Archive Installation of Confluent Community Edition on centos8
JAVA 17.
Custom Package Repository for Confluent Platform.
Custom Package Repository for Confluent CLI.
Control Center is not included in the Confluent Community Edition.
Validates that Confluent CLI is installed.
Archive installation of Confluent Platform on Debian 9.
SASL Protocol Plain.
SSL Enabled.
Kafka Connect Confluent Hub Plugins logic (Installs jcustenborder/kafka-connect-spooldir:2.0.43).
Custom log dirs for all components.
Validates that SASL SSL protocol is set across all components
Validates that custom log4j configuration is in place.
Validates that Java 17 is in Use
Validates that Confluent CLI is installed.
Archive installation of Confluent Platform on Debian 10.
SASL Protocol Plain.
SSL Enabled.
Kafka Connect Confluent Hub Plugins logic (Installs jcustenborder/kafka-connect-spooldir:2.0.43).
Custom log dirs for all components.
Validates that SASL SSL protocol is set across all components.
Validates that custom log4j configuration is in place.
Validates that Java 17 is in Use
Archive Installation of Confluent Platform on RHEL9.
SASL Plain protocol.
Custom MDS Port.
SSL Enabled.
FIPS Enabled.
Kafka Connect Confluent Hub Plugins logic (Installs jcustenborder/kafka-connect-spooldir:2.0.43).
Custom log dirs for all components.
Logredactor enabled for all components.
Validates that SASL SSL protocol is set across all components.
Validates that custom log4j configuration is in place.
Validates that FIPS security is enabled on the Brokers.
Validates that logredactor is functioning properly for all components as per the rule file.
Archive Installation of Confluent Platform on Ubuntu1804.
SASL Plain protocol.
SSL Enabled.
Kafka Connect Confluent Hub Plugins logic (Installs jcustenborder/kafka-connect-spooldir:2.0.43).
Custom log dirs for all components.
Validates that protocol is set to sasl plain.
Validates that protocol is set to SASL SSL.
Validates log4j config.
Archive Installation of Confluent Platform on Ubuntu2004.
SASL Plain protocol.
SSL Enabled.
Kafka Connect Confluent Hub Plugins logic (Installs jcustenborder/kafka-connect-spooldir:2.0.43).
Custom log dirs for all components.
Validates that protocol is set to sasl plain.
Validates that protocol is set to SASL SSL.
Validates log4j config.
Archive Installation of Confluent Platform on centos8.
SASL SCRAM protocol.
TLS Enabled.
Custom Archive owner.
Validates that customer user and group on archive are set.
Validates that SASL SCRAM is Protocol is set.
Validates that TLS is configured properly.
Installation of Confluent Platform on centos8.
MTLS enabled.
Installs Three unique Kafka Connect Clusters with unique connectors.
Installs two unique KSQL Clusters.
Simulates linking an on prem cluster to Confluent Cloud on centos8.
TLS Enabled.
SASL Plain Enabled.
Schema Registry uses Basic Auth.
Validates that Schema Registry SASL Plain configs are correct.
Validates that Replication Factor is 3.
Validates that all components connect to Confluent Cloud.
Installation of Confluent Community Edition on centos8.
Kerberos protocol.
TLS Enabled.
Custom TLS certificates.
Validates GSSAPI Protocol for Kerberos is set.
Validates that SASL_SSL is Protocol is set.
Validates that Confluent Community Packages are used.
connect-scale-up verify
Installation of Confluent Community Edition on centos8.
SASL Plain Auth.
Validates that SASL Plaintext protocol is set.
Installation of Confluent Platform on centos8.
Custom user set on each component.
Custom log appender path on each component.
Creates custom user for Zookeeper.
Creates custom log directory for zookeeper.
Restarts Zookeeper and runs health check to validate changes.
Validates that each component is running with the correct custom user.
Validates that each component is running with the correct custom logging path.
Installation of Confluent Platform on centos8 with two distinct clusters.
Installation of Confluent Replicator.
