DA Gl
- { $$ = $2; }
- | DA C7
- { $$ = +$2; }
- ;
- : A2 C0 EW (WHERE Expression)?
- ;
- : A2 BA EW (FROM Expression)? (TO Expression)? (WHERE Expression)?
- ;
- : Gg DX Gi
- { $$ = new yy.AddRule({left:$1, right:$3}); }
- | DX Gi
- { $$ = new yy.AddRule({right:$2}); }
- ;
- : Gi Da Gg
- { $$ = $1; $$.push($3); }
- | Gg
- { $$ = [$1]; }
- ;
- : Gl
- { $$ = new yy.Term({termid:$1}); }
- | Gl DR Gi DS
- { $$ = new yy.Term({termid:$1,args:$3}); }
- ;
- : DY Eg
- ;
diff --git a/utils/a.js b/utils/a.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fe3237b02b..0000000000
--- a/utils/a.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2546 +0,0 @@
-/* parser generated by jison 0.4.15 */
- Returns a Parser object of the following structure:
- Parser: {
- yy: {}
- }
- Parser.prototype: {
- yy: {},
- trace: function(),
- symbols_: {associative list: name ==> number},
- terminals_: {associative list: number ==> name},
- productions_: [...],
- performAction: function anonymous(yytext, yyleng, yylineno, yy, yystate, $$, _$),
- table: [...],
- defaultActions: {...},
- parseError: function(str, hash),
- parse: function(input),
- lexer: {
- EOF: 1,
- parseError: function(str, hash),
- setInput: function(input),
- input: function(),
- unput: function(str),
- more: function(),
- less: function(n),
- pastInput: function(),
- upcomingInput: function(),
- showPosition: function(),
- test_match: function(regex_match_array, rule_index),
- next: function(),
- lex: function(),
- begin: function(condition),
- popState: function(),
- _currentRules: function(),
- topState: function(),
- pushState: function(condition),
- options: {
- ranges: boolean (optional: true ==> token location info will include a .range[] member)
- flex: boolean (optional: true ==> flex-like lexing behaviour where the rules are tested exhaustively to find the longest match)
- backtrack_lexer: boolean (optional: true ==> lexer regexes are tested in order and for each matching regex the action code is invoked; the lexer terminates the scan when a token is returned by the action code)
- },
- performAction: function(yy, yy_, $avoiding_name_collisions, YY_START),
- rules: [...],
- conditions: {associative list: name ==> set},
- }
- }
- token location info (@$, _$, etc.): {
- first_line: n,
- last_line: n,
- first_column: n,
- last_column: n,
- range: [start_number, end_number] (where the numbers are indexes into the input string, regular zero-based)
- }
- the parseError function receives a 'hash' object with these members for lexer and parser errors: {
- text: (matched text)
- token: (the produced terminal token, if any)
- line: (yylineno)
- }
- while parser (grammar) errors will also provide these members, i.e. parser errors deliver a superset of attributes: {
- loc: (yylloc)
- expected: (string describing the set of expected tokens)
- recoverable: (boolean: TRUE when the parser has a error recovery rule available for this particular error)
- }
-var parser = (function(){
-var o=function(k,v,o,l){for(o=o||{},l=k.length;l--;o[k[l]]=v);return o},$V0=[2,10],$V1=[1,95],$V2=[1,96],$V3=[1,6],$V4=[1,38],$V5=[1,71],$V6=[1,68],$V7=[1,87],$V8=[1,86],$V9=[1,63],$Va=[1,94],$Vb=[1,78],$Vc=[1,76],$Vd=[1,60],$Ve=[1,64],$Vf=[1,58],$Vg=[1,62],$Vh=[1,56],$Vi=[1,66],$Vj=[1,57],$Vk=[1,61],$Vl=[1,75],$Vm=[1,69],$Vn=[1,77],$Vo=[1,79],$Vp=[1,80],$Vq=[1,73],$Vr=[1,74],$Vs=[1,72],$Vt=[1,81],$Vu=[1,82],$Vv=[1,83],$Vw=[1,84],$Vx=[1,85],$Vy=[1,91],$Vz=[1,59],$VA=[1,70],$VB=[1,65],$VC=[1,89],$VD=[1,90],$VE=[1,103],$VF=[1,99],$VG=[8,258,260,441],$VH=[8,258,260,262,441],$VI=[105,297,350],$VJ=[1,115],$VK=[1,119],$VL=[1,121],$VM=[1,146],$VN=[1,168],$VO=[1,158],$VP=[1,159],$VQ=[1,156],$VR=[1,162],$VS=[1,166],$VT=[1,163],$VU=[1,153],$VV=[1,155],$VW=[1,157],$VX=[1,164],$VY=[1,148],$VZ=[1,173],$V_=[1,169],$V$=[1,170],$V01=[1,174],$V11=[1,175],$V21=[1,176],$V31=[1,177],$V41=[1,178],$V51=[1,179],$V61=[1,180],$V71=[1,181],$V81=[1,182],$V91=[1,151],$Va1=[1,152],$Vb1=[1,160],$Vc1=[1,161],$Vd1=[1,167],$Ve1=[1,165],$Vf1=[1,154],$Vg1=[1,172],$Vh1=[1,183],$Vi1=[4,5],$Vj1=[1,189],$Vk1=[1,197],$Vl1=[8,71,93,104,134,139,140,152,168,200,213,258,260,262,441,462],$Vm1=[8,71,168,258,260,262,441,443,444,462],$Vn1=[4,5,8,47,65,67,69,71,81,90,93,97,98,99,104,106,107,108,112,113,114,120,121,126,128,134,139,140,141,142,148,149,152,158,168,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,200,207,210,211,213,227,251,258,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268,269,270,271,274,276,277,278,279,281,283,284,291,337,340,341,344,346,348,349,357,358,359,376,378,379,381,382,383,384,385,389,390,393,394,405,411,439,440,441,442,462,472,474,475],$Vo1=[1,225],$Vp1=[1,231],$Vq1=[1,241],$Vr1=[1,246],$Vs1=[1,245],$Vt1=[1,251],$Vu1=[2,138],$Vv1=[1,258],$Vw1=[8,67,71,258,260,262,439,441],$Vx1=[8,71,93,104,134,136,139,140,152,154,156,165,168,200,213,258,260,262,441,442,450,462],$Vy1=[4,5,8,47,65,67,69,70,71,81,90,93,97,98,99,104,106,107,108,112,113,114,116,120,121,123,124,126,128,134,139,140,141,142,148,149,152,156,158,163,168,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,200,207,210,211,213,227,251,252,258,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268,269,270,271,274,276,277,278,279,281,283,284,287,291,300,312,313,314,317,318,329,331,337,340,341,342,343,344,345,346,348,349,357,358,359,367,369,375,376,378,379,381,382,383,384,385,389,390,393,394,405,411,439,440,441,442,444,452,453,458,459,462,472,474,475],$Vz1=[4,5,8,47,65,81,99,121,128,158,227,258,260,262,281,283,284,291,337,340,341,344,346,348,349,357,358,359,376,378,379,381,382,383,384,385,389,390,393,394,405,439,440,441],$VA1=[2,439],$VB1=[1,276],$VC1=[2,772],$VD1=[1,289],$VE1=[1,287],$VF1=[1,288],$VG1=[8,71,81,121,158,258,260,262,411,441,463,464],$VH1=[8,67,258,260,262,441],$VI1=[2,496],$VJ1=[1,304],$VK1=[4,5,128],$VL1=[258,260,262,441],$VM1=[1,319],$VN1=[1,310],$VO1=[1,318],$VP1=[1,317],$VQ1=[1,324],$VR1=[1,315],$VS1=[1,316],$VT1=[1,320],$VU1=[1,322],$VV1=[1,334],$VW1=[1,331],$VX1=[1,332],$VY1=[1,312],$VZ1=[1,314],$V_1=[1,311],$V$1=[1,313],$V02=[1,321],$V12=[1,323],$V22=[1,325],$V32=[1,326],$V42=[1,327],$V52=[1,328],$V62=[1,329],$V72=[1,333],$V82=[1,335],$V92=[1,336],$Va2=[1,337],$Vb2=[1,338],$Vc2=[2,260],$Vd2=[1,347],$Ve2=[4,5,8,47,65,67,69,71,81,90,93,97,98,99,104,106,107,108,112,113,114,120,121,126,128,134,139,140,141,142,148,149,152,156,158,168,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,200,207,210,211,213,227,251,252,258,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268,269,270,271,274,276,277,278,279,281,283,284,287,291,300,312,313,317,318,337,340,341,344,346,348,349,357,358,359,367,369,376,378,379,381,382,383,384,385,389,390,393,394,405,411,439,440,441,442,444,452,453,462,472,474,475],$Vf2=[4,5,8,47,65,67,69,71,81,90,93,97,98,99,104,106,107,108,112,113,114,120,121,126,128,134,139,140,141,142,148,149,152,156,158,168,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,200,207,210,211,213,227,251,252,258,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268,269,270,271,274,276,277,278,279,281,283,284,287,291,300,312,313,317,318,337,340,341,344,346,348,349,357,358,359,367,369,376,378,379,381,382,383,384,385,389,390,393,394,405,411,439,440,441,442,452,453,462,472,474,475],$Vg2=[2,321],$Vh2=[1,358],$Vi2=[1,368],$Vj2=[4,5,8,47,65,67,69,71,81,90,93,97,98,99,104,106,107,108,112,113,114,120,121,126,128,134,139,140,141,142,148,149,152,158,168,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,200,207,210,211,213,227,251,258,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268,269,270,271,274,276,277,278,279,281,283,284,291,337,340,341,344,346,348,349,357,358,359,367,369,376,378,379,381,382,383,384,385,389,390,393,394,405,411,439,440,441,442,452,453,462,472,474,475],$Vk2=[1,383],$Vl2=[1,391],$Vm2=[1,390],$Vn2=[8,67,69,71,93,104,134,139,140,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,200,213,258,260,262,441,453,462],$Vo2=[8,67,71,93,104,134,139,140,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,200,213,258,260,262,441,462],$Vp2=[2,176],$Vq2=[1,410],$Vr2=[2,139],$Vs2=[1,413],$Vt2=[67,81,158],$Vu2=[8,67,71,126,156,252,258,260,262,287,300,312,313,317,318,441],$Vv2=[1,432],$Vw2=[67,71,258,260,262,441],$Vx2=[1,433],$Vy2=[1,441],$Vz2=[8,67,71,258,260,262,441],$VA2=[4,5,70,105,106,107,111,115,119,124,126,148,149,150,226,227,228,229,231,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,249,250,251,252,253,255,264,361,365],$VB2=[8,71,93,104,134,139,140,152,168,200,213,258,260,262,441,442,462],$VC2=[4,5,107,251],$VD2=[1,464],$VE2=[8,67,71,258,260,262,441,466],$VF2=[8,67,71,113,258,260,262,441,465,466,470,471],$VG2=[8,71,81,121,158,258,260,262,411,441,464],$VH2=[1,480],$VI2=[1,481],$VJ2=[136,280],$VK2=[2,391],$VL2=[1,528],$VM2=[1,547],$VN2=[4,5,47,65,67,69,71,81,90,93,99,104,106,107,113,114,120,121,126,128,134,139,140,141,142,148,152,158,168,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,200,207,210,211,213,227,251,258,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268,269,270,271,274,276,277,278,279,281,283,284,291,337,340,341,344,346,348,349,357,358,359,376,378,379,381,382,383,384,385,389,390,393,394,405,411,439,440,441,442,462,472,474,475],$VO2=[2,324],$VP2=[2,336],$VQ2=[1,554],$VR2=[258,260,262],$VS2=[67,369],$VT2=[67,367,369],$VU2=[4,5,8,47,65,67,69,71,81,90,93,97,98,99,104,106,107,108,112,113,114,120,121,126,128,134,139,140,141,142,148,149,152,158,168,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,200,207,210,211,213,227,251,258,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268,269,270,271,274,276,277,278,279,281,283,284,291,337,340,341,344,346,348,349,357,358,359,367,369,376,378,379,381,382,383,384,385,389,390,393,394,405,411,439,440,441,442,462,472,474,475],$VV2=[1,561],$VW2=[67,367],$VX2=[8,67,69,71,93,104,134,139,140,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,200,213,258,260,262,441,462],$VY2=[8,71,93,104,134,139,140,200,213,258,260,262,441,462],$VZ2=[8,71,258,260,262,441,462],$V_2=[4,5,8,70,71,93,104,105,106,107,111,115,119,124,126,134,139,140,148,149,150,152,168,200,213,226,227,228,229,231,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,249,250,251,252,253,255,258,260,262,264,361,365,441,442,450,462],$V$2=[1,627],$V03=[1,626],$V13=[8,67,71,113,258,260,262,441,465,466,471],$V23=[8,71,81,121,158,258,260,262,411,441],$V33=[4,5,8,47,65,67,69,71,81,90,93,97,98,99,104,106,107,108,112,113,114,120,121,126,128,134,139,140,141,142,148,149,152,156,158,168,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,200,207,210,211,213,227,251,252,258,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268,269,270,271,274,276,277,278,279,281,283,284,287,291,300,312,313,317,318,337,340,341,344,346,348,349,357,358,359,376,378,379,381,382,383,384,385,389,390,393,394,405,411,439,440,441,442,462,472,474,475],$V43=[8,67,71,258,260,262,439,441,472],$V53=[4,5,47,65,67,69,71,81,90,93,99,104,106,107,113,114,120,121,126,128,134,139,140,141,142,152,158,168,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,200,207,210,211,213,227,251,258,260,261,262,263,265,266,267,268,269,270,271,274,276,277,278,279,281,283,284,291,337,340,341,344,346,348,349,357,358,359,376,378,379,381,382,383,384,385,389,390,393,394,405,411,439,440,441,442,462,472,474,475],$V63=[4,5,47,65,67,69,71,81,90,93,99,104,106,107,108,112,113,114,120,121,126,128,134,139,140,141,142,148,149,152,158,168,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,200,207,210,211,213,227,251,258,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268,269,270,271,274,276,277,278,279,281,283,284,291,337,340,341,344,346,348,349,357,358,359,376,378,379,381,382,383,384,385,389,390,393,394,405,411,439,440,441,442,462,472,474,475],$V73=[4,5,47,65,67,69,71,81,93,99,104,106,107,113,114,120,121,128,134,139,140,141,142,152,158,168,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,200,207,210,211,213,227,251,258,260,261,262,265,266,267,268,269,270,271,276,277,279,281,283,284,291,337,340,341,344,346,348,349,357,358,359,376,378,379,381,382,383,384,385,389,390,393,394,405,411,439,440,441,442,462,472,474,475],$V83=[2,357],$V93=[4,5,47,65,67,69,71,81,93,104,106,107,120,121,128,134,139,140,141,142,152,158,168,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,200,207,210,211,213,227,251,258,260,261,262,276,277,279,281,283,284,291,337,340,341,344,346,348,349,357,358,359,376,378,379,381,382,383,384,385,389,390,393,394,405,411,439,440,441,442,462,472,474,475],$Va3=[2,258],$Vb3=[1,699],$Vc3=[8,71,258,260,262,441],$Vd3=[8,71,93,104,134,139,140,152,200,213,258,260,262,441,444,462],$Ve3=[1,723],$Vf3=[4,5,8,47,65,67,71,81,99,104,121,128,158,227,258,260,262,281,283,284,291,337,340,341,344,346,348,349,357,358,359,376,378,379,381,382,383,384,385,389,390,393,394,405,439,440,441],$Vg3=[1,731],$Vh3=[1,730],$Vi3=[1,732],$Vj3=[8,67,71,93,104,134,139,140,152,168,200,213,258,260,262,441,442,462],$Vk3=[1,741],$Vl3=[2,513],$Vm3=[1,755],$Vn3=[113,466],$Vo3=[8,67,71,113,258,260,262,441,465,466],$Vp3=[2,652],$Vq3=[1,769],$Vr3=[1,770],$Vs3=[2,299],$Vt3=[1,793],$Vu3=[1,804],$Vv3=[4,5,8,47,65,67,71,81,99,121,128,158,227,258,260,262,281,283,284,291,337,340,341,344,346,348,349,357,358,359,376,378,379,381,382,383,384,385,389,390,393,394,405,439,440,441],$Vw3=[1,807],$Vx3=[8,67,69,71,93,104,134,139,140,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,200,213,258,260,262,441,462],$Vy3=[8,71,93,134,139,140,213,258,260,262,441,462],$Vz3=[1,815],$VA3=[1,829],$VB3=[1,819],$VC3=[1,820],$VD3=[1,822],$VE3=[1,823],$VF3=[1,824],$VG3=[1,825],$VH3=[1,826],$VI3=[1,827],$VJ3=[1,828],$VK3=[97,99],$VL3=[67,258,260,262,441],$VM3=[67,71],$VN3=[1,881],$VO3=[8,71,134,139,140,213,258,260,262,441,462],$VP3=[8,69,71,93,104,134,139,140,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,200,213,258,260,262,441,462],$VQ3=[1,917],$VR3=[1,919],$VS3=[4,5,70,115,119,124,150,249,250,255,361,365],$VT3=[1,951],$VU3=[1,953],$VV3=[1,950],$VW3=[1,949],$VX3=[1,948],$VY3=[1,954],$VZ3=[1,945],$V_3=[1,946],$V$3=[1,947],$V04=[1,958],$V14=[8,67,71,134,139,140,213,258,260,262,441,462],$V24=[1,975],$V34=[8,71,134,139,140,258,260,262,441,462],$V44=[1,986],$V54=[1,987],$V64=[1,988],$V74=[8,71,93,104,134,139,140,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,200,213,258,260,262,441,462],$V84=[8,69,71,93,104,134,139,140,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,200,213,258,260,262,441,453,462],$V94=[1,1034],$Va4=[1,1033],$Vb4=[1,1035],$Vc4=[156,163,312,313,314,317],$Vd4=[2,451],$Ve4=[1,1040],$Vf4=[1,1060],$Vg4=[8,67,71,93,134,139,140,207,213,258,260,262,441,462],$Vh4=[8,69,71,93,104,134,139,140,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,200,213,258,260,262,441,462],$Vi4=[4,8,258,260,262,287,300,441],$Vj4=[1,1176],$Vk4=[1,1182],$Vl4=[67,71,197];
