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Releases: Adamantcheese/Kuroba

Youtube links are back, Arisuchan updates, and a number of other small-ish QOL changes

30 Sep 07:04
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Next anticipated release: Probably like October 12?

Major changes:

  • #351, fixes sites incorrectly reloading on application restart post 8chan deletion.
  • GIF images are once again single tap to close, and double tap to play/pause. This makes more sense due to the relatively short nature of animated GIF images, and them seeming more like images rather than videos.
  • Filter watches will now be populated whenever you load a catalog, regardless of if you turn the background watcher off after turning it on. The setting will remain where it is, as the intended use of filter watching is to be in the background for new threads, rather than for just browsing.
  • #342, Youtube titles have returned as an experimental setting; Youtube title parsing now uses 4chanX's regex, as it works better for the majority of cases than the previous regex; it has one change to deal with #335. Regex is hard to generate for something that has no documentation. In addition, #340, updates to the FilterWatchManager that allow it to better do its job in the background; may have solved the issue of filter watching clashing with regular loads, but I'm not sure. This will remain as an experimental setting until I'm entirely sure it has solved the problem, or if new problems arise as a result.
  • #365, Arisuchan changes to accomodate new ownership along with board deletion and board name changes; includes exported settings version update to accomodate this.

Minor changes:

  • Fixes an issue with spoilered links automatically opening before being unspoilered.
  • The pad thumbnails option has been removed, and is now as if it was always on.
  • #350, the long-press post image URL copy is now a setting. It is defaulted to on.
  • Fixes a layout issue where an extra newline was being added to the status cell when a thread was live.
  • #354, fortune CSS properly works again.
  • #356, the file extension will be preserved when using "remove filename", depending on your reencode settings (or as-is if not reencoding).
  • #280 cont; the filename input box when long pressed will generate a new filename just like if you were reencoding.
  • Your selected text will be cleared when opening up a replies popup, to prevent the context menu from appearing over the popup.
  • The 404 or error text for thumbnails will now match the primary text color of the current theme, for visiblity.
  • #352, upload progress will be displayed when using a pre-entered captcha.

Project level notes:

  • PR #348, Gradle update and some minor text and code style changes.
  • Code style and library updates (emoji-java, AndroidX).
  • A stack dumper has been added to the developer settings to aid in some debugging, as well as a wake manager wake and filter watch ignore clear.


30 Aug 04:33
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Next anticipated release: By September 29, 2019, 11:59 PM Pacific Time.

Major changes:

  • #342, fixes the loading issue caused by Youtube title parsing; Youtube title parsing has been removed as a result of this debugging effort; this feature is not debuggable due to heavy use of Android internals, and it causing this big of a regression in functionality without resolve and for little effect makes it very much not worth it. This feature will not be implemented again.

Minor changes:

  • #341, fixes the "threads getting unbookmarked" issue and properly displays only one item in the floating popup menu for either local or live threads; it should appear as if it toggles now.

Project level notes:

  • Any library update rollbacks have been reverted. All libraries are up to date now.

Bugfixes and site removal

28 Aug 07:43
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Next anticipated release: End of September probably. WoW Classic, y'know.

Major changes:

  • 8Chan has been removed as it is defunct on the clearnet. See issue #102. Additionally it just kept breaking for no reason when files got removed which took down entire boards, multiple times. And its boards.json is just a mess that Clover/Kuroba wasn't made to deal with. Basically it was a hassle to keep the app updated for.
  • The exported settings version has been updated. Previous versions of exported settings will have 55chan and 8chan stripped from them before import, as those sites no longer exist in the app.

Minor changes:

  • Saved threads will (internally) now be deleted when you remove a site. Any saved JSON files will remain.
  • The Youtube title previewer now will fall back to the regular URL for display if the API quota for the Youtube API is reached.

Project level notes:

  • #342, rollback Jsoup and Gif-drawable due to loading issues.


27 Aug 01:21
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Next anticipated release: End of September probably. WoW Classic, y'know.