Cluster1 (MDS) is running MTLS with Custom Certs.
Cluster2 is running SCRAM with TLS enabled.
Replicator consumes from Cluster1 (MDS) using MTLS with Custom Certs for TLS.
Replicator Produces to Cluster2 using SCRAM with Custom Certs for TLS.
Tests default values for replicator configuration works.
Validates that the Console Consumer can consume data from cluster2, proving that data has been replicated from cluster1 (MDS).
Validates that Replicator is using SCRAM and TLS to Produce to cluster2.
Validates that Replicator is using MTLS to Consume from Cluster1 (MDS).
Validates that client ID's are set correctly on Replicator.
Installation of Confluent Platform on centos8 with two distinct clusters.
Installation of Confluent Replicator.
Cluster1 (MDS) is running SASL Plain with Custom Certs.
Cluster2 is running Kerberos with TLS enabled.
Replicator consumes from Cluster1 (MDS) using SASL Plain with Custom Certs for TLS.
Replicator Produces to Cluster2 using Kerberos with Custom Certs for TLS.
Tests custom client IDs for Replicator.
Validates that the Console Consumer can consume data from cluster2, proving that data has been replicated from cluster1 (MDS).
Validates that Replicator is using Kerberos and TLS to Produce data to Cluster2.
Validates that Replicator is using SASL PLAIN with TLS to Consume from Cluster1 (MDS).
Validates that client ID's are set correctly on Replicator.
Installation of Confluent Platform on centos8.
TLS Enabled with custom certs.
Kerberos enabled.
Validates that Kerberos is enabled across all components.
Validates that SASL SSL Protocol is enabled across all components.
Installation of Confluent Platform on centos7.
Kerberos enabled with custom client config path
Validates that Kerberos is enabled across all components.
Validates that SASL SSL Plaintext is enabled across all components.
Installation of Confluent Platform on centos7.
MTLS enabled.
Installs two unique KSQL Clusters, each having 1 node.
Scales it later to 4 nodes, adding 1 node to each of the KSQL clusters
Use Java 8
Validates that 2 new ksql nodes are added properly
Validates that two KSQL clusters are running
Validates that ksql3 is added to KSQL cluster
Validates that ksql4 is added to KSQL cluster
Validates that Control Center Can connect to each KSQL cluster
Installation of Confluent Platform Edition on centos7.
MTLS Enabled with custom certificates.
Tests custom filtering properties for Secrets Protection.
TLS is disabled for Zookeeper.
Validates that Keystore is present.
Installation of Confluent Platform on centos8.
MTLS enabled with custom certificates.
Verifies that keystore is present on all components.
Validates the ERP returns values over MTLS.
Installation of Confluent Platform on Debian9.
MTLS Enabled.
ERP Disabled.
Kafka Connect Confluent Hub Plugins logic (Installs jcustenborder/kafka-connect-spooldir:2.0.43).
Default replication factor set to 4.
Jolokia Enabled.
Confluent CLI Download enabled.
Schema Validation is enabled.
Validates that SSL Protocol is set.
Validates that replication factor is 4.
Validates that Jolokia end point is reachable.
Validates that Schema Validation is working.
Validates that CLI is present.
Validates that Java 17 is in Use
Installation of Confluent Platform on Debian9.
MTLS enabled.
Java 11.
Validates that Java 11 is in use.
Installation of Confluent Platform on RHEL9.
MTLS enabled.
Java 11.
Validates that Java 11 is in use.
Validates that FIPS security is enabled on the Brokers.
Installation of Confluent Platform on Ubuntu1804.
MTLS enabled.
Java 8.
Validates that Java 11 is in use.
Installation of Confluent Platform on Ubuntu1804.
MTLS enabled.
Validates that protocol is set to SSl across all components.
Installation of Confluent Platform on Ubuntu1804.
MTLS enabled.
ACL authorization.
Validates that MTLS is enabled.
Validates mapping rules for ACLs.
Validates ACL users.
Installation of Confluent Platform on centos8.