-var parser = {trace: function trace() { },
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- this.$ = {srchid:"ATTR"};
-case 92:
- this.$ = {srchid:"OUT"};
-case 93:
- this.$ = {srchid:"IN"};
-case 94:
- this.$ = {srchid:"CONTENT"};
-case 95:
- this.$ = {srchid:"PARENT"};
-case 96:
- this.$ = {srchid:"EX",args:[new yy.Json({value:$$[$0]})]};
-case 97:
- this.$ = {srchid:"AT", args:[$$[$0]]};
-case 98:
- this.$ = {srchid:"AS", args:[$$[$0]]};
-case 99:
- this.$ = {srchid:"TO", args:[$$[$0]]};
-case 100:
- this.$ = {srchid:"SET", args:$$[$0-1]};
-case 101:
- this.$ = {srchid:"VALUE"};
-case 102:
- this.$ = {srchid:"CLASS", args:[$$[$0]]};
-case 103:
- this.$ = {selid:$$[$0],args:[$$[$0-1]] };
-case 104:
- this.$ = {selid:"NOT",args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 105:
- this.$ = {selid:"IF",args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 106:
- this.$ = {selid:$$[$0-3],args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 107:
- this.$ = {selid:'DISTINCT',args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 108:
- this.$ = {selid:'UNION',args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 109:
- this.$ = {selid:'UNIONALL',args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 110:
- this.$ = {selid:'ALL',args:[$$[$0-1]] };
-case 111:
- this.$ = {selid:'ANY',args:[$$[$0-1]] };
-case 112:
- this.$ = {selid:'INTERSECT',args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 113:
- this.$ = {selid:'EXCEPT',args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 114:
- this.$ = {selid:'AND',args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 115:
- this.$ = {selid:'OR',args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 116:
- this.$ = {selid:'PATH',args:[$$[$0-1]] };
-case 117:
- this.$ = {srchid:'RETURNS',args:$$[$0-1] };
-case 118:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2]; this.$.push($$[$0]);
-case 120:
- this.$ = "PLUS";
-case 121:
- this.$ = "STAR";
-case 122:
- this.$ = "QUESTION";
-case 124:
- this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns:$$[$0], distinct: true }); yy,extend(this.$, $$[$0-3]); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-1]);
-case 125:
- this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns:$$[$0], distinct: true }); yy,extend(this.$, $$[$0-3]);yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-1]);
-case 126:
- this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns:$$[$0], all:true }); yy,extend(this.$, $$[$0-3]);yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-1]);
-case 127:
- if(!$$[$0]) {
- this.$ = new yy.Select({columns:[new yy.Column({columnid:'_',})], modifier:'COLUMN'});
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Select({ columns:$$[$0] }); yy,extend(this.$, $$[$0-2]);yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-1]);
- }
-case 129:
- this.$ = {modifier:'VALUE'}
-case 130:
- this.$ = {modifier:'ROW'}
-case 131:
- this.$ = {modifier:'COLUMN'}
-case 132:
- this.$ = {modifier:'MATRIX'}
-case 133:
- this.$ = {modifier:'TEXTSTRING'}
-case 134:
- this.$ = {modifier:'INDEX'}
-case 135:
- this.$ = {modifier:'RECORDSET'}
-case 136:
- this.$ = {top: $$[$0-1], percent:(typeof $$[$0] != 'undefined'?true:undefined)};
-case 137:
- this.$ = {top: $$[$0-1]};
-case 139: case 299: case 459: case 460: case 652:
-this.$ = undefined;
-case 140: case 141: case 142: case 143:
-this.$ = {into: $$[$0]}
-case 144:
- var s = $$[$0];
- s = s.substr(1,s.length-2);
- var x3 = s.substr(-3).toUpperCase();
- var x4 = s.substr(-4).toUpperCase();
- if(s[0] == '#') {
- this.$ = {into: new yy.FuncValue({funcid: 'HTML', args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]})};
- } else if(x3=='XLS' || x3 == 'CSV' || x3=='TAB') {
- this.$ = {into: new yy.FuncValue({funcid: x3, args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]})};
- } else if(x4=='XLSX' || x4 == 'JSON') {
- this.$ = {into: new yy.FuncValue({funcid: x4, args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]})};
- }
-case 145:
- this.$ = { from: $$[$0] };
-case 146:
- this.$ = { from: $$[$0-1], joins: $$[$0] };
-case 147:
- this.$ = { from: $$[$0-2], joins: $$[$0-1] };
-case 149:
- this.$ = new yy.Apply({select: $$[$0-2], applymode:'CROSS', as:$$[$0]});
-case 150:
- this.$ = new yy.Apply({select: $$[$0-3], applymode:'CROSS', as:$$[$0]});
-case 151:
- this.$ = new yy.Apply({select: $$[$0-2], applymode:'OUTER', as:$$[$0]});
-case 152:
- this.$ = new yy.Apply({select: $$[$0-3], applymode:'OUTER', as:$$[$0]});
-case 154: case 217: case 399: case 466: case 467:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2]; $$[$0-2].push($$[$0]);
-case 155:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2]; this.$.as = $$[$0]
-case 156:
- this.$ = $$[$0-3]; this.$.as = $$[$0]
-case 157:
- this.$ = $$[$0-1]; this.$.as = 'default'
-case 158:
- this.$ = new yy.Json({value:$$[$0-2]}); $$[$0-2].as = $$[$0]
-case 159:
- this.$ = $$[$0-1]; $$[$0-1].as = $$[$0]
-case 160:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2]; $$[$0-2].as = $$[$0]
-case 162: case 166: case 169: case 172:
- this.$ = $$[$0-1]; $$[$0-1].as = $$[$0];
-case 163: case 167: case 170: case 173:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2]; $$[$0-2].as = $$[$0];
-case 164: case 165: case 168: case 171:
- this.$ = $$[$0]; $$[$0].as = 'default';
-case 174:
- var s = $$[$0];
- s = s.substr(1,s.length-2);
- var x3 = s.substr(-3).toUpperCase();
- var x4 = s.substr(-4).toUpperCase();
- var r;
- if(s[0] == '#') {
- r = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: 'HTML', args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]});
- } else if(x3=='XLS' || x3 == 'CSV' || x3=='TAB') {
- r = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: x3, args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]});
- } else if(x4=='XLSX' || x4 == 'JSON') {
- r = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: x4, args:[new yy.StringValue({value: s}), new yy.Json({value:{headers:true}})]});
- } else {
- throw new Error('Unknown string in BL clause');
- };
- this.$ = r;
-case 175:
- if($$[$0-2] == 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA') {
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: $$[$0-2], args:[new yy.StringValue({value:$$[$0]})]});
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Table({databaseid: $$[$0-2], tableid:$$[$0]});
- }
-case 176:
- this.$ = new yy.Table({tableid: $$[$0]});
-case 177: case 178:
- this.$ = $$[$0-1]; $$[$0-1].push($$[$0]);
-case 181:
- this.$ = new yy.Join($$[$0-2]); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-1]); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0]);
-case 182:
- this.$ = {table: $$[$0]};
-case 183:
- this.$ = {table: $$[$0-1], as: $$[$0] } ;
-case 184:
- this.$ = {table: $$[$0-2], as: $$[$0] } ;
-case 185:
- this.$ = {json:new yy.Json({value:$$[$0-2],as:$$[$0]})};
-case 186:
- this.$ = {param: $$[$0-1], as: $$[$0] } ;
-case 187:
- this.$ = {param: $$[$0-2], as: $$[$0] } ;
-case 188:
- this.$ = {select: $$[$0-3], as: $$[$0]} ;
-case 189:
- this.$ = {select: $$[$0-4], as: $$[$0] } ;
-case 190:
- this.$ = {funcid:$$[$0], as:'default'};
-case 191:
- this.$ = {funcid:$$[$0-1], as: $$[$0]};
-case 192:
- this.$ = {funcid:$$[$0-2], as: $$[$0]};
-case 193:
- this.$ = {variable:$$[$0],as:'default'};
-case 194:
- this.$ = {variable:$$[$0-1],as:$$[$0]};
-case 195:
- this.$ = {variable:$$[$0-2],as:$$[$0]}
-case 196:
- this.$ = { joinmode: $$[$0] } ;
-case 197:
- this.$ = {joinmode: $$[$0-1], natural:true} ;
-case 198: case 199:
- this.$ = "INNER";
-case 200: case 201:
- this.$ = "LEFT";
-case 202: case 203:
- this.$ = "RIGHT";
-case 204: case 205:
- this.$ = "OUTER";
-case 206:
- this.$ = "SEMI";
-case 207:
- this.$ = "ANTI";
-case 208:
- this.$ = "CROSS";
-case 209:
- this.$ = {on: $$[$0]};
-case 210: case 625:
- this.$ = {using: $$[$0]};
-case 213:
- this.$ = {where: new yy.Expression({expression:$$[$0]})};
-case 215:
- this.$ = {group:$$[$0-1]}; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 218:
- this.$ = new yy.GroupExpression({type:'GROUPING SETS', group: $$[$0-1]});
-case 219:
- this.$ = new yy.GroupExpression({type:'ROLLUP', group: $$[$0-1]});
-case 220:
- this.$ = new yy.GroupExpression({type:'CUBE', group: $$[$0-1]});
-case 223:
- this.$ = {having:$$[$0]}
-case 225:
- this.$ = {union: $$[$0]} ;
-case 226:
- this.$ = {unionall: $$[$0]} ;
-case 227:
- this.$ = {except: $$[$0]} ;
-case 228:
- this.$ = {intersect: $$[$0]} ;
-case 229:
- this.$ = {union: $$[$0], corresponding:true} ;
-case 230:
- this.$ = {unionall: $$[$0], corresponding:true} ;
-case 231:
- this.$ = {except: $$[$0], corresponding:true} ;
-case 232:
- this.$ = {intersect: $$[$0], corresponding:true} ;
-case 234:
- this.$ = {order:$$[$0]}
-case 236:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2]; $$[$0-2].push($$[$0])
-case 237:
- this.$ = new yy.Expression({expression: $$[$0], direction:'ASC'})
-case 238:
- this.$ = new yy.Expression({expression: $$[$0-1], direction:$$[$0].toUpperCase()})
-case 239:
- this.$ = new yy.Expression({expression: $$[$0-2], direction:'ASC', nocase:true})
-case 240:
- this.$ = new yy.Expression({expression: $$[$0-3], direction:$$[$0].toUpperCase(), nocase:true})
-case 242:
- this.$ = {limit:$$[$0-1]}; yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0])
-case 244:
- this.$ = {offset:$$[$0]}
-case 245: case 445: case 469: case 579: case 586: case 610: case 612: case 616:
- $$[$0-2].push($$[$0]); this.$ = $$[$0-2];
-case 247: case 249: case 251:
- $$[$0-2].as = $$[$0]; this.$ = $$[$0-2];
-case 248: case 250: case 252:
- $$[$0-1].as = $$[$0]; this.$ = $$[$0-1];
-case 254:
- this.$ = new yy.Column({columid: $$[$0], tableid: $$[$0-2], databaseid:$$[$0-4]});
-case 255:
- this.$ = new yy.Column({columnid: $$[$0], tableid: $$[$0-2]});
-case 256:
- this.$ = new yy.Column({columnid:$$[$0]});
-case 257:
- this.$ = new yy.Column({columnid: $$[$0], tableid: $$[$0-2], databaseid:$$[$0-4]});
-case 258: case 259:
- this.$ = new yy.Column({columnid: $$[$0], tableid: $$[$0-2]});
-case 260:
- this.$ = new yy.Column({columnid: $$[$0]});
-case 275:
- this.$ = new yy.Json({value:$$[$0]});
-case 277: case 278: case 279:
- if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
- yy.queries.push($$[$0-1]);
- $$[$0-1].queriesidx = yy.queries.length;
- this.$ = $$[$0-1];
-case 280:
-this.$ = $$[$0]
-case 281:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid:'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'});
-case 282:
- this.$ = new yy.JavaScript({value:$$[$0].substr(2,$$[$0].length-4)});
-case 283:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid:$$[$0], newid:true});
-case 284:
- this.$ = $$[$0]; yy.extend(this.$,{newid:true});
-case 285:
- this.$ = new yy.Convert({expression:$$[$0-3]}) ; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]) ;
-case 286:
- this.$ = new yy.Convert({expression:$$[$0-5], style:$$[$0-1]}) ; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-3]) ;
-case 287:
- this.$ = new yy.Convert({expression:$$[$0-1]}) ; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-3]) ;
-case 288:
- this.$ = new yy.Convert({expression:$$[$0-3], style:$$[$0-1]}) ; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-5]) ;
-case 295:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid:'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'});
-case 296:
- if($$[$0-2].length > 1 && ($$[$0-4].toUpperCase() == 'MAX' || $$[$0-4].toUpperCase() == 'MIN')) {
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid:$$[$0-4],args:$$[$0-2]});
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({aggregatorid: $$[$0-4].toUpperCase(), expression: $$[$0-2].pop(), over:$$[$0]});
- }
-case 297:
- this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({aggregatorid: $$[$0-5].toUpperCase(), expression: $$[$0-2], distinct:true, over:$$[$0]});
-case 298:
- this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({aggregatorid: $$[$0-5].toUpperCase(), expression: $$[$0-2],
- over:$$[$0]});
-case 300: case 301:
- this.$ = new yy.Over(); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]);
-case 302:
- this.$ = new yy.Over(); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]);
-case 303:
- this.$ = {partition:$$[$0]};
-case 304:
- this.$ = {order:$$[$0]};
-case 305:
- this.$ = "SUM";
-case 306:
- this.$ = "COUNT";
-case 307:
- this.$ = "MIN";
-case 308: case 478:
- this.$ = "MAX";
-case 309:
- this.$ = "AVG";
-case 310:
- this.$ = "FIRST";
-case 311:
- this.$ = "LAST";
-case 312:
- this.$ = "AGGR";
-case 313:
- this.$ = "ARRAY";
-case 314:
- var funcid = $$[$0-4];
- var exprlist = $$[$0-1];
- if(exprlist.length > 1 && (funcid.toUpperCase() == 'MIN' || funcid.toUpperCase() == 'MAX')) {
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: funcid, args: exprlist});
