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Oliver Lau edited this page Sep 7, 2015 · 29 revisions

Welcome to the Qt-SESAM wiki!

Build for Windows

Prerequisites: Windows 7 or later, Visual Studio C++ Express/Community Edition 2010 or later, Qt 5.4 or later.

In Qt console window do the following:

  1. To clone the repository (beforehand cd to a directory of your choice to store the cloned repository):
git clone git://
  1. To enter project directory:
  1. To update the language files (currently only for German)

With Qt Creator you can now open the .pro file in newly the created directory "Qt-SESAM".

Accept the proposed Qt project configuration.

Press F5 to compile and run in debug mode.

Build for Linux

(Works with Xubuntu 14.10, Qt 5.4, GCC 4.9.1)

On your console execute the following commands:

  1. To install missing packages:
sudo apt-get install qtcreator qt5-default qttools5-dev-tools g++ libcrypto++-dev
  1. To clone the repository (beforehand cd to a directory of your choice to store the cloned repository):
git clone git://
  1. To enter project directory:
  1. To update the language files (currently only for German)

With Qt Creator you can now open the .pro file in newly the created directory "Qt-SESAM".

Accept the proposed Qt project configuration.

Press F5 to compile and run in debug mode.

Clone this wiki locally