MTLS enabled.
Installs Three unique Kafka Connect Clusters with unique connectors.
Installs two unique KSQL Clusters.
Validates that Kafka Connect Cluster1 is running with a valid connector.
Validates that Kafka Connect Cluster2 is running with a valid connector.
Validates that Kafka Connect Cluster3 is running without any connectors.
Validates that two KSQL clusters are running.
Validates that Control Center can connect to each Kafka Connect Cluster.
Validates that Control Center Can connect to each KSQL cluster.
Installation of Confluent Platform on centos8.
TLS enabled.
SASL Plain enabled.
Custom certificates on remote host
Validates that keystores are present on all components.
Validates that SASL mechanism is set to PLAIN on all components.
Installation of Confluent Platform on centos8.
SASL Plain enabled.
TLS enabled on ERP only.
Validates that SASL protocol is PLAIN on all components.
Validates that ERP is accessible over HTTPS.
Validates that Control Center is avaiable over HTTP.
Validates that Control Center has truststore in place.
Installation of Confluent Platform on RHEL9.
SASL Plain enabled.
Control Plane listener enabled.
Kafka Connect Confluent Hub Plugins logic (Installs jcustenborder/kafka-connect-spooldir:2.0.43).
Custom Service Unit overrides.
Custom log4j appender names.
Validates that custom log4j appenders are present on each component.
Validates that Service Description has been overridden.
Validates that SASL Plaintext protocol is set across components.
Validates that Connectors are present on Kafka Connect.
Installation of Confluent Platform on centos7.
Kafka Rest API Basic Auth.
Validates that each component has a unique auth user.
Validates that Rest Proxy has correct auth property.
Validates that Java 17 is in Use
Installation of Confluent Platform on centos8.
Copying local JMX agent.
Copying local files.
Custom yum Repository
Validates Package version installed.
Validates log4j configuration.
Validates all components are running with plaintext.
Validates that copied files are present.
Validates that JMX exporter was copied and is running.
Installation of Confluent Platform on centos8.
TLS enabled.
Customer keystore alias.
Validates that keystores are in place across all components.
Installation of Confluent Platform on Debian10.
RBAC Enabled.
Customer RBAC system admins.
Kerberos enabled on Cluster1(mds).
MTLS Customer certs enabled on cluster2.
Replicator Configured with Kerberos and MTLS.
Validates that the Console Consumer can consume data from cluster2, proving that data has been replicated from cluster1 (MDS).
Validates that Replicator is using MTLS with RBAC to Produce data to Cluster2.
Validates that Replicator is using Kerberos with RBAC to Consume from Cluster1 (MDS).
Validates that client ID's are set correctly on Replicator.
Validates that Replicator logging path is valid.
Validates client packages.
Installation of Confluent Platform on centos8 with RBAC and Confluent Replicator.
RBAC enabled.
RBAC additional system admin user.
TLS custom certificates.
Kafka Broker Customer listener.
Kafka clusters are using names for cluster registry.
Kerberos enabled on cluster1 (MDS), no TLS.
MTLS enabled on cluster2.
External MDS enabled on cluster2.
Kafka Connect Replicator with OAUTH for Authorization to Cluster1 (MDS).
Kafka Connect Replicator Consumes with kerberos from Cluster1 (MDS).
Kafka Connect Replicator Produces to Cluster2 using MTLS.
Kafka Connect Replicator uses default values for Monitoring Interceptors.
Validates that the Console Consumer can consume data from cluster2, proving that data has been replicated from cluster1 (MDS).
Validates that Replicator is using MTLS with RBAC to Produce data to Cluster2.
Validates that Replicator is using Kerberos with RBAC to Consume from Cluster1 (MDS).
Validates that client ID's are set correctly on Replicator.
Validates that Replicator logging path is valid.
Installation of Confluent Platform on Ubuntu2004.
RBAC Enabled.
Customer RBAC system admins.
Kerberos enabled on Cluster1(mds).
MTLS Customer certs enabled on cluster2.
