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Design Challenges

Monroe Weber-Shirk edited this page Jan 25, 2019 · 29 revisions

Design Challenge Guidelines 2019

Teams of three or four people will be assigned. Teams hand in one draft on Tuesdays with the goal to be at least half way done with the assignment. No partial credit will be given for the drafts, only full credit for attempting each problem will be awarded. There will be team evaluation opportunities at the midterm and end of the semester. Consider using Github to collaborate within your team.

The design challenges are available as markdown files. Click on the "raw" button and then copy the file contents.

Submission Logistics

The subteam drafts of the Design Challenges must be sent to [email protected] and copied to all team members by Tuesday at 8 pm during the week listed (see the Syllabus page) All Final Design Challenge submissions must be sent to [email protected] and copied to all team members by Friday at 11 pm during the week listed (see the Syllabus page) Late submissions will only be accepted after prior arrangement with a TA. 15% will be deducted for each day after the submission deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted after solutions have been posted. Extensions with no late penalty can be arranged under special circumstances; just talk to the TAs and/or Monroe.

Follow these guidelines when submitting Design Challenges

  • List the names of the team members that actively participated in the Design Challenge (or Design Challenge Draft) at the top of the notebook.
  • There should be weekly rotations of who is in charge of compiling Design Challenges. List the person who is leading compilation at the top of the notebook.
  • When submitting Design Challenges, download the Design Challenge as a notebook (.md file). Name the file "team_name_DC_name_version" where "team_name" is the name of your team, "DC_name" is the name of the design challenge, and "version" is either "Draft" or "Final". Example: or
  • Review your Design Challenge to ensure that the atom markdown is well organized, documented, and easy to follow.
  • Include sufficient detail so that one of your classmates could follow your steps.
  • Define functions that you plan to use in Python and then use function calls to use them.
  • Send your well documented atom markdown file and a pdf version to [email protected] with copies sent to each of the members of your team. Emails that are not copied to all members of your team will not be accepted.
  • Subject lines for draft submissions should follow the convention "DRAFT Design Challenge Name Team Name".
  • Subject lines for final submissions should follow the convention "FINAL Design Challenge Name Team Name".

Design Challenges

Students of Sustainable Municipal Drinking Water Treatment from previous years have contributed to the AguaClara knowledge base. They have evaluated various configurations of flow controllers, created the first algorithms for designing AguaClara water treatment plants including flocculation and sedimentation reactors. With each cycle of CEE 4520 we learn more and we strive to document what we learn. AguaClara is Open Source Engineering and thus the design tools and AguaClara source code that AguaClara team members created are available for your use. The design challenges continue to evolve every year, reflecting the growing body of knowledge created by the AguaClara team.