- } else if(alasql.aggr[$$[$0-4]]) {
- this.$ = new yy.AggrValue({aggregatorid: 'REDUCE',
- funcid: funcid, expression: exprlist.pop(),distinct:($$[$0-2]=='DISTINCT') });
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({funcid: funcid, args: exprlist});
- };
-case 315:
- this.$ = new yy.FuncValue({ funcid: $$[$0-2] })
-case 316:
- this.$ = new yy.LogicValue({value:true});
-case 317:
- this.$ = new yy.LogicValue({value:false});
-case 319:
- $$[$0-2].push($$[$0]); this.$ = $$[$0-2]
-case 320:
- this.$ = new yy.NumValue({value:+$$[$0]});
-case 321:
- this.$ = new yy.StringValue({value: $$[$0].substr(1,$$[$0].length-2).replace(/(\\\')/g,"'").replace(/(\'\')/g,"'")});
-case 322:
- this.$ = new yy.StringValue({value: $$[$0].substr(2,$$[$0].length-3).replace(/(\\\')/g,"'").replace(/(\'\')/g,"'")});
-case 323:
- this.$ = new yy.NullValue({value:undefined});
-case 324:
- this.$ = new yy.VarValue({variable:$$[$0]});
-case 325:
- if(!yy.exists) yy.exists = [];
- this.$ = new yy.ExistsValue({value:$$[$0-1], existsidx:yy.exists.length});
- yy.exists.push($$[$0-1]);
-case 326: case 327:
- this.$ = new yy.ParamValue({param: $$[$0]});
-case 328:
- if(typeof yy.question == 'undefined') yy.question = 0;
- this.$ = new yy.ParamValue({param: yy.question++});
-case 329:
- if(typeof yy.question == 'undefined') yy.question = 0;
- this.$ = new yy.ParamValue({param: yy.question++, array:true});
-case 330:
- this.$ = new yy.CaseValue({expression:$$[$0-3], whens: $$[$0-2], elses: $$[$0-1]});
-case 331:
- this.$ = new yy.CaseValue({whens: $$[$0-2], elses: $$[$0-1]});
-case 332: case 627: case 628:
- this.$ = $$[$0-1]; this.$.push($$[$0]);
-case 334:
- this.$ = {when: $$[$0-2], then: $$[$0] };
-case 337:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'LIKE', right:$$[$0]});
-case 338:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'NOT LIKE', right:$$[$0] });
-case 339:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'+', right:$$[$0]});
-case 340:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'-', right:$$[$0]});
-case 341:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'*', right:$$[$0]});
-case 342:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'/', right:$$[$0]});
-case 343:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'%', right:$$[$0]});
-case 344:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'^', right:$$[$0]});
-case 345: case 346: case 348:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'->' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 347:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-4], op:'->' , right:$$[$0-1]});
-case 349: case 350: case 352:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'!' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 351:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-4], op:'!' , right:$$[$0-1]});
-case 353:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'>' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 354:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'>=' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 355:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'<' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 356:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'<=' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 357:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'=' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 358:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'==' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 359:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'===' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 360:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'!=' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 361:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'!==' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 362:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'!===' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 363:
- if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-5], op:$$[$0-4] , allsome:$$[$0-3], right:$$[$0-1], queriesidx: yy.queries.length});
- yy.queries.push($$[$0-1]);
-case 364:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-5], op:$$[$0-4] , allsome:$$[$0-3], right:$$[$0-1]});
-case 365:
- if($$[$0-2].op == 'BETWEEN1') {
- if($$[$0-2].left.op == 'AND') {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left.left,op:'AND',right:
- new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left.right, op:'BETWEEN',
- right1:$$[$0-2].right, right2:$$[$0]})
- });
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left, op:'BETWEEN',
- right1:$$[$0-2].right, right2:$$[$0]});
- }
- } else if($$[$0-2].op == 'NOT BETWEEN1') {
- if($$[$0-2].left.op == 'AND') {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left.left,op:'AND',right:
- new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left.right, op:'NOT BETWEEN',
- right1:$$[$0-2].right, right2:$$[$0]})
- });
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2].left, op:'NOT BETWEEN',
- right1:$$[$0-2].right, right2:$$[$0]});
- }
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'AND', right:$$[$0]});
- }
-case 366:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'OR' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 367:
- this.$ = new yy.UniOp({op:'NOT' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 368:
- this.$ = new yy.UniOp({op:'-' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 369:
- this.$ = new yy.UniOp({op:'+' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 370:
- this.$ = new yy.UniOp({op:'#' , right:$$[$0]});
-case 371:
- this.$ = new yy.UniOp({right: $$[$0-1]});
-case 372:
- if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-4], op:'IN', right:$$[$0-1], queriesidx: yy.queries.length});
- yy.queries.push($$[$0-1]);
-case 373:
- if(!yy.queries) yy.queries = [];
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-5], op:'NOT IN', right:$$[$0-1], queriesidx: yy.queries.length});
- yy.queries.push($$[$0-1]);
-case 374:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-4], op:'IN', right:$$[$0-1]});
-case 375:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-5], op:'NOT IN', right:$$[$0-1]});
-case 376:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-3], op:'IN', right:[]});
-case 377:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-4], op:'NOT IN', right:[]});
-case 378:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-2], op:'IN', right:$$[$0]});
-case 379:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left: $$[$0-3], op:'NOT IN', right:$$[$0]});
-case 380:
-/* var expr = $$[$0];
- if(expr.left && expr.left.op == 'AND') {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'BETWEEN', right:expr.left}), op:'AND', right:expr.right });
- } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'BETWEEN1', right:$$[$0] });
-// }
-case 381:
-// var expr = $$[$0];
-// if(expr.left && expr.left.op == 'AND') {
-// this.$ = new yy.Op({left:new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'NOT BETWEEN', right:expr.left}), op:'AND', right:expr.right });
-// } else {
- this.$ = new yy.Op({left:$$[$0-2], op:'NOT BETWEEN1', right:$$[$0] });
-// }
-case 382:
- this.$ = new yy.Op({op:'IS' , left:$$[$0-2], right:$$[$0]});
-case 383:
- this.$ = new yy.Convert({expression:$$[$0-2]}) ; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]) ;
-case 384: case 385:
- this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 386:
- this.$ = $$[$0-1];
-case 393:
- this.$ = 'ALL';
-case 394:
- this.$ = 'SOME';
-case 395:
- this.$ = 'ANY';
-case 396:
- this.$ = new yy.Update({table:$$[$0-4], columns:$$[$0-2], where:$$[$0]});
-case 397:
- this.$ = new yy.Update({table:$$[$0-2], columns:$$[$0]});
-case 400:
- this.$ = new yy.SetColumn({column:$$[$0-2], expression:$$[$0]})
-case 401:
- this.$ = new yy.Delete({table:$$[$0-2], where:$$[$0]});
-case 402:
- this.$ = new yy.Delete({table:$$[$0]});
-case 403:
- this.$ = new yy.Insert({into:$$[$0-2], values: $$[$0]});
-case 404:
- this.$ = new yy.Insert({into:$$[$0-2], default: true}) ;
-case 405:
- this.$ = new yy.Insert({into:$$[$0-5], columns: $$[$0-3], values: $$[$0]});
-case 406:
- this.$ = new yy.Insert({into:$$[$0-1], select: $$[$0]});
-case 407:
- this.$ = new yy.Insert({into:$$[$0-4], columns: $$[$0-2], select: $$[$0]});
-case 410:
- this.$ = [$$[$0-1]];
-case 413:
-this.$ = $$[$0-4]; $$[$0-4].push($$[$0-1])
-case 414: case 415: case 417: case 425:
-this.$ = $$[$0-2]; $$[$0-2].push($$[$0])
-case 426:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({table:$$[$0-4]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-7]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-6]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-5]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 427:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({table:$$[$0]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-3]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]);
-case 429:
- this.$ = {class:true};
-case 438:
- this.$ = {temporary:true};
-case 440:
- this.$ = {ifnotexists: true};
-case 441:
- this.$ = {columns: $$[$0-2], constraints: $$[$0]};
-case 442:
- this.$ = {columns: $$[$0]};
-case 443:
- this.$ = {as: $$[$0]}
-case 444: case 468:
- this.$ = [$$[$0]];
-case 446: case 447: case 448: case 449: case 450:
- $$[$0].constraintid = $$[$0-1]; this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 453:
- this.$ = {type: 'CHECK', expression: $$[$0-1]};
-case 454:
- this.$ = {type: 'PRIMARY KEY', columns: $$[$0-1], clustered:($$[$0-3]+'').toUpperCase()};
-case 455:
- this.$ = {type: 'FOREIGN KEY', columns: $$[$0-5], fktable: $$[$0-2], fkcolumns: $$[$0-1]};
-case 456: case 483: case 514: case 550: case 568: case 571: case 590:
- this.$ = $$[$0-1];
-case 461:
- this.$ = {type: 'UNIQUE', columns: $$[$0-1], clustered:($$[$0-3]+'').toUpperCase()};
-case 470:
- this.$ = new yy.ColumnDef({columnid:$$[$0-2]}); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 471:
- this.$ = new yy.ColumnDef({columnid:$$[$0-1]}); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 472:
- this.$ = new yy.ColumnDef({columnid:$$[$0], dbtypeid: ''});
-case 473:
- this.$ = {dbtypeid: $$[$0-5], dbsize: $$[$0-3], dbprecision: +$$[$0-1]}
-case 474:
- this.$ = {dbtypeid: $$[$0-3], dbsize: $$[$0-1]}
-case 475:
- this.$ = {dbtypeid: $$[$0]}
-case 476:
- this.$ = {dbtypeid: 'ENUM', enumvalues: $$[$0-1]}
-case 477: case 670:
- this.$ = +$$[$0];
-case 479:
-this.$ = undefined
-case 481:
- yy.extend($$[$0-1],$$[$0]); this.$ = $$[$0-1];
-case 484:
-this.$ = {primarykey:true};
-case 485: case 486:
-this.$ = {foreignkey:{table:$$[$0-1], columnid: $$[$0]}};
-case 487:
- this.$ = {identity: {value:$$[$0-3],step:$$[$0-1]}}
-case 488:
- this.$ = {identity: {value:1,step:1}}
-case 489:
-this.$ = {default:$$[$0]};
-case 490:
-this.$ = {default:$$[$0-1]};
-case 491:
-this.$ = {null:true};
-case 492:
-this.$ = {notnull:true};
-case 493:
-this.$ = {check:$$[$0]};
-case 494:
-this.$ = {unique:true};
-case 495:
- this.$ = new yy.DropTable({table:$$[$0],type:$$[$0-2]}); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-1]);
-case 497:
- this.$ = {ifexists: true};
-case 498:
- this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({table:$$[$0-3], renameto: $$[$0]});
-case 499:
- this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({table:$$[$0-3], addcolumn: $$[$0]});
-case 500:
- this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({table:$$[$0-3], modifycolumn: $$[$0]});
-case 501:
- this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({table:$$[$0-5], renamecolumn: $$[$0-2], to: $$[$0]});
-case 502:
- this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({table:$$[$0-3], dropcolumn: $$[$0]});
-case 503:
- this.$ = new yy.AlterTable({table:$$[$0-2], renameto: $$[$0]});
-case 504:
- this.$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({databaseid:$$[$0], engineid:$$[$0-2].toUpperCase() });
-case 505:
- this.$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({databaseid:$$[$0-3], engineid:$$[$0-5].toUpperCase(), args:$$[$0-1] });
-case 506:
- this.$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({databaseid:$$[$0-2], engineid:$$[$0-4].toUpperCase(), as:$$[$0] });
-case 507:
- this.$ = new yy.AttachDatabase({databaseid:$$[$0-5], engineid:$$[$0-7].toUpperCase(), as:$$[$0], args:$$[$0-3]});
-case 508:
- this.$ = new yy.DetachDatabase({databaseid:$$[$0]});
-case 509:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({databaseid:$$[$0] }); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 510:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({engineid:$$[$0-4].toUpperCase(), databaseid:$$[$0-1], as:$$[$0] }); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
-case 511:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({engineid:$$[$0-7].toUpperCase(), databaseid:$$[$0-4], args:$$[$0-2], as:$$[$0] }); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-5]);
-case 512:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateDatabase({engineid:$$[$0-4].toUpperCase(),
- as:$$[$0], args:[$$[$0-1]] }); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
-case 513:
-this.$ = undefined;
-case 515: case 516:
- this.$ = new yy.UseDatabase({databaseid: $$[$0] });
-case 517:
- this.$ = new yy.DropDatabase({databaseid: $$[$0] }); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]);
-case 518: case 519:
- this.$ = new yy.DropDatabase({databaseid: $$[$0], engineid:$$[$0-3].toUpperCase() }); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-1]);
-case 520:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateIndex({indexid:$$[$0-5], table:$$[$0-3], columns:$$[$0-1]})
