Minor improvements, bug fixes
- enhanced
to be able to order multiple records within one joint ESPA order instead of placing each record as an individual order - adjusted
to to be able to deal with records that were jointly ordered as one ESPA order - improved request error handling and message forwarding by
- enhanced Sentinel-2 ordering process, increased verbosity
- adjusted calculation of preview-based cloud cover percentages
- added minor README improvements
- fixed a bug in
emerging when querying multiple products and one of the queries returned NULL (no records found) - fixed a bug that caused an error if a
query for multiple products resulted in no results for all products - fixed indexing bug in
- fixed multiple other bugs in
- fixed an issue with pulling data from ESPA
- fixed rbinding issue when requesting multiple products
- fixed issue with ordering/downloading landsat data
- fixed issue with writing records containing nested lists
- fixed a mapview issue in
view_previews ()
- fixed a bug in
- fixed an AOI cloud cover bug
Bug fixes, Landsat Collection 2 support
- affects
: Fixed a bug that caused all request to the EROS Inventory Service API to fail, including login. The client has been updated to support the new EROS API 1.5.0 to query Earth Explorer. - affects
: Fixed a bug that caused all Sentinel odata requests to fail - affects
: Fixed a bug that cause differences in how acquistion times and dates were extracted, parsed and converted
- Landsat Collection 2 products are now supported, call
for a list.
- All product names and product group names, as returned by
and expected as inputs to several functions, are now case-insensitive. It should not matter whether you query"SENTINEL-2"
. Sinceget_products()
now returns only lower-case outputs, this change can be breaking for code that searches patterns in these outputs. Legacy inputs should still work.
An all-new interface, largely compatible to older versions, and new core functionalites shaping the package's capabilties.
This major update introduces a new function interface that allows to query, preview, analyse, select, order and download records of multiple products from different sources at once. Records are represented as spatial sf data.frames
. A new collection of functions is introduced that calculate AOI cloud cover from preview imagery and facilitate the automatic, reproducible selection of best-quality records in advance of downloading the datasets. Some functions are deprecated, but mostly, the new interface should be compatible with older versions. Please note that records column names are renamed by default, which will break older codes relying on column names. This can be turned off, if needed, which however is not recommended since multi-source queries are then impossible (see argument rename_cols
of get_records
Please report issues with this version so that they can be rapidly resolved.
logs you in at the NASA Earth Data User Registration System (URS) using your credentials (register once at https://urs.earthdata.nasa.gov/users/new)services()
displays the status of all online services used bygetSpatialData
set and get a session-wide archive directory that can be used by allgetSpatialData
Retrieving products and records:
obtains the names of all products available usinggetSpatialData
. Currently,getSpatialData
supports 159 products, including Sentinel, Landsat, MODIS and SRTM products.get_records()
queries a service for available records using basic input search parameters such as product name, AOI and time range and returns ansf data.frame
containing meta data and the geometries of each record.view_records()
display the footprint geometries of each record on a map.
Analysing previews:
downloads and georeferences preview images for visual inspection or automatic analysis and saves them to disk.view_previews()
load and display georeferenced previews acquired usingget_previews()
tells you for which products preview-based cloud coverages can be calculated usingcalc_cloudcov()
calculates the AOI cloud cover and optionally saves raster cloud masks, all based on preview images.
Selecting records:
tells you for which products automatic record selection is supported.select_unitemporal()
selects remote sensing records (both optical and SAR across different products) uni-temporally according to AOI cloud cover (in case of optical data) and temporal characteristics.select_bitemporal()
selects remote sensing records (both optical and SAR across different products) bi-temporally according to AOI cloud cover (in case of optical data) and temporal characteristics.select_timeseries()
selects remote sensing records (both optical and SAR across different products) for a time series according to AOI cloud cover (in case of optical data) and temporal characteristics.is.*()
, such asis.sentinel()
and more to simplify filtering of records.
Checking, ordering and downloading records:
checks for each record whether it is available for direct download (can be downloaded instantly) or not (and thus must be ordered before download).order_data()
oders datasets that are not available for immediate download (on-demand) but need to be ordered or restored before download.get_data()
downloads the full datasets per records.
Writing and reading
provides the driver names that can be used inwrite_records()
writes records, e.g. asGeoJSON
, for later use.read_records()
reads records that have been written throughwrite_records()
reads georeferences preview images downloaded usingget_previews()
: These functions still work, but are deprecated. Please switch to using the generic replacementget_products()
and its platform-specific aliases.getSentinel_query()
: These functions still work, but are deprecated. Please switch to using the generic replacementget_records()
and its platform-specific aliases.getSentinel_restore()
: This function is deprecated. Please switch to using the generic replacementorder_data()
: This function is deprecated. Please switch to usingservices()
: These functions still work, but are deprecated. Please switch to using the generic replacementsget_previews()
for downloading previews andview_previews()
for displaying previews.