Replicator Configured with Kerberos and MTLS.
Validates that the Console Consumer can consume data from cluster2, proving that data has been replicated from cluster1 (MDS).
Validates that Replicator is using MTLS with RBAC to Produce data to Cluster2.
Validates that Replicator is using Kerberos with RBAC to Consume from Cluster1 (MDS).
Validates that client ID's are set correctly on Replicator.
Validates that Replicator logging path is valid.
Validates client packages.
Installation of Confluent Platform on Debian9.
RBAC enabled.
Kerberos enabled.
Provided kerberos client config (kerberos_configure:false) file with custom location
Kafka broker custom listener.
RBAC additional system admin user.
Java 8
Validates that protocol set to GSSAPI.
Validates that a regular user cannot access topics.
Validates that a super user can access topics.
Validates that all components are pointing to the MDS for authorization.
Installs two Confluent Platform Clusters on Debian9.
RBAC enabled.
Remote MDS from Cluster2 to Cluster1 (MDS).
Custom TLS certificates.
Kafka Broker Customer Listener
RBAC Additional System Admin.
Validates that GSSAPI protocol is set on Cluster2.
Validates that MDS is HTTP on Cluster1 (MDS).
Validates that all components on Cluster2 are pointing to the MDS on Cluster1.
Validates that Java 17 is in Use
Installs two Confluent Platform Clusters on centos8.
RBAC enabled.
Remote MDS from Cluster2 to Cluster1 (MDS).
Custom TLS certificates.
Kafka Broker Customer Listener.
RBAC Additional System Admin.
Kerberos enabled on Cluster1.
MTLS enabled on Cluster2.
Audit logs enabled on Cluster2, to ship to Cluster1 (MDS).
Validates that Audit logs are working on topic creation.
Validates that keystores are in place.
Validates that regular user cannot access topics, while super user can.
Validates that MDS is HTTP on Cluster1 (MDS).
Validates that all components on Cluster2 are pointing to the MDS on Cluster1.
Installs two Confluent Platform Clusters on centos8.
RBAC enabled.
Remote MDS from Cluster2 to Cluster1 (MDS).
Custom TLS certificates.
Kafka Broker Customer Listener.
RBAC Additional System Admin.
Kerberos enabled on Cluster2.
MTLS enabled on Cluster2.
Validates that TLS is setup correctly.
Validates that regular user cannot access topics, while super user can.
Validates that MDS is HTTP on Cluster1 (MDS).
Validates that all components on Cluster2 are pointing to the MDS on Cluster1.
Installs two Confluent Platform Clusters on centos8.
RBAC enabled.
Remote MDS from Cluster2 to Cluster1 (MDS).
Custom TLS certificates.
MTLS enabled on both clusters.
FIPS enabled on Cluster2.
Kafka Broker Customer Listener.
RBAC Additional System Admin.
Validates that Audit logs are working on topic creation.
Validates that keystores are in place.
Validates that MDS is HTTP on Cluster1 (MDS).
Validates that all components on Cluster2 are pointing to the MDS on Cluster1.
Installs Confluent Platform Cluster on Ubuntu1804.
RBAC enabled.
Provided user supplied keystore and truststore already present on the host
MTLS enabled.
Kafka Broker Customer Listener.
RBAC Additional System Admin.
Use Java 11 package
Validates that keystores are present on all components.
Validates that LDAPS is working.
Validates that TLS CN is being registered as super user.
Installs two Confluent Platform Clusters on centos8.
RBAC enabled.
Remote MDS from Cluster2 to Cluster1 (MDS).
Custom TLS certificates.
SASL PLAIN enabled on both clusters.
Kafka Broker Customer Listener.
RBAC Additional System Admin.
Validates that protocol is sasl plain.
Validates that MDS is HTTPs on Cluster1 (MDS).
Validates that all components on Cluster2 are pointing to the MDS on Cluster1.
Installs two Confluent Platform Clusters on centos8.
RBAC enabled.