-case 521:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateIndex({indexid:$$[$0-5], table:$$[$0-3], columns:$$[$0-1], unique:true})
-case 522:
- this.$ = new yy.DropIndex({indexid:$$[$0]});
-case 523:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowDatabases();
-case 524:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowDatabases({like:$$[$0]});
-case 525:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowDatabases({engineid:$$[$0-1].toUpperCase() });
-case 526:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowDatabases({engineid:$$[$0-3].toUpperCase() , like:$$[$0]});
-case 527:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowTables();
-case 528:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowTables({like:$$[$0]});
-case 529:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowTables({databaseid: $$[$0]});
-case 530:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowTables({like:$$[$0], databaseid: $$[$0-2]});
-case 531:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowColumns({table: $$[$0]});
-case 532:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowColumns({table: $$[$0-2], databaseid:$$[$0]});
-case 533:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowIndex({table: $$[$0]});
-case 534:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowIndex({table: $$[$0-2], databaseid: $$[$0]});
-case 535:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowCreateTable({table: $$[$0]});
-case 536:
- this.$ = new yy.ShowCreateTable({table: $$[$0-2], databaseid:$$[$0]});
-case 537:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({table:$$[$0-6],view:true,select:$$[$0-1],viewcolumns:$$[$0-4]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-9]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-7]);
-case 538:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateTable({table:$$[$0-3],view:true,select:$$[$0-1]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-6]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-4]);
-case 542:
- this.$ = new yy.DropTable({table:$$[$0], view:true}); yy.extend(this.$, $$[$0-1]);
-case 543:
- this.$ = new yy.Help({subject:$$[$0].value.toUpperCase()} ) ;
-case 544:
- this.$ = new yy.Help() ;
-case 545:
- this.$ = new yy.ExpressionStatement({expression:$$[$0]});
-case 546:
- this.$ = new yy.Source({url:$$[$0].value});
-case 547:
- this.$ = new yy.Assert({value:$$[$0]});
-case 548:
- this.$ = new yy.Assert({value:$$[$0].value});
-case 549:
- this.$ = new yy.Assert({value:$$[$0], message:$$[$0-2]});
-case 551: case 562: case 564:
- this.$ = $$[$0].value;
-case 552: case 560:
- this.$ = +$$[$0].value;
-case 553:
- this.$ = (!!$$[$0].value);
-case 561:
- this.$ = ""+$$[$0].value;
-case 567:
- this.$ = $$[$0-1]
-case 569: case 572:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2];
-case 570:
- this.$ = {};
-case 573:
- this.$ = [];
-case 574:
- yy.extend($$[$0-2],$$[$0]); this.$ = $$[$0-2];
-case 576:
- this.$ = {}; this.$[$$[$0-2].substr(1,$$[$0-2].length-2)] = $$[$0];
-case 577: case 578:
- this.$ = {}; this.$[$$[$0-2]] = $$[$0];
-case 581:
- this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({variable:$$[$0-1].toLowerCase(), value:$$[$0]});
-case 582:
- this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({variable:$$[$0-2], expression:$$[$0], method:$$[$0-3]});
-case 583:
- this.$ = new yy.SetVariable({variable:$$[$0-3], props: $$[$0-2], expression:$$[$0], method:$$[$0-4]});
-case 584:
-this.$ = '@';
-case 585:
-this.$ = '$';
-case 591:
- this.$ = true;
-case 592:
- this.$ = false;
-case 593:
- this.$ = new yy.CommitTransaction();
-case 594:
- this.$ = new yy.RollbackTransaction();
-case 595:
- this.$ = new yy.BeginTransaction();
-case 596:
- this.$ = new yy.If({expression:$$[$0-2],thenstat:$$[$0-1], elsestat:$$[$0]});
- if($$[$0-1].exists) this.$.exists = $$[$0-1].exists;
- if($$[$0-1].queries) this.$.queries = $$[$0-1].queries;
-case 597:
- this.$ = new yy.If({expression:$$[$0-1],thenstat:$$[$0]});
- if($$[$0].exists) this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists;
- if($$[$0].queries) this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries;
-case 598:
-this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 599:
- this.$ = new yy.While({expression:$$[$0-1],loopstat:$$[$0]});
- if($$[$0].exists) this.$.exists = $$[$0].exists;
- if($$[$0].queries) this.$.queries = $$[$0].queries;
-case 600:
- this.$ = new yy.Continue();
-case 601:
- this.$ = new yy.Break();
-case 602:
- this.$ = new yy.BeginEnd({statements:$$[$0-1]});
-case 603:
- this.$ = new yy.Print({exprs:$$[$0]});
-case 604:
- this.$ = new yy.Print({select:$$[$0]});
-case 605:
- this.$ = new yy.Require({paths:$$[$0]});
-case 606:
- this.$ = new yy.Require({plugins:$$[$0]});
-case 607: case 608:
-this.$ = $$[$0].toUpperCase();
-case 609:
- this.$ = new yy.Echo({expr:$$[$0]});
-case 614:
- this.$ = new yy.Declare({declares:$$[$0]});
-case 617:
- this.$ = {variable: $$[$0-1]}; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 618:
- this.$ = {variable: $$[$0-2]}; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 619:
- this.$ = {variable: $$[$0-3], expression:$$[$0]}; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
-case 620:
- this.$ = {variable: $$[$0-4], expression:$$[$0]}; yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
-case 621:
- this.$ = new yy.TruncateTable({table:$$[$0]});
-case 622:
- this.$ = new yy.Merge(); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-4]); yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-3]);
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-2]);
- yy.extend(this.$,{matches:$$[$0-1]});yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 623: case 624:
- this.$ = {into: $$[$0]};
-case 626:
- this.$ = {on:$$[$0]};
-case 631:
- this.$ = {matched:true, action:$$[$0]}
-case 632:
- this.$ = {matched:true, expr: $$[$0-2], action:$$[$0]}
-case 633:
- this.$ = {delete:true};
-case 634:
- this.$ = {update:$$[$0]};
-case 635: case 636:
- this.$ = {matched:false, bytarget: true, action:$$[$0]}
-case 637: case 638:
- this.$ = {matched:false, bytarget: true, expr:$$[$0-2], action:$$[$0]}
-case 639:
- this.$ = {matched:false, bysource: true, action:$$[$0]}
-case 640:
- this.$ = {matched:false, bysource: true, expr:$$[$0-2], action:$$[$0]}
-case 641:
- this.$ = {insert:true, values:$$[$0]};
-case 642:
- this.$ = {insert:true, values:$$[$0], columns:$$[$0-3]};
-case 643:
- this.$ = {insert:true, defaultvalues:true};
-case 644:
- this.$ = {insert:true, defaultvalues:true, columns:$$[$0-3]};
-case 646:
- this.$ = {output:{columns:$$[$0]}}
-case 647:
- this.$ = {output:{columns:$$[$0-3], intovar: $$[$0], method:$$[$0-1]}}
-case 648:
- this.$ = {output:{columns:$$[$0-2], intotable: $$[$0]}}
-case 649:
- this.$ = {output:{columns:$$[$0-5], intotable: $$[$0-3], intocolumns:$$[$0-1]}}
-case 650:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateVertex({class:$$[$0-3],sharp:$$[$0-2], name:$$[$0-1]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 653:
- this.$ = {sets:$$[$0]};
-case 654:
- this.$ = {content:$$[$0]};
-case 655:
- this.$ = {select:$$[$0]};
-case 656:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateEdge({from:$$[$0-3],to:$$[$0-1],name:$$[$0-5]});
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0]);
-case 657:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateGraph({graph:$$[$0]});
-case 658:
- this.$ = new yy.CreateGraph({from:$$[$0]});
-case 661:
- this.$ = $$[$0-2];
- if($$[$0-1]) this.$.json = new yy.Json({value:$$[$0-1]});
- if($$[$0]) this.$.as = $$[$0];
-case 662:
- this.$ = {source:$$[$0-6], target: $$[$0]};
- if($$[$0-3]) this.$.json = new yy.Json({value:$$[$0-3]});
- if($$[$0-2]) this.$.as = $$[$0-2];
- yy.extend(this.$,$$[$0-4]);
- ;
-case 664:
- this.$ = {vars:$$[$0], method:$$[$0-1]};
-case 667:
- var s3 = $$[$0-1];
- this.$ = {prop:$$[$0-3], sharp:$$[$0-2], name:(typeof s3 == 'undefined')?undefined:s3.substr(1,s3.length-2), class:$$[$0]};
-case 673:
- this.$ = new yy.Term({termid:$$[$0]});
-case 674:
- this.$ = new yy.Term({termid:$$[$0-3],args:$$[$0-1]});
-case 675:
- this.$ = new yy.AddRule({left:$$[$0-2], right:$$[$0]});
-case 676:
- this.$ = new yy.AddRule({right:$$[$0]});
-case 684: case 698: case 700: case 702: case 706: case 708: case 710: case 712: case 714:
-this.$ = [];
-case 685: case 693: case 695: case 699: case 701: case 703: case 707: case 709: case 711: case 713: case 715:
-case 692: case 694:
-this.$ = [$$[$0]];
-table: 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9:$VC,440:$VD}),{337:[1,457],341:[1,454],342:[1,455],343:[1,456]},{3:458,4:$V1,5:$V2},{3:459,4:$V1,5:$V2},{126:[1,460]},o($VC2,$VA1,{294:461,128:$VB1}),{197:[1,462]},{3:463,4:$V1,5:$V2},o($VH,[2,657],{67:$VD2}),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:465,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($Vz2,[2,660]),o($VE2,[2,760],{417:466,465:[1,467]}),{113:[1,468]},{70:[1,469]},o($VF2,[2,774],{427:470,469:[1,471]}),{113:[2,764]},{113:[2,765]},o([8,67,71,113,258,260,262,441,465,466,469,470,471],[2,773]),o($Vi1,$VA1,{294:472,128:$VB1}),o($Vi1,$VA1,{294:473,128:$VB1}),o($VK1,[2,428]),o($VK1,[2,429]),{152:[1,474]},{152:[2,759]},o($VG2,[2,754],{407:475,463:[1,476]}),o($VG1,[2,753]),{119:$VK,392:477},{4:$VH2,69:[1,479],230:478,331:$VI2},o($VH,[2,402],{104:[1,482]}),o([67,71,258,260,262,439,441,472,475],[2,782],{272:330,435:483,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2,474:[1,484]}),o($VH,[2,508]),{3:485,4:$V1,5:$V2},{253:[1,486]},o($VC2,$VI1,{339:487,128:$VJ1}),o($VH,[2,522]),{3:219,4:$V1,5:$V2,169:488},{3:219,4:$V1,5:$V2,169:489},o($VG,[2,597],{380:490,262:[1,491]}),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:492,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:493,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:494,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:495,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:496,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:497,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:498,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:499,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,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53,[2,338],{272:330,8:$VM1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,264:$V$1}),o($VN2,[2,339],{272:330,8:$VM1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,149:$VZ1}),o($VN2,[2,340],{272:330,8:$VM1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,149:$VZ1}),o($V63,[2,341],{272:330,8:$VM1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1}),o($V63,[2,342],{272:330,8:$VM1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1}),o($V63,[2,343],{272:330,8:$VM1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1}),o([4,5,47,65,67,69,71,81,90,93,98,99,104,106,107,108,112,113,114,120,121,126,128,134,139,140,141,142,148,149,152,158,168,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,200,207,210,211,213,227,251,258,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268,269,270,271,274,276,277,278,279,281,283,284,291,337,340,341,344,346,348,349,357,358,359,376,378,379,381,382,383,384,385,389,390,393,394,405,411,439,440,441,442,462,472,474,475],[2,344],{272:330,8:$VM1,97:$VO1}),o($Vn1,[2,345],{70:$Vd2}),o($Vn1,[2,346]),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:667,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($Vn1,[2,348]),o($Vn1,[2,349],{70:$Vd2}),o($Vn1,[2,350]),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:668,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($Vn1,[2,352]),o($V73,[2,353],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,126:$VV1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,274:$V72,278:$Va2}),o($V73,[2,354],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,126:$VV1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,274:$V72,278:$Va2}),o($V73,[2,355],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,126:$VV1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,274:$V72,278:$Va2}),o($V73,[2,356],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,126:$VV1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,274:$V72,278:$Va2}),o([4,5,47,65,81,99,113,114,121,128,141,142,158,227,258,260,262,265,266,267,268,269,270,271,276,277,279,281,283,284,291,337,340,341,344,346,348,349,357,358,359,376,378,379,381,382,383,384,385,389,390,393,394,439,440,441],$V83,{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,126:$VV1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,274:$V72,278:$Va2}),o($V73,[2,358],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,126:$VV1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,274:$V72,278:$Va2}),o($V73,[2,359],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,126:$VV1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,274:$V72,278:$Va2}),o($V73,[2,360],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,126:$VV1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,274:$V72,278:$Va2}),o($V73,[2,361],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,126:$VV1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,274:$V72,278:$Va2}),o($V73,[2,362],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,126:$VV1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,274:$V72,278:$Va2}),{70:[1,669]},{70:[2,393]},{70:[2,394]},{70:[2,395]},o($V93,[2,365],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,274:$V72,278:$Va2}),o([4,5,47,65,67,69,71,81,93,104,106,107,120,121,128,134,139,140,142,152,158,168,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,200,207,210,211,213,227,251,258,260,261,262,279,281,283,284,291,337,340,341,344,346,348,349,357,358,359,376,378,379,381,382,383,384,385,389,390,393,394,405