Major changes:

  • None.

Minor changes:

  • #335, #339, fixes to the Youtube title regex to better grab links. Also added a setting to disable Youtube title embedding, if you have loading issues or something, or the parser isn't working right.
  • #320, fixes a softlock bug caused by auto-closing search when opening an image. Bad idea in hindsight.

Project level notes:

  • PR #333 (nice trips), the project now uses Android Studio 3.5. A number of other libraries have been updated as well.

Youtube title embedding, bottom input fixes

26 Aug 00:50
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Next anticipated release: End of September probably. WoW Classic, y'know.

Major changes:

  • #55, Youtube links now have their titles embedded in place of their URL.
  • #322, change splash screen to be just the logo with a slight green glow on a black background; unfortunately I am unable to use your selected theme as the splash screen background due to how Android uses this method of the splash screen before any code is actually executed (i.e. it's all in the manifest, and that can't be dynamic).
  • #238, single tapping on an image in immersive mode will open up the navigation UI and tapping it again afterwards will close the pager as usual. This does not work with GIFs and WEBMs, as they have their own single-tap functionality that I am not going to override; swipe down from the top of your screen for these types of media.

Minor changes:

  • #330, (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) messages on 4chan will now show up as bolded and red instead of just bold.
  • #317, bottom inputs won't jump to the top of the screen after switching reply input pages (input/auth/loading).
  • #315, bottom inputs now correctly pad the list layout, so you won't have a chunk of empty space at the top of a thread.
  • The more arrow in the reply input now points the correct direction based on if you are using bottom inputs or not.
  • #311, #314, #316, changes to fix the reply button not correctly functioning after the bottom inputs were added.
  • Filter highlighted posts are hideable and removable now.
  • #328, the board menu search searches by board prefix now, so you should have better search results.
  • #321, remove the GFM-Issues Flexmark extension due to some weird crash on Android 5 version check. Wasn't really useful anyways.
  • #289, fixes a weird bug where sometimes the snackbar would remain behind and not hide itself when rapidly switching threads.
  • #303 part 2, if the comment box of a reply input is unfocused, the keyboard will close.
  • #90, the padding for the list layout will correctly be updated when you attach/detach an image in the reply input. This lets you see the OP when replying in small threads.
  • #312, the "view live/local" menu items won't be visible unless you have thread downloading enabled, and the thread is being downloaded.
  • #327, the post options image view has been shrunk a little bit to accomodate some issues with it overlapping text in the post comment. This also lets the title fit more into the space.
  • #326, fixes an issue where some stickied posts couldn't have their links clicked.

Project level notes:

  • None.

Android 5, filter updates, splash screen, minor features, and lots of small bugfixes and tweaks

19 Aug 06:07
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Next anticipated release: ???

Major changes:

  • #18, Android 5.0 and 5.1 should be able to install now.
  • #261, post comments now ignore the HTML tags internally when filtering, in addition to unescaping HTML characters. This means that filters should work much more intuitively now. You can test it out by using /(?<!>)>(?!>).*/ as your filter pattern, which will only match posts with greentext in them.
  • PR #247, #221, #227, #257, #263, #265, #273, #291; the ability to open up local threads while they are still live, and a SLEW of bugfixes and improvements to local thread saving. Big thanks to @K1rakishou.
  • The application now has a proper splash screen instead of just a white screen when loading. Feedback is appreciated for this change, as I know it doesn't look good. It's a test image to see how 9-patch PNGs work as a splash screen.
  • #99, an option has been added to move the captcha and reply input to the bottom of the screen. It will still float above the keyboard, and expanding the post info window works the same as it did previously. Changing the position of the inputs will cause a UI refresh.
  • GIFs will now pause on tap, which fits better with the double tap to close and matches WEBM video better now.
  • Filter watches that you've swiped away to ignore will be saved between application instances.
  • #264, the bookmark drawer will now be consistent with the watch manager's pin list, so closing/opening the application won't randomly reorder your pins to what they were previously.
  • #276, your catalog searches will remain if you're using the Phone layout mode.
  • #284, the full sensor application orientation has been changed to be a setting. It is on by default.
  • PR #290, with some additons by me, removal of 55Chan as a site due to the developer not wanting to support the site's numerous and frequent API changes.
  • #281, the drawer will now only open 5 times, giving you a reminder of it's existence, afterwards it won't automatically open when something is bookmarked. You can toggle this behavior off with a new setting to keep it how it was previously. It is off by default.
  • #262, your own posts will be ignored in regards to how many new posts are in a thread; that is, if you post in a thread, it won't be counted towards it being "new", as you know it already exists because you posted it.