Introduction of functions for data preparation, feature enhancements, bug fixes
: checks and returns the status of all online services used by getSpatialData. Can be used to check if a service is undergoing maintenance or is unavailable due to unknown reasons.getSentinel_restore()
: restore Sentinel datasets that have been archived to Copernocus LTAprepSentinel()
: automatically prepare Sentinel data to be ready-to-usecropFAST()
: fastly crop large-scale datasets to a spatial extent
: argument "check_avail" added to check on-demand availability of Sentinel datasets or if they had been moved to the Copernicus Long-Term Archive (LTA). Deactivated by default since check increases query request time.getSentinel_data()
: checks for on-demand availability of requested datasets first before attempting download.getSentinel_query()
: added Sentinel-5 precursor and Sentinel GNSS on-board GPS data supportset_archive()
: added argumentcreate
to control whether archive directory should be created or not.getLandsat_query()
: added quick filters for filtering records by level or cloud cover (contribution by @SteveMHill)getLandsat_data()
: ESPA order placement of records with diverging products level in one single call now possible (contribution by @SteveMHill)_query()
functions: Fields known to be of type numeric (e.g. cloud cover percentages) are now converted into numeric_data()
functions: added number of downloaded item vs total number of downloads to console output
now native, deprecated FTP LAADS DAAC services replaced by https requestsgetLandsat_data()
: bug that caused the function to download only the first product of an order when using order IDs with espa_order as argumentgetSentinel_query()
: AOIs are not directly used for the query anymore, instead a bounding box is used to prevent exceeding the maximum of 200 polygon points that DHUS allows (issue #6)getLandsat_query()
: bug in translating the AOI geometry into query, causing eastwards shifted query results (issue #17)- all
functions andset_archive()
now expand paths shortend with swung dashed to avoid problems with tools::md5sum getLandsat_data()
: bug causing false file name subsetting (issue 19)getLandsat_data()
: ESPA orders are not double-placed anymore (contribution by @SteveMHill) (issue #20)getMODIS_data()
: bug preventing successfull downloads of some MODIS products due to outdated EE URLs which are now checked and, if necessary, replaced with recent ones (issue #22)getMODIS_preview()
: bug causing previews to be stretched to the wrong extents (issue #23)getSentinel_preview()
: bug causing previews to be stretched to the wrong extentsgetSentinel_data()
: bug causing Sentinel downloads to fail due to the selection of the wrong LTA availability column (issue #27)
- Code contributions by Steven Hill (@SteveMHill)
- Bug indication by @bleutner, @vanto1994, @mtreg, @MatthiasSiewert, @RemoteSensingR
- Feature ideas by @kadyb, @ptaconet
getLandsat* and getMODIS* function bundles for USGS EE client
: obtain Landsat product namesgetLandsat_query()
: query USGS Earth Explorer for Landsat datagetLandsat_preview()
: preview (quick look) a queried Landsat recordgetLandsat_data()
: download Landsat data on-demand from USGS ESPAgetMODIS_names()
: obtain MODIS product namesgetMODIS_query()
: query USGS Earth Explorer for MODIS datagetMODIS_preview()
: preview (quick look) a queried MODIS recordgetMODIS_data()
: download MODIS data from LAADSlogin_USGS()
: session-wide login to USGS services
: argument "name" is now optional and set to "all" by default. In this case, all available Landsat datasets are searched and added to the output. The originating dataset name is always indicated by the column "dataset_name".
- RGB clouring of preview functions is now correct
output now more than 10 products per query (maximum is 50 000)getSentinel_query()
paging error (always maxiumu of 200 records) solved
- clearer login functions naming (removed 'set_' prefix)
- all request are now internally channeld through gSD.get/gSD.post
- clearer semantics, changed "products" argument to "records"
- Bug fix by Francesco Pirotti (@fpirotti, #2)
initial session-wide tool functions
: defines getSpatialData archive folderset_aoi()
: defines session AOI from sp, sf or matrix object or mapedit GUI inputview_aoi()
: displays AOI in a mapview viewer
displays previews as corner-referenced RGB images on a mapview map in relation to session AOI by default. With show_aoi = F the session AOI is not displayed. With on_map = F a simple RGB plot is displayed instead.
- Feature idea by Mike Treglia (@mtreg, #1)
getSentinel* function bundle for ESA Copernicus R client
: query function for Sentinel-1, -2, -3getSentinel_preview()
: preview (quick look) function for Sentinel-1, -2, -3getSentinel_data()
: download function for Sentinel-1, -2, -3login_CopHub()
: session login for getSentinel* functions
- early-dev. python bindings, getSentinel* is fully R-native now
This document should provide a broad overview on changes that are applied to the getSpatialData R package. There is no warranty for completeness, since minor changes might not be included. All improvement and feature descriptions are bundled per release version. The document is currently maintained by Jakob Schwalb-Willmann.