,411,439,440,441,442,462,472,474,475],[2,366],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2}),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,36:670,51:147,70:$VM,71:[1,672],72:67,81:$V6,89:134,91:137,100:236,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,153:92,158:$Va,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,233:671,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($Vn1,[2,378]),o($Vn1,[2,384]),o($Vn1,[2,385]),{70:[1,673]},{3:384,4:$V1,5:$V2,70:[1,674],89:526,119:$VL2,170:527,249:$V91,250:$Va1,275:675},o($V93,[2,380],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,274:$V72,278:$Va2}),o($V93,[2,381],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,274:$V72,278:$Va2}),o([4,5,47,65,67,69,71,81,93,99,104,106,107,113,114,120,121,126,128,134,139,140,141,142,152,158,168,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,200,207,210,211,213,227,251,258,260,261,262,265,266,267,268,269,270,271,274,276,277,278,279,281,283,284,291,337,340,341,344,346,348,349,357,358,359,376,378,379,381,382,383,384,385,389,390,393,394,405,411,439,440,441,442,462,472,474,475],[2,382],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1}),o($Vn1,[2,383]),o($Vn1,[2,277]),o($Vn1,[2,278]),o($Vn1,[2,279]),o($Vn1,[2,371]),{67:$Vv2,71:[1,676]},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:677,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:678,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:236,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,233:679,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($Ve2,[2,315]),o($VA2,[2,733]),o($VA2,[2,730]),o($VA2,[2,731]),o($Vn1,$Va3,{116:[1,680]}),o($VU2,[2,259]),o($Vn1,[2,255]),{8:$VM1,71:[1,681],90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,272:330,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2},{71:[1,682]},{257:683,258:$VP2,259:553,260:$Vi2,262:$VQ2},{258:[1,684]},o($VR2,[2,332]),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:685,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,261:[1,686],263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,272:330,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2},{8:$VM1,69:[1,687],90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,272:330,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2},{67:[1,688]},o($Vj2,[2,571]),{3:384,4:$V1,5:$V2,70:$Vk2,89:380,91:378,106:$VO,107:$VP,115:$VR,118:375,119:$Vo1,124:$VT,150:$VX,166:377,170:379,171:382,220:381,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,255:$Ve1,360:171,361:$Vg1,363:690,364:376,365:$Vh1,369:[1,689]},{8:$VM1,71:[1,691],90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,272:330,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2},{3:692,4:$V1,5:$V2,123:$VM2},o($Vj2,[2,568]),{3:392,4:$V1,5:$V2,106:$Vl2,107:$Vm2,367:[1,693],370:694},{3:384,4:$V1,5:$V2,70:$Vk2,89:380,91:378,106:$VO,107:$VP,115:$VR,118:375,119:$Vo1,124:$VT,150:$VX,166:377,170:379,171:382,220:381,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,255:$Ve1,360:171,361:$Vg1,363:695,364:376,365:$Vh1},{3:384,4:$V1,5:$V2,70:$Vk2,89:380,91:378,106:$VO,107:$VP,115:$VR,118:375,119:$Vo1,124:$VT,150:$VX,166:377,170:379,171:382,220:381,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,255:$Ve1,360:171,361:$Vg1,363:696,364:376,365:$Vh1},{3:384,4:$V1,5:$V2,70:$Vk2,89:380,91:378,106:$VO,107:$VP,115:$VR,118:375,119:$Vo1,124:$VT,150:$VX,166:377,170:379,171:382,220:381,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,255:$Ve1,360:171,361:$Vg1,363:697,364:376,365:$Vh1},{70:$Vb3,115:$VR,118:700,119:$Vo1,124:$VT,150:$VX,171:701,255:$Ve1,286:698,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{123:[1,702]},{3:606,4:$V1,5:$V2,89:704,199:703},o($Vc3,[2,406]),{260:$VE,398:705,400:101,401:102},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:706,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{197:[2,625]},o($Vo2,[2,157],{3:707,4:$V1,5:$V2,69:[1,708]}),o($VX2,[2,158]),o($VX2,[2,723]),o($VX2,[2,160]),o($VX2,[2,163]),o($VX2,[2,167]),o($VX2,[2,170]),o($VX2,[2,173]),o([4,5,8,67,69,70,71,81,93,104,120,121,123,126,134,139,140,152,156,158,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,200,213,252,258,260,262,287,300,312,313,317,318,337,341,342,343,441,444,458,459,462],[2,175]),{3:709,4:$V1,5:$V2},o([8,71,93,134,139,140,200,213,258,260,262,441,462],[2,212],{76:710,104:[1,711]}),{3:196,4:$V1,5:$V2,70:[1,713],107:$Vk1,115:$VR,118:190,119:$VS,124:$VT,150:$VX,169:191,170:193,171:192,172:194,173:712,179:714,182:195,249:$V91,250:$Va1,255:$Ve1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($Vd3,[2,140]),o($Vd3,[2,141]),o($Vd3,[2,142]),o($Vd3,[2,143]),o($Vd3,[2,144]),{3:715,4:$V1,5:$V2},o($VZ2,[2,65]),o($VZ2,[2,687]),o($VH,[2,535],{152:[1,716]}),o($VH,[2,531],{152:[1,717]}),o($VH,[2,524]),{91:718,107:$VP,251:$Vb1},o($VH,[2,533],{152:[1,719]}),o($VH,[2,528]),o($VH,[2,529],{90:[1,720]}),o($Vt2,[2,61]),{36:721,72:67,81:$V6,153:92,158:$Va},o($VH,[2,397],{67:$Ve3,104:[1,722]}),o($Vf3,[2,398]),{99:[1,724]},o([8,67,69,71,93,99,104,134,139,140,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,200,213,258,260,262,441,462],$Vc2,{116:$VV2}),o($VH,[2,549]),o($Vw2,[2,319],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2}),o($V73,$V83,{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,126:$VV1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,274:$V72,278:$Va2}),o($VH1,[2,610]),o($VH1,[2,612]),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:725,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{97:[1,727],99:[1,726]},{3:729,4:$V1,5:$V2,70:$Vg3,106:$Vh3,374:728},o($Vz2,[2,677]),o($VB2,[2,124],{67:$Vi3}),o($Vj3,[2,246]),o([67,71,93,104,134,139,140,152,168,200,213,258,260,262,441,442,462],[2,253],{272:330,3:734,91:736,4:$V1,5:$V2,8:$VM1,69:[1,733],90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,106:[1,735],107:$VP,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,251:$Vb1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2}),o($VB2,[2,125],{67:$Vi3}),o($VB2,[2,126],{67:$Vi3}),o($V_2,[2,136]),o($V_2,[2,719]),{71:[1,737]},o($Vw1,[2,674]),o($Vz1,[2,631]),o($Vz1,[2,633]),{121:[1,738]},{8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,261:[1,739],263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,272:330,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2},{284:$Vk3,403:740},{358:[1,743],404:[1,742]},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:744,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{3:745,4:$V1,5:$V2},{3:746,4:$V1,5:$V2},{3:748,4:$V1,5:$V2,327:747},{3:748,4:$V1,5:$V2,327:749},{3:750,4:$V1,5:$V2},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:236,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,233:751,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{3:752,4:$V1,5:$V2},o($VC2,[2,440]),o($VH,$Vl3,{347:753,69:$Vm3,70:[1,754]}),o($VH,$Vl3,{347:756,69:$Vm3}),{70:[1,757]},{3:219,4:$V1,5:$V2,169:758},o($Vz2,[2,659]),o($Vz2,[2,661]),o($Vz2,[2,763]),o($Vn3,[2,766],{420:759,465:[1,760]}),{67:$VD2,71:[1,761]},o($Vo3,[2,778],{429:762,471:[1,763]}),o($V13,[2,777]),o($VH,[2,427],{70:[1,764]}),{69:[1,766],70:[1,765]},{8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,120:[1,767],126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,272:330,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2},o($Vc3,$Vp3,{72:67,153:92,409:768,36:771,81:$V6,121:$Vq3,158:$Va,411:$Vr3}),o($V23,[2,757]),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:772,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($VH1,[2,618],{99:[1,773]}),{106:[1,775],242:[1,776],330:774},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:778,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,288:777,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($VL1,[2,401],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2}),o($Vw1,[2,786],{437:779,472:[1,780]}),{473:[1,781]},o([8,67,71,258,260,262,439,441,472,475],[2,783]),o($VH,[2,518]),o($VH,[2,519]),o($VH,[2,598]),{8:$VM1,71:[1,782],90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,272:330,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2},{8:$VM1,71:[1,783],90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,272:330,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,36:784,51:147,70:$VM,72:67,81:$V6,89:134,91:137,100:236,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,153:92,158:$Va,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,233:785,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{71:[1,786]},{67:$Vv2,71:[1,787]},o($Vn1,[2,376]),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:788,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,36:789,51:147,70:$VM,71:[1,791],72:67,81:$V6,89:134,91:137,100:236,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,153:92,158:$Va,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,233:790,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($Vn1,[2,379]),o($Vn1,$Vs3,{234:792,235:$Vt3}),{8:$VM1,71:[1,794],90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,272:330,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2},{8:$VM1,71:[1,795],90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,272:330,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2},{67:$Vv2,71:[1,796]},{3:797,4:$V1,5:$V2,149:[1,798]},o($Vj2,[2,550]),o($Vn1,[2,325]),{258:[1,799]},o($Vn1,[2,331]),{8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,258:[2,335],263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,272:330,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:800,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{4:$VH2,230:801,331:$VI2},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:802,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($Vj2,[2,572]),o($VS2,[2,579]),o($VT2,[2,567]),o($VU2,$Va3,{116:[1,803]}),o($Vj2,[2,569]),o($VW2,[2,574]),o($VW2,[2,576]),o($VW2,[2,577]),o($VW2,[2,578]),o($Vc3,[2,403],{67:$Vu3}),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:778,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,288:805,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($Vv3,[2,411]),o($Vv3,[2,412]),o($Vc3,[2,404]),{67:$Vw3,71:[1,806]},o($Vx3,[2,424]),o([8,258,262,441],[2,645],{400:268,401:269,399:808,260:$VE,405:[1,809]}),{8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,260:[2,626],263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,272:330,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2},o($VX2,[2,155]),{3:810,4:$V1,5:$V2},o($VH,[2,503]),o($Vy3,[2,214],{77:811,200:[1,812]}),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:813,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($VY2,[2,145],{174:814,183:816,175:817,184:818,189:821,67:$Vz3,69:$VA3,176:$VB3,178:$VC3,190:$VD3,191:$VE3,192:$VF3,193:$VG3,194:$VH3,195:$VI3,196:$VJ3}),{3:196,4:$V1,5:$V2,36:397,70:$Vj1,72:67,81:$V6,107:$Vk1,115:$VR,118:190,119:$VS,124:$VT,150:$VX,153:92,158:$Va,169:191,170:193,171:192,172:194,173:830,179:714,182:195,249:$V91,250:$Va1,255:$Ve1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($Vx3,[2,153]),o($Vd3,$VO2),{3:831,4:$V1,5:$V2},{3:832,4:$V1,5:$V2},o($VH,[2,526]),{3:833,4:$V1,5:$V2},{91:834,107:$VP,251:$Vb1},{71:[1,835]},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:836,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{3:606,4:$V1,5:$V2,89:605,282:837},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:838,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($VL1,[2,582],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2}),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:839,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{3:729,4:$V1,5:$V2,70:$Vg3,106:$Vh3,374:840},o($VK3,[2,587]),o($VK3,[2,588]),o($VK3,[2,589]),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:841,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:618,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,216:842,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{3:843,4:$V1,5:$V2,91:845,106:[1,844],107:$VP,251:$Vb1},o($Vj3,[2,248]),o($Vj3,[2,250]),o($Vj3,[2,252]),o($V_2,[2,137]),{3:606,4:$V1,5:$V2,89:605,122:846,282:604},{281:$V$2,283:$V03,402:847},o($Vz1,[2,635]),{70:[1,849],123:[1,848],287:[1,850]},{141:[1,852],261:[1,851]},{141:[1,854],261:[1,853]},{8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,261:[1,855],263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,272:330,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2},o($VH,[2,498]),{120:[1,856]},o($VH,[2,499]),o($Vz2,[2,472],{230:857,4:$VH2,329:[1,858],331:$VI2}),o($VH,[2,500]),o($VH,[2,502]),{67:$Vv2,71:[1,859]},o($VH,[2,506]),o($VH,[2,510]),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:236,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,233:860,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{3:861,4:$V1,5:$V2},o($VH,[2,512]),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,95:862,100:864,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,209:863,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{70:[1,865]},{113:[2,768],421:866,466:[1,867]},o($Vn3,[2,767]),o($Vz2,[2,663]),o($Vo3,[2,667]),o($Vo3,[2,779]),{3:748,4:$V1,5:$V2,69:[1,870],295:868,302:869,327:871},{3:606,4:$V1,5:$V2,89:704,199:872},{36:873,72:67,81:$V6,153:92,158:$Va},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:874,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($Vc3,[2,650]),{3:606,4:$V1,5:$V2,89:605,122:875,282:604},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:236,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,233:876,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($Vc3,[2,655]),o($VL3,[2,619],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2}),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:877,