Minor changes:

  • Fixes an issue where certain posts would not have their text be selectable. This is a known Android issue and the solution is a known workaround for the time being.
  • #259, closing an image before the immersive mode goes back to being immersive won't cause the whole application to go immersive; basically, the UI will appear correctly and not go away seemingly randomly.
  • #295, a number of small improvements for (May be another addition in the future).
  • The shift format will now shift when the title+icons text is "close enough" (>=.8x) to the thumbnail's height in addition to its usual shift, which has been changed from >=2x to >=1.6x the thumbnail height.
  • #274, the hamburger icon no longer has the weird bottom rounded bar, nor the weird rounded top half of the arrow.
  • #279, external links with a post number fragment will now properly scroll to that post in the thread, as opposed to being "random" (they were going to whatever was the last location that was saved for that thread, or the OP if there was no saved location).
  • #166 part 2, the image reencoding window will grey out all options except remove filename if the image cannot be reencoded.
  • #283 partial, bookmark thumbnails can now be tapped to enable/disable watching.
  • The image in the bookmark list will be greyed out if you aren't watching the thread.
  • The app setup icon now matches the primary text color, for visiblity reasons.
  • #309, saving images with thread folders enabled from the catalog will now correctly put them in the right folder instead of a generic board folder.
  • #277, the captcha queueing button will not be visible if you don't need authentication (either for the site if it doesn't need authentication, or if you're logged in with a pass). The comment text box will adjust minimum sizes if it is visible or not in associaton with #275.
  • #275 partial, the comment text box is now the full size to match the buttons on the side. For now, however this may change in the future.
  • #278, text selection will be cleared if you open up an image while selecting some text.
  • #83, the thread search keyboard will properly pop up now, using a new method. Additonally, toolbar searches will be closed if you open up an image while inside them.
  • #303, the thread search keyboard will now hide itself if you unfocus the search box.
  • #271, the count for replies in the bookmark info will be more up to date with respect to deleted posts, while still displaying a good indication of where a thread was at if the application was closed for whatever reason.
  • PR #296, #248, you can now unpin and unsave 404'd threads from within the thread itself (i.e. it is displaying the 404 not found/archives page).
  • PR #294, #297, threads will have all their posts marked as read iff there exists no saved thread for the 404'd thread.
  • PR #305, #304, fixes an issue where if you had saved threads then everything would load VERY slowly and likely cause background watching issues.
  • PR #299, #298, fixes an issue where the watcher notification would start if all your pins were archived or deleted.
  • PR #307, #306, a number of bugfixes for local threads; a change was necessary from me due to a misunderstanding of how a setting change affected registering/unregistering from the wake manager.
  • #293, the "X new posts" snackbar will now scroll so that the last seen decoration is visible at the bottom of the screen.
  • The "Page X" in the thread status cell will only apply if there is a page for this OP. This makes it so on other sites that aren't 4chan (or don't have pages), the page enumerator won't be displayed as it doesn't apply.
  • Non-4chan boards will now display the proper number of replies and images in the status cell.
  • #280, the "Ok" button on reencoding has changed to "Apply", to remove some confusion on when the image options are actually applied.
  • The "Select all images with" text has been replaced by "Tap all with" to save on space and not ellipsize the text in captchas. The title text is now a single line and ellipsizes in the middle if it is too long, which shouldn't happen often.
  • Added in github release title to in-app updater release notes. I still don't know why the sublist in release notes doesn't work, but it's a minor thing.
  • The clear button for the add board search now matches the text color instead of always being black.