Remote MDS from Cluster2 to Cluster1 (MDS).
Custom TLS certificates.
SASL SCRAM enabled on both clusters.
Kafka Broker Customer Listener.
RBAC Additional System Admin.
Validates that protocol is sasl scram.
Validates that MDS is HTTPs on Cluster1 (MDS).
Validates that all components on Cluster2 are pointing to the MDS on Cluster1.
Installs Confluent Platform Cluster on Ubuntu1804.
RBAC enabled.
Provided Custom Keystore and Truststore for TLS..
MTLS enabled.
Kafka Broker Customer Listener.
RBAC Additional System Admin.
Validates that keystores are present on all components.
Validates that LDAPS is working.
Validates that TLS CN is being registered as super user.
Installs Confluent Platform Cluster on centos8.
RBAC enabled.
MTLS enabled.
Secrets protection enabled
FIPS enabled.
Kafka Broker Customer Listener.
RBAC Additional System Admin.
Provided SSL Principal Mapping rule
Validates TLS version across all components.
Validates super users are present.
Validates that secrets protection is masking the correct properties.
Validates Kafka Connect secrets registry.
Validates Cluster Registry.
Validates the filter resolve_principal with different ssl.mapping.rule
Installs Confluent Platform Cluster on CentOS8.
RBAC enabled.
MTLS enabled.
Kafka Broker Customer Listener.
Validates TLS keysizes across all components.
Installs Confluent Platform Cluster on Debian9.
RBAC enabled.
SASL PLAIN enabled.
TLS with custom certs enabled.
Kafka Broker Customer Listener.
Secrets protection enabled.
Control Center disabled, metrics reporters enabled.
LdapAuthenticateCallbackHandler for AuthN
Validates Metrics reporter without C3.
Validates that secrets protection is enabled on correct properties.
Validates truststore is present across components.
Validates that Java 17 is in Use
Validates LDAP authentication
Installs Confluent Platform Cluster on centos8.
RBAC enabled.
SCRAM enabled.
TLS with custom certs enabled.
Additional System Admins added.
Additional Scram Users added.
Kafka Connect Custom arguments.
Validates keystore is present across all components.
Validates that ldap is configured.
Validates that Confluent Balancer is enabled.
Validates total number of clusters for user2.
Validates truststore across all components.
Installs Confluent Platform Cluster on centos8.
SCRAM enabled.
Validates that SCRAM is enabled on all components.
Installs Zookeeper, Kafka Broker, Schema Registry on centos8
Digest authentication enabled.
SASL SCRAM enabled.
Customer Zookeeper Root.
Validates authorization mechanism as SASL.
Validates that SCRAM is enabled on the Kafka Broker and Schema Registry.
Installs Confluent Platform on centos8
Enables Kerberos on Zookeeper.
SASL SCRAM enabled on all components except Zookeeper.
Validates Zookeeper sasl mechanism.
Validates Kafka Broker and Schema Registry is set to SCRAM.
Installs Confluent Platform on centos8
Enables MTLS Auth on Zookeeper.
SASL SCRAM enabled on all components except Zookeeper.
Customer zookeeper root.
Secrets Protection enabled.
Validates that Confluent CLI is installed.
Validates that Zookeeper is using MTLS for auth.
Validates that other components are using SCRAM for auth.
Validates that Secrets protection is applied to the correct properties.
Installs Confluent Platform on centos8
Enables SASL SCRAM Auth on Zookeeper.
TLS enabled.
Customer zookeeper root.
Secrets Protection enabled.
Jolokia has TLS disabled.
Validates that Confluent CLI is installed.
Validates that Zookeeper is using SCRAM for auth.
Validates that other components are using SCRAM for auth.
Validates that Secrets protection is applied to the correct properties.
Installs Confluent Platform on centos8
Enables SASL SCRAM Auth on Zookeeper.
TLS enabled.
Customer zookeeper root.
Jolokia has TLS disabled.
Validates that Zookeeper is using TLS.
Validates that other components are using SCRAM for auth.