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{67:[1,878],71:[1,879]},o($VM3,[2,477]),o($VM3,[2,478]),{67:$VN3,71:[1,880]},o($VM3,[2,416],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2}),o($Vw1,[2,672]),{473:[1,882]},o($V43,[2,785]),o($Vn1,[2,347]),o($Vn1,[2,351]),{71:[1,883]},{67:$Vv2,71:[1,884]},o($Vn1,[2,372]),o($Vn1,[2,374]),{8:$VM1,71:[1,885],90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,272:330,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2},{71:[1,886]},{67:$Vv2,71:[1,887]},o($Vn1,[2,377]),o($Vn1,[2,296]),{70:[1,888]},o($Vn1,$Vs3,{234:889,235:$Vt3}),o($Vn1,$Vs3,{234:890,235:$Vt3}),o($Ve2,[2,314]),o($VU2,[2,257]),o($Vn1,[2,254]),o($Vn1,[2,330]),o($VR2,[2,334],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2}),{67:[1,892],71:[1,891]},{8:$VM1,67:[1,894],71:[1,893],90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,272:330,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2},{3:797,4:$V1,5:$V2},{70:[1,895],115:$VR,118:896,119:$Vo1,124:$VT,150:$VX,171:897,255:$Ve1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{67:$VN3,71:[1,898]},{36:900,72:67,81:$V6,123:[1,899],153:92,158:$Va},{3:606,4:$V1,5:$V2,89:901},o($VH,[2,622]),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:618,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,145:902,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,216:617,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($VX2,[2,156]),o($VO3,[2,233],{78:903,93:[1,904]}),{94:[1,905]},o([71,93,134,139,140,200,213,258,260,262,441,462],[2,213],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2}),o($VY2,[2,146],{184:818,189:821,183:906,175:907,69:$VA3,176:$VB3,178:$VC3,190:$VD3,191:$VE3,192:$VF3,193:$VG3,194:$VH3,195:$VI3,196:$VJ3}),{3:196,4:$V1,5:$V2,70:$Vj1,107:$Vk1,115:$VR,118:190,119:$VS,124:$VT,150:$VX,169:191,170:193,171:192,172:194,179:908,182:195,249:$V91,250:$Va1,255:$Ve1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($VP3,[2,179]),o($VP3,[2,180]),{3:196,4:$V1,5:$V2,70:[1,913],115:$VR,118:911,119:$VS,124:$VT,150:$VX,169:910,170:914,171:912,172:915,185:909,249:$V91,250:$Va1,255:$Ve1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{177:[1,916],191:$VQ3},{177:[1,918],191:$VR3},o($VS3,[2,196]),{69:$VA3,176:[1,922],178:[1,921],189:920,191:$VE3,192:$VF3,193:$VG3,194:$VH3,195:$VI3,196:$VJ3},o($VS3,[2,198]),{191:[1,923]},{178:[1,925],191:[1,924]},{178:[1,927],191:[1,926]},{178:[1,928]},{191:[1,929]},{191:[1,930]},{67:$Vz3,69:$VA3,174:931,175:817,176:$VB3,178:$VC3,183:816,184:818,189:821,190:$VD3,191:$VE3,192:$VF3,193:$VG3,194:$VH3,195:$VI3,196:$VJ3},o($VH,[2,536]),o($VH,[2,532]),o($VH,[2,534]),o($VH,[2,530]),o($Vt2,[2,63]),o($VL1,[2,396],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2}),o($Vf3,[2,399]),o([4,5,47,65,67,71,81,99,104,121,128,158,227,258,260,262,281,283,284,291,337,340,341,344,346,348,349,357,358,359,376,378,379,381,382,383,384,385,389,390,393,394,405,439,440,441],[2,400],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2}),o($VL1,[2,583],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2}),o($VK3,[2,586]),{8:$VM1,71:[1,932],90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,272:330,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2},o($Vj3,[2,245]),o($Vj3,[2,247]),o($Vj3,[2,249]),o($Vj3,[2,251]),o($Vz1,[2,634],{67:$Ve3}),o($Vz1,[2,632]),{70:$Vb3,115:$VR,118:700,119:$Vo1,124:$VT,150:$VX,171:701,255:$Ve1,286:933,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{3:606,4:$V1,5:$V2,89:704,199:934},{123:[1,935]},{284:$Vk3,403:936},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:937,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{284:$Vk3,403:938},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:939,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{284:$Vk3,403:940},{3:941,4:$V1,5:$V2},o($Vz2,[2,479],{328:942,332:943,333:944,310:952,126:$VT3,156:$VU3,252:$VV3,287:$VW3,300:$VX3,312:$VY3,313:$VZ3,317:$V_3,318:$V$3}),o($Vz2,[2,471]),o($VH,[2,505],{69:[1,955]}),{67:$Vv2,71:[1,956]},o($VH,[2,514]),{67:$V04,71:[1,957]},o($V14,[2,235]),o([67,71,134,139,140,213,258,260,262,441,462],[2,237],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,210:[1,959],211:[1,960],263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2}),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,95:961,100:864,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,209:863,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{113:[1,962]},{113:[2,769]},{71:[1,963]},{67:[1,964],71:[2,442]},{36:965,72:67,81:$V6,153:92,158:$Va},o($VM3,[2,468]),{67:$Vw3,71:[1,966]},o($VH,[2,750],{352:967,462:[1,968]}),o($VL1,$Vp3,{72:67,153:92,272:330,36:771,409:969,8:$VM1,81:$V6,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,121:$Vq3,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,158:$Va,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2,411:$Vr3}),o($Vc3,[2,653],{67:$Ve3}),o($Vc3,[2,654],{67:$Vv2}),o($VL3,[2,620],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2}),{106:[1,970]},o($V33,[2,474]),o($V33,[2,476]),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:971,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($Vw1,[2,787]),o($Vn1,[2,363]),o($Vn1,[2,364]),o($Vn1,[2,386]),o($Vn1,[2,373]),o($Vn1,[2,375]),{93:$V24,236:972,237:973,238:[1,974]},o($Vn1,[2,297]),o($Vn1,[2,298]),o($Vn1,[2,285]),{106:[1,976]},o($Vn1,[2,287]),{106:[1,977]},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:778,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,288:978,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($Vv3,[2,414]),o($Vv3,[2,415]),o($Vv3,[2,410]),{70:$Vb3,115:$VR,118:700,119:$Vo1,124:$VT,150:$VX,171:701,255:$Ve1,286:979,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($Vc3,[2,407]),o($Vx3,[2,425]),o($VH,[2,646],{67:$Vi3,168:[1,980]}),o($V34,[2,241],{79:981,213:[1,982]}),{94:[1,983]},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:989,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,201:984,203:985,204:$V44,205:$V54,206:$V64,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($VP3,[2,177]),o($VP3,[2,178]),o($Vx3,[2,154]),o($VP3,[2,211],{186:990,197:[1,991],198:[1,992]}),o($V74,[2,182],{3:993,4:$V1,5:$V2,69:[1,994]}),o($V84,[2,724],{187:995,452:[1,996]}),{3:997,4:$V1,5:$V2,69:[1,998]},{36:999,72:67,81:$V6,153:92,158:$Va},o($V74,[2,190],{3:1000,4:$V1,5:$V2,69:[1,1001]}),o($V74,[2,193],{3:1002,4:$V1,5:$V2,69:[1,1003]}),{70:[1,1004]},o($VS3,[2,208]),{70:[1,1005]},o($VS3,[2,204]),o($VS3,[2,197]),{191:$VR3},{191:$VQ3},o($VS3,[2,199]),o($VS3,[2,200]),{191:[1,1006]},o($VS3,[2,202]),{191:[1,1007]},{191:[1,1008]},o($VS3,[2,206]),o($VS3,[2,207]),{69:$VA3,71:[1,1009],175:907,176:$VB3,178:$VC3,183:906,184:818,189:821,190:$VD3,191:$VE3,192:$VF3,193:$VG3,194:$VH3,195:$VI3,196:$VJ3},o($VK3,[2,590]),o($Vz1,[2,641],{67:$Vu3}),{67:$Vw3,71:[1,1010]},o($Vz1,[2,643]),o($Vz1,[2,636]),{8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,261:[1,1011],263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,272:330,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2},o($Vz1,[2,639]),{8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,261:[1,1012],263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,272:330,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2},o($Vz1,[2,637]),o($VH,[2,501]),o($Vz2,[2,470]),o($Vz2,[2,480],{310:952,333:1013,126:$VT3,156:$VU3,252:$VV3,287:$VW3,300:$VX3,312:$VY3,313:$VZ3,317:$V_3,318:$V$3}),o($Vu2,[2,482]),{314:[1,1014]},{314:[1,1015]},{3:219,4:$V1,5:$V2,169:1016},o($Vu2,[2,488],{70:[1,1017]}),{3:232,4:$V1,5:$V2,70:[1,1019],91:227,106:$VO,107:$VP,115:$VR,124:$VT,150:$VX,166:226,170:228,171:230,220:229,226:$Vp1,232:1018,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,255:$Ve1},o($Vu2,[2,491]),{252:[1,1020]},o($Vu2,[2,493]),o($Vu2,[2,494]),{70:[1,1021]},{3:1022,4:$V1,5:$V2},o($VH,$Vl3,{347:1023,69:$Vm3}),o($VH,[2,520]),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:864,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,209:1024,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($V14,[2,238]),{212:[1,1025]},{67:$V04,71:[1,1026]},{422:1027,467:[1,1028],468:[1,1029]},o($VH,[2,430],{296:1030,298:1031,299:1032,4:$V94,287:$Va4,300:$Vb4}),o($Vc4,$Vd4,{3:748,303:1036,327:1037,304:1038,305:1039,4:$V1,5:$V2,311:$Ve4}),{71:[2,443]},{69:[1,1041]},o($VH,[2,538]),o($VH,[2,751]),o($VH,[2,656]),{71:[1,1042]},o($VM3,[2,417],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2}),{71:[1,1043],93:$V24,237:1044},{71:[1,1045]},{94:[1,1046]},{94:[1,1047]},{71:[1,1048]},{71:[1,1049]},{67:$VN3,71:[1,1050]},o($Vc3,[2,405],{67:$Vu3}),{3:219,4:$V1,5:$V2,115:$Vr1,119:$Vs1,169:1052,372:1051},o($VZ2,[2,224],{80:1053,134:[1,1054],139:[1,1056],140:[1,1055]}),{106:$VO,166:1057},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,95:1058,100:864,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,209:863,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($Vy3,[2,222],{202:1059,67:$Vf4,207:[1,1061]}),o($Vg4,[2,216]),{121:[1,1062]},{70:[1,1063]},{70:[1,1064]},o([67,71,93,134,139,140,207,213,258,260,262,441,462],[2,221],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2}),o($VP3,[2,181]),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:1065,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{3:606,4:$V1,5:$V2,89:704,199:1066},o($Vh4,[2,183]),{3:1067,4:$V1,5:$V2},o($Vh4,[2,726],{188:1068,453:[1,1069]}),o($V84,[2,725]),o($Vh4,[2,186]),{3:1070,4:$V1,5:$V2},{71:[1,1071]},o($Vh4,[2,191]),{3:1072,4:$V1,5:$V2},o($Vh4,[2,194]),{3:1073,4:$V1,5:$V2},{36:1074,72:67,81:$V6,153:92,158:$Va},{36:1075,72:67,81:$V6,153:92,158:$Va},o($VS3,[2,201]),o($VS3,[2,203]),o($VS3,[2,205]),o($VY2,[2,147]),{123:[1,1076],287:[1,1077]},{284:$Vk3,403:1078},{281:$V$2,283:$V03,402:1079},o($Vu2,[2,481]),o($Vu2,[2,484]),{318:[1,1080]},o($Vu2,[2,744],{336:1081,459:[1,1082]}),{106:$VO,166:1083},o($Vu2,[2,489]),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:1084,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($Vu2,[2,492]),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:1085,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($VH,[2,507]),o($VH,[2,511]),o($V14,[2,236]),o($V14,[2,239],{210:[1,1086]}),o($VH,[2,521]),o($Vz2,[2,662]),o($Vz2,[2,770]),o($Vz2,[2,771]),o($VH,[2,426]),o($VH,[2,431],{299:1087,4:$V94,287:$Va4,300:$Vb4}),o($Vi4,[2,433]),o($Vi4,[2,434]),{99:[1,1088]},{99:[1,1089]},{67:[1,1090],71:[2,441]},o($VM3,[2,469]),o($VM3,[2,444]),{156:[1,1098],163:[1,1099],306:1091,307:1092,308:1093,309:1094,310:1095,312:$VY3,313:[1,1096],314:[1,1100],317:[1,1097]},{3:1101,4:$V1,5:$V2},{36:1102,72:67,81:$V6,153:92,158:$Va},o($V33,[2,473]),o($Vn1,[2,300]),{71:[1,1103]},o($Vn1,[2,301]),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:989,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,201:1104,203:985,204:$V44,205:$V54,206:$V64,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,95:1105,100:864,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,209:863,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o($Vn1,[2,286]),o($Vn1,[2,288]),o($Vv3,[2,413]),{3:1106,4:$V1,5:$V2},o($VH,[2,648],{70:[1,1107]}),o($VZ2,[2,64]),{36:1108,72:67,81:$V6,136:[1,1109],153:92,158:$Va,208:[1,1110]},{36:1111,72:67,81:$V6,153:92,158:$Va,208:[1,1112]},{36:1113,72:67,81:$V6,153:92,158:$Va,208:[1,1114]},o($V34,[2,243],{214:1115,215:[1,1116]}),o($VO3,[2,234],{67:$V04}),o($Vy3,[2,215]),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:989,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,203:1117,204:$V44,205:$V54,206:$V64,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:1118,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{70:[1,1119]},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:989,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,201:1120,203:985,204:$V44,205:$V54,206:$V64,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:989,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,201:1121,203:985,204:$V44,205:$V54,206:$V64,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},o([69,71,93,104,134,139,140,176,178,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,200,213,258,260,262,441,462],[2,209],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2}),o($VP3,[2,210],{67:$Vw3}),o($Vh4,[2,184]),o($Vh4,[2,185]),o($Vh4,[2,727]),o($Vh4,[2,187]),{3:1122,4:$V1,5:$V2,69:[1,1123]},o($Vh4,[2,192]),o($Vh4,[2,195]),{71:[1,1124]},{71:[1,1125]},{70:$Vb3,115:$VR,118:700,119:$Vo1,124:$VT,150:$VX,171:701,255:$Ve1,286:1126,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{123:[1,1127]},o($Vz1,[2,638]),o($Vz1,[2,640]),{3:219,4:$V1,5:$V2,169:1128},o($Vu2,[2,486]),o($Vu2,[2,745]),{67:[1,1129]},{8:$VM1,71:[1,1130],90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,272:330,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2},{8:$VM1,71:[1,1131],90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,272:330,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2},o($V14,[2,240]),o($Vi4,[2,432]),{3:1132,4:$V1,5:$V2},{106:$VO,166:1133},o($Vc4,$Vd4,{305:1039,304:1134,311:$Ve4}),o($VM3,[2,446]),o($VM3,[2,447]),o($VM3,[2,448]),o($VM3,[2,449]),o($VM3,[2,450]),{314:[1,1135]},{314:[1,1136]},{70:[2,740],326:1137,453:[1,1138]},{3:1139,4:$V1,5:$V2},{3:1140,4:$V1,5:$V2},o($Vc4,[2,452]),o($VH,[2,748],{351:1141,462:[1,1142]}),o($Vn1,[2,302]),o([71,93],[2,303],{67:$Vf4}),{67:$V04,71:[2,304]},o($VH,[2,647]),{3:606,4:$V1,5:$V2,89:704,199:1143},o($VZ2,[2,225]),{36:1144,72:67,81:$V6,153:92,158:$Va,208:[1,1145]},{36:1146,72:67,81:$V6,153:92,158:$Va},o($VZ2,[2,227]),{36:1147,72:67,81:$V6,153:92,158:$Va},o($VZ2,[2,228]),{36:1148,72:67,81:$V6,153:92,158:$Va},o($V34,[2,242]),{106:$VO,166:1149},o($Vg4,[2,217]),o([71,93,134,139,140,213,258,260,262,441,462],[2,223],{272:330,8:$VM1,90:$VN1,97:$VO1,98:$VP1,99:$Vx2,108:$VR1,112:$VS1,113:$VT1,114:$VU