Project level notes:

  • PR #308, a guide for testing has been added to the /docs/ folder.

90% bugfixes

05 Aug 02:57
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Next anticipated release: August 18, 23:59 PDT.

Please read the cumulative changelog for all features/fixes from Clover. If you want to move from Clover you will have to do so manually.

Major changes:

  • PR #253, #252, captcha queuing by @K1rakishou. Tap the new button to solve a bunch of captchas in advance so you won't have to wait to solve them when you post.
  • #250, GIF images that are animated are now double tap to close, just like WEBM.
  • The bookmark info styles are now as follows, and any combination of those:
  1. Bump limit is italicized
  2. Image limit is bold
  3. Page limit is underlined

Feedback is appreciated for this change. If more people prefer just italics for every type of limit, I'll revert this change.

  • #261, instead of escaping HTML characters in the regex pattern, the text being matched against will be unescaped. More complicated regex patterns should work correctly now; please double check your filters.

Minor changes:

  • Fixed an issue where the last-used reencode settings feature wouldn't correctly remove the filename due to ignoring some options during the setup phase.
  • #256, fixes that weird dot in the arrow menu drawable.
  • #249, the subject line for card catalog cells, if more than 3 lines long, will now have ellipses added.
  • Fixed an issue with split mode and shifted posts not correctly being laid out, causing some overlap issues from time to time.
  • #270, board search links will now properly be URL decoded so the correct search term will be entered.
  • #257 partial, maybe #271?, the bookmark info now uses the thread size saved in the database, so when you close/reopen the application it should be more up-to-date.
  • Fixed an issue with links showing through spoiler text.
  • #259, the keyboard will now be hidden if it was open when tapping on an image.
  • Extra help has been added to the filter help dialog.
  • The global toggle for filters won't randomly be black anymore. Always white to match the other buttons.
  • The watch filter option in filter setup won't appear unless you have the setting enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where if you tap the filter global toggle button too fast it would crash the application. This fix was also ported to the SUPER-PATCH for Clover.
  • Added a link to RegExr in the filter help dialog, if you want a different playground for your regular expression testing.
  • PR #243, #242, disable the prefetcher in locally saved threads.
  • PR #236, #230, added a setting for allowing media scanning in locally saved threads. It is disabled by default.
  • The page for a thread will now be updated whenever the thread is loaded with your reply, rather than waiting 30 seconds previously.
  • PR #268, #211, the toolbar will now properly be uncollapsed when at the top of the thread when entering a new thread.
  • #254, additional null checks to prevent boards from not loading if something goes wrong.
  • PR #246, #245, additional null checks to prevent crashes.
  • PR #235, #234 & #258, additional null checks to prevent crashes.
  • PR #240, #220, some refactoring by @K1rakishou that was necessary for performance.

Project level notes:

  • PR #267, #266, +changes from me, OkHttpClient instances should be generated far less during file cache download operations now, which should increase performance significantly.
  • Over 1000 commits! Over 200 issues closed!

Minor features and bugfixes

26 Jul 02:02
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Next anticipated release day: August 4.

Please read the cumulative changelog for all features/fixes from Clover. If you want to move from Clover you will have to do so manually.

Major changes:

  • PR #219, add support from @lazpeng.
  • #52, #54, adds back-press behavior for cross-thread/board links. Merged with numerous changes for usability to use existing callbacks from chandevel#223, which is from September 2016; credits to @Hual for the base implementation, this should have been merged and worked on a while ago.
  • Pin info text is now italicized when the thread goes above the last page for the board.
  • #223, the local thread save icon has been changed to be a vector drawable with object animator animation.
  • #22, immersive mode now hides the Kuroba UI; pull down from the top to bring it back if you want to bring back the toolbar for a 2.5 seconds; the menu will stay open if you open it before that time is up.
  • #232, a setting has been added to pad thumbnails away from the top and left edges of the cell. The bottom of the cell now always has 1dp of padding to avoid clashing with the divider decoration.

Minor changes:

  • #76, filters should now have proper precedence when dealing with enabled/disabled filters. A help dialog to explain the precedence was also added.
  • #226, the popup color for Neon has been changed to match Insomnia, as it was way too bright.
  • #228 attempted fix for storage issues on Android Q Beta 5.
  • PR #224, #222, fixes a null pointer exception due to a URL not existing after reimporting settings.
  • PR #225, some importer fixes for loadables used for saved threads.
  • The replies button won't be so high up in the post cell anymore if you have the shift format off for posts that have no text in them but have images.
  • The new captcha setting has been removed. The new captcha is always on and will fallback to the webview if anything goes wrong.

Project level notes:

  • Target API is 29, as the SDK is final as of July 10th.

Bugfixes and layout changes

22 Jul 04:33
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Next anticipated release day: July 25

Please read the cumulative changelog for all features/fixes from Clover. If you want to move from Clover you will have to do so manually.

Major changes:

  • PR #210, #206, the "API Parse Error" when viewing archived threads while the experimental setting was off should be fixed now.
  • PR #210, #208, importing settings should be fixed now.
  • #207, a number of pin cell changes to accomodate different layouts. The pin cell has been reworked and should not have any layout issues arising from text being longer than expected and/or appearance settings not being honored by the layout (in the best way they could). Per PR #212, the local archive button has been moved to the right-hand side as well, for consistency in layout, and some of the layout variables have been changed to be exact and use padding instead of centering with inexact measurements; the text size on pins has been changed back to be 14 from 12 as well. If the experimental setting is off, everything will look roughly the same as how it did previously.

Minor changes:

  • PR #210, #215, possible resolution for the application becoming unbearably slow when you have a lot of watched threads (archived or otherwise).
  • PR #217, tapping on images in the captcha now provides haptic feedback.
  • PR #210, #213, minor spelling error with the import/export dialog.

Project level notes:

  • None.

Thread saving and bugfixes

20 Jul 04:32
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Next anticipated release day: ???

Please read the cumulative changelog for all features/fixes from Clover. If you want to move from Clover you will have to do so manually.


This version is a quick bugfix due to a regression caused by the thread downloader merge (#205). Also I didn't increment the correct minor/patch, it is correct now.

Major changes:

  • Min API is now 21.
  • #103, #26, #118; thread saving by @K1rakishou. This is currently experimental and needs to be manually enabled in the new experimental settings menu.
  • #200, fixes an architecture issue where site user settings would correctly save, but were not loaded properly due to lack of a key ever being written along with it; this issue still exists in Clover. Note that all of your site settings will be ERASED by this update and will need to be reset manually. Any old exported settings when imported will have their site settings cleared as well.

Minor changes:

  • Revert back to regular scrollbar. This experiment was a failure, the only "proper" way of having a statically sized scrollbar is to know the heights of every single item in the recycler view, which is infeasible for performance reasons.
  • Thumbnails are now loaded by default if prefetching is off. In some instances (card cells, album cells), images loaded with prefetching on will be higher quality. WebM thumbnails will still be the regular thumbnail, as well as any non-static file (gifs, mp4, pdf, etc.). You can enable high-res cells without prefetching being enabled in the appearance menu under gallery. It is off by default.
  • #183, a setting has been added for the post cell shift format in the appearance menu under posts. It is on by default. The wrap size has been raised to 2x the thumbnail height.
  • A setting has been added for emoji in the appearance menu under posts. It is off by default.
  • #203, a setting has been added for removal of bookmarked threads from the catalog in the thread watcher settings. It is off by default.
  • #199, RTL text (i.e. Arabic) will now be forced as LTR for filenames. This matches what a browser would render.
  • #201, fixes the quote color overriding reply and link colors.

Project level notes:

  • None.