1,126:$VV1,141:$VW1,142:$VX1,148:$VY1,149:$VZ1,263:$V_1,264:$V$1,265:$V02,266:$V12,267:$V22,268:$V32,269:$V42,270:$V52,271:$V62,274:$V72,276:$V82,277:$V92,278:$Va2,279:$Vb2}),{3:150,4:$V1,5:$V2,51:147,70:$VM,89:134,91:137,100:989,105:$VN,106:$VO,107:$VP,111:$VQ,115:$VR,118:144,119:$VS,124:$VT,126:$VU,130:149,148:$VV,149:$VW,150:$VX,166:136,170:132,171:139,172:140,201:1150,203:985,204:$V44,205:$V54,206:$V64,217:135,218:131,219:133,220:138,221:141,222:142,223:143,224:145,226:$VY,227:$Vb,228:$VZ,229:$V_,231:$V$,239:$V01,240:$V11,241:$V21,242:$V31,243:$V41,244:$V51,245:$V61,246:$V71,247:$V81,249:$V91,250:$Va1,251:$Vb1,252:$Vc1,253:$Vd1,255:$Ve1,264:$Vf1,360:171,361:$Vg1,365:$Vh1},{67:$Vf4,71:[1,1151]},{67:$Vf4,71:[1,1152]},o($Vh4,[2,188]),{3:1153,4:$V1,5:$V2},{3:1154,4:$V1,5:$V2,69:[1,1155]},{3:1156,4:$V1,5:$V2,69:[1,1157]},o($Vz1,[2,642],{67:$Vu3}),o($Vz1,[2,644]),o($Vu2,[2,742],{335:1158,459:[1,1159]}),{106:$VO,166:1160},o($Vu2,[2,490]),o($Vu2,[2,453]),o($Vi4,[2,435]),o($Vi4,[2,436]),o($VM3,[2,445]),{70:[2,736],315:1161,453:[1,1162]},{70:[1,1163]},{70:[1,1164]},{70:[2,741]},{70:[1,1165]},{70:[1,1166]},o($VH,[2,537]),o($VH,[2,749]),{67:$Vw3,71:[1,1167]},o($VZ2,[2,226]),{36:1168,72:67,81:$V6,153:92,158:$Va},o($VZ2,[2,229]),o($VZ2,[2,231]),o($VZ2,[2,232]),o($V34,[2,244]),{67:$Vf4,71:[1,1169]},o($Vg4,[2,219]),o($Vg4,[2,220]),o($Vh4,[2,189]),o($VP3,[2,149]),{3:1170,4:$V1,5:$V2},o($VP3,[2,151]),{3:1171,4:$V1,5:$V2},o($Vu2,[2,485]),o($Vu2,[2,743]),{71:[1,1172]},{70:[1,1173]},{70:[2,737]},{3:1175,4:$V1,5:$V2,107:$Vj4,316:1174},{3:606,4:$V1,5:$V2,89:704,199:1177},{3:606,4:$V1,5:$V2,89:704,199:1178},{3:606,4:$V1,5:$V2,89:704,199:1179},o($VH,[2,649]),o($VZ2,[2,230]),o($Vg4,[2,218]),o($VP3,[2,150]),o($VP3,[2,152]),o($Vu2,[2,487]),{3:1175,4:$V1,5:$V2,107:$Vj4,316:1180},{67:$Vk4,71:[1,1181]},o($VM3,[2,464]),o($VM3,[2,465]),{67:$Vw3,71:[1,1183]},{67:$Vw3,71:[1,1184]},{67:$Vw3,71:[1,1185]},{67:$Vk4,71:[1,1186]},{318:[1,1187]},{3:1188,4:$V1,5:$V2,107:[1,1189]},o($VM3,[2,461]),o($VM3,[2,462]),o($VM3,[2,463]),o($VM3,[2,454]),{3:219,4:$V1,5:$V2,169:1190},o($VM3,[2,466]),o($VM3,[2,467]),o($Vl4,[2,738],{319:1191,458:[1,1192]}),o($VM3,[2,457],{320:1193,322:1194,197:[1,1195]}),o($Vl4,[2,739]),o($VM3,[2,455]),{197:[1,1197],323:1196},{283:[1,1198]},o($VM3,[2,458]),{281:[1,1199]},{324:[1,1200]},{324:[1,1201]},{325:[1,1202]},{325:[1,1203]},{197:[2,459]},o($VM3,[2,460])],
-defaultActions: {97:[2,3],174:[2,305],175:[2,306],176:[2,307],177:[2,308],178:[2,309],179:[2,310],180:[2,311],181:[2,312],182:[2,313],187:[2,623],287:[2,764],288:[2,765],295:[2,759],343:[2,728],344:[2,729],396:[2,624],519:[2,393],520:[2,394],521:[2,395],573:[2,625],867:[2,769],965:[2,443],1138:[2,741],1162:[2,737],1202:[2,459]},
-parseError: function parseError(str, hash) {
- if (hash.recoverable) {
- this.trace(str);
- } else {
- throw new Error(str);
- }
-parse: function parse(input) {
- var self = this, stack = [0], tstack = [], vstack = [null], lstack = [], table = this.table, yytext = '', yylineno = 0, yyleng = 0, recovering = 0, TERROR = 2, EOF = 1;
- var args = lstack.slice.call(arguments, 1);
- var lexer = Object.create(this.lexer);
- var sharedState = { yy: {} };
- for (var k in this.yy) {
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.yy, k)) {
- sharedState.yy[k] = this.yy[k];
- }
- }
- lexer.setInput(input, sharedState.yy);
- sharedState.yy.lexer = lexer;
- sharedState.yy.parser = this;
- if (typeof lexer.yylloc == 'undefined') {
- lexer.yylloc = {};
- }
- var yyloc = lexer.yylloc;
- lstack.push(yyloc);
- var ranges = lexer.options && lexer.options.ranges;
- if (typeof sharedState.yy.parseError === 'function') {
- this.parseError = sharedState.yy.parseError;
- } else {
- this.parseError = Object.getPrototypeOf(this).parseError;
- }
- function popStack(n) {
- stack.length = stack.length - 2 * n;
- vstack.length = vstack.length - n;
- lstack.length = lstack.length - n;
- }
- _token_stack:
- function lex() {
- var token;
- token = lexer.lex() || EOF;
- if (typeof token !== 'number') {
- token = self.symbols_[token] || token;
- }
- return token;
- }
- var symbol, preErrorSymbol, state, action, a, r, yyval = {}, p, len, newState, expected;
- while (true) {
- state = stack[stack.length - 1];
- if (this.defaultActions[state]) {
- action = this.defaultActions[state];
- } else {
- if (symbol === null || typeof symbol == 'undefined') {
- symbol = lex();
- }
- action = table[state] && table[state][symbol];
- }
- if (typeof action === 'undefined' || !action.length || !action[0]) {
- var errStr = '';
- expected = [];
- for (p in table[state]) {
- if (this.terminals_[p] && p > TERROR) {
- expected.push('\'' + this.terminals_[p] + '\'');
- }
- }
- if (lexer.showPosition) {
- errStr = 'Parse error on line ' + (yylineno + 1) + ':\n' + lexer.showPosition() + '\nExpecting ' + expected.join(', ') + ', got \'' + (this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol) + '\'';
- } else {
- errStr = 'Parse error on line ' + (yylineno + 1) + ': Unexpected ' + (symbol == EOF ? 'end of input' : '\'' + (this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol) + '\'');
- }
- this.parseError(errStr, {
- text: lexer.match,
- token: this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol,
- line: lexer.yylineno,
- loc: yyloc,
- expected: expected
- });
- }
- if (action[0] instanceof Array && action.length > 1) {
- throw new Error('Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: ' + state + ', token: ' + symbol);
- }
- switch (action[0]) {
- case 1:
- stack.push(symbol);
- vstack.push(lexer.yytext);
- lstack.push(lexer.yylloc);
- stack.push(action[1]);
- symbol = null;
- if (!preErrorSymbol) {
- yyleng = lexer.yyleng;
- yytext = lexer.yytext;
- yylineno = lexer.yylineno;
- yyloc = lexer.yylloc;
- if (recovering > 0) {
- recovering--;
- }
- } else {
- symbol = preErrorSymbol;
- preErrorSymbol = null;
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- len = this.productions_[action[1]][1];
- yyval.$ = vstack[vstack.length - len];
- yyval._$ = {
- first_line: lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].first_line,
- last_line: lstack[lstack.length - 1].last_line,
- first_column: lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].first_column,
- last_column: lstack[lstack.length - 1].last_column
- };
- if (ranges) {
- yyval._$.range = [
- lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].range[0],
- lstack[lstack.length - 1].range[1]
- ];
- }
- r = this.performAction.apply(yyval, [
- yytext,
- yyleng,
- yylineno,
- sharedState.yy,
- action[1],
- vstack,
- lstack
- ].concat(args));
- if (typeof r !== 'undefined') {
- return r;
- }
- if (len) {
- stack = stack.slice(0, -1 * len * 2);
- vstack = vstack.slice(0, -1 * len);
- lstack = lstack.slice(0, -1 * len);
- }
- stack.push(this.productions_[action[1]][0]);
- vstack.push(yyval.$);
- lstack.push(yyval._$);
- newState = table[stack[stack.length - 2]][stack[stack.length - 1]];
- stack.push(newState);
- break;
- case 3:
- return true;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* generated by jison-lex 0.3.4 */
-var lexer = (function(){
-var lexer = ({
-parseError:function parseError(str, hash) {
- if (this.yy.parser) {
- this.yy.parser.parseError(str, hash);
- } else {
- throw new Error(str);
- }
- },
-// resets the lexer, sets new input
-setInput:function (input, yy) {
- this.yy = yy || this.yy || {};
- this._input = input;
- this._more = this._backtrack = this.done = false;
- this.yylineno = this.yyleng = 0;
- this.yytext = this.matched = this.match = '';
- this.conditionStack = ['INITIAL'];
- this.yylloc = {
- first_line: 1,
- first_column: 0,
- last_line: 1,
- last_column: 0
- };
- if (this.options.ranges) {
- this.yylloc.range = [0,0];
- }
- this.offset = 0;
- return this;
- },
-// consumes and returns one char from the input
-input:function () {
- var ch = this._input[0];
- this.yytext += ch;
- this.yyleng++;
- this.offset++;
- this.match += ch;
- this.matched += ch;
- var lines = ch.match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g);
- if (lines) {
- this.yylineno++;
- this.yylloc.last_line++;
- } else {
- this.yylloc.last_column++;
- }
- if (this.options.ranges) {
- this.yylloc.range[1]++;
- }
- this._input = this._input.slice(1);
- return ch;
- },
-// unshifts one char (or a string) into the input
-unput:function (ch) {
- var len = ch.length;
- var lines = ch.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
- this._input = ch + this._input;
- this.yytext = this.yytext.substr(0, this.yytext.length - len);
- //this.yyleng -= len;
- this.offset -= len;
- var oldLines = this.match.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
- this.match = this.match.substr(0, this.match.length - 1);
- this.matched = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - 1);
- if (lines.length - 1) {
- this.yylineno -= lines.length - 1;
- }
- var r = this.yylloc.range;
- this.yylloc = {
- first_line: this.yylloc.first_line,
- last_line: this.yylineno + 1,
- first_column: this.yylloc.first_column,
- last_column: lines ?
- (lines.length === oldLines.length ? this.yylloc.first_column : 0)
- + oldLines[oldLines.length - lines.length].length - lines[0].length :
- this.yylloc.first_column - len
- };
- if (this.options.ranges) {
- this.yylloc.range = [r[0], r[0] + this.yyleng - len];
- }
- this.yyleng = this.yytext.length;
- return this;
- },
-// When called from action, caches matched text and appends it on next action
-more:function () {
- this._more = true;
- return this;
- },
-// When called from action, signals the lexer that this rule fails to match the input, so the next matching rule (regex) should be tested instead.
-reject:function () {
- if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
- this._backtrack = true;
- } else {
- return this.parseError('Lexical error on line ' + (this.yylineno + 1) + '. You can only invoke reject() in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion (options.backtrack_lexer = true).\n' + this.showPosition(), {
- text: "",
- token: null,
- line: this.yylineno
- });
- }
- return this;
- },
-// retain first n characters of the match
-less:function (n) {
- this.unput(this.match.slice(n));
- },
-// displays already matched input, i.e. for error messages
-pastInput:function () {
- var past = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - this.match.length);
- return (past.length > 20 ? '...':'') + past.substr(-20).replace(/\n/g, "");
- },
-// displays upcoming input, i.e. for error messages
-upcomingInput:function () {
- var next = this.match;
- if (next.length < 20) {
- next += this._input.substr(0, 20-next.length);
- }
- return (next.substr(0,20) + (next.length > 20 ? '...' : '')).replace(/\n/g, "");
- },
-// displays the character position where the lexing error occurred, i.e. for error messages
-showPosition:function () {
- var pre = this.pastInput();
- var c = new Array(pre.length + 1).join("-");
- return pre + this.upcomingInput() + "\n" + c + "^";
- },
-// test the lexed token: return FALSE when not a match, otherwise return token
-test_match:function (match, indexed_rule) {
- var token,
- lines,
- backup;
- if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
- // save context
- backup = {
- yylineno: this.yylineno,
- yylloc: {
- first_line: this.yylloc.first_line,
- last_line: this.last_line,
- first_column: this.yylloc.first_column,
- last_column: this.yylloc.last_column
- },
- yytext: this.yytext,
- match: this.match,
- matches: this.matches,
- matched: this.matched,
- yyleng: this.yyleng,
- offset: this.offset,
- _more: this._more,
- _input: this._input,
- yy: this.yy,
- conditionStack: this.conditionStack.slice(0),
- done: this.done
- };
- if (this.options.ranges) {
- backup.yylloc.range = this.yylloc.range.slice(0);
- }
- }
- lines = match[0].match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g);
- if (lines) {
- this.yylineno += lines.length;
- }
- this.yylloc = {
- first_line: this.yylloc.last_line,
- last_line: this.yylineno + 1,
- first_column: this.yylloc.last_column,
- last_column: lines ?
- lines[lines.length - 1].length - lines[lines.length - 1].match(/\r?\n?/)[0].length :
- this.yylloc.last_column + match[0].length
- };
- this.yytext += match[0];
- this.match += match[0];
- this.matches = match;
- this.yyleng = this.yytext.length;
- if (this.options.ranges) {
- this.yylloc.range = [this.offset, this.offset += this.yyleng];
- }
- this._more = false;
- this._backtrack = false;
- this._input = this._input.slice(match[0].length);
- this.matched += match[0];
- token = this.performAction.call(this, this.yy, this, indexed_rule, this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]);
- if (this.done && this._input) {
- this.done = false;
- }
- if (token) {
- return token;
- } else if (this._backtrack) {
- // recover context
- for (var k in backup) {
- this[k] = backup[k];
- }
- return false; // rule action called reject() implying the next rule should be tested instead.
- }
- return false;
- },
-// return next match in input
-next:function () {
- if (this.done) {
- return this.EOF;
- }
- if (!this._input) {
- this.done = true;
- }
- var token,
- match,
- tempMatch,
- index;
- if (!this._more) {
- this.yytext = '';
- this.match = '';
- }
- var rules = this._currentRules();
- for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
- tempMatch = this._input.match(this.rules[rules[i]]);
- if (tempMatch && (!match || tempMatch[0].length > match[0].length)) {
- match = tempMatch;
- index = i;
- if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
- token = this.test_match(tempMatch, rules[i]);
- if (token !== false) {
- return token;
- } else if (this._backtrack) {
- match = false;
- continue; // rule action called reject() implying a rule MISmatch.
- } else {
- // else: this is a lexer rule which consumes input without producing a token (e.g. whitespace)
- return false;
- }
- } else if (!this.options.flex) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (match) {
- token = this.test_match(match, rules[index]);
- if (token !== false) {
- return token;
- }
- // else: this is a lexer rule which consumes input without producing a token (e.g. whitespace)
- return false;
- }
- if (this._input === "") {
- return this.EOF;
- } else {
- return this.parseError('Lexical error on line ' + (this.yylineno + 1) + '. Unrecognized text.\n' + this.showPosition(), {
- text: "",
- token: null,
- line: this.yylineno
- });
- }
- },
-// return next match that has a token
-lex:function lex() {
- var r = this.next();
- if (r) {
- return r;
- } else {
- return this.lex();
- }
- },
-// activates a new lexer condition state (pushes the new lexer condition state onto the condition stack)
-begin:function begin(condition) {
- this.conditionStack.push(condition);
- },
-// pop the previously active lexer condition state off the condition stack
-popState:function popState() {
- var n = this.conditionStack.length - 1;
- if (n > 0) {
- return this.conditionStack.pop();
- } else {
- return this.conditionStack[0];
- }
- },
-// produce the lexer rule set which is active for the currently active lexer condition state
-_currentRules:function _currentRules() {
- if (this.conditionStack.length && this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]) {
- return this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]].rules;
- } else {
- return this.conditions["INITIAL"].rules;
- }
- },
-// return the currently active lexer condition state; when an index argument is provided it produces the N-th previous condition state, if available
-topState:function topState(n) {
- n = this.conditionStack.length - 1 - Math.abs(n || 0);
- if (n >= 0) {
- return this.conditionStack[n];
- } else {
- return "INITIAL";
- }
- },
-// alias for begin(condition)
-pushState:function pushState(condition) {
- this.begin(condition);
- },
-// return the number of states currently on the stack
-stateStackSize:function stateStackSize() {
- return this.conditionStack.length;
- },
-options: {"case-insensitive":true},
-performAction: function anonymous(yy,yy_,$avoiding_name_collisions,YY_START) {
-switch($avoiding_name_collisions) {
-case 0:return 227
-case 1:return 255
-case 2:return 361
-case 3:return 5
-case 4:return 5
-case 5:return 251
-case 6:return 251
-case 7:return 107
-case 8:return 107
-case 9:return /* return COMMENT */
-case 10:/* skip whitespace */
-case 11:return 142
-case 12:return 141
-case 13:return 'AL'
-case 14:return 325
-case 15:return 342
-case 16:return 246
-case 17:return 136
-case 18:return 340
-case 19:return 141
-case 20:return 69
-case 21:return 119
-case 22:return 177
-case 23:return 247
-case 24:return 69
-case 25:return 359
-case 26:return 210
-case 27:return 344
-case 28:return 300
-case 29:return 243
-case 30:return 379
-case 31:return 276
-case 32:return 383
-case 33:return 277
-case 34:return 263
-case 35:return 94
-case 36:return 105
-case 37:return 229
-case 38:return 312
-case 39:return 105
-case 40:return 'Ak'
-case 41:return 211
-case 42:return 160
-case 43:return 160
-case 44:return 376
-case 45:return 311
-case 46:return 411
-case 47:return 382
-case 48:return 231
-case 49:return 208
-case 50:return 240
-case 51:return 291
-case 52:return 176
-case 53:return 206
-case 54:return 226
-case 55:return 'Ay'
-case 56:return 345
-case 57:return 390
-case 58:return 287
-case 59:return 283
-case 60:return 'A3'
-case 61:return 210
-case 62:return 346
-case 63:return 154
-case 64:return 4
-case 65:return 337
-case 66:return 389
-case 67:return 110
-case 68:return 258
-case 69:return 331
-case 70:return 262
-case 71:return 140
-case 72:return 253
-case 73:return 12
-case 74:return 250
-case 75:return 'BI'
-case 76:return 244
-case 77:return 317
-case 78:return 152
-case 79:return 'BM'
-case 80:return 413
-case 81:return 200
-case 82:return 204
-case 83:return 207
-case 84:return 357
-case 85:return 128
-case 86:return 300
-case 87:return 278
-case 88:return 274
-case 89:return 163
-case 90:return 192
-case 91:return 284
-case 92:return 'BZ'
-case 93:return 139
-case 94:return 168
-case 95:return 191
-case 96:return 314
-case 97:return 245
-case 98:return 'Bf'
-case 99:return 193
-case 100:return 90
-case 101:return 213
-case 102:return 193
-case 103:return 161
-case 104:return 242
-case 105:return 394
-case 106:return 241
-case 107:return 140
-case 108:return 343
-case 109:return 190
-case 110:return 'Br'
-case 111:return 228
-case 112:return 212
-case 113:return 324
-case 114:return 126
-case 115:return 252
-case 116:return 375
-case 117:return 197
-case 118:return 355
-case 119:return 215
-case 120:return 'B1'
-case 121:return 356
-case 122:return 142
-case 123:return 93
-case 124:return 178
-case 125:return 235
-case 126:return 143
-case 127:return 238
-case 128:return 'B9'
-case 129:return 14
-case 130:return 313
-case 131:return 384
-case 132:return 'CD'
-case 133:return 13
-case 134:return 354
-case 135:return 164
-case 136:return 'CH'
-case 137:return 318
-case 138:return 'CJ'
-case 139:return 85
-case 140:return 341
-case 141:return 385
-case 142:return 'CN'
-case 143:return 144
-case 144:return 194
-case 145:return 378
-case 146:return 205
-case 147:return 159
-case 148:return 345
-case 149:return 81
-case 150:return 158
-case 151:return 196
-case 152:return 121
-case 153:return 121
-case 154:return 349
-case 155:return 280
-case 156:return 358
-case 157:return 'Cc'
-case 158:return 'Cd'
-case 159:return 239
-case 160:return 297
-case 161:return 297
-case 162:return 404
-case 163:return 301
-case 164:return 301
-case 165:return 162
-case 166:return 261
-case 167:return 'Cm'
-case 168:return 120
-case 169:return 165
-case 170:return 377
-case 171:return 377
-case 172:return 249
-case 173:return 393
-case 174:return 134
-case 175:return 156
-case 176:return 281
-case 177:return 348
-case 178:return 198
-case 179:return 123
-case 180:return 109
-case 181:return 350
-case 182:return 260
-case 183:return 104
-case 184:return 381
-case 185:return 65
-case 186:return 377 /* Is this keyword required? */
-case 187:return 106
-case 188:return 106
-case 189:return 97
-case 190:return 111
-case 191:return 148
-case 192:return 264
-case 193:return 149
-case 194:return 108
-case 195:return 112
-case 196:return 271
-case 197:return 268
-case 198:return 270
-case 199:return 267
-case 200:return 265
-case 201:return 113
-case 202:return 266
-case 203:return 269
-case 204:return 114
-case 205:return 99
-case 206:return 269
-case 207:return 70
-case 208:return 71
-case 209:return 119
-case 210:return 365
-case 211:return 367
-case 212:return 369
-case 213:return 439
-case 214:return 440
-case 215:return 116
-case 216:return 67
-case 217:return 279
-case 218:return 124
-case 219:return 'Dd'
-case 220:return 115
-case 221:return 150
-case 222:return 8
-case 223:return 98
-case 224:return 4
-case 225:return 8
-case 226:return 'Dk'
-rules: [/^(?:``([^\`])+``)/i,/^(?:\[\?\])/i,/^(?:@\[)/i,/^(?:\[([^\]])*?\])/i,/^(?:`([^\`])*?`)/i,/^(?:N(['](\\.|[^']|\\')*?['])+)/i,/^(?:X(['](\\.|[^']|\\')*?['])+)/i,/^(?:(['](\\.|[^']|\\')*?['])+)/i,/^(?:(["](\\.|[^"]|\\")*?["])+)/i,/^(?:--(.*?)($|\r\n|\r|\n))/i,/^(?:\s+)/i,/^(?:\|\|)/i,/^(?:&&)/i,/^(?:ABSOLUTE\b)/i,/^(?:ACTION\b)/i,/^(?:ADD\b)/i,/^(?:AGGR\b)/i,/^(?:ALL\b)/i,/^(?:ALTER\b)/i,/^(?:AND\b)/i,/^(?:ANTI\b)/i,/^(?:ANY\b)/i,/^(?:APPLY\b)/i,/^(?:ARRAY\b)/i,/^(?:AS\b)/i,/^(?:ASSERT\b)/i,/^(?:ASC\b)/i,/^(?:ATTACH\b)/i,/^(?:AUTO(_)?INCREMENT\b)/i,/^(?:AVG\b)/i,/^(?:BEGIN\b)/i,/^(?:BETWEEN\b)/i,/^(?:BREAK\b)/i,/^(?:NOT\s+BETWEEN\b)/i,/^(?:NOT\s+LIKE\b)/i,/^(?:BY\b)/i,/^(?:CASE\b)/i,/^(?:CAST\b)/i,/^(?:CHECK\b)/i,/^(?:CLASS\b)/i,/^(?:CLOSE\b)/i,/^(?:COLLATE\b)/i,/^(?:COLUMN\b)/i,/^(?:COLUMNS\b)/i,/^(?:COMMIT\b)/i,/^(?:CONSTRAINT\b)/i,/^(?:CONTENT\b)/i,/^(?:CONTINUE\b)/i,/^(?:CONVERT\b)/i,/^(?:CORRESPONDING\b)/i,/^(?:COUNT\b)/i,/^(?:CREATE\b)/i,/^(?:CROSS\b)/i,/^(?:CUBE\b)/i,/^(?:CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\b)/i,/^(?:CURSOR\b)/i,/^(?:DATABASE(S)?)/i,/^(?:DECLARE\b)/i,/^(?:DEFAULT\b)/i,/^(?:DELETE\b)/i,/^(?:DELETED\b)/i,/^(?:DESC\b)/i,/^(?:DETACH\b)/i,/^(?:DISTINCT\b)/i,/^(?:DOUBLE\s+PRECISION\b)/i,/^(?:DROP\b)/i,/^(?:ECHO\b)/i,/^(?:EDGE\b)/i,/^(?:END\b)/i,/^(?:ENUM\b)/i,/^(?:ELSE\b)/i,/^(?:EXCEPT\b)/i,/^(?:EXISTS\b)/i,/^(?:EXPLAIN\b)/i,/^(?:FALSE\b)/i,/^(?:FETCH\b)/i,/^(?:FIRST\b)/i,/^(?:FOREIGN\b)/i,/^(?:FROM\b)/i,/^(?:GO\b)/i,/^(?:GRAPH\b)/i,/^(?:GROUP\b)/i,/^(?:GROUPING\b)/i,/^(?:HAVING\b)/i,/^(?:HELP\b)/i,/^(?:IF\b)/i,/^(?:IDENTITY\b)/i,/^(?:IS\b)/i,/^(?:IN\b)/i,/^(?:INDEX\b)/i,/^(?:INNER\b)/i,/^(?:INSERT\b)/i,/^(?:INSERTED\b)/i,/^(?:INTERSECT\b)/i,/^(?:INTO\b)/i,/^(?:JOIN\b)/i,/^(?:KEY\b)/i,/^(?:LAST\b)/i,/^(?:LET\b)/i,/^(?:LEFT\b)/i,/^(?:LIKE\b)/i,/^(?:LIMIT\b)/i,/^(?:MATCHED\b)/i,/^(?:MATRIX\b)/i,/^(?:MAX\b)/i,/^(?:MERGE\b)/i,/^(?:MIN\b)/i,/^(?:MINUS\b)/i,/^(?:MODIFY\b)/i,/^(?:NATURAL\b)/i,/^(?:NEXT\b)/i,/^(?:NEW\b)/i,/^(?:NOCASE\b)/i,/^(?:NO\b)/i,/^(?:NOT\b)/i,/^(?:NULL\b)/i,/^(?:OFF\b)/i,/^(?:ON\b)/i,/^(?:ONLY\b)/i,/^(?:OFFSET\b)/i,/^(?:OPEN\b)/i,/^(?:OPTION\b)/i,/^(?:OR\b)/i,/^(?:ORDER\b)/i,/^(?:OUTER\b)/i,/^(?:OVER\b)/i,/^(?:PATH\b)/i,/^(?:PARTITION\b)/i,/^(?:PERCENT\b)/i,/^(?:PLAN\b)/i,/^(?:PRIMARY\b)/i,/^(?:PRINT\b)/i,/^(?:PRIOR\b)/i,/^(?:QUERY\b)/i,/^(?:READ\b)/i,/^(?:RECORDSET\b)/i,/^(?:REDUCE\b)/i,/^(?:REFERENCES\b)/i,/^(?:RELATIVE\b)/i,/^(?:REMOVE\b)/i,/^(?:RENAME\b)/i,/^(?:REQUIRE\b)/i,/^(?:RESTORE\b)/i,/^(?:RETURNS\b)/i,/^(?:RIGHT\b)/i,/^(?:ROLLBACK\b)/i,/^(?:ROLLUP\b)/i,/^(?:ROW\b)/i,/^(?:SCHEMA(S)?)/i,/^(?:SEARCH\b)/i,/^(?:SELECT\b)/i,/^(?:SEMI\b)/i,/^(?:SET\b)/i,/^(?:SETS\b)/i,/^(?:SHOW\b)/i,/^(?:SOME\b)/i,/^(?:SOURCE\b)/i,/^(?:STRATEGY\b)/i,/^(?:STORE\b)/i,/^(?:SUM\b)/i,/^(?:TABLE\b)/i,/^(?:TABLES\b)/i,/^(?:TARGET\b)/i,/^(?:TEMP\b)/i,/^(?:TEMPORARY\b)/i,/^(?:TEXTSTRING\b)/i,/^(?:THEN\b)/i,/^(?:TIMEOUT\b)/i,/^(?:TO\b)/i,/^(?:TOP\b)/i,/^(?:TRAN\b)/i,/^(?:TRANSACTION\b)/i,/^(?:TRUE\b)/i,/^(?:TRUNCATE\b)/i,/^(?:UNION\b)/i,/^(?:UNIQUE\b)/i,/^(?:UPDATE\b)/i,/^(?:USE\b)/i,/^(?:USING\b)/i,/^(?:VALUE(S)?)/i,/^(?:VERTEX\b)/i,/^(?:VIEW\b)/i,/^(?:WHEN\b)/i,/^(?:WHERE\b)/i,/^(?:WHILE\b)/i,/^(?:WITH\b)/i,/^(?:WORK\b)/i,/^(?:(\d*[.])?\d+[eE]\d+)/i,/^(?:(\d*[.])?\d+)/i,/^(?:->)/i,/^(?:#)/i,/^(?:\+)/i,/^(?:-)/i,/^(?:\*)/i,/^(?:\/)/i,/^(?:%)/i,/^(?:!===)/i,/^(?:===)/i,/^(?:!==)/i,/^(?:==)/i,/^(?:>=)/i,/^(?:>)/i,/^(?:<=)/i,/^(?:<>)/i,/^(?:<)/i,/^(?:=)/i,/^(?:!=)/i,/^(?:\()/i,/^(?:\))/i,/^(?:@)/i,/^(?:\{)/i,/^(?:\})/i,/^(?:\])/i,/^(?::-)/i,/^(?:\?-)/i,/^(?:\.)/i,/^(?:,)/i,/^(?:::)/i,/^(?::)/i,/^(?:;)/i,/^(?:\$)/i,/^(?:\?)/i,/^(?:!)/i,/^(?:\^)/i,/^(?:[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)/i,/^(?:$)/i,/^(?:.)/i],
-conditions: {"INITIAL":{"rules":[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224,225,226],"inclusive":true}}
-return lexer;
-parser.lexer = lexer;
-function Parser () {
- this.yy = {};
-Parser.prototype = parser;parser.Parser = Parser;
-return new Parser;
-if (typeof require !== 'undefined' && typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
-exports.parser = parser;
-exports.Parser = parser.Parser;
-exports.parse = function () { return parser.parse.apply(parser, arguments); };
-exports.main = function commonjsMain(args) {
- if (!args[1]) {
- console.log('Usage: '+args[0]+' FILE');
- process.exit(1);
- }
- var source = require('fs').readFileSync(require('path').normalize(args[1]), "utf8");
- return exports.parser.parse(source);
-if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && require.main === module) {
- exports.main(process.argv.slice(1));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/a1.html b/utils/a1.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ffa9b354a..0000000000
--- a/utils/a1.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-Test database
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/callback/cb1.js b/utils/callback/cb1.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f9fed7900..0000000000
--- a/utils/callback/cb1.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-function get1(n,index, cb) {
- var nn = n;
- if(n<0) return;
- if(n>=10) return;
- setTimeout(function(){cb('get1',{a:nn, b:nn*2})},200);
-function get2(n,index, cb) {
- var nn = n;
- if(n<0) return;
- if(n>=10) return;
- setTimeout(function(){cb('get2',{a:nn, b:nn*3})},100);
-var times = 0;
-var buff = [];
-function after(key, data) {
- buff[key] = data;
- console.log(times);
- times++;
- if(times<6) return;
- setTimeout(function(){process(buff)},0);
- console.log('before process');
-function process(data){
- console.log('process',data);
- console.log('after process');
-var k = 5;
-var data = [];
-var next = function(){
- console.log('next',k)
- data.push(k);
- k--;
- if(k>0) setTimeout(next,0);
- else setTimeout(onfinish,0);
-var onfinish = function(){
- console.log(data);
diff --git a/utils/callback/cb2.js b/utils/callback/cb2.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d0ce54d5d..0000000000
--- a/utils/callback/cb2.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-var async = false;
-function alasql(sql, params, cb) {
- var res;
- if(arguments.length < 3) {
- process(sql, params, function(data){
- res = data;
- });
- if(async) {
- throw Error('Use sync version');
- }
- return res;
- } else {
- process(sql, params, function(data) {
- cb(data);
- async = false;
- });
- };
-function process(sql, params, cb) {
- if(sql == "sync") {
- cb(100);
- } else {
- async = true;
- setTimeout(function(){
- cb(200);
- },100);
- }
-var res = alasql('async',[],function(data){
- console.log(1,data);
-var res = alasql('sync',[]);
-var res = alasql('async',[]);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/closure/README.md b/utils/closure/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6df9c49ed0..0000000000
--- a/utils/closure/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Directory for Closure Compiler
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/closure/compiler.jar b/utils/closure/compiler.jar
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e722d135a..0000000000
Binary files a/utils/closure/compiler.jar and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/utils/main.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
- Mocha
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--- a/utils/mainww.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/utils/mainww1.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9de8eb0ce3..0000000000
--- a/utils/test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-var alasql = require('../dist/alasql.min.js');
-//var alasql = require('../dist/alasql.opt.js');
-console.log(alasql('=1+100+(SELECT SUM(_) FROM RANGE(1,10))'));
-console.log(alasql('SELECT FROM RANGE(1,10)'));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/testbench.html b/utils/testbench.html
index 95271cc544..bd35b770f5 100644
--- a/utils/testbench.html
+++ b/utils/testbench.html
@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@
console.log('alasql.version:', alasql.version);
+console.log(alasql('=1+100+(SELECT SUM(_) FROM RANGE(1,10))'));
+console.log(alasql('SELECT FROM RANGE(1,10)'));
Use AlaSQL in the console please...
diff --git a/yarn-error.log b/yarn-error.log
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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